import torch def combined_loss(x, reconstructed_x, mean, log_var, args): """ MSE loss for reconstruction, KLD loss as per VAE. Also want to output dimension (element) wise RCL and KLD """ # First, binary data loss1 = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(size_average=False) loss1_per_element = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss( size_average=False, reduce=False ) binary_range = args.binary_real_one_hot_parameters['binary_range'] reconstructed_x1 = reconstructed_x[:, binary_range[0]: binary_range[1]] x1 = x[:, binary_range[0]: binary_range[1]] RCL1 = loss1(reconstructed_x1, x1) RCL1_per_element = loss1_per_element(reconstructed_x1, x1) # Next, real data loss2 = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=False) loss2_per_element = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=False, reduce=False) real_range = args.binary_real_one_hot_parameters['real_range'] reconstructed_x2 = reconstructed_x[:, real_range[0]: real_range[1]] x2 = x[:, real_range[0]: real_range[1]] RCL2 = loss2(reconstructed_x2, x2) RCL2_per_element = loss2_per_element(reconstructed_x2, x2) # Next, one-hot data loss3 = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(size_average=True) loss3_per_element = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss( size_average=True, reduce=False ) one_hot_range = args.binary_real_one_hot_parameters['one_hot_range'] reconstructed_x3 = reconstructed_x[:, one_hot_range[0]: one_hot_range[1]] x3 = x[:, one_hot_range[0]: one_hot_range[1]] # This has 3 one-hot's. lets split it up x3_1 = x3[:, :19] x3_2 = x3[:, 19:19 + 19] x3_3 = x3[:, 19+19:] reconstructed_x3_1 = reconstructed_x3[:, :19] reconstructed_x3_2 = reconstructed_x3[:, 19:19 + 19] reconstructed_x3_3 = reconstructed_x3[:, 19+19:] _, labels1 = x3_1.max(dim=1) _, labels2 = x3_2.max(dim=1) _, labels3 = x3_3.max(dim=1) # print(labels.size(), reconstructed_x3.size(), x3.size()) RCL3_1 = loss3(reconstructed_x3_1, labels1.long()) RCL3_per_element_1 = loss3_per_element(reconstructed_x3_1, labels1.long()) RCL3_2 = loss3(reconstructed_x3_2, labels2.long()) RCL3_per_element_2 = loss3_per_element(reconstructed_x3_2, labels2.long()) RCL3_3 = loss3(reconstructed_x3_3, labels3.long()) RCL3_per_element_3 = loss3_per_element(reconstructed_x3_3, labels3.long()) KLD = -0.5 * torch.sum(1 + log_var - mean.pow(2) - log_var.exp()) KLD_per_element = -0.5 * (1 + log_var - mean.pow(2) - log_var.exp()) RCL = RCL1 + RCL2 + RCL3_1 + RCL3_2 + RCL3_3 RCL_per_element = ( RCL1_per_element, RCL2_per_element, RCL3_per_element_1.view([-1, 1]), RCL3_per_element_2.view([-1, 1]), RCL3_per_element_3.view([-1, 1]) ), 1 ) return RCL + args.beta_vae*KLD, RCL, KLD, RCL_per_element, KLD_per_element
def isfloat(string: str) -> bool: """ This function receives a string and returns if it is a float or not. :param str string: The string to check. :return: A boolean representing if the string is a float. :rtype: bool """ try: float(string) return True except (ValueError, TypeError): return False
def hook(t): """Calculate the progress from download callbacks (For progress bar)""" def inner(bytes_amount): t.update(bytes_amount) # Update progress bar return inner
import gzip import pickle def load_object(filename): """ Load saved object from file :param filename: The file to load :return: the loaded object """ with gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
def response_map(fetch_map): """Create an expected FETCH response map from the given request map. Most of the keys returned in a FETCH response are unmodified from the request. The exceptions are BODY.PEEK and BODY partial range. A BODY.PEEK request is answered without the .PEEK suffix. A partial range (e.g. BODY[]<0.1000>) has the octet count (1000) removed, since that information is provided in the literal size (and may be different if the data was truncated). """ if not isinstance(fetch_map, dict): fetch_map = dict((v, v) for v in fetch_map) rmap = {} for k, v in fetch_map.items(): for name in ('BODY', 'BINARY'): if k.startswith(name): k = k.replace(name + '.PEEK', name, 1) if k.endswith('>'): k = k.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '>' rmap[k] = v return rmap
import numpy def img_to_vector(img_fn, label=0): """Read the first 32 characters of the first 32 rows of an image file. @return <ndarray>: a 1x(1024+1) numpy array with data and label, while the label is defaults to 0. """ img = "" for line in open(img_fn).readlines()[:32]: img += line[:32] # labels are always attached at the last position itera = [_ for _ in img + str(label)] return numpy.fromiter(itera, "f4")
import json def from_config(func): """Run a function from a JSON configuration file.""" def decorator(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file_in: config = json.load(file_in) return func(**config) return decorator
def examine_mode(mode): """ Returns a numerical index corresponding to a mode :param str mode: the subset user wishes to examine :return: the numerical index """ if mode == 'test': idx_set = 2 elif mode == 'valid': idx_set = 1 elif mode == 'train': idx_set = 0 else: raise NotImplementedError return idx_set
def add_classification_categories(json_object, classes_file): """ Reads the name of classes from the file *classes_file* and adds them to the JSON object *json_object*. The function assumes that the first line corresponds to output no. 0, i.e. we use 0-based indexing. Modifies json_object in-place. Args: json_object: an object created from a json in the format of the detection API output classes_file: the list of classes that correspond to the output elements of the classifier Return: The modified json_object with classification_categories added. If the field 'classification_categories' already exists, then this function is a no-op. """ if ('classification_categories' not in json_object.keys()) or (len(json_object['classification_categories']) == 0): # Read the name of all classes with open(classes_file, 'rt') as fi: class_names = # remove empty lines class_names = [cn for cn in class_names if cn.strip()] # Create field with name *classification_categories* json_object['classification_categories'] = dict() # Add classes using 0-based indexing for idx, name in enumerate(class_names): json_object['classification_categories']['%i'%idx] = name else: print('WARNING: The input json already contains the list of classification categories.') return json_object
import os def _DevNull(): """On Windows, sometimes the inherited stdin handle from the parent process fails. Workaround this by passing null to stdin to the subprocesses commands. This function can be used to create the null file handler. """ return open(os.devnull, 'r')
def sumdigits(a: int): """Sum of the digits of an integer""" return sum(map(int, str(a)))
def get_hostname(): """Returns the hostname, from /etc/hostname.""" hostname = "" try: with open('/etc/hostname') as f: hostname = if len(hostname) == 0: hostname = "Unknown" except: hostname = "Unknown" return hostname
def is_valid_body(val): """Body must be a dictionary.""" return isinstance(val, dict)
def _vba_to_python_op(op, is_boolean): """ Convert a VBA boolean operator to a Python boolean operator. """ op_map = { "Not" : "not", "And" : "and", "AndAlso" : "and", "Or" : "or", "OrElse" : "or", "Eqv" : "|eq|", "=" : "|eq|", ">" : ">", "<" : "<", ">=" : ">=", "=>" : ">=", "<=" : "<=", "=<" : "<=", "<>" : "|neq|", "is" : "|eq|" } if (not is_boolean): op_map["Not"] = "~" op_map["And"] = "&" op_map["AndAlso"] = "&" op_map["Or"] = "|" op_map["OrElse"] = "|" return op_map[op]
def get_label_number(window): """This method assigns to each label of a window a number.""" mode_list = ["bike", "car", "walk", "bus", "train"] current_label_number = 0 for mode in enumerate(mode_list): if window[1] == mode[1]: current_label_number = mode[0] return current_label_number
import copy import json import os def remap_classes(dataset, class_map): """ Replaces classes of dataset based on a dictionary""" class_new_names = list(set(class_map.values())) class_new_names.sort() # NOTE sort() is a NoneType return method, it sorts the list without outputting new vars class_originals = copy.deepcopy(dataset['categories']) dataset['categories'] = [] # removing all dependencies class_ids_map = {} # map from old id to new id # Check whether the category has background or not, assign index 0. Useful for panoptic segmentation. has_background = False if 'Background' in class_new_names: # Check whether the backgroun category has index zero. if class_new_names.index('Background') != 0: class_new_names.remove('Background') class_new_names.insert(0, 'Background') has_background = True # Catching duplicates - TACO had duplicates for id 4040 and 309. Re-id'd id_ann_all = [] id_ann_repeated = [] for index_old, ann_old in enumerate(dataset['annotations']): if ann_old['id'] in id_ann_all: # if found a duplicate, re-id at the end id_ann_repeated.append(ann_old['id']) ann_old['id'] = len(dataset['annotations'])+len(id_ann_repeated)-1 else: id_ann_all.append(ann_old['id']) print(f'Found {len(id_ann_repeated)} annotations repeated.' f'\nPlease double check input file, annotation id(s) {id_ann_repeated} are duplicated!\n') # Replace categories, iterating through every class name for id_new, class_new_name in enumerate(class_new_names): # Make sure id:0 is reserved for background id_rectified = id_new if not has_background: id_rectified += 1 # Creating new category dictionary, using new category ID and the new class name category = { 'supercategory': '', 'id': id_rectified, # Background has id=0 'name': class_new_name, } dataset['categories'].append(category) # assigning new categories # Map class names for class_original in class_originals: # If the new class exists in the value of the class map dict, create new class id if class_map[class_original['name']] == class_new_name: class_ids_map[class_original['id']] = id_rectified # Update annotations category id tag for ann in dataset['annotations']: ann['category_id'] = class_ids_map[ann['category_id']] # Saving the newly created file as a JSON file num_classes = str(len(class_new_names)) ann_out_path = './data' + '/' + 'ann_'+ 'map_to_' + num_classes +'.json' with open(ann_out_path, 'w+') as f: f.write(json.dumps(dataset)) # return path to new file, for loading somewhere else. return str(os.path.abspath(ann_out_path))
def shave_bd(img, bd): """ Shave border area of spatial views. A common operation in SR. :param img: :param bd: :return: """ return img[bd:-bd, bd:-bd, :]
from typing import Dict from typing import Any def _apply_modifier(s: str, modifier: str, d: Dict[Any, str]) -> str: """ This will search for the ^ signs and replace the next digit or (digits when {} is used) with its/their uppercase representation. :param s: Latex string code :param modifier: Modifier command :param d: Dict to look upon :return: New text with replaced text. """ s = s.replace(modifier, "^") newtext = "" mode_normal, mode_modified, mode_long = range(3) mode = mode_normal for ch in s: if mode == mode_normal and ch == '^': mode = mode_modified continue elif mode == mode_modified and ch == '{': mode = mode_long continue elif mode == mode_modified: newtext += d.get(ch, ch) mode = mode_normal continue elif mode == mode_long and ch == '}': mode = mode_normal continue if mode == mode_normal: newtext += ch else: newtext += d.get(ch, ch) return newtext
def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, iteration, epoch_size, hyp, epoch, epochs): """adjust learning rate, warmup and lr decay :param optimizer: optimizer :param gamma: gamma :param iteration: iteration :param epoch_size: epoch_size :param hyp: hyperparameters :param epoch: epoch :param epochs: the number of epochs :return: lr """ step_index = 0 if epoch < 6: # The first 6 epochs carried out warm up learning_rate = 1e-6 + (hyp['lr0'] - 1e-6) * iteration / (epoch_size * 2) else: if epoch > epochs * 0.5: # At 50% of the epochs, the learning rate decays in Gamma step_index = 1 if epoch > epochs * 0.7: # At 70% of the epochs, the learning rate decays in Gamma^2 step_index = 2 learning_rate = hyp['lr0'] * (0.1 ** (step_index)) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = learning_rate return learning_rate
def generate_dict_entry(key, wordlist): """Generate one entry of the python dictionary""" entry = " '{}': {},\n".format(key, wordlist) return entry
def line(value): """ | Line which can be used to cross with functions like RSI or MACD. | Name: line\_\ **value**\ :param value: Value of the line :type value: float """ def return_function(data): column_name = f'line_{value}' if column_name not in data.columns: data[column_name] = value return data[column_name].copy() return return_function
def _is_hangul_syllable(i): """ Function for determining if a Unicode scalar value i is within the range of Hangul syllables. :param i: Unicode scalar value to lookup :return: Boolean: True if the lookup value is within the range of Hangul syllables, otherwise False. """ if i in range(0xAC00, 0xD7A3 + 1): # Range of Hangul characters as defined in UnicodeData.txt return True return False
def validate_model(model): """ Validate a single data model parameter or a full data model block by recursively calling the 'validate' method on each node working from the leaf nodes up the tree. :param model: part of data model to validate :type model: :graphit:GraphAxis :return: overall successful validation :rtype: :py:bool """ allnodes = model.nodes.keys() leaves = model.leaves(return_nids=True) done = [] def _walk_ancestors(nodes, success=True): parents = [] for node in nodes: node = model.getnodes(node) # Continue only if the node was found and it has a 'validate' method if not node.empty() and hasattr(node, 'validate'): val = node.validate() done.append(node.nid) if not val: return False pnid = node.parent().nid if pnid not in done and pnid in allnodes: parents.append(pnid) if parents: return _walk_ancestors(set(parents), success=success) return success # Recursively walk the tree from leaves up to root. return _walk_ancestors(leaves)
import os def __modules_with_root_module_path(path): """ Returns all modules beneath the root module path. This treats all directories as packages regardless of whether or not they include a """ modules = [] if os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.py' and os.path.basename(path) != '': name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] modules.append(name) elif os.path.isdir(path): pkg_name = os.path.basename(path) modules.append(pkg_name) for ff in os.listdir(path): modules.extend(['.'.join([pkg_name, m]) for m in __modules_with_root_module_path(os.path.join(path, ff))]) return modules
def is_pull_request_merged(pull_request): """Takes a github3.pulls.ShortPullRequest object""" return pull_request.merged_at is not None
def format_data_hex(data): """Convert the bytes array to an hex representation.""" # Bytes are separated by spaces. return ' '.join('%02X' % byte for byte in data)
def sort_dict(original): """Recursively sorts dictionary keys and dictionary values in alphabetical order""" if isinstance(original, dict): res = ( dict() ) # Make a new "ordered" dictionary. No need for Collections in Python 3.7+ for k, v in sorted(original.items()): res[k] = v d = res else: d = original for k in d: if isinstance(d[k], str): continue if isinstance(d[k], list) and len(d[k]) > 1 and isinstance(d[k][0], str): d[k] = sorted(d[k]) if isinstance(d[k], dict): d[k] = sort_dict(d[k]) if isinstance(d[k], list) and len(d[k]) >= 1 and isinstance(d[k][0], dict): for i in range(len(d[k])): d[k][i] = sort_dict(d[k][i]) return d
def train_classifier(classifier, features, labels): """This function must concern itself with training the classifier on the specified data.""" return, labels)
from typing import Dict from typing import List import math def best_broaders(supers_for_all_entities: Dict, per_candidate_links_and_supers: List[Dict], num_best: int = 5, super_counts_field: str = "broader_counts", doprint=False, representativeness_threshold=0.1): """ Returns the best matching super for a candidate class, according to a list of supers for entities in the class and entities in the whole corpus. If comparing to a taxonomy, a super is a broader. @param super_counts_field: @param super_counts: a dictionary that has, for every possible entity, the supers it belongs to @param per_candidate_links_and_supers: a list of dictionaries, one per candidate. Fro each, at least two fields are expected "entities" containing the list of entities, and that given by super_counts_field which is, in turn, a dictionary whose keys are supers and whose values are the number of entities in that candidate having this broad @param num_best: maximum number of best matching supers to be returned @return: for every candidate class, the num_best best matching supers and their log odds ratio """ result = [] global_counts = dict() for ent, bros in supers_for_all_entities.items(): for bro in bros: global_counts[bro] = global_counts.get(bro, 0) + 1 onlytopmost = [] for can in per_candidate_links_and_supers: # For this entity, the following dictionaries have an element for every possible super # Using notation from the paper # T_cc : The number of entities narrower to a candidate which are tagged with NER typeT T_cc = {x: y for x, y in can[super_counts_field].items() if y > representativeness_threshold * len(can["entities"])} if len(T_cc) == 0: T_cc = {x: y for x, y in can[super_counts_field].items()} # T_w : is the number of entities in the wholecorpus tagged with T T_w = {y: global_counts[y] for y in T_cc.keys()} # w : the total number of entities in the whole corpus w = float(len(supers_for_all_entities)) # cc : the total number of entities in this candidate cc = float(len(can["entities"])) # dict of the form super : log_odds log_odds_per_super = {x: math.log((T_cc[x] / cc) / (T_w[x] / w)) for x in T_cc.keys()} logslist = list(log_odds_per_super.items()) logslist.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) logslist.reverse() maxbroads = min(len(logslist), num_best) logodds = [] for bi in range(maxbroads): logodds.append({"candidatesbroader": logslist[bi][0], "loggods": logslist[bi][1]}) can["log_odds"] = logodds if doprint: print("\t\t---", ", ".join([str(x[1]) for x in logslist[:maxbroads]])) if len(logslist) > 0: onlytopmost.append(logslist[0][1]) can["best_match_broader"] = logslist[0][0] else: onlytopmost.append(None) can["best_match_broader"] = None return onlytopmost
import os def _NormalizedSource(source): """Normalize the path. But not if that gets rid of a variable, as this may expand to something larger than one directory. Arguments: source: The path to be normalize.d Returns: The normalized path. """ normalized = os.path.normpath(source) if source.count('$') == normalized.count('$'): source = normalized return source
import re def is_heading(line): """Determine whether a given line is a section header that describes subsequent lines of a report. """ has_cattle ='steer?|hfrs?|calves|cows?|bulls?', line, re.IGNORECASE) has_price ='\$[0-9]+\.[0-9]{2}', line) return bool(has_cattle) and not bool(has_price)
def merge_dicts(dict1, dict2): """ _merge_dicts Merges two dictionaries into one. INPUTS @dict1 [dict]: First dictionary to merge. @dict2 [dict]: Second dictionary to merge. RETURNS @merged [dict]: Merged dictionary """ merged = {**dict1, **dict2} return merged
import itertools def gen_positions(n, n_boulders): """Generates state codes for boulders. Includes empty rows Parameters: n: number of rows/columns n_boulders: number of boulders per row return value: Possible boulder and alien states """ boulder_positions=[]; b_p=[] alien_positions_with_0=["{}1{}".format('0'*(n-i-1),'0'*(i)) for i in range(n)]+['0'*n] if n_boulders==1: return alien_positions_with_0, alien_positions_with_0[0:n] else: positions=[] position_index=list(itertools.combinations(range(n), n_boulders)) for tup in position_index: pos='' for i in range(n): if i in tup: pos+='1' else: pos+='0' positions.append(pos) if '0'*n not in boulder_positions: positions.append('0'*n) return positions, alien_positions_with_0[0:n]
def put_path(components, value): """Recursive function to put value in component""" if len(components) > 1: new = components.pop(0) value = put_path(components, value) else: new = components[0] return {new: value}
def lookup_material_probase(information_extractor, query, num): """Lookup material in Probase""" material_params = { 'instance': query, 'topK': num } result = information_extractor.lookup_probase(material_params) rank = information_extractor.rank_probase_result_material(result) return rank
import traceback import sys def get_error_info(): """Return info about last error.""" msg = "{0}\n{1}".format(str(traceback.format_exc()), str(sys.exc_info())) return msg
import os def append_source_filess(index_filename, source_files, driver): """This appends the paths to different source files to the temporary index file For example SRCSRV: source files --------------------------------------- c:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc15\x86\php-7.2.14-src\ext\pdo_sqlsrv\pdo_dbh.cpp*pdo_sqlsrv/pdo_dbh.cpp c:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc15\x86\php-7.2.14-src\ext\pdo_sqlsrv\pdo_init.cpp*pdo_sqlsrv/pdo_init.cpp ... ... c:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc15\x86\php-7.2.14-src\ext\pdo_sqlsrv\shared\core_stream.cpp*shared/core_stream.cpp c:\php-sdk\phpdev\vc15\x86\php-7.2.14-src\ext\pdo_sqlsrv\shared\core_util.cpp*shared/core_util.cpp SRCSRV: end ------------------------------------------------ """ failed = False with open(index_filename, 'a') as idx_file: idx_file.write('SRCSRV: source files ---------------------------------------' + os.linesep) with open(source_files, 'r') as src_file: for line in src_file: pos = line.find('shared') if (pos > 0): # it's a nested folder, so it must be positive relative_path = line[pos:] src_line = line[:-1] + '*' + relative_path.replace('\\', '/') else: # not a file in the shared folder pos = line.find(driver) if (pos <= 0): print('ERROR: Expected to find', driver, 'in', line) failed = True break else: relative_path = line[pos:] src_line = line[:-1] + '*' + relative_path.replace('\\', '/') idx_file.write(src_line) idx_file.write('SRCSRV: end ------------------------------------------------' + os.linesep) return failed
def an(pos=5): """ Alineamiento del texto. @pos: 1: Abajo izquierda 2: Abajo centro 3: Abajo derecha 4: Mitad derecha 5: Mitad centro 6: Mitad derecha 7: Arriba izquierda 8: Arriba centro 9: Arriba derecha """ apos = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] if pos not in apos: raise ValueError('\n\nan(pos):\n<pos> solo acepta los ' 'sigientes valores: ' + str(apos)) else: return '\\an{:d}'.format(pos)
import logging def create_logger(logfile=r"/tmp/tomoproc.log"): """Default logger for exception tracking""" logger = logging.getLogger("tomoproc_logger") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # create the logging file handler fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile) fh.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) ) # add handler to logger object logger.addHandler(fh) return logger
import torch def masks_empty(sample, mask_names): """ Tests whether a sample has any non-masked values """ return any(not torch.any(sample[name] != 0) for name in mask_names)
def listSplit(aList, n): """将一个列表以n个元素为一个单元进行均分,返回嵌套列表""" return [aList[i:i+n] for i in range(0,len(aList),n)]
def _add_left_zeros(number, iteration_digits): """Add zeros to the left side of the experiment run number. Zeros will be added according to missing spaces until iterations_digits are reached. """ number = str(number) return f'{"0" * (iteration_digits - len(number))}{number}'
def default_data_to_device( input, target=None, device: str = "cuda", non_blocking: bool = True ): """Sends data output from a PyTorch Dataloader to the device.""" input =, non_blocking=non_blocking) if target is not None: target =, non_blocking=non_blocking) return input, target
def vec_add(iter_a, iter_b): """element wise addition""" if len(iter_a) != len(iter_b): raise ValueError return (a + b for a, b in zip(iter_a, iter_b))
def get_info(obj): """ get info from account obj :type obj: account object :param obj: the object of account :return: dict of account info """ if obj: return dict(db_instance_id=obj.dbinstance_id, account_name=obj.account_name, account_status=obj.account_status, account_type=obj.account_type, account_description=obj.account_description, database_privileges=obj.database_privileges) return {}
import collections import random def random_sample_with_weight_and_cost(population, weights, costs, cost_limit): """ Like random_sample_with_weight but with the addition of a cost and limit. While performing random samples (with priority for higher weight) we'll keep track of cost If cost exceeds the cost limit, we stop selecting Basically the knapsack problem, but with deliberately random selection rather than dynamic optimization """ population_weights = {request: weight for (request, weight) in zip(population, weights)} population_costs = {request: cost for (request, cost) in zip(population, costs)} selected = [] not_selected = [] cost = 0 # Create a Counter from the population, assigning count by weight counter = collections.Counter(population_weights) while counter: # Turn the Counter into a list for random selection from # The list will have n repetitions of an element with weight n choice = random.choice(list(counter.elements())) choice_cost = population_costs[choice] # If the cost would cause us to exceed our limit it shouldn't be selected if cost + choice_cost > cost_limit: not_selected.append(choice) else: cost += choice_cost selected.append(choice) # When chosen (whether selected or not), remove the element from the population # Effectively removes all repetitions of the element counter.pop(choice) return selected, not_selected
def _client_row_class(client: dict) -> str: """ Set the row class depending on what's in the client record. """ required_cols = ['trust_balance', 'refresh_trigger'] for col in required_cols: if col not in client: return 'dark' try: if client['trust_balance'] > client['refresh_trigger']: return 'success' except TypeError: return 'dark' return 'danger'
from typing import Iterable from typing import List def flatten(l: Iterable) -> List: """Return a list of all non-list items in l :param l: list to be flattened :return: """ rval = [] for e in l: if not isinstance(e, str) and isinstance(e, Iterable): if len(list(e)): rval += flatten(e) else: rval.append(e) return rval
def create_vector_clock(node_id, timeout): """This method builds the initial vector clock for a new key. Parameters ---------- node_id : int the id of one node in the cluster timeout : int the expire timeout of the key Returns ------- dict the vector clock as dictonary """ if node_id is not None and timeout is not None: return { "versions": [{"nodeId": node_id, "version": 1}], "timestamp": timeout } else: raise ValueError("You must gave the node id and the timeout.")
def stellar_radius(M, logg): """Calculate stellar radius given mass and logg""" if not isinstance(M, (int, float)): raise TypeError('Mass must be int or float. {} type given'.format(type(M))) if not isinstance(logg, (int, float)): raise TypeError('logg must be int or float. {} type given'.format(type(logg))) if M < 0: raise ValueError('Only positive stellar masses allowed.') M = float(M) return M/(10**(logg-4.44))
def set_plus_row(sets, row): """Update each set in list with values in row.""" for i in range(len(sets)): sets[i].add(row[i]) return sets
from typing import List from typing import Union def bytes_to_string( bytes_to_convert: List[int], strip_null: bool = False ) -> Union[str, None]: """ Litteral bytes to string :param bytes_to_convert: list of bytes in integer format :return: resulting string """ try: value = "".join(chr(i) for i in bytes_to_convert) if strip_null: return value.strip("\x00") return value # AttributeError when None object has no strip attribute except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError): return None
import math def gauss_distribution(x, mu, sigma): """ Calculate value of gauss (normal) distribution Parameters ---------- x : float Input argument mu : Mean of distribution sigma : Standard deviation Returns ------- float Probability, values from range [0-1] """ return 1 / (2 * math.sqrt(math.pi) * sigma) * math.exp(-(1 / 2) * ((x - mu) / sigma) ** 2)
def manhatten(type_profile, song_profile): """ Calculate the Manhatten distance between the profile of specific output_colums value (e.g. specific composer) and the profile of a song """ # Sort profiles by frequency type_profile = type_profile.most_common() song_profile = song_profile.most_common() flat_type_profile = [ngram for (ngram, freq) in type_profile] flat_song_profile = [ngram for (ngram, freq) in song_profile] manhatten = 0 for i in range(len(flat_song_profile)): ngram = flat_song_profile[i] if ngram in flat_type_profile: manhatten += abs(flat_type_profile.index(ngram) - i) else: manhatten += abs(len(flat_type_profile) - i) return manhatten
def _mark_untranslated_strings(translation_dict): """Marks all untranslated keys as untranslated by surrounding them with lte and gte symbols. This function modifies the translation dictionary passed into it in-place and then returns it. """ # This was a requirement when burton was written, but may be an unwanted # side effect for other projects that adopt burton. We should replace it # with something more flexible. for key in translation_dict: if key is not None and translation_dict[key] is None: translation_dict[key] = u"\u2264" + key + u"\u2265" return translation_dict
from typing import Dict def serialize(name: str, engine: str) -> Dict: """Get dictionary serialization for a dataset locator. Parameters ---------- name: string Unique dataset name. engine: string Unique identifier of the database engine (API). Returns ------- dict """ return {'name': name, 'database': engine}
def support_acctgroup_acctproject(version): """ Whether this Lustre version supports acctgroup and acctproject """ if version.lv_name == "es2": return False return True
from typing import AnyStr import unicodedata def normalize_nfc(txt: AnyStr) -> bytes: """ Normalize message to NFC and return bytes suitable for protobuf. This seems to be bitcoin-qt standard of doing things. """ str_txt = txt.decode() if isinstance(txt, bytes) else txt return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", str_txt).encode()
def set_or_none(list_l): """Function to avoid list->set transformation to return set={None}.""" if list_l == [None]: res = None else: res = set(list_l) return res
import re def case_mismatch(vm_type, param): """Return True if vm_type matches a portion of param in a case insensitive search, but does not equal that portion; return False otherwise. The "portions" of param are delimited by "_". """ re_portion = re.compile( "(^(%(x)s)_)|(_(%(x)s)_)|(_(%(x)s)$)" % dict(x=vm_type), re.IGNORECASE ) found = if found: param_vm_type = [x for x in found.groups()[1::2] if x][0] return param_vm_type != vm_type else: return False
import math def perm(x, y=None): """Return the number of ways to choose k items from n items without repetition and with order.""" if not isinstance(x, int) or (not isinstance(y, int) and y is not None): raise ValueError(f"Expected integers. Received [{type(x)}] {x} and [{type(y)}] {y}") return math.perm(x, y)
def _padwithzeros(vector, pad_width, iaxis, kwargs): """Pad with zeros""" vector[: pad_width[0]] = 0 vector[-pad_width[1] :] = 0 return vector
from collections import deque from typing import Iterable from typing import Deque def array_shift(data: Iterable, shift: int) -> Deque: """ left(-) or right(+) shift of array >>> arr = range(10) >>> array_shift(arr, -3) deque([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2]) >>> array_shift(arr, 3) deque([7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) """ deq = deque(data) deq.rotate(shift) return deq
import math def parents(level, idx): """ Return all the (grand-)parents of the Healpix pixel idx at level (in nested format) :param level: Resolution level :param idx: Pixel index :return: All the parents of the pixel """ assert idx < 12 * 2 ** (2 * level) plpairs = [] for ind in range(level, 0, -1): idx = int(math.floor(idx / 4)) plpairs.append(tuple((ind - 1, idx))) level -= 1 return plpairs[::-1]
def compare_data_identifiers(a, b): """Checks if all the identifiers match, besides those that are not in both lists""" a = {tuple(key): value for key, value in a} b = {tuple(key): value for key, value in b} matching_keys = a.keys() & b.keys() a = {k: v for k, v in a.items() if k in matching_keys} b = {k: v for k, v in b.items() if k in matching_keys} return a == b
def canonical_order(match): """ It does not make sense to define a separate bond between atoms 1 and 2, and between atoms 2 and 1. This function will swap the atoms in the bond if the first atom > second atom. """ # match[0][0:2] contains the ID numbers for the 2 atoms in the match atom0 = match[0][0] atom1 = match[0][1] # match[1][0:1] contains the ID numbers for the 1 bond bond0 = match[1][0] if atom0 < atom1: # return ((atom0, atom1), (bond0)) same thing as: return match else: return ((atom1, atom0), (bond0))
from typing import List from pathlib import Path def files_filter_ext(files: List[Path], ext: str) -> List[Path]: """Filter files from a list matching a extension. Args: files: List of files. ext: Extension to filter. Returns: List of files that have the extension. """ return [f for f in files if f.suffix == ext]
import os def input_files_exist(paths): """Ensure all the input files actually exist. Args: paths (list): List of paths. Returns: bool: True if they all exist, False otherwise. """ for path in paths: if not os.path.isfile(path): return False return True
import requests def get_qid_for_title(title): """ Gets the best Wikidata candidate from the title of the paper. """ api_call = f"{title}&language=en&format=json" api_result = requests.get(api_call).json() if api_result["success"] == 1: return(api_result["search"][0]["id"])
def get_ind_sphere(mesh, ind_active, origin, radius): """Retreives the indices of a sphere object coordintes in a mesh.""" return ( (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 0] <= origin[0] + radius) & (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 0] >= origin[0] - radius) & (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 1] <= origin[1] + radius) & (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 1] >= origin[1] - radius) & (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 2] <= origin[2] + radius) & (mesh.gridCC[ind_active, 2] >= origin[2] - radius) )
def tidy_output(differences): """Format the output given by other functions properly.""" out = [] if differences: out.append("--ACLS--") out.append("User Path Port Protocol") for item in differences: #if item[2] != None: #En algunos casos salían procesos con puerto None out.append("%s %s %s %s" % item) # En item queda un elemento que es el protocolo # no se usa en la salida normal return out
import os def find_files(top, exts): """Return a list of file paths with one of the given extensions. Args: top (str): The top level directory to search in. exts (tuple): a tuple of extensions to search for. Returns: a list of matching file paths. """ return [os.path.join(dirpath, name) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top) for name in filenames if name.endswith(exts)]
def add_hp_label(merged_annotations_column, label_type): """Adds prefix to annotation labels that identify the annotation as belonging to the provided label_type (e.g. 'h@' for host proteins). Parameters ---------- merged_annotations_column : array-like (pandas Series)) An array containing sets of annotations that need to be labeled. e.g. 0 {GO:0010008, GO:0070062, IPR036865, GO:0048471... 1 {GO:0006351, GO:0070062, GO:0007623, GO:004851... 2 {GO:0019888, GO:0006470, GO:0001754, GO:009024... label_type : str The prefix to be appended (without the "@" separator). Returns ------- labeled_annotations : array-like (pandas Series) A new pandas Series where all annotations have received a prefix. """ labeled_annotations = lambda x: set([label_type + '@' + i for i in x])) return labeled_annotations
def return_union_close(): """union of statements, close statement""" return " return __result"
def get_val(tup): """Get the value from an index-value pair""" return tup[1]
import os import subprocess def repoinit(testconfig, profiler=None): """Determines revision and sets up the repo. If given the profiler optional argument, wil init the profiler repo instead of the default one.""" revision = '' #Update the repo if profiler == "gnu-profiler": if testconfig.repo_prof is not None: os.chdir(testconfig.repo_prof) else: raise ValueError('Profiling repo is not defined') elif profiler == "google-profiler": if testconfig.repo_gprof is not None: os.chdir(testconfig.repo_gprof) else: raise ValueError('Profiling repo is not defined') else: os.chdir(testconfig.repo) #Checkout specific branch, else maintain main branch if testconfig.branch != 'master':['git', 'checkout', testconfig.branch]) rev, _ = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],\ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() revision = str(rev).replace("\\n'", '').replace("b'", '') else:['git checkout master'], shell=True) #Check a specific revision. Else checkout master. if testconfig.revision:['git', 'checkout', testconfig.revision]) revision = testconfig.revision elif testconfig.branch == 'master':['git pull'], shell=True) rev, _ = subprocess.Popen(['git rev-parse HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,\ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate() revision = str(rev).replace("\\n'", '').replace("b'", '') return revision
import argparse def parse_args(): """Parse input arguments Return: parsed arguments struncture """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='type') subparsers.required = True parser_file = subparsers.add_parser('file') parser_file.add_argument( "-i", "--input", help="Input file name.", required=True) parser_file.add_argument( "-d", "--database", help="Token database.", required=True) parser_file.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="Output file name.", required=True) parser_file = subparsers.add_parser('serial') parser_file.add_argument( "-i", "--input", help="Input serial port name.", required=True) parser_file.add_argument( "-d", "--database", help="Token database.", required=True) parser_file.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="Output file name. Write to stdout and to file.") return parser.parse_args()
import re from typing import OrderedDict def read_avg_residuemap(infile): """ Read sequence definition from PSN avg file, returning sequence Map :param infile: File handle pointing to WORDOM avgpsn output file :return: Returns an object mapping the .pdb residues to WORDOM id's from "Seq" section of the avgpsn-file """ m_start = re.compile("^\*\*\* Seq \*\*\*") m_end = re.compile("^============") m_entry = re.compile("^\s*\d+\s+.:.\d+\s+\d+\.\d+\s*$") residuemap = OrderedDict() reading = False for line in infile: if reading: # Stop reading if end of interaction strength section if break else: if [num, resname, normfact] = line.split() residuemap[resname] = int(num) # Start reading when header found elif reading = True return residuemap
import re def check_playlist_url(playlist_url): """Check if a playlist URL is well-formated. Parameters ---------- playlist_url : str URL to a YouTube playlist. Returns ------- str If the URL is well-formated, return the playlist ID. Else return `None`. """ match = re.match( r"https?://www\.youtube\.com/playlist\?list=(.+)", playlist_url.strip() ) if match is None: raise ValueError("Incorrect URL: %s" % playlist_url) return
def f(t, T): """ returns -1, 0, or 1 based on relationship between t and T throws IndexError """ if(t > 0 and t < float(T/2)): return 1 elif(t == float(T/2)): return 0 elif(t > float(T/2) and t < T): return -1 raise IndexError("Out of function domain")
def maxsubarray(list): """ Find a maximum subarray following this idea: Knowing a maximum subarray of list[0..j] find a maximum subarray of list[0..j+1] which is either (I) the maximum subarray of list[0..j] (II) or is a maximum subarray list[i..j+1] for some 0 <= i <= j We can determine (II) in constant time by keeping a max subarray ending at the current j. This is done in the first if of the loop, where the max subarray ending at j is max(previousSumUntilJ + array[j], array[j]) This works because if array[j] + sum so far is less than array[j] then the sum of the subarray so far is negative (and less than array[j] in case it is also negative) so it has a bad impact on the subarray until J sum and we can safely discard it and start anew from array[j] Complexity (n = length of list) Time complexity: O(n) Space complexity: O(1) """ if len(list) == 0: return (-1, -1, 0) # keep the max sum of subarray ending in position j maxSumJ = list[0] # keep the starting index of the maxSumJ maxSumJStart = 0 # keep the sum of the maximum subarray found so far maxSum = list[0] # keep the starting index of the current max subarray found maxStart = 0 # keep the ending index of the current max subarray found maxEnd = 0 for j in range(1, len(list)): if maxSumJ + list[j] >= list[j]: maxSumJ = maxSumJ + list[j] else: maxSumJ = list[j] maxSumJStart = j if maxSum < maxSumJ: maxSum = maxSumJ maxStart = maxSumJStart maxEnd = j return (maxSum, maxStart, maxEnd)
def sort_cipher_suites(cipher_suites, ordering): """Sorts the given list of CipherSuite instances in a specific order.""" if ordering == 'asc': return cipher_suites.order_by('name') elif ordering == 'desc': return cipher_suites.order_by('-name') else: return cipher_suites
import torch def reward(static, tour_indices): """ Euclidean distance between all cities / nodes given by tour_indices """ # Convert the indices back into a tour idx = tour_indices.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, static.size(1), -1) tour = torch.gather(, 2, idx).permute(0, 2, 1) # Ensure we're always returning to the depot - note the extra concat # won't add any extra loss, as the euclidean distance between consecutive # points is 0 start =[:, :, 0].unsqueeze(1) y =, tour, start), dim=1) # Euclidean distance between each consecutive point tour_len = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.pow(y[:, :-1] - y[:, 1:], 2), dim=2)) return tour_len.sum(1)
def abc19(): """Solution to exercise C-1.19. Demonstrate how to use Python’s list comprehension syntax to produce the list [ a , b , c , ..., z ], but without having to type all 26 such characters literally. """ a_idx = 97 return [chr(a_idx + x) for x in range(26)]
import os import json def _get_corpora_json_contents(corpora_file): """ Get the contents of corpora.json, or an empty dict """ exists = os.path.isfile(corpora_file) if not exists: print("Corpora file not found at {}!".format(corpora_file)) return dict() with open(corpora_file, "r") as fo: return json.loads(
def moveTo(self, parent): """Move this element to new parent, as last child""" self.getParent().removeChild(self) parent.addChild(self) return self
def is_num_idx(k): """This key corresponds to """ return k.endswith("_x") and (k.startswith("tap_x") or k.startswith("sig"))
def conditional(condition, decorator): """ Decorator for a conditionally applied decorator. Example: @conditional(get_config('use_cache'), ormcache) def fn(): pass """ if condition: return decorator else: return lambda fn: fn
import statistics def variance(data, mu=None): """Compute variance over a list.""" if mu is None: mu = statistics.mean(data) return sum([(x - mu) ** 2 for x in data]) / len(data)
def IMF_N(m,a=.241367,b=.241367,c=.497056): """ returns number of stars with mass m """ # a,b,c = (.241367,.241367,.497056) # a=b=c=1/3.6631098624 if .1 <= m <= .3: res = c*( m**(-1.2) ) elif .3 < m <= 1.: res = b*( m**(-1.8) ) elif 1. < m <= 100.: # res = a*( m**(-1.3)-100**(-1.3) )/1.3 res = a*( m**(-2.3) ) else: res = 0 return res
import random def get_random_tcp_start_pos(): """ reachability area: x = [-0.2; 0.4] y = [-0.28; -0.1] """ z_up = 0.6 tcp_x = round(random.uniform(-0.2, 0.4), 4) tcp_y = round(random.uniform(-0.28, -0.1), 4) start_tcp_pos = (tcp_x, tcp_y, z_up) # start_tcp_pos = (-0.2, -0.28, z_up) return start_tcp_pos
def _to_system(abbreviation): """Converts an abbreviation to a system identifier. Args: abbreviation: a `` Returns: a system identifier """ try: return { 'HP': '' }[abbreviation] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( 'system abbreviation \'%s\' is not supported' % abbreviation)
def find_edges(mesh, key): """ Temp replacement for mesh.findEdges(). This is painfully slow. """ for edge in mesh.edges: v = edge.vertices if key[0] == v[0] and key[1] == v[1]: return edge.index
def _process_create_group(event: dict) -> list: """ Process CreateGroup event. This function doesn't set tags. """ return [event['responseElements']['group']['groupName']]
def egg_translator(cell): """If the cell has the DNA for harboring its offspring inside it, granting it additional food and protection at the risk of the parent cell, it is an egg. Active DNA: x,A,(C/D),x,x,x """ dna = cell.dna.split(',') if dna[1] == 'A' and dna[2] == 'C': return True elif dna[1] == 'A' and dna[2] == 'D': return True else: return False del dna[:]
import random def randbit(): """Returns a random bit.""" return random.randrange(2)
def calc_points(goals, assists): """ Calculate the total traditional and weighted points for all players, grouped by player id. Author: Rasmus Säfvenberg Parameters ---------- goals : pandas.DataFrame A data frame with total goals and weighted assists per player. assists : pandas.DataFrame A data frame with total assists and weighted assists per player. Returns ------- points : pandas.DataFrame A data frame with total points and weighted points per player. """ # Specify columns to keep for merging goals = goals[["PlayerId", "PlayerName", "Position", "Goals", "WeightedGoals"]] assists = assists[["PlayerId", "PlayerName", "Position", "Assists", "WeightedAssists"]] # Combine goals and assists points = goals.merge(assists, on=["PlayerId", "PlayerName", "Position"], how="outer") # Fill missing values with 0 (some players only score goals etc.) points.fillna(0, inplace=True) # Calculate points = goals + assists points["Points"] = points["Goals"] + points["Assists"] # Calculate weighted points = weighted goals + weighted assists points["WeightedPoints"] = points["WeightedGoals"] + points["WeightedAssists"] # Sort by weighted points points.sort_values("WeightedPoints", ascending=False, inplace=True) return points
def rosenbrock_grad(x, y): """Gradient of Rosenbrock function.""" return (-400 * x * (-(x ** 2) + y) + 2 * x - 2, -200 * x ** 2 + 200 * y)
import os import glob def get_patient_dirs(root_dir): """ Function used to get the root director for all patients :param root_dir: root director of all image data :return patient_paths: list of all patient paths, one for each patient """ search_path = os.path.join(root_dir, '[0-1]', '*') patient_paths = glob.glob(search_path) return patient_paths
def digitize(n): """Convert a number to a reversed array of digits.""" l = list(str(n)) n_l = [] for d in l: n_l.append(int(d)) n_l.reverse() return n_l