There is a command group 'az_ad_app_credential'. This group of commands could 'manage an application s password or certificate credentials'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_credential_reset'.The syntax is: az ad app credential reset --id [--append] [--cert] [--create-cert] [--display-name] [--end-date] [--keyvault] [--years]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'reset an application s credential with a password', the syntax is: az ad app credential reset --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'reset an application s credential with a new self signed certificate', the syntax is: az ad app credential reset --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --create-cert. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'append a certificate to the application with the certificate string', the syntax is: az ad app credential reset --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --cert "MIICoT..." --append. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'append a certificate to the application with the certificate file', the syntax is: az ad app credential reset --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --cert "@~/cert.pem" --append `cert.pem` contains the following content -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- <<< this line is optional MIICoT... -----END CERTIFICATE----- <<< this line is optional. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id.. The parameter '--append' is optional. append the new credential instead of overwriting.. The parameter '--cert' is optional. certificate to use for credentials. when used with `--keyvault,`, indicates the name of the cert to use or create. otherwise, supply a pem or der formatted public certificate string. use `@{path}` to load from a file. do not include private key info.. The parameter '--create-cert' is optional. create a self-signed certificate to use for the credential. only the current os user has read/write permission to this certificate. use with `--keyvault` to create the certificate in key vault. otherwise, a certificate will be created locally.. The parameter '--display-name' is optional. friendly name for the credential.. The parameter '--end-date' is optional. finer grain of expiry time if '--years' is insufficient, e.g. '2020-12-31t11:59:59+00:00' or '2299-12-31'.. The parameter '--keyvault' is optional. name or id of a keyvault to use for creating or retrieving certificates.. The parameter '--years' is optional. number of years for which the credentials will be valid. default: 1 year..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_permission'. This group of commands could 'manage an application s oauth2 permissions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_permission_add'.The syntax is: az ad app permission add --api --api-permissions --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add microsoft graph delegated permission user read', the syntax is: az ad app permission add --id {appId} --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 --api-permissions e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d=Scope. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add microsoft graph application permission application readwrite all', the syntax is: az ad app permission add --id {appId} --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 --api-permissions 1bfefb4e-e0b5-418b-a88f-73c46d2cc8e9=Role. The parameter '--api' is required. It is used to requiredresourceaccess.resourceappid - the unique identifier for the resource that the application requires access to. this should be equal to the appid declared on the target resource application.. The parameter '--api-permissions' is required. It is used to space-separated list of {id}={type}. {id} is resourceaccess.id - the unique identifier for one of the oauth2permissionscopes or approle instances that the resource application exposes. {type} is resourceaccess.type - specifies whether the id property references an oauth2permissionscopes or an approle. the possible values are: scope (for oauth 2.0 permission scopes) or role (for app roles).. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_permission'. This group of commands could 'manage an application s oauth2 permissions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_permission_admin consent'.The syntax is: az ad app permission admin-consent --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'grant application delegated permissions through admin consent autogenerated', the syntax is: az ad app permission admin-consent --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_permission'. This group of commands could 'manage an application s oauth2 permissions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_permission_delete'.The syntax is: az ad app permission delete --api --id [--api-permissions]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove microsoft graph permissions', the syntax is: az ad app permission delete --id eeba0b46-78e5-4a1a-a1aa-cafe6c123456 --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove microsoft graph delegated permission user read', the syntax is: az ad app permission delete --id eeba0b46-78e5-4a1a-a1aa-cafe6c123456 --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 --api-permissions e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d. The parameter '--api' is required. It is used to requiredresourceaccess.resourceappid - the unique identifier for the resource that the application requires access to. this should be equal to the appid declared on the target resource application.. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id.. The parameter '--api-permissions' is optional. specify `resourceaccess.id` - the unique identifier for one of the oauth2permission or approle instances that the resource application exposes. space-separated list of `<resource-access-id>`..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_permission'. This group of commands could 'manage an application s oauth2 permissions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_permission_grant'.The syntax is: az ad app permission grant --api, --id, --scope [--consent-type {allprincipals, principal}] [--principal-id]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'grant a native application with permissions to access an existing api with ttl of 2 years', the syntax is: az ad app permission grant --id e042ec79-34cd-498f-9d9f-1234234 --api a0322f79-57df-498f-9d9f-12678 --scope Directory.Read.All. The parameter '--api, --resource-id' is required. It is used to the id of the resource service principal to which access is authorized. this identifies the api which the client is authorized to attempt to call on behalf of a signed-in user.. The parameter '--id, --client-id' is required. It is used to the id of the client service principal for the application which is authorized to act on behalf of a signed-in user when accessing an api.. The parameter '--scope' is required. It is used to a space-separated list of the claim values for delegated permissions which should be included in access tokens for the resource application (the api). for example, openid user.read groupmember.read.all. each claim value should match the value field of one of the delegated permissions defined by the api, listed in the oauth2permissionscopes property of the resource service principal.. The parameter '--consent-type' is optional. indicates whether authorization is granted for the client application to impersonate all users or only a specific user. 'allprincipals' indicates authorization to impersonate all users. 'principal' indicates authorization to impersonate a specific user. consent on behalf of all users can be granted by an administrator. non-admin users may be authorized to consent on behalf of themselves in some cases, for some delegated permissions.. The parameter '--principal-id' is optional. the id of the user on behalf of whom the client is authorized to access the resource, when consenttype is 'principal'. if consenttype is 'allprincipals' this value is null. required when consenttype is 'principal'..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_permission'. This group of commands could 'manage an application s oauth2 permissions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_permission_list'.The syntax is: az ad app permission list --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list the oauth2 permissions for an application', the syntax is: az ad app permission list --id e042ec79-34cd-498f-9d9f-1234234. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id of the associated application..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_permission'. This group of commands could 'manage an application s oauth2 permissions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_permission_list grants'.The syntax is: az ad app permission list-grants [--filter] [--id] [--show-resource-name {false, true}]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list oauth2 permissions granted to the service principal', the syntax is: az ad app permission list-grants --id e042ec79-34cd-498f-9d9f-1234234123456. The parameter '--filter' is optional. odata filter, e.g. --filter "displayname eq 'test' and serviceprincipaltype eq 'application'".. The parameter '--id' is optional. identifier uri, application id, or object id.. The parameter '--show-resource-name -r' is optional. show resource's display name..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_owner'. This group of commands could 'manage application owners'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_owner_add'.The syntax is: az ad app owner add --id --owner-object-id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add an application owner autogenerated', the syntax is: az ad app owner add --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --owner-object-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id.. The parameter '--owner-object-id' is required. It is used to owner's object id..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_owner'. This group of commands could 'manage application owners'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_owner_list'.The syntax is: az ad app owner list --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list application owners autogenerated', the syntax is: az ad app owner list --id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id of the application..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_owner'. This group of commands could 'manage application owners'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_owner_remove'.The syntax is: az ad app owner remove --id --owner-object-id. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to identifier uri, application id, or object id.. The parameter '--owner-object-id' is required. It is used to owner's object id..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_federated credential'. This group of commands could 'manage application federated identity credentials'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_federated credential_create'.The syntax is: az ad app federated-credential create --id --parameters. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create application federated identity credential', the syntax is: az ad app federated-credential create --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --parameters credential.json ("credential.json" contains the following content) { "name": "Testing", "issuer": "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com/", "subject": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:Production", "description": "Testing", "audiences": [ "api://AzureADTokenExchange" ] }. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to application's appid, identifieruri, or id (formerly known as objectid).. The parameter '--parameters' is required. It is used to parameters for creating federated identity credential. should be json file path or in-line json string. see examples for details..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_federated credential'. This group of commands could 'manage application federated identity credentials'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_federated credential_delete'.The syntax is: az ad app federated-credential delete --federated-credential-id --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete application federated identity credential', the syntax is: az ad app federated-credential delete --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --federated-credential-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The parameter '--federated-credential-id' is required. It is used to id or name of the federated identity credential.. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to application's appid, identifieruri, or id (formerly known as objectid)..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_federated credential'. This group of commands could 'manage application federated identity credentials'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_federated credential_list'.The syntax is: az ad app federated-credential list --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list application federated identity credentials', the syntax is: az ad app federated-credential list --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to application's appid, identifieruri, or id (formerly known as objectid)..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_federated credential'. This group of commands could 'manage application federated identity credentials'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_federated credential_show'.The syntax is: az ad app federated-credential show --federated-credential-id --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show application federated identity credential with id', the syntax is: az ad app federated-credential show --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --federated-credential-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show application federated identity credential with name', the syntax is: az ad app federated-credential show --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --federated-credential-id Testing. The parameter '--federated-credential-id' is required. It is used to id or name of the federated identity credential.. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to application's appid, identifieruri, or id (formerly known as objectid)..
There is a command group 'az_ad_app_federated credential'. This group of commands could 'manage application federated identity credentials'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_ad_app_federated credential_update'.The syntax is: az ad app federated-credential update --federated-credential-id --id --parameters. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update application federated identity credential note that name property cannot be changed', the syntax is: az ad app federated-credential update --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --federated-credential-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --parameters credential.json ("credential.json" contains the following content) { "issuer": "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com/", "subject": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:Production", "description": "Updated description", "audiences": [ "api://AzureADTokenExchange" ] }. The parameter '--federated-credential-id' is required. It is used to id or name of the federated identity credential.. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to application's appid, identifieruri, or id (formerly known as objectid).. The parameter '--parameters' is required. It is used to parameters for creating federated identity credential. should be json file path or in-line json string. see examples for details..
There is a command group 'az_advisor_configuration'. This group of commands could 'manage azure advisor configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_advisor_configuration_list'.The syntax is: az advisor configuration list.
There is a command group 'az_advisor_configuration'. This group of commands could 'manage azure advisor configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_advisor_configuration_show'.The syntax is: az advisor configuration show [--resource-group]. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_advisor_configuration'. This group of commands could 'manage azure advisor configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_advisor_configuration_update'.The syntax is: az advisor configuration update [--add] [--configuration-name] [--exclude] [--force-string] [--include] [--low-cpu-threshold {10, 15, 20, 5}] [--remove] [--resource-group] [--set]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update low cpu threshold for a given subscription to 20', the syntax is: az advisor configuration update -l 20. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'exclude a given resource group from recommendation generation', the syntax is: az advisor configuration update -g myRG -e. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update azure advisor configuration autogenerated', the syntax is: az advisor configuration update --include --resource-group myRG. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: `--add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>`.. The parameter '--configuration-name' is optional. advisor configuration name. value must be "default".. The parameter '--exclude -e' is optional. exclude from recommendation generation.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--include -i' is optional. include in recommendation generation.. The parameter '--low-cpu-threshold -l' is optional. value for low cpu threshold.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: `--remove property.list <indextoremove>` or `--remove propertytoremove`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: `--set property1.property2=<value>`..
There is a command group 'az_advisor_recommendation'. This group of commands could 'review azure advisor recommendations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_advisor_recommendation_disable'.The syntax is: az advisor recommendation disable [--days] [--ids] [--name] [--resource-group]. The parameter '--days -d' is optional. number of days to disable. if not specified, the recommendation is disabled forever.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). if provided, no other "resource id" arguments should be specified.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. the name of the recommendation as output by the list command.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_advisor_recommendation'. This group of commands could 'review azure advisor recommendations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_advisor_recommendation_enable'.The syntax is: az advisor recommendation enable [--ids] [--name] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'enable azure advisor recommendations autogenerated', the syntax is: az advisor recommendation enable --name MyRecommendation. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). if provided, no other "resource id" arguments should be specified.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. the name of the recommendation as output by the list command.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_advisor_recommendation'. This group of commands could 'review azure advisor recommendations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_advisor_recommendation_list'.The syntax is: az advisor recommendation list [--category {cost, highavailability, performance, security}] [--ids] [--refresh] [--resource-group]. The parameter '--category -c' is optional. name of recommendation category.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). if provided, no other "resource id" arguments should be specified.. The parameter '--refresh -r' is optional. generate new recommendations.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_create'.The syntax is: az acr webhook create --actions {chart_delete, chart_push, delete, push, quarantine} --name --registry --uri [--headers] [--location] [--resource-group] [--scope] [--status {disabled, enabled}] [--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a webhook for an azure container registry that will deliver docker push and delete events to a service uri', the syntax is: az acr webhook create -n mywebhook -r myregistry --uri http://myservice.com --actions push delete. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a webhook for an azure container registry that will deliver docker push events to a service uri with a basic authentication header', the syntax is: az acr webhook create -n mywebhook -r myregistry --uri http://myservice.com --actions push --headers "Authorization=Basic 000000". The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a webhook for an azure container registry that will deliver helm chart push and delete events to a service uri', the syntax is: az acr webhook create -n mywebhook -r myregistry --uri http://myservice.com --actions chart_push chart_delete. The parameter '--actions' is required. It is used to space-separated list of actions that trigger the webhook to post notifications.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the webhook.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--uri' is required. It is used to the service uri for the webhook to post notifications.. The parameter '--headers' is optional. space-separated custom headers in 'key[=value]' format that will be added to the webhook notifications. use "" to clear existing headers.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--scope' is optional. the scope of repositories where the event can be triggered. for example, 'foo:*' means events for all tags under repository 'foo'. 'foo:bar' means events for 'foo:bar' only. 'foo' is equivalent to 'foo:latest'. empty means events for all repositories.. The parameter '--status' is optional. indicates whether the webhook is enabled.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_delete'.The syntax is: az acr webhook delete --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a webhook from an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr webhook delete -n mywebhook -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the webhook.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_get config'.The syntax is: az acr webhook get-config --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the configuration information for a webhook', the syntax is: az acr webhook get-config -n mywebhook -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the webhook.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_list'.The syntax is: az acr webhook list --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list webhooks and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr webhook list -r myregistry -o table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_list events'.The syntax is: az acr webhook list-events --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list recent events for a webhook', the syntax is: az acr webhook list-events -n mywebhook -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the webhook.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_ping'.The syntax is: az acr webhook ping --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'trigger a ping event for a webhook', the syntax is: az acr webhook ping -n mywebhook -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the webhook.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_show'.The syntax is: az acr webhook show --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the details of a webhook', the syntax is: az acr webhook show -n mywebhook -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the webhook.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_webhook'. This group of commands could 'manage webhooks for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_webhook_update'.The syntax is: az acr webhook update --name --registry [--actions {chart_delete, chart_push, delete, push, quarantine}] [--add] [--force-string] [--headers] [--remove] [--resource-group] [--scope] [--set] [--status {disabled, enabled}] [--tags] [--uri]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update headers for a webhook', the syntax is: az acr webhook update -n mywebhook -r myregistry --headers "Authorization=Basic 000000". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the service uri and actions for a webhook', the syntax is: az acr webhook update -n mywebhook -r myregistry --uri http://myservice.com --actions push delete. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'disable a webhook', the syntax is: az acr webhook update -n mywebhook -r myregistry --status disabled. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the webhook.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--actions' is optional. space-separated list of actions that trigger the webhook to post notifications.. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: `--add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>`.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--headers' is optional. space-separated custom headers in 'key[=value]' format that will be added to the webhook notifications. use "" to clear existing headers.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: `--remove property.list <indextoremove>` or `--remove propertytoremove`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--scope' is optional. the scope of repositories where the event can be triggered. for example, 'foo:*' means events for all tags under repository 'foo'. 'foo:bar' means events for 'foo:bar' only. 'foo' is equivalent to 'foo:latest'. empty means events for all repositories.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: `--set property1.property2=<value>`.. The parameter '--status' is optional. indicates whether the webhook is enabled.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--uri' is optional. the service uri for the webhook to post notifications..
There is a command group 'az_acr_pack'. This group of commands could 'manage azure container registry tasks that use cloud native buildpacks'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_pack_build'.The syntax is: az acr pack build --builder --image --registry [--agent-pool] [--auth-mode] [--no-format] [--no-logs] [--no-wait] [--pack-image-tag] [--platform] [--pull] [--resource-group] [--timeout] [<source_location>]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'queue a build for the current directory with the cloudfoundry builder', the syntax is: az acr pack build -r myregistry -t {{.Run.Registry}}/node-app:{{.Run.ID}} --builder cloudfoundry/cnb:bionic .. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'queue a build for the given github repository with the heroku builder', the syntax is: az acr pack build -r myregistry -t {{.Run.Registry}}/node-app:{{.Run.ID}} --pull --builder heroku/buildpacks:18 https://github.com/Azure-Samples/nodejs-docs-hello-world.git. The parameter '--builder -b' is required. It is used to the name and tag of a buildpack builder image.. The parameter '--image -t' is required. It is used to the name and tag of the image using the format: '-t repo/image:tag'.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--agent-pool' is optional. the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. auth mode of the source registry.. The parameter '--no-format' is optional. indicates whether the logs should be displayed in raw format.. The parameter '--no-logs' is optional. do not show logs after successfully queuing the build.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the run to complete and return immediately after queuing the run.. The parameter '--pack-image-tag' is optional. the tag of the 'pack' runner image ('mcr.microsoft.com/oryx/pack').. The parameter '--platform' is optional. the platform where build/task is run, eg, 'windows' and 'linux'. when it's used in build commands, it also can be specified in 'os/arch/variant' format for the resulting image. eg, linux/arm/v7. the 'arch' and 'variant' parts are optional.. The parameter '--pull' is optional. pull the latest builder and run images before use.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--timeout' is optional. the timeout in seconds.. The parameter '<source_location>' is optional. the local source code directory path (e.g., './src'), or the url to a git repository (e.g., 'https://github.com/azure-samples/acr-build-helloworld-node.git') or a remote tarball (e.g., 'http://server/context.tar.gz'), or the repository of an oci artifact in an azure container registry (e.g., 'oci://myregistry.azurecr.io/myartifact:mytag')..
There is a command group 'az_acr_network rule'. This group of commands could 'manage network rules for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_network rule_add'.The syntax is: az acr network-rule add --name [--ip-address] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add a rule to allow access for a specific ip address range', the syntax is: az acr network-rule add -n myregistry --ip-address The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--ip-address' is optional. ipv4 address or cidr range.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_network rule'. This group of commands could 'manage network rules for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_network rule_list'.The syntax is: az acr network-rule list --name [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list network rules for a registry', the syntax is: az acr network-rule list -n myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_network rule'. This group of commands could 'manage network rules for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_network rule_remove'.The syntax is: az acr network-rule remove --name [--ip-address] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove a rule that allows access for a specific ip address range', the syntax is: az acr network-rule remove -n myregistry --ip-address The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--ip-address' is optional. ipv4 address or cidr range.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_helm'. This group of commands could 'manage helm charts for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_helm_delete'.The syntax is: az acr helm delete --name [--password] [--prov] [--suffix] [--username] [--version] [--yes] [<chart>]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete all versions of a helm chart in an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr helm delete -n myregistry mychart. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a helm chart version in an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr helm delete -n myregistry mychart --version 0.3.2. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--password -p' is optional. the password used to log into a container registry.. The parameter '--prov' is optional. only delete the provenance file.. The parameter '--suffix' is optional. the tenant suffix in registry login server. you may specify '--suffix tenant' if your registry login server is in the format 'registry-tenant.azurecr.io'. applicable if you're accessing the registry from a different subscription or you have permission to access images but not the permission to manage the registry resource.. The parameter '--username -u' is optional. the username used to log into a container registry.. The parameter '--version' is optional. the helm chart version.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. The parameter '<chart>' is optional. the helm chart name..
There is a command group 'az_acr_helm'. This group of commands could 'manage helm charts for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_helm_install cli'.The syntax is: az acr helm install-cli [--client-version] [--install-location] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'install the default version of helm cli to the default location', the syntax is: az acr helm install-cli. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'install a specified version of helm cli to the default location', the syntax is: az acr helm install-cli --client-version x.x.x. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'install the default version of helm cli to a specified location', the syntax is: az acr helm install-cli --install-location /folder/filename. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'install a specified version of helm cli to a specified location', the syntax is: az acr helm install-cli --client-version x.x.x --install-location /folder/filename. The parameter '--client-version' is optional. the target helm cli version. (attention: currently, helm 3 does not work with "az acr helm" commands).. The parameter '--install-location' is optional. path at which to install helm cli (existing one at the same path will be overwritten).. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. agree to the license of helm, and do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_helm'. This group of commands could 'manage helm charts for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_helm_list'.The syntax is: az acr helm list --name [--password] [--suffix] [--username]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all helm charts in an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr helm list -n myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--password -p' is optional. the password used to log into a container registry.. The parameter '--suffix' is optional. the tenant suffix in registry login server. you may specify '--suffix tenant' if your registry login server is in the format 'registry-tenant.azurecr.io'. applicable if you're accessing the registry from a different subscription or you have permission to access images but not the permission to manage the registry resource.. The parameter '--username -u' is optional. the username used to log into a container registry..
There is a command group 'az_acr_helm'. This group of commands could 'manage helm charts for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_helm_push'.The syntax is: az acr helm push --name [--force] [--password] [--suffix] [--username] [<chart_package>]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'push a chart package to an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr helm push -n myregistry mychart-0.3.2.tgz. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'push a chart package to an azure container registry overwriting the existing one', the syntax is: az acr helm push -n myregistry mychart-0.3.2.tgz --force. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--force' is optional. overwrite the existing chart package.. The parameter '--password -p' is optional. the password used to log into a container registry.. The parameter '--suffix' is optional. the tenant suffix in registry login server. you may specify '--suffix tenant' if your registry login server is in the format 'registry-tenant.azurecr.io'. applicable if you're accessing the registry from a different subscription or you have permission to access images but not the permission to manage the registry resource.. The parameter '--username -u' is optional. the username used to log into a container registry.. The parameter '<chart_package>' is optional. the helm chart package..
There is a command group 'az_acr_helm'. This group of commands could 'manage helm charts for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_helm_show'.The syntax is: az acr helm show --name [--password] [--suffix] [--username] [--version] [<chart>]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show all versions of a helm chart in an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr helm show -n myregistry mychart. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a helm chart version in an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr helm show -n myregistry mychart --version 0.3.2. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--password -p' is optional. the password used to log into a container registry.. The parameter '--suffix' is optional. the tenant suffix in registry login server. you may specify '--suffix tenant' if your registry login server is in the format 'registry-tenant.azurecr.io'. applicable if you're accessing the registry from a different subscription or you have permission to access images but not the permission to manage the registry resource.. The parameter '--username -u' is optional. the username used to log into a container registry.. The parameter '--version' is optional. the helm chart version.. The parameter '<chart>' is optional. the helm chart name..
There is a command group 'az_acr_credential set'. This group of commands could 'manage credential sets in azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_credential set_create'.The syntax is: az acr credential-set create --login-server --name --password-id --registry --username-id [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a credential set', the syntax is: az acr credential-set create -r myregistry -n MyRule -l docker.io -u https://MyKeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/usernamesecret -p https://MyKeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/passwordsecret. The parameter '--login-server -l' is required. It is used to the login server address of the upstream registry such as 'docker.io'.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the credential set.. The parameter '--password-id -p' is required. It is used to the azure key vault secret id of the secret containing the password to the upstream registry.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--username-id -u' is required. It is used to the azure key vault secret id of the secret containing the username to the upstream registry.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_credential set'. This group of commands could 'manage credential sets in azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_credential set_delete'.The syntax is: az acr credential-set delete --name --registry [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a credential set', the syntax is: az acr credential-set delete -r myregistry -n MyCredSet. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the credential set.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_credential set'. This group of commands could 'manage credential sets in azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_credential set_list'.The syntax is: az acr credential-set list --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list the credential sets in an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr credential-set list -r myregistry. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_credential set'. This group of commands could 'manage credential sets in azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_credential set_show'.The syntax is: az acr credential-set show --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a credential set rule', the syntax is: az acr credential-set show -r myregistry -n MyCredSet. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the credential set.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_credential set'. This group of commands could 'manage credential sets in azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_credential set_update'.The syntax is: az acr credential-set update --name --registry [--add] [--force-string] [--password-id] [--remove] [--resource-group] [--set] [--username-id]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the password azure key vault secret id', the syntax is: az acr credential-set update -r myregistry -n MyRule -p https://MyKeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/newsecretname. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the credential set.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: `--add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>`.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--password-id -p' is optional. the azure key vault secret id of the secret containing the password to the upstream registry.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: `--remove property.list <indextoremove>` or `--remove propertytoremove`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: `--set property1.property2=<value>`.. The parameter '--username-id -u' is optional. the azure key vault secret id of the secret containing the username to the upstream registry..
There is a command group 'az_acr_credential'. This group of commands could 'manage login credentials for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_credential_renew'.The syntax is: az acr credential renew --name --password-name {password, password2} [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'renew the second password for an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr credential renew -n myregistry --password-name password2. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'regenerate login credentials for an azure container registry autogenerated', the syntax is: az acr credential renew --name myregistry --password-name password --resource-group MyResourceGroup. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--password-name' is required. It is used to the name of password to regenerate.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_credential'. This group of commands could 'manage login credentials for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_credential_show'.The syntax is: az acr credential show --name [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the login credentials for an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr credential show -n myregistry. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the username used to log in to an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr credential show -n myregistry --query username. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get a password used to log in to an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr credential show -n myregistry --query 'passwords[0].value'. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_scope map'. This group of commands could 'manage scope access maps for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_scope map_create'.The syntax is: az acr scope-map create --name --registry [--description] [--gateway] [--repository] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a scope map that allows content write and metadata read actions for hello world repository and content read action for hello world again', the syntax is: az acr scope-map create -n MyScopeMap -r myregistry --repository hello-world content/write metadata/read --repository hello-world-again content/read --description "Sample scope map.". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a scope map that allows all repository actions for test and all gateway actions for connectedregistry', the syntax is: az acr scope-map create -n MyScopeMap -r myregistry --description "Sample scope map." --repository test content/delete content/read content/write metadata/read metadata/write --gateway connectedRegistry config/read config/write message/read message/write. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the scope map.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--description' is optional. description for the scope map. maximum 256 characters are allowed.. The parameter '--gateway' is optional. gateway permissions. use the format "--gateway gateway [action1 action2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['config/read', 'config/write', 'message/read', 'message/write'].. The parameter '--repository' is optional. repository permissions. use the format "--repository repo [action1 action2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['content/delete', 'content/read', 'content/write', 'metadata/read', 'metadata/write'].. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_scope map'. This group of commands could 'manage scope access maps for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_scope map_delete'.The syntax is: az acr scope-map delete --name --registry [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete the scope map myscopemap', the syntax is: az acr scope-map delete -n MyScopeMap -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the scope map.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_scope map'. This group of commands could 'manage scope access maps for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_scope map_list'.The syntax is: az acr scope-map list --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list scope maps under the registry myregistry', the syntax is: az acr scope-map list -r myregistry. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_scope map'. This group of commands could 'manage scope access maps for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_scope map_show'.The syntax is: az acr scope-map show --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get information for the scope map myscopemap', the syntax is: az acr scope-map show -n MyScopeMap -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the scope map.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_scope map'. This group of commands could 'manage scope access maps for azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_scope map_update'.The syntax is: az acr scope-map update --name --registry [--add-gateway] [--add-repository] [--description] [--remove-gateway] [--remove-repository] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the scope map myscopemap removing metadata read and content read actions for hello world repository and message write action for connectedregistry', the syntax is: az acr scope-map update -n MyScopeMap -r myregistry --remove-repo hello-world metadata/read content/read --remove-gateway connectedRegistry message/write. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the scope map.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--add-gateway' is optional. gateway permissions to be added. use the format "--add-gateway gateway [action1 action2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['config/read', 'config/write', 'message/read', 'message/write'].. The parameter '--add-repository' is optional. repository permissions to be added. use the format "--add-repository repo [action1 action2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['content/delete', 'content/read', 'content/write', 'metadata/read', 'metadata/write'].. The parameter '--description' is optional. description for the scope map. maximum 256 characters are allowed.. The parameter '--remove-gateway' is optional. gateway permissions to be removed. use the format "--remove-gateway gateway [action1 action2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['config/read', 'config/write', 'message/read', 'message/write'].. The parameter '--remove-repository' is optional. repository permissions to be removed. use the format "--remove-repository repo [action1 action2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['content/delete', 'content/read', 'content/write', 'metadata/read', 'metadata/write'].. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_cancel run'.The syntax is: az acr task cancel-run --registry --run-id [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'cancel a run', the syntax is: az acr task cancel-run -r myregistry --run-id runId. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--run-id' is required. It is used to the unique run identifier.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_create'.The syntax is: az acr task create --name --registry [--agent-pool] [--arg] [--assign-identity] [--auth-mode] [--base-image-trigger-enabled {false, true}] [--base-image-trigger-name] [--base-image-trigger-type] [--cmd] [--commit-trigger-enabled {false, true}] [--context] [--cpu] [--file] [--git-access-token] [--image] [--is-system-task] [--log-template] [--no-cache {false, true}] [--no-push {false, true}] [--platform] [--pull-request-trigger-enabled {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--schedule] [--secret-arg] [--set] [--set-secret] [--source-trigger-name] [--status] [--target] [--timeout] [--update-trigger-endpoint] [--update-trigger-payload-type] [--values]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a task without the source location', the syntax is: az acr task create -n hello-world -r myregistry --cmd '$Registry/myimage' -c /dev/null. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a task with the definition from the standard input and with a timer trigger that runs the task at the top of every hour using the default trigger name either ctrl z windows or ctrl d linux terminates the input stream', the syntax is: cat task.yaml | az acr task create -n hello-world -r myregistry -f - -c /dev/null \ --schedule "0 */1 * * *" az acr task create -n hello-world -r myregistry -f - -c /dev/null --schedule "0 */1 * * *". The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a linux task from a public github repository which builds the hello world image without triggers and uses a build argument', the syntax is: az acr task create -t hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} -n hello-world -r myregistry \ -c https://github.com/Azure/acr-builder.git -f Dockerfile \ --commit-trigger-enabled false --base-image-trigger-enabled false \ --arg DOCKER_CLI_BASE_IMAGE=docker:18.03.0-ce-git. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a linux task using a specific branch of a private azure devops repository which builds the hello world image on arm architecture v7 variant and has triggers enabled', the syntax is: az acr task create -t hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} -n hello-world -r myregistry \ -c https://msazure.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Project/_git/Repo#Branch:Folder \ -f Dockerfile --git-access-token <Personal Access Token> --platform linux/arm/v7. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a linux task from a public github repository which builds the hello world image with both a git commit and pull request trigger enabled note that this task does not use source registry myregistry so we can explicitly set auth mode as none for it', the syntax is: az acr task create -t hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} -n hello-world -r myregistry -f Dockerfile \ --no-push true --auth-mode None -c https://github.com/Azure-Samples/acr-build-helloworld-node.git \ --pull-request-trigger-enabled true --git-access-token 000000000000000000000000000000000. The 6th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a windows task from a public github repository which builds the azure container builder image on amd64 architecture with only base image trigger enabled', the syntax is: az acr task create -t acb:{{.Run.ID}} -n acb-win -r myregistry \ -c https://github.com/Azure/acr-builder.git -f Windows.Dockerfile \ --commit-trigger-enabled false --platform Windows/amd64. The 7th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a linux multi step task from a public github repository with with both system assigned and user assigned managed identities and base image git commit pull request and timer triggers that run the task at noon on mondays through fridays with the timer trigger name provided', the syntax is: az acr task create -t hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} -n hello-world -r myregistry \ --pull-request-trigger-enabled true --schedule "dailyTimer:0 12 * * Mon-Fri" \ -c https://github.com/Azure-Samples/acr-tasks.git#:multipleRegistries -f testtask.yaml \ --assign-identity [system] "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourcegroups/<myResourceGroup>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<myUserAssignedIdentitiy>". The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the task.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--agent-pool' is optional. the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--arg' is optional. build argument in '--arg name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing '--arg` multiple times.. The parameter '--assign-identity' is optional. assigns managed identities to the task. use '[system]' to refer to the system-assigned identity or a resource id to refer to a user-assigned identity. please see https://aka.ms/acr/tasks/task-create-managed-identity for more information.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. auth mode of the source registry.. The parameter '--base-image-trigger-enabled' is optional. indicates whether the base image trigger is enabled.. The parameter '--base-image-trigger-name' is optional. the name of the base image trigger.. The parameter '--base-image-trigger-type' is optional. the type of the auto trigger for base image dependency updates.. The parameter '--cmd' is optional. commands to execute. this also supports additional docker run parameters (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/) or even other docker commands (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/docker/).. The parameter '--commit-trigger-enabled' is optional. indicates whether the source control commit trigger is enabled.. The parameter '--context -c' is optional. the full url to the source code repository (requires '.git' suffix for a github repo) or a remote tarball (e.g., 'http://server/context.tar.gz'), or the repository of an oci artifact in an azure container registry (e.g., 'oci://myregistry.azurecr.io/myartifact:mytag'). if '/dev/null' is specified, the value will be set to none and ignored. this is a required argument if the task is not a system task.. The parameter '--cpu' is optional. the cpu configuration in terms of number of cores required for the run.. The parameter '--file -f' is optional. relative path of the the task/docker file to the source code root folder. task files must be suffixed with '.yaml' or piped from the standard input using '-'.. The parameter '--git-access-token' is optional. the access token used to access the source control provider.. The parameter '--image -t' is optional. the name and tag of the image using the format: '-t repo/image:tag'. multiple tags are supported by passing -t multiple times.. The parameter '--is-system-task' is optional. indicates whether the task resource is a system task. the name of the task must be 'quicktask'. only applicable to cmk enabled registry.. The parameter '--log-template' is optional. the repository and tag template for run log artifact using the format: 'log/repo:tag' (e.g., 'acr/logs:{{.run.id}}'). only applicable to cmk enabled registry.. The parameter '--no-cache' is optional. indicates whether the image cache is enabled.. The parameter '--no-push' is optional. indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry.. The parameter '--platform' is optional. the platform where build/task is run, eg, 'windows' and 'linux'. when it's used in build commands, it also can be specified in 'os/arch/variant' format for the resulting image. eg, linux/arm/v7. the 'arch' and 'variant' parts are optional.. The parameter '--pull-request-trigger-enabled' is optional. indicates whether the source control pull request trigger is enabled. the trigger is disabled by default.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--schedule' is optional. schedule for a timer trigger represented as a cron expression. an optional trigger name can be specified using `--schedule name:schedule` format. multiples supported by passing --schedule multiple times.. The parameter '--secret-arg' is optional. secret build argument in '--secret-arg name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --secret-arg multiple times.. The parameter '--set' is optional. task value in '--set name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --set multiple times.. The parameter '--set-secret' is optional. secret task value in '--set-secret name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --set-secret multiple times.. The parameter '--source-trigger-name' is optional. the name of the source trigger.. The parameter '--status' is optional. the current status of task.. The parameter '--target' is optional. the name of the target build stage.. The parameter '--timeout' is optional. the timeout in seconds.. The parameter '--update-trigger-endpoint' is optional. the full url of the endpoint to receive base image update trigger notifications.. The parameter '--update-trigger-payload-type' is optional. indicates whether to include metadata about the base image trigger in the payload alongwith the update trigger token, when a notification is sent.. The parameter '--values' is optional. the task values/parameters file path relative to the source context..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_delete'.The syntax is: az acr task delete --name --registry [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a task from an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr task delete -n MyTask -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the task.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_list'.The syntax is: az acr task list --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list tasks and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr task list -r myregistry -o table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_list runs'.The syntax is: az acr task list-runs --registry [--image] [--name] [--resource-group] [--run-status] [--top]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all of the runs for a registry and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr task list-runs -r myregistry -o table. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list runs for a task and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr task list-runs -r myregistry -n MyTask -o table. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list the last 10 successful runs for a registry and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr task list-runs -r myregistry --run-status Succeeded --top 10 -o table. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all of the runs that built the image hello world for a registry and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr task list-runs -r myregistry --image hello-world -o table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--image -t' is optional. the name of the image. may include a tag in the format 'name:tag' or digest in the format 'name@digest'.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. the name of the task.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--run-status' is optional. the current status of run.. The parameter '--top' is optional. limit the number of latest runs in the results..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_logs'.The syntax is: az acr task logs --registry [--image] [--name] [--no-format] [--resource-group] [--run-id]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show logs for the last created run in the registry', the syntax is: az acr task logs -r myregistry. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show logs for the last created run in the registry filtered by task', the syntax is: az acr task logs -r myregistry -n MyTask. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show logs for a particular run', the syntax is: az acr task logs -r myregistry --run-id runId. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show logs for the last created run in the registry that built the image hello world', the syntax is: az acr task logs -r myregistry --image hello-world. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--image -t' is optional. the name of the image. may include a tag in the format 'name:tag' or digest in the format 'name@digest'.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. the name of the task.. The parameter '--no-format' is optional. indicates whether the logs should be displayed in raw format.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--run-id' is optional. the unique run identifier..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_run'.The syntax is: az acr task run --name --registry [--agent-pool] [--arg] [--context] [--file] [--log-template] [--no-format] [--no-logs] [--no-wait] [--resource-group] [--secret-arg] [--set] [--set-secret] [--target] [--update-trigger-token]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'trigger a task run', the syntax is: az acr task run -n MyTask -r myregistry. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'trigger a task run by overriding the context and file passed during task create with a remote repository', the syntax is: az acr task run -n MyTask -r myregistry -c https://github.com/Azure-Samples/acr-build-helloworld-node.git -f Dockerfile. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'trigger a task run by overriding the context and file passed during task create with a local context', the syntax is: az acr task run -n MyTask -r myregistry -c . -f Dockerfile. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'trigger a task run by adding or overriding build arguments set during task create', the syntax is: az acr task run -n MyTask -r myregistry --arg DOCKER_CLI_BASE_IMAGE=docker:18.03.0-ce-git. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the task.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--agent-pool' is optional. the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--arg' is optional. build argument in '--arg name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing '--arg` multiple times.. The parameter '--context -c' is optional. the full url to the source code repository (requires '.git' suffix for a github repo) or a remote tarball (e.g., 'http://server/context.tar.gz'), or the repository of an oci artifact in an azure container registry (e.g., 'oci://myregistry.azurecr.io/myartifact:mytag'). if '/dev/null' is specified, the value will be set to none and ignored. this is a required argument if the task is not a system task.. The parameter '--file -f' is optional. relative path of the the task/docker file to the source code root folder. task files must be suffixed with '.yaml' or piped from the standard input using '-'.. The parameter '--log-template' is optional. the repository and tag template for run log artifact using the format: 'log/repo:tag' (e.g., 'acr/logs:{{.run.id}}'). only applicable to cmk enabled registry.. The parameter '--no-format' is optional. indicates whether the logs should be displayed in raw format.. The parameter '--no-logs' is optional. do not show logs after successfully queuing the build.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the run to complete and return immediately after queuing the run.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--secret-arg' is optional. secret build argument in '--secret-arg name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --secret-arg multiple times.. The parameter '--set' is optional. task value in '--set name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --set multiple times.. The parameter '--set-secret' is optional. secret task value in '--set-secret name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --set-secret multiple times.. The parameter '--target' is optional. the name of the target build stage.. The parameter '--update-trigger-token' is optional. the payload that will be passed back alongwith the base image trigger notification..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_show'.The syntax is: az acr task show --name --registry [--resource-group] [--with-secure-properties]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the properties of a task displaying the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr task show -n MyTask -r myregistry -o table. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the properties of a task including secure properties', the syntax is: az acr task show -n MyTask -r myregistry --with-secure-properties. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the task.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--with-secure-properties' is optional. indicates whether the secure properties of a task should be returned..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_show run'.The syntax is: az acr task show-run --registry --run-id [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the details of a run displaying the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr task show-run -r myregistry --run-id runId -o table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--run-id' is required. It is used to the unique run identifier.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_update'.The syntax is: az acr task update --name --registry [--agent-pool] [--arg] [--auth-mode] [--base-image-trigger-enabled {false, true}] [--base-image-trigger-type] [--cmd] [--commit-trigger-enabled {false, true}] [--context] [--cpu] [--file] [--git-access-token] [--image] [--log-template] [--no-cache {false, true}] [--no-push {false, true}] [--platform] [--pull-request-trigger-enabled {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--secret-arg] [--set] [--set-secret] [--status] [--target] [--timeout] [--update-trigger-endpoint] [--update-trigger-payload-type] [--values]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update base image updates to trigger on all dependent images of a multi stage dockerfile and status of a task in an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr task update -n MyTask -r myregistry --base-image-trigger-type All --status Disabled. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update platform for the build step of your task to windows prev linux', the syntax is: az acr task update -n MyTask -r myregistry --platform Windows. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update task s triggers and context for an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr task update -n hello-world -r myregistry -f Dockerfile \ --commit-trigger-enabled false --pull-request-trigger-enabled true \ -c https://msazure.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Project/_git/Repo#Branch:Folder. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update a task for an azure container registry autogenerated', the syntax is: az acr task update --image MyImage --name MyTask --registry myregistry \ --context https://github.com/Azure-Samples/acr-build-helloworld-node.git. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the task.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--agent-pool' is optional. the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--arg' is optional. build argument in '--arg name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing '--arg` multiple times.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. auth mode of the source registry.. The parameter '--base-image-trigger-enabled' is optional. indicates whether the base image trigger is enabled.. The parameter '--base-image-trigger-type' is optional. the type of the auto trigger for base image dependency updates.. The parameter '--cmd' is optional. commands to execute. this also supports additional docker run parameters (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/) or even other docker commands (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/docker/).. The parameter '--commit-trigger-enabled' is optional. indicates whether the source control commit trigger is enabled.. The parameter '--context -c' is optional. the full url to the source code repository (requires '.git' suffix for a github repo) or a remote tarball (e.g., 'http://server/context.tar.gz'), or the repository of an oci artifact in an azure container registry (e.g., 'oci://myregistry.azurecr.io/myartifact:mytag'). if '/dev/null' is specified, the value will be set to none and ignored. this is a required argument if the task is not a system task.. The parameter '--cpu' is optional. the cpu configuration in terms of number of cores required for the run.. The parameter '--file -f' is optional. relative path of the the task/docker file to the source code root folder. task files must be suffixed with '.yaml' or piped from the standard input using '-'.. The parameter '--git-access-token' is optional. the access token used to access the source control provider.. The parameter '--image -t' is optional. the name and tag of the image using the format: '-t repo/image:tag'. multiple tags are supported by passing -t multiple times.. The parameter '--log-template' is optional. the repository and tag template for run log artifact using the format: 'log/repo:tag' (e.g., 'acr/logs:{{.run.id}}'). only applicable to cmk enabled registry.. The parameter '--no-cache' is optional. indicates whether the image cache is enabled.. The parameter '--no-push' is optional. indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry.. The parameter '--platform' is optional. the platform where build/task is run, eg, 'windows' and 'linux'. when it's used in build commands, it also can be specified in 'os/arch/variant' format for the resulting image. eg, linux/arm/v7. the 'arch' and 'variant' parts are optional.. The parameter '--pull-request-trigger-enabled' is optional. indicates whether the source control pull request trigger is enabled. the trigger is disabled by default.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--secret-arg' is optional. secret build argument in '--secret-arg name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --secret-arg multiple times.. The parameter '--set' is optional. task value in '--set name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --set multiple times.. The parameter '--set-secret' is optional. secret task value in '--set-secret name[=value]' format. multiples supported by passing --set-secret multiple times.. The parameter '--status' is optional. the current status of task.. The parameter '--target' is optional. the name of the target build stage.. The parameter '--timeout' is optional. the timeout in seconds.. The parameter '--update-trigger-endpoint' is optional. the full url of the endpoint to receive base image update trigger notifications.. The parameter '--update-trigger-payload-type' is optional. indicates whether to include metadata about the base image trigger in the payload alongwith the update trigger token, when a notification is sent.. The parameter '--values' is optional. the task values/parameters file path relative to the source context..
There is a command group 'az_acr_task'. This group of commands could 'manage a collection of steps for building testing and os framework patching container images using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_task_update run'.The syntax is: az acr task update-run --registry --run-id [--no-archive {false, true}] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update an existing run to be archived', the syntax is: az acr task update-run -r myregistry --run-id runId --no-archive false. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--run-id' is required. It is used to the unique run identifier.. The parameter '--no-archive' is optional. indicates whether the run should be archived.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_taskrun'. This group of commands could 'manage taskruns using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_taskrun_delete'.The syntax is: az acr taskrun delete --name --registry [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a taskrun from an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr taskrun delete -r myregistry -n MyTaskRun -g MyResourceGroup. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the taskrun.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_taskrun'. This group of commands could 'manage taskruns using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_taskrun_list'.The syntax is: az acr taskrun list --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list taskruns and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr taskrun list -r myregistry -g MyResourceGroup -o table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_taskrun'. This group of commands could 'manage taskruns using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_taskrun_logs'.The syntax is: az acr taskrun logs --name --registry [--no-format] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show run logs for a particular taskrun', the syntax is: az acr taskrun logs -r myregistry -n MyTaskRun. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the taskrun.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--no-format' is optional. indicates whether the logs should be displayed in raw format.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_taskrun'. This group of commands could 'manage taskruns using azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_taskrun_show'.The syntax is: az acr taskrun show --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the properties of a taskrun displaying the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr taskrun show -r myregistry -n MyTaskRun -o table. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the taskrun.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_encryption'. This group of commands could 'manage container registry encryption'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_encryption_rotate key'.The syntax is: az acr encryption rotate-key --name [--identity] [--key-encryption-key] [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--identity' is optional. client id of managed identity, resource name or id of user assigned identity. use '[system]' to refer to the system assigned identity.. The parameter '--key-encryption-key' is optional. key vault key uri. to enable automated rotation, provide a version-less key uri. for manual rotation, provide a versioned key uri.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_encryption'. This group of commands could 'manage container registry encryption'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_encryption_show'.The syntax is: az acr encryption show --name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_import pipeline'. This group of commands could 'manage acr import pipelines'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_import pipeline_create'.The syntax is: az acr import-pipeline create --name --registry --resource-group --secret-uri --storage-container-uri [--assign-identity] [--options] [--source-trigger-enabled {false, true}]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create an import pipeline', the syntax is: az acr import-pipeline create --resource-group $MyRG --registry $MyReg --name $MyPipeline --secret-uri https://$MyKV.vault.azure.net/secrets/$MySecret --storage-container-uri https://$MyStorage.blob.core.windows.net/$MyContainer. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create an import pipeline with a user assigned identity all available options and source trigger disabled', the syntax is: az acr import-pipeline create --resource-group $MyRG --registry $MyReg --name $MyPipeline --secret-uri https://$MyKV.vault.azure.net/secrets/$MySecret --storage-container-uri https://$MyStorage.blob.core.windows.net/$MyContainer --options DeleteSourceBlobOnSuccess OverwriteTags ContinueOnErrors --assign-identity /subscriptions/$MySubID/resourceGroups/$MyRG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/$MyIdentity --source-trigger-enabled False. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the import pipeline.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to name of registry.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--secret-uri -s' is required. It is used to keyvault secret uri containing a valid sas token to the associated storage account of the form https://$mykeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/$mysecret. note that the uri may be different outside of azurecloud.. The parameter '--storage-container-uri -c' is required. It is used to storage account container uri of the source or target storage account container of the form https://$mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/$mycontainer. note that the uri may be different outside of azurecloud.. The parameter '--assign-identity -i' is optional. user assigned identity resource id of the form /subscriptions/$mysubid/resourcegroups/$myrg/providers/microsoft.managedidentity/userassignedidentities/$myidentity.. The parameter '--options -z' is optional. space-separated list of options. may only contain the following options: deletesourceblobonsuccess,overwritetags,continueonerrors,disablesourcetrigger.. The parameter '--source-trigger-enabled -e' is optional. boolean parameter that determines whether source trigger is enabled on the pipeline. must be either true or false. true by default..
There is a command group 'az_acr_import pipeline'. This group of commands could 'manage acr import pipelines'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_import pipeline_delete'.The syntax is: az acr import-pipeline delete --name --registry --resource-group. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete an import pipeline', the syntax is: az acr import-pipeline delete --resource-group $MyRG --registry $MyReg --name $MyPipeline. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the import pipeline.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to name of registry.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_import pipeline'. This group of commands could 'manage acr import pipelines'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_import pipeline_list'.The syntax is: az acr import-pipeline list --registry --resource-group. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list import pipelines on a container registry', the syntax is: az acr import-pipeline list --resource-group $MyRG --registry $MyReg. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to name of registry.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_import pipeline'. This group of commands could 'manage acr import pipelines'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_import pipeline_show'.The syntax is: az acr import-pipeline show --name --registry --resource-group. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a specific import pipeline in detail', the syntax is: az acr import-pipeline show --resource-group $MyRG --registry $MyReg --name $MyPipeline. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the import pipeline.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to name of registry.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_create'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry create --name --registry [--client-tokens] [--log-level] [--mode {readonly, readwrite}] [--notifications] [--parent] [--repository] [--resource-group] [--sync-message-ttl] [--sync-schedule] [--sync-token] [--sync-window] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a connected registry in registry mode with access to repos app hello world and service mycomponent it ll create a sync token and scope map with the right repo permissions', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry create --registry mycloudregistry --name myconnectedregistry \ --repository "app/hello-world" "service/mycomponent". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a read only connected registry with only read permissions and pass the sync token', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry create --registry mycloudregistry --name myreadonlyacr \ --mode readonly --parent myconnectedregistry --sync-token mySyncTokenName. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a read only connected registry with client tokens that syncs every day at midninght and sync window of 4 hours', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry create -r mycloudregistry -n myreadonlyacr -p myconnectedregistry \ --repository "app/mycomponent" -m ReadOnly -s "0 12 * * *" -w PT4H \ --client-tokens myTokenName1 myTokenName2. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--client-tokens' is optional. specify the client access to the repositories in the connected registry. it can be in the format [token_name01] [token_name02].... The parameter '--log-level' is optional. set the log level for logging on the instance. accepted log levels are debug, information, warning, error, and none.. The parameter '--mode -m' is optional. determine the access it will have when synchronized.. The parameter '--notifications' is optional. list of artifact pattern for which notifications need to be generated. use the format "--notifications [pattern1 pattern2 ...]".. The parameter '--parent -p' is optional. the name of the parent connected registry.. The parameter '--repository' is optional. specify the repositories that need to be sync to the connected registry. it can be in the format [repo01] [repo02].... The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--sync-message-ttl' is optional. determine how long the sync messages will be kept in the cloud. uses iso 8601 duration format.. The parameter '--sync-schedule -s' is optional. optional parameter to define the sync schedule. uses cron expression to determine the schedule. if not specified, the instance is considered always online and attempts to sync every minute.. The parameter '--sync-token' is optional. specifies the sync token used to synchronize the connected registry with its parent. it most have only repo permissions and at least the actions required for its mode. it can include access for multiple repositories.. The parameter '--sync-window -w' is optional. required parameter if --sync-schedule is present. used to determine the schedule duration. uses iso 8601 duration format.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_deactivate'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry deactivate --name --registry [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deactivate a connected registry myconnectedregistry', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry deactivate -r mycloudregistry -n myconnectedregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_delete'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry delete --name --registry [--cleanup] [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a read only connected registry myconnectedregistry from parent registry mycloudregistry', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry delete --registry mycloudregistry --name myconnectedregistry. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a read only connected registry myconnectedregistry and it s sync token and scope map from parent registry mycloudregistry', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry delete -r mycloudregistry -n myconnectedregistry --cleanup. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--cleanup' is optional. it will aslo delete the sync token and the scope map resources.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_get settings'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry get-settings --name --parent-protocol {http, https} --registry [--generate-password {1, 2}] [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the settings information required to install a connected registry without the password', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry get-settings -r mycloudregistry -n myconnectedregistry --parent-protocol http. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'generate a new sync token password 1 or rotates the password if it already exists and gets the settings information required to install a connected registry', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry get-settings -r mycloudregistry -n myconnectedregistry --generate-password 1 --parent-protocol https. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--parent-protocol' is required. It is used to specify the protocol used to communicate with its parent.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--generate-password' is optional. select which password you want to generate, and it is required to retrieve the password from the sync token.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_list'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry list --registry [--no-children] [--parent] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all the connected registries of mycloudregistry in table format', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry list --registry mycloudregistry --output table. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list only the inmediate children of mycloudregistry in expanded form in a table', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry list --registry mycloudregistry --no-children --output table. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all the offspring of myconnectedregistry in expanded form inside a table', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry list -r mycloudregistry -p myconnectedregistry --output table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--no-children' is optional. used to remove all children from the list.. The parameter '--parent -p' is optional. the name of the parent connected registry.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_list client tokens'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry list-client-tokens --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all client tokens of myreadonlyacr', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry list-client-tokens -r mycloudregistry -n myreadonlyacr -o table. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_repo'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry repo --name --registry [--add] [--remove] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add permissions to synchronize images from repo1 and repo2 to the connected registry myconnectedregistry and its ancestors', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry repo -r mycloudregistry -n myconnectedregistry --add repo1 repo2. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove permissions to synchronize images from repo1 and repo2 to the connected registry myconnectedregistry and its descendants', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry repo -r mycloudregistry -n myconnectedregistry --remove repo1 repo2. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove permissions to synchronize repo1 images and adds permissions for repo2 images', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry repo -r mycloudregistry -n myconnectedregistry --remove repo1 --add repo2. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--add' is optional. repository permissions to be added to the targeted connected registry and it's ancestors sync scope maps. use the format "--add [repo1 repo2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['content/delete', 'content/read', 'content/write', 'metadata/read', 'metadata/write'].. The parameter '--remove' is optional. repository permissions to be removed from the targeted connected registry and it's succesors sync scope maps. use the format "--remove [repo1 repo2 ...]" per flag. valid actions are ['content/delete', 'content/read', 'content/write', 'metadata/read', 'metadata/write'].. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_show'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry show --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show all the details of the myreadonlyacr registry in table form', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry show --registry mycloudregistry --name myreadonlyacr --output table. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_connected registry'. This group of commands could 'manage connected registry resources with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_connected registry_update'.The syntax is: az acr connected-registry update --name --registry [--add-client-tokens] [--add-notifications] [--log-level] [--remove-client-tokens] [--remove-notifications] [--resource-group] [--sync-message-ttl] [--sync-schedule] [--sync-window]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the connected registry client tokens', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry update --registry mycloudregistry --name myconnectedregistry \ --remove-client-tokens myTokenName1 --add-client-tokens myTokenName2 myTokenName3. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the sync and window time of a connected registry', the syntax is: az acr connected-registry update --registry mycloudregistry --name myreadonlyacr \ --sync-schedule "0 12 * * *" --sync-window PT4H. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name for the connected registry. name must be between 5 to 40 character long, start with a letter and contain only alphanumeric characters (including β€˜_’ or β€˜-’). name must be unique under the cloud acr hierarchy.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the login server of the cloud acr registry. must be the fqdn to support also azure stack.. The parameter '--add-client-tokens' is optional. client tokens to be added. use the format "--add-client-tokens [token_name1 token_name2 ...]" per token id.. The parameter '--add-notifications' is optional. list of artifact pattern to be added to notifications list. use the format "--add-notifications [pattern1 pattern2 ...]".. The parameter '--log-level' is optional. set the log level for logging on the instance. accepted log levels are debug, information, warning, error, and none.. The parameter '--remove-client-tokens' is optional. client tokens to be removed. use the format "--remove-client-tokens [token_name1 token_name2 ...]" per token id.. The parameter '--remove-notifications' is optional. list of artifact pattern to be removed from notifications list. use the format "--remove-notifications [pattern1 pattern2 ...]".. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--sync-message-ttl' is optional. determine how long the sync messages will be kept in the cloud. uses iso 8601 duration format.. The parameter '--sync-schedule -s' is optional. optional parameter to define the sync schedule. uses cron expression to determine the schedule. if not specified, the instance is considered always online and attempts to sync every minute.. The parameter '--sync-window -w' is optional. used to determine the schedule duration. uses iso 8601 duration format..
There is a command group 'az_acr_private endpoint connection'. This group of commands could 'manage container registry private endpoint connections'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_private endpoint connection_approve'.The syntax is: az acr private-endpoint-connection approve --name --registry-name [--description] [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the private endpoint connection.. The parameter '--registry-name -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--description' is optional. approval description. for example, the reason for approval.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_private endpoint connection'. This group of commands could 'manage container registry private endpoint connections'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_private endpoint connection_delete'.The syntax is: az acr private-endpoint-connection delete --name --registry-name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the private endpoint connection.. The parameter '--registry-name -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_private endpoint connection'. This group of commands could 'manage container registry private endpoint connections'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_private endpoint connection_list'.The syntax is: az acr private-endpoint-connection list --registry-name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--registry-name -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_private endpoint connection'. This group of commands could 'manage container registry private endpoint connections'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_private endpoint connection_reject'.The syntax is: az acr private-endpoint-connection reject --name --registry-name [--description] [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the private endpoint connection.. The parameter '--registry-name -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--description' is optional. rejection description. for example, the reason for rejection.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_private endpoint connection'. This group of commands could 'manage container registry private endpoint connections'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_private endpoint connection_show'.The syntax is: az acr private-endpoint-connection show --name --registry-name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the private endpoint connection.. The parameter '--registry-name -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_identity'. This group of commands could 'manage service managed identities for a container registry'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_identity_assign'.The syntax is: az acr identity assign --identities --name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--identities' is required. It is used to space-separated identities. use '[system]' to refer to the system assigned identity.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_identity'. This group of commands could 'manage service managed identities for a container registry'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_identity_remove'.The syntax is: az acr identity remove --identities --name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--identities' is required. It is used to space-separated identities. use '[system]' to refer to the system assigned identity.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_identity'. This group of commands could 'manage service managed identities for a container registry'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_identity_show'.The syntax is: az acr identity show --name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_replication'. This group of commands could 'manage geo replicated regions of azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_replication_create'.The syntax is: az acr replication create --location --registry [--name] [--region-endpoint-enabled {false, true}] [--resource-group] [--tags] [--zone-redundancy]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a replicated region for an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr replication create -r myregistry -l westus. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a replicated region for an azure container registry autogenerated', the syntax is: az acr replication create --location westus --registry myregistry --resource-group MyResourceGroup. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. the name of the replication. default to the location name.. The parameter '--region-endpoint-enabled' is optional. allow routing to this replication. requests will not be routed to a disabled replication. data syncing will continue regardless of the region endpoint status. default: true.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--zone-redundancy' is optional. indicates whether or not zone redundancy should be enabled for this registry or replication. for more information, such as supported locations, please visit https://aka.ms/acr/az. zone-redundancy cannot be updated. defaults to 'disabled'..
There is a command group 'az_acr_replication'. This group of commands could 'manage geo replicated regions of azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_replication_delete'.The syntax is: az acr replication delete --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a replicated region from an azure container registry', the syntax is: az acr replication delete -n MyReplication -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the replication.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_replication'. This group of commands could 'manage geo replicated regions of azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_replication_list'.The syntax is: az acr replication list --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list replications and show the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr replication list -r myregistry -o table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_replication'. This group of commands could 'manage geo replicated regions of azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_replication_show'.The syntax is: az acr replication show --name --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the details of a replicated region', the syntax is: az acr replication show -n MyReplication -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the replication.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_replication'. This group of commands could 'manage geo replicated regions of azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_replication_update'.The syntax is: az acr replication update --name --registry [--add] [--force-string] [--region-endpoint-enabled {false, true}] [--remove] [--resource-group] [--set] [--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update tags for a replication', the syntax is: az acr replication update -n MyReplication -r myregistry --tags key1=value1 key2=value2. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'updates a replication autogenerated', the syntax is: az acr replication update --name MyReplication --registry myregistry --resource-group MyResourceGroup --tags key1=value1 key2=value2. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the replication.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: `--add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>`.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--region-endpoint-enabled' is optional. allow routing to this replication. requests will not be routed to a disabled replication. data syncing will continue regardless of the region endpoint status.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: `--remove property.list <indextoremove>` or `--remove propertytoremove`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: `--set property1.property2=<value>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags..
There is a command group 'az_acr_agentpool'. This group of commands could 'manage private tasks agent pools with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_agentpool_create'.The syntax is: az acr agentpool create --name --registry [--count] [--no-wait] [--resource-group] [--subnet-id] [--tier]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create the agent pool myagentname associated with the registry myregistry', the syntax is: az acr agentpool create -n MyAgentName -r myregistry. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create the agent pool myagentname with 2 agent count', the syntax is: az acr agentpool create -n MyAgentName -r myregistry --count 2. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create the agent pool myagentname associated with the registry myregistry in vnet subnet', the syntax is: az acr agentpool create -n MyAgentName -r myregistry --subnet-id /subscriptions/<SubscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<ResourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/<myNetwork>/subnets/<subNet>. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--count -c' is optional. the count of the agent pool.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the agent pool to complete action and return immediately after queuing the request.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subnet-id' is optional. the virtual network subnet resource id of the agent machine.. The parameter '--tier' is optional. sets the vm your agent pool will run on. valid values are: s1(2 vcpus, 3 gib ram), s2(4 vcpus, 8 gib ram), s3(8 vcpus, 16 gib ram) or i6(64 vcpus, 216 gib ram, isolated)..
There is a command group 'az_acr_agentpool'. This group of commands could 'manage private tasks agent pools with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_agentpool_delete'.The syntax is: az acr agentpool delete --name --registry [--no-wait] [--resource-group] [--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete the agent pool myagentname', the syntax is: az acr agentpool delete -n MyAgentName -r myregistry. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the agent pool to complete action and return immediately after queuing the request.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation..
There is a command group 'az_acr_agentpool'. This group of commands could 'manage private tasks agent pools with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_agentpool_list'.The syntax is: az acr agentpool list --registry [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list agent pools and show the result in a table', the syntax is: az acr agentpool list -r myregistry -o table. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_agentpool'. This group of commands could 'manage private tasks agent pools with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_agentpool_show'.The syntax is: az acr agentpool show --name --registry [--queue-count] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the properties of an agent pool displaying the results in a table', the syntax is: az acr agentpool show -n MyAgentName -r myregistry -o table. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--queue-count' is optional. get only the queue count.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_agentpool'. This group of commands could 'manage private tasks agent pools with azure container registries'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_agentpool_update'.The syntax is: az acr agentpool update --name --registry [--count] [--no-wait] [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the agent pool myagentname count to 5', the syntax is: az acr agentpool update -n MyAgentName -r myregistry --count 5. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the agent pool.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--count -c' is optional. the count of the agent pool.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the agent pool to complete action and return immediately after queuing the request.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_private link resource'. This group of commands could 'manage registry private link resources'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_private link resource_list'.The syntax is: az acr private-link-resource list --name [--resource-group]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the container registry. it should be specified in lower case. you can configure the default registry name using `az configure --defaults acr=<registry name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`..
There is a command group 'az_acr_export pipeline'. This group of commands could 'manage acr export pipelines'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_acr_export pipeline_create'.The syntax is: az acr export-pipeline create --name --registry --resource-group --secret-uri --storage-container-uri [--assign-identity] [--options]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create an export pipeline', the syntax is: az acr export-pipeline create --resource-group $MyRG --registry $MyReg --name $MyPipeline --secret-uri https://$MyKV.vault.azure.net/secrets/$MySecret --storage-container-uri https://$MyStorage.blob.core.windows.net/$MyContainer. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create an export pipeline with a user assigned identity and all available options', the syntax is: az acr export-pipeline create --resource-group $MyRG --registry $MyReg --name $MyPipeline --secret-uri https://$MyKV.vault.azure.net/secrets/$MySecret --storage-container-uri https://$MyStorage.blob.core.windows.net/$MyContainer --options OverwriteBlobs ContinueOnErrors --assign-identity /subscriptions/$MySubID/resourceGroups/$MyRG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/$MyIdentity. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the export pipeline.. The parameter '--registry -r' is required. It is used to name of registry.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--secret-uri -s' is required. It is used to keyvault secret uri containing a valid sas token to the associated storage account of the form https://$mykeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets/$mysecret. note that the uri may be different outside of azurecloud.. The parameter '--storage-container-uri -c' is required. It is used to storage account container uri of the source or target storage account container of the form https://$mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/$mycontainer. note that the uri may be different outside of azurecloud.. The parameter '--assign-identity -i' is optional. user assigned identity resource id of the form /subscriptions/$mysubid/resourcegroups/$myrg/providers/microsoft.managedidentity/userassignedidentities/$myidentity.. The parameter '--options -z' is optional. space-separated list of options. may only container the following options: overwriteblobs,continueonerrors..