stringlengths 48
| watchface_id
stringlengths 10
| watchface_name
stringclasses 133
values | watch_time
stringlengths 23
| time_format
stringclasses 3
values | shows_seconds
bool 2
classes | hour_visible
int32 -1
| minute_visible
int32 -1
| second_visible
int32 -1
| text
stringlengths 4
ktuIIMzxAD/006_2019-10-05T16:14:26.052531_zenwatch3 | ktuIIMzxAD | zenwatch3 | 006_2019-10-05T16:14:26 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
5UDBMv1uNq/005_2023-03-11T04:51:19.701452_fossilgen6 | 5UDBMv1uNq | fossilgen6 | 005_2023-03-11T04:51:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 51 | 19 | 4:51:19 |
uIoPh2vy12/003_2022-09-28T08:29:22.446241_galaxywatch4pink | uIoPh2vy12 | galaxywatch4pink | 003_2022-09-28T08:29:22 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 29 | -1 | 8:29 |
grXwxl9Nwb/003_2022-01-04T08:02:47.320391_galaxywatch6black | grXwxl9Nwb | galaxywatch6black | 003_2022-01-04T08:02:47 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 2 | -1 | 8:02 |
tXG4kqKpRj/002_2019-08-09T03:11:34.880105_fossilgen5e | tXG4kqKpRj | fossilgen5e | 002_2019-08-09T03:11:34 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 11 | 34 | 3:11:34 |
AwPipArrkg/002_2021-07-28T20:47:47.874814_fossilqexplorist | AwPipArrkg | fossilqexplorist | 002_2021-07-28T20:47:47 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 47 | 47 | 8:47:47 |
oxAOlz0KGX/003_2020-08-12T18:15:56.430363_gw5prodark | oxAOlz0KGX | gw5prodark | 003_2020-08-12T18:15:56 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 15 | 56 | 6:15:56 |
PlbpeFcGst/002_2020-01-01T13:53:00.048618_gw5gray | PlbpeFcGst | gw5gray | 002_2020-01-01T13:53:00 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 53 | 0 | 1:53:00 |
lFBhMYNpqf/006_2021-12-06T11:56:51.251956_michaelkorsbradshaw | lFBhMYNpqf | michaelkorsbradshaw | 006_2021-12-06T11:56:51 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 56 | 51 | 11:56:51 |
hJuaN81ZUz/006_2021-01-07T20:36:03.602992_gw5golf | hJuaN81ZUz | gw5golf | 006_2021-01-07T20:36:03 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 36 | 3 | 8:36:03 |
HzfH3Aa1EC/003_2023-07-09T15:25:33.971909_montblancsummit2blackcasebluesport | HzfH3Aa1EC | montblancsummit2blackcasebluesport | 003_2023-07-09T15:25:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 25 | 33 | 3:25:33 |
IlRVmDtDqh/003_2022-02-25T04:45:23.686301_galaxywatch6silver | IlRVmDtDqh | galaxywatch6silver | 003_2022-02-25T04:45:23 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
o3g9VR5MJE/003_2023-10-11T22:45:43.727871_zenwatch3 | o3g9VR5MJE | zenwatch3 | 003_2023-10-11T22:45:43 | Without AM/PM | false | 10 | 45 | -1 | 10:45 |
NbNq0JuR9T/006_2023-08-31T02:03:24.790908_gw5prodark | NbNq0JuR9T | gw5prodark | 006_2023-08-31T02:03:24 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 3 | 24 | 2:03:24 |
eQeSpLxLxA/004_2021-12-07T09:26:58.943983_armaniconnected | eQeSpLxLxA | armaniconnected | 004_2021-12-07T09:26:58 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 26 | 58 | 9:26:58 |
qdm07fjmGz/003_2022-06-25T16:10:33.575146_ticwatchs2midnight | qdm07fjmGz | ticwatchs2midnight | 003_2022-06-25T16:10:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 10 | 33 | 4:10:33 |
Ms2OTlEWqM/003_2019-10-04T14:29:48.340799_galaxywatch4black | Ms2OTlEWqM | galaxywatch4black | 003_2019-10-04T14:29:48 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 29 | 48 | 2:29:48 |
PAKNvD1DGC/003_2022-03-16T11:31:30.365810_urbanelte | PAKNvD1DGC | urbanelte | 003_2022-03-16T11:31:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 31 | 30 | 11:31:30 |
hNezCLytEh/002_2021-05-12T20:36:26.980673_montblancsummit2rosegoldroseleather | hNezCLytEh | montblancsummit2rosegoldroseleather | 002_2021-05-12T20:36:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 36 | 26 | 8:36:26 |
sTZiZjCkDB/004_2019-08-04T20:33:42.560741_galaxywatch4pink | sTZiZjCkDB | galaxywatch4pink | 004_2019-08-04T20:33:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 33 | 42 | 8:33:42 |
Dnk7Rg7I85/003_2024-06-02T03:21:26.358508_michaelkorsbradshaw | Dnk7Rg7I85 | michaelkorsbradshaw | 003_2024-06-02T03:21:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 21 | 26 | 3:21:26 |
cEjQDORkex/002_2020-06-18T07:02:33.633278_montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | cEjQDORkex | montblancsummit2blackcaseblackchain | 002_2020-06-18T07:02:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 2 | 33 | 7:02:33 |
6vBu734CKh/002_2020-05-08T11:58:09.104923_armaniconnected | 6vBu734CKh | armaniconnected | 002_2020-05-08T11:58:09 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 58 | 9 | 11:58:09 |
AvcDHLvHFq/004_2024-04-08T22:49:43.740176_galaxywatch4classicsilver | AvcDHLvHFq | galaxywatch4classicsilver | 004_2024-04-08T22:49:43 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 49 | 43 | 10:49:43 |
vTH8AJX7FU/003_2019-06-17T15:17:03.147223_googlepixel2 | vTH8AJX7FU | googlepixel2 | 003_2019-06-17T15:17:03 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 17 | 3 | 3:17:03 |
j3jpa5Jg8w/005_2021-12-05T05:15:37.895780_zenwatch | j3jpa5Jg8w | zenwatch | 005_2021-12-05T05:15:37 | With AM/PM | true | 5 | 15 | 37 | 5:15:37 AM |
Thf71knA2E/002_2024-03-07T05:58:41.911547_googlepixellightgray | Thf71knA2E | googlepixellightgray | 002_2024-03-07T05:58:41 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 58 | 41 | 5:58:41 |
JWAfwj2BGi/004_2020-04-07T03:37:08.035347_suunto7 | JWAfwj2BGi | suunto7 | 004_2020-04-07T03:37:08 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 37 | 8 | 3:37:08 |
Jj5PZawGuC/003_2023-04-04T00:20:59.145694_fossil5thgen | Jj5PZawGuC | fossil5thgen | 003_2023-04-04T00:20:59 | With AM/PM | false | 0 | 20 | -1 | 12:20 AM |
3QYGsaXoau/005_2022-05-12T01:12:44.779461_gw5prodark | 3QYGsaXoau | gw5prodark | 005_2022-05-12T01:12:44 | Without AM/PM | false | 1 | 12 | -1 | 1:12 |
HeWmtX6oHz/002_2023-04-13T01:01:34.114631_galaxyactive | HeWmtX6oHz | galaxyactive | 002_2023-04-13T01:01:34 | Without AM/PM | false | 1 | 1 | -1 | 1:01 |
RKDlEfFMCC/006_2023-02-03T03:18:11.775939_zenwatch2 | RKDlEfFMCC | zenwatch2 | 006_2023-02-03T03:18:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 18 | 11 | 3:18:11 |
lQKR96Bgzj/004_2024-04-26T18:14:30.234913_smartwatch3 | lQKR96Bgzj | smartwatch3 | 004_2024-04-26T18:14:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 14 | 30 | 6:14:30 |
GiV0GZN48X/004_2023-12-22T07:54:41.554766_michaelkorsaccesssofie | GiV0GZN48X | michaelkorsaccesssofie | 004_2023-12-22T07:54:41 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 54 | 41 | 7:54:41 |
ryVA6e38zO/005_2022-04-28T23:10:08.508452_huaweismartwatch4 | ryVA6e38zO | huaweismartwatch4 | 005_2022-04-28T23:10:08 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 10 | 8 | 11:10:08 |
QHeZfKii7T/004_2020-03-27T11:48:57.324525_moto360sport | QHeZfKii7T | moto360sport | 004_2020-03-27T11:48:57 | With AM/PM | true | 11 | 48 | 57 | 11:48:57 AM |
UCqlDHedM2/004_2022-06-09T23:03:45.660113_ztequartz | UCqlDHedM2 | ztequartz | 004_2022-06-09T23:03:45 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 3 | 45 | 11:03:45 |
n5QMznaXSr/003_2021-01-31T22:39:11.269012_verizonwear24 | n5QMznaXSr | verizonwear24 | 003_2021-01-31T22:39:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 39 | 11 | 10:39:11 |
hFdvEA0S9b/006_2021-11-19T08:26:33.964073_nixonmission | hFdvEA0S9b | nixonmission | 006_2021-11-19T08:26:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 26 | 33 | 8:26:33 |
Ummf2h8I3p/006_2022-10-20T03:52:09.463270_oneplus_watch2_black | Ummf2h8I3p | oneplus_watch2_black | 006_2022-10-20T03:52:09 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
ojuYsVe8C5/006_2021-10-09T22:30:28.796468_fossilgen5e | ojuYsVe8C5 | fossilgen5e | 006_2021-10-09T22:30:28 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 30 | 28 | 10:30:28 |
ETYZ8XYpyw/005_2021-05-03T01:46:05.056052_katespadescallop | ETYZ8XYpyw | katespadescallop | 005_2021-05-03T01:46:05 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 46 | 5 | 1:46:05 |
g4jc0m6dRH/002_2021-10-17T08:28:07.872054_montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | g4jc0m6dRH | montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | 002_2021-10-17T08:28:07 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 28 | -1 | 8:28 |
LYlxIGrvay/003_2023-12-10T01:47:42.226332_lggwatchr | LYlxIGrvay | lggwatchr | 003_2023-12-10T01:47:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 47 | 42 | 1:47:42 |
uhrHXVk8XN/002_2020-05-07T17:59:49.477070_armaniconnected | uhrHXVk8XN | armaniconnected | 002_2020-05-07T17:59:49 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 59 | 49 | 5:59:49 |
kf4Zr7z0VQ/002_2020-11-07T02:58:25.981013_applewatch4stainlessblack | kf4Zr7z0VQ | applewatch4stainlessblack | 002_2020-11-07T02:58:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 58 | 25 | 2:58:25 |
LOx9t0jMu2/006_2023-11-07T01:11:08.238617_googlepixelgreen | LOx9t0jMu2 | googlepixelgreen | 006_2023-11-07T01:11:08 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 11 | 8 | 1:11:08 |
b5zEHtcjxK/004_2020-04-29T12:23:57.604010_moto360new | b5zEHtcjxK | moto360new | 004_2020-04-29T12:23:57 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 23 | 57 | 12:23:57 |
SIElvYKPNh/003_2023-11-06T05:39:49.099053_huaweismartwatch4 | SIElvYKPNh | huaweismartwatch4 | 003_2023-11-06T05:39:49 | Without AM/PM | false | 5 | 39 | -1 | 5:39 |
bU0keddOZW/004_2022-07-30T22:11:34.584808_montblancsummit2brownleather | bU0keddOZW | montblancsummit2brownleather | 004_2022-07-30T22:11:34 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 11 | 34 | 10:11:34 |
vQmApTF24x/006_2023-07-21T23:22:51.103932_misfitvapor | vQmApTF24x | misfitvapor | 006_2023-07-21T23:22:51 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 22 | 51 | 11:22:51 |
Z9tjFAx8Fa/003_2020-05-08T15:42:34.506874_urbanelte | Z9tjFAx8Fa | urbanelte | 003_2020-05-08T15:42:34 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 42 | -1 | 3:42 |
yTVIcElY4o/003_2023-06-28T10:57:35.828151_katespadescallop | yTVIcElY4o | katespadescallop | 003_2023-06-28T10:57:35 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 57 | 35 | 10:57:35 |
N6H94pL561/005_2020-08-20T10:57:18.527287_fossilqexplorist | N6H94pL561 | fossilqexplorist | 005_2020-08-20T10:57:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 57 | 18 | 10:57:18 |
B7sMDYQIj9/005_2020-09-18T07:30:09.235841_fossilqventure | B7sMDYQIj9 | fossilqventure | 005_2020-09-18T07:30:09 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 30 | 9 | 7:30:09 |
cIbMK6EPYE/005_2021-06-13T00:08:55.790872_fossilgen6 | cIbMK6EPYE | fossilgen6 | 005_2021-06-13T00:08:55 | Without AM/PM | false | 0 | 8 | -1 | 12:08 |
1ePFGybKe5/003_2021-01-24T12:10:07.671703_ticwatchexpress | 1ePFGybKe5 | ticwatchexpress | 003_2021-01-24T12:10:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 10 | 7 | 12:10:07 |
Mi6oxHqlGG/002_2020-09-22T21:02:07.767070_polarm600 | Mi6oxHqlGG | polarm600 | 002_2020-09-22T21:02:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 2 | 7 | 9:02:07 |
pczdTKWjQ9/002_2023-04-14T08:34:29.894549_huaweismartwatch4 | pczdTKWjQ9 | huaweismartwatch4 | 002_2023-04-14T08:34:29 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 34 | 29 | 8:34:29 |
PlvR60V6DQ/005_2019-11-06T15:22:39.305902_skagenfalster2 | PlvR60V6DQ | skagenfalster2 | 005_2019-11-06T15:22:39 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 22 | 39 | 3:22:39 |
3EE4vKGtos/006_2021-11-15T08:05:16.444585_montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | 3EE4vKGtos | montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | 006_2021-11-15T08:05:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 5 | 16 | 8:05:16 |
nGBhpslAu8/004_2024-05-06T14:44:26.209437_ticwatchs2glacier | nGBhpslAu8 | ticwatchs2glacier | 004_2024-05-06T14:44:26 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 44 | 26 | 2:44:26 |
aVPgbZhmEY/005_2021-07-08T06:56:22.810234_gw5gray | aVPgbZhmEY | gw5gray | 005_2021-07-08T06:56:22 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 56 | 22 | 6:56:22 |
8LqE06lvWW/005_2022-10-15T21:52:33.584590_huaweismartwatch4 | 8LqE06lvWW | huaweismartwatch4 | 005_2022-10-15T21:52:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 52 | 33 | 9:52:33 |
tgQjElzMkH/004_2020-01-01T18:30:25.459499_fossilsport | tgQjElzMkH | fossilsport | 004_2020-01-01T18:30:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 30 | 25 | 6:30:25 |
6YESHCaz1B/002_2020-03-22T02:54:46.695129_fossilqwander | 6YESHCaz1B | fossilqwander | 002_2020-03-22T02:54:46 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 54 | 46 | 2:54:46 |
E7V15Zh6hT/002_2023-02-04T04:00:26.122926_casioprotreksmart | E7V15Zh6hT | casioprotreksmart | 002_2023-02-04T04:00:26 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 0 | -1 | 4:00 |
DDpH0TSPnO/002_2021-02-25T22:25:18.276291_montblancsummit2 | DDpH0TSPnO | montblancsummit2 | 002_2021-02-25T22:25:18 | Without AM/PM | false | 10 | 25 | -1 | 10:25 |
KJYP8qVy6P/005_2023-03-28T19:43:10.972441_galaxyactive2 | KJYP8qVy6P | galaxyactive2 | 005_2023-03-28T19:43:10 | With AM/PM | true | 19 | 43 | 10 | 7:43:10 PM |
vOt5VieGlf/002_2020-01-15T23:17:41.703428_montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | vOt5VieGlf | montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | 002_2020-01-15T23:17:41 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 17 | 41 | 11:17:41 |
qbB4tLvvRD/006_2024-02-16T14:46:47.353355_applewatchseries8golden | qbB4tLvvRD | applewatchseries8golden | 006_2024-02-16T14:46:47 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 46 | 47 | 2:46:47 |
V9TdshUGDo/002_2019-07-18T10:48:44.382973_misfitvapor | V9TdshUGDo | misfitvapor | 002_2019-07-18T10:48:44 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 48 | 44 | 10:48:44 |
QFMOjkK3a1/002_2024-05-20T13:23:41.898500_galaxywatch3 | QFMOjkK3a1 | galaxywatch3 | 002_2024-05-20T13:23:41 | Without AM/PM | false | 1 | 23 | -1 | 1:23 |
2HPozmKenC/005_2020-06-13T22:10:32.988434_casiowsdf10 | 2HPozmKenC | casiowsdf10 | 005_2020-06-13T22:10:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 10 | 32 | 10:10:32 |
6rxhYR00I3/006_2020-05-22T21:23:11.488223_michaelkors | 6rxhYR00I3 | michaelkors | 006_2020-05-22T21:23:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 23 | 11 | 9:23:11 |
jHzS42bM2r/005_2020-10-10T09:15:47.289338_fossilqmarshal | jHzS42bM2r | fossilqmarshal | 005_2020-10-10T09:15:47 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 15 | 47 | 9:15:47 |
YARazBB8LP/003_2020-12-15T04:52:19.350837_zenwatch | YARazBB8LP | zenwatch | 003_2020-12-15T04:52:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 52 | 19 | 4:52:19 |
STqniyledG/004_2022-11-27T17:54:51.067022_galaxywatch4pink | STqniyledG | galaxywatch4pink | 004_2022-11-27T17:54:51 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 54 | 51 | 5:54:51 |
dIazkALVt9/003_2021-11-12T14:23:56.086992_michaelkorsbradshaw | dIazkALVt9 | michaelkorsbradshaw | 003_2021-11-12T14:23:56 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 23 | -1 | 2:23 |
zDrOuJXuvX/006_2019-10-18T16:33:46.226005_oppowatch | zDrOuJXuvX | oppowatch | 006_2019-10-18T16:33:46 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 33 | -1 | 4:33 |
GfCDSkNBWA/006_2020-04-07T16:33:16.372049_urbanelte | GfCDSkNBWA | urbanelte | 006_2020-04-07T16:33:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 33 | 16 | 4:33:16 |
tBU51GR2Kq/005_2024-04-20T03:23:14.717859_fossilgen6 | tBU51GR2Kq | fossilgen6 | 005_2024-04-20T03:23:14 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 23 | -1 | 3:23 |
Oos3OGW7Pe/005_2022-05-12T13:42:18.284216_ticwatchs2midnight | Oos3OGW7Pe | ticwatchs2midnight | 005_2022-05-12T13:42:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 42 | 18 | 1:42:18 |
x6YGCuOPM9/003_2023-09-18T20:10:01.306413_oneplus_watch2_radiant | x6YGCuOPM9 | oneplus_watch2_radiant | 003_2023-09-18T20:10:01 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 10 | 1 | 8:10:01 |
7CBBEMxaGJ/005_2023-09-06T15:05:13.547267_casioprotreksmart | 7CBBEMxaGJ | casioprotreksmart | 005_2023-09-06T15:05:13 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 5 | 13 | 3:05:13 |
giHJBUQAd4/002_2021-04-22T18:55:19.622703_fossilgen5e | giHJBUQAd4 | fossilgen5e | 002_2021-04-22T18:55:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 55 | 19 | 6:55:19 |
evysYYReA1/006_2020-09-04T18:48:54.524530_fossilsport | evysYYReA1 | fossilsport | 006_2020-09-04T18:48:54 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
rCEc99RSZn/005_2020-10-28T17:49:23.117271_moto360 | rCEc99RSZn | moto360 | 005_2020-10-28T17:49:23 | With AM/PM | true | 17 | 49 | 23 | 5:49:23 PM |
AVvGrEBXA0/005_2022-06-24T21:26:12.203296_gw5golf | AVvGrEBXA0 | gw5golf | 005_2022-06-24T21:26:12 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 26 | 12 | 9:26:12 |
OzDAHzuoA0/002_2023-12-27T17:33:49.484007_oneplus_watch2_radiant | OzDAHzuoA0 | oneplus_watch2_radiant | 002_2023-12-27T17:33:49 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 33 | 49 | 5:33:49 |
eUCdRT0Ufc/002_2020-01-27T14:33:51.399357_montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | eUCdRT0Ufc | montblancsummit2steelcaseblackcanvas | 002_2020-01-27T14:33:51 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 33 | 51 | 2:33:51 |
qjqzJIaBM6/006_2020-09-29T19:54:06.357155_applewatchultragreen | qjqzJIaBM6 | applewatchultragreen | 006_2020-09-29T19:54:06 | Without AM/PM | false | 7 | 54 | -1 | 7:54 |
wSlsWJ0tW0/005_2023-10-23T21:20:43.543388_galaxywatch42 | wSlsWJ0tW0 | galaxywatch42 | 005_2023-10-23T21:20:43 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 20 | 43 | 9:20:43 |
WgA1kvCV4s/002_2022-03-09T00:30:24.757557_michaelkorsbradshaw | WgA1kvCV4s | michaelkorsbradshaw | 002_2022-03-09T00:30:24 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 30 | 24 | 12:30:24 |
Ny1VELjeF0/005_2023-08-17T13:34:29.342983_fossilq | Ny1VELjeF0 | fossilq | 005_2023-08-17T13:34:29 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 34 | 29 | 1:34:29 |
AH6MqAYjoN/002_2022-08-07T12:45:30.904627_katespadescallop | AH6MqAYjoN | katespadescallop | 002_2022-08-07T12:45:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 45 | 30 | 12:45:30 |
01jVSUrUF7/003_2020-04-07T00:50:07.935017_galaxywatch4green | 01jVSUrUF7 | galaxywatch4green | 003_2020-04-07T00:50:07 | With AM/PM | true | 0 | 50 | 7 | 12:50:07 AM |
rxI31kT8sR/003_2020-05-26T17:08:37.651595_zenwatch2 | rxI31kT8sR | zenwatch2 | 003_2020-05-26T17:08:37 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 8 | 37 | 5:08:37 |
6l3JDGL4qD/004_2023-03-27T07:08:31.077495_misfitvapor | 6l3JDGL4qD | misfitvapor | 004_2023-03-27T07:08:31 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
bfjW4U7K5A/006_2020-09-02T16:11:04.642548_moto360sport | bfjW4U7K5A | moto360sport | 006_2020-09-02T16:11:04 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 11 | 4 | 4:11:04 |