Bernie will be 78 this year. For my sense of comfort, that's too old. I know what my grandfolks were like at that age - mentally, physically - and it's not a pretty picture. They're old Jews just like him. More importantly, I don't want my candidate to die in office. That said, it'll all depend on who his VP pick is. It should be someone that's young and can carry out that vision. If it's Beto, even Gillibrand, I'm 100% in. Beto is a neoliberal. My vote will go green if it’s a neoliberal.
But Bernie Sanders supporters told me CNN was bias and they only wanted Harris to have a town hall? Because Bernie definitely doesn't have a P.O.C. or women problem ... right?
As much as the discourse should be about policies and laws, I have difficulty getting behind another old white man to lead the US. fuck this pasty old commie bitch
Because Bernie definitely doesn't have a P.O.C. or women problem ... right? No he totally does. Off the top of my head he has his little rape fantasies that don’t sit too well with woman. Black people have said they like his policies but they don’t trust him and don’t feel he will represent their community. Black People Majority voted for Hillary in the primaries and many say that’s the main reason he lost.
It's ridiculous that you're being downvoted for this, I completely agree with you. It's because both sides don't want to listen to anything the other has to say.
Just got called a f*** re**** for saying Bernie is just too old. So I guess we're already back in 2016. We're in trouble. Homophobia is the ideal progressive rhetoric. You may not like it, but this is what peak liberalism looks like.
I got downvoted last week when I said this but damn it, I'll say it again: Bernie, you'll be 79 years old by the time the 2020 General Election happens in November. I liked you as a candidate in 2016, but that is just too old to be president. I'd be okay with you as someone else's running mate, though. Bernie's ego (or Russian ties?) wouldn't let him sit this out and not sow division within the democratic party
The audience booed on The View when Joy said Bernie was running. 😀😀 Not a surprise, most people don't like him.
So are you guys gonna fuck us again if Bernie loses to another Dem? Edit: Oh wow. Gonna take that as a yes. So just gonna say great fucking job getting the orange clown elected again. Trump over Warren for me tbh
Yeah replacing one mistake with another mistake is definitely not the answer. We need a rational human being who doesn’t over promise the world at the expense of others, but at the same time preaches social equality and financial responsibility. That's what I'm saying man. Nobody worth voting for has declared yet
Nope nope nope. Four years ago a lot of us kept our mouths shut out about the many and obvious reasons he'd be a terrible president. We got intimidated by the fury about how his opponent had been "coronated" ahead of any primaries (she hadn't), and how the deck was stacked against him (but he couldn't ever answer how it was that Obama overcame those exact same obstacles). People didn't vote for him in the primaries because he couldn't persuade them that he was capable of running the country, or at least that he would be *better* at the job than she would have been. People didn't vote for him in the primaries. People didn't vote for him. So go ahead and send him your last $27 if it makes you happy, but the same thing is going to happen again. Yeah I only see this ending badly tbh
Nope nope nope. Four years ago a lot of us kept our mouths shut out about the many and obvious reasons he'd be a terrible president. We got intimidated by the fury about how his opponent had been "coronated" ahead of any primaries (she hadn't), and how the deck was stacked against him (but he couldn't ever answer how it was that Obama overcame those exact same obstacles). People didn't vote for him in the primaries because he couldn't persuade them that he was capable of running the country, or at least that he would be *better* at the job than she would have been. People didn't vote for him in the primaries. People didn't vote for him. So go ahead and send him your last $27 if it makes you happy, but the same thing is going to happen again. God bless that they didn’t Fuck Bernard. He’s a left version of Trump; no *actual* experience, full of empty promises, and a wannabe despot
Bernie supporters being little shits the last couple years have tarnished the brand. Such this.
Author nails it on Bernie.. "...That led me to more research. I concluded that the fact that Sanders only got [three bills through Congress (two of which were for naming post offices) wasn’t the only meaningful measure, so I looked at the legislation he introduced during his senate career. It turns out that, every year, year after year, he introduced the same legislation to make a point, and no one else ever seems to have signed on to it. To me, this looked like showmanship rather than governance — an exercise designed to highlight his own support for a very progressive agenda. The hard work is to draft a bill that your co-legislators can get behind, in the political climate that exists and in the place where you work. I concluded that Sanders was less interested in actually accomplishing anything than he was in staging protests where he could claim some kind of moral high ground, not interested in getting in the weeds and doing anything to actually achieve his goals within the Congress he worked in. This research put Sanders’ supposedly pristine progressive agenda in perspective: it is very easy to maintain that agenda if you never make the hard choices necessary to get things done. Classic protester — yet handily collecting his $200,000 pay check and his lifetime of benefits while doing little to enact actual progressive policies to improve people’s lives." Nailed it! Bernie Sanders = BS Yep. All talk. Zero action.
I think he's gonna split the Liberal vote and give the election to Trump. Yup. I think he is arragant as hell for doing this.
That's what I'm saying man. Nobody worth voting for has declared yet And you're opinion is obviously valuable. ​ NOT!
As much as I think Sanders has good intentions and means well, I feel like he is more a man of equity rather than equality. Some of his policies are unrealistic and he panders to only a small section of society. Couldnt agree more. I like the guy somewhat but you nailed it.
As much as I think Sanders has good intentions and means well, I feel like he is more a man of equity rather than equality. Some of his policies are unrealistic and he panders to only a small section of society. I honestly don't know if he means well though. He can't believe in what he believes and genuinely think that he won't destroy America. It would be an annihilation from the inside out.
He is just taking your donations and losing, just like last time. You would have to be a pretty big fool to donate to this man. He's not just losing. He's losing the election for the Democrats too.
He has an obnoxious habit of campaigning on popular policies, rather than just telling people to eat their slop and like it. For some reason, some people on /r/Libertarian refuse to get in fucking line and shout "Socialism Killed 100M People!" when a left-lib proposes policies they've been rallying around for decades. “Left Libertarian” is an oxymoron.
Guess Trump gets another term. pretty much. The Democratic party seriously needs some out of the blue candidate to take on Trump. When you saw Kamala Harris stumble on a question she's going to get eaten up in a debate against Trump. Community Bernie? If the economy is booming leading into the election, no way America diverts from that path. FACT. Warren? Can you seriously picture her negotiating with world leaders. Shultz seems like the only non crazy one
Bernie! BErnie! BERnie! BERNie! BERNIe! BERNIE! $27 donated an hour ago. Edit: Racists are scared! Wahhhh! Trumps a traitor! Wahhh! And misogynists are happy!
It doesn't highlight shit. This example actually highlights the opposite, because she could have used WordPress or SquareSpace or any of the hundreds of Wix alternatives out there. OH SHNAPS. A LOGICAL PERSON IN /R/ISRAEL?
Because Bernie stands for equality. He's not very good about racial equality. He makes sure only to discuss it in the context of wealth inequality. There's a reason, I think, that he fled the cities for Lilly White Vermont...
I can't vote for a Hillary type. I need a real progressive who can get in there and turn this shitboat country around with some new deal level policy. I'd rather see the country vote in some Trump level turd (hey maybe even Trump!) and spend 4 years in world stage timeout, thinking about what we've done, than have some fake ass Democrat putt-putting around the White House doing fuck all to enact real change. Big swinging progressive dick or 4 more years. This. I like Trump in office breaking everything. Nothing is going to fix the problem of government shutdowns, executive orders, and emergency walls faster than a term or two of Trump. Let him run the country off the rails, the idiot politicians can't agree on policy unless it's broken and embarrassingly obvious to the lowest common denominator voter.
I can't vote for a Hillary type. I need a real progressive who can get in there and turn this shitboat country around with some new deal level policy. I'd rather see the country vote in some Trump level turd (hey maybe even Trump!) and spend 4 years in world stage timeout, thinking about what we've done, than have some fake ass Democrat putt-putting around the White House doing fuck all to enact real change. Big swinging progressive dick or 4 more years. Yep! Don’t let them gaslight you. If Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard aren’t the nominee, I’m voting for Stein or Trump
Hasn't he already been shown to have ties to russia? This guy is the 2010s Ross Perot. He latches on to ideals that, while worthy, are not currently on enough politicians radars to have a chance and all he really does is dilute/divide the voting base. Perot knew when to quit and hit the talk show circles. Bernie not so much. Bernie voted against Russian Sanctions twice and abstained during the most recent vote. Tad Devine is his Chief campaign strategist who has ties to Russia and Paul Manafort. The Russians boosted only 3 campaigns in 2016, Trump, Stein and Bernie. Bernie has deep connections to soviet Russia. His rhetoric is divisive and he continued to campaign in the primaries even after it was clear he would lose. Bernie Supporters will say this is all a “nothing-burger”.
\*Clears throat\* White privilege and the wage gap are myths, Democrats are equally as corrupt as Republicans, Russians did not sway the election results and there was no collusion, Guns are not the problem and more Gun laws won't work, and Capitalism is not perfect but superior to Socialism (which doesn't work). Just because you don't like the truth doesn't mean its false. Have nice day!! 100% this
My guess would be not immediately bending the knee and allowing the coronation ceremony to continue uninterrupted after Super Tuesday. I'm not sure if its common knowledge or if i sound like a conspiracy theorist, but was the nomination not kind of stolen from him? If that was the case, it doesn't seem like he acted that poorly.
Fundraising was was easier for Sanders in 2016 then attracting primary voters. Because rubles counted.
I love Bernie, I really do... but I think the Dem best chance is Beto o'Rouke (? Sp). I agree with Bernie's Dem Socialist policies, but I don't think the bulk of the Dem base is ready for that... and he might scare off some? Unless there's something I don't know about Beto? ...otherwise, I think he will nail Trump in 2020. Context: I am South African. Beto is corrupt and has completely abandoned the progressive base.
It’s all irrelevant anyway, Bernie will not win. He couldn't even beat Hillary, much less Trump...
Look at all of the downvoted comments. Socialist and leftists are out in droves downvoting everything they disagree with. That's how reddit works. Gotta understand this posted 4h, where if we got be EST time, most people are starting work, 4h later the western states should be starting or at work, most of those people who voted bernie are unemployed.
> a bid aimed in part at denouncing Iran over its human rights record. This is key. There was no effort to combat criminalization of homosexuality when Chechnya literally put gay people in labor camps. That stood out to me too. The whole "but muslims throw gays off roofs" tactic to disrupt LGBTQ and Muslim progressive intersectionality. ​ I'm not buying it for a second.
That's how reddit works. Gotta understand this posted 4h, where if we got be EST time, most people are starting work, 4h later the western states should be starting or at work, most of those people who voted bernie are unemployed. Good point. I forgot that most socialists don’t have jobs.
A lot of those young Bernie supporters of 2016 have finished their education, entered the work force, seen how inefficiently the government spends taxes taken from their paychecks, and wised up to not support his policies in 2020. This is my exact story.
Do you want 4 more years of Trump, because this is how you get 4 more years of Trump. i mean, i do, lol. this was awesome news for me this morning!
Yes...he's such a homophobe https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/430591-administration-plans-push-to-end-criminalization-of-homosexuality You're not going to win with these whiny losers....
Think he’ll mess up the Dems again? Seems like his goal.
Democrat leadership, do not fuck up. Nominating Bernie would be a colossal mistake. He's an outspoken socialist, there's no way he wins a general. Put up a standard Democrat. Right now is the WRONG TIME to attempt to nominate a socialist candidate. Edit: are you guys even thinking??? Do you have any idea how easy it will be to get boomers out in droves to vote against a socialist???? As much as I love Bernie it’s true. :(
But is it actually true? 😂😂😂
But is it actually true? Clearly you’re gutted the terrorist can’t come home but it’s probably time to stop clutching at straws
Hope they have fun converting the White House into a geriatric ward. How many stair lifts will they need to install? For real, he's too old. Everyone's mental faculties deteriorate with age, not to mention physical health. He's too old, too disconnected, too divisive. He's done and said many questionable things in the past. He's not the messiah the brocialists would like to believe he is. He will never be president, though I'm sure Americans will take whatever they can get at this point, after Trump. But it’s his turn!!!
Parroted apologetics don't account for the paper trail of financial tit for tat. Hillary, working with Frank Giustra in Kazakhstan, where they were using imported Mongolian forced labor, and "persuaded" the CEO of Kazatomprom to give up the rights to "Uranium One", where the CEO was arrested for corruption, as a result. https://i.imgur.com/HNoyznm.jpg Most of this is already confirmed by the New York Times in their infamous article... https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain. A lot of people call the New York Times liars, but there article is supported by a lot of direct evidence in the form of signed documents. They then, repeated the same process in multiple countries, while other (seemingly British) agents were doing similar deals around the world. The underpinning theme being bribes and coercion for uranium. While John Podesta was taking money from Joule and The Podesta Group was taking money from Troika Dialog, millions were pouring in from Russian channels to the Clinton Foundation and CGI. https://i.imgur.com/gUq568m.png https://i.imgur.com/z1nFAcS.png https://soprweb.senate.gov/index.cfm?event=getFilingDetails&filingID=0a81a759-8815-40cf-96ec-b778bd2b49b2&filingTypeID=1 https://i.imgur.com/L5ggzCO.png Then, orchestrating through the 7th Floor Group, "pay for play" and trading favors is how Hillary Clinton "unilaterally" (with the help of other corrupt officials) enabled Rosatom to control a great deal more uranium. Also, consent of the public was acquired through maniupating the media as exposed in a number of independent sources, as well. David Brock, who was being blackmailed through all of this, runs Media Matters, Correct the Record, Shareblue and other shill farms that are paid for by the Podestas, who were getting paid by the Russians. Why not make a post about this where you clarify this and get it more attention. I had no clue and it sucks to find such important information at the bottom of threads
Stupid, considering the alt right are the actual danger in this country. [hannibal-buress.gif](https://66.media.tumblr.com/77c4fe120b1a4cd7c55974776af74cb0/tumblr_oizlz0lvE61rrkahjo1_500.gif)
Trump needs to go. Nope, just you. EDIT: sure, but you need to check replies before you edit your comment and make others look like idiots.
Fucking great. This pretty much guarantees another 4 years of Trump. Sanders either won't win the primary and his fanatical supporters will refuse to support the democratic candidate, or he will win the primary somehow and his "rape letters" and "HE'S A COMMUNIST" talk will easily make him a no-go for the majority of the country Bernie Sanders is a fool for doing this if he thinks he's looking out for anybody but himself. He is harming the Democratic Party and the country by running again You’re going to get a lot of downvotes, but you’re right
What is his plan for reducing the deficit and debt? Serious curious. Edit: this question gets downvoted? I’m a Canadian liberal who is concerned that at some point the US debt may end up crashing the global economy. I don’t see it as a partisan issue. Surely some level of debt is unsustainable - ie when payments to service the debt take up an insane amount of annual tax revenue? Also, isn’t the majority of spending on entitlements? How does it help working class and poor Americans if the debt eats up an unmanageable amount of government revenue and/or destabilizes the global economy? Blaming the 1% and raising the debt $32.6 Trillion to fund his universal healthcare program.
Fucking great. This pretty much guarantees another 4 years of Trump. Sanders either won't win the primary and his fanatical supporters will refuse to support the democratic candidate, or he will win the primary somehow and his "rape letters" and "HE'S A COMMUNIST" talk will easily make him a no-go for the majority of the country Bernie Sanders is a fool for doing this if he thinks he's looking out for anybody but himself. He is harming the Democratic Party and the country by running again someone who has bothered to look into Bernie's past a little! Thank you because the rape letters are just the surface of how bad it gets
Of course. This story could easily have been titled: American plan to sell nuclear power plant design to Saudi halted Lord, I knew it. Thanks.
Cool :) a good policy to persue. Can't see anyone being against this.. Neither could I!! Expect for my karma is now plummeting and all these other comments are incredibly rude?? How can something so positive and uplifting still get such a negative review? this post currently sits at -12 votes and I’m baffled how lmao
I like Sanders and I wish him the best. I don't want him to win though. People seem to be forgetting that Democrats will likely not take the senate (or hold only the barest of majorities if they do and I can't see any of his policies getting even 50 votes (accounting for Manchin, Sinema and other red state Democrats). The revolution can wait, I just want politics to cool off a bit... Edit: Yup, can already tell this is gonna be a long primary -\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_- yeah, because nobody wants america to be venezuela
Congrats to donald trump on his re-election Yep. The left have pushed so far towards socialism that republicans who are disillusioned with Trump will still vote from Trump rather than a socialist.
Stupid, considering the alt right are the actual danger in this country. I'd also put my money on the right-wing militia-type preppers to be the ones to start shit.
I'd also put my money on the right-wing militia-type preppers to be the ones to start shit. They tend to go hand in hand for sure. The amount of downvotes my post got makes me laugh.
Stupid, considering the alt right are the actual danger in this country. You’re right. The majority of deadly terrorist attacks since 9/11 come from people on the right. It’s common knowledge.
Stupid, considering the alt right are the actual danger in this country. Those downvotes. Most terrorist attacks are down by islamic extremists and right-wing lunatics. This sub is made up of a lot of those alt-right loons, so it's natural they don't like to hear that they're the real danger. A lot of which own probably one gun that they can barley use. Source: https://www.cato.org/blog/terrorism-deaths-ideology-charlottesville-anomaly
Literally every time the topic turns to Bernie or they interview a guest about Bernie, Lovett’s in charge. The man basically single-handedly moved the Democrats’ platform to the left, and now Tommy and Jon still won’t give him his due. Gutless
That's why I prefer Bernie. He's always talking policy and it's easy to know where he stands. Harris had a weird announcement video, like she barely even touched policy. She’s a corporate democrat that dresses herself in Bernie’s robes
Here comes Bernie to run a nasty campaign which will discredit whoever eventually wins the nomination. Now that I said that, I'm done with what happened in 2016 and will support whoever wins the nomination, but Sanders entering the race really worries me overall about the democrats chances to win back a lot of the moderate vote that won Trump the election... Give me President Hickenlooper EDIT: Got to love getting blasted for disliking Grandpa Sanders Lmao will support whoever wins the nomination, thats milktoast as hell bro. I would not support a number of the dem 2020 hopefuls
This is a non-story, please delete and silence it Well, at least you guys are being honest about your intentions to censor everything you don't like.
It's like the gofundme wall.... but with Bernie! ^^^^downvote ^at ^will Bernie doesn't give refunds.
Hah your attempt at imitating a republican is hilarious. Literally no republican acts like this. You are so out of touch. The left cannot meme It's ridiculous. Democrats have blocked any attempt to close the gun show loophole because it doesn't include a 90's era rifle ban, and they have the gall to say that Kyle Kashuv wants "no change."
You do know why he banned trans people from military, right? Because they're mentally ill and have a 45% suicide rate?
Personally, I feel like Bernie elected would be disastrous. While he has some fantastic ideas (Coming from a Republican here) like free college or free healthcare, (who doesn't love free things) he has no evidence/paper backing to prove he could do these things. He hasn't really given any set in stone way of paying for, say, medicare for all, except raising taxes. The US government makes \~6.5 Trillion in tax revenue as of now, (per year) and with a guesstimated cost of 32.6 Trillion over 10 years, that would mean an increase of almost 3.25 Trillion dollars in taxes needed to be raised. Bernie mostly seems to want the rich to pay for this through higher taxes, but also wants to cut taxes from middle and lower class America - which will cost money. Personally, I see no way that Bernie's plans could actually work out, but if you do, please explain it to me. I may be missing some information, and would love to discuss it in replies. <3 Edit: I am aware that this is early in his new campaign, but he has mentioned this for quite a long time. I also know that he addressed it back in 2016, but there wasn't (as far as I'm aware) any where that called for how it would work giving numbers projected of how he would make the money. Also, sorry I can't respond to everyone quickly. I have a time limit on replies since every time I post here, it gets downvoted. if you're a republican, you should be probably wish for Bernie to be elected, if it were anyone but Trump. His policies would absolutely bomb and it would be the last time this country votes in a true leftist. Kamala Harris will, like Obama, blame others for her low GDP growth, hide behind racism, and whip the media to cover for her, like when Krugman kept saying we now live in a 'low-growth' world when Obama couldn't get the economy above 1% growth
Q is a stupid psy-op Q looks like it's designed to trick boomers and make them think everything is going exactly to plan. Reality is much more chaotic. Having a false sense of security is very counterproductive.
Bernie wins or we riot Edit: welp, I guess it's actually Bernie wins or I riot Agreed. Women and minorities have been allowed to have their votes count for far too long! Because they pushed Clinton to an insurmountable lead early on. So yeah, let's mthreaton violence if their votes count again!
maybe he shouldn't have been a racist asshat if he didn't want his face all over the news Standing=racist I guess
This sub makes me wish I voted trump Don't worry this sub and other regressive left peps are going to make sure we have trump again in 2020...
He's wearing a modern day Klan hood/hat, so that alone is enough. That’s just silly
No. Are you too dumb for this? Bernie Bro snowflake detected.
Not only is Bernie not the only one who can beat trump, I'm sincerely worried that he's one of the only ones who can divide the democratic party enough that we lose to trump again. The only thing Bernie can do is elect Trump. They're two sides of the same overrated coin.
I have to say I'm extremely meh on Bernie this time around. Given the all the shady astro-turfing that happened in 2016, it's hard for me not to roll my eyes at this resurgence in Berniedom. Especially given the shitty behavior of r/WayOfTheBern, etc. I’m with you. I was all about Bernie in 2016, but I’m actually somewhat disappointed he’s running. Something just tells me the left needs a younger (yes, I said it), exciting, and fresh candidate. I feel like he’d be more important if he held out and simply gave a strong endorsement to someone (Kamala Harris, for example). He still has a solid base (and don’t get me wrong, I still love Bernie) and that could really do a lot for a solid, progressive, democratic candidate if he went about it right. Again, love Bernie, just don’t think his time as a Dem. Pres. candidate is done.
This sub is going to be a bernie bro gang bang jerk off fest pretty soon. Every article will be how awesome bernie is and how much of a corporate shill the other candidates are. I love Bernie's politics. I think hes an awesome human being and would be so great for the future welfare of the country. However, hes so far to the socialist left that he wouldn't be able to pull many swing votes from center leaning Republicans, and I worry that if he faces anyone but trump he runs the risk of screwing it up for everyone. I'm not saying we need a moderate, because it entirely depends on who else is running on the Republican side. Voters already know what they'd be getting with Bernie.
It's kind of a big deal though because it literally just happened with the kid in the MAGA hat. It sort of happened with Kavanaugh too. False accusations and trial by media are not something we need in America. Unless you want to live in an Orwellian dystopia which it looks like half of you want to, come to think of it. Democrats are going to lose in 2020 unless you all keep your collective witch hunt boner in your pants They LOVE the witch hunts. They would rather lose the election than act like decent, sincere human beings.
What is wrong with you?! Leftist fantasy. He’s not going to hurt anyone, don’t worry.
Yes, the dehumanizing of peoples, the intimidation, silencing and death threats of political opponents, the orators with charisma (and propaganda), the controlled media, the constant protest of the “other,” the desolation of businesses owned by political opponents, the denouncing of god and religion, the stripping of rights, and the raging anti-capitalists. These are the traits of the nazi party—AND TODAY’S LIBERAL WING OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The Left always resorts to violence and the de-humanizing of their opponents. It makes it easier for them when they organize the mass murder of those who dare to go against their propaganda. Mao would be very proud of the comments here.
It's kind of ironic how people said this would happen in 2016... but it was the dems doing all of the above! Exactly! An when Trump wins in 2020 they will cry so much. The anticipation is so exciting. Imagine a great big wall, of tears...
I don’t like Trump either but calling other senators seems normal. My co-workers and I sometimes call and chat about movies and tv shows.... Ut oh, we got one who doesn’t follow the hysteria boys. Look out voltron, the dems don’t like critical thinkers.
Can anybody tell me the legislative accomplishments of Bernie during his 28 years in Congress? He started the Bernie or Bust movement and got Trump elected.
He started the Bernie or Bust movement and got Trump elected. That's not cool! You'd think his fans wouldn't want to do that again.
I call bs on Bernie because he’s a millionaire with multiple homes railing against capitalism. I don’t see or hear about him giving away his money or opening up his homes to undocumented Democrats. And Elizabeth Warren , hold on a sec while I grab a beer, comes across as such a phony individual. She appropriated another culture to give herself an advantage she did not deserve. PREACH brotha
Well get ready for Trump 2020 then bozo. You’ve got nothing. If you had Bob M would have leaked it 18 months ago This. If Trump was such a danger to our country and an agent of Russia, and they had even a shred of evidence to stop him, they would do it immediately. It's ridiculous to assume they would just sit there and do nothing if he was a Russia "agent". He's not. That's why they don't have anything. Comparing this to Watergate is just a lame excuse. They are not the same. Watergate was a guy covering up some spying on another campaign. Here they are accusing the president of being an agent of another country. It's like comparing apples and space rocks. Trump is not a foreign agent, thus they don't have any evidence of him being one - for if they did they'd cuff him and haul him off immediately. Or do the people in this sub supporting this ridiculous conspiracy believe that Mueller has evidence and is just "waiting for the right time" while Trump acts on behalf of Russia and shares all our top secret information with them? Do people here realize how stupid that sounds? Nope. No they don't. They completely believe the Russia conspiracy theory. Crazy.
Hopefully he’s more than half the man Rosenstein was Rosenstein, aka the guy who wrote a memo advocating for firing Comey that didn't even pass the most cursory of smell tests?
Its different because they don't like what the Post published Libertarians: actually, men with guns should steal money from people we don't like and lock them up
It's sad Sanders had to watch his world of Socialism completely collapse since then. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro and all his Communist buddies are dead, but Bolshevik Bernie still bitterly clings to his Marx and Lenin like they were lifeboats. I wonder what he does on the anniversaries of their deaths? Maybe he has mannequins of them and cooks them a nice dinner with a homemade cake
> critical light on the idea of a "self made" person, someone who came from modest roots and became very wealthy because of their own hard work. And yet [62% of American billionaires are self made](https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/269593). No doubt starting with a decent level of support is very important, but the idea that there is permanent class of "wealthy people" is the US is also a myth. Edit: Here is a link to [the actual report](https://www.wealthx.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Wealth-X_Billionaire_Census_2018.pdf), and the [The New York Times quoting it](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/19/your-money/where-the-billionaires-come-from.html), and a [different forbes study with a 69% figure (of top-400)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2014/10/02/the-new-forbes-400-self-made-score-from-silver-spooners-to-boostrappers/#55421d972aff) further sad proof that truereddit is now a socialist circlejerk. You can disagree with this dude, but downvote to oblivion? This is clearly a real opinion that deserves real counter-points. If you come here just to feel validated about your ideology, why not just stick to /r/latestagecapitalism?
He thought it was a line for bread That's where his love for state run programs began
Bernie is also in Russia's pocket. He voted no on the Magnitsky Act. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=112&session=2&vote=00223 Also, this:https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/02/16/bernie-sanders-russia-2016-election-interference-415691 and this: https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/348051002 EDIT: Wow, Reddit really doesn't like facts. How about this one? Bernie spent his honeymoon in Russia. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2016-02-11/how-bernie-sanders-spent-his-soviet-honeymoon https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/02/bernie-sanders-foreign-policy/470019/ Let’s not forget staying in the race long after he had no shot of winning so that his cult stayed riled up and angry. Bernie sold out America for his 15 minutes of pop culture stardom.
He thought it was a line for bread Haha we get so much hate for having a sense of humor
Read some Marx while you’re at it ;) Maybe get citizenship to Nicaragua since Bernie wants to turn the US into them. You can have a taste of his policies a little bit before the election. https://streamable.com/uyz6l
Let’s see which scare tactic post is going to reach the top of all for the 9 AM propaganda push. This one? Or the one about Russia? This one was pushed last night, so they’ll probably double down and get the morning people on the same story. So expect to see this sitting in the top five of all by around 930 It a conspiracy. Imagine people wanting to engage a story that details trumps failures and disloyal behavior. No one would because that's boring so any attention this is getting is obvs v fake and v shills paid by soros. Lol libs trying to take Reddit and manipulate but you can't manipulate Trump is president and v the best never did a bad thing
>God I wish I could vote SNP in England. You really don't. Listen to FMQs and you'll see how truly terrible she is. She sounds and looks like an annoying schoolgirl who's too pleased with herself
If you can't afford to live in a certain area, perhaps you should move to where you can afford. Absolutely!! there is no right to live in one of the most expensive cities in the country/world.
Eating its own And it'll start happening more and more as the left continues to move to their fringe at an exponential rate. I'm sorry AOC but what does this have to do with you? They are a private company who hired someone whose been in politics to, dare I say it, cover politics. She's never spoken out about this before. As long as they claim moral superiority above anyone who disagrees with them the left will fail to see the hypocrisy. It's all justified in their eyes.
Why haven't they done a bunch of headlines like this about anyone else's fundraising? I suppose this is relevant. The corporate media is in the bag for bernie! I'm sure that's what the non stop coverage of him means. Guess that makes him establishment then.
'But people with money will leave the country' :( And go where? This is a great country and going anywhere else will be a major downgrade.
"Yeah, come on. We're only \*joking\* about gassing Jews, not actually doing it. Stupid libs." The Dems are the antisemites.
This meme is straight up a lie. Taxes were 25% in 1920s. 1950s was wartime. 1980s was Reagan taxcuts. Facts are a biatch for anyone who thinks AOC knows her ass from her elbow. lol at the comments telling you "You're right, but also here's how you're actually wrong.."
lol at the comments telling you "You're right, but also here's how you're actually wrong.." Lol glad someone else noticed that. I’ve lost like 2k karma since I’ve started my crusade against /r/politicalhumor ‘s misinformation campaign. Amazing how simple truths get bombarded by downvotes here.