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ROCO_00503 | Hysterosalpingogram demonstrates a communicating septate uterus, cervix duplex.
ROCO_00504 | Chest computed tomography: bilateral interstitial thickening and bronchiectasis in the right hemithorax.
ROCO_00505 | Axial T2 image showing hyperintensity in the right pons and cerebellum
ROCO_00507 | MRI scans shows infiltrating angiolipoma lesion in the left posterior thoracic wall, deeper to trapezius and rhomboid muscles (arrow).
ROCO_00508 | Figure 4. Voiding cystoureterogram shows multiple diverticuli with varied sizes. Arrowhead shows the bladder, the short arrow shows a diverticulum. The long arrow shows the largest diverticulum on the left side.
ROCO_00510 | Left eye (small, pale optic disc with double ring sign).
ROCO_00511 | Inflation of drug-eluting stent Resolute Endeavour
ROCO_00514 | Periapical radiograph of the mandibular left central incisor revealing an inverted V-shaped radiopaque structure originating from the cervical third of the root, superimposed over the crown of the mandibular left central incisor
ROCO_00516 | Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdominal mass
ROCO_00517 | Caliper measurements depicted on an image of the L2–3 interspinous process. One method measured the distance between the caudal end (CAE) of the L2 spinous process and the cranial end (CRE) of the L3 spinous process (E-E measurement, *2). The other method measured the distance between the top of the L2 spinous process and the top of the L3 spinous process (T-T measurement, *1).
ROCO_00518 | Color Doppler ultrasound image demonstrates multiple tortuous venous structures in the hepatic hilum, keeping with the cavernomatous transformation of the portal vein.
ROCO_00519 | Magnetic resonance imaging scan 6 weeks after the first operation showing the intraspinal mass lesion.
ROCO_00520 | Chest radiograph.
ROCO_00521 | Axial T2 CT demonstrating the vessels traversing the tumour.
ROCO_00523 | CT Scan
ROCO_00524 | 75-year-old woman with right mandible cystic lesion and primary hyperparathyroidism. Axial T1-weighted turbo spin-echo fat-suppressed image post gadolinium (TR/TE _ 759/10 msec) shows heterogeneous enhancement of the lesion.
ROCO_00525 | Chest X-ray 17 days after admission.
ROCO_00526 | Axial high-resolution CT scan showing a right tympanomastoid homogenous opacity and petrous bone remodeling.
ROCO_00527 | MRI spine – narrowing of cervical canal.
ROCO_00528 | CT chest. Anterior mediastinal mass with minimal contrast enhancement.
ROCO_00529 | Axial Computed tomography of the brain 13 days after the carotid endarterectomy, demonstrated a new infarct in the white matter of the left frontal lobe (arrow).
ROCO_00530 | Mammogram (MLO view) of the right breast of a 48-year-old woman presenting with a lump in right breast of 1-month duration shows diffusely increased density in central glandular component (thick arrow) extending to the retromammary space with trabecular thickening (thin arrow). Associated areolar skin thickening (open arrow) and multiple enlarged axillary lymphnodes (arrowhead) are seen. The lesion was proven to be infiltrating ductal carcinoma on histopathology
ROCO_00531 | Anteroposterior X-ray chest and neck
ROCO_00532 | Left internal jugular vein with normal diameter
ROCO_00533 | PMMA cement is injected after inflation of the kyphoplasty balloons to stabilize the vertebra.
ROCO_00534 | Paddle-shaped ribs with narrowing at the vertebral end.
ROCO_00536 | X-ray of the hip joint obtained one year after the operation (supine position)There were no problems, and the patient’s clinical course was good and asymptomatic.
ROCO_00537 | CECT abdomen showing the lesion.
ROCO_00538 | Axial T2-W fat-supressed MR. 11-month-old boy with a right abdominal mass with a partially intrarenal localization (black arrow) and liver metastases. 123-Iodine-MIBG-scan was positive for neuroblastoma
ROCO_00539 | MRI showing the hypointense lobulated mass in the lateral ventricle.
ROCO_00540 | Chest X-ray, posterior-anterior view after the surgical removal of the intermediate lobe of the right lung. Drain in the right pleural cavity. The postoperative chest radiograph revealed no pneumothorax.
ROCO_00541 | Follow-up (lateral pelvic X‑ray) following stent placement. Maximum flexibility of a venous stent in the iliac bifurcation region
ROCO_00542 | CT-scan of the abdomen showing the liver with iron overload in a patient with SCA and multiple blood transfusions.
ROCO_00544 | Obturation 11.
ROCO_00545 | Coronal MRI of the pelvis, T1-weighted image. The intraosseous abnormality characterized by intermediate to low signal on T1 involving the right femur (dotted circle) and the right ilium (arrow) represents the fibrous dysplasia lesions of the involved bones.
ROCO_00546 | Pleural effusion during medical thoracoscopy.
ROCO_00547 | Postcementation radiograph
ROCO_00548 | Appendix testis of a 22-year-old male with scrotal pain appearing as an isoechoic, oval-shaped structure (arrow) located between the epididymal head and testicle.It represents a developmental remnant of the Müllerian (paramesonephric) duct.
ROCO_00549 | Axial Contrasted MRIMRI enhancing right parafalince extra-axial lesion (asterix) with surrounding edema and mass effect.
ROCO_00550 | A panoramic radiograph shows the loss of the lamina dura and widening of the periodontal ligament space involving the right permanent mandibular first molar and second premolar with mild rarefaction of the interdental alveolar bone between the right mandibular first molar and second molar.
ROCO_00551 | Representative axial image of pre-operative high-resolution temporal bone CT scan illustrating an air cell (arrow) anterior to facial nerve
ROCO_00552 | CT showing a large multilobulated cystic collection extending to the pelvis.
ROCO_00554 | An exemplary T2-weighted (STIR) image of a 57 year old female patient with a viral respiratory viral infection 3 weeks ago and exercise induced PVBs. Globally enhanced signal intensity of the myocardium of the left ventricle (arrows) compared to skeletal muscle. The ratio of signal intensity between myocardial and skeletal muscle was elevated (2.26). LV: Left ventricle. RV: Right ventricle. SM: Skeletal muscle
ROCO_00555 | Simple abdominal X-ray presents multiple dilated small bowel loops.
ROCO_00556 | Ultrasound of breast revealing a solid hypoechoic mass in the left breast
ROCO_00558 | CT scan shows the bullet clear in the lower abdomen.
ROCO_00560 | Endometrial cavity fluid (ECF). Fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity detected by transvaginal ultrasound in a sagittal view (A--P diameter 2.5 mm) in a patient on the day of oocyte retrieval.
ROCO_00561 | Illustrating diffuse bilateral infiltrates of the lung.
ROCO_00562 | Red-free fundus image of the left eye showing pigment clumps in temporal periphery after lightening injury
ROCO_00563 | CT imaging of gastric GT.
ROCO_00564 | Intravenous pyelography showing non-functioning left kidney with multiple renal calculi with extensive renal parenchymal calcification.
ROCO_00565 | CT with oral and intravenous contrast demonstrating a collapsed ileal loop (arrow) distal to the bezoar.
ROCO_00566 | Illustration of the segmented regions of the corpus callosum fiber tract overlaid on the FA map.For each subject, the CC is segmented into three regions manually: left, right, and center. Our proposed model is applied to these regions and only the center part is used for validating the model using histological data.
ROCO_00567 | Anteroposterior view of radius and ulna showing increased radiodensity in all the bones, smoothening of the bone surfaces, and cylindrical appearance of the metacarpals.
ROCO_00568 | An axial computed tomography scan indicating a lesion on the right side of the mandible with thin residual bony trabeculae, and expansile invasion (arrows).
ROCO_00572 | Lateral foot fluoroscopy, showing interfragmentary screw and medial plate location. The wire seen in the figure is holding an Akin osteotomy, not discussed in this research.
ROCO_00573 | CT scan of the neck and upper medastinum: Confirmation of a soft tissue tumour (→) 4 cm in size. Expansive tumour growth displaced the trachea to the left and compressed the adjacent vessels.
ROCO_00574 | Positron emission tomography scan revealed a large multi lobulated heterogeneously enhancing solid-cystic mass (7.8 cm × 7.7 cm × 5.8 cm) was seen in the left side of the neck arising from the left lobe of the thyroid gland with intense fluorodeoxyglucose avidity (standardized uptake value max 17.7) in the solid component and along the peripheral margin of the cystic component
ROCO_00575 | Chest radiograph shows dumbbell-shaped nodule (arrow) in right lung base.
ROCO_00576 | Postoperative T-tube cholangiogram of case 2 showing normal flow of the contrast into the biliary radicals and the duodenum.
ROCO_00577 | X-ray of the patient's left hip showing femoral neck fracture.
ROCO_00579 | Totally occluded SFA.
ROCO_00580 | Postoperative X-ray demonstrates bilateral temporal and occipital stimulator leads. The four arrows point to the temporal and occipital leads.
ROCO_00581 | Cervical tuberculosis. Uterine cavity has small size, diverticular outpunching, ragged irregular contours and obvious deformity. Cervical filling defects, irregularity of cervical lumen and diverticular outpouchings are present. Occlusion of both tubes is also seen.
ROCO_00583 | Right femoral implant and necrosis of the left femoral head
ROCO_00584 | An abdominal X-ray showing a diffuse opaque area in the upper abdomen without a gastrointestinal gas shadow; this finding was accompanied by a downward dislocation of the transverse colon
ROCO_00585 | Computed tomography guided transthoracic core needle. Puncture needle is in the consolidation area of right lower lobe.
ROCO_00586 | Third patient. Tricuspid and mitral annuloplasty ring is seen. Descending aorta is visible. Coaptation line confirms good midterm result of the mitral valve repair, primary artificial chordae between A2/A3 segments
ROCO_00588 | Facial skull radiograph. Note sclerosis of the orbits and sphenoid bones resulting in “Harlequin mask appearance’’
ROCO_00589 | MRI: coronal section shows gallstones and the pointed filling failure in the distal common bile duct.
ROCO_00591 | CT abdomen showing contrast in inferior vena cava and hepatic venous system.
ROCO_00592 | Chest CT. Bilateral iterstitiel and alveolar interstitial with lower right lobar alveolar consolidation.
ROCO_00594 | Chest X-ray postero-anterior view shows bilateral lower zone consolidation with bilateral pleural effusion
ROCO_00595 | Orthopantomogram revealed tooth buds of 44 and 45 in the alveolar bone and incomplete root formation with the ectopic lateral incisor
ROCO_00596 | External cervical resorption in teeth #9 and 10 of a 23-year-old female patient following trauma
ROCO_00597 | Final DSA showing normal blood flow in graft artery
ROCO_00598 | Sinugram showing the tract running cephalad with dilatation at its end.
ROCO_00601 | Computed tomography showed an extraperitoneal soft tissue of 2.6 cm × 2.3 cm in the pelvis adjacent to the urinary bladder and extending into the right inguinal canal
ROCO_00602 | Transthoracic echocardiogram with apical 4-chamber view performed three months following surgery showing a small residual hematoma (21 × 16 mm) in the left atrium. RV: right ventricle; LV: left ventricle; RA: right atrium; LA: left atrium; H: intramural hematoma.
ROCO_00603 | MR angiography image is showing splaying of external and internal carotid vessels on the left side.
ROCO_00604 | sagital radiograph of the Cut prosthesis. Figure 2 is showing the anteroposterior, figure 3 is showing the sagital radiograph 12 months after implantation of the implant in a 50 year old male patient.
ROCO_00605 | Magnetic resonance imaging showing the molar tooth sign
ROCO_00606 | In Group I, the panoramic film of a 11-year-old female individual with five missing teeth excluding the third molars (hypodontia)
ROCO_00607 | Perisplenic deposits in pseudomyxoma peritonei. Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows multiple well-defined cystic lesions in the perisplenic region invaginating into the spleen (arrows) in a patient with known pseudomyxoma peritonei. Similar cystic deposits are also noted in the perigastric region (*).
ROCO_00608 | Computed tomography of abdomen (coronal view) showing right kidney mid pole mass turned out as renal cell carcinoma upon radical nephrectomy.
ROCO_00609 | A sagittal fat-suppressed proton density–weighted image of the left hip (the same patient as Figure 7) depicts the avulsion injury involving both the direct (arrow) and the indirect (arrowhead) heads of the rectus femoris.
ROCO_00610 | CAG showing a severe stenosis of the left main coronary artery
ROCO_00613 | Figure 2 and Clip S4 Transoesophageal long-axis view of the aortic valve. Visualization of a long vegetation (A) (larger axis: 26 mm) on the atrial side of the mitral valve, with insertion on the aortic ring (B) and reduced. It was still possible to visualize the morphological distortion of the aortic cusps, its eccentric closure (bicuspid) as well as a filamentar image in the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) (C), probably in concordance with other vegetation (C). There was a large aortic regurgitation jet, anteriorly directed to the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. In relation with mitral valve involvement by the vegetation, but equally as possible injury of the aortic jet, there was a perforation of the anterior leaflet with an important regurgitation jet. ECG recording was notable for a large atrio-ventricular conduction delay.
ROCO_00615 | Behcet disease in a 53-year-old woman. Axial computed tomography enterography image shows focal wall thickening with a deep penetrating ulcer (arrowheads) in the terminal ileum, and mesenteric fat infiltration around the ileocecal area.
ROCO_00618 | CT scan showing a solid soft-tissue mass of 3.6 × 3.7 × 5.8 cm in the right scrotum (white arrow).
ROCO_00622 | Contrast-enhanced CT abdomen with coronal reconstruction showing the ingested foreign body as a bony attenuation in the sigmoid colon with the tip projecting beyond the bowel wall, and surrounding fat stranding suggesting inflammatory changes.
ROCO_00623 | Atypical thymoma in a 55-year-old woman with recurrent lung cancer. A homogenous mass with convex margin is demonstrated within the thymus. Left lung nodule (white arrow) represents lung cancer recurrence.
ROCO_00624 | The line between the medial and lateral borders of the patella (the equatorial line of the patella, white solid line) was drawn.
ROCO_00626 | SANT of the spleen: 99mTc-sulfur colloid scan findings. SPECT CT shows normal tracer activity within the liver and spleen with essentially no activity within the splenic lesion, confirming the absence of reticuloendothelial elements within this abnormality.
ROCO_00627 | Computed tomography (CT) revealed a thickened gastric wall mainly involving the pyloric region.
ROCO_00628 | Computed tomography scan of chest at 9 years old. The bronchogenic cyst is circled.
ROCO_00629 | The T1-weighted sagittal magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine shows a multitude of bone metastases within the vertebra and the sacrum 18 years following craniotomy. The metastases are visible as contrast enhancing and hypointense lesions within the vertebrae
ROCO_00630 | Intraoperative coronary angiography revealing a large aneurysm of the proximal right coronary artery as well as a subtotal stenosis of the circumflex branch.
ROCO_00631 | Lateral view of the knee which proximal part of fracture was fixed with cross Schanz pins and one K wire.
ROCO_00632 | Computed tomography (CT) head: time of admission.Non-contrasted CT of the head showing midline cerebellar intraparenchymal hemorrhage, diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage, and ventriculomegaly.