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Definitely enjoy Star Atlas, moonbeam and Moon River combo. Wondering how crust has been doing in terms of development. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc3RmZklmQTVORHVSSGZTRmoySXFiVXU4eC1QNlFEMGRuSkRnRzJ0TFJqa0prY1IxR1U3eFo4UWdSUjFfcEVmZlhfV3RuQmpRU0NRNjBuM2F0WTdxb3BKNG1ENGVJYkxhOWdvczhmeERKR2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocnNaRHF1UHRNNmF3bzJQRW9nZV8zYW0yUFc0ekcyNFZxcUxZTWVDQzdGNnhLRURPNFNqZk95UTIwejNDVlhWTFdudUllM3k1Y19VSWhHQTFwdXY4amZVM2JSVDJUWldhMTdQWUtvTlAzWndEcnhiclctZEhfdndoaDZ6SjdsQnA1WTN1QUx5bzJsdFA3b3VMQ0pPcUwtMlBqWGFsOUlOcFBTRDBwdnNhSTItME8zNGxmVHZJR3FKaTZoSHdZYmt4aTNNTk1vZGJYck4yT3ZGQ0lXenRmZz09 |
I still haven't figured out MSR mod in VM's. Performance isn't bad in Linux VMs with Truenas hosts when limited to SSH commands, but I suspect it would be much better with MSR. Even with a good hypervisor, I haven't gotten MSR to work. Let me know if anyone has figured that out! | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoV0FsZU1zdVc3N1U0ZXBKbEZsUWEwS29LQ2pXRG1RZ3g1d0VKZ1U5VFBMd2EwWTBsa2ZmUTg4cEh5RWNpVkkxYVU1b1liRVY1VktGaFpqQ0xTMHE5RHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUnlKSTRXaF8zWVdfUTlBYmJzcXRrc2FaYnN6OEgwR2xudmM5Yk5KSC1Xd0lhY0VPVTA4ZUdhU1pOOUVwbnpBTDIzZTJkNEhpZjhCaVZkMDM4R3RBUnJvYlBlRDhVY0hfQUxNM1UxaDBsZHdMRUdOVHE1SHRhb2ZMa3VWNGhZM3preHFETm9fX3ZFdEVySGZMcFA5VGNRUXl2MlRkUk9Sc2Rkc0dGbHRIUGwzVGFENFBTYkZHUlBhaFM5OUR4NGNH |
Have you heard about **The Spammening**?
It’s Polkadot’s groundbreaking stress test where the network was pushed to handle **over 100,000 transactions per second (TPS)**! This was done to evaluate the scalability, resilience, and efficiency of the Polkadot ecosystem.
Here’s why it matters:
**Scalability:** Polkadot aims to support massive adoption, and tests like this prove its ability to handle heavy loads.
**Resilience:** Testing under extreme conditions ensures the network can handle real-world challenges.
**Innovation:** This is a testament to the forward-thinking approach of the Polkadot community.
**What’s next?**
The full results and a detailed report are coming soon, but one thing is clear: Polkadot continues to set benchmarks in the Web3 space.
**Let’s hear from YOU!**
What are your thoughts on Polkadot’s scalability and the future of decentralized networks? Have you participated in stress tests or seen other blockchain ecosystems attempt anything similar? Let’s discuss in the comments!
Check out the full details here: [polkadot.com/spammening](https://polkadot.com/spammening)
[\~X (formerly Twitter)\~](https://x.com/DotAntiscam) |[ \~Website\~](https://polkadot.antiscam.team/) |[ \~YouTube\~](https://www.youtube.com/@PolkadotAntiscamTeam) | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ0FCeTNEN0RfYWkzQXl5Z0hmRnpxaTVscVByNEVsQTBKcVBnMEpFdUR2cXk1MUNrcGRINkN2TUY3VWdZZXlPR0FrVTlHS3VNZ290VFVGRThqWi0waFZSU08yWmg4V2ZsanNwcURQYTNJU2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSWp6c0s3aS10V2h3aTNTVjZ2WG9fcG1RQzRuSGN4dW03VkQtUW5aQVhtWHQ4bk5FMWxfekR0ZVBPLW81c0FxYVEtWGp3Tm5LVUV3VWtSeTI5a21aaHhrX1pLaEEwRmRrd0ZiUVd1MjVKWi1LNG41MU1CbDRQb0JDYVJrbEFXNnRjREplR2tWVGlDbVJKTnh3S1ZRdmljaEtkWDZmXzhhMmR6VFlBTUw3SVJ1VURXU0NScE1IUXI4Q3hWTnoxXzhrUFVMcXlRcmFGNnJhYXQ1djJiZ0xVZz09 |
I sent sol from moonshot to what i believed to be my phantom wallet but it won’t show up in my phantom wallet. How can i find where it went? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYmZTVHB0S2tHb0V3cU8wemxSVGhxSDhVZHJKOUdYdmFscEgzZ0duczRiSmozZlpNeGtnelhEdlVsS1ByZDhyak5meThpTWNIWjcxVXRzTEQ5M0MwaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNS13d01FRG9QdzRnb2xxWUU1eHBiX3FQZ1p1WG5QUDJNck5DNUZndHlwOWtVTXFaRnZsNHQxT2RKR0hiUXBqRG1rNVBPeV9QelM5dnNTWl9YMzlzajgzNlowbHltN0VwSE1EMXB5bmd2UzFWck5mNWoxV1lqUlRjRFNwRWE2aHBLMXNxaDR1OWViWXFHd3FwbGdhMEJIbGJ2bVMyQ3IzRTViSzJwY2dBN3ZBPQ== |
Do you need support for Cake Wallet? You can get support for Cake in the following ways:
1. Please post your question on r/cakewallet. You can also find some sticked guides that may answer your question.
2. They also have live support on [cakewallet.com](http://cakewallet.com)
3. The /r/MoneroSupport subreddit also exists for making support requests
4. Email them at support@cakewallet.com
5. Sent a message to them on Telegram at @cakewallet_bot
6. Join the official Telegram channel at https://t (dot) me/cake_wallet
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVElmOE1DUlU3NXc1U25oV25sZkZVNS1KZnpWMDdhOFdEc3dJVTNXLVVZNms3N1Z2VHNMRUdPWkdRWTh0TFBPM2J5dlhFWjNWNk12SHAzdmFqVjR1emc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWRQTE5VSk16NmJFajlRcXZMZjE4eUpNWDJnMUU2Q0hyWmM4X19lUFJuNTlIZ1VjZXlhUGNPMkFmTUNiU3NuanZJT2lsakVFdjM5QXhDZ2l4V1V2VGZBdTRPRUpqQjEybnZfaVhJV2xsOXIxMG1jUllBS0RGOE9wNHJtWDZXT1pzUTBnczg4aXhKZU1TeDJEUkF1d1NwUFhVc2ZwYkFBaUNVMUxyTm9pRDI4PQ== |
Do you need support for Cake Wallet? You can get support for Cake in the following ways:
1. Please post your question on r/cakewallet. You can also find some sticked guides that may answer your question.
2. They also have live support on [cakewallet.com](http://cakewallet.com)
3. The /r/MoneroSupport subreddit also exists for making support requests
4. Email them at support@cakewallet.com
5. Sent a message to them on Telegram at @cakewallet_bot
6. Join the official Telegram channel at https://t (dot) me/cake_wallet
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaE9sejhfMlQwYnZkdGNCMHFSeDlCTWdhM3pUR2gxNE80VXlEdS12RXZmV2R4SXo0cVpGWWNTclFjNjRzV2dYSWtIbUZsbTBBYWh5S01mR0gtWE4xQVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVFNWWGZWd0dMLS1RZHJLbWdwbWNhekxLSG5JQXlNdXliNmU1dU1iYzl3QjBzdUJLWExoMHltZW50SURwbUZMMC14QkJLOG1sTE5rdTc4MkhHcEpDeTQyY3ZTUTV4bFloV0lLSGQzUnhGMGdwRnVEUDgzcVhpdjBtamF5WVdmNUFhNFRJVUFEYTVrUFlsVFNrVDMtLTh0cGw0MXgtYngwYThLZ3VrSGh2eExJPQ== |
Hello, everyone!
I'm kinda new to memecoins, but boy do i love gambling.
Yesterday i set up my Trojan bot for sniping, but, one weird thing happened.
It auto bought 5 second rule token right after it migrated, i made like a quick 100 bucks, and for some reason it didn't sell automatically (probably slippage issue).
The question is, how do i MANUALLY sell my memecoin so i can aquire solana on my trojan solana wallet?
Like what is the right way to do it?
Because yesterday, it kinda sorta didn't let me, so i panic transferred the memecoin to my solana bybit wallet and now that money is as good as gone. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS1cyclpMWUsxajRSSHZRSjJxbVFMVkswN1czbWNsOU15NnBrZU1aNWswWVk0eUxLNEhoT3JNdjFjZ2FQNk0yTnZRREtQdkRkV1JGbFlINnNHWUQxOWl6eEQzNTdHM01rM3Q2RG5VMk16cXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUVRIZ2hzaUJrSm8tbG42M2x4N0ZhaWU4Y1QyUkx0QkhUbXlSemR2RFZ5MDFNNnV6aTkxVjlFVEpqbUxZcDZ0Mk1qclE5RkEyVzcyT0x4akg4U05WR2o2dmQ0UWVOVW1PSDZCc0VERUhsc21PNHo3QjhNVlpCMjlhQmRPSzhLRTlaYS1xZmM0YUFUN0h3amQtRlEwd3hkTUhlNzVxT0hsdVRsdHkxOU42SlU1cGNNSndIWXVyWVRPRkQ4SlluTEhh |
And why? | r/filecoin | comment | r/filecoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodkt6Qk0yYlZKUkVXOE5ja2tNRFZUUXZiY2Q2YkF0NFgwTzhDeGRCUEJjY01Mazl2MDl3X1ZyVGNXN0dDZXFGLXlXYmJJQjJodlRSMHVOWktjclAwUWpiRTJORlJhelFPSGZoaWVVOWMyUFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSHplQzhpbVpsX3M0ZFpVM0pacUk3Ni1uWkVncWdZeFFsYVhWQTJhYUd0LUdNUk01UE1HZ1BOWWpoUEZVY04xRWg5QUgxVFV0eGxZTk1VdlBtMldBdWlwXzhrTFF0OUtuZ2hFX2pRU2xyOW5CN09LZ1dJRzJ2Y3JxMWFYOXB5ZThJU0NET2dQNW1fUGdZRng4NmV3SkttSTBoc09TRzdZLTlzNGM4X1pFZnk2d1RKV1Bnc3IzV0tjdGRPUUxXVlZu |
Just embezzled $30 into bitcoin, I know it’s nothing to some people but to me it’s a lot haha I remember it only being $10,000 now it’s $154,000 so crazy | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodEROTlJQMF9URnFOU0J5M3I5N0swLWliMUR3SjZsRjJhMTJibjBkeXFCZEQ5ckxQUmd3WEpNZ2ZITXhPSFgwcDEyQ0piYTNWZ3JGNFU0cmgxejBGdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMzZYYVBaNWRIdXhtMGh4THZ2RjR1NFhUT1ZpemFlLWlDMEVURjg4SGpLUzdDUGhXU0dDeE5IdzRlUUpCd2lHRnMyY1ZfQVVuSjFsUXd2RHhCVlJYOHJoQWw0Vk1hRnNNbGhhM09OS0JPbVVKSlp1Y0NXM0VobWRpd1hpRXp2UTF2UnVGMzJ5dU9qTTN1czNnZlNZQzZaNjRSdnlEMnNxMWVZQXBadkdEY1A5eTQxbTFKdHhSZ0YwOHNkMzFIcm9qV3FkcHB6eTh4NDVWc2lVaUZncVBBZz09 |
Here's my thinking;
Since everything about crypo is being intercepted and controlled/monitored/regulated by governents, the privacy element of this 'solution' doesn't appear to be something the people can trust will persist. Without privacy on your holdings and your trades, what's the point?
We already have tons of solutions for credit and debit cards in place globally and these all function with existing exchange rates etc.
Why not just incorporate bullion into the mix, i.e. load up your prepaid card account with bullion and then it just sits in their custody and eventually transition into an electronic gold earning & payment system?
| r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodExxbWRSNWtTLXh2MkNMendQS2hKdm9pRFRjWnBOZDg5Vk9lS2h2LWpyNXZ6MHBMeHkzYUNQLXVvVmdMMmdnOVpWaTBIQ2tHQmdxTjZ3V0hoUnh5Q2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWJlbTFfdUhNNGlTZTRjSTJKWEh3TEU3cFN5bUxScTBiQ3Q3TVF4X0NvYk5yZ0VlQUF0X2Q5MnhuNjNZN0dlV28ybjBpei1Dend4YTlDMks5ZEI5TW01alVybVN6emE5UnJhbHBpRE9Fa0tRd2hXTExqOF9KV2NlZGlsbmY4OG5jd0huMWtnSHVzWEE2TFFhMGhNZEk1Zkt5bjJueWlYdFRlZlpUOTNGYWdLUEFoeG1vUjhleFo0ODhOTDNVMnd3SkdsTDU0S1NZWk9pSHBzTkZpa21nZz09 |
Hi, I have a "dumb" question. I bought BTC years ago and only hold ( never sell). Is this a good strategy or is best to try to sell for example in a months when the Bull is over, and then DCA when the bear start, and repeat? I now that is imposible to time the market, but here is a dumb example again :
1 BTC = $1. If i buy 1 btc and hold years until btc hit $10, my profit is $9
If i buy 1 btc and sell at $5 ( $4 profit), but btc down to 1 again and I dca for example my entry is $2 ( so with my $5 I buy 2.5 BTC), then BTC hit $10 and I sell ( so my real profit is $10 * 2.5 BTC = $25)
I know is a stupid example... Thanks for read and help | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT3hvZldHX2ptcklTX3J3Sm95TEx6TXF4Sk91V3VSXzBQSGVIZ1d1b0FEV3NMNEVSdHN1bFdpRXp0cjZHLWM5MVcyQVhnOThpR09hc3pGUVczcUpRbXAzRk14XzdwZGZ1MDJRTUppUlJZSzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVXJTcy1MbVpHYkFWLVplSG05Z0lZcnVMYVVrdmJuNC1xRk1ubDlYTkN1Y2gxa3dxaFVEbUZoRS1BUEsxRFBXU0R4NmM0dks0bUdXbWdWVlVsczhKd1RRc0RGaUpITFhEOFl0T2ZFYVpxN1JCRnIyUE9pRUhfVi1sXzJaeHYteWdOV2xMRll3RFg5bzFIN294YW5LcTZuZE1renlUSDFDLWR4OXBZM2ZNUlljN21UMGstMXpkZ0RZdFJGbmxNUHRf |
Good day legends! 🤩
Yesterday ETH traded in a range of $3923-$4015 and ended the day at +0.20%.
Headlines of a power vacuum in Syria following the “stepping down” of Assad led to some concerns about more conflict and tensions in the Middle East region, dampening sentiment but the retrace in cryptocurrencies wasn’t too severe.
Meanwhile in Asia, China leaders signaled more economic support next year in the form of a “moderately loose” monetary policy compared to the “prudent” strategy it previously had. The policymakers also pledged to conduct a “more proactive” fiscal policy, which was the strongest signal of stimulus so far. Whether any of this potential stimulus will enter crypto markets is another question, as crypto is still banned in China.
There’s no significant data today or tomorrow, so cryptocurrencies are likely to just move rangebound as traders await critical US inflation data starting Wednesday, as well as the monetary policy decisions from Canada, Switzerland and the Eurozone, all of which are expected to cut rates.
The inflation data from US will be important to assess how gradual the path of Federal Reserve rate cuts will be, and it seems like expectations are for the Federal Open Market Committee rate cut to happen in December due to the higher November US unemployment rate. However, policymakers could then signal a pause in January next year.
Today ETH opened at $4004 and was last traded at $3886 at 14:30 UTC (-2.95%).
Happy trading Ethtraders! 🚀 🚀 🚀 | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWmJtR2hUVjJCOVR2U3YzMUJxNXBfZzZXYURPTlpzSGxKN0F2X0pfWGIwY3VWNWtrcXZZWGhGUEpjSHZsaDRSd3BGVVdYX1RsZUhJNVR4R3BfdGRlM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeGNvTjNBcy1lazFwSmo2cnlsbXplN3pMeWhMbkhMdXBCVWZvdkU3MUJMSTVvSHpuLTZhcDBleXlQTVB5TTZyYThWNkFvLWhZU1RrU3ZXRFdNN09ZNGRNWGhTV3VNNm92RVZoZTZNR0RsSGVsZkFIT3pZWVRFX0puWndmamt0U0ljVXBnSEVPUUhjcGk4TXRBYWlaQkctOUlUVVBSVURyYzFSalQ0NW9tLXZTZktzeEUxRXhWY3l0TzF0U1lOU3U3MmxrLUpxSG9yZ0FyelJFMHF6UWVkdz09 |
I sent $664 of solona to my CoinBase wallet address and not my PW account by accident. I tried everything I could think of on CoinBase and CoinBase wallet app but I can’t see or access the funds … any way I can get that back? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVXNaM1FfMW9LQ01rYmFmQ2swS0lHdGxCNDRrN091ZmRaZWktY2RZbno3YVhhaFRZb084aUFfWVNSZ2pCYTRGVkkzaTdLM3plZS1FRWQ2VnRWV2hVLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoXzVsTzhVaGpWcXY4S3dhWElza2Q4ejNMODcxazc5U2htWERGd1hGQlU4OTFhdmh3NXpiZ3VReHdXRjd1OGEwdmpXR3E1eUtic3NnaVZFSXdZcVNPTGRLQlcwU3FYbTkzSHBPSEhHY0h1ekN1RHE3blpfbTlDUlY2Sm1XZlJNTmFOWVdDNTJtWnNYcmVObUhqWFZXejhpYUpweUpBTXpwb1VHX2N6blFmU0hKdXB6RXc0bFFpYWpERzZfVEdabElnOEhIcE9faFVwcmVfaEpzdkthN0dCQT09 |
Is obvious that Trump victory and institutional buying are responsible for the current trend but will it sustain it. These movements were largely influenced by expectations of a more permissive regulatory environment under Trump's administration. Some analysts and even standard chartered have predict above $200k next year but that will require stronger fundamentals. Maybe Gary resignation and Paul Atkins crypto friendly regulatory policies but don’t forget Gary resignation will usher in altcoin season because even the news of his resignation sparked XRP to over $2.9, becoming the third largest market cap token.
Well, I saw some prediction of Bitcoin hitting the 100k hallmark after US presidential election which has happened so now what next? Same people have start speculating that we might have the longest bear market once bitcoin set it ath after Trump assume office, what will be this ATH? We might need a very strong fundamental to push for $200k hallmark but we will definitely get there.
| r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeFR0dnpIeUpLdElndlh2dU0tUHd6UUZ2NjQ1M2V2WkpVNkticzVYc1hELUt2b1BFdDFOZmNPQ3h3MjBhckEtaTRhMGtycFVvdnFkdlZFcVpuN0VubkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWVB4X0Q3MnZmenAxcXVlYVNxOW95M3lfTk5NcWpUU1FVckpRN3haN3NBdDNzYVVwaC1EU0JCRzJvX0Y2b2ZzNTJ0Z1ZkaERpRW1HRnVuRDBzNzdCNzdEbDd6aVRyT3hDMHFSVGItRXBnWVJhLXktNVFENGRteWh4dWlsWS1TdFB3Znl6eWdjMU5kQ0ZTN1JoOE9LaGxoYWw5cVZkWnlIYjJjN0pXeEFmNm5mR2FnNXVYMkFvMU1tVTNLMU8xZFlsR2JBMnBmbG4yMUttX25WM21JSDRDQT09 |
# Polkadot News
Polkadot SDK version stable2407-5 has been released. [https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/releases/tag/polkadot-stable2407-5](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/releases/tag/polkadot-stable2407-5)
Referendum 1308, replicating certain pure proxies from the Relay Chain on the Asset Hub, is currently passing with 99% in favor. [https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1308](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1308)
The Polkadot staking rate continues to decrease and is now at 51.1%. [https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview](https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview)
# Kusama News
The staking rate on Kusama continues to decrease and is now at 44.97%. [https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview](https://staking.polkadot.cloud/#/overview)
There are three candidates for Kappa Sigma Mu this era. [https://ksmsociety.io/explore/candidates](https://ksmsociety.io/explore/candidates) | r/polkadot | post | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ1Exb3dJeGxFZ21vRC0zd21icG1meTNQN2ZWNVQzVUstRFJPcThjcjZuWmdDT3RHbUV5amR3Z1hicDBIRi1QUE81N09QTEhMNXJLcElWMlg3TmQwM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN05yQjZKdVZQSS1GRDlQeFZiR3VpR3ZFQ1ItOHhnNVlxQm42WGlZT1FVZDBfOV9RT3dpeldJRWlFeU1nTzhDTkNEWVhHY2M3WTQ3NmcwSHNjMWFEV2lzalNlWUphYnRfdW1YQ2tnM2wzaUk4Q0p3aWxzUEs1OHRVNWQzMEotN0R5SFBYdURnbG9HUVNlTTZiOHRaU0ZXN1E2WkQ1VlhNR0ZVVlpQRWRHaWQwPQ== |
I am in need of advice regarding Yearn Finance YFI.
It was 2021 and super new to crypto. Put little on Ethereum when it was around €570 and regret not putting more lol
Then as I saw the surge in value I randomly put like €200 on yfi (having no idea what It was). I now know I invested during ath so I'm always down.
I know it's not a lot of money, but I'm wondering if I should sell and cut my losses (now I'm -60%) or DCA during bear and sell at a later time during a bullrun.
Also I have a problem in selling my crypto because I'm taxed 26% and right now I don't have big investments, the profit would be humble. Even more if I get 26% over that 🥲
Thank you all! | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoY2JLOWRWNWFNclZ4MGJKUWF2NG1ZR2pnQ254elctTGtGdzl1d1ozckQzM0dZYmhmVmdCdEhaM1J2Z0pMaXNmUDJWWUc3UXhOU1BERVV4OVV6c2Q0QXdQV0xOalRFNWVmN0VrXzVReDhzX3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNHZmTW5ES2NQblI1UC02aUVNQ0F2NmdLQ3NibDhsSjQtSVhSRndqZGxqb2tvdHZfdC0yRm5PbW9zbmp0eHNzenNBX21QbFdaT1BHNW8yQy1CWklxUklOSXFqekotZ3hSQ0daYlpza3hSZHFYbUxKM0VpSGpqWnhhRjA0M2VyLWhSWU1PWFpUMGRjNHkya21Xb3NXem9tWEp0OUp0SDN3UF9wVjFsU0VBTzdBPQ== |
I have to keep checking what subreddit I'm in, cause I've never seen so many have disdain for a coin in their community.
What brings you here if you hate SOL so much?
Is there another SOL community 🤔 | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYVdxUW00NTBtTFhJRmk2Z1lEVDl6eUJDd21mc3VHR19kVGFxRmt2WmxIb0FId3hjeGgySE52V2JuMkNrX09IaWc2d1NTQkJqM3B2WThfaVdOTS1GMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodXhTRWJ3U2hUU1NvRWpRNjRmLXZGNmdNYUQza0pUZnFhQXZQaUxtZGFvSFdsT3M2cndrQVRMV2RtN1ZLT2l1TEh5SkZJbVdhTjFUalRjbjlnWU1ObVQ2Z2ZuVlBldzBRN3RuSy1lS2tLakZkWWpIdnpHR0dCcDVBRjdvSHBBcHBGZUZ6REN1a0FqbzFSOS1TLU4xZlNqQV9TUFdfZ19aMHRtSmVPSWVMN3FETUVvdEZHY1Foc2d4WDdoTWxBcDFM |
It was done on kusama not polkadot, im waiting for polkadot | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVzJPRkt1ZlE0REtEeTFqTFZVMFdWVDhSWlVveS0tWkc4R00ySzR4Y1I0NG1TMmZwWG50ZzBLM2NuTGxVNjNSamRhRk11SUNzMzcyeHVsd2I4VFlFTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNTN3NUkzYlZpTnNORUJ0b1ZfUzhmTXVWYU9fYUpya0V5WGNHMWs0TjJqUmxyZEljRFZma3VLUG5lQWhPd2tjMVNvSzZ6LWxZUzZiNG0zQlJwNWVoRG9HZFB2UVFKUVZjcXRhSzNXbVFzNmhGMmVUeEtuUk0zMDBGTndkNElRd2JNNGNVRm9zM1JucHZhdC1xVkxtMGZjZ0szbGVRN1EyRWhGWXRXQ0FDSnZIT0NPTEFjVUdwRWFfSWVseDNzTUlmMHBZb1N2MC1pM3kza01Sd3A5N3hhUT09 |
"Last year, I turned $200 into $5,000 with a lucky trade. I thought it would keep going up, so I didn’t sell. A month later, it was worth $50.
Lesson learned: Greed is not your friend. Always take profits when you can.
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in crypto?" | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaUdCVWo2UFVoSTZrZkJPb05WdlZCLUVTNTlYckJTWG1SRnJ6V0NwUGRHbDdNcjI5Z0QxMEZhZmQ4aVZxSktiQTBfeEQwQlhfX09rWUZxTDkxaVlCbnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodm4yc29Rd2d2d1ZlVFgwOWlPRm5DZG5naUQ3Z2pjMjdlWWhOcndfZEZpVUZrU1FqZjZJS3YxMHBMeFF0bjc0eWZ0VFhvaXduYW9HMnVjU1ZqR1c1eWFhd0RFVWJneHFuamFwT2tQZUF0dC1GSEtPRlR6VUVRY3FJMEJ4bFpKOHpaV2NXODhWOGdZajFMMG16dkk2dF9zZHBpdmd1YUpmaVFadGZ1RXI0a01tM3pnZjAwU2psVlJpYUdWclBZd2syUGNOekZkWXgyRWZSRl9tbTRvd3FyQT09 |
As cycles keeps on repeating as usual, what are your thoughts on putting a short with, for example, 25% of my whole crypto bag (and 75% in stablecoins meanwhile) around November 2025 as the top will be probably in and carry that short until end of 2026 as it's usually a whole year of bleeding. Seems pretty easy to me according to past cycles and wondering if other people planned to make some gains using this method in bear market ? Else, any things you want to try to keep on earning gains during bear market ? Curious. | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUU9yNVE5dndUSFd0WU5kMzRDRld5cnZSYmN6UXdrZ3pGeXBCczJzWEQtMHdRdmhGZUJ6SEtEeG5KQlRpWjBJUmlTTDdlZE5HZGdTQ1pidDdod21hLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMmFkYTViLUVfWlBaZzMzOUtEVzNlbm44RDVaUnNhNi1qUmU3VnNqaWxPSHVBNzBxS3dJNU1JQXpBMUVNLWRTRkwzMWxOcmZuWlZjNnF3TzZmZFhad1FuemhUZl93ZnZORTZTR190UjFFbWJUeUZ0aEg5eFpFVUJhWUstdVhuQjc1dkR1c0t2OWI3alJjMnRvbkhBb1k0OFBVd1FyTE56WXpTUW9DUlA3LUZ3QlZRYVh3aDUzOU41VFgtc05iOW56N1JCcF9LWjlKbDJ6QVg4MHVhelVrUT09 |
Would anyone know the best way to start a business and secure a long term loan in order to purchase bitcoin? I was thinking along the lines of a 10-30 year loan that I would pay off with my own income. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUzB3eU9DMUxTUWc2T1gxQmVMZjBnMUxzTFpGVnJVZThmeG05LVRSUmtNMjhQT0RvVVc3R3ZybnBPUmZvWWJJWUE1VWVjc3pMMlNrVTF0TS1zZlVKazJnc0M1RXA5c3MxNUlUTFFIb2NKVkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeUYwa21rSGQ0eTlpMnBEczdUNDRSdjlPbVphemtoMUpXaDI3dVRiZS1VSjVnLTlfXzQtQkJKdEhMVWdXZmV5T3ZvY081a3ZnYkJQOWRJaW9wRWlkeFpMODJNZ1BETy1hZXlnNkFuWTVUMnlXc2p4WlpqMHJPY1B6c0JLRGNRcnIwMnFnNC1KMVpNZWhxMUtaNi1FUTRTZjU5UWE5Z1Y2S2txVU5yNFcyQThzcWxkMVdtZWc5WlVFSDVwN3EtT0dP |
Hello, I’ve been trying to find a website with a decent live tracker and/or dashboard where you can view multiple different cryptos at the same time. I’ve been checking out various websites through google searching but the only one that I’ve found that seems to be ok bitbo.io.
I would imagine there would be some much better ones out there where you can have various live crypto coins running at the same time showing up to date, live prices?
I recall a fairly decent one I found several years ago but can’t remember the name of it. If anyone has any recommendations or suggestions, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks! | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSkM2VzVWY0RJd0VfRDlldEI1eEFRRmk0emNCTTQ3TF93cFNQNnplNHUtTnBFUzBoTElNRHBkblAyUXlCc29PZjl2azdwT3BTZ1REbmpEdENMTGNkOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoczJkeHNhendUYWZzV0NLb09ETEYyY1ZCQVZWMm9IaktfamJqQll5ejRNZFZyQWxGYkxKc3IyU2taQVhGblhTYnM3YnBhU1pKZmctdUtueHhCQWd6anRkRWw3U0h5ejlkaHlHMHVFOTVIQ3R0R0Rab1REdllwX3N5c1hUQjV3cUlIY0NSTFhHWGQxS3U0TjdkS0lEUmlzaU9FNjdzZF9LaXNOMmRDcjdWMFozaHFMbzBRMVpvUGZPa1BreHNuVXFrS3lKYjM3Nnp1UVdHWUxET2J6NTNJQT09 |
After a massive success with **SMCI**, where I invested **$6,000,000** and made nearly **$3,000,000** in profit within a week, I’ve been flooded with DMs asking for my next move. So here I am, sharing it with all of you. MongoDB (MDB) is my next big bet, and I’m putting **$5,000,000** on it. Here’s why I believe this stock is set to explode.
# 📊 Financial Data – A Strong Foundation for Continued Growth
1. **Consistent Revenue Growth**
* MongoDB reported **31% revenue growth** in 2024, reaching **$1.68 billion**.
* Projections for 2025 show revenue between **$1.90-$1.93 billion**, highlighting steady growth despite economic challenges.
2. **Profitability and Customer Growth**
* Non-GAAP net income surged to **$274.2 million** ($3.33 per share), a massive **325% increase** compared to the previous year.
* MongoDB added more than **10,000 new customers**, including major organizations like Fortune 100 companies, showcasing increasing demand for its products.
3. **High and Stable Gross Margins**
* The company boasts a gross margin of **75%**, reflecting exceptional operational efficiency and a strong business model.
# 💡 Why MongoDB is a Central Player in the AI Market
1. **Atlas Platform – The Growth Engine**
* Atlas, MongoDB's cloud platform, accounts for **70% of the company's revenue** and is growing at an impressive rate of **34% YoY**.
* Atlas offers unmatched flexibility for developers, supporting advanced AI applications and real-time data analytics.
2. **MongoDB 8.0 – A Game-Changing Technology**
* The latest version, MongoDB 8.0, brings **32% performance improvements**, enabling organizations to process data faster and more reliably.
* Advanced encryption (Queryable Encryption) adds a critical layer of security for its users.
3. **Collaboration with Tech Giants**
* MongoDB is partnering with Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud to enable advanced AI integrations and enhance business processes for enterprise customers.
# 📉 Challenges to Keep in Mind
1. **Growth Slowdown**
* After a stellar year in 2024, projections for 2025 suggest more moderate growth of about 13%-14%.
2. **Market Competition**
* MongoDB operates in a competitive landscape that includes open-source solutions, cloud databases like DynamoDB, and analytics-focused platforms such as Snowflake. While each serves different needs, MongoDB’s innovation and developer-centric design give it a distinct advantage in building modern, scalable applications.
# 🔥 So Why Am I Confident in This Investment?
* **The AI Revolution:** MongoDB is positioned at the heart of AI adoption, offering solutions that enable developers to build smarter and faster applications.
* **Growing Demand:** Companies worldwide are shifting to cloud-based and AI-driven solutions, and MongoDB provides the perfect tools for their needs.
* **Significant Upside:** I believe the stock will hit **$475**, representing a **30%-40% upside** from the current price after the earnings report.
# 📈 Stock Performance Chart
# Bottom Line
I’m confident MongoDB is my next massive opportunity, and I’m **$5,000,000** on the line.
**My Position:**
⚠️ **This post is not financial advice and should not be taken as an investment recommendation.**
Readers are encouraged to perform their own research before making any investment decisions.
* This is **not financial advice** and is solely my personal opinion.
* I’m sharing my thoughts, and everyone should do their own research before making any investment decisions.
* This post is not intended to manipulate the stock price, just to share my journey and analysis.
# Disclosure:
I used ChatGPT to organize all my analysis.
What do you think? Am I insane, or is the market blind to what I see? 🚀 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQWhlNnd2bFRQMnZmb3dVYnlJdVNxc2pIQkJPeHpqU1hUXzBPWmV0YzJYOG91Um1zRGdMNWl3MWlqVnBjNkNBZUcyMXFXdWN2ajVnMllVNGY2SWYwaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWG1wMzVLMVJicl92czdlZjVvemFjcjY1X2R0WFpmM2Fhb3FOcDBmSnRTejZTLXA2MVg3NnJlV2V0dmVuQTNUVjFzclo5TjE4THlsMUlhX3AxN0F1Tnd3cUJ5S1lheE9wbVEwcG45SUN5aGR0QUFIRndmZER6VGJPdC1Gd0RrUjF0UXoyaEZld2JBQVN1blN5NEpuVjJPclJrNTdBZWNRQWdCSWNsTmdpU2w5R2V0aXhQYUQ4QXFwMHRtRDlnWEktUVNuWko0WkEydmV1bjYwcFFvR1NBZz09 |
"I first bought Bitcoin back in 2017 at $3,000. I sold at $10,000 thinking I was a genius, but it hit $60,000 just a few years later.
Since then, I’ve learned that patience is key. The real gains come from holding long-term, not chasing the short-term price swings.
I’ve now set a goal to hold for the next 10 years, regardless of what happens in the market.
Anyone else here holding through the ups and downs? What’s your Bitcoin journey been like?" | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ25WSjU5N0JLOWFVajhTVF80QkVVdkU2VXpVLUQtaUxUWUlHS0pFMDBGNVFBSnFNT0pOc01wTWRYVnlXVkU2VjRDdVBuejJfR3EwT3RxXzNmNDBSYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN09FVTNlcDB3a29reUQyNkp5Y3R2VlluS3Fyd1FGbmtrd01IVGNYdWpONG1SdUlZX1A1VkwxVUtRaEF2azRqcUdNYWpHY3ZvZ0hlNUo2UHpqTHFuejVqWUpuS0FUR1JFd3lEcXFDZmRxMGk0U3NaZDc4QVR2QjZNcUgyUDFoSE9JV3N6cFZ3LTRPcUJHNlA5NlFtOWxKRW9lOVlFYmpZWmRELUI0MGNVSi1QYVdRR0Z6bkJsdUtuNzJTVy1vTEp6akdibkZVMkpZUXdHMUJhUE5QVjJMQT09 |
BTC needs to make a decision. Either get to 105k or just dump all the way to 95k 🤣 | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR1NjVm91cG5SUnJyMkVaSUsyaEplcmpGZ3YyRkJweWcwWVlWaEluaGhVZTR2TklLbVNIdEMybkc3b2kzTlVMQVJ4QjBqcE51NURnaVhpTEh6OTJoT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeHhXemtkZXQtR3Y5UDVuQlduNVRWOG4xMnFybGp1OElvbWU5cFhKZ2plZ1VyRjQ5NHQ0eEhtQkdGQ2QzMENvYUhrRmtCWU9yRWJDWkxjY1E1QVFwSUlaeUI1S0t6VVIteFR4QTJrWnNIOGZsdjJYeEI1STBCX0d5dnlEdUt2dWRGVUp0UEc3dHhZcGM0NHYxM2QxTG9sUGo5OXVpMzZSZUVCaC1mX24tM3hrPQ== |
I was using Robinhood wallet app and I upgraded my iPhone from a 13 pro to 16 pro
I thought I could just load the backup, and not have to do anything manually…but nope.
I still have the iCloud backup but not the actual backup of the seed phrase.
Looks like it’s gone. And there’s nothing I can do about it. And the old phone was traded in.
Was only a few hundred dollars worth of ETH, not a big deal I guess. But if there’s anything that can be done to recover it, I would appreciate any advice. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQWlHU3hIb2M3WUp3ZjNDLTZ3YTZENU9zSWlraGNfQmZjX1NfUUpRRmk4SGtpb2tuN09aSklGT0V4ZkhfWENsbG90NERUdG5MNEVSeFFxUUd2Y3RXVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYnU5dWx0akVEZFdIUm5qX0JRN0ctT0JIOXl6bVk0XzMwd19JUlo5Y0c2NUNNVE9PSUR2UXJ4XzJLa2hnN2o0QVJxT2dFZF9oMUhBeDZKejNYOThiUUpheFpRYlg1bnNTQXJjZmRDa0lJb0t3LWUxZkIxQUhSa2ZkbEZzUWN4WVZIMmxhc0dpZzBIcUM4N0RFNTVSTVV5TldMeGRwdVZHemlvdlRaT3RFQnA4PQ== |
Yes, one can consider Mordinals at Monero blockchain officially prohibited, or at least ideologically unacceptable. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR3RzLUs0dTJ1QWdaVGktZWtWbmQzMmxYdkg1UC1FMWdRX3VmejRHcHoydHBmZkxhMWQ3d082M3prMDJnVURLY3BSNnF5eTJ0MFVpSzR2Rjh4MDdYSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLVp6cmFIWFpTNFUtWlQ1S3VkVWNwSUlmeE9wTm9zRlljYUFuOUx3ald5bDUtSUhOYTBTdGhUdm1vVFVqQ0l3QVlSVHlTOVkyVHhmYms0ak5kc0t3RHRWWXh3NDloYkVManR3cm9mYUZ1OS1Zc3o1VjNvOUFzTldjMUd1T1hnOGpaMm9oX3ZxdFY1S3RfTm9pQXpHR0tDMzh1YWtsc1ZsWjZ2VWpUZjh4SUYwPQ== |
IMHO almost no mordinals that are worth paying any attention to were created, much less interesting collections.
But well, mordinals . org is still online, you can browse through them all. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVod3BKZFFtMXRiSlRKZkJjSUxVVEFpSV9lcHJfclo4NGE3cDNoOE44VXVOLS15RmdfeEVXcGlaVEU0YXZsaEVsVnl2d2FVT3FjeHFXV2hEOGhFTFZzZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNE1nR1lMY09WR0tCeXBzWkxmMHRvMDVnZk11QjVFY2dnLVdPZUhFeFdaaHlQMTdQMTlmbE11V0ltVlJULUF3aWYycHE5alV2UG9ySUgwZnVRMk1ab3BpMjNpZ0JhNU1aRTZuYkhGTVg1VDRMdndsVnRaR0lxVHc4cTlXcHFQcXFXbFFTMy1JUjJWT0ZnZW5HbXdfMU1NUE5vSUJFRzhpZTJLVnRBSjJUMlFBPQ== |
Hi everyone.
Iv got an old ethereum wallet and only have the mnemonic words but as it was created before the DAO hack its with words that are no longer valid with words such as Idiom and Pastor.
Could someone kindly shed some light on how to access the wallet? Some old wallet version perhaps? Iv done it in the past in some complicated way but can’t remember or find any info how to. Tried emailing with MEW support a bunch of times and their replies were just infuriatingly bot-like. It’s like they have no understanding that there’s a different phrase list that was once used and refuse to even acknowledge.. anyway rant over, hoping someone here can help. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocm1pVkpjTDFQNEEwd3VvTkFqckpLSGJ5bjI1am5fQ2lkbm1JMWJLNFFZTmRSZXY4N1BOWEY0RjgwdUg0d1R2dzFUSmhtM05UcWhKRmRlVlFGb2JpVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoM2REcWh4X0tDWTRMZjRESE9oS2Z4bU9tTXprbDZQdDN6azNiZDQtbDhCNmdxdHpnQ1dXR3ZGbjVKbjlGUTlWVUFsODRrbzJ3WXRYQllPS09uQVYySmlSRGNiNzdkNF9JcnRxa3h1S2Z6SlZMN2llQzhMdDljR3RjeERCZ2l3d1huaWFXWHhCazRVNHdnUng5RHZSYk1SNl9rQVZnMWVlMEFaTnZLeGMtVl9HSDRPQzRWSXFJYTdPWkZUTlItbkJENWtEUjIyRXVZaXdWWEd0Wk5fMkQ5dz09 |
I would like to visit a ShitCoin unit in Barcelona.
**Edit: in case people are offended because I used the word shitcoin:** [**https://shitcoins.club/localizacion-atm/cajero-autom%C3%A1tico-bitcoin-barcelona-la-vila**](https://shitcoins.club/localizacion-atm/cajero-autom%C3%A1tico-bitcoin-barcelona-la-vila)
**The webpage itself refers to the ATMs as shitcoin**
This is the [official webpage](https://www.bitomat.com/en/bitomaty/cajero-automatico-bitcoin-barcelona-carrer-de-gelabert), and here is an[ old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/11m2x5p/bitcoin_atm_spotted_in_spanish_shopping_mall/?sort=new) I could dig up in reddit.
Online research show mixed response of good and bad. But you can always purchase reviews.
I have a few questions :
1. If i am purchasing anonymously, can i directly transfer to my own wallet (e.g. by scanning a QR code)
2. It shows the market price of bitcoin on the webpage, but does not mention the comissions or fees. What fees are there?
3. Some people are saying that it is near a cannabis shop, and therefore a bit risky to move around.
4. How much money can I currently handle every transaction, without KYC? The website says 9.9k for non-residents and 0.9k for residents. I am a bit taken aback, whether this is **actually** true.
I am hesitant to ask them directly, as the reviews are not all good.
So my am left to wonder: did a third party actually ever use this in recent days, like in this year? How was the experience?
Thankyou | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ19hc0R0SW10NkNPTjhPbTRTSGVKYVRXQmdOaU5JZE5YZjRHWnNVcUNBWlJ4cmtUOEd5enNrdjAtRXNGM0N1V3h1QS13YlF2dHRnNFpHX18xREJPdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWi15eTRXVDl3aUxhZjAtc3J3VlBVYXYzZ0UtTVVIU3FMSEdGa0dQSXJhSFdPRHh2TzhaNS1uMjZnRlFwdTZMZ0FqMTV1Y2JoOXdlSnVMcjdJX2F6VXZQRzFna1VZNEc0T3FpNkNCTW13X1dlS3hPajFWNXZPTHYxbGdrajE2dlNnaktXeV83eEJNQjByTlA4bHJjdEp6WnE4Y1RHR05iRFdOS1FiWEQtX1pRRlBqMGdXSjJ3MXFxRXMxS2ZKazJ1QndNNEpoRmJrRzNVeFhJVGNaTkM0Zz09 |
ERROR: type should be string, got "https://preview.redd.it/qpwxri6n8u5e1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7815633035b566a9d92562a553dfd89bd3b521da\n\nHello fellow privacy aficionados,\n\nare you thinking about buying yourself a new car with XMR? If you do we have a special offer for all our XMR fans: \n \nOrder your car by 16.12.2024 and get a 50% discount on our service fee!\n\n✔️ High-performance cars tailored to your needs. We organised:\n\n* Toyota Landcruiser\n* VW T8\n* Audi Q5\n* Tesla Model S and X\n* Lamborghini Aventador SV\n* Mercedes Benz AMG GLE COUPE 63 S 4-MATIC and many more.\n\n✔️ Secure and private payment in Monero.\n\n✔️ Worldwide delivery.\n\n✔️ Reliable business established in 2018.\n\n✔️ We buy cars **only** from trusted dealerships or directly from brand dealerships\n\nHow it works:\n\n1️⃣ Tell us what car you want.\n\n2️⃣ Get tailored offers.\n\n3️⃣ Pick one - we’ll handle the rest.\n\n4️⃣ Receive your car, hassle-free!\n\nClick here to get your dearm car today: [https://shopinbit.com/Premium-Services/SHOPINBIT-Cars-Number-Plate-Service/](https://shopinbit.com/Premium-Services/SHOPINBIT-Cars-Number-Plate-Service/) \n\n\nGot further questions? Let us know in the comments below :)\n\n\n\nBest Regards\n\n \nLando Rothbardian\n\nCEO of [SHOPINBIT.com](http://SHOPINBIT.com)\n\n \n\n\nhttps://preview.redd.it/rve594qpau5e1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8597b91ea181a9337ca3308dc8012071614f2f1\n\nhttps://preview.redd.it/hn4vcitqau5e1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9867c761c99476e087101a07609f728806d9d645\n\nhttps://preview.redd.it/bq4owhmrau5e1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1aec05170898e0770f60065d339aa02ed0685c9d\n\n" | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR19SbmdmQUFIRUluZWdGbWJUbkI5X0FJbGJhRGNLTXJpUzZnQWdkaWIzVzRDSUtkUmY3NnpuNHplVThwWFBkQmFmVEdESDJzWHkyc29KNXFWdHU4X3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa05zU1dXalR1WXh0eWl0a1Y0TEZFd0ZuZ1ZENnBGMnlYSjhVRDc0Z3BNbkdRNGlLX2JnUWVyQ3JPN0REclpaWmx1eDdLNEFjWG1RX3dZa3Q0R0JIeXF4bXBNS2dPU2FOTHB0RVZ0YlNtNW5JTVh5S2lQRUNMSzhiZm9tY01LNkRKSDQ2QldIYmRVMk8wY1JvQUl1U1RXRTJ0dFN0LThqSGU0RG1fclJRazZjSHA1RTExRkQtRk14N2lBTzBnUkszbERaUFA3ZEdKQTJOb2RJa0dmcU41dz09 |
I’m pretty ignorant to the whole coin situation. I haven’t ever thought about putting money into bitcoin because I haven’t had the money to risk. I’ve saved a decent amount and am wondering if I should start now? Is it too late? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOHdzQXNYWU5hY0lycmgtOE5NSFpvdFUtSkVxaU5EamlOQk1YT2ZtMEtfSWxnZDN3MmFiajZ4ZXVwTXR4alpUZ1p6WjFCR2dyUVVHODdxejdvVURaNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOU5TRTNRaEdEdnJjTk9zLU0xa3hfRDJVX05YUEVqWGNvRXY3MnhiMWx6c1BKbHRYNW9TM2hKMGpDSV9ZVF8zazVJeGRnU2wzcDdlM1VrZ0N6ZEo4cUFqelNjWXRDV3QxVWFMQlZ1WmxNTTdtb2dJbFZkYmlZYnRLbDZxN3p6R3o3VGMtY1d5VUNGQ0ZJMmpfY0J6Zy1PM2FRMkR5T3g4aEhkOVVxNjhJQklVPQ== |
First timer - decided to pull the trigger and get in. Any suggestions on which apps to use for bitcoin? Is PayPal a safe place? I do some transactions there and saw that they have an option for crypto.
EDIT: I plan to buy and hold BITCOIN. I don’t have any interest in cryptocurrencies or trading in cryptocurrencies. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaTh1bHVWR2h2eTJvb3gwVm1uLUhGOTRRQXlxUkl3aG90YnV0bFkwalpDbXZGSzBqR2hRSkJReUdZdXI2MEQyNVBMaDg2ODJ0Z2EwcHZZUjJqMm5xOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoekNvWk5POWhuc1lGN3V5LTUxZUUzb2MzX0NkYkd6dWZNcU0yU2k3R0pfZW5JdGJVTlo1T0xBZGdqODBmS3F6VVU0STMzX1ZzcjRQNEo4TVVLYXVrMXRqMjdGSFE0VnI4NG9LSG1nNnI0TGJleG9fSnF0Q3MxWkFDREVrR253ZFRkVzU3MWxYMnhSSVEySno3WU94T1ZLcU5IUkE2Zm5GS05yTlZEMVZtcWhLZUZnZ0RIb3dxVFp5NE1uX0RrRlpN |
I see it was done on the kasuma network, is there going to be another test on the actual polkadot network or am I just confused? | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoemtGUEdqbThaZHZ3aGdtRnQwbzh1UHZhZGZUcmFEdkl1czRXMUVZM3BxMl9kdXo0Nzg2dDc3akZuRE9VRkpCV0VSVm9TMXlLWGxxS0twUS1oRUVMbHVFOXVwMFd0NVZUUEs1S08yRVZJRWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYlYxY0k1RERMbnJJajRlc3JmSGVWMzg3UDhvTnZ5RWxOUVJwWHI2WjF3aXVUVVlJNW9XbVJUeG5oMnZhTS1TbktTeml1dGxDVHE4cncwR3EySUxJWGpJMTEyQXRaZTlJNTJZQUExRnUzM1ZqOTdtMlNTU21pN2VlSVVNUkg0YklpRGtzOHprSnN2TVJhT3JBcHVjTTlHOVpray1fLXRMRE4yeXJIMGpLTkN4aTE3NmtSUGt0anJBTFdqVTd0cGFHcHphakM1TkVKV0JRcjU5Y2hUTXdNQT09 |
lol facts. something about it. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTTZ4clNVOElFMnBxYTNZRmZGR25KMUhZckxJTEZUckRyZExJSWREN3ZWeU9wZEdRSDdfbHFvbEpJd29URWNobjZvZGRCdk50TmJJS1NORk1ybDBDWHV6eTNQVlhWNjRJbDBUTnZ0alFNSWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocks2WG1relFPVFBadnU3T2t2Mjc4aUtLU193T2lUOUdiaXBFZ0xUZEhxOUNLeGlwZnltaWt0QmtMYnhpaHNfUGFUbWlvN3pGWVNVMm1mZkdEZzdrbnNIQ19WWWpiTlgtdk5kNG5nVDlPTkVzeWN4SHNVUEVvQXk2dGdZWjE1TEJJTWJGQzJlMlljZ3puVk1LdFp4ZTFCUWpVQkw3VnEtM1o1WUNJT21MdUhleHM2N0FJTFdyUWZrQmMweTJlV3Jv |
Check my last post, I held those baba calls with diamond hands though the cold, unbearable climate. Lord is blessing me now and I plan on holding baba calls until it hits at least $100/share. I also have $6C NIO calls for 03/2025, but I don't plan on selling those anytime soon. Good luck boyz and china play is just getting started 🫶🏽 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOGlOc0hqMi1HUzQ0eTZ5UFlXdTZtZU1Lcm9jYm1Va2Nka2daS3NqbHhCUlk2VktrV01vdUJYY1ozMmVrMThhQnhYT3lqS1dleVgtaHJjd2RUbDZvdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVlREdVpTenRMT0lvMERkSmhkdWtvM05kREJHSVBObGJVakNIa2o0MGZrNjNCVlhuYkxwZDE0X3JYOC1ESXpzNnhKaVpnTFpjeHlOM2FKTE9TZmVsZEgxMGNaa3dOWG1xYUkxZjNGOWhNT2RjLU9SQXFPMUNGX1RFV3pPOE9ORmR0Nk9qQ2VHUHhjSDgwSEZwRnp1Rk1MWlJGQ3NkUzNLd2JnVGRDREVKWFNaQW53cl9TQ3pNUmxZM2NwczJJRXFh |
I recently just put around 10 dollars worth of ETH in uniswap. but while transferring from binance i used BNB network.I wanted to buy a meme coin called ski mask dog. but this meme coin is in BASE. i need help what should i do next to buy that is there a way i can convert it or any other suggestions.
| r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc1lxelBPNEQwYWd5UXhwYWVKSEhtcmdrOVk5Ul9SdDVYWlBEdTBtb28wRjFiRk56X2RfdGtWY1gyTVNWTnhUa0tXWWxBUHNBanl4QllOelNvY0NrT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodWFabVNTcFF4ZlBtaXpmUmpuVVZzRGNGQ1BOVEZHSm9HV3k4cmVpM3RkYnlBY2txdGFYU1NwSUV0QnFFNUhfcThVY0poaHZVNlVWWG01OG9uQ3JYMHEwOUx4MkFkVVY3a1V6Tlp2MW82Tm5rQjg3aXdlQ0htNGlZa1dkc2hpNmw3M2JqWUFSc0dPNUR1YjFIMF9FaDM5N1duZ3pqRkFxMmZCNGNjTkhiam9vbmxOLXpIZUVXRF9JVVd5OGhDRVVR |
Reposting with better position breakdown | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTkNQZnJGb19EU0diaGdqWTM3VFZZRWkzTW9vZHlDejlQUkpMYXpXTWpXaEFaYzBwUlJnNFhYMVEwd1NVMkVuV2pmdllMVEVDMEhTeGVaRG1DR2laU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOGlrNTlGbm5nanNtQ1pLcW5nWHNfMGxScXQ1bXlrN3VyX2RLSnR5UHpDMlZFTjRvblVQMDYyUlI0engySXA4eU5mOE0yaDFwbTBmMGtlTHN0WXRaUDA3TTFuZDFnZ0tRZldvbFlENGEza0FXLVZTR3pPRzRuNXE2T2IzMDdoOTFadmJ2TW9NSkNZSi1vb0FlVnA3YzVXaDd6eFFaNUp4OUs5UEczMWhKaFM2ajVFOWVRMnM4Wm12U0NvNTFTd3BkTEt0VWlzN2I3a1hKRE1tTGRrRXktZz09 |
This thread appears to be a question. If you have a question how Monero works, try asking in the the pinned weekly thread on this subreddit. If your inquiry is more support related, try our dedicated support subreddit /r/monerosupport.
If this removal was in error, it should be approved by the moderators within a couple hours. Feel free to send a message to modmail if it's urgent.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc1FDMEMySC1FYWdnandyWlRyX1kwX0dzQkliMmhodWpKazlPSXB0YTd1eXQtWkJBaXIySklVYVFhRnhkWjFheUhCZFhRMUFlVTVRYTM5a0M3ZzRhVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYzlSZFZxR203dXF1M3h4YkNHOHVPXzhEX3EtRm9Xa3hWcVhPazJfd0lobFVTUG84NHRnNmEtNnZXTFA3X3lqakR3eHhzRWRwY3l5dmNnb1lkQ2NoaW14a3JlNEpRR25GNVV4NVFZa1JlUDRqQkpjTUdvME92RkNVVk5FNVBSYm1jTDVzd1lwZnFsUGhtRjRWRzloRExRSXQ1LWNUMnRlSXNaWGV6OEhNU1FxeE1seU00X3gyYUxCdUM5aHgxZXo5 |
This is a cool business model tbh | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMG9GMmg3OHBKYlVGVjRWaVkzVVNEUVBUenBILXZRMGZwNjhZVmw3Y3BmLThlZE5YcnktVXRKVnhwdzZDQlRmZ2hyeVZIQW8zclZ1OHU4ajVtZVREYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaEV4LXFiRkVwWlBBblo5cUxodnlyT1lLZjB0dFdDWlI2UjVaV0xLNkJIZ2hTM3BaYlV0X200c3dpVlY0ZVdMUEhfOU80Zm1pZjdFamFxcXIxZkI5RWpQVmdMeFA2T1VlS19iTDdWQlUwU2E2V0N5MUhwSGJKcEY4X2djVlFlLVZKbzloMFpNWUUta3F2bFNIS001MF9qUG14WHR1a01zc1hCd3pFTFhVQ1o5OUs4VUotVHdZZTZtd0RVMDBCNm91elEtQU5GV2ZwOUg3ak9pYmxxLWhydz09 |
This is the first bull run that I’ve taken part in. Im accumulating BTC and not planning on selling but have some alts and memecoins I’d like to take profits on. I know no one has a crystal ball, but does anyone have any rules of thumb they use when looking for a top signal? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOFk4TUhvRjVzaDh6MENQUm5zMmFMQV9vd2xqdDNFcDBDT1dNYU5WZ3pVNm96MzBCUlZNZWN1SUlyX2E3SDRDcEZBRE9LS0xMX1lqQzh0dno5cXdkMk14ZzdiOVJYdzJWR0RUdXNjTHV4SFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSXV5Zm9oLWkySTNodzcyWU9XR1Zmcy02aFFUOWdvNlE0RVViSVVkV3J4eEZJN0JaN2hqc0tsY0Z0U2VvNEdRanp2NkFSNldHQjkxYnpPcS1WTXNRc0dpMDczeElLOGFfQzEya3JfMHdKR19ySHpTUTNRdF9XZjlaT05BZzNCRmRlV1Rfbmh5cm1ldnBzQ1ZhcWthY2N1LU8zNzl1Sm04UzVKamVxWmdnRXZBPQ== |
Long-term holders (LTH) always sell older coins as BTC prices strengthen in a bull market.
It is natural for LTH to sell part of their stack to finally buy their dream house, dream car, or do something meaningful to improve their quality of life.
Since these are older coins, bought "on the cheap", they are most likely selling only a small portion of their total BTC holdings.
The [supply of coins](https://bitcoinisdata.com/supply/) in the possession of LTH will most likely continue to drop as we move further into the BTC bull run.
When we see LTH increasing their stack, though, that will probably indicate the end of the bull market.
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOFU5b0VNRWNjT0hyaktROFl1MDhlbmc1cHNlUFE0bFdvS09UVDYxMkJtcmRTSTBZd1RIclVXNjZ2QUJ6ZXFYczI1MldIV3R0cnhPci1ZNEV5NEU3eFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMHNUbGxjOF9HcnBDOXJ3ZV9ua0lwS1Z6aTljbC00RUVEUE0zV1dQQW04bU5iUzhLb1NyeXI1di1aYUlpSzJXd0xHREtpdEpOWEZ6UUI4LVhWNFdLQXBaRVR1TEE2TmUzbVFua0xOcjhRLWhySUlCZ1o5Y1hMN2ZmZkhKcGpBMTFQMkFJY0QtbjI2S2J1dzJweWpBRG5oNjVHRWhzUm83czdZOEdmY1pVQmpFb3RtY3NtX1hNVkk5d0J1aFNGVEs4 |
Was the name inspired from the fappening? | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU2Rid0Q0UHA0UTd1RlU1NkpOREVNbk1JZzctMndHT3M3dmY1dXFQZUM4UlNjQmFaVGdvbWRIRXk2N3pWWnRFQVBqOWw1TnhucXA3ekRMc1pkY1FIVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZGxZN3ZVYkE1c2tQalhDSV9GTWdWUWwtV0M1NWNWQU9wNThYZnM2YzUycDRSa3BjWnY0cURlNnMxRFM5MHdZUmJ0b2ZpM0dvOEhoak9idlRyZGNMYVhabzJBQUVCR09pTVpOaGtCNnNLejUzTTU5SU50S2hURnAyRjdUZU9CaGZDa1NPRDk4MGtmV0dWc3hhY3RjcW1LN1VjMExkRWdjTXBKOHVOZXpmbkUtT0FNRXBNVEROQmFOd0d2cGt6a1dQZlRvU2RVekFXTXdVR09fak9YcTZjQT09 |
To celebrate BTC hitting 100K, I’ve released my latest T-shirt in celebration. Hope you like it.
Available from https://weaponofchoicegallery.com/canvas-prints-and-clothing/cheba-maneki-neko-cat-btc-100k-edition-unisex-t-shirt | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ3JnMUgwOWRMVmx2dm9OeTR2S0VGa20wTGhHQUFpS2g0aG81WUhJX0d6c3ZFOXRNZko5cGxMUFFRTzRFZU5BNm5mNVBXUnVMcUJnZ25aTmtKT2pjcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLWxFWk96QlA5WTZNdkFLTnhfRXNKcFBSTGZSd2ZMWEEzTGZYWkM2YWVzanhyb25IcU0wYWh1NEIyYW5jcUFkaGxoRDRKS1hhd1BUNkVyNzI1dTdxM2Ruell1ckFfeVdXZUt0QjR4QVlBdXdUbDZZdVFCaXBpVURZSjUwZ3NYTVZwcHQ4TGRtRnRRemwxczFfMDdhNnZWUGdXSnpMbXg4U2E2c1AtanVjTE1ib3Vvb19hMERVYzRXTzN4RlBQcVFC |
Should hit that at some point next year imo | r/ethereumclassic | comment | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQm5QWm1halZreGRRM1E1VUxmbzFLWnEtbVJUUWtaanRkQVRVdTZXYTZZZE53NmY0MHM0OTRGUk81c0lBdjJaSmNDcWxjY1dOQ01Xc1lDMkRfQUdKY3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQlM3VU5KXzhQaWJoYVFmcEdydExuTV9jeUhXbzJoUk8zUjJ2MUkwWGRTelFEM2tERU1waFpIMWRobXR4NThTc0FKeG4zVnRCQ0lDOXhuV2hiUlplaU9ld3h6VjNXOEI2UWdNRlVHZ3g5QlZ0ckhEN21iSUx4WjBMNlJHc1VVOEpYWHhkN3lVbUE3bFU4MHR1MXVtTEF6QWZ2dVlnU1BlS2cxVVkyUTk4ajBkbjB2dU5TaExmeFp4VlppUkIyYW1OTUczMk00eVVzR3FiZHhPSTcwRVRaZz09 |
Yes, there will be one done on Polkadot but there is no set date yet. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeXZWVmYwSzVjLS1Ocjh5Wmozb0kzWTJoSGYzY1ZHd2hGWkhEbXpEaDlTeWh0WV9ueDA2RXhxaXZkVktGSDRRRW1JazhVVTZVTWhWdmhEdnJIbThKZ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoU3YxTFpGclpoV1Jnci1BYXFKS3hBbFRwVjBKT2p5MmxoZHlQTTFxaUJPa0hTekFzVUpIamhmTGhXUGh2UWR1cm53OE9fMmhnc1VJZHh0NWJFQkdFQkFoTU5sVURCR00wYmFQam9URUlJaUF4azdLMldpajhZQmQxT1E4WHBMZ1AzZ1lIcFJMT0dsT0NNeTdpLWxBX29rWG9WZmpWQm5QT3dnbS1sYjJaZXBldHV5MlZDaWZsSjREX2Ewd1FJTldyeEFzYWJDWlNOdFpxRTNtcXFuTU9Fdz09 |
30usd? Easy 0.0003 BTC. What a time to be alive. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRGdMZDNOSU1jeHJhRHZSOTZON080ZHdmSXpyY1FDTjVUeXJFRm1UdkRYX196V3ltQi01akQtS3JlM2ZqZEozM2hFOVhXSzBZaVVlc1dFWlBNQk52amc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodi1BS0xXU09lNTVFM3huUDhDcElvQVh0allzQWYycmNjMnB6V0hWemd2SlJ2WDhtQzhidjAzYi15T2FmcVZpdFNkWkt2SEZhbVFJWGpXSVItUlpsSkM5d0NGdkNQcmMtbTgteWxweTE3eTlNN2RFdS1MRFMtMVNJT0xLN3VmYXFUbWlJS0hKeXpncUU2bF9RdEp5aHM1NzV4M25oWHNUQTJPdWluSFpjdFZpYldod1pkX3l1Z3I3SnVxMFJqM2xf |
This thread appears to be a question. If you have a question how Monero works, try asking in the the pinned weekly thread on this subreddit. If your inquiry is more support related, try our dedicated support subreddit /r/monerosupport.
If this removal was in error, it should be approved by the moderators within a couple hours. Feel free to send a message to modmail if it's urgent.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Monero) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocXh4dTJKZ1ZKZFBQckk0S0ZzVXRqTXk4ZHpFUDlfSzNHNXFjczlFUm0welFBMWdCaVpKanVZT2dDeEdSalhfUUR2WWVJTDFLbUFWQ1JYSG9QVkg2SVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUGduNHR4QkZjanBmcy1wQ0ZaeFd5S2c1R0hPd1ZqR0Vrd3dRclpnSC16cEUzaXFKVEZIWTg5cWVSeGpqUjJVWE41Y0tKRDRvbHpETWRoOERid04xOEhRanFZQzloSlNyVzFlMFRqdktGUXU3REJyVlNpU01TZjZ4YjAxTUl1U01lNDVjWGdYYnc5RkZMSkFCaDdERzgwdnhFVWN5WjE5REtJSXRmSjBLTEVQNndsUUZCVGdfQmJGMk9ZVUhmQUgz |
Wouldn’t it be just possible of creating a wallet with polkawallet or so and then send that amount x to that wallet address? Or is it that you want to avoid the fees by Revolut? | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMVozdW91WHV3bWM3WDFDZlB5Q2RWWVRDYXJEaEpCNE14eVJGNnIzUnRMblhuSG85MHNoQ0Z1NkF4WnRLd3p6Z2xyRGwyd0p3d0w2MVMydXNKVjdvSFZBVk5mRnFBVGE3OTQySkFQRnpHdDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ0ZaVHNGb1VtN2dkU0pfUk5jbW9jUUNiZy1qZEItb1NWbV9VZHc1SXotQkNBVjVsVVE3em5RZG9zUHJJS2FNUklIcS11TjhiNk1ISmtQc2Q4NDdDQzNMRkhGeDdLcElfMmFwOURlYUh2SjAtSlRoZEFuOWZaNlpIb2stcEMzZElYdXdnRGZxZUM1bnZubHViSU9LeVA4M3paQzRFSTMwWGVQbENWYU04OG9yOExtNllDY1AwX3FqbDE3QUdzWi16NXFCSW4tOUlSR0ZtTG1JLWtZTWo1QT09 |
Context: Quantum computing is having its moment. It’s risky, but could massively disrupt industries in areas like computing, finance and cyber security. But stock market bubbles are forming.
Quantum computing is probably the most technically difficult industry for analysts to assess. Few people are equipped with an adequate understanding of quantum technologies, which is leading to massive mispricing.
Quantum Computing Inc is junk
Iceberg Research’s recent short report covers some of them. They note that the firm has run from one fad to another (chips, ai, computing) and failed at each. They list several misleading claims that they’ve made and withdrawn. The report is damning and raises serious questions about the future of the company, I encourage you all to read it.
However Iceberg does not go far enough.
They lack talent. Successful quantum innovations requires strong technical knowledge that you really can only come by in either leading universities or megacap firms like google.
I went through the Linkedin profiles of each of their employees and compared them with their small cap competitors. I tallied up the share of employees that went to an Edu Rank top-100 world universities for Quantum Physics (which is a very broad net), they rank incredibly poorly among it’s peers - less than a fifth of employees (see picture)*. This is robust to different ranking metrics. Counting only Ivy leagues they come out much worse.
But look, not all employees are on linkedin. And this is the next big underdog? No.
A large share of their “talent” comes from the Steven’s Institute of Technology, an unremarkable university in New Jersey (ranked 150+ for Quantum Physics depending on list)
The company’s Chief Quantum Officer is Yuping Huang. On first glance he appears to have a prolific publishing history; however, most papers receive low citations and/or he is third, fourth or fifth author. Huang was previously sued by shareholders for breaching fiduciary duties when he merged his previous company with Quantum Computing Inc. Notably he is both a director and employee, which is a big corporate governance redflag (reminds me of Cassava Sciences).
There is only one independent director with a background in Quantum Physics to provide checks and balance on Huang — Dr Javad Shabani. He is not up to the task. His publishing history is mediocre.
Looking deeper, the Chief Technology Officer Yong Meng Sua, has an even more mediocre publishing history. And has only risen to an Assistant Professor role at Steven’s. He spends much of his time discussing esoteric computing questions tangential to his work (i.e. the NP=P problem, see their LinkedIn posts)
And finally the Director of the Company’s chip foundry (Iceberg has raised significant questions about the foundry). Dr Milan Begliarbekov after finishing high school enrolled in a bachelor’s degree in English literature at Steven’s, graduated, then immediately enrolled in a physics Phd at Steven’s. Either he is a savant polymath who is able to pick up grad school physics level math, or a Phd from Steven’s is worthless. His publishing career is very mediocre.
These scientists will not crack the major problems stopping widespread commercialization of Quantum tech. Simply compare their publishing records to the founder at Ion-Q (Peter Chapman) or leading quantum scientists at Google, alongside the significant and verifiable technological advancements these companies have made.
Another clue that something is amiss is headcount. Rigetti has three fold the number of employees. D-Wave six fold. All have similar market cap. What’s driving value? We’ve established that it’s not human capital. Iceberg’s research reveals it’s not intellectual property or physical capital either.
So why has it done so well? Regarded retail investors.
Only 3.3% of Quantum Computing Inc is held by institutional investors (and falling). Compared with ~40% for IONQ.
The lack of institutional investment while institutional investors are simultaneously clamouring to load up on quantum stocks is a massive red flag. In fact no Wall Street analysts track them.
So what happens next?
The 800% rise in one month is going to attract short selling interest as people realise it’s junk. The stock will fall back below $1.
If you want to short/buy puts, You can rest assured that the company is not going to suddenly become profitable. The main risk comes from why they’ve done so well, despite having little revenue, expertise, or innovation to show for it.
They’re literally called Quantum Computing Incorporated. If you’re a full regard wanting to invest in Quantum computing are you going to invest in IonQ (what?), Rigetti (spaghetti company?) or a company conveniently called Quantum Computing? It’s a regard trap.
It’s like being interested in electric cars and passing on Tesla because you wanted to invest in a stock called Electric Car Co.
My positions
1000 put contracts to sell @$4.50, cost average = 0.11, expiring Dec 20. If this doesn’t work I’m going to buy puts again and again. This company sucks. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoa0p6dHMtc0FmSUpsNTdUQjNqOXZBY1l0dllid2lwR2N5ZXVMeHB5Mk5YVWtyVW5kWmtiZmtnYWVnYXlIdUlqeXF5d285ZFE3WUowVUZVanlReTZmb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob3l1SjNLZWVlM3puME9rXzJKYklVYUJFWWVsNlRwVDcwS3NLWFpTZDkzYXRFZWxhTkFaYnluNjUxOHkwc3NBRXlDc2MwNVhYVzNELWRfTElUVHYtMndBdlNBeXBtRW5URS12emh0clZCdFpzaU1Qd1ozT1Jhbnp0VXAyNWNKNGx0NTNvZ2t1WWdzNjVha21RMldJYlRQd004bllKZnZ5MDFaaUhtYjFMMkVGdzhXYkVVQ2M0U3BLaW95Q3hDazgzeVZvVUtvRTFFU0J5RXJGV3h2TDBBQT09 |
I've been wanting to try launching a personal crypto for a while now but I don't really know where to start, what do I need to study? How to declare it? How to create liquidity? How much budget do I need? Of course I also want answers for what will be the negative sides.
Obviously we're talking about a memecoin. I saw a lot of people launching shit coin on solana | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLVBGa0VIeTlzRUZZT0RFcWhpTVpORnNZUEhkVVFmRGg5Vk1DNjJFS0lBbHJLM29mUzNZWC05ZUZaTDAwSkRVOS1BY1ZyTDJnSVpvNnZCMlViZWxvakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNXJLMkdnUDBDampwdUpmeUlVdEdHQmg2S3M0bV9DOTM4VlV5UWFZT3M2ZXRpQnZjN0FSekNlU1ZxNjV2N1E1clNKVk95TGp4SXRWcGZpcndDLTRMRmdCOGR5cmZyMk1sOVZsSThOTWV5ZW9nMk1FZ0JmclBPclNLaVROYXpfVFhNV1B2T0daRzhSZF9PZ1ljNWp4c3NxY0hNTGlCdzB6R25zUTdvdkFJTHFfMTczREhESVhkYTE2ZlR1aDVST1JB |
**Hey CC,**
We’re excited to share some big news from *IOTA Heroes*! We’ve just rolled out our largest game and economy update since launching on the IOTA EVM, and we thought you might want to hear about it.
*IOTA Heroes* is an adventure-themed RPG where you can send heroes on quests to battle monsters, find loot (ERC1155s), and earn gold. This latest update marks a major milestone, especially on the liquidity front, thanks to the support of the IOTA community. The game is live on IOTA EVM and the first original game in the IOTA ecosystem.
We collaborated with the *IOTA Bootstrapping Initiative* to establish a deep liquidity pool for our Gold token. This was no small feat, as Gold in our ecosystem isn’t pre-allocated—it’s only minted through in-game adventures. To support the liquidity pool, we’ve been buying back Gold and received some generous community donations.
Additionally, we introduced a system that tracks liquidity contributions to this pool. Players who participate will see benefits: a tiered system that enhances loot drops and unlocks access to an exclusive drop table.
There’s more to the game than just adventures, and we even have PvP on the horizon. If you’re into browser-based Play-and-Earn games, we’d love for you to check us out. Our community is small but incredibly welcoming and always ready to strategize about the best gear for various quests.
You can read more in our blog post: [New Adventures](https://www.iotaheroes.com/blog/new-adventures).
Thanks for letting us share, and we’d love to hear your thoughts! | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSkZ3bEozNV9OR3ZRbE5hYWlSNi13RWNaT3preFNoTVBqcU81WXU5R0dOeE82SVJsYUVZMzBtTEJqZE9QNjBYaUNXSS1PUURCSUZYTEVUVWRPVlZwZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVody1TaTlPN0dJY3hkS3lrSExzRTk5Z012OGlJSHdUVldqY0FfTW9KUjRxV3FDZzRYN2xEQlhoLTR4NWhDN0NpUnRVX01jSGZ5emlnTHk0WlBBMTZmVDQzOUFOMlAxbE1GQlliWFFqMXpKMFp1aFNkemdZUEVkVFlxY1VtUHpFeDM3Z29EOWRPX3V0Q1dMS0pDd252MkZUVnM2V01HN3laZ0hPRlNJQkZ1YkVleDU5eGl4WXRtc0RsVE5QeVJoS0hZWnQtcWVVQWF5dlZjbjQ2ekRyYXgyZz09 |
I was in a similar situation with you, so I created a wallet with Nova and transferred my Dots there. I would suggest sending a small amount of Dot so you are sure that everything is OK before sending the whole amount.
Personally I use Nova wallet and I am very happy with it.
You must take in consideration that Nova is a mobile only wallet and if you want to use your wallet in your PC also might need to use another wallet. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaDNaWF83ZXlmNzZ0S1BFM1l3U1BtWE1BUmlydGFseWxuUlJtQnBjd3NvTzRGY212SldMLVpRMHF3Y3Q1YXRWTGRXbG1hTnJYUksxNjRRNUgwX244X3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVlRONUFDcWktNnl1UWFJa3hDN0pVcDJXS2FtSzlENUw4dkFGUFhwTkFjclZhSTE1TjJ2S3k4Ql9nWW1pdnB4dWdNSU5ZWTROcFNfM3VfcXdyTEM1eUl6N0tBM21CSzFJWVVBQVlUMWlJV2pwaDZncTBFQ1llanM4Sm5tcmZlTkdDeDgzakRhXzQ0TzRfall5Vm9pLWFCS1BQZFAwZG5YRktkeVJwWXVDQURTTGF4LTNUMm52clcyTG1PWVo3UmV6TkU2djJ5RmJfYmNYY2ZMa2tkSU1yQT09 |
daddy polkadot is very upset when you say that. say you're sorry to daddy 🦹🏽 | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQUhXUVhMRGdadEE2bHBRNVJzcjVKZXQ2XzB2d2VmMkhqMWpBSHFDS01td2l2WUY0NlJveHJyM1VLNjJDWWxySzBpSWlxTzNnLXRFLUtoZmRtZVI5cGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob2ttYV9uQlF6VTd0cWxrcWhBOHRIUHQxRDJyVW9xMlNwS0k2M0lOM3lWcWdVUFFEVHZfNVg2SWZZTmpaLUU4c1NnbGpxRzJqMElCdHU5ZjhFREJsWEpDWmFjQ0I2YjB2T04zaVhwdzNRTTBBVXVjQ0prejV6OC1nb0duWnRXZXllVnNOY0pLRUhBZG1vZENZaXpYRFN0dWtxcW9sc1RVUGliWkFfS00tV3ZzPQ== |
I also agree that you'll have to sell and buy real dot rather than revolut dot. Not certain tho. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMXJkbEdQY1ktSEU0WHpkZzFwN19CWFcwS3pmWm0tOXZWTVNGUHpiUkwtV2lWcGVLS2tncm9zNTdNeGttSXVyakhTdmlLQ240OTFtODhlaEd2UWJtUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodlhjcTh5aEs0WVZac0J2WFVmeDJlejZGWWlwMXBCSHBZUHFLWVZYRExnTDJ1d3Q4TllPMDF0UXQzZjJXN1dLOUlzYWhsSVYyY0o3TnhRMjktVWw4QUxuVVd5bm1KaGE5R3dlSTNCbUVCby1tdHZxaEp4dzlVSVVGSXlOcjZnWjVwUGVGQVdwNVF0S09LZGVBeFpLcEI2a3BScjVWX29vVHN0akhFOXlnNkRCT0hJUGVkSmtoLUJ4WjR2cGM2SkZxazFDV3h3UENCY1Ewd0NjTVRCSnRlZz09 |
The energy required for Bitcoin mining is 12.8 million percent higher than the energy needed to run the network with just the basic functions of verifying and storing transactions. The vast difference is driven by the computational intensity of the mining process, which generates 128,000 times more data than the transaction data per block. Specifically, mining generates around 64 billion characters per block, compared to just
500,000 characters for transactions. This immense data load from mining correlates directly with the enormous energy consumption.
Is there a way that this excess generated data could be used for beneficial purposes? Training language models, etc? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ25xZkZuOWlDSWhZMURBSXVtSDg5a0tNc2NBVkRrNTVDYjlEazA0eWhrR2RPa3RUZ0xvd25tSFVMaUJDLWtoSmpyUWhNS1dmSkFESXdjY2k1TjRIOXNJWGRLYnVEMG4wQVEzSjhoX3dHSTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYnppbW8xb2NVODhqWXpvdjFiREM1UXlUdHBjM1J2SWs2ekktVllHRkJOYXZFRm9DRVNrQmVjNmRldUMyaDhsSFpXSzdjZXVuMlA3bThvd0ZHUU1kUWQxeHpKdS1XNHc1bDhUd2tOLXBTdElKcEI4MUlkT3lBcnJ1eHMyWDhTWGJKd3k4cFpiaHMzajN1ZGU2anlheS1JUGFwUmVCQVJyeEtfNXU5TTZWVlpkRGduRGRoOVpzOXp5bV8yQ3Z0akh2Sm1saTV6X3J3V1hKM2VUVkdyM0FmUT09 |
thank god for united wifi otherwise i’d be boned | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOHdlMmMzcDRqa20ybE9TNDBYS1pYVGF2R0ZyT0ZxSU82NjcwSUs0Rkl0VHpIeXNNY2l3X3drektZNEc2V0VuNDVXWGp2cENJeVRMOTRfTlpOT0g1RHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZWJNcXZ4WkNzRzNMNGtIcm83Wm9zMWNPdEFwN0szdVo4TTBMWXRmUV8tUHRpdVJQTW1YY09uOUo0cmtsdzc4TVZKZUk3TWFqX0R5eTNvcmFhdDF1aVZNNWNwTDlhanhLM0I4dFVwY3FJcnk2ZWwtZFFIRnRKVG1rVmZ1TTRDdWNibFRjdFFLQUJ3NjV0RkFBbG1NUjJ6aS0tWFBTTFlPTjR5UmNjR1F1SzBYVGxrMXF6dmI2eHdaUnplX0RZdTFO |
Talisman is the best polkadot wallet by a long shot. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobzcyS0J5dFI3UGxjWGd2V1BsUGdtSXl6N085aHNNY3o0c0ZnZlFNUEpsWTZleDV6TEYzOU1DbDlIZ3RYaXpIaHk2N1JRdE16OEplcHZ3MFAzX25UNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOFRWYVFqR1V5VTdkenpGQ3VtakxhM1VDZGR6Ti1NMHpudHQxVHphMXhmbjhMUkJ1bVFLYWZzRjczbTd4MG1nQ1N1d2Fhd0pCRjE3Ymp1cTcxWnhZbEpLUkJVZnlGNTlXMEp5NWpIem5sUkpmZ2dib04ySF9lZnBOY1RLRC1KTkZ5WHlyYTJZUDlxUXJJdEExd1dEN3hkV1FTd0pmb3R3UGpkWWhlRFh6aWFlZnFpaE90RnZ1MnRnSFkyRFM0a2tfcjE5SWk2b1hjdGJlR2tjc3NraTFjUT09 |
I use Revolut and send a lot of Polkadot to exchanges and wallets. It is really easy, just click send and add the wallet address. I think there is a fixed fee no matter how much you send. If you are in doubt just send a little bit for the first transaction. As for the question do you really own the coin in Revolut - yes you do. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZFlhZ3h1Yi10QzBvVHRNa0U5b1NoRVdJVjJzekhKODJNQmxhT0hJMXN4VnJQM2lMeHR5QXpPd3ZtLWZodnRWSTdtbFlxMG9XWmxBaDhNNllRWVNRVTR3cWt0cVZMbDRJcEN6Z2pvX0hycDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocUwzdTY2bk0xLU1WVHpwdFJjZ2ZLZlQxZDJFalRkYkltOVI0Z0VPcUxCQ0xQSUdaQ0s0bDRJZkZQd2pzemZqSXJ4V1VnNmZMZ3RaMko3aEJjTC1XcU9WaTcwczFOX09mNmRScjVYa1R0eVVmVy1FLTdGOUFlM3E3a0xULWRJVFBhYWNoMHZmUFJPTmFaOC0xUlNZLXFWYUdDSXQ3SjZWRFlOWnd0RjlvbVY4SEw4QXJKOWJkd1FZdjZxN01iYkNNZ21pQXhXb0d3NWMxY3U4SVdGWEdEZz09 |
So, I finally did it. The BTC price widget is gone from my home screen. I told myself I’d keep it there until we hit $100k. Seeing the price every time I unlocked my phone was this constant little nudge—like my mood was tied to the chart without me even noticing.
Now? It’s freeing. I feel more focused, less reactive. Like, Bitcoin is doing its thing, and I’m doing mine.
Anyway, just wanted to share. If you’re on the fence about ditching the widget, give it a try. Your brain might thank you. | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoRzFuUDNORkRVYnJuNTRvbXFNbjZsVFR1dXdOMXY1QzJpYU4wdWw3THZBTmppTFhRSjR3QW1weUJ5T2dxTTNkdDdROFlSRmRXY2JfdU9RMVJ5SmRNelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUVdSNlNJQXY1cGFTX1FFenN0VkdxNTRka3B6WDN4M2lkMHhuZWkyOE83bEU5VEdPNU1yYTdlNDI5T1BSdWVBREZJWXlLbFF0SmxQWkgtUlBESG9SVjFoT0xYdHllMXZqUlJ2VEsyWFNTbjUxUjM1RGhOMkZWdTZfUDR0MUpJRjFPOTlXSUFUX1RSNlBSWDVKQU9ucnRkd1RMVkFWakh5YmhJSWJfdFZEaHRubld1MzcwSzQ1QVkxTjR4S01BcmJ5RUk4a0FGTXZybFhhZnlodVFBTUo5dz09 |
It was a fun ride, | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc1JLS1A5VUlER3l5TEpUX0U1VGZjTEo2Zl95XzZBY2dDQW44cUVkNW5QNkdlWGJKSC1icjFXMW1NZUR2bWttbXhXaDlnS003UkRLeHpMbzA4X1hONkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVUtJdTFLUU1QRW5RQmU5d2tEUWRCQ3RDZkdRZWtLYmtxWnZ2eGliMkh6VG8yem9uZ0x0R05pdGIyLUZWT0xuSmJLZnVGeU1xMXpwRlczQ1V2cDFscXZTWGNEME1NSnZneGhoUTdPWWtlNVlBSXZoUUxic2p1RTItUUFZNVJ1NmJzaXRWWjBOUEI4N0YySjRtS01rSGtyTzU0dFdEQmU3b0lUbklsRTk2LTZuRkNOZkItZVZveEtOSm5oZ2ZsSDBfZDk1TWtFOFJOUGpPNmFOZmMyc2s4QT09 |
**Hey everyone,**
After hours of deep research and analysis, I’ve made my move. I’ve just purchased **$2 million worth of Braze Inc (BRZE)** because I firmly believe this company has massive potential to grow in the SaaS market.
This decision wasn’t made lightly—I analyzed financials, competitive positioning, market trends, and technical indicators to make an informed choice. I also used **ChatGPT** to help organize and present my findings clearly, but every insight here comes from my research. Here’s the breakdown of why I went on BRZE.
# 📊 Key Financial Metrics
1. **Strong Revenue Growth:**
* FY2024 revenue reached **$471.8 million**, reflecting a **32.7% YoY increase**.
* Subscription revenue, which accounts for 95% of total revenue, hit **$451.1 million**, showcasing a strong recurring income base.
2. **Quarterly Update:**
* **Q2 FY2025 revenue:** $145.5 million, up **26.4% YoY**.
* Non-GAAP operating income turned positive for the first time, reaching **$4.2 million**, a major milestone.
3. **Big Clients and Growth:**
* Braze serves over **2,163 customers**, including **222 enterprise clients** generating ARR of over $500,000.
* Key clients include **DoorDash**, **Wendy’s**, and **Nestle Purina**.
4. **Operational Efficiency:**
* Free cash flow of **$7.2 million** in the last quarter highlights strong financial discipline alongside growth.
# 💡 Why Braze Stands Out
1. **Competitive Edge in the SaaS Space:**
* Braze focuses on personalized customer engagement across multiple channels, differentiating itself from larger players like Salesforce and Twilio.
* Key features include:
* **Sage AI:** Real-time insights and campaign optimization.
* **Braze Data Platform:** Powerful tools for real-time customer data integration.
* **Advanced Integrations:** Seamless compatibility with platforms like WhatsApp, Snowflake, and Google Cloud.
2. **Technological Leadership:**
* Continuous innovation in AI and data analytics allows Braze to stay ahead of the competition.
* Its scalable platform appeals to both startups and large enterprises, ensuring a broad client base.
3. **Growing Market Opportunity:**
* The digital customer engagement market is expanding, and Braze is well-positioned to capture significant market share with its innovative solutions.
# 📉 Challenges to Consider
1. **Valuation Risk:**
* With a Forward P/E of **166.65**, expectations are high. The company must deliver strong earnings to justify its valuation.
2. **GAAP Profitability:**
* While Non-GAAP profitability is improving, GAAP losses remain due to stock-based compensation expenses.
3. **Competitive Pressure:**
* Braze operates in a highly competitive environment, and its success depends on maintaining its innovative edge.
# 📈 Technical Insights
1. **MACD:**
* Bullish momentum with strong buying pressure, supported by clear upward trends.
2. **RSI:**
* Currently at **71.47**, indicating "overbought" conditions, but the strong trend suggests further room to run.
3. **Moving Averages:**
* The stock is trading above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, confirming a bullish trend.
# 🎯 Price Target
Based on financials, technicals, and market potential, I believe Braze is heading toward **$55**, representing a **30% upside** from its current price of **$41.46**.
**My Position:**
# Final Thoughts
I’ve taken a calculated leap of faith by investing **$2 million** in Braze. The company’s a good financial performance, innovative technology, and growing client base make it a compelling investment.
**Just to be clear, this stock carries some risk, which is why I’m not investing a larger amount.**
⚠️ **This post is not financial advice and should not be taken as an investment recommendation.**
Readers are encouraged to perform their own research before making any investment decisions.
* This is **not financial advice** and is solely my personal opinion.
* I’m sharing my thoughts, and everyone should do their own research before making any investment decisions.
* This post is not intended to manipulate the stock price, just to share my journey and analysis.
What do you think of my move? Let’s discuss—do you see the same upside, or am I being overly optimistic? 🚀 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSURsNUtoUTRQQ2VGTVNCckg5VFFWSXpNaHl5X3JmeHJJd0RnMFF1cjVNdWxHZkdnT25zOEVXMkw3Um1SUXl1alRmRjNka0xiSWtEdWNFRG14N1dCYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNUtMOEpaRU1QTjBPdGxNQld5bDBMb3RqRXBwTjQ1MndZOFdPTlp2Ti1DRFc2Wkxna1dQeVc3N1FKak1GRGZSWXllVUdSTTVYMWpjZGxUMlBCTHFQblJhSWd4eXotTEhhS2xLNTIzc3VVR0lOVWl5UXRCaHNiZ2xVazVQWFV1OEdacVhNQktjUUZLUHRpdU55YWFjX3lnTEFpRnlDSjNfS0QwNEtybVJNcEE3dWY4YlgwWFUzejFRSzFXSFlac2M3Qkk2QXItSlpFNWdaNENWTTk0OTlzQT09 |
FCMP will enable transaction chaining, which I think effectively circumvents the 10 block lock? | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNTZRbFlRdWZMdWgxT2VJOW9FRVNBaVFJV1dpZkRGbDZQSHp1dFBCSWY1Tm9rNWJJZjhZQzBieENDUDR5X0pEbFZqcjRmQlNSUWg4cjB0a2J4UmVEM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVGtWUVRWY2dwcjFoTnpzcUpoT3ZmaXlvNURnTFQ5MW5TbFRncWFWVFRyR3I5bmgzNVRhOEx3eVJzSjRrbDFzMHozOHY3LTZsQkpYcTVXdnhCcWdacTlMOFpYRk10Y1hyeUpLTzhqTWl0bGZzSEc3dkVFZTZyVXBTSEJBMEVBQ1BZNUViT2pfY242WDk2aGNBVmVPRVJqLWxQdGVUYlN5anhjRDRkWmNpRG42bjFrTXRCZkhWOTVkWFNUU2ZUS080 |
Bitcoin maxis can call ETH a shitcoin, while most people wouldn't agree. How would you define a "shitcoin" you would invest in? (consider the max risk you are willing to take) | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobWlMTjFJQ2MweUktYjZxUkFtdGN4U1QwOWVoMlN5WUdaNEdacWEtQ19ZdmdvTHhtU3FvU3JWa0dWVXZPbkR2TVRoYjBXc01xUWZWS3NTcXV0VnB6Snc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMUNEaDY0NzFtSDFvd1pnQW9yVWgwWjNWcWE3MTFXdllKaGhOdWZkT3dMcHhqeFI4dXpEZzNzZ2thVTdRTU1IRW9mMFVCeTdZNEpmdEtMOER5bHh5MEE0UXZFVWMwdm96UVh2RU01LVFhYnEyaGdxR01RM2VtU1otNlgyU003ampmdzBvTk9xYTdMa3NabFJ1TzQwQXRjTmxaWnlhc1FmX1ZSeWg1S29Pb3pNPQ== |
I was talking to my friends who have been buying different coins since 2019 or so. They expalined how certain events like the halving and US election (more pro crypto pres) can trigger a bullrun, they even said it's inevitable. It's nice seeing this part, however they could not give me an answer as why and how the market will crash.
Their guesses were:
\- 1 bad news / black swan event triggers an avalanche or fear and people bail out, like FTX
\- People lose interest en masse / market get undersaturated and everyone tries to take profits
Please help me understand how the bear market will start or started at previous cycles and what % crash do people even expect like btc to 200k then back to 50k, 75%? It's just difficult to wrap my head around how such a large scale downturn would play out. | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodnJqbEQ2YnlDNGNxX0RfSGJ1YWo2ZXBQNm1lZnI2TnptdndJSldfUW9LbXBqWUhYWE9QOEpWQ3BsWVoyeXVXQTJmbFpjV0lTRUhYd1JDa0gwVThIaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobUpLQlNYWG82ekN3QnFvcDBJNWR1U2xHelR2LTJWM0FtYk0wQnRVTUFXdFMybHZqUkt1REJTVVNwdjJWSE1YYlJHOVN3b1BPU0J0VURKcjhzdFBDN3FrQ2NMWF9EaHRqR1dmNGpNQW9HX3hHaXpFRV9wcFIwMlpZbV9zdXdnbkE2bUhmSzhGUXJSc0JhUFBQVVUxRUtjR2dNZ25ReXI4MHBDWVlROFhkaXQ3SVhhbFkxakktckN3V1JELUNlYm54R1NzWnNQQUhOdmdiNWQ0a3BxbmNqUT09 |
Retail is panic selling while the whales are loading up.. This is why it’s important to JUST HODL 🚀🚀 | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN2dZNHdsUlJpbC00NjBWYXpIYkpaUmRzRjE2LTJ1YjY3dlNzMEV4aW1vUW1EQW12aTg1cmRTdjlnX0xxdnFuSUFjQWpDZGZ6VTFKSXA3SDhVM2NJcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOW9zS0NTSWgwb0VoSzBVVVRyS2tpWjVJbXR3aVhZQkR0S3B6UHl6OHZLMjN6SjNhTnhKd3k2TUJjY2kyRmhSVjMyb0FmcGtCTlRrOTdOSHI1TGlPQjBLellEX3RTUkxSSm5IRVZ0ay1HMTlsdW0yX0FYNFBEVnBkTUNKWENqNjh0enFEQ29IY2E1UFU4cEU5NnRHeHo4LXQxXzZIRnFJRGcyUTItbWRIM2M4U0d3aE8ydWpIbnhrQ1V2TFdxZXN4 |
Well, Bitcoin can't get "all bought up" for 120 years and there may be a small liquidity issue at some point due to the nature surrounding "holding," but I don't think it's that likely. There will always be sellers the same way the bank sells gold and the government sells bonds.
Sure, there is only 21 million BTC, but there are 2.1 quadrillion Satoshis total. It's like how these governments and institutions already "have all the money." | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobVZ3bzE2UDBwWFZFcDh3d193SkFJX2ZhS3dqODVCMDhvQ3FEYWtBVWRlSVZxell3bDVVbC16Mm1tdG0xWVQ4a1FhU2VWaGVpM0RUdkF2bWpNTXQ4LVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodFhjTXowTjY3dUp5M0g0bmM3dDNmZjlyNEllcXNoODE3dWhOUjMtX3dvMEFpVGU3eldRelU4clNlSkZmVFZKbkVVUm5lWms5bW9adlZSZVVMVUVmc3pvdFhXYnloNHhNSFMzdjZ4Ml9ocGVjWXFEdHRIN2tPbUJIUnpDMzNNbHZ2ek1Ta3RuemtKeEVxYmdxZ1JER0hwRExZMjd0b3lzWkFoUkJFaUtnaHFhRkUtdGZZcE9yWGdFaVVySGJUNWZ4 |
To save some time, would you provide some references to those statements? | r/bitcoincash | comment | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTjg2OTY3amRJTkI3dUM4VllTX0JjSHBXUkpVS1VkQzh5ODVxdnpsS1NfLUZKWEJWMUJnQzE2MEhSd2JKV0EyMmMtTnk3ZkRVUm1iaWd4RW5DSk8xMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTWJkV0JjLWNOWWVER1p4VmZZRk5BUjRReVpOQkhVV2Q1LXFXUXV6SmNmUkNodnJaaGdzV21XTDBWZEx1NjM2a3JrRjExRk9yUGFEZl9VNGxqV1VMNE85c19TWXBkT3FsWGhMcFFiV3E4UzFyRkxWQXpzMVFjbnFVVFgwTksyMUlRUkh3NzY2dUNlRC1IdVhFX1NHaS00cXlkZ0J4aG9tU3o1UFJRcVRYN21XYjFwbGhHcFhGSWotUEFuSllxQk9R |
Shares only, think this stock will be $300 by end of year 2025 or early 2026 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSG5keEJweXB1SElDUmhGZFR6cjV5YUZJbXR3OUJFNmF5SHF2YnRQcGlXLUREd2Y2czRUOG9QeWFOYldDWXBJRlRUaGxoOS1rZ2Z1ZkI0bllHc0Z5MXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodjNKdTgxYW42NHhsVUNmcnd0b0psRjNqSlpkQWV6WV9mal9SQVVnazhNdE5vYTluX1NtR3hmTzczb0JkTm0weW5lazBZblllb2pWVmpyMDJXZFNwT0dfX1MzNjNvd1UzekRzOXl4YVZUS0RSeWpmM1o4c3IxbW4tOWktUVdvaVhfYVlJNHd1cEYtaVN4aUduRWVxaURweWNuMWdwTlpwNzNHRDJXNjVpc0l3PQ== |
**What's in my bag? -> $OTLY (300x 16JAN26 $1.5 Calls, 50x 16JAN26 $1 Calls) | \*$7,500 worth of calls.**
Folks, I would like to start this post by saying one thing, I like oats.
**Short background on the company:** Oatly is a massive international Swedish oat milk company with 783mm of revenue last year (they sell a lot of oat milk). If you've had oat milk in your Starbucks, you drank Oatly. They only make oat milk and a few other oat products.
**Oatlys tragic fall:** Oatly IPOd back in mid-2021 rising to a peak of nearly $29. Since then, it has been in a nonstop decline bringing it to $.75 where it is today, with a low of $.65 per share this year. The decline from $29 is certainly understandable; Oatly has never been profitable since its IPO. That said, Oatly appointed a new, much more experienced CEO in 2023. Jean-Christophe Flatin (new CEO) has been President of Mars Edge, and Global President of Mars Chocolate, Mars being a $117 billion company responsible for America's most well known chocolates. He has significant experience in running a company in a similar industry and I believe this is exactly what Oatly needs.
**Oatlys path back to greatness:** Oatly's expected revenue is expected to increase from 829.54 in 2024 to 886mm in 2025 and 952mm in 2026. Revenue has never been Oatly's issue, Oatly has poorly controlled its costs in the past. Part of this is due to expansion but I believe part of is due to manufacturing inefficiency and other corporate inefficiency. This is where I believe that the new CEO will kick ass. Although Oatlys revenue has only increased moderately, I expect the cost of goods sold and other costs to decrease dramatically. The cost of goods for Oatly is enormous. 80% in 2022 and 88% in 2023. I'm not really sure how their COGS is so high but it is certainly not because of the price of oats.
A bushel of oats is approximately $3.51 at market. One bushel of oats is 14.515 kg bringing us to just under 25¢ per kg of raw oats. The average rolled oat is about .025g and the average raw oat is .035g meaning the useful to raw oat ratio is about .7 and that therefore the actual cost of oats per kg is .25/.7= 35¢ per kg of useful oats
Oatly can produce 600 million liters of oat milk (505mm 2023) per year at a cost of 100 grams of oats per liter meaning they use approximately 60 million kg of oats per year. .35\*600 million means that Oatly probably only spends about 210 million dollars a year on oats. In mid-2022, oat prices skyrocketed to about $7.5/bushel or nearly 450 million of oats. This sharp reduction in oat cost due to supply returning to normal contributes to a lowering cost of goods but even at $3.51/bushel, it's hard to believe that there isn't significant room to lower the cost of goods with raw materials being that low (They also used 1.46 billion liters of water which using the price of water at their NJ facility is approx. $1mm).
Oatly recently canceled their factory expansion (at a cost to them over $100mm) which possibly has to do with a new DSM enzyme that can save energy, water, and time. The new enzyme reduces hydrolysis time by 30% and removes the need for heating and maintaining oat solution at 70C for liquification and 50C for saccharification. According to DSM the whole hydrolysis process can now be completed in a single step at a single temperature. There is not a ton of insight into Oatlys manufacturing process other than sustainability statistics but this would be major savings for their process.
The plant-based milk market has a predicted CAGR of 9% up until 2030 and oat fiber (their primary waste product) has a CAGR of 7.1%. The fiber CAGR is significant because they have so much leftover oat fiber that they literally turn it into energy (They contract with Trenton Renewables to produce biofuel). Because of their sustainability focus, they are forced to use almost all of their waste products. They most likely give away oat fiber to Trenton Renewables for close to free. With a projected gain in oat fiber usage, their waste products will make profit on the way out.
**The Oatly PR game:** Oatly has a good PR program. Their primary PR angle is environmental sustainability but their outreach and marketing are excellent. They are confident with PR and even have their own hate website (https://fckoatly.com/) which they run themselves. Because they are already running at peak environmental stability, they probably will not have any lash back for it and therefore will not have any stark demand drops from "being canceled". The biggest argument I have seen against their product is sugar content which is relatively low and the addition of rapeseed oil which many people consider unhealthy. In response to this, Oatly released "Oatly Super Basic" which literally only has oats, water, salt, and citrus fiber. This is a major plus for them and I believe this all is a big reason they have survived their competition.
**Oatly's threats have diminished:** Back in 2021 when Oatly IPO'd they were the biggest dawg on the market. Oat milk exploded and part of the reason I believe the price crashed was the risk of competition. Oatlys major product is oat milk and all of their products are oat products. They are undiversified and the risk of other food companies "just making their own oat milk" was major. As we stand here in 2024, Chobani and Califia Farms have made their own oatmilks and most major grocers have their own private labels. Oatly stands relatively unaffected. Even though their oat milk is more expensive (sometimes several times so) they have a loyal following and people swear up and down the wall that it tastes significantly better. At this point, I do not believe that Oatly will be disrupted as the market leader in the near future.
**Addressing the H5N1 bird flu:** Oatly shills are saying that because this is transmitable to cows, and can shed into milk we will see dairy supply drop and as a result, Oatly will be more attractively priced. Unfortunately for Oatly, Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization in 1862 and this kills H5N1. I would guess that the majority of people drinking raw milk are not the same people drinking Oatly anyway so I do not believe this will be a major catalyst.
**Debt and buyout:** To finish this off, one of the major reasons Oatly gets hate is that they have $441.3mm in outstanding debt as of last quarter and $119.3 in cash equivalents. I see this as a positive sign; With their new CEO coming in, taking on debt to fix supply chain and manufacturing inefficiencies is useful. Additionally, taking on debt as opposed to dilution is a good sign to me. Haters will say it's because they are close to delisting but when your revenue is 800mm a year, 441mm is not too significant to me. It does however put them in a good position for a buyout. I have seen buyout predictions ranging between $2 and $4 and it is easy to see why. The company has enormous value and considering they "own the market segment" it would make an excellent addition to a larger company's portfolio. I haven't seen any substantial rumors of a buyout but they seem to be focusing heavily on efficiency and advertising at the moment and less on releasing catalysts to raise stock value/equity so it is understandable that people predict it.
**To end the DD:** I predict that Oatly is fairly valued at around $3. They likely will become profitable in 2026 and are trending upwards. I went to Target for the first time in a while yesterday and the milk aisle was fully stocked but Oatly all the oatly cartons had been grabbed off the front showing that demand is going well. They also recently made a deal with McDonald's Austria, which if it goes well, has the potential to easily extend to other markets. Starbucks recently made plant-based milks free which reduces a price barrier to demand. I believe Starbucks customers will now more readily purchase Oatmilk products raising demand. I have seen more and more companies partnering with Oatly and people are reporting Oatly to be hard to find our out-of-stock at many locations. If Oatly burns through its stock this quarter which is certainly possible, there would probably be a large beat which could be the catalyst needed to remind people that Oatly is nowhere near going bankrupt.
**Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk** | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWVJzay0zYXNlb0RHX1NyRW1Tc1Bra1lMSkdQZmhmNkR2ZjJDazVDVzFoV3laZHZtMlRna2w3TGhuWm13dF9aWTF0dGk3enNybS14bEt3bXRUNll5RlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS0VDaVhUR2NaZVhySFZSajBpdjR5QzY2ek1jXzEtQzgySUwyMVNBamdObU8yRkM4VUdkS1VfdERwbUhzR0FKMm5JdGZHM3BPdzN0cWF5NTQ2NXFSbzZkMW1QYUc3RzMyT2QtN01yMENYeEtQVGM4bHVEN0JMNng3dzc0NVFaSmRJdlppTkgxVXBFQWcxZ2NYYUw1ME9zSmdIc1JQblJPRmlnWWtsam5VbFRQZWgzcGdhUHo2aWNvV09wbldRS0s2 |
So, where do NFTs really shine on ETC? Besides the fact that art and collectibles are the current use cases, ETC, with its low fees and scaling, is arguably the perfect home for NFTs. Projects for digital identity, gaming assets, and ticketing are already a move in the right direction.
What unique NFT use cases do you think could thrive on Ethereum Classic? Any ETC-based projects that are pushing NFT boundaries? | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSTlISmZjY3lqUUxPdUFwTXg2bXdQRHNRaWxiZWJ1LWUzSEJxZG1lM3RZVmJDeHF1SlhSUlJtOTBWWEdTZGJvY3lxeVN5UWlPc19Yc0E3ZkZTcFdyaVBRUk43a1cwdTlsWHNlRXlhOHV3d289 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWHF4TTJTeXhKQ0p3cGV1Y2VMQWQ0dUk5MEJCWk9GdE0tVnhEbGdsNUNtZVBoV0MxYlY0R1poNmdzRTFOMmRXcmswUzZtbmxQOGlaZVZjSENIU1ppZEM3MHh6QlZFbktsV0N1N0lrWjBTQ2dCYmtjQ1B2X3MxTHN5a1hzRTQ0NThqRHpCWDFGZ2tCTGRkVVJMZjlfcEhibXBFZzlfM0F4SGtjSWxTOXF6cDFIdG9fQTlUa3lrYTE1c1diTjhwNGEzdkk4RHp5b0E0U1lXd2x2QlpCOC00QT09 |
Instead of providing a catalogue when wanting to buy a car, it goes to a contact form.
Not being transparent on prices is definitely not a good look.
EDIT: Did a little digging. On the website it says the launch was on December 2018. Domain was only registered in June 2019. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc0dDUGI3bDh0RkdWVWozMXZ4ZTJ6MVdwOTBoaERYejA3R090SmVmQWhTNWR2cG5jaWFUMWZGWWJmNFl3alJTblF0MlVLQ2xVcG1WSU11NXo3QndvaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQkR6cGFZYjVIdTNtSXpwRVFmY2kzNE9RSzBqbnE3OXl1Qlc2TkNTSHdDSFd1eGJzMTY0RUMydnJZQllWQTNnTFNkd2VOLS12YUFLeFBJREt2cG1TUTkwNFkzcHVVUi1ZblplX3VSWGJ3d2ttWWlacWNhbDhzZDJodTBNMTV6cEcxUEFJS3dsWVBhOXFmRmFSNm1uVzZiU2xrblN5TDllZTNTRHZ4VWY4ajBuZXRpcFlxWUNjLV9WYlFndDJwV2ppejRyaU5ZZXJqUU9GU1JZYTJsM1A2UT09 |
I’m getting scam NFTs sent to my ETH address - not a problem, I just ignore them. However, when I look at the transactions in Ledger Live and Etherscan, they all seem to have a ridiculous gas fee attached - the latest one was around $200 / 0.05 ETH.
I assume it’s to trick me into interacting with the token (which I’m not going to do) but my question is - how are they able to make it look like I’ve paid a huge gas fee when my ETH balance hasn’t gone down; surely the scammers aren’t paying that much? | r/cryptocurrency | post | r/CryptoCurrency | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZDFuTDVjUE1fZkNrbjRnWTlmNHdFcEJjWWRNSXRlbTR3SU5LU3BfUUMzVEJuM3phZDFSRzc1VzM2a2NpX2thX2xLazBGWl9sOVlOYXZyXzFQTm9CZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc0p2R3NwMjNFMENOTTIwQVZNek9Dc252TzBuWU1qZGIxTFZzOElGbENBbGpNZjQ2VmI1WXhoaTI2cFFtNWoxUXVpd0NCVkNoSmh5R3A4OVZiMVhLMDhLTnFBdkZTblo0R3pqM2NXZFNtQldsNV9fRk5qbnJLTGtjMVEtWXpXTFVUOHJmWW5taEg3aHVHQ3ZlRGVXbl8tWE1CbnIzZTlVZ1pDTWxWcjFTT240MDBaa3BwbUdBdDdXbTJtS1F1SzNnWkRjVmxhZzJxaFQwWmxrOGRmMGJYZz09 |
Yes I like the privacy even if I have nothing to hide. It's the principle of it. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobzBHaWVjMnlEd2tkVDdzNWExX3hkMGFuWDN1UWw4WmU3SnJURG5pMjlZTXl0NmU2dTlZMERnYUhfNk9jdVdubUtkREtpM3p0X0FENXJsbDJaUTh3blE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob1ZhY0t4Z0xsdXBUWDVsRE9KMzN6N3EzMkpEWjR6eGRZZ0JMSXgzVmZWVWllY0dFdXloLVZ2Z2g0TEJMWXBLbTQ5ZjVCTjlzZW5jUWFmV2kyUUFCbC1aald5OGs2TWxkaHYwQmc0V1I0eVJDMXZiTVdvQkZMRXpCZ3YzeTFWOUdWTDVzdjFlVW82VWFMVGhWNTNxVFBGWDdoRU8zdlBNc0ZLc0xsOWtnSHprTk5MXzRzUGc4ZkNHWGZJTGxZWnpH |
Hello reddit
I'm new to cryptocurrency world and I've started to buy for Bitcoin this month (I'll doing this every month) and want to hold it until 2030 and so on. Do you guys think this is a wise move? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobm5SVHBmSVhGME1YeTZOaDFtNU9waTVFdGF2M1FBVjJSVXpIVVcxeEdXSkVreGtCNXoxUGNIcXI3emtPR3lxLVEzT1JicDBmOUlscWZKajVFUFJMaVdyTVd6VEZTNktTVVRkYXMyaFJRQ0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoc3g2WVNsWUl1YjJhRWZ2aXFlM3p4NmJlTnppaVBTS0dZaENFUkRLUDVWbWsxSEZNZDUybGdjVFhPVmxRRDJWQ2FwdWZZeUVRemNkRXFBZ015ZWN0MF9FSVUtSTEwN1VwNm1kdTZiWVg5R2Z1VjhhWTB1X3RXUkw5LVgtRU1obHhLOURGOEx6dDlaZUV4bGR6cXBKbGxnPT0= |
You don't need to do the MSR mod from inside the VMs. It's supposed to be done on bare metal. I use the wrmsr command for that | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQy1xZXVxS2tITzZvNmVqRE9FWGFxQlpTM2xWdjF3M2hISGREU250MFNzbTY0S3dvcGw5ZXpLNkhaNldaMjhaWnR2RUIwMFBZSXF0TWlQREw4SHc0c3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZ1NKMnZtUmtZdVFiQXpmdG5RbkMyeTZ1eFlDZWNDSXhISnJZTlE5RzhRQ2xaMkhWYW14Mlh4MzZnNFZvQllPT191TXBBVVZHdjYwWExpVVhJV0hVNDFLeTVVbEk3a2lSbVA2M1QxUmdtUVd6bm8xTXI5WmxoOHhGcWJtX1ZKNFVUVjNldnh2SkVNSjI0bGdFYTBiWjR0X0VhU3htY1p6enRtQ081c2VpU3lXbHl3aFRJV2dYMGh1azYzM29FM3Nk |
I just wrote this after a really good chat with a user from South Africa who contacted me through TG and I explained the difference between BTC and Bitcoin Cash. Wonderful conversation and lots of fun in here. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZUhmNDRhdzhYbFpVeDFRMF9FaVhYOEl1TnNYc0d5YmxvZGFjUWFfUjhoa2g2V29jWld3Q2pJMlBLLVRLenM1MmFRRHJwenloaDRIMFl0RnZqd3ZoMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeHhyVng5MDVpZWp6QUNHei1wN1pKZEw2ODhFdmVscFo0cWRNMHlzNDJLQmoya2xONTB6QmlVYmg4cnZ5MEpJNzJ2Y0s5clUtYndWT3psbWt1U0FLTEwwOXpxMXVScFNJLXpyNU9sSzFleVZaOVA5V3NrWG1pNVpreS1SeV9Ta3VsbXlUeVNaN3dObjJLTGgtc3V3RDZLWkx0NzZzaldxeG9Fc21zSWNMMzJJTXdKSy04Yk0wUnZoRHUtbXY3Yi04 |
Given that the post parrots the old Bitcoin Cash talking points and links to the Bitcoin Cash website, some mods might remove it for that reason - it would be promoting an altcoin. If you discussed the scalability problems without the Bitcoin Cash angle it wouldn't be breaking the rules. At least that would be my opinion, whichever mod would see it might disagree for their own reasons. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSjg3S1Y2WkhzVXpnWVRlSk1RczNSOXJjZ0xBbk5VU0ZWU1d4WkFKcjdvUXZNQ3hnc3BaTHRoOTNkU1dXSHM3VWkxVVp4X2RqcnRVWmNCazVPNU1uLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOWE3dnZRbkhMQ25kVW0wMUFqX2NON0FNSlhoa3dBbWhFbl9udmJkZXN3aFRqam1SbmpZYW8xR1lKejZ0SGRUbEtwTDJNZ1VBWU9oazBPbnVraDhJblA0LVdyanpnUXZCTzJPeFZtZmxHSVhsNWgyMUdnX3IwLXlKMEVPVGZ3THVjdHZpMHA4cHZtRlVKUm96OGxLYjcweV8zZWNjR3c2Vk5WMk1pd2NKeFlSR0cycTNjYTJpeDRlQ2NOQk1sRWg1dThybEVWY19YX3k0U1E0eFdyTzYzQT09 |
this | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVob2FVMzFqT2REdENsNGdLMlhYWENza3p2aUt6cmlRRjhyMHlIZmxPM2FvMnlxRVpYc0ptc3VrTDRtMzdMY0xRNzM2Wi1pclFUbm9UcVo1TEhSSXFLWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoR3lwcVpxcWZJQ0RXaUlIc3lxTnVjMlZrbjEydGxDNkdlY3RzYnI2Z25MSHd0QlF6UVV1cEdMcC16NlptMldYb25BYUd4RGgzMkN2Zng5RGViRjNMeXZIR2dGNkhZT0YydHR0bVU4bDRMaENWNjZYNFdvUjdqdXJseWFZVC1GUWNvNlYtdWVDQUY2VlZPWDNwcVV2N0NaaVhLdWtvSHBLS0hHNnI5Ml9lLWtEendIMmxXUkpvQnlhcVRiaFdybzFwb3ZOSDRuQ2ZZRm5BSXRjLV9lZ1R2UT09 |
**I'm reposting this post because the mod bot took care of deleting all the comments, please send me a private message :(**
Hello! I am a developer with 12 years of experience but who has recently started working with Solana. The problem is that Blowfish believes that all websites are scams unless a developer with a long time in Solana speaks well of the website... I have tried to provide all my information and information about the tools I have made but they still ignore me because I am new to Solana, that is why I am looking for help
https://preview.redd.it/27jys9l43v5e1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5865243b219598915e2e458052458fc508f402b | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUV9LTnFaMTljU2FaNUlUSkYwZWJBR3FlMzVmUmFiWlZBLUNrN2FFbGU1bHhsV21tanRrNGlvMF93dk5kcUJmcnQ0Q2U4aWRHSnVUeHZCOXE0SDJGLUc5Y1FCc0RWSmpUZnBGOEFja0EwUVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOXpvMlZlc1J2bmRpMXFBcVBIWVpIT21kVUx2d3NtbTBNMG9CbWFXV2ZQSkk5TmRjMzE0SG84d21uUmp5YkNPbWJGTjQtRXlzV0RKRThRUmlXMXNnSDVjd3NLdE1hb3RCUEJxSV9VdVVmUHVSejB2Y3ZKTXE2bGFUd0FDS09Rd01aQ3ZKVjV3TVI1SGhRcnVsZXZRMG5EcDF2VC0yX0FYYkZ1OXFnTjdMTDQ0UzNhZS14WHlGYVF0cUFfa1NxbjdnTXQteEVHZUN5bGpndHdpLV9VQ0pjQT09 |
>waiting for people to care
They will once they experience their coin being blocked on exchange. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoUXlxczUxWG5QcF83ZHA5RkNab0xzbWM1V000U0tHYUlXWUpicWV2N3ZmeHNXUS16SnNjNWZXajJ5ZF9Tbm9mVUpjNlpVWjZ4dFlHSllYT29yeHBQd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNl8tbDRIdHVrdENoc1FqcWhhTmtJVkJaeTBENjVfSkwyeDB3Nm43ZldEODRSbXJFN3g4LTV6RHVzbXJhc2F3R0JBSE5nY2hzZ25KamxkRGd0OHJEa29yQjJmeGZTbWRTV3VRSWNNcEZvXzRBbndLMUctRXRxN3BZRmRNckphaVBoMTVyUUF4N1dLclJrZUdMSUxyZ0JWa2JvNS1xbU5jUk1NRGZrd1J4Ullza3NncXV4dS15V0lXQTM0VUM0OENyaFZRaW1zMXhGOHY4UW1oWDJaQTIwZz09 |
>waiting for people to care
They will once they experience their coin being blocked on exchange. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTkpud0NnMy1tTi1Xdy1oY0lBbl9ORFA1VUl1TzBnaDMzdzFqaDZPd3hMVVBqb1FJSmR0OHRzQlc5aGlkTXctQWN1RExXa3BteG1FNkZ6SGlhQlhFaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoTnhZTWVZUHhtTjFtVE1FOTFyeFVGM1Rrd3NmQjQ4SFp6NnJVZE8wdlhpalhjNFJMRXMzeTFSTDF0Rm1fY1dqWVd1TEtDcEJwTnhEd0tpdkI5S1B1ejZWMUk4cGRLc0wwb1UybFN3NWk3ZXVnNjIzajRZcjZGaVVpQy0zYjZNaDY1dGhxc250bFE4amJhNTZxQWJmTDJOcGk0WE0yXy1uVE51enlXMTBNZkJKSlVlS0NTajk5S2swOU9VRmhkdFZiTGhMckNHTjZuYzFuVzZaQ1lvRHY2Zz09 |
Buying non-KYC is popular but for the extra premium you pay for your privacy is it worth it?
Any time you want to cash out your BTC, you’re going to end up having to explain to the bank and Mr Taxman where all this money came from.
If you can’t prove it aren’t you in trouble? I just don’t see what the pros are - at some point you have to sacrifice privacy, no? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYkFINlRxYmVrNjB4ZnVWNjVraC02clZMcnhGQzN2SUNVTGJZYWx1Mld3LXhDdzFiQ0NSNGNwWnVoa0RhZlRwM3hQSGs2aDhpeklRbExLMWNoeWdqWTh0bDhTcDJjYkNMX3FoaU5oRHFwMzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoLWJlYWNfQlFUclRkNlV0WFZlRjhWeGVMbTNyOTdXSktpZlNmTDB0dkxXMWtIaG83SHo0NHZuU0FjUk9YUlh0dEwwd1hzZ3pNQzZ1YXdYbnVPbFN6ejVhUDYwcmlFY3NudUJwYkR1aElTcFlvdnpTVVRHOGIyZkY1bkp1endvWFVFeDl3cGlyQW9pOFZzWHdCOU9yRC1RczV2UkJOdVd1aXdtNTBla09Ja2NTZ0xQNHdnTTNLZFJaRDlpdnVWSHdK |
So long story short my mexc account is about to get frozen and I cant trade on it only withdraw.
I am trying to withdraw AGC but the withdrawal address uses ArgoChain Network which i found absolutely no wallet or exchange that uses this network all of them use MATIC POL.
Does anybody know how i can get my AGC out? | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodnAwMXdHdExZb2pVNS1EYmNCallGSW5KM2U5Z2Zfc3Y1aDRNY2p1QUpxV0hHand5OE1JZ0lqVVo5MGtmUVBWc0xMVHhVWk9GVW50elc5bVlQNDRRSEN5MEotYXlXSmNpS2ZZdy1zTHdKQzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoS0JxejhPUFpLV18zZVUzcTRhUXJyam1ZZ0RTWm50STFUeURhQmNuYkxvR1d2d3dtU0tLb2pmR0JUT2ZNRjNTdXhhY2MxQTRKQlVDcmp5ZTJGb0xzenNiVEdSc3drM3E4WjBwYzViYlZGU3pnUXlHTzY0UEVPOUhTX1JuS1o4TWdPX0RCbjVQZEpXWmFyX0Zuam1DT3FockNqT0RLdUNOX2czTWx4RWxoT2xDWGR5N0JpWGlBMGg3TUFFOTB5cFFPaVkzNFNMbWQyNWRHQUsxOUl3dkJPQT09 |
Here to tell us about BCH.? I’ve never heard about it honestly. | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNW9QS0R4XzU3NjcxbXVzZ1Y1ZlRQcEIxeEhwcWF6bFR1bnlqZUhrWEFWNUlyQjFmdzhrekNTWmN4b3Y3SUNEdkZyTFkyUVc5Uk9uQnFUWGRpcmxLQU81M2FRSUhKRk4zcVpocGRqYld1Mm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoT2hUOTA5TFA2azRFMDJHeVpkR0U5U0RtaThrUkp1U3RjWTc4N0c1NHN4dmJWeGFHeUQ1X3NEbHBKcEEwSmdKdXNHeFBaa1Y5MXkxWEtzQTRxTG02dlZaU3hDb1ZRZDVkTWhhSmh2OE93dUpWOW5uUFllbzVJMnZOaXJyd1Z5QVBWTlN0c1hMU1lDQ3lxSHpScHppc1ZxY2Y3LUlVSHBscUtHZXdoMFZWYTJoRHJfRy1iVndvZnB6WjM3WTVPcHRWSXhGT0oyMWpDWWN3emYyMkVxakxEUT09 |
What did you spend Monero on, and what do you wish was more common in the Monero circular economy?
Before people started hoarding their BTCs and DOGEs, I used to get paid in them for things like:
* Artwork
* "Therapy" (people just want someone to talk to anonymously without mandatory reporting and would give me like $200 USD worth of doges)
* Personal driver service
And spent them (circular economy style) for things such as:
* Domain names and web services
* Therapy
* Artwork
* Paying for ads
* VPNs and VOIPs
* Electronics
* Gift cards
* Nootropics and meds
* Paid off my iPad and art supplies
Things I want to spend Monero on, but it's either hard to find these products and services, or the available ones just look shitty or sketch:
* Medical services like physical therapy, massage (sure maybe in Brazil but not where I live, and also the ads on the monero market for these look sketch as hell)
* Gym membership
* Shop on Amazon
* Uber and taxi service
* Luxury clothing (the only clothes I find on monero markets look like cheap acrylic shit with weed leaves or mushrooms printed on them or some bullshit, or someone's 30 years old tattered State University sweater selling for $50) | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobEx4Z093MmRLc0JlX2s0UlBybVF3M0hMUXVhbXlCcGEyc0dBa2J4NEtvNkhEcTlJMVhuWDlnYzVXQjJua3ZlM1N3b3hMOWhrV0VXVHQtd09wam82R3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoeWhlT25QXzBGaU5HWUNBV1RmaHlDWElPNHV0d2pnMDVsWktJb09oakE4SDBoT1Z0Y1JvZDVqbHFRMWloa0k1cS1obE1XUlBDaXIweW44b2N3QkRsMjRDTGtwU21ZVmdmSDFZT2Qza2VXZzBTS2hUU2Ezb3FqaHVQb1dhdWtsSUs3ZmxMdFZIc2xuTjdwUjU3TEFwMFdSM0hZUG94V1pQakhNMVFJdVNnVHdoNGl0X2NTSVhMSHo5WktHUHlySzVac18tR3lEbFlLZ01SMFJ3VE5jcjJOZz09 |
Can anyone recommend somewhere I can make automated purchases monthly of small amounts, say the equivalent of $100 monthly? And to further the ask, I have my own wallet running on Bitcoin Core. I wanted to get an idea of how conceivable this considering mining and transaction fees.
I kid you not, I literally logged on to ask if anyone has ever actually bought a car with crypto, I'm gonna save this post for after 2025 | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVodGlRbm53M3piR1ZldnBJZy0yZVNXWGkybzlyT3hNeUZkV0NvZ2VBTjFzMEpJYUFxaXNpTlVSNEswYlhxSllrZ21tUEZRdXNLeHNUM1NVVkpEVnAwU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWDhhSHlwcVdkMDlzczZ4T0tnUGFzWHVZY0FxVHJGVWFwNDNOYWJEOGVWT1VneWhFaFNjU19BZVVNeExwTm5GZjdJNDhCWU53SzdiWWNkUUdWSVZadDFyVnZlRlRUVjRKMGVGV1M2RldQRloxM1lDN0FkdFlJbm9FdHpTVkVnRG5yOFpRbEdiVUp5RnpBVVlFTlNnRFVGV3poTUFRNU5EMmd3bFV6enpiRGo1S0NzYWNOb0ZhQTVXQXJ5ZDBLbnhWU1J5SUhXVVpnWmJWd1hNZHJYWFNpUT09 |
Ok, I'm a rookie here. Several years ago, a relative gifted my son a paper wallet (it's a piece of paper with a public address and a private key - alpha-numeric string and a QR) worth about .006 BTC. How do I redeem this and turn it into USD?
I have created an account with Kraken, but I don't understand why the "deposit BTC" function doesn't allow me to scan the QR code or input the private key. (My idea being that I could upload the BTC to Kraken, sell it, and put the USD in my bank account.)
Thanks for any help! | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNzVoTE1LSlhIdGtwd2owdkROMERqVTJUeE1FNVkzMTNRdlBJd3ZvaUhHNVFUTV81RjdrbXRFWDRZWEpjYnQ5N0xQRmpvdnpQZklVc0NtTFZ1ODFJQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoVEtQUENiNndDSVpURDljVnh2NGwtX2oyazlMMzN5SjBiUXJTTUdPVXlBY2c5aF9UNDFSRTNzME5jMUMtWl9GUW1qRUhaQ1R5RkZBMVl3YWUyWi1nYm1aZUt3TXlNRUhOX3F2SkRMMDhSakFkdEhra1BZMWEwQUFvOVhjc3lRZnZOcGNaSmZjcVJfY0pCTmdGeUppUXdLVlktZGFYaFBlVnRIZ0ZQODVvWDNIZzE1UTZlWlFEczhvdjVJc2pyNzQ1 |
Lol. It will take a bit more than that to break the legendary 100k line | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ1gwbXdMSVdHM01Na1JaNUtrZjg5Z0ZRbjVSM2RLa1ZuZ20yYkVUU25iNE9ZYTBfemZhZDl3eElVajZLZGlJTENkREQ5Y0toQk9vZl9XcFJ3Q3VKVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobE1zSHlJcXZwRFRDV1hKUXNwWjRsN1NublFFUUxWUjQwaVRZWEk3Qk1XMHRJdE1vUDNkX29rdHB3UjRadTlpZXY0NFpGSkJhMUpLNThxMldablphLXFXSkJMSFZsTmZZX1Bxa25pNEg3VmplS3J2WEhUbnZMUWV5TkJyYThvZlNCcnVIMzBOenVSOHdjOUFNQzJmSC1KMDZRMjlEbFp4WHlHc2JZU1UyeEtHeVU3SFZrcFZlZE0wcURsT1kxS0YtNEp0RVZRTF85eS1FWWlScDEwVm5SQT09 |
I did succeed on one host doing just that, but the VM doesn't recognize it when I run the miner. Perhaps it works and just doesn't say so...one VM makes nearly 12kh so I suppose it may be working, ha. | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoYUd5UGpSNzdsWjlMMFMtdnFyU1NHTmZ1MUpjVW9kYXgzU1lSNVYxSmZGdHpuZUxUSVU0ODlyTGFSNVg2dW9XLWczOEM3MC00dDAwN3UxTURmZjFSd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVod1hzcm1GejFnMTNSZENzOFU0VmdKelZMcS1hU1ExR0lIZTVyQUlDNUd1VENkYTdmY1lrbzJ5MHBzMmVsQzQxSmdQZDducHlTMFdNQVdOdk80YWJCWm1KaUVmaC10LUtVU0JocDlVcVZwV0V0bTJGcXBaRHd3RVpya3FHWFdIUEh2MlIxcjQyY3UzZkNqemw2ZkVGU1R6b2ZYYTUyYUxLWi1UWEZkcEVNeC14TE9yQm1NaFM3bjktOWJ4Q2NBeFV0 |
Using monero to pay a markup for a sports car that will ping cellular networks til the day you die lmao | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMzAzT3Q5NDNZeDNFSURRU083YWlscm1lZm5ObVRlOG5CN254b1M5OHdkZTBBTTlucjUxRkJyMEN5NVJLZ0tsZUIyQWJKZ05UV25vTFJDdUJGQlFXd3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoalp2YU1qdGVBdEtOMzJxWEVESVdBVlFNV3JJejlhY0EtRXNMRVpzazYtMXNOTk5rZU5pQXRpV0gxczc5RC1LZXVMbW1HZWJrZzFYeWk1Zmp2VjBIRy1TcDV6dG5Mc0lvV1RxZWJIYmZGOXRPNXE5dklpUDJKcGpzOC1rbkxZUHJ6WmFmY0IwczA1SlhuSHNBV3VBNmdFcHhNSjViYURaVVpKWUo5aWI0WEdEQXpYa3lFb0EzZG82OG9KdEVNZjl5cHRSaF9sN3UzQngtaUk5cUYwYkZuUT09 |
So I'm pretty new with this and I was just playing around with 2 meme coins (10usd each).
I sold them using the Dex screener UI connected to my phantom wallet, and I realised the transactions were OK but the SOL balance never updated on my wallet. Could you help me with this?
From what I've seen, it looks like my meme coins were swapped to WSOL, but when I try to convert the WSOL it says I have 0 balance.
Wallet id: 8Fipzxu6T5gdVi6uDNVkBJ5zob6bX7knCnjd53dYVcJv | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoQ3lNMUpvOXhuZmhzS3NjSzRRd09NMDVPTjFrNWlZY3l6d2hUUnZScjNzVGpEMm1VaVE5WkZvMFBFb0JjbnExbE45MmFldTAweGRvMFZaaTBaZGVkaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVobGMtTC02Q3lpYjJyRDlHd3FJV2g0UUZpUXBVUVQ3QXRvcUR3cUN4XzhWQmtPVkNaclBlRVVjZXdvOU9DRDkzWnpIWDN6UW9BbFZ2d0wwM1U0d0lfOVAyVXRudC1WclZ2cHpCMlpReFhWUzlRV09CaC1rQWNuTlZNYTlsVGpvVFZia0FHM2dsNHdzS0tmV0FjUHZFTW1vRDZQQnFQdEh2MzFZR0dicm5ndXBxUWtKU3E5YU5zRlVfN1JpU1I2TWli |
The last 'big update' was a lukewarm wet squid piece of hype about cardano and polkadot. #UnderWhelming. | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMVQzcVNjdlBuM1N5MU9hdE11Mk51eE5raEJYTzZ5cUp0djhuWjh1clRyallSYmlHd3RnVkZpejFTc0V1Z1g3MWNPXzFEMHl5RENFSnlCZEZBSUdDa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoekV5WWhPYTdvTno0QnZyY0lteUpPenBDb1JRUm42YlQ0X2hwV1g4QlpTR1ZONjVOOEMyWjNJMkdBODdtNFpybnFta0tHNkZjRjhzX0hoSXVmUlBsZlpYS0EyTXJVeXJhcld2ODA1SjZkR0NqTThmSVJadjdMOHpZQS1jNjhvSjlxdWlkRmQxN3c0alh5Vk9CSjhldXJ0MUh6a0wyRHlFcHUxYy1jcHE5bXVQMkFoMGVFOG9NSnNlbWxsTk5RU1lMTE5uTXhYVzlNWFloWVZucDM5ZVlIUT09 |
uh, yeah, the orange line can't go over 21 million.
Based on the left axis, which is linear, the graph would have to be 21 times as tall, to reach where you state the flat line will be. Which means that the exponential price axis on the right would reach to a price of $10^(21x7-1), or a BTC price of $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
I think it's likely to flatline a little sooner.
(math not guaranteed, but it's something like this) | r/btc | comment | r/btc | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoWld6TFFTdFdiOXFKbHhJaFcxcmlBOUV4cHU5RjBxQzNUeFcxNnptS3AtcHVtZVpXZFZHekthYlhIYjRhNzNCQzdjcC1ZQk1jZWl6enE2MktRYkphb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaWU5LWRfeHcteHo4cGtFN0xyNWFDSGZkOWc4S2htUjdhc0U3RXkzUWpvTEdyaDhyMGM4SzI2dE9xUkhidk9pR09ndDZBUEJfM1gzWk52c09wZGF3ODc4Yl9OSEpwLVA3OHd4UlBBZ051d0UzUmpwcU9sQldfX3FZV3R5UUxLVzI3N2cta1JfX3VtbzhuOHhiUll5ZzVzQnJWOXU4bjZ4Zm9oWlVaSUJ3aHhfU1RrYjhaYUt6clNhbHVUV0pZcFlZX3dFYkxjcFU3NFIyOTd2VXhoLVF1UT09 |
Any financial institutions that use BTC as collateral to provide a loan either on/off chain? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoSzlsMzhaM3ZoTHZFazhFMF90Z213Y2F2WFV6ajB1QWwtUGlpaDd1a3VyTnlQVGdyeVdhdU9PdTk4cGZtTDJ6dUM5X0wxcDdDMzV5UWpHc0dPNUxIRXY5cnVsanVlbUJXb1ZSVUFvTkhfWU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVocU5fYzV6UWRNZzFkcnFrcVBMSlJOOTZxZkRVcXZTNVJOb3hHMUpqSHlPMTRqREhlQ1BaTFEzY19iOU5NQWhzTXpWYVNtdTIzendlcGhYekViUzdJa0pzU1ZZMDU4aTFVc0FMRmZNSDJtc2JyZEFCYTFWUlE0UG54RVBzTDhGVVoyTUhqb1c3dkJDQkh0aXl1a0RCdzBnQ1VaVVZlV2wydEgyQzFwcXViSGQwPQ== |
Alright, degenerates, let’s talk about SOUN. If you’ve been printing tendies off this 600% rocket, congrats – I genuinely mean that (but also, fuck you). But here’s the thing: stocks don’t just go up forever, and Soundhound’s hype train has more red flags than a Chinese parade. The good news? You can still make money – big money – by embracing your inner gay bear and shorting this house of cards for all the reasons I’m about to tell you. [Position: Short 1,000 SOUN shares](https://imgur.com/a/5qWs8Sp)
* At the start of the year, Nvidia crossed the $100M threshold in securities holdings, requiring it to disclose its stock portfolio for the first time, thanks in large part to the ARM IPO. Among its disclosed investments was SOUN, which sent the stock soaring, trading its second-highest daily volume ever.
* Ever the opportunist, SOUN CEO Keyvan Mohajer issued a press release a month later hyping Soundhound’s integration with Nvidia DRIVE, despite Soundhound having been an ecosystem partner for over six months already. SOUN is pushed to new highs, with its highest daily trading volume on record.
* Shortly thereafter, speculation (mine) suggests a key customer informed SOUN of their intention not to renew a licensing agreement. High on tendies but short on time, Mohajer acquires a much larger, declining legacy business—Amelia. This move masked Soundhound's declining performance while propping up top-line revenue
* Naturally, WSB and retail traders ate it up, fueling the hype cycle
# Despite misleading headlines of “record” growth last quarter, Soundhound revenue is declining
Soundhound reported “record” Q3 revenue of $25.1M, up 89% year-over-year – but failed to mention that **all** of this “growth” came from having closed its acquisition of Amelia in the quarter, and in reality, **Soundhound’s business declined \~9%.**
Nowhere does Soundhound disclose how much revenue Amelia contributed in the quarter, but pretty much any regard with half a brain can figure it out from the merger filings. Amelia generated revenue of $45M in the first half of 2024, down 4% year-over-year (yes, the company they acquired ***is also declining***). Assuming the same negative growth rate in the second half, you get \~$44.7M.
[Amelia Revenue](https://preview.redd.it/o6mvsq4dav5e1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=53f34074638912ededf539313815c93fb003f2b7)
We don’t have quarterly results for Amelia; however, we can observe that there isn’t any seasonality between the first and second half of 2023. This might seem odd if you’re familiar with SaaS, because there tends to be seasonality in Q4, but **Amelia is actually not a SaaS business**, despite best efforts to hide that fact. It sells on premise software licenses, and most of its revenue comes from maintenance services and professional services. Therefore, it’s fair to assume that revenue is recognized evenly over the quarters, so we can estimate Q3 2024 revenue for Amelia to be \~$22M (50% \* $44.7M).
Since the acquisition closed in the middle of the quarter (8/8/2024), Soundhound was able to recognize \~58% of Amelia’s Q3 revenue and included this in its Q3 results. Of the $22M that Amelia generated in Q3, **$13M (58% \* $22M) of that was recognized by Soundhound as revenue generated by Amelia after 8/8/2024.**
Backing this out of Soundhound’s “record” Q3 revenue, we can see that **the organic Soundhound business generated just \~$12M, declining \~9% year-over-year.**
[Soundhound Q3 Growth](https://preview.redd.it/yu7yewcf5v5e1.png?width=287&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a4772913c6de5115fd73ae89163d65190b96187)
Honestly, this is so basic and wrong that I can’t believe the Company had the balls to run with this headline. The stock isn’t widely covered, but not a single analyst brought it up on the earnings call or in their subsequent reports. Obviously it’s wrong to compare results that include revenue from an acquisition to a prior quarter that doesn’t - you’re not comparing the same company between periods. The reason it’s wrong is because in this case, **revenue for** **both** **Amelia AND Soundhound declined in the quarter, yet presented this way it appears that the combined business actually grew!**
Even worse, Q4 guidance implies organic revenue **will decline by a staggering 27% YoY**. This isn’t a growth story; it’s a shrinking one, cleverly obscured by acquisition accounting.
[Soundhound Q4 guidance](https://preview.redd.it/tdflfz1j5v5e1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=c27f8baa8ce37100bf9ab74aad5af901f0ffef70)
When I first saw these numbers, I thought something must be wrong with my math. Software companies don’t just decline after periods of rapid growth, they have recurring revenue that you can see declining way before it happens. But Soundhound is not a subscription software business at all - **95% of their revenue comes from product royalties that depend on the in-period sales of physical products like cars, smart speakers, and other devices.**
[Soundhound revenue by type](https://preview.redd.it/ruxcyb0s5v5e1.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f2a5ffd325ab2615d2c0831f31a879b92cebb19)
This is not an isolated incident, but rather a pattern of misleading and selective disclosure by the company.
# Amelia: A legacy boomer-tech business that now represents 2/3rds of Soundhound's revenue
Amelia, the acquisition that accounts for this “growth,” is a declining, legacy business. Founded in 1998 as IPSoft, Amelia’s has always specialized in automating back-office stuff with rudimentary chatbots. Amelia only recently began offering customer-facing chatbots, which it now claims to be leading AI Agents despite not being built on a modern LLM stack.
Don’t take my word for it, you can see for yourself just how leading Amelia’s “conversational AI” is. Amelia counts American Heritage Credit Union as a proud customer, and you can go to their [website](https://www.americanheritagecu.org/), click Live Chat, and you’ll be taken to a dialogue box where you can chat with an Amelia powered agent - it even proudly displays the Amelia logo in the bottom right. Here’s how my conversation went:
[Amelia Chat](https://preview.redd.it/r5ujc4en6v5e1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb43d5aff2e3d3fb7da62ce343c93c9c2574cd12)
Nothing about this interaction was helpful, and it couldn’t answer basic questions like “What are some things you can help me with?”. **This is not AI, this is the same old, legacy chatbots powered by rudimentary decision trees that have been the standard for decades.**
Contrast this experience with one powered by a truly leading AI Agent, Sierra. Sierra counts OluKai, a footwear retailer, as a customer, and you can chat with their AI Agent by going to the OluKai [website ](https://olukai.com/pages/contact)and clicking “Contact Us”. Here’s how my conversation went:
[Sierra chat](https://preview.redd.it/b7txd7lq6v5e1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=088bfe0c601b8be9afd42b1acb3d6c2ecd3430e6)
The difference is night and day. The Sierra-powered agent is actually inferring and reasoning like a human agent would. And Sierra isn’t the only well funded competitor automating customer service operations with AI, there’s also Salesforce, Microsoft, Kore.ai, Yellow.ai, Parloa, and many others.
None of this should be controversial or surprising - Amelia is boomer tech founded in the 90s, with loads of technical debt and miscalculated moves compounded over 25 years.
But, let’s suppose Amelia truly were a leading, next generation conversational AI company and has been for decades. If that were the case, **why would revenue be declining despite selling into an environment where CEOs and CIOs are hyper-focused on how they can leverage Generative AI in their customer service operations?** That would be like losing money as a crypto trader in 2024 - the problem might be you.
None of this would be too concerning for Soundhound if it wasn’t for the materiality of the acquisition and its size relative to Soundhound. Amelia is a much shittier business than Soundhound, but it’s also \~2x its size from a financial perspective. Soundhound’s financials will now be driven by the results of Amelia, and so too will the stock price. Here’s the side-by-side combined view of the income statement that was filed as part of the merger:
In 2023, Soundhound generated revenue of \~$46M, compared to Amelia which generated $93M. Going forward, Amelia will represent the majority of Soundhound’s revenue, good or bad. And I think it’s bad, because this is low quality, low margin revenue. **Amelia’s cost of revenue was $65.7M, leaving gross profit of $27.6M, for a whopping gross margin of 30%!**
Seriously, do you know of any software company with 30% gross margins? YETI makes common household items out of metal and has better margins than this. The reason Amelia’s margins are so terrible is because **they don’t sell very much software**, despite their best efforts to hide that fact. Here’s the revenue composition that was disclosed in the merger filings:
[Amelia revenue by type](https://preview.redd.it/hfmpse697v5e1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=8347bb1b070988f4e2b28a5fc51760fa07978b9c)
The vast majority of revenue came from “Subscription”, which, according to the company, includes SaaS revenue but also ongoing support and maintenance service revenue. **The reason they’re not breaking out SaaS revenue separately is because it would be immaterial and embarrassing to report,** so they’ve combined it with services and called the whole thing “Subscription”.
Obviously these are not the same. SaaS and Licenses command 80%+ gross margins - very different from Amelia’s gross margin of 30%.
# Soundhound's business model is fundamentally flawed and overexposed to risk
Soundhound isn’t a SaaS company. 95% of its revenue comes from product royalties, heavily dependent on the sales of physical goods like cars and smart speakers. This is not a recurring software model; their revenue is highly susceptible to fluctuations from the sales of its own customers.
Adding to the problem is customer concentration: **62% of Soundhound’s revenue comes from just two automotive customers**, likely Hyundai and Kia. If either customer scales back purchases, Soundhound’s revenue will crater.
Worse, only 15% of Soundhound’s revenue comes from US customers. Since most of Soundhound’s revenue comes from product royalties, and most of these royalties come from customers located outside the US, **Soundhound is exposed to US tariff and trade policy that could negatively impact the sales of its foreign customers.**
# The NVIDIA hype is an overblown fantasy perpetuated by Soundhound's CEO
If you’ve been riding the SOUN hype train, you’re probably thinking: “But what about Nvidia!” And sure, Nvidia’s name being linked to Soundhound gave this stock rocket fuel. But here’s the cold, hard truth: this “partnership” is anything but strategic and it's more smoke than substance.
Yes, Nvidia owns a small stake in Soundhound – just 1.7M common shares – but this is not a new development. Nvidia first invested in Soundhound back in 2017 as part of a [private $75M venture round](https://techcrunch.com/2017/01/31/soundhound-raises-75m-to-bring-its-voice-enabled-ai-everywhere/), long before the stock ever traded publicly. This investment was disclosed again during Soundhound’s [2021 de-SPAC process](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1840856/000121390021059758/ea150505ex99-2_archimedes.htm), yet retail investors and media only took notice when [Nvidia filed its first-ever 13-F](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1045810/000104581024000021/xslForm13F_X02/information_table.xml) report in February 2024, disclosing its SOUN holdings. The market collectively lost its mind, sending SOUN up 67% in a single day.
Prior to this, the **one and only time** NVIDIA was ever mentioned in any of Soundhound’s earnings transcripts was in Q2 2023, when CEO Keyvan Mohajer rattled off a list 9 “strategic” investors, NVIDIA among them:
Just one month after the NVIDIA 13-F filing, in an effort to capitalize on the hype, Soundhound issued a [press release](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240318067099/en/) about its integration with Nvidia’s DRIVE platform for in-vehicle voice assistants. During its next earnings call, **Kevyon mentions NVIDIA six times**, describing the “collaboration” as a “very big milestone” for in-vehicle generative AI. While Kevyon positioned the “partnership” as new, **Soundhound has been an NVIDIA DRIVE partner since at least October 2023** based on a trip to the Wayback machine
[NVIDIA DRIVE Partners, Oct 2023](https://preview.redd.it/4toe71qx7v5e1.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=a596eeddf44e08e19aaf7dd7c321a3d886ad4ea1)
But let’s examine the facts. [Nvidia’s DRIVE platform](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/self-driving-cars/partners/) is an end-to-end development platform for autonomous vehicles, designed to attract a broad ecosystem of partners. It’s not an exclusive club. Nvidia’s DRIVE Partner Ecosystem website lists over 100 partners, **including Soundhound’s closest competitor** (Ironically I'll be banned for mentioning its ticker). Nvidia even published a [blog post](https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/cerence-generative-ai-in-car-experience/) showcasing its offerings on the DRIVE platform – something it hasn’t done for Soundhound. **If this “partnership” were truly transformative, wouldn’t Nvidia at least acknowledge Soundhound publicly?**
[NVIDIA DRIVE Partners, Current \(Cerence\)](https://preview.redd.it/c0iczsy28v5e1.png?width=1415&format=png&auto=webp&s=63a889071b541ebc556505e51c7e2a5b0ec9e2ec)
The reality is, Soundhound’s integration with DRIVE is one of many among hundreds of partners. This isn’t a deep, strategic relationship – it’s a basic vendor integration, the kind that doesn’t move the needle for Nvidia. **Soundhound hyped it up because they knew the name recognition alone would excite retail investors, but the lack of reciprocation from Nvidia tells a different story.**
This isn’t a transformative partnership; it’s an opportunistic narrative crafted to milk the Nvidia association for all it’s worth. Don’t fall for the hype.
# Soundhound has obfuscated the true price it paid for Amelia, which is much higher than headline reports of $80M (as much as 3x higher)
In its [press release](https://www.soundhound.com/newsroom/press-releases/soundhound-ai-acquires-amelia-significantly-expanding-its-scale-and-reach-in-conversational-ai-across-new-verticals-and-hundreds-of-enterprise-brands/) announcing the acquisition, Soundhound characterized the purchase price as “$80 million in cash and equity, with partial payment and assumption of Amelia’s debt, as well as future earnout potential…”
While there’s nothing wrong with this statement, it’s unusual that the number they decided to disclose ($80M) wasn’t the full transaction price. Now, you may not believe this is misleading, but it literally misled Techcrunch, which wrote up a story on the acquisition, announcing it as an $80M deal.
The details can be found in the [stock purchase agreement](https://www.bamsec.com/filing/121390024066351/2?cik=1840856), but here’s the summary: After accounting for the $80M upfront payment, $70M in paid-down debt, $39.7M in assumed debt, $8.6M in transaction expenses, and up to $90M in equity earnouts, the total acquisition cost could hit $288M (and much higher at these current prices)
This price tag is staggering for a declining business with abysmal gross margins. Soundhound’s selective disclosure of Amelia’s cost highlights a troubling pattern: management glosses over bad news and amplifies good news, regardless of the facts.
# Implied valuation for Soundhound is astronomical, even by WSB standards
I won’t spend much time on this topic, because honestly, who cares? Prices go up and down all the time. But there’s an important nuance here, and it has to do with how Amelia is valued with the rest of Soundhound
Soundhound currently trades at an enterprise value of $5.4 billion, or 32.8x forward revenue. But most of this revenue comes from Amelia, and $1 from Amelia is worth much less than $1 from Soundhound (that’s how Soundhound was able to acquire a business with much more revenue than itself).
We don’t know what Amelia is worth today, but we can approximate it as the maximum amount Soundhound could end up paying for it ($288M). After all, that’s what Soundhound just paid for the asset in August.
With this information we can back into the implied value of the core Soundhound business, which is $5.1 billion at a revenue multiple of 68x.
For comparison, Palantir only trades at a lofty 2025 revenue multiple of 49x. But at least with Palantir, you’re getting a differentiated business, with competitive moats and deep ties to the incoming administration that happens to be Palantir’s biggest customer. With Soundhound, you’re getting boomer-tech that’s trying to go head to head with some the best funded, most talented competitors on the planet.
https://preview.redd.it/ezd0vkee8v5e1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=85fee8310201e48ade789c1225c5e79c7f23aa58 | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoOURtT0ttdUJGUlEzWVVyb3R3aHNnRjlISEQ0MVllT0JoVW1xU1BnTndjbkgtYmFzSVBiS2tZMjh4UE9NZWw5X1VIaU9GV1lUUkM2bUI3azk2Y0djaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaUlCTXBUSXdWTTZzeFlEdzR5SF92RGxPQnpWRHUzd0dzeVNNcmVwSVhDUEN3Xzh4SlBUWXZZSDJxNzNyVjBSM0hHMnBLVG9TY1loYnNQaS1rUWVjN1YtdF9mRDFRS3BMU3FWVEdxM042UkJlM2xrOGpqUkw4NGt3ODJIM1dLSFdwUk9Ha2xnZGZrNFktV3JWNXY2QVAzM1prbnVUZGZtWnluZkRONUxHN0Z6S0xhdXRoa1ZWWnVTemJhMVBlSkdZMGtoU0syM3I3RW9rdlVmVDVuMVdaUT09 |
Also pretty sure blackrock does own polkadot ? | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoMWNHMlFvRUdLSDhjYmlHNkhYMnJtdVpza2ZsSnZkY1BvTzhuTF9aSVA1ZG5zZnd5QlNqZTdhZ2xHd2lfY3UtTXRSSEpwQ2w3eVBNNXpDRU9HbUkxVlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoN0VYQnBuaVhVNFBCbjJsc3l3NllfQUljNWlGUTNIVFg5bVQwYW50QUhfWGhyNUJ5OExWNzQwTjc4TzR4WkUzVDZFQm9kQVowRGc1eDdLM0dkdDIyM1hidHRlOUZjam85NzhQV2luWWNkSkc1ckJtbHNuYWVSV2RVc3lmR2NwM1ktdFNnWjZ0WEFYYlFQRDBLQmhLeXdQVWx6b3lyZEFNWTVDNDFDZHVxOTJxaXZod1J6eXlZVTVBVDQ0ZENUanBHOEFLVGotNXJCSEV2OXJyZ0xxeU9ZUT09 |
What's that mean | r/polkadot | comment | r/Polkadot | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoalZuVW95SEdFVVJjTGNRbnVkeEFWaER4a29CX2pGYzRFa3JZMkFkaVM5dGpsS0VNUnlkd21uRXhFMlBkZW4tS25UZzZtdnBNWnRWTXJJSHRoX1lnNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoNUZYcHlmdHJkVkRTaEdRcUVlRWdHdERib0o5TUVNb2pvUEdSdzdBQjZ1MkJWQkVqc2JMVk56US1ZUWtic2IyX1hYcTNUclNQRElhbkVvSmJzd3RzWUQ5RGZESkUxODlTNTlKemtVRkZ4dEI1TUoteHZSVHV4VWRxZ1RHdHYwNms2Z2FoZjBJaTI2U0xtcERnUkNaMlB5ZzFzemxEdjN4cWZmcFp3eUpuaElxTG1iMkh1UGFHQkt3ZGtSVDdnTjJ1NXlNUkpoNUVId09fdVVHUjFHd2U0UT09 |
What are the fees for something like this, I imagine you tell them the car you want and they go out and buy it for you | r/monero | comment | r/Monero | 2024-12-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoZTNTbE5fQkQyLVA5aW04T2dhMThkNGR2X2wtRUVrNnhOS2RuOVk1NVJzMkNhVGJyanFaWG54WXNSLUtMS0t1cF9IdnA1RzYtVlNJR1E5dkxaN3NFaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5WLTVoaVpTXy1NY25xbHBFeGVNWURxOWVxVTF6MzJhSkNrdmx4SnJYZ1FyQWhvWEs4VUhlaWFjdXdPcEg4N3ZhUUs4THNkS2VmankyUTlFdEFZRVotOFFLWWRZVi1EVlE2a3FlTkhOenpqV2VYa05Ba2hMZlpHM0RZTTFfNloxdTU1MUJPQnAwbG1SOFBrUjhvc2lTN2p1ZnVDWFkwVFRkMmwxOElPc3Fla1JYbFlWWmJnbWRIemJPREp6QjNBdUNKSWk3WkxlakowUWJxZEVkTWdKanhVckp2UT09 |