Consumer Complaint
Incorrect information on your report
Equifax has reported a judgment for {$870.00} that was not even mine, and this matter was resolved a year ago, and it still shows. They are unreasonable, and when I called they just said to dispute again ... this is keeping me from getting a new car because I was in a car accident and need a vehicle. I 'm hoping this will help so I can move on.
Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
Mortgage lender is harassing, neglecting, and utilizing abusive practice .... Mortgage lender, claims account balance owed, when records are incorrect. we have contact and requested to investigate. Per reps, they can see issue on the phone and constantly say it will be fix ... nothing has been done after 30 days ... receive letters, of foreclosure, late fees, and calls ....
Payment to acct not credited
Lender us still reporting on credit report although loan was paid. Date reported on the credit for last payment date is listed incorrectly as XXXX/XXXX/2015 representative agrrededto delete trade line once account was paid to XXXX. Item remains without itemized explanation.
Attempts to collect debt not owed
I looked at my credit report recently and found a collection account to my surprise. The following account IS NOT MINE and HAS NEVER BEEN VERIFIED!!!! XXXX XXXX / # XXXX I need to know who is responsible for this and why they are showing up on my Experian Credit Report? Also - I need signed proof of anything dealing with this " so-called '' debt!! THAT INCLUDES QUIT CLAIM LANGUAGE To verifying any legal proof of me owing this debt!
Incorrect information on credit report
I initiated a credit dispute with the XXXX credit reporting agencies on late payment remarks that are inaccurate. Also I did contact the creditors and they ran in investigation and sent me letters stating that I was not late. I have sent this to the credit bureaus and they refuse to do their jobs. I 'm just trying to get this rectified so I can purchase a new home for my family.
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Wells Fargo {$750.00} claimed debt that I owe. I believe they discharged it but it is negatively affecting my credit report and I need it to buy a new home
Improper contact or sharing of info
This debt is subject to the Hospital Fair Pricing Act and request has been made for the same. Collection efforts thus violate XXXX Health and Safety Code Section XXXX.
Disclosure verification of debt
I received XXXX pieces of mail from Tate & Kirlin Associates, Inc, XXXX, XXXX, PA XXXX. I believe this debt collection to be fraudulent because the creditor is one I have never heard of. Additionally I have tried to get in contact with this company via both phone numbers listed on the bill as well as the company 's website. All attempts have failed.
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Bloomingdales has violated my rights. Bloomingdales has failed to provide proof that this account belongs to me. I will be consulting with a consumer attorney as well as writing the Attorney General office regarding this company. I will not pay for something that I did not authorize.
Problem when making payments
I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due XXXX I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me.
False statements or representation
I received a collection notice from Credit Collection Services about a medical bill for date of service XXXX/XXXX/17 when I was a minor. I just turned XXXX in XXXX. Not only that but I have two insurances and my secondary covers the remainder of my services. I want this deleted immediately as I am not reponsible for this debt.
Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
Bay View Loan servicing is not posting my payments or sending me statements. They are sending past due notices when my payments are ahead of schedule.
Problem with the payoff process at the end of the loan
I have given this company my money they still have my title saying I owe XXXX $ when I finish paying off this loan in XXXX 2017
Improper use of your report
Transunion had a computer glitch that caused all of the inquiries on my credit report to be deleted, and my credit score i ncreased. The very next week, all of the inquiries were reinserted to my credit report without prior written notification in direct violation of Sec 611 of the Fair Reporting Credit Act. I a m requesting that the reinserted inquiries be permanently removed from my credit report.
Managing an account
Taking out the loan or lease
I sen t Capital One Auto a let ter concerning an account that someone had opend in my name without my permission. As of today they have not responded nor taken steps to remive the information from my credit report
Account opening, closing, or management
I am an XXXX and my wife is an XXXX. I actually used to XXXX. We went homeless two years ago after my wife contracted XXXX and all our savings was used on copayments for care that ended up doing nothing. We live out of an RV. I can not get a bank in XXXX to open even the most basic checking account because I have no proof of a physical address. Can you assist? Thank you, XXXX
Attempts to collect debt not owed
The account is suppose to have been disputed and has not been within a timely manner! I have no knowledge of this account.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I just recently saw an account that appeared on my credit report from Midwest Recovery Systems. I have never received any type of letter, bill, phone call, or anything from this third-party debt collection company. They have not verified or validated any type of debt with me. I do n't know who they are collecting for but I do not who these people are and do n't owe any original creditor this amount of money.
Incorrect information on your report
XXXX. I payed them literally over a year ago and they still have my account as delinquent.
Improper use of your report
Just notified on XXXX XXXX, 2017 that the company, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, IL XXXX ran a hard credit inquiry. I did not authorize it. I cancelled their contract over 4 years ago and have no intention of using them ever again. I believe they are trying to find a way to charge one of my credit accounts. I want that inquiry removed from my credit report immediately.
Dealing with your lender or servicer
I have one private loan along with Federal Stanford loans. When I asked if I could reduce the interest rate or reduce payments I was to, d that I could not change the terms. I was transferred around and really given the runaround.
Incorrect information on your report
I disputed with the credit bureaus and told them that there are multiple duplicate student loan accounts on my credit report and if they ca n't determine which ones are duplicate and original, that they must delete them all.
Application, originator, mortgage broker
XXXXXXXX XXXX of NOVA Home loans is running this ad. It 's steering. Any house is eligible for a {$0.00} down through Home plus program or Home in XXXX. He is steering people to that particular website saying that all those homes are eligible for {$0.00} down which is a lie.
Incorrect information on credit report
They are reporting old address on my credit file that were never mine.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I have tried to contact this company several times. I have spoken to several people and left voicemails with no return call or resolution. They are saying it for a debt I have for an old hospital bill with XXXX hospital. However, I have called XXXX directly and have been told I have or had no outstanding money due, and they do not know what the collection company is trying to collect. How do I have this removed from my credit report?
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Medical Bill my ex-wife failed to properly submit to correct insurance went unpaid and I was not notified or ever received a bill until I saw the negative mark on my credit report. I made immediate payment while still proceeding to have the correct insurance coverage applied. The collection company is refusing to remove the fraudulent derogatory mark from my credit reports.
Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Have attempted to obtain a modification on this mortgage since XX/XX/2016. Submitted multiple sets of documents, but no mod. The home is valued well below mortgage, comps in area are XXXX less. No communication from Shellpoint since XXXX XXXX
Application, originator, mortgage broker
Purchase house in 2005, value at that time {$220000.00}, value now around {$200000.00} ; at time of purchase with Bank of America, HELOC used as part of purchase, {$46000.00}, HELOC at XXXX yrs., paid around {$24000.00} in interest/XXXX., for next XXXX yrs. to pay $ XXXX/mo., for additional {$75000.00}. Bank unable to refinance for lower and fixed interest due to value of house.
Managing the loan or lease
I have traded in a vehicle with a new car loan and they paid off CarFinance in full. CarFinance had updated my credit report as paid in full. They have now reported the loan on my credit report with a balance of {$28000.00} and updating it monthly. This is incorrect. The balanced should be {$0.00}, showing closed and paid in full.
Improper use of your report
About a week ago, Equifax was obviously hacked, and all sorts of personal information was divulged. As a result, I have been forced to jump through hoops in my busy schedule in an effort to ensure that I am safe from potential harm. At this current time, it appears as though I am safe, but it still has caused me quite a bit of worrying as I try to check all my bases on the matter.
Attempts to collect debt not owed
on XXXX XXXX XXXX I took subscription for XXXX .Account number XXXX On XXXX XXXX equipment was shipped by XXXX . On XXXX XXXX XXXX send cancellation email. On XXXX XXXX confirmation email received of returned equipment Now I see on my credit report there is a collection filed on XXXX XXXX XXXX by XXXX for {$460.00}
Attempts to collect debt not owed
A company called XXXX XXXX license number XXXX called and attempted to collect on a credit card account from 2003 that was paid in full with the company Washington mutual via a settlement. I asked for a debt validation letter and they proceeded to call family members leaving detailed messages about my supposed debt, which also is n't real. They have caused me embarrassment and have defamated my character. This is completely unacceptable.
Problems when you are unable to pay
I co signed a car loan with my husband XXXX XXXX. He died XXXX XXXX they had repossessed the vehicle XXXX XXXX we both get a cancellation of that for XXXX that 's what we owed on the vehicle. if we were to file that it would be XXXX. i thought they were supposed to sell the vehicle and we would be responsible for the remaining balance, i sent XXXX of the XXXX 's but i could n't find the other XXXX in the same amount to XXXX XXXX
Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement
i do not have any credit cards in my name i lost my wallet back in 2012 and i get on XXXX XXXX to apply for a credit card and i was declined so i went to XXXX and it shows that i have XXXX credit cards that has been used in restraunts clothing stores and other places like XXXX and never got anything from XXXX ive always used go phones and now i have bad credit for something that i never did
Other transaction issues
Want to transfer money from Bank of America / XXXX. Completed paper work. And medallion signature. Money still not transferred. XXXX had paperwork for almost 2 weeks. Called XXXX XXXX VP in XXXX and lleft messages to call me back and has not done so. If on vacation message did not indicate that or to be referred to another person.
Problems caused by my funds being low
Dear Sir, or Ma'am : I was not fully aware of the fee associated with a check stop-payment. However, I was charged it and I accept that. However, I was then charged an overdraft fee for the fee. I find this to be excessive.
Problems when you are unable to pay
This account has past the XXXX year mark and has n't been removed off of my XXXX report. It has been removed from XXXX. But still remains on XXXX. By law it has exceeded the time that is allowed to be on my report. Thank you for your help in advance.
Incorrect information on your report
Equifax credit report includes an entry that my wife and I have a government lean/levy for {$26000.00}. I have a letter from the government stating we do not owe anything. I believe the local county ( either XXXX or XXXX Pa ) added the lean/levy. The other credit bureaus do not have this negative entry. My wife and I are seniors living on a fixed income. Please help us. XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Improper use of your report
My information, and my wife 's information, was reported by Equifax as part of a massive data breach in XXXX-XXXX of 2017.
Dealing with your lender or servicer
Navient 's allocation of principal and interest. Having three constants ( interest rate, monthly payment, and time interval ) the loan amount is increasing instead of decreasing over time. I have reviewed the spread sheet from the beginning of loan and it seems like the principal outstanding amount is increasing. I believe I am a victim of fraud committed by Navient.
Attempts to collect debt not owed
I noticed my credit report, and its and account inserted XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , i never opened this account. This account does n't belong to me.
Disclosure verification of debt
I have repeatedly requested that Collection Consultants of California provide me with an explanation of the amount they claim I owe, how that amount was calculated, account history. They have refused to provide this or any copies of documentation that this debt is in fact mine. Yet they have been willing to put this unverifiable debt on my credit report, as well as send me a continuing stream of collection letters. Please see attached.
Incorrect information on credit report
I have written and contacted Transunion so many times, and their most recent shenanigans involves them not removing items from my credit report, even after the collection agencies have notified them to remove such items. There are accounts in collections that the companies have stated should be removed but the credit reporting company is neglecting the requests. I am asking that the items be removed today! and an apology letter to follow.
Problems when you are unable to pay
My account is current and One Main Financial continues to call and harass me. The say that I am lying about my payment about how often they call. And today I went to the local office after yet another call from them. And they told me that I did not pay enough to get my account current and made me pay another {$12.00} after they had already taken {$150.00} out of my account on the XXXX.
Improper contact or sharing of info
Contacted my ex husband & ex brother in law regarding my debt.
Incorrect information on your report
This has been reinsterted with out having the debt verified, violation of FCRA section 611 15 USC 1681 paragraph 5 I need this removed asap or will file a lawsuit. I never had a big bill like that one they are misleading people with please remove asap. Cease and desist immediately
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I was XXXX for 9 yrs of my life. My identity was stolen. I keep getting calls from collectors trying to get me to agree to accounts that do n't belong to me and harassing me. Im not going to agree to anything if they dont belong to me. I will go to court if you need me to. But this has make my life a nightmare. Now I have costudy of my daughther and because of my credit I cant get a desent house.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Dynamic Recovery says I owe XXXX XXXX XXXX Hospital {$760.00} dollar for a medical bill. I called XXXX the Collections agaent at XXXX XXXX XXXX Hospital and I do not owe them any money, and she stated they have never used Dynamic Recovery to collect a past owed debt. Further research online on the XXXX website flags them as a fraud company.
Incorrect information on credit report
I wrote a certified letter to Transunion XX/XX/2015. As of this date - though they have been very helpful in my attempts to correct other elements of my credit reports, Transunion continues to list addresses that have nothing to do with me. They are part of the identity theft while I was out of the country. Kindly help to encourage Transunion to respond to my pleas.
Customer service / Customer relations
I am unable to access my eBay MasterCard credit card account online. I have called multiple times to PayPal and eBay to get help and am transferred to multiple operators and back and forth to eBay and PayPal without resolution.
Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Got behind in payment, the property went into Bankruptcy. the lender got relief from stay. Now I 'm able to bring the loan current, lender/servicing company will not sent escrow or my self reinstatement and the sale date is XXXX/XXXX/2016
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Online Collections reported a debt as unpaid open collections years after it has been paid. This misrepresentation is a violation of FCRA.
Improper use of my credit report
Equifax Credit Bureau is reporting unverified accounts on my credit report.m This is in violation of Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
We are current on our loan paying bi-monthly and Wells Fargo charged a late fee.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
original creditor and went to court and the case was dismissed by the circuit court judge. The debt was found to be no accurate. The case was dismissed. I have supporting documentation from the courts to prove it 's dismissal.
Disclosure verification of debt
This company claim that I paid them. I have never conducted any business with Franklin company. I have never paid them any funds on behave of XXXX. They can not provide a receipt stating the correct date I paid XXXX or who accepted the payment from their company. They also added the debt after the date that I allegedly paid them to XXXX.
Fraud or scam
I got a call from said name of XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX he was calling from XXXXthat I was a Recipient of {$9000.00} grant to get this send {$220.00} to XXXX XXXX in XXXX so i did when no money came he told me that XXXX XXXX will release money XXXX told me i need to {$380.00} to XXXX XXXX.after I send XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX he then told me the IRS had a hold to send {$590.00} to release the money in 15min.I think that I am a victom of fraud.
Took or threatened to take negative or legal action
I contacted XXXX and paid them once I realized I had a bill with them. I contacted scam collection agency which was rude and didn't believe I had taken care of bill with the hospital. I want the negative listing removed from my credit reports.
Incorrect information on your report
When I initially open this account my due date was on the sixth of the month and my first payment was showing XX/XX/XXXX and I ask my due date to be changed to the XX/XX/XXXX. I made payment on XX/XX/XXXX and I found out funds was not received until XX/XX/XXXX and I immediately made XXXX dollar payment in which account was not made and it have shown on credit report as accurate and late. I never received a call or letter or anything saying account was late.
Incorrect information on your report
There are many mistakes appear in my report without my understanding.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
This debt was paid through my insurance and I have called United Revenue Corp several times to explain this to no avail. I have disputed this with all XXXX credit bureaus with no success because URC keeps reporting this as accurate data when it is not even owed to them. I also sent URC a debt validation letter and they never responded to my request but they signed the XXXX card showing that the received the validation request over 60 days ago.
Advertising and marketing
On XX/XX/2017, I called Citibank and informed them that I no longer want to be contacted with credit card offers. I was told that it would take 30 calendar days for the request to be completed. In late XXXX and On XX/XX/2017 I received credit card offers from Citibank. On XX/XX/2017 I again called Citibank and informed them to stop mailing me. I also informed them that I was filing a complaint with CFPB.
Communication tactics
XXXX XXXX called at XXXX from XXXX and left a message by XXXX on my cell phone. I am in XXXX and this woke me up from my sleep. Very disturbing. It is a violation of the fdcpa.
False statements or representation
Ad Astra Recovery Services is currently reporting on my credit reports for XXXX XXXX, the loan was assigned XX/XX/XXXX, I disputed it XX/XX/XXXX, the amount is showing XXXX, I have never done business with Ad Astra and I never had a contract with them, before I changed numbers they contacted me saying I was committing a crime and a warrant would be issued for my arrest.
Improper use of your report
I have a hard inquiry from Discover Bank on XXXX XXXX that I did not authorize or approve.
Improper use of my credit report
XXXX XXXX ran my credit report and did XXXX hard inquiries during the same time frame which impacted my credit report. XXXX XXXX shared my credit report with XXXX XXXX and they did more hard inquiries. I need all the hard inquiries deleted from my credit report because they abused my credit report. The hard inquiries are negatively impacting my credit report and score.
Incorrect information on credit report
On XXXX/XXXX/2015 I applied with " XXXX XXXX XXXX '' on line to refinance my student loan. And I was wrongfully " denied '' credit based on the numerous " False Information '' that the " Experian '' Credit Bureau has in my credit file due to my being the victim of " Identity Theft. ''
Incorrect information on credit report
There is incorrect address reported on my list of home addresses. I never lived at XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, AL. XXXX
Incorrect information on your report
XX/XX/2017 a hard inquiry on my credit was established. I have disputed this over the last several months. I do not and have not lived in XXXX, IL. neither have I been to XXXX for over 20 years. Equifax refuses to remove this inquiry, along with the false XXXX hard inquiries that I have followed all of the correct measures to have removed, they also are from XXXX, IL. XX/XX/2017, XX/XX/2017, and XX/XX/2017.
Problems when you are unable to pay
I 've spoken to XXXX with Honor finance on several occasions about violating my privacy by choosing to send threatening messages regarding the repossession of my vehicle. I 've asked her to either leave a voicemail message or even send via email. But she refuses to listen and continuously have sent messages stating my vehicle is up for repossession via text message. Now if my phone is lying around anyone is able to see these messages when they come though.
Can't repay my loan
They do not offer any help on changing the repayment options. I am struggling to make a payment and they are not willing to help. Very rude.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I already paid this account. They paid it to another collection company. I had already disputed it and they did n't remove it. I want it removed. I also have proof of it stating that it is paid.
Managing the loan or lease
When I signed the papers, every time it said no penalty for early repayment, the agent put his finger on the page to point that out, so his finger hid the next line, which said : but you still have to pay the interest for the full term.
Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
I believe I am a victim of predatory lending because of my race ( XXXX ) and my geographical location. I was given a high interest and excessive points when I was approved for my home loan. American Servicing Company is my service provider for wells fargo.
Attempts to collect debt not owed
There is a medical Debit on my credit that i have no association with. The date assigned was XX/XX/2015 by Choice Recovery Inc for {$400.00}. I have never seen this account or done business with Choice Recovery. I have disputed this with other bureaus and it has been removed, but seems not to be removed from XXXX.
Can't contact lender
i keep getting phone calls everyday from speedy cash they have already called XXXX times so far this month it started in XXXX of 2015 XXXX calls were made too us XX/XX/XXXX XXXX calls were maded too us XX/XX/XXXX XXXX calls were made too us the number is XXXX their saying their speedy cash
Incorrect information on your report
I typed one letter informative letter dated XX/XX/XXXX about the incorrect information they have been providing on my credit report. Also I sent proper documents verifying who I am, and dispute form with the false information ( addresses, phone, numbers, name ). Along with follow letters, and phone calls up to now. The year is XX/XX/XXXX and the same incorrect personal information still remains.
Incorrect information on credit report
Equifax re-inserted false, previously deleted information to my credit report. XXXX is reporting false information that we previously deleted due to false and incorrect information. Equifax altogether failed to notify me in writing within 5 days or reinserting and re-again false information to my credit report.
Improper use of my credit report
I checked my credit alert and found a hard inquiry from EMS XXXX Equifax Mortgage Services XXXX. I tried to call this business and it is listed as closed. I have hard inquiry on my credit report as recent as XXXX/XXXX/15. I am afraid this could be an attempt of identity theft. The phone number provided is not working. I tried to look for another phone number. Here is the company info EMS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, NJ XXXX phone number XXXX.
Disclosure verification of debt
XXXX has been asked by myself and an attorney friend to furnish a complete list of charges and how they came to that amount from an apartment I left in 2011. They claim I owe {$2300.00} or so but in the years and years I 've been contacting them they refuse to furnish a complete list of charges. They can not explain how they came to the amount they did.
Incorrect information on credit report
Someone stole my personal information and identity. I am a victim of identity theft. The following unauthorized and fraudulent accounts do not belong to me : XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX. The following inquiries are unauthorized and fraudulent : XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Credit monitoring or identity theft protection services
Equifax exposed my personal data and that of my family. Now they are charging {$30.00} for a credit freeze necessitated by their own error!
Other transaction problem
XXXX is a virtual currency exchange that at this point in time, XX/XX/XXXX, has been down 40 hours. There is no way to contact them either by phone number or other way. My entire investment, $ 9k-12k depending on daily market swings, is currently unavailable. They are claiming thst they 're doing maintenance but this is highly suspect. No true company takes their trading platform out for 40 hours.
Fraud or scam
my personal checking account was hacked and all my funds were transferred to someone else account without my knowledge or authorization.
Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
West Virginia Housing Development Fund ( WVHDF ) is incorrectly reporting balances on XXXX XXXX credit reports. They either need to delete XXXX XXXX completely or make the balances correct. I personally have a mortgage with WVHDF and on a monthly basis I have to dispute the incorrect balance. I also work for a bank and can see other WVHDF customers incurring the same issue.
Incorrect information on credit report
Account has not been vierfied with original signed contract.
Other features, terms, or problems
they will not issue rewards balance towards payment on bill. every time I call with complaint about this problem customer service keeps saying give one month or next billing cycle to take effect
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I do a payment plan with the collection fot the credit card of citibank and then when i paid for one year they want the all amount and in this time i not have the all money to paid. I opened the account in XXXX not in to XXXX. According by law it 7 years in the credit record and i past the 7 years. The same think of bank i moving to XXXX and i closed the accoubt by me.
Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement
A fraudulent XXXX XXXX business credit card through Barclays was opened in my name with what was obviously a fake business name of XXXX. I feel this might have been an inside job. How otherwise can a business credit card be opened without any supporting business documents? Also, before the card arrived in the mail and I was aware of it, there was a {$10000.00} transfer made to another company.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
i keep receiving calls from a debt i told them is not mine
Dealing with your lender or servicer
When my loans were sold from XXXX XXXX to Navient, I was on a 10 year repayment plan. Navient reset me on a 20 year repayment plan. When I called to reset it to 10 years, they told me this was not an option for my loan. I will be paying a lot more interest in those 10 extra years. I did not want to repay over 20 years. They made it difficult to understand why this was the case.
Managing the loan or lease
I 've recently financed a vehicle and the loan company is charging me more interest than agreed upon. The interest is more than the actual loan amount.
Credit reporting company's investigation
remove the fraud alert and statement from my credit profileXXXX XXXXSS # XXXX XXXX XXXX VA XXXXDOBXX/XX/XXXX
Incorrect information on your report
United acceptance XXXX is reporting a charge off auto loan on my credit with a balance. I have called and repeatedly ask for this debt to be remove, they have not supplied me with an itemized statement or signed loan original paper work. I would like this removed from all 3 credit bureaus.
Improper contact or sharing of info
This collector is harassing me at work and stating that I owe {$16000.00}. The loan was for {$3000.00} and I have paid {$2200.00}. I am a single working mom with XXXX children and the XXXX of these people are making it difficult to function for my children. Please help me.
Taking/threatening an illegal action
Threatened me first about IRS and now with criminal charges. The company is Delta Group at Least thats whats on my caller id the number is XXXX
Deposits and withdrawals
On XX/XX/2016 I use chase bank atm on XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX tx XXXX. The atm gave me back part of my deposit but kept {$220.00} of my money and gave a receipt with a XXXX to call. I filed a claim with chase and they are stating they ca n't find the funds. I really need this issue thoroughly looked into because I want my money back.
Incorrect information on your report
I have sent many letters in regards to errors on my credit reports .... They have not responded to my request ....
Credit reporting company's investigation
I 've contacted experian on several different occasions to let them know that my credit was ran several times over the span of months by XXXX and that i did not authorize those and they have stated that i have to contact the company. i explained to every agent that i have spoken with that i have tried and tried to get the matter resolved with XXXX and have been unsuccessful in doing so.