stringclasses 10
values | seed
stringlengths 5
haskell | import Data.IP
import Network.DNS hiding (lookup)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sqlite (SqliteConf)
import Database.Persist.Zookeeper (ZookeeperConf)
instance PersistField IP where
toPersistValue (IPv4 ip) = toPersistValue $ fromIPv4 ip
toPersistValue (IPv6 ip) = toPersistValue $ fromIPv6 ip
fromPersistValue value = do
v <- fromPersistValue value |
haskell | fresh = lift . fresh
instance Fresh m => Fresh (Lazy.StateT s m) where
fresh = lift . fresh
instance Fresh m => Fresh (Strict.StateT s m) where
fresh = lift . fresh
instance (Monoid w, Fresh m) => Fresh (Lazy.WriterT w m) where
fresh = lift . fresh
instance (Monoid w, Fresh m) => Fresh (Strict.WriterT w m) where |
haskell |
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "looking up keys" $ do
it "should return true when a key exists" $
let tokens = [Token "foo" Nothing]
in key "foo" tokens `shouldBe` True
it "should return false when a key does not exist" $ |
haskell | parseArgs args = do
let (flags, rest, errs) = GO.getOpt (GO.ReturnInOrder (\s -> Remainder s)) arglist args
desc <- theDesc flags
return $ fromJust $ ((combine desc flags) <|>
(tryLens (preview listBuffersDummy) flags >> (ExecBuffers <$> tryLens (preview pid) flags)) <|>
(pure ExecShowHelp))
-- |File Format for output: |
haskell | -- | Narrowing down the max rank by making a guess that is guided by the number of higher rank cards in the feedback.
-- Guess higher rank if the answer contains higher rank cards and vice versa.
-- Once max rank is found, it prepares to guess the min rank with the knowledge of the known max bound.
nextGuess (currentGuess, currentState@(FindingMax maxRankGuess estMinRank history level result)) (correctCards, _, _, higherRanks, _) |
haskell | module HaskellWorks.Data.Bits.FixedBitSize
( FixedBitSize(..)
) where
import Data.Word
import HaskellWorks.Data.Positioning
-- | Class of values that have a fix bit size
class FixedBitSize a where
-- | Get the bit size of a value of given type.
-- >>> fixedBitSize (undefined :: Word8)
-- 8
fixedBitSize :: a -> Count
haskell | import HLearn.Models.Classifiers.NearestNeighbor
import HLearn.Models.Classifiers.Perceptron
import HLearn.Models.Classifiers.Experimental.Boosting.FiniteBoost
import HLearn.Models.Classifiers.Experimental.Boosting.MonoidBoost
import HLearn.Models.Regression.PowerLaw |
haskell | {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module SkipMany where
data GenParser tok st a = GenParser tok st a
skipMany' :: GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st ()
skipMany' = undefined |
haskell | getters <- makeFieldGetters dataTypes
{ getModuleExpressions =
getModuleExpressions resolvedModule <> getters |
haskell | gradLogNormalObservedVote demProbs (demVote, turnoutCounts) =
let Normal m' v' = mconcat $ fmap (\(t,Normal m v) -> Normal (t*m) (v*m))$ zip turnoutCounts demProbs
np = zip turnoutCounts demProbs
dv = fmap (\(n, p) -> let n' = realToFrac n in n' * (1 - 2 * p)) np
dm = turnoutCounts
dmv = zip dm dv
a1 = negate (1 / v) -- d (log v)
a2 = (realToFrac demVote - m)
a3 = (a2 * a2) / (2 * v * v)
a4 = (a2 / v)
in fmap (\(dm, dv) -> (a1 + a3) * dv + a4 * realToFrac dm) dmv |
haskell |
readEnvironment :: IO Environment
readEnvironment = do
environment0 <- decodeFileEither environmentName :: IO (Either ParseException Environment)
return $ case environment0 of
Right v -> v
Left _ -> emptyEnvironment
writeEnvironment :: Environment -> IO Environment
writeEnvironment environment = do
encodeFile environmentName environment
return environment
haskell | mero_runtime_build_time <-
peekCAString =<< [C.exp| const char* { m0_build_info_get()->bi_time } |]
return $ printf (intercalate "\n" [
"Halon %s (Git revision: %s)"
, "Authored on: %s"
, "Built against:"
, "Mero: %s (Git revision: %s) (Configure flags: %s)"
, "Built on: %s"
, "Running against:"
, "Mero: %s (Git revision: %s) (Configure flags: %s)" |
haskell | import TestUtil
import Language.Fortran.Parser.Fortran77
import Language.Fortran.Lexer.FixedForm (initParseState)
import Language.Fortran.ParserMonad (FortranVersion(..), evalParse, fromParseResultUnsafe)
import Language.Fortran.AST
import Language.Fortran.Analysis
import Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks |
haskell | <gh_stars>0
main = map (+1) [1,2,3,4,5]
haskell | gen <- create
arr <- newArrayData n
let write ix = unsafeWriteArrayData arr (Sugar.toIndex sh ix)
. fromElt =<< f ix gen
iter sh write (>>) (return ())
return (arr, undefined)
in adata `seq` Array (fromElt sh) adata |
haskell | (
) where
titleToNumber :: [Excel] -> Int
titleToNumber (x:xs)
| null xs = a
| otherwise = a * 26 ^ length xs + titleToNumber xs |
haskell | hasTVPreferredFocus = prop "hasTVPreferredFocus"
-- Platform: IOS
tvParallaxProperties :: Has c "tvParallaxProperties" => TvParallaxProperties -> Props c handler
tvParallaxProperties = prop "tvParallaxProperties"
instance Has TouchableHighlight "activeOpacity"
instance Has TouchableHighlight "onHideUnderlay" |
haskell | import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import Clash.Prelude(NFDataX, mealy)
conName :: M.Map TH.Name TH.Name -> TH.Name -> TH.Name |
haskell | wrapTruncate go pFilePath off pFuseFileInfo = handleAsFuseError $ do
filePath <- peekFilePathOrEmpty pFilePath
mfh <- getFH pFuseFileInfo
go filePath mfh off
wrapOpen :: (FilePath -> OpenMode -> OpenFileFlags -> IO (Either Errno fh)) -> C.COpen
wrapOpen go pFilePath pFuseFileInfo = handleAsFuseError $ do
filePath <- peekFilePath pFilePath
(openFileFlags, openMode) <- peekOpenFileFlagsAndMode pFuseFileInfo
go filePath openMode openFileFlags >>= \case
Left errno -> pure errno
Right fh -> do |
haskell | ) where
import GitHub.Login.Client (GitHubLoginClient)
import GitHub.Login.Device as GitHub
import GitHub.Login.Test.Helper (shouldResponseAs)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
specWith :: GitHubLoginClient c => c -> IO TestTree
specWith client = testSpec "GitHub.Login.Device" $ do |
haskell | ("2 + 5", Constant 7),
("10 - 5", Constant 5),
("5 * 2", Constant 10),
("20 / 2", Constant 10),
("-1.0", Constant (-1)), |
haskell | renderRuneLit :: Render Go.RuneLit
renderRuneLit x = case x of
Go.RuneLit_UnicodeValue y -> mappend "'" . renderUnicodeValue y . mappend "'"
Go.RuneLit_ByteValue y -> mappend "'" . renderByteValue y . mappend "'"
renderUnicodeValue :: Render Go.UnicodeValue
renderUnicodeValue x = case x of
Go.UnicodeValue_UnicodeChar y -> renderUnicodeChar y
Go.UnicodeValue_LittleUValue y -> renderLittleUValue y
Go.UnicodeValue_BigUValue y -> renderBigUValue y |
haskell | list :: Default a => [Term a] -> Term a
list = defaultTerm . ExpressionList
listType :: Type -> Type
listType = TypeList |
haskell |
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Lens
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Ext
import Data.Geometry.Point
import Data.Geometry.Properties
import Data.Geometry.Transformation
import Data.Geometry.Vector
import qualified Data.Geometry.Vector as V
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Range as R
import qualified Data.Semigroup.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed as FV |
haskell | module T7969a where
data T = MkT
haskell | withLocalKadenamintNetwork 3 $ \root -> \case
[n0, n1, _n2] -> timelineCoinContract root n0 n1
_ -> impossible
withKadenamintNode :: MonadIO m => KadenamintNode -> m ()
withKadenamintNode kn = liftIO $ do
let tn = _kadenamintNode_tendermint kn
home = tn ^. tendermintNode_home |
haskell | normalizePath f =
let f' = map (\x -> if x == '\\' then '/' else x) f
if "./" `isPrefixOf` f'
then drop 2 f' |
haskell | -- | /O(m)/ where /m/ is the number of feature values. Computes the
-- frequency of the given label from the given conditional prob. table.
labelCount :: Num n => CPT -> String -> n
labelCount cpt c = sum $ map fromIntegral (M.elems (cpt M.! c))
-- | /O(l m)/ Calculate the number of training instances from a CPT.
dataLength :: Num n => CPT -> n
dataLength = fromIntegral . sum . map (sum . M.elems) . M.elems |
haskell | import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
data Card = Card
{ cardId :: Text
, name :: Text
, cardSet :: Maybe Text
, img :: Maybe Text
, imgGold :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Card where
haskell | import qualified Thrift (ProtocolExnType(..))
import Thrift.Types
import Thrift.Serializable
import Thrift.Arbitraries
data HsFoo = HsFoo |
haskell | unless should $ do
liftIO GLFW.pollEvents >> locally action
glfwMainLoopWithState :: GLFW.Window -> Program' () -> Program r ()
glfwMainLoopWithState = undefined
createGLFWVulkanInstance :: String -> Program r VkInstance
createGLFWVulkanInstance progName = do
-- get required extension names from GLFW
glfwReqExts <- liftIO GLFW.getRequiredInstanceExtensions
createVulkanInstance |
haskell | five= \f x -> f.f.f.f.f$x
six :: Church x
six= \f x-> f.f.f.f.f.f$x
seven :: Church x
seven= \f x-> f.f.f.f.f.f.f$x
eight :: Church x
eight= \f x-> f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f$x
nine :: Church x
nine= \f x-> f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f$x
ten :: Church x |
haskell | -------------------------
-- | Maps to 'bool'.
instance Default (Value Bool) where
{-# INLINE def #-} |
haskell |
parse :: String -> [Command]
parse str = map toCommand $ chunksOf 2 $ words str
toCommand [dir, dist] = (toDirective dir, read dist)
toDirective "forward" = Forward
toDirective "down" = Down
toDirective "up" = Up
solve part commands = horiz * depth |
haskell | "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud"
((joinWith '-' . splitOn ' ') text) `shouldBe`
checkSort :: [Int] -> Bool
checkSort [] = True |
haskell | let (bw,bh) = rectangleDim (uiBounds info)
w = if fromIntegral iw > bw
then bw
else fromIntegral iw
h = if fromIntegral ih > bh
then bh
else fromIntegral ih
mkRectangle (rectangleTopLeft (uiBounds info)) w h
_ -> uiBounds info
haskell | -- create a new IORef
stringRef <- newIORef $ ""
string1 <- readIORef stringRef
print string1
-- change the value inside stringRef
writeIORef stringRef "A" |
haskell |
tabulateS :: Int -> Stream (Of Int) IO r -> Stream (Of Text) IO r
tabulateS cols str = mapsM S.mconcat $ S.chunksOf cols $ withTab str
sumAndTabS :: Int -> Stream (Of Int) IO r -> IO Int
sumAndTabS cols = |
haskell | module Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate where
import Crypto.Random (CPRG)
import Crypto.Types.PubKey.ECC
import Crypto.Types.PubKey.ECDSA
import Crypto.Number.Generate
import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim
-- | Generate Q given d.
-- |
haskell |
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.IP
import Data.Serialize (decode)
import Data.TCP
data Packet = Packet {
ipv4Header :: IPv4Header,
tcpHeader :: TCPHeader,
body :: C.ByteString
} deriving Show
parseByteString :: C.ByteString -> Packet
parseByteString bs = do
let ipBs = stripLinkLayerHeader bs |
haskell | class Puz p where
code :: p -> String
instance Puz (Point 2 Float) where
-- code p = show (p ^. unsafeCoord 1) ++ " " ++ show (p ^. unsafeCoord 2)
code p = unwords $ map (show . (flip view p) . unsafeCoord) [1, 2]
instance Puz PuzPath where
code (Start p) = " start " ++ code p
code (LineTo path p) = code path ++ "\n " ++ "line to " ++ code p
code (ArcTo path left wide p) = code path ++ "\n " ++ if left then "left " else ""
++ if wide then "wide " else ""
++ "arc to " ++ code p
instance Puz PuzModifier where |
haskell | module Models.User where
type UserId = Int
type FirstName = String
type LastName = String |
haskell | Type
PoolerDenseF 'RoBERTa gradient device dataType inputEmbedDim =
NamedModel (GLinearF 'WithBias gradient device dataType inputEmbedDim inputEmbedDim)
type family
(style :: TransformerStyle) ::
PoolerActivationF 'RoBERTa = Tanh
( HasForward |
haskell | (_testTasksDb_tasks tasksDb)
(\_ -> work . unWrappedColumnar)
allTestTasks :: Connection -> IO [TestTask]
allTestTasks c =
runBeamPostgres c $ runSelectReturningList $
select $ all_ (_testTasksDb_tasks tasksDb)
justOneTestTask :: Connection -> IO (Maybe TestTask)
justOneTestTask c =
runBeamPostgres c $ runSelectReturningOne $
select $ all_ (_testTasksDb_tasks tasksDb) |
haskell | it "Next day for Friday is Saturday" $ do
(nextDay Friday) `shouldBe` Saturday
it "Next day for Saturday is Sunday" $ do
(nextDay Saturday) `shouldBe` Sunday
it "Next day for Sunday is Monday" $ do
(nextDay Sunday) `shouldBe` Monday
afterDaysSpec :: SpecWith ()
afterDaysSpec =
describe "Block1_Task1.afterDays" $ do
it "Negative number of days is forbidden" $ do |
haskell | module Arkham.Types.AssetId where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Aeson
import Data.UUID
newtype AssetId = AssetId { unAssetId :: UUID }
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToJSONKey, FromJSONKey, Hashable)
newtype StoryAssetId = StoryAssetId { unStoryAssetId :: AssetId }
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToJSONKey, FromJSONKey, Hashable)
newtype DamageableAssetId = DamageableAssetId { unDamageableAssetId :: AssetId }
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToJSONKey, FromJSONKey, Hashable)
haskell |
import Concordium.Client.Cli
import Test.Hspec
logSpec :: Spec
logSpec = describe "log" $ do
prettyMsgSpec :: Spec
prettyMsgSpec = describe "prettyMsg" $ do
specify "empty without punctuation" $ |
haskell | {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Generics.Deriving.Instances (
haskell |
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- getContents
let evs = readEvents (lines input) |
haskell | import Data.List
main = do
str <- readFile "Problem0022.txt"
print $ problem22Value str
problem22Value :: String -> Int
problem22Value str = sum $ getNameScores $ sort $ lines str
getNameScores :: [String] -> [Int]
getNameScores names = getNameScores' 1 names |
haskell | -}
scaledNode :: Topic -> Diagram B
scaledNode t = box <> centerXY txt
where txt :: Diagram B
txt = texterific $ topicName t
(th,tw) = (height txt, width txt)
sf = 1.5
box = roundedRect (tw * sf) (th * sf) 0.2 |
haskell |
-- Examples to test eval
-- 4! again.
et1 = runEval "{ X1 := 1; \
\ while (> val(X0) 0) do { \
\ X1 := (* val(X1) val(X0)); X0 := (- val(X0) 1) }}"
{- should have result:
Locs(!=0): X[1]=24
et2 = runEval "let x = 2 in (+ 10 x)" |
haskell | | WholeCart
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
data Action
= AmountOff Integer Target
| PercentOff Integer Target
| FreeProduct Slug
| ReferralUsed String -- eh why not
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
data Rule = Rule Expression [Action]
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) |
haskell | & applyRotorBackward rotor3
& applyRotorBackward rotor2
& applyRotorBackward rotor1
& applyPlugboard plugboard
haskell | rule_Comprehension :: Rule
rule_Comprehension = "relation-comprehension{RelationAsMatrix}" `namedRule` theRule where
theRule (Comprehension body gensOrConds) = do
(gocBefore, (pat, rel), gocAfter) <- matchFirst gensOrConds $ \ goc -> case goc of
Generator (GenInExpr pat@Single{} expr) -> return (pat, matchDefs [opToSet, opToMSet] expr)
_ -> na "rule_Comprehension"
let upd val old = lambdaToFunction pat old val
TypeRelation{} <- typeOf rel
Relation_AsMatrix <- representationOf rel
[m] <- downX1 rel
mDom <- domainOf m
let (mIndices, _) = getIndices mDom
-- we need something like:
-- Q i in rel . f(i) |
haskell | and0 (b:bs) = b && and0(bs)
concat0 :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat0 [] = []
concat0 (a : as) | null as = a
| otherwise = a ++ concat0 as |
haskell |
(.||) :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
(.||) f1 f2 a = f1 a || f2 a
-- copied from
(!?) :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
xs !? n
| n < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = foldr (\x r k -> case k of |
haskell | import Transformations.Substitution (Substitution, apply)
import Trees.Tree
A state over some type a.
newtype State a =
State a
deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
Show instance for states.
instance (Show a) => Show (State a) where |
haskell |
--------------------------- below are for tests utility --------
comment_rem :: BC.ByteString -> BC.ByteString
comment_rem "" = ""
comment_rem x =
let h = BS.head x
t = BS.tail x
th = BS.head t
in case ( h , th ) of
( 47 ,47 ) -> ""
otherwise -> BS.cons h (comment_rem t)
haskell | )
import LOGL.Application.Context
import LOGL.Mesh
import Graphics.GLUtil.ShaderProgram
import Codec.Wavefront
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
haskell | fakeSecret = "fakesecret1"
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "signRequest" $ do
context "When missing headers" $ do
it "Returns 'Nothing' when missing a date header" $ do
(signRequest fakeAccess fakeSecret fakeBadGetRequest) `shouldBe` Nothing
context "When given valid input data" $ do
it "Returns 'Just (Request Text)'" $ do
pendingWith "Requires fuller implementation"
haskell | <gh_stars>10-100
module A(main,a) where
import B
import C(c)
main = print (a 42)
a x = b x + c x
haskell | start
= "sibling" :
-- comment
haskell | {-# INLINE pushE #-}
sliceB :: MapBuffer a -> Int -> Int -> [a]
sliceB (MB pos vec) start num = -- V.toList $ V.slice (pos+start) num vec
let ix1 = pos+start
top = snd $ M.split (ix1-1) vec
in map snd . M.toAscList . fst $ M.split (ix1+num) top
{-# INLINE sliceB #-} |
haskell | = Header "Authorization" String
:> ReqBody '[ SafeJSON] KnowledgeModelChangeDTO
:> "caches"
:> "knowledge-model"
:> Post '[ SafeJSON] (Headers '[ Header "x-trace-uuid" String] KnowledgeModel)
list_knowledgeModel_POST ::
Maybe String -> KnowledgeModelChangeDTO -> BaseContextM (Headers '[ Header "x-trace-uuid" String] KnowledgeModel)
list_knowledgeModel_POST mServiceToken reqDto =
runInUnauthService $
addTraceUuidHeader =<< do
checkServiceToken mServiceToken
mKm <- getFromCache (reqDto ^. events) (reqDto ^. packageId) (reqDto ^. tagUuids)
case mKm of
Just km -> return km |
haskell |
% gray(N,C) :- C is the N-bit Gray code
Can you apply the method of "result caching" in order to make the predicate more efficient, when it is to be used repeatedly?
gray :: Int -> [String]
gray 0 = [""]
gray nb = map (\x -> '0':x) prev ++ map (\x -> '1':x) prev
where prev = gray (nb - 1) |
haskell | {-
This is a way to only expose methods that helps one to
construct the ADT and not expose the details behind the
ADT. In Haskell , this type of initialization is called
as Smart Constructors. |
haskell | instance FromJSON Algorithm where
parseJSON (String "HS256") = return HS256
parseJSON (String "RS256") = return RS256
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance ToJSON StringOrURI where |
haskell | , CleanerError (..) ) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Utils (parseString)
testString :: String
testString = " \n\
\ a) ungenannt, ohne Namensnennung: \n\
\ein anonymer Verfasser, Brief; \n\ |
haskell |
We support feching daily closing prices for all cryptocurrencies supported
by AlphaVantage. Use the `-c` flag to specify which commodities are
cryptocurrencies. You can pass the flag multiple times or specify them as
a comma-separated list. For the listed cryptocurrencies, we will hit
AlphaVantage's Daily Crypto Prices API route instead of the normal Stock
Prices route.
AlphaVantage's API limits users to 5 requests per minute. We respect this
limit by waiting for 60 seconds after every 5 commities we process. You
can ignore the rate-limiting by using the `-n` flag, but requests are more |
haskell | (([Bool], [Bool]),
(IntTF, IntTF, IntTF, IntTF, IntTF, IntTF),
(Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool))
oracle_aux_simulate l =
run_classical_generic (\u v -> o1_ORACLE_aux l (2^((length u)-1)) (u,v))
-- | A specialized 'show' for oracle auxiliary data.
show_oracle_details :: Show a => (([Bool], [Bool]),
(Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool))
-> String
show_oracle_details ((u,v),(uint,vint,u17,v17,u3,v3),(uF,vF,uH,vH,t_uv,t_uHvH,t_u3v3))
= (showBits u) ++ " " ++ (showBits v) ++ " " ++
showBits [uF,vF,uH,vH,t_uv,t_uHvH,t_u3v3] ++ " " ++
show [uint,vint,u17,v17,u3,v3] |
haskell | putInfo "cleaning files"
liftIO $ removeFiles "build" ["*.o", "*.a"]
phony "build_cpp" $ do
putInfo "building cpp files"
dir <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
csrcFiles <- liftIO . listDirectory $ dir </> "csrc"
let cppFiles = filter (isExtensionOf "cpp") csrcFiles
cppFilesO = map (overFileName $ (-<.> "o")) cppFiles
_ <- need $ map (flip replaceDirectory "build") cppFilesO
need ["buildLib"]
overFileName :: (String -> String) -> FilePath -> FilePath
overFileName f p = replaceFileName p . f . takeFileName $ p |
haskell |
cardBeats :: Card -> Card -> Bool
cardBeats givenCard c =
((suit givenCard) == (suit c))
(rankBeats (rank givenCard) (rank c))
aceOfSpades = Card Ace Spades
tenOfHearts = Card (Numeric 10) Hearts
queenOfHearts = undefined
jackOfClub = undefined
haskell | readFileAsk :: a -> b -> a
readFileAsk askFoo fileName = askFoo
fakePutStr :: (Monad m) => String -> m()
fakePutStr x = do
return ()
fakePrint :: (Monad m, Show a) => a -> m() |
haskell | sym2 c = [c]
escape _ b _ = b
fun i _ a _ = i ++ a
single s = "child{" ++ s ++ "}"
split s _ a = "child{" ++ s ++ "}" ++ a |
haskell | import Lambda.Util
-- gointoCaseRoute
gointoCaseRoute :: Term -> [(PM, Term)] -> Lambda Term
gointoCaseRoute x ((pm,t):pairs) = do
if x == convert pm
then (*:) t
else case pairs of
[] -> do e <- restore x
throwEvalError $ strMsg $ "CASE: unexhausted pattern: "++ show e
_ -> gointoCaseRoute x pairs
haskell | dupChan_ = dupChan
forkIO_ = forkIO
class MonadSecureClient m where
runSecureClient_ :: HostName -> PortNumber -> String -> ClientApp a -> m a
instance MonadSecureClient IO where
runSecureClient_ = runSecureClient |
haskell | <gh_stars>1-10
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Auth.Models (
CreateUser(..) |
haskell | import SDLTricksCube.Launch ( launch, launch_ )
type Log = String -> IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
launch_ (info, warn, err) args where
info = log' "INFO"
warn = log' "WARN"
err = log' "ERROR"
log' x = putStrLn . printf "__android_log_write: %s: %s" x
-- imageBase64 = BS.readFile "assets/nefeli.png.base64" |
haskell | , printBase = 10
main :: IO ()
main = do
timestamp <- getCurrentTime
let dirname = "smt_logs_" ++ show timestamp
createDirectory dirname
withCurrentDirectory dirname $ do
benchmarkEnergyEstimate Energy.energyEstimateHighLevel |
haskell | lastSpoken = prefix `zip` [1..] & Map.fromList -- number -> turn spoken
in locate (length input & fromIntegral) (last input) lastSpoken
locate :: Integer -> Integer -> Map.Map Integer Integer -> Integer
locate thisTurn aboutToSay lastSpoken
| thisTurn == n = aboutToSay
| otherwise =
let previously = Map.lookup aboutToSay lastSpoken
nextToSay = case previously of
Nothing -> 0
Just lastTurn -> thisTurn - lastTurn
in locate (thisTurn + 1) nextToSay (Map.insert aboutToSay thisTurn lastSpoken)
haskell | = case Map.lookup name conf of
Just p -> updateProgram (Just p{programArgs=(words args)}) conf'
Nothing -> updateProgram (Just $ Program name name (words args) EmptyLocation) conf'
-- |Update this program's entry in the configuration. No changes if
-- you pass in Nothing.
updateProgram :: Maybe Program -> ProgramConfiguration -> ProgramConfiguration
updateProgram (Just p@Program{programName=n}) (ProgramConfiguration conf)
= ProgramConfiguration $ Map.insert n p conf
updateProgram Nothing conf = conf
-- |Runs the given program.
rawSystemProgram :: Int -- ^Verbosity
-> Program -- ^The program to run |
haskell | module Diverta2019.CSpec (spec) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, it, shouldBe)
import Text.Heredoc (str)
import Diverta2019.C (main)
import Test (runWith)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "Example 1" $ do
input, output :: ByteString |
haskell | entity: P2PPicksAccount
- name: P2PPicksAccount
- name: p2ppicksOwner
type: text
reference: |
haskell | , "column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space."
, "Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$"
, "justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column."
cols :: [[Text]]
cols =
transpose $
((++) <*> |
haskell | []
$ \s _ -> Right $ Variable s
termInfo "bin_op" = TermInfo
["lefthand expr of bin op", "bin op", "righthand expr of bin op"]
$ \_ (Right left:Left operator:Right right:_) -> Right $ BinOp operator left right
termInfo "number" = TermInfo
$ \s _ -> Right . Number $ read s
termInfo "boolean" = TermInfo |
haskell | , _crBranch :: Maybe BranchName
, _crWorkflowNumber :: WorkflowNumber
, _crComment :: Maybe Comment
, _crClaimType :: ClaimTypeName
, _crDetails :: Maybe Details
, _crReason :: Maybe Reason
, _crId :: RecordId
, _crDate :: UTCTime
} deriving (Show) |
haskell | # ("angle", rotateAngle)
data Scale
= SUniformScale Double
| SScaleAxis Vector
deriving(Eq, Show, Ord, Read, Data, Typeable, Generic)
instance Default Scale
haskell | gen <- newStdGen
let (prob, _) = randomR (min,max) gen :: (Float, StdGen)
return prob
simulateReturns :: Float -> Int -> Float -> Float -> Float -> IO [Float]
simulateReturns sigma kbar gamma_kbar b m0 = do
volatility <- simulateVolatility sigma kbar gamma_kbar b m0 |
haskell | -- No documentation found for TopLevel "VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR"
type VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR = VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfo
-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR"
pattern VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR :: ("sType" ::: VkStructureType) -> ("pNext" ::: Ptr ()) -> ("handleTypes" ::: VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags) -> VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR
pattern VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR vkSType vkPNext vkHandleTypes = VkExportSemaphoreCreateInfo vkSType vkPNext vkHandleTypes
-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_SEMAPHORE_IMPORT_TEMPORARY_BIT_KHR"
pattern VK_SEMAPHORE_IMPORT_TEMPORARY_BIT_KHR :: VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits
haskell |
import Prelude
import Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory (Prog)
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.OpenCL as OpenCL
import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels as ImpGenKernels
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.ToOpenCL
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames |
haskell | (MonadDOM m) => SVGFECompositeElement -> m SVGAnimatedNumber
getK2 self = liftDOM ((self ^. js "k2") >>= fromJSValUnchecked)
-- | < Mozilla SVGFECompositeElement.k3 documentation>
getK3 ::
(MonadDOM m) => SVGFECompositeElement -> m SVGAnimatedNumber
getK3 self = liftDOM ((self ^. js "k3") >>= fromJSValUnchecked)
-- | < Mozilla SVGFECompositeElement.k4 documentation>
getK4 :: |
haskell | newTreeInfo = if (isMax treeInfo) then treeInfo { alpha = (max score (alpha treeInfo))} else treeInfo { beta = (min score (beta treeInfo))} in
if pruneCondition then movePath
else calculateBestMove (isMax treeInfo) movePath (nextLevelMinimax node newTreeInfo)
nextLevelMinimax :: a -> TreeInfo a -> MovePath a |
haskell |
littleEndian :: Bool
littleEndian = (decode . runPut $ putWord16host 42 :: Word8) == 42
main :: IO ()
main | littleEndian = putStrLn "LittleEndian" |
haskell |
module Network.API.PagerDuty.EventV1Lenses (
_Link, _Image,
teServiceKey, teIncidentKey, teDescription, teDetails, teClient, teClientURL, teContexts,
_Acknowledge, _Resolve,
updateType, updateServiceKey, updateIncidentKey, updateDescription, updateDetails
) where
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, makePrisms)
import Network.API.PagerDuty.EventV1
haskell |
infixl 8 <^.>, <^..>, <^?>
-- | Gets name from deployment full info.
dfiName :: Getter DeploymentFullInfo DeploymentName
dfiName = field @"deployment" . field @"name" |
haskell | , pulse
, rmsGain
) where
import DeltaSigma.Type
import DeltaSigma.GeneralUtility
calculateSNR :: Bin -> Bin -> [Double] -> Double
calculateSNR f nsig hwfft = dbp (s / n)
norm xs = sum $ fmap (** 2) xs
s = norm $ fmap (hwfft !!) [f-nsig .. f+nsig]
n = norm $ fmap (hwfft !!) ([0 .. f-nsig-1] ++ [f+nsig+1 .. length hwfft - 1])
haskell | return $ RefreshResult (Token "secret-foo-token") Nothing
oneTimeRefresh :: IO ()
oneTimeRefresh = runStderrLoggingT $ do
tokenFoo <- createTokenStoreFoo
liftIO $ threadDelay (10 ^ 6 + 10 ^ 5)
(Right token) <- liftIO . atomically $ readTVar tokenFoo
liftIO $ token @?= Token "secret-foo-token"
main :: IO ()
main = do |
haskell | normalForm :: LC IdInt -> LC IdInt
normalForm e@(Var _) = e
normalForm (Lam x e) = Lam x (normalForm e)
normalForm (App f a) =
case weekHeadNormalForm f of
Lam x b -> normalForm (substitute x a b)
f' -> App (normalForm f') (normalForm a)
-- | Computes week head normal form only for Application
weekHeadNormalForm :: LC IdInt -> LC IdInt
weekHeadNormalForm e@(Var _) = e
weekHeadNormalForm e@(Lam _ _) = e
weekHeadNormalForm (App f a) = |
haskell | latDiff = (diff a c)
lngDiff = (diff b d)
latDiffToMi :: Lat -> Mi
latDiffToMi = (* 69)
Subsets and Splits