It's a quirky British thing, actually.It's like, to black men:>check out this black knight, indulge in the self identification, feel the possibility of we wuz lords and nobles and shieet, nigga you gallant, nigga you most gallantAnd then to everyone else:>So... You know we're only doing this because ((they're)) actually, genuinely racist and can't watch media without their representation, right?White people are meant to simply get this without being told, which is why saying it as if you're some sort of revolutionary is seen as immature and chantardesque.
>It's a quirky British thingShlub-Smaharan Flafricans?
The we wuz kangz thing.In America they'll simply use urban, ghetto hip hop culture. British media has mostly avoided it unless they can equally represent white people as it through chavs or rudeboys.On the other hand, British media will cast any character as black and white Brits are meant to just "get" it.Same shit in Merlin, same shit in many Shakespeare adaptations I've seen, same shit in Harry Potter the musical.The basic fact remains, white people will need to go out of their way to prevent black people from chimping out. It'll only stop when black people start recognising the same things white people do and start to feel patronised as fuck. Only then will black boys start identifying with white characters and thus negate any effects of race on how media effects their development.But it won't, because they'd rather enjoy the self congratulatory we wuz kangz feeling.I'm sorry, I'm probably being a little too deep about the we wuz kangz meme. Probably just a meme against PC going too far.
>Sir Stabsalot
Just so it hurts less is November. Trump will lose, but the republicans have a good chance of winning the house and senate. If republicans control both houses of congress then Hillary is nullified and voted out in 2020.
You say you are true evil? Shall I tell you what true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity, instead of defying you.
singles says trump wins
what do you think lads
>FL, NC, VA, OH>Blue
Kek has spoken.
Thats what they said about Obama.
Not enough red. Results need to come in and give the bitch a stroke.
>California>RedPick one
Killary is a military-industrial neocon anyhow, a Republican senate isn't really much of an issue for her.
Trump definitely has Michigan, Florida, Texas.He might have New York, Pennsylavania and Ohio.Trump also gets all normally red states except Utah, and he still might get Utah.Hillary is certain to win only Minnesota, Hawaii and California.If Hillary cheats, there will be unprecedented violence, with a high likelihood of shall we say cooperation.I cannot see any version of events in which Hillary wins.
>Caliphornia>New Cucked>Red
made some changes, better?
It doesn't matter. If Hillary gets to appoint SC justices we are absolutely fucked.
>Illinois>RedIllinoisan here.Too many niggers in Chi-town.
If Trump loses, we won't have an election in 2020. Your ass will be in a foxhole somewhere east of Omaha.
Even before she got to that point, the muds would riot at the fact that she won; every white person walking alone would get knocked out or knifed.
I think that the economy will collapse again soon. That's what many economists are predicting. If so, whoever is elected president will likely be a one term president.
Why the hell would muds be mad if the queen of pandering won?
the have the entire legislative branch under their control currently. liberals cant get shit through. hillary wont be able to put into place any laws that are not republican approvedno increase in welfare its getting cut, no special interest group spending and any sort of immigration reform wont be amnesty it will be work visas that currently already exist and are released in controlled burst only for migrant farm labor
Now that the dust has settled, what is /pol/'s opinion on Alex Jones and Infowars?
Based. Funny. Good news source.Only bad thing is when he shills his snake oil.
Alex is fucking awesome. I bought some brainforce and super make vitality. I'm going to have to get me some filters next
>now that the dust has settledWhat are you talking about? What is the metaphoric dust supposed to be you massive faggot OP?
Alex revealing he's full of shit acting like TYT invited him on set and acting all surprised when his bait triggered them
Google stop please its in the video
>censoring porn in interweebz http://www.pcworld.com/article/3102670/internet/donald-trump-signs-pledge-to-crack-down-on-internet-porn.htmlWelp im a cruz missile now.
is this show /pol/ approved :^)
It's actually OK
Absolutely. He's a great veterinarian.
Black Phillip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDi1Hhcioag37:36 Women dont leave you unless you're crushed, a woman has never left a man who is winning and doing good in life.
it's pretty boring but its okay. i dont watch it much so i dunno
He takes off his shirt while working, same as the majority of /pol/ while shitposting. So yes.
>That episode with the muslim owner that got his goats traded for pigs
He tried to get Dr Moonman approved, but unfortunately the network stepped in.
Everytime I see this show on TV, I laugh and think of yall.Joking aside, though, he's actually a really cool man that clearly loves animals and his job. I'd recommend it. Watch this. It's cute.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIvZQ4Knrok
>show is just him and his workers shoving their hands up animals assholes and pulling things out
I wonder what her farts smell like
Bernie knows
They probably smell like farts, ya dingus
delete this post, i wanted to be the first to reply.
Sulfur and Brimstone
the souls of all the people she has under contract
like a dead dog thats been on the side of the road for a few weeks in the hot summer day after its rained a few times today to keep it moist. you can almost smell the maggots. you can definitely see them moving below the surface of the skin. fluid oozing out of the mouth nose and ears. its not blood and doesnt look like saliva or mucus . maybe its the maggots excrement
How did this happen?
>rigged>RNC inside job
Rigged polls.
Oh shit it's actually gotten worse since this afternoon...
Obama's silver tongue that liberals can't seem to say no to.
If it stays a 3-4 % lead for Hillary in the polls, Trump will win. Remember that polls predicted a hung parliament in the UK elections, but the Conservatives scored an easy victory.
Dnc convention bounce. The same reason trump got a bounce after rnc convention. Anyone talking about rigged pols has autism and should be killed off in a concentration camp
What I want to know is:Who the fuck are these people that change who they're voting for from week to week."Oh well, I was totally in a Hillary mood last week, but you know, I might just swing for Trump for a couple days...."
undercover ISIS
Margin of error works both ways. Welcome to your first election
Media has literally been shilling against trump in over drive all week >muh Muslim soldier
>"she wasn't aloud to talk"Seriously, what did he mean by this? I thought he was talking about her not having a prepared speech.
Moloch Magic
rigged CNN / Reuters polls. No Trump is actually polling far ahead of Clinton at the moment CNN / NBC / Fox are on a crusade to get Clinton elected. They just intensified their efforts after wikileaks exposed them for their media manipulation. Reports are like rats. If you show a light on what they overreport and what they try to hide away by moving spotlight on more irrelevant matters than they do not know where to go.
A small minority. If 10 voters were leaning Trump, and are now leaning Hillary, that's a 20 vote difference.
Maybe belittling parents of a veteran kia was a bad idea after all?
Brit here, did trump even mention the khans or did they just pull them out of some closet & start a big song and dance about them?
Wouldn't drop the Khizr Khan matter. It's looking bad for from the Vets perspective.
not when theyre exploiting it for political gain
Hillary is good Candidate and may be the superior choice. How is that so hard to admit?Remember a vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump, not the other way around.-MS
Gee, after two major institutions doing polls re-rigged how they counted things, the numbers changed.How oh how did the numbers change? Really makes you think.
Its a manufactured bounce. CNN and Reuters have a fantasy poll where Johnson and Stein arent running
>What is cheating
You mean like trump and fix has been doing with that cunt CIA operative mom?>bwuhhhh I don't know why my son was there or why he died!!Fucking idiotic cunt
Convention bounce and Trump is making an ass of himself trying to stay in the spotlight.
It's truly impossible to understand the mindset of the typical uninterested uninformed voter. Most people who have paid attention at the slightest have made up their mind on who to vote for months ago. I have no idea what is going through people's minds that are on the fence. I mean, fuck, the candidates are so far flung from one another. Polar opposites in every way. One represents globalism and cuckoldry and warhawking. The other represents nationalism. They couldn't be more starkly contrasting, so I have no clue how you can't be in one camp or the other at this point. We always joke about "well I guess I'm a cruzmissile now" due to every slightest hiccup, but there are people who apparently actually think this way. "oh, I was gonna vote for trump but this brown guy help up a pocket constitution! Guess I'm shilling for hillary now"
Yes he did he made some stupid joke possibly half serious that the Muslim mother wasn't allowed to talk. It's dumb shit like this that will lose the election for him. In one statement he has insulted the Muslim demographic (3 million in USA) and other families of veterans. I still hope he wins just because he's a fraud and an idiot and will be a disaster
Trump leads:>Fuck yah take that you Shills! Trump #1!Trump doesn't lead:>rigged>rigged>Rigged
Why would they rig a poll to make it look like their favored candidate is winning? Wouldn't you want the opposite in order to encourage low energy voters to show up to beat your opponent?
yes its all a manufactured thing, now they're backing off of it cause hes suspected of having ties to the muslim brotherhood. cant make this up.
Trump is the #MentallyJill levels of inconsistent and can't seem to avoid blunder. Reagan said "it's morning in America" and so did the Democrats in 2016. The republicans said "we're under siege and America is broken," and no one wanted to hear that. Within the next week the polls will reflect the Khan situation, by that point Hillary will be above 50%. You all should have backed Cruz or Rubio. Either would have stomped Clinton. Now, well, now conservatism is lost in America. Prepare yourselves for the liberal Renaissance. It's all thanks to Trump. Maybe he was a Clinton shill all along.
Yeah...but he didn't find them. They just appeared n started giving him shit.Dnc have them a platform to make this an issue
Convention bumpReuters playing with the statisticsCnn being Cnn
I'm surprised she hasn't been goaded into going full Sheehan yet. I guess if she did it would come out she was essentially estranged from her son because she didn't approve of his wife.
I don't get it. Are they like the Bernie fanbase that just keep making excuses. I am Shaking My Head with disgust over how this board doesn't censor opinions but does things like this constantly-Miguel Shoemaker
wtf I hate trump now! guess im #mentallyhill
Reuters changed their polling to give Hillary an advantage and I'm betting a lot of other pollsters followed suit. They're doing what they can to eliminate the soft/silent Trump support which takes away from Hillary.
He he he. Good joke nigger
>either would have stomped Clintonand then america would continue to be a corporate shill. Trump hasn't lost and you fags are already doom and glooming just like Brexit.
Look at the mediaThey shill harder and harder every time they are threatened. But the problem with that is that it becomes less effective every time because they never change their tactics.
These are meaningless. For first reason, these polls don't take into account that every nigger and spic is going to vote democrat. Whatever Trump has, add 5-8 points to it. Also, the Jews...as bin laden famously said, "when people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will bet on the strong horse." The worse they make Trump look, the more retards they can draw away from him. Give how he's been bombarded on toybook, CNN, etc....it's amazing he has the numbers he has. Basically, the Jews want to make the lemmings feel like they are a bad person if they vote for Trump and that everyone is dumping him. Same tactic they've tried 1000x before, hasn't worked yet.
>How did this happenBy not really happening.