Numquam suscepti negotii eum pertaesum est; suam enim existimationem in ea re agi putabat, qua nihil habebat carius.
He never wearied of an enterprise which he had once undertaken; for he thought that his own reputation was involved, and there was nothing that he held dearer.
censeo sublimem tollas super aera vultum sub pedibusque tuis nimbosa elementa relinquas.
I counsel thee, lift thy face on high above the air of earth and leave the stormy elements beneath thy feet.
haec dicit Dominus Deus ista est Hierusalem in medio gentium posui eam et in circuitu eius terras
Thus saith the Lord God: This is Jerusalem, I have set her in the midst of the nations, and the countries round about her.
filii autem Israhel ut viderunt multitudinem illorum prostraverunt se super terram mittentes cinerem super capita sua unianimes orantes ut Deus Israhel misericordiam suam ostenderet super populum suum
But the children of Israel, when they saw the multitude of them, prostrated themselves upon the ground, putting ashes upon their heads, praying with one accord, that the God of Israel would shew his mercy upon his people.
omnia Tartarei cessent tormenta Neronis; consumat Stygias tristior umbra faces.
Let every torment of Nero in Tartarus now halt; let an even more miserable ghost consume the Stygian torches.
L. quoque Sulla, cum imperator esset, chlamydato sibi et crepidato Neapoli ambulare deforme non duxit.
When L. Sulla too was in command of an army he thought it no shame to walk about Naples in mantle and sandals.
gens enim et regnum quod non servierit tibi peribit et gentes solitudine vastabuntur
For the nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee, shall perish: and the Gentiles shall be wasted with desolation.
Esau accepit uxores de filiabus Chanaan Ada filiam Elom Hetthei et Oolibama filiam Anae filiae Sebeon Evei
Esau took wives of the daughters of Chanaan: Ada the daughter of Elon the Hethite, and Oolibama the daughter of Ana, the daughter of Sebeon the Hevite:
Haec nostra vis est, hunc continuum ludum ludimus; rotam volubili orbe versamus, infima summis summa infimis mutare gaudemus.
For this is my nature, this is my continual game: turning my wheel swiftly I delight to bring low what is on high, to raise high what is down.
. Now at last heart is coming back to us: from
Quibus compertis, Valentiniano qui cum eisdem redierat, regenda Scutariorum secunda committitur schola, et Vitalianus domesticorum consortio iungitur, Erulorum e numero miles, qui multo postea auctus comitis dignitate, male rem per Illyricum gessit, confestimque mittitur in Gallias Arintheus, ferens litteras ad Iovinum, ut constanter ageret suum obtinens locum, eique mandatum est ut animadverteretur in concitorem tumultus, auctoresque seditionis ad comitatum vincti transmitterentur.
On receipt of this news Valentinian, who had returned with the others, was entrusted with the command of the second division of the targeteers, and Vitalianus, formerly a soldier in the division of the Eruli, was made a member of the household troops; long afterwards he was raised to the rank of Count, but suffered a defeat in Illyricum. Arintheus was hastily sent to Gaul, bearing letters to Jovinus, urging him to act firmly in holding his position; he was also bidden to punish the originator of the disturbance and to send the ringleaders in the rebellion in fetters to the court.
morbida visque simul, cum extrinsecus insinuatur; et tempestates terra caeloque coortae in caelum terrasque remotae iure facessunt, quandoquidem nil est nisi raro corpore nexum huc accedit uti non omnia, quae iaciuntur corpora cumque ab rebus, eodem praedita sensu atque eodem pacto rebus sint omnibus apta.
and the power of disease at the same time, when it comes in from without; and tempests arising from earth and sky quite naturally move away withdrawn into sky or earth, since nothing exists that does not have a porous texture. Moreover, not all bodies that are cast off from things are endowed with the same effect on the senses, or suited for all things in the same way.
non tibi cum Phrygio res Laurentive colono; en, age (namque, oculis amota nube parumper, cernere cuncta dabo) surgit qua celsus ad auras, aspice, montis apex, vocitata Palatia regi Parrhasio, plena tenet et resonante pharetra intenditque arcum et pugnas meditatur Apollo.
You have not now to do with settlers from Troy or Laurentum. Look up and see! For I will remove the cloud for a space from your eyes and suffer you to behold all things. Where yonder peak rises high, the Palatine, so named by the Arcadian king,b is held by Apollo; he makes ready for battle, his full quiver rattles, and his bow is bent.
atque illi longe gradientem et dira frementem ut videre, metu versi retroque ruentes effunduntque ducem rapiuntque ad litora currus.
when they saw his long strides and deadly rage, in terror they turn and rush backward, flinging forth their master and dragging the chariot to the shore.
Nolito credere oleum in tabulato posse crescere.
Do not believe that the oil will be of greater quantity if they lie on the floor.
oblitaque fuerit facere multitudo offeret vitulum de armento holocaustum in odorem suavissimum Domino et sacrificium eius ac liba ut caerimoniae postulant hircumque pro peccato
And the multitude have forgotten to do it: they shall offer a calf out of the herd, a holocaust for a most sweet savour to the Lord, and the sacrifice and libations thereof, as the ceremonies require, and a buck goat for sin:
ut, qui collapsa pressi iacuere ruina, eruta cum subito membra et nox atra recessit, conivent solemque pavent agnoscere visu.
Even so, men buried beneath a falling house, when dug out and suddenly released from darkness, blink with their eyes and fear to see the sun again.
Esto, fuerit haec partium causa communis.
Very well, let us grant that this was the common cause of their side.
Quis deus aut quisnam tam tristia vulnera casus eligit? unde manus Fatis tam certa nocendi?
What god or what chance chooses so grievous a wound? Whence did the Fates come by a harming hand so sure?
non illo quicquam formosius ulla priorum aetas, heroum nec tulit ulla domus.
Nothing more lovely than him did any age of our forerunners produce, or any house of heroes.
haec dicit Dominus ecce ego tradam Pharaonem Efree regem Aegypti in manu inimicorum eius et in manu quaerentium animam illius sicut tradidi Sedeciam regem Iuda in manu Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis inimici sui et quaerentis animam eius
Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will deliver Pharao Nechao king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek his life: as I delivered Sedecias king of Juda into the land of Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon his enemy, and that sought his life.
at tu, nam divum servat tutela poetas, praemoneo, vati parce, puella, sacro, ut Messalinum celebrem, cum praemia belli ante suos currus oppida victa feret, ipse gerens laurus: lauro devinctus agresti miles io magna voce triumphe canet.
But do thou, damsel (for guardian gods watch over poets), be warned in time, and spare thy sacred bard, that I may tell of Messalinus when before his chariot he shall bear the conquered towns, the prize of war, wearing the bay wreath, while his soldiery, with wild bay round their brows, loudly chaunt the cry of triumph.
fili hominis propheta et dices haec dicit Dominus Deus loquere gladius gladius exacutus est et limatus
Son of man, prophesy, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Say: The sword, the sword is sharpened, and furbished.
sed ora, ut quandoque resipiscam, quantum meas deprimat oneris impositi massa cervices.
But pray that sooner or later I may come to my senses and realise how my shoulders sag under the weight of the massive burden put upon me.
dant autem et ex ipso prostitutis et meretrices ornant et iterum cum receperint illud a meretricibus ornant deos suos
Yea and they give thereof to prostitutes, and they dress out harlots: and again when they receive it of the harlots, they adorn their gods.
Ad quae suspirans ductor: mortemne sub armis cur poscam, causa ista parum est, quod talia nostrae pertulerunt aures suadentem monstra Metellum? i, demens, i, carpe fugam.
Paulus sighed and answered: Have I not cause enough to seek death in battle, when my ears have heard such infamous counsel from a Metellus? Fly, madman, fly!
Sibi praestare, si in eum casum deducerentur, quamvis fortunam a populo Romano pati quam ab his per cruciatum interfici inter quos dominari consuessent.
that it was better for them, if they should be reduced to that state, to suffer any fate from the Roman people, than to be tortured to death by those among whom they had been accustomed to rule.
et ait Bethsabee bene ego loquar pro te regi
And Bethsabee said: Well, I will speak for thee to the king.
Sed esse apud ceteros tutior debui qui mihi amore iustitiae nihil apud aulicos quo magis essem tutior reservavi.
But surely I ought to have been that much the more safe with the others, since in my regard for justice I kept no favours among the courtiers to ensure my own safety.
Horum omnium bellorum causae ex rei publicae contentione natae sunt.
All these wars had their origins in political disputes.
Nec sub eo dux quisquam cum clarissimatu provectus est.
Under him no leader of an army was advanced to the rank of clarissimus.
hostis ab hoste tamen per barbara verba salutem accipit et Salve mediis intervenit armis.
Yet foe from foe receives greeting in savage speech and hail comes between opposed arms.
aliquando obiectus hispidi pugnae suis, arripuit aurem; sed cariosis dentibus praedam dimisit rictus, venator dolens canem obiurgabat.
One day when thrown into combat with a bristly boar he seized it by the ear, but owing to his decayed teeth his jaws lost their grip on the prey. The hunter was grieved at this and scolded the dog.
Deus parentum et Domine misericordiae tuae qui fecisti omnia verbo tuo
God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word,
aut hii ipsi dicant si quid invenerunt in me iniquitatis cum stem in concilio
Or let these men themselves say if they found in me any iniquity, when standing before the council,
Mater Lacaena clipeo obarmans filium, Cum hoc, inquit, aut in hoc redi.
A Spartan mother slinging her sons shield, Return with this, said she, or upon it.
namque apros frustra in venabula vocas, quos canibus misericordissimis, quibus abundas, et quidem solus, movere potius quam commovere consuesti.
It is no good your inviting the boars to face your spear, when its your practice to hunt them with those most merciful hounds that you possess in plenty (and indeed you do it all alone): you just set your quarry running, but never rouse him to a furious attack.
Unam esse Aeduorum civitatem, quae certissimam Galliae victoriam detineat; eius auctoritate reliquas contineri; qua traducta locum consistendi Romanis in Gallia non fore.
that the state of the Aedui was the only one which retarded the most certain victory of the Gauls; that the rest were held in check by its authority; and, if it was brought over, the Romans would not have room to stand on in Gaul;
quam procul aut molli succedere saepius umbrae videris, aut summas carpentem ignavius herbas extremamque sequi, aut medio procumbere campo pascentem, et serae solam decedere nocti, continuo culpam ferro compesce, prius quam dira per incautum serpant contagia vulgus.
Should you see a sheep oft withdraw afar into soft shade, or listlessly nibble the top of the grass, lagging in the rear, or sink while grazing in the midst of the field and retire, late and lonely, before nights advance, straightway with the knife check the offence, ere the dread taint spreads through the unwary throng.
et venerunt in Hierusalem mense quinto ipse est annus septimus regis
And they came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, in the seventh year of the king.
alligant autem onera gravia et inportabilia et inponunt in umeros hominum digito autem suo nolunt ea movere
For they bind heavy and insupportable burdens and lay them on men's shoulders: but with a finger of their own they will not move them.
si vocem simulare licet, nempe aptior ista vox Romae est, quam nunc eius sub nomine promam.
If one may assume a voice, surely more befitting Rome is the voice which I shall now put forth in her name.
eveniet; dat signa deus: sunt numina amanti, saevit et iniusta lege relicta Venus.
Thus shall it be. A god gives the sign. There are powers to guard the lover, and Love shows no ruth, when left for a lawless tie.
quae si quispiam ut Graeca, sicut sunt, et peregrina verba contempserit, noverit sibi aut semper huiuscemodi artis mentione supersedendum aut nihil omnino se aut certe non ad assem Latiari lingua hinc posse disserere.
and if anyone look down on them, as being Greek and foreign expressions (which they are), let him be assured that he must for ever renounce all mention of this sort of science or else that he cannot treat the subject at all, or at least that he cannot treat it completely, in the Latin tongue.
festa dehinc mediis ineunt convivia tectis communesque vocant superos, quorum eruta nutu Bebrycia, et votis pariter praedaque fruuntur.
Then in the midst of the palace they begin the festal banquet, and call upon their common gods, by whose decree Bebrycia had been overthrown, and enjoy alike their vows fulfilment and the booty won.
O rem dictu non eminentem, sed solida veraque virtute atque utilitate maximam, experientia suavissimam, humanitate singularem!
And now for a detail which in the telling may lack grandeur, but is most important by reason of the true and substantial personal qualities it reveals and also of its practical service'a thing most pleasant as an experience and remarkable for the kindness it displayed.
et mihi est cor sicut et vobis nec inferior vestri sum quis enim haec quae nostis ignorat
I also have a heart as well as you: for who is ignorant of these things, which you know?
Nos ad constantiam nostris moribus alienam inexpleta hominum cupiditas alligabit?
But I, shall I be bound by the insatiable desire of men to a constancy quite foreign to my nature?
Id quo promptius veniret, colonia Camulodunum valida veteranorum manu deducitur in agros captivos, subsidium adversus rebelles et inbuendis sociis ad officia legum.
To facilitate that result, a colony was settled on conquered lands at Camulodunum by a strong detachment of veterans, who were to serve as a bulwark against revolt and to habituate the friendly natives to their legal obligations.
levis inde secunda aspirans aura propellit carbasa flatus; iamque agiles, Tyrrhena sonant qua caerula, puppes Ausonium evasere latus Ligurumque citatis litora tramittunt proris.
Then a light breeze blew, and drove the sails on with favouring breath. Quickly the vessels slipped past the coast of Italy, where the Tyrrhene sea splashes, and then their prows sped along the strand of the Ligurians.
hoc cum audissent viri Iabesgalaad omnia scilicet quae Philisthim fecerunt super Saul
And when the men of Jabes Galaad had heard this, to wit, all that the Philistines had done to Saul,
Approbatoque consilio in haec fides et data est et accepta.
This advice was approved, and a pledge to that end was given and received.
haec autem erat factura candelabri ex auro ductili tam medius stipes quam cuncta ex utroque calamorum latera nascebantur iuxta exemplum quod ostendit Dominus Mosi ita operatus est candelabrum
Now this was the work of the candlestick, it was of beaten gold, both the shaft in the middle, and all that came out of both sides of the branches: according to the pattern which the Lord had shewn to Moses, so he made the candlestick.
Hac si proficisceretur, intellegebat prius adversarios rescituros de suo adventu quam ipse tertiam partem confecisset itineris; sin per loca sola contenderet, sperabat se imprudentem hostem oppressurum. Ad hanc rem conficiendam imperavit quam plurimos utris atque etiam culleos comparari; post haec pabulum; praeterea cibaria cocta dierum decem, ut quam minime fieret ignis in castris. Iter quo habeat omnis celat. Sic paratus, qua constituerat proficiscitur.
If he marched by the latter road, he knew that his opponents would be informed of his coming before he had gone a third part of the way; but if he made a quick march through the desert, he hoped to surprise the enemy and rout him. With that end in view, he ordered the greatest possible number of bladders as well as leathern bags to be procured, then forage, and finally cooked food for ten days, wishing to make the fewest possible camp-fires. He concealed his proposed route from everyone. Thus prepared, he set out by the road which he had selected.
At Cn. Pompeius multis et praeclaris viris in id bellum adsumptis discriptoque paene in omnis recessus maris praesidio navium, brevi inexsuperabili manu terrarum orbem liberavit praedonesque saepe multis iam aliis locis victos circa Ciliciam classe adgressus fudit ac fugavit; et quo maturius bellum tam late diffusum conficeret, reliquias eorum contractas in urbibus remotoque mari loco in certa sede constituit.
Meanwhile Gnaeus Pompey enlisted the services of many illustrious men, distributed detachments of the fleet to all the recesses of the sea, and in a short time with an invincible force he freed the world from the menace of piracy. Near the Cilician coast he delivered his final attack upon the pirates, who had already met with frequent defeats in many other places, and completely routed them. Then, in order that he might the more quickly put an end to a war that spread over so wide an area, he collected the remnants of the pirates and established them in fixed abodes in cities far from the sea.
demittit clipeum regisque ad lumina versus attonitum factis inopinaque monstra paventem, sicut erat, nudis Lycomedem affatur in armis:.
He drops the shield and turning to face the kings threshold as he sits stunned by what has passed and fearing things strange and sudden he addresses Lycomedes in naked weaponry, just as he was:
olim annis ille ardor hebet, necdum mea proles imperio et belli rebus matura marique: tu, cui iam curaeque vigent animique viriles, i, decus, et pecoris Nephelaei vellera Graio redde tholo ac tantis temet dignare periclis.
The years have long since dulled the old fire, and my son is scarce ripe for rule and war and seafaring: do thou who hast even now the cares and the spirit of a man, do thou, my pride, go, bring back the fleece of Nepheles ram to its Grecian sanctuary, and think not thyself too frail for so perilous a task.
Ita utraque re oppidorum oppugnatio impediebatur.
Thus, by either circumstance, was the storming of their towns rendered difficult
quicumque accedit ad tabernaculum Domini moritur num usque ad internicionem cuncti delendi sumus
Whosoever approacheth to the tabernacle of the Lord, he dieth. Are we all to a man to be utterly destroyed?
haec enim omnia propter mandatum Domini fiunt
For all these things are to be done because of the commandment of God.
increpans mare et exsiccans illud et omnia flumina ad desertum deducens infirmatus est Basan et Carmelus et flos Libani elanguit
He rebuketh the sea and drieth it up: and bringeth all the rivers to be a desert. Basan languisheth and Carmel: and the flower of Libanus fadeth away.
appellatus Mamercus a Surdino, cuius libertus Genucium heredem fecerat, praetoriam iurisdictionem abrogavit, quod diceret Genucium amputatis sua ipsius sponte genitalibus corporis partibus neque virorum neque mulierum numero haberi debere.
Surdinus, whose freedman had made Genucius his heir, appealed to Mamercus, who cancelled the Praetors ruling, saying that Genucius, whose genital parts had been amputated by his own choice, should not be reckoned among either men or women.
Armenium et indicum nominibus ipsis indicatur, quibus in locis procreatur.
Ultramarine (armenium) and indigo (indicum) show by their names the places where they are found.
protulit autem ea Cyrus rex Persarum per manum Mitridatis filii Gazabar et adnumeravit ea Sasabassar principi Iudae
Now Cyrus king of Persia brought them forth by the hand of Mithridates the son of Gazabar, and numbered them to Sassabasar the prince of Juda.
scripsit ergo Moses canticum et docuit filios Israhel
Moses therefore wrote the canticle, and taught it to the children of Israel.
qui provinciarum foedere irretiti, totum illum annum querelas senatus, luctum bonorum, Italiae gemitum pertulerunt.
tied hand and foot by the compact they had entered into with regard to the provinces, they endured for the whole of that year the protests of the senate, the distress of patriots, and the grief of Italy.
Ceterum quod plerique pauperes dicimur, non est infamia nostra, sed gloria: animus enim ut luxu solvitur, ita frugalitate firmatur.
That most of us are reputed poor is no disgrace, but a credit, for the mind is relaxed by luxury, and braced by frugality.
igitur verecundiam utrique eximite communem; nam si etiamnum silere meditemini, omnes et me cui et illum per quem scribere debebas indignum arbitrabuntur.
therefore save him and me from a common sense of humiliation, for if you still mean to be silent, everyone will think that both I to whom and he through whom you ought to have written are unworthy persons.
tacent mutae illorum umbrae, fati necessitate constrictae: at, immemores beneficiorum Athenae, reprehensionis lingua sermone licenti soluta non tacet.
Their shades are mute and silent, bound by necessity of fate. But, Athens, unmindful as you are of benefits, a tongue loosed in unbridled discourse does not keep silent its reproach.
Quorum ritus si percenseas, ridenda quam multa, quam multa etiam miseranda sunt! Nudi cruda hieme discurrunt, alii incedunt pilleati, scuta vetera circumferunt, pelles caedunt, mendicantes vicatim deos ducunt: quaedam fana semel anno adire permittunt, quaedam in totum nefas visere: est quo viro non licet et nonnulla absque feminis sacra sunt, etiam servo quibusdam caerimoniis interesse piaculare flagitium est: alia sacra coronat univira, alia multivira, et magna religione conquiritur quae plura possit adulteria numerare.
Examine into their attendant rites, how ridiculous, how pitiable even they appear! Men running about naked in mid-winter; others marching about in felt caps, or parading old shields; drumming on skins, and dragging their gods to beg from street to street. Some temples may only be entered once a year, some never visited at all. There are rites which a man may not attend, others which may be held only in the absence of women; others where the mere presence of a slave is an outrage needing expiation. For some rites the wreath is laid by a woman with one husband, for others by a woman with several, or ceremonial hue and cry is made for one still more promiscuous in her attachments.
Haec cum et opere magno vallata et loci natura munita animadverteret confertamque armatorum multitudinem collocatam in vallo videret, lassos itinere ac proeliando milites ad oppugnanda castra succedere noluit.
But when he observed that this camp was strongly entrenched as well as protected by its natural position, and saw the serried mass of armed men posted at the rampart, he was unwilling to let his soldiers, weary as they were with marching and fighting, advance to attack the camp.
quod cum fecisset Aaron et cucurrisset ad mediam multitudinem quam iam vastabat incendium obtulit thymiama
When Aaron had done this, and had run to the midst of the multitude which the burning fire was now destroying, he offered the incense:
heu quantis mortale genus premit inprobus hostis armigeris, quanto ferrata satellite ductor bella gerit, quanta victos dicione triumphat! surgit in auxilium Chananeus atque agminadenset casside terribilis, saetarum pondera mento concutiens dextramque gravi cum cuspidequassans.
Alas, with what armed forces does the ruthless enemy press upon the race of men, with what attendant trains under his command does he wage his iron wars, with what dominion triumph over the conquered! The Canaanite rises up to his aid with close-set columns and daunting helm, shaking the weight of bristly beard on his chin and waving the hand that grasps his heavy spear.
inter haec Chaleb conpescens murmur populi qui oriebatur contra Mosen ait ascendamus et possideamus terram quoniam poterimus obtinere eam
In the mean time Caleb, to still the murmuring of the people that rose against Moses, said: Let us go up and possess the land, for we shall be able to conquer it.
Has miserabiles turmas Galli milites contuentes, rationabili quidem sed intempestivo motu, conferendae cum hostibus manus copiam sibi dari poscebant, mortem tribunis vetantibus, primisque ordinibus minitantes, si deinceps prohiberent.
The Gallic soldiers, seeing these throngs of wretches, with a reasonable, but untimely, impulse demanded that the opportunity be given them of encountering the enemy, threatening death to the tribunes who forbade them, and to the higher officers, if they in their turn prevented them.
atque ego curarum repetam decreta mearum.
So then I will unfold the decrees that I made in my providence.
Cum ibi magna vis aquae, luti, stercoris nocte profusa fuisset, postero die helepolis accedens, antequam adpropinquaret ad murum, in umido voragine facta consedit nec progredi nec egredi postea potuit.
After a great amount of water, mud, sewage, had been poured down overnight, the next day the siege engine came along; and before it drew up to the wall, it was engulfed in the wet ground and stuck nor could it get on or get out.
videns itaque Holofernem Iudith sedentem in conopeo quod erat ex purpura et auro et zmaragdo et lapidibus pretiosis intextum
And Judith seeing Holofernes sitting under a canopy, which was woven of purple and gold, with emeralds and precious stones:
me ex Kalendis Ianuariis ad hanc horam invigilasse rei publicae;
that from the first of January up to this hour I have watched over the interests of the Republic;
Accepti in medium Vitelliani, et circumdatos Primus Antonius clementer adloquitur: pars Narniae, pars Interamnae subsistere iussi.
The Vitellians were allowed to advance between the Flavian lines; then Antonius drew his forces about them and addressed them in kindly terms. Half of them were ordered to stay at Narnia, the other half at Interamna.
usque in tempus sustinebit patiens et postea redditio iucunditatis
A patient man shall bear for a time, and afterwards joy shall be restored to him.
Item postea Dianae constituere aedem, quaerentes novi generis speciem isdem vestigiis ad muliebrem transtulerunt gracilitatem, et fecerunt primum columnae crassitudinem octava parte, ut haberet speciem excelsiorem.
Afterwards also seeking to plan a temple of Diana in a new kind of style, they changed it to a feminine slenderness with the same measurement by feet. And first they made the diameter of the column the eighth part of it, so that it might appear taller.
neque polluentur ultra in idolis suis et abominationibus suis et in cunctis iniquitatibus suis et salvos eos faciam de universis sedibus suis in quibus peccaverunt et mundabo eos et erunt mihi populus et ego ero eis Deus
Nor shall they be defiled any more with their idols, nor with their abominations, nor with all their iniquities: and I will save them out of all the places in which they have sinned, and I will cleanse them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.
Cuius aliquamdiu Caesar irridebat inanem ostentationem et eo loco militum coartationem, quem in locum nemo sanus hostis subiturus esset: cum interim Pharnaces eodem gradu quo in praeruptam descenderat vallem ascendere adversus arduum collem instructis copiis coepit.
For some little time Caesar laughed contemptuously at this empty bravado on the part of the king, and at his troops packed closely on ground which no enemy in his senses would be likely to set foot on; while in the meantime Pharnaces with his forces in battle array proceeded to climb the steep hill-side confronting him at the same steady pace at which he had descended the sheer ravine.
quorum nil fieri quoniam manifesta docet res, scire licet non esse in rebus res ita mixtas, verum semina multimodis inmixta latere multarum rerum in rebus communia debent.
But since plain matter of fact teaches that nothing of all this is to be seen, we may know that things are not thus mixed up in things, but seeds common to many things must in many ways lurk immingled in things.
quae modo per vilis inspectast publica noctes, haec nunc aurata cyclade signat humum; te patiente meae conflavit imaginis aurum, ardente e nostro dotem habitura rogo.
She who lately offered herself in public for cheap nights of love now brushes the ground with the gilded hem of her cloak: you did nothing to stop her melting down a gold image of me and putting me to the flames so that she could have a dowry!
ingressus autem Iudaeam et adpropians Bethsurae quod erat in angusto loco ab Hierosolyma intervallo quinque stadiorum illud praesidium expugnabat
So he came into Judea, and approaching to Bethsura, which was in a narrow place, the space of five furlongs from Jerusalem, he laid siege to that fortress.
Ibi quom multa de administrando imperio dissererent, Iugurtha inter alias res iacit oportere quinquenni consulta et decreta omnia rescindi; nam per ea tempora confectum annis Micipsam parum animo valuisse.
At this meeting, in the course of a long discussion about the government of the kingdom, Jugurtha suggested, among other things, that they ought to annul all resolutions and decrees passed within the past five years, on the ground that during that time Micipsa was far gone in years and hardly of sound mind.
protinus ingentem procerum sub nomine taurum deicit, insuetis et iam pia munera templis reddit, et hac prima Veneris calet ara iuvenca.
Forthwith he fells a huge ox in the name of the chieftains, and offers up gifts of sacrifice once more in the unused shrines, and for the first time the altar of Venus smokes with a slain heifer.
his laeti rediere duces loca amoena piorum, prosequiturque oculis puer adveneratus euntes.
Cheered by these tidings, the generals went back to the pleasant places of the blest, while the young man gazed after them as they went, and worshipped them.
Desinant igitur aut ei qui non timent simulare se timere et prospicere rei publicae, aut ei qui omnia verentur nimium esse timidi, ne illorum simulatio, horum obsit ignavia.
Well then, either let those who are not really afraid cease pretending to be afraid and to be looking out for the Republic, or let those who fear shadows cease to be overly timid so that the hypocrisy of the former and the cowardice of the latter may not cause harm.
quis est qui vincit mundum nisi qui credit quoniam Iesus est Filius Dei
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
Aut transeamus ad illa instituta, si potiora sunt, aut nova cupientibus auferatur dux et auctor.
Either let us pass over to his creed, if it is the better, or let these seekers after a new world lose their chief and their instigator.
et iam iussa facit, ponuntque ferocia Poeni corda volente deo; in primis regina quietum accipit in Teucros animum mentemque benignam.
At once he does his bidding, and, God willing it, the Phoenicians lay aside their savage thoughts; above all, the queen receives a gentle mind and gracious purpose towards the Teucrians.
Tum Marius ex copia rerum consilium trahit, atque uti suis receptui locus esset, collis duos propinquos inter se occupat, quorum in uno, castris parum amplo, fons aquae magnus erat, alter usui opportunus, quia magna parte editus et praeceps pauca munimenta quaerebat.
Then Marius devised a plan to suit the options at his disposal, and with the aim of providing a place of refuge for his men, he took possession of two neighboring hills, one of which was too small for a camp but had a large spring of water, while the other was quite serviceable because, being for the most part high and steep, it required little fortification.
Haec Valentinianus relatione iudicum doctus, asperius interpretantium facta, vigore nimio in negotium iussit inquiri.
When the emperor learned this from the report of the judges, who gave what had been done a harsh interpretation, he issued orders that the affair should be investigated with excessive strictness.
tuum ergo crimen sit hospitem occidere voluisse, meum non eris hospes occisus.
So yours be the guilt of wishing to kill your host; you will not be mine, a slain guest.
propterea da filios eorum in famem et deduc eos in manus gladii fiant uxores eorum absque liberis et viduae et viri earum interficiantur morte iuvenes eorum confodiantur gladio in proelio
Therefore deliver up their children to famine, and bring them into the hands of the sword: let their wives be bereaved of children and widows: and let their husbands be slain by death: let their young men be stabbed with the sword in battle.
Tum ego: Platoni, inquam, vehementer assentior, nam me horum iam secundo commemoras, primum quod memoriam corporea contagione, dehinc cum maeroris mole pressus amisi.
Then I said: I strongly agree with Plato; for this is now the second time you have reminded me of these things. The first time was after I lost them from my memory because the body contaminated it, and the second when I was oppressed by the weight of grief.
hunc cum vidisset Iesus iacentem et cognovisset quia multum iam tempus habet dicit ei vis sanus fieri
Him when Jesus had seen lying, and knew that he had been now a long time, he saith to him: Wilt thou be made whole?