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what three criteria are used to determine whether a tree is a national champion?
A tree's size is based on a formula that includes trunk diameter (measured 4-and-a-half feet above the ground), height, and the average spread of the crown, or upper branches. From these three measurements, a point value is assigned to each tree, and the trees with the most points are named champions.
Were you at Tom and Mary's wedding?
Вы были на свадьбе Тома и Мэри?
The mechanism of the NR-23 was scaled up to produce the more powerful NR-30 30 mm gun used in the MiG-19 and some marks of the MiG-21.
NR-23:n mekanismia kehitettiin valmistettaessa voimakkaampi 30 mm NR-30 -tykki, jota käytettiin MiG-19-koneessa ja joissakin MiG-21-malleissa.
He is buying the computer.
Hän ostaa tietokoneen.
Lemieux was never interested in making a bid to join the Canadian Olympic boxing team which was woefully under-supported in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.
Lemieux n'a jamais été intéressé à faire une offre pour se joindre à l'équipe canadienne de boxe olympique qui a été terriblement sous-financée à l'approche des Jeux olympiques de Beijing.
Despite the competition, Harley-Davidson was already pulling ahead of Indian and would dominate motorcycle racing after 1914.
प्रतिस्पर्धा के बावजूद, हार्ले-डेविडसन पहले ही इंडियन से आगे निकल चुका था और 1914 के बाद मोटरसाइकिल रेसिंग में हावी हो गया।
It uses dark green, medium green and dark gray in order to blend in with the typical European forest terrain and was used from the 1980s to the early 1990s.
Aquest esquema barrejava verd fosc, verd mitjà i gris fosc amb la finalitat de mimetitzar-se en el típic terreny boscós europeu, i va ser usat des dels anys 1980 fins a mitjan 1990.
An only child, Jones is a Baptist who began singing at the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church at age five.
Sebagai anak tunggal, Jones adalah seorang Baptis yang mulai bernyanyi di Gereja Baptis Misionaris Gunung Zion pada usia lima tahun.
Cần Thơ
Can Tho
During the revolutionary period, Marie-Aurore decided to acquire a property far away from Paris.
Au cours de la période révolutionnaire, Marie-Aurore de Saxe décide d'acquérir une propriété et aussi éloignée que possible des évènements parisiens.
1980–81 Cypriot Third Division
Giải bóng đá hạng ba quốc gia Cộng hòa Síp 1980–81
Tom and Mary say this will be the last time they do that.
Tom und Maria sagten, sie täten’s zum letzten Mal.
It is a loose remake-cum-prequel to the 1980 film of the same name directed by Sisworo Gautama Putra.
Es una nueva versión-precuela​ de la suelta la película de 1980 del mismo nombre dirigida por Sisworo Gautama Putra.
What makes up cooperative cultural studies?
In the context of cultural studies, the idea of a text includes not only written language, but also films, photographs, fashion or hairstyles: the texts of cultural studies comprise all the meaningful artifacts of culture.[citation needed] Similarly, the discipline widens the concept of "culture". "Culture" for a cultural-studies researcher not only includes traditional high culture (the culture of ruling social groups) and popular culture, but also everyday meanings and practices. The last two, in fact, have become the main focus of cultural studies. A further and recent approach is comparative cultural studies, based on the disciplines of comparative literature and cultural studies.[citation needed]
As early as October 27, Mexican president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna had been preparing to quell the unrest in Texas.
С 27 октября президент Мексики Антонио Лопес де Санта-Анна готовился к подавлению беспорядков в Техасе.
Annual production had by now grown from 500,000 vehicles in 1973 to 965,000 in 1978, when Chrysler began selling the Galant as the Dodge Challenger and the Plymouth Sapporo.
Do tego momentu roczna produkcja wzrosła już od 500 tys. sztuk w 1973 roku do 965 tys. w 1978 roku, gdy Chrysler uruchomił sprzedaż modeli Galant (jako Dodge Challenger) oraz Plymouth Sapporo.
Pianist Herbie Hancock, twenty-three years old at the time, later described the psychological pressure on the quintet: "That was my first time playing at the Philharmonic Hall and that was, like, a big deal, because the new Carnegie Hall was the Philharmonic Hall.
Пианист Херби Хэнкок, которому тогда было двадцать три года, позже описал психологическое давление на квинтет: «Это был мой первый концерт в Филармоническом зале, и это было грандиозно, потому что новый Карнеги-холл и был Филармоническим залом.
Within each origin, numerous unrelated lineages exist, especially for patronymics.
Dentro de cada origen, existen numerosos linajes no relacionados, especialmente entre los apellidos patronímicos.
When DSN appears, the GDG name appears along with the history number, where (0) is the most recent version (-1), (-2), ... are previous generations (+1) a new generation (see DD) Another use of GDGs is to be able to address all generations simultaneously within a JCL script without having to know the number of currently available generations.
Als DSN erscheint der GDG-Name zusammen mit der Historien-Nummer, wobei (0) die jüngste, aktuelle Version ist (-1), (-2), ... die nächst älteren Generationen sind (+1) eine neue Generation anlegt (siehe DD) Eine weitere Möglichkeit der Verwendung von GDGs liegt in der Möglichkeit, alle Generationen gleichzeitig innerhalb einer JCL anzusprechen, ohne dass dazu die Anzahl der aktuell vorhandenen Generationen bekannt sein muss.
me bored too-so bored i aint using no good grammar
If you are married in the U.S and are separated, but not divorced. Can you still get married in Australia?
I do not know the laws in Australia but I don't believe they differ to much from the US. In the US you still qualify as a bigot.
Wings (Little Mix song)
Wings (canción de Little Mix)
"Incêndio no Butantan destrói maior coleção de cobras do mundo".
«Incêndio no Instituto Butantan destrói maior acervo de cobras do país».
During this time the population suffered from the pressing encumbrances caused by the necessity to finance the French Revolutionary Wars.
Durante questo periodo la popolazione dovette far fronte ai pressanti impegni per finanziare le guerre rivoluzionarie francesi.
Iu Mien language
Яо (язык)
It leaks into education, military, fiscal decision-making.
Przenika do edukacji, armii, podatków.
The turtle and the wallaby, being hungry one day, went together to the hombill's garden and began to eat his bananas and sugar-cane.
La tortuga y el ualabí, un día hambrientos, fueron juntos al jardín-huerto del mono y comenzaron a comer sus plátanos y su caña de azúcar.
ATOH8 (gene)
destiny 2 what is solar?
Kinetic - This is white and is the default for the majority of weapons in Destiny 2. It has no bonus damage to any enemy. Solar - This is orange and causes Solar damage. ... Void - This is Purple and causes Void damage to enemies who have a purple shield.
how many years do u have to stay in college football?
To be eligible for the draft, players must have been out of high school for at least three years and must have used up their college eligibility before the start of the next college football season.
He was accordingly assigned to studies section of the État-Major general.
Il fut alors affecté à la section d'études de l'État-Major général.
These flowers are lovely.
Ці квіти чудові.
From 1544 to 1551, Palestrina was the organist of the Cathedral of St. Agapito, the principal church of his native city.
Nga 1544 deri në 1551, Palestrina ishte organist i Katedrales së Shën Agapitos, kishës kryesore të qytetit të tij të lindjes.
Automobiles Induco
Tang decided that the best strategy might be to attack Goguryeo from both the northern front and a southern front simultaneously with their ally Silla.
Tang decidió que la mejor estrategia podría ser atacar a Goguryeo desde el frente norte y el frente sur simultáneamente con su aliado Silla.
Polana, Opole Voivodeship
Polana (Opolskie)
how long does it take my state refund?
Refunds can take nine to 10 weeks to process from the date that your tax return is received. If you elect to receive your refund as a paper check, you can expect it to take an additional two weeks. If you e-filed and have not heard anything about your refund within 10 weeks, call the state's Department of Taxation.
name the present defence minister of india?
Pranab Mukherjee (born December 11, 1935, West Bengal, India) is the Defence Minister of India in the Manmohan Singh government. He is from the Indian National Congress. He has a degree in law from the University of Calcutta.\n\n\nCareer\nHe served as Finance Minister of India between 1982 and 1984, and President of West Bengal state unit of Congress in 1985. In 1997 he won the Outstanding Parliamentarian Award.\n\n\nPersonal life\nHe married Suvra Mukherjee on July 13, 1957 and has 2 sons and a daughter.
In October 2008, Kross was charged with grand theft and violations of the California Civil Code, involving contracts for purchases of home equity mortgages, allegedly conning a disabled veteran and his family.
Τον Οκτώβριο του 2008, η Kross ήταν φορτισμένη με μεγάλες κλοπές και με  παραβάσεις του Αστικού Κώδικα της Καλιφόρνια , που αφορούν συμβάσεις για αγορές από το σπίτι μετοχικού κεφαλαίου των υποθηκών, ενώ φέρεται να εξαπάτησε έναν βετεράνο με ειδικές ανάγκες και την οικογένειά του.
J. L. Pilcher
John Leonard Pilcher
His signature has been found on the base of one of the columns of the temple (now on display in the British Museum).
Chữ ký của ông ta đã được tìm thấy trên đế của một trong các cột của ngôi đền (nay được trưng bày trong viện Bảo tàng Anh).
how many shots in a handle of smirnoff
How many shots are there in a handle, 1.75 liters, of triple distilled smirnoff? kgb answers » Food & Drink » How many shots are there in a handle, 1.75 liters, of triple distilled smirnoff? There are approximately 39 1.5oz shots in one 1.75 liter handle.
when can kitten leave nest
8 Weeks. The organization Cats International recommends keeping kittens with their fellow litter mates and mothers until about 8 weeks in age. In general, it is safe to allow kittens to separate from the mother cat at this specific age, but usually no younger than that.ittens rely on their mother's milk for proper growth and development. In many cases, kittens begin eating strictly solid foods at around 8 weeks, and then may be ready to leave their mothers for good.
Singer Emmylou Harris could potentially be facing some pretty hefty charges, after it emerged that she is being investigated for a suspected hit and run case in Los Angeles, TMZ reports.
Emmylou Harris investigated for suspected hit and run
Atoms In Space - More Specifically Helium
Can helium disappear from Earth?
At the end of their journey, they finally found the King of Navarre.
व शेवटी त्यांनी सज्जनगडावर जाऊन रामदासांची भेट घेतली.
How do I get my avatar picture to show in the box?
Click on the picture you have now, in the upper left hand corner of the screen and then click on "edit my info" and then you have to click where it says "use my avatar" for the avatar place... it will be the last one.
"Autodesk bringing 3D modeling to the masses".
3 tháng 5 năm 2011.  ^ “Autodesk bringing 3D modeling to the masses”.
And we can network between domes and classrooms.
És hálózatba tudjuk kötni a kupolákat és az osztálytermeket.
If a plant does not get enough light, it will not grow, regardless of other conditions.
Those who use these mechanisms are usually considered virtuous.
Neid, kes neid mehhanisme kasutavad, peetakse tavaliselt vooruslikeks.
what are the 3 branches of the federal gov?
Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts).
His hobby is playing the ukulele.
Sở thích của anh là chơi ukulele.
In an atom with one electron, that electron experiences the full charge of the positive nucleus.
En un átomo con un electrón, el electrón experimenta toda la carga del núcleo positivo.
Some of his notable accomplishments was his participation on Oprah Winfrey's talk show and was featured in an advertisement for Gap and he modeled for designer John Bartlett VII on Sixth Fashion Show.
Algunos de sus logros notables fueron: su participación en "Oprah Winfrey's talk show" y apareció en un anuncio de Brecha y modeló para el diseñador John Bartlett VII de la Sexta Fashion Show.
And so now, we're kind of back in 1915 on the Web.
Ed ora ci troviamo nel 1915 della Rete.
The Cubs announced, Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011, that they hired Sveum as their new manager.
Cubs hire Sveum as new manager
reaching out to a guy who ghosted you?
“There are three situations where you should reach out to someone after they ghost you,” says North. “If things were going well and it comes out of nowhere, if you'd been out more than four times and suddenly they disappear into thin air without explanation, or if they stand you up on a date.
Augmented by renegades, the town was a successful ivory trading centre by 1855, when its population numbered 200.
La ville, qui vit l'arrivée de renégats, fut un prospère poste de commerce de l'ivoire vers 1855, lorsque sa population atteint le chiffre de 200 personnes.
The Moon left the umbra shadow at 9:33 and the penumbra shadow at 10:38.
A Lua deixou a sombra do umbra às 9:33 e a sombra da penumbra às 10:38.
Clock tower similar to Big Ben against an overcast sky.
Complete clock tower on street corner under cloudy sky
By what acronym is the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business known?
Named one of the best business schools in the Midwest by Princeton Review, the KU School of Business has been continually accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) for both its undergraduate and graduate programs in business and accounting.
While there, he witnesses a great but indecisive battle between the Numidians and the Carthaginians.
Under tiden där får han bevittna ett stort men oavgjort slag mellan numidierna och karthagerna.
How many sexual partners have you had? Do you regret any of them?
Sexual partners.... 21. 10 boys, 11 girls. The number is artificially high because I've had couple threesomes. I don't regret any of them. \n\nHOWEVER, there is one that I wouldn't go so far as to call her a sexual partner, but I do regret fooling around with her. She and I had been talking for a while, and we were going to have a threesome with her boyfriend (mine at the time was going to watch). We met up at the bar, had some fun, but she was drinking REALLY heavily, and when we got back to their place, she kept drinking until she was drunk. We didn't do anything more then just make out and pet through clothing, but she was totally trashed. When I pointed this out to her boyfriend, he kept saying that she was just nervous and she really wanted to do this, but it seemed more like he was pushing her into it and she was numbing herself down. I put my foot down and said no, and we left in a hurry. However in retrospect, we never should have gone over to their place in the first place, she was already too drunk and the situation was not cool.
Black-faced munia
Lonchura molucca
There is little laboratory evidence supporting the hypothesis that tongue rolling is inheritable and dominant.
Au laboratoire, il y a peu de preuves confirmant l'hypothèse que la capacité de rouler la langue est héréditaire et dominante.
what is the meaning of minimum hourly rate?
Minimum wages have been defined as the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given period, which cannot be reduced by collective agreement or an individual contract. ... The purpose of minimum wages is to protect workers against unduly low pay.
Nokia has expanded its N series of smart phones with two new models: the N85 and the N79.
Nokia expands its N series of smart phones
It was developed by Dutch video game development company Two Tribes B.V. and is their first published video game.
Det utvecklades av det nederländska spelutvecklaren Two Tribes B.V. och är deras första publicerade datorspel.
what is the difference between an ap and honors class?
Here are the differences between AP and Honors courses. An honors class typically covers the same curriculum as the regular version of that course. ... Taking an AP class allows students the opportunity to receive college credit. There is a catch though – you must take an AP exam and score at least a 3 out of 5.
Ruth Norman (Uriel) - founder of the Unarius Academy of Science.
Рут Норман (Уриел) - оснивач Унариус Академије Наука.
is mael stronger than ludociel?
As the leader of the Four Archangels, Ludociel is extremely powerful. ... His younger brother and the strongest of the Four Archangels, Mael, states that he possesses the same level of power as himself, Meliodas and Elizabeth. While using Margaret's body, Ludociel is still extremely powerful.
Hundreds of sheep die after the accident near Melbourne . One person is taken to the hospital . "I saw them coming down like a mountain," a witness says .
(CNN) -- A truck carrying nearly 400 sheep tipped over while on an Australia overpass, sending the helpless animals tumbling down on shocked drivers below, CNN affiliate Network Ten reported. The incident occurred Thursday night in Laverton North near Melbourne. "We looked up and we could see the truck flip on its side and then the next minute, we were underneath and yeah, raining sheep doesn't happen everyday," said Kristy Davis, a witness. Hannah Sidebottom, another witness, said the incident was a surprise. "I saw them coming down like a mountain of, it looked like dirt but obviously wasn't, and then, there was nothing we could do they were literally on top of us," she told the affiliate. Only one person was hospitalized, but the sheep did not fare as well. Less than 10 of them are expected to survive. Animal welfare officials said the road was littered with dead and dying sheep. "They were confronted with a very horrific, very distressing sight," the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said.
Thus, on the basis of remarks made by President Kim Il-sung in 1977 concerning school attendance, the population that year was calculated at 17.2 million persons.
इस प्रकार, 1977 में स्कूल उपस्थिति से संबंधित राष्ट्रपति किम इल-सुंग द्वारा किए गए टिप्पणियों के आधार पर, उस वर्ष की जनसंख्या 17.2 मिलियन लोगों की गणना की गई थी।
what are the requirements to be a nfl football player?
To be drafted into the NFL, a player must be three years out of high school. That means a player must at least have a high school diploma before entering the NFL. The NFL also wants players who have a little maturity and experience under their belts, and requires players to spend time playing college football.
what is the alternate interior angle of a triangle
Definition of Alternate Interior Angles. When two lines are cut by a transversal, the pair of angles formed interior of the two lines and on the opposite of the transversal is called Alternate Interior Angles.
1980 Stockholm Open
Stockholm Open 1980
State of Decay (video game)
State of Decay (videogioco)
Some English language Bibles may translate "non serviam" as "I will not transgress"; this seems to be an alternative reading of certain manuscripts.
Algunos Biblias inglesas traducen non serviam como No voy a transgredir, lo que parece ser una lectura alternativa de algunos manuscritos.
can a 12 year old get breast cancer?
It's not likely. It's almost unheard of for girls ages 14 and younger to develop breast cancer. The chances increase slightly as girls move through their teenage years, but it's still very rare, with an estimated 1 teen in 1 million developing breast cancer.
This angered the Russian authorities, who charged him with leaving Arkhangelsk in a clandestine manner.
Điều này tức giận các nhà chức trách Nga, người đã buộc tội ông có để lại Arkhangelsk một cách bí mật.
Medardo Ángel Silva
Сильва, Медардо Анхель
are the coast guard going to get paid?
All active-duty enlisted members entering the Coast Guard start out making approximately $20,000 annually. This is just basic pay. ... Download the most recent military pay scale.
what is the correct equation for photosynthesis?
Problem 1: Write the complete balanced reaction for Photosynthesis both in symbol and word equation. Carbon dioxide + Water → Glucose + oxygen. 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2.
Lastly, asking what the client and the company have in common helps in solidifying the approach that the client cannot find this kind of service anywhere else.
Cuối cùng, yêu cầu những gì khách hàng và công ty có điểm chung giúp củng cố cách tiếp cận mà khách hàng không thể tìm thấy loại dịch vụ này ở bất kỳ nơi nào khác.
List of GM platforms
GM platformos
what is life like for teens living in L.A, california?
:}\nteens here are like teens everywhere else\n\nmost have cars\n\nmost have the opportunity to but grass or anything else they want.\n\namong resident Californians prostitution is no higher than any where else\n\nsome transient increase teen prostitution.
where is pcb
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of manmade chemicals. They are oily liquids or solids, clear to yellow in color, with no smell or taste. PCBs are very stable mixtures that are resistant to extreme temperature and pressure.
In the summer of 2014, Audi was the first automaker to offer 4G LTE Wi-Fi Hotspots access and the first mass deployment of 4G LTE was by General Motors.
در تابستان سال ۲۰۱۴، آئودی اولین سازنده برای دسترسی به نقاط دسترسی Wi-Fi 4G LTE بود و اولین انبوه‌سازی 4G LTE توسط جنرال موتورز بود.
In the 1960 election, Labour was defeated by the National Party and Nash became Leader of the Opposition once again.
Bei den Wahlen 1960 verlor die Labour-Party und Nash wurde erneut Oppositionsführer.
When we buy a pair of pants, how come we only get 1 pant?
More importantly...when you buy a new TOOTHbrush..why is it a toothbrush when you have many teeth? Shouldn't it be a teethbrush? \n\nThings that make you say hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
18th Brigade
I was told that you saw the accident.
Mir wurde gesagt, du hättest den Unfall beobachtet.
Phrae Province
ფრეს პროვინცია
Contemporary sources (John Malalas, Theophanes, and John of Ephesus) tell of severe persecutions, even of men in high position..
Sumber-sumber kontemporer (John Malalas, Theophanes, Yohanes dari Efesus) mengisahkan penganiayaan kejam, bahkan terhadap orang berpangkat tinggi.
Which is the best smartphone to buy below 5k?
Which is the best mobile to buy under 5k?
The government helped them resettle in Canada as well, transporting nearly 3,500 free blacks to New Brunswick.
Le gouvernement britannique les aida également à se réinstaller au Canada et transféra près de 3 500 Noirs libres au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Making libraries, making concert halls, making universities, making museums is good, because you create a place that's open, accessible.
درووستکردنی کتێبخانە، هۆڵی کۆنسێرت، درووستکردنی زانکۆ، مۆزەخانە، شتێکی باشە. چوونکە شوێنێکی کراوە و بەردەست درووست دەکەیت.