140 values
140 values
Show the names of countries that have more than one roller coaster.
roller_coaster : roller_coaster_id (number) , name (text) , park (text) , country_id (number) , length (number) , height (number) , speed (text) , opened (text) , status (text) | country : country_id (number) , name (text) , population (number) , area (number) , languages (text)
roller_coaster : name (text) , country_id (number) , roller_coaster_id (number) | country : name (text) , country_id (number)
Show the name and population of the country that has the highest roller coaster.
roller_coaster : roller_coaster_id (number) , name (text) , park (text) , country_id (number) , length (number) , height (number) , speed (text) , opened (text) , status (text) | country : country_id (number) , name (text) , population (number) , area (number) , languages (text)
roller_coaster : name (text) , country_id (number) , height (number) | country : name (text) , population (number) , country_id (number)
Show the names of countries and the average speed of roller coasters from each country.
roller_coaster : roller_coaster_id (number) , name (text) , park (text) , country_id (number) , length (number) , height (number) , speed (text) , opened (text) , status (text) | country : country_id (number) , name (text) , population (number) , area (number) , languages (text)
roller_coaster : name (text) , speed (text) , country_id (number) | country : name (text) , country_id (number)
How many countries do not have an roller coaster longer than 3000?
roller_coaster : roller_coaster_id (number) , name (text) , park (text) , country_id (number) , length (number) , height (number) , speed (text) , opened (text) , status (text) | country : country_id (number) , name (text) , population (number) , area (number) , languages (text)
roller_coaster : country_id (number) , length (number) , roller_coaster_id (number) | country : country_id (number)
What are the country names, area and population which has both roller coasters with speed higher
roller_coaster : roller_coaster_id (number) , name (text) , park (text) , country_id (number) , length (number) , height (number) , speed (text) , opened (text) , status (text) | country : country_id (number) , name (text) , population (number) , area (number) , languages (text)
roller_coaster : name (text) , country_id (number) , speed (text) | country : name (text) , area (number) , population (number) , country_id (number)
How many different captain ranks are there?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text)
Count the number of different ranks of captain.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text)
How many captains are in each rank?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , captain_id (number)
Count the number of captains that have each rank.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , captain_id (number)
How many captains with younger than 50 are in each rank?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , age (text) , captain_id (number)
Count the number of captains younger than 50 of each rank.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , age (text) , captain_id (number)
Sort all captain names by their ages from old to young.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , age (text)
What are the names of captains, sorted by age descending?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , age (text)
Find the name, class and rank of all captains.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , class (text) , rank (text)
What are the names, classes, and ranks of all captains?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , class (text) , rank (text)
Which rank is the most common among captains?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , captain_id (number)
Return the rank for which there are the fewest captains.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , captain_id (number)
Which classes have more than two captains?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : class (text) , captain_id (number)
Give the classes that have more than two captains.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : class (text) , captain_id (number)
Find the name of captains whose rank are either Midshipman or Lieutenant.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , rank (text)
What are the names of captains that have either the rank Midshipman or Lieutenant?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , rank (text)
What are the average and minimum age of captains in different class?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : age (text) , class (text)
Return the average and minimum age of captains in each class.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : age (text) , class (text)
Find the captain rank that has some captains in both Cutter and Armed schooner classes.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , class (text)
What are the ranks of captains that are both in the Cutter and Armed schooner classes?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , class (text)
Find the captain rank that has no captain in Third-rate ship of the line class.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , class (text)
What are the ranks of captains that have no captain that are in the Third-rate ship of the line class?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : rank (text) , class (text)
What is the name of the youngest captain?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , age (text)
Return the name of the youngest captain.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , age (text)
how many ships are there?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : ship_id (number)
Count the number of ships.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : ship_id (number)
Find the name, type, and flag of the ship that is built in the most recent year.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : name (text) , type (text) , flag (text) , built_year (number)
What is the name, type, and flag of the ship that was built in the most recent year?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : name (text) , type (text) , flag (text) , built_year (number)
Group by ships by flag, and return number of ships that have each flag.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : flag (text) , ship_id (number)
What are the different ship flags, and how many ships have each?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : flag (text) , ship_id (number)
Which flag is most widely used among all ships?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : flag (text) , ship_id (number)
Return the flag that is most common among all ships.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : flag (text) , ship_id (number)
List all ship names in the order of built year and class.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : name (text) , built_year (number) , class (text)
What are the names of ships, ordered by year they were built and their class?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : name (text) , built_year (number) , class (text)
Find the ship type that are used by both ships with Panama and Malta flags.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : type (text) , flag (text)
What types of ships have both ships that have Panama Flags and Malta flags?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : type (text) , flag (text)
In which year were most of ships built?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : built_year (number) , ship_id (number)
What is the year in which most ships were built?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
ship : built_year (number) , ship_id (number)
Find the name of the ships that have more than one captain.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , captain_id (number) | ship : name (text) , ship_id (number)
What are the names of ships that have more than one captain?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , captain_id (number) | ship : name (text) , ship_id (number)
what are the names and classes of the ships that do not have any captain yet?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , class (text) , ship_id (number) | ship : name (text) , class (text) , ship_id (number)
Return the names and classes of ships that do not have a captain?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , class (text) , ship_id (number) | ship : name (text) , class (text) , ship_id (number)
Find the name of the ship that is steered by the youngest captain.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) | ship : name (text) , ship_id (number)
What is the name of the ship that is commanded by the youngest captain?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) | ship : name (text) , ship_id (number)
Find the name and flag of ships that are not steered by any captain with Midshipman rank.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , rank (text) | ship : name (text) , flag (text) , ship_id (number)
What are the names and flags of ships that do not have a captain with the rank of Midshipman?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , rank (text) | ship : name (text) , flag (text) , ship_id (number)
Find the name of the ships that are steered by both a captain with Midshipman rank and a captain with Lieutenant rank.
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , rank (text) | ship : name (text) , ship_id (number)
What are the names of ships that are commanded by both captains with the rank of Midshipman and captains with the rank of Lieutenant?
captain : captain_id (number) , name (text) , ship_id (number) , age (text) , class (text) , rank (text) | ship : ship_id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , built_year (number) , class (text) , flag (text)
captain : name (text) , ship_id (number) , rank (text) | ship : name (text) , ship_id (number)
What is id of the city that hosted events in the most recent year?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
Find the city that hosted some events in the most recent year. What is the id of this city?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
Find the match ids of the cities that hosted competition "1994 FIFA World Cup qualification"?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : match_id (number) , competition (text)
What is the match id of the competition called "1994 FIFA World Cup qualification"?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : match_id (number) , competition (text)
Find the cities which were once a host city after 2010?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
Which cities served as a host city after 2010?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
Which city has hosted the most events?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
Find the city that hosted the most events.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
What is the venue of the competition "1994 FIFA World Cup qualification" hosted by "Nanjing ( Jiangsu )"?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : venue (text) , match_id (number) , competition (text) | city : city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , match_id (number)
Find the venue of the competition "1994 FIFA World Cup qualification" which was hosted by "Nanjing ( Jiangsu )".
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : venue (text) , match_id (number) , competition (text) | city : city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , match_id (number)
Give me the temperature of Shanghai in January.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
temperature : jan (number) , city_id (number) | city : city (text) , city_id (number)
What is the temperature of "Shanghai" city in January?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
temperature : jan (number) , city_id (number) | city : city (text) , city_id (number)
What is the host year of city "Taizhou ( Zhejiang )"?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
hosting_city : year (number) , host_city (text) | city : city (text) , city_id (number)
IN which year did city "Taizhou ( Zhejiang )" serve as a host city?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
hosting_city : year (number) , host_city (text) | city : city (text) , city_id (number)
Which three cities have the largest regional population?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , regional_population (number)
What are the three largest cities in terms of regional population?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , regional_population (number)
Which city has the lowest GDP? Please list the city name and its GDP.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , gdp (number)
What is the city with the smallest GDP? Return the city and its GDP.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , gdp (number)
Which city has the highest temperature in February?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , feb (number)
In February, which city marks the highest temperature?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , feb (number)
Give me a list of cities whose temperature in March is lower than that in July or higher than that in Oct?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , mar (number) , jul (number) , oct (number)
Which cities' temperature in March is lower than that in July or higher than that in Oct?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , mar (number) , jul (number) , oct (number)
Give me a list of cities whose temperature in Mar is lower than that in July and which have also served as host cities?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , mar (number) , jul (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text)
Which cities have lower temperature in March than in July and have been once host cities?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , mar (number) , jul (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text)
Give me a list of cities whose temperature in Mar is lower than that in Dec and which have never been host cities.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , mar (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text)
Which cities have lower temperature in March than in Dec and have never served as host cities?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , mar (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text)
Give me a list of cities whose temperature in Feb is higher than that in Jun or cities that were once host cities?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , feb (number) , jun (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text)
Which cities have higher temperature in Feb than in Jun or have once served as host cities?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , city_id (number) | temperature : city_id (number) , feb (number) , jun (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text)
Please give me a list of cities whose regional population is over 10000000.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , regional_population (number)
Which cities have regional population above 10000000?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , regional_population (number)
Please give me a list of cities whose regional population is over 8000000 or under 5000000.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , regional_population (number)
Which cities have regional population above 8000000 or below 5000000?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : city (text) , regional_population (number)
Find the number of matches in different competitions.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : competition (text) , match_id (number)
For each competition, count the number of matches.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : competition (text) , match_id (number)
List venues of all matches in the order of their dates starting from the most recent one.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : venue (text) , date (text)
What are the venues of all the matches? Sort them in the descending order of match date.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
match : venue (text) , date (text)
what is the GDP of the city with the largest population.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : gdp (number) , city (text) , regional_population (number)
Find the GDP of the city with the largest regional population.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : gdp (number) , city (text) , regional_population (number)
What are the GDP and population of the city that already served as a host more than once?
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : gdp (number) , regional_population (number) , city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
Which cities have served as host cities more than once? Return me their GDP and population.
city : city_id (number) , city (text) , hanzi (text) , hanyu_pinyin (text) , regional_population (number) , gdp (number) | match : match_id (number) , date (text) , venue (text) , score (text) , result (text) , competition (text) | temperature : city_id (number) , jan (number) , feb (number) , mar (number) , apr (number) , jun (number) , jul (number) , aug (number) , sep (number) , oct (number) , nov (number) , dec (number) | hosting_city : year (number) , match_id (number) , host_city (text)
city : gdp (number) , regional_population (number) , city (text) , city_id (number) | hosting_city : host_city (text) , year (number)
List every individual's first name, middle name and last name in alphabetical order by last name.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , individual_last_name (text)
What are the first, middle, and last names of all individuals, ordered by last name?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , individual_last_name (text)
List all the types of forms.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
forms : form_type_code (text)
What are the different types of forms?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
forms : form_type_code (text)
Find the name of the most popular party form.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
forms : form_name (text) , form_id (number) | party_forms : form_id (number) , party_id (number)
What is the name of the party form that is most common?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
forms : form_name (text) , form_id (number) | party_forms : form_id (number) , party_id (number)
Find the payment method and phone of the party with email "enrico09@example.com".
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text)