stringlengths 1
The request has been completed with all resources requested either completed
or rejected. You can view the details of the request by clicking
MyReq. |
Marla Barnard (marla_barnard@enron.net)
Vice President - Human Resources
Enron Broadband Services
713-345-8158 (Office)
713-646-2678 (Fax) |
As requested, here is the log for today. |
I got tickets! |
Kay, why are we waiting to the end of August!!
---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 07/10/2000
01:43 PM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Kimberly Hillis 07/10/2000 12:44 PM
To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: QBR East Midstream
John is planning on vacation the last week in August. All other dates are
Enron North America Corp.
From: David W Delainey 07/10/2000 12:38 PM
Sent by: Kay Chapman
To: Janet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffery Ader/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ozzie
Pagan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laura Luce/HOU/ECT@ECT, W David
Duran/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gil Muhl/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bruce Sukaly/Corp/Enron@Enron,
Raymond Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Billy Lemmons/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Don
Miller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carl Tricoli/Corp/Enron@Enron, John J
Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Christy Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Claudette Harvey/HOU/ECT@ect, Shelby
Malkemes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Pikofsky/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tina
Rode/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marsha Schiller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Maxine E
Levingston/Corp/Enron@Enron, Deana Fortine/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly
Hillis/HOU/ECT@ect, Nicki Daw/NA/Enron@Enron, Jennifer Burns/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: QBR East Midstream
Dave and Mark would like to have a three (3) hour meeting regarding QBR and
they have the following dates available. Could you please let me know your
availability for these dates ?
August 15 - Tuesday
August 16 - Wednesday
August 17 - Thursday
August 18 - Friday
August 21 - Monday
August 22 - Tuesday
August 23 - Wednesday
Kay 3-0643 |
Start Date: 4/17/01; HourAhead hour: 2; No ancillary schedules awarded.
Variances detected.
Variances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.
Details: (Hour: 2 / Preferred: 12.00 / Final: 11.98)
TRANS_DATE: 4/17/01
----- Forwarded by Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT on 07/17/2000 04:51 PM -----
Ranabir Dutt@ENRON
07/17/2000 04:20 PM
To: Amy Cooper/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Katie Stowers/HOU/ECT@ECT, jephross@velaw.com@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Gerald
Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shonnie Daniel@ECT, Audrey Pullen/HOU/ECT@ECT,
DKHenry@br-inc.com, TAYLR@andrews-kurth.com
Subject: Re: Wind River Meeting Today (Monday, July 17)
Please book the same room for the same time (3 pm) on July 31 for a follow up
meeting on Wind River. The invitees will be
Katie Stowers
Joel Ephross
Gerald Nemec
Shonnie Daniel
Audrey Pullen
Dean Henry (BR)
Ann Vaughn (BR)
Sean Bunk (A&K)
Rob Taylor (A&K)
Also set up a conference call number as the folks from A&K and BR will not be
coming over to our office.
Amy Cooper@ECT
07/17/2000 09:06 AM
To: seanbunk@andrews-kurth.com, robtaylor@andrews-kurth.com, Shonnie
Daniel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katie Stowers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ranabir Dutt/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Wind River Meeting Today (Monday, July 17)
The new location for the Wind River meeting today at 3:00 p.m. is EB 2853.
Sean and Rob:
Please go to the Security Desk at the Enron Building, 1400 Smith, and sign
in. Then go to the 28th floor and I will meet you and take you to the
conference room. Thank you.
Amy |
You should be getting a fax from Maurice re ees llc opinion. Please send me an email describing the changes he is requesting. Thanks.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net) |
Don't forget about us down here in the dusty old gas trading business!
Fletch |
16:00 (UK Time) 10am (US Time)
BT Conference Call Details:
Tel: +44 (0)1296 619 850
Pin No.: 748908#
Please call the above no. at 4PM UK Time, 10AM US Time. Enter the Pin No.
when asked and you will be connected to the conf. call.
London Mtg Room: NE4005
Houston Mtg Room: tba
Lisa Fair
(+ 44 207 783 7123) |
The report named: West VaR and Peak Position Report By Trader <http://erv.corp.enron.com/linkFromExcel.asp?report_cd=26&report_name=West+VaR+and+Peak+Position+Report+By+Trader&category_cd=6&category_name=WEST&toc_hide=1&sTV1=6&TV1Exp=Y¤t_efct_date=12/27/2001>, published as of 12/27/2001 is now available for viewing on the website. |
Lamar --
I have received the list of the clients from John McMullen. The key push is Legislative and AReM PR is not involved. We need the customers to call the Gov and key Legislators.
-----Original Message-----
From: Frazier, Lamar
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 9:07 AM
To: Steffes, James D.
Subject: Re: Customer Contact with Governor, Etc. - Direct Access Suspension
My apologies for the delayed response, however, I was on vacation when you sent the original note. I spoke to Sue Tuesday or Wednesday of last week and she was going to send me the contacts info at AReM's PR office so that we could put the customer's in direct contact with that individual. As you have seen I have requested contact information from Origination and Service Management, however, I would still like to have the PR contact's info in case we have a customer only willing to speak directly to AReM's PR.
Let me know if that is something you can provide.
From: James D Steffes/ENRON@enronXgate on 09/04/2001 11:16 AM
To: Lamar Frazier/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Keeney/HOU/EES@EES, Susan J Mara/ENRON@enronXgate, Karen Denne/ENRON@enronXgate
cc: Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Customer Contact with Governor, Etc. - Direct Access Suspension
Lamar --
It is critical that every customer in California that switched (signed new or renewal customer) during this year. We need a contact person for each account. The key to securing a better date is to have the customers push the Governor and the Legislature and the CPUC.
We are able to provide phone numbers and contacts through our trade groups.
Jim |
We will need to craft a response
---------------------- Forwarded by Rob G Gay/NA/Enron on 02/14/2001 09:20 AM
Bradley.Barta@swec.com on 02/14/2001 09:43:16 AM
To: Rob.G.Gay@enron.com
cc: susan.garven@stoneweb.com, frank.kluesener@kfw.de, Bboeh@opic.gov
Subject: Questions re: Siemens Negotiations
Rob - We've reviewed your memo which sets forth general points of your
negotiations with Siemens. Following are comments and questions regarding
certain negotiated points:
EOT Claim Agreement
Owner must operate and maintain per O&M manuals and industry practices on oil;
if not, owner must correct items materially affecting Contractor's
We observe that while this point places reasonable responsibility on the Owner
to correct problems that were a result of their commercial operations, it is
introduces an opportunity for the Contractor to place unfounded blame on the
owner for affecting the Contractor's ability to commission.
Risk of Loss remains with owner during commissioning on gas
We understand that the Facility is under the care, custody and control of the
Owner and that the Facility is currently operating under the insurance
intended for the commercial operating period (versus the construction period).
Please confirm that there is no reason to be concerned about insurance
if a problem arises resulting in material damage attributable to Contractor
action during commissioning on gas. We are also advising the Lenders to have
this point reviewed by an insurance advisor.
Degradation - agree to use curves with credit to owner for degradation during
During our last conference call it was indicated that the first choice was to
test to determine degradation and the alternative was to agree on a set of
curves. It appears that Siemens was unwilling to agree to the test approach.
We observe that the curves used to determine owner credit may be biased to the
benefit of Siemens. We trust that your operations experts will diligently
review the basis for the curves.
Performance LD's on gas per the EPC contract with first $4,000,000 forgiven by
Please explain the rationale behind forgiving $4 million of Contractor LDs.
Delay LD's on gas do not start until 60 days after performance test on gas
During our last conference call it was indicated that there would be a stand
down until 7/1/01 when gas is available, no LDs would be paid related to oil
firing performance, and that the LD clock would start if gas commissioning is
not complete within 60 days. We do not understand the above negotiated point.
Please confirm that our understanding is correct or clarify your negotiated
TAA Agreement
No 12-month look back.
We assume that this negotiated point is related to the time period factored
the availability calculation for purposes of determining whether or not an
extension or additional work by the Contractor has been triggered as a result
dropping below the availability standards. Please explain how this negotiated
point affects the mechanics of the TAA and also please explain how
will be calculated. As we noted during our last conference call, we are
concerned that Siemens believes that the availability value is not reduced if
maintenance work is being performed during periods when the Facility is not
being dispatched.
12 month Initial Guarantee Period, with the clock suspended for gas
commissioning unless owner delay.
We interpret the above negotiated point to mean that the 12-month clock for
initial guarantee period stops during commissioning regardless of how long it
takes the Contractor to commission on gas (unless delays are attributable to
Owner) and re-starts after Contractor has successfully completed the
testing on gas. Please confirm that our understanding is correct.
In order to provide the lenders an adequate warranty period on gas (if
there are additional delays on the P/L) our Insurance group has indicated
that we will have no problem obtaining 12 months renewable business
interruption insurance when we go operational on gas. This should solve
the issue over the revised warranty with Siemens because it covers defects,
design, and workmanship on the turbines and includes lost profits, etc.
Incidentally, for insurance purposes the turbines are designated DE3 which
is not a new technology designation. The duration of BI coverage is 18
months per event with US$150,000 deductible.
Stone & Webster is advising the Lenders to have an insurance advisor review
Thanks in advance for your response. Hope all is well.
Bradley |
so ...you need flights to Houston??
From: Jeff Dasovich on 04/25/2001 01:23 PM CDT
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich
To: Joseph Alamo/NA/Enron@Enron
I have one:
Houston's coming to town for a meeting on Friday, the 4th. |
Hi John,
I haven't been able to find you number. I wanted to discuss the
confidentiality agreements, and whether you envision that other
confidentiality agreements may be necessary or required.
Kay |
I agree that you can develop a rpeliminary assessment thru Lou and Don, as to environmental.
What is social risk???????????????????????
-----Original Message-----
From: Sutton, Lisa
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 5:34 PM
To: Hayslett, Rod; Saunders, James
Subject: FW: Improtant: Social and Environmental Risk baseline
Should I work on this request? We will be doing our risk assessments for 2002 with Andersen in January but I could touch base with a few folks in the organization (Lou Soldano and Don Hawkins) if needed. Please advise.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kilchrist, Shawn
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 8:57 AM
To: Kilchrist, Shawn; Berggren, John; Sutton, Lisa; Atwood, Mechelle;
Gregorcyk, Vicky; Barrett, Misty; Bromley, Paul; Sloan, Mary
Subject: Improtant: Social and Environmental Risk baseline
As part of Ken Lays initiative to measure Enron's social and environmental risk, EAS has been requested to help with a baseline assessment of what our BU's are doing in those areas. As such, please talk with your CAO's and/or BU leaders as part of your 2002 risk assessment and obtain answers to the following questions and send them back to me on or before Thanksgiving. Please let me know if you're having any problems with this or need further clarification.
* Do the business units know the scope and nature of social and environmental risks associated with their business strategy, transactions, assets, countries where they operate, and/or counter parties?
* Do the business units have a process to identify social and environmental risk?
* If so, what process does the business units employ in order to identify and manage social and environmental risk?
* What process do the business units use to quantify and/or qualify these exposures?
* Who is responsible for managing this process in the business?
* Does the business review the quality of their social/environmental risk assessment and management activities?
* Is the business unit aware of the existing corporate function and processes?
This information will help Ken and his task team to develop a proposed process for developing a consistent process for measuring social/environmental risk management performance across the business. We may be asked for more assistance in this area in 2002.
Thank you for your assistance!
Shawn |
February 2, 2001 5:00pm through February 5, 2001 12:00am
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: ENA
Time: Sat 2/3/2001 at 3:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 3:15:00 AM CT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 1:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 1:15:00 AM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:00:00 AM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:15:00 AM London
Outage: Change the root bridge for ENA-CX1 and ENA-CX2
Environments Impacted: ENA
Contact(s): George Nguyen 713-853-0691
FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: EOL
Time: Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 11:00:00 AM CT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 7:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:00:00 AM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 3:00:00 PM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 5:00:00 PM London
Outage: EOL UUNET upgrade
Environments Impacted: EOL
Purpose: Link utilization/future growth
Backout: Revert to original speed/configuration
Contact(s): Morgan Gothard 713-345-7387
Impact: EOL
Time: Sat 2/3/2001 at 11:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 5:00:00 PM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London
Outage: Replacing EOL DMZ switches
Environments Impacted: EOL
Purpose: Increased capacity and speed
Backout: Revert to original equipment
Contact(s): Morgan Gothard 713-345-7387
MESSAGING: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Market Data
Time: Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 11:00:00 AM CT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 7:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:00:00 AM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 3:00:00 PM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 5:00:00 PM London
Outage: TRS Maintenance reboot
Environments Impacted: Telerate Users
Purpose: Preventive maintenance
Backout: N/A
Contact(s): John Sieckman 713-345-7862
Impact: Market Data
Time: Sat 2/3/2001 at 9:30:00 AM CT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 10:00:00 AM CT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 7:30:00 AM PT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 8:00:00 AM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 3:30:00 PM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 4:00:00 PM London
Outage: Server re-location
Environments Impacted: Telerate Users
Purpose: Make room for new Bridge Server infrastructure.
Backout: N/A
Contact(s): John Sieckman 713-345-7862
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 2/2/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 2/2/2001 at 6:30:00 PM CT
Fri 2/2/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 2/2/2001 at 4:30:00 PM PT
Fri 2/2/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 12:30:00 AM London
Outage: Memory add to server charon.
Environments Impacted: Enlighten and Intelligence Users
Purpose: memory resource constrints.
Backout: Replace memory if it is faulty.
Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 2/2/2001 at 6:15:00 PM CT thru Fri 2/2/2001 at 6:45:00 PM CT
Fri 2/2/2001 at 4:15:00 PM PT thru Fri 2/2/2001 at 4:45:00 PM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 12:15:00 AM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 12:45:00 AM London
Outage: Reboot NIS1a
Environments Impacted: UNIX Users
Purpose: It appears to be generating error messages on client machines.
Backout: Move nis1b to become nis1a, fix broken nis1a "offline".
Contact(s): Adam DeRidder 713-853-1428
Impact: HR
Time: Fri 2/2/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 2/2/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT
Fri 2/2/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 2/2/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT
Fri 2/2/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London
Outage: Move HR-db-6 HR-db-7 HR-db-8 friday night to a new location on the
Ardmore datacenter floor.
Environments Impacted: Corp
Purpose: The HR servers need to be moved to make room for new air handlers
slated for their space.
There will be IP address and DNS changes for the servers.
Backout: NONE
Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 2/3/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 2/3/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sun 2/4/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London
Environments Impacted: ENA
Purpose: Speed up db writers to meet the current load.
Backout: Change the parameter back.
Contact(s): Alex Hsieh 713-853-6561 713-288-1779
SITARA: No Scheduled Outages.
SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.
TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages
TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: ESA
Time: Sat 2/3/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 2/4/2001 at 4:00:00 PM CT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 6:00:00 PM Brazil thru Sun 2/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM Brazil
Sat 2/3/2001 at 12:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 2/4/2001 at 2:00:00 PM PT
Sat 2/3/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London thru Sun 2/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM London
Outage: Maintenance to the electrical systems
Environments Impacted: Sao Paulo Office and Rio de Janeiro Office
Purpose: To expand the electrical system.
Backout: Back to the original project.
Contact(s): Nilson Busto 7910-1347
(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
(713) 853-5536 Information Risk Management
Specific Help:
Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]
RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]
OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]
CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]
EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]
EES Help Desk (713)853-1741 OR (888)853-9797 |
-----Original Message-----
From: Curry, Wanda
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 2:19 PM
To: Mellencamp, Lisa; Tribolet, Michael
Cc: Colwell, Wes; Steffes, James D.
Subject: Status of Reconciliation of Receivables with PG&E
Privileged and Confidential
Lisa and Michael,
I talked with two representatives from PG&E today, Robert Orbeta and Fong Wan, regarding the reconciliation of amounts included in Enron's Proof Of Claim, which total almost $404 million dollars, to the books and records of PG&E. Both Robert and Fong agree that 1) no significant differences have been found, 2) the total variance, including IBM, is approximately $2 million dollars, and 3) the reconciliation is substantially complete and therefore, the results should not change materially. Diann Huddleson will call her counterpart, Mike Alexander, this afternoon to request a schedule, by account, of these variances. As you know, Enron's Proof of Claim is a compilation of charges/credits reflected on PG&E invoices, and therefore, the only differences should have been the result of omissions, duplications, or other query failures. All things being equal, the reconciliation should have been a simple comparison, but at an account level. The sheer number of accounts for several months of activity, made this reconciliation a challenge.
Both Robert and Fong made remarks regarding Enron's claim for the IBM dual bill accounts. Mr. Fong also commented that another outstanding item, in his opinion, was the "FERC refund case". I suggested that these items be included on the agenda for the settlement discussions scheduled for next week.
Let me know if you need anything further.
Wanda |
CheMatch.com continues auction growth
Dec 04, 2000 10:12 AM ET
HOUSTON, Dec. 4 (LocalBusiness.com) -- CheMatch.com said more than 95,000
metric tons of chemicals were traded in November through its private auction
system -- a volume equal to more than half of the total trades since the
auction's inception last summer.
In a written statement, Ed Moody, CheMatch.com's vice president of auctions
said the private auction system uses real-time pricing feedback and can be
tailored to the needs of each user.
Since CheMatch.com started the private auctions, about 50 companies have
traded more than 175,000 metric tons of products including chemicals,
polymers and fuel products. The average value of completed transactions is
about $800,000.
In addition to auctions, CheMatch.com also operates a commodity chemicals,
polymers and fuel products exchange on which more than 1 million metric tons
of product has been transacted.
CheMatch has recently completed a restructuring that included layoffs, and
early last month it withdrew a planned initial public offering.
Clay Jeansonne, CheMatch.com spokesman, told LocalBusiness.com last week the
company currently has 85 employees down from 93 and that CheMatch expects to
bring in new funding from venture capital and technology companies by the end
of the year.
Privately held CheMatch.com is an Internet-based marketplace for the buyers
and sellers of bulk commodity chemicals, plastics and fuel products. Its
investors currently include Battery Ventures, Bayer AG (NYSE: BAYZY),
Computer Sciences Corp. (NYSE: CSC), DuPont (NYSE: DD), GE (NYSE: GE) and
Millennium Chemicals (NYSE: MCH).
o Online Marketing Firm iChoose Shuts Down
DALLAS -- iChoose, a developer of e-commerce marketing
systems, said it has shut down due to lack of funding.
In the past couple of months, the company has struggled
to stay alive by seeking out additional funding,
and even signed a letter of intent to be acquired.
That acquisition fell through and the company said
it had no other choice than to close. iChoose was
unable to disclose the would-be-acquirer due to
legal restrictions. On its Web site, the company
posted a message with uninstall instructions for
its software and a final farewell to its customers.
iChoose was backed by Sevin Rosen.
o Web Security Firm @Stake Gets $26 Million in Second Round
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- @stake, a provider of Internet
security services, said it raised $26 million in
its second round of funding. Investors included
Madison Dearborn Partners and previous investor
Battery Ventures. Individual investors in the round
included Bruce Claflin, president and COO of 3Com;
Paul Sagan, president of Akamai Technologies; William
Cadogan, chairman, president, and CEO of ADC Telecom;
Bob Palmer, former chairman, president and CEO of
Digital Equipment; Eckard Pfieffer, chairman of
Intershop and former CEO of Compaq Computer; Morgan
O'Brien, co-founder of Nextel Communications; and
Robert J. Davis, CEO of Terra-Lycos. The company
will use the funding toward research and new marketing
o Commerce Software Firm Momenta Gets $5 Million Round One
AUSTIN, Texas -- Momenta, a software company providing
collaborative commerce applications and services
for electronic marketplaces, said it has raised $5
million in its first round of funding. Authosisa,
a Hong Kong-based venture capital firm, led the
round, which also included American Pacific Technology
Group and several individual Asian and American
investors. The company said it will use the funds
for marketing and product development.
_____________________________________________ |
Please see attached. Thanks. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/09/2001
11:13 AM ---------------------------
Institutional Investor Journals <webinfo@iijournals.com> on 04/08/2001
10:54:18 PM
To: "vkamins@enron.com" <vkamins@enron.com>
Subject: Institutional Investor Journals Profile Update Confirmation
Thank you for updating your II Journals profile information. Changes to your
User ID, Password and E-mail Address have been made. Please allow 24 hours
for any other changes you've made to take effect in our system. Here is the
profile information we have for you:
Account Number: 12973228
First Name: Vince
Last Name: Kaminski
Company Name: Enron Corp
Position: Managing Director
Address 1: 1400 Smith St EB 1962
Address 2:
City: Houston
State: TX
Zip Code: 77002-7327
Country: USA
Phone: (713) 853-3848
Fax: (713) 646-2503
Foreign Phone:
Foreign Fax:
EMail: vkamins@enron.com
Password: ITALIA |
John, I would like to get together for lunch on the 6th of Sept. Take care.
08/24/2000 01:56 PM
To: <Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com>
Subject: Change in Plans
It never fails. Ironically, within an hour after hitting the "Send" button
on my prior e-mail to you, I got a call from Stephanie, Jim's assistant,
informing me that Jim's travel schedule for the first week in September had
changed since I had set up the appointment and so we are going to have to
reschedule the meeting with him. Stephanie gave me a couple of possible
dates in late Sept. and the middle of October that I need to follow up with
Steve and Peter on. Once I circle back with them, I'll follow up with you to
see what may work for you.
Since I am scheduled to have a meeting in your offices on the morning of the
7th, I still plan to be in Houston. Is there a chance that you and I could
get together for lunch on the 6th or perhaps catch up for a few minutes that
afternoon or the afternoon of the 7th?
I'll touch base with you to see what your schedule looks like. Thanks. John
"This e-mail, including attachments, contains information that is
confidential and it may be protected by the attorney/client or other
privileges. This e-mail, including attachments, constitutes non-public
information intended to be conveyed only to the designated recipient(s). If
you are not an intended recipient, please delete this e-mail, including
attachments and notify me by return mail, e-mail or by phone at 212
424-8125. The unauthorized use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction
of the e-mail, including attachments, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
John Klauberg
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P.
212 424-8125
jklauber@llgm.com |
Monday, October 9, 2000
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There are 5 tech stocks every investor must own. Tech expert
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"Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship hardly ever
does." -- Jane Austen
The big British drug maker bolsters its consumer business.
By Tom Jacobs
British-based drug producer SmithKline Beecham (NYSE: SBH)
announced today that it would swallow New Jersey's oral products
maker Block Drug (Nasdaq: BLOCA) for $1.24 billion. SmithKline
will pay $53 a share for Block, which closed Friday at $50.63,
up 0.75%. SmithKline ended the week at $67.44, a mere 5% under
its 52-week high.
SmithKline is expanding its consumer business while competitors
such as Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) are shedding theirs to
focus on drugs. SmithKline already earns one-third of its
revenues from consumer products, which include Aquafresh
toothpaste, and now adds Block's Sensodyne toothpaste and
Polident denture cleaner brands. Commentators speculate that
SmithKline is keeping a consumer division to better deliver
non-prescription versions of its own drugs that have lost patent
protection, or that the Block buyout better positions SmithKline
to spin off its consumer division.
At the same time, the British drug powerhouse is pushing into
genomics: It has joined a new public-private consortium to fund
efforts to decode mouse DNA within the next six months. The $53
million Mouse Sequencing Consortium includes SmithKline,
Affymetrix (Nasdaq: AFFX), the Merck Genome Research Institute,
the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and the British-based
Wellcome Trust. Like its sibling the SNP Consortium, the Mouse
confab hopes to speed genomic data into the public domain.
Celera Genomics (NYSE: CRA) and other companies are competing to
sequence the mouse genome and SNPs (single nucleotide
polymorphisms) to sell in proprietary databases.
Surrounding these events is the pending merger of SmithKline
with larger drug maker Glaxo Wellcome (NYSE: GLX). The two await
regulatory approval to create the world's second-largest
pharmaceutical firm with a $180 billion market cap. Perhaps
because of their experience -- the Federal Trade Commission has
delayed the merger twice and now won't rule until the end of the
year -- SmithKline hasn't announced a target date to close the
Block deal.
Reuters reports that General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Fiat are
joining forces for talks to purchase some or all of ailing South
Korean car maker Daewoo. Daewoo Motor is one of 12 units of
Daewoo Group, which creditors rescued in August and seek to
shore up. Ford beat out GM in June for exclusive talks with
Daewoo, but Ford ended negotiations in September. GM and Daewoo
Motors have been around the block before -- several times. Their
15-year alliance ended in 1992.
City delivery speedsters Kozmo.com and Urbanfetch.com are
talking a Kozmo buyout again, according to The New York Times.
Kozmo has not been the most ardent suitor: It sued Urbanfetch
before it opened last year and settled out of court. The parties
have bailed from previous talks at the last minute. The Times'
sources state that the new company would hope to go public in
the next year -- if the Internet IPO market turns up.
Facing tomorrow's announcement of latest quarter earnings,
biotech drug maker Biogen (Nasdaq: BGEN) licensed five new drug
targets from genomics drug discovery company CuraGen (Nasdaq:
CRGN). Biogen has been criticized for the weakness of its drug
development pipeline, and the CuraGen deal gives Biogen a jump
start at the early stages of the pipeline -- five targets
against which to test possible drug candidates. Biogen also
announced a management realignment Friday.
A new gene bank, the First Genetic Trust, will open to allay
people's reluctance to share their genetic data with
researchers. Arthur Holden, chair of the SNP Consortium and
Mouse Consortium (see lead story above), will form the bank with
David Wang, former head of genomics and bioinformatics at
Motorola (NYSE: MOT), and Andrea Califano, former computational
biology director at IBM (NYSE: IBM). The bank would perform two
main functions designed to keep individual information private,
assuage fears that information could be used to deny employment
or insurance, and increase efficiency. The bank would provide
analysis results to researchers, but not the individual genetic
data, and patients could authorize the bank to give their
doctors access to a patient's DNA account for prescription
purposes instead of having to test patients each time.
Enjoy Friday's Foolish market wrap-up with one swift click!
Your favorite stock takes a nosedive and you want to sell it,
take a tax loss, and buy it back at the lower price. Enter Roy
Lewis to warn you of wash sale rules.
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MsgId: msg-8562-B10969313Address.msg-08:53:16(10-09-2000)
X-Version: mailer-sender-master,v 1.84
X-Version: mailer-sender-daemon,v 1.84
Message-Recipient: benjamin.rogers@enron.com |
Thanks for your kind words.
We shall be around for a few more days and
I shall catch up with you before I go.
I may hang around till 1/31.
I am thinking about organizing a reunion
of the Group in a few months. See you there.
-----Original Message-----
From: Moore, Kevin G.
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 2:39 PM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Subject: Just a note
<< File: Dear Vince.doc >>
Have A Great Day !
Kevin |
request_number: BPA-IN:02
firstname: Linc
lastname: Wolverton
e-mail: lwolv@worldaccessnet.com
exhibit_wp-02-e-: IN-02
page_numbers: 11
request_text: On page 11, lines 20-23, reference is made to the use of
revenue and price data provided in BPA's documentation. However, no cite was
provided. Please provide the appropriate cite to BPA's documentation. If
the documentation is computer files provided by BPA in its response to a data
request, please cite the appropriate data request.
response_text: The information was provided in BPA's response to
IN-BPA-027. The computer file is named:
The following information is from the web server:
2. Remote Host:
3. Remote IP Address:
4. Form URL:
5. Browser Client: Mozilla/4.73 [en]C-DIAL (Win98; U) |
I just got the email from our UT recruiter naming all of the Super Saturday
candidates. Kudos. I'm so glad we didn't embarrass ourselves by overlooking
you a second time. I'll see what I can do about getting assigned to your
dinner group. See you this weekend. |
- Quotes1206.xls |
I have a tolling arrangement to work on. I'm trying to get my hands on the
Black Hills tolling agreement. Can someone point me in the right direction
to find it?
Kay |
See attached.
Mary Cook
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal
Houston, Texas 77002-7361
(713) 345-7732 (phone)
(713) 646-3490 (fax)
mary.cook@enron.com |
I'm not sure whether or not the expense report below has already been
processed. If it hasn't, please process. If it has, please disregard this
e-mail. Thanks very much!
---------------------- Forwarded by Denise LaGesse/ET&S/Enron on 12/05/2000
11:48 AM ---------------------------
From: Drew Fossum 12/05/2000 11:43 AM
To: Denise LaGesse/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Susan's expense report 11/16/00
Yes. Sorry I forgot to cc you. If it got lost in the process, have them
send it again, or forward this email to payables as my approval. thanks df
12/05/2000 10:51 AM
To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Susan's expense report 11/16/00
Did you already approve this expense report and send it to accounting?
---------------------- Forwarded by Denise LaGesse/ET&S/Enron on 12/05/2000
10:50 AM ---------------------------
11/16/2000 04:04 PM
To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Susan's expense report 11/16/00
Please approve the attached expense report and cc: me on your approval.
Thanks! |
Didn't know if you saw this...
Pompano refuses $10,000 `gift' from Texas firm that wants power-plant OK
By LISA J. HURIASH Sun-Sentinel??????
Web-posted: 11:43 p.m. Dec. 7, 2000
???POMPANO BEACH -- The city has returned a $10,000 check to a powerful
Texas-based company that wants to build a controversial power plant here.
???Enron North America, one of the world's largest energy conglomerates, has
proposed a 510-megawatt plant for a 30-acre site south of Sample Road and
east of Florida's Turnpike.
???Company officials hand-delivered the check last Friday, requesting that
the money be used for cultural arts programs. The city manager returned it on
???"While your donation is believed to be a genuine and unrelated corporate
support of the community, the timing of your donation has the potential of
creating a false impression and perception of its intent and purpose," City
Manager C. William Hargett Jr. wrote in a letter to Steve Krimsky, director
of Enron.
???"Therefore, I am returning your check."
???The company is planning to pitch its development project to the city's
Planning and Zoning Board later this month. Eventually the issue will come
before the City Commission.
???The company hopes to start construction in April and begin operating the
plant on May 1, 2002. It would be the fifth power plant in Broward County,
and the third largest.
???City officials applauded returning the check to Enron.
???"I think their intentions were very questionable," said Commissioner Kay
McGinn. "The city did the honorable thing in returning the check."
???"We have been talking about cultural arts. But did they do it for
something in return?" asked Mayor Bill Griffin. "The best thing we did was to
return the check."
???There wasn't anything improper about the gift, said Eric Thode, spokesman
for Enron.
???"The city has a right to its opinion. I would say Enron nationwide has
been recognized for its philanthropic activities. We want to be a good
corporate citizen and support the community. These are not political
contributions. Supporting cultural activities, children's activities, these
are things we have typically supported in various areas where we do
business," he said.
???When the company built a plant in Illinois, for example, it also built a
playground in that city, Thode said.
???Two cities near the Pompano site, Margate and Coconut Creek, have
expressed concern about the plant and air-quality regulators, worry it would
rely too heavily on diesel fuel. Diesel fuel releases nitrogen oxide, a
leading cause of smog, which can worsen asthma, bronchitis and other
breathing problems.
???The plant would burn diesel fuel up to 1,500 hours a year, according to
its permit application to the state Department of Environmental Protection.
???Hargett said in his letter that he hopes when the plant controversy is
over, and the timing is better, Enron will come through financially.
???"Hopefully, Enron will continue its support of the community and consider
a future donation following completion of the various matters pending before
the city," he wrote in his letter to Krimsky.
???Thode noted that the check was not written to the city.
???"We would not cut a check directly to a city government," he said. "Our
budget has standards."
???The check was made payable to the non-profit Pompano Beach Cultural Arts
Foundation, which raises money for city-sponsored cultural programs. The five
city commissioners, who will vote on the power plant, act as the foundation's
???Enron officials met with Coconut Creek City Manager John Kelly and his
staff Thursday to discuss their concerns about the plant's impact. Because of
the area's wind conditions, the gases from the plant's 80-foot stacks would
blow in the general direction of Margate, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs and
???Kelly said it was a "good exchange of information" and he expects future
???"They're trying to be the good neighbor and get into the community," Kelly
said, referring to the returned check. "It probably came off the wrong way."
???He added that he was relieved Pompano Beach returned the money.
???"It gives us all a comfort level we're going to deal with it objectively,"
he said. "Checks don't make the air better."
???Lisa J. Huriash can be reached at lhuriash@sun-sentinel.com or
????? |
---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 04/04/2001
01:19 PM ---------------------------
"Hirasuna, Robert" <rhirasuna@AkinGump.com> on 04/04/2001 10:18:00 AM
To: "Drew Fossum (E-mail)" <dfossum@enron.com>
Subject: Revised Draft
<<4%P001!.DOC>> Use this draft instead. I missed a couple of delted dashes
on the first page.
The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the
personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message
may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is
privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the
intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in
error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this
message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in
error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original
- 4%P001!.DOC |
Your list of items is correct. However, the entex related transport shows up
on the P&L and the GL via transport expense from Tom to Ed. This number is
manually booked to the GL each month by Phillip. Therefore, this revenue
shows up en masse with all of the marketing desk's expense.
Enron North America Corp.
From: Heidi Withers 01/20/2000 09:01 AM
To: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Walters/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Entex Transport Reimbursement
Eric and Mick, does this match your understanding of how the money for
transport related to the volumes that Entex pulls for Lufkin/Diboll
residential volumes end up in Ed's P&L? Also, do we do anything for the
industrial volume? I think we ought to let people know that we accomplished
this (albeit that we did this a long time ago). Please let me know.
Ed asked me to find revenue from Entex for transportation expense to
Lufkin/Diboll for the residential part of the contract (Transaction 10).
After checking into it, we have all found the following things:
1. Howard allocates the Lufkin/Diboll meters (7107/8/9) based on actuals.
2. Howard receives allocations from Entex for the industrial volumes, and
then backs into the Transaction 10 (residential) volumes for Lufkin/Diboll.
3. Howard allocates the residential piece for Lufkin/Diboll to Transaction 10.
4. Kyle bills Entex for the residential volume, and applies the cash to the
sales invoice.
5. Cassandra cuts an invoice to Co. 16 to get reimbursed for the transport
expense going up to Lufkin/Diboll for the residential volume.
6. The money lands in Ed's P&L for the residential piece of the transport
Right now, at the end of the month, Eric Bass tells Mick how much the
transport reimbursement is and Mick includes that money in Ed's P&L as
revenue from a third party. The actual money is reflected in Co. 12, and we
just have to make sure that the money is reflected as revenue for Ed in the
G/L rather than for Tom. |
Please approve. |
Do you know if Enron is trying to have any input in the selection process?
Chris Long@ENRON
01/04/2001 09:38 AM
To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa
cc: Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Briggs/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: CFTC Interim-Chair
Rumor has it that Jim Newsome will be named Interim Chairman of the CFTC
today or tomorrow. No word yet on who will be the Bush selection for CFTC
Chair, but Newsome wants to stay and has friends in high places. More to
follow. |
--------------- cc:Mail Forwarded ---------------
From: Michel E Nelson AT AMARILLO_PO
Date: 04/02/99 04:44 PM
To: Bill Cordes AT ENRON
Cc: Phil Lowry AT ENRON
Subject: PG&E Letter & Spreadsheet
--------------- cc:Mail Forwarded ---------------
From: Melissa A Urban AT AMARILLO_PO
Date: 04/02/99 04:26 PM
To: Jeffery Fawcett AT ENRON
To: Steven Harris AT ENRON
To: Dan Pribble AT ENRON
To: Dave Schafer AT ENRON
Cc: Michel E Nelson
Cc: Louis Soldano AT ENRON
Subject: PG&E Letter & Spreadsheet
______________________________ Forward Header
Subject: PG&E Letter & Spreadsheet
Author: Michel E Nelson at AMARILLO_PO
Date: 4/2/99 4:44 PM
Attached is the letter and analysis spreadsheet sent to Rod Boschee today.
The letter outlines the additional interim steps identified at this weeks
meeting. The letter also contains reference to a spike in the analysis
results at Transwesterns Measuring Station filter separator. The split sample
came back at this site at 216/185 PPM. We are making arrangements to have the
sample rerun at another lab. All other analysis points remained consistent
with last week. Lou Soldano advised me that since the spike occurred on our
equipment, that it may not be worthy of my personal phone call to Rod.
Lou Soldano has also prepared a draft of a letter for you to send to Mr
Mazotti regarding our on going concern and additional plans. He has, or will
be sending that to you directly.
If you have any questions, please call.
______________________________ Forward Header
Subject: PG&E Letter & Spreadsheet
Author: Melissa A Urban at AMARILLO_PO
Date: 4/2/99 4:26 PM
Attached are the letter and spreadsheet supplied to PG&E on Friday, April 2,
- pg&esamp.xls - 4-02-99p.doc |
Attached is the form of amendment to guaranty for Tractebel. Do you know the $$ limits for signing authority for Bridgeline. I.e. when do the management member have to sign a guaranty as opposed to Randy Curry? |
CUNNINGHAM: 400 max. wdl. 450 max. inj.
REDFIELD: 255 max. wdl.
LYONS: 32 max. wdl. thru the weekend
WRENSHALL/GARNER: Both available for vaporizing up to 300. |
unfortuanely most of these are analysts- some of the language is ok to use, but more qualitative than quantitative - this was jsut sent to us - most of them are in house, so be careful if you are printing out anyof them.
and i have added in this resume of this guy (trey shenken) who sent me his to show to hunter- i gave it directly to hr as i don't know the guy from adam- he was a frd of a frd and i think his is WAY to long, but had some stuff abt trading:
spk soon rz
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Richards
Sent: Fri 7/13/2001 6:36 PM
To: Caroline Abramo
Cc: Robyn Zivic
Subject: FW: Analyst Resumes
Caroline, let's try this again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richards, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 9:51 AM
To: Abramo, Caroline
Cc: 'Thomas Gros'
Subject: Analyst Resumes
Caroline, attached are resumes of Analysts that are up for rotation. If you are interested, you may contact them directly. I will contact you to discuss your interest.
<<Sheetal Patel-Resume_05.29.2001.doc>> , <<Simone La Rose.doc>> , <<Farouk lalji.doc>> , <<Stephanie Segura.doc>> , <<Reginald Smith Resume.doc>> , <<binh resume.doc>> , <<Peter Ward Resume 5_30_01.doc>>
<<Christiaan Huizer.doc>> (Christiaan is moving back from our Brazil office, Business Unit would be responsible for his re-location costs)
<<Carrie Southard_Resume.doc>> (Carrie is interested in moving here from London. Business Unit would be responsible for her re-location costs)
<<Luis Carlos Velez.doc>> , <<Israel Estrada.doc>> , <<Justin Rostant.doc>> , <<Christine Milliner resume May 2001.rtf>> , <<Oliver Periera.doc>> , <<GISSELLE ROHMER Resume -3.doc>> , <<Jonathan Anderson.doc>> , <<David Junus Resume.pdf>>
<<Melanie King.doc>> , <<Colleen Koenig_Resume_05_01.doc>> , <<Sabina Rank.doc>> , <<Amanda Schultz.doc>> ,
<<Nat Kreamer Resume 2.5.2001.doc>> , <<Shaleen Miller.doc>> ,
(Nat and Shaleen recently started with the program and are being re-deployed from EES. They need to find homes immediately. If you re interested, please contact directly).
Thanks in advance for your consideration!
Andrea Richards
Associate and Analyst Program
Career Development
713-853-6499 |
Mara said you should be able to find your November Griffith worksheet to calculate our November costs. Can you help me?
-Craig W. Lipke
Citizens Energy Supply
Phone (928) 226-2243
Fax (928) 226-2168
Cell (928) 699-3683
-----Original Message-----
From: Mara Bronstein [mailto:marabronstein@hotmail.com ]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 6:59 PM
To: CWLipke@czn.com
Subject: RE: October spreadsheet
I am no longer at Enron, so if you get in touch with Kim Ward, I'm sure that
she will take care of everything for you.
>From: "Lipke, Craig" <CWLipke@czn.com>
>To: Mara Bronstein <marabronstein@hotmail.com>
>Subject: RE: October spreadsheet
>Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 15:04:31 -0600
>Thanks for the October numbers. Could you also send the November sheet so
>I can get a jump on that now rather than right before Christmas?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mara Bronstein [mailto:marabronstein@hotmail.com ]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:00 PM
>To: cwlipke@czn.com
>Subject: October spreadsheet
>Here is a copy of the October spreadsheet. My enron account is not working
>at the moment, so if you need to reply, you can reply at this hotmail
>account. Otherwise, my phone number is (713) 853-3089 if you have any
>Mara Bronstein
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp |
Sen Wyden called Jeff Skilling and I subsequently spoke to his staffer,
Joshua Sheinkman.
As you know, Wyden wants to introduce legislation to facilitate disclosure of
operating information about the electric grid and is now looking for more
details. Wyden is not interested in pressing for additional disclosure of
financial information.
The additional details they are looking for include: what information should
be made available; when should it be made available, how should it be made
available and who should make it available. On this last point, I suggested
that the legislation should apply to the transmission system operator,
whoever that is (i.e. it could be an investor owned utility, a publicly-owned
utility, an ISO or an RTO). I also pointed out that FERC could make this
happen by itself, except in the case of public utilities like BPA. Extending
FERC jurisdiction to these entities could be among the main benefits of the
Alan, please pull together the recommendations on each of these issues and
forward to Linda. Linda, after we have the information (and perhaps some
legislative language to go with it) please forward to Joshua at
Wyden would like our help in getting Sen Nickles to cosponsor the
legislation. (Linda)
It may also be useful to suggest a letter from wyden to FERC asking them to
use their existing authority to start these disclosures as soon as possible
for those entities wver which they have jurisdiction. (Linda and Joe) |
Diann --
I was under the impression that we had taken all necessary steps to protect our customers? Is this problem just related to residential customers?
-----Original Message-----
From: Huddleson, Diann
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 2:59 PM
To: Williams, Robert C.
Cc: Curry, Wanda; Mellencamp, Lisa; Hughes, Evan; Steffes, James D.
All, I finally got an answer from PG&E concerning the residential customer who had an amount transferred to his utility bill after he was switched from direct access. PG&E admits that they transferred accumulated credit balances off of the residential accounts BEFORE they calculated the final direct access bill. The final bills were all debit amounts due to the rate increases and the new procured energy credit calculations.
PG&E then transferred these debit balances on to the customers' first utility bill. We found out this had happened when we received calls from angry customers who had received disconnect notices. They had been told by PG&E that Enron had refused to pay the final bills. My guess is that most customers paid the balances rather than risk disconnection.
I requested a list of all credit balances transferred from PG&E so we can do an analysis of how much money is involved. However, I have not sent a written request. I thought I should confer with you before I send any formal request.
We also have an issue with SCE. They are transferring debit balances to residential customers for service PRIOR to direct access. If you recall, their argument for not reinstating prior balances was that they consider these new accounts. If that is indeed their process, this is inconsistent. |
Andy would you like for others to join you tomorrow 06/06, at 11:00 am during your meeting with Kevin Morriseey of First Data. If so, let me know who and I'll send them an invite.
Lydia |
ISC - Customer Service Survey Ticket#HD0000000698706, Password Reset XMS
: Thank you for taking the time to fill out our Customer Service Survey.
Your input is crucial to our continued efforts in establishing and providing you with World Class Support.
Please take a minute and complete the 5 question survey then submit it back to us when you are done.
Once again, thank you for your participation.
ISC Customer Care Group
http://rc.enron.com/survey/survey_1.asp?id=000000000004950 |
- Daily Notice - 12_26_01 EESI.doc |
Please review the attached confirmation letter to see if it correctly
reflects your transaction. Please call if you have any questions. |
Let us look to pre-pay until the 2 January, to avoid any further default, to be confident that we are able to meet the terms of any final Standstill Agreement and to continue to serve our contracts, subject to Dana's view as to the pricing over this period, to ensure that we are still likely to make money on these contracts during this period.
-----Original Message-----
From: Francoeur, Ellen [mailto:efrancoeur@iso-ne.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 11:52 AM
To: Stubblefield, Wade; Nettelton, Marcus
Cc: Nicolay, Christi L.; Steffes, James D.; Arnold, Cheryl; McDonough, Linda
Subject: Enron Daily Notice
<< File: Daily Notice - 12_26_01 EEMC.doc >> |
Attached is Bonnie Chang's NGPL analysis. |
I believe that this was authored by James Carville:
NEW YORK (AP) --The New York Mets announced today that they are going to
court to get an additional inning added to the end of Game 5 of the World
Series. The batting, pitching, and bench coaches for the Mets held a press
conference earlier today. They were joined by members of the Major League
Players Union. "We meant to hit those pitches from the Yankee pitchers,"
said the Mets batting coach. "We were confused by the irregularities of the
pitches we received and believe we have been denied our right to hit."
One claim specifically noted that a small percentage of the Mets batters had
intended to swing at fast balls, but actually swung at curve balls. It was
clear that these batters never intended to swing at curve balls, though a
much higher percentage were not confused by the pitches. Reporters at the
press conference pointed out that the Mets had extensively reviewed film of
the Yankees pitchers prior to the World Series and had in fact faced the
Yankees in inter-league play earlier in the year. "The fact remains that
some of the pitches confused us and denied us of our right to hit," said the
batting coach. "The World Series is not over yet and the Yankees are
celebrating prematurely."Major League Baseball has reviewed the telecast of
all the World Series games and recounted the balls and strikes called by the
umpires of each game. "While some of the strikes called against the Mets
were, in fact, balls, there were not enough of them to change the outcome of
the World Series," the commissioner said. Another portion of the Mets legal
claim stated that, based on on-base percentage, the Mets had actually won
the World Series, regardless of the final scores of the games.
"It's clear that we were slightly on-base more often than the Yankees," said
a Mets spokesman. "The World Series crown is rightly ours."The manager of
the Mets has remained in relative seclusion, engaging in some light jogging
for exercise. He has stated that he believes "we need to let the process
run its course without a rush to judgment." |
---------------------- Forwarded by Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT on
04/12/2000 12:01 PM ---------------------------
Osman Sezgen@EES
04/12/2000 11:58 AM
To: Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: EES Organizational Announcement
---------------------- Forwarded by Osman Sezgen/HOU/EES on 04/12/2000 11:57
AM ---------------------------
Lou Pai and Tom White
04/12/2000 11:40 AM
Sent by: Karen Owens
To: All EES Employees
Subject: EES Organizational Announcement
At the core of EES,s success has been our willingness to adapt to and embrace
change. Tom and I are reminded of this again as we announce the departure of
John Echols, whose extraordinary capabilities have been instrumental to the
successful launch of EES, and to our tremendous growth in the two-and-a-half
years since then. John is continuing his career at Enron.
Marty Sunde, currently Managing Director of Sales & Marketing, will become
Managing Director of Risk Management. His 18 years of experience at IBM,
including several years as Vice President of North American Operations in
charge of not only operations, but also reengineering, plus his extensive
experience at EES makes him an excellent choice for the position. We will
depend on Marty to provide the increasing leadership needed to coordinate EES,
s risk-management activities with our growing business opportunities and
Enron Corp,s risk oversight function.
Harold Buchanan, currently Managing Director of Bundled Sales is being
promoted to fill Marty,s position as Managing Director of Sales and
Marketing. He will assume responsibility for all EES sales operations and
maintain joint management of Global National Outsourcing with Jeremy
Blachman. Michael Mann and Angela Schwarz are also being promoted to broader
leadership positions in the sales and marketing organization.
In addition to Marty and Harold, the rest of our leadership team will
continue to report to the Office of the Chairman in their roles as follows:
Jeremy Blachman, Managing Director of Deal Management; Joe Earle, President
and CEO of Enron Facility Services; Kevin Hughes, Vice President and Chief
Accounting Officer; Dan Leff, Managing Director of Account and Delivery
Management; Danny McCarty, Managing Director of EES-Europe; Mark Muller,
Managing Director of Corporate Development; Vicki Sharp, Managing Director
and General Counsel; and Beth Tilney, Managing Director of Marketing,
Communications and Human Resources.
Thank you for your continued commitment to EES. We,ve just completed a great
quarter and are well positioned to meet or exceed our targets this year! In
fact, this is the seventh consecutive quarter for record levels of new
contracting activity and we,ve more than doubled our first quarter sales of
1999. Keep up the great work! |
I just received this e-mail from Todd Perkins at Southern Co.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Perkins, Todd A." <TAPERKIN@southernco.com>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Perkins+2C+20Todd+20A+2E+22+20+3CTAPERKIN+40southernco+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 8:44 AM
To: Heard, Marie
Subject: Southern Company ISDA Master Agreements
We have been working on ISDA's with you for several of our subsidiaries
(Georgia Power Company, Mississippi Power Company, Gulf Power Company and
Savannah Electric and Power Company). Up to this point, we have wanted to
execute an ISDA for each of these companies. Due to the way in which we
operate our generation assets as a single system, we have decided that we
need to change the way in which we enter these ISDA's. We would like to
execute a single ISDA with you that includes six of our subsidiaries. This
is how we have entered some of our physical trading contracts. In this
arrangement, the counterparty on Southern's side would be listed as,
"Southern Company Services, Inc. as agent for Alabama Power Company, Georgia
Power Company, Gulf Power Company, Mississippi Power Company, Savannah
Electric and Power Company, and Southern Power Company"
By using this approach, we have more flexibility in entering trades and it
provides even stronger credit protection for you since all six of these
companies are on the hook. Probably the best way to proceed is for you to
forward your comments back to me from the last draft I sent to you. I will
then make the changes to reflect this approach described above and send back
to you. I look forward to receiving your comments back. Please give me a
call if you have any questions.
Todd A. Perkins
(404) 506-0655
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Perkins, Todd A.
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:15 AM
> To: 'Heard, Marie'
> Subject: RE: Draft ISDA Master Agreements
> Here are the ISDA Schedules for Georgia Power, Mississippi Power, and
> Savannah Electric with our comments. Please let me know when you are
> ready to discuss.
> Todd Perkins
> Southern Company
> 404-506-0655
> << File: Enron - Georgia ISDA Schedule.doc >> << File: Enron -
> Mississippi ISDA Schedule.doc >> << File: Enron - Savannah ISDA
> Schedule.doc >>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heard, Marie [SMTP:Marie.Heard@enron.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:56 AM
> To: taperkin@southernco.com
> Subject: FW: Draft ISDA Master Agreements
> Hope this reaches you this time.
> Marie
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Heard, Marie
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 5:01 PM
> > To: 'taperkin@southernco.com'
> > Cc: Espinoza, Veronica; Boyd, Samantha; Panus, Stephanie;
> Hendry,
> > Brent
> > Subject: Draft ISDA Master Agreements
> >
> > Mr. Perkins:
> >
> > Pursuant to Veronica Espinoza's request, I am attaching the
> following
> > for your review:
> >
> > 1. Schedule to the ISDA Master Agreement and Paragraph 13 to
> the
> > ISDA Credit Support Annex between Enron North America Corp.
> ("ENA")
> > and Savannah Electric and Power Company.
> >
> > 2. Schedule to the ISDA Master Agreement and Paragraph 13 to
> the
> > ISDA Credit Support Annex between ENA and Georgia Power Company.
> >
> > 3. Schedule to the ISDA Master Agreement and Paragraph 13 to
> the
> > ISDA Credit Support Annex between ENA and Mississippi Power
> Company.
> >
> > Please do not hesitate to contact either Brent Hendry, Senior
> Counsel
> > at (713) 853-7124 (brent.hendry@enron.com) or me should you have
> any
> > questions or comments. We look forward to hearing your comments.
> >
> > Marie Heard
> > Senior Legal Specialist
> > Enron North America Corp.
> > Phone: (713) 853-3907
> > Fax: (713) 646-3490
> > marie.heard@enron.com
> >
> >
> > <<020ctr(savannah).doc>>
> <<106
> > ctr (Georgia Power Co).doc>> <<153ctr(miss power).doc>> <<
> File: 020ctr(savannah).doc >> << File: 106 ctr (Georgia Power Co).doc >>
> << File: 153ctr(miss power).doc >> |
---------------------- Forwarded by John Arnold/HOU/ECT on 09/07/2000 05:15
PM ---------------------------
"Zerilli, Frank" <fzerilli@POWERMERCHANTS.COM> on 09/06/2000 06:46:47 AM
To: "'jarnold@enron.com'" <jarnold@enron.com>
Subject: concord Crash
- concord.jpg |
As of 10/26/01:
Glad to discuss...
Steve |
Attached are SUB's Data Responses to the Direct Service Industrial
Customer's Data Requests. These are sent electronically via e-mail due to
potential problems with the Discovery site.
<<Data Response DS_SP_001.doc>> <<Data Response DS_SP_002.doc>>
<<Aluminum Study Summary.pdf>> <<Data_Response_DS_SP_001.xls>>
- Data Response DS_SP_001.doc
- Data Response DS_SP_002.doc
- Aluminum Study Summary.pdf
- Data_Response_DS_SP_001.xls |
Based upon Lance's email, consider me "signed off" as well. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Schuler-Legal, Lance
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 7:37 AM
To: Metts, Mark
Cc: Llodra, John; Mann, Kay; Timothy J Detmering/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Duran, W.
Subject: RE: Confidentiality agreement
We do have another CA with Ameresco; however, there is no conflict between
the two agreements. Kay, we would appreciate your deal team not engaging in
any discussions with Ameresco regarding any other deal we may be working on
with them. Kay, I do not have any comments on the language limiting our
involvement with your proposed transaction to be only with Ameresco.
Thanks. Lance.
W. Lance Schuler
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3826
Houston, Texas 77002
Phone: 713/853-5419
Fax: 713/646-3393
Email: lance.schuler-legal@enron.com
Mark Metts/Enron@EnronXGate 05/14/2001 04:45 PM To: Kay
Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, Timothy J Detmering/HOU/ECT@ENRON cc: John
Llodra/Corp/Enron@ENRON, W David Duran/ENRON@enronXgate, Lance
Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: RE: Confidentiality agreement
I do not necessarily anticipate a problem, but because I believe that Enron
is considering the possibility of entering into another transaction with
Ameresco, I have asked Lance Schuler to make sure that there is no conflict
or other unintended result. Having said that, I have no substantative
problem with the provision addressed by Kay's email. But let's make sure we
run this one trap first.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mann, Kay
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 1:01 PM
To: Metts, Mark; Timothy J Detmering/HOU/ECT@ENRON
Cc: Llodra, John; Duran, W. David; Schuler-Legal, Lance
Subject: Confidentiality agreement
I'm with EWS Legal, and I'm working with John Llodra (East Power origination)
concerning a confidentiality agreement with Ameresco. The proposed
transaction is described as follows:
A potential power plant site development and asset management services
related to the Island End Generation Project, a nominal 365 MW combined
cycle power generation facility, proposed to be located in Everett,
The current draft of the CA contains this language:
From the time of the signing of this Agreement until October 1, 2001 neither
Party shall pursue the Proposed Transaction without the participation of the
other Party, unless the other Party consents in writing or notifies the other
Party that it does not intend to pursue the Proposed Transaction.
In accordance with policy, this issue is being submitted to you for your
John can be contacted at 978 449 9936. My extension is 57566.
Thank you,
Here is the entire CA:
<< File: Enron Bilateral CA Draft 5 reAmeresco 050901.doc >> |
http://www.alliance-pipeline.com/shipper_services/c_ShipperPDF/c_Approved%20Bidders%20Form.pdf |
Please note some changes to the 2002 Budget Review meeting on Thursday, August 16th @ 9:00 in 49C2.
With the recent announcements and changes, Danny suggested that the meeting break at 10:00 to attend the Enron All-Employee meeting and reconvene at 11:00. The meeting will be extended till 1:30 to accommodate the break.
If you have any questions, please call me at x33597. Thank you.
Thursday, August 16th @ 9:00 in 49C2
9:00 Meeting begins
10:00 Enron All-Employee meeting @ The Hyatt - Imperial Ballroom
11:00 Meeting reconvenes
11:30 Lunch served
1:30 Meeting is adjourned
-----Original Message-----
From: Armstrong, Julie
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 10:21 AM
To: Gadd, Eric; Harris, Steven; Hayes, Robert; Neubauer, Dave; Geaccone, Tracy; Keiser, John; Gilbert, Steve; Kilmer III, Robert; Miller, Mary Kay
Cc: Wadle, Susan; Robertson, Audrey; Salinas, Marian; Cappiello, Deborah; Campos, Kathy
Subject: 2002 Budget Review - Thursday, August 16th @ 9:00
As a follow-up to John Keiser's invitation, please note the 2002 Budget Review for the commercial group meeting on Thursday, August 16th from 9:00 - 1:00 in 49C2.
Lunch will be served.
Please call me at x33597 if you have any questions. Thank you. |
?Attached is the revised speaker contact details for the Power 2000
Conference in Houston this upcoming May.
Please contact me with any questions you may have.?
Amy Lamonsoff?
Conference Coordinator?
Power 2000?
- Power 2000 Speaker Contact Details.doc |
Kalen - It is my understanding that the matching funds were handled by Community Relations which reported through Cindy Olson.
Cindy - Can you provide any information on this question.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pieper, Kalen
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 2:40 PM
To: Taylor, Diane; Cash, Michelle
Cc: Mayes, Fran
Subject: FW: Enron Matching Gifts
I'm assuming that these are not being paid.
Michelle, do you have any idea if she could get out of her commitment. I'm assuming that she really isn't liable for the $1,000 match.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mayes, Fran
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 12:20 PM
To: Pieper, Kalen
Subject: FW: Enron Matching Gifts
Can you help me with this answer ?
-----Original Message-----
From: "Elizabeth Hutchinson" <ekhutchinson@earthlink.net>@ENRON
Sent: Wed 12/19/2001 10:21 AM
To: Mayes, Fran
Subject: Enron Matching Gifts
Hi Fran,
I know you must be really bogged down with questions, so my apologies in advance for bugging you, but if you could track down an answer for me it would be much appreciated.
I am running the Houston Marathon for the Leukemia Society. I made a fundraising commitment of $2000. I have raised $1000 and have been waiting for the Enron match of $1000 from the matching gifts program. The request was submitted well in advance of the cutoff deadline that was announced via e-mail a few weeks before the layoffs. The Leukemia Society has not yet received the match. If Enron does not come up with the match, I am personally on the hook for this $1000, and in light of the small severance situation, it is going to be really tough for me right now.
Do you have any information on whether or not the Enron commitment will be honored as was communicated in the e-mail? Do you have any idea when the funds will be sent to the Leukemia Society? Any information you can provide right now will be much appreciated, so that I can pass it along to the Leukemia Society.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Hutchinson
281-362-9310 |
---------------------- Forwarded by Robin Rodrigue/HOU/ECT on 08/07/2000
06:03 PM ---------------------------
Kathy Reeves
08/07/2000 05:53 PM
To: Robin Rodrigue/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: postids
Term postid's are:
egsc 856241
erms 856242
op 856250
c 856256
All but egsc are official.
Kathy |
Have we suggested to FERC staff that they force the ISO and PX to open the
"blackbox" to show how they determine dispatch? In addtion, if you are not
on the distribution list for Belden's memo on utility behavior in California
this summer, I will forward it to you. It suggests some other areas FERC
ought to be looking into. |
Attached is the final presentation for inclusion in DealBench.
Dave, we made a small change in the order of the presentation. We swithched
the next to last sections so Other Acquisition Issues is before California
Power Market. Also, the Labor Agreement slide has change based on my
conversation with Rick Johnson.
Sam and Dave, if you have notes you will follow, please forward them to
Sheila and Karen to assist them in their review of your voice-over.
Please call if you have any questions or comments. |
<TITLE>Gas Indices - IntercontentalExchange</TITLE>
Firm Physical Natural Gas Price Bulletin
For Natural Gas Delivered on Saturday, December 22, 2001 thru Wednesday, December 26, 2001
(Trade Date of Friday, December 21, 2001)
Click here to access <A HREF="http://www.intcx.com/SubscriberServlet/subscriberservlet.class?operation=gasIndexForm&hub=All">index history</A>.
* volume represents sell-side only *
<TABLE ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH="100%" cellspacing="8">
<TH align=left valign=bottom width="15%"> <FONT size=-1><U><I>Region</I></U><BR> <U>Hub</U></FONT></TH><TH align=right valign=bottom width="6%"><FONT size=-1><U>High</U></FONT></TH>
<TH align=right valign=bottom width="6%"><FONT size=-1><U>Low</U></FONT></TH>
<TH align=right valign=bottom width="8%"><FONT size=-1><U>Wtd Avg Index</U></FONT></TH>
<TH align=right valign=bottom width="8%"><FONT size=-1><U>Change ($)</U></FONT></TH>
<TH align=right valign=bottom width="9%"><FONT size=-1><U>Vol (mmBtu)</U></FONT></TH>
<TH align=left valign=bottom width="42%"><FONT size=-1><U>Hub Name</U></FONT></TH></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>ANR SE</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6700</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4750</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5388</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0141</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,445,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>American Natural Resources Pipleline Co. - SE Transmission Pool</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Columbia Onshore</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6400</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5350</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5698</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0127</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 749,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. - Onshore Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Henry Hub</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.7900</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5600</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.6271</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0308</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 4,128,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Henry Hub - Tailgate, Louisiana </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>NGPL LA</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6100</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4650</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5323</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0311</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,215,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America - Louisiana Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Tenn 500L</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5600</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5100</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5341</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0034</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 622,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. - Zone L, 500 Leg Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Tenn 800L</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5650</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5449</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0215</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 499,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. - Zone L, 800 Leg Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>TETCO ELA</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5950</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5200</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5412</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0004</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,013,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Texas Eastern - East LA </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>TETCO WLA</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4800</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.4980</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>-</B> .0194</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 296,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Texas Eastern - West LA </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Transco 65</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.7500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5800</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.6414</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0169</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 853,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp. - Station 65 </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Trunkline ELA</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5600</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4650</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5072</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0057</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 267,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Trunkline Gas Company - East Louisiana Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>TxGas SL</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6700</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5300</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5855</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0079</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,578,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Texas Gas Transmission Corp. - Zone SL FT Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>MichCon, citygate</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.7300</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6050</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.6475</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0341</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 622,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Michigan Consolidated Citygate</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>NGPL Midcont</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5800</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.3500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.4614</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0837</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 608,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America - Mid-Continent Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>NGPL Nicor, citygate</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6400</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.3350</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.4366</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0540</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 3,441,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America - Nicor Citygate</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>NGPL NIPSCO, citygate</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5365</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0755</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 713,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America - Nipsco Citygate</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>NNG Demarcation</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.7500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4350</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5112</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0862</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 760,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Northern Natural Gas - Demarcation Pool </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Columbia TCO</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.8100</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6800</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.7113</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0179</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,717,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Columbia Gas Co. - TCO Pool (Appalachia)</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Dominion So.Point</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.7400</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6650</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.6965</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>-</B> .0143</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,122,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Dominion - South Point </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>TETCO M3</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $3.0300</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.9000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.9841</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>-</B> .0136</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,663,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Texas Eastern - M3 Zone </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Transco Z-6 (NY)</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $3.1000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.9800</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $3.0265</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0258</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 290,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp. - Zone 6 (NY)</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1><B><I><BR>WEST<BR></I></B></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>El Paso non-Bondad</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.3600</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.3989</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0136</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 645,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>El Paso - San Juan Basin, Blanco Pool (non-Bondad)</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> Huntingdon/Sumas</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4600</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4600</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.4600</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>-</B> .0156</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 50,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Westcoast Energy & Northwest Pipeline Corp.</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Opal</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4200</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.2650</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.3117</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0134</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 856,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Opal Plant Tailgate</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>PG&E Citygate</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.7600</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.7100</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.7351</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>-</B> .0366</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 730,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>PG&E - Citygate </FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> SoCal Border</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.6000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5200</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.5398</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>-</B> .0047</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 357,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Southern California Border Points (Ehrenberg,Topock,Needles)</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1><B><I><BR>WEST TEXAS<BR></I></B></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>El Paso - Keystone</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5300</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.3650</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.4371</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0440</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 1,532,500</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>El Paso - Keystone Pool</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1> <NOBR>Waha</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.5400</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> $2.4300</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B> $2.4889</B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1><B>+</B> .0339</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><FONT size=-1> 775,000</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT size=-1>Waha Hub - West Texas </FONT></TD></TR>
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Jim suggested I provide you a brief heads up on a project underway for
the Enron Networks group for developing a suite of products called
Commodity Logic. Jim Whitehead is the lead on the project and reports to
Tom Gros.
I am preparing a Competitor Analysis of 135 B2B firms that offer already
or are developing products that compete with the Commodity Logic software
products. Our plan is to force rank them within the four product
categories in development by Enron under the Commodity Logic brand. We
will analyze the competitors as possible sources of M&A opportunities and of
course, tracking the competitors customers gives us possible targets for
the Commodity Logic software. These products are initially for the energy
commodity business but are scalable and for the future envisioned to be
applicable to many other commodities.
The attached mini-profile describes the 4 current products. Let me know
if you have any questions or need any more information. |
yes |
Please, take a look at this resume.
One complicating factor: this person is under freeze (EI employee).
Vince |
[IMAGE] Super Easy 100% Free
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Terry Kain with Keyspan Energy Services is looking for a copy of their contract with ENA. I didn't ask him any questions. I just told him that someone would contact him. His number is 516-256-2611. |
SCE and Governor Reach Agreement on Plan To Restore Utility To Financial
PR Newswire
04/09/01, 7:02p
(Copyright , 2001, PR Newswire)
ROSEMEAD, Calif., April 9 /PRNewswire/ -- At a joint press conference today
with Governor Gray Davis, Edison International Chairman, President and CEO
John E. Bryson announced agreement on a plan to restore Southern California
Edison to financial health.
"This negotiated resolution with the Governor is far preferable for our
company and our employees and for our customers than is going into
bankruptcy," said Bryson.
"Through difficult negotiations over many weeks," Bryson noted, "we believe
we have achieved a practical approach. Our customers and the state's economic
vitality will benefit greatly from a financially healthy utility which can
retain experienced and skilled employees and can invest the billions of
dollars needed to maintain a sound electric infrastructure system.
"The blunt reality remains that we in California face a large challenge in
restoring overall stability to the California electric system," Bryson said.
"Our employees at Edison can make a large difference in helping to meet that
challenge. Vital work remains to be done with the Governor, the Legislature,
the California Public Utilities Commission, and other policymakers, but this
agreement is a large first step toward restoring stability for much of
Southern California."
Today's more detailed agreement follows the framework announced in a February
23 preliminary agreement with the Governor. It was approved by the Edison
International and SCE boards of directors this morning. Implementation will
require further action by the California Legislature and the state Public
Utilities Commission. Both Governor Davis and Bryson have urged swift action
by both bodies.
Major terms of the agreement include:
???-- The state will receive a primary utility asset -- SCE's 12,000-mile
??????transmission system. ?SCE employees will operate and maintain the
??????system through a contractual arrangement with the state.
???-- Edison International and SCE commit to no less than $3 billion of
??????capital investment in utility infrastructure over the next five years.
???-- For the next 10 years, SCE will sell the output from its power plants
??????under cost-based, rather than market-based, pricing.
???-- For the next 10 years, Edison Mission Energy's unregulated Sunrise
??????power plant will sell its output exclusively to California under
??????cost-based pricing.
???-- SCE agrees to forego development of 20,000 acres of its Big Creek and
??????Eastern Sierra hydroelectric properties and grants conservation
??????easements in perpetuity to the state for land and habitat preservation
??????on these properties.
???-- SCE will gain a means of repaying the debt it incurred buying power for
??????its customers during the current rate freeze.
???-- Upon implementation of this agreement by the Legislature and CPUC, SCE
??????will drop its lawsuit against state regulators.
A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding will be available later today on
Edison's investor Web site: www.edisoninvestor.com.
Based in Rosemead, Calif., Edison International (NYSE: EIX) is the parent
company of Southern California Edison, Edison Mission Energy, Edison Capital,
Edison O&M Services, and Edison Enterprises.
SOURCE Southern California Edison
/CONTACT: Southern California Edison Corporate Communications, 626-302-2255/
/Web site: http://www.sce.com/
/Web site: http://www.edisoninvestor.com/
/Web site: http://www.edisonnews.com/
(EIX) |
Thanks for the invitation.
I shall attend.
Vince Kaminski
Enron North America Corp.
From: Charlene Jackson @ ENRON 01/03/2001 10:08 AM
Sent by: Cheryl Kuehl@ENRON
cc: Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Katherine Brown/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Julie
Braly/NA/Enron@ENRON, Celeste Roberts/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shelly Butler/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Jana Giovannini/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shelly Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa
Bosien/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Charlene Jackson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cheryl
Kuehl/Corp/Enron@ENRON (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)
Subject: Associate and Analyst Programs New Year's Kickoff Reception |
Our game is at 8 this week. Can you make it? This is the last week of the
regular season and then our playoff run begins!! |
What day should I expect to receive the item below.
webmaster@brooksbrothers.com@brooksbrothers.com on 12/14/2000 06:22:04 PM
Please respond to webmaster@brooksbrothers.com
To: errol.mclaughlin@enron.com
Subject: Brooks Brothers Order Receipt
Order Date:Dec 14 2000 19:29:34
Internet Order: 571289
-------------------------------------------------------------- Sold To
Errol McLaughlin
2610 Palm St
Houston, TX 77004, United States
-------------------------------------------------------------- Ship To
Errol McLaughlin
2610 Palm St
Houston, TX 77004, United States
Ship With: Standard Delivery
Please note that all merchandise that requires alterations,monograming,
or personalization, as well as out of stock merchandise will take longer
to deliver.
Name Quantity Price SKU
---------------------------------------------- -------- ----------
Leather Belt BK SML 1 $58.00 039C:BK SML
Subtotal: $58.00
Sales Tax: $4.79
Total Amount: $62.79
Shipping: $9.95
Handling: $0.00
Grand Total: $72.74
Promotion Code
Dear Customer,
If you have participated in a promotion requiring a code, your discount
is already reflected in your order. If you are purchasing any of our
special sale event items (does not include clearance section items),
your discount may not be reflected on your order total at this time.
Please be assured that it will be processed on your packing slip and bill.
Thank you for shopping BrooksBrothers.com. |
November 16, 2001 5:00pm through November 19, 2001 12:00am
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: 3AC
Time: Fri 11/16/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT
Fri 11/16/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 11/16/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London
Outage: Swing 3AC 8th and 9th floors to CORP IP space.
Environments Impacted: 8th
Purpose: EBS Integration
Backout: re-issue original configurations, bring trunk to eb44 back up.
Contact(s): Micah Staggs 713-345-1696
Impact: Ardmore
Time: Sat 11/17/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sun 11/18/2001 at 2:30:00 AM CT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Sun 11/18/2001 at 12:30:00 AM PT
Sun 11/18/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sun 11/18/2001 at 8:30:00 AM London
Outage: Add redundant connections between ARD-COR-CCX1/2 and ENA-CX1/2-ARD
Environments Impacted: All
Purpose: Increased bandwidth / resiliency available on the MAN
Backout: Put original equipment/configs back in place
Contact(s): Dennis McGough 713-345-3143
FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.
INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Corp Notes
Time: Fri 11/16/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT
Fri 11/16/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 11/16/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London
Outage: cNotes Server Reboots
Environments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below
Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval
Backout: Make sure server comes up.
Contact(s): Trey Rhodes (713) 345-7792
Impact: EI
Time: Fri 11/16/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT
Fri 11/16/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 11/16/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London
Outage: EI Notes Server Maintenance
Environments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign Sites
Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval
Backout: N/A
Contact(s): David Ricafrente 713-646-7741
Impact: EES
Time: Fri 11/16/2001 at 8:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 11/16/2001 at 11:30:00 PM CT
Fri 11/16/2001 at 6:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 11/16/2001 at 9:30:00 PM PT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 2:30:00 AM London thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 5:30:00 AM London
Outage: EES Notes Server Reboots
Environments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below
Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval on 1st and the 3rd Friday of each month.
Contact(s): Dalak Malik 713-345-8219
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 11/17/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 12:30:00 PM CT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 10:30:00 AM PT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London thru Sat 11/17/2001 at 6:30:00 PM London
Outage: Autex - "taurus" system upgrade
Environments Impacted: Autex
Purpose: replace obsolesced hardware with Enron Standard hardware configuration for critical trading application
Backout: Replace with original system
Contact(s): John Sieckman 713-345-7862
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: SAP
Time: Fri 11/16/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Mon 11/19/2001 at 2:00:00 AM CT
Fri 11/16/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Mon 11/19/2001 at 12:00:00 AM PT
Sat 11/17/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Mon 11/19/2001 at 8:00:00 AM London
Outage: Add New SAP Storage
Environments Impacted: SAP
Purpose: Disk growth in SAP required procurement of additional disk.
Backout: Revert to current configuration.
Contact(s): Gary Sentiff 713-345-5125
SITARA: No Scheduled Outages.
SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.
TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages
TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.
(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
Specific Help:
Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536
SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727
Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]
RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]
OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]
CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]
EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]
EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797
TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager] |
I don't know who is going to work on this one, but I just wanted to remind
you that we had that big file with lots of due diligence on the TVA...
----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 11/28/2000 11:50 AM -----
Edward Sacks@ENRON
11/28/2000 11:42 AM
To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha
Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wendy
Subject: Tennessee Valley Authority - ISDA Credit Worksheet
Attached please find the proposed credit terms for the ISDA Agmt. Comments
or questions, please call.
Ed Sacks |
We can hire the person as a summer intern
directly (outside the A&A pool).
Shirley, please arrange a phone interview
as in the case of other candidates Osman found.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/26/2000
09:09 AM ---------------------------
Osman Sezgen@EES
04/25/2000 05:41 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Summer Intern
---------------------- Forwarded by Osman Sezgen/HOU/EES on 04/25/2000 05:39
PM ---------------------------
Amyn Saleh <amyn@uclink4.berkeley.edu> on 04/10/2000 06:11:50 PM
To: "Osman Sezgen" <osezgen@enron.com>
Subject: Re: Job Opportunities at Enron
Hi Osman,
Hope you are doing well. Thank you for replying to my phone call. I have
attached my resume to this email and would be extremely grateful if you
could pass it around to hiring managers. Thank you and I look forward to
hearing from you.
Amyn Saleh
- Amyn Saleh's Resume.doc
Amyn Saleh
(510) 644-9642
ICQ: 51792087 |
Here is the information that you guys had asked about last week when we discussed WSCC coal. I added the railroads to the map and pulled some numbers for utilization and O&M costs for each of the plants we discussed. If you have any other questions let me know.
Aaron Martinsen |
Hello !
You have been selected as a finalist in the NVP Travel Giveaway!
Prizes are accommodations for two for two nights at any one of the following locations:
-- Ft. Lauderdale or Daytona, FL
-- Williamsburg, VA
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All you have to do is complete the finalists' registration form <http://www.ca1.waredet.net.co.fr%14%02%14%05%14|https.travel.bzah.com> - be sure to include your Confirmation Number: G-62622.
As an added bonus, the first 500 finalists to register will receive a free entry in one of our bonus drawings for $1,000.00 Cash or Plane Tickets for 4 Adults to any Continental U.S. Destination!
Why wait? You could be on your way! CLICK HERE <http://www.ca1.waredet.net.co.fr|https.travel.bzah.com> to "Travel Today"!
Lisa Davidson
National Vacation Promotions
Your screen name was entered in our giveaway.
If you do not wish to participate in future promotions, please click here <http://www.ca1.waredet.net.co.fr|https.travel.bzah.com/remove.htm>.
FREE Mortgage Quotes, Save $$$$ <http://bestrates.81832.com>!
[8351AVNf3-197XrJb744@19] |
Jerry and Arnold,
Here are our comments on the letter to Nuovo Pignone. Please don't hesitate to call me if you need additional information or have any questions. Thank you for all of the support that you have provided us on this project.
Arnold, do you usually have someone from legal review these type of letters? We would be happy to help you do this, if you like. Just let me know.
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Jerry D.
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 4:10 PM
To: Lowry, Phil; Hayslett, Rod; Harris, Steven; Watson, Kimberly; McCarty, Danny; Soldano, Louis; Eisenstein, Arnold L.
Cc: Alexander, Betty
Subject: Red Rock: draft letter to GE/NP attached for comment
Importance: High
Please find attached a draft letter from us to Nuovo Pignone regarding the partial commitment (3 of 4 units) on the Red Rock project. They had indicated that 13 June was the absolute last day we could respond, so the letter will be dated as such.
Your comments are solicited by the close of business tomorrow. Kim, I assume you will review and comment for Steve Harris.
Jerry |
Sorry, I am a bit out of it today.
----- Forwarded by April Hrach/SF/ECT on 10/18/2000 10:21 AM -----
April Hrach
10/18/2000 09:40 AM
To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron
Subject: 2 logos
Here are the two logos. If you set them up on the page the way you want
them, then I will print them out for you.
-April |
Jennifer: I will unfortunately not be able to make the call because I have
to be at the California PUC for the decision that they're issuing today.
Harry Kingerski, in Houston, might be able to join, though.
Jennifer Rudolph@EES
01/04/2001 09:46 AM
To: CA Team, EAM Support/HOU/EES@EES
cc: CA Assistants
Subject: San Diego Meeting
I apologize for the extreme delay.
We are, indeed, having our weekly San Diego Call today.
Conference Call Details
Dates Every Thursday starting on November 16, 2000
Time 11:30 am (CST)
Phone (800) 991-9019
Passcode 6207248
Conference Room EB 751 |
-----Original Message-----
From: Keiser, Kam
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 11:11 AM
To: Moorer, Torrey
Subject: Trader Matrix
<< File: Trader-Book template (US Gas)_EOL.xls >> |
Is Dayton showing the price to be
1. $2.47 and $2.455
2. $2.47 +.17 and $2.455 + .17?
To me it looks like options 2.
Enron North America Corp.
From: Steve Gillespie @ ENRON 03/22/2000 03:46 PM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Dayton P&L - 0002 Production - Sales
I have this information for you. It will be on your desk as you read this
---------------------- Forwarded by Steve Gillespie/Corp/Enron on 03/22/2000
03:45 PM ---------------------------
Chris Germany@ECT
03/21/2000 04:54 PM
To: Dana Daigle/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff A Crook/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Steve Gillespie/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Dayton P&L - 0002 Production - Sales
Steve will find out what the pricing is and will let me know.
From: Dana Daigle @ ENRON 03/21/2000 11:58 AM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jeff A Crook/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Dayton P&L - 0002 Production - Sales
---------------------- Forwarded by Dana Daigle/Corp/Enron on 03/21/2000
11:58 AM ---------------------------
Jeff A Crook@ECT
03/21/2000 10:17 AM
To: Dana Daigle/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Mechelle Stevens/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Dayton P&L - 0002 Production - Sales
Any updates?
---------------------- Forwarded by Jeff A Crook/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2000 10:16
AM ---------------------------
From: Dana Daigle @ ENRON 03/20/2000 07:26 AM
To: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jeff A Crook/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Dayton P&L - 0002 Production - Sales
---------------------- Forwarded by Dana Daigle/Corp/Enron on 03/20/2000
07:26 AM ---------------------------
Jeff A Crook@ECT
03/17/2000 06:34 AM
To: Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dana Daigle/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Mechelle Stevens/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Dayton P&L - 0002 Production - Sales
Under contract 96029523, deal 145321, ENA billed at rate of IF.CGAS.APPAL-MI
= $2.76. The rate customer is showing is tiered as follows: 145,000 mmbtu @
$2.47 and 145,000 mmbtu @ $2.455. Please verify if volumes should be at
tiered pricing.
Thank you,
Jeff |
I was able to get into the application this time. I could see the request
for Shona on the screen and I clicked "Approval". The status did not change
from pending and there was no pop up on the screen that indicated that the
request was processed. So I do not know if this worked.
ARSystem@ect.enron.com on 09/01/2000 03:12:01 PM
To: sally.beck@enron.com
Subject: Request Submitted: Access Request for shona.wilson@enron.com
Please review and act upon this request. You have received this email because
the requester specified you as their Manager. Please click
=sally.beck@enron.com to approve the req
Request ID : 000000000002257
Request Create Date : 9/1/00 3:10:58 PM
Requested For : shona.wilson@enron.com
Resource Name : Visio Professional
Resource Type : Applications |
Didn't know if you received this e-mail service.
-----Original Message-----
From: Energy Industry Issues Newsletter <ISSUEALERTHTML@LISTSERV.SCIENTECH.COM>@ENRON On Behalf Of IssueAlert@SCIENTECH.COM
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 11:02 AM
Subject: New Power Plant Planned for New York City
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] November 26, 2001 New Power Plant Planned for New York City By Will McNamara Director, Electric Industry Analysis [News item from Energy Info Source] New York state's siting board approved Astoria Energy's plans to build a 1,000-megawatt power plant in New York City, clearing the way for construction to begin as early as January. Astoria Energy hopes to have the natural-gas-fired, combined-cycle plant that will be at an existing oil terminal in the Astoria section of Queens in service by 2004. The company must do a certain amount of demolition and site preparation before it can begin construction, and still must receive some local permits from New York City. Astoria Energy is a unit of SCS Energy LLC, a privately owned energy development company based in Concord, Mass. Analysis: The announcement of a new power plant scheduled for the New York City area should be evaluated within the context of severe power supply problems that have been identified within this region. Like California, New York also suffers from a supply / demand imbalance. However, even if or when power supply can be increased in New York, the core load center of New York City still suffers from inherent transmission deficiencies that continue to take their own toll on the stability of the market. In other words, transmission capacity in the region has been determined to be deficient to the extent that power outside of the city cannot be reliably imported. The fact that Astoria Energy has received approval from New York state's siting board to proceed with this New York City-based plant is significant, but it should not be forgotten that the company also must receive local permits from city government. This could be easier said than done, as other planned power plants in the area have been blocked or significantly altered over the last year by community groups in New York City and surrounding boroughs who ardently voice concerns about environmental and other ramifications of new plant construction. The problems within the New York power market have been well documented. The state of New York reportedly has not brought a new plant online since 1996, when a 200-MW plant opened in Brooklyn. It has been almost seven years since a 1,000-MW unit in Oswego, N.Y., marked the last plant to open upstate. Further, New York expects only a 3.5-percent increase in new capacity in the next three to four years. Consequently, concerns about the state's ability to meet increasing demand for power have gained momentum. Pressure has been placed on New York regulators to expedite the approval steps for siting new plants in the state. However, at the same time, environmental and community groups closely guard the proposals for new plants and often lobby for limitations on how and where the new plant will produce power. While the entire state of New York is subject to shortages, the problem appears to be particularly acute in New York City. A November 2000 report issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) entitled "Investigation of Bulk Power Markets, Northeast Region," highlighted specific capacity problems in the New York City/Long Island community of 11 million people. These areas are particularly vulnerable because they are isolated from most of the state's grid, the study said. Like Northern California, which suffered rolling blackouts due to transmission constraints, New York City and Long Island can only import limited quantities of power on constrained transmission lines. Hydro and fossil resources are plentiful in upstate New York, but cannot reach the city. Being both densely populated and heavily residential, it is difficult to site new power plants in the area. Consequently, 80 percent of the power that the city consumes is generated by the city. New plants such as the one by Astoria Energy are being proposed because New York City reportedly will be short of its generating capacity needs at times during the course of 2002. The projected shortfall is expected to increase by another 200 MW by summer 2002. Increased demand is causing additional problems for the energy markets of New York City and New York State. Demand in the state rose by 2,700 MW from 1995 to 2000, or 2.5 times as fast as new generation capacity was added. Demand over the course of 2001 was expected to reach 31,100 MW, or about 3.7 percent above regulators' earlier forecasts. It is within this market context that Astoria Energy will proceed with its plans for the new power plant in New York City. Astoria Energy is a private company seeking to generate electric power with energy-efficient and environmentally sound technologies in the New York City area. The company is a subsidiary of SCS Energy, a privately owned energy development company formed in 1998 for the purpose of developing and owning new electric generating facilities. Information obtained from Astoria Energy sheds some additional light on the proposed plant. As noted, the 1,000-MW unit will be a natural gas-fired facility, which will obtain natural gas supplied from the ConEd/New York facility pipeline. The capital cost for the plant reportedly will be $600 million. Commercial operation, pending the necessary approvals on the local level, is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2003. Astoria Energy is seemingly confident of its chances to gain approval for the new plant because it will be using a technology that is specifically geared toward the reduction of air emissions. However, despite this optimism, the community opposition factor should not be discounted, and there are several examples that may foreshadow the opposition that Astoria Energy could face. Take Sithe Energies, for example, which hit a roadblock with its construction plans in the New York area earlier this year. Sithe Energies originally planned a 827-MW combined-cycle facility fueled by natural gas in Ramapo, N.Y. Chief among the concerns of local residents is that the Ramapo plant was originally planned to run all the time to meet demand, and as a result would use local water resources for cooling purposes. Community resistance thus became an issue for the company, which altered its plans and began to consider a 510-MW peaking unit (also powered by natural gas) that would only be operated in times of increased demand. As another example, environmental and community groups won a victory in court just last week that essentially will block construction of small power plants in the South Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island areas. Each is a 44-MW plant, though at some sites there are twin generators operating at less than 80 MW. A coalition of the groups had opposed the construction of various plants in these areas and sued the New York Power Authority, claiming (among other things) that the state had failed to perform adequate environmental-review studies. The groups claim that the state should test the plants for their output of fine particulate matter. A lower court had ruled in favor of the state, but a judgment last week in the New York Court of Appeals was clearly a win for the environmental and community groups. The new ruling, which reportedly cannot be appealed further, says that the state must do unprecedented air tests at the 10 plants or shut them down by Jan. 31. In a report issued earlier this year, New York State Electric & Gas Corp. (NYSEG), one of New York's seven utilities, said the state will not have enough megawatts to support a truly competitive wholesale electric market until 2008. NYSEG, in a report issued late Wednesday, warned there are "serious problems with (New York's) generation supply and a lack of transmission and pipeline infrastructure." According to data included in a separate report by the New York ISO, which manages the state's transmission grid, between 1995 and 2000, while statewide demand in New York rose by 2,700 MW, generating capacity under contract in the state reportedly increased only by 1,060 MW. Consequently, given all of these factors, power supplies in New York remained strained and the area certainly could benefit from the construction of new generation capacity. However, Astoria Energy, which seeks to bring new generation online in New York that will be based on clean technologies, may still face an uphill battle from various groups that seemingly oppose the construction of any new plants in the region (with the exception of peaker units, whose output would be closely regimented). If plans for this plant are blocked or significantly altered, following the experience of Sithe Energies, the options to resolve New York City's supply / demand imbalance will once again become focused on a combination of other approaches, including conservation efforts and reliance on distributed generation alternatives. An archive list of previous IssueAlert articles is available at www.scientech.com We encourage our readers to contact us with their comments. We look forward to hearing from you. Nancy Spring Reach thousands of utility analysts and decision makers every day. Your company can schedule a sponsorship of IssueAlert by contacting Jane Pelz at 505.244.7650. Advertising opportunities are also available on our Website. Our staff is comprised of leading energy experts with diverse backgrounds in utility generation, transmission and distribution, retail markets, new technologies, I/T, renewable energy, regulatory affairs, community relations and international issues. Contact consulting@scientech.com or call Nancy Spring at 505.244.7613. SCIENTECH is pleased to provide you with your free, daily IssueAlert. Let us know if we can help you with in-depth analyses or any other SCIENTECH information products. If you would like to refer colleagues to receive our free, daily IssueAlert articles, please register directly on our site at secure.scientech.com/issuealert . If you no longer wish to receive this daily e-mail, and you are currently a registered subscriber to IssueAlert via SCIENTECH's website, please visit http://secure.scientech.com/account/ to unsubscribe. Otherwise, please send an e-mail to IssueAlert , with "Delete IA Subscription" in the subject line. SCIENTECH's IssueAlert(SM) articles are compiled based on the independent analysis of SCIENTECH consultants. The opinions expressed in SCIENTECH's IssueAlerts are not intended to predict financial performance of companies discussed, or to be the basis for investment decisions of any kind. SCIENTECH's sole purpose in publishing its IssueAlert articles is to offer an independent perspective regarding the key events occurring in the energy industry, based on its long-standing reputation as an expert on energy issues. Copyright 2001. SCIENTECH, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sherry, Please zero out deal 516286. It's already been actualized. I
talked to Chris and he said it should have been killed. It was pathed to
offset the sale to NEW POWER on 521475. The sale to 521475 should be coming
out of our pool. There is a path out there for you to actualize that has
been tracked and balanced. Hopefully that will fix the problem. Let us know
if you need anything else.THANKS!
---------------------- Forwarded by Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT on 04/16/2001
01:41 PM ---------------------------
Alvin Thompson@ENRON
04/12/2001 03:39 PM
To: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherry Anastas/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: New Power Deals
---------------------- Forwarded by Alvin Thompson/Corp/Enron on 04/12/2001
02:38 PM ---------------------------
Chris Germany@ECT
12/06/2000 01:53 PM
To: Alvin Thompson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Joann Collins/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Michael H Garred/HOU/EES@EES, Jeffrey Porter/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: New Power Deals
Dick will be doing some deals with New Power that is seperate from the "Asset
Management" deal. Following are the spot deals Dick has done with Mike Garred
Deal Vol Price Comment
516083 10000 8.00 sell to NP for the 5th at the pool
521475 20000 8.28 sell to NP for the 6th-31st at the pool - I killed deal
516286 which was in Sitara as a purchase from NP.
510586 1435 7.20 buy from NP at WGL on the 1st
513896 1500 7.25 buy from NP at WGL on the 2nd-4th
These deals have no impact on the "asset management" deal with New Power. |
If you are asked to top level any dollar amount for any reason by anyone,
John Lavorato needs to approve that top level before it can go into the
books. Absolutely no exceptions. Please forward this to all people in your
Jeff |
Start Date: 10/26/01; HourAhead hour: 2; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2001102602.txt
!!!General SQL error.
Couldn't update; currently locked by user 'Admin' on machine 'NAHOU-TRDTS5'.
!!!General SQL error.
Object invalid or no longer set.
!!!General SQL error.
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
!!!General SQL error.
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
!!!General SQL error.
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
!!!General SQL error.
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
Field |
Attached is the format that Tim Proffitt's team would like to see the data presented in. This is the information previously requested in Chris Heron's email yesterday and setting the Thursday noon deadline. The file shown below is physical gas; their goal is to show the data at a business unit level by ultimate parent; then by operating company level by ultimate parent; i.e., ENA,EGM,EIM,; and then finally at an Enron corp level by ultimate parent. If you have questions about file format please call me at extension 37962. Thanks to all of you for your hard work.
Leslie |
I will email you an updated operating statement with Nov and Dec tomorrow
morning. What did the seguin doctor think of the place.
How much could I get the stagecoach appraised for? Do you still do
appraisals? Could it be valued on an 11 or 12 cap? |
Hmm. What hotel would be the closest to the Willard? (other than the
Marriot, which I'm not wild about because it is so big) What does the Hay
Adams have? Alternatively, what do you suggest in Georgetown?
Do you know if anyone else from Enron has stayed there (the Four Seasons)
Thanks for asking, by the way.
Diane Fitzgerald <diane.fitzgerald@travelpark.com> on 08/04/2000 06:04:09 PM
To: "'kay.mann@enron.com'" <kay.mann@enron.com>
Subject: Just to advise you the Four Seasons is renovating.
I don't know the extent of renovations. Will this be okay? |
thanks brother! You and Matt have a good time. Call me if (when) you need a
ride home from Treasures. If not, I'll see you on Saturday.
-----Original Message-----
From: kevin.a.boone@accenture.com [mailto:kevin.a.boone@accenture.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 2:13 PM
To: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com
Cc: Eric.Bass@enron.com; kevin.a.boone@accenture.com;
MMMarcantel@equiva.com; tblancha@enron.com; val.generes@accenture.com
Subject: RE: bs
Mitch is waxing his legs, arms, and bikini area tonight and won't be able
to make it . . .
Kevin A. Boone
Accenture -- Houston
(Octel) 713.837.1638
(Client) 281.848.1619
(C) 713.306.7940
(H) 713.864.4149
Our web address is http://www.accenture.com
om To: Kevin A.
MMMarcantel@equiva.com, Val
01/17/2002 01:56 PM tblancha@enron.com,
Subject: RE: bs
let's do it. nobody has been out in a while on a thurs so tonight is a
good night to start up again.
-----Original Message-----
From: kevin.a.boone@accenture.com@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:37 PM
To: Lenhart, Matthew; MMMarcantel@equiva.com;
val.generes@accenture.com; tblancha@enron.com; Bass, Eric
Subject: bs
El Tiempo around 6 tonight?
Kevin A. Boone
Accenture -- Houston
(Octel) 713.837.1638
(Client) 281.848.1619
(C) 713.306.7940
(H) 713.864.4149
Our web address is http://www.accenture.com
This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain
privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have
received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited.
This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate
and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of
the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by
others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or
authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or
reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete
all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not
intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a
binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its
affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be
relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.
Thank you.
This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain
privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have
received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the
original. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited. |
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2001 05:02 PM -----
Sara Shackleton
03/20/2001 01:17 PM
To: "Corinne A Samon" <samon_corinne@jpmorgan.com>@ENRON
Subject: Re: futures agreement
We will accept your interest rate schedules. Also, you can include the
witness line for our signatory.
Please prepare execution copies and let me know if there is anything else to
be done. Thanks for your patience.
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
"Corinne A Samon" <samon_corinne@jpmorgan.com>
02/28/2001 10:05 AM
To: Sara.Shackleton@enron.com
Subject: Re: futures agreement
We are in agreement with your proposed changes to the arbitration language.
I await your reply concerning the rest of the comments to the client
Corinne 6-4292
Sara.Shackleton@enron.com on 02/27/2001 06:33:48 PM
To: samon_corinne@jpmorgan.com
Subject: Re: futures agreement
Attached is your arbitration language (marked) and our arbitration text. I
hope this does it! Thanks.
(See attached file: JPMorganarbitrationR1.doc)
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
"Corinne A Samon"
<samon_corinne@jpm To:
organ.com> cc:
Subject: Re: futures
02/27/2001 02:58
Thank you for your fax.
Section 180.3 of the CEA prohibits us from agreeing to any settlement
procedure/forum ahead of time. JPMFI, in accordance with 180.3, will offer
forums - which will include AAA. If Enron chooses AAA, the arbitration
will be
subject to the provisions specified in your fax dd 2/26/2001.
Attached is JPM's proposed language for the arbitration agreement.
(See attached file: ARBITRATION AGREEMENT.doc)
If you are in agreement with the language, please forward Enron's proposed
language (detailed in your 2/26 fax) electronically (if available).
Thank you and Regards,
Sara.Shackleton@enron.com on 02/26/2001 12:36:22 PM
To: samon_corinne@jpmorgan.com
Subject: futures agreement
I just sent you a fax re: arbitration.
I have not heard from your salesperson re: interest schedule for debit
rate (Sec. 2) and credit rate (Sec. 6). Thanks.
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
(See attached file: ARBITRATION AGREEMENT.doc)
- JPMorganarbitrationR1.doc
We have the first running version of VaR model for the MG positions. Many
thanks to Tanya and Anjam for taking lead
in this effort. We had also great help from Cantekin and Kirstee. We want to
validate some inputs
before releasing the number. Specifically, I want to make sure that both
London and Houston work
with the same position numbers every day to avoid confusion.
A few comments.
1. We plan to set up the models to run VaR concurrently in Houston
(Cantekin) and London (Kirstee) with the same inputs.
The reason to do it this way is that we may have to respond quickly to
multiple inquiries in both locations. (Cantekin and Kirstee,
please stay in touch and synchronize the inputs ).
2. It is critical that we run the model daily and receive the updated
positions and prices on a regular basis.
3. We shall continue work in Houston to improve the model. Two critical areas:
a. VaR model, by its nature, does not capture one big risk MG has in its
portfolios. This is the liquidity risk
resulting from different cash consequences of the hedges and the
underlying positions.
b. We should go through due diligence to validate the process generating
the position numbers (i.e. look
into the details of specific transactions). From what
I know, MG has a fairly rudimentary risk
management system and I am not quite sure how they generate option
prices (and deltas). They get some
option prices by calling brokers.
4. I think the current VaR is within 80-85% of the true number (assuming the
inputs are right). But, as I have said,
VaR does not capture all the risks that we have to worry about.
Vince |
---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 03/08/2001
08:39 AM ---------------------------
From: Veronica Espinoza/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/07/2001 09:09 AM
To: Janie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diane Anderson/NA/Enron@Enron, Derek
Bailey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jean Bell/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Patricia Boulanger/CAL/ECT@ECT, Bob Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debbie R
Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate, Lesli
Campbell/ENRON@enronXgate, Celeste Cisneros/NA/Enron@Enron, Sharon
Crawford/CAL/ECT@ECT, Richard Deming/NA/Enron@Enron, Russell
Diamond/ENRON@enronXgate, Cindy Feldman/CAL/ECT@ECT, Darron C
Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, Veronica Gonzalez/ENRON@enronXgate, Jeffrey C
Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Walter Guidroz/ENRON@enronXgate, Larry Joe
Hunter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, Errol
McLaughlin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Nidia Mendoza/ENRON@enronXgate, Kevin
Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Moran/ENRON@enronXgate, Leslie
Reeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tanya Rohauer/ENRON@enronXgate, Dianne Seib/CAL/ECT@ECT,
Linda Sietzema/CAL/ECT@ECT, Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ellen
Wallumrod/NA/Enron@ENRON, Melinda Whalen/CAL/ECT@ECT, Tiffany
Subject: Credit Report--3/7/01 |
HI - I have given Marcus Nettelton the PPL file - my understanding is that we
are near completion. Let me know if there is anything I can do (I've met
Eric a couple of times at EEI meetings so .....)
Edward Sacks/ENRON@enronXgate
03/26/2001 06:55 PM
To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: John Malowney/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: PPL Montana
Since Shari's departure, John and I were just wanted to find out which of
your attys would be inheriting the PPL Montana Confirm and EEI. Please let
us know. thks
Ed Sacks |
Hope that stuff worked for you that I sent. Talk about a hodge podge of
Jeff Dasovich@ENRON
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich@ENRON
03/23/2001 11:27 AM
Subject: how we doing on the supply-demand data? |
Stan would like to offer out the following Astros tickets (4 tickets per
game) for the month of May, for business (first preference) or personal use,
as follows:
Monday, May 7, vs. PHI @ 7:05PM
Wednesday, May 9, vs. PHI @ 7:05PM
Friday, May 18, vs. CIN @ 7:05PM
Saturday, May 19, vs. CIN @ 1:35PM
Monday, May 21, vs. SD @ 7:05PM
Tuesday, May 22, vs. SD @ 7:05PM
Wednesday, May 23, vs. SD @ 3:05PM
Please note that game times are subject to change; please check local
listings to verify.
Cindy |
Works for me
CArol |
This request has been pending approval for 2 days and you are the
alternate. Please click
Approval to review and act upon this request.
Request ID : 000000000010092
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Request Create Date : 12/12/00 3:00:54 PM
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