stringlengths 48
| watchface_id
stringlengths 10
| watchface_name
stringclasses 133
values | watch_time
stringlengths 23
| time_format
stringclasses 3
values | shows_seconds
bool 2
classes | hour_visible
int32 -1
| minute_visible
int32 -1
| second_visible
int32 -1
| text
stringlengths 4
AkFqfzqVlQ/002_2022-06-18T15:57:38.949205_smartwatch3 | AkFqfzqVlQ | smartwatch3 | 002_2022-06-18T15:57:38 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 57 | 38 | 3:57:38 |
l8TkWCG0ET/003_2023-03-20T07:44:15.247099_urbanelte | l8TkWCG0ET | urbanelte | 003_2023-03-20T07:44:15 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
DQkZAjXhns/006_2020-01-05T04:50:18.096671_galaxywatch4green | DQkZAjXhns | galaxywatch4green | 006_2020-01-05T04:50:18 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 50 | -1 | 4:50 |
sWwExyh1J1/003_2023-07-02T23:05:42.692168_gw5prodark | sWwExyh1J1 | gw5prodark | 003_2023-07-02T23:05:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 5 | 42 | 11:05:42 |
dQK488PnCF/002_2023-09-03T20:11:45.542894_applewatchultra2trail | dQK488PnCF | applewatchultra2trail | 002_2023-09-03T20:11:45 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 11 | 45 | 8:11:45 |
yRceAZ9T8T/002_2020-03-25T11:05:12.131468_ticwatche2shadow | yRceAZ9T8T | ticwatche2shadow | 002_2020-03-25T11:05:12 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 5 | 12 | 11:05:12 |
JZA13nQoaU/004_2021-08-06T02:19:06.712467_newbalanceruniq | JZA13nQoaU | newbalanceruniq | 004_2021-08-06T02:19:06 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 19 | 6 | 2:19:06 |
bWynbBsnLI/004_2024-04-02T03:56:20.781820_urbanelte | bWynbBsnLI | urbanelte | 004_2024-04-02T03:56:20 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 56 | 20 | 3:56:20 |
PJJF8ocbg9/002_2024-03-15T16:51:21.164215_verizonwear24 | PJJF8ocbg9 | verizonwear24 | 002_2024-03-15T16:51:21 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 51 | 21 | 4:51:21 |
ARbaHQp1G3/003_2024-03-27T02:48:54.641941_googlepixelgray | ARbaHQp1G3 | googlepixelgray | 003_2024-03-27T02:48:54 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 48 | -1 | 2:48 |
48ZYxlyCvL/005_2020-08-23T14:56:12.024231_michaelkors | 48ZYxlyCvL | michaelkors | 005_2020-08-23T14:56:12 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 56 | -1 | 2:56 |
LQdEdVov2S/005_2021-01-29T03:45:44.020016_suunto7 | LQdEdVov2S | suunto7 | 005_2021-01-29T03:45:44 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 45 | 44 | 3:45:44 |
XDks0GbIVq/002_2021-12-28T19:07:19.225361_ticwatchc2 | XDks0GbIVq | ticwatchc2 | 002_2021-12-28T19:07:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 7 | 19 | 7:07:19 |
T79NSb6HTP/003_2022-08-24T02:37:17.862935_huaweiw1 | T79NSb6HTP | huaweiw1 | 003_2022-08-24T02:37:17 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 37 | 17 | 2:37:17 |
b7fka7ZeoF/006_2022-04-30T04:43:18.099384_moto3602 | b7fka7ZeoF | moto3602 | 006_2022-04-30T04:43:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 43 | 18 | 4:43:18 |
O9YQHdBAlN/006_2020-09-12T06:34:38.512200_urbane | O9YQHdBAlN | urbane | 006_2020-09-12T06:34:38 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 34 | 38 | 6:34:38 |
xTv7MSzaSh/003_2020-10-24T21:05:17.708669_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | xTv7MSzaSh | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | 003_2020-10-24T21:05:17 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 5 | 17 | 9:05:17 |
NQK4rsVMTb/002_2019-07-16T15:52:59.888476_galaxywatch6gold | NQK4rsVMTb | galaxywatch6gold | 002_2019-07-16T15:52:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 52 | 59 | 3:52:59 |
S8G8HZWNl1/006_2022-05-04T14:37:06.633655_galaxywatch3 | S8G8HZWNl1 | galaxywatch3 | 006_2022-05-04T14:37:06 | With AM/PM | false | 14 | 37 | -1 | 2:37 PM |
HqLsh3nHBc/006_2019-07-21T14:25:14.668416_huaweismartwatch2 | HqLsh3nHBc | huaweismartwatch2 | 006_2019-07-21T14:25:14 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 25 | 14 | 2:25:14 |
CJpGaRVbJs/005_2024-02-25T19:48:44.402564_applewatchultraorange | CJpGaRVbJs | applewatchultraorange | 005_2024-02-25T19:48:44 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 48 | 44 | 7:48:44 |
KCY6hYXw40/006_2023-06-24T08:31:34.522348_googlepixelgray | KCY6hYXw40 | googlepixelgray | 006_2023-06-24T08:31:34 | With AM/PM | true | 8 | 31 | 34 | 8:31:34 AM |
0O9PxEix4R/003_2022-03-23T02:08:22.036898_montblancsummit2 | 0O9PxEix4R | montblancsummit2 | 003_2022-03-23T02:08:22 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 8 | 22 | 2:08:22 |
oVemRxGZIn/005_2020-02-03T14:18:31.055642_fossilgen5e | oVemRxGZIn | fossilgen5e | 005_2020-02-03T14:18:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 18 | 31 | 2:18:31 |
C6tmyAIAyt/003_2020-12-14T22:04:17.157411_montblancsummit2rosegoldroseleather | C6tmyAIAyt | montblancsummit2rosegoldroseleather | 003_2020-12-14T22:04:17 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 4 | 17 | 10:04:17 |
kOEjxe29u1/003_2022-04-22T17:20:34.583722_googlepixel2 | kOEjxe29u1 | googlepixel2 | 003_2022-04-22T17:20:34 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 20 | 34 | 5:20:34 |
Hu8SzWwdkY/006_2020-02-11T00:01:03.467445_fossilqventure | Hu8SzWwdkY | fossilqventure | 006_2020-02-11T00:01:03 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 1 | 3 | 12:01:03 |
HUoxXh21pT/004_2022-01-31T14:34:25.135946_montblancsummit2steelcasebluecanvas | HUoxXh21pT | montblancsummit2steelcasebluecanvas | 004_2022-01-31T14:34:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 34 | 25 | 2:34:25 |
64d3GVWOsu/005_2023-10-27T05:54:20.195668_ticwatche2shadow | 64d3GVWOsu | ticwatche2shadow | 005_2023-10-27T05:54:20 | With AM/PM | false | 5 | 54 | -1 | 5:54 AM |
gLHcaVRacj/004_2019-07-18T15:30:42.930420_ticwatchc2 | gLHcaVRacj | ticwatchc2 | 004_2019-07-18T15:30:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 30 | 42 | 3:30:42 |
Zx63vXSpzf/006_2021-04-24T12:45:53.558065_urbanelte | Zx63vXSpzf | urbanelte | 006_2021-04-24T12:45:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 45 | 53 | 12:45:53 |
I0wEpXolkF/005_2020-04-13T14:38:17.768449_googlepixelblack | I0wEpXolkF | googlepixelblack | 005_2020-04-13T14:38:17 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 38 | 17 | 2:38:17 |
XYuZzsNNb3/006_2024-04-08T04:17:50.930562_galaxywatch6classicsilver | XYuZzsNNb3 | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 006_2024-04-08T04:17:50 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 17 | -1 | 4:17 |
xCz5pnVKRT/003_2020-07-12T09:38:10.078999_galaxywatch3 | xCz5pnVKRT | galaxywatch3 | 003_2020-07-12T09:38:10 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 38 | 10 | 9:38:10 |
0tPdS3r6dO/006_2020-06-24T22:16:46.514542_fossilgen5e | 0tPdS3r6dO | fossilgen5e | 006_2020-06-24T22:16:46 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 16 | 46 | 10:16:46 |
f3CRUIvFgU/006_2023-07-28T12:33:52.099077_lggwatch | f3CRUIvFgU | lggwatch | 006_2023-07-28T12:33:52 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 33 | 52 | 12:33:52 |
L2Dqrh2i00/002_2022-03-18T17:38:20.597464_galaxywatch4black | L2Dqrh2i00 | galaxywatch4black | 002_2022-03-18T17:38:20 | Without AM/PM | false | 5 | 38 | -1 | 5:38 |
HdvyMd4fzB/005_2021-06-04T04:47:54.797008_skagenfalster2 | HdvyMd4fzB | skagenfalster2 | 005_2021-06-04T04:47:54 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 47 | 54 | 4:47:54 |
aYfJPRCyST/003_2021-01-31T14:01:56.452750_michaelkorsaccesssofie | aYfJPRCyST | michaelkorsaccesssofie | 003_2021-01-31T14:01:56 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 1 | 56 | 2:01:56 |
km8HujaIaQ/005_2024-01-15T08:59:26.132585_fossilq | km8HujaIaQ | fossilq | 005_2024-01-15T08:59:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 59 | 26 | 8:59:26 |
bDKK7bf8su/005_2020-03-01T12:01:14.754701_montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | bDKK7bf8su | montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | 005_2020-03-01T12:01:14 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 1 | 14 | 12:01:14 |
bCeZFXsw0T/005_2021-04-11T22:14:45.444137_galaxyactive2 | bCeZFXsw0T | galaxyactive2 | 005_2021-04-11T22:14:45 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 14 | 45 | 10:14:45 |
K1kllWsEDU/005_2020-05-02T18:15:14.137583_casioprotreksmart | K1kllWsEDU | casioprotreksmart | 005_2020-05-02T18:15:14 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 15 | 14 | 6:15:14 |
aGyRKqxBe7/005_2021-07-05T03:43:32.436933_ticwatchpro3 | aGyRKqxBe7 | ticwatchpro3 | 005_2021-07-05T03:43:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 43 | 32 | 3:43:32 |
YuUuThkiGy/003_2023-12-24T04:48:32.076312_montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | YuUuThkiGy | montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | 003_2023-12-24T04:48:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 48 | 32 | 4:48:32 |
OSqb1zGhY7/003_2023-12-24T18:50:17.756790_polarm600 | OSqb1zGhY7 | polarm600 | 003_2023-12-24T18:50:17 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 50 | 17 | 6:50:17 |
YBpPCdRdXS/005_2023-04-09T03:31:44.030025_galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | YBpPCdRdXS | galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | 005_2023-04-09T03:31:44 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 31 | -1 | 3:31 |
wzDokInqWq/002_2022-07-10T01:06:19.063642_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | wzDokInqWq | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | 002_2022-07-10T01:06:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 6 | 19 | 1:06:19 |
8u0pfy6ydq/005_2019-11-25T04:20:14.340976_montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | 8u0pfy6ydq | montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | 005_2019-11-25T04:20:14 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 20 | -1 | 4:20 |
Otz2faitAU/003_2020-11-21T03:29:02.429703_montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | Otz2faitAU | montblancsummit2steelcasebrownleather | 003_2020-11-21T03:29:02 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 29 | 2 | 3:29:02 |
2G8y2BFV5V/005_2024-03-26T20:18:16.556987_huaweismartwatch4 | 2G8y2BFV5V | huaweismartwatch4 | 005_2024-03-26T20:18:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 18 | 16 | 8:18:16 |
mHJv2PyA0q/004_2021-11-11T12:18:05.097831_zenwatch3 | mHJv2PyA0q | zenwatch3 | 004_2021-11-11T12:18:05 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 18 | 5 | 12:18:05 |
PSzIi4jS7O/005_2021-11-03T11:12:34.650660_fossilqmarshal | PSzIi4jS7O | fossilqmarshal | 005_2021-11-03T11:12:34 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 12 | 34 | 11:12:34 |
RIx7gEMWp3/003_2022-01-28T11:55:15.577046_galaxywatch3 | RIx7gEMWp3 | galaxywatch3 | 003_2022-01-28T11:55:15 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
SNwcXd1QA0/004_2023-08-16T13:23:21.939493_gw5silver | SNwcXd1QA0 | gw5silver | 004_2023-08-16T13:23:21 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 23 | 21 | 1:23:21 |
oTeMIR8NgU/003_2023-04-09T09:08:13.785340_montblancsummitlite | oTeMIR8NgU | montblancsummitlite | 003_2023-04-09T09:08:13 | Without AM/PM | false | 9 | 8 | -1 | 9:08 |
Ue2KzHP0BA/005_2021-03-20T08:29:22.518593_applewatchultrastarlight | Ue2KzHP0BA | applewatchultrastarlight | 005_2021-03-20T08:29:22 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 29 | 22 | 8:29:22 |
xU4bBXoWIh/004_2020-06-03T03:39:36.004293_ticwatchexpress | xU4bBXoWIh | ticwatchexpress | 004_2020-06-03T03:39:36 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 39 | 36 | 3:39:36 |
SYm7TwuBGe/004_2021-09-23T22:43:52.287821_michaelkorsaccesssofie | SYm7TwuBGe | michaelkorsaccesssofie | 004_2021-09-23T22:43:52 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 43 | 52 | 10:43:52 |
9RUQCQrG9d/003_2019-09-14T10:19:52.441402_galaxywatch6classicsilver | 9RUQCQrG9d | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 003_2019-09-14T10:19:52 | With AM/PM | true | 10 | 19 | 52 | 10:19:52 AM |
9ayj6wFIcj/005_2022-01-01T14:27:59.984288_ticwatchc2 | 9ayj6wFIcj | ticwatchc2 | 005_2022-01-01T14:27:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 27 | 59 | 2:27:59 |
3AlI7KPeIN/003_2022-05-14T04:59:23.515868_zenwatch2 | 3AlI7KPeIN | zenwatch2 | 003_2022-05-14T04:59:23 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 59 | 23 | 4:59:23 |
aICfnhm7Cp/002_2019-08-13T16:09:11.078083_fossil5thgen | aICfnhm7Cp | fossil5thgen | 002_2019-08-13T16:09:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 9 | 11 | 4:09:11 |
c3u4ifnWKw/005_2020-12-29T03:23:52.442742_gw5prodark | c3u4ifnWKw | gw5prodark | 005_2020-12-29T03:23:52 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 23 | -1 | 3:23 |
FDXNggYDg6/005_2023-06-12T01:54:30.338099_applewatchultragreen | FDXNggYDg6 | applewatchultragreen | 005_2023-06-12T01:54:30 | Without AM/PM | false | 1 | 54 | -1 | 1:54 |
lXtZbl9b5b/004_2024-01-10T20:23:47.594299_moto360new | lXtZbl9b5b | moto360new | 004_2024-01-10T20:23:47 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 23 | 47 | 8:23:47 |
ajpHHT6PnQ/002_2020-06-16T10:44:01.499053_urbanelte | ajpHHT6PnQ | urbanelte | 002_2020-06-16T10:44:01 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 44 | 1 | 10:44:01 |
JANEsp9Duy/006_2020-07-03T08:19:24.879227_montblancsummitlite | JANEsp9Duy | montblancsummitlite | 006_2020-07-03T08:19:24 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 19 | 24 | 8:19:24 |
HGhNtWXLTe/004_2019-08-15T04:31:16.047901_casiowsdf10 | HGhNtWXLTe | casiowsdf10 | 004_2019-08-15T04:31:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 31 | 16 | 4:31:16 |
17J3oFGwKH/004_2021-12-29T11:49:14.490722_urbanelte | 17J3oFGwKH | urbanelte | 004_2021-12-29T11:49:14 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 49 | 14 | 11:49:14 |
QaBGHij617/004_2022-12-13T12:07:37.256594_moto360new | QaBGHij617 | moto360new | 004_2022-12-13T12:07:37 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 7 | 37 | 12:07:37 |
9wYylLA2Nx/005_2019-06-08T06:06:58.923115_ticwatche2shadow | 9wYylLA2Nx | ticwatche2shadow | 005_2019-06-08T06:06:58 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 6 | 58 | 6:06:58 |
4XbRI8VERv/004_2024-04-05T19:14:25.686494_fossilqventure | 4XbRI8VERv | fossilqventure | 004_2024-04-05T19:14:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 14 | 25 | 7:14:25 |
pc22DRn5yw/002_2020-10-13T08:31:29.761840_montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | pc22DRn5yw | montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | 002_2020-10-13T08:31:29 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 31 | -1 | 8:31 |
JvXh1yDAaK/003_2023-03-30T20:36:15.525936_gears2 | JvXh1yDAaK | gears2 | 003_2023-03-30T20:36:15 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 36 | 15 | 8:36:15 |
qNeddQigG3/003_2022-07-16T11:39:12.040166_montblancsummit | qNeddQigG3 | montblancsummit | 003_2022-07-16T11:39:12 | Without AM/PM | false | 11 | 39 | -1 | 11:39 |
910RftmiiI/003_2024-03-20T04:43:38.465275_galaxywatch4black | 910RftmiiI | galaxywatch4black | 003_2024-03-20T04:43:38 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 43 | 38 | 4:43:38 |
19EL2uGgnJ/005_2021-04-24T14:17:23.066275_fossilqventure | 19EL2uGgnJ | fossilqventure | 005_2021-04-24T14:17:23 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 17 | -1 | 2:17 |
JA1pneNBja/005_2021-11-18T23:25:04.188385_googlepixelgray | JA1pneNBja | googlepixelgray | 005_2021-11-18T23:25:04 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
OxTksY4BVk/003_2023-03-14T05:16:18.199999_fossilq | OxTksY4BVk | fossilq | 003_2023-03-14T05:16:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 16 | 18 | 5:16:18 |
ykm9oxyQAo/002_2021-12-29T09:42:50.802677_gears3 | ykm9oxyQAo | gears3 | 002_2021-12-29T09:42:50 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 42 | 50 | 9:42:50 |
P4HTBUBgPV/004_2020-04-17T15:34:42.746868_galaxywatch6black | P4HTBUBgPV | galaxywatch6black | 004_2020-04-17T15:34:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 34 | 42 | 3:34:42 |
mBnQmukEsl/004_2022-08-10T18:17:31.753771_galaxywatch4classicblack | mBnQmukEsl | galaxywatch4classicblack | 004_2022-08-10T18:17:31 | Without AM/PM | false | 6 | 17 | -1 | 6:17 |
Q12azZe7KT/004_2022-08-08T18:05:37.966569_galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | Q12azZe7KT | galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | 004_2022-08-08T18:05:37 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 5 | 37 | 6:05:37 |
4ODlw3nDmG/006_2022-08-27T13:09:40.599132_lgwatchstyle | 4ODlw3nDmG | lgwatchstyle | 006_2022-08-27T13:09:40 | With AM/PM | false | 13 | 9 | -1 | 1:09 PM |
FXTsHeqrgM/006_2024-05-26T09:25:11.264259_guessace | FXTsHeqrgM | guessace | 006_2024-05-26T09:25:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 25 | 11 | 9:25:11 |
cpFilAosnp/003_2020-06-22T07:14:35.444683_smartwatch3 | cpFilAosnp | smartwatch3 | 003_2020-06-22T07:14:35 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 14 | 35 | 7:14:35 |
3Y0NxsQzeV/005_2022-12-27T14:48:47.206060_moto360new | 3Y0NxsQzeV | moto360new | 005_2022-12-27T14:48:47 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 48 | 47 | 2:48:47 |
SeaSOGL6CN/002_2021-04-28T16:11:30.150423_montblancsummit2brownleather | SeaSOGL6CN | montblancsummit2brownleather | 002_2021-04-28T16:11:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 11 | 30 | 4:11:30 |
DsR86lK9RM/004_2022-05-12T19:11:55.886280_gw5golf | DsR86lK9RM | gw5golf | 004_2022-05-12T19:11:55 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 11 | 55 | 7:11:55 |
M4MvuXUsjY/003_2020-07-21T16:49:19.041798_armaniconnected | M4MvuXUsjY | armaniconnected | 003_2020-07-21T16:49:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 49 | 19 | 4:49:19 |
nm7eWdpVeU/006_2022-07-03T17:37:35.608970_moto3602 | nm7eWdpVeU | moto3602 | 006_2022-07-03T17:37:35 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 37 | 35 | 5:37:35 |
Z3ieeA1v6c/003_2021-11-05T05:42:55.265193_zenwatch3 | Z3ieeA1v6c | zenwatch3 | 003_2021-11-05T05:42:55 | Without AM/PM | false | 5 | 42 | -1 | 5:42 |
FZThj0rdcU/003_2022-04-10T02:33:27.925007_michaelkorsaccesssofie | FZThj0rdcU | michaelkorsaccesssofie | 003_2022-04-10T02:33:27 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 33 | 27 | 2:33:27 |
Wxp62gT7pI/002_2020-08-07T23:57:33.349537_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | Wxp62gT7pI | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackcanvas | 002_2020-08-07T23:57:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 57 | 33 | 11:57:33 |
TayWwzY865/003_2020-11-27T07:47:37.927489_lgwatchstyle | TayWwzY865 | lgwatchstyle | 003_2020-11-27T07:47:37 | Without AM/PM | false | 7 | 47 | -1 | 7:47 |
5SqYNuYk7y/006_2019-07-15T22:49:43.177383_fossilq | 5SqYNuYk7y | fossilq | 006_2019-07-15T22:49:43 | Without AM/PM | false | 10 | 49 | -1 | 10:49 |
HmXLzqPD6l/006_2023-01-12T22:09:41.954937_galaxywatch6classicsilver | HmXLzqPD6l | galaxywatch6classicsilver | 006_2023-01-12T22:09:41 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 9 | 41 | 10:09:41 |
WRc0FWbxEO/002_2022-01-19T00:02:58.686349_googlepixelgray | WRc0FWbxEO | googlepixelgray | 002_2022-01-19T00:02:58 | With AM/PM | true | 0 | 2 | 58 | 12:02:58 AM |
gEqHvolALB/006_2023-05-13T03:51:08.186003_gw5progray | gEqHvolALB | gw5progray | 006_2023-05-13T03:51:08 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 51 | 8 | 3:51:08 |