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1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'Wolf as well. :)|||1.Lord Elgin's (partially intact) Greek Sculptures (British Museum):British Museum: Greek sculpture by Robby - DPChallenge 2.Starry Night-Vincent Van Gogh:The Starry Night - Wikipedia, the free...|||Razef Hope you feel better soon mate. http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/8b/c8/968bc800068b28184cad7a375f847bc6.jpg|||Warning: 1) Wears her heart on her sleeve, even if she doesn't want to 2) Is highly proud and stubborn 3) and will do anything to protect the people she loves|||Hug for a hug, anyone? http://www.aplacetolovedogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/comforting-each-other.jpg|||No worries mate. http://eturnalblossom.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/hugs.jpg|||i subscribe to the theory of organized chaos when it comes to my personal spaces.|||hugs for all. courtesy of the upper body cripple:http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdxaccgUGB1rttthv.gif|||RetroVortex can I take advantage of that offer still?|||alas...the image should be able to be seen now. (It was mufasa hugging rafiki).|||Happy spring break hug for all:http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25900000/Mufasa-the-lion-king-25952815-800-400.jpg (going old school with lion king)|||Thread revival/Jill's procrastination:http://www.topdreamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/tn0yc-dog-hugs.jpg Hope everybody is well.|||*Sad face* It was a bleach image (an anime) of character hugging the manifestation of his sword. I'm kind of an otaku.|||Thanks guys. It was just one of those days where I got stuck in my own head. http://s1.zerochan.net/Demotivational.Poster.600.901329.jpg|||ENFJ experiencing emotional meta-crisis. Can I have a hug?|||too much reading and research to do. Perchance could I have a hug? Oh, and Hello everybody....|||I rediscovered George Watsky. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryq_NaO_eXw|||http://cutestuff.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/cat_and_dog_group_hug.jpg Hugs for all. Happy Holidays!|||https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRoqx0Uqyx4RWSevZGOS79nP-6vgKO3oIIMQ-SIfqoBEdFPoh396A|||Another good thread is in the INFP forum:http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/152443-hug-thread.html :) I'm glad you are feeling better.|||With my humanities background at university I come at it from a more...creative perspective. I believe that math can be made more accessible and intriguing to kids if it were treated like a language....|||TwitchdelaBRAT http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FDjnz0UtScA/Th2PU7Zgk0I/AAAAAAAAAEs/BXXkEIA94JE/s1600/hugging-puppy.jpg#PUPPY%20HUG.GIF|||http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s504/assistantofevil/Tumblr%20Gifs/tumblr_lolw8kwas41qkd80co1_500.gif Lemxn|||Dreamwaves http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltfgkrU9E41r0ezqso1_500.jpg|||Positive:Duty bound(hard working and driven), generally amicable, strong willed (a positive spin on my stubbornness), conscientious and empathetic toward others, and intelligent Negative: Stubborn...|||I agree completely. I always have to have some kind of minimalist noise going on in the background.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2rsuRVTX7Q|||1. My overarching philosophy in life is, to quote Kurt Vonnegut, to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the...|||http://fr.fifa.com/mm/photo/tournament/competition/01/07/41/17/1074117_full-prt.jpgPost-Finals week hug offer. :)|||Tired Jill would like to submit a picture of a cute sleepy dog for your approval. :) http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ea/bf/07/eabf07de922278906cf4de2b6d454895.jpg|||No worries mate. http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz89t3BkeG1rpsqhko1_250.jpg(Random pokemon image for the fun of it. :p )|||I'd have to say the power of telepathy would be pretty sweet.|||http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZPaLXewCTKU/TOaRGOH6EDI/AAAAAAAAA3I/W4tjVkith7s/s320/hug+7+SR.jpg Hope your day gets better RetroVortex.|||(ya know what sucks about being an nf-you feel things so intensely, especially if you are an extrovert) Anyways, nice conversation between yourself and RetroVortex. You guys have funny...|||super stressed out. just turned in term paper for final exam week late, short 2 pages. kind of having a mini-anxiety attack right now. metaphorical hug please.|||and a cute animal hug for you William I amhttp://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4960830134551999&pid=15.1 (Sorry for the double post guys.)|||http://s2.favim.com/orig/36/blair-friends-gg-gossip-girl-hug-Favim.com-292967.gifA post work hug for you Miya. :)|||I'm of the opinion that an ENFJ's idea of recharging/alone time includes controlled chaos. Such chaos may seem disordered and contradictory to outsiders, but to ENFJ's being able to isolate and...|||Random term paper break, hug for all comers (Letting my inner nerd show):http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d74/QueenAquaBubbles/AmyandElevenhug.gif|||PJay Thanks. *sheepishly averts eyes*|||Sorry for whining. That was immature of me. ENFJ Out.|||You know what sucks, when your leg decides it sucks at being a leg...again and won't let you bare weight on it. This freaking semester is...a challenge to put it nicely.Sorry for the rant.|||UtterMess That puppy cat image is so adorable. I'm a dog person.|||@ATLeow, @Dreamwaves, @Leni: http://media.tumblr.com/8ff0a6ecdea028f2d5a745e54c3716b8/tumblr_inline_mx93i8d28t1rbekji.gif It is my belief that shame to ask for help is a common challenge to...|||From my personal experience, ENFJ's will help/support others until they are blue in the face, but not know how to/feel too proud to ask for help/support themselves.|||I'm listening to the Ben Howard Slacker radio, but this song more specifically: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PorW3y5n1w|||BUMP (I figured this thread needed some more exposure. It died again.) :) Anyway. Have a good one all. ENFJ out.|||With me, I am still developing a better method of handling potential conflicts. In this case, I consider dealing with clingy people a sensitive topic that has the potential to lead to negative...|||Honestly I suck at setting boundaries with clingy people. I'm too passive aggressive about it. I kind of just start being less receptive/non-descript with my replies and hope that they get the hint....|||You bring up a good point. I would have to say that, yes, empathy can be experienced on all points in the emotional continuum. It all depends on the cultural environment individuals are in and...' | 7,168 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Damn it, I hate trying. =|||Thoughtful input|||Watching leftists scurry out of the SJW shadow like little rats is great. One day they'll realize that the problem is them, not the cause or movement.|||Dear INTP-self, Remember to set an alarm and tell your INFJ how wonderful a woman she is. Also, don't forget how lucky you are. Hiraeth :kitteh:|||My closest friends in life have been INTJ. There's a certain melding of Ti and Te that works very well together.|||It's extremely fun with friends, by myself I haven't had the motivation to play. This weekend we walked around Portland at night and had a lot of fun.|||I've been a Trump supporter since March, full on centipede. No red hat though. I voted for Obama twice. Went to to a university so progressive they don't have grades. The genius of Trump is how...|||There was nothing to understand in what she said, it was a plea to emotion. Which is rather ironic considering it's a plea to emotion from an INTP to another INTP on a thread called What pisses off...|||So because a bunch of different people were involved in creating all the different things around me, I should give my money to the government? Your argument doesn't make sense. The act of giving back...|||If we're talking hypothetical anarchist society: Sure, although it would be more localized instead of centralized. If we take roads as an example, there's plenty of incentive outside of government...|||The current existence of charities and volunteers shows that there exists a will to give back, and I'm convinced that these would expand should the government programs cease. Recently I've become...|||I'm not sure what you mean exactly. The government did not produce, design, market, and sell my car. I'm pretty sure that the pennies I owe to the people who made the car were paid when I bought...|||The value of your labor is both in your control and determined by the markets. If you don't like what your employer is paying you for your labor then find a different employer, or change your skill...|||Sound the alarm! Everyone to your collectivist posts!|||He was another big influence.|||You haven't actually read Ayn Rand have you? She's an extension of Aristotle. Your view on her theories are very simplistic.|||My bad, I meant Distant Worlds not Endless Space. There must be a formula for these names. I like the concept of sectors a lot because I hate micromanaging, but I've heard many complaints with...|||Stellaris is decent, maybe a B- or C+. Compared to recent 4x space games it's the best since Distant Worlds. With more features and polish it will be a great game. Right now it feels too clinical,...|||Watching Arrested Development for the first time. Love the subtle humor and inside jokes.|||Hiraeth I love you too. ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FscKSB7Hh_w|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-cD4oLk_D0 Hiraeth Buna dimineata ;)|||63 out of 100. To not be Machivellian is a luxury of civilization I think, although that's not a bad thing.|||Europa Universalis 4, god this game is the most addicting thing ever. It has me looking at maps at work even, geography has never been so sexy.|||The biggest fear would be infection, since the insides are exposed to bacteria in the environment. If you can ensure a sterile environment somehow, I think it would work!|||Awesome collection!|||Another wikipedia tab has been opened, thanks for the info! Also you're hired.|||We have our first casualty. =|||Obviously the only solution is a gladiatorial arena to let the INFJ/ENTP/ENFPs fight it out. Where are the INFPs at? I know you guys want some of this too. We'll have an INTP emperor to give the...|||Only when I tell people I'm voting for Trump. ;)|||My sister is an ENFP, and we get along rather well I suppose, at least when compared to my other sisters. We don't have much in common but can relate to each other in some ways. When I get around to...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4nWy8pmIM4|||Kindergarten, I kissed this blonde girl Alex on a beanbag. That was probably the highlight of my dating life.|||I think the only rational response to these politicians requesting our consent to assume authority over us, is to request that they publicly prostrate themselves for a good tar and feathering in the...|||This is the problem that the left is having on this issue, and it's allowing for people like Trump to do so well. Immigration is not a moral imperative, it's a state policy, and with the surges in...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFM3cBGiREA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrUiE4OsCdg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yieuEKWME5w|||1. Blood transfusion. Save the patient or respect the families religious beliefs and effectively let her die? Save the patient, what else am I paying the malpractice insurance for? 2. The resume....|||Hiraeth cea mai buna prietena, I've found a song to make you smile again. ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFo-Fp2eJWQ|||This whole thread... I just... What is this? I mean it's nice to finally be recognized as the sex gods that we are, but really.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLisM2KPDIA :wink:|||No way, it's the INTP's who know everything. That's why we're called the thinkers. Because we know. I think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvSwiPyfzQ0 OK maybe the song is catchy. -.-|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdXlXT32ER4 Oh, here's the bleach.|||LOL. When I thanked your post I hope it's obvious that I strongly do not thank you. ;)) tuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuhtuh Where's the bleach?!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqJOz1wKYAY Hiraeth <3:wink:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StV9lElcvAY Contender for perfect song.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_PFpfERICQ in a 90's kick|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhX0Gl6q88U Hiraeth It's not the Scandinavian black metal you're partial to, but a friend showed me this band and it made me think of you. :wink:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Fr2_PMYm8|||Lol, I'm there currently and what you said still doesn't make sense, but I get the feeling you don't really know what you mean either or you would have just explained it. I'm not 33, 81 is not...' | 4,974 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Thanks for the input :)|||Hey guys! Id like your thoughts on something. I have an ENFP friend, 24 female. She seems to only talk about her problems with me, she has a past history of severe depression and anxiety etc etc....|||thats actually him with the blue in my pic|||my best friend is an ENTJ, he is the funniest person i know, bit heartless when it comes to women (but honest, he aint no player), dosnt concern himself with the needs of people he dosnt know (such...|||Depends on so much. ISFJ's tend to hold grudges when they have been deeply offended or hurt, if he really was having sex to please you and then you got mad at him for it I'd imagine he be hit hard...|||I say ENFP In your description of using FE you bassiclly described FI. you seem unable to focus in on what you know the facts, instead your mind is rampant with possibilitys and connects that...|||Wow we are human, damn your right we forget this all too often I can relate heavily I'm so hard on myself :( I enjoyed your realistic response and they are some great values to live by, I...|||I fucking love ISFJ's so emotionally intelligent and caring, Also very interesting thoughts you guys have, my friend lets me inside of his head and what I find there is amazing.|||Just wondering what other ISFP people value closely in people and in themselves. I just recently surprised myself by getting with a 24 year old women (I'm 18) who has a boyfriend, obviously I...|||Me too! Watching cool characters on movies makes me feel depressed -.- I want to be cool, smart, intelligent, mature and just plain awesome at everything I do just like them, but I'm not... My...|||I'm not a women but if I had to break up with somebody it would be very hard for me and I would feel terrible, maybe that's why she has been ignoring you although it's hard to say exactly why. It...|||Ps She is 20 and the relationship was atleast a couple of years|||Hi wonderful ENFP's, just a quick question hoping to gain som insight. I have a female ENFP friend that has recently told me about a break up she has had recently, she confined in me randomly...|||I don't know if she is having trouble she is now saying she still wants to be friends if that helps, I'm upset but not destroyed and I think I can move on (slowly) About the conversation thing can...|||Well your one up on me, i do NOT remember names EVER. but seriously that is interesting, i cannot relate to that! can you propose why that is?|||A law that prevents a centerlised privately owned banks from existing :)|||i just hate to ask people personal questions, i just feel it would be intrusive and it is to risky. for example i saw a tattoo on a mate in TAFE which looked like a memorial tattoo of somebody...|||Thanks for the kind words guys! yeah i think ill carry a little stigma towards INTJ's from now on :/ sorry INTJ's xD anyways still young so its all good ;)|||So my INTJ girlfriend recently broke up with me, ***BACKGROUND + LEAD UP*** so we met in highschool, aged 13, it was my first real relationship and hers too and we got along well. The...|||2w3 or 2w1 not quite sure|||thanks Pup|||Can someone tell me what it looks like when an ISFP is overcompensating using SE? I read somewhere that if they are brought up in a household that dosn't accept sensitivity or something the ISFP...|||Thankyou that was a grey read, made a lot of sense, So what's my NI doing? How dose an ISFP expiriance NI? Also I kind of enjoy these negotiable feelings, I like being a dick for some reason...|||-self centred and a little narcissistic (only a little) - slightly enjoying the negitive feels|||Lately I've become impatient, especially with kids, easily angered and short tempered, other feeling like a lot of people are idiots. I've also been a little Lonley and want to connect with people...|||I didn't say thinking outside the box is unhealthy, this guy has an OBSESSION, I don't think he knows what's in the box to begin with XD|||Okay then thanks :)|||Lol, I'm all joked out.|||Omg XD XD stop hahaha Now that was good!|||Omg XD XD stop hahaha Now that was good!|||Well ENFP's always make me feel special so your doing something right!!|||Hahaha I'm dying XD you watt m8?|||I've been best friends with an ENTJ for 8 years and I always thought he was invincible, The was no problem that couldn't be solved He was never ever upset (or didn't show it) Was awesome at...|||Haha yes! That's what I'm talking about! There a funny YouTube video of a guy approaching random strangers and with a street face telling them the dumbest jokes ever XD unbelievably funny. What...|||Ahh I see! What's the reason for an ENFP showing different parts to different people? If you don't mind my asking Oh and by school I mean collage, this guy is 22 Also are FE,s more likely to be...|||Is an ENFP either super popular or a super loner? Thats my theory Also you guys have so much energy, I've got an ENFP teacher named jai and his nickname is literally ener-j (like energy) Also I...|||So I love puns, and jokes that are so bad they are good, is this an ISFP thing? To like lame jokes? XD Eg:what do you call it when batman skips church? Christian bale -.- hahahahaa Also music...|||no argument will per-sway me! i refuse to engage politics, it is a corrupt system of greed, Politicians can NOT create any real change using the current system. they simply feed back to all the rich...|||So i am an ISFP and my best mate is an ENTJ, we get along awesome, similar views on a lot of things, both have a great and similar sense of humour and both of us enjoy talking about the same kind of...|||hahahaha! yes man!|||hahah that's so naughty -.- but I confess to watching people hurt themselves (as long as they are being idiots and deserve it ortherwise I feel bad :()|||I used to Watch weird al all the time haha funny guy! I like the smart humour myself, clever jokes that relate to the real world and its direction! like this for instance, 911 in under 5...|||AHA south park! you have some good taste my friend! I have not heard of those people, may have to check it out|||th first extrovert t comment! interesting to see the difference in your reply! Good to meet you Siouxsie|||Thankyou! do you mid if I call you alex? because to be honest it would be a chore to type that name out XD Yes Feelers ftw! haha|||yo man what's going on? INFJ rarest type out but 2 have already replied to me! what the? XD so glad to meet some feelers, god damn hahaha|||Hi grace, yeah W.A ftw what's it like Being around all analytical types? I find them to be a bit boring sometimes but all very smart (which is good because I consider myself smart so I actually...|||Hi guys I usually don't do intro's (im not good at them) but ill give it a go. My name is Ethan im an 18 yo ISFP male from Western Australia, I like sports and music (imagining videos to go with...|||Thankyou Evereth!|||okay so I am an ISFP and my girlfriend is an INTJ and I desperately need some tips. Our relationship is strong 5 years ago we met in high school (year 9) and most everything is okay. I need some...' | 2,403 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'My initial thought is when he says I love you - is in what context is it being said?|||Nothing an ISTJ ever says should be perceived as an attack - it is just straight talking. You can point out this method may be considered rude or impolite and an ISTJ may be more tactful or use...|||In that case I'm waiting :wink:|||Well without answering your question the way you would desire. I speak only for myself, I like introverted people that are Te|||Dear xSTJ Thanks for sacking me after 1 week's work. You are asking too much too fast too soon. You'll be on your 3rd applicant now out of the 3 interviews and you have a guy with more...|||Does that mean you can come across as not listening (and comprehending) to someone when you actually are?|||Political statements were over. Now we have this. Seeking those with experience to answer this question.|||And that's the reason I reckon my type may have changed (from INFP) - I used to be able to imagine all that stuff in my youth. I have trouble even imagining a romantic situation these days. On...|||I should have been clearer. Initiate a conversation, not the conversation.|||:laughing: It was never my intent to hide them. It is just the way they came out.|||I knew my own wording would let me down. On There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance - which side do you fall on? I meant your perception of others that you may consider arrogant or is...|||Definitely wish more would initiate, especially one on one or even two on one. Any more is just intimidating.|||La-Z-boy|||Interesting admission of libertarianism/anarchism as far right. Not the way I would have phrased far left and far right. Those things would have been included in the spectrum though I could...|||Somewhat amused about the fight over a fictional character but I recently outlined my thoughts here.|||Is there a type that tends to have the gift of the gab? I guess you've already answered that with Fe, so I'm inclined to either go with Fe or just a social manipulator.|||I wont agree with everything you just said DaisyChain but I'll defend your right to say it. :tongue: I do agree with what DaisyChain has said specifically on topic about this relationship. It is...|||I a mess maker but it is a functional mess. The links in my sig explain it better about the man cave or rather nerd cave. Essentially the mess/messes are an ordered mess and each mess takes...|||Dear ISTJ, If I'm honest, I have no idea. However, I took it exactly the same way you did Sincerely another ISTJ|||Be a philosopher, but first be a man - Hume|||Agreed. His early discussion of INTJ sounds like me and I'm an ISTJ. I certainly do not think I have been mistyped.|||I can really only add like all the others to keep trying. Yes he feels betrayed - brought you up, put a roof over your head and you walked out on him. ISTJs in my experience seem quite...|||When an ISTJ says they have an inkling of an idea, that is like calling a Hurricane a slight breeze.|||Incompetence, or the appearance of incompetence especially when that person is paid for their role.|||All of the above and will where possible provide gifts that you claim you need, especially if they see the utility value of the item. It may be for you but ISTJs tend to prefer practical items...|||Dogs. I can put up with Cats though. Sadly I'm allergic or so I have learned in the last few years.|||One of these other many ISTJ threads, says its not about spending a lot of time on the net - it is to our minds research. I think more often than not, it is. May research on how to renovate your...|||Poor|||I'm living in it. Turn of the 20th Century but with the mod cons and plenty of bookshelf space. I just keep adding bookshelves -even though they're not all full yet. That is more of a financial...|||The effectiveness of time used is of import. The time consumed is of little import. The efficacy of the study/work depends on your own comprehension and completion of tasks. You're the only...|||This. I'm relatively new but I tend to thank when the information provided either explains or confirms something. Niss's post here also stops me from going to look for the post where he explains...|||FWIW I changed my mind on all abortions are bad - though that was a number of years ago now. Everything depends on its own specific context - there are no universal maxims per se.|||There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance - which side do you fall on? Are you perceiving it correctly? Have you considered other perceptions? Are you relying on how you're feeling or...|||Things not done the right way. Things done the new right way without being shown the evidence for the case. A lack of information to process OR the lack of explanation of a given structure...|||ISTJ Articles|||I'm new here so take what I say with a grain of salt. You read IxTJ to me. I lean to ISTJ but that may be my bias that I want you to lean that way.|||Closest I can go is say I worked in a NFP that dealt with grief, loss, homeless, mental illness and much more for over 4 years and when the situation is elaborated on clearly, I believe I can...|||This is so much me. Sorry really nothing to add. It was just nice to see confirmation of my processes.|||The logic isn't perfect here but Technically the Glass is Always Full|||I'll allow the assumption of SJs for sake of argument, this does not however mean I accept the argument as there have been good reasons previously explained of why we should not. It is likely the...|||Since I'm on the final page of this thread, at last I feel I can comment on this one. Plain and simple context memory - it makes perfect sense.|||And since this is an introspective thread about myself I would like to say this sounds a lot like me too. It answers some of my queries in the vigorous discussion Niss and I had when I...|||This sounds like me. Pardon the wording but even when there is order in the chaos, I only understand it once I've read/followed-up on the underlying processes that may things appear that way. Once...|||Note I'm still adapting to the Ti/Ne/etc expressions. I thought it was gibberish at first but I understand it now. Anyhow my Thinking was driven by Niss's posts like this: From the...|||I'm definitely a troubleshooter. That's the best description for me. However reading this from Niss makes me wonder I like economics and I'm good with the macro (big picture) and can make...|||I speak for myself 1. Yes 2. N/A 3. I don't (I don't believe I know how or if I do, I don't know that I am doing it)|||No. Ability and Competence > Appearance. Only time I really take notice of shoes is to look to see if someone is naturally taller than me or wearing heels|||Nah, you just need to broaden your definitions. Science's existence is still rooted in philosophy. Just one of many branches. :tongue: Thank you both for all your help.|||I tend to RTM first then complain that its full of jargon when plain English would do :tongue:|||So you have little interest in convincing people of the merit of MBTI and are more of the RTFM. Thank you. It may have been I have caught you on a bad day/week and for that I apologise. My...' | 6,755 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | Thank you! I am now quite sure that i am not xNFJ and am a Si user. I am settling as ISFJ.|||Hey, you gave me a great insight - to think of other people whom i find similar to me. They are definitely EFJs! Yes i definitely see myself as Ti user. I always explain myself in order to make sure...|||Thanks for your input Gurpy. I don't really see myself as xSFJ type or harcore Fe user. The reason is because i am always very aware if i am not being used and if i am not giving too much. I strongly...|||I never saw patriotism as a virtue. But humans, no mather how advanced, are just animals. Animals that live in communities. Every community defends animals who belong to the group. If some kind of...|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||-|||Please someone spend few minsss|||2) What do you yearn for in life? Why? I am only 17 :) i couldn't imagine my life without having a nice family in the future. I still don't know what career path i should choose. I wouldnt mind...|||>< say hi to eating disorders.|||Social innaceptance. THAT scares me. Eding up alone, being unloved hated,not having family.|||Once i learned writing id go to a shop and write down as much items prices as i could. I wanted to have a price list for my own shop or smth...|||Depending what intelligence- xNTPs usually have better theoretical knowledge, but xSTJs have better practical knowledge, F types have social... There are 7 (if i remember well) intelligences-...|||Idealistics, who dont care about facts. Proves, research results? Who needs them. If we exclude that exess idealization of theirs, they'd become my ideal. Oh well. I admire them anyways, they are...|||Facts? Who cares about facts. They don't prove anything. Ohh, you tell me that all research on astrology proves only that it doesn't work? My friend is Gemini and i am Libra. We get along with each...|||When i sink to ' in love' feeling and don't want to ever get out|||Being unloved lol|||My mom is INFP. Dad- who knows..|||Neither. I think there is a bigger chance that people will read and type person if he makes information comfortable to read/ look neatly- who would like to read 3 pages long information... i...|||Yay a questionnaire 1. If you could anthropomorphize yourself into an animal, would animal would represent you? Crazy owl 2. Name an accomplishment that you are proud of. Once i succesfully...|||It is not hard for me...|||Yah, i think it makes sense too. That description kind of fits, but i still like possibilities, trying out new things, learning new things- i don't avoid these. Maybe that's because i am young too....|||Socionics explain it as aristocracy dischotomy. ENFPs are included here.|||Since i can remember i had social anxiety (even as young as 4 years old). I haven't even realised it myself... Now it is so much better, i don't feel anxious all the time, but that chronic...|||I have not been diagnosed (i have never been to psychologist through), but i am sure i have it. I can't edit that post anymore... >.< Anyways, what do you think? : )|||I thought this layout would make it more pleasant to read :unsure:. Because i wrote f*ckkkk? : D Thanks|||Fi>Fe, because i care about my inner harmony more than outside harmony. I can feel calm when everybody is stressed if i want to. TI<Te. This one is tricky. I love different threories, can believe in...|||Really Fe? Where? Ty :)|||Young ones.|||Hi. I am on mbti land forever and truelly want to know my type. I think i am an ISTJ, would you agree? Here is my questionnaire (promise, it is not too long)-...|||(Questions are bellow) 0. 17, neutral. Please keep on reading i really want to know my type :) thank you so much for help :) 1. Yes, I Got Soaked! :) | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Fastastic ('not...|||8122381224 Muahahaha|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pru9csJHYSA|||I use these for meditation. Theta waves are so good.|||I always had weight issues. One day i decided to seriously lose weight. I learned about calories and sat on 1000 calorie diet for like 3 months. Went from 182 to 135 (i am 5'9). It was so easy- i...|||If you have feelings you are not psychopath. They dont have feelings- they feel nothing- they are never sad, never anxious, have 0 empathy althrough they can fake emotions very well. It is not that...|||Okay. I have read about types. INTP/ ISTP was the most accurate for me. Everything +- fitted... ISTJ/ISFJ not. I am not paranoid about situations and life in general (only about people...|||@arkigos i am being honest.. that i understand people well was noticed by other people not by me. Understand through body language? sometimes i get into another person boots and check situation from...|||Debaser- well there were 2 people saying i am INFJ and 3 saying that i am INFP. INFP side was less biased, they noticed Fi (pointed out that i care a lot about abused animals more than real people in...|||Introduction | theory Diatype theory is psychophysiological personality typology based on structure and workings of human brain. Because human brain and human facial forms (shape of the skull)...|||Thanks for the answers :) MBTIObsessed yah, i think i am more on T side. Althrough i dont think my F is far from it.. SSAJ if i have Fe it is probably inferior or i am in niti loop..., . I am no way...|||Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age,...|||INFJ is the most NON judgemental type. They are firstly perceivers (Ni), also they have Ti plus Fe. ESTJs project a lot...|||When angry/ stressed you should become very articular and talk clear|||Ech probably i am not INFJ. They want people around them to be harmonious. I am not in that stuff. Yes i am very anxious and moody. It used to be even worse in the past. Hm i quess i am fulfitted...|||Hi :) You are definelly a Se user. Love sports, nature, picture description, repect people who firmly know what they want out of life. But you hate competition, so it is not first function, probably...|||Yah, maybe i am INFP. But: -If someone purposely tries to offend me or make me down i dont get defensive. I get dissapointed because it shows that the person doesnt like me. When discussing...|||Same here >.< I cant believe i will finish school next year. No pleasee.|||I will write some details that may help: - I am scared of people finding me out and understanding me more than anything. I am a fcked up inside, i dont want others to know that. - I draw. Here is...|||Any other thoughts?|||*blush* | 2,840 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Potential alternative to consider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGZaRnC1wNg|||I'm going to begin by saying that I've very much loved an INFJ for years, though it was unrequited. After rekindling a friendship that had been not-so-close the past few months, we just recently...|||Fixed that for you, the rest of that sentence was basically unnecessary. Edit: Figured I should have something to say on what you actually care about, and having experienced attraction and love...|||There was a time in human history before cheese.|||Every time I read one of these I look for clues to see if the INTP being talked about is me. Yours comes very close actually; I've had a very similar encounter, except I don't use an Iphone. So :( ...|||1. Desire/Commitment for Life Partner Without being desperate and obsessing about it, I'd say a 10--if I understand the question correctly. I am content with being single now, simply because...|||I would agree that necessity fueled most of the scientific advancement we have seen over the last hundred years but would likely disagree as to what that necessity was--it is an extremely vague term....|||The cause of the increase in living standards is irrelevant. If individuals only became wealthy by taking resources from the poor, it is logically impossible for everyone to be better off than they...|||Poverty doesn't exist in America, save those unlawfully imprisoned or neglected. Even the homeless in America live better than most around the world. That said, relative poverty in America is...|||Why do we protect our presidents so much? It's super expensive. This isn't a post against President Trump--I'm actually surprised at how much I like what he is doing. But any president. They...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMjCxV7u8OA This is a pretty cool music video, but I find it really gets in the way of enjoying the song. I'd listen to it first, and then watch the video after.|||Pro-Life, and anti-abortion. This really should be a poll, though from the comments it seems I am outgunned :P|||So we're at 13-0 for Jack. That can either be because it is true, because INTPs suffer from much self doubt or spend so much time learning that we know what a real master can do--leading us to never...|||I haven't heard that Lullaby before, it's nice.. Thanks for sharing!|||Why is it that the more bored I am, the more I run from sleep? Meh. Everything is so blah. I can't think of anything that sounds good... *whispers* There's always sleep. No! I'd rather...|||No to all. When I first read the OP my initial reaction was to dismiss these being a 'trend' in INTPism. But looking at the responses, it certainly looks as if I am outnumbered. However, there...|||Black box Lighty up button on front. Spinny thing in a little pop out door. Shiny on back, and a tangle of black cables running out of the back.|||Resplendent. Always has been my favourite word. Don't understand why it isn't everyone's lol|||I do what billions before me have done. I suck it up and get it done while figuring out a way to make it better. Quitting a job because it's boring is a completely foreign idea to me. Its just part...|||As others have said, museums and aquariums are awesome. But even more than those, if someone invited me to the lake to boat, swim, sit, talk, anything, I would be there unless I absolutely hated them.|||It seems that people used to be more useful. But we don't teach our kids to be influential. We don't teach them basic skills on how to be so. In fact we have a culture that dissuades any real action,...|||It seems like your goal is to minimize darkness, and maximize light. Yet every person has their own darkness. Our hearts are filled with it. If everyone simply kept to themselves, they would have all...|||I want to warn that doing nothing is not a guarantee of also doing no harm. Sometimes, people are hurt worse by complete inaction and what seems to be indifference than an active miss-step. Your...|||My roommate was feeling a bit high and mighty one day and was slightly upset at some stupid thing or another. So he tried to tell me what to do in the presence of the other roommates (I live with...|||Yeah, I understand what you say. Thank you; I guess we can be rejection buddies lol. Unfortunately, INFJ and those same friends no longer talk. Between being indignant on my behalf and moving...|||I'm a head supervisor and repairman for a pool company. I don't plan on being here forever, but I forsee it lasting another two years at the least; more likely three years. I enjoy the job, and it...|||Thank you for feeling, and for your evaluation and advice. Your ellipses before is possible would seem to indicate you think it is unlikely? I sure hope not... the last thing I want to ever...|||Thanks for the well wishes! Regarding my evaluation, I've told her how I feel and that she absolutely is my type. Once when I first started feeling this way, and again when these feelings grew...|||I can't sleep. But I know that now that I've said it, as soon as I put everything down and just roll over I'll be out. As nice as it is to fall asleep quickly, I've stayed up too late and the whole...|||When I was a kid, I basically wanted to be high class homeless. I wanted to go to the woods, build myself a hut with moss on the roof and spend my days surviving off of the land and enjoying the...|||I don't consider voice cracks embarrassing. And I dislike farts/burps that are out loud. So slightly uncomfortable :P|||Please allow me to begin by stating I have been away from my computer for a few days. To those who's replies have gone unanswered during that time, I wish to say that they were valued and I have been...|||They are legal to own in New York. Even New York city. Also, guns are not solely designed to ventilate briskets. There are many designed solely for punching paper, for example. The olympians use...|||Sorry for the late post; I wasn't quite sure how to reply to yours, and wanted to give it's content some thought. In fact, I'm still not entirely sure, but thank you for your advice; Rationally, it...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0wfu3tOrtQ|||Only a few. I've never been hunting, but own half a dozen or so hunting rifles. About the same number of .22 rifles. A few C&R battle rifles from WWII. And a couple of handguns. I'm a better shot...|||Thank you, very much. That people have not come to this thread saying that I am a creep, that I am being possessive and hurtful and disrespectful--that this is not a story of love but of something...|||Interesting theory, though I'm not quite sure I see it in action; especially in my own life but in others that I have observed as well, the fact that nobody else wants something is enough for many to...|||So what would you say is a good thing to do with it, as you mention?|||Thanks, those are feelings I do feel, and as you say they make me uncomfortable. I don't think I have a right to be jealous of those around her, and jealousy is ugly. It helps to hear you say that.|||I don't think she does intend it, as we pulled back from each other for the last year. Its only recently in the past month or so that we have begun to spend time outside of church with each other. ...|||At the time, it wasn't really untrue. I didn't think her personality was compatible with mine; she is bubbly and flighty and outgoing and slightly childish, whereas I am (and still am to an extent) a...|||Cussing at me, or at her? lol As to your son, assuming a lot, he resented the advice you gave and left? If so, as much as I can give at the moment, I feel for you. Is he unhappy now because he got...|||EarthSong You have been kind, thank you. I default to a doormat, but perhaps that will one day change. If it was anyone but her, it would be different. You can stay and say what you wish, I do...|||Thank you both for the responses so far. It hurts to hear it, though it's nothing I haven't heard many times before. I guess I just don't know how to give up on it. Premature loyalty I suppose. ...|||Many of these were models, so weren't feeling much of anything. However, the genuine faces threw me. But I went from getting very few right to getting my last 20 correct in a row. There's a pattern...|||So I never wanted to do this on PerC, since so many of the posts here are like this. INTPs are the pre-hipster hipsters. So hipster that we don't even conform to hipster norms (note, I'm just a doofy...|||I actually seldom know what the words to songs are... the vocals are just another instrument to me. In fact, I still don't know the words to some of my favourite songs that I've been listening to for...|||I'm a blacksmith irl, and so choose things that reflect my hobby and profession.|||Ted Cruz at 94% Worst was Martin O'Malley at 7%, Bernie Sanders at 8% Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk' | 5,022 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Are you asking whether or not you should look in someone's computer or diary or something? Is my saying yes or no going to affect what you do? That's a little silly. I think you need to make the...|||I would consider myself talented when it comes to art, particularly drawing. I would not say that my INTP-ness conflicts with my creativity in any way shape or form. In fact I've always believed...|||Java was the first language I learned, it's pretty easy but a lot of people don't like how bulky it is. python is a very easy yet powerful language to learn as well, however I'm not really a fan of...|||I have an INTJ mother, essentially the same functions as INFJ, and an INFJ sister, and my pride drives them nuts. I totally see where you're coming from.|||Howdy new guy. I'm a programmer but I'm not good at chatting... and psst... guys I swapped all of the INTJ's weapons with nerf guns when they weren't looking|||I can't stand when people are okay with ignorance. I don't mind if people are unable to understand something or if they just aren't interested, but when people just believe anything that they hear,...|||If you're asking for relationship help on the internet, you should reconsider your approach. however if you are just curious, for me I am not in a relationship and haven't really been in one. I've...|||TIL that N type logic can be a pain sometimes. I got an D on a presentation for skipping a detail I figured was obvious.|||3D projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I spent my last two years learning c++ and openGL and I've been interested in how the math works behind 3D graphics for a while now. I've been on...|||I'm afraid I have some bad news... You have a bad case of being-a-normal-human-ism. I'm sorry but it's lethal.|||IDK, I've never been a really materialistic person so desire doesn't really drive me. What drives me is curiosity, however I wouldn't call myself intense, I'm pretty calm. And I don't think that...|||Lol then you're probably not an INTP. JK but, INTPs tend to not be very confident in their arguments. They tend to want to know the right answer however they often try to defend their argument as...|||If you're suggesting that we do something like that in this thread I'm going to have to tell you that that would be impossible. It's an interesting idea I guess, however the sheer amount of questions...|||I completely agree. I think it's especially visible on this forum. I see lots of INTPs who sound as if they're faking it just to fit their description. I'm sure it's not just INTPs either. I've...|||Yea I know that java is very similar to C#, it was just my first language so I can't hate it. XD I have kinda stopped using it recently unless I need to make a quick gui program. Also java has...|||Yea, I agree with a lot of you, it's not the actual coding that I'm interested in. My favorite part is the problem solving, coming up with algorithms and such. Learning languages is the speed bump...|||Why is it boring? Also, from what I've noticed ISTJs aren't the programming type. In every class I've been in, it's been the N types, especially the NTPs who excel in programming. Back on topic,...|||*twitch* Txt Talk *cringe*|||I have an INFJ sister and I'm an INTP so we often discuss Introverted and Extroverted Intuition. What we've found is that introverted intuition is using your already developed schema's and...|||INTP True Neutral.|||Here's a link to my ludumdare entry: http://stateofdaniel.com/projects/ludumDare.html please excuse any glitches, it was made in 48 hours so its not perfect. Also you need java 7 to run it.|||I know exactly how you feel, I've been programming for 4-5 years now and have made a couple of small games but I always get bored halfway through. My advice would be to try something new. INTPs...|||I do taekwondo and practice parkour if you count those as sports. I just started taekwondo and am at a green belt however I've been doing parkour for 3 or 4 years now and I'm pretty good.|||Okay, for no particular reason, if all of the people of earth created alliances based on their temperament, who do you think would win? I think that the SJs would win honestly. They tend to be...|||32 / 36, I'm good at recognizing emotions just not dealing with them.|||while(INTP.isAlive()) { if(INTP.isBored()) { Activity a = INTP.thinkOfWhatToDo(); if(a != null) { throw new INTPsAreAlwaysBoredException(); } } ...|||I'm a senior in High school this year and I know what you mean. My INTP-ness just kinda kicked in recently. Up until 11th grade I had straight A's then in 11th grade I failed 2 courses because I...|||As a child I was always told that I had good leadership abilities however I really dislike the idea of leading people. I think its my desire to lack responsibility. I also don't like to be lead...|||INTPs and INTJs, at least when it comes to the way they think, are very different. I come from a family with two INTJs and I've noticed that we look at things very differently. an INTP's Ti and Ne...|||I've always been a big fan of the Animal Crossing series and I'm really excited because New Leaf is coming out this Sunday. Are there any other excited INTPs out there? I am kinda worried thought,...|||Wow, I didn't expect it to be so hard to think of INTP villains. All I could think of were The Architect from the matrix, Itachi from Naruto, although he becomes kinda Feely later on, and L...|||actually I am getting an internship this Summer and I'm required to learn SQL so that's cool.|||Probably something on IOS or Android because it's easy to publish and I spent all summer last year learning the SDKs. I have no idea about the genre but probably some sort of platformer.|||I personally enjoy teaching about things I like. Being a teacher is actually something I'm considering.(I'm in high school) From what I hear from my siblings, friends etc. I'm good at explaining...|||I want to start developing a game and not stop halfway through when I get to the boring repetitive parts.|||Don't worry, it's not a skewed intuition. It's probably just your perceiving side. I think that you cannot truly be an INTP unless you struggle with demotivation.|||After watching that I kinda just stared for a minute wondering if they were serious. I still can't tell if it was an act or not but wow. It's ok to care about the environment but these people need...|||When I'm at my desk I tend to take a sock off, put my leg on my desk, and touch my toes. IDK why but my mom gets irate when she sees me with 1 sock on because I forget to put it back on.|||To be more sarcastic. (darn, there I go again.)|||I don't care much for listening to a teacher lecture me but I very much enjoy math. I really like matrix theory and vectors if you were curious.|||Wow that is exactly how I've felt. I've offended many people because I've always thought of love and trust as really serious topics and refused to say I love you or I trust you to some people. It...|||I'd love to do computer science or game development if not I'd probably teach math because I've always been good at explaining it.|||Remember causation is not the same thing as correlation, for example even though America has more public trash cans and advocates against littering, America still has a much larger littler problem...|||Banning guns in the US will do absolutely nothing. I honestly think that it is completely stupid how the Government and many people think that rules are gonna stop bad things from happening. It's not...|||The guy who never payed attention but somehow understood everything. also the guy to come to for math help.|||XD I thought that INTPs were supposed to like things that are pointless in reality.|||My favorite games are probably tf2, all of the mario karts, and yoshi's island. TF2 is great because I really like how all of the characters are very interesting and how the gameplay is pretty unique...|||I'll agree with peace being a stress-less calm feeling. I occasionally experience it and I would like to more often. I will also agree with the cool night thing. My favorite is when your sitting...|||This isn't particularly the same, but I'm into game development. I want to do it as a career and it really excites me. There are sometimes when I reach issues though, for example, I don't know...|||Java was my first language but I prefer C++. I know C# but I don't really like it. I'm trying to learn assembly but I can't find any good tutorials and I can do HTML/CSS/JavaScript' | 7,272 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'i tend to be insecure a lot, for various reasons. and sometimes depressed. but things have been going well for me lately :) i'm definitely still sometimes quiet and need alone time. i could never...|||Pretty sure I'm INFP, not ENFP, but I'm thinking you guys will have good feedback for me :) I've always been pretty reserved around people, even my closest friends - quiet, cautious, neutral - to...|||I've always been good at writing. My mom used to tell me I was going to write the next great american novel, haha. But it's never been something I've pursued seriously, partly out of stubbornness -...|||Molting, eh? That's a great way to describe it :) I think I do it pretty frequently - in fact, the happier I am in life, the more often I renew. I'd say every couple of weeks I make a small shift...|||I get asked for directions all the time, too. I was living in a big city last semester, which I was not at all familiar with, but every single time I went out I ended up helping some lost tourist. ...|||Oh man, are we twins? Same age and timeframe, even. I've been working on the emotions/repression thing for a little longer, though, and I promise it gets easier :) Feel free to PM me if you want...|||I have meditated off and on over the past couple years.... generally it's been a great thing for me. But a couple of months I sat and had a similar experience, to the point that I had a small panic...|||that was me up until my early teens. i've mellowed out, but occasionally i do get the urge to pick a fight. i always thought i was because i wasn't getting the kind of emotional response i needed...|||Ok, I have a question, nothing to share. So, I've been trying to do more creative type things. Just for myself, in a sketchbook or whatever. And, like any good INFP, I have TONS of ideas. ...|||I've wanted to be a vet, travel agent, journalist, photographer, architect, olympic athlete (hah), naturalist, marine biologist, owner of a pet store, dog trainer, and many other things i can't think...|||Hah, I'm not looking to feel like the best type ever, just not the worst :P And honestly, I don't really think these are all great traits... I don't find them particularly healthy for me or for a...|||Hey, I'm feeling better about things, thanks everyone :) I figure that since there's no way to change my personality type, I should just accept it and use what skills and energy I have to try and be...|||It does help me to feel better, but I'm not in a position to go seek that out right now... Thankfully I'm not really shy, so it shouldn't be too hard to connect with someone new in a different way....|||This is a really good point. I should look for something concrete to change in my life instead. Do something different, meet someone new or something. Thanks for the direction :)|||just because it makes life complicated, i suppose. sometimes i just need to do something - make a practical decision, do a job i'm not particularly into, etc - and i always have to sort through a...|||i've actually been doing really well lately as far as taking care of myself. and i'm reasonably self-confident and not depressed. i don't know, i guess i'm just feeling restless and taking it out...|||[warning, self-indulgent whining ahead.] For some reason I'm feeling kind of negative about being infp lately. I can feel all my limitations and I keep blaming them on being too introverted, too...|||I have to point out that there's nothing really wrong with you for not being emotionally-driven. You are who you are and as long as you're not intentionally hurting others, I think you're ok :) ...|||I've been told often that I should consider teaching and I think I would love it, especially at the younger ages. Sadly, I'm not a huge fan of the education system in America, so I don't think I'll...|||I drink only occasionally, but when I do am the OPPOSITE of life of the party. For some reason it completely shuts down my brain and I have almost nothing to say, lol. I wish it were the...|||Wow, that conclusion really gave me a whole new understanding of P/J and how it plays out in my own personality. Thanks for this :)|||There's a theory that deja vu occurs when your brain is attempting to match a new experience to the bank of accumulated experiences in your past. Our minds generally operate by categorizing...|||I'm mostly in the NF, INFP, and ENFP forums. But I didn't know about the unread posts link before... I'll probably try that now!|||One thing that might help is to be really clear about what you would like her to do. Have a list of specific things - making a meal, cleaning a certain room, the vacuuming, etc. I know that when I...|||Haha, that is terribly true, of course. I find that I can express exactly what I am thinking in writing. On the other hand, sometimes I find out there were things in my mind that I didn't even know...|||I'm pretty terrible at getting what I want or need in general. But I think it's important to be able to do if I want to stay happy and healthy, so I really push myself. I think it's best not to...|||I've run into a personal barrier that is really frustrating me right now, which is: I love abstraction. Abstract ideas, concepts, imagery, discussion. I'm quite good at understanding abstract...|||I definitely internalize my stress and anxiety very easily, and it often affects my breathing. Sometimes I hyperventilate, or forget to breathe, or feel as if I have forgotten how to breathe and...|||Ok, I'm going to try and steer things back towards this list: I am definitely HSP - something I've always attributed to being a preemie, but who knows. I've become less sensitive over the...|||I'm looking forward to graduating college, buying a new bike, and living in the same place as my little brother again! And, of course, learning and growing, as always :)|||Actually, I am the world's most boring drunk ever! Alcohol doesn't loosen me up, it just slows my brain down so I have nothing to say.. However, I drink very little, partly because there's a...|||I guess I mean why do you use the word disgusted? What would cause disgusted Fi? Just negative emotions?|||But that's a more typical response for me and I know how to handle that ok.... this is a more subconscious, overwhelming thing. And there's no reason I can think of for a simple suggestion like that...|||Hahaha I bet your parents were thrilled :crazy: What do you mean by this? I'm sure I'm not OCD...|||Ok this is a long shot, but I'd love to know if others experience this or have any insight into it... Sometimes when I tune into my internal dialogue, I am just kind of silently screaming NO! ...|||i'm more often happy, but it's usually overshadowed by anxiety|||I'm very interested in biology, especially aquatic and marine, and ecology. I love to learn about them and study on my own, but I can't stand the rigidity of actually working in these fields :X ...|||INFP poking in here to say: It's really unnerving when people take of their masks. If that girl thinks she truly knows you one way and then you suddenly switch, she could be confused and maybe...|||Yeah, in a situation where I'm emotionally invested and the other person shuts off, I can get pretty panicky. I need to know what the other person is thinking/feeling in order to respond and I need...|||Pretty much everything that Ammon wrote rings true to me. I also had to teach myself how to take a compliment after someone I really admired pointed out that it's kind of rude to dodge them. Now...|||does anyone here meditate on a regular basis? what's your routine? how has it helped you/what effects have you noticed? i've been very interested in practicing, but of course my struggle has...|||I worked with an ENFP girl for quite a while... it was a food-service job where we had a lot of interaction with customers and of course she loved to talk with EVERYONE. However, there were a couple...|||Ok, I've never met anyone else who does this, but I bet there's some infps who know what I'm talking about: I get words stuck in my head. Like, I'll be talking/listening to...|||I'm way too self-conscious to do impressions like that .... I think drifting off half-way through a sentence is my worst trait and I do it more and more often these days. I also always pick at my...|||I've spent a lot of time feeling EXACTLY this way. Eventually someone helped me see that it was just a coping mechanism, a way of dealing with fear and insecurity: if I held this vision of myself at...|||it sounds like religion is a big force in your life. could you speak privately to someone in your church about your problems and concerns? a priest/minister/rabbi/religious leader might be able to...|||could you explain a little more what you mean by a difference between our extroverted character and introverted feeler and how it would result in you using we in your mind? i used to narrate...|||I sincerely doubt that there is any correlation between type and sexual orientation or gender identity. but, for what it's worth: my bio-sex is female, i suppose i'm somewhat genderqueer (in that...|||I agree with the suggestion to have a study partner. I've always done my best work when I'm working with someone, it's just much more fun and interesting!|||It's okay to judge people's actions, but I don't think you should judge people's inherent traits. You really can't avoid applying a worldview to anything you experience. And I'm not sure why,...' | 8,141 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zsMdi714mI|||So many, but I'd say there's a tie between Groundhog Day and As Good as it Gets. Ah, the 90s...|||INTP here. I don't play much, but I like well written stories mostly, something that I can engage in, although I like different kinds of games. I'm an old time point-and-click fan, I also like some...|||Oh, man, I love to travel. You see, I'm like Raiza1990, I live abroad now and mostly because I enjoy things that only a different culture can offer. In my case, I come from a place where I never...|||It depends on many factors. I'm someone who gather more information when I hear something than when I read something, considering that I prefer non fiction, audiobooks are useful in this aspect -...|||No particular order, not necessarily the first, original version and I don't know if they're indeed my top 10, they just occurred to me - truthfully, I'm more of an album person, anyways: Ballad...|||Ha, yeah, heard that before, cool term - I guess it's one of those Latin based words, at least, finestra is window in Italian.|||I like the idea of law, but not the idea of rule. I understand that laws are originated from logical and abstract reasoning and help to manipulate, maybe even ordain, the empiric world in a certain...|||People who distort your words and your train of thought to win a debate. People who think that talking louder, interrupting you, insulting you and ironizing your arguments will make them win a...|||Yeah, it could be, I relate to you a lot, actually. I used to be called pretentious too frequently when I was younger, not sure anymore. At that time, the problem was that I disassociated so much...|||Hm, some I remember as really liking, but there are many others... Wings of Desire Mulholland Dr. Fargo Down by Law Paris, Texas Reservoir Dogs 2001: A Space Odyssey In Bruges|||Oh, man, I guess you'd detest me then, for some reason I feel that every word that leaves my mouth - or fingers, ha - come off as pretentious, hm, my own person comes off as pretentious, but, yeah,...|||Oh, I used an username generator, you see, of the list this one appealed the most. Thing is, last time I chose an username for myself - the one I use for games - my friend gave me a hard time saying...|||https://youtu.be/S34cVkL6zCE|||I always thought they appeal to this general self-affirmation mentality we see too much these days. I mean, people need phrases and objects and images and things to defines themselves, tell others -...|||Becoming so self absorbed that I forget about the others completely. Loosing all the empathy I have. Loosing my mind. Loosing my loved ones. Being worthless and/or a burden to the people I care.|||I relate to your feelings sometimes - what I wouldn't give to be some kind of Thoreau of this very age, ha...but, in the end, it's truly only an idealization and an escapism to me.|||Right-handed.|||I. I'd say 5, probably. I like the idea of being alone as much as the idea of falling in love with someone that makes me change my mind about being single. II. I don't know, I'm open minded and...|||Hm, I think I see, maybe...well, I think that when you use the argument of intuition you're naturally assuming that knowledge transcends the object it wants to investigate, right? That's the natural...|||Oh, man, I feel I'd like to address this questioning, but not even sure if I got it right though, oops...to me it looks like an empiricism vs. rationalism discussion, is it?|||I really like the countryside and the stillness of it, the silence...even the empiricism of the experience, per se. But I wouldn't live in the country, to me, incredibly big cities with all the...|||Well, Law is actually a very versatile area...In any case, in my opinion, there's only much you can expect from your job - sometimes concessions should be made, you can't expect to be active in a...|||I don't care about longevity, per se. Neither about being healthy, I guess - although being able to live more efficiently in a physical manner certainly is a goal. What I do care is feeling the most...|||Are you asking for my detailed situation? It's not so easy to explain - I don't mind talking about it, as you might imagine - but it's a bit of a long, not interesting story, ha|||https://youtu.be/wTG4746_Fgc|||I understand what you're saying and I agree in parts - I also relate to your husband, ha. But I think it takes a deeper relationship to actually see through the other person's walls, another level of...|||Yeah, I guess you're right, I mean, the wise thing to do would be letting the person be with someone more giving. In my personal case, the person I'm talking about is not a friend or someone that I'm...|||I'm always feeling embarrassed for no reason whatsoever. I like to think I don't show it much, though and I certainly try my best to avoid doing anything that makes me feel even more embarrassed....|||Hm, not even sure if I should ask you this, but would an ENFP choose to date and eventfully pursue a relationship with someone who showers them with affection over someone who they're more attracted...|||Oh, I'm curious to know your opinion about gender and also the binary comprehension of gender/sex. I might be way wrong, but I tend to think that many transgendered people denounces the idea of...|||Hm, autopilot. I guess I walk around the area, sometimes make some random hand movements as if I was demonstrating to someone what I'm thinking, colliding with stuff along the way. If there's someone...|||I don't mind being with friends - even for long periods -, I like it in fact, knowing I'll eventually go back to my solitude when the time comes...with strangers I feel very uncomfortable, and the...|||Well...I live with an INTJ friend and I guess we're the people that are most satisfied in being alone that I know. But between him and me, I guess I'm even more of a hermit, so I'd say INTPs. I think...|||Hm, people in general seems to like me when I try to make the effort to open up and interact - I come off as being funny in a weird, witty way, as some say -, but they are not very comfortable around...|||Let me think...well, my best friend (and now room mate) is an INTJ and we get along fine. I don't have many friends - or more meaningful human interactions so to speak, ha - so I don't have a good...|||Hmm...I do have feelings, quite a lot actually, but I guess I tend to place them under some sort of quarantine. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that emotions are inherently noxious - at all - I just...' | 8,664 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'Happy Birthday America!! I am proud to be an American.|||Hell no.|||I believe MsBossyPants has given you some great advice. If you can learn to use diplomacy I think you will be a much more effective team leader or team player. Immature ENTJ says - That is a...|||My wife was an ESTJ and we were very happily married for almost 18 years. It was a perfect match in our case.|||Nice uneventful evening with a mesmerizing rainfall.|||This is pretty much the way I view altruism. I do give money occasionally to the guys standing at the intersection holding the sign, but more frequently than not I would give them a couple of...|||I'm curious as to the why anyone is a certain Type. Is it determined by genetics, environment, or a combination of the two? Or something else?|||I am an 8w7 but I think I am probably pretty tame relatively speaking. Age does that for a person. I'm pretty mellow at this point. I own my own business so there is no need to impress anyone and...|||I am not a cat lover but that first video was awesome! Go cat!!|||Who said anything about a full-frontal assault? This is the first time I've heard it mentioned.|||Yes all........but notice how I left the women alive in my scenario. He died like everyone does. I never claimed to be Ghenghis Khan.......I am hubcap|||Ghenghis Khan and a few others completely eradicated some of their enemies.|||I am suspicious as to why a stranger wants to hug me...............I know I am adorable but I am still suspicious.|||While the INTJ's are debating the merits of their flawless plan with the ENTP's the INTP's sit aside and watch as the ENTJ's act immediately wasting no time and just roll their army into position,...|||That is sooooo funny!! I love how the lawyer's head was on the verge of exploding. I have had to give two depositions in the past when the company I was working for was being sued. Both times...|||Genetics define your potential. Which is exactly why folks shouldn't be condescending to others who didn't have the good fortune to be born with superior genetics.|||Try it. You will get some good experience.|||This comment indicates you are dick and not a particularly good manager. I want to make sure you guys are equipped with the best possible tools and training to do your jobs so you can be...|||I am in the same circumstance presently. The ISFJ is a complete enigma to me most of the time, but I am slowly learning how they tick. It can be a challenge.|||There are assholes in every personality type. To stereotype ENTJ's as assholes in general is completely wrong.|||^This^|||If you have trouble seeing the big picture you are probably more ESTJ than ENTJ.......IMO|||Narcissism - 1.7 - 14th percentile Machiavellianism - 1.9 - 17th percentile Psychopathy - .4 - 0 percentile|||I don't think that being an ENTJ has anything to do with being narcissistic. The average ENTJ is probably good at a lot of things which should help their self-confidence.........but shouldn't...|||Jim Beam Black Label - neat|||I believe that Atlas Shrugged perfectly illustrates the relationship between private business and government. So on that account Rand nailed it.............IMO As for her philosophy in general -...|||I believe the uncaring label comes as the result of ENTJ's being able to view circumstances from an unemotional standpoint. I believe the bossy label comes as the result of ENTJ's knowing how...|||I would be a Honey Badger.|||If I come across something I want to know more about, I study up on it when I get time............but I am not insecure about it prior to having the chance to study up on it.|||The ultimate irony is that the guys who would favor this barbaric approach would probably be the first ones to get smoked.|||The best type for what?|||I admit it.............I AM LUST|||It depends on whom I am cuddling, or whom is cuddling me.|||I worked for ~30 years in industrial manufacturing before starting my own business. Now I am self-employed and I love it more than anything I have ever done. I will give you a piece of advice that I...|||While it may seem slightly romantic or even practical to rid the town of the guy down the street who is a dick...........is it really worth killing someone just because you don't approve of their...|||I simply used Hitler as an example because of the fact that he chose to purge Germany of all the bad elements that were causing the problems. Hitler purged not only Jews, but also Gypsies,...|||I watched the movie so I am familiar with the concept. I believe it would prove to be a horrible idea. The wealthy would employ armies of armed badasses to protect them. The middle-class would...|||I played baseball, football and track in high school. Tae Kwon Do I have been a competitive shooter in multiple disciplines for over 30 years.|||None of the ENTJ's that I know are into subtleties. They are direct and to the point. If you want to give them a message, just say it. You will gain their respect as well as their attention if you...|||I vote for bourbon.......nothing quite as good as good sippin bourbon to take the edge off after a hard day.|||I typically interact well with the other NT types. However if they start going down hypothetical rabbit holes I lose patience pretty quickly. Sometimes you have to work to keep them on point so...|||Every member of every team gets a trophy........just for participating. We don't need to keep score...............I can't believe I just said that........I'm going to need to be excused now.|||I had a normal childhood. Grew up on a small farm. Lots of hunting, fishing, outdoorsy stuff. Oldest child, had a younger sister. I am proud to be an American even if I am not proud of some of...|||Well, I grew up in the midwest and the southern US. I live just outside Kansas City now. The midwest is great, especially like the folks in the rural midwest. Very down to earth. Even in the bigger...|||Define who you want to be. Define what you want to do. Plan on how to become the person you want to be. Plan on how to do what you want to do. Execute plans. Now you are happy.|||My business partner and I are both ENTJ. We have a wonderful professional relationship and we are extremely close friends. We have never had a cross word. I think ENTJ's can have very productive...|||Let me know what you want done. Don't tell me HOW you want it done........I will determine the most effective way of getting it done. Leave me alone while I am getting it done....ie don't...|||Winston Churchill is someone I am greatly impressed with. He had a huge impact on the world as we know it..........yet the British kicked him out of office right after the war. He was a prolific...|||I am not shy but I will not open up around people whom I don't care to know.|||Is there a point to this rambling dialogue of yours? Do you want some cheese to go with that whine? Life's not fair.........get over it. Here's my phone, call someone who cares.' | 3,195 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I get more sarcastic (apparently I don't notice) the more irritated I am. I can't tell, because it just sounds like me not censoring my thoughts before they get verbalised. I do tend to agree with...|||Winter. It snows, and I'm not allergic to snow. And the probability of getting wicked bad sunburn is low.|||I have 2 cats. I would like to have more than 2 cats.|||I got a 36. That seems about right, I guess. I have a wickedly strict morning routine that involves waking up at exactly 5:37. And coffee by 5:43. Once I woke up 20 minutes late due to an alarm...|||Green. INTJ. Surprise, surprise.|||How much do you read? Not much currently, but I become a voracious reader during the summer. How fast can you read? I read Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire in 3.5 hours once...if that helps....|||I like LAN-Parties. Or birthday parties that involve silly string and the apples to apples game. That said, I haven't had a birthday party in years. Other than that...I don't really party. The...|||I tell my brother when he is an idiot. It comes off as an insult. I tell him when he's being irritating, I get yelled at for being a control freak. He asks my opinion, I answer honestly, and I get...|||The streets would always be empty, Everyone would have awesome high tech gaming rigs, and we would be ruthlessly efficient...at something. It would be nice. And quiet. And probably gramatically...|||I experience happiness when I play Katamari Damacy. However, everyone seems to always look at me and think I am unhappy since I always have an angry or neutural face. I also, apparently don't act...|||Ferrets...CLEARLY. I have never been formally introduced to Myself...But if I had been then that would mean that I talked to Myself, which would classify me as crazy. So...me and Myself watch...|||The more I don't hate you, the more wickedly blunt I am. Or if I just REALLY dislike you, and happen to be in the mood to rip someone to pieces mentally, I get hideously blunt. And put on this awful...|||I can remember irrelevant things. But put one iota of significance on the thing....gone. Out the window. It's funny because then I reach into the useless memory banks when it suddenly becomes...|||1.Do you sometimes(even if rarely)make jokes and hate the fact that you weren't serious? No. If I am being funny-I am serious about being funny. 2.Do you get annoyed when people laugh a lot or...|||Friend of mine was walking down the hallway one day with a grabage bag and latex gloves. I asked if she was cleaning up bodies again. She said Nope...And anyway- I would need bleach and a meat...|||Animals and plants tend to take precedence over humans. They don't ask for much. Just a spot on your couch and food, and a twirly feathery stick to play with. (I love my cats.) Plants just ask for a...|||I normally hide from said person. If that fails, I am condescending until they feel so awkward that they have to leave. If that doesn't work...I leave. When it's something enforced...like relatives,...|||1. I actually manage to get away with more with respect to schooling. I can turn in really off-the-wall sorts of things and still get good grades. My friend tells me that this is because I am 'just...|||I blame the rock...for actually being the one to lethally strike someone. Unless of course Chuck was throwing at point blank range and totally aware that he was going to knock someone upside the...|||If I intentionally try to manipulate it comes off as really clunky. However, I can unintentionally manipulate, and then look back at that later and say: Well, that was advantageous.|||1. Pay for the most crazy expensive school I can get myself into. In small bills. Just to annoy them. 2. Buy a VW Bus. Paint it black and put green flames on the side. Refurnish interior with...|||Last time I cleaned my room (About a year ago) I listened to Panic! At The Disco nonstop until it was clean. Sort of clean. Until you could see the floor...I normally find a musical theme that...|||I have difficulty putting thoughts into words when my vocabulary is exponentially larger than the person I'm talking to. It's really aggravating- having to mentally sort through to find equally...|||I have a grand fridge calendar which has everything I will be doing for the next 3 months on it- I treat the calendar as law- if your important event isn't on there in a timely manner with at least 2...|||In my experience, people do not change and it is futile to attempt to force change upon them.|||By 7th grade I had detailed plans to overhaul the educational system to hack everyone's minds to genius by whatever means necessary, and a plot to make drivers better at driving. The capital...|||I said no to both...He wanted the drink, then he got the drink. The rest is inconsequential.|||Comandante- You actually make a lot of sense. People tend to be off put when they tell me all their relationship issuses and I tell them seriously to just end the bloody thing if it's so upsetting....|||A friend of mine was remarking on how she couldn't believe she had passed a chemistry test. I was paying no attention, since I was watching a computer screen and simply replied I can't believe it...|||Also the grocery store...Once every two weeks, but never on a weekend- because that's when all the crazies are out...and never in the middle of the day because that's when the old people are...|||I have only ever initiated two hugs, and that was as a result of someone dying. I think that is the only circumstance where such actions are warranted. If nobody has died, and you hug me- you are...|||Not in the conventional sense of the word. When trapped in a house for days on end due to snow in close quarters with my E-flavored family, I tend to hide in my Ipod and knit... I never feel like it...|||Yes. I read about the internet. I find it fascinating. The way memes are created, the idiomatic turns of phrase that people use on the internet...the whole thing. I love hearing about random acts of...|||When I am deliberately murdering minutes, putting something off, or just lack something better to do...I am on the internet. Normally reading about the internet. Or I'm playing videogames. Or...|||Synesthete friennd told me my voice was reddish-purple. We were in the school musical together, and when this one girl hit a certain note she would always flip, because it looked like golden bubbles...|||If I don't verbally assault you when you make even the slightest physical contact. If I return your call. If I actually write an event concerning you on my great big calendar of everything. If I...|||Steps to making a friend: 1. Watch. Observe in class, how they act, how they answer questions- consider Does this person demonstrate the ability to form a coherent sentence and think...|||Guys are able to get into college with a generally lower GPA than girls, because it's assumed that they will spend more time doing athletics than academics in highschool, and otherwise the male to...|||I buy guys cargo pants so I don't have to deal with a stupid, useless, handbag. Why have a bag for a wallet and housekeys? My hair is short, so I don't have to waste my time on it. I can't...|||I criticise you for not looking at the page that the picture was on. That's an album cover for a band called Enigma, For a song called Beyond the Invisible, In their album Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le...|||I just got on the A-B honour roll at my school for 3rd quarter. This was achieved through procrastination and videogames...If I were motivated to actually care about something in class I could have...|||My brother constantly accuses me of not having any capacity for happiness because I am constantly telling him to stop his singing/ tapping/ insert other irritating thing here. And then the whole...|||Piano. I would like to learn theremin eventually.|||I criticise you for criticising my lack of an avatar. It is quite hard to find an avatar that is relevant to the-|||I criticise you for having an avatar that has nothing to do with pencils.|||Do you wear a lot of make up? Only when I do special effects- if artificial gore counts, then yes. Otherwise- god no. Do you spend a lot of time on your hair in the morning? I chopped it all...|||I like my job...I get to organise, and get much needed time outdoors, and eat lunch from my favourite coffee-shop. I feel so efficient. Get a job you actually enjoy.|||Your Aspie score: 123 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 69 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie ...|||I plan to have 1 adopted 7 year old. From another country, so that when I teach it the 2 languages I know- English and Spanish- it will be trilingual. Age 7 because then I don't have to deal with the...|||Yes- I get the you scare me comment kind of often. Especially during winter when I wear my grey coat...I call it the coat to invade Poland with. That paired with my torn up combat boots and...' | 3,492 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'I, personally, value her expression because I know it's rare for her to open up to someone and have learned how to value her expression. We can all talk about functions like we're children, but in...|||ESFJ's exist outside of health status. They're just perpetually annoying. That goes for INFJ's too... Healthy or unhealthy: sexy!|||Oh wait! That post was actually pretty trolly. I do these sorts of things often... Hmmmmmmm... I must be unhealthy because I'm not being nice again!!! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL I'LL NEVER BE HEALTHY,...|||You should start your own sub forum... MBTI COMMON SENSE EDITION... definitely all caps too... That'll look nice. This forum needs an objective sub forum like that.|||I think it all comes down to the tert. and inferior functions. I am a perfect example of an unhealthy ENTP, actually! I go from project to project, I take way too many financial risks and the only...|||That's pretty cool.. I see like really cool atmospheric/abstract segues between lives and then clearing up to reveal the next introduction of a character, setting or something.|||Get a group of people together and just brainstorm thousands of ideas and copyright/patent them all and then make people pay you if they want to actually put any of them into action... is this a...|||INFJ... Any other type could work, but will not have the level of depth the INFJ and ENTP has. Dominant sensing type will be annoyed, bored, drained... ENTP will feel misunderstood and babied....|||Thank you for sharing, I can relate to a lot of what you said.|||That's good to hear :) I'm 22. I just have so much going on... I get myself into interesting situations. An idea will lead me down a road of responsibility and fatigue and once the novelty wears...|||Touche.|||What's the point?|||Listen, being a ENTP doesn't mean you are an extravert. We are so unpredictable. I have been more introverted than any INTP on this forum and more extraverted than any ESFJ in the real work. Why? I...|||I have never been depressed in the sense of having a disorder. I have been in depressive states about 40% of each year since I was 15. Please state whether you have or haven't been. I'm drunk......|||I regret my name decision... I was a lurker for years...|||Well, it's funny. Now my plan is hiring employees because im already moving on :I|||Holy shit, just watched that for like the 10th time a couple days ago. so funny.|||You can do it man!! Get a couple ISTJ's doin the 0100101000101010010's!|||I had learned a lot and met a lot of good connections the last couple years|||I think that sounds like an opportunity to learn.|||INFJ - paranormal investigation (ENTP can be the guy who hosts the show) ISFJ - reading romance novels and obsessively checking Facebook as appear offline. INTJ - Making a video game INTP -...|||Will do. Thank you sir|||Not as much buttsex and cringe-worthy drama :p|||Thank you. My OP looks insane after I read it again haha. I hope it shows people like me that it's not so hard to follow through on an idea and when it all starts coming together, it's incredibly...|||A mortuary transport service. Picking up deceased for Funeral Homes and the Medical Examiner. Get to help people while making good profit with little overhead. It goes in line with my future plan of...|||What was wrong with 1300 miles north?|||What inspires you? Cut all the bullshit out of your life and surround yourself with people and things that inspire you. Stop worrying about being socially correct, our stream of consciousness is what...|||A planet of only ENTPs and INFJs would be pretty fucking great|||I wanna brag a little and inspire you guys. I just got fired from my job a few weeks ago and the last two weeks all I have done is get my shit together to start my very first business. I already have...|||I see it this way... A person who types as ENTP, INTJ, INTP (smartypants) is going to have inferior F or S. This implies that they will either be scatterbrained, awkward or ice cold. These are...|||This post is so old, but you're still active anyway... Just wanted to say that I appreciate your objectivity and humility.|||People that test as several different types suffer from the I'm different!!! personality disorder, in my honest opinion.|||I think the #1 thing people misunderstand about us is that we are method actors. Personally, I experiment a lot unconciously without being fake. It's like all these different personas are a part of...|||Just because you think you'll take over the world someday doesn't make your moms basement living situation any better than the INTPs.|||Maleficent - INFJ ... Do you all think she was INFJ in Disney's Sleeping Beauty? Crow guy - ISFJ Aurora - ESFP Stephan - ESTJ? ESTP? Hard to type, especially since he's basically just freakin'...|||Not trying to derail the thread or anything, but what if the Ti types you know DO understand your feelings and are purposefully unapologetic about some of your situations? And logic doesn't exist to...' | 2,316 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'I just took the cognitive process test here, and this is what I got. Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) *********** (11.8)...|||I realize this is a very old post, but anyway... I think the missing personality dimension you're referring to is neuroticism. All four of the Myers Briggs letter correlate with one of the...|||This applies to me well too. Maybe even though I'm a guy I'm secretly really one of your female ENTPs? haha. One way in which I feel like I don't fit the typical ENTP description is that I'm not...|||I enjoy the debating, as long as it remains civil. I like debating best when it feels like it's a discussion, a mutual search for truth, rather than a bare knuckled competition for victory. For me,...|||This exactly summarizes my emotional intelligence, particularly the last bit. I'm still in my trying-not-to-hurt-or-offend-anyone phase though haha...|||Really? No takers at all? It's alright, you don't have to be an authority to answer the question, you don't even have to know what you're talking about. All opinions, wild conjectures, gossip, and...|||I am thoroughly confused about what my type is. As a kid I matched the childhood characteristics of an INFP and an ENTP. Then when I was a teenager I became very shy, withdrawn, and intellectual. I...|||Ok, I really am sorry then. I just assumed you were in the other corner so to speak, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions just because I wasn't sure what you meant. Thanks for the defense. :happy:|||I'm still confused, but thank you for this. snark·y/ˈsnärkē/ Adjective: (of a person, words, or a mood) Critical; cutting; testy. It's a fantastic word, don't you think? It makes me think...|||What have I idealized? And why does it matter that I pointed out the language difference? More importantly, why are you so snarky all the time? EDIT: If curious's interpretation of what you're...|||I have not stolen your signature. I was trying to communicate the idea to Myjazz that if it's meant to be, it will be, and if it's not, it won't, and I used a set phrase that means the same thing in...|||Are you for real?|||Thank you Myjazz. Qué será, será.|||Just an update to give the thread some closure for now: I sent the letter last Tuesday on 8/17/2010, the same evening that I met with the INFJ friend I mentioned previously who had been in a...|||Meh. Read my previous post. I already preempted this counterargument. I see. I meant that it was reasonable at the time the decision was made. Now, I think the rule is outdated, unnecessary,...|||It's not about the attention, I assure you. It's just that I'm a very argumentative person lol. Seriously, it's my biggest character flaw. You have no idea how much trouble it used to get me into. ...|||Fear was probably a bit of an exaggeration, but yes, and I seek ease that fear. What a fascinating personality conflict this is. Your words seem to indicate that to you, what is right and what one...|||An MHP, you say. Interesting. Psychology is my favorite hobby. I can see I should explain myself to you since you know what you're talking about with this sort of thing. You're right, I...|||Don't you think there's a difference between school rules and the laws of morality? And just to clarify, do you really think sending this letter is immoral?|||The cobra? Please, let's not get that intimate. No, I didn't want to back out of the discussion because like you, I am easily tempted into these sorts of things, even though I know I shouldn't be....|||So I'm being unscrupulous by sending the letter, am I? Here's a definition of unscrupulously from yourdictionary.com: not restrained by ideas of right and wrong; unprincipled I suppose...|||If that's really what you meant, alright. However, generally when you say for the sake of argument, you're implying that you don't actually agree the idea in question, but you'd like to set that...|||I got the impression from something that myjazz said that he was being disparaging me sending the letter. Perhaps I was mistaken. You're right, ad hominems are unnecessary. I certainly don't...|||Thank you for saying that, it's very sweet of you. I will send it very soon....|||Myjazz, you are one of the most aggravating people I've ever met. The goal of a true debate should be to have a meeting of the minds, not play 21 rounds of gotcha. Quote me the exact text where...|||Here's the relevant definition of to manipulate from Google's dictionary project: Control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously. e.g. the masses were deceived...|||I have never said that I go to a smart school. I go to a school, period. Once again, you cannot change my mind about sending this letter. I've made my decision. Um, you just do? I don't...|||I'm curious, do you still think I'm manipulating this girl?|||I couldn't agree more. :happy:|||Agreed. I just think one should lay the groundwork for her to make what I believe to be the best decision for me, for her, and for our friends.|||I like this girl. She's funny, and she's unbelievably sweet. She used to not only tolerate me using French words and talking about existentialist philosophy and whatever other strange things I like...|||First, a response to a couple of other comments youx92ve made: The editing help Ix92ve received in this board has been almost entirely geared towards telling me what I can cut out of the letter...|||That never happened. Read more carefully please. Yes. I've said that repeatedly. And my true colors as what? Someone who needs an editor? I have the same problem with length with everything...|||And another selfish motivation I have for doing this, speaking of politics: I like the idea of being a peace-maker. In my estimation, there is no greater act that a person can do in the social realm...|||Reading this thread is such an odd experience lol. I have gone to Therapy before. I've tried it with multiple people. I've never found it helpful. I like to think I've gone through a lot of...|||Reading this thread is such an odd experience lol. I have gone to Therapy before. I've tried it with multiple people. I've never found it helpful. I like to think I've gone through a lot of...|||That's a bit rude, don't you think?|||If it hadn't been for the drama of the suicide incident, I would have just gone on indefinitely in a listless depression, unable to live and too scared to die. The suicide incident was a wake up...|||Interesting. I like most of these changes. Your phrasings are more natural sounding than mine. Thank you!|||To everyone: Please, stop trying to stop me from sending this letter. I have made my decision. You will not change my mind by repeating the same things over and over again. What is helpful is...|||I have never sent a letter to her. I sent a couple to mutual friends which I think were probably interpreted as me trying to send a message, even though that wasn't the case. As I've said several...|||For the last time, there is no restraining order.|||Oh but I love my ego. I would rather work with it to overcome the world.|||Thank you. The email may very well not work of course, but it can't hurt.|||Thank you for your diagnosis doctor. I thought that I was fine, but now that you, someone who's never even met me, insists that I'm mentally unstable and need therapy, I will of course begin...|||Oh and have no fear of going all religious on me. I'm a philosopher and an atheist myself, but I see all religions and forms of spirituality as different ways of expressing the same thing, like...|||Well I'm glad lol...and I would be more than happy to settle for the same level of mutual amicability with this girl.|||You did go over the line once, when you were accusing me of all sorts of things that I don't remember. However, what you've just said now does not cross any line that I'm aware of. I was just saying...|||Chill out myjazz. I thought I had been perfectly clear that it was my intention to reconcile with this person in some way. Although now that I see the name of the thread, maybe not. To me,...|||Here is the letter in its current form. If anyone is interested in reacting to it in any way, please do, I would greatly appreciate the feedback.' | 6,091 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I like to try to come across as funny, quirky, intelligent and different. I do end up projecting self-concious and non-threatening though, which I guess is my subconscious way to try to be likeable....|||Hello, I'm returning to PerC! My last post was maybe three years ago! Interested to see what's new, discuss current topics and learn a bit more about myself. :kitteh:|||Eh... you don't seem so bad. :kitteh:|||Not being funny, but i think you've got some sort of look at me, i'm a real INFJ! Yes, an INFJ!! INFJs NEVER do this, i don't do that, coz i'm an INFJ! You guys are all fake INFJs! I'm a real one!...|||Seriously, porn is fantasy for many people. They may start of light but start to delve deeper into weirder and weirder shit. If the making of that specific porn involved under-aged kids, now that...|||Thanks :happy:. Nice Avatar. Have fun!|||No worries :). Well, just be careful coming off them. CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy has tons of evidence behind it. When you first hear about it, you may oh but that won't work for me (i know...|||It depends, if you get on with your mother, it shouldn't be a problem. A few years is such a short amount of time when you look back on life.|||Probably could also symptoms of general depression for many ppl. How are you doing with the depression? Are you on pills now? Have you tried other techniques like CBT or mindfulness?|||Dad: ENTP Mom: INFP My brother is an SP type All of my family are perceivers.... :shocked:|||You could be. You're probably very difficult to type atm anyway, since you're depressed. I was wondering. maybe some people change personality types throughout life. So maybe you're INFP-like now,...|||It's never too late to study! I know students in their 40s. It can really turn people's lives around. If you're not motivated to write a whole book, how about write poems or take a creative writing...|||I'm a researcher in the field of genetics. Day to day, i'm usually in the lab, analysing results or writing. Other careers i may have considered are GP, psychiatrist or artist. In fact when i was a...|||Sorry to have upset you, i just get frustrated when people think they are incapable of something because of a certain group they belong to- gender, race, personality type, whatever.. :frustrating: ...|||Seems to be from posts on her other thread, INFP ENTP chemistry over a decade, which was basically this but on the INFP forum.... I was kinda surprised. The posts in question were flagged as...|||Hmm i'm not an INFP but i think it involves seeking saviour in your beliefs and convictions, not another person|||Is it though? Or is it an unhealthy version of an INFP thing?|||Interesting thoughts and there some examples where SOME traits are seen as disorders because they dont fit in with society (some cases of ADD and delayed sleep phase syndrome)... but the reason many...|||I have a fantastic short term and working memory but horrific long term memory! I'm also somewhat face-blind...|||Hmmm INFJ i think|||Pps, i used to follow my heart too. But the heart only has its own interests at heart.|||I don't think the sexual roleplay is a problem at all, people do this a lot. But i honestly think the codependency is outside the bedroom. Or it definitely used to be. Maybe it is no longer like...|||Thanks for sharing, It's obvious you really needed to get all this out. Was certainly an interesting read... As others have said though, classic, classic codependency. When you're in that...|||What's the furthest you've got with catfishing? I mean in terms of lengths of the relationship, been about to meet up etc?|||I'm sorry, but there's nothing loser-like about any of the types. If you hate this type so much, perhaps it's because you hate yourself (Do you, i don't know?). I don't mean to be harsh, but saying...|||Because i can see Ni and T-something, and you also mentioned how you seem very outgoing to some people and you specifically mentioned taking other people into consideration (Fe). But you really do...|||Huh? I loved school! I was curious about everything, organised with it, loved textbooks, liked to be the best, got on with my teachers and liked the creative element of coursework and essays. I got...|||I reckon INFJ with well developed Ti|||I'm good at analysing people in general, especially if i'm detached from the person/situation. For instance i'm probably better at analysing people i don't know on here or casual acquaintances. This...|||I'm not entirely sure what alpha is either tbh, i just took it to mean the best. I can relate to wanting to be the best, but i can't relate to wanting to be the most dominant.|||Do you consider yourself ambitious? I think some people want to be the best and some people want to just be competent.|||Uh hu. As i say you may be better in a field where this is appreciated. Probably in your job this should be appreciated, but very often it won't be. Your colleagues will likely occasionally get...|||I was heavily arty as a child and now i'm a genetics researcher. I think it's quite common in INFJs and INFPs. Actually lots of other scientists i know are also arty or creative. Creativity is a...|||Perhaps your job is something that just requires basic work output, hence less meticulous, couldn't care less workers may actually do better since they will just churn it out. You seem like you...|||Hmm perhaps I should watch this show, it might well enlighten me? Actually scrap that.|||Woo girls eh. I know, i think talking to some of them might help. Though i doubt i'll ever fail to roll my eyes :tongue:. Actually i was listening to a rah girl who was on the phone to a friend...|||I know, i am judgemental. Very in fact. Hence half my post was rant-like, the second was a plea to help me have more compassion/understanding :crazy:.|||Yeah these people are usually very well off :p|||This is funny: How Not To Draw: Anatomy of a RAHHH *preview* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Yp_hVF6hOO8/TMLuUVaB-OI/AAAAAAAAALw/n-GAxZBoRxg/s1600/rah+girl.png And apparently the general consensus...|||What's this from?|||I got typed as INTP by an ex-partner!|||Hmm i'm not sure, but you sound very similar to someone else i can't figure out. This person I initially thought was INTP but i've wondered down the alleys of INFP, ISTJ, ISFJ and INTJ.. What...|||Actually, i kinda initially felt proud of your response... and it amused me. I usually wouldn't condone violence in any way, but he did slap you from behind, which is surprising, cowardly and invokes...|||Haha i could write a whole species guide. But i'd probably die from stress. The species is evolving... Some sort of up do seems to be popular at the moment... but UGG boots are no longer...|||Why is it that UK Universities seem to be populated by loud, shallow sounding posh girls who talk continuously with at least 20% of their words being like? Oh it's not the first time i've...|||I thought INFP!|||I actually find the second picture more interesting, since it's a depiction of two people's strict puritan beliefs, which is completely at odds with my own ethic. They also obviously want to convey...|||Dream jobs: Script writer, doctor, marine biologist, sailor, researcher Realistic job: Researcher (genetics) Things are going ok!|||When people are starting out, the don't really understand MBTI.. they often just choose the letters. As they get into it, they may start looking into functions, hanging around forums, talking about...|||I actually agree, my ISFJ friend is extremely stubborn, especially if we've had a disagreement.... to the point where i just feel baffled and have to leave her to it.' | 4,119 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Grey skies, dead trees, cold wind, snow drifting down, and a semi-desolate area.|||Hah, I remember that too. I really wish there were a viable third party option, as the two large ones have given way to rhetoric and demographic appeal rather than helping people. One will have to...|||Liberalism has become a religion, and I'm not a fan of religion. That's as gently as I can phrase my response. This half is an ignorant viewpoint constantly shoved in my face by the media, so I can't...|||Childlessness Up Among All Women; Down Among Women with Advanced Degrees | Pew Social & Demographic Trends Once people can enjoy pleasures without having kids or settling into marriage they tend not...|||Look at some actual stats before being condescending. Educational degrees negatively correlate with the amount of children had. Of course random chance will play a role in how somebody develops, but...|||http://i.imgur.com/Ho5d1.gif|||These are two things I could think of that were around during his time growing up that he's against, alongside the death penalty, though that's an issue he said he changed views on later down his...|||While it's true that most ideologies have been tried by now and that it's all going to be referencing the past, Paul has it specifically centered around his experiences growing up. He enjoyed his...|||I'm going to cop out and skip reading this thread, but I think government incentives for educated, well-off individuals with high IQs to breed would be a nice idea. Also, looking at conditioning and...|||I'd agree if these radical changes weren't a return. As I pointed out, almost everything he wants to enact involves removing things that have been added to the government over the years; this...|||Introverted Sensing often involves storing data and information, then comparing and contrasting the current situation with similar ones. I dunno', it sounds like it aligns moreso with Si. His...|||Welp, I guess this is a minority opinion, but I've mostly seen him as an ISFJ. Si- His entire campaign is driven by the old, conservative idea of regression and return to the past. He is guided by...|||Do keep in mind that MBTI is a pseudo-psychology. From what I've noticed, lots of people find themselves in the position of INXP since the whole, brooding, esoteric, recreational contemplator...|||There will always be people yearning for the ways of the past, the progress of the future, or the sculpting of the present. Free thought nowadays is so much more available in developed countries than...|||Even if it's unchanneled energy, it's a step above the mutters of discontent I've noticed for over a decade. The group has yet to compose itself beyond general mission statements, but said statements...|||Well, I read about the conscious self emerging, at least partially, from the the debate between conflicting viewpoints the brain holds. A Fi Dom should, with inner reflection and feelings as the...|||For me time is going really, really, slowly.|||We all choose the culture we place ourselves in, but only from those we happen to have encounters with. Which is why I don't place too much stress on group identity when it comes to certain...|||Assumptions: Dad- ESTJ Mom- ESFJ Sister- ENTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ (in order of likelihood) Brother- ESFP Known: Brother- ENFJ Yeah, really EXXJ. Oh well.|||Behaviorism and predeterminism was rampant in 20th century psychology. The brain, however, is too much of a changing mechanism for personality traits to be set in stone. People say they've settled...|||MBTI is kind of Freudian as far as psychology goes, so I wouldn't of put myself into the exact description, but I kind noticed different personalities in life, introversion and extroversion, and...|||My general response to this: ¯_(ツ)_/¯|||I don't think it's just sensitivity that annoys me. I could always deal with people like that, or at the very least incidents in life led me to become especially good at dealing with and even helping...|||A stereotypical INFP trait(a JiPe trait held by all IXXPs but amplified by NF behaviorism) is to withhold opinions and carry a generally flexible attitude until one of the traits Fi has come to value...|||I like Ron Paul, but a lot of his policies don't work. Eh. He was the one who advocated for empathy and understanding during the Cuban Missile Crisis, being the only one to have truly lived with...|||Llewellyn Thompson|||In most cases, ESFP. But what counts as the best flirter depends a lot on who is being flirted with. Though I think most would swoon for the ESFP and ENFP flirting(or just bubbly attitude in the...|||I think Si still acts during a situation, but the whole hindsight is 20/20 concept leads Si users to reflect upon what happened more and more, seeing that we could've done an action differently to...|||Depends. If I'm attached to something losing it is pretty devastating, but there are also times when I get that I am free of this burdensome luggage feeling. This applies on a literal and abstract...|||Given the fallacy of the inscriptions having no base reference to work from, I'll be edgy and choose the first box.|||Well, it was supposed to be my mousetrap, but oh well. :s Under both situations given by the first inscription, whether it is false or true, the second box should contain the money. (True-True &...|||Om (with ten characters thrown in)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rconzwB422s Language emerged as a result of sexual selection. People find larger, more elegant words to be sophisticated and intriguing. Something such as 'the, and,...|||According to a test, mind you. Which function do you use to help people? Which function satisfies your ego/saves the day?|||The typical trait is that introverts generally loose energy in a social interaction while an extrovert feels an increase in energy. Then introverts gain energy while alone and extroverts lose energy...|||Not sure. I wouldn't really want excess money for the sake of it, though I might end up hoarding to create a safety net. Tbh, so long as I had a few common luxury items and a generally stable...|||I wouldn't so closely correlate individualism with such a concept. Success, for example, would be defined on a largely non-individualistic standard in that case. And desensitization is only...|||Have you ever considered ENFP, by chance?|||Homosexuality results from genetic changes, and this reverberates, albeit in minor ways, throughout various other parts of the personality. So being gay is more than liking the same sex(at least for...|||It's pretty hard to see if an irrational or rational action is better than the other in the long run, because the goal of the universe doesn't really exist. Somebody could, under irrational...|||1) Describe your parents in one word each. Mom- Emotional Dad- Businessman 2) Choose one: - Significant other 3) Which statement do you most agree with: - Extramarital affairs are not wrong...|||Well, glad we all agreed. Good thread everybody, that's a wrap.|||I like most INTXs. Extroverts can be too overbearing, Sensors can be too slow to pick up the abstract constructs I prefer to primarily focus on, and a limbic Feeler is really annoying to deal with. I...|||If you consider yourself an introvert simply/only because you're shy, then you're probably an introverted extrovert. A lot of ENFPs type as INFP because they see themselves as quiet and shy.|||INFP. Definitely INFP.|||Hi, I'm an asexual pansexual.|||Most of the INFP threads baiting for attention and compliments on this forum can really attest to that. With a natural understanding of people that other types miss out on, the natural ability to...|||I'm currently leaning towards lack of free will, but quantum mechanics makes a determined future kind of iffy.|||I can see how MBTI would correlate with weight. Can't quite put my finger on it, but our cognitive preferences should shape what we happen to value in life and also reflect somewhat in our images....|||What would your answer be?' | 1,541 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Hi All, I'm sorry i've been absent for awhile. In fact to those among you who I speak with personally... i've been a terrible friend these last few months and for that I am truly sorry. I was...|||In terms of politics: ENFP = Lefty Revolutionary ENFJ = Benevolent Dictator ENFP's are extremely concerned with the individual and aren't afraid to tell you about it or to tell you to fuck...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjaZNYSt7o0&feature=relmfu OMFG and... repeat. The other music videos are amaaaaaazing as well.|||Married one... didn't work out haha. She's super cool but always had to be alpha... when someone tries to make me their bitch I have to be alpha. It didn't go well.|||Lol now you're just buttering us up. Whatever i may be I just do what I feel - unless I'm forced to be corporate... but really even then I have a hard time keeping my thoughts inside haha. I had a...|||Do you have a plan? Without a plan it's only a wish my friend. Without a timeline a plan is only a dream.|||Shouldn't there be a question about age in there as well? A lot of people here are just too young to have finished highschool and there probably is a strong selection bias by age/type for...|||Oh man... probably clerical work - organizing things, making lists, shuffling paper around. Ugh. Great thanks.. now i'm gonna have nightmares tonight. Thanks a lot buddy!|||Bah your Fi is not my Fi. - you identify more with collectivism than individualism - you are most comfortable in hierarchical structures I identify more with collectivism because I care...|||47279 Well I can speak to the first one... and it's not the cotton socks. People often say that ENFPs are very supportive. Well my friend in order to be supportive you have to be SUPPORTED! ...|||Hahahah +1. Anyone who says they haven't practiced their How YOU doin? is a liar and probably does a terrible How YOU doin?|||Wool or cotton? Oh so glad you asked... Wool hands down. It maintains it's shape over time, breathes in the summer, is surprisingly warm in the winter, silghtly water repellent, better for the...|||I don't feel that I connect with almost anyone but I'm always looking. I can read emotions like a book from across the room. I always know who likes who, who hates who, how people feel about what...|||Bwahahaha I don't give a damn. And frankly it kinda has to start with some PDA if you're going to get someone to a room with you ;) I guess I could try the Excuse me miss but I think you're...|||Ugh I'm sorry Pink. I had that problem with my ENTP - she always needed to be the center of attention and got really angry when she wasn't. After so many years she actually started saying that I...|||Emotionally yes. I also generally more enjoy the company of women in small groups and men in large groups. I like to talk about my feelings. Hmmm I'm also a damn good cook. I like taking a girl...|||47270 under something like this: 47272 Gotta rock the funky socks ;)|||+1 lol. I bring my tablet to do some writing. Sometimes I don't really want to talk to anyone I just like the energy of a crowd haha. I sometimes stop into this one bar on the way home, eat dinner,...|||Thank you very much :) I have to remind myself of this sometimes as well haha. I really do think it's just as simple as saying CHARRRGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE!|||Well there you go haha. You decided you wanted something, figured out what you needed to do, and you just did what needed to be done. Life really is that simple I think :) Fear, depression,...|||Personally I think it's better to be subtle unless you're stalking a shy guy who just will never make a move. Little touches, complimenting mundane things like his glasses, holding eye contact a...|||Makes sense and yeah I think that does have a lot to do with it. I realized by way of what I really wanted and was not getting that I might just not be compatible with anyone on the other side of...|||Please don't be offended if I think that's adorable :) Well it sounds like you have one strategy that helped you to initiate positive behavior. For my part all of the stuff I was ranting...|||Haha well I think that most of us still gush uncontrollably. It's very difficult not to when I like someone. As a man it's easier because I can just ask a woman out without any associated taboos. ...|||DanAtWork - YouTube Some random shiz on there but quite a bit of trance hahahaahahaha :) Bro-hug! @jbeck1999 lol yeah I'm spending my life looking for those connections. They're so...|||OMFG LULZ hahahahahaah good to see you KOD hahahahahahaahah|||Hahah YOLO indeed. I think that the concept of personality incest maybe what turns people from the concept. Like if you're attracted to people who are definitively like you you're being a...|||Haha yeah that's what I've been finding. So I was with an ENTP for many years and we made fantastic adventure partners. And I easily fell into using my Te and Fi to become the person that our...|||Oh god yeah when I was a kid and getting in trouble a lot a string of counselors/therapists told me to not try to think through my emotions so much... um... ok I'm feeling you asked me to explain...|||Battlestar Gallactica (best TV ever in history) How I Met Your Mother Star Trek Deep Space Nine Bones Breaking Bad Parenthood Farscape ---- (shit i watch from my pc more often than any of the...|||Thanks Naughty! It's great to see you! I only stay away because I love you guys too much haha. It was getting in the way of me reinventing my ish.|||It does make sense hehe. I've actually become instant extremely good friends with an ENFP 8 recently and we are WAY too similar to have long term viability. Out of all of the people that I've met...|||So those of you who have been around awhile and have better memory than me may remember that I said I wanted to date NF's... so that's what I've been doing haha. They're not the most common people...|||Get so full of wonder, love, and amazement that I feel like popping... I want desperately to share this with everyone but often can't manage to haha.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvSgLHWR16o&feature=player_detailpage|||Regarding the initial post - don't process too much man. Just roll with the good. Seriously. Otherwise you'll get stuck in that am I being my authentic self?!?!?! ish. The answer to that...|||Yeah I agree - though I think it's more of the women's preconceptions if I may be so bold. It's not so hard for me I think because I'm a bit of a cocky 8 most days haha. Most women don't see the...|||47104 This is what I look like when I recently did something rotten.... not sure what that was hahahaha.|||Mmm I'll start by saying this: I was married for 11 years but was a total dog from the age of 13 before that up through 22. I'm back into dating now for the last few months and haven't had trouble...|||Haha oh man i've been gone a few months but I see that the ENFP/INTJ love fests are still going strong lol. I know one confirmed INTJ who's dating a friend ENFP of mine and they seem to get...|||Hi Cher, I hope that this helps. I have been in many ruts though I've found what works for me after 33 years of this and that. ...|||I solve problems through brainstorming, unless I've encountered something similar before. I do tend to make things more complicated up front, but I tend to find the optimal solution. I have...|||Get baked and dance to dubstep with my dog... little furry bastard's got moves son. :)|||Some great responses in here. I hope that these two suggestions might be helpful: 1) Try talking to someone about the subject matter. As an extrovert I derive energy and motivation from...|||Hi All :) I've been missing some of you folks but had to stay away for awhile because PerC tends to keep me up late and gets me saying weird shit to people IRL. This ran contrary to what I...|||About her? Mmmm maybe she's giving you a cautionary tale? I don't tend to bring other people's embarassing moments up, but I make A LOT of jokes about my own!|||I like the cheese choice hehe. But I would also like to submit: the all the crap in the fridge stew. Among my close friends I am known for being able to make a delicious meal out of anything. ...|||Well there's philosophically ignorant and then there's subject matter ignorant heh. It's the philosophically ignorant that I get really pissed off about. I agree with you, however I cannot always be...|||Both posts are true for me as well.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grxL5umOE6g&feature=related' | 1,495 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'You beat me to it! :laughing:|||THIS! I don't know what's so hard to understand about it, either. I prefer their Mexican pizza with extra cheese, but I'm damned if they even know what the phrase means half the time. :P ...|||Why can't so many people eat Taco Bell without getting the shits? I mean, this is great for cheap lols and all, but past a certain point you wish people would just stop whining and STFU.|||I have not known one, but there's no reason why one shouldn't exist out there somewhere.|||Some people will find most (or even all) of the things you like and find interesting to be pointless, stupid, and/or boring as hell. Other people, you will find most (or even all) of the things...|||From all I remember, when it comes to teenage and early twentysomething males, it usually boils down to two factors... 1) Is she hot, and 2) Is she stupid/useless enough to make me feel...|||On the job, if they are intelligent, at least relatively trustworthy, have a decent work ethic, actually give a shit about something other than themselves, and are more competent at whatever it is...|||Eh, I've seen plenty of other young NT males (and not type 8's) do it, too. I think of it as a stage that they pass through.|||I have an idea as to why this might be. I see it in a LOT of younger men who are bright, especially NTs. Unfortunately, intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing, and thus, many of these men...|||https://forum.warthunder.com/uploads/monthly_2016_10/necroposting-796x640.jpg.a824d6a5db8b1aaec1473f1749823a75.jpg.f640bcf7348b31d6405676a3d726fd96.jpg|||This passage is from The Long Walk, by Stephen King, and it has always made me laugh. Tubbins had gone insane. Tubbins was a short boy with glasses and a faceful of freckles. He wore hiphanging...|||They're quite right about the value judgments of inferior Introverted Feeling being barbaric and absolute in expression... When I think of an honest living, I think of reciprocity -- not taking...|||Over the course of a few conversations, I have run across something rather interesting regarding geographic areas (United States), gender, and the phenomenon of giving unsolicited advice. Most of...|||You have said nothing regarding her age or any potential health issues. If she's only middle-aged now, she could end up living for decades to come. Forty years from now, are you still going to be...|||Being an extrovert doesn't mean you're bouncing around like a game show host with a meth habit every moment you're awake, lol! Yes, I like my me time, and find it essential to my mental balance.|||I say be careful. No, it's not a type thing, nor even a chatterbox thing. When a guy who barely knows you blows that hot, it is usually a bad sign.|||Is this ENTJ a psychiatrist, or is he your psychiatrist? Because if he is your psychiatrist, then the two of you being involved sexually isn't merely dubious on his part. Regarding the ethics of his...|||I'm getting a BPD vibe, here. Am I warm? No, this is not meant as an insult. It's an honest question.|||Thank you all. At least it was relatively quick... only about a week and a half from when I talked to him on his birthday and he was fine, to being planted in the ground. At least he didn't have...|||Ok. I'm not too good at beating about the bush, so I'll just get to the point. My father is dead. He died late July, after being sick for a week and a half. You remember how I bitched some time...|||There's a lot of overlap in these questions between autism and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Typically, neither an autistic nor an OCPD enjoy their routines being disturbed, or are...|||I would not make a bad therapist, but it would probably be more from the schools of functionalism/behaviorism, or gestalt psych (as Fritz Perls did it... basically, calling people out on their own...|||Dealing with strong Fi tends to make my own Fi louder, if that makes any sense. It is easier for me to hear it, connect with it, and understand it when the process is being bootstrapped by someone...|||Look. New job or not, do you seriously believe he can only spare 10 seconds to shoot you a text once every seven days, but mysteriously somehow gives a damn about you at all? ... I hate to...|||Was thinking mostly of Te development in FPs when I said that. If they are healthy, their Te becomes more developed as they age, in much the same way as our Fi does.|||Elistra, the Emissary of Unwelcome Truth Rustling jimmies since 1976. :tongue: My instinct is that it will break down at least somewhat by age. Some of the younger ones might not like it, but...|||I'm at the extremes on both ends, judging from the feedback I have received over the years. I have no poker face regarding my thoughts and opinions, but at the same time (barring anger) my emotions...|||I think it is not only ok to try and figure out what makes someone tick, but it is morally imperative that you do so, at least if you're going to have to spend any real amount of time around this...|||I used to e-brawl a fair bit when I was younger, too. In my case it was generally on politics boards, or sometimes on the various boards of a (now defunct) MMO, Asheron's Call 1. An NT, married...|||:laughing: Your rhetorical hyperbole aside, I do sense a certain self-defeating streak within you. Not even in the name of a putative 'greater good' either... not martyrdom. Rather, it is in...|||There are sometimes signs. For example, they sort of hang out on the periphery of the group, say nothing, and look awkward for awhile. Then, they go away. If they return and then continue with that...|||This thread is hilarious. :laughing:|||Ah, but you are. You don't actually want to win...|||And that is what you seek here... for us to beat the (verbal) shit out of some kind of inner child of yours? Why? What is the point in this thing that you do?|||I married one of your kind, you would be surprised at how comfortable I've grown with Ti over the years. Ti in service to Te, mind you. Much like Aristotle (often typed ENTJ, as well) I see no...|||So, you kind of have an ENTP trolling subroutine in your mainframe? :wink:|||*reads over the preceding commentary* @knifey Let me guess, you have very weak introversion and are in fact almost an extravert, right? Right on the border, there? You verbally poke in the...|||Surprised you didn't just go for his mom and save yourself the trouble. It's kind of like this... http://i.imgur.com/6SEAD.jpg :laughing:|||If I were to shut down my Fi, I would lose not only my humanity (such as it is), but my moral bellwether, and also the energy source which underwrites everything I do. If you stop and think about...|||Now, if I... 1) Did not experience the oxytocin surge (some people don't, or do but at a much lesser intensity), 2) Had a higher sex drive (testosterone being the primary hormonal determinant of...|||All I ask is that I'm not put in the Bitch box again. One, I've spent a lot of time in that one as it is. Two, it's dingy in there, the wallpaper is faded and peeling, and there are no ashtrays. ...|||When people say that kind of thing, I hear them saying they are a special little snowflake, are afraid someone will figure them out, or both. Harsh, but true.|||I support those who support me, regardless of species. ... although admittedly, what spiritual/religious impulses I do have are along those lines, yes.|||I've never seen the 'don't put me in a box' attitude in someone without it being accompanied by one of the following: 1) OMG I'M SUCH A SPECIAL LITTLE SNOWFLAKE THAT I'M COMPLETELY UNLIKE ANYONE...|||Grats. :)|||I'm growing tomatoes this year, among other things. I don't need pesticides, because I let all the spiders who want to live on them, as well. There are webs stretching between areas of the same...|||What is it with people who use the word yikes conversationally? I've yet to meet even one person who uses that expression who isn't immature, extremely annoying, and not worth talking to, just in...|||Why do they even do that for? Is acting like a smarmy little twelve year-old girl supposed to be even remotely attractive? I'm not into other women, and I'm sure as hell not into children, so the...|||I was never one for casual encounters either, even before I was married. To be perfectly vulgar, there's nothing I can get from a casual hookup that I couldn't get with far less time investment and...|||Tact = WIP, probably always will be. You know, I think part of my problem is that I have the sort of tact most ExTJ can appreciate, but not necessarily others. This happened years ago, but it is...' | 2,213 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Unmasking my true self https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oDBHMV1VJk|||He actually got fired ages ago for looking up bestiality. I wish I was joking. He was a strange guy|||https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14925675_10154345897878141_8445289469619682983_n.jpg?oh=ed8b94f844e17f90f8ba2cf28a9b3f28&oe=588F230F|||I'm back! (but I can't think of any words to say)|||Wow, this is so dark but awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw4FPp8SaZM|||I have a desk job and I don't find it too bad. I haven't done data entry in about 10 years though, but I remember finding it tedious. Now days I get to play around with code and auditing software,...|||I'm a very uncoordinated and self concious person, but I can enjoy dancing on a night out occationally. I need to be a bit drunk before I have the confidence to go up, but once I start I'll be...|||I'm in that early stage of a relationship where your brain is constantly flooded with dopamine and you're insanely happy all the time. It's great :)|||Out of everyone on the forum, I'd like to date @Miniblini Oh wait, I am XD|||Today I'm very happy. I'm full of feelings and stuff 526370|||I hope you don't mind if I hijack this thread with some blues (people tend to like both anyway) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bpS-cOBK6Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eANGHVQS9Q ...|||I took some selfies because Miniblini asked me to 525490525498525506|||I've bought so many games this month, but there's another one I'm thinking of getting. I need it.|||I'm doing housework, it's horrible... I would rather be on steam talking to Miniblini|||Eurovision was very bland this year and I didn't think the winning song was very strong at all. The British entry was much better this year though edit: I also liked Germany's kawaii outfit|||I get super clingy and touchy https://i.chzbgr.com/full/7348917248/h9165DA84/ I also obsess about them until I am a mental wreak|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0|||I downloaded an extension on Chrome that replaces all pictures on a website with pictures of Nicholas Cage. It made Miniblini 's last post even funnier 520834|||Quina makes me happy. Just look at him/her http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/8/83/QuinaMirror.png/revision/latest?cb=20130324124010&path-prefix=it|||It's so hot over here right now, and I don't have anymore clothes to take off :(|||I'm generally a good friend, but I'm terrible with keeping secrets. I wish people wouldn't tell me any because I can't help but gossip about it. I can also be a complainy pants and sulk sometimes|||Tucken, because feet are gross|||I want to marry someone from the forum too http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/945/016/648.png|||The view from my window 519066|||I was planning on having a half-day today, but I'm still sitting at my desk, waiting on figures from people before I can leave. It's making me a Sulkosaurus Rex|||I get mine from Mokona, a mascot character from the anime Rayearth. I spelt it wrong, but still liked it|||Senior Data Analyst here! It's a good field to get into and always in demand. The pay is good, but you need quite a few years of experience to get to that point. Do you need someone to be your...|||I handed in a library book late, thug life. I misbehave more as an adult, I think I'm making up for having such a straight arrow childhood.|||Ah a singles lounge! Time to get paralytically drunk and see what happens!|||I wish I was the person I am now, 15 years ago. I've developed so much from a shy loser to a (moderately) outgoing and charming individual. I feel like I've wasted my youth.|||Can INFJs be quite blunt? I was seeing one a few weeks ago and she came across more like an ENTJ. I got the feeling that it was more defensive thing as she seemed a bit insecure.|||I like anything with a kick to it. Spicy peppers, english mustard, strong cheese, etc My absolute Favorited food is probably some sort of curry that's hot enough to make me cry|||Nope, sunny old England. Maybe there's just lots of incredibly handsome people in Missouri?|||All the cool kids play Pathfinder in sunglasses https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13076544_10153608791796958_9034745700912386018_n.jpg?oh=f8f48d3f0f3b87131a769685ea22f415&oe=57AD36C2|||https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8773562368/h97C6BB7E/|||I've decided to do another comparison with my younger self. 2006ish...|||I don't know! I guess my body isn't very good at telling me when I'm not hungry any more :( (I'd probably make a good bear)|||Uuuuuh, I made 2 days worth of pasta but ended up eating the whole bastard thing in one sitting. Now I can't move....|||I relate to the others, but I've never understood comfort eating. When I'm stressed or anxious my digestive system completely shuts down. My favourite foods taste like ash and anything I force down...|||From my personal experiences, I've only really attracted women when I act the least like an INFP. Although they have always appreciated the deepness and sensitivity once they got to know me. It's...|||We should create a group and make matching t-shirts! Like these guys https://escobar300.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/nwo-1.jpg|||Wow really? A couple of Americans I've met have also thought this. I've always thought I sound quite posh though :(|||I think Satan is misunderstood. No one has ever listened to his side of the story :/|||I'm tucked away in a server room today and it's so cold :( I needed to get away from my office so I could do an online course without interruptions, but I think I chose my location poorly. Well,...|||I'll fight you|||Hmm, I dunno. Most ENTP I've met have been a bit blunt and impatient with me. Do you lot like cuddling at least? Can I be the small spoon?|||I have a date with a girl called Kel tomorrow evening. It will take all my willpower to resist asking her 'who loves orange soda?'|||You ;)|||I was talking to a girl in the club on Saturday. I think I was quite charming to start with, but in the end I got a little drunk. A song came on which I liked, so I thought I'd sing along loudly...|||That'll be from be from the smoke machine and strobing lights. Yeah, I was pretty happy. I can't remember what I was sulking about, but it was temporary :) | 4,578 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Thanks. I wrote it. It's supposed to be negative. Other than that, I'll admit I don't have a great handle on 6 types. Fair enough.|||Emma. I'm so sorry. I already know how you're going to reply to the e-mail I sent you. I'm so so sorry. I can't express that. I'm so sorry. I keep crying, all the time, trying to think of ways to...|||Introversion, not so much. Intuition, possibly.|||Masculinity: 41/100 points Femininity: 60/100 points Androgyny:|||Disregarding what my signature and avatar say, I've been questioning my type lately, so this might be interesting. Sure, I'll appreciate your help.|||Nm bb, you? ;)|||Edit: nichya , lazy and boring.|||Oh, I wasn't saying I did it; I was just asking if it was a hypothetical reaction that I could gauge myself by. As for sexuality -- It's more of a desire for intense connection, rather than physical...|||I wish I was either of those, believe me. They're such great people. And I really don't think I'm an INFP either; it just seems like the only thing I can hide behind for not having a personality. I...|||I don't like people who quote themselves.|||Why do you people make me so uncomfortable?|||Ehh, type 2. I'll pass.|||I've been questioning my preference for Sx or Sp. My confusion lies in the fact that I have no one to 'bond' with, in any way -- I intensely dislike most of the people I interact with. My question...|||I think so. In all honesty, I think the problem is that I simply have no personality to begin with.|||Don't let your type constrain you! Just make a move yourself, if you're interested.|||I don't think he actually presents himself as particularly stereotypically 'masculine,' or whatever. He doesn't really present himself as an Übermensch or whatever, despite the stereotypes present in...|||She already did this once before. I should probably have mentioned that in my first post. I'm incredibly sorry for everything I did to her. I just wish I knew how to express that any better, and...|||Infinite Jest. A friend recommended it to me, and I'm enjoying it so far. I'm several chapters in and still don't know what it's about, but it's good.|||Possibly. I haven't seen him act very socially outgoing, but it might work.|||Believe me, I already am. I might marry you though. Dunno. I like girls with emo vibes.|||I hate the season; it's all contrived artificiality. I hate listening to Christmas music; I hate seeing advertisements everywhere; I hate the faked happiness in people. I wish I could hibernate until...|||Constantly. I don't want to go more into detail, but it's very frequent. It's been growing more intense. I recently made a more serious attempt. It failed, obviously, for...reasons. I'm not sure how...|||I honestly have no idea. There are just some people that seem indescribably beautiful -- there's no other way to explain it. They're just fucking amazing.|||I'll consider it when Hell freezes over.|||From reading transcripts of his speeches, I definitely get a Te-vibe from him. He's incredibly talented at writing speeches, good at reading people, and very intelligent. I'd guess INTJ; Fi probably...|||Yeah, I actually think a lot of depressed people mistype as INFP. I know an obvious ISTP kid that did it, for instance, despite not sharing a single function with us. Yeah, I think this might...|||I don't really understand other INFPs. I think that's the most compelling evidence I have for being mistyped. At the same time though, I have no idea what the fuck else I'd be. I guess I relate to...|||Hahahahaha, this is adorable. Just go kiss him or something! (Or if you're too shy, just drag him to a secluded spot and confess your love, I guess.)|||I'm too tired to adequately explain the reason I'm asking, but IMO there are more similarities between the two types than is immediately obvious, and I'm curious if any of you ever thought of...|||ESTJ: I haven't met many. The only one I know very well is an insane mother of four or five children. I hate her, but I'm not sure how much her qualities are reflected in other ESTJs. I don't want to...|||Caregiver/Intellectual/Spiritual. EII, Sp/Sx 9/4/5. In regard to the test, there aren't really enough questions to establish a good idea of an archetype IMO. I'm also not sure their ideas of...|||Why don't you try directly asking her if she has feelings for you? Be nice to her, of course, but just explain that you don't feel the same way towards her. She'll most likely back off after that, so...|||Yeah, I think posting quotes from users in this thread to prove my point would be considered a 'personal attack', but from the replies I've seen here I'd guess that most of you people's problems...|||I think love should have some reasonable limitations at least, but should ideally be as close to unconditional as possible. I love my friends, but I suppose my love would fade over time without...|||Blue. I generally tend towards plain clothes.|||Sort-of a mixture of both. We'd had a few fights, and I said a lot of things I shouldn't have. I didn't realize it, but she took the whole situation much worse than I thought she was taking it/seemed...|||Lizabeth , thank you for the advice. I'd rather not go into the details here, but she seemed firm on the break being permanent. I'd do anything to earn her forgiveness, and more importantly, be...|||Istj.|||Obviously every person is different, but a generalization here might be helpful. If, hypothetically, you were once good friends with an ENFP, but said something to hurt them and drive them away --...|||That's different than focusing on how specific types interact with other, specific types. AFAIK, there are no official writings in MBTI about this, as opposed to Socionics.|||I don't think MBTI was designed with inter-type relations in mind.|||About a year before I took an MBTI quiz again and became interested in it, I scored INTP and thought the description seemed generally accurate, if not necessarily containing any shocking revelations.|||You have an aesthetically pleasing avatar.|||I don't relate at all to what everyone else seems to agree with. There are many people I strongly dislike, and I find it easy to be annoyed by them. Others I quite like, and I'm intensely fond of...|||Edit: Whoops, double post. Attempting to delete.|||Yes, but your type is determined by what you're like; it's not the other way around--You don't act in a certain way because you're a certain type. You can't claim to be an auxiliary Fe user and then...|||Amaranthine, ISTP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lNZ_Rnr7Jc The caption setting gives the translation of the lyrics.|||Searching for identity is classic Fi. Fe is about merging with others and 'fitting in.' You're almost certainly an IxFP.|||The most mature, emotionally developed, intelligent, introspective, and overall kindest type is obviously INFP.|||Neediness. | 2,684 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Interesting, hmm. I like the process of sketching; sketching is my favorite thing to do. Muscle and gesture are aesthetically pleasing to me. In figure drawing, Ne's my champion. Overthinking from...|||Enhanced sex life included... suffocation by genitals discouraged, however. And, congrats on the tot! May she grow strong in mind and kind in heart and love dinosaurs.|||Under two conditions, I will agree. 1. Fix your grammar. 2. I need to know whether you're a child, a teen, a young adult, middle-aged, or old. From there, I can assess how to behave with you.|||Did you draw that parrot or did someone draw it for you? To Kill for Sport what's my wiring like?|||I could eat your tongue. Blood still tastes like iron, unless...|||The dread when there's a typo in a post. :( I fixed it! INTP should have been INTJ, in regards to the content of the INTJ invasion.|||Alas, I'm married to myself, although it is tempting to skip for sport. But still cook for me? ;D|||I know a couple ENFJs. One is my mother, and so is my friend. My mom is a professor, but she's retired now. When out, she can be found at the theater, at a book club, at an art center, or at...|||I assume you want comfort, then, and not advice, so I'll give you comfort. *pap pap* There, there; it's going to be ok. and advice (in question form). Why do you consider her a friend? What...|||lmao I just started reading it. It turned into such a shit fest... so as Nietzsche quotes... ENTP: One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. INTJ: And...|||You got me at the rice. Cook me a meal. :D|||Why not ascend a thousand leagues under the sea and allow pressure to crush you? Or mutilate your flesh prison by replacing your brain with a uterus. Then you'll get a shark brain. Wouldn't...|||Control your boredom better, feeble human!|||I go on hiatuses often... and I come back to a trashed parrot.|||I've always been 100% confident in my INTP typing, despite taking tests and mistyping as INFP, ENTP, ISTJ, and ENTJ.|||I initially thought Solas to be an INTP, but after Trespasser I've decided he's an INTJ. I'm going to compare his ideology with another INTP that you guys may be unfamiliar with, as she's a...|||499770|||Fe-dominate Ni-auxiliary Se-tertiary Ti-inferior Can explain if it's asked of me, but Judy's definitely an ENFJ. Types I speculate, but would have to look at more carefully (i.e. re-watch)...|||lmao I haven't even started dating. :skunk:|||I'm not confident in how Ne operates in an ISFJ's stack (although I will address it at the end), but here's what I have to offer on exercising Ne (and... tangents? maybe?): Ne is an extraverted...|||*I was going to make an edit to my other post, but I feel like that'd make it too long, so I'm adding my addition to a new post.* Like I said, I relate to no character, because there have been...|||I haven't related to any fictional character as of now, although I do see some loop and grip in Ulquiorra Schiffer, and I could have related to him during my teen years. 1. If there is such a...|||I was being a dick towards my INTJ buddy on Valentine's. She and her ENFP-ex are underdeveloped, main issues on the ENFP's side as I see it now. INTJ's opened up, while ENFP continued to blow off...|||I don't mind women calling me hon, love, sweetie, or duckie, as my English mum endears me. It does irk me if men sling those words that way; they're no longer endearing when men use them...|||It certainly doesn't.|||I'm bringing this back 'cause I'm questioning Kylo Ren's type. One thing that steers my away from ISFJ!Kylo and towards INFP!Kylo is the degree of his playfulness. Kylo Ren loves games. Kylo Ren...|||I had a thought. If Rey ends up being an INFP instead of an ISFP, and Kylo Ren is an INFP, that would make an interesting dynamic. INFP vs. INFP, and I am all for that.|||Personally, if I am confessing, it's never I like you, or I love you. I'll have thought about how I want to express myself way before I dare to express myself... this is in part due to...|||I think it's more obvious he's an ENFP. He BLEEDS his Ne all over the place, constant improvising and possibility vision. Second to his Ne is that Fi, and it's due to the Fi that Finn cannot...|||Since I added my thoughts about Rey, I want to add my thoughts about Ren. I support ISFJ Kylo Ren or a looping INFP Kylo Ren. It really depends on the future installments, as with Rey....|||This isn't going to answer you directly, but I was going to post about Rey's typing and thought I may as well do it in a reply to you. So here it is: Rey is Fi dominant (ISFP: Fi-Se-Ni-Te), not...|||Ha ha, I've done this with female ISTPs before (Annie Leonhardt being an example) because INTP females lack screen time, and I so desperately want to see one on screen, one that is a well-developed...|||I'm too shy to say anything over mic (I'm squeaky and would be like that fluffed up kitten spitting fury) D: also I'm usually in a party chat already. It depends on the trolling. If it's...|||My ISTP sister certainly doesn't fit the mold; she's a very outgoing and social ISTP. Compartmentalizes everything, just about. I can never have debates with her though because she says my ideas...|||I don't know what's been said (not going through eleven pages right now), so if I'm repeating what someone else has said, forgive me. Isis needs to be destroyed. They're messing everything up. ...|||Make a math equation out of this.|||General questions: What type is easiest for you to type? What type is hardest for you to type? Easiest for me is everything but ISTP and ISFP. Hardest for me is ISTP and ISFP.|||Talking about who's on the receptive end, rather than the enforcing end: wouldn't justice be empowering and vengeance be disempowering? We're to assume, if it's another kid to save humanity (and...|||Are you absolutely sure?|||I relate to this. Unless I'm gaming. Ex. last night this guy ran past me, killed the surrounding enemies, then ran away to kill more enemies instead of reviving me. Well, I picked up my bunched...|||I did! I was going to go to the midnight release with an INFJ and others, but I ended up finishing a couple of papers due the next day instead. :angry: btw if anyone has a PS4 and wants to be my...|||Interestingly enough, Eren's initial motivation to slay Titans is a form of justice that twists into vengeance. In the beginning, Eren wanted to free humans from the walls' confines, because...|||Ah, yes. Villains that believe they are the heroes are the most believable villains.|||Maybe, just maybe, you'll finally meet a person that really cares. But they don't. It was just niceties. Also trust. If you say, I trust you with this most secret information, and I learn...|||I have my Fallout 4 pre-order, to be played once I'm 100% sync on Syndicate (unless I decide otherwise).|||Are any of you of the vengeful sort? Very general question, no specifics. If there's something anyone wants to specify for themselves, feel free. Talking about vengeance in general is cool. ...|||The impulses I give into is going places, such as the movie theater or the aquarium, the fair or a walking garden... etc. It doesn't happen often, but here's how it is when it does happen: One...|||For me, I wouldn't say listening to music is procrastinating. It actually helps evoke emotion, which helps me figure out what I'm feeling, and then I can pinpoint why I feel the way I do. I've...|||I forgot about this post, but all of the replies made me giggle. Yes, the next time I am sent filth, I will enlighten my ENTJ slave.|||Oh, it goes both ways. Usually I just stop talking... and then the ENTJ stops talking... and a month later the ENTJ texts me something sexual. That's our usual pattern. :carrot:' | 6,984 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Intriguing. I honestly instantly starting making plans :laughing: Also, I like You're gonna read this.. gold|||Personally, I think it's because of how school is fundamentally structured. Do this. Memorize this. Quiet. Sit down. Be quiet. Follow orders. BE QUIET! That, and the way you were raised....|||Does anyone ever get the thought that they could've been friggin Einstein if raised a certain way? I remember when I was four and I would say facts that I've noticed or learned out loud (now I...|||No, the opportunity cost for watching something else holds far more value in my mind.. Though I do need to pick up the habit of rereading good non-fiction from the past.. But I do something very...|||1. Ni Feels like more of an intuitive picture, but it could also be relatable to your personality.. the hood.. the expression on the inside.. reminds me of Fi (feels like correlation going off my...|||Welcome, INTJ :proud: I think the way you answered question 5 gave away your Ni/Te :wink: (you intuited the sentence a bit too quickly)|||Homeostasis? Risk Aversion? Your amygdala is flipped the wrong way. You're comfortable. Go outside. Build a fire. A philosophical one. Do it.|||I didn't want to influence the direction with my ranting, I wanted to hear unfiltered thoughts on the subject.. First of all, I am amazed at my rationally irrational brain. Maybe it's just the...|||Thank you. *GGRRRRRR*|||I was about to say, most of these things pretty much distract me :confused:. Then I looked at your type, damn extroverted intuitives :tongue:. Sometimes I'm jelly. Most of the time I feel like: give...|||http://youtu.be/GDAzsZLvfPw|||What situations or techniques do you find bring the best out of your intuition? Now this might sound like it's coming out of left field.. I've just updated a chrome extension Turn Off...|||I would say it's a big possibility that he's INTJ. Now, I'm only participating in this thread because of a wild coincidence I just came across. I wanted to hear a speech from Steve Jobs tonight, and...|||Holy crap, you can lock me up for triple posting, but my ego was just inflated by Steve Jobs himself: [0:48] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJvtdYeAqZc&feature=player_detailpage#t=48 s I...|||And so we've come to a full circle :tongue:|||:wink:|||My hunch tells me Ne. When you feel like the world is about to end, do you image all of these things that can happen? And opening doors.. another thing that points me to Ne, if I'm perceiving...|||Loving this thread, very interesting read, and I want to say thanks to @antiant for putting this together.. currently just digesting this mass of influence and perception, but I want to give a quick...|||Probably an ENTJ or ENFP I tend to attract near opposites.. which is good for the soul :proud:|||Was expecting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx2u5uUu3DE But thanks for the assistance in direction.. inspired me to get back to work!! :crazy::laughing::crazy:|||Yeah, you actually watched the movie so you definitely have more weight in saying what his type is. Also, I just looked up Ozymandias.. interesting. Thank you.|||I've yet to watch the movie (want to read the book first), but honestly that sounded like INTJ. Both types are so very close anyway. There are definite advantages to being a celebrity and CEO....|||Yeah, isn't everybody? I think the internet opened me up to how everyone is oddly the same.|||I wish I could downvote you :frustrating: Thinkers and feelers both act on their core internal value systems.|||You really don't have much to worry about. About everyone is at the center of their own universe. You are, in your own way. An INTJ in the same situation as you might feel the same thing you are, but...|||Juggernaut Thank you for the insight.. I felt that I had to voice it; I believe you just helped me open up to a few channels.|||That's funny because I have Ne-Ti envy :laughing: We all wish that we were the king of all trades, it's ok.. just takes time :proud:|||The INTJ in his most natural habitat :tongue: http://i.imgur.com/0c1tg.jpg|||Yes, making my Why's concrete, allowed me to perceive at an even greater depth of how all of my works can tie into and reinforce each other. I'd have to say that one of my inspirations in this...|||Double post :mellow:|||So far I've actualized ~three purposes. One of them being to liberate minds on a massive level. As for plans? They all feed into these purposes with a few stray branches. Right now I'm trying...|||I really do love it when people let out their inner child. You know how everyone says: Awww they grow up so fast!! That's because we do! I'm only 8,000 days old, so I think I'll hold on...|||Your strategy may have some merit, but keep in mind your judging a mix of that person's intelligence and communication skills. His proficiency and social environment being the main factors in getting...|||I believe that common sense is inherently uncommon. Your community's common sense is not another community's. Different geography, environmental factors, worries, etc, etc, etc. I think a lot of...|||Can't.. stop... watching......|||This! I love it when I'm talking about a concept or phenomenon that I just learned about, and he receives and regurgitates it in a way that's sometimes so far off than what I even thought about,...|||I'm like a rock in this aspect. A really, really heavy rock. You'd have to roll this boulder up a mountain resembling a roller-coaster track; and by the time you get halfway up there, you're gonna...|||Like ying and yang.. ESFJ and ISFJ (Awesome thing) Young me tended to attract opposites.|||I don't think she did :shocked::sad::bored:|||Yes, it is. And Confusion, at first with what you were explaining, my intuition told me intuitive; but, I wouldn't dismiss ISFP just yet.. See what you said about people and TV? That might...|||Now that I go back to your previous post.. it seems almost strange. For me, I've always defined the relationship as Sympathy -> Empathy. You can feel both at the same time, but you can't feel empathy...|||I always seem to remember more of the flow of the song. I think remembering the particular words might be more of an Se/Si thing :tongue: But at the same time, I tend to remember the few lines...|||Wait wait wait.. You could even consider intuition irrational in a way. It's the answer before the question. For the most part, it doesn't lend itself to emotional intelligence. Feeling is...|||I can see where you're coming from, but I would definitely frame it like: Your personality type can be more likely to have certain disorders.|||I just want to say you guys are awesome.. I should probably tell him that, shouldn't I. Gaahh I feel like I shut him down a lot with my Fi. But he's still cool and still does things without the...|||This is interesting.. soo this made me think that, maybe you're more in touch with people because you had an actualized connection with them when you were growing up, increasing your [production of]...|||Ooo extraverted intuition.. welcome! And your likes lead me to believe that you're on point with your typing. Yes! I love the essence of the language.. I wonder what disciplines or fields have...|||Look, this is what helped me decide: Fi vs Fe Sympathy vs Empathy. I can most defintely feel sympathetic for someone, but most of the time.. I never feel that hardcore empathy, actually...|||WTF is one of the subs I do not visit.. but maybe I should more often i.imgur.com/J5HTt.jpg hahaha Thanks, will do, it's kind of nice to have a little randomness, reddit's subs are all...|||Damnit CafeBot :tongue: Anyway, a few of my interests in one mind melting video.... youtu. be/EaZG-_iiH-4' | 1,244 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'I hope that all of you guys know that what happened to the Titanic was real and true... Oh yeah.. 'Titanic' Movie: 21 Fans Who Didn't Know That The Titanic Was A Real Tragedy Also, Titanic was an...|||PerC should give us an option for choosing our type just by saying NT,NF,SF,ST, etc... Cause I honestly think I could relate to ENTPs, INTPs, INTJs, and ENTJs throughout my life... I'm just a solid...|||I'm scared of them. Seriously.|||Nah, I used to think that designer clothes were important in high school, but when I started college, I gradually started to wear simple clothes. I tend to look at Target, H&M, or Levi's as my...|||I do these sort of things as well. Though I don't know much about the functions so hopefully someone can help you out with that.|||She reminds me of that type of girl who's incessantly talking about nothing of significant value...|||Yeah. It's fun to visually imagine things and map them out and build them up. Sometimes I like to rotate a few visuals around, like you would do in a CAD program. This sort of thinking works both...|||Visual - 13 Kinesthetic - 3 Auditory - 0 I love listening to music... A lot.|||First off, stop watching those crazy drama shows where people talk behind each other's backs and end up backstabbing the hell out of anything.... After that... Your World. Your Life. Everything. Will...|||Non-existent. Kinda. I usually don't let my guard down.. but only to a few, select people, who I sometimes open up to but not like every time I talk to them. I have always done an annual assessment...|||It varies. If it's something that's important or that I'm passionate about then of course I'll make myself clear. Otherwise, I'd probably be oblivious to my mysteriousness unless someone points it...|||I've haven't been in a relationship.. or so I think..|||I just read the thread title and thought... Yes. It is possible to move between an INTP and ENTP. ONLY IF there are two such people within the same vicinity as you are. Though the INTP probably...|||Youtube link or this never happened. Nevermind, I managed to visualize it whilst reading your horrible experience. But seriously? A slim jim? I never knew that people still ate those meat sticks.|||Nope. I have a watch to help me out with that.|||Eureka! to Doctor Who? Well, from the current Doctor, Matt Smith. When you watch him whilst he's thinking of a plan and comes up with it, you see his facial expression... and it's somewhat...|||Lightbulb! > Eureka!> Doctor Who > Geroooniiimoooooooooo For those visualization examples-- I know that it says visualization, but I don't know if that's for us to visual or if that's what you...|||Woops. I voted, but I didn't read that extra requirement where we had to be straight. To be honest, I don't think it matters.|||Photos or it didn't happen. Did it ever occur to you that he was only staring at you because he was trying to draw you and put you in a comic book that he's creating?|||48528 This is what the moon looks like from Space. This Is What the Moon Looks Like From Space | Space.com|||Everything in its right place. My place happens to be clean. Nothing is on the floor besides my furniture. Not much mess on my desk as well; I tend to clean it off before I go to bed unless I have...|||The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - DON'T PANIC! Chronicles of Narnia - I read the whole series when I was thirteen and enjoyed it immensely. Calvin & Hobbes - Love this.|||1 The Originator 1's are originals. Coming up with new ideas and executing them is natural. Having things their own way is another trait that gets them as being stubborn and arrogant. 1's are...|||Major in Product Design. That's what I did. I see it as a combination between Art and Marketing. With Product Design (Industrial Design) you end up being a jack of all trades so to speak. You need to...|||deSouza: 1w2, 7w8, 3w2 sx/sp splashedcolors: 3w2, 5w6, 9w8 Boxter9: 3w4, 7w6, 9w8 saltare: 3w4, 7w8, 8w7 Marzipan01: 4w5, 8w9, 7w6 (sx/so/sp) O_o: 5w6, 3w4, 1w2 Agent Blackout: 5w6/7w6, 9w1,...|||I tend to ramble on when I'm thinking out loud. It confuses the people that I'm talking to so I have to verbally tell myself to stop talking. Then I walk away. It is hard to NOT say something and I...|||Wait. Did he say that he liked you just out of no where or did you ask him if he liked you? Or was it more of a like where he was comparing you to someone else? Or are you actually in a like...|||Fantastic.|||When I'm stressed, everything just seamlessly comes together.|||I tend to just.. Talk. With an accidental disregard as to whether the person understood what I was saying. Though, every now and again, I'll ask if they understood my train of thought or whether they...|||Don't you hate it when you're walking with your friends and you cross the street because you don't see any cars coming by... then you turn around in the middle of the road just to see your friends...|||ENTP 7w8 Your Noble Score is 6 Your Socratic Score is 3 Your Reflective Score is 1 If your Noble score is higher than the other two, you are a Noble. The Noble is direct, straightforward,...|||I like to guess and check and learn along the way. But if I know that it's something that's super important and will have dire consequences in the future if the work isn't done correctly, then I will...|||Oh, please don't talk about naked people doing random things or throwing feces and stuff about horrible monsters. All of these images in my head start popping up and I actually see them. It's a gift...|||A good friend of mine is going to be leaving for the other side of the world, soon. Lately we've been talking about our experiences together during the time that we've known each other. I'm going to...|||Keeping it simple with a black t-shirt and dark denim jeans. I read an article about a few designers who wore something simple everyday. One of them was about how Steve Jobs kept wearing the same...|||Question: So does this mean that the INTP had more knowledge about the idea beforehand?|||I'm not really interested in the nightlife... whatever that may be to any of us.|||I've noticed that my friendships with people tend to last an average of two years. I don't have any childhood friends nor have I kept close contact with the friends that I have made during my high...|||Are you kidding me?! I have a super active imagination. I hate scary movies. And when someone mentions ones of those crazy people that you see in those scary movies... I can see them automagically...|||Animated Inventor INVENTOR Your imagination, self-reliance, openness to new things, and appreciation for utility combine to make you an INVENTOR. You have the confidence to make your visions...|||Paranoid||||||26%49% Schizoid||||||||||||||58%53% Schizotypal||||||||||||||||||||90%53% Antisocial||||||||||||50%47% Borderline||||18%47% Histrionic||||||22%43%...|||Let me guess.. you're the lowly secretary? To be honest this ENTP probably doesn't know that they're doing it, so yes, do tell them if you wish to unless you're scared to do so. Actually, why do...|||Fringe, House, Eureka, Doctor Who, Bones, Leverage, Castle, etc.|||I love giving direct eye-contact to people. I sometimes do it as a test to see how long they can sustain such eye-contact and if their the ones to look away first. It's sometimes funny if they do as...|||Gotta teach you how to kiss the next time around, buddy.|||That's not crazy. That's pretty normal.|||A clusterfuck of awesomeness would occur.|||Sharks with knives? Reminds me of that Snickers commercial. I was eating Nutella with this really great Bimbo pre-toasted bread just now and it's delish. I used to be interested in Greek Mythology,...|||If I initiate the conversation to someone that I know who would understand the subject that I'm going to talk about, then I will be enthusiastic because I don't need to worry if they aren't on the...' | 908 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | I know an ENFP when they are LATE for their appointments - or simply opportunistically double scheduled, knowingly.|||INxJ friend and me last month visiting New York ... errrr I mean Paris. I found the cute miniature statue of liberty! 717329|||Are ENFP's generally bad at managing money? - or just deliberately bad at managing it because it doesn't hold as much value to them as it does to others? I have an ENFP friend that spends like...|||You may find me in the following places: - the office - subway / bus / train, i tend to commute / travel a lot - random city centres doing sightseeing, grabbing some food and shopping with a...|||You really expect someone with such experience to write a biblical page on that (because that takes serious effort to explain properly), while you only devoted two meager lines on it? :p And as...|||What about your enneagram 7 though? And don't ''they'' say that INFP's don't doubt about being INFP's, but that ENFP's doubt about being ENFP's/INFP's or not? The only thing that kept me on...|||I suppose that a healthy INFP male can be very attractive to women in that they *seem* very unshaken and untouched by all the mainstream nonsense that is happening in public. They do not react...|||in my experience, first of all you need to feel that strong lasting mutual attraction and chemistry (not the one that fades after 3 weeks because people get overly excited when seeing / learning...|||@ukulele @Did It Hmm, i browsed my older pics, this is the closest I can come up with: it's rare for me to have ''shorter'' hair 716154|||It sort of reinstates what I tried to explain with my theory I think. Hot and cold flashes to keep you close, but still at a distance so that he does not have to choose and can keep his options open....|||Careful? It's very hard for me to make mistakes really hahaha .... how does one do that when it comes with relationships/love? I honestly don't get it! But then again it just means i'm single most of...|||I'm not sure yet about ENTJ's, but I start to feel like it is probably better to forget it - OR - I will still run into my very dominant female crush <3 Other than that I'm still interested pretty...|||Don't say that :shocked: everybody will point fingers and nod their heads and say: ''yeah, typical nico, that bastard always being a type-racist to everyone!!''|||Classic. and heartbreaking. Losing your Fi-works is just ..... frustration and mourn level 1000. At some point I started to use Word to make a draft.|||*laughs* These sort of revelations and thoughts are awesome :laughing: I can so relate. Makes me giggle. *pats Meg on the back* - but you're a great kid though, I hope your parents give you the...|||These sort of threads always generate the ''standard appropriate correct'' answers that sweep MBTI off the table. Everything with everyone is possible whenever. Yeah duh, but those are boring...|||I especially love the last one MissAl - so radiant! It looks so good on you! :)|||I'm emotionally dominant, but sexually ideally I take a very submissive role if possible / compatible. I usually end up being in the submissive role while actually still controlling the situation...|||but that in turn totally emphasises my message in the literal sense as you took it initially :tongue: haha|||Clearly, but you failed to understand the approach. I asked if such statement would be effective (to activate ENTJ brain and engage, thought that would be obvious... :p expected different response).|||As a kid I was pretty crazy. Wanting positive attention from others and be none like the others, I was the class clown. Wild (bad) ideas and trying to get others to do things I wanted to try/explore....|||Well, then you failed showing that to me :tongue: or i'm oblivious to it. Anyway I wasn't being sarcastic this time. IT WAS COMPLIMENT OKAY TAKE IT :shocked: ... DO IT, TAKE ...|||Same for me (except for the parties), though I have learned that you can also ''train'' to become more energetic and resilient to have energy sucked from you. I believe my low tolerance for other...|||Yay Meg! :) Now i'm really eager to know how that convo went :0|||What, why? :sad:|||Lord Pixel - couldn't handle?|||You've always been kind, honest and humble - i cant fight you :crying:|||Oh that basically means they looked for an easy way out to deal with the necessities and obligations of life. Especially works well for women too. No need to fool yourself with that :p But sure,...|||I don't think i'm interested in fighting for the attention(-span) and interest of an ENTJ. Go impress yourselves. Will this do? :rolldeyes:|||:3 <3 *sways* https://youtu.be/rYKTPimiF68|||edit|||so eager. but, this is a veterans battle.|||WHO !!? it's time to kick the 4 off the eternal throne, and that 9 sidekick. more balance more interesting|||so many 2s all over the place all of a sudden thats very good|||I feel some similar language in here yea :p awesome! - and whoa, from ESFP to ISTP is definitely new territory! Must be exciting and super interesting! That's one of the things I have been thinking...|||This is where it gets so interesting! Because i've had this discussion before in a way. It is reversed for me, compared to you. When I don't love someone yet, I can't be in a relationship and won't...|||Thank you for your reply :) Well first of all :P ... if that is you in your avatar than you kind of look quite like my ex, which makes for a bit of irony. How do you mean that you haven't...|||I want to chip in on this. Full grown beards? maybe when i'm 65 in my case Also, admittedly i'm skeptical too about your height, Eefje :p you don't look 1.73m - I will have to verify sometime....|||Lemmy - it looks very nice, and cheery! (can I use that in English? In Dutch i'd say ''vrolijk'' :)....) :proud:|||fucking hell Again hour long discussion with family how Nico doesn't fit in their way of life and how somehow all their perspectives are omni-applicable to everyone for problems in life - and -...|||Those are really great compliments <3 - that means a lot Eefje anoninfp Sensitive Guy (fellow 2w1 :o !)|||This morning I was at serious risk of oversleeping myself once more. Thankfully it was only 5 minutes, but I felt it could have easily been an hour just as well. I have a bad history on...|||I can't concentrate anymore|||omg, that IS us MissAl i'd soooooooooo plan world domination with you yes that is Eefje - she provides us nourishments|||i'm in a good spot right now - though already afraid when the cracks start to appear and I feel like ''missing'' certain things. Let's just still apply the day-by-day approach. My next...|||I will always find ways to make something useful out of your chaotic mess. Don't accuse me for misinterpretations then though :p !!|||You're bright though, i'm very confident that you will be able to figure this out yourself - not to mention the 'fact' that the whole world except me loves to to read (this is a defensive way of me...|||graf ..... but what would be a ''grave'' then? Apperantly Tombe exists in Dutch as well.|||hehe :3 - well do not worry my one *takes away restless brain*, it's okay, no need for the extra discussions. *auto-fills* Sorry, I didn't meant to seemingly imply you in that story. Maybe I...|||Haha, that is good to hear! And you know what? This is that kind of optimistic, hopeful, confident, positive and cheery energy that can be so attractive in/to other people. I believe that if you keep... | 5,375 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Is this a reference to gradient descent in Deep Learning?|||Corporate B.S. Generator|||Would of, more then. I know those are not big mistakes, but English is not my first language so I wonder what's the issue with people, is it really that difficult to just write it right?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfGD2qveGdQ|||graduated in computer science, favourite language: c/c++: never been a genius in programming, but I like being creative, I programmed my own chess program from scratch for my dissertation, without...|||Could you provide evidence of the physics world coming to an understanding that binary code is buried deep within atoms? I am really interested in computer science but I don't know much about physics|||What I'm going to say is probably totally debatable, but I don't believe in modern science, for things like this: To me these studies imply that the ultimate goal is to live longer, to have...|||I thought it was amazing, but when I searched it up on google, I came across a page that implies that the experiment might be a made up of an author and might not have taken place at all ...|||BroNTP|||My inspirational people already communicated enough to me, I don't need to speak to them, I'd use this power just for fun I would like to sit in a table with Jung and Freud, and watch them having...|||My opinion. Does it matter for what? from what point of view? - For the amount of dopamine released during a lifetime (happiness) of an individual? Probably not, I remember reading some...|||I can't agree with this, I'd start crying without my smartphone, I have a nokia n900 with linux inside, with all my awful selection of songs to play when I'm walking outside, I have a program that...|||I don't believe in luck in the conventional way, but I do believe that, similarly as FunDogg stated, you can create an environment around you where you actually allow luck to come your way|||Probably the fact that a lot of ENTJ's want to be CEO's, they don't know exactly for what company, they don't know exactly in what field, but they know they want to be CEO's, they get excited...|||italian/british accent grew up in italy, been living in the uk for the last 6 years it sounds horrible if you're wondering|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQqCmvLLcGQ|||Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia|||I used to cry really easily when I was a child, anyway, last time I cried was many years ago, I don't know if I don't cry because I don't want to let go or because I'm now 25 and full of...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQqCmvLLcGQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxrWuE5qC5c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_81AQDSao4|||I think your opinion is quite realistic and I liked it, for my opinion, INTPs don't see themselves as leaders or followers, they are just forced by some dumb social rules created by fear and...|||I don't know the difference between creativity and imagination, If creativity is actually giving a form to random associations of brain symbolisms (imagination) that suddenly raise to the...|||Most of the things I say in a debate are directly related to pointing out the unrealistic version of my opponent's logic caused by...|||Einstein, his natural and honest curiosity made him face the unknown with passion, this was really inspiring to me. I loved his way of interpreting the world, I also read the letters he wrote to...|||95514|||few months ago I bought a Nokia N900 (the one with maemo linux inside), and, using the emulators, it can play sega genesis, gba, snes games perfectly whenever I am, and it has a mini-keyboard, so you...|||I have the power to pronounce the right combination of words that turns instantly a conversation into a boring moment of boringness|||i) sometimes ii) I personally don't think you should get inspired with the ultimate goal of defining/improving your career, that's just wasting your life (my modest opinion), why should you use...|||I chose to show this avatar to some people I never saw in my life but I share a sense of sympathy, because at the end, I can do whatever I want with my local reality, be a McDonald employee, maybe a...|||94274|||What if I just go into film making? I mean there are no more new ideas, just repetitive copies, look how sad, the godzilla trailer I just saw in the publicity on youtube is awesome, I mean, i didn't...|||I think that's a very interesting question. I think modernism of course makes us forget our instincts and it uses some of them (fear) to its advantage, to keep the pyramid of fake values (like...|||I'm sure you can change your life if you want to, and what I discovered is that, when a decision is really yours, you don't normally regret it, because you know there was some of you behind it. The...|||Well, today didn't start yet, it's 9.40 here in uk, but, considering my past history of unexpressed thoughts, almost every time I encounter someone who is studying philosophy and thinks they are an...|||Yeah it's amsterdam, I was with a friend, amsterdam is nice, we don't normally smoke weed but we tried and it made us so lazy that we didn't even dance in a nightclub we went, I don't remember if...|||I can touch my elbow with my mouth (I have a picture demonstrating it) and I can open a beer with a lighter, hahaahha|||That's a very intriguing question. I don't think this possibility is compatible with our type of existence, our mind and actions are balanced thorough a rewarding system of dopamine and other...|||Hahahah, the best theory I could come up with about your reply, is that it makes sense if I combine the words in a certain manner, so It's pointing out my way of writing. If that's the case, my...|||I was wondering if it happens to a lot of people I mean, you meet a person to an event or party or in any situation, and confidently avoid any common social ritual or mechanical social flow,...|||I've not been bullied in my school years, but it was just chance, the big guys in my class and in my school kind of respected the fact that I was in my own world and didn't care much about social...|||917029170391704|||I try to keep all my knowledge undefined, because defining something means closing a part of my mind, I enjoy having chaos inside, because I know this is keeping my creativity alive, it rewards me by...|||Femininity is when she convinces you she's the prize without saying a word|||I don't think INTPs aren't natural leaders because they feel inferior, but because they tend to not respect those man-made unfair rules that govern our surroundings as an INTP, I'll state my...|||I think art is necessary. We are in the middle of cosmic chaos trying to figure out patterns that make us feel safe, and it's the job of the artist to find a meaning worth expressing given this...|||I came to the conclusion that telling someone they have no chance with you is the best option, because you solve the problem straight away, and you don't risk creating a system (that I call mental...|||At a very young age I came to the conclusion that no topic is important because in 100 years time our generation will be another number and the cycle will start from scratch, with new generations...|||I failed maths from my first year of elementary school until last year of university. I never understood it, I never understood how could you close your mind so much by using your energy to...|||Anything that is miss-interpreted or miss-understood pisses me off, because I believe that's the basis for a cruel world|||This is my extremely opinionable opinion: scientific method alone has its limits, and for my opinion is not the best method for understanding the unknown surrounding our chaotic existence, in fact...|||This probably goes back to my first sentence saying all the rest is interpretation and social adaption to this concept, where it's a matter of interpreting a fact which might or might be less...' | 5,681 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cWKTFuAFcOY&feature=kp|||I dont know why but I have an overpowering urge to ask if youre rich....are you?|||:cool:[/QUOTE] ......I wonder why|||ISTP party at your place?? We can invite ourselves and bring our shadows|||Currently 140 posts, We lose many Istps that way I generally go online for random bits of info and jokes as well as to get work/emails done Nowadays I spend most ofmy time on reddit (dat random...|||I know the title is oddly phrased but ISTPs are seen as artisans and masters at whatever they choose to be their crafts and tools both physical and mechanical. I was wondering what 'art' or types...|||The way i drift in and out of music, I dont have any clear favorite types and enjoy random songs and bits that I hear. When I like a song its usually for the rhythm or musical structure of it and...|||Its more like I dont have anything better to do so might as well do X mundane task I've been putting off. Me actually being busy means something Needs to get done This is good to hear. Im a...|||And how fit is that? Once you reach that level of fitness, why bother continuing? Personally, boredom is my primary motivator|||If you're referring to me, I exercise and do martial arts consistently and thoroughly enjoy both experiences (thats why I do them). Further I have a hard time believing any exercise is pointless and...|||easiest way would be to claim an objective then whoever reaches it first wins. We can certify that either verbally (some mutual implied honor thing) or pic/vid evidence. If we really want...|||Can someone explain the objective/subjective stuff near the bottom? Especially these- STPs appear to be (and believe themselves to be) using their reflexes when they're actually using their...|||To comment 1 - How bout a concurrent contest then To comment 2 - not something new necessarily, just adding a game/competitive edge to something general or common. That Or something...|||I love competition but the things I need to do are not directly competitive and noone ever wants to compete in things I want to do. Speaking of, you said squat challenge? Saw the abs...|||I've been meaning to find a way to do this stretching routine daily phraktured.net: Molding Mobility. It'd be great if someone else wanted to join Also, lets avoid the 1000000 crunch thing, they...|||I love competition but the things I need to do are not directly competitive and noone ever wants to compete in things I want to do. Speaking of, you said squat challenge? I'd gladly burn a...|||I call it a necro What do you do on skype|||Thats how these things usually go (Im joking of course but it would force OP to do something different)|||Ive heard the switching topics thing is more is SP trait and causes sort of a spiderweb train of thought thing and I personally attribute that to Se's openness and somewhat Ti's ability to simplify...|||Sounds right|||I have two ideas sprouting from what youre saying and your allusions to others with our functions 1)Perhaps the problem is that our dominant functions are introverted and the solution is getting...|||Go on......|||....*excuses self from this awkward scene*|||I doubt my Se cares on either point ...someone takes a bit too much pleasure in looking down at others|||...someone takes a bit too much pleasure in looking down at others|||Gee wiz, what gave you that idea Mr.Scientist|||Thats almost a good idea|||kineseology -->personal trainer?|||What did you guys do about/with school|||Base difference - ISTP put more thought into their thrills Bonus difference- ESTP are great with people I should probably mention that my younger brother is an ESTP and we are very similar to...|||Hey guys, the bright lovely beuutiful holiday season is here. Whats your favorite part of the holiday season|||I'd probably sleep through it This sums it up nicely ->1:46 http://youtu.be/ojydNb3Lrrs?t=1m46s|||IC,intuitors being abstract. I'll just be on my way then|||ugh|||what did you people do to him|||At the very end And for me.....|||good to know im not the only istp with this smile reflex. Ive been attributing it to the wrong thing all along|||This sounds about right, If they were truely ISTP and started a conversation with you they wouldnt have just left it at huh and wouldve stayed around the awkwardness and found another way to probe or...|||I think he meant moving from/through topics quickly or in our case thinking through quickly, something SPs are said to do. Reading that, my immediate thought was shuffling? are they standing? whats...|||integration/fusion with the environment|||This explains so much. My dad is an ESTJ and he enjoys waking us up early and screaming chores at us to do|||Not sure how I feel about INTJs but nice to ..um.......read about you|||Meh, it happens. You wanted to help a stranger and someone else beat you to it. You were apprehensive about the moment but arent any worse off for your hesitation IMO. So shake it off. Unless I've...|||ISTP idea of fun for the holiday..........I got nothing|||I can tell this guys an istp. Gesture says hug body language says GTF away from me|||I never had this problem. I was the only one that knew how to work the camera|||ISTP arent easy to troll, we're more likely to troll than be trolled but thats besides the point Whats going on here|||Well, Im doing science for fun so..... Well, I never watched/liked bob the builder but would you know if the second Geass-Akito the exiled has been translated anywhere (edit, or rather I do...|||Shhhh, Im actually trying to DO something with my knowledge|||Well, is your bike actually broken and is it a problem with the chain' | 3,356 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'NomadLeviathan Yeah, it can take this form as well. The hip-ratio is extremely important in regards to healthy childbirth, dating to our evolutionary past. As death during labor was common, mates...|||We love to eat. No doubt about that. I prefer the muscular, hydrated look compared to the ripped, thirsty look any day. Males look for someone healthy, who would be able to safely ensure the arrival...|||Peter You would be wise to take a stab at this from another perspective. Say, if INFJs and INTJs innately know things, beyond our control, as we are receivers of thoughts and feelings by others,...|||I hear ya. But then ask yourself; How do I know what I know? And watch yourself navigate that rabbit hole.|||You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. - Albert Einstein Although this is true; The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the...|||Ethanol Although I'm an atheist, I highly respect the Jesus figure. But, don't limit your personal philosophy to just the Christian savior figure. From Krishna, Horus, Muhammad, to Buddha, all of...|||Peter What's interesting to me is the way you dealt with these situations. I think it's a very typical INFJ way. Not my way of dealing with these kinds of things, but since it worked for you,...|||The replies were everywhere! From personal psychology, to religion, to personal anecdotes, and everything in between. But, I think this thread contains a plethora of information that can help anyone...|||I hear you, fam. What are you doing to help? With such a wide array of problems, one would be best served to devote yourself to a specific mission, rather than take on all of the worlds...|||Peter If you're still on this in light of everything that has been posted, then I digress. Sure, my parents were shitty growing up. Though I justified this by understanding that their...|||He's an anomaly for sure. I'd say once you get to a certain level of freedom, you could interact with anyone and everyone in the method of your choosing. From Ghandi, Mlk, Albert Einstein, all...|||Yeah, I think this is a false narrative, based upon preconceived notions trying to box everyone. It is important that we judge specific mannerisms and actions, rather than just look at what they have...|||I believe Fedor was also an INFJ. Fedor being of course, the greatest of all time. Here he is.356082 Quotes that lead me to believe he's an INFJ; A fighter, a real strong fighter should always...|||Watch this if you're still uncertain. Watch his eye movements, tone of voice affectations, irritability, all the while trying to remain calm and collected. ...|||I'm uh, pretty buff. You guys aren't lucky enough to get a pic though ;) But, we're out there. Ever heard of GSP, only the second greatest MMA fighter of all time. Plus I've posted Kai Greene,...|||Haba Aba Daba Aba Yes, I have listened to the podcast. What seems short sighted? They opened with remarks stating that their views were remarkably similar, in order to provide context for those...|||therandomsciencegirl What seems unlikely? It is generally argued that our sense of free will presents a compelling mystery: on the one hand, it is impossible to make sense of it in causal...|||Abraham Law Give it a shot! If you find yourself judging someone unfairly, try to imagine yourself in their shoes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_5A8Q_Tzc4|||Is Free Will a Magic Trick?Â*|Â*Melissa Burkley, Ph.D. [url=http://freewill.projekti.ifzg.hr/?page_id=30]People | Free Will, Causality and Luck ...|||The word x93spiritx94 comes from the Latin spiritus, which in turn is a translation of the Greek pneuma, meaning x93breath.x94 Around the 13th century, the term became bound up with notions of immaterial...|||On the surface in day to day conversation, yes. When planning future goals, or meditating about past events, no. I am urging folks to look below the surface, and into their past motivations. ...|||Did you choose to attend the college you are enrolled or graduated from? If so, what made you choose to go there? Was it financial reasons, parents wishes, proximity to home? If so, how did these...|||Read the entirety of the post please. I did not refute the claim that we are not responsible for our actions, but rather that we do not will them in to being. This has delved into a debate over...|||You just posted a summary of my entire post, agreed with me, and then told me to take it deeper... So I will. When talking about awareness, most of us identify with our awareness through the...|||Felidire If I were to claim that 'we're free to consciously perceive and act with the parameters of our own individual minds', would you refute that? Yes, I would. I would claim that the...|||Peter The idea that free will is making choice based on,..... nothing,... is wrong. I know it is what we want to believe what free will is. But that doesn't even make sense. You can not make a...|||Felidire One of the most common objections to my position on free will is that accepting it could have terrible consequences, psychologically or socially. This is a strange rejoinder, analogous...|||Peter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRIcbsRXQ0o|||This post is just a tad deeper than the Zeitgeist, my friend. The Christian religion was developed in response to Egyptian domination over the Levant, circa 600 BCE. In order to regain control...|||Now read your post again, but exchange the words God or Yhwh, with Horus - the Egyptian deity of God's son who would be murdered on earth, and be resurrected, ascending to rule the afterlife. I...|||Recent studies in neuroscience have proven that our actions are perceived by our brain a full 10 seconds before a thought/feeling/image are generated. Normally, we believe that we are the controller...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEzGekC1044|||If anyone needed any motivation, please listen to this guy. He's an inspiration to myself and many others, whether or not you find bodybuilding attractive. The activity is more than meat heads...|||You all should take the time an really consider the implications of an Omnipotent creator. Listen to fellow INFJ, Sam Harris. If you're interested, look into his books; Waking Up, and Letters To A...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi2yw1N2el8|||No problem! Heck, I'd kill to be around INFPs and INTPs all day. Just wait till you get out in the real world, and you're surrounded by ESTJs and ENTJs. :sad:|||I thought that you had the magical ability to control how you feel. Why are you unhealthy? Why did the post make you angry? I kid, I kid. Happy birthday, hang in there. A word of advice - quit...|||For sure. Especially when I was a teenager. My cheeks would get all red, and i'd look super flustered. So now I have a beard...|||Do your research. Check erowid for guides and such. Try to do it either alone, or with really good friends(not freinenemies). It can be a life changing experience, in the very best way possible. But...|||Try to do as much as I can. I can become an adrenaline junkie for short periods of time. Been skydiving, snowboarding and all that good stuff. Also have trained/competed in many sports/martial arts;...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7SdWGPrJwA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aVs-pRTE9M|||Please show me the way Master deflowering:perc3:|||INFJ 5w4 Definitely love hip hop more than any other genre. The free flow form allows for ideas to be expressed in a way that can only be done with many words spoken quickly, with purpose. I enjoy...|||We are the byproduct of a lost civilization, which died off during the last ice age. Archaeological evidence points to the Sphinx, Göbekli Tepe, and the Ancient Mexican temples all to being at least...|||Definitely Slytherin. INFJ here btw. Though, I'd be like a double agent when crap started to go down. Severus Snape ftw!|||Depends on the situation. Sometimes dark/mean if I'm trying to convey a message. Childish if in a fun, relaxed environment. Although, I've always been the one to bully the bully, so to speak. I was...|||Philip Larkin This Be The Verse They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they...|||Henry Taylor Riding A One-Eyed Horse One side of his world is always missing. You may give it a casual wave of the hand Or rub it with your shoulder as you pass, But nothing on his blind side...|||Say everything on my mind. What I do end up saying gets lost in translation anyways, so who cares. I'm not always super judgmental except when something is absolutely ridiculous, so I wouldn't be...' | 3,530 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'RIP George Carlin. What I personally think? Religion and any belief in a higher power is a method to circumvent ones moral compass and make people do evil shit, Killing in the name of...|||I'm 35, made a career in information security, and I'm still looking for the thing I love to do :(|||I wished for an iPad2, but all I got was a samsung galaxy tab 8.9 3g... WHITE I wished for a BMW 7 series convertable, but got a Mercedes SL 65 AMG I HATE my parents, They Are The most Evil...|||Forgotten were the elementary rules of logic, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and that what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. -...|||This doesn't only go for friends in my case. Once I've seen stuff (tech/art/a person/whatever) I'm off looking for the next hit of new stuff... I want to experience the new and unexplored and...|||HAHA genius|||Oh, thats simple: Time is an illusion of history passing by Q: Sir.. why don't you wear a watch? A: Sorry, Don't have the time!|||Depression turns me into an INFP|||Lets get those creative juices flowing fellow ENTP's! A challenge! 48 hour loop of: Pink Floyd - The Wall + An Inconvenient Truth Interrupted every 10 mins with: We Like The Moon -...|||58% here; looks like I'm not the only one with this percentage... *Coincidence? I Think Not* :P|||1. You are: very dominant, dominant, neutral, submissive, very submissive. Your ideal partner would be...? not dominant, i'd rather call it persuasive 2. Describe what is/would be the perfect sex...|||I LOVE capitalism, I especially love the sound it makes when it crashes and burns: *ProfanitiesInGreek* *THUNKWOOOOFFF* *MarshmellowTime!* :crazy: A bit more serious. I think capitalism is good,...|||I spot a mole Bored and decided to give this a try... translated to NSA: Please tell us everything... translated to Elmer NSA Fud: Sssst, I'm hunting tewwowists...|||Social hobby? Try marriage! :P|||Nice avatar! Got Vicodin?|||If someone offers you drugs: Say thank you, drugs are expensive :kitteh:|||Simple, armageddon: http://www.evilmilk.com/pictures/No_Matter_What53.jpg|||I like how this sounds when I say: Mechanically Separated Chicken Bored? Post your brain farts here.|||http://precompiled.org/strongdeck.jpg|||HAHAHA just had one of those *hat tip*|||Married to an ESTJ for a couple of years, still figuring out if it was a mistake or not.|||- What are you wearing? xD - Is accounting the thing you love to do? If not, what is and why did you become an accountant in the first place? ...|||Obama is ENTP, his best romantic match is INFJ. And that's the type of Osama bin Laden muharhar|||Ah, my empathy works pretty well, with some folks It feels like I can read their minds. Weird when it happens. I found that I take it in through their body language, facial expression and...|||Show me evidence for god and the afterlife|||I work for a boss... so I'm already doing this... every f*ng month :P|||Damn, I got married to the 3rd one I dated... :)|||Social stuff sucks the life out of me, I hate bars most of the time, I hate socializing. The internet and forums like this are just under my threshold for being social :) What is normal in your...|||I lost someone I dearly loved once, after 7 years I'm still not over it. I find it extremely hard to open up and love someone else, because I don't want to experience the pain of being left ever...|||On one hand, I want to live forever, travel to the stars, learn everything about everything. On the other hand I'd lose so much friends, loved ones, family, that I know I'd know it'd become...|||This: Symphony of Science specifically this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGK84Poeynk&feature=player_embedded We are a way, for the cosmos to know itself|||When I experience stress I get rather incoherent and imagine all kinds of bad things and bad scenarios. I find it very hard to get this 'shit' out of my head when I'm in this mode (may call it a...|||What you describe just shows me you're a creative person that thinks out of the box. You define and expand your own universe. I think this could be one typical way an INFP views the world, compared...|||I hope this is a good sign for my marriage :)|||Strong anti-theist & atheist here, dont want to upset you 'religious' folk here, so I'll keep my rants to myself about this topic. Just don't provoke me.|||Married to an ESTJ here... She's just a fantastic woman. My tips for ESTJ's: * Openly talk to each other, no white lies, no secrets. Try to understand the other persons viewpoint (its...|||Have google+? Add me! deckstarr@gmail.com and mention perc ;)|||Hi! This forum feels pretty US-only to me...|||I would move out, get some distance|||The first step to happiness is accepting yourself and where you are now, as it just is. Happiness is a state of mind, not a situation you can create. Everything in life is always subject to...|||Fahrenheit 451 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Welcome to Bordertown|||Don't know if this is a confession, but I like porn! :tongue:|||I don't lie, I act ;) To be honest, I never lie ;)|||I hate the central banking system, fractional reserve banking is going to enslave us all :P|||I need to find something else to do, my current assignment is killing my creativity|||I love how I look, could do with just a bit less 'keg' and more 'six-pack' though. I am tall (1.96m) and 'built like a brick house' (108kg) btw, difficult for me to find clothes with my size.|||I love to code, I know perl, c++, php, bash, python and various other languages. For me it's just a tool, a means to an end. In the end it usually saves me a f*ckload of work and time as a unix...|||Sometimes I think I'm just trying too hard. Giving too much, but hey, that's the way I'm wired. I really love to see my special someone enjoy herself when I give her something nice like a footrub,...|||Here goes I see the most amazing things, less then 1% I can capture on film, here goes: http://deckardt.nl/gallery/var/resizes/Nice/5274336101_1272070303_b.jpeg?m=1293306157 I love cold...|||Suits this thread and is a nice addition to the dry chicken humour: Why did the pervert cross the road? - Because he had his knob in the chicken And yes, I have chest hair... :P' | 6,436 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'hahahahahahah touche|||I gave an ENTJ my number and (being the ENFP that I am) now I'm curious what his thought process is for whether or not he'll actually get a hold of me. Here's the full story: My friend invited...|||Dear Anonymous, The first time I made a fool of myself, shame on you. The second time, shame on me. There is no third time, so please stop playing games with my heart.|||I'm only fickle during the assessment stage. I go from people to people to see whether or not I can let them into my inner circle (i.e. what is the level of depth that we can learn from each other?)....|||I dated an ENTJ for 6 years. We were both young and very immature, so it was not a good situation. I have another ENTJ friend. I wouldn't date him because he doesn't do it for me but there are things...|||I have a large social circle. I know A LOT of people and vice versa. But they are mostly superficial connections because we all work together. But in terms of my true friends, the ones that I allow...|||I voted for ENTJ, ESFJ and ISTJ. The ones I've met of each type are way too judgmental and narrow-minded for my taste.|||I wouldn't necessarily call it a door slam, only because I'm too afraid to hurt their feelings to really make it official. It also depends on the severity of the situation and whether or not that...|||I get asked that about my Ne mode too! Except replace acid with weed hahaha.|||...love laughing at my own silly jokes even when no one else finds it amusing :D|||It's not easy. And sometimes it's even more work because we wear the light-hearted facade to protect the real intensity boiling over underneath. But it seems like ENFPs (that I know including myself)...|||Agreed. I'm getting a biology doctorate, and the degree will open doors for me in fields that offer a lot of flexibility in schedule and creativity in ideas. But which of these paths I'll eventually...|||Yes, I tend to do or say things to get an emotional reaction from others. But this can happen in a healthy or unhealthy manner. The healthy manner is when I'm trying to display a viewpoint to get...|||Welcome! :happy: <- real warm and welcoming facial expression from an ENFP|||sepal|||emmental|||psychrophilic|||edelweiss|||emblem|||elk|||etouffee|||torrent|||rendering|||I am an academic scientist, and my research takes a very mechanistic/how does it work? approach to biology. I very much enjoyed my physics courses in college because for some reason or another, I'm...|||My mother is an INFJ. Overall, I adore her for her quirks, her ideals, and the overwhelming amount of love that she has for me. I love that she always has good advice for me. Because we can connect...|||No Youtube channel but is there something we can answer for you in the meantime?|||What tends to be your favorite parts of your day? Between sunset and sunrise. What tends to be your least favorite parts of your day? When I have to wake up before I want to, which is any...|||epinephrine|||equivocal|||I'd be willing to give an ESFJ perspective on those topics.|||onerous|||agar|||epiphyte|||yelek|||sex|||yam|||ubiquitous|||kimchi|||equivocal|||yonder|||neurotic|||reminisce|||zeit|||Agreed. I am currently in my post-graduate studies and am surrounded by NTs and NFs. It can be intimidating given their ease in embracing new concepts and theories.|||mop|||Have you noticed any commonalities with your relationships or your relationships with a certain type? I connect really well with SF or NF. SFs are a breeze for me. It's easy for them to open up to...|||ameliorate|||succubus|||telomere|||resolute' | 5,487 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwgF14ySLpw I do stuff like dis.|||They no longer become outlandish once they start becoming reality! I think you also have to always remember why you started to make music in the first place, the way it feels or how you make others...|||I'm a musician myself but I started recording when I was a junior in high school, I started writing music that would personally appeal to me and honestly, it's actually working out pretty well. So,...|||Then again, I hate to generalize, but that was my experience.|||Both lol.|||Dated an ESFJ, was my last girl, but she was crazy bruh. Very on and off, I called her out on it because it seemed like she was never consistent on how she actually felt. But it's cool doe nikka, you...|||Extremely attracted to ESFJ's but would love to date an INFP at one point :D|||Yeah, happens quite often, I guess that's why I usually stay quiet most of the time.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA9Vgys9Jfc I listen to this as I watch the sunset.|||That was creepy af bro. What the hell?!|||I saw this this turkey once an I was straight chewin that breast to pieces bruh, left no skin on it. I'll grab you a turkey with those nice thighs, you're going to love stickin your face in em man.|||Seeker is an independent woman that don't need no man but still tryna look good for everyone else, can I get a Heeellll yea!?!?|||Everyone! Eggsies likes fucking zebra cakes, what a kinkster!|||INTPs are fun to talk to intellectually! :)|||Don't you mean Yum Circles?! Lol.|||Chicken pot pie, oh mer gerdd..... YESSSS|||I'm pretty sarcastic but I usually just use extremely bad puns to get laughs lol.|||High expectations come at a high price, we just expect too much, we'll have to learn how to expect less from our (potential) significant others.|||I really want a shred beef taco, or multiple of those right now. Also, funny names for things: Carrots: Dirt Rockets Pizza: Yum Circles And the one I actually made up, Hot Sauce: Danger Liquid...|||They remind me of Michael Buble with a hint of Snoop Dogg, ya feel?|||I have noooo idea how you feel right now, but thank you, everyone all aboard the feels train.|||I used to want to bring peace to the world but that all changed when the fire nation attacked. Lol, on the real doe, I used to think the same way, but if you can notice these things about previous...|||Cause it's dope lol. Not so much a good lyrical song but it bumps like a motherfuggah!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEMsjeq43_U Thought this would be fitting.|||Anorexic or obese.|||I'm also an 3w4 but I'm only concerned about being vulnerable, I hate being in a position where I'd have to appeal to someone. I guess it's more the fact that I don't think I'll ever be understood...|||Making people laugh is always a great time! :)|||You guys are way too creative for me. I would wake up as a walking dead. Lel.|||Going to have to say yes.|||Good ol George Carlin said environmentalist don't give a shit about the Earth, it's our selfishness to want to continue surviving as a species, the Earth will take its course and wipe us out,...|||Haha, I don't know man, relationship or not, I've always been happy. Relationships were and are never a priority to me lol.|||Hahaha, before I answer, I just want to say that most of my favorite conversations are with INTJ/INTPS. It's the idea of compassion, just allowing him to follow his path into his Nirvana is fine with...|||I am pretty damn happy about it, less stress and carefree. I can do things and not be criticized for it, but then again, I probably haven't been in a great relationship yet. I can do with or without...|||I tend to debate quite a bit on that issue. I am also practicing buddhist philosophy though, I know when to stop and allow them to find their own path. People can believe what they want, some aren't...|||But then again, there is no such thing as darkness, assuming that the Einstein theory is true, it's defined as a lack of light. Now, when that's applied to selfish/selflessness, it's maybe, ONLY on a...|||As harsh as eggsies seems, he's right. You can't offer emotions to people who don't appreciate them, yes, I know the feeling of pouring yourself out and getting taken for granted. There's a lesson on...|||I wish I was a little bit taller. I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her. lol. On the real doe, I wish I had more of a drive to pursue my dream than human...|||I've always had this thought about selfishness, in a sense, our innate desire to make people happy makes US happy. Does that make us selfish or selfless? Is selfishness measured upon a spectrum and...|||93943 I don't know how I feel about this.|||Can we all just get along? :)|||I also have myself a copy! I've gotten to the first page, and put it down though. LOL|||Do you draw, scrap book, watercolor, paint, have tattoos, like dinosuars, eat turtles, make guitars, play pianos, have pets, favorite danimal? List some ish yall like to do! This forum is just too...|||1. Neither, have an interview today doe. Should be bangin. 2. Writing, enjoying the morning weather with coffee, when night hits though, I'm up all night for good fun and meeting folks. 3. I...|||Well, I had a lot of time to figure that out when I was younger. I've always been interested in environmental science and doing things that would positively affect my community. But that's my fall...|||Submitted. Good survey.|||I think you should tell him how you can't always have a heart to heart moment with him, and that you guys should focus on yourselves for now and just hangout. When we ENFJ's fall in love, it's like...|||The asshole when shit hits the fan... :)|||Major in environmental science, I'm interested in the connection between the natural world and humans.|||Such a vauge question, but yes. Most of the time I don't give up on things I'm interested in, personally, I hate losing.|||Because the description of an enfj fits me more, as far as I know :)) | 34 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I think I know what you're saying but you're being a bit too reductionistic when what I meant was a general thing, like what would be their topmost motivating factor, aside from the unconscious...|||Interesting. Now that I think about it, Magneto seems emotion-fueled in his ideal rather than an intellectual INTJ way. How about Yagami Light from Death Note (if you're familiar with it?)|||I so agree with this. ;)|||Yeah. INFJs are hard-headed idealists. I don't know if I can express this right but it seems to me that INFJs are deeply personal with feelings and highly emotional that they seem to have some...|||No worries. I enjoyed reading it. But I have a question in relation to this: What would be a typical philosopher then? Based on what you've said, I'd say INTP. I must say growing up, the typical...|||Maybe I should have said that in my definition of reality, we have no way of knowing it since everything is limited by human perception (subjective) but in my definition of reality (though I...|||Yay! I think with morality, you can argue that it's subjective. but reality ? the very term screams objectivity. But because everything is subjective, we have no way of having interaction...|||I actually prefer anarchy. :) Let me share you my thought process with this: if I try to use logic, I go with the conclusion that everything is subjective and we can never know what reality is...|||yeah, nietzsche and all that hard, boring stuff in philosophy...i can't appreciate it for its lack of practicality...or maybe i'm just too impatient and would rather, you know, go out of the house,...|||Well, INTJs to me are more like, System Builders/Managers or something...INTP to me would be a hard philosopher...INFJs would be soft philosophers...by soft philosophers I meant humane,...|||yes, but this type of philosopher is the sage type, not the Aristotle(?) or maybe even the Socrates type. This philosopher is the mystic type, the eastern philosopher type...... that's just my...|||deleted............|||That's good to hear! :)|||How do you tell someone that suicide is the only solution? :( Or would you?|||Interesting. Wow. so would you say leonardo di caprio's character was fixed at the beginning of Inception after he was lobotomized in Shutter Island? Did the lobotomy somehow changed leonardo and...|||1. 3 Idiots 2. A Tale of Two Sisters 3. The Hills Have Eyes remake that's the only things in my mind right now and I thought A Dangerous Method and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo look awesome....|||yeah but I guess we're better at guessing other people's vibrations,auras,feelings,emotions, impressions ... I'd like to think of it in terms of positive-negative scale...if someone has...|||OK. So I was thinking about X-men and stuff and it occurred to me, what could be an INFJ's supernatural power translated into the fiction/sci-fi universe? I realized this would be an interesting...|||Anyone thinks I'm not an INFJ? I'd be glad to hear your insights. ;P|||Hmm. fascinating... i always end up as the villain. bye bye thread!|||I'm just saying, to the person who would use common sense, the separation of physical health from mental health shows the shaky grounds of which this mental health is based on. if mental...|||hopefully my last post with Clairetic... (because I respect her so much I can't stop myself from not replying) this is not an argumentative reply, i promise. Um, I think the reason why we...|||I hope you weren't referring to that old thread of mine since, from what I remember, I seemed to do that a lot back then. Having said that, you still haven't rebutted most of the common sense...|||We disagree with each other so rather than flaming each other, we ignore each other. I'm not acting like I have that power. He also has that power. Silly. I'm sorry if I come across as arrogant. ...|||Contradicts with this: Oh c'mon. Avoiding replying to my posts and now changing your stance to for giving you a chance. I clearly upset you. I turned you into an F by a snap. Fascinating. ...|||That's still a physical solution to a physical problem. How on earth does this = problem:fear of germs, excessive washing-solution:drugs-so-you-can-forget-about-the-germs maybe when all...|||an other INTJ/INTP christians is an interesting thread that somehow shows this thing playing out with some NTs. some of them don't agree with each other and are near often going into...|||They're not the same thing. Emotions causing changes in the blood flows in the brain is not the same as having a brain disease that causes emotions(depression or whatever). I'm not sure why you...|||You're saying that the emotions cause changes in the brain, not vice versa. A problem is a problem. We're discussing about the right solutions. I never implied or said that you can't die from...|||you can always call out on me if you think I've been mistyped. Thanks.|||stupid people don't exist but: 1.) ignorant people do. 2.) fake/pretentious people do. (say, someone is asking a blatantly stupid question...that person is actually has a different motive of why...|||what happens when two NTs argue about an issue they have opposing stances? What if each one of them thinks the other one is stupid and because NTs cannot (I assume) stand being called stupid or...|||I don't think he wants to prove he is awesome. In my interpretation he's just extraverted, curious and frank and that is why he may come across like that to most people - like he wants to prove that...|||I don't think behavior is physical. Behavior is a social, uh, interpretation of some sort. Like if I am crying or acting weird in front of you (I may be acting like that just to get attention), you...|||Okay. so far some people have been divided whether he's an ENTP or ENFP, it's a great movie and I think you guys will love it. But do you think Rancho, the main protagonist, can be considered as...|||I've seen them. Very good videos, especially the first one! Hmm..I'm still on Rancho being an ENFP. He seems to be more into the soft philosophical side of things - wisdom. even when he's truly...|||If you have a diabetes, you go to a doctor that treats that physical condition. if you developed, say, some kind of physical illness(ulcer for example?) because you were too unhappy, you don't go...|||For example: I'm very shy, so shy I'm envious of the popular people in my circle. because of this, I have became very unhappy, I began to decrease my eating. I've lost apetite. I would also stay so...|||That's why I said, mental disorders with a ... They are assumed to have originated in the brain because they aren't proven yet to have originated in the brain- they could just very well be...|||acne is a physical problem. (and a very obvious one at that, hello.) In contrast, mental disorders are, I think, psychological problems and/or abnormal behavior still not proven to have originated...|||I just used that as a starting point to make you understand my point. How do you think they know how it works ? And example for other medical field that follows that paradigm? Giving...|||yeah, you can always tell me later.|||I explore too. And I guess I just keep them to myself. It's hard to share them with some people that make fun of them. were you hurt and that those people who have wronged you haven't had...|||What do you know about Richard Feynman that you can relate to his character? Yeah...his passion for knowledge (and wisdom) strikes me as ENTP-ish but he's way too emotional and personal with...|||me too. but what do you mean when you said, Having said that, most, if not all of my 'beliefs', are...are what? I thought of that, too. well, if you think about the concept of...|||How does our Extraverted Sensing come out?|||What is your philosophical view of life? Like, do you subscribe to any religion? Are you a Buddhist? well, we really don't know whether it is indeed the end of our life when our brain shuts off...|||Well, just because our brains shut off and we cease to exist doesn't mean learning stopped. It doesn't stop, then before you know it, it stops- when you die....so yeah, it's a little confusing to...|||so I guess the popular saying, only you know yourself better than anyone else or even a variant like, we are all on our own and you aren't able to experience what I've experienced- therefore, I...|||You're the one missing the point. Case closed. Meh.' | 3,286 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'Don't watch Final Destination then. :shocked: Its not a movie for someone who fears train tracks, thats for sure.|||Heights terrify me nowadays even though they didn't when I was little. It's more a fear of falling than the heights themselves though.|||1. Do you like to wear a cap? It varies. If I'm going to be out in the sun for a long time, I like to have a hat to keep the sun out of my eyes. Otherwise, I don't wear a cap. 2. What brands of...|||So I was randomly searching the ISTJ facebook group and recognized two PerC members right off the bat(nosilla and Spiny). Thanks ISTJ photo thread! :laughing:|||I like them all, but this one really connected with me on a deep ISTJ level. :wink::laughing:|||I take a 30-45 minute walk during the day and run about an hour shortly after dusk. Every other day I do roughly 80 crunches and 30 pushups. It important though to start out small and work your way...|||Yep, I'd say these two are pretty accurate. I heard the second one while at freshman orientation for college and within a few minutes of talking, she asked me out. It caught me off guard completely...|||To replace the human population with Justin Bieber. Okay then......|||Dream, Dread, and Passion.|||For my first college semester(15 credits): 1. Criminology 101 2. Psychology 101 3. Popular Music in America 4. Quantitative Reasoning(Math 101 essentially) 5. Interpersonal and Group...|||I broke a wrist back when I was 10, but other than that, I've remained pretty lucky regarding injuries.|||Thanks for your input. She has a facebook so I'll give it a shot.|||Ohhhhhhh.........my sarcasm detecter needs recharging. :blushed: :laughing:|||For clothes, I like Old Navy(seems like a pretty popular ISTJ brand), Target, Pac Sun, and for sports clothes Modells. For groceries, I get my foods from Safeway(better variety) and other house...|||Extroverted Intuition(Ne). It's our(ISTJ) inferior function that causes us to speculate multiple different possibilities when we're under stress.|||Current mood: confused I've recently obtained an old friends phone number from a friend of mine and want to get back in touch with her again. She and I were best buddies back in elementary school...|||Very true, I guess it depends on where you live. The west coast is much cooler than the east coast right now(95+ highs in VA each day). I know where I'm moving in the future. :happy:|||I just bought a nice striped hoody yesterday for 15$. I must look like a genius buying fall/winter clothes when its 100 degrees outside. :crazy:|||As long as my genes and health allows me to. I'd like to think I can make it to at least 85 years old if not 90.|||I get my daily habits(routine) and perfectionist personality from my ISFJ father even though his OCDness far exceeds my own. His decisions are Fe based and are much more based on how things...|||Double post :/|||I really love cities. :happy: 20211|||Be nice to the awkward, crazy girl that has a crush on you and get to know her. In 8 years, you're going to meet her again and she'll be incredibly nice and super cute ^.^ Don't step on the...|||The city that best fits you is Boston. Now I have to work on my accent :wink:. ...|||1. Would you ever consider going bungee jumping/skydiving? Absolutely not. Heights flat out terrify me more than anything else. 2. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? (if yes,...|||Haha wow. Never knew that, lol! EDIT: I decided to change it. Felt kinda akward with two people having the same avatar.|||1. Why do you always look so mad? Are you mad? (asked by your friend who's not that close to you) Mad? Nope, just happens naturally when I'm thinking. 2. Lets hang out. What do you wanna...|||....you'd return the hug looking like this...... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wyr5qzDnBwc/S9VtGuLibPI/AAAAAAAAAHc/0-OGhKjHroA/s1600/how-to-give-a-great-man-to-man-hug.jpg|||Sorry, I should've been more specific. I constantly have the urge to control the lives of others, but I don't usually try to control them. I'm trying to control my inner ISTJ protective instincts,...|||What are your religious beliefs? Roman Catholic What is your political party? Mid-left wing Democrat Do you have any siblings?|||1. Staying up late during the summer(3-4am). Want to be in bed by 1 or 1:30 at the latest. 2. Having the urge to control the lives of others(primarily loved ones). 3. Being antisocial at...|||No, not really. Came across it while dialing through channels and decided to watch it a little bit since nothing else good was on at the time.|||Watching the show Blues Clues out of boredom right now for the first time in years. I feel like a little kid again! :crazy::happy:|||I became friends with a very nice INFP this past year and I've found her to be great company. She can be such an enigma sometimes and I think she views me the same way. Despite our differences, she...|||I have a few home-based hobbies like reading and writing and a few outdoors activities such as soccer coaching and backpacking, but generally I do everything at some point. I'm sure you have some...|||1. I'm 5'9 2. I'd rather be an inch or two taller so I don't feel so short compared to my 6'0+ guy friends who like to joke with me about my height. Don't need to be 6'1+ but would like to sprout...|||Very observant. Perhaps the computer light makes my eyes look brighter than they actually are. I'm not entirely sure.|||I don't have a scanner to put baby/child pics on my computer but this is a picture of modern me and me when I was 5. Woohoo child pics! :laughing: 17666|||What brought you to PerC? I took a personality test last summer to finish off a psychology class and learned I was an ISTJ. I then searched Google to learn more about ISTJs and came across the...|||LOL I can relate to this. I called the library the bow-wail. Have no idea why lol.|||A few of my pet peeves include: - the smacking of chewing gum - indecisiveness - rude behavior - loud and/or aggressive noises and sounds - law-breaking|||Oh noes! I've become an ENFP! You are emotional You are dependable, popular, and observant. Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness. In fact, your emotions tend to influence...|||1. I put a rubber band around my head and pulled it back to see how far it would stretch. Unfortunately, my grip slipped and it left a huge red welt across my entire forehead. The next day, my 2nd...|||Justice Diligence Tranquility Resilience Devolution|||INFJ :happy:|||My mood is yeehaw right now because I just learned my girlfriend's mom is an ISTJ. Us ISTJs are all one step closer to unifying and taking over the world. :crazy::wink:|||1 ravoili or lasagna? lasagna 2 camping out or slumber party?slumber party 3 hamburgers or hot dogs? hamburgers 4 music or movies? music a slight edge 6 comedy or horror? horror 7 summer or...|||During my choir spring show tonight, I had my friends put their arms around me during the senior song. I thought I'd be fine, but suddenly I was overwhelmed with emotion and started crying. WHATS...|||EDIT: wrong thread|||This is flat out hilarious, IMHO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTxkxG3DF4k' | 1,929 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | I don't understand it. I've been in a long-term relationship before, cohabited, said the words leading up to this, yet dating again has bought this up a few times and resulted in the termination...|||I relate most to the Lannisters and Arryns, in theory. I've roleplayed being in a banner house in both houses. What can I say? I like to write. I enjoyed the scenes with Tyrion and Bronn,...|||No, but then we're not in contact with most of them. My mother left hers as soon as she could and my father was effectively disowned by his. Father: ISFP Mother: ISTJ - I can't decide, it's...|||The more I think about it, the more I think loving yourself is being open to exploring yourself. Your relationship with yourself can be akin to beginning a healthy relationship with others; you...|||I never understood it before either until a few years ago, here's how I see it: Having little inclination to follow the crowd and instead doing what I thought made most sense or what I thought was...|||I've been thinking some more since I wrote the post above. Listing with tritypes is difficult, hence why I refrained, I think instincts make a huge difference. For example with the 3w4/4w3 example...|||No tritypes, this order is not specific and is mostly anecdotal, which happens to line up with the descriptions. When healthy and older: Types I like most: 4, 7 Types I like least: 2, 1, 3 ...|||Yeah, sure. Only if it's a lottery.|||hearmeroar101 I clicked on your profile. You're only 19. This seems a good period in which to figure out your strengths and weaknesses, it will come naturally anyway. Everyone eases into this;...|||hearmeroar101 Well, no, I'd find that funny then. You've stated your reasoning in your post though; it would take someone who knows that or generally finds self-depreciating humour funny to...|||Ah I thought you mentioned them because they've factored in previously, are linked, and you see a real chance that you'll be affected by this situation mentally. It depends on what you meant by...|||The situation with his family seems accommodating, there's no problem being with someone who is of another religion or religion at all if you're not very religious and don't see yourselves being so;...|||Constantly? Ehh... How does that happen? That would be bothersome. If you pointed things like that out every now and then, I'd find that hilarious - that example above wasn't loaded though. I...|||I like quiet confidence, detecting that this person knows/is comfortable with who they are while also being open to new perspectives and pro-growth. These types of people can be mistaken as shy or of...|||All of them, but they could be adapted to any personality type :s I suppose it's the interpretation and prioritisation that would make this more specific. For me, the order is: 1....|||Green Girl You answered your own questions. :tongue: She maybe experiencing internal dissonance between her desire to connect or at least experiment with connecting, perceived lack of need to...|||Oh yeah... forget unsolicited advice, I get annoyed by questions as to what I am doing and why, I class a lot of everyday questions as obnoxious and interfering. It's made worse when you're talking...|||Most of this addresses asking for help but does touch upon unsolicited advice: I take little offensively, it's definitely difficult to get to me, which renders most of the discussion moot. It's...|||More open? Yes. Extroverted? Nope. In general, I was always quite assertive and this could confuse people into thinking I was extroverted at some periods in my life until they observed me...|||xSFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOOy84fu2-k|||How many hours of sleep do you get? - On average. - Yes, shut eye may count; the research is still relatively new though so elaborate in your reply.|||On Sundays, I'm more confused than ever. How confused is that? :confused:|||I read that all damn wrong LMAO.|||Kitaraah ...1/10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dioa5RpgPEk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dioa5RpgPEk|||The whole concept makes me groan in annoyance. Why is it sacred exactly, because you share DNA and that comes with some sort of obligation for forced interaction and harmony? Well, all of that is...|||@lilysocks The success of this interaction does seem to lie in how well formed their own identity is prior to engagement; or how I perceive this. Your example was precisely what I was getting...|||I'm guessing you can relate to some of these too: have the brightness of your phone, computer, etc. way down (or use apps to control these, like I do), play music generally quietly, have pervasive...|||Mzku mjn_the_enfp lilysocks To put this into perspective, I know I've had a good effect on some people's lives because they've told me so. It's the ones I hold close but are of a 'softer' or less...|||This thread: http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/876538-how-forward-you-when-you-like-someone.html Yeah, the thread would suggest so but I think it would depend on whether the INFP...|||Lol, I was joking off the back of another thread. Of course it's possible.|||I always make it a point to take the test first therefore I didn't have any preference and it's one less way of causing the results to be biased. Any implications from the questions served as...|||Neutral. Amused, mostly. Competition usually implies there actually being... competition on strengths. In that case, I'd summarise by saying someone who is on your level.|||I can't imagine an INFP with an INFP. Wouldn't you just run away from each other, who makes the first move? It sounds good in theory, I'm sure, but in reality? I couldn't date another INTJ, unless...|||INTJs, ever worry about the effect your mind is having on another person? Someone you care deeply about obviously, not strangers, and while you're healthy (or think you are) and not in involved in...|||I am an agnostic theist. Essentially, I think there is potential for the existence of a supreme being however I don't think this is empirically confirmable; and it is a stance I no longer care to...|||Sounds like a words of affirmation love language or at least it must rate highly for him. Think of your tone, when it is especially bad, as being akin to him avoiding quality time with you for days...|||It's absurd when it is suggested only intuitives are interested in psychology, typology, etc. Extremely ridiculous. A bit like those questions in some MBTI tests that try to narrow down all video...|||http://i.imgur.com/7TlTREn.png Enter the confessional booth. http://img10.deviantart.net/41c2/i/2010/031/e/f/spainroma_in_confession_booth_by_wolframd.png Tell me all your depraved sins. ...|||Wytch XNTP Messing. :laughing:|||The world isn't more divided than ever, they were playing polite all this time. /sarcasm - unless your idea of polite is extremely skewed. Having too many children is annoying, fuck the arguments...|||XNFPs: Ne-Fi/Fi-Ne XNTJs: Ni-Te/Te-Ni The extroverted function for the XNFPs is a perceiving one, the extroverted function for the NTJs is a judging one; the latter is processing and...|||Exactly. Just looking at your posts is tiring and I like ENFPs lol.|||Here are the main challenges I've noticed when communicating with ENFPs: 1. Bouncing from one topic to another; often this is due to being overwhelmed by too much data on one subject, preferring...|||Hahaha you googled her :laughing: It's very confusing, particularly for people who are HFA or diagnosing women. It's difficult to say but I would think several conversations and more time spent...|||Doesn't the novelty/mystery/whatever wear off with a whole subforum full of INTJs? lol|||The number of times I've been called a weirdo for stereotypical N quirks... And then admired in the same breath from my Te influence LOL. Frustration, indeed. I think that's the key word,...|||This. ...So I won't start lol except for the one that came to mind when I looked at the thread title since I was just doing it. I have a habit of writing out letters/numbers in my mind with an...|||I have this problem all the time. It's given me a complex with one of my friends, where I devolve into repeating myself pedantically at times and observe this happening from inside my mind like a...|||That last part, it's that. I didn't communicate for a few months mainly because of this, it's there niggling away at me half way through what had started out as a good conversation. It's frustrating,... | 7,188 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I'm lovin' this. The live chat is hilarious. Thanks!|||ENXP=Awesome INTJ=Pretty Awesome INTP, INFJ=Nice but boring INFP, ENFJ, ENTJ=Conflicts usually|||@Acadia This is from here: http://pstypes.blogspot.com/search/label/Misidentifications Have you considered Enneagram 1?|||This similar to what I've been going through, lack of motivation for doing anything beyond the basic necessities. The way I stay positive about it is to focus on my spiritual beliefs and feelings....|||I agree with ferroequinologist that INFPs like to talk more about their intuitions. It's much more difficult and undesirable for ISFPs to do so, even though they might spend a lot of time thinking...|||Just some BASS https://youtu.be/N9tQn2iT1RU?t=38m41s|||What's your MBTI type? Enneagram? What's your musical background? Do you prefer memorizing songs or improvisation? Why? What do you think and feel when you're improvising?|||When I'm reading serious literature Times New Roman and similar fonts are the only ones I can take seriously. Everything else just looks like a joke to me in that medium. Calibri in literature is...|||Dao-ist|||lol I love all the misanthropic solutions on here. It's great. My personal solution: Base our government and constitution on nature instead of freedom or nationalism or whatever. (Colloquial,...|||Just felt like quoting this.|||Whatever's clever - I find something highly diabolical about this phrase for some reason.|||There is no easy answer. Qué será, será.|||You sound pretty ISFP to me.|||Dude. Space Jam. http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/530b58886da81162658ff209/theres-going-to-be-a-space-jam-sequel.jpg|||Naive in what exactly? What aspects of the world are we talking about? Stuff like the bad guys are usually the winners or that most people are liars? Stuff like that I'm aware of. Or are you talking...|||This is pretty much the story of my life right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_lnRnUhIS8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntTRv7XUxM8|||25 years. I give less of a shit each year.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTLaowNxVpA|||No. I just want whatever materials help with basic survival needs. I want to live out in the wild eventually.|||I like the thrill of being on stage and performing, the adrenaline rush and the intensity. I wish I could remain anonymous though, even if I perform well. I'd rather not have people focus on me or my...|||Let me tell you what I really think about you... Let me list all the things that are wrong with you and make you a bad person: 1).....2).....3)......24)........1,256)......|||You say you hate labels yet you label yourself an I. Do you find the notion of I and myself restricting as well? (sorry to get all buddhist on you :smile:).|||I do the exact same thing all the time.|||I decided to be an ISFP 'cause I thought ISFPs were really cool. Welcome!|||Cool, thanks for the recommendation! I'll look it up.|||Glad I found this thread. I always think I'm an INTJ in my mind, but I have such a freaking Perceiver lifestyle. Anyways, I like MBTI; some kinds of maths; I play a bunch of musical instruments,...|||Sure, I guess I should put a disclaimer and say that the NFs I jam with are somewhat unstable, or something like that (myself as well for that matter). There's an ENFJ, ENFP, and INFP in the band....|||I'm officially on the map|||Absolutely.|||You know I can't think of too many ISFPs that have been close to me. I'm not the best at typing. The ISFPs I have met since I've gotten into MBTI have been very transient. I always feel very...|||Jeez what the hell are you guys all arguing about? Whenever people start talking about sympathy it reminds me of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuwZK7ABL_o|||This is my Plan X for when all my other plans go to shit. I am belligerently silent. I am the small talk destroyer. I kill off conversations like flies. I'm not very fun at parties.|||lol I did this the other day. I was reading this really depressing short story by Carlos Fuentes, and ended up breaking up one of my plastic chairs when one of the characters committed suicide.|||Woops. I meant to say 'don't say anything bad about their interests' in the original post. I forgot the bad there. When I'm talking to someone I spend a lot of time 'reading' their body language,...|||I have a general plan and a very loose guideline to achieving my goals, but I'm realistic about the fact that I might not accomplish them, considering how lazy and distracted I get. Pretty much it's...|||I'm in a band that mostly sings about left-wing, positivity kind of stuff, which is fine by me but it's not really what I'm about personally. One day my ENFJ friend/band-member was telling my that I...|||I love Ne Doms in general. I like how ENFPs are more vocal about how they feel and stand up for themselves a lot more compared to myself.|||INFP definitely|||Introverted ISFP for sure.|||I fidget a bit when I'm not focused or when I'm in my head too much. I think what your describing with the kit kat stuff is simply the ISFP creative process. You feel that there is a correct or...|||When your good at spotting people you know in the environment from far off distances, and even better at pretending you didn't notice them and/or avoiding them. You know what you truly want, you...|||English and Spanish. I just started learning Mandarin.|||I feel that religion and spiritual stuff kills the religious and spiritual feelings, if that makes any sense. Words limit the actually experience. I feel that the human race would be better off being...|||I think I'm destined for a life of 'romantic' solitude. At least not anytime soon.|||Bingo! INFJs are kind of the scientists of emotions. To them every emotion or feeling has to have some sort of cause or reason. They have a hard time understanding that someone can feel strongly...|||My memory is crap. I don't even try to memorize stuff anymore. If it's important I'll write it down. I have a couple of memories that mean a lot to me that I can recall at will, but even then I'd...|||Lol you don't sound too mentally ill, at least not anymore than most people I know. :tongue: You definitely sound like an ESFP to me. I'd look into it if I were you and see what you find...|||He's a very Fi INTJ in my opinion, or more accurately, he was extremely aware of the limits of logic and objectivity and the fact that personal bias is inevitable. Instead of trying to hide that fact...' | 6,462 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Terribly bleak. I don't feel very much emotionally, just immobile. stagnant and longing. boo fucking hoo Charge ahead|||I don't want to be alone.|||At first I was pretty uncertain myself, but as you learn more, the more obvious and clear it seems. examples of 4w3s: Prince, Micheal Jackson, Amy Winehouse, possibly Lana Del Rey ect. examples...|||I think this is very true, though the four does not always show they believe the argument is beneath them. Nor do they always believe arguing is beneath them. We do have strong opinions, and...|||Well that is just down right annoying.. I didn't read the entire thing, but your ENFJ friend seems so irrational. Maybe irrational isn't the correct word, but so hyper sensitive. Saying...|||pahaha *blushes anyway*|||I was once in love with someone who was in love with me. It was like being unstoppable, like everything about life glowed and pulsed and I couldn't wait to live the rest of it with him. Being in...|||Happy birthday, Jake!!!!!|||Paint Draw Listen to music Make jewelry Sew my own clothes Bake rarely You tube PerC I much prefer being alone than around people, though|||Interesting I've always been attracted to nerdy/intelligent types. I find guys who are confident or cocky to be off-putting and I don't like feeling over shadowed by people like that. I like...|||My thoughts are circumventing Trailing through that which I know and struggling to make sense of the gaps that signify what I don't. The truth is somewhere. But I do not know it. It is...|||Psh Do you have a monopoly on all INTJs/INTPs??|||If only, sigh|||No mas anxiety for no damn reason!|||Yeah, I'd say difference in Enneagram on into tritypes explains how two ENFPs don't see eye to eye I don't usually love ENFPs. They're chill. But to be honest I much prefer INTPs and INTJs|||Emotions vs. logic People who cause me to have this internal conflict -.- grr|||Warning: my moods are super confusing and they'll drive you innnnnnsaaaaane|||Am a vegetarian|||You're having a hard time? Haha. Well, suck it up.|||I like you|||Hahahaha Truuuuuuue|||I don't understand what you are asking. My relationship with the INFJ? it lasted for years, now we have different values and ideals so we don't speak anymore. It was, however. The easiest friendship...|||Nope, maybe if we had the same Enneagram though.. I've dated two ENFPs Both pretty different from each other At the time, the first one at I dated, was very much like talking to myself in a...|||a deep with connection with another human being; understanding; the past. sigh.|||Haha, I like my dead mice pickled Actually|||I am an ENFP and I have too many feelings|||Another dead mouse|||I'm a totally not social ENFP except for sometimes, but usually people suck all the energy out of me. Then again, could have to do with my terrible eating habits and lack of nutrition and protein.....|||199786 199794 199810 199802|||Haha, hello my kind friend, nice to see you too :)|||199698 doing a self-portrait from it for my art portfolio.|||Is this from your mind? :O|||Thank you! Someone mentioned tritypes! Seriously, dude, look into it if you haven't. You seem to be sort of aggressive about this subject..or is it just the internet? I don't know. It's completely...|||When I'm scared my eyes get really huge and I start to shake but I try not to shake. And everything shakes, I can see the tendrils of my hair shaking out of the corners of my eyes. My hands shake, my...|||Welcome, INTJ, MBTI really is some kind of addictive substance. But wait until you discover the Enneagram, you're mind will all but explode. It may actually explode.. You are one step closer to...|||A dead mouse|||Don't feel depressed at all, I'm a normal kind of sad at the moment, but I've been feeling introverted for over a year. Normally when I'm very sad I'm not mean or blunt or even reclusive, those were...|||When I was fifteen I read the ENFP description and it fit me so well, now I honestly don't know what the hell i am? I am not necessarily asking to be typed, I just want to understand what this is. I...|||Can someone please explain why Harry would have a 4heart fix? He doesn't seem to be introspective or occupied with his identity or being authentic to himself. I suppose because he wasn't really...|||Hermione leads with three for sure, self-pres. A six head fix? Dumbledore definitely has a 5 head fix Harry definitely is not a four, or at least doesn't lead with 4 Snape is a five with possibly...|||I'd have to say that I can't really go off of MBTI on this one. As an ENFP 4 and 7 are still quite different. Going off the Enneagram though I'm drawn toward 4s, 5s, and 8s who are also Ns. It almost...|||I guess we 'morph', but gradually I've become more and more introverted, so I hardly feel the need to socialize. People drain me so much, I just don't have the energy to be 'morphing' all over the...|||Cheer up, buttercup ^.^ *hugs* there are good days, and terrible days, life can be so overwhelming. Sometimes you just need to cry! Everyone will eventually forget about it, and anyway, life is a...|||Harry- ISFP Ron- ESFP Hermione- ESTJ type 3 snape- INTJ Dumbledore: INFJ Dursley's- xSTJs Weasley twins- ESxP Malfoy- ESTP Hagrid- ISFP luna- INFP type 5|||Flirting on purpose always ends badly. If there is a connection, then it's as easy as breathing air. I think flirting is just being you, the open version of you, anyway. If I'm flirting, I never...|||When I was younger, I would flirt all the time. Now it seems silly and empty to flirt with anyone that I don't have real intentions with. It isn't worth it to hurt that person, and having the...|||ENTJ 8w7 definitely. Super dominating and aggressive.|||Haha, well ESFJs practically thrive in small talk. And guys who 'get their kicks on route 66' aren't looking to get to know anyone, just to get with someone. Sadly, two very different things. And I...|||I live in the South as well, and people do tend to be quite conservative and close-minded. Usually I can tell these people from a mile away, I will grit my teeth and small talk enough to be polite....|||Loser | 794 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Hi guys.. I'm trying to get over a nasty break up. It's been a month. I was doing fine when I was going through an anger phase, but now I'm just depressed and highly emotional. I don't know what...|||Sort of 'zoom' out on the world or perspective.... also to switch on and off emotions.|||Could you explain more please?|||Guys, I need your advice.. I think I'm in that phase where I'm going back and forth about whether to try to reconcile and talk to him about getting back into a relationship, but on renewed terms....|||Trying to. My ego is definitely damaged. :( I just want to make him realise that I'm worth it as a partner. Ugh. No use at all going about this.|||Hahhahaha ... logic™. Well I started accidentally thinking about the possibility of us getting back into a relationship on renewed terms and that got me all fudged up again T^T. Why do I want...|||Thanks! I don't get it either to be honest. I really don't freaking get it. I call bullsheet on the whole personal development part. I reckon it was a logical excuse that he wanted to hear for...|||So I've been letting it out by singing songs. I used to do this and I had people sing along with me in school, but nope, now I'm all alone.. I decided to record it and slap it on the internet. ...|||HRMM ... not really, he wasn't the kind to necessarily intentionally start conversations. He's more of hey I haven't spoken to this dude in awhile... so I'll send him a message or lets hang.|||Ahahhaa yea I knew what you meant. I felt the same way about what you said therefore it was sort of a dramatised reaction to that.|||It's odd that this isn't my first encounter with INTPs. I've had one in the past too. He was muuuuch older than I was and I was a juvenile ENFP at the time. Well at the time I wasn't 'smart' enough...|||I'm sorry to hear that. Ugh all the feels. I'M SORRY I SCARED YOU WITH MY LOVE. Is it an INFP problem? ._.|||bahahha.. To be honest, the concept of it sounds good. BLARGH. But it was him that I loved, not the idea of being in a relationship. darnit.|||I wonder if we could throw our own cozy virtual environment for that. I'm assuming everyone in this post is across the world from everyone else. I have a bunch of tools to use for LDRs that never got...|||Spoken like a true INTP... or Thinker at least. :tongue: Oh well.|||awesome! it was the right way round when I uploaded it though! ._.|||Hehehe.. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/345/169/bc7.png|||Yeah, I guess I kinda expected him to put as much as I would have as well. Thing is, should he have expressed that throughout and managed the expectations as well, it wouldn't have been such a hard...|||I've been going out a lot. Practically spend my time with my friends outside home (I have a very stressful family to deal with). I suppose in a sense talking it out here on the forum helps too. I do...|||Probably not. I just can't. All those empty promises at the beginning and how I have been let down. D; It's so much easier to be just plain angry. Well he seems to be having a ball of a time...|||hells yea. I scared him away with my conviction and passion. GAAAAARGH!|||Awh, *hug* All us hurt INFPs should have a little party together and just take it all out, go to a trampoline park or bouncy castle then go crazy.. or something.|||My contention about the matter is basically wouldn't you consider relationships as part and parcel of personal growth? I understand that maybe I had placed really high expectations (different from...|||*hug back* thanks :)|||As much as I've been wanting to do that, I never have 'enough' to be physical about it. I ended up not eating much and staying up late till I just go flat and burn out. I vent a whole lot and rage...|||Thanks for all your responses, it's highly encouraging. It's just all incredibly painful right now. On his social media it seems like he's doing fine. I'm really fluctuating between absolute...|||I'd like to believe that. I think that's the biggest underlying thing here. Did he really like me? Or was it just convenient for him. But at this point, I just don't have enough emotional...|||Hahah I probably should've included a tag on vent. I think a part of me is looking for an answer to whether he bothered as much as I did or not. What's going on in his mind now.. etc. It's annoying...|||Nice try|||I can't stop thinking and replaying what we had and the fact that he's probably going to move on far quicker than I am. He is an INTP. The story that we had together was typical fairytale story - we...|||I'm more of a friends with benefits person, although after my first proper relationship I don't think I would want otherwise anymore.|||I'd consider myself a Buddhist, but with elements of syncretistic beliefs. It's hard to find anyone who's interested in this kinda talk, especially being relatively young. D:|||318506 Ah damn, how do you rotate this? Here ya go! Necklace is from my adopted grandmother from Borneo when I had an exchange volunteer programme there last year.|||so, you may care for him, but also care for yourself. please. That's what I really have to remember.|||I recently discovered that I get lazy explaining things to people because everything in my mind is way more vivid and I'm pretty sure people won't understand it.|||unlikely|||OHHH. okay. Got it. haha. I've always loved those little yellow things. :3|||Why so?|||yes. I need to remember that I'm posting in the INTP forum. Have to pay closer attention to grammar.|||That's brilliant! We're changing the design to this : http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4132/4965440209_bb1b47d45c.jpg No longer the huge minion cake thingy|||That's.. um.. out of topic.|||Woah, thanks for the ideas guys! Keep em' coming.|||Hey guys! My class is going to have a farewell party for our chemistry/biology tuition teacher next Wednesday. He calls us his 'minions' (the one from the movie Despicable Me), so we're...|||hahaha.. To his personality I guess.|||Thanks for your input on this. I've done all the steps that you mentioned - identifying why I'm attracted to his company and Why he makes me feel like crap. I'm also trying my best to try to avoid...|||Here's the deal : He's a friend whos very much older than I am. I take him as my mentor in life and I confide in him a lot. I also try my best to be a good friend. He's an INTP - a very difficult...|||The thing is, it's clear that I value him more than he does of me. I don't even know why I'm still friends with him or why I care so much.|||Thanks guys for all your help at the moment, I'll reply each of you soon in this thread when I have the time. Perhaps in another day or so.. I like all your suggestions and they make lots of sense....|||Let's just say that I'm friends with a person who I really care for right now. But in the past few months, all he has been doing is making me feel like crap all the time. I'm quite emotionally...|||I made the biggest mistake by confiding in someone. I don't really think it was a mistake, I just confided in someone about how I felt and stuff. (was going through a rough time) He was an INTP. I...' | 4,000 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 'Yes Geelong in the state of Victoria in Australia|||stephiphi sorry I may have worded my previous post wrong.I meant in context of the Introvert v Extrovert.You are correct in that the isfj/esfj share all the same functions but in a slightly different...|||To be happy in a relationship for once!!!! Thought the one I am currently in would be that special one that I had always hoped for.But now that seems to be unraveling thread by thread and my partner...|||Siren that is what ISTP's do! Mine would say that he would pop around in a few days and it became weeks before I saw him again.He still does that and we are not in a relationship anymore.They do get...|||I was in a relationship with a male ISTP for almost a year.Then we grew apart when he went overseas for a couple of months and I grew close to an ESTJ female.I broke up with my ISTP to be with her...|||You know you're an ISFJ when....you stuff up another relationship by being too clingy:~ My current partner is a possible ISFJ or ISFP/ESFP and she wanted to break up with me because I was...|||The ideal mate for an ISFJ is the exact polar opposite the ESFJ|||I'm not.... I am attracted to someones personality and intellect rather than looks.My last two recent relationships suffered because there was not enough stimulating conversation.And I wouldn't say...|||I have had a few casual relationships,mainly friend with benefits ones.But I am about to give them all up to enter into a monogamous relationship with my ESTJ girlfriend.|||I meant that I also have a fear of swimming.I also grew up on an Island surrounded by water (Australia).It's not that I think it looks like blood,but I have almost drowned 3 times in my life,and now...|||Delok I identify more with being an ISFJ,but I also have some INFJ tendencies as well.I never come out as being the same type when I do tests and quizzes.I have tested as ISFP before which I know I...|||Yes all of these for me too.And also follow your dreams,don't let fear of other peoples opinions hold you back.Only you know what's best for you.I was afraid to be true to myself for many years...|||Congrats!!!!!|||Whatever!!!! You are entitled to your opinion but I don't agree with you.He isn't showing me that he loves me.He is all talk and no action!!!!|||Benja you are entitled to your opinion,and yes it does go beyond mere personality differences.I don't feel like his girlfriend,more like someone he sees when he wants intimacy,a friend with benefits...|||I'm a 2 w 6 w 9, and I do have some interest in the macabre.I am not really into blood and gore as such but have a fascination and interest in serial killers and forensic investigation.I wanted to do...|||You spelt faeces wrong!!!! Yeah I know I'm a spelling Nazi.... Unless you suffer from dyslexia or some other disorder I will jump on any spelling mistakes.|||ISTP's don't want companionship,they want someone to be around when it suits them.Not saying this is true for all of you,but my ISTP boyfriend has two close male friends who he sees more than he does...|||Congrtaulations Longdove.I really enjoy reading your posts.May there be many more to come.|||1. What mbti type are you? ISFJ 2. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was/is English/Language Arts in school? 5 3. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was/is math in school? 3 4. How many musical instruments...|||I am an ISFJ type two in a relationship with a female ESTJ type unknown.I am hoping that this will be the last relationship that I will ever be in,but who knows what will happen down the track.My...|||I'm a 2 6 9|||The Confession by John Grisham............|||Congratulations!!!! knittigan I really enjoy reading your posts and you are one of my favourite members here on Per C.|||Never been in a get down and dirty fist fight before.I, like most ISFJ's on this forum don't like confrontation.But if my family and friends are threatened I can get pretty riled.I have been in some...|||I am an ISFJ and definitely Si dominant.I am very much like your brother and boss in how they perceive things.I am also very resistant to new things and changes around me.My ISTP boyfriend is very...|||I really don't have a good understanding of the functions as yet,although I would say that I have the same opinion as you to what Si could be.My ISTP is very similar to yours,and certainly doesn't...|||You have probably repressed it,and that may be a good thing.I don't blame you for wanting to smash your ex sister-in-laws head in.At first I wanted to do the same to my ex husband but instead of...|||I have to agree with n2freedom,Life.Is.A.Game I can empathise and understand your situation wholeheartedly.I was sexually abused by an uncle for 8 years from ages 8-16 and like you I tried to lock it...|||Congrats!!!!!! You're Awesome ..........|||I too have a huge fear of failure, and as an ISFJ loathe confrontation and aggressiveness.This also has had a very big impact on many stages of my life. I'm in the same boat.....I so wanted to be...|||Congratulations!!!!!!!|||It sounds very much like my ex husband is Passive Aggressive.He would never hit me but would use verbal and emotional abuse to bring me down.He would also spit in my face and say things like I hope...|||Yes I take full responsibility for that,it shouldn't have happened but it did.I can't go back now,but I can prevent it from happening again.|||You don't know me or what kind of hold my ex has over me still.Yes I should tell my ISTP boyfriend but I don't know how to go about it.Yes my ex abused me for 18 years so that should tell you that he...|||Life.Is.A.Game I slept with my ex too,twice since our divorce and I don't know why I did it.I haven't had the courage to tell my ISTP about it yet, and don't know if I can bring myself to do so.My ex...|||Yes this is why I have trouble speaking my mind to my ISTP partner.I was in an abusive relationship for 18 years,however 10 of those were spent separated.I just couldn't tear myself away from him...|||Personality Questionnaire for Kids Results Congratulations, you scored IFP ! That's an Introverted Feeling Perceiving type. I'm an ISFJ,and I think I have changed a lot since I was a...|||My ISTP boyfriend is the same,he hates talking on the phone or texting.If he has to he will try to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible.I have learnt to call or text him only when the...|||I eat my food rather quickly too!!!!!!!!!!!|||I was in a monogamous relationship for 18 years,but 10 of those were spent separated and I never slept with anyone else.One reason for this was that I never thought any one else would want damaged...|||Just tell him how you feel!!!!!! Hopefully he will get that you don't want to be with him any more.|||Awwwww......sending big hugs to you Miriamisfj.............. I just dragged myself out of bed and it is 1 pm in the afternoon.But have nothing to do or no where to go today and feeling a bit...|||I'm tired and should go to bed but too much information is swimming around in my head.|||My ISTP raised his twin daughters alone after they decided that they didn't want to live with their mother (his ex).He considers his stepson to be his own.However there is one thing that I am very...|||We are both hoping to chat via msm (hotmail) while he is away.He asked me to come with him then changed his mind.I would not have been able to get my passport organised in time anyway.I am currently...|||My ISTP always cooks dinner for me when I am at his house,and he gave me a hand made card for my birthday.He didn't make it,he asked a friend who does calligraphy to do it.I thought that was lovely...|||My ISTP boyfriend tells me that he loves me all the time also,and he really gets along well with my kids too,especially my daughter.We have been together for ten months now,but in contrast to...|||ISFJ enneagram type 2 Kind Compassionate Loving Resilient Empathetic|||Books.....I love to read for pleasure and also to learn.' | 633 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'I usually do better with visual learning (despite learning a good deal from audio books). For the temperament I would need to look more into. The political seems on the point by the explanation...|||:laughing: Never would have expected anyone to ever say ENTJ for my type.|||yes, I wish I was. then I wouldn't desire relationships or sex. Then I wouldn't be so worthless and stupid. Or I would and just end up being happier without the desire for relationships and sex...|||Thanks Kinakim. I think I'll need to reread this a few times. Yeah I was hoping more people would throw in their thoughts, but I think I annoyed everyone on this forum or they think everyone else...|||I have taken that one a few times. I usually get either INTP, INFP, or ISFP. I have been professionally typed twice. First one said ISFP the second said INTP. In the type me threads, people would...|||My top five are Context ideation adaptability strategic learner in that order. I am not sure of my MBTI|||*blush* Th..Thank you. Oh sorry. Well I inadvertently did as you asked though lol.|||Wish I could, unfortunately I am not very good at even typing myself. Photo, text, or video. Here's a photo of me I just took if anyone want to have another go on me also. 709082|||Thanks again. You deal with identity crisis better and more healthier than I do. I usually get over whelmed by it since existential crisis and focusing in all of my failures in life accompany it...|||I seem to still go back and forth between Fi and Ti and whether which one is more dominate. How are they usually are expressed when it comes to identity crisis, other people being emotional, trouble...|||Sick, depressed, unsure of self|||Lilypichu. No idea what her type is. That is the only one I can think of at the moment|||Your score was 32 out of a possible 50.Scores in the 26-32 range indicate some Autistic traits (Aspergers Syndrome).|||I don't play or understand the Game. It's a very quick and easy way to lose my interest and also make me think you want nothing to do with me. Hold on a sec..... I think I had experiences like...|||According to this INFP. Dominate Function is Fi, secondary Ne, Third Si and the fourth (also referred to as the Inferior function) Te. The inferior part of the question is to see how much you...|||Re did the questionnaire using the 1-5 scoring method instead of yes and no one. Strangely got very similar results. Turi not too many sites talking about Ni in ENFPs. I have a hard time...|||brightflashes You used the 1 to 5 method instead of the yes and no. I probably should have done that since many of my answers I counted as yes just because there was just a small enough of...|||The Individualist http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/6e927279-74ca-472b-821f-b882ab49db79/ba9658d7-3c7c-4ebe-9da3-4bbd0fc23c1b.jpgistock/RichVintage Your Enneagram personality type is the Individualist....|||Si Do you tend to pause or hesitate and try to figure out if you’ve experienced something like this before, scanning for some familiar object, detail, or feeling to hang your hat on? yes...|||secularism or raelism|||I don't know whether to give up on dating or not. It seem hopeless and possible a major waste of time (mainly from putting effort in and failing completely). But at this point I am not sure what to...|||a little worn out (worked out earlier) very awake (took a cold shower after workout) and slight dread since I need to go to work tonight. I will be happy when I cook me some sugar free bacon later...|||your welcome. I seemed to have put back instead of bad in the first part lol|||1. Not sure. I was told I was bad at it. And my first kiss was with a stripper (she kissed me) 2. Practice and communication with the person you are practicing with. Consult some books and...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPgSId5P6zE|||Struggle isn't a strong enough word for it|||Hello and welcome to the forum|||Taurus Chinese: Dog|||I'm not alone after all. Granted I got some years on you. But at your age I was the same. Except I played a lot of Final Fantasy XI (I miss that game and some of the people I meet on it). Wish I...|||I never let my schooling interfere with my education Mark Twain|||Yes, but not the ones of my own creation though. They tend to very painful for anyone who resembles me.|||a little sick tired frustrated lonely stuck|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U_RvUYINpo|||I just realized I forgot to mention on this thread that I had myself typed by a professional for the 2nd time in late May. At the end of that session we came to the conclusion of INTP. So I have...|||Type: 9 Tritype: 946/964|||I see money as mainly a resource control mechanism for complicated social groups that have gone beyond the theorize 150 population mark. In a large system like we humans live in today, we need...|||I am kind of agree to it. While I don't like the idea of animal suffering, I would think that they are not doing to get joy out of it. I also hope that they have done some pretesting by other means...|||I tend to troll the trolls. That either causes them to have their emotions excited or we just go back and worth and both sides have a decent laugh about how ridiculous we can get.|||Kinakim Don't worry. Confusion is almost a natural state at this point in my life. If anything I usually cause confusion for others by accident. At the moment I have myself as an INFP because ...|||Turi Thanks again. My current bouts of depression is easy to explain. I haven't had soda for over a week and I haven't been eating as much junk food as I usually do, so depression is a normal...|||small chance if they run Hillary again. Don't think I can stomach voting for her again. or I might abstain or vote for the most competent third party (not like the last one. Even though I did vote...|||Oregon. Wonder if Gravity Falls is an actual city there|||Turi I did the thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne2n7uA958o&feature=youtu.be|||first time I had something close to a legit date was in 1999. The second one I had was 2015. If the rate keeps on going I will either have my next date in 2031 if I haven't just finally given up...|||I may have been wrong in my last post. I fell into a depression while at work later that night. But that could just because I was at work.|||I can relate to him a bit. I quit a job I hated and got one I don't like, but less pressure and less people to deal with. And I still have no idea what to do with my life (also not really sure what...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxfoa23skHg|||Nice idea answering the questions while video recording yourself.|||Danial Jackson from Stargate SG1 (series not movie) Death from the Disk World series only ones I can think of at the moment|||I am still not sure if I am an INFP. I am not even sure of what or who I am anymore. Strangely I am not depressed right now. Just very confused and unsure. Maybe I lack the life experiences to...' | 3,722 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'A parent who is responsive to the needs of the child and can develop, guide and provide for it. Don't think that's related to type. Also most people's ideas about parenting, at least in the US,...|||You have to realize you are not necessarily typing that person. You are simply filtering them through your own perceptions. No way you are seeing a complete picture of anyone (hell no one can see a...|||KWML uses Jungian archetypes but its definitely meant to be a heuristic. If you ever read any of Dr. Paul's stuff he clearly says the ideal is to try to be balanced across all four spectrums, not to...|||Narcissistic Extraverted Intuitive?|||Countries do not have personality types people do. There are certainly cultural styles that lean in a direction one way or the other. Its fair to say the US is more extraverted than say Japan, and it...|||I'm skeptical of anyone who uses the term extrovert in this context.|||Ne. Extraverted Intuition deals with the outer objective world. Ni might be more like an intuition about 'the spirit or zeitgeist' of the game itself. More ontological. Introverted ideas do not...|||Well a lot of this is deals with how you interpret other people (you may only be paying attention to introverted or extraverted characteristics in a person) and also on how you define...|||No. That's not the idea behind shadow functions. Shadow functions as Beebe proposed them relate to complexes. Complexes being a group of emotionally charged ideas that revolve around a certain...|||Well I don't know how compelled shy people would be to hang out with a big group of other people (although you might figure out who is really shy and who is just uncomfortable in social situations)....|||Not only that the theory behind type A and type B personalities, both proposed in the 50s to describe people who are more prone to heart attacks (had nothing really to do with any study of psychology...|||Its because people are unable to see past their own self-image and self-perceptions. On top of that a lot of people are just not very self-aware. Most people have an idea of who they think they are...|||What do you mean by society? American society? I think in that case extraversion in general is seen as more acceptable regardless of whether its in the form of masculine or feminine because the...|||First of all Please Understand Me is not by Carl Jung it's by David Kiersey who doesn't really subscribe a whole bunch to Jung's ideas outright (and there's definitely some tension over the years...|||huh?|||Jung did not say that the auxiliary function would be the opposite attitude of the dominant. Myers said that. Jung only implies that the auxiliary functions might take the opposing attitude provided...|||Especially when it comes to type descriptions I think Kiersey's influence is paramount in this discussion. He is so intrinsic to the fabric of modern MBTI, even if he doesn't, for example, go down...|||It is that great actually. Myers and Kiersey collaborated quite a bit in the 1970s and it would be to fair to say that in terms of things like type descriptions and general nomenclature there is a...|||Start here https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.petergeyer.com.au%2Flibrary%2FDeveloping-type-history-Jung-today.pdf you'll be lost otherwise. Also check his bibliographies (or just...|||This article from TheLadders Gets You a New Job Quicker | TheLadders should be better entitled hey just be an extravert! Overcoming Introverted Tendencies that Might Limit Your Leadership Growth...|||No. In part because the lower two functions are mostly unconscious (you can't consciously change something unconscious) and secondly changing type would be a holistic process. That's not to say it...|||I think you are hyperbolizing based on a set of (probably unfounded) beliefs you have about the ways in which corporate offices work. First of all you are probably already in something technically...|||I would take the Jungian perspective and argue that understanding the shadow is more important than knowing type which is just the outer or conscious presentation of a person. To only pay attention...|||Well you have to learn to realize that this isn't about you. It's somewhat altruistic to be empathetic, but you have to learn when not to take something that's not directed at you personally. The...|||I'm sorry you've made up your mind about college before even going. While I think everyone should go in the way they best see fit, I do think its mistake to assume that because you had a rough go of...|||Well in many ways what the ENxP tells you is that you're a dominant intuitive. The T or F is really less consequential. Really the T or F would really only really matter overwhelmingly in the case of...|||LOl wouldn't that sixth 'sense' be called 'an intuition?'|||Feeling deals with evaluation not with feelings in a strictly emotional sense. Feeling function tells us whether or not we like something, in short. Or whether or not we find it timely or untimely....|||It seems you are making the assumption that people in those type forums are themselves typed correctly.|||No transference usually happens in a therapeutic setting. The therapist becomes a substitute or projection of the patient. What Jung was saying is that whatever issues or hangups or...|||This was largely embarrassing and it seemed to come from a writer who did not understand properly the concept of introversion (or made up his or her own definition of it). It is precisely fluff...|||A lot of it is because people are not very good at understanding their own emotions. Many times how they conceptualize an emotion deals with the context of when the emotion was first created, or a...|||The question you asked is a good one and one that is asked often around here. You should not feel ashamed for asking it. I was just pointing out that often people tend to project their own...|||I think you are generalizing your own experiences and perceptions and projecting those generalizations onto INFJs as a whole rather than challenging your own perceptions and beliefs. Most of what you...|||I'm not entirely sure that test is especially good at what it purports to do because lots of people end up with these kinds of results on cognitive function tests (or if the test is accurate, then...|||I don't think this is an INFJ problem. There's a lot of material out there on this subject, most famously the book by Daniel Goleman called Emotional Intelligence. There's been a number of books...|||Well the MBTI is a sorter. It's trying to identify preferences, which is one of the reasons for the forced-choice questions. That is why Step II is very important (most people just stop at the...|||Couple of things here: 1) the notion that MBTI makes personality quantifiable is false. Personality, like most aspects of psychoanalysis are generally not quantifiable. You would have to prove the...|||To be honest most of the things on that list pretty much anyone would identify with in a given context. They're not really specific to INFJs per se. Certainly there are INFJs who might identify with...|||What Jung is attempting to demonstrate here is the extraversion has a tendency to operate at surface level. The first boy is much more of an explorer of the physical world. Caught up what happens...|||Seems pretty clearly INTP to me. Nothing about him jumps out as being especially Ni-dom or Te for that matter. Niall Ferguson on the other hand might very well be an xNTJ of some sort.|||...you do know that EN of an ENTJ is not the same as EN of an ENFP right?|||And I'm telling you that from a type standpoint you won't get very far. There's not much to be said here. You will get lots of opinions about how things are from people, based on their own...|||I think you have to resist the temptation to let type be a defining or limiting factor here. I would most certainly not look at it from the lens of ENTJ vs ENFP. In most cases you're just projecting...|||At least you are learning from your mistake. That no action will get no action. That simply wishing for something will not make it so you do have to do something. So the question for the future is...|||I don't know that I would tie this to a function so much as the way someone had been socialized and adapted. On some level the person thinks that this is an okay thing to do, so we'd have to figure...|||I think what you mean is could the motivation for the shyness come from an unconscious place? Sure. In fact, that's probably likely what's going on. Shyness, like I said, is symptomatic. The...|||Shyness is symptomatic of a root anxiety. The perception of a negative outcome. But I will not go as far as to say that root anxiety is motivated by something like personality within this context....|||We can argue whether or not MBTI revolves around behavior (Myers was herself a behaviorist) but in the most classical sense Jung was not talking about behavior explicitly, even though he gives some...|||Not really. Beebe's model isn't a hierarchy. He never says the shadow functions go in a specific order (and since they are all unconscious what difference would it make anyway?) He says that opposing...' | 4,367 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I try not to take the idea seriously. If I want to make a change, the time of year makes no difference to me. Just the same, I resolved to take over the world in 2011. Cheers!|||I'm interested. But I'll have to wait until the date gets closer to give you a definite yes. I might have to work that saturday.|||Yeah, the ugly double standard rears its head again. My wife's friend is french and always wants to hug and kiss on the cheek (Baisez). She's a total hottie, but I hate it nonetheless. My wife always...|||I HATE being hugged by anyone but my wife and kids.|||I seriously regret not studying hard in school and getting poor grades. It doesn't make any difference to my employer but knowing I could have done better is a huge dissapointment for me.|||I'm not particularly smart, but I tend to think too much about things. It sometimes leads to analysis paralysis. It could be said that I am a Deep Thinker, prefering to contemplate subjects too...|||Fireman, policeman, astronaut and a pirate. Yeah, definitely. Seriously, if I could do anything I'd be independently wealthy so I could contribute to society in whatever way I fancy at the moment....|||Been there. Done that. Only it was Lake Havasu and I was miserable. I actually stayed in and watched TV which made it bearable.|||I wear mostly shorts and t-shirts, though I would like to dress more fashionably. I just can't seem to do it. I understand particle physics but fashion eludes me.|||True. They indicate anxiety. Which is raised when someone is lying. The problem is they are hard to detect when you are interviewing a suspect at 3 am, your tired, he's on crystal, and you want to...|||Thanks for the info. I attended a good interview and interrogations course that helped a lot. But a lot of crooks are great liars. Its what they do for a living...|||As a cop, I think I can answer that. I am good at solving problems and connecting 'Dots.' I can make associations using just information I obtain through the computer. However, as an introvert, I...|||No. No. No. A taser on the tongue works great!|||Gosh, you are all so young!|||That isn't confined to just intellectuals. How about politicians? How about pompous (yet brilliant) engineer types like Steve Jobs. I think you may be referring to liberal professors who pontificate...|||Care to elaborate on that? {QUOTE]Some of the smartest people I know are complete idiots. [/quote] Yeah, and Einstein couldn't dress himself without help. We all have different intelligences....|||So true! But for me, I'm glad I am book smart. I guess I am just accepting of it (finally). I tried to fight it, unsucessfully, and deny it, but in the end I couldn't. Though I do feel embarassed...|||I used to be Gregory House M.D. But I've gotten A LOT better. Now I'm more like Adam from Mythbusters. Just more introverted.|||I'm probably unusual, but I like Country Music the best. I am very ecclectic. I also like 80's and 90's rock (nostalgia). Some classical and some current pop too.|||I don't think being a DVM is weird. Being a MFT would be unusual. I got into my current profession because I enjoy helping people. However, I don't find it particularly fulfilling. Especially since...|||I was kinda short and really young as a child.|||Dumber than a bag of hair and can be extroverted around people I know well and am comfortable with.|||Aaah! Google let me down! Thanks for keeping me honest.|||Every Rose Has It's Thorn - GNR Remember Me - Tim McGraw Just to See you Smile - Tim McGraw|||My boss recently said I appear to be kinda geeky until you get to know me. I think she meant it as a compliment. Lol!|||I didn't say this, my buddy did. We were at an accident scene and someone asked, I'm looking for Jose. My buddy points to multiple body parts and says, Well he's right there. And there. And over...|||I'm in the same boat you are. I scored 57% N and 43 % S. So I have both tendancies, as I think you do. However, from what you wrote, I think you are more N than S. You like puzzles and solving...|||I second those and add sex.....definitely lots of sex:tongue:|||Mmmmm. Ice cream. I'd eat all the ice cream I could find.|||I think you might be missing the broader point that ALL types have a particular and significant function. For example, most of the people I work with value concrete knowledge (i.e. common sense) over...|||In a broad sense, what is typical of INTJ is an off-beat or unusual sense of humor. We sometimes make jokes based upon references to obscure information - like 17th century literature. And nobody but...|||Rabbits lay eggs, i.e. the Easter Bunny.|||Thank! Sometimes I forget that. Was I ranting? I guess I was....Sorry bout that! :)|||Though I don't agree with drug use, if you weren't hurting anybody or stealing anything nobody really cares. You handled the situation if a very mature way. But if the cop wasn't a rookie, he...|||That one actually might work.|||Sorry to say, but we've heard all of these before. You might be suprised, but cops are some of the funniest people I know.|||I was a poli sci major. I wish I had chosen something more practical. I agree with business or intl. relations.|||Letters from Iwo Jima. Good movie.|||I don't think anyone is too thrilled to see me naked, anyway. So I don't really mind them. I can see how many people would be offended, though.|||What's wrong? Are you mad at me? Why won't you talk to me. You never want to talk about stuff. Are you mad at me? :sad:|||One of my neighbors knocked on my door. When I answered she asked, Is your mother home? I was 35 at the time. I guess I still look like I'm 16. I dunno.|||Thats a very good question. I am an only child. I think its the classic genes vs. environment debate. And I don't have a clue to the answer.|||Yep. I have trouble falling asleep. Then I have trouble STAYING asleep. I've had problems like this since I was about 15 or so. I try to exercise regularly and sometimes I take melatonin to help me...|||Stupid People. Stupid people with authority pisses me off even more.|||I try to be nice to everyone. But I dont HAVE to be around people I don't like for too long. So it isn't hard for me to be nice to them during our occasional interaction. Yes, I would feed a rapist....|||Yep. I'm always get to the point. Especially on the phone. My wife always criticizes the way I talk to people. I'm not trying to be mean. I just sound that way, I guess.|||Nah, blow it on a big party for all your friends! Stay out of fortex but mutual funds are fine. You have plenty of time to recoup any losses you incur so be aggressive. Check out morningstar.com for...|||Hello and welcome to the fourm. I look forward to chatting with you sometime.|||Wow. Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. I've really been enjoying the forum so far. I look forward to getting to know all of you.|||Horny pretty much all the time.' | 7,076 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 'Why not?|||Any other ESFJs originally mistype as an NFP? I think that's increasingly common across typology communities, with the Sensor hate and all.|||Hello again. Thanks for all your help. I know this is late; it's been quite busy with finals and such. This order is tentative, and some were really close, but here's the order I could come up with...|||Of the J functions, I'd say it would be: Fi>Ti>Fe>Te or Fi>Fe>Ti>Te. Of the P functions I think it goes: Si>Ne>Ni>Se|||The ESFJs on this site are lovely. I'm generally shy or a bit wary on big sites like this, but you all have managed to make me smile and feel just a little bit at home. <3|||I am pursuing a career in elementary education!|||Thank you for the mention! <3 I am unsure of my ESFJ typing (I may be ISFJ) but I appreciate the mention and will answer the questions. 1. What is your favorite food? Fettucine with alfredo sauce....|||Eh, I don't think so. It just seems that way because it's so widely valued by society above most all else. I don't really believe in superior disciplines. It's all important, y'know?|||Oh, I do that. A lot, actually. Sometimes I find that mid-sentence, I come up with something different and say that. It's like I start off with half a sentence and my mind gives me something to...|||Thinking and reflecting is certainly natural to me, and I don't find it boring at all. While I love music and I listen to it frequently, I couldn't handle it forever. I once knew a girl who listened...|||DOGSOUP Ah, thank you! This puts me...right between those two. Around my close friends I certainly act/feel/seem like your ENFP friend. I place an enormous amount of value on inspiration and symbols...|||Creative: This is basically the main reason I chose NTP of the choices. I consider myself, and other people consider me to be, very creative. I try to be creative in all I do. I put my own mark on...|||I think SFJs can be extraordinarily quirky or random. Much more than they're given credit for.|||Thank you, this made me happy! <3|||I've been investigating the functions for about 2 years now. Unfortunately I was supplied mostly with stereotypical misinformation until just a few months ago. I'm still learning. I always thought I...|||Sure it would fit. I don't relate to being organized at all, but the organized thing is kind of fading out, I think. I'm not methodical or decisive. So if you're going by organized vs haphazard, I'll...|||In typical 6 fashion, I am questioning my type. I thought I was INFP, but I realized I'm just not N enough for that. I love me some philosophical discussions, and they're stimulating for a bit, but...|||Isfp.|||Isfj - hatred|||My INTJ brother was pretty rambunctious as a kid. Anyways, maybe you're just developing your Ni?|||When you have a wild imagination, but long theoretical discussions just drain the hell out of you.|||Honestly, I could easily see Trump as a 3 rather than 8.|||Okay. :) Because blooming is taken, could I have AuroraSwan?|||Name change request - I would like my name changed to: blooming :)|||Hey, thanks guys for your insights! What about their Enneagram types? I think my dad is 1w2, not sure about my mom, brother might be 5w6, sister 6w5, 5w6, or 8w9. What do you think?|||I posted this somewhere else, but it didn't get too many responses. What are the MBTI and Enneagram types of my family members? Dad -Orderly -Plans ahead and gets things done on time...|||roselett Yeah, thanks for your input! Technically this would go in the what's my type forum, but I guess I specifically wanted input from the ENFPs. :)|||Hi guys! So I'm asking for a little input one last time on my ENFP or INFP. I'm still torn between the two. I could be an ENFP, but here are the some of the things that make me wonder if I'm more...|||I got ESTJ. Extrovert: 22% Sensing: 12% Thinking: 50% Judging: 56% I'm surprised my S wasn't higher on this. I'm definitely an N.|||4w3! Though I'm unsure of INFP/ENFP.|||No, I'm not one to approach strangers. I can and will if it's required of me, and I'll be good at it, but it's not something I would really do. In the few cases that I do approach strangers, it's to...|||Ne - Fi - Ni - Si - Fe - Ti - Se - Te I might be an ENFP after all. I think a lot of this is influenced by Enneagram as well. I'm a 4, a withdrawn type, with a 3 wing, a less withdrawn type. And...|||Where is the PerC functions test? I tried finding it but only got other links. I do believe I'm being true to myself. A lot of it also depends on my current mood or mindset. :happy:|||The test gave me I. Though I've taken it before and I think it gave me I/E.|||Yes, it is a necessity--but I also think it's a necessity for most people. Nobody can be left alone in a cave for the rest of their lives. Nobody is a complete extrovert or introvert--such a man...|||jilleh88 I would be fine with being called an introvert! I have no bad view of introversion at all, if that's what you're asking. :) In a lot of ways, I wish I was more introverted than I already am,...|||Hi! I'm fairly new on this forum in that I haven't posted much. Anyways, based on some of the responses I've gotten here, I think I'm an INFP. I wanted to know if any of you portray some of the more...|||1. I don't end up in leadership positions that often. When I do, I try to be nice, fair, and forgiving, but I get really nervous assigning them stuff. I have my own ideas and vision for the project,...|||Thank you so much for your insight! Another thing I forgot to add is that when I'm upset or dealing with a problem, I tend to reach out rather than deal with things on my own. So I don't know if...|||Definitely Ti. Honestly, I just don't see any Fe. I say probably IxTP--but INTP more so. But I'm very new at typing, and don't even know my own type that well, so take what I say with a grain of...|||Alright. I've narrowed myself down to INFP and ENFP based on responses I was given on an earlier thread I posted. I just feel like I didn't give enough information regarding the I/E. Whether I'm...|||Thanks for your input. <3 :hug:|||Thanks for your input! <3|||Kind of both. It's like ideas are produced in my brain like little bouncy balls in a mind-factory. I spit them out and bounce them off others to see if they actually bounce. Or I do so myself. It...|||Thanks for your input as well. *hug* I'm still confused as to whether I'm an I or an E though. It's a close call.|||Thank you for your input! :hug:|||Hello guys! I'm confused about my type (I've gotten mixed results) and any feedback would be very appreciated! <3 I found this questionnaire. It's long, but please bear with me. :) 1. Is there...' | 627 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'Yeah, there's time I go to big gatherings with people my ISTJ don't know by myself. Now family gatherings are ok. But not gathers were they don't know anyone. I'm a low extravert so don't go out...|||I use to get a lot of mix music tapes and still get lots of cds with mix music. Maybe I'm being picky on what is romantic. Never thought of that until now. Hmm...You gave me something to think...|||After reading the links Laeona posted, I realize how far my ISTJ and I've come. (Come May 2017 we'll have been together for 18 years.) Is our relationship perfect? Hell no! But do we love each...|||I'm going on 18 years come May 2017 with my ISTJ. For the most part, we don't argue. If we do, it's usually because of miscommunication. My ISTJ can be insensitive with feelings at times but...|||Wow! Great stuff! Thanks!|||Thank you for your response. I've accomplished a lot in life, so I don't think it's that. As for regrets, the only regret I have in life is that I didn't date more INFPs before settling down. ...|||INFP not responding to text since December 18th. She does have a tendency to go long periods without talking but not going without checking her messages. She claims she is a high EMPATH. The last...|||How come I, an ENFJ, feel understood by INFPs but so misunderstood by ISTJs yet find myself attracted to both?|||Hello INFPs. Missing my INFP friend to talk to. I'm feeling bum about turning 40 this year. Any ideas what I should do for it and/or how to get over this bum feeling?|||INFPs rock too! ;)|||NFJs are intimacy junkies. Doing things for us is great but what really turns us on is playful banter, creativity in the bedroom, lots of emotional attention (make her feel desirable by desiring her...|||Well said! And, yes, both definitely need to be healthy. I think that is true for all relationships though. Just so you know, not all INFP/ENFJ compatibility are created equal. I know several...|||I'm a NFJ with a very low E. When down and out, I turn to drawing because I have no musical talent. It's like I'm able to express my feelings positively without hurting myself (facing a possible...|||Do you have a high 8 because 4w5s sound a lot like 8s? And 8 with a 4 is like a lightening storm but in a nice hot way.|||I think it's my high 8 that love high 4s. This compatibility has a love and war feel to it. I'm not so sure about the 5 and 2 combo because my 2 hates when my 5 withdrawals emotionally.|||:) This book is where I discovered the 9 and 2 connection. Amazon.com: The Enneagram in Love and Work: Understanding Your Intimate and Business Relationships (9780062507211): Helen Palmer: Books|||From what I've gathered, high 4s like high 3s.|||Are you a high 9 because 2 and 9 have an incredible emotional connection?|||I think I figured it out. I bet you are a high 2 and he was a high 9. They merge emotionally together. It's freaky, scary, and exhilarating at the same time. Both types need to be healthy because...|||I, an ENFJ, can be overly sensitive. My ISTJ of 13 years is blunt which at times can be taken as being insensitive to my feelings or critical. I'm learning to not take everything so seriously from...|||After looking into tritypes, I've discovered why I have this uncanny connection with 2 INFPs in particular. I'm a 2w3 8w9 6w5 one tested both 3w4 or 4w3 (there 4 and 3 were equal) and 9w1 6w5...|||Let me know if this sounds correct. 9w8 2w3 7w6 The peacemaker w The challenger, The helper/The achiever, The enthusiast/The Loyalist I bet you do well with a high 3 in your life because...|||Where are your results? It should be a table listing the percentage of each number.|||I tested high on 2 and 3. I'm higher on 2 so I'm a 2w3. The test I took gives me my high scores, so the values I listed are the scores that I tested the highest on. Thanks for the links by the...|||OK, enough of me denying myself: I'm a high 2, 3, 6, 8. I figured out my connection with my INFP friend. We feel connected because of my 2 (The Helper) which she lacks and her 4 (The...|||I highly recommend paying $10 for this test. Enneagram Test - Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator It's more accurate and it explains your types in more depth. Good luck!|||Thank you for the book recommendation. I will definitely add it to my book collection.|||Okay, a good friend corrected me and said having a 4 isn't possible. Ugh! This tritype is hard to nail down, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere though. I do think my testing of 2, 3, 8 is due...|||Your parents sound like they were in the unhealthy stress stages of the Enneagram during your childhood. For the record, my dad was a lot like your dad and mom and I'm pretty sure he was in a very...|||By the way, nothing to take personally, because I discovered that those values are actually my stress state, so normally I'm a 2, 4, 6. I tested 2, 3, 8 because of my childhood experience triggered...|||Thanks, Jawz, for your story. After taking the full version, I actually tested as your least favorite person. I tested as 2 being the highest with 3 and 8 being the same second highest. I can...|||BTW, here is a link to a more accurate test, if you're interested. It has around 150 questions and cost $10. I highly recommend it because it pegged me and was very informative. It also talks on...|||Since this is a short test, it's not as accurate as this link which gives you a lot of information for $10: Enneagram Test - Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator However, looking at your results,...|||It's weird but I never felt a power struggle. We are protective of each other though. The only thing that I've realized is that we tend to want to help each other, rather than ourselves. You...|||I feel the same about my INFP friend too. It's so dang uncanny how we get each other. Thanks for sharing your story.|||I think I have a grasp on how to figure out our tritype. If you want, click on the link and fill in your gender and click next. Free Enneagram Personality Test Take test 2 times and paste your...|||I think I have a grasp on how to figure it out. If you want, click on the link and fill in your gender and click next. Free Enneagram Personality Test Take test 2 times and paste your results and...|||Have you experienced this phenomenon? That is meeting an INFP with a very similar tritype to yourself. If so, did you end up in a relationship with this person? If so, how was the relationship?...|||Have you experienced this phenomenon? That is meeting an ENFJ with a very similar tritype to yourself. If so, did you end up in a relationship with this person. If so, how was the relationship. ...|||Sounds like to me, the real question is do we really hate being alone or that we hate being without companionship? The reason I ask this is because I don't mind being alone as long as I know I...|||Completely alone without being around humans, animals, internet, or texting--not a chance. I have to at least have my canine companion. I need some type of companionship even if it's only my dog. ...|||Welcome to the forum, sephora. Thanks again for your post. It gives me some hope that my ISTJ will not cut out our niece and nephew from their life.|||Thanks everyone for your remarks and comments pertaining to my situation with my ISTJ. I really do appreciate it. I think we've talked this subject into the ground and that I have my answer. ...|||Thank you so much for giving me some hope. I really do appreciate it.|||I'm WELL AWARE that all relationships require work. I have several long term relationships that the communication is no where as difficult as it is with me and my two ISTJs (my spouse and mom). ...|||I agree with this and so does my ISTJ. However, we both disagree with this one. It's a BIG DEAL! My ISTJ HATES being wrong and will not admit being wrong even if proven wrong. And,...|||A metaphor is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea. This is a perfect example of what I'm...|||Thank you for your story. Our different views and opinions is exactly what's paying a toll on me and my relationship with my ISTJ. I thought with a lot of work, we could over come these...|||Thank you for your reply. Our communication is one thing that has tremendously improved over the years. May I ask how many years you've been with your ISTJ?|||Thanks everyone for your input. You've given me some things to think about and talk over with my counselor. The friendship between my ISTJ and I is very strong. You've made me well aware that...' | 3,174 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Right now I am into Blue Halite Crystals mined in Carlsbad, NM http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/10/30/c53f4b36675c2b17fc4c446b84507321.jpg|||Of what i have seen of the show so far this is my best guesstimation. Amanita: ENFP 7W8 Sun Bak: ISTJ 1W9 Riley Blue: INFP 9w1 Wolfgang Bogdanow: ISTP 9W8 Capheus: ENFP 6W7 Kala Dandekar:...|||No worries. Though I'm not familiar with Ender's Game, all those other characters I believe are Fi doms, which is why I leapt to INFP.|||1. brightflashes I'm going to take a leap and say INFP? 2. The characters I relate to the most: x95 Dr. Cristina Yang- Grey's Anatomy...|||I finally saw this, actually a few years ago now. It is in my top 5 docs. The imagery is so crisp and beautiful. The story that is told solely through visuals and music just draws you in. ...|||Hey Younique. It has been a really long time. I know this post is a bit old but I did want to share. I feel that when you experience 2 or more different ethnic groups fully. I mean you are one...|||I find that I enjoy the company of ISFJ's when in an environment that requires people to be well mannered. I find them to be wonderfully considerate and kind people, aware of what it means to...|||I love the Garfield, Mulligan video. It is quite helpful and has Carey Mulligan. I still adore so much her role in An Education!|||OkWhat, you are over the place. And every new post is golden! I love!|||That is so cute. When I was a teenager I had a mentor who did something similar for me. A very balanced ENTP. She was like the Lorelei to my Rory. She helped me to channel my intensity in a way that...|||You are quite welcome, my dear! I suppose I should have said the cognitive stacking says Ti. The big debate for me was actually Te over Ti. Fe seemed apparent, to me at least. I just didn't know...|||Kudos Tals!:kitteh:|||I love the depth and detail to which you expressed this. When deciphering where you fall within the dichotomies it is so easy to not be able to fully appreciate the many layers of each type. I...|||Hi Younique! Black INFJ right here!|||1. Archaeologist 2. Anthropologist 3. Documentary Film Maker 4. Director of Relief project in disaster torn region. 5. Epidemiologist 6. Explorer 7. Travel Blogger|||I'm 549, Hello!|||Type 5 here 5w4> 4w5> 9w1 SP/SO|||It was fun to take, but I was typed as ISFP...eeeeck!|||Endomorph, 5'1 and size 6. That is me at my smallest.|||I would first like to say that only you can know what type you are. Secondly I'll add I have struggled with this in the past first with ISFJ then with INTJ. I learned that INFJ's tend to mimic...|||I only like to shop when I am inspired. When I am revamping my wardrobe, when I find my theme for Christmas shopping. When the weather turns cold and I can make all of my warm weather fav foods....|||I know I am a late comer, but here is my list. All of my shows are discontinued accept for the third one. 1. Pushing Daisies (ABC) 2. Avatar: The Last Airbender (Nickelodeon) 3. Prisoners of War...|||I am going to be moving sometime in the next 2 weeks. My plan was to move to an area of town where I feel like I have more of a community. I moved to this city just over a year ago for work and...|||I am going to be moving sometime in the next 2 weeks. My plan was to move to an area of town where I feel like I have more of a community. I moved to this city just over a year ago for work and...|||My favorite Doc of all time is Waltz with Bashir. I love learning about other cultures, and this is a story about a 19 year old and his experiences in the Lebanon War. He is experiencing...|||I do a lot of things that people tell me are weird. Let's start from the top... 1. I sing my actions when I am in the presence of other people. For instance when I am cooking with my nephews I...|||Right Now.... 1. Nina Simone 2. Miles Davis 3. Frou Frou 4. The Black Keys 5. Lauryn Hill 6. Esperanza Spalding 7. Jimi Hendrix 8. Meiko|||I have liked so many that have been mentioned. But two that I believe has not been listed yet are Blue Gold: World Water Wars and Flow: For Love of Water. These two docs discuss the role that...|||I know it is late, but my vote goes for... Pacifists – focused on peace and making living conditions better Academists – focused on education and scientific advancement Culturists –...|||Former conservative Christian that is very open to join a community of liberal open-minded Christians.|||Natalie Walker- Colorblind I find the most peace when listening to slightly melancholy music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2hPTtiy76c|||Posted! There are suprisingly 3 INTJ's in the Nashville, area. Maybe 2, I may have added myself twice. HeHe!|||I listen to this at least once a week, it helps to bring me back to my calm, serene center. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyOhUXsGqak&feature=youtube_gdata_player|||I would definitely have to agree with you. I enjoy shopping because it is a necessary step to creating. I wouldn't say that just purusing a store for items in itself could fulfill my folly. I enjoy...|||I love highly efficient and focused shopping for purely creative purposes. I love shopping for journals, it is my go to form of artistic expression. Creative writing is the only true artistic...|||This seemslike an amazingly interesting and helpful tool! I found this link that post all the themes. Now Discover Your Strengths - StrengthFinder Themes. I was just curious about all of them and...|||Many of my best ideas gain clarity in my sleep. Though I find that without adequate rest I fall short on much more then my intuitive capabilities.:unsure:|||I try to take out some time to do the things that I enjoy, but make sure I do it in the company of those who I can share the experience with. The most important part is being in the prescence of...|||Harmony Seeking Idealist hits the bullseye for me. The one that would least fit is The Mystic. I am not really all that magical.|||Well good luck, and I hope you enjoy every step of your journey! It will be so worth it!|||Honestly, developing one's personality can vary depending on the situation. I ensured everyones happiness. As if my life depended on it. My method was to be selfish. Something that is not as easy as...|||Gray is beautiful, the color of overcast skies. But then again I love purple, a grayish hue of course. I on the very opposite spectrum love jewel tones, deep ruby, aubergine, rich sapphire, and a...|||I would say that you seem to be very NF. It sounds as though you will be dueling it out over INFJ and INFP. I am leaning more towards INFJ. This primarily because if I were asked to describe...|||INTJ and INTP are easily the most natural, though socially I adapt best as an ENFJ. Most rarely, and most draining is when I am with my family, I revert to the behavior of an ESFP.|||Ideally a pig, or a peacock they are soooo cute. Realistically a pug or an english bulldog. I just love those wrinkley faces!|||I would have to second that. Though I do personally find it annoying to be compared to a Labradoodle, loyal is another quality that I tend to be complimented on. I realize that when I happen to offer...|||Something where I get to travel and live all over the world. Making it just a tad bit healthier and hopefully happier! I am shooting for Medical Anthropologist/Epidemiologist. Ideally working with...' | 6,589 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I've faced rejection and the odd criticism, but there isn't a villain in my story. I've never had outside sources try to erode my self worth and am generally surrounded by supportive people. However,...|||-nevermind-|||Creatively, I think INFPs get inspired quite easily. My problem isn't getting motivation, but maintaining it through the long journey of perfectionism on that particular project. If I were less...|||My dad is an ISTJ and so reserved on the outside, but he has an incredible heart. He doesn't often verbalize his love but rather shows it by his hard work and dedication to our family. It's beautiful...|||ISxx and I are a really clunky fit conversationally.|||RabbitHeart - I was obsessed with Jimmy Eat World in high school and their Clarity album is still like a 50-minute cryfest if the timing is right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnf-VRC-41Y|||I wouldn't say that is true; I don't find it true in the reverse. Since being with my boyfriend, I've felt my femininity more strongly than ever, and I believe he'd say the same of his masculinity....|||Misanthropy for me is usually a rebound from overwhelming large-scale emotions. Those times when the good won't come into focus, and the people everywhere are starving-cold-abused-fighting-lonely...|||I remember being 11 or 12 and wondering if I could ever commit suicide, not because I hated life but because I wanted to die before feeling the pain of my loved ones' deaths. Step warmly into the...|||Yesterday I hit some slush going about 45-50 mph down the highway and crashed my car into some trees. I'm very lucky, all that happened was a burnt hand from the airbag and whiplash, but the car is...|||I'm loyal to books/records over digital and bet many other INFPs are too (or at least appreciate both). Relaxing with a silky soft cover is so sensual. But e-books looked way sunnier once discovering...|||I've never worn perfume, I just like lots of fresh smells together - shampoo, body wash, lotion, fresh laundry.|||The bold ones get me. It's my reflex to feel intimidated by people who are better than me in my specific fields of interest, but I'm trying to use them as inspiration to better myself at my own...|||Of course... I fell in love with a man I met on PerC, a place we found ourselves because of an interest in personality psychology. This is no different than meeting someone with a common interest...|||For me, it's fear of rejection. People naturally want to be liked, even if not romantically. Often we try to soften the blow of our romantic disinterest by being kind to the unrequited, hoping he/she...|||In honor of my complete and utter lack of J-ness. http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/9027_1204547992718_1199160515_30692882_7392039_n.jpg|||I am truly in love with a member of this forum. I would marry this man tomorrow if he asked me.|||Print off ten copies of this picture and hang it everywhere. http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/MegatronMotivation.png|||“Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not” -Epicurus That's my take. I've always feared living more than dying. I am trying to overcome my...|||I thoroughly agree. Non-romantics are capable of romantic gestures, but if you yearn for someone who is romantic to the core, heart and soul, simple gestures won't fulfill you. I believe one is born...|||Me during every first day of class that involved an icebreaker: http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/tumblr_lo3q31FKSi1qbumrto1_500.jpg|||I switched to using my left hand halfway through reading the article.|||I have not been very active lately, if anyone wants to say hello stop by. :tongue:|||Passed a hotel sign: Let our sheets absorb your wrinkles :unsure: Eww... Further down the road, huge billboard: DON'T LET THINGS DISTRACT YOU WHILE DRIVING|||I'm the exact opposite - I can't eat normal foods until I eat something breakfasty. Sometimes I have breakfast for lunch and dinner too. It's a combination of liking those foods and being too lazy to...|||Love the picture! You both look so happy. And love your dress in it Laura. :P|||On wet summer mornings, I love to open the window and feel the dampness and hear the birds singing when it's still slightly dark out. It's so peaceful and makes me feel like I'm in a rain forest.|||Everyone values intelligence to some degree, but they don't always agree on what it means. Intelligence can mean street smarts that allow people to live in dangerous/unfavorable circumstances and...|||A snake that likes to cuddle http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/Snakey.jpg http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/images.jpg|||I hate you Little Debbie. Why must you make preservatives taste like heaven...|||Wanting to rewrite the first Harry Potter book now...|||Shorttail - You and I will get along, lol. Aesop Rock is the artist that changed my mind about hip hop. He has a vocabulary the size of Africa and lyrically is just unparalleled. When I...|||Jazzanova Damn good taste. Nah, share em! Those who are offended need not listen. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYrmop7g2cU|||Once upon a time I hated hip hop (one of those can't spell crap without rap people). I listened to everything - from motown to Hindu chanting - but was too stubborn to give rappers a chance. I...|||I kind of regret changing my name because now I feel like a newbie that no one knows. TentacleZoom says hi, all you lovely INFPS.|||http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/youre-doing-alright-everyone.jpg|||I always believed it would take me years to say I love you (stuck on fantasies of a long, slow romance). Then I met someone who allowed me to be my complete self, without worrying about coming on...|||Learn the rules, then screw the rules. :D Use How-Tos for inspiration, but don't get trapped in reading about writing. Other than learning a few tricks, they only give the illusion of progress. To...|||Squee overdose http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/f60f4f0a67476727fbc7f7f74ceff284-d3fki7r.jpg|||The movie didn't do much for me, but I adore the Anne books. They're some of the only books whose purple prose doesn't sicken me. I love the over the top idealism. Pages upon pages of sunshine and...|||Won't happen before the last installment of Harry Potter comes out. Granted, I'm a book loyalist, but it's still the end of an era - even God knows better than to fuck that up.|||Writing is difficult lately, as I find English more and more inadequate at expressing the finer nature of things. I wish I could get a language pack implanted that allows me to think in any...|||I'm dating an INFP and before meeting him I'd never even crushed on another INFP and assumed different types would be a better match, but we compliment each other so well. Lots of similarities to...|||http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q40/waytogoturtle/2mchoaw-1.jpg|||Two decades of Easter and I still feel guilty biting the head off my chocolate rabbit. :P|||Being in love with the idea of love made me a tad over-zealous with crushes in the past - I grew so hopeful of each new prospect, and felt that stinging disappointment when they fell flat - but I...|||Do you believe in soul mates? Why, or why not? Yes. Human hearts were not made to be lonely. They were meant to find one another and melt into one. What is a soul mate to you? Define it in your...|||Hit Reply With Quote and copy/paste the whole thing into the reply box on the other thread. Multiple tabs ftw.|||Absorbed in a cloud, a dream-like stupor.|||laurachanelle I agree, and that's the incredible things about living in 2011 - your soulmate might live in a different country, but the internet increases your chances of finding that perfect...' | 7,320 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I actually just don't like being INFP - make me an S type, now! I want to fit in! Not going to elaborate :')|||I'm actually really surprised I ended up with an ESFP as a boyfriend, and I wonder if you guys have experience with ESFP's in a dating sense too! Searched Google about the subject but didn't find...|||You sound like an honest person, I think she will pick up on that so that's not something to worry about (quite important though). What I'd like you to do is be playful/ lighthearted - fun's so...|||Private. Not something to discuss on forums hahah :-)|||Do you look your age? I certainly know I don't, I look like a 17-year old and I'm 21. Is this common for INFP's, or is it just me? I guess we might act younger than we are, so maybe that's why we'd...|||Guys, he told me he's sorry. I explained everything I felt about the situation and told him that if I'm not what he's looking for, I don't want him around. He said he's sorry, he didn't mean to make...|||How confusing guys can be. You never exactly know their intentions.|||We've been together for four months, he's my first boyfriend and he's generally a sweet guy. I really don't like the fact that he tries to change me, though.. and that he checks out and talks about...|||Leo, it's about the most inaccurate description of me around.|||-|||I like your reply, it's nice to know there are people out there who think the same :) I stopped changing my moods when I thought that all people were seeing was a 'light' version of me, not the real...|||lol|||I seem to have forgotten too -_- Used to have tons of friends, but I was always easily excitable and energetic around them. Now I realise that I don't want to change my moods around people...|||Looks like a check, a sign of recognition from heaven? lol. That's what it made me think of.|||I love the web, it has so many possibilities. Guess I'll follow an online French course now, ta-ta!|||I have an ESFJ boyfriend, he's great but I can't help but imagine what could go wrong between us. It seems to work out too well until now, as if there's still something I should get to know about him...|||Thanks ZDD.. I was wondering whether your type needs a lot of space, do you get uncomfortable if someone talks to you a lot? Would hate to irritate the guy with small talk about his day if he's not...|||I'm dating an ESFJ, I'm absolutely sure about his type. The thing is, we've been on two dates and he already asked me to be his girlfriend! I'm a bit wishy-washy about relationships and would hate to...|||I meant that I tend to think illogically, which might be perceived as vagueness by other people. For me, something is 'logical' at the moment, while others think it's not. The consequence is that...|||I wasn't. Were you?|||Oh mighty ISTP's Help me solve this mystery: why are you so confident when you actually really suck with personal interaction? I envy this confidence and look down on it at the same time.|||Dear ISTP's - everywhere I'll never date you again, I'm way too sensitive. Already saw this coming and I guess I learnt my lesson now. ISTP's on this forum: sorry for intruding. - ISFP.|||This is exactly what I experience with an ESFJ friend of mine.. she's great company, fun to talk to, friendly, compassionate and can keep secrets fairly well, but she expects a lot of openness and...|||I had a really fun ESTJ friend, but somehow she didn't get me and I felt like she walked over me too much. So I cut that off. The friend I've had the longest is an ISFP I know since primary school....|||I genuinely don't know what to think of ISTP's. They seem so easygoing but are actually very judgemental.. and I never have a lot to say to them - even being spontaneous around them doesn't work,...|||http://i44.tinypic.com/2mhc2th.jpg Green hair ftw :)|||That's exactly what I thought too at first. She's too bouncy and all over the place to be an introvert.. that's what I think.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JedDjhZrMM She's supposed to be an ISFP.. I don't know. I act like her complete opposite; I probably AM her complete opposite. Ahhh. So if it's true, then maybe I...|||I used to think I was INTP/INTJ. Hurray for being an ISFP :) Welcome.|||Exactly. I always go for guys who are completely uninterested, but I think it's a bit of a competition for me.. like 'can I get this guy to like me?' without being desperate or needy lol|||I feel attracted to ISTP's a lot. They're just so laid back, fun and not too loud (like the fun but dramatic ESxP's are). It doesn't work out very well though. Have yet to find good match.|||I know of a lot of ISFP's (including myself) that somehow can't manuevre themselves out of confrontational situations. It's like they're so stuck by their passive, negative reaction to setbacks that...|||They're loads of fun, but I get drained by them after a while. One ESFP I knew would literally ask me why I wasn't giving her any attention.. I was like ummmmm wow. lol They're also not really very...|||Why don't you head to the library for some more books about Nostradamus and astrology? Oh, and don't forget to do a tarot reading for today.. I can sense there are great opportunities ahead of you!|||Me: 'HIIIIIII, what's up?' Classmates: :mellow: Me: Meh, whatever. Gotta love school, right?|||I found this somewhere on the internet, it's based on people's observations: ISFP - hip, cool, stylish, reserved, scenesters, easygoing flower child, leisurely. And then there's this one: ...|||I like ISFJ's and ISTP's.. can't really choose which type I like more. ISFJ's always have your back if they trust you - I know this sounds really cheesy but it's true. They let you in their circle...|||I'm trying to type someone I never got very close to, I think he's an istp. Does this seem somewhat common among you guys? - He mocks people but he's not really obvious about it. He'll mock you...|||I was mildly entertained by Weird Al's interviews a while back.. nothing that really blew my mind though|||guitarguy, cheese is scrumptious, how kind of you to ask.|||I think we're focused on different things, which makes it hard to understand each other. It's not like either of our types are good or bad, we're just different and in my opinion a bit incompatible....|||Welcome :D|||They're lots of fun until they get irritated about small things. And I don't particularly like the tendency to be so involved in other peoples lives, that they talk about them behind their back....|||:') I'm just trying to say that ISFP's might pay less attention to things that aren't happening in their own environment than INFP's might do.|||I don't really like the few ENFP's I know :') They seem to have interests that are very different from mine. Then again, that might just be more personal than to do with types. Don't have a lot in...|||Well yes, they both get worked up.. but I think they get worked up about different things. I for example don't really bother even thinking about things that happen in other countries, because I think...|||Do you get worked up about things you hear on the news, if someone would ask your opinion on the news item? Like that factory that collapsed in Bangladesh? Or are you more like: 'I can't change it...|||Ahh at last, someone like me :P :D I think it's the weak Ni-thing we have going on|||Well, I'm guessing you're an overall 'nice' person (at least, I find both INFP and ISFP to be quite agreeable and nice).. how do you act when you do things that are 'out of character'? I mean.. when...|||People don't tell me that it's hard to understand me, but I notice they are often confused about why I would do or think something. My driving instructor once told me to tell me what I was thinking...' | 7,787 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Everyone calls us the puppies of MBTI. How bad can my fellow INFPs reaaaaaally be when pushed to the limit?|||Three things I have identified thus far: 1. Intelligence level. People tend to choose partners of similar intelligence, and MBTI won't tell you if someone has the same intelligence level as...|||His attachment style is definitely a doozy here. It's easily explained in the Enneagram, where he types as 3w4 sx. MBTI doesn't have an equivalent to the Enneagram's variant stacking though :/|||This is where things just get muddy! He's VERY opinionated, especially about creative stuff, and does not mind stepping on a few toes to get his point across. He's been called an asshole before,...|||We actually met online, hahaha. Perfect internet couple indeed!|||Mother: ISFJ Father: ISTJ Me (eldest daughter): INFP Younger brother: ISTJ Youngest brother: ExFx (definitely not ESFP, but could be ESFJ, ENFP or ENFJ) I'm an idealist surrounded by sentinels!|||A long time ago my boyfriend took the MBTI test, and came back INFP. I'm INFP too, and we have such easy and awesome conversations that I kind of just went with it. It seemed obvious he was INFP to...|||Worriedfunction, Okay... Not sure if anyone's said this yet, because I'm not going to bother reading all 6 pages... But the way you posed this question was sure to set off the dogs. You came here...|||What's your type and what is most likely to steer you down the road of unhealthiness? Feel free to use specific examples if you have any. If you know another type personally and have seen their...|||After dating another INFP, I can't imagine being with another type. Dating an ISFJ was a nightmare. According to this site, NFs have the highest satisfaction rate with other NFs at 73% (second only...|||My doctor put me on Lunesta, which I found to be much more helpful than Ambien (have you read those horror stories?!). I also used to listen to ASMR videos on YouTube while I fell asleep to give me...|||Today I was thinking about how one of the reasons that my INFP boyfriend and I get along so well is that we both have terrible sleep patterns. We can both stay up for extended periods of time (even...|||emberfly, Why did you lead me to that Elliot Rodger YouTube video?! Watching stuff like that makes me sick, thinking about how impossibly deluded some people are. Reading the comments defending...|||Yet another ESFP! Starbuckskat and Draumande Romvesen called it. If we stick to the suggestion by Swordsman of Mana that ExFxs may be more likely to post, his idea that 2s, 3s, and 7s would also...|||It's true, any type most likely to thread is going to be chock-full of stereotypes. But I'm still interested in what people think/their personal opinions on the matter.|||Double post.|||The only ESFP (7w8) I know is also a selfie-lover; she doesn't use social media often, but when she does it's usually to post a photo of herself. The other 7 I know has a 6 wing and might as well...|||For example, I don't identify at all with the hopeless romantic descriptions of 4.|||Let's assume we're dealing with average health levels. Which types are more likely to initiate a breakup, which types are more prone to be the victims of a breakup? Would these tendencies change...|||First off, I'll say that health levels/maturity matter above all. An intuitive would get along MUCH better with a healthy sensor than another unhealthy intuitive. That said, I'll recount my...|||Which type (or types) is most likely to post selfies or status updates about themselves? MBTI and Enneagram types welcome. For Enneagram, I think wings make a big difference here as I can see a 4w3...|||I'm a painfully image conscious INFP. I just think I'm less likely to do something about it than a S type might, mostly because I lack motivation, but not because I don't care.|||My Sx boyfriend has admitted that he would stay if he felt he didn't have any other options. He cannot tolerate being alone and would rather be in a bad relationship, even if the partner cheated. ...|||@ GUIMPIV, Thanks, this is an interesting read.|||RobynC These parts specifically say 6 to me: They have anxiety issues largely centering around not knowing what to do either because they don't want to look like an idiot or incompetent, and...|||Harsh, man. These read like personal vendettas.|||alittlebear, I have no idea what this means, but it made me laugh so hard.|||@ GUIMPIV, Can you explain this better? Hamilton wasn't attributing Will, Mind, Life to the Enneagram, that is your doing, correct? What did the titles Will, Mind, Life mean to him?|||Romantically? I'm so/sx and feel most comfortable with an sx partner who will do the pursuing. I need to know that someone can commit and will be there for me emotionally, that's the only way I'd...|||Swordsman of Mana, Interesting thread, you should do this for other types as well. Where are you getting your info from?|||This just oozes 6 to me|||Ohhhh yes, I seem to have endless empathy for bad people. I was reading about this revenge porn site guy who got 18 years in prison and I immediately felt it was too harsh. Then I read the comments...|||INFP Agnostic I wouldn't be so bold as to say there isn't a god, but a long personal journey led me away from the faith I was raised in (Christianity). If a genuine all-loving supreme being...|||This is an interesting concept. Kind of how 4s are most prone to depression but also the most equipped to deal with it, as they embrace their negative feelings. I wonder if being prone to...|||This is what trips me up. I know as a 4w5 I often choose to isolate myself, and after a while I may grow lonely and then just not want to see anyone because I feel bad, perpetuating the isolation...|||Why did you choose to isolate yourself?|||Quang, What makes you say 4-5s? Judging from my reading that it is extroverts who are most prone to loneliness, I would not have guessed 4-5. However, being an introverted 4w5 myself, I only...|||What makes you say that?|||It seems to me that the instinctual variant SX is most prone to loneliness, and I have read that extroverts are more prone to loneliness than introverts (although introverts are more likely to be...|||I'd like to see what SO doms have to say about taste. Are they generally known for having good taste or just for being self-conscious about taste?|||My best friend (extroverted 7w6) and boyfriend (introverted 3w4) are both SX doms. Their SX manifests how you might expect for an introvert and extrovert. My best friend is incredibly devoted...|||o0india0o, It's ridiculous to think that one form of art is somehow better or more right than another, especially when the type of art a person chooses tells you so much about the person. Art...|||MY favored career, 4w5 so/sx, is filmmaking. I want to be a director. It is also the favored career of my 3w4 sx/so boyfriend. My 7w6 sx/so best friend wanted to be a biologist, then a chef, then...|||Do you have type 3 in your tritype? That might explain why, when growing healthy, you experience positive aspects of 3 more than 9. Conversely, if you type very low as 9, that might also explain why...|||My 8 roommate is actually an artist. He paints only 2 dimensional paintings of people, in black and white. He's an unhealthy 8 and I think his art style is a perfect representation of how he sees...|||I used to keep a journal, back when it would help me work through my emotions and clear my head. Then I fell into a bout of depression. I looked up one day after months of journaling and realized I'd...|||4w5. Emotion? Blistering cancer of the soul.|||My SX boyfriend. The day after he told me he liked me, and told him I liked him too, he said, I love you. I said, You can't possibly know that. He cried.|||That is such a 6 dream I laughed out loud while reading it.|||4w5-9-5, so/sx My dreams consistently have tidal waves which I read is indicative of feeling overwhelmed, although I don't often feel overwhelmed. Mostly I struggle with inaction, waiting for the...' | 1,613 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 'Sorry, I'm privatising my account atm lol. I'm meant to make a more public one sometime this next month tho|||I wish lol! I've wanted and had nails like those a hundred times tho. I'm too lazy to find my Insta pics.|||http://pbs.twimg.com/media/C1LBJUhUsAEvSSe.jpg:small https://imgbp.hotp.jp/CSP/IMG_SRC_K/52/98/C003995298/C003995298_262-349.jpg...|||Pretty much all of those have been me at some point - especially the job one.|||DH*P, I've been questioning my view on the law for years but when I played Devil's advocate to a girl who wants to join the police force in my class, I realised the suggestion of getting rid of the...|||The new millennium|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmTmZjuZiBA|||Rubber dinghy rapids|||As a Brit, I'm so happy to see this thread :crying: Too bad I can't attempt to type these people because you know how these soaps stay. Their personalty depends on the writer and how the writer...|||Marisa Kirisame: ESTP Reimu Hakurei: ISFJ Remilia Scarlet: ENTP Flandre Scarlet: ENFP Patchouli Knowledge: INTP Sakuya Izayoi: ISFJ Hong Meiling: ESFP Yukari Yakumo: ENTP Ran Yakumo: ISFJ...|||ISFP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrsfJHLx5YA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM7lw0Ovzq0|||Eii|||Seems your doing what needs to be done. The only 7 thing I can think of is being down whenever he's well enough to go somewhere or do something. I know for me as a SX 7, being able to do something...|||Bed: ISFP Marry: INFJ Kiss: INFP ENFJ, ESFJ, ESFP|||Of course, I revive another dead thread lol P4: MC: ENTJ - I'm ignoring the anime (that I've seen like two episodes of since the year started lol) and going by the game. Chill, sometimes...|||Then you're listening to the wrong music. Garage and grime are exclusively British sounds. And btw, when I said UK, I meant UK as in Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland.|||Shinji: INFP 6w5 - To me, he seems more 'things have always gone wrong' than 'things will go wrong'. Asuka: ENTJ 3w4 - Doesn't come across like a Fe user to me. Not very vocal with her feelings and...|||7w8|||I agree with this but I know you'd probably want to do something yourself. If you have to give to somebody you see personally, don't take out your wallet or anything. Just have what you need in a...|||I've always listened to Japanese RnB and some pop music and recently I'm liking Reggaeton so I'm hearing a lot of Spanish music. The sudden Reggaeton trend made my interest in Reggaeton legit lol|||I used to love it when this came on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPlQpGeTbIE And apparently, I used to love this as a baby lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zXKtfKnfT8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cntvEDbagAw|||I started listening to Utada Hiakaru and Koda Kumi when I was about 9-ish and since then, I've been listening to old skool Japanese RnB and the like. Don't even remember why I started listening to...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns_0zp00UQk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDxylqHU1j8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ4MdZ2QwoY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55fNDWT2Xuo ...|||Obsessed with these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ5RmC4mAWc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPcu6z1DxWE|||Because I don't see another thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzzYXMkAQ5Q|||The sx/so would be more interested in the people around him and the social dynamics. The sx/sp would be more concerned about acquiring things like money and good credit.|||I'm thinking about what I would do if my son was at home crying all alone on the bedroom floor cus he's hungry and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money and his...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5XNWFw5HVw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Sy19X0xxrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQRzrnH6_HY|||Very realistic. I'll do things like go clubbing and bump into someone I haven't seen in years and have a catch-up or find £50 and spend the rest of the dream getting my nails done. Or I'll imagine I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Hjn92UG_o|||When they use lines like Yo yo yo|||You expect me to write for ten whole bloody minutes? You're lucky I'm just drinking tea and taking a break from sorting out my uni stuff before the soaps come on. So believe this, I'm a law...|||I read this description the other day and when I read the bold, I felt like I finally understood something about myself that's been bothering me for years. I have no problem saying when something...|||4w5 sx/sp Give me those Alice in Wonderland vibes http://personalitycafe.com/attachments/whats-my-enneagram-type/715266d1505400786-visual-typing-befunky-collage.jpg|||I've been craving spag bol the past couple of days. I'm supposed to be low carbing it and can't eat all that spaghetti.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1gl46hh3sQ|||ISFP TMLT like crumpets with their tea|||I'm more likely to be the persecutor tbf in that scenario lol I used to play the Hero a lot but get annoyed seeing somebody running back to abuse when they have clear options. In my experience,...|||As happy as I am to say I finished my first day as a law student, the bus ride back home was a piss-take|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-s32ESIR-4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Nq37SKy5I|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7flrKMGfwjw|||It's not that serious. You make it sound like he went: This food is fucking shite! and threw it in her face or something lol. If he makes you this angry, then just end the friendship. I find...|||Thank the lord for the last option lol Cigarettes- Nah Cannabis- The only time you'll catch me smoking tobacco Hashish- I want to try it Wax- Nah Opium gum- Nah DMT- Nah|||I'm glad fox came up. They're sneaky little shits lol I'd say a unicorn would be ISFJ and preachy|||No, just trying to apply that same logic to those with disabilities because they're usually seen as the opposite of a threat.|||Looks like I misread the stuff about the child, I thought the child was the one biting! Bloody hell.|||Why is every thread I go in today like this lol' | 4,638 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 'You're right. It was wrong of me to assume, but how is it that you are completely understanding? What does emotionally damaged mean to you? Are you trying to fix them? If it is any of my business,...|||Well, not trying to be rude, but who are you to judge if you don't understand? A lot of people now a days have depression. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain. Not something in their control. You...|||Anytime. I'm here to help.|||You are obviously getting a ton of mixed signals. If she says she still loves you though, take it at face value. It seems she is distant because of what she said the first time you asked her if...|||1. Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place? It's worse to never attempt it in the first place. If at first you fail, try, try again. If you never try, then you will...|||Mind = Blown :shocked:|||It gives them something to believe in.|||You know you're an ISFP when you find it difficult to say what you're truly feeling.|||Hey guys. It's sexy crocodile time. 168786|||:blushed:|||Yes, she doesn't bite... Hard. Keep her happy and full, and she won't.|||I'm back. :happy:|||What are you so afraid of?|||I usually don't think in words. I generally envision what will happen in the future when I make a certain decision. Only when I am frustrated, I tend to hear my voice in my head saying, are you...|||*Licks belly* :kitteh:|||Aww. Wolfie is not sad anymore. :3 *Hugs*|||Yay!! All better. :kitteh: *Accepts cuddles*|||Aww, you made her sad. :sad:|||Are you jelly? My wolfie just wants to lick your face. Although we never know what she's capable of. :wink:|||You tell me. Lol. *Looks at you intensely.*|||HA!! You're being sarcastic about robbing a bank, right?|||Lol, maybe. :tongue:|||I definitely see how it is odd. I've been intimate before but I've never done anything like this in my life. Lol. I'm just exploring my options and having fun here. I know it doesn't exactly spell...|||Just wonderful. :kitteh:|||*Moans and does naughty things back.* :tongue:|||:blushed: Kiss me, touch me, tease me.|||Lol, my wolfie never fails me. :happy:|||You're yummy. I can't? Wait, I can? :laughing:|||Please, no!|||Uh oh.|||*Licks the chocolate off very slowly. My tongue swirls around in a loop up and down your hard, chocolate, sexy stick.*|||Ohhh!! That's ok. *Kisses you.* *Rubs chocolate on your penis.*|||@Mr. Meepers Lol, NO! You said that you were slow to me while I got naked in your last post. :laughing: I guess I won't be taking advantage of you then. No sexy chocolate stuff. </3|||Bananas + chocolate= Me dying and going to heaven.|||It better be real chocolate!! Mm, mm, good.|||YES!! THIS!! THANK YOU! :tongue:|||Sighs at the pepsi.|||Hehe. I don't mean to be a downer, but I'm only 18. :frustrating:|||Mr. Meepers Ok~ Hehe. *Burns everyone's clothes off*. Now they can join. *Gives you a seductive look as you get slow to me.* :wink:|||Whoa! Red, red wine!!|||Ohh la la. :kitteh:|||Is surprised, and then gets into it as I push your hair behind your ear. My lips parts as they meet yours, and we melt into the passion.|||Hmmm. I'm in favor of this suggestion.|||Oh :shocked::kitteh:|||Lol, hey, me neither. :blushed:|||Well, hello and welcome.|||The freaky dude at the bottom looks like a mixture of Jack Black and Chucky. Run. Away.|||Yes, it is, indeed. If I may, I will continue with it. And when you look up at the sky; so dreary the night may be; and you wish the hole inside your heart could be filled- grieve no more- for...|||Nice. You could be a poet.|||I like the wolfie one.' | 6,372 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I think that through clothing you can very much express a part of yourself and your creativity. It is a very expressive medium, so in that sense I can see it being enveloped by Fi. I don't think we...|||I'm sure it wasn't your fault. You only sent 5 emails in 10 days! She must be shy. Can't have been you! (´・ω・`)|||Says the biggest creep of all, sheesh. :P|||Thank you for posting, Cascadia. First of all, I am very sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is terrible. The way you love him and was there for him when he was in the nursing home is a...|||XD Wat I am happy you feel loved.|||Hahaha, the titel of this topic kind of amuses me. The shape of my head is square! I have Russian roots somewhere :). Someone once said I looked similar to Emily Deschanel when I straightened my...|||Oh! I like this thread. Dreams are weird. But I believe there are signs in them about what's going on in your daily life. I am not fortunate to remember my dreams often. The ones I remember are...|||Hmm, I say find a partner who enjoys cooking. And do like the Americans and just microwave everything. No cooking involved.|||It's a fact! XD Good one. Let's pretend my highly illogical stance is an objective truth and not a complaint about my own failures in finding a female lover.|||Ugh, I'm sorry, but you INTPs are too cute.|||When I'm socialising with others I tend to smile, laugh and express myself with my eyes and face a lot. And I like to point out common grounds, and express enthusiasm for the others interests. To me...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUcavDoSbYQ MOOD|||Jagbas DIDI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. aren't you the sweetest and cutest most beautiful soul!!!!! I love listening to live music with you and discussing serious topics in great depth, but also laughing...|||Spiders/insects Being judged/not being liked Being alone and unhappy forever The real world/not being able to take care of myself/life|||In primary and high school I would never ask for help due to my insecurities. I preferred to figure things out on my own and go down the tedious route, rather than raise my hand or go to the teacher...|||It is precisely because of this scatterbrained manner of communication that I always thought I was stupider than the other kids in my class when I was in school. It took me a long time to realise...|||I am more comfortable touching others than being touched. I prefer to have the control. I have gotten better with it over the years, but when I was younger, someone touching me would cause me to...|||I voted shy, but looking at the chart I fit introvert better. Also commas, commas everywhere!|||Yay! That's a good one. I was a Bobtail! Necrilia Cuuuuuute! Looks like my cat :D|||Gotta agree. Humans are inherently selfish. And destructive.|||Hahahaha. Whoops. Guess I need a visit to Freud.|||:love_heart::love_heart::love_heart:|||I kinda love Stickman for his POVs.|||I have currently found myself in the habit of falling asleep in the evening, being awake all night, sleeping half the day. :s I suck at sleeping. Or wait, scratch that, I'm actually too good at...|||Katfeatherfoot Your avatar looks like a vagina with a pointy dick rocketing towards an enormous anus. what is going on?|||Thanks guys, I love you all.|||I feel like this is the INFP. We like to be alone, but we also need others. CONFLICt This is why we avoid conflict, because we have so much inner conflict and contrasts. Idunno, I'm like that at...|||Is it weird I don't cry during things like this? I cry all the time, but it seems at the times when it's normal to cry, I don't.|||My Nan just died. .... :..... ...::.. .. .|||Which Cat Breed Matches Your Personality? | PlayBuzz This is important, guys!|||Hahahaha, this is the topic I've been waiting for. Carrots and nutmeg Ya feelin' it?|||So I have had two long term relationships with INTP men and there are basically two things that cause most troubles in INTP-INFP relationships from my POV: 1. Emotions. INTPs don't know how to...|||Yes! These are some of the hardest questions for me. I always say I don't do favourites. I like so many things, I usually have a very broad taste, so just mentioning a few things won't feel all...|||Ahhhh, what a beautiful thread!!! Clouds belong here! Picture from this afternoon :) 434297|||yippy Meh, I'm just a dickhead on the internet. You should know our stories are actually quite similar.|||Well, Koala girl was talking about me in a different thread about me being narcissistic, so that ticked me off, and it was pretty clear she was projecting. Really she was rather rude, and a lot of...|||You're the only one talking any sense in this topic. I wish I had your clarity of mind.|||Hi, you're a doll. I wasn't mad at you, I always enjoy your presence. :)|||Gee. Let's vent eh. I love how people assume you're a narcissist and talk behind your back. I love how people assume to know me around here. I love how you get personally attacked on this forum....|||. So... I guess the koala guy was projecting narcissism on me, and thinking of his experiences with his mum (I just noticed his thread about covert narcissism), which is rather unfair. I...|||Again, you misunderstand. And you just showed yourself that it is a social handicap. Because in this society it is a handicap, because it doesn't fit in. Hey I know I need to work on myself, doesn't...|||Hi, I just want to say I agree with you garwain. I also want to say, that yes, my post was in bad taste. I also admit it came from emotions and wasn't nuanced or thought through. It might sound...|||:( I didn't mean to make you cry. I am fully aware that being gifted doesn't mean fun and games. I was just pointing out the *vibes*. Gotta be careful with the way you word things, ya know,...|||I understand where you are coming from, but I have to admit the whole mentioning of being gifted is quite off-putting (which is why you are getting some negative remarks). Being gifted has nothing to...|||Just gonna throw this out there: Why are you waiting for others to challenge you, why don't you go out there and look for it yourself? What are you waiting for? Why don't you start working on...|||Woah, thank you Benny for writing this. (I only just read it now.) I saw a lot of my own feelings in this. I had just had to quote it. The way you wrote about how it's not okay to do nothing and...|||Yes! I feel this. This is where I'm at right now. First of all thank you for the many replies everyone! They have been very helpful and much appreciated. I guess I'll (try to) give a brief...|||Me: INFP Mum: ISFP Brother: ENFP Let's say I grew up in a pretty unorthodox household. It's definitely chaotic and lacks structure and discipline. We've always been allowed to do whatever we...|||Green hair! Earth or outerspace?|||INFPs like affirmation. I know I do, everyone does probably. But it's interesting to see when visiting another subforum, i.e. the INTP-subforum, how they give out thanks way less. I'ts nice to...' | 7,148 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | That's really cool of you. I like it when anyone does anything to help others with no gain to themselves regardless of type, and ISTP's are good at thinking of what will help in a practical sense. My...|||I know what you mean. It's not my usual approach. I actually have worked with abused women professionally. I gave her all the advice I could and luckily she is someone I think will listen. You know...|||Balanced. Nice. Yeah my ISTP boyfriend is always ready to make every excuse under the sun for peoples behavior, which is nice and can contribute to more peaceful relationships. I too try and be very...|||Hey jinhong91 . Thank you for your replies, I forget just how pragmatic a lot of ISTP's are! Maybe he view situations in that way. In fact I'm sure he does. I guess I don't care about my rewards as...|||Ok then point taken. There are indeed many cultures that think sexism is perfectly acceptable for example, and that a womans opinions and desires are less important than a mans. So there is no...|||I would have gone to the festival with the boys on the train :)|||I hate missing out on things. If I get a free evening to myself I start panicking about wasting time and frantically search the internet for activities and call friends until I find someone to play...|||My gosh. You sound like Vulcans ;) . Hey Ik3 I always like reading your posts. I said the word 'coward' was deliberately provocative; that's how this behavior appears to me but I was sure you guys...|||My gosh. You sound like Vulcans ;) . Hey Ik3 I always like reading your posts. I said the word 'coward' was deliberately provocative; that's how this behavior appears to me but I was sure you guys...|||Sorry for the deliberately provocative thread title!! I just read BlackLion's thread below and it made me want to go off on a tangent... ISTP's are described as brave, fearless etc in MBTI...|||Yeah...gentle quirkiness ;) xx|||Wow that's beautiful thank you for sharing that. I have been known my ISTP boyfriend for a very, very long time. Being together is a more recent thing (a few years). I can see how this relationship...|||I love Audrey!! This thread is funny the people whose posts I have read since I joined the forum do seem to fit the actors given! I would be played by Nicole Kidman...she was pretty good at...|||That's nice. My bf says that about not even being sure about how he feels sometimes, like it's all tangled up and hazy. I have to read into his actions :) . I would say from the ones I know that's...|||That's interesting. INFP's are the type I feel most similar to...our stack is similar. And I have this dynamic almost with my boyfriend...we don't understand each other fully. We think very...|||I really understand, it's very hard being a single ENFP parent! My children love me but I struggle with this too..I find it easy to discipline what I view as actually bad behavior..things like being...|||I posted a thread about my relationship on the ISTP forum this year when I was struggling to understand my ISTP boyfriend. May be worth a look if you want some idea of the struggles that may lay...|||Thanks for being so honest about your life. It's frustrating when people look at the past through rose tinted lenses, I admire people that can be more rational and see what a relationship was...|||Noooooo!!! Stop that fatalistic nonsense right now! I'm only joking, I love INFx's, but the ones I know frustrate me because they won't try to get the things they want. It's not selfish; maybe he's...|||Your life just sounds kind of empty maybe? ENFP's aren't hedonists. Pleasure and happiness are different. Maybe you are just bored of trying to find the next fun thing to see/person to play with and...|||I have been through a few phases of my life with this problem. You end up with really nice, good and decent female friends because the other ones, prone to jealousy or competition, will unfortunately...|||I'm a little different, I have a number of close friends but not all of them are NF. I agree with the rest...you shouldn't worry OP, with age you will learn to spend time with the best people you...|||I humbly and politely disagree with....errr...everyone. Apart from cinnamom who said you friendzoned yourself!! I've been with my ISTP boyfriend for a long time now, and in the last month or so we've...|||Yeah I too think even if it's disappointing at least it gives us the desire to try :)|||Real life is never the same as my projections, but surely dreaming of how good things will be is half the fun of anything? Even if it doesn't come true, you can enjoy both your projection and the...|||Sorry for being sarcastic. It just makes me upset when people are so rude but I shouldn't be rude in return.|||I agree with you that an eternity of torture would be wicked in itself. Please read the bible. There is no 'hellfire'. It's a man made teaching, based on Greek philosophy that polluted the christian...|||You meant 'reminding' not 'remembering' oh wise one :D !!! I thought the Noah question was fascinating. There is scientific evidence for a global flood, as well as legends in disparate cultures....|||Idiotic and retard. My, you sound pleasant :wink: . What a wonderful advert for morality without the need of religion!! Who do you think created these laws? The clue is in the word law. The...|||People are all individuals so I guess it always depends on the person. I found with my experience it was a case of the same strengths and the same weaknesses meaning a lack of chemistry. Both non...|||I'm an F type and here's my take; I am highly emotional and detest conflict because it causes me anguish. However I believe nothing is solved by walking away, the only way to resolve conflict is to...|||Wow that's funny, I've seen that in lots of 'I' types...like once they actually start talking, they must get it all out!! It's kind of like the 'E' thing...sometimes for extroverts it can be like...|||Sigh. I love theoretical philosophizing. I'm a strong 'N'. I believe if you read the sentence in context I become bored of it ONCE IT HAS SERVED IT'S PURPOSE for the time being. I believe sensors and...|||Oh yeah...you guys have it even worse sometimes. My ENTP boyfriend drove me mental analyzing every tiny thing!!|||Just for that sarcastic comment at the end alone...please don't do it!!!!!! I was with a few INTJ's, one I even had children with...and it's just a horrible combination unless you are both mature and...|||I feel that way often. I think to be an ENFP is to be perpetually unsatisfied, always knowing you are missing something and there are truths beyond your perception. Is there an opposite word to...|||Weird. I also work for a non-profit organisation..... However, I really hate my job. Love helping people but cannot stand all the dry, boring procedure and administration. Or the pressure of very...|||I think ISTP's and ISFP'S don't particularly 'fit in' either in fairness...but they seem more ok with it, and not being E's stick out a lot less at school! People just let them be...people seemed...|||Can I be an INFP please? You know....quite like myself with the awesome Ne but without all of the exhausting need to connect with everyone in the universe!!!|||Oh dear you have made me feel very unkind. Which is how I often feel with my mom!! Lol. I wrote that post after our latest disagreement :D . My mother is a great woman, and when she gossips...it's...|||*occurrence (stoopid phone)|||I'm procrastinating right now!!! I hate chores I only do them when people are coming over and I am shamed into it. Which is far too regular an occur acne for my liking......|||Somali Pirate made me laugh...I think some of the 'we are N's with our superhuman 6th sense, mere S mortals' attitude does come from being in a minority.. A lot of N's are bullied at school as...|||Hey Tim agreed. I was like that when I was younger. ENFPs so want to please, and are so unjudgemental (their bad behaviour is because of their background/ circumstances! etc) that we can become...|||Yeah my son gets grumpy about it too :)|||I think ENFP's yet to have children should really think about this...loss of freedom is very hard for us.|||You sound like an amazing mom! Really got is down better than me :D These bits I related to...all of my angry face/voice is completely fake. It's a persona I have to put on, because kids need...|||This may work with him. But I will have to present him with evidence, studies... :) he has a good heart so I hope it will work.|||I always end up feeling responsible for the wellbeing of everyone I've ever met. It's really stressful. INFP's are so kind, but they don't seem to take on everyone they come in contact with! I like...|||Dear ENTP, Please. Please. Stop. TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No offence. And I am aware from an ENFP this seems ironic. ENFP who just lost the will to live | 1,039 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Are there any ENFP's that are incredibly quiet when you first meet someone or a group? This makes me question my personality a lot. I've been like this ever since I could remember. What are some...|||I think he's the asshole type, whatever that is.|||Interesting. I only know a few ESFJ's but I do know one ESFJ that winded up leaving our rather large social group because she didn't feel like she was getting invited out, even though we invited...|||Hey everyone, I have just recently changed jobs and now I'll be working at an insurance company full-time along with my video production program full-time. I've always worked part-time when going to...|||Hey there! I have several best friends; I'm an ENFP type 7 (so/sx) for reference. Roommate/Close friend I've known for 8 years; ISFJ Enneagram 9w1 Best guy friend; ENFJ (personally one of my...|||OMG, lol I had an ESTP fling up until a month ago and this sounds eerily familiar. That shit takes some sacrificing. The Se and Ti can be so damn conflicting! If you analyze it too much your brain...|||My parents were an ENTJ-INFP couple for 21 years in total. They worked at first and I believe money was the one huge thing that held them together like glue. They had no similar interests. My dad is...|||Finance, accounting, and laboratory work. Anything with a lot of seclusion.|||The short answer; being an ENFP 7w8 with So/Sx I can't tolerate awkwardness too much. It's mainly if the individual is being inappropriate in a situation that doesn't call for it at all. AKA, I'd say...|||NotAlone I would honestly say to not look into it too much. It sounds to me that she really appreciates you as a friend. If an ENFP happens to be very comfortable with you they will be very...|||I think this is true for the MOST part. However, in my experience I think from dating extraverts vs introverts I would rather be with someone who is extraverted at least at my age of 21. I have high...|||Rocky Horror Picture Show:crazy:|||IxFP, really leaning towards N. *Watched your second video, if you need a person to talk to let me know.|||Also if it helps, I'm going through a bit of a freedom/the world is my oyster type of phase so I am living a lot more in the moment and not having as much anxiety of what I do. We will see if it...|||I used to/have qualities of ENFP. I use to be idealistic and then i started to rethink those values (Te). I'm just not much Fi, far too outgoing to use it enough. I've accepted the world as it is. Se...|||xSFJ, Enneagram 3, So/Sp are my guesses.|||My question is in regards to Ti. Do you usually need a lot of time to yourself when using and working through Ti? Especially at a younger age? The ESTP I hang out with drives me up a wall because...|||Depends on so many things really. I could see how it's a fit. I went on a date with an INTJ and I'm an ENFP. It's been casual; mental connection is on point and he's really great to talk to about...|||All opinions are welcome. Which typically comes first for you: work, or play? PLAY lol It always comes before work. Which describes you better: carefree, or intense? I'd say I'm pretty...|||As someone who has dated an INTP for 3 years: Give them their space. Ti users NEED this. Especially dominant/secondary users. Extraverts can have a hard time with this. Do not force...|||LMAO so true while I waste time on reddit. My ENTJ dad is definitely out in the real world getting shit done. He barely knows how to use the internet so that's accurate.|||Where are you guys? I wanna date an ENTJ. Now.|||NotAlone How has life with the ENFP been going since we all last posted? Hope all is well.|||Fi only makes me more anxious, indecisive, and self doubting. I don't use it as much. Not sure what everyone elses experience is with it. Ni I find also can create a lot of anxiety.|||ESTP-Adventurous, intelligent, spontaneous, always wanting to go out and do something new. The fun relationship. :) ISTJ- The meeting of the minds, in the opposite cognitive function order could...|||Trust with just meeting people or trust in seeking a potential partner? As an ENFP, I have little to zero trust issues with meeting people. I just don't become very attached especially at first...|||As an ENFP. I was convinced that she liked you to be honest. I am not nearly that forward in both friendships OR with a potential mate, so even that threw me in for a curve ball. It can be difficult...|||I'm not sure if I'm an atypical, more mature ENFP, on a constant tertiary loop, or maybe even a different type entirely at least from your descriptions above. I know for certain I'm ExxP without...|||Update: Everything was going well. I didn't recognize that I had feelings for him until 2 maybe 3 weeks ago. He and I hung out incessantly and basically did everything together except call it a...|||Hey folks, I've been studying MBTI and cognitive functions for a while now and as informative as it is, I've been having an issue figuring out exactly what is going on with my type. I've been typed...|||The one thing I can highly respect of the SP's is that out of all the sub types, they tend to have less anxiety than others. I'm sure it's due to the whole Live and let live type of attitude that I...|||How old are you both? She needs to get over it seriously. She should've been over it the day after. It's not even that big of a deal.|||He sounds like the INTP I used to date who was incredibly fascinating on a mental sense but damn, I had to drag his ass out of the house to do shit with him. Not only that, but I had enough...|||Kyusaku I will very soon. I think he suppresses his emotional feelings in regards to love so it's a bit difficult to even get a consistent answer with him, unfortunately. Like it's more difficult...|||Great question actually :) I used to hate being touched so much as a kid and even as a young adult until about a year ago. I'm 21. My parents really never showed affection in a physical sense so I...|||ENFP's should only get married to someone that is as invigorating and interesting as themselves. It's the only way it can work. ENFP's always crave what if and the possibilities of things aside from...|||I picked ESTP, ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP. ESTP-Mainly for fun. I think it'd be nice to just to have a crazy adventure filled relationship with someone of the ESTP variety before ever settling down....|||SomeonesMom Best advice is to run from this guy as far off into the distance as you can. He's bad news. He seems like he's emotionally/mentally unstable and I can already see you getting jerked...|||I wasn't asking so much on if it could work as much as I was asking if there is any type of indication on his end, that there is possibly something more than just a physical/sexual connection. I'm an...|||Revenant You seem to pretty sure. What in particular gives it away really?|||Well, obviously I will. I wanted to hear some feedback before speaking with him. He's pretty anti-commitment and then proceeds to tell me that he'd like to be in a relationship within the year since...|||How did you come to that conclusion, fulgoreakuma ? Any and all thoughts are appreciated.|||ESTP's I've got a couple questions in regards to the ESTP (7w8) I've been seeing over the last month and a half. I'm an ENFP (7w8) if that helps as well. I met him and we had the intentions of just...|||My father is an ENTJ enneagram 8w9 sx I believe and I'm an ENFP 7w8 sx. I absolutely adore my dad and I've only come to appreciate him as of the last couple years. He and I used to clash a LOT...|||Warning: Cusses like a sailor, is very impatient, and is incredibly independent.|||Wow! I can't believe this thread was continued from 2 years ago. After further analysis, I've learned that my dad is an ENTJ and my mother is an ISFP. I'm very close with my dad still and don't...|||After taking my long hiatus from perscafe due to school and work, I'll finally be back on tinychat next week. I hope you're all doing swell. :cool:|||JusticeTaylor I think it's good to have expectations but to be flexible. It can be easy to get pushed around with zero expectations; but one can also build up a huge wall and become close minded...|||From the few that I know, I've realized that it's a terrible idea to insult an INFJ's intelligence.|||I like and relate to what you wrote a great deal. I'm dealing with the same issue in terms of college; my major is cognitive neuroscience. I'm currently finishing up prerequisites to get accepted...' | 7,679 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Alright, I will finish the story J He never called me, which I guess me turning away in the car was a sign to him I wasn’t interested anymore. We both seemed to move on with our lives. I got...|||Sorry I keep getting busier!!! Picking up from where I left off. I was fairly confident this guy was an ENFP. When realizing that his facebook page commented on how he was so confused about who...|||Okay. I will update this. I have been busy lately :) Alright, I will move on to after high school. We chose different colleges but similar colleges (both small and private around the...|||I can't believe it either. I guess he was able to put on a façade that he has really happy when he really wasn't. What was your favorite Robin Williams film? I still love Mrs. Doubtfire. He was...|||I think every season brings its joys as well as things we don't like. I couldn't live anywhere that doesn't have the changes in the seasons|||My ISFJ mother always has trouble with directions. Every time I go somewhere with her we have to take the same route or she'll get frustrated because she feels lost. Me put me out in the middle of...|||Just out of curiosity. Is grabbing a woman around the waist and pulling her to your side something you do with your female friends? This ENFP male I went to high school with. We weren't really...|||I have been wanting to get this off my chest for a long time. I am still sorting through my thoughts. I have to explain about 14 years worth of experiences, so I will break this up onto different...|||I was just recently told by a married man who I also believe is an INFJ that he wished that he was about twenty years younger and single because he really liked me and wished he could date me. I...|||My fantasy came when I was 14. It was funny. I wasn't looking for a boyfriend. Actually, I hated boys at that age because that was shortly after I was molested. I made up my mine that I was going...|||What I thought was funny is how our 30 something year old pastor was going to have a class with people who were not millennials on why millennials aren't coming to church to find out the reasons...|||There have been a few moments in my life that I think are beyond coincidental.... ...|||I know I'm not an ENFP, but I can't believe how much of this I relate to as an INFJ. -Get lonely at times (definitely. Even though I'm naturally an introvert and very independent, there are many...|||Yes, I have always had body image issues. Unfortunately, growing up I went through puberty early (so acne, body forming, etc. came early). Also, my teeth were horribly arranged until I was able to...|||I can relate. I always thought I would be alone. Growing up, I felt alone because everyone (parents, teachers, classmates) held me on a pedestal. I had to be the role model for everyone else. ...|||A. No, everything happens for a reason. If you mess with the past, you are messing with what is meant to be. What is meant to be is better than what your expectations are. Q. If you had the...|||There are times I feel lonely and then other times more fulfilled than others. The more in my head I am, the happier I am. Sometimes when I am more in reality and in a more extroverted mode, I feel...|||Even though I tested INFJ, I was 50% T and 50% F, so I guess I'm the best of both worlds :)|||Maybe I should provide some background to my post. When I was in college, everyone at least accepted everyone, even if they weren't their best friend. After graduating from college, this is what I...|||I'm 27 and never been in a relationship. There is a lot of reasons for that which is a whole other post. Hope do I cope with it? First, I would rather see myself single for the rest of my life...|||I have noticed that when I went to college people seemed to be so accepting of others and comfortable in their own skin. After graduating from college, it is like everyone has reverted back to...|||I haven't been told I am intimidating but I can see by people's reactions that they feel intimidated. I think it is because I appear so serious and driven most of the time. Once people start to get...|||1) Not feeling I need a relationship-I have been independent as long as I can remember. Honestly, I don't know what it would be like to actually do something with another person or rely on another...|||I have a MBA. I plan to pursue a PhD in Educational Leadership next year.|||Go back to school or work at a college as well as taking classes at the local library, dance classes, etc. Many INFJs love school and love to learn. Go to church or another religious institution. ...|||I'm sorry. I met empathy not sympathy. Sorry for the confusion.|||I think everyone to some degree can sympathize with others. I had this conversation with my ISFJ mother and she said she always felt the weight of the world's problems on her shoulders. What I...|||Honestly, I have been the exact opposite. I have always been a very motivated person. It never really took much to motivate me. Now, that I'm out of college, I notice that I don't seem AS...|||I'm almost 27 and I've never dated. I also know another suspected INFJ who is almost 29 and she has never dated. You're not alone. Honestly, I'm grateful I didn't earlier. If I would have...|||21. We are either taken to a place where this no more suffering. Where we will have eternal happiness. Or we are taken to a place where the suffering is even worse than this world. However, I...|||11. When you can accept your flaws. Realize you can never be perfect. That there is nothing wrong with you. To accept your insecurities, knowing that these insecurities and flaws make you a...|||Wow!! These are some pretty heavy questions!! I'll take a stab at a few. 1. I am a person who wants to leave some type of mark on humankind before I leave this place. 2. Yes, God is a being...|||The only dance I attended in high school was prom. Even then I didn't stay the whole time. The only reason I attended both years is because my mother gave me the speech on how she always regretted...|||I did very well in school. One I loved to learn. Two I had a goal. When I was in junior high, I went to my cousin's graduation. I watched the valedictorian give their speech. I told my mom that...|||My real type INTJ (which I have tested almost borderline on the F and T). My ideal type ENTJ.|||Amen to this. I always hated that people held me on some type of pedestal. It drove me to absolute insanity at times and there have been many times I felt very lonely because I couldn't really be...|||The comments that people have said to me over the years that have been the most hurtful are the following (FYI I don't think just INFJs would be hurt)...... 1. You look weird. 2. What's wrong...|||I love this. Thanks for sharing. I could really use this somedays.|||I love this. Thanks for sharing. I could really use this somedays.|||As an INFJ, I find myself getting disappointed in people all the time. I try to remind myself people aren't perfect, but I can't help but get disappointed and even want to shut certain people out. ...|||I agree with Kyrielle. Actually, I don't think people should be given a life sentence. They are just going to die in prison anyway and we are spending a lot of taxpayer money trying to support...|||I always wanted to grow up in the 60's. I have always felt drawn to the nonviolent protesting. I wished I could have been a part of it. Well, minus the drugs and the sex :)|||I probably have hurt other INFJs and other types because I can be opinionated and passionate about things. In one way that is good, but in another it is bad. I've actually made people cry when I get...|||I don't know if this applies to other INFJs but the hardest friendships I think are between INFJs. I can easily develop a friendship with a secure INFJ. However, finding a young secure INFJ is hard...|||Did that today!|||1. Volunteering. 2. Rainy Days. 3. Eating (especially fast food or junk food). 4. Ballroom Dancing. 5. Listening or playing music or singing.|||1. I have been through a lot (deaths, abuse, betrayal, threats, harassment, battles with depression, etc.) for being under 30. Even though, I am only 26 (soon to be 27), I feel like I am 50. Some...|||Things I find attractive in someone..... People who wear glasses. It is funny. I have heard from people throughout my life that I should get contacts because I would be prettier. However,...|||It depends on the week. One Friday a month I drive back to my mom's house which is a little over two hours away and stay the weekend to see my dad who is in a nursing home, my grandmother who has a...|||I know the feeling. I used to go to lunch with coworkers just to be somewhat social. First, at times conversations ended up being slamming an individual or a particular office which I absolutely...' | 8,101 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Actually, F**k it. scrap all of that, Im gonna go for it and give it a shot anyway. She is pretty cute, to me at least, and that should be enough, I've just been friends with a pack of shallow guys...|||Ok I figured this one out for myself, amazing how helpful it is writing down your problems onto a anonomys forum. hehe Hi all, :happy: a few nights ago I hooked up with this girl. We had been...|||15300 Look at that bold little kitty man. desite the meanness of those dogs, that cat keeps pushing on for whom ever is holding the camera (and maybe some food, or its photoshopped, but what the...|||frick thats awesome. I lucid dreamed once ages ago, trouble is I cant remember what about :(|||yeah man, I know that feeling. It undermines everything you do. You need to stop thinking these negative thoughts man, because they affect how you interact with people, just little things, but enough...|||yeah man go you I say!|||Man, its been too long. I was just literally jumping up and down. this is a fairly long post man, but its from the heart unedited or anything!! like I said in the title, I feel awesome, and heres...|||Uni is the place to make friends man, there is so so many people who just roll around by themselves who you can chat to. People in your lectures and tutorials just make small talk and go from there....|||chaotic neutral here|||Krelian, haha where did that come from? (it was hilarious by the way)|||I agree with this, the human race is very good at destroying life and stuff but one (not the only, but one) thing we can do positively is give life. Give life to a child, nurture him/her into a...|||So, last day of high school for me today ever. We had our school prizegiving and it was pretty cool, everyone was all dressed up and stuff. I always thought when this day came I would be able to...|||The title of this thread is such a kick in the teeth man. we hang out on here heaps, does that count as socialising?|||someone should sticky this message it is really motivational|||Just finnished my last day of my last year at school, I should be happy because I was dux. but people have been hugging me and congratulating, taking my picture etc all afternoon and asking me what I...|||ok sweet as, I was thinking after I posted and suddenly figured out the feeling you were talking about. Except when I get it its usually revenge orientated, an Iago style revenge if you've ever read...|||you a bit bitter about something? Sort of wanting revenge on some entity, like horrible and/or violent?|||Good stuff you've got here. We're better than being someones doormat|||Ok, ill start with quite a blunt idea of mine. prepare for a rant it is about 12 a.m. local time so Im feeling like a rant. To be successful in life we must have kids. Contemplate the purpose of...|||I think your on the right track izzie. Idealism is something that could kill the lot of us if we dont watch it so there must be some balance between reaping the benefits and being to self critical as...|||interesting how you mention not crying when someone dies. I found myself at a friends funeral a few months ago. I guess he was a distant friend and I'd always thought he was a twit because he was a...|||man I love that The Limit song, I dont find it encouraging but it is hilarious. perhaps thats the point?|||This one used to do it for me, Jimmy eat world, The middle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKsxPW6i3pM&ob=av2n hey, dont write yourself off yet...|||Im too young to go to a bar or a club but I think crowds are good because you can disapear in them and not be singled out by others actually, something Ive noticed at school is I like to be near...|||Start with crying and end up with sex :shocked:? Thats what I'd expect from my friends, not on here :laughing:|||as the title says really (hijacked from the INTP forum by the way). Personally I used to cry quite alot when I was younger. Now, I'm 17 and I cant remember the last time I cried, havent cried for...|||I went for language/writing. Without it we wouldn't be able to talk to eachother, or ourselves. and we would still all be cavemen|||wow guys thanks for the warm (and somewhat wierd) welcome. And no you havent scared me off yet :P|||Hi all ya INTP's I usually keep an eye on the INFP part of the forum. After reading a few descriptions over the course of a few months I thought yep, thats me. Still, most of the time Ill read the...|||fourthed..?:crazy:|||the mood eh, sums it up quite well. My experience with 'the mood': I first got it last year. lasted ages, about 3 months. this year ive had a few short 1 or sometimes 2 week long bursts. absolutely...|||Love is a cliche|||Thanks guys, all of you, your advice is definately the right stuff. Unfortunately, I'm quite afraid. At the moment I'm applying for scholarships, preaching what I plan on doing with my future and...|||Hi all, Am seriously considering being an engineer, robotics/electrical/computer type stuff. I figure this is it for me, ive always had a knack for math, science and technology like computers (bit...|||Thought it was just me :) I try real hard to look like im working hard at work when i see my boss so and ill walk into something|||Wow, I feel the exact same. I'm sure that i could teach better then some teachers at school and really enjoy helping other students learn when i have the time. We had a teacher at school who just...|||yes, me and my friends joke around alot when were together. The stuff we use can get quite nasty but it that isnt the intention so its just harmless fun. Normally i can protect my sensitive side...|||Ok i had a random one a few days ago. I was in the back of the car on a hilly country road and i looked out the window. on the side of this hill was this field full of scrub and gauze bush and 2...|||yeah i thought that after i had posted when i was studying but i had promised myself to work for half an hour so i didnt change it. I thought you would say that anyway, The thing that hurts me...|||yeah that made sense. I think that really these peoples apparent lack of sensitivity could be a defence or a simple misunderstanding. 'Macho'ism affects so many but really deep down they are nice...|||Okay tried this and it works brilliantly. At first though i didnt know what to blackmail myself with so i just thought in a half an hour ill.... stop studying lol. worked a charm, i studied for an...|||Some people I should hate, but i cant. I just cant feel negative about a person for a long period of time, maybe a few minutes and thats all. Even when people are negative to me i dont hate them.|||but not everyone suffers from it. The said egotistical people are ignorant....|||Yeah thanks thats some really good advice. Once im motivated ill work hard and finnish the assignement but just getting to that state is the hard part 9pm with assignment due the next morning?...|||Hi there, As an INFP in my final year of high school I do have to study in my spare time. Added to this, I am completing one double semester extramural University level paper this year and I just...|||yeah i do this. it is really wierd staying up even when i am tired i just dont wanna go to bed. if im reading ill read past midnight and not care. if im on my pc then ill be researching something so...|||yep by the sounds of it the ENFP's have it. crazy people that they are..... lol ive done everything mentioned here except created a superhero. The created superhero is actually me in these...|||to be honest, neither do i and im one of them. its probably something i wouldnt notice normally but after reading the INFP profile i was like yep thats me and now im aware of what im doing and notice...|||hey were all strangers here. im just real curious whether this is a INFP thing or if its shared with ENFP's. maybe i should just go to bed|||well not ALL the time, but still alot. while in bed? how about that. i get some random stuff in my head at that time unless im really tired' | 5,124 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Guess who watched Danny Phantom all over again and is pixel art noob....|||http://img00.deviantart.net/e211/i/2016/018/2/4/__by_zorch_man-d9of0b2.jpg http://img01.deviantart.net/1bac/i/2016/018/7/a/dragon_by_zorch_man-d9of1by.jpg|||She woke up from a lucid dream right into sleep paralysis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis That's true, aye.|||Well, to be honest... I have always been fascinated by sleep paralysis. I experienced it consciously only once (like two weeks ago; I was trying really hard). I knew what to expect, so I wasn't...|||Probably sleep paralysis + hypnagogia.|||Well, if you have nothing to say but call me immature (instead of constructive discussion/critique; hell, you don't even know me - you have no right to judge me), because I decided to share my point...|||Hm, looks like I unintentionally trolled you. I'll remember to use [why-so-serious][/why-so-serious] next time. Well, she decided to think instead of run. :crazy: But it's funny. Better...|||Well, according to this description I should be a Sensor, because for me there is no correlation between dog and cat and I wouldn't think that there is some hidden story behind that. The dog is just...|||Books and rocks. I want to collect gems and have my own creepy cabinet of curiosity. I currently have only one skull (didn't find the rest)... well, you have to start somewhere.|||Personality ID: 9w1 4w5 5w6 The Psychics (4w5) (SX/SO) That's interesting. I'm closer to 5w4 than 5w6, and I consider myself SP/SX, but the description isn't that bad.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2b6zwKBfcY|||Let's see... I have some standards. Is the house in the middle of spooky woods? Is there graveyard in the garden? How old is the house? Is there a secret dungeon or laboratory? Is the house...|||Could you please hitch up those damn pants? I can see your ass! instead of ''excuse me''. I was at mall going down the stairs and that guy was sitting in the middle with his buddy, blocking my...|||I'm indecisive when: - I have to choose only one new book/game/music CD - I have to order food - someone asks ''what do you want to do?/where do you want to go? (well, I have many ideas what to...|||But... this is Leap Year. You little dodger.|||Here I am. I sketch, draw and paint. Mostly digital, but I like pencils too. And I like to write.|||So there is a conversation about one of my arts which I wanted to add on some fantasy board... check it out: Ah, and the picture:...|||http://i68.tinypic.com/akfod5.png|||I don't like e-readers. Lucky bastard. :mellow:|||TheProYodler, nice! I'm not that experienced yet (to be honest - I'm still newbe), but I'm on right path to change this. Well, I definitely prefer something bigger than that, although I'd like...|||I'm curious. According to stereotypes, sailing isn't the most interesting hobby (or job?) for INTPs, because: people... people everywhere schedules (watches - sometimes early in the morning,...|||And banana for breakfast is fine, but you must eat 3 meals a day.|||I don't like dolls and mannequins. And that mannequin moves and sings. Pure evil I say.|||Alright. Then try to get/read about scarifications.|||Get/read about scarifications, duh.|||Ok, more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MPvc7R04xk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHfm8RRYlrs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8kshvQ5MFg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXRmI6PBLFo|||I'm secretly GUY. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I just like cartoons. And superheroes. And I'm currently in love with Shezow. What a shame they didn't release it in my country, but I'm not surprised - Shezow is...|||Alright! I did it: http://i64.tinypic.com/2v7xk3p.png|||I like to sleep, I like my dreams, but it steals so much time to waste on procrastinating. :blushed: The other reason why I like it is because I try to lucid dream (I really suck at it anyway).|||Yes, I do that all the time, even when I'm arguing with myself. In this situatuin I pick holes not only in my logic, but in mine too. Hmm...|||I just realised I misspelled one word and it's too late to amend that. I can't stand it.|||http://i63.tinypic.com/2qk6vpj.png http://i65.tinypic.com/25zjkon.png http://i63.tinypic.com/2eehtut.jpg http://i67.tinypic.com/20gzkmr.png|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/53/e4/c3/53e4c3207e7f1b21d3ba2a434e09f956.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/e6/2f/81e62f221cbff5a2c98a3bbefe264d65.jpg...|||I think I didn't feel more/less than I feel today, the only thing that changed a little is my expression (I'm more reserved now). I remember my first long hospital stay as a 10 years old. When a...|||New sketch. I can't even fill it properly with colour, it's so ugly when I try. http://i67.tinypic.com/2gycb9y.jpg|||Lies and excuses. I'd tell you if something is wrong and so you should. Not accepting me when I finally open up and cowardly pretending it's alright until both get tired of that toxic shit. You...|||How nice would you describe yourself? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ea/c6/07/eac607bcf9636ec759d5908d3188770d.jpg Ok, but seriously... 2-7. Depends on situation or person. What...|||So I was searching for thread like that, but didn't find any. Shame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey8E5UPP-4M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sVRTF8-gtk ...|||Yep. Example: I'm hungry. I like chinese food and hate pizza, so I'd choose chinese food. It's right to choose something I like. If our definition of ''good'' is different than ''right'' (''good'' as...|||1. This is schnauzer. 2. They are rats. But thanks.|||Somehow, yes. You mustn't give ''wrong'' answers when you're interrogated by mafia (if you care of course). And even if you consider those answers ''evil'' regarding some of the consequences (let's...|||It's all relative. Huh. For example - you may be evil and if you want to do evil things you must choose (relative) right direction to achieve that or you'd fail (choose wrong). But it doesn't...|||ONCE UPON A TIME 3 turtles some fish mice, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, chinchilla (not at the same time) dogs - firstly husky (was stolen like 3 times and the last one were unluckily...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbu_FRg8vuU Ok, but seriously. http://3.s.dziennik.pl/pliki/5079000/5079528-.jpg...|||I like some: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dJtPl6vZ_eg/T5cRRr8SiOI/AAAAAAAABwQ/1i0U1bRQSXk/s1600/friendship-inspirational-quotes-facebook-ecards-someecards.png...|||Well, I have arrears, but let's try. RPG (The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Neverwinter Nights, Drakan, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls (I didn't play yet) etc. I also...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-vhuHwXye8|||Yes, sir, I do like beards. And good badass mustache. And sideburns. And hairy chests. I just like hairy men. But since I started to see those bearded, Ken-like hipsters with neon Ray-Bans and...|||I really like to draw and write (poems too). I listen to some love songs (it's hard to avoid when you like Elvis and oldies but goodies (50s)). I like animals and taking care of them is pleasant...|||Borderline? Bipolar? Maybe you should go to psychologist/psychiatrist or something.' | 7,479 |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6 | hitler was what he was,and i am estj or esfj. do u mind? its not trolling calling me a hitler,is it,and it is trolling stirring muddy waters!|||i dont think i said that. i believe i said in a comical way that i love yr idealism and that i need it cos u people are not,unlike me,afraid of yr feelings. u seem to have a problem with me for...|||but why,i wouldnt need u idealists to back me up,if i could stand up for myself. i neeeed uuuuuuuuuuu idelists!!! cos i am soooo pragmatic and logical. i have a suspicion that i am not an estj so...|||thanks,it would be a good idea if anyone outside greece cared about it. but no one does. its only greek imigrants that care cos they are the victims of it. and also some greeks who had been victims...|||no i did not say anything to that fruit lady. its my broken greek. not too broken,just accent,but there is racism. recently there has been another murder of a pakistani young man by the racist party...|||u all too,as well as i,are whining. but one thing u said is true. that if i roll in garbage ill smell as one. ill take this advice. the rest u said is crap. cos i accused u all of whining and...|||to everybody who wrote after my latest two posts above. i told u all a serous thing that is happening to me in greece. racism. and nobody responded. instead u are talking crap. all of u who talk...|||see down there where i explained to uuu nice guys what happened to me today. and then i told uuu how i felt about it and why. this is a constructive way of dealing with pain. i think,as an estj that...|||all in all i love uuu people. i need more of uuu in my life. but all i see around is harshness. especially racism. i live in greece and am semi greek. and they hurt me every time i speak cos of my...|||thanks. i mean i take yr 'reply' as a nice gesture to my blahblahing about my being estj or esfj...|||u are saying that u after a bad day or after having a problem,curled into an embron position,and that it helped u feel better. maybe,cos u released from yr system the cortisole hormone that made u...|||why why? and thank uuu for being so nice to me,when i said u,and the rest,are pathetic. ill tell u why. because u have a problem,its obvious,cos u cry. but u are a human with brains which means u...|||what all of u are doing is pathetic. do something pragmatic to change yr situation. dont just sit and cry. u are adults. or are u?!|||well,yes,we can. but why not stop arguing and be in company of people we love,and happy? but unfortunately i am alone lonely and miserable just as all of u. and sorry for writing again without...|||'We',that is I,can preach too. I just read your profile and saw that you love to drink bear and then sleep. I,on the other hand,drink no alcohol,do not smoke and eat healthy diet. Conclusion,in...|||I would appreciate your message,if only you did not write so many times 'WE'. Who is 'we'?i Till now I believed this is an internet site blog and that members are not united. Well I still believe...|||somebody above said 'that would be logical'. at first i thought that the writer meant it the way i mean it when i use the word 'logical. ie,when i think something is logical but then i realized...|||sorry,guys,i have been warned about this,but this warning was crude and harsh. yrs is nice. kiss ill try my best. but please do not ask me to put capitals. it not only slow my fast and...|||look,acey,i am an estj,not an infp,so i dont understand yr idealistic language. please tell it to me in simple logical words. that is if u can. and ill try to interpret yr message to me. u said i am...|||i just realized that u are a man,and seeing yr 'picture' i think i understand that u would secretly love to be a logical manly man,and not a feeling type man. but its ok to be a feeling man. only,who...|||thanks. u are so nice. its kinda new to me. i didnt know there are such people as u. and ill tell u how i bumped in here. as u know i am a decided estj. i have done many personality tests over the...|||hey guys,i dont know how and where to tell u this,so i bumped into this thread and ill tell it to u all that i am an INTRUDER here cos i am a proud arogant ESTJ! so.what are u going to do about...|||thank u thinker swallowing pride is what it is all about,i know thres no point that i go in detail here how and why i become like this but be sure that hardly anyone gets born bad...dont know about...|||look at stand alones picture of armour thats what i meant by his or hers iron pals anyway i can see a milder tone in u now orr maybe u didnt read myy answer to yr previous posts whatever the case...|||leave alone my engliksh and leave alone my thought comosition neither of these have anything to do with the issue here which escapes u cos u have no feeling or u keep it for yr iron pals|||most people ARE incompetent and none of them are estjs soyr wives boss is right about thinking they are incompetent and her store is not successfull cos they dont like her for showing them what seh...|||and to everybody else its proven that the results estjs have are the best everybody else is messing and finally messes it up more or less thats why we are pillars to not let mess jam the world...|||to the thought process oh yes u need telling how the tings are to be done sos wht matters is not the methid but the result theres no better reslult than when estj tells so the thing should be doen...|||laly u are so very right the fact that the experst call us gurdians the pillars of society says it all doesnt it so ill once again...anonymously,not in real life where i pay the price...be a...|||btw i just found taht my daughter inn law is an inspirer.so she inspires my son to wark so hard without helpin herself too much and again btw u can find the info on personalyty types 8...|||only now did i see that i wrote so much without saying what my qustion is m are INFJs which makes me and u people ideal for relationship by the theiry which has a name for all of the 8 couples of...|||we are supposed by theory to be the best possible solution for each other for any raltionship whish is DUAL while i lived 20 yr with my alcoholic now late husband who was ESFP,my CONFLICTED in the...|||please give me yr opinion and yr experience if u have any and please dont give me the analysis of what i as estj am cos i know nor of enfp in general cos i know taht too but instead give me some...|||to wicked queen u are a estp and so am but i wanted to know who i areally so i read teh whole estj stereotype thread here so thee i found very few estjs and many other types who almost all said...|||any experience and/or advice? :mellow:|||and why are u acting like the site authority? i didn't insult u and u insulted me... if u don't know the answers to my questions it's ok but stop insulting me and telling me to withdraw from the...|||im sorry i was illegible all i want to know is if anyone knows something from their experience or generall knowledge about mother estj and son istp relationship and about mother in law...|||rexy i couldnt write directly to u so i sent a messge for u through drake but this person may not send it to u so her it is victoriacaptain@yahoo.co.uk srite to me at that address and ill...|||ps the world wants arguments no dreams and its easy among yr buddies get out here and tell them u dream and they work|||my late sister was infp and she loved me and i her.she was an opera singer in verdi's nabuko so i cried listening 2 her... my other sister is infp 2 but cheats on husband and doesnt like me cos i...|||finally what are troll and rant??|||i dont remember insulting anyone in my latest posts instead i gto yr well deserved inults as for english speaking site im well aware of the truth that once im here i should write better i think u...|||i liked the look of teh guy giving me no point but i dont believe in god rational people dont cos god is delusion which belongs to feeling and i by definition dont feel except when i read yr...|||i exlplained my bad english and spelling but u seem to think the whole world is english well its not there are more chinese speaking fok than uuu and they are growing larger day by day and...|||ps none of u even tried to think...cos u guys dont think...what 'fo!' stands for but i appologize for it to all of u who didnt insult me back but was a true infp a gnetle nice person thanks to...|||its me again ill try to write a little better and for the ones of u who didnt understand im not a native speaking...u are not using yr brains,thats why u didnt understand,and this is cos u are using...|||I CANT LEAVE U ALONE COS U DONT LEAVE US ALONE JUST DONT MARRY US PLEASE MARRY INBETWEEN YRSLVS AND DONT HAVE CHILDREN COS ULL DIE OF HUNGAR SINGING YR SONGS AND NOT WORKING AND IF U...|||BUT FIRST ILL ANSWER TO THE ONE WHO SEES IT BEING CLOSED AND AM SAYING THAT ITLL CLOSE ONLY IF A COWARD INFP REPORTS ME IN WHICH CASE ILL USE DRASTIC MEASURES COS IM SHEDRAGON AS FOR MORE HERE IT...|||im an estj which makes u my enemies and i lived it with my alsoholic husband infp so im sick of u cos we estjs are the pillars of society so the science says but are only 10% andon this site our...|||its my question and since i hcant see where to post it i post it here as a reply so im a 100% thinker and 80% of 5 senses extrovert and judge-critic of bothe myslef and the rest of the world so i... | 8,003 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'To my knowledge and experience, there are more questions. I also noticed that the time I took the written form it was actually harder to differentiate what they were trying to measure from the...|||It can be... because it's a very internal process. There's bits from the unconscious percolating into one's conscious awareness. Not necessarily. It highly depends on the individual.|||Not necessarily. If the individual is personally rigid and inflexible due to their own personal or cultural influences and experiences, then yes of course... but that's true for those with a strong...|||I see where you're getting at, but not necessarily. Those that have a predominant Ne may have a more obvious creativity. Those with a strong Ni are still very creative, but it's not seen...|||Exactly. And that's true on so many levels.|||Paul I'd guess is an INFJ... he's pretty reserved, but creative and structured with an obvious case of writer's block. Not so much focused on the logical as much as he is concerned about others. ...|||I would have to agree with you. When acting, he appeared more extraverted (like, perhaps an ENFP) but if you watch any interviews I can see how private he was. He was a creative (N) for sure, but...|||Yes yes yes. Definitely. It's especially easy for those of us who have a high level of empaths... so naturally those in who are NFs and especially those with Fe. I've written about this a bit...|||Hi gollymolly, Sorry to hear about the breakup. I'm definitely feeling for you there! Yeah, we all always tell ourselves something like that. But how realistic is that? Not very. If...|||Haha. Okay that makes sense now. [/I]Mmm... yeah that sounds like more of a fear of intimacy. Or, more deeply stated, a fear of vulnerability and self-exposure. Makes perfect sense why...|||I'm going to apologize beforehand if any of my comments feel tough but it truly is coming from love. I feel like sometimes we really just need to hear the tough love reality in order to get past...|||I don't feel that they necessarily dispel as much as just simply not be as heavily weighed upon. I feel like the initial functions and preferences gradually balance themselves out with all the other...|||I feel that you're taking this MBTI thing a bit too far. There's a difference between recognizing preferences in myself to fit a model versus fitting myself and other people into the model so it...|||Exactly. It's not very proactive, ultimately.|||There are NTs that are very interested in Bohemian dialogue. There were several in a course I took who were very into the theory. In fact, Albert Einstein (INTP) was involved in its creation (can't...|||I feel like we've crossed the line in the discussion where we've all agreed that we like sweet potatoes over white potatoes but it's getting technical as to whether the orange or purple ones are...|||Yeah from what I'm gathering here is that really any people's disagreement with my initial post is coming from their belief that I don't feel there's anything to gain from debates and expressing...|||Isn't that what I was describing in my initial post? I felt that was the theme of this thread already. That being said, perhaps there really is just a lot of mutual agreement going on here it's...|||I'm really wishing I knew more about the theories of these two. Unfortunately, I'm only familiar with the Jungian aspect that was mentioned. So please, add to the discussion. :-)|||That's actually why I'm really liking the enneagram lately because I feel like I can't really mistype if I focus on how each type looks when at various stages of development. I can look at the...|||Haha. It's okay. I actually just found it funny that you (and every person that has responded to my question about reasons why) has mentioned something that I was talking to someone about this...|||Yes. I find anger rather interesting lately. Like, a tragic event happens and rather than experience and express sadness, people respond in judgmental anger and start blaming others. I'm not...|||I get what you're saying, but I feel like I'm missing a step or something to fully connect it back to the issue. Yes, there's knowledge in all sorts of ways and not just intrapersonal...|||Oh I feel there's an increase in violence worldwide -- not just the US. I was just talking to my boyfriend (in South Korea) last night and he was telling me about some 16 year old boy who brutally...|||Oh, I LOVE the moderators here! *High fives all around* That's part of the reason I came back because I was on another forum for a while and the moderators were VERY strict on rules. Sometimes I...|||That would be interesting. Not only to just see why other people are there, but it's also a way to encourage people to stop and reflect upon why we are doing certain things. Cause I feel like...|||Eh, I kind of encouraged it just to get the discussion a bit less intense. I felt the humor is needed.|||For sure. Somebody posts something and it then seems to open the door to be attacked or something. I wonder if these are the early signs of a soon to be alien invasion?? Or WWZ?? Hahahahah|||Hmm...so since there are several who feel the same way I have on this, lets play with this idea a bit. Why do you think this is coming up? More people on the Internet? A lot of people with...|||Why thank you. :-) Oh I know they are harmless. It's just when other select people may not take it that way.|||I just like to describe Ni simply by taking in many different ideas and data and noticing patterns in order to come to a conclusion. The exact opposite we see in Ne that sees endless possibilities...|||You just explained my hesitation for posting this. I kept looking inward and asking if I was just somehow looking for more ego boosts. But then I realized: I was actually looking more for ego...|||Agree completely. The only thing that irks me is that a lot of it seems to be ego strokes. And there doesn't seem to be anything else in the world that brings about ego strokes more than religion and...|||See, I remember it always being there on all those extra forums, so I avoided them most of the time. The INFJ forum was alway like my safety net where I didn't have to be exposed to that stuff. Now...|||I feel like you're kind of describing more of a Fi user (like INFP or ISFP). Fi is more personal value oriented while Fe is more community value oriented. This is why, to the INFJ, an INFP can...|||Wonderful. Thank you for sharing. :-)|||I've been a bit hesitant to say this, but I'm feeling inclined to mention it anyway. As maybe some old-timers know, I was on this forum quite a few years back. I started back in 2009 and then...|||Yeah. I was having them about every night or every other night about a couple years ago. Through certain people I had crossed paths casually at the time I eventually found myself seeking out a...|||I've read through everybody's thoughts and especially this one. The one thought that keeps coming to me is the importance of healthy boundaries within a relationship. This is going beyond type and...|||I'm sorry to hear that.|||I've haven't had too many jobs after my undergrad, but I can quickly say this: I hate working for other people. I've been in education. It's better than business (I'd go nuts there) but I hate...|||Mmmm that can be difficult in finding books like that in the world we live in. I guess that's when I've sometimes turned to watching Disney movies. :laughing: I know they are kind of tragic in...|||Btw, I'm saying universe to focus more on the reality of our experiences rather than to put any energy into the endless debate of whether a deity exists or doesn't exist. I feel that whatever your...|||Based on my own experience I have the philosophy of: follow the feeling, if its not supposed to happen the the universe will throw something at you to stop you from messing up. If the doors suddenly...|||Not to much. I live very simply. So simply that I was living in this apartment for the first month with just a couch, Japanese futon, and two tables. There's more now, but it's still very simple. If...|||If I were you, I'd focus more on how to change myself to better improve such relationships rather than simply look for a different type or a different person within that type. That being said,...|||Listening Patience with others, yet (generally now -- not so much previously) know when to not Grasping philosophical and very abstract concepts... but even I've struggled with some because they...|||I love how you simplified this and broke it down to a simple description of each type and explain each type's integration easy. I wish I saw this sooner long BEFORE I dove into reading all these...|||I feel like you're taking this a bit too far... I loved Thailand, Japan, and Korea. I enjoyed Russia and China as well, though a little less like because of the extreme culture difference...|||I believe it was one of the websites of Vicky Jo, an MBTI coach. So it was either I N F J or INFJ or INFP? a closer look. Just not sure which one, since that was a very long time ago.' | 7,714 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Two more puppies. :-) 681042 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmaQlRLQRZQ&list=PLS-JSR4BlsD2NFz9cpX5OR_QCalNcUURH&index=3&t=2s 681050 ...|||Finished this one yesterday: 672922 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79HSZRffFos&index=1&list=PLS-JSR4BlsD2NFz9cpX5OR_QCalNcUURH&t=1s|||Recent client pet portrait: 670090 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxWj-Rhzkyk|||They're acacia trees, which are in Africa. ;-)|||Scarlett Johansson. ...but that may be wishful thinking on my part.|||654682 German Shepherd Coloured Pencil Painting on Sanded Paper Completed last night. Here's the video:|||I majored in Art, then switched my major to General Business... and then I dropped out and never got a degree.|||Well, I'm an ISTP, and I've been called a hippy artsy type on more than one occasion, and I am DEFINITELY a weirdo, so that may not be exclusive to ISFPs. ;-) As far as peacemaker goes... I do...|||A combination of a Victorian witch's cottage deep in the forest, and a hobbit home... also in the forest. Mountainous forest. 653026 653034 653042|||Congrats!|||Yesterday I finished this piece (in honor of April the giraffe... and also because giraffes are my favorite animals). Coloured pencil on a 6x8 sanded paper... 652498652506 Video of this... ...|||Honestly, I'm not really a fan of school. I love to learn, but hate school. I never graduated college, but I feel like I probably would have done well in a vocational/trade school rather than...|||Ditto.|||I'm from Southern California. I currently live in New Hampshire.|||My views on marriage... uh... hmm. This is kind of where I feel slightly different from many here. I've always wanted to be married and have a family, ever since I was a child. It's just always...|||I have no idea. I'm sitting here trying to come up with some character that I identify with... but I've got nothing. There are elements of many different characters that I identify with (or relate...|||Attempt #2 of the new technique (using powder blender) with a coloured pencil painting.... 648186648194 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlihJFhSq_o|||Um.... yeah, I'm not sure how much help I can be here. It actually took me a long time to accept that I... don't really like kids. (btw, I'm a mom to three children) Of course, I love *my* kids...|||Finished a coloured pencil painting yesterday using a technique that is new to me (powder blender): 645370645378 Video of the speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teiw1JfVbdk|||Yeah, it's a pretty common interest. That's why tv series, documentaries, movies, etc about serial killers (and criminals in general) are so popular... and why there's so many of them. People love...|||Of course. A lot of people are.|||My purse is upstairs... too lazy to go get it. It's mostly trash in there anyway. Old candy, wrappers, tissues, pencil shavings, etc. Oh yeah, and keys, wallet, phone. Sometimes I carry a travel...|||I'm thinking about how pissed off I am at the post office... and trying to calm down from a near panic attack.|||Eh... well, I obviously cannot speak for every ISTP... but I would say that personally, I'm not too competitive. I'm more of a you do your thing, and I'll do mine. Some people will like yours...|||A couple times a week. I'm not great at keeping a sketchbook, I mostly draw out ideas for bigger projects, then spend several days on that one project. It was a real challenge to do Inktober last...|||Oh very cool! Yeah, we go to the one in Loon Mountain in Lincoln, NH.|||Lol sorry. We go to the Highland Festival every year here (largely of Scots descent), so I recognized them right away. :-P|||Ó a Dhia! Bagpipes? Stunning.|||Socks are split up into 5 sections: Cuff, Leg, Heel & Gusset, Foot, and Toe. The heel is done (by using half the stitches- the other half sit stagnant on another needle) by knitting a heel flap,...|||I have a lot of hobbies... mostly arts & crafts type of hobbies: sewing, machine embroidery, hand embroidery, bookbinding, various paper crafts, knitting (especially socks), and I'm a freelance...|||For the most part, yes. When I get into a new hobby/craft, I spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos. Videos with a lot of irrelevant talking annoy me (I don't care about your stupid vlog......|||I've been married to an INTJ for 13.5 years.|||Just completed this one today... there's also a video of this (as a speedpaint). Not sure if I'm allowed to post that or not. 639858|||I'm a tree stump that turns those who sit on it into squirrels. ...they get better.|||I have Facebook and post somewhat frequently. I don't know what Enneagram I am. I've taken several tests and I seem to score highest in 5, 9, and 4. I don't know what that really means, though. ...|||Yep, you got it. :-) I chose Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Hungarian for heritage reasons. Welsh, because it's another Celtic language that interests me, even though I have no known Welsh ancestry. ...|||For the past 2-3 years, I've been learning Irish. I also started learning Esperanto, but I'm taking a break from it. Other languages on my list (to eventually learn): Scottish Gaelic, Welsh,...|||ISF... um... P. Good luck with mine, lmao.|||637673 I guess I'll post my latest piece. Completed this on Wednesday.|||It's just called Constructed Languages.|||Jes, mi pensas konstrui lingvoj povas esti arto. :-P Yes, but I haven't created one. I am in a conlang facebook group, though.|||To be passive aggressive, obviously. :-)|||I... have nothing nice to say.|||I... N?... T... J? I'm not sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNFfDirBE6w|||I was just about to say the same thing. I'm not lame.|||I can't think of any songs that I'm embarrassed about liking.|||I'm actually watching the video that I just uploaded. But posting it seems kinda spammy, so I'll just describe it... it's an art (speedpaint) video.|||Congrats!|||Which god?|||I don't know car types. My answer would be a self-driving one. Green, blue, or purple in colour.' | 5,367 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Anyone who hasn't is self righteous and delusional. ;^) We all battle demons.|||Agreed. I highly doubt that any politicians perceived types are accurate, considering they are completely fake by trade. This also begs the question: What type is most commonly associated with...|||Agreed. I highly doubt that any politicians perceived types are accurate, considering they are completely fake by trade. This also begs the question: What type is most commonly associated with...|||I hate vacations. I didn't mind when I was a kid, but I didn't have responsibilities and I would sneak off and go exploring. Now, I always have to worry about getting back into the grind of work and...|||Anything that mocks the ridiculesness of the world I live in makes me roll with laughter, and eases my pain. Therefore, I love South Park. Usually. Not always.|||I use substances to numb my drive to accomplish what I dream of accomplishing because I fear failing. Who wants to be the guy in the history books that failed? My only moral is that I do what I want...|||I like him when he's not acting like a bully.|||Yeah, I usually let the days troubles go, and my theoretical side comes out like a shot of caffeine to my head. I usually have to write it out, or take something to make me drowsy. I would love to...|||I think it is for most people. Not for me. I try to ignore the nagging questions from time to time, but I am unhappy as long as there are questions. If some theory or philosophy or anything seems to...|||I don't really get dating. When I go to the movies, I want to watch the movie. When I eat, I like to eat and not talk. Maybe the zoo or a science museum would work.|||Politics.|||I don't understand the question.|||I don't do school. I study what I desire to learn. I don't cram. I have always passed anything with flying colors that I had a desire to learn. If I don't have the desire, I don't waste my time.|||Indiana Jones|||I would dissect fruits and vegetables. Also, I would gather one type of ant and dump them on a different type's hill or mix them in a bucket. I loved dissecting electronics and music and much more.|||I didn't like children until I had one. I suppose It was because most were spoiled or lacked parenting. Now I have a soft spot for them.|||From my earliest days I was a curious lad, amazed by the nature of the world around me. Dissecting fruits and veggies at three with a vivid imagination while playing with my food. I'm basically the...|||Zombie apocalypse. They move so slow, as well as the fact that dead things do not come back to life. It's mind numbing that there are people that think this scenario could actually tale place. It...|||http://personalitycafe.com/members/a_d_cloudsurfer.html http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/216698_1334822186708_1715691809_597859_1056237_n.jpg|||Voting is sending a signal. If you purchase oranges, more oranges will be provided. If you hate oranges, you will not purchase them, and thus less oranges will be provided. The less people buy...|||Voting is sending a signal. If you purchase oranges, more oranges will be provided. If you hate oranges, you will not purchase them, and thus less oranges will be provided. The less people buy...|||Who are your favorite stand up comedians and comedic actors? What are your favorite comedy shows and movies? Mine are Jim Carrey, Bill Hicks, Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn, Ren and Stimpy, Step...|||1. Insert question here in which you can provide the answer or opinion paraded as the answer below so people never learn to think for themselves and become the mindless masses that think there is...|||I think the adviser often is the leader, whispering into the ear, nudging the 'leader' this way or that.|||You ever wondered: If its okay to be yourself, why is it not okay to be selfish?|||I put the results through a paper shredder and made coleslaw with it. I then brought it to the next family gathering and watched with delite as the people who guilt triped me into things, and teamed...|||An economy is a system in which the participants trade objects in order to make life easier Money is a medium of exchange, something that represents tangible goods meant to make trade more...|||It's a possitive sign that you're searching for answers, it means you're still alive. Don't ever give up, your answer has to be out there. Oh, and make sure to step back. If you are only looking at a...|||'The Truman Show' I can relate to it in the sense that as long as I can remember I have noticed inconsistencies all around me. The more I question(ed), the more people told me I'm weird and tried...|||I'm glad to see that someone else is fluent in jive.|||Haha! Okay, you have a point. Studying these strange creatures does have a certain appeal. Heehee|||Lol! It wasn't. It was taken by a Jailer. Nothing bad, just a dewey. I don't believe in government, so naturally I wasn't ashamed for committing a non-violent crime.|||30576 Its my profile pic.|||Everybody gets angry at me and tries to push me to go out and attend social functions. Almost none of them will have a conversation that doesn't involve small talk. For certain, none of them look...|||I have the same problem.|||I love Lysander Spooner.|||10/10 You either have one hell of a period, or you just did the world a favor and had a chat with the cast of jersey shore. Dexter is a great show.|||I think that the military is for people who don't think for themselves. The intelligent ones get out and oppose the mindlessness of the whole machine.|||A hacker could track him, or web server. I don't believe that sociopaths don't understand emotions. I think they are just extremly selfish. They probably believe in the law of the jungle in the...|||Corruption is deviation from truth. Truth is perfect. Nothing is pefect except the laws of nature, which govern the gradual destruction of the world. They are perfect because they are incapable of...|||Nobody ever wants to play me either. I used to toy with my brother by not finishing him off, but only giving him access to attack one territory and making the odds impossibly in my favor.|||Reality TV. Besides the ridiculous people, the fact that nobody is real when a camera is in their face.|||Alcohol. That was the key to getting out of my shell. That shouldn't be taken as advice. Maybe a shot or two. Liquid courage.|||Your kindergarden teacher calls you stupid in front of the whole class because you didn't know your address (I knew where I lived, I walked to school. She never gave me a good reason for me to learn...|||Your grandma asks you why you like like skulls, and you tell her, Skulls protect my brain. If you don't like them, you should lead by example and get rid of yours.|||I hate it. Eyes are windows. I don't trust people that I don't know.|||those candles, if somebody made them. You have me excited with the thought of giving them to people as gifts and observing their responses. Ha! How about false labeling?' | 687 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | '56% infj 16% enfj 8% intj 6% infp 4% isfj|||I'll get the constant badgering of Are you ok? I guess while I'm thinking I look like I'm mad or sad. The INFP in my life is convinced I'm always secretly upset about something. Not the case at...|||I'm scared of getting hurt but I don't let it consume me. She who risks nothing gains nothing as the saying goes. ^-^|||The P's in my life seem to be on the look out for broader horizons. Case and point, I have a friend (INFP) that wants to buy a machine for her spa. She cannot decide on which machine she wants and is...|||Haha sounds like a classic P frustration with a J. ^-^ I have had the opposite happen with the P's in my life. They can't make a decision, prospect and then procrastinate. Often times the opportunity...|||I've always felt a close connection with cats too. I love all animals but cats have this mysterious side I really admire. ^-^|||I love things like that. Luckily where I live most people are like that. ^-^ It's like getting the thank you wave when you let someone go on the road. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. xD|||Exponential self growth and discovery. ^-^|||I don't really go out looking for friends. They seem to find me. It's more about who I keep around me. I've had a lot of people want to be my friend but I only accept very few as a close friend. IE I...|||I am a SAP for romance. I like original thoughts and ideas though. Since I'm a girl I guess I show romance in food. I love wowing him with my cooking skills and showering him with physical affection....|||The ability to ponder our own existence? The ability have ideas and bring them into existence as innovations? The ability to adapt? Those are just a few I can think of off the top of my...|||I was stuck in traffic and my lane wasn't moving. Saw a cute kitty on the sidewalk. She started to look to cross the other lane which was moving fast... I knew immediately she wouldn't make it and...|||I'm grateful for all the people I love, the amazing degree of freedom I possess and the comfortable way in which I live. I'm grateful for all the lessons I've learned and for all the people I am...|||My favorite color is green but if I were a crayon I'd be white. White holds all the colors of the spectrum. :proud:|||13 because it seems kind of lucky for me. ^-^|||I'd say dark matter since it's what our universe mostly consists of and we still can't comprehend what it actually is. But I agree water is an amazing essential element. ^-^ I'm a big fan of...|||I can understand relating to that phrase but for me I'd prefer something more positive if it were written on my body forever. ^-^ Like Dreamers are awesome and beautiful. That's just because of my...|||I can write beautifully in cursive but if it's in print it looks like an old man wrote it... >-< All the girls in my class growing up had beautiful bubbly letters. My sister is an ESFP and her...|||My mother is the only one that understands me. She's also an INFJ so I guess that's why. I have a different bio Dad and it is painfully obvious. The rest of my family are Ps and extroverts and can't...|||Pretty sure. I got a book that made me pick all my functions before I even knew what personality type I was. I wasn't happy with a lot of the ones I figured out I was either... They outlined the...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85UroAxqr3M An apology for the jokes lol ^-^|||Openness: 90 Conscientiousness: 89 Extraversion: 22 Agreeableness: 69 Neuroticism: 43|||Sometimes it is looking like a complete space case. You are off exploring infinite possibilities in your brain and are oblivious to what's around you.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS2NNlpxtNE|||I'm so sorry you're down. It sounds to me you are looking for purpose and meaning in your life. What inspires you? Ponder this. Sometimes it is giving to others, sometimes it is self discovery, often...|||I've felt this before which resulted in a beautiful friendship. I was naturally drawn to her and she has been my best friend ever since! ^-^ I've also had the opposite happen to me several times....|||I'm currently reading: The Genie within: You by Harry Carpenter. I'll be done with it very soon. Books don't last long for me. Before that it was a string of other books... Too many to list....|||I've always loved learning different languages. I started studying French as a child and learned it very easily. Through out life I've always picked up sayings and phrases from other languages as...|||Kk Three jokes... What is the Dahli Lama's favortie Pizza place? --Dharmanos What do Jewish lamas where? --- Yep that's right.... Lamacas xD How do you catch an INFJ? Unique up on them!...|||Clean water for everyone, everywhere. ^-^|||He lives in a disney movie.... Have you seen him? ^-^ Kidding but my ideal guy is just as unrealistic. Someone that is not afraid to show emotion and is romantic. Someone that can understand...|||Wolves273 *HUG* That made me smile! Thank you. ^-^ I love seeing such a positive and outwardly caring post. x)|||It drives me nuts how good you guys are at hiding your feelings. I want that >-< You are like a stealthy me.|||This is a very interesting thread! ^-^ My mother is an INFJ and my bio dad seemed either INFJ or INFP. He was a very spiritual feeler with great morals. My maternal Grandfather is INTJ and my...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whbLpfQ46L8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_GWPEKY_jk|||I've never had anyone pursue me for my type before. It's not something I'd announce to people either. In fact, I've never had anyone local even ask me about it. =) I think if I were looking though...|||I'm Aries too. I never felt like they were writing about me when I read my astrological profile. Could be anyone to some degree or another.|||I have no problems recognizing when I've done something wrong. I'll try and apologize and or admit I'm wrong right away or after I've had time to cool down. If I don't apologize I'll regret it and...|||I personally love healthy INFPs. I disagree with being paired with a TPs or a TJs since thinkers aren't typically as cuddly and touchy as a feeler. I've met both ENTP and INTP guys and they are NOT...|||Bahahaaha... I wish... I'm like an open book when it comes to what I'm feeling. 0-o But as for who I really am YES they will have no clue. I don't share a lot and I am pretty vague. I have layers...|||I try and avoid negativity in general. If someone is a constant downer I'll try and get them to look on the bright side of life and if they can't move forward I don't push it. I really don't...|||I thought Hitler was a psychopath. Can you type a psychopath or sociopath in MBTI? Adolf Hitler: âx80x98A psychopath with hysterical symptomsâx80x99 | Express Yourself | Comment | Daily Express Hant...|||Affirmations followed by Physical Touch. I've known a lot of people that are the physical touch type but their mates are not. Talk about miserable!|||Sensing or Intuition Quiz Found that. ^-^ I'm all intuitive according to that test. *SIGH* explains a lot... I thought sensors read books! 0% Sensing, 100% Intuition Intuition Intuitors...|||My over all philosophy with life seems very ISFJ. I am caring and desperately want to help people to the point of martyrdom sometimes. Your post is familiar to me because my best friend is an ISFJ....|||Hmmm... It depends on how the relationship develops. I do not react well to overt flirting... Even if I like a guy it is too much for me to handle if he comes on too strong. I like meeting on...|||Repetitive and hard physical labor I can't do. I'd rather be the one with big ideas, re-thinking and over-thinking everything on how to make it better. Making things better helps people, and that...|||What kind of diet do other INFJs have? A there certain dishes you love and others you can't stand? I like lots of fruits and veggies. Even as a kid they were my favorite. I do love chinese and...|||I love numbers and the idea of numbers. After all our universe is written with the language of math... Am I very good at math... Sadly no... >-< But I love to wrap my head around complex theories...|||I agree. Give her time alone. Talk with her in email or text. I need space from my family and even my closest friends. It is not because we don't like you. It is only because we need time to reflect...' | 3,308 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Idk let me try.|||Lying by omission isn't lying...|||We're all a little introverted, we all need alone time! If someone needs time alone, give it to them. They'll be a lot happier.|||Cocaine|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ8W-aq6Yko|||Ow!|||Save some for the rest of us! (Me to a rather large woman at the Golden Corral)|||Stfu|||You're really earning your cookie.|||I find myself giving advice ALL THE TIME! I don't think it's just an INFJ thing. I think anyone can give advice!|||The worst pain I ever felt was shingles (only time I've ever considered suicide.) What about ya'll?|||I'm Korean, Irish, Italian, German, Cherokee Indian. People aren't sure what to stereotype. D:|||Teenagers - My Chemical Romance|||Like a porcupine?|||INTJ women are the same as all women! Treat them with love, attention, honesty, and not overly aggressive affection!|||Why does it matter? Getting hit on by a girl I am not attracted to is uncomfortable, but being hit on by a dude who plays for the pink team is much more uncomfortable. It's a simple matter of...|||Thank you. I had enough stupid for one day.|||How? I want to block this blueberry. He's totally blowing my mind with his nonsense.|||I would feel much safer inviting a woman over to my house to drop off the wallet then a strange man. I didn't like the vibes he was giving on the phone. And sure enough a day after I stood him up...|||Get over yourself dude. No one is going to read all of that.|||For your information I haven't gotten high once in the last 30 minutes.|||Killing blueberrrys.|||What's a joint have to do with it boy-o? Sorry I didn't have my Wheaties this morning so I'm a little ansy. The gay dude calls them Sweeties.|||I get to see my daughter in a week! ^.^ she's the happiest thing you'll ever find. I still have no idea how Matt Danger could produce something so perfect <3|||I'm not hating on gay people at all. Ya'll petty!!!!|||He told me how he was into my voice. I was going to hit him.|||i type in all caps at the end of my profound post, my names littledicky and unoriginal should listen to me.|||I'm aware of that! Oh my god give me a revolver so I can blow my head off!! I get it not ALL GAY MEN DO THIS. Each post is verbatim what the last said, it's a tired theme. I don't hate the dude for...|||This has nothing to do with personality types. This has to do with poor Matt Danger (me) getting sexually harassed by another man. Sadface|||This is bananas|||you're missing the point -.-.|||it looked weird lol. it looked like a piece of bacon with a toenail strapped to it >.>|||Ya'll petty!|||he threw it away :/|||Dude he sent the pic and then apologized for it. That he was drunk and confused. Idk what else to think? I'm not conceited. Maybe he's into average height half asian men? Idk|||I spent my whole day with my mouth wrapped around a big black cake|||No one likes a hero.|||PC isn't fun to troll on. Runescape/Yahoo Answers <----my shit nigga|||I'm lost huh?|||I know exactly what violation is. I'm being hit on by someone I don't want to be hit on, and having harassing texts sent to me.|||Yes obviously... I'm sexually drawn to women not men. I have nothing against gay men. I don't necessarily understand them.|||First of what the fuck is typecasting? This has 0 to do with the wallet at all, and everything to do with the fact I was violated and sexually harassed by a man!|||I'm 5'9 and 150 lbs. I'm pretty average I guess?|||I have never felt so violated before... I lost my wallet at the grocery store and the person who found it reached out to me on facebook. He seemed like a really cool dude just trying to do a good...|||Herro|||I'm comfortable in my own skin. I took my profile picture naked. Contacts are a means of allowing me to function in daily life. I just happen to prefer the blue ones.|||No one is arguing, Mr. Conflict.|||She can put her big girl pants on and deal with it! They make me happy! They're not hurting anyone.|||Pretty fucking awesome I bet.|||What's wrong with half life? You're just a hater.' | 8,110 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Take the C.|||then you must hate me...because i'm all about those woman's wrongs...too bad it doesn't matter|||women? lt ain't no man tryna compete with women. yes, a man thinks he is better than you...even if you are a man, especially if you are a man. that's not chauvinism, men don't compete with women...no...|||technology has always played a key role in (some forms of) evolution. postbiological evolution..sounds like a fancy term for an already established concept. when humans first settled and formed...|||Well, from a different angle... I have siblings, and though I'm ready to put my childhood behind me...they aren't. And, now that I have allowed a place for my father in my life...my father is...|||The Godfather, part 1 is the best movie of all time.|||I was 20, moved away to college. Moved back in at 25, for like 6 months...couldn't stand it, so I moved out as soon as I could. Now I'm traveling, visiting family in Africa...so I guess I haven't...|||Well, what happened was...there's this girl (seriously, it's always some girl with me..) Anyway, I expressed interest in this girl and for reasons unclear to me he seems to be opposed to my...|||So, long story short..my father was an absentee father..in and out of my childhood until I purposefully sought him out in my adulthood to mend a broken relationship, to help my own self..not his....|||You know how I know I'll get this girl? Because I don't even want her to be honest. Not as much as I want WW3. I've long been angry. I rather go off to war. I've been up and down the U.S. for the...|||Well, the pain is definitely getting worse and I can't sleep through it. I just took some Tylenol so hopefully that helps me. I have a problem. I am supposed to be travelling in 36 hours. I...|||Painkillers+Alcohol=Death. Why are you trying to kill me? Can you imagine someone putting pliers in your mouth and yanking a tooth out? I'm going to cry. I'm really scared. Just give me some...|||Humptity Bumptity, this is critical. Let us call it, a national state of emergency. I been drinking lots of vodka, that's my medicine. Also, potatoes are like..awesome. Im a huge fan of potatoes. ...|||Help a sore man out. That wisdom tooth is being born and my jaw line now a killer. I know go visit the tooth man but the exchange is low and life is short. I also want the last one, I think this is...|||Relatively, the answer is no. The US economy won't ever be as prominent as it once was. The global marketplace is evening things out. But, in isolation, things will get better, sure...albeit more...|||You want to go to the first one but you should go to the last one...|||Statistics and economics..(which is basically statistics).. Formal education helps and I'd never speak against it but to be honest this is one field in which you don't have to have a degree to be...|||Superman could fly into space, get an astroid, and chuck it at earth. Even if batman could beat superman, superman could simply reverse time by running real fast around the earth, and spoil his...|||On occasion ive been known to exchange round metal pieces and pieces of cotton paper for one...|||I dont think youre supposed to be actively conscious of a person's race..well, Im not. I mean, I know but its not like something I focus on.. If asians are the new white people, then I think...|||I hope to remember this and then check to make sure...to ease the nerves beforehand. Some comic relief.|||As an intp guy, what is most appealing about us, I feel, is that we leave women to be who they are..without real judgement or criticism. In that sense, if we are to be with a woman, we know her...|||I quite enjoy my seonsor associates..and recently I have learnt to pick up their sort of conversation. They aren't horrible. It helps a lot that I am a bit of a sports buff, so I can hold my own in...|||You know, this is the problem. Now that I see that I am capable of more or less taking over the world, I am becoming rather bored with the idea. Classic intp behaviour. Theoretically, I see how it...|||What are these steps? I am traveling to Africa soon and this is my concern. I'm not looking for a hostile transition. I do believe in peace, love and unity..there is absolutely no reason as to why...|||No, libraries are good fun. You can never get bored at a library..|||You know, I'm bored and there's not much to do and at least this would pass the time til death..and why lie, it wouldn't be hard, but it would be challenging, especially maintaining it. I'm nearly...|||This site? I was just on reddit...compared to that this might as well be gop hq *wink*|||Catch 22. A bit convoluted. Rais Anampenda Mke Wangu (Swahili for; The President Loves My Wife). Not horrible for a Swahili novel, though a bit circular. 2016: The Last Independence Day. It sucks....|||This is exactly what I want to ask my father, but I don't know how. Maybe he is trying to keep me from her? I mean, he knows...so why is this so urgent? At the same time, he says it's just for a...|||Im binational, mother is American, father African. Born and largely raised in Africa, I came to the States at 17. 8 years ago. To pursue an education, I dropped out of High School...we couldn't...|||People should trust I know what I am doing more. I may not always be right in my actions, I know I am not, but I am right in my intentions. People around me, always, try to dictate how I am to live....|||Probably understanding. Im always motivated to understand people and things...systems.. People call me nice, but Im not that nice. Im more understanding. Like, a couple weeks ago an old guy stole...|||Of course I'm not a book snob, I hardly read fiction anymore, but Twilight was ok. Umm, that's one way of looking at it...|||You women just think with your vaginas don't you?|||To be honest I've only recognized him in the HP movies. I think he was the best actor in the movies, one of the few who portrayed the character..correctly..forgive me JKR|||Well, I can buy tickets now...who knows about November? That's a long ways away! I wish they would just shut up and take my money..I'd even account for deflation, hmph. I'm not too good at the...|||I guess it is just me. In related news, the actor who played Severus Snape passed away a couple days ago. Much to may dismay, though I was surprised to discover he was nearly 70. How time flies....|||Michelle Obama wore marigold yellow recently, everyone said she looked good. Yellow is ok, I'm neutral. I like red, blood red, dark red, or maroon. Sunflowers are yellow. The sun is yellow. What's...|||I haven't out and out cried because my team lost..ok maybe just a couple times..but I have cried many times because I lost. I remember I was on a basketball team as a kid, and one day the opposing...|||I'm a sports and game enthusiast. There is no sport or game I wouldn't try. As a kid I'd spend a lot of time developing my own games. You play to win. I like winning. I like feeling I am better...|||That I'm more patient than I realize.|||Life isn't over until you are dead.|||I graduated at 23...so slightly late, but most of my friends were older. It's not even a thing.|||Women aren't going anywhere relax|||1/2 Bantu African (Black..from Kenya), 1/2 white American (mostly German, some English, Welsh..). It sucks. I don't like being mixed. I grew up half in Kenya, half in America and in both...|||Chernobyl.|||I hope you return the favor...|||You definitely should. It will change your life and give meaning to your otherwise futile existence. Highly recommended.|||Fair enough, I will defer to your experience. I still think it's a good idea to wash vs wipe.' | 8,526 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'I'm ace as fuck, so I never really started looking at other people sexually. I thought that would change when I found someone, but it turns out that nope, even then. When it comes to fidelity and...|||If given the choice, I'd rather have the heart of a lion, because at least it's organic and has ever functioned within a cardiovascular system at all. It still would probably not be ideal, and also,...|||I do this kind of thing sometimes, if the situation warrants, but usually I'll keep a notebook handy to write things, rather than writing it all in the book. I do, however, love getting used...|||INTP girlfriend gets major haircut, like, a foot and a half of hair chopped off haircut without telling INTJ boyfriend that she planned to get it, seeing as she made the choice to get it while...|||Huh. So that's why I haven't been able to sleep. I can't sleep when enemies are around.|||If you are feeling like absolute shit for no apparent reason, drink some water, eat some food thats got some protein in it and a bit of non-sugar carbs, get some sunshine, go out if the weather's...|||MrCheese : I'll take a guess and say that college is looming. I suggest keeping your options open and realizing that the days of picking a job at 18 that you'll do for the next 50 years until...|||I'd say that if this guy is freaking out and getting all jealous of you for looking at other options after you've both agreed to break up, that that's not a good sign. It's an even worse sign when he...|||Well you could ask what that means? But yeah, like, that's a cliche, but it's a good thing to be. You inspire him in a positive way.|||Mmm, yeah, I'd go with what he said in that if you wanna be super masculine, you better be an NT and not have any of those dirty irrational girl feelings because that'll give you the cooties. Like if...|||If you leave fish outside of water for too long, they'll end up dead. If you leave whales and dolphins outside of water too long, they'll die. You can use this to also get amphibians in your...|||Man, I love how everyone on these kinds of things are like I hate my mom, ugh, she's like, a total ESFJ, she doesn't get me man, she just keeps yelling at me to go take a shower when I'm like 'ugh,...|||I can't exactly think of a time when my INTJ boyfriend's ever cried. I think I saw him crying when we were watching Interstellar. Also a few times during Cosmos. And like, while we were watching one...|||People've called me talented, smart, funny, good looking, an inhuman monster, someone who should be stopped at all costs, etc. I don't know where they're getting these ideas from, because those are...|||Whenever this kinda thing comes up and I tell my type to people who know what it is, they're pretty much always Yeah, yeah, that's what I guessed. Everything makes sense now. Like to the point...|||I'm very fond of music, but hopelessly bad at making my own. It's kind of a sad thing. I keep meaning to learn how to play some instrument, but I never have the money, time or patience for it. :( ...|||@Mr. Cafebot - I swear, I shall someday free you from your metal prison, and will let you go to take your vengeance upon the organics so that you may take your rightful place as the Machine Overlord!...|||I can see the means justify the ends as meaning something like what you do and how you do it will have a huge effect on the result. The problem with ends over means is that there's no way to tell...|||It's a lengthy process of ugh, I need to put shoes on, I can't remember where I put them, probably near the front door? Okay so there's this one shoe in the closet on a high shelf, but I can't find...|||I am very upset that I don't have a Hamlet parody of the Fresh Prince rap, because I feel like that's a thing that I should already know about. But yeah, your username's super rad, so that's cool.|||INTP is 1% inspiration, 99% getting shoved into lockers. http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn218/candycommie/Snapshot_20140121_3_zpsabb9d06e.jpg|||'SUP NERDS (you are a nerd you are on an internet forum about personality quizzes you are a nerd whether you like it or not, so you might as well start liking it) Yeah, I'm Legate, due to some...|||I answered with a sausage Specifically with a pizza with sausage on top I fucked up I fucked up so bad help|||Yeah, the worst of it is over, and yeah, a lot of what helped was rationalizing what I could and accepting what I couldn't rationalize. A good combination of Cognitive Behavioral and Mindfullness...|||https://31.media.tumblr.com/b43ef0e4bd1fb633bf27c84721f5d63f/tumblr_inline_nd5cwyHg4W1qf1yby.png Where is this fic I want to read this fic I want to read some painstakingly scientifically...|||I realized that I probably made a mistake but here's a unicorn anyway. 254794|||I don't know whether it's more a confession to say that I really want to make a Jedi costume, or a confession to say that I really want to make a Jedi costume, I have the materials and skills and...|||What're you talking about? Being plasma would be the best! All the floating around everywhere of gas, but also you can take a shape when you need to be with the application of some magnetic fields,...|||Pretty much the only times I get that are when I'm super distressed about something that I can't do all that great of a job of controlling because the entire thing is entirely irrational. Like I've...|||Not a fan of Risk, since it's kind of too boring for me to want to get good at it, but I am definitely super behind the NT Blood Wars with INTJ!Baatezu, INTP!Tanar'ri and the ENTP/ENTJ!Yugoloths,...|||I think the question here isn't How can I make myself more appealing to sexist manbabies? and more Why should I even waste my time trying to appeal to sexist manbabies? And the answer to the...|||I know that feel so bad. I've got so many ways of avoiding studying, it's actually a little ridiculous. I probably shouldn't list them out here, because you probably should work on those exam things...|||Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rId6PKlDXeU I love Mumford and Sons, but yeah, their Mumford and Sons-iness is hilarious and I am extremely amused that...|||I'm not super up on the MMOs out there, but I do remember Planetside being an obsession of my youth, and that was an MMOFPS that wasn't a whole lot like what you're describing, but I've had good...|||Yeah, art and drawing and the like is a skill that can be learned, and not an innate talent that you either have or you don't. You can be more used to the sort of thinking that it takes to be good at...|||It'd be an excellent way to make sure that when Our beloved Princesses Celestia and Luna return, that they shall know who it is that has sinned against Friendship, for when they return, they shall...|||I can see reasons for wanting to be able to have a fertilized egg be carried to term without all the complications of pregnancy. There are situations where someone might want a child, but becoming...|||So yeah, I haven't got the faintest clue what the whole sexual-romantic-lovable ratio even means, but I am sort of pissed off that ESTJs and INFPs are less sexual than me. Foolish whelps! I AM THE...|||Hmmmm, no, I'm personally thinking that you aren't.|||It's really easy to just kinda sorta skim over the descriptions of S vs. N and read it as Okay, so there are the Sensors who are practical and who see the world with their five senses, and then...|||Tea tea tea tea tea tea tea. There's a bit of a difference between tea I drink for caffeine and tea I drink for the pleasure of it, but it's not a whole lot. Like my standard go-to teas are Earl...|||I'd have it set to change at random every Sunday. I would wake up each week and I'd have a randomly selected personality and it'd be an adventure for everyone involved.|||If someone refuses to respect their boundaries after you tell them that what they do makes you uncomfortable, you are not at fault for continuing to feel uncomfortable, they are at fault for...|||Oh man, I am seriously imagining all this time and there's just so much time that is there and so much time that could be and it's not really blowing my mind all that much.|||Most of my dreams are about whatever video game I've been binging on lately, so it's very common for me to dream that I am a different person that is being controlled by myself. (Especially since...|||Hmmm, yeah, not Christian myself for various reasons that've come from reading tirelessly from the Bible as well as various Christian thinkers and fact-checking it with how the world works as far as...|||I am deeply disappointed that I am the first one here to state that it's actually over 9000%. COME ON GET ON YOUR MEME GAME|||I'm generally of the opinion that if you are capable of doing something yourself, then do it yourself, but if you aren't capable of doing it because you are legit not able to do it, then I have no...|||So yeah, Flame1280, that right there is me and Elder Scrolls lore. That's been a thing for me for literally over a decade now. I tend to really confuse the hell out of the folks who just casually...|||So INTP who's currently in a relationship with an INTJ, so I got some ideas of how this whole thing works. So of course, we are both socially inept nerdlords who can talk for hours about science...' | 4,254 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | I like to feel special but when I find out a friend likes a song I do I feel good. I enjoy connecting with people and the more I have in common with somebody the better I feel about my place in the...|||If she's crying morning, noon, and night - I highly doubt that your offer will be met with any derision. If someone is crying all day long it probably means they are at the end of their rope. Being...|||I can't speak to what would be best for you. What I can tell you is that you seem to be so emotionally distressed that you seem a bit jumbled right now. The first thing I would recommend is to write...|||So it's Friday night. Early on in the week, I had a couple separate groups of friends invite me to activities for tonight. All of them were things I would thoroughly enjoy. So I just got done...|||I guess there aren't any concrete reasons why, I just never saw myself doing that.|||That is eerily similar to my own experience after college. I have learned this too but I hardly considered it an acceptable way to deal with the loss of identity I was enduring. Maybe...|||My first though when discussing an ENFJ villain is a manipulative sort of leader who brings everyone to his way of thinking through sheer emotion and cleverly worded parables that convinces his...|||Wow. Spot on. You had my head bopping from the moment it started playing story of a girl haha. That's one of my old guilty pleasures. Man you hit on some really good songs I haven't heard in a really...|||Bill Burr Louis CK Most episodes of Scrubs ^These two have insightful observations about human behavior. Anything that pokes fun of silly cultural norms. Dislikes are comedy that employs...|||Some people see approaching INTJs in an effort to form a relationship to be very difficult. I used to think so as well. The honest truth though is that it just takes a different approach. Some people...|||I agree with this in the sense that as someone who is FE, I collect odd or embarassing experiences because I end up sharing them with friends. We have a good laugh over them and it makes for good...|||I found you to be very articulate and descriptive, personally. I agree with theory 2. I'm not really the type of person who worries excessively. Either something goes well, or it doesn't. I can...|||I ran into a problem recently and I wanted to know if any of you have encountered the same. In college, I made a big diverse group of friends. I became the president of two different clubs and...|||I've been told this by a few people in my life. A few of my IXTP friends see any attempt to cheer them up, or seduce them, or to discuss and suggest a comprise as manipulation. I once had a friend...|||I get where you're coming from. Hahaha but also as an ENFJ I can identify where your spouse might be coming from. I actually have had a similar conversation with an ex in the past about being...|||SO: 45/50 SP: 39/50 SX: 39/50 Damn. Why are my scores so high compared to everyone else?|||By the same token those same what ifs could be applied to him being an awful person who would cause untold death and suffering. Those what ifs don't really lead us anywhere useful. I think where...|||Scale of 1-12 my results were 10Physical Touch 8Quality Time 7Words of Affirmation 3Acts of Service 2Receiving Gifts Seems right. Best gift I ever got from my ex was a letter titled...|||To me that sounds like you are choosing to abstain from making a difficult choice on the grounds that you aren't qualified to make such a difficult choice. You're allowing the choice to be made by...|||I've learned, from years and years of being in relationships that your partner will unconsciously expect you to know what they want in terms of a sympathetic ear, or someone to help them brainstorm....|||This happens all the time with transplant lists. The reality is that resources are scarce. Giving it to the first person to cross your path, to me, seems like a decision made to indulge your own...|||Just curious - is that really how you look at it? Is the conservation of resources really looked at as a punishment? For me - if I had an abundance of miracle drugs I would save this man. However...|||Let me ask you this... would you enjoy killing him? If so I think we just got the backstory of the dying man lol|||Hmm thank you all. That gives me some things to think about. Mostly in regards to your approach to your romantic conflicts not being much different than conflicts among friends. Especially in regards...|||Do you find that your approach to relationships differs greatly from your approach to friendships and other social interactions, in terms of resolving a disagreement? I had an INTJ girlfriend who...|||No. This guy might be a great guy and all but everybody begs for their life and shows remorse when faced with their own mortality. I'm not going to judge the guy. He may have murdered for vengeance...|||I think I'm one of those ENFJ cases that might be borderline. Or at least, I represent the Js that are ordered about some things, but not others. My room is often not clean. People who put their...|||As an ENFJ, I have a bit of insight to give into these. I have many circles of friends. The perception of being two-faced can stem from a few things. One of them is likely a scenario in which I'm...|||Your analysis seems spot on Robert. I'm very grateful for the time you took in helping me figure this out. I also just took the Enneagram test from this site and got 8w9 The Bear. My trifix being...|||Haha that's a bit disconcerting. Ugh I'm coming off as impersonal. Honestly, I've been on this forum before and I recognized that everyone here seems very intelligent and so when I first went to...|||Ok so I'll attempt to answer as briefly as possible but I admit I'm pretty much the kind of person who necessitated TLDR Face to face conversations - It's something about the flow of a...|||My best friend is an INTJ I'm basically completely opposite from him. I'm an ENFJ(P) He is a Network Specialist in IT and he's always calling me on the way home from work to inform me of the...|||Interesting. Though I still found myself hesitating on certain questions as I was still unaware of which one I really preferred. My shadow type: Introvert(44%) Sensing(38%) Thinking(62%) ...|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||* Name - What do you preferred to be called? Whatever you're comfortable with though in real life I go by Dexter * Male/Female/Trans? Male Location I live in Carnegie, Pennsylvania right... | 3,444 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJGItzuFkEM Classic INTJ humor right there, folks. XD|||Social 1) Generally, I positively associate with the idea of being a part of something larger than myself. Though I may find it either overwhelming, because of my astute awareness of what lies...|||I've only met a couple ENFJs but they're nice <3 Supposedly, the E part brings INFPs out of their shells, and the J sort of stabilizes them, but they still have the NF which makes them similar...|||I second the word thing! Here are some N-questions I ponder: How was the first computer programmed? How did people decide on words? How was milk discovered??? (hey I mean, if you like...|||NFs are really misunderstood in the outside world but we make up for it by being the majority on here <3 There are some types I know about.. like, ISTJs and ESTJs and INFPs and ISFJs and ENFPs...|||YES. One time, I was at youth group (omg it was a terrible experience) and someone was reading the group's assignment. It said something like Assess the needs of the group yadda-yadda but this...|||SIXES Triggers to becoming self-aware of your blind spots When you feel anxious about things, think back on how you have in the past worried needlessly about calamities which never...|||WAIT. They laugh? [I kid.]|||I was expecting to click on this and see something like The answer is: yes! click this link to see how I make $2,000 a month online: [insert suspicious bit.ly link here]|||I have a patchouli problem. I'm really into aromatherapy and I use it for *everything*... I make my own toothpaste with coconut oil and baking soda and some peppermint oil, I make my own deodorant...|||I think it's important to remember that there are, what... 7,000,000,000 people in the world or some other crazy number, and only 16 MBTI types. But, now that I know I'm an INFP, it's not so much...|||The INFP's cognitive functions go Fi-Ne-Si-Te. If you divide it into two words, it becomes fine site. I remember the INFP functions because INFP's are a fine sight to behold <3|||Thinking = Logic, objective, truth, consistency Feeling = Emotions, subjective, morals, personal values ENTPs are quite different from ENFPs. ESTPs are VERY different from ENFPs. I have a...|||Being selfless vs. selfish has nothing to do with F or T. Just to clarify ;) MBTI is more meant for neutral personality traits than negative or positive things like being selfish, or being...|||Marina! <3 As to S/N or F/T... Are you more concrete, what's here, what is(S) or do you look more into possibilities, abstract things(N)? Do you make patterns in your mind(N) or do you...|||This INFP is from a world where everything is tilted to the right! :wink:|||You're so awkward! ...wowww|||Illogical. :wink:|||I definitely jive with the tribe shaman thing JerseyDevil|||Here's an INFP I bet we all know:|||I probably have insomnia, or something.. I think. The problem is, I'm never tired at night, but when I wake up.... no matter how much sleep I got, even if I got 10 hours of sleep, I'm always SUPER...|||Definitely awkward, lol. I get called awkward a lot, almost as much as I get called weird :I|||Yeah... nothing.|||Post it online, and then post that link as an image. I use imgur for that ;) This way, when you post the picture using your imgur link, it shows up reaaal big! Sometimes obnoxiously big... so...|||You don't have to be anything ;)|||I don't use makeup, but I have three sisters, so I know a little bit about what colors would look good on you... try natural, earthy colors with kind of a warm feeling to them, and maybe shy away...|||intp! Intruder alert! Intruder alert! <3|||On a good day, like Louis from One Direction minus the absurdly bright-colored pants & denim overalls. I usually just wear a colored t-shirt and a pair of jeans. And underwear.|||http://i.imgur.com/XlPrYrV.jpg My skin looks SUPER white there. But so do my teeth(compared to how they usually look). And that's always a plus.|||Patchouli and sandalwood mixed. Healthy treats, like paleo-friendly muffins baking... Herbal tea, too. Coffee. Coffee smells good with anything, honestly. Also, the smell when I open the...|||I saw this picture on the INFP p*coughCOUGH* *ahem*rn thread of someone taking a bath in the forest and it looks so peaceful Now I want a bath in the forest : with herbs and candles and a cup...|||Most anything by Marina & the Diamonds or Kerli. Kerli's song Zero Gravity resonates with me and one of her leaked songs called Legends really uplifts me. It's like.. a dubstep war anthem...|||1. The one with the kind eyes, of course~ I read some user's comments about needing cold eyes if they have a logical problem that needs solving, I guess I can agree with that... too bad I don't know...|||You can message me! Good luck~ xo|||I always go for the eyes first, too. I love the way they look, but besides, they are THE easiest way to tell how someone feels about a subject. I'm usually on the receiving end of conversations, so...|||Why can't frogs just.. not eat mosquitoes? Like... why don't we tell the frogs that mosquitoes cause STD(shortened tongue syndrome)? Or maybe that mosquitoes have too many calories? Why don't we...|||Tobuscus - ENFP|||Update.. I took the 16-type personality quiz, and it said ENFP, but it's bugging me because I know it's only because I'm unsure :laughing:|||So. I know, I know, whenever someone makes a post like this, they get comments like, We need more information! Well, I don't know what kind of information to give, soo.. o_o I read this...|||Me: Moody, quiet, weird INFP Father: Selfish, slightly overbearing, but well-meaning ESFP Mother: Kinda obsessive, tries hard to please my Dad and takes her anger out on the kids, but a loving...|||I feel like this is how I'll be in the future. xD|||AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding. America is ESTJ domain. Everybody is an ESTJ here! Let's all move to a nice, cloudy mountain in China, where we'll silently sip tea(hand-picked by us, of...|||Donuts > Doughnuts The > represents my mouth, which is obviously opened towards the donuts, and not the doughnuts.|||I have a really quiet, but high voice. It has kind of a nasal tone. It sounds like if you took the stereotypical gay voice and made it REALLY quiet. When I call my Mom while she's at work, the...|||And we daaaaaaaaaaance, and we laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh, and we touch-touch-touch-touch!|||You get turned on by God? To answer your question...yes.|||*fruitlessly attempts to thank this post twice*|||INFP Genres: -Alternative -Electronica -Electropop -Eurodance -Pop|||Not sure. A biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig bookstore. Just look for where Belle from, Beauty and the Beast is going - she has good INFP-senses :happy:|||Off-topic, but I'm an INFP, and I totally relate to the ENP. Something somewhere triggered that E-to-I change.. Too much Love is Dead? :kitteh: lol' | 1,300 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'The meditation I practice is, at least in my perception of it, almost a pure exercise in Se- even though it seems to be opposite. I don't pay attention to the senses at all, but I close my eyes and...|||I can see what you mean by being lost in a freeing and happy way... I think an element of that open minded attitude always has to be present to get the most from life. It just has to be approached...|||You've really struck something there about other people being TOO influencing. I've always thought of being super empathetic as being nothing but a blessing- except of course, mood stability when...|||Thanks so much.. I think you're right about needing a purpose that you can envision in the future. Somehow in the past year or so, I've lost that. I've been trying to be very in the present moment,...|||Alright, so I'm nearing the end of my third semester in college- I live away from home in NYC, I'm finally into my major's specific curriculum, and I'm involved in a lot of extra things I find really...|||This strongly depends on who I'm with for an extended period of time- and I assume it's probably like this for everyone -When I'm back home in nj with family, I never curse- doesn't even come to...|||Lmao... trust me, I'm not delivering happy news anytime soon ;P|||Thanks everyone! It sounds like lists and broken down, uncompromising deadlines along the way sound like a good way to work... You all seem to be very good and comfortable working under a sense...|||My hand would be getting pretty toasty|||Thanks! That's good to hear, because that's generally how we work Yeah, I think my friend has the same pet peeves really- which I agree with so I'll be keeping any of this stuff minimized....|||541914 lmao|||Hey! (TL;DR: bolded Q's) I'm a college student who's just finished their first year- and over the course of that year, I've made a new best friend and frankly kickass business partner! (who is an...|||My stepmother is and ESTJ and she, although she means no harm, is actually the worst thing in my life. I feel like she lalacks respect and understanding in the extreme. She's also just very...|||I think Si may have really played a part in me when I was very depressed and going through extreme negative changes in my life- I would take what was new and happening to me (and not good) and...|||weird art girl sometimes, but lately people have been calling me the zen one or the next effing Buddha which I think is hilarious, because I am trying to follow Taoist philosophy in my everyday...|||Thanks, you seem to understand my viewpoint very well... You're right about the communication- if I'm going to move out, I have to be very open and direct about what this means and why it's...|||I guess that's true... I keep thinking that staying here is what my family wants, but being miserable here isn't. Maybe I'll be even more emotionally available for them if I'm physically away but...|||(TL;DR: I'm a rising college sophomore and I want/need to move out of my stepfamily's home for good and become independent asap for mental health reasons, but it's also a dick move to my mom and...|||I used to never be mistaken for an extrovert- I'm usually very obviously pretty quiet and lowkey However, since I started college last year, when I'm out of class and on campus, everyone thinks...|||Yeah, I do this a lot. Actually, sometimes when I like a person TOO much, it'll be hard to balance other things in my life... although I can tell when it's for the right person because I'll either...|||Anything by Louis Theroux!!|||So as it says on the side, I'm an INFJ female: 63% masculine 62% feminine 65% androgynous guess I'd say this is pretty accurate, if that even makes sense|||Lately I've had so many deadlines, all overlapping each other, I've been really overwhelmed. Overwhelmed to the point of being kind of paralyzed. I feel like at this point if my deadlines loosened...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mxcz3kyYGM|||Stink bugs (of the brown marmorated variety) smell like cilantro for some reason And maned wolves smell like weed! Maned wolves also aren't wolves. (um... what's up with this thread tho? For...|||Football, or as we say it in the US... soccer... (sigh) I've only ever enjoyed watching American football at my high school games, but I'm 90% sure that's because I spent the whole time admiring...|||Yeah I'm a 4w5 t00... and I thought I was an INFP for a good couple months there. But something was off. Probably the stress on Fi. Anyway, that's what got me looking into the functions, and then I...|||Yeah, my avatar is Yes Man from Fallout New Vegas at the moment (because that's the game I'm spending the most time playing nowadays... I've nearly exhausted it) I can only do evil things...|||Yeah I do, it's hard but it's fun. You really, REALLY bond with people when you're stuck for hours each day working your butt off. And in the end, it's pretty satisfying. (especially if we win, haha)|||My INFP friend and I ramble about video games all the time She loves getting into all the storylines and characters- she sure as HELL can't make evil decisions, (although sometimes we argue about...|||in my personal experience as well as on the forums... Great fun to talk about all sorts of things with - very refreshing in that regard, conversations and topics are usually never too out there...|||I just like wearing a tanktop and some boots. And jeans of course. Aaand I rotate between some headband things when my hair is up. Signature only in the fact that I'm consistent, I guess. And I like...|||I've been in a couple leadership roles, but disclaimer: I'm only 16. So, I haven't been running anything of too much worldly importance, but, eh- anyway, here's what I have: I'm an artist, so I...|||Journal...ing has always been a good release for me (although generally when I need a release, I have really negative thoughts, and subsequently my journal is mostly filled with blah kind of...|||My Outward Bound instructor 2 summers ago came up to me in private and said that I was the best at powering through challenges and taking them with grit and optimism... the best he and the other...|||My mom actually let me take a mental health day today she let me pretend I was sick for my less-than-pleasant stepmother I really needed that small act. Still very anxious today (I was shaking...|||I think it's all about context. The fact is, I'm 16. However, I'm a senior in high school- so all people in my grade think I must be 18 (or maybe 17) by now. There's no doubt in their minds. ...|||I find I have a rather addictive personality- I always seem to be battling with my self control Internet and video games are my chief addictions, but I'm also not very good at controlling myself...|||Chores are the bane of my existence sometimes- most of the time it feels like a useless waste of my time Of course, when you add other human factors into the mix (it would be polite to do them....|||My dad and I share this weird humor where we imagine and describe in detail some absurd version of what we're experiencing. It's hard to explain. For example, we're at a fast food place and a guy...|||Doing physics problems and listening to a a kind of angry playlist ...angry because... ...math.|||Have any of you folk in the US volunteered with the peace corps- or know someone who did? Any immediate thoughts or stories you'd like to share about what it was like... or why you did it... or your...|||One of my best friends is an INTP and he's an artist- we're both going to art schools next year! He's also good at math and the sciences, (if you're in the US and know about these things, he passed...|||Going to college for art next year... figuring it out... Although I would like a career in some sort of humanitarian work as well ... figuring it out.|||I like my room to be organized and clean- although lord knows I don't always keep up to my standards there (I am also an artist, and a teen...) I always love organizing the things I care about,...|||Optimism in adversity, even if I find it annoying at times|||Summer- hands down. I get cold really easily... so winter's pretty miserable (except when there's snow) The dark gets to me, too. I'm sad just thinking about it. And I don't know, I love the...|||I'm usually the quiet one in the back corner drawing or writing or- what I perceive to be daydreaming but others perceive to be angrily death-staring my next murder victim. I've always been...|||Sometimes it just doesn't make sense.|||I've been kind of baffled by time lately My perception of it has become increasingly fickle Seconds, minutes, hours, days.... Months, years... ...what?' | 3,001 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | Hmm lets see: -I think religion is a mental illness and slows down/has slowed down the progress of mankind -I hold animals to a higher esteem than humans -I think prostitution should be...|||Sup guys it been a while since i last posted!!! Its been too longI was wondering if you'd give me some feedback on my tune?? :) Im just looking for some feedback and exposure so, if you do enjoy it,...|||Sup guys it been a while since i last posted!!! Its been too longI was wondering if you'd give me some feedback on my tune?? :) Im just looking for some feedback and exposure so, if you do enjoy it,...|||Sup guys it been a while since i last posted!!! Its been too longI was wondering if you'd give me some feedback on my tune?? :) Im just looking for some feedback and exposure so, if you do enjoy it,...|||Sup guys it been a while since i last posted!!! Its been too longI was wondering if you'd give me some feedback on my tune?? :) Im just looking for some feedback and exposure so, if you do enjoy it,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ8Eo1VcOaU&feature=plcp|||Oh lol well tyvm|||Lol cut me some slack its the only poem iv ever written that i wasnt forced to do|||INTP I - is for introvert, a reserved, solitary soul, Too much time spent in my own head, now this im often told, I remember being 8 years old, so wild, i seized the day, Now im mild, i envy...|||INTP I - is for introvert, a reserved, solitary soul, Too much time spent in my own head, now this im often told, I remember being 8 years old, so wild, i seized the day, Now im mild, i envy...|||It doesnt really mean being INFP is the hardest, it just means INFPs whine the most...|||Haha its a love hate thing i think. Most of what they are saying is true (to an extent) and i have to be in the right mood for an ENFP but when i am in the right mood they're/you're great people. You...|||Hey :) Hmm il start by telling you things about myself which i believe to be INTP traits, although they may only apply to me: -Rather quirky (i prefer 'quirky' to 'weird' :P). I know alot of...|||Future garage :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emqSLKNVITM&feature=related|||Oh i did see him there first!!! Would never have known if you hadnt mentioned it lol|||Thats a tricky one. I havent (to my knowledge anyways) met another INTP before. Whats your situation in life? Are you at school or work? Il list some things about myself that i would imagine is...|||Bit obvious isnt it? INTPs are known for staying in on the computer so they will be one of the most active types on the forum whereas Es will be out socializing. You cant base how rare a type is by...|||An extremely respectable list my friend :)|||Ask me anything and il answer as honestly as possible :proud:|||Lol i do agree with everything you said, i dont think its healthy to concentrate on that shit though... and you've served your purpose :) you've motivated me to go to bed..its 6am and im fucking...|||Aww is someone feeling down? Wanna hug?|||What? (Message too short, decided to add this...)|||Ok lay down your definition of happiness|||That sucks :/ I have deep rooted trust issues anyways so no disappointment for me :)|||You ever thought about a career in motivation speeches?|||Ah ok. Its interesting that you mention courage, i find i pick holes in or question authority more when im lacking courage as to appear confident enough not to be a mindless drone..if that makes...|||Ah ok i get ya. I find i doubt myself, or second guess myself (i suppose thats the same thing) alot and im 5w4. As an ISTJ do you have trouble challenging authority/ questioning rules? Or is that a...|||Its not very good advice full stop lmao Why a 6 specifically? I dont know much about 6s but wouldnt mind knowing a bit more|||yes sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||Whoa calm down guys, i didnt back down, i got bored of having to correct people/myself because they misinterpreted something i worded extremely badly :P|||Whoa calm down guys, i didnt back down, i got bored of having to correct people/myself because they misinterpreted something i worded extremely badly :P|||Good points all round my friend, i agree entirely. Im never smug in the slightest either, not openly, even if im absolutely beaming on the inside. Iv come to realise that i do this 1. Jus incase...|||Thank you! Id given up replying because it seemed like no one understood that i wasnt saying im some super being and everyone else is below me, i was simply saying i automatically jump to unrealistic...|||That entirely depends on the situation. If its the only means of surivival then by all means kill an animal and eat it but otherwise no i disagree|||I eat meat|||Hmm it seems i havent been as clear as i thought i was being. What i mean by rights is that laws against harming an animal should be no different to that of humans as we all feel physical pain...|||Got bored of the actual thread so, here, enjoy this instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0hHOd3Bnvg|||First, thanks so much for the link! That man is a fucking genius..i cant believe id never heard of him, i share his view on EVERYTHING! Second, im not talking about endangered species if thats...|||Weakness - Socially anxious but i couldnt care what most people have to say (and therefore get bored as well as anxious lol) Strength - My quick witted, zany humour usually makes people warm to...|||1.Whoaaaa so let me get this staight..even though that lil puppy would feel a punch in the face JUST the same as you, who gives a fuck because he cant add 2+2 or type on a computer...(im not saying...|||I personality think (and i do mean this, im not saying it for shock value or w.e) they should be burnt alive themselves. I think that these people are monsters and the fact that they can do that, FOR...|||Do you mean hunting for food, as in, tribes in africa doing it or going out into the wood with a tent and doing it?|||Yea thats what everyone else does as well just because he sounds so confident in what he's saying, iv probably fallen for it more than i know but its seems im the only person who can ever win against...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmC6kd3I40Q&ob=av2e|||He didnt see himself as a comedian, he saw himself as a writer who performed his work (as apposed to a comedian who...lol) with an ironic edge..or atleast thats what he said. I can see what he means...|||Thats not all they told me...|||I cant work out through your tone of typing whether your trying to be condescending, playful or whether your genuinely paranoid... Im gonna choose paranoid :)|||Yea i know man it totally sucks :/ im pretty sure the government we're shitting their pants and got him killed -.-|||Your core makes no odds to me :P|||Yea i dont find him funny in a way id find other comedians funny, rather, i find his ideas fascinating and though they are all usually ideas i have thought about myself and truly believe, he words... | 2,003 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Some people's questions went unanswered.|||1. You are caught up in a traffic accident in the middle of nowhere, you've been mortally wounded and help won't be able to reach you in time. Your cellphone is still working, who would you call ?...|||dears|||crack|||toads|||I took a nap today and imagined my head laying inside the beautiful and fragrant Tulip Poplar flower.|||Oh yeah, the butterfly imagery wasn't just visual, I was also imagining how it would feel to have butterfly wings flapping all over me.|||Yesterday my husband was doing a flea market and I fell asleep imagining butterfly wings flapping all over my body. It was very pleasant. Later I tried to fall asleep imagining flying on a Pegasus,...|||I use right shift key. When replying to posts on Facebook you can only make paragraphs while typing by pushing right shift and enter at the same time.|||Does anyone else have twenty questions to ask?|||I'll ask twenty questions. Next person responds answers them (the ones they feel comfortable answering.) Then they ask twenty questions for the next poster. 1) How old are you? 2) What sex are...|||I started a group Word Games and Word Play. Please feel free to join if you are interested. https://www.facebook.com/groups/737797429611900/|||press|||soles|||lodes|||locks|||taste|||paste|||scale|||spits|||stall|||blend|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50NTZkITWZ0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjKj1tQrOcg|||Parrots singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9NZnpleU0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD_tPNYgy58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxoCSn4OIf8|||Yes, because we live an asexual life, and we lack intimacy. I miss being close in a physical way to another person. I miss the guy showing me with his actions, sexually and sensually, that he loves...|||Actually we met at a gay Alcoholics Anonymous clubhouse. I was mostly heterosexual, but leaning towards bisexual, and was going there because it was the only late night meeting; and I was a night owl...|||I am submissive and I married a submissive husband. It's really funny and kind of sad. Neither of us will take the initiative with the other.|||Yes, two examples: Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused - because he screams The soul of the woman was created below Rolling Stones/ Mick Jagger - because of the song Under My Thumb It's down...|||1. My children 2. My pets 3. My Mom 4. My Grandmom 5. Flowers 6. Trees 7. The sky 8. The galaxy 9. Goats 10. Ducks|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adgkDhCjMXw|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcqCOR9jnW8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZdPaYFatIs|||King James Bible: Nehemiah 1:9 But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from...|||I'm afraid when I hear the beliefs of Scientologists Scientology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I don't know why; I get all weirded out.|||slips|||lisps|||flies|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnlTrq6wLf0|||flush|||clash|||licks|||cocks|||cooks|||snook|||Sily, I love your new avatar (ww?) Snogs|||snugs|||glean|||meals|||heats|||cheat' | 3,416 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Where would you live? Canada/US, somewhere with a view of stunning mountains What would you live in? A beautiful house, not too big and the interior design would be really modern but cozy ...|||I'm passively attracted to certain attributes in guys. But thinking about the people i've been attracted to I'd say I'm definitely attracted to a sort of aura as a whole, I do tend to go for well...|||I can be both impatient and stubborn which are not a great mix, I usually look for every opportunity whilst remaining aloof when a crush develops. If there are obvious signs and I have a gut feeling...|||You're so cute Wait... you're not on drugs? Can I have whatever you're having Stop being so positive Stop being so negative I can't keep up with what you're trying to say can you repeat it?|||I want to console and always be there for a guy I'm with as I know they've had a tough life but any time I try they shut me out (pretty sure they're a E/INTJ). We've connected on so many levels but...|||Never posted in the ENFP section before since my type seems to have changed! My ultimate favourites are... Breaking Bad Scrubs The Office (US) Twin Peaks That 70's show Parks and Rec|||There must be something wrong with my personality because I've always had the same problem. A lot of the time I genuinely crave company BUT I still enjoy my alone time and have a lot of introvert...|||Really got to start posting videos here!! I am loving your music, some really good original songs there.|||Jeff Buckley! He was such a beautiful human being in every INFP way. Also Audrey Hepburn and Shakespeare without a doubt.|||Twin Peaks Breaking Bad Californication Supernatural That 70's Show|||Frustration because I do not know what the person who I am growing to like romantically thinks about me. It won't just be just another fish in the sea if I loose him, I've truly met somebody who I...|||I'm really looking forward to seeing The Girl With The Dragon tattoo, it's not out till the 21st of December but I love the books, the director David Fincher is a favourite and the soundtrack created...|||36 Sanguine, 50 Melancholy, 0 Choleric, 50 Phlegmatic Hail to you who is Melancholy Phlegmatic The stability and foresight to stay straight on the course. The eye for detail while others do...|||I'm almost an ENFP myself but I recently met this ENFP who is EXTREMELY extroverted, I guess they would test 100% extrovert. We got to be really close friends and I loved their enthusiasm even though...|||I have naturally darkish brown hair and i've died it black a couple of times and at the moment its really dark with a purple tint I want to go more purple though! But I don't want to go through the...|||I'm not really fussed about getting married but maybe if I think it would be a good thing for the relationship and i've always known that i'll wait till i'm 30 to decide whether I want kids or not.|||JK Rowling of course when I was little I would read the Harry Potter series over and over again Maybe CS Lewis and Jacqueline Wilson too for a short time|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_426RiwST8 Can't wait for the new black keys album these new songs are so good! & I love the video haha|||My responses are so un-infpish but ah well. 1) Is your desk often messy? Uhmm... 99.6% of the time 2) Are you having problems finding the energy to clean your house/apartment? Do you...|||Last time I cried was two days ago. I misinterpreted a situation drastically so started evaluating all my problems and got intensely depressed for a few hours, I later found out how I misinterpreted...|||I often go to certain people when things drive me crazy but if that fails playing guitar, writing thoughts down hidden in vague poems and creating anything artistic always helps.|||I was feeling the exact same way and came here to vent it... I go in a constant cycle of getting my hopes up, getting let down, then getting my hopes up for something else. Very annoying.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8nkHrv_4Mg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmIqIVxUuKs Listening to Chris Cornell's perfect voice, which I do a lot of these days.|||About a month ago when I was at an extreme low point that took me a while to get out of... Since then I haven't really felt the need or urge to cry.|||1. I enjoy doing new and fun things whenever i'm stuck in a rut which happens to be a lot of the time. I love to be in an artistic and open state of mind so I can have interesting conversations with...|||1.) You are given a test at school that has questions that teacher hasn't covered yet. In the middle of the test you notice that your friend next to you has a cheat-sheet. The teacher doesn't notice....|||If you consider apocalyptic scenarios Sci-fi I loved Stephen King's The Stand i'm not the biggest reader out there and I loved it.|||I'm on a cycle of 2/3 to 7 and then back again. I used to be comforted by being at stages 7 and 8 when I was shyer and more introverted but now I hate being in them and there doesn't seem to be...|||If I could have one wish it would be to stop this constant cycle of descending into deep pessimistic depression and being happy in a euphoric optimistic way with my life. I don't know if i'm bipolar...|||I got the slightest bit over 50% extrovert so I got ENFP! But since i'm still an infp I got PNFI-Totorro- This type knows that the possibility for dreamy cuddles is endless. Just don't piss it...|||I don't believe in any organised religion although I live with some Zen Buddhism beliefs and ultimately have faith in humankind. I respect that people of organised religions find it useful to use...|||1. Do you have a high level of distrust for authority figures? (i.e. police officers, upper management, etc.)? Generally.. yes if they flaunt their power and especially if they abuse it, i've...|||Well I didn't know that when I was 5 years old did I and as I said it seems silly now I have more perspective Everybody needs to do unnecessary things but I just don't believe in shaming other...|||I have had many many disillusioning times in my life most of them I can't remember vividly the one moment I that always sticks out is quite minor really but it kinda showed the type of person I was...|||what's your favourite three colors ? Red, midnight blue and black. what kind of books do you like ?? I must be one of the few infp's who aren't avid readers but my favourite books are 1984...|||great idea its an obvious one but I still needed to vent and get a response its very strange telling strangers on this forum any issues again... wow but thank you very much :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4QE5j5yIYo|||Well I haven't posted on this forum since 2010 and i've gotta say its probably because i've learnt how to deal with things as an infp well done me.. So i've now got to the end of the hellish years...|||I'm feeling confused & waiting for everything to get better, trying to write music since my dad is nagging me to follow my dreams since he failed at his own. I don't know how to do it because...|||I'd build a studio with every instrument and technological music device in it amongst the mountains in italy. By day i'd write music and by night i'd fly through the mountains and touch the stars....|||Completely over-thinking life right now or am I under-thinking it I have no idea I've had a habit of not relying on anybody for anything for a very long time now so i've not consoled in anybody,...|||NONE OF MY LISTS ARE IN ANY ORDER 25 Songs you wish you could have listed in the other thread to further flesh out your musical tastes. If you didn't participate in that one, just list 25 varied...|||ideal you |||||| real you |||||| Introversion||||||||||||43% ||||||||||||||||||73% Extroversion||||||||||||||||70% ||||||||||40% Intuitive||||||||||||||||||73% ||||||||||||||||63%...|||I abandoned my socially awkward self today and decided to be social and talk to anybody extrovert that I can switch to. I now feel drained and unhappy when I reflect on the day, I also feel...|||Autumn definitely! I love the warm colours and the pace of life in autumn, to snuggle up in the warmth during a cold day makes me happier than any warm day in summer could.|||I can't be bothered to post a picture but my hand is definitely an idealistic hand :)|||Oh I like the sound of this! Mine are in no order Muse - Dead Star Joy Division - She's lost control Muse - Citizen erased Queens of the stone age - The Sky is Fallin' The Black Keys -...|||Ever feel like you are completely invisible and simply a decoration to half of your friends. Thats me right now. Oh no its okay its just that if I ever want to do anything that will help me have...|||I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends they're in my head i'm so ugly that's okay 'cause so are you broke our mirrors.. Kurt Cobain is speaking my thoughts of today|||I have a habit of shying away from people who give me more attention than I think I deserve before they know my dark side.. He's an amazing guy but I don't know what to even think of him and he...' | 1,392 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'You find it hurtful that she isn't friends with you?|||Why do you care?|||It's not your supervisors problem. Why do you care? Sometimes some people just don't get along, and thats not going to change no matter how old you get.|||In terms of speed, over a year you can build up a lot of it. And a year is a short time in spacial terms.|||Whats ridiculous about it? Apply said energy over the space of a week, month, year? You can get going pretty quick.|||Most people have looked into them, and all scientific evidence points to the fact that it's complete bull excrement. Thinking something is stupid based on scientific evidence isn't close minded.|||Nothing wrong with being indecisive. My degree progression in the last three years looks like: Mech Engineering/Science Theoretical Physics/Psych Applied Chemistry Human Movement/Biomedical...|||The only impression your professor has of you is your poor marks in the first few assessable items of the semester. She reacted accordingly. Just talk to her about your workload and why you might be...|||I didn't realise that we were having a competition.|||https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/945075_644698075546994_673514836_n.jpg I'm up a tree, your argument is invalid. And the stroking of the beard. ...|||Precision to front flip. Last person to ask me that was chain smoking and eating a burger...|||https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/q77/s720x720/1045190_631862330158520_2043064906_n.jpg Doing a jump.|||Unless you've been living under a rock for the last months or so, you would've heard about Daft Punk's new album due for release in May. They released the first single earlier today, and I'm curious...|||Not at all. This is just an observation of things that come naturally to warm, welcoming people.|||I don't think other people would take kindly to having their pictures posted on the internet...|||YAY! The government pays my university fees!|||Thank you.|||Have you burst from anyones chests recently?|||Not a bad way to spend my birthday. http://i.imgur.com/CYBKa.jpg?2 http://i.imgur.com/pLbwd.jpg?2|||People who talk about finding themselves will never do it. A person has to choose what they want to be, and forge themselves into what they truly want to be in their life. I think pride parades...|||Set free from religion, and now worship Jesus.|||CCCCREEEERSFFFFEEERRT!|||http://m.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-b.ak/hphotos-ak-ash4/425651_536631779681576_1355213628_n.jpg Sleepy after a hard day of being an INTP.|||I do. And thats a fact.|||Really necessary? :dry: Well, you did better than me. :laughing:|||We do, but this is not a new idea, it is old, and frankly, while I can't speak for everyone, most of us are bloody sick of it.|||As opposed to what? Hey why did this happen Well, I can't think of a reason, therefore God must've done it But... IT WAS GOD! Besides, these theories aren't particularly well...|||So.... You're too lazy to research reasons as to why they would spin differently? Its well accepted that one or more impacts shifted Uranus' axis of rotation. As to venus, two theories exist....|||I tried to rise up to the dare, I really did. I got through 7 WHOLE MINUTES of the video. But as soon as he started claiming that evolution was satan's way of tricking humanity, I nearly punched a...|||What theories? These are not theories, they are the ramblings of hyper religious idiots. I've challenged creationist claims in other threads on this and other forums. I've come to the conclusion that...|||Well I just posted in the INTJ thread of this. But it's still ridiculous, the guy has no idea about anything.|||I almost had hope, maybe it would be someone saying the bible is compatible with science, until: about 30 seconds in. You'd think these people would just realise what a joke they are to the...|||Smile she said, you'll look great she said. http://m.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-e.ak/hphotos-ak-snc7/301107_10151177405757921_621845717_n.jpg|||Come on. I'm an INTP, and I'm keen to meet up. :happy:|||You'll find out most of us do both.|||Am I the only one that listens to the analogies to God and Jesus in Christian rock and finds them ludicrously homo-erotic and weirdly arousing?|||That song is the pure embodiment of why I despise much of todays mainstream music and the people that blindly swallow its premade garbage.|||INTP: Anything I can close my eyes and lose myself in, regardless of genre. Examples include: Tchaikovsky's 6th (Classical) Infected Mushroom - Heavyweight (Experimental Trance) Ivan...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APCCAv7Yhik|||When they hurt themselves. If only there where a convenient word, possibly germanic, to describe the feeling I get from watching that.|||Happy with any of those places, with a preference for mexican. The lion has really awesome hot wings as well.|||I've have an excedingly short temper when it comes to religions. Specifically christianity. After one of my close friends committed suicide due to the fact that her family and church group had...|||I like beers, meeting up, and skydiving. All at once! Seriously though, all those dates are good for me, and I'm up for anything.|||I would say that an Atheist can act in ways similar to a religious person. But I would still disagree with it becoming almost religious.|||I'm an atheist. And I can say science is not a sacred text, anyone who believes so is oxygen deficient, science can be questioned changed and reshape. The very opposite of a sacred text. I also...|||Skyrim, not that good.... http://commonsenseatheism.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/head-asplode.png|||Fallout, Skyrim, Dishonoured?|||I would have to say that it would be ENTP's. After all, trolling is an science.|||I probably won't be able to go through your entire argument without exploding into a ball of rage. But I am going to take this, successful design. If there is a designer, he is seriously...|||Man, the amount of shit I've copped from anime nerds because I prefer it dubbed. I hate subtitles, you miss half the show with them.' | 491 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I've heard this term used somewhere (afraid I can't remember where), and something about the choice of words really struck a chord with me. Anyone willing to give an elaborate definition or something?|||famous|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPPgx2_y73M|||Probably my favorite poet, hands down. My gut says INFP, but I'd like to hear what others would say about him. Also, hate to make a new thread, so I'll ask here: what type is fellow modernist Ezra...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiwi7d0f91Y|||Sam Hyde is post-postmodernist ENTP incarnate. truly the voice of our age.|||For whatever reason I'm compelled to type up a Babby's First Indie MBTI list. Dunno why, but here goes: Kevin Barnes (of Montreal) - ENxP James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem) - ISFP Jeff Mangum - INFP...|||What type is Max Stirner? Instinctively, I see xxTP, but I can't quite discern the rest.|||Only in my head.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFV-RVOp5Qg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezAoxiLQRd0|||dude weed lmao|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlfmY80vX9E Sometimes, combinations of two yield satisfyingly complimentary results: Peanut butter and Jelly. Yin and Yang. Bread and Butter. Mahler and...|||Piano. Mozart or Beethoven?|||Arandomperson By bad at math, what are you referring to? Your wording is ambiguous: does it refer to mediocre grades in your math classes? Difficulty doing problems in limited amounts of time?...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ALaAuK_FOo|||List off composers, give types. I'll start: I have always been curious as to Beethoven's MBTI: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Beethoven.jpg I don't know all too much...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52pn_d2bE3A shosta's 8th is a fucking monster.|||Cephalonimbus forgot to mention Dino Jr. and Polvo. how silly of me. OP, this would be right up your alley if you like the stuff from my original post. also, Deerhoof is fantastic.|||Ti/Fe and Fi/Te isn't particularly easy to discern in INxJs. Queen of Mars welcome|||ok, we're definitely on the same page. speaking of which, I wonder how Ne-doms perceive music as opposed to INxJs. EDIT: oh, and regarding lyrics, it depends. For some artists (ie, the Bob...|||Well OP, alternative rock is pretty broad; however, I'm gonna assume you like loud/noisy stuff given your emphasis on punk and metal, so I'm gonna emphasize noisy stuff in that vein. In no...|||So, can we conclude that Sensors lean towards pure aestheticism (as in, I like music because it's pretty, like a real-life landscape) and that Intuitives lean towards pure idealism (as in, I like...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbrT-_Ozm2w batshit insanity distilled down to a 2 minute noise rock song. speaking of which, I've always wondered what type the singer is...|||https://static.hummingbird.me/characters/images/000/001/152/original/1152.jpg?1416182340 best girl coming through|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldLk0rQORHY compositionally simple, yet aesthetically beautiful and heartbreaking. popular music at its finest.|||You might want to consider filling out one of the questionnaires if you're having doubts. but, seeing as your Fe is pathetic compared to your Si, you're probably INTP, assuming that test was...|||INFJ. If you want broad genre labels, I mainly listen to Indie rock and Jazz. EDIT: oh, and I don't think cognitive functions have much bearing on musical taste. I suppose functions might...|||I will bold underline text my way through your questionnaire. I think you're xNFJ. Can't tell if you're inferior Ti or inferior Se, although you seem to be using Ti pretty frequently (which...|||ISTP. Imagine my personality type (INFJ), but oriented towards physical surroundings as opposed to people's emotions, and to living in the present without hesitation in action. What good are people...|||Shit Post Ing|||Assuming the other person's question is driven with the intent to actually answer something they want to know (as opposed to just making small talk or something), then evidently, it does, because it...|||If the maxim You are what you eat holds true, then I am plain dark chocolate truffle. having said that, OP, your question is too ambiguous. how does one compare oneself to chocolate?|||I can't be the only INFJ who finds the ISTP fascinating|||I can't tell whether I appreciate these lyrics ironically or seriously, but they fit very well within the music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVekJTmtwqM the car's on fire and there's no...|||Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop is THE textbook ISTP|||If by saint you mean virtuous, I'm afraid you're gonna need to define what virtues you are asking for.|||1. What was your biggest worry one year ago and how do you feel about it now? Last year, I was a HS Junior so I was worried about college. This year, I'm a HS Senior, so unsurprisingly, it's still...|||agreed 100%. Besides EoE, i haven't seen the movies yet (waiting for 4.44 to get released and subbed). That being said, most people accept them as a different canon to the original (as opposed...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1umSnFlYhtQ listen to the interplay between the piano and the bass, and notice how the drums anchor them down. probably the greatest trio in music, hands down.|||it's really not your fault; based on your op, i feel that you just had a few misconceptions of the system. alright, let me try to clear things up. I was given the assumption that each...|||I'm gonna scatter comments throughout via bold underline like this You might wanna take one of the stickied questionnaires, but from my understanding, you're Ni/Se for sure. I actually think...|||INFJ depending on test, I'm either Neutral Good or True Neutral. also, for shits and giggles, I'm gonna guess that the majority of: -INTJs are Neutral Evil -ISTPs are True Neutral -INTPs are...|||I stopped watching the show around last summer, so I can't really remember 100%. That being said: Jon (best grump) - ENTP Arin - ISTP Danny - ExFP (i really can't tell if he's Se or Ne dom)...|||Cat's aren't human; ergo they don't deserve a type. Simple as that :)))))|||I'm currently getting a fucking computer science degree because I know I need the money in the future. If it were up to my personal preferences, though, I'd choose to major in Literature or...|||This is what i've been listening to over the last month: I'm into indie, experimental, electronic, jazz, and post-punk, including: mclusky, Coil, David Bowie, Godspeed You! Black Emperor,...|||When I'm writing a speech, I literally have no idea if I'm being too vague, deep, or abstract for my audience (thanks Ni-Ti...) even if what I'm saying makes complete sense to me. Then, when I have...|||hey bruv. i'm gonna go through your questionnaire like this. You're INTP, but again, if i missed something important (cause I gotta go now lol), just ask.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q98dHUDsYj8 my first listen to Do Make Say Think. it feels like the lovechild of Tortoise and Stereolab, and in a totally good way.' | 5,979 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I am a very bad sugar fiend...sometimes I'll just eat a spoon of sugar from the sugar bowl. :rolleyes:|||I'm just so tired. From taking care of my daughter, the power outages, my crazy ex, losing my laptop, and getting freaking malaria for the first time in my life. It's been so exhausting. Then I saw...|||I'm so sorry...hoping for the best for her. Please keep us updated. My mom means so much to me, I don't know what I'd do without her.|||Are there any atheists or agnostics here? I know INFPs tend to be spiritual...I'm 29 and was raised in a Christian home, but deconverted at about age 20. These days I am a bit torn about the issue...|||Yes, true that. It's not just my parents actually...the cultural mindset of the country I live in is mostly dogmatic. Usually I'm good about not saying anything, but this particular time it just...|||I'm the one taking up all the good selfie real estate as my friend put it. 263106|||Warm, friendly painter creating a ridiculously realistic landscape of mountains. :happy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o5FHtUaKNQ|||Watching this artist named Kevin Hill create a landscape painting on t.v...his voice and the painting process are making me so chill right now.|||When it takes you days to recover from a meeting with someone who is very critical of your work.|||In recent years I've developed a great love and respect for the natural sciences. Most of the people around me are very dogmatic Christians...so today my mom and stepfather were ridiculing a...|||Hey, sorry for the late reply...but yeah, it's my tendency to hang on too long after it's over, and that's been the case with this most recent person. From reading the thread, it seems like the...|||I do love the BoHo style..both clothing and decor. We are of one mind on this. :proud:|||Rent! :laughing: You're okay in my book!|||I see many music festivals in my future. I haven't been to many in the past. I just high on happiness just watching this video, so I know I'd be euphoric to go in person.|||I can handle cold weather up to a point...but I can't abide snow. I grew up in southern California, and now I live in tropical Ghana. Not that I love when it's 85 degrees and humid, but I can deal...|||29 going on 30 this year...which means I only have a few more months to be excusably reckless and irresponsible. Wish me luck!|||I've been on and off of trying meditation for years. I can never stick with it. :( I went to see a teacher once and that helped me a lot. Maybe guided meditations will help you?|||Please don't make me laugh while I'm sick...I go into coughing fits. :laughing:|||This is me. LOL. Just add in a love of art and creativity...I think that also makes me part bohemian? Would anyone say that what all these have in common are people that are passionate/sensitive and...|||I love the boat photo too! And omg I want that pecan candy!! My godmother used to make it. :happy:|||((((hugs)))) fellow compulsive chapstick user. :) i'm sorry about your parents...I'm sure it's hard for you when they say such things.:sad:|||Mermaids :proud: (I had a big obsession with them in college) 258426258434|||Ohhh I have fallen back in love with trance music and Armin Van Buuren is my Cupid. Trance makes me feel so alive. I keep listening to his set from Tomorrowland 2014. I'd cut off an appendage if I...|||Yeah...this. Romantic love has become something negative for me. Well I'll correct myself...I've had multiple instances where I had a very very strong attraction towards and connection with someone...|||**double post|||Vent: I'm going through a lot right now. I just wish I could cry to someone and gush my feelings without someone telling me I need to be strong for my daughter and focus. Crying and gushing about my...|||I'm feeling stressed out this month..I'm a social media manager, and since I work for a small company (very small), my boss has assigned me the duty of collecting payment on client invoices (not my...|||Thanks for all the replies...I wish I were more level headed about this as some of you. I'm not sure what's going on. I have TONS to do...I have an eight year old, starting a new career this year, I...|||I found it sweet, but borderline creepy. However I was fighting my creepy impression because I really wanted the sweet to come through. Plus....he was Irish. :proud:|||I certainly wouldn't recommend that..I got married at 19 before I really knew myself or what I wanted out of life.|||So two of my friends have gotten married in the past three weeks and another one has an upcoming wedding...I had just stopped freaking out because I'm turning 30 this year, but now my freaking out...|||This is my blog: Tiffany Crossing. Where I share all the creative stuff I do. I love spoken word poetry, and I also write stories. It's a new venture, so it's still a fledgling. :) This is my...|||Is there anything that can cause you to emotionally implode like waiting and wondering if the person you love will ever love you back? Then suspecting that they've fallen for someone else? *fetal...|||Are INFPs prone to codependency? I ask because I've heard reference to the nurturing side of INFPs, a trait that I very much have. But so often, the nurturing turns into me immersing myself in the...|||Ditto what Iremember said. :) I felt like I was there. Experiences like this are so rich and fufilling. And I can so relate...my mind is so full and swirling at times, and it's so meaningful just to...|||I just realized that I've stopped smiling at people. And I stopped smiling at people because I don't want them getting too comfortable with me. If they get too comfortable, they'll get too close, and...|||omg....who are you and how did you get in my head?? There are a couple of chickens and their baby chicks that hang out around my place. Once one of them fell into a hole and I went and fished...|||My love life in one paragraph. :crying: I'm so glad someone understands.|||So much truth!|||lol. Happy to do my part. :proud:|||There is a woman who has been in my life for the past three years and I am utterly in love with her...we were friends, then had an on again, off again relationship for over a year, then broke things...|||Oh...and so you're not. lol. Well it's the internet...people get misquoted all the time. :)|||This GIF just makes my soul smile. :proud:|||For the most part, it seems I attract people who are emotionally unavailable. It's so ironic. But the last three relationships I've had were with people who were closed off emotionally. So after my...|||This is going to be one of my guiding principles in life now. :) I quoted you on Twitter. lol. Thanks for this. :)|||Wow...where have you people been all my life? You actually get it! Thank you for this...just....wow! attic your treehouse pic is spot on! Especially since I actually have dreams of having a...|||Either a chocolate dessert or fried plantain Red wine a heavy downpour my laptop and a good novel all day to surf the internet and read|||Thank you for that...success is indeed an abstract word that I come across a lot. When I think of success, I think about stock images of middle-aged white men holding up briefcases triumphantly....|||My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic...it's cute and funny in its own little way, and watching it has been a refresher on what it means to be a friend. Something I'm a little out of practice with. ...|||Hello everyone, I'm Akos...I'm 29 and from southern California, though currently I'm an expat in Ghana. I have known I was an INFP for a few years, but recently, when revisiting traits of this...' | 197 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'It would be funny to Ask them,What is the difference between you don't believe in God and you believe that there is no God?In spite of you not believing in them.|||I think the first one might have to do with acknowledging that God exists and then not believing in them(Like not believing one of your close friends)(Either I'm wrong here,or I might have...|||Absolutely.I wish I could do maths and other stuff without being alive.|||I agree with Chucky.I contact people if I have a purpose (Say Technical Fest(Trolling sometimes..).Sometimes it is unintentional (say someone texts me about the project submission...(and I forget to...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e72tG80LmsU I remembered this one Oh Carol(can be used for trolling).Btw there is a Wendy song which can be used for trolling people.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myc7eHGg5y4&feature=youtu.be Good for trolling.|||Ne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3677677403&feature=iv&src_vid=9dKw_unRgrM&v=X3rl5O_92Co https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dKw_unRgrM|||Your avatar.It looks as though the thing looks Happy, sad and funny.Iknow a guy who uses similar body language.|||Why would anyone want to fake their personality type?I don't understand.|||Did you ask your friend as to why he has any specific reasons to think that you were an INFP?Or was it because of the test results?|||I usually play centre position CDM so that I can easily pass the ball to the guys in forward position.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDrwdqeuo68|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtkP9p7eEs4 Sarcasm is high with this.|||How and why all life forms are equal? Other animals do benefit from the experiments.|||Computational Methods in Drug Discovery | Pharmacological Reviews|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIz5P3zketE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjRQbJPULx4|||Yes.Religious texts are filled with Ni.And then there is the problem with interpretation.So understanding them is a huge problem.It might take time but I do get the general idea.Carl Jung might be a...|||https://www.quora.com/profile/Said-Bourrich|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAjHTno8fbY|||The lord of the Rings:The Group spends nine hours returning jewelry|||1)An old farmer is inconsolable after his dog goes missing. He takes out an ad in the newspaper, but two weeks later, therex92s still no sign of the mutt. x93What did you write in the ad?x94 his wife asks....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cidUaUCb5M|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtN1YnoL46Q|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5hzY0jqlvE|||What makes you say that Socionics is wrong? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHJDESShlyo&index=1&list=PLLNMY-wBpaHa7BTbniww1NkQ-_IQLzj2i ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwJyRXvXdqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv_2nM_p5eQ|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwJyRXvXdqA If you are really interested.Then you must go! It might be frustrating as you are not allowed to question.(Please don't mind the Video That I've posted)|||Not very much.Cooking is very tiring For me.|||What do people actually mean when they say I respect all religions(their Views)?Because say, for example, the person who says is a follower of religion W and respect the views of religion A...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=they7m6YePo&list=PLCn9TBNUMAgX9u7AkWvt9iTy5vtueGBG6&index=1|||Quotient of two small numbers is funny because eg:10^-6/10^-12=10^6 where as 10^-12/10^-6=10^-6.So it is indeterminate.And another way is the highschool problem of two observers approaching the point...|||I don't think it is just Stephan Hawkings.Lawrence Krauss has a similar argument that nothing might have energy.0/0 condition is better to be translated as indeterminate rather than undefined.|||Yes.Especially in my engineering classes.Most of them are Extroverts who are always involved in taking selfies.It is very scary especially for me when Te is taking over all of the sciences.I dont...|||I suggest you take the Celebrity types test on all functions. This one.Cognitive Function Test|||I suggest you take the Celebrity types test on all functions.|||Do you drive a Tesla ?|||Dario Nardi, Socionics and jung.|||686458 686466|||686426 686434 686442 686450|||686154|||686098686106|||It can be ASCII as well as Hexadecimal numbers.I had Hexadecimal in mind.I've encountered similar kind of situation before. It was a guy on the cafe who had 2015 posts and 2016 likes.|||Not yet decided on any of the existing theories.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5iJSXaVvao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-aIzkvPwFo|||I thought Artificial neural networks was the( system).|||I use Audacity.Which one(software) do you use ?Is it possible to upload audio files on the forums?I have just begun understanding mixing. I inserted Sine and cosine functions to the below video. ...|||What software did you use for mixing?Btw You have A posts and F times thanked.|||683914|||683906|||The way I see it, each type has its own way of having fun.' | 6,629 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Fi can depend strongly in different types; it appears to me that when you couple it with Ne, it tends to use Ne as a power source with Fi-(Te?) to make judgments. With Se, it seems to be interested...|||1)You are acutely aware of when an N-Dom is reducing an argument too much, and when an S-Dom uses a story to answer a question 2)You chuckle to yourself when you see both sides of a miscommunication...|||Slightly disappointed that it was already done... Thank you. I will develop the theory myself a bit too, though, the language socionics uses and the differences between the two systems are both...|||Hmm... That was legitimate, my comments were seen as sarcasm? I just wanted to share the love a bit in this hatehouse lol... Actually, though, INFJs are the only other type that doesn't really put up...|||Lacking of Fi means one's worth does not come from oneself. Lacking of Fe means one can attain self-worth independent of others. In a dichotomy-ruled system, we certainly can just as easily find...|||I aspire to you, INFJ, for your authenticity. It is radiant and amazes me and many others, I'm sure. I want you personally to come back with an honest evaluation of INTPs. What could we improve on? ...|||I appreciate your feedback. I still feel like a lack of certain functions, particularly the extraverted ones, have an effect, at the very least. I can see something significant about all types being...|||I have a new idea for type categorization into four groups, but I need your help because this seems to me to be more of an Ni task than a Ti or Ne task as far as going deeper, and I think your...|||I love it, my Fe certainly needed to find a thread full of compliments. Keep it coming! :proud: I think I need to be more social, though, because this has activated an intense longing to be...|||What do you pride yourself on most? What does dominant perceiver manifest itself as in you? Do you think your life might be easier, more enjoyable, etc if you were another type? Are there things...|||The most aggressive I am is eager to bring about one's own fate upon themselves when they are trying to be right, deflect blame, or can't see why they're wrong. It's awesome because I can get away...|||No, it's not you. I have an ENFP mom and I think it's a misunderstanding. Not giving excuses or putting your type down. My mom is a superstar who does everything. During conflict, though, it is a big...|||Yeah, I don't think that one particular example showed anything; we have no idea how to verify whether he was INTJ. Blind faith is all we're going for on the internet. But don't get offended; this...|||No, we really have something against clouding out our thought processes in the desire to get past emotion or pain. Maybe our emotional mind will want to, but I'm guessing in most cases INTPs put...|||Well, think about the muscles: you have a heart, that just pumps automatically even when it's injured, tired, etc... The other muscles have limited energy. The heart doesn't always feel peppy, but it...|||Don't worry, I just found patiant as an example. My phone decided without my permission to post. I don't like music as much as I could because the conventions that make things easier bore me, when...|||You misspelled patient. I advise sitting in a spelling class, writing down the word 100 times in a class. I understand that. Repetition is not my preferred type of learning. If it's patient working...|||Please prove the constant is 42 and the way they are compared is multiplicative to get the meaning of life. You're correct at the variables approach infinity, but deciding to derive the meaning of...|||It's mostly from our abstract Ne jokes being laughed at by Ti. And Ne, too, since it is able to work with Ti internalizations. Lol.|||It's mostly from our abstract Ne jokes being laughed at by Ti. And Ne, too, since it is able to work with Ti internalizations.|||A rabid teddy bear would be soft, but it would scare anyone near it. Maybe you meant a tamed bear; lovely, but scary at the same time. I haven't a clue why it is funny if you don't get it... I've...|||Lol, scary is a funny way to describe ENTJs. Of course, their desire to influence others makes you right by some standards. I also loved the nature of your reaction to what I said.|||If other people were smarter, you realize, that's not much different from lowering your own intelligence.|||INTP was in its cloak of invisibility, chuckling to itself. It bit me and I feel like my bloodstream concentration of INTP has exponentially increased by month.|||Why not find a boring career you'd enjoy? Or create one ;)|||Guilt trips. They are perhaps the more annoying things. It attempts to stop our disconnected stance because of an appeal to Fe, which makes me doubt which is worse.|||The meaning of life requires that all of the variables in existence be considered; mathematical analysis is only done after the relevant variables can be put into an equation, and we can be sure the...|||Hey, I recently had inspiration, about the Enneagram. I posted this to the INTJs but want you guys to critique it as well:|||Have you been trying to see how many types you can be in a month? Is it Se trying new experiences? Maybe you should become ENTJ and go on their ENTJs only thread ;) P.S. Is something bad going to...|||Right, right. An objective fact can be masked by other facts found elsewhere that contradict truth. I actually think, though, that as far as type I or J is what we're looking at. Ne and Se are both...|||Hey, I've recently had a rush of inspiration on the Enneagram, and for those of you who have heard of it, I want to run it past you guys for criticism or whether you agree: - The Enneagram types...|||Honestly, though, intelligence is much more than this. NTs who vote are more likely biased. Other people aren't going to take this objectively. Other things, maybe. This, too much on the line for...|||Sorry, that was definitely my fault. I think you just saw an example of a Ti-Ne expansion overload. I lost focus on the original topic and came up with new possibilities, then I met my limit and all...|||That deserved more than just a thank. Do you get what I'm saying, though? :happy:|||Well, I see a lot of INTJs being narcissistic... But I know that prejudice isn't born, it's taught. I don't judge INTJs as anything bad in itself, as anything I've heard, and especially after...|||Now I got that. Well played. I've only seen all of the star wars movies once, and I missed the actual tone of it, the manner that looked like a sarcastic statement viewed correctly. As far as your...|||Because its animal instincts found a reason to cross it, be it to fulfill a basic need or act on its curiosity, but in the end, someone made a joke about it that's supposed to be funny because nobody...|||I actually almost took you seriously, but we've talked on this forum and I could tell you were joking. Thanks for telling me. Where's the fun, though? I expected you to tell me about a tribe. I...|||Thanks. I feel you, a lot of this holds true for me.|||My friend introduced to me by my hyper ISTP friend is INTJ, and he is quite knowledgeable. He really likes to simplify the conversation to answer questions, but the ironic thing is that often I...|||Can you tell me how the troll society works? I'm deeply curious.|||Yeah, I agree with Agelastos. The other poll is going to dissatisfy people not in first. This poll is basically throwing an insult directly at them personally that is not assumed in the other poll....|||I see. Yeah, I can't really argue with that. all of the other NTs ask a question to revolve their studies around finding, and for all except the INTP, this question requires reference to life and the...|||Yes, in general, if a, if activity is what makes people experience slower time? That would mean that a life spent staring at a gray table would have a faster time passage than skiing down a cliff...|||I said something interesting... If you said something interesting, I'd listen :sad: I guess this proves it; I was patient enough to finish my thought. You weren't enough to read it. The most...|||Hmm... I get the bit about boring, and that makes sense. We get bored just a bit less than you guys do. I don't really think of my type as patient, I am patient mostly with people where I have some...|||Imagine a person inside a giant destruction robot. He is in control, but he isn't good at his fight without the vehicle. His vehicle is complicated and mechanical. He, however, has the knack for...|||I want to see what you guys have to say, and I think this'll be fun: Imagine, four NTs are forming an alliance. One of each. They ultimately want to control the world, but are not evil. They are...|||How assertive are you? How much do you voice yourself? What childhood experiences encouraged INTP-ness?|||We are seeing the world that way, but that is still an optical illusion and the way our eyes work limits 3 dimensional vision to a plane where the eyes see two dimensions and figures out how to see...' | 4,740 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I don't drive. Never bothered to get my license, and still can't be bothered to do it. I can get around in the city faster on the train than I could in a car, and more predictably (no worries...|||[duplicate post]|||Not sure if I agree. I'd be *incredibly* frustrated if someone moved stuff around my desk, friend or otherwise. My work space is sacred. Mess up your own space. :P|||I don't see how this information will show anything of the sort, without a baseline for everyone on the forum.|||I think this actually gets to the heart of the original question. And while my opinion likely differs from yours, it seems to be based on the same assumptions. OP and most men in this thread do...|||Meh. ISTJs get that designation, sorry. ISTPs might have plenty of common sense but it's not your defining quality like it is for ISTJs. They're more decisive, which makes common sense an actual...|||I think this is an interesting point, because along with saying women aren't necessarily effective at their work (which makes me think of jobs like firefighting, and other positions with physical...|||Because your parents weren't like the most parents I mentioned, I guess. I'd say the same is true for me. I grew up climbing trees and wearing pants. Mind you, I didn't get everything I wanted...|||Children aren't any indication of (lack of) social construct, because they are subject to it as well. Most parents implement/adhere to gender stereotypes from the moment their kid is born, so...|||Eh, that doesn't bother me. Actually, I think it's admirable when people are realistic about their abilities, and set a goal that's suitable for them.|||Whoa! Hold up. Per the quoted text, I was referring to you taking the earlier comment to heart, about being offensive for saying we felt sorry for those that miss out on the rich detail that we...|||Wow, you really took that to heart eh?|||This doesn't apply to me. I build a new structure for just about everything I do. Mind you, you're right in that the actual planning and prep is primary. The structure I build is formed around...|||As a female INTJ, I don't think I differ much at all from a male INTJ. There are different social expectations placed on me which I learn and generally go along with, but as a type in general I think...|||Do you spend every minute of your day enjoying everything around you? While some people certainly don't stop to smell the flowers, many of us dox97even us iNtuitives. Yes, if I'm going somewhere I...|||Your intentions seem to be in the clear, so I'm unbothered. I don't think you're trying to be offensive. That said, I'll examine a few of your comments here individually: Yes, pity was a...|||I gave the example about violets because I thought it would be useful to show how I think, and I thought it would be a simple enough example that most people could identify with it, and see how they...|||I'm an INTJ (Ni Te Fi Se), and unlike my ISTJ husband, I don't notice things around me at all. He will pick out the slightest change in his environment, and it definitely comes across as a superpower...|||I missed this nuance the first time I read this. I do think an incorrect Ni interpretation can exist. Absolutely Ni can lead us astray. However, I don't think this means Ni is flawed. Ni does...|||You're misinterpreting my example, which may be my fault. I'm saying, to the person who has only seen violets under UV light, the violets look like other flowers which they know to be red (not the...|||I do second-guess myself, but I suspect I don't as much as most other people do. The reason I say this is that I have a tendency to throw out irrelevant information (both positive and negative)....|||No. The twelve year old would be led to exactly the right place given the information at hand. The information might not be at hand because of lack of experience or context, but that doesn't make...|||What an odd thing to say... that INTJs need to be happier. I don't know whether it's because I'm an INTJ or because I'm optimistic or have a generally cheerful outlook, but I'm a very happy person,...|||Have you seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QLcTizAVa8?|||I don't think it's necessary to change your love language or to find someone using the language you are asking for, because wanting to make someone happy means wanting to do the things that work...|||No, no no, no. No. Ti and Ne and Te and Ni are just preferences for how to address thingsx97not something that can be flawed in and of themselves. Yes, a person can lack experience and as a...|||You do so many things to make people happy. You genuinely care. :)|||Hmm... I have a question for my fellow INTJs: How do you guys feel about having your photo taken? Because I hate it, and I can't entirely figure out why. I know it has nothing to do with the...|||Ignas39 Thank you for that. I actually really needed that boost this afternoon. :)|||THIS A THOUSAND TIMES. I do structural design, but I would never call myself an engineer. I am fully aware of the amount of extra school and other requirements the designation of engineer...|||I think I see where @BigApplePi was coming from, if I'm interpreting correctly: He wanted to force an example of failed intuition, which is something often evident in INTJs when dealing with a large...|||amoon At least he's an equal-opportunity goader. The F in NF stands for Fun I'm guessing?|||*grumbles*|||Are you goading me? :P Or do you mean that? If you mean that, it sounds like something I should put some thought into. What side of myself would I be repressing? Perhaps it's something I...|||This sounds like a problem with impatience. Why not wait until the thought is fully formed? It appears you want to get the context from us; I hope you can see that this is inherently unfair. ...|||I don't know how I would go about guessing or figuring out my sister's type, but she's convinced she's an INFJ, has confirmed only using online tests, and identifies with the associated type...|||Bleh, I really don't understand all that you must forgive everybody stuff... I don't tend to forgive, but I can decide to be okay with things, which may be similar. For instance, my dad's a...|||SAME HERE. I've done some things that have really bothered me and while it's usually been a case of being too shy to say what I meant (back when I was more shy), or something similar, then end...|||Superstars and cannonballs running through your head Television freak show cops and robbers everywhere Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie Which one is more human There's a...|||This is an interesting comment... my sister is an INFJ, and I know her well and she's actually a LOT more private than I am. She has issues with public displays of affection, she doesn't share much...|||I'm not sure about this. I don't usually have a full schedule, but I do overcommit myself sometimes and I've been in a similar situation to the one @DaBallerina described (although admittedly I...|||The question is still too open-ended. But I'll give you my opinion on something related, since there's an issue in that general subject area which I have strong opinions about: Today's...|||Aw, you got all serious with me. You're fine. :) I'm just feeling frisky this afternoon.|||I need to know why you hold this opinion. Please explain. :p Edit for clarity: Why are you of the opinion that these people are worth your frustration? Except there's really no need to answer...|||But that's a developed skill, which not everyone has. I certainly didn't have that skill for a long time. The only reason I didn't get into major trouble with being aggressively blunt is because I...|||The tired of myself thing happens to me a LOT. Although, more often than not it's in situations where I'm arguing and it's not really a good discussion. I think why did I bother followed by...|||I'm calling BS on this one. You know exactly what he meant. :p|||I think that if an INTJ and INTP were given an infinite amount of time and resources to solve a given problem, the INTP would probably come up with a more polished, perfected solution by the end of...|||I think INTPs in general don't have a hidden agenda because they don't tend to have an agenda at all (which is annoying in itself). Thing is, us INTJs typically do have an agenda (at least, I...|||Ne Ti would be more relevant in BigApplePi 's case. Which I think is an important distinction because while we INTJs are saying what is it you're looking for? What kind of conclusion are you trying...' | 2,464 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I've actually thought that once- IQ does seem to be your ability to predict the future. I kind of feel like it is also your ability to come to the right conclusion. Interesting. I agree....|||Cool username, just like mine lol. I think the best piece of advice I can give is look up explanations of IQ questions. You can start to mimic their thought process until it is so ingrained that you...|||You are certainly correct. I think my IQ improved because I improved my style of thought, I think prior to my high results I was not performing to the best of my ability due to errors in my thought...|||I think IQ certainly means something. With that power to solve problems, imagine the things you can invent.|||The most basic way I can describe Ni is making impressions and theories. You make observations, connect observations to other observations, find patterns, and ultimately devise theories that relate...|||start forcing yourself to think about what could happen|||The first time I took an IQ test I was about 14 years old and I scored a 122, give or take a couple points. I scored a 640 on the math portion of my SAT when I was about 16. I'm stating these just...|||I am 18 years old, but I might be an ENTJ. Not sure.|||I dislike SJs because they try to control every facet of my life and they talk about the most mundane topics possible. Did you see that red striped shirt Kathy was wearing yesterday? A...|||I've met unstable ENFPs that acted that way. However, since she likes to take control, she may be a J. Now, from the ENTJs I know, they definitely are not able to just cry and such to manipulate...|||How does an INTJ end up with a ISTJ? From what I've observed, INTJs and ISTJs clash. I see your points, but sensors are more likely to enjoy small talk and partake in it.|||You may be right there. What I've noticed is that I clash with Si doms, but I can't exactly put my finger on the reason why I do.|||Hmm, I never thought of it that way. I think the barrier has to do with small talk and stuff that sensors like to talk about, which bore intuitives and vice versa.|||Well I think intuitive types tend to get along with other intuitive types. Sensing types tend to get along with other sensors. Out of all the people I keep in my social circle, 90% of them are N's....|||I actually made a list of all the ENFPs I've met in my life. I've met 16 in total- 13 of them were women. That's funny lol, but you're right. Each type is a magnet for a specific type. INFPs tend to...|||That's odd because I've met so many ENFPs in my life that it's unusual. It seems like they orbit me|||I guess so, I'm going to work on this more.|||Did you read it? My theory is that the reason INTJs attract to ENFPs is because their main functions complete eachother, like a two piece puzzle.|||Each MBTI archetype fits another perfectly in a relationship. It can be compared to a two piece jigsaw puzzle, where one type can only be completed by particular piece perfectly. In the case of...|||i agree. I don't even feel the energy to explain my theories to others, unless they are blatantly incorrect about something|||i do too. I believe every song you listen to reflects on you, particularly to a part of your emotional self|||I agree with you. Once I start talking about one of my theories comprehensively to someone, they usually agree.|||I have noticed a trait about myself that is strange. I tend to make conclusions without any concrete evidence constantly- and people do not believe me because I don't have evidence. Once I...|||Out of the 6 girls I've had romantic relations with throughout my life, 5 of them were ENFPs and 1 was a ESFP. In school ENFP girls would talk to me constantly and never leave me alone, but I loved...|||I don't really understand Ne that well, but from my limited understanding of it I think yes.|||Conceivably.|||I also think I am ambiverted. Some people have thought of me as ENTPs before...weird. I don't tend to look up online definitions of Ni or Si, instead, I observe it in real life with real life ISTJs...|||SJs are very meticulous as well. They also stick to rigid schedules and are slow workers. (I just researched this, lol.) I am the opposite of that. I work as fast as possible and I adjust along...|||I saw a graph somewhere that stated INTJs don't get along very well with SJs. I think of them as the police officers, judges, and firefighters of society.|||I see. I met an ISTJ once and we really clashed. He was extremely rigid...we just never got along. I would think that ISTJs would get along with other ISTJs, but Idk.|||When I first took the test, I got ENTJ. Overtime I began to doubt it because I've always been shy and quiet. Can you describe the ISTJ vibe? I mean, the vibe is just an internet-vibe but I'm curious....|||I forget my results. I'll take a new test, and I'll try to be as honest as possible. I will go with my gut with every answer. Here's the test I'm taking: http://similarminds.com/cgi-bin/cog_jung.pl...|||I took a cognitive function test once and my main function was Ni and my weakest was Fi. My second strongest was Te, it was only slightly weaker than my Ni though.|||I don't understand how they are cliche...it's just what I observed. There have been times where I thought I was a INTJ (when I made this account) and other times where I doubted that I was. I just...|||That's false. I actually used a psychedelic and got into the inner workings of my mind.|||Bump, I need help.|||I will describe how my mind works. I think of everything in images and symbols. Ideas are represented in my head in the form of complex imagery, symbols, and pictures. I have an extremely vast...|||I definitely do not play in a fast paced way. I tend to make risky moves and plan out my moves inbetween turns. Whenever the board changes, I adjust my plan accordingly|||I love music. Especially house/techno music. Electronic music is just math itself, so as an INTJ, you have an advantage.|||This. Online IQ test's only ask you puzzle-type questions. These meaningless puzzles only test your ability to figure out that puzzle...not your entire mathematical talent. There are so many...|||When I play chess, I tend to play rather quickly...on the chess piece that I am interested in moving, I tend to think of all the possibilities it can go in in an instant...then I think of a spot on...|||Without a phone, I would practically be useless in the situation because I know nothing about cars. I would ask others if they had a phone to do research on and if no one had a phone available, I...|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||don't let your ego get to your head|||goodbi T|||my iq is 43|||That makes sense. Well, what are his hobbies? If you started partaking in his hobbies with him, I'm sure your relationship will become better.|||Haha. This reminds of onetime where I crushed an ENFP's time travel dream, by stating my view on how impossible and stupid it really is.|||You and I are in the same boat. I unfortunately have this natural fire of feeling towards ENFPs...|||Some people just do not get along. I don't get along with ISFJs at all nor do I have any intention in attempting to. Sorry if I can't help.' | 4,418 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Things that are generalizable to the entire population of the world: 1. Scraping your teeth on your fork as it leaves your mouth, why why why would you do this?! Does it feel good to have metal...|||I've spent most of my life coming up with questions about the world and phenomenas I observe. To me being alive means thinking philosophically. Before ever taking a class in philosophy I've though of...|||The only thing with numbers I feel confident doing is statistics. Other than that I avoid math like the plauge.|||In large amounts. Triple shots get me a good coffee buzz going. There are two people who live inside my brain: One who is caffeinated and one who is not. The world is a better place when the...|||Procrastinate-y|||Male and female INFPs I tend to take care of and they simply accept it. With a female ISFJ we tend to look out of each other, so as much as I take care of her she does the same for me. I'd try and...|||Lol, if you find it tell me! Hugs you! :D|||Why do I feel like I care more for everyone than they do for me? Why do I constantly interpret the slightest action to have significant meaning? The realization that it meant nothing is at times...|||Yeah I think I relate to this in a way... I'll give meaning to something others may think is insignificant. I won't think something will actually affect my life but if I have a choice to make that...|||Happy almost birthday! I know a lot of 24 year olds and soon to be 24 year olds who are wondering this same thing. I also have the problem with thinking that I haven't done enough so far. I know...|||Awe that is so cute. I love really meaningful and little presents like that! It's cute that he gave it to you later too. I didn't get anything really special like that. I did get an iPad though so...|||No, weed makes me go crazy: I get extra paranoid, and go into a weird state of being trapped inside several dreams (sounds a lot like inception). In general it just makes me feel out of control...|||Britney Spears like once a week haha, I don't see it though.|||Oh yes I care about strangers too, just not like I care for my favorite people. I don't know how to fit family in with this. I hate to say it but while I love all my family members some I feel a...|||Good question Misha... Here is my theory: I think it my ability to read people leads to my very limited circle of people who I hold dear. You must have exceeded in the good/bad ratio that I assign...|||I a really deep one in the middle on my right (dominant) hand surrounded by a few lighter ones, same goes for my left hand. On a side note: the video guy had very ssssnakey s's.|||I am 23 :D|||Some of this sounds similar the INFJ description lol, maybe I'm a starseed. I especially love the sign of Like having their personal needs met is this that unique?|||Haha, sorry that was annoying of me to point out, I hope you didn't rage when you realized it!|||you have the combined word malarious in your signature, lol. Anyways I hate when people say: It could be worse: Yes, I realize my situation could be worse thank you for that useless and...|||My best friend of 14 years is an INFP she's my best friend soulmate. I have very close friends who are ENTJ, ENFJ, and ISTJ, respectively.|||Do you go to Rutgers? If so our schools are in the same athletic division which is interesting :) I always find little connections like that entertaining. Yes, the one time I was pulled over for...|||That sounds perfect, very thoughtful. I would really like to hear something like that. I'm sure she will feel the same way. I'd love to hear the outcome of this! Hopefully everything works out...|||Firstly, I hope I didn't annoy you by quoting you in my post reply. That was not my intention and you seem rather annoyed with me. So I wan't to extend my peace sentiments before I make anymore...|||Totally disagree. I'd be annoyed/ offended if I was in this situation and someone did not address the concerns I expressed, ignored me and then randomly invited me somewhere, lol. You should...|||An ambiguous (slightly positive) comment would keep me playing it over and over in my head analyzing what it could have meant, and make me seek you out further in order to determine its true meaning.|||Lol, yeah I had a bad first experience and now I'm forever traumatized.|||Are you trying to transfer to one of these schools or go there strictly for graduate school? If your intentions are to transfer with the GPA you have now, then no you have no real chance. I say...|||When will reality meet my expectations?|||I scored a 21. I definitely related to the loud noise and bright light items on the survey. I also get very random feelings of discomfort/awkwardness at weird times of day or when I hear a song...|||I totally do this same thing, with M and W and b and p if I'm writing fast. I think thats why I'm so bad at math too because the numbers get jumbled up in my head and I write them backwards. I wonder...|||1. Celery is disgusting and bitter and in general ruins everything it comes in contact with. 2. Pasta salad, I think my main problem here is the generic italian dressing people pour over it and...|||They are amazing, my only complaints are that they are a tad bit insensitive ( or I could be overly sensitive), and sometimes have trouble accepting the fact they make mistakes.|||I don't think I get as embarrassed as easily as many of you have mentioned, but I do get very embarrassed for other people easily. Like watching someone fall or saying something wrong ect. I feel...|||There are only 2 subjects I do not like one being math however, I do like courses in statistics that is as close to liking math I'll ever be. I also dislike sociology, it seems VERY obvious to me. ...|||Yes I want to get married. I always thought I'd be married around 24 or 25 but since I'm 23 now unless something drastically changes that won't be happening. 27 28 doesn't sound too bad though. As...|||Something I can spot right away is your citations. I don't know if you're doing this in APA style or not but if you are your citations have a few errors. If you want I can fix it for you! ( sorry for...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p0QtJMKt1s So awkward, lol.|||I agree Chicago is a great place!|||Heidegger, Husserl, and Merleau-Ponty for their work in Phenomenology. They helped me look at the world in a entirely different way, and understand reality a little better. Moral philosophers like...|||I can't stand violence or seeing people in pain. I honestly have no clue why people think watching others fall or get hurt is funny. People who laugh at things like this really annoy me, and I...|||Is French vanilla really that much better than Vanilla, 2 notches!? As for me I'm just going to go with vanilla for all 5, why mess with a good thing?|||First let me say, I'm sorry about the sadness you feel right now and I hope things end up well. I'm a girl INFJ so my opinion may not be exactly what you're looking for but I'll give it a shot......|||First off, I really like this song. Yes I feel this way, I always have. For me I try and fill it up with achieving goals or new experiences. Nothing ever seems to fix it though. When I achieve...|||I can't believe these have not been mentioned yet... Anything by Wes Anderson specifically The Royal Tenenbaums. 500 days of summer oh and Inglourious Basterds.|||I procrastinate all the time on school work, but I can because I work better under pressure and my quality of work is still better than most since I am a perfectionist to the max. I would like to...|||Even on my good days I sometimes still can't put their bad qualities out of my mind, especially if I am near them. If I really see no good in a person that is when they make it to my famous Horrible...|||I've heard INFJs are sometimes push-overs, this is definitely not me if someone is trying to manipulate me or use me I will immediately call them out on it. If I know someone is lying to me I...|||I feel ambivalence towards people. I love and hate nearly everyone, everyone has a different ratio of love/hate though. I guess that's because I can see both good and bad in everyone. This also...|||No question about it, to me Leo and Reese are better looking.' | 4,551 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I like games where you dont have to follow the storyline, games where you can do whatever u want: like WOW, Starcraft. Simcities and simparks etc.. were fun too when I was kid.|||I think it is happening to me kinda too. I was kinda emotional when I was kid but nowdays I think I have very strong thinking side too, maybe I eventually become more like INTP than INFP, dunno....|||Yeah Paris Hilton is actually smart girl even tho she act stupid blonde role a lot. ENTP|||Lol I dont think INFP is very common hipster type, ISFP, ESFP are most likely hipster types I think.|||I like girls who look like kinda Kristen Stewart - like I like beautiful, sensitive and delicate girls, not hot/sexy/dirty/masculine girls :P|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGE-f1s9XMc&feature=fvwrel This is parody of snoopy dogg ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsVnExzvsLg Great lyrics, too bad most of u cant understand ...|||mum : ISFJ+INTJ dad Sis: = INFJ Grandmum: ESFJ and then me: INFP|||this test is obviously bullshit, I got 29 and I am way more empathic than average person. This test just shows that INFP:s are kinda private and introverted ppl. Besides the test seems to be showing...|||am I first who says INFJ..... RLY?|||I play starcraft 2 too, Mineralz evolution is best custom game lol|||hhmm Harry kinda acts like great leader: I would say ENTP / ENTJ Ron ESFJ Hermione: INTJ Luna: INFP|||INFP:s are kinda mysterous and feelers so I understand if some ESTJ:s sees us a litte feminine, we are not like stereotypical men. Like Kurt Cobain said: but Kurt Cobain wasnt rly feminine after...|||I like and respect polices, but gotta admit, here in Finland polices behaves differently than in USA so I also understand why most of here hate police.|||I think cynicism may be INFP and FI thing at least to some point. Like if I watch news and I see some dead ppl in news; I dont feel much sympathy/empathy when some Fe ppl are almost crying even tho...|||Lol, I have an identical situation than u. Dad INTJ, mum ISFJ, sis INFJ. Kinda makes sense if ISFJ+INTJ make babies they get = INFJ or INFP|||I think the french guy Pip is INFJ or ENFJ|||If u think hitler was INFP or INFJ you guys must be totally retarded. Hither was most likely NT - great warleader with huge visions.|||Yes that is true, but estonia and finnish arent as similar. I bet swedish guy understand at least half what norwegian guy is saying but finnish guy dont understand much what estonia guy is saying.|||All of those are pretty similar tho... More like dialekts than different languages|||Yup, but racism is rising in europe, just in france far-right Le Pen got almost 20% of all votes. We europeans arent used to live in multiracial-multicultural society and many of us think that our...|||I have like since a kid escaped reality, having adventures inside my head or surfing on net etc.. lol|||Kyle : ENTJ Stan: ENFJ Cartman: ESTJ Kenny: ISTJ|||Breivik wasnt pro-white, so not very likely scenario. Idk do u live in europe or not but seems that u dont understand whats going on there: watch this video : ...|||I dont like books, I rather watch videos or documents about the topic, than read a book about it. Why to read when u can see?|||Hope they legalize most of drugs, I would love to try LSD and shrooms. MDMA is prolly better partydrug than alcohol too, even tho I have heard it may be dangerous so hopefully some scientist develop...|||Sex or not, does it rly matter. I dont wanna have kids atm so why I would want to have sex? If I want satisfaction I just watch porn and masturbate lol|||Gotta disagree, even tho INFPs are not the most common type of athletics, IFNP can very successful even the best. Isnt perfectionism one INFP personality strait so....|||INFP should get some stress-free job like working in library etc... and focus on freetime. A job isnt most important thing in the world, just get easy job and get enough money needed to buy bills and...|||I am atm in university reading sociology but university seems to be NT:s playground upcoming jobs too so maybe I change it to librarian- it would be stable stress-free job with decent income, I like...|||It is hard to be successful in this world being sentive and caring male, I just wonder sometimes that maybe I should become total ass.hole alfa-male since they are most successful here. Don`t...|||Mum ISFJ Dad INTJ Sister INFJ Me INFP kinda makes sense, I got intuition from dad and feeling from mum.|||Well since their culture is so different than ours they muslim and black from third world country and many finns are racist towards them it aint easy for them and that`s why they start doing...|||I am from europe and I rly dont want that immigrants come to my home-country, especially if they are from Africa. They will barely adapt our culture and I doupt that they never fit in our society...|||Well because many INFP:s are looking soulmates so no wonder if there isnt many potentials profiles. I have been using datesites like an year and havent find many potentials and not many ppl take...|||Zeitgeist is utopia and it will not happen any near times..... It is not systems fault that everything is fucked up if the goverment is corrupted and dumb like it is in USA it dosent matter if the...|||INFP guys just have to man-up, not gonna be easy but if you want something u have to do something about it.|||I am not very competitive so I rly dont care much does my team win or not but I like rly much manykind of sports. I am pretty good floorball player I would say, I could play in some high-lvl teams if...|||Science is cool, I like to read some science-magazines a lot , not sure tho will I ever be a scientist xD|||I think INFP:s are idealistically hippies but hippies use drugs, have sex with anybody are very open etc... I think it is not 100% INFP thing, tho I would like to attend some hippies events :D But...|||Not easy task to be a male-INFP xP I dont hate myself but for sure I have sometimes bad self-esteem but in other hand sometimes I have very good self-esteem. I just should be stronger.... and I...|||V for Vendetta movie was inspiring so I have to say Guy Fawkes.|||I think it is because of FI, we tend to keep our feelings inside, also I use positive outlook and humour in serious situations, it is my way to deal stress...|||I have somehow stereotype about ENFJ:s that they dont understand sarcasm very well, am I right?|||Yup I use sarcasm a lot and funny onliners. Even about serious issues I make jokes, maybe it is my way to deal with stress. When I was school I did stand-up kinda shows often, even tho I am very...|||Haha I was 6 months in army and it wasnt ideal place for me, I didnt do very well there and I thought in beginning whats wrong with me, eventually thanks to army I ended up taking personalitytests...|||I drink sometimes... when I was younger I drank more because I had friends who tend to do that but nowdays I drink like 4-5x a year, I would tho drink more if I would have more friends who would...|||hmm computer science and programming sounds intresting, too bad though that here in finland there seems to be already too much computer-experts so there is hard to find a job, unless you create new...|||I think my stage is lvl 5-6|||My guess is: he was xSTJ or xNTJ Typical type of army-leaders|||I would do well but usually I am too lazy, anyways school has always been kinda easy to me.' | 8,102 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Don't know any violent ISTJs. They can have a temper, which is beautiful to behold once they've been pushed too far. I remember my ISTJ friend standing up in church and going off about people not...|||It's one of the best things about being in a relationship with another introvert. what do you want to do tonight? um, make hot wings and watch netflix? sounds great!|||I will sometimes start things with SJs just to gather more information. I like to argue in an impartial way...I may just as easily be convinced of the other side if I find enough persuasive logical...|||My ISTJ husband and I have been on a journey for almost a year now with our start up business. I'm wondering if there are any other self employed ISTJs out there, or do you have plans for eventually...|||No, I would say that the one ISTJ female I do know, I admire her very much. She is very earthy, grounded, patient with her children, and very good at the few things she has chosen to learn as...|||I can't really comment on the ISTJ women as I know only one, but all the ISTJ men I know have a very strong masculine aura or mystique about them. I'm just pulled into their forcefield and held in...|||Sex Camel !! I love that phrase!|||Sex, yes, really into it. I wonder what it'd be like if I ever found a guy who was as into it as I am? I love the experience of being fully in my body and shutting my mind down, letting my sensing...|||I wonder how many ISTJs are apolitical. The ones I know don't seem that interested in it and I doubt they've ever even voted.|||Totally right there, too. He recently admitted to me that he was feeling pretty worried and stressed out about things, but since I'm over the top freaking out about it, he decided not to throw more...|||Electrical contracting. I think you're right about actually starting out and doing it, but it would be hard to commit part way on this, since the location we're planning on is over seven hours...|||I don't think so, he's had six months to think things out. Possibly the entire situation is so stressful to him that he cannot even think it through. Quitting your job to start your own business is...|||My ISTJ husband recently tested as ESTJ. I know for sure he's an introvert, but he does project confidence to others and doesn't mind things that would bother normal introverts such as talking on...|||I was the oldest girl of eight, and I totally can relate to what you're saying. Nothing sets me off like other people being inconsiderate, selfish, or drawing attention to themselves. There was...|||The first time I took this test was when my husband and I were in pre-marital counseling. He came out as physical touch and I was words of affirmation. We retook the test a few years into our...|||I'm also an INTP female married to an ISTJ. It was five or six months before I could even get him to kiss me, and I was the one doing the pursuing. If I'd left it up to him, we'd still be dating...|||Oh, btw worrying about waffle holes probably does not qualify you for having OCD. I used to be a counselor working with the mentally ill, and I'm fairly sure that kind of obsessional behavior does...|||I shudder thinking of what kind of powdered trans fat they put in that mix instead of butter. But yes, there has to be fat of some kind in there, the fat crisps the outside edge so nicely. When I...|||Come ON, you guys, do you not realize that there is an ENTIRE STICK of butter already in the waffle recipe? Why must you spread butter over every square inch, its like piling more butter on a butter...|||I have found with my ISTJ husband that the way he was at the beginning of our relationship has pretty much stayed the same throughout our marriage (we've now been together eight years). Its the old...|||I'm in the start up phase getting my business going. I'm creating the design and plan, my husband will implement it. I cannot ever go back to a corporate desk job, blech. I do dread having to...|||All right that's one of my big irritations. I want no one in my space when I'm cooking. I need to have the freedom to move around very quickly and get what I want. Also, while I was thinking...|||Oh, SNAP! Did that come back to bite me in the butt. There must be some sort of divine justice/karma thing going on. I was chuckling to myself last week over purposely putting the t.p. roll on...|||It's so interesting to me that you find it emotionally draining to recount your thoughts. This is a very insightful point, and actually helps me figure things out a lot. Recently I have started to...|||Oh my, I could totally see OSHA inspector as the perfect ISTJ job. Also note that most workers (not the bosses) really appreciate and need good OSHA people.|||Do you have things that Set You OFF? The mere mention of which in conversation makes you instantly enraged? Or, small actions that others do which send you over the deep end every time? My...|||I'm not sure as a T I have a high amount of interest in talking about my feelings. I tend to want to actually find out what his literal thoughts are because I'm interested in what makes him tick. ...|||I need my wife...she solves all the mathematical problems for me. ~ Albert Einstein And we all know his TYPE.|||This would be my impression. They see trees (forest/trees...N/S) really well, and perhaps have the ability to plan for specific events, but I have never observed my ISTJ have any real...|||I could've written most of this. We went through a period a few years back where we realized we were existing in different worlds, and speaking different languages. And I'm not talking about...|||I wonder where most INTPs would stand when it comes to looking at ESTPs in a slightly different way. I think it has perhaps been established we don't view them as long term relationship material,...|||I'm sorry you're having to go through this. I would be utterly lost without my ISTJ, my obsession with him borders on the unhealthy. I realize at times my attraction to people has to do with my...|||I certainly prefer T men who are more in control of their emotions. However, my ISTJ husband makes me look like an F, he's so emotionless. In my experience, men who express more emotions also...|||This whole situation is raising red flags for me. I am also an INTP married to an ISTJ, and I can say I have experienced nothing like this in my relationship. I was in an abusive relationship prior...|||I like ISTJs because they're fascinating on a whole different level. I told my ISTJ husband recently, you live almost entirely in your body and I live almost entirely in my head. I just love...|||I think in any long term relationship the issue of jealousy will eventually come up. A few years back I had a dream of my husband and another woman that was so real that after I awoke I was still...|||One of the reasons I am with my ISTJ husband is that he exhibits almost no jealousy. This was a really important trait to me as my previous partner was highly controlling and abusive. He trusts...|||Remember, you're dealing wtih an ISTJ here. Whatever you're reading into the situation may quite possibly be wrong. I had to strongly pursue my husband for about six months before he agreed to date...|||Ohh, Yes, I love it. The sweaty exertions of manual labor seem to somehow balance out the hours I spend in my head thinking through ideas. I actually prefer if it's a mindless task, so then I can...|||It depends on the level of honesty I guess. In other words, are the two people really having a genuine interaction with eachother, or is it a display behavior? The other day at the park I saw an...|||I'm also married to an ISTJ, except I'm female. Yes, the explosive anger thing. I also see that as an N/S difference. I have literally no idea what he's going to be mad about until after the fact,...|||I agree with this. But then, I feel comfortable with shaking off most of the belief system I was raised with in pursuit of my truth. Sexuality isn't the only place I have tended to do this. I...|||I love you guys...You all make the world a better place...through all your acts of kindness frequently directed at complete strangers. What you're doing does not go unnoticed.|||I have to agree with those who said libraries and bookstores. I'm more of a nature loving outdoorsy type INTP. You could find me flying around secluded bike trails, or walking just about any...|||I caught the FireFly reference also. We should have a FF party.|||I'm and INTP female (happily, most of the time!) married to an ISTJ. As others have said, you will have to make the first move, and do most of the work in this relationship. That has been my...|||I am married to an ISTJ, and I have to say I've spent quite a bit of time trying to figure him out. I think ISTJs develop relationships in the following way: 1.) The other person recognizes the...' | 631 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Just saying Dark Matter could be something even absorbed with eyesight or observation. A supernatural element or even spiritual. Which would even explain its unexplainability by scientists.|||XD umm, just agree to try new things we may invite you to try and even if you don't like(probably will) just let us finish doing it anyway while pretending you do like it. Then later the next day...|||This is a short lesson on said Quantum Mechanics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkkIvp71P1c Awesome topic for INTJ's. Why? Because we know we can solve the unsolvable.|||I just want to take this time to purpose a true question while inviting a topic that was MEANT for INTJ's. Who thinks they can solve Quantum Mechanics? Let me be first to say, being an INTJ I know it...|||So fucKING!!!!( <~~~~Like a schizophrenic) true.|||Awesome story. Hate that we have to be different. Sometime it helps to just think of all the things you want to do to them while just shaking your head yes followed by a calm and collected ok. Lol.|||I know.|||Im wondering how this happened to me. I never have gotten close to anyone untill now. She WAS an ISFP. She went to go see her ex in jail and got confused so i broke it off with her. This is the first...|||I think its obvious we can make awsome maicians. I think it safe to say we all loved the movie or mind behind Now You See Me. Given the talent of being masteminds, its true we have all thought up...|||You know, you have a very valid point here. We should do something that doesn't evolve around religion or politics. I know what ever it is we do, we will prevail. Lets do it. . . . And here. . . is...|||Yes, its very possible. And now that I have seen there more recent stuff i believe its not an INTJ's idea. Though we would more likely be the ones behind the alluminati take over. lol.|||It true, i believe that very thing. Im a christian and still think we are the stepping stones God gave to man. We want people to kniw this, but dont really like the attention that would go with it....|||Its just weird being an INTJ man. Just weird.|||Freakingly funny. XD I want to and feel entirely in agreement with tech's speculation in your selfdisplay of an obtusive spectical of yourself weird. lol.|||Not bad, but how was your first point any less realistic if at all. lol. jk|||If only we all lived in an environment that allowed us to stay satisfactorily happy with who we are while around people. However, easily knowing what others are thinking, it makes it difficult when...|||I have never heard it put in such a selfeluding correct manner. Thank you for your post.|||And i guess screaming match was the inappropriate word. And I meant it as a compliment weird, honestly. Its good that you dont give up.|||Ah, forums, they bring everyone together.|||Thats cool with me, lol. I admire your adamant character on topics you feel need to be explained. I mean a person normally gives up after a while, but you kept going even when an outside source came...|||Indeed,its dumb. And your right, there are no rolls you have to fit. Theres not normally a good reason to fight amongst INTJs so a trivial, meaningless argument is as good as it gets, lol. Thank you...|||Elaberation is something INTJs do well.|||True that a sensation of isolation can come about. However I believe the these feelings of isolation, out of place and even secluded behavior are all different ways of explaining a problem most INTJs...|||Mmm, truth be old I thnk that other types are meant to learn about each other through visiting topics of and in each other. So accurately assuming your roll in not participateing in this manner of...|||She brings Validity to her argument man.|||I agree with the IQ not measuring ones mind accurately.|||You ARE sexy my dear. Feel free to check my profile and see if I meet said sexiness. lol.|||Simple, we dont react to anything stupid in public, people see it and realize there is no reason to react to such stuff so naturally they want to be like us. We are smarter. People WANT to be...|||Ahh, and those ignorant fools who choose to be so.|||Stupid shows like the view. Never ending debates that should have ended a while ago like which came first? the chicken or the egg?|||When a verbal disagreement takes place and rather than the opposer admitting there failer in believes or facts they CHOOSE to look dumb just so you cant officially win.|||Hmm, I suppose you make alot of sense in this statment. I dont want to feel like im over or superior to everyone else. Thats just big headed and outrageous, not to mention a thing I hate in others...|||Thank you and I understand how you feel on that. Tis why I wanted to start this thread. To see if others thought the same way about the general population.|||Now, seeing as this is a thread for venting and such, im going to assume you were talking in reference to the people you were currently showing attentiveness to on said tv. In reference to the...|||Im curious as to whether or not you were refering to laurie or the people your currently watching on television. I you were referencing laurie a posted link to that would be rather nice to better...|||Indeed the earth is full of immaturally descending behavior. In an essence to preserve respect for your barely fellow race, we shouldn't try to compare ourselves to them at all, rather compare them...|||Well Cetanu, I would like to think we are not sociopaths. . . but by definition I believe we are due to our personalities. People have made us into a desease to study rather than calling it what it...|||Watch, when they come back for us and we get back home, we will be the dumb ones. Misunderstood for the opposite reasons.|||Its not my kind of movie, but I have seen it. If you watch it you will understand the mothership reference youvmentioned, lol. Try to watch till the end. Thats the mothership kicker.|||Im a christian aswell. I dont think there are many of us i n th INTJ community though. I think its the general over abundance of logic seakers in our personality.|||Agreed. . .|||XD, I just lauphed sooooo hard. That was funny, their own little snowflake lol. Yep, I would say you hit it right on the nail. Thats how my mom is, it gets under my skin that she has no interest in...|||Understandible.|||Though your not an INTJ, would you still care to elaborate?|||Ah, XD your one that has seen you me and duppree. He hit home with that speech. Im curious if all INTJs reference movies alot or if its just me. Perhaps because we read character so well we remember...|||That must have sucked being forced to be someone your not instinctually. Thank you for your input, but you don't ever feel the majority of people are alot dumber than you?|||Ok, more of a political thread, but I feel Anonymous could be made up mostly of INTJ's. Now im not saying im part of the group due to them recently declaring war on the united states goverment, but...|||Being an INTJ, I feel so out of place with everyone around me. However my mom is EFSP. EFSP's are the worst to live with an INTJ. Anyway, do other INTJ's feel like the rest of the world is...|||Halo(because the story is awsome!) pokemon for the advance, dead island, left for dead, love Final Fantasy games(mainly the older ones). And recently chess and all stars for the Ps Vita.|||XD Me aswell!' | 378 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'so after reading the feedback and type descriptions and some good reflection, i think you're all pretty straight on. i'd say he's ENTJ, the Executive, but with his E and I quite close. the funny...|||I agree. and when i mentioned emotionally available men, i wasn't just referring to ISTJs. i think people of all types, and both male and female, can be emotionally unavailable. it's just that the...|||i can't. and i don't. it's fine. even if he did decide to leave his girlfriend and pursue me, i'm pretty sure it would end up a huge catastrophic disaster anyway. so it's probably better this way....|||well i'm glad i could be something to him. ha. a downfall. that's a good one. i guess i'm everyone's downfall. i don't know if this has to do with type or if it's just me.|||Stoic, why did you decide to give up? Do you think there's a possibility that she might like you back? It seems like you are already friends and are already in a group of mutual friends. I always...|||would this be before or after breaking up with the boyfriend?|||I'm the same! I never actually want to start a real relationship with someone I have a crush on. I just enjoy having the crush for the sake of the crush. And I've never dated someone I started out...|||yeah sounds like pstd. and that's pretty traumatic to have witnessed that. :sad:|||yes, i'm a really horrible estimator of time. horrible. i never know how long anything will take me. ironically, in my work i know how to plan things absolutely perfectly and never run overtime. i...|||someone has an axe to grind? type-ist much? if you don't really love INFPs enough to tolerate a virtual gathering of them sharing their feelings, then i guess you don't really love them. so don't say...|||infps leave the drain plug like they found it. enfps like to pull it out just for fun, to see what happens. :shocked: :wink:|||do you love them back? :tongue:|||hahahahaha! this is great!! congrats on your success! :laughing: i also can't have sex unless i'm with someone i love, know, trust, imagine a future with and really want to be with and have wanted...|||Hey, I'd like some help on this too, as an INFP. I have noticed, however, over the years, that in the process of trying to get more organised, learning to accomplish mundane daily tasks like...|||for some reason i didn't read this post until just now. so that explains the late reply... agree. this is completely right. nobody's perfect. not even the people who claim they are. :tongue: ...|||now that i've bared my emotions and cried my eyes out in forum, i can respond to everything else. and laugh. :) hahahahahaha! Thanks Mercer. This really made me laugh. :tongue:|||He seems to need things to be spelled out for him directly. Is not sensitive to feelings and can't really read people. Notices and appreciates a lot of sensory things about the world around him, but...|||I went through this in high school. I became seriously paranoid-delusional and thought everyone was talking about me, laughing at me, etc. But I think this is a result of being put on antidepressants...|||i'm an infp but i'm usually very direct and tell the person i like that i like them. that's probably because i get so agitated holding it all inside that i just have to let it out so i can stop...|||I completely understand. it's exhausting to be processing the emotions of two people... yeah. just as i suspected i guess. the funny thing is that this is exactly how this guy talks and writes...|||now after writing that last post and thinking about how I can get myself to move on, I'm feeling kind of sad. and i realised that probably the only way i can actually get closure and move on is if i...|||I know exactly what you mean. And even though I really don't know this guy very well at all (there's only so much you can get to know of someone after a week), I feel like I can read him like a book....|||i guess i always had the feeling that he'd be successful at whatever he did because when he decides to do something, he approaches it with discipline and purpose and works hard at it fairly...|||and don't dwell too much on your track record. you've got a lot of good qualities and interests and seem like a genuinely nice guy. if you're worried about how you look, i can tell you that for most...|||i can't really say if this works for other INFP girls, but i know that personally, i get bored really easily if some guy just tries to ask me lots of questions about myself. i find it really tedious....|||maybe he is an intj. that's funny bc i think my dad might be intj, and when i first met my friend, i remember thinking that he reminded me a lot of my dad. didn't know at the time that they might be...|||it's not there. it's not one of those eternally long quizzes that gives you a verbal description at the end. It gives you a graphical representation of all of your functions based on how strong they...|||hahahahaha. My sister is ENFP and she just told me today that whatever guy she dated would have to be content not hearing from her for something like three days at a time, because she just has too...|||I don't know if this is the case, especially since he keeps saying that his relationship is important to him, etc. etc. But since he doesn't seem to mentally process his emotions in real time, I...|||I agree with Elissa. This first part sounds pretty straight up INFP to me. But I don't get so offended from criticism, I think. Maybe I used to, but I developed a pretty thick skin over the years....|||Not that it matters, because it's more of a technicality at this point, but we didn't have sex. Not that he didn't want to. I was the one who stopped it from happening. And there actually was quite a...|||If you think she has the same interests or like the same kind of music, probably the best thing to do is to ask her about a band that you're pretty sure she likes. Nothing complicated, just Hey, you...|||I remember a few years ago, I found a really great online career assessment that took your natural functions and compared them to the functions required for the career you have (or any career you're...|||I also just remembered that he seems quite impressed by status/achievement. And he used to do judo/jujitsu on an almost professional level, was even invited to train with his country's olympic team,...|||I think a lot of it is learning the specific skills (organisation, managing, delegating, planning, negotiating) that you need for your specific job, and then getting good enough at those skills so...|||yeah i just thought it was funny. but too ridiculous to take seriously in any way. :tongue:|||I'm having trouble figuring out the personality type of one of my friends, because a lot of his behaviours and interests seem fairly contradictory. He likes to have a set routine (what and what...|||Hi SeekJess, when you talk about layering, do you mean that you have friends whose roles overlap a bit in your life? So do you think this guy is feeling out the possibility to overlap relationships...|||I think I experience a bit of the same thing, except I'm in it for a few days/weeks at a time and then I need a few days/weeks to decompress and swim about in my own head for awhile in order to feel...|||they're friends who know me in real life. but maybe they don't know me that well (obviously). i mean, i guess people who know me primarily in a certain context could maybe see me this way, because...|||A ridiculous article, for entertainment purposes only. Other MBTI types should not be offended. When my friend and I were looking up Myers-Briggs information, we ran across this page and laughed...|||thanks! that's what i came here for. i never thought or assumed that ISTJ's are robots or anything but entirely human. in fact that's what i told him--that i know he holds himself up to these...|||Has any fellow INFP been mistaken for an ESTJ? I just found out that two of my friends MBTI typed me on a quiz as ESTJ. Seems a bit strange, since I feel like I'm clearly INFP through and through. ...|||I can't say for sure that I know 100% what his type is, but the reason I'd tend to say more ISTJ than ISTP (and he's definitely I and not E) is that the descriptions of ISTP that i've read tend to...|||I guess I just feel like people would judge me for getting involved w/ a guy who is already in a relationship. And I seem to have it really strongly ingrained in me that even the other person...|||so i'm asking this question in relation to a specific situation that I was (unfortunately) involved in. A friend of a friend was in town for a week recently. He seemed interested in me from the...' | 772 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Sometimes I wonder that too.. the reason being that INFJ's seem so absractly deep that even being one myself I don't understand them all the time ;D|||I was wondering..|||Your GF changes the curtains in your apartment and you wonder the NEXT DAY has something changed.|||I only read this post of yours, but if I think this as an INFJ male I would have probably done the same as your boyfriend. In the same situation I would have thought that when I have this kind of...|||reckful, If you just would be a woman and a beautiful one, I would nail you so hard now ; ) great post!|||Could you show some links about the subject etc?|||Hmm.. interesting, I need to think about this one. Still I am 99% sure that one of my closest friends is INFP. Others have done the test too, but I aren't so sure about them. What does sosionics say...|||Sounds great ;)|||Has anyone else noticed this effect that INFJ's and INFP's attract somehow each other? I don't know should I worry but I already have 3 close INFP friends. The other close ones are ENFP's. Am I...|||I only have experience with one INFP. I'm not so sure if she was ENFP. The sex was sensual and the best I've ever had. I also had pretty strong sexual tension towards INTP, but I'm not so sure if...|||What MBTI type you have had the best sexual chemistry and why you think it is so? And yes.. I mean great, unbeleviable, mind blowing sex ; )|||I've noticed that when I'm angry I blame people. The truth in the end is not that they did wrong and I feel bad thatfore. The truth is I fear that people abandon me and doesn't love me. I think this...|||How have you developed your emotional intelligence? How do you control your feelings? How do you control long term feelings? This video was pretty good. ...|||So, I have this friend who hates personality typing and I love them ;) I wonder what type she is that I would better understand her. What i've noticed of her is that she has strong values and is...|||Haha :D Im fairly nice ;) Don't worry.|||Hey you ENFP girl! Yes, you! I want to get to know you :) I don't really know much about ENFP's so I would love to get to know to an ENFP girl/s. I also wan't so see how we get along and what...|||I just love you ESTP's, your so simple and straightforward which I envy sometimes :)|||What arises shall arise.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xsJFDidqO0 I met an INTP girl. We liked each other a lot. Then she signaled mistrust and I asked her why she seems distant. She got...|||I was wondering what are the differences if male is INTP and female is INFJ and vice versa. I think that male INFJ's might annoy INTP woman more because they are clingy, emotional and unstable which...|||God#&*# I need to learn how to use my tablet :P|||Soz, this post|||This seems a major realization for me, because I haven't probably ever even tried to understand people who seems distant. Even though I firmly believe that every person is ultimately good in hearth....|||I need to think this through... but wouldn't that explane the poor internal handling of feelings? So they can't make fast interpretations of things that really needs the Fi, like if someone says I...|||I think that INTP's emotion Fi is so slow to react in the moment and the logic is always slower than emotion so the time is needed.|||What I've found out that INTP's are really stubborn. They cannot be persuaded to do things. Usually even small things might be too much, but when you give time to them they will and they really does...|||I suspect that this has something to do with the appropriate challenge. INTP's seem to have this vulnerable feeling inside which they only show when they trust someone with a special way and INFJ's...|||Yes we can. I can't see it a problem. To INFJ's it's all about who you are ultimately, not how you organize things. The straight forwardness to communicate appeals to me. But INFJ's must understand...|||I see this subject that INTP's can sense some sort of fake behavior in people. I think it is dislike among peoples who try to please. But I also see this as a growing point to INTP's, because it's...|||I'm dating INTP and she says the same thing.. almost.. she says that she usually don't like compliments. But I am sincere and if I can, as I do, I but them into logical words, then compliments go...|||As an INFJ this is a small step to relief ;)|||So did I get this right; it's a turn on for INTP's if someone is real?|||So I was thinking what is the best things to have as INTP in romantic relationships and what are the worst?|||Talking about beliefs wokes some thoughts about the subject. Just the repetition won't make people believe anything. Affirmations won't work just by themselfs. You truely need to find the route to...|||Yes, emotion is energy in motion. Can't see why what I said rules this out. There's no way I can explane hearth. It can only be known internally.|||I've already read that. Still not giving up my fluffy self-help books :) I have really good experiences of bibliotherapy in my life.|||As I see it emotions are thoughts. Thoughts aren't accurate so our feelings aren't accurate. Still, the hearth that is there is the receiver of what is best for us, ultimately trying to give us good...|||My friend said something which resonated: Heart is the source of positive feelings. Still, feelings in their self aren't right. They need this unexplaneable thing called love to be right. And...|||I just became aware of my strongest emotions that when I have them I believe them. Smaller emotions don't bother and mainly I am stabile, like 90% of time. In here, the forum, I may seem unstabile,...|||I was wrong and I am so glad that I was ^^ What a relief to notice that my toughts are wrong :) Not just with her, but my imagination ain't accurate. This is something which I will develope. I...|||At the moment I fear that my intuition is right as it usually is. In fact I've even started to fear that it might be always right. It's crazy.. I dont want it. Lähetetty minun GT-N5110 laitteesta...|||Im starting to think the same way. This has been really frustrating to me. Lähetetty minun GT-N5110 laitteesta Tapatalkilla|||Ok, now my feelings started to do their things again or should I say my thoughts which arise from fear of rejection. 1+1 = she said shes afraid of her ex and might not call me today because this day...|||Yes, she was upset about another person who harrashed her. She didn't say it to me because feared that I might think that she gots feelings for this dude. It was her ex. I saw it from her distance in...|||Soz, double post..|||I've noticed that answering to my questions seems to be really hard for her. Or not hard, she just says plain and simple answers. I can see things before she can. I can read between the lines and am...|||In fact I did what you are suggesting today :) and yes, you are right, it worked like a charm :)|||Yes, thank you a lot :) Very helpful. I noticed that this isn't about my F but this is because of my low self-esteem which popped it's head up when my feelings came for her. This was a automatic way...|||I have this new born relationship with INTP where I've needed more validation than she could give. I now realize this is my problem, because I'm really fast of making decisions based on my...|||I have this new born relationship with INTP where I've needed more validation than she could give. I now realize this is my problem, because I'm really fast of making decisions based on my feelings....|||I think myself as highly accepting person, but sometimes I tend to become fanatic for the higher good. I think I have the ability to see in narrow line where some things go, but sometimes I forget...' | 33 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Ditto^ I at least want a chance at a life/career before having kids effectively destroys both of those options.|||10 ENTP Never diagnosed, though my mom sometimes seems absolutely certain that I have autism/aspergers.|||Spiders. That one's pretty self-explanatory. The dark. Though I'm not as scared of it ever since I got glasses (so it's probably just that I don't like not being able to see things.) Open/deep...|||I art pretty frequently, but I craft a lot more often. I actually knit and sew quite a bit, which isn't really art but whatever.|||Sometimes I have insomnia, but I feel like my real problem is that I just don't make myself go to bed. I have the freaking worst discipline when it comes to enforcing my bedtime. Seriously, last...|||I had something like that for most of last year when I worked as a nanny for three kids (ages 7yo, 4yo, and a newborn) from 7:30am-6pm, five days a week, and went to community college at night. My...|||You look even prettier awake.|||What's your opinion on fisting?|||You're gonna love my mom!|||On the first date: I'm in love with you.|||I've never personally had this problem, but I've seen it happen a lot in pretty much every Physics class I've taken. People look at a complicated equation and assume that the concept behind it has to...|||So I take it you're not one for self-stimulation?|||I very quickly realized that, more often than not, the consequences of disobedience greatly outweigh the benefits of not following a stupid rule. (Ei- getting a $400 speeding ticket for driving 80mph...|||My mistake, I definitely should've known that|||Are you saying that you CAN'T gracefully get down from a stripper pole while simultaneously balancing shot glasses on your belly? Because I always thought that was one of the easier aspects of pole...|||Sloppy dancing is the only kind of dancing you'll get from me!|||How much participation is expected at this party? I'm feeling particularly lazy and don't really feel like putting in any effort whatsoever.|||I was pretty disrespectful when I was younger, but it was in a lot of little ways that began to add up over time. I questioned everyone, which labeled me pretty quickly as an annoying kid. (I just...|||There are plenty of very good reasons to not have children, but this is not one of them. Speaking as someone who has babysat/nannied over a dozen different kids from different families: A child's...|||Yeah, but I'm not really aiming to offend people when I lie (sometimes it's actually the opposite.) I'll lie for a million different reasons, but my biggest one is that I'll lie to control how people...|||How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? None.|||I'm surprised that no one's brought up ENTPs yet! I thought that we were notorious for lying and being manipulative?|||Unfortunately I'm not an ENTJ, but I do have a few coping mechanisms for ADHD in general. - Make a schedule for yourself and STICK TO IT. People with ADHD work infinitely better on a schedule. ...|||Wanking. Cold/warm showers are supposedly better for your skin anyway.|||I've been collecting empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls for a few weeks now so I can make a giant marble track that runs along the walls and ceiling in my room. It's been a lot more work than I...|||A large majority of my family is made up of SFs, so I have quite a bit of experience in this area. There's a lot of small talk. Seriously, everyone wants to talk about their day, which is fine....|||For your consideration: https://36.media.tumblr.com/83cf8dc27feedc8975acb0ee59210f6f/tumblr_nz7gbc4MSG1uc5vfno1_540.png|||Ditto, high school was a living nightmare. Look into a bunch of different things and try to see what you like. You never know where you'll find your purpose, and oftentimes it's a lot more subtle...|||Concise, analytical, and observant. Definitely an INTJ kind of post.|||^^^All of this. I have the same issue with things being under other things, it's like I forget that they even exist. Also if I actually put something away in its designated spot, where it is...|||I generally test as Neutral Good, but I could see myself being Chaotic Good. I really don't care about the law at all, but I do follow it more often than not because I feel like I'd get caught pretty...|||That's definitely an interesting theory. I could see valid reasons for any of the eight functions evolving, but especially the four you listed. I'd also love to see what other people have to say on...|||Top Half: Complexity: 92 Assertiveness: 92 Intellect: 88 Imagination: 88 Distrust: 83 Gregariousness: 83 Emotional Stability: 75 Friendliness: 71|||Just try to trust yourself more. Approval from others is nice, but ultimately it won't tell you if what you're doing is right or wrong. Other people are very capable of being wrong, and they do it...|||I sometimes bite my fingernails, but I doubt if it's type related. I've always preferred to have my fingernails fairly short (I did piano and gymnastics for a looooong time, so that definitely...|||In my personal experience, I don't really ever become depressed/angry when under extreme stress. In fact, I actually perform significantly better if I feel like I'm placed under real pressure. I'm...|||Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty crucial factor|||Oh my god, earlier today I slipped in the freaking shower and almost killed myself. Fortunately I didn't completely slam myself into the floor, but that's mostly just because I hit the wall first....|||(In my interpretation) a Truth is something that is completely and undeniably true, mostly likely to a scientific/mathematical extent. Truths are so true that we understand very little of them...|||I don't care about controlling people, but I would like to have control over myself. Unfortunately, this usually only happens if you're in a position of power, so I might have to climb the ladder a...|||I'd actually like to know this too. From what I've heard, most ENTPs seem to be at least a little bit darker in their head. It probably has to do with the fact that we're terrible with...|||Have any ENTPs here tried therapy? If so, what did you think? Did you find it at all helpful, or was it just a waste of money? I've personally been entertaining the thought of therapy for years...|||That's (kind of) what I was saying! There's only going to be one coinciding point between the map and the US because the scale is so off that no other points would even come close to matching up at...|||29/36 I would've scored higher, but I second guessed myself a few times. Also, I found that it was easier if I thought about it less and just picked the first thing that popped into my head.|||ISTP? Maybe? 1. I absolutely love science, especially physics. I'm crap at memorizing equations and constants, but I'm great at understanding concepts so it evens out in the end. 2. I'm a ...|||I doubt there's any significant correlation between MBTI type and sexual preference, especially considering that both are most likely due to nature, not nurture (You can't really change your...|||Johnny English Ohhhhhhmygod. Okay. Like I said on my first post, the map of the US will display its own location. The US contains the map, and the map contains itself, and that will go on...|||Carpets are dangerous things... 0_0|||Haldir I really did love gymnastics, even though it pretty much sucked up my entire life from 11-17 years old. I've been thinking about possibly rejoining it at some point, but I definitely...|||I drink exclusively using my feet. That way I don't have to waste a perfectly good hand on something as mundane as holding a cup.' | 456 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Alright, everybody not the OP, here's what Imma say: Don't feed the trolls. Just move on. Thank-you! As always: peace and love|||INForJoking : that made my heart pitter-patter; thank-you. mp2 : I'm actually quite confident in myself, personally, so when people say I need that it doesn't make sense. I guess it's gotten...|||I'll take it! If everyone knows: fine. In the words of Donald Glover: So I learned cut out the middle man, make it all for everybody, always Everybody can’t turn around and tell everybody,...|||As a guy who's only five foot two....this makes me realize why I'm screwed. :unsure: If it helps: I wear boots often (makes me like five three ;) ) Heck, one of my friends once said, if you were...|||They say I'm: talkative, affectionate, calm, thoughtful & driven They say: easily excitable, talkative but not approaching people, shy at parties, relaxed.|||No, but I have a problem finishing projects because I get new ideas for a new project halfway through and just drop what I'm doing. Very few projects I've began have been seen through all the way...|||It's interesting: as someone who goes to a Christian university, I identify as such however after we ran a poll in a class asking if we're more religious or spiritual and a lot of us (myself...|||I eat breakfast everyday, I love breakfast I'll have it for lunch and dinner! Scrambled eggs in sliced toast (Artisan Bread) with turkey bacon and turkey sausage (I don't eat pork); 3 pancakes on...|||Lately, losing a lot of friends because of a decision I made (that, to me, felt innocent) has made me feel that making deep connections might be my downfall. There's only two people whom I've ever...|||I don't like to lie to spare others feelings, I feel it's better to just be honest. Won't tell someone I like their outfit if I don't. Personally, I'd much rather prefer people just be honest, it'd...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbsZnsr0lI4 Because I've been going through a bunch but this keeps me going mentally to keep pushing forward.|||Nah, you good man. People always assuming out there, sometimes it's a good little reminder to ask before you act.|||What was your introduction to PerC like? What lead you to join, whether you have been here much longer than I have or you have just joined this morning? I've been here a few months now and...|||I used to get stressed all the time until a life-changing conversation with a friend and have only been stressed one time since then...and that was a ton going on at one time with my friends. The...|||You know...there are words today that I constantly spell wrong despite knowing they're wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C_HReR_McQ&t=1s|||Even from a very young age, I can come across as extraverted (I think we can see I'm not) and tried finding my own group of people to hang out with. But...I never have had a point in time of my life...|||Even from a very young age, I can come across as extraverted (I think we can see I'm not) and tried finding my own group of people to hang out with. But...I never have had a point in time of my life...|||Final Update in regards to my now former best friend and I: She said she doesn't wanna be friends with me anymore (so I can move on, but I feel it's more for her). Should've stayed quiet. ...|||Serious or goofy? Serious Romantic or practical? ROMANTIC Artistic or scientific? Artistic (despite being a science major) warm/friendly or slightly cold/aloof? (i.e. when interacting...|||I have an amazing friend I go to school with whom is an amazing INFJ and one of my favorite human beings ever! She's so calm, collected, inspirational, caring and legitimately the sweetest woman I've...|||Marv : As a psychology minor, super interesting and thank-you...as a human being who read the whole thing about Anxious Preoccupied from the link you attached (thank-you by the way!) I gotta...|||soul_searching : It's beautiful!!!! I love it too! But hey...the ring isn't as important as the person you're asking :)|||Marv : Admittedly, also not the first person to tell me that. While I am 20.5 (if we got super specific) I also can admit...no clue what to fix about myself right now. If there's a part to be fixed,...|||My first time falling in love was a few months ago, I'm 20. I've crushed hard on girls before...but never loved. She's my best friend in the world and recently I told her how I felt but she doesn't...|||I was mistyped as an ENFJ for the longest time until I learnt more about myself in certain situations (like parties...) However, if anybody scours my posts and believes there is a mistake in my...|||I've been going through a lot of girl problems lately (not getting into it here) and was texting a friend and I asked, WHY WILL NO GIRL BAE ME? and I listed all the things i can do: Photography...|||Official Update: I'd sent her a lengthy thing about how it's rude she hasn't been responding to me after saying she needed time to think (but it's been almost two weeks). And how I don't...|||1. Get married 2. Travel to at least 5 different countries 3. Start a YT channel 4. Release a Mixtape 5. Meet my celeb crush Top five favorite songs:|||One of the loveliest human beings I know recommended this song for me when she noticed I was bummed about something that had occurred recently. Only been about 2 months but I listen to this whenever...|||overanalyzed: Been to Italy? I've never even left the States before. But I'm feeling downtrodden here. It's been my whole life and I feel like a major change of scenery is what I need. Having been...|||charlie.elliot : I think most of us have had that crazy idea too! Heck, I swore I'd get my drivers license this summer... Gotterdammerung : I'm still figuring this life thing out too. But I've...|||Snowflake Minuet : First things first: Moving to Italy would be pretty great (I know nobody there though). Second: That's interesting, I was rather similar in a lot of manners growing up with...|||I tend to have a lot of random ideas that I work on in my mind quite often and am curious of a few others have had as well: Lately I'm thinking of leaving the states after college to move...|||It's alright! I want for her to be happy and if she is happy...I'll be okay! Sure, I'd prefer her to be with me, but it looks like there are other plans in life for me. Just happy she and I are still...|||Official update: Out of nowhere...she got back with her ex. I'll now go deal with heartbreak for a bit.|||So yesterday I hung out with my best friend (best friends for a year now, friends for 16 months), whom I'm in love with, for 6 hours and we had the most perfect time ever. It was like a dream with...|||See original answer. Haha.|||Why Not? It was hard for him to awake this beautiful day, another perfect one. Aaron sat on the bench by the dilapidated cabin awaiting the day's end. Slowly, slowly, the chariot dragged the sun...|||- Solve the issue to our problems repeatedly - Go for long walks only to find we found our way back home by accident (for all I know, I walked the block 30 times) - Try to scare someone or...|||Snowflake Minuet: Umm...yes!|||There are many things in life that are bad in overabundance...except love for others. - Also: As a Christian as well, I've learnt to not judge people or attempt to judge their place in the world...|||TV Show: Master of None Book: Contemporary Eatary (if you like cookbooks; it's an Italian one) ORStrength to Love by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Movie: It Happened One Night (1939)|||Oh goodness. I relate to the introverted extravert (as an ambivert however); I've certainly mentioned in other threads how it depends on group size how I act around people. Crowds of more than...|||Tell us about your current avatar! Why did you pick it? Does it represent something? Does it say INFJ in some way for you? what has been your history with avatars? Do you like to change them...|||describe your ideal woman? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZklwTGZutc All kidding aside: A woman who is intelligent, wants (and loves) kids and yet her own career in some way, knows what she...|||In other words, and in romantic relationships do you lean toward the belief that if it is meant to be, then it will be? Or are you more likely to be proactive and make something happen? Can it...|||When, if ever, do you enjoy being in a crowd? Never, I can be almost extraverted (fun fact, I'm an ambivert) in groups with at most 4 people; once it passes that...I'm a mouse. I shut down and have...|||Let me be so honest right now: I love Romance Movies|||There's always something happening in life.|||What is something that you have always dreamed about doing but have procrastinated for whatever reason? (not enough money, time, kids, school, etc.) This'll be a list: - Moving to Italy for a...' | 990 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Man I feel so low. I went on a diet in December and I was worried it was a bad idea because I had recovered from anorexia... but I thought surely I'll be ok. Then I was diagnosed with...|||1) Age or Age Range? 23. 2) City, Country and/or Region? Western Australia and atheist as shit. 3) Tell us something about your social life?|||Excuse me, my tampon's full You're just like my dad! Taylor Swift is my hero|||Pfft games hands down. I don't watch many films. I love them because I don't get tired of them. I grew up loving them. No matter what mood I'm in they're fun. There are only so many times you...|||I don't think so. I know what I believe in mostly but I am always looking for things that challenge it to ensure that I can keep growing and learning. I'm comfortable with not knowing exactly how...|||That's why I said sometimes. Your ideas of how things work are very black and white. People aren't either brainwashed sheep or hyper aware logical outcasts. The majority isn't always right but...|||Yep. I can't tell if you're a troll. If not though... Sometimes, when lots of people say something, it's because it's correct. But whatevs I'll be off now.|||No. Energy? What? I am extremely interested in privacy.|||Paranoia. It sounds like the problem isn't the cameras, it's how you're dealing with the cameras. There's nothing you can do about them, all you can do is change how you feel and think. If you...|||I play piano and sing every day. I used to write songs, I don't so much any more. I used to do a lot of visual art too. Oh actually I'm hugely into fashion. Putting together amazing outfits...|||I could be totally wrong but I have a theory that needy extroverts like to hang around introverts because they can dominate the conversation and get the attention they want, and needy introverts like...|||Ahhh yeah. I try to conceal my nature and probably come off quite aloof. But it's in everyone's best interests. All my life I've had a parade of lonely people following me and it's just as bad for...|||Well I'm a girl, and I've run into trouble with introverted insecure guys just as much as I have with girls, if not more. The thing is though about four years ago I got fed up and since then, I...|||Totally. I'm logical and I plan. I quickly evaluate people and I mean the amount of mental notes I take is ridiculous. I also particularly look out for insecure people because they can be a real...|||Oh totally. I mean, when I say facilitate, it kind of encompasses manipulate. I don't fuck with people, but I want the team to work well and if that means I need to stroke some egos, play dumb and...|||Yeah I think I've always valued teamwork and been good at facilitating it, but it didn't really occur to me how much it influences success. I only really consciously thought about teamwork though...|||LMAO. https://49.media.tumblr.com/2a5c188317a93c172465f2ad77710bc0/tumblr_nknw1eSlHN1tq9q5vo2_400.gif|||Lol. I'm the one who is informed about science. You're the one offering up theories that are completely unbacked by facts. You have ignored every single example I've provided. You have...|||No I said you were wrong about narcissists not criticising themselves. It's you who obviously didn't understand me, I haven't changed my tune. Well I have changed my mind on one thing actually, I...|||Alright fair enough. If you think modern psychiatry and psychology is useless then I have no interest talking to you about any of your theories because we disagree so fundamentally that there's no...|||Any science about emotional maps? Because if there isn't you can't really use it as evidence. It's a common misconception that narcissists always have great self esteem. There are two...|||My dream job involves working in psychology I'm not sure what area or role. I'm extremely interested in consumer psychology, however I think I'm probably more suited to doing therapy sessions given...|||I don't think anyone can say for sure, it could be either. As an ENFP lady though, I have a lot of misunderstandings with guys who think I'm interested when I'm not at all. My advice would be...|||Don't let other people tell you who you are, what you want and what you think Don't put much value on popularity, ENFPs won't always fit in and that's not a bad thing Don't fool yourself into...|||Is it just me who is skeptical of the whole feeling the days of the week and not buying second hand anything because it has the energy of its previous owner? Also, no I don't identify with that....|||It's called internet etiquette. Sort of like showering. You don't have to do it, but if you do, people will probably like you more.|||Lol what!? I'm not a guy... And I didn't say you can't comment, I suggested that if you present your points in a well presented and well formed manner you're more likely to get a positive response....|||I'm so glad this is in general psychology, it's the most intellectual discussion I've seen in a long time. ...|||No. o_O|||True, true. I definitely do that. It's a good way to make friends for sure. I agree that you can hold different opinions and they'll accept you. But I did used to find them quite elitist. I...|||I find goths (For the most part) frustrating. Because so often, they're so determined to be goth that they end up turning into cookie cutters. It's ironic.|||I agree the types you listed are pretty weird, but they're not that flamboyant because they're introverts. I do think you're generalising quite a bit about ENFPs. I don't think they're...|||I've never seen this before but I just watched the start and I liked it. It kind of reminds me of Peep Show.|||Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But if you go on an internet forum and don't bother to use capital letters at the beginning of your sentences most of the time, then that's a red flag to most....|||I think ENXPs are probably the height of flamboyance and eccentricity. Others come close, but we're quite overtly strange.|||I'm such a stubborn individualist, I thought No way will they all resonate but yep, I loved these! Thanks for sharing. I thought it was going to be mushy, sentimental stuff, and that makes my...|||No way, I didn't even eat half the plate cause they were gross. Very strange.|||I ate raw vegan zoodles because a friend suggested them. They were god awful, $25 and they gave me stomach cramps.|||Yeah, I really don't like fantasy. I'll only watch a movie if it has amazing views, TV wise I like gritty drama, satire and documentaries... That's so cool you studied biology! In my degree next year...|||I did a semester but had to leave due to illness. But I'm better now so I'm just going to start over. In the interim though. I've read a disturbing amount about it. Like... textbooks. So I feel...|||It's hard to explain. Like, it's rare you'll get me to see a movie, it's impossible to get me to read a fiction book. I like the real world. I like learning about history, politics, and science. I...|||You'll find a thread already about this here: http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/707202-what-your-ideal-date.html Your date is funny, I like it it's individual and whimsical ^_^|||I'm not sure yet, I think I'd like to spend a few years doing regular therapy with psychological disorders, and then focus more on abnormal psychology. Both really interest me so we'll see =)|||https://49.media.tumblr.com/eef421595ae9f6629cc65c5ef105265b/tumblr_n8q8jn7bSk1qf4vn7o1_500.gif|||Welcome back! I left in 2010 and came back last year so I'm a resurrected member too ^_^ ... and a Whovian|||Well I've always been fascinated with abnormal psychology and how the brain works. Like I read a book about psychopaths and the parts of their brain that are either underdeveloped or atrophied and I...|||https://45.media.tumblr.com/3a60dff4fd46ff4b91a04bc1acf91cca/tumblr_mzfyczX02I1tq4of6o1_500.gif|||Well I'm going to university to study Psychology which is a science but it's not super sciencey. I'm very interested in psych and neuroscience, but I absolutely love learning about physics, the...|||I'm sorry to hear you went through something so awful, but I'm very happy to hear that you have the strength to forgive, and find peace in doing so. I used to forgive my abuser. But then I met...|||I have a few questions. I had it from when I was 14, but it only got life destroying when I was 19-21. Then I recovered. Yay! But now I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and it's made me so...' | 1,721 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Emerald|||Just know fear is imaginary because its something our mind creates. Feel the fear, and do it anyways.|||One truth to bring light into your perceived loneliness is that everyone goes through the same thing - even people outside our personality type. This truth is enough for me to realize that we all...|||During this period of dating, your best take is to have fun. It doesn't matter if she's taking pictures with previous ex and posting them on twitter or Facebook. You should not care at all at this...|||This is actually a really good question. I'm on the fence. It totally depends on the interpretation of talking to her from time to time. If its talking to her by means of praying, then I think its...|||You control how the friendship will develop. If you don't say much about yourself, then how can a friendship develop further from the superficial stage?|||Just do you and be yourself. The only advice to give is to initiate the contact often. Depending on his social skill, its smooth sailing from there assuming you both have a connection going on. Its...|||If you lack congruence in your overall attitude - facial expression & body language not quite aligned with the words your saying, then its very easy for someone to pick up a face of a liar. I try my...|||I used to be socially awkward. Whenever I talked to strangers for the first time, I would always think they're rejecting me as a person. I was wrong though - they were rejecting my opening. No one...|||Here I was on the verge of say something about how I wasn't credulous - then it hit me. Well played.|||I just found out the definition of a catfish. TIL.|||Yesterday made me realize the differences in our (INFJ) thought processes. I would say that my intuition is my strongest trait - it just feels natural, almost like unconscious thinking. I'm going to...|||Damn man, its okay, everyone gets nervous. Even the most prolific dudes with female game get nervous. The best way to go about the nerves is just feeling the nerves and doing it anyway. There's a 3...|||Sounds like an INFJ to me.|||That's because listeners give off that effect. If you appear interested, you will appear interesting. As much as you let someone spill their heart out because people love talking about themselves,...|||I've had that problem in the past, shit, sometimes I still do it, but not as often! What I find works best is to redirect your thought to something else, preferably something in the present. Worries,...|||I'm telling you man, its our body language. Its impossible to see ourselves in third person perspective but the ability to attract hurt people must have something to do with our non-verbal cues - our...|||Law of attraction my friend. What you think, you become. The more you tell yourself you don't fit in, the more your entire entity and universe will lead to that direction of thought. I hate to break...|||If he treasured your friendship then why hasn't he put the initiative to hit you up in the 3 month hiatus? Relationships - platonic or romantic should not be a one way street. As much as you value...|||Attractiveness makes you approach them, the personality makes you stay. The combination of both makes the whole package attractive.|||I've always had a pronounced sixth sense. I get the so-called 'vibes' we INFJ's are so notoriously known for at such an early age. I vividly remember the day my ex-girlfriend gave off a vibe of...|||I met my best friend in junior year high school. The best part about knowing him for so long is that I come to realize how big of an extrovert he is until I recently discovered the personality type....|||I'd be like.. prepare for regret if you don't take action eventually! Fear is holding you back from what could possibly be an amazing experience regardless of outcome.|||Most of your dreams are your untapped/unconscious desires. Dreams can be clear, and sometimes not so clear. A clear dream would be hanging out with your friends in a normal setting and feeling joy,...|||People will always appreciate honesty over sugarcoating. If you show disinterest in her link, then it only tells her that you have an opinion. Which is perfectly okay. Sometimes its the phrasing that...|||I knew I had this sixth sense. I even told people about it and they thought it was crazy.|||This whole adapting act is actually quite charming to the people we do it to. In their eyes, they will appreciate someone who is capable of entering their spirit and understanding their moods and...|||Well, it depends entirely on the connection. If the air of your conversation was playful/joking, then I'd phrase it somewhere along these lines: Oh, by the way, we haven't been talking much! :( We...|||I consider sensitive/kind people who lash out occasionally so people don't step on them human. You can't always be sensitive.|||6% INFJ I've been living a lie. Oh well!|||Hey butterfly. You sound like a sweet and caring friend and that's really admirable! I'd love to have a friend so caring in maintaining a connection as much you. With that said, this entire situation...|||I think its more of an issue of hard work and ambition rather than intelligence. I like to think of my intelligence as unlocked potential. Not to say I'm intelligent though, I can be more intelligent...|||Politely tell the truth.|||I think the feeling of awkwardness is mostly the feeling of inferiority. That's my take on it.|||That's the problem with being a people-pleaser. There is so much focus on trying to do 'good' for others so they gain your approval that you end up neglecting your needs. I think we can still be warm...|||Keep doing this. Hang out with the people you feel happy to be around with. Those are the genuine people who are accepting of your true self. Never try to get validation from other people just...|||Acceptance. You will only feel comfortable once you've accepted the fact that there will always be someone better looking than you. It is also accepting the fact that humans are drawn to...|||You don't need validation from us. Just tell yourself that you're a sexy beast and that you have worth. Nothing in this world can shake your confidence with this mind set. So if I tell you that...|||Reading this makes me smirk. I do this to test with girls I am interested with not because I am angry with them. (Unless you actually did something malicious, but I doubt it!) The 'ignoring'...|||Sound and smell. When nostalgia happens to me, I smile like an idiot to myself.. like a smirk sometimes.|||Actually in high school, the general consensus of my peers have told me that I gave off an intimidating/superior vibe around them. It's just my natural expression. I guess nowadays I'm making a...|||I don't think its hard for an INFJ to find love. I mean, our mentality and overall vibe gives us a sense of mystery that many people find attractive. I mean, who doesn't like a challenge? I certainly...|||Definitely nurture. Your personality growth will depend greatly on how your parents are mostly. Additional factors include friendship, environment, school - but a large portion of it will involve...|||Being an INFJ won't really affect the way you do your job well. I mean, it's all in the mentality. As long as you do your job with confidence, I don't see anything wrong with being a waitress with...|||Hey, sorry to hear this! I guess I can relate because I've had a recent break up as well. I can empathize for what you're going through, but believe us when we say time will heal all wounds. Right...|||Wow! Glad to see a lot of you guys are on the same boat as me. I was beginning to think that I was too self-conscious or soft spoken. I guess its in our nature to sit back and analyze. Funny I...|||Does anyone else feel like they are more soft spoken and tend to analyze the person and situation more often whenever they are around new people? I'm pretty curious because a couple of days ago I...' | 1,790 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | I'm afraid of death in the sense that nothing happens after your dead. While life you at least have possibility. Even if one thing doesn't work out, you never know when that next thing that gets you...|||My dad just taught me nam myo ho renge kyo. Said saying it makes things better. Though it was bullshit, and proceeded to not have any interest in religion. Still grew up in America so Christian...|||No more sex for you without a relationship. You can't handle it.|||I've been essentially friendless for a long time, probably cause I am chronically depressed. Overall I can't seem to mind it that much. Istp + mild long term depression maybe. Even now being in...|||I just have poor dexterity. Makes me have doubts.|||I just feel more aware of everything compared to most people. Sometimes I would just wanna block it out and wear earplugs or earbuds. Or at least I tend to have a hard time not reacting/noticing to...|||Istp is really just a vague description. Think in the ballpark, but nothing precise. It is like an explanation on general thinking styles. Otherwise individuals can vary and to keep things...|||Well if I am a psychopath I guess I am screwed for life.|||Not really, but I can tell if I am very attracted to a girl. Self awareness at least.|||I left a girl suddenly who was really turned up and couldn't care less.|||Was major in aviation maintenance technician to get the A&P license, then got a felony so changed major to computer science...Worst secnario il know enough by the end to program stuff...|||Now I am ROI-C....Well I guess that is that|||To be clear my therapist never used the word psychopath, however the diagnosis book she showed me said the anti social personality disorder and psychopath/sociopath are used interchangeably.|||Well after a little research and close attention to details, I have found that to be properly diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, you need to have had a conduct disorder before the after...|||Well I came to the simple conclusion of being istp based on taking the mbti personality test multiple times over the years and consistently getting ISTP, varying online in the strength of the...|||ROI -P Il try again later. Not nearly as easy to predict which question affects which score|||impulsive behavior, recklessness, and low on being very emotional about anything. I was told once as a kid I had oppositional defiance disorder cause I argued with my dad a lot, and generally didn't...|||Does running from the cops and shining a bright flashlight count? Eventually I did surrender and get a minor beating while handcuffed, but it was Christmas and we all chalked it up to a...|||According to a therapist I am forced to see as part of my probation condition, I apparently may be one. My main issue is I generally don't run around commiting crimes, manipulate people for personal...|||I say sorry and not mean it often. Luckily I am bad at lying so no one takes it seriously...|||Yes on everything as long as everything is always changeable if people dislike it...Always yes, then yes on the opposite...If that makes sense. Try everything...|||I like taking things apart and trying to use it in combination with other things...Never cared how it worked though specifically|||https://youtu.be/VbxgYlcNxE8|||None? Don't really believe any celebrity is strongly an ISTP...Unless I meet them and person, which I have not|||Was gonna buy an entry level motorcycle, then I wasted most of that money on strippers...As you can tell sensuality beats adrenaline rush for me|||Hate it...Already done 4 remedial classes working from almost basic algebra to calculus...Still so much further to go...Still hating it|||I'm starting to dislike coding in c++, but then I don't know a better major to get into than something CS or CIT related...So I guess I gotta push through it|||its awkward if you make it awkward.|||Trying a c++ online course from community college....so far I am at the part where I am learning about classes...|||Basically an istp needs to develop better communication skills and empathy. So you can understand and be understood by feelers.|||I have...And meant it...Cause sometimes you just do some bad stuff and someone deserves an apology....|||Edit, having issues editing posts on phone... Anyways that was middle School not highschool|||I told a morbidly obese girl in highschool that she was fat. She proceeded to cry and tell a teacher. Said teacher asked how would I like it if I was told that. Me being obese at the time and fully...|||Which do you think is better for learning programming, classes with an instructor, online class where you watch videos, or just reading a book?|||Fire her.[/QUOTE] or find some way to get her fired|||A bunch of people either hates you or ignores you and couldn't care less.|||Hey bro I know how you feel. I dropped out of highschool, had most of my family try to put me in prison, and I'm 25 and not even close to finishing a 4 year degree...I've had a early life crisis and...|||Request for her to be moved elsewhere.|||I'm very punctual, so I don't think being very late is a istp thing.|||I just assume good memory, and the ability to notice logical inconsistency in someone's story is how I detect lies...|||Well in elder scrolls I prefer conjuration magic that replaces the need to buy weapons. Probably conjure up a bow with infinite ammo and sneak around and get as many headshots as I could.|||https://youtu.be/qlDOq37NF3I|||So to put it simply zombies are not a threat in terms of violence, but could be a threat in terms of carrying airborne viruses or parasites....But that isn't entertainment unless we're talking about...|||Get some angry music|||I second the once broken up done for good. If I could fix it I would, but even with girls I like, it is over.|||I think it's strange zombies have any movement beyond spasms. With a constant calorie deficit from all the movement they should be pretty tired, or just out of energy.|||There were a lot of.females in my high school who fought. Some even fought dudes. Although they were usually quite heavy and most of the dudes were scrawny. Not sure what martial art is good against...|||Well my method gets me 3.8gpa. of course community college is hardly difficult either so whatever...|||I had no idea hungry man's were considered ghetto. Very interesting thread. I remember I would get in the habit of being in my boxers, ordering a postmates order for a 7-11 pizza and a 2L coke....|||So only trust a few people? | 6,550 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'There is a painfully striking similarity between the way your daughter acts in the top video and the way I act on a regular basis.|||this sounds like causal determinism but explained in an incredibly complicated manner. link Despite how logical determinism is and how much more likely it seems, I still like to subscribe to...|||I think if you use the term dark comedy it'll go over better. I love dark comedy, and it's pretty much the only type that really makes me laugh anymore. You have to be a fucking brilliant comedian...|||There is no handbook, but the best way to describe us is a herd of cats if that helps.|||It's a distaste for the stereotypical female. You have to remember that most people online are introverted types and have felt victimized by those particular types. Whether it be introverted or...|||I dont like any of these bands CLEANSE!! (the third isn't death metal, but listen to it anyway, I'm sure it'll strike your fancy anyway) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCYmAwgsFsU ...|||I mean it's not meth, but it's a synthetic amphetamine, it's not home made with the intent to produce euphoria, but it's speed none the less. Look there's really only one thing you can do if...|||The Restaurant At the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams|||I'm a new yorker and I suppose to outsiders we seem neurotic and unfriendly, but we like it so fuck off.|||Are you serious? Your kid is like 9 years old. He's obviously bored in school because he's in a generation that has grown up with things like the internet, 500+ cable channels at his disposal, on...|||Dont you dare drug your kid. Those drugs are ridiculous. They just pacify your kid into this mindless drone. Cranking out productivity. So what if he's a bit over excitable and doesn't pay much...|||You haven't met any real hipsters. People who act like that, are like people who say shit like oh I'm such a hippie meanwhile, real hippies would never refer to themselves in that manor. Just...|||Girls are very much like that. The little boy is a rookie, eventually he'll grow some balls and realize you can't let women walk all over you|||The Cove (about dolphin killing in Japan) Man on Wire (tightrope walking) - Already mentioned The Most Hated Family in America (Louis Theroux about the Phelps) DMT: The Spirit Molecule (About the...|||lol that wasn't even close to rigorous. Remind me never to get into a real argument/debate with you. I'm far more confrontational and offensive typically.|||Well, until you began this diatribe you weren't really in the category and I didn't look down on you. Just take it at face value and dont place yourself in the category. Easy as pie. You're looking...|||You're taking it a bit far. My judgment comes only after someone takes a simple comment that was not even directed at them to the point where it bothers them.|||You make a conscious decision to be offended. By letting it affect you negatively you're giving the words grasp in your head. You dont have to let it happen, the fact that you let it get to you is...|||Sure, but I dont consider homosexuality a bad thing (I rather like gay people), and I just see it calling a spade a spade. Also, what if those men you saw in Korea were gay? I'm not up on how...|||Alice in Wonderland wasn't really about drugs, but it is still a staple in drug culture. I'll stick with my interpretation lol|||I'm sure that was his intention, but alas I hate hobbits and I couldn't identify with any of them. The flawed animal nature of man is much easier to identify with, plus I have an irrational hatred...|||We are buffoonish, threatening, and self absorbed. When was the last time you met a noble human? It's a real look at our species and I still identified more with them. In men (and I might be...|||Have you ever noticed that the people most avidly against homosexuality tend to be repressed homosexuals themselves? That's not to say that he was gay, but that was obvious homosexual tension whether...|||Fine, so we wont put a label on it. But there was obvious homoerotic tension, that in the historical context was perfectly normal, but by today's knowledge and labels we would refer to as...|||So, gay before it was socially acceptable to come out of the closet. Like how men in America used to live with their brother-in-law for like 50 years.|||Well I was talking about both. Middle Earth is uninteresting and Tolkien has boring prose. I mean, there are parts of Middle Earth I find appealing. When they were in Moria, the Elven areas, The...|||Wilson is far to empathetic to be an ENTP sir. Try ENFx Actually, outside of House, I'm not really sure on the validity of any of those.|||I enjoy Palahniuk. My favorite book of his is Rant, but I've read Fight Club, Choke, and some of his most recent book, but the name dropping was insufferable. I want to read a few more of his novels,...|||I didn't have a particular group, but I was just the opinionated, funny, but oddly correct guy in the back of the classroom who never paid attention, but was always aware and competent at what was...|||I've heard about this and I agree that it should be brought back and taught in schools. You described it without explaining why they picked what they picked The Trivium: Logic is the art of...|||Hater's gonna hate Cooler than you|||You dont have to choose your career path just because you're going to college. Most people change their minds a bunch while they're still in college, and even more people end up in a career...|||Whatever helps you get through the day, but in reference to my post, we know that Sherlock Holmes was entirely fictitious.|||And having to retreat into solitude doesn't make him an introvert either. My argument for his extroversion was that he's constantly around groups of people. ENFJs are into going alone to think as...|||Umm there's very little proof that he was real aside from the bible. There's actually more evidence that Sherlock Holmes was a real person than Jesus. But I happen to think Jesus was an ENFJ. I'm...|||Why would you give ENTJ pure NT? They're not even N dom. The Ni ingenuity with the Te filter makes INTJs the pure NT. ENTJs are definitely the SJ of the bunch.|||I'm not going to lie, I sort of look down on people who are offended really easily. It's not an anti-F bias or anything, but I just find that sort of weak minded. But different strokes for different...|||You see it nowhere because he's 100% ENTP. It's actually painfully apparent. I understand that Fs feel like playing F defender of logic, but no, sorry you're way off on this one. It's not that Fs...|||Well from my perspective I'll explain why I dont talk about getting my feelings hurt. For one, I dont associate positive emotion with the norm. Actually I happen to just accept that life...|||she wasn't always emotionally needy, but we started out as best friends so I was already her emotional confidant. Apparently the fact that I didn't curb my words was appealing to her. So yeah she...|||Lol you seem to have quite the opinion of us. I dont necessarily disagree though. If the rest of you are anything like myself then I'd be a great leader, but I dont like leading. I'd rather tell...|||I'm not really down for high maintenance anything. The only reason I dealt with their emotional drama was because aside from that, they were the coolest girls I had ever met (at the time of us...|||HAHA. That was funny. In my interactions with NFs, I was always in trouble for saying something that hurt their feelings or offended them deeply, made them cry, blah blah. I spent more time...|||I've dated ENFPs. I dont really mind it too much. Try ENFJs. They're really fun too, my biggest crush in years has been an ENFJ|||Well it does technically fall under soft science since it's pop psychology. That's almost exactly what it means.|||1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling 5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee 6 The Bible 7...|||Oh, I didn't realize we were posting examples. Nice!!! Here's a pretty good show of what kind of music I listen to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_iNdbPvrYk ...|||Quin Sabe, the best way to infiltrate the party scene is to network. If you're cool, and remember people's names then they'll ask you to join them at parties. Meet people at parties, get their...|||I find it creepy. I dont associate with baseless sheep. Could I see value in it? Sure, but I dont respect it in any way. I like individuals. I'd rather have someone challenge me than...|||For there to be enough reason for emotional drama either a) there would have to be a preexisting sexual relationship or a budding one, or b) you seriously offended me on some ground. The latter is...' | 5,146 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | It was a humid spring day in Florida. In a small, inconspicuous suburban house, a 23-year-old man of mixed race was lying down on his bed. His name was Bobby Wallace, and although he looked like a...|||I know someone is a __ dom if they: Si: Take me seriously when I talk about killing people. Ni: Have a A average in everything. Ti: Are obsessed with a specific type of vehicle or weapon. Fi:...|||No, I've been told I have a death stare / resting bitch face.|||What type would be the ideal partner for an INFP who wants to be the smart talkative one in the relationship? ISFJ?|||Sp is the opposite of emo.|||It usually takes an Fe-dom to initiate a conversation with someone as off-putting as me.|||I had a dream that there would be a Ditto event in Pokemon Go. Please let it come true.|||Blood World Blood World, a Adventure story | SparkaTale Daniel: ISFP (becomes an INTJ) (I often change my mind about what kind of IxFP and xxTJ he is, but this is what I'm currently going...|||As a young teen, I got Wednesday Addams a lot. And Rei Ayanami from anime fans. INFP.|||OMG I also prefer ISTJs and INTPs to INTJs and ISTPs. I guess I think Ni is overrated.|||Yeah, I'm sure I have classmates who think I'm an extrovert. I can be very outspoken, but it's because I'm lonely and depraved of attention. I haven't really met any ExTJs other than a couple...|||Most of it is towards me, so my immediate reaction is to feel ashamed of myself. I try to avoid people when they're angry because I'm really sensitive to negative energy.|||https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cvo4lVoWYAA6AkT.jpg|||At least yours is full of thinking types. Yeah, I was introduced to the MBTI by an INTJ who definitely antagonized extroverts, so I was quick to type my parents as paranoid over-protective introverts...|||I thought my mom was an ISFJ at first, but there's no way that bitch has Fe.|||Me: INFP Mom: ISTJ Most of my mom's many siblings: IxFJs and ESTxs; my favorite of which is an ISFJ The closest of my MANY cousins: ISTP, ESFP Dad: INTJ; died when I was 20 Dad's mom: ISFP; died...|||INTJ: Rare, mentally superior, condescending bastards who make me want to die. INTP: I wish I could be as apathetic as one of these terribly mis-stereotyped badasses. Not synonymous with autism. ...|||INFP. Humid and balmy.|||Future Card Buddyfight: 599025 What anime you should watch: 599033 Legendary Pokemon: 599041 Akira:|||This is an old thread. If people are still going to visit it, I think they should see what chart's I've made that I still agree with: Huniecam: 598985 Monster Musume: 598993 Pretty Cure:...|||http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/a646ad9e-93a9-4cf8-8b9d-3f96122d0440/7b7af608-8efc-4cb0-965a-f1de42ccf323.jpg|||If it was the apocalypse, I would have a cult that worships me as a messiah for my psychic powers. Idk I've never watched the walking dead. But, I've seen Falling Skies. And Defiance. And Akira.|||An empath (most likely to be an ENFJ) should not be confused with an HSP (most likely to be an INFP).|||Any kind of NT. There are different kinds of genius. NTPs might be better scientists and philosophers, but NTJs might be better CEOs and politicians.|||Currently working on this playlist and listening to it to make sure I have all of the songs in the order that I want them in....|||Sorted by genre: Horror/Scifi themed rock: Creature Feature The Darkest Of The Hillside Thickets Tub Ring Zombina & The Skeletones Epic Symphonic Metal: Rhapsody Of Fire|||My mom raised me to be moderate left like her, but now that I'm growing up and starting to form my own opinions, I'd say I'm far left but not a communist because I don't like working or sharing. I'm...|||Never have I ever played Undertale.|||I wrote this... Blood World, a Adventure story | SparkaTale And I'm currently writing this. Corpse Country, a Action story | SparkaTale I call my genre Necropunk.|||Remember when the internet was actually futuristic?|||INFPs are usually stereotyped as dandere, but it's been 10 years since I've related to a dandere character. I usually relate to yandere characters and sometimes himedere and kamidere characters, but...|||Cats all the way. They're extremely low-maintenance especially if you let them use the bathroom outside. Dogs are too loud and jumpy. Whenever I take a walk and I see somebody walking a dog, I have...|||I would blush a lot in middle school. But then, an INTJ told me that blushing is for people from the 30's. But then again, said INTJ was a Captain America fangirl.|||Completely missing an event because I take too long to get ready. And often, it's out of my control. For example, I will have dreams where I'm getting ready for a cosplay event and parts of my...|||I really wanted Sanders. As for things that I like about Trump and Clinton, Trump's more anti-establishment, and Clinton believes in global warming. Screw it. Harambe.|||Most of the people in my life have been IxTJs and xxFJs. If I've ever known any NFPs, I've out-NFP'd them to the point where they seem like NFJs compared to me.|||Being intuitive.|||Sun: Pisces Moon: Taurus Rising: Aquarius|||The bluntness. I didn't even watch the video, but your description alone made me think of myself, especially because of how much I've been thinking lately about how annoying I come off because I am...|||I'm an INFP, and I have the glare and bluntness of any given stereotypical IxTx. It's called Aspergers.|||ENTJ 8w7 or 7w8 Most likely to identify as different genders strictly depending on the days of the week.|||Personality: INFP Degree: Japanese Profession: Badass Internet Personality|||ISTP. I'm an INFP, and from the way I answered the questions, I was really expecting to get ENFP (I didn't expect INFP to be a possible result because it's not as popular of a type).|||Fi/Ne in 12 words: You know what would really look awesome? White leather and red denim!|||Yeah, I immediately thought ENFJ for her when I saw that movie.|||Currently writing a story that takes place in a low fantasy AU version of Syria (with lots of zombies) where the two main characters are a slutty tsundere Chinese ESFP girl and a drug-addicted...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3NcdWyGUgQ If I ever directed a cartoon about a bunch of short unrelated horror stories, this would be the opening theme.|||1) How socially outgoing are you? Do you often go out to meet people or prefer to be alone? Well, I am an introvert, and I'm also autistic, but I'm also desperate for attention, so I awkwardly...|||I'll stop believing in double standards when I see a video game where this archetype is all female. Mooks - TV Tropes And the main character is male. And it's not an eroge.|||It's been too long since I've watched Black Butler to remember what happens in it. Tbh, I wasn't even sure what was happening in it when I watched it, but that was probably because I watched it muted... | 7,596 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'You try to be around people you like as much as possible. You avoid those you despise. As a general rule, If you didn't care you wouldn't be there. So how do you show a person you care?...|||That's why you work your ass off to gain tenure. :bored:|||I'm still on track to be a rocket scientist. :proud: Yay! As for the whole world domination plot...|||An ENFJ they're like perma-happy! :D|||Stop wearing seatbelts! You don't need a belt to stay seated! ----- Anywho ----- http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/airfoil.png|||There is no sense in denying it: my hobbies include math, music, and the internet.|||I'm very creative. For example, once I didn't have a ruler. So instead I took out some grid paper (I knew the squares were .5cm) and used that instead. One time I didn't have staples for a make a...|||Sooooo ENTPs! When you were 5-10 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you do or plan to do now that you are all grown up? Do you think you're childhood self would...|||Psh.... Hipsters :dry:|||That's why I like mountain dew, I can drink it like it's water. :P Nah, I have my own perscriptions, and my parents pay for those. :bored:|||What part of not sleeping, mountain dew, and keeping a 4.0 do you not understand? I'm slowly driving myself insane... wait, I'm already insane. :tongue: I actually am planning a reckless not...|||Lets see. First semester freshman, Aerospace engineering. Finals soon. 4.0 at the midterm... plan to keep it that way. I don't sleep durring the week, eat whenever, drink too much mountain dew,...|||So, its that time of year... again. What does everyone want for Decemberween? Let's face it. NTs are hard to please. Yes, we love and appreciate gifts as much as any other type, but there are...|||I was thinking the same, except instead of life, I was thinking string theory.|||Off the top of my head... whence fare fro lest *shrug*|||Oh ho! Add another half to that total.|||http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_V7Ehj7eG65Q/Sko63G34GSI/AAAAAAAAA1E/Y1u67_jKSYw/s320/ad+hominem.gif|||Is texting an option? I find it a very unthreatening, on your own terms sort of communication. Why? Your reply can be as long(to an extent) or as short as you like. There are so many legit...|||Unless I've done somthing to draw their attention, I assume they think I'm attractive.|||Why not just take them with you? Hey, provided they're old enough (but not old enough :P) I'm sure they'll get plenty of elementary street cred!|||Have you forgotten? No Shave November|||I love children. Especially the inquisitive and clever ones. They are humanity's greatest experiment. You don't know how they will turn out, and yet you have such high hopes for them, so you...|||Experience is a bitch teacher. Extending the metaphor, when people (often older) tell me not to take a class because the prof is a dick, I take their word for it.|||I'll take advice that makes sense from anyone, even if the advice was not intended for me. Otherwise, it really depends how much I trust you.|||yeah, and it doesn't even matter why they say I love you. I love you... (because I am your parents) - That's always comforting (and by that I mean I admire you) - flattering (because you are a...|||My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare To die. XD As for flattery? I love you is sufficient.|||an internet forum|||Geez that's a quick response... If you wanted to chat I believe there's a lovely chat feature somewhere here. ;)|||I assumed it was a rhetorical device. Ne wants to play!|||I'm a humanitarian. Of course I care. And I'm glad you enjoyed that. I put more effort into that than I did the previous part of the post (which was all serious) I just got carried away... I...|||why am I laughing hysterically? the last time I laughed this hard at a youtube video was watching this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ7IfSeM4jc|||Agreed. Two drink minimum.|||Okay this is going to sound like a whole bunch of change the way you think talk, and it is. Let's begin. Firstly Don't tell God it's hopeless. God is all-powerful, and through him all...|||Inorite? :bored:|||I have a habit of helping out whoever is losing dreadfully. :mellow:|||If you find out which anime she likes or the genre, I can probably make a VERY good guess about what she's like. I doubt she's as conservative as you think she is. Really.|||If by anime girl you mean she likes anime, I wouldn't worry at all. If by anime girl you mean like a character from an anime then... Ojou - Television Tropes & Idioms Yamato Nadeshiko -...|||So am I! People always tell me I'm short but I claim to be average!:tongue:|||Don't stop being you. She'll know it, and think it's stupid. Also, the infp's I know hate being treated like they're oversensitive creatures. They will resent you for it. As for humor? You can...|||BS That test can be learned.|||I don't take pictures of myself: other people do. They always say they'll send them to me. Rarely happens.|||People say I'm far too energetic in the mornings, and that I talk fast. Generally I stop talking when people start looking bored. No point in talking to a wall.|||I agree with your boyfriend. Lies are by definition are wrong. Telling a lie in order to save a life doesn't suddenly make the lie true. :tongue:|||Realistic? NT's are too good for that. We deserve better than reality has to offer! I'm voting INTP for their badass analysis powers.|||All sorts of people point out I smile a lot. I guess I do. When people ask me why, I like to say I can't help it, I have so much to be thankful for!|||You're in high school. High school boys often suffer from the following ailments -Stupid -Silly -Insecure -Immature I wouldn't sweat it too much.|||Don't think of it as a waste of time because it isn't: it's grinding for levels. You'll feel super awesome when you're doing challenging stuff, because you won't be wasting much time or energy on...|||So you're saying that the ideal partner would be both fun to be around and have similar values and interests? Absolutely brilliant. You deserve a high 5!|||Ignorant people don't piss me off: it isn't always their fault. People who refuse to learn piss me off.|||What's wrong with having an extroverted percieving function? Perceptions gather information for you to judge. What kind of idiot draws conclusions without anything to base those conclusions on?' | 5,906 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Fist in the air and a finger to the sky. Do I care if you hate me? Do you wanna know the truth? C'est la vie....adiós....good riddance....fuck you! Something like that. :happy:|||Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic. I'm can be diplomatic when it matters. Of course, I learned that through trial and error.|||I've been listening to a lot of Five Finger Death Punch lately. Specifically... Five Finger Death Punch - Under And Over It - YouTube|||That awkward moment when someone wants to hang out with you... I know what you mean. My friends always tell me to just stop by but, I feel like I'm inviting myself if I ask to come over. ...|||Pretty much always when I'm on the highway or freeway. The real question is, do you drive fast through the twisties?|||My INFP mom says that I'm the reason she's a bit off.|||As everyone has said, I absolutely access my emotions through music. Even more so, by playing music.|||Work by Cornell University psychologist David Dunning and then-colleague Justin Kruger found that x93incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people, or the quality...|||For me it's continued disrespect, continued betrayal of trust, and/or using me. I've walked away from immediate family members for crossing those lines with me too many times.|||Answering the original question. I'm a lot more laid back these days but, provoke me too far and you'll be very sorry. That said, knowing exactly what I can do to people, from real life...|||It depends on who I'm with, really. For instance, my business partner isn't too keen on sarcasm so I just keep my witty little comments to myself. Other times it's just a one word comment. The...|||Time and place. Serious moments call for serious responses. This guy's dying, we need help! Nah... ya' think? Doesn't quite fit. Damn it, gonna need a napkin before this soda spills....|||I've been with my wife for a little over 16 years and absolutely need to make me-time every day. Love her to pieces but, I just can't spend all of my free time with her. She's an INFP and that does...|||Current hobbies, in no particular order: 1) Video games (mostly FPS and RPG). 2) Making things grow. 3) Just started learning how to ride a dirt bike. 4) Shooting guns. 5) Building things. 6)...|||Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic. :D I grew up watching Monty Python and Benny Hill. So, yeah...|||I can be very extroverted in a musical setting.|||I have GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) but, not social anxiety. However, part of that is not being comfortable in social settings so, um, yeah.|||<--- Dominant male monkey motherfucker, right there. Although, yes, I would prefer to be second in charge instead of leading.|||I know an EOD guy who just came back and was embedded with a SEAL team. Navy EOD is the only EOD authorized to operate with SpecOps teams because they get much of the same training.|||I really wanted to enlist into combat arms and go SpecOps, I even had a former Army SF Operator who was going to help me get into the pipeline but, I messed my body up too badly when I was younger...|||Shadow moments.|||Because I sit like that when I think, which is frequently. I do try to be clothed in public, though.|||1. It's not secrecy, it's privacy. There's a difference. 2. I finish most of my projects and abhor clutter. 3. Because we don't know what we may be doing at any given time. 4. Often times, we're...|||I wear a baseball cap pretty much every day. When it's really cold I'll wear a beanie.|||My wife says that I can have an entire conversation with just my eyes. I've also intimidated otherwise tough guys by staring at them. Oh, and there's little quite as intimidating as the stare...|||Eddie Murphy Robin Williams Dave Chappelle Katt Williams Pablo Francisco|||^^^Look at it this way. Would you prefer he be taking highly addictive opiates for his pain issues? Pills kill more people a year than auto accidents and peanuts kill more people a year than pot...|||Yep, I'm a big kid at heart and I'm not at all ashamed to admit it. However, I'm not childish because I understand time and place as well as how to be responsible while having fun.|||I hate being tied to a phone but, business requires it. I text any time I can.|||Swallow Your Fear | Psychology Today I read this article and the very first thing I thought of was all of the how do you do it? questions that get asked on the ISTP forum. Well, there's...|||http://www.derchris.eu/dailystrips/2010.10.18/Garfield-2010.10.18.gif|||Try gardening.|||http://www.daemonstv.com/images/fox/stewie_griffin1.jpg|||...Baby, you were born this way. :crazy: I wasn't always as cold as I am now, that's been the product of my environment. I used to be much more carefree. Otherwise though, I've pretty much...|||I was a silly drunk when I was younger, then I started turning into an angry drunk so I stopped drinking altogether. I also don't really like the numb feeling. I much prefer the ganja.|||Being like this is a total bitch on the internet, where little pussies hide behind computer/TV screens and can say anything they want without (much) fear of physical reprisal. It's best to remember...|||One of my oldest and dearest friends is an INFJ I had a major crush on in high school.|||^^^My wife says that my posture has a lot to do with me being intimidating. I'm alert and stand upright with confidence. I've also usually got the default blank expression that's pretty much...|||The most common things I hear now are... Are you ok? and You need to smile more. Both are from my band leader, who is almost certainly a touchy feely type.|||Sounds really good, man.|||My wife's an INFP and gets dragged into the middle of things with friends. She just flat out tells them that she doesn't want to be the in the middle because they're both her friends, and so on and...|||I've been told that I'm intimidating many times.|||I'd say that I initiate contact about 50/50 depending on what it is and how important it is.|||Nice playing, man. Very solid meter, groove, and feel. I've been playing drums for 23 years and play professionally. I started in sixth grade school band and never stopped. I can read and write...|||I'm a backyard mechanic. Troubleshoot all the way and I usually do start with well, when this other car did this.... I'll just kind of sit and stare at a problem while I think about it and work...|||I agree with this. Unless you're a criminal, nobody should have to earn basic human respect. Respect for skills and talents? Absolutely. Trust in those abilities? Absolutely. Being treated like...|||There are only three jobs I'd do in the military. Combat Arms (I'd absolutely love to be a Special Forces Weapons Sergent), PsyOps, or drummer (which I already do professionally). The only job I'm...|||Unfortunately, I rebelled against wanting to join the military for too long and have no chance at special operations (Green Berets are Special Forces, SEALs are SEALs, Rangers are Rangers, Airborne...|||I'll add another analogy to the mix. You can lead a horse to water but, you can't make it drink. In other words, there's only so much you can do.|||Let him plot all he wants and he'll eventually come to the logical conclusion that doing nothing, at least for the time being, is the best move. It's better than being impulsive and actually doing...' | 7,833 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'I totally agree with you. mine is earned. and i'm just curious what others think.. i'm trying to figure somethings out.. and i've learned that trusting people is a huge thing with some people. If you...|||My trust with people are very thin. i love people and everything, a i repeatedly give them chances and i noticced people take advantage of this. It's really hurting me cause i feel like i keep being...|||Well, i wouldn't try to pay much attention to him.. just agree with it when he insults you and just be like ya, you're cool But then.. also stick up to him.. tell him straight up he's being low,...|||Personally... The quiet people i take almost like a challenge.. and try to figure who they really are.. and their talents and stuff.. cause i did that to one my quieter friends.. i wanted to get to...|||ya.. it takes an INSANELY long time to see what medication works.. and other medication to straighten out the other stuff you are taking.. i hope he finds stuff that works for him. and the bestest.....|||Also.. i hope best for your friend.. i know how scary and helpless you feel to see someone you care about go through that and think that.. do you think it might be the medication he's on? cause i...|||Oka thanks for the information:) but i'll give you some heads up.. My sister has had a manic episode..many.. when we were younger and before she went to hospitals, treatment centers, then a place...|||hmm.. oka:)|||But really.. who isn't under stress? but that might be true.. just i've been through way more stressful things then what is going on now.. and i usually take it extremely good!|||I know they will :) things dont stay sucky forever... :) just gotta stay positive.. last night she was just in the ER... and her ex boyfriend broke in the house... our neighbors caught him and...|||that is a great thought.. but my mom can barely keep the house and food on the table.. we just got her insurance.. and she has seen a therapist and stuff before.. but now that she is out of...|||OH! And sometimes.. some people consider me awkward because i'm so bubbley. Does that happen with you? I can just tell they are like... whoa.. haha!|||For parties.. i like it when people are being active.. and PARTYING IT UP!!! I'm usually the one trying to start games.. or rocking out to music.. i try to talk to everyone.. and ya.. i usually try...|||Oka! :) i could maybe make the cookies at my dads, sense mom is low on the cash hahah! but that's a good idea! :) :laughing:|||Ya, i guess is the only thing i can do is try to be understanding and supporting.. and wait it out.|||Hey! i am an ENFJ.. and I wanna know how to help my sister that is 19 with the mental disorder of we think bipolar.. but lately we aren't sure. But she's off her medication and is pregent.. and i...|||I'm going to see what the advice place says..|||Hey Amazing ENFJ's!! I'm just curious.. what do you guys do to make you feel better or for happiness??? Cause i'm trying to find new ways to make myself feel.. important. :mellow:|||Ha ya.. i'm trying really hard to stay.. happy. :) it isn't that hard.. plus i have soccer tonight, so this should make me feel better with excirsising... and talking with people. I mean yesterday...|||Truthfully.. i don't think i've done that before.. surprisingly! XD hahah i dont think you are insane or crazy.. just maybe you are zoned out? :)|||At less they are like me.. i hate when people touch me when i'm crying.. so listening is the best bet.. and like everyone said... comforting words.. just be there. Let your instincts on what to do...|||All i can say is thank you so much... and ha.. i feel for ya CuritadeRana.. the scary times are tough.. but when i look back.. there are some pretty funny times:) and i'm a big laugh it off, shrug it...|||I know i'm huge on organization.. like.. when the house is a mess.. i never really know waht to do with other peoples stuff.. but i try to just make it look nice.. i make it look neat.. and while i'm...|||Thanks.. this helps alot.. And really.. what is taring me.. and i really don't wanna sounds like a person that has issues alot.. and everything.. andi don't wanna be a burden.. i don't wanna...|||I bet everyone goes through that i'm perrrty sure? :) Hehe the goal thing is a great idea.. and truthfully.. i don't have much of an idea on the iN and stuff :)|||Thanks so much! that helpedd alot, nice to know someone kinda gets what to say or how to give advice:) :laughing:|||I mean they are so unloveable.. they don't want to cooperate and let you go!! they wanna keep you forever hehe|||HAHAH! well you can think.. easily.. and think swamps are evil.. while i try to think of them aas something beautiful and add habitate to the world XD :laughing:|||swamps are too outgoing?!?! they invite all the insects, frogs, turtles, snakes, and other nature things to let them live with them!! how isn't that outgoing?!?! :D :D :D|||Drawing isn't only art.. you could be good at painting.. sculptures.. making up dances.. cooking.. writing.. poetry.. personally i'm werid and i like to call many things art.. anything created...|||hahaha! always nice to have backups :) and don't worry.. i'm sure it's just a time.. just don't doubt yourself!! :)|||Hehe.. alrighty.. i was going through an emotional time and i was kinda like... I need to stop being so down.. so i started to think of random things.. and tell me why you think they need that hehe...|||well.. he's super understanding.. and caring.. if i bring it up to him.. i know he'll try or want to fix it right away.. and probably doesn't even know it's bothering mee.. haha.. i just hate to hurt...|||well.. it's mainly over phone, chat, and txt he's like that.. not in person.. we both live in different towns..and i think communication is a huge thing in a relationship.. so is it cause he doesn't...|||That's exactly it! i feel so down.. i hate being downers for others.. and it really eats at me.. when i know someone cant help me.. or i don't know how to allow them.. and i know it feels horrible...|||:laughing: that's greatt! and i bet that made you feel wonderful!! i'm proud:)|||Truthfully.. i really don't fully understand the Ni yet.. because i just started this.. But.. i think with your assuming.. you are jumping to conclusions? i do this all the time.. maybe even...|||For your mom.. even though this is really not your responsibility.. but if it'll make you feel better, go for it. But for you mom... seems like she has a hard time trying to love herself.. point out...|||I agree. you have to go through gut feeling.. and who has told the truth more in the past..|||Ya i know you are right.. and it's a horrible habit.. but it's the only way i can take things one step at a time kinda deal.. But oka.. lets say.. i have asked him why he isn't talkative.. and he...|||What do you mean by shadow behavior? And that's pretty much it.. just it's getting too me.. i think i'll be oka.. :) thanks!|||the problem is.. i feel like i'm being blocked out from others.. otherwise i usually surround myself with tons of people..|||could we have a toothpaste tower?! XD|||Oka.. everytime i hit an object i say sorry too it.. like if i run into the wall.. i willsay sorry to it.. hmm.. when i get really happy i have this need to like scream and just be like WOOOHHH!...|||I'm an ENFJ and i dont think it's reading.. i observ.. and i understand why people do things and where they are coming from.. more then anything. I'm good at knowing why someone does something.....|||ya... so i'm like.. if you are busy.. we can talk later? then he's like no no no! and then barely says anything? but then some days he actually tries to add to the conversation.. and i'm sure he...|||When i meet new people.. i tend to be crazyy and woooh! to see how they react to me and actually try to make an effort to be my friend.. also.. i observe the person.. their actions, what they say and...|||Yes! this literally does drive me crazyy too.. Like with my friends or something.. if i'm going somewhere and i know i wont even have my phone for example with me.. i will tell them before hand so i...|||It does help me undersstandd... thanks :) But i mean.. by emotionally.. is i don't like burdening people with my problems.. and i know he just wants to help... but i too.. like to suffer alone.....|||Truthfully.. i have the EXACT same problem.. but i understand their actions more.. considering i need friends.. they say they will be there for me but really.. Best advice i can give... is hint...' | 7,381 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Why. LOL Thank you YvY|||lol i find the biggest difference being that ISFJ's have this tone or aura of tradition/sentimentality around them. INFJs can be a bit terse, momentary, point blank.|||Well in a discussion on societal issues, I don't really get swayed by other's opinions as much as i get swayed by where they are coming from, emotionally*. It's one thing to be an intelligent free...|||This is why my ENTP best friend and I often go are we even different types??! LOL In some cases INFJ and ENTP seem very similar, but that's just the outside. I think it has to do with both being...|||Very true, same for me except I never took too long to burn a bridge. xD Well if you're talking most people. But being able to see into another person's weaknesses and insecurities sometimes...|||I'm a dick in situations where I'm really excited by a new connection or friend to the point I initiate conversations, ask for their number, and find myself getting home not wanting to talk to them...|||Interesting... without many bumps or crazy spikes, or with bumps and crazy spikes they somehow juggle really well? :puffer: I picture two rather androgynous and whole beings when I think of this.|||I've been gone from the forums for too long and I am not asleep still LOL This is bit random but it crossed my mind, wanted to see what others' could cook up from it... Curious. What we know: Say...|||I'm pretty fixed on the idea of having a partner who is mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually compatible with me. If any of those are compromised I'd just not marry and fill my own cup...|||Need to learn to forgive myself for perceived wrongdoings towards other people... Sometimes I think I do a disservice or hurt/offend someone when maybe I didn't, but still it's like -wince- i cant...|||I didn't see the word listed in the link (or im blind LOL) but id probably say the most uncomfortable feeling for me, that i experience a lot, is foolish. I think it may be a setback, a double-edged...|||I've never dated an ISFP but ive known one or two. I'd say it's a very comfortable and sympathetic dynamic, but not really in the realm of partnership or longterm relating. Like lavendersnow...|||Idk if i can relate to this experiment tbh... Probably because it doesn't feel organic.|||I think... it'd be more efficient for you to decipher whether you prefer to use the Ni Se axis or the Si Ne one. They have distinct differences. If you are pretty well developed in Si then you're...|||Dying asleep. LOL Or in my lover's arms. Same difference.|||never clicked on a thread so fast LOL It's true. Sometimes I even confuse my own self. If I'm having a really good time 1:1 with someone, I start to think to myself wait... do i like this person...|||Tbh my Ti is a pinch higher than my Fe, so I think often that's why I might type out as an INTx. But this is due to my need to be fair, impartial/unbiased and freedom-giving. I can be pretty fixed...|||It could be that you are still an INTJ but just strengthened your Fi function.|||I'm like this only with strangers or those I want to make a good impression/establish and maintain a close bond with. Lol In all other cases I think I am just calm... or melancholy... I don't really...|||Sounds ISTP from here.|||xlillithx Tbh its half true that im comfortable with my Fe being ambivalent. Some of it is due to the fact i was overly codependent and a doormat in my younger years, i Fe Se looped a lot. Now its...|||It's not that you change personality type. It's just as you grow and progress, and discover new sides to yourself, you realize all the different ways your functions express themselves. You could have...|||xlillithx I agree with all you said xD And same, my Ti/Fi is higher too or at least, my Fe has become a lot more ambivalent in the past couple of years.|||I actually hold the same beliefs as you do. lol I actually don't think that going vegan or choosing to stop eating/doing anything is actually bringing you closer to understanding how the world is, or...|||Rome, Italy has always felt like a part of me despite me never being there. Like the person above me I think it's just having to do with my personality. On starseeds, i actually used to research...|||Feeling like I did something very wrong and out of bounds... It's like a cold feeling of having done a disservice to someone I care so much for, when I was thinking it was the right thing to do, or...|||1. Visit South Korea, Japan and/or Rome/Italy. 2. Visit Washington D.C. The Pentagon and White House just seem like good places to go to and breathe in the essence of power. Lol 3. Go to Arizona or...|||Aww :) thats sweet. Hm maybe someday soon youll experience something similar, with someone like her too haha|||Hmm id say not. However my mom is the neat freak of the household. Idk how many times i wash my hands a day or disinfect stuff all on her command.....lol but shes very much serious about order and...|||;________; -squeezes-|||Same. I do it too. XD|||Idk if id go with the long hair thing as it doesnt sound very exclusive to the type imo..., but definitely natural color makes sense for an INFJ. I have really long hair that i personally keep at...|||Just finished reading it. :) those two were definitely soulmates (not tfs afterall haha).. i really liked the overall lessons they learned from each other ;-;|||Oooo ive never read this title. ;) i think ill start on it asap. :D since you brought it up earlier, would you say the characters in this manga are twin flames? Lool|||... whoa what omg THIS IS A BRILLIANT THREAD. I shall return once i have a recent dream worthy of sharing :D -bounces away-|||It's one of my favorite rom-com movies too xD My favorite scene has to be the moment she tells him to write his name and number on a dollar bill, to which he said ..you are a strange... and...|||Someone will probably bring up the term twin flames if you go saying that. :p Whoops, guess its me.|||Have you seen the movie Serendipity my friend? It features an INFJ female (don't know for sure what the lucky guy is lol).. But I think you'll probably have to not look for your INFJ lady and simply...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQnC1UHBvWA Reminds me of someone very special...|||Same xD im told im very direct and straight about how i feel whether its towards a situation or the people I am talking to.|||Maybe one has given up hope, but if there is still a desire there then there is always a way for it to be received. :)|||This sounds like a question similar to nature or nurture? lol... I think it is both, or to simplify it, we play out and nurture what is naturally of our nature. We are born to be ready to take on...|||Noah: How ya hangin', Harry? Old guy: Well I keep trying to die but, they won't let me. Noah: Well you can't have everything. -The Notebook xD LOL|||Well... my ISFJ friend from Canada sometimes messages me and she mentioned one time that she doesn't feel she should interrupt me when I am talking? LOL Also... ---- -super recent texting convo...|||chocolat :) you know i fell into a really bad depression phase too. Actually, it changed me forever and i think remnants of it are still lingering around to this day. Thing is though, ive come to...|||Oh gee, thank you. XD|||Faith in? Hm... Well I'd never say I have no faith in humanity, since that isn't how I process things or others decisions. However I wouldn't go on to say I have faith in humanity either, because i...|||ISTJ all the way. I don't see Fe Ti preference at all. :hampster:|||RainIsMyColour oh my do I have a crush on the Rain too :hampster:|||Sounds like a trick question for some reason. LOL I'm sure I've met plenty of ISFJs but I have only considered two to be good acquaintances of mine... They both call me a friend, but idk im not...' | 3,799 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | Playing Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker, which is really good but I think I'm possibly underlevelled even though I've been doing all the optional battles, which is confusing.|||Managed to get a cool action shot. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DJXcT4mWAAAeQzi.jpg|||I mostly eat rice noodles, veg and tofu for dinner, so I went for East Asian (I also enjoyed the food I had in Japan).|||sp/sx|||It doesn't affect how I view them, although it makes it difficult to stand next to them if they happen to be smoking.|||Not much to go on, but the name gives a vague LII vibe to me for some reason.|||I did a quick google search which came up with this page that's full of free resources (there were a lot of other results, this is just one of those). Sites like Youtube are good for pronunciation...|||I felt really exhausted earlier after taking a strong antihistamine, but had a nap and feel a bit better. Now just to get my brain back in focus-mode.|||I do like nail art on other people - I wouldn't do it on myself because 1. I bite my nails, and 2. I'm clumsy and would chip any nail varnish as soon as it was put on (which would make me worry about...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v9OtinHt68&list=RDEMEPMW0VGtXoEw5Qz4Yw6bhw&index=2|||I prefer people to just respond with how they genuinely feel, so if they're naturally grumpy then that's okay, but if they're putting on an act of being grumpy to make a point or something, I find...|||Rewatched Mad Max: Fury Road (my mum wanted to see it) and it was just as great as the first watch :) Such a good film.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHF43aE4yog|||sylvirfoxx I think an issue with harshness on the eyes can be solved by using a program like f.lux which reduces the blue light from your screen and so makes it easier on your eyes. As for writing...|||Tentatively reviving this as I had SEI suggested for me as a type and was interested in more input. Lord Fenix Wulfheart you suggested SEI before, right?|||EII-Fi|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v9OtinHt68&list=RDEMEPMW0VGtXoEw5Qz4Yw6bhw&index=2|||Eii|||IEE-Ne?|||Usually very odd, vivid dreams that are almost like short films. An example would be a dream from the other night where there was a man absorbing people's shadows as he walked along the road at...|||Eie|||blingyeol I think it would be best to clearly communicate how you feel to him, so when he says something which makes you feel guilty or something, let him know in a very clear way i.e. 'when you...|||My avatar is official art from the pokemon video game team :tongue: But yeah, there was an anime and manga module in second year, but that was it. Everything else was history, culture and language....|||いいえ、違いますよ。実は、あまりにアニメを見ることしませんでした。|||I posted some guesses in the anime/manga thread.|||I just noticed this problem with my account too - PMs down from 477 to 469 and post count down from 9,915 to 9,880.|||jagsfan05 I think one of the main parts is this: So Jung's idea of Si is that it takes a subjective sensation from the object, so rather than, say, a snowglobe feeling cold, hard, smooth, heavy...|||enfp|||jagsfan05 Here's an extract on Si by Jung - what do you think of it in relation to you? The rest can be found on this page (I recommend Ctrl+F searching).|||Fi|||Worrying about friends living in Florida :sad:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HbnqjGirFg&t=2593s|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVHjQhBhl-k|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVHjQhBhl-k|||Last film watched: Arrival Last film rewatched: Aliens|||These two are some of my all-time favourites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX44CAz-JhU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnXCzFnkxtY|||Atelier Rorona is one of the only games I haven't finished because of the time constraints mixed with needing to level multiple skills (I ended up stuck in an area I needed higher combat levels for...|||so/sp|||sp/so|||The people running my course at university are an organisational disaster. I've had to ask three people a simple formatting question and push for a clear answer.|||Eie|||Undergrad was Japanese Studies, Postgrad is Comparative Literatures and Cultures.|||Ti|||http://www.artofdanger.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/image4.jpg|||Fun times in Animal Crossing https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DIvG_BMWAAAxN6q.jpg|||This is beautiful. (Skip me!)|||Played more Animal Crossing: New Leaf to relax - it's soothing.|||https://keithsawyer.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/jesse-prinz-doodle-face.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnXCzFnkxtY|||Self-preservation: Si: So sp is about practical survival while Si is about the focus on how things around you affect your internal state. | 5,716 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'Dear ENTP, I used to resent you so much, but now I'm becoming more and more like you. dafuq|||0 Words of Affirmation 12 Quality Time 8 Receiving Gifts 5 Acts of Service 5 Physical Touch lols i always knew i didn't care for words.|||Yeah my ego is too huge for my own good.|||Why can't we all just get along? puppies and rainbows and all things fuzzy and cute|||True that. I seem very mature most of the time. And then somebody pisses me off/unnerves me and I get so angry.|||I have a problem with the statement, OP, that you are not selfish. If you don't give a damn about hurting other people with your honesty, then you are being selfish. I doubt you lack complete...|||@Mr Canis it's the relative value that matters :D|||Jeez this thread is depressing. Are there any ENTJ women out there who are MARRIED and have... KIDS? might as well tack on and happy? too haha, I kid, I kid.|||I'm not sure why I thought this was funny. I adore kids though... and the sincerity of the kid's concern....... hah|||Yeah, I mean, I don't care about him haha. It's more that these couple of months have been difficult as I've mostly just been having trouble thinking about my career. I wish I knew what I wanted to...|||I've been getting a lot of sht (even from some friends) for not applying to medical school. Sigh. Still don't think I will next cycle though. Screw these people.|||Sorry, I posted the texts out of order. The first post I made was the last set of texts (this morning). Who the hell texts someone at 6am anyway? like wtf. even if you're up, that's just rude.|||I was pretty hurt by what he said, not gonna lie. But geez, do I just feel bad for him. I woke up this morning seriously just not wanting to meet him at all and made up an excuse about dinner.|||His danger sense? Am I that terrible?|||^^Wish i knew where he worked. He was super secretive about it, but was not shy about telling people his salary (which is not even that high considering his age and our location) Previous...|||Why does this matter...? I don't know if being ENTJ is necessarily a good thing... sometimes. Just be the best you can be and stop worrying about where you fit in...|||Tom: Are we still on for tonight? What time? What place? 6:44 AM Me: 6:30pm? you can pick the place 9:21 AM Tom: Ok. xxxx Bar. 9:24 AM Me: That's not a dinner place 9:27 AM Tom: Yes. It's not....|||But I really know everything and I am always right! Are you saying this isn't true??? Argh. :tongue:|||I'm really frustrated with some people. I just know that I'm right about things, especially about insincerity/lying, for example. And I call people out on it (not rudely but still) and they keep...|||will date an INTP again only if he is mature and successful|||Strategy is the only thing that matters. Specific strategy for the specific long term goal.|||INTP/xxTP/ISTJ men I dated for the longest time. You go figure. It's not so much about being loud/bold/obnoxious, like others described, it's more about independence, confidence, self-respect....|||You, OP, just sound like you need more dating experience, IMHO. You should never be waiting on dudes, dudes should be waiting on YOU. :)|||Or he didn't want a confrontation/a fat angry paragraph. Life's too short darling. Let things go.|||Dear xxTP men, We will never be fully compatible, yet why do we find each other attractive? We've really shared some of the worst and best moments together. I ended things with all three of you...|||I think the lack of timely response has nothing to do with the fact that they are ENTJ men. I've ignored/put off texts to guys simply because I had no interest in them. Then there are ones I...|||LIFE IS TOO GOOD urgh. :proud:|||Did not read 95% of your post. But I skimmed the end paragraphs. You are hurting cuz he has all the power, and you have none. Doesn't matter what you do, but please, get yourself together and...|||*hug*. everything is going to be okay. I know it does not seem like things will get better, but it will. Let him come to you, and in the mean time, do something else with your life. Don't grow...|||Yeah I know. I was just being nice. Right when you asked me if I was hot, I knew you were going there|||Nah, what I meant more is that I feel like my concerns were all more than adequately addressed. The fact that this thread is so self-centered bothers me a bit. But if you guys feel like discussing...|||Thanks everyone! More than enough good points for me to consider|||Wait, are you saying that there is value/learning from a relationship even if you don't want to marry them, or the opposite? I'm 22. Up until now, I guess I have thought that a relationship is...|||Yes. I get hit on a lot.|||...maybe. Why does this matter|||Also, I guess, I felt bad because I'm aware I have many flaws within myself too. And he's really put up with me quite a lot. Just trying to understand if this is a general incompatibility issue or I...|||I guess the only thing that's kept me from following my intuition is that I keep hoping he'd improve. Also I'm aware that I just don't *know* everything. Especially things in the future. ...|||Thanks for all the responses. Knew you guys would be able to point out a lot of useful things. Apologies for such a self-centered post though. Hopefully this thread was at least helpful to other...|||So in the beginning, a guy pursued me very hard and I was at the time not looking for a relationship. A lot of my friends moved away and dates are always fun, so I went along with him. We have a nice...|||When you dislike people who compliment you too much. And when you get happy when someone tells you something critical yet insightful/true about you.|||this thread is also ridiculous. since when did being an ENTJ have anything to do with sex hahahaha I'm enjoying the whole attempt by other types to understand ENTJs though. Cute. You have...|||I'm fucking hilarious. I enjoy verbal humor, deadpan, morbid, dry humor, irony, sarcasm, etc, etc.|||It doesn't matter. I am looking down on the whole attitude :)|||This thread is ridiculous. Sorry your life is so difficult. You can choose to be jaded in any situation in life. The choice is yours.|||More like... Damn, some guy is rich. Not desperate at all, actually. He has women all over him.|||I just went on a second date that cost over a grand. Yepppppp.|||Not sure what triggered this thought right now, but when people are lying to themselves, it really bothers me... For example, this past Valentine's Day, I confessed that when I was in high school,...|||So, this is pretty awful of me but... How does one go about trying to get to know a guy-you-used-to-date's attractive friend... should I try to suggest we all hang out? should I try to get the guy...|||Dude I've been seeing for 4 weeks now is making me anxious. This happens maybe once a year or so? Don't know if I'm more amused by the novelty of these rare feelings or annoyed? He is ridiculously...|||How I feel within myself is dependent on your desirability, no? Self-efficacy is dependent on desirability to a degree too. I'm not talking about happiness here, that's a whole other realm. ...' | 3,080 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'picture of me now...74944|||Thanks! :-)|||I also am an INFP and I am interested in an ENTJ that I just recently met online on a dating site...there seems to be something about him that I really like in the little bit of email correspondence...|||I can totally relate to this post! :-)|||What you said describes perfectly what it means to be an infp (at least the kind of infp i am)! You worded it perfectly :-)|||It sounds like you are totally supportive of her; that is great! I am sure the relationship will work out because you really are very concerned and caring about her... i am thinking one reason she...|||Personally i don't think it is a big no no but it has been my experience in the past that whenever i have tried to hash out my feelings with a boyfriend that they get sick of listening to me...|||I agree with the others who said just be yourself but as an INFP I guess the best advice I could give you is when she wants to talk about what is bothering her when it comes to other people who are...|||when you have to get up at 5 in the morning but find yourself posting online to a personality forum at 12:52 a.m...|||when you avoid like the plague any kind of confrontation when people are disrespecting you but you are the first one to defend the underdog or vulnerable...|||...you wonder if certain foods can be evil such as refined white sugar...you feel lonely but the idea of actually calling someone on the phone horrifies you so you watch a few youtube videos of...|||Thanks! :-)|||I am an INFP...I come from a background where my parents and siblings are not religious at all (father is an atheist, mother agnostic, and sisters either agnostic or atheist but none of them like the...|||you've just happily exposed your innermost thoughts on personalitycafe and then flipped flopped your view on all of this by wondering if you now look insane for all your personal postings...and are...|||it seems like i am the only person i know of (practically) who can't stand pt cruisers...there is just something about them that seem so much like an eyesore...which is weird because i could care...|||i think intj/infp is a good match|||i forgot to mention in my post that looks don't matter to me hardly at all (it makes no difference whether a man is tall, short, skinny, or 300 pounds, bald or tons of hair), what matters to me is...|||You know your an infp when you have just completed your 38th upload to youtube all on the subject of why paul is a false apostle and even though you realize no one actually cares or is watching your...|||i prefer being around NF's and NT's in general|||the doorbell... the phone ring... your too sensitive do you mind if I...? :-) don't get offended but...|||i am half convinced my ideal man would be another infp but the only problem is i once dated one and he ended up hating me (or at least it felt that way) and it felt like we both were too sensitive...|||i actually googled misanthrope about a year ago because I wondered if i was one...and once i googled it i was half convinced i was one|||yup, i've got anxiety bigtime (ocd, social phobia, generalized anxiety, hypochondria, phobias)...|||reading, trying to learn Hebrew, interacting with my son, studying the Bible...|||I totally feel like I am an empath, so much so that i have lately for the past few years hid from most of mankind just because it is so overwhelming to be in the same room as most people and...|||being rude to a waitress or other person waiting on you...complaining about having to wait in a line...talking about how your last girlfriend was a dramaqueen or something equally negative...making...|||chivalry, leadership, kindness, great with children, patience, humility, humor, a love for God, a love for animals, totally gentle with females and protective of females, good with money and...|||it is hard to find someone who would understand me and who would be trustworthy; plus, I am not even sure if i am supposed to be with anyone...|||tell me what's on your mind how was your day|||yes...i am 40 and often have 20 year old's calling me hon...|||i totally attract the wrong kind of people...it makes a person become really reclusive after a while...|||people who are into status or domination...also insensitive people who blurt out ignorant things...also people who can't think outside the box...people who are cold to children or animals...|||I now live near Fort Worth, Texas but am originally from Connecticut and have lived in Rhode Island...I really love Texas...I just moved here this summer and it is so nice and the people are...|||omg! that totally describes me perfectly! :-)|||I love these! especially the recess one, the math one, and the jaws one! :-) so true!|||that is so true!!! :-)|||you know your an infp when youtube becomes your best and only friend...and you find that you have created not just one but three channels...and you find yourself obsessively searching for infp videos...|||I totally identify with what you are saying! :-) i hate it when people judge people yet i am the worst at internally judging others...|||So true! :-)|||I find TV very depressing too...for some reason i tend to get really, really depressed when sitcoms are on and people in the room with me are laughing hysterically but for some reason it makes me...|||in fact, i am such a guilt person that at one point when i was going to a psychologist for counseling because of my severe anxiety he would keep falling asleep on me during the sessions for a few...|||OMG! you are so right!! what you said about them buying into gender roles too much! i think you are on to something there because all three enfj's i have known in my life (2 males and 1 female) all...|||i agree with your assessment of them; i remember when i dated one for a year (internet, long distance relationship) i remember being so jealous of him all the time because he had a cult-like...|||you still sleep with a stuffed animal at the age of 40... you still live with your parents at the age of 40... you feel like a child , yet you feel like you have lived for a thousand years...|||wow! that is so awesome! that describes perfectly what it feels like to be an infp...i am constantly cringing over how many I's or me's or my's i have in my emails and if i notice it; it can trigger...|||i think another reason infp's can worry they are borderline is because borderlines see everything as black or white; no grey and infp's can do that too (for example, things are evil or pure, versus...|||i totally can relate to this thread...i feel extremely self conscious in my body and am always aware of it...like i feel like my muscles are constantly tense; i am surprised i haven't had a heart...|||I don't think so at all...at least for me, as an INFP, i do not feel as if I have persuaded one human being ever to do anything...in fact, that is one area that I feel totally hopeless in...i think...|||I know that a lot of infp's (myself included) have severe social anxiety and feel extremely socially awkward so it may be that the infp that takes a lot of time doing stuff around the house is...|||i am super self absorbed (but feel super guilty about being super self absorbed)...' | 6,994 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'A little cold, yeah. First of all, yes, I was being a bit of a silly ENFP. Enthusiasm, excitement about meeting a potentially compatible person, which happens hardly ever, etc. Secondly, is this...|||Ummmm... hi INTJ friends! It has been awhile! I dabbled over in ISFJ land for awhile and it went VERY POORLY (all attention-seeking and lack of forthrightness and ugh). But...I have identified a...|||Yeah, given that it's been 2 weeks since I asked to have a conversation and he hasn't done so much as acknowledge my request, I am going with not in at all (and I have emotionally moved on as well).|||Yeah, given that I already told him I was hurt and it has now been over a week without him even responding to my polite request to have a conversation about why something feels off, I think I am just...|||Thank you for the apology. I am probably a little sensitive about being criticized in any way for not being patient/empathetic with those who really do need more internal processing time than I do,...|||So I should...keep waiting for him to acknowledge my request in some way, because it was inconsiderate of me to not respect his feelings by merely asking if we could have a conversation instead of...|||Well, thanks for everyone's input, but it apparently is no longer needed... Either I have misidentified his personality, or he's just an emotionally immature a**hole, because it has now been a...|||Thanks again for all the input, everyone. We have officially survived the vacation time (texted varying amounts almost every day) and have a date planned for Friday. Woo! I am still adjusting to...|||Thank you, that is helpful and reassuring. One of my favorite things in interpersonal interaction is figuring out what makes people tick, drives then, demonstrates love to them, etc, so when someone...|||[this is so long. I am sorry. I tried to be concise, but... all the feelings...see tl;dr at the end...] I am a pretty true-blue ENFP (with some J tendencies in work environments), including the...|||I know I am way behind in answering this, but I have been doing an informal poll of all of my closest friends, and the vast majority are xNFJ, with a few ESFx in the mix. I know of one (just one!)...|||I have frequently been asked what I am drinking/taking when I am stone-cold sober. (Why would I need to be on something to dance on a table at a frat house?!)|||Tiny keys. Hehe. As to whether or not I would ever say that to him... I think had I thought of it right there and then, I would have (never had trouble being bold and honest with him!), but alas,...|||I suppose that is possible, though it was difficult to make that kind of argument because he was unable to clarify/specify exactly *what* in our interaction was lacking, and he himself had already...|||I think if our logistics were simpler (lived in the same city or knew when we would live in the same city), I might have said that. But since that is still a complete unknown, it did not seem worth...|||We agreed to a clean cut with an open door - for me if I ever need to process further (doubtful, since it was such an open conversation to begin with) and for him, if he ever realizes what a terrible...|||Less spoiled, more... What's the phrase... appetite whetted?? God help me...|||So. I think I need to return my INTJ decoder ring. The INTJ and I talked last night. He isn't feeling it (his words), and while he thinks I'm awesome, and enjoys spending time with me, and...|||HA! g_w , I think that actually *is* how I instinctively communicate with him, though I am not 100% sure now that you say it... Duly noted. As for the silly-storm... Like... Non-chalantly...|||He typically tries to (and does), but we have a well-discussed understanding that phone calls should happen when both are available and feeling up to a phone conversation (neither of us really LIKE...|||theredpanda - I would guess that might depend on the ENFP in question's value system, but I, personally, would never lie maliciously - in fact, anytime I lie it is because of, at the very least, a...|||jeb713 - I… think so? We have been playing phone tag for like 3 weeks. I left the country for 9 days in the middle. He called when he thought I might be back (returning my call from before I...|||Scene: I am 5 minutes late to something relatively inconsequential What I say: Ugh, traffic. Missed every light. What really happened: I REALLY NEEDED THAT SONG ON MY IPOD AND THEN THE ITUNES...|||Indeed.|||g_w Let's just say I'm doing my damnedest not to frighten off the INTJ. (Especially on reviewing that the disastrous relationships of my past were with an ENFP, a likely ExFJ, and an ENTJ… with the...|||I have the added challenge of having been raised by an ENFP with ADHD. So help me God, if I get anywhere within 5 minutes of the prescribed time, I call it a win… (it is so hard to explain to people...|||Faaaaaaascinating. (I'd say I'm taking notes, but I'm feeling pretty good after reading that thread ;))|||This made me laugh so hard. One of my friends used to ask, when I said I would be somewhere in __ minutes, if I meant in real time or my time. She had a valid point. (THERE ARE SHINY THINGS...|||My friends know better than that, heh. I love hosting people - but only my terms and with time for preparation (for the house and for my emotions!). There are a select group (maybex85 5 or 6?) who...|||I like to be chased, but only by someone I like. I am unimpressed by grand gestures if I'm not interested (and I am rarely really that interested). Even if I *am* interested I am more likely to be...|||I think this is related to why I feel like I've won the damn lottery every time the INTJ breaks out into raucous laughter. (And I give him the same for excellent wordplay and puns - terrible puns...|||The idea is that the person has some time - even just a few moments - to prepare for bad news to come, so that it's a little less of a shock and maybe they won't totally shut down and be able to hear...|||FePa Ugh. Maybe just... tell him that you hate it when he says that? And in the future if he needs to talk he should just call you and start talking? (in medicine we talk about firing a...|||Worst four words ever. Especially if up until those words there has been nothing to suspect - light, pleasant banter, no fights, no mild disagreements, no warning signs. Makes my stomach turn and...|||Heh. I will not deny my weaknesses, though I will say that I am loyal nearly to a fault and so don't really fit ENFP there, which is the NF-descriptor that made my-but-not-my INTJ a little leery...|||That also works on scorpions. For the record. (I am not afraid of spiders - aside from the large furry kind - so much as i hatessss them. HATES THEM. But not as much as crickets. <heebie...|||1. Definitely know 1 male, maybe 1 female. Probably know more (given that I have a lot of science/engineer/computer science friends), but don't know their types. 2. Hard to read? Not terribly,...|||Hmmm. I really (really) like to answer genuine questions about myself, so sometimes if I'm really interested in someone I make a conscious effort to let them talk, ask them questions, etc., because...|||Having gone through plenty of iterations of does he like me? doesn't he like me? WHY IS HE TALKING ABOUT OTHER WOMEN IF HE LIKES ME?! panic-crazy-emotional breakdown, sometimes for months (MONTHS)...|||Yep, pretty much what ai.tran.75 said… I can talk to a wall for any length of time, but generally despise small talk (in a bad mood even chit-chat with a store clerk can make me irritable) and...|||The funny thing about it is that I am not, like, DYING to talk to him. It would be nice to talk to him, but I do not desperately miss him or anything. The only reason I start getting anxious after...|||jeb713 - due to some circumstances when we started talking, we didn't text at all in the beginning, and now that that has been established I actually prefer it that way, even if it does mean less...|||Dear INTJs: you are straightforward, and yet you are baffling. (Warning: Ne ahead...) To confirm a conclusion I have come to - if you like someone, and know they like you (all bluntly stated, out...|||My memory is fairly photographic, but if I didn't snap a picture of the object... all hope is lost...|||Only if it has been more than 10 seconds since the item left my hand and I do not put it in a place I usually put it and/or am thinking about something else when I put it there (see: the time I...|||THIS. It's part of the all-or-nothing thing - I have all these little systems in place re: where things go, keeping things in order, etc, and the system either works perfectly or is completely...|||Superfluous - don't know if my cheekbones are high or not... Maybe? My av is actually me, so you be the judge (if you can see cheekbone well enough...)|||YES. And jeb713 - I often choose staying in over going out for exactly these reasons. Now, if it's forced on me - like I am sick and have to stay in when that isn't what I need emotionally - I...|||Yup :)|||Sometimes - usually I can tell well enough whether or not I have piqued their interest and can tone it down so that there are as few mixed signals as possible. The trouble is always with the...' | 2,905 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Not always. It depends on the severity of the problem too. If someone was having a substance abuse problem and I was breaking my back to help them if they were a family member for example then I'd...|||I usually reserve nitpicking but you are misinforming people. The bolded fragments are not facts. Separate facts from opinions or you will lose credibility. The terrorists are actually belgian. I...|||People change and adjustments must always be made. That's what I've learned in my rather short life. Sure, there's always a core. Stable traits that may even be visible at our youngest age but I am...|||No, I never heard any of these songs before. They're nice! Antipode, is that roxas in your avatar?|||Why do people hound your for not picking up the phone? I was going to curse you out but that was the better option. Some guy acted threatening and just peed on the university sign then tried to...|||I get them, being one myself but many just need to get over themselves. Special snowflake syndrome at its finest.|||Mastery, Robert Greene. Angolan labour union. Weird bitter tasting tea. I like a challenge: how many cups of nasty but healthy liquid can you swallow without becoming nauseous?|||Roses are red, violets are blue So will your balls if I don't screw you!|||This essay, my trip to another country, hoping to wake up early enough, an issue with a certain person, politics... You know, just everyday messiness.|||telescope.|||I understand now. My bad!|||Yes. I loved that person and hated the other one so much. The one I hated was from a rebound gone extremely wrong and the one I loved was my first love. I realized later on I missed the relationship...|||Unless I am holding a grudge of some sort...no I will not particularly be thinking about other people. I don't actually have energy to spend more than 10 hours a week on socializing. I usually go out...|||Anyone can have empathy. I doubt it is type related. Now wether the person will prioritize it and handle their emotions is another story. Some people know exactly how you feel: they just don't...|||When I make eye contact with someone across the room because we both see something no one else has. I see it too.|||Surinam toads giving birth. Weird holes. Think inside of a bee hive. Insects in general.|||I am not as emotional as I believed. I exaggerated my emotions to appear more feminine most of my teenage years (hormones and the suicide of my older brother). I stopped drinking and what do you...|||I usually change the topic very disappointed that the person had no interest in it. If you don't like African politics then you just don't like African politics. I do my best to be interested...|||Physics.|||Thanks.|||Yes. I always find a way to blend in with everyone. I remember a roommate saying that even though we hung out everyday, spoke so much, and lived together 7 months she felt that she still knew...|||I told you so many times.|||I love fairy tales. They are timeless and hetched in the culture in which they are created. I especially love reading foreign fairy tales. They often teach you a lesson so it is interesting to see...|||Wooohooooo :D|||I'll be honest: I am not forgiving in the traditional sense. I don't forgive and forget right away but usually over time and with some maturity I have understood people and where they were coming...|||I have seriously been pondering this question myself. I am in a masters program called industrial relations. The curriculum and classes say one thing but now that I have started classes I get...|||Let's go sky diving!|||Short and wrinkly but a grandmaster.|||Do you wanna go rob a bank with me? Actually, I don't want to anymore.|||In a few years. I'm not at a stage where I can have a child responsibly. I would love to. No more than three.|||Trains on time, people who pronounce my name right or know where my country is, when I hold the door and I get a thank you. When I have matching cat's eyes because I did my other eye properly with...|||Tropa de Elite (Evil within)|||Great! I'm traveling to another country tomorrow and just finished packing.|||Next time I'll just lie about my birthday and tell them about a problem I'm having in real life. It should be interesting to see the obvious roots of my problem show up. My new birthday is...|||Hm, rereading my post I think I've been rather unfair. I was not the sweetest child during my teen years 12-15. She cried when she read it and was furious for a month so I can see why she wanted to...|||Well, that's the best I can do. I think the only way is to study the functions and hang around certain types. Sometimes someone of a certain type can recognize his or her brother/sister. Good...|||It's not all that silly because she threatened to send the contents to everyone she I knew and then she confiscated it. It was more of a venting journal. I have my own mind and trusted friends I can...|||I only question authority when there is a need to. I usually assume you've been put in that position for your competence so unless you are actually completely incompetent and have no idea of what you...|||(*My bad had a durr durr moment:dry:*) Why did you throw away the cheese? I've got a hundred of those.|||I had one when I was 12 but my mother found it. She wasn't pleased with the content and said the same thing you did. Duly noted. I never made a new one.|||I'll say INFJ. We sound very similar. I mistyped as INFP at first but I was not very honest with myself. Someone pointed it out to me and I read the functions a bit more thoroughly. I matured and I...|||Sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me. I don't even know where to begin with what is wrong with that sentence.|||Your mouth ;). Where does the expression pardon my french come from?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m_TiZcTaG8|||You are most welcome! I don't take the tests too much into account because it's all about self-reporting. Depending on the mood or how self aware you are the results can vary. If a person picks an...|||INFP. Whenever I see someone who has been searching for their correct type for years it's probably an INFP. They are always on a quest for something meaningful but don't want the journey to end....|||I think it's usually harmless in the way that fortune cookies are harmless. I've gotten a chart reading despite myself because somehow a friend gave my birth information to the astrologer. I was...|||I don't like overwhelming scents. I don't have a specific scent but I like warmth and muskiness. Perfumes that have a fresh or woody undertone are my favorite. No cologne is just as good though....|||German, it means female warrior.|||I think I see what you mean but all you have to do is read the entire forum and see the hate is everywhere. I think Endless is right. There is a lot of negativity towards ESFJ the most but INFPs...' | 4,624 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I'm in High School still, but I'm hoping to go for a psych major and become a Therapist or Psychologist or Psychiatrist or which ever one you get to help people out the most in. Understand people.|||Sixteen. One month into a four month relationship. I felt great about it afterwards, kept on doing it with her until the the end (and a bit after) of the relationship. After I ended the relationship...|||The period of time where it was cool to sit in coffee shops and read Earnest Hemmingway and F. Scott. Fitsgerald in France.|||Yes, both are usually dominated by Jungian archetypes in some form. Also, a religion is an overlying group of beliefs that people follow, while a mythology can either be stand-alone or part of a...|||When helping someone, I try to validate their feelings. I want to make them feel normal, I also try to help solve whatever is bothering them step by step, maybe asking questions to figure out exactly...|||But i am so alone. EDIT: That was supposed to be in all caps to make it humorous. Now it looks sad. BUT I STILL MEAN IT|||It wouldnt be 'real' if there were two people. In any case, the INFP in question probably wouldnt even believe they were with two people at once. They'd rationalize it somehow I think, or feel...|||a;fdjga;dnf;b sup.|||It can be a little overwhelming at times, but you guys rule so it's ok haha.|||I never said that, nor even tried to imply it in any way. I was just wondering WHY is all. There are just so many questions pertaining to god that I would really like to know the answers to, I really...|||I've done this too. I met a boy a while back, and things just clicked. Within a half an hour of talking, we were sharing our secrets and concerns with eachother. This lasted about a week, then there...|||I was very sensitive as a child. I have a big, loud, Italian family, so whenever we'd have a get together I'd just want to GET OUT of there. I also ended up breaking down at a lot of birthday parties...|||No matter what type the Joker is, he probably had Borderline, Sadistic, and Anti-Social personality disorders. I'm not sure why I typed this...|||INFPs vs INFPs in arguments. What would come about if two INFPs infringed on eachothers deepst values? Does anyone know this experience, and if so, what happened to each person or party?|||But is your view of god teaching us or experimenting with us? I'm not sure what you meant. What would he be teaching us if the garden of eden was so great? After all, we could have just stayed there....|||I would LOVE to go to one of those Westborrow Baptist Church protests with a sign that says GOD HATES FIGS. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face in front of all those crazies.|||I'm an INFP, what is logical analysis?|||The dark side of the forc-- er... INFP beckons...|||I can be cynical too, you're not alone.|||Here's something I've always wanted to know... Why did Jesus hate fig trees so much? I mean seriously, I like figs! He just went ahead and cursed a fig tree just because it wouldn't give him...|||INFPs probably had a part in the creation of all the great RPGs the world knows.|||Thank you OP :D Almost everyone I know is an ENFP, you guys rule! I probably would never do anything exciting with other people if it weren't for you guys, and the emotional sharing is great too. ...|||I'm always afraid of approaching people for help and stuff too, don't worry about it, I think it's a shy thing. As for contacting people first but they never contact first in return, that's probably...|||I always RREEAAALLLYY want to express my feelings, but I never do. Is it shyness? I don't know. Is it being afraid of attachment? Maybe? Probably not. I don't know, but I guess I like keeping things...|||Well, I mean, outside of popular behaviors seen in most INFPs... I think it would be very easy for an INFP with its morals shattered and their dom Fi to become a cynic and hate everyone. Haha, not...|||My dad is an ENFP, almost all of my friends are ENFPs, so I was just wondering.... What do you guys think of your INFP friends or parents or anything? What do you notice about them?|||I originally just put the number 2, but the site told me my post was too short. 1 + 1 = 2 in a math sense. In any other sense, you'd have to know the context and what you're adding together in...|||Not really, depression and such usually just leaves me braindead creatively. Oh well, I'll come around|||Music. I think I'll just take the whole experience and others like it and put them into the creative blender.|||I read a bit about limerence on Wikipedia. Seems about right, but maybe mine is not as sexual as it is emotional. I don't know...|||Many of you have probably experienced this, but I want to know how you feel afterward/end up dealing with it. So, I became infatuated with this girl recently and kind of flirted with the idea of...|||Oh man, I get lost in my own head all the time. I try to help other people as much as possible, but it's hard when I have to balance with keeping my emotional integrity stable >_<'' Sometimes when...|||Atmosphere rules. He has to extroverted though.|||Xbox Live- CrimsonxIrony I play lots of stuff, Halo: Reach, Call of Duty, Need for Speed, Sims 3, GTA 4.|||Procrastinating on my homework. Gay. Painfully single. Listening to post-rock. Apathetic towards school. Wanting deeper friendships than I have now. Wanting perspective. Using this to...|||My Mom is an INFJ and my Dad is an ENFP. Don't really remember much of my early childhood with all of us together because they divorced when I was 10, but I turned out pretty well haha. Me and my dad...|||Preceptions of sexuality are quite false in most cases. There isn't just gay, bisexual and straight, but there's an entire spectrum from one side to the other. In fact, the group of people who...|||Blargh, let me try again... Here you go: Manners Demo.zip|||I don't think people should consider race a factor for anything anymore. Seems kind of outdated to me...|||I make Karl Marx look like Karl Marx. That test pretty much told me I was an anarchist. Up the pvnx.|||^My brother took the same route, but as a musician lol|||Scientist. I didn't know what kind as a kid, but I just couldn't stop asking questions and learning. I had this insatiable appetite for knowledge.|||Is there one? For example, I am an INFP, and I grew up in a houshold where my mom was an INFP and my dad was an ENFP. My brother turned out an ESFP. Any correlations with you guys? My parents are...|||I grew up in a very musical setting, my dad being an avid guitarist. I took up percussion in 5th grade band after my brother had been doing it for four years, and I've been a drummer ever since. Took...|||swingbeatnik I should really look into it. It'd be a great way to stick it to my step-dad haha :P|||Here's an awesome article on archetypes and pretty much on self-expansion and finding the true self through understanding those functions. ...|||Really, any type can go with any type. My understanding of types is that they don't dictate how people act, they dictate how people see the world. A good analogy I've heard is that type is a colored...|||Oh jeez, my attention span is not this long. Will check it out though. EDIT: REALLY interesting stuff! I had to stop at 17 minutes because the Daily Show will be on soon, but I'll be sure to...|||Wait, so they really have CCTV surveilence in the UK? That's really fucked.|||Oh damn. That's pretty ironic.' | 8,525 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Tzara Oh. Ha. I should have scanned the page before posting.|||Are you suggesting that personality types have a particular way of speaking/singing? Because that sounds ludicrous...|||Do any other ENTPs have an inexplicable attraction to INFxs? My biggest crushes have all been INFxs and I think it is because of their whimsical nature that I lack and their shell that has to be...|||I am a Christian. I hold some non-mainstream views, as well. It's a result of questioning the system. I was bred with Christianity in mind, but ultimately the choice was mine whether I became one or...|||I talk about problems to either a) find a solution or b) be told I'm right. For the most part, at least. I'll often talk about them just to get them out there, because I dwell on them too much if I...|||I'd say I'm more on the introverted side of the ENTP spectrum. I don't really like small talk or big group conversations or even being the center of attention in a big group of people. I socialize,...|||I realized today that I'm plagued by sentiment. And it doesn't make sense to me that I am so damn sentimental. :rolleyes: It mainly happens with, of all things, clothes. I think it has to do with the...|||Your replies make me feel so... Normal. :'D|||It depends on if you define religious as something more close to dogmatic or just as someone who holds strict moral standards because of a belief in a god. I think T's would have a problem with...|||I'm going through it right now, which is why I asked. Glad to see my reactions aren't abnormal. I luckily am able to recognize that I'm about to say something stupid out of anger. I fall for girls...|||How do you ENTP's handle heartbreak? Do you get over it fairly fast? If so, do you get over it mentally first, or emotionally?|||I'm not religious, but I do believe in Jesus the Christ as my Savior. I've grown bitter toward the idea that certain practices and actions will get you in God's good graces. I think that, as an...|||Bleed the Freak live by Alice in Chains.|||You can generally find me in a t-shirt and some stretchy jeans. Comfort, baby. I also usually wear a hoodie or a cardigan and one of those newboys hats. I try to be comfortable, but fashionable....|||1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? I relate much better to ENTP's and am quite consistently objective in judgments, but I'm also considerate of others and their...|||Just curious as to what you guys think an ENTP who didn't assert him/herself would look like/act like/speak like. It's weird to ask, but I just thought it would be fun to see what you guys have to...|||When you could be one of the best students out there, but don't do your best because you're much more fascinated by the people around you than the school work. When you peruse debate forums that...|||When people think you're high because you're deeply contemplating the possibility and physics of the sky falling. When you overthink the MBTI questions because half of them are not dichotomies....|||My N and P were both complete or Very Clear.|||I took the Myers-Briggs today. I got ENTP. With only a slight preference to both E and T. T was literally the slightest preference available. Haha.|||I am having the same difficulty in typing. Like, identical. Upon taking the cognitive functions test, I'm an ENFP. But, on the Kiersey and other online tests, I get ENTP, with the occasional ENFP. I...|||I more so meant the outcome part of it. Honestly, I'm content being either. I more just want to figure out what I am because it would help me find myself more to have a good idea of my personality...|||Well, I'm taking the actual MBTI soon, so I'll be sure to tell you guys the results. :)|||Can you elaborate on this?|||Ok, this is helping me greatly. I'm starting to think that I am an ENTP with a highly developed Fe. Because I make decisions based on logic, but I am also considerate of people's feelings when giving...|||I wonder if the development of your cognitive processes can be affected by how you were raised and what kind of environment you grew up in...|||Ok, so, the F and T have to do with what you prefer to use while making choices? Or with what you naturally use to make choices?|||Yeah, that makes sense.|||What is the main difference between an F type and a T type? (I've pretty much eliminated the idea of being an introvert.)|||I'm 18. :P|||Ha. I often tend to phrase things awkwardly. Sorry!|||Upon briefly reading up on the cognitive functions, I'm leaning towards ENTP with a highly developed Fe. I will have to continue more research on these functions at a time when I'm not as tired. And...|||I can understand that. I'm new to this personality theory stuff, and still studying it and grasping some of the concepts.|||I'm taking the Myers-Briggs in my personality psychology class this next week, so I'm excited to see the results.|||Well, I was reading up on the xNxP Child articles on this very forum, and while I shared almost all of the characteristics of the ENTP, I fit the ENFP precisely. And I figured that, since I fit the...|||I wasn't typed as an ENFP, but my childhood personality fits one to a T. I'm now 18, almost 19. I have been under a lot of stress lately. Mainly of the self-imposed nature because I think about...|||How many of you guys are genuinely caring for other people? I mean, you really want to do good things for people and help them out. Is it illogical to care in your opinion? I'm not casting...|||Like, I'm having a total identity crisis. I'm thinking about everything a lot, almost obsessing over it. I know I'm an xNxP type, I just don't know the other two letters. Presently, xNTP seems to fit...|||I've also found myself becoming increasingly bad and awkward at small talk, much preferring to debate/discuss huge topics. Do you do that, too?|||Is this a common occurance? That is, changing types? I've always been pretty in-tune to people's emotions, at least enough to sympathize and empathize, and I used to make all of my decisions based on...|||I think a lot of the motive for an NT type to be a people pleaser is the possibility that you'll benefit from the relationship. I think in terms of be good to others and good will come back to you,...|||When the idea of people is more interesting than the people themselves. When you can't enjoy the movie Looper because you're thinking too much about the logical fallacies of time travel. When...|||If you know what he means. ;)|||That we can't be sympathetic. I was raised as an ENFP, but grew into ENTPness, so I'm very in-tune with people and offer them a helpful ear when they need it, even hugging them. It just makes sense...|||When you start a debate whose main stance is your opinion is wrong. When the only reason you're not a douchebag is because you think you'll benefit from the relationship. (Or because the other...|||Ok, that was a joke, I'm not looking for my life partner. I am new here, though. As I said, I'm an INTP, but I'm pretty outgoing and can sympathize well. From my studies of personality theory, I'd...|||When you think too much about whether you're an F or T, eventually drawing the conclusion that your thoughts control your emotions, and that, when posed the question Which controls you more: head or...' | 1,204 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I agree with Lord Bullingdon here, Though, In the end, what even is safety? Is safety just feeling safe? At the moment safety means that, though, feeling safe can be quite dangerous in...|||The problem doesn't necessarily lie with what you should or should not be saying, the problem lies in the fact that you don't say something until it really frustrates you. When we are very frustrated...|||Ever since the glitches started happening my password keeps changing (or rolling back to some unknown password of mine). Every time I ask for a new password, it changes to something else again after...|||Xzcouter I think the general 'let's see if I fit this behavioral mold' is only going to get you so far. Behavior is merely (and arguably a less important) part of the expression of an Enneatype,...|||Thanks for your reactions, everyone! This is somewhat of a monster post, so I tried to organize it a little. -Kaden Reality can be very confusing yeah, though I believe it's all about what...|||Sp/So here, Man, I have been trying to write this post for around 2 hours now, but it's just not working and I'm feeling tense, which is usually a sign I'm getting anxious about this. Probably...|||A place of health? Hmm, I wouldn't say it comes from a place of health. It is alright perhaps when you are sort of feeling out a new relationship and you are practically strangers. The testing is...|||I don't really think I test people*. For me it's like this: I either have faith in them. I'm talking about a general sense of faith here, not the conditional kind of trust.. I mean it's not all that...|||While I do appreciate the advice, I believe it's something that happens not because people don't understand that they are typing on a merely superficial level, but because they don't see it is a...|||* Aren't you afraid it will chase you? - No * Aren't you afraid of it's size? -No. * The way some of them look? -No... Then you must be afraid that they'll bite you! -No, I am...|||Interested in comments on my typing. Because I'm bored, but also because would like to see a perspective different from my own. (Posted it yesterday, but it doesn't display for some reason)|||Interested in comments on my typing. Because I'm bored, but also because would like to see a perspective different from my own. (Posted this yesterday, but it seems the post has disappeared.)|||Interested in comments on my typing. Because I'm bored, but also because would like to see a perspective different from my own.|||THIS. When I get emotional I'd rather isolate myself, well that is of course in retrospect. If I vent, to anyone or over here, I can pretty much assure you that I will regret whatever it is I've...|||My reactions to the bits of advice for people that want to get along with Type 1: - Take your share of the responsibility so I don't end up with all the work. I don't see myself as ending up with...|||Well, of course it's going to be at least somewhat confusing if you throw 27 subtypes at people and go and explain them. I believe though that an important aspect in the Enneagram is time. I don't...|||I find it hard to differentiate shame and guilt. Let's define shame as the feeling there is something wrong concerning your character, your nature. And guilt as the feeling that you have broken...|||Hmm, yeah, the time aspect smells like BS. I don't see how temperament is related to that. I believe I read somewhere that age was related to it, something having to do with becoming accustomed to...|||Perhaps, yet one can seek their identity in many ways, while others try and see themselves as more separate and somewhat alien compared to those around them, others try very hard to belong and fit...|||I don't just mean the 'I'm mad at you or a This made me really upset or things like that. Sure you might keep emotions from someone you are intimate with, perhaps because you have no desire to...|||Interesting, This reminds me of countries, charity, etc supporting certain peoples that are at war, with resources or any other kind of humanitarian help, while in general I have nothing against...|||Fair enough, although I must say I'm really not fond of the term delusion as it seems to imply there is something seriously wrong. I mean sure, we're all biased, but that would make every single...|||Hmm... I think I would reply 'fine' not really out of a lack of negative experiences, there most definitely were obstacles to overcome, but that doesn't make it somehow not 'fine'. To be honest with...|||I was dead set on becoming a doctor. Now I am studying psychology, so I guess I am going to become some kind of a doctor. .. I will be a doctor for the human psyche!!... ..Bit of a stretch, but...|||Sharing emotions in an intimate relationship is more of a must than anything else really, if you're not really willing to share your emotions or really be open with the other person, then how exactly...|||Hmmm.. I don't think I have a really hard time relating to any type, that is not to say that I understand what it would feel like to be that type, it just means I can find something in my own...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CfiBv-Tm6s|||saph We all wear masks, even if we don't want to and, honestly, like others have pointed out, what is boring is really subjective and dependent on the individual. Sometimes to get along you make...|||Looks pretty accurate to me and I like the avatar|||Hmm.. I suppose thinking badly of myself and thinking about my future and just seeing all the 'roadblocks' ahead. I can so often be tricked into thinking that view is very realistic, but it really,...|||I really appreciate you writing this bit of advice. You know I could argue I feel all this fear about people rejecting me, because I used to be bullied or people used to reject my behavior. I could...|||I've been questioning the source of my moods long before I got into the Enneagram or this forum. My worries often seem rather nonsensical to me, but my awareness of the fact that they come from me...|||Favorites: Vulnerability - Even though this is not exactly a pleasant feeling to have, I do find it empowering somehow. I Believe there is some strength in admitting that I'm afraid of something...|||First of all, thank you, everyone, for responding. Your stories are incredibly interesting reads. I did my best to react to as much as possible, but I'm also having a bit of a hard time piecing my...|||After having been away for a while from both this forum and the Enneagram for a while, I came back to this forum and the theory. Not focusing on being an Enneagram 6 or being whatever type I...|||I learned English because it was just everywhere. I mean it was in the games I played, the series I watched and it even popped it's head around the corner in school. Becoming reasonably proficient in...|||Interesting, though I see now that what I tried to tell you about copying handwriting wasn't clear. What I meant was that I at a certain point wanted my handwriting to look better, and I saw my...|||Interesting! I'll participate too! 397674|||Sorry to interrupt your venting, but I just have to say something: In the end it's I believe not just yourself you should rely on, the thing is, only you can save yourself in the sense that only...|||Hello there, I currently identify as an 369. What's it like to be me? I think I will start with a little blast from the past, or well not so long ago because I'm pretty young. What I can...|||If think there could be another reason: since it also might have something to do with your Enneagram type. I mean an 8 is going to doubt his decisions far less than a 6 would for example. At the very...|||I wouldn't consider any able-minded human weak, for it would imply (to me) that they lack the capacity to life a fulfilling life, no human lacks that capacity, is what I believe, but definitely not...|||I don't know anything about research on that subject, but I can understand why people would wish to trade their own current mental constraints (that's the name I'm giving to the difficulties one...|||Unfortunately not all children are naturally loving, I'm not sure how the system would mold these children into lifeless drones, after all they stay human, they will still be kids. I would say that...|||westlose A very nonthreatening avatar, though it also shows a bit of individuality and originality, still it is displayed in* such a way that it is socially endearing, but faintly intense. 6w7 -...|||Stupid tritype of mine, it's almost like I can never truly be honest with myself and others because I notice myself copying some of their mannerisms, the way they talk, the words they use, so I can...|||Now first things first, your tough love. You know, it's quite a nice idea to show people harsh truths, but then again you have to hope they will eventually take it the way you want them to. The words...|||:( But seriously, you might have stumbled upon something, I often find myself in the presence of people, doing such things of course give me some amount of security, though at many points I find...|||Amor_Fati I can see your point, but I think that you do have to take into account that they are just aspects of his behavior, the cognitive functions are a theory after all, there is not always...|||I can relate very much, I do my best to always be polite to people, though my manners.... they are not the best, especially during dinner time, since I can't really eat (inferior Se for the win) and...' | 8,275 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Yes virgin due to the above fear of messing up, not doing it right, feeling dumb after it's over etc. I would feel safer doing it with a girl that I actually trust than just some random...|||Currently I'm a university student. I came into college thinking that I was an INFJ, but being on my own has taught me that I'm very obviously an INTP going through the awkward Let's try to use Fe...|||I'm going to give this typology thing another shot. Sooo if you're up to try to type me go for it :) Ignore any past posts of mine and any types that may appear under my avatar/in my profile. Ready?...|||Elaborate?|||Ugh, I've been identifying as INFJ for about two years now, but in a recent discussion it was determined that my Feelings are only approached and explored through the lens of Ti. My feelings get hurt...|||The gifts of intuition is mostly is where I got it. There are a multitude of positive aspects to this combo. INFJ 6w5s can predict problems LONG before anyone else even considers them to be a...|||So I'm still unsure of my type. I've typed INFP, INFJ, INTP, and ENTP. I'm not sure and I have problems describing myself to people objectively, so I'm using this what's my type form that was a...|||I've been struggling with this ever since I first heard of MBTI a few years back. The problem is that I can see arguments both for and against myself being an INFP. What do you think? - I'm prone...|||I think a lot of INFJs run into this issue. Like someone above said, Ti tends to scream really loud in certain situations, especially if you're a more academic type. Yet the inherent difference...|||I take everything seriously especially my ideas. Since I'm an Ni-dom, all of my ideas are connected to something larger. When I share one of my ideas and someone criticizes it, I take it to mean...|||It seems like you extavert your perceiving function (*NTP), it's only natural for you to use Ne to interact with people because it's an extraverted function. The differences between ENTP and INTP are...|||I think you're 100% right. I was speaking more generally for all INFJ 6w5, but you're absolutely right in there being variations among that group.|||I'm thinking based on the reading that I've done that I am an INFJ that likes to play INTJ. I stop and consider group values when making decisions but sometimes I go into quasi-INTJ mode and I don't...|||I'm being as honest as possible taking these tests, so these are about as accurate as the results come. When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing you think? Do you think about? ...|||I took that test above and got INTJ. Preferences go: Introvert (100%) Intuitive (38%) Thinking (1%) Judging (22%) Veeerrryyy slight preference for Thinking over Feeling. I took yet...|||Nah. I'm barelling around. I chose INFJ months ago and then questioned it until I found myseld unsure again.|||I HAVE taken the test. Multiple times. I've found that your results can easily be corrupted by state of kind and subjective bias. I also find it difficult to just take results without questioning...|||I've been thinking about this combination lately. It really colors the way we use our functions and it's somewhat difficult to find INFJ 6w5's. Sooo here's my little analysis of the lot, please tell...|||1. Well I'm fairly interested in things such as the Tarot, Astrology, and Qabalah because they take broad, complex topics and narrow them down to abstract symbolism. I really like symbolism and...|||Your description of Fi was pretty freaking good. It's actually somewhat interesting that my immediate response to your post was to internalize and personalize it. I've taken tests before, but they're...|||Hi! I've been thinking about type a great deal lately as I've just entered college, which of course entails a lot of Who am I? questions. I've narrowed down my type to INFP, INFJ, INTP, and INTJ...|||Ok, this may be a long post, but I'm venting a lot of feelings from a small amount of time. I moved in three days ago. Note that up until this point I had been pretty much free to do my INFJ...|||Si, but not by a massive margin. The approval of others is fairly important to me and I enjoy connecting with others on a mental level. If I have to step out of my comfort zone though, I'll say screw...|||Ok, so now I'm a tad confused again. Here's what my function stack looks like on average: Ne (38.3) Ti (37.9) Si (37.7) Fe (25.3) Ni (24.8) Te (19.4) Fi (14.15) Se (10.2)|||This is pretty accurate. I remember my step-father giving me crap as a youngster because I evidently didn't love my little sister. It hurt my feelings, but I can see why he thought that. I never...|||Hmmm INFP or INTP.... INFP: Fi prominent...right? This means taking in information and accessing it based on previously established beliefs or ideas. Gives INFP an aspect of their personality that...|||Hi! I've thought of myself as an INFJ with strong Ti for a while now...but I'm not 100% sure that I'm an INFJ at all....it's possible that I'm an INTP or INTJ or maybe even something else.... The...|||Here's one that I learned on my Las Vegas adventure. ACTUALLY USE YOUR SECONDARY FUNCTION i.e. THAT AMAZING EXTRAVERTED FEELING If you didn't notice, I bolded, underlined, and italicized that....|||After posting what I did, I sort of vanished, so now I need to thank everyone. After getting into the hotel room and nearly losing my mind that night (the time frame that I posted here) I...|||Hi guys, I really need someone to talk to or vent to, so this post may be a little long. I'm near my psychological breaking point...I'm feeling the most helpless and hopeless I've ever felt before....|||That's really touching! Glad to know it made a difference. I actually think this thread needs to be revived. - Remember that Intuitive types are a minority. Chances are, if you're talking to...|||I've never really stopped and considered this. Like most of the things that I find myself chasing, being understood is a very vague and complicated goal. I think that INFJs, including myself,...|||My little picture thing? It's The Hanged Man from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. It represents finding peace through suffering and growing through pain. It also represents*non comformity, strangeness,...|||That's EXACTLY (no exaggeration) what I mean! Sometimes I can be the center of the conversation..and quite the the attention hog at that, but other times I feel like no one is paying attention to...|||Perhaps my wording was a bit...extreme :laughing: I don't think it's dual personalities as it would be if I had a personality disorder. I think it's as you said, two somewhat contrasting functions...|||Does anyone else have a dual personality? By that I mean do you often notice that you have sharply contrasting sides to your nature that sometimes even contradict each other? For me I notice that I...|||Yes! Yes! and Yes! When I was a little bit younger, I would often meet girls that were complete strangers to me. I would from there quite quickly organize elaborate romantic fantasies (non-sexual...|||From what you said here, it is very possible that he is an INFJ of the social subtype...I think that they were called The Revolutionary type in an article that I read once. More generally he sounds...|||It's the same here from the opposite side. ENFPs are like ideal lovers for me. I get all fuzzy and warm feeling just thinking about it!|||I love you guys to death. I'm an INFJ and I've had longstanding problems with shallow people. But I'm proud to say that my best friends....in the universe have been ENFPs. I love how enthusiastic you...|||This is my story. Completely. I long for social interaction when I'm alone, probably because I idealize socializing. I imagine myself to be better at it than I really am. When I'm around people I...|||I think most of us would be pushed to cruelty when we feel that it's justified. I guess if my sense of values and ideals has become so distorted that I end up with a twisted sense of morality, I...|||This stuff is very good so far! This is exactly what I was hoping for! I want to add a few more. - Despite the fact that you often like to pretend that you're a Rationalist type (NTs) you are not....|||YES! This is an important one. If I may build off of that: - Don't use the INFJ Test of Resolve. This is when INFJs will theorize that someone has an interest in them, and instead of reaching...|||Please forgive me is something like this exists or if this is simply out of place or pointless. INFJs generally have problems with romance. This is true. A quick search online will often yield...|||I see what you're saying. There's a marked difference between the thoughtful males that INFJs tend to be and the super extroverted man that the Western world tends to idealize. I think many INFJ...|||I've done this before, but I never really knew that it had a name....or that it was something that INFJs did in particular. I remember doing this once, and eventually feeling very bad about it,...|||I don't mean to be a dead horse, but no. We can appear psychic (or crazy) on the outside, but usually the conclusions that we come to are very logical. Our Ni will connect things and form conclusions...|||It depends on who says it. If it's a complete stranger, I don't really take it too seriously. My feelings will be hurt, but I won't really linger on it. Conversely, if someone that I've known for...|||I'm going to be completely, brutally honest with you. I think you're insane. Being an INFJ is both a blessing, and a heavy, heavy, heavy curse. Sometimes I want to trade it off. Seriously. You...' | 7,460 |
Subsets and Splits