10 values
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Test.Tasty.Silver.Advanced ( -- * Constructing golden tests goldenTest1, goldenTestIO, goldenTestIO1,
import qualified Tunebank.Model.AbcMetadataSubmission as NewTune (AbcMetadataSubmission(..)) import Tunebank.Model.Comment (CommentId(..), Comment(..)) import qualified Tunebank.Model.CommentSubmission as CommentMsg (Submission(..)) import Data.Abc.Validator (normaliseKeySignature, normaliseRhythm) import Debug.Trace (traceM) -- | This is just a simple newtype wrapper for our 'IORef'. newtype DBConfig = DBConfig { _getPool :: Pool Connection } -- | This is also a simple newtype wrapper for our DB Monad. This is very -- similar to Persistent's 'SqlPersistT' type. newtype PostgresT m a = PostgresT (ReaderT DBConfig m a)
module Main where mathTables :: [(Integer, Integer, Integer)] mathTables = [(x,y,x*y) | x <- [1..12], y <- [1..12]]
clearHeistCache :: Heist b -> IO () clearHeistCache = clearCacheTagState . _heistCTS ----------------------------- -- SnapletSplice functions -- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import qualified Paths_aoc as Paths import Challenge main :: IO () main = do traverse_ (\(challenge, num) -> do fileLines <- Paths.getDataFileName ("data/" ++ _dataFile challenge) >>= readFile <&> lines putStrLn $ show num ++ ".1: " ++ (_part1 challenge $ fileLines) putStrLn $ show num ++ ".2: " ++ (_part2 challenge $ fileLines) ) (zip challenges [1..])
PrettyPC(..), ShowPC(..), drawSubTrees, drawAnnotations, drawGroup, shift, terminalShift, nonTerminalShift, wrap, indent,
return (Just dstAddress) getDstAddress (DstFile dstFile) addressesPath = do maddress <- getAddress dstFile case maddress of Just address -> do let dstAddress = fromJust maddress
networkTest1 = testCase "Simple call" $ do t <- tcpServer port let server = serve t $ \ "mod" "f" [IntTerm a] -> return $ Success $ IntTerm (a+1) withAsync server $ \_ -> do delay c <- tcpClient "localhost" port result <- call c "mod" "f" [IntTerm 3] result @?= Right (IntTerm 4)
ktokens = tokens where tokens = spaces >> (end <|> more) more = (:) <$> (numToken <|> wordToken) <*> tokens end = eof >> return [] wordToken = do word <- many1 (noneOf " \t\r\n\f\v") case word of "def" -> return KtDef "extern" -> return KtExtern
type GenIdentPartEnabled p = (GenIdentPartPrefix p ~ A Ident, GenIdentPartNum p ~ P Natural) data EGenIdentPart p m a where GetGenIdentPart :: GenIdentPartEnabled p => EGenIdentPart p m (Ident p) makeSem ''EGenIdentPart genIdentPart :: (GenIdentPartEnabled p, Member (EGenIdentPart p) r) => Sem r (Ident p) genIdentPart = getGenIdentPart
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) addPlayers :: IO Players addPlayers = addPlayers' PlayersInfo { _p1 = "", _p2 = "", _p3 = "", _p4 = "" } addPlayers' :: PlayersInfo -> IO Players
module Kadena.Types ( module X ) where -- NB: This is really the Consensus Service's type module but as consensus is all encompassing, it's also the primary types file -- NB: this is evil, please remove import Kadena.Types.Base as X import Kadena.Types.Comms as X import Kadena.Types.Command as X import Kadena.Types.Config as X import Kadena.Types.ConfigChange as X import Kadena.Types.Dispatch as X import Kadena.Types.Event as X import Kadena.Types.Evidence as X
ZeroD == ZeroD = True (SuccD a) == (SuccD b) = a == b _ == _ = False; equalDC :: D [] -> D [] -> Bool; equalDC = (==); foo :: D [] foo = SuccD [SuccD [ZeroD], ZeroD]
foldOrientation :: a -> a -> Orientation -> a foldOrientation l _ Horizontal = l foldOrientation _ r Vertical = r -- | get the point before the given point, vertically or horizontally beforeByOrientationP :: Orientation -> Point -> Point beforeByOrientationP = foldOrientation leftOfP aboveP -- | get the point after the given point, vertically or horizontally afterByOrientationP :: Orientation -> Point -> Point
module Domain.Model.Actor, module Domain.Model.Character, module Domain.Model.Country, module Domain.Model.Work ) where import Domain.Model.Actor import Domain.Model.Character import Domain.Model.Country
module Models.HomeContext.From ( fromPosts ) where import qualified Hakyll import qualified Models.PostContext.Main as PostContext fromPosts :: [Hakyll.Item String] -> Hakyll.Tags -> Hakyll.Context String fromPosts posts tags = Hakyll.listField "posts" (PostContext.fromTags tags) (take 10 <$> Hakyll.recentFirst posts)
_ -> json noMatch checkCycle3 :: MatchingRequestChecker checkCycle3 _ MatchingRequest { cycle3Dataset = Just (Cycle3Dataset (NinoAttribute "goodvalue")) } = json match checkCycle3 nextCheck request = nextCheck request checkMatchingDataset :: MatchingRequestChecker
class Monad m => MonadHandle h m | m -> h where openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> m h hPutStr :: h -> String -> m () hClose :: h -> m () hGetContents :: h -> m String hPutStrLn :: h -> String -> m () hPutStrLn h s = hPutStr h s >> hPutStr h "\n"
import Graphics.Vty (Vty (nextEvent, update), mkVty, userConfig, text, shutdown, horizCat, Image, picForImage, defAttr, withForeColor, red) -- TODO: This won't take care of background and cursor -- We don't use the existing Monoid instance for Images type View = [Image] initConcur :: IO () initConcur = return ()
import Statix.Regex as Re data Path n l t = End n | Via (n, l, Maybe t) (Path n l t) deriving (Eq) type CriticalEdge n l = (n , Regex l) {- A Graph monad interface -} class (Monad m, Eq l, Ord n) => MonadGraph n l d m | m -> n l d where newNode :: d -> m n
import System.Environment (getArgs) import Lib main :: IO () main = head <$> getArgs >>= startApp
Run . flip Battery 50 $ concat [ ["--template", onClick (const "~/scripts/ menu") "\61457 <acstatus>"], ["--Low", "30"], ["--High", "80"], ["--low", danger], ["--normal", fg], ["--high", fg], ["--"], ["-o", "<left>%"], -- (<timeleft>) ["-O", "<left>% Charging"], ["-i", "<left>%"] ] ]
-- the file's magic number is as follows: -- -- 0x89 - high bit set, to check for 8 bit transmission errors and to avoid being treated as a text file -- 3 bytes - identifies the particular file format. i.e. 'PNG' or 'JHC' -- 0x0D 0x0A - DOS style line ending, to detect errors. -- 0x1A - EOF marker, to avoid corrupting the screen when typed under dos/windows
TestTree (insert (7 :: Int) (fromList [1 .. 6])) `shouldBe` TestTree (fromList [1 .. 7]) invariantBinatyTree (insert (8 :: Int) (fromList [1 .. 7])) `shouldBe` True TestTree (insert (8 :: Int) (fromList [1 .. 7])) `shouldBe` TestTree (fromList [1 .. 8]) invariantBinatyTree (insert (9 :: Int) (fromList [1 .. 8])) `shouldBe` True TestTree (insert (9 :: Int) (fromList [1 .. 8])) `shouldBe` TestTree (fromList [1 .. 9]) invariantBinatyTree (insert (1 :: Int) Leaf) `shouldBe` True TestTree (insert (1 :: Int) Leaf) `shouldBe` TestTree (Node Leaf (1 NL.:| []) Leaf) invariantBinatyTree (insert (1 :: Int) example2) `shouldBe` True TestTree (insert (1 :: Int) example2) `shouldBe` TestTree example1 where example1 = Node Leaf (1 NL.:| [1, 1, 1]) Leaf example2 = Node Leaf (1 NL.:| [1, 1]) Leaf testFromList :: SpecWith ()
<gh_stars>1-10 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module GlobInString ( script ) where import Prelude import Shell -- This test ensures that we escape string literals properly if they -- have an embedded glob. script :: ShellM () script = do run $ command "echo" ["*"]
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} -- | A module describing error paths module Rhodium.Blamer.Path where import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as M import Rhodium.TypeGraphs.Graph import Rhodium.TypeGraphs.GraphReset import Rhodium.TypeGraphs.GraphProperties import Rhodium.TypeGraphs.GraphUtils import Rhodium.TypeGraphs.Touchables import Rhodium.Solver.Rules
app = do rate <- option auto $ long "rate" <> help "sampling rate" <> value 44100 buf <- option auto $ long "buffer" <> help "number of samples for the buffer" <> value 1024 device <- option auto $ long "device" <> help "device index" <> value (-1) helper pure $ withPortAudio $ do (_, devs) <- getDevices if device < 0 then forM_ (zip [0 :: Int ..] devs) $ \(i, dev) -> putStrLn $ show i ++ ": " ++ deviceName dev else do let dev = devs !! device phase <- newMVar 0
rng :: RNG rng = mkRNG rng_periph_base rccenable rccdisable L476.RNG_HASH where rccenable = modifyReg rcc_reg_ahb2enr $ setBit rcc_ahb2enr_rngen rccdisable = modifyReg rcc_reg_ahb2enr $ clearBit rcc_ahb2enr_rngen
playMuFourPlayersWithUpdates :: (MonadRandom m, Bind m) => Updates m NOfFour (Tuple4 Score) -> Dependencies m NOfFour -> EndCondition -> m (Tuple4 Score) playMuFourPlayersWithUpdates (Updates dealUpdate biddingResultUpdate trickWinnerUpdate scoresUpdate) (Dependencies getBid getViceTrump getChiefTrump getPartner getCard) endCondition = playMuWithUpdate scoresUpdate getCardPositions stages endCondition OneOfFour
bob = reexport2 `seq` usedFunction1 class MyClass1 a where myClass1 :: a class MyClass2 a where myClass2 :: a class MyClass3 a where myClass3 :: a foo _ = (myClass2, classWithFunc) [quasi| hello |] coerced = coerce coerceValue :: Int
) where largestFactor :: Integer -> Integer largestFactor n = maximum $ factor n factor :: Integer -> [Integer] factor 1 = [] factor n = let divisors = dropWhile ((/= 0) . mod n) [2 .. ceiling $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n] in let prime = if null divisors then n else head divisors in (prime :) $ factor $ div n prime main :: IO ()
typeDecl :: ClosTypingEnvironment () typeDecl = do declare (undefined :: DiffCrap) declare (undefined :: TRecord) declare (undefined :: TFunctions)
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, ExplicitForAll #-} module SAKS_Fail009 where import Data.Kind (Type) type T :: forall j -> j -> Type data T (k :: Type -> Type) (a :: k)
import T3449A class Foo a where f1 :: a f2 :: a instance Foo Char where f1 = f2 f2 = aChar
module Main where import Text.HTML.TagSoup hiding (parseTags, renderTags) import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Fast.Utf8Only import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Entity import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match import Control.Monad import Data.List
import Day1 (expenseReport) ans :: IO Int ans = calc <$> expenseReport calc :: [Int] -> Int
where import Q.Currency -- | Canadian dollar cad :: Currency cad = Currency { cName = "Canadian dollar" , cCode = "CAD" , cIsoCode = 124 , cFracsPerUnit = 100 }
noCacheP :: Parser Option noCacheP = lexeme $ string "--no-cache" $> Cache Nothing cacheP :: Parser Option cacheP = lexeme $ Cache . Just <$> (string "--cache" *> char '\n' *> decimal) intervalP :: Parser Option intervalP = lexeme $ Interval <$> (string "--interval" *> char '\n' *> decimal) urlP :: Parser Text urlP = lexeme url
-- | Creates a list of temperaments. tempList :: [Temp] -> TempList tempList xs = TempList $ tabList $ fmap unTemp xs -- | Selects one of the temperaments by index. fromTempList :: TempList -> Sig -> Temp fromTempList (TempList tab) asig = Temp $ fromTabList tab asig -- | Selects one of the temperaments by index. Works at the time of instrument initialization (remains constant). fromTempListD :: TempList -> D -> Temp
{-# htermination truncate :: Float -> Int #-}
pushBit :: Bit -> State Register32 Bit pushBit bit = do register <- get put $ BitsExt.apply0Bit bit $ BitsExt.shiftl1 register return $ BitsExt.testLeftBit register
module Modules.Modules.Modules.Modules.Modules.Modules.M140 () where
import qualified Database.Redis as Redis import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import Web.Scotty.Hastache (scottyH', setTemplatesDir) import Web.Scotty.Trans (file, get, middleware) import qualified Controllers.Urls as UrlsCtrl (loadRoutes)
:<|> GetAllTodos todoHandlers :: ServerT API App todoHandlers = newTodo :<|> completeTodo :<|> updateTodo :<|> deleteTodo :<|> getTodo :<|> getTodos -- | API type API = "todo" :> TodoAPI
<> P.progDesc "Generate a single-elimination tournament bracket from new-line separated contestant names provided in stdin." <> P.header "pingpongmageddon") optParser :: P.Parser CmdArgs optParser = CmdArgs <$> P.flag GraphViz JSON (P.long "json" <> P.short 'j' <> "Output JSON format tournament instead of GraphViz") <*> P.option (P.long "seed" <> P.short 's' <> P.value defaultSeed <> P.metavar "INTEGER" <> "Specify a fixed random seed")
module Reverse where rvrs :: String -> String rvrs x = concat [awesome, is, curry] where awesome = drop 9 x is = take 4 (drop 5 x) curry = take 5 x main :: IO () main = print $ rvrs "Curry is awesome"
import OCI.Pass.Manager import Data.TypeDesc -- === Definition === -- newtype UnresolvedConses = UnresolvedConses [Expr Cons] newtype NegativeConses = NegativeConses [Expr Cons] makeLenses ''UnresolvedConses
-- This function takes a list of values and returns the list of zscores -- Order is maintained allZScores :: (Floating a) => [a] -> [a] allZScores [] = [] allZScores [a] = [a] allZScores xs = map getZ xs where getZ = zScore (mean xs) (standardDeviation xs) -- This will take a Score, a Mean, and a Standard Deviation and return the
afew :: Test afew = testGroup "Mixed, AFew" [testCase "AFew: C1" c1 ,testCase "AFew: C2" c2 ,testCase "AFew: C3" c3 ,testCase "AFew: C4" c4] where c1 = C1 @?= fromChurch (\ c _ _ _ -> c) c2 = C2 1 'a' @?= fromChurch (\ _ f _ _ -> f 1 'a') c3 = C3 True True @?= fromChurch (\ _ _ f _ -> f True True) c4 = C4 @?= fromChurch (\ _ _ _ c -> c)
posType <- string "fen" <|> string "startpos" spaces (FEN pos _ _) <- if posType == "fen" then fenParser else return $ FEN initialBoard 0 0 spaces liftM CmdPosition $ option pos (string "moves" >> parserMoveList pos) where parserMoveList pos = do mm <- optionMaybe (spaces >> moveParser pos) case mm of Just m -> parserMoveList $ makeMove m pos
, reserved , whiteSpace , withinBraces , withinBrackets , withinParens ) import Text.Parsec import Text.Parsec.String (Parser) import qualified Data.Text as T -- | Parse a ghost module definition. I.e. the main structure for a -- ghost-lang module.
serversFull :: Int -> [(ServerCfg, Maybe Int)] -> Bool serversFull max = all (isStoppedOrFull . snd) where isStoppedOrFull (Just cnt) = cnt >= max isStoppedOrFull Nothing = True firstDown :: [(ServerCfg, Maybe Int)] -> Maybe ServerCfg firstDown = (fst <$>) . find (isNothing . snd) needToStop :: Int -> [(ServerCfg, Maybe Int)] -> [ServerCfg] needToStop max srvs = map fst $ case nonEmpty of [] -> drop 1 empty _ -> empty where running = map (fmap fromJust) $ filter (isJust . snd) srvs nonFull = filter ((< max) . snd) running (nonEmpty, empty) = partition ((> 0) . snd) nonFull
{-| Constructs a 'Clause' from a list of 'Literal's -} mkClauseFromLits :: [Literal] -> Clause mkClauseFromLits = foldl clauseAddLiteral emptyClause
, " </div>" , " <div align='center'>" , " <div class='textareas'>" , " <textarea id='tree1' rows='1'></textarea>" , " <textarea id='code1' rows='1'></textarea>" , " </div>" , " </div>" , " </div>" , " <div id='col2' class='col'>" , " <div align='center'>" , " <input class='dna' type='text' value='FF' id='input2' autocomplete='off' autocorrect='off' autocapitalize='off' spellcheck='false'>" , " </div>"
go [] n = (one,n) go (p : ps) n = if n <= 1 then (one,n) else (multiply f (primePower p r), m) where (r,s) = factorOut p n (f,m) = go ps s destSmooth :: [Natural] -> Natural -> Maybe Factor destSmooth ps n = if m == 1 then Just f else Nothing where (f,m) = trialDivision ps n
TokPipe -> "|" TokTick -> "`" TokDot -> "." TokComma -> "," TokUnderscore -> "_" TokBackslash -> "\\" TokLowerName qual name -> printQual qual <> name TokUpperName qual name -> printQual qual <> name TokOperator qual sym -> printQual qual <> sym TokSymbolName qual sym -> printQual qual <> "(" <> sym <> ")"
-- Exercise#5 -- Quicksort of numbers. -- What would be the effect of replacing <= by < in the original definition of qsort? Hint: consider the example qsort1 [2,2,3,1,1]. -- Exercise on page#13: 1.7.5 -- PIH, Second Edition. -- <NAME> V V :: 01st Oct, 2016. qsort1 :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] qsort1 [] = []
module Barbies.Internal ( -- * Functor Internal.gbmapDefault , Generics.GFunctor(..) , Internal.CanDeriveFunctorB , Internal.CanDeriveFunctorT -- * Traversable
part1 :: (Gen, Gen) -> Int part1 (a,b) = length $ filter (==0) $ take (40*10^6) $ zipWith bitcount ga gb where ga = generator $ a { _filter = 1 } gb = generator $ b { _filter = 1} part2 :: (Gen, Gen) -> Int part2 (a,b) = length $ filter (==0) $ take ( 5*10^6) $ zipWith bitcount ga gb where ga = generator a gb = generator b
, diversifyN -- ** Inverse Injection , Reinterpret -- , Reinterpreted , reinterpret , Reinterpret' , reinterpret' , ReinterpretL -- , ReinterpretedL , reinterpretL , ReinterpretL' , reinterpretL' , ReinterpretN' , reinterpretN'
, secureHandshake , module Oscoin.P2P.Handshake.Simple , module Oscoin.P2P.Handshake.Noise , Types.Handshake , Types.HandshakeRole(..) , Types.HandshakeResult , Types.hrPeerInfo , Types.hrPreSend , Types.hrPostRecv , Types.HandshakeT
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | Static files. module HL.Static where import Yesod.Static staticFiles "static/"
module Y2020.AOC23 where import AOC (Solution (PureSolution)) import Data.List (foldl')
Maintainer : <EMAIL> -} module Camfort.Input ( -- * Classes Default(..) -- * Datatypes and Aliases , ProgramFile
data Parappa f g a = DaWrappa (f a) (g a) instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Parappa f g) where fmap f (DaWrappa fa ga) = DaWrappa (fmap f fa) (fmap f ga) data IgnoreOne f g a b = IgnoringSomething (f a) (g b) instance Functor g => Functor (IgnoreOne f g a) where fmap f (IgnoringSomething fa gb) = IgnoringSomething fa (fmap f gb) data Notorious g o a t = Notorious (g o) (g a) (g t) instance Functor g => Functor (Notorious g o a) where
=> IndexEntry -> FilePath -> HMGitT m () putLs _ fp = liftIO $ putStrLn fp putLsDetail :: MonadIO m => IndexEntry -> FilePath -> HMGitT m () putLsDetail idx fp = liftIO
mydrop _ [] = [] mydrop 0 xs = xs mydrop n (x:xs) = mydrop (n-1) xs -- mydrop 3 [1,2,3,4,5] -- mydrop 2 [2,3,4,5] -- mydrop 1 [3,4,5] -- mydrop 0 [4,5] -- [4,5] myinit :: [a] -> [a]
<gh_stars>10-100 -- Lucas numbers -- module Codewars.Exercise.Lucas where lucasnum :: Int -> Integer lucasnum n = (if (n<0) then (-1)^n' else 1) * (fibS n' + 2 * fibS (n'-1)) where n' = abs n fib = (map fibS [0 ..] !!) fibS 0 = 0 fibS 1 = 1 fibS k | k > 0 = fib (k-2) + fib (k-1)
module FluentTest ( ) where data Fluent a = Fluent a
, 0xFB1E , 0x8BF9 , 0x9BD8 , 0xABBB , 0xBB9A , 0x4A75
bin2dec' _ x = trace ( "the value is expected binary value composed of '0' or '1'. The written value is incorrect") undefined hexNumP = hex2dec <$> (string "0x" *> many alphaNum) where hex2dec nums = toDecimal hex2dec' nums hex2dec' c x = case lookup (toUpper c) $ zip "0123456789ABCDEF" [0..] of Just v -> v * 16^x
newtype TMVar a = TMVar (TVar (Maybe a)) newTMVar :: a -> STM (TMVar a) newTMVar a = do t <- newTVar (Just a) return $ TMVar t
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} module Data.UTC.Class.Epoch ( Epoch(..) ) where -- | The instant in time also known as __the epoch__: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z class Epoch t where epoch :: t
isNothing' = not . isJust' mayybee :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b mayybee x f y = fromMaybe x (f <$> y) fromMaybe' :: a -> Maybe a -> a fromMaybe' x Nothing = x fromMaybe' _ (Just x') = x' data BinaryTree a = Leaf
instance QqStyleOptionMenuItem ((QStyleOptionMenuItem t1)) where qStyleOptionMenuItem (x1) = withQStyleOptionMenuItemResult $ withObjectPtr x1 $ \cobj_x1 -> qtc_QStyleOptionMenuItem1 cobj_x1 foreign import ccall "qtc_QStyleOptionMenuItem1" qtc_QStyleOptionMenuItem1 :: Ptr (TQStyleOptionMenuItem t1) -> IO (Ptr (TQStyleOptionMenuItem ()))
, ft_Get_Sfnt_LangTag' ) where import FreeType.Core.Base.Types import FreeType.Core.Types.Types import FreeType.Format.SFNT.Types import Foreign.Ptr
let out = \s -> writer ((), s) inp = return "42" run = register (Money 0) inp out result = lines (snd (runWriter run)) result `shouldBe` ["42.00"] it "can add amounts, printing the total" $ do
move' = foldl' move1' origin' :: (Int, Int) origin' = (3, 1) positions' :: [[Direction]] -> [(Int, Int)] positions' ds = scanl move' origin' ds buttons' :: [[Direction]] -> [Char] buttons' ds = map button' $ positions' ds result2 = do t <- input -- t <- pure test :: IO Text case parseOnly directionSet t of
data Ctxt = Ctxt { _req :: FnRequest , db :: Pool Connection , library :: Library , pushover :: Maybe (Push.APIToken, Push.UserKey) , siteurl :: Text } instance RequestContext Ctxt where
Lua.callFunc "table.pack" True (23 :: Lua.Integer) (Char8.pack "moin") , "failing lua procedure call" =: "foo" `shouldBeErrorMessageOf` do Lua.openlibs Lua.callFunc "error" (Char8.pack "foo") :: Lua () , "Error when Lua-to-Haskell result conversion fails" =: "expected string, got 'false' (boolean)" `shouldBeErrorMessageOf` do Lua.openlibs Lua.callFunc "rawequal" (Char8.pack "a") () :: Lua String ] -- The following test case will hang if there's a problem with garbage -- collection.
import DB.Model.Convert.Value.Native (encode, decodeMaybe) -- import LibPrelude.Types import LibPrelude import qualified Network.Google.Datastore as DS import Data.Typeable import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Scientific as Sci
{-# INLINE modify #-} modify :: (PrimMonad m, Storable a) => MVector (PrimState m) a -> (a -> a) -> Int -> m () modify = MG.modify {-# INLINE unsafeRead #-} unsafeRead :: (PrimMonad m, Storable a) => MVector (PrimState m) a -> Int -> m a unsafeRead = MG.unsafeRead {-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
import qualified Data.Set as Set -- import Data.Time -- import GHC.Exts import System.Directory import Network.POP3.SSLClient
-- | obtain pointer to the underlying data if applicable array'data'ptr :: forall m r. (MonadPlus m) => f a -> (Storable a => ForeignPtr a -> m r) -> m r data DeviceArray a = (Storable a, EdhXchg a, Typeable a) => DeviceArray { device'array'cap :: !Int, device'array'ref :: !(ForeignPtr a)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, natVal, KnownNat) data Foo = Bar Nat data SFoo = SBar Int deriving (Show) type family ExtractNat (a :: Foo) :: Nat where ExtractNat (Bar x) = x sing :: forall a. KnownNat (ExtractNat a) => Proxy a -> SFoo
module Main where import SmackMyBitch main :: IO () main = sendMsg
initVal = toReal $ Fraction num den in valSimplified == initVal -- | Tests addition of fractions prop_addition :: Fraction -> Fraction -> Bool prop_addition fracA fracB = let eval1 = toReal (fracA + fracB) eval2 = (toReal fracA) + (toReal fracB) in abs(eval1 - eval2) < marginErr -- Can't test for equality due to floating point errors
import Classifier import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import qualified System.Random as R
findAppointments :: Day -> (Appointment -> Bool) -> WD [Appointment] findAppointments lastDay p = do appts <- findFirstAppointments lastDay if null appts then return [] else do let appts' = filter (allP [ (<= nextDayStartTime lastDay) . time, p ])
-- and one actual. These sets of alerts can either be pushed to us by -- Prometheus, or we can poll for them from AlertManager. The mode of operation -- can be specified on a per-source basis. -- -- In the case of alerts being pushed to us, we use a PushSource to keep a -- reference to some mutable state (the latest list of alerts) so that we have -- something to compare against when we are asked to perform a comparison. -- -- In the case of us having to pull alerts, we use a PullSource to store the -- URL of the AlertManager from which to pull, and an optional token with which
import Control.Monad.Fix (fix) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trace import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.IORef (modifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef) -- | Runs a 'TraceT' action, returning any collected samples alongside its output. The samples are -- sorted chronologically by completion time (e.g. the head is the first span to complete). --
<gh_stars>0 -- See for details {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}
next res evalMemoryMonad state (ModifyBitfield mut next) = do modifyTVar' (torrentStateBitField state) (force . mut) next evalMemoryMonad state (ReadRequestablePieces next) = do res <- readTVar (torrentStateRequestablePieces state) next res evalMemoryMonad state (ModifyRequestablePieces mut next) = do modifyTVar' (torrentStateRequestablePieces state) (force . mut) next evalMemoryMonad state (RecordDownloaded s b next) = do
( OctrcArgs(..) , getOctrcArgs ) where import Data.List ( isSuffixOf ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable ) import Options.Applicative import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing ) import Octrc.Common
perms treat ctrl = (less,total) where total = binomial (length ctrl + length treat) (length treat) less = length $ filter (<= sum treat) $ sums (treat ++ ctrl) (length treat) sums x n | l < n || n < 0 = []
else take 1 cShownReducedExp ++ "." ++ drop 1 cShownReducedExp | c == 0 = "0" | otherwise = dropZerosFromRight $ if read cShownReducedExp > (-10 :: Integer) then cShownReducedExp else take 2 cShownReducedExp ++ "." ++ drop 2 cShownReducedExp in c' ++ "e" ++ (if e >= 0 then "+" else "") ++ show e
mcx_circ :: QbIn -> Circ QbOut mcx_circ = unpack template_mcx mcx_reversible :: (QbIn,QbOut) -> Circ (QbIn,QbOut) mcx_reversible = classical_to_reversible mcx_circ build_circuit mcx_m :: (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool) -> Bool mcx_m (a0,a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) = a0 && a1 && a2 && a3 && a4 && a5 && a6 && a7 && a8
--- data ListZipper a = LZ a [a] [a] -- LZ(a) = a * L(a)^2 left :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a left (LZ _ [] _) = error "already on the left end" left (LZ a (x:l) r) = LZ x l (a:r)
-- Copyright : (C) 2015-2016, <NAME> -- License : None -- Maintainer : <NAME> <<EMAIL>> -- Stability : experimental -- -- Types for the ParodyBot, including some very simple access to Spotify. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module SpotTypes where
-- just recursively go through the list of primes to compute the factors of n primeFactors n = factor n primes where factor n (p:ps) | p*p > n = [n] | n `mod` p == 0 = p : factor (n `div` p) (p:ps) | otherwise = factor n ps ans = last (primeFactors 600851475143)

This dataset contains 10000 random snippets of 5-15 lines parsed from bigcode/starcoderdata.

Specifically, I consider 10 languages: Haskell, Python, cpp, java, typescript, shell, csharp, rust, php, and swift. And, I collect 1000 documents for each language, and then extract 5-15 random lines from the document to create this dataset.

See MagiCoder and their seed collection process. In my usecase, I needed some inspiration documents for generating synthetic datasets.

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