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[] | [] | E_2011_L.42 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_163 | [] |
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[] | [] | E_2011_L.44 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.45 | [] |
[] | [] | S_PV.6587(RESUMPTION1) | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_165 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_166 | [] |
"[] Sicherheitsrat Verteilung: Allgemein 20. Juli 2011 Deutsch \n Original: Englisch",
"Erklärung des Präsidenten des Sicherheitsrats",
"Auf der 6587. Sitzung des Sicherheitsrats am 20. Juli 2011 gab der Präsident des Sicherheitsrats im Zusammenhang mit seiner Behandlung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels unter dem Punkt „Wahrung des Weltfriedens und der internationalen Sicherheit“ im Namen des Rates die folgende Erklärung ab:[1]",
"„Der Sicherheitsrat bekräftigt die ihm nach der Charta der Vereinten Nationen obliegende Hauptverantwortung für die Wahrung des Weltfriedens und der internationalen Sicherheit. Der Rat betont, wie wichtig die Ausarbeitung von Strategien zur Konfliktprävention ist.",
"Der Sicherheitsrat ist sich der der Generalversammlung und dem Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat übertragenen Verantwortung für Fragen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung, einschließlich des Klimawandels, bewusst.",
"Der Sicherheitsrat unterstreicht die Resolution 63/281 der Generalversammlung vom 3. Juni 2009, in der erneut erklärt wird, dass das Rahmenübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen das Schlüsselinstrument für den Umgang mit dem Klimawandel ist, auf die Bestimmungen des Rahmenübereinkommens hingewiesen wird, in dem unter anderem anerkannt wird, dass die Klimaänderungen globaler Natur sind und daher eine möglichst breite Zusammenarbeit aller Länder und ihre Beteiligung an wirksamen und angemessenen internationalen Antwortmaßnahmen erfordern, im Einklang mit ihrer gemeinsamen, wenngleich unterschiedlichen Verantwortung, ihren jeweiligen Fähigkeiten und ihren sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Gegebenheiten, und die zuständigen Organe der Vereinten Nationen gebeten werden, wie geboten und im Rahmen ihres jeweiligen Mandats ihre Bemühungen zu verstärken, den Klimawandel, einschließlich seiner möglichen Folgen für die Sicherheit, zu behandeln und ihm zu begegnen.",
"Der Sicherheitsrat nimmt Kenntnis von der Resolution 65/159 der Generalversammlung vom 20. Dezember 2010 ,Schutz des Weltklimas für die heutigen und die kommenden Generationen‘.",
"Der Sicherheitsrat stellt fest, dass der Generalsekretär der Generalversammlung aufgrund ihres Ersuchens in Resolution 63/281 einen Bericht über den Klimawandel und seine möglichen Folgen für die Sicherheit (A/64/350) vorgelegt hat.",
"Der Sicherheitsrat bekundet seine Besorgnis darüber, dass mögliche nachteilige Auswirkungen des Klimawandels bestimmte bestehende Bedrohungen des Weltfriedens und der internationalen Sicherheit langfristig verschärfen können.",
"Der Sicherheitsrat bekundet seine Besorgnis darüber, dass der durch den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels verursachte Landverlust einiger Staaten Folgen für die Sicherheit haben kann, insbesondere in tiefliegenden kleinen Inselstaaten.",
"Der Sicherheitsrat stellt fest, dass bei den von ihm behandelten Fragen der Wahrung des Weltfriedens und der internationalen Sicherheit Konfliktanalysen und kontextbezogene Informationen unter anderem über mögliche Folgen des Klimawandels für die Sicherheit wichtig sind, wenn diese Probleme den Konflikt antreiben, die Durchführung der vom Rat erteilten Mandate erschweren oder den Friedenskonsolidierungsprozess gefährden. In dieser Hinsicht ersucht der Rat den Generalsekretär, sicherzustellen, dass seine Berichte an den Rat solche kontextbezogenen Informationen enthalten.“",
"[1] Aus technischen Gründen neu herausgegeben am 22. Juli 2011."
] | [
"Statement by the President of the Security Council[1]",
"At the 6587th meeting of the Security Council, held on 20 July 2011, in connection with the Council’s consideration of impact of climate change under the item entitled “Maintenance of international peace and security”, the President of the Security Council made the following statement on behalf of the Council:",
"“The Security Council reaffirms its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security. The Council stresses the importance of establishing strategies of conflict prevention.",
"“The Security Council recognizes the responsibility for sustainable development issues, including climate change, conferred upon the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council.",
"“The Security Council underlines General Assembly resolution 63/281 of June 3, 2009, which: reaffirms that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the key instrument for addressing climate change, recalls the provisions of the UNFCCC, including the acknowledgement that the global nature of climate change calls for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response, in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions, and invites the relevant organs of the United Nations, as appropriate and within their respective mandates to intensify their efforts in considering and addressing climate change, including its possible security implications.",
"“The Security Council notes General Assembly resolution 65/159 of December 20, 2010, entitled ‘Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind’.",
"“The Security Council notes that, in response to the request contained in General Assembly resolution 63/281, the Secretary-General submitted a report to the General Assembly on ‘Climate change and its possible security implications’ (A/64/350).",
"“The Security Council expresses its concern that possible adverse effects of climate change may, in the long run, aggravate certain existing threats to international peace and security.",
"“The Security Council expresses its concern that possible security implications of loss of territory of some States caused by sea-level-rise may arise, in particular in small low-lying island States.",
"“The Security Council notes that in matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security under its consideration, conflict analysis and contextual information on, inter alia, possible security implications of climate change is important, when such issues are drivers of conflict, represent a challenge to the implementation of Council mandates or endanger the process of consolidation of peace. In this regard, the Council requests the Secretary-General to ensure that his reporting to the Council contains such contextual information.”",
"[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 22 July 2011."
] | S_PRST_2011_15 | [
"[] Security Council Distribution: General 20. July 2011 German\nOriginal: English",
"Declaration by the President of the Security Council",
"On the 6587. Security Council meeting on 20. In July 2011, the President of the Security Council issued the following statement in connection with his treatment of the effects of climate change, under the heading ‘Towards World Peace and International Security’ in the Council:[1]",
"\"The Security Council reaffirms its main responsibility for respect for world peace and international security under the United Nations Charter. The Council stresses the importance of developing strategies for conflict prevention.",
"The Security Council is aware of the responsibility of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council for issues of sustainable development, including climate change.",
"The Security Council underlines Resolution 63/281 of the General Assembly of 3. In June 2009, re-explaining that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the key instrument for dealing with climate change, pointing to the provisions of the Framework Convention, which recognises, inter alia, that climate change is a global nature and therefore require the widest possible cooperation of all countries and their participation in effective and appropriate international response measures, in accordance with their common, albeit different responsibilities, their respective abilities and their social and economic circumstances,",
"The Security Council takes note of Resolution 65/159 of the General Assembly of 20. December 2010,protection of the global climate for today’s and future generations’.",
"The Security Council notes that the Secretary General of the General Assembly has submitted a report on climate change and its possible consequences for safety (A/64/350) on the basis of its request in Resolution 63/281.",
"The Security Council expresses its concern that potential adverse effects of climate change can in the long term intensify certain existing threats to world peace and international security.",
"The Security Council expresses its concern about the fact that the land loss caused by the rise in sea level may have consequences for safety, in particular in low-lying island states.",
"The Security Council notes that conflict analyses and context-related information on possible consequences of climate change for security are important, inter alia, when these problems drive the conflict, complicate the implementation of the mandates given by the Council or threaten the peace consolidation process. In this respect, the Council asked the Secretary-General to ensure that its reports to the Council contain such contextual information. ‘",
"[1] Reissued on 22. July 2011."
] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_A_L.2 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_908 | [] |
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[] | [] | ST_SGB_2011_4 | [] |
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[] | [] | S_AGENDA_6588 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_170 | [] |
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[] | [] | S_2011_446 | [] |
[] | [] | S_PV.6588 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_C_22 | [] |
[] | [] | S_AC.49_2011_9 | [] |
[] | [] | S_PV.6589 | [] |
[] | [] | A_C.5_65_19 | [] |
[] | [] | S_AGENDA_6589 | [] |
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[] | [] | E_ICEF_2011_P_L.48 | [] |
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[] | [] | A_65_912 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_447 | [] |
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[] | [] | A_65_PV.110 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_A_8 | [] |
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[] | [] | E_2011_34(PARTII) | [] |
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[] | [] | A_65_913 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_451 | [] |
[] | [] | S_AC.52_2011_6 | [] |
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[] | [] | S_2011_450 | [] |
[] | [] | S_PV.6590 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_PV.111 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.43_CORR.1 | [] |
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[] | [] | E_2011_L.21_REV.1 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_182 | [] |
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[] | [] | E_2011_L.54 | [] |
"Vereinte Nationen",
"Bericht des Generalsekretärs über die Tätigkeit der Vereinten Nationen",
"Offizielles Protokoll Sechsundsechzigste Tagung Beilage 1",
"Generalversammlung Offizielles Protokoll Sechsundsechzigste Tagung Beilage 1",
"[] Vereinte Nationen • New York 2011",
"Bericht des Generalsekretärs über die Tätigkeit der Vereinten Nationen",
"ISSN 0252-0044",
"Die Dokumentennummern (symbols) der Dokumente der Vereinten Nationen bestehen aus Großbuchstaben und Zahlen. Wo im Text eine derartige Kurzbezeichnung verwendet wird, handelt es sich um eine Bezugnahme auf ein Dokument der Vereinten Nationen.",
"[26. Juli 2011]",
"Kapitel Seite\nI.Einleitung 1II. Ergebnisse 2 für die Bedürftigsten \nerreichen \nA.Entwicklung 21.Die 2 Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele und die anderen international vereinbarten \nEntwicklungsziele 2.Die 3 besonderen Bedürfnisse \nAfrikas B.Frieden 4 und \nSicherheit 1.Vorbeugende 4 Diplomatie und Unterstützung von \nFriedensprozessen \n2. Friedenssicherung 6\n3.Friedenskonsolidierung 8C.Humanitäre 8 \nAngelegenheiten D.Menschenrechte, 10 Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Verhütung von Völkermord und die Schutzverantwortung sowie Demokratie und gute \nRegierungsführung \n1.Menschenrechte 10\n2.Rechtsstaatlichkeit 103. Verhütung 11 von Völkermord und die \nSchutzverantwortung 4.Demokratie 11 und gute \nRegierungsführung III. Sicherung 13 der globalen \nGüter \nA.Klimawandel 13B.Globale 14 \nGesundheit C.Bekämpfung 15 des \nTerrorismus D. Abrüstung 15 und \nNichtverbreitung IV.Stärkung 17 der Vereinten \nNationen A.Das 17 Sekretariat, der zwischenstaatliche Apparat, systemweite Kohärenz und die \nRegionalorganisationen 1.Das 17 \nSekretariat 2.Der 17 zwischenstaatliche \nApparat 3.Systemweite 18 \nKohärenz \n4.Regionalorganisationen 19B.Globale 19 \nHandlungspartner 1.Stärkung 19 der Partnerschaften mit der \nZivilgesellschaft 2.Einbindung 20 der \nPrivatwirtschaft \nV. Fazit 21\nAnhang \nMillenniums-Entwicklungsziele,ZielvorgabenundIndikatoren2011:statistischeTabellen 23",
"Kapitel I",
"1. Seit 2007 hat sich die Welt erheblich verändert. Wir haben gesehen, welche breiten und tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen die globalen Nahrungsmittelengpässe, Brennstoffkrisen und wirtschaftlichen Schocks auf Bevölkerungen in der ganzen Welt hatten. Wir wurden Zeuge revolutionärer Umschwünge und des Wiederauflebens basisdemokratischer Bewegungen in Nordafrika und im gesamten Nahen Osten. Wir haben miterlebt, wie sich das wirtschaftliche Kräfteverhältnis verschoben hat und Teile Afrikas und Asiens als neue Motoren des globalen Wachstums hervorgetreten sind. Wir haben am eigenen Leibe erfahren, wie die Häufigkeit gewaltiger Katastrophen zugenommen hat und welche hohen Kosten sie in Bezug auf Menschenleben, Existenzgrundlagen und Entwicklung mit sich gebracht haben. Und wir haben beobachtet, wie eine Reihe globaler Herausforderungen, die eine Bedrohung für das Leben der Menschen in der ganzen Welt und für das dauerhafte Überleben unseres Planeten darstellen, immer stärker zutage tritt.",
"2. Wir leben in einer Zeit des globalen Übergangs. Künftige Generationen werden diese Zeit wahrscheinlich als einen zentralen Wendepunkt in der Weltgeschichte beschreiben, an dem der Status quo unwiderruflich geschwächt wurde und sich die Konturen einer neuen Welt abzuzeichnen begannen.",
"3. Über diesen gesamten Zeitraum hinweg waren die Vereinten Nationen bestrebt, die Bedürfnisse der Ärmsten und Schwächsten in den Mittelpunkt der internationalen Tagesordnung zu stellen. Sie haben Gelder in Milliardenhöhe für neue Investitionen eingeworben, um raschere Fortschritte im Hinblick auf die Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele zu ermöglichen. Unter der Führung der Vereinten Nationen wurden weltweit Anstrengungen unternommen, um den schlimmsten Naturkatastrophen und vom Menschen verursachten komplexen Notsituationen durch die Mobilisierung von Ressourcen und die Bereitstellung lebensrettender Hilfe für notleidende Bevölkerungen zu begegnen. Die Vereinten Nationen haben wichtige Maßnahmen zur Umwandlung der politischen Landschaft ergriffen und damit die Ermächtigung der Frauen weltweit gefördert, sie haben institutionelle Veränderungen vorgenommen und sich für grundsatzpolitische Veränderungen zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtsdiskriminierung in der Politik, am Arbeitsplatz und zu Hause eingesetzt. Wir haben komplexe Friedenssicherungsmandate erfüllt und den Mitgliedstaaten bei zahlreichen schwierigen politischen Übergängen und heiklen Wahlen zur Seite gestanden. Wir haben uns für Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit stark gemacht. Wir sind die wesentlichen globalen Herausforderungen an unsere Generation frontal angegangen: Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und Verbesserung der globalen Gesundheit, Überwindung der festgefahrenen Situation in Fragen der Abrüstung, der Rüstungskontrolle und der Nichtverbreitung von Kernwaffen sowie Ingangsetzung von Maßnahmen gegen den Terrorismus. In jedem dieser Bereiche haben wir bedeutsame Vereinbarungen ausgehandelt oder Verpflichtungen auf globale Strategien erreicht sowie Ressourcen und Kapazitäten zur Durchführung international vereinbarter Aktionspläne mobilisiert.",
"Kapitel II",
"Ergebnisse für die Bedürftigsten erreichen",
"4. Die Überwindung von Wirtschaftskrisen, Natur- und vom Menschen verursachten Katastrophen und innerstaatlichen Konflikten stellt große Teile der Weltbevölkerung vor unterschiedliche Schwierigkeiten. Die Mitarbeiter der Vereinten Nationen sind überall auf der Welt unermüdlich tätig, um Hilfeleistungen für die Ärmsten und Schwächsten zu erbringen.",
"A. Entwicklung",
"5. In Anbetracht der ungleichmäßigen und ungewissen Erholung der Weltwirtschaft befinden sich viele Länder noch immer in einer schwierigen Lage. Die Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise und der hohen und stark schwankenden Nahrungsmittel- und Energiepreise werden auf Jahre hinaus spürbar sein. Wir müssen dringend die Schwelle zu einer neuen Ära der nachhaltigen Entwicklung für alle überschreiten. Die für Juni 2012 in Rio de Janeiro anberaumte Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über nachhaltige Entwicklung (Rio-plus-20-Konferenz) wird eine historische Chance dafür bieten. Auf dieser Konferenz muss sich die internationale Gemeinschaft auf einen ehrgeizigen und umsetzbaren Rahmen verständigen, der die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele ergänzt.",
"1. Die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele und die anderen international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele",
"6. Vier Jahre vor dem vereinbarten Zieljahr 2015 ist die erfolgreiche Erfüllung mehrerer wichtiger Millenniums-Zielvorgaben in greifbare Nähe gerückt. Die globale Armutsquote wird bis 2015 voraussichtlich unter 15 Prozent und damit deutlich unter den Zielwert von 23 Prozent sinken. Mehr als 90 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung werden Zugang zu verbesserten Trinkwasserquellen haben. Bei der Steigerung der Bildungsbeteiligung im Grundschulbereich wurden große Fortschritte gemacht, selbst in den ärmsten Ländern.",
"7. Die Zahl der Sterbefälle von Kindern unter 5 Jahren ging von weltweit 12,4 Millionen im Jahr 1990 auf 8,1 Millionen im Jahr 2009 zurück, das heißt, dass jeden Tag fast 12.000 Kinder weniger starben. Obwohl viele Länder unter Beweis gestellt haben, dass Fortschritte möglich sind, bedarf es noch stärkerer Anstrengungen zugunsten der Ärmsten und Schwächsten.",
"8. 2009 war nahezu ein Viertel der Kinder in den Entwicklungsländern untergewichtig. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt nach wie vor der Müttersterblichkeit, insbesondere in Afrika südlich der Sahara und in Südasien. Die Netto-Bildungsbeteiligungsquote der Entwicklungsländer stieg zwischen 2004 und 2009 um nur zwei Prozentpunkte von 87 Prozent auf 89 Prozent, was die Hoffnung auf die Verwirklichung der allgemeinen Grundschulbildung dämpft. Auch 2009 hatte die Hälfte der Bevölkerung der Entwicklungsregionen keinen Zugang zu verbesserten sanitären Einrichtungen.",
"9. Allgemein bestehen innerhalb der Länder anhaltende und wachsende Ungleichheiten zwischen Arm und Reich sowie zwischen Land und Stadt. Betroffen sind insbesondere diejenigen, die aufgrund der geografischen Lage, des Geschlechts, des Alters oder eines Konflikts benachteiligt sind.",
"10. Die größten Fortschritte in Richtung auf die Verwirklichung der Ziele sind unter zwei Voraussetzungen gelungen: erstens, wenn wesentliche Gesundheitsmaßnahmen wie Malariabekämpfung, HIV/Aids-Prävention und -behandlung sowie Impfversorgung und -kampagnen eingeleitet wurden, und zweitens, wenn durch eine Aufstockung der Finanzmittel die Programme zur direkten Bereitstellung von Diensten und Instrumenten für die Bedürftigen ausgeweitet wurden. Weitaus geringer sind die Fortschritte bei den Zielen ausgefallen, die einen Strukturwandel und starkes politisches Engagement für die Gewährleistung einer dauerhaften und berechenbaren Finanzierung erfordern. Als Beispiel dafür lassen sich die Entwicklungsmuster anführen, die bei der Verringerung des Hungers und der Müttersterblichkeit und bei der Ausweitung des Zugangs zu Bildung und verbesserter Sanitärversorgung beobachtet wurden.",
"11. Die öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe erreichte 2010 ein Rekordhoch von 128,7 Milliarden US-Dollar. Dieser Betrag liegt allerdings deutlich unter dem von den Vereinten Nationen für 2015 gesetzten Ziel von 0,7 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts der Geberländer für Entwicklungshilfe. Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung hat darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die bilaterale Entwicklungshilfe infolge der Verlangsamung der Weltwirtschaft in den nächsten Jahren sinken wird.",
"12. Der Generalsekretär hat einen integrierten Umsetzungsrahmen eingeführt, der auf einem interaktiven webbasierten Verfolgungssystem beruht und allen an der weltweiten Entwicklungspartnerschaft beteiligten Akteuren zugänglich ist. Dieser Rahmen wird eine Handhabe dafür bieten, die Transparenz zu erhöhen, die Zusagen und Verpflichtungen auf Stimmigkeit und Klarheit zu überprüfen und somit zu einem höheren Maß an Rechenschaft beitragen.",
"13. Auf der Plenartagung 2010 der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele erkannten die Länder zwar die Herausforderungen an, stimmten jedoch darin überein, dass die Ziele nach wie vor erreichbar sind, und forderten die erweiterte Anwendung erfolgreicher Ansätze sowie intensivere kollektive Maßnahmen. Außerdem bestand Einvernehmen über die Notwendigkeit, den Blick allmählich auf die Zeit nach 2015 zu richten. Innerhalb des Systems der Vereinten Nationen hat der Generalsekretär mit der Erarbeitung von Ideen zum Entwicklungsrahmen für die Zeit nach 2015 begonnen, die 2012 in konkrete Empfehlungen münden sollen.",
"14. Derzeit sind wichtige Initiativen zur Bewältigung globaler wie regionaler Herausforderungen bei der Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele im Gange. Um der anhaltenden Gefahr hoher und stark schwankender Nahrungsmittelpreise zu begegnen, hat die vom Generalsekretär eingesetzte Hochrangige Arbeitsgruppe für die weltweite Nahrungsmittelkrise konkrete Maßnahmen sowohl für kurzfristige Notsituationen als auch für die langfristige Förderung einer nachhaltigen Nahrungsmittelproduktion und Ernährung empfohlen.",
"15. Die Bedürfnisse und spezifischen Probleme der am wenigsten entwickelten Länder standen im Mittelpunkt der im Mai 2011 in Istanbul abgehaltenen vierten Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen zu diesem Thema. In dem daraus hervorgegangenen Aktionsprogramm verpflichteten sich die Mitgliedstaaten, die strukturellen Herausforderungen, mit denen die am wenigsten entwickelten Ländern konfrontiert sind, durch den Aufbau von Produktionskapazitäten und die Verringerung ihrer Anfälligkeit für wirtschaftliche Erschütterungen sowie für Natur- und Umweltkatastrophen anzugehen.",
"2. Die besonderen Bedürfnisse Afrikas",
"16. Afrika bildet nach wie vor einen zentralen Arbeitsschwerpunkt für das gesamte System der Vereinten Nationen. Das Wirtschaftswachstum Afrikas hat sich in letzter Zeit stabil entwickelt. Das Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsprodukts beschleunigte sich von durchschnittlich 2,4 Prozent im Jahr 2009 auf 4,7 Prozent im Jahr 2010. Dahinter verbergen sich jedoch große Wachstumsunterschiede auf dem Kontinent. Der starke Anstieg der Nahrungsmittel- und Energiepreise 2011 war besonders verheerend für die Armen. Die absolute Zahl der in extremer Armut lebenden Menschen in der Region nimmt daher weiterhin zu. In Afrika herrscht nach wie vor hohe Arbeitslosigkeit; gleichzeitig verschärfen bewaffnete Konflikte die Armut, beeinträchtigen den Schulbesuch und schüren sexuelle und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt.",
"17. Die Bevölkerung Afrikas, mit 1 Milliarde großteils junger Menschen, wird zunehmend als Herausforderung wie auch als Chance angesehen. 60 Prozent der Afrikaner sind weniger als 25 Jahre alt. Angesichts des wachsenden Jugendüberschusses muss größeres Gewicht darauf gelegt werden, die Chancen der jungen Menschen auf Bildung, berufliche Qualifikation und Arbeitsplätze zu verbessern.",
"18. In Anbetracht dieser Herausforderungen haben die Entwicklungspolitik und insbesondere die Anstrengungen zur Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele und der Ziele der von der Afrikanischen Union getragenen Neuen Partnerschaft für die Entwicklung Afrikas noch größere Bedeutung erlangt. Auf der 2010 abgehaltenen Plenartagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele wurde die internationale Gemeinschaft aufgefordert, ihre Hilfezusagen gegenüber Afrika einzuhalten. Auch wenn die Nettozahlungen an öffentlicher Entwicklungshilfe für Afrika von 29,5 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2004 auf schätzungsweise 46 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2010 stiegen, lagen sie noch immer 18 Milliarden Dollar unter dem Betrag, den die Geber auf dem Gipfeltreffen der Gruppe der Acht in Gleneagles (Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland) zugesagt hatten.",
"19. Das System der Vereinten Nationen verbessert weiterhin seine operative Unterstützung für die Entwicklungsanstrengungen der afrikanischen Länder. Es fördert die Umsetzung der Erklärung über die Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Vereinten Nationen und der Afrikanischen Union: Rahmen für das Zehnjahresprogramm zum Kapazitätsaufbau für die Afrikanische Union. In Partnerschaft mit mehreren afrikanischen Regierungen führt es Projekte durch, die die Entwicklungsfinanzierung auf Gebieten wie der nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftung ankurbeln, und fördert und stärkt die Mitwirkung der Bürger an der Regierungsführung und der öffentlichen Verwaltung.",
"20. Eine Reihe afrikanischer Länder sieht sich gewaltigen Herausforderungen auf dem Gebiet des Friedens und der Sicherheit gegenüber. Der Generalsekretär hat diesen Problemen in enger Absprache und Abstimmung mit der Afrikanischen Union und den afrikanischen Regionalorganisationen ein erhebliches Maß an Zeit und Mühe gewidmet.",
"B. Frieden und Sicherheit",
"21. Im vergangenen Jahr hatten die Vereinten Nationen und die internationale Gemeinschaft mit Instabilität in Afrika südlich der Sahara, Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten sowie darüber hinaus zu kämpfen. Das derzeitige Umfeld verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit einer flexiblen Weltorganisation, die über Instrumente der vorbeugenden Diplomatie, der Friedenssicherung und der Friedenskonsolidierung verfügt, um gewaltsame Konflikte verhüten und beilegen zu können.",
"1. Vorbeugende Diplomatie und Unterstützung von Friedensprozessen",
"22. Die Vereinten Nationen sind bestrebt, potenzielle Konflikte zu antizipieren und durch vorbeugende Diplomatie und Vermittlungsbemühungen zu ihrer Beilegung beizutragen.",
"23. 2011 legten die Vereinten Nationen einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf die Verhütung von Gewalt im Zusammenhang mit Wahlen. Zu diesem Zweck unterstützten sie Mitgliedstaaten wie Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Haiti, Kirgisistan, die Komoren, Niger, die Vereinigte Republik Tansania und die Zentralafrikanische Republik durch Gute Dienste, strategischen Rat und technische Hilfe bei der Durchführung glaubhafter und transparenter Wahlprozesse. Weltweit leisteten die Vereinten Nationen für etwa 50 Länder Wahlhilfe und legten dabei konsequent Nachdruck auf Unparteilichkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Kostenwirksamkeit der Wahlprozesse.",
"24. Die Vereinten Nationen leisteten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur friedlichen und erfolgreichen Abhaltung des Referendums über die Unabhängigkeit Südsudans im Januar 2011. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochrangigen Umsetzungsgruppe der Afrikanischen Union für Sudan sorgten die Vereinten Nationen dafür, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft einen gemeinsamen Ansatz verfolgte, gewährten umfangreiche technische und logistische Hilfe für den Referendumsprozess und trugen zur Erleichterung der Verhandlungen über die Regelungen für die Zeit nach dem Referendum bei. Der Generalsekretär entsandte eine Gruppe für die Referenden in Sudan mit dem Auftrag, die Fortschritte zu überwachen und auf hoher Ebene Gute Dienste zu leisten. Diese koordinierten Anstrengungen mündeten in die Unabhängigkeit Südsudans am 9. Juli und die Aufnahme des Landes in die Vereinten Nationen am 14. Juli. Es bestehen jedoch nach wie vor große Herausforderungen, die das weitere Engagement des Systems der Vereinten Nationen erfordern.",
"25. In Reaktion auf die Volksaufstände im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika haben die Vereinten Nationen allen Parteien nahegelegt, das einschlägige Völkerrecht einzuhalten, insbesondere die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte. Sie haben hervorgehoben, wie überaus wichtig es ist, die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Ungleichheiten zu beseitigen, und sie haben angemessene Unterstützung zur Erleichterung eines friedlichen politischen Übergangs angeboten. Der Generalsekretär ernannte einen Sondergesandten für die Libysch-Arabische Dschamahirija mit dem Auftrag, mit den Parteien vor Ort einen Dialog zu führen, um die Gewalt zu beenden, die humanitären Folgen der Krise zu bewältigen und eine politische Lösung zu finden. Die laufende Krisenplanung dient der Unterstützung eines politischen Prozesses, der sich im Zuge der Verhandlungen zwischen den Konfliktparteien möglicherweise herausbilden wird. Darüber hinaus entsandte der Generalsekretär mehrere Missionen der Vereinten Nationen nach Jemen mit dem Auftrag, einen Dialog mit allen beteiligten Gruppen zu führen und zu einer friedlichen Lösung der Situation beizutragen.",
"26. Die erfolgreiche Einsetzung einer demokratisch gewählten Regierung in Côte d’Ivoire hat den Ton für zahlreiche bevorstehende Wahlen in Afrika angegeben. Die Vereinten Nationen bemühten sich darum, ein Wiederaufleben von Konflikten zu verhindern, so auch mittels der Tätigkeit der integrierten Friedenskonsolidierungsmissionen in Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone und der Zentralafrikanischen Republik. In Kenia gewährten die Vereinten Nationen weiter Unterstützung für den Prozess der Verfassungsrevision, der zur Annahme einer neuen Verfassung mit verstärkten Kontrollmechanismen führte.",
"27. In Somalia arbeiteten die Vereinten Nationen eng mit den Übergangs-Bundesinstitutionen zusammen, um die Durchführung der Aufgaben für die Übergangsperiode, namentlich die Verfassungsgebung, voranzubringen. Ferner ermutigte der Generalsekretär die internationale Gemeinschaft, die Seeräuberei vor der Küste Somalias durch Abschreckung, die Gewährleistung von Sicherheit, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Entwicklung zu bekämpfen.",
"28. Die Vereinten Nationen waren Guinea und Niger mit Erfolg dabei behilflich, nach verfassungswidrigen Regierungswechseln zu einer verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung zurückzukehren. In Kirgisistan trugen die Vereinten Nationen zur Annahme einer neuen Verfassung, zur Schaffung eines glaubhaften Wahlprozesses und zur Neukonstituierung einer rechtmäßigen Regierung bei.",
"29. Im Nahen Osten sondierten die Vereinten Nationen konkrete Möglichkeiten, um die Wiederaufnahme der festgefahrenen Verhandlungen zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern zu fördern, die Lebensbedingungen der Zivilbevölkerung in Gaza zu verbessern und dabei gleichzeitig den legitimen Sicherheitsanliegen Israels Rechnung zu tragen sowie die vollständige Durchführung der Resolution 1701 (2006) des Sicherheitsrats zu erreichen. Dank einiger begrüßenswerter Maßnahmen Israels zur Erleichterung des Zugangs nach Gaza konnten die Vereinten Nationen eine Reihe von Projekten zum Wiederaufbau und zur wirtschaftlichen Erholung in die Wege leiten. Nach einer bewaffneten Auseinandersetzung an der Blauen Linie zwischen der israelischen und der libanesischen Armee waren die Vereinten Nationen beim Abbau der Spannungen behilflich. Im Anschluss an den Zwischenfall um den Schiffskonvoi vom 31. Mai 2010 setzte der Generalsekretär in enger Absprache mit Israel und der Türkei einen Untersuchungsausschuss mit dem Auftrag ein, Empfehlungen zur Vermeidung künftiger derartiger Vorfälle abzugeben.",
"30. In Irak setzte sich die Hilfsmission der Vereinten Nationen für Irak für die nationale Aussöhnung und allseits annehmbare Lösungen zur Frage des Status von Kirkuk und anderer umstrittener Gebiete ein. Die Mission moderierte Gespräche mit wichtigen Interessenträgern, insbesondere über die Rückerstattung von Eigentum, die Rechte von Minderheiten, Inhaftierte sowie Sprach- und Bildungsrechte, und trug im Dialog mit Irak und Kuwait zur Lösung der noch offenen Fragen zwischen den beiden Ländern bei.",
"31. In Nepal setzten die Vereinten Nationen nach dem Abzug der Mission der Vereinten Nationen in Nepal die Unterstützung für den Friedensprozess fort. In Sri Lanka setzte der Generalsekretär einen Sachverständigenbeirat ein, dessen am 12. April vorgelegter Bericht den Vereinten Nationen und Sri Lanka als Hilfestellung für ein sinnvolles Herangehen an die Frage der Rechenschaftslegung dienen sollte, die einen entscheidenden Schritt auf dem Weg zu nationaler Aussöhnung und dauerhaftem Frieden darstellt.",
"32. In Myanmar hielt der Generalsekretär aktiv Kontakt mit allen Akteuren, um die nationale Aussöhnung, einen demokratischen Übergang und die Achtung der Menschenrechte zu fördern. Die Zusage der neuen Regierung, mit den Vereinten Nationen enger zusammenzuarbeiten, könnte die Grundlage für ein wirksameres Engagement bilden. Es bleibt jedoch noch viel zu tun, um eine echte politische Wende in dem Land einzuläuten.",
"33. Anderenorts unterstützten die Vereinten Nationen Bemühungen um die friedliche Beilegung von Grenzstreitigkeiten, insbesondere zwischen Äquatorialguinea und Gabun.",
"34. In der Westsahara-Frage hielten die Vereinten Nationen eine Reihe erfolgreicher informeller Gesprächsrunden ab, in denen sich die Parteien auf neue Ansätze im Verhandlungsprozess und mehrere vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen einigen konnten.",
"35. In Zypern erleichterten die Vereinten Nationen in dem Bestreben, einer umfassenden Regelung näher zu kommen, auch weiterhin vollwertige Verhandlungen zwischen den Führern der griechisch-zyprischen und der türkisch-zyprischen Volksgruppe.",
"36. In Zentralamerika hat die Gewalt im Zusammenhang mit der organisierten Kriminalität drastisch zugenommen. Die positiven Erfahrungen mit der von den Vereinten Nationen geförderten Internationalen Kommission gegen Straflosigkeit in Guatemala haben internationales Interesse geweckt, und die Vereinten Nationen haben neue Hilfeersuchen von El Salvador und Honduras erhalten.",
"2. Friedenssicherung",
"37. Nachdem die Zahl der uniformierten Einsatzkräfte im März 2010 einen historischen Höchststand erreichte, ist die Friedenssicherung der Vereinten Nationen in Bezug auf den Umfang der Einsätze in eine Konsolidierungsphase eingetreten. Im Juni 2011 waren mehr als 120.000 Uniformierte und Zivilbedienstete in 14 Friedenssicherungseinsätzen der Vereinten Nationen auf vier Kontinenten tätig.",
"38. In Timor-Leste schloss die Integrierte Mission der Vereinten Nationen in Timor-Leste im März 2011 die Übergabe ihrer polizeilichen Aufgaben an die nationalen Behörden ab. In Liberia konsolidierte die Mission der Vereinten Nationen in Liberia die Fortschritte bei der Planung mit der Regierung hinsichtlich der späteren Übergabe ihrer Sicherheitsaufgaben an nationale Einrichtungen und unterstützte die Vorbereitungen für die Wahlen im Oktober 2011. Nachdem Südsudan am 9. Juli seine Unabhängigkeit erlangte, wurde ausschließlich für dieses Land ein neuer Friedenssicherungseinsatz, die Mission der Vereinten Nationen in der Republik Südsudan, eingerichtet.",
"39. Für sieben Friedenssicherungseinsätze besteht die Kernaufgabe nach wie vor darin, zum Schutz von Zivilpersonen beizutragen. Insbesondere in Darfur, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Côte d’Ivoire und Südsudan stellt der Schutz von Zivilpersonen eine ernste Herausforderung dar.",
"40. In Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti und Sudan leisteten die Friedenssicherungskräfte einen Beitrag zum politischen Übergang, indem sie die nationalen Behörden bei der Abhaltung von Wahlen und Referenden technisch und logistisch unterstützten. Sie trugen außerdem dazu bei, die für die Abhaltung freier und fairer Wahlen erforderlichen politischen und Sicherheitsbedingungen zu gewährleisten. Das Referendum über die Selbstbestimmung Südsudans im Januar 2010, das ein Votum für die Unabhängigkeit ergab, setzte den Schlusspunkt unter den längsten Bürgerkrieg in Afrika. Der Norden und der Süden müssen weiterhin zusammenarbeiten, um alle noch offenen Fragen friedlich zu lösen. Die Instabilität nach den Wahlen in Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire und Haiti hat uns zudem deutlich vor Augen geführt, wie fragil die nach einem Konflikt erzielten Fortschritte im Friedensprozess sind.",
"41. Die akute politische und militärische Krise im Anschluss an die am 28. November 2010 abgehaltene Runde der Präsidentschaftswahlen in Côte d’Ivoire setzte die Fähigkeit der Vereinten Nationen, Zivilpersonen zu schützen und eine Operation im Belagerungszustand aufrechtzuerhalten, einer Bewährungsprobe aus. Auch die Entschlossenheit der internationalen Gemeinschaft, ihren gemeinsamen Kurs beizubehalten und die wichtigsten mandatsmäßigen Aufgaben durchzuführen, insbesondere was die Wahlen betrifft, wurde dabei auf den Prüfstand gestellt. Der Generalsekretär arbeitete eng mit der Afrikanischen Union, der Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft der westafrikanischen Staaten und den politischen Führern der Welt zusammen, um eine friedliche, dem demokratisch bekundeten Willen des ivorischen Volkes entsprechende Lösung der Krise nach den Wahlen zu finden. Unterdessen setzte die Operation der Vereinten Nationen in Côte d’Ivoire entsprechend dem Mandat des Sicherheitsrats alle erforderlichen Mittel zur Selbstverteidigung und zur Verteidigung ihres Auftrags zum Schutz von Zivilpersonen ein, insbesondere indem sie den Einsatz schwerer Waffen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung verhinderte.",
"42. Im Rahmen ihrer Friedenssicherungstätigkeit leisteten die Vereinten Nationen mehreren Postkonfliktländern durchgehende Unterstützung für Rechtsstaats- und Sicherheitsinstitutionen. In diesem Zusammenhang stärkten die Vereinten Nationen ihre Ständige Polizeikapazität.",
"43. Im Laufe des vergangenen Jahres sind die Vereinten Nationen bei der Ausarbeitung notwendiger Grundsätze der Friedenssicherungspolitik und bei der Durchführung von Reformen erheblich vorangekommen. Zu den diesbezüglich unternommenen Initiativen zählen die Ausarbeitung einer Strategie für die Frühphase der Friedenskonsolidierung, die als Richtschnur für die Priorisierung und Abfolge der von den Friedenssicherungskräften aufgrund eines Mandats des Sicherheitsrats in Postkonfliktsituationen wahrgenommenen Aufgaben dienen soll, sowie umfassende Anstrengungen zur Entwicklung von Mindeststandards für die Einsatzfähigkeit, zur Stärkung der Prozesse der Ressourcenerzeugung und zur Förderung der Ausbildung. Fortschritte wurden auch bei der Umsetzung der auf fünf Jahre angelegten Globalen Strategie zur Unterstützung der Feldeinsätze erzielt. In Entebbe (Uganda) wurde ein Regionales Dienstleistungszentrum mit vier voll einsatzfähigen Unterstützungsfunktionen eingerichtet. Darüber hinaus legte der Generalsekretär der Generalversammlung ein neues, standardisiertes Finanzierungsmodell für das erste Jahr von Friedenssicherungseinsätzen vor.",
"44. Bei acht Missionen erstellte das Sekretariat in Partnerschaft mit den Organisationen, Fonds und Programmen der Vereinten Nationen Integrierte strategische Rahmen, die systemweite Prioritäten für das Engagement der Vereinten Nationen in Friedens- und Sicherheitsfragen und in humanitären Fragen vorgeben.",
"45. Die Generalversammlung billigte neue, harmonisierte Beschäftigungsbedingungen für internationale Bedienstete in Feldmissionen, die es den Feldmissionen ermöglichen sollen, qualifizierte Mitarbeiter anzuwerben und zu binden.",
"3. Friedenskonsolidierung",
"46. Die Kommission für Friedenskonsolidierung war dabei behilflich, die maßgeblichen Akteure auf die Unterstützung der auf nationaler Ebene festgelegten Prioritäten auszurichten, mobilisierte Ressourcen zugunsten dieser Prioritäten und half den nationalen Akteuren dabei, sich konsequent dem Aufbau der Institutionen und Kapazitäten zu widmen, auf die es entscheidend ankommt, um einem Rückfall in den Konflikt zu widerstehen. Gegenwärtig stehen sechs Länder auf der Tagesordnung der Kommission: Burundi, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone und die Zentralafrikanische Republik. Guinea und Liberia kamen innerhalb der vergangenen neun Monate hinzu.",
"47. Zur Unterstützung der Friedenskonsolidierungsbemühungen wurde im Februar 2011 außerdem der unabhängige Bericht der Hochrangigen Beratungsgruppe für zivile Kapazitäten in Postkonfliktsituationen herausgegeben. Der Bericht enthält eine Reihe von Empfehlungen zur Steigerung der Effizienz und Wirksamkeit der Vereinten Nationen bei der Bereitstellung ziviler Kapazitäten für Postkonfliktländer. Im Anschluss an eine interne Überprüfung und Konsultationen mit den Mitgliedstaaten und anderen Interessenträgern wird der Generalsekretär bemüht sein, diejenigen Empfehlungen umzusetzen, die am ehesten geeignet sind, zum Erfolg der Arbeit der Vereinten Nationen vor Ort beizutragen.",
"48. Auch der Friedenskonsolidierungsfonds, der eine katalytische Finanzierung für die Friedenskonsolidierung bereitstellt, setzte seinen Wachstumstrend 2010 fort und nahm neue Länder auf, verbesserte seine Partnerschaften mit Interessenträgern und arbeitete enger mit der Kommission für Friedenskonsolidierung zusammen. Nach 52 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2009 wurden 2010 insgesamt 76 Millionen Dollar für 12 Länder bereitgestellt, darunter 4 Länder, die erstmals für unterstützungsfähig erklärt wurden. Der Friedenskonsolidierungsfonds hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, zwischen 2011 und 2013 jährlich 100 Millionen Dollar aufzubringen, zuzuweisen und auszugeben.",
"C. Humanitäre Angelegenheiten",
"49. Im Zeitraum 2010/11 wurden höchste Anforderungen an das humanitäre System der Vereinten Nationen gestellt, das Hilfeleistungen für viele Millionen von Menschen in 30 Ländern erbrachte. Dürren, Überschwemmungen und drastisch steigende Brennstoffpreise trugen zu einem rasanten Anstieg der internationalen Nahrungsmittelpreise bei, von dem Millionen armer und bedürftiger Menschen weltweit betroffen waren.",
"50. Die Vereinten Nationen waren aufgerufen, die Behörden einiger Staaten bei der Bewältigung einer Vielzahl von Naturkatastrophen und komplexen Notsituationen zu unterstützen, oftmals in einem widrigen operativen Umfeld und mit beschränkten personellen und finanziellen Mitteln. In Pakistan waren bis zu 20 Millionen Menschen – nahezu 10 Prozent der Bevölkerung – von anhaltenden Monsunregenfällen betroffen. Die Menschen in Haiti erlebten nach dem verheerenden Erdbeben vom Januar 2010 eine Reihe weiterer Rückschläge, darunter tropische Stürme, einen Cholera-Ausbruch und politische Unruhen. In Côte d’Ivoire veranlassten bewaffnete Konflikte und Gewalt zwischen Bevölkerungsgruppen nach den umstrittenen Präsidentschaftswahlen bis zu 200.000 Menschen, über die Grenzen zu fliehen; allein in Abidjan wurden eine halbe Million Menschen vertrieben. In Sudan flohen Zehntausende von Menschen vor der Gewalt im Vorfeld der Unabhängigkeit Südsudans. Am Horn von Afrika litten 2011 mehr als 8 Millionen Menschen aufgrund der schwersten Dürre seit einem Jahrzehnt unter Ernährungsunsicherheit.",
"51. Die Krisen in Jemen und in der Libysch-Arabischen Dschamahirija forderten zahlreiche Opfer unter der Zivilbevölkerung und ließen viele Menschen zu Binnenvertriebenen und Flüchtlingen werden. Mehr als 630.000 Menschen flohen vor den Kämpfen in der Libysch-Arabischen Dschamahirija, darunter 280.000 Angehörige von Drittstaaten. Die Rückkehr dieser Menschen in ihr Heimatland stellte eine zusätzliche Belastung für die ohnehin schon geschwächten Gemeinden in Niger, Tschad und anderswo dar. Japan sah sich gleichzeitig einer Natur- und Atomkatastrophe gegenüber, die selbst ein so gut auf Notfälle vorbereitetes Land vor beträchtliche Herausforderungen stellte.",
"52. Für die Vereinten Nationen ergaben sich aus diesen Krisen klare Erkenntnisse im Hinblick darauf, wie die Vorbereitung und Reaktion des internationalen humanitären Systems auf humanitäre Notsituationen verbessert werden kann. Unter der Leitung der Nothilfekoordinatorin begannen die Leiter der Mitgliedorganisationen des Ständigen interinstitutionellen Ausschusses, einschließlich der nichtstaatlichen Partner, mit der Entwicklung einer neuen Strategie, die darauf ausgerichtet ist, die Führung und Koordinierung der humanitären Maßnahmen zu verbessern und sicherzustellen, dass ausreichende personelle und finanzielle Mittel zur Bewältigung größerer Notsituationen eingesetzt werden, insbesondere im entscheidenden Frühstadium, sowie die Rechenschaftslegung sowohl gegenüber den Mitgliedstaaten als auch gegenüber den Betroffenen zu verbessern.",
"53. Der Zentrale Fonds für die Reaktion auf Notsituationen, ein innovatives globales Instrument mit niedrigen Transaktionskosten, das auf rasche und ausgewogene Weise Finanzmittel bereitstellen soll, erhielt mehr Unterstützung durch die Geber. Die Fondsmittel stiegen von 409 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2009 auf 428 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2010. Im Mai 2011 überschritt das Gesamtauszahlungsvolumen des Fonds 2 Milliarden Dollar. Zwölf Mitgliedstaaten leisteten erstmals Geberbeiträge, und 19 Mitgliedstaaten erhöhten ihre Beiträge beträchtlich.",
"54. Die von den Vereinten Nationen im Rahmen des Prozesses der konsolidierten Hilfsappelle verwalteten Spenden betrugen insgesamt 7 Milliarden Dollar, ungefähr so viel wie 2009. Der prozentuale Anteil dieses Betrags an den zur Deckung der Bedürfnisse beantragten Gesamtmitteln fiel jedoch von 73 auf 63 Prozent.",
"55. Die Vereinten Nationen verbessern derzeit auf der Grundlage einer rigoroseren Bedarfsermittlung die gemeinsamen Planungsmaßnahmen, überwachen dank besseren Technologieeinsatzes in Echtzeit die erzielten Fortschritte, stärken die Führungsstrukturen und verbessern die Rechenschaftspflicht.",
"56. Sicherheitsprobleme beeinträchtigten weiterhin die Fähigkeit der humanitären Akteure, grundlegende Dienste für betroffene Bevölkerungsgruppen bereitzustellen. In der kürzlich vom Amt für die Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten in Auftrag gegebenen Studie To Stay and Deliver (Bleiben und Hilfe leisten) werden die Mitgliedstaaten aufgefordert, weder Rechtsvorschriften zu erlassen noch eine Politik zu verfolgen, die das humanitäre Engagement mit nichtstaatlichen bewaffneten Gruppen untergraben könnten.",
"57. Die Organisation wird in Zukunft verstärkt wirksame Strategien fördern, die das Katastrophenrisiko verringern und die Anfälligkeit von Gemeinwesen und Staaten für Naturgefahren begrenzen sollen.",
"D. Menschenrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Verhütung von Völkermord und die Schutzverantwortung sowie Demokratie und gute Regierungsführung",
"58. Was die Menschenrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Demokratie und gute Regierungsführung anbelangt, liegt ein einschneidendes Jahr hinter uns, nicht nur vor Ort mit dem „arabischen Frühling“ von 2011, sondern auch in Anbetracht der intensiven Debatten, die am Amtssitz geführt wurden.",
"1. Menschenrechte",
"59. Der Generalsekretär und die Hohe Kommissarin für Menschenrechte haben sich mit Nachdruck dafür eingesetzt, dass die internationalen Menschenrechtsnormen in allen Situationen angewandt werden, haben mit rasch entsandten Bewertungsmissionen auf vor Ort entstehenden Bedarf reagiert und die Tätigkeiten des Menschenrechtsrats und der anderen Menschenrechtsmechanismen im Umgang mit dringenden Situationen unterstützt.",
"60. Im vergangenen Jahr gab es zwei Prüfungen des Menschenrechtsrats, eine durch den Rat selbst sowie eine durch die Generalversammlung. Der Abschluss des ersten Zyklus der allgemeinen regelmäßigen Überprüfung Ende 2011 wird als bedeutender Erfolg des Rates gewertet. Die wahre Bestandsprobe für dieses innovative Verfahren kommt jedoch mit dem zweiten Zyklus ab Mitte 2012, wenn die Mitgliedstaaten über die Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung der aus dem ersten Zyklus hervorgegangenen Empfehlungen Bericht erstatten sollen.",
"61. Darüber hinaus erweiterte der Menschenrechtsrat sein Tätigkeitsfeld um zwei neue thematische Mandate – betreffend das Recht auf friedliche Versammlung und Vereinigung und betreffend die Diskriminierung von Frauen vor dem Gesetz und in der Praxis – sowie um ein neues Ländermandat betreffend die Islamische Republik Iran.",
"62. Die Artikulierung der globalen Verpflichtungen auf dem Gebiet der Menschenrechte im Ergebnisdokument der Plenartagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele war ein grundlegender Erfolg. Im Hinblick auf die durchgängige Berücksichtigung der Menschenrechte wurden durch die Stärkung der Menschenrechtskomponenten in den Friedens- und politischen Missionen ebenfalls wichtige Meilensteine auf dem Gebiet des Friedens und der Sicherheit erreicht. Während der politischen Krise nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Côte d’Ivoire unterstrichen die Vereinten Nationen durch ihren standhaften und prinzipienfesten Einsatz in Wort und Tat, wie grundlegend wichtig es ist, die Zivilbevölkerung zu schützen, dem Völkerrecht Geltung zu verschaffen und diejenigen, die schwere Verstöße begehen, zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen.",
"2. Rechtsstaatlichkeit",
"63. Im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika üben Forderungen nach verstärkter Rechenschaftspflicht, Transparenz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit einen beispiellosen Reformdruck auf die Regierungen aus. Die Vereinten Nationen stehen bereit, der wachsenden Nachfrage nach ihrem Sachverstand auf dem Gebiet der Rechtsstaatlichkeit zu entsprechen.",
"64. Während des vergangenen Jahres wurden die rechtsstaatsfördernden Maßnahmen der Vereinten Nationen durch eine größere Schwerpunktlegung auf die interinstitutionelle Zusammenarbeit verstärkt; dies führte zu gemeinsamen Programmen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Haiti, Timor-Leste und anderen Ländern. Die Vereinten Nationen unterstützten über ein breites Spektrum von Mechanismen, namentlich den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof, internationale Untersuchungskommissionen des Menschenrechtsrats und die internationalen Ad-hoc- und hybriden Gerichtshöfe, die Gewährleistung der Rechenschaftspflicht für internationale Verbrechen und die Prozesse der Unrechtsaufarbeitung.",
"65. Nach dem Erfolg der neunten Tagung der Versammlung der Vertragsstaaten des Römischen Statuts haben die Bemühungen um dessen Universalität positive Ergebnisse erbracht. Im Anschluss an den Besuch des Generalsekretärs wurde Tunesien als erstes nordafrikanisches Land und viertes Mitglied der Liga der arabischen Staaten Vertragspartei des Römischen Statuts. Ägypten hat ebenfalls seine Absicht erklärt, das Römische Statut zu ratifizieren und dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof beizutreten.",
"66. Die Generalversammlung erteilte das Mandat für eine Veranstaltung auf hoher Ebene über die Rechtsstaatlichkeit, die am Anfang der siebenundsechzigsten Tagung der Versammlung stehen soll. Die Veranstaltung soll zu größerem Engagement für die internationale Koordinierung ermutigen und so die Wirkung der Aktivitäten auf dem Gebiet der Rechtsstaatlichkeit verstärken.",
"3. Verhütung von Völkermord und die Schutzverantwortung",
"67. Der Schutz von Menschen war für den Generalsekretär, die Generalversammlung, den Sicherheitsrat und den Menschenrechtsrat von höchster Priorität.",
"68. Die Sonderberater für die Verhütung von Völkermord und für Schutzverantwortung unterstützen die Generalversammlung bei ihrer weiteren Behandlung dieses Themenbereichs. Sie führen gemeinsam Lagebeurteilungen zu bestimmten Ländern durch, geben Erklärungen heraus und unterbreiten dem Generalsekretär und dem System der Vereinten Nationen Empfehlungen.",
"69. Das gemeinsame Büro hat seine Aktivitäten zum Aufbau von Kapazitäten bei Regierungsbeamten, regionalen und subregionalen Organisationen, der Zivilgesellschaft und den Bediensteten der Vereinten Nationen beschleunigt. Auch Parlamentarier, die Medien, Pädagogen und Gruppen aus der Öffentlichkeit ersuchen häufiger um Informationen und Stellungnahmen zu den jeweiligen Mandaten der Sonderberater.",
"4. Demokratie und gute Regierungsführung",
"70. Die friedlichen Demonstrationen, die die Ablösung der langjährigen Staatsführer Ägyptens und Tunesiens erzwangen, bewirkten auch in anderen Ländern einen Druck zu demokratischen Reformen. Von Anfang an drängte der Generalsekretär aktiv auf die Achtung der Menschenrechte in Nordafrika und im Nahen Osten und forderte die Gewährung von Versammlungs-, Rede- und Informationsfreiheit. Er rief zur sofortigen Beendigung des Einsatzes von Gewalt gegen Demonstranten auf und legte den Führern in der Region eindringlich nahe, den rechtmäßigen Bestrebungen der Menschen mittels Dialog und Reformen Rechnung zu tragen.",
"71. Der Demokratiefonds der Vereinten Nationen, über den lokale nichtstaatliche Organisationen weltweit Unterstützung erhalten, vergab im Rahmen seiner vierten Finanzierungsrunde knapp 15 Millionen Dollar an 64 Projekte. 2010 gingen bei dem Fonds mehr als doppelt so viele Projektvorschläge wie in früheren Jahren ein, ein Ausdruck der beispiellosen Zunahme der Forderungen der zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen nach Demokratie. Diese Forderungen dürften aufgrund der Entwicklungen in der arabischen Welt und anderenorts weiter zunehmen.",
"Kapitel III",
"Sicherung der globalen Güter",
"72. Die gegenwärtigen globalen Herausforderungen sind komplex und weitreichend und verstärken einander. Die Mitgliedstaaten setzen bei der Sicherung der globalen Güter auf die Hilfe der Vereinten Nationen, indem sie gegen Probleme wie den Klimawandel, Krankheiten, den Terrorismus und die Verbreitung konventioneller und nichtkonventioneller Waffen angehen.",
"A. Klimawandel",
"73. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Klimawandel ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Sicherung des Weltfriedens und des globalen Wohlstands. Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen, bedarf es einer dauerhaften globalen Zusammenarbeit, verbunden mit rascheren einzelstaatlichen Maßnahmen zur Verringerung der Emissionen und zur Erhöhung der Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber dem Klimawandel. Jedes Jahr, das wir tatenlos verstreichen lassen, kostet Menschenleben, Geld und die Chance, eine sicherere und „grünere“ Zukunft für alle zu schaffen.",
"74. 2010 brachte an verschiedenen Fronten Fortschritte, nicht zuletzt eine Zunahme der Transparenz und des Vertrauens im multilateralen Verhandlungsprozess.",
"75. Auf der Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen in Cancún (Mexiko) wurden Fortschritte erzielt. Die Regierungen einigten sich dort darauf, einen „grünen Klimafonds“ einzurichten, ihre Zusagen zur Abschwächung des Klimawandels zu formalisieren, konkrete Präventivmaßnahmen gegen die Entwaldung zu ergreifen, die nahezu ein Fünftel des weltweiten Kohlendioxid-Ausstoßes verursacht, die technologische Zusammenarbeit zu verstärken und die Anpassungsfähigkeit gefährdeter Bevölkerungsgruppen gegenüber Klimawirkungen zu erhöhen.",
"76. Außerdem wurden Schritte unternommen, um die Bereitstellung von Mitteln in Höhe von 30 Milliarden Dollar für die Anschubfinanzierung von Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung gefährdeter Bevölkerungsgruppen in den Entwicklungsländern und die entsprechende Berichterstattung zu verbessern. Die Hochrangige Beratergruppe des Generalsekretärs zur Frage der Finanzierung des Klimawandels kam zu dem Schluss, dass es schwierig, aber nicht unmöglich sei, bis 2020 das Ziel zu erreichen, jährlich 100 Milliarden Dollar aus öffentlichen und privaten Quellen in den entwickelten Ländern aufzubringen, um die in den Entwicklungsländern durchgeführten Maßnahmen zur Abschwächung und Anpassung zu unterstützen.",
"77. Cancún hat der internationalen Gemeinschaft ein wichtiges Instrumentarium an die Hand gegeben. Nun muss sie dieses in der Praxis anwenden und die Durchführung der aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht dringend gebotenen Maßnahmen forcieren. 2010 verursachten den Klimaänderungsprognosen entsprechende extreme Wetterereignisse, darunter großflächige Überschwemmungen, Hitzewellen, Brände und schwere Regenfälle, massives Leid für Millionen von Menschen in Pakistan, der Russischen Föderation und Nordwestchina.",
"78. Noch nie war es so klar, dass möglichst genaue, objektive und transparente wissenschaftliche Analysen als Grundlagen für die Politikgestaltung erforderlich sind. Zu diesem Zweck leiteten der Generalsekretär und der Vorsitzende der Zwischenstaatlichen Sachverständigengruppe über Klimaänderungen im August 2010 eine unabhängige Überprüfung der Prozesse und der Managementstruktur der Organisation ein und forderten die Mitgliedstaaten auf, den daraus hervorgehenden Schlussfolgerungen gemäß zu handeln.",
"79. Der Generalsekretär setzte außerdem eine Hochrangige Gruppe für globale Nachhaltigkeit ein, die den Auftrag hat, einen konkreten Fahrplan für eine nachhaltige, klimaverträgliche Entwicklung vorzulegen, der die Bereiche Armutsbeseitigung, Energie, Ernährung, Wasser und andere wichtige Fragen behandelt. Die Empfehlungen der Gruppe werden Anfang 2012 erscheinen und einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Rio-plus-20-Konferenz leisten.",
"B. Globale Gesundheit",
"80. Mit nur noch fünf Jahren Zeit, um die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele zu erreichen, leitete der Generalsekretär im September 2010 die Globale Strategie für die Gesundheit von Frauen und Kindern ein. Die Strategie, mit der der Gesundheit von Frauen und Kindern erstmals ein so hohes Maß an Engagement zuteil wird, bringt führende Vertreter aus Regierungen, multilateralen Institutionen, einschließlich der Vereinten Nationen, der Zivilgesellschaft, privaten Stiftungen, der Wirtschaft und akademischen Kreisen zusammen. Zur Umsetzung der Strategie wurden neue politische Verpflichtungen eingegangen sowie neue Leistungen und Mittel in Höhe von 40 Milliarden Dollar zugesagt. Alle 192 Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen bekräftigten ihre Unterstützung für die Strategie und die Schaffung eines Rahmens für die Rechenschaftslegung, um sicherzustellen, dass Ressourcen bereitgestellt und Ergebnisse erzielt werden.",
"81. Die globalen Maßnahmen gegen HIV/Aids haben Wirkung gezeigt, und die Infektionsrate geht zurück. Dennoch kommen auf drei Personen, die eine Behandlung beginnen, fünf Personen, die sich neu infizieren. Die im Juni 2011 abgehaltene Tagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über HIV/Aids mündete in eine ehrgeizige Erklärung mit konkreten Zielvorgaben, darunter die Beseitigung der vertikalen HIV-Übertragung, im Hinblick auf die Herbeiführung des allgemeinen Zugangs zu HIV-Prävention,",
"82. Tuberkulose ist die häufigste Todesursache für Menschen mit HIV, und obwohl gemeinsame Maßnahmen gegen Tuberkulose/HIV vorankommen, bleiben die meisten Fälle von multiresistenter Tuberkulose unbehandelt.",
"83. Die Malariahäufigkeit ist seit 2000 erheblich gesunken. Mehr Ressourcen und die drastische Ausweitung der Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen haben im Zeitraum von 2008 bis 2010 in 43 Ländern zu einem Rückgang der Malaria-Erkrankungen und -Sterbefälle um 50 Prozent beigetragen. In Afrika südlich der Sahara wurden genügend imprägnierte Moskitonetze verteilt, um 76 Prozent der gefährdeten Menschen zu schützen.",
"84. Die Weltweite Initiative zur Ausrottung der Kinderlähmung erzielte Rekordfortschritte. In Indien und Nigeria sank die Zahl der Fälle gegenüber 2009 um 95 Prozent. Um diese Dynamik voll zu nutzen und die Kinderlähmung in den beiden kommenden Jahren auszurotten, wird dringend zusätzliche finanzielle und politische Unterstützung benötigt.",
"85. Auch bei der Senkung der Masernsterblichkeit wurden bemerkenswerte Fortschritte erzielt. Zwischen 2000 und 2008 ging die Zahl der Sterbefälle um 78 Prozent zurück; dies allein macht ein Viertel des Rückgangs der durch alle Ursachen bedingten Sterblichkeit von Kindern unter 5 Jahren aus.",
"86. Die aktuelle und prognostizierte Belastung durch nicht übertragbare Krankheiten und ihre Auswirkungen auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung veranlassten die internationale Gemeinschaft zu der Forderung, 2011 eine Tagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über die Verhütung und Bekämpfung nicht übertragbarer Krankheiten abzuhalten. Jährlich sterben 36 Millionen Menschen an diesen Krankheiten; 25 Prozent dieser Menschen sind jünger als 60 Jahre, und die meisten leben in Entwicklungsländern.",
"87. Für die Zukunft besteht die größte Herausforderung darin, den sozialen Schutz und eine gerechte Gesundheitsversorgung zu gewährleisten, damit alle Menschen eine bessere Gesundheit genießen können. Ein wichtiges Element dieser Agenda wird die erneute Schwerpunktlegung auf die Bewältigung des Problems der Sanitärversorgung sein. Der Zugang zu sanitären Einrichtungen führt nicht nur zu besserer Gesundheit, sondern hat auch Multiplikatorwirkungen auf das Wohlergehen und die wirtschaftliche Produktivität. Lösungen sind vorhanden – sie müssen nur umgesetzt werden.",
"C. Bekämpfung des Terrorismus",
"88. Der Terrorismus stellt nach wie vor eine erhebliche Bedrohung des Weltfriedens und der internationalen Sicherheit dar. Der wichtigste Mechanismus des Generalsekretärs für die Reaktion auf diese Bedrohung, der aus 31 Einrichtungen innerhalb und außerhalb des Systems der Vereinten Nationen bestehende Arbeitsstab Terrorismusbekämpfung, trieb die Umsetzung der Weltweiten Strategie der Vereinten Nationen zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus voran. Der Arbeitsstab bemühte sich um eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit mit den Mitgliedstaaten und um eine stärkere Bekanntmachung der Strategie durch regelmäßige Unterrichtungen der Generalversammlung, regionale Arbeitstagungen und die Verbesserung der externen Kommunikation. Er erstellte Berichte über die Koordinierung im Falle nuklearer oder radiologischer Terroranschläge und über Maßnahmen gegen die Nutzung des Internets für terroristische Zwecke sowie grundlegende Leitfäden zur Einhaltung der Menschenrechte bei der Anhaltung und Durchsuchung von Personen. Er setzte eine Arbeitsgruppe für Grenzmanagement ein, die den Auftrag hat, Leitlinien für die Durchführung der im Rahmen der Strategie geforderten Grenzkontrollmaßnahmen zur Terrorismusbekämpfung vorzulegen. Gemeinsam mit der Europäischen Union und dem Regionalzentrum der Vereinten Nationen für vorbeugende Diplomatie für Zentralasien leitete der Arbeitsstab ein Projekt zur Unterstützung der Mitgliedstaaten in der Region bei der Umsetzung aller Säulen der Strategie ein.",
"89. Obwohl die Verantwortung für die Umsetzung der Strategie in erster Linie bei den Mitgliedstaaten liegt, wird das System der Vereinten Nationen die Umsetzung weiter unterstützen, indem es gute Verfahrensweisen erarbeitet, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Partnern verstärkt und die Länder, die um Hilfe ersuchen, im Rahmen eines einheitlichen Vorgehens unterstützt.",
"D. Abrüstung und Nichtverbreitung",
"90. Nach dem erfolgreichen Ausgang der Konferenz der Vertragsparteien im Jahr 2010 zur Überprüfung des Vertrags über die Nichtverbreitung von Kernwaffen haben die Vertragsstaaten damit begonnen, die auf der Konferenz abgegebenen Zusagen in vereinbarte „Aktionen“ zur nuklearen Abrüstung, zur Nichtverbreitung und zur friedlichen Nutzung der Kernenergie umzusetzen.",
"91. Die Russische Föderation und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika haben den neuen Vertrag über Maßnahmen zur weiteren Reduzierung und Begrenzung der strategischen Offensivwaffen in Kraft gesetzt, der die Dislozierung ihrer strategischen Kernwaffen weiter einschränkt. Die Kernwaffenstaaten haben einen Prozess des Dialogs über systematische, schrittweise Maßnahmen zur vollständigen Beseitigung ihrer Kernwaffenbestände eingeleitet. Für 2012 wird eine Konferenz über die Schaffung einer von Massenvernichtungswaffen und ihren Trägersystemen freien Zone im Nahen Osten vorbereitet.",
"92. Die Staaten und Vertreter aus der Zivilgesellschaft haben weiter die konkreten Voraussetzungen für die Schaffung einer kernwaffenfreien Welt, namentlich mittels eines universalen und wirksam verifizierbaren Übereinkommens über Kernwaffen, erkundet. Im August 2010 nahm der Generalsekretär als erster Inhaber dieses Amtes an der Friedensgedenkzeremonie in Hiroshima (Japan) teil. Er würdigte die Überlebenden und alle diejenigen, die vor 66 Jahren in Hiroshima und Nagasaki den Tod gefunden hatten, und betonte, dass es nunmehr an der Zeit sei, den Traum von einer kernwaffenfreien Welt zu verwirklichen.",
"93. Das Ausbleiben von Fortschritten in Sachfragen auf der Abrüstungskonferenz in Genf gibt nach wie vor Anlass zu großer Sorge. Weitere Anstrengungen sind erforderlich, um die Empfehlungen der auf Initiative des Generalsekretärs am 24. September 2010 in Genf abgehaltenen Tagung auf hoher Ebene über die Neubelebung der Tätigkeit der Abrüstungskonferenz und das Voranbringen der multilateralen Abrüstungsverhandlungen umzusetzen.",
"94. In Bezug auf eine friedliche, auf dem Verhandlungsweg herbeigeführte Entnuklearisierung der koreanischen Halbinsel im Wege der Sechs-Parteien-Gespräche wurden keine Fortschritte erzielt.",
"95. Das Nuklearprogramm der Islamischen Republik Iran gibt weiter Anlass zur Besorgnis.",
"96. Im Kontext des nuklearen Unfalls im Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi in Japan sind neue Probleme zutage getreten. Vor dem Hintergrund der globalen Auswirkungen der Krise unterstrich der Generalsekretär die potenzielle Rolle internationaler Organisationen sowie die Bedeutung gemeinsamer, koordinierter Maßnahmen zur Bewältigung solcher Herausforderungen. Im April 2011 forderte der Generalsekretär auf dem Gipfeltreffen von Kiew über die sichere und innovative Nutzung der Kernenergie konkrete Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der nuklearen Sicherheit. In diesem Zusammenhang veranlasste er eine das gesamte System der Vereinten Nationen einbeziehende Studie über die Folgen des nuklearen Unfalls in Fukushima. Die Studie wird als Bericht des Generalsekretärs erscheinen und soll als Grundlagendokument für die am 22. September 2011 abzuhaltende Tagung auf hoher Ebene über nukleare Sicherheit und Sicherung dienen.",
"97. Was konventionelle Waffen betrifft, so müssen die Staaten das hohe Fortschrittstempo in Richtung auf einen Vertrag über den Waffenhandel beibehalten, der nach Auffassung des Generalsekretärs von äußerster Wichtigkeit ist. Die übermäßige Anhäufung und leichte Verfügbarkeit von Kleinwaffen und leichten Waffen in Gebieten, die von Konflikten und Kriminalität beherrscht werden, ist höchst beunruhigend.",
"98. Der Generalsekretär ist der Auffassung, dass die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Vereinten Nationen und den Regionalorganisationen wichtig ist und dass in Regionen, die von grenzüberschreitendem Waffenhandel, ungesicherten Waffenbeständen und einer Zunahme bewaffneter Gewalt betroffen sind, zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen eine maßgebliche Rolle spielen. Ein wichtiger Beitrag auf diesem Gebiet ist nach Überzeugung des Generalsekretärs die Verabschiedung des Zentralafrikanischen Übereinkommens zur Kontrolle von Kleinwaffen und leichten Waffen, deren Munition und aller Teile und Komponenten, die zur Herstellung, Instandsetzung und Montage dieser Waffen verwendet werden können.",
"99. Die Vereinten Nationen werden gemeinsam mit den Mitgliedstaaten weiter auf die Beibehaltung und neuerliche Stärkung wirksamer Abrüstungs- und Nichtverbreitungsnormen hinarbeiten.",
"Kapitel IV",
"Stärkung der Vereinten Nationen",
"A. Das Sekretariat, der zwischenstaatliche Apparat, systemweite Kohärenz und die Regionalorganisationen",
"100. Im Kontext der Weltwirtschaftsflaute und der darauf folgenden Haushaltskürzungen in einer Reihe von Ländern in aller Welt sind die Vereinten Nationen gefordert, mit weniger Mitteln mehr zu leisten. Verschiedene laufende Initiativen zur Reform des zwischenstaatlichen Apparats sowie der Prozess zur kohärenteren Gestaltung der Arbeit des Systems der Vereinten Nationen werden die Rolle der Organisation bei der Festlegung und Durchführung der globalen Agenda stärken.",
"1. Das Sekretariat",
"101. Der Generalsekretär hat vier einander ergänzende Prozesse mit dem Ziel eingeleitet, die Vereinten Nationen wirksamer und effizienter zu machen. Erstens hat er einen Haushaltsvorschlag eingereicht, der eine Kürzung des Gesamthaushalts der Vereinten Nationen um mehr als 3 Prozent vorsieht. Zweitens hat er den Koordinierungsrat der Leiter der Organisationen des Systems der Vereinten Nationen um die Mitarbeit an einem systemweiten Reformpaket gebeten. Er hat drittens alle hochrangigen Führungskräfte veranlasst, konkrete Vorschläge darüber abzugeben, wie die Vereinten Nationen ihre Arbeitsweise und ihre Geschäftspraktiken ändern könnten. Viertens hat er zur Vertiefung der Reformbemühungen ein Team für Veränderungsmanagement eingerichtet.",
"102. Alle diese Anstrengungen werden auf den Fortschritten aufbauen, die während des vergangenen Jahres bei der Stärkung der Rechenschaftspflicht und der Steigerung der Leistung und der Ergebnisse erzielt wurden, darunter die Entwicklung eines Rahmens für die Umsetzung des ergebnisorientierten Managements, der den Mitgliedstaaten Ende 2011 vorgelegt werden wird, sowie einer Politik des organisationsweiten Risikomanagements, die derzeit in ausgewählten Hauptabteilungen erprobt wird.",
"103. Das Sekretariat ist bei den Vorbereitungen für die Anwendung der internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards für den öffentlichen Sektor gut vorangekommen. Die Standards werden dazu dienen, international anerkannte bewährte Praktiken einzuführen, die Transparenz, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Programmkosten, zu erhöhen, die internen Kontrollen zu verbessern und den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Vermögenswerten erheblich zu fördern. Im Hinblick auf das ERP-Projekt „Umoja“ sind wesentlich stärkere Anstrengungen erforderlich, damit sich die potenziellen Vorteile zunehmend harmonisierter und gestraffter Geschäftspraktiken im gesamten Sekretariat trotz der Probleme aufgrund der verzögerten Projektdurchführung tatsächlich einstellen.",
"104. Ein kompetentes Personalmanagement ist von zentraler Bedeutung, wenn die Vision des Generalsekretärs von einer globalen, flexiblen, anpassungs- und reaktionsfähigen Organisation verwirklicht werden soll, die eine Kultur des eigenverantwortlichen Handelns und der Leistung unterstützt und ihren Mitarbeitern Lern- und Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten bietet. Mit den jüngsten Reformen der Dienstverträge und der Beschäftigungsbedingungen sind wir auf diesem Gebiet vorangekommen. Wir werden weiter daran arbeiten, die Rekrutierung, die Laufbahnentwicklung und die Mobilität für die Bediensteten innerhalb der Organisation zu verbessern.",
"2. Der zwischenstaatliche Apparat",
"105. Im vergangenen Jahr befasste sich die Generalversammlung mit überaus wichtigen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der weltweiten Entwicklungsagenda und darüber hinaus, unter anderem im Rahmen thematischer Debatten zu Fragen wie der Verringerung des Katastrophenrisikos, den Investitionen in die Produktionskapazitäten in den am wenigsten entwickelten Ländern und der entsprechenden Finanzierung, der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, der globalen Migration und der globalen Ordnungspolitik.",
"106. Bei den Anstrengungen der Mitgliedstaaten zur Reform des Sicherheitsrats war eine neue Dynamik zu spüren, die insbesondere in den zunehmend konkreten und spezifischen Vorschlägen zum Ausdruck kam, welche die Delegationen im Rahmen der zwischenstaatlichen Verhandlungen vorlegten.",
"107. Bei seiner Behandlung der Umwälzungen in den arabischen Ländern hat der Sicherheitsrat in Bezug auf die Libysch-Arabische Dschamahirija die Schutzverantwortung geltend gemacht. Ansonsten war das beherrschende Thema seiner Tagesordnung die Aufsicht über Friedenssicherungs- und politische Missionen auf vier Kontinenten, wobei den Unabhängigkeitsreferenden in Südsudan und den Durchsetzungsmaßnahmen in Côte d’Ivoire besondere Aufmerksamkeit galt. Zu den Themenschwerpunkten gehörten vorbeugende Diplomatie, Terrorismus, die Friedenskonsolidierung nach Konflikten, Frauen und Frieden und Sicherheit sowie die Interdependenz von Sicherheit und Entwicklung. Der Rat war außerdem bestrebt, die volle und faire Anwendung der bestehenden Sanktionsregime zu gewährleisten, unter anderem durch das aktive Engagement der neu eingesetzten Ombudsperson, um sicherzustellen, dass bei den von der Organisation ergriffenen Maßnahmen zur Terrorismusbekämpfung die Menschenrechtsnormen eingehalten werden.",
"108. Der Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat beschritt in seiner Tätigkeit neue Wege, um die internationale Gemeinschaft für die Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele zu mobilisieren. In der Folge seiner Tagung auf hoher Ebene wurde die weltweite Entwicklungspartnerschaft gestärkt und die Politikkoordinierung zwischen wichtigen institutionellen Interessenträgern verbessert, wie der Weltbank, dem Internationalen Währungsfonds, der Welthandelsorganisation und der Handels- und Entwicklungskonferenz der Vereinten Nationen. Im Rahmen der jährlichen Überprüfung auf Ministerebene wurde die vereinbarte Bildungsagenda erfolgreich vorangetrieben. Darüber hinaus prüfte der Rat die Vorgehensweise des Systems der Vereinten Nationen in Gleichstellungsfragen und gab Empfehlungen zur Erhöhung des Fortschrittstempos ab.",
"3. Systemweite Kohärenz",
"109. Seit der Verabschiedung der wegweisenden Resolution 64/289 über systemweite Kohärenz durch die Generalversammlung am 2. Juli 2010 wurden bei ihrer Durchführung bemerkenswerte Fortschritte erzielt. Am 1. Januar 2011 nahm die Einheit der Vereinten Nationen für Gleichstellung und Ermächtigung der Frauen (UN-Frauen) ihre Tätigkeit auf. Zur Erhöhung der Wirksamkeit wurden die Ressourcen und die Mandate von vier zuvor getrennten Stellen des Systems der Vereinten Nationen für Gleichstellungsfragen aufbauend auf der wichtigen von ihnen bisher geleisteten Arbeit unter einem Dach zusammengeführt. Dadurch, dass nun eine Stelle die gesamte Verantwortung für die globale Normsetzung trägt und mit den erforderlichen Mitteln ausgestattet ist, um die Länder bei der Umsetzung dieser Normen und Standards operativ zu unterstützen, können sich die Vereinten Nationen der weltweiten Förderung der Geschlechtergleichstellung und der Ermächtigung der Frauen künftig in deutlich stärkerem Maß widmen.",
"110. Weitere Anstrengungen sind darauf gerichtet, das einheitliche Vorgehen der Vereinten Nationen zu verbessern. Derzeit werden die in den Pilotländern der Initiative „Einheit in der Aktion“ gewonnenen Erkenntnisse einer unabhängigen Evaluierung unterzogen. Die freiwillige Erstellung gemeinsamer Landesprogrammdokumente eröffnet die Möglichkeit, Doppelungen und Überschneidungen zwischen den Programmen einzelner Stellen zu beseitigen. Der Koordinierungsrat der Leiter der Organisationen des Systems der Vereinten Nationen erzielte in diesem Jahr nennenswerte Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung des Aktionsplans zur Harmonisierung der Geschäftspraktiken im System der Vereinten Nationen und mit der Annahme eines koordinierten Systemansatzes für eine fairere, umweltverträglichere und zukunftsfähige Globalisierung.",
"4. Regionalorganisationen",
"111. Die Vereinten Nationen haben weitere Anstrengungen zur Stärkung ihrer Partnerschaften mit Regionalorganisationen unternommen, was in der Entsendung gemeinsamer Missionen, gemeinsamen Vermittlungstätigkeiten, dem Aufbau von Vermittlungskapazitäten, gemeinsamen Schulungen, der Weitergabe bewährter Verfahren, Dialogen auf Arbeitsebene und der Einrichtung von Verbindungsbüros zum Ausdruck kam.",
"112. Durch die Einrichtung des Büros der Vereinten Nationen bei der Afrikanischen Union erhielt die strategische Partnerschaft mit dieser Organisation zusätzliches Gewicht. Die Partnerschaft der Vereinten Nationen mit der Entwicklungsgemeinschaft des südlichen Afrika bei der Konfliktprävention, der Vermittlung und bei Wahlen hat mit der Unterzeichnung eines Kooperationsrahmens und der Entsendung eines Verbindungsteams nach Gaborone einen Qualitätssprung erfahren. Das neue Regionalbüro der Vereinten Nationen für Zentralafrika in Libreville hat bereits eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit mit der Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft der zentralafrikanischen Staaten in die Wege geleitet und zur Stärkung der Frühwarn- und Vermittlungskapazitäten dieser Regionalorganisation beigetragen.",
"113. In Brüssel haben die Vereinten Nationen ein Verbindungsbüro für Partnerschaften eingerichtet und damit die Zusammenarbeit in Friedens- und Sicherheitsfragen mit der Europäischen Union und der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa weiter institutionalisiert.",
"114. Auf ihrem dritten gemeinsamen Gipfeltreffen haben der Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen und die Vereinten Nationen ihre Beziehungen nachdrücklich bekräftigt. Der Zusammenarbeit mit der Karibischen Gemeinschaft wurde dadurch Auftrieb verliehen, dass an ihrer einunddreißigsten Konferenz der Regierungschefs erstmals der Generalsekretär teilnahm.",
"B. Globale Handlungspartner",
"115. Die Zivilgesellschaft, die Privatwirtschaft und akademische Kreise leisten unverzichtbare Beiträge zu den Zielen der Vereinten Nationen, insbesondere zu den Millenniums-Entwicklungszielen. Im vergangenen Jahr haben die Vereinten Nationen Schritte unternommen, um mit verstärktem Engagement und unter Nutzung ihrer Erfahrungen wahrhaft transformative Partnerschaften aufzubauen und so zur Bewältigung drängender Herausforderungen beizutragen.",
"1. Stärkung der Partnerschaften mit der Zivilgesellschaft",
"116. Die Vereinten Nationen haben ihre Interaktion mit der Zivilgesellschaft erweitert und vertieft, namentlich durch die Initiative der Vereinten Nationen „Academic Impact“ (Akademische Wirkung), der sich bereits mehr als 650 Hochschuleinrichtungen in 104 Ländern angeschlossen haben.",
"117. Mehr als 6.000 Vertreter nichtstaatlicher Organisationen, die im Bereich der wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Entwicklungsagenda der Vereinten Nationen tätig sind, nahmen an den Tagungen des Wirtschafts- und Sozialrats und seiner Nebenorgane teil und verliehen der Stimme von Basisorganisationen und lokalen Gemeinschaften Gehör.",
"118. Die Informationszentren der Vereinten Nationen in aller Welt betreiben gemeinsam mit der Zivilgesellschaft in beinahe 50 Sprachen Kampagnen mit hoher Breitenwirkung, darunter Kampagnen auf dem Gebiet der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, des Klimawandels und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung, die Initiative „Stell dich gegen Armut“ und die Kampagne zur Beendigung der Gewalt gegen Frauen. Mehrere Informationszentren der Vereinten Nationen in Nordafrika und im Nahen Osten spielten während der tumultartigen Umwälzungen in der gesamten Region eine maßgebliche Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung eines offenen Dialogs mit verschiedenen Gemeinschaften.",
"2. Einbindung der Privatwirtschaft",
"119. Privatsektorexperten von mehr als 30 Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen konzentrieren sich in einem leistungsstarken Netz darauf, der Organisation bei der Bildung transformativer Partnerschaften zu helfen, mit denen systemische Probleme auf globaler und lokaler Ebene angegangen werden.",
"120. In Verbindung mit den Leitlinien für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Vereinten Nationen und dem Unternehmenssektor wird derzeit daran gearbeitet, bei der Auswahl von Partnern stärker die gebührende Sorgfalt walten zu lassen und die Überprüfungsmechanismen zu verbessern. Mit ihrer neuen Website für die Partnerschaft mit der Privatwirtschaft haben die Vereinten Nationen Dutzende von Kooperationsbeziehungen durch die Abstimmung von Unternehmensressourcen auf die Bedürfnisse der Organisation erleichtert und die Katastrophenhilfe im Zusammenhang mit den Krisen in Haiti, Japan, der Libysch-Arabischen Dschamahirija und Pakistan unterstützt.",
"121. Die Unternehmen waren darüber hinaus auch im Rahmen des Globalen Paktes der Vereinten Nationen aktiv, der mit 9.000 Teilnehmern in über 135 Ländern weltweit größten Initiative für unternehmerische Verantwortung. Über die Plattformen des Globalen Paktes für die Ermächtigung der Frauen, für Korruptionsbekämpfung, für Klima und für Wasser werden privatwirtschaftliche Akteure in die Arbeit in kritischen Bereichen eingebunden. Im September 2010 richteten die Vereinten Nationen das dritte Privatsektorforum aus, auf dem Führungskräfte und Regierungsvertreter konkrete Maßnahmen aufzeigten, mit denen Unternehmen zur Überwindung von Defiziten bei den Millenniums-Entwicklungszielen beitragen können. Die erfolgreiche Einbeziehung des Unternehmenssektors über die „Privatsektorschiene“ in die in Istanbul abgehaltene vierte Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über die am wenigsten entwickelten Länder zeigte modellhaft, wie die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen im Umfeld von Gipfelkonferenzen der Vereinten Nationen, beispielsweise Rio plus 20, enger gestaltet werden kann.",
"Kapitel V",
"122. Vorausschauend auf die kommenden fünf Jahre ist zu erkennen, dass die Vereinten Nationen dringender denn je benötigt werden und dass es ihnen nicht leicht fallen wird, den vielfältigen Bedürfnissen und an sie gestellten Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Wir müssen dafür sorgen, dass die Organisation allen ihren Mitgliedstaaten, ungeachtet ihres Entwicklungsstands, ebenso dient wie allen Menschen, die in ihnen leben. Ein Großteil unseres Engagements wird auf den Errungenschaften der vergangenen fünf Jahre aufbauen müssen.",
"123. Die Herbeiführung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung ist oberstes Gebot. Wir müssen nicht nur wesentlich stärker auf die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele hinarbeiten, damit diese bis 2015 erreicht werden können, sondern wir müssen auch eine Vision entwickeln und uns auf einen Rahmen für die Entwicklungsförderung über 2015 hinaus einigen. Wir müssen ferner Strategien entwerfen und Aktionspläne verabschieden, um die 50-50-50-Herausforderung anzugehen: Im Jahr 2050 wird die Weltbevölkerung die 9-Milliarden-Grenze überschreiten, was eine Zunahme von 50 Prozent gegenüber dem vor zehn Jahren verzeichneten Wert darstellt, und bis dahin muss die Weltgemeinschaft die globalen Treibhausgasemissionen um 50 Prozent reduziert haben. Ein wesentlicher Schritt in diese Richtung wird darin bestehen, eine nachhaltige globale Energiestrategie zu formulieren.",
"124. Auf dem Gebiet des Friedens und der Sicherheit haben wir in den vergangenen fünf Jahren allmählich erkannt, welche positiven Wirkungen eine gestärkte Präventionskapazität der Vereinten Nationen entfalten kann, wenn die Mitgliedstaaten sie in Anspruch nehmen, um landesinterne und grenzüberschreitende Spannungen zu entschärfen. Wir müssen die Präventionsdienste, die wir den Mitgliedstaaten anbieten können, weiter vertiefen und ausbauen.",
"125. In den vergangenen fünf Jahren sind die Friedenssicherungseinsätze noch komplexer geworden, und wir waren gezwungen, knappe Ressourcen zu strecken, um umfangreiche Mandate zu erfüllen. In den letzten beiden Jahren haben wir damit begonnen, die Art und Weise, wie wir Missionen unterstützen, zu überdenken und umzugestalten. Wir arbeiten kreativ daran, agiler zu werden und potenzielle Partnerschaften besser zu nutzen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir über die erforderlichen Kapazitäten zur Deckung der Bedürfnisse vor Ort verfügen, sei es im Zusammenhang mit Friedenssicherungsmissionen, Friedenskonsolidierungsmaßnahmen oder politischen Missionen. Die nächste Herausforderung besteht darin, weitere notwendige Anpassungen vorzunehmen, damit wir den Menschen, denen wir dienen, auch weiterhin Frieden und Sicherheit bringen können.",
"126. Haiti, Pakistan und Japan haben uns einen Vorgeschmack darauf gegeben, welche Gestalt und welche Ausmaße Katastrophen in Zukunft annehmen könnten. Das Zeitalter der Mega-Katastrophen ist angebrochen, und die letzten Jahre haben deutlich gemacht, dass die Ausstattung und die Konfiguration der Organisation verbessert werden müssen, damit sie diesen Katastrophen angemessen begegnen kann. Wir haben erste Schritte unternommen, um unsere Vorgehensweise zu ändern, indem wir unsere Reaktionsstrategien umgestalten und weitaus größeres Gewicht auf die Verringerung des Katastrophenrisikos legen. Im Hinblick auf den Ausbau ihrer Kapazitäten sind die Vereinten Nationen darüber hinaus neue Formen von Partnerschaften mit dem Unternehmenssektor und der Zivilgesellschaft eingegangen und erproben neue Technologien zur Koordinierung der Helfer und zur Herstellung von Verbindungen zwischen Helfern und Opfern. Wir werden diese Anstrengungen in den kommenden fünf Jahren beschleunigen müssen, wenn wir den wohl auf uns zukommenden humanitären Herausforderungen gerecht werden wollen.",
"127. Die Ereignisse des letzten Jahres haben uns allen erneut vor Augen geführt, wie überaus wichtig die normativen Standards sind, die die Vereinten Nationen für die Welt setzen. Wir haben den Aufruf zur Demokratie im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika unterstützt und die internationale Gemeinschaft gedrängt, die Zivilbevölkerung in Côte d’Ivoire und in der Libysch-Arabischen Dschamahirija vor ungeheuerlichen Verletzungen ihrer Rechte zu schützen. Wir haben gesehen, dass diese Art der Interessenvertretung einen gewichtigen und positiven Einfluss auf die Unterstützung der Menschen haben kann, die an vorderster Front für Menschenrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Demokratie und Schutzverantwortung kämpfen. Jetzt müssen wir über die Interessenvertretung hinausgehen und den staatlichen wie nichtstaatlichen Akteuren, die einen Wandel herbeiführen wollen, bei der Institutionalisierung dieser Normen und Werte behilflich sein. In den kommenden fünf Jahren werden die entscheidenden Weichen für den Kurs gestellt, den viele Übergangsprozesse nehmen werden. Daher müssen wir unbedingt rasch unsere Fähigkeit zur Unterstützung von Ländern verbessern, die mit dem Aufbau demokratischer Strukturen und Prozesse befasst sind.",
"128. Die globalen Herausforderungen der vergangenen Jahrzehnte – Klimawandel, Verbreitung von Waffen, Krankheiten und Terrorismus – werden nicht verschwinden. Wir müssen die internationale Zusammenarbeit, die wir bereits in Gang gesetzt haben, weiter stärken und vertiefen. Wir müssen uns jedoch auch für neue, gemeinsam zu bewältigende Herausforderungen wappnen, darunter nicht zuletzt diejenigen, die durch demografische Prozesse entstehen.",
"129. Schließlich müssen wir, um Leistungen für andere erbringen zu können, auch einen ehrlichen Blick nach innen richten und gemeinsam mit den Mitgliedstaaten dafür sorgen, dass unsere Organisationsstruktur, unsere Arbeitsabläufe und unsere Mitarbeiter optimal darauf ausgerichtet sind, den Herausforderungen der kommenden zehn Jahre zu begegnen. Wir haben bereits eine wichtige Initiative für Veränderungen eingeleitet, die über die nächsten fünf Jahre hinweg zu größerer Wirksamkeit und Effizienz in der gesamten Organisation führen wird.",
"130. Zeiten des globalen Übergangs sind mit gewaltigen Herausforderungen verbunden, bieten aber auch enorme Chancen für den Fortschritt der Menschheit. Zusammen ist uns keine Herausforderung zu groß. Zusammen ist uns nichts unmöglich.",
"Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, Zielvorgaben und Indikatoren 2011: statistische Tabellen",
"Ziel 1 Beseitigung der extremen Armut und des Hungers",
"Zielvorgabe 1.A Zwischen 1990 und 2015 den Anteil der Menschen halbieren, deren Einkommen weniger als 1 Dollar pro Tag beträgt",
"Indikator 1.1 Anteil der Bevölkerung, der mit weniger als 1,25 Dollar (in Kaufkraftparitäten (KKP)) pro Tag auskommen muss^(a,b)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 1999 2005",
"Entwicklungsregionen 45,5 36,1 26,9",
"Nordafrika 4,5 4,4 2,6",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 57,5 58,3 50,9",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 11,3 10,9 8,2",
"Karibik 28,8 25,4 25,8",
"Lateinamerika 10,5 10,2 7,4",
"Ostasien 60,1 35,6 15,9",
"Südasien 49,5 42,2 38,6",
"Südasien ohne Indien 44,6 35,3 30,7",
"Südostasien 39,2 35,3 18,9",
"Westasien 2,2 4,1 5,8",
"Ozeanien – – –",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 6,3 22,3 19,2",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 63,3 60,4 53,4",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 49,1 50,7 42,8",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 32,4 27,7 27,5",
"^(a) Hocheinkommensländer entsprechend der Definition der Weltbank sind nicht enthalten.",
"^(b) Schätzungen der Weltbank (März 2011).",
"Indikator 1.2 Armutslückenverhältnis^(a,b)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 1999 2005",
"Entwicklungsregionen 15,4 11,6 8,0",
"Nordafrika 0,8 0,8 0,5",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 26,3 25,8 20,7",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 3,9 3,8 2,8",
"Karibik 13,4 12,7 12,8",
"Lateinamerika 3,5 3,4 2,3",
"Ostasien 20,7 11,1 4,0",
"Südasien 14,5 11,2 9,8",
"Südasien ohne Indien 14,2 9,9 8,1",
"Südostasien 11,1 9,6 4,2",
"Westasien 0,6 1,0 1,5",
"Ozeanien – – –",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 2,1 7,5 5,4",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 27,5 24,7 19,9",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 21,9 20,2 15,5",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 14,4 12,3 11,9",
"^(a) Das Armutslückenverhältnis misst das Ausmaß der Armut. Es wird errechnet, indem man den Anteil der unterhalb der Armutsgrenze (bei 1,25 Dollar KKP pro Tag) lebenden Menschen mit der Differenz zwischen der Armutsgrenze und dem Durchschnittseinkommen der unterhalb der Armutsgrenze lebenden Bevölkerung multipliziert.",
"^(b) Hocheinkommensländer entsprechend der Definition der Weltbank sind nicht enthalten.",
"Indikator 1.3 Anteil des ärmsten Fünftels der Bevölkerung am nationalen Konsum",
"Globale oder regionale Angaben liegen nicht vor.",
"Zielvorgabe 1.B Produktive Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle, einschließlich Frauen und junger Menschen, verwirklichen",
"Indikator 1.4 Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) pro Erwerbstätigen",
"a) Jährliche Wachstumsrate des BIP pro Erwerbstätigen",
"(in Prozent)",
"2000 2010^(a)",
"Welt 2,9 3,1",
"Entwicklungsregionen 3,9 5,2",
"Nordafrika 2,5 2,7",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,5 1,8",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 1,9 3,0",
"Ostasien 6,9 8,5",
"Südasien 2,4 4,8",
"Südostasien 4,3 5,0",
"Westasien 7,6 3,0",
"Ozeanien -6,0 3,7",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 5,5 2,7",
"Entwickelte Regionen 2,7 3,0",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 2,2 2,1",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 2,3 2,4",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 3,1 4,9",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"b) BIP pro Erwerbstätigen",
"(US-Dollar (KKP); Basisjahr: 2005)",
"2000 2010^(a)",
"Welt 18.272 21.828",
"Entwicklungsregionen 8.163 12.211",
"Nordafrika 16.528 18.994",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 4.389 5.294",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 21.047 23.013",
"Ostasien 6.058 13.431",
"Südasien 5.378 7.978",
"Südostasien 7.109 9.774",
"Westasien 33.722 39.743",
"Ozeanien 5.590 5.883",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 7.062 12.527",
"Entwickelte Regionen 56.565 64.345",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 2.174 3.053",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 3.398 4.905",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 21.611 25.938",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"Indikator 1.5 Verhältnis Beschäftigung – Bevölkerung",
"a) Insgesamt",
"(in Prozent)",
"1991 2000 2009 2010^(a)",
"Welt 62,2 61,5 61,2 61,1",
"Entwicklungsregionen 64,3 63,2 62,7 62,7",
"Nordafrika 43,4 43,1 45,8 45,9",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 62,6 62,6 64,3 64,4",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 56,4 58,1 60,6 60,7",
"Ostasien 74,4 73,9 70,3 70,2",
"Südasien 58,5 56,9 58,3 58,5",
"Südostasien 68,3 67,1 65,9 65,8",
"Westasien 48,0 45,3 43,6 43,5",
"Ozeanien 65,9 66,3 66,4 66,1",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 57,4 54,9 59,1 59,8",
"Entwickelte Regionen 56,6 55,8 55,4 54,8",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 70,2 68,5 69,1 69,1",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 67,4 67,1 69,5 69,7",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 55,2 56,7 57,9 57,7",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"b) Männer, Frauen und Jugendliche (2009)^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"Männer Frauen Jugendliche",
"Welt 72,9 49,2 44,3",
"Entwicklungsregionen 75,8 49,4 45,3",
"Nordafrika 69,8 22,3 28,5",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 74,1 54,9 47,4",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 74,6 47,5 44,3",
"Ostasien 75,9 64,3 54,5",
"Südasien 78,5 37,4 42,7",
"Südostasien 77,5 54,5 44,2",
"Westasien 66,1 18,9 24,2",
"Ozeanien 70,2 62,0 50,7",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 66,3 53,9 39,4",
"Entwickelte Regionen 61,5 48,5 38,1",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 78,9 59,5 54,9",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 77,6 62,2 57,0",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 69,3 46,5 41,5",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"Indikator 1.6",
"Anteil der Erwerbstätigen, die mit weniger als 1,25 Dollar (in Kaufkraftparitäten (KKP)) pro Tag auskommen müssen",
"a) Gesamtzahl",
"(in Millionen)",
"1991 1999 2009^(a)",
"Welt 972,8 875,1 631,9",
"Entwicklungsregionen 970,9 871,4 631,7",
"Nordafrika 2,5 2,2 1,3",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 124,7 155,8 184,0",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 21,8 26,3 17,4",
"Ostasien 444,4 286,2 73,0",
"Südasien 264,9 285,5 282,3",
"Südostasien 104,5 104,9 62,2",
"Westasien 3,1 3,1 4,2",
"Ozeanien 1,0 1,1 1,5",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 4,0 6,3 5,9",
"Entwickelte Regionen 1,9 3,7 0,2",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 151,0 184,7 206,2",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 61,9 73,8 77,8",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 3,2 4,1 5,4",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"b) Prozentualer Anteil an den insgesamt Erwerbstätigen",
"1991 1999 2009^(a)",
"Welt 43,0 33,9 20,7",
"Entwicklungsregionen 56,1 42,9 25,6",
"Nordafrika 8,0 5,4 2,5",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 68,5 67,9 59,1",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 13,4 13,0 6,9",
"Ostasien 67,4 39,2 9,1",
"Südasien 60,7 54,5 41,9",
"Südostasien 53,5 45,2 22,4",
"Westasien 8,1 6,4 7,0",
"Ozeanien 51,2 44,6 44,6",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 16,1 24,6 17,7",
"Entwickelte Regionen 0,4 0,7 0,0",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 71,9 71,3 59,8",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 60,1 59,9 46,6",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 18,7 20,0 21,8",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"Indikator 1.7 Anteil der Selbständigen und der mithelfenden Familienangehörigen an der Gesamtbeschäftigung",
"a) Beide Geschlechter",
"(in Prozent)",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"Welt 55,5 53,5 50,2 50,1",
"Entwicklungsregionen 69,0 64,8 60,0 59,6",
"Nordafrika 37,2 32,6 33,5 33,3",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 81,0 80,0 75,0 75,6",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 34,9 36,1 31,8 32,2",
"Ostasien 69,6 60,6 52,5 51,2",
"Südasien 81,3 79,8 77,5 77,2",
"Südostasien 69,4 66,1 62,3 61,6",
"Westasien 42,7 37,5 28,4 28,6",
"Ozeanien 75,1 76,6 78,4 78,1",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 46,8 57,0 43,9 43,6",
"Entwickelte Regionen 11,2 11,5 9,9 9,7",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 86,2 85,0 80,6 80,8",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 75,0 78,0 72,9 73,7",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 32,6 35,5 36,3 36,5",
"b) Männer",
"(in Prozent)",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"Welt 53,1 51,8 48,9 48,9",
"Entwicklungsregionen 64,7 61,4 57,2 56,9",
"Nordafrika 33,2 30,0 28,5 29,1",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 76,4 74,6 68,1 69,1",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 34,5 35,4 31,3 31,6",
"Ostasien 63,8 56,1 49,2 48,1",
"Südasien 77,9 76,7 74,8 74,4",
"Südostasien 65,0 62,4 59,5 58,8",
"Westasien 35,7 32,0 25,4 25,4",
"Ozeanien 70,6 72,0 73,7 73,4",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 49,7 56,5 42,9 42,9",
"Entwickelte Regionen 11,3 12,0 10,8 10,7",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 83,2 81,0 75,6 76,1",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 72,2 74,4 68,7 69,8",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 32,3 36,1 37,4 37,6",
"c) Frauen",
"(in Prozent)",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"Welt 59,2 56,1 52,1 51,8",
"Entwicklungsregionen 75,9 70,3 64,4 63,8",
"Nordafrika 51,9 41,2 48,9 46,5",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 87,6 87,4 84,2 84,2",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 35,8 37,3 32,6 33,2",
"Ostasien 76,7 66,2 56,6 55,0",
"Südasien 89,8 87,6 83,8 83,4",
"Südostasien 75,5 71,2 66,2 65,4",
"Westasien 67,4 57,6 40,0 40,6",
"Ozeanien 81,0 82,0 83,8 83,5",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 43,5 57,7 45,1 44,4",
"Entwickelte Regionen 11,0 10,9 8,7 8,5",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 90,2 90,5 87,2 86,9",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 78,3 82,4 78,0 78,3",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 32,9 34,6 34,8 35,0",
"Zielvorgabe 1.C Zwischen 1990 und 2015 den Anteil der Menschen halbieren, die Hunger leiden",
"Indikator 1.8 Anteil der untergewichtigen Kinder unter fünf Jahren^(a)",
"a) Insgesamt",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2009",
"Entwicklungsregionen 30 23",
"Nordafrika 10 6",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 27 22",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 10 4",
"Ostasien 15 6",
"Ostasien ohne China 11 5",
"Südasien 52 43",
"Südasien ohne Indien 59 39",
"Südostasien 30 18",
"Westasien^(b) 11 7",
"Ozeanien – –",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 7 5",
"^(a) Die Daten stammen aus 64 Ländern, die 73 Prozent der Kinder unter fünf Jahren in den Entwicklungsregionen erfassen. Die Schätzungen der Prävalenz von Untergewicht bei Kindern werden anhand der Standards der Weltgesundheitsorganisation für das Wachstum von Kindern erstellt. Das Basisjahr für die Trendanalyse für den Kaukasus und Zentralasien ist 1996, da für 1990 keine ausreichenden Daten vorliegen.",
"^(b) Aufgrund fehlender Daten aus Jemen erfasst der regionale Gesamtwert nur 47 Prozent der Bevölkerung der Region.",
"b) Nach Geschlecht (2003-2009)",
"(in Prozent)",
"Jungen Mädchen Verhältnis Jungen/Mädchen",
"Entwicklungsregionen 24 24 1,01",
"Nordafrika 7 5 1,29",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 24 21 1,14",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 4 4 1,12",
"Ostasien 7 7 1,00",
"Ostasien ohne China 5 5 1,02",
"Südasien 41 42 0,97",
"Südasien ohne Indien 37 39 0,96",
"Südostasien – – –",
"Westasien – – –",
"Ozeanien 21 15 1,44",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 6 6 1,11",
"c) Nach Wohnort (2003-2009)",
"(in Prozent)",
"Landbewohner Stadtbewohner",
"Entwicklungsregionen 28 14",
"Nordafrika 7 5",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 25 15",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 7 3",
"Ostasien 8 3",
"Ostasien ohne China 6 4",
"Südasien 45 33",
"Südasien ohne Indien 41 31",
"Südostasien – –",
"Westasien – –",
"Ozeanien 20 12",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 7 4",
"d) Nach dem Vermögen der privaten Haushalte (2003-2009)",
"(in Prozent)",
"Ärmstes Reichstes Fünftel Fünftel",
"Entwicklungsregionen 38 15",
"Nordafrika 8 4",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 28 13",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik – –",
"Ostasien – –",
"Ostasien ohne China 7 3",
"Südasien 55 20",
"Südasien ohne Indien 48 24",
"Südostasien – –",
"Westasien – –",
"Ozeanien – –",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 7 4",
"Indikator 1.9 Anteil der Bevölkerung unter dem Mindestniveau der Nahrungsenergieaufnahme",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990-1992 1995-1997 2000-2002 2005-2007",
"Welt 16 14 14 13",
"Entwicklungsregionen 20 18 16 16",
"Nordafrika <5 <5 <5 <5",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 31 31 30 26",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 12 11 10 8",
"Karibik 26 28 22 24",
"Lateinamerika 11 10 9 7",
"Ostasien 18 12 10 10",
"Ostasien ohne China 8 11 13 12",
"Südasien 21 19 20 21",
"Südasien ohne Indien 26 26 23 23",
"Südostasien 24 18 17 14",
"Westasien 6 8 8 7",
"Ozeanien – – – –",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 16 13 17 9",
"Entwickelte Regionen <5 <5 <5 <5",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 40 41 36 32",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 34 34 30 26",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 24 25 21 21",
"Ziel 2",
"Verwirklichung der allgemeinen Grundschulbildung",
"Zielvorgabe 2.A",
"Bis zum Jahr 2015 sicherstellen, dass Kinder in der ganzen Welt, Jungen wie Mädchen, eine Grundschulbildung vollständig abschließen können",
"Indikator 2.1",
"Netto-Bildungsbeteiligungsquote im Grundschulbereich^(a)",
"a) Insgesamt",
"1991 1999 2009 \n Welt 82,7 83,9 89,7 \n Entwicklungsregionen 80,5 82,1 89,0 \n Nordafrika 80,0 86,0 94,3 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 53,5 57,9 76,2 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 85,7 93,5 95,0 \n Karibik 67,6 78,0 76,1 \n Lateinamerika 87,2 94,8 96,6 \n Ostasien 97,4 95,1 95,6 \n Ostasien ohne China 97,2 95,9 97,5 \n Südasien 77,0 79,2 90,9 \n Südasien ohne Indien 67,7 69,1 77,2 \n Südostasien 94,0 93,0 94,5 \n Westasien 82,0 83,1 88,3 \n Ozeanien – – – \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien – 94,3 92,7 \n Entwickelte Regionen 96,3 97,1 95,8 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 52,2 57,8 79,6 \n Binnenentwicklungsländer 55,5 63,8 81,2 \n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 70,4 78,9 76,0",
"b) Nach Geschlecht",
"1991 2000 2009\n Jungen Mädchen Jungen Mädchen Jungen Mädchen",
"Welt 86,6 78,7 86,8 80,9 90,6 88,8",
"Entwicklungsregionen 85,0 75,9 85,4 78,7 90,0 87,9",
"Nordafrika 86,7 73,0 89,2 82,6 96,0 92,4",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 58,2 48,8 61,5 54,1 78,0 74,5",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 87,8 83,6 94,1 92,8 95,1 94,9",
"Karibik 67,3 68,0 77,7 78,3 75,5 76,7",
"Lateinamerika 89,5 84,9 95,5 94,1 96,7 96,4",
"Ostasien 98,9 95,8 94,2 96,0 94,1 97,3",
"Ostasien ohne China 97,6 96,9 96,6 95,3 97,9 97,0",
"Südasien 84,7 68,7 86,3 71,6 92,6 89,1",
"Südasien ohne Indien 74,2 60,9 74,4 63,6 79,8 74,6",
"Südostasien 95,7 92,3 94,2 91,9 95,0 93,9",
"Westasien 86,2 77,6 88,0 78,0 91,0 85,5",
"Ozeanien – – – – – –",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien – – 94,6 94,0 93,2 92,0",
"Entwickelte Regionen 96,4 96,1 97,0 97,1 95,3 96,3",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 57,8 46,5 61,5 54,0 81,0 78,1",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 61,5 49,4 68,6 59,0 83,7 78,6",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 71,2 69,6 79,7 78,2 77,0 75,0",
"^(a) Schüler im Grundschulalter, die eine Grund- oder Sekundarschule besuchen, je 100 Kinder derselben Altersgruppe, definiert als der Prozentanteil der in der Grund- oder Sekundarschulstufe eingeschriebenen Kinder im theoretischen Grundschulalter an der Gesamtbevölkerung dieser Altersgruppe. Die Quoten beziehen sich auf die in den Berichtsjahren endenden Schuljahre.",
"Indikator 2.2",
"Anteil der Grundschulanfänger, die die letzte Klassenstufe der Grundschule erreichen^(a,b)",
"a) Insgesamt",
"1991 2000 2009 \n Welt 80,1 81,9 88,5 \n Entwicklungsregionen 77,2 79,6 87,3 \n Nordafrika 72,2 81,1 91,7 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 50,8 51,2 66,9 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 83,7 96,9 101,0 \n Karibik 58,7 71,3 77,0 \n Lateinamerika 85,4 98,8 102,8 \n Ostasien 106,3 97,9 95,9 \n Ostasien ohne China 95,0 98,3 98,1 \n Südasien 64,4 69,3 86,0 \n Südasien ohne Indien 55,2 62,3 65,3 \n Südostasien 85,7 92,3 100,1 \n Westasien 77,6 78,5 84,3 \n Ozeanien 60,8 63,6 61,6 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien – 94,6 95,9 \n Entwickelte Regionen 96,7 97,9 97,7 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 39,9 45,0 61,0 \n Binnenentwicklungsländer 52,0 55,2 65,7 \n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 61,9 72,3 75,0",
"b) Nach Geschlecht",
"1991 2000 2009\n Jungen Mädchen Jungen Mädchen Jungen Mädchen",
"Welt 84,0 75,7 84,6 78,9 89,5 87,3",
"Entwicklungsregionen 81,9 72,0 82,7 76,2 88,4 86,1",
"Nordafrika 79,9 64,1 84,2 77,9 93,0 90,3",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 55,0 45,0 55,3 46,4 70,6 63,0",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 82,8 84,6 96,5 97,3 100,5 101,6",
"Karibik 57,3 60,0 70,4 72,2 76,5 77,4",
"Lateinamerika 84,5 86,3 98,5 99,2 102,2 103,3",
"Ostasien – – 97,9 97,8 94,2 97,8",
"Ostasien ohne China 95,2 94,9 98,6 98,0 98,4 97,8",
"Südasien 73,8 54,3 75,8 62,3 87,5 84,4",
"Südasien ohne Indien 61,2 48,9 66,5 58,0 68,7 61,6",
"Südostasien 86,5 84,9 92,7 92,0 99,8 100,4",
"Westasien 83,3 71,7 83,7 73,1 88,0 80,4",
"Ozeanien 64,6 56,8 67,5 59,5 65,5 57,6",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien – – 95,8 93,4 96,6 95,1",
"Entwickelte Regionen – – 97,8 97,7 98,1 97,0",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 44,9 33,4 48,7 40,5 64,1 57,8",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 56,5 47,4 60,5 49,7 69,2 62,0",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 61,8 62,0 72,5 72,0 75,8 74,2",
"^(a) Da für den offiziellen Indikator keine regionalen Durchschnittswerte vorliegen, wird die Bruttoaufnahmequote in die letzte Klassenstufe der Grundschule angegeben, die wie folgt definiert wird: Gesamtzahl der Neuaufnahmen in die letzte Klassenstufe der Grundschule, ungeachtet des Lebensalters, ausgedrückt als Prozentsatz der Population im theoretischen Eintrittsalter in die letzte Klassenstufe. (Global Education Digest 2009: Comparing Education Statistics Across the World, Montreal (Kanada), Statistisches Institut der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, 2009, Anhang B, S. 255).",
"^(b) Die Grundschulabschlussquoten beziehen sich auf die in den Berichtsjahren endenden Schuljahre.",
"Indikator 2.3",
"Alphabetenquote bei den 15- bis 24-jährigen Frauen und Männern",
"a) Insgesamt^(a)",
"(Lese- und Schreibkundige (in Prozent))",
"1990 2000 2009",
"Welt 83,2 87,1 89,3",
"Entwicklungsregionen 80,1 84,8 87,7",
"Nordafrika 67,5 79,3 86,6",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 65,3 68,7 72,0",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 91,7 96,1 97,0",
"Karibik 86,8 – 89,5",
"Lateinamerika 92,1 96,7 97,6",
"Ostasien 94,6 98,9 99,4",
"Ostasien ohne China 99,4 – 99,6",
"Südasien 60,3 73,7 79,7",
"Südasien ohne Indien 56,4 67,3 76,7",
"Südostasien 94,4 96,3 97,7",
"Westasien 87,4 91,7 93,2",
"Ozeanien 72,5 74,8 74,9",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 99,8 99,8 99,9",
"Entwickelte Regionen 99,6 99,6 99,6",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 55,6 65,3 70,2",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 62,1 68,4 71,7",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 84,9 86,9 87,6",
"^(a) Die regionalen Durchschnittswerte errechnen sich aus einem gewichteten Durchschnittswert des zuletzt verfügbaren beobachteten Datenpunkts für jedes Land oder Hoheitsgebiet im Bezugszeitraum. Für Länder, für die keine Daten vorliegen, wurden Schätzungen des Statistischen Instituts der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur herangezogen.",
"b) Nach Geschlecht^(a)",
"(Lese- und Schreibkundige (in Prozent))",
"1990 2000 2009\n Männer Frauen Männer Frauen Männer Frauen",
"Welt 87,7 78,6 90,3 83,8 91,9 86,8",
"Entwicklungsregionen 85,5 74,5 88,6 80,9 90,7 84,8",
"Nordafrika 77,2 57,3 85,2 73,3 90,1 83,0",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 72,8 58,3 75,7 62,4 76,7 67,3",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 91,4 92,0 95,8 96,5 96,8 97,2",
"Karibik 87,3 86,3 – – 89,6 89,4",
"Lateinamerika 91,8 92,4 96,3 97,1 97,3 97,8",
"Ostasien 97,1 91,9 99,2 98,6 99,5 99,3",
"Ostasien ohne China 99,3 99,5 – – 99,4 99,7",
"Südasien 71,6 48,3 81,1 65,6 85,9 73,8",
"Südasien ohne Indien 66,9 45,9 73,9 60,8 80,5 72,6",
"Südostasien 95,4 93,5 96,6 96,1 97,8 97,5",
"Westasien 93,4 81,0 95,5 87,8 95,8 90,6",
"Ozeanien 77,5 67,4 76,9 72,5 73,3 76,5",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 99,8 99,8 99,8 99,9 99,8 99,9",
"Entwickelte Regionen 99,2 99,6 99,6 99,6 99,6 99,6",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 64,0 47,5 72,2 58,9 74,5 65,9",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 68,2 56,5 74,8 62,6 77,2 66,5",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 86,5 83,3 87,7 86,1 87,6 87,7",
"^(a) Die regionalen Durchschnittswerte errechnen sich aus einem gewichteten Durchschnittswert des zuletzt verfügbaren beobachteten Datenpunkts für jedes Land oder Hoheitsgebiet im Bezugszeitraum. Für Länder, für die keine Daten vorliegen, wurden Schätzungen des Statistischen Instituts der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur herangezogen.",
"Ziel 3",
"Förderung der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und Ermächtigung der Frauen",
"Zielvorgabe 3.A",
"Das Geschlechtergefälle in der Grund- und Sekundarschulbildung beseitigen, vorzugsweise bis 2005 und auf allen Bildungsebenen bis spätestens 2015",
"Indikator 3.1",
"Verhältnis Mädchen/Jungen in der Grund- und Sekundarschulstufe und im tertiären Bildungsbereich",
"a) Grundschulstufe^(a)",
"1991 2000 2009",
"Welt 0,89 0,92 0,96",
"Entwicklungsregionen 0,87 0,91 0,96",
"Nordafrika 0,82 0,90 0,95",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,83 0,85 0,92",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 0,98 0,97 0,97",
"Karibik 0,99 0,98 0,96",
"Lateinamerika 0,98 0,97 0,97",
"Ostasien 0,92 1,01 1,04",
"Ostasien ohne China 1,00 0,98 0,98",
"Südasien 0,77 0,83 0,95",
"Südasien ohne Indien 0,79 0,81 0,92",
"Südostasien 0,97 0,96 0,97",
"Westasien 0,86 0,86 0,92",
"Ozeanien 0,90 0,90 0,89",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 0,99 0,99 0,98",
"Entwickelte Regionen 0,99 1,00 1,00",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 0,80 0,83 0,93",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 0,83 0,82 0,92",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 0,96 0,96 0,94",
"^(a) Auf der Grundlage der Bruttobeteiligungsquoten.",
"b) Sekundarschulstufe^(a)",
"1991 2000 2009",
"Welt 0,84 0,91 0,97",
"Entwicklungsregionen 0,78 0,88 0,96",
"Nordafrika 0,79 0,93 0,98",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,76 0,82 0,79",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 1,07 1,07 1,08",
"Karibik 1,12 1,08 1,04",
"Lateinamerika 1,07 1,07 1,08",
"Ostasien 0,77 0,93 1,06",
"Ostasien ohne China 0,97 0,98 0,98",
"Südasien 0,61 0,75 0,89",
"Südasien ohne Indien 0,63 0,85 0,92",
"Südostasien 0,90 0,95 1,03",
"Westasien 0,68 0,74 0,86",
"Ozeanien 0,83 0,89 0,88",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien – 0,98 0,98",
"Entwickelte Regionen 1,01 1,01 1,00",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 0,60 0,77 0,82",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 0,87 0,83 0,85",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 1,07 1,04 1,01",
"^(a) Auf der Grundlage der Bruttobeteiligungsquoten.",
"c) Tertiärer Bildungsbereich^(a)",
"1991 2000 2009",
"Welt 0,91 0,98 1,08",
"Entwicklungsregionen 0,71 0,82 0,97",
"Nordafrika 0,59 0,74 0,98",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,53 0,67 0,63",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 0,98 1,17 1,26",
"Karibik 1,35 1,38 1,61",
"Lateinamerika 0,95 1,16 1,23",
"Ostasien 0,53 0,67 1,03",
"Ostasien ohne China 0,54 0,63 0,77",
"Südasien 0,50 0,65 0,74",
"Südasien ohne Indien 0,36 0,67 0,87",
"Südostasien 0,96 0,96 1,09",
"Westasien 0,64 0,78 0,87",
"Ozeanien 0,56 0,81 0,86",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien – 0,91 1,07",
"Entwickelte Regionen 1,10 1,20 1,30",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 0,38 0,59 0,58",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 0,82 0,81 0,87",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 1,24 1,31 1,50",
"^(a) Auf der Grundlage der Bruttobeteiligungsquoten.",
"Indikator 3.2",
"Anteil der Frauen an den unselbständig Erwerbstätigen im nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Sektor",
"(in Prozent der Erwerbstätigen)",
"1990 2000 2005 2009",
"Welt 35,0 37,5 38,4 39,6",
"Entwicklungsregionen 28,8 31,7 32,6 33,8",
"Nordafrika 19,0 18,8 18,6 18,8",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 23,5 28,1 30,2 32,6",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 36,4 40,4 41,5 43,0",
"Ostasien 38,1 39,7 40,9 41,7",
"Ostasien ohne China 40,1 42,3 44,0 44,8",
"Südasien 13,3 17,1 18,1 19,4",
"Südasien ohne Indien 14,6 18,4 18,0 19,0",
"Südostasien 34,6 36,9 36,8 37,6",
"Westasien 14,9 16,8 17,5 18,7",
"Ozeanien 33,3 35,5 35,2 36,2",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 43,8 44,2 45,3 45,2",
"Entwickelte Regionen 44,3 46,2 47,1 48,3",
"Indikator 3.3",
"Sitzanteil der Frauen im nationalen Parlament^(a, b)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990\t2000\t2005\t2011^(b) \n Welt 12,8 13,7 15,9 19,3\n Entwicklungsregionen 11,6 12,3 14,2 18,0\n Nordafrika 2,6 3,3 8,5 11,7\n Afrika südlich der Sahara 9,6 12,6 14,2 19,6\n Lateinamerika und Karibik 11,9 15,2 19,0 23,0\n Karibik 22,1 20,6 26,0 31,3\n Lateinamerika 8,6 13,2 16,4 20,0\n Ostasien 20,2 19,9 19,4 19,5\n Ostasien ohne China 17,8 14,6 17,2 14,5\n Südasien 5,7 6,8 8,8 18,2\n Südasien ohne Indien 5,9 5,9 9,0 20,1\n Südostasien 10,4 12,3 15,5 17,6\n Westasien 4,5 4,2 3,9 9,4 \n Ozeanien 1,2 3,6 3,0 2,3 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien – 7,0 9,9 16,1\n Entwickelte Regionen 16,1 16,3 19,8 22,5\n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 8,7 9,9 13,0 19,9\n Binnenentwicklungsländer 14,2 7,8 13,4 22,9\n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 15,2 14,0 17,9 21,2",
"^(a) Nur Einkammerparlamente oder Unterhäuser.",
"^(b) Stand: 31. Januar 2011.",
"Ziel 4 Senkung der Kindersterblichkeit",
"Zielvorgabe 4.A Zwischen 1990 und 2015 die Sterblichkeitsrate von Kindern unter fünf Jahren um zwei Drittel senken",
"Indikator 4.1 Sterblichkeitsrate von Kindern unter fünf Jahren^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \n Welt 89 77 60 \n Entwicklungsregionen 99 84 66 \n Nordafrika 80 46 26 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 180 160 129 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 52 33 23 \n Karibik 76 58 48 \n Lateinamerika 50 32 21 \n Ostasien 45 36 19 \n Ostasien ohne China 28 29 17 \n Südasien 122 95 69 \n Südasien ohne Indien 131 101 78 \n Südostasien 73 48 36 \n Westasien 68 45 32 \n Ozeanien 76 65 59 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 78 62 37 \n Entwickelte Regionen 15 10 7 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 178 146 121",
"^(a) Sterbefälle von Kindern unter fünf Jahren je 1.000 Lebendgeburten.",
"Indikator 4.2",
"1990 2000 2009 \n Welt 62 54 44 \n Entwicklungsregionen 68 59 48 \n Nordafrika 61 38 24 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 109 98 82 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 41 28 20 \n Karibik 54 43 38 \n Lateinamerika 41 26 18 \n Ostasien 36 29 18 \n Ostasien ohne China 18 22 14 \n Südasien 87 70 55 \n Südasien ohne Indien 95 76 61 \n Südostasien 50 36 29 \n Westasien 53 36 37 \n Ozeanien 56 49 46 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 64 52 34 \n Entwickelte Regionen 12 8 6 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 112 93 79",
"^(a) Sterbefälle von Kindern unter einem Jahr je 1.000 Lebendgeburten.",
"Indikator 4.3 Anteil der Einjährigen, die gegen Masern geimpft wurden^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2009 \n Welt 72 71 82 \n Entwicklungsregionen 71 69 80 \n Nordafrika 85 93 94 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 56 55 68 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 76 92 93 \n Ostasien 98 84 94 \n Ostasien ohne China 95 87 95 \n Südasien 57 56 75 \n Südasien ohne Indien 60 68 85 \n Südostasien 70 81 88 \n Westasien 77 84 82 \n Ozeanien 70 66 58 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien – 93 92 \n Entwickelte Regionen 81 92 94 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 54 60 77",
"^(a) Kinder im Alter von 12 bis 23 Monaten, die mindestens eine Dosis Masernimpfstoff erhalten haben.",
"Ziel 5 Verbesserung der Gesundheit von Müttern",
"Zielvorgabe 5.A Zwischen 1990 und 2015 die Müttersterblichkeitsrate um drei Viertel senken",
"Indikator 5.1 Müttersterblichkeitsrate^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008 \n Welt 400 340 260 \n Entwicklungsregionen 440 370 290 \n Nordafrika 230 120 92 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 870 790 640 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 140 110 85 \n Karibik 320 230 170 \n Lateinamerika 130 99 80 \n Ostasien 110 63 41 \n Ostasien ohne China 110 110 110 \n Südasien 590 420 280 \n Südasien ohne Indien 640 490 370 \n Südostasien 380 230 160 \n Westasien 140 98 70 \n Ozeanien 290 260 230 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 70 69 54 \n Entwickelte Regionen 26 17 17 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 900 750 590",
"^(a) Sterbefälle von Müttern je 100.000 Lebendgeburten.",
"Indikator 5.2",
"Anteil der von medizinischem Fachpersonal betreuten Geburten",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2009 \n Welt 59 68 \n Entwicklungsregionen 55 65 \n Nordafrika 45 81 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 42 46 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik^(a) 70 88 \n Karibik^(a) 67 69 \n Lateinamerika^(a) 70 90 \n Ostasien 94 99 \n Ostasien ohne China 97 99 \n Südasien 32 50 \n Südasien ohne Indien 27 42 \n Südostasien 49 72 \n Westasien 62 78 \n Ozeanien 54 56 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 93 97 \n Entwickelte Regionen 99 99",
"^(a) Nur für Entbindungen in Gesundheitsversorgungseinrichtungen.",
"Zielvorgabe 5.B Bis 2015 den allgemeinen Zugang zu reproduktiver Gesundheit verwirklichen",
"Indikator 5.3 Verwendungsrate von Verhütungsmitteln^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2008 \n Welt 55,4 61,5 62,9 \n Entwicklungsregionen 52,3 59,6 61,3 \n Nordafrika 44,0 58,8 60,5 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 13,4 20,1 21,7 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 62,0 71,2 72,9 \n Karibik 53,7 59,9 61,8 \n Lateinamerika 62,7 72,1 73,8 \n Ostasien 77,7 85,7 84,2 \n Ostasien ohne China 73,9 76,6 76,2 \n Südasien 39,9 46,7 53,9 \n Südasien ohne Indien 30,2 46,2 48,0 \n Südostasien 47,9 57,0 62,3 \n Westasien 44,4 50,6 55,2 \n Ozeanien 29,4 32,2 36,7 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 54,3 59,7 55,6 \n Entwickelte Regionen 68,8 71,1 72,2 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 17,7 28,1 31,4 \n Binnenentwicklungsländer 24,5 30,7 33,7 \n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 49,7 53,9 55,4",
"^(a) Bei Frauen zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren, die verheiratet sind oder in einer festen Partnerschaft leben.",
"Indikator 5.4 Geburtenrate bei Jugendlichen^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008 \n Welt 59,8 51,5 50,5 \n Entwicklungsregionen 64,8 56,0 54,4 \n Nordafrika 43,0 33,3 29,9 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 124,1 122,9 122,0 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 91,1 87,6 80,7 \n Karibik 80,9 77,1 68,5 \n Lateinamerika 91,9 88,4 81,6 \n Ostasien 15,3 5,8 6,0 \n Ostasien ohne China 4,0 3,1 2,5 \n Südasien 89,3 59,4 52,6 \n Südasien ohne Indien 121,0 77,4 69,0 \n Südostasien 53,5 40,3 44,1 \n Westasien 63,8 52,7 52,3 \n Ozeanien 82,8 63,3 61,2 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 44,7 28,2 29,3 \n Entwickelte Regionen 33,9 25,5 24,0 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 133,4 121,2 121,9 \n Binnenentwicklungsländer 105,8 106,6 107,1 \n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 77,1 71,7 63,9",
"^(a) Geburten je 1.000 Frauen im Alter von 15 bis 19 Jahren.",
"Indikator 5.5",
"Zugang zur Schwangerenvorsorge (mindestens ein Besuch und mindestens vier Besuche)",
"a) Mindestens ein Besuch^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2009 \n Welt 64 81 \n Entwicklungsregionen 64 81 \n Nordafrika 51 79 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 68 78 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 78 95 \n Karibik 89 93 \n Lateinamerika 77 95 \n Ostasien 70 91 \n Südasien 51 70 \n Südasien ohne Indien 22 58 \n Südostasien 72 92 \n Westasien 62 84 \n Ozeanien 77 79 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 90 96",
"^(a) Anteil der Frauen zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren, die während der Schwangerschaft mindestens einmal Zugang zur Schwangerenvorsorge hatten und dabei von medizinischem Fachpersonal behandelt wurden.",
"b) Mindestens vier Besuche^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2009 \n Welt 35 51 \n Entwicklungsregionen 35 51 \n Nordafrika 20 57 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 44 43 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 69 84 \n Karibik 59 72 \n Lateinamerika 70 85 \n Südasien 23 44 \n Südasien ohne Indien 10 26 \n Südostasien 46 69 \n Westasien 32 54",
"^(a) Anteil der Frauen zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren, die während der Schwangerschaft mindestens viermal Zugang zur Schwangerenvorsorge hatten und dabei von medizinischem Fachpersonal behandelt wurden.",
"Indikator 5.6 Ungedeckter Bedarf an Familienplanungsleistungen^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2008 \n Welt 13,8 11,5 11,1 \n Entwicklungsregionen 14,3 11,7 11,3 \n Nordafrika 19,4 11,2 9,6 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 26,2 24,1 24,8 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 15,8 10,3 9,9 \n Karibik 19,5 20,4 20,2 \n Lateinamerika 15,6 9,7 9,3 \n Ostasien 3,3 2,4 2,3 \n Südasien 20,3 17,2 14,7 \n Südasien ohne Indien 23,6 23,3 20,6 \n Südostasien 15,5 10,9 10,9 \n Westasien 15,7 13,7 12,3 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 14,4 12,4 12,5 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 25,4 23,9 24,0 \n Binnenentwicklungsländer 24,3 24,1 23,8",
"^(a) Bei verheirateten oder in einer festen Partnerschaft lebenden Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter (zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren).",
"Ziel 6",
"Bekämpfung von HIV/Aids, Malaria und anderen Krankheiten",
"Zielvorgabe 6.A",
"Bis 2015 die Ausbreitung von HIV/Aids zum Stillstand bringen und allmählich umkehren",
"Indikator 6.1",
"a) HIV-Inzidenzrate^(a)",
"1990 2009 \n Welt 0,08 0,06 \n Entwicklungsregionen 0,09 0,08 \n Nordafrika 0,01 0,01 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,57 0,40 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 0,04 0,04 \n Karibik 0,09 0,08 \n Lateinamerika 0,04 0,03 \n Ostasien 0,01 0,01 \n Südasien 0,04 0,02 \n Südostasien (einschließlich Ozeaniens) 0,04 0,04 \n Westasien <0,01 <0,01 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 0,01 0,03 \n Entwickelte Regionen 0,05 0,03",
"^(a) Als die Indikatoren für die Millenniumsziele entwickelt wurden, wurde stellvertretend für die Inzidenzrate die „HIV-Prävalenz bei den 15- bis 24-Jährigen“ gewählt. Heute liegen jedoch für alle Regionen und für 60 Länder Schätzwerte für die Inzidenzrate bei Menschen im Alter zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren vor. Daher werden hier die HIV-Inzidenzraten ebenso wie die Angaben zur HIV-Prävalenz für die Bevölkerung im Alter zwischen 15 und 49 Jahren dargestellt.",
"b) HIV-Prävalenz bei den 15- bis 24-Jährigen",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2001 2009\n Schätzwert Weibliche Schätzwert Weibliche Schätzwert Weibliche für Erwachsene für Erwachsene für Erwachsene Erwachsene (älter als Erwachsene (älter als Erwachsene (älter als (15-49 15 Jahre), (15-49 15 Jahre), (15-49 15 Jahre), Jahre) die mit dem Jahre) die mit dem Jahre) die mit dem HIV leben HIV leben HIV leben",
"Welt 0,3 44 0,8 51 0,8 52",
"Entwicklungsregionen 0,3 49 0,9 53 0,9 54",
"Nordafrika <0,1 29 <0,1 30 0,1 30",
"Afrika südlich der 2,1 56 5,5 59 4,7 60 Sahara",
"Lateinamerika und 0,3 28 0,5 35 0,5 37 Karibik",
"Karibik 0,6 48 1,1 54 1 53",
"Lateinamerika 0,3 25 0,4 32 0,4 35",
"Ostasien <0,1 25 <0,1 28 0,1 29",
"Ostasien ohne <0,1 29 <0,1 30 <0,1 31 China",
"Südasien <0,1 28 0,3 35 0,3 37",
"Südasien ohne <0,1 27 0,1 30 0,1 30 Indien",
"Südostasien 0,2 16 0,4 34 0,4 34 (einschließlich Ozeaniens)",
"Westasien <0,1 30 <0,1 30 <0,1 30",
"Ozeanien <0,1 54 0,4 57 0,8 57",
"Kaukasus und <0,1 32 <0,1 37 0,1 37 Zentralasien",
"Entwickelte Regionen 0,2 18 0,3 31 0,4 35",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte 1,4 55 2,2 58 2 58 Länder",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 2,4 57 3,9 58 3 58",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungs 0,4 48 0,8 52 0,8 51 länder",
"Indikator 6.2",
"Kondombenutzung beim letzten risikoreichen Geschlechtsverkehr^(a) (2005-2010)^(b)",
"Frauen Männer\n Zahl der von Prozentsatz Zahl der von Prozentsatz den derjenigen, den derjenigen, Erhebungen die Erhebungen die ein erfassten ein Kondom erfassten Kondom Länder verwendeten Länder verwendeten",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 34 34 27 48",
"Karibik 3 37 2 56",
"Südasien 1 22 2 38",
"Ozeanien 3 34 4 48",
"^(a) Anteil der jungen Frauen und Männer im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren, die beim Geschlechtsverkehr mit einem Gelegenheitspartner (mit dem sie nicht verheiratet waren bzw. nicht zusammenlebten) innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate ein Kondom verwendet haben, an denjenigen, die in den letzten 12 Monaten einen solchen Partner hatten.",
"^(b) Die Angaben beziehen sich auf das letzte Jahr, für das im genannten Zeitraum Daten vorliegen.",
"Indikator 6.3 Anteil der 15- bis 24-Jährigen mit umfassendem und richtigem Wissen über HIV/Aids^(a) (2005-2010)^(b)",
"Frauen Männer \n\tZahlder vondenErhebungenerfasstenLänder\tProzentsatzderjenigenmitumfassendemWissen\tZahldervondenErhebungenerfasstenLänder ProzentsatzderjenigenmitumfassendemWissen \n Welt^(c) 91 21 – – \n Entwicklungsregionen^(c) 82 20 – – Nordafrika 2 7 18 \n 1 Afrika südlich der Sahara 37 26 33 \n 28 Karibik 5 43 37 \n 2 Südasien 5 17 36 \n 2 Südasien ohne Indien 4 10 – \n – \n Südostasien 6 24 – – \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 8 20 – –",
"^(a) Anteil der jungen Frauen und Männer im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren, die die beiden wichtigsten Wege zur Verhütung der sexuellen Übertragung des HIV richtig benennen (Kondomverwendung und Beschränkung des Geschlechtsverkehrs auf einen treuen, nicht infizierten Partner), zwei verbreitete örtliche Fehlvorstellungen ablehnen und wissen, dass eine gesund wirkende Person das HIV übertragen kann.",
"^(b) Die Angaben beziehen sich auf das letzte Jahr, für das im genannten Zeitraum Daten vorliegen.",
"^(c) Ohne China.",
"Indikator 6.4 Verhältnis der Schulbesuchsquote von Waisenkindern zur Schulbesuchsquote von Nichtwaisen im Alter von 10-14 Jahren^(a) (2005-2010)^(b)",
"Zahl der Länder mit Verhältnis der Daten Schulbesuchsquoten",
"Entwicklungsregionen 44 0,81",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 33 0,92",
"Karibik 2 0,82",
"Südasien 2 0,73",
"^(a) Verhältnis der derzeitigen Schulbesuchsquote von Kindern im Alter von 10 bis 14 Jahren, deren biologische Eltern verstorben sind, zu der derzeitigen Schulbesuchsquote von Kindern im Alter von 10 bis 14 Jahren, deren Eltern noch leben und die derzeit bei mindestens einem biologischen Elternteil leben.",
"^(b) Die Angaben beziehen sich auf das letzte Jahr, für das im genannten Zeitraum Daten vorliegen.",
"Zielvorgabe 6.B Bis 2010 den allgemeinen Zugang zu HIV/Aids-Behandlung für alle, die sie benötigen, verwirklichen",
"Indikator 6.5 Anteil der Bevölkerung mit fortgeschrittener HIV-Infektion, der Zugang zu antiretroviralen Medikamenten hat^(a,b)",
"(in Prozent)",
"2004 2006 2008 2009",
"Welt^(b) 6 15 28 36",
"Entwicklungsregionen 6 16 29 37",
"Nordafrika 10 21 29 25",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 3 14 28 37",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 34 41 48 50",
"Karibik 5 14 30 38",
"Lateinamerika 39 44 49 51",
"Ostasien 6 16 19 23",
"Ostasien ohne China <1 <1 <1 <1",
"Südasien 2 7 18 24",
"Südasien ohne Indien 1 2 4 6",
"Südostasien und Ozeanien 12 24 39 46",
"Westasien 44 38 52 57",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 2 12 22 26",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 4 14 30 39",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 5 17 35 47",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 5 15 31 40",
"^(a) Anteil der Menschen mit einem CD4-Wert unter 350, die eine antiretrovirale Therapie erhalten.",
"^(b) Nur Länder mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen entsprechend der Definition der Weltbank sind enthalten.",
"Zielvorgabe 6.C Bis 2015 die Ausbreitung von Malaria und anderen schweren Krankheiten zum Stillstand bringen und allmählich umkehren",
"Indikator 6.6 Malariainzidenz und Malariasterblichkeit",
"a) Inzidenz^(a)",
"Welt 69",
"Nordafrika 0",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 248",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 7",
"Karibik 14",
"Lateinamerika 6",
"Ostasien 0",
"Ostasien ohne China 15",
"Südasien 20",
"Südasien ohne Indien 12",
"Südostasien 32",
"Westasien 20",
"Ozeanien 225",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 0",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 173",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 148",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 98",
"^(a) Anzahl neuer Fälle je 1.000 Einwohner in Ländern, in denen die Malaria endemisch ist (2009).",
"b) Sterbefälle^(a)",
"Alle Kinder unter 5 Altersstufen Jahren",
"Welt 24 182",
"Nordafrika 0 0",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 96 519",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 1 3",
"Karibik 4 11",
"Lateinamerika <0,5 1",
"Ostasien <0,5 <0,5",
"Ostasien ohne China 0 0",
"Südasien 2 8",
"Südasien ohne Indien 1 5",
"Südostasien 6 18",
"Westasien 6 15",
"Ozeanien 55 163",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien <0,5 <0,5",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 70 384",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 67 351",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 30 146",
"^(a) Anzahl der Sterbefälle je 100.000 Einwohner in Ländern, in denen die Malaria endemisch ist (2009).",
"Indikator 6.7 Anteil der Kinder unter fünf Jahren, die unter imprägnierten Moskitonetzen schlafen (2008-2010)",
"a) Insgesamt (in Prozent)",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara (24 31^(a) Länder)",
"^(a) Die Daten für eine Teilgruppe von 24 Ländern in Afrika südlich der Sahara, für die Trenddaten verfügbar sind, zeigten einen Anstieg bei der Verwendung von imprägnierten Moskitonetzen bei Kindern von 2 Prozent im Jahr 2000 auf 31 Prozent im Jahr 2010. Die Berechnung umfasst die per 31. April 2011 verfügbaren Daten.",
"b) Nach Geschlecht (in Prozent)",
"Jungen Mädchen",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara (21 Länder) 27 27",
"c) Nach Wohnort (in Prozent)",
"Stadtbewohner Landbewohner",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara (23 Länder) 28 33",
"Indikator 6.8 Anteil der Kinder unter fünf Jahren mit Fieber, die mit geeigneten Malaria-Medikamenten behandelt werden (2008-2010)",
"a) Insgesamt (in Prozent)",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara (34 36 Länder)",
"b) Nach Wohnort (in Prozent)",
"Stadtbewohner Landbewohner",
"Südasien (3 Länder) 41 36",
"Indikator 6.9 Tuberkuloseinzidenz, -prävalenz und -sterblichkeit",
"a) Inzidenz (Anzahl neuer Fälle je 100.000 Einwohner einschließlich HIV-Infizierter)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \nWelt\t128\t(114;144)\t136\t(129;144)\t137\t(131;145)\nEntwicklungsregionen\t155\t(135;174)\t163\t(153;172)\t164\t(155;173)\nNordafrika\t58\t(47;69)\t48\t(43;52)\t42\t(39;46)\nAfrika südlich derSahara\t176\t(159;194)\t316\t(300;333)\t345\t(326;363)\nLateinamerika undKaribik\t88\t(73;103)\t61\t(56;66)\t44\t(41;48)\nKaribik\t95\t(67;122)\t91\t(78;104)\t79\t(67;90)\nLateinamerika\t87\t(71;103)\t59\t(54;64)\t42\t(39;45)\nOstasien\t136\t(105;167)\t109\t(90;128)\t100\t(88;112)\nSüdasien\t172\t(117;227)\t172\t(148;197)\t173\t(149;196)\nSüdostasien\t238\t(191;284)\t226\t(205;247)\t217\t(197;237)\nWestasien\t59\t(48;70)\t49\t(44;54)\t33\t(30;36)\nOzeanien\t202\t(131;273)\t194\t(161;226)\t190\t(162;219)\nKaukasus und Zentralasien\t116\t(92;141)\t135\t(123;146)\t134\t(123;146)\nEntwickelte Regionen\t39\t(33;46)\t36\t(33;39)\t27\t(25;29)\nAm wenigsten entwickelteLänder\t212\t(183;240)\t272\t(258;287)\t275\t(261;289)\nBinnenentwicklungsländer\t167\t(148;187)\t270\t(254;287)\t270\t(253;287)\nKleineInselentwicklungsländer\t108\t(86;129)\t104\t(94;114)\t104\t(95;113)",
"^(a) Unter- und Obergrenzen in Klammern.",
"b) Prävalenz (Anzahl der bestehenden Fälle je 100.000 Einwohner einschließlich HIV-Infizierter)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \nWelt\t253\t(200;318)\t231\t(194;275)\t201\t(169;239)\nEntwicklungsregionen\t310\t(233;387)\t280\t(229;331)\t241\t(198;284)\nNordafrika\t98\t(56;139)\t65\t(40;89)\t54\t(34;74)\nAfrika südlich derSahara\t287\t(231;344)\t456\t(377;534)\t479\t(397;560)\nLateinamerika undKaribik\t148\t(99;198)\t90\t(67;114)\t58\t(43;72)\nKaribik\t176\t(90;263)\t139\t(81;198)\t111\t(61;162)\nLateinamerika\t146\t(93;199)\t86\t(62;111)\t54\t(38;69)\nOstasien\t284\t(122;446)\t218\t(101;334)\t141\t(63;220)\nSüdasien\t359\t(167;551)\t294\t(177;410)\t267\t(154;380)\nSüdostasien\t524\t(369;679)\t465\t(349;580)\t344\t(259;429)\nWestasien\t94\t(57;131)\t74\t(50;98)\t51\t(35;67)\nOzeanien\t416\t(163;669)\t250\t(103;396)\t258\t(107;408)\nKaukasus und Zentralasien\t224\t(139;308)\t207\t(144;269)\t208\t(147;269)\nEntwickelte Regionen\t66\t(42;89)\t49\t(33;64)\t34\t(23;45)\nAm wenigsten entwickelteLänder\t397\t(291;502)\t460\t(378;543)\t431\t(358;503)\nBinnenentwicklungsländer\t252\t(202;302)\t372\t(300;445)\t385\t(305;464)\nKleineInselentwicklungsländer\t202\t(131;272)\t152\t(107;198)\t146\t(104;187)",
"^(a) Unter- und Obergrenzen in Klammern.",
"c) Sterbefälle (Anzahl je 100.000 Einwohner ohne HIV-Infizierte)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \nWelt\t30\t(25;36)\t26\t(24;29)\t20\t(17;22)\nEntwicklungsregionen\t37\t(30;44)\t32\t(29;35)\t23\t(21;26)\nNordafrika\t6,6\t(3,3;9,9)\t3\t(2,1;4)\t2,4\t(1,7;3,2)\nAfrika südlich derSahara\t32\t(27;38)\t54\t(50;59)\t53\t(48;58)\nLateinamerika undKaribik\t13\t(8,8;17)\t6\t(5,3;6,8)\t3,3\t(2,7;4)\nKaribik\t21\t(12;29)\t15\t(11;19)\t11\t(7,3;14)\nLateinamerika\t12\t(7,9;16)\t5,3\t(4,6;6,1)\t2,8\t(2,1;3,4)\nOstasien\t37\t(26;48)\t28\t(21;34)\t12\t(7,2;16)\nSüdasien\t47\t(28;66)\t33\t(25;41)\t26\t(18;34)\nSüdostasien\t52\t(39;66)\t51\t(45;58)\t31\t(25;37)\nWestasien\t8,2\t(4,8;12)\t6,2\t(4,6;7,7)\t4,7\t(3,6;5,8)\nOzeanien\t53\t(28;77)\t17\t(7,8;25)\t20\t(10;29)\nKaukasus und Zentralasien\t23\t(16;30)\t22\t(20;23)\t20\t(17;23)\nEntwickelte Regionen\t7,5\t(4,7;10)\t4,8\t(4,5;5,1)\t3,7\t(2,8;4,6)\nAm wenigsten entwickelteLänder\t49\t(40;59)\t57\t(52;62)\t48\t(44;53)\nBinnenentwicklungsländer\t25\t(21;30)\t41\t(37;46)\t42\t(37;47)\nKleineInselentwicklungsländer\t24\t(17;31)\t15\t(12;18)\t13\t(10;16)",
"^(a) Unter- und Obergrenzen in Klammern.",
"Indikator 6.10 Anteil der diagnostizierten und mit Hilfe der direkt überwachten Kurzzeittherapie (DOTS) geheilten Tuberkulosefälle",
"a) Im Rahmen der direkt überwachten Kurzzeittherapie (DOTS) diagnostizierte neue Fälle (abstrichpositive Fälle (in Prozent))^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009",
"Welt 55 (49; 62) 45 (43; 48) 62 (59; 65)",
"Entwicklungsregionen 55 (49; 63) 43 (41; 46) 61 (58; 64)",
"Nordafrika 63 (53; 78) 90 (82; 98) 89 (82; 98)",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 45 (41; 50) 38 (36; 40) 48 (46; 51)",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 53 (45; 64) 69 (64; 75) 73 (68; 79)",
"Karibik 11 (8,8; 51 (45; 60) 17 (15; 20) 16)",
"Lateinamerika 56 (47; 69) 72 (66; 78) 81 (75; 88)",
"Ostasien 27 (22; 35) 35 (30; 43) 76 (68; 87)",
"Südasien 85 (65; 50 (44; 58) 64 (56; 74) 130)",
"Südostasien 50 (42; 62) 34 (31; 38) 63 (57; 69)",
"Westasien 70 (59; 87) 64 (58; 70) 68 (62; 75)",
"Ozeanien 31 (23; 48) 76 (65; 91) 74 (64; 87)",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 42 (34; 53) 68 (63; 75) 65 (59; 71)",
"Entwickelte Regionen 58 (50; 70) 81 (74; 89) 84 (78; 92)",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte 32 (28; 37) 35 (33; 37) 48 (46; 51) Länder",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 54 (49; 61) 47 (44; 50) 49 (46; 52)",
"Kleine 22 (19; 28) 58 (53; 65) 45 (42; 50) Inselentwicklungsländer",
"^(a) Unter- und Obergrenzen in Klammern.",
"b) Im Rahmen der direkt überwachten Kurzzeittherapie (DOTS) erfolgreich behandelte Fälle (in Prozent)",
"2000 2008 \n Welt 69 86 \n Entwicklungsregionen 69 87 \n Nordafrika 88 87 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 71 80 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 76 77 \n Karibik 72 76 \n Lateinamerika 77 77 \n Ostasien 92 94 \n Südasien 42 88 \n Südostasien 86 89 \n Westasien 77 84 \n Ozeanien 76 70 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 79 74 \n Entwickelte Regionen 66 59 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 77 85 \n Binnenentwicklungsländer 75 81 \n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 73 75",
"Ziel 7 Sicherung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit",
"Zielvorgabe 7.A Die Grundsätze der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in einzelstaatliche Politiken und Programme integrieren und den Verlust von Umweltressourcen umkehren",
"Indikator 7.1 Anteil der Waldflächen (in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"Welt 32,0 31,4 31,0",
"Entwicklungsregionen 29,4 28,2 27,6",
"Nordafrika 1,4 1,4 1,4",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 31,2 29,5 28,1",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 52,0 49,6 47,4",
"Karibik 25,8 28,1 30,3",
"Lateinamerika 52,3 49,9 47,6",
"Ostasien 16,4 18,0 20,5",
"Ostasien ohne China 15,2 14,0 12,8",
"Südasien 14,1 14,1 14,5",
"Südasien ohne Indien 7,8 7,3 7,1",
"Südostasien 56,9 51,3 49,3",
"Westasien 2,8 2,9 3,3",
"Ozeanien 67,5 65,1 62,5",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 3,9 3,9 3,9",
"Entwickelte Regionen 36,3 36,6 36,7",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 32,7 31,0 29,6",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 19,3 18,2 17,1",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 64,6 63,7 62,7",
"Indikator 7.2 Kohlendioxid-Emissionen insgesamt, pro Kopf und je 1 Dollar BIP (KKP)",
"a) Insgesamt^(a)",
"(in Millionen Tonnen)",
"1990 2000 2005 2007",
"Welt 21.839 23.839 27.895 30.121",
"Entwicklungsregionen 6.760 9.925 13.533 15.955",
"Nordafrika 232 333 400 453",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 462 554 648 688",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 1.019 1.334 1.464 1.652",
"Karibik 84 99 105 136",
"Lateinamerika 934 1.235 1.359 1.516",
"Ostasien 2.988 3.964 6.388 7.670",
"Ostasien ohne China 527 559 598 638",
"Südasien 1.009 1.675 2.061 2.509",
"Südasien ohne Indien 319 489 650 766",
"Südostasien 426 785 1.055 1.173",
"Westasien 617 943 1.126 1.325",
"Ozeanien 6 7 11 9",
"Kaukasus und Zentralaisen 485^(b) 329 380 477",
"Entwickelte Regionen 14.953 13.696 14.100 13.907",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 74 110 164 191",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 50 399 451 557",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 139 158 172 183",
"Anlage-I-Länder^(c,d,e) 14.968 14.430 14.902 14.652",
"b) Pro Kopf",
"(in Tonnen)",
"1990 2000 2005 2008",
"Welt 4,1 3,9 4,2 4,4",
"Entwicklungsregionen 1,7 2,0 2,6 2,9",
"Nordafrika 1,9 2,3 2,6 2,8",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,9 0,8 0,9 0,8",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 2,3 2,6 2,7 2,9",
"Karibik 2,7 2,9 2,9 3,6",
"Lateinamerika 2,3 2,6 2,6 2,8",
"Ostasien 2,5 2,9 4,6 5,4",
"Ostasien ohne China 7,4 7,1 7,4 7,8",
"Südasien 0,8 1,1 1,3 1,5",
"Südasien ohne Indien 0,9 1,2 1,4 1,6",
"Südostasien 1,0 1,5 1,9 2,0",
"Westasien 4,8 5,6 6,0 6,6",
"Ozeanien 1,0 1,0 1,3 0,9",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 7,1^(b) 4,6 5,1 6,3",
"Entwickelte Regionen 12,3 11,4 11,5 11,2",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 0,3 1,2 1,2 1,4",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 3,2 3,1 3,1 3,2",
"Anlage-I-Länder^(c,d,e) 12,7 11,7 11,8 11,5",
"c) Je 1 Dollar BIP (KKP)",
"(in Kilogramm)",
"1990 2000 2005 2008",
"Welt 0,60 0,50 0,49 0,46",
"Entwicklungsregionen 0,64 0,59 0,61 0,58",
"Nordafrika 0,43 0,50 0,49 0,47",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,55 0,53 0,48 0,43",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 0,32 0,31 0,30 0,29",
"Karibik 0,60 0,58 0,53 0,62",
"Lateinamerika 0,32 0,30 0,29 0,28",
"Ostasien 1,46 0,87 0,94 0,83",
"Ostasien ohne China 0,44 0,44 0,38 0,36",
"Südasien 0,59 0,61 0,54 0,54",
"Südasien ohne Indien 0,49 0,51 0,51 0,52",
"Südostasien 0,42 0,47 0,49 0,46",
"Westasien 0,52 0,59 0,57 0,57",
"Ozeanien 0,29 0,25 0,38 0,20",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 2,31^(b) 1,80 1,30 1,22",
"Entwickelte Regionen 0,59 0,45 0,41 0,38",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 0,18 0,19 0,20 0,19",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 0,20 0,93 0,73 0,71",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 0,59 0,41 0,37 0,32",
"Anlage-I-Länder^(c,d,e) 0,59 0,46 0,43 0,39",
"^(a) Gesamte CO₂-Emissionen aus fossilen Brennstoffen; umfasst CO₂-Emissionen aus dem Verbrauch fester, flüssiger und gasförmiger Brennstoffe, der Zementherstellung und der Gasabfackelung (United States Department of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center).",
"^(b) Daten für 1992.",
"^(c) Umfasst alle Anlage-I-Länder, die der Konferenz der Vertragsparteien des Rahmenübereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen Bericht erstatten. Nicht-Anlage-I-Länder haben keine jährlichen Berichterstattungspflichten.",
"^(d) Die nationale Berichterstattung an die Konferenz der Vertragsparteien des Rahmenübereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen, die den Leitlinien der Zwischenstaatlichen Sachverständigengruppe über Klimaänderungen folgt, beruht auf den nationalen Emissionsinventaren und umfasst alle Quellen anthropogener Kohlendioxid-Emissionen. Sie errechnet sich aus der Summe der Emissionen des Energiesektors, der industriellen Prozesse, des Agrar- und des Abfallsektors.",
"^(e) Schließt Emissionen/Abbau durch Senken als Folge von Landnutzung, Landnutzungsänderungen und Forstwirtschaft nicht mit ein.",
"Indikator 7.3 Verbrauch ozonabbauender Stoffe",
"(in Tonnen Ozonabbaupotenzial)",
"1990^(a) 2000 2009",
"Entwicklungsregionen 236.892 207.991 41.983",
"Nordafrika 6.203 8.129 1.307",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 23.449 9.574 1.787",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 76.048 31.104 5.359",
"Karibik 2.177 1.669 159",
"Lateinamerika 73.871 29.435 5.200",
"Ostasien 103.217 105.762 24.734",
"Ostasien ohne China 12.904 14.885 4.363",
"Südasien 3.338 28.161 1.904",
"Südasien ohne Indien 3.338 9.466 927",
"Südostasien 21.108 16.831 2.940",
"Westasien 3.481 8.299 3.939",
"Ozeanien 47 129 13",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 2.738 928 188",
"Entwickelte Regionen 828.590 25.364 2.007",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 1.457 4.791 1.055",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 3.354 2.395 484",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 7.162 2.147 434",
"^(a) Für die Jahre vor dem Inkrafttreten der Berichterstattungspflicht für eine Gruppe von Stoffen wurden die fehlenden Länderverbrauchswerte auf dem Stand des Basisjahres geschätzt. Dies gilt für die Stoffe in den Anlagen B, C und E, die 1992 beziehungsweise 1992 und 1994 in Kraft getreten sind.",
"Indikator 7.4 Anteil der Fischbestände innerhalb sicherer biologischer Grenzen^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2008",
"Unterbefischt 9,0 4,1 2,7",
"Mäßig befischt 22,3 21,3 11,8",
"Voll befischt 50,0 47,2 52,7",
"Überfischt 8,5 17,7 28,4",
"Erschöpft 7,4 8,6 3,3",
"In Wiederauffüllung begriffen 2,7 1,1 1,0",
"Indikator 7.5 Anteil der genutzten Wasserressourcen an den gesamten Wasservorkommen^(a) (um 2005)",
"(in Prozent)",
"Entwicklungsregionen 9,6",
"Nordafrika 91,9",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 3,3",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 2,0",
"Ostasien 15,2",
"Ostasien ohne China 1,9",
"Südasien 19,7",
"Südasien ohne Indien 19,7",
"Südostasien 57,8",
"Westasien 53,4",
"Ozeanien 7,7",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 165,5",
"Entwickelte Regionen 0,04",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 56,0",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 10,1",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 4,5",
"^(a) Anteil der Oberflächen- und Grundwasserentnahme an den gesamten verfügbaren erneuerbaren Wasserressourcen.",
"Zielvorgabe 7.B Den Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt reduzieren, mit einer signifikanten Reduzierung der Verlustrate bis 2010",
"Indikator 7.6 Anteil der geschützten Land- und Meeresgebiete",
"a) Land- und Meeresgebiete^(a,b)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"Welt^(c) 8,1 10,6 12,0",
"Entwicklungsregionen 7,9 10,6 12,2",
"Nordafrika 3,3 3,7 4,0",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 10,7 11,0 11,5",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 9,0 14,7 19,3",
"Karibik 3,3 3,8 4,6",
"Lateinamerika 9,3 15,1 19,9",
"Ostasien 11,5 14,3 15,3",
"Ostasien ohne China 3,9 11,4 11,6",
"Südasien 5,0 5,6 5,9",
"Südasien ohne Indien 5,4 6,2 6,8",
"Südostasien 4,6 7,1 7,8",
"Westasien 3,5 14,2 14,3",
"Ozeanien 0,5 1,1 3,2",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 2,7 3,0 3,0",
"Entwickelte Regionen 8,3 10,4 11,6",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 8,9 9,5 9,8",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 8,9 10,9 11,3",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 1,5 2,7 4,2",
"^(a) Verhältnis von Schutzgebieten (Land- und Meeresgebiete) zur Gesamtfläche. Die Unterschiede zwischen diesen Zahlen und den im statistischen Anhang zu The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (siehe enthaltenen Zahlen sind auf die Verfügbarkeit neuer Daten und eine revidierte Methodik zurückzuführen.",
"^(b) Schutzgebiete, bei denen das Jahr ihrer Einrichtung nicht bekannt ist, sind in allen Jahresangaben enthalten.",
"^(c) Einschließlich Gebieten, die bei der Berechnung der Aggregate für die entwickelten Regionen und die Entwicklungsregionen nicht berücksichtigt werden.",
"b) Landgebiete^(a,b)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"Welt^(c) 8,8 11,3 12,7",
"Entwicklungsregionen 8,8 11,7 13,3",
"Nordafrika 3,3 3,7 4,0",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 11,1 11,3 11,8",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 9,7 15,3 20,3",
"Karibik 9,2 9,9 11,2",
"Lateinamerika 9,7 15,4 20,4",
"Ostasien 12,0 14,9 15,9",
"Ostasien ohne China 4,0 12,1 12,2",
"Südasien 5,3 5,9 6,2",
"Südasien ohne Indien 5,8 6,7 7,3",
"Südostasien 8,7 13,1 13,8",
"Westasien 3,8 15,3 15,4",
"Ozeanien 2,0 3,0 4,9",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 2,7 3,0 3,0",
"Entwickelte Regionen 8,7 10,7 11,6",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 9,4 10,0 10,2",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 8,9 10,9 11,3",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 4,0 6,3 7,6",
"^(a) Verhältnis von geschützten Landgebieten zur Gesamtfläche. Die Unterschiede zwischen diesen Zahlen und den im statistischen Anhang zu The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (siehe enthaltenen Zahlen sind auf die Verfügbarkeit neuer Daten und eine revidierte Methodik zurückzuführen.",
"^(b) Schutzgebiete, bei denen das Jahr ihrer Einrichtung nicht bekannt ist, sind in allen Jahresangaben enthalten.",
"^(c) Einschließlich Gebieten, die bei der Berechnung der Aggregate für die entwickelten Regionen und die Entwicklungsregionen nicht berücksichtigt werden.",
"c) Meeresgebiete^(a,b)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"Welt^(c) 3,1 5,2 7,2",
"Entwicklungsregionen 1,0 2,9 4,0",
"Nordafrika 3,1 3,6 4,6",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 1,4 3,1 4,0",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 2,7 8,9 10,8",
"Karibik 1,1 1,5 2,2",
"Lateinamerika 3,3 11,8 14,3",
"Ostasien 0,8 1,4 1,6",
"Ostasien ohne China 2,1 2,1 2,3",
"Südasien 0,9 1,1 1,2",
"Südasien ohne Indien 0,5 0,6 0,8",
"Südostasien 0,6 1,3 2,1",
"Westasien 0,7 2,0 2,2",
"Ozeanien 0,2 0,6 2,8",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 0,2 0,4 0,4",
"Entwickelte Regionen 5,9 8,5 11,5",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 0,9 1,9 3,4",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer^(d) 0,0 0,0 0,0",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 0,4 1,2 2,8",
"^(a) Verhältnis von geschützten Meeresgebieten zur Gesamtfläche der Hoheitsgewässer. Die Unterschiede zwischen diesen Zahlen und den im statistischen Anhang zu The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (siehe enthaltenen Zahlen sind auf die Verfügbarkeit neuer Daten und eine revidierte Methodik zurückzuführen.",
"^(b) Schutzgebiete, bei denen das Jahr ihrer Einrichtung nicht bekannt ist, sind in allen Jahresangaben enthalten.",
"^(c) Einschließlich Gebieten, die bei der Berechnung der Aggregate für die entwickelten Regionen und die Entwicklungsregionen nicht berücksichtigt werden.",
"^(d) Ohne die von einigen Binnenentwicklungsländern beanspruchten Hoheitsgewässer in Binnenmeeren.",
"Indikator 7.7 Anteil der vom Aussterben bedrohten Arten^(a)",
"(Anteil der Arten, von denen erwartet wird, dass sie nicht in naher Zukunft aussterben (in Prozent))",
"1986 1990 2000 2008 \n Welt 85,3 85,0 84,3 83,7 \n Entwicklungsregionen 84,9 84,7 84,0 83,4 \n Nordafrika 94,3 94,1 93,9 93,6\n Afrika südlich der Sahara 87,6 87,6 87,3 87,1\n Lateinamerika und Karibik 84,1 83,8 83,1 82,6\n Ostasien 89,9 89,7 89,0 88,4 \n Südasien 84,9 84,8 84,4 84,1 \n Südostasien 87,9 87,6 86,6 86,0 \n Westasien 93,5 93,3 92,7 92,2 \n Ozeanien 91,2 91,0 90,4 90,0 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 95,7 95,5 94,9 94,4 \n Entwickelte Regionen 90,9 90,6 90,1 89,6",
"^(a) Nach dem Rote-Liste-Index des Fortbestands der Arten zur biologischen Vielfalt der Wirbeltiere (Säugetiere, Vögel und Amphibien). Der Rote-Liste-Index verzeichnet den Anteil der Arten, die in naher Zukunft ohne zusätzliche Erhaltungsmaßnahmen voraussichtlich erhalten bleiben, mit einem Wert von 1,0 für die Arten, die auf der Roten Liste der Internationalen Union für die Erhaltung der Natur und der natürlichen Hilfsquellen als „nicht gefährdet“ eingestuft werden, und einem Wert von Null für alle Arten, die ausgestorben sind.",
"Zielvorgabe 7.C Bis 2015 den Anteil der Menschen um die Hälfte senken, die keinen nachhaltigen Zugang zu einwandfreiem Trinkwasser und grundlegenden sanitären Einrichtungen haben",
"Indikator 7.8 Anteil der Bevölkerung mit Zugang zu verbesserter Trinkwasserversorgung",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2008 \n\tGesamt\tStadt-bewohner\tLand-bewohner\tGesamt Stadt-bewohner\tLand-bewohner \nWelt\t77\t95\t64\t87 96\t78\nEntwicklungsregionen\t72\t93\t60\t84 94\t76\nNordafrika\t86\t94\t78\t92 95\t87\nAfrika südlich der Sahara\t49\t83\t36\t60 83\t47\nLateinamerika und Karibik\t85\t95\t63\t93 97\t80\nOstasien\t69\t97\t56\t89 98\t82\nOstasien ohne China\t96\t97\t93\t98 100\t91\nSüdasien\t75\t91\t69\t87 95\t83\nSüdasien ohne Indien\t82\t95\t77\t85 93\t80\nSüdostasien\t72\t92\t63\t86 92\t81\nWestasien\t85\t96\t70\t90 96\t78\nOzeanien\t51\t92\t38\t50 92\t37\nKaukasus und Zentralasien\t88\t96\t80\t88 97\t80\nEntwickelte Regionen\t98\t100\t96\t99 100\t97",
"Indikator 7.9 Anteil der Bevölkerung mit Zugang zu verbesserten sanitären Einrichtungen",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2008 \n\tGesamt\tStadt-bewohner\tLand-bewohner\tGesamt Stadt-bewohner\tLand-bewohner \nWelt\t54\t77\t36\t61 76\t45\nEntwicklungsregionen\t42\t65\t29\t53 68\t40\nNordafrika\t72\t91\t55\t89 94\t83\nAfrika südlich der Sahara\t28\t43\t21\t31 44\t24\nLateinamerika und Karibik\t69\t81\t39\t80 86\t55\nOstasien\t43\t53\t39\t56 61\t53\nOstasien ohne China\t100\t100\t100\t97 99\t92\nSüdasien\t25\t56\t13\t36 57\t26\nSüdasien ohne Indien\t42\t74\t30\t50 65\t42\nSüdostasien\t46\t69\t36\t69 79\t60\nWestasien\t79\t96\t53\t85 94\t67\nOzeanien\t55\t85\t46\t53 81\t45\nKaukasus und Zentralasien\t91\t96\t86\t95 96\t95\nEntwickelte Regionen\t97\t99\t93\t97 99\t92",
"Zielvorgabe 7.D Bis 2020 eine erhebliche Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen von mindestens 100 Millionen Slumbewohnern herbeiführen",
"Indikator 7.10 Anteil der in Slums lebenden städtischen Bevölkerung^(a)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2000 2010 \n Entwicklungsregionen 46,1 39,3 32,7 \n Nordafrika 34,4 20,3 13,3\n Afrika südlich der Sahara 70,0 65,0 61,7\n Lateinamerika und Karibik 33,7 29,2 23,5\n Ostasien 43,7 37,4 28,2\n Südasien 57,2 45,8 35,0\n Südostasien 49,5 39,6 31,0\n Westasien 22,5 20,6 24,6\n Ozeanien 24,1 24,1 24,1",
"^(a) Stadtbewohner in Haushalten, auf die mindestens eines der folgenden vier Merkmale zutrifft: kein Zugang zu besserer Trinkwasserversorgung, kein Zugang zu besseren sanitären Einrichtungen, Überbelegung (drei oder mehr Personen in einem Raum) und aus nicht beständigem Material gebaute Behausungen. Grubenlatrinen werden zur Hälfte als bessere sanitäre Einrichtungen gewertet. Diese neuen Zahlen sind nicht mit den früher veröffentlichten Schätzungen vergleichbar, in denen alle Haushalte, die Grubenlatrinen nutzen, als Slumhaushalte angesehen wurden.",
"Ziel 8 Aufbau einer weltweiten Entwicklungspartnerschaft",
"Zielvorgabe 8.A Ein offenes, regelgestütztes, berechenbares und nichtdiskriminierendes Handels- und Finanzsystem weiterentwickeln",
"Umfasst die Verpflichtung auf gute Regierungsführung, Entwicklung und Armutsminderung auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene.",
"Zielvorgabe 8.B Den besonderen Bedürfnissen der am wenigsten entwickelten Länder Rechnung tragen",
"Umfasst den zoll- und quotenfreien Zugang für die Exporte der am wenigsten entwickelten Länder, ein verstärktes Schuldenerleichterungsprogramm für die hochverschuldeten armen Länder und die Streichung der bilateralen öffentlichen Schulden sowie die Gewährung großzügigerer öffentlicher Entwicklungshilfe an Länder, die sich zur Verminderung der Armut verpflichtet haben.",
"Zielvorgabe 8.C Den besonderen Bedürfnissen der Binnen- und kleinen Inselentwicklungsländer Rechnung tragen (durch das Aktionsprogramm für die nachhaltige Entwicklung der kleinen Inselstaaten unter den Entwicklungsländern und die Ergebnisse der zweiundzwanzigsten Sondertagung der Generalversammlung)",
"Zielvorgabe 8.D Die Schuldenprobleme der Entwicklungsländer durch Maßnahmen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene umfassend angehen und so die Schulden langfristig tragbar werden lassen",
"Öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe",
"Indikator 8.1 Öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe, netto (insgesamt und an die am wenigsten entwickelten Länder), in Prozent des Bruttonationaleinkommens der Geberländer des Ausschusses für Entwicklungshilfe (DAC) der Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD)",
"a) Jährliche Leistungen insgesamt^(a)",
"(in Milliarden US-Dollar)",
"1990 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010^(b)",
"Alle Entwicklungsländer 52,8 58,6 104,8 104,2 122,0 119,8 128,7",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte 15,1 16,7 29,7 32,3 37,8 37,4 Länder",
"^(a) Enthält den Erlass der nicht mit öffentlicher Entwicklungshilfe zusammenhängenden Schulden, jedoch nicht den Schuldenerlass zu militärischen Zwecken.",
"^(b) Vorläufige Daten.",
"b) Anteil am Bruttonationaleinkommen der OECD/DAC-Geberländer",
"(in Prozent)",
"1990 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010^(a)",
"Alle Entwicklungsländer 0,32 0,23 0,30 0,27 0,30 0,31 0,32",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte 0,09 0,07 0,08 0,08 0,09 0,10 Länder",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"Indikator 8.2 Anteil der gesamten bilateralen, sektoral zuordenbaren öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe der OECD/DAC-Geberländer für soziale Grunddienste (Grundbildung, primäre Gesundheitsversorgung, Ernährung, einwandfreies Wasser und Sanitärversorgung)",
"1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009",
"in Prozent 10,1 14,0 15,7 15,9 19,9 21,0",
"in Milliarden 3,1 3,5 5,8 8,2 12,4 16,7 US-Dollar",
"Indikator 8.3 Anteil der ungebundenen bilateralen öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe der OECD/DAC-Geberländer^(a)",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"in Prozent 67,6 91,1 91,4 88,3 83,9 86,6 84,4",
"in Milliarden 16,3 30,1 49,0 62,2 60,3 80,5 71,1 US-Dollar",
"^(a) Unter Ausschluss der technischen Zusammenarbeit und der Verwaltungskosten sowie aller öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfeleistungen, über deren Bindungsgrad keine Angaben gemacht wurden. Der Anteil der bilateralen öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe unter Ausschluss der technischen Zusammenarbeit und der Verwaltungskosten, für die Angaben über den Bindungsgrad gemacht wurden, betrug im Jahr 2008 99,6 Prozent.",
"Indikator 8.4 Von den Binnenentwicklungsländern erhaltene öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe in Prozent ihres Bruttonationaleinkommens",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"in Prozent 10,3 8,1 7,0 6,2 5,6 5,3 4,6",
"in Milliarden 7,0 12,1 15,0 16,6 18,9 22,6 25,0 US-Dollar",
"Indikator 8.5 Von den kleinen Inselentwicklungsländern erhaltene öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe in Prozent ihres Bruttonationaleinkommens",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"in Prozent 2,6 2,2 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,7 2,8",
"in Milliarden 2,1 1,8 2,5 2,7 3,2 3,7 4,2 US-Dollar",
"Indikator 8.6 Anteil der zollfreien Einfuhren an den Gesamteinfuhren der entwickelten Länder aus den Entwicklungsländern und den am wenigsten entwickelten Ländern (nach Wert und ohne Rüstungsgüter)",
"(in Prozent)",
"1996 2000 2005 2007 2009",
"a) ohne Rüstungsgüter",
"Entwicklungsländer^(a) 53 63 76 82 82",
"davon präferenziell^(b) 16 14 17 16 16",
"Nordafrika 52 57 97 97 97",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 78 80 93 96 97",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 66 75 93 94 94",
"Ostasien 35 52 62 67 67",
"Südasien 47 48 58 72 69",
"Südostasien 59 75 77 80 79",
"Westasien 34 39 66 96 97",
"Ozeanien 85 83 89 91 93",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 91 84 94 94 98",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 68 75 83 89 89",
"davon präferenziell^(b) 29 42 28 27 29",
"b) ohne Rüstungsgüter und Erdöl",
"Entwicklungsländer^(a) 54 65 76 78 78",
"davon präferenziell^(b) 19 16 20 19 19",
"Nordafrika 20 26 95 95 94",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 88 83 91 93 95",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 73 81 93 93 93",
"Ostasien 35 52 62 67 67",
"Südasien 41 46 58 63 62",
"Südostasien 60 76 77 79 79",
"Westasien 35 44 87 93 93",
"Ozeanien 82 79 87 89 92",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 90 69 84 82 90",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 78 70 80 80 80",
"davon präferenziell^(b) 35 35 49 52 53",
"^(a) Einschließlich der am wenigsten entwickelten Länder.",
"^(b) Die tatsächliche Präferenzmarge erhält man durch Abzug des Werts der Produkte, die im Rahmen des Meistbegünstigungsregimes zollfreien Zugang erhalten, vom Gesamtwert aller Produkte mit zollfreiem Zugang. Die Indikatoren beruhen auf der besten verfügbaren Behandlung, einschließlich regionaler und präferenzieller Abkommen.",
"Indikator 8.7 Durchschnittliche Höhe der von den entwickelten Ländern erhobenen Zölle auf Agrarprodukte, Textilien und Bekleidung aus den Entwicklungsländern",
"(in Prozent)",
"1996 2000 2005 2009",
"a) ohne Rüstungsgüter",
"Entwicklungsländer 10,5 9,2 8,8 7,8",
"Nordafrika 6,7 7,4 7,2 6,4",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 7,4 6,2 6,2 4,5",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 12,1 10,3 9,8 8,0",
"Ostasien 9,3 9,5 10,8 10,7",
"Südasien 5,4 5,4 4,5 5,5",
"Südostasien 11,4 10,2 9,2 9,0",
"Westasien 8,2 7,5 5,0 5,3",
"Ozeanien 11,5 9,5 8,8 8,4",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 4,8 3,9 3,4 4,1",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte 3,8 3,6 3,0 1,2 Länder",
"b) Textilien",
"Entwicklungsländer 7,3 6,5 5,2 5,1",
"Nordafrika 8,0 7,2 4,4 3,9",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 3,9 3,4 2,9 2,9",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 4,7 3,5 1,5 1,3",
"Ostasien 7,3 6,7 5,8 5,8",
"Südasien 7,1 6,5 6,1 5,8",
"Südostasien 9,2 8,4 6,0 5,6",
"Westasien 9,2 8,2 4,6 4,5",
"Ozeanien 5,9 5,3 4,9 4,9",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 7,3 6,3 5,8 5,7",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte 4,6 4,1 3,2 3,2 Länder",
"c) Bekleidung",
"Entwicklungsländer 11,4 10,8 8,3 8,1",
"Nordafrika 11,9 11,1 8,0 5,9",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 8,5 7,9 1,6 1,6",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 8,8 7,8 1,3 1,3",
"Ostasien 12,0 11,5 11,0 11,1",
"Südasien 10,2 9,6 8,6 8,6",
"Südostasien 14,2 13,6 10,5 9,4",
"Westasien 12,6 11,8 8,5 8,3",
"Ozeanien 8,8 8,3 8,4 8,8",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 12,9 11,8 11,5 10,8",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte 8,2 7,8 6,4 6,4 Länder",
"Indikator 8.8 Geschätzte Agrarsubventionen in den OECD-Ländern in Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009^(a)",
"in Prozent 1,86 1,12 1,04 0,95 0,87 0,86 0,93",
"in Milliarden 327 340 369 358 362 379 384 US-Dollar",
"^(a) Vorläufige Daten.",
"Indikator 8.9 Anteil der für den Aufbau der Handelskapazitäten gewährten öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe^(a)",
"2001 2003 2005 2007 2008 2009",
"Handelspolitik und 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,9\n handelsbezogene Anpassung^(b)",
"Wirtschaftliche 21,5 14,8 17,2 13,6 18,7 15,1 Infrastruktur",
"Aufbau von 16,0 13,4 12,8 13,3 14,8 12,9 Produktionskapazitäten",
"Gesamte Handelshilfe 38,5 29,0 30,7 27,7 34,4 28,9",
"^(a) Stellvertreterindikatoren für Handelshilfe, als Prozentsatz der bilateralen sektoral zuordenbaren öffentlichen Entwicklungshilfe (Welt).",
"^(b) Die Meldung von Daten über handelsbezogene Anpassung begann 2007. Bisher meldeten lediglich Kanada und die Europäische Kommission Daten.",
"Indikator 8.10 Gesamtzahl der Länder, die ihren Entscheidungspunkt im Rahmen der Initiative für hochverschuldete arme Länder (HIPC) erreicht haben, und Anzahl der Länder, die ihren HIPC-Abschlusspunkt erreicht haben (kumulativ)",
"2000^(a) 2011^(b)",
"Abschlusspunkt erreicht 1 32",
"Entscheidungspunkt erreicht, 21 4 Abschlusspunkt noch nicht erreicht",
"Entscheidungspunkt noch nicht 12 4 erreicht",
"In Betracht kommende Länder 34 40 insgesamt",
"^(a) Umfasst nur die Länder, die 2011 als hochverschuldete arme Länder eingestuft sind. Die Daten für 2000 geben den Jahresendstand wieder.",
"^(b) Stand: März 2011.",
"Indikator 8.11 Im Rahmen der HIPC-Initiative und der Multilateralen Entschuldungsinitiative (MDRI) zugesagte Schuldenerleichterungen^(a)",
"(in Milliarden US-Dollar (kumulativ))",
"2000 2011",
"Für Länder, die den Entscheidungs- oder 32 90 Abschlusspunkt erreicht haben",
"^(a) Ausgedrückt im Nettogegenwartswert von Ende 2009. Stand der Zusagen: März 2011.",
"Indikator 8.12 Schuldendienst in Prozent der Exporterlöse (Güter und Dienstleistungen)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008 2009",
"Entwicklungsregionen 18,7 12,5 3,4 3,6",
"Nordafrika 39,8 15,3 6,1 6,9",
"Afrika südlich der Sahara 11,4 9,4 2,0 3,1",
"Lateinamerika und Karibik 20,6 21,8 6,8 7,2",
"Karibik 16,8 8,0 11,4 14,6",
"Lateinamerika 20,7 22,2 6,7 7,1",
"Ostasien 10,5 5,1 0,6 0,6",
"Südasien 17,6 13,7 5,2 3,5",
"Südasien ohne Indien 9,3 11,5 7,7 9,8",
"Südostasien 16,7 6,5 3,0 4,0",
"Westasien 26,4 16,2 9,2 9,0",
"Ozeanien 14,0 5,9 2,8 1,9",
"Kaukasus und Zentralasien 0,62^(b) 8,4 0,6 1,0",
"Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 16,8 11,4 2,9 5,6",
"Binnenentwicklungsländer 14,4 8,6 1,3 1,9",
"Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 13,7 8,7 7,6 9,5",
"^(a) Enthält die im Rahmen des Verschuldungs-Berichterstattungssystems der Weltbank berichterstattenden Länder. Die Aggregate beruhen auf den verfügbaren Daten und enthalten für einige Jahre möglicherweise nicht die Länder, zu denen keine Daten über Güter- und Dienstleistungsexporte und über Nettoeinnahmen aus dem Ausland vorliegen.",
"^(b) Daten für 1993.",
"Zielvorgabe 8.E In Zusammenarbeit mit den Pharmaunternehmen unentbehrliche Arzneimittel zu bezahlbaren Kosten in den Entwicklungsländern verfügbar machen",
"Indikator 8.13 Anteil der Bevölkerung mit dauerhaftem Zugang zu unentbehrlichen Arzneimitteln zu bezahlbaren Kosten",
"Globale oder regionale Angaben liegen nicht vor.",
"Zielvorgabe 8.F In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Privatsektor dafür sorgen, dass die Vorteile der neuen Technologien, insbesondere der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, genutzt werden können",
"Indikator 8.14 Festnetzanschlüsse je 100 Einwohner",
"1990 2000 2009 \n Welt 9,8 15,9 17,5 \n Entwicklungsregionen 2,3 7,9 12,2 \n Nordafrika 2,8 7,1 11,3 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 1,0 1,4 1,5 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 6,3 14,7 18,2 \n Karibik 7,0 11,2 10,7 \n Lateinamerika 6,2 15,0 18,8 \n Ostasien 2,4 13,8 24,8 \n Ostasien ohne China 24,8 42,8 43,9 \n Südasien 0,7 3,2 4,3 \n Südasien ohne Indien 1,0 3,4 7,1 \n Südostasien 1,3 4,8 12,4 \n Westasien 8,6 16,5 15,3 \n Ozeanien 3,3 5,2 5,4 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien 7,9 8,8 12,5 \n Entwickelte Regionen 37,0 49,2 41,5 \n Am wenigsten entwickelte Länder 0,3 0,5 1,0 \n Binnenentwicklungsländer 2,4 2,8 3,9 \n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 7,9 12,9 12,2",
"Indikator 8.15 Mobilfunkteilnehmer je 100 Einwohner",
"1995 2000 2009 \n Welt 1,6 12,1 68,4 \n Entwicklungsregionen 0,4 5,4 58,2 \n Nordafrika <0,1 2,7 79,7 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,1 1,7 37,3 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 0,8 12,3 89,4 \n Karibik 1,2 7,4 54,2 \n Lateinamerika 0,8 12,6 92,1 \n Ostasien 0,5 9,9 57,8 \n Ostasien ohne China 3,4 49,9 86,8 \n Südasien <0,1 0,4 44,7 \n Südasien ohne Indien <0,1 0,5 46,7 \n Südostasien 0,7 4,3 79,5 \n Westasien 0,6 12,7 87,0 \n Ozeanien 0,2 2,4 25,2 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien <0,1 1,3 74,9 \n Entwickelte Regionen 6,4 39,8 114,3 \nAm wenigsten entwickelte Länder\t<0,1^(a)\t0,3\t26,2\n Binnenentwicklungsländer <0,1 1,1 34,7 \n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 1,5 11,0 57,5",
"^(a) Daten für 1996.",
"Indikator 8.16 Internetnutzer je 100 Einwohner",
"1995 2000 2009 \n Welt 0,8 6,6 26,5 \n Entwicklungsregionen 0,1 2,1 18,0 \n Nordafrika <0,1 0,7 25,2 \n Afrika südlich der Sahara 0,1 0,5 8,9 \n Lateinamerika und Karibik 0,1 3,9 32,9 \n Karibik 0,1 2,9 22,3 \n Lateinamerika 0,1 4,0 33,7 \n Ostasien 0,1 3,8 31,0 \n Ostasien ohne China 1,1 28,7 57,9 \n Südasien <0,1 0,5 5,6 \nSüdasien ohne Indien\t<0,1^(a)\t0,3\t6,6\n Südostasien 0,1 2,4 15,2 \n Westasien 0,1 3,2 27,0 \n Ozeanien 0,1 1,8 6,4 \n Kaukasus und Zentralasien <0,1 0,5 18,8 \n Entwickelte Regionen 3,2 25,1 64,9 \nAm wenigsten entwickelte Länder\t<0,1^(b)\t0,1\t2,7\nBinnenentwicklungsländer\t<0,1^(a)\t0,3\t7,1\n Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer 0,4 5,2 22,3",
"^(a) Daten für 1996.",
"^(b) Daten für 1998.",
"Quellen: Interinstitutionelle und Sachverständigengruppe der Vereinten Nationen über die Indikatoren für die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele und Datenbank der Indikatoren für die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele (",
"Anmerkungen: Sofern nicht anders angegeben beruht die regionale Gruppierung auf den geografischen Regionen der Vereinten Nationen, mit einigen Anpassungen, die notwendig waren, um für Analyse- und Darstellungszwecke möglichst homogene Ländergruppen herzustellen. Die für die Berichterstattung 2011 über die Indikatoren für die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele verwendete Zusammensetzung der Regionen kann in Englisch unter unter „Data“ abgerufen werden.",
"Der Begriff „Entwickelte Regionen“ umfasst Europa (einschließlich der Länder der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (Europa)), Australien, Israel, Japan, Kanada, Neuseeland und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.",
"„Kaukasus und Zentralasien“ umfasst Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Georgien, Kasachstan, Kirgisistan, Tadschikistan, Turkmenistan und Usbekistan.",
"11-43143 (G) 150811",
] | [
"United Nations",
"Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization",
"General Assembly",
"Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 1",
"General Assembly Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 1",
"[] United Nations • New York, 2011",
"Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization",
"ISSN 0082-8173",
"Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.",
"[26 July 2011]",
"Chapter Page\nI.Introduction 1II. Delivering 2 results for people most in \n need \nA.Development 21.The 2 Millennium Development Goals and the other internationally agreed development \ngoals 2.The 3 special needs of \nAfrica B. Peace 4 and \nsecurity 1.Preventive 4 diplomacy and support to peace \nprocesses \n2.Peacekeeping 6\n3. Peacebuilding 8C.Humanitarian 8 \naffairs D. Human 9 rights, rule of law, genocide prevention and the responsibility to protect, and democracy and good \ngovernance 1. Human 10 \nrights 2.Rule 10 of \n law 3.Genocide 11 prevention and the responsibility to \nprotect 4. Democracy 11 and good \ngovernance III.Securing 12 global \ngoods A.Climate 12 \nchange B.Global 13 \nhealth C.Countering 14 \nterrorism D.Disarmament 14 and \nnon-proliferation IV.Creating 16 a stronger United \nNations A.The 16 Secretariat, the intergovernmental machinery, system-wide coherence and regional \norganizations 1.The 16 \nSecretariat 2.The 16 intergovernmental \nmachinery 3.System-wide 17 \ncoherence 4.Regional 18 \norganizations B.Global 18 \nconstituencies 1. Strengthening 18 partnerships with civil \nsociety 2.Engaging 19 the business \ncommunity \nV.Conclusion 20\nAnnex Millennium 22 DevelopmentGoals, targets and indicators,2011: \nstatisticaltables",
"Chapter I",
"1. Since 2007, the world has changed significantly. We have seen the widening and deepening impact of global food, fuel and economic shocks on populations around the world. We have seen revolution and the rebirth of grass-roots-led democratic movements in North Africa and across the Middle East. We have witnessed shifts in economic power as parts of Africa and Asia have emerged as the new engines of global growth. We have experienced the rising incidence of mega‑disasters, with their huge costs in terms of lives, livelihoods and development. And we have seen the increasing salience of a set of global challenges that threaten the lives of people around the world and the sustainability of the planet.",
"2. We are living in a time of global transition. Future generations are likely to describe this period as a pivotal juncture in world history when the status quo was irrevocably weakened and the contours of a new world began to emerge.",
"3. Throughout this period, the United Nations has striven to put the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable at the centre of the international agenda, attracting billions of dollars in new investments to accelerate progress on the Millennium Development Goals. The United Nations has led global efforts to address the worst natural disasters and man-made complex emergencies, mobilizing resources and providing life-saving assistance to populations in need. The United Nations has taken important steps towards transforming the political landscape to empower women worldwide, adopted institutional changes, and advocated for policy changes that tackle gender discrimination in politics, the workplace and the home. We have delivered on complex peacekeeping mandates and have assisted Member States with numerous difficult political transitions and sensitive elections. We have championed human rights and the rule of law. We have confronted head-on the key global challenges of our generation: addressing climate change and global health; breaking the deadlock on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation; and mobilizing action against terrorism. In each of these arenas, we have brokered significant agreements or commitments to global strategies and mobilized resources and capacities to implement internationally agreed action plans.",
"Chapter II",
"Delivering results for people most in need",
"4. Large segments of the world’s population are challenged by unequal recovery from economic crisis, natural and man-made disasters, and internal conflict. Globally, United Nations staff worked tirelessly to help deliver to the poor and the most vulnerable.",
"A. Development",
"5. With global economic recovery uneven and uncertain, many countries are still struggling. The financial crisis, as well as high and volatile food and energy prices, will have an impact for years to come. There is an urgent need to embark on a new era of sustainable development for all. The upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Conference), to be held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, will provide a historic opportunity for doing so. At the Conference, the international community must agree on an ambitious and actionable framework that complements the Millennium Development Goals.",
"1. The Millennium Development Goals and the other internationally agreed development goals",
"6. Four years away from the agreed target date of 2015, success is within reach for several key Millennium Development Goal targets. In 2015, the global poverty rate is expected to fall below 15 per cent, well below the 23 per cent target level. More than 90 per cent of the world’s population will have access to improved sources of drinking water. Major strides have been made in increasing primary school enrolment, even in the poorest countries.",
"7. The number of deaths in children under 5 years of age worldwide declined from 12.4 million in 1990 to 8.1 million in 2009, with nearly 12,000 fewer children dying each day. Although many countries have demonstrated that progress is possible, efforts must be intensified to target the poorest and most vulnerable.",
"8. In 2009, nearly one quarter of the children in the developing world were underweight. Maternal death continues to require attention, especially in sub‑Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. The developing world’s net school enrolment ratio increased by just two percentage points, from 87 per cent to 89 per cent between 2004 and 2009, dimming hope for achieving universal primary education. Half of the population of the developing regions still lacked access to improved sanitation facilities in 2009.",
"9. In general, persistent and increasing inequalities are emerging within countries between the rich and the poor, and between rural populations and urban populations. This affects in particular those disadvantaged as a result of geographic location, gender, age or conflict.",
"10. The greatest progress towards the achievement of goals has been made under two sets of circumstances: first, when key health interventions, such as malaria control measures, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and immunization provision and campaigns, have been introduced; and second, when increased funding has translated into an expansion of programmes to deliver services and tools directly to those in need. Far less progress has been made towards targets that require structural changes and strong political commitment to guarantee sustained, predictable funding. This typifies the patterns seen in reducing hunger and maternal mortality and increasing access to education and improved sanitation.",
"11. Official development assistance reached a record high in 2010 of $128.7 billion, yet this remains well short of the United Nations target of 0.7 per cent of donor country gross national income as aid to developing countries by 2015. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has warned that bilateral aid will decelerate during the next few years, given the global economic slowdown.",
"12. The Secretary-General has initiated an integrated implementation framework based on an interactive web-based tracking system, accessible to all stakeholders in the global partnership for development. The framework will help to increase transparency and screen pledges and commitments for consistency and clarity, thereby contributing to greater accountability.",
"13. At the 2010 High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals, countries acknowledged the challenges but agreed that the Goals remained achievable and called for the scaling-up of successful approaches and intensified collective action. They also agreed on the need to begin looking ahead to the post-2015 period. Within the United Nations system, the Secretary-General has initiated work to develop ideas on the post-2015 development framework, with a view to producing concrete recommendations in 2012.",
"14. Important initiatives are under way to address both global and regional challenges in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. In response to the continued threat of high and volatile food prices, the Secretary-General’s High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis has recommended concrete measures to address both the short-term emergency and long-term interventions for sustainable food production and nutrition.",
"15. The needs and specific challenges of the least developed countries were the focus of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Istanbul in May 2011. In the resulting Programme of Action, Member States committed to addressing the structural challenges faced by the least developed countries by building productive capacities and reducing those countries’ vulnerability to economic, natural and environmental shocks.",
"2. The special needs of Africa",
"16. Africa remains a key area of focus in the work of the entire United Nations system. Africa has been experiencing solid economic growth. Growth in gross domestic product accelerated to 4.7 per cent on average in 2010, up from 2.4 per cent in 2009. But this masks a great variation in growth across the continent. The sharp increase in food and energy prices in 2011 was especially devastating for the poor. Consequently, the absolute number of people in the region living in extreme poverty continues to increase. Unemployment remains high in the region, while armed conflicts exacerbate poverty, disrupt schooling and fuel sexual and gender-based violence.",
"17. Africa’s population of 1 billion, the overwhelming majority of which comprises young men and women, has been increasingly recognized both as a challenge and as an opportunity. Sixty per cent of Africa’s population is under 25 years old. With the increasing youth bulge, greater emphasis must be placed on providing young people with better opportunities for education, training, skills and jobs.",
"18. In the light of these challenges, development policy and, in particular, efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and the goals set out in the African Union New Partnership for Africa’s Development have taken on even greater significance. At the 2010 High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals, the international community was called upon to honour its aid commitments to Africa. While net disbursements of official development assistance to Africa increased from $29.5 billion in 2004 to an estimated $46 billion in 2010, this remains $18 billion short of what was committed by donors at the Group of Eight summit held in Gleneagles, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.",
"19. The United Nations system continues to improve its operational support for the development efforts of African countries. It is advancing the implementation of the Declaration on Enhancing United Nations-African Union Cooperation: Framework for the Ten-Year Capacity-Building Programme for the African Union. It is partnering with several African Governments to implement projects that boost financing for development in areas such as sustainable forest management and to promote and strengthen the engagement of citizens in governance and public administration.",
"20. A number of African countries face daunting peace and security challenges. The Secretary-General has devoted a great deal of time and effort to these issues, in close consultation and coordination with the African Union and African regional organizations.",
"B. Peace and security",
"21. During the past year, the United Nations and the international community grappled with instability in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East and beyond. The current environment underlines the need for an agile United Nations equipped with prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding tools to prevent and resolve violent conflicts.",
"1. Preventive diplomacy and support to peace processes",
"22. The United Nations aims to anticipate potential conflicts and to be proactive in helping to resolve them through preventive diplomacy and mediation efforts.",
"23. In 2011, the United Nations placed a particular focus on preventing election-related violence by helping Member States, through good offices, strategic advice and technical assistance, to conduct credible and transparent electoral processes in countries including the Central African Republic, the Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, the Niger and the United Republic of Tanzania. Globally, the United Nations provided electoral assistance to about 50 countries, consistently emphasizing impartiality, sustainability and cost-effectiveness in electoral processes.",
"24. The United Nations played an important role in ensuring the peaceful and successful conduct of the Southern Sudan independence referendum in January 2011. Working closely alongside the African Union High-level Implementation Panel on the Sudan, the United Nations helped align the international community behind a common approach, delivered significant technical and logistical assistance to the referendum process and assisted in facilitating negotiations on post-referendum arrangements. The Secretary-General deployed his Panel on the Referenda in the Sudan to monitor progress and provide high-level good offices. These coordinated efforts led to the independence of South Sudan on 9 July and its admission to the United Nations on 14 July. But the remaining challenges are great and will require the continued engagement of the United Nations system.",
"25. In response to the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, the United Nations has encouraged all parties to adhere to relevant international law, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It has highlighted the crucial importance of addressing social and economic inequalities and has offered to provide appropriate assistance to facilitate peaceful political transitions. With respect to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the Secretary-General appointed a Special Envoy to engage with the parties on the ground with a view to ending the violence, addressing the humanitarian consequences of the crisis and helping to find a political solution. Contingency planning is ongoing to assist a political process that may emerge as a result of negotiations between the parties to the conflict. The Secretary-General also dispatched several United Nations missions to Yemen to engage with all stakeholders and contribute to the peaceful resolution of the situation.",
"26. In Côte d’Ivoire, the successful installation of a democratically elected Government has set the tone for numerous upcoming elections in Africa. The United Nations worked to prevent relapse into conflict, including through the activities of integrated peacebuilding missions in Burundi, the Central African Republic, Guinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone. In Kenya, the United Nations maintained support for the review process that led to the adoption of a new constitution with enhanced checks and balances.",
"27. In Somalia, the United Nations worked closely with the transitional federal institutions to further the implementation of transitional tasks, including constitution-building. The Secretary-General also encouraged the international community to fight piracy off the Somali coast through deterrence, security, the rule of law and development.",
"28. The United Nations undertook successful efforts to help countries return to constitutional order following unconstitutional changes of Government in Guinea, and the Niger. In Kyrgyzstan, the United Nations contributed to the adoption of a new constitution, the establishment of a credible electoral process and a reconstituted, legitimate Government.",
"29. In the Middle East, the United Nations explored concrete ways to encourage the resumption of deadlocked negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, to improve the living conditions of civilians in Gaza, while addressing Israel’s legitimate security concerns, and to achieve full implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). As Israel took some welcome measures to facilitate access to Gaza, the United Nations was able to commence a number of reconstruction and economic recovery projects. The United Nations helped defuse tensions after an armed incident between the Israeli and Lebanese armies along the Blue Line. Following the flotilla incident of 31 May 2010, and in close consultation with Israel and Turkey, the Secretary-General established a panel of inquiry to recommend ways to avoid similar incidents in the future.",
"30. In Iraq, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq has worked to promote national reconciliation and mutually acceptable solutions to resolve the status of Kirkuk and other disputed areas. It facilitated talks with key stakeholders, in particular with respect to property restitution, minority rights, detainees and language and education rights, and engaged with Iraq and Kuwait to help resolve outstanding issues between them.",
"31. In Nepal, following the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in Nepal, the United Nations ensured ongoing support for the peace process. In Sri Lanka, the Secretary-General established an advisory panel of experts, which submitted its report on 12 April, with a view to helping the United Nations and Sri Lanka take meaningful measures towards addressing the issue of accountability as a critical step towards national reconciliation and lasting peace.",
"32. In Myanmar, the Secretary-General maintained active engagement with all stakeholders to promote national reconciliation, democratic transition and respect for human rights. The new Government’s commitment to closer cooperation with the United Nations could provide a basis for more effective engagement. But much remains to be done to usher in real political change in the country.",
"33. Elsewhere, the United Nations supported efforts towards the peaceful resolution of border disputes, including between Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.",
"34. With respect to Western Sahara, a series of United Nations-convened rounds of informal talks succeeded in having the parties agree on new ways of approaching the negotiating process and a range of confidence-building measures.",
"35. In Cyprus, the United Nations continued to facilitate full-fledged negotiations between the leaders of the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities, in efforts to achieve progress towards a comprehensive settlement.",
"36. Central America has seen a dramatic rise in violence related to organized crime. The positive experience of the United Nations-sponsored International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala has drawn international interest and the United Nations has received new requests for assistance from El Salvador and Honduras.",
"2. Peacekeeping",
"37. After a historical high in the number of uniformed personnel deployments in March 2010, United Nations peacekeeping has entered a period of consolidation in terms of the size of deployments. As of June 2011, United Nations peacekeeping counted more than 120,000 uniformed and civilian personnel, deployed in 14 peacekeeping operations on four continents.",
"38. In Timor-Leste, the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste completed the handover of its policing responsibilities to national authorities in March 2011. In Liberia, the United Nations Mission in Liberia consolidated progress in planning with the Government towards the eventual transfer of its security functions to national institutions and supported preparations for the October 2011 elections. Following the independence of South Sudan on 9 July, a new peacekeeping operation, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, was established, focusing exclusively on that country.",
"39. Contributing to the protection of civilians remains the core task of seven peacekeeping operations. In Darfur, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire and South Sudan, in particular, protecting civilians remained a serious challenge.",
"40. Peacekeepers contributed to political transitions in Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti and the Sudan through technical and logistical support to national authorities for the holding of elections and referendums. They also contributed to ensuring the necessary political and security conditions for the holding of free and fair polls. The South Sudan self-determination referendum of January 2010, which resulted in a vote for independence, brought an end to the longest civil war in Africa. The North and the South need to continue to work together in order to resolve all outstanding issues peacefully. The instability which followed the elections in Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti also offered a stark reminder of the fragility of peace gains in post-conflict environments.",
"41. In Côte d’Ivoire, the acute political and military crisis that followed the round of presidential elections on 28 November 2010 tested the United Nations capacity to protect civilians and to sustain an operation under siege. It also tested the resolve and unity of the international community in staying the course in implementing critical mandated tasks, particularly with regard to elections. The Secretary-General worked closely with the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States and world leaders to find a peaceful solution to the post-election crisis that respected the democratically expressed will of the Ivorian people. Meanwhile, the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire used, as mandated by the Security Council, all necessary means in self-defence and in defence of its mandate to protect civilians, including through preventing the use of heavy weapons against the civilian population.",
"42. United Nations peacekeeping provided sustained support for rule-of-law and security institutions in a number of countries emerging from conflict. In this regard, the United Nations strengthened its existing standing police capacity.",
"43. Over the past year, the United Nations has made significant progress in developing necessary peacekeeping policies and implementing reforms. Initiatives undertaken include the development of an early peacebuilding strategy to guide the prioritization and sequencing of Security Council-mandated tasks executed by peacekeepers in post-conflict settings and comprehensive efforts to develop baseline capability standards, strengthen resource-generation processes and bolster training. Progress was also achieved in the implementation of the five-year global field support strategy. A regional service centre was established in Entebbe, Uganda, with four support functions in full operation. The Secretary-General also submitted to the General Assembly a new, standardized, funding model for the first year of peacekeeping operations.",
"44. In eight missions, the Secretariat partnered with United Nations agencies, funds and programmes to complete integrated strategic frameworks that set system-wide priorities for United Nations engagement on peace, security and humanitarian issues.",
"45. The General Assembly approved new, harmonized conditions of service for international staff in field missions which should help field missions to attract and retain qualified staff.",
"3. Peacebuilding",
"46. The Peacebuilding Commission helped align relevant actors in support of nationally identified priorities, mobilized resources for such priorities and assisted national actors in staying focused on the development of institutions and capacities critical to resilience against relapse into conflict. There are now six countries on the agenda of the Commission: Burundi, the Central African Republic, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Guinea and Liberia were included within the past nine months.",
"47. In further support of peacebuilding efforts, in February 2011 the independent report of the Senior Advisory Group on Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict was issued. The report presents a series of recommendations aimed at making the United Nations more efficient and effective in providing civilian capacity to countries emerging from conflict. Following an internal review and consultations with Member States and other stakeholders, the Secretary-General will work towards implementing those recommendations that are most likely to help the United Nations deliver on the ground.",
"48. In 2010, the Peacebuilding Fund, which provides catalytic funding for peacebuilding, also continued a growth trend in terms of additional countries, improved partnerships with stakeholders and closer work with the Peacebuilding Commission. Altogether during 2010, $76 million was allocated, up from $52 million in 2009, to 12 countries, including 4 countries newly declared eligible. The Peacebuilding Fund aims to raise, allocate and spend $100 million per year in the period from 2011 to 2013.",
"C. Humanitarian affairs",
"49. 2010/11 was an extremely demanding period for the United Nations humanitarian system, which worked to deliver assistance to tens of millions of people across 30 countries. Droughts, floods and soaring fuel prices contributed to rapid increases in international food prices, affecting millions of poor and vulnerable people worldwide.",
"50. The United Nations was called on to support national authorities in a wide range of natural disasters and complex emergencies, often in hostile operating environments and with constrained human and financial resources. Sustained monsoon rains in Pakistan affected as many as 20 million people — nearly 10 per cent of the population. Following a devastating earthquake in January 2010, Haitians faced a series of new setbacks, including tropical storms, a cholera outbreak and political unrest. Armed conflict and communal violence in Côte d’Ivoire in the wake of contested presidential elections drove as many as 200,000 refugees across borders and displaced half a million people in Abidjan alone. In the Sudan, tens of thousands of people fled violence ahead of southern independence. In the Horn of Africa, more than 8 million people suffered from food insecurity in 2011 due to the most severe drought in a decade.",
"51. Crises in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Yemen resulted in a large number of civilian casualties, internal displacements and refugees. More than 630,000 people fled fighting in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, of whom 280,000 were third-country nationals. Their return home placed an added burden on already vulnerable communities in the Niger, Chad and elsewhere. Meanwhile, Japan faced a combined natural and nuclear disaster, posing a significant challenge even for a country well prepared for emergencies.",
"52. These crises provided the United Nations with clear lessons on how to improve the way the international humanitarian system prepares for and responds to humanitarian needs. Under the leadership of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee principals, including non-governmental partners, began developing a new strategy, focusing on improving humanitarian leadership and coordination; ensuring that adequate staff and funds are deployed to address large emergencies, especially in their crucial early stages; and improving accountability to both Member States and affected peoples.",
"53. Donor support grew for the Central Emergency Response Fund, an innovative global tool with low transaction costs designed to provide funds quickly and equitably. The Fund increased from $409 million in 2009 to $428 million in 2010, and in May 2011 it passed $2 billion in total disbursements. Twelve Member States became first-time donors, and 19 Member States substantially increased their contributions.",
"54. Donations managed by the United Nations through the consolidated appeals process totalled $7 billion, much as in 2009. But that figure represented a declining percentage of the total funds requested to meet needs, from 73 per cent to 63 per cent.",
"55. The United Nations is improving joint planning efforts, based on a more rigorous assessment of needs; monitoring progress in real time through the better use of technology; reinforcing leadership structures; and improving accountability.",
"56. Security concerns continued to affect the ability of humanitarian actors to deliver basic services to affected populations. The recent study commissioned by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, To Stay and Deliver, calls upon Member States to refrain from enacting legislation and policies that might undermine humanitarian engagement with non-State armed groups.",
"57. Looking forward, the Organization will be working to strengthen its efforts to promote effective disaster risk reduction strategies to limit the exposure and vulnerability of communities and nations to natural hazards.",
"D. Human rights, rule of law, genocide prevention and the responsibility to protect, and democracy and good governance",
"58. It has been a momentous year for human rights, the rule of law, democracy and good governance, both on the ground, with the “Arab spring” of 2011, and as reflected in the intense debates at Headquarters.",
"1. Human rights",
"59. The Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights have been speaking out forcefully for the application of international human rights standards in all situations, promptly dispatching assessment missions in response to needs on the ground and assisting the activities of the Human Rights Council and other human rights mechanisms in engaging with urgent situations.",
"60. The past year saw the review of the Human Rights Council, both by the Council itself and by the General Assembly. The fact that the first cycle of the universal periodic review will be completed by the end of 2011 is lauded as a significant accomplishment of the Council. The true test of this innovative process will come with the second cycle, beginning in mid-2012, when Member States are expected to report on progress made in implementing the recommendations that came out of the first cycle.",
"61. The Human Rights Council also expanded its coverage of issues, with two new thematic mandates on the right to peaceful assembly and association and on discrimination against women in law and in practice, as well as a new country mandate on the Islamic Republic of Iran.",
"62. The articulation of the global human rights commitments in the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals was a pivotal achievement. Human rights mainstreaming also achieved important milestones in the field of peace and security through strengthened human rights components in peace and political missions. In Côte d’Ivoire, amid the political crisis in the aftermath of the presidential elections, the steadfast and principled voice and actions of the United Nations underscored the vital importance of protecting civilians, upholding international law and bringing perpetrators of serious violations to account.",
"2. Rule of law",
"63. In the Middle East and North Africa, calls for greater accountability, transparency and the rule of law are pushing Government reforms at an unprecedented pace. The United Nations is poised to respond to increased requests for its rule-of-law expertise.",
"64. Over the past year, United Nations rule-of-law interventions were strengthened through greater emphasis on inter-agency cooperation, which led to joint programming in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti and Timor-Leste, among other countries. The United Nations supported accountability for international crimes and transitional justice processes through a broad range of mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court, international commissions of inquiry of the Human Rights Council and international ad hoc and hybrid tribunals.",
"65. Following the success of the ninth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, efforts towards universality have yielded positive results. Tunisia, in the wake of the Secretary-General’s visit there, became the first North African country and the fourth member of the League of Arab States to become a party to the Rome Statute. Egypt has also announced its intention to ratify the Rome Statute and become a party to the International Criminal Court.",
"66. The General Assembly mandated a high-level event on the rule of law for the opening of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly. The event should encourage greater commitments to international coordination as a means of strengthening the impact of rule-of-law activities.",
"3. Genocide prevention and the responsibility to protect",
"67. Human protection was a top priority for the Secretary-General, the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Human Rights Council.",
"68. The Special Advisers on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect are assisting the General Assembly in its continuing consideration of this concept. They are jointly assessing country situations, issuing statements and preparing advisory notes to the Secretary-General and the United Nations system.",
"69. The joint office has accelerated its capacity-building activities for Government officials, regional and subregional organizations, civil society and United Nations staff. Calls from parliamentarians, the media, educators and public groups for information and views on the Special Advisers’ respective mandates have also grown.",
"4. Democracy and good governance",
"70. The peaceful demonstrations forcing the ouster of long-time leaders in Egypt and Tunisia exerted pressure for democratic reforms elsewhere. From the outset, in addition to actively pressing for the respect of human rights in North Africa and the Middle East, the Secretary-General called for the granting of freedom of assembly, speech and information. He appealed for an immediate end to the use of violence against demonstrators and urged leaders in the region to respond to the legitimate aspirations of the people through dialogue and reforms.",
"71. The United Nations Democracy Fund, which channels support to local non‑governmental organizations worldwide, allocated almost $15 million to 64 projects in its fourth round of funding. In 2010, the Fund received almost twice as many project proposals as in previous years, reflecting unprecedented demand from civil society organizations for democracy. This demand is expected to grow further as a result of developments in the Arab world and elsewhere.",
"Chapter III",
"Securing global goods",
"72. Current global challenges are complex in nature, contagious and wide-ranging. Member States have turned to the United Nations to assist them in securing the global good through addressing such challenges as climate change, disease, terrorism and the proliferation of conventional and non-conventional arms.",
"A. Climate change",
"73. Climate change is central to global peace and prosperity. Meeting the climate challenge will require sustained global cooperation coupled with accelerated national actions to reduce emissions and strengthen climate resilience. Every year that we delay action costs lives, money and the opportunity to build a safer, greener future for all.",
"74. 2010 saw progress on a number of fronts, not least in increased transparency, trust and confidence in the multilateral negotiation process.",
"75. Progress was made at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico. There, Governments agreed to establish a “green climate fund”; formalize their mitigation pledges; take concrete action to prevent deforestation, which accounts for nearly one fifth of global carbon emissions; bolster technology cooperation; and enhance the ability of vulnerable populations to adapt to climate impacts.",
"76. Steps were also taken to improve the reporting and delivery of $30 billion in fast-start financing to support vulnerable populations in developing countries. The High-level Advisory Group of the Secretary-General on Climate Financing concluded that efforts to meet the $100 billion per annum goal by 2020 would be challenging but feasible, with both public and private revenue sources from developed countries to support mitigation and adaptation efforts in developing countries.",
"77. Cancun gave the world an important set of tools. The international community must now put them into practice and redouble its efforts in line with the urgent scientific imperative for action. In 2010, extreme weather events consistent with projected climate change trends, including widespread flooding, heat waves, fires and heavy rains, inflicted massive suffering on millions in Pakistan, the Russian Federation and north-western China.",
"78. Now more than ever, it is clear that the world needs the most accurate, objective and transparent scientific assessments possible to inform policymaking. To that end, in August 2010 the Secretary-General and the Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change launched an independent review of the Organization’s processes and management structure and called on Member States to act on the findings.",
"79. The Secretary-General also launched a High-level Panel on Global Sustainability to provide a practical road map for sustainable, climate-resilient development that addresses poverty eradication, energy, food, water and other key issues. Its recommendations will be released early in 2012 and will provide important inputs for the Rio+20 Conference.",
"B. Global health",
"80. With just five years left to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, the Secretary-General launched the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health in September 2010. The Strategy marks the first time that women’s and children’s health has received such a high level of commitment, and brings together leaders from Government, multilateral institutions, including the United Nations, civil society, private foundations, business and academia. New policy and service delivery commitments and more than $40 billion have been pledged to the Strategy. All 192 States Members of the United Nations affirmed their support for the Strategy and for the creation of an accountability framework to ensure that resources are delivered and results achieved.",
"81. The global AIDS response has demonstrated results: infections are decreasing. Nevertheless, five new infections occur for every three persons beginning treatment. The high-level meeting of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS held in June 2011 delivered an ambitious Political Declaration with concrete targets, including the elimination of vertical transmission, for achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2015.",
"82. Tuberculosis is the greatest killer of those with HIV, and collaborative tuberculosis-HIV actions are advancing; yet most multi-drug-resistant cases of tuberculosis remain untreated.",
"83. The malaria burden has fallen significantly since 2000. Growing resources and the scale-up of control interventions have contributed to a 50 per cent reduction in malaria cases and deaths in 43 countries in the period from 2008 to 2010. In sub‑Saharan Africa, enough insecticide-treated mosquito nets were delivered to cover 76 per cent of people at risk.",
"84. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative made record progress, with India and Nigeria reducing cases by 95 per cent compared with 2009. To fully exploit this momentum and eradicate polio in the next two years, additional financial and political support is urgently needed.",
"85. Remarkable progress was also made in reducing measles mortality. Between 2000 and 2008, the number of measles deaths dropped by 78 per cent; these averted deaths represent one quarter of the decline in mortality from all causes among children under 5 years of age.",
"86. Current and projected non-communicable-disease burdens and their impact on economic development galvanized the international community to call for the holding in 2011 of a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. Thirty-six million people die annually from non-communicable diseases; 25 per cent of them are under 60 years of age, and most reside in developing countries.",
"87. Looking forward, the principal challenge is to ensure social protection and the equitable delivery of health services so that all can enjoy improved health outcomes. An important element of this agenda will be a renewed focus on meeting the sanitation challenge. Having access to sanitation not only increases health but has a multiplying impact on well-being and economic productivity. Solutions exist — they simply need to be implemented.",
"C. Countering terrorism",
"88. Terrorism remains a major threat to international peace and security. The Secretary-General’s principal response mechanism, the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force, consisting of 31 entities within and outside the United Nation system, pushed ahead with implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The Task Force worked to enhance interaction with Member States and build in-depth knowledge of the Strategy through regular briefings to the General Assembly, regional workshops and the upgrading of external communications. It produced reports on coordination in the event of nuclear or radiological terrorist attacks, countering the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes, and basic human rights reference guides on the stopping and searching of persons. It established a Working Group on Border Management to provide guidance for the implementation of counter-terrorism-related border-control measures called for within the Strategy. Together with the European Union and United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia, it launched a project to assist Member States in the region in implementing the Strategy in all its pillars.",
"89. While the primary responsibility of implementing the Strategy rests with Member States, the United Nations system will continue to support the implementation of the Strategy by developing good practices, strengthening collaboration among partners and delivering as one to those countries that request assistance.",
"D. Disarmament and non-proliferation",
"90. Following the successful outcome of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the States parties have begun translating the commitments made at the Conference into agreed “actions” relating to nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.",
"91. The Russian Federation and the United States of America brought into force the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty further limiting deployments of their strategic nuclear weapons. The nuclear-weapon States have initiated a process of dialogue on systematic and progressive efforts to accomplish the complete elimination of their nuclear arsenals. Preparations are under way for a conference in 2012 on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems.",
"92. States and members of civil society continued to explore the specific requirements for achieving a world free of nuclear weapons, including by means of a universal and effectively verifiable nuclear weapons convention. In August 2010, the Secretary-General became the first in his official capacity to attend the peace memorial ceremony in Hiroshima, Japan. Paying respect to survivors and all those who perished in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 66 years ago, he stressed that the time has come to realize the dream of a world free of nuclear weapons.",
"93. A source of great concern remains the lack of substantive progress made by the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. Further work is needed to implement the recommendations made at the high-level meeting on revitalizing the work of the Conference on Disarmament and taking forward multilateral disarmament negotiations, which was convened at the initiative of the Secretary-General on 24 September 2010.",
"94. There has been no progress on a peaceful and negotiated denuclearization of the Korean peninsula through the six-party talks.",
"95. Concern persists with respect to the nuclear programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran.",
"96. New issues have emerged in the context of the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. In the light of the global ramifications of the crisis, the Secretary-General underscored the role that international organizations can play as well as the importance of joint and coordinated efforts in addressing such challenges. In April 2011, at the Kyiv Summit on the Safe and Innovative Use of Nuclear Energy, the Secretary-General called for concrete measures for strengthening nuclear safety. In this regard, he launched a United Nations system-wide study on the implications of the nuclear accident at Fukushima. The study will be issued as a report of the Secretary-General in an effort to facilitate the high-level meeting on nuclear safety and security to be held on 22 September 2011.",
"97. With respect to conventional armaments, States must continue making good progress towards an arms trade treaty, which the Secretary-General considers of the utmost importance. The excessive accumulation and the easy availability of small arms and light weapons in zones of conflict and crime remain a profound concern.",
"98. The Secretary-General attaches importance to the cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations, as well as to the role of civil society organizations in regions affected by cross-border arms trafficking, unsecured weapons stockpiles and rising armed violence. He believes that the adoption of the Central African Convention for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons, Their Ammunition and All Parts and Components That Can Be Used for Their Manufacture, Repair and Assembly represents an important contribution in this regard.",
"99. The United Nations will continue to work with Member States to maintain and reinvigorate effective disarmament and non-proliferation norms.",
"Chapter IV",
"Creating a stronger United Nations",
"A. The Secretariat, the intergovernmental machinery, system-wide coherence and regional organizations",
"100. In the context of a struggling global economy — and the subsequent budget reductions in a number of countries worldwide — the United Nations is being asked to do more with less. Various initiatives currently under way regarding reform of the intergovernmental machinery, as well as the process to make the work of the United Nations system more coherent, will enhance the Organization’s role in setting and implementing the global agenda.",
"1. The Secretariat",
"101. The Secretary-General has launched four complementary processes aimed at delivering a more effective and efficient United Nations. First, he has proposed a budget with a view to reducing the overall United Nations budget by more than 3 per cent. Second, he has asked the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to collaborate on a system-wide reform effort. Third, he has mobilized all senior managers to propose specific ideas for changing the way the United Nations works and does business. Fourth, he has established a change management team to deepen reform efforts.",
"102. Collectively, these efforts will build on the progress made over the past year to strengthen accountability, performance and results, including the development of a framework for implementing results-based management, which will be presented to Member States in the latter part of 2011, and a policy on enterprise risk management that is currently being piloted in selected departments.",
"103. The Secretariat has made good progress in preparing for the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards, which will introduce internationally accepted best practices, enhance transparency, in particular in relation to the costs of programmes, improve internal controls and significantly improve the stewardship of assets. With regard to Umoja, the enterprise resource planning project, efforts to ensure that the potential benefits of increasingly harmonized and streamlined business practices across the Secretariat are delivered will have to be redoubled in the light of challenges resulting from delays in project implementation.",
"104. Excellence in human resources management is central to achieving the Secretary-General’s vision of a global, adaptable Organization that is responsive and flexible, supports a culture of empowerment and performance and allows staff to learn and grow. We have made progress in this area with the recent reforms on contracts and conditions of service. We will continue our work to improve recruitment, career development and the way in which staff members move around the Organization.",
"2. The intergovernmental machinery",
"105. Over the past year, the General Assembly addressed crucial issues relating to the global development agenda and beyond, including through the holding of thematic debates on topics such as disaster risk reduction, investment in and financing of productive capacities in the least developed countries, the rule of law, global migration and global governance.",
"106. A new impetus has been felt in the efforts of Member States to reform the Security Council, particularly in the increasingly concrete and specific proposals being put forth by delegations within the framework of intergovernmental negotiations.",
"107. The Security Council, in dealing with the upheaval in the Arab world, invoked the responsibility to protect with respect to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Its agenda was otherwise dominated by overseeing peacekeeping and political missions on four continents, with particular attention to the Southern Sudan independence referendums and enforcement action in Côte d’Ivoire. Thematic areas of focus included preventive diplomacy, terrorism, post-conflict peacebuilding, women and peace and security, and the interdependence of security and development. The Council also undertook efforts to ensure the full and fair implementation of existing sanctions regimes, including by the active engagement of the newly created Ombudsman, to ensure that the Organization’s counter-terrorism efforts are in compliance with human rights norms.",
"108. The Economic and Social Council worked in new ways to mobilize the international community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Its high-level meeting strengthened the global partnership for development and improved policy coordination among major institutional stakeholders, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. The annual ministerial review succeeded in advancing the agreed education agenda. The Council also reviewed the United Nations system’s approach to gender issues and made recommendations to accelerate progress.",
"3. System-wide coherence",
"109. Since the General Assembly adopted its landmark resolution 64/289 on system-wide coherence on 2 July 2010, notable advances have been achieved in its implementation. On 1 January 2011, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), became operational. UN-Women brings together resources and mandates for greater impact by merging and building on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the United Nations system dedicated to gender issues. Combining global norm-setting responsibilities into one entity and giving it the means to provide operational support to countries to implement those norms and standards will allow the United Nations to significantly step up efforts to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide.",
"110. Efforts continue to be made to improve how the United Nations delivers as one. An independent evaluation is being conducted on the lessons learned from pilot countries. The voluntary adoption of common country programme documents opens up the possibility of eliminating duplication and overlap between agency-specific programmes. This year, the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination made noteworthy progress in the implementation of the Plan of Action for the Harmonization of Business Practices in the United Nations System and the adoption of a coordinated system approach on a fairer, greener and sustainable globalization.",
"4. Regional organizations",
"111. The United Nations carried forward efforts to strengthen its partnerships with regional organizations, illustrated by co-deployments, joint mediation, mediation capacity-building, joint training, the exchange of best practices, desk-to-desk dialogues and the establishment of liaison offices.",
"112. The establishment of the United Nations Office to the African Union has brought additional focus to strategic partnership with that organization. The United Nations partnership with the Southern African Development Community in conflict prevention, mediation and elections made a qualitative leap forward with the signing of a framework for cooperation and the deployment of a liaison team to Gaborone. The new United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa in Libreville has already ensured enhanced collaboration with the Economic Community of Central African States, helping to strengthen the regional organization’s early warning and mediation capacity.",
"113. The United Nations established a partnership liaison office in Brussels, further institutionalizing peace and security cooperation with the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.",
"114. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the United Nations strongly reaffirmed their ties during their third joint summit, and cooperation with the Caribbean Community was strengthened by the participation of the Secretary-General, for the first time ever, in its thirty-first Conference of Heads of Government.",
"B. Global constituencies",
"115. Civil society, the business community and academia make essential contributions towards United Nations goals, in particular the Millennium Development Goals. In the past year, the United Nations has taken steps to increase engagement, learning from experiences with the goal of developing truly transformational partnerships to help tackle pressing challenges.",
"1. Strengthening partnerships with civil society",
"116. The Organization expanded and deepened its interaction with civil society, including through the United Nations Academic Impact initiative, which already includes more than 650 institutions of higher education in 104 countries.",
"117. More than 6,000 non-governmental organization representatives working on the United Nations economic, social and environmental development agenda participated in meetings of the Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary bodies, contributing the voice of grass-roots organizations and communities.",
"118. United Nations information centres worldwide work with civil society in nearly 50 languages through such high-profile campaigns as those related to the Millennium Development Goals, climate change and sustainable development, Stand-Up and Take Action against Poverty and UNiTE to End Violence against Women. Several United Nations information centres in North Africa and the Middle East played an instrumental role in maintaining an open dialogue with various communities during the tumultuous changes that occurred across the region.",
"2. Engaging the business community",
"119. An advanced network of private sector experts from more than 30 United Nations entities are focusing on helping the Organization move towards transformational partnerships that address systemic challenges globally and locally.",
"120. Work is under way, linked to the Guidelines on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Business Sector, to enhance due diligence and screening mechanisms for partner selection. A new United Nations business website has facilitated dozens of engagements, matching corporate resources with organizational needs, as well as supporting disaster relief linked to crises in Haiti, Japan, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Pakistan.",
"121. The business community has also worked through the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative, with 9,000 participants in over 135 countries. The Global Compact platforms on women’s empowerment, anti-corruption, climate and water are bringing business actions to critical areas. The United Nations hosted the third Private Sector Forum in September 2010, with executives and Governments identifying concrete actions by business to help close Millennium Development Goal gaps. The successful integration of the business community through the “private sector track” at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Istanbul, provides a model for closer engagement around United Nations summits such as Rio+20.",
"Chapter V",
"122. As we look to the next five years, we recognize that the need for the United Nations has never been greater and that meeting the diversity of needs and demands placed on us will not be easy. We must ensure that this Organization serves its entire membership — from the least developed to the most developed States and all their people. Much of our engagement will need to build on the achievements of the past five years.",
"123. Achieving sustainable development is imperative. Not only must we redouble our efforts on the Millennium Development Goals so that they can be met by 2015; we will also need to develop a vision and agree on a framework for promoting development post-2015. We will further need to design strategies and adopt action plans to address the 50-50-50 challenge. By the year 2050, the world’s population will have reached over 9 billion — 50 per cent more than a decade ago — and by that time the world must have cut global greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent. A crucial part of addressing this agenda will be forging a sustainable global energy strategy.",
"124. In the area of peace and security, the past five years have begun to witness the positive impact that a strengthened United Nations prevention capacity can have when it is harnessed by Member States to help them defuse internal and cross-border tensions. We must continue to deepen and expand the preventive services that we are able to provide Member States.",
"125. During the past five years, we have seen the increasing complexity of peacekeeping operations and have been forced to stretch scarce resources to meet broad mandates. During the past two years, we have begun to rethink and restructure the way in which we support missions. We are thinking creatively about how we can increase our agility and better leverage potential partnerships to ensure that we have the capacities necessary to meet needs on the ground, whether related to peacekeeping missions, peacebuilding efforts or political missions. Our next challenge is to implement additional necessary changes to ensure that we are able to continue to provide peace and security to the people we serve.",
"126. Haiti, Pakistan and Japan provided us with a glimpse of what the future might hold in terms of the shape and magnitude of disasters. We have entered the era of mega-disasters, and the past few years have shown us that we must be better equipped and configured to adequately address them. We have begun to take steps to modify the way we do business, reshaping our response strategies and placing a much higher premium on disaster risk reduction. In addition, in order to bolster capacities, the United Nations has begun to forge new types of partnerships with the business community and with civil society and is experimenting with new technologies that coordinate responders and link responders to victims. These efforts will need to be accelerated over the next five years if we are to meet the humanitarian challenges that are likely to be coming our way.",
"127. The events of the past year have reminded us all of the vital importance of the normative standards that our Organization sets for the world. We have supported the call for democracy in the Middle East and North Africa, and we have urged the international community to protect civilians from egregious violations of their rights in Côte d’Ivoire and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. We have seen the important positive impact that this advocacy work can have in supporting the people on the front lines fighting for human rights, the rule of law and democracy, as well as the responsibility to protect. Now we must go beyond advocacy and help both Government and non-governmental actors that want to effect change to institutionalize these norms and values. As the next five years will be crucial in determining the path that many transitions will take, it is essential that we rapidly upgrade our abilities to support countries engaged in building democratic structures and processes.",
"128. The global challenges of the past decades — climate change, weapons proliferation, disease and terrorism — will not disappear. We will need to continue to strengthen and deepen the international collaboration that we have already forged. We must also, however, be ready for new challenges that we will have to face together, not least those posed by demographic patterns.",
"129. Finally, in order to deliver externally, we must take an honest look inward and work with Member States to ensure that our organizational structures, our work processes and our staff are optimally configured to meet the challenges of the next decade. We have already launched an important change initiative that will introduce greater effectiveness and efficiency throughout the Organization over the next five years.",
"130. Periods of global transition present huge challenges but also tremendous opportunities for advancing humanity’s progress. Together, no challenge is too large. Together, nothing is impossible.",
"Millennium Development Goals, targets and indicators, 2011: statistical tables",
"Goal 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger",
"Target 1.A Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day",
"Indicator 1.1 Proportion of population living below $1.25 purchasing power parity (PPP) per day^(a,b)",
"1990 1999 2005",
"Developing regions 45.5 36.1 26.9",
"Northern Africa 4.5 4.4 2.6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 57.5 58.3 50.9",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 11.3 10.9 8.2",
"Caribbean 28.8 25.4 25.8",
"Latin America 10.5 10.2 7.4",
"Eastern Asia 60.1 35.6 15.9",
"Southern Asia 49.5 42.2 38.6",
"Southern Asia excluding India 44.6 35.3 30.7",
"South-Eastern Asia 39.2 35.3 18.9",
"Western Asia 2.2 4.1 5.8",
"Oceania — — —",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 6.3 22.3 19.2",
"Least developed countries 63.3 60.4 53.4",
"Landlocked developing countries 49.1 50.7 42.8",
"Small island developing States 32.4 27.7 27.5",
"^(a) High-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, are excluded.",
"^(b) Estimates by the World Bank, March 2011.",
"Indicator 1.2 Poverty gap ratio^(a,b)",
"1990 1999 2005",
"Developing regions 15.4 11.6 8.0",
"Northern Africa 0.8 0.8 0.5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 26.3 25.8 20.7",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 3.9 3.8 2.8",
"Caribbean 13.4 12.7 12.8",
"Latin America 3.5 3.4 2.3",
"Eastern Asia 20.7 11.1 4.0",
"Southern Asia 14.5 11.2 9.8",
"Southern Asia excluding India 14.2 9.9 8.1",
"South-Eastern Asia 11.1 9.6 4.2",
"Western Asia 0.6 1.0 1.5",
"Oceania — — —",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2.1 7.5 5.4",
"Least developed countries 27.5 24.7 19.9",
"Landlocked developing countries 21.9 20.2 15.5",
"Small island developing States 14.4 12.3 11.9",
"^(a) The poverty gap ratio measures the magnitude of poverty. It is the result of multiplying the proportion of people who live below the poverty line (at $1.25 PPP per day) by the difference between the poverty line and the average income of the population living under the poverty line.",
"^(b) High-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, are excluded.",
"Indicator 1.3 Share of poorest quintile in national consumption",
"No global or regional data are available.",
"Target 1.B Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people",
"Indicator 1.4 Growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) per person employed",
"(a) Annual growth rate of GDP per person employed",
"2000 2010^(a)",
"World 2.9 3.1",
"Developing regions 3.9 5.2",
"Northern Africa 2.5 2.7",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.5 1.8",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 1.9 3.0",
"Eastern Asia 6.9 8.5",
"Southern Asia 2.4 4.8",
"South-Eastern Asia 4.3 5.0",
"Western Asia 7.6 3.0",
"Oceania -6.0 3.7",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 5.5 2.7",
"Developed regions 2.7 3.0",
"Least developed countries 2.2 2.1",
"Landlocked developing countries 2.3 2.4",
"Small island developing States 3.1 4.9",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"(b) GDP per person employed",
"(2005 United States dollars (PPP))",
"2000 2010^(a)",
"World 18 272 21 828",
"Developing regions 8 163 12 211",
"Northern Africa 16 528 18 994",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 4 389 5 294",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 21 047 23 013",
"Eastern Asia 6 058 13 431",
"Southern Asia 5 378 7 978",
"South-Eastern Asia 7 109 9 774",
"Western Asia 33 722 39 743",
"Oceania 5 590 5 883",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7 062 12 527",
"Developed regions 56 565 64 345",
"Least developed countries 2 174 3 053",
"Landlocked developing countries 3 398 4 905",
"Small island developing States 21 611 25 938",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"Indicator 1.5 Employment-to-population ratio",
"(a) Total",
"1991 2000 2009 2010^(a)",
"World 62.2 61.5 61.2 61.1",
"Developing regions 64.3 63.2 62.7 62.7",
"Northern Africa 43.4 43.1 45.8 45.9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 62.6 62.6 64.3 64.4",
"Latin America and the 56.4 58.1 60.6 60.7 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 74.4 73.9 70.3 70.2",
"Southern Asia 58.5 56.9 58.3 58.5",
"South-Eastern Asia 68.3 67.1 65.9 65.8",
"Western Asia 48.0 45.3 43.6 43.5",
"Oceania 65.9 66.3 66.4 66.1",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 57.4 54.9 59.1 59.8",
"Developed regions 56.6 55.8 55.4 54.8",
"Least developed countries 70.2 68.5 69.1 69.1",
"Landlocked developing 67.4 67.1 69.5 69.7 countries",
"Small island developing States 55.2 56.7 57.9 57.7",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"(b) Men, women and youth, 2009^(a)",
"Men Women Youth",
"World 72.9 49.2 44.3",
"Developing regions 75.8 49.4 45.3",
"Northern Africa 69.8 22.3 28.5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 74.1 54.9 47.4",
"Latin America and the 74.6 47.5 44.3 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 75.9 64.3 54.5",
"Southern Asia 78.5 37.4 42.7",
"South-Eastern Asia 77.5 54.5 44.2",
"Western Asia 66.1 18.9 24.2",
"Oceania 70.2 62.0 50.7",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 66.3 53.9 39.4",
"Developed regions 61.5 48.5 38.1",
"Least developed countries 78.9 59.5 54.9",
"Landlocked developing 77.6 62.2 57.0 countries",
"Small island developing States 69.3 46.5 41.5",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"Indicator 1.6",
"Proportion of employed people living below $1.25 (PPP) per day",
"(a) Total number",
"1991 1999 2009^(a)",
"World 972.8 875.1 631.9",
"Developing regions 970.9 871.4 631.7",
"Northern Africa 2.5 2.2 1.3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 124.7 155.8 184.0",
"Latin America and the 21.8 26.3 17.4 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 444.4 286.2 73.0",
"Southern Asia 264.9 285.5 282.3",
"South-Eastern Asia 104.5 104.9 62.2",
"Western Asia 3.1 3.1 4.2",
"Oceania 1.0 1.1 1.5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 4.0 6.3 5.9",
"Developed regions 1.9 3.7 0.2",
"Least developed countries 151.0 184.7 206.2",
"Landlocked developing 61.9 73.8 77.8 countries",
"Small island developing 3.2 4.1 5.4 States",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"(b) Percentage of total employment",
"1991 1999 2009^(a)",
"World 43.0 33.9 20.7",
"Developing regions 56.1 42.9 25.6",
"Northern Africa 8.0 5.4 2.5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 68.5 67.9 59.1",
"Latin America and the 13.4 13.0 6.9 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 67.4 39.2 9.1",
"Southern Asia 60.7 54.5 41.9",
"South-Eastern Asia 53.5 45.2 22.4",
"Western Asia 8.1 6.4 7.0",
"Oceania 51.2 44.6 44.6",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 16.1 24.6 17.7",
"Developed regions 0.4 0.7 0.0",
"Least developed countries 71.9 71.3 59.8",
"Landlocked developing 60.1 59.9 46.6 countries",
"Small island developing 18.7 20.0 21.8 States",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"Indicator 1.7 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment",
"(a) Both sexes",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"World 55.5 53.5 50.2 50.1",
"Developing regions 69.0 64.8 60.0 59.6",
"Northern Africa 37.2 32.6 33.5 33.3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 81.0 80.0 75.0 75.6",
"Latin America and the 34.9 36.1 31.8 32.2 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 69.6 60.6 52.5 51.2",
"Southern Asia 81.3 79.8 77.5 77.2",
"South-Eastern Asia 69.4 66.1 62.3 61.6",
"Western Asia 42.7 37.5 28.4 28.6",
"Oceania 75.1 76.6 78.4 78.1",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 46.8 57.0 43.9 43.6",
"Developed regions 11.2 11.5 9.9 9.7",
"Least developed countries 86.2 85.0 80.6 80.8",
"Landlocked developing 75.0 78.0 72.9 73.7 countries",
"Small island developing 32.6 35.5 36.3 36.5 States",
"(b) Men",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"World 53.1 51.8 48.9 48.9",
"Developing regions 64.7 61.4 57.2 56.9",
"Northern Africa 33.2 30.0 28.5 29.1",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 76.4 74.6 68.1 69.1",
"Latin America and the 34.5 35.4 31.3 31.6 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 63.8 56.1 49.2 48.1",
"Southern Asia 77.9 76.7 74.8 74.4",
"South-Eastern Asia 65.0 62.4 59.5 58.8",
"Western Asia 35.7 32.0 25.4 25.4",
"Oceania 70.6 72.0 73.7 73.4",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 49.7 56.5 42.9 42.9",
"Developed regions 11.3 12.0 10.8 10.7",
"Least developed countries 83.2 81.0 75.6 76.1",
"Landlocked developing 72.2 74.4 68.7 69.8 countries",
"Small island developing 32.3 36.1 37.4 37.6 States",
"(c) Women",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"World 59.2 56.1 52.1 51.8",
"Developing regions 75.9 70.3 64.4 63.8",
"Northern Africa 51.9 41.2 48.9 46.5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 87.6 87.4 84.2 84.2",
"Latin America and the 35.8 37.3 32.6 33.2 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 76.7 66.2 56.6 55.0",
"Southern Asia 89.8 87.6 83.8 83.4",
"South-Eastern Asia 75.5 71.2 66.2 65.4",
"Western Asia 67.4 57.6 40.0 40.6",
"Oceania 81.0 82.0 83.8 83.5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 43.5 57.7 45.1 44.4",
"Developed regions 11.0 10.9 8.7 8.5",
"Least developed countries 90.2 90.5 87.2 86.9",
"Landlocked developing 78.3 82.4 78.0 78.3 countries",
"Small island developing 32.9 34.6 34.8 35.0 States",
"Target 1.C Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from hunger",
"Indicator 1.8 Prevalence of underweight children under 5 years of age^(a)",
"(a) Total",
"1990 2009",
"Developing regions 30 23",
"Northern Africa 10 6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 27 22",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 10 4",
"Eastern Asia 15 6",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 11 5",
"Southern Asia 52 43",
"Southern Asia excluding India 59 39",
"South-Eastern Asia 30 18",
"Western Asia^(b) 11 7",
"Oceania — —",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7 5",
"^(a) Data are from 64 countries, covering 73 per cent of the under-5 population in developing regions. Prevalence of underweight children is estimated according to World Health Organization Child Growth Standards. For the Caucasus and Central Asia, the baseline for trend analysis is 1996, since there are not sufficient data for 1990.",
"^(b) Regional aggregate covers only 47 per cent of the regional population, owing to lack of data from Yemen.",
"(b) By sex, 2003-2009",
"Boys Girls Boy-to-girl ratio",
"Developing regions 24 24 1.01",
"Northern Africa 7 5 1.29",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 24 21 1.14",
"Latin America and the 4 4 1.12 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 7 7 1.00",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 5 5 1.02",
"Southern Asia 41 42 0.97",
"Southern Asia excluding India 37 39 0.96",
"South-Eastern Asia — — —",
"Western Asia — — —",
"Oceania 21 15 1.44",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 6 6 1.11",
"(c) By residence, 2003-2009",
"Rural Urban",
"Developing regions 28 14",
"Northern Africa 7 5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 25 15",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 7 3",
"Eastern Asia 8 3",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 6 4",
"Southern Asia 45 33",
"Southern Asia excluding India 41 31",
"South-Eastern Asia — —",
"Western Asia — —",
"Oceania 20 12",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7 4",
"(d) By household wealth, 2003-2009",
"Poorest Richest quintile quintile",
"Developing regions 38 15",
"Northern Africa 8 4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 28 13",
"Latin America and the Caribbean — —",
"Eastern Asia — —",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 7 3",
"Southern Asia 55 20",
"Southern Asia excluding India 48 24",
"South-Eastern Asia — —",
"Western Asia — —",
"Oceania — —",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7 4",
"Indicator 1.9 Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption",
"1990-1992 1995-1997 2000-2002 2005-2007",
"World 16 14 14 13",
"Developing regions 20 18 16 16",
"Northern Africa <5 <5 <5 <5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 31 31 30 26",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 12 11 10 8",
"Caribbean 26 28 22 24",
"Latin America 11 10 9 7",
"Eastern Asia 18 12 10 10",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 8 11 13 12",
"Southern Asia 21 19 20 21",
"Southern Asia excluding India 26 26 23 23",
"South-Eastern Asia 24 18 17 14",
"Western Asia 6 8 8 7",
"Oceania — — — —",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 16 13 17 9",
"Developed regions <5 <5 <5 <5",
"Least developed countries 40 41 36 32",
"Landlocked developing countries 34 34 30 26",
"Small island developing States 24 25 21 21",
"Goal 2 Achieve universal primary education",
"Target 2.A Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling",
"Indicator 2.1 Net enrolment ratio in primary education^(a)",
"(a) Total",
"1991 1999 2009 \n World 82.7 83.9 89.7 \n Developing regions 80.5 82.1 89.0 \n Northern Africa 80.0 86.0 94.3 \n Sub-Saharan Africa 53.5 57.9 76.2 \nLatin America and theCaribbean\t85.7\t93.5\t95.0\n Caribbean 67.6 78.0 76.1 \n Latin America 87.2 94.8 96.6 \n Eastern Asia 97.4 95.1 95.6 \n Eastern Asia excluding China 97.2 95.9 97.5 \n Southern Asia 77.0 79.2 90.9 \nSouthern Asia excludingIndia\t67.7\t69.1\t77.2\n South-Eastern Asia 94.0 93.0 94.5 \n Western Asia 82.0 83.1 88.3 \n Oceania — — — \n Caucasus and Central Asia — 94.3 92.7 \n Developed regions 96.3 97.1 95.8 \n Least developed countries 52.2 57.8 79.6 \nLandlocked developingcountries\t55.5\t63.8\t81.2\n Small island developing States 70.4 78.9 76.0",
"(b) By sex",
"1991 2000 2009\n Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls",
"World 86.6 78.7 86.8 80.9 90.6 88.8",
"Developing regions 85.0 75.9 85.4 78.7 90.0 87.9",
"Northern Africa 86.7 73.0 89.2 82.6 96.0 92.4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 58.2 48.8 61.5 54.1 78.0 74.5",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 87.8 83.6 94.1 92.8 95.1 94.9",
"Caribbean 67.3 68.0 77.7 78.3 75.5 76.7",
"Latin America 89.5 84.9 95.5 94.1 96.7 96.4",
"Eastern Asia 98.9 95.8 94.2 96.0 94.1 97.3",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 97.6 96.9 96.6 95.3 97.9 97.0",
"Southern Asia 84.7 68.7 86.3 71.6 92.6 89.1",
"Southern Asia excluding India 74.2 60.9 74.4 63.6 79.8 74.6",
"South-Eastern Asia 95.7 92.3 94.2 91.9 95.0 93.9",
"Western Asia 86.2 77.6 88.0 78.0 91.0 85.5",
"Oceania — — — — — —",
"Caucasus and Central Asia — — 94.6 94.0 93.2 92.0",
"Developed regions 96.4 96.1 97.0 97.1 95.3 96.3",
"Least developed countries 57.8 46.5 61.5 54.0 81.0 78.1",
"Landlocked developing countries 61.5 49.4 68.6 59.0 83.7 78.6",
"Small island developing States 71.2 69.6 79.7 78.2 77.0 75.0",
"^(a) Primary- and secondary-level enrolees of official primary school age per 100 children of the same age, defined as the number of pupils of the theoretical school age for primary education enrolled either in primary or secondary school, expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group. Ratios correspond to school years ending in the years for which data are presented.",
"Indicator 2.2 Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary school^(a,b)",
"(a) Total",
"1991 2000 2009",
"World 80.1 81.9 88.5",
"Developing regions 77.2 79.6 87.3",
"Northern Africa 72.2 81.1 91.7",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 50.8 51.2 66.9",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 83.7 96.9 101.0",
"Caribbean 58.7 71.3 77.0",
"Latin America 85.4 98.8 102.8",
"Eastern Asia 106.3 97.9 95.9",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 95.0 98.3 98.1",
"Southern Asia 64.4 69.3 86.0",
"Southern Asia excluding India 55.2 62.3 65.3",
"South-Eastern Asia 85.7 92.3 100.1",
"Western Asia 77.6 78.5 84.3",
"Oceania 60.8 63.6 61.6",
"Caucasus and Central Asia — 94.6 95.9",
"Developed regions 96.7 97.9 97.7",
"Least developed countries 39.9 45.0 61.0",
"Landlocked developing countries 52.0 55.2 65.7",
"Small island developing States 61.9 72.3 75.0",
"(b) By sex",
"1991 2000 2009\n Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls",
"World 84.0 75.7 84.6 78.9 89.5 87.3",
"Developing regions 81.9 72.0 82.7 76.2 88.4 86.1",
"Northern Africa 79.9 64.1 84.2 77.9 93.0 90.3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 55.0 45.0 55.3 46.4 70.6 63.0",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 82.8 84.6 96.5 97.3 100.5 101.6",
"Caribbean 57.3 60.0 70.4 72.2 76.5 77.4",
"Latin America 84.5 86.3 98.5 99.2 102.2 103.3",
"Eastern Asia — — 97.9 97.8 94.2 97.8",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 95.2 94.9 98.6 98.0 98.4 97.8",
"Southern Asia 73.8 54.3 75.8 62.3 87.5 84.4",
"Southern Asia excluding India 61.2 48.9 66.5 58.0 68.7 61.6",
"South-Eastern Asia 86.5 84.9 92.7 92.0 99.8 100.4",
"Western Asia 83.3 71.7 83.7 73.1 88.0 80.4",
"Oceania 64.6 56.8 67.5 59.5 65.5 57.6",
"Caucasus and Central Asia — — 95.8 93.4 96.6 95.1",
"Developed regions — — 97.8 97.7 98.1 97.0",
"Least developed countries 44.9 33.4 48.7 40.5 64.1 57.8",
"Landlocked developing countries 56.5 47.4 60.5 49.7 69.2 62.0",
"Small island developing States 61.8 62.0 72.5 72.0 75.8 74.2",
"^(a) Since there are no regional averages for the official indicator, the table displays the gross intake ratio at last grade of primary, which corresponds to the “total number of new entrants in the last grade of primary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population of the theoretical entrance age to the last grade” (Global Education Digest 2009: Comparing Education Statistics Across the World, Montreal, Canada, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics, 2009), annex B, p. 255.",
"^(b) The primary completion rates correspond to school years ending in the years for which data are presented.",
"Indicator 2.3 Literacy rate of 15- to 24-year-olds, women and men",
"(a) Total^(a)",
"(Percentage who can both read and write)",
"1990 2000 2009",
"World 83.2 87.1 89.3",
"Developing regions 80.1 84.8 87.7",
"Northern Africa 67.5 79.3 86.6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 65.3 68.7 72.0",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 91.7 96.1 97.0",
"Caribbean 86.8 — 89.5",
"Latin America 92.1 96.7 97.6",
"Eastern Asia 94.6 98.9 99.4",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 99.4 — 99.6",
"Southern Asia 60.3 73.7 79.7",
"Southern Asia excluding India 56.4 67.3 76.7",
"South-Eastern Asia 94.4 96.3 97.7",
"Western Asia 87.4 91.7 93.2",
"Oceania 72.5 74.8 74.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 99.8 99.8 99.9",
"Developed regions 99.6 99.6 99.6",
"Least developed countries 55.6 65.3 70.2",
"Landlocked developing countries 62.1 68.4 71.7",
"Small island developing States 84.9 86.9 87.6",
"^(a) The regional averages presented in this table are calculated using a weighted average of the latest available observed data point for each country or territory for the reference period. UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimates have been used for countries with missing data.",
"(b) By sex^(a)",
"(Percentage who can both read and write)",
"1990 2000 2009\n Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls",
"World 87.7 78.6 90.3 83.8 91.9 86.8",
"Developing regions 85.5 74.5 88.6 80.9 90.7 84.8",
"Northern Africa 77.2 57.3 85.2 73.3 90.1 83.0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 72.8 58.3 75.7 62.4 76.7 67.3",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 91.4 92.0 95.8 96.5 96.8 97.2",
"Caribbean 87.3 86.3 — — 89.6 89.4",
"Latin America 91.8 92.4 96.3 97.1 97.3 97.8",
"Eastern Asia 97.1 91.9 99.2 98.6 99.5 99.3",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 99.3 99.5 — — 99.4 99.7",
"Southern Asia 71.6 48.3 81.1 65.6 85.9 73.8",
"Southern Asia excluding India 66.9 45.9 73.9 60.8 80.5 72.6",
"South-Eastern Asia 95.4 93.5 96.6 96.1 97.8 97.5",
"Western Asia 93.4 81.0 95.5 87.8 95.8 90.6",
"Oceania 77.5 67.4 76.9 72.5 73.3 76.5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.9 99.8 99.9",
"Developed regions 99.2 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.6",
"Least developed countries 64.0 47.5 72.2 58.9 74.5 65.9",
"Landlocked developing countries 68.2 56.5 74.8 62.6 77.2 66.5",
"Small island developing States 86.5 83.3 87.7 86.1 87.6 87.7",
"^(a) The regional averages presented in this table are calculated using a weighted average of the latest available observed data point for each country or territory for the reference period. UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimates have been used for countries with missing data.",
"Goal 3",
"Promote gender equality and empower women",
"Target 3.A",
"Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015",
"Indicator 3.1 Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education",
"(a) Primary education^(a)",
"1991 2000 2009",
"World 0.89 0.92 0.96",
"Developing regions 0.87 0.91 0.96",
"Northern Africa 0.82 0.90 0.95",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.83 0.85 0.92",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.98 0.97 0.97",
"Caribbean 0.99 0.98 0.96",
"Latin America 0.98 0.97 0.97",
"Eastern Asia 0.92 1.01 1.04",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 1.00 0.98 0.98",
"Southern Asia 0.77 0.83 0.95",
"Southern Asia excluding India 0.79 0.81 0.92",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.97 0.96 0.97",
"Western Asia 0.86 0.86 0.92",
"Oceania 0.90 0.90 0.89",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0.99 0.99 0.98",
"Developed regions 0.99 1.00 1.00",
"Least developed countries 0.80 0.83 0.93",
"Landlocked developing countries 0.83 0.82 0.92",
"Small island developing States 0.96 0.96 0.94",
"^(a) Using gross enrolment ratios.",
"(b) Secondary education^(a)",
"1991 2000 2009",
"World 0.84 0.91 0.97",
"Developing regions 0.78 0.88 0.96",
"Northern Africa 0.79 0.93 0.98",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.76 0.82 0.79",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 1.07 1.07 1.08",
"Caribbean 1.12 1.08 1.04",
"Latin America 1.07 1.07 1.08",
"Eastern Asia 0.77 0.93 1.06",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 0.97 0.98 0.98",
"Southern Asia 0.61 0.75 0.89",
"Southern Asia excluding India 0.63 0.85 0.92",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.90 0.95 1.03",
"Western Asia 0.68 0.74 0.86",
"Oceania 0.83 0.89 0.88",
"Caucasus and Central Asia — 0.98 0.98",
"Developed regions 1.01 1.01 1.00",
"Least developed countries 0.60 0.77 0.82",
"Landlocked developing countries 0.87 0.83 0.85",
"Small island developing States 1.07 1.04 1.01",
"^(a) Using gross enrolment ratios.",
"(c) Tertiary education^(a)",
"1991 2000 2009",
"World 0.91 0.98 1.08",
"Developing regions 0.71 0.82 0.97",
"Northern Africa 0.59 0.74 0.98",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.53 0.67 0.63",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.98 1.17 1.26",
"Caribbean 1.35 1.38 1.61",
"Latin America 0.95 1.16 1.23",
"Eastern Asia 0.53 0.67 1.03",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 0.54 0.63 0.77",
"Southern Asia 0.50 0.65 0.74",
"Southern Asia excluding India 0.36 0.67 0.87",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.96 0.96 1.09",
"Western Asia 0.64 0.78 0.87",
"Oceania 0.56 0.81 0.86",
"Caucasus and Central Asia — 0.91 1.07",
"Developed regions 1.10 1.20 1.30",
"Least developed countries 0.38 0.59 0.58",
"Landlocked developing countries 0.82 0.81 0.87",
"Small island developing States 1.24 1.31 1.50",
"^(a) Using gross enrolment ratios.",
"Indicator 3.2",
"Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector",
"(Percentage of employees)",
"1990 2000 2005 2009",
"World 35.0 37.5 38.4 39.6",
"Developing regions 28.8 31.7 32.6 33.8",
"Northern Africa 19.0 18.8 18.6 18.8",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 23.5 28.1 30.2 32.6",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 36.4 40.4 41.5 43.0",
"Eastern Asia 38.1 39.7 40.9 41.7",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 40.1 42.3 44.0 44.8",
"Southern Asia 13.3 17.1 18.1 19.4",
"Southern Asia excluding India 14.6 18.4 18.0 19.0",
"South-Eastern Asia 34.6 36.9 36.8 37.6",
"Western Asia 14.9 16.8 17.5 18.7",
"Oceania 33.3 35.5 35.2 36.2",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 43.8 44.2 45.3 45.2",
"Developed regions 44.3 46.2 47.1 48.3",
"Indicator 3.3",
"Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament^(a,b)",
"1990 2000 2005 2011^(b)",
"World 12.8 13.7 15.9 19.3",
"Developing regions 11.6 12.3 14.2 18.0",
"Northern Africa 2.6 3.3 8.5 11.7",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 9.6 12.6 14.2 19.6",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 11.9 15.2 19.0 23.0",
"Caribbean 22.1 20.6 26.0 31.3",
"Latin America 8.6 13.2 16.4 20.0",
"Eastern Asia 20.2 19.9 19.4 19.5",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 17.8 14.6 17.2 14.5",
"Southern Asia 5.7 6.8 8.8 18.2",
"Southern Asia excluding India 5.9 5.9 9.0 20.1",
"South-Eastern Asia 10.4 12.3 15.5 17.6",
"Western Asia 4.5 4.2 3.9 9.4",
"Oceania 1.2 3.6 3.0 2.3",
"Caucasus and Central Asia — 7.0 9.9 16.1",
"Developed regions 16.1 16.3 19.8 22.5",
"Least developed countries 8.7 9.9 13.0 19.9",
"Landlocked developing countries 14.2 7.8 13.4 22.9",
"Small island developing States 15.2 14.0 17.9 21.2",
"^(a) Single or lower house only.",
"^(b) As of 31 January 2011.",
"Goal 4 Reduce child mortality",
"Target 4.A Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate",
"Indicator 4.1 Under-five mortality rate^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009",
"World 89 77 60",
"Developing regions 99 84 66",
"Northern Africa 80 46 26",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 180 160 129",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 52 33 23",
"Caribbean 76 58 48",
"Latin America 50 32 21",
"Eastern Asia 45 36 19",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 28 29 17",
"Southern Asia 122 95 69",
"Southern Asia excluding India 131 101 78",
"South-Eastern Asia 73 48 36",
"Western Asia 68 45 32",
"Oceania 76 65 59",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 78 62 37",
"Developed regions 15 10 7",
"Least developed countries 178 146 121",
"^(a) Deaths of children before reaching the age of 5 per 1,000 live births.",
"Indicator 4.2",
"Infant mortality rate^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009",
"World 62 54 44",
"Developing regions 68 59 48",
"Northern Africa 61 38 24",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 109 98 82",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 41 28 20",
"Caribbean 54 43 38",
"Latin America 41 26 18",
"Eastern Asia 36 29 18",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 18 22 14",
"Southern Asia 87 70 55",
"Southern Asia excluding India 95 76 61",
"South-Eastern Asia 50 36 29",
"Western Asia 53 36 27",
"Oceania 56 49 46",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 64 52 34",
"Developed regions 12 8 6",
"Least developed countries 112 93 79",
"^(a) Deaths of children before reaching age 1, per 1,000 live births.",
"Indicator 4.3 Proportion of 1-year-old children immunized against measles^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009",
"World 72 71 82",
"Developing regions 71 69 80",
"Northern Africa 85 93 94",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 56 55 68",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 76 92 93",
"Eastern Asia 98 84 94",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 95 87 95",
"Southern Asia 57 56 75",
"Southern Asia excluding India 60 68 85",
"South-Eastern Asia 70 81 88",
"Western Asia 77 84 82",
"Oceania 70 66 58",
"Caucasus and Central Asia — 93 92",
"Developed regions 81 92 94",
"Least developed countries 54 60 77",
"^(a) Children aged 12-23 months who received at least one dose of measles vaccine.",
"Goal 5 Improve maternal health",
"Target 5.A Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio",
"Indicator 5.1 Maternal mortality ratio^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008",
"World 400 340 260",
"Developing regions 440 370 290",
"Northern Africa 230 120 92",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 870 790 640",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 140 110 85",
"Caribbean 320 230 170",
"Latin America 130 99 80",
"Eastern Asia 110 63 41",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 110 110 110",
"Southern Asia 590 420 280",
"Southern Asia excluding India 640 490 370",
"South-Eastern Asia 380 230 160",
"Western Asia 140 98 70",
"Oceania 290 260 230",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 70 69 54",
"Developed regions 26 17 17",
"Least developed countries 900 750 590",
"^(a) Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.",
"Indicator 5.2 Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel",
"1990 2009",
"World 59 68",
"Developing regions 55 65",
"Northern Africa 45 81",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 42 46",
"Latin America and the 70 88 Caribbean^(a)",
"Caribbean^(a) 67 69",
"Latin America^(a) 70 90",
"Eastern Asia 94 99",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 97 99",
"Southern Asia 32 50",
"Southern Asia excluding India 27 42",
"South-Eastern Asia 49 72",
"Western Asia 62 78",
"Oceania 54 56",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 93 97",
"Developed regions 99 99",
"^(a) Includes only deliveries in health-care institutions.",
"Target 5.B Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health",
"Indicator 5.3 Contraceptive prevalence rate^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008",
"World 55.4 61.5 62.9",
"Developing regions 52.3 59.6 61.3",
"Northern Africa 44.0 58.8 60.5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 13.4 20.1 21.7",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 62.0 71.2 72.9",
"Caribbean 53.7 59.9 61.8",
"Latin America 62.7 72.1 73.8",
"Eastern Asia 77.7 85.7 84.2",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 73.9 76.6 76.2",
"Southern Asia 39.9 46.7 53.9",
"Southern Asia excluding India 30.2 46.2 48.0",
"South-Eastern Asia 47.9 57.0 62.3",
"Western Asia 44.4 50.6 55.2",
"Oceania 29.4 32.2 36.7",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 54.3 59.7 55.6",
"Developed regions 68.8 71.1 72.2",
"Least developed countries 17.7 28.1 31.4",
"Landlocked developing countries 24.5 30.7 33.7",
"Small island developing States 49.7 53.9 55.4",
"^(a) Among women aged 15-49 who are married or in a union.",
"Indicator 5.4 Adolescent birth rate^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008",
"World 59.8 51.5 50.5",
"Developing regions 64.8 56.0 54.4",
"Northern Africa 43.0 33.3 29.9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 124.1 122.9 122.0",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 91.1 87.6 80.7",
"Caribbean 80.9 77.1 68.5",
"Latin America 91.9 88.4 81.6",
"Eastern Asia 15.3 5.8 6.0",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 4.0 3.1 2.5",
"Southern Asia 89.3 59.4 52.6",
"Southern Asia excluding India 121.0 77.4 69.0",
"South-Eastern Asia 53.5 40.3 44.1",
"Western Asia 63.8 52.7 52.3",
"Oceania 82.8 63.3 61.2",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 44.7 28.2 29.3",
"Developed regions 33.9 25.5 24.0",
"Least developed countries 133.4 121.2 121.9",
"Landlocked developing countries 105.8 106.6 107.1",
"Small island developing States 77.1 71.7 63.9",
"^(a) Births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years.",
"Indicator 5.5 Antenatal care coverage (at least one visit and at least four visits)",
"(a) At least one visit^(a)",
"1990 2009",
"World 64 81",
"Developing regions 64 81",
"Northern Africa 51 79",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 68 78",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 78 95",
"Caribbean 89 93",
"Latin America 77 95",
"Eastern Asia 70 91",
"Southern Asia 51 70",
"Southern Asia excluding India 22 58",
"South-Eastern Asia 72 92",
"Western Asia 62 84",
"Oceania 77 79",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 90 96",
"^(a) Proportion of women aged 15-49 years who received antenatal care during pregnancy from skilled health personnel at least once.",
"(b) At least four visits^(a)",
"1990 2009",
"World 35 51",
"Developing regions 35 51",
"Northern Africa 20 57",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 44 43",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 69 84",
"Caribbean 59 72",
"Latin America 70 85",
"Southern Asia 23 44",
"Southern Asia excluding India 10 26",
"South-Eastern Asia 46 69",
"Western Asia 32 54",
"^(a) Proportion of women aged 15-49 years who received antenatal care during pregnancy from any provider (skilled or unskilled) at least four times.",
"Indicator 5.6 Unmet need for family planning^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008",
"World 13.8 11.5 11.1",
"Developing regions 14.3 11.7 11.3",
"Northern Africa 19.4 11.2 9.6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 26.2 24.1 24.8",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 15.8 10.3 9.9",
"Caribbean 19.5 20.4 20.2",
"Latin America 15.6 9.7 9.3",
"Eastern Asia 3.3 2.4 2.3",
"Southern Asia 20.3 17.2 14.7",
"Southern Asia excluding India 23.6 23.3 20.6",
"South-Eastern Asia 15.5 10.9 10.9",
"Western Asia 15.7 13.7 12.3",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 14.4 12.4 12.5",
"Least developed countries 25.4 23.9 24.0",
"Landlocked developing countries 24.3 24.1 23.8",
"^(a) Among women, married or in a union, of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years).",
"Goal 6",
"Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases",
"Target 6.A",
"Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS",
"Indicator 6.1",
"(a) HIV incidence rates^(a)",
"1990 2009",
"World 0.08 0.06",
"Developing regions 0.09 0.08",
"Northern Africa 0.01 0.01",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.57 0.40",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.04 0.04",
"Caribbean 0.09 0.08",
"Latin America 0.04 0.03",
"Eastern Asia 0.01 0.01",
"Southern Asia 0.04 0.02",
"South-Eastern Asia (including 0.04 0.04 Oceania)",
"Western Asia <0.01 <0.01",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0.01 0.03",
"Developed regions 0.05 0.03",
"^(a) “HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years” was chosen as a proxy indicator for the incidence rate when the indicators for the Millennium Declaration were developed. However, the estimated incidence rate among people 15-49 years is now available for all regions and 60 countries. Therefore, HIV incidence rate data are presented here together with HIV prevalence data among population aged 15-49 years.",
"(b) HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years",
"1990 2001 2009\n Estimated Adults Estimated Adults Estimated Adults adult (15+) adult (15+) adult (15+) (15-49) living (15-49) living (15-49) living HIV with HIV with HIV HIV with HIV prevalence HIV who prevalence who prevalence who are are are women women women",
"World 0.3 44 0.8 51 0.8 52",
"Developing regions 0.3 49 0.9 53 0.9 54",
"Northern Africa <0.1 29 <0.1 30 0.1 30",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 2.1 56 5.5 59 4.7 60",
"Latin America and the 0.3 28 0.5 35 0.5 37 Caribbean",
"Caribbean 0.6 48 1.1 54 1 53",
"Latin America 0.3 25 0.4 32 0.4 35",
"Eastern Asia <0.1 25 <0.1 28 0.1 29",
"Eastern Asia <0.1 29 <0.1 30 <0.1 31 excluding China",
"Southern Asia <0.1 28 0.3 35 0.3 37",
"Southern Asia <0.1 27 0.1 30 0.1 30 excluding India",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.2 16 0.4 34 0.4 34 (including Oceania)",
"Western Asia <0.1 30 <0.1 30 <0.1 30",
"Oceania <0.1 54 0.4 57 0.8 57",
"Caucasus and Central <0.1 32 <0.1 37 0.1 37 Asia",
"Developed regions 0.2 18 0.3 31 0.4 35",
"Least developed 1.4 55 2.2 58 2 58 countries",
"Landlocked developing 2.4 57 3.9 58 3 58 countries",
"Small island 0.4 48 0.8 52 0.8 51 developing States",
"Indicator 6.2 Condom use at last high-risk sex,^(a) 2005-2010^(b)",
"Women Men\n Number of Percentage Number of Percentage countries who used a countries who used a covered by condom at covered by condom at surveys last surveys last high-risk high-risk sex sex",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 34 34 27 48",
"Caribbean 3 37 2 56",
"Southern Asia 1 22 2 38",
"Oceania 3 34 4 48",
"^(a) Percentage of young women and men aged 15-24 years reporting the use of a condom during sexual intercourse with a non-regular (non-marital and non-cohabiting) sexual partner in the last 12 months, among those who had such a partner in the last 12 months.",
"^(b) Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified.",
"Indicator 6.3 Proportion of population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS,^(a) 2005-2010^(b)",
"Women Men\n Number of Percentage Number of Percentage countries who have countries who have covered by comprehensive covered by comprehensive surveys knowledge surveys knowledge",
"World^(c) 91 21 — —",
"Developing regions^(c) 82 20 — —",
"Northern Africa 2 7 1 18",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 37 26 28 33",
"Caribbean 5 43 2 37",
"Southern Asia 5 17 2 36",
"Southern Asia excluding India 4 10 — —",
"South-Eastern Asia 6 24 — —",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 8 20 — —",
"^(a) Percentage of young women and men aged 15-24 years who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject two common local misconceptions and who know that a healthy-looking person can transmit the AIDS virus.",
"^(b) Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified.",
"^(c) Excludes China.",
"Indicator 6.4 Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans aged 10-14 years,^(a) 2005-2010^(b)",
"Number of countries School attendance with data ratio",
"Developing regions 44 0.81",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 33 0.92",
"Caribbean 2 0.82",
"Southern Asia 2 0.73",
"^(a) Ratio of the current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 years both of whose biological parents have died, to the current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 years both of whose parents are still alive and who currently live with at least one biological parent.",
"^(b) Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified.",
"Target 6.B Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it",
"Indicator 6.5 Proportion of population with advanced HIV infection with access to antiretroviral drugs^(a,b)",
"2004 2006 2008 2009",
"World^(b) 6 15 28 36",
"Developing regions 6 16 29 37",
"Northern Africa 10 21 29 25",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 3 14 28 37",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 34 41 48 50",
"Caribbean 5 14 30 38",
"Latin America 39 44 49 51",
"Eastern Asia 6 16 19 23",
"Eastern Asia excluding China <1 <1 <1 <1",
"Southern Asia 2 7 18 24",
"Southern Asia excluding India 1 2 4 6",
"South-Eastern Asia and Oceania 12 24 39 46",
"Western Asia 44 38 52 57",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2 12 22 26",
"Least developed countries 4 14 30 39",
"Landlocked developing countries 5 17 35 47",
"Small island developing States 5 15 31 40",
"^(a) Antiretroviral treatment coverage among people with CD4 counts of less than 350.",
"^(b) Includes only low- and middle-income economies as defined by the World Bank.",
"Target 6.C Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases",
"Indicator 6.6 Incidence and death rates associated with malaria",
"(a) Incidence^(a)",
"World 69",
"Northern Africa 0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 248",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 7",
"Caribbean 14",
"Latin America 6",
"Eastern Asia 0",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 15",
"Southern Asia 20",
"Southern Asia excluding India 12",
"South-Eastern Asia 32",
"Western Asia 20",
"Oceania 225",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0",
"Least developed countries 173",
"Landlocked developing countries 148",
"Small island developing States 98",
"^(a) Number of new cases per 1,000 population, 2009, in malaria-endemic countries.",
"(b) Deaths^(a)",
"All ages Children under 5",
"World 24 182",
"Northern Africa 0 0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 96 519",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 1 3",
"Caribbean 4 11",
"Latin America <0.5 1",
"Eastern Asia <0.5 <0.5",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 0 0",
"Southern Asia 2 8",
"Southern Asia excluding India 1 5",
"South-Eastern Asia 6 18",
"Western Asia 6 15",
"Oceania 55 163",
"Caucasus and Central Asia <0.5 <0.5",
"Least developed countries 70 384",
"Landlocked developing countries 67 351",
"Small island developing States 30 146",
"^(a) Number of deaths per 100,000 population, 2009, in malaria-endemic countries.",
"Indicator 6.7 Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under insecticide-treated bednets, 2008‑2010",
"(a) Total",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (24 countries) 31^(a)",
"^(a) Data for a subset of 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa with trend data showed that the use of insecticide-treated bednets among children increased from 2 per cent in 2000 to 31 per cent in 2010. Calculation includes data available as at 31 April 2011.",
"(b) By sex",
"Boys Girls",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (21 countries) 27 27",
"(c) By residence",
"Urban Rural",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (23 countries) 28 33",
"Indicator 6.8 Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate anti‑malarial drugs, 2008-2010",
"(a) Total",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (34 countries) 36",
"(b) By residence",
"Urban Rural",
"Southern Asia (3 countries) 41 36",
"Indicator 6.9 Incidence, prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis",
"(a) Incidence",
"(Number of new cases per 100,000 population, including HIV-infected)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \nWorld\t128\t(114:144)\t136 (129:144)\t137 (131:145)\nDeveloping regions\t155\t(135:174)\t163 (153:172)\t164 (155:173)\nNorthern Africa\t58\t(47:69)\t48 (43:52)\t42 (39:46)\nSub-Saharan Africa\t176\t(159:194)\t316 (300:333)\t345 (326:363)\nLatin America and the Caribbean\t88\t(73:103)\t61 (56:66)\t44 (41:48)\nCaribbean\t95\t(67:122)\t91 (78:104)\t79 (67:90)\nLatin America\t87\t(71:103)\t59 (54:64)\t42 (39:45)\nEastern Asia\t136\t(105:167)\t109 (90:128)\t100 (88:112)\nSouthern Asia\t172\t(117:227)\t172 (148:197)\t173 (149:196)\nSouth-Eastern Asia\t238\t(191:284)\t226 (205:247)\t217 (197:237)\nWestern Asia\t59\t(48:70)\t49 (44:54)\t33 (30:36)\nOceania\t202\t(131:273)\t194 (161:226)\t190 (162:219)\nCaucasus and Central Asia\t116\t(92:141)\t135 (123:146)\t134 (123:146)\nDeveloped regions\t39\t(33:46)\t36 (33:39)\t27 (25:29)\nLeast developed countries\t212\t(183:240)\t272 (258:287)\t275 (261:289)\nLandlocked developing countries\t167\t(148:187)\t270 (254:287)\t270 (253:287)\nSmall island developing States\t108\t(86:129)\t104 (94:114)\t104 (95:113)",
"^(a) Lower and upper bounds in brackets.",
"(b) Prevalence",
"(Number of existing cases per 100,000 population, including HIV-infected)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \nWorld\t253\t(200:318)\t231\t(194:275)\t201\t(169:239)\nDeveloping regions\t310\t(233:387)\t280\t(229:331)\t241\t(198:284)\nNorthern Africa\t98\t(56:139)\t65\t(40:89)\t54\t(34:74)\nSub-Saharan Africa\t287\t(231:344)\t456\t(377:534)\t479\t(397:560)\nLatin America and the Caribbean\t148\t(99:198)\t90\t(67:114)\t58\t(43:72)\nCaribbean\t176\t(90:263)\t139\t(81:198)\t111\t(61:162)\nLatin America\t146\t(93:199)\t86\t(62:111)\t54\t(38:69)\nEastern Asia\t284\t(122:446)\t218\t(101:334)\t141\t(63:220)\nSouthern Asia\t359\t(167:551)\t294\t(177:410)\t267\t(154:380)\nSouth-Eastern Asia\t524\t(369:679)\t465\t(349:580)\t344\t(259:429)\nWestern Asia\t94\t(57:131)\t74\t(50:98)\t51\t(35:67)\nOceania\t416\t(163:669)\t250\t(103:396)\t258\t(107:408)\nCaucasus and Central Asia\t224\t(139:308)\t207\t(144:269)\t208\t(147:269)\nDeveloped regions\t66\t(42:89)\t49\t(33:64)\t34\t(23:45)\nLeast developed countries\t397\t(291:502)\t460\t(378:543)\t431\t(358:503)\nLandlocked developing countries\t252\t(202:302)\t372\t(300:445)\t385\t(305:464)\nSmall island developing States\t202\t(131:272)\t152\t(107:198)\t146\t(104:187)",
"^(a) Lower and upper bounds in brackets.",
"(c) Deaths",
"(Number of deaths per 100,000 population, excluding HIV-infected)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \nWorld\t30\t(25:36)\t26\t(24:29)\t20\t(17:22)\nDeveloping regions\t37\t(30:44)\t32\t(29:35)\t23\t(21:26)\nNorthern Africa\t6.6\t(3.3:9.9)\t3\t(2.1:4)\t2.4\t(1.7:3.2)\nSub-Saharan Africa\t32\t(27:38)\t54\t(50:59)\t53\t(48:58)\nLatin America and the Caribbean\t13\t(8.8:17)\t6\t(5.3:6.8)\t3.3\t(2.7:4)\nCaribbean\t21\t(12:29)\t15\t(11:19)\t11\t(7.3:14)\nLatin America\t12\t(7.9:16)\t5.3\t(4.6:6.1)\t2.8\t(2.1:3.4)\nEastern Asia\t37\t(26:48)\t28\t(21:34)\t12\t(7.2:16)\nSouthern Asia\t47\t(28:66)\t33\t(25:41)\t26\t(18:34)\nSouth-Eastern Asia\t52\t(39:66)\t51\t(45:58)\t31\t(25:37)\nWestern Asia\t8.2\t(4.8:12)\t6.2\t(4.6:7.7)\t4.7\t(3.6:5.8)\nOceania\t53\t(28:77)\t17\t(7.8:25)\t20\t(10:29)\nCaucasus and Central Asia\t23\t(16:30)\t22\t(20:23)\t20\t(17:23)\nDeveloped regions\t7.5\t(4.7:10)\t4.8\t(4.5:5.1)\t3.7\t(2.8:4.6)\nLeast developed countries\t49\t(40:59)\t57\t(52:62)\t48\t(44:53)\nLandlocked developing countries\t25\t(21:30)\t41\t(37:46)\t42\t(37:47)\nSmall island developing States\t24\t(17:31)\t15\t(12:18)\t13\t(10:16)",
"^(a) Lower and upper bounds in brackets.",
"Indicator 6.10 Proportion of tuberculosis cases detected and cured under directly observed treatment short course",
"(a) New cases detected under directly observed treatment short course (DOTS)",
"(DOTS smear-positive case detection rate: percentage)^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009 \nWorld\t55\t(49:62)\t45\t(43:48)\t62\t(59:65)\nDeveloping regions\t55\t(49:63)\t43\t(41:46)\t61\t(58:64)\nNorthern Africa\t63\t(53:78)\t90\t(82:98)\t89\t(82:98)\nSub-Saharan Africa\t45\t(41:50)\t38\t(36:40)\t48\t(46:51)\nLatin America and the Caribbean\t53\t(45:64)\t69\t(64:75)\t73\t(68:79)\nCaribbean\t11\t(8.8:16)\t51\t(45:60)\t17\t(15:20)\nLatin America\t56\t(47:69)\t72\t(66:78)\t81\t(75:88)\nEastern Asia\t27\t(22:35)\t35\t(30:43)\t76\t(68:87)\nSouthern Asia\t85\t(65:130)\t50\t(44:58)\t64\t(56:74)\nSouth-Eastern Asia\t50\t(42:62)\t34\t(31:38)\t63\t(57:69)\nWestern Asia\t70\t(59:87)\t64\t(58:70)\t68\t(62:75)\nOceania\t31\t(23:48)\t76\t(65:91)\t74\t(64:87)\nCaucasus and Central Asia\t42\t(34:53)\t68\t(63:75)\t65\t(59:71)\nDeveloped regions\t58\t(50:70)\t81\t(74:89)\t84\t(78:92)\nLeast developed countries\t32\t(28:37)\t35\t(33:37)\t48\t(46:51)\nLandlocked developing countries\t54\t(49:61)\t47\t(44:50)\t49\t(46:52)\nSmall island developing States\t22\t(19:28)\t58\t(53:65)\t45\t(42:50)",
"^(a) Lower and upper bounds in brackets.",
"(b) Patients successfully treated under directly observed treatment short course",
"2000 2008 \n World 69 86 \n Developing regions 69 87 \n Northern Africa 88 87 \n Sub-Saharan Africa 71 80 \n Latin America and the Caribbean 76 77 \n Caribbean 72 76 \n Latin America 77 77 \n Eastern Asia 92 94 \n South Asia 42 88 \n South-Eastern Asia 86 89 \n Western Asia 77 84 \n Oceania 76 70 \n Caucasus and Central Asia 79 74 \n Developed regions 66 59 \n Least developed countries 77 85 \n Landlocked developing countries 75 81 \n Small island developing States 73 75",
"Goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability",
"Target 7.A Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources",
"Indicator 7.1 Proportion of land area covered by forest",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World 32.0 31.4 31.0",
"Developing regions 29.4 28.2 27.6",
"Northern Africa 1.4 1.4 1.4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 31.2 29.5 28.1",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 52.0 49.6 47.4",
"Caribbean 25.8 28.1 30.3",
"Latin America 52.3 49.9 47.6",
"Eastern Asia 16.4 18.0 20.5",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 15.2 14.0 12.8",
"Southern Asia 14.1 14.1 14.5",
"Southern Asia excluding India 7.8 7.3 7.1",
"South-Eastern Asia 56.9 51.3 49.3",
"Western Asia 2.8 2.9 3.3",
"Oceania 67.5 65.1 62.5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 3.9 3.9 3.9",
"Developed regions 36.3 36.6 36.7",
"Least developed countries 32.7 31.0 29.6",
"Landlocked developing countries 19.3 18.2 17.1",
"Small island developing States 64.6 63.7 62.7",
"Indicator 7.2 Carbon dioxide emissions, total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP)",
"(a) Total^(a)",
"(millions of tons)",
"1990 2000 2005 2007 \nWorld\t21839\t23839\t27895\t30121\nDeveloping regions\t6 760\t9 925\t13533\t15955\n Northern Africa 232 333 400 453 \n Sub-Saharan Africa 462 554 648 688 \n Latin America and the Caribbean 1 019 1 334 1 464 1 652\n Caribbean 84 99 105 136 \n Latin America 934 1 235 1 359 1 516\n Eastern Asia 2 988 3 964 6 388 7 670\n Eastern Asia excluding China 527 559 598 638 \n Southern Asia 1 009 1 675 2 061 2 509\n Southern Asia excluding India 319 489 650 766 \n South-Eastern Asia 426 785 1 055 1 173\n Western Asia 617 943 1 126 1 325\n Oceania 6 7 11 9 \nCaucasus and Central Asia\t485^(b)\t329\t380\t477\nDeveloped regions\t14953\t13696\t14100\t13907\n Least developed countries 74 110 164 191 \n Landlocked developing countries 50 399 451 557 \n Small island developing States 139 158 172 183 \nAnnex I countries^(c,d,e)\t14968\t14430\t14902\t14652",
"(b) Per capita",
"1990 2000 2005 2008 \n World 4.1 3.9 4.2 4.4 \n Developing regions 1.7 2.0 2.6 2.9 \n Northern Africa 1.9 2.3 2.6 2.8 \n Sub-Saharan Africa 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 \n Latin America and the Caribbean 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.9 \n Caribbean 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.6 \n Latin America 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.8 \n Eastern Asia 2.5 2.9 4.6 5.4 \n Eastern Asia excluding China 7.4 7.1 7.4 7.8 \n Southern Asia 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.5 \n Southern Asia excluding India 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.6 \n South-Eastern Asia 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.0 \n Western Asia 4.8 5.6 6.0 6.6 \n Oceania 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.9 \nCaucasus and Central Asia\t7.1^(b)\t4.6\t5.1\t6.3\n Developed regions 12.3 11.4 11.5 11.2\n Least developed countries 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 \n Landlocked developing countries 0.3 1.2 1.2 1.4 \n Small island developing States 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.2 \n Annex I countries^(c,d,e) 12.7 11.7 11.8 11.5",
"(c) Per $1 GDP (PPP)",
"1990 2000 2005 2008",
"World 0.60 0.50 0.49 0.46",
"Developing regions 0.64 0.59 0.61 0.58",
"Northern Africa 0.43 0.50 0.49 0.47",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.55 0.53 0.48 0.43",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.29",
"Caribbean 0.60 0.58 0.53 0.62",
"Latin America 0.32 0.30 0.29 0.28",
"Eastern Asia 1.46 0.87 0.94 0.83",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 0.44 0.44 0.38 0.36",
"Southern Asia 0.59 0.61 0.54 0.54",
"Southern Asia excluding India 0.49 0.51 0.51 0.52",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.42 0.47 0.49 0.46",
"Western Asia 0.52 0.59 0.57 0.57",
"Oceania 0.29 0.25 0.38 0.20",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2.31^(b) 1.80 1.30 1.22",
"Developed regions 0.59 0.45 0.41 0.38",
"Least developed countries 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.19",
"Landlocked developing countries 0.20 0.93 0.73 0.71",
"Small island developing States 0.59 0.41 0.37 0.32",
"Annex I countries^(c,d,e) 0.59 0.46 0.43 0.39",
"^(a) Total CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels. Includes CO₂ emissions from solid fuel consumption, liquid fuel consumption, gas fuel consumption, cement production and gas flaring (United States Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center).",
"^(b) 1992 data.",
"^(c) Includes all annex I countries that report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; non-annex I countries do not have annual reporting obligations.",
"^(d) National reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that follows the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines is based on national emission inventories and covers all sources of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. It can be calculated as the sum of emissions for the sectors of energy, industrial processes, agriculture and waste.",
"^(e) Excludes emissions/removals from land use, land-use change and forestry.",
"Indicator 7.3 Consumption of ozone-depleting substances",
"(Tons of ozone depletion potential)",
"1990^(a) 2000 2009",
"Developing regions 236 892 207 991 41 983",
"Northern Africa 6 203 8 129 1 307",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 23 449 9 574 1 787",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 76 048 31 104 5 359",
"Caribbean 2 177 1 669 159",
"Latin America 73 871 29 435 5 200",
"Eastern Asia 103 217 105 762 24 734",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 12 904 14 885 4 363",
"Southern Asia 3 338 28 161 1 904",
"Southern Asia excluding India 3 338 9 466 927",
"South-Eastern Asia 21 108 16 831 2 940",
"Western Asia 3 481 8 299 3 939",
"Oceania 47 129 13",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2 738 928 188",
"Developed regions 828 590 25 364 2 007",
"Least developed countries 1 457 4 791 1 055",
"Landlocked developing countries 3 354 2 395 484",
"Small island developing States 7 162 2 147 434",
"^(a) For years prior to the entry into force of the reporting requirement for a group of substances, missing country consumption values have been estimated at the base year level. This applies to substances in annexes B, C and E, whose years of entry into force are 1992, 1992 and 1994, respectively.",
"Indicator 7.4 Proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits",
"1990 2000 2008",
"Underexploited 9.0 4.1 2.7",
"Moderately exploited 22.3 21.3 11.8",
"Fully exploited 50.0 47.2 52.7",
"Overexploited 8.5 17.7 28.4",
"Depleted 7.4 8.6 3.3",
"Recovering 2.7 1.1 1.0",
"Indicator 7.5 Proportion of total water resources used,^(a) around 2005",
"Developing regions 9.6\n Northern Africa 91.9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 3.3",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 2.0",
"Eastern Asia 15.2",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 1.9",
"Southern Asia 19.7",
"Southern Asia excluding India 19.7",
"South-Eastern Asia 57.8",
"Western Asia 53.4",
"Oceania 7.7",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 165.5",
"Developed regions 0.04",
"Least developed countries 56.0",
"Landlocked developing countries 10.1",
"Small island developing States 4.5",
"^(a) Surface water and groundwater withdrawal as percentage of total actual renewable water resources.",
"Target 7.B Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss",
"Indicator 7.6 Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected",
"(a) Terrestrial and marine^(a,b)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World^(c) 8.1 10.6 12.0",
"Developing regions 7.9 10.6 12.2",
"Northern Africa 3.3 3.7 4.0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 10.7 11.0 11.5",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 9.0 14.7 19.3",
"Caribbean 3.3 3.8 4.6",
"Latin America 9.3 15.1 19.9",
"Eastern Asia 11.5 14.3 15.3",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 3.9 11.4 11.6",
"Southern Asia 5.0 5.6 5.9",
"Southern Asia excluding India 5.4 6.2 6.8",
"South-Eastern Asia 4.6 7.1 7.8",
"Western Asia 3.5 14.2 14.3",
"Oceania 0.5 1.1 3.2",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2.7 3.0 3.0",
"Developed regions 8.3 10.4 11.6",
"Least developed countries 8.9 9.5 9.8",
"Landlocked developing countries 8.9 10.9 11.3",
"Small island developing States 1.5 2.7 4.2",
"^(a) Ratio of protected area (terrestrial and marine combined) to total territorial area. Differences between these figures and those set out in the statistical annex to the Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (see are due to the availability of new data and to revised methodologies.",
"^(b) Protected areas with an unknown year of establishment are included in all years.",
"^(c) Includes territories that are not considered in the calculations of aggregates for developed regions and developing regions.",
"(b) Terrestrial^(a,b)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World^(c) 8.8 11.3 12.7",
"Developing regions 8.8 11.7 13.3",
"Northern Africa 3.3 3.7 4.0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 11.1 11.3 11.8",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 9.7 15.3 20.3",
"Caribbean 9.2 9.9 11.2",
"Latin America 9.7 15.4 20.4",
"Eastern Asia 12.0 14.9 15.9",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 4.0 12.1 12.2",
"Southern Asia 5.3 5.9 6.2",
"Southern Asia excluding India 5.8 6.7 7.3",
"South-Eastern Asia 8.7 13.1 13.8",
"Western Asia 3.8 15.3 15.4",
"Oceania 2.0 3.0 4.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2.7 3.0 3.0",
"Developed regions 8.7 10.7 11.6",
"Least developed countries 9.4 10.0 10.2",
"Landlocked developing countries 8.9 10.9 11.3",
"Small island developing States 4.0 6.3 7.6",
"^(a) Ratio of terrestrial protected area to total surface area. Differences between these figures and those set out in the statistical annex to the Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (see are due to the availability of new data and to revised methodologies.",
"^(b) Protected areas with an unknown year of establishment are included in all years.",
"^(c) Includes territories that are not considered in the calculations of aggregates for the developed regions and developing regions.",
"(c) Marine^(a,b)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World^(c) 3.1 5.2 7.2",
"Developing regions 1.0 2.9 4.0",
"Northern Africa 3.1 3.6 4.6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 1.4 3.1 4.0",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 2.7 8.9 10.8",
"Caribbean 1.1 1.5 2.2",
"Latin America 3.3 11.8 14.3",
"Eastern Asia 0.8 1.4 1.6",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 2.1 2.1 2.3",
"Southern Asia 0.9 1.1 1.2",
"Southern Asia excluding India 0.5 0.6 0.8",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.6 1.3 2.1",
"Western Asia 0.7 2.0 2.2",
"Oceania 0.2 0.6 2.8",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0.2 0.4 0.4",
"Developed regions 5.9 8.5 11.5",
"Least developed countries 0.9 1.9 3.4",
"Landlocked developing 0.0 0.0 0.0 countries^(d)",
"Small island developing States 0.4 1.2 2.8",
"^(a) Ratio of marine protected area to total territorial waters. Differences between these figures and those set out in the statistical annex to the Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (see are due to the availability of new data and to revised methodologies.",
"^(b) Protected areas with an unknown year of establishment are included in all years.",
"^(c) Includes territories that are not considered in the calculations of aggregates for the developed regions and developing regions.",
"^(d) Excludes territorial water claims within inland seas made by some landlocked developing countries.",
"Indicator 7.7 Proportion of species threatened with extinction^(a)",
"(Percentage of species not expected to become extinct in the near future)",
"1986 1990 2000 2008",
"World 85.3 85.0 84.3 83.7",
"Developing regions 84.9 84.7 84.0 83.4",
"Northern Africa 94.3 94.1 93.9 93.6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 87.6 87.6 87.3 87.1",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 84.1 83.8 83.1 82.6",
"Eastern Asia 89.9 89.7 89.0 88.4",
"Southern Asia 84.9 84.8 84.4 84.1",
"South-Eastern Asia 87.9 87.6 86.6 86.0",
"Western Asia 93.5 93.3 92.7 92.2",
"Oceania 91.2 91.0 90.4 90.0",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 95.7 95.5 94.9 94.4",
"Developed regions 90.9 90.6 90.1 89.6",
"^(a) Red List Index (RLI) of species survival for vertebrate biodiversity (mammals, birds and amphibians). RLI is an index of the proportion of species expected to remain extant in the near future without additional conservation action, ranging from 1.0 (equivalent to all species being categorized as of “least concern” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List) to zero (equivalent to all species having become extinct).",
"Target 7.C Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation",
"Indicator 7.8 Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source",
"1990 2008 \n\tTotal\tUrban\tRural Total\tUrban\tRural \n World 77 95 64 87 96 78\n Developing regions 72 93 60 84 94 76\n Northern Africa 86 94 78 92 95 87\n Sub-Saharan Africa 49 83 36 60 83 47\n Latin America and the Caribbean 85 95 63 93 97 80\n Eastern Asia 69 97 56 89 98 82\nEastern Asia excluding China\t96\t97\t93 98\t100\t91\n Southern Asia 75 91 69 87 95 83\n Southern Asia excluding India 82 95 77 85 93 80\n South-Eastern Asia 72 92 63 86 92 81\n Western Asia 85 96 70 90 96 78\n Oceania 51 92 38 50 92 37\nCaucasus and Central Asia\t88\t96\t80 88\t97\t80\nDeveloped regions\t98\t100\t96 99\t100\t97",
"Indicator 7.9 Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility",
"1990 2008\n Total Urban Rural Total Urban Rural",
"World 54 77 36 61 76 45",
"Developing regions 42 65 29 53 68 40",
"Northern Africa 72 91 55 89 94 83",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 28 43 21 31 44 24",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 69 81 39 80 86 55",
"Eastern Asia 43 53 39 56 61 53",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 100 100 100 97 99 92",
"Southern Asia 25 56 13 36 57 26",
"Southern Asia excluding India 42 74 30 50 65 42",
"South-Eastern Asia 46 69 36 69 79 60",
"Western Asia 79 96 53 85 94 67",
"Oceania 55 85 46 53 81 45",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 91 96 86 95 96 95",
"Developed regions 97 99 93 97 99 92",
"Target 7.D By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum-dwellers",
"Indicator 7.10 Proportion of urban population living in slums^(a)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"Developing regions 46.1 39.3 32.7",
"Northern Africa 34.4 20.3 13.3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 70.0 65.0 61.7",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 33.7 29.2 23.5",
"Eastern Asia 43.7 37.4 28.2",
"Southern Asia 57.2 45.8 35.0",
"South-Eastern Asia 49.5 39.6 31.0",
"Western Asia 22.5 20.6 24.6",
"Oceania 24.1 24.1 24.1",
"^(a) Represented by the urban population living in households with at least one of the following four characteristics: lack of access to improved drinking water; lack of access to improved sanitation; overcrowding (three or more persons per room); and dwellings made of non‑durable material. Half of pit latrines are considered improved sanitation. These new figures are not comparable with previously published estimates in which all households using pit latrines were considered slum households.",
"Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development",
"Target 8.A Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non‑discriminatory trading and financial system",
"Includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction — both nationally and internationally",
"Target 8.B Address the special needs of the least developed countries",
"Includes tariff- and quota-free access for least developed countries’ exports; enhanced programme of debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) and cancellation of official bilateral debt; and more generous official development assistance (ODA) for countries committed to poverty reduction",
"Target 8.C Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small island developing States (through the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the outcome of the twenty-second special session of the General Assembly)",
"Target 8.D Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term",
"Official development assistance",
"Indicator 8.1 Net ODA, total and to the least developed countries, as a percentage of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/Development Assistance Committee (OECD/DAC) donors’ gross national income",
"(a) Annual total assistance^(a)",
"(Billions of United States dollars)",
"1990 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010^(b)",
"All developing 52.8 58.6 104.8 104.2 122.0 119.8 128.7 countries",
"Least developed 15.1 16.7 29.7 32.3 37.8 37.4 countries",
"^(a) Includes non-ODA debt forgiveness but excluding forgiveness of debt for military purposes.",
"^(b) Preliminary data.",
"(b) Share of OECD/DAC donors’ gross national income",
"1990 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010^(a)",
"All developing 0.32 0.23 0.30 0.27 0.30 0.31 0.32 countries",
"Least developed 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.10 countries",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"Indicator 8.2 Proportion of total bilateral, sector-allocable ODA of OECD/DAC donors to basic social services (basic education, primary health care, nutrition, safe water and sanitation)",
"1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009",
"Percentage 10.1 14.0 15.7 15.9 19.9 21.0",
"Billions of United States 3.1 3.5 5.8 8.2 12.4 16.7 dollars",
"Indicator 8.3 Proportion of bilateral official development assistance of OECD/DAC donors that is untied^(a)",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"Percentage 67.6 91.1 91.4 88.3 83.9 86.6 84.4",
"Billions of United States 16.3 30.1 49.0 62.2 60.3 80.5 71.1 dollars",
"^(a) Excludes technical cooperation and administrative costs as well as ODA whose tying status is not reported. The percentage of bilateral ODA, excluding technical cooperation and administrative costs, with reported tying status was 99.6 in 2008.",
"Indicator 8.4 ODA received in landlocked developing countries as a proportion of their gross national incomes",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"Percentage 10.3 8.1 7.0 6.2 5.6 5.3 4.6",
"Billions of United States 7.0 12.1 15.0 16.6 18.9 22.6 25.0 dollars",
"Indicator 8.5 ODA received in small island developing States as a proportion of their gross national incomes",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"Percentage 2.6 2.2 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8",
"Billions of United States 2.1 1.8 2.5 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 dollars",
"Market access",
"Indicator 8.6 Proportion of total developed country imports (by value and excluding arms) from developing countries and least developed countries, admitted free of duty",
"1996 2000 2005 2007 2009",
"(a) Excluding arms",
"Developing countries^(a) 53 63 76 82 82",
"of which, preferential^(b) 16 14 17 16 16",
"Northern Africa 52 57 97 97 97",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 78 80 93 96 97",
"Latin America and the 66 75 93 94 94 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 35 52 62 67 67",
"Southern Asia 47 48 58 72 69",
"South-Eastern Asia 59 75 77 80 79",
"Western Asia 34 39 66 96 97",
"Oceania 85 83 89 91 93",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 91 84 94 94 98",
"Least developed countries 68 75 83 89 89",
"of which, preferential^(b) 29 42 28 27 29",
"(b) Excluding arms and oil",
"Developing countries^(a) 54 65 76 78 78",
"of which, preferential^(b) 19 16 20 19 19",
"Northern Africa 20 26 95 95 94",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 88 83 91 93 95",
"Latin America and the 73 81 93 93 93 Caribbean",
"Eastern Asia 35 52 62 67 67",
"Southern Asia 41 46 58 63 62",
"South-Eastern Asia 60 76 77 79 79",
"Western Asia 35 44 87 93 93",
"Oceania 82 79 87 89 92",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 90 69 84 82 90",
"Least developed countries 78 70 80 80 80",
"of which, preferential^(b) 35 35 49 52 53",
"^(a) Includes least developed countries.",
"^(b) The true preference margin is calculated by subtracting from the total duty-free access all products receiving duty-free treatment under the most-favoured-nation regime. The indicators are based on the best available treatment, including regional and preferential agreements.",
"Indicator 8.7 Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products and textiles and clothing from developing countries",
"1996 2000 2005 2009",
"(a) Excluding arms",
"Developing countries 10.5 9.2 8.8 7.8",
"Northern Africa 6.7 7.4 7.2 6.4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 7.4 6.2 6.2 4.5",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 12.1 10.3 9.8 8.0",
"Eastern Asia 9.3 9.5 10.8 10.7",
"Southern Asia 5.4 5.4 4.5 5.5",
"South-Eastern Asia 11.4 10.2 9.2 9.0",
"Western Asia 8.2 7.5 5.0 5.3",
"Oceania 11.5 9.5 8.8 8.4",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 4.8 3.9 3.4 4.1",
"Least developed countries 3.8 3.6 3.0 1.2",
"(b) Textiles",
"Developing countries 7.3 6.5 5.2 5.1",
"Northern Africa 8.0 7.2 4.4 3.9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.9",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 4.7 3.5 1.5 1.3",
"Eastern Asia 7.3 6.7 5.8 5.8",
"Southern Asia 7.1 6.5 6.1 5.8",
"South-Eastern Asia 9.2 8.4 6.0 5.6",
"Western Asia 9.2 8.2 4.6 4.5",
"Oceania 5.9 5.3 4.9 4.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7.3 6.3 5.8 5.7",
"Least developed countries 4.6 4.1 3.2 3.2",
"(c) Clothing",
"Developing countries 11.4 10.8 8.3 8.1",
"Northern Africa 11.9 11.1 8.0 5.9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 8.5 7.9 1.6 1.6",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 8.8 7.8 1.3 1.3",
"Eastern Asia 12.0 11.5 11.0 11.1",
"Southern Asia 10.2 9.6 8.6 8.6",
"South-Eastern Asia 14.2 13.6 10.5 9.4",
"Western Asia 12.6 11.8 8.5 8.3",
"Oceania 8.8 8.3 8.4 8.8",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 12.9 11.8 11.5 10.8",
"Least developed countries 8.2 7.8 6.4 6.4",
"Indicator 8.8 Agricultural support estimate for OECD countries as a percentage of their gross domestic product",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009^(a)",
"Percentage 1.86 1.12 1.04 0.95 0.87 0.86 0.93",
"Billions of United 327 340 369 358 362 379 384 States dollars",
"^(a) Preliminary data.",
"Indicator 8.9 Proportion of ODA provided to help build trade capacity^(a)",
"2001 2003 2005 2007 2008 2009",
"Trade policy and 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 regulations and trade-related adjustment^(b)",
"Economic infrastructure 21.5 14.8 17.2 13.6 18.7 15.1",
"Building productive 16.0 13.4 12.8 13.3 14.8 12.9 capacity",
"Total aid for trade 38.5 29.0 30.7 27.7 34.4 28.9",
"^(a) Aid-for-trade proxies as a percentage of bilateral sector-allocable ODA, World.",
"^(b) Reporting of trade-related adjustment data started in 2007. Only Canada and the European Commission reported.",
"Debt sustainability",
"Indicator 8.10 Total number of countries that have reached their HIPC decision points and number that have reached their HIPC completion points (cumulative)",
"2000^(a) 2011^(b)",
"Reached completion point 1 32",
"Reached decision point but not completion 21 4 point",
"Yet to be considered for decision point 12 4",
"Total eligible countries 34 40",
"^(a) Includes only countries that are heavily indebted poor countries in 2011. Data for 2000 reflect status as of end of each year.",
"^(b) As of March 2011.",
"Indicator 8.11 Debt relief committed under HIPC and Multilateral Debt Relief initiatives^(a)",
"(Billions of United States dollars, cumulative)",
"2000 2011",
"To countries that reached decision or 32 90 completion point",
"^(a) Expressed in end-2009 net present value terms; commitment status as of March 2011.",
"Indicator 8.12 Debt service as a percentage of exports of goods and services^(a)",
"1990 2000 2008 2009",
"Developing regions 18.7 12.5 3.4 3.6",
"Northern Africa 39.8 15.3 6.1 6.9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 11.4 9.4 2.0 3.1",
"Latin America and the 20.6 21.8 6.8 7.2 Caribbean",
"Caribbean 16.8 8.0 11.4 14.6",
"Latin America 20.7 22.2 6.7 7.1",
"Eastern Asia 10.5 5.1 0.6 0.6",
"Southern Asia 17.6 13.7 5.2 3.5",
"Southern Asia excluding India 9.3 11.5 7.7 9.8",
"South-Eastern Asia 16.7 6.5 3.0 4.0",
"Western Asia 26.4 16.2 9.2 9.0",
"Oceania 14.0 5.9 2.8 1.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0.62^(b) 8.4 0.6 1.0",
"Least developed countries 16.8 11.4 2.9 5.6",
"Landlocked developing 14.4 8.6 1.3 1.9 countries",
"Small island developing 13.7 8.7 7.6 9.5 States",
"^(a) Includes countries reporting to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System. Aggregates are based on available data, and for some years, might exclude countries that do not have data on exports of goods and services and net income from abroad.",
"^(b) Data are for 1993.",
"Target 8.E In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable, essential drugs in developing countries",
"Indicator 8.13 Proportion of population with access to affordable essential drugs on a sustainable basis",
"No global or regional data are available.",
"Target 8.F In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications",
"Indicator 8.14 Number of fixed telephone lines per 100 population",
"1990 2000 2009",
"World 9.8 15.9 17.5",
"Developing regions 2.3 7.9 12.2",
"Northern Africa 2.8 7.1 11.3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 1.0 1.4 1.5",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 6.3 14.7 18.2",
"Caribbean 7.0 11.2 10.7",
"Latin America 6.2 15.0 18.8",
"Eastern Asia 2.4 13.8 24.8",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 24.8 42.8 43.9",
"Southern Asia 0.7 3.2 4.3",
"Southern Asia excluding India 1.0 3.4 7.1",
"South-Eastern Asia 1.3 4.8 12.4",
"Western Asia 8.6 16.5 15.3",
"Oceania 3.3 5.2 5.4",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7.9 8.8 12.5",
"Developed regions 37.0 49.2 41.5",
"Least developed countries 0.3 0.5 1.0",
"Landlocked developing countries 2.4 2.8 3.9",
"Small island developing States 7.9 12.9 12.2",
"Indicator 8.15 Cellular subscribers per 100 population",
"1995 2000 2009",
"World 1.6 12.1 68.4",
"Developing regions 0.4 5.4 58.2",
"Northern Africa <0.1 2.7 79.7",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.1 1.7 37.3",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.8 12.3 89.4",
"Caribbean 1.2 7.4 54.2",
"Latin America 0.8 12.6 92.1",
"Eastern Asia 0.5 9.9 57.8",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 3.4 49.9 86.8",
"Southern Asia <0.1 0.4 44.7",
"Southern Asia excluding India <0.1 0.5 46.7",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.7 4.3 79.5",
"Western Asia 0.6 12.7 87.0",
"Oceania 0.2 2.4 25.2",
"Caucasus and Central Asia <0.1 1.3 74.9",
"Developed regions 6.4 39.8 114.3",
"Least developed countries <0.1^(a) 0.3 26.2",
"Landlocked developing countries <0.1 1.1 34.7",
"Small island developing States 1.5 11.0 57.5",
"^(a) 1996 data.",
"Indicator 8.16 Internet users per 100 population",
"1995 2000 2009",
"World 0.8 6.6 26.5",
"Developing regions 0.1 2.1 18.0",
"Northern Africa <0.1 0.7 25.2",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.1 0.5 8.9",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.1 3.9 32.9",
"Caribbean 0.1 2.9 22.3",
"Latin America 0.1 4.0 33.7",
"Eastern Asia 0.1 3.8 31.0",
"Eastern Asia excluding China 1.1 28.7 57.9",
"Southern Asia <0.1 0.5 5.6",
"Southern Asia excluding India <0.1^(a) 0.3 6.6",
"South-Eastern Asia 0.1 2.4 15.2",
"Western Asia 0.1 3.2 27.0",
"Oceania 0.1 1.8 6.4",
"Caucasus and Central Asia <0.1 0.5 18.8",
"Developed regions 3.2 25.1 64.9",
"Least developed countries <0.1^(b) 0.1 2.7",
"Landlocked developing countries <0.1^(a) 0.3 7.1",
"Small island developing States 0.4 5.2 22.3",
"^(a) 1996 data.",
"^(b) 1998 data.",
"Sources: United Nations Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Millennium Development Goals Indicators and Millennium Development Goal Indicators Database (",
"Notes: Except where indicated, regional groupings are based on United Nations geographical regions, with some modifications necessary to create, to the extent possible, homogeneous groups of countries for analysis and presentation. The regional composition adopted for 2011 reporting on Millennium Development Goal indicators is available at, under “Data”.",
"Where shown, “Developed regions” comprises Europe (including Commonwealth of Independent States — Europe countries), Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America.",
"Where shown, “Caucasus and Central Asia” comprises Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.",
] | A_66_1 | [
"United Nations",
"Report by the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations",
"General Assembly",
"Official Protocol Sixth session Supplement 1",
"General Assembly Official Minutes Sixth session Supplement 1",
"[] United Nations • New York 2011",
"Report by the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations",
"ISSN 0252-0044",
"The document numbers (symbols) of the United Nations documents consist of capital letters and numbers. Where such a short description is used in the text, it is a reference to a United Nations document.",
"[26. July 2011]",
"Page\nI.Introduction 1II. Results 2 for the most important\nAccess\nA.Development 21.The 2 Millennium Development Goals and the other internationally agreed\nDevelopment objectives 2.The 3 special needs\nAfrica's B.Frieden 4 and\n1.Preventive 4 diplomacy and support of\nPeace processes\nTwo. Peacekeeping 6\n3.Friedenskonsolidierung 8C.Humanitarian 8\nD.Human rights, 10 rule of law, prevention of genocide and protection responsibility, democracy and good\nGovernment\n1.Human rights 10\n2.Legality 103. Prevention 11 of genocide and the\n4.Democracy 11 and good\nGovernance III. Security 13 of global\nGoods\nA.Climate change 13B.Global 14\nHealth C.combating 15\nTerrorism D. Disarmament 15 and\nUnited Nations Non-Proliferation IV Strengthening 17\nNations A.The 17 Secretariat, the intergovernmental apparatus, system-wide coherence and\nRegional organisations 1.The 17\nSecretariat 2.The 17 intergovernmental\nApparatus 3.System width 18\nCoherence\n4.Regional organisations 19B.Global 19\n1st strengthening 19 of the partnerships with the\nCivil society 2.Inclusion 20\nPrivate sector\nV. Conclusion 21\nAnnex\nMillennium Development Goals,Objectives and Indicators2011:Statistical tables 23",
"Chapter I",
"1. Since 2007, the world has changed significantly. We have seen the broad and profound impact of global food bottlenecks, fuel crises and economic shocks on populations around the world. We witnessed revolutionary revivals and the resurgence of basic democratic movements in North Africa and throughout the Middle East. We have witnessed how the economic relationship of forces has shifted and parts of Africa and Asia have emerged as new engines of global growth. We have learned how the frequency of violent catastrophes has increased and what high costs they have brought about in terms of human lives, livelihoods and development. And we have observed how a number of global challenges that pose a threat to the lives of people around the world and to the long-term survival of our planet are becoming increasingly apparent.",
"Two. We live in a time of global transition. Future generations will probably describe this time as a central turning point in world history, where the status quo was irrevocably weakened and the contours of a new world began to be recorded.",
"3. Over this whole period, the United Nations was committed to putting the needs of the poorest and weakest at the heart of the international agenda. They have spent billions of money on new investments to make faster progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Under the leadership of the United Nations, efforts have been made worldwide to tackle the worst natural disasters and human-induced complex emergency situations by mobilising resources and providing life-saving aid to vulnerable populations. The United Nations has taken important steps to transform the political landscape and thus promote the empowerment of women around the world, have made institutional changes and are committed to fundamental changes in the fight against gender discrimination in politics, at work and at home. We have met complex peacekeeping mandates and have helped Member States with numerous difficult political transitions and delicate elections. We have made ourselves strong for human rights and the rule of law. We have approached the main global challenges facing our generation in front: combating climate change and improving global health, overcoming the tightened situation in issues of disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and initiating measures against terrorism. In each of these areas, we have negotiated significant agreements or reached commitments on global strategies and mobilised resources and capacities to implement internationally agreed action plans.",
"Chapter II",
"Results for the most needy",
"4. Overcoming economic crises, natural and man-made disasters and national conflicts poses a great deal of difficulties in the world's population. The United Nations employees are tirelessly active throughout the world to provide assistance to the poorest and weakest.",
"A. Development",
"Five. In view of the uneven and uncertain recovery of the world economy, many countries are still in a difficult situation. The impact of the financial crisis and the high and highly fluctuating food and energy prices will be felt for years. We urgently need to exceed the threshold for a new era of sustainable development for all. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio-plus-20 Conference) held in Rio de Janeiro for June 2012 will provide a historic opportunity for this. At this conference, the international community must agree on an ambitious and implementable framework that complements the Millennium Development Goals.",
"1. The Millennium Development Goals and the other internationally agreed development goals",
"6. Four years before the agreed target year 2015, the successful fulfilment of several important Millennium targets has come close. The global poverty rate is expected to fall below 15 percent by 2015 and thus significantly below the target of 23 percent. More than 90 percent of the world's population will have access to improved drinking water sources. High progress has been made in increasing educational participation in primary education, even in the poorest countries.",
"7. The number of deaths of children under 5 years of age fell from 12.4 million in 1990 to 8.1 million in 2009, which means that almost 12,000 children died less every day. Although many countries have shown that progress is possible, there is a need for even greater efforts in favour of the poorest and weakest.",
"8. In 2009, nearly a quarter of the children in the developing countries were underweight. Particular attention remains to mother mortality, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and in South Asia. Between 2004 and 2009, the net educational participation rate of developing countries rose by only two percentage points from 87 percent to 89 percent, which dampens the hope of achieving general primary education. In 2009, half of the population of development regions had no access to improved sanitary facilities.",
"9. In general, there are persistent and growing inequalities between the poor and the rich, as well as between land and town. In particular, those who are disadvantaged due to the geographical situation, sex, age or conflict are concerned.",
"10. The greatest progress towards achieving the objectives has been achieved under two conditions: first, when essential health measures such as malaria control, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, vaccination and campaigns have been initiated, and secondly, if the funding has increased the programmes for the direct provision of services and instruments for the needy. The progress made in the objectives, which require structural change and strong political commitment to ensure sustainable and predictable financing, has been far less pronounced. As an example, the development patterns observed in the reduction of hunger and maternal mortality and in the expansion of access to education and improved sanitation can be seen.",
"11. Public development aid reached a record high of $128.7 billion in 2010. However, this amount is significantly below the target of 0.7 percent of the gross domestic product of donor countries for development aid set by the United Nations for 2015. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development drew attention to the fact that bilateral development aid will decrease in the coming years as a result of the slowdown in the global economy.",
"12. The Secretary-General has introduced an integrated implementation framework based on an interactive web-based tracking system and accessible to all actors involved in the global development partnership. This framework will provide an opportunity to increase transparency, to review the commitments and commitments for voting and clarity and thus to contribute to a higher level of accountability.",
"13. At the 2010 Plenary Session of the General Assembly at a high level over the Millennium Development Goals, the countries recognised the challenges, but agreed that the objectives are still achievable and called for the extended application of successful approaches and more intensive collective measures. There was also agreement on the need to gradually focus attention on the time after 2015. Within the system of the United Nations, the Secretary-General has begun to develop ideas on the development framework for the period after 2015, which will lead to concrete recommendations in 2012.",
"14. Important initiatives are currently underway to tackle global and regional challenges in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. In order to address the persistent risk of high and highly fluctuating food prices, the High Level Working Group, established by the Secretary-General, has recommended concrete measures for the global food crisis, both for short-term emergency situations and for the long-term promotion of sustainable food production and nutrition.",
"15. The needs and specific problems of the least developed countries were the focus of the United Nations' fourth conference on this subject held in Istanbul in May 2011. In the action programme that has emerged, the Member States committed to addressing the structural challenges faced by the least developed countries by building production capacities and reducing their susceptibility to economic shocks and to natural and environmental disasters.",
"Two. The special needs of Africa",
"16. Africa remains a central focus for the entire United Nations system. Africa's economic growth has developed steadily lately. Gross domestic product growth accelerated from an average of 2.4 percent in 2009 to 4.7 percent in 2010. However, there are great differences in growth in the continent. The strong increase in food and energy prices in 2011 was particularly devastating for the poor. The absolute number of people living in extreme poverty in the region therefore continues to increase. In Africa there is still high unemployment; At the same time, armed conflicts exacerbate poverty, impair school attendance and create sexual and gender-specific violence.",
"17. The population of Africa, with 1 billion young people, is increasingly seen as a challenge and a chance. 60 percent of Africans are less than 25 years old. In view of the growing youth surplus, greater emphasis must be placed on improving young people's opportunities for education, vocational qualifications and jobs.",
"18. In view of these challenges, development policy and, in particular, the efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and the objectives of the New Partnership supported by the African Union have become even more important for the development of Africa. At the 2010 plenary session of the General Assembly at a high level on the Millennium Development Goals, the international community was asked to comply with its aid commitments to Africa. Although net payments to public development aid for Africa rose from $29.5 billion in 2004 to an estimated $46 billion in 2010, they were still $18 billion below the amount pledged by donors at the Eight Group Summit in Gleneagles (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).",
"19. The United Nations system continues to improve its operational support for the development efforts of African countries. It promotes the implementation of the Declaration on Strengthening Cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union: a framework for the ten-year capacity building programme for the African Union. In partnership with several African governments, it carries out projects that stimulate development financing in areas such as sustainable forest management, and promotes and strengthens the participation of citizens in governance and public administration.",
"20. A number of African countries face enormous challenges in the field of peace and security. The Secretary-General has devoted a considerable amount of time and effort to these problems in close consultation with the African Union and the African regional organisations.",
"B. Peace and security",
"21. Last year the United Nations and the international community had to fight with instability in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East and beyond. The current environment clarifies the need for a flexible world organisation with instruments of preventive diplomacy, peacekeeping and peace consolidation to prevent and resolve violent conflicts.",
"1. Preventive diplomacy and support for peace processes",
"22. The United Nations seeks to anticipate potential conflicts and to contribute to their settlement through preventive diplomacy and mediation efforts.",
"23. In 2011, the United Nations focused on the prevention of violence in connection with elections. For this purpose, they supported Member States such as Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Comoros, Niger, the United Republic of Tanzania and the Central African Republic through good services, strategic advice and technical assistance in the implementation of credible and transparent electoral processes. Worldwide, the United Nations provided electoral aid for about 50 countries and consistently stressed the impartiality, sustainability and cost-effectiveness of the electoral processes.",
"24. The United Nations made an important contribution to the peaceful and successful abstention of the referendum on South Sudan's independence in January 2011. In close cooperation with the African Union's high-level implementation group for Sudan, the United Nations ensured that the international community pursued a common approach, granted extensive technical and logistical assistance to the referendum process and contributed to facilitating the negotiations on the regulations for the period after the referendum. The Secretary-General sent a group of speakers in Sudan to monitor progress and provide good services at a high level. These coordinated efforts resulted in South Sudan's independence on 9th. July and the admission of the country to the United Nations on 14 Juli. However, there are still great challenges that require the continued commitment of the United Nations system.",
"25. In response to the popular uprisings in the Middle East and in North Africa, the United Nations has suggested to all parties to comply with international law, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They have highlighted how important it is to eliminate social and economic inequalities and have offered appropriate support to facilitate a peaceful political transition. The Secretary-General appointed a Special Envoy for the Libyan Arab Dzhamahirija to conduct a dialogue with the local parties to end violence, to overcome the humanitarian consequences of the crisis and to find a political solution. The ongoing crisis planning serves to support a political process that may develop in the course of negotiations between the conflict parties. In addition, the Secretary-General sent several United Nations missions to Yemen to conduct a dialogue with all the groups involved and to contribute to a peaceful solution to the situation.",
"26. The successful establishment of a democratically elected government in Côte d’Ivoire has indicated the sound for numerous upcoming elections in Africa. The United Nations tried to prevent a resurgence of conflicts, including through the activities of integrated peace consolidation missions in Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic. In Kenya, the United Nations continued to provide support for the constitutional revision process, which led to the adoption of a new constitution with enhanced control mechanisms.",
"27. In Somalia, the United Nations worked closely with the Transitional Federal Institutions to promote the implementation of the tasks for the transitional period, namely the Constitution. In addition, the Secretary-General encouraged the international community to combat the harassment of seafarers off the coast of Somalia by deterrent, guaranteeing security, the rule of law and development.",
"28. The United Nations successfully helped Guinea and Niger to return to a constitutional order after unconstitutional changes in government. In Kyrgyzstan, the United Nations contributed to the adoption of a new constitution, to the creation of a credible electoral process and to the reconstituting of a legitimate government.",
"29. In the Middle East, the United Nations set out concrete ways to promote the resumption of the tight negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, to improve the living conditions of the civilian population in Gaza while taking into account the legitimate security concerns of Israel and to achieve the full implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006). Thanks to some of Israel's welcome measures to facilitate access to Gaza, the United Nations has been able to launch a number of reconstruction and economic recovery projects. After an armed conflict on the blue line between the Israeli and the Lebanese army, the United Nations was helping to reduce tensions. Following the incident around the ship convoy of 31 In May 2010, the Secretary-General, in close consultation with Israel and Turkey, set up an investigative committee with the task of making recommendations to avoid future such incidents.",
"30. In Iraq, the United Nations Relief Mission for Iraq set itself up for national reconciliation and mutually acceptable solutions to the status of Kirkuk and other controversial areas. The mission moderated discussions with key stakeholders, in particular on the reimbursement of ownership, the rights of minorities, imprisoned persons, language and educational rights, and contributed in dialogue with Iraq and Kuwait to the solution of the still open questions between the two countries.",
"Date In Nepal, the United Nations continued to support the peace process following the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in Nepal. In Sri Lanka, the Secretary-General set up an expert advisory board on 12 June. In April, the report presented to the United Nations and Sri Lanka was intended to help to address the issue of accountability, which is a decisive step towards national reconciliation and lasting peace.",
"32. In Myanmar, the Secretary-General held active contact with all stakeholders to promote natural reconciliation, democratic transition and respect for human rights. The new government's commitment to closer cooperation with the United Nations could form the basis for more effective engagement. But there is still much to be done to make a real political turn in the country.",
"33. On the other hand, the United Nations supported efforts to establish a peaceful settlement of border disputes, in particular between Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.",
"34. In the Western Sahara, the United Nations held a series of successful informal talks in which the parties were able to agree on new approaches in the negotiation process and several trust-building measures.",
"35. In Cyprus, the United Nations continued to facilitate full negotiations between the leaders of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot people.",
"36. In Central America, violence has drastically increased in connection with organised crime. The positive experiences with the UN-funded International Commission against impunity in Guatemala have attracted international interest, and the United Nations has received new requests for help from El Salvador and Honduras.",
"Two. Peacekeeping",
"37. After the number of uniformed forces reached a historic peak in March 2010, the United Nations peacekeeping force has entered into a consolidation phase with regard to the extent of operations. In June 2011, more than 120,000 uniforms and civil servants worked on four continents in 14 UN peacekeeping missions.",
"38. In Timor-Leste, the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste completed the handover of its police tasks to the national authorities in March 2011. In Liberia, the United Nations Mission in Liberia consolidated progress in planning with the government regarding the subsequent transfer of its security tasks to national institutions and supported the preparations for the elections in October 2011. Following South Sudan's independence on 9 July, a new peacekeeping mission, the United Nations mission in the Republic of South Sudan, was established exclusively for this country.",
"39. For seven peacekeeping operations, the core task remains to contribute to the protection of civilians. In particular in Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire and South Sudan, civil protection is a serious challenge.",
"40. In Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti and Sudan, the peacekeeping forces contributed to the political transition by supporting the national authorities in the abstention of elections and referendums technically and logistically. They also helped to ensure the political and security conditions necessary for the maintenance of free and fair elections. The referendum on South Sudan's self-determination in January 2010, which gave a vote for independence, put the end of the longest civil war in Africa. The North and the South must continue to work together to resolve all the still open questions peacefully. Instability after the elections in Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti has also made us clear how fragile the progress made in the peace process following a conflict is.",
"41. The acute political and military crisis following the 28th The round of presidential elections held in Côte d’Ivoire in November 2010 set the United Nations' ability to protect civilians and to maintain an operation in the state of siege, a trial of parole. The determination of the international community to maintain its common course and to carry out the most important mandatory tasks, in particular as regards the elections, was also put to the test. The Secretary-General worked closely with the African Union, the Economic Community of the West African States and the political leaders of the world to find a peaceful, democratically expressed will of the Ivorian people to resolve the crisis after the elections. In the meantime, the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire, in accordance with the Security Council's mandate, used all necessary means of self-defense and defence of its mandate to protect civilians, in particular by preventing the use of heavy weapons against the civilian population.",
"42. As part of its peacekeeping activities, the United Nations has provided several post-conflict countries with continuous support for state and security institutions. In this context, the United Nations strengthened its permanent police capacity.",
"43. Over the course of last year, the United Nations has made significant progress in drawing up necessary principles of peacekeeping policy and in implementing reforms. The initiatives taken in this regard include the preparation of a strategy for the early stage of peace consolidation, which is intended to serve as a guide for the prioritisation and follow-up of the tasks carried out by the peacekeeping forces on the basis of a mandate from the Security Council in post-conflict situations, as well as extensive efforts to develop minimum standards for operational capacity, to strengthen the processes of resource production and to promote training. Progress has also been made in implementing the five-year Global Strategy to Support Field Operations. In Entebbe (Uganda), a regional service centre with four fully operational support functions was established. In addition, the Secretary-General of the General Assembly presented a new standardised financing model for the first year of peacekeeping operations.",
"44. On eight missions, the Secretariat established integrated strategic frameworks in partnership with the United Nations organisations, funds and programmes, specifying system-wide priorities for the United Nations' commitment to peace and security issues and humanitarian issues.",
"45. The General Assembly approved new harmonised conditions of employment for international officials in field missions to enable field missions to recruit and bind qualified staff.",
"3. Peace consolidation",
"46. The Commission for Peace Consolidation helped to align key players with the support of the priorities set at national level, mobilised resources to support these priorities, and helped national actors to consistently focus on the structure of the institutions and capacities that are crucial to resist a fall in the conflict. There are currently six countries on the Commission's agenda: Burundi, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic. Guinea and Liberia were added within the past nine months.",
"47. In support of peace consolidation efforts, the independent report of the High Level Advisory Group on Civil Capacity in post-conflict situations was also published in February 2011. The report contains a number of recommendations to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the United Nations in providing civilian capacity for post-conflict countries. Following an internal review and consultation with the Member States and other stakeholders, the Secretary-General will endeavour to implement those recommendations that are most likely to contribute to the success of the United Nations on the ground.",
"48. The Peace Consolidation Fund, which provides catalytic financing for peace consolidation, continued its growth trend in 2010 and adopted new countries, improved its partnerships with stakeholders and worked closely with the Peace Consolidation Commission. After $52 million in 2009, a total of $76 million was allocated to 12 countries in 2010, including 4 countries that were declared eligible for support for the first time. The aim of the Peace Consolidation Fund is to raise, assign and issue 100 million dollars annually between 2011 and 2013.",
"C. Humanitarian affairs",
"49. In the period 2010/11, the highest demands were placed on the United Nations humanitarian system, which provided assistance to many millions of people in 30 countries. Droughts, floods and drastically rising fuel prices contributed to a rapid increase in international food prices, affecting millions of poor and needy people worldwide.",
"50. The United Nations was called upon to support the authorities of some states in managing a variety of natural disasters and complex emergency situations, often in an adverse operating environment and with limited human and financial resources. In Pakistan, up to 20 million people – almost 10 percent of the population – were affected by persistent monsoon rainfall. After the devastating earthquake in January 2010, people in Haiti experienced a number of further setbacks, including tropical storms, a cholera outbreak and political unrest. In Côte d’Ivoire, armed conflicts and violence between population groups led up to 200,000 people after the controversial presidential elections; half a million people were expelled in Abidjan alone. In Sudan, tens of thousands of people fled from violence in the run-up to South Sudan. In 2011, more than 8 million people suffered from food insecurity due to the severest drought in the Horn of Africa.",
"51. The crises in Yemen and in the Libyan Arabs called for numerous victims among the civilian population and made many people become internally displaced and refugees. More than 630,000 people fled from the fights in Libyan Arab Dzhamahirija, including 280,000 third-country nationals. The return of these people to their home country was an additional burden for the already weakened communities in Niger, Chad and elsewhere. Japan saw a natural and nuclear disaster at the same time, which faced considerable challenges even a country so well prepared for emergencies.",
"52. For the United Nations, these crises gave clear insights into how the preparation and response of the international humanitarian system to humanitarian emergencies can be improved. Under the leadership of the Emergency Aid Coordinator, the Heads of the Permanent Interinstitutional Committee, including non-governmental partners, began developing a new strategy aimed at improving the management and coordination of humanitarian actions and ensuring that sufficient human and financial resources are deployed to deal with major emergency situations, in particular at the critical early stage, as well as to improve the accountability of both Member States and those concerned.",
"53. The Central Fund for the Reaction to Emergency Situations, an innovative global instrument with low transaction costs, which is to provide financial resources in a rapid and balanced way, received more support from donors. The funds increased from 409 million dollars in 2009 to 428 million dollars in 2010. In May 2011, the total disbursement volume of the fund exceeded $2 billion. Twelve Member States made contributions for the first time and 19 Member States increased their contributions considerably.",
"54. The donations administered by the United Nations in the context of the process of consolidated aid appeals totalled 7 billion dollars, about as much as 2009. However, the percentage share of this amount in the total funds requested to cover the needs fell from 73 to 63 percent.",
"55. The United Nations is currently improving the common planning measures on the basis of a more rigorous determination of needs, monitoring the progress achieved in real time thanks to better technology use, strengthening leadership structures and improving accountability.",
"56. Security problems continued to affect the capacity of humanitarian actors to provide basic services to affected populations. In the recent To Stay and Deliver study commissioned by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Member States are asked not to adopt legislation or to pursue a policy that could undermine humanitarian engagement with non-governmental armed groups.",
"57. In the future, the organisation will promote more effective strategies to reduce the risk of disasters and to limit the susceptibility of communities and states to natural hazards.",
"D. Human rights, the rule of law, the prevention of genocide and protection, democracy and good governance",
"58. As far as human rights, the rule of law, democracy and good governance are concerned, there is a cutting-edge year behind us, not only on the spot with the “Arab Spring” of 2011, but also in view of the intensive debates held at the headquarters.",
"1. Human rights",
"59. The Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights have insisted on the application of international human rights standards in all situations, responded with rapidly dispatched assessment missions to local needs and supported the activities of the Human Rights Council and other human rights mechanisms in dealing with urgent situations.",
"60. Last year there were two audits by the Human Rights Council, one by the Council itself and one by the General Assembly. The completion of the first cycle of the general regular review at the end of 2011 is considered to be an important success of the Council. However, the true sample of this innovative procedure comes with the second cycle from mid-2012, when Member States are to report on progress in implementing the recommendations made in the first cycle.",
"61. In addition, the Human Rights Council extended its field of activity by two new thematic mandates – on the right to peaceful assembly and association and on discrimination against women before the law and in practice – as well as a new country mandate concerning the Islamic Republic of Iran.",
"62. The articulation of global commitments in the field of human rights in the outcome document of the plenary session of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals was a fundamental success. With regard to the continuous consideration of human rights, the strengthening of human rights components in the peace and political missions also achieved important milestones in the field of peace and security. During the political crisis following the presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire, the United Nations underlined the fundamental importance of protecting the civilian population, promoting international law and accounting for those who commit serious violations.",
"Two. Rule of law",
"63. In the Middle East and in North Africa, demands for increased accountability, transparency and the rule of law exert an unprecedented pressure on government reform. The United Nations is prepared to meet the growing demand for its expertise in the field of the rule of law.",
"64. During the last year, the United Nations' state-funding measures were strengthened by a greater emphasis on interinstitutional cooperation; This led to joint programmes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Timor-Leste and other countries. The United Nations supported a wide range of mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court, international investigation committees of the Human Rights Council and international ad hoc and hybrid courts, ensuring accountability for international crimes and the processes of injustice reprocessing.",
"65. Following the success of the ninth meeting of the Assembly of the States Parties to the Rome Statute, the efforts for its universality have produced positive results. Following the visit of the Secretary-General, Tunisia became the first North African country and the fourth member of the League of Arab States became a Party to the Rome Statute. Egypt has also declared its intention to ratify the Rome Statute and join the International Criminal Court.",
"66. The General Assembly gave the mandate for a high-level event on the rule of law to be held at the beginning of the Sixth Session of the Assembly. The event aims to encourage greater commitment to international coordination and thus strengthen the impact of activities in the field of the rule of law.",
"3. Prevention of genocide and protection",
"67. The protection of people was of the highest priority for the Secretary-General, the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Human Rights Council.",
"68. The Special Advisors for the Prevention of Genocide and for Protection Responsibility shall assist the General Assembly in its further treatment of this subject. They carry out joint assessments of the situation in certain countries, issue declarations and make recommendations to the Secretary-General and the United Nations system.",
"69. The joint office has accelerated its activities to build capacity for government officials, regional and sub-regional organisations, civil society and UN officials. Parliamentarians, the media, educators and groups from the public are also more often requesting information and opinions on the respective mandates of the special advisers.",
"4. Democracy and good governance",
"70. The peaceful demonstrations that forced the detachment of the long-term leaders of Egypt and Tunisia also brought pressure to democratic reforms in other countries. From the outset, the Secretary-General actively urged respect for human rights in North Africa and the Middle East and called for the granting of freedom of assembly, speech and information. He called for the immediate end of the use of violence against demonstrators and urged leaders in the region to take into account the legitimate aspirations of people through dialogue and reforms.",
"71. The United Nations Democracy Fund, through which local non-governmental organisations receive worldwide support, has spent nearly 15 million dollars in 64 projects as part of its fourth round of financing. In 2010, the Fund received more than twice as many project proposals as in previous years, an expression of the unprecedented increase in the demands of civil society organisations for democracy. These demands are likely to increase further due to developments in the Arab world and elsewhere.",
"Chapter III",
"Safeguarding global goods",
"72. The current global challenges are complex and far-reaching and strengthen each other. Member States shall use the United Nations assistance to secure global goods by addressing problems such as climate change, illness, terrorism and the spread of conventional and non-conventional weapons.",
"A. Climate change",
"73. The confrontation with climate change is central to securing world peace and global prosperity. In order to meet this challenge, sustainable global cooperation is needed, combined with more rapid national measures to reduce emissions and to increase the resilience to climate change. Every year that we let go without action, human lives, money and the chance to create a safer and more greener future for all.",
"74. In 2010, progress was made on various fronts, not least an increase in transparency and confidence in the multilateral negotiation process.",
"75. Progress has been made at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Cancun (Mexico). Governments agreed to set up a “green climate fund” to formalise their commitments to mitigate climate change, to take concrete preventive measures against deforestation, which causes almost a fifth of the global carbon dioxide emissions, to strengthen technological cooperation and to increase the adaptability of vulnerable populations to climate impact.",
"76. In addition, steps have been taken to improve the provision of funds of $30 billion for the advance financing of measures to support vulnerable population groups in the developing countries and the corresponding reporting. The Secretary-General's high-level advisory group on the financing of climate change concluded that it was difficult, but not impossible, to achieve the goal by 2020 to raise 100 billion dollars a year from public and private sources in the developed countries in order to support the measures implemented in the developing countries for mitigation and adaptation.",
"77. Cancun has given the international community an important instrument. It must now apply this in practice and encourage the implementation of the measures that are urgently required from a scientific point of view. In 2010, the climate change forecasts caused extreme weather events, including large-scale floods, heat waves, fires and heavy rainfall, massive suffering for millions of people in Pakistan, the Russian Federation and northwest China.",
"78. It has never been so clear that as accurate, objective and transparent scientific analyses as possible are necessary as a basis for policy design. For this purpose, the Secretary-General and the Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in August 2010 initiated an independent review of the organisation’s processes and management structure and invited Member States to act in accordance with the conclusions of this.",
"79. The Secretary-General also set up a high-level group for global sustainability, which has the task of presenting a specific roadmap for sustainable, climate-friendly development that addresses the areas of poverty elimination, energy, nutrition, water and other important issues. The recommendations of the group will be published in early 2012 and will make an important contribution to the Rio-plus-20 conference.",
"B. Global Health",
"80. With only five years to reach the Millennium Development Goals, the Secretary-General introduced the Global Strategy for Women and Children in September 2010. The strategy that will give such a high level of commitment to the health of women and children brings together leading representatives from governments, multilateral institutions, including the United Nations, civil society, private foundations, the economy and academic circles. New political commitments have been entered into to implement the strategy, as well as new benefits and funds of $40 billion have been promised. All 192 United Nations Member States reaffirmed their support for the strategy and the establishment of a framework for accountability to ensure that resources are provided and results achieved.",
"81. The global measures against HIV/AIDS have shown effect and the rate of infection is decreasing. Nonetheless, there are five people who start a treatment, who re-infect. The High Level Meeting of the General Assembly held in June 2011 on HIV/AIDS resulted in an ambitious declaration with concrete targets, including the elimination of vertical HIV transmission, with a view to bringing about general access to HIV prevention,",
"82. Tuberculosis is the most common cause of death for people with HIV, and although common measures against tuberculosis/HIV progress, most cases of multiresistant tuberculosis remain untreated.",
"83. The incidence of malaria has fallen significantly since 2000. Over the period from 2008 to 2010, more resources and the drastic expansion of control measures have contributed to a 50 percent decrease in malaria disease and mortality in 43 countries. In sub-Saharan Africa, enough impregnated mosquito nets were distributed to protect 76 percent of endangered people.",
"84. The global initiative to eradicate child paralysis achieved record progress. In India and Nigeria, the number of cases decreased by 95 percent compared to 2009. In order to fully exploit this dynamic and to eradicate child paralysis in the next two years, additional financial and political support is urgently needed.",
"85. Significant progress has also been made in reducing the mortality rate. Between 2000 and 2008, the number of deaths decreased by 78 percent; This alone represents a quarter of the decline in the mortality of children under 5 years due to all causes.",
"86. The current and predicted burden on non-transferable diseases and their impact on economic development led the international community to the call for a high-level meeting of the General Assembly in 2011 on the prevention and control of non-transferable diseases. 36 million people die of these diseases annually; 25 percent of these people are younger than 60 years, and most live in developing countries.",
"87. For the future, the greatest challenge is to ensure social protection and fair health care so that all people can enjoy better health. An important element of this agenda will be the refocusing on addressing the problem of sanitation. Access to sanitary facilities not only leads to better health, but also has multiplier effects on well-being and economic productivity. Solutions are available – they only have to be implemented.",
"C. Fight against terrorism",
"88. Terrorism is still a major threat to world peace and international security. The main mechanism of the Secretary-General for the response to this threat, the counter-terrorism team consisting of 31 bodies within and outside the United Nations system, has led to the implementation of the United Nations' global strategy for combating terrorism. The staff endeavoured to improve cooperation with the Member States and to make a stronger announcement of the strategy by providing regular information to the General Assembly, regional working days and improving external communication. He drew up reports on coordination in the event of nuclear or radiological terrorist attacks and on measures against the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes, as well as basic guidelines on human rights in the maintenance and search of persons. He set up a working group on border management, which has the task of presenting guidelines for the implementation of the border control measures required under the strategy for combating terrorism. Together with the European Union and the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomaty for Central Asia, the team launched a project to support Member States in the region in implementing all pillars of the strategy.",
"89. Although the responsibility for implementing the strategy lies primarily with the Member States, the United Nations system will continue to support implementation by developing good procedures, strengthening cooperation between the partners and supporting countries requesting assistance in the context of a uniform approach.",
"D. Disarmament and non-proliferation",
"90. Following the successful outcome of the Conference of the Parties in 2010 to review the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Contracting States have begun to implement the commitments made at the Conference in agreed ‘nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy.",
"91. The Russian Federation and the United States of America have put into force the new treaty on measures to further reduce and limit strategic offensive weapons, which further restricts the dislocation of their strategic nuclear weapons. The nuclear weapons countries have initiated a process of dialogue on systematic, step-by-step measures to complete their nuclear weapons stocks. In 2012, a conference on the creation of a zone in the Middle East free from weapons of mass destruction and its carrier systems will be prepared.",
"92. The states and representatives from civil society have further explored the concrete conditions for the creation of a world without nuclear weapons, in particular by means of a universal and effectively verifiable Convention on Nuclear Weapons. In August 2010, the Secretary-General was the first to take part in the Peace Memorial in Hiroshima (Japan). He praised the survivors and all those who had died 66 years ago in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and stressed that it was now time to realize the dream of a nuclear-free world.",
"93. The absence of progress in matters of material at the Geneva Disarmament Conference continues to give rise to great concern. Further efforts are needed to make the recommendations of the Secretary-General on 24 In September 2010, a high-level meeting held in Geneva on the revival of the activities of the disarmament conference and the advancement of multilateral disarmament negotiations.",
"94. No progress has been made with regard to a peaceful de-nuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula by means of the six-parteia talks.",
"95. The nuclear programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran continues to give rise to concern.",
"96. New problems have emerged in the context of the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. Against the background of the global impact of the crisis, the Secretary-General underlined the potential role of international organisations and the importance of joint, coordinated measures to tackle such challenges. In April 2011, the Secretary-General at the Kiev Summit called for concrete measures to strengthen nuclear safety on the safe and innovative use of nuclear energy. In this context, he initiated a study of the consequences of the nuclear accident in Fukushima, involving the entire United Nations system. The study will appear as a report by the Secretary-General and will be a basic document for the 22nd The meeting to be held at high level on nuclear safety and security will be held in September 2011.",
"97. As far as conventional weapons are concerned, the states must maintain the high pace of progress towards a treaty on arms trade, which, according to the Secretary-General, is of utmost importance. The excessive accumulation and easy availability of small arms and light weapons in areas dominated by conflicts and crime is highly disturbing.",
"98. The Secretary-General considers that cooperation between the United Nations and regional organisations is important and that civil society organisations play a significant role in regions affected by cross-border arms trade, unsecured arms stocks and an increase in armed violence. An important contribution in this area is, according to the Secretary-General, the adoption of the Central African Convention for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons, their ammunition and all parts and components that can be used to manufacture, repair and assemble these weapons.",
"99. The United Nations, together with the Member States, will continue to work towards maintaining and strengthening effective disarmament and non-proliferation standards.",
"Chapter IV",
"Strengthening the United Nations",
"A. The Secretariat, the intergovernmental apparatus, system-wide coherence and regional organisations",
"100. In the context of the world economy and the subsequent budgetary cuts in a number of countries around the world, the United Nations is required to make more with less resources. Various ongoing initiatives to reform the intergovernmental apparatus and the process of more coherent design of the work of the United Nations system will strengthen the role of the organisation in defining and implementing the global agenda.",
"1. The Secretariat",
"101. The Secretary-General has initiated four complementary processes to make the United Nations more effective and more efficient. Firstly, it has submitted a budget proposal which provides for a reduction in the overall budget of the United Nations by more than 3 percent. Secondly, he asked the United Nations Coordination Council for cooperation on a system-wide reform package. Thirdly, he has prompted all senior executives to make concrete proposals on how the United Nations could change its way of working and its business practices. Fourthly, he set up a team for change management to deepen reform efforts.",
"102. All these efforts will build on the progress achieved during last year in strengthening accountability and increasing performance and results, including the development of a framework for the implementation of the result-oriented management that will be submitted to the Member States at the end of 2011, as well as a policy of organisational risk management that is currently being tested in selected departments.",
"103. The Secretariat has made good progress in preparing for the application of international accounting standards for the public sector. The standards will be used to introduce internationally recognised best practices, to increase transparency, in particular in terms of programme costs, to improve internal consultations and to significantly promote the responsible handling of assets. With regard to the ERP project ‘Umoja’, much greater efforts are needed to ensure that the potential benefits of increasingly harmonised and streamlined business practices throughout the secretariat are actually adjusted despite the problems arising from delayed project implementation.",
"104. Competent human resources management is of central importance if the vision of the Secretary-General is to be realized by a global, flexible, adaptable and reactive organisation that supports a culture of self-responsible action and performance and offers its employees opportunities for learning and development. With the recent reforms of service contracts and employment conditions, we have progressed in this area. We will continue to work to improve recruitment, career development and mobility for staff within the organisation.",
"Two. The intergovernmental apparatus",
"105. Last year, the General Assembly dealt with very important issues relating to the global development agenda and beyond, including thematic debates on issues such as reducing the risk of disasters, investing in production capacities in the least developed countries and corresponding financing, the rule of law, global migration and global governance.",
"106. In the efforts of the Member States to reform the Security Council, a new dynamic has been felt, particularly in the increasingly concrete and specific proposals submitted by the delegations in the framework of intergovernmental negotiations.",
"107. In his treatment of the upheavals in the Arab countries, the Security Council has asserted responsibility for protection in relation to the Libyan Arab Djimahirija. Otherwise, the dominant theme of his agenda was the supervision of peacekeeping and political missions on four continents, with particular attention being paid to the independence representatives in South Sudan and the enforcement measures in Côte d’Ivoire. Among the topics were preventive diplomacy, terrorism, peace consolidation by conflict, women and peace and security, and the interdependence of security and development. The Council also sought to ensure the full and fair application of the existing sanctions regimes, including through the active commitment of the newly deployed ombudsperson, in order to ensure that human rights standards are complied with in the anti-terrorism measures adopted by the Organisation.",
"108. The Economic and Social Council took new steps in its activities to mobilise the international community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. As a result of its high-level meeting, the global development partnership has been strengthened and policy coordination between key institutional stakeholders has been improved, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation and the United Nations Trade and Development Conference. As part of the annual review at ministerial level, the agreed education agenda was successfully advanced. In addition, the Council examined the approach adopted by the United Nations system on equality issues and made recommendations to increase the pace of progress.",
"3. System-wide coherence",
"109. Since the adoption of the groundbreaking Resolution 64/289 on system-wide coherence by the General Assembly on 2. In July 2010, remarkable progress was made in its implementation. On 1 January 2011, the United Nations Office for Gender Equality and Empowerment (UN Women) began its work. In order to increase the effectiveness, the resources and mandates of four previously separate bodies of the United Nations system for equality issues were brought together under one roof on the important work they have done so far. The fact that a body is now responsible for the global standardisation and is equipped with the necessary means to assist countries in the implementation of these standards and standards effectively enables the United Nations to devote itself to the worldwide promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women in the future to a much greater extent.",
"110. Further efforts are being made to improve the United Nations' uniform approach. At present, the findings obtained in the pilot countries of the ‘Unit in Action’ initiative are being evaluated independently. The voluntary creation of joint national programme documents opens up the possibility of eliminating duplications and overlaps between the programmes of individual bodies. This year, the Coordination Council of the Heads of the United Nations System Organisations made significant progress in implementing the action plan for the harmonisation of business practices in the United Nations system and adopting a coordinated system approach for fairer, more environmentally sound and sustainable globalisation.",
"4. Regional organisations",
"111. The United Nations has made further efforts to strengthen its partnerships with regional organisations, expressed in the sending of joint missions, joint mediation activities, the establishment of conciliation capacities, joint training, the sharing of best practices, dialogue at work level and the establishment of liaison offices.",
"112. Through the establishment of the United Nations Office at the African Union, the strategic partnership with this organisation was given additional weight. The partnership between the United Nations and the development community of southern Africa in conflict prevention, mediation and elections has been a step in quality with the signing of a cooperation framework and the sending of a liaison team to Gaborone. The new Regional Office of the United Nations for Central Africa in Libreville has already led to increased cooperation with the Economic Community of the Central African States and contributed to the strengthening of the early warning and mediation capacities of this regional organisation.",
"113. In Brussels, the United Nations has established a liaison office for partnerships, thereby further institutionalising cooperation in peace and security issues with the European Union and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.",
"114. At its third joint summit, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the United Nations strongly affirmed their relations. Cooperation with the Caribbean Community was strengthened by the fact that, for the first time, the Secretary-General took part in its thirty-one conference of Heads of Government.",
"B. Global partners",
"115. Civil society, the private sector and academic circles make indispensable contributions to the United Nations objectives, in particular to the Millennium Development Goals. Last year, the United Nations has taken steps to establish truly transformative partnerships with increased commitment and through their experience, thus contributing to addressing urgent challenges.",
"1. Strengthening partnerships with civil society",
"116. The United Nations has expanded and deepened its interaction with civil society, notably through the United Nations “Academic Impact” (Academic Impact), which has already joined more than 650 higher education institutions in 104 countries.",
"117. More than 6,000 representatives of non-governmental organisations operating in the area of the United Nations Economic, Social and Ecological Development Agenda participated in the meetings of the Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary bodies and gave ear to the voice of basic organisations and local communities.",
"118. The United Nations Information Centres all over the world are working with civil society in almost 50 languages to promote a wide range of campaigns, including campaigns in the field of Millennium Development Goals, climate change and sustainable development, the initiative “Impress poverty” and the campaigns to stop violence against women. Several United Nations information centres in North Africa and the Middle East played a key role in maintaining open dialogue with various communities throughout the region.",
"Two. Integration of the private sector",
"119. In a powerful network, private sector experts from more than 30 United Nations institutions are concentrating on helping the organisation develop transformative partnerships that address systemic problems at global and local level.",
"120. In conjunction with the guidelines for cooperation between the United Nations and the business sector, it is currently working to make the selection of partners more careful and to improve the review mechanisms. With its new private business partnership website, the United Nations has facilitated dozens of cooperation relations through the coordination of corporate resources to the needs of the organisation and supported disaster relief in connection with the crises in Haiti, Japan, Libyan Arab Djimahirija and Pakistan.",
"121. The companies were also active in the context of the United Nations Global Pact, with 9,000 participants in more than 135 countries, the world's largest entrepreneurial responsibility initiative. Through the platforms of the Global Pact for the empowerment of women, for the fight against corruption, for climate and for water, private sector actors are involved in work in critical areas. In September 2010, the United Nations hosted the third private sector forum where leaders and government representatives demonstrated concrete measures to help companies overcome deficits in the Millennium Development Goals. The successful involvement of the business sector via the ‘private sector rail’ in the United Nations’ fourth conference on the least developed countries held in Istanbul has shown a model of how closer cooperation with companies in the context of UN summits, for example Rio plus 20.",
"Chapter V",
"122. Looking ahead for the next five years, it can be seen that the United Nations is more urgent than ever needed and that it will not be easy for them to meet the diverse needs and requirements they have placed on them. We must ensure that the organisation serves all its Member States, regardless of their state of development, as well as all those who live in them. Most of our commitment will have to build on the achievements of the past five years.",
"123. The introduction of sustainable development is the top priority. Not only do we need to work much more towards the Millennium Development Goals so that they can be achieved by 2015, but we also need to develop a vision and agree on a framework for development beyond 2015. We must also design strategies and adopt action plans to address the 50-50-50 challenge: In 2050, the world's population will exceed the 9-billion limit, an increase of 50 per cent compared to the value recorded ten years ago, and by then the world community must have reduced global greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent. An essential step in this direction will be to formulate a sustainable global energy strategy.",
"124. In the field of peace and security, we have gradually recognised in the past five years the positive effects of a strengthened prevention capacity of the United Nations, when Member States use it to relieve internal and cross-border tensions. We need to further deepen and expand the prevention services we can offer to the Member States.",
"125. Over the past five years, peacekeeping operations have become even more complex, and we have been forced to stretch scarce resources to meet extensive mandates. In the last two years we have begun to rethink and rethink the way we support missions. We are creatively working to become more agile and to make better use of potential partnerships to ensure that we have the necessary capacity to meet local needs, whether in connection with peacekeeping missions, peace consolidation measures or political missions. The next challenge is to make further necessary adjustments so that we can continue to bring peace and security to the people we serve.",
"126. Haiti, Pakistan and Japan have given us a prelude to the shape and extent of disasters in the future. The age of mega-catastrophes has started, and recent years have made it clear that the equipment and configuration of the organization must be improved so that it can meet these disasters appropriately. We have taken first steps to change our approach by reconfiguring our reaction strategies and placing much greater emphasis on reducing disaster risk. In order to expand its capacity, the United Nations has also embarked on new forms of partnership with the business sector and civil society, and is testing new technologies for coordinating aids and establishing links between helpers and victims. We will have to speed up these efforts over the next five years if we want to meet the humanitarian challenges that are likely to come to us.",
"127. Last year's events have once again led us to see how important the normative standards that the United Nations sets for the world are. We supported the call for democracy in the Middle East and North Africa and urged the international community to protect the civilian population in Côte d’Ivoire and in the Libyan Arab Djimahirija from tremendous violations of their rights. We have seen that this type of representation of interests can have a weighty and positive influence on the support of the people who are fighting for human rights, the rule of law, democracy and protection. Now we must go beyond the representation of interests and help the public and non-governmental actors who want to change to institutionalise these standards and values. Over the next five years, the decisive course for the course will take many transition processes. Therefore, we must quickly improve our ability to support countries that are concerned with the establishment of democratic structures and processes.",
"128. The global challenges of recent decades – climate change, weapons, diseases and terrorism – will not disappear. We need to further strengthen and deepen international cooperation, which we have already begun. However, we must also tackle new challenges to be tackled together, including those arising from demographic processes.",
"129. Finally, in order to be able to provide services for others, we must also look at the inside and, together with the Member States, ensure that our organisational structure, our workflows and our employees are optimally geared towards meeting the challenges of the next ten years. We have already initiated an important initiative for changes which will lead to greater effectiveness and efficiency throughout the organization over the next five years.",
"130. Times of global transition are associated with enormous challenges, but also offer enormous opportunities for the progress of humanity. Together, we are not too big a challenge. Nothing's impossible together.",
"Millennium Development Goals, Objectives and Indicators 2011: Statistical Tables",
"Objective 1 Elimination of extreme poverty and hunger",
"Target 1.A Between 1990 and 2015 half the proportion of people whose income is less than 1 dollar per day",
"Indicator 1.1 Proportion of population with less than 1.25 dollars (in purchasing power parities (PPP)) per day",
"1990 1999 2005",
"Development regions 45.5 36.1 26.9",
"North Africa 4,5 4,4 2,6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 57,5 58,3 50,9",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 11,3 10,9 8,2",
"Caribbean 28.8 25,4 25.8",
"Latin America 10.5 10.2 7.4",
"East Asia 60,1 35,6 15,9",
"South Asia 49.5 42,2 38,6",
"South Asia without India 44,6 35,3 30,7",
"Southeast Asia 39,2 35,3 18,9",
"West Asia 2,2 4,1 5,8",
"Oceania – – –",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 6,3 22,3 19,2",
"least developed countries 63,3 60,4 53,4",
"Inland development countries 49,1 50,7 42,8",
"Small island developing countries 32,4 27,7 27.5",
"^(a) High income countries according to the definition of the World Bank are not included.",
"^(b) World Bank estimates (March 2011).",
"Indicator 1.2 Poverty gap ratio",
"1990 1999 2005",
"Development regions 15.4 11.6 8.0",
"North Africa 0.8 0.5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 26,3 25,8 20,7",
"Latin America and Caribbean 3,9 3,8 2,8",
"Caribbean 13,4 12,7 12,8",
"Latin America 3.5 3,4 2,3",
"East Asia 20,7 11,1 4,0",
"South Asia 14.5 11.2 9.8",
"South Asia without India 14.2 9.9 8.1",
"Southeast Asia 11,1 9,6 4,2",
"West Asia 0.6 1.0 1.5",
"Oceania – – –",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2.1 7,5 5,4",
"least developed countries 27.5 24.7 19.9",
"Inland development countries 21,9 20,2 15.5",
"Small island developing countries 14.4 12.3 11.9",
"^(a) The poverty gap ratio measures the extent of poverty. It is calculated by multiplying the share of people living below the poverty line (at 1.25 bucks per day) by the difference between the poverty line and the average income of the population living below the poverty line.",
"^(b) High income countries according to the definition of the World Bank are not included.",
"Indicator 1.3 Proportion of the poorest fifth of the population in national consumption",
"Global or regional data are not available.",
"1.B Productive full employment and decent work for all, including women and young people,",
"Indicator 1.4 Growth of gross domestic product (GDP) per person employed",
"(a) Annual GDP growth rate per person employed",
"2000 2010(a)",
"World 2,9 3,1",
"Development regions 3,9 5,2",
"North Africa 2,5 2,7",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.5 1.8",
"Latin America and Caribbean 1.9 3.0",
"East Asia 6.9 8.5",
"South Asia 2,4 4,8",
"Southeast Asia 4,3 5,0",
"West Asia 7,6 3,0",
"Oceania -6,0 3,7",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 5,5 2,7",
"Developed regions 2.7 3.0",
"least developed countries 2.2 2.1",
"Inland development countries 2,3 2,4",
"Small island developing countries 3.1 4.9",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"(b) GDP per person employed",
"(US dollar (PPP); Basic year: 2005)",
"2000 2010(a)",
"World 18.272 21.828",
"Development regions 8.163 12.211",
"North Africa 16.528 18.994",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 4.389 5.294",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 21.047 23.013",
"East Asia 6.058 13.431",
"South Asia 5.378 7.978",
"Southeast Asia 7.109 9.774",
"West Asia 33.722 39.743",
"Oceania 5.590 5.883",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7.062 12.527",
"Developed regions 56.565 64.345",
"least developed countries 2.174 3.053",
"Domestic developing countries 3.398 4.905",
"Small island developing countries 21.611 25.938",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"Indicator 1.5 Employment/population ratio",
"a) Total",
"1991 2000 2009 2010^(a)",
"World 62,2 61,5 61,2 61,1",
"Development regions 64,3 63,2 62,7 62,7",
"North Africa 43.4 43,1 45,8 45,9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 62,6 62,6 64,3 64,4",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 56,4 58,1 60,6 60,7",
"East Asia 74.4 73.9 70.3 70.2",
"South Asia 58.5 56.9 58.3 58.5",
"Southeast Asia 68,3 67,1 65,9 65,8",
"West Asia 48,0 45,3 43,6 43,5",
"Oceania 65,9 66,3 66,4 66,1",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 57,4 54,9 59,1 59,8",
"Developed regions 56.6 55.8 55,4 54,8",
"least developed countries 70,2 68,5 69,1 69,1",
"Domestic developing countries 67,4 67,1 69,5 69,7",
"Small island developing countries 55,2 56,7 57,9 57,7",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"(b) Men, women and youth (2009)",
"Men Women Youth",
"World 72,9 49,2 44,3",
"Development regions 75,8 49,4 45,3",
"North Africa 69,8 22,3 28,5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 74,1 54,9 47,4",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 74.6 47.5 44.3",
"East Asia 75,9 64,3 54,5",
"South Asia 78,5 37,4 42,7",
"Southeast Asia 77,5 54,5 44,2",
"West Asia 66,1 18,9 24,2",
"Oceans 70,2 62,0 50,7",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 66,3 53,9 39,4",
"Developed regions 61.5 48,5 38,1",
"least developed countries 78,9 59.5 54.9",
"Inland development countries 77,6 62,2 57,0",
"Small island developing countries 69,3 46,5 41,5",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"Indicator 1.6",
"Share of workers who have to pay with less than 1.25 dollars (in purchasing power parities (PPP)) per day",
"a) Total number",
"1991 1999 2009(a)",
"World 972,8 875,1 631,9",
"Development regions 970,9 871,4 631,7",
"North Africa 2,5 2,2,3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 124,7 155,8 184,0",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 21.8 26.3 17.4",
"East Asia 444,4 286,2 73,0",
"South Asia 264,9 285,5 282,3",
"Southeast Asia 104,5 104,9 62,2",
"West Asia 3,1 3,1 4,2",
"Oceans 1,0 1,1 1,5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 4.0 6,3 5,9",
"Developed regions 1.9 3.7 0.2",
"least developed countries 151,0 184,7 206,2",
"Domestic developing countries 61,9 73.8 77,8",
"Small island developing countries 3,2 4,1 5,4",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"(b) Percentage of total employment",
"1991 1999 2009(a)",
"World 43,0 33,9 20,7",
"Development regions 56.1 42.9 25.6",
"North Africa 8.0 5,4 2.5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 68,5 67,9 59,1",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 13.4 13.0 6.9",
"East Asia 67,4 39,2 9,1",
"South Asia 60,7 54,5 41,9",
"Southeast Asia 53,5 45,2 22,4",
"West Asia 8.1 6,4 7,0",
"Oceania 51,2 44,6 44,6",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 16,1 24,6 17,7",
"Developed regions 0.4 0.7 0.0",
"least developed countries 71,9 71,3 59,8",
"Inland development countries 60.1 59.9 46.6",
"Small island developing countries 18,7 20,0 21,8",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"Indicator 1.7 Percentage of selfemployed and family workers in total employment",
"(a) Both sexes",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"World 55,5 53,5 50,2 50,1",
"Development regions 69.0 64,8 60.0 59.6",
"North Africa 37.2 32.6 33.5 33.3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 81.0 80.0 75.0 75.6",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 34.9 36,1 31,8 32,2",
"East Asia 69,6 60,6 52,5 51,2",
"South Asia 81,3 79,8 77,5 77,2",
"Southeast Asia 69,4 66,1 62,3 61,6",
"West Asia 42,7 37,5 28,4 28,6",
"Oceania 75,1 76,6 78,4 78,1",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 46,8 57,0 43,9 43,6",
"Developed regions 11.2 11.5 9.9 9.7",
"least developed countries 86,2 85,0 80,6 80,8",
"Inland development countries 75,0 78,0 72,9 73,7",
"Small island developing countries 32.6 35.5 36.3 36.5",
"b) Men",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"World 53,1 51,8 48,9 48,9",
"Development regions 64,7 61,4 57,2 56.9",
"North Africa 33,2 30,0 28,5 29,1",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 76,4 74,6 68,1 69,1",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 34,5 35,4 31,3 31.6",
"East Asia 63.8 56,1 49,2 48,1",
"South Asia 77,9 76,7 74,8 74,4",
"Southeast Asia 65.0 62.4 59.5 58.8",
"West Asia 35.7 32.0 25.4 25.4",
"Oceans 70,6 72,0 73,7 73,4",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 49,7 56,5 42,9 42,9",
"Developed regions 11,3 12,0 10,8 10,7",
"least developed countries 83,2 81,0 75,6 76,1",
"Inland development countries 72.2 74.4 68.7 69.8",
"Small island developing countries 32,3 36,1 37,4 37,6",
"c) Women",
"1991 1999 2008 2009",
"World 59,2 56,1 52,1 51,8",
"Development regions 75,9 70,3 64,4 63.8",
"North Africa 51,9 41,2 48,9 46,5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 87,6 87,4 84,2 84,2",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 35.8 37.3 32.6 33.2",
"East Asia 76,7 66,2 56,6 55,0",
"South Asia 89,8 87,6 83.8 83.4",
"Southeast Asia 75,5 71,2 66,2 65,4",
"West Asia 67,4 57,6 40,0 40,6",
"Oceania 81,0 82,0 83.8 83.5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 43,5 57,7 45,1 44,4",
"Developed regions 11.0 10.9 8.7 8.5",
"least developed countries 90.2 90.5 87.2 86.9",
"Inland development countries 78,3 82,4 78,0 78,3",
"Small island developing countries 32.9 34.6 34.8 35.0",
"1.C Between 1990 and 2015, halving the proportion of people suffering from hunger",
"Indicator 1.8 Proportion of underweight children under five years",
"a) Total",
"1990 2009",
"Development regions 30 23",
"North Africa 10 6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 27 22",
"Latin America and Caribbean 10 4",
"East Asia 15 6",
"East Asia without China 11 5",
"South Asia 52 43",
"South Asia without India 59 39",
"Southeast Asia 30 18",
"Western Asia",
"Oceania – – –",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7 5",
"^(a) The data come from 64 countries that account for 73 per cent of children under five years of age in developing regions. The estimates of prevalence of underweight in children are based on the standards of the World Health Organisation for the growth of children. The basic year for the trend analysis for the Caucasus and Central Asia is 1996, as there are no sufficient data for 1990.",
"^(b) Due to missing data from Yemen, the total regional value only covers 47 percent of the population of the region.",
"(b) By sex (2003-2009)",
"Young girl ratio boys/girls",
"Development regions 24 24",
"North Africa 7 5 1.29",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 24 21 1,14",
"Latin America and Caribbean 4",
"East Asia 7 1,00",
"East Asia without China 5",
"South Asia 41 42 0.97",
"South Asia without India 37 39 0.96",
"Southeast Asia – – –",
"Western Asia – – –",
"Oceans 21 15 1,44",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 6",
"c) By place of residence (2003-2009)",
"Country dwellers City dwellers",
"Development regions 28 14",
"North Africa 7 5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 25 15",
"Latin America and Caribbean 7 3",
"East Asia 8 3",
"East Asia without China 6 4",
"South Asia 45 33",
"South Asia without India 41 31",
"Southeast Asia – –",
"Western Asia – –",
"Oceans 20 12",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7 4",
"(d) According to household assets (2003-2009)",
"Most rich fifth fifth",
"Development regions 38 15",
"North Africa 8 4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 28 13",
"Latin America and the Caribbean –",
"East Asia – –",
"East Asia without China 7 3",
"South Asia 55 20",
"South Asia without India 48 24",
"Southeast Asia – –",
"Western Asia – –",
"Oceania – – –",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7 4",
"Indicator 1.9 Proportion of population under the minimum level of food energy consumption",
"1990-1992 1995-1997 2000-2002 2005-2007",
"World 16 14 13",
"Development regions 20 18 16 16",
"North Africa <5 <5 <5 <5 <5",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 31 30 26",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 12 11 10 8",
"Caribbean 26 28 22 24",
"Latin America 11 10 9 7",
"East Asia 18 12 10 10",
"East Asia without China 8 11 13 12",
"South Asia 21 19 20 21",
"South Asia without India 26 23 23",
"Southeast Asia 24 18 17 14",
"West Asia 6 8 7",
"Oceania – – – – –",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 16 13 17 9",
"Developed regions <5 <5 <5 <5 <5",
"least developed countries 40 41 36 32",
"Inland development countries 34 30 26",
"Small island developing countries 24 25 21 21",
"Objective 2",
"Implementation of general primary education",
"Objective 2.A",
"By 2015, ensure that children around the world, boys and girls, can complete primary education",
"Indicator 2.1",
"Net participation rate in primary education",
"a) Total",
"1991 1999 2009\nWorld 82,7 83,9 89,7\nDevelopment regions 80,5 82,1 89,0\nNorth Africa 80,0 86,0 94,3\nSub-Saharan Africa 53,5 57,9 76,2\nLatin America and Caribbean 85,7 93,5 95,0\nCaribbean 67,6 78,0 76,1\nLatin America 87.2 94,8 96.6\nEast Asia 97,4 95,1 95,6\nEast Asia without China 97,2 95,9 97.5\nSouth Asia 77,0 79,2 90,9\nSouth Asia without India 67,7 69,1 77,2\nSoutheast Asia 94,0 93,0 94,5\nWest Asia 82,0 83,1 88,3\nOceania – – –\nCaucasus and Central Asia – 94,3 92,7\nDeveloped regions 96,3 97,1 95,8\nleast developed countries 52.2 57,8 79.6\nDomestic developing countries 55,5 63.8 81.2\nSmall island developing countries 70,4 78,9 76,0",
"(b) By sex",
"1991 2000 2009\nBoys Boys Girls Boys",
"World 86,6 78,7 86,8 80,9 90,6 88,8",
"Development regions 85,0 75,9 85,4 78,7 90,0 87,9",
"North Africa 86,7 73.0 89.2 82,6 96.0 92.4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 58,2 48,8 61,5 54,1 78,0 74,5",
"Latin America 87,8 83,6 94,1 92,8 95,1 94.9",
"Caribbean 67,3 68,0 77,7 78,3 75,5 76,7",
"Latin America 89.5 84.9 95,5 94,1 96,7 96,4",
"East Asia 98,9 95,8 94,2 96,0 94,1 97,3",
"East Asia without China 97.6 96.9 96.6 95.3 97.9 97.0",
"South Asia 84,7 68,7 86,3 71,6 92,6 89,1",
"South Asia without India 74.2 60.9 74.4 63.6 79.8 74.6",
"Southeast Asia 95,7 92,3 94,2 91,9 95,0 93,9",
"West Asia 86,2 77,6 88,0 78,0 91,0 85,5",
"Oceania – – – – – – – –",
"Caucasus and Central Asia – – 94,6 94,0 93,2 92,0",
"Developed regions 96,4 96,1 97,0 97,1 95,3 96,3",
"Most developed countries 57,8 46,5 61,5 54,0 81,0 78,1",
"Inland development countries 61,5 49,4 68,6 59,0 83,7 78,6",
"Small island developing countries 71,2 69,6 79,7 78,2 77,0 75,0",
"^(a) pupils in primary or secondary education, each 100 children of the same age group, defined as the percentage of children registered in primary or secondary education in primary or secondary education in the total population of this age group. The rates relate to the years of school leaving the reporting years.",
"Indicator 2.2",
"Proportion of primary school starters reaching the last grade of primary school",
"a) Total",
"1991 2000 2009\nWorld 80,1 81,9 88,5\nDevelopment regions 77.2 79.6 87.3\nNorth Africa 72,2 81,1 91,7\nSub-Saharan Africa 50,8 51,2 66.9\nLatin America and the Caribbean 83,7 96.9 101.0\nCaribbean 58.7 71,3 77.0\nLatin America 85,4 98,8 102.8\nEast Asia 106,3 97,9 95,9\nEast Asia without China 95,0 98,3 98,1\nSouth Asia 64,4 69,3 86,0\nSouth Asia without India 55,2 62,3 65,3\nSoutheast Asia 85,7 92,3 100,1\nWest Asia 77,6 78,5 84,3\nOceans 60,8 63,6 61,6\nCaucasus and Central Asia – 94,6 95,9\nDeveloped regions\nleast developed countries 39.9 45.0 61.0\nInland development countries 52.0 55.2 65.7\nSmall island developing countries 61,9 72,3 75,0",
"(b) By sex",
"1991 2000 2009\nBoys Boys Girls Boys",
"World 84,0 75,7 84,6 78,9 89,5 87,3",
"Development regions 81,9 72,0 82,7 76,2 88,4 86,1",
"North Africa 79.9 64,1 84,2 77,9 93,0 90,3",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 55,0 45,0 55,3 46,4 70,6 63,0",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 82,8 84,6 96,5 97,3 100,5 101,6",
"Caribbean 57,3 60,0 70,4 72,2 76,5 77,4",
"Latin America 84,5 86,3 98,5 99,2 102,2 103,3",
"East Asia – – 97,9 97,8 94,2 97,8",
"East Asia without China 95.2 94.9 98.6 98.0 98.4 97,8",
"South Asia 73,8 54,3 75,8 62,3 87,5 84,4",
"South Asia without India 61,2 48,9 66,5 58,0 68,7 61,6",
"Southeast Asia 86,5 84.9 92,7 92,0 99,8 100,4",
"West Asia 83,3 71,7 83,7 73,1 88,0 80,4",
"Oceania 64,6 56,8 67,5 59.5 65,5 57,6",
"Caucasus and Central Asia – – 95,8 93,4 96,6 95,1",
"Developed regions – – 97,8 97,7 98,1 97,0",
"least developed countries 44.9 33.4 48,7 40.5 64,1 57,8",
"Inland development countries 56.5 47.4 60.5 49,7 69.2 62.0",
"Small island developing countries 61,8 62,0 72,5 72,0 75,8 74,2",
"^(a) Since no regional averages are available for the official indicator, the gross take-up rate is indicated in the final grade of primary school, which is defined as follows: total number of new recordings in the final grade of primary school, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population in the theoretical age of entry into the final grade. (Global Education Digest 2009: Comparing Education Statistics Across the World, Montreal (Canada), United Nations Statistical Institute for Education, Science and Culture, 2009, Annex B, p. 255).",
"^(b) Primary school leaving rates refer to school years ending in the years under review.",
"Indicator 2.3",
"Alphabet rate for 15- to 24-year-old women and men",
"(a) Total",
"(in percent)",
"1990 2000 2009",
"World 83,2 87,1 89,3",
"Development regions 80,1 84,8 87,7",
"North Africa 67,5 79,3 86.6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 65,3 68,7 72,0",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 91,7 96,1 97,0",
"Caribbean 86,8 – 89.5",
"Latin America 92,1 96,7 97,6",
"East Asia 94,6 98,9 99,4",
"East Asia without China 99,4 – 99,6",
"South Asia 60,3 73,7 79,7",
"South Asia without India 56,4 67,3 76,7",
"Southeast Asia 94,4 96,3 97,7",
"West Asia 87,4 91,7 93,2",
"Oceans 72.5 74,8 74.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 99,8 99,8 99.9",
"Developed regions 99,6 99,6 99,6",
"Most developed countries 55.6 65.3 70.2",
"Domestic developing countries 62,1 68,4 71,7",
"Small island developing countries 84.9 86.9 87.6",
"^(a) The regional averages are calculated from a weighted average value of the most recent observed data point for each country or territory during the period considered. For countries where data is not available, estimates of the United Nations Statistical Institute for Education, Science and Culture were used.",
"(b) By sex",
"(in percent)",
"1990 2000 2009\nMen Women Men Men Men Women Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Women Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Women Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men",
"World 87,7 78,6 90,3 83.8 91,9 86,8",
"Development regions 855,5 74,5 88,6 80,9 90,7 84,8",
"North Africa 77,2 57,3 85,2 73,3 90,1 83,0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 72,8 58,3 75,7 62,4 76,7 67,3",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 91,4 92,0 95,8 96,5 96,8 97,2",
"Caribbean 87,3 86,3 – – 89,6 89,4",
"Latin America 91,8 92,4 96,3 97,1 97,3 97,8",
"East Asia 97,1 91,9 99,2 98,6 99.5 99,3",
"East Asia without China 99.3 99.5 – – 99.4 99,7",
"South Asia 71,6 48,3 81,1 65,6 85,9 73.8",
"South Asia without India 66.9 45.9 73.9 60.8 80.5 72,6",
"Southeast Asia 95,4 93,5 96,6 96,1 97,8 97.5",
"West Asia 93,4 81,0 95,5 87,8 95,8 90,6",
"Oceania 77,5 67,4 76,9 72,5 73,3 76,5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 99,8 99,8 99,8 99,9 99,8 99.9",
"Developed regions 99,2 99,6 99,6 99,6 99,6 99,6 99,6",
"least developed countries 64.0 47.5 72.2 58.9 74.5 65.9",
"Domestic developing countries 68,2 56,5 74,8 62,6 77,2 66,5",
"Small island developing countries 86,5 83,3 87,7 86,1 87,6 87,7",
"^(a) The regional averages are calculated from a weighted average value of the most recent observed data point for each country or territory during the period considered. For countries where data is not available, estimates of the United Nations Statistical Institute for Education, Science and Culture were used.",
"Objective 3",
"Promoting gender equality and empowering women",
"Objective 3.A",
"Eliminate gender gaps in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005 and at all levels of education by 2015 at the latest",
"Indicator 3.1",
"Relationship between girls and boys in primary and secondary education and tertiary education",
"(a) Primary education",
"1991 2000 2009",
"World 0.89 0.92 0.96",
"Development regions 0.87 0.91 0.96",
"North Africa 0.82 0.90 0.95",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0,83 0,85 0,92",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.98 0.97 0.97",
"Caribbean 0.99 0.98 0.96",
"Latin America 0.98 0.97 0.97",
"East Asia 0,92 1,01 1,04",
"East Asia without China 1,00 0,98 0.98",
"South Asia 0,77 0,83 0,95",
"South Asia without India 0,79 0,81 0,92",
"Southeast Asia 0.97 0.96 0.97",
"West Asia 0,86 0,86 0,92",
"Oceans 0,90 0,90 0,89",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0.99 0.99 0.98",
"Developed regions 0.99 1.00 1.00",
"least developed countries 0.80 0.83 0.93",
"Inland development countries 0.83 0.82 0.92",
"Small island developing countries 0.96 0.96 0.94",
"^(a) Based on gross participation rates.",
"(b) Secondary education",
"1991 2000 2009",
"World 0,84 0.91 0.97",
"Development regions 0.78 0.88 0.96",
"North Africa 0.79 0.93 0.98",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0,76 0,82 0,79",
"Latin America and Caribbean 1,07 1,07 1,08",
"Caribbean 1,12 1,08 1,04",
"Latin America 1,07 1,07 1,08",
"East Asia 0,77 0,93 1,06",
"East Asia without China 0.97 0.98 0.98",
"South Asia 0,61 0,75 0,89",
"South Asia without India 0.63 0.85 0.92",
"Southeast Asia 0,90 0,95 1,03",
"West Asia 0,68 0,74 0,86",
"Oceans 0,83 0,89 0,88",
"Caucasus and Central Asia – 0.98 0.98",
"Developed regions 1.01 1.01 1.00",
"least developed countries 0.60 0.77 0.82",
"Inland development countries 0.87 0.83 0.85",
"Small island developing countries 1,07 1,04 1,01",
"^(a) Based on gross participation rates.",
"(c) Tertiary education",
"1991 2000 2009",
"World 0.91 0.98 1.08",
"Development regions 0.71 0.82 0.97",
"North Africa 0.59 0.74 0.98",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0,53 0,67 0,63",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0.98 1.17 1.26",
"Caribbean 1,35 1,38 1,61",
"Latin America",
"East Asia 0,53 0,67 1,03",
"East Asia without China 0.54 0.63 0.77",
"South Asia 0.50 0.65 0.74",
"South Asia without India 0.36 0.67 0.87",
"Southeast Asia 0.96 0.96 1.09",
"West Asia 0,64 0,78 0,87",
"Oceans 0,56 0,81 0,86",
"Caucasus and Central Asia – 0,91 1,07",
"Developed regions 1,10 1,20 1,30",
"least developed countries 0.38 0.59 0.58",
"Inland development countries 0.82 0.81 0.87",
"Small island developing countries 1,24 1,31 1,50",
"^(a) Based on gross participation rates.",
"Indicator 3.2",
"Share of women in non-agricultural employment",
"(percentage of employees)",
"1990 2000 2005 2009",
"World 35.0 37.5 38.4 39.6",
"Development regions 28.8 31.7 32.6 33.8",
"North Africa 19.0 18.8 18.6 18.8",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 23,5 28,1 30,2 32.6",
"Latin America and Caribbean 36,4 40,4 41,5 43,0",
"East Asia 38,1 39,7 40,9 41,7",
"East Asia without China 40,1 42,3 44,0 44,8",
"South Asia 13,3 17,1 18,1 19,4",
"South Asia without India 14,6 18,4 18,0 19,0",
"Southeast Asia 34,6 36.9 36,8 37,6",
"West Asia 14.9 16.8 17.5 18.7",
"Oceania 33.3 35.5 35.2 36.2",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 43.8 44.2 45.3 45.2",
"Developed regions 44,3 46,2 47,1 48,3",
"Indicator 3.3",
"Women's seat in the national parliament",
"1990 2000 2005\nWorld 12,8 13,7 15,9 19,3\nDevelopment regions 11.6 12.3 14.2 18.0\nNorth Africa 2.6 3.3 8.5 11.7\nSub-Saharan Africa 9.6 12.6 14.2 19.6\nLatin America and the Caribbean 11.9 15.2 19.0 23.0\nCaribbean 22,1 20,6 26,0 31,3\nLatin America 8.6 13.2 16.4 20.0\nEast Asia 20,2 19,9 19,4 19.5\nEast Asia without China 17.8 14.6 17.2 14.5\nSouth Asia 5,7 6,8 8,8 18,2\nSouth Asia without India 5,9 5,9 9,0 20,1\nSoutheast Asia 10,4 12,3 15.5 17.6\nWest Asia 4,5 4,2 3,9 9,4\nOceania 1,2 3,6 3,0 2,3\nCaucasus and Central Asia – 7,0 9,9 16,1\nDeveloped regions 16.1 16.3 19.8 22.5\nleast developed countries 8.7 9.9 13.0 19.9\nDomestic developing countries 14.2 7.8 13.4 22.9\nSmall island developing countries 15,2 14,0 17,9 21,2",
"^(a) Only single-chamber apartments or sub-chambers.",
"^(b) Stand: 31. January 2011.",
"Objective 4 Reducing child mortality",
"4.A Between 1990 and 2015, the mortality rate of children under five years of age will be reduced by two thirds",
"Indicator 4.1 Mortality rate of children under five years",
"1990 2000 2009\nWorld 89 77 60\nDevelopment regions 99 84 66\nNorth Africa 80 46 26\nSub-Saharan Africa 180 160 129\nLatin America and the Caribbean 52 33 23\nCaribbean 76 58 48\nLatin America 50 32 21\nEast Asia 45 36 19\nEast Asia without China 28 29 17\nSouth Asia 122 95 69\nSouth Asia without India 131 101 78\nSoutheast Asia 73 48 36\nWest Asia 68 45 32\nOceania 76 65 59\nCaucasus and Central Asia 78 62 37\nDeveloped regions 15 10 7\nMost developed countries 178 146 121",
"^(a) Deaths of children under five years per 1,000 live births.",
"Indicator 4.2",
"Infant mortality rate(a)",
"1990 2000 2009\nWorld 62 54 44\nDevelopment regions 68 59 48\nNorth Africa 61 38 24\nSub-Saharan Africa 109 98 82\nLatin America and the Caribbean 41 28 20\nCaribbean 54 43 38\nLatin America 41 26 18\nEast Asia 36 29 18\nEast Asia without China 18 22 14\nSouth Asia 87 70 55\nSouth Asia without India 95 76 61\nSoutheast Asia 50 36 29\nWest Asia 53 36 37\nOceans 56 49 46\nCaucasus and Central Asia 64 52 34\nDeveloped regions 12 8 6\nleast developed countries 112 93 79",
"^(a) Deaths of children under one year per 1,000 live births.",
"Indicator 4.3 Percentage of year-olds vaccinated against measles",
"1990 2000 2009\nWorld 72 71 82\nDevelopment regions 71 69 80\nNorth Africa 85 93 94\nSub-Saharan Africa 56 55 68\nLatin America and the Caribbean 76 92 93\nEast Asia 98 84 94\nEast Asia without China 95 87 95\nSouth Asia 57 56 75\nSouth Asia without India 60 68 85\nSoutheast Asia 70 81 88\nWest Asia 77 84 82\nOceans 70 66 58\nCaucasus and Central Asia – 93 92\nDeveloped regions 81 92 94\nleast developed countries 54 60 77",
"^(a) children aged 12 to 23 months who have received at least one dose of measles vaccine.",
"Objective 5 Improving the health of mothers",
"Objective 5.A Between 1990 and 2015, the mother mortality rate is reduced by three quarters",
"Indicator 5.1",
"1990 2000 2008\nWorld 400 340 260\nDevelopment regions 440 370 290\nNorth Africa 230 120 92\nSub-Saharan Africa 870 790 640\nLatin America and Caribbean 140 110 85\nCaribbean 320 230 170\nLatin America 130 99 80\nEast Asia 110 63 41\nEast Asia without China 110 110\nSouth Asia 590 420 280\nSouth Asia without India 640 490 370\nSoutheast Asia 380 230 160\nWest Asia 140 98 70\nOceans 290 260 230\nCaucasus and Central Asia 70 54\nDeveloped regions 26 17 17\nleast developed countries 900 750 590",
"^(a) Deaths of mothers per 100,000 live births.",
"Indicator 5.2",
"Share of births supervised by medical professionals",
"1990 2009\nWorld 59 68\nDevelopment regions 55 65\nNorth Africa 45 81\nSub-Saharan Africa 42 46\nLatin America and the Caribbean\nCaribbean(a) 67 69\nLatin America\nEast Asia 94 99\nEast Asia without China 97 99\nSouth Asia 32 50\nSouth Asia without India 27 42\nSoutheast Asia 49 72\nWest Asia 62 78\nOceans 54 56\nCaucasus and Central Asia 93 97\nDeveloped regions 99 99 99",
"^(a) Only for health care.",
"Objective 5.B To achieve general access to reproductive health by 2015",
"Indicator 5.3 Use rate of contraceptives",
"1990 2000 2008\nWorld 55,4 61,5 62,9\nDevelopment regions 52.3 59.6 61.3\nNorth Africa 44.0 58,8 60.5\nSub-Saharan Africa 13,4 20,1 21,7\nLatin America and Caribbean 62,0 71,2 72,9\nCaribbean 53,7 59.9 61.8\nLatin America 62.7 72.1 73.8\nEast Asia 77,7 85,7 84,2\nEast Asia without China 73,9 76,6 76,2\nSouth Asia 39,9 46,7 53,9\nSouth Asia without India 30,2 46,2 48,0\nSoutheast Asia 47,9 57,0 62,3\nWest Asia 44,4 50,6 55,2\nOceania 29,4 32,2 36,7\nCaucasus and Central Asia 54,3 59,7 55,6\nDeveloped regions 68,8 71,1 72,2\nleast developed countries 17,7 28,1 31,4\nDomestic developing countries 24.5 30.7 33.7\nSmall island developing countries 49,7 53,9 55,4",
"^(a) For women aged 15 to 49 who are married or live in a firm partnership.",
"Indicator 5.4 Birth rate for young people",
"1990 2000 2008\nWorld 59,8 51,5 50,5\nDevelopment regions 64,8 56.0 54,4\nNorth Africa 43,0 33,3 29,9\nSub-Saharan Africa 124,1 122,9 122,0\nLatin America and Caribbean 91,1 87,6 80,7\nCaribbean 80,9 77,1 68,5\nLatin America 91,9 88,4 81,6\nEast Asia 15,3 5,8 6,0\nEast Asia without China 4.0 3.1 2.5\nSouth Asia 89,3 59,4 52,6\nSouth Asia without India 121,0 77,4 69,0\nSoutheast Asia 53,5 40,3 44,1\nWest Asia 63.8 52,7 52,3\nOceania 82,8 63,3 61,2\nCaucasus and Central Asia 44,7 28,2 29,3\nDeveloped regions 33.9 25.5 24.0\nleast developed countries 133,4 121,2 121,9\nInland development countries 105,8 106,6 107,1\nSmall island developing countries 77,1 71,7 63,9",
"^(a) Births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19.",
"Indicator 5.5",
"Access to pregnancies (at least one visit and at least four visits)",
"(a) At least one visit",
"1990 2009\nWorld 64 81\nDevelopment regions 64 81\nNorth Africa 51 79\nSub-Saharan Africa 68 78\nLatin America and Caribbean 78 95\nCaribbean 89 93\nLatin America 77 95\nEast Asia 70 91\nSouth Asia 51 70\nSouth Asia without India 22 58\nSoutheast Asia 72 92\nWest Asia 62 84\nOceans 77 79\nCaucasus and Central Asia 90 96",
"^(a) Proportion of women aged 15 to 49 who had access to pregnant women during pregnancy at least once and were treated by medical professionals.",
"(b) At least four visits",
"1990 2009\nWorld 35 51\nDevelopment regions 35 51\nNorth Africa 20 57\nSub-Saharan Africa 44 43\nLatin America and Caribbean 69 84\nCaribbean 59 72\nLatin America 70 85\nSouth Asia 23 44\nSouth Asia without India 10 26\nSoutheast Asia 46 69\nWest Asia 32 54",
"^(a) Proportion of women aged 15 to 49 who had at least four times access to pregnant women during pregnancy and were treated by medical professionals.",
"Indicator 5.6 Uncovered need for family planning services",
"1990 2000 2008\nWorld 13.8 11,5 11,1\nDevelopment regions 14,3 11,7 11,3\nNorth Africa 19,4 11,2 9,6\nSub-Saharan Africa 26,2 24,1 24,8\nLatin America and the Caribbean 15.8 10.3 9.9\nCaribbean 19.5 20,4 20,2\nLatin America 15.7 9.3\nEast Asia 3,3 2,4 2,3\nSouth Asia 20,3 17,2 14,7\nSouth Asia without India 23.3 23.3 20.6\nSoutheast Asia 15.5 10.9 10.9\nWest Asia 15,7 13,7 12,3\nCaucasus and Central Asia 14.4 12.4 12.5\nleast developed countries 25.4 23.9 24.0\nInland development countries 24,3 24,1 23.8",
"^(a) For married or in a fixed partnership, women aged between 15 and 49.",
"Objective 6",
"Fighting HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases",
"Objective 6.A",
"By 2015, the spread of HIV/AIDS will stop and gradually reverse",
"Indicator 6.1",
"a) HIV incidence rate(a)",
"1990 2009\nWorld 0.08 0.06\nDevelopment regions 0.09 0.08\nNorth Africa 0.01 0.01\nSub-Saharan Africa 0.57 0.40\nLatin America and Caribbean 0.04 0.04\nCaribbean 0.09 0.08\nLatin America 0.04 0.03\nEast Asia 0.01 0.01\nSouth Asia 0.04 0.02\nSoutheast Asia (including Oceania) 0,04 0,04\nWestern Asia <0,01 <0,01\nCaucasus and Central Asia 0.01 0,03\nDeveloped regions 0.05 0.03",
"^(a) When the indicators for the Millennium Goals were developed, the ‘HIV prevalence for 15- to 24-year-olds’ was selected as representative of the incidence rate. Today, however, for all regions and for 60 countries there are estimates of incidence rates among people aged 15 to 49. Therefore, HIV incidence rates and HIV prevalence data for the population aged 15 to 49 are presented here.",
"b) HIV prevalence among 15- to 24-year-olds",
"1990 2001 2009\nFemale estimated value Female estimated value for adults for adults for adults for adults Adults (aged as adults (aged as adults (aged as (15-49 15 years), (15-49 15 years), (15-49 15 years), years with the year) living with HIV",
"World 0,3 44 0,8 51 0,8 52",
"Development regions 0.3 49 0.9 53 0.9 54",
"North Africa <0.1 29 <0.1 30 0.1 30",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 2.1 56 5.5 59 4,7 60 Sahara",
"Latin America and 0.3 28 0.5 35 0.5 37 Caribbean",
"Caribbean 0,6 48 1,1 54 1 53",
"Latin America 0.3 25 0.4 32 0.4 35",
"East Asia <0,1 25 <0,1 28 0,1 29",
"East Asia without <0,1 29 <0,1 30 <0,1 31 China",
"South Asia <0,1 28 0,3 35 0,3 37",
"South Asia without <0,1 27 0,1 30 0,1 30 India",
"Southeast Asia 0,2 16 0.4 34 0.4 34 (including Oceania)",
"West Asia <0,1 30 <0,1 30 <0,1 30",
"Oceans <0.1 54 0.4 57 0.8 57",
"Caucasus and <0,1 32 <0,1 37 0,1 37 Central Asia",
"Developed regions 0.2 18 0.3 31 0.4 35",
"The least developed 1.4 55 2.2 58 2 58 countries",
"Domestic developing countries 2.4 57 3,9 58 3 58",
"Small island development - 0.4 48 0.8 52 0.8 51 countries",
"Indicator 6.2",
"Condominal use in the last high-risk intercourse(a) (2005-2010)^(b)",
"Women Men\nNumber of countries used by a percentage of the percentage of the countries used by that, surveys of the countries used by a condom",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 34 27 48",
"Caribbean 3 37 2 56",
"South Asia 1 22 2 38",
"Oceans 3 34 4 48",
"^(a) Proportion of young women and men aged 15 to 24 years who have used a condom in sexual intercourse with an occasional partner (with whom they were not married or did not live together) within the last 12 months, to those who had such a partner in the last 12 months.",
"^(b) The data refer to the last year for which data are available during the period mentioned.",
"Indicator 6.3 Proportion of 15- to 24-year-olds with comprehensive and correct knowledge about HIV/AIDS",
"Women Men\nNumber of countries surveyed by the survey Percentageofthecounterfeitingofthecountries surveyed bythe survey Percentageofthe\nWorld (c) 91 21 – –\nDevelopment regions^(c) 82 20 – – North Africa 2 7 18\n1 sub-Saharan Africa 37 26 33\n28 Caribbean 5 43 37\n2 South Asia 5 17 36\n2 South Asia without India 4 10 –\n–\nSoutheast Asia 6 24 – – –\nCaucasus and Central Asia 8 20 – –",
"^(a) Proportion of young women and men aged 15 to 24 who correctly name the two main ways of preventing sexual transmission of HIV (condominal use and restriction of sexual intercourse to a loyal, uninfected partner), reject two common local misconceptions and know that a healthy person can transfer HIV.",
"^(b) The data refer to the last year for which data are available during the period mentioned.",
"^(c) Without China.",
"Indicator 6.4 Ratio of the school attendance rate of orphans to the school attendance rate of non- orphans aged 10-14 years",
"Number of countries with ratio of data",
"Development regions 44 0.81",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 33 0.92",
"Caribbean 2 0,82",
"South Asia 2 0,73",
"^(a) The ratio of the current school attendance rate of children aged 10 to 14, whose biological parents are deceased, to the current school attendance rate of children aged 10 to 14, whose parents are still alive and currently living with at least one biological parent.",
"^(b) The data refer to the last year for which data are available during the period mentioned.",
"6.B By 2010, the general access to HIV/AIDS treatment for all who need it",
"Indicator 6.5 Percentage of the population with advanced HIV infection that has access to antiretroviral drugs",
"2004 2006 2008 2009",
"World '(b) 6 15 28 36",
"Development regions 6 16 29 37",
"North Africa 10 21 29 25",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 3 14 28 37",
"Latin America and Caribbean 34 41 48 50",
"Caribbean 5 14 30 38",
"Latin America 39 44 49 51",
"East Asia 6 16 19 23",
"East Asia excluding China <1 <1 <1 <1 <1",
"South Asia 2 7 18 24",
"South Asia without India 1 2 4 6",
"Southeast Asia and Oceania 12 24 39 46",
"West Asia 44 38 52 57",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2 12 22 26",
"least developed countries 4 14 30 39",
"Domestic developing countries 5 17 35 47",
"Small island developing countries 5 15 31 40",
"^(a) Percentage of people with a CD4 value below 350 who receive antiretroviral therapy.",
"^(b) Only low and medium-income countries according to the definition of the World Bank are included.",
"6.C By 2015, the spread of malaria and other serious diseases will stop and gradually reverse",
"Indicator 6.6 malaria incidence and malaria mortality",
"(a) Incidence",
"World 69",
"North Africa 0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 248",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 7",
"Caribbean 14",
"Latin America 6",
"East Asia 0",
"East Asia without China 15",
"South Asia 20",
"South Asia without India 12",
"Southeast Asia 32",
"West Asia 20",
"Oceans 225",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0",
"least developed countries 173",
"Domestic developing countries 148",
"Small island developing countries 98",
"^(a) Number of new cases per 1,000 inhabitants in countries where the malaria is endemic (2009).",
"b) Deaths",
"All children under 5 years of age",
"World 24 182",
"North Africa 0 0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 96 519",
"Latin America and Caribbean 1 3",
"Caribbean 4 11",
"Latin America <0,5 1",
"East Asia <0.5 <0.5",
"East Asia without China 0",
"South Asia 2 8",
"South Asia without India 1 5",
"Southeast Asia 6 18",
"West Asia 6 15",
"Oceans 55 163",
"Caucasus and Central Asia <0.5 <0.5",
"least developed countries 70 384",
"Inland development countries 67 351",
"Small island developing countries 30 146",
"^(a) Number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in countries where the malaria is endemic (2009).",
"Indicator 6.7 Proportion of children under five years of age who sleep under impregnated mosquito nets (2008-2010)",
"a) Total (percentage)",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (24 31^(a) Countries)",
"^(a) Data for a subgroup of 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa for which trend data are available showed an increase in the use of impregnated mosquito nets in children from 2 percent in 2000 to 31 percent in 2010. The calculation shall be as at 31. April 2011 available data.",
"(b) By sex (in percent)",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (21 countries) 27",
"c) By place of residence (in percent)",
"City dwellers Country dwellers",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (23 countries) 28 33",
"Indicator 6.8 Proportion of children under five years with fever treated with suitable malaria drugs (2008-2010)",
"a) Total (percentage)",
"Sub-Saharan Africa (34 36 countries)",
"(b) By place of residence (in percent)",
"City dwellers Country dwellers",
"South Asia (3 countries) 41 36",
"Indicator 6.9 Tuberculosis incidence, prevalence and mortality",
"(a) Incidence (number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants including HIV-infected)",
"1990 2000 2009\nWorld 128 (114;144) 136 (129;144) 137 (131;145)\nDevelopment regions 155 (135.174) 163 (153;172) 164 (155;173)\nNorth Africa 58 (47;69) 48 (43;52) 42 (39;46)\nAfrica south of theSahara 176 (159;194) 316 (300;333) 345 (326;363)\nLatin America and Caribbean 88 (73;103) 61 (56;66) 44 (41;48)\nCaribbean 95 (67;122) 91 (78;104) 79 (67;90)\nLatin America 87 (71;103) 59 (54;64) 42 (39;45)\nEast Asia 136 (105;167) 109 (90;128) 100 (88;112)\nSouth Asia 172 (117;227) 172 (148;197) 173 (149;196)\nSoutheast Asia 238 (191;284) 226 (205;247) 217 (197;237)\nWest Asia 59 (48;70) 49 (44;54) 33 (30;36)\nOceania 202 (131;273) 194 (161;226) 190 (162;219)\nCaucasus and Central Asia 116 (92;141) 135 (123;146) 134 (123;146)\nDeveloped regions 39 (33;46) 36 (33;39) 27 (25;29)\nleast developed countries 212 (183;240) 272 (258;287) 275 (261;289)\nInland development countries 167 (148;187) 270 (254;287) 270 (253;287)\nSmall developing countries 108 (86;129) 104 (94;114) 104 (95;113)",
"^(a) Lower and upper limits in brackets.",
"b) Prevalence (number of existing cases per 100,000 inhabitants including HIV-infected)",
"1990 2000 2009\nWorld 253 (200;318) 231 (194;275) 201 (169;239)\nDevelopment regions 310 (233;387) 280 (229;331) 241 (198;284)\nNorth Africa 98 (56;139) 65 (40;89) 54 (34;74)\nAfrica south of Sahara 287 (231;344) 456 (377;534) 479 (397;560)\nLatin America and Caribbean 148 (99;198) 90 (67;114) 58 (43;72)\nCaribbean 176 (90;263) 139 (81;198) 111 (61;162)\nLatin America 146 (93;199) 86 (62;111) 54 (38;69)\nEast Asia 284 (122;446) 218 (101;334) 141 (63;220)\nSouth Asia 359 (167;551) 294 (177;410) 267 (154;380)\nSoutheast Asia 524 (369;679) 465 (349;580) 344 (259;429)\nWest Asia 94 (57;131) 74 (50;98) 51 (35;67)\nOceania 416 (163.669) 250 (103;396) 258 (107;408)\nCaucasus and Central Asia 224 (139;308) 207 (144;269) 208 (147;269)\nDeveloped regions 66 (42;89) 49 (33;64) 34 (23;45)\nleast developed countries 397 (291;502) 460 (378;543) 431 (358;503)\nInland development countries 252 (202;302) 372 (300;445) 385 (305;464)\nSmall island developing countries 202 (131;272) 152 (107;198) 146 (104;187)",
"^(a) Lower and upper limits in brackets.",
"c) Deaths (number per 100,000 inhabitants without HIV-infected)",
"1990 2000 2009\nWorld 30 (25;36) 26 (24;29) 20 (17;22)\nDevelopment regions 37 (30;44) 32 (29;35) 23 (21;26)\nNorth Africa 6.6 (3,3;9.9) 3 (2,1;4) 2.4 (1,7;3,2)\nAfrica south ofSahara 32 (27;38) 54 (50;59) 53 (48;58)\nLatin America and Caribbean 13 (8,8;17) 6 (5,3;6,8) 3,3 (2,7;4)\nCaribbean 21 (12;29) 15 (11;19) 11 (7,3;14)\nLatin America 12 (7,9;16) 5,3 (4,6;6,1) 2,8 (2,1;3,4)\nEast Asia 37 (26;48) 28 (21;34) 12 (7,2;16)\nSouth Asia 47 (28;66) 33 (25;41) 26 (18;34)\nSoutheast Asia 52 (39;66) 51 (45;58) 31 (25;37)\nWest Asia 8,2 (4,8;12) 6,2 (4,6;7,7) 4,7 (3,6;5,8)\nOceania 53 (28;77) 17 (7,8;25) 20 (10;29)\nCaucasus and Central Asia 23 (16;30) 22 (20;23) 20 (17;23)\nDeveloped regions 7,5 (4,7;10) 4,8 (4,5;5,1) 3,7 (2,8;4,6)\nleast developed countries 49 (40;59) 57 (52;62) 48 (44;53)\nInland development countries 25 (21;30) 41 (37;46) 42 (37;47)\nSmall island developing countries 24 (17;31) 15 (12;18) 13 (10;16)",
"^(a) Lower and upper limits in brackets.",
"Indicator 6.10 Proportion of diagnosed tuberculosis cases cured with the aid of directly monitored short-term therapy (DOTS)",
"(a) New cases diagnosed as part of the directly monitored short-term therapy (DOTS) (destroyed positive cases (in percent))^(a)",
"1990 2000 2009",
"World 55 (49; 62) 45 (43; 48) 62 (59; 65)",
"Development regions 55 (49; 63) 43 (41; 46) 61 (58; 64)",
"North Africa 63 (53; 78) 90 (82; 98) 89 (82; 98)",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 45 (41; 50) 38 (36; 40) 48 (46; 51)",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 53 (45; 64) 69 (64; 75) 73 (68; 79)",
"Caribbean 11 (8,8; 51 (45; 60) 17 (15; 20) 16)",
"Latin America 56 (47; 69) 72 (66; 78) 81 (75; 88)",
"East Asia 27 (22; 35) 35 (30; 43) 76 (68; 87)",
"South Asia 85 (65; 50 (44; 58) 64 (56; 74) 130)",
"Southeast Asia 50 (42; 62) 34 (31; 38) 63 (57; 69)",
"West Asia 70 (59; 87) 64 (58; 70) 68 (62; 75)",
"Oceania 31 (23; 48) 76 (65; 91) 74 (64; 87)",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 42 (34; 53) 68 (63; 75) 65 (59; 71)",
"Developed regions 58 (50; 70) 81 (74; 89) 84 (78; 92)",
"The least developed 32 (28; 37) 35 (33; 37) 48 (46; 51) countries",
"Inland development countries 54 (49; 61) 47 (44; 50) 49 (46; 52)",
"Small 22 (19; 28) 58 (53; 65) 45 (42; 50) island developing countries",
"^(a) Lower and upper limits in brackets.",
"(b) As part of the directly monitored short-term therapy (DOTS) successfully treated cases (in percent)",
"2000 2008\nWorld 69\nDevelopment regions 69 87\nNorth Africa 88 87\nSub-Saharan Africa 71 80\nLatin America and Caribbean 76 77\nCaribbean 72 76\nLatin America 77 77\nEast Asia 92 94\nSouth Asia 42 88\nSoutheast Asia 86 89\nWest Asia 77 84\nOceania 76 70\nCaucasus and Central Asia 79 74\nDeveloped regions 66 59\nleast developed countries 77 85\nInland development countries 75 81\nSmall island developing countries 73 75",
"Objective 7 Ensuring ecological sustainability",
"Objective 7.A Integrate the principles of sustainable development into national policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources",
"Indicator 7.1 Percentage of forest areas",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World 32,0 31,4 31,0",
"Development regions 29,4 28,2 27,6",
"North Africa 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 31,2 29.5 28.1",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 52,0 49,6 47,4",
"Caribbean 25,8 28,1 30,3",
"Latin America 52,3 49.9 47.6",
"East Asia 16,4 18,0 20.5",
"East Asia without China 15.2 14.0 12.8",
"South Asia 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.5",
"South Asia without India 7,8 7.3 7.1",
"Southeast Asia 56.9 51,3 49.3",
"West Asia 2,8 2,9 3,3",
"Oceania 67,5 65,1 62,5",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9",
"Developed regions 36,3 36,6 36,7",
"least developed countries 32,7 31,0 29,6",
"Inland development countries 19,3 18,2 17,1",
"Small island developing countries 64,6 63,7 62,7",
"Indicator 7.2 Total carbon dioxide emissions, per capita and per 1 dollar GDP (PPP)",
"(a) Total",
"(million tonnes)",
"1990 2000 2005 2007",
"World 21.839 23.839 27.895 30.121",
"Development regions 6.760 9.925 13.533 15.955",
"North Africa 232 333 400 453",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 462 554 648 688",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 1.019 1.334 1.464 1.652",
"Caribbean 84 99 105 136",
"Latin America 934 1.235 1.359 1.516",
"East Asia 2.988 3.964 6.388 7.670",
"East Asia without China 527 559 598 638",
"South Asia 1.009 1.675 2.061 2.509",
"South Asia without India 319 489 650 766",
"Southeast Asia 426 785 1.055 1.173",
"West Asia 617 943 1.126 1.325",
"Oceans 6 7 11 9",
"Caucasus and central palaces 485^(b) 329 380 477",
"Developed regions 14.953 13.696 14.100 13.907",
"least developed countries 74 110 164 191",
"Inland development countries 50 399 451 557",
"Small island developing countries 139 158 172 183",
"Investment I countries*(c,d,e) 14.968 14.430 14.902 14.652",
"b) Per head",
"1990 2000 2005 2008",
"World 4.1",
"Development regions 1.7 2.0 2.6 2.9",
"North Africa 1.9 2.3 2.6 2.8",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 2,3 2,6 2,7 2,9",
"Caribbean 2,7 2,9 2,9 3,6",
"Latin America 2,3 2,6 2,6 2,8",
"East Asia 2,5 2,9 4,6 5,4",
"East Asia without China 7,4 7,1 7,4 7,8",
"South Asia 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.5",
"South Asia without India 0.9 1,2 1.4 1.6",
"Southeast Asia 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.0",
"West Asia 4.8 5.6 6.0 6.6",
"Oceans 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7.1^(b) 4,6 5,1 6,3",
"Developed regions 12,3 11,4 11,5 11,2",
"least developed countries 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2",
"Inland development countries 0.3 1.2 1.2 1.4",
"Small island developing countries 3,2 3,1 3,2",
"Investment I countries",
"c) Per 1 dollar GDP (PPP)",
"(in kilogram)",
"1990 2000 2005 2008",
"World 0,60 0.50 0.49 0.46",
"Development regions 0.64 0.59 0.61 0.58",
"North Africa 0.43 0.50 0.49 0.47",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 0.55 0.53 0.48 0.43",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 0,32 0,31 0,30 0,29",
"Caribbean 0.60 0.58 0.58 0.62",
"Latin America 0.32 0.30 0.29 0.28",
"East Asia 1,46 0,87 0,94 0,83",
"East Asia without China 0.44 0.44 0.38 0.36",
"South Asia 0.59 0.61 0.54 0.54",
"South Asia without India 0.49 0.51 0.51 0.52",
"Southeast Asia 0.42 0.47 0.49 0.46",
"Western Asia 0.52 0.59 0.57 0.57",
"Oceans 0,29 0,25 0,38 0,20",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2,31^(b) 1,80 1,30 1,22",
"Developed regions 0.59 0.45 0.41 0.38",
"least developed countries 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.19",
"Inland development countries 0.20 0.93 0.73 0.71",
"Small island developing countries 0.59 0.41 0.37 0.32",
"Investment I countries*(c,d,e) 0.59 0.46 0.43 0.39",
"^(a) Total CO2 emissions from fossil fuels; includes CO2 emissions from the consumption of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, cement production and gas flaring (United States Department of Energy, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center).",
"Data for 1992.",
"^(c) Includes all investment I countries which report to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Non-Appendix I countries do not have annual reporting obligations.",
"^(d) The national reporting to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which follows the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is based on the national emission inventory and includes all sources of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. It is calculated from the sum of emissions from the energy sector, industrial processes, agricultural and waste sectors.",
"^(e) Does not include emissions/degradation by lowering as a result of land use, land use changes and forestry.",
"Indicator 7.3 Demand for ozone-degrading substances",
"(tonnes of ozone depletion potential)",
"1990^(a) 2000 2009",
"Development regions 236.892 207.991 41.983",
"North Africa 6.203 8.129 1.307",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 23.449 9.574 1.787",
"Latin America and Caribbean 76.048 31.104 5.359",
"Caribbean 2.177 1.669 159",
"Latin America 73.871 29.435 5.200",
"East Asia 103.217 105.762 24.734",
"East Asia without China 12.904 14.885 4.363",
"South Asia 3.338 28.161 1.904",
"South Asia without India 3.338 9.466 927",
"Southeast Asia 21.108 16.831 2.940",
"West Asia 3.481 8.299 3.939",
"Oceans 47 129 13",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2.738 928 188",
"Developed regions 828.590 25.364 2.007",
"least developed countries 1.457 4.791 1.055",
"Domestic developing countries 3.354 2.395 484",
"Small island developing countries 7.162 2.147 434",
"^(a) For the years before the entry into force of the reporting obligation for a group of substances, the missing country consumption values were estimated at the base year. This applies to the substances in Annexes B, C and E which came into force in 1992 and 1994 respectively.",
"Indicator 7.4 Share of fish stocks within safe biological limits",
"1990 2000 2008",
"Sub-fished 9,0 4,1 2,7",
"Moderately fished 22,3 21,3 11.8",
"Fully fished 50,0 47,2 52,7",
"Overfished 8,5 17,7 28,4",
"Exhausted 7,4 8,6 3,3",
"In refill 2,7 1.1 1.0",
"Indicator 7.5 Percentage of water resources used in total water resources^(a) (2005)",
"Development regions 9.6",
"North Africa 91,9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 3,3",
"Latin America and Caribbean 2.0",
"East Asia 15,2",
"East Asia without China 1.9",
"South Asia 19.7",
"South Asia without India 19.7",
"Southeast Asia 57,8",
"West Asia 53.4",
"Oceans 7,7",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 165,5",
"Developed regions 0.04",
"least developed countries 56,0",
"Inland development countries 10,1",
"Small island developing countries 4.5",
"^(a) Percentage of surface and groundwater extraction in the total renewable water resources available.",
"7.B Reducing the loss of biodiversity with a significant reduction in loss rate by 2010",
"Indicator 7.6 Share of protected land and sea areas",
"(a), (b)",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World 8.1 10.6 12.0",
"Development regions 7.9 10.6 12.2",
"North Africa 3,3 3,7 4.0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 10,7 11,0 11,5",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 9.0 14.7 19.3",
"Caribbean 3,3 3,8 4,6",
"Latin America",
"East Asia 11,5 14,3 15,3",
"East Asia without China 3,9 11,4 11,6",
"South Asia 5,0 5,6 5,9",
"South Asia without India 5,4 6,2 6,8",
"Southeast Asia 4.6 7.1 7,8",
"Western Asia 3,5 14,2 14,3",
"Oceans 0,5 1,1 3,2",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2,7 3,0 3,0",
"Developed regions 8.3 10.4 11.6",
"least developed countries 8.9 9.5 9.8",
"Inland development countries 8,9 10,9 11,3",
"Small island developing countries 1.5 2.7 4.2",
"^(a) Ratio of protected areas (land and sea areas) to total area. The differences between these figures and the figures contained in the statistical annex to The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (see are due to the availability of new data and a revised methodology.",
"^(b) Protected areas where the year of their establishment is not known are included in all annual data.",
"^(c) Including areas which are not included in the calculation of aggregates for the developed regions and the development regions.",
"(b) Land areas",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World ^(c) 8.8 11.3 12.7",
"Development regions 8.8 11.7 13.3",
"North Africa 3,3 3,7 4.0",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 11,1 11,3 11,8",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 9.7 15.3 20.3",
"Caribbean 9.2 9.9 11.2",
"Latin America 9.7 15.4 20.4",
"East Asia 12.0 14.9 15.9",
"East Asia without China 4.0 12.1 12.2",
"South Asia 5,3 5,9 6,2",
"South Asia without India 5,8 6,7 7,3",
"Southeast Asia 8,7 13,1 13.8",
"West Asia 3.8 15.3 15.4",
"Oceans 2.0 3.0 4.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 2,7 3,0 3,0",
"Developed regions 8.7 10.7 11.6",
"least developed countries 9.4 10.0 10.2",
"Inland development countries 8,9 10,9 11,3",
"Small island developing countries 4.0 6.3 7.6",
"^(a) Ratio of protected areas to total area. The differences between these figures and the figures contained in the statistical annex to The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (see are due to the availability of new data and a revised methodology.",
"^(b) Protected areas where the year of their establishment is not known are included in all annual data.",
"^(c) Including areas which are not included in the calculation of aggregates for the developed regions and the development regions.",
"(b) marine areas",
"1990 2000 2010",
"World ^(c) 3.1 5.2 7.2",
"Development regions 1.0 2.9 4.0",
"North Africa 3.1.6 4.6",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 1.4 3.1 4.0",
"Latin America and Caribbean 2,7 8,9 10,8",
"Caribbean 1.1 1.5 2.2",
"Latin America 3,3 11,8 14,3",
"East Asia 0.8 1.4 1.6",
"East Asia without China 2.1 2.1 2.3",
"South Asia 0.9 1.1 1.2",
"South Asia without India 0.5 0.6 0.8",
"Southeast Asia 0.6 1.3 2.1",
"West Asia 0,7 2,0 2,2",
"Oceans 0,2 0,6 2,8",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0.2 0.4 0.4",
"Developed regions 5.9 8.5 11.5",
"least developed countries 0.9 1.9 3.4",
"Inland development countries*(d) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0",
"Small island developing countries 0.4 1,2 2,8",
"^(a) Ratio of protected marine areas to the total area of territorial waters. The differences between these figures and the figures contained in the statistical annex to The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (see are due to the availability of new data and a revised methodology.",
"^(b) Protected areas where the year of their establishment is not known are included in all annual data.",
"^(c) Including areas which are not included in the calculation of aggregates for the developed regions and the development regions.",
"^(d) Without the territorial waters claimed by some inland developing countries.",
"Indicator 7.7 Percentage of endangered species",
"(share of species expected not to die in the near future (in percent))",
"1986 1990 2000 2008\nWorld 85,3 85,0 84,3 83,7\nDevelopment regions 84.9 84.7 84.0 83.4\nNorth Africa 94,3 94,1 93,9 93,6\nSub-Saharan Africa 87,6 87,6 87,3 87,1\nLatin America and the Caribbean 84,1 83,8 83,1 82,6\nEast Asia 89.9 89,7 89,0 88,4\nSouth Asia 84.9 84,8 84,4 84,1\nSoutheast Asia 87,9 87,6 86,6 86,0\nWest Asia 93,5 93,3 92,7 92,2\nOceania 91,2 91,0 90,4 90,0\nCaucasus and Central Asia 95.7 95,5 94.9 94,4\nDeveloped regions 90,9 90,6 90,1 89,6",
"^(a) According to the Red List Index of the continuation of species on biodiversity of vertebrates (acids, birds and amphibians). The Red List Index lists the proportion of species likely to be preserved in the near future without additional conservation measures, with a value of 1.0 for the species classified on the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources as ‘non-risk’, and a value of zero for all species extinct.",
"Objective 7.C Up to 2015, the proportion of people who have no sustainable access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation",
"Indicator 7.8 Proportion of population with access to improved drinking water supply",
"1990 2008\nTotal city dwellers Country dwellers Total city dwellers Country dwellers\nWorld 77 95 64 87 96 78\nDevelopment regions 72 93 60 84 94 76\nNorth Africa 86 94 78 92 95 87\nSub-Saharan Africa 49 83 36 60 83 47\nLatin America and Caribbean 85 95 63 93 97 80\nEast Asia 69 97 56 89 98 82\nEast Asia without China 96 97 93 98 100 91\nSouth Asia 75 91 69 87 95 83\nSouth Asia without India 82 95 77 85 93 80\nSoutheast Asia 72 92 63 86 92 81\nWest Asia 85 96 70 90 96 78\nOceans 51 92 38 50 92 37\nCaucasus and Central Asia 88 96 80 88 97 80\nDeveloped regions 98 100 96 99 100 97",
"Indicator 7.9 Proportion of population with access to improved sanitary facilities",
"1990 2008\nTotal city dwellers Country dwellers Total city dwellers Country dwellers\nWorld 54 77 36 61 76 45\nDevelopment regions 42 65 29 53 68 40\nNorth Africa 72 91 55 89 94 83\nSub-Saharan Africa 28 43 21 31 44 24\nLatin America 69 81 39 80 86 55\nEast Asia 43 53 39 56 61 53\nEast Asia without China 100 100 100 97 99 92\nSouth Asia 25 56 13 36 57 26\nSouth Asia without India 42 74 30 50 65 42\nSoutheast Asia 46 69 36 69 79 60\nWest Asia 79 96 53 85 94 67\nOceania 55 85 46 53 81 45\nCaucasus and Central Asia 91 96 86 95 96 95\nDeveloped regions 97 99 93 97 99 92",
"7.D By 2020, bringing about a significant improvement in living conditions of at least 100 million slum inhabitants",
"Indicator 7.10 Share of urban population living in slums",
"1990 2000 2010\nDevelopment regions 46,1 39,3 32,7\nNorth Africa 34,4 20,3 13,3\nSub-Saharan Africa 70,0 65,0 61,7\nLatin America 33,7 29,2 23,5\nEast Asia 43.7 37.4 28.2\nSouth Asia 57,2 45,8 35,0\nSoutheast Asia 49.5 39,6 31,0\nWest Asia 22,5 20,6 24,6\nOceans 24,1 24,1 24,1",
"^(a) Urban dwellers in households with at least one of the following four characteristics: no access to better drinking water supply, no access to better sanitation facilities, consideration (three or more persons in one room) and shelters built from non-steady material. Mine lanterns are evaluated half as better sanitary facilities. These new figures are not comparable with the previously published estimates, in which all households using pit lanterns have been regarded as slums.",
"Objective 8 Building a global development partnership",
"8.A Developing an open, regulated, predictable and non-discriminatory trading and financial system",
"Includes the commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction at national and international level.",
"Objective 8.B Taking into account the specific needs of the least developed countries",
"Includes the duty-free and quota-free access to exports of the least developed countries, an increased debt relief programme for the highly indebted poor countries and the abolition of bilateral public debt, as well as the granting of more generous public aid to countries which have committed themselves to reducing poverty.",
"Objective 8.C Taking into account the specific needs of the inland and small island developing countries (by the action programme for the sustainable development of the small island states among the developing countries and the results of the twenty-second special meeting of the General Assembly)",
"Objective 8.D The debt problems of developing countries through measures at national and international level, thus making debt sustainable",
"Public development aid",
"Indicator 8.1 Public development aid, net (total and least developed countries), as a percentage of gross national income of donor countries of the Committee on Development Assistance (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)",
"(a) Annual benefits in total",
"(in billions of US dollars)",
"1990 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010^(b)",
"All developing countries 52,8 58,6 104,8 104,2 122,0 119,8 128,7",
"The least developed 15.1 16.7 29.7 32.3 37,8 37.4 countries",
"^(a) Contains the issue of non-public development aid, but not of military debt.",
"^(b) Provisional data.",
"(b) Proportion of gross national income from OECD/DAC countries",
"1990 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010^(a)",
"All developing countries 0,32 0,23 0,30 0,27 0,30 0,31 0,32",
"The least developed 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.10 countries",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"Indicator 8.2 Share of total bilateral, sectoral public development aid from OECD/DAC countries for basic social services (basic education, primary health care, nutrition, flawless water and sanitation)",
"1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009",
"in percent 10.1 14.0 15.7 15.9 19.9 21.0",
"in billions of 3,1 3,5 5,8 8,2 12,4 16,7 US dollars",
"Indicator 8.3 Proportion of unbound bilateral public development aid from OECD/DAC countries",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"in percent 67,6 91,1 91,4 88,3 83,9 86.6 84,4",
"in billions of 16,3 30,1 49,0 62,2 60,3 80,5 71,1 US dollars",
"^(a) Excluding technical cooperation and administrative costs, as well as all public development assistance services whose degree of binding has not been given any information. In 2008, the share of bilateral public development aid excluding technical cooperation and administrative costs for which information on the degree of binding was 99.6 percent.",
"Indicator 8.4 Public development aid received by inland developing countries as a percentage of gross national income",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"in percent 10.3 8.1 7.0 6.2 5.6 5.3 4.6",
"in billions of 7.0 12.1 15.0 16.6 18.9 22,6 25.0 US dollars",
"Indicator 8.5 Public development aid received by small island developing countries as a percentage of gross national income",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009",
"in percent 2.6 2.2 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8",
"in billions 2.1 1.8 2.5 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.2 US dollars",
"Market access",
"Indicator 8.6 Share of duty-free imports in total imports of developed countries from developing countries and the least developed countries (by value and without arms)",
"1996 2000 2005 2007 2009",
"a) without arms",
"Developing countries*(a) 53 63 76 82",
"of which preferential*(b) 16 14 17 16 16",
"North Africa 52 57 97 97 97",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 78 80 93 96 97",
"Latin America 66 75 93 94 94",
"East Asia 35 52 62 67 67",
"South Asia 47 48 58 72 69",
"Southeast Asia 59 75 77 80 79",
"West Asia 34 39 66 96 97",
"Oceania 85 83 89 91 93",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 91 84 94 98",
"least developed countries 68 75 83 89 89 89",
"(b) 29 42 28 27 29",
"(b) without arms and oil",
"Developing countries*(a) 54 65 76 78 78 78",
"(b) 19 16 20 19 19",
"North Africa 20 26 95 94",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 88 83 91 93 95",
"Latin America and Caribbean 73 81 93 93 93 93",
"East Asia 35 52 62 67 67",
"South Asia 41 46 58 63 62",
"Southeast Asia 60 76 77 79 79",
"West Asia 35 44 87 93 93",
"Oceania 82 79 87 89 92",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 90 69 84 82 90",
"least developed countries 78 70 80 80 80 80",
"(b) 35 35 49 52 53",
"^(a) Including the least developed countries.",
"^(b) The actual preferential margin is obtained by deducting the value of products which receive duty-free access under the most favourable regime from the total value of all products with duty-free access. The indicators are based on the best available treatment, including regional and preferential agreements.",
"Indicator 8.7 Average level of tariffs levied by developed countries on agricultural products, textiles and clothing from developing countries",
"1996 2000 2005 2009",
"a) without arms",
"Developing countries 10.5 9.2 8.8",
"North Africa 6.7 7.4 7.2 6.4",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 7,4 6,2 6,2 4,5",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 12.1 10.3 9.8 8.0",
"East Asia 9,3 9.5 10,8 10,7",
"South Asia 5,4 5,4 4,5 5,5",
"Southeast Asia 11,4 10,2 9,2 9,0",
"West Asia 8.2 7.5 5.0 5.3",
"Oceania 11,5 9,5 8,8 8.4",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 4,8 3,9 3,4 4,1",
"least developed 3.8 3.6 3.0 1.2 countries",
"b) Textiles",
"Developing countries 7,3 6,5 5,2 5,1",
"North Africa 8.0 7.2 4,4 3,9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 3,9 3,4 2,9 2,9",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 4,7 3,5 1,5 1.3",
"East Asia 7,3 6,7 5,8 5,8",
"South Asia 7,1 6,5 6,1 5,8",
"Southeast Asia 9.2 8.4 6.0 5.6",
"West Asia 9,2 8,2 4,6 4,5",
"Oceania 5.9 5.3 4.9 4.9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 7,3 6,3 5,8 5,7",
"Most developed 4.6 4.1 3.2 3.2 countries",
"c) Clothing",
"Developing countries 11,4 10,8 8.3 8.1",
"North Africa 11,9 11,1 8,0 5,9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 8.5 7.9 1.6 1.6 1.6",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 8.8 7,8 1.3 1.3",
"East Asia 12,0 11,5 11,0 11,1",
"South Asia 10,2 9,6 8,6 8,6",
"Southeast Asia 14.2 13.6 10.5 9.4",
"West Asia 12.6 11.8 8.5 8.3",
"Oceania 8.8 8.3 8.4 8.8",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 12,9 11,8 11,5 10,8",
"The least developed 8,2 7,8 6,4 6,4 countries",
"Indicator 8.8 Estimated agricultural subsidies in OECD countries as a percentage of gross domestic product",
"1990 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009^(a)",
"in percent 1,86 1,12 1,04 0.95 0,87 0,86 0,93",
"in billions 327 340 369 358 362 379 384 US dollars",
"^(a) Provisional data.",
"Indicator 8.9 Percentage of public development aid granted to build up commercial capacity",
"2001 2003 2005 2007 2008 2009",
"Trade policy and 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9\nTrade-related adjustment",
"Economic 21.5 14.8 17.2 13.6 18.7 15.1 Infrastructure",
"Structure of 16.0 13.4 12.8 13.3 14.8 12.9 Production capacities",
"Total trade aid 38.5 29.0 30.7 27.7 34.4 28.9",
"^(a) Substitute indicators for trade aid, as a percentage of bilateral sectoral public development aid (world).",
"^(b) The reporting of data on trade-related adjustment began in 2007. Previously, only Canada and the European Commission reported data.",
"Debt securities",
"Indicator 8.10 Total number of countries that have reached their decision-making point under the Initiative for Highly Debtd Poor Countries (HIPC), and number of countries that have reached their HIPC conclusion point (cumulative)",
"2000^(a) 2011(b)",
"Final score 1 32",
"Decision reached, 21 4 final point not yet reached",
"Not yet reached 12 4",
"Total eligible countries 34 40",
"^(a) Includes only the countries classified as highly indebted poor countries in 2011. The data for 2000 reflect the end of the year.",
"^(b) Stand: March 2011.",
"Indicator 8.11 Debt relief granted under the HIPC initiative and the Multilateral Debt Initiative (MDRI)",
"(in billions of US dollars (cumulative)",
"2000 2011",
"For countries that have reached the decision or 32 90 final point",
"^(a) Expressed in the net present value of the end of 2009. As of March 2011.",
"Indicator 8.12 Debt service as a percentage of export earnings (goods and services)",
"1990 2000 2008 2009",
"Development regions 18.7 12.5 3.4 3.6",
"North Africa 39.8 15.3 6.9",
"Sub-Saharan Africa 11,4 9,4 2,0 3,1",
"Latin America and the Caribbean 20,6 21,8 6,8 7,2",
"Caribbean 16,8 8,0 11,4 14,6",
"Latin America 20,7 22,2 6,7 7,1",
"East Asia 10.5 5.1 0.6 0.6",
"South Asia 17,6 13.7 5.2 3.5",
"South Asia without India 9.3 11,5 7,7 9,8",
"Southeast Asia 16,7 6,5 3.0 4.0",
"West Asia 26,4 16,2 9,2 9,0",
"Oceans 14,0 5,9 2,8 1,9",
"Caucasus and Central Asia 0.62^(b) 8.4 0.6 1.0",
"least developed countries 16,8 11,4 2,9 5,6",
"Domestic developing countries 14.4 8.6 1.3 1.9",
"Small island developing countries 13.7 8.7 7.6 9.5",
"^(a) Contains the countries designated under the World Bank's debt reporting system. The aggregates are based on available data and may not contain for some years the countries with no data on exports of goods and services and net income from abroad.",
"Data for 1993.",
"8.E In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, make available essential medicines at affordable costs in developing countries",
"Indicator 8.13 Proportion of population with permanent access to essential medicines at affordable costs",
"Global or regional data are not available.",
"8.F In cooperation with the private sector, ensure that the benefits of new technologies, in particular information and communication technologies, can be used",
"Indicator 8.14 fixed network connections per 100 inhabitants",
"1990 2000 2009\nWorld 9.8 15.9 17.5\nDevelopment regions 2,3 7,9 12,2\nNorth Africa 2,8 7,1 11,3\nSub-Saharan Africa 1.0 1.4 1.5\nLatin America and the Caribbean 6,3 14,7 18,2\nCaribbean 7,0 11,2 10,7\nLatin America 6.2 15.0 18,8\nEast Asia 2.4 13.8 24,8\nEast Asia without China 24.8 42.8 43.9\nSouth Asia 0,7 3,2 4,3\nSouth Asia without India 1.0 3.4 7.1\nSoutheast Asia 1.3 4.8 12.4\nWest Asia 8,6 16,5 15,3\nOceania 3,3 5,2 5,4\nCaucasus and Central Asia 7.9 8.8 12.5\nDeveloped regions 37.0 49.2 41.5\nleast developed countries 0.3 0.5 1.0\nDomestic developing countries 2.4 2.8 3.9\nSmall island developing countries 7,9 12,9 12,2",
"Indicator 8.15 Mobile subscribers per 100 inhabitants",
"1995 2000 2009\nWorld 1.6 12,1 68,4\nDevelopment regions 0.45 58.2\nNorth Africa <0.1 2.7 79,7\nSub-Saharan Africa 0,1 1,7 37,3\nLatin America and the Caribbean 0,8 12,3 89,4\nCaribbean 1,2 7,4 54,2\nLatin America\nEast Asia 0.5 9.9 57,8\nEast Asia without China 3.4 49.9 86.8\nSouth Asia <0,1 0.4 44,7\nSouth Asia without India <0,1 0,5 46,7\nSoutheast Asia 0.7 4.3 79.5\nWest Asia 0.6 12.7 87.0\nOceans 0,2 2,4 25,2\nCaucasus and Central Asia <0.1 1.3 74.9\nDeveloped regions 6,4 39,8 114,3\nleast developed countries <0,1^(a) 0,3 26,2\nInland development countries <0,1 1,1 34,7\nSmall island developing countries 1.5 11,0 57,5",
"Data for 1996.",
"Indicator 8.16 Internet users per 100 inhabitants",
"1995 2000 2009\nWorld 0,8 6,6 26,5\nDevelopment regions 0.1 2.1 18.0\nNorth Africa <0.1 0.7 25.2\nSub-Saharan Africa 0,1 0,5 8,9\nLatin America and Caribbean 0.1 3,9 32,9\nCaribbean 0.1 2,9 22,3\nLatin America 0.1 4.0 33,7\nEast Asia 0.1 3.8 31,0\nEast Asia without China 1,1 28,7 57,9\nSouth Asia <0,1 0,5 5,6\nSouth Asia excluding India <0,1^(a) 0,3 6,6\nSoutheast Asia 0.1 2,4 15,2\nWest Asia 0.1 3.2 27.0\nOceania 0,1 1,8 6,4\nCaucasus and Central Asia <0,1 0,5 18,8\nDeveloped regions 3.2 25.1 64.9\nleast developed countries <0,1^(b) 0,1 2,7\nInland development countries <0,1^(a) 0,3 7.1\nSmall island developing countries 0.4 5.2 22.3",
"Data for 1996.",
"Data for 1998.",
"Sources: United Nations Interinstitutional and Expert Group on Indicators for the Millennium Development Goals and Database of Indicators for the Millennium Development Goals (",
"Notes: Unless otherwise stated, the regional grouping is based on the geographical regions of the United Nations, with some adjustments which were necessary to produce as homogeneous country groups as possible for analysis and presentation purposes. The composition of the regions used for reporting 2011 on the indicators for the Millennium Development Goals can be obtained in English at under ‘Data’.",
"The term ‘developed regions’ covers Europe (including the countries of the Community of Independent States (Europe), Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.",
"‘Caucasus and Central Asia’ includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.",
"11-43143 (G) 150811",
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"[] Generalversammlung Verteilung: Allgemein \n 25. August 2011",
"Fünfundsechzigste Tagung",
"Tagesordnungspunkt 27 b)",
"Resolution der Generalversammlung",
"[ohne Überweisung an einen Hauptausschuss (A/65/L.87)]",
"65/312. Ergebnisdokument der Tagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über Jugend: Dialog und gegenseitiges Verständnis",
"Die Generalversammlung,",
"unter Hinweis auf ihre Resolution 64/134 vom 18. Dezember 2009, insbesondere deren Ziffer 3, und ihre Resolution 65/267 vom 15. März 2011, insbesondere deren Ziffer 1,",
"verabschiedet das folgende Ergebnisdokument der Tagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über Jugend: Dialog und gegenseitiges Verständnis:",
"Ergebnisdokument der Tagung der Generalversammlung auf hoher Ebene über Jugend: Dialog und gegenseitiges Verständnis",
"Wir, die Staats- und Regierungschefs, Minister und Vertreter der Mitgliedstaaten, die am 25. und 26. Juli 2011 am Amtssitz der Vereinten Nationen in New York zu einer Tagung auf hoher Ebene zum Thema „Jugend: Dialog und gegenseitiges Verständnis“ zusammengekommen sind,",
"1. unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit, die Ideale des Friedens, der Freiheit, der Gerechtigkeit, der Toleranz, der Achtung der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten, der Solidarität und des Einsatzes für die Ziele des Fortschritts und der Entwicklung unter jungen Menschen zu verbreiten und zu fördern und sie darüber aufzuklären,",
"2. erinnern an die Resolution 64/134 vom 18. Dezember 2009, mit der die Generalversammlung das am 12. August 2010 beginnende Jahr zum Internationalen Jahr der Jugend: Dialog und gegenseitiges Verständnis erklärte, und erkennen die Bedeutung der Tagung auf hoher Ebene als Höhepunkt des Internationalen Jahres der Jugend an;",
"3. bekräftigen das Weltaktionsprogramm für die Jugend, einschließlich seiner fünfzehn miteinander verbundenen Schwerpunktbereiche, und fordern die Mitgliedstaaten auf, es auf lokaler, nationaler, regionaler und internationaler Ebene weiter durchzuführen;",
"4. legen den Mitgliedstaaten nahe, umfassende politische Konzepte und Aktionspläne zu erarbeiten, in denen das Wohl der Jugend, insbesondere der armen und marginalisierten Jugendlichen, im Mittelpunkt steht und allen Aspekten der Jugendentwicklung Rechnung getragen wird, und legen außerdem der internationalen Gemeinschaft und dem System der Vereinten Nationen nahe, nationale Jugendprogramme zu unterstützen und den bestehenden internationalen Rahmen für die Jugend, einschließlich des Weltaktionsprogramms für die Jugend, weiterzuentwickeln und zu verbessern, um alle die Jugend derzeit betreffenden Probleme umfassend anzugehen;",
"5. legen den Mitgliedstaaten außerdem nahe, die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und die Ermächtigung der Frauen in allen Aspekten der Jugendentwicklung zu fördern, in Anerkennung der Verwundbarkeit der Mädchen und jungen Frauen und der wichtigen Rolle der Jungen und jungen Männer bei der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter;",
"6. nehmen mit Anerkennung Kenntnis von den Aktivitäten, Sonderveranstaltungen und Beiträgen der Mitgliedstaaten und aller Interessengruppen, einschließlich der Jugendorganisationen, des Privatsektors, der Zivilgesellschaft und der Medien, sowie der Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen und tragen dem Beitrag der Jugendorganisationen zu dem Ergebnisdokument der Tagung auf hoher Ebene Rechnung;",
"7. sind uns dessen bewusst, dass die Art und Weise, wie junge Menschen ihre Bestrebungen und Herausforderungen angehen und ihr Potenzial voll entfalten können, die derzeitigen sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse und das Wohlergehen und die Existenzgrundlagen künftiger Generationen beeinflussen wird, und betonen, dass weitere Anstrengungen unternommen werden müssen, um die Interessen der Jugend, einschließlich des vollen Genusses ihrer Menschenrechte, zu fördern, unter anderem indem junge Menschen dabei unterstützt werden, ihr Potenzial und ihre Begabungen zu entfalten und die Hindernisse, denen sie sich gegenübersehen, zu überwinden;",
"8. erinnern an das Bekenntnis zur Verwirklichung der international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, und zur Umzusetzung der Ergebnisse der Weltkonferenzen und Gipfeltreffen und Durchführung der entsprechenden Programme;",
"9. betonen die wichtige Rolle einer wirksamen sektorspezifischen und sektorübergreifenden nationalen Jugendpolitik, die der Jugend in ihrer gesamten Vielfalt gerecht wird, sowie der internationalen Zusammenarbeit bei der Förderung der Erreichung der international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele;",
"10. bitten die Mitgliedstaaten, die Umsetzung ihrer Verpflichtungen zur Verwirklichung der einschlägigen international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, und der entsprechenden Ergebnisse und Aktionsprogramme, einschließlich des Weltaktionsprogramms für die Jugend, zu überprüfen und zu evaluieren, und ersuchen die Regionalkommissionen der Vereinten Nationen, den Mitgliedstaaten beim Austausch von Informationen über diesbezügliche nationale Erfahrungen, gewonnene Erkenntnisse und bewährte Verfahren behilflich zu sein;",
"11. legen den Mitgliedstaaten nahe, auch weiterhin eine wirksame nationale Jugendpolitik zu entwickeln, umzusetzen, zu überwachen und zu evaluieren, unter Berücksichtigung ihres kulturellen Kontexts im Hinblick auf die Jugendentwicklung, sowie entsprechende regionale Jugendprogramme zu fördern;",
"12. bekräftigen unsere Entschlossenheit, der Förderung der Jugend und ihrer Interessen vorrangig Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen und die der Jugendentwicklung hinderlichen Probleme anzugehen, insbesondere durch die Beseitigung der Armut und die Förderung eines dauerhaften Wirtschaftswachstums, einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung sowie produktiver Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdiger Arbeit für alle, und fordern eine verstärkte Beteiligung der Jugend und der Jugendorganisationen an der Formulierung lokaler, nationaler, regionaler und/oder internationaler Entwicklungsstrategien und ‑konzepte;",
"13. bekräftigen, dass junge Menschen vor allen Formen der Gewalt, einschließlich geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt, Menschenhandel und Tyrannisierung, auch über das Internet, sowie vor der Beteiligung an kriminellen Tätigkeiten wie mit Drogen zusammenhängenden Verbrechen und vor der damit verbundenen Manipulation geschützt werden müssen, und sind uns dessen bewusst, dass sichere und jugendgerechte Beratungs-, Beschwerde- und Meldemechanismen entwickelt werden müssen, um bei Verletzungen ihrer Rechte Abhilfe zu schaffen;",
"14. bekräftigen, dass die Stärkung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit im Jugendbereich, namentlich durch die Erfüllung aller in Bezug auf die öffentliche Entwicklungshilfe eingegangenen Verpflichtungen, die Weitergabe geeigneter Technologie, der Aufbau von Kapazitäten, die Verbesserung des Dialogs, das gegenseitige Verständnis und die aktive Teilhabe der Jugend ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Anstrengungen zugunsten der Armutsbeseitigung, der Vollbeschäftigung und der sozialen Integration sind;",
"15. begrüßen die laufenden Anstrengungen der Mitgliedstaaten zur Erfüllung ihrer Zusagen in Bezug auf die Verwirklichung der international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, und erkennen die Beiträge an, die die Mitgliedstaaten, die Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen, die Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft, einschließlich der Jugendorganisationen, und der Privatsektor leisten, um die Lage junger Menschen zu verbessern, stellen jedoch mit Besorgnis fest, dass trotz dieser Anstrengungen zahlreiche junge Menschen in Gebieten leben, in denen Armut ein großes Problem darstellt und der Zugang zu sozialen Grunddiensten, vor allem für Mädchen und junge Frauen, begrenzt ist, und dass die Jugendentwicklung noch immer durch die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise sowie durch Probleme infolge der Nahrungsmittelkrise und der anhaltenden Ernährungsunsicherheit, der Energiekrise und des Klimawandels behindert wird, und stellen außerdem mit Besorgnis fest, dass bei der Verwirklichung der international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, insbesondere in für die Jugend relevanten Fragen, insgesamt ungleichmäßige Fortschritte erzielt worden sind;",
"16. sind uns dessen bewusst, dass die Mehrheit der Jugendlichen der Welt in Entwicklungsländern lebt und dass Entwicklungshemmnisse die Jugend wegen ihres begrenzten Zugangs zu Ressourcen, allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung, Beschäftigung und umfassenderen sozioökonomischen Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten vor zusätzliche Herausforderungen stellen, und ersuchen daher die Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen, diese Entwicklungshemmnisse bei der Gestaltung und Durchführung ihrer Jugendprogramme zu berücksichtigen, damit Vorteile den in Entwicklungsländern lebenden jungen Menschen gleichermaßen zugute kommen;",
"17. verurteilen es, dass Jugendliche unter Verstoß gegen das anwendbare Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten eingezogen und eingesetzt werden, missbilligen die negativen Folgen, die dies für die betroffenen Jugendlichen hat, und fordern die Mitgliedstaaten auf, in Zusammenarbeit mit den Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen konkrete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und Programme weiter zu unterstützen, die die effektive soziale und wirtschaftliche Wiedereingliederung und Rehabilitation demobilisierter junger Menschen gewährleisten;",
"18. sind uns dessen bewusst, wie wichtig es ist, Jugendkriminalität, einschließlich Drogenkriminalität, und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Jugend und die sozioökonomische Entwicklung der Gesellschaften zu verhüten und anzugehen sowie jugendliche Opfer und Zeugen zu schützen und die Rehabilitation, Wiedereingliederung und Inklusion jugendlicher Straftäter in die Gesellschaft zu unterstützen, damit sie eine konstruktive Rolle übernehmen können;",
"19. bitten die Mitgliedstaaten, nach der Begehung des Internationalen Jahres der Jugend weiter dafür zu sorgen, dass ihre auf nationaler, regionaler und internationaler Ebene durchgeführten Tätigkeiten zur Förderung einer Kultur des Dialogs und des gegenseitigen Verständnisses unter und mit Jugendlichen als Akteuren der Entwicklung, der sozialen Inklusion, der Toleranz und des Friedens, namentlich durch Menschenrechtsbildung und Menschenrechtslernen, mehr Gewicht erhalten und ausgeweitet werden;",
"20. erklären erneut, dass die volle und wirksame Teilhabe von jungen Menschen und Jugendorganisationen über geeignete Kanäle an den entsprechenden Entscheidungsprozessen der Schlüssel unter anderem zur Erreichung der international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, und zur Umsetzung der Ergebnisse der Weltkonferenzen und Gipfeltreffen sowie zur Durchführung des Weltaktionsprogramms für die Jugend ist;",
"21. erkennen den positiven Beitrag an, den die Jugendvertreter in der Generalversammlung und anderen Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen leisten, sind uns ihrer Rolle als wichtige Kommunikationsmittler zwischen jungen Menschen und den Vereinten Nationen bewusst und ersuchen in dieser Hinsicht den Generalsekretär, die vorhandenen Instrumente angemessen zu unterstützen, damit sie den Jugendvertretern auch weiterhin die wirksame Teilnahme an den Sitzungen erleichtern können;",
"22. legen den Mitgliedstaaten nahe, in Zusammenarbeit mit den maßgeblichen Akteuren den Dialog und das gegenseitige Verständnis zu fördern, um jugendbezogene Fragen besser angehen zu können, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die aktive Teilhabe der Jugend, die Jugendarbeit, die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und die Ermächtigung der Frauen, die soziale Integration, Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle, den Zugang zu hochwertiger Bildung, den Aufbau wissenschaftlicher und innovativer Kapazitäten, Stipendien und Ausbildung, den Zugang zu Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie und ihre sichere Nutzung, insbesondere zugunsten des Kinder- und Jugendschutzes, den Zugang zu Gesundheitsversorgung, die Beseitigung der Diskriminierung, den Schutz vor allen Formen der Gewalt, die Solidarität zwischen den Generationen und die Auswirkungen finanzieller, wirtschaftlicher und sonstiger Krisen;",
"23. ersuchen die Einrichtungen der Vereinten Nationen und bitten die internationale Gemeinschaft und die Zivilgesellschaft sowie den Privatsektor, die breitere Agenda der Jugendentwicklung zu fördern und die internationale Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch bewährter Verfahren zu verstärken, um die Mitgliedstaaten bei ihren Bemühungen um Fortschritte auf diesem Gebiet zu unterstützen, unter Berücksichtigung dessen, dass die Gewährleistung der Jugendentwicklung in erster Linie Aufgabe der Staaten ist;",
"24. legen den Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen, einschließlich der Sonderorganisationen, Fonds und Programme, eindringlich nahe, im Einklang mit ihrem jeweiligen Mandat und auf Antrag die Stärkung der nationalen Kapazitäten und Anstrengungen zur Ausarbeitung und Umsetzung nationaler Pläne, politischer Konzepte und Programme zu unterstützen, die die Verwirklichung der international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, und die Umsetzung der einschlägigen Ergebnisse und Aktionsprogramme, einschließlich des Weltaktionsprogramms für die Jugend, beschleunigen können;",
"25. ersuchen die Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen, sich enger abzustimmen und die Bemühungen um einen kohärenteren, umfassenderen und besser integrierten Ansatz für die Jugendentwicklung, unter anderem über das Interinstitutionelle Netzwerk für Jugendentwicklung, zu verstärken, fordern die Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen und die maßgeblichen Partner auf, zusätzliche Maßnahmen zu entwickeln, um die nationalen, regionalen und internationalen Anstrengungen zur Bewältigung der die Jugendentwicklung behindernden Probleme zu unterstützen, und ermutigen in dieser Hinsicht zu einer engen Zusammenarbeit mit den Mitgliedstaaten sowie den sonstigen maßgeblichen Akteuren, einschließlich der Zivilgesellschaft;",
"26. ersuchen den Generalsekretär, der Kommission für soziale Entwicklung auf ihrer einundfünfzigsten Tagung unter gebührender Beachtung der bestehenden Berichtspflichten einen Bericht über nationale Erfahrungen, gewonnene Erkenntnisse und bewährte Verfahren in Bezug auf den Umgang mit den die Jugend betreffenden Problemen vorzulegen, der auch eine Beurteilung der Stärken und Schwächen der laufenden jugendbezogenen Programme der Vereinten Nationen und konkrete Empfehlungen zu Möglichkeiten enthält, die der Entwicklung und Teilhabe der Jugend hinderlichen Probleme, auch durch Freiwilligentätigkeit, wirksamer anzugehen, die jugendbezogenen Programme und Strukturen der Vereinten Nationen, namentlich ihre Kohärenz, zu verbessern, den Dialog und das gegenseitige Verständnis unter Jugendlichen weltweit besser zu fördern und die Fortschritte in diesen Bereichen zu bewerten, und der in Absprache mit den Mitgliedstaaten sowie den zuständigen Sonderorganisationen, Fonds und Programmen und den Regionalkommissionen unter Berücksichtigung der vom System der Vereinten Nationen geleisteten Arbeit erstellt werden soll, und ersuchen außerdem das Sekretariat, gegebenenfalls die von Jugendlichen geführten und auf Jugendliche ausgerichteten Organisationen zu konsultieren, um sicherzustellen, dass die verschiedenen Beiträge der Jugend der Kommission für soziale Entwicklung während ihrer Beratungen ordnungsgemäß übermittelt werden;",
"27. ersuchen den Generalsekretär erneut, einen Katalog möglicher Indikatoren vorzuschlagen, die mit dem Weltaktionsprogramm für die Jugend und den vorgeschlagenen Zielen und Zielvorgaben verknüpft sind und den Mitgliedstaaten bei der Bewertung der Lage der Jugendlichen behilflich sein sollen, unter Befürwortung fortgesetzter Konsultationen mit den Mitgliedstaaten;",
"28. bekunden erneut unsere Entschlossenheit, unseren Verpflichtungen zur Förderung der Entwicklung, des Dialogs und des gegenseitigen Verständnisses der Jugend nachzukommen, unter gebührender Beachtung der entsprechenden international vereinbarten Entwicklungsziele, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, und der einschlägigen Ergebnisse und Aktionsprogramme, einschließlich des Weltaktionsprogramms für die Jugend. Wir verpflichten uns daher, die folgenden Maßnahmen zu ergreifen:",
"a) die internationale Gemeinschaft aufzufordern, die Anstrengungen weiter zu unterstützen, die von den Mitgliedstaaten gemeinsam mit der Zivilgesellschaft, einschließlich der Jugendorganisationen, des Privatsektors und anderer Teile der Gesellschaft, unternommen werden, um die negativen sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Globalisierung abzuwenden und auszugleichen und den Nutzen der Globalisierung für junge Menschen zu maximieren;",
"b) außerdem die Geber, einschließlich der Mitgliedstaaten und der zwischenstaatlichen und nichtstaatlichen Organisationen, aufzufordern, die Anstrengungen der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung dieses Ergebnisdokuments sowie des Weltaktionsprogramms für die Jugend zu unterstützen;",
"c) die hohen Raten der Arbeitslosigkeit, Unterbeschäftigung, unsicheren Beschäftigung und informellen Beschäftigung bei Jugendlichen anzugehen, indem wir eine gezielte und integrierte nationale Jugendbeschäftigungspolitik ausarbeiten und umsetzen, die darauf ausgerichtet ist, inklusive Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit zu verbessern, den spezifischen Bedürfnissen der Jugend, einschließlich junger Migranten, auf dem Arbeitsmarkt durch Kompetenzentwicklung und Berufsausbildung Rechnung zu tragen und die unternehmerische Initiative zu stärken, so auch durch die Entwicklung von Netzwerken junger Unternehmer auf lokaler, nationaler, regionaler und globaler Ebene, in denen das Wissen junger Menschen über ihre Rechte und Pflichten in der Gesellschaft gefördert wird, und in dieser Hinsicht die Geber, die spezialisierten Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen und den Privatsektor zu ersuchen, weiter nach Bedarf Hilfe, einschließlich technischer und finanzieller Unterstützung, zu gewähren;",
"d) den Mitgliedstaaten eindringlich nahezulegen, das weltweite Problem der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit anzugehen, indem sie Strategien ausarbeiten und umsetzen, die jungen Menschen überall eine echte Chance bieten, menschenwürdige und produktive Arbeit zu finden, und in diesem Zusammenhang zu erwägen, Anstrengungen zur Ausarbeitung einer globalen Strategie für die Jugendbeschäftigung mit dem Schwerpunkt Jugendarbeitslosigkeit zu unternehmen, und den Mitgliedstaaten, den Arbeitgeberorganisationen, den Gewerkschaften, dem Privatsektor, den Bildungseinrichtungen auf allen Ebenen, den Jugendorganisationen und der Zivilgesellschaft nahezulegen, mit Unterstützung der internationalen Gemeinschaft, aller maßgeblichen Akteure, einschließlich der Finanzinstitutionen, und des Systems der Vereinten Nationen nach Bedarf diesbezügliche Partnerschaften aufzubauen, um auf dem Arbeitsmarkt vermehrt inklusive Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten zu schaffen, namentlich durch die Förderung des Jugendunternehmertums, unter Berücksichtigung der regionalen und nationalen Besonderheiten;",
"e) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilgesellschaft, einschließlich der Jugendorganisationen, Bildungseinrichtungen und des Privatsektors, geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um internationale, regionale und nationale Partnerschaften zur Förderung der gegenseitigen Achtung, der Toleranz und des Verständnisses unter jungen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem rassischem, kulturellem und religiösem Hintergrund zu stärken;",
"f) uns verstärkt darum zu bemühen, die Qualität der Bildung zu verbessern und den allgemeinen Zugang zu Bildung ohne jede Diskriminierung zu fördern, insbesondere für junge Frauen, Jugendliche, die keine Schule besuchen, Jugendliche mit Behinderungen, indigene Jugendliche, Jugendliche in ländlichen Gebieten, jugendliche Migranten und mit HIV lebende und von Aids betroffene Jugendliche, damit sie namentlich durch angemessenen Zugang zu Stipendien und anderen Mobilitätsprogrammen, zu nicht formaler Bildung sowie zu technischer und beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung das Wissen, die Kapazitäten, die Fertigkeiten und die ethischen Werte erwerben können, die sie benötigen, um den Prozess der sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Entwicklung zu gestalten und daran voll teilzuhaben, in Anbetracht der Schlüsselrolle von Wissen und Bildung für die Teilhabe, den Dialog und das gegenseitige Verständnis der Jugend;",
"g) Menschenrechtsbildung und Menschenrechtslernen für Jugendliche, unter besonderer Beachtung junger Frauen, zu fördern und anzubieten und diesbezügliche Initiativen zugunsten des Dialogs und des gegenseitigen Verständnisses, der Toleranz und der Freundschaft unter Jugendlichen aller Nationen zu entwickeln;",
"h) den Mitgliedstaaten eindringlich nahezulegen, wirksame Maßnahmen im Einklang mit dem Völkerrecht zu ergreifen, um von Terrorismus und Verhetzung betroffene oder ausgebeutete junge Menschen zu schützen;",
"i) geeignete Gesetze zu beschließen und Strategien zu erarbeiten, um alle Formen der Gewalt gegen Jugendliche in allen Situationen zu verhüten und zu beseitigen und um sicherzustellen, dass politische Konzepte und mit ausreichenden Ressourcen ausgestattete Programme zur Beendigung der Gewalt gegen Jugendliche umgesetzt werden, darunter Initiativen, mit denen im Rahmen von Jugendorganisationen und ‑netzwerken durchgeführte Aktivitäten Jugendlicher zur Beendigung von Gewalt unterstützt werden;",
"j) die Nutzung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität junger Menschen zu stärken und mit Unterstützung des Systems der Vereinten Nationen, der Geber, des Privatsektors und der Zivilgesellschaft den allgemeinen, nichtdiskriminierenden, gleichberechtigten, sicheren und erschwinglichen Zugang zu Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, insbesondere in Schulen und an öffentlich zugänglichen Orten, zu fördern, die Hindernisse für die Überwindung der digitalen Spaltung insbesondere durch Technologietransfer und internationale Zusammenarbeit auszuräumen, die Schaffung von Inhalten zu fördern, die den lokalen Gegebenheiten angepasst sind, und Maßnahmen durchzuführen, die Jugendlichen das Wissen und die Fertigkeiten für einen angemessenen und gefahrlosen Umgang mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie vermitteln;",
"k) dafür zu sorgen, dass junge Menschen das für sie erreichbare Höchstmaß an körperlicher und geistiger Gesundheit genießen, indem wir ihnen den Zugang zu zukunftsfähigen Gesundheitssystemen und sozialen Diensten ohne Diskriminierung eröffnen und dabei der Ernährung, einschließlich Essstörungen und Fettleibigkeit, den Auswirkungen nicht übertragbarer und übertragbarer Krankheiten und der sexuellen und reproduktiven Gesundheit sowie den Maßnahmen zur Verhütung sexuell übertragbarer Krankheiten, einschließlich HIV und Aids, besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmen und das Bewusstsein für diese Fragen fördern;",
"l) die Teilhabe der Jugend an der Bildung und dem Kapazitätsaufbau in Bezug auf Umweltfragen, namentlich die Anpassung an den Klimawandel und die Abschwächung seiner Auswirkungen, das Vorgehen gegen die Wüstenbildung und andere Probleme, zu fördern, insbesondere für die in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion beschäftigten Jugendlichen, denen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der vom Klimawandel bedrohten Ernährungssicherung zukommt;",
"m) die Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten aller Migranten, insbesondere junger Menschen, ungeachtet ihres Migrationsstatus wirksam zu fördern und zu schützen, die Frage der internationalen Migration auf dem Weg der Zusammenarbeit und des Dialogs auf internationaler, regionaler oder bilateraler Ebene und mittels eines umfassenden und ausgewogenen Ansatzes anzugehen, indem wir die Rolle und die Verantwortlichkeiten der Herkunfts-, Transit- und Zielländer bei der Förderung und dem Schutz der Menschenrechte aller Migranten, insbesondere junger Menschen, anerkennen, und gegen die tieferen Ursachen der Migration Jugendlicher vorzugehen, wobei wir Ansätze vermeiden, die ihre prekäre Situation verschlimmern könnten;",
"n) den Mitgliedstaaten eindringlich nahezulegen, im Einklang mit dem Völkerrecht konzertierte Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Hindernisse für die volle Verwirklichung der Rechte der unter fremder Besetzung lebenden jungen Menschen zu beseitigen und damit die Erreichung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele zu fördern;",
"o) den Mitgliedstaaten, der internationalen Gemeinschaft, dem System der Vereinten Nationen und dem Privatsektor nahezulegen, die Jugendorganisationen im Streben nach Offenheit und Inklusivität zu unterstützen und ihre Fähigkeit zur Beteiligung an nationalen und internationalen Entwicklungsaktivitäten zu stärken;",
"p) den Mitgliedstaaten nahezulegen, die zur Jugendentwicklung beitragenden Mechanismen für Partnerschaften mit der Zivilgesellschaft, einschließlich der Jugendorganisationen, zu stärken und nach Bedarf wirksame Kanäle der Zusammenarbeit, des Dialogs und des Informationsaustauschs unter jungen Menschen, einschließlich der ländlichen und der städtischen Jugend, ihren nationalen Regierungen und anderen maßgeblichen Entscheidungsträgern zu schaffen;",
"q) die Geber, namentlich die Mitgliedstaaten und die zwischenstaatlichen und nichtstaatlichen Organisationen, aufzufordern, aktiv zum Jugendfonds der Vereinten Nationen beizutragen, um katalytische und innovative Maßnahmen im Jugendbereich zu unterstützen und unter Berücksichtigung der Notwendigkeit einer stärkeren geografischen Ausgewogenheit Jugendvertretern aus Entwicklungsländern die Teilnahme an den Aktivitäten des Jugendprogramms der Vereinten Nationen zu erleichtern, und in dieser Hinsicht den Generalsekretär zu ersuchen, geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um zu Beiträgen zu dem Fonds sowie zu Synergien mit anderen jugendbezogenen Fonds der Institutionen der Vereinten Nationen anzuregen.",
"111. Plenarsitzung 26. Juli 2011"
] | [
"Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 26 July 2011",
"[without reference to a Main Committee (A/65/L.87)]",
"65/312. Outcome document of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding",
"The General Assembly,",
"Recalling its resolution 64/134 of 18 December 2009, in particular paragraph 3 thereof, and its resolution 65/267 of 15 March 2011, in particular paragraph 1 thereof,",
"Adopts the following outcome document of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding:",
"Outcome document of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding",
"We, Heads of State and Government, Ministers and representatives of Member States, gathered at a high-level meeting at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 25 and 26 July 2011 on the theme “Youth: dialogue and mutual understanding”,",
"1. Stress the need to disseminate and foster among young people and educate them about the ideals of peace, freedom, justice, tolerance, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, solidarity and dedication to the objectives of progress and development;",
"2. Recall resolution 64/134 of 18 December 2009, by which the General Assembly proclaimed the year commencing on 12 August 2010 the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding, and acknowledge the significance of the High-level Meeting as the highlight of the International Year of Youth;",
"3. Reaffirm the World Programme of Action for Youth, including its fifteen interrelated priority areas, and call upon Member States to continue its implementation at the local, national, regional and international levels;",
"4. Encourage Member States to develop comprehensive policies and action plans that focus on the best interests of youth, particularly the poor and marginalized, and address all aspects of youth development, and also encourage the international community and the United Nations system to support national youth programmes and further develop and improve the existing international framework on youth, including the World Programme of Action for Youth, in order to fully address all current challenges affecting youth;",
"5. Also encourage Member States to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women in all aspects of youth development, recognizing the vulnerability of girls and young women, and the important role of boys and young men in ensuring gender equality;",
"6. Note with appreciation the activities, special events, contributions and inputs of Member States and all stakeholders, including youth-led organizations, the private sector, civil society and the media, as well as United Nations entities, and take into account the input from youth-led organizations to the outcome document of the High-level Meeting;",
"7. Recognize that the ways in which young people are able to address their aspirations and challenges and fulfil their potential will influence current social and economic conditions and the well-being and livelihood of future generations, and stress the need for further efforts to promote the interests of youth, including the full enjoyment of their human rights, inter alia, by supporting young people in developing their potential and talents and tackling obstacles facing youth;",
"8. Recall the commitment to achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and to implementing the outcomes of global conferences and summits and relevant programmes;",
"9. Stress the important role of effective sectoral and cross-sectoral national youth policies, reflecting youth in all its diversity, as well as of international cooperation in promoting the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals;",
"10. Invite Member States to review and evaluate the implementation of their commitments to relevant internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the relevant outcomes and programmes of action, including the World Programme of Action for Youth, and request the United Nations regional commissions to assist Member States in sharing information on national experiences, lessons learned and good practices in that regard;",
"11. Encourage Member States to continue developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating effective national youth policies, taking into account their cultural context regarding youth development, as well as to promote relevant regional programmes on youth;",
"12. Reaffirm our determination to give priority attention to the promotion of youth and their interests and to address the challenges that hinder youth development, in particular through poverty eradication, the promotion of sustained economic growth, sustainable development and full and productive employment and decent work for all, and call for increased participation of youth and youth-led organizations in the formulation of, as appropriate, local, national, regional and international development strategies and policies;",
"13. Reaffirm the need for young people to be protected from all forms of violence, including gender-based violence, trafficking in persons, bullying and cyberbullying, as well as from involvement and manipulation in criminal activities such as drug-related crimes, and recognize the need for the development of safe and youth-friendly counselling and complaint and reporting mechanisms for the redress of violations of their rights;",
"14. Reaffirm that the strengthening of international cooperation regarding youth, including through the fulfilment of all official development assistance commitments, the transfer of appropriate technology, capacity-building, the enhancement of dialogue, mutual understanding and the active participation of youth, are crucial elements of efforts towards achieving the eradication of poverty, full employment and social integration;",
"15. Welcome the ongoing efforts by Member States to implement their pledges to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and acknowledge the contributions of Member States, the United Nations entities, civil society organizations, including youth-led organizations, and the private sector to improve the situation of young people; note with concern, however, that, despite these efforts, substantial numbers of young people reside in areas where poverty constitutes a major challenge and access to basic social services is limited, especially for girls and young women, and that youth development remains hindered by the economic and financial crisis, as well as by challenges brought about by the food crisis and continued food insecurity, the energy crisis and climate change; and also note with concern that the overall progress towards achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, in particular on issues relevant to youth, has been uneven;",
"16. Recognize that the majority of the world’s youth live in developing countries and that development constraints pose additional challenges to youth owing to their limited access to resources, education and training, health care, employment and broader socio-economic development opportunities, and therefore request United Nations entities to take into account these development constraints when designing and implementing their programmes on youth in order to ensure that benefits reach young people living in developing countries equally;",
"17. Condemn the recruitment and use of youth in armed conflict, in contravention of applicable international law, deplore the negative consequences it has on the youth involved, and call upon Member States, in cooperation with the United Nations entities, to take concrete measures and continue to support programmes to ensure the effective social and economic reintegration and rehabilitation of demobilized young people;",
"18. Recognize the importance of preventing and addressing youth crime, including drug-related crime, and its impact on youth and the socio-economic development of societies, as well as of protecting young victims and witnesses and supporting the rehabilitation, reintegration and inclusion of young offenders in society with a view to them assuming constructive roles;",
"19. Invite Member States, following the celebration of the International Year of Youth, to continue to place greater emphasis on, and expand their activities at the national, regional and international levels in promoting, including through human rights education and learning, a culture of dialogue and mutual understanding among and with youth, as agents of development, social inclusion, tolerance and peace;",
"20. Reiterate that the full and effective participation of young people and youth-led organizations in relevant decision-making processes through appropriate channels is key to, inter alia, achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and to implementing the outcomes of global conferences and summits, as well as the World Programme of Action for Youth;",
"21. Recognize the positive contribution that youth representatives make to the General Assembly and other United Nations entities and their role in serving as an important channel of communication between young people and the United Nations, and in this regard request the Secretary-General to adequately support existing instruments so that they can continue to facilitate their effective participation in meetings;",
"22. Encourage Member States, in cooperation with relevant actors, to promote dialogue and mutual understanding to better address youth-related issues, particularly as regards active youth participation, youth work, gender equality and the empowerment of women, social integration, full employment and decent work for all, access to quality education, the development of scientific and innovative capacities, scholarships and training, access to and safe use of information and communications technology, in particular in the interest of the protection of children and young people, access to health care, the elimination of discrimination, protection from all forms of violence, intergenerational solidarity, and the impacts of financial, economic and other crises;",
"23. Request the United Nations agencies, and invite the international community and civil society, as well as the private sector, to promote the broader youth development agenda and to strengthen international cooperation and the exchange of good practices in order to support Member States in their efforts to achieve such progress, taking into account the fact that the primary responsibility for ensuring youth development lies with States;",
"24. Urge the United Nations entities, including specialized agencies, funds and programmes, in accordance with their mandates, to support, upon request, the strengthening of national capacities and efforts in the development and implementation of national plans, policies and programmes that can accelerate the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the relevant outcomes and programmes of action, including the World Programme of Action for Youth;",
"25. Request the United Nations entities to enhance their coordination and intensify efforts towards a more coherent, comprehensive and integrated approach to youth development through, inter alia, the Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development, call upon the United Nations entities and relevant partners to develop additional measures to support national, regional and international efforts in addressing challenges hindering youth development, and in this regard encourage close collaboration with Member States as well as other relevant stakeholders, including civil society;",
"26. Request the Secretary-General to submit a report, with due regard to existing reporting obligations, to the Commission for Social Development at its fifty-first session, on national experiences, lessons learned and good practices on how to address problems affecting youth, which report shall also evaluate the achievements and shortcomings of ongoing United Nations programmes related to youth and put forward concrete recommendations on how to more effectively address the challenges hindering the development and participation of youth, including through volunteer activities; how to improve the United Nations programmes and structures related to youth, including their coherence; how to better foster dialogue and mutual understanding among youth worldwide; and how to assess progress in these fields, and should be prepared in consultation with Member States, as well as the relevant specialized agencies, funds and programmes, and regional commissions, taking into account the work done by the United Nations system; and also request the Secretariat to consult, as appropriate, with youth-led and youth-focused organizations to ensure that various youth inputs are duly shared with the Commission for Social Development during its deliberations;",
"27. Reiterate our request to the Secretary-General to propose a set of possible indicators linked to the World Programme of Action for Youth and the proposed goals and targets, in order to assist Member States in assessing the situation of youth, encouraging continued consultations with Member States;",
"28. Renew our resolve to fulfil our commitments to promote youth development, dialogue and mutual understanding, paying due attention to the relevant internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and relevant outcomes and programmes of action, including the World Programme of Action for Youth. Therefore, we pledge to commit to the following actions:",
"(a) Call upon the international community to continue to support the efforts of Member States, together with civil society, including youth-led organizations, the private sector and other parts of society, to anticipate and offset the negative social and economic consequences of globalization and to maximize its benefits for young people;",
"(b) Also call upon donors, including Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to support the efforts of Member States in the implementation of this outcome document as well as the World Programme of Action for Youth;",
"(c) Address the high rates of youth unemployment, underemployment, vulnerable employment and informal employment by developing and implementing targeted and integrated national youth employment policies for inclusive job creation; improved employability; skill development and vocational training to meet specific labour market needs of youth, including young migrants; and increased entrepreneurship, including the development of networks of young entrepreneurs at the local, national, regional and global levels, which foster knowledge among young people about their rights and responsibilities in society; and in this regard request donors, specialized United Nations entities and the private sector to continue to provide assistance, including technical and funding support, as required;",
"(d) Urge Member States to address the global challenge of youth unemployment by developing and implementing strategies that give young people everywhere a real chance to find decent and productive work, and, in this context, consider undertaking efforts towards the development of a global strategy on youth employment with a focus on youth unemployment, and encourage Member States, employers’ organizations, trade unions, the private sector, institutions of education at all levels, youth organizations and civil society, with the support of the international community, all relevant stakeholders, including financial institutions, and the United Nations system, as appropriate, to develop partnerships in this regard to foster inclusive employment opportunities in the labour market, including through the promotion of youth entrepreneurship, taking into account regional and national particularities;",
"(e) Undertake appropriate measures, in cooperation with civil society, including youth-led organizations, educational institutions and the private sector, in order to strengthen international, regional and national partnerships to foster mutual respect, tolerance and understanding among young people with different racial, cultural and religious backgrounds;",
"(f) Increase efforts to improve the quality of education and promote universal access to education, particularly for young women, out-of-school youth, youth with disabilities, indigenous youth, youth in rural areas, young migrants, and youth living with HIV and affected by AIDS, without discrimination on any basis, to ensure that they can acquire the knowledge, capacities, skills and ethical values needed, including by appropriate access to scholarships and other mobility programmes, non-formal education, as well as technical and vocational education and training, to develop and to participate fully in the process of social, economic and political development, since knowledge and education are key factors for youth participation, dialogue and mutual understanding;",
"(g) Promote and provide human rights education and learning for youth, taking particular account of young women, and develop initiatives in that regard, in order to promote dialogue and mutual understanding, tolerance and friendship among youth of all nations;",
"(h) Urge Member States to take effective measures in conformity with international law to protect young people affected or exploited by terrorism and incitement;",
"(i) Adopt appropriate laws and develop strategies for the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against youth, in all settings, and to ensure the implementation of policies and adequately resourced programmes on ending violence against youth, including initiatives to support youth action to end violence through youth-led organizations and networks;",
"(j) Strengthen the use of information and communications technology to improve the quality of life of young people, and, with the support of the United Nations system, donors, the private sector and civil society, promote universal, non‑discriminatory, equitable, safe and affordable access to information and communications technology, especially in schools and public places, and remove the barriers to bridging the digital divide, including through transfer of technology and international cooperation, as well as promote the development of locally relevant content and implement measures to equip young people with the knowledge and skills needed to use information and communications technology appropriately and safely;",
"(k) Ensure that young people enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health by providing youth with access to sustainable health systems and social services without discrimination and by paying special attention to, and raising awareness regarding, nutrition, including eating disorders and obesity, the effects of non-communicable and communicable diseases and sexual and reproductive health, as well as measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS;",
"(l) Promote youth participation in training and capacity-building for environmental issues, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, tackling desertification and other challenges, particularly for those who are engaged in agricultural production and play a vital role in providing food security, which is threatened by climate change;",
"(m) Promote and protect effectively the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants, especially young people, regardless of their migration status, address international migration through international, regional or bilateral cooperation and dialogue and through a comprehensive and balanced approach, recognizing the roles and responsibilities of countries of origin, transit and destination in promoting and protecting the human rights of all migrants, especially young people, and address the root causes of youth migration, while avoiding approaches that might aggravate their vulnerability;",
"(n) Urge Member States to take concerted actions in conformity with international law to remove the obstacles to the full realization of the rights of young people living under foreign occupation to promote the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;",
"(o) Encourage Member States, the international community, the United Nations system and the private sector to support youth-led organizations in achieving openness and inclusiveness and to strengthen their capacity to participate in national and international development activities;",
"(p) Encourage Member States to strengthen mechanisms for partnerships with civil society, including youth-led organizations, as contributions to youth development, and create effective channels of cooperation, dialogue and information exchange among young people, including rural and urban youth, their national Governments and other relevant decision makers, as appropriate;",
"(q) Call upon donors, including Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to actively contribute to the United Nations Youth Fund in order to support catalytic and innovative actions in the field of youth and to facilitate the participation of youth representatives from developing countries in the activities of the United Nations Programme on Youth, taking into account the need for a greater geographic balance of youth representation, and, in this regard, request the Secretary-General to take appropriate action to encourage contributions to the Fund as well as synergy with other youth-related funds of United Nations entities.",
"111th plenary meeting 26 July 2011"
] | A_RES_65_312 | [
"[] General Assembly Distribution: General\n25 August 2011",
"Sixty-fiveth session",
"Item 27 (b)",
"Resolution of the General Assembly",
"[without transfer to a main committee (A/65/L.87)]",
"65/3. Result document of the meeting of the General Assembly at a high level on youth: dialogue and mutual understanding",
"The General Assembly,",
"having regard to Resolution 64/134 of 18 thereof, December 2009, in particular paragraph 3, and its Resolution 65/267 of 15 March 2011, in particular paragraph 1,",
"adopts the following document of the meeting of the General Assembly at a high level on youth: dialogue and mutual understanding:",
"Result document of the meeting of the General Assembly at a high level on youth: dialogue and mutual understanding",
"We, the Heads of State or Government, Ministers and Representatives of the Member States, adopted on 25 and 26. July 2011 at the United Nations headquarters in New York on a high-level meeting on youth: dialogue and mutual understanding,",
"1. underline the need to spread and promote the ideals of peace, freedom, justice, tolerance, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, solidarity and commitment to the objectives of progress and development among young people,",
"2. recall Resolution 64/134 of 18. December 2009, with which the General Assembly held the August 2010 starting year on the International Year of Youth: dialogue and mutual understanding explained and recognise the importance of the High Level Conference as the highlight of the International Year of Youth;",
"3. reaffirm the World Youth Action Programme, including its five key areas, and call on the Member States to carry out it at local, national, regional and international level;",
"4. suggest to the Member States to develop comprehensive policies and action plans focusing on the well-being of young people, in particular poor and marginalised young people, and taking into account all aspects of youth development, and also suggesting to the international community and the United Nations system to support national youth programmes and to further develop and improve the existing international framework for youth, including the World Youth Action Programme, in order to address all the problems currently facing youth;",
"Five. also suggest that Member States promote gender equality and women's empowerment in all aspects of youth development, in recognition of the vulnerability of girls and young women and the important role of boys and young men in gender equality;",
"6. take note of the activities, special events and contributions of the Member States and all interest groups, including youth organisations, the private sector, civil society and the media, as well as the institutions of the United Nations, and take into account the contribution of the youth organisations to the high-level meeting’s outcome document;",
"We are aware that the way in which young people can tackle their aspirations and challenges and fully develop their potential will affect the current social and economic conditions and well-being and the basis for future generations, and emphasise that further efforts must be made to overcome the interests of young people, including the full enjoyment of their human rights, and that their potential will be supported,",
"8. recall the commitment to the achievement of the internationally agreed development objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the implementation of the results of the World Conferences and Summits and the implementation of the corresponding programmes;",
"9. emphasise the important role of an effective sector-specific and cross-sectoral national youth policy that meets young people throughout their diversity, as well as international cooperation in promoting the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals;",
"10. ask Member States to review and evaluate the implementation of their commitments to achieve the relevant internationally agreed development objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the corresponding results and action programmes, including the World Youth Action Programme, and request the United Nations Regional Commissions to assist Member States in exchanging information on relevant national experiences, knowledge gained and best practices;",
"11. suggest that Member States continue to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate an effective national youth policy, to promote youth development, and appropriate regional youth programmes, taking into account their cultural context;",
"12. reaffirm our determination to pay priority attention to the promotion of youth and their interests and to address the problems that hinder youth development, in particular by eliminating poverty and promoting sustainable economic growth, sustainable development and productive full employment and decent work for all, and call for an increased participation of young people and youth organisations in the formulation of local, national, regional and/or international development strategies;",
"13. affirm that young people must be protected from all forms of violence, including gender-specific violence, trafficking in human beings and tyrannisation, including through the Internet, and from participation in criminal activities such as drugs-related crimes and from the associated manipulation, and we are aware that safe and juvenile counselling, complaint and reporting mechanisms must be developed in order to remedy their rights;",
"14. reaffirm that strengthening international youth cooperation, notably through the fulfilment of all obligations relating to public development aid, the transfer of appropriate technology, the establishment of capacities, the improvement of dialogue, mutual understanding and the active participation of young people, are an essential part of the efforts to eliminate poverty, full employment and social integration;",
"15. the ongoing efforts of the Member States to meet their commitments in relation to the achievement of the internationally agreed development objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals, and recognise the contributions made by the Member States, the institutions of the United Nations, civil society organisations, including youth organisations, and the private sector, to improve the situation of young people, but note with concern that, despite these efforts, many young people are living in areas where poverty is a major cause",
"16. We are aware that the majority of the world's young people are living in developing countries and that, because of their limited access to resources, education, education, health care, employment and more comprehensive socio-economic development, young people face additional challenges, and therefore ask the United Nations institutions to take account of these obstacles to development in the design and implementation of their youth programmes, so that benefits benefit young people living in developing countries.",
"17. condemn the fact that young people are drawn up and deployed in armed conflicts in violation of applicable international law, disapprove the negative consequences that this has for the young people concerned and urge the Member States to take concrete measures in cooperation with the United Nations institutions and to support programmes that ensure effective social and economic reintegration and rehabilitation of demobilized young people;",
"18. are aware of how important it is to prevent and address youth crime, including drug crime, and its impact on the youth and socio-economic development of societies, and to protect youthful victims and witnesses, and to support rehabilitation, reintegration and inclusion of young criminals in society, so that they can play a constructive role;",
"19. Member States shall, following the visit of the International Year of Youth, continue to ensure that their activities carried out at national, regional and international level to promote a culture of dialogue and mutual understanding among and with young people as actors of development, social inclusion, tolerance and peace, in particular through human rights education and human rights learning, are given greater weight and extended;",
"20. renew that the full and effective participation of young people and youth organisations through appropriate channels in the relevant decision-making processes is the key, inter alia, to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and to implement the results of the World Conferences and Summits and to implement the World Youth Action Programme;",
"21. recognise the positive contribution made by the youth representatives at the General Assembly and other institutions of the United Nations, we are aware of their role as important mediators between young people and the United Nations and, in this respect, ask the Secretary-General to adequately support the existing instruments so that they can continue to facilitate effective participation in meetings;",
"22. Member States shall, in cooperation with the relevant actors, encourage dialogue and mutual understanding in order to better address youth-related issues, in particular with regard to the active participation of youth, youth work, gender equality and empowerment of women, social integration, full employment and decent work for all, access to high-quality education, the establishment of scientific and innovative capacities,",
"23 request the United Nations bodies and ask the international community and civil society as well as the private sector to promote the broader agenda of youth development and to strengthen international cooperation and exchange of best practices in order to support Member States in their efforts to make progress in this area, taking into account that ensuring youth development is primarily the responsibility of the States;",
"24. urge the institutions of the United Nations, including special organisations, funds and programmes, to support, in accordance with their respective mandate and at the request, the strengthening of national capacities and efforts to develop and implement national plans, policies and programmes that can speed up the implementation of the internationally agreed development objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the implementation of the relevant results and action programmes, including the World Youth Action Programme;",
"25. ask the institutions of the United Nations to agree more closely and to strengthen the efforts to achieve a more coherent, more comprehensive and better integrated approach to youth development, including through the Interinstitutional Network for Youth Development, call on the institutions of the United Nations and the relevant partners to develop additional measures to support national, regional and international efforts to address the problems impeding youth development, and in this respect encourage other Member States to cooperate closely with the stakeholders, including",
"Member States shall ensure that, in the case of:",
"27. ask the Secretary-General again to propose a catalogue of possible indicators linked to the World Youth Action Programme and the proposed objectives and objectives and to assist Member States in assessing the situation of young people, with the support of continued consultations with the Member States;",
"28. reaffirm our determination to comply with our commitments to promote development, dialogue and mutual understanding of youth, with due respect for the corresponding internationally agreed development objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the relevant results and action programmes, including the World Youth Action Programme. We therefore undertake to take the following measures:",
"(a) call on the international community to continue to support the efforts made by Member States together with civil society, including youth organisations, the private sector and other parts of society, in order to avoid and compensate for the negative social and economic consequences of globalisation and to maximize the benefits of globalisation for young people;",
"(b) also call on donors, including Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, to support the efforts of Member States to implement this result document and the World Youth Action Programme;",
"(c) the high rates of unemployment, underemployment, insecure employment and informal employment among young people, by working out and implementing a targeted and integrated national youth employment policy aimed at creating inclusive jobs, improving employability, taking into account the specific needs of young people, including young migrants, on the labour market through skills development and vocational training, and by strengthening the entrepreneurial initiative of local entrepreneurs,",
"(d) encourage Member States to tackle the global problem of youth unemployment by developing and implementing strategies that provide young people everywhere with a real opportunity to find decent and productive work, and to consider in this context efforts to develop a global strategy for youth employment with a focus on youth unemployment, and to encourage Member States, employers' organisations, trade unions, private sector, and youth organisations in all sectors",
"(e) in cooperation with civil society, including youth organisations, educational institutions and the private sector, to take appropriate measures to strengthen international, regional and national partnerships to promote mutual respect, tolerance and understanding among young people with different racial, cultural and religious backgrounds;",
"(f) in order to improve the quality of education and to promote general access to education without any discrimination, in particular for young women, young people who do not attend school, young people with disabilities, indigenous young people, young people in rural areas, youth migrants and young people who are living with HIV and who are affected by AIDS, so that they can participate, in particular through appropriate access to scholarships and other mobility programmes, in formal education and in ethical capacity",
"(g) to promote and offer human rights education and human rights learning for young people, with particular attention to young women, and to develop initiatives in this respect for dialogue and mutual understanding, tolerance and friendship among young people of all nations;",
"(h) to urge Member States to take effective measures in accordance with international law in order to protect young people affected or exploited by terrorism and abuse;",
"(i) to decide and develop appropriate laws and strategies to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against young people in all situations and to ensure that policies and programmes with sufficient resources are implemented to stop violence against young people, including initiatives to support young people's activities in the context of youth organisations and networks to stop violence;",
"(j) to strengthen the use of information and communication technology to improve the quality of life of young people and, with the support of the system of the United Nations, donors, private sector and civil society, to provide the general, non-discriminatory, equitable, secure and affordable access to information and communication technology, in particular in schools and publicly accessible places, to provide the obstacles to the overcoming of digital division, in particular through technology transfer and international cooperation;",
"(k) to ensure that young people enjoy the maximum level of physical and mental health that is accessible to them by opening them access to sustainable health systems and social services without discrimination and by promoting particular attention to nutrition, including eating disorders and obesity, the effects of non-transferable and transferable diseases and sexual and reproductive health, as well as measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS;",
"(l) promote the participation of young people in education and capacity building in environmental issues, in particular adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its effects, action against desertification and other problems, in particular for young people engaged in agricultural production, who play a key role in the protection of food threatened by climate change;",
"m) to effectively promote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants, in particular young people, irrespective of their migration status, to address the issue of international migration on the path of cooperation and dialogue at international, regional or bilateral level and by means of a comprehensive and balanced approach, by facilitating the role and responsibilities of the countries of origin, transit and destination in promoting and protecting the human rights of all migrants, in particular young people,",
"n) urge Member States to take concerted action in accordance with international law in order to eliminate obstacles to the full implementation of the rights of young people living under foreign occupation and thus to promote the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;",
"o) to close the Member States, the international community, the United Nations system and the private sector, to support youth organisations in the pursuit of openness and inclusiveness and to strengthen their capacity to participate in national and international development activities;",
"p) close to Member States to strengthen the mechanisms contributing to youth development for partnerships with civil society, including youth organisations, and to provide effective channels of cooperation, dialogue and exchange of information among young people, including rural and urban youth, their national governments and other key decision-makers as needed;",
"q) encourage donors, in particular the Member States and the intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, to actively contribute to the United Nations Youth Fund in order to support catalytic and innovative measures in the field of youth and, taking into account the need for a stronger geographical balance, to facilitate participation in the activities of the United Nations Youth Programme and, in this regard, to ask the Secretary-General to take appropriate measures with regard to other institutions;",
"111. plenary session 26. July 2011"
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