140 values
140 values
What is the payment method code and party phone of the party with the email 'enrico09@example.com'?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text)
Find the emails of parties with the most popular party form.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : party_email (text) , party_id (number) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number)
What are the party emails associated with parties that used the party form that is the most common?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : party_email (text) , party_id (number) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number)
List all the name of organizations in order of the date formed.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text) , date_formed (time)
What are the names of organizations, ordered by the date they were formed, ascending?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text) , date_formed (time)
Find the name of the youngest organization.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text) , date_formed (time)
What is the name of the organization that was formed most recently?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text) , date_formed (time)
Find the last name of the latest contact individual of the organization "Labour Party".
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_last_name (text) , individual_id (number) | organizations : organization_id (number) , organization_name (text) | organization_contact_individuals : organization_id (number) , individual_id (number) , date_contact_to (time)
What is the last name of the contact individual from the Labour party organization who was contacted most recently?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_last_name (text) , individual_id (number) | organizations : organization_id (number) , organization_name (text) | organization_contact_individuals : organization_id (number) , individual_id (number) , date_contact_to (time)
Find the last name of the first ever contact person of the organization with the highest UK Vat number.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_last_name (text) , individual_id (number) | organizations : organization_id (number) , uk_vat_number (text) | organization_contact_individuals : organization_id (number) , individual_id (number) , date_contact_to (time)
What is the last name of the first individual contacted from the organization with the maximum UK Vat number across all organizations?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_last_name (text) , individual_id (number) | organizations : organization_id (number) , uk_vat_number (text) | organization_contact_individuals : organization_id (number) , individual_id (number) , date_contact_to (time)
How many services are there?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
services : service_id (number)
Count the number of services.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
services : service_id (number)
Find name of the services that has never been used.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
services : service_name (text) , service_id (number) | party_services : service_id (number)
What are the names of the services that have never been used?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
services : service_name (text) , service_id (number) | party_services : service_id (number)
Find the name of all the cities and states.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
addresses : town_city (text) , state_province_county (text)
What are the names of all cities and states?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
addresses : town_city (text) , state_province_county (text)
How many cities are there in state "Colorado"?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
addresses : state_province_county (text) , address_id (number)
Count the number of cities in the state of Colorado.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
addresses : state_province_county (text) , address_id (number)
Find the payment method code used by more than 3 parties.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : payment_method_code (text) , party_id (number)
What are the payment method codes that have been used by more than 3 parties?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : payment_method_code (text) , party_id (number)
Find the name of organizations whose names contain "Party".
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text)
What are the names of organizations that contain the word "Party"?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text)
How many distinct payment methods are used by parties?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : payment_method_code (text)
Count the number of different payment method codes used by parties.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : payment_method_code (text)
Which is the email of the party that has used the services the most number of times?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : party_email (text) , party_id (number) | party_services : customer_id (number)
Return the party email that has used party services the greatest number of times.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
parties : party_email (text) , party_id (number) | party_services : customer_id (number)
Which state can address "6862 Kaitlyn Knolls" possibly be in?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
addresses : state_province_county (text) , line_1_number_building (text)
Give the state corresponding to the line number building "6862 Kaitlyn Knolls".
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
addresses : state_province_county (text) , line_1_number_building (text)
What is the name of organization that has the greatest number of contact individuals?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text) , organization_id (number) | organization_contact_individuals : organization_id (number) , individual_id (number)
Return the name of the organization which has the most contact individuals.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
organizations : organization_name (text) , organization_id (number) | organization_contact_individuals : organization_id (number) , individual_id (number)
Find the last name of the individuals that have been contact individuals of an organization.
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_last_name (text) , individual_id (number) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number)
What are the last names of individuals who have been contact individuals for an organization?
addresses : address_id (number) , line_1_number_building (text) , town_city (text) , zip_postcode (text) , state_province_county (text) , country (text) | services : service_id (number) , service_type_code (text) , service_name (text) , service_descriptio (text) | forms : form_id (number) , form_type_code (text) , service_id (number) , form_number (text) , form_name (text) , form_description (text) | individuals : individual_id (number) , individual_first_name (text) , individual_middle_name (text) , inidividual_phone (text) , individual_email (text) , individual_address (text) , individual_last_name (text) | organizations : organization_id (number) , date_formed (time) , organization_name (text) , uk_vat_number (text) | parties : party_id (number) , payment_method_code (text) , party_phone (text) , party_email (text) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number) , organization_id (number) , date_contact_from (time) , date_contact_to (time) | party_addresses : party_id (number) , address_id (number) , date_address_from (time) , address_type_code (text) , date_address_to (time) | party_forms : party_id (number) , form_id (number) , date_completion_started (time) , form_status_code (text) , date_fully_completed (time) | party_services : booking_id (number) , customer_id (number) , service_id (number) , service_datetime (time) , booking_made_date (time)
individuals : individual_last_name (text) , individual_id (number) | organization_contact_individuals : individual_id (number)
How many drivers are there?
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : driver_id (number)
Show the name, home city, and age for all drivers.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : name (text) , home_city (text) , age (number)
Show the party and the number of drivers in each party.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : party (text) , driver_id (number)
Show the name of drivers in descending order of age.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : name (text) , age (number)
Show all different home cities.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : home_city (text)
Show the home city with the most number of drivers.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : home_city (text) , driver_id (number)
Show the party with drivers from Hartford and drivers older than 40.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number)
Show home city where at least two drivers older than 40 are from.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : home_city (text) , age (number) , driver_id (number)
Show all home cities except for those having a driver older than 40.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : home_city (text) , age (number)
Show the names of the drivers without a school bus.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : name (text) , driver_id (number) | school_bus : driver_id (number)
Show the types of schools that have two schools.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
school : type (text) , school (text) , school_id (number)
Show the school name and driver name for all school buses.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
school : school (text) , school_id (number) | driver : name (text) , driver_id (number) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number)
What is the maximum, minimum and average years spent working on a school bus?
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
school_bus : years_working (number)
Show the school name and type for schools without a school bus.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
school : school (text) , type (text) , school_id (number) | school_bus : school_id (number)
Show the type of school and the number of buses for each type.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
school : type (text) , school (text) , school_id (number) | school_bus : school_id (number)
How many drivers are from Hartford city or younger than 40?
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : home_city (text) , age (number) , driver_id (number)
List names for drivers from Hartford city and younger than 40.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : name (text) , home_city (text) , age (number)
find the name of driver who is driving the school bus with the longest working history.
driver : driver_id (number) , name (text) , party (text) , home_city (text) , age (number) | school : school_id (number) , grade (text) , school (text) , location (text) , type (text) | school_bus : school_id (number) , driver_id (number) , years_working (number) , if_full_time (others)
driver : name (text) , driver_id (number) | school_bus : driver_id (number) , years_working (number)
How many flights have a velocity larger than 200?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
flight : velocity (number) , id (number)
List the vehicle flight number, date and pilot of all the flights, ordered by altitude.
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
flight : vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , altitude (number)
List the id, country, city and name of the airports ordered alphabetically by the name.
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : id (number) , country (text) , city (text) , name (text)
What is maximum group equity shareholding of the companies?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
operate_company : group_equity_shareholding (number)
What is the velocity of the pilot named 'Thompson'?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
flight : velocity (number) , pilot (text)
What are the names and types of the companies that have ever operated a flight?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
operate_company : name (text) , type (text) , id (number) | flight : id (number) , company_id (number)
What are the names of the airports which are not in the country 'Iceland'?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : name (text) , country (text)
What are the distinct types of the companies that have operated any flights with velocity less than 200?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
operate_company : type (text) , id (number) | flight : id (number) , company_id (number) , velocity (number)
What are the ids and names of the companies that operated more than one flight?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
operate_company : id (number) , name (text) | flight : id (number) , company_id (number)
What is the id, name and IATA code of the airport that had most number of flights?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : id (number) , name (text) , iata (text) | flight : id (number) , airport_id (number)
What are the different pilot names who had piloted a flight in the country 'United States' or in the airport named 'Billund Airport'?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
flight : pilot (text) , id (number) , airport_id (number) | airport : id (number) , country (text) , name (text)
What is the most common company type, and how many are there?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
operate_company : type (text) , id (number)
How many airports haven't the pilot 'Thompson' driven an aircraft?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : id (number) | flight : id (number) , airport_id (number) , pilot (text)
List the name of the pilots who have flied for both a company that mainly provide 'Cargo' services and a company that runs 'Catering services' activities.
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
flight : pilot (text) , id (number) , company_id (number) | operate_company : id (number) , principal_activities (text)
Which of the airport names contains the word 'international'?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : name (text)
How many companies operates airlines in each airport?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : id (number) | operate_company : id (number) | flight : id (number) , company_id (number) , airport_id (number)
how many airports are there in each country?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : country (text) , id (number)
which countries have more than 2 airports?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
airport : country (text) , id (number)
which pilot is in charge of the most number of flights?
airport : id (number) , city (text) , country (text) , iata (text) , icao (text) , name (text) | operate_company : id (number) , name (text) , type (text) , principal_activities (text) , incorporated_in (text) , group_equity_shareholding (number) | flight : id (number) , vehicle_flight_number (text) , date (text) , pilot (text) , velocity (number) , altitude (number) , airport_id (number) , company_id (number)
flight : pilot (text) , id (number)
How many accounts do we have?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
accounts : account_id (number)
Count the number of accounts.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
accounts : account_id (number)
Show all account ids and account details.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
accounts : account_id (number) , account_details (text)
What are the ids and details of all accounts?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
accounts : account_id (number) , account_details (text)
How many statements do we have?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number)
Count the number of statements.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number)
List all statement ids and statement details.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text)
What are the ids and details of all statements?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text)
Show statement id, statement detail, account detail for accounts.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | accounts : statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
What are the statement ids, statement details, and account details, for all accounts?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | accounts : statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
Show all statement id and the number of accounts for each statement.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
accounts : statement_id (number) , account_id (number)
What are the different statement ids on accounts, and the number of accounts for each?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
accounts : statement_id (number) , account_id (number)
Show the statement id and the statement detail for the statement with most number of accounts.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | accounts : statement_id (number) , account_id (number)
What are the statement id and statement detail for the statement that has the most corresponding accounts?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | accounts : statement_id (number) , account_id (number)
Show the number of documents.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_id (number)
Count the number of documents.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_id (number)
List the document type code, document name, and document description for the document with name 'Noel CV' or name 'King Book'.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_type_code (text) , document_name (text) , document_description (text)
What are the type come, name, and description of the document that has either the name 'Noel CV' or 'King Book'?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_type_code (text) , document_name (text) , document_description (text)
Show the ids and names of all documents.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_id (number) , document_name (text)
What are the ids and names for each of the documents?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_id (number) , document_name (text)
Find names and ids of all documents with document type code BK.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_name (text) , document_id (number) , document_type_code (text)
What are the names and ids of documents that have the type code BK?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_name (text) , document_id (number) , document_type_code (text)
How many documents are with document type code BK for each product id?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : project_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , document_id (number)
Count the number of documents with the type code BK that correspond to each product id.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : project_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , document_id (number)
Show the document name and the document date for all documents on project with details 'Graph Database project'.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_name (text) , document_date (time) , project_id (number) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text)
What are the names and dates for documents corresponding to project that has the details 'Graph Database project'?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : document_name (text) , document_date (time) , project_id (number) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text)
Show project ids and the number of documents in each project.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : project_id (number) , document_id (number)
How many documents correspond with each project id?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : project_id (number) , document_id (number)
What is the id of the project with least number of documents?
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : project_id (number) , document_id (number)
Return the id of the project that has the fewest corresponding documents.
ref_document_types : document_type_code (text) , document_type_name (text) , document_type_description (text) | ref_budget_codes : budget_type_code (text) , budget_type_description (text) | projects : project_id (number) , project_details (text) | documents : document_id (number) , document_type_code (text) , project_id (number) , document_date (time) , document_name (text) , document_description (text) , other_details (text) | statements : statement_id (number) , statement_details (text) | documents_with_expenses : document_id (number) , budget_type_code (text) , document_details (text) | accounts : account_id (number) , statement_id (number) , account_details (text)
documents : project_id (number) , document_id (number)