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how much does disneyland cost now?
Although the prices vary by date, the normal admission rates (per day) for 2019 are as follows: Single-Day Value: $97. Single-Day Regular: $117. Single-Day Peak: $135.
When I got home, I put it on my bedroom door.
Quando cheguei em casa, coloquei-a na porta do meu quarto.
As soon as they knew about the presidential decision, the Cajamarcan leaders organized protest marches and demonstrations; they also set up defense fronts up to the Cajamarcan villages, in order to facilitate the activity in the region.
Apenas conocida la decisión presidencial la dirigencia cajamarquina convocó a marchas y manifestaciones de protesta. Otra de las medidas de la dirigencia ha sido la instalación de frentes de defensa hasta el nivel de los caseríos de Cajamarca, para facilitar las acciones en la región.
what are these small white bumps on my forehead?
Small white forehead bumps might be milia. These bumps develop when dead skin cells are trapped in pockets under the skin's surface. Typically, milia affects newborns, but children and adults can get them too.
John II partitioned Bavaria as the result of his refusal to finance his brothers' expensive ambitions in the Italian court.
João II dividiu a Baviera como o resultado de sua recusa em financiar as caras ambições de seus irmãos na corte italiana.
Therese's doubts were well-founded because, unlike Schindler and other contemporaries, she knew all about the intense and long-lasting romance between Beethoven and her sister Josephine: "Three letters by Beethoven ... they must be to Josephine whom he had loved passionately."
Els dubtes de Therese estaven ben fonamentats perquè, a diferència de Schindler i altres contemporanis, ella coneixia molt bé el llarg i intens amor de Beethoven a la seva germana Josephine: "Tres cartes de Beethoven... deuen ser per a Josephine, a qui havia estimat apassionadament".
how much fredrik eklund worth?
Fredrik Eklund is a real estate agent and star of Bravo's Million Dollar Listing New York. He built his fortune in real estate (obviously), but also in past work as an adult film star and Information technology (IT) entrepreneur. Eklund's net worth is estimated at $30 million.
hpwu how to get scrolls?
['Complete Traces of any kind.', 'Collect rank rewards from the Registry.', 'Finish daily assignments.', 'Complete certain achievements.', 'Collect level-up rewards.']
Richard Hill (Pennsylvania politician)
ريتشارد هيل (سياسي أمريكي)
how many years to become a pediatrician
It takes 4 years of undergraduate education, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years of pediatric residency to become a general pediatrician, totaling at least 11 years. Further, most fellowship subspecialties last 3 years, increasing the time spent in training to about 14 years overall.
is qled better than 4k?
LED backlit 4K UHD TVs (including Samsung's new QLED line) are technically really still LCD TVs with a higher resolution and are taking the name 4K UHD or 4K Ultra HD. ... While OLED TVs are still more expensive than good 4K LED TVs, the gap has narrowed.
do taste buds change in the elderly?
Your sense of smell and taste change as you age. Between the ages of 40 and 50, the number of taste buds decreases, and the rest begin to shrink, losing mass vital to their operation. After age 60, you may begin to lose the ability to distinguish the taste of sweet, salty, sour, and bitter foods.
why does the water in a glass seem to rise above the edge?
The 'surface' above water (or any other liquid) is called a meniscus. Water sticks to things, and to itself. When you see water in a cup "climb" the edge slightly, that is due to the water 'sticking' to the edge, and bringing more water with it. In many liquids, their sticking together force (cohesion) is stronger than the stick to other things force (adhesion). These liquids do not climb the edges of containers at all. **Specifically answering you:** When water gets above the edge of the glass slightly, it's cohesion is still stronger than gravity. When you add too much water, gravity becomes strong than its cohesion, and down the outside of the glass it goes. [phone spelling]
Women don't take shits.
נשים לא מחרבנות.
Armando Allen
أرماندو ألين
Elena Gorgan from Softpedia, praised Shakira's dance moves and noted that she "comes very close to perfection in terms of artistic dancing".
Elena Gorgan da Softpedia, elogiou os movimentos de dança de Shakira e observou que ela "chega muito perto da perfeição em termos de dança artística".
what is a cryosphere
The cryosphere is the component of the Earth that composed of all solid, frozen water found on Earth. The cryosphere includes water storage areas such as glaciers, iceburgs, snow-covered areas, and sea ice. The cryosphere expands and contracts over the course of the months as average temperatures across the globe fluctuate.
Миссионерская провинция
Tom is likely to be eating now.
Tom şimdi muhtemelen yemek yiyordur.
George W. Bush announced his opposition to the Agreed Framework during his presidential candidacy.
George W. Bush anunció su oposición al marco acordado durante su candidatura presidencial.
is betel leaf monocot or dicot?
Monocot plants bear one cotyledon in their seeds. Their roots are fibrous, leaves have parallel venation; flo:vers are trimerous (each floral parts being 3 in number). Examples of monocot plants are Paddy, Wheat, Sugarcane, Bamboo, Palm, Coconut, Betel nut and Date-Palm etc.
"Fotógrafo registra o intenso processo de ensaio da série 'Dois Irmãos'".
«Fotógrafo registra o intenso processo de ensaio da série 'Dois Irmãos'».
Manuel I Komnenos
Маноуилъ​ А҃ ​Комнинъ​
What is the discrepency between Islam and Christianity regarding Isaac and Ishmael?
According to Christianity, Isaac was the one supposed to be sacrificed by Abrahan, his father. But according to Islam, it was rather the older son Ishmael, who was Abraham's son by the slave Hagar.
With the family's finances in jeopardy, Richard travelled regularly to northwest England, where most of his clients were.
Con le finanze familiari in pericolo, Richard viaggiò regolarmente nel Nord Ovest (Inghilterra), dove erano residenti la maggior parte dei suoi clienti.
a little grey and white bird swimming in the water
a duck sitting in the water with his beek placed to the water
Where do I find my unique Product Key for my Windows XP ?
Your unique product key can be a found in a sticker which is sticked to your computer CPU. Try looking for it. It should be there ... Good luck!
Why is "This Life" on so late?
If you would go to bed at a reasonable time, you might get a life of your own. \nYou... you dweeb!
Revaz Chelebadze
Челебадзе, Реваз Владимирович
The vapor is flammable and narcotic, which requires care.
Páry jsou hořlavé a narkotické, na což je potřeba dávat pozor.
Droll dropped out of medical school just before it started and Buffington put his finance career on hold.
Droll verließ die medizinische Hochschule kurz nach Beginn, und Buffington setzte seine Karriere in der Finanzbranche aus.
1982 New York Cosmos season
New York Cosmos 1982
Lee Min-ho
لی مین هو
are there any painkillers for dogs?
There are some of the available NSAIDs just for dogs: carprofen (Novox or Rimadyl) deracoxib (Deramaxx) firocoxib (Previcox)
Does anyone actually like their job?
I love my job. I teach personal/independent living skills to people with develomental disabilities. \n\nI generally don't work full-time but there are plenty of hours out there for this kind of work.\n\nThe times I do work full-time I usually spend my days reading stories, doing crafts and playing games.
Abstract expressionism also included anarchist artists such as Mark Rothko and painters such as Jackson Pollock, who had adopted radical ideas during his experience as a muralist for the Works Progress Administration.
L'expressionnisme abstrait a inclus des artistes de tendance libertaire comme les peintres Mark Rothko et Jackson Pollock, qui a adopté ces idées radicales durant son expérience en tant que muraliste pour la Work Projects Administration.
German submarine U-1195
Huckleberry Finn was an offshoot from Tom Sawyer and had a more serious tone than its predecessor.
Хаклбери Фин беше ластар од Том Соер и имаше многу посериозен тон од неговиот претходник.
Like the rest of the family, he also supported his cousin Frederick I Barbarossa in their wars against the independent city communes of the Lombard League.
Tidak seperti sisa keluarganya yang lain, ia juga mendukung sepupunya Friedrich I Barbarossa di dalam peperangan mereka melawan komune kota Lega Lombarda yang mandiri.
are light periods a sign of low progesterone?
Low progesterone may cause abnormal uterine bleeding in women who aren't pregnant. Irregular or absent periods may indicate poorly functioning ovaries and low progesterone.
Many scholars now use the term chattel slavery to refer to this specific sense of legalised, de jure slavery.
Shumë studiues tani e përdorin termin "skllavëri" për t'iu referuar, de jure, gjendjes specifike të skllavërisë së legalizuar.
John McCain pledges that if elected president, he'd appoint Democrats to his Cabinet.
McCain pledges to appoint Democrats to Cabinet
Is it really considered rape if you want it?
In the US, if you are underage--even if you "want it"--it is considered rape if an older person makes love to you. For example, let's say you are 15. If your partner is 18 or over 18 and he/she makes love to you--even if you both wanted to do it--he/she could go be charged with statutory rape because you are a minor and he (or she) is not.\n\nA friend of mine in Texas was 18 or 19 when he got a 15-year-old pregnant. They were dating when she got pregnant. And her parents loved him...up until the time she got pregnant. They took him to court; to make a long story short, the judge ruled in this manner: He gave my friend a choice: either go to prison for the statutory rape, or marry the girl. My friend decided to marry the girl, but the marriage didn't last long. They couldn't get along; he wasn't happy living with the girl's parents; the parents didn't like him anymore; he couldn't get a good job to support the girl or the baby...etc., etc., so they wound up separating. I lost contact with him, so I don't know what happened to the baby. I'm sure the girl and/or her parents decided to raise it.\n\nThis is a perfectly legitimate question, so whoever said this is a stupid question, try to be more open. Obviously if you are a minor, there are many things you want to know before you do them; we should try to help rather than blow these questions off. It could be your child asking you this question some day.\n\nSo the bottom line is, if you are underage and you are thinking of having sex with your adult partner, don't do it. Wait until you are at least 18. Even if you and your partner are both 14 or 15 or 16 or 17, or any age below 18--wait until you guys are at least 18. You don't want to wind up being 15 with a baby living with your parents.
what happens if you get pregnant on deployment?
In the Army, a woman who becomes pregnant after enlistment, but before she begins initial active duty will not be involuntarily discharged due to pregnancy. She can't enter active duty until her pregnancy is over (either through birth or termination).
what is the anatomical location of the lungs
The lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest (thorax). The trachea (windpipe) conducts inhaled air into the lungs through its tubular branches, called bronchi.The bronchi then divide into smaller and smaller branches (bronchioles), finally becoming microscopic. The bronchioles eventually end in clusters of microscopic air sacs called alveoli.he trachea (windpipe) conducts inhaled air into the lungs through its tubular branches, called bronchi. The bronchi then divide into smaller and smaller branches (bronchioles), finally becoming microscopic. The bronchioles eventually end in clusters of microscopic air sacs called alveoli.
Check an Idle Air Control Valve
The idle air control valve — also known as the "idle speed control valve" — regulates the idle speed of your engine. This is controlled by the engine's computer.
Charles W. Gilchrist
تشارلز دبليو. جيلكريست
In addition, there is plenty of countryside.
Além disso, há uma abundância de campo.
Which President was the likely father of Sally Heming's children?
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings People of the Plantation Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account The claim that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally Hemings, a slave at Monticello, entered the public arena during Jefferson's first term as president, and it has remained a subject of discussion and disagreement for two centuries. Based on documentary, scientific, statistical, and oral history evidence, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation (TJF) Research Committee Report on Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings (January 2000) remains the most comprehensive analysis of this historical topic.  Ten years later, TJF and most historians believe that, years after his wife’s death, Thomas Jefferson was the father of the six children of Sally Hemings mentioned in Jefferson's records, including Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston Hemings.  Historical Background In September 1802, political journalist James T. Callender , a disaffected former ally of Jefferson, wrote in a Richmond newspaper that Jefferson had for many years "kept, as his concubine, one of his own slaves." "Her name is Sally," Callender continued, adding that Jefferson had "several children" by her. Although there had been rumors of a sexual relationship between Jefferson and an enslaved woman before 1802, Callender's article spread the story widely. It was taken up by Jefferson's Federalist opponents and was published in many newspapers during the remainder of Jefferson's presidency. Jefferson's policy was to offer no public response to personal attacks, and he apparently made no explicit public or private comment on this question (although a private letter of 1805 has been interpreted by some individuals as a denial of the story). Sally Hemings left no known accounts. Jefferson's daughter Martha Jefferson Randolph privately denied the published reports. Two of her children, Ellen Randolph Coolidge and Thomas Jefferson Randolph , maintained many years later that such a liaison was not possible, on both moral and practical grounds. They also stated that Jefferson's nephews Peter and Samuel Carr were the fathers of the light-skinned Monticello slaves some thought to be Jefferson's children because they resembled him. The Jefferson-Hemings story was sustained through the 19th century by Northern abolitionists, British critics of American democracy, and others. Its vitality among the American population at large was recorded by European travelers of the time. Through the 20th century, some historians accepted the possibility of a Jefferson-Hemings connection and a few gave it credence, but most Jefferson scholars found the case for such a relationship unpersuasive. Over the years, however, belief in a Thomas Jefferson-Sally Hemings relationship was perpetuated in private. Two of her children--Madison and Eston--indicated that Jefferson was their father, and this belief has been perpetuated in the oral histories of generations of their descendants as an important family truth. DNA Evidence and Response The results of DNA tests conducted by Dr. Eugene Foster and a team of geneticists in 1998 challenged the view that the Jefferson-Hemings relationship could be neither refuted nor substantiated. The study--which tested Y-chromosomal DNA samples from male-line descendants of Field Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson's uncle), John Carr (grandfather of Jefferson's Carr nephews), Eston Hemings, and Thomas Woodson--indicated a genetic link between the Jefferson and Hemings descendants. The results of the study established that an individual carrying the male Jefferson Y chromosome fathered Eston Hemings (born 1808), the last known child born to Sally Hemings. There were approximately 25 adult male Jeffersons who carried this chromosome living in Virginia at that time, and a few of them are known to have visited Monticello. The study's authors, however, said "the simplest and most probable" conclusion was that Thomas Jefferson had fathered Eston Hemings. The DNA testing found no genetic l
He ran home.
È corso a casa.
Shouldn't we restart the draft in case there is war with Iran?
We need another Vietnam to thin out the ranks of the 18 year olds...there are too many of them.
is a systematic literature review qualitative or quantitative?
A systematic review can be either quantitative or qualitative. A quantitative systematic review will include studies that have numerical data. A qualitative systematic review derives data from observation, interviews, or verbal interactions and focuses on the meanings and interpretations of the participants.
That distance was just 90 m more than the Peruvian Remigio Huaman Quispe who ran in Lima and 180 m more than Evgenii Glyva from Ukraine who ran in Austria together with Ketema.
Son total se portait à seulement 90 m de plus que le péruvien Remigio Huaman Quispe qui courait à Lima et 180 m de plus qu'Evgnii Glyva d'Ukraine qui courait en Autriche comme Ketema.
Here Comes the Dawn
აქ თენდება
Meet Me in St. Louis (disambiguation)
Meet Me in St. Louis (Begriffsklärung)
American Ballet Theatre commissioned Configurations to be created for Mikhail Baryshnikov soon after.
Subito dopo l'American Ballet Theatre gli commissionò Configurazioni da creare per Mikhail Baryshnikov.
And I like to exhibit these paintings in the exhibition halls without labels, and then I ask people, "Which one do you prefer?"
Volim pokazivati ove slike u izložbenim dvoranama bez oznaka i pitati ljude: „Koji vam je draži?“
What is the name of this seemingly common handgesture in old paintings and what is its significance? (Suleiman the Magnificent for reference)
Have a read of this previous thread, which talks about the symbolism of the raised hand as it relates to Christian, Buddhist and Hindu iconography. I'm not sure why specifically a Muslim ruler of Suleyman's period would be using it, whether it refers to Islamic symbolism (the hand of Fatima) or whether it's an imitation of European Christian portrait styles. _URL_0_
In the mid-1970s and 1980s the activities of members of the Society followed a general tendency to internationality in academia and were more visible in the United States and other countries than in Belgium itself.
In het midden van de jaren 70 en 80 van de twintigste eeuw volgden de activiteiten van de leden een algemene tendens naar internationalisering in de academische wereld, en werden ze meer zichtbaar in de Verenigde Staten en andere landen dan in België zelf.
Client functions are called from TPT in the system under test, where server functions implemented in TPT can be called as "stub functions" from the system under test.
Clientfunktionen werden aus TPT im zu testenden System aufgerufen, wobei Serverfunktionen in TPT implementiert als sogenannte Stub-funktionen aus dem zu testenden System aufgerufen werden können.
Komi (meslek)
1926 Campeonato Carioca
Campeonato Carioca 1926
Many Malagasies have enjoyed the entertainment, a welcome respite from the everyday grind.
Muchos malgaches han disfrutado con las actuaciones, un bienvenido respiro a la monótona rutina diaria.
Why are definitions in mathematics formulated as implications, but are treated as equivalences?
You are right that definitions are logically biconditionals, and so we should use "iff" when we formulate them. However, it is just a convention to use "if" in definitions, with an assumption that any case not mentioned is excluded in the definition. This convention is not really very controversial once you think about it a bit. Consider the statement > We call a set X *super awesome and cool* if X has property P. The sentence is defining the term "super awesome and cool". So because we have just invented the term, it can only possibly apply to sets with property P. There is a tacit assumption that any set that does not have property P must not be "super awesome and cool", or else I would have said so. That is, the "only if" part of the definition is assumed and does not need to be explicitly stated.
Without being a great dogmatician like his master, nor a creative genius in the ecclesiastical realm, Beza had qualities which made him famous as humanist, exegete, orator, and leader in religious and political affairs, and qualified him to be the guide of the Calvinists in all Europe.
En résumé, sans être un grand dogmaticien comme son maître, ni un génie créateur dans le domaine ecclésiastique, Bèze possédait des qualités qui le rendirent célèbre comme humaniste, comme exégète, comme orateur et comme chef, dans les affaires religieuses et politiques, et le qualifiaient pour être le guide des calvinistes dans toute l’Europe.
In exercise of this right MPs and the President of the state present to Parliament draft papers and legislative proposals, while the Government presents draft papers.
U ostvarivanju tog prava zastupnik i predsjednik države predstavljaju parlamentu nacrt radova i prijedlog zakona, a Vlada predstavlja radni papir.
It wasn't until nearly eighty years later that federal legislation authorizing the creation of the park was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on January 8, 1971.
חלפו שמונים שנים עד שהחקיקה הפדרלית המאשרת הקמת פארק נחתמה כחוק על ידי הנשיא ריצ'רד ניקסון ב-8 בינואר 1971.
Other sociologists and political scientists went on to apply his theoretical analysis to the real world.
Otros sociólogos y politólogos se basaron en aplicar su análisis teórico al mundo real.
In September 2013 Aquilina completed her second ever headline tour in support of Sinners EP.
Vào tháng 9 năm 2013 Aquilina hoàn thành tour lưu diễn thứ hai của cô trong sự nghiệp để quảng bá cho Sinners EP.
What measure of thermal resistance used in the textile industry is said to derive from the name of a Roman garment?
HEAD2TOE PROTECTION by The Textile Journal - issuu issuu Reflective Materials PPE Certification Protective Footwear FR Clothing Performance PPE Performance 2014 • Volume 1 is not created equal 1 in 3 non 3M Scotchlite™ Reflective Material garments are not bright enough to meet relevant safety standards, right out of the package, even though they are labeled as compliant*. ™ Ensure your garments are truly compliant look for the 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material logo. *Based on a study by 3M of 79 vests purchased on the open market (all using components other than 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material), 33% failed the ANSI 107 test for initial brightness. These data were verified by third party testing. H2T, vol. 1-5.indd 2 Head2Toe Protection a magazine specializing in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Distributed at the NSC Congress and Expo free of charge, this magazine focuses on new developments and products in the following markets: Head gear High-visibility workwear Safety footwear Eye, hand and ear protection. Take advantage of our contributors’ personal protective equipment (PPE) expertise to learn more about highvisibility clothing, protective footwear, PPE regulations, performance of fireretardant (FR) clothing, and performance of PPE—all here, in this first edition of Head2Toe Protection. Industry News, p. 4 New Products, p. 6 Advertisers Index, p. 50 + Reflective Materials p. 14 PPE Certification p. 18 Protective Footwear p. 28 FR Clothing Performance p. 38 PPE Performance p. 44 H2T, vol. 1-5.indd 3 Head2toe Protection 2014 • Volume 1 3 14-08-24 22:07 News Williamson-Dickie Acquires North East Rig Out Global workwear maker adds to its portfolio Williamson-Dickie (WD) has acquired North East Rig Out (NERO), a UK-based workwear manufacturer specializing in head-to-toe personal protective equipment (PPE) solutions for the oil and gas industry. The addition to WD’s global product and service offering gives the company an experienced and quality workforce, while NERO’s manufacturing resources and in-house value-added services —including design, embroidery and screen-printing—provide a full-service solution for petroleum customers. NERO’s products and services function in tandem with, and will incorporate logically into, WD’s existing assets. This acquisition will consolidate WD’s competitiveness in the European market. Gentex Corporation Acquires Helmet Integrated Systems Addition expands international growth, product offering and service to global defense and security personnel Gentex Corporation has completed the acquisition of Helmet Integrated Systems (HISL), an established provider of helmets, communications equipment and respiratory protection for civil, defense, security and industrial personnel. Gentex and HISL plan to combine their world-class products, technologies and manufacturing resources to provide customers with the most advanced, comprehensive lines of integrated helmet, respiratory and communications systems in the market. 4 The addition of HISL will accelerate Gentex’s international growth by providing immediate access to new markets, while access to Gentex’s business development, technology, manufacturing and quality engineering resources will strengthen HISL’s offering and support the growth of their brands in the global market. Protective Clothing Market to Reach $8 Billion by 2018 MarketsandMarkets anticipates further increases for protection markets worldwide A new report by MarketsandMarkets defines and segments the protective clothing market with an analysis and forecast of protective clothing market revenues. The report covers trends in the protective clothing market in five regions: North America, Europe, AsiaPacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. According to the study, Spreading Germs: A Healthcare Uniform Approach Although many healthcare facilities offer laundering services for employee uniforms by a commercial, co-op or on-premise laundry, many employees choose
Do Landscape Photography
Viewing scenic splendor is enjoyable, and recording those scenes can add to your present as well as your future enjoyment. Here are some steps to help you in your landscape photography.
meaning oxide
Use oxide in a sentence. 1 a binary compound of oxygen with some other element or with a radical. 2 Divalent anionic oxygen, or a compound of oxygen, especially a binary compound of oxygen with a more electropositive element. Origin of oxide. French ox(ygène) oxygen ; see oxygen . (ac)ide acid ( from Latin acidus tart, acid ; see acid .
He entered literature under the aegis of the writer and poet Robert Mallet.
Il fait son entrée en littérature sous la houlette de l'écrivain et poète Robert Mallet.
Tom asked Mary to drive him home.
Том попросив Мері підкинути його додому.
Incensed by alleged police inaction, the families refused to take down the bodies from the tree for several hours.
Arrabbiati a causa della presunta inattività della polizia, le famiglie hanno lasciato i corpi sull'albero per alcune ore.
how do nydj sizes run?
Find Your Size Use your usual size as a reference and order your NYDJ at least a size smaller. Example: if you normally wear a size 12 (US 4-6), order a size 4. To understand the exact fit of each style read the product description, where we advise if they are true to size or if you should order size up or down.
what is the relationship between population growth and resources?
The magnitude of the threat to the ecosystem is linked to human population size and resource use per person. Resource use, waste production and environmental degradation are accelerated by population growth.
can i get a positive pregnancy test the day of implantation?
With most current pregnancy test kits, hCG can be detected in the urine as early as 3-4 days after implantation, though it often takes longer. If you are pregnant, on the day you miss your period about 74% of HPTs will be positive.
Ohio State Route 768
Ohio Chiu Lō͘-sòaⁿ 768
A group of zebras walking to the right of the image.
A group of Zebra and a cow standing in a grassy field.
The general election was again won by the Labour Party, led this time by Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam.
A eleição geral foi novamente vencida pelo Partido Trabalhista, liderado desta vez por Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam.
St. Louis Gateway Film Critics Association Awards 2008
5e cérémonie des St. Louis Film Critics Association Awards
You have to adjust your glasses to your eyes.
Thermomix respond to latest barrage of criticism with recipe . 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade' Many customers were scathing in response . Consumer group CHOICE is calling for customers to receive compensation .
The company behind the popular Thermomix kitchen appliance have responded to fierce criticism of their alleged 'shonky' antics with a lemonade recipe. Thermomix caused controversy last month when they surprised customers with the release of the first new model in seven years. Many so-called 'Thermo fans', who had only recently purchased the older TM31 model, were furious. Some said the company had told them there was not going to be a new Thermomix. After consumer group CHOICE awarded them a Shonky Award yesterday, Thermomix Australia released a Facebook statement featuring the lemonade recipe. Sunny side up: Thermomix in Australia posted this lemonade recipe among a pledge to regain customers' trust . The Thermomix, pictured, has an enormous following. But many customers were furious when the company sprung an expensive new model on them without warning . 'As the old saying goes: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,' Thermomix said in the post, which featured a picture of a jug of lemon juice. The statement went on to note the device had scored well in CHOICE kitchen tests in the past, before providing a link to the citrus recipe. 'We are working hard to win back the support of all of our customers and hope we will again be voted a Top Scorer in the Choice Test in the future. 'Please enjoy this recipe for Thermomix lemonade,' the statement said, before promising more lemonade recipes would be available shortly. While many customers came to the defence of Thermomix's product, Facebook user Tanya Wilks said: 'Tackling the issue by posting a recipe about turning lemons into lemonade is insulting to say the very least.' The Thermomix is extraordinarily popular and has received positive reviews from CHOICE. But the company's behaviour has been the target of scathing criticism . A cook, surrounded by all of the products she has made with a Thermomix . 'How disgusting Thermomix Australia,' Julie Calleja wrote. 'Making fun of customers who are disappointed in your product by offering a... lemon recipe.' Christi Britt, who labelled the move 'condescending', said: 'I am offended that Thermomix Australia thinks that a lemonade recipe might somehow make customers overlook the deceit.' CHOICE has stepped up its demands for consumers to be compensated in the washup from yesterday's awards. The consumer organisation is calling on Thermomix to provide customers who purchased the TM31 in the three months before the new TM5 model was released with either: a full refund, a $250 discount or an upgrade to the new machine for $50. Customers were vocal in their anger after the latest device was released last month. A petition garnered more than 2500 signatures. 'I have only had my thermomix for just over a month when the new one was launched,' signatory Kim Burgess wrote. 'This has left a bitter taste to what was to be an exciting purchase.' Andrew Dickson wrote: 'My wife just bought one after wanting one for 2 years. Even asked the consultant if there was a new one coming out and was told no.' Consumers and CHOICE have threatened to bring the apparent deception to the attention of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). An ACCC spokesman said it does not comment on whether it is conducting particular investigations.
Prime Minister greeted by locals during walkabout in Martyr's Square . Deal secured for officers from Dumfries and Galloway investigating 1998 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 to travel to Tripoli for the first time . Mr Cameron promises to bolster police and army in the country amid concerns about security situation . British special forces to train troops across Africa to deal with Al Qaeda .
By . Jason Groves . PUBLISHED: . 07:24 EST, 31 January 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 19:50 EST, 31 January 2013 . British detectives investigating the Lockerbie bombing are to travel to Libya for the first time. Under a deal sealed by David Cameron on his surprise visit to Tripoli yesterday, officers from the Dumfries and Galloway force in Scotland will travel to the Libyan capital next month. The team of detectives hope to track down the masterminds behind Britain’s worst ever terrorist atrocity, in which 270 people died in 1988 after the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie. Scroll down for video . Prime Minister David Cameron met Libyan President Megarief during his surprise visit to Tripoli yesterday . David Cameron returned to Martyrs Square in Tripoli, Libya yesterday where he met market traders and locals during a surprise visit to the city . The Prime Minister was mobbed by crowd during his walkabout ahead of a meeting with Libyan PM Ali Zeidan and President Megarief . 270 people were killed when Pan Am flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie in December 1988 . Metropolitan Police detectives . investigating the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher, who was gunned down . outside Libya’s London embassy in 1984, were also given permission to . make a fourth visit to the country later this month. Mr Cameron, who defied security . warnings to travel to Libya, told a press conference in Tripoli: ‘In all . of these cases I want to achieve justice and full uncovering of all the . facts.’ It is the first time Mr Cameron has been to Libya since his triumphant speech in September 2011 to mark the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi . David Cameron yesterday promised Britain would do more to help Libyan security as he addressed a graduation ceremony for Police Officers in Tripoli . Mr Cameron addressed new recruits to the Libyan police at a training camp, where he promised more help from Britain . British police and troops are expected to work closely with their Libyan counterparts amid concern that the new government has struggled to get a grip on security . Cameron . Hailing the breakthrough as a . dividend of the Arab Spring, he added: ‘It is unthinkable that they . would ever have been allowed into the country to ask questions under . Gaddafi.’ Former Libyan intelligence officer . Abdelbaset al-Megrahi remains the only person ever convicted over the . Lockerbie atrocity. He died in May 2012, three years after being . controversially released from a Scottish prison on compassionate . grounds. But several other Libyan figures are . thought to have been involved in the attack, which turned Libya into a . pariah state under Colonel Gaddafi. Scottish detectives will now hold talks with the Libyan authorities on the scope of their inquiry. A government source said: ‘They are very keen to come to Libya to talk to people and follow leads that they have.’ Mr Cameron insisted that despite the upsurge in violence in Libya, the . Arab Spring was ‘still part of the solution, not the problem’. He said the lesson of past efforts to cosy up to brutal dictators in the . Middle East was that it ‘stores up problems for the future’. Weapons from Libya are thought to have been involved in the Algerian gas . plant massacre last month in which six Britons died. Acknowledging . problems in the region, Mr Cameron said: ‘Of course, when a brutal . dictator is removed after 40 years, inevitably you take the lid off all . sorts of problems and tensions.’ But, announcing new co-operation on security, he said a stable Libya would benefit the world. He said: ‘We’re much better off in Britain with a democratic Libya but . we’ll only be truly better off when it’s a secure and democratic Libya.’ Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan backed the investigation into . Lockerbie, saying it was important to ‘know the facts’ about the Gaddafi . regime’s crimes. Mr Zeidan said he was willing to discuss further . measures to achieve ‘truth and justice’. He hailed Mr Cameron’s ‘courageous’ decision to come at a time when . observers fear Libya is in danger of becoming a crucible for militants . across the Sahara region. Earlier, Mr Cameron had toured a police training centre on the outskirts of Tripoli. He told police recruits it was ‘very good to be back’. ‘I will never . forget the scenes I saw in Tripoli and Benghazi,’ he said, referring to . his visit to Libya in 2011 after the toppling of Gaddafi. ‘The British people want to stand with you and help you deliver the greater security that Libya needs. ‘In building a free and secure Libya you will have no greater ally than the UK. We will stick with you every step of the way.’ Hundreds of police recruits in navy blue uniforms lined up in the Tripoli sunshine to listen to the British Prime Minister . Mr Cameron was joined by Libya's Interior Minister Ashour Shuail at the graduation ceremony for Police Officers . The two Prime Ministers later held a press conference, as it emerged UK police investigating the Lockerbie bombing have been given permission to visit Tripoli . Tragic: The gas facility in Amenas where International and Algerian hostages were killed in a terrifying ordeal .
proof iron man has a heart?
2 figure, Hot Toys has just unveiled its 1:1 life-sized ratio “Proof That Tony Stark Has a Heart” Arc Reactor. Fans will recognize the Arc Reactor as the one Tony Stark created to help keep himself alive and power his suit of armor in the first Iron Man film.
My GF does LSD, should i break up with her?
Communication before rash decisions is best. You must care about her. Tell her that you know that she is using and that this is hurting you as well as her. The lies and deception are causing a rift between you two. You have discussed this before and let her know where you stand. Let her know that you love her and want to be there for her. Tell her for this to work trust is paramount. Best wishes for a solution. Be true to yourself!
Let's find out what else Tom wants.
Dowiedzmy się, czego jeszcze chce Tom.
are nuns part of the clergy?
In the Roman Catholic Church, only men are permitted to be clerics, although in antiquity women were ordained to the diaconate. ... Thus, unordained monks, friars, nuns, and religious brothers and sisters are not part of the clergy.
what is the fastest speed of a baseball thrown by a human pitcher?
Baseball Almanac shows a pitch by Mark Wohlers in 1995 Spring Training at 103 mph. It's quite likely that faster pitches have been thrown but not recorded.
Both subsidiaries own Fokker aircraft and Maas leased out two Fokker 100 to Contact Air.
Entrambe le filiali sono proprietarie di aerei Fokker e Maas ha affittato due Fokker 100 a Contact Air.
At the time of the raid, the V18 prototype was ready for delivery, 13 Drachen were in assembly, and there were enough components for a further 19.
En esos momentos, el prototipo V18 estaba listo para ser probado; 13 Draches fueron ensamblados, y hubo componentes para 19 más.
Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability
She shows him the brush and asks for help to find its maker, but insists that he never tell her his name, worrying that Gothel will find out.
Ella le muestra el pincel y le pide ayuda para encontrar al fabricante, pero insiste en que nunca le diga su nombre, preocupado de que Gothel lo descubra.
A herd of cattle grazing on a pile of dry grass.
Cows in a farm area of some sort during the day.
It was hoped that settlement of the dispute would strengthen the Alliance for Progress and solidify the Organization of American States.
Se esperaba que la resolución de la disputa fortalecería la Alianza para el Progreso y solidificaría la Organización de Estados Americanos.
The bus driver didn't see the pedestrian.
Le chauffeur de bus ne vit pas le piéton.
They were the core of a movement which became known as the "national literature."
Erano il nucleo di un movimento che divenne noto come "letteratura nazionale".