thanks Chad Landry 01/31/2001 01:17 PM To: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: I was planning on sending Matt a check for old bills. I will just include an extra check in the envelope for you and have him deliver it to you. CKL
not much just sitting here. how was your trip? -----Original Message----- From: Maggi, Mike Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 9:29 AM To: Nelson, Michelle Subject: RE: hey, whats up -----Original Message----- From: Nelson, Michelle Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 9:26 AM To: Maggi, Mike Subject: hey, are you here?
CALENDAR ENTRY: APPOINTMENT Description: Monthly Power Testing Mtg. w/ Arthur Anderson - Jennifer Stevenson, Jennifer Muse, Linda Norman (Conf. Rm.3127 -Jennifer Staton 5-3762) Date: 12/12/2000 Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (Central Standard Time) Chairperson: Outlook Migration Team Detailed Description:
I have one large sweater left from the ski trip last February, first come first served.
THE FRIDAY BURRITO "...more fun than a fortune cookie, and at least as accurate." There is a hint of Autumn in the air. I don't know if it's wishful thinking, or if the seasons are really beginning to turn from our pale summer into a Bay Area glorious Fall. It's premature, I know. A few fallen leaves, the start of schools, slightly longer afternoon shadows ... I'm jumping the gun. I can't wait for this summer to be over, especially this summer. The pounding never stops, and as I hear the din of the cash register ringing with each climb in Southwest temperature, I can barely keep track of all the hiccups which drive prices up: fires in Montana restricting transmission paths, blown up interstate gas pipeline in New Mexico, diminishing N-Ox credits for in-state power plants, depleted inventory of hours of voluntary load interruptions for commercial and industrial customers, credit limits restricting imports of Canadian power into the Northwest and California, and BPA buying about 1,000 MW to cover its short hydro position. I also get the willies every time another politician lambastes the California restructured power industry. I just want to end to the summer, now, and start a two week Fall vacation ... anywhere, even in Cleveland. There are seven, count them, seven investigations into some aspect of the wholesale power market out here. Two days ago there were only six, but FERC just added another yesterday in response to the Prez's request. That means FERC has two, the PUC has two, the State Attorneys General has two (one on the ISO Governing Board, and one on the in-state generators), and one by the Electric Oversight Board. If you don't have an ongoing study of the California Market, then you're not hip. All of these investigations, save FERC's Section 206 Investigation, are going to amount to near nothing. A lot of wasted time and paper. The PUC and EOB studies have their conclusion sections all finished. Now they need some evidence to support their assertions. And how are we holding up under all of this? How are you doing? I talk to many of you throughout the week, and I know how frustrated you are. I share your frustration. You want to tell the public, the press, and anyone in between the truth. You want to lay out the facts. You want to show anyone who will listen that each interference into the market is making things worse, not better. The price caps, for example, are damnable and screwing up the prices, much to the detriment of those people for who price caps were supposed to be a protection against price shocks. Now they are receiving higher average prices. The public isn't going to listen to anything longer than a sound bite. And let's face it, when it comes to stellar public relations, our industry is not known for turning in A+ performances, except for SCE. Those guys seem to get their story in front of the public at every turn. I heard SCE is putting on their customers' bill, "Here is what you would have paid if the rate freeze ended ....". But many of us in the new power industry, borne from the loins of either the natural-gas industry or nuclear-power business, learned the hard way that the best response to a public inquiry is a two-block head start in front of an angry mob. Keep your head down, shut your mouth, and this too shall pass. I don't buy that approach, at least not anymore. That is, I don't believe we have anything to hide, or of which to be ashamed. What electric restructuring is about is correct, beneficial to the public, and in everyone's best interests. Look at it this way, when they pat the last shovelful of dirt on your final resting place, for what do you most want to be remembered? That you caved in to the political will of others, or at a moment when you had the chance, you did what was right instead of what was expedient? I think the choice is easy, albeit laced with sheer terror. Those bland homilies I so diligently teach my kids (e.g., tell the truth, do what is right, think of the big picture and not just yourself) are a lot easier to speak than to live by. So join me and stand up for what you believe. They can't take away your pride, not yet. Here is this week's line up. >>> Things in the People's Republic of California @@@ Excerpts from FERC's Order on SDG&E Complaint @@@ The Development of a Super-Peak Block Energy Product >>> The Mailbag: A Letter from My Friend, and A Response >>> Odds and Ends (_!_) @@@ Finish the Story Contest @@@ October General Meeting @@@ What Makes Houston, Houston? >>> Things in the People's Republic of California @@@ Excerpts from FERC's Order on SDG&E Complaint President Clinton commented from the Rose Garden that good folks in San Diego, retired, fixed-income, likely to vote for a Democrat, are making choices between buying medicine or air conditioning their homes. I call this the Del Monica Beach lecture. The Prez instructed the FERC to investigate the situation in California, and FERC wasted no time. In response to SDG&E's August 2 complaint, whereby the utility asked FERC to impose a $250 price cap on generators in the region, the FERC responded in a way that I was hoping to see several months ago. The FERC slammed SDG&E on their complaint for lack of merit, and the FERC also initiated an FPA Section 206 Investigation into the wholesale power market in California. Here are some of the juicy excerpts from FERC's Order: "In this order, ... , we are denying SDG&E's requested immediate imposition of a price cap on all sellers in California. However, we are instituting consolidated hearing proceedings pursuant to section 206 of the Federal Power Act to investigate the justness and reasonableness of the rates and charges of public utilities that sell energy and ancillary services to or through the California ISO and PX, and to also investigate whether the tariffs and institutional structures and bylaws of the California ISO and PX are adversely affecting the efficient operation of competitive wholesale electric power markets in California and need to be modified "SDG&E concludes that the markets cannot be workably competitive if sellers are able to exact prices that are considerably above levels that would prevail in open competition, i.e., sellers are able to bid and receive prices significantly above their marginal costs. SDG&E also argues that the hour-to-hour volatility in imbalance energy prices and the erratic clearing price for ancillary services is an indication that the market is breaking down when it is moderately stressed. "While we find it appropriate to institute a section 206 hearing on these issues, we cannot implement an immediate price cap of $250/MWh as requested by SDG&E because there is no record before us to support such an action. ... While the issues raised by this complaint are important, the Commission has no basis to conclude that SDG&E's proposal to place an immediate, arbitrary $250/MWh cap on the price that every public utility seller of energy and ancillary services may bid into the PX and ISO markets would satisfy this standard. SDG&E has provided no evidence to demonstrate that all potential sellers are able to exercise market power, has not documented a single instance of a seller exercising market power during times of scarcity, and did not attempt to show that the conditions underlying the Commission's approval of market-based rates for public utility sellers of energy and ancillary services have changed. Nor did it address specific market or institutional factors that may be causing rates to be unjust or unreasonable. "SDG&E asserts that the ISO's congestion management and market structures are flawed and in need of overhaul. ... Furthermore, SDG&E expresses its concern that, for a number of reasons, the congestion management and market reform efforts being pursued by ISO stakeholders will not produce meaningful results. SDG&E indicates that it is prepared to work with the ISO to develop alternative reform proposals; however, SDG&E's complains that the ISO stakeholder process has, in SDG&E's judgment, been ineffective with respect to these issues. "Various interveners contend that SDG&E's arguments are premature. ... We agree with Interveners. ... The reform efforts have been the subject of extensive public review and comment and are nearing completion. Accordingly, we reject SDG&E's arguments at this time. "It is unclear whether SDG&E's failure to purchase hedging instruments for its retail operations is due to state regulatory policies or its business decisions. A retail rate design that exposes consumers to the volatility of commodity prices would be extraordinary, particularly when consumers do not have the ability to receive or respond to price signals. "We are concerned that ... increasing level of market activity in the real-time market raises significant reliability and economical concerns. ... Historically, the ISO procures on a daily basis only the resources needed for the operating day. Not only does this procurement practice put pressure on the grid operator to secure needed resources at the last minute, but the practice is uneconomical. Such spot-market purchases are not subject to the ISO's buyer's cap. Furthermore, because the ISO is the supplier of last resort for these services, when OOM calls are made, suppliers realize that the ISO is in a must-buy situation. "In an effort to address this problem, we direct the ISO to immediately institute a more forward approach to procuring the resources necessary to reliably operate the grid. Specifically, the ISO should anticipate the need for such additional resources based on forecasted peak periods. We direct the ISO to factor these reforms into an analysis of the need for and level of purchase price caps and to include this analysis as support for any filing it makes to extend its purchase price cap authority." In closing, WPTF is an intervenor in the case, and we hope to be very active in the case through testimony, cross examination, the filing of briefs, and reply briefs. >>> Things in the People's Republic of California @@@ The Development of a Super-Peak Block Energy Product Several weeks ago, I discussed with the ISO their interest in developing a new market for a block energy product that would be purchased in the morning of a trade day, and be dispatched during the super-peak hours. I challenged them to let the market participants develop this market instead of the ISO doing the same. At the August 1 ISO Governing Board meeting, I stated as the WPTF position that we oppose price caps, but if the ISO Governing Board insisted on going down the $250/MWH price cap route, we would do what ever we could to help the situation and avoid the occurrences of Stage 3 alerts. Whereas I didn't think about the conversation on super-peak block markets as being relevant to the remarks before the Governing Board, it became painfully clear soon after that we could, and should work with the ISO to develop a new market through either APX or the California PX, or both, to bring some order to the otherwise chaotic Out of Market system. This week, WPTF and the ISO had a joint meeting whereby both sides discussed the merits of a super-peak block firm-energy product, and how it could be instituted. The meeting at the ISO, at which WPTF had many of its members who either have generation in the State, or import power into California, was for market participants and the ISO to discuss how to bring more order and price transparency to the ISO's out of market calls. The ISO reported that this summer, to date, the amount of money spent on Out of Market purchases was about $100 million. Last year the total cost of Out of Market purchases was $1.7 million. APX and CalPX, in response to our earlier discussions with them, presented their proposals at the meeting. The discussions which ensued during the course of the presentations focused on how the ISO might utilize a product/service to reduce the manpower requirements currently needed to satisfy its out of market telephone calls, typically on short notice, and the interest on the part of market participants to make bids into either the APX or CalPX's proposed system for a super-peak firm-energy product. There were no commitments made by any party, simply a willingness to work together to alleviate the problems associated with finding sufficient electric power during high demand periods with greater transparency, more participants, and greater market efficiency. We'll keep you posted on our development of this market. >>> The Mailbag: A Letter from My Friend, and A Response Sometimes I share bites of our Burrito with fellow travellers, much as I did last week when I sent my friend Mike Florio a copy of the story called the Trial of Gow Jing. Mike sent me a note that I would like to share. He said I could. I want you to read it and appreciate that there are other people who share his view. I also copied the response I sent to Michael, a.k.a. Old Deuteronomy. Michael wrote: "I'm not going to attempt to complete your little melodrama [the Gow-Jing story], but I did want to offer an observation. In simpler times, people knew the other people that they did business with, and they typically lived in the same community. If a merchant tried to charge exorbitant prices for his products, even if he was the only one in town who had the product in stock, he would face the wrath of his fellow citizens. This undoubtedly served as a constraint on such behavior, even in the absence of a CPUC or FERC. Telling Mrs. Jones that the loaf of bread she needs to feed her kids will cost her $50 would not be a pleasant way to do business, and such things ordinarily did not happen. "In the modern global economy, of course, this personal aspect of doing business has been almost completely lost. And so has the restraint. I have no doubt that the folks who sell electricity are good people (jeez, I know many of them), but they work in an environment where the end results of their business decisions are invisible. If Mrs. Jones can't afford to run her refrigerator any more, that fact is at best dimly perceived, and if so it is viewed as cause for some sort of social program, not a reason why a merchant would alter his behavior. "This is clearly not a case of socialism versus capitalism, because both scenarios occur within the overall context of a capitalist system. But certainly something fundamental has changed, and not for the better in my view. Now everyone feels compelled to squeeze the last dollar out of every transaction-- their jobs may even depend upon it-- and no one is responsible for the end result. Is this the kind of world we want to live in??? "PUT THAT IN YOUR BURRITO AND SEE WHAT YOUR READERS SAY! YOU CAN EVEN BLAME ME, SO THAT YOU ARE NOT ACCUSED OF TURNING PINK IN YOUR MIDDLE AGE. Deut" Okay. It's in the Burrito. And here is what I think. You allude to the change in a world that was once "more personal" and is now institutional. You make the point that things are not better off if for no other reason then the lack of personal accountability. But I don't think that in all cases the more personal world is lost. It is ever present, as I will argue below. Second, your group embraces the impersonal "efficiencies" when it is convenient. Finally and most importantly, where will your social-minded and like minded counterparts be when competitive forces leap supply ahead of demand, which might happen in a handful of years? However, your essential point is not lost on me. I do believe that there are ways for generators and consumers to be good neighbors in California. I have a proposal below to which I would like to hear your response. First, though, the personal business touch is present in our economy. I exercise the restraint to which your story pines in many of my consulting engagements which require financial give and take between client and vendor. It is simply smart business to do so. I have been the beneficiary of the same with my local bank when errors occurred in my checking accounts, or when loan payments were made absent mindedly late, etc., and the late fee forgiven. However, much of our economy, and certainly the trade of a commodity such as electricity requires the use of markets. Nameless and faceless, they do squeeze out all the efficiencies which lead to lower prices, more innovation, and a sharing of price risk with parties who are neither the ultimate consumer nor the initial producer. The producer and consumer get out of the risk arbitrage and leave it to others who are more skilled and monied. I find it ironic that TURN, then, is so insistent on arguing, as it has done on many many occasions for the relaxation of market separation in the ISO's congestion management reform. Elimination of market separation is nothing more than the impersonal forcing of parties to execute trades on either side of a congested transmission path in the name of market efficiency. Lower prices for consumers. Does it really matter if it is done through person to person transactions, or through markets? Third, your story can be used to make an alternative point. What happens to the merchant in town when Wal-Mart moves into the next town down the road? All the faithful customers that your Merchant of Vengeance was protecting suddenly migrate to a competitor with greater inventory, more choice, and lower prices. What do you say, then? The corollary for us is direct. The new generation owners moved literally billions of dollars into California, at risk, and took a chance. It paid off. They succeeded as we all know this year, and probably will next year, and so on. But the 3,000 MW of new power plants under construction in California, and the 3,000 MW under construction in Arizona, and the over 16,000 MW of combined power projects in California, Arizona, and Southern Nevada that are in line for permits will change the financial landscape in a hurry once energized. The prices will soften, returns will be less cherry, and I really want to know, where will today's accusers be when there is a shake out? Consumers will reap that benefit, oh you best believe it. But the alliances to which your opening story alludes simply misses that point. You gotta make hay while the sun shines. Now to my proposal. Michael, I would be willing to work with you to develop some kind of loan program for residential and small commercial customers that would, in effect, reduce the economic hardship of higher electricity prices. I could imagine, although I haven't tested the idea with any parties, that a significant program could be crafted, possibly secured by the credit of participating generating companies, and executed by a commercial lending institution such as Bank of America. Borrowers would pay a fair interest rate and the administrative fees. It's simply smart business, not charity. It's one way to amortize the earnings which came about due to a circumstance of short supply relative to the sudden growth of demand for power. Maybe that is a step in the right direction, I don't know. One could argue that it is no different than SDG&E implementing a level payment plan for it's consumers. True, it is no different, because in either case the customer is paying for the loan interest and administrative fees, and I consistently believe that a market for credit is more efficient (am I getting impersonal?) than one instituted by a monopoly. Second, the security for these loans is provided by parties other than the utility's customers. Further, we wouldn't have to worry about PUC oversight and prudence reviews. We could make this work quickly. I will be very interested to hear your thoughts, and the comments of my members. Thanks for sending us your letter. >>> Odds and Ends (_!_) @@@ Finish the Story Contest Well, there was only one response, and that was from Carl Imparato. Here is what Carl said, "Am I missing something? Who is Gow-Jing supposed to represent? (Yes, I get the pun in the name. But is he also just an anonymous "everyman" or is there someone in particular?) "My first response to your question is that Gow-Jing simply replies `Itai!' (You could look it up... I think it's Chinese for `it hurts!'). Then he takes out a concealed axe, goes on a rampage and kills everyone. But that's too realistic, so don't use that ending. Instead: "Ending: Just as he was about to reply, a giant 500 foot wall of water swept through the room, drowning everyone. And they lived happily ever after. The end." I haven't decided whether to name this response Carl's Gilgamesh Epic (I.e., Noah and the flood), or Carl's Hydro Dream. We'll leave the contest open for another week. Can't let $5 bucks go the only entry. Where's the competition? >>> Odds and Ends (_!_) @@@ October General Meeting Barb Ennis, our event coordinator for our General Meeting wanted you folks to know that the Inn at Morro Bay blocked a few more rooms for us on Wednesday, October 4th (for the early birds) and of course Thursday, October 5th. To date, 21 of the 24 rooms originally set aside in the WPTF block are now taken. Among the additional rooms, there are 2 rooms blocked with double beds on Wed. & Thur. nights at $152.00 each and 6 rooms on both nights for $89.00 each. Folks, you better call the Inn at Morro Bay, telephone 800-321-9566. Rooms should be requested under the name of the Western Power Trading Forum. Also feel free to call the Inn and book a room for Friday and Saturday if you wish to stay over....ask for SHAWN. For those who are in the golf, green fees are $28.00 plus $10.00 for the cart. Please RSVP me by E-Mail (baennis@ix.netcom.com) if you are attending The Social Evening Dinner On Thursday Night ($45 per person, all are invited) and also the luncheon on Friday (no charge) .... I must have an accurate headcount. Have a great weekend and see you at Morro Bay.......Barb >>> Odds and Ends (_!_) @@@ What Makes Houston, Houston? Dan Douglass of Arter and Hadden sent us the following item. Houston, the unofficial home of the electric power industry, is a town you either love or hate. Here are some guiding principles offered by the Chamber of Commerce of the 4th largest city to enable their many visitors to cope.  First you must learn to pronounce the city name. It is YEWS-TUN and it does not matter how people pronounce it in other places.  Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Houston has its own version of traffic rules. Never forget that downtown Houston is composed entirely of one way streets. The only way to get out of center of town is to turn around and start over when you reach Dallas, Texas.  All directions start with, "Go down Westheimer..."  Westheimer has no beginning and no end.  It's impossible to go around a block and wind up on the street you started on. The Chamber of Commerce calls this a "scenic drive".  The 8am rush hour is from 6:30 to 9:30am. The 5:00 pm rush hour is from 3:30 to 6:30 pm. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning.  If you actually stop at a yellow light, you cannot be from Houston.  Kuykendahl Road can only be pronounced by a native, so do not attempt the phonetic pronunciation. People will simply tilt their heads to the right and stare at you.  Construction on the Gulf Freeway is a way of life, and a permanent form of entertainment.  Many bizarre sights can be explained simply by uttering the phrase, " Oh, we're in Montrose!!"  Construction crews aren't doing their job properly unless they close down all lanes except one during rush hour.  If someone actually has their turn signal on, it was probably left on at the factory where the car was made.  White haired men driving red or silver sports cars will not obey any known traffic rule and cannot be expected to stop for red lights or stop signs.  All ladies with blue hair who drive Cadillacs or Lincoln Continentals have the right of way.  The above mentioned blue haired ladies also have a legal right to turn right from a left lane or to turn left from a right lane. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!  Buying a Houston street map is a waste of money since there is absolutely no way that you can route yourself in such a manner as to avoid major road construction.  Houston natives are so rare that they are listed on the endangered species list. The few remaining specimens are kept in a controlled environment for their own safety.  Sir" and "Ma'am" are used by the person speaking to you if there's a remote possibility that you're at least 30 minutes older than they are.  "Sugar" is a more common form of address than "Miss". So is "Honey". Do not take offense. This is how southerners address grown women.  In Houston we drink Coca-Cola and Dr. Pepper. It is rumored that other soft drinks are sold here, but no one will admit to knowing anyone who actually drinks them. So don't ask for any other soft drink.  What you need to know when arriving at Bush Intercontinental Airport: Your arrival gate is at least 32 miles away from the Main Concourse of any terminal. Walking heels on your boots or walking shoes are advised.  Never honk your horn at another car in Houston traffic. The bumper sticker that reads, "Keep honking, I'm reloading" is considered fair warning. ============= Have a great weekend, y'all. gba
"Reasonable" works for me - my interpretation is what Enron has done in the past (and many other companies do) including but not limited to the following: - actual moving and related costs - sales commission on house - a couple of moving trips - temp housing for a month or two - coverage on appraised value of house if can not sell quickly - gross up to cover taxes, where appropriate - Not looking to gain, just to remain whole Chris Calger 503-464-3735 -----Original Message----- From: Kitchen, Louise Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 4:07 PM To: Calger, Christopher F. Subject: FW: Chris's letter -----Original Message----- From: Oxley, David Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 6:06 PM To: Kitchen, Louise Subject: RE: Chris's letter Ummm. Don't see an issue with expenses, although I'm sure purchaser will have arrangements with their own shipping company etc., Everyone I've spoken too has a domestic relo program and Citi in particular have agreed to meet any obligations we have previously made so long as we tell them now. I'll see what else I can find out. Only thing I'd add to Chris's note is an agreement that he will move to Houston if we meet all "reasonable" costs. David -----Original Message----- From: Kitchen, Louise Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 6:02 PM To: Oxley, David Subject: Chris's letter Chris will obviously be relocating to Houston in the near future. We need to make sure we cover all of the expenses. How do you intend to do this under the proposed contract? Louise Kitchen Chief Operating Officer Enron Americas Tel: 713 853 3488 Fax: 713 646 2308
Michael - I pulled this out of one of the memos I just forwarded to you. Let me know if you have questions. The next phase of control (or lowering in the total amount of allowances in the cap) for the OTR Trading Program goes into effect in 2003. Despite the delays in the broader NOx SIP Call process, the OTR states have filed their SIPs targeted to start in 2003 that include the standard provisions of the SIP call structure. One of those provisions is that allowances banked from Phase II (the current OTR Program) can only move into Phase III (2003) via the compliance supplement pools (CSP). The total compliance supplement pool for the OTR is only about 25,000 tons. At the current pace of banking, we could have 80,000 to 100,000 tons of allowances in the bank by the end of 2002. These would be discounted or prorated by the states to the CSP level to move into 2003. Nominally then, allowances left at the end of 2002 would be discounted by as much as 4 to 1 moving into 2003. There is another twist, however. The 1999 vintage allowances are not allowed to move into 2003 at all. They will expire at the end of 2002. There are probably about 35,000 1999 vintage allowances in the system. That leaves about 50,000 to 70,000 allowances left to move into 2003 - still a 2 or 3 to 1 discount factor. Those allowances in the CSP probably will not be subject to flow control in 2003, though flow control is likely to come in to play in 2004. Finally, in order to be in the compliance supplement pool, allowances must be in compliance accounts. So traders like Enron will either need to sell all of their inventory at the end of 2002 or find a place to park it in a compliance account in order allow the allowances to pass through to 2003. Since the prorating is done on a state-by-state basis, where the allowances are parked will be important as well. The value of these banked allowances obviously depends on the value of allowances in 2003. The OTR is relatively clean and will not require major new investment to meet its 2003 emission cap. Thus, the 2003 price for the OTR NOx allowances may not be as high as the $4000/ton that people are currently paying. If it's only $2000 to $3000/ton then the discounted value of today's allowances is probably less than $1000 - maybe a lot less. Bringing all of this together: At the end of 2002 there will be a large bank of allowances. Some of them will expire with zero value at the end of 2002 if not used. The remainder must be parked in the right place to avoid expiration. Even then they will be heavily discounted going forward. The allowance price in 2003 is likely to be relatively low. Mary Schoen Environmental Strategies Enron Corp 415.782.7803 (phone) 415.782.7854 (fax) -----Original Message----- From: Taylor, Michael E Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 12:57 PM To: Schoen, Mary Subject: NOx OTR to SIP CALL Mary, How will OTR allowances roll into the NOx SIP CALL program? Thanks, Michael Taylor Coal and Emissions Trading Enron Global Markets (713) 853-1885
Prior to 7/99 this was ENA not HPL, but there may be some issues on it as well for 3/99 to 6/99. The deal ticket we used was 62717. I will have to look further into the ENA activity because I know we still have some invoices that were paid under one company and we still have drafts under the other. -----Original Message----- From: Farmer, Daren J. Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:42 AM To: Schumack, Sherlyn Subject: RE: Deal 93836 This ticket starts with 7/99 production. How were all of the other months paid? D -----Original Message----- From: Schumack, Sherlyn Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:32 AM To: Farmer, Daren J. Subject: Deal 93836 Daren, I am trying to get some payments out to Williams for old months 11/2000 and 1/2001 but global counterparty said this deal should have Black Marlin Pipeline Company Inc. instead of Black Marlin Pipeline Company effective 3/99. The Black Marlin Pipeline Company was for an internal record (when it was an Enron entity).
Paul: This looks fine. Carol Paul Radous@ENRON 06/14/2000 01:53 PM To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Atlantic Packaging Carol, I have attached your draft letter, with changes highlighted. Please review/modify as appropriate. Thanks.
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Hi there! Sounds like things are going really well. Neil is working tomorrow (his turn), then we have a wedding to go to Saturday night. Paige isn't coming in until Sunday, leaving Tuesday or Wednesday. She's visiting friends in Waco. You know how it goes with juniors. So, it doesn't look good for us to make it to Palacios this weekend. How long are you going to be there? Gotta get on the phone. Love, Kay Bill and Rita McCall <bmccall@wcnet.net> on 10/13/2000 01:14:59 PM To: Kay.Mann@enron.com cc: Subject: Palacios calling Hi Kay Kay. Hope you have had a good week. The weather is wonderful,big black drums,26 inch red fish,keeper flounder and one keeper trout.Ham sandwiches and not a very clean house but would love for you to come down this week-end if you have any free time. Daddy did not call Neil with the fishing report because his hooks did catch fish. He was to call if he didn't catch fish. Does Paige go back to school Sunday? Love to see all of you,Mother
Done. I was waiting for the EOL team to get in a new Password Application and no one told me they got it in. I just went in and approved them. -----Original Message----- From: Gray, Mary Griff Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 8:07 AM To: Jones, Tana Subject: Commonwealth Energy Miss Tana --- What's the ETA on this app? Thanks, Griff
I just entered a deal in Sitara (deal 399824). This is a sale to Transco at St 65, 50,000/day on the 18th - 30th. I also entered a transport usage deal 399826 for 50,000/day starting on the 18th. This deal captures the commodity cost to go from our St 65 pool to the SIMS pool. Comments/Questions?
Daren, FYI. Bob ---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT on 09/27/2000 12:04 PM --------------------------- Vance L Taylor 09/27/2000 11:02 AM To: Robert Cotten/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Melissa Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: October, 2000 Deals Missing Bob, Please see responses highlighted in red text. Thanks, vlt x3-6353 Enron North America Corp. From: Robert Cotten 09/26/2000 05:56 PM To: Vance L Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: October, 2000 Deals Missing Vance, The following deals are missing for October, 2000: Counterparty Name Meter # Nomination Type of Purchase Status Camden Resources 9858 3,000 Firm This is a new package of gas; production is not on-line Cokinos Natural Gas 9840 2,500 Firm This is a new package of gas; production is not on-line Cross-Tex Energy 9843 315 Firm This is a new package of gas; production is not on-line CrossTech Energy 6519 2 Firm Should Darren monitor; currently not an HPLC purchase D.W. Pickett 9737 5 n/a K terminated effective 10/1/00 Duke Energy 6347 139 Spot Will submit request for spot ticket Engage Energy 5848 208 Spot Will submit request for spot ticket Engage Energy 5923 779 Spot Will submit request for spot ticket EOG 9645 63 Firm formerly Aransas Drilling; has evergreen status (flip flag) Heatherloch 6879 544 Single Trans Firm Should Darren monitor; currently not an HPLC purchase Cummins & Walker Oil Co. 9857 500 Firm This is a new package of gas; production is not on-line McBee Operating 6210 7,713 Firm Has evergreen status; need to "flip flag" North Central 5228 3,000 Firm This is a new package of gas; production is not on-line Onyx Gathering 9673 1 n/a K terminated effective 10/1/00 Pringle Resources 9849 1 Firm This is a new package of gas; will submit one month ticket Shoreline Gas 6691 10 n/a K terminated effective 10/1/00 Swift Energy 2630 322 Spot Will submit request for spot ticket Tri-Union 2697 700 Firm This is a new package of gas; production is not on-line Vintage Gas 9603 300 Spot Will submit request for spot ticket White Oak 4251 96 Firm Formerly the Lamay Corp. Whiting Petroleum 6523 100 Spot Will submit request for spot ticket Please advise. Thanks. Bob
When did you get all responsible and shit? Sign me up for $25
Martha Ragsdale 1425 SE 24th Ave 305 Portland OR, OR 97214 MRagsdal@aol.com To Mr. Ken Lay, I'm writing to urge you to donate the millions of dollars you made from selling Enron stock before the company declared bankruptcy to funds, such as Enron Employee Transition Fund and REACH, that benefit the company's employees, who lost their retirement savings, and provide relief to low-income consumers in California, who can't afford to pay their energy bills. Enron and you made millions out of the pocketbooks of California consumers and from the efforts of your employees. Indeed, while you netted well over a $100 million, many of Enron's employees were financially devastated when the company declared bankruptcy and their retirement plans were wiped out. And Enron made an astronomical profit during the California energy crisis last year. As a result, there are thousands of consumers who are unable to pay their basic energy bills and the largest utility in the state is bankrupt. The New York Times reported that you sold $101 million worth of Enron stock while aggressively urging the company's employees to keep buying it. Please donate this money to the funds set up to help repair the lives of those Americans hurt by Enron's underhanded dealings. Sincerely, Martha Ragsdale
ok here it is settle was 3.22 and the offer is + 0.20 -----Original Message----- From: Little, Kelli Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 10:48 AM To: Quigley, Dutch Subject: Notional Quote Request Dutch, I've attached a spreadsheet which lists volumes for a prepay with the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia (originator is Gil Muhl). The volumes are not ratable over time, so I thought it might be easier for you to cut and paste the schedule into your model. The term is November 1, 2001 - October 31, 2006. The average daily volume is around 78,000 mmBtu/day. I'm looking for your notional offer - This won't close until Q4. Please call me if you have any questions - thanks for your help! Kelli x5-3419 << File: MGAG Nymex Volumes.xls >>
David: Thanks for the note. I think you have captured the questions. As to question 1, however, I would add that we are interested in an answer relating to on-line as well as phone trades. Mark, do you have anything to add? We are looking forward to receiving your draft memo by the end of next week. I'll be in Japan next week, so if you have any questions, please foolow-up with Mark. Thanks, Alan GILBERGD@sullcrom.com 07/21/2000 12:52 PM To: alan.aronowitz@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com cc: LINDAUERE@sullcrom.com Subject: Electronic Signatures As we discussed, the following summarizes my understanding of the issues you would like us to analyze and address in a memo (recognizing that some of these issues cannot be definitively resolved at this point): 1. After 10/1/00 -- Can Enron dispense with confirms completely, regardless of whether there is a master agreement in place with the counterparty, and instead advise counterparties of executed transactions through some type of notice (or perhaps just through a daily transaction summary) delivered through EOL? If so, what (if anything) needs to be done to make this procedure effective (e.g., amendments to electronic trading agreement)? 2. Before 10/1 -- Can Enron dispense with confirms if the applicable master agreement permits, or if there is no master, and provide notices through EOL in the manner described above? What are the risks of relying on clicks evidencing a counterparty's transactions prior to the effectiveness of the legislation? 3. When dealing with a non-US counterparty, what (in general terms) is the risk of following the procedures described above and not sending confirms? In other words, if the counterparty is in a jurisdiction that does not recognize electronic signatures as binding, is there a meaningful risk that the counterparty will be able to avoid transactions (recognizing that this question cannot be answered definitively without advice from local counsel and that we will only be able to provide general observations)? How does the analysis change if the counterparty has signed a master agreement governed by NY law? 4. Are confirms required for physical transactions, pursuant to Article 2 of the UCC? If so, must they meet any specific requirements? 5. Miscellaneous other issues -- Can tapes of phone trades suffice as electronic signatures under the federal legislation? Is it sufficient for one party to have the ability to store and retrieve records of the transaction if the other party does not? Please let me know if your understanding of the questions to be addressed differs from the foregoing. Thanks. ---------------------------------- This e-mail is sent by a law firm and contains information that may be privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete the e-mail and notify us immediately.
I'm not sure what this e-mail is in reference to.
Attached is the information you requested regarding American Military Univeristy. If your e-mail package cannot handle attachements click http://www.amunet.edu/AMUv2/Content/Global/downloads.asp to view forms. If you are asked for a password when trying to view a form, click cancel and the document will continue to load. - ReqTranscriptSentAMU.doc
This week's Lite Bytz presentation will feature the following APPZ speaker: Hal Elrod CommodityLogic Thursday, April 26, 2001 If you have not already signed up, please RSVP via email to litebytz@enron.com by the end of the day Tuesday, April 24, 2001. *Remember: this is now a Brown Bag Event--so bring your lunch and we will provide http://home.enron.com:84/messaging/revisedhalelrod.ppt
Ted, Take a look. Vince
djunek@aeglobalmarkets.com I chat with him via aol instant messenger. His id there is djunek13. He's not in the office today. your msn doesn't work.
Sarah, I'll still remain on the RRG and other lists even if I get off this one, right? Or is this the new official list..... Thanks Margie ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sarah Dennison-Leonard" <sdleonard@EARTHLINK.NET> To: <RRGA-L@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 6:29 PM > To get off the list, please send an e-mail to: LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG and > in the subject line, please put "SIGNOFF RRGA-L" > > Thank you! > > - Sarah > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Pyburn, Jack R." <jack.pyburn@MIRANT.COM> > To: <RRGA-L@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG> > Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 5:11 PM > > > > I'm not sure how I got on this list, but I'd like to be deleted. Thanks! > > > > Jack Pyburn, Jr. > > Mirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP > > 1155 Perimeter Center West > > Atlanta, GA 30338 > > Phone: 678-579-7443 > > Fax: 678-579-7303 > > Cell: 678-488-0660 > > Email: Jack.Pyburn@Mirant.com > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Dalia, Keith A - TOS-DITT1 [mailto:kadalia@BPA.GOV] > > Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 7:40 PM > > To: RRGA-L@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG > > Subject: > > > > > > You have been added to the RRGA-L mailing list (RTO West Congestion Model > > Content Group) by Keith Dalia <kadalia@BPA.GOV>. > > > > Please save this message for future reference, especially if this is the > > first time you subscribe to an electronic mailing list. If you ever need > > to leave the list, you will find the necessary instructions below. > > Perhaps more importantly, saving a copy of this message (and of all > > future subscription notices from other mailing lists) in a special mail > > folder will give you instant access to the list of mailing lists that you > > are subscribed to. This may prove very useful the next time you go on > > vacation and need to leave the lists temporarily so as not to fill up > > your mailbox while you are away! You should also save the "welcome > > messages" from the list owners that you will occasionally receive after > > subscribing to a new list. > > > > To send a message to all the people currently subscribed to the list, > > just send mail to RRGA-L@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG. This is called "sending mail > > to the list", because you send mail to a single address and LISTSERV > > makes copies for all the people who have subscribed. This address > > (RRGA-L@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG) is also called the "list address". You must > > never try to send any command to that address, as it would be distributed > > to all the people who have subscribed. All commands must be sent to the > > "LISTSERV address", LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG. It is very > > important to understand the difference between the two, but fortunately > > it is not complicated. The LISTSERV address is like a FAX number that > > connects you to a machine, whereas the list address is like a normal > > voice line connecting you to a person. If you make a mistake and dial the > > FAX number when you wanted to talk to someone on the phone, you will > > quickly realize that you used the wrong number and call again. No harm > > will have been done. If on the other hand you accidentally make your FAX > > call someone's voice line, the person receiving the call will be > > inconvenienced, especially if your FAX then re-dials every 5 minutes. The > > fact that most people will eventually connect the FAX machine to the > > voice line to allow the FAX to go through and make the calls stop does > > not mean that you should continue to send FAXes to the voice number. > > People would just get mad at you. It works pretty much the same way with > > mailing lists, with the difference that you are calling hundreds or > > thousands of people at the same time, and consequently you can expect a > > lot of people to get upset if you consistently send commands to the list > > address. > > > > You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF RRGA-L" command > > to LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG. You can also tell LISTSERV how you > > want it to confirm the receipt of messages you send to the list. If you > > do not trust the system, send a "SET RRGA-L REPRO" command and LISTSERV > > will send you a copy of your own messages, so that you can see that the > > message was distributed and did not get damaged on the way. After a while > > you may find that this is getting annoying, especially if your mail > > program does not tell you that the message is from you when it informs > > you that new mail has arrived from RRGA-L. If you send a "SET RRGA-L ACK > > NOREPRO" command, LISTSERV will mail you a short acknowledgement instead, > > which will look different in your mailbox directory. With most mail > > programs you will know immediately that this is an acknowledgement you > > can read later. Finally, you can turn off acknowledgements completely > > with "SET RRGA-L NOACK NOREPRO". > > > > Following instructions from the list owner, your subscription options > > have been set to "NOFILES REPRO" rather than the usual LISTSERV defaults. > > For more information about subscription options, send a "QUERY RRGA-L" > > command to LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG. > > > > Contributions sent to this list are automatically archived. You can get a > > list of the available archive files by sending an "INDEX RRGA-L" command > > to LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG. You can then order these files > > with a "GET RRGA-L LOGxxxx" command, or using LISTSERV's database search > > facilities. Send an "INFO DATABASE" command for more information on the > > latter. > > > > This list is available in digest form. If you wish to receive the > > digested version of the postings, just issue a SET RRGA-L DIGEST command. > > > > Please note that it is presently possible for other people to determine > > that you are signed up to the list through the use of the "REVIEW" > > command, which returns the e-mail address and name of all the > > subscribers. If you do not want your name to be visible, just issue a > > "SET RRGA-L CONCEAL" command. > > > > More information on LISTSERV commands can be found in the LISTSERV > > reference card, which you can retrieve by sending an "INFO REFCARD" > > command to LISTSERV@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG. >
Attached is the worksheet for the external ISDA, not any RMT ISDA, to be drafted and sent for review to Juniper. thanks brant ---------------------- Forwarded by Brant Reves/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 12:05 PM --------------------------- Brant Reves 12/07/2000 03:29 PM To: Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Panus/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Patrick Johnson/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Juniper RMT Please prepare a draft contract per the attached credit terms and forward to Patrick Johnson for distribution. thanks brant ---------------------- Forwarded by Brant Reves/HOU/ECT on 12/07/2000 03:22 PM --------------------------- Brant Reves 12/06/2000 11:30 AM To: Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Panus/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Juniper RMT Please prepare a RMT ISDA agreement between ENA and Juniper Energy L.P. and forward executable copies to Les Clark your contact on this is Patrick Johnson, 3-9453 thanks for your help brant
One other argument we could make: according to the traders, the gas market is very liquid. Because the gas market is very liquid, generators will sell their gas and turn off their units. So the ISO will create a reliability problem. From: James D Steffes@ENRON on 10/27/2000 11:09 AM CDT To: dwatkiss@bracepatt.com, dexickson@mwe.com, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Pleading to Stop ISO Here is the outline of some points to make in the filing today.
Theresa works for Mark in the Denver office. She used to work with Liz. ---------------------- Forwarded by Joan Quick/HOU/ECT on 10/03/2000 09:34 AM --------------------------- Theresa Staab@ENRON 10/03/2000 09:09 AM To: Mark Whitt/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Paul T Lucci/NA/Enron@Enron, Nicole Cortez/NA/Enron@Enron, Steven P South/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jacqueline P Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey J Brewer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joan Quick/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Crescendo Noms on NWPL Mark, I spoke to Liz Orr this morning regarding the status of nominating the Crescendo gas on NWPL. Due to a couple of the interconnects constrained into NWPL due to high hydrocarbons there is only one delivery point available to flow into NWPL (Foundation Creek). They are holding space for actual producers behind Foundation Creek to flow into NWPL and the remaining 40% of capacity for the other producers. Cresendo's pro-rata share into NWPL would be 1,000 MMbtu/day. Interruptible transport is flowing into NWPL. Liz also said they are very close to having the Grand Valley point back in spec for quality which will increase our flow into NWPL up to 2,000 MMBtu/day. She's hopeful for the end of the week for this increase. The meter number on NWPL for Foundation Creek is Map Pt. 56 (meter 48010 on Wildhorse). We will be trying 1,000 for tomorrow's gas day into NWPL and will keep everyone informed when we can increase to 2,000. Please call me with any questions at (303) 575-6485. Thanks, Theresa
beef and bird is on wilcrest - right? "Larry W. Bass" <lwbthemarine@bigplanet.com> on 11/10/2000 09:45:37 AM To: eric preston bass <Eric.Bass@enron.com> cc: Subject: Hi Son. Mother found another box of ski clothes including her white ski outfit and a couple of others. Next time you are here, have Shana look. See you this p.m.-Dad
Starting next Wednesday you have EB30C2 for your Fundies Meeting from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM -Ina
237-2337 -----Original Message----- From: Shulklapper, Ken Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:03 AM To: Cuilla, Martin Subject: What is Jame's work #? What is Jame's work #? Kenneth M. Shulklapper Logistical Risk Management Enron Freight Markets (713) 853-7009 (phone) (713) 646-3446 (fax)
- Morons1.gif
Enron Methanol nominates the following natural gas requirements for the Methanol Plant for April 2001: 30,000 mmbtu per day EGPFC nominates the following natural gas requirements for the MTBE Plant at Morgan's Point for April 2001: 8,500 mmbtu per day
Your review and approval of the following product types in the EOL Data manager is needed (for directions on approval, please see steps for approval at the bottom of this e-mail). If you have any questions please call me at ext. 39555 or Chris Walker at ext. 37533 ******** DO NOT APPROVE PRODUCT TYPES BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6AM - 11AM*********** Lawyer: John Viverito (Mark, John already approved Long Description) Product Type(s): US LLDPE Phy US LLDPE Phy Hexene Hou c/LB US LLDPE Phy Butene Hou c/LB US HDPE Phy US HDPE Phy Inject8MI Hou c/LB US HDPE Phy Inject20MI Hou c/LB US HDPE Phy HMW0.04MI Hou c/LB US PPHP Phy US PP-HP Phy 3MFR Hou c/LB US PP-HP Phy 17MFR Hou c/LB US PP-HP Phy Inject20MFRHou c/LB US PP-HP Phy Inject35MFRHou c/LB Trader(s): Alan Engberg GTC: Enron Petrochemicals Company, Inc., a division of Enron Liquids Fuels, Inc. Description(s): ============================================================================== STEPS FOR APPROVAL: click the START button select PROGRAMS select TEST APPLICATIONS select ENRONONLINE CLUSTER(PROD) PROCEED WITH USUAL LOGIN/PASSWORD click the Enron Online Production Cluster "START" button select EnronOnline (this is the EOL Datamanager) PROCEED WITH EOL LOGIN/PASSWORD click on the "+" for EnronOnline click on the "+" for Product Types click on the "+" for "Partially Approved" select the product requiring review as stated in e-mail above Right "mouse" click on "properties" to view product set-up TO APPROVE: Right mouse click on "Approved"
__________________ Please plan to attend the HR Meeting on Tuesday, May 16th in conference room 560 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you Bobbie
Dan, The company is Reliant Energy (wholesale trading group) at this point and the fuel is handled the same as the 30,000/d deal that you wrote up. (See attached) thanks,
The new draft date is 8/20 by overwhelming majority. Stay tuned for further details.
If you are all still in town - Matt and I were thinking of going to Happy Hour tomorrow after work. Let me know if you are in.
I just now got a reply that the email address Steve gave me does not work. I keep getting the mail returned. I am usingDFSWTL@swbell.net. Could you double check this with Steve for me? Thanks. TGBOLDIG@aol.com on 05/22/2001 05:42:37 PM To: <cegann@dow.com>, <Stanley.Horton@enron.com> cc: Subject: Golf Thursday We have a 9:00 tee time Old Course Tom
---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 08/25/2000 11:44 AM --------------------------- val.generes@ac.com on 08/25/2000 07:29:24 AM To: SoCalCinephile@socal.rr.com, brkaty@aol.com, scott_bateman@qbsol.com, Timothy_Blanchard@enron.com, bcambr@lsumc.edu, bcannizaro@shellus.com, cgener1@lsu.edu, nicholas.danna@ey.com, tdietz@allstate.com, julie_ferguson@gensler.com, agenere@lsu.edu, Lisa.Gillette@enron.com, Cherie.Gravois@pbrc.edu, greggremillion@hotmail.com, bholladay@trinityno.com, Hurl007@aol.com, jgener1@lsu.edu, kcelestej@ev1.net, Chad.Landry@enron.com, Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com, leemac007@yahoo.com, MMMarcantel@equiva.com, AirPhotoDave@aol.com, Fiji4x4@aol.com, jpelti@lsumc.edu, samm@dynegy.com, Staehl@aol.com, "DARRAH, SHAWN" <sdarrah@entergy.com>, "Engelhardt, Todd W." <twengelhardt@walkhaydel.com>, "Mayfield, Jennifer D." <JenniferMayfield@associates.PZLQS.com>, "Amy Fontana" <amyfontana@centurytel.net>, "ashley daniels" <ashleydaniels7@hotmail.com>, "CS duplantis" <csdixie45@hotmail.com>, cwhitney <cwhitney@eatel.net>, Heather Devall <hdevall@regents.state.la.us>, "John D. Dawes" <jddawes@bellsouth.net>, "Jim Jeffery" <jjeffery@centurytel.net>, "julie crouch" <julescrouch@hotmail.com>, Jim Maziarz <maziarz@bellsouth.net>, Ross Berthelot <rberth@eatel.net>, stuart hartman <shartman20@hotmail.com>, Bonita Picou <staschco@st-theresa.com>, shawn.wharton@ac.com, monica.m.andrade@ac.com, brian.r.vassigh@ac.com, katia.carreno@ac.com cc: Subject: Interesting facts, Hmmmm If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it) If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Now that's more like it) A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes. (In my next life I want to be a pig) (How'd they figure this out, and why?) Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Still can't get over that pig thing) (Don't try this at home...maybe at work?) Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (Is that why Flipper was always smiling?) (And pigs get 30-minute orgasms? Doesn't seem fair) The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmmmmm........) Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do. (If you're ambidextrous do you split the difference?) The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated. (From drinking little bottles of...?) (Did taxpayers pay for this research??) Polar bears are left handed. (Who knew....? Who cares? How'd they find out, did they ask them?) The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What can be so tasty on the bottom of the pond?) The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes...can you imagine?? And why pigs?) A cockroach will live nine days without it's head, before it starves to death. (Creepy) The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home. What the....) (Well, at least pigs get a break there...) Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (In my next life I still want to be a pig ... quality over quantity) Butterflies taste with their feet. (Oh, Geez) (That's almost as bad as catfish) An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain. (I know some people like that.) Starfish don't have brains. (I know some people like that too.) After reading all these, all I can say is............. Lucky Pigs...
what - you can't tell me this over the phone - so you have to write a chicken shit e-mail. what's that about? Shanna Husser@ENRON 03/10/2000 01:53 PM To: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: OK- that is it- you either best be in a DAMN good mood by the time you get to my place- OR I don't know- I'm going to be pissed. I want to enjoy our time together- not fight about you being crabby. You didn't warn me that you were so moody- you ARE like a woman. And try not to be such a big mouth from here on out. You make me feel like I can't tell you what I really think- b/c it will get back to Tim (in other words- all the FIJIS)- I hope that you aren't naive enough to think that isn't how it works with them. SH
I would recommend floor meetings on 37 (we occupy almost the entire floor) and on the operations end of floor 32. That would cover everyone pretty well. Thanks. --Sally From: Peggy McCurley/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/09/2001 05:01 PM To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Greg Piper/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: RE: Suggestions for Floor Meeting Locations Hi Sally - Taking care of Philippe's emails while he's out. Are there one or two floors that are occupied fully by your groups? Please tell me the floors (probably two) where you would like the meetings and I will call Patti to coordinate your availability to attend. I'll then send an email to your people notifying them of such. Thanks, Peggy -----Original Message----- From: Beck, Sally Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 11:54 AM To: Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ENRON; Piper, Greg Subject: Suggestions for Floor Meeting Locations The floors chosen for these meetings appear to be geared to the IT teams. Between my operations teams dedicated to EA, EGM and EIM, I have roughly 500 employees in the Enron building. Do you want all of them to choose one of the floors noted in your e-mail message, or would it be better to schedule one or two floor meetings in locations that more easily incorporate this segment of Net Works? I have noted below the approximate number of employees per floor (including only those floors with a significant number of operations employees): 29th Floor (trading) 67 employees EGM risk, vol. mgmt., confirms, settlements and EIM risk 30th Floor (trading) 35 employees EGM risk, confirms, settlements (various products) 31st Floor (trading) 52 employees Power risk, confirms, vol. mgnt., settlements and DPR and MPR teams 32nd Floor (trading) 117 employees Gas risk, logistics (all regions), operational analysis 37th Floor 148 employees Gas vol. mgmt., settlements, and global services Also, given the fact that operations is a relative "newcomer" to Enron Networks and yet represents a large number of employees in the group, I would be happy to work with you on remarks for all of the floor meetings to make it easier for you to be fully inclusive in these sessions. --Sally ---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 04/09/2001 10:30 AM --------------------------- Office of the Chairman - Enron Net Works LLC From: Office of the Chairman - Enron Net Works LLC@ENRON on 04/09/2001 10:13 AM Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON To: ENW-Employees_Houston cc: Subject: Net Works Floor Meetings - DATES AND LOCATIONS HAVE CHANGED PLEASE READ We will be holding floor meetings on the following dates. Please join us for a general overview and Q&A session on one of the following floors: Tuesday, 4/17/01 - 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Location: In front of EB2711 Wednesday, 4/25/01 - 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Location: In front of EB2265 Thursday, 4/26/01 - 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Location: In front of EB2556 Philippe & Greg Please disregard the email sent on 4/6/01. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Anything to get ONE thing off the "to do" list.... From: Stuart Zisman@ECT on 10/10/2000 12:41 PM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: Signature authority Sounds like you have a good plan.
Dear OU Team: I have begun scheduling events for next fall's recruiting effort. Please mark your calendars for the following: September 26 - Career Fair October 22 and 23 - Interviews I am currently working with Tim Rasnic and Ted Jacobs to set the date for our information session. I will send the date to you as soon as possible. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these events, please drop me a note. Thanks! lexi 3-4585
-----Original Message----- From: Samuel Behrends [mailto:SBEHREND@LLGM.COM] Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:36 AM To: Nettelton, Marcus Subject: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ============================================================================== This e-mail, including attachments, contains information that is confidential and may be protected by the attorney/client or other privileges. This e-mail, including attachments, constitutes non-public information intended to be conveyed only to the designated recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, please delete this e-mail, including attachments, and notify me. The unauthorized use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this e-mail, including attachments, is prohibited and may be unlawful. ==============================================================================
It is yours. I never said it would last. If fact, it is a tribute to Enron that that era is over. You've earned the right to doubt my credibility based on your original interview, however.
Hi Clark, Could you fill out this chart for us with names and contact info for the Bracewell person (or people) you think would fit the bill the best? We had a list previously, but I believe some of the folks on it have moved on. Thanks, Kay
Good morning, How about 130 today for a conference call with John's new best friend? ckm
This is TENN Mayville production which is separate from the Tennessee Nora Production. I will forward the Nora email. Cindy do you know if the pricing I put on this deal is correct? Deal number 235505. Scott Lisa Valderrama@ECT 05/30/2000 09:24 AM To: Scott Goodell/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: 04/00 Columbia Natural Resources I have a question relating to Sitara Deal # 235505. Columbia Natural Resources has invoiced me for some volumes at Tennessee, 42012 mmbtus at 2.988. Sitara deal # 235505 has gas at Tennessee but the volume is off and the price is $3.01. Additionally I have a copy of an e-mail( May 9) that was sent to Anita Chin showing a rate of 2.988 for April Production and 3.195 for May production for a deal on Tennessee. What I need to know, is deal #235505 the deal that is referenced in the e-mail ? If it is the price needs to be adjusted to reflect $2.988, if not what is the deal number for the transaction that was referenced in the e-mail to Anita Chin. Could you please take a look and let me know. Thanks Lisa 3-7134
Hi Iris, Thanks for your messages. Please, call me on my cell phone (713) 410 5396 or at my office (713) 853 3848. By the way, the 2nd file you sent is password protected. Vince
I didn't know you sent the market description to Awais, so I was following up. I'll mark it out.
Have you seen this? -----Original Message----- From: Energy Industry Issues Newsletter <ISSUEALERTHTML@LISTSERV.SCIENTECH.COM>@ENRON On Behalf Of IssueAlert@SCIENTECH.COM Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 11:12 AM To: ISSUEALERTHTML@LISTSERV.SCIENTECH.COM Subject: Enron Continues to Implode; Will the Dynegy Deal Proceed? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] November 21, 2001 Enron Continues to Implode; Will the Dynegy Deal Proceed? By Will McNamara Director, Electric Industry Analysis [News item from Reuters] Enron Corp. (NYSE: ENE) shares fell sharply in opening trade on Nov. 20 after the humbled energy giant warned it could be forced to pay by next week $690 million in debt triggered by a credit downgrade last week. The shares were down $1.16, or 12.8 percent, to just over $7.00 in early morning trade on the New York Stock Exchange. The stock was the biggest loser by percentage change and the second-most active stock on the NYSE. As of early morning trading on Nov. 21, Enron shares were priced at $4.85, reportedly their lowest level in nearly 10 years. Analysis: To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Oh, what a tangled web they weave when first they attempt to?" Wait, I better stop. When speaking about Enron, I am not prepared to finish that sentence, at least at this point. Enron has been accused of a lot of things over the last few weeks, but at this juncture an ongoing Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation has yet to reach any conclusion regarding deceptive financial reporting on the part of the Houston trader. Enron itself has admitted that its financial records from 1997 through the first half of 2001 "should not be relied upon." Nevertheless, perception is reality and the perception currently in the industry is that Enron is now taking a fall after getting caught following years of skirting the truth. While negative perception continues to cause damage to Enron's stock, perhaps of more current interest are the developments that are more grounded in reality. We know Enron has just lowered its third-quarter earnings, faces a stiff payment of $690 million (due within a week, in fact) and has cast doubt over its 4Q earnings potential. The question of the hour is whether these new financial hits will represent a "material adverse change" in the eyes of Dynegy, which still aims to buy Enron but wisely included an exit clause in its purchase contract. The other question is, what happens to Enron if Dynegy leaves it standing at the altar? A terminated marriage agreement would surely cause further reductions to Enron's already-weak credit standing, and it is unknown how the company could recover from another blow to its reputation. As has been the case since the first of October, the ongoing "fall of Enron" story is changing by the day. For background on Dynegy's proposed acquisition of Enron, and Enron's financial problems that precipitated the proposal, please see my 11/12/01 IssueAlert (available at www.scientech.com/rci ). In the interest of time, let me summarize what is happening at this moment. Dynegy rode in as Enron's white knight and plopped down a $9-billion offer ($10 a share) to buy the company, which at the time represented a steal of a price considering that Enron was priced at almost $90 a share little more than a year ago. To some extent, this seemed like the final chapter in the Enron saga. In other words, the company had gone through a tumultuous year, hit its "rock bottom" but still planned to live happily ever after as part of Dynegy, Inc., its much-smaller rival. The developments just this week amount to a screeching brake that may in fact interrupt the nuptials between the two companies. For starters, on Monday (Nov. 19), Enron submitted its 10-Q report to the SEC (which was five days late, by the way). In the report, Enron dropped what have turned out to be several bombshells. First, Enron disclosed that, due to recent downgrades of its credit rating by agencies such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch, it has to pay off or refinance by Nov. 26 debt it owes to a third party with which it has a partnership, or face nearly $4 billion in additional payments. Enron also has the option of finding new collateral to guarantee the debt. Enron would not disclose who owns the note, but we know that the limited partnership includes holdings in C.E.G. Rio, a Brazilian natural gas-company that Enron had planned to sell to raise about $250 million in cash. Note that just last week, various credit services lowered Enron's senior unsecured debt to one notch above junk status and warned that further downgrades may occur, which apparently prompted the call for the debt payment. Reportedly, if Enron does not make the $690-million payment by Nov. 27, investors will gain the right to immediately begin liquidating the asset for an amount equal to the note payable. Enron is presently scrambling to establish a "mutually acceptable" amendment with lenders to avoid having to issue payment on the debt. Along with the acknowledgement of the imminent payment of $690 million, Enron said that any further drop in its credit rating might necessitate further payments of $3.9 billion to other partnerships, the bulk of that figure going to Osprey Trust and Marlin Water Trust. Also in the new SEC filing, Enron increased its 3Q 2001 loss by 3 cents a share to 87 cents. Enron originally reported a 3Q loss of $618 million, but has now raised that figure to $664 million. As a minor bright side, Enron did increase reported earnings for the first nine months of 2001 by a penny to 20 cents a share, attributed to adjustments made after the quarter's end. However, looking forward, Enron warned that continuing credit worries and a decline in the value of some of its assets could take a further toll on fourth-quarter earnings. Enron also claims that, even still, the numbers contained in the 10-Q report are not necessarily final as they have not been reviewed by Arthur Andersen, the company's external auditor. Thus, further revision of the numbers could take place. Interestingly, there does not seem to be a big question about whether or not Enron can pay the $690-million debt obligation. Enron apparently has secured an additional $2 billion in loans from J.P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup in the last week. In fact, within the current SEC filing, Enron says that is has $1.2 billion of domestic cash consisting of the lines of credit and net collections. Thus, some investors are reassured by the belief that Enron has the cash on hand to make the $690-million payment if it is unable to renegotiate terms with lenders. According to the SEC filing, Enron also intends to sell off $8 billion in non-core businesses that are performing "below acceptable rates" and would use the proceeds to pay off debts, although this money would probably not be immediately available. Again, however, there is a perception element to this development that should be noted. Enron has been accused of financing partnerships in the past in such a way as to keep them off the company's balance sheets. Apparently, this non-disclosure was done so that Enron could grow quickly without adding too much debt to its own books or diluting the value of its stock. As has been well documented, Enron is already in the midst of an intense SEC investigation regarding potential conflict-of-issues involving its former CFO. News about other financial deals that may not have been fully disclosed is clearly making investors even more nervous about Enron's stock. As I said, the question of the hour is whether or not Enron's new problems will cause Dynegy to reconsider its offer. As usual, the answer all depends on who you ask. Dynegy is remaining mum and referring all questions about Enron's financial status to Enron. Investors are rather mixed on the question. Some say that the facts disclosed in the 10-Q report do not dramatically change Enron's position from what it was when Dynegy launched its acquisition and that the current drop in Enron's stock is just a knee-jerk response to the media hype surrounding the story. Further, those who diminish any potential impact say that Enron is still a liquid company and has money coming in from various sources. Thus, it should have no trouble making the $690-million payment. From a broad perspective, so one theory goes, Dynegy is still getting a great deal in Enron due to its staggering drop in stock price, and the acquisition remains valuable to Dynegy as it will position the combined company as North America's biggest marketer and trader of natural gas and electricity. In contrast, other investors point to the fact that since the purchase agreement was signed, Enron's stock has fallen an additional 32.5 percent, which weakens the original acquisition agreement. In addition, if Enron follows through with the $690-million payment next week or secures additional financing to front this cost, both options alter the company's financial position from when Dynegy made its original offer, which could be construed as a "material adverse change." Another interesting development indicates that Enron may no longer be the company that Dynegy agreed to purchase. New reports indicate many energy trading companies are now unwilling to sell power or natural gas to Enron for fear about the company's credit concerns. Such companies are now particularly reticent to sell power to Enron for next-day delivery. What this means in practical terms is that other trading companies may be gaining Enron's market share, which could diminish the value in the trading market that had attracted Dynegy to Enron in the first place. In addition, Enron's once-stellar energy trading business could now become reduced or collapse altogether. Questions have been raised why Dynegy is not doing more at this time to help Enron out of its financial mess. Of course, under the acquisition agreement Dynegy already committed to providing an immediate $1.5-billion asset-backed equity infusion into Enron to help the company with its current financial woes, which will be followed by an additional infusion of $2.5 billion into the combined company by ChevronTexaco, which owns 27 percent of Dynegy. However, some traders apparently have wondered why Dynegy has not done anything about Enron's diminishing ability to secure power on the open market. Traders claim that Dynegy could step in and buy power from sellers on the behalf of Enron, in a strategy known as "sleeving." The fact that Dynegy has not chosen to take this step has been an indication to some observers that it is only willing to go so far in its pursuit of Enron. In addition, Enron shareholders launched a lawsuit on Nov. 12 in state court in Houston to prevent the merger with Dynegy from happening. The petition reportedly alleges that Enron directors breached their fiduciary duties by agreeing to sell the company at too low a price and without adequate consideration of other alternatives. Enron said it will defend its decision in court. Moreover, Dynegy was smart to include an exit clause in the acquisition agreement. The clause reportedly allows Dynegy to walk away from Enron if any material adverse change occurs related to the outcome of the SEC investigation, possible litigation against Enron, balance sheet strengths, and earnings forecasts. Certainly the latest developments disclosed in Enron's 10-Q filing with the SEC impact the company's balance sheet strengths and earnings forecasts, so a case could be made that Dynegy would have grounds to terminate the acquisition. Clearly, this pending deal hinges on the developments that will take place over the next few weeks. Dynegy ultimately will have to weigh the pros and cons of its acquisition offer for Enron and determine if the once-golden company still represents a great deal, or if pursuing the purchase would cause more trouble than it is worth. An archive list of previous IssueAlert articles is available at www.scientech.com We encourage our readers to contact us with their comments. We look forward to hearing from you. Nancy Spring Reach thousands of utility analysts and decision makers every day. Your company can schedule a sponsorship of IssueAlert by contacting Jane Pelz at 505.244.7650. Advertising opportunities are also available on our Website. Our staff is comprised of leading energy experts with diverse backgrounds in utility generation, transmission and distribution, retail markets, new technologies, I/T, renewable energy, regulatory affairs, community relations and international issues. Contact consulting@scientech.com or call Nancy Spring at 505.244.7613. SCIENTECH is pleased to provide you with your free, daily IssueAlert. Let us know if we can help you with in-depth analyses or any other SCIENTECH information products. If you would like to refer colleagues to receive our free, daily IssueAlert articles, please register directly on our site at secure.scientech.com/issuealert . If you no longer wish to receive this daily e-mail, and you are currently a registered subscriber to IssueAlert via SCIENTECH's website, please visit http://secure.scientech.com/account/ to unsubscribe. Otherwise, please send an e-mail to IssueAlert , with "Delete IA Subscription" in the subject line. SCIENTECH's IssueAlert(SM) articles are compiled based on the independent analysis of SCIENTECH consultants. The opinions expressed in SCIENTECH's IssueAlerts are not intended to predict financial performance of companies discussed, or to be the basis for investment decisions of any kind. SCIENTECH's sole purpose in publishing its IssueAlert articles is to offer an independent perspective regarding the key events occurring in the energy industry, based on its long-standing reputation as an expert on energy issues. Copyright 2001. SCIENTECH, Inc. All rights reserved. [IMAGE]
Eric, As we discussed, with ENSR's assistance I have developed a projected timeline for developing the FERC required F-1 Exhibit (12 part Resource Reports to satisfy the NEPA requirement) in sufficient detail to meet the FERC filing requirements and expedite the processing of the environmental portion of the application. The aggressive timeline assumes that the expedited FERC "Collaborative Approach" will be implemented throughout the processing of the application. Even with the "Collaborative Approach" and all of the upfront work done with the environmental community to streamline the processing, the schedule is very, very optimistic and assumes that all conflicting issues will be resolved quickly and the processing continue. I have requested that Jon Schmidt (ENSR) begin working on a detailed cost estimate, by quarters in two phases. The first part of the estimate would be to project the environmental cost, by quarters of preparing the 12 Resource Reports (including the necessary field work) that would get Sun Devil to an FERC filing in the first quarter of 2002 that would not be rejected. The second component of the cost estimate would be to complete the field work and permitting phases during the processing of the application. This includes participating in FERC scoping meetings and agency meetings as required. This would include assisting the third party environmental contractor in working on the EIS to expedite the writing as needed. It would also include mitigation packages to satisfy agency requirements. The third and final component would be to budget for a Third Party Environmental Contractor to write the EIS document during the time that the field work is being developed and to process the same with the FERC Staff. Once we get the "White Paper" Fatal Flaw analysis that ENSR is preparing for this project we will have enough information along with the budget to get us to the FERC filing to make some quantifiable decisions on moving forward when comparing those to the commercial advantages that you are developing. If you have any questions, please give me a call. John Shafer
pls print. thanks. DF ---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 01/31/2000 05:24 PM --------------------------- From: Mary Kay Miller 01/31/2000 12:43 PM To: Maria Pavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Drew Fossum cc: Subject: Revised Speech Notes These are the "words" that go with the bullets-- see if anything strikes you incorrectly or needing more--thanks MK ---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron on 01/31/2000 12:42 PM --------------------------- Shelley Corman 01/27/2000 05:20 PM To: Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Revised Speech Notes
as soon as you vgive me back my ice chest Briant Baker 06/27/2000 09:39 AM To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Updated July FOM Volumes Please take my name off, Thanks Briant Baker
Sara, Please advise if you are still the lawyer who reviews RMT masters, when requested for preparation. If so, Legal has been requested to prepare an ISDA between RMT and Enron Japan Corp., which shall support their FX transactions. Let me know, so I can pass this draft on to you for review. Thanks. Cordially, Susan S. Bailey Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, Suite 3803A Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 853-4737 Fax: (713) 646-3490 Email: Susan.Bailey@enron.com
This is a test e-mail page.
Supposedly but I am trying to get out of it. I will let you know. -----Original Message----- From: Hayslett, Rod Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 6:40 AM To: Horton, Stanley Subject: FW: Board of Directors Meeting - December 11, 2001 Importance: High Are you still going to be making a presentation? -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Kelly On Behalf Of Rieker, Paula Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 3:59 PM To: Beck, Sally; Blachman, Jeremy; Bowen Jr., Raymond; Brown, Michael - COO London; Buchanan, Harold; Buy, Rick; Causey, Richard; Cheek, Charles; Cline, Wade; Cox, David; Derrick Jr., James; Dietrich, Janet; Donahue, Jeff; Elliott, Steve; Fallon, Jim; Frevert, Mark; Glisan, Ben; Hannon, Kevin; Hayslett, Rod; Horton, Stanley; Hughes, James A.; Kean, Steven J.; Kimberly, Kelly; Kitchen, Louise; Koenig, Mark; Lavorato, John; Lay, Kenneth; Leff, Dan; McCarty, Danny; Mcconnell, Mike; McMahon, Jeffrey; Metts, Mark; Muller, Mark S.; Olson, Cindy; Pickering, Mark; Piper, Greg; Scrimshaw, Matthew; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Sherrick, Jeffrey; Sherriff, John; Whalley, Greg Cc: Adams, Jennifer; Aden, Beverly; Armstrong, Julie; Blackwood, Connie; Bolen, Vivianna; Bourgeois-Galloway, Hilda; Burns, Jennifer; Butler, Alan; Campos, Kathy; Chapman, Kay; Davidson, Binky; Daw, Nicki; Dick, Sharon; Dodgen, Kathy; Dorsey, Joyce; Ferrari, Kerry; Fisher, Dolores; Fleming, Rosalee; Ford, Sue; Gadade, Mrudula; Harris, Stephanie J ; Hawkins, Linda; Hillis, Kimberly; Hinojosa, Esmeralda; Iannarone, Lauren; Joyce, Mary; Lawless, Michelle; Marshall, Lucy; Mcginnis, Stephanie; McMahon, Kathy; McVicker, Maureen; Paxton, Jana L.; Phillips, Cathy; Rapacioli, Marisa; Rijo, Leah; Schiller, Marsha; Schoppe, Tammie; Slade, Nikki; Spiller, Tina; Stark, Cindy; Sullo, Sharon E; Taylor, Liz; Urquhart, Lauren; Valdez, Christina; Valdez, Veronica; Valencia, Laura; Walker, Stacy; West, Terry; Westbrook, Sharron; Wright, Teresa Subject: Board of Directors Meeting - December 11, 2001 Importance: High << File: AgndaReq.doc >> Kelly M. Johnson Executive Assistant Enron Corp. Tel: 713-853-6485 Fax: 713-853-2534 E-Mail: kelly.johnson@enron.com
Dear Dale and Brent, We have checked this morning and these do not seem to have been loaded yet. Is there anything else that we need to do from the Tokyo side? This is very urgent. Thanks Jane McBride ----- Forwarded by Jane McBride/AP/Enron on 09/25/2000 10:33 AM ----- John Viverito 09/25/2000 10:31 AM To: Jane McBride/AP/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Re: Japanese Weather Derivative GTC's for EOL FYI ----- Forwarded by John Viverito/Corp/Enron on 09/24/2000 08:30 PM ----- Brent Hendry 09/21/2000 08:16 AM To: John Viverito/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Dale Neuner/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Minns/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Suttle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jonathan Whitehead/AP/Enron@ENRON, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Morten E Pettersen/AP/Enron@Enron, Susan Musch/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jane McBride/AP/Enron@Enron, Joseph P Hirl/AP/ENRON@ENRON Subject: Re: Japanese Weather Derivative GTC's for EOL The documents can be loaded. Please note that the style and font of the Tax representation section will need to conform to the rest of the document. Dale what needs to happen next. John, I am working on trying to develop a policy and language to incorporate into certain of the Password Applications that would require the counterparty to specify a process agent in the US. I think this policy would also be applicable as well to any Non-US counterparty or Non-Japanese counterparty that would trade under this GTC. I will keep you informed of my progress. Thanks, Brent
Start Date: 4/4/01; HourAhead hour: 10; No ancillary schedules awarded. No variances detected. LOG MESSAGES: PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2001040410.txt
Hi Tanya. We are in the process of perfecting our security interest. We respectfully request the following letter from Enron Corporation (on letterhead): To: Natural Gas Exchange Inc. and NGX Financial Inc. (collectively, "Exchange") We refer to the Contracting Party's Agreement dated September 26, 1994, as amended from time to time, between Enron Canada Corp. and Exchange, and specifically refer to the obligation of Enron Canada Corp. to deposit certain collateral with Exchange on request. Certain funds have been wire transferred from our account to Exchange, and we confirm and clarify that those funds were delivered by us as agent for Enron Canada Corp., and the deposit of those funds is and is deemed to be a deposit by Enron Canada Corp. Dated: Enron Corporation Thank you and hope you all have a good Thanksgiving!! Kenny Foo Credit and Risk Manager NGX Financial Inc 140 - 4 Avenue SW, Suite 2330 Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3N3 Ph: (403)974-1737 Fx: (403)974-1719
Darrell, I like to see the weekend flows. This is great. Thanks. Would you please add Michelle Lokay to this distribution list. Thanks, Kim. -----Original Message----- From: Schoolcraft, Darrell Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 6:16 AM To: January, Steve; Harris, Steven; Watson, Kimberly; Lohman, TK Subject: Weekend scheduled volumes Please see the attached. << File: Weekendsch.vol..xls >>
TASK ASSIGNMENT Task Priority: 1 Task Due On: 3/19/2001 Task Start Date: 3/19/2001
sure, how about thursday at 3:30? would like to get update on ENE's lng projects as well. Jonathan Whitehead @ ENRON 04/24/2001 07:28 AM To: John Arnold/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: LNG John, I have just arrived in Houston, and will be running the LNG Trading & Shipping business. I worked for Louise for many years, and took over the European Gas business from her when she came over here a few years ago. I'd like to meet you and discuss a few issues. Do you have any time over the next few days? Thanks, Jonathan
i told her that you were interested in her
Please advise should you have any questions concerning the attached. (See attached file: hpl0816.xls) - hpl0816.xls
Here are the sp's, please have the contact w/ NE call me to discuss further. Debra Perlingiere Enron North America Corp. Legal Department 1400 Smith Street, EB 3885 Houston, Texas 77002 dperlin@enron.com Phone 713-853-7658 Fax 713-646-3490
Thanks for your message. I thought that John did have responsibility for risk, and I am glad to have that clarified. Kristin worked for me for several years as the risk lead for ENA power and joined Barry at EBS last August, so I knew that you all had a great resource there! I will look forward to a follow-up conversation to explore where we may have potential solutions for EBS that can be borrowed or modified from EWS. Just give me a call when you are ready to get back together. --Sally To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Thanks! Thanks for taking the time to meet with me today. You gave me some valuable insights and suggestions. I do want to correct one misstatement that I made. John DOES have ownership of the risk books. This area of responsibility is being handle by a lady named Kristen Albrecht who reports to Barry Pearce who is in charge of trading operations. I am looking forward to meeting with you again soon. Gay Mayeux Vice President, Enron Broadband Services Physical Location: 1400 Smith Street EB4620 Houston, TX 77002 Cyber Location: gay_mayeux@enron.net Office: (713) 853-9905 Cell: (713) 416-8821 Fax: (713) 646-9502
Anita, OK. Vince ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/31/2000 02:55 PM --------------------------- Zimin Lu 07/31/2000 02:41 PM To: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita DuPont/NA/Enron@ENRON Subject: Re: Interview with Rabi S. De on Friday, August 11, 2000 Please also include Tanya, since she may be interested to have him. Zimin Shirley Crenshaw 07/31/2000 11:16 AM To: Anita DuPont/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Interview with Rabi S. De on Friday, August 11, 2000 Anita: I believe that Zimin was the one that asked me to bring him in. Maybe you can check with him as to whether there is anyone else he wants you to include. Thanks! Anita DuPont@ENRON 07/31/2000 10:26 AM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Interview with Rabi S. De on Friday, August 11, 2000 Vince: Shawn Grady from HR Staffing called me and asked me to schedule interviews with the people in Research. He also mentioned that I should email you to find out if you want anyone from any other department to interview Rabi. I am currently scheduling interviews with you, Krishna, Grant, Stinson, Zimin and Vasant. Is their anyone else in Research that you want to interview him? Please get back to me and I will set up the appts. Thanks. Anita
The report named: East Power Desk Daily Position Report <http://erv.corp.enron.com/linkFromExcel.asp?report_cd=14&report_name=East+Power+Desk+Daily+Position+Report&category_cd=5&category_name=EAST&toc_hide=1&sTV1=5&TV1Exp=Y&current_efct_date=10/18/2001>, published as of 10/18/2001 is now available for viewing on the website.
Phillip, Thank you for your message regarding responsibility changes within your team. Within our team, we have had some changes as well. Please note, effective 11/1/01, I have assumed responsibility for the Gas Desk within Risk Analytics. Please feel free to share this information with your teams accordingly. I look forward to working with each of you in the future. Thanks and have a pleasant day!! Zakiyyah xt 58146 -----Original Message----- From: Trevino, Susan Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:47 AM To: Wilson, Shona; Hernandez, Nancy; Considine, Keith; McClure, Zakiyyah; Velasco, Jennifer; Victorio, Tom; Abel, Chris; Allison, John; Patton, David; Thibodeaux, Kenneth; Wallace, Cassi Subject: FW: FYI FYI -----Original Message----- From: Love, Phillip M. Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:31 AM To: Trevino, Susan Cc: Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Keiser, Kam; Palmer, B. Scott Subject: FYI Can you let your group know that we have made some changes in responsibility in Risk Management. Kam Keiser will be responsible for the West Desk, Scott Palmer will now be responsible for the Central Desk and I will now be responsible for the East Desk. Please pass this information on and direct future inquiries accordingly. Thanks. PL
This looks good. Please send this wherever it should go. Thanks. ---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 07/06/2000 06:07 PM --------------------------- Stephen P Schwarz 07/06/2000 02:41 PM To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Thompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Perkins/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Expense Report for Stephen Schwarz Dated 7/6/00 For your approval. Stephen ---------------------- Forwarded by Stephen P Schwarz/HOU/ECT on 07/06/2000 02:39 PM --------------------------- Kimberly Perkins 07/06/2000 10:39 AM To: Stephen P Schwarz/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Expense Report for Stephen Schwarz Dated 7/6/00 Stephen, Attached is your expense report. Please let me know if any revisions are required. If no revisions are necessary, please forward to Sally for her approval. Thank you. Kim
<<CSFB_EnergyTech_Apr0601.pdf>> Summary: * Britain's Crown Estate (hereditary possessions of the Royal family) has granted seventeen UK companies the option to build wind power generation projects with a potential value of U$2.3 billion on their land. Wind turbine sites have been approved for several regions ranging from Scotland to the south coast of England, however government and regulatory approval remains necessary for the projects to go ahead. * BP, together with the government of Spain and the Phillipines, plan to build a $48 million solar power plant that will deliver electricity to over 150 villages (400,000 residents) that are isolated in the Phillipines. The system will be installed in two separate installments, the first of which is planned for September. Regards, Marko Pencak 416-352-4580 Cameron Jeffreys (Associate) 416-352-4581 Energy Technology Research CREDIT | FIRST SUISSE | BOSTON - CSFB_EnergyTech_Apr0601.pdf
Transwestern's average deliveries to California were 998 MMBtu/d (92%), with San Juan lateral throughput at 790 MMBtu/d. Total East deliveries averaged 392 MMBtu/d. El Paso's average deliveries to California were 2204 MMBtu/d (75%): - PG&ETop, capacity of 1140 MMBtu/d, deliveries of 691 MMBtu/d (61%) - SoCalEhr, capacity 1251 MMBtu/d, deliveries of 1038 MMBtu/d (83%) - SoCalTop, capacity 540 MMBtu/d, deliveries of 475 MMBtu/d (88%) Friday's posted Gas Daily prices: SoCal gas, large pkgs 2.385 (-.19) PG&E, large pkgs 2.315 (-.23) TW San Juan 2.09 TW Permian 2.18 (-.02) Enron Online bases: Oct Nov-Mar Perm-CA .20 (-.08) .33 (even) SJ - CA .32 (-.10) .41 (even) SJ-Waha .13 (-.03) .10 (even) Perm-Waha .01 (-.005) .015 (-.015)
---------------------- Forwarded by Peter F Keavey/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2000 02:11 PM --------------------------- From: Kal Shah 03/15/2000 03:52 PM To: Peter F Keavey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zal Masani/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill White/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Palmer, Rahil Jafry Subject: Focus Group with traders -- EnronOnline Commercial As per our conversation today, I am helping Enron's ad agency develop a television commercial about EnronOnline. Their creative team would like to meet with a few Enron traders to learn first hand about what traders like, dislike, what motivates them, their work environment, etc. This will help us make the commercial more realistic. Would you or a couple of traders in your team be able to attend a focus group next Tuesday, March 21st from 11:45 to 1 p.m. in the Enron Building? I'll send you the meeting room info. later. We will serve lunch. Please let me know. Your input will be very useful in creating an effective ad. Kal Shah ext. 39354
Happy New Year and thanks again for your support on the Arena Prop. A consulting group that I have worked with over the last 10 years in California tells me there may be an initiative in 2002 (March or November) to undo electric deregulation there. This group is Woodward & McDowell. They specialize in propositions. In 2000, Baselice & Associates polled in their success efforts to defeat Prop 25 (march) and pass Prop 35 (nov). I highly recommend that any coalition formed to defeat a proposition in California contact Woodward & McDowell. Call me if you would like to know more about them, or just call Dave Fogarty at 650-340-0470. Mike MICHAEL BASELICE Baselice & Associates, Inc. 4131 Spicewood Springs Road Suite O-2 Austin, TX 78759 Phone: (512) 345-9720 Fax: (512) 345-9740 email: mikeb@baselice.com
FYI For any of you whose 2001 Plan includes any components under Controllable Infrastructure, the information below explains these items in more detail. Should you have further questions after reviewing this, please do not hesitate to contact me at X30669. Thanks, Edie ----- Forwarded by Edie Leschber/HOU/ECT on 02/07/2001 05:45 PM ----- David Vandor@ENRON 02/06/2001 03:44 PM To: Paula Harris/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edie Leschber/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lindsay Long/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackie Nelson/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Sarah Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Controllable Infrastructure Controllable Infrastructure will be billed for 2001 as follows: Long Distance - Will be billed to cost centers directly on account 52502000 and will consist of actual charges for long distance from your phone, calling cards, and calls to the 1-800-97-ENRON number. Market Data - Will also be billed to cost centers directly on account 52502000 and will consist of actual charges for market data obtained through the providers (Bloomberg, Reuters, etc) WAN Links - Wide-Area Network links are used to connect remote offices to the Houston network. These charges will be billed on actuals and directly to the cost center. Trading Turrets - Special Phones used by the traders. This will be billed on plan. The following items are part of infrastructure, but the costs are driven by system development projects. These items will be billed according to plan, which was derived from analyzing your expected system development costs. As the year progresses we will examine your system development charges to determine if the portion of the infrastructure charges you are receiving should be adjusted. Application Integration - Whenever a new client level or web-based application is employed or an existing system is upgraded the application integration team ensures this system is compatible with other systems and will not cause system failures or downtime. Change Management - This group works with the development teams to provide scheduling and contingency plans for bringing new systems online and for maintenance on existing systems. This includes scheduling downtimes and providing the expected impact on the company. Architecture and Planning - The primary function of the Architecture group is to provide overall design and integration of technologies and products for Enron's network. This includes ensuring server space for scalability and security is in place for the network. If you have any other questions, please let me know. David
Chris, Will you be preparing the required Secretarial Certificates for the ISDA? Stephanie Panus Senior Legal Specialist Enron Wholesale Services 1400 Smith Street, EB3803C Houston, Texas 77002 ph: 713.345.3249 fax: 713.646.3490 email: stephanie.panus@enron.com
Sorry guys: My other email account will not let me send. I have really dropped the ball on this one. I have been looking at your stuff all morning and it appears to be pretty good. I like the model for the projections. One point that I think was missed a little (although Jeff addressed it somewhat in his revisions to Mark's comments) is the risk to Netscape of going ahead with the $28 value. I have been looking in the case and have not found if this is a firm commitment placing or the best effort type. Obviously from Netscape's stand point, if it is a firm commitment then the higher the sale price that is underwritten the better. It will provide more equity funding. This may not be beneficial to the current shareholder's given Jeff's Hot Issue comments. Looking at the comparable recent IPOs (particularly UUnet), it appears that there is enough evidence to support letting it out at $28. The issue is about the same size and the financials are roughly comparable. UUnet was actually selling less and losing more than Netscape. Although the increase in price on the day of issue is a little misleading since it is only a small portion of shares, UUnet appears to have sustained the stock price level of at least a few months (and it has increased further). Anyway, I think I remember that Netscape did go for it and it IPO'd at $28 and close at over $70 on the first day. Is this what Greenspan meant by irrational exhurberants? I am about to do the Easter thing and then drive home. I will not be there until after 8. I do not want to put more time on Jimmy waiting for me. I will look at the finished product and try and hold my comments to a minimum. Since I dropped the ball, I will take the lead on the last one to make it up to you guys. Dylan
MTV music awards Thursday September 6th - Hopefully we get another Britney strip tease this year. -----Original Message----- From: Rob Laird <RLaird@natsource.ca>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Rob+20Laird+20+3CRLaird+40natsource+2Eca+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 11:02 AM To: Dorland, Chris Subject: Whoops I did it again,......I'm not that innocent...
---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 02/20/2001 11:59 AM --------------------------- From: Phillip K Allen 02/15/2001 01:13 PM To: stagecoachmama@hotmail.com cc: Subject: Lucy, Thanks for clearing up the 2/2 file. Moving on to 2/9, here are some questions: #1 It looks like he just missed 1/26&2/9 of $110. I can't tell if he still owes $47 on his deposit. #13 I show she missed rent on 1/26 and still owes $140. #15 Try and follow up with Tomas about the $95. Hopefully, he won't have a bad reaction. #20b Missed rent? #26 Has she paid any deposit or rent? #27 Missed rent?
Time is critical and your insight is essential for success. If you haven't already, please remember to complete the survey below. The survey responses are anonymous so everyone is receiving this reminder. Your input will help shape future Enron information sharing systems. Please complete by noon on Friday, December 8th. Thanks again. Sincerely, Kent W. Morrison KM Business Analyst Consultant ---------------------- Forwarded by Kent Morrison/NA/Enron on 12/07/2000 11:47 AM --------------------------- Kent Morrison 12/06/2000 09:11 AM To: Bob Sparger/Corp/Enron@Enron, Suzanne Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill Rogers/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Clark/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jack White/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Alexander Perwich/HOU/AZURIX@AZURIX, Eric Benson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Cindy Irvin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Entman/NA/Enron@ENRON, Dayna F Smith/NA/Enron@ENRON, John Pavetto/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeff Donahue/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Dawson/Govt. Affairs/LON/ECT@ECT, Doug Wood/LON/ECT@ECT, Michael J Miller/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, David Gossett/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Andrew Parsons/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jennifer Medcalf/NA/Enron@Enron, Calvin Eakins/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Derryl Cleaveland/NA/Enron@ENRON, David Johanson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, stephen.simpson@enron.com, norman_levine@enron.net, Rita Hartfield/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, ddelain2@enron.com cc: Marie Hejka/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: Knowledge Management Pilot and Prototype Project Please complete the Knowledge Management survey below. You are being asked to participate in this survey because your name was recommended during one-on-one interviews conducted for the KM Pilot and Prototype project. Please take a few minutes and complete this survey before noon on Friday, December 8th. Thank you in advance for your time and participation. Sincerely, Kent W. Morrison KM Business Analyst Consultant http://etcsurvey.corp.enron.com/wi/p0231745/i.asp
Thanks for the message! It was a complete victory! Mark
APRIL 13, 2001: We have received the executed EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement dated 4/10/01 from the referenced CP. Copies will be distributed to Legal and Credit.
All, Attached is the CAISO certification for EPMI's under scheduling penalty refund. -Kit Kit Blair Enron Power Marketing Incorporated Volume Management Phone: 503-464-8816 Fax: 503-464-7996
Subject: FW: White House > From: The White House > > To: Albert Gore > > Dear Al: > > We found some more votes. You won. When do you want to take over? > > Love, > > George W. Bush > >
----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 08/10/2000 02:44 PM ----- "Edmonds, Sonnet" <sonnet.edmonds@SouthernEnergy.Com> 08/03/2000 04:10 PM To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'fmdutton@aep.com'" <fmdutton@aep.com> cc: Subject: memo <<WSPP--Bookout position.doc>> This is the memo I prepared for the WSPP meeting on Friday. - WSPP--Bookout position.doc
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Daily Riddle ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Today's Riddle is - How would you rearrange the letters in the words new door to make one word? Note: There is only one correct answer. As always, you will find the answer below today's sponsor. Please take a moment and visit today's sponsor- -:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:- DO YOU WORK? <a href="http://www.idontwork.com">www.idontwork.com</a> -:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:-__-:-:- The answer to today's Riddle is - O-n-e w-o-r-d ============================================================= --- You are currently subscribed to riddles as: mike.grigsby@enron.com To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-riddles-8238I@riddlesandmore.net
Jeff, as per our discussion, this would be a great opportunity for you to spend some time with and instill your vision for Enron to the leaders of the ENA organization. I have attached a preliminary agenda which has you speaking to the group right after dinner the night of December 14th. You have no time constraint on the length of your talk (ie) whatever you find find appropriate in order to get your message across. I though it might be interesting for you to give your vision of Enron's 2001 goals, objectives and strategy. As well, a brief business overview of EES, EBS and Networks may be valuable in building connections. Regards Delainey
Please see attached memo from Beth Tilney and Cindy Olson.
WAMEX Holdings - http://www.wamx.com/ Please find below the two most recent press releases for Wamex Holdings, Inc. (OTC: WAMX) Tuesday May 29, 7:02 am Eastern Time Press Release Wamex Secures Bridge Funding to Help Get Internet Trading System Online NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 29, 2001--Wamex Holdings Inc. (OTC:WAMX - news) today announced that it received the first cash payments as part of an advance towards the funding it needs to get its Internet Trading System online. Macrocom Investors, LLC, a New York financial firm, has agreed in principle to initial financing in the amount of $500,000, with the prospect of further investment when due diligence is completed, according to Sascha Mundstein, Wamex CEO. The advance, Mundstein speculated, could be the first increment in a total financing package that will enable Wamex to fulfill its role in the "Instox" joint venture pledged to bring its Internet Trading System online worldwide, and generating revenues. "The funding is contingent on Macrocom's satisfaction that the Internet Trading System software really works, and we know that it does -- it has been demonstrated," Mundstein said. The Wamex CEO expressed the hope that this financial boost signals major progress toward the total recovery of Wamex, which he has been working to achieve since taking over the company late in 2000. Wamex is 50% partner in a joint venture with Trat.net Ltd. and CSCO Ltd., officially named "Instox." Instox is developing the Web site that will bring investors international access to a direct, online, one-on-one, "no middleman" trading facility, wherein third party price manipulation and distortion may be greatly reduced or eliminated. "The day Instox opens the Internet Trading System to investors will be the day the investment business begins a radical change for the better," Mundstein said. Safe Harbor Statement: This release may contain certain forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities and Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual events or results may differ from the company's expectations. Contact: Asset Professional Services, Houston Jack Burney, 713/729-5233 burney00@swbell.net Thursday May 31, 7:01 am Eastern Time Press Release Wamex to Complete Problematic 3-Year Audit and File Its 10K With SEC NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 31, 2001--Wamex Holdings Inc. (OTC:WAMX - news) today announced the impending completion of a problematic 3-year audit, which will pave the way for the filing of an up-to-date 10K annual report with the SEC. The audit and 10K filing will remove a significant obstacle to the re-listing of WAMX stock on the OTC Bulletin Board, Sascha Mundstein, CEO, speculated. "Hopefully, we will complete the audit in the very near future and the filing of the 10K annual report will follow shortly," Mundstein said. "The pursuit of an accurate audit has been an arduous task, and we will be happy to put it behind us. We are geared to keep Wamex dealings absolutely accurate and above board in the future." Wamex lost its listing in mid-2000 after two of its officers were charged with illegal dealings. They have subsequently left the company. The company itself, Mundstein said, has never been accused of any wrong-doing. The audit was complicated by a convoluted trail going back to 1998, involving problems such as monies deposited in subsidiary and alternate companies by previous management, before Mundstein took charge last year to rescue Wamex. Former executives connected to these transactions have long since resigned from the company and foregone any control of its stock. The prospect of Wamex's return to the OTC Bulletin Board, and the projected opening this year of the "Instox" international Web site, offering the private investor a chance to trade one-on-one without middlemen and price distortion, Mundstein said, "puts our corporation back on the track leading to stability and profitability." Safe Harbor Statement: This release may contain certain forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities and Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual events or results may differ from the company's expectations. Contact: Asset Professional Services, Houston Jack Burney, 713/729-5233 burney00@swbell.net. ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to wamex-unsubscribe@listbot.com
Here is a kitty for your office. I really miss mine now that they are in Kitty Jail!
Jordan Mintz 3-7897 Bob Foster 818 302 9210 Kevin Beasley 3-7807
I need some further clarification. As I understand it, some, if not all, of the meters that reside in Beaumont and South Texas Divisions are included in Exhibit C. Are we saying that the "extend and blend" transaction excluded some volume previously included? That is inconsistent with the analysis performed when the renegotiated transactions were analyzed and booked. I have asked Arhur Andersen for a copy of the amended Exhibit C so I can fully understand. Maybe that will help clear my confusion also. ---------------------- Forwarded by Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT on 06/09/2000 06:33 AM --------------------------- From: Ami Chokshi @ ENRON 06/08/2000 02:46 PM To: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Exhibit C Delivery Points ---------------------- Forwarded by Ami Chokshi/Corp/Enron on 06/08/2000 02:45 PM --------------------------- "Jay Sonnenberg" <jsonnenberg@bracepatt.com> on 06/08/2000 02:41:04 PM To: <Ami.Chokshi@enron.com> cc: "Aaron Roffwarg" <aroffwarg@bracepatt.com>, <Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com> Subject: Exhibit C Delivery Points Ami, As discussed earlier, the issue is whether all of the Delivery Points appearing on Exhibit C to the 76 Agreement, as amended, are subject to the audit of General Service Customers, or whether the audit should narrow the focus to the Houston, East Texas and Gulf Coast Divisions. Stated differently, the issue is whether quantities of gas required by General Service Customers in the Beaumont Division or the South Texas Division should be considered part of the Basket. Transaction No. 1 - Revision No. 1 under the ENFOLIO Agreement states that the DCQ obligations apply to "Customer's Houston, East Texas and Gulf Coast Divisions." Therefore, although this Transaction identifies the Delivery Point(s) as those appearing on Exhibit C to the 76 Agreement, the intent was to exclude Beaumont and South Texas. In an earlier conversation today, Dan Hyvl confirmed that the foregoing was the appropriate analysis of this Transaction. Based on this call, it would appear that, although Exhibit C to the 76 Agreement lists multiple Delivery Points, the intent was to limit the Delivery Point to the Customer group referenced in the heading of the applicable ENFOLIO Agreement. Dan further stated that the boundary lines were redrawn at some time prior to December 29, 1998 (the date of the Restructuring Agreement). We have not seen documentation evidencing these changes. In addition, it was discovered that the "Texas Coast Division" (referenced on Exhibit C, as amended) is actually the "Gulf Coast Division." Dan mentioned that it would be prudent for all parties to outline definitive boundaries of divisions for future clarification. Finally, he stated he would meet with you personally to discuss these issues with you further. I hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me or Aaron Roffwarg at (713) 221-1117. Best regards, Jay Sonnenberg Bracewell & Patterson, L.L.P. 711 Louisiana St., Suite 2900 Houston, TX 77002-2781 (713) 221-1417 (Ph) (713) 221-2158 (Fax)
We received two packages of documents today from Steve Smith and from Duke, and are analyzing them now.
I think it looks good. sj -----Original Message----- From: Corman, Shelley Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 4:53 PM To: Bryant, Mike; Blair, Lynn; Holmes, Bradley; January, Steve; Nacey, Sheila Subject: Draft - For Your Review << File: 2001 YEAR END PROCESS REVIEW.doc >>
I checked the agreements and we can provide you with copies of both of these, so I am having them copies right now and will be faxing them to you this a.m. Matthew Dawson 01/10/2001 09:42 AM To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Denis O'Connell/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: Access to ENA ISDA Hi Tana, as discussed, could you please take a look at the ENA ISDA'S with Credit Suisse First Boston dated 21 April 1999 and BP Amoco dated 9 September1998. I understand you need to check that we ,as an Affiliate are allowed access. The latter is esp urgent because Denis needs( if possible) access to the terms for a call tomorrow at 10am London time. Apologies for the late notice Matt
Telecommunications Reports presents . . . . . TR's State NewsWire January 17, 2001 P.M. Edition STATES TENNESSEE -- Appeals court to rule on pay phone line fees CONNECTICUT -- DPUC may tell WorldCom to change collect call notification policy GEORGIA -- McDonald becomes new PSC chairman UTAH -- State to examine mapping telecom infrastructure ARKANSAS -- Bill would require public schools and libraries to use Internet filters WASHINGTON -- Locke proposes investing in technology education initiatives IOWA -- Board approves Citizens reorganization VIRGINIA -- Legislators take another stab at restricting wireless phone use while driving NEW MEXICO -- Parties negotiating Qwest 'alt reg' settlement MISSISSIPPI -- Legislation aims to prevent 'cramming' CALIFORNIA -- Lynch asks AG about legality of consumer protection fund WASHINGTON -- Bill would set up no-call list NORTH DAKOTA -- Legislators want to speed up Qwest market-entry bid COLORADO - Legislation would designate provider of last resort TEXAS -- House to take up digital signatures, voter registration NEW YORK -- Verizon deploys more fiber on Long Island TENNESSEE Appeals court to rule on pay phone line fees The Tennessee Court of Appeals this month will determine how much pay phone owners must pay local exchange carriers (LEC) for use of individual lines, Henry Walker, an attorney for the Tennessee Payphone Owners Association, told TR. On Jan. 9 the state Regulatory Authority rejected BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.'s petition to stay the TRA's December order, which cut line fees virtually in half. BellSouth has taken the TRA's Jan. 9 decision to the appeals court. Walker, who estimated that pay phone owners now pay $27 per month for use of LEC lines, said the figure was not cost based. The TRA's Dec. 19 order, which reduced the fee to $13.78 per month, used BellSouth's own cost studies in establishing a cost-based fee, he added. "Finally we have a rate that's based on the cost of providing service," Walker said. If the appeals court upholds the TRA's rejection of the BellSouth petition, the reduced pay phone line fee will go into effect Feb. 19, 60 days after the original TRA order. Passage of the line reduction also would force LECs to provide retroactive refunds dating from April 15, 1997, Walker said. The retroactive refunds, which include the accrued interest of 6% of individual refund totals, would give non-LEC pay phone owners $6.5 million from BellSouth alone. (Docket No. 97-00409, Tariff Filings By Local Exchange Companies to Comply with FCC Order 96-439 Concerning the Reclassification of Pay Telephones) CONNECTICUT DPUC may tell WorldCom to change collect call notification policy The Department of Public Utility Control has released an initial draft of an order that would require WorldCom, Inc., to provide advance notice before the company imposes a collect call block on a customer's number. The DPUC launched an investigation into WorldCom's blocking procedures in March 1999 after receiving complaints that the company had prevented the completion of collect calls from prison facilities. (3/30/99 p.m.) Families of inmates complained that WorldCom didn't notify them that collect calls would be blocked even though collect call charges were always paid in full. Under the company's current tariffs, WorldCom can block collect calls from correctional facilities without notice. WorldCom places collect call blocks to prevent "high toll fraud situations." The company identifies end users with unusually high numbers of collect calls and then assesses the end user's payment history and whether the end user has verified that the calls are legitimate. The department determined that WorldCom's procedures are reasonable but found that placing collect call blocks "constitutes a form of termination of service." The department concluded that WorldCom must revise its notification procedure to "ensure that every end user subject to the imposition of collect call blocks on intrastate services shall be provided advance notification." The department said it will consider parties' exceptions before making the decision final. A final decision is due Jan. 31. (Docket No. 99-03-37, DPUC Review of MCI WorldCom, Inc.'s Collect Calling Notification and Termination Policies) GEORGIA McDonald becomes new PSC chairman The Public Service Commission has chosen Lauren (Bubba) McDonald Jr. to be its chairman. McDonald will serve a one-year term as chairman. Commissioner Stan Wise will be vice chairman. McDonald, who has been a PSC member since 1998, named Commissioner David L. Burgess as chairman of the commission's telecommunications committee. UTAH State to examine mapping telecom infrastructure The state Department of Community and Economic Development and the Office of Chief Information Officer (CIO) have scheduled a Feb. 1 meeting to discuss how the state can provide companies information about its telecom infrastructure. The CIO staff told TR participants are expected to discuss establishing maps with detailed infrastructure deployment information. The staff noted that Ohio is creating a broadband availability map for the state. The Ohio map will show the availability of digital subscriber line service, cable modem services, and other Internet services with access speeds faster than 128 kilobits per second. The staff pointed out that San Diego offers an interactive map as a service for businesses considering relocating to the city. The map includes information about what buildings are wired, what streets are wired, and which carriers serve specific areas. In addition to Department of Community of Economic Development and the Office of the CIO, meeting participants will include members of the telecom industry and representatives from the Public Service Commission and Division of Public Utilities. ARKANSAS Bill would require public schools, libraries to use Internet filters State Rep. Russ Bennett (R., District 22) has introduced a bill to require public schools and libraries to use Internet filters to restrict access to content that is "harmful to minors." Bennett told TR he expects to present the bill to the House Education Committee in about a week. HB 1003 would require public schools and libraries either to install their own Internet filters or to offer Internet access through a provider that filters content. The filtering rules would apply to any public access computer. If a public school or library used filtering software, the institution's employees couldn't be held criminally liable or liable for civil damages that occurred as a result of a minor obtaining access to content that is "harmful" to them. The bill's text is available at http://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/ftproot/bills/2001/htm/HB1003.pdf. WASHINGTON Locke proposes investing in technology education initiatives Gov. Gary Locke (D.) yesterday proposed investing $22 million in expanding and starting up new high-technology programs in colleges in universities throughout the state. Locke also proposed spending $20 million to (1) help keep high-technology faculty salaries competitive, (2) bolster proficiency and interest in technology in high school, and (3) promote advanced research. Locke discussed the strategic importance of Washington's higher education institutions and stressed the need to continue to build on these strengths. Locke said that in the past five years, the household median income in Washington has jumped 20%, with much of that growth driven by technology. The governor also proposed investing $7.5 million in state funds, matched with $4 million from private sources, to create a technology institute at the University of Washington, Tacoma Campus (UW Tacoma). Additionally, Intel Corp. pledged a computer equipment donation to UW Tacoma valued at $270,000 over the next two years. This marks the first private-sector investment in the proposed technology institute. IOWA Board approves Citizens reorganization The Utilities Board has approved the proposed sale of the capital stock of Frontier Subsidiary Telco, Inc., from Global Crossing Ltd. to Citizens Communications Co. The board's decision approves a settlement reached by Citizens, Global, and the state consumer advocate. According to the agreement, Citizens must report to the board periodically on service quality, capital expenditures, and system upgrades. The board's order is available at http://www.state.ia.us/government/com/util/_private/Orders/2001/0116_spu0015.p df. (Docket no. SPU-00-15 - In Re: Global Crossing Ltd. and Citizens Communications Co.) VIRGINIA Legislators take another stab at restricting wireless phone use while driving Last year the Senate let a bill (SB 405) die in committee that would have established misdemeanor penalties for drivers who cause injury while using a handheld wireless phone. (4/7/00 a.m.). Now legislators have introduced three measures that could place more direct restrictions on the use of wireless phones while driving. Del. Anne G. Rhodes (R., District 68) has introduced HB 1884 to ban the use of any "handheld wireless communication device" by drivers while their vehicles are in motion. The bill has been referred to the Committee on Militia and Police. Its text is available at http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?011+ful+HB1884. The House Committee on Transportation yesterday approved HB 1629, which would prohibit the use of handheld wireless phones while turning onto or off of the state's highways. HB 1629, sponsored by Del. L. Karen Darner (D District 49), has been sent to the Committee on Militia and Police. Its text is available at http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?011+ful+HB1629. Sen. Thomas K. Norment (R., District 3) has introduced SJR 336 to establish a 10-member joint subcommittee to assess the "threat to highway safety posed by the increasing use of telecommunication devices by drivers." The subcommittee also would be charged with recommending any legislation it deems necessary. The resolution has been referred to the Committee on Rules. Its text is available at http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?011+ful+SJ336. NEW MEXICO Parties negotiating Qwest 'alt reg' settlement The parties to the Public Regulation Commission's examination of a settlement reached on Qwest Corp.'s alternative regulation plan are negotiating and are scheduled to report to the PRC next week on their progress, the PRC staff has told TR. In November 2000 the PRC staff and Qwest reached the settlement on the company's plan. (11/2/00 p.m.) But Attorney General Patricia Madrid and several Internet service providers have opposed the settlement, saying it lacks sufficient enforcement mechanisms and adequate infrastructure investments. Madrid also said she was disappointed that the settlement would dismiss several cases pending before the PRC, including her request for a $98 million Qwest rate reduction. After holding hearings on the settlement in early January, the parties to the case agreed to work out a settlement. MISSISSIPPI Legislation aims to prevent 'cramming' Rep. Greg Ward (D., District 4) has introduced a bill to make it illegal for telecom companies and ancillary service providers to charge consumers for additional services without obtaining the consumers' authorizations. HB 984 has been referred to the House Public Utilities Committee. HB 984 would prohibit telecom companies and ancillary service providers from billing consumers for additional services unless the services were mandated by the Public Service Commission or explicitly requested by the consumers. Consumers wouldn't be required to pay for unauthorized additional services that appeared on their bills. If a service billed on a per-use basis appeared on the bill of a consumer who neither requested nor used the service, the consumer could notify his or her telecom company. The company then would be required to refund the charge or credit the amount to the consumer's next monthly bill. Telecom companies and ancillary service providers also would be prohibited from using contest, drawing, or sweepstakes entry forms as a consumer's consent to add or alter services. CALIFORNIA Lynch asks AG about legality of consumer protection fund State Public Utilities Commission President Loretta Lynch has asked Attorney General Bill Lockyer (D.) for a formal opinion concerning the legality of the Consumer Telecommunications Consumer Protection Fund. The fund was established in 1998 in a settlement order issued by the commission stemming from an investigation into alleged marketing abuses by GTE California, Inc. (now Verizon California, Inc.). As a part of the settlement, Verizon paid $4.8 million into the fund. The fund is designed to educate nonEnglish-speaking telephone consumers in Verizon's service territory about their rights as consumers to advocate safeguards of their rights. Lynch's question arises from a recent opinion issued by Lockyer concluding that a settlement entered into by the former insurance commissioner establishing a private charitable foundation was illegal. In his decision Lockyer said, "The insurance commissioner may not include a term of settlement requiring payment of funds to a private charitable foundation for the purpose of supporting activities unrelated to the regulatory enforcement responsibilities of the Department of Insurance in the proceeding." Lynch said that although there may be legal and factual differences between the funds, she was "sufficiently concerned" about the decision. Lockyer based his opinion in the Department of Insurance case on a 1983 case that concluded that agencies could enter into settlements that further their purposes if those settlements don't contravene public policy. Lynch said it wasn't clear whether the purpose of the consumer protection fund possesses the required relationship with the PUC, as described in the 1983 case. (Rich Vision Centers, Inc. v. Board of Medical Examiners) The PSC is taking up this issue now because the commission needs to rule on a staff recommendation to approve the governance structure of the fund. WASHINGTON Bill would set up no-call list State Sen. Jim Kastama (D., District 25) has introduced SB 5174 to establish a no-call list for residential telephone customers who don't want to receive commercial telemarketing calls. The attorney general's office would develop and maintain the list. SB 5174 states that no fee could be charged to citizens who want their numbers placed on the list, but a "reasonable" fee could be charged to anyone who wants to inspect the list. Individuals who are called by a telemarketer despite being listed would able to bring an action for recovery of liquidated damages of $1,000 per violation, plus court costs and attorneys' fees. SB 5174 awaits consideration by the House Economic Development and Telecommunications Committee. NORTH DAKOTA Legislators want to speed up Qwest market entry bid A resolution introduced in the state Senate would urge the Public Service Commission and the FCC to move forward "as quickly as possible" on Qwest Corp.'s bid to provide interLATA (local access and transport area) service under section 271 of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. According to SCR 4008, granting Qwest market entry authority would prevent the state from lagging behind other states in the local and long distance markets. Sens. Jerry Klein (R., District 14), Dwight Cook (R., District 34), Steven W. Tomac (D., District 31) and Reps. Rick Berg (R., District 45) and Francis J. Wald (R., District 37) introduced the resolution. It has been referred to the Senate Committee on Industry, Business, and Labor. COLORADO Legislation would designate provider of last resort Sen. Jim Dyer (R., District 26) and Rep. Brad Young (R., District 63) have introduced SB 106 to designate each local exchange carrier (LEC) within a specific geographic area as the provider of last resort if the Public Utilities Commission has found that competition exists in the area. The PUC would have to define each relevant geographic area. A LEC would have to provide the PUC information on regulated activities at least quarterly. The information would have to include the number of customers currently served, with subtotals for each wire center or similar accounting unit. SB 106 has been referred to the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. TEXAS House to take up digital signatures, voter registration State Rep. Glen Maxey (D., District 51) has introduced two bills in the House that address voter registration applications submitted by digital transmission. SB 613 would permit the voter registrars to accept a voter registration by digital transmission, and SB 615 would require the registrars to accept a voter registration by digital transmission. Both bills state that a digital signature would have to be present on a registration application submitted digitally. The bills also would call on the secretary of state to adopt rules regarding the technologies needed to create a digital signature. NEW YORK Verizon deploys more fiber on Long Island Verizon New York, Inc., has completed the installation of a $19 million upgrade of its fiber optic cable system in Long Island's Nassau and Suffolk counties. The company said it now has 200,000 miles of fiber optic cable on the island. Federal law prohibits duplication in any form, including electronic, without permission of the publisher. TR's State NewsWire Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Telecommunications Reports International, Inc. (ISSN 1082-9350) is transmitted each business day at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., except holidays. Telecommunications Reports International, Inc. 1333 H St. NW, Suite 100-E Washington, DC 20005-4707 Associate Editor for Online Publications: Jennifer Erschen, E-mail: jerschen@tr.com Senior Legislative & Regulatory Analyst: Gayle Kansagor, E-mail: gkansagor@tr.com Senior Analyst for Federal Law & Policy: John Evanoff, E-mail: jevanoff@tr.com Senior Research Analyst: Steve Arlowe, E-mail: sarlowe@tr.com Senior Analyst: Barney McManigal, E-mail: bmcmanigal@tr.com Account Services: Eileen Callahan (202) 312-6116, (202) 842-3023 (fax) E-mail: ecallahan@tr.com
FYI. PL ---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT on 01/29/2001 10:19 AM --------------------------- From: Larry Joe Hunter 01/25/2001 06:05 PM To: William Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Errol McLaughlin/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janie Aguayo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Derek Bailey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Diane Anderson/NA/Enron@Enron, Julie Brewer/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Please distribute - booking to ECC Please distribute to your book administrators: If you enter deals with the following entities, please use the TAGG shortname below and Enron entity of ECC: Counterparty TAGG shortname AEC Oil & Gas (any AEC name) AEC-OIL&GAS Alberta Energy Co. AEC-OIL&GAS Agrium AGRIUM Dynegy Canada DYNEGYCAN Engage Canada ENGAGEENECAN TransCanada TRANSCANENEFIN Duke Energy Mkt (Canadian point) DUKEENEMARLTD Thanks for the help. Joe Hunter
I was really looking for the list of attendees to see we wanted to share rides to Neiman's. Can you get that list form Vanessa? Thanks. ---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 04/06/2001 03:32 PM --------------------------- From: Vanessa Bob@ENRON on 04/06/2001 07:39 AM To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Kathy McMahon/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: "Best Dressed" Luncheon at Niemans - Apr.12 Enron has purchased a table to the 2001 Houston Chronicle Best Dressed Luncheon & Neiman Marcus Fashion Show benefiting the March of Dimes. The luncheon will be held on Wednesday, April 11 at the Westin Galleria. The reception begins at 11:30 a.m., and the actual luncheon starts promptly at 12:00 noon. Kathy McMahon 04/05/2001 05:02 PM To: Vanessa Bob/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: "Best Dressed" Luncheon at Niemans - Apr.12 Vanessa, would you please resend Sally the memo regarding the luncheon? It looks like I've deleted my copy. Thank you! Kathy
John, Thanks for the call this morning, it meant a lot to me. I was hoping to give you a ring at home this weekend and maybe pick up a couple of leads. I hope they made everything right with you, they better or they are going to lose one hell of an options trader. Thanks again... mrt