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Yea. Earlier this year, 262 days ago, qualifies as the past. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN2h5d2xQRi12RU5PMEt0WTRMZFdOdnk0c2NkSURvb1NLSG9aaFBxOGx6SnVONFFiYnlueGhlWl9udzNBa3Y2bGh2NlhYRHhnMGVGcWRZZnJfNVlPVExYTmt4NFU2OENUd21VV0pUVzZzODg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSXpWTWFEVDNsTVFWY0dCUDVlRDcyMTVvdi1kTjJNZWtEN08tWjYtdC1ySTIzX182RVhRMjJwRkN3ZHo1SmhSMEVMcVFIeTlxY1gzSEF5bUNPY3ZtbWtqTmdHdHRBRTBEU1pvYlhUWmxvcjRUTzgtME1oX3JFRFB1WUZLSTRNRS1UTGVVaUZqWTZaellRLWZ4U1ljR0RFcFVRdEJvQjlWOHpxZHY2N19KWHdBOElVeXI0bjBPeC0xSmU2YWpfRVkxQU42RVd6dW1mM3pjTXB5TTBMckRmZz09 |
Botnets. Ducking autocorrect. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRDZnYTlVNXhyXzJ5aWkwYUVFSGdYSGRUM3RuWDR3UVg4ZmVJc0t2WW9PaXJ5NzlweFR1RU5PMV9nVURGWjBDZ1JhSmFudHVXUktEVWRvT3V0ZEhwN0lpc3lma2FCQ2VQckdxM3VFZmJEVHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRVdLYm9pSXhtQVZRSVY0cTRkY2k2QjRkT0k4ZzZBdnJuaTVTZ2ZOOEVUMTBCNi1Sc3ctbTZxZ2NVZHNqenhIUHZsY25wLTM1amF3dEsxUUhZNVlRRVlYYnlkT0lnWGI3cWtGMVhvSDlqYXBXWXRNWGtxbnZELXlKR0F4TXJLcmpNOTVndk4xUDlOR09MWmsxX2pad1RhWE9BRFNJNDdaRGFhNmtxcGdQM0tVPQ== |
Please utilize this sticky thread for all general **Bitcoin** discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!
If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.
Please check the [previous discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1h9cdbl/daily_discussion_december_08_2024/) for unanswered questions. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYTRRM0dCNzQ1ZUhfNnB1UG5QQnRKOGNzaExKR1VGb2RqWVFHc1h1b0NpRXE0UHQ2bk5KWWlHTjhIcmZWRm5RVDRNb3lHWnN0OEpBMnBIS1lvb2lzZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRkhqWkhQam1kbDVrWWF1amVkcm1JUkRxeXE3ZzlRRWhUUVlDNXZQQXFfZnhHY19oTTJoUU1xT3NPVTR0SkhHQ1kxUjN1ZWd0bmJLT1pOOTNNbXpqMndmOUZiMzBFOFhwQTF0VW1HaTROWjNlSXRQWEhUR2MybFYycDBUSEFIOWYxckVQOGN2bVlPOHdnWFdhUTVIaVJnajZFNUpNUFJTbmU0YVpkemJFaWk5ZkJRVkxQOGpycjlFbTdBTzVOblUy |
I want to see everyone's argument towards each one. I am in all three.
I have been in solana since november 2023.
Sui since August 2024
Sei since september 2024
I see sui an equal to sol but sei is faster than both
Tokenomics on sui are similar to sol
Unlocks, distribution etc
Sei is still a young buck with potential that has The potential of overpowering both.
What do yall think?
Again, I'm in all three and have had great success in all
Forget memes in these ecosystems
Im wondering about tokenomics, infrinfrastructure and transaction speeds | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoenlXQlJhNklrdzJWalFyWEF6QUgwNHVjSUc2bGRZU2hlSEFzVTEwcVExT05IdkJ6cVV3bUxmMzV1WXVnSHZzRzQtQzRmeDFCUTFVRE10TVRKQjg3X3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoM2w1NHB6ck1hVFdSNHpDa2VXNVVYQWVHQzRSWF8wUDlJdUg3TVVaX1NPM0E2azFGOGxUcjd1T1hMdjh3eU5JdTZOcEhQX2pCd0dTQ2hFQTNBSHdiRWh1clQwRXZmdnlDNGNSeXhqUzNjYUhhNFB0RUhVc0tlVTlCMGMzSU9JMkx2ZkhKRm1acUowZXVaR1BlaVZpSmlEOGxfaUJ3enphMnlRdGxwcXZFeXFsM3ktOWYtYjBOM0QzblJsakxoZXoxdjU2VHMxSzB3VkZLVTNEaW5ub0ctdz09 |
Hello, I have around 133.40 DOT staking on Revolut with APY 8.90% and have just learned that native Polkadot wallets like Polkawallet, Subwallet and Nova wallet all give the possibility to stake DOT in pools that give a better earning rate. What would I have to do to transfer the DOT from Revolut to one of these wallets? Also which one you would reccomend? I'm kinda new to cryptos, wallets and such, from my understanding I do not actually own the DOT I paid Revolut for, right? So I'd have no way to transfer them to a wallet? Probably will have to unstake, sell, and buy directly on the wallet | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUi1qaUZJR2psNXF5QWhjRnRLTzc2ZDhGM3ZETGQwR3k3MklLNVYwY3Vmb1JpT3BfRll5RkU2aHpPWjVjcjZ6ZFhoRGpVSGE4eEotN2xlV0JORmhUbWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRkNyclpLdXVtVmlZYWhqTVhRb0l2czZHVG5sYkFHVFJ0bXRTVTlGUG94YkFuTXdCdFBESXJFLVpRdDBVd2h0bG82d0lvMzM5OGd4M3BQWW9KZWtyaEtUbjhzRE9PNlhmdngxTmNFU2oteHI5bGduX1pxeW1Gb2hFSHdjZm45TEFQaWF2ZkVtcVFwNWNuMENlUWU4ZUEzeUtDZ0JXV1UwM0hXaXpkV0NHOU9RSzZzMkNhTm5NWXhfTk1fcFNVX3dJVFBKNHQ5a2lBYUI1M0oyajVod2dGdz09 |
If you have your seedphrase, you can simply insert that into another wallet application (Talisman, Nova, SubWallet, etc) when you create an account, and then you can transfer your DOT. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLS1FcDgtbG9Qc285RjhXWGNjVmlSSHhOLXJiQWtrY1JnLW5mRVhQU3NNUEFTcGh1cjZaQnlXcFFFY0pZb2JGMHhETE1VbUx1YzUwRjFxdVVHak1idFFhTVZRZ1pxNGx0UmdsQjR3aHlVT2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNG9YOHRrNFpXZXlIQW9PUTFUOTRGcEFXcHFCMXdQTjVfUmVSWXVEdzlIUVZMLUhENmgtSS1ZNF9FYm85WFNRQ2Vzc0lGZ3kwblN0bVUzUERxYms4YzRTNDV2RlIzamM4TEg4VkZBRzlqVTJjOEdDeURnQklQd05nRXlna0ZCT1VzZTRIWU9sLWtJNk1OS3BGSXItWnpWc1hKMkJyb3JTa0JNVjZpUEY0UnRaVHhDQV95d2h2di1NSndMLVJqaGpI |
How to buy ? | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocTNUSDhoWVI2dmZvRUJzUmRmMzdxNjNISEJtbjlNRDZ5bFdaS1hka2dIQXdJeVd5aDB1N2NXSkQzX0NKU3JjclFwWVJlQ0sxMDVXSGpIU0NmZHVOTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRFNUNmJOUkdJNFRoLUp2YzBrMGR2VGxnVS1SSkRYWnpuSUtsNzRBMzU1Q1JqVmRmc2YwMWgxaFBpVEwzQ2x2OVJqNDBjQk9IRGR6aE5xU0RYWVpFbVZtVjFqWng0endyeTUtMWJ6cXdEcnRhMHhtSGlYTm9aREtzR2JyQjFYVS15eHp2S0ExcXF0OWJNNmRNQjU2QmNrOVZ4LURIYUJ5NWtFbnZLWDVCN24xV3pQMzBEa1U1c0RlckM1VVM4OGJ5WXpiTEZOTkVlcmpPblF3OG9jTGFodz09 |
Respect for your effort on supporting the network.
Monero nodes can operate without any incoming connection, thanks to other people hosting clearnet public nodes. There won't be any issue with block propagation (unless the Monero network itself is somehow being fked with).
There are a couple of suggestions:
* You can make your node available on Tor/I2P. That way, you can still support the network while not being able to host a clearnet public node.
* Instead of solo mining, start mining on P2Pool. It still supports the network while having the benefit of regular payout. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocVdXTWx0UmRXcExmRU92di1yX2dzaTM0QllNVnZ1Y095bWkyRVRYMEZaakl3WUhadl9uaGx5R29YVVNRZzlibmR2ZE5ydFltaXZJR1BNTllSN1kyQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN01VRDhMUHdndDV6cjRGdGptRjRNOFJoRDY5bTEyYWhTT3hDUlplMDU4Z2VKcXh2VkdKM2dzZjRZVFoxdlRnOHVZUWppaFA1djFNWm91ZTlOZzR3dVNMcnpKTFBhVDV4bzFEdTBINWpKdlNIN054T1V2Z1pLLURrWlFjbTRMMHJwb3Y3QVBpRXdyZy1qMWFMMkNuc1c3VGh6U0F6c1dqYy1ReUlDZWZvNk1IX2dtb3ZkQl9sZEdWLWtsd1VwNDJX |
they will make polkadot much faster than kusama forsure.🚀 | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQzViQlhKUGZFcUljYk11NlZjYXRYR3BzWnhaUmdxcENXQUpCRTJwRml2WTdubGw2M1R2M2lEdHM4WW04a0hHb1BLOTQ3YTZfMUJQY1l4V2hvcUJmZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobEdRZmUtNXpUNlBLSGFSdnAyRmxWSzNvYlZMU2FLaEFsUmNqNWhsLTU0emZDVHJ3SG5WeFM2dnFmdjE4c291c2hIYmx4YWRPZnNXOTUyYUtBZ3Fyb3BXUk5UOXBRSm1vV1ZaQlJ3aFJpcnc4cXR0VWVZX2RQak5tdE5jY3BhaXgyQmxKcXpsLUY2a2l5c0VMN2lYaGg5cFJwUjVQTEdqQVdERGlYaG4tX3JHUGd6VnV0WVZGVlFBaVN2Q1BzbGh1ZXJoa0hFYVlHaEpXSW1jQXloclZ4dz09 |
The ecosystem of Solana offers endless possibilities in trading memecoins. In addition, it's a very fast-moving market where timing means everything. If you're a trader of memecoins, what tools or strategies work best for you? Is mobile applications, browser-based platforms, or even Telegram bots to execute trades your thing?
Some applications now offer real-time position tracking and token discovery to give traders an edge. How has your experience been, and what features do you think are must-haves when it comes to trading memecoins on Solana? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOXhZN1Z3SHVLVEFveEg4cUFCdk1sR1BCQTV2NHhPbzM3dDVnUWxlMEdkQjJpa3ZsNWQ0RGM2cmdoN1Q2NElPV0ZWTzRtVXlEamhScnRzaWFJeTY5ZjZZOENvTHQzMk02akYtQlhNajZZVnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoblRwRTg0dVdhSDViR19PUXM3Y2dTUFlTbEZiTzd4R2V3U2xxOVo2WGdCaXRVZ1ZINFVfMnJ6M091Q2VjUFFDLURfSm5uVHZjREFJRDVfNjBhSW9rZ1ZpSWNGYWI2Y2w0WTBDc0MzLWV4NUhpZXh0Uklldl9GY0tpS1hyVTJMZ1RKanRITzd0c0d1NXB1eUQzWk1oWUNpZXlZU29lWE9EY1BaUy1ia2NLLVZBdGtQRERseDZVTkFEeFB0SkZScjIw |
You can do all of that with a single node. No need to spin up multiple nodes. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVGJrMjJKandGU0RRVXZfdlFRaFdPelk5R3c3Y3d0ZXJlZ0s0aDUyY2REVlhlZHRsLXEwWGg3X3FqZE9qaWFFV0o1Wjh4MUV6dmxZblk1VzVlVzNoQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoemJWekVEZlpfNC1RYWluT29mM09JeXZnd2twdHlDV2JqZ1VFYjktU2ZkcEdMUFk3Mzg2X2tuVjVyU1J4X1Awby1YZWhaSjlJTzhoWW1IeU5ILWxMcjRxcjJPa3BJc1hTdVh4ZzgxWDQyU09qc3JKNTU3Z25jMzNmTUpWMmQ5MnNKVC0wVUJlcjl2WVdYNUgxN3FqMFZtVkFJOWY1RHFUZVFYZlNFd2VLZE50all0c1UxVWRGYlpHRDJLNEJrSXdTYnh6dkt5eW1qNHhUbGJ4cndqTUdWQT09 |
Hey all,
In this post only data is included which was generate between **02.12.2024 until now** (09.12.2024).
This week **53** **(+/-0)** user send tips and **138 (+21)** user received tips, with
**- 5379** tips send **(-774)**
**- 6874.7** donuts send **(+351,8)**
(..): Difference to last week.
Most tips send this week from one person to another: **BigRon1977** send **41.0** tips to **Extension-Survey3014.**
Most donuts send this week from one person to another: **aminok** send **835.0** donuts to **DBRiMatt**.
On average **101.5** **(-14.6)** tips were send per user.
On average **129.7 (-6.6)** donuts were send per user.
Number of active tippers is stable, less tips send but more donuts send.
**Send Leaderboard**
|No.|Name|Send tips|Most tips given to|given to x user|Send Donuts|
|1|BigRon1977|565|Extension-Survey3014 (7.3%) SigiNwanne (6.7%) Garden\_Aria (6.4%)|53|656.6|
|2|FattestLion|558|Odd-Radio-8500 (6.3%) Garden\_Aria (6.1%) SigiNwanne (6.1%)|54|612.6|
|3|Odd-Radio-8500|341|BigRon1977 (9.4%) SigiNwanne (7.6%) FattestLion (7.6%)|36|341.0|
|4|Buzzalu|324|BigRon1977 (7.4%) FattestLion (6.8%) Extension-Survey3014 (5.6%)|58|449.2|
|5|kirtash93|313|FattestLion (7.0%) Odd-Radio-8500 (6.1%) InclineDumbbellPress (5.8%)|59|317.0|
|6|AltruisticPops|257|FattestLion (8.6%) Abdeliq (8.2%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (7.0%)|39|258.0|
|7|Extension-Survey3014|254|BigRon1977 (9.4%) Garden\_Aria (9.4%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.7%)|25|254.0|
|8|Abdeliq|249|BigRon1977 (7.2%) Extension-Survey3014 (7.2%) FattestLion (6.8%)|35|262.0|
|9|Garden\_Aria|232|Extension-Survey3014 (9.9%) BigRon1977 (9.5%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.6%)|23|232.0|
|10|MasterpieceLoud4931|221|Odd-Radio-8500 (10.4%) BigRon1977 (9.5%) AltruisticPops (8.6%)|30|221.0|
|11|SigiNwanne|206|BigRon1977 (12.6%) Odd-Radio-8500 (12.6%) Extension-Survey3014 (10.2%)|23|206.0|
|12|Creative\_Ad7831|201|BigRon1977 (9.0%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.0%) kirtash93 (8.0%)|30|201.0|
|13|Wonderful\_Bad6531|168|FattestLion (7.1%) Odd-Radio-8500 (6.5%) BigRon1977 (6.5%)|28|168.0|
|14|goldyluckinblokchain|161|BigRon1977 (11.2%) kirtash93 (8.1%) FattestLion (8.1%)|37|408.0|
|15|parishyou|150|BigRon1977 (14.0%) FattestLion (11.3%) SigiNwanne (8.0%)|29|150.0|
|16|bashdude\_1|143|BigRon1977 (8.4%) Extension-Survey3014 (7.7%) mayusuff (7.0%)|29|143.0|
|17|InclineDumbbellPress|132|Odd-Radio-8500 (9.8%) Mrwiowijo (7.6%) AltruisticPops (6.8%)|29|132.0|
|18|mayusuff|113|kirtash93 (8.8%) FattestLion (8.8%) bashdude\_1 (8.0%)|26|113.0|
|19|Mrwiowijo|109|InclineDumbbellPress (11.9%) BigRon1977 (6.4%) FattestLion (6.4%)|41|109.0|
|20|DBRiMatt|85|FattestLion (14.1%) kirtash93 (11.8%) Buzzalu (7.1%)|28|85.7|
|21|CymandeTV|79|FattestLion (13.9%) kirtash93 (10.1%) BigRon1977 (10.1%)|26|79.0|
|22|whodontloveboobs|76|BigRon1977 (19.7%) kirtash93 (14.5%) AltruisticPops (6.6%)|23|76.0|
|23|Ok-Chance-4634|59|Odd-Radio-8500 (10.2%) SigiNwanne (10.2%) BigRon1977 (6.8%)|29|59.0|
|24|CreepToeCurrentSea|57|MasterpieceLoud4931 (10.5%) AltruisticPops (8.8%) InclineDumbbellPress (7.0%)|24|57.0|
|25|Pippouai|40|BigRon1977 (25.0%) Buzzalu (15.0%) Abdeliq (10.0%)|16|40.0|
|26|DrRobbe|34|DBRiMatt (20.6%) Buzzalu (11.8%) BigRon1977 (11.8%)|17|34.0|
|27|Thorp1|32|BigRon1977 (12.5%) SigiNwanne (9.4%) kirtash93 (6.2%)|21|39.7|
|28|DaRunningdead|26|FattestLion (11.5%) kirtash93 (11.5%) BigRon1977 (11.5%)|15|26.0|
|29|Ill\_Thought5132|24|Wonderful\_Bad6531 (16.7%) AltruisticPops (12.5%) Odd-Radio-8500 (12.5%)|13|24.0|
|30|S-U\_2|22|DBRiMatt (18.2%) eat-sleep-rave (13.6%) Buzzalu (9.1%)|13|22.0|
|31|Kindly-Wolf6919|21|goldyluckinblokchain (9.5%) FattestLion (9.5%) Creative\_Ad7831 (9.5%)|18|21.0|
|32|timbulance|17|InclineDumbbellPress (23.5%) BigRon1977 (11.8%) FattestLion (11.8%)|11|17.0|
|32|ChemicalAnybody6229|17|SigiNwanne (17.6%) Wonderful\_Bad6531 (11.8%) Odd-Radio-8500 (11.8%)|13|17.0|
|34|boiboi3434|13|Buzzalu (15.4%) Garden\_Aria (15.4%) Odd-Radio-8500 (7.7%)|11|13.0|
|35|King\_\_Robbo|10|DBRiMatt (20.0%) kirtash93 (20.0%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (10.0%)|8|10.0|
|35|MichaelAischmann|10|0xMarcAurel (10.0%) 0x456 (10.0%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (10.0%)|10|10.0|
|37|Mixdealyn|9|King\_\_Robbo (22.2%) masahirox (11.1%) Buzzalu (11.1%)|8|9.0|
|38|aminok|8|DBRiMatt (87.5%) Buzzalu (12.5%)|2|935.0|
|39|InsaneMcFries|7|BigRon1977 (14.3%) Odd-Radio-8500 (14.3%) Garden\_Aria (14.3%)|7|7.0|
|40|elzizooo|6|InclineDumbbellPress (33.3%) parishyou (16.7%) Wonderful\_Bad6531 (16.7%)|5|6.0|
|41|0xMarcAurel|5|AltruisticPops (20.0%) InclineDumbbellPress (20.0%) MichaelAischmann (20.0%)|5|21.0|
|42|IncompetentDonuts|4|AltruisticPops (25.0%) DBRiMatt (25.0%) BlackWarrior322 (25.0%)|4|4.0|
|43|tahiraslam8k|3|BigRon1977 (33.3%) MichaelAischmann (33.3%) neda6117 (33.3%)|3|3.0|
|43|XWarriorYZ|3|Thorp1 (33.3%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (33.3%) BigRon1977 (33.3%)|3|3.0|
|43|eat-sleep-rave|3|MasterpieceLoud4931 (33.3%) EpicureanMystic (33.3%) Wonderful\_Bad6531 (33.3%)|3|3.0|
|46|beerdrinker\_mavech|2|0x456 (50.0%) Creative\_Ad7831 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|46|subdep|2|Pippouai (50.0%) Richper413 (50.0%)|2|10.0|
|46|Huelino|2|S-U\_2 (50.0%) FattestLion (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|46|Flaky\_Word\_7636|2|SeatedDruid (50.0%) DBRiMatt (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|50|ellileon|1|DBRiMatt (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|50|EpicureanMystic|1|eat-sleep-rave (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|50|lce\_Fight|1|Basoosh (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|50|SweetAndSourShmegma|1|bashdude\_1 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
Receive Leaderboard
|No.|Name|Received tips|Most tips received from|received from x user|Received Donuts|
|1|BigRon1977|398|Odd-Radio-8500 (8.0%) FattestLion (7.3%) SigiNwanne (6.5%)|36|399.9|
|2|Odd-Radio-8500|336|FattestLion (10.4%) BigRon1977 (10.1%) SigiNwanne (7.7%)|32|336.9|
|3|FattestLion|334|BigRon1977 (9.3%) Odd-Radio-8500 (7.8%) AltruisticPops (6.6%)|34|334.1|
|4|kirtash93|303|FattestLion (10.9%) BigRon1977 (7.9%) Odd-Radio-8500 (6.6%)|28|308.8|
|5|Extension-Survey3014|300|BigRon1977 (13.7%) FattestLion (11.3%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.0%)|28|301.8|
|6|Abdeliq|296|FattestLion (11.1%) BigRon1977 (10.1%) AltruisticPops (7.1%)|32|296.9|
|7|Garden\_Aria|291|BigRon1977 (12.4%) FattestLion (11.7%) Extension-Survey3014 (8.2%)|28|292.0|
|8|SigiNwanne|270|BigRon1977 (14.1%) FattestLion (12.6%) Odd-Radio-8500 (9.6%)|28|271.1|
|9|MasterpieceLoud4931|221|BigRon1977 (11.8%) FattestLion (10.0%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.6%)|32|221.9|
|9|Creative\_Ad7831|221|FattestLion (10.9%) BigRon1977 (9.5%) Odd-Radio-8500 (7.2%)|26|221.8|
|11|Wonderful\_Bad6531|215|FattestLion (12.1%) BigRon1977 (10.7%) Odd-Radio-8500 (8.4%)|32|222.6|
|12|InclineDumbbellPress|214|FattestLion (12.1%) kirtash93 (8.4%) BigRon1977 (7.9%)|30|286.9|
|13|Buzzalu|205|FattestLion (11.7%) BigRon1977 (11.7%) Odd-Radio-8500 (7.8%)|30|310.6|
|14|goldyluckinblokchain|204|FattestLion (12.3%) BigRon1977 (11.8%) Extension-Survey3014 (6.9%)|32|211.9|
|15|AltruisticPops|201|FattestLion (10.4%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (9.5%) BigRon1977 (8.5%)|33|205.7|
|16|parishyou|129|BigRon1977 (15.5%) FattestLion (12.4%) Extension-Survey3014 (7.0%)|26|129.4|
|17|bashdude\_1|121|BigRon1977 (18.2%) FattestLion (7.4%) mayusuff (7.4%)|26|189.8|
|18|mayusuff|116|FattestLion (17.2%) BigRon1977 (14.7%) bashdude\_1 (8.6%)|24|116.7|
|19|Mrwiowijo|110|FattestLion (16.4%) InclineDumbbellPress (9.1%) BigRon1977 (8.2%)|25|110.6|
|20|whodontloveboobs|104|BigRon1977 (15.4%) kirtash93 (8.7%) Garden\_Aria (7.7%)|23|106.3|
|21|DBRiMatt|98|FattestLion (18.4%) Buzzalu (10.2%) kirtash93 (9.2%)|25|942.5|
|22|CymandeTV|91|FattestLion (16.5%) BigRon1977 (11.0%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (9.9%)|23|91.3|
|23|ChemicalAnybody6229|45|MasterpieceLoud4931 (13.3%) BigRon1977 (13.3%) goldyluckinblokchain (8.9%)|18|45.1|
|24|CreepToeCurrentSea|44|MasterpieceLoud4931 (11.4%) BigRon1977 (9.1%) AltruisticPops (9.1%)|20|44.0|
|25|Pippouai|29|BigRon1977 (37.9%) Buzzalu (34.5%) kirtash93 (10.3%)|6|35.9|
|25|CarryKind8827|29|Abdeliq (17.2%) BigRon1977 (13.8%) Wonderful\_Bad6531 (10.3%)|16|29.2|
|25|DrRobbe|29|DBRiMatt (20.7%) BigRon1977 (13.8%) Buzzalu (10.3%)|16|49.8|
|28|Icy-Profile-1655|22|kirtash93 (13.6%) FattestLion (9.1%) Abdeliq (9.1%)|16|22.0|
|28|DaRunningdead|22|FattestLion (18.2%) kirtash93 (13.6%) BigRon1977 (13.6%)|13|22.1|
|30|0xMarcAurel|18|AltruisticPops (11.1%) kirtash93 (11.1%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (11.1%)|15|23.9|
|31|coinfeeds-bot|17|BigRon1977 (100.0%)|1|17.0|
|32|S-U\_2|16|FattestLion (31.2%) Buzzalu (25.0%) DBRiMatt (18.8%)|7|16.1|
|33|Defiboy|15|kirtash93 (20.0%) Buzzalu (13.3%) Abdeliq (13.3%)|11|15.0|
|33|boiboi3434|15|Buzzalu (20.0%) BigRon1977 (20.0%) Abdeliq (13.3%)|8|15.0|
|33|0x456|15|Buzzalu (20.0%) Mrwiowijo (6.7%) CreepToeCurrentSea (6.7%)|13|133.1|
|36|Ill\_Thought5132|13|AltruisticPops (30.8%) BigRon1977 (30.8%) Odd-Radio-8500 (15.4%)|6|13.0|
|37|Basoosh|12|FattestLion (16.7%) goldyluckinblokchain (16.7%) AltruisticPops (8.3%)|10|23.8|
|37|IncompetentDonuts|12|FattestLion (25.0%) Buzzalu (25.0%) AltruisticPops (16.7%)|7|17.6|
|37|aminok|12|Buzzalu (25.0%) DBRiMatt (25.0%) kirtash93 (16.7%)|5|12.0|
|37|InsaneMcFries|12|bashdude\_1 (16.7%) Wonderful\_Bad6531 (8.3%) kirtash93 (8.3%)|11|12.1|
|41|Kindly-Wolf6919|11|DBRiMatt (27.3%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (9.1%) BigRon1977 (9.1%)|9|11.0|
|42|BlackWarrior322|8|Buzzalu (25.0%) BigRon1977 (25.0%) AltruisticPops (12.5%)|6|13.9|
|42|MichaelAischmann|8|MasterpieceLoud4931 (25.0%) 0xMarcAurel (12.5%) Odd-Radio-8500 (12.5%)|7|12.0|
|42|eat-sleep-rave|8|S-U\_2 (37.5%) goldyluckinblokchain (12.5%) EpicureanMystic (12.5%)|6|8.0|
|45|abcoathup|7|Buzzalu (28.6%) DBRiMatt (28.6%) MasterpieceLoud4931 (14.3%)|5|7.0|
|45|beerdrinker\_mavech|7|Creative\_Ad7831 (14.3%) Buzzalu (14.3%) kirtash93 (14.3%)|7|75.4|
|47|PotentialClassroom75|6|BigRon1977 (33.3%) kirtash93 (33.3%) mayusuff (16.7%)|4|6.0|
|47|Thorp1|6|BigRon1977 (33.3%) XWarriorYZ (16.7%) AltruisticPops (16.7%)|5|6.0|
|49|bvandepol|5|Buzzalu (20.0%) FattestLion (20.0%) Pippouai (20.0%)|5|5.0|
|49|Mixdealyn|5|FattestLion (20.0%) Buzzalu (20.0%) DBRiMatt (20.0%)|5|5.0|
|49|timbulance|5|FattestLion (40.0%) Buzzalu (20.0%) BigRon1977 (20.0%)|4|10.9|
|49|Binance|5|Abdeliq (40.0%) kirtash93 (40.0%) Mrwiowijo (20.0%)|3|5.0|
|49|Ok-Chance-4634|5|Odd-Radio-8500 (40.0%) DBRiMatt (20.0%) Buzzalu (20.0%)|4|5.0|
|54|313deezy|4|BigRon1977 (25.0%) Buzzalu (25.0%) Thorp1 (25.0%)|4|4.0|
|54|runyoufreak|4|Buzzalu (25.0%) kirtash93 (25.0%) Thorp1 (25.0%)|4|4.0|
|54|Huelino|4|FattestLion (50.0%) S-U\_2 (50.0%)|2|4.0|
|54|King\_\_Robbo|4|Mixdealyn (50.0%) DBRiMatt (25.0%) FattestLion (25.0%)|3|4.0|
|54|Educational\_Swim8665|4|FattestLion (25.0%) kirtash93 (25.0%) Ok-Chance-4634 (25.0%)|4|4.0|
|54|Pandora\_Key|4|BigRon1977 (25.0%) Buzzalu (25.0%) Mrwiowijo (25.0%)|4|4.0|
|54|neda6117|4|tahiraslam8k (25.0%) InclineDumbbellPress (25.0%) kirtash93 (25.0%)|4|4.0|
|61|Modern\_Orange|3|FattestLion (66.7%) Buzzalu (33.3%)|2|3.0|
|61|iamjide91|3|Buzzalu (33.3%) Pippouai (33.3%) Ok-Chance-4634 (33.3%)|3|3.0|
|61|ryan1064|3|Buzzalu (66.7%) BigRon1977 (33.3%)|2|3.0|
|61|landswipe|3|FattestLion (33.3%) InclineDumbbellPress (33.3%) whodontloveboobs (33.3%)|3|3.0|
|61|Fantastic-Primary-87|3|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1|3.0|
|61|99MushrooM99|3|AltruisticPops (33.3%) BigRon1977 (33.3%) CreepToeCurrentSea (33.3%)|3|3.0|
|67|nethanns|2|AltruisticPops (50.0%) FattestLion (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|RealLebronJames19|2|Abdeliq (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|citadelian|2|Buzzalu (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|AutoModerator|2|Wonderful\_Bad6531 (50.0%) Ok-Chance-4634 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|CG-Saviour878879|2|CreepToeCurrentSea (50.0%) goldyluckinblokchain (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|SeatedDruid|2|Flaky\_Word\_7636 (50.0%) SigiNwanne (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|na7oul|2|Odd-Radio-8500 (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|tahiraslam8k|2|Pippouai (50.0%) BigRon1977 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|masahirox|2|DBRiMatt (50.0%) Mixdealyn (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|painkilleraddict6373|2|Buzzalu (50.0%) Mrwiowijo (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|CoinRabbitFinance|2|Ok-Chance-4634 (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|BigFatCat9712|2|FattestLion (100.0%)|1|2.0|
|67|TearRepresentative56|2|King\_\_Robbo (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|Mattie\_Kadlec|2|BigRon1977 (50.0%) kirtash93 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|Fallini47|2|FattestLion (50.0%) BigRon1977 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|GoodMornEveGoodNight|2|kirtash93 (50.0%) CymandeTV (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|lce\_Fight|2|Buzzalu (50.0%) FattestLion (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|elzizooo|2|parishyou (50.0%) Buzzalu (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|002\_timmy|2|kirtash93 (50.0%) Buzzalu (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|67|Technical\_Visual\_272|2|kirtash93 (50.0%) bashdude\_1 (50.0%)|2|2.0|
|87|wales-bloke|1|AltruisticPops (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|economist\_kinda|1|CymandeTV (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|subdep|1|Pippouai (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|Richper413|1|subdep (100.0%)|1|8.0|
|87|xevenau|1|Kindly-Wolf6919 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|Chinoui66|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|TAYwithaK|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|themrgq|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|RivellaEnthusiast|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|shelteredlogic|1|kirtash93 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|Hypno\_Hamster|1|whodontloveboobs (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|Armandeluz|1|BigRon1977 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|thinkingperson|1|BigRon1977 (100.0%)|1|1.0|
|87|Davedoenotmoe|1|CreepToeCurrentSea (100.0%)|1|1.0| | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVod3dXdGtOZFVsWVVsSEdta0stdDhJR2hwWlVxSGlNdUNneHZSM2JVRzkxUF9WQVQxQUg0TXdKVXI5T2c5bGhRSGdlN3oycTR5TkM3MnltTThST3BkNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoV2hjLV9yM1A1UTF4OGJlaFBJOGQ0WGhBVXJ0bXVuZ19qZjRLWldCSXBwcVB2cmptemtqX3ZseWdrMVo1Y0MwTFZYbGJSV2NYWlhvU2pHNm1UQzNEWm5UWXhjM3JYWnBGTHlVSElvdGZMalhNSmRHUXNoZ1EybHk5NWZHSFM1X0VVRm1YT25RbExqNklVZGhiQ2VNSWNnYmlXWTNmSFpxUk1PRjRFRV9ocktjPQ== |
South Korea's KOSPI index is down 2.74%, possibly due to a failed impeachment vote on President Yoon, who had declared martial law last week out of frustration, and then retracted it hours later. If you also include the change in foreign exchange rate of KRW to USD since the markets closed on Friday, it is effectively down nearly 4% in USD.
His party is pushing for him to resign. Yoon has said he would not declare martial law again. Acting military officials such as the defense minister have said they would not follow future orders to impose martial law.
South Korea markets are among the cheapest in the world, trading at below book value, while us markets trade at 4.7x book value, and 12x earnings while US market trades at 33x earnings. The Korean government has also recently passed subsidies for companies to increase their dividends and buy back their own shares. Just recently SK hynix increased their dividend, and Samsung announced a huge buyback program
Positions: Bought EWY in the morning on 12/3 and sold that afternoon after martial law was ended, buying back in when market opens today assuming its down 3% or more. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob3BocHhkUWF2bU5uaFphamdUVTlhOWRBWHRwbFlpdHo2SnFQakpDNnZrRHY1RVZuXzZPVlFEWnI3bjBKNVJhcFAtUmwzNV9tYlVCRnZYdml6QkhBNnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR25MWC1TVG5Cb0JSSWdFOHR2Yzdyck9YOUVybjlFM284NGJJTzdxMWVYaFdjVmE4dUxZS2Zaa1QwcENWUmlWSU0xUTVaYVRLUlZJR0t5M1FSRy04V1dkNDc0N0sxYmcxZVZFejVzWGM2dHFWellGbVVUM3NHQzAzY3RSb1JuN2hhcEkxd2N6eFhkNFlndXEtYUxmTkx0WkhDWW5oSTIyNzBHNV9xWFdrRnZNZ0hfRm45ZGJSQThvRlFTY2FjYnpQZjV4UmxTMkxnUEtkb245NmdCclVSUT09 |
After Trump's victory we saw dramatic price increase in crypto prices. Let’s revisit his key campaign promises [to evaluate further potential impact on the crypto industry](https://www.gncrypto.news/news/trumps-impact-on-the-crypto-market-expert-opinions/). In his election campaign, Trump pledged a series of important measures for the crypto community. Many of these were articulated at **Bitcoin 2024 Conference**
**Creating a National BTC Reserve**
One of Trump’s most ambitious crypto promises is the creation of a U.S. strategic Bitcoin reserve. He announced that his administration would keep all seized Bitcoin—approximately 210,000 BTC currently—and establish it as part of a national reserve. Trump emphasized, “If I am elected, it will be the policy of my administration to keep 100% of all the Bitcoin the U.S. government currently holds or acquires into the future.” This reserve could serve as a critical asset, positioning the U.S. as a leader in digital currency holdings.
**Backing BTC Mining in America**
Another significant promise from Trump’s campaign is his plan to boost Bitcoin mining within U.S. borders. He envisions a future where all mined BTC originates from the United States, reducing dependency on foreign mining—especially China. Though the specifics of this initiative remain vague, the promise signals Trump’s commitment to fostering a strong, domestic crypto industry. Industry leaders, like Samson Mow of Jan3, view this as a promising step toward crypto self-sufficiency.
**Expanding a Pro-Crypto Political Presence**
Trump’s plan for crypto reform goes beyond regulatory tweaks. His promise to dismiss Chairman Gary Gensler is only the beginning. Trump aims to establish a Bitcoin council that would work with Congress to push pro-crypto legislation, creating a favorable political environment for digital assets. This council could be instrumental in shaping future crypto policy, supporting innovation, and promoting adoption across the United States.
**No Room for CBDCs**
Trump has made his stance clear on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs): there will be no government-controlled digital dollar under his administration. Many in the crypto community view CBDCs with caution, fearing they could erode personal privacy and expand government oversight. Trump’s commitment to blocking any form of state-run blockchain payment system has been welcomed by those who prioritize privacy and decentralization, reinforcing his pro-crypto agenda.
https://preview.redd.it/g4zbuja2tr5e1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca8873405b3abb64683805d913c5a3eaf789d92e | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeVpSVjNlRndMSFdyN21VcW9sQjJuOTc4R2UtaG01YmhhY3I3MVRScVI5WWZzTGJ1R1NsbThCWXVhQlBYeVV4aWg3TWxDNHZ3cmt0V1BNdk9iWU1rWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYUNma3BuUC1wWHhBYTZ1YmV0YVU4azcyV3lkZ1NnWTg1YnQtVXBqcElXazZXNjF3S3RWejl2eG8zR3BHbVZ2WXNlY3JJeC0wRVRsQkZNQ1NNQkVUWWhISkl4bmVxeWdscWk5M2R1Q0JDd0hfdzhNLTVlTDJxajI4UkF3TzdVazRvTWRqZmZMS0hGbDFQVWFiWmNEU2FtTWxpQ0JmOUpJbDFhNmNnU2Znd2hjNnNQcEpvNllmQ0gxLXpTSTFiejlvWm1tMnlCTGRpTGIzWkNZeDhad0ZuZz09 |
Large blocks might sound like a small change but it has huge implications and drastically changes the way the bitcoin works. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaTdTWWI2QTNlTkVZamVXWWxKMUNUZjYwTExhZFBmWFNPQjRHSDNVbEgtU0pSOEpIVGtZUHhFNmJTOWw3LS1fY3N0S0NCdFhQalctc2VnQmhuTC1tQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ25WbGlaakx0SEplak1iYTlwU2hyM2dkTEpEWTZaVUx1bGN1WjgtMkwwUzN4dDJBS2JHSlQxYkRxRXFCX1NKZkJlS3RyeHpLMkZYNUc4TkxjMUxRWU9ubWVJem1yWXNra2VaY1FEVm9KRFp1bl9Wb05IVDkwT2lFaklQXy1pUkg2NW1aSHppTkhwSVpld0w1VlJrbU9Cd1lpQUtnaDBCeFdOdkwzbzZxeVAtcTRid0tJbjdCSzE2NDY4bGZvQ1RaWndqbDhVcG5oaGs0aXpSVEhkM2JQQT09 |
The bias was out of this world tbh | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYXV4QlZTNDJEVDBuSVFmWnNTQmtteVZWVHZMVTB4a0I0eDdoc1NyUmV3OXl0UmxRbk5DMHRXUHBWU1NqU3FNRXg1R0puX1FzaG5IbHl1bllhWXpISGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobFRvNURfTmRqMWxDaWpIWVBidVFUdjRNdE8yVGlUd0EyYUZpRDlyZ0VkZjJESkJ5el9FMThIZ2QwcUFnSEdCNnNpaTNTZ0pWU3JOaGt5OUlZcVRKVUpDRC1NbWVNQmMzVjRCUGhCVE1RTzREUEhKOVlsMnBLdGZmbFNPQUpKTVBJcEt1am81c2lZd1RHN0tDRkxOZ3h3bDlxYXNWSl9OeXduR2RsaEZaQ1JHamh1RGZiUzgwakVOMjhmTUNKSE5RUzNMTElDR1VkTy1JaVRyTVNadkR6dz09 |
Bias was unbearable within the 60 first seconds | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobFZMcU9VOGtINGFXNWZMeFlxNFVERUVMOExFYTh3UXlMUjQ4OG5nMDFGWEZCUlVOaVdaRVhEdHUteE9hTy1NUDNJQ1Z4Q2piZ1lUMGJsd1BaWXNOc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVHlOcjFCY29pVDlMd05lQjNlVWluNWV2ejhpQ0xkU1dRTC1ZeEdkT0pVZTF0YWRKVEJ4ZUpTQmtibUtwRVU4bXJyeDljcW5pam5rMktGWUxHYWVXQW5NRU5MVFk5OUlUV1VncDJxZlpMYUNSV2plVExsdUp0Q25uOFpTMm1ScWJQTnFMM3F6SHBGT0p2eFVoYnlIanhmRExWbnh5My1FTXJEcTR2Q3NoUHU3Vm5aSTY3TnVCLXkzV3hycmF6WnFudDRMR3dLREJ1bWNPZU0wamQ3REx6UT09 |
Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:
* If you'd like to learn something, ask.
* If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.
* Any question about Bitcoin is fair game.
And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginners
You can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMDUxbE1xbmVpeTdvclpRWFdfZUFFcVJHdEMzZ0t0aFJaSVREYzNmUUFDdjM4RHhCdEdmaUdUcGItYXRjUC11UHMwQ2tocXVBNUZqdjZnQmNLVmZBTEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZFMwb2lwTEFVUHdOWXM4bmFOVXFYbldzUDRiTTdvd3drbzhnbGZUdlZnX2xfaGVkV1VGdy1DaWo4cWhuNXFOam5BZC16M0NDQ2RGS282WGwtYkEyQWpRVmxtUTV2VUk0bmVMT0ZhUDAzd2tiOHRWa1diRG1FazlDRExZNGhueG9nc3hQVVRsQzhDSTB1cjlfOTR6U3NoZ1A5YTlhZ2h6eFp1MHpvdHBUOVR4czhOMWZpVVoxd2NiNXNvTTJwLW1N |
I know which chain I'll be supporting if it ever comes to a split | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocXhMemVSR3R3Q3A2Y2RleEhkV0FwNlAtT3doWWlTZzBvcTlUOEhPZ2o3bHk4bzRFcVFWVGt1T1hZaXZwNXBnYTF2UzhUZWJCTDJ2dmdnNXdRVWtrUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobEVJQ1pkY2lnMFpNY01LRGNkNGRjOFp6QjZfV0NzMlpleFpxaldLNE9oZ1VSaWJwOHFRbzBpUUJPUzNWNU9GUGd3TWVZcGN6MjhvOGFyTTQ1TEJWSUl6TmRDMHo5UWlGMWdxMVFCbTlXMm1BQTFmRVhVTE1fVU8yUkRRTlpBbEJsZ2hCOXdMWkM1ZkEzWjE4MGtLdTQ3QkI4S29PbTdIZXA3cXI5OVNVRHFnOGxaN2lEcC1qdnZHRjl5V2haSXZB |
Is 649 € "big ticket" ? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaUFWOTliRnRxdzZ6V0MyN1pUWU0yTk5vMk4xTTNIemhyUEVtWVk4dGNmcGs3eWRtWWljUmdBUDZQN1JFaFozbnBUYll6QUVZdVY2TDNsLTRvUXkwSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQTZJQy1HMWstVVRNc0tTRVdIay1Vc3NPMFA4TXF0SVJab05tMTFubzRURlhkVmpkeVNBUTN1cXE1bVgyR2RReFJVbkdHcTIxemdaUXBFX0dGWnBqNGw1UlZ4SkhaMVM4WHk4dkVRdE5Yb1N4czZEanFnX2o3c2xwbndZWjNfb3FVSUlLUG5FRXVOQVhoQmhoM3RZc0tISUkwckRuSm1jUUJ1VTZ1ZmR1bGY2WDFZWGwxc2NqZkU0T21tUXIxZFpF |
Disclaimer: I’m as much of a moron as the rest of you and there’s a reasonable chance that I’m 100% wrong about all of this. You have been warned.
To me crypto in general behaves almost the exact opposite of how a stock would. Stocks fundamentally fluctuate long term based on the value of the supporting company and short term based on predictions of how that companies value might change. Crypto on the other hand fluctuates long term based on little more than hope and despair. There’s no actual today value to any of it. We have invested in bitcoin because we hope it will keep going up. We will sell it when we despair and think it will go down. No relation to any measurable value because the only actual value is, its value. In other words with stocks the value sets the market, and in crypto the market sets the value if that makes sense. (Yes I understand and agree that bitcoin in particulars use in treasuries equates to tangible value but we’re not there yet). I look at most long term crypto plays as educated wishing on a star. We all pick favorites to convince ourselves we’re making the right call but there’s no tangible value or data to back any of it up. It’s just buying with hope and selling when in despair.
XRP fundamentally does have actual intrinsic value. You really can’t think of it in terms of pumping based on hype like a normal crypto, you have to think of it more like you would a stock where the main question is- based on the product, the vision, and the steps being taken to achieve that vision is it over or undervalued?
Right now in my opinion it’s pretty damn difficult to make a case that it’s overvalued. In fact if your opinion is that it’s overvalued I would actually love to hear why you feel that way.
When I see XRP I see a company (not a crypto) that has had its prices artificially held down by a pretty scary lawsuit for several years with some pretty exciting stuff both on the horizon and actually in use today. To me is not dissimilar to Nvidia when we first started hearing about Blackwell and seeing them start to take over the AI space. Nvidia at the time was the leader in AI GPU’s with a potential future of absolutely exploding. Ripple has a very solid system that’s being implemented by some of the largest banks in the world (value today), with things like mass financial institution adoption, stable coin, treasury assets etc on the very near horizon. When I look at XRP I see an actual plan with a vision and goal in mind developing quickly right in front of me. To me, that is a company, not a crypto. So again the question, if we can all agree that it’s been artificially undervalued from the lawsuit, is what is the actual value of the underlying asset? Once the hype dies down and the price evens out to match its actual value, what should it trade for? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU1pFWGxwZlFRWHlkdVd5OU5MaWdZcUwySERxbU5UR0lQMGFGYTdSTy04VzJZTzFVSGFDTXBWYzZPdDlIOGJSNkFnZHppU1QzbXhQa2YwSTBrX2NMZFBXM3BnSVR3d3d6NW9yd0g4SXJkeTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVockxteTZwbGJzbTR1WWYza05URlpWY0VjX00zWDMxaUxqTWY5bWxmV2ZLYjBISHl3TUV5TURQTVU0X25QclRvQTNUV3BEekRMSTVYTlgteXJfcWpQb3hEUmE4dmtGRERiMDdVaWYwX09UbjNSdHdCTklBdzhkcER5RHZnV0JVMVZxZ1U1M01NMGlzMG9zVHRaQmFPbFl0VWM5Qi1fR3lncklLN0lTR0hZTnFZOUE5cFdnczZoR3N1MEhFbEVTbmh5bTVTYTJLWHFtQ3VoQlN3aFpRTlVMdz09 |
it’s cooooming ; )
https://x.com/josephjacks_/status/1865974364417691974?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT2Nqal9HUGtCNnlYdjVtTmhlNVJfbTAydFhCYW9NRi1Gakx4bm1ydDMyWmpXVWRhVlNuRkZkM2tSLXJWTDRGUl90bllXRk1qQVZwWlAxSGVTWHFLRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUHJ2MHhKdVkxSm9iVG1MbkxBcFA5WFZlZ3JJTUxOd0NCaXVFcEdBRURaWjhhMkN0VmlTR09sTDBRSWktSnRBMXVHdGFHeWI4RGVtME5MZ3NFOWpSbGoweWJuNjRhdldRMTJrNGNfbXR4WHBQaW5Mdml0VHVPZlk5N0doUUx2Skp1UTRlNHF0RzI4V3h5eGFqQmc0NVU1ZEE5MjBmdGp3SVdIeXQ1eENsYUphdmZ4YkNqZWpzQlFsNmFvaThKYTFBZVRDdVlaVDZCckpiS0R6NWRsaHdoQT09 |
Hey everyone I was wanting to get into investing and use small amounts and potentially leave it long term and watch it grow, I just signed up to Coinbase does anyone have any places where I could start investing that’s smart? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodVdFc1ZhdldIZndFR2xQOEh3bVpOdzAzUmlHVmhEUE9nSkRPaG9XSEszdTR3VFdEbi1EMHk2cC16b3FNTFRHbVhDdkhKTHI0SnFjeDl6anNkYXlrYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoazdvT29GT192cmdjNk03OE00cGJjclc3ZTVOYTdhckpXWFpfSmY3c2hIYmh3RklYUTlrVDdoNS1ZQ3VkamUtTmtwUXVBcWw1N242TXBUTHVXWEVZZ2ZuLXkzR2d6RHFXZTltcGtnU19xT0FXRUVyeGc4ekw1T3QxMXNPbDV6R1I3VkNiMnVkeE84SEVIcVo0bVc5M3NVTGphN3ZoeDNfRWFoTF9sTVBJdklDVG1vRFJXODllYkM2N0ktdmlETDhJU2RQM3drV19sRXFHOGFFN3ViU2RvZz09 |
**Disclaimer:** I’m not promoting anything here, and I’m not part of the team. But today at 6 PM UTC, **pixfun** is launching — a competitor to Pumpfun. Based on their roadmap and all the features they plan to offer, this could be a real game-changer. Check out their roadmap! What do you think? I’m hyped! | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTjBUX1QxRlJDZEt1Um5IQUhqYUFuNFdZR0ZiOWZXUHRtRlR4T1VjRmxCdmJtYnVhZjJMd1hIeDlFXy1PZUdpOFAwR08tV1hnaXRxdlRaZ0FtVmRkZTJZUFM4UWZlUzFYSjdsNlJ4UXRqWnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT0IwSXhGTXhIMURGLXA5bmtyUGZvYldscnVGSVhHajhUZFg0RVVjWjBScWlNX19DUmJVSDZrZHdQd3gtTDY3eGd3T0RmVW44bnhZZkF1ZXU1NFZHV2JvdmRRQkVqYng1YklrcDVodVpYajA5eERsa0FSYm45RkRpR3FSWDlzVmxZUkNGZFg5bDctcXBMOWV1MWVMbXVJcEdwWEVOY0U0dE1PYVFPN1ZyWXowPQ== |
Probably best to contact the Revolut platform to see if they allow withdrawals. I have never used their service personally.
But as for wallets, if you are pretty new to everything I would definitely recommend Nova Wallet. They streamline everything and make everything very simple for the end user. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ2c2bWloakdQSEFieVZkRFNCcVpfWGpLSFpWVG53NHNQaVNUbUtoaC0yb2dyX1FJWGVaNVRIWDBpa3hSdTd6N1NSRmFMWjdyblFOa2RhWi13Y3hMZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeGJIcTJnMmYtUExLU0xqTmVLemxqUXh5VERzY2JKVXhjRFdUTEN3OVc4MUdVRGZjOGdSUTVrazBSU1IwU1F4Nm5yWkZ3SWRhRk9IU1VRTEtCamd3VjJhMENXVUgxdnhVbjE5akFCdUJ6UEdyYjJDTHBSbm5vclRYeTZGQm9wQW5ZVEVVa3k1eldEUzQzeWp3RnVlcjBESWlCTmxUVWxkRmJOM1JJeTZ0WmNyZnNxc1R1N2IxZjBjcXhwc0RXQlQ1RUNCQk1RZjVreU1pWmt5bk9KRkhFZz09 |
You need to publish a wish on [Bitgree](https://www.bitgree.com), wait for purchase proposals and accept the one you are most interested in. Depending on the destination country you may receive purchase proposals quickly or you may have to wait some time.
If you need additional help, do not hesitate to contact [Bitgree](https://www.bitgree.com) support. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVFpRLUZlRDBCRFlxTkdJSDNIOTFoU0JtczQ2NVVRR3FIZDFrZ0ZEUmkxNWloRDlBZVNYNUlUTmR4WXFSYTlFM2xGdzQyZ05SYm1RdS12LTZrTHBLRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVod2hOMXNRWU5Ud29TcEFIY3M1Yl95d2VXaGZnMlpSUmxLR3Uzdm5lQkpKUTg5dkUtblZROVdGTS1vRC1Ja3B3UF80Q2xRWXVudWhGVVBJVTdWdnc2QWFQSlVBX2luY1hIeXdZLUtDR3doT2Qwal9MN3g1UkI1LUJpcmdEYUtNNmpFcnlad0xmendCT0lLdVlvdG9iQUxwWUNHZWVYeGtmQlByYlhFZWFEYnhtSWhCZGtfd2tCNHliVFluS2F6aFY3 |
Crypto trading courses seem to be everywhere these days, each claiming to have the secret formula for success. But how valuable are they compared to diving into the market and learning through hands-on experience?
For those who've tried both: what was your experience? Did a course give you insights that self-learning couldn’t, or was trial and error your best teacher? And if you think courses are worth it, what should someone look for to avoid wasting time and money?
Im asking this because i have 500USD and Im not sure to trade it or invest in somewhere to learn.. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNTJWc212TkRqR09pYlRfTGZNWmhUN0s4MWZuVTc5SWF3Zk9oTFprVjIyamUyYkFpc2ZfTWlGZUtlNG9HNzBsRWxHV1VXcmVuZ3FyQVBxS244bExuREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ2NQWTY0cWEyNjhMSWZpR0N3OWJ5ZnF2Z0E0VEhzbF9yVTJnQl9JQmc2bFdOZTc4UnNnTWt0d3VBT0plZ2xOUmxiTlhTRTFSZEVDeDN3eVBrOWF0ZUFoR2xBemhCYWM1QTBBWVJIeW5hRk5fMUNQWFZlVEVoU0NzaldZSkhhUVRoc0wtZTgydHlRQWxZSmdibkdBamlkSngxMjY4a1VLT05kVnljVkdSdUV6MHZVQ1FwcDdvMFMtVjdrTGJHNFhkQV9pYzRLVmtiSWlYNHIxM0dTUVhxdz09 |
It is best to check the product as soon as you receive it, and not release the funds from escrow until you have verified that it works correctly and you want to keep it. If you want to return it at that time, you can coordinate the return with the proponent user (he is obliged to accept the return, and since the funds remain in escrow, if he does not cooperate you can open a dispute).
If you have already released the escrow funds and want to return the product after 2 weeks (for example), it is more complicated since the funds are not in escrow. In that case, you have 2 options: ask the proponent user for the order gift ticket to manage the return with Amazon yourself (some stores allow this afterwards, such as Amazon Spain), or ask him to manage the return and coordinate it with you. But since the funds are not in escrow, in both cases you depend on the proponent collaboration.
In any case, accepting proposals from users with a good reputation on [Bitgree](https://www.bitgree.com) always makes things easier. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoXzRhMmpxak9wTmQyVGlsaVJIUlBEWGMxUWtxelRKU2lqeUNUdHBnUk1RaXNGOG1janNXYUVqMmtpbjhQMjRYVDJ3UWtWSElueTU2QVMwb3ZVQV9BQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYnFfaXN4WnhFRkRWWDY0bmVCZW9pd1p5QzFwX3RpVndsbE9ROFF3YWd6SUFsYjItTjRya3lCUjZqQ3RGckp1cHJKaTZubUQwVnM3UDVPazY0YTVKRk1fZ0xkYmh0MnAyamtZc0NCVnhWOENPZ2N5S2ZtS0xQMzRmRmk2OTRUcDNtTG5ianJfUWxzMzU2ZWFJX01haFZ0U29vWnZHY2ZCN1RkWGtWbmhNTHUtR3ZQbFJkYk1NVFhUWmUtSmtvelhq |
Centralized exchanges for example coin base or others are legal entities and have a legal entity similar to an individual and are owned by shareholders or other individuals and are commonly regulated to some extent however assume this is somehow a realistic idea or question is it possible to defraud a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange given these factors 1. There is no owners 2. No other account holders are hurt in any meaningful way this only affects your account etc 3. The platform involved fiat and the scheme involves fiat unlikely I know but just for the question and lastly it’s decentralized with these factors in mind would it be possible to prove fraud in a criminal and civil context in the United States or elsewhere? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOHczdld1Q2xOUThrVDAwanpGc2tYeGJHZmRmV2gwWl9PWHUyWENYMGVtS3hFQk1wYVZVeGxHcTk5cm1keGx3ckI2R0xTSjRLVnpyVjZYOVU5NVFKeklzUGpNbm54d0V4SmRDSHRvUmIyRXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRVBwU3BEYmU0Qng2X2wtbVJETHhZellRQzFEZkZjYTBLejBKNlc2bG9xdWdweWZOcDRpRnlxa3BISzVGWnhtS2pBZXFZdjFDaWxKdlliUlJTM1Z4ZWgzQ3pRV1JFOHEtRzlvYXg3dUx4V0NvT3FwVUZxanhUcEZqUkZjX3RhM3Z0T3FVSkhiYWttY0k0UHpEbDdaU1VibUd3ZmtiT09wLWd2MUZiMzh2anJGUGxHZ2MyN1R6SjJyN3hucXcweDNf |
Never send 2 transactions in one "exchange id".
Almost all exchanges have this policy (exception are like "infinity exchanger")
I already used swapuz a lot without big issue
(only issue so far are transaction paused so i contacted then they fixed it)
Blacklist Swapuz just because this tiny issue isn't fair.
There are others reliable service (exolix|fixedfloat|exchang|exch|nanswap|changenow...) but swapuz is also reliable | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWlZFYnRvOHl6ZEFyLVFaVld4T0dkUk1XbWdfZFVKRnF6cW53dXE5MDV1WjB5aVgyYnpDd3E5WTNaNE1SV1dEWXo3dEJ6TTVnLXlGemNjWkdMb0JEcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodmxXU1FhbzBTbW1uTjhFT0FVQzdlcFBzaG1DMjNFalFyZktROVpQVFhEck5QWGRJQnhRSlF4MFVBMVVyTnloTHk3VEtJcEMzak5qeEVoQXR0ekktUVFzRlJ2N3hnR3FFc3lJbkZQY0JVcnByVGhEZWlONG5RTWlteUh5WUc5d3BiekhkNjFCUVE1eXY3d0QxTTRPd1lhSV9RN0VpTElZY2l2alZqUzNLMHRwX1J1ZFVYdlZtWW1DNW1Da0JLX3YyRE1FZEJPNVhaTXkyWDdtOWJSejM5UT09 |
Doge does too. Actually Doge pumped before btc which is crazy. The timing shifts have been interesting | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVmhDZzZLbWZFeU91MW9BWXZoT2FwdHJiRjAyV3JZem13bEFhR3l5SmRWSkZSUUo4OWo1RG9yZC1heFJMWWYtXzNWbDlKVFBxeHdYZ3pWcWhFMW1GRldjYVFUc25uTEdFcUNsMHp6dTVtdDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYnI5YXZnWjE1TzQyQm9rXzE1aTNLZGJORWJqejcwR1Y0cW5ZYlZLaGpfU1JWWHdBcHhhSl9STndlVnhPbmRGcEhkXzNCa3dxZGJWb21fZElialZiSDYtX2RsX191SkZFSWRlQzBpTFh1OUhrZ2Vlc05VMUEtcUMtTEJleFNxendOeEp0ZVRhcWREUEVDZFkyRVhCOFR2TW1XdVBwZ2daNks3YmswMlEzNDNpa012c3MtUHE5ZVpySy05S251NlRVVTdNZDAzbm1qUDVZYmxhNGt5RmQzZWZiTkxZVl90dW9xQTNuRVNCRkFUTT0= |
👍 | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOTNwR3dpaG45ajVHNUFxZ2Jnay1sNmxKTEhSUXU0RUZ4OUwzRjBlZ0lzcGFJb2Uzd2pkT001Q3VTcmN1cVlXWnhWQVJ1NFBDcExzb1hhWDcyV2lmd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoY1duRmEwMXJ0UGNEb3hITlZjRXpJMHZ1ZTZaQXRjU2tlMnJ6NkNlaUdiM1lsb1ZRQXNlZjJtbG5IOGtSMTJnWHVQanFweGNOR1g2eUR4YTlfZFN0WENlTVhlSXc2T19fbk42TFNpQXp1Y1FOdVJyc2F6SFVyWVgyZzNVMUNkdU9IMnktY01PZ2JmVTNLbVFWWm5hTHVmZEp0X25SaXBSMEphNHRuSlVmMl9rcm1MV0tDR2lPN3lsZjBHck5leUVY |
Here are two other sources I find helpful for those wanting to understand a bit more on how and why liquidity positions change.
[Impermanent loss, text explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/12dducc/impermanent_loss_simple_explanation_liquidity) | [Binance Academy, video explanation](https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/impermanent-loss-explained)
**Current state of the pool & the last week of trading**
Total Value locked in [Sushi.com](https://sushi.com/) is $ 60.27k
* **4.38475** ETH
* **6839840** DONUT
* Trading Volume in last 24 hours = **$** **5.11k**
* Trading Volume in last 7 days = **$ 12.57k**
* In the last 7 days ETH is has moved **+5.7 %**
* In the last 7 days DONUT has moved **+16.6 %**
* Last week 1 ETH = **682.71k** **DONUT**
* Today 1 ETH = **615.59k** **DONUT**
* **4753.6** **DONUT** per day distributed amongst all in range positions.
Overall, this week saw an influx in overall trading, with a trend towards accumulation. With over twice as much volume as last week, the Sushi pool soars to 12k volume for the week.
The DONUT ETH Ratio saw as low at 700k, but has since seen an accumulation trend, moving towards a ratio of 615k DONUT per ETH.
The 2nd largest liquidity position (\~15% of liquidity pool), which is a concentrated position set within the 250k to 460k DONUT:ETH trading range - this position remains out of range and not currently incurring any trading fees or rewards.
|Initial Asset Balance (August)|0.432835|520299|
|Current Asset Balance (November)|0|705904|
|Rewards|ETH Fees|DONUT Fees|DONUT Farm|SUSHI Farm|ARB Farm|
|**Cumulative Total**|**0.05438679**|**25183.66**|**91262.23**|**63.79**|**650.43**|
|**Cumulative FIAT Total**|**$211.58**|**$157.60**|**$571.12**|**$155.65**|**$708.97**|
* Base Impermanent loss experienced = $-2498.15
* Cumulative Fees Revenue + Yield Farm Generated = $1804.93
* Overall Position Performance = $-693.23
The combination of the change to the DONUT ETH ratio was certainly complemented by the fact SUSHI has experienced a +85% week, boosting the value of those earlier reward emissions. | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeEEwZ1lFSnhuNEgweEZXcVA1dS1jSnlsSC1HVkVVdzNkMWUyZTZ3d2p3Z0VqVzhvZXlTOEF3c0ZNMXNKX0VhVUFkV0FJRDlpalRGRE5VMWVrRG1IeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSEFLYjloLVVrYlNzVmxOUUlpNVdNRVZiMmpSV25fRnVBX2dFTGtlQmlTSWdfdG10Ti1KOTlweHVUd01CX0psVVIwTmJ0T1BOMlA2eU9PT3dJTmxaU1d3X19ieXhCQVNXUXlYdjJwMGVNOWJhVWtzZGh3alhfbXFRWTR4YkEyRERLNDZDbFNueUw4LXo3aVpHajkzME9JYVBnTHYyQVhYMzNCRzUwSEJ4dEh3WVFpT3pfcFpWWVhadGZwOWhyaUs4 |
1. The discord invite on [https://www.getmonero.org/community/hangouts/](https://www.getmonero.org/community/hangouts/) is expired
2. Where can i learn more about transaction chaining, in particular what L-2 features it would enable with FCMP++
3. Radicle.xyz is a decentralized tor native git hub. In line with the Core teams statement on the site that a git repo is a centralizing necessity, moving to radicle would be a good signal.
4. Wouldn't best practices recommend SimpleX chat over matrix for community and workgroup discussions ?
thank you ! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTHpRc2x3c3hwVXc4RFd6dUlFbkhDdEVfaVJJWjhSME43WUppLThpVGgtWVpOWUt4eEw2NjdBbW9iREdGT2d4ckJIMUdzQm9kQnBiR1BGWHJUOFMxalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZzZRa0Z3ZVlJVUI0QVpWX1VfRXZDTHpkVTlSZXl4cl9YTEREM1YxODBoWHExa2thYlR0UjFKLXQ4SFNSbE5jMjBjS3dseXFvd1M3OGVYWGh0cC1fdDNrVExQcS1HWHcxT040Ry0tLWJYQzFiU01tazFXTllNTDgwUWZ6Sy1YOEJGXzQ5OXhXOVoxY2haZFgydnBjRkFsUGJfdnZ5dUJBQWlweEZnWkJUa0lvPQ== |
Here is the Address: 8KGaWp3JPGz2eYGUa64Kbek29Ee5PkBwNiyfKmZunFjH
People who still blindly follow celebrities to make fortune are left with a bag of trash while their famous celebrity makes bank. Please always take caution while investing money. Tik Tok and other social media is just an eye candy to steal your hard earned money. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNHI3SVdmOEVkYkFPUEp3NUplU3NmZmpHZHBfWHZ2bktLRkxOU2pyX1pZSTNLWkFrbmhydjBMUlBUdXE1N2FINnIweDJDZFpsak1oM2xDVVl1Ukh2ZHJsajhyUUNlcWw2bk1EZFBrTFFISDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZTZyTkhUNGJvRV9CZXpqal95a1dfeW5aOTZSSWcxQ1R4MFM5UTRPY0gxWktaRWxLdDZFODJlVGpmYWZ0TWFpZnp4RnhIX1pTbWdlclowdGNZM3M4eGFsMnM5V0ZxQlMxUEJ3TUMyNVNJQW9zQllUejBOalM4djNsOUxmMEIzMUwxRGJWLUZYNGQyZ3M1RnZucDR3eExsajRJb29ySzNrOTd0Q28yaWcyMHNOMEJsbHZZd1d0WVd6SnV1SmttSHVianVhd3BYSmVoR2pQLUc1R3hWOS0zZz09 |
This is likely to be a problem with the Trezor bridge. Note how with the trezor suite program open, the device is able to connect to the GUI however it attempts to restore a different wallet (This is a feature of trezor - it can restore multiple different wallets). When the trezor suite is closed - new error - there is NO connection to the device. Please make sure it is installed correctly [https://trezor.io/learn/a/what-is-trezor-bridge](https://trezor.io/learn/a/what-is-trezor-bridge) | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWnN4VW9sOTVpazFNRHhIVnV4dTJheV80WEFoSFVBWEFNYVNZSHR4TUZTMGlFblVTbXFoOFdkQWNqRHlIdnVUUlVxcHlvUlVjMk1FNDFkTUVTd0pwSUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVockpwSF93QkE1MWRDX1B3R0p1Y2ZOUkt6TUpWTF94Tk9TNDhVcjV5YzVSOHQzQnVsWWxzWEJCSWZTelRBeXQ4Tjl2cmprRzdiVXppQTFLWkpZcWlidVFHc01VOTF5NVhBTFVCZmJ2Yjhwel96Mm5ZZE1wbVd1c25nTTJ4U1BlSXRIWHJSeTVwWGpMaWtrY0otT2ZDSEE4OTlEVEV3aGhpREJ4dDA3Um1lY09ZVFBQOThnVmt6QlMyNG5FU2paMVU2U2RwY09yREZoVEhGajBlaVRxYlEwdz09 |
Couple of questions:
1. For some reason I am unable to create a sessionKey using the polkadot.js website. Could this be because I did not create a staking proxy and did it directly from my main wallet? If that's the case how do I create a staking proxy?
2. I am trying to sync using the \`polkadot\` command. It does sync but already downloaded around 200gb and continues to sync, how can I tell when it's done? | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaDd5YWdNSE9DcTJkQ2l1VjdSM0R0YVBfWHpxOFpxc1BsZzhnSlNteHBaZ2RHTGJHRVU0eEJ6RE1udDgyQ19weUpnSW5kbWN1UW5ycFVJRTktNk1zdmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSXNOc25Kc25xci1xSmI1UThzMS1OeV93THpER2lYZDlfWjFGZmQ1c0hZWXVkLVg0cHpEYVktR0g2T1dBSHU0ckFmMnE5RlRHMFludWoxcGNZbEJBejhOZXNDajZoX1FyOGZUanQ0eWlDeHhiS0tPNVFHQ2luR1k4c01wUWtUdXlmS0VhSks5Y2x5ZWN4QnRDamdFVUZZb2lfUHZsMmszNURTUUExeG1YazZvPQ== |
This is definitely a question for the Polkadot Validator Lounge.
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/polkadot
Discord Channel: https://discord.com/channels/722223075629727774/759061804722028566
Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#polkadotvalidatorlounge:web3.foundation | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUE1Tdi1QS3FpNXp5NFdpNUI0NUhYZVI2VEluUmlhMUFMdzN0V19jM251dTA5ZmhwR0hPN0dFTnlEdmk4WldvMHRKeUZQQ3F0SklGR1ViZC03Vk9tdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNWFLSm95czk0VXRKSldhMVA5cGZ2ellwOW9LcDhpTmpId1d6MmQ1Q1pYUUFLR2xMLWhmR0s1UzBkeVlvWm5OYmlqYjJxOWhTcXhiMUhvOVJRZHlKYkJ6RGJxWGVJVXRpVk9kWXpxalY4S2RWc21SdExacWpuYUk1eGtjMkZ2cUcyS3FDSmxqTzR2ZFY0OHBtQUZkTFlBZkZTYlhvbnpHRHNMZWRZd0VCYk1QNURvVG9aYnhhaTdZRXJhOE83QWlr |
VMs? Aren't you losing a lot of hr from virtualization? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMG9hUTJfZWFGQjZKZ0JBbC1RMHExR2RmUkJLVmJqZDItcEN1MHN1RmN2VDZOTUVmMmR1THA0T3pIV1pPMzNVbnptXzEtS2NpTEFMbFVNZXBDRVZ3dUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeDNqdHlIY1VVVVZkM3k1U3ZMWjBYdXBCZEtiRVZCNTNDNXdVcnRvd2pJTmRrSGFRNDFoalhxZlFDTEFXSC1pWnUxRnkxbXlKNkVLNVVCLVcxbUdBZTAyZkF3T3o3WUxyRHZlT1VXNVc5UEg2OHVJeGdCUXF1REVXcjR3OVVyRjBKdzF3YklvdlpFUU1pLWJROGk4emxzZTB6RU9kQ3cyMWJiazhGUzJkRXpjc0xLcXNmWVdFVTAxUDBtcXRQdUsw |
650W for 140KH would be extremely efficient | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUFdIQzhMV19yOXZXdkdkdnBxTUI5MkhjS1RpeWlBR2RqenI4WVUtLXpJZGdkeEh3Z0h5OHFUOTFVUHliMmRnVHFyUC1aWkpybVZEdUR1TFk1YjkwV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOVVDNnZWMGE3bDNDSzNnSTFkUVdiaWVqYTBSQ0s4VEpYeUdDYk5HMk9tR1RIWXZ4SmRaWkp0MW5FLUVhT2dQOUZLb3F5cmV5b2FnMlRwTUJqSHpuYWE3QktmdmJ0ZUZfZEJPaVdVbW8wTTRuTXBGN3hqU0JfQXdQV09xWm5fblFGZVlqckVZU2ZadWtpWFE5a2laZHNVNDdOVlhJbG9aLWJYZEJCdUQzcmZpOTJIRXhvSTNncW5xSENQQjJteFR3 |
Thanks for the response. | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVzlDaXFQNlR6aldtS0RmckV6Sk9nMFhGRUNDTEo2NmpIQ2YyQkJLc0FzSVpKYmoweTdIeUFQdU5QYkhHT29ReUhmeURHc0dUSmhGQjV5c1VFenpkZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZjhQY21ueUtBcXNyYnM3RnVRN1hkZDhqa2FQLTRabVRIdGFXa1JTS3J4bThzWUxyaDcyRzBOMGNzNC1GNWtkOFd1S2dyR3NGa1BCZlN1TTVpZjVZcmFxNDdfbldienh2dmk0M21LWFBMRGtzcWNIaHlDNVkzSU0zNVVobk8zd1VSZGRiTlhFR0NteUlXREZRWFR1NTJveWJ2MWFkdHBLLXdFWlNBeTdjT3BSeXBNLVR4X2hKMEQtSlZPZnlWLWVa |
Given the success of the previous MAAMs ([see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/search?q=maam&sort=new&restrict_sr=on)), let's keep this rolling.
The principle is simple: ask anything you'd like to know about Monero, especially the dumb questions that you've been keeping for you every other days, may the community clarify it all!
Finally, credits to binaryFate for starting the concept! | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOWlSd0V0ZUQwQWlwMG9XM3MwRDRCd3Y0c1pKdm8wcEJoWm10QU9kUXJud0tqTXRhTV9QU19BdWFnYW5GSjViR21veF9fdkt0LUFKY2dPRldOdi12bHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodnpBOVpNZUp1QUxndFVNcmdfbDBiTzgwWTY3RGhvREJnc3RBemdRNEJfWGdHb2xfdlZFTUFtWmV6R3IwR2ZKSjJIdnUtUG5SbVNnUmloSldrUDhIWmFSWlUwMEhKZjNtVklhenBiZXc5Vmx1NTF1YWVjcEU0S19ZUVFVV3dvS0dObXpwNjVfZllCNlZuS1pjY2hndmdtM2F0Vk9OXzdyTWhJUVp4SjBCZDhBNFUwc0FUQnpTNXRyUHR2bEsxVmR2dXY3ZDY0eE1nanFkVXNfX01aUzRFQT09 |
It's a nice evidence that Monero is untraceble, though. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSnRleWMySHdrVlNva3FkeFBubTR0MWtRa1lscXJnWk9ZN2dZOXRDMHA2bUtUTHc1Y1RzRy1YUHdoRnIxQnEzRXVHUGZJZFI5a2hSZ1R6TGc3aGVFOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMXJ3T1NXUU5aMXBpakktOGQtdzBoWGMtZ3M4MHZkVmlfMWNyOVYtWW8zTjNkWmpxVVVyOE04RDRNRzIwX1JPVW8tdzVGZmFGQTlSOFVwVHlSVEVsR1FIWi1yN3RXZ19uX21PN0U5TFg1cEFqMG4yRWw0cU9ORkZZUUYyMWpNczREWFdhSndlUGZtM3pTcWZzdmZUVW1xZ0diTFRSRTY0LVJEZ0dpOUgyd1c0ZFVkWk5JZmlxQnNVRldtVjhVNjIta2lITVpGVlhDUmN1U1ZnLUNqeXVNUT09 |
The screenshots speak for themselfs… | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOEJjQ0tQckQ1OWNDNkViYzZyeDFEWHJwaDI2WjJTVEZvU2s1ZHJfN2ptM1YtbEVUeWgzREhLdERQMERZVk56ZDZ4Nm5TS3RSTFE0NVk5aWxLVEh3bm1Zc1hwM29PLWVVUU1PTDFhV2M4WEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOE41VXRrUWZlRFppNXVUbHNTVU1LNnMzbHZHRXIwbG04QmFqMGU3Y25YLVlzMjl6NHFMMlllaFdKVkVYdXpHeGM5LVBSbEFXbEQ0NFFQWWpPbkwtX1JvRENHYmNrN0o5ZjktZFZDT3pRMmhEcERHTVpLNGRwZnc4aXpIdEF5dFJJOUtqQTByc3QwQ1piQTRadU5JZGhIZnloZVRhMi1uWWN6WjI2M1FfTlp6WW9yajFlbkU0bWNNVFRtX29Gdmo2UmpkNnBMQnFMUHZiMGJ5bEFjSkh3QT09 |
You’re thoughts are welcomed | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUDRzQm9mZmlEM19CbHlSTTJZbGdJd2VWRkk0Z3BfaHJOUk9aWHBWX256OTF6TTdpTV9rc2w0Y2pkcFRqN19fVENtTXpJQTNHelBnTFJnZ1hwZDU5VHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWklRemw5aDRxQjRpQnVKYTZOZVZjNk0zb2VlVjJvaV9VNEl5ZmN0VnhzdlJZZzVjSk9tUjlFQng5TlF5MDN5bTJ4cmJrUUNZNEpFeWoxbnFjQTlqNkJvdF94bV9Kb3l1RWM1N1l0RDFSemxoU01MRUJFc3BHY21mTmpuSFRPelVXWk1JTWFtQkNnaTVnUS1EcVJLTUFnWE1wRGZjRllvZldLSDdkSnpwR3c2aVRuekRqdjBfU3JGX242M3NyeEotZkpBNjdmNkhaS1lUZFVIQldfdm5Mdz09 |
If 2021 ptsd has thought me anything, it's that any day could be your last day. I remember 2021 where right after the summer all cryptos were exploding like crazy. Felt like a fucking mastermind and kept making screenshots of my gains. All in on Cardano and XRP. There had been huge dips before, and every time it happened, people kept saying "It's just a healthy correction after all the growth we've had". And every time they were right; it DID go back up, and not just to the old price before the dip but even higher.
But then around 15 november (literally still know the date from memory) it dipped again, HARD. I kept buying dip after dip thinking I am a genius, and once this mf goes back up to the price of 1-2 weeks ago I will make thousands of profit. But it kept dipping again and again. Damnit I must've had bought my 16th dip by the time I realised that it's too late. We've entered the bear market again and my position for the next 3 years will be to hold these bags in one hand, and this L in my other hand. At one point my bag was from 30k initial investment to 12k (swear to God). Then at the start of this year finally after 2,5 years of stress and praying to see at least my initial investment back, I finally was in the green again. And once again I got greedy and thought, nahh this time I'm gonna make at least 2 x my initial investment, and then I'm out. But again... it dipped like a mf. Then last week I was finally in the green again... and again it dipped like a mf. I'm just here to let people know that any day could be your last and don't get greedy for more. Take profits, or at least take your initial investment out. Don't be a bag holder and carry stress for the coming 3 years like I did MULTIPLE times. I'll be damned if I don't take profits next time I get a chance. NFA. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodzF3SzJNLTg5R0hzUW9WNTFrVjZLV3d2d25PcUFBb1piMG9wUXNHSHBkR2RPSkUzREVxc0JTU0VsQ3lEX1BGbklBMV9lbVBwa0Z3NWNBbDJqSzhCNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYlVSWUNPa3g0d2tVa3BsQUg2Uzg2aEdMYkotaS1PdkNxbGlxbDB1TkVTZUFObGpEaDNYX0plZ2RfdUdCOUg5XzlPc3o3NVZZeXliYjFfY3pVaHNhRU5oNl84R192aURDMkV3Z2h6SDQ4c0xUUlVxWFEycXFXbUJ2YXJWVFFGdHlIb3lXY2c3aENFZm1XZS11WTljcGZ3THZqb2RUb19lVmJDTWwxOTlhZm9LdFk5djBLTWV2NTdjdnFkUDZ0MkRk |
Hey all,
I am a complete noob but just wanted some support.
I purchased BTC four years ago but cannot remember which wallet I purchased it to. Is this now long gone?
Thanks everyone. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa2IwZ2U4aTE3RldLSFc3M3N2SXhQS0hLNkNodlEwZFBHOEJZTzJjdXVub0hSOTdfbzlRN0txWDNkZDVTQnJDZk5Fb1lHbDYzWnh3TjU0U3pzNmJtb01JM1NNTGd0eXBKUENwV3dGQjJKZ0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWXdINU10MjFaUlFwZENiX3JDN2o3bzZZWG9TLUJnc256TVloSnhseXpaeEw3a3dDaWVXcnMtQVFFWWttd0Y2aXduTTlXMEkwM1Z3ejVJOTBNVGNtS1VSLXB2ZEVybmhkN3FfeHptN3M1ZW44WTNYR2F1YThaSVN0OFJjSDI2YjB0d2d4MTJJS0VEWWt4UFpZekR1ZXQzRS1ySHh2cDc5cU53MTg5VjlDYnROZWY1OTU1RlZiOTFKQXlSbXZ5SDlR |
I have this weird feeling that even if USA government buys a small percentage of BTC as reserve currency and also if many investment funds/banks/institutions and whatever else exists buy millions of Bitcoin, I still have a feeling that in the next bear cycle somehow BTC will still manage to drop massively ! Even if these investors are for the long term and don't plan to sell each bear cycle. So why does BTC magically drop?
How does this even work on a technical level? The Wyckoff whales can no longer manipulate the price so easily, right? USA government won't sell during bear market for sure. So who then?
So, who are the main drivers and massive sellers of the bear cycle?
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYXRENTFhVlhScmdyT0NTRTJ3QXlaWmpid2RpQkFjYlBxamhPUVhTQXRiYmdMdVRNTzhvYmEzdWdIeVVpeFJISDUxTDM1cVU2UVgzX1dOcnBCZzVfZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoY1RtdElhdnV4MGVtT29UZ09uNnlvUTJYaGdoXzdjUFoxRmFIWnUwZThDTXBoMUczRzcwN2pnVm9aWXpuWV8zTzdjWTRRMVFSR1AtQkRPSTUxWEtPUmZMdXZ2QUFoSENOeGhtRHUybGpfdnI0QkZPN3B6aTEwVl9mMW03SWhmVFRKdUxXTmVuVHpubHhIUkxNYXhhMFJ4VFd5bkF0RlczMFZlUko5SkxHaFpkNmZud0VhUjF1ODlyOTc5clg5NnFlbkFsT09mZlY2SGF6ejgxVHJTTTBJUT09 |
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. [Click here to view the full post](https://sh.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1ha7758) | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeXg2b3ltbndsbGVsZDZBRlJ1MTJGeGMxOWtXNnNuSWE2bGx4LTFKaVNrcUpfLTRGVkcyNGxKYVQzOU5NNnQ2d3g4Q0tKY3prQWtiWmE2azhJSk45Qmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodktESk1oTkptRHF4bmpFc1lWbkl3Wks5VjI4cGdDUHBCdzJyVHNPSHdYR1Q2U0dPVGl4c0psV3M3R2taVWxlQ0w5UVlOczJRMHk3R0xKSnF3aGg4ZVR1ODVuMEZMT0d4WGJYeE5vcGRXN0g4a3dtSkYxWUo1MV93dUttRi1xVGRidTRXbjRKdUNuVlZDWmdrR3pCckk1UElHaFVmUDljbDFwQ1lidlhuYzlXbGpZX2djdUVUcUlWZHh3QzRsZnlFb0dRSENydTNGcEhGQ3NwM21oNV9QQT09 |
Two years ago, my parents (66 & 68) had to sell their house and have been living off the proceeds ever since. A year ago, I discovered Bitcoin, and I realized that they were sitting on a large sum of money with little to no interest, while also spending more than they should. It became clear to me that their money wouldn't last, especially considering they could easily live another 20 years. I calculated they would run out of funds in about 9 years if they kept spending this way.
So, I decided to gently orange-pill my dad over time. Finally, in August of this year, he decided to buy 0.35 BTC with 10% of his Fiat. Now, he’s so glad he did. He fully understands Bitcoin, keeps up with the news and fundamentals, and is determined to hold it for at least 10 years. Bitcoin is now his last financial reserve in case of an emergency. Since then, I've been able to sleep peacefully, knowing my parents will be financially secure for the long term. The peace of mind I have is truly priceless.
So this is a call to action: Those difficult conversations with your loved ones are worth it. You don’t need to convince everyone, but there are people in your life who will be forever grateful for your guidance.
Edit 1: For all the people saying that it is / was to much of a risk for my parents. i (29) promised my dad that i would pay for every loss if he holds his BTC atleast for 5 years or if he has to sell it in a emergency. I offered him to sign a contract about it as well but he always declined. But i 100% would keep my word.
Edit 2: The 9 years of funds are a worst case calculation, meaning the one volatile income stream that they have dries up and they dont cut their cost, which could be easily done in a not life changing way and im on it. Meaning: If all goes to plan, their fiat will be enough for the next 10 years even after the purchase of btc. So holding the BTC for 10 years is definitley possible. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVmRZTzBmRXZXc2tMeWdNYnBLV0Q0bTRFanRrZ3pNOU5scUVIRjQ2YWsyWlJHblRqbDRHZkZHS19GeVNXczNFSE1UYnhjdVczNzhxZm91OUVHNUhxd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaTI4eG1EQThMV3RNcDM5UFNiYjU2UDdvNUE4LV9Wa1F2YThXaVR2cDBkbF9xSE5BMkw5bm1FLXdZMGUxRUFpV3ZGaEZNRVBNcnJ1TlhTR1o4LTR5X3VCS3Q4MkVYbTlNc2h3YUliTnAyUDE4YkZXQlNTeF9pSkNNV1laRm5YLUd6UGR5M0JsdXVJS2JYbXRRbmFSbkRxV2ZUN3duNmx4RVRiZjhEUi1BY00wb3dHSUFHSUY3QllfMEpRVmxnbUtvNy1MS25nYUNLTklRUi1SM0szUTB1dz09 |
Two weeks ago we suddenly had an influx of posts about PL YOLOs and too the moon/get in early stupid info.
There was a nice run up and plenty of talk of 'wait until earnings - it will blow your socks off'.
At the same time a flurry of PR articles came out about new contracts being won.
HOWEVER - The PR posts are for contracts that aren't going to make a material difference and will take time to get the return from. Yes, they suggest that PL's tech could suddenly start winning in new and more profitable areas as a result, but IMO wouldn't be enough to triple the market cap of the company from a month ago.
And then you look at their financials. Between January and July 2024 they burnt $115m net of short term investments to provide cash for the operation of the business.
They had $101m of short term investments left.
Unless they suddenly had an influx of cash coming into the business - and they don't need to outlay cash to tool up or equivalent for any of these new contracts, then I suspect we're going to see most of the short term investments depleted, maybe £30m left under the mattress.
Yes - they would still have $100m - $200m cash on hand - but that's less than one years burn rate based on 2024 rate.
And this right here is why I think this has all been an artificial pump to dump on some crayon munchers, as PL are going to announce some sort of fund raising, possibly through a dilution event which could see the price quickly drop back to around $2. Perfectly acceptable to long term holders as it means they can unlock the value from these contracts that are coming down the pipeline and potential it brings, but bad news for anyone who has jumped on the tendies train for a quick 2x return.
All IMO and not too invested as there's not too much downside ($1k of $4 12/20 puts). | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOFZMeHJVdEc5Wnd6dy1pUlA0Q3lqSlBRQ2pBT1RjSTQwTHNqRlhwWDVJTUV0TFprQkVYOWNDUHNsM0dOTmFCczJTRnIyN2RVcmZLcUNrSVd1UlREVS1rOXo0MGZ2bjBIMU04U3MtVHY3OWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoekgtWTkzdnV3c1YybXJTNXdpZ0hJWFZ3bEpFbVVTbmNmWm5zTFFwR3FodldrdGpxXzMwXzQ3MmVYTTItVmh5Q20zLWJqRlNiNWZzN28zUmNxR0FHRmp1ZjJuQVVGeWJsR3l1bGpyaGZqaXk2Rms2RmRXUElCMUMxUkdEcE1aVEdtUE9nWEdBN1FKTXE1WTNHT1Bxd050OU4xYnRXLXVpNzE3N1lmMURzQlVmSElIeGtSODdYX3ZCS3VMRmlHN3RZ |
I read another post about the probability of the cracking a random wallet by brute force.
Basically, to crack an exisiting wallet in 3 years, the post states **a computer needs to calculate 10\^60 seeds per second**
According to Freethink (https://www.freethink.com/hard-tech/supercomputer-uses-machine-learning-to-set-new-speed-record#:\~:text=On%20May%2027%2C%202022%2C%20Frontier,fastest%20computer%20in%20the%20world. ) In 2022, the #1 supercomputer perfromed 1.1 quintillion calculation per second (= 10\^15). And Google's new quantum computer states it is 241 million times faster than that. This results 2.41\*10\^23. Just to simplify, lets say 10\^23 calculation per second.
that means with the current quantum computer and 1# supercomputer, it will take lesser than 9 years and 12 years respectively to crack an existing wallet.
That poses me a question, **are 12 words seed phrase the safest way to keep bitcoin?**
Currently, other major accounts, such as Microsoft or bank accounts, require an ID, password, authenticator, and often additional verifications, which significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. However, relying solely on a 12-word seed phrase for cryptocurrency security seems inherently unsafe. It appears illogical to claim that a 12-word seed phrase is the most secure method when it lacks the multi-layered security of other systems, like passwords or authenticator apps. Anyone could theoretically attempt to guess the correct combination from the 2048-word dictionary. You just have to hope that nobody attempts your seed phrases. Whereas you can change password regularly, and lock your account after 5 failed attempts / see login attempt details under security section for other major account.
The probability of winning the Powerball lottery is 1 in 292.2 million, and this probability remains constant with each additional ticket purchased. However, unlike lottery tickets, the probability of a successful brute-force attack on a cryptocurrency wallet decreases with each failed attempt. In theory, a wallet could be compromised on the very first attempt. Currently, the average mining cost for one Bitcoin is approximately $90,000, and this cost is likely to increase. What if a state actor like North Korea were to deploy a supercomputer to systematically attempt to crack cryptocurrency wallets using brute-force methods? Or what if major Bitcoin miners were secretly engaging in this activity, potentially finding it more cost-effective than traditional mining?
BlackRock, currently the largest ETF company, holds its Bitcoin with Coinbase Custody, not in a cold wallet. In contrast, MicroStrategy appears to be holding its Bitcoin in cold storage, likely based on Michael Saylor's public pronouncements regarding the use of seed phrases.
**Does keeping bitcoin on coinbase or another major exchange increase security over having a cold wallet? Are there any better methods of keeping cryptocurrency over 12 or 24 seed phrased cold wallet?** | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa1FKX3BMM2FqSEI3YkRiVGZDZXNVWXphQldGaGxuZUZhek1XV2xnSFVJWkxtc1NiOGJxRGFKQzVjU2ZMS0JKOXVTS2IzaVZYWm9LTF9kQVJRelJka0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN3diOXNYbWxCMjVkRlh4N2tiMDQyblFwc3V3LTEwZnA2WnN0V0NxdEstQVVqTUVoUHpxbWpYR1QxUXZJa0wzdDBaVTE1VXdlRmlYOVdybmJ1S1FfUFhEaGI4MVVYVXNpbVFsTDdBVU1xMlVEWVpJRFVWa2JFTDlndVRxcHlNdWhjX25wLW5NNU9NSllLclhtTjhuakRhMVZKTjk3S3FCcDJhVVVmNXdwWmdhcEthdGl3cEVuTkVrUlVsYVBzSFBEV0o4bVBCMlZReUZOSmZ5d0lybzhzZz09 |
I don't know, not that much anymore. The general public doesn't care / isn't informed enough about monero and it's advantages. Muh bitcoin.
Still curious to see how it'll pan out in the long run. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQzJyU1QteHlyUE9xRTM2aldJNTJLbTROa2pLTVREcVFISkJpd1lxMGI2NW5UZE91bDhQUlkwT1cxcC1RdXNFdlVVRXhHamxTRUg5eWJPU1JzSU11cFZkTm1MMUJpN2lRVkVRdHB6U3Z6ZW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoelNjVjVuY0xLMkVsX1NleDNfalBhQ1MzYjR0RlVORjgzZm9tXzhVaGJDSlRSaWZQemtJXzNDZC1MVXdUNzVGVG04NnQySFJtbmtpQWtHLWxfalFYaUFldDI0d1lhTy16VTJtR2VGSERZTHp0YXUydHR0VG1ldmd3RkNXSklqakx1WHctbGtteDJqaVlJNWs4SXRKd1piTE9HcjNrb0ZBeGV6b194VnFndU43OGNWLXRBcUtOa0JVU2x5M1E0OTls |
It’s been a couple years since I loaded my seed phrase into a wallet like Blue Wallet.
Any best practices or security risks loading it up again, ie. most secure wallets and platforms? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobXZOam9xeEhFOXczeUJzVjQxN29SMEtoRDFPQjdVZnQ3Nl9VNTlwWlhPbkEwNGJzYlNCZEJldUNtV0w3XzFNUnlrU2xvZG1CeGRwM09FOERlRDdfS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQTZscmFNTDJsVVV0WmlTRDZwZzhZRDU1cUZjajlnc1ViejAybVZRNG9qNFhnZ1pnREF2MjdkVHVqeDE0b2x2MDhOQWVkZDRoTFB6T3ZzRmJHSlc0YjFCRWNuVk96QUpVRjN2YjZ0RWNZTDR2d0FCYkkzeEJIWkwzLTVxb3ZXZHdSejRDakF6QW00YkVBQm44aG1qaUVLaXoyVG9xU09iMm9KOThkWWtPaGVFdHBhN05FVTFmMGs1SVFMcF8yYWc5 |
Quick post.
I've been staking with Sol (on phantom ) for several months, I tried to unstake, then re staked, I think but now I don't have the ability to withdrawal my tokens. At the bottom of each stake screen thing I have written in red
> Not enough available SOL to unstake or withdraw.
There's >4 Sol coins in a few stakes. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSmpNZ0RYYms4Znc4b3FqaFhRWlBNektsLVdRd3JsLTc4RC11U3RleElEaFdadEJ5ckU2Z2l4ZkVJbkZvRDR1d2xnb2o2Mkpxa19wUXM0TWRLWnVVNkZVZTIwNWJBcy1hUFhnNmpHa2s3UFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobmJSa2c1ODVDNnJDaGYweldFYmxITXdqM2NjRy1abk5DWDNBWEY5NnlseERwRUZWQ2pTMmw5ME5yVTdNRXpqYmJDN3p2bm0tbzZiWGpRakFjWS0zQXMtV05xc29kdi1sbWw2aDBPMm1ISEttVTRyeWV0cmxTOUNOM05uNTk2YVp6SHlLWGo3SGRqZDM0Q1gwQzB6S3dlYjRjMTUyaUtaVnlYNndldEFkemItLWNDb05JRWVnb3BmMm5DbzloUE9r |
I'm just getting into Crypto and have no idea where to start in terms of choosing an exchange. To preface, as a complete beginner, I'm planning on putting in \~$200 (will probably DCA but for now, just assume a single $200 sum) spread among the a few big coins such as BTC, XRP, and XLM. I have little to no intention of frequently trading and just plan on letting whatever I put in sit for a year, watch it and hopefully gain some experience + learn some valuable lessons during said year, and if all goes well, get a little more involved afterwards. (I also simply don't have a lot of time as a relatively new college student 😭)
Apologies in advance if any of these are dumb questions but at the moment, I'm looking at Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken and honestly feel like the more research I do, the more confused I'm getting. I'm particularly worried about fees as I'm only investing a small amount and from what I understand, smaller amounts typically warrant much higher fees? Are fee amounts impacted by how frequently I deposit, buy, and withdraw as well? Since my I am planning on just leaving it there, should I even be worried about fees at all? I also remember reading, but not quite understanding, a thread somewhere that recommended using USDC instead of USD to avoid fees?
I'm also going to transfer everything after buying to a cold wallet, which I understand the concept of but not so much how do about doing so yet. Recs for those would be great too.
And, what's the deal with all these Pro plan options? Are they worth purchasing for a beginner like me? One in particular is "Coinbase Advanced." Everything I've found explaining it is somewhat vague; I read somewhere it is the same as Coinbase Pro, somewhere else that its a better option than either, and another that its ideal to use them at the same time??
Any insight and/or tips are welcome and appreciated! Thanks for bearing with me!! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSUx0bTlkVVNvSEkwaFNaT1I0anRzMC0xRHh3ZGgyVTZIeE15SmpDWGN6N3B5ZHIwWHdpT1JSVXNNbVFGWDZaZHMyb2VyUXY4UUN2UW05bzZraVhjNE5YYWZDWktQNHcxQVpxWnZfT0tfdm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVGZiSVR5YUNGMmhTN2V5cWU5N2dQR05HTUk3ZjNfbHZkbXRFdDFWVngtdkNzSkxfS3B0V3Q3YldaRzBYNnRXQ1FsXzZUX3JXV1ltLUVnUVZYbUVzUkUtVk8wWkRpWXdWWE1hdzI4S3ZhSm5UYzljcGlaZVVXckJIZEY0Y09CUkUtTUNzenVVZmlvaTJLUWtGNEhpUjMxejlCQjItOXNQWGFlNndRelNSbGtEVk1lU3p6VmdERy16R2dmYVVVUXV0 |
You need to use https://p2pool.io/mini to get any rewards with your hashrate. It's decentralized pool mining so it combines the benefits of solo mining with those of centralized pool mining. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoM1IyWVVzLUxlMUQ4VW13YTJubHNDSWVwZ2ZDcUVXMHBvdmg1M0NLWkNiSEJEUHJ3aUx1ZHV1dmRVZERMWTMyNFhJcktvRVdXWTFSTE4wSnhvNzJlVW5QM0swZ1BrYjRkbWlBUXpBN0VQZ1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobDQ0eHZmeE9GdnUyZmhmdHdVTmMybnJ5MWVsRTk4X1N4VXNDR1JucFdJZjg0NjVpTVBpTzd2Z1h4ZGJuNktONzJfd0JEbmxBT193Nm5Yelh1YUJReHZkczAtWlcySWExV2N1U0FvYWZpU1ZadUVtQVU5MWozUFdzX1Fhdl8tR2pOREx3UUg1TnV6SDd5OVpIMGQ2M3F0VjdDZVUtNmxQcWxmaFVZWEdxNWJZLU9RZjY0ZURXWURzcEJadWFhQkoz |
What’s your go to news for crypto markets and different coins?
Who are the best commentators/people to follow?
Looking for less about analysis, more about the fundamentals of projects, macroeconomics etc. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodHNYOURYZ1pwcU1FUU0zejVDUlFYbGhSd1gzc0NoT3I3WGNidC1GU0ZDeENwRFRKS2xjVUgtMEpCS1hXTWRPQnUwQUkxR2pWUUtldUxwckFWN3liTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRUxIMjVUMFVEVWVMSlA1cWhxR2tXQ1pqTTZLT1VZQVFqdi13UEtEN1NuRTRuMTNwLWJSdWlkN2tlQng1UEdDaGZiS0lmbFN2ZXRjd1VZVEdFbkJXMUN0VEIwTHFjVzRqSVhBblo5X1VNdFkxWW13U25sanJoVlIwU3Q4b09ydXNRUTdiZTR3N044QWczRmFXNTU2RHdRN3BKMnhNc3JRQUdpU1FIZllQQlBrPQ== |
I think I might be able to answer this question as I operate validators in Polkadot and Kusama.
1. I recommend creating a session key (also known as rotating keys) via the CLI as outlined in https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/maintain-guides-how-to-validate-polkadot#option-2-cli. I guess you can also do it from the web interface but I've never done it. You don't need a proxy of any kind for this. Creating the key is a process that takes place in the validator itself, not on-chain. This key is then associated to your address by calling an extrinsic (more details in the docs).
2. It will take around 550 Gb in total in disk space and you should leave some more space available for future growth. You will know when it's synced when you see lots of "Idle" messages in the logs, or you don't see messages such as "syncing".
In order to make some money by validating you will need enough nominations, which can be very challenging. Here is my website in case you or anyone else wants to give a nomination to any of my validators :)
[https://www.honeystake.xyz/validators](https://www.honeystake.xyz/validators) | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS0VrN1o5WFQ0SHVzTG1TeHozU01CaGFjQTZXMlR2cDdZSnZoQ1VyUU1DcjVjLW44WDVwV3BwMTJjTFhGRG0xWDFoQ09JWnhEV1dhSHhvd0U3WVhTRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaHROakZzcEFFSjFRVVdSY2tmTjJTeTFCbDhXSVNScGRhTkpDdEV3bm1QLWdzSWlZbUxyRWpVQXF4NVY0d2Q3dHBvTEZTam1LenhwYk5ZcWlCTk5tcG0zb1NxTTFnLVhMXzJHLWgwVWZacWN1TWI0VVB0VWZaaFozMzFTTkthd1Bsd2lsYW0wM05IQTZ0X3NPWDhPdkF1NmJNNzVkaGdjX3F3eVg2UWtyTTJTQ0ZzWlRUVExWOHg0V3BraFl5SF9i |
Please re-post to r/monerosupport | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYXhpOUVNMGJVNVM1QjNqc3VQZVpCa1hFRmpqU0Y2UGtKWTNVb2NNZkk3YUFENkdWUDJJbFZNa0YtS1liWktJOXZBMWl5dmZDTjJIUVByYmpYQjhvUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYkR6MFJYRmU3cl84MjR4cGsxRUI1WkQwdk9UeHQ1ZUpzd3ZvLWE0ajh6WnhoSGc3VGxBb29vQXM4Tm5JZkc5bHMwVkdTYlhUUGNjenN5U0lGWTh5ODRrYURBRUJpTVd4bWRpbXJid1l0QkJLQVhXYWFwN1hhNG1jaEZucU40NzFrRFJJZE9mRXJ4ZmVtb2xBTVpONkVYVlNXZGgtZ210ektpSS02N3EyMG5ZPQ== |
Regarding point 3, git itself is already decentralized so not a massive issue to have the main repo there, we already have a backup on gitlab as well.
Regarding point 4, simplex is not designed for large groups. In the 2024 Monerokon talk, the founder talked about how it was planned for groups to be maybe 25 people, not 2500. Encrypting public chatrooms just slows things down, introduces a bunch of issues and doesn't add security because anyone can just have a bot join and log anything anyways. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQzJlSGprRTRfWURpN1RDWEp5eklXZnZRSWcxcXB4RGVWTklZYVQxelpZclVXYkxicERLR3hPZnNCenFQeXR1TUtVZFhjaHJIVmZ6Zm1KNEV2Mk5LT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUU1wZkFMaExVM0dKVjk5eV9WeXppYkRNLUVGNGNla085azZXUHlPa3o4TGgzRkM0MXotM3hlOFBGQlBJYzh4ZVFFd1d6R3RqVklocks2Z2ZVbUlkeF9EZldoWXZqbFROSkZKZ21halcxNzJVdHN6VVJDaTlQVldFNGs3TEJLT1ZLYzZrZjUyMzVnYlhubkxUaE9BRmY5S0RYS2FqRVlaWldyeWQydTBXc2hnTzJSR2I3REFjcC0wZGF0RkNNS1VF |
Please re-post to r/monerosupport | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMEhJeE1QQzV3eGllM01QYkNxdHFiNVZPMHJ3aTI5TTgwN0tqR01JTlJsd0xTaUk1bnBSQk9kMFE2MFhINjdSaWhkdkc1YUVZQVREZUxKRUkxVXJMUEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS1RDZ1hHOVI1UGZxMndOV0xfQWNOQjdVLThwZF9vSzBsZVVtaUlESmVBTFhESlBoTjg5Z0hjZy1KV01ZRzR2NzdWVkkwVXVBT1ltZ1J5XzdkWVlXQjhpMzRxamRMV0NuXzJ3RXJta0R4bjYtT0JrQVFLUU1HUVNhenkyMlRlR3QxXzdMdGRlQWpLOG5DcFdUdW5Qc2liVWZScEZZWWwyRE5CSVBiY1IwMW1CV016YVQ5b1lyY2pSZmpXeGxMMU5nWkMxYTE1X0kzOHFKZlVHZWtjbXl0Zz09 |
Please re-post to r/monerosupport | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoXzhlZDMyLTl2WDhScWczMzFyVWxDdFlRblQ5R0tyV1NDd3hjOTdhQWNoS3pMUDZnYXFOZXpWN05mSWp6eEdNeENZaldOSzZKUERTUmF5S2tQRjdIV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU25vamVoUFp5VFEzcUkxZ1NsRnRXZnlBWkNreEpIdFVYRXpHTDNscDlEZ3hfNGJaQ19PVzNWYXJqQTZ4Wm9fRnBQTWlsMzRySmV0cHNiX1pqZlRZTnVuYWhfeHMzNnZwdUpLNFpHaERtekxzOFYzTU9oYmNtWXBuRzJGTDZ0MjU0NGk3V2xZRHhGQXVzM2JucEhianhRemxaNXVVYzlkeElNbkNLQ1dHZ0VuV2FuQVp3R2dua3Fmd0Z5TWlDSXgzelZ4MWVYRVBXNHB6dmFialJGZmgtdz09 |
This is a comment I found on a reddit post.
"Just leave it on Coinbase. There is a fundamental idea that Crypto should be held in a wallet or a safe. But I don't think so, Coinbase is a huge traded company. People with this idea are usually paranoid and there were a lot of shady exchanges back in the day. If you really think Coinbase will lose your funds, that same idea is just as probable as your online banking getting hacked and all of your money sent out to an offshore account. Just like someone could get a hold of your Venmo ,cash app or PayPal and send themselves all your money It's pretty ridiculous to be honest. If you don't trust a major exchange than bury money or crypto codes in your fucking backyard. You have a much better chance of hardware failure or losing your crypto keys on your own than Coinbase losing your money. There's is billions of dollars being held on Coinbase, I think it's safe but it's going to be up to the owner to decide. Like I have said before, this paranoia/confusion leads a lot of people to not invest and grow the market. It's bad for everyone. There's new money wanting to enter the arena. We don't need to relive those old negative assumptions that crypto is
Do you agree with this? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOXg0X2x0Sjhfb0liN3NOX1NVSGhYalFQX0lxRGxubEhqRjRkbTFmWlh4RG8tenRYVWRfcXA3VXAzNXBRSTY4ckRVQlozaVpXRTBQdmJOMk14RHhQamc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTDAydXZQZl9YU2pYVUItZEJtMllTaE9Dd0Zhb2dTMlZZMEdjNzFheWpCMEpBWmI3SlJCU2JTQlN6dWNPOW4xNHRvUE1lYk1Kbl9Fc1J5SC1hUHhvcWktS2R1RTFNY25UV0lOYm9mSkdkcVhWR2V6LUNGRnNMcVU2NE1aVnBTWXFLcUFJTlFieHBTWEpmaktsNTJtREtNa09OM0I1d2hKa21vWGJtc3BSZHhCZ1c0N3JTZGk4Y3lKOVBwZDZNbDRW |
Algos dipped chips due to Chinas investigations on NVDA. It seems like they are frustratet not getting the King of The Chips :(
China's market regulator has opened an investigation into Nvidia over suspected violation of the country's antimonopoly law, the regulator said on Monday.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ21UT1dWUWNjX195MXVwalF4VFhKZVF5X2p0QlAtQmxWaF9hbFpLdkVoTEFEdFByR25PRmxHU2FqaE11U1k3UU03Mk1YQ29RdWxKSWd3d29HXy04Ymc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMkFHNlFmRHQwN0lVZWliWmxXMU56YldlRHo4Y3doRDJpbkFrT3ZReGdrTTQ3N0FZSHIwODFfTDlnd1VIdzI3UVREZVFMR1VhOEoxQUlDdEptUWJ1MHQ2T1prRnRyX21ZVjAwZUpVQnUzd1hsZ1Rua05WNzRVeDBBN3RKQUl4aDhmeEE3dUg1SHA4N1FvT3NweWRLN3lwTkFQZk5pOXlYdklKMEJWNmhZOHBybVRfZjdjbVNMNEVhQU9xdU1RemFk |
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. [Click here to view the full post](https://sh.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1ha855k) | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYnNyUU1hNnJnR1VNUzZFaTJ5bU5fWmlheE9KX3ZtV1h5RHBSbUo3SzhlWS01OE5zeFpleS01aEZZNWZlbUFUZlprMXJyM1dzd1B5TGJEWkE5Z1p6Z1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeFdHOTU4SG9EMlR1THlQRXo2MzNpNXlNc0hIM19UVGNoVXBDaFpVN2d0dTVaOWlGSTVjb2RNSnItNEdFbjBhVWNTRzZDbFM4TUo2ZG05TlhZbXlNNDZXZnNJSHVPMXpQMXQyb0U4RG9Rek9CR1BId2dnMkF4b2lVLUcxaktoUU1BdnQzalJvNDZXR01GaDNNeXByVWVPWnk0aDljclU0ZXdzZkt3aW5QZUN0Y1JsNFpPeW5fVnluVlFoenFwZ2E2dWpXTUNXTzRVZFBLdGFNN3B0UkJEdz09 |
A little push back for point 3, i'm addressing the github aspect not git. That page specifically says github is a point of unavoidable centralization. Gitlab too follows a spoke and wheel structure where we are relying on a central point. A monero repo on Radicle would actually be decentralized, much like monero itself.
Point 4 is well taken, it is slow in some of these rooms with 100+ people. Perhaps we will never improve on irc haha. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodExicC1SSFlWRlRmWWl5cmVYcnlsX0h6bXA1eEk5ZVp0cktrQUI2bkRmWnFOVG52Rms3UkwxMnRIRldJZUw3RE9IcDFSTUlyM0xsVGxmeDE4Q0xDNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMDJWSDhuSVBYYzJNWjExdUtuclZScDlwQU5CZFhxZmtDeFlEems5UHN2MUMtZXlQendmLUN2dEZwbVRMbF80Qlc4WGd2VnRGb1I3Rmo4ZHJnSVRONlZNN0VmTFRxR3dZNkdDYzBpcGQzWWxNbkljeUVXUm5BaHRtTVNndTB3eWk4Rkc0YU1VUm03WmVlSWF0ZnVmTm1CWlZjRVZxTHowVnNMcVdoOGxBUE1vTXZNTTR6MEtTRmZ2d3ZxbXdURGdO |
00 | r/bittensor_ | comment | r/bittensor_ | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR3M3TjFXckZNT2JWeEVzN0RxTzktbXNPWEN6VmVFZ1RuSVRDaF9mX2REcmJNSGpIN2lVWGJCUUtYeVMtZ2FLaUFiTkpWcWE3eThja1luMVEtcmUycXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodVQ0XzJpLVhGdnpWRGV5dlF4ZVJNc2VERkJyaVJjT1oxY3BYSDc3cVFLZWRXaDg5MnVydm9hcndPRlBMMktOa2Y4MEI1OUZiakZaOTVDamg4OG4yMHZnaDNNSU9Wak52d21IMElyMWxLcGl1MUJKZ21yVGtOWFhRSlh6dmZOdXpoZzE4SlRidXlqRkJIbW5TTm0yVGctdlhwbnFFQU9lN3VLQ2J1aUlUYnNIb1YzSmEzdm1UOTNaREkzc2RINlFnbGhWLXJrU2I5LVA4bUR3QWU2cVJNZz09 |
>Unlike next-gen Layer 1 blockchains that operate in isolation—Movement introduces a solution designed to enhance Ethereum's possibilities. Movement directly integrates with Ethereum, leveraging its robust network effects and security while simultaneously expanding the pool of secure and innovative applications. Through Movement, all Move developers inherently become Ethereum developers.
>Movement developers announced the launch of the project’s mainnet beta and a token generation event for the native token.
>The mainnet beta represents the first phase of Movement’s infrastructure setup, involving deploying essential components such as RPC nodes and indexers. | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYllyOG44VkxGNTRQSGt4czNIVldGVEY1RDN0U2RWMXFHeXRJeU5sYVU0RkRiT3dNdGEzTlJUekFlb05WbnlBMVIzLXdkU0VncktZUnZpdjF5NVZGdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoREFvMWxzRWNFM1JldHY1Q3N2SWN2aWZaQUxYaDIzQWZxcFJ2bDBqRldGZTQ5cERvSkNxNEhhTjNLNEFiV0dnZHFQVUNlZ1BCSGhycmlpaXk0MV9QaHBrdXo1WU55TklJdEU4YlVCemNJOVExU0hQNUpHZjhKNElNU2tPRTZhTmxVcmVJNUhjSXBKWWt6WUhMWkNHblBObU9oTkNSbjRWMUdtZXlpZ1BfdW1UQVJyRXE0YUJYSDIyVWk1OVRDakY1UFpsOURqOGUyZHprOXd6Z0RNU19Jdz09 |
🤣🤣🤣🤣 | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVzdyQVZfdHc4akdDdnl2UkRvQWt5Zjl2em9lMGFhZUhmeVFtLWJwRlF0ak9SLVZiVU5zcC00a3MwOXJUcXVtZ29maVBmQl9TaWEyeHFTQ3hEVkZNdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRldkUnlpTFpyY3BpbGpsMFdzNHAtRFUwQzhVN2Ywb2dBZlN5UElwaTZueEVaWWFkYTJiVTFCZncyS1E2TmpscW5NS1BLNDVHRC1nUnpSWlVQdktEaHVtSVo0LWx0aXlpUV9NRzhUQkpKT2JmR2tDb1JXTDZodGYydDBiWG1kcm1udTQ2TDhaN0t2SUZLLWNLMjNwQ1pLdW9SVmxRTnZQdnU2YnFJYmV2QWVPN3M4M1RaczJtSWQzQkZYd1kxcTRGU2RsWkEtckJ0aDlUbm5uY01GQnkxQT09 |
Photon simply won’t let me connect my phantom wallet on my ipad. Instead, it takes me to the Phantom app browser which has terrible formatting. Same with Raydium. I’d like some sites that have worked for you to connect my wallet on either safari or Chrome with my ipad. Thanks for any help. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTmFPdzl2NGkzX21pbDFnRlFiZ1JHRUhtWHdoQ09DaFV5QlF5djlMMGl1N0RUOEtxeWNGX0RjclJSRV9iTjBDaG9fM2hhMmJUdkRHOTMyYVpYWUxQMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaGlJeDk0U0ViakNhMVdiSEJXZHhlVUdBN3VqXzN1UjlzWEdETDZPZkgxYldGNXl4dXRzN2U0TkoxT041ZV9KOWhFb0VpVkgtejN5c25tYV9iUUpzeTFfN1NrVXVZSHNzR3ZZQk9GazVGOGxIR2lLQ3pDWkpYbU1NcGF5UFhpWWZsVWVEa2dtUjdLejBTbi1rel81S1EwOEpnYl9rbnBKcWNYMzMwdGszeUZXRWVrckRUaTQ2bzJnZGo4QTFkd3BW |
No. Unfortunately everything that makes it Monero will stop and limit this. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodG1xX1k5LUlLWGtPd3F2LVUySmdpTm0yVWFIT3AwdkVCYjNQVWd4TlE3RHJPUnloWEtXTmhzVEdIMEZqeHFTZldtVVEtUXZmU0hGWF9KV1RIZlQ5c2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRzRjVTA2OHdWNHdqdkhKUDFUYXp2bW9hOFptWVJxS243RTVIR2VzNXRRMGk3aWZzVkpjQS1xM3N2SXd0S2U4cHpIWnl4dko3Smhzc29LYXgzZndhdEktVUFQUXpnRk8xS3VPYm9sRjBmMHU2amJYc3FRaWN3QUhZTndoOXk3a1piSW1Nb3I2TElaRVBwekY0c2xQanE2Z3NidjY5cVFkNlU3TnJGcUtGTGc2bUVxZUxFaVpvSVdOTkFIVjJwWi1FZ3RVWkl4VWFsQTRuSDFVY084TldCUT09 |
AVAX down almost 5%
SUI down almost 7%
FET down almost 10%
ADA almost 8%!!
Perfect opportunity to spread another 1k I think! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNlZmbG9qWFRSYlhFbkRSTVZfWnVIRFBaN3ZaemFicU5YOXpPd2doVjkyWVFzYmF4ajBhS2NTd1cyQUZCQ2dxSFlQYmRNdDlmWVI2NGFfQkVwZnhXcmxPUHZZYmw0blZhLWwwWklxSVp4Zms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSjFHN2tSdURXQUxQa0FuWE1iTHY0MFhtX0twOUVWZ2FuNmZ1RE40WmY0Tm9UV1U5eFVXTTJsWjFtQjJCQlVDLWNvcXAxd19zTlhOQlFVUTRzTEJsNlVfVWhUNDNGbW1ES3ZjSUJoUWdqUWZ2d0g4dG5OYlZFUW9VSjh6bVVodjRQY0MzTjY5TDVYdDNDRXFRaWtwLUxqX3pBajUyY3N3OFloejZYUmRhd0Y2bnhjQ0JtZXc5SUp5MHpoRFJTUVg1RHpFUlFpY0tENUN3MmQ3cUkwWjBkdz09 |
Hi guys I woke up to see my phantom wallet app is randomly un downloaded in the middle of the night. When I go to re download it says a payment method is required. Is this true? I only send funds from Coinbase. I’m not sure why this happened and it seems fishy. How could only that be deleted? What’s going on? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeHRSMVMtYURkTElCRU8tWVE5YnNrUEdHOXRtczRCaFpKa0xnSnk1cWZZMF84LXNLaHF5UWgtajBRUXU2c0tsWlpoTnY5NVEwNFNZQmh4SW03RVc5UVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocmRKZ0tCQWJ0cUhrTFhuS2RIZmtOLXRaNjNhVzVQWURpSlA0WGZZMEF4NW1vRTNRSHBQZlY0MTJlRWNrVjF1Y0dTNmxMZEJRNk85NTR5bGlrUzJYXzdFb0NYRFB1VFRhZEhxSHcyRFc5LWNaWTdURGZ5Y0dYRTlaRmFYYk9pNEl5c2RGZnRwd243amsxVGtyMU94TkM4MlZMc3RmUmRadmxULUZVNmZNT0VuSFlsTmxobEhodlpLYmRLcE90bnZUZzMxRlRqbVQ3UzV1LVk1ekJoTGtLQT09 |
You can dm me to know the reason i will clean the wallet and share the funds 50/50 after wards the wallet will be unusable for safety reasons | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVXhud1hSNnRkRHNWbGxUWFNPTHhiNlZKUVZkck9PZUtGTkc3U24xd0duVldPU2pfdUVSUGczT1ZydE83TExJbTR1UUp6Q0xEX2g5N0F1VjJKU3piWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodHBfOWJQZWdDSmdidDRBMVJRMTdIcXNYZ09rb0JYc2Myb1RYbF9zWnFuX0tSZC1iLWpxRzN2U1BiR0FtUnJSTUVaTWZ2VFBVeGFIRWRMODBBOTljV3dYOFNfcEdaREluQ2JzM1QzT0M4VGo2ZGg3VmV0NFBHYm5oTFh4eDlxSDkta0ZCQ0V0MEFvRzZvbk5uUHB4a3licldabGo4cXNfZWliYlY3SUljbWxmSlFTNTc1Q2xGWFUzeUhIaFhsenlZYzdKNVdSYTdqa0QwRXpDbGtieFVHUT09 |
except the ones i thought about getting but didn’t. those went up of course.
is this what some call wave 4? … as in, this is where it slingshots using the force of the dip/correction to reach the moon right?
but seriously, what would cause such a drop across so many coins? and yes i know it really is more of a correction when you look at it. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobUZEekRFV0VFWHNzeHJhVlhya01QOXYtQzROSXd5R0FfOTNQYS1IRnFDenN4SFpydEhDRnRCdWxSZUlpZ3JRS0VXMXk3SFp2WDEyNjcxVy1PcFZmbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUHk2QjNXaU5OcE15X25jSXRPZkZlQ2xfeVF1UGVYWUFicGc5WTZUYjJkWXUyZWg2dlhvZFJueWNFenFxaVhzajFXbHVJX1FqZEhBbXlNSG1paUNXLW9xbUEtaE1rcFdURUdUVTQ5bGFNZFF1amE1YWowOXN2VEZZR1ZObk56YzQ1eXpYakpBeUpUMEJ0NTNHR2szaUVXNzRqVTFNN3lIUVdrR1lhZldabzRxZU1tMk9WTElWU29HRVNWWG5raFdzUHpNMkV3Q2ZEeDRjR1lLYko5QkIwQT09 |
Green? Blue? Thundersaylor eyes?
250? 500? 1m?
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTDNMck0tdkg1M2dGSHpfdE5od01KYkxmZ1JCUmJzX2VZZURKYkNPVDVYRFRTX3VwR0pOc3ZoRkZONEI1clZKa0EzczlVWXJkQkdUNzc1Rl9qT1lqekt1cGp5YUk3djF4VHF6c1NFYWV6alE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodzYyYmxqaERTdU1lckhQRUVpYkJTT0FDOGVJRGFsVGhTUG1ZVFNzRFI2SzMway16NU5NWHVoM0pZX3JvcmpHQm5ObjFoZVZ5UGxDbEZMT1FBNmlKUmZFTGM1emdDWi02NFRNUHJSd2VTcmZSTXhZUDZ4N2lGcDg4SlRveUhYX1VuSDE4WkRPRUZ2U3I0cHFLRGNpVnY2T3N4UFlMZ1doa2dfQlZxQmNLdXF5MDQxX1lKTzRYVEc0ak5TS1dlYy0tbGVTcTEtZEhraXVRMi1nVzZkcVdwdz09 |
I am 26 years old, work part-time (70%) as a software developer and will graduate from university this year.
I'm trying to put 50% of my income (a few hundred dollars a month) into bitcoin and the S&P500.
And now I can't decide what to do next. Work full time (8.5 hours) and finish school (and earn more so I can invest more), or try to start a business (I've had the idea in my head for a few years now).
I have FOMO because I'm afraid of losing time that I could invest by trying to run a business.
Thanks for your time. Have a great day! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobVJwVU9zSnFNMEgyV0drdFJ5dXlHWnh1OGxiZEFScFFkY042LVFTYXlTelZFR3R6c2NRWWwtVC1JbVZlMmZrb2pyMmJHSXlaMzZUZUVPaC1Vb0QxTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoekcyVFgyYUFLdzVxTzRBc08zMXhHQjIwREp5XzRXUE5KZWpLbkJ3OG5kazlHdkNKU0lSUkptNkNJOFppTld4dmRKWkJxeXVUejRzWjZJSy03ckVYQUR5cEl3WW9KU3Rpek9mMTRteGljaUNkUVpzQXVRS2ZZQWVOcEVyMTYzZ2E3dWhoNHFqa1BNRGVGY0l0Y2ticElaemRqVHV3cF9HUlU5N1BrM0htbE1TUjc1Z2Vtd1B0dDQtdmhkcFllbm1P |
<3 | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoamdKUEZhMnZwMjZmRlN0aHpVV0t3bGdtbFFLX2F3blh6bC1QUjJBNzRvVUtnYnNVSmpMajgyckRYalRVRTRfYWROaEJYaDVsOWlqRGdmQ0tzaEVqd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaGVfZDlBTlhwQTV6YU16WklfNFZLZEg2THJiYUoyVnltYWgwWHpJRXAxc0RuSnd1aGFodUNJSlZtWk9NRW5SSUxONW02WXVBaG1lMjgxWE0zdzVtLTJubmVvN3Jwd2RONEl3VDE1WTJEQVliLURwVmdQY285QzdzZnlNa09FbTF0eUllMTFnelVQQ2E5WWFtNlhqR2hack9SazJqYk1uREtwUzlsZVFRZkNlbUVVRTZUalNDX3ZUMEZGYTlnX3lo |
That’s nonsense, sorry.
The same could apply to fiat currencies: Money in your pocket might have been used to get dope or any other ilegal activity. Guess what, nobody cares. Is just money.
Because BTC has traceability, doesn’t mean it gets tainted over time. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN0JTZTcyRGlXblhjSUlTLWJiYWhnVmp4UzExV3JpTXRRT0RXZDVOUEw3TmQtTmhPTVpiRjliX1VuUm1FbmJLMXpWeF9tSDg4eVUzSXZFTnBLRFZzY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOXVodlk3dlRUZzljbVVPZGNoa1ltNFZrWE9hbVZsaVdsSnI3OGVaeERFLUFGUXNuMWlSbC1ORGhtdTJWZG5Mb0NxVVBfN0lfR0RKbVNoMHJETUhrWEJLUHQyWF9KNFU1TllEblI3MXR6ZDhySG5MVTRWQVNDclJUa2s4NGZQZG1faTVXbUdTQzBMOUJidlBLQjBGMzJzWmI0S2RCOTNqLXoyUFZWbmxsU2gwYVNqSnlwbVVxRkM5Ym1MWGJYaDdmZC1uUTY4dG1Tamg3Mm5mMk82eGR2dz09 |
What's your lone wolf opinion 🤔 Let's hear it😏 | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSHZRYUgyelAyY2lwTFo0MVpsamxYbmVqS29vS1R6d1c5UE1Kb2hDbGZCYkxoTWVFclRubm45QVNJVUplVFlLQXVGS2NJczhwUWU5ZEJQN0NiRjRyYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTnp0R3dCUm5PU2RXdEl1Njc2bGdJWnRSMVgtTVRpTzdFTWZMcndpeTJKNnZTSHVVT0VtdEpSbFpKX2hrZ21EMXMtZE1YRER5ZjRvSHNFUjNjaFdhNTRxT2p5WktxODZXNmRmS3AwUFh5TE5nUTBuNjNYM0dNVUtETW9FY24xRVd5ckxQRmhMelJCTXJCQmlsY3luVGxCU3EwRVBHbzY0b2NPMWdBNEZoVEdGa2xpSXNUMG1GVnZpcVlsZlJmODhUemZ5R0ViMk5PeHU3ZE1ScUJOYk1LZz09 |
This thread appears to be a question. If you have a question how Monero works, try asking in the the pinned weekly thread on this subreddit. If your inquiry is more support related, try our dedicated support subreddit /r/monerosupport.
If this removal was in error, it should be approved by the moderators within a couple hours. Feel free to send a message to modmail if it's urgent.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSF96bnFiQmhaeTNkVjJRUVlBeXllUmJhUXZEZGFtUi1ZbThXNWVWeWlUY3lCdHg0TEZyVFN4Qjl4RXNQYlFkaWxPbjNoUFlPZkhwbUhhV083TXJFV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc3hxRGVEeEk5SnJRMWJ2aUstVV9VUTJiSTF0TGpKU1RxSG1aUVhNWDJ1ZWVTZVZHQUlPSHNmRUVNdWJVQXAwenZjVElUWHpObGlHTmhRenRYcTlmOEhMVDhxN3l2cXBEbVh6UHFyUHhmVDlkLXlfUlhrQjJTMER0c21tbndTU0c2dDJTX3JKM0NOMktyZkNDcm9jaEk3cG1GZGUxQW5LTHNhdkw2RkJxYkZheDBRZkFVYWh5YlV5aWptYTV5bGNS |
I am new to hardware wallets. I would like to store some crypto at home on a USB device but don't know which one to get. It looks like for any of these devices I will have to install software to access it, which is reasonable. And it looks like there will be a recovery key/string I can use to recover access to my wallet, which I can store in a lock box.
I would like a USB device so I can easily transfer it to a new PC if I get one.
Some of the wallets brands are: Ledger, Trezor, Bitbox02, KeepKey.
Which USB crypto storage device would you recommend and why?
Thank you!
EDIT: I will be holding XRP, BTC in the wallet for now. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMWdnVks4UThpbnY1czJtUzFYdWFvZ2J5dlFWMi1QV0E3eHVvblkyN2tLZG9sb1BNN2F4OWVBYmRTUEFXNnVKNkMtV0p0OXN3VXNRc1R2cUVhd0FvYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVlFHeS0zVlBrX3BYUHc0YXk3UGFZTXpZMUpOZnRQOEJsLThicVoxdklFcnFaX0MyTkdWZURTVVNmTmRrdzVuWjBCZjJrczJkSlA4VGxoa0dzUXdMNTlXYnZReXo5a0pNd1RBeDBmSlNXYnpxc1B6Q2I1cGxuX3g2SXRUMWp0WmVPUlFJaFo1ZUxWejZsenBVSWJ2Ul9ieHd0Z0VYNi1RcEltZml0SnJWSmNjbjgtSkhzZlZnQmhXLVF4VDlPd1N3 |
Not necessarily.
If you virtualise through ESXi or proxmox it’s all good my end.
If you virtualise through a windows server, well, it’s kinda pointless from my tests (at least in my case). | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWmE0dUJFdHdHeGgwemJTd21zckdBYS1KR2JTdGZFbHBaaWtEalZHRHhSSURvOFBzSHZmR0tpS3ZWaTdXTE9Tb1ZVRy0tQjBiLWJPQ2ZiTTlfRUJ2Tnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocVc5SThHZWNNZ1BuVzl1SFNDOENNb1NSb09kVFNXVnFZbmJycDFJcGVwd2NHWWFqWkZfQ3dMSG9NZzg4aEJpNUZzNmo2M1ZKX1psZHBHSDMwUDdIZHYxUzdIeFlRdEJrV3ZwTEFHcUFObmdjdU9vcThEMWV6NG5XRWV1emJEVEtVYXhHX0xfcnpTdUc2Z0ItRGswLVYxaXNaNXotNlVwV0NGeENWR2g2WlNBLV9qZ3p6eDJwbVlFRHJRaE95Y2dy |
This account needs more than 15 karma to post
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EthereumClassic) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMkxDanlSS0xOQ3l5cXkyMWpTSUFmREN4V2VSanlybmZBUGFoTHB3TldVLURUQVhvdkFpb3ZxcWZzMFpGdC1WOU95TE9kak1xN1pqSnZ3TGpzaVlwdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSktmWElnS1VuOUxBNFlYOV9MeEFYMmF6RmtNbVpVbVFZUVc5cGxzMHFLSnBIaWNxMTRuTU1DTk9fVVlKYk5WemNfTWtubXhzVUxiR2xDc0h0Y290TVQ0MG9MNndHdEFFbENVQVlVUDJzckQyQ0YxQVNIdlhwVkJxOUFVSTlTSF9aOEhKVUtTc1ZUUUlWUG5ZTzF6V25taklGX2phbk5KTjN5MWJUS1hwQnZjPQ== |
I’ve heard a lot about Mordinals awhile back and the negatives of it on the blockchain.
Where can I find some of the Mordinal collections that have been created on Monero though?
Also have steps been taken now to stop Mordinals in the future as I know this was a big debate but hard to find information. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobHdfMUcxZDZ0RVFVSTlmb3RzNDlXU3ExODJ1ZU5IWEgtUkpDLW9rbFFJZWR4S2ZpN0pvbkVVak0tRk51eFFCekdLeDZkMzJyTzFXbmlpclRQaF9IMUVsem51YS0xOE9oZE40RjE4YnE3Xzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaFVfTG5sT2tuQXhPcW9HQUFMM0Y5RDNpMjQtck9DVFlLQ2R2aVpGWkFxX1l0OXI3TTIweFJjYnpaZ2E2aHlrZUJ3bVQ2aXJ3QnVaakVLUTNlSmVWWTdzWUg3dnNvdjBBdTVsRjBoeEVLN3lyNVFHQmpXQkw4WmxUU25HNUV4YUNHMlozeDh1OTBmUFd3TU51eXdzNmhWYmNOdXdqdTY5QTRFUi1ucDdlWHNvPQ== |
I have seen mention of LINK and didn’t know what made it different from all the other cryptos.
I see a case for short term outlook on memecoins, and a long term outlook possible for BTC maybe a few other SEC registered ETF Cryptos, but long term Im not overly convinced that crypto will prevail.
After all, who the hell wants to own .001 of a bitcoin if you can have, $1000 instead; it just doesn’t seem as psychologically satisifying and if btc hits a million, would you rather have .000001 btc or $1,000? Seems like a fair case against bitcoin maxing out near 100k (imo)
Now looking at how LINK has some serious utility and integration with oracle, a finance/accounting/fill erp system that billion dollar companies use is fascinating. The fact that these digital currencies can pull live source data to trigger payment for “smart contracts” makes me think this might become a common currency for large corporations in 5, 10 years or so.
If it’s used by giant corporations. They can afford the 1m price tag a few times over, and there’s no retail investor psychology needed to drive price, this coin actually has serious intrinsic value it seems.
Does anyone have differing views regardling link? My outlook on other crypto is speculation and not the point of this. I’m not an expert; so don’t bother getting worked up about my outlook on other cryptos, but as it pertains to LINK specifically;
Am I missing something big here? Agree? Disagree? Why or why not?
| r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoanNackc5ck11RnlFY0h4WE1yalNxZkJHME95WFBVTDdrekZISjFpMHh2YXFWYVdCVEMxZ29ySkZHc2VFN2dPU1pMVjkxLV9SLV9QMmI2TzhCMEVxTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVVZDRXl3Nm9xYTJ1U3RaNDVNSWQyM2JaQWxXZWN2RVlBbURiS2pMM2lrU2VaLWM0Q08yRWdWRGluYTF3aWxBZDY1NUxINUFUbVlRR3lZZkpSQnNrUGc1U1U1SlJTOTZiTmNzZEtyUEdXSTA1MHVkX3lRV2ljdHh4cDJaTUdzY1RGS2NUUF9CNFFyRWNkaktFRjhxV1FBNElIa24xMEFudHljUzNMWHFIbkxxcGh1Zzc1d0FPMHp1X1BQV0taOVpHcXhvNnp3c0o5WUZEU3dZUlZTSjRZdz09 |
I need help to decipher what I have. I remember years ago buying something that resembles.it. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa01TczEyeHJRd1VCZ1NfQUo5VlBtNHpvM2JVTUViaTdnT3pVMXBuS3BtUWlsTXU5anhiZjRrLWh4TVcxdFRkOUhjWVhKY3cyakZCYy1GSDVTR1pjdXRMR0pUdEptcjd5R3lyYlA4R3VQWE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocUhMc0ZQcl9oLU5nVGxRQjllY1Zqc0w5b2VWb0E3cy0xa29wYjhFeXlydS1PSHE0TV9QNmhObDlZR1FzaVVrdk04SjQzR3VhQWVEWVkweTRMakhkRk85djFwM1Jic3JYeEp2SGRwUW44bFhfc2JyTHdWN3FLUlFrUGhhcjdPaEVfcm5lVkZSR0RsZ3FHVFQwX1pvUnRPNXFJeDVma2txTzhIS05BMjJzdzlidzdmdjdmazZ4SE42LTl1SzQ4b25IMXNCZE9RMFdXVzVYSVBMZkRFYnBKUT09 |
Can someone please explain what max TPS means? Thanks in advance | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocmhmTDg1M0Jjc2NjU29Ocm1ZdmFhRmZJcE5Wc1IxZXRLZDNGYmhjVEJHLW1PSDZPdDZxeU1fOE8xYk56RzQ2Z3FXMGdYeFpDV2JpaFhjZzdmeHhjdnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS0xPUzAybFI2M3dzTzRzZGJUVHFwTHpKM01OYkxCdTlIYWUzZFJ2MUFaTjBkWHFLYS1peXJGZ3NzVHpHTmtFRC1FWUc2dFdCWjBPSHowQktjdzZ4bkZxOU1NUS1JVi1UMHhkSGdfTk5LSnBMcTRrZXlmcUY3YUw4UFNrXzd1RnVscFRQNE1DOFZaR0FpYm9jUEp1YW93UDk5Y0hpQVFQYTIwYk40MEt3a2lZPQ== |
Nodes reject transactions above 100kb now.
Unlike Ordinals on bitcoin, there was never any legitimate use of Mordinals. I have a bunch of Monerochans and I'll sell you the wallet for 5 XMR as a novelty if you want. [Here are some of the images in it.](https://s2.loli.net/2024/11/18/9h5eqNiGZY12tFC.png) | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOTMwTnRyMThLVWdGOHpTRkVYa0djWTJlaFloVDQ3enpIbURwZHlJWXA0WFpFeWlTSmZyR3VkdUpmX2doanAtYnFjSHc3VjZqbmIxbjZzUGswZU9HcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZVdLdGhnTk5jUWlrSklyWkNESHl6RW1xbEVZd3JveUw2VWdQaUZQeEFNY0lpWFBwMnBwTFl5aUctUS1DM3NHZkRVdUVtNDRBNG13TEppTXc4cWc5dG9qTHU2SnFoU0dvanJuTmJxdlR3WlhFdXpFWU94akg2U2o4NFJfSjNYNXF2M21hajlZbzBhc2ZMRUJrZWVIUWNuSTVDemZKT1hHQU1IT1FIaFh0eXdVPQ== |
You can catch up with all our GP Spaces and GP Shorts on our YouTube channel: [youtube.com/@generalprotocols](http://youtube.com/@generalprotocols) | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVW5CYWVLM2pvNlQxbmZCWHhCWFV2OFBWR0h4R2lXejNvNjVSeVlDLTBmZU1PZzkyellfdTMwS2RDa2pRVmNZR3VaUjlCVkdqNjNoVnc3T2M0ZWRvUG5LbmVHckxYR2xmT0EtQ05BbGRFMGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZmpHRndweEVWay1oQWVYYmU1VW5Fcm5KeEhuNTYwYWhqOXlZcWhYWk5EZkF3elk1VUZyMXVCcE1Pc1dCR3Y2SnNTaTNyTlU3X050VmEyWVlNc3UwS3pWUEFQQ0xTREx0Nm1KY1doNVFUTGZld1JFQVFoc3QyV2QweW9lUE5FbnZDdTdsaHZtdlhFUlIzZXdaeUd0LVpYNXplSjZIR01jUGJsa3VyNzI4MlB6d2JqOVNnWGU3cVJKVTN0QzlFcHh1SmZuRlB2ckhTWk05Tm10RFJEOFR3UT09 |
Now that BTC has hit $100k and a few nations (including US) is considering strategic reserve, coupled with whatever Saylor is doing. What is the long term game of BTC?
I am thinking since strategic reserve means:
* less volatility
* but less upside as well
However, won't this make people/institutions who chase gains divert their funds to other coins? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSDFpbEdlX1RHcUhPMDIwOFB5M3UtQjhsR1hwM003dXRBS3U2dUZYQXFXQ3ZDcURoSUhTZy1QSXA4Xy1PbF8wNmVZM0UyZ3dJa1M2U0pMdkxxdmkwZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNzdVeEp4SHpFZ2dtMzl3NmxxaFVOZmxiVjJqa0hBQ0otQ25tSThrSXdKcDVENjVob0Rud21kNlJGUHVzY0pzT2hOWXk0TGVvRk5lZ2FnOFQybGFycV9HQUh0NXdfLUFZQm5CaU5ZX0pYd3lHSUV1aXJKcVNxT3ZjbTlOOUtZYmZ6OWhaeExZa0RKb2ZMWk9Na0J3dzVMdXpWSDkwOWlWWkNFRlowbFJna3hVPQ== |
[**EXCHANGE FIGHT**](https://fight.coininterestrate.com/) ✊ is my new comparison tool for letting crypto exchanges fight it out for your business.
Compare 20+ exchanges in head-to-head in terms of **maker/taker fees**, **interest rates** (for earn, lending or staking) and filter based upon **US availability** and your **KYC requirements**.
One thing I learned while building and testing is that Coinbase is by far the most expensive in trading fees, whether you use Pro mode or not. I'll use somewhere else next time.
*PS if you use Product Hunt, I would* [*appreciate your support over there*](https://www.producthunt.com/posts/exchange-fight)*, too!* | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMnByNlIxNlJkM3Awc24wOXdrN3RuSnFhNG4wTmtFT1pNYno5d2hnZXQ3ZWlHTFdCR0pDUVdtR3FGMzBoOTNDclFaTHI2N1B0ZjVUQUtkb0pGRkZhZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN2FvZTZtNUhJb0x4OHVaRzZkY1hKdlNYRU1wd19BRHZpSnQwSjVkMWM2ZzRSbktlVzRRemJFbmJ4Z0tfMDk4NTN3RktkNGFLemtlS2ZBbHZ0Vy14ZHhwNU0zdWFhWEw5dXpCNWJqMXFQOFVrNTk5aEpiUTNFQUhESVBUTmlOd3M1aU00QmlYRXp4ME1lZWNvaXl2bkpwQzBOazdRdEhzRXRDeE42YmFEVW1zcEVGTm9iQjdjai1oZ2NxcksyZFlnMjdkY1Bpc2F1NFVReWVTMjI2NXBCdz09 |
I bought btc spot at the very bottom this cycle. I'm confident about shorting it near the top, even if I miss by a lot, in years I'll profit.
But shorting has daily fees right? What's the best way to do this? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT2QtM2Q0dHBlTUszMThmSGhNV0pIVWM2QXlfUEp3QktFZ2lWX2pQSmdUWmJRMWpucWltOWs0QlhtdnM1SS0zY3Nyd3VGaF9fNGFHODJON1hpM0cyVTdjUWtfeU9SM1Z1MGt2eXJlYWo5eUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR0lSb2Z2a2p4X0d6dnhZcmpVVWFhblpQWFVqeTdOa3ZEejRDTHptZS15SFdUOUZVNGZVTm1qTmFWTF9Ec3UxVno3Z0N4cldQRWRXTkYxTjVHUmhlX1JIWVFfMUFsU2hWbFBNT2JXRjc3QWhtVkkzWVRUZ1ljcnBfMmd1bDJXZGN5VnpFbndNNlBBbVZmUTlURGJfbU9TTUtyM3d4Y3hYRXZGcVFSZ0h5OExLWWItcUZWcURUUnJadldPWEdoeVpE |
The ones that run VMs do eleventy-billion other things, so loss of HR isn't a big concern. They give what they can | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeXRDZWZ1dnhzX2Q0UDd6THFGdHZPek1CdTNnTlZXNnhON3J0R1k5M0JjX3NPX1FpYjg2eGY1MENpSUM2c0MyMUZLSWhaVzNJb1BTZVM4a1luTy1sZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOEVtOXRxM1dtSGtBenNmeUtPN2o0ZElVMlBjSUtQempXb09FSXI1VEtfZkJrY2FLVWZDOHFXS0xYbktNVzdNaDgtV3l3eXpfeXN2YVAxRWZxa1hQeHNWZm9EM2NqcnUxcGZHbU9OTV9lSkgtTnVBTEROZjhnLTJtdWs5UjdveW9tX1lGeEdyRlZZUlFxc29Zcmxpd05rSnJSa1hQeF9hX1k1Z19Qc3VLRHFvTEg0OU1CZXZGNWlhWjVNQ0pCb3By |
That would be killer for sure. That's my estimate of what mining consumes, and id say it's fairly accurate. That ISNT the total power consumption of all of the machines that mine, just the dedicated ones, plus the increases in wattage of the ones that run all the time anyway...which is 5 of 11. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMlNtblozQXdaeHRMbFdGREFPMkdDeUdLMGN4cXVmaEpubnBUNlR4eFh0MG41MmprcFNhMUwxQ01oVzVBR1VUNmN0cVM0VGw2U0hGdDNCTWhCalBCRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWR0N3R0UThQdWtEdnROdXY2MDJVNFZ1NE5GVnh1YnZjUDd2SF9uYjFWbWRQR0M2S3J1VGk2eGcyVTBUbHF6Qlo2RkZmU0FKVUlyWnlBOEk5Qld0OFdZSG1KNnB4VlJVemhaUFpubkNUdlZoaG8yNDJGckVPdmVORGFzdWhndnljVVFwenEydlB2X0owN3dMaENUWVZFRlNGN1E0X1JncVN2Mi04emVNZHZNY3RmSEtWeGl1NE1BYmt5MXBtMjNS |
so they made mordinals super super rare. genius ;)
this seems like bitcoin core like purism tbh, not a good look | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobEdWaTVYYW9peWVtbl9aek9RYXg2ODRGZzN3Y0NuT3czZ1JYdlJpTzhmdUN6NHVGYm90c3dqcUNoaGxXLXM4b0hSbXhxX3BWWDFqbDhMMUFOaC1YWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR0c5OG9BdzhJUTNpVzVGQXJNRlBYZVRjcmloYWxxVEFhYjNWSmtnTHRjQzR3dGFhc2tNNk1tSTVxMm41NGgyNjZHWXctMHItRlZkcm9JNWhrTXg4MFJWamNuUi1uSFE1NHZOUGgtN0ZPNlFiS1NCMk1aYi1GNFZoVUd4YzVYRC1KVFpkQTRfeHpTcG1XX0phcWZrT3FrMTYyV1FEcHNQcTMza3VRWm0ycmo4PQ== |
Total power at my battery's for everything digital and server-like is 1.6Kw. turn off all the miners and stop mining on the VMs, I lose about 650 watts at the readers. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoajBjWXVpQnV0MkFHSGpSdi14bDJjT082eW85T0E1OEdCcVNrYlRCRk1tdFN6YlNTai16WXN2a3FfRm5jaXFiNmhDTjRqNDNEQlZBNDdOQ21lUkh0cEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU2RaLTd2UGRBZ2ptUnpwZzhzUllRYlZtS1hUN3hnSUNBTEtSZUhFOVNoY2hoYURQbUc5NzhsSG1rV3lhc0tFcXFyNEdDbjEtdlM3cHgxM0lBMk45Z192bGVCbzY0dFZ5UVlQaUtrWHAtY0MwaGdGUWN3UF9ITmlfaXdvNGFfTWc3dDJqWHNxalhKcDdVQnFDdWJfb3MxS3JaWERSWjZvQVpYNVdULTBRZDdCM3hSVGRiU1Y2aHdLdG1abEZpZVFf |
Okay, hear me out. I’ve been diving into BTC Proxy ($PRXY), and I’m honestly baffled by the numbers. They’ve got $25M in TVL, but their market cap is sitting at $250k. A Bitcoin-yielding protocol with this kind of traction, yet the token seems completely under the radar.
From what I’ve researched, BTC Proxy uses a multi-institutional custodian model to ensure BTC security, and it’s offering a way to earn yield on BTC holdings. Isn’t that exactly what people have been crying out for in the crypto space?
Is there something I’m missing here? Or is this just one of those projects that the market hasn’t caught onto yet?
https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/proxy/ | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa2ZtcDFON0Noc2tFbWNMajJlTGhCSGhiVFJIZWZBWXZpdldaaUVkcG9teVE3YXdZY2ZRQjJYeVlwZ1djckpSYnJHN0RVUThMbGtpb1VSVHZEWXhnV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoV2Jpa1lQVXR1Y1MtSGx5MldlQ09JRlF0U2xTMHBNVW5lS2FmbV9idC1FMUc2WDdZWG9aQnJZbzB4SU1fX2RqQThuR3pFcnhpLXBhZ2J4VlJPODdJNVRZQ083bHhNR3BkbUR1MVp1blFCT0RCQXU1ZVVVektXdGRfc2lPeXVfT2lIMi1jUmItTkFRUWxHUC12X2lQb296MlB5eEJ6TF9EdDlFRFNRLVJhSEZxVlpvVTlDMUwxRHNscm5JY19nam9Z |
I was searching a sub about dev and tech on BTC, but I was unable to find any truly engaged community. Any help or suggestions?
I leave you here a link about checktemplateverify to stay on topic.
Could this massive interest from the institutions be an obstacle for projects like this or lightning? (so from the development side)
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVmtBY3N3cHg5bVNrcFpIV3ZKS2VTUlpBSndWOTVPZk1MamdkaktMa1NpN0xKeEFVZ1hvOXFXbV9LZmF3T3ZRMlBZTmZUbVpMZUFCc2lQRklaaGtid1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMjVzamdaRFhIR29EY2hSbXdTMWtCRWZhMENFZzBGQU1uNzBqcTNrYl9lWkZfay0xOTRkU004YjhPbEFpY2ZaX1FibC11YnZmdmhCOWVGdkVFN294TGp1VWtwamg4QllXeG1Nb2NGU1BiOExMZU1XVXRpTXFkQXlXRlQ3LWIzbWtNUGcwWWxCdXU5a3Ryc28zeE9PSHBhYTdRRGJhN284dnd6NWhLMjg2QXMtMGt2SnJfMmNRcnZ6UkhFQmROZG5B |