stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
import contextlib
import socket
def get_available_port() -> int:
"""Finds and returns an available port on the system."""
with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock:
sock.bind(('', 0))
_, port = sock.getsockname()
return int(port) | c86de127fb237662052b8ce010e99d271836e1ef | 708,905 |
def prettyprint_float(val, digits):
"""Print a floating-point value in a nice way."""
format_string = "%." + f"{digits:d}" + "f"
return (format_string % val).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") | ba62671d9cb8061744fbf1e070e76c31d0ba185d | 708,906 |
def dataframe_is_one_query_target_pair(dataframe):
make sure there is only one query sequence and reference sequence in the
given dataframe. Used to check that we aren't aggregating % identity
numbers across bin alignment pairs.
:param dataframe:
num_query_bins = len(dataframe['query bin'].unique())
num_ref_bins = len(dataframe['ref bin'].unique())
if not num_query_bins == 1:
"Dataframe has a mix of {} query bins: {}".format(
num_query_bins, dataframe['query bin'].unique())
if not num_ref_bins == 1:
"Dataframe has a mix of {} reference bins: {}".format(
num_query_bins, dataframe['ref bin'].unique())
if (num_query_bins == 1) & (num_ref_bins == 1):
return True
return False | 8a8aba9f4b2eaaca6971bf5c158d043a033d0ec8 | 708,907 |
def cleanGender(x):
This is a helper funciton that will help cleanup the gender variable.
if x in ['female', 'mostly_female']:
return 'female'
if x in ['male', 'mostly_male']:
return 'male'
if x in ['couple'] :
return 'couple'
return 'unknownGender' | 23d71f2307aa829312f4a1d2a002ae2b55556050 | 708,908 |
import re
def is_doi(identifier: str) -> bool:
"""Validates if identifier is a valid DOI
identifier (str): potential doi string
bool: true if identifier is a valid DOI
doi_patterns = [
for pattern in doi_patterns:
match = bool(re.match(pattern, identifier))
if match:
return True
return False | 5c0bfe0527adbf53e89d302ee05feb80d285db64 | 708,910 |
import importlib
def create_agent(opt):
"""Create an agent from the options model, model_params and model_file.
The input is either of the form "parlai.agents.ir_baseline.agents/IrBaselineAgent"
(i.e. the path followed by the class name) or else just 'IrBaseline' which
assumes the path above, and a class name suffixed with 'Agent'
dir_name = opt['model']
if ':' in dir_name:
s = dir_name.split(':')
module_name = s[0]
class_name = s[1]
module_name = "parlai.agents.%s.agents" % (dir_name)
words = opt['model'].split('_')
class_name = ''
for w in words:
class_name += ( w[0].upper() + w[1:])
class_name += 'Agent'
my_module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
model_class = getattr(my_module, class_name)
return model_class(opt) | 6f5793ee0af7ed677f47c27ba5b94ad6f80ea957 | 708,911 |
def dfa_intersection(dfa_1: dict, dfa_2: dict) -> dict:
""" Returns a DFA accepting the intersection of the DFAs in
Let :math:`A_1 = (Σ, S_1 , s_{01} , ρ_1 , F_1 )` and
:math:`A_2 = (Σ, S_2 , s_{02} , ρ_2 , F_2 )` be two DFAs.
Then there is a DFA :math:`A_∧` that runs simultaneously both
:math:`A_1` and :math:`A_2` on the input word and
accepts when both accept.
It is defined as:
:math:`A_∧ = (Σ, S_1 × S_2 , (s_{01} , s_{02} ), ρ, F_1 × F_2 )`
:math:`ρ((s_1 , s_2 ), a) = (s_{X1} , s_{X2} )` iff
:math:`s_{X1} = ρ_1 (s_1 , a)` and :math:`s_{X2}= ρ_2 (s_2 , a)`
Implementation proposed guarantees the resulting DFA has only
**reachable** states.
:param dict dfa_1: first input DFA;
:param dict dfa_2: second input DFA.
:return: *(dict)* representing the intersected DFA.
intersection = {
'alphabet': dfa_1['alphabet'].intersection(dfa_2['alphabet']),
'states': {(dfa_1['initial_state'], dfa_2['initial_state'])},
'initial_state': (dfa_1['initial_state'], dfa_2['initial_state']),
'accepting_states': set(),
'transitions': dict()
boundary = set()
while boundary:
(state_dfa_1, state_dfa_2) = boundary.pop()
if state_dfa_1 in dfa_1['accepting_states'] \
and state_dfa_2 in dfa_2['accepting_states']:
intersection['accepting_states'].add((state_dfa_1, state_dfa_2))
for a in intersection['alphabet']:
if (state_dfa_1, a) in dfa_1['transitions'] \
and (state_dfa_2, a) in dfa_2['transitions']:
next_state_1 = dfa_1['transitions'][state_dfa_1, a]
next_state_2 = dfa_2['transitions'][state_dfa_2, a]
if (next_state_1, next_state_2) not in intersection['states']:
intersection['states'].add((next_state_1, next_state_2))
boundary.add((next_state_1, next_state_2))
intersection['transitions'][(state_dfa_1, state_dfa_2), a] = \
(next_state_1, next_state_2)
return intersection | ea69f3cda2bd28f5b70d1724ffdd628daf1beffa | 708,912 |
import re
def find_links(text, image_only=False):
Find Markdown links in text and return a match object.
Markdown links are expected to have the form [some txt](A-url.ext)
or ![Alt text](cool-image.png).
text : str
Text in which to search for links.
image_only : bool
If ``True``, find only markdown image links, i.e. those that
begin with an exclamation mark.
List of ``re.Match`` objects, one for each link found. Each object
has two named groups, 'link_text', which contains the the part between
the square brackets, and 'link',which is the URL (or file name for an
if image_only:
markdown_link = \
markdown_link = \
groups = [m for m in markdown_link.finditer(text)]
return groups | 5f96672b48d3d911faf2e398c86f622676263d73 | 708,913 |
def least_one_row(data_frame):
checking at least one row in dataframe
Input: pandas dataframe
Output: True or False
if data_frame:
return True
return False | a72cbd3d504140547233481ec8340a8510e35f52 | 708,914 |
def manhattan_distance(origin, destination):
"""Return the Manhattan distance between the origin and the destination.
@type origin: Location
@type destination: Location
@rtype: int
>>> pt1 = Location(1,2)
>>> pt2 = Location(3,4)
>>> print(manhattan_distance(pt1, pt2))
return (abs(origin.row - destination.row) +
abs(origin.column - destination.column)) | 0bcfd7767e44b0dcc47890dc4bcb2c054abb4bde | 708,915 |
def parse_model_value(value, context):
do interpolation first from context,
"x is {size}" with size = 5 will be interpolated to "x is 5"
then return interpolated string
:param value:
:param context:
return value.format(**context) | 58cee6092bc03debe636ae8fa47878727457d334 | 708,916 |
def L008_eval(segment, raw_stack, **kwargs):
""" This is a slightly odd one, because we'll almost always evaluate from a point a few places
after the problem site """
# We need at least two segments behind us for this to work
if len(raw_stack) < 2:
return True
cm1 = raw_stack[-1]
cm2 = raw_stack[-2]
if == 'comma':
if not in ['whitespace', 'newline']:
# comma followed by something that isn't whitespace!
return cm2
elif cm1.raw not in ['\n', ' '] and not segment.is_comment:
return cm1
return True | 71c42999ffc76bd28a61b640cf85086b0b9e8d69 | 708,917 |
def overwrite_ruffus_args(args, config):
:param args:
:param config:
if config.has_section('Ruffus'):
cmdargs = dict()
cmdargs['draw_horizontally'] = bool
cmdargs['flowchart'] = str
cmdargs['flowchart_format'] = str
cmdargs['forced_tasks'] = lambda x: x.split()
cmdargs['history_file'] = str
cmdargs['jobs'] = int
cmdargs['just_print'] = bool
cmdargs['key_legend_in_graph'] = bool
cmdargs['log_file'] = str
cmdargs['recreate_database'] = bool
cmdargs['target_tasks'] = lambda x: x.split()
cmdargs['touch_files_only'] = bool
cmdargs['use_threads'] = bool
cmdargs['verbose'] = lambda x: x.split()
for k, v in config.items('Ruffus'):
args.__setattr__(k, cmdargs[k](v))
except KeyError:
return args | 6f947c362a37bfdc6df53c861783604999621a88 | 708,918 |
def pot_rho_linear(SP, t, rho0=1025, a=2e-4, b=7e-4, SP0=35, t0=15):
Potential density calculated using a linear equation of state:
SP : array-like
Salinity [g/kg]
t : array-like
Temperature [°C]
rho0 : float, optional
Constant density [kg/m^3]
a : float, optional
Thermal expansion coefficient [1/°C]
b : float, optional
saline expansion coefficient [kg/g]
SP0 : float, optional
Constant salinity [g/kg]
t0 : float, optional
Constant temperature [°C]
pot_rho : ndarray
Potential density [kg/m^3]
return rho0 * (1 - a * (t - t0) + b * (SP - SP0)) | 47dd8248239d2147ff50d1b179d3fc4392c173cb | 708,919 |
def num_zeros_end(num):
Counts the number of zeros at the end
of the number 'num'.
iszero = True
num_zeros = 0
i = len(num)-1
while (iszero == True) and (i != 0):
if num[i] == "0":
num_zeros += 1
elif num[i] != "0":
iszero = False
i -= 1
return num_zeros | f227cce65e26a0684a10755031a4aeff2156015a | 708,920 |
import csv
import numpy
def load_csv(file, shape=None, normalize=False):
Load CSV file.
:param file: CSV file.
:type file: file like object
:param shape : data array is reshape to this shape.
:type shape: tuple of int
:return: numpy array
value_list = []
for row in csv.reader(file):
value_list.append(map(float, row))
if shape is None:
return numpy.array(value_list)
return numpy.array(value_list).reshape(shape) | 07f3b61bbdb6c9937f3cc4b0ae98fdfb7d8de48a | 708,921 |
import sympy
def preprocess(function):
Converts a given function from type str to a Sympy object.
Keyword arguments:
function -- a string type representation of the user's math function
expr = function
while True:
if '^' in expr:
expr = expr[:expr.index('^')] + '**' + expr[expr.index('^')+1:]
expr = sympy.sympify(expr)
return expr | 001bd04d27db2afa4debbe776e5fe3cf1af1476d | 708,922 |
import re
def tot_changes(changes: str) -> int:
"""Add deletions and insertions."""
insertions_pat = re.compile(r"(\d+) insertion")
deletions_pat = re.compile(r"(\d+) deletion")
insertions =
insertions = int( if insertions else 0
deletions =
deletions = int( if deletions else 0
return insertions + deletions | 74742baf63db51b5c59b332f0104008500f330b9 | 708,923 |
import ipaddress
def is_ip_network(network, strict=False):
"""Returns True/False if a string is a valid network."""
network = str(network)
ipaddress.ip_network(network, strict)
return True
except ValueError:
return False | 84206586412b76816fa845a75fc6c121bfdf0989 | 708,924 |
def datatable(module, tag):
"""Mapping for DataTable."""
if tag == "DataTable":
return module, tag | 1eaa06771ecdd99dfa102ec249b23db3999b6fd7 | 708,925 |
def remove_prepending(seq):
Method to remove prepending ASs from AS path.
last_add = None
new_seq = []
for x in seq:
if last_add != x:
last_add = x
is_loopy = False
if len(set(seq)) != len(new_seq):
is_loopy = True
# raise Exception('Routing Loop: {}'.format(seq))
return new_seq, is_loopy | 78bb1554678af0998e15ecf9ed8f4e379ac2e2ad | 708,926 |
import numpy
def _sample_perc_from_list(lst, perc=100, algorithm="cum_rand", random_state=None):
Sample randomly a certain percentage of items from the given
list. The original order of the items is kept.
:param lst: list, shape = (n,), input items
:param perc: scalar, percentage to sample
:param algorithm: string, which algorithm should be used
"random": Decide for each item to be chosen or not. This
algorithm runs in linear time O(n), but
the percentages might not match exactly.
"cum_rand": O(n log(n) + perc)
:return: list
if perc >= 100:
return lst
if perc <= 0:
return []
# Store old random state and set random state
rs_old = numpy.random.get_state()
if algorithm == "random":
lst_sub = [it for it in lst if numpy.random.uniform(high=100) <= perc]
elif algorithm == "cum_rand":
n = len(lst)
n_perc = numpy.round(n * perc / 100.0)
rank_its = numpy.argsort(numpy.random.uniform(size=n))
lst_sub = []
for idx, it in enumerate(lst):
if rank_its[idx] < n_perc:
if len(lst_sub) > n_perc:
raise ValueError("Invalid sampling algorithm: %s." % algorithm)
# Restore old random stat
return lst_sub | 4ec000e9bd8f5e10550040e49018e2a045659397 | 708,927 |
import os
def get_img_full_path(path):
""" Checks if file can be found by path specified in the input. Returns the same as input
if can find, otherwise joins current directory full path with path from input and returns it.
:param path: Relative of full path to the image.
:return: Relative of full path to the image (joined with path to current directory if needed).
if os.path.isfile(path):
return path
directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
new_path = os.path.join(directory, path)
if os.path.isfile(new_path):
return new_path
raise IOError("File not found: " + path) | d549cd09035ebd6213f1b31c1c2eee4e64dcdce8 | 708,928 |
import logging
import sys
import os
def get_logger(filename, logger_name=None):
"""set logging file and format
filename: str, full path of the logger file to write
logger_name: str, the logger name, e.g., 'master_logger', 'local_logger'
logger: python logger
log_format = "%(asctime)s %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO,
format=log_format, datefmt="%m%d %I:%M:%S %p")
# different name is needed when creating multiple logger in one process
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(filename))
return logger | e549cdd7198961662f28390e09480d05f5ad14b4 | 708,929 |
def sao_isomorficas(texto1: str, texto2: str) -> bool:
>>> sao_isomorficas('egg', 'add')
>>> sao_isomorficas('foo', 'bar')
>>> sao_isomorficas('eggs', 'add')
# Algoritmo O(n) em tempo e memória
letras_encontradas = {}
if len(texto1) != len(texto2):
return False
for caractere_1, caractere_2 in zip(texto1, texto2):
letra = letras_encontradas[caractere_1]
except KeyError:
letras_encontradas[caractere_1] = caractere_2
if letra is not caractere_2:
return False
return True | a1f2c00a50b69cb18c32a299d50cbd3a35dcbe5e | 708,930 |
from typing import Dict
import random
def pick_char_from_dict(char: str, dictionary: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
Picks a random format for the givin letter in the dictionary
return random.choice(dictionary[char]) | c593166ef7cb8c960b8c4be8fa0f8a20ec616f00 | 708,931 |
from typing import List
import ctypes
def swig_py_object_2_list_int(object, size : int) -> List[int]:
Converts SwigPyObject to List[float]
y = (ctypes.c_float * size).from_address(int(object))
new_object = []
for i in range(size):
new_object += [int(y[i])]
return new_object | 064a9a1e43884a9f989bec0b31d6d19705764b64 | 708,932 |
import os
import fnmatch
def _get_all_files_in_directory(dir_path, excluded_glob_patterns):
"""Recursively collects all files in directory and
subdirectories of specified path.
dir_path: str. Path to the folder to be linted.
excluded_glob_patterns: set(str). Set of all glob patterns
to be excluded.
a list of files in directory and subdirectories without excluded files.
files_in_directory = []
for _dir, _, files in os.walk(dir_path):
for file_name in files:
filepath = os.path.relpath(
os.path.join(_dir, file_name), os.getcwd())
if not any([fnmatch.fnmatch(filepath, gp) for gp in
return files_in_directory | 42a7f1220fd54b08b83dc9d89beef0c63c9d5cd0 | 708,933 |
def lonlat2px_gt(img, lon, lat, lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max):
Converts a pair of lon and lat to its corresponding pixel value in an
geotiff image file.
img : Image File, e.g. PNG, TIFF
Input image file
lon : float
lat : float
lon_min, lat_min : float
lower left coordinate of geotiff
lon_max, lat_max : float
upper right coordinate of geotiff
Row : float
corresponding pixel value
Col : float
corresponding pixel value
w, h = img.size
londiff = lon_max - lon_min
latdiff = lat_max - lat_min
mw = w / londiff
mh = h / latdiff
row = (-lat + lat_max) * mh
col = (lon - lon_min) * mw
return row, col | 39c1aeb63d38fdac383c510913f50f177d274a04 | 708,934 |
async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry):
"""Set up Jenkins from a config entry."""
hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, "sensor")
return True | c46912d11630c36effc07eed3273e42325c9b2b8 | 708,936 |
def de_dupe_list(input):
"""de-dupe a list, preserving order.
sam_fh = []
for x in input:
if x not in sam_fh:
return sam_fh | bbf1936f21c19195369e41b635bf0f99704b3210 | 708,937 |
def adapter_rest(request, api_module_rest, api_client_rest):
return {
"adapter": request.param,
"api_module": api_module_rest,
"api_client": api_client_rest,
} | 8b96313cb190f6f8a97a853e24a5fcfade291d76 | 708,938 |
import torch
def count_regularization_baos_for_both(z, count_tokens, count_pieces, mask=None):
Compute regularization loss, based on a given rationale sequence
Use Yujia's formulation
z -- torch variable, "binary" rationale, (batch_size, sequence_length)
percentage -- the percentage of words to keep
a loss value that contains two parts:
continuity_loss -- \sum_{i} | z_{i-1} - z_{i} |
sparsity_loss -- |mean(z_{i}) - percent|
# (batch_size,)
if mask is not None:
mask_z = z * mask
seq_lengths = torch.sum(mask, dim=1)
mask_z = z
seq_lengths = torch.sum(z - z + 1.0, dim=1)
mask_z_ =[mask_z[:, 1:], mask_z[:, -1:]], dim=-1)
continuity_ratio = torch.sum(torch.abs(mask_z - mask_z_), dim=-1) / seq_lengths #(batch_size,)
percentage = count_pieces * 2 / seq_lengths
# continuity_loss = F.threshold(continuity_ratio - percentage, 0, 0, False)
continuity_loss = torch.abs(continuity_ratio - percentage)
sparsity_ratio = torch.sum(mask_z, dim=-1) / seq_lengths #(batch_size,)
percentage = count_tokens / seq_lengths #(batch_size,)
# sparsity_loss = F.threshold(sparsity_ratio - percentage, 0, 0, False)
sparsity_loss = torch.abs(sparsity_ratio - percentage)
return continuity_loss, sparsity_loss | 7925c8621866a20f0c6130cd925afffe144e1c7c | 708,939 |
def unsqueeze_samples(x, n):
bn, d = x.shape
x = x.reshape(bn//n, n, d)
return x | 0c7b95e97df07aea72e9c87996782081763664cf | 708,940 |
def get_q_HPU_ave(Q_HPU):
"""1時間平均のヒートポンプユニットの平均暖房出力 (7)
Q_HPU(ndarray): 1時間当たりのヒートポンプユニットの暖房出力 (MJ/h)
ndarray: 1時間平均のヒートポンプユニットの平均暖房出力 (7)
return Q_HPU * 10 ** 6 / 3600 | fdf339d7f8524f69409711d4daefd1e2aaccbc76 | 708,941 |
def prime_list(num):
This function returns a list of prime numbers less than natural number entered.
:param num: natural number
:return result: List of primes less than natural number entered
prime_table = [True for _ in range(num+1)]
i = 2
while i ** 2 <= num:
if prime_table[i]:
j = i + i
while j <= num:
prime_table[j] = False
j += i
i += 1
result = [i for i in range(num) if prime_table[i] and i >= 2]
return result | c8e05aae2a59c229cfafb997469dd8ccacdda0fc | 708,943 |
import ipaddress
def _item_to_python_repr(item, definitions):
"""Converts the given Capirca item into a typed Python object."""
# Capirca comments are just appended to item strings
s = item.split("#")[0].strip()
# A reference to another network
if s in definitions.networks:
return s
# IPv4 address / network
return ipaddress.IPv4Address(s)
except ValueError:
return ipaddress.IPv4Network(s, strict=False)
except ValueError:
# IPv6 address / network
return ipaddress.IPv6Address(s)
except ValueError:
return ipaddress.IPv6Network(s, strict=False)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Unknown how to convert {s}".format(s=s)) | 9881e304e923eb2cea8223224273f4c9ef81696b | 708,944 |
from typing import Callable
import click
def node_args_argument(command: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]:
Decorate a function to allow choosing arguments to run on a node.
function = click.argument(
)(command) # type: Callable[..., None]
return function | 89365a41b7665cf291f5c15852db81e89aeef9a7 | 708,945 |
import functools
import unittest
def _tag_error(func):
"""Decorates a unittest test function to add failure information to the TestCase."""
def decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Add failure information to `self` when `func` raises an exception."""
self.test_failed = False
func(self, *args, **kwargs)
except unittest.SkipTest:
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
self.test_failed = True
raise # re-raise the error with the original traceback.
return decorator | a2818c63647410abea3fde0b7f4fdae667b558bf | 708,946 |
import base64
import binascii
def decode(password, encoded, notice):
:type password: str
:type encoded: str
dec = []
encoded_bytes = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(encoded.encode()).decode()
except binascii.Error:
notice("Invalid input '{}'".format(encoded))
for i in range(len(encoded_bytes)):
key_c = password[i % len(password)]
dec_c = chr((256 + ord(encoded_bytes[i]) - ord(key_c)) % 256)
return "".join(dec) | 5cf82bfbbe7eee458914113f648dadbe7b15dee8 | 708,947 |
from functools import reduce
def replace(data, replacements):
""" Allows to performs several string substitutions.
This function performs several string substitutions on the initial ``data`` string using a list
of 2-tuples (old, new) defining substitutions and returns the resulting string.
return reduce(lambda a, kv: a.replace(*kv), replacements, data) | 37b2ad5b9b6d50d81a8c1bcded9890de3c840722 | 708,949 |
def binomial(n, k):
""" binomial coefficient """
if k < 0 or k > n:
return 0
if k == 0 or k == n:
return 1
num = 1
den = 1
for i in range(1, min(k, n - k) + 1): # take advantage of symmetry
num *= (n + 1 - i)
den *= i
c = num // den
return c | 78910202202f749f8e154b074a55f6a5ddf91f64 | 708,950 |
def bubbleSort(arr):
>>> bubbleSort(arr)
[11, 12, 23, 25, 34, 54, 90]
n = len(arr)
for i in range(n-1):
for j in range(0, n-i-1):
if arr[j] > arr[j+1]:
arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j]
return arr | 28bc9d505ef44a4b403c0f91a971cccf74644c5a | 708,951 |
import functools
def CreateMnemonicsC(mnemonicsIds):
""" Create the opcodes arrays for C header files. """
opsEnum = "typedef enum {\n\tI_UNDEFINED = 0, "
pos = 0
l2 = sorted(mnemonicsIds.keys())
for i in l2:
s = "I_%s = %d" % (i.replace(" ", "_").replace(",", ""), mnemonicsIds[i])
if i != l2[-1]:
s += ","
pos += len(s)
if pos >= 70:
s += "\n\t"
pos = 0
elif i != l2[-1]:
s += " "
opsEnum += s
opsEnum += "\n} _InstructionType;"
# Mnemonics are sorted by insertion order. (Psuedo mnemonics depend on this!)
s = "const unsigned char _MNEMONICS[] =\n\"\\\\x09\" \"UNDEFINED\\\\0\" "
l = list(zip(mnemonicsIds.keys(), mnemonicsIds.values()))
l = sorted(l, key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: x[1] - y[1]))
for i in l:
s += "\"\\\\x%02x\" \"%s\\\\0\" " % (len(i[0]), i[0])
if len(s) - s.rfind("\n") >= 76:
s += "\\\\\n"
s = s[:-1] + ";" # Ignore last space.
# Return enum & mnemonics.
return (opsEnum, s) | a20a01fbefc1175c24144753264edc938258cdca | 708,952 |
def get_filename(file_fullpath):
Returns the filename without the full path
:param file_fullpath:
:return: Returns the filename
filename = file_fullpath.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
return filename | 903cb26c89d1d18c9ebafe1a468c7fa66c51f119 | 708,953 |
import click
def get_help_recursive(group, ctx, commands):
Returns help for arbitrarily nested subcommands of the given click.Group.
command_name = commands.pop(0)
group = group.get_command(ctx, command_name)
if not group:
raise click.ClickException('Invalid command: {}'.format(command_name))
except IndexError:
# end of subcommand chain
return group.get_help(ctx)
except AttributeError:
# group is actually a command with no children
return group.get_help(ctx)
return get_help_recursive(group, ctx, commands) | 412f0cb9e9aa1f19caf4a4a5db95c8040a0d2f36 | 708,955 |
def get_blender_frame_time(skeleton, frame_id, rate, time_scale, actor_id):
"""Goes from multi-actor integer frame_id to modded blender float time."""
# stays within video frame limits
frame_id2 = skeleton.mod_frame_id(frame_id=frame_id) # type: int
time_ = skeleton.get_time(frame_id)
if actor_id > 0:
time_ = frame_id2 / rate
print('time is {} for {} ({}), orig time: {}, rate: {}, '
'time_scale: {}'
.format(time_, frame_id, frame_id2,
skeleton.get_time(frame_id), rate, time_scale))
frame_time = time_ * time_scale
return frame_time | ca8ab45dbbb1b28b05894b9dd92529245441c60b | 708,956 |
def calculate_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
"""Calculates the accuracy of the model.
y_true {numpy.array} -- the true labels corresponding to each input
y_pred {numpy.array} -- the model's predictions
accuracy {str} -- the accuracy of the model (%)
correctpred, total = 0, 0
for index in range(len(y_pred)):
if(y_pred[index] == y_true[index]):
correctpred = correctpred + 1
total = total+1
return 'accuracy='+str((correctpred*100)/total) | 1ea14f8e4f50d13e2ae557aeec466c5372b99171 | 708,957 |
def generate_interblock_leader():
"""Generates the leader between normal blocks"""
return b'\x55' * 0x2 | 99878b67a31a4169bc73ad9b9b249a981a22177f | 708,958 |
def get_url_name(url_):
raw_res = url_.split('/', -1)[-1]
raw_res = raw_res.split('.', 1)[0]
res = raw_res[-15:]
return res | a8f3b8dbc4a53e839b3047604e71ffaf36c00767 | 708,959 |
def remove_prefix(string, prefix):
This function removes the given prefix from a string, if the string does
indeed begin with the prefix; otherwise, it returns the string
if string.startswith(prefix):
return string[len(prefix):]
return string | 73cffca0e9938ea48f3781c7821fcbcf56e0cf25 | 708,960 |
import torch
def action_probs_to_action(probs):
""" Takes output of controller and converts to action in format [0,0,0,0] """
forward = probs[:, 0:2]; camera=probs[:, 2:5]; jump=probs[:,5:7];
action = [torch.distributions.Categorical(p).sample().detach().item() for p in [forward,camera,jump]]
action.append(0) # not allowing any motion along side dimension
return action | 00395569cd3fb7696bd0aa050f6fbcd6641d3741 | 708,961 |
def minute_info(x):
separates the minutes from time stamp. Returns minute of time.
n2 = x.minute
return n2/60 | c166bb8f759a5eed1b45b2dd8f228206357deb28 | 708,962 |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def remove_html_tags(text):
"""Removes HTML Tags from texts and replaces special spaces with regular spaces"""
text = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser').get_text()
text = text.replace(u'\xa0', ' ')
return text | 7f31a18d81ebc80b202ac697eb7b19fe206aed95 | 708,963 |
def split_str_to_list(input_str, split_char=","):
"""Split a string into a list of elements.
input_str (str): The string to split
split_char (str, optional): The character to split the string by. Defaults
to ",".
(list): The string split into a list
# Split a string into a list using `,` char
split_str = input_str.split(split_char)
# For each element in split_str, strip leading/trailing whitespace
for i, element in enumerate(split_str):
split_str[i] = element.strip()
return split_str | 2b13868aed1869310a1398886f6777ddceb6c777 | 708,964 |
import re
def formatRFC822Headers(headers):
""" Convert the key-value pairs in 'headers' to valid RFC822-style
headers, including adding leading whitespace to elements which
contain newlines in order to preserve continuation-line semantics.
munged = []
linesplit = re.compile(r'[\n\r]+?')
for key, value in headers:
vallines = linesplit.split(value)
while vallines:
if vallines[-1].rstrip() == '':
vallines = vallines[:-1]
munged.append('%s: %s' % (key, '\r\n '.join(vallines)))
return '\r\n'.join(munged) | 4c7dd97c9079daf144acf83241ebe9f025020611 | 708,965 |
def clean_meta(unclean_list):
cleans raw_vcf_header_list for downstream processing
clean_list = []
for i in unclean_list:
if "=<" in i:
i = i.rstrip(">")
i = i.replace("##", "")
ii = i.split("=<", 1)
i = i.replace("##", "")
ii = i.split("=", 1)
return clean_list | 03dcbcad57b129fd6ff379f3fb3181c91f8f4106 | 708,966 |
import re
def snake_case(string: str) -> str:
"""Convert upper camelcase to snake case."""
return re.sub(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])", "_", string).lower() | fe8592bcfa1f2233a07308741de5f912fd7055b3 | 708,967 |
import argparse
def positive_int(s: str) -> int:
"""Positive integer validator for `argparse.ArgumentParser`."""
i = int(s)
if i < 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("A positive number is required")
return i | 480f68e296e3fedfef4dae26f1a8563691056a17 | 708,968 |
def remove_cmds_from_title(title):
Função que remove os comandos colocados nos títulos
apenas por uma questão de objetividade no título
arr = title.split()
output = " ".join(list(filter(lambda x: x[0] != "!", arr)))
return output | bfaa96aa578455f977549b737a8492afa80e1e7c | 708,969 |
def get_error_directory_does_not_exists(dir_kind):
"""dir kind = [dir, file ,url]"""
return f"Error: Directory with {dir_kind} does not exist:" | 171fb09ab341daf2810612f2cc7c077b5326f347 | 708,970 |
def var_text(vname, iotype, variable):
Extract info from variable for vname of iotype
and return info as HTML string.
if iotype == 'read':
txt = '<p><i>Input Variable Name:</i> <b>{}</b>'.format(vname)
if 'required' in variable:
txt += '<br><b><i>Required Input Variable</i></b>'
txt = '<p><i>Output Variable Name:</i> <b>{}</b>'.format(vname)
txt += '<br><i>Description:</i> {}'.format(variable['desc'])
txt += '<br><i>Datatype:</i> {}'.format(variable['type'])
if iotype == 'read':
txt += '<br><i>Availability:</i> {}'.format(variable['availability'])
txt += '<br><i>IRS Form Location:</i>'
formdict = variable['form']
for yrange in sorted(formdict.keys()):
txt += '<br>{}: {}'.format(yrange, formdict[yrange])
txt += '</p>'
return txt | 04fdb1727c8eb783f7fb2c0324852e80673e8b77 | 708,971 |
def get_Theta_ref_cnd_H(Theta_sur_f_hex_H):
Theta_sur_f_hex_H: 暖房時の室内機熱交換器の表面温度(℃)
Theta_ref_cnd_H = Theta_sur_f_hex_H
if Theta_ref_cnd_H > 65:
Theta_ref_cnd_H = 65
return Theta_ref_cnd_H | deccaa524aebda2a7457da53b44c517287a190a4 | 708,972 |
def basic_streamalert_config():
"""Generate basic StreamAlert configuration dictionary."""
return {
'global': {
'account': {
'aws_account_id': '123456789123',
'kms_key_alias': 'stream_alert_secrets',
'prefix': 'unit-testing',
'region': 'us-west-2'
'terraform': {
'tfstate_bucket': 'unit-testing.streamalert.terraform.state',
'tfstate_s3_key': 'stream_alert_state/terraform.tfstate',
'tfvars': 'terraform.tfvars'
'infrastructure': {
'monitoring': {
'create_sns_topic': True,
'metric_alarms': {
'rule_processor': {
'Aggregate Unit Testing Failed Parses Alarm': {
'alarm_description': '',
'comparison_operator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold',
'evaluation_periods': 1,
'metric_name': 'RuleProcessor-FailedParses',
'period': 300,
'statistic': 'Sum',
'threshold': 1.0
'lambda': {
'alert_processor_config': {
'handler': 'stream_alert.alert_processor.main.handler',
'source_bucket': 'unit-testing.streamalert.source',
'source_current_hash': '<auto_generated>',
'source_object_key': '<auto_generated>',
'third_party_libraries': []
'rule_processor_config': {
'handler': 'stream_alert.rule_processor.main.handler',
'source_bucket': 'unit-testing.streamalert.source',
'source_current_hash': '<auto_generated>',
'source_object_key': '<auto_generated>',
'third_party_libraries': [
'athena_partition_refresh_config': {
'current_version': '$LATEST',
'enable_metrics': False,
'enabled': True,
'handler': 'main.handler',
'memory': 128,
'partitioning': {
'firehose': {},
'normal': {
'unit-testing.streamalerts': 'alerts'
'source_bucket': 'unit-testing.streamalert.source',
'source_current_hash': '<auto_generated>',
'source_object_key': '<auto_generated>',
'third_party_libraries': [
'timeout': 60
'clusters': {
'prod': {
'id': 'prod',
'modules': {
'cloudwatch_monitoring': {
'enabled': True
'kinesis': {
'firehose': {
'enabled': True,
's3_bucket_suffix': 'streamalert.results'
'streams': {
'retention': 24,
'shards': 1
'kinesis_events': {
'enabled': True
'stream_alert': {
'alert_processor': {
'current_version': '$LATEST',
'memory': 128,
'timeout': 10
'rule_processor': {
'current_version': '$LATEST',
"enable_metrics": True,
'memory': 128,
'metric_alarms': {
'Prod Unit Testing Failed Parses Alarm': {
'alarm_description': '',
'comparison_operator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold',
'evaluation_periods': 1,
'metric_name': 'RuleProcessor-FailedParses-PROD',
'period': 300,
'statistic': 'Sum',
'threshold': 1.0
'timeout': 10
'outputs': {
'kinesis': [
'region': 'us-east-1'
} | 8e766fa73c9043888c6531659bccc57fcb1a88ea | 708,973 |
def makemarkers(nb):
""" Give a list of cycling markers. See
.. note:: This what I consider the *optimal* sequence of markers, they are clearly differentiable one from another and all are pretty.
>>> makemarkers(7)
['o', 'D', 'v', 'p', '<', 's', '^']
>>> makemarkers(12)
['o', 'D', 'v', 'p', '<', 's', '^', '*', 'h', '>', 'o', 'D']
allmarkers = ['o', 'D', 'v', 'p', '<', 's', '^', '*', 'h', '>']
longlist = allmarkers * (1 + int(nb / float(len(allmarkers)))) # Cycle the good number of time
return longlist[:nb] | a1dc00cdb831b3b622670a5f36ba956273379b16 | 708,974 |
def _get_only_relevant_data(video_data):
Method to build ES document with only the relevant information
return {
"kind": video_data["kind"],
"id": video_data["id"],
"published_at": video_data["snippet"]["publishedAt"],
"title": video_data["snippet"]["title"],
"description": video_data["snippet"]["description"],
"thumbnail_url": video_data["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["default"]["url"],
"channel_title": video_data["snippet"]["channelTitle"],
} | b5d2a0cf2c5b7121c92e95adb524379d7cf3eb9c | 708,975 |
import json
def set_parameters(_configs, new=False):
Sets configuration parameters
_configs :
Dictionary containing configuration options from the config file (config.json)
new : bool
Do you want to start from a new file?
_configs :
Updated dictionary containing configuration options from the config file (config.json)
if new:
_configs = {x: "NA" for x in _configs}
print('*Do not include single or double quotes*\n')
if _configs['eye_mask_path'] == 'NA':
_eye_mask_path = input('Add the full eye mask filepath: ')
_configs['eye_mask_path'] = _eye_mask_path
if _configs['train_file'] == 'NA':
_train_file = input('Add the name of the file used for training [peer1.nii.gz]: ')
if not _train_file:
_configs['train_file'] = 'peer1.nii.gz'
_configs['train_file'] = _train_file
if _configs['test_file'] == 'NA':
_test_file = input('Which file would you like to predict eye movements from? [movie.nii.gz]: ')
if not _test_file:
_configs['test_file'] = 'movie.nii.gz'
_configs['test_file'] = _test_file
if _configs['use_gsr'] == 'NA':
_use_gsr = input('Use global signal regression? (y/n) [n]: ')
if (not _use_gsr) or (_use_gsr == 'n'):
_configs['use_gsr'] = "0"
_configs['use_gsr'] = "1"
if _configs['motion_scrub'] == 'NA':
_use_ms = input('Use motion scrubbing? (y/n) [n]: ')
if (not _use_ms) or (_use_ms == 'n'):
_configs['use_ms'] = "0"
_configs['motion_threshold'] = "0"
_configs['motion_scrub'] = "Not implemented"
elif _use_ms == 'y':
_configs['use_ms'] = "1"
_motion_scrub_filename = input('Add the filename of the CSV that contains the framewise displacement \
time series [motion_ts.csv]: ')
if not _motion_scrub_filename:
_configs['motion_scrub'] = 'motion_ts.csv'
_configs['motion_scrub'] = _motion_scrub_filename
_motion_threshold = input('Add a motion threshold for motion scrubbing [.2]: ')
if not _motion_threshold:
_configs['motion_threshold'] = ".2"
_configs['motion_threshold'] = _motion_threshold
with open('peer/config.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(_configs, f)
return _configs | 7c0d52f5a2ee5df9b54278162570606d684a6a64 | 708,976 |
import os
def read_requirements(filename='requirements.txt'):
"""Reads the list of requirements from given file.
:param filename: Filename to read the requirements from.
Uses ``'requirements.txt'`` by default.
:return: Requirements as list of strings
# allow for some leeway with the argument
if not filename.startswith('requirements'):
filename = 'requirements-' + filename
if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]:
filename += '.txt' # no extension, add default
def valid_line(line):
line = line.strip()
return line and not any(line.startswith(p) for p in ('#', '-'))
def extract_requirement(line):
egg_eq = '#egg='
if egg_eq in line:
_, requirement = line.split(egg_eq, 1)
return requirement
return line
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
return list(map(extract_requirement, filter(valid_line, lines))) | fcade21b1aaff9320b32f5572fc28f8a6d31b5ab | 708,977 |
def sort(X):
Return sorted elements of :param:`X` and array of corresponding
sorted indices.
:param X: Target vector.
:type X: :class:`scipy.sparse` of format csr, csc, coo, bsr, dok, lil,
dia or :class:`numpy.matrix`
assert 1 in X.shape, "X should be vector."
X = X.flatten().tolist()[0]
return sorted(X), sorted(list(range(len(X))), key=X.__getitem__) | a176e2538fd1c0042eefc6962d1b354b7b4ca736 | 708,978 |
def get_query(sf, query_text, verbose=True):
Returns a list of lists based on a SOQL query with the fields as
the header column in the first list/row
# execute query for up to 2,000 records
gc = sf.query(query_text)
records = gc['records']
if verbose:
print('Reading from %s object' % records[0]['attributes']['type'],
headers = list(records[0].keys())[1:] # get the headers
return_table = [ [record[heading] for heading in headers]
for record in records]
return_table.insert(0, headers)
# the above is complete unless there are >2,000 records
total_read_so_far = len(records)
while not gc['done']:
if verbose:
print('Progress: {} records out of {}'.format(
total_read_so_far, gc['totalSize']), flush=True)
gc = sf.query_more(gc['nextRecordsUrl'], True)
records = gc['records']
total_read_so_far += len(records)
next_table = [ [record[heading] for heading in headers]
for record in records]
return return_table | ea93b6652a2d455b368a831d8c6d6b4554023313 | 708,979 |
import io
import csv
def strip_blank(contents):
strip the redundant blank in file contents.
with io.StringIO(contents) as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
rows = []
for row in csvreader:
rows.append(",".join(['"{}"'.format(x.strip()) for x in row]))
return "\n".join(rows) | d446f2123aa3cfe3b1966151f323fa1c4e41cb08 | 708,980 |
def anova_old(
expression, gene_id, photoperiod_set, strain_set, time_point_set, num_replicates
"""One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using F-test."""
num_groups = len(photoperiod_set) * len(strain_set) * len(time_point_set)
group_size = num_replicates
total_expression = 0
# First scan: calculate overall average.
for pp in photoperiod_set:
for ss in strain_set:
for tt in time_point_set:
total_expression += sum(expression[(gene_id, pp, ss, tt)])
overall_avg = total_expression / num_groups / group_size
# Second scan: calculate variances.
in_group_var = 0
bt_group_var = 0
for pp in photoperiod_set:
for ss in strain_set:
for tt in time_point_set:
group = expression[(gene_id, pp, ss, tt)]
group_avg = sum(group) / group_size
in_group_var += group_size * (group_avg - overall_avg) ** 2
for element in group:
bt_group_var += (element - group_avg) ** 2
dof = (num_groups - 1, group_size * num_groups - num_groups)
f_stat = bt_group_var / dof[0] / in_group_var * dof[1]
return f_stat, dof | f809e0e2be877e1a0f21ca1e05a7079db80254a1 | 708,981 |
def all_same(lst: list) -> bool:
"""test if all list entries are the same"""
return lst[1:] == lst[:-1] | 4ef42fc65d64bc76ab1f56d6e03def4cb61cf6f0 | 708,982 |
def binary_find(N, x, array):
Binary search
:param N: size of the array
:param x: value
:param array: array
:return: position where it is found. -1 if it is not found
lower = 0
upper = N
while (lower + 1) < upper:
mid = int((lower + upper) / 2)
if x < array[mid]:
upper = mid
lower = mid
if array[lower] <= x:
return lower
return -1 | ed6e7cc15de238381dbf65eb6c981676fd0525f5 | 708,983 |
def scalarmat(*q):
"""multiplies every object in q with each object in q. Should return a unity matrix for an orthonormal system"""
for a in q:
for b in q:
return ret | a61c813b548f1934e16517efc4d203c6390097fe | 708,984 |
def modularity(partition, graph, weight='weight'):
"""Compute the modularity of a partition of a graph
partition : dict
the partition of the nodes, i.e a dictionary where keys are their nodes
and values the communities
graph : networkx.Graph
the networkx graph which is decomposed
weight : str, optional
the key in graph to use as weight. Default to 'weight'
modularity : float
The modularity
If the partition is not a partition of all graph nodes
If the graph has no link
If graph is not a networkx.Graph
.. 1. Newman, M.E.J. & Girvan, M. Finding and evaluating community
structure in networks. Physical Review E 69, 26113(2004).
>>> G=nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.01)
>>> part = best_partition(G)
>>> modularity(part, G)
if type(graph) != nx.Graph:
raise TypeError("Bad graph type, use only non directed graph")
inc = dict([])
deg = dict([])
links = graph.size(weight=weight)
if links == 0:
raise ValueError("A graph without link has an undefined modularity")
for node in graph:
com = partition[node]
deg[com] = deg.get(com, 0.) +, weight=weight)
for neighbor, datas in graph[node].items():
edge_weight = datas.get(weight, 1)
if partition[neighbor] == com:
if neighbor == node:
inc[com] = inc.get(com, 0.) + float(edge_weight)
inc[com] = inc.get(com, 0.) + float(edge_weight) / 2.
res = 0.
for com in set(partition.values()):
res += inc.get(com, 0.) - \
((deg.get(com, 0.) ** 2) / (4. * links))
return (1.0 / links) * res | 371c3f5e362114896bf0559efe452d79af6e79f8 | 708,985 |
import os
def listFiles(dir):
Walks the path and subdirectories to return a list of files.
dir : str
the top directory to search
subdirectories are also searched
listname: list
a list of files in dir and subdirectories
This can be replaced by functions in `os.path`, as if 3.4, pathlib is probably better.
It is not clear that this function is used anywhere in ChiantiPy
alist = os.walk(dir)
listname = []
for (dirpath,dirnames,filenames) in alist:
if len(dirnames) == 0:
for f in filenames:
file = os.path.join(dirpath,f)
if os.path.isfile(file):
for f in filenames:
file = os.path.join(dirpath,f)
if os.path.isfile(file):
return listname | e2cc32ffd29971fc11df0378f02f801932234569 | 708,986 |
def deque_to_yaml(representer, node):
"""Convert collections.deque to YAML"""
return representer.represent_sequence("!collections.deque", (list(node), node.maxlen)) | 5ff503b4f21af58cf96d26171e078ddd5d754141 | 708,987 |
from typing import Callable
def some_func(string: str, function: Callable) -> bool:
"""Check if some elements in a string match the function (functional).
string: <str> string to verify.
function: <callable> function to call.
True if some of elements are in the sequence are True.
>>> assert some_func('abcdefg&%$', str.isalpha)
>>> assert not some_func('&%$=', str.isalpha)
return any(map(function, string)) and not all(map(function, string)) | e67af6613975a6757905087397ff8b68e83ddbf6 | 708,988 |
import math
def fuel_requirement(mass: int) -> int:
"""Fuel is mass divide by three, round down and subtract 2"""
return math.floor(mass / 3) - 2 | 5899d9260fe7e353c3a1d882f624257d5009248d | 708,990 |
def instruction2_task(scr):
""" Description of task 1 """
scr.draw_text(text = "Great Work!! "+
"\n\nNow comes your TASK 3: **Consider an image**."+
"\n\nIf you press the spacebar now, an image will "+
"appear at the bottom of the screen. You can use the information from the"+
" image to make any modifications to the translation of the sentence."+
"\n\n***However in certain cases, the image is not related to the sentence "+
"or not present at all.***"+
"\n\nAfter looking at the image, say loudly if you'd like to modify your translation"+
" by saying "+
"\"I'd like to modify my translation.\" or \"I'd keep the same translation\""+
"\nif you would like to stick with your translation."+
"\n\nThe final TASK 4 is to **Say the translation again (modified or not)**."+
"\nPlease press the spacebar to indicate the start of your new translation.\nYou can stop your"+
" recording by pressing the spacebar and moving to the next sentence.", fontsize = 25)
return scr | 554191b520e1229ffc076bbed1c57f265e0c0964 | 708,991 |
import os
def tail(f, lines=10, _buffer=4098):
"""Tail a file and get X lines from the end"""
# place holder for the lines found
lines_found = []
# block counter will be multiplied by buffer
# to get the block size from the end
block_counter = -1
# loop until we find X lines
while len(lines_found) < lines:
try: * _buffer, os.SEEK_END)
except IOError: # either file is too small, or too many lines requested
lines_found = f.readlines()
lines_found = f.readlines()
# we found enough lines, get out
# Removed this line because it was redundant the while will catch
# it, I left it for history
# if len(lines_found) > lines:
# break
# decrement the block counter to get the
# next X bytes
block_counter -= 1
return lines_found[-lines:] | 20ccac940eff04a6ec57d98d32330ebfbb97037d | 708,992 |
def create_lag_i(df,time_col,colnames,lag):
""" the table should be index by i,year
# prepare names
if lag>0:
s = "_l" + str(lag)
s = "_f" + str(-lag)
values = [n + s for n in colnames]
rename = dict(zip(colnames, values))
# create lags
dlag = df.reset_index() \
.assign(t=lambda d: d[time_col] + lag) \
.rename(columns=rename)[['i',time_col] + values] \
# join and return
return(df.join(dlag)) | be6d4b390ae66cd83320b2c341ba3c76cfad2bdb | 708,993 |
def crop_image(image_array, point, size):
Cropping the image into the assigned size
image_array: numpy array of image
size: desirable cropped size
return -> cropped image array
img_height, img_width = point # assigned location in crop
# for color image
if len(image_array.shape) == 3:
image_array = image_array[:, img_height:img_height + size[0], img_width:img_width + size[1]]
# for gray image
elif len(image_array.shape) == 2:
image_array = image_array[img_height:img_height + size[0], img_width:img_width + size[1]]
return image_array | 8ee684719e3e4fea755466e810c645c1ccf7d7f5 | 708,994 |
import re
def lines_in_pull(pull):
"""Return a line count for the pull request.
To consider both added and deleted, we add them together, but discount the
deleted count, on the theory that adding a line is harder than deleting a
line (*waves hands very broadly*).
ignore = r"(/vendor/)|(conf/locale)|(static/fonts)|(test/data/uploads)"
lines = 0
files = pull.get_files()
for f in files:
if, f.filename):
#print("Ignoring file {}".format(f.filename))
lines += f.additions + f.deletions//5
if pull.combinedstate == "merged" and lines > 2000:
print("*** Large pull: {lines:-6d} lines, {pr.created_at} {pr.number:-4d}: {pr.title}".format(lines=lines, pr=pull))
return lines | 24aabd83c24c3f337f07b50c894f5503eadfc252 | 708,996 |
import sys
def ensure_tty(file=sys.stdout):
""" Ensure a file object is a tty. It must have an `isatty` method that
returns True.
TypeError is raised if the method doesn't exist, or returns False.
isatty = getattr(file, 'isatty', None)
if isatty is None:
raise TypeError(
'Cannot detect tty, file has no `isatty` method: {}'.format(
getattr(file, 'name', type(file).__name__)
if not isatty():
raise TypeError(
'This will not work, file object is not a tty: {}'.format(
getattr(file, 'name', type(file).__name__)
return True | 52981903549b5241c22073df94b39db3eb4e3271 | 708,997 |
import requests
def save_to_disk(url, save_path):
Saves to disk non-destructively (xb option will not overwrite)
print('Downloading: %s' % url)
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 404:
print('URL broken, unable to download: %s' % url)
return False
with open(save_path, 'xb') as f:
return True | c9917a637026d999765364d3c276150681554129 | 708,998 |
import json
import hashlib
def hashify(params, max_length=8):
Create a short hashed string of the given parameters.
:param params:
A dictionary of key, value pairs for parameters.
:param max_length: [optional]
The maximum length of the hashed string.
param_str = json.dumps(params, separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True)
param_hash = hashlib.md5(param_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return param_hash[:max_length] | e4a97a28fc2d0564da3e6b22f32735b4a2534c3e | 709,000 |
import os
import io
import re
def version(package, encoding='utf-8'):
"""Obtain the packge version from a python file e.g. pkg/
See <>.
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), package, '')
with, encoding=encoding) as fp:
version_info =
version_match ="""^__version__ = ['"]([^'"]*)['"]""",
version_info, re.M)
if not version_match:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.")
return | 6066b042a698d0ee2b816573a144c4dc5ac47a45 | 709,001 |
def unique_entries(results):
"""Prune non-unqiue search results."""
seen = set()
clean_results = []
for i in results:
if i['code'] not in seen:
return clean_results | c0c55ebd5aa76f3a7f44134a972019c3d26c1c48 | 709,002 |
def generate_offices_table(offices, by_office, by_polling_center,
election_day, day_after_election_day):
""" Pre-compute key data needed for generating election day
office reports.
offices_by_key = {str(office['code']): office for office in offices}
rows = []
for key in sorted([key for key in by_office.keys()]):
row = by_office[key]
key = str(key)
# copy name from the offices hash array
row['english_name'] = offices_by_key[key]['english_name']
row['arabic_name'] = offices_by_key[key]['arabic_name']
on_election_day = row.get(election_day, {})
# get election day numbers
row['opened'] = on_election_day.get('opened', 0)
row['votes_reported_1'] = on_election_day.get('1', 0)
row['votes_reported_2'] = on_election_day.get('2', 0)
row['votes_reported_3'] = on_election_day.get('3', 0)
# and aggregate counts
row['reported_1'] = on_election_day.get('1_count', 0)
row['reported_2'] = on_election_day.get('2_count', 0)
row['reported_3'] = on_election_day.get('3_count', 0)
# check for late results
# We only want late reports for period 4. The JSON data has aggregate
# numbers for office by day, but you can't tell which of those values are new reports on
# EDAY+1 and which ones are replacements for values given on EDAY, so we have to iterate
# through each center to get that info
row['votes_reported_4'] = 0
reported_4 = 0
# Which polling centers are in this office?
centers = {k: v for k, v in by_polling_center.items() if str(v['office_id']) == key}
for center_id, center in centers.items():
if day_after_election_day in center and '4' in center[day_after_election_day]:
# found a period 4 report on EDAY+1. Sum the votes and increment the report count
row['votes_reported_4'] += center[day_after_election_day]['4']
reported_4 += 1
elif election_day in center and '4' in center[election_day]:
# didn't find an EDAY+1 report, so use EDAY, if present
row['votes_reported_4'] += center[election_day]['4']
reported_4 += 1
row['reported_4'] = reported_4
# save derived values
row['not_opened'] = row['polling_center_count'] - row['opened']
row['not_reported_1'] = row['polling_center_count'] - row['reported_1']
row['not_reported_2'] = row['polling_center_count'] - row['reported_2']
row['not_reported_3'] = row['polling_center_count'] - row['reported_3']
row['not_reported_4'] = row['polling_center_count'] - reported_4
row['closed'] = reported_4 # reporting final tally means center closed
return rows | 85111ed67e8f6b8dce71af2844ee865699f3fe01 | 709,003 |
def pfunc_role_coverage(args):
"""Another intermediate function for parallelization; as for
rota = args[0]
role = args[1]
return rota.get_role_coverage(role) | 043ce250b428d443de90c7aa5fa8e8dcc2869303 | 709,004 |
def globalPrediction(vid, category_names, vid_probs, predicted_labels):
Get a matrix of probabilities over the classes for the c3d features of
a video. Generate the top 3 predictions from the prob matrix
anno_list = []
# Idea 1 : To form the hist over the categories, each bin has sum of probs
vprobs_sum = vid_probs.sum(axis=0)
top_n = vprobs_sum.sort_values(ascending = False)[:3]
#counter = collections.Counter(predicted_labels)
#top_n = counter.most_common(3) # list of tuples
#assert len(top_n)==3
labels = top_n.index.tolist()
scores = top_n.values.tolist()
for idx,score in enumerate(scores):
anno_list.append({'score': score, 'label':labels[idx]})
#for (idx,score) in top_n:
# anno_list.append({'score': score, 'label':category_names[idx]})
# Idea 2 : Detect temporal continuity of category predicted. Longer the better
# Idea 3 : Count the number of highest votes for top category. (Worse than 1)
# If equal votes for >1 category then use Idea 1
# finds the max val index among the columns for each row and the freq of the
# occurrence of the column names (in decreasing order)
# labels = vid_probs.idxmax(axis=1).value_counts()[:3].index.tolist()
# scores = probs_sum[labels].tolist()
# for idx,score in enumerate(scores):
# anno_list.append({'score': score, 'label':labels[idx]})
return anno_list, vprobs_sum | 51676499cbf719874c49b89557d960ed8a136243 | 709,005 |
from typing import Optional
from typing import Any
def geq(column: str, value: Optional[Any]) -> str:
>>> geq("col", None)
>>> geq("col", 1)
'col >= 1'
>>> geq("col", "1")
"col >= '1'"
if not value:
return "1"
if isinstance(value, str):
return f"{column} >= '{value}'"
return f"{column} >= {value}" | 9216b8e2480232840ad37d8fe0e5c0f07b88873f | 709,006 |
def longest_match(list1, list2):
Find the length of the longest substring match between list1 and list2.
>>> longest_match([], [])
>>> longest_match('test', 'test')
>>> longest_match('test', 'toast')
>>> longest_match('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', 'mystical californication')
m = len(list1)
n = len(list2)
data = [[0 for col in range(n+1)] for row in range(m+1)]
for a in range(1, m+1):
for b in range(1, n+1):
if list1[a-1] == list2[b-1]:
data[a][b] = 1 + data[a-1][b-1]
data[a][b] = 0
maxes = [max(row) for row in data]
return max(maxes) | 4a84dacbb0d59fc7f9c4b59e87e55c72416b8c80 | 709,007 |
import multiprocessing
def get_cpu_count():
Try and estimate the number of CPU on the host. First using multiprocessing
native function, other using content of /proc/cpuinfo. If none of those
methods did work, 4 is returned.
cpucount = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
s = open("/proc/cpuinfo").read()
cpucount = int(s.split('processor')[-1].split(":")[1].split("\n")[0])
cpucount += 1
cpucount = 4
return cpucount | db58112537c4a111ec1ef24eeab70227678d6d1e | 709,008 |
def pylm_component(name):
"""Decorator for registering a class to lightmetrica"""
def pylm_component_(object):
# Get base class
base = object.__bases__[0]
base.reg(object, name)
return object
return pylm_component_ | 531c7e3f224b824b438011d4be348a76154b3444 | 709,009 |
import torch
def dice_score(input_mask, target_mask, eps=1e-5):
input mask: (B * K, HW) #probabilities [0, 1]
target_mask: (B * K, HW) #binary
dims = tuple(range(1, input_mask.ndimension()))
intersections = torch.sum(input_mask * target_mask, dims) #(B, N)
cardinalities = torch.sum(input_mask + target_mask, dims)
dice = ((2. * intersections + eps) / (cardinalities + eps))
return dice | 8fbe4b7aaec4a45d7dec4705e4c3feb348250b64 | 709,010 |
import torch
def psnr(img1, img2):
compute PSNR between two images
MSE = torch.mean((img1-img2)**2)
return 10*torch.log10(1**2/MSE) | f216733631d224aa27f5c5a395c143c3768f8f28 | 709,012 |
import os
def get_para_input(arg):
"""Get input directory parameter"""
input_dir = os.path.abspath(arg)
if str(input_dir).endswith('/'):
input_dir = input_dir[:-1]
input_dir = input_dir.replace('\\', '/')
return input_dir | 13ad4d14cac7c4b77e40d0e264e5197b2fbb459b | 709,013 |