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There is a command group 'az_alerts management_prometheus rule group'. This group of commands could 'manage prometheus rule group'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_alerts management_prometheus rule group_update'.The syntax is: az alerts-management prometheus-rule-group update [--add]
[--enabled {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--force-string {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update a prometheus rule group definition', the syntax is: az alerts-management prometheus-rule-group update -n TestPrometheusRuleGroup -g MyResourceGroup --tags key=value. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: --add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>.. The parameter '--cluster-name' is optional. apply rule to data from a specific cluster.. The parameter '--description' is optional. rule group description.. The parameter '--enabled' is optional. enable/disable rule group.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--interval' is optional. the interval in which to run the prometheus rule group represented in iso 8601 duration format. should be between 1 and 15 minutes.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. the name of the rule group.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: --remove property.list <indextoremove> or --remove propertytoremove.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--rules' is optional. defines the rules in the prometheus rule group. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--scopes' is optional. target azure monitor workspaces resource ids. this api-version is currently limited to creating with one scope. this may change in future. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: --set property1.property2=<value>.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. resource tags. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. | database/alerts-management/prometheus-rule-group.yml |
There is a command group 'az_artifacts_universal'. This group of commands could 'manage universal packages'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_artifacts_universal_download'.The syntax is: az artifacts universal download --feed
[--detect {false, true}]
[--scope {organization, project}]. The parameter '--feed' is required. It is used to name or id of the feed.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the package, e.g. 'foo-package'.. The parameter '--path' is required. It is used to directory to place the package contents.. The parameter '--version -v' is required. It is used to version of the package, e.g. 1.0.0.. The parameter '--detect' is optional. automatically detect organization.. The parameter '--file-filter' is optional. wildcard filter for file download.. The parameter '--org --organization' is optional. azure devops organization url. you can configure the default organization using az devops configure -d organization=org_url. required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. example: https://dev.azure.com/myorganizationname/.. The parameter '--project -p' is optional. name or id of the project. you can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=name_or_id. required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.. The parameter '--scope' is optional. scope of the feed: 'project' if the feed was created in a project, and 'organization' otherwise.. | database/artifacts/universal.yml |
There is a command group 'az_artifacts_universal'. This group of commands could 'manage universal packages'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_artifacts_universal_publish'.The syntax is: az artifacts universal publish --feed
[--detect {false, true}]
[--scope {organization, project}]. The parameter '--feed' is required. It is used to name or id of the feed.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the package, e.g. 'foo-package'.. The parameter '--path' is required. It is used to directory containing the package contents.. The parameter '--version -v' is required. It is used to version of the package, e.g. '1.0.0'.. The parameter '--description -d' is optional. description of the package.. The parameter '--detect' is optional. automatically detect organization.. The parameter '--org --organization' is optional. azure devops organization url. you can configure the default organization using az devops configure -d organization=org_url. required if not configured as default or picked up via git config. example: https://dev.azure.com/myorganizationname/.. The parameter '--project -p' is optional. name or id of the project. you can configure the default project using az devops configure -d project=name_or_id. required if not configured as default or picked up via git config.. The parameter '--scope' is optional. scope of the feed: 'project' if the feed was created in a project, and 'organization' otherwise.. | database/artifacts/universal.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_tenant'. This group of commands could 'manage tenant'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_tenant_list'.The syntax is: az account tenant list. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'listtenants', the syntax is: az account tenant list. | database/account/tenant.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_alias'. This group of commands could 'manage subscription alias'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_alias_create'.The syntax is: az account alias create --name
[--workload {devtest, production}]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'createalias', the syntax is: az account alias create --name "aliasForNewSub" --billing-scope "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:024cabf4-7321-4cf9-be59-df0c77ca51de_2019-05-31/billingProfiles/PE2Q-NOIT-BG7-TGB/invoiceSections/MTT4-OBS7-PJA-TGB" --display-name "Contoso MCA subscription" --workload "Production". The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to alias name.. The parameter '--billing-scope' is optional. billing scope. it determines whether the subscription is field-led, partner-led or legacyea.. The parameter '--display-name' is optional. the friendly name of the subscription.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--reseller-id' is optional. reseller id, basically mpn id.. The parameter '--subscription-id' is optional. this parameter can be used to create alias for existing subscription id.. The parameter '--workload' is optional. the workload type of the subscription. it can be either production or devtest.. | database/account/alias.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_alias'. This group of commands could 'manage subscription alias'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_alias_delete'.The syntax is: az account alias delete --name. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'deletealias', the syntax is: az account alias delete --name "aliasForNewSub". The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to alias name.. | database/account/alias.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_alias'. This group of commands could 'manage subscription alias'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_alias_list'.The syntax is: az account alias list. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list alias subscriptions', the syntax is: az account alias list. | database/account/alias.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_alias'. This group of commands could 'manage subscription alias'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_alias_show'.The syntax is: az account alias show --name. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'getalias', the syntax is: az account alias show --name "aliasForNewSub". The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to alias name.. | database/account/alias.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_alias'. This group of commands could 'manage subscription alias'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_alias_wait'.The syntax is: az account alias wait --name
[--updated]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'pause executing next line of cli script until the account alias is successfully created', the syntax is: az account alias wait --name "aliasForNewSub" --created. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to alias name.. The parameter '--created' is optional. wait until created with 'provisioningstate' at 'succeeded'.. The parameter '--custom' is optional. wait until the condition satisfies a custom jmespath query. e.g. provisioningstate!='inprogress', instanceview.statuses[?code=='powerstate/running'].. The parameter '--deleted' is optional. wait until deleted.. The parameter '--exists' is optional. wait until the resource exists.. The parameter '--interval' is optional. polling interval in seconds.. The parameter '--timeout' is optional. maximum wait in seconds.. The parameter '--updated' is optional. wait until updated with provisioningstate at 'succeeded'.. | database/account/alias.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_lock'. This group of commands could 'manage azure subscription level locks'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_lock_create'.The syntax is: az account lock create --lock-type {cannotdelete, readonly}
[--notes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a read only subscription level lock', the syntax is: az account lock create --lock-type ReadOnly -n lockName. The parameter '--lock-type -t' is required. It is used to the type of lock restriction.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the lock.. The parameter '--notes' is optional. notes about this lock.. | database/account/lock.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_lock'. This group of commands could 'manage azure subscription level locks'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_lock_delete'.The syntax is: az account lock delete [--ids]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a subscription lock', the syntax is: az account lock delete --name lockName. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). if provided, no other "resource id" arguments should be specified.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the lock.. | database/account/lock.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_lock'. This group of commands could 'manage azure subscription level locks'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_lock_list'.The syntax is: az account lock list [--filter-string]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list out all locks on the subscription level', the syntax is: az account lock list. The parameter '--filter-string' is optional. a query filter to use to restrict the results.. | database/account/lock.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_lock'. This group of commands could 'manage azure subscription level locks'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_lock_show'.The syntax is: az account lock show [--ids]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a subscription level lock', the syntax is: az account lock show -n lockname. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). if provided, no other "resource id" arguments should be specified.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the lock.. | database/account/lock.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_lock'. This group of commands could 'manage azure subscription level locks'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_lock_update'.The syntax is: az account lock update [--ids]
[--lock-type {cannotdelete, readonly}]
[--notes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update a subscription lock with new notes and type', the syntax is: az account lock update --name lockName --notes newNotesHere --lock-type CanNotDelete. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). if provided, no other "resource id" arguments should be specified.. The parameter '--lock-type -t' is optional. the type of lock restriction.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the lock.. The parameter '--notes' is optional. notes about this lock.. | database/account/lock.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_subscription'. This group of commands could 'manage subscriptions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_subscription_cancel'.The syntax is: az account subscription cancel --id
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'cancel subscription', the syntax is: az account subscription cancel --subscription-id "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". The parameter '--id --subscription-id' is required. It is used to subscription id.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/account/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_subscription'. This group of commands could 'manage subscriptions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_subscription_enable'.The syntax is: az account subscription enable --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'enable subscription', the syntax is: az account subscription enable --subscription-id "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". The parameter '--id --subscription-id' is required. It is used to subscription id.. | database/account/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_subscription'. This group of commands could 'manage subscriptions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_subscription_list'.The syntax is: az account subscription list. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'listsubscriptions', the syntax is: az account subscription list. | database/account/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_subscription'. This group of commands could 'manage subscriptions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_subscription_list location'.The syntax is: az account subscription list-location --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'listlocations', the syntax is: az account subscription list-location --subscription-id "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". The parameter '--id --subscription-id' is required. It is used to the id of the target subscription.. | database/account/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_subscription'. This group of commands could 'manage subscriptions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_subscription_rename'.The syntax is: az account subscription rename --id
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'rename subscription', the syntax is: az account subscription rename --subscription-id "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". The parameter '--id --subscription-id' is required. It is used to subscription id.. The parameter '--name --subscription-name -n' is optional. new subscription name.. | database/account/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_subscription'. This group of commands could 'manage subscriptions'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_subscription_show'.The syntax is: az account subscription show --id. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'getsubscription', the syntax is: az account subscription show --subscription-id "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". The parameter '--id --subscription-id' is required. It is used to the id of the target subscription.. | database/account/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group'. This group of commands could 'manage azure management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_check name availability'.The syntax is: az account management-group check-name-availability --name. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'check if a management group name is valid', the syntax is: az account management-group check-name-availability --name GroupName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. | database/account/management-group.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group'. This group of commands could 'manage azure management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_create'.The syntax is: az account management-group create --name
[--parent]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new management group', the syntax is: az account management-group create --name GroupName. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new management group with a specific display name', the syntax is: az account management-group create --name GroupName --display-name DisplayName. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new management group with a specific parent', the syntax is: az account management-group create --name GroupName --parent ParentId/ParentName. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new management group with a specific display name and parent', the syntax is: az account management-group create --name GroupName --display-name DisplayName --parent ParentId/ParentName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--display-name -d' is optional. sets the display name of the management group. if null, the group name is set as the display name.. The parameter '--no-register' is optional. skip registration for resource provider microsoft.management.. The parameter '--parent -p' is optional. sets the parent of the management group. can be the fully qualified id or the name of the management group. if null, the root tenant group is set as the parent.. | database/account/management-group.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group'. This group of commands could 'manage azure management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_delete'.The syntax is: az account management-group delete --name
[--no-register]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete an existing management group', the syntax is: az account management-group delete --name GroupName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--no-register' is optional. skip registration for resource provider microsoft.management.. | database/account/management-group.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group'. This group of commands could 'manage azure management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_list'.The syntax is: az account management-group list [--no-register]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all management groups', the syntax is: az account management-group list. The parameter '--no-register' is optional. skip registration for resource provider microsoft.management.. | database/account/management-group.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group'. This group of commands could 'manage azure management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_show'.The syntax is: az account management-group show --name
[--recurse]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get a management group', the syntax is: az account management-group show --name GroupName. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get a management group with children in the first level of hierarchy', the syntax is: az account management-group show --name GroupName -e. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get a management group with children in all levels of hierarchy', the syntax is: az account management-group show --name GroupName -e -r. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group (the last segment of the resource id). do not use display name.. The parameter '--expand -e' is optional. if given, lists the children in the first level of hierarchy.. The parameter '--no-register' is optional. skip registration for resource provider microsoft.management.. The parameter '--recurse -r' is optional. if given, lists the children in all levels of hierarchy.. | database/account/management-group.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group'. This group of commands could 'manage azure management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_update'.The syntax is: az account management-group update --name
[--set]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update an existing management group with a specific display name', the syntax is: az account management-group update --name GroupName --display-name DisplayName. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update an existing management group with a specific parent', the syntax is: az account management-group update --name GroupName --parent ParentId/ParentName. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update an existing management group with a specific display name and parent', the syntax is: az account management-group update --name GroupName --display-name DisplayName --parent ParentId/ParentName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: `--add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>`.. The parameter '--display-name -d' is optional. updates the display name of the management group. if null, no change is made.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--parent -p' is optional. update the parent of the management group. can be the fully qualified id or the name of the management group. if null, no change is made.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: `--remove property.list <indextoremove>` or `--remove propertytoremove`.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: `--set property1.property2=<value>`.. | database/account/management-group.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings'. This group of commands could 'provide operations for hierarchy settings defined at the management group level settings can only be set on the root management group of the hierarchy'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings_create'.The syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings create --name
[--require-authorization-for-group-creation]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create hierarchy settings defined at the management group level', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings create --name GroupName. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set the default management group new subscriptions get placed under', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings create --name GroupName -m /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/DefaultGroup. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'require user to have microsoft management managementgroups write access on the root to create new management groups under the root', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings create --name GroupName -r True. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update both hierarchy settings', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings create --name GroupName -m /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/DefaultGroup -r True. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--default-management-group -m' is optional. set the default management group under which new subscriptions get added in this tenant. default setting is the root management group.. The parameter '--require-authorization-for-group-creation -r' is optional. indicate whether rbac access is required upon group creation under the root management group. true means user will require microsoft.management/managementgroups/write action on the root management group. default setting is false.. | database/account/management-group/hierarchy-settings.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings'. This group of commands could 'provide operations for hierarchy settings defined at the management group level settings can only be set on the root management group of the hierarchy'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings_delete'.The syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings delete --name
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete all hierarchy settings defined at the management group level', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings delete --name GroupName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/account/management-group/hierarchy-settings.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings'. This group of commands could 'provide operations for hierarchy settings defined at the management group level settings can only be set on the root management group of the hierarchy'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings_list'.The syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings list --name. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get all hierarchy settings defined at the management group level', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings list --name GroupName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. | database/account/management-group/hierarchy-settings.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings'. This group of commands could 'provide operations for hierarchy settings defined at the management group level settings can only be set on the root management group of the hierarchy'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_hierarchy settings_update'.The syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings update --name
[--set]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create hierarchy settings defined at the management group level', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings update --name GroupName. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set the default management group new subscriptions get placed under', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings update --name GroupName -m /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/DefaultGroup. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'require user to have microsoft management managementgroups write access on the root to create new management groups under the root', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings update --name GroupName -r True. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update both hierarchy settings', the syntax is: az account management-group hierarchy-settings update --name GroupName -m /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/DefaultGroup -r True. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: `--add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>`.. The parameter '--default-management-group -m' is optional. set the default management group under which new subscriptions get added in this tenant. default setting is the root management group.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: `--remove property.list <indextoremove>` or `--remove propertytoremove`.. The parameter '--require-authorization-for-group-creation -r' is optional. indicate whether rbac access is required upon group creation under the root management group. true means user will require microsoft.management/managementgroups/write action on the root management group. default setting is false.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: `--set property1.property2=<value>`.. | database/account/management-group/hierarchy-settings.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_subscription'. This group of commands could 'subscription operations for management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_subscription_add'.The syntax is: az account management-group subscription add --name
--subscription. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add a subscription to a management group', the syntax is: az account management-group subscription add --name GroupName --subscription Subscription. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--subscription -s' is required. It is used to subscription id or name.. | database/account/management-group/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_subscription'. This group of commands could 'subscription operations for management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_subscription_remove'.The syntax is: az account management-group subscription remove --name
--subscription. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove an existing subscription from a management group', the syntax is: az account management-group subscription remove --name GroupName --subscription Subscription. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--subscription -s' is required. It is used to subscription id or name.. | database/account/management-group/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_subscription'. This group of commands could 'subscription operations for management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_subscription_show'.The syntax is: az account management-group subscription show --name
--subscription. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show the details of a subscription under a known management group', the syntax is: az account management-group subscription show --name GroupName --subscription Subscription. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. The parameter '--subscription -s' is required. It is used to subscription id or name.. | database/account/management-group/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_subscription'. This group of commands could 'subscription operations for management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_subscription_show sub under mg'.The syntax is: az account management-group subscription show-sub-under-mg --name. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the subscription under a management group', the syntax is: az account management-group subscription show-sub-under-mg --name GroupName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the management group.. | database/account/management-group/subscription.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_tenant backfill'. This group of commands could 'backfill tenant subscription operations for management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_tenant backfill_get'.The syntax is: az account management-group tenant-backfill get. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the backfill status for a tenant', the syntax is: az account management-group tenant-backfill get. | database/account/management-group/tenant-backfill.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_tenant backfill'. This group of commands could 'backfill tenant subscription operations for management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_tenant backfill_start'.The syntax is: az account management-group tenant-backfill start. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'start backfilling subscriptions for a tenant', the syntax is: az account management-group tenant-backfill start. | database/account/management-group/tenant-backfill.yml |
There is a command group 'az_account_management group_entities'. This group of commands could 'entity operations management group and subscriptions for management groups'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_account_management group_entities_list'.The syntax is: az account management-group entities list. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all entities for the authenticated user', the syntax is: az account management-group entities list. | database/account/management-group/entities.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'manage snapshots associated with an app configuration store'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_snapshot_archive'.The syntax is: az appconfig snapshot archive --snapshot-name
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'archive snapshot mysnapshot in configuration store myappconfiguration', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot archive -s MySnapshot -n MyAppConfiguration. The parameter '--snapshot-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration snapshot.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/snapshot.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'manage snapshots associated with an app configuration store'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_snapshot_create'.The syntax is: az appconfig snapshot create --filters
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--composition-type {key, key_label}]
[--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a snapshot mysnapshot of all keys starting with test in configuration store myappconfiguration', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot create -s MySnapshot -n MyAppConfiguration --filters '{\"key\":\"Test*\"}'. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a snapshot mysnapshot of all keys starting with abc and a retention period of 1 hour', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot create -s MySnapshot -n MyAppConfiguration --filters '{\"key\":\"abc*\"}' --retention-period 3600. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a snapshot of all keys starting with app and no label as default then override the key values with keys with the label prod if they exist', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot create -s MySnapshot -n MyAppConfiguration --filters '{\"key\":\"app/*\"}' '{\"key\":\"app/*\", \"label\":\"prod\"}' --composition-type 'key'. The parameter '--filters' is required. It is used to space-separated list of escaped json objects that represent the key and label filters used to build an app configuration snapshot.. The parameter '--snapshot-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration snapshot.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--composition-type' is optional. composition type used in building app configuration snapshots. if not specified, defaults to key.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--retention-period' is optional. duration in seconds for which a snapshot can remain archived before expiry. a snapshot can be archived for a maximum of 7 days (604,800s) for free tier stores and 90 days (7,776,000s) for standard tier stores. if specified, retention period must be at least 1 hour (3600s).. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...].. | database/appconfig/snapshot.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'manage snapshots associated with an app configuration store'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_snapshot_list'.The syntax is: az appconfig snapshot list [--all]
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--fields {composition_type, created, etag, expires, filters, items_count, name, retention_period, size, status, tags}]
[--status {archived, failed, provisioning, ready}]
[--top]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all snapshots with names starting with the prefix abc', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot list -s abc* -n MyAppConfiguration. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all archived snapshots', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot list --status archived -n MyAppConfiguration. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all provisioning snapshots with names starting with the prefix app', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot list -s app* --status provisioning -n MyAppConfiguration. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all failed and provisioning snapshots', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot list --status failed provisioning -n MyAppConfiguration. The parameter '--all' is optional. list all items.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--fields' is optional. customize output fields for snapshots.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--snapshot-name -s' is optional. if no name specified, return all snapshots by default. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means snapshots with abc as prefix to the name.. The parameter '--status' is optional. filter snapshots by their status. if no status specified, return all snapshots by default.. The parameter '--top -t' is optional. maximum number of items to return. must be a positive integer. default to 100.. | database/appconfig/snapshot.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'manage snapshots associated with an app configuration store'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_snapshot_recover'.The syntax is: az appconfig snapshot recover --snapshot-name
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'recover snapshot mysnapshot in configuration store myappconfiguration', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot recover -s MySnapshot -n MyAppConfiguration. The parameter '--snapshot-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration snapshot.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/snapshot.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_snapshot'. This group of commands could 'manage snapshots associated with an app configuration store'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_snapshot_show'.The syntax is: az appconfig snapshot show --snapshot-name
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--fields {composition_type, created, etag, expires, filters, items_count, name, retention_period, size, status, tags}]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show an app configuration snapshot with name mysnapshot in configuration store myappconfiguration', the syntax is: az appconfig snapshot show -s MySnapshot -n MyAppConfiguration. The parameter '--snapshot-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration snapshot.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--fields' is optional. customize output fields for snapshots.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/snapshot.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_revision'. This group of commands could 'manage revisions for key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_revision_list'.The syntax is: az appconfig revision list [--all]
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--fields {content_type, etag, key, label, last_modified, locked, tags, value}]
[--top]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list revision history of a key value using app configuration name', the syntax is: az appconfig revision list -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list revision history of a key value with multiple labels', the syntax is: az appconfig revision list -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test,prod,\0. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list revision history for key color with any labels using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig revision list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z". The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list revision history for all items and query only key value and last_modified', the syntax is: az appconfig revision list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --fields key value last_modified. The parameter '--all' is optional. list all items.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--datetime' is optional. format: "yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ssz". if no time zone specified, use utc by default.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--fields' is optional. space-separated customized output fields.. The parameter '--key' is optional. if no key specified, return all keys by default. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, list all labels. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means labels with abc as prefix. use '\0' for null label.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--top -t' is optional. maximum number of items to return. must be a positive integer. default to 100.. | database/appconfig/revision.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_delete'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv delete --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a key using app configuration name without confirmation', the syntax is: az appconfig kv delete -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --yes. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a key using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig kv delete --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label MyLabel. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a key using your az login credentials and app configuration endpoint', the syntax is: az appconfig kv delete --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --key color --auth-mode login --yes. The parameter '--key' is required. It is used to support star sign as filters, for instance * means all key and abc* means keys with abc as prefix.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, delete entry with null label. support star sign as filters, for instance * means all label and abc* means labels with abc as prefix.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_export'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv export --destination {appconfig, appservice, file}
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--dest-auth-mode {key, login}]
[--export-as-reference {false, true}]
[--format {json, properties, yaml}]
[--naming-convention {camel, hyphen, pascal, underscore}]
[--preserve-labels {false, true}]
[--profile {appconfig/default, appconfig/kvset}]
[--resolve-keyvault {false, true}]
[--skip-features {false, true}]
[--skip-keyvault {false, true}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys and feature flags with label test to a json file', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys with null label to an app service application', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appservice --appservice-account MyAppService. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys with label test excluding feature flags to a json file', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json --skip-features. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys and feature flags with all labels to another app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --key * --label * --preserve-labels. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys and feature flags with all labels to another app configuration and overwrite destination labels', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --key * --label * --dest-label ExportedKeys. The 6th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys to another app configuration using your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -d appconfig --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --auth-mode login --dest-endpoint https://anotherappconfiguration.azconfig.io --dest-auth-mode login --key * --label * --preserve-labels. The 7th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys and feature flags with label test using appconfig kvset profile', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json --profile appconfig/kvset. The 8th example of the child command would be to use it to 'export all keys to another app configuration from a snapshot of the source configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --snapshot MySnapshot. The parameter '--destination -d' is required. It is used to the destination of exporting. note that exporting feature flags to appservice is not supported.. The parameter '--appservice-account' is optional. arm id for appservice or the name of the appservice, assuming it is in the same subscription and resource group as the app configuration. required for appservice arguments.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--dest-auth-mode' is optional. auth mode for connecting to destination app configuration. for details, refer to "--auth-mode" argument.. The parameter '--dest-connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of the destination store.. The parameter '--dest-endpoint' is optional. if --dest-auth-mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the destination app configuration.. The parameter '--dest-label' is optional. exported kvs will be labeled with this destination label. if neither --dest-label nor --preserve-labels is specified, will assign null label.. The parameter '--dest-name' is optional. the name of the destination app configuration.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--export-as-reference -r' is optional. export key-values as app configuration references. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-configuration-references.. The parameter '--format' is optional. file format exporting to. required for file arguments. currently, feature flags are not supported in properties format.. The parameter '--key' is optional. if no key specified, return all keys by default. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix. key filtering not applicable for feature flags. by default, all feature flags with specified label will be exported.. The parameter '--label' is optional. only keys and feature flags with this label will be exported. if no label specified, export keys and feature flags with null label by default. when export destination is appconfig, or when export destination is file with `appconfig/kvset` profile, this argument supports asterisk and comma signs for label filtering, for instance, * means all labels, abc* means labels with abc as prefix, and abc,xyz means labels with abc or xyz.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--naming-convention' is optional. naming convention to be used for "feature management" section of file. example: pascal = featuremanagement, camel = featuremanagement, underscore = feature_management, hyphen = feature-management.. The parameter '--path' is optional. local configuration file path. required for file arguments.. The parameter '--prefix' is optional. prefix to be trimmed from keys. prefix will be ignored for feature flags.. The parameter '--preserve-labels' is optional. flag to preserve labels from source appconfig. this argument should not be specified along with --dest-label.. The parameter '--profile' is optional. export profile to be used for exporting the key-values. options 'depth', 'separator', 'naming-convention', 'prefix', 'dest-label' and, 'resolve-keyvault' are not supported when using 'appconfig/kvset' profile.. The parameter '--resolve-keyvault' is optional. resolve the content of key vault reference.. The parameter '--separator' is optional. delimiter for flattening the key-value pairs to json or yaml file. required for exporting hierarchical structure. separator will be ignored for property files and feature flags. supported values: '.', ',', ';', '-', '_', '__', '/', ':'.. The parameter '--skip-features' is optional. export items excluding all feature flags. by default, all features with the specified label will be exported to file or appconfig. not applicable for appservice.. The parameter '--skip-keyvault' is optional. export items excluding all key vault references. by default, all key vault references with the specified label will be exported.. The parameter '--snapshot' is optional. export all keys in a given snapshot of the app configuration store. if no snapshot is specified, the keys currently in the store are exported based on the specified key and label filters.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for preview.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_import'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv import --source {appconfig, appservice, file}
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--format {json, properties, yaml}]
[--import-mode {all, ignore-match}]
[--preserve-labels {false, true}]
[--profile {appconfig/default, appconfig/kvset}]
[--skip-features {false, true}]
[--src-auth-mode {key, login}]
[--strict {false, true}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys and feature flags from a file and apply test label', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys and feature flags with null label and apply new label from an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --label ImportedKeys. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys from a snapshot of an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --src-snapshot MySnapshot. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys and apply null label from an app service application', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appservice --appservice-account MyAppService. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys with label test and apply test2 label excluding feature flags from an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-label test --label test2 --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --skip-features. The 6th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys and feature flags with all labels to another app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --src-key * --src-label * --preserve-labels. The 7th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys and feature flags from a json file and apply json content type', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json --separator . --content-type application/json. The 8th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys to another app configuration using your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -s appconfig --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --auth-mode login --src-endpoint https://anotherappconfiguration.azconfig.io --src-auth-mode login --src-key * --src-label * --preserve-labels. The 9th example of the child command would be to use it to 'import all keys and feature flags from a file using the appconfig kvset format', the syntax is: az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json --profile appconfig/kvset. The parameter '--source -s' is required. It is used to the source of importing. note that importing feature flags from appservice is not supported.. The parameter '--appservice-account' is optional. arm id for appservice or the name of the appservice, assuming it is in the same subscription and resource group as the app configuration. required for appservice arguments.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--content-type' is optional. content type of all imported items.. The parameter '--depth' is optional. depth for flattening the json or yaml file to key-value pairs. flatten to the deepest level by default if --separator is provided. not applicable for property files or feature flags.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--format' is optional. imported file format. required for file arguments. currently, feature flags are not supported in properties format.. The parameter '--import-mode' is optional. if import mode is "ignore-match", source key-values that already exist at the destination will not be overwritten. import mode "all" writes all key-values to the destination regardless of whether they exist or not.. The parameter '--label' is optional. imported kvs and feature flags will be assigned with this label. if no label specified, will assign null label.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--path' is optional. local configuration file path. required for file arguments.. The parameter '--prefix' is optional. this prefix will be appended to the front of imported keys. prefix will be ignored for feature flags.. The parameter '--preserve-labels' is optional. flag to preserve labels from source appconfig. this argument should not be specified along with --label.. The parameter '--profile' is optional. import profile to be used for importing the key-values. options 'depth', 'separator', 'content-type', 'label', 'skip-features' and, 'prefix' are not supported when using 'appconfig/kvset' profile.. The parameter '--separator' is optional. delimiter for flattening the json or yaml file to key-value pairs. separator will be ignored for property files and feature flags. supported values: '.', ',', ';', '-', '_', '__', '/', ':'.. The parameter '--skip-features' is optional. import only key values and exclude all feature flags. by default, all feature flags will be imported from file or appconfig. not applicable for appservice.. The parameter '--src-auth-mode' is optional. auth mode for connecting to source app configuration. for details, refer to "--auth-mode" argument.. The parameter '--src-connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of the source store.. The parameter '--src-endpoint' is optional. if --src-auth-mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the source app configuration.. The parameter '--src-key' is optional. if no key specified, import all keys by default. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix. key filtering not applicable for feature flags. by default, all feature flags with specified label will be imported.. The parameter '--src-label' is optional. only keys with this label in source appconfig will be imported. if no value specified, import keys with null label by default. support star sign as filters, for instance * means all labels, abc* means labels with abc as prefix.. The parameter '--src-name' is optional. the name of the source app configuration.. The parameter '--src-snapshot' is optional. import all keys in a given snapshot of the source app configuration store. if no snapshot is specified, the keys currently in the store are imported based on the specified key and label filters.. The parameter '--strict' is optional. delete all other key-values in the store with specified prefix and label.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for preview.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_list'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv list [--all]
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--fields {content_type, etag, key, label, last_modified, locked, tags, value}]
[--resolve-keyvault {false, true}]
[--top]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all key values with null label', the syntax is: az appconfig kv list -n MyAppConfiguration --label \0. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list a specific key for any label start with v1 using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig kv list --key color --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.*. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all keys with any labels and query only key value and tags', the syntax is: az appconfig kv list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --fields key value tags --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z". The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list content of key vault reference with key prefix kvref_ and only select key and value', the syntax is: az appconfig kv list -n MyAppConfiguration --key "KVRef_*" --resolve-keyvault --query "[*].{key:key, value:value}". The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list key values with multiple labels', the syntax is: az appconfig kv list --label test,prod,\0 -n MyAppConfiguration. The 6th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all key values with all labels using your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig kv list --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --auth-mode login. The 7th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all key values in a given snapshot of the app configuration store', the syntax is: az appconfig kv list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --snapshot MySnapshot. The parameter '--all' is optional. list all items.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--datetime' is optional. format: "yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ssz". if no time zone specified, use utc by default.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--fields' is optional. space-separated customized output fields.. The parameter '--key' is optional. if no key specified, return all keys by default. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, list all labels. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means labels with abc as prefix. use '\0' for null label.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resolve-keyvault' is optional. resolve the content of key vault reference. this argument should not be specified along with --fields. instead use --query for customized query.. The parameter '--snapshot' is optional. list all keys in a given snapshot of the app configuration store. if no snapshot is specified, the keys currently in the store are listed.. The parameter '--top -t' is optional. maximum number of items to return. must be a positive integer. default to 100.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_lock'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv lock --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'lock a key value using app configuration name', the syntax is: az appconfig kv lock -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'force locking a key value using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig kv lock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label test --yes. The parameter '--key' is required. It is used to key to be locked.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, lock entry with null label. filtering is not supported.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_restore'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv restore --datetime
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'restore all key values to a specific point in time', the syntax is: az appconfig kv restore -n MyAppConfiguration --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'restore a specific key for any label start with v1 using connection string to a specific point in time', the syntax is: az appconfig kv restore --key color --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.* --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z". The parameter '--datetime' is required. It is used to format: "yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ssz". if no time zone specified, use utc by default.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--key' is optional. if no key specified, restore all keys by default. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, restore all key-value pairs with all labels. support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means labels with abc as prefix. use '\0' for null label.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_set'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv set --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a key value with label mylabel', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --value red. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a key with null label using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --value red --tags key1=value1 key2=value2. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a key with string value and json content type', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --value \"red\" --content-type application/json. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a key with list value and json content type', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key options --value [1,2,3] --content-type application/activity+json;charset=utf-8. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a key with null value and json content type', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key foo --value null --content-type application/json. The 6th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a key value using your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --key color --value red --auth-mode login. The parameter '--key' is required. It is used to key to be set. key cannot be a '.' or '..', or contain the '%' character.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--content-type' is optional. content type of the keyvalue to be set.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, set the key with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--value' is optional. value of the keyvalue to be set.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_set keyvault'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv set-keyvault --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a keyvault reference with label mylabel', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set-keyvault -n MyAppConfiguration --key HostSecret --label MyLabel --secret-identifier https://contoso.vault.azure.net/Secrets/DummySecret/Dummyversion. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a keyvault reference with null label and multiple tags using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig kv set-keyvault --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key HostSecret --secret-identifier https://contoso.vault.azure.net/Secrets/DummySecret --tags tag1=value1 tag2=value2. The parameter '--key' is required. It is used to key to be set. key cannot be a '.' or '..', or contain the '%' character.. The parameter '--secret-identifier' is required. It is used to id of the key vault object. can be found using 'az keyvault {collection} show' command, where collection is key, secret or certificate. to set reference to the latest version of your secret, remove version information from secret identifier.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, set the key with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_show'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv show --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a key value using app configuration name with a specific label and datetime', the syntax is: az appconfig kv show -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a key value using connection string with label', the syntax is: az appconfig kv show --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label MyLabel. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a key value using your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig kv show --key color --auth-mode login --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io. The parameter '--key' is required. It is used to key to be showed.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--datetime' is optional. format: "yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ssz". if no time zone specified, use utc by default.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, show entry with null label. filtering is not supported.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_kv'. This group of commands could 'manage key values stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_kv_unlock'.The syntax is: az appconfig kv unlock --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'unlock a key value using app configuration name', the syntax is: az appconfig kv unlock -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'force unlocking a key value using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig kv unlock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label test --yes. The parameter '--key' is required. It is used to key to be unlocked.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, unlock entry with null label. filtering is not supported.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/kv.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_replica'. This group of commands could 'manage replicas of an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_replica_create'.The syntax is: az appconfig replica create --location
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a new replica of an app configuration at a location', the syntax is: az appconfig replica create --store-name MyAppConfiguration --name MyReplicaName --location westus. The parameter '--location -l' is required. It is used to location at which to create the replica.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the replica of the app configuration.. The parameter '--store-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/replica.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_replica'. This group of commands could 'manage replicas of an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_replica_delete'.The syntax is: az appconfig replica delete --name
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a replica of an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig replica delete --store-name MyAppConfiguration --name MyReplicaName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the replica of the app configuration.. The parameter '--store-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/replica.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_replica'. This group of commands could 'manage replicas of an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_replica_list'.The syntax is: az appconfig replica list --store-name
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list replicas of an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig replica list --store-name MyAppConfiguration. The parameter '--store-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/replica.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_replica'. This group of commands could 'manage replicas of an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_replica_show'.The syntax is: az appconfig replica show --name
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show details of a replica of an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig replica show --store-name MyAppConfiguration --name MyReplicaName. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the replica of the app configuration.. The parameter '--store-name -s' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/replica.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_credential'. This group of commands could 'manage credentials for app configurations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_credential_list'.The syntax is: az appconfig credential list --name
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list access keys of an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig credential list -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/credential.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_credential'. This group of commands could 'manage credentials for app configurations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_credential_regenerate'.The syntax is: az appconfig credential regenerate --id
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'regenerate a read only access key for an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig credential regenerate -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --id 0-l0-s0:8ldbreMVH+d7EjaSUg3H. The parameter '--id' is required. It is used to id of the key to be regenerated. can be found using az appconfig credential list command.. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/credential.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_identity'. This group of commands could 'managed identities for app configurations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_identity_assign'.The syntax is: az appconfig identity assign --name
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'enable the system assigned identity for an existing app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig identity assign -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'assign a user assigned managed identity for an existing app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig identity assign -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTON ID>/resourcegroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity". The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'assign both system assigned and user assigned identities for an existing app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig identity assign -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities [system] "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTON ID>/resourcegroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity". The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--identities' is optional. accept system-assigned or user-assigned managed identities separated by spaces. use '[system]' to refer to system-assigned managed identity or a resource id to refer to user-assigned managed identity. if this argument is not provided or this argument is provided without any value, system-assigned managed identity will be used by default.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/identity.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_identity'. This group of commands could 'managed identities for app configurations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_identity_remove'.The syntax is: az appconfig identity remove --name
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove the system assigned identity from a app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig identity remove -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove a user assigned identity from a app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig identity remove -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTON ID>/resourcegroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myUserAssignedIdentity". The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'remove all identities from an app configuration', the syntax is: az appconfig identity remove -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration --identities [all]. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--identities' is optional. accept system-assigned or user-assigned managed identities separated by spaces. use '[system]' to refer to system-assigned managed identity, '[all]' for all managed identities or a resource id to refer user-assigned managed identity. if this argument is not provided or this argument is provided without any value, system-assigned managed identity will be removed by default.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/identity.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_identity'. This group of commands could 'managed identities for app configurations'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_identity_show'.The syntax is: az appconfig identity show --name
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'display managed identities for a task', the syntax is: az appconfig identity show -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppConfiguration. The parameter '--name -n' is required. It is used to name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/identity.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_delete'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature delete [--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a feature using app configuration name without confirmation', the syntax is: az appconfig feature delete -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --yes. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a feature using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig feature delete --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label MyLabel. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a feature using app configuration endpoint and your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig feature delete --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --auth-mode login. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a feature whose name is beta but key is appconfig featureflag myapp1 beta', the syntax is: az appconfig feature delete -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta --yes. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature to be deleted. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead. support star sign as filters, for instance * means all features and abc* means features with abc as prefix. comma separated features are not supported. please provide escaped string if your feature name contains comma.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. support star sign as filters, for instance ".appconfig.featureflag/*" means all features and ".appconfig.featureflag/abc*" means features with abc as prefix. comma separated features are not supported. please provide escaped string if your feature name contains comma.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, delete the feature flag with null label by default. support star sign as filters, for instance * means all labels and abc* means labels with abc as prefix.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_disable'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature disable [--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'disable a feature using app configuration name', the syntax is: az appconfig feature disable -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'force disabling a feature using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig feature disable --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'disable a feature whose name is beta but key is appconfig featureflag myapp1 beta', the syntax is: az appconfig feature disable -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature to be disabled. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, disable the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_enable'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature enable [--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'enable a feature using app configuration name', the syntax is: az appconfig feature enable -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'force enabling a feature using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig feature enable --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'enable a feature whose name is beta but key is appconfig featureflag myapp1 beta', the syntax is: az appconfig feature enable -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature to be enabled. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, enable the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_list'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature list [--all]
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--fields {conditions, description, key, label, last_modified, locked, name, state}]
[--top]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all feature flags', the syntax is: az appconfig feature list -n MyAppConfiguration. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all feature flags with null labels', the syntax is: az appconfig feature list -n MyAppConfiguration --label \0. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list a specific feature for any label start with v1 using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig feature list --feature color --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.*. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all features with any labels and query only key state and conditions', the syntax is: az appconfig feature list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --fields key state conditions. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list 150 feature flags with any labels', the syntax is: az appconfig feature list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --top 150. The 6th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list feature flags with multiple labels', the syntax is: az appconfig feature list --label test,prod,\0 -n MyAppConfiguration. The 7th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all features starting with myapp1', the syntax is: az appconfig feature list -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1*. The parameter '--all' is optional. list all feature flags.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature to be listed. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead. support star sign as filters, for instance * means all features and abc* means features with abc as prefix. comma separated features are not supported. please provide escaped string if your feature name contains comma.. The parameter '--fields' is optional. customize output fields for feature flags.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. support star sign as filters, for instance ".appconfig.featureflag/*" means all features and ".appconfig.featureflag/abc*" means features with abc as prefix. comma separated features are not supported. please provide escaped string if your feature name contains comma.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, list all labels. support star sign as filters, for instance * means all labels and abc* means labels with abc as prefix. use '\0' for null label.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--top -t' is optional. maximum number of items to return. must be a positive integer. default to 100.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_lock'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature lock [--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'lock a feature using app configuration name', the syntax is: az appconfig feature lock -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'force locking a feature using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig feature lock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'lock a feature whose name is beta but key is appconfig featureflag myapp1 beta', the syntax is: az appconfig feature lock -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature to be locked. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, lock the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_set'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature set [--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--requirement-type {all, any}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a feature flag with label mylabel', the syntax is: az appconfig feature set -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a feature flag with null label using connection string and set a description', the syntax is: az appconfig feature set --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --description "This is a colorful feature". The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a feature flag using your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig feature set --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --label MyLabel --auth-mode login. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'set a feature flag with name beta and custom key appconfig featureflag myapp1 beta', the syntax is: az appconfig feature set -n MyAppConfiguration --feature Beta --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--description' is optional. description of the feature flag to be set.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature flag to be set. feature name cannot contain the '%' character.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, set the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--requirement-type' is optional. requirement type determines if filters should use "any" or "all" logic when evaluating the state of a feature.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_show'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature show [--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--fields {conditions, description, key, label, last_modified, locked, name, state}]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a feature flag using app configuration name with a specific label', the syntax is: az appconfig feature show -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a feature flag using connection string and field filters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature show --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --fields key locked conditions state. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a feature flag using app configuration endpoint and your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig feature show --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --auth-mode login. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show a feature whose name is beta but key is appconfig featureflag myapp1 beta', the syntax is: az appconfig feature show -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature flag to be retrieved. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--fields' is optional. customize output fields for feature flags.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, show entry with null label. filtering is not supported.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature'. This group of commands could 'manage feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_unlock'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature unlock [--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'unlock a feature using app configuration name', the syntax is: az appconfig feature unlock -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label test. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'force unlocking a feature using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig feature unlock --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --label test --yes. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'unlock a feature whose name is beta but key is appconfig featureflag myapp1 beta', the syntax is: az appconfig feature unlock -n MyAppConfiguration --key .appconfig.featureflag/MyApp1:Beta. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature to be unlocked. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, unlock the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature_filter'. This group of commands could 'manage filters associated with feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_filter_add'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature filter add --filter-name
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add a filter for feature color with label mylabel with name myfilter and 2 parameters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter add -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --filter-parameters Name=\"Value\" Name2=\"Value2\". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'insert a filter at index 2 zero based index for feature color with label mylabel and filter name myfilter with no parameters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter add -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --index 2. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add a filter with name myfilter using connection string', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter add --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --filter-name MyFilter. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add a filter with name myfilter using app configuration endpoint and your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter add --endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --auth-mode login. The 5th example of the child command would be to use it to 'add a filter for feature color with label mylabel with name myfilter and array parameters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter add -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --filter-parameters ArrayParam=[1,2,3]. The parameter '--filter-name' is required. It is used to name of the filter to be added.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature to which you want to add the filter. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--filter-parameters' is optional. space-separated filter parameters in 'name[=value]' format. the value must be an escaped json string.. The parameter '--index' is optional. zero-based index in the list of filters where you want to insert the new filter. if no index is specified or index is invalid, filter will be added to the end of the list.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, add to the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature/filter.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature_filter'. This group of commands could 'manage filters associated with feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_filter_delete'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature filter delete [--all]
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a filter from a feature using app configuration name without confirmation', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter delete -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --yes. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete a filter from a feature when you have multiple filters with that same name', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter delete --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --index 2 --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete all filters of a feature using app configuration name without confirmation', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter delete -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --all --yes. The parameter '--all' is optional. delete all filters associated with a feature flag.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature from which you want to delete the filter. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--filter-name' is optional. name of the filter to be deleted.. The parameter '--index' is optional. zero-based index of the filter to be deleted in case there are multiple instances with same filter name.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, delete from the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature/filter.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature_filter'. This group of commands could 'manage filters associated with feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_filter_list'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature filter list [--all]
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--top]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all filters for feature flag color', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter list -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --all. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list 150 filters for feature flag color', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter list --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --top 150. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list all filters for feature flag color using your az login credentials', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter list --endpoint https://myappconfiguration.azconfig.io --feature color --all --auth-mode login. The parameter '--all' is optional. list all filters associated with a feature flag.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature whose filters you want to be displayed. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, display filters from the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--top -t' is optional. maximum number of items to return. must be a positive integer. default to 100.. | database/appconfig/feature/filter.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature_filter'. This group of commands could 'manage filters associated with feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_filter_show'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature filter show --filter-name
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--name]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show one unique feature filter when you have multiple filters with that same name', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter show -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --filter-name MyFilter --index 2. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show all instances of a feature filter when you have multiple filters with that same name', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter show --connection-string Endpoint=https://contoso.azconfig.io;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --feature color --filter-name MyFilter. The parameter '--filter-name' is required. It is used to name of the filter to be displayed.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature which contains the filter. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--index' is optional. zero-based index of the filter to be displayed in case there are multiple instances with same filter name.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, show the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. | database/appconfig/feature/filter.yml |
There is a command group 'az_appconfig_feature_filter'. This group of commands could 'manage filters associated with feature flags stored in an app configuration'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_appconfig_feature_filter_update'.The syntax is: az appconfig feature filter update --filter-name
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the filter for feature color with label mylabel with name myfilter and 2 parameters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter update -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --filter-parameters Name=\"Value\" Name2=\"Value2\". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the filter at index 2 zero based index for feature color with label mylabel with name myfilter and 2 parameters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter update -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --filter-parameters Name=\"Value\" Name2=\"Value2\" --index 2. The 3th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update a filter for feature color with label mylabel and filter name myfilter with no parameters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter update -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter. The 4th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update the filter for feature color with label mylabel with name myfilter and array parameters', the syntax is: az appconfig feature filter update -n MyAppConfiguration --feature color --label MyLabel --filter-name MyFilter --filter-parameters ArrayParam=[1,2,3]. The parameter '--filter-name' is required. It is used to name of the filter to be updated.. The parameter '--auth-mode' is optional. this parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. if the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. if the auth mode is "login", provide the store endpoint or store name and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. you can configure the default auth mode using `az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>`. for more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-app-configuration/concept-enable-rbac.. The parameter '--connection-string' is optional. combination of access key and endpoint of app configuration. can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. users can preset it using `az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>` or environment variable with the name azure_appconfig_connection_string.. The parameter '--endpoint' is optional. if auth mode is "login", provide endpoint url of the app configuration. the endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. you can configure the default endpoint using `az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>`.. The parameter '--feature' is optional. name of the feature whose filter you want to update. if the feature flag key is different from the default key, provide the `--key` argument instead.. The parameter '--filter-parameters' is optional. space-separated filter parameters in 'name[=value]' format. the value must be an escaped json string.. The parameter '--index' is optional. zero-based index of the filter to be updated in case there are multiple instances with same filter name.. The parameter '--key' is optional. key of the feature flag. key must start with the ".appconfig.featureflag/" prefix. key cannot contain the "%" character. if both key and feature arguments are provided, only key will be used. default key is the reserved prefix ".appconfig.featureflag/" + feature name.. The parameter '--label' is optional. if no label specified, update the feature flag with null label by default.. The parameter '--name -n' is optional. name of the app configuration. you can configure the default name using `az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/appconfig/feature/filter.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_workspace'. This group of commands could 'manage adp workspace'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_workspace_create'.The syntax is: az adp workspace create --name
[--direct-read-access {disabled, enabled}]
[--domain-name-scope {noreuse, resourcegroupreuse, subscriptionreuse, tenantreuse}]
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create workspace with 3 storage accounts with lrs sku', the syntax is: az adp workspaces create --name sample-ws --subscription sample-subscription --resource-group sample-rg --location westus3 --storage-account-count 3 --storage-sku name=Standard_LRS. The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create workspace with encryption', the syntax is: az adp workspace create --name sample-ws --resource-group sample-rg --location westus3 --encryption key-encryption-key-url=https://contosovault.vault.azure.net/keys/contosokek user-assigned-identity-resource-id=/subscriptions/<subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroup>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myId. The parameter '--name --workspace-name -n' is required. It is used to workspace name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--data-location' is optional. the workspace's data location. if not provided, defaults to the resource's location.. The parameter '--direct-read-access' is optional. enables direct data plane read access to the workspace's underlying azure resources according to azure rbac (thus bypassing the autonomous development platform's authorization systems).. The parameter '--domain-name-scope' is optional. the scope for the fqdn label generation. if not provided, defaults to tenantreuse.. The parameter '--encryption' is optional. the encryption configuration. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--identity' is optional. the managed service identities assigned to this resource. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. the geo-location where the resource lives when not specified, the location of the resource group will be used.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--source-resource-id' is optional. the arm id of the source resource that originated the data for this workspace.. The parameter '--storage-account-count' is optional. the amount of storage accounts provisioned per workspace. if not provided, defaults to 5.. The parameter '--storage-sku' is optional. the storage sku. if not provided, defaults to standard_zrs. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. resource tags. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. | database/adp/workspace.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_workspace'. This group of commands could 'manage adp workspace'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_workspace_delete'.The syntax is: az adp workspace delete [--ids]
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete workspace', the syntax is: az adp workspace delete --subscription sample-subscription --resource-group sample-rg --name sample-ws. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--name --workspace-name -n' is optional. workspace name.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/adp/workspace.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_workspace'. This group of commands could 'manage adp workspace'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_workspace_list'.The syntax is: az adp workspace list [--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'list workspaces in resource group', the syntax is: az adp workspace list --subscription sample-subscription --resource-group sample-rg. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/adp/workspace.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_workspace'. This group of commands could 'manage adp workspace'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_workspace_show'.The syntax is: az adp workspace show [--ids]
[--subscription]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'show workspace in resource group', the syntax is: az adp workspace show --subscription sample-subscription --resource-group sample-rg --name sample-ws. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--name --workspace-name -n' is optional. workspace name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. | database/adp/workspace.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_workspace'. This group of commands could 'manage adp workspace'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_workspace_update'.The syntax is: az adp workspace update [--add]
[--force-string {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'update workspace to 3 storage account', the syntax is: az adp workspace update --subscription sample-rg --resource-group sample-rg --workspace-name sample-ws --set properties.StorageAccountCount=3. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: --add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--identity' is optional. the managed service identities assigned to this resource. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--name --workspace-name -n' is optional. workspace name.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: --remove property.list <indextoremove> or --remove propertytoremove.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: --set property1.property2=<value>.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. resource tags. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. | database/adp/workspace.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_workspace'. This group of commands could 'manage adp workspace'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_workspace_wait'.The syntax is: az adp workspace wait [--created]
[--updated]. The parameter '--created' is optional. wait until created with 'provisioningstate' at 'succeeded'.. The parameter '--custom' is optional. wait until the condition satisfies a custom jmespath query. e.g. provisioningstate!='inprogress', instanceview.statuses[?code=='powerstate/running'].. The parameter '--deleted' is optional. wait until deleted.. The parameter '--exists' is optional. wait until the resource exists.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--interval' is optional. polling interval in seconds.. The parameter '--name --workspace-name -n' is optional. workspace name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--timeout' is optional. maximum wait in seconds.. The parameter '--updated' is optional. wait until updated with provisioningstate at 'succeeded'.. | database/adp/workspace.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account'. This group of commands could 'manage adp accounts'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_create'.The syntax is: az adp account create --account-name
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--tags]. The parameter '--account-name --name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. the geo-location where the resource lives.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. resource tags. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. | database/adp/account.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account'. This group of commands could 'manage adp accounts'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_delete'.The syntax is: az adp account delete [--account-name]
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--yes]. The parameter '--account-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/adp/account.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account'. This group of commands could 'manage adp accounts'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_list'.The syntax is: az adp account list [--resource-group]. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/adp/account.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account'. This group of commands could 'manage adp accounts'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_show'.The syntax is: az adp account show [--account-name]
[--subscription]. The parameter '--account-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. | database/adp/account.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account'. This group of commands could 'manage adp accounts'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_update'.The syntax is: az adp account update [--account-name]
[--force-string {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--tags]. The parameter '--account-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: --add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: --remove property.list <indextoremove> or --remove propertytoremove.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: --set property1.property2=<value>.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. resource tags. support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. | database/adp/account.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account'. This group of commands could 'manage adp accounts'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_wait'.The syntax is: az adp account wait [--account-name]
[--updated]. The parameter '--account-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--created' is optional. wait until created with 'provisioningstate' at 'succeeded'.. The parameter '--custom' is optional. wait until the condition satisfies a custom jmespath query. e.g. provisioningstate!='inprogress', instanceview.statuses[?code=='powerstate/running'].. The parameter '--deleted' is optional. wait until deleted.. The parameter '--exists' is optional. wait until the resource exists.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--interval' is optional. polling interval in seconds.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--timeout' is optional. maximum wait in seconds.. The parameter '--updated' is optional. wait until updated with provisioningstate at 'succeeded'.. | database/adp/account.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account_data pool'. This group of commands could 'manage adp data pool'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_data pool_create'.The syntax is: az adp account data-pool create --account-name
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--tags]. The parameter '--account-name' is required. It is used to the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--data-pool-name --name -n' is required. It is used to the name of the data pool.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--locations' is optional. gets or sets the collection of locations where data pool resources should be created support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. resource tags support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. | database/adp/account/data-pool.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account_data pool'. This group of commands could 'manage adp data pool'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_data pool_delete'.The syntax is: az adp account data-pool delete [--account-name]
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--yes]. The parameter '--account-name' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--data-pool-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the data pool.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/adp/account/data-pool.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account_data pool'. This group of commands could 'manage adp data pool'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_data pool_list'.The syntax is: az adp account data-pool list --account-name
--resource-group. The parameter '--account-name' is required. It is used to the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/adp/account/data-pool.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account_data pool'. This group of commands could 'manage adp data pool'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_data pool_show'.The syntax is: az adp account data-pool show [--account-name]
[--subscription]. The parameter '--account-name' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--data-pool-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the data pool.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. | database/adp/account/data-pool.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account_data pool'. This group of commands could 'manage adp data pool'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_data pool_update'.The syntax is: az adp account data-pool update [--account-name]
[--force-string {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
[--tags]. The parameter '--account-name' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--add' is optional. add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. example: --add property.listproperty <key=value, string or json string>.. The parameter '--data-pool-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the data pool.. The parameter '--force-string' is optional. when using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to json.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--locations' is optional. gets or sets the collection of locations where data pool resources should be created support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--remove' is optional. remove a property or an element from a list. example: --remove property.list <indextoremove> or --remove propertytoremove.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--set' is optional. update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. example: --set property1.property2=<value>.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. resource tags support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. try "??" to show more.. | database/adp/account/data-pool.yml |
There is a command group 'az_adp_account_data pool'. This group of commands could 'manage adp data pool'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_adp_account_data pool_wait'.The syntax is: az adp account data-pool wait [--account-name]
[--updated]. The parameter '--account-name' is optional. the name of the adp account.. The parameter '--created' is optional. wait until created with 'provisioningstate' at 'succeeded'.. The parameter '--custom' is optional. wait until the condition satisfies a custom jmespath query. e.g. provisioningstate!='inprogress', instanceview.statuses[?code=='powerstate/running'].. The parameter '--data-pool-name --name -n' is optional. the name of the data pool.. The parameter '--deleted' is optional. wait until deleted.. The parameter '--exists' is optional. wait until the resource exists.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--interval' is optional. polling interval in seconds.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--timeout' is optional. maximum wait in seconds.. The parameter '--updated' is optional. wait until updated with provisioningstate at 'succeeded'.. | database/adp/account/data-pool.yml |
There is a command group 'az_databoxedge_device'. This group of commands could 'manage device with databoxedge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_databoxedge_device_create'.The syntax is: az databoxedge device create --device-name
[--sku {edge, gateway, tea_1node, tea_1node_heater, tea_1node_ups, tea_1node_ups_heater, tea_4node_heater, tea_4node_ups_heater, tma}]
[--status {disconnected, maintenance, needsattention, offline, online, partiallydisconnected, readytosetup}]
[--tags]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'create a data box edge resource', the syntax is: az databoxedge device create --location "eastus" --sku "Edge" --name "testedgedevice" --resource-group "GroupForEdgeAutomation". The parameter '--device-name --name -n' is required. It is used to the device name.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is required. It is used to name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--description' is optional. the description of the data box edge/gateway device.. The parameter '--etag' is optional. the etag for the devices.. The parameter '--friendly-name' is optional. the data box edge/gateway device name.. The parameter '--location -l' is optional. location. values from: `az account list-locations`. you can configure the default location using `az configure --defaults location=<location>`.. The parameter '--model-description' is optional. the description of the data box edge/gateway device model.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--sku' is optional. the sku type.. The parameter '--status' is optional. the status of the data box edge/gateway device.. The parameter '--tags' is optional. space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. use "" to clear existing tags.. | database/databoxedge/device.yml |
There is a command group 'az_databoxedge_device'. This group of commands could 'manage device with databoxedge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_databoxedge_device_delete'.The syntax is: az databoxedge device delete [--device-name]
[--yes]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'delete the data box edge data box gateway device', the syntax is: az databoxedge device delete --name "testedgedevice" --resource-group "GroupForEdgeAutomation". The parameter '--device-name --name -n' is optional. the device name.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. The parameter '--yes -y' is optional. do not prompt for confirmation.. | database/databoxedge/device.yml |
There is a command group 'az_databoxedge_device'. This group of commands could 'manage device with databoxedge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_databoxedge_device_download update'.The syntax is: az databoxedge device download-update [--device-name]
[--subscription]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'download the updates on a data box edge data box gateway device', the syntax is: az databoxedge device download-update --name "testedgedevice" --resource-group "GroupForEdgeAutomation". The parameter '--device-name --name -n' is optional. the device name.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. | database/databoxedge/device.yml |
There is a command group 'az_databoxedge_device'. This group of commands could 'manage device with databoxedge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_databoxedge_device_install update'.The syntax is: az databoxedge device install-update [--device-name]
[--subscription]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'install the updates on the data box edge data box gateway device', the syntax is: az databoxedge device install-update --name "testedgedevice" --resource-group "GroupForEdgeAutomation". The parameter '--device-name --name -n' is optional. the device name.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. | database/databoxedge/device.yml |
There is a command group 'az_databoxedge_device'. This group of commands could 'manage device with databoxedge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_databoxedge_device_list'.The syntax is: az databoxedge device list [--expand]
[--resource-group]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get all the data box edge data box gateway devices in a resource group', the syntax is: az databoxedge device list --resource-group "GroupForEdgeAutomation". The 2th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get all the data box edge data box gateway devices in a subscription', the syntax is: az databoxedge device list. The parameter '--expand' is optional. specify $expand=details to populate additional fields related to the resource or specify $skiptoken=<token> to populate the next page in the list.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. | database/databoxedge/device.yml |
There is a command group 'az_databoxedge_device'. This group of commands could 'manage device with databoxedge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_databoxedge_device_scan for update'.The syntax is: az databoxedge device scan-for-update [--device-name]
[--subscription]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'scan for updates on a data box edge data box gateway device', the syntax is: az databoxedge device scan-for-update --name "testedgedevice" --resource-group "GroupForEdgeAutomation". The parameter '--device-name --name -n' is optional. the device name.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--no-wait' is optional. do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. | database/databoxedge/device.yml |
There is a command group 'az_databoxedge_device'. This group of commands could 'manage device with databoxedge'. The group of commands has global parameter '--debug' which means 'Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--help -h' which means 'Show this help message and exit.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--only-show-errors' which means 'Only show errors, suppressing warnings.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--output -o' which means 'Output format.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--query' which means 'JMESPath query string. See <a href="http://jmespath.org/">http://jmespath.org/</a> for more information and examples.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--subscription' which means 'Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s NAME_OR_ID`.'. The group of commands has global parameter '--verbose' which means 'Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.'. This group contains a child command 'az_databoxedge_device_show'.The syntax is: az databoxedge device show [--device-name]
[--subscription]. The 1th example of the child command would be to use it to 'get the properties of the data box edge data box gateway device', the syntax is: az databoxedge device show --name "testedgedevice" --resource-group "GroupForEdgeAutomation". The parameter '--device-name --name -n' is optional. the device name.. The parameter '--ids' is optional. one or more resource ids (space-delimited). it should be a complete resource id containing all information of 'resource id' arguments. you should provide either --ids or other 'resource id' arguments.. The parameter '--resource-group -g' is optional. name of resource group. you can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.. The parameter '--subscription' is optional. name or id of subscription. you can configure the default subscription using `az account set -s name_or_id`.. | database/databoxedge/device.yml |