Percentage of Illegitimate Births to total live births = 5.08. STILL BIRTHS Male Female Total Legitimate 1 7 8 Illegitimate 1 β€” β€” 2 7 9 Rate per 1,000 (live and still) births (adjusted) (1): 1964: 19.54. Rate per 1,000 (live and still) births (adjusted) (2): 1963: 18.33. (1) This figure has been adjusted from 20.57 by the Registrar's Comparability Factor of .95. (2) This figure has been adjusted from 19.3 by the Registrar's Comparability Factor of .95. Still birth rate per 1,000 population: 1964: .36.
1963: .46, DEATHS Male 120 Female 99 Total 219 Death rate per 1,000 estimated population (adjusted) 1 (1): 1964: 12.75. Death rate per 1,000 estimated population (adjusted) i(2): 1963: 12.52. (1) This figure has been adjusted from 8.92 by use of Registrar's Comparability Factor of 1.43. (2) This figure has been adjusted from 8.76 by use of Registrar's Comparability Factor of 1.44. 7 INFANTILE MORTALITY Deaths of Infants under one year. Male Female Total Legitimate 4 3 7 Illegitimate 1 1 2 5 4 9 Death rate of infants under one year: 1963 1964 All infants per 1,000 live births 28.19 18.86 Legitimate infants per 1,000 legitimate live births 20.
72 14.83 Illegitimate infants per 1,000 illegitimate live births β€” 83.33 NEO-NATAL DEATHS: (Under four weeks of age) Male Female Total Legitimate 2 2 4 Illegitimate 1 1 2 3 3 6 Death rate per 1,000 live births 12.09 EARLY NEO-NATAL DEATHS: (Under one week) Male Female Total Legitimate 2 2 4 Illegitimate 1 1 2 3 3 6 Death rate per 1,000 live births 12.09 PERINATAL MORTALITY: (Still births and deaths of infants under one week) Male Female Total Legitimate 3 9 12 Illegitimate 2 1 3 5 10 15 Death rate per 1,000 live births 29.
7 MATERNAL MORTALITY Deaths from Puerperal Sepsis Nil Deaths from Abortions Nil Deaths from other Puerperal causes Nil Maternal Mortality Rate per 1,000 births 1964: Nil (Live and still) 1963: Nil 8 CAUSES OF DEATH Male Female Total 1963 All causes 120 99 219 212 Tuberculosis, respiratory - - - - Tuberculosis, other 1 - 1 - Syphilitic disease - - - 1 Whooping Cough - - - - Diphtheria - - - - Acute Poliomyelitis - - - - Measles - - - Meningococcal Infections - - - - Other infective and parasitic disease - - - 1 Malignant Neoplasm, stomach 1 1 2 8 Malignant Neoplasm, lung, bronchus 15 2 17 15 Malignant Neoplasm,
breast - 6 6 1 Malignant Neoplasm, uterus . . - 2 2 1 Other malignant and lymphatic neoplasms 9 11 20 17 Diabetes 1 2 3 3 Leukaemia, Aleukaemia 2 - 2 1 Vascular lesions of nervous system 4 15 19 16 Coronary diseases, angina 31 15 46 36 Hypertension with heart disease - 3 3 4 Other heart diseases 6 13 19 25 Other circulatory diseases 6 5 11 6 Influenza - - - 2 Pneumonia 10 8 18 18 Bronchitis 11 4 15 18 Other disease of respiratory system 2 - 2 2 Ulcer of stomach and duodenum 3 - 3 4 Gastritis,
enteritis and diarrhoea 1 1 2 3 Nephritis and Nephrosis - - - 1 Congenital Malformation - 2 2 2 Other defined and ill-defined diseases 7 9 16 19 Hyperplasia of Prostate - - - - Motor Vehicle Accidents 5 - 5 3 All other accidents 2 - 2 4 Suicide 3 - 3 - Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion - - - - Homicide and operations of war - - - 1 9 SECTION B LABORATORY FACILITIES The Central Public Health Laboratory at Colindale have undertaken work in connection with the analysis of food imported into this country via London Airport, as most of the imported food arriving at London Docks is also examined by this Laboratory. Reference to work done in connection with this matter can be seen in the chapter on London Airport.
MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE The responsibility for this service is with the Middlesex County Council and the Medical Officer of Area 8, i.e. the area in which this Urban District is situated is Dr. O. C. Dobson. There are two clinics in the district, one at 20, High Street,Yiewsley, and one in Harmondsworth. There is also a mobile clinic which operates in the Urban District. MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS The Council maintain a register of these establishments operating in the Urban District and the two establishments have been inspected during the year and have had their licences renewed. 10 SECTION C PREVALENCE OF, AND CONTROL OVER, INFECTIONS AND OTHER DISEASES Cases of Infectious Diseases (other than Tuberculosis) notified during the year 1964.
Under 1 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-24 years 25 & over Age Unknown No. Notified (all ages) Scarlet Fever - - 1 1 1 8 3 β€” β€” 1 15 Whooping Cough 3 3 3 5 4 8 3 β€” β€” β€” 29 Poliomyelitis (Non-paralytic) - - - - - - - - - - - Poliomyelitis (Paralytic) - - - - - - - - - - - Measles 6 4 6 7 4 2 β€” 1 β€” β€” 30 Diphtheria β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Dysentery β€” β€” 2 - - - - - - 2 4 Meningococcal Infection - - - - - - - - - - - Under 5 5-14 years 15-44
years 45-64 years 65 & over Age Unknown Total Acute Pneumonia - - - - - - - Smallpox - - - - - - - Acute Encephalitis (infective) β€” 3 2 β€” β€” β€” 5 Acute Encephalitis (post infectious) - - - - - - - Enteric or Typhoid Fever β€” β€” 1 β€” β€” β€” 1 Paratyphoid Fever - - - - - - - Erysipelas β€” β€” 1 β€” β€” Food Poisoning 2 - 2 β€” β€” 2 6 TUBERCULOSIS: ANALYSIS OF NEW CASES AND MORTALITY DURING 1964 (LOCAL RECORDS) Age (years) NEW CASES DEATHS Respiratory NonRespiratory Respiratory NonRespiratory M F M F M F M F Under 5 - - - - - - - - 5-14 - - - - - - - - 15-24 β€” 2 -
- - - - - 25-44 β€” 1 β€” 2 β€” β€” β€” β€” 45-64 1 1 β€” - β€” β€” 1 β€” 65 and over - - - - - - - - Age unknown 2 - - - - - - - Total 3 4 β€” 2 β€” β€” 1 β€” Number of cases remaining on the Register: Respiratory: 218 Non-Respiratory: 39 I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, Laurence F. Keenan, Temporary Medical Officer of Health. 12 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTOR FOR THE YEAR 1964 To: The Chairman and Members of the Yiewsley and West Drayton Urban District Council.
Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with a feeling of regret that I submit what is my last report to the Yiewsley and West Drayton Urban District Council, which will pass out of existence on the 31st March, 1965. The staff of the department have been heavily committed throughout the year on the wide range Environmental Health duties together with work connected with the re-organisation of Local Government in Greater London. During the year the Council's Smoke Control Programme was brought up to date with the coming into operation of Smoke Control Areas Nos. 6 and 12. In conclusion may I thank you, Madam Chairman, the Chairman of the Health Committee, Councillor Rowe, and all the members of the Council for the encouragement, help and consideration the department has received during my 25 years' service with the Authority. It am also grateful for the co-operation received from the members of the staff of the department and from the other Chief Officers of the Council and their staffs.
13 SECTION D WATER SUPPLY Mains water was supplied by Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Company No adverse complaints about the area's water supply were received during the year and a typical bacteriological and chemical examination result is shown for your information. The results refer to water pumped from the West Drayton Pumping Station. Hardness in the water is an inconvenience one has come to accept, but it is nevertheless a financial burden on the Council who are continually defurring Council house plumbing systems due to its effects. There are only 5 houses in the Urban District where the water supply is derived from wells. 14 BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION Location Type Residual Chlorine p.p.m. Colonies per ml 2 days Colonies per ml 3 days Bad. coli (type 1) Probable number per 100 ml Presumptive Coliaerogenes Probable number per 100 ml West Drayton P.S. Treated Water 0 5 0 0 Sample No.
: 66284. Date Taken: 20th November 1964., Remarks: This water is moderately hard in character but contains no excess of mineral or saline constituents in solution. It conforms to the highest standards of bacterial and organic purity. CHEMICAL EXAMINATION Location: West Drayton Pumping Station. Raw or Treated: Treated. Colour: Nil Hazen. Chloride (CI) 20 p.p.m. Turbidity (Si02) Nil p.p.m. Alkalinity {CaCO3) 230 p.p.m. Odour: Nil. Hardness (CaCOh) Carbonate 220 p.p.m. Taste: Normal. Non-Carbonate Nil p.p.m. pH 7.6. Total 220 p.p.m. Electrical Conductivity (20Β°C): 475. Residual Chlorine (C/2) .10 p.p.m.
Total Solids (180Β°) 330 p.p.m. Copper: Nil p.p.m. Nitrate (N) 4 p.p.m. Iron: Nil p.p.m. Nitrite (N) 042 p.p.m. Zinc: Nil p.p.m. Ammonia (N) 036 p.p.m. Albuminoid Nitrogen (N) 001 p.p.m. GENERAL SANITARY CONDITIONS Refuse Collection and Disposal (a) It has been possible to maintain the weekly collection of house and trade refuse throughout the district and the twice daily collection at London Airport notwithstanding the difficulties due to the shortage of labour. (b) Refuse Disposal by "controlled tipping" has been carried out on two sitesβ€”viz. Stockley and Moor Lane, Harmondsworth. In addition reclamation of filled land has progressed satisfactorily throughout the year.
16 SUMMARY OF INSPECTIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES GENERAL SANITATION Water supply 42 Drainage 317 Stables and piggeries 31 Offensive trades β€” Fried fish shops 4 Common lodging houses 1 Tents, vans and sheds 262 Canal boats 1 Factories 251 Workplaces 11 Outworkers 4 Bakehouses 14 Public conveniences 12 Theatres and places of entertainment 6 Licensed premises 32 Refuse collection 28 Refuse disposal 109 Rats and mice 326 Schools 10 Shops 174 Miscellaneous sanitary visits 285 Petroleum 140 Clean air 577 Buffer depot 39 Animal boarding establishments 29 Shops, offices and railway premises 34 HOUSING under P. H. A.
Number of houses inspected 76 Visits paid to above houses 187 Under Housing Acts: Number of houses inspected 201 Visits paid to above houses 244 Overcrowding: Number of houses inspected 4 Visits paid to above houses 4 Filthy or Verminous Premises: Number of houses inspected 25 Visits paid to above houses 41 Miscellaneous housing visits 372 17 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Inquiries into cases of I.D. 30 Visits re: disinfection 9 Miscellaneous infectious disease visits 97 MEAT AND FOOD INSPECTION Inspection of Meat: Visits to slaughterhouse 428 Visits to other premises 2 Total meat inspections 11 Visits to: Bakeries 7 Butchers 62 Canteens 102 Dairies and milk distributors 3 Fishmongers and poulterers 18 Food preparing premises 55 Grocers 150 Greengrocers and fruiterers 31 Ice cream premises 21 Market stalls 2 Restaurants 49 Street vendors and hawkers
11 Wholesalers 7 Schools 22 Visits in connection with sampling: Milkβ€”bacteriological 2 Ice cream 3 Miscellaneous food visits 177 London Airport 569 Licensed premises 9 Food and drugs samples 1 NOTICES SERVED Number of nuisances found 24 Number of nuisances abated 24 Number of verbal notices served 1 Number of verbal notices complied with 1 Number of informal notices served 23 Number of informal notices complied with 19 Number of statutory notices served 4 Number of statutory notices complied with 4 18 DEFECTS REMEDIED AND IMPROVEMENTS MADE Dwelling Houses: Roofs: repaired or renewed 17 External walls: pointed or rendered 9 External walls: brickwork rebuilt 5 Chimney stacks: repaired or rebuilt 6 Gutters cleared,
repaired or renewed 11 Wallplaster: repaired or renewed 17 Damp walls: rendered damp proof 9 Ceilings: repaired or renewed 10 Floors: repaired or renewed 8 Windows: repaired or renewed 29 Sashcords: renewed 7 Handrails provided 3 Doors: repaired or renewed 13 Walls: cleansed or redecorated 5 Woodwork: repaired, repainted or renewed 7 Yard, Passages: repaired 5 Firegrates: repaired or renewed 4 Sinks: new, provided 2 Sinks: wastepipes, repaired,
renewed or trapped 9 External painting 3 Gypsy vans removed 79 Overcrowding abated 12 Miscellaneous defects remedied 21 Rainwater pipes 3 Drainage: Choked drains cleared 299 New drains provided 5 New gullies inserted 3 Other defects remedied 3 Water Closets: Flushing cisterns repaired or renewed 5 New Closets provided 3 Miscellaneous: Offensive accumulations removed 7 Verminous rooms disinfected 7 19 RODENT CONTROL During the year under review there has been a small increase in the number of reported infestations amounting to 0.06%. The bi-annual treatment of your sewers recently completed showed a decrease in "takes" as compared with previous years. Routine control measures of your tips and the Duke of Northumberland River have been continued. No legal action was required in respect of any reported infestation, another manifestation of public co-operation in this matter.
TYPE OF PROPERTY Local Authority Dwelling Houses (including Council Houses) All Other (including Business Premises) Total of Cols. 1,2,3 Agricultural 1. Number of properties in Local Authority's District 37 6,815 1,769 8,721 8 2. Total number of properties inspected as a result of notification 23 183 29 235 2 Number of such properties found to be invested by:β€” Common Rat Major 9 β€” β€” 9 β€” Minor 10 150 21 181 2 Ship Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House Mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor 1 33 5 39 β€” 3.
Total number of properties inspected in the course of survey under the Act β€” 47 β€” 47 β€” Common Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” 45 β€” 45 β€” Ship Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House Mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 4. Total number of properties otherwise inspected (e.g. when visited primarily for some other purpose) β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Number of such properties found to be infested by:β€” Common Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Ship Rat Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” House Mouse Major β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Minor β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 20 TYPE OF PROPERTY Local Authority Dwelling Houses (including Council Houses) All Other (including Business Premises) Total of Cols. 1, 2, 3 Agricultural 5. Total inspections carried out including re-inspections (if readily available) β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 6.
Number of infested properties (in Sections 2, 3 and 4) treated by Local Authority 20 275 26 321 2 7. Number of Notices served under Section 4 of the Act:β€” (a) Treatment β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” (b) Structural Work (i.e. Proofing) β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 8. Number of cases in which default action was taken following the issue of a Notice under Section 4 of the Act β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 9. Legal Proceedings β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 10. Number of "Block" Control schemes carried out β€” 9 β€” 9 β€” 21 FOOD INSPECTIONS Regular inspection of all types of food premises continued throughout the whole year and where action needed to be taken this was done, in the form of advice, sometimes by notice and reports to the Public Health Committee in cases where authority "or legal action for non-compliance was needed. No.
of Shops Inspections Grocers 39 150 Cafes, Restaurants, Snack Bars, Canteen and Food Preparing Premises 37 206 Greengrocers 15 31 Sweet Shops and Ice Cream Premises 24 21 Fried Fish and Chip Shops 7 4 Butchers 22 62 Public Houses and Off Licences 22 32 Chemists 7 7 Bakehouses 5 14 Pet Shops 3 3 OTHER FOOD PREMISES Fishmongers and Poulterers 18 Ministry of Food, Buffer Depot 39 Imported Food, London Airport 569 Ice Cream Samples 3 Water Samples 9 Milk Samples 4 Miscellaneous Food Visits 177 New certificates of registration were granted to three premises during the year for the sale and storage of ice cream. The total number of premises registered for the manufacture of preserved foods is 25 and the total number of premises registered for the sale of ice cream is 73.
Five mobile vehicles are registered under the Middlesex County Council Act for the sale of ice cream. 22 FACTORIES 1. Inspections of Factories: Premises No. on Register No. of Inspections No. of Written Notices No. of Prosecutions 1. Factories in which Sections 1-4 and 6 are to be enforced by L.A 8 13 1 β€” 2. Factories not included in Section 1 in which Section 7 is enforced 174 157 13 β€” 3. Other premises in which Section 7 is enforced by L.A. (excluding Outworkers premises) β€” β€” β€” β€” TOTAL: 182 170 14 β€” 2. Defects found in factories: Particulars Number of cases in which defects were found Number of cases in which prosecutions were instituted Found Remedied Referred To H.M. Inspector By H.M.
Inspector (i) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1. Want of cleanliness 1 1 β€” β€” β€” 2. Inadequate ventilation 1 1 β€” β€” β€” 3. Sanitary conveniences:β€” (a) Insufficient 4 4 β€” β€” β€” (b) Unsuitable or defective 11 8 β€” β€” β€” (c) Not separate for sexes β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Other offences against the Act (not including offences relating to outwork) 5 5 1 β€” β€” TOTAL: 22 19 1 β€” β€” 3. Outworkers: There are 44 outworkers, all of which were visited during the year. Conditions were found to be satisfactory in every case. 23 SECTION E HOUSING The total number of visits and inspections of dwelling houses in connection with complaints and other matters was 1,152.
Unfit houses made fit and houses in which defects were remedied: By Owner By Local Authority 1. After informal action by Local Authority 19 β€” 2. After formal notice under (a) Public Health Act 1936 3 β€” (b) Housing Act 1957 1 β€” Unfit Houses Closed: Number of houses closed under Housing Act β€” β€” Unfit Houses Demolished: Number of houses demolished pursuant to Section 17 of the Housing Act 1957 1 β€” SLUM CLEARANCE Agreement was reached with the Middlesex County Council regarding White's Cottages, Bath Road, Harlington, and only one tenant remains to be rehoused. Houses demolished in Clearance Areas: 1964β€”Nil.
24 RENT ACT 1957 Part Iβ€”Applications for Certificates of Disrepair (1) Number of applications for certificates 1 (2) Number of decisions not to issue certificates β€” (3) Number of decisions to issue certificates 1 (a) In respect of some but not all defects β€” (b) In respect of all defects β€” (4) Number of undertakings given by landlords under paragraph 5 of the First Schedule β€” (5) Number of undertakings refused by Local Authority under proviso to paragraph 5 of the First Schedule β€” (6) Number of Certificates issued β€” Part IIβ€”Applications for Cancellation of Certificates (7) Application by landlords to Local Authority for cancellation of certificates β€” (8) Objections by tenants to cancellation of certificates β€” (9) Decisions by Local Authority to cancel in spite of tenant's objection β€” (10) Certificates cancelled by Local Authority β€” Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1958. House Purchase and Housing Act 1959.
Housing Act 1961. During the year six standard and four discretionary grant applications for Improvement Grants were received and the Council agreed to contribute financial aid as follows:β€” Total cost of approved work was (a) for Standard Grant Β£470 0 0 (b) for Discretionary Grant Β£1,011 0 0 Total payments made or to be (a) for Standard Grant Β£515 3 3 made by Local Authority (b) for Discretionary Grant Β£476 0 0 25 SECTION F FOOD HYGIENE The importance attaching to the inspection of food premises has always been considered high in the list of environmental functions and the supervision of these premises has been maintained. Their condition, over the whole of the Urban District, can be considered extremely good. Food Inspection: The following table shows the amount of food condemned during the year under review, but does not include meat condemned at the Slaughterhouse. Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs.
Apricots 35 2 Offal 119 6 Asparagus Tips 80 14 Oranges 19 4 Bacon 4,396 0 Orange Juice 2 11 Beans (Baked) 9 11 Onions 3 Beans(Broad) 12 14 Paste 2 Beans (Butter) 15 Plums 7 3 Beans (Sliced) 42 3 Prunes 7 15 Blackcurrants 10 Potato Chips 60 4 Beetroot 12 Pilchards 5 2 Beef 7,624 0 Peaches 114 6 Beef Burgers 10 12 Pineapples 80 2 Beverages 4 0 Pastry 10 12 Chicken 1 14 Peas 235 14 Chicken Pie 2 4 Pork 1,265 3 Carrots 4 2 Pears 47 0 Cream Cakes 7 0 Peanuts 4 2 Crab 11 Rhubarb 2 7 Corned Beef
29 15 Red Currants 1 12 Cheese Burgers 8 4 Raspberries 6 15 Chopped Ham and Pork 9 3 Rice 13 4 Cereals 5 Roes 6 Cranberry Sauce 3 12 Spinach 12 10 Cherries 1 12 Sprouts 21 6 Cucumber 1 3 Sardines 7 Cheese 80 8 Stewed Steak 17 14 Fruit Salad 74 4 Steaklets 38 6 Fleishlhalet 78 14 Steakburgs 3 8 Fish (Fresh) 5 13 Steak (Tinned) 2 0 Fish (Frozen) 287 11 Shandy 10 Fish Cakes and Fingers 162 12 Soups 10 4 Gherkins 14 2 Salmon 6 0 Grapes 6 14 Strawberries 60 12 Grapefruit 26 5 Sweetcorn 1 11 Gooseberries 1 10 Salad 21
0 Ham 189 4 Syrup 1 0 Ham Burgers 26 8 Sauce (Heinz) 9 Tomatoes 170 15 Jams 8 12 Tomato Juice 15 Luncheon Meat 7 2 Tongue 26 4 Lamb 2,711 0 Turkey (Tinned) 2 Loganberries 8 2 Veal 31 8 Milk (Evaporated) 44 6 Vegetables 49 11 26 Ice Cream: Four ice cream samples were taken during the year under review, and the results of these, which were satisfactory, are shown in the provision grade below:β€” Grade No. of Samples 1 4 2 β€” 3 β€” 4 β€” 27 SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT INSPECTION Your Public Health Inspectors carried out 100% inspection of all animals killed for human consumption. From a total number of 5,021 animals inspected it was necessary to condemn 2 tons 10 cwts.
0 qrs. 0 lbs. of pork, beef, mutton and veal which was diseased and unfit for human consumption. All condemned meat was coloured with an approved dye and sent, by arrangement, to Smithfield Animal Products Ltd., for processing into fertilisers. My thanks are due to both the Director of the Pathological Laboratory at Hillingdon and the Director of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Research Laboratory at Byfleet, whose services and help have been available when there has been difficulty in diagnosis. Carcases and Offal Inspected: Cattle excluding Cows Cows Calves Sheep and Lambs Pigs Horses Number killed 417 14 118 964 3,508 β€” All diseases except Tuberculosis and Cystercerci.
Whole carcases condemned β€” 2 β€” β€” 17 β€” Carcases of which some part or organ was condemned 33 4 2 6 173 β€” Percentage of the number inspected affected with disease other than Tuberculosis and Cystercerci 7.9% 28.5% 1.6% 0.62% 4.9% β€” Tuberculosis only:β€” Whole carcase condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Carcase of which some part or organ was condemned 2 β€” β€” 3 47 β€” Percentage of the number inspected affected with Tuberculosis 0.47% β€” β€” 0.30% 1.
05% β€” Cystercercosis: Carcase of which some part or organ was condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Carcases submitted to treatment by refrigeration β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Generalised and totally condemned β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” Percentage of the number inspected affected with Cystercercosis β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” 28 BUFFER DEPOT The inspection of canned meat continued throughout the year at Buffer Depot 11L, Harmondsworth, Middlesex. 12 tons 15 cwts. 0 qrs. 25 lbs. 5 ozs. of meat was condemned representing 8,766 tins. 29 SMOKE CONTROL AREAS The Council's Smoke Control Area programme was kept to schedule during 1964 when Smoke Control Areas Nos. 6 and 12 became operative on 1st December, 1964. Smoke Control Area No. 12 comprised the remainder of London Airport in the Urban District not previously covered by a Smoke Control Order.
The whole of London Airport in the Council's Urban District is now covered by Smoke Control Orders (i.e. Nos. 3 and 7). Area No. 6 comprised 29 acres and was bounded on the North East by Station Road from its junction with Swan Road. Thence bounded by Swan Road on the North West down to its junction with Church Road and The Green. Bounded on the South by Church Road from Swan Road to Station Road. The classification of properties in the areas are shown hereunder. Area No. 6 Industrial 1 Commercial 7 Dwellings 252 Others 5 Private Houses Grant Aided 225 Non Grant Aided 26 Council Houses Grant Aided 1 Non Grant Aided β€” Area No. 12 Industrial 1 Commercial 158 Dwellings Nil Others Nil 30 LONDON AIRPORT During the year one could see positive signs of the commencement of redevelopment of the Old North Terminal Area and two new flight catering kitchens were opened.
These were registered under the Food and Drugs Act 1955 as food manufacturing premises and are modern and hygienic in every respect. Two old canteen kitchens were demolished and all canteen facilities transferred to Central Terminal Area in modern buildings. Routine inspections were carried out during the year and of the millions of meals prepared only one was the suspected cause of food poisoning, involving five people was notified, with no evidence pointing to faulty handling or preparation at the airport. On request the Ministry of Aviation have complied with many requirements to improve the standards of both structures and fittings in food premises. Food Inspection: The inspection and sampling of imported foods was carried out during the year and the Public Health (Imported) Food Regulations 1937-48 administered. 569 inspections, during the day and night, were made and details of the various foods inspected are as follows:β€” Tons Cwts. Qrs. Lbs.
Confectionery and Flour Confectionery 14 3 4 Fresh Meat 30 9 0 2 Cooked Meat and Meat Products 25 12 0 0 Salami and Other Sausages 46 10 2 5 Fish 10 18 0 6 Shellfish 13 1 0 Fruit 18 1 5 Vegetables 8 6 3 9 Offal 11 17 2 12 Cheese 5 10 3 0 Butter 4 0 21 Miscellaneous 26 12 0 24 In addition to the other inspections, sampling of imported foods was carried out and the results are shown in the following table:β€” No.
of Samples Taken Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Gypsy Pork Roast 14 3 11 German Sausage (Frankfurters) 3 2 1 German Sausage (Ruskinderfer) 1 1 β€” Tea Sausage 1 β€” 1 Chicken Roll 1 1 β€” Chicken Hamburger 1 1 β€” Chicken Steak 1 1 β€” Open Packed Meat 1 1 β€” Debreziner Roast 3 2 1 26 12 14 31 Drinking Water from Aircraft: Forty-one samples of drinking water were taken from aircraft during the year and details of these are as follows:β€” Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Taken from fixed tank system 2 β€” Taken from portable flasks 36 β€” Taken from bowsers 3 β€” 41 β€” Petroleum Installations: The fifth major petroleum installation was in course of construction during the year at London Airport and when this installation is completed it will be licensed for 961,000 gallons.
This will bring the total gallons of fuel stored at London Airport now to 4,726,900 gallons. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, Alfred Makin, Chief Public Health Inspector. 32 PRINTED BY RICHARD MADLEY LTD., 54 GRAFTON WAY. LONDON W. I