did you get cut older ?
it works by stimulating skin growth the same way it does naturally when people grow up. No "stretching" involved. Same technique used in for growing new tissue for reconstructive surgery.
Are you me?
Evidently my doc didnt know what the fuck he was doing so my scar is all fucking crooked and looks weird.I know that feel.
No, I just mean that I care about what I'm missing and you don't.I was mutilated at birth.By tugging on your skin? Wonder how long it would take just to get some more skin not a full restore?Since I'm fully cut I don't even want to bother with trying to get a fucking fake stretched foreskin back, but I wouldn't mind having some more skin, and hopefully some without shaft hair.
I would encourage everyone who was circumcised as an infant to confront their parents and demand answers.
about two years of daily tugging
You're fucking kiddingFor how long a day?I'm just talking about a little extra skin so it's not tight and I have less shaft hair. That's 2 years?
It's like a little piece of skin on the end of your baby penis.Who the fuck cares.
Just the reaction I'd expect from inbred, low IQ, goyim.
I care. Please kill yourself fag.
People here who claim to be 'enlightened' still defend circumcision
>not being circumcised in the current yearThat's gross, OP. Get your cock fixed.
>born wicked prematurely>got cut>fairly certain the doc cut off too muchHair is supposed to grow on the shaft, r-right?
I don't know. I have seen SOME uncut guys with shaft hair but not very many.I'm cut and I feel like mines tight, I have shaft hair. Might get banned for this but oh well. Is yours higher up or worse than this?
absolutely not.You got butchered.
i feel for you ladi think they should wait honestly until they can decide themselvesmine came out fine and im lucky i think i have seen some botched circumcision pictures that i would immediatly kill my self over if it was me
I have a little bit of hair out of the bottom of my shaft. I think it's normal.
Pls have cancerYou are not enlightened
one the right side doesnt look normal to me
uncut here, literally feels good man
Eh, its flacid right now so I aint 100% accurate, but its about if not more than halfway up the shaft
the hair going down like and inch or 2 on the right side of the dick
Here is mine flaccidYou're saying that it doesn't look normal? It is going up too much?I would likely agree, it is one of my most hated parts of my dickI don't know if you can stretch and make the shaft hair go down lower from having more skin or what
i would wax itit only hurts for a little bit :^)
I have a fetish for videos of guys cumming getting waxed. It's an odd fetish but there's something hot about the unknowing parlor worker doing her job and getting a happy little surprise from her customer.
>When you realize you'll never feel the sensation of cumming inside pussy no condor
Yea, just checked with erectionOn the top half my dick's fineOn the bottom side there's hair growing on a good half of my shaft
I wonder if I'm correct in assuming that unmutilated people don't have to wax their fucking shafts?I love how sex is the one thing everyone enjoys and loves but being mutilated I can't even enjoy it to the fullest. I seriously don't understand how people deal with this or not even care.
What is possibly more inbred than a big nosed, rat faced, imperial, trAshkeNazi, pharisse, khazar, talmudic kikel?Congratulations on infecting every indigenous ethnicity with your genetic defects. Your cultural infiltrations based in perfidy, usury and lethe have completely corrupted, poisoned and enraged an entire planet coming to grips with the endless ponzi schemes and controlled oppositions you have spawned.Please enjoy sucking baby dicks and hypocritically aborting "chosen" Israeli babies (eugenics at its kikey zionazi finest) at record rates due to the big nosed yiddish tradition of cousin fucking.
Pics? Is it worse than mine?I had recently shaved (probably a week and a half ago) in the erect pic so it can get longer, but I can't shave because that means stubble.
Nice try there Krautenburg. How does it feel being sub-human.
Tried doing pics, phone shat itselfBut yea, I would take it that its not normal to have a good amount of hair growing on half your shaft?
im sure they have hair on the shaft but not far up as cut people your cut looks really tight compared to mine with how far back it itsmine is cut right right below the edge of the head and looser looking
KekJokes on you, I'm not even Jewish OR circumcised.All too easy.
Great so even for cutfags I'm mutilatedSomeone want to come here and just shoot me?
iktf, brotherPractically have no feeling in my dic below the cut scar
I seriously don't know if I can take it manI'm only 21 and I can't think of anything when it comes to sex without my mutilated shit taking over everything
>t. moshe kikelbergerstein
Every penny of that money should go to the person who was mutilated. Unless they were mutilated as an infant, then every penny of the circumcisers money should go to the victim, after they are publicly castrated and executed for crimes against humanity. The victim should be allowed to perform the execution if he so desires.
This. I should be allowed to execute the faggot that did it and parents should be able to be sued.
Wow you guys really bitch and moan about this ? This isn't r9k what the hell is this.Grow up. I can't believe millenials just sit around and obsess over genitals , either gender fluid bullshit or this dumb pity party.
>developing a complex I'm laughingGrow up
God I wish you were sitting right in front of me right now you fucking faggot boomer piece of shit.
This is actually how an uncircumcised penis looks ?Kinda disgusting if you ask me.
Get hit by a fucking car faggot
wtf? this is completely normal and it only takes like 20 seconds to shave. fyi im uncut
weird, ahmed, you usually like to look at cocks.
/pol/ talking about cocks again...
if you shave the shaft hair you then have stubble ON YOUR FUCKING shaftLook at my pic, I would have stubble on a part that goes in mouths, asses, vaginas etc. does that sound good to you?Maybe you have whispier hair on your shaft than me, I have a few stray hairs up higher that are very soft but the real visible ones go into stubble if I shave.
have you had sex before and you couldnt get off because of it ?
theres literally nothing wrong with talking about cocks
no I'm still a virginI have been distraught over being cut since I was probably 17
You spelled goat wrong fucken infidel.
Frankly, it doesnt bother me too muchDoes it bother me I will never be able to experience sex as other people have? Yes. Indeed I am jealous and wish I wasnt cutAm I going to let it dictate my sex life? No, because it was something far beyond my control. And for the most part its more getting the girl to the bed and your technique in bed anyway, especially if you dont have a Jamal cock. Its never stopped me from getting off, so there aint much to fret about
>(((mainstream))) """""paediatric""""" and child care manuals continued to assert the value of circumcision as a disincentive to masturbation right up until the 1950s.
Except sex will never feel as good for you, in my case the dick is fucking ugly from being cut and hair everywhere etc.Also I have heard being cut effects tour girth when it's tight and I totally believe that.I don't see how that doesn't bother you.
in usa there are many women who prefer cut dicksi think you should fuck a whore or something and you would probably cum fast as fuck unless you jack off alot with a tight grip
I probably would but that isn't really the point, the stimulation and everything will feel far worse than if I was whole and I have that fucking hair too.I do jack off a lot though
dude it's only hair, not barbed wire, moroni have thick as fuck body hair and i shaved my dick just a couple days ago, doesn't feel prickly at all.this shit wouldn't matter to a girl
I shaved mine before and it's fucking prickly, I can feel it even unshaven when I jack off, but when I shave I can feel stubble.
>I do jack off a lot thoughdo you grip tight though?i used to do that and couldnt cum with a gril until i stopped jacking off every day with a tight grip
No I don't think so
Nigga I am in the exact same boat as youIts still pleasurable. Not as pleasurable as I wish it was. But I can still enjoy it.I mean, it bothers me from time to time, but Im not going to moan and bitch about something I could not and will not be able to control. Its rather pointless to gripe about an unobtainable dream that was only a dream to begin with.Shit sucks. Take it on the chin, and move on. Its like griping about an uncurable genetic defect. Its there, you cant fix it, better to get off the pity pot and not worry about it
Except an incurable genetic defect would be better, because in this case my parents are the ones who had me fucking mutilated, and I had all the potentials of having a beautiful healthy dick.
>Its like griping about an uncurable genetic defect.i have schizophrenia and it fucking sucks i never have a meaningful relationship i basically can only fuck whores until they find out and then they stop talking to me
I'm sorry man, I had an aunt who had that, she died not too long ago.
i dont think you should feel sorry i am a huge faggot and a burden on the planet i wont reproduce because i dont want to chance my children to get this shit better some people die out desu
Yes, you did.Your parents were convinced one way or another to do it, and either still YOU HAD NO CONTROL OVER ITFor all intents and purposes you were born with it, as unforetunate as that is. I too resent my parents for cutting meNigga, circumcision is like any regrettable event in life. Chasing after the past aint gonna fix it. No matter how hard you wish, you wont be uncut. That doesnt mean you have to let it define you.Im terribly sorry for you Anon. Everyone ought to able to live a life with a meaningful relationship and be able to reproduce, so Im sorry genetics gave you the shaft and made you unable
I hate some things about myself and my genetics but I'm way too much of a stubborn ornery guy to ever think that I think.Depending on how bad ya got it pretty sure you can control with meds, maybe adopt someday? Who knows?Unless you're happy with your current plans that is.
Well I mean you don't have much of a choice it's either kill yourself or deal with it however you can.The fact that i haven't killed myself means I'm dealing with it but I suppose you're attitude is the better way of dealing with it.Doesn't really change how I feel about it
it doesnt bother me none of the medication really works and i think it is a scam for the doctors to make money by promoting certain brandsi can play several instruments and music is what i like to do so i am pretty content with life
Good. As long as you find your way.
to be fair the rate of new boys being cut is down to almost 50% now
Fuck so now it's going to be even worse being a cutlet like us
Jonah Falcon is a Jew, though he escaped the knife
>Major European states not actively questioning circumcisionWhere did we go so wrong, circumcision on children is literally barbaricIf adults want to get cut, that's their problem, but by no civilized moral code can a child consent to that kind of shit. The fact Islamic countries are the places where circumcision is the most prevalent really hammers that in
Liberal logic.Any of you other ones want to Correct the Record?
Is Sinead McCarthy really Heidi from the SPLC?
/pol/, is this man the doctor of redpill prescriptions? Is he going to cure the disease that is globalist corruption?
Cure for the common clinton?
>start mandatory weightlifting for everyone in high school>feminism weakens as male-female differences are made apparent>much harder for someone to be a trap if they are covered in muscles on a guy could have>is the iron-pill the best way to subversively red-pill the masses?
we did some weightlifting in high-school (physical education is mandatory in Illinois, 10/10 would recommend for every state). i didn't really get into it until after. shit is cash.doesn't make you less of a faggot though. just good for building muscle.
>doesn't make you less of a faggot though. just good for building muscle.This. Just end "everyone gets a trophy" sports for like 6 year old and up
Canada hate thread
Your PM is a lefty fag.
you use to be known for politeness and manly men with beards that talked funny.now you are chinks, pooinloos, and hrt trannies.you were so sorry for being a giant white happy dick for the world to slobber on, that you mass imported tiny dick minorities or cut your dick off to even it out.a cuckening within a cuckold surrounded by cucks.
only canadians start canadian hate threadswe suck so much other countries don't even want to start talking about it, we gotta torture ourselves in cs0hame
Kind of hard to hate as Canadians are generally OK people from my experience, but there's been lots of faggots posting under the leaf flag here lately though. Either a very vocal minority, or the Canucks are being framed by a bunch of libfag shills using proxies. I try to be mindful of this.PS your new PM is a fag.
I've always despised both Canada as a country and its people, but since coming to this board, my hate for Canadians has increased 100-fold. I wish they'd all be permanently disallowed from posting here, I can't stand anything they have to say. It's almost like horrible posts are automatically assigned Canadian flags, just fucking terrible.
dont hate us for our shitpoststhere's literally nothing else to do up here
The leader of a Western Democracy's Government should still wear a suit to a fag parade, and definitely not purple beads, a wrinkly shirt, and a colorful belt. Him being there should be enough for "solidarity".
someone already wiped their dikc on his sleeve
I've been seeing this on my FB feed. People (mostly Bernie Sanders supporters) seem to be linking his death to the recent DNC email leaks. I haven't seen any threads on this subject and seeing as how this Mongolian throat singing forum is so good at digging deep on subjects like this I was wondering what info you guys had on this. http://heatst.com/politics/still-no-clues-in-murder-of-dncs-seth-rich-as-conspiracy-theories-thicken/?mod=sm_fb_post
some new meme?