Consumer Complaint
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
I disputed a paid collection account with XXXX. The account was not in collections but it is still reporting as a collection account. It should be removed immediately. I have disputed this multiple times but have not received any results proving this was an actual collection account.
Unable to get credit report/credit score
on XX/XX/XXXX, my score went down about XXXX point without any change in my financial status. I have n't applied for any new credit or loan, all credit card balances are lower then ever. nothing negative basically. I understand what effects my credit and I am always monitoring it. My credit suppose to go higher not go down XXXXpoints. I already disputed issue with XXXX and they were able to fix it.
Customer service / Customer relations
EVERY Month I get locked out of my account online. EVERY month I have to call customer service, EVERY month I am told I have to wait XXXX hours to unlock my account and change my password. EVERY month I change my password and again get locked out of my account. Customer Service is NO HELP AT ALL.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
XXXX from Featured Mediation called and left a message on my home phone on XXXX/XXXX/15 at XXXX. She said she was calling for my brother ( who lives in another state ) to collect a debt. My number is unlisted and further more my brother and I seldom communicate, less than once a year on cell phone, he does n't even know my home phone. I did not return her call as this whole thing sounds fishy.
Incorrect information on credit report
XXXX XXXX XXXX has reported wrong to the credit bureau regarding payments on XXXX of 2013. The XXXX XXXX as well as all the credit bureaus have inaccurately messed up my credit record. This is more than the XXXX time of having them correct this. Statements attached will show that the payments were made on time
Communication tactics
I sent several cease and desist letters to the company requesting that they stop call specific numbers. I have stated on numerous recorded conversations that my cell phone number is not to called on the auto dialer. I discussed this issue with a supervisor in XXXX 2017, and I am receiving calls in XXXX 2017.
Taking out the loan or lease
I returned my leased vehicle. I was informed there would be a balance. I never received any documentation. I find out that the account has been reported as delinquent to the credit bureau. I immediately paid it because I do n't want to have bad credit and asked them to remove this derrogatory information from the credit bureau. They agreed to do so but it has not happened.
Fees or interest
Barclay arrival+ shocked me with Cash Advance Fees for my XXXX purchase after frequent and regular purchases for over 5 months. CASH ADVANCE FEE XX/XX/2018 {$27.00} CASH ADVANCE FEE XX/XX/2018 {$130.00} They did not call me, communicate to me at all in regards to these fees.
Incorrect information on your report
Some how my address was changed to an unknown address and is now reported to my credit report. Company could not tell me who or how my info was changed. I have absolutely no connection with the address. They recently bought my mortgage from XXXX XXXX added that I have no connection with is .... XXXX XXXX XXXX unit XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX mi XXXX
Improper use of your report
On XXXX XXXX 2018 I contacted transunion and XXXX about numerous inquiries on my credit report that I did not apply for and they were no help told me to just call the creditor
Improper use of your report
Hello! Equifax scandal! Close the company DOWN! Request SEC investigation of their executives. Shut down ALL credit reporting scandals!
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I never opened a XXXX credit account. Despite that I am now receiving calls from Client Services Inc, a collection company acting on behalf of XXXX XXXX, demanding that I owe them over {$1000.00}. This is absurd. I have never received anything in the mail or by email regarding any such account, charges to any such account or anything else. I assumed this was a phone scam of some sort, but Client Services INC appears to be a legitimate company
Incorrect information on credit report
My credit report is showing a public record XXXX. However, I am unaware of this record dated for XX/XX/2014 and Equifax is not reporting the source of their information on this judgment. All of which is a violation of the FCRA.
Written notification about debt
On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I received a credit alert. Upon checking, Midwest Recovery Systems added a collection to all XXXX credit bureaus with an open date of XXXX XXXX, XXXX. The collection is listed as XXXX XXXX XXXX in the amount of XXXX. I havent received any dunning notice or any debt validation regarding this debt. This company has not attempted to contact me. Instead, they place the collection on my credit report thus affecting my XXXX XXXX.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Receivables Performance Management ( RPM ) sent a letter stating that we had been sent for a debt collection for XXXX in the amount of {$380.00} for services XX/XX/2016. We did not have XXXX services then, nor were we even eligible to get their services as they were not in our area at that time. We called XXXX to verify the fraudulent claims and they have verified that for us. RPM continues to harass us for a debt that is not ours!
Incorrect information on credit report
Experian are willfully reporting inaccurate information on my credit report Acct XXXX # XXXX XXXX # XXXX I disputed XXXX accounts they were showing open and delinquent past due. After the dispute it now states zero balance and closed. I Also disputed with XXXX and they removed /Deleted off of my credit report. All XXXX Credit bureau 's need to report the same information but Experian Has not Remove/ deleted the item.
Taking/threatening an illegal action
Today I contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and informed that the debt in question had been charged off in XX/XX/XXXX.I do not see this debt even listed on my credit report as well as no public record. I was originally taken to court back in XX/XX/XXXX and because I was on ssi the bank wrote the original debt off.
Communication tactics
I 've spoken to the company ( Navient ) many times and told them I am unable to pay my student loans until the end of the month. i asked for a reduced payment plan or a forbearance. I was denied a reduced payment and I 'm charged every time I need to delay payment and can only hold payment for one month at a time. I asked that they stopped calling. My request was ignored and they call me no less than ten times a day, every day.
Communication tactics
I was on XXXX XXXX orders at the time since I am in the XXXX reserves. Ive told them multiple times. Not only that I have been getting texts from a friend saying they contacted him about me as well. I have no idea how they got his info. I have never given his phone number out to anybody. They havent called before XXXX or after XXXX but they are cutting it very close.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
My husband created an account, without my knowledge, and made me an authorized user but I did not sign a signature card. After his death, the bank sent me a statement with the balance and interest charged on the account. I contacted them in good faith and asked for a settlement but they refused to talk and sent it to a collector.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Recently my employer ran a credit check on myself and unpaid balance on credit card from XXXX XXXX appeared on the report under collection. I have currently XXXX credit cards from XXXX and all of them issued after the reported credit card in collection. Sometime back my gmail was hacked and all my personal information was leaked this clearly seems a identity theft issue therefore I would greatly appreciate if this issue is resolved at earliest
Problem when making payments
I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 60 days past due as of XXXX 2015 30 days past due as of XXXX 2015 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me.
Delinquent account
Worked out payment plan with American Express to pay off balance but then they canceled card and put it in collections because of a miscommunication between their agents.
Problem caused by your funds being low
I received the amount of {$1800.00} through the social security due my XXXX approved. The deposit was direct to my account XXXX of Wells Fargo. This money is protected for law and they kept and reported my acreedor of credit card and took the money off from My account. I called Wells Fargo and they did not know that this money come from. They laugh me. My account is in XXXX. I have {$0.00} dollar and I do not have how to pay my expenses XXXX my phone number.
Unable to get credit report/credit score
In the process of submitting my request I was told by both XXXX and experian : " something happened and we are unable to process your request. ''
Written notification about debt
XX/XX//2017 {$510.00} the company was trying to collect and doenspt have a license to collect
Taking out the loan or lease
Incorrect information on credit report
There are several inquiries on all XXXX credit bureaus ( XXXX, Equifax and XXXX ) that do not belong to me.
Communication tactics
After calmly explaining that I am unemployed and have no ability to pay debts at this time, the rep on the phone yelled at me repeatedly "pay your bills!! Pay your bills!!" they also refused to tell me what the hospital bills were for specifically. I feel very violated and harassed.
Incorrect information on your report
XXXX is collecting an account for XXXX . I have never had an XXXX in my life. I can find nothing old on my credit report th at may have b een purchased by XXXX ..or ch anged to XXXX . I disputed this with XXXX and the credit bureaus and they left it on my file. Account number listed on bureau XXXX Amount listed {$340.00}
Attempts to collect debt not owed
There was never any attempt to contact me or inform me of this supposed debt. Debt collector did not provide a valid phone number for me to contact them. It just showed up on my credit report. The recovery agency alleges I owe {$950.00} to XXXX XXXX from XXXX of last year, but I have had XXXX Fios for the past 4 years. I tried to call the number provided, but it does not ring or even connect. So I am unable to contact them.
False statements or representation
XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, 2016 {$450.00} {$450.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, FL XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX This debt has been sold so many times and nobody can validate it for me and I can ; t keep up with what collection company it is at half the time. I do n't believe its mine either.
Making/receiving payments, sending money
Paypal/ XXXX, signed me up for paypal credit when I wanted to use my credit card. They claim its my default ; however, that day I added my card and tried to use it. I did not put my social in or anything. I happened to look on ebay and it stated thanks for using paypal credit.
Incorrect information on your report
stuff showing inaccurate information that is not mine violates my rights i have filed police report that i enclose .. also hippa and ID theft gov please this removed
Disclosure verification of debt
SYNCB shows a charged off account. I have disputed several times and sent letters asking where they came up with the original amount, how they got to this amount and proof I agreed to this. It shows {$0.00} due yet still reports negatively on my credit reports. Because of the aforementioned violations, I am requesting immediate deletion of this account from my credit reports.
Credit reporting company's investigation
I just want To Equifax to read this and tell me what is their definition of this Federal Law? AND TELL ME WHY YOU CA N'T PROVIDE THE INFO THAT I 'M REQUESTING YOU MUST NOT HAVE IT IF YOU CA N'T PROVIDE IT? SEND IT OR DELETE IT ... .. PLEASE READ THIS AND TELL ME WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?????????????????
False statements or representation
The company has placed negative accounts twice on my XXXX credit file and due to such ammounts reported my credit has dropped alot ....
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I am a victim of identity theft. I have sent numerous affidavits and police reports to Total Card, Inc., in reference to the following account : *******************. The reference account do not belong to me. I want Total Card, in the spirit of good customer service, to close the above referenced account. Cease and desist all collection efforts immediately and permanently and have the account, deleted from my XXXX credit report immediately.
Improper use of my credit report
I attempted to shop for a good rate for a car in XXXX of 2014. I went to XXXX XXXX dealership and I received XXXX hard inquiries on my credit report and my score dropped between XXXX points!. I applied for rental housing and was denied based on my credit. How can I get these inquiries immediately removed from my credit report?
Problem with fraud alerts or security freezes
After being notified this week about my personal information being compromised in the Equifax data breach, I was unable to place a credit freeze on my credit report online. Equifax on line system resulted in a " system error XXXX. '' I tried to contact Equifax via phone but the waiting time is 'forever. '
Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
my mortgage includes escrow however my mortgage/servicing company, Seneca, has not paid my property taxes and I have called repeatedly and faxed in a copy of my tax bill. XXXX quarterly payments have not been paid to dat.
False statements or representation
National credit adjusters got this debt firat and then sold it to XXXX and then sold it to XXXX. all collectors violated fcra, fdcpa and tcpa along the way. ( SEE CALL LIST WITH XXXX PHONE NUMBERS CALLED OVER THE LAST 7 YEARS )
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
no responds from company or additional information on how to resolved issue half answer from XXXX bank still was notified of any changes or updates
Improper use of your report
Unauthorized credit Inquiries listed on XXXX credit report I was a victim of identity theft due to the XXXX data hack. Someone else was using my information. Identity theft.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Mi-Atlantic Consumer Services keeps contacting me and family members to collect debt on which I have paid already. They have threatened to contact my human resource department as well. Even when I talked to them on the phone and told them I do not feel comfortable sharing information over the phone, they seemed to get mad at me. I even double checked my credit to make sure this was not on my credit and that I indeed paid it.
Settlement process and costs
I have made requests to Specialized Loan Servicing for a standard or legal size copy of the loan agreement that is allegedly the one I signed. I have been sent some kind of a small version that I can not read because of " reduced '' size. This is not a document.
Incorrect information on credit report
Equifax is refusing to remove the CH XXXX bankruptcy from my credit file. I filed back in XXXX XXXX so the public record should have been removed on XXXX XXXX. I called them last week and I was told that they would not remove it and would stay on my file until XXXX XXXX.
Dealing with my lender or servicer
I have a XXXX loan dating from 2002. I pay {$380.00} per month. The loan was for {$52000.00}. I had one bad year financially and requested relief. They said fine and proceeded to charge me roughly {$6000.00} which was apparently added to the principal. After 14 years of payments, the principal is still {$43000.00}. Navient now has the loan. the loan is in my ex-wife 's name. I have always paid it. the student was my daughter.
Problems when you are unable to pay
XXXX loans have been opened in my name and I did not apply for the loans, nor did I authorize anyone else to open accounts in my name. XXXX company is XXXX and the other is Lending Club. After submitting affidavits with XXXX to dispute the accounts, the debts are still showing up on my credit report. I have also received mail from a collection agency for the Lending Club loan. The inquiries also need to be removed.
Improper use of your report
Communication tactics
The debt collector calls everyday repetitively all day on a debt that I do not recall. The amount they are requesting is XXXX from a XXXX and XXXXfrom payday XX/XX/2009. # XXXX Fax # National Credit Adjusters Contact # XXXX
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Hunter warfield has been calling me for two years straight over 10 times per day in regards to collecting a debt that does n't belong to me. I 've spoken with them about this yet and still they call.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
TRIDENT ASSET MANAGEMENT is not a licensed collection agency in the State of Florida. Since they are not licensed in the state of Florida they and not allowed to collect or report on debt on someone who lives in Florida. They by law must close this account and remove any reference of it from my credit reports.
Incorrect information on credit report
XXXX XXXX XXXX is reporting a collection for a timeshare that has been paid off for years. I never stayed there, paid all my maintenance fees up to the time I told the company they could have it back and sell it to someone else!!!
Incorrect information on credit report
Experian is reporting an inaccurate Dismissed Chapter XXXX BK filing with the Illinois Federal BK Court case # XXXX associated with a social security number # XXXX I have disputed this several attempts to have it removed based on the FCRA Law of inaccurate filing. I have contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX that the Experian Bureau says they are verifying the information. Experian keeps stating " IT IS VERIFIED ''.
Incorrect information on your report
They have been asked repeatly for the last 18 months to produce a signed credit appl, a loan repayment or loan document that has my signature they can not because I never signed one removal of account and XXXX damages for failing to comply with FDCRA
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
I have sent a total of 4 letters to all of the major credit bureaus stating that they remove accounts related to my name because there was no verifiable proof that the account belonged to me. Under the FCRA any account that is not proven to be yours has to be deleted. Not once was there any contracts or verifiable proof stating that such accounts belonged to me!
Closing/Cancelling account
They charge me for annual membership I called and cancelled the card they said everything was okay the account was cancelled and the fee too so I had to destroyed the card and now they send me a new statement XXXX the charge y now they said they have a new policy and I have to pay Whitout using the account
Incorrect information on credit report
Incorrect name on credit report:
Communication tactics
I notified JCPenney ( Synchrony Bank ) of my late payment and the day I would be able to pay via phone call and online account multiple times. The bank still proceeded to call me from different phone numbers all over the US 5 to 6 times a day, as early as XXXX.
Took or threatened to take negative or legal action
XXXX XXXX for the amount of {$340.00}. I have sent XXXX XXXX a debt validation several times with no response. This item does not belong to me.
Closing your account
XXXX I never used the card and they closed it without me knowing. I would like them to remove it off my credit I 'm trying to buy a house and this is holding me back
False statements or representation
As Class Members of the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, my wife XXXX XXXX XXXX and I do not owe any of the debts on our credit report save our first mortgage lien, XXXX auto loan and Federal student loans. Furthermore, I have an attached LAPD ID Theft Report ( # XXXX ) which further absolves me of any debts assumed to be accrued by with me with the exception of the ones listed above.
Communication tactics
I have been put on probation at work for the continuous calls. I work for a call center and they 're constantly calling the call center getting transferred to rep to rep, looking for me which management has asked them to stop, they continue. If I lose my job because of this I want to take further action against them. Calling my cell phone is okay but harassing me at work is not.
Improper use of your report
USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK reporting credit inquiry never applied for.
Charged fees or interest I didn't expect
Spot Loan was charging me interest I did n't expect. I tried to work with them and asked if I could pay off the principal amount with reasonable interest and they refused. Then upon further research I found they were not licensed in Michigan. Now, they are trying to sue me. I requested an {$800.00} loan and they are trying to collect over {$1600.00} from me. Please help me resolve this.
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
someone opened an account as defined in the FCRA without my authorization causing a debtor status to be placed upon me. Now this negative information is reflected in my credit file. SIERRA AUTO FINANCE LLC ACCOUNT # - XXXX alleged balance XXXX SIERRA AUTO FINANCE LLC ACCOUNT # - XXXX alleged balance XXXX
Improper use of your report
Equifax collected personal information on me such as my social security number and credit information in an unsafe way, and now it has been determined that due to a massive hack, criminals have access to my information. I also never authorized Equifax, or any other credit reporting agency, to collect or distribute any information about me at any time.
Incorrect information on credit report
on XX/XX/2016 Equifax deleted accounts and inquires listed below and did n't notify me about adding them back on XX/XX/2016. 1. XXXX account number XXXX Inquiries : XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
The collection agency will not return my calls, or allow me to speak to anyone. The daycare XXXX XXXX in XXXX Utah is charging me for days my child did not attend. I was told from the daycare manager they scam single mothers all the time to collect more money. My child was mistreated, and i was pregnant and unable to work and was continuously charged even after i advised them prior. Please help me. These charges are unjustified.
Incorrect information on your report
Hi i sent letters with the past three month to all three credit bureaus and have not got back any response.
Incorrect information on your report
I 'm a victim of identity theft. My XXXX XXXX XXXX credit card has been lost, stolen and compromised. All of the charges on the account is fraudulent transactions. I never used my XXXX credit card account : XXXX. All of the charges are fraudulent transactions and unauthorized.
Attempts to collect debt not owed
I called outsourcing convergent inc on the XXXX XXXX XXXX and told them I had an account on my credit score from them. I told them that debt wasnt mine and it was fraudulent. No one has been any help. Ive called once a week for over a month now.
Problems caused by my funds being low
Wells Fargo closed my account and the total unpaid balance was over {$500.00} that they claimed I owe, when in actually I only owe {$180.00}. Spoken to a few representives that stated the other charges were multiple bank overdraft fees in the amount of {$35.00}. Bank refuses to take off overdraft fees so I can just pay what I actually owe.
Communication tactics
Delamrva, a collection agency is harassing me at work. I did not give them this number to contact me while im at work. I asked them to stop but the calls continue.
Incorrect information on credit report
I have stuff on my report that does not belong to me, I do not go by XXXX, i go buy XXXX, The Credit Bureaus see the info is not mine but told me to dispute this stuff with you.
Unable to get credit report/credit score
I put correct information to obtain my XXXX credit reports online, and ca n't obtain any of them. I wonder if this is because I lost my wallet in XXXX XXXX, Florida in XX/XX/2016.
Improper use of your report
This company has inquiries on my credit report for services that I did not request of them. I have never heard of this credit union before nor have I ever gave them permission to pull my credit.
Settlement process and costs
This is supporting information to verify all of the facts in complaint Case # XXXX where I report that my " modification '' was indeed a cash out refinance loan because XXXX XXXX did indeed pay off XXXX XXXX without my knowledge or consent and then did not disclose these funds on what they called a modification but which was really a cash out refinance that was done without any RESPA documents including HUD-1 and Right of Recision.
Credit monitoring or identity protection
XXXX XXXX XXXX set up a XXXX account under my social security number but wrong name my name is XXXX XXXX XXXX not XXXX j XXXX
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
A collection company by the name of Eastern Revenue sent me this letter stating that I owe a debt for {$1000.00}.
Improper use of your report
I noticed XXXXredit inquirys on my Equifax report that I did not authorize. I disputed 5 items on my equifax report on Equifax website XX/XX/2018. I checked online communication regarding feedback. I have not received confimation of dispute and when I go online and enter dispute confirmation I recieve a message stating that the information I gave does not match with the information they have on file.
Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement
Discover issued a card to someone else in my name, they are responsible for allowing the identity theft by not confirming the person was me. I have spent many hours fixing the problem they are responsible for.
Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Sold accounts from the original creditor still shown on the reports with duplicate purchased accounts from the new creditor. All accounts reporting late even though deferments were applied for and approved
Communication tactics
I contacted this company on XXXX XXXX , XXXX asking for validation of this debt. They have not responded, I did not enter into a written contract with this company and do not owe them anything.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Ashley Furniture continues to contact me, calling for someone other than myself, and will not remove my number from this person 's account despite my having stated multiple times that that person no longer works here. It is disrupting to have them call when I am trying to work.
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
I paid debt in XX/XX/XXXX have a legitimate release of liability and the collector that is contacting me 7 months later is saying they will have me arrested if I do not pay them immediately and that they tried serving me twice.
Improper use of your report
Equifax mishandled my information which has led to a breach that puts myself and millions of others at potential risk. I am extremely disappointed with how equifax has handled reporting this breach. Very little was done to notify the public for nearly a month after the breach was detected. I received no email, letter, or phone call and instead had to discover it via social media.
Incorrect information on credit report
Student loans paid in full after default. However it is being reported negative by XXXX and XXXX for the same loans
Incorrect information on your report
I contacted the company and it was incorrect and they were supposed to remove this from my credit report, I do n't understand why it 's still on there, how can we get this taken care of. Thank You,
Incorrect information on your report
Currently having public records being reported to all three credit bureaus incorrectly ; was made aware that effective XXXX XXXX, 2017 all public records that are not being reported accurately will be removed which has not happened for me. I have Tax Liens and Bankruptcies that are not being reported correctly that have not been removed.
Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement
I have been review my credit report and came across an account from Wells Fargo that is not mine. I called Wells Fargo and would not provide any information of that account to me. This account is not mine and should be removed from my credit reports.
Incorrect information on your report
There is an unauthorized inquiry on my credit report made by XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/2016 that does not belong to me. I have spoken with the creditor who claims I must contact the credit bureau. When I speak with the credit bureau, I am told to speak with the creditor. This inquiry does NOT belong to me and is adversely affecting me.
Communication tactics
Receive daily calls from a company named Portfolio recovery. The first time which was 2 months ago I was met with threats of legal action, but I do n't know what the debt is for and could not receive an answer over the phone. Furthermore, they have called relatives in other states, claiming they have to pay my debt if I do n't pay. Please stop this company from harassing people who are debt free.
Incorrect information on your report
XXXX XXXX account was removed via succcessful CFPB complaint for non verifiable debt. Debt was added back to my reports as of XXXX/XXXX/2017. Creditor nor CRA sent any notice of readdition of the negative item to my report per FCRA. I still dispute the debt as invalid.
Incorrect information on your report
Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Negotiator advised several weeks ago that the variance on the value was still pending. After multiple attempts to contact the negotiator, we have not received any communications back. We have even reached out to HUD ourselves but still have no response to the status of the file and what is causing the delay.
Incorrect information on your report
I sent letters to XXXX to remove inquiries that I did not approve I had a fraud alert placed on my credit file that indicates anyone who runs my credit needs to call me and that wasnt done which violates my rights as a consumer. I reached out to them several times to advise that my credit is being pulled ithout my permission and they advised me they couldnt remove them along with the incorrect names and addresses.
Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
I was in an open bankruptcy and my mortgage company foreclosed on my property and they did not notify my husband that our property was being foreclosed on. I applied for a loan modification and it was denied. I owe more than my property value and they just want to take my house.
Communication tactics