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"[] Sicherheitsrat Verteilung: Allgemein 13. Juli 2011 Deutsch \n Original: Englisch",
"Erklärung des Präsidenten des Sicherheitsrats",
"Auf der 6582. Sitzung des Sicherheitsrats am 13. Juli 2011 gab der Präsident des Sicherheitsrats im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung des Punktes „Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder“ im Namen des Rates die folgende Erklärung ab:",
"„Der Sicherheitsrat hat beschlossen, der Generalversammlung die Aufnahme der Republik Südsudan als Mitglied in die Vereinten Nationen zu empfehlen. Im Namen der Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrats möchte ich die Republik Südsudan zu diesem historischen Anlass beglückwünschen.",
"Der Rat nimmt mit großer Genugtuung zur Kenntnis, dass sich die Republik Südsudan feierlich verpflichtet hat, die Ziele und Grundsätze der Charta der Vereinten Nationen hochzuhalten und alle darin enthaltenen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen.",
"Wir freuen uns darauf, dass die Republik Südsudan ihren Platz als Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen unter uns einnehmen wird, und sehen einer engen Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Vertretern gern entgegen.“"
] | [
"Statement by the President of the Security Council",
"At the 6582nd meeting of the Security Council, held on 13 July 2011, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “Admission of new Members”, the President of the Security Council made the following statement on behalf of the Council:",
"“The Security Council has decided to recommend to the General Assembly that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted as a Member of the United Nations. On behalf of the members of the Security Council, I wish to extend my congratulations to the Republic of South Sudan on this historic occasion.",
"“The Council notes with great satisfaction the Republic of South Sudan’s solemn commitment to uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to fulfil all the obligations contained therein.",
"“We look forward to the Republic of South Sudan joining us as a Member of the United Nations and to working closely with its representatives.”"
] | S_PRST_2011_14 | [
"[] Security Council Distribution: General 13. July 2011 German\nOriginal: English",
"Declaration by the President of the Security Council",
"On the 6582. Security Council meeting on 13 October. In July 2011, on behalf of the Council, the President of the Security Council issued the following statement in connection with the treatment of the ‘take-up of new members’ point:",
"“The Security Council has decided to recommend to the General Assembly the inclusion of the Republic of South Sudan as a member of the United Nations. On behalf of the Security Council, I would like to congratulate the Republic of South Sudan on this historic occasion.",
"The Council takes note with great satisfaction that the Republic of South Sudan has solemnly committed to maintaining the objectives and principles of the United Nations Charter and to fulfill all the obligations contained therein.",
"We are looking forward to the Republic of South Sudan taking its place as a member of the United Nations, and to look forward to close cooperation with its representatives. ‘"
] |
[] | [] | A_66_132 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_133 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_L.87 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_134 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_135 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_880 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_654_ADD.1 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_43_CORR.1 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_136 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_LTC_7 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_C_13 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_PV.108 | [] |
[] | [] | A_AC.159_SR.454 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_484 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_137 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_L.84_ADD.1 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_427 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_191 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.35 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_5_ADD.5 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_906 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_138 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_139 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_140 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_428 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_430 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_L.88 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_133 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_152 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_132 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_153(PARTI) | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_154 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_155 | [] |
[] | [] | E_ICEF_2011_AB_L.12 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_434 | [] |
[] | [] | S_AC.50_2011_26 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.17_REV.1 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.38 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.36 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.37 | [] |
[] | [] | S_PV.6584 | [] |
"[] Generalversammlung Verteilung: Allgemein \n 25. August 2011",
"Fünfundsechzigste Tagung",
"Tagesordnungspunkt 114",
"Resolution der Generalversammlung",
"[ohne Überweisung an einen Hauptausschuss (A/65/L.84 und Add.1)]",
"65/308. Aufnahme der Republik Südsudan in die Vereinten Nationen",
"Die Generalversammlung,",
"nach Eingang der Empfehlung des Sicherheitsrats vom 13. Juli 2011, die Republik Südsudan in die Vereinten Nationen aufzunehmen[1],",
"nach Prüfung des Aufnahmeantrags der Republik Südsudan[2],",
"beschließt, die Republik Südsudan als Mitglied in die Vereinten Nationen aufzunehmen.",
"108. Plenarsitzung 14. Juli 2011",
"[1] A/65/905.",
"[2] A/65/900-S/2011/418."
] | [
"Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 14 July 2011",
"[without reference to a Main Committee (A/65/L.84 and Add.1)]",
"65/308. Admission of the Republic of South Sudan to membership in the United Nations",
"The General Assembly,",
"Having received the recommendation of the Security Council of 13 July 2011 that the Republic of South Sudan should be admitted to membership in the United Nations,[1]",
"Having considered the application for membership of the Republic of South Sudan,[2]",
"Decides to admit the Republic of South Sudan to membership in the United Nations.",
"108th plenary meeting 14 July 2011",
"[1] A/65/905.",
"[2] A/65/900‑S/2011/418."
] | A_RES_65_308 | [
"[] General Assembly Distribution: General\n25 August 2011",
"Sixty-fiveth session",
"Agenda item 114",
"Resolution of the General Assembly",
"[without transfer to a main committee (A/65/L.84 and Add.1)]",
"65/308. Inclusion of the Republic of South Sudan in the United Nations",
"The General Assembly,",
"After receipt of the Security Council recommendation of 13 June July 2011 to include the Republic of South Sudan in the United Nations[1],",
"after examination of the application for admission of the Republic of South Sudan[2],",
"decides to include South Sudan as a member of the United Nations.",
"108. plenary session 14. July 2011",
"[1] A/65/905.",
"[2] A/65/900-S/2011/418."
] |
[] | [] | S_AGENDA_6584 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_C_L.2 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_C_L.3 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_C_L.4 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_C_L.5 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_151 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_431 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_907 | [] |
[] | [] | E_ICEF_2011_14 | [] |
[] | [] | E_ICEF_2011_13 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_156 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_436 | [] |
[] | [] | ISBA_17_A_3 | [] |
[] | [] | E_ICEF_2011_15 | [] |
[] | [] | S_AGENDA_6585 | [] |
[] | [] | E_ICEF_2011_AB_L.10 | [] |
[] | [] | E_ICEF_2011_AB_L.9 | [] |
[] | [] | S_PV.6585 | [] |
[] | [] | S_2011_432 | [] |
[] | [] | A_65_PV.109 | [] |
[] | [] | E_2011_L.39 | [] |
[] | [] | S_PV.6586 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_6(SECT.28)_CORR.1 | [] |
[] | [] | A_66_158 | [] |
"[] Generalversammlung Verteilung: Allgemein \n 25. August 2011",
"Fünfundsechzigste Tagung",
"Tagesordnungspunkt 13",
"Resolution der Generalversammlung",
"[ohne Überweisung an einen Hauptausschuss (A/65/L.86 und Add.1)]",
"65/309. Glück: auf dem Weg zu einem ganzheitlichen Konzept für Entwicklung",
"Die Generalversammlung,",
"eingedenk der in der Charta der Vereinten Nationen verankerten Ziele und Grundsätze der Vereinten Nationen, zu denen die Förderung des wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Fortschritts aller Völker gehört,",
"in dem Bewusstsein, dass das Streben nach Glück ein grundlegendes menschliches Ziel ist,",
"sich dessen bewusst, dass Glück als universelles Ziel und Bestreben den Geist der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele verkörpert,",
"in der Erkenntnis, dass der Indikator Bruttoinlandsprodukt seinem Wesen nach nicht darauf angelegt war, das Glück und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen in einem Land zu messen, und dass er sie auch nicht angemessen erfasst,",
"in dem Bewusstsein, dass nicht nachhaltige Produktions- und Konsummuster die nachhaltige Entwicklung hemmen können, und in Anbetracht der Notwendigkeit eines inklusiveren, gerechteren und ausgewogeneren Konzepts für Wirtschaftswachstum, das die nachhaltige Entwicklung, die Armutsbeseitigung, das Glück und das Wohlbefinden aller Völker fördert,",
"in Anerkennung der Notwendigkeit, die nachhaltige Entwicklung zu fördern und die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele zu erreichen,",
"1. bittet die Mitgliedstaaten, zusätzliche Maße zu entwickeln, die die Bedeutung des Strebens nach Glück und Wohlbefinden bei der Entwicklung besser erfassen, damit sie sich in ihrer nationalen Politik davon leiten lassen;",
"2. bittet diejenigen Mitgliedstaaten, die Initiativen zur Erarbeitung neuer Indikatoren und andere Initiativen ergriffen haben, diesbezügliche Informationen als Beitrag zur Entwicklungsagenda der Vereinten Nationen, einschließlich der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele, an den Generalsekretär weiterzugeben;",
"3. begrüßt das Angebot Bhutans, während der sechsundsechzigsten Tagung der Generalversammlung eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Glück und Wohlbefinden abzuhalten;",
"4. bittet den Generalsekretär, die Auffassungen der Mitgliedstaaten und der maßgeblichen regionalen und internationalen Organisationen zum Streben nach Glück und Wohlbefinden einzuholen und der Generalversammlung auf ihrer siebenundsechzigsten Tagung zur weiteren Behandlung zu übermitteln.",
"109. Plenarsitzung 19. Juli 2011"
] | [
"Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 July 2011",
"[without reference to a Main Committee (A/65/L.86 and Add.1)]",
"65/309. Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development",
"The General Assembly,",
"Bearing in mind the purposes and principles of the United Nations, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, which include the promotion of the economic advancement and social progress of all peoples,",
"Conscious that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal,",
"Cognizant that happiness as a universal goal and aspiration embodies the spirit of the Millennium Development Goals,",
"Recognizing that the gross domestic product indicator by nature was not designed to and does not adequately reflect the happiness and well-being of people in a country,",
"Conscious that unsustainable patterns of production and consumption can impede sustainable development, and recognizing the need for a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes sustainable development, poverty eradication, happiness and well-being of all peoples,",
"Acknowledging the need to promote sustainable development and achieve the Millennium Development Goals,",
"1. Invites Member States to pursue the elaboration of additional measures that better capture the importance of the pursuit of happiness and well-being in development with a view to guiding their public policies;",
"2. Invites those Member States that have taken initiatives to develop new indicators, and other initiatives, to share information thereon with the Secretary‑General as a contribution to the United Nations development agenda, including the Millennium Development Goals;",
"3. Welcomes the offer of Bhutan to convene during the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly a panel discussion on the theme of happiness and well-being;",
"4. Invites the Secretary-General to seek the views of Member States and relevant regional and international organizations on the pursuit of happiness and well-being and to communicate such views to the General Assembly at its sixty‑seventh session for further consideration.",
"109th plenary meeting 19 July 2011"
] | A_RES_65_309 | [
"[] General Assembly Distribution: General\n25 August 2011",
"Sixty-fiveth session",
"Agenda item 13",
"Resolution of the General Assembly",
"[without transfer to a main committee (A/65/L.86 and Add.1)]",
"65/309. Happiness: on the way to a holistic concept for development",
"The General Assembly,",
"Considering the United Nations Charter's objectives and principles, which include promoting the economic and social progress of all peoples,",
"in the consciousness that striving for happiness is a fundamental human goal,",
"be aware that happiness as a universal goal and aspiration embodies the spirit of the Millennium Development Goals,",
"in the knowledge that the indicator gross domestic product was not designed to measure the happiness and well-being of people in a country, and that it did not adequately detect them,",
"in the awareness that non-sustainable production and consumption patterns can inhibit sustainable development, and in view of the need for an inclusive, fairer and more balanced approach to economic growth that promotes sustainable development, poverty reduction, happiness and well-being of all peoples,",
"in recognition of the need to promote sustainable development and achieve the Millennium Development Goals,",
"1. ask the Member States to develop additional measures which better reflect the need for happiness and well-being in development so that they can be guided by their national policies;",
"2. asks those Member States who have taken initiatives to develop new indicators and other initiatives to forward information to the Secretary-General in this regard as a contribution to the United Nations Development Agenda, including the Millennium Development Goals;",
"The Bhutans offer welcomes a panel discussion on happiness and well-being during the Sixth General Assembly session;",
"4. asks the Secretary-General to seek out the views of the Member States and of the regional and international organizations to seek happiness and well-being and to forward the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh meeting for further treatment.",
"109. plenary session 19. July 2011"
] |
"[] Generalversammlung Verteilung: Allgemein \n 26. August 2011",
"Fünfundsechzigste Tagung",
"Tagesordnungspunkt 53",
"Resolution der Generalversammlung",
"[aufgrund des Berichts des Ausschusses für besondere politische Fragen und Entkolonialisierung (Vierter Ausschuss) (A/65/424/Add.1)]",
"65/310. Umfassende Überprüfung aller Teilaspekte des Fragenkomplexes der Friedenssicherungseinsätze",
"Die Generalversammlung,",
"unter Hinweis auf ihre Resolution 2006 (XIX) vom 18. Februar 1965 und alle anderen einschlägigen Resolutionen,",
"insbesondere unter Hinweis auf ihre Resolution 64/266 vom 21. Mai 2010,",
"bekräftigend, dass die Anstrengungen der Vereinten Nationen zur friedlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten, namentlich auch durch ihre Friedenssicherungseinsätze, unverzichtbar sind,",
"davon überzeugt, dass die Vereinten Nationen weiterhin ihre Fähigkeiten auf dem Gebiet der Friedenssicherung verbessern und die Wirksamkeit und Effizienz ihrer Friedenssicherungseinsätze erhöhen müssen,",
"in Anbetracht des Beitrags, den alle Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen zur Friedenssicherung leisten,",
"davon Kenntnis nehmend, dass zahlreiche Mitgliedstaaten, insbesondere truppen- und polizeistellende Länder, Interesse daran bekundet haben, zur Arbeit des Sonderausschusses für Friedenssicherungseinsätze beizutragen,",
"eingedenk dessen, dass es auch weiterhin notwendig ist, die Effizienz der Tätigkeit des Sonderausschusses zu erhalten und ihre Wirksamkeit zu steigern,",
"1. begrüßt den Bericht des Sonderausschusses für Friedenssicherungseinsätze[1];",
"2. schließt sich den Vorschlägen, Empfehlungen und Schlussfolgerungen des Sonderausschusses in den Ziffern 15 bis 278 seines Berichts an;",
"3. fordert die Mitgliedstaaten, das Sekretariat und die zuständigen Organe der Vereinten Nationen nachdrücklich auf, alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Vorschläge, Empfehlungen und Schlussfolgerungen des Sonderausschusses umzusetzen;",
"4. wiederholt, dass diejenigen Mitgliedstaaten, die in künftigen Jahren Personal für die Friedenssicherungseinsätze der Vereinten Nationen stellen oder sich künftig für drei aufeinanderfolgende Jahre als Beobachter am Sonderausschuss beteiligen, auf schriftlichen Antrag an den Vorsitzenden des Sonderausschusses auf der darauffolgenden Tagung des Sonderausschusses Mitglieder werden;",
"5. beschließt, dass der Sonderausschuss im Einklang mit seinem Mandat seine Bemühungen um eine umfassende Überprüfung aller Teilaspekte des Fragenkomplexes der Friedenssicherungseinsätze fortsetzen, die Umsetzung seiner früheren Vorschläge überprüfen und über neue Vorschläge beraten wird, um die Kapazität der Vereinten Nationen zur Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben auf diesem Gebiet zu erhöhen;",
"6. ersucht den Sonderausschuss, der Generalversammlung auf ihrer sechsundsechzigsten Tagung einen Tätigkeitsbericht vorzulegen;",
"7. beschließt, den Punkt „Umfassende Überprüfung aller Teilaspekte des Fragenkomplexes der Friedenssicherungseinsätze“ in die vorläufige Tagesordnung ihrer sechsundsechzigsten Tagung aufzunehmen.",
"109. Plenarsitzung 19. Juli 2011",
"[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/65/19)."
] | [
"Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 July 2011",
"[on the report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (A/65/424/Add.1)]",
"65/310. Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects",
"The General Assembly,",
"Recalling its resolution 2006 (XIX) of 18 February 1965 and all other relevant resolutions,",
"Recalling in particular its resolution 64/266 of 21 May 2010,",
"Affirming that the efforts of the United Nations in the peaceful settlement of disputes, including through its peacekeeping operations, are indispensable,",
"Convinced of the need for the United Nations to continue to improve its capabilities in the field of peacekeeping and to enhance the effective and efficient deployment of its peacekeeping operations,",
"Considering the contribution that all States Members of the United Nations make to peacekeeping,",
"Noting the widespread interest in contributing to the work of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations expressed by Member States, in particular troop- and police-contributing countries,",
"Bearing in mind the continuous necessity of preserving the efficiency and strengthening the effectiveness of the work of the Special Committee,",
"1. Welcomes the report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations;[1]",
"2. Endorses the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee, contained in paragraphs 15 to 278 of its report;",
"3. Urges Member States, the Secretariat and relevant organs of the United Nations to take all steps necessary to implement the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee;",
"4. Reiterates that those Member States that become personnel contributors to the United Nations peacekeeping operations in years to come or participate in the future in the Special Committee for three consecutive years as observers shall, upon request in writing to the Chair of the Special Committee, become members at the following session of the Special Committee;",
"5. Decides that the Special Committee, in accordance with its mandate, shall continue its efforts for a comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects and shall review the implementation of its previous proposals and consider any new proposals so as to enhance the capacity of the United Nations to fulfil its responsibilities in this field;",
"6. Requests the Special Committee to submit a report on its work to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session;",
"7. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects”.",
"109th plenary meeting 19 July 2011",
"[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/65/19)."
] | A_RES_65_310 | [
"[] General Assembly Distribution: General\n26 August 2011",
"Sixty-fiveth session",
"Agenda item 53",
"Resolution of the General Assembly",
"[due to the report of the Committee on Special Political Affairs and Decolonisation (Fourth Committee) (A/65/424/Add.1)]",
"65/310. Comprehensive review of all aspects of the issue of peacekeeping operations",
"The General Assembly,",
"having regard to its Resolution 2006 (XIX) of 18 February 1965 and all other relevant resolutions,",
"having regard to Resolution 64/266 of 21 thereof, May 2010,",
"reaffirming that the United Nations' efforts to peacefully resolve disputes, including through its peacekeeping operations, are indispensable,",
"convinced that the United Nations must continue to improve its peacekeeping capabilities and increase its effectiveness and efficiency,",
"having regard to the contribution made by all the United Nations Member States to peacekeeping,",
"having regard to the fact that a large number of Member States, in particular groups and police, have expressed interest in contributing to the work of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations,",
"remember that it is still necessary to maintain the efficiency of the activities of the Special Committee and to increase its effectiveness,",
"1. welcomes the report of the Special Committee for Peacekeeping Operations[1];",
"2. follows the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee in paragraphs 15 to 278 of its report;",
"3. urges Member States, the Secretariat and the competent United Nations bodies to take all necessary measures to implement the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee;",
"4. repeats that those Member States who, in future years, recruit staff for the United Nations peacekeeping missions or who, in future, participate as observers in the Special Committee for three consecutive years, shall, upon written request, become members of the Chairperson of the Special Committee at the following meeting of the Special Committee;",
"5. decides that, in accordance with its mandate, the Special Committee will continue its efforts to review all aspects of the area of peacekeeping missions, review the implementation of its earlier proposals and advise on new proposals to increase the United Nations capacity to carry out its tasks in this area;",
"6. asks the Special Committee to submit an activity report to the General Assembly at its sixteenth session;",
"7. decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item ‘Comprehensive review of all aspects of the issue of peacekeeping operations’.",
"109. plenary session 19. July 2011",
"[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/65/19)."
] |
"[] Generalversammlung Verteilung: Allgemein \n 25. August 2011",
"Fünfundsechzigste Tagung",
"Tagesordnungspunkt 121",
"Resolution der Generalversammlung",
"[ohne Überweisung an einen Hauptausschuss (A/65/L.85 und Add.1)]",
"65/311. Mehrsprachigkeit",
"Die Generalversammlung,",
"in Anbetracht dessen, dass die Vereinten Nationen für die Mehrsprachigkeit als ein Mittel zur Förderung, zum Schutz und zur Erhaltung der Vielfalt der Sprachen und Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt eintreten,",
"sowie in Anbetracht dessen, dass echte Mehrsprachigkeit die Einheit in der Vielfalt und die internationale Verständigung fördert, und anerkennend, wie wichtig die Fähigkeit zur Kommunikation mit den Völkern der Welt in ihrer eigenen Sprache ist, einschließlich in für Menschen mit Behinderungen zugänglichen Formaten,",
"betonend, dass die Resolutionen und Bestimmungen, die die Sprachenregelungen für die verschiedenen Organisationen und Organe der Vereinten Nationen festlegen, strikt eingehalten werden müssen,",
"betonend, wie wichtig die Mehrsprachigkeit bei den Tätigkeiten der Vereinten Nationen ist, namentlich bei der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und der Informationstätigkeit,",
"unter Hinweis auf ihre Resolution 47/135 vom 18. Dezember 1992, mit der sie die Erklärung über die Rechte von Personen, die nationalen oder ethnischen, religiösen und sprachlichen Minderheiten angehören, verabschiedete, sowie auf den Internationalen Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte[1], insbesondere dessen Artikel 27 betreffend die Rechte von Personen, die ethnischen, religiösen oder sprachlichen Minderheiten angehören,",
"sowie unter Hinweis auf ihre Resolutionen 2 (I) vom 1. Februar 1946, 2480 B (XXIII) vom 21. Dezember 1968, 42/207 C vom 11. Dezember 1987, 50/11 vom 2. November 1995, 52/23 vom 25. November 1997, 54/64 vom 6. Dezember 1999, 56/262 vom 15. Februar 2002, 59/309 vom 22. Juni 2005, 63/306 vom 9. September 2009, 64/266 vom 21. Mai 2010, 65/107 B vom 10. Dezember 2010, 65/245 vom 24. Dezember 2010 und 65/247 vom 24. Dezember 2010,",
"1. nimmt Kenntnis von dem Bericht des Generalsekretärs[2];",
"2. fordert den Generalsekretär auf, zur Unterstützung seiner Tätigkeiten das informelle Netz der Anlaufstellen weiterzuentwickeln;",
"3. hebt hervor, wie überaus wichtig die Gleichstellung der sechs Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen ist;",
"4. unterstreicht, dass die Resolutionen, die die Sprachenregelungen für die Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen und die Arbeitssprachen des Sekretariats festlegen, vollständig durchgeführt werden müssen;",
"5. ersucht den Generalsekretär, dafür zu sorgen, dass alle Sprachendienste gleich behandelt werden und dass sie über die gleichen günstigen Arbeitsbedingungen und die gleichen Ressourcen verfügen, damit die von ihnen erbrachten Dienste von höchster Qualität sind, unter voller Achtung der Besonderheiten der sechs Amtssprachen, und verweist in dieser Hinsicht auf Abschnitt D Ziffer 11 ihrer Resolution 54/248 vom 23. Dezember 1999;",
"6. ersucht den Generalsekretär erneut, die Aufgabe des Ladens aller wichtigen älteren Dokumente der Vereinten Nationen auf die Website der Vereinten Nationen in allen sechs Amtssprachen vorrangig abzuschließen, damit diese Archive den Mitgliedstaaten auch über dieses Medium zur Verfügung stehen;",
"7. erklärt erneut, dass alle Sekretariats-Büros, die Inhalte bereitstellen, sich auch weiterhin darum bemühen sollen, alle in Englisch auf die Website der Vereinten Nationen gestellten Materialien und Datenbanken auf die praktischste, effizienteste und kostengünstigste Weise in alle Amtssprachen zu übersetzen;",
"8. ersucht den Generalsekretär, durch die Bereitstellung von Dokumentations-, Sitzungs- und Publikationsdiensten im Rahmen des Konferenzmanagements, einschließlich hochwertiger Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschdienste, auch künftig dafür zu sorgen, dass zwischen den Vertretern der Mitgliedstaaten in den zwischenstaatlichen Organen und den Mitgliedern der Sachverständigengremien der Vereinten Nationen eine wirksame mehrsprachige Kommunikation stattfinden kann, und zwar gleichermaßen in allen Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen;",
"9. betont, wie wichtig es ist, die Informationen, die technische Hilfe und die Ausbildungsmaterialien der Vereinten Nationen so weit wie möglich in den Landessprachen der Empfängerländer bereitzustellen;",
"10. nimmt Kenntnis von den Maßnahmen, die der Generalsekretär im Einklang mit ihren Resolutionen ergriffen hat, um die Frage der Ersetzung von in den Ruhestand tretenden Bediensteten in den Sprachendiensten anzugehen, und ersucht den Generalsekretär, diese Anstrengungen fortzusetzen und zu verstärken, namentlich durch eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit mit den Einrichtungen, die Sprachfachkräfte ausbilden, um den Bedarf in den sechs Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen zu decken;",
"11. nimmt mit Befriedigung Kenntnis von der Bereitschaft des Sekretariats, die Bediensteten zu ermutigen, sich in Sitzungen mit Dolmetschdiensten jeder der sechs Amtssprachen zu bedienen, deren sie mächtig sind;",
"12. wiederholt ihr Ersuchen an den Generalsekretär, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Regeln betreffend die gleichzeitige Verteilung von Dokumenten in allen sechs Amtssprachen sowohl für die Verteilung von Druckexemplaren als auch für die Einstellung der Dokumentation der beschlussfassenden Organe in das Elektronische Dokumentenarchiv und die Website der Vereinten Nationen streng eingehalten werden, entsprechend Abschnitt III Ziffer 5 ihrer Resolution 55/222 vom 23. Dezember 2000;",
"13. betont, wie wichtig es ist,",
"a) dass die Sekretariats-Hauptabteilung Presse und Information bei allen ihren Tätigkeiten alle Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen angemessen einsetzt, um so das Gefälle zwischen der Verwendung des Englischen und der Verwendung der anderen fünf Amtssprachen zu beseitigen;",
"b) dass die volle Gleichbehandlung aller Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen bei allen Tätigkeiten der Hauptabteilung Presse und Information sichergestellt wird;",
"und ersucht in dieser Hinsicht den Generalsekretär erneut, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Hauptabteilung für die Durchführung aller ihrer Tätigkeiten über eine angemessene Personalkapazität in allen Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen verfügt;",
"14. ersucht den Generalsekretär, sich weiter dafür einzusetzen, dass die Führungen am Amtssitz der Vereinten Nationen, durch die Einkünfte erzielt werden, regelmäßig angeboten werden, insbesondere in allen sechs Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen;",
"15. legt dem Generalsekretär nahe, sich verstärkt darum zu bemühen, dass im Rahmen der vorhandenen Mittel mehrsprachige Websites der Vereinten Nationen entwickelt und gepflegt werden und dass namentlich die Webseite des Generalsekretärs stets in allen Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen auf aktuellem Stand gehalten wird;",
"16. bekräftigt die Notwendigkeit, auf den Websites der Vereinten Nationen die volle Parität zwischen den sechs Amtssprachen zu erreichen;",
"17. bekräftigt außerdem, dass die Website der Vereinten Nationen ein wesentliches Hilfsmittel für die Mitgliedstaaten, die Medien, Bildungseinrichtungen, die breite Öffentlichkeit und nichtstaatliche Organisationen ist, und verweist erneut auf die Notwendigkeit kontinuierlicher Bemühungen der Hauptabteilung Presse und Information um die Pflege und Verbesserung der Website;",
"18. bekräftigt ferner ihr Ersuchen an den Generalsekretär, dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass unter Aufrechterhaltung einer aktuellen und sachlich richtigen Website die innerhalb der Hauptabteilung Presse und Information für die Website der Vereinten Nationen veranschlagten finanziellen und personellen Ressourcen ausgewogen unter allen Amtssprachen verteilt werden, unter voller Achtung der jeweiligen Besonderheiten der sechs Amtssprachen;",
"19. stellt mit Besorgnis fest, dass die Entwicklung und der Ausbau der Website der Vereinten Nationen in mehreren Amtssprachen viel langsamer vorangeschritten sind als erwartet, und ersucht die Hauptabteilung Presse und Information in dieser Hinsicht, in Koordinierung mit den Büros, die Inhalte bereitstellen, die Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der Parität zwischen den sechs Amtssprachen auf der Website der Vereinten Nationen zu verbessern, insbesondere durch eine schnellere Besetzung der Stellen, die derzeit in einigen Sektionen frei sind;",
"20. ersucht die Hauptabteilung Presse und Information, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sekretariats-Amt für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie weitere Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um zu gewährleisten, dass die technologische Infrastruktur und die Anwenderprogramme lateinische, nichtlateinische und bidirektionale Schriften voll unterstützen, damit auf der Website der Vereinten Nationen die Gleichstellung aller Amtssprachen erreicht wird;",
"21. begrüßt die Kooperationsvereinbarungen zwischen der Hauptabteilung Presse und Information und akademischen Institutionen, die darauf gerichtet sind, die Anzahl der in bestimmten Amtssprachen verfügbaren Webseiten zu erhöhen, und ersucht den Generalsekretär, in Koordinierung mit den Büros, die Inhalte bereitstellen, diese Kooperationsvereinbarungen kostenwirksam auf alle Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen auszudehnen, wobei zu berücksichtigen ist, dass die Normen und Leitlinien der Vereinten Nationen eingehalten werden müssen;",
"22. fordert das Sekretariat nachdrücklich auf, die Intranetplattform „iSeek“ in den beiden Arbeitssprachen des Sekretariats stets auf aktuellem Stand zu halten, sich weiter um die Einführung von iSeek an allen Dienstorten zu bemühen sowie kostenneutrale Maßnahmen zu erarbeiten und durchzuführen, um den Mitgliedstaaten den sicheren Zugriff auf die derzeit nur über das Intranet des Sekretariats zugänglichen Informationen zu ermöglichen;",
"23. nimmt mit Anerkennung Kenntnis von der Arbeit der Informationszentren der Vereinten Nationen, einschließlich der Regionalen Informationszentren der Vereinten Nationen, zugunsten der Veröffentlichung von Informationsmaterial der Vereinten Nationen und der Übersetzung wichtiger Dokumente in andere Sprachen als die Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen, mit dem Ziel, ein möglichst breites Zielpublikum zu erreichen und die Botschaft der Vereinten Nationen überall auf der Welt zu verbreiten, um so eine stärkere internationale Unterstützung für die Tätigkeit der Organisation zu gewinnen, und ermutigt die Informationszentren der Vereinten Nationen, ihre mehrsprachigen Tätigkeiten sowohl bei den interaktiven als auch den proaktiven Komponenten ihrer Arbeit weiterzuführen, vor allem durch die Veranstaltung von Seminaren und Diskussionsrunden, die die Verbreitung von Informationen sowie die Verständigung und den Meinungsaustausch über die Tätigkeit der Vereinten Nationen auf lokaler Ebene fördern;",
"24. verweist auf ihre Resolution 65/247, insbesondere deren Ziffern 26 und 54 f), worin sie bekräftigte, dass die Gleichberechtigung der beiden Arbeitssprachen des Sekretariats geachtet werden muss, die Verwendung zusätzlicher Arbeitssprachen an bestimmten Dienstorten auf der Grundlage eines Mandats bekräftigte und in dieser Hinsicht den Generalsekretär ersuchte, dafür zu sorgen, dass in den Stellenausschreibungen die Beherrschung einer der beiden Arbeitssprachen des Sekretariats verlangt wird, es sei denn, die mit der Stelle zusammenhängenden Aufgaben erfordern eine bestimmte Arbeitssprache;",
"25. verweist außerdem auf Abschnitt II Ziffer 17 ihrer Resolution 61/244 vom 22. Dezember 2006, in der sie anerkannte, dass das Zusammenwirken der Vereinten Nationen mit der Bevölkerung vor Ort unabdingbar ist und dass Sprachkenntnisse ein wichtiges Element der Auswahl- und Fortbildungsprozesse darstellen, und daher bekräftigte, dass bei diesen Prozessen eine gute Beherrschung der im Wohnsitzland gesprochenen Amtssprache(n) als zusätzlicher Vorteil berücksichtigt werden soll;",
"26. verweist ferner auf ihre Resolution 64/266, in der sie sich den Vorschlägen, Empfehlungen und Schlussfolgerungen des Sonderausschusses für Friedenssicherungseinsätze[3] anschloss;",
"27. nimmt Kenntnis von Abschnitt II.D.1 des Berichts des Generalsekretärs², ersucht den Generalsekretär, seine laufenden Anstrengungen in dieser Hinsicht fortzusetzen, und verweist ferner auf ihre Resolution 64/266, unbeschadet des Artikels 101 der Charta der Vereinten Nationen;",
"28. fordert das Sekretariat nachdrücklich auf, im Rahmen der vorhandenen Mittel alle Dokumente für die Friedenssicherungsausbildung in die sechs Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen zu übersetzen, damit sie von allen Mitgliedstaaten verwendet werden können;",
"29. betont, dass Bedienstete auch künftig unter strikter Einhaltung des Artikels 101 der Charta sowie gemäß den einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Resolutionen der Generalversammlung eingestellt werden müssen;",
"30. bittet den Generalsekretär, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Bediensteten der Vereinten Nationen die Anforderung, eine der Arbeitssprachen des Sekretariats verwenden zu können, erfüllen, und legt dem Generalsekretär nahe, die Resolution 2480 (XXIII) weiter durchzuführen;",
"31. bittet den Generalsekretär außerdem, durch geeignete Maßnahmen dafür zu sorgen, dass die in Stellenausschreibungen genannten besonderen sprachlichen Anforderungen bei der Zusammensetzung der Auswahlgremien für die Einstellung von Bediensteten der Vereinten Nationen berücksichtigt werden;",
"32. betont, dass die Beförderung von Bediensteten des Höheren Dienstes und der oberen Führungsebenen unter strikter Einhaltung des Artikels 101 der Charta sowie gemäß der Resolution 2480 B (XXIII) und den einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Resolution 55/258 vom 14. Juni 2001 zu erfolgen hat;",
"33. legt den Bediensteten der Vereinten Nationen nahe, die vorhandenen Schulungseinrichtungen auch weiterhin aktiv zu nutzen, um Kenntnisse in einer oder mehreren Amtssprachen der Vereinten Nationen zu erwerben beziehungsweise zu vertiefen;",
"34. nimmt mit Interesse Kenntnis von den kostenneutralen Initiativen des Sekretariats, die darauf abzielen, Veröffentlichungen in mehreren Sprachen herauszugeben, die Menge der übersetzten Veröffentlichungen zu erhöhen und eine mehrsprachigkeitsorientierte Anschaffungspolitik für die Bibliotheken der Vereinten Nationen zu fördern, und ersucht das Sekretariat, diese Initiativen fortzusetzen;",
"35. bekräftigt, dass die sprachliche Vielfalt ein wichtiger Bestandteil der kulturellen Vielfalt ist, betont, wie wichtig, die volle und wirksame Durchführung des am 18. März 2007 in Kraft getretenen Übereinkommens über den Schutz und die Förderung der Vielfalt kultureller Ausdrucksformen[4] ist, und erinnert an die Empfehlung zur Förderung und Nutzung der Mehrsprachigkeit und zum allgemeinen Zugang zum Cyberspace vom 15. Oktober 2003[5];",
"36. begrüßt die Aktivitäten, die die Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, die Mitgliedstaaten, die Institutionen des Systems der Vereinten Nationen und alle weiteren mitwirkenden Organe unternehmen, um die Achtung, die Förderung und den Schutz aller Sprachen, insbesondere der gefährdeten Sprachen, die sprachliche Vielfalt und die Mehrsprachigkeit zu verbessern;",
"37. ersucht den Generalsekretär, der Generalversammlung auf ihrer siebenundsechzigsten Tagung einen umfassenden Bericht über die vollständige Durchführung ihrer Resolutionen über die Mehrsprachigkeit vorzulegen;",
"38. beschließt, den Punkt „Mehrsprachigkeit“ in die vorläufige Tagesordnung ihrer siebenundsechzigsten Tagung aufzunehmen.",
"109. Plenarsitzung 19. Juli 2011",
"[1] Siehe Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Anlage. Amtliche deutschsprachige Fassungen: dBGBl. 1973 II S. 1533; LGBl. 1999 Nr. 58; öBGBl. Nr. 591/1978; AS 1993 750.",
"[2] A/65/488.",
"[3] Siehe Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/64/19).",
"[4] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-third Session, Paris, 3–21 October 2005, Vol. 1 und Korrigenda: Resolutions, Kap. V., Resolution 41. Amtliche deutschsprachige Fassungen: dBGBl. 2007 II S. 234; öBGBl. III Nr. 34/2007, AS 2008 4823.",
"[5] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-Second Session, Paris, 29 September–17 October 2003, Vol. 1: Resolutions, Kap. IV, Empfeh- lung 41."
] | [
"Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 July 2011",
"[without reference to a Main Committee (A/65/L.85 and Add.1)]",
"65/311. Multilingualism",
"The General Assembly,",
"Recognizing that the United Nations pursues multilingualism as a means of promoting, protecting and preserving diversity of languages and cultures globally,",
"Recognizing also that genuine multilingualism promotes unity in diversity and international understanding, and recognizing the importance of the capacity to communicate to the peoples of the world in their own languages, including in formats accessible to persons with disabilities,",
"Stressing the need for strict observance of the resolutions and rules establishing language arrangements for the different bodies and organs of the United Nations,",
"Emphasizing the importance of multilingualism in the activities of the United Nations, including those linked to public relations and information,",
"Recalling its resolution 47/135 of 18 December 1992, by which it adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,[1] in particular article 27 thereof, concerning the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities,",
"Recalling also its resolutions 2 (I) of 1 February 1946, 2480 B (XXIII) of 21 December 1968, 42/207 C of 11 December 1987, 50/11 of 2 November 1995, 52/23 of 25 November 1997, 54/64 of 6 December 1999, 56/262 of 15 February 2002, 59/309 of 22 June 2005, 63/306 of 9 September 2009, 64/266 of 21 May 2010, 65/107 B of 10 December 2010, 65/245 of 24 December 2010 and 65/247 of 24 December 2010,",
"1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;[2]",
"2. Calls upon the Secretary-General to continue to develop the informal network of focal points in order to support his activities;",
"3. Emphasizes the paramount importance of the equality of the six official languages of the United Nations;",
"4. Underlines the need for full implementation of the resolutions establishing language arrangements for the official languages of the United Nations and the working languages of the Secretariat;",
"5. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all language services are given equal treatment and are provided with equally favourable working conditions and resources, with a view to achieving maximum quality of those services, with full respect for the specificities of the six official languages, and in that regard recalls section D, paragraph 11, of its resolution 54/248 of 23 December 1999;",
"6. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to complete the task of uploading all important older United Nations documents onto the United Nations website in all six official languages on a priority basis, so that those archives are also available to Member States through that medium;",
"7. Reiterates that all content-providing offices in the Secretariat should continue their efforts to translate into all official languages all English-language materials and databases posted on the United Nations website in the most practical, efficient and cost-effective manner;",
"8. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to ensure, through the provision of documentation services and meeting and publishing services under conference management, including high-quality translation and interpretation, effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States in intergovernmental organs and members of expert bodies of the United Nations equally in all the official languages of the United Nations;",
"9. Stresses the importance of providing United Nations information, technical assistance and training materials, whenever possible, in the local languages of the beneficiary countries;",
"10. Acknowledges the measures undertaken by the Secretary-General, in accordance with its resolutions, to address the issue of the replacement of retiring staff in the language services, and requests the Secretary-General to maintain and intensify those efforts, including through the strengthening of cooperation with institutions that train language specialists to meet the need in the six official languages of the United Nations;",
"11. Notes with satisfaction the willingness of the Secretariat to encourage staff members, in meetings with interpretation services, to use any of the six official languages of which they have a command;",
"12. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the rules concerning the simultaneous distribution of documents in all six official languages are strictly respected as regards both the distribution of printed copies and the posting of parliamentary documentation on the Official Document System and the United Nations website, in keeping with section III, paragraph 5, of its resolution 55/222 of 23 December 2000;",
"13. Emphasizes the importance of:",
"(a) Making appropriate use of all the official languages of the United Nations in all the activities of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat, with the aim of eliminating the disparity between the use of English and the use of the five other official languages;",
"(b) Ensuring the full and equitable treatment of all the official languages of the United Nations in all the activities of the Department of Public Information;",
"and, in this regard, reaffirms its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the Department has appropriate staffing capacity in all the official languages of the United Nations to undertake all its activities;",
"14. Requests the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to ensure that, in accordance with their income-generating nature, guided tours at United Nations Headquarters are consistently available, in particular, in all six official languages of the United Nations;",
"15. Encourages the Secretary-General to strengthen his efforts to develop and maintain multilingual United Nations websites, from within existing resources, including efforts to keep the Secretary-General’s web page up to date in all the official languages of the United Nations;",
"16. Reaffirms the need to achieve full parity among the six official languages on United Nations websites;",
"17. Also reaffirms that the United Nations website is an essential tool for Member States, the media, educational institutions, the general public and non-governmental organizations, and reiterates the continued need for efforts by the Department of Public Information to maintain and improve it;",
"18. Further reaffirms its request to the Secretary-General to ensure, while maintaining an up-to-date and accurate website, the adequate distribution of financial and human resources within the Department of Public Information allocated to the United Nations website among all official languages, with full respect for the specificities of the six official languages;",
"19. Notes with concern that the multilingual development and enrichment of the United Nations website in several official languages has improved at a much slower rate than expected, and in this regard requests the Department of Public Information, in coordination with content-providing offices, to improve the actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website, in particular by expediting the filling of current vacant posts in some sections;",
"20. Requests the Department of Public Information, in cooperation with the Office of Information and Communications Technology of the Secretariat, to continue its efforts to ensure that technological infrastructures and supportive applications fully support Latin, non-Latin and bidirectional scripts in order to enhance the equality of all official languages on the United Nations website;",
"21. Welcomes the cooperative arrangements undertaken by the Department of Public Information with academic institutions in order to increase the number of web pages available in some official languages, and requests the Secretary-General, in coordination with content-providing offices, to extend these cooperative arrangements, in a cost-effective manner, to all the official languages of the United Nations, bearing in mind the necessity of adherence to United Nations standards and guidelines;",
"22. Urges the Secretariat to keep iSeek up to date in the two working languages of the Secretariat, to continue its efforts to implement iSeek at all duty stations and to develop and implement cost-neutral measures to provide Member States with secure access to the information currently accessible only on the Intranet of the Secretariat;",
"23. Notes with appreciation the work carried out by the United Nations information centres, including the United Nations Regional Information Centre, in favour of the publication of United Nations information materials and the translation of important documents into languages other than the official languages of the United Nations, with a view to reaching the widest possible audience and extending the United Nations message to all corners of the world in order to strengthen international support for the activities of the Organization, and encourages United Nations information centres to continue their multilingual activities in the interactive and proactive aspects of their work, especially by arranging seminars and debates to further the spread of information and the understanding and exchange of views regarding United Nations activities at the local level;",
"24. Recalls its resolution 65/247, in particular paragraphs 26 and 54 (f) thereof, in which it reaffirmed the need to respect the equality of the two working languages of the Secretariat, reaffirmed the use of additional working languages in specific duty stations, as mandated, and, in that regard, requested the Secretary-General to ensure that vacancy announcements specified the need for either of the working languages of the Secretariat, unless the functions of the post required a specific working language;",
"25. Also recalls section II, paragraph 17, of its resolution 61/244 of 22 December 2006, in which it acknowledged that the interaction of the United Nations with the local population in the field was essential and that language skills constituted an important element of the selection and training processes and therefore affirmed that a good command of the official language(s) spoken in the country of residence should be taken into account as an additional asset during those processes;",
"26. Further recalls its resolution 64/266, in which it endorsed the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations;[3]",
"27. Takes note of section II.D.1 of the report of the Secretary-General,² requests the Secretary-General to continue his ongoing efforts in this regard, and further recalls its resolution 64/266 without prejudice to Article 101 of the Charter of the United Nations;",
"28. Urges the Secretariat to translate all peacekeeping training documents into the six official languages of the United Nations, within existing resources, to ensure that all Member States can use them;",
"29. Stresses that the employment of staff shall continue to be carried out in strict accordance with Article 101 of the Charter and in line with the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions;",
"30. Invites the Secretary-General to ensure compliance with the requirement for United Nations staff to have the ability to use one of the working languages of the Secretariat, and encourages the Secretary-General to further implement resolution 2480 B (XXIII);",
"31. Also invites the Secretary-General to take the appropriate measures to consider the linguistic specificities mentioned in vacancy announcements during the composition of interview panels for the employment of United Nations staff;",
"32. Stresses that the promotion of staff in the Professional and higher categories shall be carried out in strict accordance with Article 101 of the Charter and in line with the provisions of resolution 2480 B (XXIII) and the relevant provisions of resolution 55/258 of 14 June 2001;",
"33. Encourages United Nations staff members to continue actively to use existing training facilities to acquire and enhance their proficiency in one or more of the official languages of the United Nations;",
"34. Notes with interest the cost-neutral initiatives of the Secretariat to produce publications in several languages, increase the volume of translated publications and encourage a multilingual acquisition policy for the libraries of the United Nations, and requests the Secretariat to continue those initiatives;",
"35. Reaffirms that linguistic diversity is an important element of cultural diversity, stresses the importance of the full and effective implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions,[4] which entered into force on 18 March 2007, and recalls the Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace of 15 October 2003;[5]",
"36. Welcomes the activities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Member States, the entities of the United Nations system and all other participating bodies aimed at fostering respect for and the promotion and protection of all languages, in particular endangered ones, linguistic diversity and multilingualism;",
"37. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism;",
"38. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-seventh session the item entitled “Multilingualism”.",
"109th plenary meeting 19 July 2011",
"[1] See resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex.",
"[2] A/65/488.",
"[3] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/64/19).",
"[4] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-third Session, Paris, 3–21 October 2005, vol. 1 and corrigenda: Resolutions, chap. V, resolution 41.",
"[5] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-second Session, Paris, 29 September–17 October 2003, vol. 1: Resolutions, chap. IV, recommendation 41."
] | A_RES_65_311 | [
"[] General Assembly Distribution: General\n25 August 2011",
"Sixty-fiveth session",
"Agenda item 121",
"Resolution of the General Assembly",
"[without transfer to a main committee (A/65/L.85 and Add.1)]",
"65/3. Multilingualism",
"The General Assembly,",
"having regard to the fact that the United Nations is committed to multilingualism as a means of promoting, protecting and preserving the diversity of languages and cultures around the world,",
"and in view of the fact that genuine multilingualism promotes unity in diversity and international understanding, and recognises the importance of communication with the peoples of the world in their own language, including in formats accessible to people with disabilities,",
"emphasizing that the resolutions and provisions defining the language arrangements for the various United Nations organisations and bodies must be strictly complied with;",
"emphasising the importance of multilingualism in the activities of the United Nations, particularly in public relations and information activities;",
"having regard to its Resolution 47/135 of 18 December 1992, which adopted the declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights[1], in particular Article 27 concerning the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities,",
"and having regard to their Resolutions 2 (I) of 1 February 1946, 2480 B (XXIII) of 21 December 1968, 42/207 C of 11 December 1987, 50/11 of 2 November 1995, 52/23 of 25 November 1997, 54/64 of 6 December 1999, 56/262 of 15 February 2002, 59/309 of 22 June 2005, 63/306 of 9 September 2009, 64/266 of 21 May 2010, 65/107 B. December 2010,",
"1. take note of the Secretary-General’s report[2];",
"Two. calls on the Secretary-General to develop the informal network of points of contact in order to support its activities;",
"3. highlights the importance of equality between the six official languages of the United Nations;",
"4. underlines that the resolutions defining the language arrangements for the official languages of the United Nations and the working languages of the Secretariat must be fully implemented;",
"5. asks the Secretary-General to ensure that all language services are treated equally and that they have the same favourable working conditions and the same resources to ensure that the services they provide are of the highest quality, with full respect for the peculiarities of the six official languages, and in this respect refers to Section D(11) of their Resolution 54/248 of 23 February. December 1999;",
"6. asks the Secretary-General once again to presuppose the task of loading all the important older documents of the United Nations on the United Nations website in all six official languages so that these archives are also available to the Member States via this medium;",
"7. re-explains that all secretariat offices providing content will continue to seek to translate all the materials and databases provided in English to the United Nations website in the most practical, efficient and cost-effective way into all official languages;",
"8. asks the Secretary-General, through the provision of documentation, meeting and publication services within the framework of conference management, including high-quality translation and interpreting services, to ensure that effective multilingual communication can take place between the representatives of the Member States in the intergovernmental bodies and the members of the United Nations expert bodies;",
"9. stresses the importance of providing the information, technical assistance and training materials of the United Nations as far as possible in the national languages of the recipient countries;",
"10. takes note of the measures taken by the Secretary-General in accordance with their resolutions to address the issue of the replacement of retired officials in language services, and asks the Secretary-General to continue and strengthen these efforts, in particular by strengthening cooperation with the institutions that train language experts, in order to meet the needs of the six official languages of the United Nations;",
"11. Notes with satisfaction the willingness of the Secretariat to encourage staff to serve each of the six official languages in meetings with interpreting services, which they are powerful;",
"12. repeats its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the rules relating to the simultaneous distribution of documents in all six official languages are strictly complied with both for the distribution of copies and for the setting of the documentation of the decision-making bodies in the Electronic Document Archive and the United Nations Website, in accordance with Section III(5) of its Resolution 55/222 of 23 December 2000;",
"13. emphasizes how important it is,",
"(a) the Secretariat-General Press and Information Division shall use all the official languages of the United Nations appropriately in all its activities in order to eliminate the difference between the use of English and the use of the other five official languages;",
"b) ensuring full equal treatment of all the official languages of the United Nations in all activities of the Press and Information Division;",
"and, in this regard, ask the Secretary-General again to ensure that the Department has adequate personnel capacity in all the official languages of the United Nations for the implementation of all its activities;",
"14. asks the Secretary-General to continue to use the guides at the United Nations Headquarters, through which income is obtained, to be offered regularly, in particular in all six official languages of the United Nations;",
"15. advises the Secretary-General to make greater efforts to develop and maintain multilingual websites of the United Nations within the framework of the existing funds and to keep the Secretary-General's website up-to-date in all the official languages of the United Nations;",
"16. reaffirms the need to achieve full parity between the six official languages on the United Nations websites;",
"17. also reaffirms that the United Nations website is an essential tool for the Member States, the media, educational institutions, the general public and non-governmental organisations, and reaffirms the need for continuous efforts by the Press Department and the Information Division to maintain and improve the website;",
"18. also reaffirms its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that, while maintaining a current and objectively correct website, the financial and human resources estimated within the Press and Information Division for the United Nations website are distributed in a balanced manner among all official languages, with full respect to the particular features of the six official languages;",
"19. notes with concern that the development and development of the United Nations website are much slower than expected in several official languages, and asks the Press and Information Division in this regard, in coordination with the offices providing content, to improve the measures to achieve the parity between the six official languages on the United Nations website, in particular by a faster occupation of the bodies currently free in some sections;",
"20. asks the Press and Information Division to make further efforts, in cooperation with the Secretariat-General for Information and Communication Technology, to ensure that the technological infrastructure and user programmes fully support Latin, non-Latin and bidirectional fonts in order to achieve equality between all official languages on the United Nations website;",
"21. welcomes the cooperation agreements between the Press and Information Division and academic institutions, which are aimed at increasing the number of websites available in certain official languages, and asks the Secretary-General, in coordination with the offices providing content, to extend these cooperation agreements costly to all the official languages of the United Nations, taking into account that the United Nations standards and guidelines must be respected;",
"22. urges the Secretariat to keep the intranet platform ‘iSeek’ up-to-date in the two working languages of the Secretariat, to continue to seek the introduction of iSeek at all sites and to develop and implement cost-neutral measures in order to enable Member States to have secure access to the information currently available only through the intranet of the Secretariat;",
"In the case of the United Nations Information Centres, including the United Nations Regional Information Centres, in favour of the publication of information material from the United Nations and the translation of important documents into languages other than the official languages of the United Nations, the United Nations shall also encourage and encourage the exchange of information on the activities of the United Nations,",
"24 refers to its Resolution 65/247, in particular its paragraphs 26 and 54 f), which affirmed that the equality of the two working languages of the Secretariat must be respected, reaffirmed the use of additional working languages at certain places of service on the basis of a mandate, and in this respect asked the Secretary-General to ensure that in the job advertisements the control of one of the two working languages of the Secretariat is required to:",
"25 also refers to Section II, paragraph 17 of its Resolution 61/244 of 22 June. December 2006, in which it acknowledged that the cooperation of the United Nations with the local population is indispensable and that language skills are an important element in the selection and training processes, and therefore confirmed that in these processes a good mastery of the official language spoken in the country of residence is to be considered as an additional advantage;",
"26. also refers to its Resolution 64/266, which included the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations[3];",
"27 takes note of Section II.D.1 of the Secretary-General's report, asks the Secretary-General to continue its ongoing efforts in this regard, and also points to its Resolution 64/266, without prejudice to Article 101 of the United Nations Charter;",
"28. urges the Secretariat to translate all documents relating to peacekeeping training into the six official languages of the United Nations within the framework of the existing funds, so that they can be used by all Member States;",
"29. emphasizes that officials must continue to be recruited in the future with strict compliance with Article 101 of the Charter and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the General Assembly Resolutions;",
"30. asks the Secretary-General to ensure that the United Nations officials comply with the requirement to use one of the working languages of the Secretariat and informs the Secretary-General to carry out resolution 2480 (XXIII);",
"31. also asks the Secretary-General to ensure, through appropriate measures, that the specific linguistic requirements for the composition of the selection bodies referred to in job alerts are taken into account for the recruitment of UN officials;",
"32. emphasises that the promotion of senior officials and senior management levels in strict compliance with Article 101 of the Charter and in accordance with Resolution 2480 B (XXIII) and the relevant provisions of Resolution 55/258 of 14 It is also necessary to ensure that the Commission is able to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Commission is able to take the necessary steps to ensure that the necessary measures are taken.",
"33. suggests the United Nations staff to continue actively using existing training facilities to acquire or deepen knowledge in one or more official languages of the United Nations;",
"34. takes note of the cost-neutral initiatives of the Secretariat, which aim to publish publications in several languages, to increase the volume of translated publications and to promote a multilingual policy for the United Nations libraries, and asks the Secretariat to continue these initiatives;",
"35. reaffirms that linguistic diversity is an important part of cultural diversity, emphasises the importance of full and effective implementation of the 18th In March 2007, the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions[4] entered into force and recalls the Recommendation on the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and General Access to Cyberspace of 15 March 2007. October 2003[5];",
"36. welcomes the activities undertaken by the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture, the Member States, the institutions of the United Nations system and all other participating bodies to improve respect, promotion and protection of all languages, in particular of vulnerable languages, linguistic diversity and multilingualism;",
"37. asks the Secretary-General to present a comprehensive report to the General Assembly at its sixteenth session on the full implementation of its multilingual resolutions;",
"38. decides to include the ‘multilingualism’ item in the provisional agenda of its sixty-seventh session.",
"109. plenary session 19. July 2011",
"[1] See Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Appendix. Official German-speaking versions: dBGBl. 1973 II p. 1533; LGBl. 1999 No 58; OJ No 591/1978; AS 1993 750.",
"[2] A/65/488",
"[3] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/64/19).",
"[4] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-third Session, Paris, 3–21 October 2005, Vol. 1 and Korrigenda: Resolutions, Cape V., Resolution 41. Official German-speaking versions: dBGBl. 2007 II p. 234; öBGBl. III No. 34/2007, AS 2008 4823.",
"[5] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-Second Session, Paris, 29 September–17 October 2003, Vol. 1: Resolutions, Chapter IV, Recommendation 41."
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