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the film is like sitting in a downtown café , overhearing a bunch of typical late-twenty-somethings natter on about nothing , and desperately wishing you could change tables . | 0neg
this rather unfocused , all-over-the-map movie would be a lot better if it pared down its plots and characters to a few rather than dozens . . . or if it were subtler . . . or if it had a sense of humor . | 0neg
takes a clunky tv-movie approach to detailing a chapter in the life of the celebrated irish playwright , poet and drinker . | 0neg
not only does the thoroughly formulaic film represent totally exemplify middle-of-the-road mainstream , it also represents glossy hollywood at its laziest . | 0neg
a shame that stealing harvard is too busy getting in its own way to be anything but frustrating , boring , and forgettable . | 0neg
nearly every attempt at humor here is doa . | 0neg
collapses under its own meager weight . | 0neg
this is mild-mannered , been-there material given a pedestrian spin by a director who needed a touch of the flamboyant , the outrageous . | 0neg
if you adored the full monty so resoundingly that you're dying to see the same old thing in a tired old setting , then this should keep you reasonably entertained . | 0neg
technically and artistically inept . | 0neg
those who are only mildly curious , i fear , will be put to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often pointless visuals . | 0neg
though tom shadyac's film kicks off spookily enough , around the halfway mark it takes an abrupt turn into glucose sentimentality and laughable contrivance . | 0neg
a long , dull procession of despair , set to cello music culled from a minimalist funeral . | 0neg
call me a cold-hearted curmudgeon for not being able to enjoy a mindless action movie , but i believe a movie can be mindless without being the peak of all things insipid . | 0neg
death might be a release . | 0neg
'[hopkins]doesn't so much phone in his performance as fax it . no , even that's too committed . he gets his secretary to fax it . " | 0neg
sodden and glum , even in those moments where it's supposed to feel funny and light . | 0neg
priggish , lethargically paced parable of renewal . | 0neg
a beautifully shot but dull and ankle-deep 'epic . ' | 0neg
even with its $50-million us budget , pinocchio never quite achieves the feel of a fanciful motion picture . | 0neg
this is a third-person story now , told by hollywood , and much more ordinary for it . | 0neg
the filmmakers know how to please the eye , but it is not always the prettiest pictures that tell the best story . | 0neg
written , flatly , by david kendall and directed , barely , by there's something about mary co-writer ed decter . | 0neg
the characters are interesting and the relationship between yosuke and saeko is worth watching as it develops , but there's not enough to the story to fill two hours . | 0neg
very well made , but doesn't generate a lot of tension . | 0neg
like being invited to a classy dinner soiree and not knowing anyone . you leave the same way you came -- a few tasty morsels under your belt , but no new friends . | 0neg
it's depressing to see how far herzog has fallen . | 0neg
the question hanging over the time machine is not , as the main character suggests , 'what if ? ' but rather , 'how can you charge money for this ? ' | 0neg
millions of dollars heaped upon a project of such vast proportions need to reap more rewards than spiffy bluescreen technique and stylish weaponry . | 0neg
" freaky friday , " it's not . | 0neg
perhaps a better celebration of these unfairly dismissed heroes would be a film that isn't this painfully forced , false and fabricated . | 0neg
although no pastry is violated , this nasty comedy pokes fun at the same easy targets as other rowdy raunch-fests -- farts , boobs , unmentionables -- without much success . | 0neg
in this film , aussie david caesar channels the not-quite-dead career of guy ritchie . | 0neg
maybe you'll be lucky , and there'll be a power outage during your screening so you can get your money back . | 0neg
the characterizations and dialogue lack depth or complexity , with the ironic exception of scooter . | 0neg
this film was made by and for those folks who collect the serial killer cards and are fascinated by the mere suggestion of serial killers . for the rest of us , sitting through dahmer's two hours amounts to little more than punishment . | 0neg
narc can only remind us of brilliant crime dramas without becoming one itself . | 0neg
somewhere inside the mess that is world traveler , there is a mediocre movie trying to get out . | 0neg
a tedious parable about honesty and good sportsmanship . | 0neg
its strengths and weaknesses play off each other virtually to a stand-off , with the unfortunate trump card being the dreary mid-section of the film . | 0neg
an artful yet depressing film that makes a melodramatic mountain out of the molehill of a missing bike . | 0neg
the movie's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trite , but the screenwriter and director michel gondry restate it to the point of ridiculousness . | 0neg
a glossy knock-off of a b-movie revenge flick . | 0neg
. . . expands the horizons of boredom to the point of collapse , turning into a black hole of dullness , from which no interesting concept can escape . | 0neg
it's just plain boring . | 0neg
sad nonsense , this . but not without cheesy fun factor . | 0neg
one of those decades-spanning historical epics that strives to be intimate and socially encompassing but fails to do justice to either effort in three hours of screen time . | 0neg
really dumb but occasionally really funny . | 0neg
the movie wavers between hallmark card sentimentality and goofy , life-affirming moments straight out of a cellular phone commercial . | 0neg
a half-assed film . | 0neg
the director's many dodges and turns add up to little more than a screenful of gamesmanship that's low on both suspense and payoff . | 0neg
while the transgressive trappings ( especially the frank sex scenes ) ensure that the film is never dull , rodrigues's beast-within metaphor is ultimately rather silly and overwrought , making the ambiguous ending seem goofy rather than provocative . | 0neg
the satire is unfocused , while the story goes nowhere . | 0neg
they threw loads of money at an idea that should've been so much more even if it was only made for teenage boys and wrestling fans . | 0neg
it's mired in a shabby script that piles layer upon layer of action man cliché atop wooden dialogue and a shifting tone that falls far short of the peculiarly moral amorality of [woo's] best work . | 0neg
reyes' directorial debut has good things to offer , but ultimately it's undone by a sloppy script | 0neg
if you're over 25 , have an iq over 90 , and have a driver's license , you should be able to find better entertainment . | 0neg
the darker elements of misogyny and unprovoked violence suffocate the illumination created by the two daughters and the sparse instances of humor meant to shine through the gloomy film noir veil . | 0neg
. . . the picture's cleverness is ironically muted by the very people who are intended to make it shine . | 0neg
never does " lilo & stitch " reach the emotion or timelessness of disney's great past , or even that of more recent successes such as " mulan " or " tarzan . " | 0neg
one of those so-so films that could have been much better . | 0neg
crossroads feels like a teenybopper ed wood film , replete with the pubescent scandalous innuendo and the high-strung but flaccid drama . | 0neg
fails to satisfactorily exploit its gender politics , genre thrills or inherent humor . | 0neg
interview with the assassin is structured less as a documentary and more as a found relic , and as such the film has a difficult time shaking its blair witch project real-time roots . | 0neg
cacoyannis' vision is far less mature , interpreting the play as a call for pity and sympathy for anachronistic phantasms haunting the imagined glory of their own pasts . | 0neg
it has more in common with a fireworks display than a movie , which normally is expected to have characters and a storyline . | 0neg
it appears to have been made by people to whom the idea of narrative logic or cohesion is an entirely foreign concept . | 0neg
less a heartfelt appeal for the handicapped than a nice belgian waffle . | 0neg
it's not helpful to listen to extremist name-calling , regardless of whether you think kissinger was a calculating fiend or just a slippery self-promoter . | 0neg
abandon spends 90 minutes trying figure out whether or not some cocky pseudo-intellectual kid has intentionally left college or was killed . the only problem is that , by the end , no one in the audience or the film seems to really care . | 0neg
no such thing is sort of a minimalist beauty and the beast , but in this case the beast should definitely get top billing . robert john burke as the monster horns in and steals the show . | 0neg
due to stodgy , soap opera-ish dialogue , the rest of the cast comes across as stick figures reading lines from a teleprompter . | 0neg
[t]he film is never sure to make a clear point even if it seeks to rely on an ambiguous presentation . | 0neg
while it may not add up to the sum of its parts , holofcener's film offers just enough insight to keep it from being simpleminded , and the ensemble cast is engaging enough to keep you from shifting in your chair too often . | 0neg
an overwrought taiwanese soaper about three people and their mixed-up relationship . | 0neg
nobody seems to have cared much about any aspect of it , from its cheesy screenplay to the grayish quality of its lighting to its last-minute , haphazard theatrical release . | 0neg
a thoroughly awful movie--dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy . . . a weird amalgam of 'the thing' and a geriatric 'scream . ' | 0neg
. . . another example of how sandler is losing his touch . | 0neg
nothing sticks , really , except a lingering creepiness one feels from being dragged through a sad , sordid universe of guns , drugs , avarice and damaged dreams . | 0neg
what goes on for the 110 minutes of " panic room " is a battle of witlessness between a not-so-bright mother and daughter and an even less capable trio of criminals . | 0neg
the plot's contrivances are uncomfortably strained . | 0neg
guilty of the worst sin of attributable to a movie like this : it's not scary in the slightest . | 0neg
schnieder bounces around with limp wrists , wearing tight tummy tops and hip huggers , twirling his hair on his finger and assuming that's enough to sustain laughs . . . | 0neg
its simplicity puts an exclamation point on the fact that this isn't something to be taken seriously , but it also wrecks any chance of the movie rising above similar fare . | 0neg
by the final whistle you're convinced that this mean machine was a decent tv outing that just doesn't have big screen magic . | 0neg
to say that this vapid vehicle is downright doltish and uneventful is just as obvious as telling a country skunk that he has severe body odor . | 0neg
a film of empty , fetishistic violence in which murder is casual and fun . | 0neg
pretend it's a werewolf itself by avoiding eye contact and walking slowly away . it's fun , but it's a real howler . | 0neg
some fine acting , but ultimately a movie with no reason for being . | 0neg
it's difficult to feel anything much while watching this movie , beyond mild disturbance or detached pleasure at the acting . | 0neg
a waterlogged version of 'fatal attraction' for the teeny-bopper set . . . a sad , soggy potboiler that wastes the talents of its attractive young leads . | 0neg
it tells its story in a flat manner and leaves you with the impression that you should have gotten more out of it than you did . | 0neg
sweet gentle jesus , did the screenwriters just do a cut-and-paste of every bad action-movie line in history ? | 0neg
it's not the worst comedy of the year , but it certainly won't win any honors . | 0neg
this is for the most part a useless movie , even with a great director at the helm . | 0neg
a loud , witless mess that has none of the charm and little of the intrigue from the tv series . | 0neg
even on its own ludicrous terms , the sum of all fears generates little narrative momentum , and invites unflattering comparisons to other installments in the ryan series . | 0neg
though it inspires some ( out-of-field ) creative thought , the film is -- to its own detriment -- much more a cinematic collage than a polemical tract . | 0neg
as predictable as the outcome of a globetrotters-generals game , juwanna mann is even more ludicrous than you'd expect from the guy-in-a-dress genre , and a personal low for everyone involved . | 0neg
sinks into the usual cafeteria goulash of fart jokes , masturbation jokes , and racist japanese jokes . | 0neg
Subsets and Splits