[ "[] Sicherheitsrat Verteilung: Allgemein 3. August 2011 Deutsch \n Original: Englisch", "Erklärung des Präsidenten des Sicherheitsrats", "Auf der 6598. Sitzung des Sicherheitsrats am 3. August 2011 gab der Präsident des Sicher­heitsrats im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung des Punktes „Die Situation im Nahen Osten“ im Namen des Rates die folgende Erklärung ab:", "„Der Sicherheitsrat bringt seine ernste Besorgnis über die sich verschlechternde Lage in Syrien und tiefes Bedauern über den Tod vieler Hunderter von Menschen zum Ausdruck.", "Der Sicherheitsrat verurteilt die weit verbreiteten Menschenrechtsverletzungen und den Einsatz von Gewalt gegen Zivilpersonen durch syrische staatliche Stellen.", "Der Sicherheitsrat fordert ein sofortiges Ende aller Gewalt und legt allen Seiten eindring­lich nahe, größte Zurückhaltung zu üben und Vergeltungsmaßnahmen, einschließlich An­griffen auf staatliche Institutionen, zu unterlassen.", "Der Sicherheitsrat fordert die syrischen Behörden auf, die Menschenrechte uneinge­schränkt zu achten und ihren Verpflichtungen nach dem anwendbaren Völkerrecht nachzukom­men. Die für die Gewalt Verantwortlichen sollen zur Rechenschaft gezogen wer­den.", "Der Sicherheitsrat stellt fest, dass die syrischen Behörden Reformen zugesagt haben, bedau­ert das Ausbleiben von Fortschritten bei der Umsetzung und fordert die syrische Regie­rung auf, ihre Zusagen einzuhalten.", "Der Sicherheitsrat bekräftigt sein nachdrückliches Bekenntnis zur Souveränität, Unabhän­gigkeit und territorialen Unversehrtheit Syriens. Er betont, dass die derzeitige Krise in Syrien nur durch einen alle Seiten einschließenden politi­schen Prozess unter syrischer Führung beigelegt werden kann, der darauf abzielt, den berechtigten Bestre­bungen und Anliegen der Bevölkerung wirksam Rechnung zu tragen, und der der gesamten Bevölke­rung die uneingeschränkte Ausübung der Grundfreiheiten, einschließ­lich des Rechts der freien Meinungsäußerung und des Rechts, sich friedlich zu versammeln, ermöglicht.", "Der Sicherheitsrat fordert die syrischen Behörden auf, die humanitäre Lage in den Krisenge­bieten zu entschärfen, indem sie den Einsatz von Gewalt gegen betroffene Städte einstel­len, den internationalen humanitären Hilfsorganisationen und ihren Mitarbeitern ra­schen und ungehinderten Zugang zu gestatten und mit dem Amt des Hohen Kommissars der Ver­einten Nationen für Menschenrechte uneingeschränkt zusammenzuarbeiten.", "Der Sicherheitsrat ersucht den Generalsekretär, ihm innerhalb von 7 Tagen aktuelle Infor­mationen über die Situation in Syrien vorzulegen.“" ]
[ "Statement by the President of the Security Council", "At the 6598th meeting of the Security Council, held on 3 August 2011, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “The situation in the Middle East”, the President of the Security Council made the following statement on behalf of the Council:", "“The Security Council expresses its grave concern at the deteriorating situation in Syria, and expresses profound regret at the death of many hundreds of people.", "“The Security Council condemns the widespread violations of human rights and the use of force against civilians by the Syrian authorities.", "“The Security Council calls for an immediate end to all violence and urges all sides to act with utmost restraint, and to refrain from reprisals, including attacks against state institutions.", "“The Security Council calls on the Syrian authorities to fully respect human rights and to comply with their obligations under applicable international law. Those responsible for the violence should be held accountable.", "“The Security Council notes the announced commitments by the Syrian authorities to reform, and regrets the lack of progress in implementation, and calls upon the Syrian Government to implement its commitments.", "“The Security Council reaffirms its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Syria. It stresses that the only solution to the current crisis in Syria is through an inclusive and Syrian-led political process, with the aim of effectively addressing the legitimate aspirations and concerns of the population which will allow the full exercise of fundamental freedoms for its entire population, including that of expression and peaceful assembly.", "“The Security Council calls on the Syrian authorities to alleviate the humanitarian situation in crisis areas by ceasing the use of force against affected towns, to allow expeditious and unhindered access for international humanitarian agencies and workers, and cooperate fully with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.", "“The Security Council requests the Secretary-General to update the Security Council on the situation in Syria within 7 days.”" ]
[ "[] Security Council Distribution: General 3. August 2011 German\nOriginal: English", "Declaration by the President of the Security Council", "On the 6598. Security Council meeting on 3. In August 2011, on behalf of the Council, the President of the Security Council issued the following statement in connection with the treatment of the situation in the Middle East:", "“The Security Council expresses its serious concern about the deteriorating situation in Syria and deep regret about the death of many hundreds of people.", "The Security Council condemns widespread human rights violations and the use of violence against civilians by Syrian government agencies.", "The Security Council calls for an immediate end to all violence and urges all sides to exercise the greatest restraint and to refrain from retaliatory measures, including attacks on state institutions.", "The Security Council calls on the Syrian authorities to respect human rights unrestricted and to fulfil their obligations under applicable international law. The authorities responsible for violence are to be accounted for.", "The Security Council notes that the Syrian authorities have pledged reforms, alleviating the lack of progress in implementation and calling on the Syrian government to comply with its commitments.", "The Security Council reaffirms its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria. It emphasises that the current crisis in Syria can only be accompanied by a political process involving all sides, under Syrian leadership, which aims to take effective account of the legitimate aspirations and concerns of the population, and which enables the entire population to fully exercise fundamental freedoms, including the right of free expression and the right to peacefully collect.", "The Security Council calls on the Syrian authorities to unravel the humanitarian situation in the crisis by imposing the use of violence against affected cities, allowing international humanitarian aid organisations and their staff to access and cooperate fully with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.", "The Security Council asks the Secretary-General to provide him with up-to-date information on the situation in Syria within 7 days. ‘" ]