stringlengths 48
| watchface_id
stringlengths 10
| watchface_name
stringclasses 133
values | watch_time
stringlengths 23
| time_format
stringclasses 3
values | shows_seconds
bool 2
classes | hour_visible
int32 -1
| minute_visible
int32 -1
| second_visible
int32 -1
| text
stringlengths 4
4KrmmUx7Kd/003_2021-08-23T01:54:03.899011_galaxywatch4pink | 4KrmmUx7Kd | galaxywatch4pink | 003_2021-08-23T01:54:03 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
uTXEkradi2/003_2023-01-26T16:23:33.106401_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | uTXEkradi2 | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | 003_2023-01-26T16:23:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 23 | 33 | 4:23:33 |
stueCkwOET/003_2023-06-18T23:08:25.184859_skagenfalster2 | stueCkwOET | skagenfalster2 | 003_2023-06-18T23:08:25 | Without AM/PM | false | 11 | 8 | -1 | 11:08 |
GjVer7PzpK/003_2022-11-05T14:55:24.138143_galaxywatch6classicsilver | GjVer7PzpK | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 003_2022-11-05T14:55:24 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 55 | -1 | 2:55 |
GNQ5DpEtiS/002_2021-09-11T05:03:19.686921_oppowatch | GNQ5DpEtiS | oppowatch | 002_2021-09-11T05:03:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 3 | 19 | 5:03:19 |
u9bdXA99RX/003_2022-06-05T21:02:09.760608_galaxywatch6classicsilver | u9bdXA99RX | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 003_2022-06-05T21:02:09 | Without AM/PM | false | 9 | 2 | -1 | 9:02 |
h0eDysJYDa/003_2020-09-14T22:24:32.944606_verizonwear24 | h0eDysJYDa | verizonwear24 | 003_2020-09-14T22:24:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 24 | 32 | 10:24:32 |
q1WdzEAiQ5/003_2022-05-26T21:10:41.120965_suunto7 | q1WdzEAiQ5 | suunto7 | 003_2022-05-26T21:10:41 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 10 | 41 | 9:10:41 |
jHGmYiEXHY/006_2019-12-02T12:57:28.834268_galaxywatch4black | jHGmYiEXHY | galaxywatch4black | 006_2019-12-02T12:57:28 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 57 | 28 | 12:57:28 |
nda7fXOQbQ/006_2021-12-21T20:32:58.304684_ticwatchexpress | nda7fXOQbQ | ticwatchexpress | 006_2021-12-21T20:32:58 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 32 | 58 | 8:32:58 |
al0hkjTErC/006_2021-06-10T19:27:38.151307_misfitvapor | al0hkjTErC | misfitvapor | 006_2021-06-10T19:27:38 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 27 | 38 | 7:27:38 |
9vn1FVK4gq/004_2024-03-04T11:18:52.855575_googlepixel2 | 9vn1FVK4gq | googlepixel2 | 004_2024-03-04T11:18:52 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 18 | 52 | 11:18:52 |
orP7CJpnq8/006_2023-08-07T00:07:13.411836_katespadescallop | orP7CJpnq8 | katespadescallop | 006_2023-08-07T00:07:13 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 7 | 13 | 12:07:13 |
l9dscACan0/006_2020-04-20T16:55:22.485196_galaxywatch6classicsilver | l9dscACan0 | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 006_2020-04-20T16:55:22 | With AM/PM | true | 16 | 55 | 22 | 4:55:22 PM |
uwBsdsos4K/006_2020-02-06T00:53:05.794196_montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | uwBsdsos4K | montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | 006_2020-02-06T00:53:05 | With AM/PM | false | 0 | 53 | -1 | 12:53 AM |
Jbs0c7M6rs/005_2022-11-03T00:37:22.047628_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | Jbs0c7M6rs | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | 005_2022-11-03T00:37:22 | Without AM/PM | false | 0 | 37 | -1 | 12:37 |
OX6oTYYbZa/004_2021-08-12T23:32:32.060946_ticwatchsport | OX6oTYYbZa | ticwatchsport | 004_2021-08-12T23:32:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 32 | 32 | 11:32:32 |
tYBBJeTCL5/004_2022-03-17T15:53:13.835138_galaxywatch6black | tYBBJeTCL5 | galaxywatch6black | 004_2022-03-17T15:53:13 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 53 | 13 | 3:53:13 |
7i3DfB4Dg8/003_2021-11-09T09:24:59.182382_armaniconnected | 7i3DfB4Dg8 | armaniconnected | 003_2021-11-09T09:24:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 24 | 59 | 9:24:59 |
A54J5U7R3z/006_2022-07-30T14:50:06.829379_dieselonfullguard | A54J5U7R3z | dieselonfullguard | 006_2022-07-30T14:50:06 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 50 | 6 | 2:50:06 |
SJDHkY41JD/005_2021-01-26T21:53:16.277548_googlepixel2 | SJDHkY41JD | googlepixel2 | 005_2021-01-26T21:53:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 53 | 16 | 9:53:16 |
h7FuUlUvLF/006_2022-12-22T02:35:41.850290_gw5gray | h7FuUlUvLF | gw5gray | 006_2022-12-22T02:35:41 | With AM/PM | true | 2 | 35 | 41 | 2:35:41 AM |
WK2NxE7THc/005_2020-11-28T21:55:20.286340_applewatchseries8silver | WK2NxE7THc | applewatchseries8silver | 005_2020-11-28T21:55:20 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 55 | 20 | 9:55:20 |
FVbalcrAj0/004_2020-11-25T20:58:19.274326_gw5prodark | FVbalcrAj0 | gw5prodark | 004_2020-11-25T20:58:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 58 | 19 | 8:58:19 |
Z762KwGiG6/003_2023-04-12T04:20:30.908366_urbane | Z762KwGiG6 | urbane | 003_2023-04-12T04:20:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 20 | 30 | 4:20:30 |
3sJNgVVK5S/004_2021-05-27T17:57:45.322260_huaweiw1 | 3sJNgVVK5S | huaweiw1 | 004_2021-05-27T17:57:45 | With AM/PM | false | 17 | 57 | -1 | 5:57 PM |
xj3qzzoPvl/006_2021-04-25T19:12:56.323434_fossil5thgen | xj3qzzoPvl | fossil5thgen | 006_2021-04-25T19:12:56 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 12 | 56 | 7:12:56 |
ODmEKCgOPW/005_2022-04-05T15:59:01.964431_galaxywatch4green | ODmEKCgOPW | galaxywatch4green | 005_2022-04-05T15:59:01 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 59 | 1 | 3:59:01 |
YacBmhAmet/002_2022-04-09T20:48:18.157305_dieselonfullguard | YacBmhAmet | dieselonfullguard | 002_2022-04-09T20:48:18 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 48 | -1 | 8:48 |
y1kss0ldPF/005_2020-08-29T17:13:47.578957_lgwatchsport | y1kss0ldPF | lgwatchsport | 005_2020-08-29T17:13:47 | Without AM/PM | false | 5 | 13 | -1 | 5:13 |
2jhjfyWn6B/006_2021-11-27T02:41:59.071298_ticwatchs2midnight | 2jhjfyWn6B | ticwatchs2midnight | 006_2021-11-27T02:41:59 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 41 | -1 | 2:41 |
lUqyOisc9U/003_2023-10-11T19:19:15.331834_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | lUqyOisc9U | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | 003_2023-10-11T19:19:15 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 19 | 15 | 7:19:15 |
IBopyjsEYa/005_2022-03-12T22:14:23.305776_fossilqmarshal | IBopyjsEYa | fossilqmarshal | 005_2022-03-12T22:14:23 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 14 | 23 | 10:14:23 |
xIksKaAI44/002_2023-10-27T12:13:12.318390_moto360 | xIksKaAI44 | moto360 | 002_2023-10-27T12:13:12 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 13 | 12 | 12:13:12 |
VV5Sg5gDys/002_2020-08-03T01:13:42.483376_galaxywatch | VV5Sg5gDys | galaxywatch | 002_2020-08-03T01:13:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 13 | 42 | 1:13:42 |
8rWMAxNz2E/003_2021-07-25T08:45:32.140572_galaxywatch4pink | 8rWMAxNz2E | galaxywatch4pink | 003_2021-07-25T08:45:32 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 45 | -1 | 8:45 |
TLFeXblPAp/005_2022-07-23T07:18:40.853041_urbanelte | TLFeXblPAp | urbanelte | 005_2022-07-23T07:18:40 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 18 | 40 | 7:18:40 |
Qu1BbMa3C3/002_2019-12-22T23:08:00.823714_armaniconnected | Qu1BbMa3C3 | armaniconnected | 002_2019-12-22T23:08:00 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 8 | 0 | 11:08:00 |
YA29DV9nvY/004_2023-12-11T22:11:25.841840_lggwatchr | YA29DV9nvY | lggwatchr | 004_2023-12-11T22:11:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 11 | 25 | 10:11:25 |
zzcrxsoaOd/002_2021-07-08T01:39:50.329680_lgwatchstyle | zzcrxsoaOd | lgwatchstyle | 002_2021-07-08T01:39:50 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 39 | 50 | 1:39:50 |
CKsVza4I34/003_2021-10-17T15:38:37.866920_ticwatche2shadow | CKsVza4I34 | ticwatche2shadow | 003_2021-10-17T15:38:37 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 38 | 37 | 3:38:37 |
bYlxqYCVma/004_2021-05-25T23:20:14.744686_gearlive | bYlxqYCVma | gearlive | 004_2021-05-25T23:20:14 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 20 | 14 | 11:20:14 |
fHF5BSzq82/006_2022-06-26T02:51:18.511890_galaxywatch6silver | fHF5BSzq82 | galaxywatch6silver | 006_2022-06-26T02:51:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 51 | 18 | 2:51:18 |
M8IjAVEdGW/002_2021-12-26T12:31:12.345316_ticwatchc2 | M8IjAVEdGW | ticwatchc2 | 002_2021-12-26T12:31:12 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 31 | 12 | 12:31:12 |
r23r1kB3L0/003_2024-04-03T22:02:25.023305_michaelkors | r23r1kB3L0 | michaelkors | 003_2024-04-03T22:02:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 2 | 25 | 10:02:25 |
SHD7L455jx/005_2019-12-14T07:54:18.495329_applewatch7blue2 | SHD7L455jx | applewatch7blue2 | 005_2019-12-14T07:54:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 54 | 18 | 7:54:18 |
juosfZ2zCw/002_2020-05-15T12:24:47.754463_lggwatchr | juosfZ2zCw | lggwatchr | 002_2020-05-15T12:24:47 | Without AM/PM | false | 0 | 24 | -1 | 12:24 |
zT5DwjADOd/003_2020-08-15T10:14:50.285566_gearlive | zT5DwjADOd | gearlive | 003_2020-08-15T10:14:50 | With AM/PM | true | 10 | 14 | 50 | 10:14:50 AM |
H2idb2tdDM/004_2022-09-13T13:58:35.857600_gw5prodark | H2idb2tdDM | gw5prodark | 004_2022-09-13T13:58:35 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
RbGDEt4O9n/003_2022-05-21T04:04:38.899565_fossilqventure | RbGDEt4O9n | fossilqventure | 003_2022-05-21T04:04:38 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 4 | 38 | 4:04:38 |
RsLCQhjpfA/005_2021-03-10T20:23:00.949612_urbanelte | RsLCQhjpfA | urbanelte | 005_2021-03-10T20:23:00 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 23 | 0 | 8:23:00 |
zb0bKqrOAO/005_2020-03-24T05:54:03.577682_applewatchseries9midnight | zb0bKqrOAO | applewatchseries9midnight | 005_2020-03-24T05:54:03 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 54 | 3 | 5:54:03 |
C6rinTkpCw/005_2022-06-21T17:52:22.664492_misfitvapor | C6rinTkpCw | misfitvapor | 005_2022-06-21T17:52:22 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 52 | 22 | 5:52:22 |
NQEcTrFohF/002_2022-04-18T22:51:23.229480_fossilqexplorist | NQEcTrFohF | fossilqexplorist | 002_2022-04-18T22:51:23 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 51 | 23 | 10:51:23 |
FQ1LZUpxum/006_2023-10-14T01:22:05.073179_moto360sport | FQ1LZUpxum | moto360sport | 006_2023-10-14T01:22:05 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 22 | 5 | 1:22:05 |
DMRF9981Al/002_2022-06-15T23:48:58.853183_guessjemma | DMRF9981Al | guessjemma | 002_2022-06-15T23:48:58 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 48 | 58 | 11:48:58 |
iQ9QtBQNwK/004_2022-06-27T09:11:29.324807_fossilqexplorist | iQ9QtBQNwK | fossilqexplorist | 004_2022-06-27T09:11:29 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 11 | 29 | 9:11:29 |
whhZ84R5Ze/004_2020-01-02T19:32:13.211760_zenwatch2 | whhZ84R5Ze | zenwatch2 | 004_2020-01-02T19:32:13 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 32 | 13 | 7:32:13 |
CzzZkYq8Np/004_2020-09-28T16:56:17.821026_huaweismartwatch4 | CzzZkYq8Np | huaweismartwatch4 | 004_2020-09-28T16:56:17 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 56 | 17 | 4:56:17 |
2o5ASH3ANj/002_2023-02-28T08:25:26.551408_polarm600 | 2o5ASH3ANj | polarm600 | 002_2023-02-28T08:25:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 25 | 26 | 8:25:26 |
7FzDlUe5bS/003_2024-03-15T21:55:13.856507_applewatch4sportwhite | 7FzDlUe5bS | applewatch4sportwhite | 003_2024-03-15T21:55:13 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 55 | 13 | 9:55:13 |
HwwftBPVwQ/004_2023-01-05T04:17:01.637940_polarm600 | HwwftBPVwQ | polarm600 | 004_2023-01-05T04:17:01 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 17 | 1 | 4:17:01 |
FOoD5FZVD3/004_2019-11-29T11:13:36.638311_montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | FOoD5FZVD3 | montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | 004_2019-11-29T11:13:36 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 13 | 36 | 11:13:36 |
002hg7zMsd/002_2023-08-04T07:54:32.500014_zenwatch | 002hg7zMsd | zenwatch | 002_2023-08-04T07:54:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 54 | 32 | 7:54:32 |
MSFXTZ2s5T/003_2024-05-09T03:13:29.696732_katespadescallop | MSFXTZ2s5T | katespadescallop | 003_2024-05-09T03:13:29 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 13 | 29 | 3:13:29 |
N3PIaDwFrl/005_2022-05-16T22:49:26.496057_oneplus_watch2_black | N3PIaDwFrl | oneplus_watch2_black | 005_2022-05-16T22:49:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 49 | 26 | 10:49:26 |
pIGyZZdtBw/004_2024-01-05T18:50:24.729160_galaxywatch4pink | pIGyZZdtBw | galaxywatch4pink | 004_2024-01-05T18:50:24 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 50 | 24 | 6:50:24 |
6kcBF2Zuio/003_2020-11-16T13:16:43.311319_applewatchultrastarlight | 6kcBF2Zuio | applewatchultrastarlight | 003_2020-11-16T13:16:43 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
0fwEg9AVfY/005_2019-10-02T10:59:18.381962_guessace | 0fwEg9AVfY | guessace | 005_2019-10-02T10:59:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 59 | 18 | 10:59:18 |
mN6QacbJBU/003_2019-07-19T02:34:32.219336_moto360sport | mN6QacbJBU | moto360sport | 003_2019-07-19T02:34:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 34 | 32 | 2:34:32 |
nkvoVhiR6h/002_2023-12-08T15:54:08.631442_newbalanceruniq | nkvoVhiR6h | newbalanceruniq | 002_2023-12-08T15:54:08 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 54 | 8 | 3:54:08 |
vl9HZDuRI8/005_2021-11-23T13:00:36.593169_galaxywatch3 | vl9HZDuRI8 | galaxywatch3 | 005_2021-11-23T13:00:36 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 0 | 36 | 1:00:36 |
mGoc9zzEYi/004_2021-08-20T14:13:10.542321_fossilqwander | mGoc9zzEYi | fossilqwander | 004_2021-08-20T14:13:10 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 13 | -1 | 2:13 |
ivAMmjdPe5/005_2021-08-24T05:00:59.100939_googlepixel2 | ivAMmjdPe5 | googlepixel2 | 005_2021-08-24T05:00:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 0 | 59 | 5:00:59 |
wTUptkeYNO/003_2022-11-18T22:34:28.597730_misfitvapor | wTUptkeYNO | misfitvapor | 003_2022-11-18T22:34:28 | With AM/PM | false | 22 | 34 | -1 | 10:34 PM |
TcZBAOttdR/006_2023-09-13T05:11:04.999396_montblancsummit2blackcasebluesport | TcZBAOttdR | montblancsummit2blackcasebluesport | 006_2023-09-13T05:11:04 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 11 | 4 | 5:11:04 |
tvmerh4AVT/004_2021-07-25T12:23:31.656759_michaelkorsaccessgrayson | tvmerh4AVT | michaelkorsaccessgrayson | 004_2021-07-25T12:23:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 23 | 31 | 12:23:31 |
Lu3GVqT4kF/002_2020-06-29T08:59:06.604647_skagenfalster2 | Lu3GVqT4kF | skagenfalster2 | 002_2020-06-29T08:59:06 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 59 | 6 | 8:59:06 |
kGiC0E76XB/006_2022-11-13T20:56:35.387970_fossilqventure | kGiC0E76XB | fossilqventure | 006_2022-11-13T20:56:35 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 56 | 35 | 8:56:35 |
ZAXFjQxbSg/006_2020-01-30T14:06:36.898681_galaxywatch6classicsilver | ZAXFjQxbSg | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 006_2020-01-30T14:06:36 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 6 | -1 | 2:06 |
QW0OMTuChG/002_2020-11-08T03:40:59.554572_fossilgen6 | QW0OMTuChG | fossilgen6 | 002_2020-11-08T03:40:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 40 | 59 | 3:40:59 |
7xuOEmMDbj/006_2024-01-22T23:37:26.535242_lggwatchr | 7xuOEmMDbj | lggwatchr | 006_2024-01-22T23:37:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 37 | 26 | 11:37:26 |
O6MX5ZgW5C/004_2020-06-26T18:13:52.683488_gw5prodark | O6MX5ZgW5C | gw5prodark | 004_2020-06-26T18:13:52 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 13 | 52 | 6:13:52 |
q2rU5SWj4f/004_2021-02-10T19:11:33.134286_huaweiw1 | q2rU5SWj4f | huaweiw1 | 004_2021-02-10T19:11:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 11 | 33 | 7:11:33 |
rMqpRDbBH6/002_2022-06-15T04:30:37.828360_lgwatchsport | rMqpRDbBH6 | lgwatchsport | 002_2022-06-15T04:30:37 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 30 | 37 | 4:30:37 |
06bjoHvwKo/003_2020-07-21T21:00:09.150391_gears3 | 06bjoHvwKo | gears3 | 003_2020-07-21T21:00:09 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 0 | 9 | 9:00:09 |
gkItt9SUjZ/003_2023-06-23T01:07:35.319788_ticwatche2shadow | gkItt9SUjZ | ticwatche2shadow | 003_2023-06-23T01:07:35 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 7 | 35 | 1:07:35 |
vuaedwAonR/004_2023-07-27T11:17:26.582599_gw5gray | vuaedwAonR | gw5gray | 004_2023-07-27T11:17:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 17 | 26 | 11:17:26 |
R4uo4b5XYA/004_2022-05-14T14:14:49.707160_huaweismartwatch4 | R4uo4b5XYA | huaweismartwatch4 | 004_2022-05-14T14:14:49 | With AM/PM | true | 14 | 14 | 49 | 2:14:49 PM |
75MTwg5e6X/006_2020-02-02T06:46:18.647003_gears2 | 75MTwg5e6X | gears2 | 006_2020-02-02T06:46:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 46 | 18 | 6:46:18 |
eEyEJ7FGKW/002_2022-06-24T10:16:50.070618_moto3602w | eEyEJ7FGKW | moto3602w | 002_2022-06-24T10:16:50 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 16 | 50 | 10:16:50 |
Pxwhinb5t5/005_2021-10-08T12:26:15.459840_gw5prodark | Pxwhinb5t5 | gw5prodark | 005_2021-10-08T12:26:15 | Without AM/PM | false | 0 | 26 | -1 | 12:26 |
Id28UgAXTs/005_2020-11-14T04:02:03.269679_montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | Id28UgAXTs | montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | 005_2020-11-14T04:02:03 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4:02:03 |
XgKceMlxNa/003_2020-01-04T23:29:45.195877_samsunggearsport | XgKceMlxNa | samsunggearsport | 003_2020-01-04T23:29:45 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 29 | 45 | 11:29:45 |
G0pFXNOxLL/006_2022-05-14T00:06:30.842818_applewatch6blacksportloop | G0pFXNOxLL | applewatch6blacksportloop | 006_2022-05-14T00:06:30 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
D87GTcLn29/006_2024-02-28T11:23:17.994396_montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | D87GTcLn29 | montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | 006_2024-02-28T11:23:17 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 23 | 17 | 11:23:17 |
OdFtHm5lA2/004_2020-09-21T09:33:40.518854_googlepixellightgray | OdFtHm5lA2 | googlepixellightgray | 004_2020-09-21T09:33:40 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 33 | 40 | 9:33:40 |
t7zZ7Eh030/003_2020-10-23T08:41:43.862087_gw5progray | t7zZ7Eh030 | gw5progray | 003_2020-10-23T08:41:43 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 41 | 43 | 8:41:43 |
jCHtGIJ25t/006_2020-01-12T05:07:32.093061_huaweismartwatch2 | jCHtGIJ25t | huaweismartwatch2 | 006_2020-01-12T05:07:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 7 | 32 | 5:07:32 |
0chcP1lAv5/005_2022-11-09T12:58:08.277509_ticwatchpro3 | 0chcP1lAv5 | ticwatchpro3 | 005_2022-11-09T12:58:08 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 58 | 8 | 12:58:08 |