[ "administrative" ]
In July 2008, the city lost its administrative power and became a city under the control of the ward government.
In July 2008, the city lost its right to administer itself, and become a city under the control of the district government.
約10.2 % ( 男性11.2 % 、 女性9.2 % ) の人がODDを患っている、または患っている。
[ "suffer" ]
About 10.2% of people (11.2% of men and 9.2% of women) have or suffer from ODD.
About 10.2% of people have or have had ODD (11.2% of males and 9.2% of females).
Sabina Ajrula, 75, 北マケドニア - トルコの女優 (Muhteşem Yüzyıl, 私の母の傷, 影), 脳腫瘍によって引き起こされる脳卒中.
[ "tumors" ]
Sabina Ajrula, 75, North Macedonia - Turkish actress (Muhteşem Yüzyıl, my mother's wound, shadow), stroke caused by brain tumors.
Sabina Ajrula, 75, North Macedonian-Turkish actress (Muhteşem Yüzyıl, My Mother's Wound, Shadows), stroke caused by brain cancer.
ヒンシュ(Hinche, Kréyòl: Ench)は、ハイチの中心部に位置する都市である。
[ "located" ]
Hinche, Kréyòl (Ench) is a city located in the heart of Haiti.
Hinche (Kréyòl: Ench) is a city in the centre of Haiti.
[ "adhere" ]
He decided to adhere to the common code of conduct, the dharma, and was also inspired by the teachings of the Buddha.
He decided to observe Dhamma, a common code of conduct and was also inspired by the teachings of Buddha.
[ "Muslim" ]
At this stage, Omar dared to stop Muslim prayer, but when he was praying openly, no one interfered with Omar.
At this stage Umar even challenged anyone who dared to stop the Muslims from praying, although no one dared to interfere with Umar when he was openly praying.
[ "mountainous" ]
Today, their range is limited to higher mountainous areas.
Today, their range is limited to the higher mountain regions.
ロイヤル・ミュージアム・オブ・スコットランド(Royal Museum of Scotland)は、イギリスのエジンバラにあるチェンバーズ・ストリート(Chambers Street)にあります。
[ "located" ]
The Royal Museum of Scotland is located on Chambers Street in Edinburgh, England.
Royal Museum of Scotland is on Chambers Street, Edinburgh, UK.
[ "complex" ]
Others disagreed, saying that this book shows how complex it is between Native Americans and Caucasian settlers.
Other people disagreed, saying the book showed how complicated things between Native Americans and white settlers were.
[ "verge" ]
In 1914, the population decreased, which scientists believed was on the verge of extinction.
In 1914, there was a decrease in population where scientists believed they were close to extinction.
[ "salmon" ]
The largest salmon king was caught in Sordonna.
The largest King Salmon was caught in Soldotna.
[ "happened" ]
Next, let's look at what happened.
The next.
[ "remains" ]
After a while, all that remains is the hair that runs above the ears and around the back of the head.
After a while, all that may be left is a some hair running above the ears and around the lower back of the head.
デンマーク(43,098 km2)はスカンジナビア諸国の中で最小です。
[ "among" ]
Denmark (43,098 km2) is the smallest among Scandinavian countries.
Denmark (43,098 km2) is the smallest of the Scandinavian countries.
[ "expansion" ]
It was built in several stages that made the fourth expansion in the 3rd century AD.
It was constructed in several stages that had a fourth enlargement during the third century A.D.
[ "impact" ]
The book was about the impact of television on children.
The book was about the effect of television on children.
[ "simply" ]
It is simply called "Lego".
It is called merely "lego".
キンバンギストの信仰では、4月6日(癒しのミニストリーの始まり ) 、 5月25日(クリスマス ) 、 10月12日(キンバングの死の記念日)の3つの日付が重要です。
[ "ministry" ]
In the Kimbangist faith, three dates are important: April 6 (the beginning of the healing ministry), May 25 (Christmas) and October 12 (anniversary of Kimbang's death).
Three dates are important in Kimbanguist beliefs: April 6 (the start of the ministry of healing), May 25 (Christmas), and October 12 (Kimbangu’s death anniversary).
[ "judge" ]
He was a senior U.S. District Court judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma.
He was the Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma.
[ "province" ]
It is the largest city in the province.
It is the largest city in the state.
2月24日-Biman Bangladesh Airlines ボーイング737-800便は、おもちゃのピストルを持つ男によるハイジャックの試みを生き残った。
[ "hijack" ]
February 24 - Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 737-800 survived an attempt to hijack by a man with a toy pistol.
February 24 – Biman Bangladesh Airlines Flight 147, a Boeing 737-800, survived an attempted hijacking by a man with a toy pistol.
[ "conservation" ]
Responsible for the protection and conservation of the natural environment of the United Kingdom.
It is responsible for protecting and preserving England's natural environment.
何も残っていない場合は 、 「 百分の一」という言葉を書いてください。
[ "remains" ]
If nothing remains, write the word "one hundredth".
If nothing is left over, write the word "hundredth".
[ "approached" ]
The two officers turned their backs, asking him to remove the knife, but Wallace approached.
The two officers backed away while asking him to put down the knife, but Wallace walked closer.
Bad Channelsはブルー・オイスター・カルトの12枚目のスタジオ・アルバムです。
[ "cult" ]
Bad Channels is the twelfth studio album by Blue Oyster cult.
Bad Channels is the twelfth studio album by Blue Oyster Cult.
[ "spiritual" ]
Platoism and spiritual life.
Platonism and the Spiritual Life.
[ "criticized" ]
As a result, the Australian Constitution is often criticized for not protecting rights and freedoms.
As a result, the Australian Constitution has often been criticised for not protecting rights and freedoms.
[ "grayish" ]
The back and wings are dark brown or grayish brown, with brown stripes on the chest and belly.
The female has dark brown or grey-brown back and wings, and brown stripes on her chest and belly.
リッターはケント州グレイヴゼントでSimon Paul Adamsとして生まれました。
[ "as" ]
Litter was born as Simon Paul Adams in Gravesent, Kent.
Ritter was born Simon Paul Adams in Gravesend, Kent.
[ "located" ]
Arita is located in the west of Saga Prefecture.
Arita is in the western part of Saga Prefecture.
[ "located" ]
The town is located west of Alice Springs.
The town is about west of Alice Springs.
[ "expedition" ]
The DFV won their first expedition to the Netherlands in 1967.
The DFV won on its first outing, at the 1967 Dutch Grand Prix.
もともとはインディーズ音楽の一種で、インディーズロックと密接に関連しています。 どちらのジャンルも似ていますが、両方に違いがあります。
[ "indie" ]
Originally a kind of indie music, it is closely related to indie rock, both genres are similar, but there is a difference between both.
Originally and often still a form of independent music, it is closely associated with indie rock, both genres are similar, yet there are differences between both.
[ "transported" ]
The plant was transported by Portuguese and Spanish explorers to most of the West Indies and to the continents of Africa and Asia, including the Philippines and Taiwan.
The plant was carried by Portuguese and Spanish explorers to most of the West Indies, and continents of Africa and Asia, including the Philippines and Taiwan.
Readerz.Net / バーブロ・アンナ・エリザベト・ヒルデストラン(Barbro Anna Elisabet Hildestrand, 1917年12月27日 - 2014年3月6日)は、スウェーデンの女優。
[ "Net" ]
Readerz.Net / Barbro Anna Elisabet Hildestrand (27 December 1917 – 6 March 2014) was a Swedish actress.
Barbro Anna Elisabet Hildestrand (née Kollberg; 27 December 1917 – 6 March 2014) was a Swedish actress.
[ "district" ]
He was born in Makarovka village in the Kraichevsky district of the Altai region.
He was born in the Makarovka village of Klyuchevsky District, Altai Krai.
[ "prime" ]
The prime minister is also a member of the Diet, so I am also sitting here.
The Prime Minister sits here as well because they are a Member of Parliament.
[ "expansion" ]
To crush the expansion of Shivaj Maharaj's power, Aurangeb sent the gyzing of Anbar, an experienced and powerful Mughal Sardar.
Intending to crush the growing power of Shivaji Maharaj, Aurangzeb sent Jaisingh of Ambar, an experienced and powerful Mughal Sardar.
[ "noble" ]
Sewell spent the last year writing the classic black beauty of the child (1877), a fictional autobiography of a calm and noble horse.
Sewell spent her last years writing the children's classic Black Beauty (1877), a fictional autobiography of a gentle, highbred horse.
[ "utilization" ]
At Ten Mile Junction LRT station, the train arrives every 20 minutes, probably due to the low passenger utilization.
At Ten Mile Junction LRT Station, trains arrive only every 20 minutes, possibly due to low passenger usage.
[ "alternative" ]
The former doctor returns Rose to her alternative space bad wolf bay.
The original Doctor returns Rose to her alternate universe's Bad Wolf Bay.
[ "ironic" ]
He is also very ironic.
He also is extremely sarcastic.
[ "Peers" ]
Peers also understand the character of orchid butterflies and fall in love with him.
Pia also understands Rancho's character and falls in love with him.
Achal Mishraが監督・制作した映画は、世界中で高く評価され、多くの賞を受賞しました。
[ "acclaimed" ]
The films directed and produced by Achal Mishra have been highly acclaimed around the world and won many awards.
The movie directed and produced by Achal Mishra got appreciation throughout the world and gained many prizes .
また、Far East Movementのシングル「Turn Up The Love」にも出演し、イギリスで13位、その他6カ国でトップ20にランクインした。
[ "ranked" ]
He also appeared on Far East Movement's single "Turn Up The Love" and was ranked 13th in the UK and top 20 in six other countries.
They also appeared on Far East Movement's single "Turn Up The Love" which peaked at number 13 in the UK and in the top twenty in six other countries.
[ "enhanced" ]
The tornadoes described below are ranked using the enhanced Fujita scale.
Tornado described below are ranked using the Enhanced Fujita Scale.
[ "cultural" ]
People sometimes make tattoos to show that they belong to gangs or cultural groups.
People sometimes get tattoos to show that they belong to a gang or culture group.
南アフリカでの学習インテリジェンス対策としての彼の妨害能力を通してAbiy Ahmedはそのような組織を作り、そのディレクターになることができました。
[ "sabotage" ]
Through his sabotage ability as a learning intelligence measure in South Africa, Abiy Ahmed was able to create such an organization and become its director.
Abiy Ahmed through his jamming capabilities as learning intelligence measures in South Africa was able to create such an organization and become its director.
ポーランド共和国は、東プロイセンの南半分を取得し、Oder-Neisse Lineの東に着陸しました。
[ "acquired" ]
The Republic of Poland acquired the southern half of Eastern Prussia and landed in the east of the Oder-Neisse line.
The People's Republic of Poland got the southern half of East Prussia and lands east of the Oder-Neisse Line.
[ "bullish" ]
It fell bullish in 1815.
It fell in the gale of 1815.
[ "original" ]
Starbucks is a 2011 Disney Channel original film starring Sterling Night, Daniel Campbell, Brandon Michal Smith, and Chelsea Stub.
Starstruck (also called StarStruck) is a 2011 Disney Channel Original Movie starring Sterling Knight, Danielle Campbell, Brandon Mychal Smith and Chelsea Staub.
[ "reform" ]
Revisited for student syndicator movement and university reform.
Toward a Student Syndicalist Movement or University Reform Revisited.
[ "establishment" ]
This did not mean that the union was preferred by the establishment.
This did not mean that unions were will liked by the Establishment.
[ "satisfied" ]
Simply put, this property is satisfied when one individual joins or leaves the dataset and the behavior of the algorithm does not change significantly.
In simpler terms, this property is fulfilled if the algorithm's behavior does not noticeably change when a single individual joins or leaves the dataset.
[ "granted" ]
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution have granted U.S. women the right to vote.
An amendment to the United States Constitution allows women in the United States the right to vote.
[ "Currently" ]
Currently (14th) Shamarpa is Mipham Choki Rodro, born in Derge, Tibet in 1952.
The present (14th) Shamarpa is Mipham Chokyi Lodro, born in Derge, Tibet in 1952.
[ "Muslim" ]
Muslim men are cirucmcised.
Muslim Men are cirucmcised.
[ "battle" ]
Roger of the Crusades of Salerno stops the Serjuk Turks in the battle of Salmin in Syria.
Roger of Salerno's Crusaders stop the Seljuk Turks at the Battle of Sarmin in Syria.
[ "pleasant" ]
It is also much more pleasant.
It's also a lot less fun.
[ "legislator" ]
Sunderland won the first legislator after the Reform Act of 1832, and the Sunderland Autonomous Region was established in 1836, but impatient citizens elected Andrew White as mayor in December 1835.
Sunderland got its first Member of Parliament after the Reform Act of 1832, and the Borough of Sunderland was created in 1836, although impatient citizens elected Andrew White to be Mayor in December 1835.
[ "contract" ]
The band currently has a contract with Geffen.
The band is currently signed to Geffen.
[ "bustling" ]
It is a bustling port town with many guest houses and a constantly changing population.
Being a busy port, there were numerous lodging houses and a constantly changing population.
サー・ウォルター・ハートウェル・ジェームズ(Sir Walter Hartwell James, 1863年3月29日 - 1943年1月3日)は、1902年7月1日から1904年8月10日まで西オーストラリア州の第5代首相でした。
[ "prime" ]
Sir Walter Hartwell James (March 29, 1863 – January 3, 1943) was the fifth prime minister of Western Australia from July 1, 1902 to August 10, 1904.
Sir Walter Hartwell James (29 March 1863 – 3 January 1943) was the 5th Premier of Western Australia from 1 July 1902 to 10 August 1904.
[ "suppress" ]
A new tutt cell was developed on the system and began to suppress the outflow.
A new TUTT cell developed over the system and started restraining outflow.
彼はサー・ガンガ・ラム病院、ラホール(1921年 ) 、 レディ・マクラーガン・スクール、その他のいくつかの建物や公共施設を自費で建設しました。
[ "expense" ]
He built Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore (1921), Lady McLagan School and several other buildings and public facilities at his own expense.
He built Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore (1921), the Lady Mclagan School and some other structures and public facilities with his own money.
[ "region" ]
Kidal, Aguel'hoc, Boughessa, Essouk and Tessalit are cities in this region.
Kidal, Aguel'hoc, Boughessa, Essouk and Tessalit are cities in this area.
[ "film" ]
The biggest show on the planet is the 1952 film.
The Greatest Show on Earth is a 1952 movie.
[ "Aboriginal" ]
Derwent’s bank was once forested and occupied by the Aboriginal people.
The banks of the Derwent were once covered by forests and occupied by Aborigines.
象徴的 - この種の遊びはアイデアについてです。
[ "Symbolic" ]
Symbolic - this kind of play is about ideas.
Symbolic - this sort of play is about ideas.
[ "radixes" ]
Usually, Japanese radixes (numbers for measuring things) are based on Chinese words, but most ordinal numbers (numbers for ordering things) and even words of a certain scale use native Japanese words.
While usually cardinal numbers (numbers for measuring things) in Japanese are based off of Chinese words, most ordinal numbers (numbers for ordering things) and even certain measure words use native Japanese words.
[ "liberal" ]
Lawrence, a liberal state in the 1850s, was burned down, and more than 150 men and women were killed by pro-Southern irregular forces under William Quantrill in 1863.
Lawrence, a free-state place in the 1850s, was burned, and more than 150 men and boys were killed by a pro-Southern irregular army under William Quantrill in 1863.
[ "stimulating" ]
Arrived in Hammersmith in 1864, Richmond in 1877 and completed the inner circle in 1884, the most important route became the northern line to the middlesex countryside, stimulating the development of new suburbs.
It reached Hammersmith in 1864 and Richmond in 1877, and completed the Inner Circle in 1884, but the most important route became the line north into the Middlesex countryside, where it stimulated the development of new suburbs.
[ "guests" ]
In the house guests, she played Miriam.
In Guest of the House, she played Miriam.
[ "reconstruction" ]
Wellington architect Ian Asfield has been chosen to support re-planning and reconstruction since the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011.
Wellington architect Ian Athfield has since been selected to re-plan and help rebuild since the February, 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
[ "Despite" ]
Despite the peaceful people, the Cavilondo fights well.
Though a peaceful people the Kavirondo fight well.
[ "diphtheria" ]
The diphtheria croup is known since the time of the ancient Greece of Homer.
Diphtheritic croup has been known since the time of Homer's Ancient Greece.
[ "aristocrats" ]
Later, only aristocrats from England worked in this job.
After that only noblemen from Great Britain worked in this job.
[ "continues" ]
He continues to live in the wild for 54 days.
He keeps living in the wild for fifty-four days.
[ "recent" ]
Chandler also raised a total of eight children to his father before his arrest, the most recent being Whitney, who was born in February 1989 with Debra Chandler’s wife.
Chandler would also father a total of eight children before his arrest, the latest one being Whitney born in February, 1989 with his wife at the time Debra Chandler.
[ "is" ]
His mother is from Provo, Utah.
His mother comes from Provo, Utah.
[ "claiming" ]
This meant claiming to be both Lutheran and Catholic.
This meant it argued with both Lutherans and Catholics.
[ "located" ]
It is located in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.
It is in Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.
[ "euro" ]
The euro currency is used in 12 EU countries.
The Euro currency comes into use in 12 EU countries.
[ "exception" ]
Form 6 students in the school are Form 5 students in the same school, with the exception of international students from other countries.
All Form 6 students in the school are from the Form 5 in the same school, except the exchange students from other countries.
[ "admission" ]
The school is 55% white at the time of admission, but Kampti itself is about 75% of the population of African Americans.
The school is 55 percent white in enrollment, but Campti itself is some 75 percent African American in population.
[ "Received" ]
Received the Screen Actors Guild Award at the Best Actress Award.
She won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Lead Actress.
[ "arid" ]
In prehistoric times, Mont was in arid lands.
In prehistoric times, the Mont was on dry land.
[ "struggling" ]
People are struggling to try to agree on a single alphabet to write.
People have a hard time trying to agree on a single alphabet to write in.
[ "plateau" ]
There may be oil deposits on the naturalist plateau.
The Naturaliste Plateau may have deposits of oil.
[ "issued" ]
Snowstorm warnings were issued in New York City and Boston, and it began to snow in Boston on this day.
Blizzard Warnings were given in New York City and Boston, and the snow began in Boston that day.
独立広場という名前は1990年以来日常生活で使用されていることに注意してください。 この名前は1990年10月の花崗岩革命の間に記録されました。
[ "granite" ]
Please note that the name Independence Square has been used in everyday life since 1990, this name was recorded during the granite revolution of October 1990.
It should be noted that the name Independence Square has been used in everyday life since 1990, this name was recorded during the Granite Revolution in October 1990.
[ "monopolized" ]
Army officers and some other people in New South Wales monopolized bringing alcohol into the country.
The army officers and several other people in New South Wales had a monopoly on bringing alcohol into the country.
[ "federal" ]
The federal government countered until the dark ended the battle.
The Federals counterattacked until darkness ended the fighting.
後にラリー・ソーンとして知られるローリ・アラン・トルニ(Lauri Allan Törni、191919年5月28日 - 1965年10月18日)は、フィンランド軍のキャプテンでした。
[ "army" ]
Lauri Allan Törni (28 May 1919 – 18 October 1965), later known as Larry Thorn, was the captain of the Finnish army.
Lauri Allan Törni (28 May 1919 – 18 October 1965), later known as Larry Thorne, was a Finnish Army captain.
[ "Cretaceous" ]
In the early 2010s, several new pterosaur taxa dating back to the late Cretaceous period were discovered.
In the early 2010s, several new pterosaur taxa were discovered dating to the late Cretaceous.
[ "advance" ]
Force India was able to advance in the point race after finishing second in the Belgian GP.
Force India was able to move ahead in the point race after finishing second in the Belgian Grand Prix.
[ "intervals" ]
They scored two goals 2-on-1 with Brian Bickel and Dave Borland 1:16 and 0:58.3 (17-second intervals) to win 3-on-2.
They were down 2–1 and scored two goals from Bryan Bickell and Dave Bolland 1:16 and 0:58.3 (17 seconds apart) to win 3-2.
[ "overhaul" ]
This idea was not used because it was too difficult to move the stock to Actonworks due to heavy overhaul.
This idea was not used because it would have been too hard to move the stock to Acton Works for heavy overhauls.
[ "contingent" ]
The Victorian contingent under Alfred Hawitt was sent by the Victorian government to find an expedition.
The Victorian Contingent Party under Alfred Howitt was sent by the Victorian government to find the expedition.
[ "dentition" ]
Triceratops teeth were placed in groups called 36-40 dentition batteries on both sides of each jaw, depending on the size of the animal, and 3-5 stacked teeth were placed for each row.
Triceratops teeth were arranged in groups called batteries, of 36 to 40 tooth columns, in each side of each jaw with 3 to 5 stacked teeth per column, depending on the size of the animal.