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the exclamation point seems to be the only bit of glee you'll find in this dreary mess . | 0neg
no matter how you slice it , mark wahlberg and thandie newton are not hepburn and grant , two cinematic icons with chemistry galore . | 0neg
godard's ode to tackling life's wonderment is a rambling and incoherent manifesto about the vagueness of topical excess . . . in praise of love remains a ponderous and pretentious endeavor that's unfocused and tediously exasperating . | 0neg
humorless , self-conscious art drivel , made without a glimmer of intelligence or invention . | 0neg
the movie's progression into rambling incoherence gives new meaning to the phrase 'fatal script error . ' | 0neg
solondz may be convinced that he has something significant to say , but he isn't talking a talk that appeals to me . | 0neg
more tiring than anything . | 0neg
nelson's intentions are good , but the end result does no justice to the story itself . it's horribly depressing and not very well done . | 0neg
. . . the efforts of its star , kline , to lend some dignity to a dumb story are for naught . | 0neg
a good-natured ensemble comedy that tries hard to make the most of a bumper cast , but never quite gets off the ground . | 0neg
isn't it a bit early in his career for director barry sonnenfeld to do a homage to himself ? and it's a lousy one at that . | 0neg
overly long and worshipful bio-doc . | 0neg
i'll go out on a limb . it isn't quite one of the worst movies of the year . it's just merely very bad . | 0neg
writer-director ritchie reduces wertmuller's social mores and politics to tiresome jargon . | 0neg
about amy's cuteness , amy's career success ( she's a best-selling writer of self-help books who can't help herself ) , and amy's neuroses when it comes to men . | 0neg
everything about girls can't swim , even its passages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good way . | 0neg
feels aimless for much of its running time , until late in the film when a tidal wave of plot arrives , leaving questions in its wake . | 0neg
less than fresh . | 0neg
in my own very humble opinion , in praise of love lacks even the most fragmented charms i have found in almost all of his previous works . | 0neg
the script is too mainstream and the psychology too textbook to intrigue . | 0neg
muddled , simplistic and more than a little pretentious . | 0neg
meandering and glacially paced , and often just plain dull . | 0neg
a disaster of a drama , saved only by its winged assailants . | 0neg
a road trip that will get you thinking , 'are we there yet ? ' | 0neg
director elie chouraqui , who co-wrote the script , catches the chaotic horror of war , but why bother if you're going to subjugate truth to the tear-jerking demands of soap opera ? | 0neg
dong never pushes for insights beyond the superficial tensions of the dynamic he's dissecting , and the film settles too easily along the contours of expectation . | 0neg
if there was any doubt that peter o'fallon didn't have an original bone in his body , a rumor of angels should dispel it . | 0neg
an occasionally interesting but mostly repetitive look at a slice of counterculture that might be best forgotten . | 0neg
what could have been right at home as a nifty plot line in steven soderbergh's traffic fails to arrive at any satisfying destination . | 0neg
the movie is like scorsese's mean streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old 'juvenile delinquent' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot . | 0neg
this pathetic junk is barely an hour long . nevertheless , it still seems endless . | 0neg
it isn't that stealing harvard is a horrible movieif only it were that grand a failure ! it's just that it's so not-at-all-good . and i expect much more from a talent as outstanding as director bruce mcculloch . | 0neg
dolman confines himself to shtick and sentimentality -- the one bald and the other sloppy . | 0neg
is it possible for a documentary to be utterly entranced by its subject and still show virtually no understanding of it ? | 0neg
it's supposed to be a romantic comedy - it suffers from too much norma rae and not enough pretty woman . | 0neg
the leads are so unmemorable , despite several attempts at lengthy dialogue scenes , that one eventually resents having to inhale this gutter romancer's secondhand material . | 0neg
the script ? please . | 0neg
staggers between flaccid satire and what is supposed to be madcap farce . | 0neg
not that any of us should be complaining when a film clocks in around 90 minutes these days , but the plotting here leaves a lot to be desired . | 0neg
brainy , artistic and muted , almost to the point of suffocation . | 0neg
plays like the old disease-of-the-week small-screen melodramas . | 0neg
like life on the island , the movie grows boring despite the scenery . | 0neg
the truth about charlie is that it's a brazenly misguided project . | 0neg
caso você sinta necessidade de sair da sala antes do término da projeção , não se preocupe : ninguém lhe enviará penas simbolizando covardia . | 0neg
displays the potential for a better movie than what bailly manages to deliver | 0neg
so exaggerated and broad that it comes off as annoying rather than charming . | 0neg
an awkward hybrid of genres that just doesn't work . | 0neg
the latest vapid actor's exercise to appropriate the structure of arthur schnitzler's reigen . | 0neg
snipes is both a snore and utter tripe . | 0neg
ritchie's film is easier to swallow than wertmuller's polemical allegory , but it's self-defeatingly decorous . | 0neg
chalk it up as the worst kind of hubristic folly . | 0neg
it's the kind of under-inspired , overblown enterprise that gives hollywood sequels a bad name . | 0neg
rosenthal ( halloween ii ) seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspense . | 0neg
even murphy's expert comic timing and famed charisma can't rescue this effort . | 0neg
rodriguez . . . was unable to reproduce the special spark between the characters that made the first film such a delight . | 0neg
a sleek advert for youthful anomie that never quite equals the sum of its pretensions . | 0neg
some body smacks of exhibitionism more than it does cathartic truth telling . | 0neg
this isn't a terrible film by any means , but it's also far from being a realized work . | 0neg
apparently , romantic comedy with a fresh point of view just doesn't figure in the present hollywood program . | 0neg
a lame comedy . | 0neg
depressingly thin and exhaustingly contrived . only masochistic moviegoers need apply . | 0neg
a movie that's held captive by mediocrity . not bad , but not all that good . bacon keeps things interesting , but don't go out of your way to pay full price . | 0neg
what's next ? rob schneider , dana carvey and sarah michelle gellar in the philadelphia story ? david spade as citizen kane ? | 0neg
can't seem to get anywhere near the story's center . | 0neg
the problem , amazingly enough , is the screenplay . | 0neg
it's a frankenstein-monster of a film that doesn't know what it wants to be . | 0neg
upper west sidey exercise in narcissism and self-congratulation disguised as a tribute . | 0neg
on its icy face , the new film is a subzero version of monsters , inc . , without the latter's imagination , visual charm or texture . | 0neg
i can't say this enough : this movie is about an adult male dressed in pink jammies . | 0neg
it's a mindless action flick with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex . | 0neg
after a while , the only way for a reasonably intelligent person to get through the country bears is to ponder how a whole segment of pop-music history has been allowed to get wet , fuzzy and sticky . | 0neg
we get light showers of emotion a couple of times , but then -- strangely -- these wane to an inconsistent and ultimately unsatisfying drizzle . | 0neg
summer's far too fleeting to squander on offal like this . | 0neg
the film is grossly contradictory in conveying its social message , if indeed there is one . | 0neg
often lingers just as long on the irrelevant as on the engaging , which gradually turns what time is it there ? into how long is this movie ? | 0neg
too bad kramer couldn't make a guest appearance to liven things up . | 0neg
deuces wild is an encyclopedia of cliches that shoplifts shamelessly from farewell-to-innocence movies like the wanderers and a bronx tale without cribbing any of their intelligence . | 0neg
it's a barely tolerable slog over well-trod ground . | 0neg
epps has neither the charisma nor the natural affability that has made tucker a star . | 0neg
it's sweet . . . but just a little bit too precious at the start and a little too familiar at the end . | 0neg
a dull , dumb and derivative horror film . | 0neg
an awkwardly contrived exercise in magic realism . | 0neg
demme gets a lot of flavor and spice into his charade remake , but he can't disguise that he's spiffing up leftovers that aren't so substantial or fresh . | 0neg
this is a heartfelt story . . . it just isn't a very involving one . | 0neg
these self-styled athletes have banged their brains into the ground so frequently and furiously , their capacity to explain themselves has gone the same way as their natural instinct for self-preservation . | 0neg
the fact that the 'best part' of the movie comes from a 60-second homage to one of demme's good films doesn't bode well for the rest of it . | 0neg
richard pryor mined his personal horrors and came up with a treasure chest of material , but lawrence gives us mostly fool's gold . | 0neg
the band performances featured in drumline are red hot . . . [but] from a mere story point of view , the film's ice cold . | 0neg
. . . built on the premise that middle-class arkansas consists of monster truck-loving good ol' boys and peroxide blond honeys whose worldly knowledge comes from tv reruns and supermarket tabloids . | 0neg
a laughable -- or rather , unlaughable -- excuse for a film . | 0neg
the sequel is everything the original was not : contrived , overblown and tie-in ready . | 0neg
like a grinning jack o' lantern , its apparent glee is derived from a lobotomy , having had all its vital essence scooped out and discarded . | 0neg
a sentimental hybrid that could benefit from the spice of specificity . | 0neg
. . . familiar and predictable , and 4/5ths of it might as well have come from a xerox machine rather than ( writer-director ) franc . reyes' word processor . | 0neg
give shapiro , goldman , and bolado credit for good intentions , but there's nothing here that they couldn't have done in half an hour . | 0neg
it's so devoid of joy and energy it makes even jason x . . . look positively shakesperean by comparison . | 0neg
a little objectivity could have gone a long way . | 0neg
one of the worst films of 2002 . | 0neg
i believe silberling had the best intentions here , but he just doesn't have the restraint to fully realize them . | 0neg
plays like an unbalanced mixture of graphic combat footage and almost saccharine domestic interludes that are pure hollywood . | 0neg
Subsets and Splits