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0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'You're boring.|||I just remembered that the other day as I was walking to the shops with some friends and I stopped mid-conversation and was like OH MY GOD THOSE PLANTS ARE SO GREEN!. Was subsequently asked if I...|||I came out of school once and my Mum accused me of taking drugs. So my knee-jerk response was to laugh hysterically...which didn't much help my case for convincing her I wasn't drugged up to the...|||That's my theory and yes I do! Haha.|||I think we were secretly separated at birth.|||I'm exactly the same and I'm also a 7w6. I used to be horribly shy to the point where I wouldn't buy things in a shop or answer my phone because it would mean interacting with people. I'd always get...|||It'll be fine. It's Sunday. Seven projects due in on Monday. Your turn to do the dishes. Your friends want to come over. You have a film you REALLY want to watch. You're tired. You fall asleep.|||I don't really experience strong emotions in my life. I mean don't get me wrong, I am an emotional person, but I somehow tailor my life so that I don't really encounter these strong emotions. I...|||I drink quite regularly (but I'm a student, so I'm allowed) although I haven't actually been 'drunk' since before Christmas, although tomorrow night that will probably change...as it's a friend's...|||Anything and everything! It really doesn't matter what genre or style a song is, if I like the sound of the song then I'll listen to it. So it's always a difficult question to answer when people ask...|||Huskie!! My plan is to not have any children, but instead get a huskie puppy and 2 grey tabby kittens at the same time so they all grow up together and I will have a collection of silvery, blue-eyed...|||It's actually a lot less than that when you look at the figures. It's more like 97% heterosexual and then 3% homosexual/bisexual, or even less than 3% in some studies. I did some Googling, haha.|||Loving these guys at the minute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kC6Rl3HXaA|||I'm very selective about what I let people know and then who it is I tell. I'm not a great talker, I prefer to listen and absorb rather than have an input (unless I think of something funny) So...|||I have 3 cats and I love them like my children. Or what I imagine I'd love my children like. Although I don't like children. So I'll just get more cats when I'm a grown up. But yes, I severely...|||Haha, no you post whatever you like, I still enjoy all the posts, it just made me laugh :) Whatever catnip is your catnip should stay your catnip. Catnip.|||I do love some of these images...but this thread is starting to resemble a hipster's tumblr feed, haha.|||100% is pretty certain. Haha. I read somewhere that no one is really 100% straight or 100% gay, but I may be wrong! And yeh it is interesting to see the numbers stacked up against each other. A...|||Just curious to see what the numbers are like and have any discussion that may arise!|||- Sense of humour - Good manners - Genuine interest 3 biggies for me :)|||I don't believe in God and I can't ever see myself believing in a religion of any kind. I have my own morals and values and I live by what I know to be right and wrong. It's not ever something that I...|||I also found I had an alter-ego when it came to performing. I used to do performing arts (drama) and everyone found it really strange that I could get up on stage and perform in front of hundreds of...|||I definitely do this, although it's majority subconscious actions. Depending on who I'm with I'm quite a different person and I tend to pick up little quirks from people quite easily. I see my...|||I've been living in my overdraft for the last 3 years, but I am a Uni student, so I guess that isn't uncommon. But any money I do earn I tend to spend like it's going out of fashion. It definitely...|||Sorry I didn't text back, my phone was downstairs/upstairs/outside/dead/no signal/in space/on fire etc.|||Literally just had this encounter with my Dad. He's mad at me now, haha.|||Ok, I'm just leaving now. I'm currently in my underwear.|||I'm pretty quiet on a daily basis and do get quite a few speak up comments. My family accuse me of mumbling but I usually blame their ears, haha. It's a running joke that I have to order everything...|||My closest friends at Uni are: ESFP ISFP ISFP ISFP INFP INFP INFJ INFJ|||Thought I'd add my two pence.. 1) I never saw myself as an artist and even dropped 'Art' as a subject at secondary school in Year 9. My friends still think it's weird that I've gone down this...|||I'm a 7w6 which is apparently rare for ISFP's (we even have a thread about it, hah) It was pretty accurate alongside the MBTI.|||Do you get along well with your Mum? My Mum being an ESFP and myself as an ISFP, I'm definitely the most similar to her out of my brothers. She's commented on this long before we did the test and...|||I've been getting my friends and family to do the test over the last week or so, because I find it so interesting and I'm loving reading up on everyones type and seeing how generally accurate it is,...|||I'm not a huge fan of Lana Del Rey, but I especially like this song, which I've been playing quite a lot recently. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjF_45mxU2Q|||I know with my ENTJ housemate I go through periods of love and hate with him. Sometimes we get on like a house on fire and it can be quite annoying for our other housemates because we can be loud and...|||I have a very broad taste in comedy and I like most stand-up stuff. That's not to say I'm easily amused, I think I'm just the type who can usually see comedy and the funny side in everything. I'm...|||I'm currently in my last year at Uni doing Illustration, I never really knew what I wanted to do and very nearly did Drama or Graphic Design at Uni instead, but very glad I chose Illustration! Once...|||When you read through all the other types and realise that you're the best type you can be!!|||The people in my class definitely have low-expectations of me, which is always funny when I do better than them in assessments (which is regularly - and yet they're still surprised!!) I think it's...|||I'm exactly the same, I feel that when there are lots of I's I tend to be the centre of attention without really meaning to or realising, then when there are E's present I sink back into being an I...|||Also a member of this tribe!! I test a borderline I/E as well!|||They usually don't stick around long enough to get any decent pictures or film of them, I'm usually too caught up in watching them anyway, I think they're fascinating little things :) You poor thing,...|||I'm not really *that* awkward, unless I'm trying to explain myself or my ideas, in which case I'll fumble over words, lose track of my thoughts and interrupt the flow of what I was trying to say....|||I believe I'm artistic and creative, like others have said, you rarely find you can be artistic without being creative, or at least if you are the work tends to be a bit 2-dimensional. I'm...|||1. I tend to use humour as a pacifying device and to be honest, I don't really experience conflict in my life. I'm good at reading people and when I can see that there is anger brewing I tend to...|||Haha, yeh people often talk about my obsessive nature when it comes to my cats. If I go home after being at Uni for 2 months then I'm always more excited about seeing them than I am my family! Oops....|||I'm exactly the same. I love my cats to the point where people call me a 'crazy cat lady', disregarding I am a man. My Grandma loved cats and foxes and I see a lot of her in myself. I love big cats...|||There's this site called 'lookbook' which is community based around fashion. Some of the stuff on there is quite wacky, but generally it's pretty fashionable stuff. Even if it's not your style you...|||Yeh you're right, I was merely using it as an example because it sounds like a similar situation to what I'm in and that depression seems to be the root cause. Everyone is different, which is what...|||Depression doesn't really work like that, well at least not for me. To all intents and purposes I'm a very happy person, in fact people comment on how I am *never* unhappy or angry or upset etc. But...' | 2,760 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'After reading the op, first Hot For Teacher by Van Halen popped into my head then Don't Stand So Close to Me by the Police afterward.|||I saw all of the movies. Lahey has such a huge crush on Julian but he has to settle for Randy. What ever happened to Lahey and Barb's daughter anyway? I love Ricky and Bubbles' obsession with...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-LIEr43_wk|||I love how the boys constantly abuse Corey and Trevor and basically treat them like dogs. I also love when Ricky burned down his dad's trailer and explained what happened to him. The whole thing was...|||I love how everyone in Trailer Park Boys, everyone thinks Conkey is a real person except for Julian. I love all the little things in Trailer Park Boys like how Julian's rum in coke is always almost...|||Yeah I saw Fear. I have mixed opinions on Fear the Walking Dead. I hated every Character except for Strand (the black drug dealer guy). I hated the dad the most as he seemed really incompetent. ...|||I LOVE TRAILER PARK BOYS! I can't wait for season 10. My other current favorite shows are Sherlock, the Walking Dead, Hell On Wheels, It's Always Sunny in Philly and South Park. My other...|||I've been that guy... I don't mean to be a jerk who just vanishes but its in my nature. It's like what Orelli says somethings for us ISTJs its hard us to understand other peoples emotions sometimes....|||This is my theme song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3LFML_pxlY|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O317T6Zlno|||My ideal partner would be a girl with long hair, who is petite, with pretty eyes and long legs. She would be very feminine, introverted (more of the shy introverted, I think it's the cutest thing...|||Tomorrow's fine with me. Be warned though our Marriage is probably going to be like Frank Reynolds and Charlie Kelly.|||I'm an ISTJ and I relate to ESTJ characters. King Theodon from LOTR, Jack Bartlett from Ace Combat 5, Gunnery Sgt. Hartmen from Full Metal Jacket, Col. Kilgore Apocalypse Now, etc.|||ISTJ Fictional Hero: Captain Jack Heartbreak One Bartlett Ace Combat 5. I am assuming Bartlet is an ESTJ. He's rational, believes in order, is a firm leader and is tough on his trainee pilots...|||I guess every forum's got it's trolls...|||Yet you still left a comment... Just say what you were originally going to say.|||This is definitely true and it bothers me when people keep saying things like gender roles are made up or something along those lines. Are their girls into guy stuff and vice versa? Sure. However,...|||Out of curiosity what type of skating? Ice Skating? I love playing hockey myself.|||Maybe not Kramer. But Jerry broke up with girlfriends for dumb reasons, got that Indian guy deported, refused to thank his friend for Rangers tickets, pretended to be a Nazi so he could go to...|||I love Seinfeld but I am not a big Friends fan either. However, all of the Seinfeld characters are the worst of society which was the point of the show. Friends simply wasn't my style of humor...|||Another character I believe to be a Badass ISTJ is that of Captain Jack Aubrey from Master and Commander: The Far Side of The World. I believe that Captain Jack Aubrey is an ISTJ becomes he...|||A Chevy 350 crate engine and a new pair of hockey skates.|||I am an ISTJ man and I don't know any of the specific types but I've always been attracted to girls who were more emotional and nurturing than I am. I'm guessing one of the F types. My...|||I'm not sure all of my friends type but here are two that I do no for a fact. Friend 1: MBTI Type: ESTJ Gender: Male Quality 1: We both love fishing, shooting, hunting and cars. We fish...|||I can't stand political correctness or that modern trigger warning crap. I too often feel out of touch with the modern day culture. I don't understand social media or hashtags. I'm more interested my...|||1. What are its school colors? Red, Black and Gold 2. What is its motto? For Duty, Honor and Valor. 3. Does it have any unusual rules? 4. What is its animal symbol? A Knight on a Horse. As...|||I agree with you on this. I have no idea what 99% of people's types are in. When it comes to group projects or playing a sport I need my team to be hardworking and dependable.|||I have a good friend who is an INFP and I get along well with him. I have another who is a fellow ISTJ who I get along well with and one who I believe is an ESTJ I get along well with. Another friend...|||You're not alone. It bothers me too when companies discontinue products. As a skateboarder I hate it when companies discontinue deck graphics and I hate then using my boards that have those...|||Perhaps Duty Fulfiller and Masculine don't go hand in hand and perhaps they do, either could be true. I ask because of myself is more traditional masculine and I read that a lot of ISTJ and ESTJs...|||That's not a priority right now.|||ISTJ Male 94.73 Masculine Points 34 Feminine Points 59 Androgynous Points|||Aragorn from Lord of the Rings- He becomes King of Gondor only as his duty to keep peace in Middle Earth. He is introverted, has a great knowledge of Middle Earth's history and spends a lot of time...|||Disclaimer- I am not saying males should be traditionally masculine and females should be traditionally feminine. This is simply how I am and I am curious if others with the same personality are...|||Playing Baseball Playing Hockey Watching Baseball Watching Hockey Restoring Old Cars (my 1986 Camaro IROC Z) Skateboarding BMX Fishing Hunting/Target shooting Listening to music (mostly...|||Hello I learned that I was an ISTJ about a year ago and recently have become more interested in the personalities. I look forward to being apart of this community.' | 7,830 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | ':o shampoo :O this is the ultimate answer to ur post in coping with loss!! see what you believe in? perfect! :proud:|||@shampoo :') heck, where did all that come from, this is beautifully overwhelming. talk about hidden talent. masha Allah, lovely. nobody's spot will be left empty; you said that somebody will...|||:o :o :o shampoo...woah woman this is IT. this is the boomb. LUV IT. BLOG IT. love the tone, the way the feeling is conveyed, even though its a negative one. do it. do it. do it. :angry: yallah.|||72636|||that's you, violetta!! perfectly actually. thank you ImminentThunder :] it's beautiful!|||double post :/ sorry :c|||im touched @ruth2ten:blushed: well im ENFP, but lemme bug in: I learned that so much as a virtual gift could make someone so happy. oh and that God is everywhere and he shows up in the...|||48876really, ruth2ten .i wanna give you a GIGANTIC hug already :kitteh:|||@ruth2ten , you're cute. n i love your avatar :3 http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQnJLdaEdl-93VbRSJMjBcxGd7PrmXWaNREz7vV3xu-ZaI5s-U-GA Here's an owl in a hat.|||you dont vio, you dont.|||thats just the cutest thing:blushed: so beautiful. the whole thing is SO perfectly put :]|||inspite of the head-throbbing awesome intellectual thingy going on between you two.. ...|||http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSUU_Ll9CZrnlyWDLiqWuxWz_DB-lLuApn0DDkfAxvo38plVAV7w aww stop it youuu violetta, shweet shweet violetta..o aa be a-smilin biig alrighty. so big it a-hurtin....|||WOW man thats big!!!! YEAAUH. Comic Con huh...and u wanna play it safe -_- u look like you do good stuff, SPREAD YO WIIINGS MONSIEUR!!! :{D SERIOUSLY!!|||it must be a siiiiiign http://farm1.staticflickr.com/6/10336601_98f664c11e.jpg|||i automatically thought of purple too..but it doesn't look like i'm a firster .-. yup purp does it..maybe cuz of that silent power it possesses..so loud, yet calm and solid.|||http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdeA8QLeTIbs0-PXBr9Zak61sEvRTlnypfEdpYCuLRiPasbAOn|||if you're that frank with me, then i gotta say i looked up what irreverent meant too ._. lol when i said mutual, i meant 'in common' like these two posts of yours had the joke issue in common and i...|||enpgroup wow..im REALLY sorry you had to go through all this..i think we kinda have a mutual problem between your two posts here, the 'joke' thing :/ personally, i find your jokes unoffensive and...|||k so by 7:20, kick neighbor's cat. 7:21, ignore hellos from these dumb kids in the playground.its a trap. 7:23 train station, and in a minute and a half, train arrival. sit eight seats away from...|||a friend once told me i was the happiest person she'd ever seen..too happy to confide to me her problems. i couldn't take it as a compliment :angry: well she spilled her beans..after she pushed my...|||Enfpleasantly , your voice is just beautiful!! seriously it like..has it own music u know it reminded me of sumffin like 40950this! but a bit more happier n..less vintage:unsure:|||40909|||i agree man aa do..pretty cool what you said up there bout da multicolored stuffed animal :crazy: lol i like that :proud:..its like we sometimes may appear all noodle-brained n squishable (doesn't...|||shampoo -ur not crazy man :tongue: what was pasha's type again ooo n da tiny other fishy..if u typed him :]|||@shampoo your crazy... XD LOL i did actually look like that- laughing at your post XD XD im not glum bud..just feeling too dormant -_- not anymore tho ;)|||http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTerw5X7Fj-ysWDnPyZ0mzDyNeM8uL-lK8eMt8E9jHBIpCjCVYMCw|||http://personalitycafe.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhQSERUUExQVFRQVFBQXGBgVGBQXGhQVGBcXFBgYFRgXGyYeGBkjHBUUHy8gJCcpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwOFA8PGikfHBwpKSkpKSwpKSkpKSk...|||OMAGOD dis is so flabadaba HILARIOUS.|||i feel..addressed :mellow: i still love humans you know :[] gave u a whole speech bout dat u crab -O-|||lol man aa know..just irkin you:proud: lol aa sure do hope the world does read ur post XD ur such a bubblebrain..|||aaaah da flattery flattery :blushed: u didn't have to say dat man it ko it ko X) oh n bydeway ur VERY ENFP i always thought you were..don't shower me with compliments like dis man i feel like...|||._. OMAGOD. man i just said the SAME EXACT thing in DA SAME EXACT wording to violetta dat otha day..aaah i don even kno how we got that name..or maybe am an odd one out :o *feels like an ugly...|||LOLLLLLLLL XD XD OMAGOD hope ur not tired of me 'LOL'ing on ur every post ._. tis from da haart man a swear XD fishbrain. ma party isn't pooped at all man :rolleyes: well u didn't just jot it down...|||:laughing:!!!! believe me violetta, i couldn't believe my eyes either..tis a beautiful change indeed :laughing:|||TOO CUTE :blushed: awesome shots :wink:|||http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWPnag-S1Wj8JW2m8O5_gf-X5bGkvtmQRuBiyZra2JrxVbRB5s|||this- is a brilliant piece of writing except for the feeling of someone that just stepped slam down on my chest :frustrating: violetta, i hope this poem is very..very old :[|||*SLAPS* can't be put ANY better..GAAAAAH..u poets.|||this touched me so much..so beautiful *_*|||http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-p__HoPPWnUo/T0iyyEpeymI/AAAAAAAAOvQ/0udx7t5Y5wM/s1600/rainbowMeme.PNGthis picture PERFECTLY describes how i feel right now.this..is in unbelievably astounding. marzipan01, i...|||i get all squishy n gimme some suga -ish http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRsiejeDIPJs8YFXajR14XZgcF6YqkDRqA6rNB0H6hHuA6ejeuT|||im not alone *o* last time this itched my puny noggin, i just pulled the plug. interesting what you did there starting a thread :proud: thanks dood :]|||THIS is how i felt when i saw this beautiful design.. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-p__HoPPWnUo/T0iyyEpeymI/AAAAAAAAOvQ/0udx7t5Y5wM/s1600/rainbowMeme.PNG exactly. hats off The King Of Dreams hatss off...|||i put them on mute c:|||big fat bombastic SKETCHERS..mmhmm :cool: dey do da bounce.|||THIS SO FRIGGEN WINGED BURGERS GENIUS :shocked: aaaaaaaaah ma dear fellas, dese fit like polka socks on a purple bear *woot* hats off|||hey violetta i do a lot of voodo,but im specialized in necromancy and the other side business that your too young to absorb, but here's a story that might be of benefit to u grasshopper: one...|||COOKIEEES ^0^ i thought the same EXACT thing when i saw the heading of this thread, n wuz figuring out how to put it..but u saved ma breath n had it all cooked up there X) keekee *bro fist* yeeauuh.|||you.know.too.much. *takes out gun* chickachick -BOOM-' | 1,387 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Some encouraging verses God has placed on my heart this week to stay strong in the Lord and serve Him joyfully: And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a...|||http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-obmTh6C5JOQ/VDEtGROmWDI/AAAAAAAAb0Y/BeZThT1aA2A/s1600/a%2Btree.jpg|||Just finished: All of Grace by Charles H. Spurgeon It has definitely taken the #3 spot in the most life-changing books I have read.|||29 Bonafide Smart Aleck's Who Will Make You Shake Your Head|||http://cdn.diply.com/img/be7ba670-85ca-4ffb-93ab-39565da618e5.jpg|||http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--ZgpYrHck3U/UT_cpNmOvHI/AAAAAAAABEI/0i8DAV3Bbj0/s1600/grumpy+cat+wall.jpg|||http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lolka4V7Rw1qhtze3o1_400.jpg|||1) Bible 2) Recovering the Gospel Series by Paul Washer The Gospel Power and Message The Gospel Call and True Conversion Gospel Assurance and Warnings 3) Radical by David Platt 4)...|||http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m21fbffo331qcbmnfo1_500.png|||Welcome Niku-san. Become active so that I can learn more about ESFJ's :)|||Another reminder that salvation is from God, and not from man. He will not fail for it is not designed to prove or reveal our faithfulness and power, but God's! Now may the God of peace Himself...|||Someone sent me a photo where they caught me smiling while I was in Honduras. Hair had grown quite long since I had been there a couple months; didn't even notice. 192378|||I have never seen this image before; I found it quite amusing.|||God's sovereignty: And Joshua said to all the people, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘Your fathers, including Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, dwelt on the other side of...|||I would agree with this assessment. However, I am not sure who states INFP's are the worst type; you are actually one of my favorites along with ENFP and INFJ. Unlike the others, I can always spot...|||Philippians 3:7-11 But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His...|||I agree with this. The teacher I work along side with is an INTP and we have great conversations normally revolving around truth. I am more of a straight-arrow black/white person while he likes...|||I agree with the end of this post. There are many things people had to tell me one-on-one that I was doing wrong which I didn't even know about. For example, when I used to talk I would just use...|||What do you think when you see someone cry?|||What is this something you speak of?|||I don't know any ESTJ's so I decided to visit this sub-forum to see what I could find out. It seems that this sub-forum is not very active. I am very curious about the Original Poster's...|||Very interesting insights. I have an ISFJ acquaintance and always take her at her word. If she asks me if she is making a mistake/being silly, then I am honest, and if she asks me to be silent then...|||I suppose it depends on what you mean by very creative. My sister who was rated a very high ISTJ grew up drawing and painting. One year she even won 6 of the 7 art categories and Best of Fair. ...|||You guys should certainly make a thread with ISTJ humor. I have an ISTJ sister and we will often smile with each other over different aspects of life, but I never really thought of her humor before....|||Having an ISTJ sister this one actually made me laugh. As for how I do hugs... http://media.giphy.com/media/LvecNKQSUS8MM/giphy.gif I am the dead guy on the ground for reference. Henceforth,...|||http://youtu.be/eXgdSOxaCGI|||http://youtu.be/I-SFA5Xs0s8|||INTJ- Primary Color: Logical Tan Secondary Color: Violet|||115730|||http://youtu.be/IUwotWhPKsU|||Yeah, one would have to define what friend means. I have a couple people I would call friends, but we don't go over to each others houses, go to town, or anything like that. Therefore, I am sure...|||Well, there are many moments when I feel like I could cry, such as the ending of Clannad: After Story, but I don't :( I suppose the three times I can remember crying after becoming a teenager are:...|||This Pretty Girl Was Seeking A Rich Husband. The Reply She Got From A Banker Was Priceless! | Exposing The Realities|||Wow, what an insightful response. Ecclesiastes has also greatly resonated with me as well, since, as you said, it clarifies the vanities of this world and what should be the sole purpose of our...|||Thank you Bear987. You are very kind, I have noticed that you try to greet most of the newcomers. I am steadily becoming more familiar with the forum. And they overcame [Satan] because of...|||The Wind is Howling - Ayako Miura (True Story)|||Wow, that is exactly right The Lone Mask! Without the Kanji most people think Seijin means Adult. You are quite well studied in languages, how many have you studied? Bombay, that must be an...|||Interesting, that is much like the Calvinism vs Arminianism debate in Christianity. Calvinism holds to the total depravity of man while Arminianism holds to partial depravity. Regardless of whether...|||Welcome to the forum ANaNAs. What sort of conversations are you mainly planning to take part in? I agree, it has certainly been interesting to not only realize there are people who relate to...|||Thank you for the greeting Xenograft. I have never been keen about Philosophy, so I am not too sure what you are referring to with Locke vs Hobbes in regards to myself. Would you mind elaborating...|||Thank you very much, that is quite the compliment EthereaEthos. I agree Stace of Bass! When I first believed God was calling me to missions I thought that it was just an idealistic dream,...|||You may like the video entitled, Ethically it's wrong but like... on Youtube.|||Thanks Zubz! I certainly hope that God will use me to make an impact in Japan. It is great to know that there are supportive brothers and sisters in Christ here Fern and Allison!|||Welcome Lone Mask. Your English is quite exceptional to be honest. If you don't mind my asking, which part of India are you from?|||That's great you are studying! What are your methods of studying right now (self-study, classes)? I might have a few good resources for you, so I am curious. After the tsunami in Tohoku they...|||I figure that I might as well use the format from the You, Me, & Everyone Else We Know thread. Personal: What do you preferred to be called? 光の聖人 (Hikari No Seijin) Any nicknames? Seijin ...|||はじめまして! 日本語がわかりますか Nice to meet you Zubz; I am curious due to your topic title. I am actually in the process of moving long-term to Japan for missions. Therefore, when I saw your topic,...' | 3,131 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I wasn't expecting it to get it right but it did. Huh.|||I know this is a personality forum and not a psych forum but have you ever considered that you might have some form of OCD? That's how it started for me. :/ Spending 4 months worrying and analyzing...|||ENTP o.O|||INFP Slight Introversion: 13/21 Very Clear Intuition: 26/26 Clear Feeling: 21/24 Very Clear Perceiving: 22/22|||I only know one as far as I know, an ISFJ. We've been friends for over a year, but I still feel a vague discomfort whenever we talk. One thing that's always bothered me about him as his need to...|||I know, I know - cognitive functions, avoid dichotomy typing, etc. I'm about 98% sure of my type and I'm not implying that I might be a J after all or anything like that, but I'm just wondering why...|||Nope. I enjoy socializing as much as possible and have good social skills even if I am really shy. This sounds very un-INFP like to me.|||The way I see it, being an N type indicates an inclination towards being off in your head and less engaged in your surroundings rather than an inability to be. N types may show less of an interest in...|||I agree, a lot of these questions could be connected back to narcissism, but they're so vague that they could have many other roots as well.|||Nothing important. XD|||INTPs <3|||If it's a cute puppy toy, kinda, but otherwise no.|||I've never realted to anything more than I do the INFP label. From the way I handle conflict to my scatterbrained nature, almost everything I read about INFPs resonates with me. Well, except for one...|||When I was in elementary school, we were always told that if we didn't remember and pay tribute to the soldiers that died for our freedom, we'd see war again in our near future. I guess they just...|||Welcome to the never ending life of being an xNFP Seriously, I've been questioning my type for almost a year now. I can't figure out which one I am, but for now I've settled on INFP due to...|||Short-terms goals kinda, long-terms goals not so much.|||Why are you so quiet? You really need to start paying more attention. Wow, how do you write like that!?|||I'm disorganized but that's mostly because I don't really care about being organized. I don't mind if my things are all over the place, most of the time, but I CAN be organize if I want to be, and...|||Yeah, I think so. I've actually read a lot about INFPs coming off as extroverted when they're with their friends, but shy and reserved around new people.|||Spring and fall! I like Summer too but the lack of something to do (no school) tends to make me feel kind of depressed, and winter just sucks bc it's winter. I'm not a fan of the cold.|||Hi there! I understand feeling unsure of your type because for the longest time I was stuck between INFP and ENFP for some of the same reasons you mentioned. I finally settled on INFP though, so let...|||Hi there! I understand feeling unsure of your type because for the longest time I was stuck between INFP and ENFP for some of the same reasons you mentioned. I finally settled on INFP though, so let...|||I can relate. I've dealt with a susceptibility to depression and pretty severe social anxiety since I was 11, but it's getting better, in some ways.|||Omg you sound just like me! I was shy and very clingy to my parents, I was really easily intimidated so I thought that if they were gone the world would open into a black hole and swallow me up or...|||By my teachers, that I was polite, well behaved, sweet, got along well with others etc. I'm not sure if I was all that quiet, maybe just a little. And by my peers idk really...I remember getting...|||Bump|||So I've always been somewhat on the fence with my type. I started out with ENTP, even though deep down I knew I was a feeler, but I didn't like that ENFPs were 8% of the population so I tried forcing...|||Okay so it's not like I'm walking into poles or stepping into traffic, but the other day we were doing a lab in science and I made myself look like a complete idiot. First I spilled water and took 10...|||That sounds tough! But I know what you mean, going from a place where you knew everyone even if you weren't really friends to a place filled with entirely new people and finding yourself unable to...|||I always thought unhealthy meant being stuck in a bad behavioral pattern or some kind of function loop, whereas immature just meant underdeveloped? In relation to typology anyway, but yeah I see what...|||Definitely ISTP. So ISTP it HURTS|||That's very ENTP then. XD I think ENTPs tend to be a little more socially adept because of auxiliary Fe. INTPs, because they have dom Ti and inferior Fe have a big problem with being way too blunt...|||The first paragraph could indicate either personality types imo! Though I think ENTPs tend to be more upbeat and outgoing, though not really in a typical manner (of course social anxiety or whatever...|||You come off as really calm and subdued which isn't typical of a Ne dom, but I suppose that kind of thing is really only measurable in real life. If you find yourself energized by social interaction,...|||Ne or Ni? Are you thoughts random, flightly, all over the place and bouncy? At your best do you sometimes have more ideas than you can put into words? Do you have a short attention span, and do you...|||INFJ!! Those interests are VERY typical of an INFJ, and everything about you is just...so INFJ! XD I don't think you should shy away from typing as a rare type, I mean, if you've had a hard time...|||Do you consider yourself a practical person who has practical interests, or someone who is a bit weird and sometimes likes weird things? How do you feel about breaking rules? My guess is INFJ...|||Most ENFPs are type 4 or 7, so if you're a type 2 I think it's more likely that you're an ENFJ. Also, ISTP is an ENFPs worst possible match, so maybe you are an ENFJ XD|||Oh I see! That makes sense, sometimes I feel like maybe I lose touch with my Fi...thank you! anyone else have anything to add?|||The reason I thought INTP was because she seems to have inferior Fe and is always analyzing and exploring systems which I understand is a Ti thing? But that might just be nothing, so you're...|||Hi!! So, my best friend is currently typed as INTJ, and while I don't think it's wrong I think there is some room for other possibilities. Originally, she was typed as ISTJ, but she loathed it....|||I think it would be natural for your work self to come out as more of a J, because J traits are highly valued in a work setting and sometimes neccesary in organizing and getting things done, so...|||Intp?|||I've noticed that an overwhleming amount of protagonists are extroverted feelers. As in ExFx types, and when it comes to girls, they're usually ENFPs or ESFPs! Like Sailor Moon, many Disney...|||Thank you so much, this was a really good analysis! I'm not very good at spotting Te/Ti so it helped out quite a bit :D So I guess I'm just an ENFP developing her Fe? Oh, btw, could you explain the...|||Oh yeah, I'm very in tune with my feelings and I'm always noticing and thinking about how I feel...so I must be a Fi user too. I'm pretty sure about it now, thank you! And omg thanks!! I love...|||If so, how many kids do you want?|||Oh that makes sense!! I guess I thought ENFPs were generally outgoing and not very shy but liked alone time, but that makes sense, I expend a lot of energy expressing myself I think.|||thanks!! i'm thinking you might be right :D most of the time, the thing i'm left questioning is my extraversion, because i'm so shy and reserved in real life.|||I think I only developed my Fe recently because up until I was about 15 I didn't show a single ounce of it..like occasionally I'd cater to people etc but I was entirely self-serving and didn't...' | 1,191 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Im a little bored and wanted to start a random thread, hope you dont mind. 1) Any artsy-fartsy INTJ's out there? I dont think Ive seen much on this topic, but do you think that INTJ's have the...|||Maybe we could come up with some technology to alter other types into INTJ's? Too inhumane? I guess cloning works too... :/|||@MissJordan I was wondering about the name too.... And I haven't really met too many INTJ's in person so I'm not sure I can answer the question well. I can tell you though that a few people have...|||Text, play video games, surf the web, facebook.... that's about it. haha. :)|||ListnToo Welcome to PerC! Admros ... you're avatar reminds me of a rapist. As for us getting a bad rap... I don't feel like we do, people just don't understand how our minds work. I feel like most...|||When I was typed a few years ago I almost always got INFJ. When I retested a while ago though, I kept finding that I always got INTJ. The descriptions for an INTJ fit my personality quite well and I...|||Don't the younger two play games using their imaginations? My middle brother (10 years old) still does and he can occupy himself for hours playing war games or teacher and what-have-you.|||(*sadness*). and useless tasks are.... well, USELESS.|||Today is my last day of school before break. Do you always feel stressed out with the kids at home all day? (In my family we have 6 kids that ALL go to school. It's so chaotic during the summer when...|||@Mynameisnick Seeing as how you've contributed 4 out of the 6 posts on this thread so far, it seems you don't need anyone else; you keep a conversation going all by yourself, don't you? JUST SAYIN......|||I seriously almost started a thread just like this yesterday. ALMOST.|||Well said. :) and, catniss.... why ferrets??|||Can I give my input, even though I am a girl? The relationship between my parents and I are both kind of bad. My mother lives in her own little world and doesn't bother communicating with me and my...|||Is that a good or a bad thing??? :O|||@lirulin and @Antiant wooooow guyz, feelin the love on this thread, feelin tha looove. Now lets all give eachothers a big hug!|||So only if they had small blowholes?? (And wtf kinda magazine...?)|||Lawls. Do you think if dolphins were self-conscious about their appearance that they would dislike their blowholes? Juss curiouss.|||yeah... im juss jealous. im self-conscious that i aint gotta blowhole (this sounds verrry perverted) and can be squeekers all tha times (i dont think theres any way to make this sentence NOT sound...|||ZOMG! that sounds sooo kewl! i would watch that! lol! wanna see it wit me? ;P haha! jk. When I lived in florida we had this tiny itty bitty lizards and when you tried to catch them THEIR TAILS CAME...|||In my art class we were watching a parody of a song by Rebecca Black. They were riding in a convertable and one of the girls was making her arm swim in the air and said MY HAND IS A DOLPHINNNN!!....|||Wow, I did NOT mean to come across that way. I apologize. Thank you for pointing out I said that though; I sometimes have difficulty not sounding like a snob because of the way I talk and I have to...|||I usually refer to myself as a jack of all trades, master of none. If I find something even slightly interesting I usually obsess over trying to learn more and more about it until I find something...|||HarpFluffy, my Chinese Zodiac animal is a rooster. And besides, they have more attitude than chickens do. Peter, I'm not offended you called me a HE. I just thought it was funny, so yeah, I...|||Like, OMG. I swear, I have had, like THE worst day ever! My french teacher was totally wearing a black dress with BROWN shoes! How GA-ross is THAT? Ohmiigood! There is this cute guy in my art class...|||Oh! Make me one too! I'd wear it.|||Hey, I'm a girl, not a HE. ;P And yeah, I suppose what you say is true.|||Can you give me an example so I can better understand what you mean? I don't want to misconstrue your question.|||But you have to think, how often do I get excited over my conversations with people? Small talk or gossip doesn't excite me, so my voice wouldn't get louder over that, would it? I just feel that...|||It's possible. When I get excited I sometimes have people telling me to quiet down.|||That does sound dirty. :P And I don't think I just tweaked. I full out changed myself. I look back at how I used to act towards other people and it frightens me how twisted I was. I was kind of...|||Growing up, I had never really thought about how I treated people or why I would act a certain way. A few years ago though, I became really depressed and suicidal. Thinking back, I'm not even really...|||Mei, that was a wonderful post. I think I'm beginning to understand my sister now; before I was always in the dark about why she would react a certain way to things I said or did. We'll see how...|||I always thought that if I were a male I would want a deep, commanding voice. Would it be weird if I said I were jealous? I have a naturally high-pitched voice that I have conditioned to sound lower...|||Thanks for that, but I don't deem myself attractive enough to silence a roomful of people.|||I want to hear your stories of when you were completely objective in a stressful/ hazardous situation. I'll even give my own anecdote to get us started. I had been cooking something over the...|||Thank you for this response, it was very insightful. I will give her some more time, but I feel like if she does not feel better soon that seeing a professional would be best. Getting an objective...|||1. Observe, observe, observe. If I see a person I'm interested in being friends with, I usually just observe them for a while to see if they're worthwhile. 2. Once a person first meets me or we...|||Thank you, everyone, for your responses. FunkDragon75, she is young (13), but she's been like this her whole life; I don't think it's teenaged angst. mintyphoenix, she likes to draw cartoons, and...|||Witty? Don't think so. And I tried having her take the test, but she was fed up with it (and me) before she even finished. Also, she is very indecisive, so she would ask me for my opinion on most...|||I want to know what an INFP gone bad is like. I'm asking this because I tried typing my sister, and the only type I can seem to come up with is INFP, but she is probably the most volatile, depressed,...|||If I'm a vegetarian, can I say neither?? (IF I had to pick though, it would be the beetles...)|||Tell you what, I'll make my next art project a self portrait then I'll post it for you. Sound good? And how would an x-ray/mri prove what I look like?|||If I told you I hated cameras with a passion, then what? I think the most recent picture of me was from about 5 years ago.|||Ha! I just imagined that, how smelly. I know someone who always smells like copper, I think it's gross. I like lavender, rose, and cherry blossom. And I absolutely hate coconut and vanilla and...|||I guess I could be considered cute... if you get past my cold and detached personality. People don't really seem to notice how I look most of the time. (Im not going to post a picture) I'm short...|||I get a lot of books from the library. Also, I spend time there occasionally because I don't have internet access in my home. I probably only go once every two weeks or so.|||If I get excited about something I tend to talk loud (not loud enough to be annoying though [I hope]).|||I've noticed that as soon as I start to say something (no matter where I am) the room automatically gets quieter as if everyone is listening to me talk. I don't know if this is me being paranoid or...|||umm, I think thats called BLINKING. :P and im right handed but i raise my left eyebrow.|||A lot of people seem to drain me (including my father, sister, and brother). It tends to be people who are either too emotional and have mood swings, or people who have to repeat themselves a...' | 8,576 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Hm... took the test and got Introverted (I) 89%Extraverted (E) 11% Intuitive (N) 77%Sensing (S) 23% Thinking (T) 60%Feeling (F) 40% Perceiving (P) 59%Judging (J) 41% The unabomber. ...|||Ornithology Go - the board game Japanese European History Painting Cooking Game Theory sounds fun too.. so much to learn. How do you guys organize your time? Sometimes there are so much...|||I'm usually ok w/ being a wallflower. It's interesting to see other people interact. However, I become super upset or crazily angry when my BF does either one of those things you've mentioned. It is...|||What I'm looking for in a relationship is someone who can open up to me by sharing their interests and thoughts. I like when people are vocal and honest because I have no patience for guessing games...|||Congrats :D|||Interesting. I want to be INTJ so can actually get things done from time to time. I like getting things done :D I think I am close to T as well in general but when faced with fear and insecurity...|||Test lies! :P I'm 100% sure of being INFP. Don't know why the test says otherwise. I took it twice and still shows the same. Oh well... Just more awesome this way as I can disguise myself, sneak...|||oddly enough, just realized my bf is born in the year of dog... *cracks whip* let the training begin!!!|||INTPs are indeed strange and scary creatures...|||Your comment reminded me of this article: Train your man as you would your dog - TODAY: Relationships Sadly, I never had a dog :( Maybe INFP should get a dog first before dating INTPs.. hahaha...|||Hm... take a look at this example: Translation Party It translate English to Japanese w/ moderately success. Something similar might be achievable if we can define the ground rules for...|||Hey, I am down w/ this :P Let's make a website about it! It is fun to make stuff and analyze the crap out of it. Lately I've been looking at the whole Fe/Fi thing. Actually we should make...|||I think what he's saying is that, yes, communication was the problem. But the problem lied in both people. One was too afraid to show her feelings while the other was too afraid to get rejected/hurt...|||Wow, you are a very smart person! I pretty much fell into the same believe as you did. Instead of studying art or psychology I got my degree in Computer Science. Now doing a masters in...|||Very very good point. I am always either very happy or sad. Not experiencing extreme emotions make me feel very empty. I need emotions. I need them to feel alive. I do not feel alive when nothing is...|||Hm. Interesting. I wish my guy would take sometime to actually care about what I think or try to understand me better. Because often times I feel so misunderstood, it is a relieve that someone...|||Drawing. I communicate best when I'm drawing things out etc... though this is kind of hard to do in real life! hang on, let me draw how i feel about your statement ... bird chirps ....|||Hey! I'm working on my masters right now but is thinking about pursuing a PhD. Would also like to work in the University sector someday. I'm hoping something related to art/design. So far, I've been...|||Whenever I feel depressed, what makes me feel better is by reading touching stories and how people can overcome problems in life to become better. They inspire me in that by reading them, I can see...|||Goodness, I have the exact same problem. Sometimes I can get lost for hrs inside my head and even when I am around people, my mind begins to drift after a few minutes of interaction. I would be...|||Hi welcome! Haha.. interestingly enough I'm also INFP w/ 9w1! It's hard hard world out there!|||Lynn Flewelling :D Fantasy w/ two yummy guys!|||This sounds like a fun advice! I have anxiety problems meeting new people because I was hurt very badly during college by being friends w/ people who eventually turned their backs on me. My ex's...|||Openness to Experience/Intellect High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. ...|||Definitely agree about the freelance. Maybe web or interior design. Possibly teaching later on in life. Hm... an art teacher perhaps :D|||Totally agreed! I can never stand shows that, despite having logical merits, slander people. My bf (INTP) likes John Stewart a lot and he would show me clips where Stewart would debase some guest of...|||You know what, I think this is the best principle as well but you also need to remember people are different and our needs may not correspond. In a relationship, it is best to be open about things we...|||Aries! I like to dive into stuff :P|||I am going through the exact same thing right now. Being a person who have lots of romantic ideas in my head, I tend to get very upset when SO does not do the things I want. When he fails to reach...|||This is exactly how I feel but isn't this more of an INFP thing? Fear of being rejected and testing the water? I would imagine that INTPs are able to ration out that each person is different and...|||Oh I enjoy being outdoors as well. Usually prefer landscapes that involve water. Also, more than looking at the landscape, I like to inspect things up close such as sitting down and picking out a...|||This movie is very good (especially for Miyazaki fans). A bit slow but the story is realistic and beautiful. Check it out if you haven't and if you have, watch it again! :D ...|||When dealing with unreasonable people, I usually tend to ignore them and move on with my life. However, when I'm put into situation where I can't avoid these annoying jerks, I become very...|||Ugh! I've had the nail biting habit since a kid and it is so hard to stop. There were a couple of months where, lack of stress, I stop biting my nails but ever since school started, the habit started...|||Ahh that's awesome! Definitely on the to-do list now! :D Here's one that everyone may like as well: Cream Puffs - All Recipes|||Lately I've been looking for some perfect cooking recipes and so, I was wondering what other INFP like to cook (if they like to cook etc..). The reason why I'm asking in INFP forum is because I...|||I think volunteering is definitely something that INFP can do to get emotional needs fulfilled, especially when the partner is not very good at doing that. Thanks ethylester for sharing your...|||would like to know too...|||Ah sorry to hear that things with your friend is not going well. When you talked to her, did you focus on the problems instead of her feelings? When you say you'd work on changing things she...|||That is pretty accurate I think based on my interaction with INTP. INTP wants people to understand his logic whereas INFP wants people to under stand her feelings. This is precisely where the...|||Indeed, INTJs are awesome! Wish I was more of an INTJ, especially being in a computing major. I envy those that have strong ability to solve problems instead of creating problems. Take charge, come...|||Oh my goodness Snail, what you said really hit close to home.. So I'm dating an INTP right now and we had one of the most retarded fights yesterday. Here's the story... I've been stressed out...|||Haha I'm 5! haha... yeah.. most people from Paris are short? Did not know that... Tokyo, Japan is also pretty cool place to live (perfect for short people too :P). There are so many subcultures, I...|||Well, not sure about others but my INTP believe that it is essential to try to understand people, even those who has done bad deeds. He thinks that by trying to understand why people do certain...|||Hey all, thanks for the replies. Yeah.. I will definitely try to communicate with him more. Today we had pretty heated discussion about fairness in the society. Almost at the end of our...|||Dating an INTP right now. We like each other a lot but not sure if we're right for each other. I'm waiting for him to tell me he loves me. He's waiting for me to tell him I love him. We're both...|||Wow that sounds awful and yet familiar! I have the same issues as well. You're lucky that your mom wants to help you and want to know what's going on. For me, my mom pretended I was totally normal...|||Lol.. sometimes I feel like I have an inner J in me despite being an INFP. That's why Js bother me sometimes because I feel like their constant planning and rambling are overpowering my own needs...|||Hm.. interesting. I, too, have pushed people away because I got too close with them. I have a friend whom I've known since the first day of college. Our friendship was pretty stable until the final...|||I think character development is very important in TV series as well as in movies. It's annoying to see how a character is the same in the end of the movie/series as s/he is in the beginning. What's...' | 8,334 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Yikes! It is over 2 years since my initial post and I am in pretty much exactly the same place. Could do lots but just don't see the point of it. I worked so hard up through the end of my 30s and...|||Chive|||Socks|||Extremely interested to know more about this. Do you references or further info?|||That is a great reminder. Thanks!|||Yes... Met someone for the first time 15 years ago and had the reaction of, Well THERE you are! it was like seeing a long lost friend who was supposed to have shown up 2 weeks ago and finally...|||Spacious, peaceful,quiet|||Looking for ideas from INFPs who I think will really understand this. i've just finished a huge project that went, on the whole, quite well. And I feel completely done with it. Partly because I was...|||Old growth redwood forests stay.|||Spore|||Wicks|||1. Having found and put into practice nonviolent communication. 2. Having found and put into to practice (and recognizing it is a work in progress) the wisdom of great teachers. 3. Having a life...|||Birds chirping outside.|||My life is like a fruit tree with many grafts. There are a few main branches, each having a few lovely fruits, and each main branch has a different type of fruit than the other branches. Some fruits...|||I've just pulled out a guitar and am fingerpicking gently. Imagine harp music but coming from a guitar. Keep reading, don't look at me, and just enjoy your book or conversation or gazing over the...|||I don't mind reading in the lounge chair with you reading in another lounge chair across the way. I'm enjoying the full spectrum lighting in the lounge and also the big picture window looking out...|||Music is huge for me, the one strong, constant thread through my entire life. I cannot remember not playing music, and have written my own material since I was 17. It is my connection to my true...|||As to how I was as a teenager... I was great in school and with music and didn't care one whit about appearances, dating, social functions, etc. I hung out with a few other brainy kids, essentially...|||I was like that all through high school, then went to a very liberal university at 18... And life began!!!! Life burst open with all kinds of explorations, new vistas, and experiences. Hang in...|||Do you find being around people drains your energy? A very good friend just stayed with me for a day and a night, and we had a really good visit, walks and talks and a nice dinner out. And today I am...|||Counselling is a good choice, but choose which kind carefully. I studied cognitive therapy and it drove me up the wall they way they put everything in boxes. Try a person centered approach, or...|||It depends. They most definitely get refined over time if you a) practice listening for your instincts/gut/internal knowing and b) adopt practices that strengthen that wise, knowing voice that...|||What has helped me a lot are two things: 1. Meditatation - recognize the emotion, just notice how it manifests in your body and you your thoughts. It isn't that you are trying to increase or...|||Need an option for 'none of the above'. I would opt for 'insight' or 'wisdom'.|||A question for INFPs old and young - do people appreciate what you offer the world? i have long struggled with lack of appreciation, with people either just not valuing what I have to offer, or...|||Ha! For me it is about the heartlessness and lack of gratitude of the greedy chip-makers, who care about money and not at all about Sister Potato. They think she is just a plant.|||You can learn to look after and truly nurture yourself. You can really take time to tune in to what you want / need to do to nourish your heart. We will all leave this world on our own - you have...|||You think of two or three different words you could use to say something, and then misspeak by making up a word or sentence that combines them. The first one I remember is ' Mom-ther ' (mommy...|||Interesting holidays. I kept the entire period clear of all commitments other than a Skype call with family and great play sessions and 2 long walks a day with my Lassie-like dog. It has been...|||Reminds me of a story about a family friend of my grandmother. When the first phone came into his house, he always answered it with a gruff , 'Well?!?'|||Yes, i also find the disembodied phone voices awkward. And also self-conscious with the Skype videos, though there is something else about Skype in that it feels rather empty and unreal to me....|||You can spend days alone and feel that you are in very good company!|||This has baffled me for years, but I know it is simply true for me. Emails, fine. Letters, I love them. But the telephone, I dislike it and will put off making calls. Sure, I do use it and have a...|||Yes, this is it, exactly. I understand the being upset and can empathize with that... But I don't know how to support my friend when that 'flip a table' state of mind appears. Is there anything you...|||It can happen in a situation that is new. We were meeting some new people multiple times over three days. My ENFP friend thought we were supposed to be doing activity A, and it turns out there was...|||Meditate. Not necessarily on a cushion, but give yourself quiet time for simply being. Block off times in your diary for yourself and guard them ferociously. Learn Nonviolent Communication -...|||My ENFP friend is incredible - smart, hard-working, gracious - until said person doesn't get their own way or feels challenged. The challenge doesn't even have to be real, just in the ENFP's head. ...|||One of the most helpful things I have ever heard came from a Buddhist nun, who said that people are inherently unreliable - even the most dependable and devoted can disappear through external...|||My best friend's type isn't on the list. It is FURRY. My dog - sensitive, cheeky, a fab personal trainer, a great teacher through mirroring my attitudes (good and bad), dependable, engaging, loyal,...|||It's not so much about them, as they are thinkers and still do not 'get' where I am coming from and aren't interested in MyersBrigg. What your post does brilliantly is help me understand my...|||Yep, that is me, too. Happier to be co-pilot but willing to lead for a time if nobody else is going to, or if someone who really isn't capable is trying to take the reins.|||Wow. Yes, I recognize loads in there. Thanks so much for posting. All these years after growing up in a family of thinkers, it is healing to read so much of my experience was normal for an IFP child.|||Oh, yes, listening! It is so embedded in who I am that I forgot to mention it. Since adolescence people have said, 'You are a very good listener' and for years I didn't understand that. it is...|||Secret weapons? patience and composure creativity - just today I wrote a personalized Haiku to make a greeting card for a dear couple special reading people's vibes, so I know if something is...|||Unclear. My brother who I've cut ties with (he has hurt most everyone in the family) is trying to invite himself for a visit. He wrote to say his daughter is getting married, I replied simply saying...|||The ticking of the clock. Otherwise, blissful silence.|||Can you take a few moments and think of what you got by cutting off ties with her? And phrase those in the positive (like 'stopping torment' would be rephrased to what that gives you, maybe 'peace'...|||What did burnout feel like to you? Did it get better, and if yes, how long did it take and what did you do in the meantime? It's very true about being in my head and not in the body. Funnily...|||That's it, exactly. If I lose, I don't like that feeling. If I win, I cannot help but imagine what the person who lost is going through, and I don't want that person to feel bad.|||Kundun! And I would greatly enjoy being the _female_ Dalai Lama. :-) | 4,358 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Hi there everyone, sorry to hear it if it's true that this awesome thread has lost popularity. Seems like it has though since the last post was in August. Either way just in case some people are...|||What is usually the cause for you to genuinely care for a person's well being? (related what what value their hold in society?) How do you show it? Include the aspects that seem to relate to being a...|||I thought it's difficult to find a good finance job with a finance degree unless your from a top 10 school.|||You have no idea how much confusion you are clearing up for me. ^^ Some pieces of data I've been seeking for so long.|||That's exactly what I thought! But I just couldn't rationalize why people would pick such a topic if they wanted to mess around. Wherever I looked the first thing people would say about the CPA is...|||Yeah that's what I meant when I said that I'm just doing it to open doors. Plus, you can work internationally with that license and I don't see it being the same with engineers. Can you work on...|||How bad is it for an intuitive? People say that it's awful and boring but the thing is... most of the jobs I see most people doing do not look fun either. They tell me it's detail oriented and I hate...|||Just curious, why did you decide to base it more off of tone of voice? Is just what you usually do?|||Someone who's inner goals are complimentary to mine. Someone who understands all the inner agony that I feel as a 4 and can help me find the truth about myself.|||My mother, everyone else is a sensor. Her presence kept me sane.|||They never knew me all along.|||Hmmm, that is interesting to me. Given only that I can't say much more though. I do that too, try to read in tone of voice.|||I identify with both of the F-T/T-F axis. People who use one axis tell me I use the other because they don't relate to mine.|||Haha, I suspected someone was going to say Fi dom because of that last post, and not enough Ne to make INFP. Plus, I looked like I'm easy to bully when I wrote about my childhood. I edited the last...|||I forgot about this. I don't identify with it at all. I actually tend to feel repulsed when I interact with someone who lives by this. Reminds me of quite a few people. ...|||I really don't think this has anything to do with anyone's type. I liked everything when I was a child and once I was in the right school I excelled and enjoyed everything without the slightest...|||Yes, I just took it again now. They are almost always contradictory, they don't tend to differ too often though. Sometimes the functions where I typically score in the middle range change. I can't...|||I didn't pay any attention to what type of questions I was answering. I just answered the one's where I could find something to write about, most of them seemed very daunting to think about somehow...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||Huh. I didn't know you could do a search like that, I'm new here. Only 11 4w3 INTJs active...assuming they are typed correctly, that's even more rare than I thought. And just for the record, I...|||If any of you identify as INTJ 4w3 please tell me about how it manifests in your MBTI type and how it makes you different from most INTJs.|||Are you secretive when you are working on a project or advancing in an area that you truly care for? Is it hard to find the words to describe it to someone else if they ask? I feel like I'd never...|||u3000 Hah, this is exactly the sort of thing I was waiting for someone to say. Would you say that you would put almost anything over the money and fame? Its importance is stereotypical among 3's but how...|||I've always assumed that type 3 is a type that is more common among sensors whether or not that is true, only now that I think about it, aren't sensors more common among all types? Since their...|||The contents of this response is exactly what I was hunting for. I wanted to know whether something like this was associated with type 3. I might just refrain from throwing type 3 out of the list of...|||One main concern is that this lab report is group work and if these people are the one's that need most help than I am not in a good situation. I despise this type of teacher. We are going to be...|||Pretty much true yeah. But this kind of thing is uncomfortable.|||Yes, it's bothering me quite a lot.|||No second year. What makes you think I'm a first year. I'm in the United States. I don't wanna drop even though the whole deal is quite....hectic. I refuse to graduate late. In fact I'm obsessed...|||You mean just not speak with her when you say ignore her? I suppose that's an option, only that if you have problems later and you need to speak with her than it might up with me looking like someone...|||Um anyways, I just want to know whether I should watch out for anything long term and perhaps what I should do at this point exactly. This looks like a bad sign to me so I don't wanna run into...|||I don't know if your being literal about the country thing. -Biology 1 (5) -Physics for Engineers 1 (5) -General Chem 2 (5) -Calculus 1 (5) -Statistics (4) -Economics (3)|||I'm not sure what you mean about the classes. This is the first Biology class that where your grade doesn't seem as test based though, we do a lot of meaningless things in there that don't pertain to...|||That's what I thought which is why I made this thread, because I feel like withdrawing and if I do that any longer I'm gonna get supremely screwed. I was already in a horrific mood when she said that...|||I am not doing well in that class even though I intend to get an A but since I'm taking 27 units am not adjusted to my schedule YET. I have never done this before and therefore for the first homework...|||I also don't know what I'm attracted to. I could be imagining this, but it seems like computer science, engineering, science, and business all seem to be more connected with society while doctors...|||That's the thing, I really don't know. For example a scientists (including computer scientists) deal with a lot of pure theory. While ideally someone who goes into engineering has more of a problem...|||^^ Yes....[/FONT][/COLOR] The T-shaped knowledge business is very suited for me and I know that this becomes more and more true, but according to some research, it's still riskier than just...|||I noticed that nobody really commented on what would be a good combination with business.|||And where are you with that at the moment. Glad to hear you stand by your decision back then.|||How exactly did you study it online? I think I need to spend some time and do that. I've though of that method but my interests and the subjects I'm good at just don't make very smooth...overlaps. :(...|||This is not your opinion of the majors I've listed yes? LOL. Most are very math heavy.|||I've run out of time to pick and choose it seems, the classes in each major start in sophomore year which I will begin in just couple days. I'm registered for a bunch of science and business courses...|||If your a genius which I'm not, not sure I wanna start a billion dollar company anyways.|||I find it interesting that your reasons for these majors seem so pragmatic, yet you say your a solid advocate for doing what you enjoy. Say you do chemical engineering, doesn't that already have a...|||Have fun? How could anyone have fun in the tornado you've described and if engineering swallowed that much of your time than how did you manage CS on top of it? What kind of school was this? All the...|||You mean the majors I've mentioned right?|||Yeah all the concepts in Geology really drew me in because it was so easy to see how everything was connected. I really liked the first few days of class....until the damn rocks came in and it didn't...|||Hello, I'd appreciate advice on how to choose 2 majors (definitely doing) and wanted to get some advice from NT's and decided that INTJ was a fair match based on what I'm considering. -Natural...|||And a majority of the type 4 manifestations apply to you right?' | 5,193 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'SirEthanTheSexy http://i40.tinypic.com/20zqs7t.jpg|||that was supposed to be in all caps but perc hates excitement|||My favorite thread|||Caring for the wounded/grieving or isolating ourselves and preparing our minds for the afterlife. Depends on whether we've given up. :)|||Those are general traits. Not INFJ-specific.|||Of course. Pretending to be cool with things makes interactions run more smoothly. The other person feels good, the other person builds good reputaion with me, and I'm not responsible for any...|||I don't see why concern for others can't stand alone as good. I also highly value knowledge on social issues and hope to stick up for marginalized groups. I have noticed it has become a source of...|||Left out a few cuz mood disorder. 2. I don't feel the right ones. The ones I feel make me an asshat. 4. I feel sympathy for others all the time. I can't turn it off. I wish I didn't give a...|||HatersGonnaHate We mope about how the rest of the world doesn't care as much as us about sociopolitics.|||lunareclipzee infp cuz oNLY INFPS LIKE ANIME AND BEING EMO|||Gut feelings are easily changed when you learn new things.|||What 'universal reality' are we talking about?|||Basically. I try to interact with people face-to-face as little as possible. I do wish I was alone 24/7 but it's hard to do when I'm used to living with all this STUFF I can't make by myself. A...|||Haha, so many say us INFJs are mysterious. Care to explain? :)|||An ISFP SEI. She was so mysterious that I couldn't figure out her type in any other theory. ;) The introversion + keen insights (on people) + my difficulty figuring out what's on her mind led to...|||Well, I'm 6-1-2, and I definitely empathize & would want to comfort a 2. Not necessarily a 1, though, who would seem like a stick-in-the-mud to me (a little hypocritical, lol). I have trouble...|||6-1-2 here. Yes, I was. ;) When I couldn't do what I want w/o getting in trouble (starting at teenage age), though, I just pretended to be well-behaved & misbehaved behind ppl's backs, which no one...|||No, I don't like silence. I feel like I'm failing socially if there's silence.|||Legend. Of. Korra. Premiere. Was freaking aaaaawesoooooooooome!|||Climbing up the ladder of success is what I do best! Who cares about analysis? Let's just watch this for fun! Well, I could be wrong about [insert moral standard here]... I'm nothing...|||Run awaaaaaay! I'm not in a state where I'm equipped to support others, and sad people make me sad, so there's nothing left to do but leave.|||I don't notice a huge difference...I'm passive-aggressive and I can be yelling at someone in my head while smiling and being nice to them...the one case where I am more emotional in private is when...|||Ungrateful Selfish Entitled Lazy Burdensome Stubborn Mean Overdramatic Whiny Immature|||In my ideal world, conflict is resolved through hugs...|||EII here as well. Socionics Fi really stood out to me as the center of my being in a way that MBTI Ni doesn't.|||Heaven. No suffering. Only hugs & kitty petting. If we're talkin' fictional world, I'd love to live in Avatar: the Last Airbender or Naruto & have cool powers. Actually, scratch that, the...|||Racist against extroverts/introverts? Please don't compare genocide to simple personality bias/prejudice.|||Dumb intuitive - Invader Zim ;) Smart sensor: My ESFP friend who's a physics major & loves to talk about science, philosophy, & politics.|||I like single player RPG games. I hate playing w/ others cuz I feel I'll drag the group down. I appreciate highly quality graphics & enjoy exploring. When I battle I like to keep a distance between...|||Haha, my ESFP friend keeps telling me to add honeys & darlings & see u laters & smilies to my messages.|||Haven't noticed. I've had miscommunications w/ every1, including my friend who is the same type as me in every theory. I've noticed it happen the most when ppl use logical fallacies & strawman...|||You just described what I'm critical of.|||Explain intuitive conversation.|||Fe is fake. I like to have positive interactions with everyone. It's not my fault you interpreted it as us being best friends. :dry:|||Fe is fake. I like to have positive reactions with everyone, and it's not my fault you interpreted it as us being best friends. :dry:|||Survival. Put an ESTP into a forest and they'll come out with two dead deers slung over their shoulders, ready to cook. Put an INFJ into a forest and they'll come out saying they found enlightenment,...|||I listen to music hours each day. My INFJ mother sometimes turns off the music and says, I just want some peace and quiet right now, and I'm like, HOW COULD YOU NOT WANT MUSIC PLAYING?!? I play...|||http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr1f6uNe971qhtjfto1_r2_500.gif|||Humility...|||To answer the necro OP, I desire a positive atmosphere, free of conflict (unless someone gets hurt, then I strike), and to build a good reputation with everyone (unless they're bigots; then I'll...|||Speaking of this, I always laugh when someone makes a joke, even when I don't understand it or don't think it's funny. The purpose of a joke is to make people amused and so I don't want to bring down...|||death...|||80057 source It's an attachment. Click to see a larger picture.|||I don't deserve such praise|||Banned because Keep Calm posters are old hat!|||1) describe your relationship with passion Uhh...well I conceptually care about certain values very much, but I don't necessarily have immediately intense emotions backing them up, nor do I...|||Scum, suicide, feel. Surprisingly accurate.|||Because it's fun :D MBTI forums bring a more heterogeneous population than other sites I visit (which are about one specific trait/hobby that everyone shares) so I like to talk about...life with you...|||Ehh. I wouldn't call myself one way or the other. I got told once that I see a bunch of things that everyone else ignores but I'm pretty sure that's only because she was a naive optimist and I'm a...|||Because they'll stomp all over my sensitivities and dismiss my problems as stupid. Why try? I don't feel the need to.' | 6,261 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Sensors r so dum lolol da N label valid8 my speshul|||omfg don't joke about obscure things that would never, ever happen you insensitive prick. :P|||i like the chao in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle much better than its predecessor.|||Reicheru|||had that problem at university. they would not accept my introversion or need for time/space and when i asked for it would not accept it at all. so now i commute instead. don't be surprised if people...|||thank you. i will treasure it always.|||my Ni's got nothing considering i haven't looked at anything outside the spam section for weeks due to lazy, oblivious inferior Se.|||inferior Se says whaaa? wha happunnn?|||hmm. y'could draw me whatever you think a dagnabbit would look like. ;)|||the boundaries have been expanded to me/broken down, so their right to say it's my business was ultimately forefeited. i went from somebody outside the matter (though aware) to being put on the...|||not at all, considering the person in question paraded it in front of the whole group/bragged. the moment they aired it in front of the group is the moment they made it my business also. if they did...|||i am sick of that also and try to make it a point to stand up for what i believe in. on the other hand, i'm then seen as forceful and judging. even when it's something as simple as, you us all you...|||hey, wouldn't want to feel guilty about the starving African kids now would i?|||i used to have an INTJ friend who was overweight.|||i'd pick three dumb members i disliked in order to off them and be alone on MY island without being detected or feeling guilty about it. :D|||:(... please be okay. <3|||yiffstick|||white dwarf|||happy birthday. you're 1 year closer to death! have a swell day. <3|||the relieving moment when the offender was b& and we can just smile at one another & chuckle nervously like it was less disturbing than it was.|||i don't think i've had one of those fluffy feeler moments in a long time. these days, my feely-weelings are just another thing fuelling the runaway train of MUST CAMPAIGN FOR THIS AND THIS AND THIS|||i desire a soaking bath scented with lavender, and maybe some rosé. i'm dirty today. and i desire some food. i'm thinking a sandwich; something with chutney, or red onions. i haven't seen my...|||the very awkward moment when one PerC member writes a sex poem to another on a public board.|||i am your baby daddy.|||i'm willing to wager that the people in this thread preaching that Amanda deserved it, that she brought it on herself, that she is weak would not last much longer under the same torment - not only...|||you clearly have never experienced empathy.|||i dislike or am indifferent to most other people in my social circles at this particular point in life, both male & female. but i have always preferred the company of men since i could rip off a...|||wow, enrapturing.|||i want to change my name to 'Definitely' now because of this thread. anyway, welcome to PerC. your name makes me smile.|||1. actually it is quite understandable that somebody might misconstrue you as a troll considering you have such a low post count and on your second post on this forum go on the attack. it is your...|||most times i engage Se i either fall flat on my face or get a headache. i try to live in the moment, and my brain goes into overdrive interweaving all of the possible problems and consequences...|||you know you're a Sensor when not one detail in your immaculate home or a personal project is out of place. :)|||ah, good! well then i wish you luck.|||have you experienced any signs of hyperactivity or been unusually impulsive, nervous, or irritable? do you have high levels of anxiety at this point in time, or feel like other people are out to get...|||absolutely! especially the last sentence. matters of the heart are never simple are they? XD if only stores sold crystal balls... (batteries sold seperately)|||sorry, i seem to have been the one to misread your post. XD no worries. i agree with you. i suppose it would've been better to agree on how we define 'dating' - i was more referring to 'dating...|||i think i see what you are trying to say, but breaking up with somebody and seeing multiple people as once are two different things. if anything the negative effects of dating around can be more...|||different MBTI, same cognitive functions but i completely agree with you, OP. i personally do not see the difference between promiscuity & dating around. calling it dating around instead of...|||i've never met a douche who stomped all over somebody else's feelings & didn't think they were a nice guy. just saying.|||for some reason i misread the title of this thread as 'bacon bondage'... that's what long-distance relationships do to you, folks. :'(|||i am curious - do you believe, then, that ISTJs think more visually than INTJs? or are you implying the opposite? why? very interesting read, thank you for posting. :) i would have to agree that...|||the creepy, weird kid who always sat alone at the back of the class. somewhere between weirdo/dork/misanthrope/animal lover/'drawer'/sarcastic ass.|||both thinking functions are high, Fi is also present high up and Se ranks the lowest on that list... i would say you're probably an INTJ. INxP doesn't seem likely, seeing as you're too low on Ne....|||like i said, i stopped hiding it upon realising typism is unavoidable & simply forgot to change back the tag thing in the profile. :p|||i originally hid mine with the intention of avoiding typism, as Muchaparadox said. however, this worked against me, as people continued making typist remarks against me, assumptively stereotyping...|||congratulations on reaching your 1,000th post and making me lol with the most epic forum name i've seen on here in some time. :P|||oh yes, and OP, i like the smily face in your MyPersonality.info box. it gives me the fuzzy wuzzies.|||no. mistypes are always going to happen, and not everybody fits perfectly into one square, neat little box. i sometimes might think to myself, this person seems more XXXX but i always conclude that...|||the one thing i have less time to do than post that much is post about how much others post. bit of a mouthful that one! :tongue:|||Pe and Pu. clearly.' | 6,379 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Turi ... I can see a lot of Se in you, you're definitely a SP type. At first I thought ISFP, but then after a closer look I thought that maybe you're an ESTP. ...|||Thanks for the post :) . Not sure if you mean the singing duo as a metaphor, but we both are indeed singers :laughing: . And he types as ENFJ, but they might seem ST at times, mostly males tend to...|||I don't really believe in VI, but I'm bored so... Me https://s14.postimg.org/rosaneeo1/4687902_IMG_1117.jpg Me&my boyfriend...|||Breakfast: I slept at my boyfriends and he made me sausage with bread, hummus and vegetables. Lunch: Chicken pasta Snack: low cal raw chocolate bar Dinner: 2 slices of whole wheat bread with...|||Being ok with drugs is a sign of liberal thinking which is associated with high openness to experiences which is associated with intuition. BUT I'd argue this to be highly dependant on individuals...|||ENFP Type most likely to believe alternative facts and conspiracy|||Thanks for the post, inferior Te sounds so much like me!|||The dominant Te sounds like a promised land that I've been trying to achieve my whole life, but every time I feel like I mastered the objective, goal oriented sober mind I wish to have, it leads to...|||As I mentioned before, I've been fighting with depression and anxiety for the past 10-11 years. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse, currently I have a good period and I don't go through any...|||The very first time I typed myself as 479, then 469, then 459 and now I'm back to 479|||The Ne description sounds very much like me, when I was a child, but the older I get the more I tend to be critical and cynical about ideas and I don't like people who act on their ideas without...|||Thanks! Do you have any tips for deciding between ENFP and INFP?|||UnicornRainbowLove This was an excellent analysis, thank you! When I take an MBTI test I always score highest on N and P, I've scored as all NP types so far and I more or less relate to all of...|||All of them? I'd waste so much time on this question to be honest and I think other parts of this questionnaire will say everything necessary about myself so I'll skip this. I want to be successful...|||I have my group of close friends with whom I regularly meet and I like to spend time with them. I can be even outgoing, funny and charismatic when I am with the right people or when I am in a small...|||I wanna play! Kitty23 Fe vs Fi test 1.Are you more about people and social connectionsx94 (Fe)? Or personal values, authenticity and identityx94 (Fi)? Fe 2.Do you believe that individual...|||I've seen ENTPs who do that, then also some ISFJs.|||I think it was just a bad joke that you took too seriously... People do stuff like that all the time while not realising that they can actually hurt someone. I wouldn't put much weigh on it.|||It's more or less a stereotype and it depends on how matured and helthy the person is. They are many childish people who think they're the center of the universe and they do not necessary have to be...|||Thanks, I was looking for something like this|||Yes, but that's for fun, not for really picking parteners based on it :D|||Whenever I try to type others I seek for answers in their questionnaires that support my theory to show them how they use the functions. I don't like out of the blue typing. I am not saying it's not...|||It's very hard to pick an ideal type as no type is ideal and people of the same type can be so incredibely different you can't possible judge people based on it.|||I would never date someone based on their type|||I want to be successful and recognized for my work and talent. I want to find out who I really am and what is my true passion and dedicated my life to it. I want to be able to use my full...|||You seem like someone who values their own sense of inner peace and comfort, I see your values are more traditional and quite family oriented. - Si You see yourself as open minded and flexible...|||7w6-2w3-1w9 so/sx|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZChXK2rdr9M|||oh wow! That's awesome, I am glad you liked it :) .|||Thanks for the analysis. I self type as 4w3 so I agree on that, when it comes to gut type, I am actually surprised I socred as 1w9, becase I always thought I am quite a clear 9. I always had issue...|||I have an idea of what my tritype most likely is, but this seems like fun and one can never really be sure: 1.) Select all of your fears. - The fear of deprivation and pain. - The fear of...|||This is me! I do it all the time...I think it's a part of copying mechanism with unhappiness or boredom in your life. People who suffer from depression or other form of mental illness are more prone...|||I think that there are many factors that make INFPs more prone to despression than other types. There's however one obvious fact, a lot of unhealthy, unbalanced and emotionally turbulent people type...|||Any type can have zero social life, MBTI doesn't predict what your life is like.|||hmm more NT than ST, not e3 more like 6w5|||I am getting Te vibes|||Mots likely yes|||Rock'n'roll girl power! What are your favorites? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQpZv2r8fb4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmYyPcEQKU4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH_rfGBwamc|||http://s4.favim.com/orig/150206/alternative-amazing-awesome-boy-Favim.com-2450314.jpg|||The Fog, The World It's the illusion of a beating heart that turns darkness into light it's a gravity of fall that turns chaos into whole it's the power of a chord that turns wild into...|||xNTP 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzduBFiTKyI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lic0oCDMfwk|||Probably the loner|||coffee and wallnut cake|||Sounds like ptsd to me... That is hard to overcome alone and if you're not in therapy I'd suggest to go to one.|||How do you know that the person really is an ESFJ? Even when ESFJs are suppoused to be carring and outspoken, some unhealthy ones might be more selfish and less socially confident, so maybe he needs...|||ENFP TMLT have messed up sleeping schedule|||Hello :happy: I just came here to tell that ENFP 4w5 sounds like a cool type to be!|||What you said about closness and how important it is for you sounds very sx first.|||I've always thought of myself as an introvert. In big groups I am very quiet, usually I don't say a word when I don't feel like. I am quiet with people I don't know well, I am usually known as the...' | 7,719 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'friend: Ugh I'm really bad at using a ruler me: That's okay, all Americans have a bad history with rulers I don't know if this counts, but: brother:What time is it? me: Adventure time.|||I think you were just in the spur of the moment. Sometimes I also want to finish things that I am looking forward to, but not everything. I just like starting things :3|||no one listens to me... they would rather listen to the girly girls in booty shorts and tank tops, who's reasoning for things is screwed up, or the ESFJ boy who's really loud and annoying but a good...|||................ :3 everyone likes cute NT's ^.^ I feel so special|||im an INTP...|||they missed the sarcasm again ;_;|||you can jog on the highway (the side, of course) or on sidewalks. (called being active.) you could make friends with fellow homeless people. yes you can get a job.|||Infp :3|||you need to get out of that negative mood. get active, go on walks, spend time with friends. try to get back into college, get a part time job, do things you love. don't kill yourself, its very...|||I don't care if you are a friend. best friend... on the other hand... Ill cry with you for no reason XD|||you are not god, thus you do not make the 10 commandments.|||nope. I just don't like drugs. and just because your smart enough to understand that drugs are bad does not mean that you are an immature 10 year old. I am fairly disappointed in you.|||...give him a hug? I don't know...|||I don't want drugs. I don't like drugs. I wish drugs never existed. ~lol~|||I can be mistaken as an extrovert when I am comfortable with talking with someone. ^.^ that didn't answer your question though :3|||ok... you just.... never mind never mind......INTP and NT... (sort of the same thing)|||fine. I confess, I wipe myself after I use the bathroom ;_; what a bad girl I am XD|||thank you smart person ^.^|||.... I play with my hair when I'm reading a book... or I just sit really still...lol.|||yes. 24/7|||~lazy ~that really happy and energetic person who had a dark side (lol) actually, since I was very happy and energetic at school, I would collapse at home and spend most of my time on the compter...|||I'm supposed to like Sci Fi apparently. I don't really like it, in fact, my ISTJ mother is more of a sci fi fan than me. I like fantasy :3|||.........I have no idea what it is. but there's got to be an INTP in there somewhere ^.^|||I am in no way a conspiracy theorist. if anything, I think that they are very pointless theories and they don't matter. I like other theories... ^.^. my father... on the other hand... loves them...|||small talk = absolute torture I am extremely bad at small talk. I'd rather be in a debate :3|||I like my INTPness ^.^|||I just don't want to do it. is there a problem with not wanting to touch yourself?|||I don't even want to see the video.... I'll just take your word for it :3|||0_0 1. just the thought....of how painful......that would be...... *starts mentally crying* 2. for a guy lover, that would be a bad thing. her vagina would be so loose.... you can imagine that....|||you just read my mind.... the whole SpongeBob thing and all XD|||that part about the pants... my mother does stuff like that all the time with me. me: hey, what would it be like if the world was an oval instead of a circle? her: hey, I got in a fight with...|||I don't have any outside parts. and I think it would be extremely painful to strangle your vagina...... *shudders at the thought*|||MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! yush, my follower! we are da best! lol|||................. I've never ever complimented myself.... except when I do something extraordinary. .......................how do you masturbate with your mind? ...|||..... it was cool... *blushes*|||......... I don't even know how to masturbate.... and I don't plan on doing it anytime soon. anyone can be sexy. ^.^ INTP's are just the best, because of our IMAGINATION MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!|||lol ^.^ now you cant join the INTJ army! be happy! :3 .....................please don't hurt me INTJ's...............;_;|||actually it wasn't me who told her... XD it was this other girl who bugged me to bits about whether I liked it or not, and I gave in to peer pressure ;_;|||I never stated that it was love... ever. I guess wanting a strong friendship is sort of like love though... ^.^ I just don't like having friends. best friends are better for me.|||lol it says my gender under my profile picture XD no I'm not lesbian XD|||I don't even want to...NO...nononononononnonononono no. this is... no|||.... I don't want to even know.|||mental games as in you mess around with someone's mind? I only do that with my brother XD|||I should have mentioned that we were really good friends for about two weeks and then she started drifting away... for some reason.|||im a girl....|||buy him a minecraft book with lots of pictures. it worked with my brother ^.^|||So, there is this girl that I find really fascinating and I want to be her friend. recently though, she's really been trying to push me away. ~she completely ignores what I say unless the people...|||no >:3 mwahahahahaha! I just have to close my eyes :3|||um... that's not what I meant...|||lol im still in the middle of the chimera ant arc :3 they haven't even battled the cat ant yet from my perspective XD im watching it really slowly so I can savor everything. recently I have been...' | 225 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'istj?|||Yeah I feel the same sense flattery as well, although I have no idea why.|||I've recently just been called a senile old man in a 17 year old's body. Has anyone else ever gotten this before? Thoughts?|||Thanks for all the replies guys. Truly, it means a lot. The INTJ apologized to me and told me he didn't really understand what was going on. When he asked questions about what I was mad about in...|||Thanks for the reinforcement. I agree it's time to quit it, even if it wouldn't really be called quitting at this point.|||496138496146496154 Everything in those messages I sent was true except for my intentions for sending them to him. The boyfriend got mad at her, and she went to the ENTP about it and was really...|||496098496106496114496122496130(continued in the next post)|||I just recently was part of a friend group with an ENTP, two INTPs, and one other INTJ. This friend group was together for about 2 years. I'm in my senior year of high school. The ENTP had this...|||I've never truly been in a relationship. One time a gay ENFJ guy gave me a blowjob. He offered, and it was at camp (I was a counselor at a sleep away camp) so I couldn't really think of a reason to...' | 3,125 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | Reddit and Snapchat.|||I really don't like it. Ironically, I worked in a call center and was the best performer there for a hot second. It's probably because my hearing/attention span isn't the best and I can...|||Hire a Samurai.|||I enjoy being feminine at times (dressing nice, make up, jewelry, spas, mani/pedi, etc.) but some aspects that are considered feminine are absolute torture for me (i.e. shopping). I've tried to like...|||Socks are like pants for your feet. Do you sleep with pants on? Savages...|||Cake Curry and Rice Popcorn Brussel Sprouts Mushroom Ravioli|||We should have a chore support thread. :D|||Literally the bane of my existence. I find that OneNote helps sometimes. If I can't keep up with my lists and I'm starting to forget steps it's a sign to slow down and focus on prioritizing. ...|||Egg in the basket with sriracha Coffee Pad Kee Mao Chicken Panang Carrots 2 Whiskey|||Pad Kee Mao and Panang Curry|||I bike to work. Living in one of the hilliest cities in the country and having a fairly unfriendly societal view on cyclists makes it incredibly annoying to commute, but it's free. I drive for...|||Pretty much what everyone just said. I don't really care if people hate me. There's some instances where I care (like they ostracize me for something I did 4-5 years ago in a mutual social circle)...|||I thought I was bad before of letting people get close, but after a self-induced toxic relationship I've pretty much given up on letting anyone too close again. If anything, it would be a years-long...|||People who go on power trips and think they're better than everyone else. Bonus irritation points if they make an effort to let everyone know through passive aggression and snitching. People who...|||I like wine because unlike other libations (whiskey) the price doesn't match the quality. $10 wine tastes the same as $100 wine to me. I'm a whiskey girl. ...|||Rock Lobster|||It astounds me how many people really got into what they said in the documentary after watching it. It was horrendous. I couldn't stop laughing when they tried to compare an egg to smoking 5...|||I think I am meant to be alone, and I have come to accept it. With some friends. Thank you, Mr. Franzia, and of course Ben and Jerry.|||I wish it were easy to not need people in your life. I wish it were easy to put the wine glass down, too.|||I lost 15 lbs. in about one month, maybe two weeks. The trick? I keep myself busy and pack small portions for lunch and breakfast. I'm usually too tired to eat dinner and bike an hour a day.|||Ha, so many responses since getting cut off from the internet. Thank you to those who provided a new perspective that I simply couldn't understand. For those who are curious, the girl is from a...|||I was an energetic child, but probably very annoying. I only got more and more annoying to people as the years went on, and probably stopped being as obnoxious when I was graduating. Now I'm a boring...|||Sleep and naps.|||Guilty as charged, but this is child's play. I stink up bathrooms with 20 stalls easily. Let me know when you stop working with noob poopers.|||I'm bad? u200bhttp://atomuniverse.net/AU/uploads/monthly_2016_01/7a0a076a3f3701cfa273cc9167384750.jpg.3c5a244b216eefb8f7f48ec5bace9664.jpg|||I don't have issues with laptops, because people may have time sensitive tasks they need to complete and have meetings all day. I have an issue with phones though. I bet my ass you're not audibly...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rey3m8SWQI|||I miss being young and having hope and excitement for things. Oh well. 60 more years until retirement then!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3biXm77tVD8 Nostalgia.|||Both.|||http://pre08.deviantart.net/d8a1/th/pre/i/2017/056/a/5/hockey_by_tawanda306-db0bnje.jpg|||I wonder if I'm capable of living off the grid. And whatever happened to accountability?|||http://personalitycafe.com/customavatars/avatar22022_73.gif|||Don't get too engrossed in a hobby, because most of the time it becomes less fun and eventually causes burn out. Try finding a balance of enjoying the moment with whatever you like to do and putting...|||Angry.|||Some people have a lot of pride in where they came from and what to do everything in their power to make it better like they remember it. Depending on the place people might not just know anything...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NXnxTNIWkc|||Are you likely to not answer or tangent from a topic of conversation if the answer you were going to provide would upset the other person? By other person, I mean a significant other.|||Why not?|||You'd be surprised to see how many people aren't the right type of people for a friendship. Not everyone meshes, and that's okay. Don't fake a friendship you know won't work out. Do you have any...|||Oh Starbucks. I do NOT miss working there. I eventually ended up quitting because the cleaning products the store uses ate up my skin so bad I couldn't stand to work there anymore. Plus, I only...|||I used to during my childhood. It's not my thing.|||I'm already happy and grateful for you not only recommending the book, but knowing that with the new changes of my life with my first job I can go to the library during the day and get it whenever...|||You should be happy. Supposedly. When you tell people you have been in a fairly happy and stable relationship for almost a year, recently got a huge promotion, began to start up your artistic...|||The previous position I was in tried really hard to persuade me to work from home. I talked to my supervisor about it (who has done it for two years) and basically said it's great because you can...|||Anything that pays the bills and you don't hate going to.|||When I was young, confused, and thought I was ENTP, I thought becoming a lawyer would be a profession worth investing in as it somewhat interested me. I discovered myself more, even dated a lawyer or...|||Eh, I'm more into what Dreamworks churns out. Every now and then Disney will have something I'm excited about, but it's not as intense as Dreamworks hype.|||I miss being single.|||http://pre09.deviantart.net/3ba4/th/pre/i/2016/366/2/c/summer_lake_by_tawanda306-datorqw.jpg | 2,608 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Thank you, Falling Leaves. Your advice was really helpful, and it made me laugh. :happy: Isn't that the truth... You're right; both she and I have been framing things about how he would...|||Thank you all for responding, I really appreciate it. thunder, what a great suggestion! Maybe that would at least offer stress relief, if nothing else. zynthaxx, in response to your message: In...|||Dear ISTJ in my novel writing critique group, If you say one more thing about how my genre, writing style or subject matter is not modern or popular or no one does it like that anymore, I...|||Thank you for your sweet note! Your words are very helpful and insightful. You're right -- it is a form of control. By not letting go, it makes me feel like I have some sort of sway, power or control...|||I am currently in counseling -- partly for this, lol. So I'll let you know how it goes. I'm a Christian, so I sought a counselor who shares my faith, and she recommended that I learn to forgive...|||My sister is an ISTP and kinesthetic learner (probably like many of you). She's really going through a hard time in her new marriage, and she doesn't seem to know how to process and work through her...|||Dear ISTP, You're masculine and tough, and I still get thrown by the fact that you don't have a very expressive face. So seeing you light up when you look at me because I'm carrying your baby is the...|||That's sweet! :happy:|||I'm pregnant with my first and due in six months (March 2014), too! Congratulations! So obviously I can't chip in with how my child will turn out yet. My mom is INFP and dad is ESFJ. We kids are...|||Always. I think it's because fear plays a huge part in how I live my life, and that's not healthy. Do not mistake the fear for intuition. I think our intuitive accuracy is greatly impacted when...|||Dear ESFJ, I could tell that you judged me for worrying about getting pregnant... and then judged me when I became pregnant and worried about a healthy pregnancy. Now that you're pregnant, too, and...|||So, whenever I start wondering why I don't fit in with all-female groups, I start going through a circle of questions: Is it really because I'm so unique or different, or am I just flattering...|||I'm having an insecure day. My husband and I are thinking about moving back to our hometown, and we're both really excited about it -- especially about being closer to our family and friends. I've...|||I'm the opposite. I apologize all the time. I'm pretty sure it annoys people sometimes.|||I just realized how much of my internal world is... my internal world. Hardly anyone knows how active this world is, and they probably don't really care, though I'd love to share it with someone. ...|||Dear Lord, yes. After being together for 9 years and married for 5, why can't I just accept the fact that my ISTP is just not an expressive person? I STILL am always asking, Are you okay? Why does...|||An ENTP friend of mine matches the orders many here have listed, with her (self-described, though not in the same terms) weaknesses being self-awareness and self-management. When she would chat with...|||What my Dad told me a long time ago: If you can't think of something to say, just ask them about themselves. People love talking about themselves. It sounds like you like this girl, so I'm sure...|||Dear ISTP, Thank you for listening to me cry because of my chronic writer's block and laughing at me while I smacked myself in the head and cursed by brain for not working, in true INFJ fashion. It...|||You just described my ENFJ friend and her ENFJ mother -- so I'd say ENFJ. :-) As an INFJ who works from home, I happily spent about four out of seven days home alone... lol. (Read: Definite...|||Sadly, I got swept into this behavior during a particularly unhealthy phase I went through when I was 21. To this day, I'm horrified and ashamed that I acted in such a way, but I think it taught me a...|||Last year, I returned to my love of fiction writing and began writing a novel that is deep within me and practically demands to be written (read: very important work, to me -- not just for kicks). I...|||Life isn't about justifying your existence. or, Choose peace over fear.|||Very cool! You will love it, especially with the ancestral link. (Some of) My ancestors were from Wexford, so my husband and I took a day while we were staying in Kilkenny to drive an hour to Wexford...|||I've been feeling the same way, OP. You didn't specify if you're specifically a Christian or if you relate to God in another faith, but a friend of mine recommended Experiencing the Depths of...|||I just went to Ireland in April -- it's incredible! I wish I could live there. We didn't stay in hostels, but IIRC, we walked by one in Glendalough. Granted, Glendalough is in the Wicklow...|||Hmm... I am kind of thinking that maybe none of it is unhealthy -- the unhealthy part is that we are uncomfortable with who we are...? Just a guess off the top of my head. It's weird, because in...|||Gah. That's me -- especially in social situations, which is weird, because I don't always remember feeling this way.|||Victor Hugo strikes me as an INFJ (a narcissistic one). On top of all his political activism and apparent ability to see both sides of things (judging by his flip-flopping between ideologies), he got...|||Here's what I LOVE about my ISTP: - Fiercely devoted to me - I know he will seriously do anything to make me happy (even though most of the time I don't think I deserve it) - He can ignore...|||Political systems seem good in writing. The common strain between them all? They depend on humans to carry them out. Flawed, selfish humans, which will always exist. Bottom line? No political...|||Dear ISTP, Thank you for always reading the new stuff I add to my novel and giving me good feedback. I'm looking forward to returning the favor and helping you bottle your second batch of beer...|||I think early retirement played a big part in how my ISTP chose his career. He will be able to retire at 46, but I think he'll wait until 56 to maximize his earnings. He's very strategic that way....|||Outwardly, I say some sincere version of thank you about a million times (I say thank you a lot.) Inwardly, I feel so happy and I think about it like, for a really long time! (If I think it...|||Both of my parents were teachers, and my mom home schooled me and my three siblings. She was tough. But that was incredible. If I could summarize all her teaching expertise in one point, I...|||I can relate to what you shared. I can't accurately explain my stance, but I simultaneously agree - yet I also don't totally agree. I'm currently close friends with someone who has done some...|||One of my long-term, close friends is ISFP. I've functioned as her confidant/shoulder/counselor/encourage-r for years as she's gone through hurdles and struggles, etc. Since she trusts me with a lot...|||You're probably right. *shrug* Not sure if it's actually an Fi thing (which isn't in our functional stack, but I am not good with the cognitive functions), but I'd agree that we can be pity-party...|||Yeah... I don't quite get the protector description. It doesn't seem to apply to either me or the other INFJs I know in real life. We're (speaking of myself and two INFJ friends) not assertive...|||Your thoughts are eloquently expressed and beautifully, artistically formatted! I've had similar thoughts, though not necessarily related to MBTI but just interpreting (or projecting!) people around...|||Ningsta Kitty - You may have already explained this (and if so, I'm sorry that I forgot!) but why do you like lucid dreaming? I was thinking about whether or not I'd try the techniques you mentioned,...|||This is a fascinating subject! I love dreams and dreaming! Like others have asked, Ningsta Kitty - please share the website and/or books you've enjoyed - I would love to check them out! :happy: ...|||Whoops - wanted to add: We should recognize that there's a difference between not being able to relate to a person and not being able to relate to what he/she said. Some instances may be the former...|||I think @Vivid Melody said it saddens her just because she wants you to feel accepted - it made her sad that you don't feel like you've connected (Fe at work). :happy: Sometimes I can relate to...|||A_Small_Potatos_Mind - One thing that has helped me understand my ENTP friends better is learning that they aren't arguing their opinions... they are sparring. To both my female and male ENTP...|||I don't have any solidified theory about this, but I'd be willing to say that Ni could share similarities with schizophrenia, though they would be much diminished/diluted... does that make sense? I'm...|||I think everyone has covered the main points: Find good friends (rather than seek the popular crowd), do your thang regardless of what other people think (e.g., embrace your quirks and don't doubt...|||Have you been to Personality Junkie? That blog has a few posts about Ne v. Ni like you suggested, and this piece about ENxP and INxJ discusses ENTP/INFJ dynamics with regard to Ne/Ni. It doesn't...|||Anything that engaged my imagination. Much of that I did on my own, but my mom would create treasure hunts and mysteries for me to solve. ...Embarrassed to say some of them took me years to...|||Have you ever seen this? I think it covers a lot of issues: The Other Side of the INFJ - Personality Junkie For me personally: I struggle with holding grudges. Also, in my attempts to handle...' | 3,076 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--DcGR4ovY--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_320/1238895886504840879.jpg|||feeling cold os i turned off the AC|||Show them instead of using words, though you should do this to everyone. N's can be equally oblivious.|||It's not about mbti, it's more about the enneagram type you are.|||Ya|||A miserable little pile of secrets.|||How come every Canadian on the internet is an asshole?|||A benevolent bacteria.|||Had a nightmare my mom and her friends were tortured and killed my mom in the dream was said to be the worst case cuz she was skinned alive and disemboweled. Just things stress b4 bed does to ya!|||Sometimes when i get overwhelmed by problems, i just lay down in bed and start meditating into ecstasy and i wish i could live in a magical, perpetual state of pleasure.|||People who do this kind of stuff, or even defends its utility makes me feel dirty.|||I guess i don't like, vain, pretentious, pompous people, like i'm what i'm because of my circumstances and environment, i didn't pursue to be what i'm(whatever that may be) by petty desires, i simply...|||I've never read any book but i like reading the internet and think for myself.|||Depends on how sleepy i'm.|||Happiness.|||Rain|||All of you 5 Signs A Girl Has Daddy Issues|||I think Ti-dom feels but they have a difficult relating their feelings to others, am i right? Correct me if i'm wrong.|||A doppelganger of mine would be an amalgam of every pattern i observe on others and dislike. Hell naw.|||wtf no|||Delete this|||Nah|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U1ShwjleSE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-derT2inbR4 poor doggo|||There is a real bipolar disorder but doctors expanded the meaning to prescribe more drugs and make $$$.|||Almost all Estp i see on this forum are weeaboos.|||Stop judging yourself though other's standards and live within your own values.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRhYOGmyg0c|||Big plans imply stress. I'd rather do good whenver i feel like it and hope it spreads like a virus.|||I draw in stylish cursive but can't seem to write some words like e's well.|||What's even a feeling? Does it prevent us from achieving objective truth?|||I don't like presumptuous/pretentious people either. ya gotta stick with the people u like.|||:blushed: hot!|||Never heard of this.|||I keep thinking uncomfortable and painful things all the time and cringe.|||I get fucked all the time by life.|||Nah. But i'm willing to try new things.|||Health.|||Only if you fuck the horse part.|||If the person cares about forgiveness, then they're probaby good, right?|||I've never felt that way. Seems like some bs vanity|||Drank coffe and i felt like i was gonna lose my mind or faint.|||Well, these things are all intertwined with your privacy, right?|||I had a dream i was in Russia and i saw Putin and then some Russians started opening me up with a knife and it hurt like hell. Must be the coccyx pain after my work out.|||Yeah, i understand. It's just that things people say are connected to the internal world, abnd it's important to acknowledge that in order to solve conflicts, some people keep lying and having...|||From whta i read on this forum, some think Fe is too intrusive and fake, like you don't understand other's struggle.|||Slap them with your titties|||Watch the fuck out, guys i'm gonna get so political now...|||A regular sleep schedule.|||I was told that when you swallow bubblegum it would stick to your lung.:exterminate: | 261 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'the last person I had a crush on is the one other INFJ I know. it's probably the only palpable connection I've ever had with a love interest, but I'm moving miles and miles away this weekend, so I'm...|||I'm an INFJ and I got INTP. probably largely because I chose all the inferior Fe choices, as lack of contextual manners and warmth bother me, but I'm actually much more tolerant of inferior Fe than,...|||INFJ (kind of) here. I'll weigh in with my own perspective and share my experiences. as far as flirting goes, I never initiate it but can carry it out well enough if I'm interested in someone....|||i was always a very shy and quiet child; i almost never spoke to anyone, though i wanted very much to meet others. the shyness eventually turned into social anxiety and related issues, and i've...|||i'm surprised that so many people are saying INFJ. i've been told that i'm hard to read, at least hard to understand motive-wise, but my emotions definitely spell themselves out in my bodily...|||definitely FJ. i loosely identify as an INFJ, but i recently discovered that MBTI isn't designed for people with personality disorders, and it isn't likely to work for us, which could explain why...|||your dad seems like an INTJ to me. my own dominant Ni makes me very much a doer, though the inferior Se of INxJ types can lead us to carelessness in our work environments. i would say ISTJ, but i...|||my dad is an ISTP and my mom is an ENFP. there was a huge initial attraction, of course, as they made the decision to have 2 kids together, but they essentially just don't work together. they broke...|||fox mulder from the x-files is definitely an INTP.|||fox mulder from the x-files: http://24.media.tumblr.com/ece4b96261abf59fe0ea12606b0ba9a9/tumblr_n17gs7Ks0P1qkwe6ao1_250.jpg will graham from hannibal:...|||i don't know if i think it's possible to find a consistently accurate method for grouping people by personality. motivations, learning styles, things along those lines: absolutely, but there's too...|||if you want to settle on a type, i'd definitely say INFJ. she reminds me of myself, but man, you got off easy with the cheating thing. lol.|||ENTP and ENFJ, hands down. though i generally have issues with particularly insensitive ENTPs.|||i never get jealous of accomplishments, as that's the sort of thing that's worked hard for. if i didn't get that achievement and i want it, i need to work harder. but i do get jealous of people who...|||as other INFJs have said, allow me time to formulate a succinct response. reading my mind is a great way to go about things, too. ;) don't be inappropriate. crudeness is fine if a little...|||ones (i don't intimately know any other than myself, so this might be off; just let me know): - when on their own, will appear very confident, perhaps to the point of being perceived as snobbish,...|||her whole persona seems very contrived (i know people are gonna get mad at me for that D: sorry), like she's playing a character even when she's not on the big screen, so i'm gonna go with ESFP. a...|||dominant and auxiliary Fe users might tend to become especially emotionally involved with and attached to people, so i think that if any rule were to be made on the subject, it'd be IxFJ and ExFJ. i...|||INFJ, 5/10 all the popularity i had came from an awful reputation as the result of a series of very poor decisions made my sophomore year, though. lol. all my friends were dropouts and graduates.|||i would type someone, but i've already looked through all of them and checked actual types. ;-; i'll type the person after me. had no clue what to say and didn't want to sound totally unconfident,...|||1) What is your MBTI type? INFJ. 2) What is your gender? female. 3) What type(s) do you admire/respect the most? (Why?) ENTJs and ENFJs for their leadership skills. ENTJs especially for...|||i want to make the world a better place for those who survive and are born after me, no matter in how minor a way. haven't done that yet. i want to experience something that makes me feel like i...|||hahahaha. i know a pretty cool ISFJ myself but haven't met any ESFJs i worked with, so i know what you mean. she does sound like an ISFJ or ESFJ to me. the homebody trait is pretty typical of Si...|||i have a lot of forbidden sex dreams and, honestly, forbidden scenarios in general. things that i can't go back to in real life. my subconscious is the only thing about me that seems to focus on...|||Sodaude: i can actually understand that. i myself would apologize because — not to sound stereotypically INFJ, ha — the emotional environment is too important to me not to, but i know what you mean...|||eh. i know an ENTP who is at least apologetic when he hurts someone's feelings. empathy isn't his strong suit, but he does like people and actually cares about some of them, so he tries not to be an...|||yes! i'm very gesticular. my face and body change with my emotions. my INFP friends always seem sort of deadpan.|||pretty sure i have a huge thing for ENTx. i've never met an ENTJ in person, but they sound great, and all of my major crushes have been on ENTPs. i find them interesting, intellectually-minded (which...|||tons of this is presumptuous and is definitely off-the-mark, at least personally. i am zealous, but not at all driven by anger. my desire to perfect others (and myself — as Dalton said, a sexual one...|||i'm obsessed with organization, but my methods of it are far from consistent. i'm constantly refining my idea of what's the best organizational method, so while taking notes, for example, i'll do a...|||i have noticed that my INFP friends don't care about getting people to see things the way they do, whereas i might tend to rally people up, try to get them to care about something... this is...|||Jinsei he was going to be one of mine. ^.^ aside from will graham, i relate to remus lupin and daenerys targaryen. i have daenerys typed as an ENFJ, but our natures are still similar. i'm pretty...|||why are you putting guidelines in quotes? you gave guidelines of what, in this case, fucked up means. i wasn't being a dick. on a forum that's probably mostly populated by teenagers and young...|||you're an ENTJ, it looks like. :~)|||personality types are actually based on functions rather than those E/I, S/N, F/T, and J/P dichotomies. there is some truth to them, but the truth isn't inherent. ENTPs' functional stack is...|||i have a hard time seeing fucked up as anything other than something serious. trauma, abuse, drug addiction, etc. lacking direction or living in a state of confusion isn't really fucked up, and...|||Oswin ISFJ!|||that's how i've always looked at it, but people get so extreme, and i'm just kind of like, okay, okay... you win. lol. i have looked into cognitive functions, and i've always been pretty positive...|||i don't think that's synesthesia. :-o i mean... maybe? i don't have that form of it, so i wouldn't know for sure, but i do know it's relatively common to experience physical reactions to certain...|||i've dated two ESTPs and my dad is an ISTP, so i guess i can weigh in on this. regarding ESTPs: the impulsiveness is kind of a drag. they do whatever they want to at the time, and with both of the...|||i think this sort of glorification, self-glorification, specifically, is useless and harmful. the outside world is, i'm sure, a profound experience to a sensor, just as the exploration of thoughts...|||i dropped out of school when i was 16, mostly due to problems with my mental health. i'm glad to see that that's not necessarily an uncommon thing on here; i normally get nervous about mentioning it....|||i'm 4'11 and have dated a couple really short guys (5'2 and 5'4). because of my own size, i don't really care. 5'7 is plenty tall enough! i'm sure lots of girls agree with me.|||word. in that case, they sound like my favorite kind of person. :~)|||haaa. it's really strange that i appear to be a cut-and-dry INFJ! i wouldn't have guessed. everyone convinced me a couple months ago that i was too emotional to be one (i'm thinking people might just...|||what do you find baffling about IxFJs? i'm curious. i don't actually know any ENTJs, so i have to go with those guys. i can't imagine how they'd be in person: horribly intimidating? scary? mean?...|||definitely. the funny thing is that our inferior function is Se, so i can see how we would actually have very messy spaces more often than we do tidy spaces. personally, i care about organization and...|||i just made a thread in the MBTI typing subforum, got a couple responses, and am now making this thread. i've always identified as a 4, at first a 4w5 and then a 4w3, but i'm thinking it's possible...|||that sounds like a pretty reliable team to me!|||why the apology?' | 2,498 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | The love of my life & one true happiness left me... empty & lost.|||Fifteen. I was severely depressed & really drunk so it was like... do what you want, there isn't anything you can do to me that could make me hate myself more.|||Original thread here: http://personalitycafe.com/guess-type/7259-friends-tv-show.html|||Hey! I just wanted to let you know that another thread exactly like this already exists: http://personalitycafe.com/guess-type/43019-skins.html Hopefully you will find it helpful.|||poems|||Since I was a child I have spent most of my time daydreaming, and I used to daydream about anything and everything with nothing in particular being my focus, although I have always loved creating...|||trees|||Rose: INFP Jack: ESFP|||Tony: ENTJ. Uses Te/Ni to manipulate people. Michelle: ESFP. I don't see very much Fe in her at all, let alone her being a Fe dom so I wouldn't say ESFJ. Cassie: INFP. Obvious Fi dom. Stuck in a...|||snail|||I love a man who's a wolf to the world but a puppy to his girl. I got a bad boy with big heart. ♡|||stars|||venom|||storm|||whore|||I have no goals and no real desire for them. I'm just making things up as I go along. I don't want structure, I just want to have fun.|||I'm studying psychology, although I really don't like organized education and I'm currently struggling with the motivation to even show up. I much prefer to learn things on my own, I learn better...|||seeds|||When I first took an interest in the MBTI, I took all the online tests I could find, and eventually took the official test in my high school psychology class. I find tests often mistype people, for...|||ISFPs. Being Fi-doms too they feel like sisters to me but more in the moment than I could ever be, and they're so fun and creative.|||Have you looked into cognitive functions, rather than relying on tests and descriptions to determine your type? I find tests and descriptions to be quite inaccurate tools because the MBTI is so much...|||I have never identified as another other type than INFP. It just fits me perfectly, I cannot imagine questioning it. I have never idealized other types over my own because I love being an INFP. I...|||sneer|||trees|||I love him I love him I love him|||I was going to describe what my memory is like, but I forgot.|||I lean towards ESFP for Dolores rather than ISFP, I just see more Se than Fi. In the beginning of the book she is very outgoing and always doing things, much less inside her own head than Fi-doms...|||In high school I always liked to sit in the same seat each time I was in a particular classroom, and if someone sat it in before me it made me really uncomfortable. You shouldn't ever touch my...|||I vote INFP. I see Ne over Ni. Also, why all the Courtney Love hate? Honestly, it was ultimately Kurt's decision who he wanted to be with, so why do you all act so concerned and hateful? I think...|||I think Daria is an INFP. She's not an INTJ just because she's smart. One of the key aspects of Daria's personality is that she has really strong values, which is a Fi-dom thing, and I think she...|||I love her music. Undoubtedly an ISFP.|||I often don't believe them or know what to do with them, so I just smile & say thank you. I hate it when people continuously deny them out loud. I think you should show at least a little gratitude.|||bears|||I love drugs, but you do have to be smart about them. Do your research & stay safe.|||FreeSpirit777 Private message isn't necessary, I don't really have much more to add to the subject. I became an atheist when I learned about the big bang, evolution & stuff like that on the internet....|||Psychology, biology and English.|||A Spy in the House of Love by Anaïs Nin|||I just don't view Jesus in the same way you do, I see him as nothing more than a historical figure. I was raised in a Catholic family but ever since I was a child it seemed like bullshit & I hated...|||I don't agree with you, but if it makes you happy then who am I to judge you.|||Currently my favorite perfumes are Flowerbomb by Viktor & Rolf and Dot by Marc Jacobs.|||I can never decide whether Astrid is an INFP or an ISFP. Love her though! I've read the book as well.|||5 letters, not 6... Ignoring the last two posts. Peach|||I do not believe in anything remotely religious. It just doesn't make any sense to me. What would be the point of a god? Why would they care? Life was created through the universe's own power;...|||heart|||I find it difficult to get along with anyone with Fe as their dominant or auxiliary function, which includes INFJs.|||I voted ENFP, ENTP & ISFP. I prefer to surround myself with people that are not exactly like me but similar. ENFPs & ENTPs help to bring me out of my shell & we have the best Ne conversations. ISFPs...|||I like many types of music. I like experimental & dreamy sounding things best but I also listen to various genres of rock, acoustic music with female vocals, rap, some pop, some electronic etc. I'm...|||trash|||Did the test & got chaotic neutral, just as I expected.|||I can identify with both idealist and dreamer. I would say I do not have a Si deficit (I don't see Si as putting value in tradition, rather I use Si a lot looking towards the past to make sense of... | 8,084 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'I confess that i focus too much on how others perceive me. I take it personally when people give me (harsh!) critiques because I'm not strong enough to get my feelings out of the way. I'm supposed to...|||this really cheered me up. hahhhAhaah that kid was pretty cute too. I wish i had somebody twerk all up in ma grill to ask me, the guy who asked me did it in math class....|||maybe I'd be a well-loved pair of shoes, like Vans or something. I could travel the world, see new things, converse with other shoes in the closet when I'm not being used, it could be fun.|||I'm insecure about myself in general sometimes, especially at school. But I know that my insecurities are probably the things that make me who I am, and i wouldn't give that up for anything.|||My friends must hate talking to me about problems, while I can sympathize with what they're saying, maybe even solve the problem, I ALWAYS point out the bright side lol. For once, can you like not...|||when others who don't normally wear glasses put other people's glasses on and they start to squint and then feel super intelligent for a few seconds ;) cuteee|||I can find the humour in almost anything, and most of the time I'll laugh it off, but some subjects that I really have a hard time finding the humour in are: self-harm, sexism and depression. Not...|||My mum is an ISFP and my dad is an ESTJ... they go well together. They don't fight, they balance each other out. Sometimes I think my mother's a bit too introverted for him though, lol, although once...|||Will upload later, my picture didn't work|||... couldn't get to sleep, it's 4am, so I whipped out my construction paper and miscellaneous craft supplies. So far I've made a bracelet, paper hat, fortune teller, numerous paper airplanes, and I...|||Flash mobs are a dead giveaway. But they're a bit hard to track, y'know, being spontaneous and all... I suppose if you ever have the chance to participate in one- boom- you're in. Loaded with 'em. ...|||Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club love this thread already ! :)|||During a conversation, I'll feel it's appropriate to say certain things, but then much later, after much analysis, I realise that for whatever reason, the person might have taken something the wrong...|||opeth98 Oh my gosh that's brutal! I've been in that same situation before though omgg|||I wish I would let you break my barriers and become someone who is a lot closer to me, but I don't have the energy, the time, or the (lady) balls to let you into my life. I'm sorry i push you away,...|||Today, I did the classic yeah I probably shouldn't have said that five hours after I blurted out the dumb thought in my mind. Actually, it's a daily occurrence for me, and I know, as ENFPs, that I...|||Was probably when my German exchange partner texted me telling me that when I stay with her, she's taking me to a BALL!!! Like a princess ball where girls dance with guys and people dress up I'm!!!!...|||I am an ENFP and sometimes I really hate my friends because I feel like they hate me :( I know they don't but when I spend too much time alone, my mind starts twisting things and I start to feel a...|||I love geeks|||thank you! this helps a lot(:|||I've had this hunch that this certain person is an ENFP... unfortunately, there's no way for me to get them to take the test! ugh. I have a small paragraph written about them, and I know that it...|||i'll have to think about my gooey insides... will be back!|||I had a really hard time trying to understand what this meant... I'm honestly not even sure if I *think* I know what this thread is about... But it sounds interesting! (:|||The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything they have.|||Dear Anonymous, I just want to know why you don't like me. What is so horrible and vile about me that causes you to ignore me? I can feel the bad vibes between us. It tears me apart and I don't...|||I can't be bothered to wear makeup... it takes too long in the mornings and I need all the time I can get to eat before the day starts hahaha! If I go somewhere fancy, I might wear some eyeliner,...|||Dimples :) and a sense of humour!|||Oh we didn't meet each other on the forum though! That'd would've been so neat!:D She accidentally found a picture of the two of us as babies together and started to do some investigating:P|||No, she's my real twin!:) It's confusing though, we were separated at birth by our parents, she lived with our aunt, and I lived with our parents. We found out about each other a couple months ago...|||Mother- ESFP Father- ESTJ Oldest brother- ESTP Older brother- ISTJ Twin sister- ENFP Me- ENFP Aunt- ESFJ|||We do get along really well:) I'm so grateful for that! I think a lot of it is because we haven't lived our childhood together and now we live together so we really value our time together! And yeah...|||AND I LOVE YOU! hahaha(: I felt the same way about some of the Sensors I knew as well, then I realized that it was probably the way I was explaining things:) hahaha! I've found that inuitives and...|||Omfg okay this made me laugh:)|||I tried talking to my friends about MBTI, I managed to type a few of them, but I was mostly shoving information down their throats like the geek I am... They don't really have an interest in it,...|||My god, each day you make less sense than the last, do you ever stop to think what the HECK are you talking about? Thanks mum... XD|||I'm really curious to know what you guys think! My twin sister (@DancerPrancer) and I are both ENFPs, and I've seen lots of people in this forum who say they have a ENFP parent or sibling in their...|||Yay! Hugs for everybody!! And a special hug to DancerPrancer because you're so damn huggable!!|||I'm in my teenage years currently and I can tell my Fi is way more developed than when I was younger, although I'm not sure about my Te. I have a hard time recognizing when I use Te, I think mostly...|||Mix of Water and Earth! Maybe Mud element? Ahaha :) really cool idea:p|||~A smile from that certain someone you've been crushing on (*swoon!*) <3 ~the smell of peppermint tea ~a soft bed to lie on after a long day ~the wagging tail of a dog:) ~the soft yet chewy...|||Pingu :p just so I could waddle around and be cute! hahaha|||I am an ENFP and even though I am an extrovert, I am shy. I don't always contribute to conversations, I simply take it in. I'll ponder what somebody has said to me for hours after it was mentioned....|||When I'm by myself, I spin everything out of proportion and I start to feel like the world singles me out and doesn't want me to be different. I think everyone has these moments occasionally, for me...|||I got ENFP as well, HAHAHHAHHAHA right on the money!|||I just had bacon and eggs for dinner, was perfectly perfect. I learned a new song on the piano today, by my favouritest band EVAR! School is out. I am probably (there is a 95% chance!) I will get my...|||Only about a month and a half ago! It's still very new to us! Twins being separated at birth seems like it never happens, but it's still a common occurrence! We've just started living together a few...|||Friends Glee and PINGU! Was anybody else seriously obsessed with Pingu as a child? 'cause I still am. His nooc-nooc sound is my war cry. Occasionally Saturday Night Live as well. :p|||I would go to when DancerPrancer and I were born, and right before our parents would decide to give her over to our aunt and never tell us we had a twin sister, bitch slap them right in the face. We...|||Very well then(: I was at my local swimming pool, and there's a rope that people can swing off from the pool deck into the deep end of the pool, (in my town, we actually call it a Zunga, just a...|||I was gonna mention a dream where I witnessed a person drowning, but yours was 1000000x more interesting by comparison.' | 5,187 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Confusion. Someone just showed me his inner feelings and now he ignores me (because of that?).|||Me not noticing that someone is taking a picture, in my own little world: http://i.imgur.com/7G6Nn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DxCTc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TfI3y.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upnTg2GPgTM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfrte4YvgAA&feature=related|||I've told you everything about me but I don't really know that much about you.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD710_IQz1s&feature=related|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUxU-bRvdRI|||I'm also from Finland och jag kan också tala svenska. Nice to notice that I'm not the only Finn here. :)|||ENFP's rock because they shine and make others shine too.|||I feel lost and numb. This feeling of nothingness scares the hell out of me.|||The cutest creatures alive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i8Iry9n9X4|||Here's another Psychology major.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZV2ySXezEU|||SPSS, numbers, confusion.|||I'm definitely drawn to people whose souls are older than mine. They make me feel that I can learn a lot from them, that they can help me to grow. I love being around people who make me want to...|||I can't say that I like my body or that I'm proud of it. It just is. I really wish I could love my body. And I'm sure I will. Someday.|||http://i.imgur.com/KdvTC.jpg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF3pBjPwgtg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ii8m1jgn_M|||Happiness is contagious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGA7MEPfO-4&feature=fvst|||Full of love.|||Maybe that's the reason why I like these colors so much. I love avocados!|||Right now these are my favorite colors: http://i.imgur.com/Aco9h.jpg Theodoros Stamos - Untitled (1971-72)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB0sXWwH_eA&feature=related|||I love these: Dancer in the Dark (2000) The Hours (2002) Spring, Summer, Fall, Winterx85 and Spring (2003)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPij63mSH30|||http://i.imgur.com/WX6Dw.jpg Theodoros Stamos - Deseret http://i.imgur.com/SEJ6i.jpg Joan Mitchell - Hudson River Day Line|||When I'm really upset I close my eyes and think of waterfalls. That calms me down.|||These: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCSnVO_PvCI|||This is exactly why the phrase hold that thought doesn't make any sense to me.|||I did this game too (but I won't post my answers, because they are in my lovely mother tongue). Apparently: I have a very small, fast changing ego but I am extremely easy to read. I have...|||Well said! I totally agree. I couldn't fall in love with a guy/girl, who has blank eyes.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPX9G3GwlwQ|||Thank you. :blushed: And I'm sure you would look absolutely gorgeous with a shaved head. You have such a beautiful face!|||I feel the same way about her. :happy: But she could be an INFP. Aren't her reactions quite INFP-ish? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUJ1yoh9lUM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNylyGG7kNI|||My best friend (who is also my sister) is an ISFJ. She's amazing: understanding, caring, kind, patient, sweet... When I'm with her I can be myself, because I know that she accepts me for who I am....|||Thank you. :happy: I really like your eyes too. They are so piercing and deep.|||I hate that I'm so afraid of the people I love the most. I'm afraid of them, because I'm afraid of love. I'm not afraid to love, but to receive love.|||A couple of years ago I shaved my head because I wanted to start a new, better period in my life. It was like a fresh start to me. http://i.imgur.com/oI6Ww.jpg|||Sitting on a balcony, drinking tea and watching the sunrise / sunset.|||I (INFP) have been in a relationship with an ENFP, and I think our relationship was built on this idealistic connection. We could talk for hours about anything and nothing, existence and...|||I took The Childlike Qualities Test too and got: Somewhat Adultlike You scored 79% Trust 63% Spontaneity, and 11% Worldliness An adult with the heart of a child. A nice person - people...|||Why don't you even try to understand me?!|||If I would have to describe my sexual orientation, I would say that I'm bisexual. Fortunately, I have also had a chance to date both men and women. :)|||I got the same results.|||Yeah, sure. Just buy me a ticket and I'll be on my way. :laughing:|||I like Mark Rothko's paintings. I also like the name Rothko because it's powerful and odd.|||Oh, thanks! :blushed: I used to hate them. I even cut them short when I was a child. Fortunately they grew back.|||This is me... http://i.imgur.com/Qapsh.jpg' | 6,522 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'ghostbusters......obviously inglorious basterds the royal tenenbaums bottle rocket zombie land|||i was going to put a shotgun in my mouth, obviously didn't do it i don't want to anymore, but if i had to, i'd jump off a high location|||proteus said exactly what i was going to say, there are just as many boring men as women NT males: do you think most girls, in general, are pretty ?..........yes, especially those that are...|||hold on to my hand i wouldn't call it a claw okay, it's a claw|||you should pursue a career in photography...........or just keep taking excellent pictures as a hobby|||thanks or posting, i have a young daughter and several nieces and nephews that i would like to think might see me in a similar way|||i don't know about other INTJs, but my mind is a toilet my favorite foods- blueberries, yogurt, avacodo, cashews, brocolli, lettuce, pepper cheese, dark chocolate (70%), pad thai, peanut butter &...|||i wasn't going to plant cucumbers in my garden this year....... you changed my mind...besides they're so easy to grow|||my name, is the coolest name ever - Dale Honeycutt|||feral tamper dirt funny|||wow, there's some great paintings on her site, i'll have to send the link to my brother, he is a collector of fine art|||lol! this painting is hilarious! what's the story behind it?|||INTJ agnostic/humanist as a young boy, successfully fought off being brainwashed into christianity|||yea, same here|||i play piano, guitar, drums (not so much lately) mostly self taught, have no interest in playing other peoples music, i like to play original material i also enjoy photography (sometimes like to...|||i'm not good at typing ( guessed wrong on my own mothers type ) so i'll take your word for it. the movie is awesome though why does the evil basterd always have to be an INTJ?.........haha|||Hot Child In The City - Nick Gilder|||my older sister (by seven years) used to take me with to her friends parties when i was about seven, they called me little man with an emphasis on man. have also been called old man and wise...|||during my formative years, i worked at a pickle factory for a short while until getting fired...........i stuck my dick in the pickle slicer.........................she got fired too :laughing:|||reading (fiction and non-fiction), photography, listening to music, playing piano,drums,guitar,etc., general tinkering/experimenting|||if you want to get close to an INTJ , find a similar interest|||my ENFP wife is awsome and she knows it|||same here, i'm mostly serious but get really goofy/absurd/ridiculous around my ENFP wife, but only if we are alone|||i have never watched anime, but the anime still images i've seen on the internet and in print are not appealing to me at all for reasons i don't understand|||empte hit it on the head i've bee told i look like the grim reaper when wearing a black hoodie at night with my stoic face and bags under my empty eyes|||that makes sense....to some extent...thanks|||i think your dad sounds like a douche bag.......sorry, but it's true don't stop thinking..........just stop talking to him about intellectual topics|||i can understand if it's close, like maybe 40% or something, but when it's not even close and you still claim the other trait? i don't get it|||unacceptable as it may be, i do love the bad example you're entertaining why don't you write some more for us all to enjoy|||try using the words I, my, and me less often|||:confused:I've noticed some people on the forum are claiming to be a certain type, but they will have a signature that shows otherwise. here is a made up example of someone claiming to be ENFP ...|||i am not on facebook or any other forum except personality cafe|||very nice. do you have more pieces to show? yes, it is art|||wolves don't live in packs naturally. they live in small families. the only time they form a large pack of unrelated wolves, who fight for leadership, is in captivity.|||i am oh so ooey gooey with my lovely wife ( she's an ENFP ) and no one else|||i agree with priestess. i prefer dogs and am allergic to pussy|||just a little tidbit about myself for you- during my formative years, i worked at a pickle factory for a short while until getting fired............ i stuck my #!&* in the pickle...|||i agree, anything with labels or advertisements i do not wear. i mostly wear jeans and t-shirts ( alot of greys and earthy tones ), oh yea and i also hate those jeans that you can buy pre-stained...|||i like the scary priest , is there a story behind it? keep at it|||i don't know the answers to your questions, but the description of your husbands' memories are similar to mine ( although my childhood was not nearly as traumatic, it wasn't great either) i don't...|||yea, i mostly agree, although i plan on changing my avatar every now and then|||i like animal collective and grizzly bear - never heard of fleet foxes , i'll check it out as for myself - My Maudlin Career by Camera Obscura|||it's just another day to me, i don't like the attention. my wife had a surprise b-day party one year - good intention but bad idea , i hated being surprised by a house full of people with no time to...|||i like them, especially Zaks' Death Stare don't be so hard on yourself - (this coming from a perfectionist) :laughing:|||that's exactly what i was thinking. burn it|||The Unwritten Rules Of Social Relationships by Temple Grandin|||two hundred and forty-nine|||i think most people regardless of personality type would say the same thing including myself, but how many would really give the majority of the money away if they actually had it ? i have no idea....|||deep depression as a teen, worked through it on my own anxiety off and on which leads to being anti-social ...|||smiling on the phone, that's a good idea for a weirdo like me, i'm going to try it' | 2,539 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'http://forums.oce.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=10843|||A for effort: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130924205420/creepypasta/images/3/3f/252483122828944276_etx3sdha_f1.jpg|||You're making me choose? I don't mind choosing, I just don't like being forced into it publically. Years back when I was in university, this corporate motivational guru was doing a talk and...|||Two. Maybe. As much as I can type.|||Why not Zoidberg's? (/) (°,,,°) (/) http://i.bittwiddlers.org/KHB.gif|||I've been in management consulting for about 8 years. Both internally and externally, only those with social and people-management skills will succeed, whether it's natural or learnt: in my case I...|||So basically, anyone with 'daddy issues'.|||If you need to slaughter him, feel free to borrow my pork sword.|||Such a long, drawn out contest, to see who's the world's best drug dealer.|||Play your cards right... I hate to break it to you kid, but that wasn't Santa.|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/80/8e/d4/808ed4d069d9b58f19da308d91b152d2.jpg|||Buying something on my kindle wish list is even handier.|||Yeah, this - just less wordy. Heh.|||One of mine definitely disappeared into the warp/dimension X recently.|||If she needed that much space to ask a simple question, I would have probably asphyxiated her with my manky socks. She got off lucky.|||tl;dr - didn't get any?|||Immature kids and/or trolls. Yes, be aware of your strengths, but please don't use this as an excuse to not work on your weaknesses. MBTI has always been a development framework for me, to figure...|||I've gone from being a management consultant in a global firm, to moving in-house to build and launch the graduate development program for junior consultants. Strictly speaking I'm in talent...|||I like cuddles. I didn't read any of that post, as it was about a million sentences too long.|||Depends if I'm fucking with or not. Never was so little said, through so much, and understood by so few.|||Yeah, you're more of a latte.|||If you're wearing a jacket or ideally a waistcoat it won't.|||Nothing, but that's because there's no such thing as a double windsor - it's just a windsor. And for the love of god, don't put a dimple in it.|||A serious lack of empathy across the board.|||Windsor knot, bro - windsor knot.|||That's a bit of a change from a few years ago, and it looks like someone's gone corporate.|||Sad commentary. Declining standards on this forum, roughly about the time I decided to bugger off for a few months.|||1) I'm 2) lazy 3) so 4) ask 5) me 6) some 7) set 8) questions 9) because 10) I|||Should have drawn it in crayon.|||Your sister being? And hello PerC, I figured I'd come and wish you assholes all a belated Merry Christmas.|||Error 404, you broke it :(|||Does he approve of my wind?|||I make this shit look good. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10486554_824611217561026_3056814583279286682_o.jpg|||It's just occurred to me that The West Wing started 15 years ago. :/|||I have my own style most certainly but I wouldn't call myself a hipster, I just like the 50s/60s throwback look.|||There's always room for redheads.|||So basically you're mates with Princess Luna? http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130501180742/mlpfanart/images/3/36/170px-Canterlot_Castle_Luna.png Autograph. maybe?|||I work in professional services, I have this on a coffee mug: http://www.irlbrl.com/markl/blogimages/despair_consulting.jpg|||Just to be on the safe side, don't feed it after midnight.|||How ARRRR you, SOMALI PIRATE?|||It's alright, you can admit it. Conveniently I live in a desert; who knew?|||Depends: is my name just being directly swapped out for the moustachioed Austrian's?|||Which isn't all that often, although a bit more so this year. bethdeth do you want to recap my uniballer status?|||I had problems with my shoulder for ages lugging a work laptop, eventually moved to one on rollers and it made a huge difference. Doctor told me it's all about the rotation, so generally heavy...|||From a few months ago: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/988833_10154054148240232_714271785259979026_n.jpg|||I found my back is somewhat knackered on New Year's Day when I hurt it. Two dried out disks in the lower back with one bulging, and apparently I have what's called Facet Joint Osteoarthritis. Hurt it...|||It's the turn of phrase that does it for me, and I see you've read Neither Here nor There. If you've yet to read it, Katz reppears (genuinely) in A Walk in the Woods.|||Indeed, the man does have a way with words. I believe he reached his zenith with, disporting in the altogether when referring to nubile females. He's used that twice in a similar context, not that...|||... fwiw that is a great book. Big fan of Bryson even though he's had a few misses over the years. His compilation of UK newspaper columns during the period he returned to the US was hilarious,...|||Ah yes, now I remember xD I've always seen my self as a Big Cat:' | 1,459 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Okay thanks for the advice. Its very interesting and strange. I'm not use to dealing with someone that I can't create a general pattern....to get a rough idea of what they are like. Its a more...|||Wow. I know you meant in a nice way but you came off kind of mean and critical. I'm sorry for writing the same question twice. I'm stressed about the situation and wasn't really proof reading my...|||Please help me understand my Entp. I've nearly been cut off by my entp two to three times. But because of my highly crazy nature I refuse to stop pushing his buttons and trying to test his...|||Thanks for your advice. I hadn't considered I am in denial. well,this sucks.|||Doing that would be pointless. I'm already in my place. Of course, you want to seduce me. Inbox me a homemade twerk video of yourself and I'll think about it.|||Thanks. I really enjoyed this. I figured this as well. I would have had an entire group of experiences and insight into the dating game that I just can't learn from another person.|||Trust me! My Extroverted feeling is more powerful than yours. Your use of profanity and general negativity about relationships leads me to believe that you've had some problems recently. I'm only...|||Well, contrary to what you believe, this is a fun learning experience. Everything is a fun learning experience to be honest. Are you sure you don't hear your own anxiousness bouncing off the walls of...|||No. Man, someone must have pissed in your corn flakes this morning. The soothsayer of doom. Don't talk about my non-relationship relationship like that. lol! And you had to make the same exact...|||That's good. the best feeling in the world is indifference. it gives you more power and helps you think clearly. It seems to me you just objectify your feelings. Maybe everything seems convoluted...|||I just want to draw attention to the fact, I need my question answered in the ENtp relationship thread ASAP. Also there is another love sick infj above me that you all have left neglected for 5...|||ENTPs, come to my aid!! *Bane voice* Okay so I'm really into this entp. We have been talking for about three months. Anyways, he made many comments about wanting to marry me, etc. Asked how many...|||I think you should go to school and he should come with you to the United States. If you were willing to stay in another country for him, he should be willing to do the same thing. Its only 2-3 years...|||Awesome! Thank you. This helps alot.|||Yea he does compartmentalize me. He tries to protect me from certain information because I'm younger than him. But I always know or figure out things about people or situations because of the...|||Diophantine Only Intps create algorithms in their head for interacting with strangers. You all are awesome!|||Yea if he comes over, we will watch t.v., make jokes, eat, or something and I might ask him something serious and i'll just wait like 45 min while he tries to emotionally explain what he's going...|||I'm trying to figure out how to connect with my brother. When we were younger, we talked about goofy stuff all day, everyday. My favorite thing to do was tell him jokes and do crazy stuff to make him...|||@Iamtp man, intps are mean. lol. Makes me wonder what my brother really thinks about me inside his head.|||Korpasov Wow, thank you for those explanations. You have the mind of an encyclopedia. Its wonderful.|||I'd want to wear the body suit Katniss Everdeen wore on into the arena on the second Hungers Games. That outfit was boss. It might get hot for a entire year though.|||So according to stuff, I'm reading on wikipedia...Hilter is more of sociopath? The model shows: 1) boldness 2) disinhibition 3) meanness But I would think someone like that would be very...|||Wow that's a really good explanation. I'm kind of convinced Joker is Estp. So, do serial killers like Ted Bundy have some overall big idea behind their murders? I read a thread somewhere in here that...|||Yea, however all his randomness usually leads to some over all big picture. In other words, one plan leads to multiple radiating plans (like branches on a tree). Its just when you are trapped in all...|||Are you sure that his ideas are spur of the moment? In The Dark Knight movie it seemed like everything he did was well thought out. While Batman solved one problem, Joker had another second...|||Infj-superpowers!? lol:tongue:|||@Antipode I'm in science/healthcare. Biology and now grad school. I was just sharing stuff I learned through trial and error. lol|||@dulcinea No, your hella cute. For the general presentation, I would say you should have your hair shaped and styled. Add some layers. Hair is like everything to men! Its like if a beautiful, head...|||Never. Lol. Well, not yet. In my experience followed intuition, makes it stronger.|||Also being out in nature helped calm me down and decompress. I lived near a beach so I would spend alot of time out there with my boogie board sometimes or take some notes to read. Going out to the...|||I'm sorry you are going through this :sad:. Please accept my virtual hug. I really understand and I know its hard. I was angry for a long time and depressed myself. I had let go of my expectations of...|||Wow your dad sounds like mine. Except, he was going through a depressive phase a few years ago and it got really bad at home. He has similar issues but his parents were more emotionally absent from...|||Congratulations on your success!:happy:|||I felt the same thing at one time too. But intuition does give you a creative richness to your life, creates a thirst for knowledge of art, music, science, philosophy, etc, helps you mentally think...|||I know Entps tend to be very logical. However.... The only thing that helped me with issues like this is reading some information on Buddhism. According to what I read, you can only lose what you...|||Okay, I want to thank everyone on this thread for their input. I picked the Forever Jungs method which was to unemotionally let the other person know the issues I had with their behavior when they...|||Yes. Exactly lol. I'd characterize it more like being able to observe all the social games that are going on around you while sitting on a lawn chair eating popcorn and sipping soda. Neutral...|||That's what my Infp told me too. Success is the best revenge. You guys are so sweet.|||Tom Soy Sauce Anyway, fast forward to now. I still see him every now and then due to mutual friends. He's pretty screwed up on painkillers, he recently got kicked out of his house and he's...|||@CatchTwenty2wo I find it so ironic that people get on an internet forum to plot (and likely fail to execute) revenge on another person. No need to find irony. I've gone after people that...|||I'm seeking to get revenge on someone that has made my social life a living hell for the past 4 years. The person thrives off social validation, a firmly established social hierarchy, and is...|||I was watching this series on Netflix. I'm not sure if anyone has seen it but do you think the main character(Chloe-dark haired girl) is Entp?|||Yay! Aww this is so cute :proud: Enfp-Infjs interactions are so adorable and hilarious.|||its kind of hard to take this question seriously with your avatar picture. lol! j/k|||You should just ask him how he's doing. And then throw in hey, we should get those burgers you were talking about last time and catch up at some point in the conversation once he warms up to you...|||Hmm do you sit in front of your computer all the way up to you go to bed? Or what t.v.? It needs to be completely dark. Get a night shade or something for your window. Take the melatonin and just lay...|||Yea INFJs like most N's like abstraction.|||Melatonin. 2 tabs 30 min before bedtime. The sublingual kind work the best to me. You'll be sleeping like a baby.|||I don't know how true this is but... Why Night Owls Are More Intelligent Than Morning Larks | Psychology Today|||No. Maybe there is a reason all his friends are running from him. Whatever you decide, do whats best for you. You're not obligated to interact with a toxic person.' | 4,445 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | I got the same|||my first name and bday, been using this sn since middle school, although I shouldn't do my bday and haven't done so for any new sn's|||enjoy the anatomy and good weight|||in(freakin)credible|||140329 140337 140345 140353|||Found a bunch that I like hope you enjoy 140257 140273 140297 140305 140313|||I feel like I could be Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast|||My biggest problem is that I've succumbed to lust before, with my ex we were very sexually active, so much that I've fallen to one of the 7 deadly sins. As a result of this, I can't help but look...|||You are a Researcher Researchers are curious people with a knack for organization. They love gathering data and then making sense of it. Accuracy is very important to the Researcher. They prefer...|||As for majors, I have been jumping from psychology, dental assistant, pharmacology, radiological technologist, and then my dad suggested to do art so I was in computer animation for 1 1/2 years....|||i feel like a jack in the box sometimes, 2-5 days in the box and 1-2 outside socializing|||woohoo!|||What do you see? I see a good looking, quiet/shy guy, who's quite skilled in many different things but can get pretty down right stubborn and cocky/arrogant. Also prone to act boastful and superior...|||-My mother is ESFJ, I had her recently take the test and it definitely fits her, she's very outgoing and caring -Father is INFJ, he's very intellectual and a bit hard to get along with at times, but...|||MAJESTIC CASUAL, please enjoy :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjgxmtUAwTg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAHqOqnp0WY ...|||I think the product must be good quality and something believable, I worked in sales for a metal welding company and their welders sucked! I hated to tell people buy this it's great! I dislike lying...|||you are a considerate architect. Your preference for concrete, visually pleasing things, combined with your confidence and your respect for order make you an ARCHITECT. You are logical and...|||269 good sam|||being hurt by a close friend or family member :/ (depending) then of course if someone I cared about passed away, but im sure that's for everyone i usually don't cry that much, would much rather...|||1 friend whos out in korea for school and out of my family I would say my sister im closest to.. also my dad for intellectual discussions, very stimulating ^^ for tips, I would say to be more...|||kyo your avatar is aweesome!|||Yes, I made my sister take the quiz and she's much more ISFJish than I am. We have always got along well are very similar in thinking.|||Your Inner Animal is a Moose Your unique characteristics and impressive presence make others notice you when you walk in. You have a big heart but tend to prefer quiet time alone and occasional...|||If I really like her, then inside (my feelings) have been crushed by an acme piano. My exterior though will be pretty much well guarded kind of.. some tears might escape. mm before this I would...|||I love this! loll|||I do the same thing, although I don't really know why|||The both of you are very thoughtful and smart in thinking/caring for each other's future, I hope the best for you two!|||You're very thoughtful and kind. This type of thing is very hard for me to do, I want to be in a relationship pretty badly and it would take me quite the courage to tell the other person that we...|||This for me is quite dead on, I'm in a phase where I'm trying to initiate first move with girls / trying to break out of my fear of rejection shell, but veryy slowly and cautiously lol|||some pics with best friend 73249 73250 73251 73252 73253|||Really good perspectives in this thread, it's interesting to see how others react/feel about negative aspects of ISFJ's, now I'm armed with a little bit more info for self improvement ^^|||tenderheart and earthgirl summed it up for me as well, one thing I would like to add though is my competitiveness in sports like volleyball. It feels really good to go all out on a championship game...|||enneagram for me is weird, I'm different kind of a bunch of times I'm a mix of these: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 when I test I'm pretty spread out evenly among some of these but some are stronger than others...|||Edit: Sorry, I read the title wrong :/, I listed what I would like in a person, I'm not so good at knowing what someone's type is exactly -quiet yet sometimes extroverted, this one is big to me...|||Receiving in public when people are watching you, yes, it's uncomfortable I'd rather be in a smaller group or one on one when receiving.|||If I transfer to UCSB I'll be Economics and Accounting major (want to be an accountant) -pet peeve: people beating around the bush|||This is random, but I've seen your avatar a couple times and it's really awesome! Love the stained glass light effect|||I like to either do sports to get my mind off of things or maybe even better I would also like to meditate especially out in nature.|||-I'm currently trying to get to know this girl I like in school and first thing I noticed was how cute she was and in the beginning of the school quarter, I would try to sit closer and closer to her...|||28 out of 36|||Kayness your stuff is awesome|||Here are some class assignments I've done in the past year https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/320966_10150255746357820_717967819_8048456_2004233_n.jpg...|||Loving the bunny's dig in face, and the angry face on ms. bunny great stuff.|||-If I let criticism get to me then I feel real bad and sad inside -I can ignore it really and pretend I didn't hear it to protect myself from getting hurt too easily -I do my best to accept it and...|||Same with me hah|||http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/15742_170478782819_717967819_3369416_4482173_n.jpg Probably the best Halloween I've ever dressed up for.|||I like to do an physical activity like sports. Doing sports for some reason always gets my mind off of things.|||sf or la is a big difference in distance it would cost a bit to just hang out. Maybe if the group is large enough can have 2 meet up locations like sf and la.|||here northern cal|||Pretty much the same for me good read. | 3,956 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'ENTP Little bit of both. I am prone to long bouts of introspection and therefore have great intrapersonal intelligence but I also like to know what others think about me on occasion, just because...|||296754|||Dependent? I've lost count of how many times I desperately attempt to avoid being with other people. We aren't called the most introverted extroverts for nothing. Having problems expressing...|||I've always been intrigued by psychology, took all the available classes while achieving high marks so I've had it in my head that some career in that field might be worthwhile. Trouble is, it's not...|||Yes. Always thought this was a weird quirk of mine, glad to see I'm not entirely alone. Places or people, it doesn't matter; anything from the past I like to avoid. I like to rationalize it by...|||I really liked the idea of computer programming (maybe because I had a secret unrealistic notion that I would become some sort of evil hacker genius) so I enrolled in AP Computer Science and holy...|||Absolutely nothing. Best pranking assistant ever. Wish they could loosen up on the morals though|||Sounds like heaven. My mom, dad, and sister are hardcore SFJs. Needless to say, they think I'm a sociopath|||Rats. And I was so sure I was a girl|||You'd probably end up being late to the appointment anyway, even with nothing going on|||Hostility is our form of affection. And also we may just want to someone to share in our thoughtful cynicism and it becomes frustrating when we can't drag you down to our level and you persist in...|||Once I get going on a topic (or several) that I find interesting, it is a challenge to shut me down. However, I'm usually quite good at reading other people and how they feel about the conversation,...|||I'm bored, fight me please|||Honestly, the only thing specifically ENTP in your whole post to me was just the overwhelming Ne style of sentence construction; but then again, INFJs aren't immune to the effects of LSD either...|||We ENTPs are notorious for bouncing quickly from one person to the next, and I myself am not very proud to admit that I do this without a backwards glance. The emotions that should be involved in...|||Quiet girl in the back corner who takes pleasure out of surprising people now and then with, say, presentations on anarchy.|||Yeah I second this. Meyers Briggs has done a lot of good for many people, myself included, but four letters are not going to define who you are. It can help, yes, but I like to think of it as that...|||NT's love/excel at math or science based classes and loathe anything else. I'd take writing an essay about Macbeth over chemistry anyday.|||Did anyone else get the wrong idea from the title?|||Same! Objects, bodies, homework, friends...you name it|||Do podcasts count? I'm addicted to Night Vale lately. 9 - PYRAMID from Welcome to Night Vale on podbay|||There should be some sort of entp achievement badge for however gets told this the most, because dear lord|||Because I've had very little experience with other NTs in real life, I tend to hold on to the hypothetical idea that all of us are as we are in descriptions and therefore (mostly) amazing. However,...|||Same. Although acquaintances aren't really important to me because they don't really have a purpose other than people using them to namedrop in a conversation: not to mention whenever you interact...|||Not only does it depend on the person, it depends on the surroundings as well. As an ENTP I can switch from almost obnoxiously people-centric to completely antisocial within minutes.|||Same. I'm getting confirmed in the Catholic church soon namely because of my ESFJ mother and the realization of how much easier it is to just go along with the system sometimes...I guess I'm content...|||Our single minded obsessions cannot be stopped. They must only be endured.|||I swear, I'm one bad joke away from alienating myself from all human relationships...but the chaos within me will not be tamed!|||A friend of mine once told me that I'm simultaneously the most mature and immature person she has ever known. I swear one day I'm the reincarnate of Socrates and the next I act like I'm five years...|||If you've found an answer after three years, please let me know. I'm currently (allegedly) working on a week late assignment. Or two. This system was definitely not made with us in mind.|||213618 there goes my delicate feelings|||I hate mowing the lawn, I really do, but sometimes the very best and most radical thoughts come to me then. Glad to see there is another lawn mowing induced theorist.|||Pouring a dark red drink in the girls toilets at school. Screams of disgust. Hilarity ensues.|||204610|||Ah math, the bane of my existence! Writing, music and thinking have been tendencies of mine, too. However, they don't really provide any opportunity to reignite ingenuity because they are all...|||Yes. I especially have never liked it when people call each other babe/baby which puts me in quite a sucky situation considering its a very common thing to say--although why, I'll never know.|||Indeed. Or crafty. I'm much more likely to find loopholes in things than ace a math test|||No doubt I would if it was a particularly boring assigned book, but otherwise no. I don't think there's a specific type that would be more prone than another to reading the last chapter of a...|||Sounds like social anxiety. Introverted extrovert or not, I live for one on one conversations where I can discuss things that matter instead of socializing in a group 24/7 where the talk is generally...|||Yep, ENFPs and ENTPs have it good. Ne for the win!|||Well sure, it's hard i.e. impossible to not think of someone close in a while, but that's not what I was attempting to point out. In fact, I think (well at least in my experience) too much about...|||*grabs the microphone* Yes, this is all very true. Dealing others emotions and anxieties isn't our strong suit, granted, but one thing our Thinking label doesn't let on is that we do like it when...|||Doing what I do best. Procrastinating to avoid homework...what else are Sundays for?|||ENTP. Same. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?|||Likewise :wink:|||Ah, if I had a dollar for every time my mom brought up the subject of my people-pickiness...fickle as I am with my feelings toward anyone, I'd have to agree with the concept of a built in N-bias. ...|||As an ENTP, I can have quite volatile moods, the same of which is true for my namesake. One must be careful not to mistake passion for Feeling (which, by the way, I am capable of having from time to...|||Too bad everything I know about Greek mythology comes from the Percy Jackson books, otherwise I'd love to contribute...|||I am in agreement with Ummon. Hufflepuff|||The Usual Suspects, that's a good one I forgot about. Keyser Söze!' | 4,847 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | MBTI: Subtype: Compatible Matches: Cognitive Functions: Global 5: Enneagram Triptype: Variant: Archetype: Bloodtype: Genotype:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKfDaKzk3B8|||Are you Schizo, Borderline, or Narcissistic? I am Borderline. Also, I am the Hermit but occasionally the Waif. What's your personal order of cognitive functions? Fi, Ne, Ti, Si, Fe, Te, Ni, Se ...|||change this one to widdlewiddle for privacy reasons or just delete this account altogether. this name was automatically generated from my facebook account.|||Copy and paste this and then fill it in: Your type: Your spouse's type: Describe the relationship quality: Describe how you are best friends: Describe how your relationship has grown and the...|||In your opinion, which MBTI type is the most compassionate and why? Are only feelers compassionate? Share your thoughts...|||I don't see an exit door. My responsibilities have me trapped. The world is a lonely place. How do I make a support group? What could I offer another person that they would want or need? I can't find...|||Erik Erikson has a lot to say about this stage in your life. It's called intimacy versus isolation and it usually hits in the 20's. It's like you start to realize that there are some people you want...|||So I never found out all of your subtypes... I would love to know...I am leaning towards ENTP being my absolute favorite type now......|||ENTP's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ENFP's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ENFJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||INFP's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||INFJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ESTP's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ISFP's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ISTP's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ESFJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ESTJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ISFJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ISTJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||ENTJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||INTJ's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||INTP's, I would love to know your subtypes ...here's a link about how to find out what it is... What's your Subtype based on Cognitive Functions? I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. What's...|||I am an INFP with a subtype of ENTP. I would love to analyze another ENTP's personality...If you are game, then take the personality tests at this link: ...|||My ideal match would be: Fe Ne Fi Si Ti Te Ni Se ESFJ=Fe, Si, Ne, Ti (missing Fi) (1, 4, 2, 5) ENTP=Ne, Ti, Fe, Si (missing Fi) (2, 5, 1, 4) or ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si (missing Fe, Ti) (2, 3, 6, 4)...|||Si Ne Fe Ti ESFJ=Fe, Si, Ne, Ti (3, 1, 2, 4) ENTP=Ne, Ti, Fe, Si (2, 4, 3, 1) INTP=Ti, Ne, Si, Fe (4, 2, 1, 3) scrambled ISFJ=Si, Fe, Ti, Ne (1, 3, 4, 2) ISFJ and either ESFJ or ENTP but...|||http://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/96080-mbti-type-descriptions.html#post2405224 Here are descriptions of each type if that helps anyone to know which one is them...|||What are the top three Myers Briggs personalities that describe you? Which ones are your favorites? 1. ENTP Nicknames: The Visionaries, The Searcher, The Inventor, The Originator, The Explorer,...|||Based on that order of cognitive functions...here is what I deduced: Fi, Ne, Fe, Ni, Se, Si, Ti, Te Step 7 expanded. ENFJ=Fe, Ni, Se, Ti (missing Fi, Ne) (3, 4, 5, 7) INFJ=Ni, Fe, Ti, Se...|||Oh well thanks anyway. :P hehe.|||No problem! Could you get the word out and invite others on the forum to find out their subtype too?|||Step 7. Ne, Fi, Ni, Fe, Te, Se, Si, Ti ENFJ=Fe, Ni, Se, Ti (missing Ne, Fi) (4, 3, 6, 8) INFJ=Ni, Fe, Ti, Se (missing Ne Fi) (3, 4, 8, 6) or ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si (missing Ni, Fe) (1, 2, 5, 7)...|||Here is a blurb I sat down and wrote for all those with questions about subtype theory......|||I wrote about subtype and why it was created on this forum: http://personalitycafe.com/cognitive-functions/95574-whats-your-subtype-based-cognitive-functions-2.html#post2402626|||What are your cognitive functions in order?|||Ne Fi Ni Fe Se Ti Te Si Type 7 expanded. ENFJ=Fe, Ni, Se, Ti (missing Ne, Fi) (4, 3, 5, 6) INFJ=Ni, Fe, Ti, Se (missing Ne, Fi) (3, 4, 6, 5) or ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si (missing Fe, Ni) (1, 2, 7,...|||Step 5. ENTP=Ne, Ti, Fe, Si (missing Te, Fi) ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si (missing Ti) INTP=Ti, Ne, Si, Fe (missing Te, Fi) INFP=Fi, Ne, Si, Te (missing Ti) Step 6. ENTP=Ne, Ti, Fe, Si (missing Te,...|||Type 7 expanded: Ne Fi Ni Fe Se Ti Te Si INFJ=Ni, Fe, Ti, Se missing Ne Fi (3, 4, 6, 5) ENFJ=Fe, Ni, Se, Ti missing Ne Fi (4, 3, 5, 6) ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si missing Ni Fe (1, 2, 7,...|||Ok I will help you break it down...what are your cognitive functions?|||Here is step 7 expanded... Step 7. Ne, Te, Fi, Si, Ti, Ni, Fe, Se ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si (missing nothing) (1, 3, 2, 4) ISTJ=Si, Te, Fi, Ne (missing nothing ) (4, 2, 3, 1) scrambled ESTJ=Te, Si, Ne...|||Fe, Ne, Ni, Fi, Si, Te, Ti, Se Stage 5. ENFJ=Fe, Ni, Se, Ti (missing Ne, Fi) ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si (missing Fe, Ni) INFP=Fi, Ne, Si, Te (missing Fe, Ni) INFJ=Ni, Fe, Ti, Se (missing Ne, Fi) ...|||Fi, Fe, Ne, Se, Ni, Te, Ti, Si Step 5. ESFP=Se, Fi, Te, Ni (missing Fe, Ne) ENFP=Ne, Fi, Te, Si (missing Fe, Se) INFP=Fi, Ne, Si, Te (missing Fe, Se) ISFP=Fi, Se, Ni, Te (missing Fe, Ne) ...|||Very cool. ENFP's and ENFJ's are very cool in my book. Read the ENFJ descriptions and see if it fits you.|||So now just read ENTP descriptions and see if it fits...if so that's your subtype. hehe I am glad you liked it.|||Yep looks right to me. So read ESFP descriptions and see if it is you some of the time...ya know when you are not being ENFP.|||Yes I believe it does...|||That makes perfect sense logically...so do you think it fits you? Read descriptions of INFJ and see if you are that some of the time...|||So that is step 1. Your personal cognitive function order is Ti, Te, Fi, Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Fe. Refer to this forum for how to do the other steps to figure out your subtype:...|||That is step 1. So your personal cognitive function order is Ne, Fe, Se, Fi, Si, Ti, Ni, Te. Now refer to this page to calculate your subtype based on cognitive functions for the other steps:... | 8,421 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Agreed. :)|||A distracted Infp and a very gorgeous Intp with the sweetest eyes I've ever seen. :blushed: 443042 443050|||Hi, I would like to address this right now- I am the girl he is talking about and I Just found this thread. I do not have BPD, I have PTSD, and my boyfriend did a rotten thing by calling me...|||I would say shes an ESTP|||I wouldn't consider him unhealthy if he said that.|||Nice avatar! I had one by the same author once. http://i.imgur.com/mnRNHQE.jpg?1|||He says he is giving and kind and seems like an Infp because he is an enneagram 2|||naradluffy He told me he is an Intp, he says he has very inferior Fe. He said he would pick being an Infp because he likes them a lot, but that he is certain he's an Infp.|||I'm still puzzled about this. My boyfriend says he is sure he's an Intp but I sense he's an Infp but sometimes I feel like he's also an Intp. It's really confusing. He says he idealizes love...|||I'm traveling around the 28th to Daly city to see my Intp boyfriend for the first time and I need a place to at least set up tent, like maybe in a back yard, or a couch to crash on. I will be seeing...|||Why do I always look like I'm about to cry -______________- http://i.imgur.com/nqm9IBh.jpg?1|||The worse my Ibs is, the more I think about suicide, especially around pmsing. Usually it's not so much if I take better care of myself with a cleaner diet but right now, quite often.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm_vz_3VelU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_aFSNB8E5Y|||Meh, I'm a bit late I guess. I was there for quite some time.|||LOL. Well, this is my first time with green hair and so far it's been my favorite :D|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT_Z-D31vbU|||I've been on soundcloud lately and have been finding some really nice songs. The first one makes me happy because I imagine the love of my life singing it to me :) ...|||No.|||Me personally? Yes, I like feminine men very much, their personalities, but not generally because I'm a picky person. Why does it matter to you so much? Arent you married?|||You are fine, and being or looking feminine in this world is very great. I'm a feminist and I encourage men to be more feminine, because otherwise we think that being a woman is a bad thing. This...|||The green is fading and I am sad about it so I put it in a bun to see what it would look like, because I usually don't wear updos. I wonder if I look like an Infp. ...|||I managed to balance myself on a soccer ball. I am so proud of myself. -_- Like a proud derp. http://i.imgur.com/fYAemc9.jpg?1|||Cut some of my hair off by myself. I suppose I didn't butcher it. http://i.imgur.com/jCDqanI.png?1 Like a cat literally suckled and licked the shit out of my bangs...|||Have you ever been to Portland? I'm a very awkward infp with social anxiety so I don't know what we can all do. I like playing chess :) What would you suggest?|||Well, I haven't moved there yet. Still trying to get all of that in order. I am in Ellensburg, Wa atm. I like it here, the people are very nice to me :) I dislike the east coast a lot, especially...|||Hahahaha, it still doesn't make sense! XDDD If you were there wh? Hahaha Sorry xD It's like almost 3 am so I forgive your typos :X|||Ahhh, nostalgia of my sister and I recording music videos on the tv with our vcr. I loved this song :)|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9p1HTm9BZ0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHGI2lpNTfM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_6LAcd4dIY|||Oregon :)|||Uh, I wish I over analyzed things for fun. It's not fun for me. I'm always thinking, always questioning and if I can't get answers, I am relentless, and tactful when it comes to getting the truth...|||One thing I've done which is usually very accurate is I know when someone is getting ready to leave, or get up because they'll sigh a certain way. My mom and dad did that, and I would always be...|||Do you want to know why people tick, what their motivations are? What do you prominently analyze?|||I suppose it would make more sense to be daffy duck, then? :x|||D.e.r.p.e.y Mouse http://i.imgur.com/q4068xp.jpg?1|||Infps definitely over analyze things.|||337465 I don't remember if I've posted this. This is a passport photo.|||I will be moving to Portland soon. Are there any infps who would like to meet me? (I mean chat first online because I'm shy and awkward then maybe meet lols) I will be living with my infp friend so...|||Strawberries dipped in honey flavored agave, omg OMG OMG omg omg, with orange juice.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0JvF9vpqx8|||Green hair http://i.imgur.com/7CjTrgg.jpg?1|||O_O|||lol no|||I had no idea asking questions meant that I was judging people.|||It's not human makeup to objectify humans- That is social conditioning.|||Is there any man who exists who isn't shallow and into 'lady parts'? Holy crap.|||All Infjs: Do you always have a hard time turning people away who want to talk to you? Or, especially if they need someone to talk to?|||You didn't trigger me. People blaming the victim did.|||Thanks- But I had it closed because it was about me and I was too scared to admit it, and now I'm triggered. | 1,346 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'INFJ here but I like gratitude so hi. I'm thankful for... 1. Being alive 2. Having money to buy food 3. Sleep I love sleep. 4. Being able to get an education 5. Having a loving and...|||I wear them for Astigmatism. I've been wearing glasses for so long that I usually forget I'm someone who wears glasses and not everyone does.|||I like ASMR and I think it's fascinating, but I'm really particular when it comes to videos. I don't like when people try hard to be seductive in them, especially when they whisper. Some of these...|||I always visualize people as their avatars. I get confused when I'm used to seeing a certain picture with a username and then they change it all of a sudden.|||I don't really care. I usually see girl as a word for a female child or a friend who's female, such as hey girl. It definitely has a younger connotation, but it doesn't bother me, unless it's...|||48/80. Hm, I thought I was more empathetic than that. I didn't particularly like this test. I really wished there was a neutral option for these questions.|||Hi! Welcome to the forums, I hope you like it here. :)|||Welcome! Ugh, there's nothing worse than losing a post you already typed out. Hello though, I hope you enjoy the forums. :)|||I feel like it's impossible to truly know what people think of you. People are seldom honest about their feelings. I wonder what people think about me quite a bit, too, and I'll often think that I...|||- When people talk too much (well not really angry, more so annoyed) - When people disrespect me for no reason. NOTHING BOILS MY BLOOD MORE. - When people disrespect people I care about - When I'm...|||I'd say you're accurately typed. But then again, I'm no expert. Honestly, I don't know if I'm typed accurately as INFJ. I usually get it when I take tests, but a few times I've gotten INFP.|||- pancakes - pudding - hibachi (rice, vegetables, noodles, soup, salad) - apple sauce - water I'm still recovering from my wisdom tooth surgery so my food options are limited. :(|||Other. I have hazel eyes and I like them. I see no need to long for things I can never have in this lifetime. I think hazel eyes are the most underrated. Mine change in the sunlight, and have...|||Welcome fellow INFJ :) There's a lot of us here. I hope you enjoy the forums.|||- Eggs - Amazing cookie dough ice cream - Milk - Water Wisdom tooth removal problems.|||Hello fellow INFJ :) Welcome to the forum.|||ABC news in the background like elevator music.|||I don't think I necessarily attract unconventional people, but I tend to get along with almost anyone and can mold myself to fit in different situations. I can get along with superficial types,...|||How hungry I am and how I can't eat most foods because I had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. :(|||Before going to prison I would try to have as much fun as I can and do things I've always wanted to do...I would also hang out with family and friends as much as I could. I would ask if I could...|||Welcome! :)|||anatomy|||To tag someone, just copy and paste their username and put an @ in font of it, like this Iammyown. To reply to a specific post, click Reply with quote, which is on the bottom right of every...|||Welcome! I'm an INFJ as well. :) Mbti is really interesting.|||My boyfriend is an ENFP and I've seen him angry before. Well, he was more annoyed/disappointed than angry. It was a little uncomfortable to witness, but it's only happened once. He rants a lot about...|||They're gross. Just get a bath mat.|||I laugh pretty often. But I'm not one of those people who will be watching a movie and laugh at every single little thing (one of my friends is like this and I find it weird). I often chuckle after...|||Wow you sound like me. I wanted to go into the mental health field, but I too struggle with anxiety. I'm going to be a sophomore in college, and I spent my first year as a psychology major, but I've...|||My daily breakfast: Cereal or cinnamon raisin toast with butter, and either milk, water, juice, or coffee. Sometimes yogurt with fruit. My treat-yo-self breakfast: French toast, waffles, or eggs....|||I was raised Catholic but fell away from the religion and was an atheist for awhile, then Agnostic. Now, however, I would say I'm a loose Christian (that sounds weird lol but I don't know how...|||Not a big deal. You're not the table police.|||I'm good. I was a bit moodier earlier but now I'm content. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I'm thinking about how much I love my dog and how I hope he lives a long, long life. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I didn't even notice it until you mentioned it.|||- Women having to shave their legs, armpits, and pubic hair. I do it because it's a norm, but it's annoying and I wish it was never a thing. Fun fact: razor companies actually decided to market...|||I'd say ESTP or ESFP.|||It's healthy to feel a broad range of emotions and trying to force yourself to be positive all the time is not good. Life sucks sometimes and you have to acknowledge it. That aside, these things help...|||How I didn't realize it's 1:35 am. What the heck. I swear it was 12:20 a sec ago.|||Procrastinating going to bed.|||Coco Pebbles cereal. :tongue:|||Neutral. Not really happy or sad, just...here.|||1. Birth Range: born 1998. (YZ) 2. Parents: both baby boomers, 1964. (Y) 3. Siblings: have an older sibling (Y) 4. VIVID Memory of these important events: I remember about 5 of these events...|||- INFJ - ENFP - New posts - General - Sex and Relationships|||- 4 slices of toasted cinnamon swirl bread with butter - strawberries - cereal - peas, rice, barbecue chicken, more vegetables Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170715/9aae39b0cfc54c6cc9a48b8d7c59cc7b.png|||English, psychology, criminal justice, human biology (even though I don't do the best in this). INFJ.|||I like black usually. But every once in awhile I use blue to spice things up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||You could use them as a duster. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Hi there. It seems like you have a lot going on. I hope you find some comfort in this forum. [emoji5] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I didn't think of that. That's probably true.' | 1,121 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | I have gone through similar things in the past, a few things have prevented this from recurring. 1. Looking at the family dynamics in my childhood. NFs are sensitive to a lot of things that are not...|||From my personal INFJ perspective, people tend to come to me more for sympathy in the garb of advice. It is only then that I get mad. And it is only a rare set of people it happens with. They are...|||I was in law for quite a long time... mostly biglaw. It doesnt fit well. I have spent most of my law years looking for something else to do. As to alternate careers - I loved business, management...|||It's not really a personality type thing I suppose but there is no where else I could have discussed this. I have moved back with my mom and sis (ENFP, 23 I am a couple of years older) last year...|||The article is very well written. I am sure to read it quite a few more times. Thank you :)|||Hi Everyone Thank you very much for taking the time and replying to the post. I was so sick of dealing with my family that I had unsubscribed from this post for a while. After lot of harrowing...|||I think there is a difference between 1. solitude, 2. loneliness that leads you to greater spiritual awareness, and 3. the absence of intimacy. What INFJs seem to complain about is the absence of...|||This one made me laugh. I for one would definitely wonder about the motive of the persons around me. If it does turn out to be a real all INFJ gathering - I think it should turn out to be quite a...|||I usually feel that my assessment of people is very accurate in even brief interactions. The mistake I make is discussing my opinion with others and they some how try to correct it. E.g. I thought a...|||As to me I feel it is more a mechanism to cool things off for a while and get back to them when both parties get more emotionally sober. Ideally I would like to pause a fight before it gets too...|||Typism or not, I think Sensors do lack self-awareness in general, which is an important criteria for how they actually get along with someone like me. I am not saying all of them are immature, but it...|||I know for a fact that there was something there, but it was all non-verbal of course, so its not accepted by him. I have to work with him everyday, what do you think would be the practical thing to...|||Thanks for your reply. But there has been an interesting development, I had seen the guy taking interest in me off and on, so I finally decided to come clean with him. I told him I kind of liked him...|||Thanks for your reply. But there has been an interesting development, I had seen the guy taking interest in me off and on, so I finally decided to come clean with him. I told him I kind of liked him...|||I have been reading posts about INFJs not getting along with their families. I was just wondering that is it really our families or is there really a problem with us? I have just spent an entire week...|||What are the chances of getting along with an ESFJ guy for an INFJ girl? I am a little unsure as of now, he seems very charming, but somehow I feel we will eventually run out of conversations, or...|||Thanks for the replies everyone. Actually in the heart of my hearts I keep wondering that why is it that I don't get along with my mother. I get along with everyone and most people get along with my...|||There have been quite a few threads on this topic, which I have been reading for quite a while, but this time I thought I'll start one of my own... My mother is an ESFP, I dont have my dad. She sort...|||Thanks for all your replies, my last doubt is, would it be ethical to take the job knowing about the guy's intentions and then refuse the guy later. I know morals and ethics don't really count in...|||But hypothetically how do I do that? We've never talked much, so its difficult to be upfront about anything...|||I have been offered a job by a guy who really likes me. He has never said it, but he is usually making efforts to be around me and just be extra-chivalrous. The job is a big deal career wise. I...|||Yes you are correct if you assume that better work environments are possible. And they do depend on the industry you are in. You might take sometime in finding them but they do exist. Also even if...|||'If you play with pigs in the mud, after a point you would notice that the pigs are enjoying' I think for you the best strategy would be to start looking for another place to work in, and be as low...|||Hi Everyone, I came across an article by Jane Spurr and Lusia Stopa, in 2002 Clinical Psychology Review. It talks about how increased self-awareness implies higher social anxiety. It says people who...|||Hi, thanks for the post. Just to confirm that I've understood well, does this mean that when we are acting we are using two pair functions simultaneously and not just one function?|||Try a change of scene, place or schedule - you'll feel better about yourself. :) INFJs instinctively avoid scenes and situations where they would be noticed by people. I for one do it, so that I can...|||Yes. I have stayed for 7 and I have developed some serious stress related illnesses.|||Also adding to what Adamantya said about learning new skills. I also feel very conscious of experimenting with something new in my own social group. I would much rather do it in a place where no one...|||I too agree about the perfectionism which also translates into a tendency to beat myself up internally for every small little mistake I make. I have to make regular conscious efforts to be gentle on...|||:D Some of them may be. But the ones I have come across have this amazing understanding smile and pleasant, quiet persona! You wouldn't even notice they were there, and then you look back and...|||Do you think INFJs are high maintenance boyfriends/girlfriends? :)|||I'd posted something here, but thought would start a new thread... couldn't figure out how to delete the post.|||That's really sweet, to have someone pick up on your covert intentions :)|||Lol! All this is so true for me as well... I take weeks to actually realise that the person was flirting with me, and earlier I used to be glad that he has moved on to someone else. For the really...|||I know, being in the legal field can make you feel like that. It does make one very cynical. I have been able to come out of that frame of mind after a long time, but was really hoping I could use my...|||And why would you say that?|||Any INFJ Environmental lawyers or law professors on the forum? Do you like your work? The only mainstream legal careers which suit INFJs appear to be academics (for public policy related issues) or...|||Even I associate most with Gandhi, specially when I read 'My Experiments with Truth' I could feel at every point as if it was I who was living it. Dumbledore in Harry Potter is also an INFJ......|||I love the last one... its so rare to be able to do that! :D|||Can't really generalize but I have also seen, that sometimes because INFJ women could appear a little detached/aloof, they are nice but distant. So people avoid approaching them. It might be better...|||Actually if she is an INFJ, you shouldn't really worry too much about rejection, the exchange would be pleasant only. INFJs care too much about people to actually be nasty to you. There is a chance...|||:) I know it happens with me too!|||If you need help interpreting, I could discuss.|||Its quite true, what you say. In India for example I have observed, introversion and exercising N functions seem to be more acceptable than in western societies. But largely I have found most of...|||Hi Everyone :) Thanks a lot for all your replies. It feels nice to just be understood :) I think I'll just take whatever has happened as lessons in assertiveness, and I think I really need to work...|||I have noticed a very annoying habit of myself which I really want to get rid of. I am sometimes just too nice to people specially when they are upset. But the latest thing I have observed is that...|||I feel you are just taking anyone who's been nice to you as your friend. There are no 'friends' in a competitive environment. It is actually a war. You let down your guard for one minute with anyone,...|||I haven't been able to read the entire thread. But I have been in really bad work environments, and my usual strategy is to not show much of my emotions when with people. Most of them actually think...|||I have observed that when I am working I usually don't like to be disturbed by either food or sleep or any other activity. Ideally I would prefer to eat and sleep only after I have finished my work,...|||I can also identify with what has been said above. I have been acquaintances whom I started to like over a period of time and that raises the amount of words I use with them. And when I am really... | 929 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | nothing|||Not really something you want to go around admitting|||You love my presence and want me to post more? You are too kind|||They want to have sex with you|||You know you're an Ambivert when your name starts with a vowel and/or you were born on an odd numbered day.|||I edited out the evil laughter because it was stupid and ruining an otherwise good post, you're welcome|||No|||Irreparably screwed, I'm afraid|||you should be ashamed of yourself|||there is no evidence that supports your statement|||discuss|||jesus dude you took this thread too far|||with a proper spanking|||I guess you aren't an ESTP, then... I'm sorry you had to find out this way.|||Because ESTPs won't see it if I post about them on my forum I love ESTPs, being a cheeky bully isn't a negative quality. Just an observation|||https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lIWYVcFL9_w|||ESTP remarks read less as 'witty' and more as 'cheeky bully'|||INTJs think anyone in power is an INTJ|||.|||jess from new girl|||INFP is the master of crying when you look at them the wrong way INTJ is the master of having a superiority complex INTP is the master of being socially inept ESTP is the master of being an...|||sheldon cooper|||drugs|||you know you're an introvert when... you hide under tables in public to avoid eye contact|||through an online delivery service so they don't have to interact with anyone|||choke me to death|||xntx type most likely to diddle children|||isfp type most likely to be put on death row|||everyone get off the edge of your seats i just remembered it was because i had the idea to write a musical about rumpeltiltskin|||i save him so we can bond over our similar pasts|||considering mbti says more about how you perceive yourself than it does how you actually are i'm gonna go with yes, obviously|||when forum rules impede my humor|||self described misanthropes are insufferable|||with a username like cesspool how could you be anything other than an entp|||wow i didn't realize that this thread was old as shit, boy is my face red|||http://i.imgur.com/LXcmL7k.jpg|||>If I were to let him die, wouldn't I be a murderer myself too? who cares >Wouldn't I be the same sort of person as he is? who cares >Wouldn't I become the type of person I despise most?...|||i let him die and fondle his corpse|||and then months later you're going through them (if you don't just close the window) and have to ask yourself why you thought a list of the top names of the 1880s and the wikipedia page for...|||i'd say intp but that would require them leaving the house|||your extroverted friends have to explain to you why it isn't okay to piss on the carpet|||intj type most likely to be klansman?|||i have three windows of chrome open bc the tabs get to a point where i can't see their icons anymore|||i got bored two sentences into OP's post and had to stop reading|||All of the above + people who are offended by the truth and people who make excuses for themselves.|||two of the males i've felt the most compatible with have been INTJ|||our habit of getting bored of someone when they can't verbally spar with us|||to understand what i shamelessly feel cocky about, you need to hear a story one night, all the animals at mr. jones' manor farm assemble in a barn to hear old major, a pig, describe a dream he... | 6,123 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Characteristics 1. Smart/Common sense too 2. Funny. Someone who can make me laugh 3. Kind 4. Upbeat 5. Someone who understands me Physical Features 1. Nice eyes 2. Reasonably fit|||I can get really bored at work, or with a job overall if I'm in it too long. It becomes routine and not challenging. But I like earning money so I go and do my best every day. My current job? Not...|||No. But I can operate a calculator just fine. I am also not shy about asking someone who is good at math to help me if I need help.|||I usually get decent presents because we exchange Christmas lists in my family. And I usually ask my friends what they want for Christmas. One of my favorite presents was a vacuum cleaner with all...|||You're a senior. Suck it up and finish. Like it or not, that piece of paper is more valuable than no piece of paper. I started out in a major and quit after 1 1/2 years. I had to go back later and...|||My daughter and I went through her stuff from her childhood and her schoolwork for grade school and middle school. She decided what she wanted to keep and we threw the rest out. Chances are it's...|||That does not fit me at all. I am pretty even tempered and mellow. I always have been. I can get angry or frustrated, or be happy or sadx85 but overall, I am calm and mellow.|||I am happy to report that my junk is GONE. I cleaned my closets, etc. and donated stuff to charity. I am loving not having needless things underfoot. It's really freeing. I am so proud of myself.|||I feel emotion, we all do…. but I definitely rely more on my thoughts than on my emotions. Emotions come and go. I am not a wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve kind of person. I also cannot relate to...|||Doubt about…. <fill in the blank>. How I overcame self doubt was to imagine the absolute worst that could happen (embarrassment, my own perceived ineptitude, being unable to fit in, etc.). Then...|||What about those three careers interest you? Figure out the elements of what the jobs would entail and see how you really feel about those elements. What would your life be like? Etc. And if you...|||1. Friend requests from people I met at some point in life (high school, at a job, etc.) and don't remember... or didn't like. 2. Political posts 3. Game requests 4. The INABILITY to hide posts...|||I have no problems saying NO. Whats the worst that could happen? You'd make him mad? Hurt his feelings? At least he'd know how you felt and wouldn't waste his (or your) time. It may be awkward...|||I NEVER knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I just imagined myself independently wealthy lazing on a beach.|||Why is there an assumption that we are hurting someone or that we don't take them seriously? Having fun does not mean we don't take people seriously. When I am in a relationship, I assume the other...|||Is there a quality control team? Did they check the machine? You already said that it was a completely unforseen thing that happened. Nobody works in a vacuum. I am sure other people helped him with...|||You illustrated what I was going to say. It isn't that you have a 9-5. It is that you have great people like your data center manager and irritating people like your sys admin manager. The trick...|||Political Correctness scares me.|||Easy (but at times hard to actually do). Learn to not speak your mind in a way that scares people. I often have to hold back my real thoughts, the unvarnished version. I will give my thoughts,...|||I don't like very many people. I guess because they bore me, or they are shallow, or they are stupid, or they are naive, or they don't stand up for themselves, or they have zero confidence, etc. And,...|||I have always been told I am smart. I got good grades. But I do not consider myself brilliant. I think that would be exhausting. However, I have a kind of smarts that others do not seem to have,...|||I was unemployed for a while and here's what helped me. Do not stay holed up. Get out and network. Reconnect with friends that you didn't have time for when you were working. Meet new people....|||I like a good mix of both. Feelers tend to be romantic and if they are in touch with their thinking side we can have great conversations as well. But the most irresistable thing for me is a great...|||Yes... and No Here's the Yes Here's the No I cannot relate to people that find to be unrealistic, naive, simplistic, let's just all get along type of people. I also have a difficult...|||Exactly what I think too.|||Stupid people irritate me. So just be stupid and you will piss me off.|||I was also a tomboy and my parents were cool with it. I actually have more friends that are men because I think more like they do and am not overly emotional like the women I see. I have zero time...|||1. Whenever I read about the NT temperament, NTs are referred to as calm, cool-headed, even tranquil. Does this seem to be true of ENTPs? Are they ever more excitable or fun oriented? Are they ever...|||No, not too caring to be an ENTP. I had that same issue when I was younger, but I found that it gave me a responsibility that I didn't want. I felt responsbile for whatever decisions my friends...|||The best job is the one you want to do for a salary that will enable you to pay your bills.|||No, I was not bullied. I am very strong willed, maybe that's why?|||Yes, at times. And it's even worse if I'm in an argumentative mood. Some people I just have to argue with. And sometimes the argument seems never-ending. My hackles get raised and I start to...|||1. No 2. No 3. No 4. No. 5. Yes, I get bored easily. 6. No 7. I often get distracted when people are talking; I just tune out or drift off. Yes and No. If the person talks incessantly and I...|||You will stick to it when it means enough to you. I was just like you. I was able to finish my schooling and have a decent career because I was willing to do what it took, even when I didn't always...|||Yes. I had to hide a lost of posts in my facebook feed. One lady posted 50 (FIFTY) things I had to hide in one day. It's like she had tourette's or something.|||Not a feminist. I also do NOT believe a woman should make the same money as man JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN. She needs to negotiate salary, quit basing decisions on her feelings, stop apologizing,...|||Never done it. Never will. Don't want to or see the need to.|||Me too. Right now I am in the midst of three, maybe four books. I might even finish some of them, LOL! My hobbies: - Reading - Listening to music - Art and culture. I love museums, historical...|||First of all, assure her that there is nothing wrong with her. When I was younger, I would get so bored with men pretty quickly. I would actually rather be alone than in a boring relationship. First...|||I'm really not a vengeful person at heart. It seems like it would take too much time and effort. If I ever were get to the point where I would feel the need for vengeance, I would most likely opt...|||All Thinking types are cold and calculating. I hate absolutes, so that's BS to me. I am not cold or calculating. I just may keep myself hidden for a bit. As you get to know me, I will decide if I...|||So ASK her what you two are. A relationship? Just friends? Something in between? I will not tell you what to do because you have to decide that for yourself. HOWEVER: She will NOT...|||I hate being told No. I took a job in which I was promised something by a company, some personnel jockey said no to what I was already promised because of policy. Yes, I did ultimately get what I...|||I don't know any other way to put this... but.... she is not a science project to be figured out This part leaves me totally cold: Describe the individual using a variety of methods at your...|||I think overall it's an Introvert's playground. Ugh. I use it to keep track of people I can't communicate with any other way. Or to keep up with my large family. I also play bejeweled blitz. That's...|||I only know one INFJ, so I do realize my experience is not the only experience of them. I really like the INFJ that I know. He's really cool and keeps me mentally unscattered and uncluttered. ...|||I can be very sarcastic, to the point where people do not always realize I am joking. Bugs Bunny was always my favorite cartoon character and he's my favorite to this day. I hate Bill Maher. My...|||I think their J is how they orient their life, structure, schedule, hate surprises, good working with deadlines, punctual, things like that. I do know J's that are judgmental, but that is not what I...|||So, ENTPs, what's your career path? I've been in IT my whole adult career. Computer Operator, Help Desk Technician, Desk Side Team Lead, Customer Support Manager, Training Manager, Configuration...|||Your strong J would drive us nuts and our strong P would drive you nuts. Are you a clean freak? Are you structured, scheduled, hate surprises, etc?' | 6,617 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Someone who knows what the definition of reciprocity is. Someone who can look past my flaws. Someone kind, that wants to build a life with me, and my kind of pretty.|||You know what sucks? When a particular close friend tells me that I don't appreciate her as a friend and feeling like I don't feel like they're being good enough. I've shown time and time again how...|||We're here, somewhere. Me personally I've been living like Thoreau did back in Walden Pond. Except, not in the woods, and having internet connection. So really, not exactly like Thoreau did. Meh....|||After I posted I had emailed the same question to two of my mates in Wales and in London. The Londoner texted me back saying that one of the major reasons why is that so few writers (1-2 usually)...|||Ugh, I wanted to post a Doctor Who question. But since someone already beat me to it, here goes another one. I love British television! But why oh why are their series always either 6 episodes...|||1. In an intimate relationship I'd like to spend as much time as humanly possible with her. Having said that, I'd still like for us to have our lives separate from each other to do the things we...|||Lol. In my earlier years I was someone people would come to vent to, ask an opinion, or just have someone to listen to. I just got it my friends would say. There really is a lot to learn...|||Dear INFJ out in Virginia, You have become an important person in my life. It saddens me that we can't progress into something more than friends for now. You know the kind of man I am and in...|||Mine is normal, I think. Often times, because I have a soft voice, I am asked to speak up. It's unpleasant because it sounds like I'm yelling inside my head. It's a sharp contrast to my normal...|||A couple of things. Is that Effie from Skins in your avatar? And that creepy guy from Buzzfeed is awesome!|||What is a dumb way you've hurt yourself? > Touching the barrel of a recently fired weapon. Those things are hot! What noise annoys you? > Specifically, this guy with a Harley in my neighborhood...|||I can attest to this. My personal experience in dealing with depression and PTSD, I had to really have myself broken down before I could begin to work on getting through the trauma and healing. I...|||A little bit of both, really. In the military, we were taught to have situational awareness. It came natural to me because I've always observed my surroundings, whether I'm aware of it or not. ...|||I hate that I have an over-active brain that seems to be working at light-speeds regardless of how busy I'm keeping myself. Thoughts are an endless current with no ebb or flow. It's not even...|||You rock the short hair very well. :)|||Ah, no worries! Glad that you were able to get over it.|||Were they friends or family of yours? It's unfortunate that they would joke about you're being quiet, especially since you said they knew why you have yet to find your voice. It's great that you...|||I forgot to mention Jebediah and myexplodingcat in my you're welcome post. Newb that I am!|||I've been doing that my whole life it seems. I didn't realize it is an INFJ quality. :)|||I don't remember which Exorcist it was (possibly the first but I'm not sure nowadays) but there is one scene from the movies that led to me fearing hallways for a very long time. They were at the...|||Would you like to talk about them?|||Thank you for that. It's amazing how simple words from a stranger can mean a lot.|||Same boat as you. Maybe struggling in different ways but struggling nonetheless.|||I've been away awhile but just wanted to say you're welcome.|||Understandable. I personally don't care much for his private habits. He's a good actor who has played some interesting roles. Also, he's part of this site called HitRecord which has been a good...|||Not sure if this belongs in this thread but I didn't know where else to post it. But here goes. How do you feel about Aldon Smith's 9 game suspension? Was it too harsh or not enough? Personally...|||Yeah, I think a lot of them are projecting their own inner demons as a way to make themselves feel better. I guess where I'm coming from, the guy friends I used to have would never question why an...|||Damnit Mr. Cafebot! Where was my awesome greeting?|||I was born into a Roman Catholic family, but rejected it when I started getting serious about science. Since then I've tip-toed the line between atheism and agnosticism but now I just consider...|||It's going to get serious so I apologize in advance. To my best friend. I wish you could have came to me before you did what you did. Maybe you did, and I just didn't realize it. Forgive my 13...|||Having spent the last couple of years weeding out unessential people in my life, I find that I only have a handful of people I can be around. I've gone most of this summer not socializing. Other...|||I would ask him why he did what he did and not come to me for help. 19 years later and I still miss the guy.|||I used to be so enamored with European women. It was the accents mostly. Having spent a good amount of time in Europe, I felt like I was in heaven being surrounded by all these women with wonderful...|||I have so much to learn! I'm completely lost by everything you guys are talking about :/ But that will come in time. The girl I'm currently interested in is also an INFJ. She's probably the only...|||I've never cared for societal pressure. Being a 32 year old single male, most of my high school friends are married with children or have a SO. My situation has always been difficult because the...|||Oooh, do tell. What happened with you and JGL eh? Actually, it's from Bloc Party. Its one of my favorite song of theirs.|||I don't take many pics, so these selfies were taken by request. 186354 186362 186370 186378 186386 Yes, I like beanies. Never am without one for some reason.|||It's been awhile since I wrote something substantial. This is something I wrote back in '12. I’ll meet you in a place I’ve never been before Where skies are faded blue and suns dance in wayward...|||Thank you Jack! This site is a treasure trove of information. I've also read that my type is extremely rare. It probably would explain why I always felt out of place. lol|||Hello and welcome! I'm kind of in the same boat as you, so hopefully you'll meet some interesting and wonderful people :)|||INFJ here... I've never seen Treasure Planet but I probably would if I did watch it. Quick browse on wiki tells me Joseph Gordon-Levitt voices the main character and he's my man crush! But yeah,...|||If you're apprehensive about being an officer, you can enlist and come out of basic with an E-4 pay grade. It's not much, but it still beats being a lowly E-1/2. Anyway, you really have to ask...|||500 Days of Summer and I agree with Natalie Portman.|||I have a bro-crush on Zhao Yun from Romance of the Three Kingdoms.|||I'm still on that World Cup high so I'm alternating between FIFA 13 and Football Manager 14. Madden came out recently so I'll pick that up soon..ish. Eventually.|||Heya SiennaO, thanks for replying on my little thread. :) Anyway, as I'm still learning about my INFJ-ness, I might not answer your question fully but I'll try my best. When I'm interested...|||Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today One Day People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated. 500 Days of Summer Clementine Kruczynski: This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone...|||Thanks! Well, I can be your INFJ friend named Jeff. :wink:|||This is just a little short blurb about myself. I've never really felt like I belonged anywhere even though I've been involved in a lot of social activities. It wasn't until I took the MBTI test...' | 7,819 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Almost all of my doodles are faces, but I sometimes draw hands or feet as well. I've been trying to stop since it interferes with writing notes in class.|||lol apparently it's an actual tree house. It'd be so cool to live in. I found it here: http://fuckyeahinteriordesigns.tumblr.com/post/4191485627 Oh my this one's even better:...|||When I took an MBTI test in middle school as a way to find suitable career opportunities, I tested as an ISFJ, but the profile description never really clicked with me. I think this was mainly...|||Right now I've got a couple books on world religions and am really into The Idiot by Dostoevsky; I also have to begin The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck this weekend for English class. I want to reread...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkzRNyygfk|||http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lezc2doBf91qcgfmzo1_500.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lionnpitjV1qbtnq3o1_500.jpg http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liouruHNVl1qgtt0lo1_500.jpg...|||I started crying before I even got halfway through this. Thank you TentacleZoom, I want to put your post on my bulletin board now.|||I will always love The Princess Bride. Also Arsenic and Old Lace, it's so incredibly hilarious. And Philadelphia Story.|||Desperately trying to not get my hopes up.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCwLirQS2-o&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piWCBOsJr-w&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAaWvVFERVA&feature=related|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kioul-p1nZ8&feature=autoplay&list=AVGxdCwVVULXfxLwE-OMg7kN5NlXkA7BoB&index=9&playnext=1 Trying to cheer myself up.|||I feel a million times better than I did last year, yet I seem to be crying more often than ever. I tear up reading news stories and television shows. I feel pity for the bad guys in films and even...|||finally the weekend.|||Ooh I started listening to Florence and the Machine recently. They have some fantastic songs. I really enjoy The Dog Days Are Over and Rabbit Heart.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6P0SitRwy8&feature=autoplay&list=TLVV2L91MGK3c&index=2&playnext=1|||I last cried a few days ago when I was overwhelmed by the random thought of one of my dogs dying, which led to worrying about whether there is anything after life and if Christianity is right then my...|||My prayers are with the people of Christchurch; I hope there's no more fatalities and that they'll rescue those still trapped under rubble.|||It's personality that I fall for, so I personally don't have any preference. (woo three P's in one sentence! *pats self on back*)|||Haha that Looklet is very addicting... I'm trying to recycle clothes from the back of my closet and be more creative with my outfits, and return to wearing skirts and dresses again.|||In elementary school I dreamed of being an artist or writer, and even had a phase in the fourth grade of being President. Now I'm looking into medicine and immunology, but as I'm still technically a...|||I remember my father reading White Mars, a science fiction I believe, and he couldn't stand it. It's apparently the only he's never been able to finish. For me, one is Barnaby Rudge by Charles...|||I had to watch all the interviews after this one! So funny :crazy:|||We read that in English class last year. It's very good.|||A fudge shake. Yummy :laughing:|||I love this. I hope you find this girl again.|||Kerfuffle saccharine whimsy|||http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-1.00&soc=-6.41|||The more I look into pantheism, the more appealing I find it. Sometimes I wish I didn't live in the Baptist Bible Belt where it's practically blasphemous to explore other systems of faith.|||Uncertain and kind of down.|||Is it horrible to say that I don't like my brother?|||My aunt surprised me last night with an eReader, and it came with Dracula, Little Women, Pride & Prejudice, etc. I'm already in love with it...|||Say hi to my lovely Valentine's Day date! http://images.bookbyte.com/isbn.aspx?isbn=9780321044792 -_-|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKNKVzVAqUk|||I think this will be my permanent one: http://i796.photobucket.com/albums/yy247/Texan_Belle/giving.jpg|||You're so cute! And I agree, you look very INFPish lol.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO2-kIqsGL4&feature=autoplay&list=AVGxdCwVVULXeL-Dw_rGDLEhlJLqRaWY2S&index=12&playnext=1|||Have any of y'all ever visited the Duirwaigh Gallery? It's a beautiful site:Duirwaigh Studios - A portal to inspiration And they have a couple of really beautiful videos: ...|||It took me a shocking amount of time to find this slash: .|||I have a very difficult time trusting others, which is probably I don't have friends outside of school; I just can't seem to connect further than that because of my fear of being hurt, or hurting...|||A good book and these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mebt2holvps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLvhtf09V4g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQBvZu0189M|||That's mine too. Lately I've been constantly tired.|||This is a great thread! I can't wait until I know ya'll well enough and vice-versa to really participate. Sorry for the interruption :).|||The only person I've been able to confirm is my brother; he's an INTP.|||I was asked this question in my Teen Leadership class a few weeks ago and the first thing I thought of was reincarnation. I'd like the chance to come back here with a new identity.|||Every morning I tell myself what's going to happen in each class and that I'm prepared for the day over and over to ease the sense that I might be completely unprepared for school.|||My cousin had to put her cat down :(. He somehow got into antifreeze while wandering outside and was too poisoned to make it... RIP Gizmo|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw2Ic_2XdVQ|||Hollow and morbid.|||I just watched it. A wonderful and weird movie, and I loved Sandler's character and related to many of his issues. The soundtrack drove me up the wall at certain points, but I think that was...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnCZxLvYXI8&feature=related' | 3,494 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir1A74UA2YE The Si <3|||you may as well google personalitycafe <insert topic here> because that will be faster Welcome here, btw|||I'm not saying my room is clean or tidy, but someone needs some cable ties, those wires are going to tangle up if nobody sorts it out. CandidlySubtle Have you considered posting yoiur question...|||I chuckle at this because it's the complete opposite for me (INTP), replaying past relationships is mainly an emotional process for me. That's not to say I can't see it objectively, it just feels...|||It (the visual points) might have stemmed from socionics, I've read roughly the same thing before, but it was socionics (INTj instead of INTP), and to my knowledge, they touch on aggression a bit, as...|||What do you guys think about this?|||It depends on the situation, but if he wasn't acting obviously anxious (like he is in a life-threatening level of hurry), than I'll tap him on the shoulder, if he turns around I'll say something mild...|||When you just learned that starting sentences with I feel that... is a thing|||I mainly just try to get the message across in the most effective way, but I am mostly conscious of what kind of a person I'm talking to, and I mould my language around that. It would make no sense...|||I don't really see Ti in you. You don't seem particularly interested in learning things holistically (Ti), even when you take an interest in the subjects, such as maths and science. You don't draw on...|||Wtf? Is someone going around town capturing INTPs with balls?|||If you are/were put off by it, congratulations, you don't have Ne|||Jaydee780, What do you think about, specifically, when you are recalling the girls you mentioned? As some inspiration in case it isn't the easiest to remember: Did you collect seemingly random...|||IXTJ with a broken Fi Type most likely to write stories they'll never let anyone read?|||Well, if you can't change your mind, you're not using it|||Sounds like intuitive percievers in general should correlate with intelligence than, even then, is it a specific kind of intelligence, an unspecified intelligence or all intelligences in general?|||I second this. You're probably not an INTP, you miss their whimsical side and their nostalgic tendencies (an INTP might say more about your dad than just from your mother's point of view, for...|||The problem I have setting down what comes before what is that these traits can be caused by different motivations and each trait is a combination of differeny functions. Like how Extroversion seems...|||Beyond nice, really. Especially when someone can appreciate it when we're being completely serious one moment and silly the next. Here's the catch, though, you still have to be able to tell when we...|||It's probably just a bunch of people a long time ago trying to sound smart by using big words|||Interesting. I often find I have the need to voice ideas internally to organise them. And sometimes I realise things I can't spot alone in my thoughts while I'm talking. So yes it probably is an Ne...|||Based on the little I've read, I'd consider placing these traits along a spectrum of functions rather than with MBTI dichotomies. I'm not commenting on what you said, just bored. When I place a >0...|||I think it could be to do with the nature of Te directly sampling logical information from the world, to them, making sense is as easy as having the proof is enough, the method is more important. I...|||Ni/Se appears more flexible because they coexist easily, they don't have as distinguishable or opposing characteristics as Si/Ne. Si/Ne have one function about getting as much information from the...|||you probably look more like this 568474|||It might be Fe/Ti in general. I do this as well (and never really thought about the effect) to me it just just stand out as them trying to hurt people's feelings on purpose. I hate it when people...|||Living's nice. That's all the point I know/need|||Until it derails from your rehearsals and you mess up and weird everyone out|||If normal exists for INFPs, as far as you sound you seem normal. No you are not INTP. INTPs are not sensitive to how most others see us, we're more prone to be intentionally distant people than...|||ESFP Type most likely to break hearts unintentionally, and really start to hate themselves for it?|||Don't you mean ignorance begets confidence more than knowledge? ;)|||{Heart}|||And it's absolutely fine because at least you can still find most of the stuff that you are looking for ;)|||Where do you catch one?|||I think it has to do with the amount of Fe and Ne you can muster up, but that's more with function strengths according to socionics Which you'll notice, INTJs have basically none of either Just...|||A mind reader But being an INFX will suffice|||1. ENTJ 2. INFP 3. ISFJ 4. ESFP TMLT try to save the day before being sure they have the power to|||Give it to a slave workforce of NJs|||INFJ Type most likely to identify with the antagonist?|||Pudding? Someone said pudding 564450564458564466|||And then you get bored half way through and stuff the rest of the unorganised objects right back|||Except when both objects' velocities are considered relative to lightspeed.|||Have you been clinically diagnosed? Or is this all speculation?|||I find they can also turn put like this Human: I think I have (gasp!)... an emotion! INTJ: I don't deal with petty emotions based on nothing Human: -Insert Personal Detriment- INTJ: I don't...|||The Wait I don’t crave, for your response in the days you’re unreached. I don’t ache, for your absence in the times you’ve ignored me. I can’t feel,|||I say either let the man dream, or respectfully cancel the entire ordeal. This kind of expectation is dumb on your part. He's obviously not letting go of the mere possibility. It's an Ne...|||Best nap ever|||Criminal.|||lIn truth, to someone who I find gets me, I usually have a lot more other stuff to talk about other than petty feelings. Moreover, unless they don't really know me, they'll also understand that I...|||Enneagram 4 TMLT fill their room with pillows' | 5,809 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Creme de la Earl Grey tea. So delicious it could be food.|||I really want to have a serious discussion about feelings in this relationship|||I am so jealous of this.|||That is true, however, an SP senses the world around them with more relaxed tendencies which with drug use, could lead to an almost euphoric state for oneself. I do agree with you on the T vs F.|||I feel like an ESFP would. Extrovert, as you stated would be more likely in my mind. I think the S or iN could go either way for different reasons, but an FP would be more likely to experiment in...|||I dreamed my brother died and my boss wouldn’t let me take any time off work. It was actually very depressing. I woke up actually thinking he was gone and I thought, well that sucked.|||Because people are assholes.|||Thanks for the pictures everyone, now leftover Moussaka doesn't seem so amazing.|||You begrudgingly go out to a party, only to regret your decision 5 minutes in.|||To be alone watching Netflix with a glass of scotch.|||When Feerlers' make you out to be a heartless sociopath, when in reality you're just a realist.|||I never know how to act around children. I'll look at a 2 year old and converse with him how I would an 20 year old. My soft spot's with animals, I could be around them all day (minus snakes).|||At Work, not wanting to work.|||INTJ Degree was in Psychology but I got bored. Certificate in Auto Mechanics but I got bored again. Current: Accounting|||How can people actually look at a baby and think it's cute.|||ENTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my6bfA14vMQ|||Skyrim, still.|||Interstellar, Looper, Dredd.|||The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters|||I've changed my mind 4 times regarding career paths. Went to school for English Literature right after high school. Changed to Psychology after 1 year. Went into Auto Mechanics after 3 years of Psyc,...|||INTJ. I love a wide variety of music, I have everything from Top 40, folk, classic rock, rap, electronic, movie themes, and disney on my iPod. My favourites however, whom I always go back to... ...|||I love this. Could not have said it better.|||Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Definitely one of my favourite movies, it helps that every actor in that movie is absolutely fantastic.|||My version of working.|||Thin Ice - Pink Floyd|||Doctor Who Sherlock Game of Thrones Walking Dead Sons of Anarchy I've never actually watched Buffy so I started that up on Netflix recently.|||I just can't seem to get away from playing Skryim. I'll put in Assassins Creed and play for 10 min and think Nope! Not Skyrim. I can usually play Grand Turismo 5 for an hour then put Skyrim back in.|||I have about 5 books on the go: Dantes' - Divine Comedy George R.R Martin - A Clash of Kings H.G Wells - In the Days of the Comet Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything The Bedside...|||This.|||1. Before you came to this 'ere site - Were you happy with your life? Did you think you were happy, but on reflection, probably weren't? Where would you be now if you hadn't discovered MBTI? I...|||Personal ~ * Name - Kate - Any nicknames - Slider *Female Location - Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. If I could, I would buy the first ticket to Norway. Age - I'm 24 years old. I...' | 3,900 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Yes, indeed... I am in the game now... :D|||It makes sense to me now, after you mentioned the part where INTJ female needs to be dominated by a male... Which an ENFP guy, i reckon is not the one to do so...|||What exactly is it that you think makes them boring... Please be objective...|||Commenting on Personal Preference... I haven't come across any INTJ girl in my life. But I have been weirdly attracted to ISFP girls...|||lol i asked it out of curiosity...|||I have established from a lot of posts over here that; INTJ male + ENFP female = Awesome Pair But what about; ENFP Male + INTJ female = Not Sure What are your ideas about it?|||I have established from a lot of posts over here that; INTJ male + ENFP female = Awesome Pair But what about; ENFP Male + INTJ female = Not Sure What are your ideas about it?|||wrong.... super badass :P :P :P|||you said exactly wat i said... u r more weird... lol|||hahahahahaha....|||I won't make such a mistake. And i am sorry if i hurt you in the process... Thx|||Thank you so much for such a nice reply... i thought my observation was all wrong considering few posts above from fellow ESFJ her... i thought i was nuts :D|||Why would he get frustrated when i am reading the slides slower. It's not his business. Who is he to judge me?|||He has seen me getting transformed from one stage of life to another. From low to a lot better position now. But its not like i was dependent on his support. Or i ever wanted his support. To me, its...|||Which part of my message irritated you... plz tell|||He always the one who initiates contact... I try to dodge him. But he comes and greet me with huge smile on his face and hugs me to the point of lifting me... [ Which part of my message you...|||[QUOTE=gurlygurl;1825921]He obviously thinks that you're a proud arrogant buffoon, that tries to sluff off on him, and he's sick of constantly giving to you. Tbh, it doesn't surprise me that he feels...|||i don't know where i missed reading that section in the original post. However, if two people can get to know each other in that duration, its sound to get married.|||I am an ENFP an i use Google & youtube alot... I even use Google as a dictionary. By appending any word with define: prefix. For which i can use any other dictionary as well. But for some...|||As far as i am concerned ENFP's can be good at Science but not engineering. Science to me is abstract and all theories which an Intuitive person can easily grasp. On the other hand Engineering to me...|||I used to believe in love at first sight. But with time and maturity i have learnt that love at first sight is just an attraction or infatuation that goes out of the window when the initial ice...|||As far as i am concerned ENFP's can be good at Science but not engineering. Science to me is abstract and all theories which an Intuitive person can easily grasp. On the other hand Engineering to me...|||Hey guys! I have been friends with an ESFJ male from 2 and half years. He has been a good company so far. He befriended me when i was very depressed and down with life in general. I was having...|||What makes you guys change from a total *** to a really nice guy... I know a person in my class who is ESTJ. He was very mean to me. He always hit point at me and was sarcastic. I used to play the...|||What makes you guys change from a total *** to a really nice guy... I know a person in my class who is ESTJ. He was very mean to me. He always hit point at me and was sarcastic. I used to play the...|||Hey guys! I have been friends with an ESFJ male from 2 and half years. He has been a good company so far. He befriended me when i was very depressed and down with life in general. I was having...|||But HR has other tasks as well. For example, Training and development, Recruitment (and no firing) and Career Counselling (I am planning to to Organizational Psychology along with my HR degre) ...|||at Sovereign But HR has other tasks as well. For example, Training and development, Recruitment (and no firing) and Career Counselling (I am planning to to Organizational Psychology along with my HR...|||I have been weak in my marketing subjects as far as marks were concerned. For that reason I chose HRM as my specialized area in my MBAx85 But after helping some friends casually on their marketing...|||I have been weak in my marketing subjects as far as marks were concerned. For that reason I chose HRM as my specialized area in my MBAx85 But after helping some friends casually on their marketing...|||at MXZCCT.... I just want to know if you ISTP guys had an experience with ENFP's as best friends? if yes, how was it?|||I am an ENFP male and i have a male classmate who is ISTP. He is a good friend. But i want to know him more but he is very reserved. Any one of you guys had and experience with and ISTP as best...|||I am an ENFP male and i have a male classmate who is ISTP. He is a good friend. But i want to know him more but he is very reserved. Any one of you guys had and experience with and ISTP as best...|||I did this to a girl in my first semester. She used to stare alot to me. My perceptions about her were spot on that she is Proud and Haughty and playing Mind Games with me. But my Judgement was...|||An intriguing view on Perception and Jugement... ideed|||i think its a good thing that you use the second option. Because i think searching for something to justify your Ne is dangerous in the long run... It's based on lies and deception. and that...|||I can totally relate to this.. Especially the person Acting Sneaky or cunning thing you mentiond...|||You mean ENFP are prone to Stereo Typing people. When they jump to conclusions or judgements about people based on their past perceptions of certain events. For Example, All Rich People are Proud...|||(I posted this in the General Psychology Section, but it didnt generated any response... Hope to have response in this forum) I have a theory to share with you guys. Has anybody notice that time...|||ENFPs sometimes make serious errors in judgment. They have an amazing ability to intuitively perceive the truth about a person or situation, but when they apply judgment to their perception, they...|||ISFP friend: why are you writing points in the slides when you have the softcopy me: coz am getting BORED in the lecture :D you are such a stalker:P (shouted my ENFPfriend from behind when i was...|||Thank you guys for sharing your experiences and helping me out... I gave my presentation a week ago and to my surprise it surpassed my expectations in a good way... :D I make a note of all the...|||all of these advices are really good... i will try them and let you guys tell... how it goes... Thanks...|||I want to some help in improving my presentation skills based on my personality type. Before coming here and to ask the question, i did some reading on improving presentation skills. I got the...|||I want to some help in improving my presentation skills based on my personality type. Before coming here and to ask the question, i did some reading on improving presentation skills. I got the...|||I want to some help in improving my presentation skills based on my personality type. Before coming here and to ask the question, i did some reading on improving presentation skills. I got the...|||Strategic Management Conflict Management Personnel Management Managerial Accounting No wonder am a managment student... MBA|||am glad i can amuse some one.... :D|||@ hm with Finally, some one who thinks like me... :D i like programming... i hated history too in high school... but i like to know about history in general.... it kinda opens up the big picture...|||My intuition was constantly telling me you would say some thing like that :D:P Yeah, its quite possible... In every personality type there can be variations, and add to it different backgrounds,...' | 3,993 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I'm so worn out with grad school and work. Every day I think about giving up. So hard to get out of bed every morning. I hate being such a downer, usually, but it's all my days have consisted of...|||Of course I know he's his own person, and I certainly don't want to go changing him or forcing him to do anything. I guess I just don't like the constant criticism and negativity. Not everything has...|||I've been a little down lately after my slow realization that my ENTP (sometimes tested as J) boyfriend just doesn't share the same passion that I have for people. I'd hate to compare, but my past...|||Yeah, my dad tends to be very adventurous. He's always finding new things to do or new things to buy when he gets bored (which is very easily). To be honest, the fighting and the throwing sounds like...|||Interesting. I don't know as much about typing as others do, but I will say my dad is an ISTP (and my mom is an ESFJ, weird), and unlike me, he'll typically have a more objective stance rather than...|||Something about how putting emotion on the backburner is kind of hard to do. :P|||Sage Francis is amazing! And artists under the label he was once under are pretty amazing too. Buck65 is really good. Why? is a good band. Also Sole and Dosh. I've recently been getting into a lot of...|||I had a surprisingly good day today where I actually felt like my unhindered self. Turns out, growing a pair and being selfish sometimes is a good thing.|||Oh god, this is getting hilarious. Hitting so close to home. :tongue:|||I just went up to my dad, said Hey, there's this personality theory, take this test. Now he's totally into it, and it's helped him to understand his ISTP self. I just guessed my mom might be an...|||I'd have to say Dostoevsky and Charles Dickens, because I love their styles of writing. Also my grandmother for publishing two books and reading nearly a book a day.|||Hello, Aphorist! Watch Instantly on Netflix is the best thing that's ever happened to me, ha. And I envy your mathematical ability. Welcome aboard! I'm new too. :)|||I really, really appreciate the concern, Matchbook. It's great to hear from someone with the same experience. Those three times have honestly affected my mind in a very bittersweet way, and I've...|||Hello, Bogie! I like the sound of your name. :tongue: Welcome to the boards!|||I've always wondered if it had some relation. Hahaha! That's really creepy sounding. (And you should totally do it anyway! What's going to happen in an empty lot? :P ) Edit: and I don't...|||I passed the writing test as well and my permit's expired once already. You hit it dead on the spot: I'm SO afraid I'm going to be unfocused and hit someone. I've actually already backed into a car...|||I can have about two days of alone time before I go stir crazy and yearn for social interaction. I really do value alone time and privacy though.|||I enjoy it tremendously. But I've had three severe panic attacks about a year back so I tone it down a lot. I take small hits now and I'm gradually doing it more. I think my brain would say that weed...|||So, I feel really lame and moochy right now. I'm twenty and one of the only people I know my age who doesn't *legally* drive yet. I know how to drive very well, and have driven many times, but I'm...|||I don't know what I would like to do in my future. I feel kind of lost in that aspect, but I do know that I want to run a non-profit organization of some sort on the side. But even then, I still...|||Thanks for the welcomes jojo and jasonm!|||Elliott Smith is genius to me. Sadly he was very depressing and many are turned off by that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcnHjjLdNXQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lnHybH_I6Q ...|||I've never typed as anything different, but F has typically been my weakest preference. I've found over the years, that my inferior Te is more developed, so the closest I've been to testing as...|||I've found that my life revolves around love too. I've been very lucky enough to have (fairly) healthy relationships so my hopeless romantic side can take a nap while I focus on other things. When...|||Refugee says it best. Do not repress them. Find some way healthy of relief. Writing, painting, and basic meditation help me. I get overwhelmed with strong emotions, but you have to learn to live with...|||Guess I'll just have to act on an impulse, get up and do it one day! :tongue:|||It is very fascinating. Even though it's not necessarily a positive thing, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who does this. Ohh, interesting. What exactly is EMDR? I've heard of it in a...|||When I get discouraged, I stay away from whatever it is for just a little bit. I try to look for humor in it, and remember why I'm doing what I do. It's usually all your perception of the situation....|||Really? Man, I need to build up some more confidence for that. Maybe it's just the singing part. The last time I sung on stage, there was VERY apparent anxiety in my voice! How did you do it?...|||You're so organized and self-disciplined! :laughing: Wow, you really LOVE doing karaoke in front of all those people. HA! Going to have to agree with this.|||To OP: That looks SO comfortable. When I'm at my house, or when I'm just hanging around with no real plans, I'll dress to be comfortable. But sometimes when I'm out in public, I get bored of the...|||Yes, sometimes I place myself right back in very traumatic or strong, meaningful memories, and I will feel as if it were happening in the present. I like to do it, though. It's kind of... cathartic...|||Lost (I'm obsessed) Gurren Lagann The Office Arrested Development Avatar Others: The Daily Show Dexter 24|||Good thing that Cafebot was there to help. I'm new too. Am I still allowed to welcome you? :tongue:|||I'm twenty, but people think I look younger (genetics all the way) and act older. :)|||Are you a student in college? I've got a part time job as a student employee on campus. Maybe your campus has job postings for student employees? The ones on my campus are (mostly) typical office...|||I love cats, but I'm slowly becoming more of a dog person because they're so outwardly loving. My kitten is seemingly soulless and ungrateful sometimes. But, of course, I'm only joking! She is...|||I think they were both funny. It's easier just to remember that these are commercials, and that it's not an idea we're really running with in society. Now if they were being serious, that's a...|||I'm dating an ENTP, and he thinks I'm too kind to others. On the other hand, at times I think he's too harsh. I've taught him to be more compassionate for others, which he's grateful for. In return,...|||Thanks, everyone. :)|||That's awesome! Not really, I'm insanely indecisive. I'm not into clinical psych, but I may do something along the lines of starting a community program. Something more along the lines of social...|||I found this place while looking for another personality forum I used to visit. I haven't really been on a message board in a few years so forgive me for any future forum-fouls! :unsure: I'm...' | 1,851 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Assuming I enter into a relationship with someone, I would likely never break up with her. In my past, I've always been the one who's been dumped. Sorry, it doesn't really answer your question,...|||I would like to open a modern design store and gift shop/ art gallery, selling unique and useful items that add a little joy to people's lives. I think it would be really fun travelling to...|||Spring bling|||I've made a conscious effort to use the phrase I believe when I am confident in something, rather than I think. To me, I believe is more assured, whereas I think leaves more wiggle room.|||For me, it's hard to know exactly how much background info the other person needs. Often, I just start from the beginning and give them way too much, which really distracts from the meat of the...|||This is a massive problem of mine as well. You are not alone; look at the sea of self-help literature geared towards improving focus as evidence.|||Ok, then don't smile with your mouth. Smile with your eyes.|||I know other people mentioned it, but it's not really accurate to say Asian culture. I mean, what do you really mean? Do you mean people people from a specific place? Because Asia is huge. There's...|||First, I want to tell you that I am not judging you, and I am taking the time to write this because I want to try and help you. Your quote above... do you really need advice on pulling crazy drug...|||InTheMood, I am not an INFP, but I have a suggestion for you that will be true regardless of type. [I test as INTP, but I feel I am changing]. Talk to your fiance first. Ask her how she feels...|||The moment I realize I'm wrong I acknowledge it instantly, and apologize for any thick-headed behavior that might have occurred.|||Try keeping good posture: shoulders back; chest out, chin up. Force yourself to smile, even if you don't feel like it. Breathe deeply. Doing these physical things can influence positive...|||Good good, I'm really glad to hear it. I know it's hard, and it will continue to be difficult. But, it will get better. If you need to share with your family, do so. That's what they're there...|||Enigmatic Clown, are you still out there? Let us know you're ok. We care...|||Sweet Sincere Honest Open about her feelings Accepts me for who I am Not afraid to tell me how I can be a better partner, in a non-critical manner Someone who cares deeply about important...|||Ok, I know you feel like shit right now, but for the next week this is what you need to do: 1. Take all that unrequited love and sorrow and focus the energy into your finals. I want you to...|||First off, I really feel for you man. It's late and I need to go to sleep, so I can't write much, but I'll try to write more tomorrow. I know you feel really alone, but I want you to know that...|||That's a straight up bad friend, a bully, likely a narcissist. If you easily attract those types, it's because they can sense that they can bully you. Maybe they see you as an object, and not...|||As my anthropology professor would always say: Human nature is emotion|||This is what happened between myself and my last girlfriend. We had been hanging out with each other exclusively a bunch: watching movies, sharing meals, etc. I didn't really know what was...|||I have cried about 4 times since my girlfriend broke up with me three weeks ago. I always feel better afterwards. It's not good to keep those feelings bottled up, or ignored.|||Thank you, I needed to hear that. I know that people change, and grow apart. I just didn't think it would happen to us. She changed me for the better, over the years. I had hoped that we would...|||Actually, it didn't hurt when I found out it was another woman. If it was another man, I'd probably be way more upset. I was still upset she left me and did it in a devastating way, but if she's...|||Apology accepted :happy:|||Nothing personal, but I didn't appreciate it.|||With all due respect, you do not know her or her situation. I know that you're trying to give me advice, but I won't let anyone write poorly of her. For the record, we are not dating anymore, and...|||The mean thing I said was the last straw that ended our first relationship. I said something like Why don't you just give up? I'll always regret saying that, and breaking her heart. All I can do...|||This is very similar to what she told me. She said something about not realizing what she needed during the relationship, and forget about being able to vocalize it in a way where I would understand...|||Please don't feel sad. It was painful for the first week, and especially the first 3 days. I don't want to think about how I felt too much. I think it's more painful for her than it is for me...|||Please, don't feel sad for me. I already went through that enough. It's true, she was prone to depression, and I wasn't exactly the best person to help her out of it. The next woman I'm with...|||I have asked her what I can work on. She gave me that vague you already are working on it spiel. She doesn't want to come off as critical, and isn't prone to giving hard answers when pressed....|||I like that thinking, thanks for telling me that.|||Your reply was very helpful. I can see that we don't really work out together, but we really do love each other. That's the part that hurts the most. The casual marriage proposal was pretty...|||Yeah, maybe being around her isn't enough. That's denial talking.|||Thank you, I am definitely making an effort to eat well, exercise, and surround myself with my family.|||I don't think she cheated on me. According to her, they haven't even held hands or hugged. But perhaps she cheated on me emotionally. I should probably back off, but I'm practically addicted to...|||How old is she and what fields has she tried out? What's her educational background?|||Thank you all for your input, suggestions, and support. I want to reply to each and every one of you, but I need time to digest it all [the thoughts, not Thanksgiving food :happy:]|||Two weeks ago, the love of my life, the one I had pledged my soul to, emailed me to tell me that our relationship was over. I was confused, shocked, and hurt. I had no idea this was coming. ...|||As someone who runs a UFO group, [more like a social club that watches videos and discusses], I entertain some pretty wild theories on a regular basis. I certainly won't take someone's account of...|||Personally, I like using metaphors because they can potentially transmit a lot of information in few words. I use the word potentially, because if the person on the receiving end doesn't...|||I used to mostly dress for comfort, a consequence of being overweight. As I've gotten older, I realize that dressing well is not simply a statement I make about myself, but about the people around...|||I think if you fix the small problems in life, the big problems will be easier to deal with. Here's a mid-90s pop culture illustration of this idea: Duckman was shown a super computer, and was...|||I interact with thinkers like you on a regular basis. They often state that they wish they knew the right people to implement their ideas. Here are some links I think could help you. United...|||Of course, no one would ever go forth with an idea that they believe is bad. Therefore, this point is moot. In general, there's only one way to find out if a business idea works, and that is to...|||When you're debating, and in the process of making your argument, convince yourself that the opposing viewpoint is more logical and quickly change sides.|||... When you've hugged a computer... [I swear, I was only checking to hear the hard drive spin!]|||Growing up, I never liked receiving compliments, unless it was regarding some intellectual achievement or contribution. I often felt like I didn't deserve to receive a compliment. I attribute it to...|||My dad [suspected INTP] will laugh randomly for no good reason. When it happens, I think he's thinking about something funny that happened in his past. I spaced out in the theater when watching...|||Yes! Mike Judge is brilliant, isn't he?' | 8,297 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'I think we do agree. I personally don't consider myself Alpha, Beta, or Foxtrot (lol at my own joke). People are people. We both agree that having emotions isn't the same as being weak, whiny,...|||Literature... I'd suggest 'Everyday Zen' by Charlotte Joko Beck. It's a solid introduction into mindfulness meditation, what it means to sit, etc. Ch'an Buddhism isn't exactly the same as Zen but...|||Being emotional doesn't automatically make someone not Alpha; every single human being, regardless of his or her type is emotional. We all feel things intensely. But emotions need to be kept in...|||I'm a Ch'an Buddhist, so it's a daily thing for me. Actually, it's an all-the-time thing for me. It has brought more clarity to my life, lowered my stress levels, and eliminated the fits that I'd...|||Glad to know I'm not the only one. I meditate, so I know what the thoughts/feelings are behind all this. I feel like, of all the women I've interacted with (and it's quite a few), she was the best...|||I've resolved this issue, but I appreciate everyone's input. I started taking Yoga classes and I lowered my standards a bit so that what I once called acquaintances are now friends. I still don't...|||I keep trying online dating on and off. I usually disable my account or delete it out of frustration because everyone I talk to just aren't what I'm looking for. I tried it again a little more...|||Agree on all fronts. I don't understand how people can watch a baseball game, much less devote an entire conversation to it. Same goes for football, hockey, boxing (though I have to admit I love...|||Well, I tend to be kind of... over-confident, so negative feedback wouldn't devastate me; it would just give me a better idea of whether I'm too sure of myself or not.|||Financially, I'm in the 250k/yr+ group. Like you, I lead meetings (with clients mostly) and I'm very self-driven because, well, when you're self-employed, you have to be if you're going to be. You...|||When I'm upset, I usually can't help but show it. If it's someone I don't know well or someone who is particularly sensitive and who I don't want to hurt, I'll just be distant and quiet. Maybe say I...|||Just re-read your post. He's definitely interested if he wants to meet you after work for drinks. I'm definitely an Alpha (according to your description of alpha) and I'll tell you that I wouldn't...|||nevermind ;)|||I appreciated that you took the time to offer your opinion. It's just frustrating when people perceive me in a way that is totally opposite the truth. I'm open to friendship with everyone I encounter...|||I find commonalities in a lot of different types of people. I'm social and friendly with pretty much everyone I encounter (unless they're a total ass to me). But, something has to attract me to...|||I knew a guy that was homeless. He was one of the classiest people I knew. You guys are totally, completely misunderstanding where I'm coming from. It has nothing to do with money or superficial...|||Communicate with her, try to understand her, and, if nothing you do resolves the problem, leave. Don't totally cut her out of your life but don't let her have any power of yours. Parents can be just...|||I don't think I'm better; I think I'm different.|||I haven't had a friend since elementary school. In high school, I had acquaintances - likeminded people I got along with well enough but never did anything with after school. Same thing at previous...|||This morning, my mother was still criticizing me. But, when I came back from my 3 mile run half an hour later, I think I entered the twilight zone. She's back to her old happy and uncritical self. We...|||I've changed a lot in the last year. I went from preparing for the Priesthood to being an atheist, from loving hamburgers to being a vegetarian, from being pretty sedentary to being in the best shape...|||Dude, you are awesome! That girl is really lucky to have your attention because most guys (myself included) aren't as wise as you've been toward the whole situation. I'm a little ashamed to say it...|||Thanks for your input Pinion, OldManRivers. Yea, this definitely needs work. I think I'll take some creative writing classes at the college in town. This isn't terribly representative of how I'm...|||Hey CaptainMcMuffin, keep us posted about what you decide and how things turn out. And thanks for saying my post made you feel better. Knowing I helped someone makes me feel awesome.|||I'm the same way. There are times when I'm super social and times when I'm reclusive, and what I want out of any relationship (business, romantic, parent, sibling, etc.) changes depending on which...|||Haha! In any other context, that sounds horrible. Thanks thismustbetheplace.|||Thanks! Hell yea. I'd love a run-through if/whenever you feel up to it. This first chapter was written quite a while ago before I started writing (business copy) for a living, so grammar isn't a...|||The first part applies more in this case. I responded with the truth. I love myself and think I'm great and would be surprised if any *compatible* woman felt an attraction to me. Let me try to put...|||To be honest, I'm just looking for a way to rationalize running like hell from this whole thing. I'm not intimidated by her. It's just that seems so wonderful already and we haven't even started...|||It does absolutely make sense that you start to de-value something that you think you might not be able to get. It's what some kids do when they can't get something they want (and what I do when...|||I could've written that post. Seriously. Yea, I think you need to give it at least a bit more time. If she's smart and emotionally mature, she just wants to be sure she can trust you before she lets...|||Let's say you meet a great gal at a business meeting at a company you do work for. Let's say you give her your card and tell her you'd like to talk to her in a not-so-professional context. Let's say...|||I agree you shouldn't overthink things when you meet someone new and things just start moving in that direction but I don't necessarily think experiencing a relationship with someone who isn't who...|||Sounds like it really isn't all that serious for her. She's definitely *not* head over heels for you. We men have a tendency to think that a woman is hiding her feelings when, in reality, she may...|||I think distracting yourself from your thoughts and emotions is the best way to lift your spirits. For me, it has to be something productive. When I was depressed, I couldn't read novels and I...|||Now I know what to do if a woman kisses the palm of my hand! Haha. See, before this post, I would've thought she wanted a piece of liver. That's what my dog wants when he licks my hand. This new...|||Damn, you sound just like me. I can't seem to withhold a compliment from a woman I notice anything positive about. If she's got nice hair, I have to tell her. If she's got big, beautiful eyes, I'll...|||You guys are awesome! Acey, that's a good suggestion. My first novella, 'Missions of Peter Clark' was a Young Adult historical fiction piece. It was published in 2005 and it was in first person. I...|||FYI, I really don't like the restaurant scene but it's kind of important because George becomes a major player later in the book. That scene establishes George's character as wealthy, influential,...|||Fantastic input and advice, Alyosha! I can see the grandiosity you're talking about (George being super rich and the food being the best Fred had ever eaten) and I can also see the awkward pieces of...|||FYI, making oodles of money is over-rated. Seriously. It's only great when you're making all that money doing something you love to do - which you'd love doing even if you weren't getting paid to do...|||Come on... you're an INFP, so you've got to have some sort of artistic passion. If you love to write, do it for a living. If you love to play music, become a professional musician. If you love to...|||I know. I often spend half an hour in front of the mirror in the morning captivated by my reflection. I'm just so damn sexy! Hey, you didn't have to say that confidence had to be rooted in reality;...|||Haha, I guess Fred isn't a terribly common name in our generation. If you could suggest a name, I'd appreciate it. :)|||Could you read this (somewhat long) first chapter of a Sci-Fi novel I'm working on? I'm seriously thinking about going ahead and sending off the first three chapters to an agent I've worked with in...|||Haha, go for it! Online dating sucks, though, and some guy was just killed in my area by meeting a woman he met online. She picked him up at the mall for their date. Turns out her husband was hiding...|||Yea, I've had that too, where you develop an attraction to someone who you weren't initially attracted to. I don't mean 'love at first sight'; really, I think it's just the subconscious projecting...|||You know what sucks? I'm an introvert. While I'm actually extremely outgoing when I'm out and about in the world (talking to strangers in the line at the grocery store, buying a coffee for the old...|||I don't know if I'm the typical guy but if a woman complimented me, kissed my hand, painted me in the buff, or any of the other things you described, I'd love it - if I liked her. Now, quite a few...|||OMG! You're pushing 35! You're an old fart now. Could you sense the sarcasm there? Old is a 90 year old who had the misfortune of developing dementia. For someone with all of their mental...' | 17 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | grandpa2390 Haha. Yeah. Just when I think I know enough about this — I keep finding that there's still much I don't know. I think of myself as having more Fe than other INTPs — do I think I...|||Thank you for your input. You might be right and I'll ponder on that. But I had a particular special method to accelerate the process. Imagine someone researching all the advice on developing...|||Well, to be honest, I wanted someone to relate with. It's been a few years going around different INTP forums and I've always related to the other INTPs on uncanny levels. But these days — I seem...|||I do this inferior Fe thing better than other INTPs. Long story short : I spent more than an entire year reading about and doing what I can to develop functions. My Fe development accelerated around...|||Haha. When I mean challenge, I find everything that is intellectually fun a challenge — like explaining things. And I really love explaining things. Sorry for the misunderstanding. You're not...|||If you're INTP and religious, I have two questions for you. Oh boy! Something I can answer. Let me take on your challenge Nc0re. Feel free to ask me questions. I promise I'll be a...|||Am I the only five here that relates? But then again it might have more to do that the rest of my tritype (3 and 9) tends to adapt to what other people view. I had some problems figuring out what...|||It may be possible that many people see themselves as 5s or 4s because they're the most introverted types. And where do you find introverts? Often lurking around the corners of the internet. Much of...|||I remember I was asking some lady about life advice and somehow we stumbled into the topic of my relationships. She said to be happy x97 you had to be close to family and friends. I told her I wasn't...|||When I'm bored, my mind starts desperately finding something to analyze. Often with nothing much to do x97 I have this habit of double checking the accuracy of my beliefs and looking back into past...|||Lady Kaizoku Please post what series these characters come from. I can't google them well. I also added descriptions for people who don't know them. x97 L (Death note). The best detective in the...|||Probably low temp most of the time. I've always been more of the contemplative withdrawn type. Though, strangely I can switch to high temp at times. That's how people get misconceptions about me...|||I can feel it when I get too big ass that I know more than someone else. I feel it sometimes when I say a pretty big claim about my knowledge or a radical opinion x97 only for myself to find it false....|||Never. I have a resting slight smile face. It started last year when meditating I felt so damn happy, I never knew such a thing was possible. But only about 20 minutes during the practice. The...|||I've tried singing lessons for a year. Mostly broadway, as my teacher says my voice was perfect for it. I don't go to those classes, but I still sing ridiculously well Broadway songs from YouTube....|||When I was a child, I was still introverted. Prone to reading books in the library. Dinosaurs? Hell yes. Fun facts about vehicles? Sure. Damn origamis? Of course. I read those children's books like...|||Interesting! Especially charlie.elliot . Really in depth answer. Krayfish . An ENFP type 5? I believe I've seen another ENFP type 5 around recently. Sparky2929 . Maybe you two should...|||Well, I know my type but I'll try because I like questionnaires. Even if I know my type, these kinds of things still allow me to learn about myself in more detail. Some people seem to interpret...|||539. I guess I relate to being sensitive to exposure. Back when I had mental health issues, I didn't communicate them for years. The 5 wants to withhold knowledge. The 3 wants to look the...|||How does the combination manifest differently from the usual? How does the enneagram show up in the functions? Or even if you're not one yourself, but know someone who is. I'm curious.|||I don't really have a problem with explaining things in my head. My conversational problems have more to do with that I tend to ramble on off a lot and place unnecessary details — though I'm much...|||I find it strange that my dreams tend to be depressing these days in contrast to how my waking life is getting remarkably better. In the last week, I've been in a moderately good mood for much of...|||Accepting emotions are done with awareness. How could you accept what you're not aware of? It's like trying to pin the tail on a donkey you can't see. When people ignore their distressing emotions...|||Hi, so I came up with an 8 question MBTI test, which I have now updated after testing it out on this thread: Can I tell you your MBTI type based on 8 questions? I'd like for people to try out the new...|||leictreon I agree with 9w8. At first I thought you were some kind of 8 until I saw the bottom portion of what you said especially with all the stagnancy. Some kind of 4 influence especially when I...|||What were they like? How were they better in the expression of their Mbti type?|||Worldbuilding. Basically part of fiction writing but it could be separate from it. Creating a world can range from imagining different governments, cultures, weather, technology, history, map etc. ...|||Result: Tritype 359/593/935 - The Thinker. —Ambitious/Efficient —Knowledgable/Wise —Accepting/Peaceful —Intellectual and clever. You find amenable and pleasant ways to manage difficult...|||Ohhh, that explains my childhood pranking infamy. I have many many many memories of tiny me burping the alphabet, interrupting teachers to make dirty jokes and jumping out at people in school...|||Result: Type: 5 Tritype: 539/593 I figured I'm still dominantly a type 5 (I checked everything with 5) but is it me or I could have checked more boxes if type 3 was worded differently. I mean, I...|||4.71 Self (Intrapersonal) 4.00 Language 4.00 Logic/Math ---------------- 3.71 Spatial 3.57 Social (Interpersonal) 3.00 Musical 2.29 Nature (Naturalist)|||I guess I'll give thinking of something a try. Not sure if it will work, but I figure I try something for you. Going to agree with Nc0re here. I was wrong. It's not an all or nothing process,...|||I am off to explore the wondrous scientific dream of discovering the lavatory. It seems that larger animals defecate at a faster rate from the mucus often coating their pleasant outing. In summary, I...|||Haha. Maybe people just like the aesthetic design. I've heard some people describe that they feel more at ease when the environment around them looks pleasant, clean and organized. I can't really...|||Lynway Interesting you mentioned using Ne in a way that peaks interest. Thanks for that. It reminds me of some ideas. I read something about using different kinds of play or a game to make a...|||I live in a kind of country where families are tightly connected. So other than my core family, there are cousins, aunts and uncles from my dad and my mom. Then there are grandparents, grand uncles,...|||That's common with strong Ne users. Ne works by finding connections with different unrelated and related info. The thing about that process is sometimes they get entangled with those connections and...|||I have this weird attachment to my couch. It's my Si being ridiculously nostalgic since it's been with me for years and how much I tend to go to it when I want something familiar. But sitting on it...|||Yes, gotta agree with you there about how it's not needed to care much about worldwide suffering that much for some roles. And it's great you're doing something. I think what matters is the well...|||I'm curious. I wonder what makes the writing this way? I keep seeing this kind of communicating in INFP forums sometimes.|||Eh, to me it's a rather natural talent I have throughout life. Though, I had my fair share of having a hard time with it in TiSi loops. For INTPs, they start with the need to learn the truth (Ti) and...|||5: I think I have this bias to assume that I know less than I actually do. My own idea is that there is still so much more I don't know, that other people know so much more and I don't have any good...|||I had to check my resource on enneagram levels of development here for this. I remember being regularly in level 7 once, but can get into level 8 levels of distress at the worst. Never really...|||@bb I'm curious, but would you mind explaining how you can tell people's functions by their writing style? How did you figure out I used Ti-Fe and also Ne in my writing earlier?|||INTP. Do I like morbid jokes? Well, it's a yes and a no. Depends on how Ne heavy I am at the moment. When Ne is in full force, lots of things are hilarious. Even really crappy jokes become...|||Do you think that meeting people is sometimes useful even when you prefer staying alone? Do you force yourself to meet people because of that? Not much forcing myself really. I was a lot more...|||Going to agree with the rest of others that it's the INTJs and INTPs. You can start with the idea that intuitives are more likely to get stuck in their heads with a lot of alone time and more...|||1. Haha. I actually did get inspiration on this story from The Last of Us. Oh well. Passes some tissues. 2. I think a lot of the difference between you and other INTPs here with your arguments is...|||I think intuition is only good when the person's intuition is for someone who's an expert on a particular subject they're arguing about. There's actual research done that intuition tends to be more...|||9 Words of Affirmation 8 Words of Service 7 Physical Touch 5 Quality Time 1 Receiving Gifts Going to have to agree about the words of affirmation. I react to compliments by thinking of them... | 6,477 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'I would describe myself as sensitive. Sensitive in the context of my inner self is being questioned. My outer self, the quality of the work others get to see is within context vetted. If someone can...|||Ditto. Though we cannot undo the past, we can keep from repeating it in the future.|||Good on ya! Why NOT Having Sex Might be Good for You -- My picky ISTJ side. What you have: A. Virgin|||Critical in that I continue to measure him up. In so many ways he is a good husband to my sister and a good father to their children. But the fact remains that though she is a mother and wife, she...|||I can relate. Even though my youngest sister is ten years older than I am. In ways I get very protective of all women, not just close friends or family. This doesn't mean I'll always or often take...|||We must realize that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Now do not misunderstand me, danger is very real. But fear is a choice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aanhrAnGqPY|||Opportunity.|||She said yes! :blushed:|||If you accept, my newest PC friend. If not, not. (That's 10 words.)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL6wbsGx9qw|||Don't you dare put the blame on me! :angry: One word is more efficient. Hurried rendevouz? Hurried wasn't me. :shocked: How many others are there? Why not thank? Bewildering is but one word,...|||Apparently not. :sad: There I was, drafting a letter back to her, when to my surprise I received another letter and therein it contained: .. .----. -- / -. --- - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / - -.-- .--. ....|||My dearest Hela, It is good to read your letters. The last one I read was a few minutes ago, almost too long for a man to bear. I knew you would write me again, it's the thought that kept me...|||About 20 minutes left in one movie. (Started watching it 12 hours ago?) Buffering a YouTube video at high quality. Writing a private message. Snacking on some granola On Skype Sipping some...|||Isn't that what you normally get? I'd say 2. True looks come from the inside, not the out, which eliminates 1. True intelligence comes from the ability to communicate it, which eliminates 3. Good...|||Ista In a way it is tradition and reliability, but it also is using Ne as means to tease with the purpose of having an element of surprise. Not surprise in that you already know that eventually it...|||Ista, did you never create a thread in the Intro forum? :shocked: I may remember that for years. :laughing: Ista, she never says hello. :dry:|||I don't know if it's an ISTJ thing, but I know what you're talking about and I do this. I think of it as a comedian's callback. From Wikipedia: Example being at work where me (ISTJ), an...|||See, I did YouTube in the past. Put up over 80 videos showing my face. One person I know stumbled across my videos. I immediately changed all my videos to private and have not put up a new video...|||Some people know my full first middle and last name. Some people have seen a picture of me. Some people have heard me sing karaoke. Some people have my Skype. Some people have my number and we have...|||1. Physical Touch 2. Quality Time 3. Words of Affirmation 4. Acts of Service 5. Receiving Gifts #1: Physical Touch (100%) - If someone loves me with physical touch, I'm theirs. From...|||Interested in what though? Sex? Safe to say yes. Anything more? Well, maybe, but in most cases no. I'm generalizing. I'd put Vegas odds on this being a double rebound.|||Has anyone seen the movie Next? That's what I think about when I look at INFJ. You look into the future and see one way that things can play out. But every time you look into the future it changes...|||Thank you Ms. cat avatar! :kitteh: Your voice hasn't changed. :) I could hear you but had to listen to it a few times, so I transcribed it. Hi Per-C it's Dauntless. I wanted to say thank you...|||Touk I wouldn't call it stalking per se. Stalking would be done in a stealthy manner. You could call it an infatuation. As an ISTJ I'm the same. I'd say it's an Si thing. And I'll go deep. Google...|||Hey. Yes, ENFP can at times be annoying. As a whole I still love them though. And you actually put here whatever you want to put here. You're a language syntax nazi, eh? Enjoy English? Given the...|||27 / 38 = 0.71 This matches the ideal child bearing ratio of 0.70, what subconsciously guys are attracted to. If you haven't had children yet your first one may turn you from the pear into that...|||0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||What was your type journey to ISFP? What lead you to finally settle on ISFP? What has made it a better fit than all of the others before? Another lurker in the light. Welcome.|||You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Question to discuss: What something you sincerely like that receives enormous amounts of hate? Stranger: me You: too easy|||Question to discuss: Ever touch a friend while they were asleep? You: yes Stranger: no You: to wake them up|||Thank you for the suggestion. :) Done.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlN3oEjMpUQ Question to discuss: RAPE IS NATURAL AND HEALTHY... ALL ANIMALS DO IT... I HAVE A NATURAL RIGHT TO VAGINA Your conversational partner has disconnected....|||You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Question to discuss: What's the nastiest thing you would ever do to a girl? You: go down on her Stranger: nothing lol|||Crux gemmata|||Hello Mermaid. What did your friends type as? Your English is fine. What can you relate to the INFJ type the most? Welcome.|||Hi there INFP. I generally like F's better too. Though I'd say not being obnoxious isn't by type but down to the individual. Wow, life is painful to live? Welcome.|||I know what you put the first time! :) Sparklers|||I was on Facebook for about four months. My account is still there and when my birthday comes around I see the email that people no doubt have wished me another happy birthday, even though I haven't...|||Any day can be the start of a new sentance, paragraph, page, or chapter in one's life. Maybe a Sunday or Monday, or the first of a month. Most often than not resolutions end up saved throughout the...|||sidekicklover22 I'm always looking at people's biographies. Hey, she posted her strengths! Oh, but she hasn't posted here yet. :) So with a Top 5 of: Adaptability. Positivity. Connectedness....|||I talk to myself, but then I'm aware and intentionally talking to myself. Sometimes in the car. Rarely around others. Unless I'm doing it to make a stronger mental note about something.|||HiddenAngel Thank you for sharing. Sounds like you did some learning and growing. From where you are today may you in this next year continue your journey with further learning and growing. :) For...|||Hello. Heard someone was looking for a guy who has to compare to a check list.|||Welcome to PerC Katla. There's plenty of learning that can be done if that's what you're after. There's also plenty of great people to know and have fun with just shooting the breeze. Remember to...|||I don't smell anything, but my sinuses haven't been clear the last couple of days. Anyway, some weather we're having..|||Hello HiddenAngel! I'm HonestAndTrue, an ISTJ. I joined here a couple months back. My experiences on this forum. Hmm. To put it to songs I'd say I've moved from Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb to...|||Hi, INFP. :happy: Why are introductions scary? How long have you known your an INFP? Welcome, learn, listen, and, of course, speak! :)|||After reading this, I just have one thing to ask. What's your blood type hon?|||Feeling is the first step. Feel it all, think it all, say/type/scream it all. Grow closer to your friends. Sadly, this is one of the things in life, though never should it happen, that is smart to...' | 3,164 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'There are moments when one has to choose between living one's own life, fully, entirely, completely-or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands....|||Weeeeeird, that's the types of guys I am interested in too...down to the long fingers! There is something about long fingers that is just very sexy to me...I admire my bf's all the time (though he...|||All of us self-diagnose to some point, I think. It's especially more common with resources via the internet available so widely. I work in medicine and honestly if it should bug someone it should be...|||It's nice to have an answer, something concrete you can deal with. I hope everything works out for you :) Love yourself for who you are, lord knows it's pretty damn hard to change a lot of that...|||Sometimes I need the stress of a deadline or impending failure to get moving. Sometimes even that isn't enough...! Sometimes if I just start working I'll be fine...it is that big first step that...|||I think it's a one-upping thing, and eventually those feelings get bruised and we can be big whiny babies about it. It's an unwritten rule so don't go spreading it around ;) Though honestly I love...|||Want advice from an ENTP female? I don't think she's that interested. She probably talks to you because she feels comfortable with you and finds you amusing/interesting. Whenever you try to make...|||I find law really interesting...to learn about, to read about etc. If I went anywhere near it, it would be as a detective or something similar. The idea of being a lawyer brings up the vision of...|||Waaaiiitt a minute here....all these 'thanks' are just a quick way for me to feel more empowered about my amazing opinions, which I gladly manufacture and churn out for a captive internet audience!!...|||I think I've mostly dated sensors but it's probably as a result of there just being so many more of them. As far as sensors go, I get along (romantically) with ESFPs the best. I had a horrid...|||This is a good book, fun to browse or to use as a thesaurus. Lots of interesting words and phrases. Amazon.com: The Thinker's Thesaurus: Sophisticated Alternatives to Common Words...|||I get that way sometimes, even with people I love. It's because I'm focusing on something and I can be flighty so I **need** to focus and getting over-emotional or distracted is going to put me...|||I thought about doing design and was told the same thing! I honestly can't add any more to the conversation but I think it would be a neat career if you were good at it.|||There's nothing more annoying than getting all cuddly in bed and then realizing you completely forgot to do some stupid task that CAN'T be put off until the next day >:O|||I fall back on routines when I'm tired or I have important things that need to get done every day, like bathing or a night routine. The nice part about being an xNxP is that a lot of times my mind...|||Make yourself do those things you don't want to do that you know are good for you or will serve you in the long run. It helps stave off the depression. And do things with your values in mind; don't...|||I'm really envious of people who can fall asleep easily. I've suffered from insomnia since I was a child and it has probably become worse the older I get. I haven't figured out any methods that work...|||I get called negative too. Only INTJs and INTPs (or other ENTPs) find my jokes funny. ENTJs are too busy dominating corporations.|||It's almost as if we're self-aware and socialized enough to agree that making changes is important but not so sensitive that it blows our life apart with guilt and personal responsibility to realize...|||I'm accused of being too serious or thinking too much.|||I'm too self-aware to be able to rationalize to myself why I did something...when I try to give myself a reason to make myself feel better I automatically tell myself it is bullshit and recognize...|||I find complicated people fascinating and I tend to find my own thought processes interesting...however as I get older I find more aspects I don't like about myself rather than just this huge...|||I feel like I spend more time than other people trying to understand people and situations rather than rushing to a decision and condemning them. I'm honest with myself about my shortcomings and try...|||I was more right.|||Was thinking about the genetics of sensors vs. intuitors the other day actually...just theorizing with my boyfriend...and I figure there are probably certain types that are more likely to have...|||Most of my friends are ENFPs, INFPs and ESFPs...the only J friends I have are introverts, they don't plan because they don't usually want to go anywhere haha. Normally if I plan something I'm so crap...|||I hate questions where I know the examiner phrased it incorrectly and that there really isn't a right answer because of the mistake he/she made. That annoys even though I'd never be anal enough to...|||I read once that people with Parkinson's disease lose a lot of weight because of the unintentional tremors their bodies undergo (which can be a real source of problems for them for other reasons) but...|||I'm not disputing any of the above :) Are we supposed to be arguing? I thought it was obvious I was being tongue in cheek.|||Noted that you didn't call it dick flick night ;)|||I prefer ::giggles gleefully:: ::places fluffy mittens on hands:: ::squishes stuffed animal close:: ::squeals in delight:: ::devours triple molten chocolate brownie deluxe with marshmallow...|||Excitement: !!!!! :D ::insert action that doesn't sound girly to you:: woot|||Wouldn't finishing first make you the loser in this competition? ehehehe|||Yeah, but sleep is *so* amazing, I'd rather enjoy it while I'm alive :)|||yes, sigh. The worst part is that I still can't seem to keep my mouth shut; I just love the sound of my own inner monologue being verbalized. Though there is a girl in my clinical group who...|||When I was a young ENTP (and I'm a female) I was constantly hurting other people and treading on their feelings without really realizing it or knowing it was a major deal. Relationships at that age...|||I don't really like tv a lot, but I watched Scrubs until it started to suck, Dead Like Me, Whose Line is It Anyway?, Psychoville, Look Around You (both British), Stargate, The Walking Dead, Cartoon...|||I feel like anxiety and social anxiety comes to me naturally because I have so much trouble fitting in with what is expected of most people. The expectations to be a certain way, react in a certain...|||My dog got hit by a car about a week and a half ago. I didn't cry at the time---I was too busy trying to rush him to the hospital, then give a good report to the docs, and then sit and stare sit and...|||~~~Abhors~~~ Going over the same thing over and over again (especially rehashing DETAILS) Forcing me into an opinion, especially if they are extremely moral about it (I tend to worship the gray)-->...|||I'm not sure I've ever seen him in anything else. Something about his voice really bugs me, that's part of it. I don't really watch much t.v. though so don't mind me :)|||I don't really pay attention to people very closely a lot of the time, but sometimes it doesn't even matter---I pick up on these subtle cues that I can't even explain really; the best way to describe...|||I feel like I tend to have more personal contact with SPs and NFs...I see a lot of SJs but they tend to rub me the wrong way, even from a distance, so I avoid them. NTs are so quiet and isolated in...|||I tend to be the same way and what makes it worse is that people don't seem to think I'm being sincere so are even more insulted or upset, which feeds into it and makes me more choppy and hesitant...|||Ugh. I really dislike that show. The actor that plays Dexter for some reason just **grates** on my nerves. I saw the first season and bits and pieces of the second season (my brother was a fan and...|||I like the idea of family but in the poker game of life, I was dealt a super shitty hand. None of us get along and I regard my family as some of the most selfish, negative people I've ever known....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7ThIdxK-kU This is STUCK in my head now, thanks to this thread. ACK|||I actually like going out dancing or to bars every once in awhile, but that means every few months or so (and a year can quickly go by in which I didn't go to a crowded and loud bar at all). I find...|||Maybe I'm just lucky, but I tend to have weird, quirky teachers with good senses of humor or very energetic, passionate and caring ones. Definitely helps.|||In most situations the ENTP will still initiate I bet. I always do. And there is always the question of male-male and female-female relationships; they can't fall into what society teaches males and...' | 3,917 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Thank you for sharing your experience. I relate in the sense that I have attended church and interpreted the Bible not so literally, but had the desire to educate myself and believe that using it...|||I like your blatant misrepresentation of what I said. I'm not going to waste my time with you anymore.|||I apologize for my brevity but I actually see your point with the first thing. And I want to clarify that my belief is a loose one, and I don't preach it as definitely true. I do think it's possible...|||You're an ironically angry Christian, has anyone ever told you that? Or are you only playing some sort of hothead character because you think it makes you look tough? Ah, so, because an atheist does...|||It seems as though you're unintentionally implying that because it is not known, it can not possibly be know, which is of course irrational. That, or you believe that you already have knowledge of...|||This may be a bit unrelated but as much as I disagree I find this kind of cynicism attractive. My girlfriend is also markedly cynical in this aspect. I believe that people can believe in God for...|||It seems you're avoiding the actual question. All I asked was why you thought life would be meaningless without a God, or as you say, under an atheist paradigm. But you continuously fall back on...|||Although I am not an encyclopedia, I had assumed you'd know or be clever enough to look up what satanism is. Satanists worship themselves, in short. It seemed a lot more likely to be the intention of...|||Aww, it's sad to see a wilted, cynical ENTP. So, if I am understanding correctly, you seem to believe that people are completely self-interested. Overall, I actually agree. However, it still fails to...|||Can you please explain for me why morality can't exist if God doesn't exist? Why does the nonexistence of a God necessitate that love isn't real, and what is it about chemical stuff in the brain...|||Let's clarify what a straw man is. In attempt to defeat an opponent's argument, one will create a representation of the argument which is not accurate to the intentions of the arguer being...|||Satanism sure is sexy, but don't you care in the event that there is an actual God (creator of the universe)?|||Hi, OP is back. I just saw your post after reading the chain of new ones preceding it, and if you look at my most recent responses, you'll see that I answered your question recently, in response to...|||A question can not be valid or invalid, as they do not have truth values. It is only statements which attempt to answer questions which can be either, so your nice little rant was a waste of time.|||So do you mean to tell me that we can not be sure that 2+2=4 due to a lack of absolute knowledge of all things?|||Fallacy of equivocation. The way in which you use God here is different from the way in which I intended. Allow me to clarify: A creator of the universe.|||What is it that leads you to be so sure you can't know? Curious on your thought process.|||I'm sure there's some degree of merit to NLP, but your repeated displays of spite towards anyone who disagrees are not helping you convince anyone of that!|||While I agree with the second premise of NLP: , the conclusion that true knowledge/certainty about objective reality can't be attained, I believe, is false. It's pretty hard to argue that...|||To add onto this, my speech professor said to us that all communication is persuasion.|||Written by Chris Langan who allegedly has one of the highest I.Q.'s ever recorded and claims to have never met anyone he thought was smarter than him, he summarized in an interview by saying that we...|||There's not enough information out there to be able to accurately assess her MBTI without knowing her personally.|||Def. like the Japanese standards for men. Guys look best with long hair and girls with short hair! <3|||Can you please post the recipe you used? :D That looks splendid!|||I'm an ENTP and it's completely accurate except I'm probably more like 40% sexual and 40% lovable, 20% romantic. But the capacity for sexuality, romance, and lovability (which I assume is raw...|||Hello, my dear, intelligent glimmer of self-awareness amongst a sea of misguided fools with tragically stifled potential. You sound very much like my younger self, so I like you. Here's my...|||I agree, truth is definitely by definition not relative. I said most! I think some of the people who voted truth actually tend to be more relative, but of the people who voted relative they're...|||Of course most people will vote truth- no one wants to admit that their personal beliefs may not align with reality!|||I'm an ENTP who is predominantly read-write/visual, but I'm auditory when it comes to reading complex essays, (it helps to hear or say it aloud,) and I'm visual & kinesthetic when I'm learning to do...|||Childish is exactly right. There is no excuse for allowing one's self to get mad over a differing opinion. Anger is a petty emotion, and I think we are capable of controlling not only how we respond...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4KLi-vkOPs|||: ) Lol! Sorry, I'm monogamous! :P|||lol why would I delete my account just because someone challenges me? Anyone is free to be wrong, but it's not going to bother me! Besides, what would be the point of discussions if people ALWAYS...|||Careful, you might be sounding a little too typist for their liking. Also, out there- just taken. By a girl. lol.|||You're welcome to argue with yourself if you'd like, though. That goes for anyone else who got offended.|||Or maybe people just shouldn't be triggered by different opinions. We have control of our actions. I'm tired of this discussion, though.|||Ah, well. It's a good thing that I have yet to meet such people, if they do exist. Yet something tells me you assumed I made those broad assumptions despite that I said nothing of the sort. Oh well.|||I realized that high-functioning cognition=intelligence, but refrained from saying it lest I be berated more for being pretentious. Ahh I see what you meant, thanks for clarifying.|||Ohh you meant generalizations about each type, such as the one I made regarding depth of thought, correct?|||I actually agree with you and thank you for providing this insight. I only said it in one post but I actually apologized for my initial wording at one point in how I used the term shallow, but it was...|||Most people don't like to consider the possibility that they might be wrong. That's why they stay wrong, more often than not. I am not afraid of being wrong, because I know that I can never be right...|||You're right that a lot of premises are missing. That's because they're implied. How does value imply meaning? The answer is tautological: it's in the definition of value.|||If people have intrinsic value, then at least one thing in this universe has meaning. In order for something to have meaning, it's true that it has to be assigned by an outside entity. So, the only...|||I was actually thinking about this last night- perfection can't be possible for a lot of reasons, but I found it funny how I find the idea of a perfect world boring- which creates a contradiction...|||Me too.|||tbh it would be quite ironic, wouldn't it?|||I really don't have anything to concede on. I think every that can be said has been.|||Concede that I am a typist, meaning I apparently think some types are superior to others? If I agreed with all of you on that, I would be lying. And even if I did, you will still all remain...|||I'm actually terrible at genetics because the detailed part of genetics, or chemistry, just bore me to no end. I get your point of view but you're really not listening to what I've said in total. You...|||Every S-type I have known, when I would talk to them about certain topics, it was like hitting a wall after a certain point b/c the type of thinking I was doing just didn't interest them. On the flip...' | 5,304 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Yeah I typed myself as ENFP after reading the descriptions from different sources and cross referencing and looking at the relationships between the functions, I always got ISTP and INTP Or ENFJ Or...|||And so ... when you want something, what should come next ?[/QUOTE] Just so you see the message so you can respond if you desire too.|||Action. Right? I am taking actions, I am finding more reasons to enjoy my life and the person who I am and have chosen to be over the course of my life, I think that is a really good step to take and...|||The video is making fun of how much I repeat words, lol.|||I think I represented something that wasn't fully the problem, but I will try to explain more and more as I go.I think getting a professional diagnoses could be helpful, and I may do that soon, I...|||Hi, this is kind of personal for me but it seems important and if I have any mental illnesses I want to locate them, address them, and move forward and I think I might. I feel like society has...|||Enfp|||Yeah, I got Primary Egocentric also I guess we are just assholes, but I'm supposedly an ENFP that's supposed to be basically the opposite of that. Supposedly. I got SLOEI. Which correlates to...|||Don't be sily she's not a robot.|||Kyary Pamyu Pamyu= L. Lawliet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ziXpIPAhD4|||This song will be the death of me.|||http://youtu.be/j-KWgP_teoc I thought this was interesting, espeacially all of the theories. Warning this is borderline nswfw but you can watch it on YouTube so it isn't too bad, I guess cause...|||https://www.choiceofgames.com/|||Ok I did it, I made the World Saviour Thread. So I see no reason for you to not save the world.|||Heisenburg|||lol, you are the worst world saviour I have ever met. lol. (yes the doublelol was necessary.)|||Hey, I'm actually glad gave that intro, I actually wanted to start a world-saving thread cause I didn't see one, I'm actually a pretty serious enfp, but as usual you can't really tell with us. So we...|||I prefer to think of myself as a jest but call 'em how you see 'em. *In a deep Narrators voice. And that is how the world was taken over by Antoniorq1 an MonkeyTounge. Also MonkeyTounge handled...|||10/10 worth the watch ign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnZdiR7YbN4|||I refuse to cry!!!|||lol, Thanks I was half way expecting you to rage on my comments, but you're not to bad yourself.|||Also for a better example of me trolling go to Hitler was not an Infj post 78. But you don't have to I would never tell an Istp what to do. oh hai. :blushed: :P|||lol, yeah the face is pretty cool. I tried to draw it several times but failed, that was mainly what I was talking about though, but it was also mainly a joke.|||Ouch my ears, but also look at your mask bro. :)|||lol... you got me :*( I hope I didn't accidentally kindle your cold, lifeless, heart. but seriously I didn't mean to bother you if I really did, you seem cool though almost as cool as this Intj up...|||IMO, I think Hitler was an Infp, but anyway gg starsleet, that was one hell of an introduction.|||Also sorry for Hijacking your post maruja.|||I believe that: individuals believe they are the most logical beings on earth, in a sense that most advice people give them will be taken as incorrect even if the other individual has more knowledge...|||This should work... Also maybe spoilers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MsP-87pACY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k71w4scMYJo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgWIpeD51HI|||Also... *whispers quietly to Entps, Hey guys wanna team up, and like, destroy a city or something? u know u want 2|||Gomez,ArtherJ stop being a troll.|||Wow, I've never met anyone who wanted to connect on the first meeting... be gentle s-senpai. :blushed:|||Yeah! everybody stop ganging up on Hitler!!!|||Really!! wow I'm so excited ok my # is 676-77... oh, yeah, haha, I didn't really want to give you my number anyway... well welcome to the forum I guess. *turns away and crys because of lack...|||Also nice reference,(in the description), although I only understand the reference to the reference and then an accompanying less well known reference to the reference.|||I believe the commonly established answer would be INTP, but I'm not really sure what do you think, possibly a ENTP because of the convenience of having one extrovert in the pair but I'm not sure...|||Also I'm doing good how are you?|||Intjs=not worth the hype. JK welcome to the forum.|||I kind of understand because, I am a male enfp which is a little rare and I didn't have many people who completely understood my point of view, I'm hoping I can meet other people like me or just...|||Oh, World-Saviour-To-Be, What took you so long, You know you're late right, that's not gonna leave a good impression on the world you know, but anyway glad to see you showed up. :) Salutations also...|||Oh great I already do that, man I knew taking that class on sexual healing would come in handy some day also nice pic of ellie from the last of us.|||great now I'm attracted to the overly attached girlfriend... and I also need to improve my stalking skills.|||I need 15 posts is it ok If I just spam this and then the admin can delete my excess comments so I can post... I hate rulez.|||So I'm just gonna take a stab in the dark here and guess that this offer is no longer available... ?? :$' | 443 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbCIg3UbjNg|||That just made my night, awesome. :-)|||XperimntNterror, wow, what a lot you've been through. I'm so sorry for your recent loss. I think Zech gave some good thoughts on how to navigate through this time, as well as other posters on the...|||I like to profess my love in foreign languages, preferably dead foreign languages. By the time they figure out what I'm saying, they're usually used to the idea.|||I remember the day I lost a little faith in humanity. It was the day, years ago, I read in some dumb gossip magazine that Cindy Crawford's spouse had cheated on her. I said to myself, If someone...|||Happy, optimistic, and satisfied with life. I don't even care I have the flu. It, too, shall pass. :-)|||@Mynameisnick , your photographs are very, very good. I mainly oil paint. Here are some paintings I've been working on over the years, a few are still not done: Floods and Flocks (2002, goes...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVOU_T9bfAw|||I'm with ya, Dalien, just read your post. I did have a somewhat casual relationship with a friend once, when I was in my early 20s, it lasted for a time, but yes *nods,* I don't look back on it as...|||If I am alone, out in public, sometimes people will come up to me man/woman, and ask for directions. It always happens when I'm in Penn Station in NYC, without fail, at least one person will ask me...|||I'd have to agree, that pretty much sums it up for me, as well. Touch is such a sacred and enjoyable thing for me, approaching any dimension of it casually, I find difficult. I've never done a...|||I would say, the limits of my own learning are only fenced by the limits of my curiosity.|||I can't say I have, not that particular specific scenario, nope. All I personally could suggest, is that if it gets to the point where you are trying to figure out ways to carry out things, if you...|||I'm a type 2 INFJ, along with EmmaLeigh. For me, I experience my relationships with others, as, me not changing internally--my core values are still there, and all the ways I am constructed. But,...|||Aizar, some very good thoughts, there. CptKickerCutleg, I know it may not help, but all I can say is that I have had my days, within my own mind, where I have imagined annihilating the entire...|||For me, I will listen to girl talk, but rarely have very much to contribute. I am feminine, outwardly in some ways, emotionally feminine as well, mentally...probably more masculine. It all...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNAdtkSjSps|||Feeling good emotionally, happy and watching the NYC Marathon from home (my brother is running), physically coming down with strep throat (probably), not fun, but all else is good.:happy:|||Thank you for this topic, Lost in Oblivion! I could do with some suggestions for strengthening Se, definitely. When I took the cognitive functions test, my Se was at end of the list, poorly...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVWazHTunSI&ob=av2e|||Chilly autumn weather, falling asleep in a bed with 450 thread-count sheets and a fluffy duvet, with the window cracked open.|||Periwinkle :happy:|||I need to have closure in my mind with situations. If I don't feel I have enough information to have closure to a problem, my mind will grind away at it until my brain cells start to incinerate. At...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmcHPk8_1N8|||Very good topic, I'm looking forward to seeing the contributions to this thread, should be interesting! :happy: I think that is very much along the same lines of how I am when it comes to...|||All of the above! :laughing: It's awesome...|||I think we all change the world somehow just by being in it, of course...but in terms of big changes...hmm. The only thing I would want would be to have a greater understanding of those around me,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcmpBCXOgVI|||:-O Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor...it may take a few days. Wow. I have imagined...made sense of occurrences in the past, after some deep thinking, by a point moving along a...|||Sometimes it's hard to be ourselves, when it seems we're different from people around us. But, different of course, doesn't mean wrong. Don't feel bad being yourself, being who you are...people...|||I feel good today, though this morning I was feeling so disconnected and in my own head I had a real hard time concentrating and not zoning out the whole morning. LookingGlass, good luck to ya...|||My Asc. is in Cancer (add another one to the Cancer rising tally!) :happy: Dalien - Nice to see another Aries with a water moon. My moon's in the 8th house, Scorpio's house, but it's in Pisces....|||I don't think of myself as psychic, I do think of myself as intuitive, though. Also...I am very quick to examine any strange occurrences that come my way in life. I have very high pattern...|||:happy: I agree with ya, GSMenardi. I am not sure what he would be, if not an INFJ, come to think of it. I think some of the more emotional scenes in the show had to do with him...I remember...|||GSMenardi - I liked reading about your experiences with the word Dynamite. I've had a few of those happen in the past year or two, had something kind of similar happen even a few weeks ago. I was...|||I've had a certain amount of memories eleri that I haven't been able to discount over the years. I haven't had any recently, but many when I was in my early 20s. But, being that the snippets I saw...|||Stark was great. :happy: I got such a kick out of his my side, your side, my side, your side! diatribe. :happy: He was written really well. I'm not sure what type he might be, what do you think?...|||I've read through this whole thread, and was really struck by some member's stories here, and the level to which many were candid, which I give a lot of credit, because I can imagine it was not easy....|||Michele Cook Lewis - I section off my rooms, too. This is how I clean... I attack! :laughing: I try to keep up with things during the week after work, and my daughter helps out (she's 16), but...|||In the show Farscape, from several years ago, I always really liked the character of Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan, she seemed very NF to me. :happy:|||I experience it most often when another is in emotional distress. I become very calm within my center, and consciously radiate that feeling to the other person. I cease to judge. I listen. I...|||LookingGlass ...wow, wow. I'll be back when I can re-form words coherently in response to your post! Thank you. You really got at the essence, I think, of what I was trying to get at in my...|||Your score: 67 0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20) 33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42) 53 - 63 is...|||A boy didn't even attempt to kiss me until I was 16. I was ok with not dating, and willing to wait for something more meaningful. My first real boyfriend when I was 18. I've never really...|||Jawz ...Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with this topic. Memories can be fuzzy for me too sometimes, journals do help. @ardentauthor ...The texture thing doesn't happen with me...|||Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading this thread, everyone's responses...so great (and comforting, on a level, thank you) to see others share things that I have a difficult time...|||I am reading Clan of the Cave Bear and The Oldest Cuisine in the World: Cooking in Mesopotamia.|||The main thing I felt after finding out I was an INFJ was a certain measure of relief...relief that there were other people out there who could be similar, or are structured in a similar way,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPnWOem7jok|||I adore random useless knowledge. My mind holds on to it, even when it seems it is a sieve for everything else.' | 4,408 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 'Imo: ISFP/INFP ISFJ/INFJ ESTJ/ISTJ Runnerups: ISTPs/INTJs ESTJs/ENTJs ESTPs/ENTPs|||Honestly, I tend to distrust any kind of MBTI related statistic. Vague methodologies, unsourced statements, and blind faith in a random test/practitioner abound. That being said though, a good...|||Jyn: ISFP Cassian: Not sure. Some kind of ST Saw: ISTP Blind dude: ISFP Baze: ISTJ Droid dude: ENTP Galen: INFJ Krennic: ENTJ Tarkin: ISTJ|||Picard: INTJ 1w2 Riker: ESTJ 6w7 (compare and contrast with likely ENTJ Lt. Shelby in Best of Both Worlds). Data: INTP 5w6 Troi: ISFJ 9w1 Worf: ISTJ 1w9 Geordi: INTP 9w8 Dr. Crusher: Unsure....|||Mal: ISTP Zoe: xSTJ Wash: ENFP Jayne: ESTP Inara: ENFJ Book: INFJ Simon: ISTJ River: INFP Kaylee: ESFP|||Mal: ISTP Kaylee: ESFP Wash: ENFP Shepard Book: INFJ Simon: I have no clue, but ISTJ works Zoe: xSTJ Inara: ENFJ Jayne: ESTP|||YES. I typed him as ENFJ in another thread here, but ESFJ works too. If there were a book written on ragingly unhealthy Fe, he'd be on the front cover.|||Patrick Star: INTP, as opposed to ESFP. Daria: INFP, as opposed to INTP. Yoda: INTP as opposed to INFJ. (this one actually isn't at all controversial on this site, but I see him typed as INFJ...|||Ni: God complex Fi: It's all about me! or my feelings and values are LAW! Fe: Constant expectation of validation from other people Ti: I am the only smart person in a world of unthinking...|||I don't really have anything interesting to contribute to this topic as a whole, but I agree with what you say here. I like a lot of science fiction, but fantasy rarely interests me. Same kind of...|||Trevor Noah is probably an ESFP. No clue about Amy Shumer. If I had an throw out a guess, some kind of ENxP?|||<--ESTP boards are that way In fact, this exact topic has existed since 2010 and it's a featured thread, so it's literally always on the first page....|||Root:under-active(-12%) Sacral:under-active(6%) Navel:open(44%) Heart:open(19%) Throat:open(25%) Third Eye:open(12%) Crown:under-active(-6%)|||INFP: Some of the most resilient people on the planet ISTJs: Reliable. I know that sounds a little dry, but there really are a lot of people out there who you just consistently cannot count on for...|||I've never understood the appeal of those kinds of threads or why they can't fall back for more than a page before getting bumped. I just don't get it at all, but they're always present. I don't...|||I got ISTP|||You sure he's serious? He sure has a lot of bullshit in his room for someone who is unemployed. Could be a very dedicated comedian playing a character, like Larry the Cable Guy does. If he is for...|||The problem is that most of the tests I've seen are poorly designed. In regards to the most popular one at SimilarMinds, I don't know how you could possibly NOT score as an N (at least in 2013ish...|||9s, followed by 2s and 6s. Least common are probably 4s, 5s, and 8s. Most common here seem to be 4s, 5s, 6s, and 9s. 9s stand out, because MBTI and Enneagram distributions usually differ...|||A lot of the INFP descriptions are crap, and seem to end up describing a stereotypical ISFJ rather than any INFP I've met. She sounds like a pretty typical case of unhealthy Fi, although some of...|||Type A vs Type B Personality Traits: Similiarities and Differences - Examined Existence|||J/P indicates whether your primary judging function is introverted or extroverted. The main judging function of a J are extroverted (Fe or Te) and the main judging function of a P is introverted (Fi...|||INFP or INFJ, no contest. What is and isn't weird is subjective, but these are the two types that I personally think of. I voted INFP because Fi is usually going to be more comfortable with directly...|||1: Principal Strickland 2w1: The activist/The cult leader 2w3: Mean Girls 3: The sycophant 4: Tumblr/Emo kid circa 2007 5w4: The pretentious nerd/The conspiracy theorist 5w6: The quiet nerd...|||Between the way he explains things in those videos, and his contributions to the notoriously abstract field of quantum physics, I think he is most likely ENTP. Edwin Hubble is a good example of an...|||No. Bad breakup?|||ExxPs are usually thought of as being the most adaptable to change.|||I don't think I've ever met an INFP that wasn't part of a subculture.|||Anakin: ESFP Ahsoka: ExFP Obi-Wan: ISTJ Padme: ENFJ C3PO: ESFJ R2D2: Doesn't talk, so you probably can't really type him. But I've always thought of him as an ENTP. Mace Windu: xSTJ Yoda: INTP...|||In the United States: NF: Portland, San Francisco, Austin NT: Seattle, Raleigh, Washington DC SP: Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Daytona Beach SJ: Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Colorado Springs|||Portland, San Fransisco. Utah is very SFJish, and Colorado is pretty SP. You're right though, the west coast generally has a reputation of being much more laid back than the east coast.|||Theory 1 and theory 2 are both correct. Theory 1 is correct because not every ESTP is going to look like that, and definitely not everyone who comes off like that is ESTP (ESFPs, ISTPs, ESTJs, and...|||Meh. A lot of these seem to be completely random and arbitrary.|||If I had a nickel every time someone typed an ESTP as an ENTJ, I would be a rich man. They can look very similar. The way I like to explain it to people unsure about there type, is that ESTPs in many...|||A friend told me that I remind her of Peter Quill from that Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I've never seen it though, so I don't know why that memory stands out so much. She made me take a what...|||It'll be funnier when I can look back on all this and laugh without any threat of him ending up as president of The United States. Right now, the idea is scary. His alt-right fan club is even worse....|||ISFP I think|||ESFJ probably? I doubt anyone really actually enjoys them though. Personally, I'd rather shovel manure.|||Probably Justin Bieber Not going to win me a gold star for originality, but let's be real here. Also, Zooey Deschanel. Nothing against her personally, so hatred probably isn't the right word...|||Probably ISFJ|||Hello. I'm the janitor, I'll be here to clean up the vomit. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/f/fb/Janitor_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121122132016|||Type: ESTP, 7w6 Gender: Male Scale: 75? Frequency: Weekday evenings Kinds of games: Strategy/tactics, simulation, action/adventure, racing. I agree. Essentially everyone I know in my age...|||Hard to be mistyped if your type is unknown|||I've been here for 5 minutes and I'm already hott and bothered Please stop undermining my authority|||Reporting for duty. I figured this thread might need a bouncer. Someone has to protect you ENTPs from the rowdy hordes of INFJs.|||My dad is an ISTJ. He has a few stereotypical traits (bad with change, as well as not exactly being a bastion of openness), but he isn't even remotely a boring conformist like some of the type...|||INxx types are probably the most likely to feel misunderstood. I've never seen ENTPs as being that weird. A little offbeat, but that's usually the extent of it. Many of the ENFPs that I've met have...|||Most INFPs/suspected INFPs I've known have been closer to the former.|||Unhealthy intuitives can get so lost in abstractions that they lose contact with the outside world. The person standing on a street corner ranting about how the world's leaders are actually...|||It's about the person, not the type. Now that I've got that disclaimer out of the way: 6w5s. Not 6w7s for whatever reason, just 6w5s. Runner ups include 4s, and 5w4s. Again, not 5w6s (they...' | 6,328 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'When I make a new friend, when there's a really strong spark between me and the other person, and our mutual interest is instant and spontaneous right from the beginning, and there's loads of stuff...|||Fack off, basterd American racist. May your army rot in hell.|||Bumping as 0 replies.|||I currently work in advertising and marketing, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and enjoy the job even if I don't consider it my vocation. There are some days on which I need to work overtime, and...|||Also makes sense. Need some creativity and/or good research to do so though :) Any ideas for my case?|||Get involved in the social or religious services. In religion, there are many roles in which you don't necessarily have to be a minister, but can provide assistance to the promotion and...|||But the extremes are created by today's existing economy and society. Whatever you call balance, it will be defined by what the job market has to offer. Note I make a distinction between a...|||Whatever else defines your life and personal circumstances. For me, it is mainly to live healthily and travel constantly to be in touch with family and friends. That costs a lot.|||As an update, I really enjoy the job I do right now (even though it is not my dream career). Apart from the work hours, which are officially 9 per day (but recently have become 10-11 on some...|||Well, but if you really enjoy the job AND that's the lifestyle you want, maybe you have already found your balance? My only concern is: what if you do find a woman and happen to build a family? I...|||Also true. There are many more factors in the real work environment than just enjoying something. I believe it has to do with each person finding a suitable and sustainable mix of what they can...|||For anything else that may happen unplanned? (even romantic - what if you do meet love, when you least expect it?) :kitteh:|||I know what you mean - I am good at following the script, but then I don't understand or forget the stuff soon after the exam. I think following the script was good at high school, but now, since I...|||I am not trying to be critical, but at least raise some awareness: How do you expect to build (or even think of) family and friendships? Spend time with them? Solve any problems that may...|||Despite being an enthusiastic and high-performing student, I started noticing small difficulties when we had to learn mathematical analysis at high school, i.e. derivatives, integrals, etc. I could...|||It is dangerous for our health. The occupational psychologists here will surely know that straining oneself doing the same thing throughout the day can be very unhealthy. Recent studies show that...|||To all young people considering which career path to choose, and to all those who are considering career change: Always remember to find out what are the work hours and career progression, then...|||I think the underlined and bolded question is what I should have included in my original question. What if people have other dreams higher than their career path? What if people place more value...|||But what troubles me is that it seems that most of you associate security with boredom. Why? I think the central part of my question (and probably what distinguishes it from similar...|||Very insightful...|||But what about the other channels of happiness which are enabled by the money? Love, family, ability to pursue hobbies and interests with the money? If you get the money for those reasons, why...|||Does it matter whether we do the career of our dreams (especially those which are hard and underpaid), or a job that allows us to live the way we need/wish to? Recently, I decided to accept a...|||I must say that I have experienced quite the opposite and witness the opposite all around me. This probably depends a lot also on culture and geography. I am aware that in many Western countries...|||Maybe the Cup analogy was too much of a tournament in this situation :) I didn't mean literally having the cup on our mind (as in having a child). However, do consider how many aspects of all...|||Yes, only one, although he's not literally mine. Why? Which information sounded wrong?|||Having experienced long distance love so many times, through my own and my friends' stories, I feel that those who need sex the most are the ones to fall first. From what I remember, it isn't...|||What do you mean? I would say it says exactly what I said :P Oxytocin is a component of the love cycle and its absence may affect love negatively. If two people who have sex regularly don't...|||And what is the reason for this? Not sure what exactly you mean by suggesting that we don't have any signals... Well, is that is the only reason, biologically speaking? What about the...|||Bumping to first page.|||I meant detrimental in a purely biological-psychological sense, which of course can interact with cultural notions and the active behavior and choices of each individual. I will try to summarize...|||While it is sadly true that many religious people choose to do something just because it is religious and thus fits with their fashions, even religious ideas often have underlying practical and...|||Sexuality is such a huge brainwashing tool, and easy to use as it is easy to program; I once belonged to the dumb sheep who thought sexuality was the peak of all experiences in humanity, but luckily...|||I would like to hear your response to my last post. Thank you|||I understand and can agree with everything you say, however... A few points to consider: - My family is spread across 2-3 continents and the woman whom I would like to marry lives in a...|||This is exactly what I fear feeling like. By the way, I started, and I really enjoy what I do. Yet, when I see the others, my parallel path, I often am afraid to loose myself, get stuck in this...|||Reminds me of movies involving time travel :) Please note I tend to be quite different from the majority in many things I say, but here is what I would tell my younger self: Learn to rely on...|||My questions remain.|||Yes, so the personality psychologists say: (wikipedia) Keirsey descriptionsChampions delight in novelty. They are optimistic, enthusiastic, and vivacious, craving expressions of strong emotion....|||Now, this seems a much better explanation as to why people should be more sensitive when making fun of or discriminating against someone who is different. But as I was saying to the other guys above,...|||According to some experts though, it is more than a taste/preference and almost an involuntary reflex :D Again, I didn't mean that orientation literally doesn't exist, but that I don't recognize...|||...with the only difference that I have met or heard about people who have actually changed and are happy with it. Not scientific, but definitely anecdotal. Yet, if I say Well, I have a friend...|||In fact, as I wrote to sprinkles, my ideas express neither need for change, nor that it is abnormal to behave some way. I complain about the fact that it is looked down upon with much stigma if...|||Well, for some people, including big corporations, it does define you. When you apply for jobs at blue chip companies, you are asked for your sexual identity and orientation. I guess that for many...|||Agreed! But what I meant was being open to all possibilities, including change; not FORCING/programming those possibilities. Analogue situation: for most of my life, I might have been used to having...|||I swear that trying to bring up the subject in casual conversations always carries the risk of being labeled with all sorts of prejudice. It is almost a taboo subject... how can there be taboos in...|||It is no secret that ENFPs have multiple interests, but I am curious about how other ENFP's career ambitions evolved in their life time - from the first moment you thought about when I'm big I'll...|||I think the project work (instead of routine work), the different clients and/or suppliers / accounts and of course the creative aspect is what makes this quite ENFPish. Interestingly, my position...|||Oh, well. My gut says I could do this forever, i.e. one different career every 5 years or so :D But I also feel I want to contribute to every field I am seriously active in, i.e. I don't want to...|||Bumping message to the top as it had left the first page with 0 replies.|||It seems that the mainstream categorizes human sexuality into straight, gay/lesbian/bisexual AND trans and that those categories are hardwired and one cannot think outside the box. Because I...' | 5,877 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Oh I have an INFJ friend. His eyes kinda light up sometimes, so I know what kind of spark you are talking about. I think we do the same. If we talk about something we like we talk faster,...|||I think what we look for depends on enneagram type, how confident and secure you are and love language. But I´ve just started reading about this recently so I´m not quite sure yet. Oh and can...|||INTJ I admire them the most. They seem so smart, calculating, calm, collected, always one step ahead of you. Beating them in a discussion is impossible. They are a bit mysterious too, which I like....|||Green ^.^|||Why did it make you laugh? : P Ok, thanks. Sorry for making a thread about it, I just wanna help him cause he seemed so lost. But if he takes care of it himself then all is good.|||Ok, so in my class there are two people I hang with. An INTP and an INFJ. All three of us are best friends. However, the INFJ seemed a bit troubled three weeks ago. I asked him about it and he said...|||I think my talent is drawing. And that´s about it. I have an eye for it, the lines and shapes are alive to me. If I draw when I listen to music it is as if I can feel the drawing and the music....|||Same here. I have an ENTP friend and he seems like a very deep person (when we are just the two of us we can have the most awesome conversations) and I somehow can´t seem to figure him out. Whenever...|||My best friends are INFJ and INTP. My friends are ENFP, ISFJ, ENTP, INFP and INTJ. My boyfriend is an ISTx.|||haha, waving hands right back at ya ^^ My friend went to their concert here in Norway (one month ago or something) and my god how I envy him. Haha, same. I really like it. Also melodic metal, it´s...|||I´ve listened to Dream Theater, but never learned any of their songs. I know a lot of Evanescence on piano for some silly reason. Oh I love Dimmu Borgir. Makes me proud of being norwegian lol. Oh...|||Nevermind, did not see it worked out (ish) and replied to ur first post. Wish you the best of luck.|||I play guitar and piano. Played both for eight years, the piano is my absolute favorite. Tho metal and melodic, progressive rock, folk rock, heavy/doom. metal and so on is my favorite music genres....|||It can be a good thing also tho. I chose my ISFJ because he was so calm and stable and I thought he completed me. He was always there to relax with me, which is a good thing since I´m so energetic...|||Removing some of the text in order to keep this post a bit short : P Well I´m not gonna drop him, what I´m actually doing is realizing this struggle and trying to understand him in order to...|||No problem. Ye, I get that some people find it hard to smile. Kinda extreme example but imagine someone having social anxiety, I don´t expect them to smile back at me. They find it hard enough to...|||Sure. Perhaps I was not specific enough, but I never thought anyone would read it : P Imagine yourself going to school every single day. You meet the same people, you always smile at them, but they...|||Dunno, these types of people. 1) People who doesn't smile with their eyes. True smiles go all the way up to the eyes, and I don´t like people faking a smile. Same goes for laughing. Don´t fake it, I...|||Kinda. Depends on how close you are to me. And what kind of relationship we have. Friendship If you are gone for a long while, I´ll probably forget you because there is always something new and...|||I ignore them, avoid them at all cost and makes no effort to talk to them. If they text me I just ignores that too. However, if I accidentally bumps into them or something I´ll be extra friendly...|||Thank you : ) Can you please explain the difference between a toxic feeler and an okey feeler? Like, what is an okey way to deal with insecurities and what is a not-okey way to do so? I don´t...|||Haha, then this room will be first priority if we get this far. I get your job-example. You can´t say nah, don´t feel like doing it. Luckily, you can say that to people in other situations. And...|||Dunno, my biggest problem is myself. I overthink things. But maybe this is not type-related and just me being me.|||Haha, thank you. I think that if we ever get so far as moving in together, I will give him a room like this. I want him to have all the space he needs and for him to feel free (I appreciate my...|||I used to find it hard when I was a teenager. Now I know that my personal well being is very important for me and my mental health (I overthink bad friendships and tend to take the blame for them). ...|||I know now, after what you explained that it has nothing to do with the person. And in that case I think the solution would be him having his own time out room for him to withdraw to when he feels...|||Can I ask why it is annoying? To me, if someone shows insecurity I see it as a golden opportunity for me to show them that I love them and support them and try to comfort them and make them feel...|||Ye, I also think it´s individual. I usually spend my days with friends (I have plans almost every day with someone) but wherever I am, I always miss him a bit and want to be with him : P And that´s...|||Ok. I´ll try to think of it like having to recharge your phone. Just that it is him who needs to recharge and not my phone. I can understand but not relate to this. Being alone sounds terrible to...|||See that´s one thing I like about the ISTx´s. They are said to be honest and straight forward about things. They don´t beat around the bush or play games. Ye, he is kind of like that now that you...|||(sorry for the wall of text) Thank you for your insight. And I don´t think gender makes a huge difference, so female opinion are appreciated too. Yes he does contact me in one way or another almost...|||So him being together with me and doing boyfriend-like things tho never calling me his girlfriend means he is serious? Also I know he turned down an another woman who was into him. He told her he...|||Kinda. He once took me to the beach 03:00 at night to go bathing with some friends. And he can come up with plans within one day and does not seem to mind being social. An another day when we were...|||So I´m an ENFP who is currently 3 months into dating a guy I thought was either an INFP or an ISTJ (he´s taken the test twice). However, when I read about ISTP´s, all I can think of is how this is...|||.|||Posted in the wrong forum, my bad.|||They say you learn better by writing by hand instead of taking notes on a computer, so I write by hand (dunno with other countries but in Norway we get MAC´s from our school to use as a learning tool...|||Dunno how to do this picture thing but I´ll try. ISTJ (?)...|||Maybe we can conclude that what someone think of eye contact is individual and not type-related. I did not think of it before you wrote it, but he does not like public displays of affection either....|||I made it through 213 pages and just want to say that I live for this forum and it is the perfect mix of exaggaretion and gifs.|||I´m more like passive aggressive. Usually I hide it and ignore it because I dislike conflicts. If we are fighting I will usually calmly discus with you in a stern voice (when I was younger I used to...|||Not everything is type-related, so you are probably right this is not an ISTJ-thing. Thank you, it worked out. And also, thank you for the help you other guys here. I really appreciate it.|||Nvm, I see you talked to her and it all sorted out and I dunno how to delete my post. Glad it worked out, wish you the best of luck. As I also can see, some people make the ISFJ-ENFP combination...|||May I ask what it is you feel others fail to understand? Sorry, did not quite understand what you meant there. I dated an ISFJ guy for one and a half year (they are awesome people so hold on to...|||Yes, I´ll make him take the love language test today. Then I need to learn his language and understand how to communicate love with him, both how I can show him I love him and how I can know that he...|||I know I want to stay in this relationship, I don´t need a list to tell me I love him. But thank you for the advice : ) And this is really helpful. I´ll have a talk with him today (as I mentioned),...|||Yes. First of all, I love him. As long as he can love me back, even cold water is enough. Second, I´ve always thought that there are plenty fish in the sea, but once you choose a man, you should...|||So, to quote both of you: Patience and get straight to the point. If I want change, be clear about it and have patience and you will be rewarded? If this is the case then I won´t end it. I just...|||I think the fear of being alone is quite common and valid indeed. I would say cursed actually. I don´t want to be an ENFP (no offense), it is so tiresome. But you can´t change who you are I guess.|||A good man is rare, but because I meet so many people it happens from time to time. I meet a lot of people whom I find interesting and would like to get to know better, but few of them are boyfriend...' | 2,733 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | why are your famous infp all men, theres way more infp women then men, its like dramatically so infp men are extremely rare, even on the internet|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&x-yt-cl=84359240&v=VdQY7BusJNU&feature=player_detailpage ...|||I've always gotten along better with older people it seems like. But i'm still childlike it seems too.. its like 'the more you know, the more you realize you don't know much'|||its not a priority, if life is busy or im depressed it'll get dirty, if theres the time/energy to do it and i'm not too depressed, I will When my house is clean its never like a hotel, more like a...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0AqnCSdkjQ0|||Nobody's started a thread lie this i think and i know its something great for me, being so sensative (i aviod those sad songs!) So here's some I really enjoy. ...|||Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Pot, Kettle... x93Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss...|||it is a strange bunch, mine though was a male model (wealthy catholic school) who used to tease me about the fact that i drank coffee spiked with liquer and smoked everday before entering school. Hi...|||protecting as always!lol, I dunno if i'm INFJ or INFP, take a look and see what you think also if you're dying of organ failure-heart kidney, etc. this could help :wink: everyone needs...|||women seem wicked, when you're unwanted streets are uneven, when you're down... love the song ... but I wasn't alone when I decided this...:happy:|||not after they were plundered ruthlessly...brothers, privacy wasmore important :-(|||people, they're strange|||i wonder what drives mean people so often, its sad|||highschool is so social and i think maybe our performance depends on how we feel so, an E and F would feel great in HS and do better maybe? Also, maybe feelers wanted to participate more in this...|||you can't be there for someone who won't let you in. give it a week, if it doesn't top, let go, the problem with distance is you cannot work on things-his,yours or your relationship problem, alone.|||online-support groups-look it up online, you dont have to say much, like all relations, it taks time. but really, there are tons of free ones you dont need your councellor for. sometimes their in the...|||Fish oils banannas and fish really improve mood. Another thing is you can look up the funniest stuff you remember ever seeing and just keep watching it until things seem less serious and you laugh....|||so true, i can potentially love anyone but i won't usually let them in for this reason, unless circumstance forces it|||I think we're only really social with that rare one to three super good matches-best friends and soulmates.|||yes|||honestly, i feel most men that approach INFP's fall into this catagory... this is also a warning for younger women here :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=APKA-rF3ONk|||i love jim carey! i admit that i realize, only since like age thirty or so, but, yes romantically looks matter some...lol|||well he might not be now, dunno what he think, i know he wants to be together anyways i'm really only interested in people who think will be my long term, me and he bothe already have a child but he...|||as a nerd i must tell you most of our time was spent hunting and gathering in the forests and near bodies of water, not enslaving people in a way it was idyllic though surely brutal at others..|||because i'm going to have children with my long term partner, so o i want to know how they are with kids...|||I was hoping to talk to some ENTP with kids at some point...|||yes amazingly same types are similar! :laughing:|||i dunno i'm going through the same though with an entp...dunno, i dont usually do this on purpose to someone unless its just super over though...|||I only like compliments if they're of something I think is important, come from someone close and i think its sincere. I agree with the others that I like something I've done or a skill i have to be...|||I always look deeper and its an easy way for shy people to 'get to know' people without really making contact. Just me maybe though|||helps :-)|||admitting to a temper and lack of comminication skills ! cool :-), i trust your answers more. a warning, good idea...Thank you! I dont like to be bought though, just valued Thank you!...|||interesting, hmm, mostly not lovey but try to be fair and kind and sexual...and spending problems just what i need :rolleyes:|||always a lot younger, but runs in the family|||this is strange but i think its really true for a lot of people thought they don't notice it...even for me and i'm really touchy feely I am much more understanding and loving but also, much more...|||I love that you don't easily commit...less likely to be fake if you do. I welcome the opportunity to test out my partners want of me through open relationships! what a perfect test :proud: if you...|||so...do you have a jealousy issue? Is it mild or crazy? open relationsihps are fine by me, backstabbing is another issue, though the two can go together sometiimes :-( thank you :happy:|||Polemic thank you, sounds familiar, are you young though that you've never expereinced love??|||hasnt' done anything wrong really just...wondering, hes an enigma to me|||i am baffled by some of the odder peoples who messs with me on the internet, what do they want, waht are they trying to do.... :-(|||arent you naughty!>well...i am not trying to find out which type, just a general idea of whats up. To tell the truth, ive never dated anyone like this til thi year and i'm kind of baffled...in...|||how does it show? Thank you so much :-)|||sometime this week i get to taste turkey! and a good meal...and it might be intereting cause the cook is a foodie! I got to pet some cats! wish i could afford one i had a fun time with my friend.....|||I do this too usually, in fact, I don't htink I ever dated someone i was super into until recently because. I couldn't speak to them...lol! My mouth and stuff doesn't work right, sometimes i can only...|||my idea of a typical INFP is the charitable mousy girlfriend from that movie 'scrooged'. which i always related too. I am people oriented but its kind of serious, and i'm too sensative to be...|||lust and love-no difference!!!?!! sniffle... ty though :-)|||So i'm in a relationship with an ESTP or ENtP...and was wondering, either way ESTP's will be super similar to him Do you all have a lot of jealousy? How do you feel about open relationsihps?...|||So i'm in a relationship with an ESTP or ENtP...and was wondering, either way ESTP's will be super similar to him Do you all have a lot of jealousy? How do you feel about open relationsihps?...|||i just posted here cause I think im Intp when depressed, which is a fair amount of the time|||:-p | 7,011 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Tfw you can't buy a BF or GF. :c|||Is it bad to love material objects more than people? Wait... people are material objects too, with a fully working biological system. Eh... I still like my computer more than my mother. Heck, my...|||I'm an Internet virgin, if I post my photo here, I'm afraid all of you people are gonna make fun of me! But no, seriously... I don't even use Facebook, so why would I upload my face here for you...|||I was gonna say what Strelok said, but not that excessively.|||Well I had an unfortunate late fee on my rent today, so no Black Friday shopping. It's all because the Online payments system thing wasn't working right before. And I do recommend doing BF...|||I do love my foods, as the poll says. Or I guess the pool, since everyone's invited--nevermind. So are any of you on a diet? I am GF (gluten-free) though it's not very strict, since I'm not celiac...|||Well I'm confused why you said Ni when your profile says ENTP. We don't use Ni. Ni Se is for suckas. Ne Si is pro bono.|||Here I am still waiting for QLED to come out. https://youtu.be/VjznErmcLnU|||The more fun I'm having to play around with things, the less realistic I become. I almost wish I could take things as seriously as a J type, but nooo.|||Nice 4chan style trolling bro, 10/10. See, I know. I know all of you INTJ losers belong on a place like 4chan. Just admit it. :3|||Probably not. You don't need an IQ test to really get into a good college, just an SAT test. You also don't need an IQ test to get a job, and you don't need it to get a girlfriend/boyfriend, or to...|||Well, not only did you misspell rambling, but you have an underscore in your username.. I mean... wtf man? Use spaces. Oy hi, welcome. I'm that asshole INTP that nobody seems to like. ;)|||Hey! I'm INTP, I think. I don't wanna be one of those guys, but your type could also be very close to ISTP. I definitely know you are a Ti dom at least, that's the most obvious. I've been confused...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT7q0SGsAcs I dunno if I can cringe, or smile, or both.|||I'm listening to my fan blowing next to me, and also YouTube. I don't like silence, it makes my ears ring.|||Honestly, I like carob better than chocolate. Bob's Red Mill has really cheap bag of carob powder for about 3 dollars that you can use with nut butter or whatever you'd use regular cocoa powder for....|||The type of people that would do this shit: ENTPs. Meaning leaving the text at the end, but also even using an iPod Touch to browse the Web. Just why.|||I'm just sayin' they should really make adjusting the temperature in the shower digital and not an analog thing, same for sinks. Do expensive B&B products have these things?|||Yeah, this is pretty much what I do. And I also browse on INTP Forum. Unless the topic is about a particular subject that I can talk about, such as FOSS/Linux, I wouldn't really say much of anything...|||Honestly, they may be wrong in assuming you are an INFP. I don't seem to like your personality type at all. Your posts rub me the wrong way when I read them, and that's typically what a lot of ISFPs...|||Lots of people are ambiverts, too! It is a thing. I guess for some people it comes down to what label you are most comfortable calling yourself. Are you most comfortable calling yourself an ENFJ, an...|||That feel when you have to fiddle with the temperature when you first shower.|||Lonewaer: I figured, but it's something I would never want to do, since I'm not used to it.|||Hard to tell sometimes, but the real distinction is indeed both the P and J dichotomy, and the fact that ISTPs are heavier Se users. You might find that a lot of INTJs don't really participate in as...|||What a strange thread... but okay. Porta-potties (or the Canadian term/version is honey buckets) suck, because people can't wipe or wash their hands if they gotta #2. They always seem to stink,...|||You know you're an INTP when you can't get to bed when you want to.|||Sometimes it's just funny faces. http://viral-hippo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wind-blast-11.jpg|||Sink wash? How does that even work? I guess if you're desperate, become a member of a gay bathhouse and start taking showers there. Problem solved.|||The way I've seen it is: INTPs are critical and INTJs are cynical, though a lot of them share the same traits, or maybe none at all. Depends on the individual.|||The S in ESTJ mostly stands for stubborn. Lul. Well, okay. They are more down to earth, but not in the way you're probably thinking. Remember that Si and SJ users are more traditional. They are...|||That's right... Take a look at attitude (psychology) on Wikipedia. And I'm not exactly sure if it's actually possible to change anyone's personality. Maybe the ways of thinking can be...|||It's okay to laugh in most situations, but I don't like seeing other people fail, either.|||Well, first of all, using Fi instead of Fe would help greatly. I'm serious. Having this emotional feeling of awesome every day instead of relying on others to make you feel good (or down) about...|||What the hell are you talking about?|||I dunno. Ask your mother. |:) EDIT: Actually, seriously, Xkcd's What If segment should be able to answer this for you.|||What is going on here? I hear farting and animal noises.|||Actually, I think and INTP can get along well enough with me as long as they can pay attention more often and don't get lost into their overly detailed conversations. A healthy INTP is definately...|||How would a rock climbing activity make some one badass? I must now observe how bad your ass is at this point.|||So I guess I've concluded that the answer to destroying an INTJ is by feeding them bullshit every day, all the time, not stimulating their Ni/Te. Just feed them religion and stuff that they think...|||Heheheh. Hey, guys... I like to suck dick. .... Is that a sausage?|||Well I'm glad to see that many ENTJs will take a break now and then from their obsessive, serious activites. But wait.... Then they start becoming obsessive and serious about winning at video...|||I had to quickly look up, again, what altruism is for the purpose of responding to this thread. So is the OP saying that giving away things are evil? If we don't give away what we have and...|||Okay, bye. I'm leaving forever. Continue to stay depressed or whatever...|||Oh, uh... INTJs are actually fuckable. Call me insane if you want. I much more prefer Ni over Si forever. I don't like shitheads...|||I hate playing games like Sokoban, Sudoku and Go on harder difficulty, or others that I haven't studied extensively, but are required to play well enough, like Chess. This hatred may go away over...|||It's okay guys. He's probably twelve.|||I suppose so.|||Not an Internet virgin, surely....|||I think anyone can be relaxed when they can truly be themselves in a suitable environment.|||...At the very last minute.' | 5,157 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I have been living with a depressed ISFP for 18 years, and I have learned that the only way to get an ISFP out of their funk is for them to decide to take action on their own. I think it is best to...|||I think you sound like an amazingly interesting person. I love people who wear what they love and do what they love without giving in to the expectations of society. I have never considered...|||This simple piece is one I never, ever tire of playing or hearing. In classical circles, posting Lang Lang might get me into trouble, but I hope I'm safe here? :) https://youtu.be/RMotpkku-Fw|||The answer depends on how academic we are trying to be. Technically, classical music is European music written between 1750 and 1830. Baroque music was written between 1600 and 1750 (think Bach),...|||I think Arvo Part perfectly reflects my inner soundtrack! TFS!|||I totally agree with the posters above. INFJ's are incredibly good at filling in blanks when communication is lacking, and we don't always fill them in accurately. Overcome your need to maintain...|||ISFJ's are amazing and amazingly underappreciated. I am an INFJ as well, but my mom is an ISFJ. She is currently in my kitchen cooking a five course meal for my siblings and I for our birthdays....|||Ha ha ha!! My dad is an ENTP. You summed him up perfectly, especially the part about putting his Ne and Fe together and coming up with precisely the WRONG answer. Every. Single. Time.|||INFP's are some of my favorite people for real. I love their gentleness and depth, and I find them so insightful into the feelings of others when they're in a good place. I'm glad you're flexing your...|||1) Leave your fundamentalist religion behind. It is toxic. Tell someone what you saw. You will be sorry you didn't. Read more books, find the truth sooner, and don't try to keep some of those people...|||I take a long time to get really mad, but when I do, I can verbally destroy people without ever raising my voice. They will leave thinking everything was their fault. It's a sick dynamic, but since I...|||My Mom is a sweet ISFJ, so no problem there. My dad is a racist, narcissistic asshole, and I suspect he always was. I would have detested him.|||I feel this way all the time, and I don't think anyone around me really gets it. The suffering of others becomes my suffering, whether it's one of my student who was made fun of on the bus or a car...|||I grew up with a narcissist. (My dad.) If this guy really is one, run and run hard. Remember, as an INFJ, you are an emotional funnel. Whatever he feels, you will too, whether or not you have a...|||I work with an INTJ, and I wouldn't say we're cozy. He is very aloof and hard to get to know, and it irritates me that my powers of warth don't seem to win him over. We're both smart and well read,...|||I wish I were more balanced and less singularly focused. My perfectionism brings this out even more. My single-mindedness can make me a bit odd, especially when forced to interact after long periods...|||Since piano is my life and livelihood, I had to answer that. The harp (aka upright piano) is a close second.|||Words of affirmation for me ... I am extremely insecure and I know it. Quality time #2 ... more insecurity. Physical touch honestly ranks very low for me, but I suspect this has to do with...|||Covert influence ... I like that. And I rock at it. Slip in, slip out, and the other guy thinks it's all his fault. Amazing. Seriously, though, I am good at it, I know it, and I do my best not...|||I am a nervous driver. Driving forces me to be firmly in Se, and this uncomfortable to do for too long, since it is my weakest function. If it makes sense, the more intuitive parts of existing in...|||I'll second the replies who would disagree with your assessment of all INFJ's being liberal. I tend to think that political affiliation has much more to do with personal experiences and the values...|||People cry on my shoulder in record time of our first meeting ... it's that weird INFJ power. Then I cry with them because I can't help it. I am their emotional super conductor.|||YES. I identify with this so much. Middle ground is something that I just can't seem to find for long, and I think it has a great deal to do with my perfectionism. If something isn't perfect it...|||I don't like to cuddle or be cuddled. (Inner dialogue = There must be something wrong with me. I knew it!) LOL|||Cats! Isn't this a universal INFJ thing? I have an adorable Devon Rex who is my best buddy! :)|||Sorry you've been feeling down. This world holds so much pressure for us, and we demand an awful lot of ourselves too. Thinking of you. To answer your question: Exercise! I wasn't very physically...|||I cried a lot, but apparently loved to be held. Weird. I can't imagine anything worse now most of the time. I did say lots of amusing, big words at a surprisingly young age according to family...|||Organized, but not always tidy. I HATE cleaning, but I hate disorganized surroundings even more. I'm a little OCD, so once I start, I have a hard time not continuing with high anxiety.|||I just recently took the test. I am a predictable 4w3. This explains why trying to talk myself out of really caring what other people think of me has never worked. Damn you w3!|||Yes ... and no. My dad is an ENTP and my partner an ISFP. Huge personality difference, but similar personal issues. It's the broken ones that attract me after years of practice. ;(|||My amazing, lovely daughter is an INFP through and through. Some of our more obvious differences: -She is scattered and messy, while I am organized and well-planned. -She deals with spontaneity...|||Politics are my football. Liberal leaning toward more liberal ... that social justice stuff gets me all fired up. :)|||For everyone who misread the tone of my OP ... the use of posers was lighthearted, as was the intent of the entire post. All are welcome here; the more the merrier. Everyone who took the OP too...|||I describe myself as a socially appropriate Fe user with a Bohemian heart that's open to anything and everything ... an irreverent heart blazing inside a conforming body.|||I've been thinking a lot lately about how statistically unlikely it is for all of us to actually be INFJ's (and logically I must include myself in this!) After hanging around this forum for a while,...|||I tend to think that common values and interests attract us to others largely regardless of type. Long term relationships are about innate compatibility in small part but more about sharing common...|||I think Zosio nailed it again ... practice, practice, practice with real people. A person cannot think themselves into better use of an extroverted function.|||I love Personality Hacker! They have great podcasts on all the types that I've really enjoyed listening to.|||Backed my car into a 3 foot snowbank while deep in thought and got stuck. Took two real adults to get me out.|||Letting my desire for perfection get in the way of getting things done or showing others my achievements. Saying hurtful things when riding the high tide of emotion.|||Two observations from my own past dating life: 1) Every time I met someone I could easily see right up front where the relationship would go ... aka if it had potential. One interaction with the...|||I also have a chemically dependant family member who struggles with mental illness, so this hits home for me. He must, must, must be able to feel the consequences of his actions and choices fully...|||The standard MBTI tests, then research into cognitive functions. Then came the crisis that said if INFJ really is the rarest type, chances are I'm something else. Then process of elimination, and now...|||Remember, people were around long before types were identified. They lived happy and fulfilled lives, embraced their identities, and worked and loved. Type is only a tiny fraction of who we are....|||- You're only (fill in the flaw) because you were raised in X kind of family. (Thereby invalidating parts of who I am.) - You are so weird. - Get your head out of the clouds. (The things you...|||I'm definitely a hugger too. My INTJ friends are big fans of that. Eye darting ... check. Lots of expressive hand gestures ... check. My facial expressions are legendary among my students, along...|||I like nature in small, focused doses. I do feel more grounded when I can walk the hills under a painted sunset, but most of the time I'm an avid fan of the great indoors.|||Another mystifying aspect of my ISFP ... his enigmatic communication style. My partner does this as well. I wonder if this is an ISFP thing? I can't for the life of me understand his point sometimes...|||Hmmm ... a super dark crime novel with a big plot twist. Those are my favorite. After that, angsty dark historical fiction.|||This feels a little vain and unnatural to me, but also fun. I had a lot of fun reading the answers, so here goes! 1. I was born in a town of 100 people in Montana. (I don't still live there.) 2....' | 4,412 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'I'm assuming you are all younger...I'm 46. It doesn't get better. I worked with a group of women who were heartless bitches. They regularly went out and never asked me to join them...then they would...|||Why did the monkey fall from the tree? It was dead.|||Oh my. Makes me weak in the knees and, well, I can't say what it does to other body parts.:kitteh:|||Hi Everyone! I am 90% sure that I'm ENFP but I'm not completely sure. I've taken the free tests many times and come up with INFP, ISTJ and ENFP once in awhile. Last week I blew $40 for an MBTI which...|||Good point. Reminds me of 9 1/2 Weeks. Or am I the only one old enough to have seen it? Those were the days...when men were men and sheep were scared.|||All in Twilight, Mango Kiwi and StaceofBass - I just have to thank you all for making me laugh my arse off reading this thread! All in Twilight, I chose knowledge but I have to ask a most serious...|||A Barry White voice?|||I have learned that, in general, I keep my opinions to myself now. Or at least I try to. I've been burned one too many times going out on a limb with something I was sure I knew only to find out I...|||Don't put words in my mouth. The Internet and Facebook are not the same. I have no problem with people using the internet. I do have a serious problem with friends trying to influence me. My politics...|||I agree that it is very annoying to go on FB and see post after post about politics and stuff like that. It irritates me to no end. I am on there to connect with friends - not be preached at about...|||Hmm...I know I lean a lot to the thinking side. 1. Green 2. Gold 3. Blue 4. Orange|||I have four tats. Only one of them has meaning. The rest just looked cool at the time. On my ankle I have the cliche heart and rose thing. Its claim to fame is a wasp stung the center of the rose...|||I confess I was promiscuous when I was younger. But in marriage I am devoted and faithful. I don't, however, talk about my boobs because I don't have any. Even with a push-up bra, I don't have...|||I have learned that emotions are nothing more than a response to our thinking and nothing more. It is NOT our circumstances. It is how we think about our circumstances that creates our emotions....|||You summed up in a nutshell what I didn't like about accounting. It got very tedious and BORING!!! It took me ten years to work my way up the ladder to office manager. I took over an office that...|||Could you explain what you mean? I'm not understanding your point. Thanks! You are welcome!|||I never bothered to get tested for gluten intolerance. Cut the gluten on your own for 60 days days and see how you feel. Then eat gluten for a day and see how you feel. Who cares what a test says? If...|||That does sound like a lot of fun. Thank you so much for saying that. That does help me a lot. I wish I could relax enough to do this. My problem is I have gotten burned by bad decisions so I...|||I mentioned on a different thread that I am winding down a five year journey of career discovery. My original goal was to find the perfect career for me. I had no idea it would be such a long and...|||I'm winding down a five year journey of career discovery. Which means I'm also gearing up for college. I have to say that I am not satisfied with my results. I actually gave up which is rare for me....|||strawberryLola - I hear you! My youngest son was also ENFP. He was 6'3 or 6'4. I used to pinch his cheek in public and call him my baby. Fortunately, being ENFP, he got it and thought it was a...|||Blacktide - I think I was wrong. I am ENFP in denial of my emotional side. LOL Here's an example. Yesterday I was talking to my dog about how we're going away and she'd be home alone for Christmas...|||You may be able to start a programming business as well. My brother has a very successful business web hosting and writing websites for people. This makes me curious - is it an ENFP trait to be...|||viloletka - I can totally relate. I'm one of those geeky geniuses. No, seriously, I took some aptitude test years ago. The tester said that 100 is average, doctor & lawyers need to get about a 120 to...|||Okay so I know I'm double posting but after I hit post, I remembered the main things I wanted to say. Thank you The King Of Dreams for this thread. I cried as I read it. Sometimes I feel so alone...|||The King Of Dreams - This is actually an old thread. How are you feeling? Any progress? Any kidneys yet? Ace Face - Have you tried vitamin D for your SAD? I take 5,000 IU in summer and 10,000 in...|||Hmm. I do not relate to the majority of this. I do not get the emotional overload at all. I never have. I will have times where I get lost in my brain and need help finding my way out but it's not...|||Hmm. I don't know. Personally, I think of letter writing as introverting because I may or may not send the letter. It is an ultra safe way for me to express myself. My best letters never get sent...|||You're welcome!!! You are too quick. I started my serious reply right away but you saw my smart ass one before I finished it! :)|||Okay, now for my serious response... It is extroverting in an introverted way. :) Introverting IMO always involves turning inward. It is always a solitary thing. So in the purest sense...|||Yes.|||My husband and I have a standing joke - it takes 34 muscles to frown but only 5 muscles to reach across the table and bitchslap the person who pissed you off in the first place. Our joke is we'll...|||THANK YOU!!!! Your post made me laugh out loud because it is so me. I am really good at the Te Betch-Slap. (evil grin) Including the written bullet-point lists. Yeah. You nailed it. There are...|||LMAO. Really. Out loud. So much so that my husband asked me what was so funny.|||Thank you! I confess, I love giving people crap. :crazy:|||Yes. You are still The Daddy. But you're not my daddy. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.|||Sure...blame it on me. Maybe it's just that you're not that interesting. LOL|||I read somewhere that Hitler was an ENFP. He had the ability to read the crowd and tailor his speeches accordingly. It was his ENFP abilities that brought all of Germany behind him. Toward the end he...|||(returns from reading Whores and Teases thread) @Mojo415, please forgive my oversight. So, Mojo the Ho, how old are you anyway? @NaughyChimp THANK YOU for calling me young. I feel much...|||Ooh, ooh. Can I be a whore too? Please please. Pretty please. (searches frantically for the begging-on-her-knees emoticon)|||There was not only no Facebook when I was in (high) school but no internet or cellphones either. And MTV played VIDEOS. Yes, I was there for the debut Video Killed the Radio Star. (I am going to...|||That would be flippin' awesome. Okay, I admit it. I have Ti envy. I'm a T wanna-be. There it is. Out in the open. No, really, I do hate that I'm an F dominant. I get walked on all the time by...|||That makes sense. Thank you for explaining it. I love learning about this stuff. I have a similar STOP. One time somebody told my ex-husband, You have nothing I want. This drove me nuts for...|||So would that mean that you are arguing that the only arena is the logical arena? Then how do you explain Madison Square Garden? LOL But seriously, how would you word it then to mean not of...|||I thought it would be useful to clarify the different types of feelings and how they relate to the thinking vs feeling scale according to Jung and MBTI. 1. I feel tired or I feel a stomach cramp....|||THANK YOU!!! Okay, I just had to go beyond the Thanks thingie cuz it's so true.:proud:|||Mixed type...I would be INFP, ISTJ and ENFP. Depending on my mood, I test as any of the three. It's not as strange as it sounds. They all use the same functions just in a different order. An ENFP...|||Domestic abuse stifles your true self. I don't know how long you have been away from your abuser. I've been free for over six years and I am just now getting to the real me. It takes a long time to...|||Keep in mind - feeling in the MBTI world is not emotion but values. Feeling and thinking are judging functions which means that's how a person makes decisions. Do you make decisions based on...|||It isn't just thinker vs feeler. ENFP is Ne-Fi-Te-Si ENTP is Ne-Ti-Fe-Si I am Te not Ti. That's how I knew the difference. I do question whether I am thinking or feeling dominant. WAAAAYYYY...' | 7,731 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'INJ, same as now. Though I do think I was slightly more inclined towards 'feeling' as a child. Before my mum managed to get rid of that side of my personality.. :P|||It works! ExtravertedSensingFeelingPerceivingStrength of the preferences % 89317567|||No and I wouldn't. Because simply, there's a ridiculously small chance of winning anything significant. With the number of tickets you'd end up buying before you won something, it's really not worth...|||My brother (ISTP) was awful for this when he was younger. He seemed to love getting a rise out of me, and knew exactly what buttons to press. He knows how highly I value my privacy and personal...|||My mum is an ESTP, father I would guess is an ISTJ... I don't have as much contact with him, I am an INTJ and my brother is an ISTP. Only correlation I seem to get is we're all T types. I have an...|||I know this is just speculation and generalisation because types are so diverse... etc... Oh well. Time for my input. :) I'd immediately be inclined to say ISTJ though I have nothing to back...|||I do enjoy art, but I don't make time for it anymore like I used to. I think I like it because I like trying to show the things I imagine in my mind - a lot of the time, I'll picture incredibly...|||F types in general. I've never really known many of them well, and my family all seem to be either very strong T types or feel that emotions are a weakness.|||Don't take this the wrong way, but I can see why he thinks you're being rude. We're not comfortable with complete spontaniety, but I guess he could have planned it and not told you in advance, if he...|||If I like someone a lot, I want to be around them and spend time with them. I don't like physical touch at all and I find it difficult to express myself in words when I feel strong emotions.|||I'm very much a thinker and I show emotion because I can't control it. I always wished I could just hide everything and put up a facade, but I don't seem to work like that all of the time. In general...|||My mum (xSTx is all I can figure out) always asked my opinion when she wanted to decorate a room. I'd end up suggesting perhaps a couple of bold colours which I think look nice together - or just...|||It would be worse to be considered manipulative rather than selfish. Because selfishness doesn't intentionally seek to use/harm others. It is solely the act of doing what will benefit oneself...|||I live in a house of five at university now. I often end up going for the whole weekend without a decent conversation and it even annoys me of all people. I however, don't get along with my...|||I've had to do one before, but since I'm only 19, it was for a part-time job alongside my studies, which I wasn't all that concerned with. I answered honestly but like you, I'm pretty sure they were...|||Sometimes it's better to be concise. Maybe they want to encourage that? Also, my skeptical side says they just don't want to be sat reading loads of extra pages. And as said by others, it's...|||I tend to get these moments where I suddenly feel motivated to work, and then I find when I start, I often get really into what I'm doing and can study for quite a while if it's an interesting topic....|||When you find yourself in a pub with friends and it's 11pm and they want to go to another bar. You go home because you have a 9am class the next day and don't want to risk being late for it. 'You...|||Whilst I generally don't forget to do such things, I do lose any interest in eating if I'm stressed. If I'm really focused on something, I resent having to get up and stop what I'm doing to go to...|||I hate it. I live in a house now with four other first year university students. The situation's evolved so that the two most extroverted houesmates live practically as a mini-family and do...|||Most hated question/demand of all time: So, tell me about yourself... Makes me want to implode. What do I say? What are they wanting to know? How do I not sound like a total idiot/nerd? So many...|||I just hate it when some extroverts (because a lot aren't like this) are completely ignorant of the existence of introverts. Said extroverts don't think twice about invading my personal space, going...|||The future, definately. You can learn about the past through books at least, but the future is completely unknown. I'd be so excited to see all the new technology and developments which would be...|||I know people with over 1000 facebook 'friends'... I have 96. All of them are people I know and like, and have or have previously had a fair amount of contact with. Mostly consists of people from...|||Because it's pretty much guranteed I'll find some people expressing thoughts, opinions and ideas that I can agree with or relate to. That doesn't seem to happen in my normal, everyday life. I like...|||I'm in the UK, it's quite a different system to the US. I go to the University of Leeds, which is a massive place and it offers lots of majors, though is academic in comparison to Leeds Metropolitan...|||This 'universitising' bothers me. I'm in university now (my first year, actually) and have been extremely dissapointed in some aspects. Since I was quite young, I guess I romanticised the idea of...|||I get stressed over the tiniest things, yet I find it strange that the things that stress me out, other people seem to see as petty. Yet other people get stressed over things I think are incredibly...|||I don't, and I find it extremely annoying when people do. The worst person for it is my mother (ESTP) who never stops talking to herself, and I can't tell if she's talking to herself or trying to...|||I do all of those. lol.. The whispering one is a very rare occurence saved for my math teacher who patronises us. 'Just SHUT UP please!!!'|||Favourites: Geography, closely followed by maths and physics. Least favourites: Sport. Nothing comes close. I also disliked history, and things like drama and music because they seemed pointless...|||I do it all the time. I hate nothing more than when I obviously don't want to talk about it and people keep pressing the issue and get annoyed at me for not telling them what's bothering me. I feel...|||The 'that's illogical' variant couldn't be more true of myself.|||Sounds like my brother. I'd say he's an xSTP, but I don't think that's very much related to his obsessive computer/tv use.|||I'm a slightly more chaotic than typical J. My desk currently has empty cans of pop all over it and some papers for school. My actual computer desktop is a picture of a band I like, and I have a...|||Mother: ESTP Younger Brother: xSTP (can't tell if he's introverted or just a failed extrovert) Me: INTJ Father: IxTJ (don't know him that well, but it's the best guess I can make) My mum and...|||The idea of doing any sort of mind-altering substance scares the heck out of me. I hate the thought of losing my inhibitions. I need to feel in control of myself all the time. And yes, I'm also...|||As an INTJ, I've been described as either 'chaotic neutral' or 'neutral evil' as well as 'true neutral'. I identify with all three, but most strongly with chaotic neutral.|||I have a huge dislike for sports. I just don't get it. The atmosphere, team playing, competitiveness... It just does nothing for me. If I'm going to be active, I go to the gym or go on a bike...|||Ugh.. I hate phones. Only reason I have one is to keep in touch with people if I need them, and because 'it'd be weird for a 17 year old not to have one' - my ESxP mother's words. It's probably...|||Uh, hey. As an INTJ, I don't like talking about myself and all the little details. So I'll just say that I'm Chaz, I'm 17 (and I act middle-aged, according to most people, but they can't see my...' | 7,828 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Ask him to take a quick look at this: https://7chan.org/lit/src/Robert_Glover_-_No_More_Mr_Nice_Guy.pdf|||I think we'll have to wait for someone with a J to do all this.|||Emasculation can be in many forms: constantly telling a man that he is incapable of something, or that he is too confident, or his plans will never take shape. Yes I knew I was on to something.|||Just narrowing it down from the previous poll.|||Sister poll to: http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/562074-unscientific-poll-were-you-eldest-did-you-have-dominant-mother-figure.html|||Video games work on very tight deadlines and the entire project revolves around timely completion of tasks in music, art/graphics, tools, physics, AI etc. Games need to be released on a timely basis...|||I was only modeling this from a male standpoint, I believe females INTPs might have some other influences...maybe they are more pure as INTPs?|||I think ideas are easier to deal with because in the case of failure or rejection, you can always start over. In contrast, reality is irreversible.|||basically I was interested in knowing who had the most influence on your thinking abilities. Strong mother or several females could be equivalent. Still its just a theory, might refine it more.|||Yep must be a joke.|||I have a (politically incorrect) theory that if you're a man, a female dominated household suppresses your ability to take risks, and introduces P in your INTP-ness. And similarly, to cope with...|||Just testing a theory: 1. Were you the eldest child? 2. Did you grow up a female dominated household?|||In the Indian spiritual text Bhagavad Gita it is said that timing of death can determine your afterlife: Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 8 Verse 26|||Angry and Hungry?|||This is it. Basically, the only way a conversation or connection can happen is if they provide something, and I keep feeding off it. My only contribution is to dissect what they said.|||I think this is the clue to improving such behavior. When I'm low on energy, I try to get a grip on reality by quizzing someone, and its easy to ask questions, but there is nothing to be gained from...|||I've noticed, when my own energy level is low (due to lack of sleep or something), my interest in finding out facts becomes even more powerful and ignores social norms. My curiosity about another...|||Will try this tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.|||Thanks for this. I don't have social anxiety, only thing that often makes me lose steam is the total pointlessness of most social interactions.|||Church and friends, you didn't need a disclaimer.|||this is a useful feedback.|||the thing is, sex is not my main interest. I'm interested in finding out if the entire mechanism of meeting a stranger and doing something with her is possible in a few hours.|||Finally|||Yeah that's how I do it too. Sometimes the pleasure comes from unrealistic hope, like the value of a lottery ticket.|||I think its sad undertones come from my longing for human touch. Haven't had sex in 8 months, not even a kiss ;) And realizing that its easy to get some fulfillment through other people who want the...|||I've found a great way to get over it. Find a club with good music, and focus on the music. Forget the people and even how you're dancing. It gets better with practice. Then when you're in the music,...|||Can you elaborate on what its so glorious? I've never been into the club scene for all the reasons mentioned in the INFJ forum thread...|||The impression I get is that my nightclub-averse behavior during my 20s is definitely an INTP behavior..... Still, think of this as an experiment, its a bit of a hunt. The thrill of finding out if a...|||This is a sequel to another thread I've created in the INFJ forum (http://personalitycafe.com/infj-forum-protectors/531073-do-you-go-nightclubs.html). What is the best way for INTPs to get one night...|||I'm in my 30s and have started exploring nightclubs. During my 20s I never liked it much, too much noise, pointlessness, and I used to not drink. But now, I've learnt to let go and dance whatever way...|||Just do what you need to do to fulfill your desires. That's one way of listening to your heart. When you doubt it, that's where overthinking begins. Get what you want and forget the right or wrong or...|||This is just perfect!|||A million justifications, excuses, shifting of blame doesn't change the fact that you're responsible for your actions.|||Show some respect for your previous relationship. It's good karma even if it means putting your hormones in the freezer for a few months. A rebound won't help you in the long run.|||Read my previous reply.|||Let me add a more straightforward reply: the problem doesn't appear to be him but you. It seems to me that you want to have some fun with him without taking responsibility for it, and to have some...|||Sounds like you're looking for some kind of justification to like this guy.|||They are not mistakes if you trust your heart.|||Don't overthink about what part of you is responsible. Just follow your heart, and live in the present moment.|||I didn't mean to hurt your sentiments.|||In my experience with an ENFJ, I've noticed not so much that she became logical but that she became open to accepting logical solutions to whatever was bothering her. The concept of overthinking...|||You don't like being controlled?|||Yes! This! Its like walking while cuddling. Feels great. On the surface it looks very mellow and calm but internally between the two partners it can be a turbulent ocean.|||Look, sex is the most powerful source of personal energy that we have, and often we don't know how to find an outlet for it. We have the source of this energy, but many times we have nobody to...|||Its normal to feel lonely due to lack of physical affection. If I may suggest, why don't you try taking up some dance classes, like Tango or Rumba? I've discovered that sometimes my need for a hit...|||I suggest this with a disclaimer: maybe you'll find happiness in this but if not, maybe you can find something beautiful in it. Indian Spirituality and Yoga revolve around the concept of being...|||Yes visit it. Its a dense city with much going on. Much of what Hollywood portrays is the bits of NYC which are unique to it, and Wall street is one of them. Best idea, stay at a hostel like...|||SATAN|||This is true. For example its difficult for me at times to focus on reading a book in a cafe or a bar because of the chitter chatter around me. I'd rather be away from everyone and focus on my...|||Thank you. This helps. Although I've not been verbally critical with any of my S/O's in the past, my only wish was that they'd understand me, and thats a tall order given how complicated people like...' | 8,412 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 'Hello all, I'm a senior in college and working on my senior research project that focuses on personality assessment. My research is structured around a survey that includes both the MBTI and the...|||Geometry was always my preference as well...my friends nevere seemed to understand how I could like it more at all. :mellow:|||Totally understandable, Sela. Good luck with all those classes! Mine started today too. So far I've had Introductory Biblical Hebrew, History & Systems of Psychology, and Studies in Pauline...|||I'm going to have to go with J as my favorite. It's certainly the most obvious of my personality. A lot of my friends who try to type me before I tell them I'm an ISTJ may say something like ESTJ,...|||Every day I become more and more aware that introverts need extroverts, but extroverts need introverts just as much. For example, tonight was the first bit of my university's Welcome Week with the...|||Oh man, I take heat for this all the time. When I ask someone to pass me my purse in the car or something they always act like I've asked them to pick up a ton of bricks. To fit everything I need...|||Username: The firedancer is a symbol for Dave Matthews Band and of course 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. :wink: Avatar: I'd always related to Hermione and then I saw this...|||Story of my life. :frustrating:|||Same goes for me, I have a really strange memory for small things like that and I use it as a study aid too. For example, I will try to connect things I hear in lecture or read about on my own to...|||I have a friend who I believe is also an ISTJ, or at least IXTJ, and he is exactly like this. He pinches pennies like crazy until he's set his mind on something he really wants. However, he doesn't...|||That's me 100%. That sense of delayed gratification that drives me to be proactive. Since last minute problems and changes are not something I want to have sneak up on me I get as much as I can done...|||I was thinking of that very movie when I posted! That as the Fox and the Hound...they killed me as a kid and still do, every time.:sad:|||Sela, I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. We all have our own way of dealing with grief, and I hope you'll find what works best for you. I really like your paw print idea...hang in there. ...|||I probably overanalyze to a degree if I'm trying to read any type of reaction like this from someone I'm just getting to know. I notice this in hindsight, it's not usually a fully conscious act. For...|||Couldn't have said it better myself. There's a major differece in a guy being a complete sucker over a girl and being a gentleman that she'll actually respect. Maybe some girls take advantage of guys...|||Like others have mentioned make some good female friends, no expectations at first necessarily, even if you're hopeful with someone, and then go from there. Be confident but not cocky (not generally...|||ISTJ/Type 1 Comparison It was almost scary how much I fit in both parts. As far as the differences listed go I can see bits of myself in both, it just depends on the day and the situation really....|||1w2 as well. There was a link to a comparison of type 1s and ISTJs on one of the threads here once, I'll try and repost it here later, when I'm on my computer, and not my phone...:cool: It was really...|||I would only feel comfortable doing something like that if it was the first feel weeks of summer break or something like that, but then it would be expected. I try to take an evening for recharging...|||1.) I would say an ISTJ becomes unhealthy they allow the things we're prone to hold them back in life or hurt others. Some of these things would be like being so afraid to show any emotion that you...|||There does seem to be some correlation, yes, most of my friends who have a lot of OCD traits are at least XSTJs...and many of them left-handed...hmm...but that's beside the point. :wink: Of the...|||I was first chair clarinet in middle school, and would surely be useless now, but loved it while I played. I didn't play in high school because of the ridiculous requirements from marching band that...|||If it's something very specific that I know wasn't my fault then I deal with it accordingly. However, with anything that deals with emotions, relationships, etc. then I usually overanalyze and worry...|||Wow, that is me...completely. Just too add a little (though you pretty much took the words out of my mouth), others truly wanting to spend time with me is when I really feel loved and I think this...|||Mhmm...I guess since we're not ACTUALLY robots we have to rebel against that mindset somehow. ;)|||I've always felt most comfortable with academics. I may not be the one speaking up in a group of people I'm unfamiliar with but I have no trouble talking in class. Once when my friend was trying to...|||I get like this if I am already on edge about something that took place. Until I feel I have enough evidence that nothing is wrong I can be pretty on edge. For example, if someone I'm close to is...|||Agreed. True intelligence requires incorporating theory AND fact to grasp knowledge in deeper ways.|||I played D&D for the first time at my university this past year and absolutely loved it. I was the newcomer among several veterans and it seemed like they enjoyed teaching me as much as I liked...|||Bleh...sorry, double posted, and probably overlooking a delete option completely. =|||Caius did a really good job explaining the basic levels I seem to have as well. In high school I had most of my classes with the same people and knew all of them very well but would hardly have...|||First, thanks for the positive feedback! To answer your question about daydreaming and imagination I have always found it easy to use these things as well as logic (as a more definitive...|||I can have periods of time like this when chaos seems to take over my life. I do pretty well dealing with things up until a certain point and then it's like I hit a wall. I see this issue in terms of...|||One of my ISTJ friends is a newsaholic, and my ESTJ father is. However, I personally don't keep up with it as much. I'm not uninterested in it, but I usually end up focusing on other things. I like...|||I'm left-handed and an S, without a doubt. I assume this was taken because of handedness and the prominent hemisphere being used typically being opposites (left-handed people typically being...|||I am pretty anti-conflict. I hate arguing and try to avoid it. However, when someone I know very well is acting out of character in a negative way or won't let an issue drop I speak up and can be...|||I see the points you're making, and I would come closer to agreeing about Penny than about Sheldon. I see his arrogance as immaturity and simply feeling like he has gathered enough evidence (S) to...|||Hmm...why type Sheldon as a P and Penny first as a J? They seem to me to be textbook examples of the opposite.|||When you move into a new apartment and reorganize everything 314159 times with your ISXJ roommate...until it's perfect down to the last junk drawer. :wink:|||I've always been pretty good with math and things but I care too little about money to enjoy accounting and am usually pretty bored with it in general. Surprisingly, I've always enjoyed studying more...|||Every story I read, heard, or watched usually became my favorite for a while, haha. I really like Nancy Drew books, Dr. Seuss, Great illustrated Classics of all kinds, and just whatever else I could...|||I was certainly born into the Nickelodeon generation...but when it was younger and at its best. ;) Rugrats was a must watch, but I was certainly a Power Rangers girl, too. Most of the shows that came...|||Hmm, off the top of my head: Beauty and the Beast (Belle was the smart book-lover, hehe) The Lion King Mulan Aladdin Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder rendition) My Girl...|||Hahah, I'm loving it too. Definitely a dog person myself but this picture is the story of my life! In fact, my sister found this picture the other day and goes this is you!! :crazy:|||I think this is the key point here. While a relationship can seem logical on some levels we can never nail down all of the components involved in loving another person. It can be frustrating and even...|||We're all irrational at times...and yeah, as a woman I have no trouble saying that a lot of the time our moments of it are more obvious. It's just the frequency of these events that seems to be the...|||That's definitely an important point to note...when those feelings are negative things can get very intense. I certainly have issues with anger and resentment but I never feel comfortable expressing...|||Yeah, it may be a coincidence, but that's pretty cool. It's crazy how different planners can be, making people with a different style hard for other strong J types to make plans with. I can see why...|||Haha, I do this as well. During a semester at school I always stay ahead, but let's say two weeks before something is due I will try to plan out when to work on it. However, I may set out a few hours...|||You've got some really good points there. I tend to test fairly closely between T and F, whereas I alwaysss test hardcore J over P. I don't think I come off as cold towards many, because, as you...' | 2,578 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfNKFvHtA3g I stumbled upon an interesting topic and wanted to share. What are your thoughts about this mouse utopia experiment?|||My mother happens to be of the same type, ISTJ (very strong S). She is very practical, dutiful, always keeps the promises that she makes; she is an intelligent, hard-working and graceful woman, and...|||The standard model largely comprises of four fundamental forces (electromagnetism, gravity, strong, and weak), but beyond these models no further explanation exists. Then, what is a force? What...|||https://www.joevis.com/img/misc/kid.jpg Well, you didn't specify age.|||https://www.joevis.com/img/misc/kid.jpg|||https://www.joevis.com/img/misc/vdi-m.jpg|||You are... delving deep into metaphysics. You ask how universe exists. Within that how there is the question of what underlying mechanism of its existence entails. To understand a mechanism is...|||A friend of mine once told me that there is one certain joy in life; that is, to be a bystander of other people fighting. Well, I couldn't agree more. :P ...|||If you don't mind me chiming in, I agree with you on your notion that remarkable people often possess modest looks. However, at the same time, it can be perceived as... a bit too idealistic to apply...|||You bring an interesting point. Perfection is an ideal, a direction one might want to go to, however as the word ideal suggests one can always come up with more idealization, thus it may never...|||I need to re-organize, splash my face with cold water, wake up, suppress it, and move on. I need to function, I have to function now more so than ever. Clear my head, pinch my wrist, make it...|||I'm 9w1, and 5w4 is about equally strong as well (so > sx > sp). In context of the discussion, I'm not really conflict-avoidant, I'm more like conflict-resolving than anything else; when there is...|||There are principles that I impose on myself and not on others; that, I should try to live life with least regret, to stay authentic to myself while keeping good amount of flexibility as needed;...|||I think this is somewhat over-generalizing to a crippling point. It's not that men need a chase; it's men who prefer chasing that tend to look for a chase. In the same vein, men who don't need chase,...|||Firstly, I live in a very good neighborhood, very low crime rate and neighbors are quite friendly, but something very unusual has happened an hour ago. It was almost approaching midnight, and I was...|||Short simple answer is that it's entirely up to you. No one is pushing you to be a hero or have a purposeful life; it's you who decide based on your observations and experiences. You seem to...|||^ Citation needed. However, I think J-types tend to have higher standards/expectations which at times they impose on people around them including family members, friends, and spouses. The truth...|||If it is any consolation, I wish you best of luck and happiness as you move on to the new chapter of your life. No ma'am. Please don't think that I was offended. I was just curious what kind...|||I can't be the only one feeling anxious about the outcome of this thread.|||You should be advised not everyone here is from the U.S. to know about SAT. (For those who don't know, SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test. It is the US version of a nationwide standardized...|||Wow, he sounds like a terrible person. Dishonesty is a huge no-no; you should probably get out fast before you waste more of your time and sanity. Curious, though. What makes you say that this...|||I have a feeling that you've initiated the post because of the recent UK referendum to exit from the EU and the similar movements (The news sources in the UK must be covering it incessantly). In a...|||Double Post! First time for everything.|||Quite a story you got there. I think you've thought enough about your own dealings to diagnose what the underlying causes were; certainly good to write it all out and re-organize. Some questions,...|||It is because you have loved people that you are able to hate them. More precisely, it is because you have given your love yet your expectation was betrayed, that you begin to develop this...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gARHWfXE40 The Little Prince has been one of my favorite books from my adolescence, and I couldn't help but share this news. I've long wanted to see a decently...|||The universe is mute and deaf; it certainly does not hear your writhing in pain, only an echo of your own scream. You may wish that the world itself hears your voice, but it is utterly silent; even...|||That's fair. Bell's Theorem: Physics Additional topics: http://www.informationphilosopher.com/solutions/scientists/bell/Bell_On_EPR.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPR_paradox Einstein...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuvK-od647c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zfnvGXpy-g There are two videos partly detailing the experiment. The experiment supposes that while measuring the...|||I apologize to anyone who is not so familiar with quantum mechanics; however, this particular issue has been bugging me lately: In short, I have a very strong feeling that Bell's experiment...|||I'm sorry to hear your younger endeavors didn't work out, but certainly you did an admirable thing compromising your own dream to better support your loved ones. I hope you soon obtain enough...|||Option A sounds more appealing because you already put the word success in it. Why not make the game more fun and make it 'pursuing your purpose with no guarantee of both success and financial...|||Uncle! I met a new girl in school, And I really like her. Is that so...? Do you like her a lot? Yeah! I really really like her, But.., I don't know what to say to her.|||For INTJs, Fi always drives Te. Internal values and idealism is the reason why we strive to do the things we do. Te works more as a method/approach in achieving that inner idealism that INTJs see...|||If my words could come to life and reach you, They would gently grab your hands, unfold A warm glow within your grasp; a familiar gleam. You would know, then, My heart I have given in it. And...|||If you want to find unconditional love in its complete purity, you won't find it in people as humans are complex beings with many layers of shortcomings and flaws (and in general, things of absolute...|||Forbearance and equanimity. Those are certainly fine traits to possess. I also get your point about completeness being very idealistic, and possibly problematic. In some instances, there are indeed...|||Resilience. I've never thought about that, although that word has always had positive connotation in my mind, like having grit and persistence get back up despite challenging situations, etc. So...|||To briefly describe where I'm coming from, I'm a person who often thinks about and tries to pursue ways to self-improve (aka. bettering oneself; be it intellectually, emotionally, physically,...|||I see that you tried to differentiate intuition and thinking in terms of conscious/unconscious dichotomy, but any of the four categories (N, S, T, and F) can be both unconscious and conscious. As...|||I'm a child, an old man, a soldier and a lover. I'm a man and a woman, a fist and a hug. I'm an artist, a scientist, a fool and a jester. I'm an aristocrat, a connoisseur! A dullard and a bitch....|||In my personal case, I remember, about a decade and a half ago when I was a 5th grader, I stopped calling my mother mom; I just spontaneously started to address my parents with formal titles like...|||Immediately, the imagery that pops in my head is a guy stranded for days in the middle of a scorching hot desert. If he finds a well under a shade, a scoop of water that is refreshing and icy cold,...|||Don't apologize needlessly when you're breaking up; you may feel it's a considerate thing to do, but you wouldn't believe the headache that this may cause, because it achieves nothing but enabling...|||Oh no no no, you're not ruining people; they are throwing an indirect tantrum and possibly ruining themselves because things went sour. I have to be fair, though, this is mainly because their hearts...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erieveHRfok|||In the purest sense, identity is the answer to what it is (identification, identify, identity), but yes it does heavily carry that connotation of distinctive static characteristics because mainly...|||You are right that Fe responds to the external, but more accurately it naturally responds to external values, feelings, and ethics (collectively under the category extraverted feeling). There is a...|||One of the differences I've noticed is that, INTJs usually approach interpersonal relation with a pure/innocence mindset; self to another individual, one self-expressing human to another. There is...|||I've thought about this about myself and INTJs in general a few years ago, mainly because feelings and thoughts are often at odds with each other. Especially with XNTJs it's an interesting question...' | 5,505 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Are most INFJs on this form ISFJs or INFPs :dry:|||No, we dot exist. Not even Carl Jung! Who laid out the basis of MBTI, which is the system the label INFJ is apart of. Your argument is invalid. :proud:|||Bleh. spam|||Each and every person has a as self -who they are deep down, and a monkey mind. A monkey mind tariffed of the unknown, avoidant of change, worried about staying alive, lusting after a mate, keeper...|||I've noticed that it's a little too common both in walking life and on PersonalityCafe that people like to vent about problems without offering or testing real solutions that actually work. The...|||I think it has more to do with a world that is not really adapted to the NiFe type of thinking. Overall it seems common to have positive outlook that has a realistic bite to it mixed with a happy...|||When I was younger I used to laugh very easily (still do), and so whenever I was trying to be serious my mom would do something she knew would make me laugh. It annoyed the poor 7 year old me to no...|||In many cases for something that in retrospect was extremely petite. In May I was taking an intensive May class in trigonometry -so that I could take calculus 1 in the summer. I was really sick...|||Then I tell her we're breaking up because she hangs out with her best friend ignorance.|||I think it's very common in real INFJs because their function stack makes them the most distant type. And from what I've seen, real INFJs are for the most part are cold and observing on the inside. ...|||Thanks :sad: I'd say Ni types are more prone to suicide because of blocked sensing and introversion. In other words, the most disconnected from the experience, and thus the first ones to...|||I'm talking about the one who prefer amateur porn over corporate made pornos. The true meaning of this analogy is very closely tide to Introverted Intuition. Are they not justified?|||Not depression, nor hurting, simply lack of interest in this hollow side of existence. Purity in a dimension outside of morality. A love prostituted in a life lived without remembrance of...|||I beat one on rainbow road :crazy: https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.M48e17be55a46c6b497c839013f19e7adH0%26pid%3D15.1&f=1 But more seriously, I...|||Is the genius the one who designed the AK-47? http://championfirearmsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Mikhail-Kalashnikov.jpg Or the one who are intelligent enough to use it? ...|||I've seen Richard Feynman typed as ENTP, INTP and INFJ, and ESTP in various places. ENTP seems to be the more common. However, it seems fairly obvious that he is an ESTP. I'd guess his father was...|||You're welcome :happy: Haha, this is slightly relevant (I got the name of this book from an interview with Richard Feynman) https://youtu.be/GNhlNSLQAFE?t=4m|||Yeah, I was also really scared of math when I started college -I was homeschooled and had two SJ parents that taught me in a very Te way, which made me really unsure about anything I did (Even in...|||Do you like math? Are you good at it? Do you tend to have a different learning style than others?|||Basic Questions: 1) Age or Age Range? Old enough, but not too old. 2) City, Country and/or Region? It depends on who wins the US elections this year. 3) Tell us something about your social life?...|||I have many deep internal conflicts when it comes to beliefs. You're an introvert if you're being honest about everything you wrote here. I think a problem for many Ni dominate people is that...|||Does it annoy you when someone tires to be unique by dressing and acting weird? :kitteh:|||Binaural beats are two tones played in each ear that make a third tone that is an oscillation of the two. Anyway, give it a go and tell share what it did for you. --- This one has other...|||No, I meant the ones cutting the hair... 90%+ ISFPs here :shocked:|||My will is, and has always been exploration :kitteh: In many traditions the Soul was considered the side of the person that came from nurture though many reincarnations. The spirit was the part...|||Go to the nearest haircut place or art school... That is where they all hide... No joke :shocked:|||ISTJ - Fetish ISFJ - Nazi INFJ - Materialism INTJ - Dun-Gooder ISTP - Too-Dangerous|||ISTJ is below ESTP! Haha!|||Internet: Most overrated - INxJ Most underrated - ... Heh... In real life: US Most overrated - ENFJ|||:shocked: That was... something new...|||Welcome, Penis! I'm also a new ESTP :D|||That seems quite natural if you look at nature and how it's basically a predator system :proud: Though, it could be argued that since you see that there is something more that is not being lived...|||What happens to people who don't want to be socialist? ;) And who wants to play a game where Everyone's a winner. :bored:|||The same reason we enjoy sex ;) The survival instinct :wink: #Greed #Nature|||A giant apple :blushed:|||What to rename my cat to :proud:|||Cat on LSD' | 2,345 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Key Lime Yogurt|||I did read it, which is why I said what I did. No one person gets to decide who or what deserves life. What is reasonable to one, may be unreasonable to another. Your standards are not universally...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFTw3bckVtY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM7L9xG5ewo|||The Fauvres actually have a youtube channel devoted to the Enneagram and Tritypes: Click. Here's the first video in the series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ephecK8GUik|||I also don't have to kill bugs that fly in front of my car when driving, but they fly in front of it, whether or not they have any knowledge of the impending consequences. You cannot tell me that...|||http://theawesomedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/most-offensive-memes-11-1.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfuWXRZe9yA|||Guilt?! Hell no. Anyone or anything entering my home without express permission is going to face consequences. I don't generally kill bugs outside unless they're biting me (mainly mosquitoes),...|||Of course there are times when it can be very good to be perfectionistic, but not with everything. When you notice that feeling coming up, have you tried asking yourself, What would really...|||Can you give examples of how your perfectionism plays out? Are there specific things/times/themes/instances that trigger it?|||Et tu, Brute?|||I feel like I should start with a disclaimer...just in case: http://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/2427116/85024197.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zzF0f7B.png ...|||Five Words Post Searching is half the fun: life is much more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party. --Jimmy Buffett|||You can get the member number by hitting Reply with Quote. Just copy the number in there and cancel the reply, if you don't want to use it.|||https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-09/10/15/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web03/anigif_sub-buzz-11941-1473537376-1.gif http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq5wk6tkxL1r00dxio4_500.gif|||https://preview.ibb.co/fjpH0v/Oldhamresults.png Interpreting Your Personality Self-Portrait Your leading style(s) most strongly shape your style, even if they sometimes conflict with one...|||I'm going with GRSH (the only other option I'd consider is RGSH).|||I chose other because I like MBTI, Enneagram, and other systems equally. I think they all address different dimensions and raise different ways of looking at ourselves.|||Self-Pity by D.H. Lawrence I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.|||INTP both times - fun questions. I love that other graphic, lol. It made me remember this: https://68.media.tumblr.com/5faf09c6c89459a81e4a093c33da81c6/tumblr_nozr9aXL581uwc8gyo1_500.jpg|||permafred Yeah, I mainly watched it because I was feeling nostalgic and wanted an innocent diversion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dab0QXYkEN0|||permafred lol They covered that in the first one, too.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4s6H4ku6ZY|||https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTI4ODQ1MzAzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzU4NzMxMDE@._V1_UY268_CR9,0,182,268_AL_.jpg|||The entire Harry Potter series, so many times I can't keep track. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (4 times) Beowulf The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlQiybP-2I8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nztBZ2l0Bmc|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3hTW9e20d8|||INFJ, maybe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UprcpdwuwCg|||xSTJ is the only realm coming to mind for me.' | 6,044 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'ideal you |||||| real you |||||| Introversion |||||||||||||| 53%|||My relationships.|||Don't care who does it, I personally, would not.|||Welcome to INFP-topia. Yes, we do have cookies. Cookies laced with dreams and love and sparkly things. :crazy::kitteh:|||I loved them all, but they're sequels in the sense that they can sort of stand alone as individual novels. Like in the second book, Gathering Blue, Jonas is only mentioned in the end of the book, and...|||That was one of the first books I remember being my favorite. I read in 6th grade, and I recently re-read the whole series in preparation for the final book that ends the series. It was one of the...|||Sometimes you just gotta do what you can and don't let it kill you. I don't even know where it came from, but it goes through my mind every day. Awwkward. I'm never not doing weird things. ...|||Honestly I think everyone judges everyone at some point. It may not be a harsh judgement, sometimes it's just a harmless appraisal. I try my hardest to remain judgement free, but I slip up sometimes.|||55773 55774|||For me I get overly ambitious, and overzealous over how I'm going to make all my dreams come through etc. but then I get discouraged because I don't know if any of it is actually possible, or if I'm...|||I regrettably spent a portion of my life trying to get best answers and top contributors. :laughing:|||I'm probably not the first to notice this, but out of all of the personality type forums, INFP's have the most threads with 11,715. I assumed it was probably because of our need for introspection and...|||A new bag because I spilled coffee in my current one 5 or 6 Novels I've been meaning to read A knockoff burberry scarf A pair of converse And some study material for school|||Howl's Moving Castle!|||You're a perfectionist yet a procrastinator :tongue:|||To Build A Home by Cinematic Orchestra! One of my faves.|||Writer: Haruki Murakami. His words are so lovely. Reading his stuff really takes loads of my shoulders. Philosopher: Henry Thoreau. I'm pretty sure this dude was getting high off of shrooms or...|||ISFJ lol|||Sims3 sims3 sims3|||:mellow:|||I am terrible at getting back to people. I don't keep up with text messages, or return calls. It has nothing to do with that person. I'm just a horrible procrastinator, and sometimes I just don't...|||http://personalitycafe.com/isfp-forum-artists/64664-infp-male-isfp-female-relationship.html This thread might be able to help you better than I can, I've never really factored in MBTI into any of...|||Social Life: When I was in High School I felt like I had that same problem. I didn't really participate that much, and my extra-curricular activities consisted of sleeping and blogging. A lot of my...|||The way I deal with my parents is by knowing there is only so much I can expect from them in terms of dealing with my emotions or my situations. I accept what little love and understanding my parents...|||If it's a party where the majority are people I know, then I'm pretty comfortable and I can talk up storm. I never really party with a bunch of strangers so I'm not sure how I'd act. In the first...|||#151616 #251617|||In all honesty, I don't think being an INFP defines who I am. I believe there are many other facets of a person's personality and soul that can't be typified by four letters. Sure, MBTI may define...|||I use I feel a lot. I feel like.... I feel that..|||Thanks for the advice, there's no harm in trying!|||I don't think the way I met my best INFP friend was all that interesting. When we first met we both thought the other was unapproachable and intimidating. I knew she was going to be my best friend...|||I don't believe I'm bipolar.|||I'll try that.. but I have a feeling she'll get defensive and unresponsive.:frustrating:|||I'm slightly awkward, but that has little to do with being an INFP. I'm a pretty social person, I love being around my friends. I can be a bit of a loner, but usually in an unfamiliar environment.|||I was browsing through my sister's tumblr inbox (I know, a grey area in the realm of ethics, and all) and I got a lot of insight into my sister. She usually lies without guilt over and over again....|||I had a terrible morning, I was angry, frustrated and teary-eyed and to make matters worse I was running late for school. As I was walking up to school thinking about how lonely I felt and fighting...|||It's happening to me too, not sure why.|||Coffee Coffee Crash|||I'm pretty good at making my thumbs touch my arms.|||My best friend's spending the weekend with me!:crazy:|||50666 I think it fits with INFP's nature of idealism and fantasy.|||LOL I love this. Oh, how the tables have turned:tongue::tongue:|||I find that most of my friends and I have a lot in common. I think I unconsciously gravitate towards people like myself. I clash most with my family, especially my sister. I suspect she's somewhat...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g65ioaUkjWc&feature=related|||I feel the exact same way but at the end of the day I figured I'm more of an introvert as my energy is focused more inwardly than outwardly.|||I'm very goal-oriented. I might not achieve all that I set, but otherwise It's a motivator. I find if I don't set goals from time to time I become apathetic and aimless. It doesn't bother me most of...|||I do that as well. For me it's as if the person never existed.|||I don't like the idea of being vulnerable; my emotions exposed for anyone to see. For me to open up it takes time and trust.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QgTHA9Fe2ME This is such a sweet video, made me cry.|||I use tumblr quite a lot. It's simple and it's an easy way to express yourself! manifests.tumblr.com|||Not into either song or artist but Regina Spektor's sounds better.' | 55 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'I got Crystal...?:mellow:|||What is your Myers Briggs type? INTP Which are the Myers Briggs types you are most attracted to ? INFJ, ENFJ, ENTJ Which are the Myers Briggs types you are least attracted to? ESTJ, ESFJ, ESTP|||Install a hidden camera facing the till. That's not illegal is it?|||Welcome http://emoticons4u.com/party/fest30.gif.|||When buying face wash, choose one with lavender. Preferably lavender and aloe-vera. Aloe-vera gel is also really good for your hair as a conditioner. Applying lime juice diluted in double the...|||I'm not an INFJ, but i often have nostalgic smells, if that makes sense :mellow:.|||Free personality test by iPersonic. <--- Probably the easiest way to determine your type.|||Enneagram type 9.|||INTP = Deluded.|||Probably ESFP's. Loud and talkative; speaking from experience.|||*rolls eyes* i'm too tired for this :bored:.|||What's that saying again... you'll never know until you try. But there's also another saying that goes What you don't know won't kill you, or in this case break your heart. So :confused:. Riy your...|||Then you probably might be an enneagram 5w4. It took me quite a while to figure out that the reason why i was unsure if i was an F or a T was because my wing 4 was really strong. Hope this helps...|||I have a logical explanation for that. I'm 58% T, so that's less than 10% more of an INTP than INFP, though i could easily pass for one. Or i could just be a spy...|||Which applies to you more. For S's When making decisions, I let myself be guided by my five senses. I do not like to leave things to chance. My motto is: the proof of the pudding is in the...|||Which one applies to you more. For P's I like to take things as they come. I have no problem doing several things at the same time. I find it difficult being on time, I am often late. I...|||Gary, from Spongebob Squarepants.|||The simplest, easiest most straightforward thing to do would be to visit iPersonic, takes less than 7 minutes. Link below- Free personality test by iPersonic.|||They represent how i feel (i have a whole album full).|||Yay! :laughing:|||I said Visually... There's a clear difference.|||But i said Be a bit creative because obviously i knew this would come up, so the Albert Einstein or that old guy from Harry Potter cliché was kind of disappointing.|||Do ISFP's have a tendency to turn to drugs or alcohol when in the lowest of lows? Do you guys tend to swear a lot? I'm just curious...|||Ok, if you weren't an INTP i'd be tempted to say you're probably a really close minded person with 0 imagination :sad:. But since you are an INTP, i'm just sad... :crazy:.|||I guess i'm a cross between the Managers and Participants; probably more of a Participant. I like simulation games the best, my favourite ones will have to be Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing DS.|||I researched this after seeing it on the INFP forum and it's never been asked before (if it has, oh well). Try and be a bit creative.|||I love Shih Tzu's, i might own one when i have to live alone in Uni, might probably get a cat instead; less stress. The Japanese Chin looks kinda Rat-ish, a hairy Chihuahua. ...|||Your wish is my command. And of course it has to be meant ridiculously sincerely!|||Personally i would like a Dsi and a notebook with a 64-bit processor to guarantee compatibility with the 64-bit version of Windows 7, which will be the preferred version of the OS with an Intel Core...|||http://images.paraorkut.com/img/pics/glitters/s/scared-8550.gif Dude...|||I enjoyed writing alot when i was younger but i eventually deteriorated in it. It just became 'cheesy', so i turned to art as a way to express myself. Overall, i don't think i'm very good with words....|||I don't see the point in this. Since people can't choose the way they are, there will be always something they won't like about themselves, it's plain human nature to not be fully satisfied.|||INTJ's are probably the coldest, speaking from tons of experience. The ones i've met are like a bundle of unconsecrated evil :crazy:.|||Yes, i get that a lot too. Thanks everyone, for all your lovely, insightful contributions. It really means a lot! :proud:.|||So how did you learn to make decisions and stick to it, what your strategies?|||Yes this does really shed some light, thanks. I've never really considered geography, but it isn't something i see myself doing. I'm more interested in the idea of creating, making use of my...|||I'm hoping to get some inspiration from fellow INTP's on the issue of career. I've always been unsure of what i intend to do to earn a living and it's very worrying, not just for me but also for the...|||Ooouuu :laughing:.|||Greetings newbie :happy:.|||Exactly, i've also been having that itch for the past few months. I want to do something but i don't know where to begin, how to go about it or if i'm ready and it's leading me to...|||No don't listen to them! It doesn't matter if he's an INTP, people have feelings and telling him blatantly is going to make him feel stupid and embarrassed. The best way to do it would be to subtly...|||I6. Just approx. 9 more months till my driver's liscense! :proud:.|||I wasn't seeking to start a debate. The point i was initially trying to pass across was that wisdom (not knowledge!) has nothing to do with any particular MBTI type. This is an intp forum, and you're...|||DOUBLE thumbs up :happy:.|||There is no first or second definition of wisdom. What i was trying to make you understand is your supposedly first definition of wisdom is infact knowledge, so you were , in my understanding,...|||I believe you mean knowledge then. Knowledge and wisdom are two very seperate things with different meanings. I knew exactly what I was saying when I stated my opinion on wisdom but you seem to be...|||Yes, my mom. Don't get it twisted, wisdom has nothing to do with intelligence.|||Wisdom depends on the person and has nothing to do with type :unsure:.|||:laughing:' | 4,992 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'If people call me with number withheld they run a high risk of me not answering the phone. If a person wants to remain anonymous, I reserve the right not to pick up the phone. If its important, let...|||Modern economics is the science that tries to explain how you can get infinite growth from a finite system. So far, real life has proven to a be a little more stubborn.|||Do you meditate? All things begin with a consistent meditation practice. That is one of the fastest ways to learn to live in the now.|||The very first step to take for healing is learning to love yourself. That sounds like a cliché, but it is the only truth. Loving yourself is not that simple. I want to bet you have many thoughts...|||I have encountered both a karmic soulmate as well as a twin flame connection. The soulmate relationship was heavily karmically loaded and became ever more difficult. In fact, one of the reasons I...|||The government will decide whether or not you are a threat to them. Not you. They change the rules, and all of a sudden you are in violation of them. For example: They are broke (which they are)...|||That is where you are sadly mistaken. Its not the government that needs to fear you. Its YOU who needs to fear the government. It is a tragic misconception to see governments as good guys, while in...|||I have only one cause: the promotion of personal and world ascension into the new age.|||If you desire to develop your intuition in a general way you must learn to be internally still, very still. You can not hear your intuition if it is drowned out by yourself. The most obvious tool to...|||What is so insane about a calling? Intuition is every bit as real, is in fact even more real than the physical world around us. Intuition, what you perceive as a calling, is your divine self talking...|||Of course, though this one is tailored for INFP's, it might as easily apply to any xNxx. Although perhaps certain elements would be less applicable to xxxJ's as you have personally demonstrated. I...|||As INFP's we often suffer from life, buffeted by it as is we were a raft adrift on a stormy sea. The INFP is the most finely tuned personality type of all, but that means that to do well as an INFP...|||INFPs have the ability to transform souls, provided they begin with themselves first. This is not a fictional ability, its real.|||I abhor competition. It hurts my soul. As for the technical side of it: competition can work to an extent as long as there is still space to grow into. As soon as the system runs out of growth...|||Technology as such is neutral. It takes no sides. If we should ever develop such AI's, shall we not find that their advantages and disadvantages will reflect the mindset that we have already created...|||Let me just start by saying that you have made a very good and thorough opening post. Some of what you write is recognizable to me, having ADD and perhaps a mild form of asperger myself. It is not...|||Exactly that. I am not primarily an experiencer and lack some of the highly tuned sensitivities for that kind of work, but I have still clearly perceived energetic work being done on my throat and...|||Type: Projector Profile: 4 / 6 Definition: Triple Split Definition Inner...|||Right now I do not have anyone in my life to yell at me. I used to have a boss who would do that though. For the longest time I could not handle it at all even though at the end i was beginning to...|||Maybe you haven't noticed, but... We have been inside a zombie apocalypse for the past few thousand years.|||I have quite a few developed friendships through another forum. I have only a few through PerC, but one of those is very special.|||I would likely go live in England but not in a big city. Some hills, little rivers and old castles would be nice. I would use the money to set up or to support various projects to further the...|||Thank you for this elaborate and detailed treatment of a matter to which I have given some thought also. I asked myself, what happens if one is able to overcome the needs and the fears associated...|||I am both introverted (heavily) and shy. Most of my shyness comes from living half a lifetime with ADD which does not do wonders for one's self confidence. Yet on the other hand there is this almost...|||I have been looking for a person to know me truly as I am and I feel that I have finally found that person, only a few months ago.|||She is INFP just like myself.|||1. Try to live from love. 2. Try to live from self awareness. 3. Strive to overcome ego and be master of your true self. 4. Learn all that you can learn. Always have more questions to ask.|||That is a brilliantly written post @shoreline, and it touches on a matter of the highest importance. I have struggled with this for many years. My whole psychological setup, my ideals, my way of...|||It has me as CELPQ which indicates green. I am INFP but very close to the INTP line.|||shoreline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85U-77_5lWk|||I am an INFP. Do you have even the faintest idea just how flipping amazing we are? It takes time to figure it out. The very first thing to begin with is to learn to respect and to love yourself....|||The past or even the future is not what life is about. Life is about what you do now. It is totally pointless to look back, its like saying if my aunt had balls, she's be my uncle It is meaningless...|||I have never travelled alone. For most of my life, a place has been just a place. It is the connection and the sharing with another person that gives a place its special charge. I do not like to...|||Self awareness is a great tool when dealing with negative emotions. This will help you see your thoughts and feelings for what they really are. It is generally not a good idea to share bad feelings...|||Perfect music for me was much of the earlier work of Enigma, mainly their first three albums. Another perfect album is All the Little Lights by Passenger.|||I am not good at delicate living at all. Which, paradoxically makes deliberately dedicating myself to it, a wonderfully effective awareness exercise. It is turning the mundane into the spiritual much...|||The exact same thing happened to me last year when my best friend for over 23 years took his own life. No one had seen it coming, even though I was pretty much the only person who saw him on a weekly...|||Exactly, there is no such thing as a wiser man. Nothing can be as wise as finding your own source. It is well to find one's own truth, for only personal truth can ever be owned.|||There are many things you can do and directions to follow but the one thing that needs always to be remembered is that people may be able to show you the general direction, but it is you who has to...|||Its a wonderful band, with quite a few memories attached for me.|||Maybe I can put it in even simpler terms. That special person you are looking for is yourself.|||I think all of us INFP know what you are talking about. It feels like we are not wholly suited to a world that is not on our wavelength. I have spent a long time dwelling in the kind of darkness...|||True love is absolutely out there to find, even within the confines of the dualist world we still live in. Despite that, there are many wonderful, amazingly loving relationships in the world and...|||Love is a function of looking for the other. It is the basic memory of us, who live in the illusion of separation, to want to rejoin and reunite with our source. But because we still firmly believe...|||No, I am not a theist. Nor am I an atheist. Thesis and antithesis bring forth synthesis, but only if you care to find reconciliation. You don't have to believe in anything. In fact it is better if...|||Because in the end it's all about what happens to you as an entity. If life is all you see, that's fair enough. I have zero ways of proving to you that it is a shortsighted aim and it is in fact a...|||au contraire mon capitan I will say nothing at all. And now I'd like to see your list.|||Most of the stories I read were Dutch language ones like the Suske en Wiske series. But of course RinTinTin was also among them.|||Its funny you should post that vid. I have learned of people who have actually had that sort of thing happen to them after having dabbled in satanic rituals. Up to and including speaking words in...|||Carpe diem? I am exploring unusual in ways satanism never can and it combines very nicely with moral paths. Once your eyes are open you will never again be able to not see, you will barely even...' | 6,661 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'Thanks to snail for helping me to free up my pen. x Solsday Come on, for God’s sake! So I do, though the ghosts of her flash like retinal rice crispies under my lids. I imagine the top of...|||from Ode and Burgeonings @napoleon227 2 Years of yours that I should have felt growing near me like clusters until you had seen how the sun and the earth had destined you for my hands...|||Silence There is a silence where hath been no sound, There is a silence where no sound may be, In the cold grave—under the deep, deep sea, Or in wide desert where no life is found, Which hath...|||today, I hate me (goodnight, goodnight) I cry in the quiet where no one may hear and abate me I am failure to thrive crime and contrition create me ah, I hate me today, he kills me...|||Prayers Of The Wingless Merseyside isn’t always grey; spring brings occasional sunshine and balmy breezes. Even an otherwise bleak row of terraced council houses on the outskirts of Liverpool...|||Siren Song This is the one song everyone would like to learn: the song that is irresistible: the song that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons even though they see beached skulls|||More and More More and more frequently the edges of me dissolve and I become a wish to assimilate the world, including you, if possible through the skin like a cool plant's tricks with oxygen...|||napoleon227 Kilgour's Rain The day was neither grey nor cool, but steamy with expectation. We sat under an umbrella at Kilgour's, the place you said you once passed days pressing words...|||Before You Came Before you came things were just what they were: the road precisely a road, the horizon fixed, the limit of what could be seen, a glass of wine was no more than a glass of...|||napoleon227 Happiness I ASKED the professors who teach the meaning of life to tell me what is happiness. And I went to famous executives who boss the work of thousands of men....|||Me and my sweetie :) https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-PCMjzXysKxM/TpZZeNs8-kI/AAAAAAAABtY/g--ovwzEdzQ/w311-h236-k/2011%2Bsept%2B071.jpg ...|||I dare make his answer... Me :)|||My Girls and Me http://i363.photobucket.com/albums/oo80/IveGrl/28082011397.jpg http://i363.photobucket.com/albums/oo80/IveGrl/28082011395.jpg ...|||The Poet's Love Song In noon-tide hours, O Love, secure and strong, I need thee not; mad dreams are mine to bind the world to my desire, and hold the wind a voiceless captive to my conquering...|||I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps. I...|||A Moments Indulgence I ask for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side. The works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards. Away from the sight of thy face my head knows no rest nor...|||History of the Night Throughout the course of the generations men constructed the night. At first she was blindness ; thorns raking bare feet, fear of wolves. We shall never know who forged...|||In The Arc Of Your Mallet Don't go anywhere without me. Let nothing happen in the sky without me, or on the ground, in this world or that world, without my being in its happening. Vision, see...|||....I don't know when napoleon ever DIDN'T write freely. Seems to me he always says exactly what he wants exactly how he wants, and what is more free than that? But napoleon227 I agree that it is...|||My youngest daughter :) and where in the poem I say 'she says' believe me, I am quoting directly.|||The Changeling Blackberries are not sweet as such. And neither is she. Much. She was a baby in a manger. (I think some fairy must have changed her for a stranger little stranger.)|||A six-stanza word-flirt... your measure never fails to measure up. I'm still giggling :)|||Your love is as beautiful as your rage. x|||Urbanity and finesse, insanity, a soft caress - of words, like grace. Your words taste better than cinnamon :) x|||This is beautiful.|||I Would Like To Describe I would like to describe the simplest emotion joy or sadness but not as others do reaching for shafts of rain or sun I would like to describe a light which is...|||a painful pause as the poet tries to pry a phrase from a reluctant brain something profound - or at least profane nothing springs to mind weep for her! as there she sits with brimming pen and...|||Exquisite x|||The sun has burst the sky Because I love you And the river its banks. The sea laps the great rocks Because I love you And takes no heed of the moon dragging it away And saying coldly...|||Warning When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say...|||Dear Sunrise, I hate you. You ruin everything. Go to hell, and take that dawn chorus of fat, merry birdies with you. Disgruntled, MJ|||I never leave the INFJ forum. In fact, for most of my time on PerC I have only been in one particular thread on this forum. So hey, replying here actually counts as branching out for me :D !|||Dear LiteratureNerd , Fuck yeah. You Had To Ask?, MJ|||Dear Warm Ooey Gooey Chocolate Chip Chocolate Fudge Cake With A Side Of Slowly Melting Vanilla Ice Cream (The Extra Creamy Kind Speckled With Real Vanilla Pod Seeds) No. I SAID...|||Dear Goaty , I'm back. Love, MJ|||I love flirting ;) It's fun, it's sexy, it's confidence-boosting, and it's [mostly] harmless. To answer the OP - I think there are as many different shades and levels of love as there are people...|||napoleon227 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv36_QAVLsQ|||napoleon227 and anyone who can relate xo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crfm4ih3ZtM|||(my favourite villainelle) Mad Girl's Love Song I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my lids and all is born again. (I think I made you up inside my head.) The stars go...|||Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rage at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their...|||napoleon227 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSNHuD3sFoA|||But the results are so good, lol. And your vocabulary continues to improve... my favourite line: As meaning meanwhile halts upon inane, Nice :)|||This couplet is genius. I think Napoleon would say this is a classic example of negative energy being channelled in positive ways - your writing keeps getting better. x|||Psalm Sometimes I sing and my voice is the tune of wind-chimes tickled by a too-sudden wind, or the baby's laugh that broke into the million skipping pieces that began Barrie's fairies. ...|||napoleon227 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2XCgcxsvTg&feature=fvst|||Disconsole A drunken cloud stumbles across a back alley sky and pauses to piss blindly on rooftops. Somewhere little rainbows dream sweet and a pretty sunbeam paces;|||Death of a Poet Laid now on his smooth bed For the last time, watching dully Through heavy eyelids the day's colour Widow the sky, what can he say Worthy of record, the books all open, Pens...|||Impressionist See, he said. See? So I looked, and I saw; I am a mother, and a Monet. It's in the way the light makes love to nature's silver brushstrokes, and how a single drop of water...|||Natatorial Come, little rivers, run. Come creeks and creeping courses, come find you out an inlet, if you will. Waters, thoughts and lives are never still.|||http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h154/3sunz_2006/congrats.jpg http://i0006.photobucket.com/albums/0006/findstuff22/Best%20Images/Icons/congrats2.jpg' | 5,024 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'Thanks. ...............|||More generalization thread. There are many wrong speculations and generalizations about ENFP personalityhttp://intjforum.com/images/smilies/huh.gif. I am an ENFP, and I am one of the most people...|||How do you not relate? By looking in other ENFPs in MBTI forums? in this case I would say you are wrong, you have to keep in mind that many are mistyped, unhealthy and immature. Mostly I dont relate...|||It is not more than a generalizations that some believed it, actually INTJs can be very good with people. INTJs never start being aggressive or being bad toward people, they just defending...|||High preciver, immature and undeveloped ENFP is messy for any type, I see many through MBTI forums. and it would be horrible if it is with INTJ or ISTJ :laughing:. Back for OP question. My...|||lol:crazy:, of course you cant use it permanently as dominant, but its good to use it temporarily to set up plans for a genius goal :cool:|||Ne+Ni= the ultimate creation, import stuffs from other world. Imagine and see the beyond. I believe I do it, it feels like skin dissipate, flying hair and skin shudder.|||Yes, you are right INFPs aren't argumentative but some of them like to debate. But me as an ENFP, I love to debate. I usually who would initiate the debate. Me and my friend ENTP, we 24 h debating...|||ENTPs are the most argumentative type, then ENFPs are second most.|||Sorry, I think Benjamin Burnley is an ENFJ.|||I already had clashes, fights and embarrassing moments, why I don't change myself? because the theory said so? Even the worst ones I know,he is an ENTP. He switch from being an asshole into the...|||Naturally we are bad as ISTJs at expressing ourselves XD . I was really struggling with expressing and picking what to say, then I tried hard to develop my Fe. And it is getting better, I also...|||ENFPs type 7, ENFJs and INFJs (straight males) are the best soldiers you will ever see.|||I love video games music. Here are some of my favorites: To Zankarland YouTube - Final Fantasy X Music - Zanarkand Akira Yamoka - Not Tomorrow YouTube - Akira Yamaoka- Silent Hill Not...|||Actually I was not know anything about Hitler but after seeing his speeches, and I read a little that some, describe him as artistic visionary, also I read he was pretty outgoing in his childhood...|||He could be an ENFP, the descriptions of ENFP are only describe the early life of ENFP. After which, developed ENFP would confuse people about his personality. Developed ENFP could be seen as ENFJ,...|||Amy Lee is an INFJ, I love how deep she is: http://www.spacefiles.net/Images/Hot_Chicks/Amy_Lee/images/Amy_Lee_0006.jpg And this guy from Breaking Benjamin band, Benjamin Burnley even though I...|||The first one is obvious, she is an ESTP. The second one I am not sure, if you elaborate more it would be better but my guess is INFJ or ENFJ or ENFP.|||Yeah, I am very good at it. I think I can read people very well, but it is distracting and overwhelming when you take all these people thoughts and feelings, especially if I am in crowded place....|||His songs are soft, and he is way calm to be an ENTP. He is probably ENFP type 4|||Linkin Park: Chester Bennington: ENFP type 7 Mike Shinoda :ENFJ Joe Hahn: INFP System of a Down: Serj Tankian: ENTP Daron Vartan Malakian:ESTP Rise Against:|||This guy for sure http://thebananatimes.com/blog/www/thebananatimes.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/inglourious_basterds-still-3.jpg|||This guy XD? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8M6S8EKbnU&feature=related|||No, we share the same fear. Thats why ENFP would prefer introverts. Because we know its impossible that any two partners would not get bored from each other. However INFJ tends to spend a time...|||An ENTP laughing XD http://i29.tinypic.com/2vikupi_th.gif|||Yes, Spongebob has a little of ENFP imagination and Ne. But his behavior was not an ENFP, one of my ESTP school friend was exactly like him except Spongbob has the affection of ESFPs. If Squidward...|||http://www.animatedheroines.com/images/elastimages/incredibles2.jpeghttp://www.animatedheroines.com/images/elastimages/incredibles2.jpeg ...|||http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090601171754/pixar/images/a/a3/EllieCarl-kids.jpg|||http://andrewjerez.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/up_ellie_and_carl.png ENFP & INFJ The red hair girl in Pixar movies is always an ENFP, the first moments in UP movie were so sad.|||Reference to what I was saying.|||YouTube - Way to Fall - Starsailor YouTube - Red-Pieces with lyrics (good song) YouTube - Hollywood Undead - Circles|||People are mistaken by ENFP (The Champion) kindness. Once its dangerous situation, everything you know about us vanish. The monster will come out with no mercy. Goku is good example for ENFP...|||You would not like to see ENFP 7w8 epic mode :tongue:. It is like awaken a monster inside, energy explosion , unseen and very fast Ne body movement. OK ISTPs are supposed to be our dual :P|||I would create the biggest zombie massacre. Hell yeah, that's what I have created for. Looking forward for such day :laughing:|||Yes I am. I read the book, I am high sensation seeker too.|||Yes, I think I am. Before I know the MBTI, I was connecting group of people to each other, I relate them together. And now it is very simple for me to type someone, and I typed the most people I...|||Oh good observation, I did not take the temperature into account :laughing:. Do you know where I can find like this music? or do you know the name of the composer? This music is so strange make...|||Hi INFPs, recently I found a music that really inspire me, my mind goes so so far when I listen to it. So I came to here to share it and ask you, because I think we have the same taste. I made...|||Well, he is a fictional character not real one. But I am sure that the creator of this character is an ENFP . Spongebob is a mix of ESTP, ESFP and ENFP. Patrick is an ESFP, one of my friends is...|||I am sorry about stereotyping, one of my best friend is ENTP. In beginning it was frustrating, but I knew this is normal for him and he doesn't mean it personally and I understand him very well...|||Haha you are kidding me, you must be did not see a real ENTP. They are crazy as hell,fearless and dangerous. And their tongues don't stop saying Fuck, motherfucker,pussy,my balls,cooksucker, penis...|||You are welcome. Here: http://personalitycafe.com/type-7-forum-enthusiast/3748-type-7-adventurer.html http://personalitycafe.com/type-7-forum-enthusiast/8709-overview-seven-its-wings.html...|||I think you are an ENFP. I was clear ENFP when I was young. But now I am different, people would confuse about my personality, I act like ENTP, ESTP, ENFJ, ESFP depend on the situation. And I am...|||No he didn't .|||Me too XD. So hilarious.|||I don't know, I relate to ENFJ posters. And I am sure that I am an ENFP. Maybe because I am 7w8, but even the ENFPs with other ennegram these seem too exaggerated for them. Especially these: ...|||ENFP posters, either are only describing the female ENFP. Or you have wrong idea about ENFPs in real life. I don't relate to any of them.|||Check out this video, done by crazy ENFP :crazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ta4IEbnguM|||1-True 2-The shallow view says so. 3-They have feelings, but it is like under super control. 4- Not true, I know religious ones. 5-Not true, actually they are humble and like to help. 6-They can...|||Perfectionists. The fifth Idealist?' | 2,191 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Pretty much every relationship I've ever had right here!|||This is awesome! I just sent it to the girl I'm currently dating. Wow, I now feel absolved. It's like well if you don't like something I do now, hey I told you this is how I am! I somehow feel I just...|||writing: creative writing such as short stories or prose: 2 writing: more on the mushy ooey gooey prose poetry side: 0 random gifts purchased 3 random gifts made: 1 random affection texts: 1...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK8mJJJvaes|||I'm not sure what your trying to do here but I don't like it.|||I was raised as Roman Catholic but never really followed any of the rules. For a brief 5 month stint about 4yrs ago I though god was real then I realized it was mainly because I was dating a super...|||Ok so I'll preface by saying I skipped the longer posts because well I'm an ENTP and I just wanted to give a response. I am currently an Active duty SSG in the Army. I have been in for 11 years now...|||I came back to PerC after a 6 month hiatus !!|||Here is a simple solution. Go to the You might be an ENTP if . . . forum and read it. If 98% of it is spot on then you know your in the right place.|||Well this thread certainly got off topic. Go ahead make fun of me for pointing out the obvious.|||When you constantly miss your flight at the airport but don't really care cause there is always another flight to your destination. But then find out that actually there isn't another flight today...|||Thanks, your comment I can really relate to. I try to keep my expectations based in reality. Even while I conjure these things in my mind I look at the reality of how far out there some of these...|||Yeah but I tend to do it often. I wish I didn't because it just sets me up for great disappointment.|||So I have this issue, I guess if we can call it that. I often time find myself creating scenarios with a member of the opposite sex in my mind that are based off of small, simple interactions. Such...|||Hmm I'll play your game. Only the marker is at least 100 miles off to keep the ISFJ's from stalking me. Although that could be entertaining at least for the short term.|||I was gonna say hit your foot very hard with a hammer. But I think everyone else ideas will probably actually work.|||You mean there are rules here?|||A very smart person who knows how to lure in other people. @NotSoRighteousRob well played . . . once again|||As long as you don't physically have to have sex with his wife, then I say go for it.|||You should make the people that told you to start a band give you the $500|||Is there a question for advice here because I don't see it? FWI I skipped to the end and only read the questions.|||How are you today? I'm ok I guess, not a very specific question . . . What are you thinking of right now? How to get out of this hell hole of an office sooner How do you feel right now and why?...|||I discovered TED talks . . honestly a bit sad that it is the best thing to happen to me all day|||I just watched his words words words stand up yesterday. I think it was the first time I have even been aroused by a man.|||^all that and holy crap I thought it was just me and to add: you can also wear the clothes you need to be in the next day if you have to get up really early and already know you won't be...|||http://www.youtube.com/user/boburnham#p/u/2/iuF6CpML3IQ It'll give you a braingasim|||I must confess: I like big butts and I cannot lie P.S. I would like to apologize to the actual conversation above me|||Right now? reading this forum, constructing a paper on lucid dreaming, being bored at work, being annoyed by other ppl watching youtube videos WAY to loud in my office, txting several ppl at once,...|||At first I was like WTF then I was like lulz|||White people who act black. That really makes me mad. When friends on Facebook consistently post shit like this all day long. No one ever responds so they respond to themselves. I am so...|||You ENTJ's sure know how to lure us into a trap. But hey at least you stroked my ego. I feel dirty now, I need a shower.|||Dang you said everything I was too distracted to say. To add: Tea cup or miniature animals with the exception of a mini horse cause they are just bad ass. Paperwork in general because...|||I think the second definition has much merit in my life. It is always easy for me to spot high probability of a negative outcome. I hate it because after said negative outcome happens to the person...|||So I am interested to see what pisses off other ENTP's besides myself. Here is my short list: Static electricity shocks Stupid people Extremely loud people People proving me wrong People who...|||It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care just let it happen to people who always want to stop my crazy schemes. Honestly, it's not your fault that your not as smart as me.|||When you retake the type test to see if you can get 100's in all categories. Get this: Introversion (I): | 3.33% Extroversion (E): |||||||||||||||||||||||| 96.67% Intuition (N):...|||This is me 18132|||I like the angle and focus here. Canon camera I observe? Guess I should find a pic of me so I can feel special.|||I think I'm confused :confused: Didn't know we were having a compliment contest? Secondly I have told many girls this, not because it necessarily was true (don't think that needs further...|||Sonicdrink, I would first and foremost like to thank you for posting those videos. I am actually contemplating doing one myself as this whole MBTI deal is my new addiction. At least until I see...|||Agreed, damn you Buisnessman. I will not fall for your/our tricks. The video was hilarious though.|||Bars Say something flirty to me then simply walk away and ignore me. I will be compelled to get your attention. But don't ignore us for too long cause we will move on pretty fast.|||Waffles, pancakes are useless they don't even hold toppings. How long did it take you to come up with a valid question for another ENTP?|||17974 Actually this is how I see myself . . . wait a second.|||For me I pretty much grab a top and bottom outta the closet, check in the mirror, go ahh, and then head out. (5 mins tops) People tell me I'm good at coordinateing clothes but I don't care enough to...|||True that I started Just let it happen years ago, like at least 5 years ago. Now it's everywhere cause someone stole it from me :sad: and I never trademarked it. Oh well.|||So now that I have read the pages 90 through 97, and then 1-55 in that order I feel compelled to contribute. You know you're ENTP If you ever joined a christian chat room and pretended to be a...|||First off I am new here which is why I'm commenting on such as old post. Because obviously we ENTP's are so awesome I had to read all the posts in this thread. But I digress, this was by far the...|||Damnit how do I delete this.' | 739 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'This. I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Close friends are incredibly important to me; I consider about four of my closest friends to be my best friends. However, a lot of what I do...|||A cotton dress that's dark grey on the bottom half, and a white tank top on the top; a belt; and a green flannel. I'm too cool. :cool:|||That I get distracted too easily to be a very good driver.|||Er... I'm not sure. I had a pretty polarizing personality in middle school. I got harassed pretty mercilessly in seventh grade PE, but the bullying was reported by another girl in my class. I guess...|||I try to be self-confident, and I usually am. I'm the type of person who tells people, Well of course you love me, I'm amazing! I can come off as really arrogant, I suppose, but it's usually...|||WOT. That's where I'm from!! But I go to college on the east coast. Anyway, I feel your pain and boredom, friend.|||I definitely see what you mean. I'd say that there's more to MBTI than there is to a horoscope, because horoscopes are assigned, if you think about it, rather arbitrarily and by chance. However, I...|||I hate that I feel the need to people-please, all the time. It's so hard getting to know people when you don't really act like yourself around people you don't know. Several of my very close friends...|||Gah, I consider most of my close friends best friends!! One (INTP) I met during fifth grade; I was brat with the huge temper problems, and one of the only people that would talk to me was my...|||I love Te, too! Then again, my entire friend group is essentially NTs... Can't quite survive without it. Anyhoo, sorry for the girlishness, but you know you're an ENFP when you get an ISTJ to...|||I wish the first one weren't so true...|||I went to take my instrument out during band, and someone had written I love you on the back of my namecard. <3|||I have no sense of style. xD I'm a jeans and t-shirt sort of gal, and the type of person who wears sweatshirts with shorts and tennis shoes everyday. Everything is very low maintenance. But I'm also...|||I looked in the mirror and saw someone I actually liked.|||Humans are ridiculous. The world is unexplainable and absurd. The only meaning to the world is the meaning you make for it and for your own life.|||Haha, oh PerC, how do you always know how I'm feeling? Explosion. Today, being the case in point, I asked my teacher a question, she snapped at me, and instead of doing what all of the other...|||I was thinking this exact thing earlier!|||I confess that I always procrastinate so much, it almost inevitably ends up with a panic attack.|||I wish my emotions weren't so volatile. :/ There's only so often you can blame hormones and stress before you start wondering if there's something seriously wrong with you. I'm pretty sure I can't...|||I can kind of relate. :/ But I have to agree with hmwith- there'll come a point where you just have to jump in (or wade very, very slowly), and try, and the worst that could happen is you end up back...|||I love watching those, too! Though, the last time I did, I ended up wandering around the house with a knife, because if the Apocalypse happens, it will drive the world into chaos, anarchy, etc., our...|||I loved the new Star Trek, too. :) And you haven't read the books?! They are, in my opinion, so much better than the movie. Douglas Adams is brilliant, hilarious, and a man to be completely admired....|||Good luck! Wherever it takes you, it'll be worth it :) Personally, I'm enjoying not knowing who I am, at least for a few more years. It's terribly exciting. It's a universe of possibilities!|||I know exactly what you mean. :/ We were once having a discussion circle in my lit class about the Great Gatsby, and people immediately started generalizing- all rich people are immoral, for...|||Very simply, like this-> :D|||3:35 PM- Oh man, I really want to go read in the living room, but then I'll see the backyard and feel guilty about not helping to put the fence up... Even though I'd probably saw a thumb off...|||Hi! I'm an ENFP and I need to get my life in order.|||My first crush was in Kindergarten, on a boy named Daniel. I longed to be the Jill to his Jack in the school play Mother Goose's Goose is Loose. Instead, I was cast as a pig. xD|||When I was younger (elementary/middle school young, that is), I was always the crushed. I fell in and out of love every couple of months. When I got older, I stopped having crushes (I haven't had a...|||Perfume: Story of a Murderer, or alternatively, Das Parfum - Die Geschichte eines Mörders. Love that movie/book. It's brilliant. Das Versprechen- a German film about two teenagers in love, Sophie...|||1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling 5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee 6 The Bible 7...|||I know what you mean; this is the first time I've actually felt appreciated in a really long time. xD I really am really lucky though, but the thing about being the person who's always helping means...|||YES. I once had a conversation that literally consisted of Yeah, isn't that funny? And then I kept talking at you to fill up the silence because you haven't been talking yeah I know I talk a lot...|||It's not bands in particular who inspire me (except for the Beatles. Until this month, I think I've been completely deprived), but specific song. At the moment, in fact, this song makes me smile- ...|||Username: variablestar Age: Seventeen Location: Southern California! Relationship status: Single What do you look like?: Around 5'3, 5'4, average build. I have wavy, sometimes curly,...|||I completely agree. :D Best group of people to be stuck with.|||Bookmark it! Because there will definitely be a time when the exact opposite happens. >.<|||I think the part that really touched me about that was the fact that there are twice as many listeners as venters. x3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6BKhvhSehc|||I'll start this thread off with one of my favorite (and sometimes true!) stereotypes- ENFPs make great friends. We listen, we give advice, we're supportive, funny, the ones people come to when they...|||I'd love it. :] I don't know if the would be able to handle it, though! xD My two best friends are both INTPs, and we know how to handle each other's boundaries. There could be issues with me knowing...|||Oh man, I have to agree with everyone on this thread. I've been accused of being a huge flirt and leading people so many times... And it's only when I don't try! This ended up being a huge problem,...|||I'm an ENFP, and I wish I could pay for the college of my choice!|||Hi, I'm an ENFP, and I feel guilty when I get tired of/annoyed by people. :D|||INTP, without a doubt.|||Tell that to the men in the white coats!|||Romance! Time! A special off button for when I start babbling would be nice, too.|||Yeees. Not only do I always misplace things, I forget what someone tells me within a few minutes, and ask the same question multiple times within the span of one conversation. But my long term memory...|||The best kinds are the loud ones that kind of hurt.|||I apologize a lot, I've gotten told off for it several times. I always feel justified when I do it, though, but when people ask why I'm apologizing, all I can do is flail and say because. xD It's...|||Exactly! The things you find are so much more interesting than cleaning!' | 8,173 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf165Bwiqqc&feature=share&list=PLB00FB548C 3F27DCC|||Same here (like your Avatar BTW) I'm a big reader, always liked books.|||51469 Teddy , Corgi 9 years Bunny, Terrier mix, 6 years and my Baby Kole, Great Dane , 5 years|||You go with the knowledge you have. And you cannot castigate yourself for not knowing more than you do Vivian Rakoff The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of...|||I like the MonCheri with Brandy and Brandy Beans I use to get in Germany, also Rum Balls and I don't drink :tongue:|||1. What type of movies do you like to watch? Sci-fi, Comedies, Animations, Action, some Drama. 2.What is/are your favourite movies? Star Trek,Bridget Jones Diary, Shrek, Pirates of the...|||not at all, if I sour on a person I want nothing to do with them. I just shut them out of my life.|||Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced...|||I'm fluent in German and English. Almost flunked English in school , i learned solely by being around People that only spoke English.|||http://youtu.be/B-OoisekXIA|||http://youtu.be/L9SNJC3YcTQ|||http://youtu.be/NUjODc7uRi0|||I'll bite :happy: I like that i have a mind of my own (don't follow a Mob) and that i'm self reliant|||i'm with the driving too, good way to get to know your neighborhood. A good Book or Music will do too.|||when you tell People to put up or shut up|||i made my own Barbie furniture and cut off their Hair :happy:|||I'm married to an INTJ and trust me it hasn't always been a slice, but one thing that works out is that we let each other be when we need alone time. Actually my Husband is more outgoing and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErUUynThycw&feature=share&list=PLA4A278AA4 BB9F655|||http://youtu.be/Jdjtqu3XK4U|||I lost some People very close to me and it took me months before I could really cry for them, but once I stared I didn't seem to be able to stop. It is mostly in private though, don't show my grief...|||get to the point! do you have a point ?|||Picture of a Raven I took. It didn't turn out to great , so Paint Shop Pro to the rescue. I love it now.|||when you ask your mother about something you want to do and she answers why ask, you probably already done it|||I've always been called stubborn. Personally i don't see myself as overly stubborn unless somebody tries to make me do something i don't want to do . I think it served me well in my youth, i wasn't...|||ISTP -left brained, forgot to click the second vote|||Zachary Quinto as Spock|||I live in the Country now , but i'm only a 30 minutes drive from the next City (Fredericton ,NB, Canada) and 10 minutes from a smaller Town. We moved back and forth between Germany and here and now...|||I've been told i can shot daggers with my Eyes, not sure if that is what you mean :happy: Also get a lot of compliments on my Eyes, not sure if it's because they are very blue or because of the...|||Thank you for the input, actually her Introversion and extroversion where really close, and i don't know how objective she was when she did the test. It was her first time doing it and I can't find...|||My Sister in Germany took the test and on the long form she scored ENFJ and the short form ESFJ. A lot fits in both descriptions , but after doing a lot of reading online and me not understanding the...|||same here...i hate bullies, or anybody that picks on weaker people, or even children or animals. Same with cruelty, can't stand it.|||Does Alan Parson Count for us old People ?:wink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td56XAHxLpw&feature=share&list=PL17A138F5C 84FD146|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeCCPoVFK4c&feature=share&list=PL2FBA77BBC FF87362|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv6VW4tMZbE&feature=share&list=PLA4A278AA4 BB9F655|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7L2PVdrb_8&feature=share&list=PL2FBA77BBC FF87362|||It has to be extreme for me to have an outburst (might be a female thing) Not saying i'm not boiling inside, but i have pretty good control over my emotions. I'm bilingual and although spelling and...|||I tested as an INTP also in my younger years, now as ISTP, which i think fits me better .|||If i know them well and like them ...otherwise, not so much.|||http://youtu.be/9rWCRX36qkE|||http://youtu.be/c9aJz8C5c1w|||Your score was 60 of 100. This puts you in the category of the low Machs, people who will hold out for the goodness of the world and avoid manipulation. Not the people Machiavelli would approve...|||Alan Parsons Valid Path|||My favorite photography is macro...i love the surprises i get when i work on the pictures. Mostly i take pictures of inanimate objects or anything in Nature. I have a thing about taking pictures of...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLkGKkfmgjU&feature=share&list=PLA4A278AA4 BB9F655|||http://youtu.be/1FH-q0I1fJY|||to fix their computers (for free)|||Still ISTP (after another test) ...i think my confusion also lies in not fully understanding the functions , need to do some more reading. Thank you for the help|||thank you for the feedback, i will look a little deeper into it...as for the enneatype i scored 5 (balanced , or something like it)|||Spock and Picard|||A Song of Ice and Fire.....I'm paranoid something will happen to George Martin before he finishes the books' | 1,544 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 'Enough so that only risk starvation, jail and/or execution can make me abandon my values. That is to say, few circumstances can make me act in a manner contrary to my values. This does not mean that...|||Not uncommon. Probably enneatype 6, too. Some people feel awkward and inadequate when they bring up their problems without being asked, as though they're imposing this conversation on people. They...|||How do you guys handle moral disagreements? As in, when you regard some act to be morally wrong and the other person doesn't. Does the way you tackle that depend on whether you're dealing with a...|||This is likely not what you want to hear but teasing NFP's is... A family sport of ours. Mostly INFP's, but occasionally teasing an ENFP is fun to. It can vary in degrees of intensity, ranging from...|||Good link. I've never said it ought to be couple counseling though. Perhaps it's due to the information available to me, but I kinda take it for granted that the abuser is a depraved individual, and...|||This is so vintage text books can be written about this. Abusive realtionships 101. If the experience of countless victims is worth anything, it stands to reason to believe that there's not a grain...|||This matter is complicated and goes beyond MBTI. Emotions, like logic, are not something you simply have. Emotional maturity must be developed through conscious effort just as a habit of truly...|||No, I don't. For one thing, I barely ever watch TV at all. Such a brain-killer. Not worth my time. But if I do stumble upon something worth watching... Well, if I have some reason to think someone...|||*Shrug* I'm in no haste to generalise either way, as I've already said. It may well be a matter of maturity, as the XNFP who've gained my simpathy were surely quite mature. This is, sadly, a rare...|||No. What I'm talking about is the typical XNFP-type idealism. ISFP are more down-to-earth in that regard. But some ideals espoused by the INFP... They hardly even look good on paper - excluding the...|||XNFP? Extremely cute and cuddly for the most part, but also the types most likely to make me bang my head against the wall and chant stupid for hours. INFP's specifically are even more of a pain,...|||... To the best of my understanding, dressing like a slut to tease some trashy rich guy is anything but a wise idea, survival-wise. But, if you're of legal age then your father can't really stop you...|||Oh, you don't have to worry about that. When it comes to dealing with Animal, you'll only realize that all the soul digging has happened post factum. Which is actually very odd, considering how...|||Empathetic? Yes, certainly. If I care enough to pay any attention at all I can be very perceptive of other people's states of mind. If I know the person I'm interacting with or observing I can often...|||One simple thing to remember is that fashion has very little to do with looking nice. Basically, it happens like this: some relatively popular dude sees something they think is kinda cool. But they...|||ENTJ says: Put that down, I'll do it myself. You're just getting in the way. ENTJ means: We'd not have gotten into this mess had you just followed my orders in the first place. ENTJ says:...|||Hmm?... A female INTJ 5w6 with a username EleanorRigby? Would you, by any chance, be a retired member of Fig Hunter? Either way, welcome to PerC!|||My-my, what an extra-ordinary claim... We can't just accept that on faith, now can we, being rationals and all? This calls for immediate, extensive and rigorous tic... Er, that is, testing! Yes,...|||Warning: cold, distant, aloof, solitary, reclusive etc. As ill-suited for interpersonal relationships as they get. Approach with extreme caution, if at all. Granted, my pitch-black clothes and...|||Eh, why not. Take your best shot ladies. I'm quite confident I'm a core 1w9 So/Sp. The only two other possibilities I see as worth investigating are 8w9 and 5w4. But, if anyone can identify some...|||Greetings and welcome to the forum. Animal has always proven to have a great taste when it comes to picking friends. So being her best one... Well, let's just say that people's expectations are...|||This has really gotten my attention, as it'd seem from my perspective that to show that X is wrong without referring to other, relevant facts could only be done by showing that said X is internally...|||I don't keep people waiting. Ever. As for the actual judgment... You are a very unique person, and in a good way. Hands down the most boisterous person I've ever met in my life. It's rare that I...|||@Cosmic Orgasm Heey, you've promised me a judgment a while ago. I'm still waiting. I'll be giving you one in the next 2 days, most likely, as soon as I get an adequate amount of sleep.|||You're looking for an explanation in a wrong place. The goal of such debates isn't about uncovering truth of any kind. Most people don't give a reeking damn about it. No, the main purpose is to gain...|||Hmm... Interesting. Seems that not many gut types are responding. As for me, yes, I do search it. Truth, for me, is that which one would understand about the world if they were to let to of...|||This comment explains pretty much everything that can go wrong in a relationship between the two types. Our inferior Fi isn't exactly the best tool for processing emotional matters. From my...|||Hmm?.. A judgment thread? Might as well give it a shot. So, criticize me if you wish. I'd like to hear from anyone interested enough to bother. Also, bump.|||I'm brought here by a desire to develop my iNtuitions, Ni specifically. With little to be found online, it's a logical choice to ask the people who use intuition themselves. My Ti and, to a lesser...|||My type: ESTJ Most attracted to: ENTJ, ESTJ, INTJ Least attracted to: ENFJ, ESFJ, INFP Enneagram: 1w9 Most attracted to: 8, 1, 5 Least attracted to: 6, 4, 7 EDIT: 3 people so far actually...|||joeyno7 Hmm... It would seem that the situation is very painful and difficult for her. If I know anything at all about my type, if she wanted a breakup you'd be the first to know. And, judging by...|||Type 8: you get what you see. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpiNBiF8Ylc Or, if you prefer it this way, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_g20yHuXrw Also, an alternative for type 1:|||Part game, part random thought provoking stuff. Give as full a description as possible of your core Enneagram type (or any other for that matter) in 25 words or less. Type 1: Holier than thou....|||Okay, I've seen a few sensor-bashing threads before. Now an anti-sensor-bashing one. To my mind, all of this only warrants one question: what in the hell is up with this? For one thing, Si and Se...|||This is very interesting, actually. As an SJ I can't relate to that in the slightest. In fact, it's not uncommon for me to sit silently even when other people are trying to get me to converse. As in,...|||To some extent, yes. I'd absolutely hate to be controlled. I've a strong desire to be the boss of my own life, and would not take it kindly if someone else tried to take this place. As stable and...|||Fours, sixes, sevens, eights... How come they're all on the top while my type got the least votes? Nobody wuvs me:sad:...[/type 4]|||To the best of my understanding, introverted functions are primarily focused on processing information while extroverted ones are responsible for informing our actions. An example of this would be Ti...|||This is quite unusual... One could think that an ENFP type 8 with a 7 fix would be a social butterfly. I find it very fascinating - albeit confusing - that people who have an extroverted function as...|||To the best of my knowledge, it's ISTJ. However, the last (and only) Socionics test I took gave me LSE - ESTj. It's quite plausible, since my Te is quite powerful, perhaps more so than Si. I...|||Well, no, I didn't. I'm quite aware of the dangers of a judgmental attitude. I've said elsewhere in this thread that I'm not overly rigid. This is the difference between introverted and...|||I can almost always tell a person's enneatype from a description of their behavior, and MBTI - after a few minutes of live interaction. It's harder to do on the forums, obviously. It kinda comes...|||Judging and being judgmental are nowhere near the same thing. The former is simply comparing whatever is being judged to the way it should be and making rational decisions based on the acquired...|||It's a matter of individual differences. Although we have the same core enneatype, our MBTI is totally different. You're Ne-dom with auxiliary Ti. I'm a Te-aux, according to the last Socionics test I...|||Hmm... Somehow, I thought his head fix would be 6w5 or 5w6. I'm starting to see people's personalities so quickly it's a little scary. Si-dom, beyond rationally permissible doubt. Not sure if...|||Curious... May I inquire about this person's tritype and MBTI? (I'm dead certain there were 4w5 and ISTJ somewhere in there... But, just to be sure.) A fair point, though, is that us type 1's can...|||8w9-5w4-2wX, Sx/So ENTJ. Intense, able to think straight and with a bit of empathy. What more can a man possibly ask for? 8w7 would be cool too, but I get a distinct feeling that a 9 wing will allow...|||It's roughly as I've expected. She's definitely a type 6, and damn unhealthy at that. Consider yourself lucky that she also happens to be ISTJ, otherwise you'd be in hell on Earth right about now. It...|||As an ISTJ, I find this story to be somewhat confusing. It could be quite sensible, granted several assumptions. However, I'm not all that eager to be making judgments without having the details. I...|||Well, that's definitely a new and unexpected experience. I just read through 3 pages on the ISTJ forum that are meant to be a serious discussion yet I can't help but ask myself: Is there a point...' | 6,262 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'Why would you stare at their eyes? It's their eyebrows that matter.|||If you can't beat them, join them. The only problem I have with corruption is, that no matter how tiny the chances are, I don't like doing things where I might get caught and punished. If I had...|||Anyone else find that it's a lot easier to find solutions to other people's problems than your own?|||Oh, we're being emotional? I'll give it my best shot.|||I usually stay under the radar, no one ever notices me and I generally get along with people, if they say something I don't like, I'll steer away from the subject or ask them something along the...|||Why is pride so important?|||You know you're a perceiver when you fail your exam because your answers were too philosophical. :/|||I don't really like English words, they are far too soft and cuddly in my opinion.|||I usually keep myself safe, avoid conflict and play by the rules to not get any physical injuries. My mind, however, is slowly turning into a madman's. But that's alright.|||In response to the thread title, no, I don't. There are more important things, and as soon as I know the actual rules, I'll corrupt enough to be fine.|||I'm not afraid of losing my grasp on reality and embracing insanity. I don't think there's such a thing as being fake, only different (social) roles.|||I usually end up not sending anything, thinking it will be too awkward.|||Philosophying(spelling? even a word?) about different things lead to breakthroughs in different situations. One example could be partnership without marriage, which was seen as wrong earlier, but now...|||Excellent! Now, where do I find the rest of that picture?|||You've piqued my interest. Is that a correct usage of the word 'pique'?|||I can hardly wait to hear about the experience!|||This video might be related, RSA animate, quite nice to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFs9WO2B8uI|||Even though it's been quoted twice already, I thought it was worthy a fourth read. Do you write speeches by any chance?|||1.) I've moved out at age 20, so nope. 2.) Four years ago I lost my chance at that. 3.) I'm social enough, for me. 4.) I guess this one's true for me. 5.) Yes. 6.) No. 7.) Yes. 8.) Well, what...|||Are you a mirror? Because I can only see myself. Edit: Not meant in a mean way, I just thought that sounded poetic in a way.|||105. I did delete a lot of them earlier, but then I encounted someone who started crying because I had unfriended her. The situation was awkward because I wanted to tell that person I didn't really...|||I like how a motivational poster I had once put it, it is power, I care not where it springs from. A lot of evil characters or beings are in my opinion, not evil. One that comes to mind is...|||On the subject of Star Trek-like materializing food ..|||Are there any of you that do this? I did try this in a way with Warcraft 3, where maps would sometimes become a sort of game of their own, but it's become less popular over the years (or was when I...|||I'd be more interested in knowing what one should fill the void of an addiction you have gotten rid of with. Personally I've been addicted to MMOs for a long time and have recently quit them...|||I disagree. To me, there were endless differences simply between 16 and 18.|||Posted in the take a picture right now thread in the pictures and photos subforum, might as well post it here. 27061 Same comment as there, if you look closely you might be able to see a...|||Off-topic here, but is the norm to only get a bachelor where you live? Here you can pretty much just not bother unless you're going for master.|||When you wake up too early (8PM) and wait until everyone else in the house has gone to bed before getting breakfast because you hate the social interaction, which would consist of hi. It's for...|||I find meals with a lot of sugar don't last long enough and I have to go eat again too quickly, which means I have to interrupt what I'm doing. I do this too, although I usually eat bread and...|||I'm curious, since I usually only eat bread with one (or more) out of six toppings, and not much else unless someone else is cooking a meal for me. I live in a collective, (direct translation,)...|||I wasn't at my most serious, apologees :tongue: That is interesting, but I wonder at what point those words started being used in that way, because pussy is also used in a sexual way and...|||This, pretty much. Except I'm 20, not 14.|||Without philosophy there would be no liberalism and certainly no socialism. I'd say at least one of those has been useful, no?|||Personally I wouldn't say cats are feminine, after all, lions. Nor would I say dogs are necessarily masculine. Who invented those squirrel-rat dogs anyway? If I was ever to use masculine or...|||You obviously fail to acknowledge that your subject might be a solipsist.|||I don't hold grudges. What I do is simply ignore you, anything you say, anything you do. If I don't like you, you don't exist beyond a person I'm never going to communicate with excepting...|||I'll do the questions in order: Am I very future-oriented? I didn't know this term, so I looked up a (watch?v=isPj5KgpVqg on youtube, can't post links yet,) video. I'd say according to this video...|||I've been getting into this personality type thing, and was happy with my first result, which said I was INTJ, I looked up the forum, the thread about what's typical for INTJs and could relate to...' | 6,618 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | Is it ever possible to have the perfect life? Perfect body? Perfect relationships? Perfect job? I'm not sure. What am I striving for, then?|||I'd probably be a cleric. A neutral good cleric. Does anyone else enjoy the healer role in games? Is that linked to INFPs at all?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQeMxWjpr-Y|||'There are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign.' 'We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.' ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRwijpJqLUw|||Paraffin? Paraffin wax? It's the lines on my nana's face as she tells me the meaning of life, and the patterns in the smoke of her cigarette, and the swirls in the old wooden table. ...|||Should I call?|||92403|||'Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.' - Alexis Carrel Unrelated: I want to write a poem about February in Australia.|||Eh, relaxed, actually.|||Yooooo, books! I haven't read any of the ones you've listed, sorry, but I'm only young. I should write them down for later. I guess I'll post my favourite young adult fiction trilogy, because...|||1. You are walking in the woods. Who are you walking with? I'm probably by myself actually. So I can be at peace with my own thoughts. 2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What...|||If you ignore the gender swap and the pressure of saving the world, I'd definitely be 91731|||Definitely green. As well as autumn colours.|||When people talk shit about someone who does not deserve it one bit. Take your prejudiced, racist, sexist, hurtful and all round unreasonable opinions elsewhere or god help you, I will shout and...|||Theodore from that new movie 'Her'. He had an amazing outlook on life.|||Well I suppose I'll bite. I'd just dropped out of high school due to depression. I ended up seeing counselors at a company specifically for teens and young adults. In addition to that, there were...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI0KIsRo1zk|||I'm not actually that picky with making friends. I believe that every person on earth is worth talking and listening to and making a bond with. I'll probably learn something new by hanging round with...|||I'm in love. Unemployed, but in love.|||Couple more waistcoats. 91723 91724 91725 @Wellsy If a man walked up to me in one of these I might faint a little bit.|||Happy Australia Day guys!! I hope that wherever you are, you are learning to love yourself, and move positively into the future, working on creating the best you your lovely INFP self can possibly...|||You know you're an INFP when you want stags wearing leather jackets to be a thing. Yeah. Animals with personalities wearing clothes, haha. Time to daydream.|||Feeling melancholy on a cloudy summer afternoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbI-B-hffbM|||Waistcoat porn? Waistcoat porn. 91608 91609 91610 91611 91612 I just... I just really like waistcoats.|||I recommend it! You can choose whatever film you want, and don't have to worry about how anyone else is finding it. You can feel, think and react how you want to it. And no one judges you for the...|||What if... what if we could touch people and absorb some of the pain they are feeling, physically or emotionally. Like, hey buddy, you look kind of down today, do you want me to take some of that...|||Going to go see a movie tonight by myself. I'm really looking forward to it. Anyone else love doing this?|||Here, have a shock blanket. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v620/Redmagelilith/tumblr_m0kn8tOEFa1ro8fvjo2_250.gif I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL.|||http://static.lockerz.com/decalz/W310/image0013421298102926c4fsr.gif|||It's 11:10PM, and it's pouring down with rain!! Should I go and sit in it? I think I'll go sit in it. Did anyone else watch Eurovision last weekend?|||I think this is a very INFP song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmc21V-zBq0|||Prince Aleksandar von Hohenberg from Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan series. Oh man, I had a crush on him for ages. And I'm 80% sure he's an INFP too, so I could empathise well with him. Oh, Alek. How...|||Hahaha, oh no, they're definitely not mine. I'm flattered, though! :tongue: I probably should have posted the artist's name along with them.|||Thanks, I love them! They're oil paintings by artist Jeremy Mann. I wish I could paint like that...|||I'm a fan of 'sonder' - the realisation that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own - populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited...|||I get this ALL the time. :blushed:|||I like the name Simon. And Elizabeth. But I'm not really sure. What country do you want to travel to? Or what is your favourite country to be in other than your own?|||726067260772608 Does anyone else love the rain? This is Sydney right now.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vvs4__2XRI|||I've just realised - I've lost my heart. Wow, OK. I started losing it two years ago, and this year it has left me altogether. I am tired, worn out, and I'm finding it hard to feel anymore. My heart...|||I typically read fantasy novels, to escape into a world that isn't ours. I'm currently rereading the A Song of Ice and Fire series. What is your one true favourite song? The one you go to when the...|||Music can speak to anyone, anywhere in the world, no matter who they are or how they've been brought up. It is the oldest, widest, deepest language the earth has ever known. 'The soul that sees...|||Imagine if everyone in the world got into bed and slept at the same time. The earth would be so quiet for a few hours.|||It's almost the weekend! Finally... I am so exhausted...|||Why the hell not. http://img.pandawhale.com/post-14135-Relaxing-looping-tea-gif-6UHJ.gif You can't buy happiness, but you can buy tea. Which is kind of the same thing.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkm6EK9j9hs This song feels kind of INFPish to me. I love it, it holds so much emotion. I wonder what type Hiccup is, from HTTYD? Perhaps he's an INFP...|||Done are the days of the cage around my heart Today will start a new beating of unburdened blood|||I've always wanted to be an outdoors person. I love the idea of it, but I'm always too lazy in the end! I have a bike, I need to use it! Well, that can be a goal for me for the future. Note to self -...|||Taurus - Earth! I have a passion for astrology. I don't really believe it all, but I love looking it up and learning about it. But I'd like to think I'm down to earth and patient like a true... | 8,042 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'My friends say I flirt a lot. That I'm probably the essence of flirting. LOL. But I don't really know I'm flirting until my friends tell me I am. And usually, it happens when I'm comfortable with...|||Friends and Family: I just go on their FB page, post on their wall saying I miss them for the world to see. Or Tweet them. Text them, probably. Sometimes, if it's a group, I post it on my wall and...|||In 2009, Artist INFP had her issues with her family and friends, but she has never been this down. When she started college, her general mood has deteriorated and her self-esteem crashed with it. And...|||I currently have two online INFP friends that are in /terrible/ condition right now. Though both don't know each other and are having two different problems, in general, they both feel very lonely...|||I have three cousins: ESFP, ENFP and ISFP. Ever since I was little, I was closest with the ISFP. He's the youngest and there was a time he idolized me and was gay but he was beaten with a belt...|||...I don't like kids? It's one of my unexplained fears, really. XD I don't know, I'm just really afraid of them. I've always been the only child and though I'm eldest, the youngest cousin I grew...|||The only sexual relationship I had was with my ex-gf (I'm bi-sexual, and no it is not a Phase). I'm a biggie for sex after marriage, but it was honestly difficult to resist her. I don't know what...|||Romantic Relationships drive me insane when it isn't ended with a closure. Or at least, I wasn't prepped for it. My first BF died when we were together. I was so furious at him for petty reasons...|||Actually, as a professional artist when I graduate, the minimum pay that I will earn for a logo is P15,000 (which is about $341) each. That's with or without approval, said professor. If I pursue...|||Romantic is a difficult term to describe for me. I mean, what are the limits? IDK, I love love and I'm probably the only person in our group of friends that can actually appreciate when two...|||We had Oral Communication class a few terms ago. I was always the one my teacher would GLADLY extend the time for mainly because I had conviction and drive when I'm passionate about the topic. I...|||Only if it's sweets and chocolates. XD It's more of my cousins that hoard food, though. LOL. She's also very particular with her weight. C:|||My bestfriend is an ENFJ, her bf is an ESFJ. Sure they have fights and ESFJ seems shallow for us (at least because he needs to be told than read between the lines), but he really loves ENFJ and they...|||I switch from ENTJ to ENFJ each time I take the test, so I just went with reading deeper into the two and decided I was an ENFJ. Although believe me when I say that as you grow, your perceptions...|||http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y101/robinrecato/newpet.png I just recently changed styles to this, so yeaaaah. I'm selling it off as a pet in Virtual Pet List, so eyup~ There are interests but as...|||Nessa... Dr. Dillamond... Fiyero... FIYEEEEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOO! -No Good Deed, Wicked LOL. Kidding aside. If you ask me now, I'd write ALL Wicked stuff cause I'm currently addicted with that. ...|||Yes, I do love really deep conversations and I find that it's the main reason why I have a lot of contacts. I usually branch out to people, especially new friends. Sometimes, even when we're new...|||Mostly because of the Under Stress part. I don't turn into a control freak when I'm stressed (though I don't deny there are times, especially with deadlines, that I just push it all the way just so...|||I generally like complements and ego-boosters, but I don't crave them. Most of the time, I shy away from them or get pissed because of them. I do better with criticisms, even if that's not natural...|||I forgot to mention that all of my other ENFJ friends sometimes dress in really girly clothes, really boyish clothes or clothes that just say I don't feel like dressing up today so I just wore a...|||LOL, I can relate to that so much. I can't for the life of me fess up what I feel for a person in fear of ruining our relationship. XD I fell for an ENFJ about a year ago. I've never had someone...|||I myself usually detach from people I'm close with. Not because I don't like them, but because I like to meet other people and dedicate most of my time for these new people. Though, I will not throw...|||It's mainly why I can't sleep properly at night? My brain decides to sermon me and I just can't stop it from doing so (so I flush it out with music and hope that I can sleep earlier). I don't...|||Ohgod, now I know how my friends feel like when I give them my assessment of their personality types. One of them told me he felt Naked... and now I feel the same. Everything you said was so true...|||I have 3 other ENFJ friends. We're all very competitive. LOL. The first time I was part of their class, it seemed like we were all out to get each other. Like, we had inside jokes with each other and...|||I get ENTJ and ENFJ results each time I take tests, so at first I was so confused. Both were pretty accurate for me and like I said, I don't doubt I used to be an ENTJ and lived most of my life as of...|||I know, double post, but LOL, this fits my situation SO MUCH http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpwgs7vsGl1qbhxibo1_500.gif She also snobbed me today in school. :U I just. Hnnng.|||Sadly, my cousin exhibits strong racism he even teases me with my darker skin tone, but he doesn't blatantly hurt me or anyone. He just kind of likes to laugh at racist jokes and use them as a form...|||I understand completely. In High School, I wasn't as friendly with people compared to now and I was around the smart, academically inclined people. I joined the Citizen Army Training school...|||Tomorrow is my last day. LOL. We just have to submit the Mock Radio Stations and we're done. I'm just really scared cause he disregarded our midterm grades and said that our final grade is completely...|||I can so relate to that. XDD Most of the time, people think I'm really shallow and bubbly, then suddenly BAM words of wisdom they didn't think I had. LOL. It's fun, though. XD|||I'm scared for my Sound Design grade. I might actually fail. I'm also scared for all of my subjects this term. I decided to not give a damn about it because I was so put off of studying with what...|||Thanks for the replies~ I could have sworn I replied on this already, but I don't see my reply. LOL. Anyway, I spent about two hours shopping and I can think clearer about this situation. I have...|||I'm turning 20 on September, she's just 19. We're second year college. Which is why I wonder why she problems about how popular people are. I thought that was all High School Fluff.|||I was just really surprised with what she said. I didn't really think of her to be capable of saying whatever she said and it was really frustrating for me. I guess the shock just really took me by...|||Do anyone of you value social hierarchy? Do you strive to be popular or keep a high social status? Just wondering cause my friend and I were talking about this and something she said kind of...|||I like girly things, but I never indulge. I don't usually wear skirts or dresses, but I love wearing them when I do. I just don't find it very important to dress up for school. I go there every...|||Normally, I don't care what others think of me. I have a lot of different sets of friends so of course I can't just keep telling everyone my life. I do tend to hide a lot of things that people think...|||I switch from ENFJ and ENTJ each time I get tests. Though, I have found that ENFJ fits me more than ENTJ, but I don't deny that I may have been ENTJ most my life. I grew up with T's for friends...|||LOL. I was about to post an INFP/ENFJ thread since I kind of find my new INFP friend very interesting and the connection between the two of us were almost immediate. She's been friends with all...|||Those sound really fun! My mom said Lion King was really boring for the most of it and that she fell asleep. But she doesn't share the same passion for Musical theater as I do. In fact, I really...|||Anyone else here is a Theater Enthusiast like I am? I've been watching plays ever since I was young, but I stopped watching them for a while to concentrate on studies. When my aunt said they...|||My ISTP bestfriend and I had this major issue because I didn't open my life up to her when I knew everything about her... but she never asked me what she wanted to know so I didn't know what to tell...|||Well, I sort people. LOL Acquaintances: Once I meet a person, I consider them as a friend. I will then take the initiative to be friends and converse with them for a while. Sometimes, I just...|||Razvan Well, the two ENFJs you said are actually INTJs. XD Yes, both of them. LOL. And the one kickboxing, she's ENFJ (and no, that's not me at 0:04). :)) She does actually show a lot of ENFP...|||It's the opposite for me. XD With so many friends, I barely even feel that I need to involve myself into someone else's life. In fact, I tell my friends that if at one point I seem to not talk or be...|||Yep, it's the same with me. I actually told one of my ENFJ friends (she was starting to be clingy) that if one day, I suddenly stop talking to her or I don't talk to her as often, she should take it...|||Generally, to me a very ENFJ song that may describe ENFJs very well is Cameo Lover by Kimbra. It can go both ways. There are ENFJs that are so guarded that they tend to keep their emotions to...|||...one of my INTJ and one of my ISTJ is like this. LOL. I just keep myself detached and let them fuss over things. IDK about you, but what I do is show them that I also have a life to bother with...|||Not INFP but I own tons of animals. I love Dogs. I have a Shih Tzu I CANNOT let go of. The breed is not super high maintenance dogs. You just have to groom them properly. I used to have two and I...' | 5,777 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Greetings, fellow INTJs. Long time, no posts. So, what lead to this was me asking if anyone who's going to college orientation at the same time wanted to meet up the night before for dinner or...|||Also, I'm sick of all the does this INTJ like me or is x type compatible with an INTJ and where do I find INTJ girls/guys. We don't know you. We can't tell you you're gonna have a magical...|||I keep like, meeting people. And they're cool. And it's amazing, in that moment. We're friends for a few hours, and then we're both gone. I don't know if I want this to continue or if I want a...|||If by profile pic you're referring to my forum avatar, that's from Hyouka, but in terms of the Profile Picture (picture viewed in user's profile page) that'd be my face.|||Heyo, can my named be changed to EmbarrassedGhost? I used CaptainOfUnicorns everywhere from ages 13-16, and then my little sister decided to go by The Master Unicorn, which is simply too close for...|||It's embarrassing, and seems like wasted time, I suppose.|||One of the first thing people ask when like meet me is so do you like...draw? Apparently it's because I look like the stereotypical art nerd kid, whatever that is. They're correct. Art is my thing,...|||Very picky, but I used to REALLY like trying new things. I had an eating disorder so this still causes a lot of eating related anxiety, so safe foods include granola bars, fruit, and coffee...|||81, thought I was getting better about this. Ha. Though, a lot of this isn't fear, it's just being good at avoiding things.|||324785 This is my Aussie Shepherd mix Davy Jones <3 I also have a chow mix, a coon hound, a Shetland pony, a horse, 5 chickens and two guineas. But I don't have any handy pictures of them. ...|||I do the same thing. And a lot of times, the emotions have to go away for me to process what the deal with them is.|||If your son is uninterested in romance, why are you pushing it? Edit: Whoops, this thread is a bit old, ignore me.|||Answers: 1) Yes. 2) Also yes. We are, in fact, human. And capable of forming crushes, crazy as it sounds. :)|||I think it makes people more at ease if you smile around them. People often comment on how I don't smile, my best friend's mom said it looks like she's being beaten every time she saw me, then...|||Surprises? Do not like. And receiving gifts seems just awkward, I don't know if I show enough gratitude so I freak out. But surprising others? I enjoy that.|||I get this all the time, from my parents. Still not really sure if they think I'm mean...?|||Well, if you sedate him no one gets cake.|||Walk The Moon, to drown out the noises in my head.|||Are you looking for advice in this area or are you asking if we think this INTJ cares about you?|||As other have mentioned, we're probably an obsessive bunch. Personally, I have OCD (though it's gotten much more manageable than it used to be) and have maybe become addicted to some behaviors in the...|||It's too hard to pick. I do think The Aristocats and Treasure Planet are underrated, however.|||Awful in school, and my favorite movie is The Princess Diaries. Why.|||Glad I'm not the only one :D I'm not familiar with stacking, what is that exactly?|||Am I the only INTJ who seems to be very needy/clingy (but not in a physical sense) with close friends?|||Asking what the kid's name is might solve it. If it's a name that could be either, just use the kid's name in the place of the pronoun.|||Online? My friends? Yes, all the time. Because I'm bored, miss them, or am simply curious. Why's it creepy?|||Should you tell him? Yeah, if you want to. Just be like Hey man, I really like you. Blunt is good. Last time someone I wasn't interested in told me they liked me, it didn't ruin our...|||Hm, why do I like anime? Good question, not quite sure. Maybe I just appreciate nice art. Some favorites would be Hyouka, Howl's Moving Castle, and Tiger & Bunny. I loved fantasy and scifi as...|||Bookshelves, a chair, and carefully hiding monsters, among other things.|||I've been wondering. Fellow INTJs, do you have a best friend? Have you ever had a best friend? What's your relationship with them like? Or are you just a loner? Usually, my closest friends have...|||Have you found anyone you're interested in? If not, why is being single so bad?|||I know someone who apparently had a best friend online. One or two years later, he comes to find out they're a female INTJ. How they could have gotten that close without knowing that kinda confuses...|||Take a class, join a club, it may sound like an obvious idea but seriously, it forces people to meet and interact. I was in a similar place, (not looking for a romantic relationship, but just to...|||My dad is an ISTJ. I can tell that usually he just doesn't understand me, but he's convinced it's because he doesn't understand girls, but I highly doubt that's the reason.|||Find out her love language? Long distance makes everything but words of affirmation hard, but maybe you can figure something out.|||My best friend is also an INTJ. We're kinda a thing. (complicated explanation, long distance involved.) Anyway, I'd say an INTJ with an INTJ would be great.|||Dad: ISTJ Mom: INFP Oldest brother: INTP Oldest sister: ISxJ Me: INTJ filled with teenage angst, likely due to being misunderstood by parents. Younger sister: INFP My three other siblings...|||Ah, I tried something relatively similar when I was about twelve, (a plot to become dominant in my social surroundings and make people like me) but soon it wore me out, did you not get tired of it?|||Just curious. For example, I was (and still am, I suppose) incredibly shy. I met this girl when I was seven, we had the same name so our mothers thought we should obviously be friends. The girl...|||Do I like chess? Yes, it's a pleasant pastime. Though I wouldn't be quick to say I view other people as my pieces, I do try to know their moves.|||As someone in a similar situation, I suggest asking her to see a movie with you/going for coffee/whatever for a little while, it may not make her really happy but if nothing else it can distract her...|||Love and romantic attraction are not the same thing, but to answer your question, yes, I have been in love. Romantic attraction isn't something I experience strongly, however.|||No, because being so miserable that you want to die, is well, miserable.|||I usually find INTPs to be pretty neat people.|||From very few people, and not when I'm trying to do something. On my way to make a cup of coffee? No hugs, please, I want my coffee.|||Houtarou Oreki, and he's either an INTP or INTJ, also I think there was a thread discussing this sometime last week. I've been told by my friends It's amazing how much you just don't care.|||I've always been homeschooled/unschooled. The unschooling concept is mostly cover what you're required to, then study what interests you. I can't say I really enjoy school, but my situation suits me...|||I will share one fear that I have overcome. From the time I was 8 to the time I was about 11, nonperishable foods freaked me out so much that the idea kept me up at night. Like what if you were...|||I fear that I am a boring person, dolls, and being stuck in a coma but still having a conscious brain.|||Greetings, I've browsed the forms on occasion since a couple years ago after finding interest in personality types/the MBTI, but then I was like hey I guess I could make and account. I like...' | 2,246 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Wonderful! I've recently made my Tumblr, too. Some of the times I write down my thoughts and feelings, and I usually try not to reblog too much as I intend on making my Tumblr stay original. ...|||I wish you would say something that you feel positive about me as a person. It is one of the important parts about staying friendly friends with an ex. I know you are not good with expressing...|||I'd say the same like Absurdist. And tense. If I weren't a sensitive INFP, I'd probably not worry too much about how the other person feels, but I do. I'm worrying about whether the other person...|||I am so angry at myself for ever falling for you. I am so angry at you for ever falling for me. I am so angry for the way things had to end up. I want everything to stop, just go back in...|||Even though I'm genuinely thankful I just can't imagine myself jumping with delight (just not now anyway). I just hate the fact that people I care about have put up with so much crap for me. I know...|||Phlegmatic 29 Sanguine, 36 Melancholy, 0 Choleric, 57 Phlegmatic Hail you who are Phlegmatic! The stability to stay straight on the course. The patience to put up with provokers. The ability...|||http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hMTEA59myUc/TO_19Xq-lpI/AAAAAAAAC10/rTv9m8fhDhw/s1600/pie.jpg OM NOM NOM|||You are absolutely right. Thanks BlackLodge. You really do strike me as a cool guy worth getting to know. Hopefully we'll be able to get to know each other sometime! Howdy! :happy: Did I...|||I realized I probably come off as slightly aloof on here. I've been lurking on PerC for a long time, thanking people's posts, but too shy to make actual conversations! When I'm in a rut or...|||Our friendship has officially ended. We can no longer fix it, or convince her that it is still fixable. This is for the best. Wow.|||The other person got fed up last night when I vented same things because she didn't know what to do in that situation. What was beginning to be a refreshed friendship just got shaken all over again....|||While I enjoy being around NTs as my close friends and can't ask for the better, I can't help but have moments of intense alienation and loneliness every now and then.|||When I see certain (negative) qualities in other people that I think I might have but don't want to possess, I get afraid of myself. I trust myself to be a healthy person for some parts, but my...|||Talk about feeling like a idiotic jerk. I recently learned it was all a complete and utter misunderstanding on my part. That I took things that were said a completely different way. I was being...|||---complete misunderstanding on my part--|||---complete misunderstanding on my part---|||---complete misunderstanding on my part---|||Just this.|||I have a hard time not to compare myself with him every time I see him. Myself, I don't have exciting adventures to share while he does. It does not make sense because it's nothing personal. Yet I...|||^ My physical appearance makes me come off as naive and innocent. And I make cute noises like teeheehee! and stuff. Most people might perceive me as a space cadet, which I am. But that's not...|||Weary.....|||Thank you so much. It made me smile.|||I would love to get drunken just for once in lifetime when I'm older. Surrounded by right people, of course. Just be rebellious and adventurous for a little bit.|||Are you swimming upstream, in notions of blue? Do you feel like your sinking? Are you sick of the rain, after all you've been through Well I know what you're thinking. When you can't take it,...|||“It's great that you can listen and be a shoulder to someone, but what about when someone doesn't need a shoulder? What if they need the arms or something like that? You can't just sit there and put...|||Like Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower|||I share inspirational stories/quotes/sites on the public sites not only because I hope they will touch people who may need to read them but also because I need to read them myself.|||http://i.imgur.com/Z4TlL.jpg Not aware of oneself crying until taken aback by intense emotions because it all happens so suddenly Yuki Nagato from Haruhi Suzumiya and Raven from Teen Titans...|||I don't want to feel angry or guilty anymore. I don't want you to feel angry or guilty anymore. I don't want anybody to feel angry or guilty. I just want to move on. We both do.|||hornet What you just said sums up Si pretty much! The cognitive functions are very complex, and I don't know if I can describe Si well. But there's a site that explains it much, much better...|||It makes so much sense! I've thought about that for a bit. Yeah. You are right about Si. When close ones decide to stop talking or drop things out (for example) my first initial reaction is: But...|||How do you let go? My INTJ told me she loved me--does love me--but we both knew being a relationship together wouldn't work out well for us, so we are letting go (we did get involved in a...|||Remorseful|||I am too naive for my own good. I wish I would have been exposed to many things when I was younger. I'm 17 years old, to be 18 on June 21, and this is my first time experiencing true drama with my...|||Inadequate and empty ...it's been so long since last time I felt pure happiness and stayed in that state|||I had to sit on this question for couple nights because it's a really good question. I've never really thought about it. I'm definitely guilty for not being the one to maintain friendships often. ...|||http://i.imgur.com/K9o2S.png|||Speaking for myself, I only need you to tell me, Alright, there is an issue I would like for us to resolve together. Whatever I say, it doesn't mean I'm calling you into question. I just want for us...|||antiant Thank you for the Accountability article. Even though it's meant for buddyhollyfan, I find it very helpful. I really appreciate that.|||I think it's more of the social rituals when people validate other people's emotions in this situation. One of the social rituals places value on treating people's feelings as important and creating...|||Reading their posts, I honestly don't think they're trying to put you down or threaten you with personal reasons. They are just as confused. What may come off to you as pushing for answers is them...|||I understand where you are coming from, and it's true that people do wish to be heard. It's hurtful when you hope others to validate your feelings, but you end up going against what feels like a...|||Of course INTJs can love someone. If not deepest and more intensely than most people due to their preference to straightforwardness and honesty. They are people too. Just not in a way Feelers who...|||--------------|||When I listen to important people's stories or vents, I can't stop myself from absorbing their feelings and thoughts until they become like mine - sharp, real and painful. Even when I try to....|||Yes. I've been around Thinkers for the most part of my life. My father is an ENTJ, and my close friends are usually NTs. I admire and respect NTs. But when I emulate them for a long period of time...|||I remember writing a script for Drama class's project last year. It was really enjoyable and somehow mediating. To put yourself into a different person's shoes with different perspectives and...|||Thank you. I'm glad to hear it. It's a family issue, and I've been more sensitive these days, but I'm certain I'll be better soon. :happy:|||I just can't seem to stop crying randomly for one reason or another. And I don't tell anybody.|||Never thought I would see you guys explain this particular issue in INTJ-INFP relationships so clearly. It was an exact problem that happened in my relationship with now-bestfriend INTJ a while ago....' | 5,499 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Follow your intuition, no matter how crazy it is. If you’ve “barely taken steps towards college,” then maybe that’s not what you really need right now. If you’ve been thinking of joining the army...|||Personally, I don’t think you should ask him anything. Actions speak louder than words, and his not talking, sitting, waiting for you says volumes. If you ask, you’re going to get an answer you don’t...|||I saw this thread when you first posted it. I've seen many people say they can be friends, but for the vast majority, the Hope is still there. In the beginning, the other admirer always says OK,...|||Personally, I found nothing negative or discouraging with that thread of What Scares INFP Women. A lot of the criteria (clingy, arrogant, oversensitive, etc), if you're male, you also might not...|||The longer you stay together, the more a break up will hurt her.|||@telepariah: Your story was shocking - I always thought you were living the good life. Every time you talk about skiing, I can hear your passion & love for it, it's inspiring & makes me glad. And...|||KaylanKonnor: Don't let fear of being too nice stop you from teaching, if that's what you still want to do. Classroom management is a skill that can be learned or evolved by setting up...|||@MrINFJ, @Fool, @smallpeas, @fotomoose, @StElmosDreams, @Northwind, @eXecuteThis, & anyone who is still reading this thread: You’ve all been scammed. The OP’s ideas always rubbed me the wrong...|||@Aquarian: Lady, you believe what you want. The so-called know-it-all energy bothers you? Why do you think that so-called energy came out? Go back and read the OP & all the following posts. ...|||I will be direct & blunt. Warning: it’s a bitter red pill. The subject is very personal to me, so I don’t have the ability (or Time/Energy) to fluff it into a blue pill. Feel free to ignore – you may...|||lifeisanillusion: Great freaking post!!! Thanks for sharing; couldn't have articulated it better - matches my own experience, almost to the dot. I'll expand later.|||Try to refresh the thread page, and there's usually a restore auto save content at the bottom LEFT of the reply box? (Opposite of post quick reply.) - it worked for me, even after I went offline...|||Honored to be mentioned, by I'm afraid I know next to nothing about enneagrams, MBTI (other than INFP), divorce, law, bi-polar, PTSD, or ADD. I do still have an initial opinion, but may I ask a few...|||@Allskyblue: Let the posts stay. Don't take it personally; they're only talking about how life feels for themselves right now. They didn't criticize your life or anything you said. If you're happy...|||I dream nearly every night; they're like movies - mostly dramas & thrillers. Others would consider them nightmares. I should write them all down & turn the best ones into stories, but I don't....|||@fallingdown: I'm sure you didn't upset him - really! He answered all your questions without any hint of resentment, hurt, or frustration whatsoever. And even when he wrote that last post, there...|||Along the lines of what @Infalliple said. When you don't want love & you're headed towards your own dream, that projects confidence, and a certain type of beauty & attractiveness. Especially in...|||@BraveHeart: Before I read your post #17: Sorry for any late reply - it takes me awhile sometimes to Think things through for complicated issues, and I simultaneously get sunk into other...|||@BraveHeart: I'm busy writing my reply right now. It might take a few hours, and it probably won't include your recent post (a brief scan right now, my reaction is holy crap). Well, now that I...|||Don't worry, you're doing good! If girls want to spend time with you, that's a good sign you're basically doing nothing wrong. As turtleducks said, lots of long distance relationships don't last past...|||Well, at least you're being honest here about your lying - that's a great first start, isn't it? If you feel sleeplessly bad about lying, then maybe your heart/body is telling you that lying isn't...|||I don't get it. 2 dates in 6 years seems impossible. Maybe you've met quite a few men, but not been attracted to them for X reasons, so you never went out with them??? I don't think I've ever...|||Not a smart move. I'll reply to this later.|||@ Mimi-2 Original Reply to: lol okay, I'll try Thanks!! I can't really answer your question, since I'm relatively new here. Plus, I don't go out of my way to meet people, either here or in...|||Could you please be more respectful? I'm asking politely. Don't mistake that for vulnerability, however. I can be an incredibly merciless asshole. You can't fault Icarus for not giving you...|||I can't add anything to the other good posts about your ex. Anyway, I'd be more concerned with reducing the possibility of cheating in future relationships. I do believe we have some control over...|||I think it's hard to really know what you'll Like or Be Good at until you actually try it. So going to school for something you haven't yet tried seems a very risky gamble. Personally, I used the...|||Oh, I see what you're saying. I don't know about other INFPs, but shutting down was normal for me, because I personally need more space & time when I'm making huge life decisions. I take my life...|||Your mom sounds toxic; she's the main source of your stress. Avoid toxic substances unless they're willing to metamorphosize into non-toxic - which in this case, would be a miracle. Very few people...|||I don't think you should consider transferring before you've even started. I'm from CA, but I went to a small liberal arts college called Haverford (in PA), with about 1,200 students. So it...|||For many women (at least after high school), looks aren't always the main priority - it's something else (or multiple other things) about you that's not attracting them. Qualities such as confidence,...|||I don't read poetry or books, but when I first read this poem a long time ago, it was like seeing my soul reflected & encapsulated by a few words, particularly the italicized lines. Emily...|||I've seen some of the other recent threads you posted. I've wanted to reply to a few, but I tend not to post unless I can contribute, be thorough, or I feel compelled to. It's the latter right now,...|||Adamant: I wasn't following your exchange with Eos (too busy engaged w/ Missj), so I can't make a judgment about who's being more logical. (I find those classical logic laws a bit debatable, but...|||meltedsorbet: Astrology = dolts isn't logical. It implies that astrology has no use value. What if a young person knew nothing about personality, and then started to read astrology......|||@Adamant: Sorry! But if you know about Triple Point, then there's no point in asking. @MissJordan et al: #1. Point taken. Feelings & Intuition are valid (but they aren't always right,...|||Adamant: Water can exist in all 3 states at the same time. It's called the Triple Point. Look it up.|||MissJordan: Oh, I see - you believe the ultimate purpose of logic (the Reason it was invented) is to make sense, not to find out the Truth. No wonder conventional philosophy has the...|||@ missjordan: If your purpose is Winning/Losing arguments, then statements not backed by reasoning will lose. This doesn't take away from their Truth value - which is Valuable, in and of itself....|||@ missjordan: Human beings have imperfect knowledge. Our science to date, based on rationality/logic, can only have limited understanding, which is why Feelings or Intuition have their place. ...|||You're welcome. Apologies for the directness - I try to stay Thinking-based, but I still get impassioned (in this case, when I think I see someone headed towards a danger zone). You got a high on...|||Sounds like you're afraid you CAN'T control your feelings, and are afraid of falling for his jawline, stirring feeling, & sitting like a lovestruck moron. Face it, even if he works hard (he...|||I hated this video. She posits her subjective experience as objective Truth. At first, she criticizes self-discovery... at the end she contradicts her-self: finding who you really are,...|||I chose yes - I would become a vigilante vampire, targeting rapists, human traffickers, genocidal warlords/officers, oppressive dictators, etc. I may also consider extreme white collar criminals,...|||You should still try to identify what is causing/triggering your stress. Otherwise, you're just dealing with the symptoms, and not the source. You'll just be on an endless cycle of: Stress ->...|||Listen to Adverse. Also: 1) ...that freaked me out because I didn't know him that well... follow your instincts in the future. Nip it in the bud before you get a snowball effect like this...|||You may get more responses if you include a personal side to your question. Most INFPs seem to respond better to the personal & emotional, rather than the theoretical & abstract. If you talked about...|||I know very little about type, so I can't address those questions. There is usually a logic to Emotions, but they probably can't be understood by conventional methods of Reasoning. For...|||I wish I knew the guy; he's the one that should be asking for perspective. I'd at least tell him, You shouldn't be telling her she's your daily motivation to be a better person, your...|||Wish I could give you a pat on the shoulder. Do what you gotta do - not what someone else wants you to do, or what you think they want you to do. Don't just do what the new guy (or any guy) wants...' | 6,992 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'desperately wish there was a moment every day where I could completely get out of my headspace.|||I have met several...but will limit this discussion to two extremes. One female INFJ and I had some instant chemistry. But honestly when I look back at it, and things like the concept of empathic...|||The child in the crowd. I told my father that my grandmother had osteoporosis (I had overheard the doctor when I came to pick her up). I was 15 or 16, maybe they (my family) didn't think I knew...|||Yes. You are not alone.|||Patience and persistence as well as putting yourself out there will help. It'll take time, it won't happen over night but I do believe in you. If they've asked for a temp they are not...|||thelostxin I have no idea what your degree is in. None. I don't know what you want to do long term either. I agree that following your heart is important there's a great amount of satisfaction...|||I am a Mechanical Engineer. Math was not always easy...but persistence is what made the difference, sometimes hours or days of struggle with it. Some aspects of math felt intuitive, some very...|||I think ISTJs are certainly romantic, at least some of the ones I've experienced. I think there is an innate dedication to the nurturing and care of those who they care about, and a very a strong...|||I'm not an ENTP, but I do have some life experience with what you are describing. When I was younger my mother often told me that the darkness that surrounded someone made the star shine...|||No, no such luck. Unfortunately she (ESTJ) seems to be, from an anthropological perspective, a more low context individual. Bummer. I do rant a lot and have only met one person in my life capable of...|||Direct at the female in an honest, clear fashion. Some things I would imagine are not totally clear, but could be easily clarified.|||How would an ESTJ (female) react to an INFJ rant? Particularly one of a romantic context... :-/....|||I'm posting this because I would seriously just like to get some insights not sure that this is the right forum but I am trying to understand some underlying cognitive processes here. Alright so...|||No. I don't use the alcohol to leave the house. But sometimes to loosen up a bit. Mostly when I hit a club or social scene. Helps to stop the anxiety and still allows me the ability to interact with...|||I had two INFJ grandparents. I cannot speak of either in the capacity of being a parent, because clearly the was not my father. At the point in my life wher I was able to evaluate his character...|||You're stubborn Why don't you ever tell me what you're feeling? In earlier years: Don't you ever get bored in your room?|||Define you and not you in the context of him. You are a completely seperate and unique entity. I don't think intelligence has anything to do with type. So...who are you? How do you behave? What are...|||Dear Milly, It was honestly refreshing to meet someone who I thought was so different from the norm. I liked your quirkyness, the clean eating, the excessive use of expressive expletives and...|||Merry Christmas!|||I don't completely agree with Gerro. I think it's honestly fine if he wasn't nervous. I think that that is just something that more inexperienced INFJs exhibit. I say that because it might be that...|||riposte|||insidious|||@sinsandsecrets Not trying to start an argument and what I really should have said is that I don't have the functions committed to memory, my familiarity with them is still limited and I haven't...|||I have to say that you really do sound better. I'd love to keep chatting with you and exchanging ideas if you're up for it. I understand a lot of what you are saying. Funny how dreams can be spawned...|||I'd love to see this answered as I have come across that issue myself. Pretty damn frustrating. Insights anyone?|||This is a really interesting argument. I have been forced to use and develop Te and Ti because of critical thought processes associated with becoming an engineer, just as I have had to develop my...|||How do I get an ENFP girl?|||Having one of those days today as it appears to be a recharge day... What a flippin' shame.|||I would have to say that I honestly believe the happiest moments in my life will be with my nuclear family; more specifically my wife and children (if I'm ever fortunate enough to have either of...|||Father: INTJ Mother: ENFJ Sister: INFJ|||sinsandsecrets Hey buddy! It seems to me like you are progressing. What you are going through is normal and I genuinely mean that. It seems to me that there are some realizations that you are...|||sinsandsecrets , in the mean time here is something to meditate to http://youtu.be/hxhmSCq4V9M|||sinsandsecrets Give me a day or so to catch up. I will read and I'm hoping for the best my friend. Thank you for your comment. Remember this always: We all carry baggage, the only question...|||I was born to an INTJ father and ENFJ mother. Although my mother has professed her personality type through various tests, calling her a lower level ENFJ in my opinion would be most appropriate. If...|||Have no clue what you're enneagram is but almost any engineering branch outside of civil engineering will net you a pretty good salary and you will top out at 6 figs easily.|||5...peep the sig|||@thicks1 Mr. Thicks, I am sorry that you find yourself under such present stress. Death is a very interesting subject. I was your age when I lost my first grandparent. I don't know how...|||And you did that by doing what?|||PRICELESS!!!!!! ROTFL. You made my day right there...I have felt that way talking to my mother. Dude c'mon, what do you like doing period? just explain.|||How sure are you that you are an INFJ? So sure that until I learned about MBTI I was going out of my mind. I read some descriptions of INFJs and it seriously made me feel like there was a...|||Dewymorning you should show them your math so it makes sense to them ;-). I'm going to be lazy and watch :-P For first example if 1%, then 99% of 30 would 29.7. Taking the sample size to be 30 we...|||Thank you for that statement, I really can't begin to tell you how mature that is. As far as the redhead, not the way I would hope. This is a complicated story that transcends the bounds of this...|||sinsandsecrets Ok. Rule number one here is that while I want to try to help, there is a likelihood and certainty that I will fail you in some respect. There just is, and I likely will. I really...|||sinsandsecrets Write it up. Be patient with me man. I will respond, I am in the midst of changing jobs right now so I have some homework I have to get done too. We can talk more. I am reading.|||thicks1 in addition to the response that I gave you, read this . You know my feelings on this. This is just another function. We can discuss other examples another time. We are 1% thicks, 1%...|||thicks1 When you wake I will have something for you. I will try, I think I understand, if I don't , please don't give up on trying to explain. For now dream wondrous things.|||thicks1 I'm on my mobile, can you explain a bit more in the mean time? I will get to a comp and write you your response. Smile my boy, you're not alone. :-).|||Can you answer MonogamyIsLame 's question? I'm curious too.. I don't know how old you are but if I were an adventurous gal I would do the following: I'd keep my clothes on but I might let...|||I support this. If I wasn't transitioning to the food industry I would totally do this. Rock on!!!|||That's right, push them broads aside...be the ringleader' | 359 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 'I am a little confused by the typical 9 characteristics. What is this peace of mind that 9s unhealthily try to preserve? All that no-conflict/anger-9-talk seems too abstract to me. Are there some...|||I dont think so I think its because no other type comes close to extensive internet useage like 5s. Stuff like forums swarm of 5s and it makes sense that on a PersonalityForum its even more so.|||I see what you mean and guess I can relate. I'm a 7, but feel a big draw towards 5ishness. In a way I'd love to just withdraw and get lost in the depth of my mind - and I know I'm theoretically able...|||Delete Please. ~|||I'd assume your actual Enneagram type doesn't play much of a role here and that this goes for every E-Type the same way: I associate the feeling of integration with the feeling of childhood. What is...|||It just feels like the last resort. Like when you need help but cant directly ask for it so you become unhealthy-2ish by being pleasing & low-key manipulative or agressive to get certain needs meet...|||Definately INXX. INFJ makes a lotta sense I guess. I may go with 4w5 over 5w4, he has a little too much emotional charisma or however you wanna call it|||INFJ 1-4-5 sx/so INFJ 1w9-4w3-7w6 sx/sp INFJ 1w9 sp/sx INFJ 1w9-5w4-2w3 sp/so INFJ 1w2-6w7-4w5 sp/so INFJ 1w2-4wx-7wx sx/sp INFJ 1w2-2w1-6w7 sp/sx INTJ 1w9-5w6-3w4 sp/sx INTJ 1w9-4w5-5w6...|||This indeed seems like great advise for more productive interaction, thanks. :)|||Fe Ni Se Ti vs Te Si Ne Fi First there is the obvious S vs N clash. My whole family is pretty much sensors only so this has always been apparent and leading to feel different, but whatever,...|||Yea yea, as you can see this thread is older and my self typing was a little more all over the place lol I just recently settled on 9; dont mind this thread. Im gon check out your link tho cuz the...|||This sounds a little bit more INFJ-ish. Or would you say they're just similar in there position towards leading?|||3w4 5w6 8w9 Would be my guess|||I need you now, I know it's real The proof went down but you're crystal clear God knows I've got one try, no second chance I've planned too long, I demand a change Will never feel if I don't let...|||And I'm a social One. After almost half a year and many phasas of misidentifications, I'm finally at that point where I can say I'm dead sure and every doubt is just not wanting to face reality. I...|||Do they have it more difficult because they are Fe users and their 4ness is more based on their Ni, making it harder to find stability that feels real and meaningful?|||Tbh I've now come now to the conclusion that its the other way around. Fi seems to be a cultivated skill for me while Fe is never a chore to use. So, yea, I've learned some more about INTJs but it...|||Thats what I thought. I guess you mean if I feel like my Ni is supported by Fe or Te? Well, if I could tell you that with certainty I guess I wouldn't need help here lol. But I assume its Te....|||Since I started getting deeper into typology I've always identified most with being an INFJ. However, something always seemed off about it so I never 100%ly run with it but rather just saw it as the...|||Okay I already figuered it out myself like I prohesized haha Its so 8. Kk this thread can get closed or whatever~|||Okay. After months of Enneagram study and self discovery I finally arrived: I feel as sure as I can be about typing myself. Or well almost. To be honest I could figure this rest out on my own sooner...|||This is sad as fuck but beautiful; made me finna realize I'm 100% E9. Thanks!|||This seems petty in a way but it feels to me like on of the most essential issues of Fives: being judged and I feeling like you won't be sure enough to defend it. Can you relate to this? And my...|||Point blank how do you differenciate between a 5w4 and a 5 with a 4 fix? I'd like to know my tritype and my 5-wing. I know for sure that 4ishness plays a huge part in my Enneagram personality. But...|||Its E7, nevermind. :)|||They have a feeling of wearing their soul on their sleeves. But not in a way of being simple or easy to get, far from shallow, it's a unique kind of transperency in the sense of honesty. Its so......|||I know my gut and heart fix, which are 1 and 4 respecticely. I also know my instinctual stacking by know, which is soc/sex. What I feel like I dont know for sure is my fear type (as well as which my...|||I'm registered here since over a month now I think - but after months of research I'm finally clear and can say with 100% assuredness that I have found my true typing (and I'm a 6 so you know when I...|||Well, by studying and comparing Ni, Si, Ne and Te (in theory & praxis). I'd go with TJ over FJ right now but thats still something I got to figure out. I also figuered out I'm E2 and not...|||Okay, I know now that I lead with Ni. I only have to figure out now if I'm Fe/Ti or Te/Fi. So yea, I'm either INTJ or INFJ. But thanks for the tip of being an ISFJ, that made me actually realize I...|||I know I know, I'm typing based on CF as well dont worry, although it may not seem like it I'm way past the state of MBTI profiles. lol When I say too emotional for thiker and vice versa I mean that...|||Flower Hat wow thanks for taking the time :) ...|||I've been studying cognitive functions to find out my typing a good time now. I'm at a point where I feel like I have a good grasp on what they are about and even how they feel when I use them - but...|||Care to share a bit where you got your knowledge from? Not because I'm doubting anything, but because that seems like pretty cool useful information for me strawberryLola|||I mean balancing that playfullness, random fun loving ness, not taking life so serious but at the same time really caring about your life, other people, Fi values, emotions, ideas... I feel like...|||Is it possible (for an INFP) to repress their Ne or rather its development out of it being not appreciated/supported/understood, being around Sensors a lot, fear of appearing childish, weird, not...|||charlie.elliot: Yea you hit it on the nail. Thats the exact same conclusion I came to after a little more research & soul searching. To be more accurate, Im pretty sure this was going on: Type...|||I know this is probably a questions thats been frequently asked sorry lol. But I wanna talk about my specific case. So to make it quick - I did identify with Ennegram 1(w9). This perfectionism...|||Because I dont really have that strong urge to defend what I think is right. I dont stand up for it, at least not more than any non-Fi would. I dont base every decision on what feels right, in...|||So I believed to be 4 but recently noticed I was just living in constant stress mode. Long story short I lived a good bunch of my life like an unhealthy 4 rather than in alignment with the 1 I am....|||Okay, first, I'm going through some things right now (if you've seen my recent threads you're likely able to tell). Matter of fact I've been going through some things a long long time now. And I am...|||Aight, this makes sense to me. lol|||Thats what I'd say as well. Its just harder to tell with extroverted intuitives because, while in another way, they also seem really in the moment.|||Im crushing on a girl right now and Im pretty much 100% sure shes EXFP and while I'd guess shes an ENFP I'm not so confident in my ability to recognize intuition in others. The type description for...|||Made a thread on this yesterday for more information. http: //personalitycafe.com/nfs-temperament-forum-dreamers/1054754-fed-up-infp. html So yea I guess I figured out my problem. I think I'm...|||Im a fucked up INFP and I just recently realised that when I really got into MBTI. I'm 19 years old, living with my parents, just kind of finished school. I grew up in a toxic environment for my...' | 4,279 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'If a man (definite NT, possible ENTJ) says we should get together agian after a date, but then communicates rarely (once every two weeks) and has not made those plans yet, is it safe to assume that...|||Moonious: 29|||Sorry I was looking at an old page I guess! Moonious: 29|||flourine: 24|||Breed|||Am I dating an INTJ, or a man with some other personality? Here is what I have to go on: I should preface this with the fact that I did inform him that I want to take things slowly, sexually. He is a...|||Greet|||Creat|||SLap her butthttp://personalitycafe.com/images/smilies/1/wink.gif[/QUOTE] Definitely not how I want to be treated by a stranger man.|||Best: that depends on the circumstances, but just being honest with her will be best. INFPs LOVE the unaffected approach, so just be blunt, but maybe soften it up a bit if your bluntness is totally...|||This is exactly what I wish to happen to me. I can't see how it could backfire. If she likes you, she'll be thrilled. If she doesn't return your feelings, you hopefully will know right away. The only...|||Haha I was expecting just that reply; just wanted to be sure that you all are as honest as I hoped. Thank you!|||Just wondering: If an NT tells me that they enjoyed talking to me, after a first date, what should I expect next? Nothing? Anything?|||Matte|||The original post is pretty accurate for INFPs as romantic partners, I think.|||If you built an ENTJ in a lab, for what job/career/work would that ENTJ be most fit?|||pissy|||I recently thought that someone was autistic...and later found out that he is just an INTJ.|||I am listening to the whirl of the washing machine, the cracking of my joints, the clicking of my keyboard, and to a documentary about Bill W.|||Thank you for all of this! You're helping to bring back a lot of great memories of my SJ friends, and empowering my genuine desire to love SJs more! There are so many great qualities about people...|||Great point! I find a special dimension of friendship in the SJs of my acquaintance, too! I hadn't thought about that in a long while, but it's so important to remember all of the great qualities of...|||Ah! I see. But the SJs I've had trouble with are peers. To be fair, after getting go know them better, they and their quirks became endeared to me, and vice versa (I think!), so we are all better...|||Interesting! I'm not sure I understand what you mean by equal. Equal in what sense or in what way?|||The SJs I've known do seem to be confident that their ideas and plans are the best or only right way, and that is a dangerous road to tread, I agree, but I wonder if it is simply because,...|||I am happy to read that!|||Sorry, I should have clarified in my op that when I use the term Gaurdians I am referring to Keirsey's temperament, which includes all four SJ personality types. Hmm...In my experience, no one...|||My personal experience has been one in which I have formed acquaintances or friendships with some people whom I at first had difficulty appreciating and getting along with (and vice versa), and then,...|||Hmm...I'm not sure that I've ever met an ESTJ. I should clarify that when I say Gaurdian, I am refering to Keirsey's temperament, which includes all four SJ personality types. Sorry about that!|||Ok, I totally understand this! I do the same thing: trying very hard to listen and be interested, genuinely, and if that's not possible, to appear interested for their sake, but my mind often still...|||Hahahaha Thank you. I take it as a major compliment. Yeah, the movies are pretty great, but the book is absolutely bloody brilliant.|||I am not prideful and prejudiced when it comes to the SJs, the Guardians, the Protectors, or what ever you want to call them. Really I'm not. They have so many valuable qualities. They have...|||I loled. I think they provide a different sort of satisfaction, conversation and sex, that is. Good conversation has the potential of satisfying the intellect on one point or another, or at least...|||May I ask, are you an ENTJ? I suspect so from the description that you give as your direct, bold, and efficient way of handling potential romances. Yes, to particular people it would be tremendously...|||What is described in the linked post definitely reminds me of my experience with an INTP, but this description fails to mention how sharp their intellects are and how substantial their arguments...|||The voice of John Lee, reading the Count of Monte Cristo.|||I think I understand, and I agree, that stating one's love seems too stiff or formal; but not so if a declaration of love arises from a passionate impulse! That, to me, is romantic. I suppose it is...|||I too started out as a pre-professional biology major. I later switched to a humanities major, but it took me a long time to do so, a lot of reassessing of my goals. It also took a few miserable...|||I think that we humans are often at the mercy of our subconscious, particularly when it comes to romantic relationships, however much we protest that we freely choose all of our actions! I do think,...|||Each person is charming in their own way, and for some, awkwardness is adorably charming. I can attest to this truth, as I have before been charmed by the adorable awkwardness of some people!|||Thank you for sharing. Your experience, I think, sheds light on a past experience of mine. The only INTP guy who's ever befriended me always kept me guessing. To this day, I don't know in what way or...|||Thanks for sharing! I have read elsewhere that INTJs show their love by innovating ways to make their Love Interest's life easier or simpler.|||One person's experience: I do sort of try to have an idea of what I'm going to say if it's a business phone call (like for a prospective employer or interviewer for for some other official business -...|||I find myself fantasizing about being in the spotlight, sometimes, but I almost immediately shudder as the idea occurs to me. The idea of being in a position of leadership in which I have to...|||You know you're an INFP when... ...you need to give yourself a pep talk just to make a phone call or write an email. ...you are a PRO at procrastination, but when it gets down to the wire,...|||chocolate mug cake with walnuts topped with rocky road ice cream|||I want to know how you have wooed, are wooing, will woo, or would have wooed your ideal romantic partner or your real life romantic partner? Wooing and pursuing. How's it done, NT style? Walk me...|||I think that urbanization is a good thing for those who freely choose to live in urban areas; however, if the condition is imposed on a population, against their will, whether by swift force or slow...|||I definitely agree with the above: Spencer Reid of Criminal Minds Rust Cohle of True Detective I love INTPs, by the way! :)|||Some faves: Being There Charade Sabrina The Princess Diaries Harvey Um...yeah. That's all for now. I like many movies. More, later.|||As a female INFP, I think I'd suit an ENTJ quite perfectly with my easygoing, affectionate nature, my emotional depth and maturity, the liveliness of my mind, my spirit of curiosity and adventure,...' | 7,357 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | How to be a good daughter to an ESTP Dad? Seriously I have a lot of issues with my ESTP Dad and I really feel like he's been more like a buddy than a Dad and I feel like I just have continuously...|||Internet dating and INTJs So I recently made a profile on internet dating website because I'm in the midst of moving to a new city and dating in general is often a good way of getting to know more...|||I know you said INTJs but to prove how much integrity NFPs have- it takes me forever too- I often envisage that it's all going to be smooth sailing and all the fish in the sea etc. but the reality is...|||Terrible yes- I try and hide in a corner For example I saw someone I am reasonably attracted this evening I think I just burrowed my head in the sand like an ostrich I was aware I was saying...|||How does an ESTP want to be loved|||NTs provided that I don't irritate them - intelligent, interesting and don't think I'm crazy (in fact often interested in what I have to say) - often interested in my input once they get to...|||Yes- I like an optimum amount of pressure- not too little not too much- somewhere in the middle of the pressure bell curve thanks! Yes- I constantly get caught crying- embarrassing for myself and...|||Out stare him, then open your eyes wide like 'what are you staring at'? Hmm but this could also look submissive I tend to do a lot of yoga these days because working in mostly male offices for...|||Amen! say nay to the naysayers!|||Hmm yeah well in the end ignorance is ignorance- it is worse for the ignorant person because they miss out on knowing a lot more about the world, about other cultures and about other ways of being-...|||How subjective is this stuff on your part? DO you think you may be misinterpreting some of this stuff? Fi-doms can be bullies but possibly this has some sorts of lessons for you about how to get...|||:-) you asked this question on the ENTJ forum too- are you think about a particular xNTJ or are you just putting it out there?|||Wow! that's the exact opposite reason for why I've toned down my openness and flirting in the last five years because I encounter a lot more taken people and I don't want to offend their significant...|||When I look at the ENTJ thread I get the impression that ENTJs only date ridiculously high achieving people who are extremely good looking and have amazing social skills. IS this true or do you...|||I suppose that he helped me out a lot with work stuff and sort of professionally counselled me- I suppose that I usually keep a very strict boundary between work and life but I thought that as I was...|||Thanks- yeah maybe I'm just to justify explain why I do not want a co-dependant relationship (maybe even just to myself) and why after being in relationships where I prioritised other person I would...|||Also I suppose that fairness is actually more closely associated with Ti than Te :-)|||I suppose that I am also making a value assumption here- that people who would want interdependent relationships would also value a certain amount of gender equality and thinker/ feeler fairness.|||I suppose what I mean that being a female intuitive female- it is already a bit of an uphill slog in an 'SJ' Thinker dominated world career world- I suppose I see posts by female NTs about having...|||I love this idea in theory but I have seldom seen it in practice- I know of one otentially Intp and Infj relationship where I have seen this occur but still I think that the Infj has sacrificed a lot...|||Also on a personal note to give you an idea about an NFPs capacity for integrity although I've been on and asked people on dates I haven't been involved with anyone on a physically intimate level for...|||Also on a personal note- the Istj I dated ended up moving cities for work anyway so I'm glad it didn't work out- it was always going to be about his career not mine.|||You hit the nail on the head! That said I'm not sure I would ever want to 100% commit everything to someone anyway- what about friends, family? My career? I'm a very dedicated, loyal partner and I...|||Just reviving this thread because I have a question along these lines I asked someone out (suspected ISFP male) who I used to work with over facebook, kind of casually, I thought (I left the job...|||Thankyou :-)|||I am aware of this theory but I'm not sure whether it applies to me :-) Thankyou|||PERSONAL RESPONSE; My first boyfriend and father were probably ESTP- Let me just say there is nothing nice about growing up with a string of 'Dad's girlfriends' who do not really like you and...|||:-) Who would this be then? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu3cezCkzf4&list=PL9Z0stL3aRykWNoVQW96JFIkelka_93Sc An ESTP?|||I get it- I particularly get the idea of security from an SJ- Also I'm a 6w7 so the security thing is particularly appealing for me I dated an Istj a while ago and I liked the fact that a lot...|||Good advice! I'll keep it in mind- yeah the fact that I'm moving away is what gives me confidence to ask someone out but I realise it might be the opposite for other people- I think in the past I...|||This is really good advice! I was recently pretty interested in a guy who I'm pretty sure is ISFP- I was particularly very emotionally attracted- because we have pretty similar values but the Ne/Se...|||Absolutely! but I'm 31 so I need to get over that- plus I can commit partially but there always needs to be something uncommitted- or space to move- plus I'm an extremely loyal and monogamous partner...|||Yeah I think this guy might be an INTJ- he seems really together- I'm definitely scattered- scrawling on the backs of random bits of paper I pull out of my bag etc. I don't think I've had a lot of...|||How to ask an INTJ on a date? I think I have an INTJ tutor in the last class of my post grad degree- either INTJ or INTP, I'm looking at moving to a city about three hours away and I think he's...|||This writer seems to think that Intx of both genders have the most difficulty in dating and that Esxps have the easiest time, again it really does seem to depend on age- it seems to be about high...|||Pucca Now I'm beginning to think I'm an ENFP too, I often get told I'm extroverted, I love people and social situations and I do have a profession that involves lots of Te (Science and Law...|||Hi there, I'm in a similar boat in that I'm an extroverted introvert, my Mum still thinks I'm an ENFP but I test INFP, I love people and I love socialising but I definitely need recharge time, I...|||I had an ESTP first boyfriend- we were just too different- I think that you can only know that someone loves you if they actually say that they love you. This particular guy drifts back into my...|||The INTJ forum might be a good place to ask? I'm not even sure what an INTJ might not notice except that we tend to be quite sensitive and I find that NTJs and STJs can easily offend, often without...|||I love this! nothing like some good honest criticism (7, 11 and 17 particularly apply to me) I'm going to the Isfp forum in future for relationship advice! :-)|||On a more personal note I actually really like nice guys- particularly Isfps but unfortunately in the past they've broken up with me rather than just behaving badly until I break up with them- also I...|||This is pretty true- I think that the same thing happens in reverse too like when you feel really seriously about someone who just wants to have sex with you- this could be dealt with not by berating...|||Off topic but are you insinuating Ni is more useful than Ne?|||Get close to an IxFP- I don't crave intense emotions but I experience them on an almost daily level- it's exhausting and often makes me wonder if I suffer from a mental illness- but seems to be the...|||Probably not- yes, I was thinking of an individual and not intending to criticise the type as a whole I happen to have some very close ESTP relatives as well who I love but I think that if there is...|||I find Estps a bit too intense, especially if they're overusing Fe in a bit of a manipulative way or when you look into their eyes and realise that there is just an empty husk with nothing inside,...|||I suppose that I would just like to see a sense of fairness in it all, if some social things are more difficult for INTJ women then surely this is balanced out by other aspects life professionally? I...|||This is a very broad generalisation and does not take account the changes in dating preferences that come about with age as people start thinking about having children etc. I think that some of...|||I agree with this, I thought that I wanted to be a Christian for a while too but more just because I really like the idea of having a community and something to believe in- so I went and explored...|||Thanks! I'm in a similar position- I don't feel that I've always been rejected but I don't seem to have been able to obtain the fairytale romances that I was seeking and I'm in a similar position... | 2,651 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'I've had problems in the past with binge eating and compulsive eating (surprisingly, I'm not fat) . It seems that the only way to keep this under control is to strictly schedule my meals and NEVER...|||I do not usually eat meat, but I'm not a strict vegetarian. I don't see anything wrong with eating meat as long as the animal that it is from was kept in good conditions. Since that's usually not...|||INTP and RCUEI with the primary type being inquisitive. But this is the first time of taken this so it could be wrong..|||All of my stuffed animals had feelings in my mind and I remember getting so upset when they wouldn't all fit on the bed because I didn't want any of them to feel left out. And I didn't have...|||It depends on whether I new the person's name or their face first. But usually faces.|||I've never been diagnosed with anything but I've been depressed on and off since I was in Elementary school. Last winter was the worst though because there was actually a person attached to it and...|||I guess I have a few friends. I have one permanent friend who I don't think likes me that much anymore. I have a lot of friendly acquaintances at school but as far as people who I actually hang out...|||I think there's a good chance it's type related. I feel awkward talking about myself because I feel like I'm naturally programmed to take in information during conversations rather than put out and...|||Does it count if I move my mouth but don't make actual sounds? (sometimes I end up talking quietly under my breath but usually it's silent talking). I think in speech patterns most of the time. ...|||Once I'm very interested in someone it seems like I can't stop endless romantic senarios from rushing through my head. They aren't really the fateful encounter type fantasies but I would lump them...|||Sometimes I can't sleep all night because I'm talking to myself quickly under my breath about my ideas and theories. I also have a tendency to think to far into things and analyze every detail in...|||I had this dilemma a while ago and it has led to my being nocturnal for the past 5 nights, sleeping from around mid morning to mid or late afternoon each day. I'm trying to decide whether I should...|||All As and 1 B feels like the same thing as all Cs to me. I want to do something perfectly or not do it at all.|||when you sit up all night mumbling about your abstract theories and are surprised when it starts to get light out.|||the boundaries between what is real an what is not are kind of hazy to me, stuff just happens and Maybe it all in my head. But then again, maybe I don't even have a head. And know, I am not on...|||Fairly short and getting kind of shaggy and in need of a trim. But I like the disheveled look.|||I would classify myself as an INFPish INTP when I'm alone, an I/ENTPish INTP when interacting with people normally, but an ENTJish INTP when in a position of leadership, which I seem to fall into a...|||Well I know I am.|||Sometimes I slave over essays but I just can't bring myself to compose that last paragraph. And whenever that happens, I'm always hoping that my teacher won't allow me to turn it in late so that...|||I was diagnosed with depression That's cool. What do say to something like that anyway?????|||In that case, I would think that being aware that my actions were wrong would be worse.|||I don't exactly know the percentages but I'm french ,german, swedish, irish, scottish, and english as far as I know. In short, a western european mutt|||maybe that's my problem. I'll try it tonight. :D|||Furniture Porn: Enter... It's all there. (and no this is not an actual porn site.) (unless you get off on pieces of furniture humping one another)|||You're right, it does depend on how you look at the situation. From the social viewpoint, I don't think it matters if I am a psychopath or not. It would be more what my actions actually are than...|||My thinking was that since I knew what I was doing was wrong and hurtful it was worse than if I was a psychopath and couldn't fully understand the negative impact.|||Hmm I'll definitely have to look into this.. thank you..|||I was wondering if there is any link between insomnia and type. What's your type and have you had any sleeping problems? If so describe them. I'm INTP and I've struggled with not being able...|||I identify much better with my enneagram. I fall somewhere in the 5 4 spectrum. Probably 5w4. I don't fit a lot of INTP stereotypes so it's harder to identify with my MBT.|||Welcome, from another INTP that isn't into math and science (excluding psychology). I think it may be a 5w4 5w6 thing. Even though not all INTPs are 5s... I'm not even good with computers.|||The sad thing is that I didn't have to call her. She was in the car with me. I like to be the center of attention, I just don't always feel like doing whatever it takes to get all of the...|||Figuring out that I was 5w4 (possibly 4w5) helped a lot because it's a common type among INTPs and I haven't heard of any 5w4 ENTPs, though I'm sure they must exist. Also, a few days ago it took...|||When people ask me what's wrong or if I'm okay because I'm quiet. Or feel bad for me when I'm sitting alone. If I wanted to socialize, I could and would. Oh and when people go beyond saying...|||Thank you :) I am so far.|||This is a tough one. better be.... HUFFLEPUFF.|||Are you Satisfied? - Marina and the Diamonds|||I've been a member since march and a lurker since I discovered the sight. Now that I am at a family gathering of people who don't appreciate my philosophical musings, I am hiding in the corner on...|||Well, I don't have bad posture. My grandmother's a hunchback and I'm scared of looking like her, so I make sure to sit up straight. As far as I know, my neck is pretty normal. I do have...|||The narcissism can be amusing at first, but at times it really gets to me.|||I really need to hurry and finish the first book. I'll probably be good for a few more episodes. I thought they did a good job of sticking to the plot and making Bran look adorable.|||Last summer an INFP (I think) confessed that he had liked me for the past 2 years. At first I liked him back, but grew tired of him after a while. I knew he was obsessed with me so I kept messing...|||I'm not sure that I exist, but if I do I'm female. Physically, at least.|||I don't enjoy small talk at all (not surprising). I like to jump right in to some kind of philosophical discussion. Conversation between me and small-talkers usually go something like this: ...|||I try to ignore gender in relation to how I act and how I dress altogether. I have short hair, but I style it. I like dressing up, mainly because I like aesthetic (might have to do with me being...|||change plans at the last minute. Don't text them back when they ask an urgent question.|||Same here. My best ideas for essays and projects come at the last minute so it works out for the best. Also, if I had started earlier it probably would have taken me twice as long because I wouldn't...|||Due Date. I'm not sure, but I think RDJ is my soulmate.|||I usually only shake hands when meeting someone new. For some reason I always feel a twinge of anxiety when I know the handshake is about to come. But I do my best to shake firmly, and look the...|||I've been told I look like Amanda Bynes. I don't see much of a resemblance. ...|||My mom is an ISTJ and my dad is an ISTP. I get along a little bit better with my dad, but I'm not very close to either of my parents. It's interesting that we're all introverts and thinkers. ...' | 571 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Could be, but subtypes are still kind of controversial in some socionics circles so let's try to get your main type in first. You should be well aware of your Super-Ego (more than your Id) functions...|||Right, we seem to be getting somewhere! Focus on the real-word implications is very much :p: That catchphrase is very typically :t: which deals with how one event leads to another, and how...|||I'm sorry for not responding for a while. More in terms of informal social hierarchies within a group, than political ones. I would try not to get too hung up over that. The way I'd look at...|||What DavidH seems not to realise is that there are different ways of coping with the same situation. For example for an EII, in a difference of opinion you can use creative :i: to see different...|||OK, now you're lying as well - I never said confronting reality is difficult for me and stating that different people have different strengths would be non-controversial to any reasonable person. ...|||That was the conclusion I came to, I mean, scientific evidence and might help but until then it's just his personal opinion. I don't understand all the hostility.|||DavidH Well, if that interpretation is beneficial to you and you want to come to that conclusion that's fine, it doesn't affect me.|||DavidH - the value of socionics to me is understanding why and how people think and interact differently, and it provides a language to explain that. I think any relation can become a positive...|||DavidH Or maybe I've just matured to the point where I've learnt that using PoLR :f: is futile for me, so I avoid it, and I've learnt how to avoid it. I can imagine it would be unhealthy for an LSI...|||That's ideology, not ethics. I don't place much value in defending my own self and property, I've long reckoned that this came as a side effect of PoLR :f: (with leading :r:), but I see no reason to...|||DavidH - it's a stock phrase, I mean it as benefiting you materially in general (which includes maintaining). I'm not willing to compromise on ethics. What about for an LSI? Would you gain anything...|||DavidH - were you talking to me there? Just so you know I wasn't talking about the supervisor's creative and role functions, or the supervisee's leading function; I was talking specifically about...|||I take what you're saying but put forward that those benefits are marginal compared to the drawbacks for the supervisee, when it comes to PoLR at least. The way I interpret this relation is: the...|||Right, fair point and I agree about being able to pick up on their weakness. But as PoLR isn't valued I would argue that any help provided - regardless of any good it might do - is not the type of...|||Dottoromar Why do you think beta would be in conflict with being a hardcore capitalist? Quadras values are values in interaction and communication with others, not political or economic beliefs....|||Not so sure that extra-quadra information is something to be sought after. Every quadra is equally capable of producing the same information in so much as each IME appears in every quadra in equal...|||It's a lot to get one's head around and I know I struggled for ages! Socionics, I would say, is a much bigger subject than MBTI or Enneagram, but it is fascinating. Wikisocion which I linked to is a...|||Did you get a chance to read up on the quadras, what do you think of them? Right, (this may be a little leading if you've already read a bit about socionics but), how do you feel about this?...|||Oh, and also so you know, socionics doesn't define extroversion quite like that - while gathering energy when alone is still generally an introverted trait, a lot else can affect your energy levels....|||Hi no013 I think EII or IEE is a reasonable guess but I can't say for sure. Perhaps try looking at the Beta and Delta quadras: Beta Quadra - Wikisocion Delta Quadra - Wikisocion Which one...|||If you ask me probably the best way to self-type is look at the quadras - find out what types of interactions with others with you like/dislike. and why. Interests and emotions can change over time....|||Well, I would've thought that relations should be the same for all types, it's the same functions lining up in the same way with each other regardless of what IMEs are involved, so those relations...|||Not everyone had or knew about AOL, I'm not from the US so maybe it had less cultural impact here.|||I think the difference for gen-Z is that they're people who grew up with the internet always being around. So I think in order to be gen-Y you have to be able to remember when you got your first...|||Evolution has to be the foundation for what we call morality, the species needs to survive, so actions detrimental to human survival are considered evil by humans as a collective whole, that evolved...|||Don't see why you wouldn't try it - if it tastes fine and it's safe then it's no different to eating anything else.|||The demonstrative function is as strong as the leading function, so you'll be just as good at :t: as :r:... but bare in mind that information aspects are rather abstract and real-world information...|||DavidH - I was kind of expecting a yes or no but thanks for that!|||I would say someone with Super-Ego 2d :i: would probably be more likely to reject a valid and sophisticated :i: idea as too complicated rather than too simple... dimensions I understand as more...|||It's been a long time since I've touched MBTI and my memory is hazy, I've been in to Socionics (albeit on and off) for much longer. But does the official MBTI even describe cognitive functions like...|||Hi, I've not been around here for a while... I've always found that trying to tie MBTI to Socionics only results in confusion. You first have to believe that MBTI can reliably indicate your...|||Do people really expect that? Apart from people who don't know about personality types and are confusing us with another type, maybe. I don't try to be smiley, or melancholic for that matter (and...|||Hi everyone, I can't believe it's been over a year! I hope you don't mind a re-intro. As you can probably tell from my post count, I used to be a regular user here. I didn't plan to leave but I...|||ISTP (father) + ISFJ (mother) = INFP (me) + ISFP (sister) All introverts...|||No, that's not true. In fact arguably there are plenty of advantages to mixing introverts with extroverts. Welcome. :happy:|||I don't know, that sounds pretty interesting to me. Look, everyone has hobbies and interests, it doesn't matter if everyone understands it because there will always be people who won't no matter what...|||You can turn it around and let that be what gives you incentive in life. You're right that if everyone refused to fight wars then there would be no more wars. I believe strongly that war, corruption,...|||Likely Jung borrowed words already in use when naming the functions. I doubt Jung invented the words thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition. They were probably the words in language closest to...|||:r: :i: :L: :f: :p: :s: :e: :t: Thanks so much, that's great!|||They are the eight symbols listed (and gifs linked) here: Help:Contents - Wikisocion If you can foresee any licencing problems (I honestly don't know much about how that works) the Wikipedia...|||Well, on the socionics subforum, instead of using the two-letter abbreviations for IM elements, e.g. Fi, Ne, etc., or 1-letter R, I, etc. you'd be able to use the symbols in place of those. It's a...|||I thought this couldn't hurt to ask... Is it possible to have a way of inputting the IM element symbols used in socionics? The ones seen here: Information elements - Wikisocion This could be...|||Hmm, would we still have books to read? Definitely no. The only way I would try it is if I knew I was going to die imminently, and if I could change my mind at any time.|||Having two introverts together with not much in common doesn't exactly lend itself to flowing conversation! I've been on long journeys with my dad before, he's an ISTP, and yes that does lead to...|||Depends on your country and what constitution that country has...|||A would definitely bother me more, and that's very much a defining characteristic of a socionics EII. If people tell me how to do things more efficiently, but aren't pushy about it, I appreciate that...|||It may do. I like to think I come to my opinions by applying reason as opposed to environmental influence. It's interesting to look at if two people with similar personality would apply the same...|||Of course it should be allowed. Although my more nuanced opinion is that marriage should probably be a personal matter with the state not involved. The state could find other ways of recognising...|||Well I'm 29, going to be turning 30 soon... which I'm not looking forward to to be honest. I don't really feel any different as a person to how I've ever felt, I've always felt quite mature growing...|||1. Do feel like you have more emotions than most other people? Not sure, but I think I listen to them more, maybe. 2. Are your emotions more extreme than other peoples emotions? (ie very sad or...' | 278 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | I try to wrap myself into my imaginary cloak of anti-feeling. :shocked: Seriously though I try to mentally shut down the incoming feelings of others. I has taken me a long time to be able to do...|||I have dreamt of people trying to kill me, but never of myself killing others. I have dreamt often of apocalyptic scenarios, nuclear blasts, biochemical warfare, carnage on a mass scale as a...|||Too many to list. Way more than what anyone would take the time to read about. The most common I can think of is how often I fall down stairs. The bruise stays on my ass for weeks. I once tried...|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4c/9d/c2/4c9dc28dde1a8a928bd6269e2d5db867.jpg https://creativeblossoming.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/teal-and-purple-living-room-bmp.jpg?w=620 I am in...|||ENFP's. All. Day. Long.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4FG_xZAzsQ|||Look into the functions listed above, but yeah, I am pretty certain that you are INFP.|||I have a hard time holding grudges. I may for a while depending on the severity of the transgressions, but in time I forgive even the deepest of trespasses. Not because they deserve it, but because...|||I have always wanted to befriend an INTJ outside of the internet, but I honestly think I have yet to meet one. I have an Uncle that I suspect is a possilbe INTJ, but outside of that, no one else,...|||Doesn't that suck? Ti kicks in and makes you doubt your Ni. It whispers no this can't be! and ruins your whole day. Because had you listened to that Ni, you would have been right. I mean you were...|||The terms dirty and clutter mean two very different things to me. I cannot handle dirty. I refuse. I sweep my kitchen floor every day, and vacuum my carpet at least twice a week. Bleach my...|||Te can be very irritating. I find that the Fi-Te loop is really what gets me upset, when used selfishly. I know I need someone who is Fe-Ti like myself. Seriously, have you ever tried to argue...|||Yes, yes. Where do I find one of those ISTP's?!? I think I need one.|||It makes me feel deeper than anything else that I have experienced on this planet. But I can't explain the feeling. Just it's depth.|||I concur. While drinking tequila, I have done things that take a full month of Sunday's to try and explain. Bad deal.|||People who ignore a solution to the whole problem because of their personal feelings. And those selfish types who can't see it this way. Take one for the fucking team man, stop being so self...|||I found it hilarious. I understand that this is simply one person's view, yes. And therefore cannot be true in it's entirety, no. But having lived through the wrath that an unhealthy ESFP can...|||Today I'm feeling as though I'd taste like Tiramisu.|||Then this is for you.... Viewer discretion is advised: Mild language, debauch humor, and ass loads of truth from and INFJ perspective. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this as much as I did....|||Ah. Music. My other outlet. I play violin, and when I'm pissed off and pick that thing up dear god. It's some sort of ethereal progressive metal of sorts, but on violin. I push myself to get it...|||It is all very confusing indeed. I still go back to thinking sometimes that I am ISFJ, on the broad description, and then I dive on into the details of the functions, and remember that even those...|||:laughing::laughing::laughing: Both you guys get it. It is my way of therapy. It's a distraction, so that I may collect myself. I'm glad to see someone understands, and that I'm not the...|||Maybe it's a female thing. Or a neurotic thing. Shit....|||Scenario 1 I would be shocked. I would feel let down, and disappointed that they chose not to marry for terminal cancer. I mean yes, the partner will die, but death is no excuse to not wed...|||Gender: undetermined Age: 14-24 Intelligence: superior Idea adoption: conservative MBTI personality profile: ISFP Closest alternative we found: ISTP The gender undetermined part cracked me...|||Bitter, salty, but oh so refreshing!|||Perhaps I am neurotic. But this isn't an impulse. I can control it with ease. It's only the reaction I tend to have to a negative emotional trigger. I can cure myself of the internal chaos just...|||I find that when I am really pissy, that I tend to shred through my immediate outer world. It feels like my mind is overclocking and that manifests itself into action through my hands. I will start...|||Sounds like Kylie is a bit of sociopath. She is playing games by becoming defensive to your open communication. She doesn't want to change her behavior, and clearly doesn't see a problem with it. ...|||:ninja: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rxutAKqbeuc/TY6XxBDP-5I/AAAAAAAAAFc/_qbT2pSiG9M/s320/Jesus+flipping+the+bird.bmp|||You have the kindest eyes I have seen in a while. They belie a certain intensity.|||Wow. Your grammar and punctuation does suck. Tell me, did your mother put the whiskey in your actual bottle? Or did she just put it in your cereal?|||Read this: How Each Cognitive Function Manifests Based On It's Position In Your Stacking|||Also, AW10, reading about/learning the functions is a lot to absorb. And the descriptions can be so murky, and also very similar to other functions, that it can get confusing. I struggled wrapping...|||Honey. I can already tell that you and I would have earfuls to vent about to one another. It's a damn sad world we live in indeed.|||Stop taking tests to tell you your functions. You have to read them yourself, and how they interact with one another in the stacks. I was stuck between INTJ/INFJ, and INTP/INFP for years. So I...|||I agree with this. Although a lot of mine were sought with the purest of intent on my behalf, it wasn't reciprocated. And at my age now, when I look back on it all, I know I was just trying to...|||To include every man that I've ever had sex with in my entire life, and to count the fact that I turn 31 years old in 5 more days, and lost virginity at 18 years old. So 13 years of sex. 1 I...|||Before you blame your ex INFJ, ask yourself this.... What did you do to encite his/her reaction? I don't know, being an INFJ myself, this is something that I have done to ex's shortly before the...|||For this to work effectively, you must first insult me or my highly held beliefs and values. Duh.|||We seem to have a pretty strong team of Doppelganger Detectives running around on this thread so post a pic of yourself, and let us find your doppelganger! Don't be shy! We won't bite!|||Yes!!! You beat me to it!!|||You remind me of Janet Montgomery: http://celebmafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/janet-montgomery-20th-century-fox-comic-con-party-at-andaz-hotel-in-san-diego_3.jpg|||If I could afford the airfare I would. I've always wanted to visit there. :proud:|||You need to put a huge distance in your interaction with him. He needs to embark on the journey of self discovery, and you cannot help him do that. He has to want it himself. Good luck to you...|||A fine Irish Whiskey. Smooth, soft, and mildly sweet. But too much will sour your stomach. Moderation is sometimes a difficult thing for inferior Se though... I'd likely indulge myself and...|||Yes. All over the place. Just yes.|||The way that I presently am in life, I know is not the best me that I can be. I realize I am stuck in an Ni-Ti Loop. And it is pushing my auxiliary Fe completely out of the picture. I close myself...|||Oh my god. OP I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write this out as you have. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is me to the T. I've known this about myself for so long, and...|||Yes. A lot. I think I have a major problem with it sometimes. I get so bombarded with the demands and just noise of other people and their problems, that I cannot hear myself think. And I can... | 7,663 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'What about when you hurt someone else? Do you shrug that off easily?|||Gift certificate to Barns & Noble, Game Stop, or Shell.|||My ESFJ insists that she is right, even when there are demonstrable facts to show that she is wrong. Why does she do this?|||Why not have that conversation, then? Ask him why he thinks you'd wind up working at BK if you moved out on your own. Don't argue with him, just listen.|||I know this will be hard for you, but could you try to listen to him to see if he has a point? Would you get by on your own? You say you don't care about housework and such, but what would it...|||You do this.|||I was going to say Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but NO WAY is Pitt an NT. ST Maybe.|||Bob Bradley, US Men's National Soccer team manager. Stoic, wears a track suit to games, confident, goal oriented. There was an article on ESPN recently that really confirmed it for me. INTJ...|||That... or taxes|||This is more a function of age than personality. Younger people, more idealistic, having less life experience will tend to be more left/libertarian. Many become conservative when they start looking...|||I work in IT as a database admin, and I'm fairly successful at it. I'm not rich, but I really don't want to be. I have a master's degree, so educationally, I'm doing well. I'm married and...|||I don't honestly see why a rational would engage in an open relationship. It's a logical contradiction. It's essentially friends with benefits. A relationship, by definition, is one that is...|||First, I would take $20-$25M and invest it in such a way that it gained inflation+1-2%, and then live off the 1-2%. For the rest I would establish a non-profit foundation that would look to help...|||Database Administrator (computer geek to most people)|||I think the 'N's bring vision and anticipation to the field, often making others better in the process. My daughter is an 'N', and her best strengths (soccer) are vision and leadership. Often, when...|||I appreciate an apology accompanied by action, either compensation or real personal change or both. But words are just words.|||Yeah. Possible tendency, but would require some serious damage. No. We just don't pay attention to them or express them often No. I can see how INTJs may be portrayed that way, but that...|||We hate being around all the 'ExFx's who do nothing but chatter and talk about nothing as though it matters. It's boring and taxing.|||I played piano when I was young. I can still plink, but only for myself. I played baritone, trombone, tube through middle/high school in bad. I learned to play some guitar as an adult (blues)....|||I want the absolutely heartless and absolutely principled folks in government. I went ENTJ and INTJ, and the more extreme the better, as long as they are committed to a small but solid governmental...|||(We'll see how much of a 'T' you really are...) I think this is more a Father/Teen issue, than a personality issue. [/LIST] That's because most teenagers (probably you included) put it off...|||I am unashamedly Christian, although I acknowledge that much of the Western church has appealed to Feelers more than Thinkers. I think my faith comes more from my Ni than Ti, although they...|||I didn't know bigotry of this stench still existed.|||I have feelings... I can distinctly remember two different times when I felt....|||We're cool because we're always right.|||Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. I think I finally got my sig working...|||My sig? Hmmm|||Revenge is for 'F's.|||(Imagine being INTJ all the time....) I think I just become more INTJ... If that's possible. Maybe some 'T' (normally 100%) gives way to a little' F', but my 'I' goes to around 150%.|||But it is nice to be able to tell someone that their rep was nice, but they don't know what they're talking about... (Oops.. did my INTJ just show again?)|||I was depressed for a while when I lost my job for 4 months. The stress was just killing me. I was able to keep it down by distracting myself with MMORPGs, but it was frustrating not being able to...|||Thanks.. apparently, I am a Type 1? Is that common for INTJs?|||LOL... I do have to admit that for all the civility filters I create, those thoughts still go through....|||Thanks! I shall.|||I would probably choose someone either with 'N' or 'T', not necessarily both. 'E' Would be nice, too. ESFP would be good, just for the fun factor. A nurturer would be interesting.|||The only time that happens is if there are 4 of us sharing a hotel room. If there are three, the other two are sharing. I sleep in my bed. They get the couch or chair or floor or whatever...|||Yeah, another one. I'm actually glad to meet some online, because I don't think I know any IRL. (I'm an INTJ, I never know what to say in intro threads...)' | 7,740 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Hey, first of all...Mods, if this goes against any PersonalityCafe regulations feel free to lock or delete this thread. Not a big deal. I have been working on this clothing line for around 2 years...|||WOW, I have not been on here in a Looooong time since originating this thread..so, if you have read my predicament..here is what has happened in 2010, and 2011. In September 2010 I was on a road,...|||I have no problem with graphic movies..they make me cringe, but I can handle it and I love seeing how advanced practical special affects can get. For instance I can and have watched Hostel, Hostel 2,...|||good read. BUMP.|||I've been planting a garden for years, just haven't realized it. I may be interpreting this song the wrong way..but my interpretation makes sense to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5DyCIdYfpA|||Yes. that is all I can say.|||Honestly, I prefer foot. I totally agree with Orange. I also enjoy taking public transit, and then walking some more. I hate driving..I'll drive but I get very uncomfortable doing so at times. I...|||INFPs are your natural partner, but preference is a big part of it..Through personal experience it seems as if INFPs and ENFJs get along very well.|||I am an O aswell.|||we look at everyone's profile...|||The fact that she is a clingy and controlling INFP... doesn't really fit... We're usually quite good with giving our friends room and going with the flow and doing what they want to do, unless we...|||from a 25 year old INFP.( You may be the same age too, no idea..) Don't sit and think about it, do something. You don't need to be all suave. Just be genuine and relaxed..ask her out for coffee,...|||Don't forget Henry Wadsworth Longfellow!|||Well,I too am an INFP and ENFJs are our natural partner..so I think you should expect a natural chemistry and a BIG LOUD CLICK. Yes, they are givers..but in a way so are INFPs ( even though we can...|||All hail the Queen of BonFires! Thank you very much for this reply, I find it very enlightening and useful. As a representative for the INFPs in this thread ( ha!) I do admit, that we are fiercely...|||I minimize eye contact, I give very short answers and don't show interest on the topic- if you're trying to start a conversation..you can tell me a really long story, and If I am absolutely in the...|||work your way up to hugs and whatever..you're into her..she's into you..what is there to be insecure about? Touch her arm, touch the small of her back when you're walking together ( hold the door...|||elaborate! Please. :)|||this is tooooo awesome!|||I remember seeing a woman in a dress in my kitchen when I was very young, it may have been a dream though. All 3 kids in my family ( including myself) have either seen, heard, felt, some sort of...|||I think people jump on bandwagons just as much as people jump off. Don't like something unless you are genuinely into it, don't dislike something unless you genuinely are not into it. I am...|||you can still act differently while being yourself and still being an introvert. It's just a matter of understanding how an INFP thinks and acts. for instance..I am very INFP, yet when I'm in...|||Ohhhhh you are definitely an idealist...it's ok to be a little selfish and keep a little...I'm sure you deserve some of it : )|||Help some of my friends and family that are in debt. Then I would start some sort of company/organization either dedicated to stopping sweatshops or providing clean drinking water, and use the rest...|||And if she isn't into it..this will creep her out immensely.|||I had a few good friends that I really didn't have much in common with and they didn't treat me that great. I took it for a while, and then found a group that accepted me and I connected well with. I...|||The last thread was pretty big and it wouldn't BUMP after I posted on it..so I made a thread to continue it. The first one is here -->...|||This is a wonderful thread..unfortunately it would refresh or bump. So here is part 2 !!!!!! http://personalitycafe.com/enfj-forum-givers/13144-infp-enfj-compatibility-continued.html|||This does happen sometimes.|||Is this a movie plot?!? The information is very vague, so I don't know if anyone can help...if no one knows what you are talking about. What do you mean by destruction of a community ..is...|||the fact that you two are so young....don't think about it being true love and that you will be together forever. Obviously, I don't know him..but it sounds like he is jerking you around a bit. So...|||liked: arts, history, some English ( depended on teacher), German, and weight lifting. disliked: mathematics, Spanish,band, and sciences.|||I can indentify with this a bit..I wouldn't call it paranoia necessarily. I jump to conclusions; for instance..If I text someone and they don't respond for a long time..I go over the sent message and...|||This is a fantastic place and tool for INFPs and other types..we all have the same thoughts and troubles now and then..so it's a good thing to search. Welcome.|||With those kinds of applications..try to be as honest as possible but it's ok to put things that you are not ( nobody fills those things out 100% honest)..otherwise, you won't stand a...|||are INTPs our animas? I thought it was E*** something ?|||Mine was pretty accurate for the most part. I doubt anyone cares to read it but here it is. It talks about strong intuition, being an idealist, and being introverted..so that's pretty accurate..and...|||clean drinking water. every Post- Apocalyptic movie has proven this.|||I try to stay in style but also go my own way a little bit. I am a fashion major and plan on working in this field..so I need to stay somewhat current on styles and colors.|||He needs to change something (s) If he is questioning the things that he is doing and his life..then why continue on the same path? Maybe he needs to find a job that he enjoys, INFPs NEED to...|||I have been interested in the same woman for over 5 years. She is one of my best friends and has been in a relationship during that time until recently. She had a slight history of being interested...|||western. Hobbes.|||I like it, very interesting concept. My worry is that it will get boring after a while. You can only do so little exploring and finding things until the gamer gets bored, action is needed to...|||I don't necessarily listen to hip hop very often..but this video is amazing. It was filmed and recorded in one consecutive take...and it sounds reaaaaalllly good....|||I can relate to this aswell, but not necessarily when I'm horny ..but when I like someone.|||after all , we're just animals. ( humans in general..but men more so, I suppose. haha..I'm a dude and I'll admit it) But I do think that if a guy is talking about sex, then that is probably a...|||I'm a bit more talkative..the last time I drank..I guess I talked alot of shit, and made fun of a friend quite a bit..and I don't remember doing so. She didn't act mad and said bye to me before she...|||I don't think this is really a personality type behavior..I doubt that people of the same types show the same horny characteristics. personally, I just get really fidgety..especially if I am...|||The best thing about knowing your Personality type is that it consciously lets you know your faults, and then you can improve them. So since you categorized this problem as a serious issue, then...|||honestly if you're in highschool and you're being bullied and you think you can punch them and make them back off...go for it haha, def. can't do that when you are an adult... That's what I was...' | 5,490 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 'You have a really good point, actually. I can't really explain why it is people use those labels, but I've always felt more drawn to them than Republican and Democrat. When I was a child my...|||I'm an ENFP whose mnemonic genius pretty much extends to little details about people like their birthdays, their favorite colors, etc. but I'm also pretty good at remembering dates of certain events,...|||Yes, yes. I think there should be a posthumously-published book of my greatest quotations.|||Yo, yo, yo, son, come and join the party; dress to kill. I feel this post a lot and welcome aboard, my son.|||ENTJ Ezra|||ISTJ Introvert(78%) Sensing(75%) Thinking(88%) Judging(44%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%) You have distinctive preference of Sensing over Intuition (75%)...|||Last night's episode... lord. STEVIE! STEVIE. She is just amazing, it took a lot of self-control for me not to scream.|||Don't let yourself feel stupid and you won't. It's easy to be intimidated by NTJ types, I think, or maybe just NTs in general. I think your being intimidated is what makes you say stupid things....|||...when you're debating and you come up with an argument for a topic that was being discussed 20 minutes ago; l'esprit de l'escalier is your best friend.|||I'm an ENFP and I play the flute because I like the way it sounds and the historical use of it. It's easy to make the flute sound mystical or ethereal.|||ENTP? I'm bad at this.|||First off, I'd like to say Happy New Year! I hope all of your 2014s are amazing and you find peace with yourself and what you have this year, etc. :proud: So I got the idea of making a thread that...|||1. I'm really good at accents. 2. I love Disney movies, my favorite being... wait for it... Pocahontas. 3. I'm on Zoloft. 4. I love children. 5. I drink soda and eat candy almost constantly. But...|||Seems pretty accurate, I got ENFJ. Usually I ask my friends questions like these ones when I type them for fun.|||This show is, pardon my French, my shit. Absolute favorite show on television. Now, let's not beat around the bush - who's the next Supreme?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrOLhOImavI woot woot|||Much doge?|||Is it bad that I'm crying right now?|||I went through a period of depression earlier this year, and I remember feeling incessantly guilty. I would take others' needs too strongly, see everything as a burden, and blame myself for others'...|||I saw it on a science news channel I'm subscribed to. They update frequently and post about a variety of subjects. Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efVFiLigmbc.|||You were the one that directly stated brain damage or abnormalities as a possible reason. You have a nice ideal, and as an NF I'm predisposed to be a dreamer, but for the most part getting absolutely...|||Sorry :tongue: I thought you were the OP for a bit. I guess I need to go to bed. But my other points still stand.|||So sad, fadly.. :(|||Do you, by any chance, agree with one of those reasons? Clearly you are extroverted enough to be fetching the opinions of others, so I don't understand why you would not understand a need for outside...|||I have very vivid, very strange (according to my friend... I thought everyone had really weird dreams) dreams. We often talk about ours; hers usually involve people who are very familiar to her and...|||You can be lying without knowing it yourself. It's a basic human need to want validation; people who claim they don't are not so much not human as probably out of touch with themselves.|||Yes, I'm an ENFJ! I don't know very many people outside of the internet who are familiar with it. And you don't sound blunt at all. We all have something to share. :proud:|||Judging by your description, I'd categorize you as an IxFP. As for the N/S thing... for sensors, the meaning is in the data. For intuitives, the meaning is the meaning, and the data all pitches into...|||Welcome! I'm new too.|||No, I'd have to agree with cali... teasing like that is, indeed, racist. It's racially insensitive even if it's not directly expressing a feeling of racial superiority. To cali, I think being so...|||Outside validation, and outside affirmation, is less biased than inward validation. It makes people feel more secure, which everyone wants to some degree.|||I like to do calming things like listening to music, going for walks, exercising, or taking showers. You could do something that made you happy or makes you laugh, like watching funny movies. And...|||I agree with a lot of things the OP said. I especially liked what you said about mental illness typing -- that's treading on some very dangerous territory, though things like music typing aren't...|||Hello! Welcome, lone INTJ lass. I'm new here, too. :kitteh:|||ENFJ 7w6. Very nice descriptions, by the way! (:|||Hello, Ceilidh! (: I'm Laurie, I'm new too... we can be newbs together! You have such an interesting name. Maybe being NFs and new will help us bond or something? Anyways, welcome.|||It's dreams unwind, as in the Fleetwood Mac lyric. :happy:|||Hi! I'm new here, and I saw a Sticky that had all these fields for the newbies such as myself to fill out... so I'm going to do this thing. Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be...' | 2,069 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'i use makeup when the mood strikes, but even so i keep it fresh and natural looking. i opt for bb cream, blush, mascara, and tinted lip balm. on the rare occasions that i'm in the mood for more...|||the office, parks and recreation, parenthood, breaking bad, the walking dead, arrested development.|||i'm also in. i completely adore this time of year. i have only a vague physical description of my protagonist and an oddly shaped drawing of a lightbulb in my nanowrimo planning notes. (because what...|||the warmth of you who made me laugh again it's a line from a bukowski poem. it's also my boyfriend in a sentence.|||- lack of respect for my alone time. i will absolutely run from someone who takes my occasional silence personally, as if i am upset with them. i need my space and i need it to be understood. - i...|||i am eighteen years old and still cannot properly close pizza boxes. i view each and every one of them as an enemy.|||exhausted, introverted. i just want to be alone in an empty house for the weekend. i've been giving so much of myself away to people that i haven't felt at peace for a while. ah...|||it feels as if hairdressers undergo a special course that teaches them to make their customers feel as if they're strapped to an electrocution chair. getting a haircut is small talk hell.|||life as we knew it by susan beth pfeffer.|||when you prefer to grocery shop late at night because the atmosphere is nicer somehow. when you take a sample from a food cart simply because you feel sorry the server had no one in line. when...|||my desire to sever ties only occurs when i feel as if someone is getting to know me a bit too well. i recognize it as a defense mechanism, and i am able to cope with it, but small fantasies about...|||short answers annoy me as well. when i'm conversing with someone i want depth and substance. i can't help but wonder why they're talking to me if all they're interested in giving me is a single...|||if i ever do have children (which is about as likely as a zombie apocalypse) i absolutely will not spank them as a means of correcting their behavior. that being said, i try my best to blindly trust...|||this year will be my third nanowrimo attempt and hopefully my second win. i just adore nanowrimo. i really do. having a creative project to work on for an entire month keeps me feeling centered and...|||please stop talking|||http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110112030928/daltonacademy/images/e/e4/Robert-robert-sheehan-9221578-510-383.jpg ...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fpI2PPRAM4&feature=feedlik|||just a few more days until my love gets home :blushed:|||1) Describe your parents in one word each. mom - emotional. dad - protective. 2) Choose one: family. 3) Which statement do you most agree with: extramarital affairs are wrong. 4) Choose one:...|||leaving to go babysit two toddlers.|||glad he's back|||tomorrow. going to spend hours in a swimming pool floating on my back. then i'll dry my mermaid hair out and visit downtown memphis to see a symphony and fireworks show.|||if you pointed out my flaws in a more gentle way with genuine concern for my improvement then i would not be so harsh toward you. however, today you chose to have a screaming match with me in the...|||http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa363/catchingcometss/drawyourself.png|||http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa363/catchingcometss/eyeseyes.jpg http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa363/catchingcometss/eyes3.jpg ...|||human skin can be hard to live in you'll feel better in the morning|||when you visit a pet store and purchase a chinchilla and 300 dollars worth of chinchilla supplies because the little guy looked so unhappy and lonely in his tiny glass cage. irresistible furballs...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIFneH0SyAk did they tell you you should grow up when you wanted to dream? did they warn you better shape up if you want to succeed? i don't know about you, who...|||of course you can take up 3/4 of the bench with your king-like sitting position! i don't need personal space at all. in fact, the scent of your beer breath drowns out the terrible smell of flowers,...|||ISTJs. the ones i've met have been entirely too controlling and unaffectionate for my taste.|||every obnoxious douchebag on campus tried to make conversation with me today. sometimes i wish i were mean enough to tell people to shut the fuck up.|||yesterday over someone i miss. he's been out of my life for two months, but every few weeks i'll have a moment of sadness. i just ride the emotions out until they fade... someday soon it will finally...|||i have my first ever job interview tomorrow at an animal hospital. i wish i could scrub my awkwardness off in the shower.|||you sigh a lot. come on, i can't be the only one.|||safe and loved. my dad is thousands of miles away on a fantastic beach vacation, and yet he still called to let me know that severe weather is headed my way. he's always looking out for me.|||my favorite games are the sims (as others have mentioned), age of empires, animal crossing, harvest moon, plants vs zombies, and dynasty warriors. i'm all over the place.|||my mom is an enfp and my dad is an infj.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FRP0IvPis8|||hammock, party, outcast|||crown, twinkle, alone|||i never loved you was very far from the truth. i hope that deep down you know that. you're still my favorite boy.|||foot in mouth|||my brother and his family of extroverts will be staying with us for three weeks. they arrive tomorrow. i need a how to maintain my sanity plan.|||my only pet as of now is a miniature long-haired dachshund named griffin. he's always right at my feet and i adore him completely. i would love to own a pet rabbit, but as griffin thinks he is some...|||writesomething.net theebooksbay.com mixtapemadness.tumblr.com writeordie.com tastekid.com tehcake.com pandora.com|||urge to create|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9kg_pe-lUU&feature=related I thought I heard the door open, oh no, I thought I heard the door open but I only heard it close. I thought I heard a plane...|||when you plant an herb garden and then proceed to become too attached to the plants to actually eat them. sigh. i should've known better.|||public speaking, spiders, never feeling a sense of belonging. oddly enough, the idea of death is comforting to me.|||restless. i need to retreat from the world for a while to balance out my nerves.' | 1,219 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | Really? You think implying that everyone who isn't an entrepreneur is a sheep is polite? Well, if you think patronizing sarcasm will make me feel better then I suppose you might.|||I think you're missing the point when you say people chronically undervalue most people's worth. There is evidence of systemic discrimination against non-white and non-male potential employees. And...|||I'm no marketing expert, but I know that women have to work a lot harder to get the same respect in business as men. People tend to chronically undervalue women's worth, so while that approach may...|||For me it's not so much a matter of taking what I want vs being given what I want, at least not directly. My difficulty with entrepreneurship is the marketing and networking. Networking, to me, feels...|||http://www.reece-eu.net/gallery/d/2246-1/i-see-what-you-did-there-house.jpg|||Then why are you reading this thread?|||I'm the girl who probably shouldn't get this much pleasure from alphabetization.|||I find that my most honest responses bubble up in me after I've quieted myself for a few moments. Sometimes it feels like there's another me in me letting me know what I think. The process doesn't...|||Ditto. Unless I get stressed to the point where I can't handle thinking about it, mortality is continually on my mind. I haven't yet discovered what I believe about death and post-death, other than...|||Has anyone here read The Golden Notebook? I'm curious if anyone else thinks Anna Wulf is an INFJ. I haven't finished it yet but I'm just getting that vibe from her. I could be imagining it, though,...|||Well, I suppose love is okay. I guess. :tongue: Welcome. ^_^|||School was hell. It absolutely made me sick. Or the anxiety and panic attacks did. Regardless, school = bad. A good homeschooling environment includes socializing, not to mention socializing...|||Oh I couldn't possibly get to know another explorer and risk the trauma of them up and leaving us one day... unless they have chocolate. Well? :3|||I'm an American INFJ and I'm astonished there's someone in the world who hasn't realized that we don't give a damn about anyone else. USA 4evar! Mission accomplished! Wooo!|||I am an INFJ and I am the empathy equivalent of the Eye of Sauron. Wait, why you run away?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j379JbL-xM|||Well then they aren't trying to control him, they're trying to test him. Victory is mine! *scampers off*|||I've graded students' papers before. I know how exasperating it can get when you're looking at a hundred wrong answers to what you think is an easy question, and I've shared some of the doozies with...|||Nay, a woman who tries to control a guy with bullshit arguments doesn't respect him regardless of whether it works. To the OP, Whatever you do, don't put your emotional life on hold for her....|||I feel bad for the person who finds one of their own sentences in such a book. :sad:|||*judgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudgejudge*|||deleted ......|||Dave, you're derailing. You gonna answer my question?|||You say you're against redistribution of wealth, but I think that wealth is gained through exploitation. We're both in the U.S., and since the U.S. is built on slavery, we can't have this...|||So tell me, what does having your hand out mean to you?|||Depressed, repressed, and dysfunctional. I sorta shut down my emotions to survive being closeted, which left me more a shell of a human than anything. Puberty was the worst time of my life. I'm very...|||Is this picture big enough? http://www.amptoons.com/blog/images/concise.jpg|||Constantly. I find it transformative. Not very pleasant, but definitely transformative.|||Statistics baffles me. I can do the motions but I have no intuition for it. :frustrating:|||With another person? Something I can put my heart into and they can put their heart into that lets our hearts mingle for a while. As long as it's relatively private and not overly stressful, the form...|||I'm okay with applied math, but I was always bad at proofs. Me and my teachers didn't always see eye to eye on what qualifies as a proof. All the little logic tricks didn't sit well with me, but if I...|||I don't know how to help you find your type, but whatever it is, I hope you stay. :sad:|||We hang out in this thread: How to find an INFJ? :)|||I used to work nights at a laborish job and walked a couple of miles to and from since the buses didn't run that late/early. I would get home just before sunrise, exhausted and aching. My favorite...|||Yeah, I only go out if I have something I need to do, and after I do that I don't hang out anywhere. I'm usually looking at the ground trying to get out of wherever I am as fast as possible. Being...|||I think my mother might be ESxP and my father ISxP. I'm not sure about F/T. I don't know what the type relations are supposed to be like, but I have almost nothing in common with them. :frustrating:|||Rar. words words words|||Borderline J/P INFJs are just greedy. I want quantity and quality.|||*eyetwitch* *bites tongue*|||Yes yes yes, except There I have to disagree. I hope you'll forgive me throwing a quote at you, but it's one of my favorites: Love does hurt. Boy does it hurt. But it's beautiful pain.|||I'll yoink it from my library. :happy:|||Oh wow, I didn't know arse was a verb too. That's awesome! :shocked:|||I'm really sorry to hear you're in such a painful situation. :sad: No. What's it about?|||At least we agree on the important things. ^_^ No no, I meant I can't use sex to coerce people into a loving connection. You overestimate my sex life. :laughing:|||Ah. No, I don't really do that. I tried a couple of times way back when, but it didn't turn out so great. And now most of the people I know know each other already, so...|||Characteristics: 1) Utterly emasculated. 2) Properly trained to tend to the house while I go to work. 3... Oh wait, I'm only supposed to share that list at the man-hating conventions. >_> ...|||I consider those opportunities to practice forgiveness and learn to be giving without being taken advantage of. ^_^ I still have lots to learn though. >_>|||I think I might be pathologically trusting. :blushed: I have faith that goodness can be found in all people, even if only a tiny shard of it, so I go into most situations assuming it's there and it...|||I don't understand. Are you saying that with more people there's a higher chance someone is lying about something and that's why it's riskier? Sometimes I am. And I talk about it when I am....|||Too much risk? How so? | 128 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlKoiJu9TsQ|||I can't roll my tongue and I'm offensive.|||first time ever that a photo of me is in the local news 414346 (I'm on the left) and nobody cares :sad:|||explains why they are so god damn expensive|||native German, fluent English. learned some basic Spanish, French, Dutch, Japansese and little bit of Russian I'd love to learn all the languages (including sign languages), especially Hungarian...|||by no means did I smile, but lol'd in the most literal sense, and for quite some time, too. also dizygotic feeler twins is an amazing wording. with that I shall leave you to your banjanxed...|||omg! you made my day! I'm done. I'll go to bed. it doesn't get any better than this. thank you so much!|||So. Many. Questions.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkCCo1eDlEE|||Left Brain Right Brain 53% 47% You are more left-brained than right-brained. Your left brain controls the right side of your body. In addition to...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHun58mz3vI|||there is something about this INTJ which makes me laugh...|||...when you save the universe, undo all the damage, solve all the problems there ever were and will be and all you can think of is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0lzyUOjvFw|||never said I wasn't :D|||When you want to do something for me, do it FOR ME! I recommend you a film, because I think YOU might like it. I make you a gift, because YOU might use it. I help you out, because YOU could use...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTskgVFZUuQ|||got my hands on one of these smart phones the kids use these days. much to my disappointment they don't come with a mirror. guess the body shots will have to wait :/ 387305 387313|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_DX1A7f43o|||http://asset-6.soup.io/asset/6373/5509_6d4b_580.jpeg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqIGiVLOY4E|||http://pokerfraudalert.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=8309&d=1374296246|||Just stunning.|||Morgan Freeman Reads The Fox by Ylvis - YouTube|||don't touch this link unless you want end in a never-ending (funny) soup! volldost|||talking and being nice to strangers|||Tumblr Proves Gay Porn GIFs Are Applicable For Every Situation|||der echte gangster... oh how I love this guy :D I didn't even know that he is *quite famous* in japan :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s3kPoXNrPw|||I lost it at Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow. dayum... why is this the first time I saw this?! awesome!|||If my brain were an imaginary friend - The Oatmeal|||still figuring out to look into a camera 8287582876 it always ends with the evil eyes :rolleyes: 82877|||I am not good enough yet|||http://www.tickld.com/images/content/158798.jpg|||I move on instantly, when I break up. Never seen the other side yet.|||wait whaat..?!|||this happens so often, I don't want to help people no longer. *group encounters obstacle* me: wouldn't it be better/easier to do XYZ? them: *ignoring* *1 hour later* one of them: I have...|||just had too look up what the smolder is :D thanks ;D|||my best try to smile on command. 79558|||can you be specific about your hobbies? this would help a lot to give your better advice! I wouldn't want to be on a date on my birthday, but that's me. on my birthday I want nothing more...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6VMSYIXCCY|||phony every time I see your sloth I want to thank you... but I can't :( there is no button! how am I supposed to thank you :crying:? oh well... *thank you*!|||You are most similar to: Abraham Lincoln Luke Skywalker Lisa Simpson Yoda Abby Sciuto|||Today was one of those evenings, where I was just sitting and staring into the sky for hours. When I heard a car in the distance, with loud music, I thought about the way I listen to music. The...|||ultra-INFJ, a purist|||At the moment I have 4 friends. One of them I call my Paladin (=best friend; cute, isn't it?). The other 3 are still true friends, I can rely on, and they can rely on me. I also share insights with...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmKHHdqwVes|||78006 I expected INTJ to end up higher. Overall, it's very fitting. I had to skip a lot of questions :/|||ha! my first thought was: she looks young, 19 maximum :D|||just for fun, I followed link [1] to analyse my own writing, with the aid of the other links. [1] Handwriting Insights Portable Personality Test Handwriting Analysis Terms Spiritual Seeker...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsp7NODvtGY|||when I realised I know this couch... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBdXS2BA3yI' | 6,329 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'No, I wouldn't say I´m stubborn at all. I can listen to another person's arguments and reasons and totally understand what they mean and where they are coming from. If what they are saying makes...|||Mm, yeah. What you have explained is the classic symptoms of co-dependency. No boundaries, no expectations, martyrdom, hanging around waiting for a change; it does not matter what your personality...|||I have found they are much more crazy! When I was younger I never really paid people as much attention as I do now. Now that I have children, and responsibilities, I look at people differently. I...|||meh...young people.|||30 minutes from NYC, 10 minutes from Newark NJ, but I live in the burbs. Wouldn't have it any other way.|||My husband in an ESTJ and this is him to the letter when it comes to work. He's a quality control manager. He gets to tell people what to do and make sure stuff is right. I swear that job was made...|||Oh cool! I was starting to feel like an old hag around these parts. Do you think you're the same now as you were in your 20's and teens? I would say I am a hell of a lot more introspective. I...|||@zynthaxx and @Erbse, thanks your advice! I have another question though. I know I want to be a database administrator, leaning toward Oracle. My interest was piqued at an old job when I was...|||Just curious.|||I hate it with a passion. It was one of the reasons why I stopped talking to a good friend. She never directed it at me, but she would put her family through hell. She expected others to read minds,...|||In my teens I didn't dress up. I my 20's I was full on glam; make up the whole nine yards. Could probably jump double dutch in heels. 28 or 29-ish I started toning it down, mainly because my focus...|||Erbse It's been a long time! I didn't know you were in IT; were you always? I hear you on the people aspect of things. This is one thing I have learned as Ive gotten older. You really have to learn...|||So I've decided to go back to school. For a long time, I wanted to be a nurse until I became a patient, and there is no way in hell I could do it. Nurse are special, special people. The have some...|||Married to an ESTJ for 6 years, together for 8, and we have two children. He's like me turned inside out. We definitely even each other out.|||My husband is an ESTJ and we get along really well. We are opposite in every way and it works great for us. We are not emotional people so neither one of us feel slighted if the one other isn't...|||Just give me a passport and some money to get around and I'm good. I don't even think I would need a permanent place to live.|||He has believed the things his parents have been telling him for a long, long time. If he didn't, he would have been gone on the first thing smoking. I left my house when I was 17 for the very...|||Yes! You understand what I'm saying. Sleep is for my body, not for my mind. I need to rehash the days events, clear the cache if you well. If I go to bed without unwinding I won't be able to sleep,...|||This has happened to you as well I take it. I would answer the door and say, Hold on. I would shut the door and get my room mate by saying, Your friend is looking for you.|||Do you count sleeping as your re-charging time? Not re-charge as in rest, but re-charge as in collecting yourself. Today I had a busy today. My family and I went to a street fair, went to visit...|||I pretty much don't like the same things most other people do not like. Well, most introverts that is. I don't like to be interrupted when I'm concentrating. I can't take house guests for too long...|||Yeah right! They will send them right back. It's good that they limit the sugar since we have such an obesity problem here in the US. I just feel bad for the peanut kid. He's sequestered at lunch...|||Doh! I forgot, they're not allowed to have cupcakes. Only health snacks like carrots and cheese...or bring in some yo-yo's for the children if it's your kids birthday. Fun!|||How I WISH I were exaggerating things; it really is that way. I don't know where you are in the world but here (NJ, USA more specifically) you're not involved unless you're hovering over your kid....|||My daughter started Kindergarten this month. I want to be involved in my daughters education, but I can't do it in the extrovertish way. I can't do: classroom mom (handing out cupcakes and juice),...|||This is what I keep in my back pocket. I have two kids, a husband and a mortgage to pay. Nobody is going to get in the way of me taking care of my family. Don't let them drag you into the bullshit...|||Oh yes! My element is Fire, so that would make me a fire dragon. I was reading some description about fire dragons and it said that the room tingles when one walks into the room...who the hell writes...|||I am a saggitarius on the cusp of Capricorn; neither one match my personality...at all. Now, my Chinese zodiac sign is a different thing entirely. I was born in the year of the Dragon and it fits me...|||I really enjoy comfortable silence; my husband I have a lot of it.|||I've been on hiatus so I really don't know what happened...I hope it all worked out! Anyways, on to the post. I agree 110% with Khys. All of the things that you've described come with maturity. As...|||Don't say that. It really isn't a bad gig at all. Just don't marry an idiot and you'll be good to go.|||+1 for the feelers! LOL I know that not every feeler is a bleeding heart and not every thinker has a cold heart so maybe that was a bad example. I think what I have a hard time with is the, well...|||I came to the conclusion over the weekend that I'm no good with feelers--friends, lovers, or otherwise. My cousin and I virtually came to blows over the weekend about bad childhoods. She was trying...|||Me and ENFP kid. She was highly pissed off because I wouldn't let her wear this crazy looking pink shirt/dress thing to her grandma's. She was in the middle of harassing me about it when I snapped...|||As long as your not being mean to old people or babies in my presence it's all good. Oh, and stay outta my garden.|||I would drink drinks that were on fire, jump out of cabs without paying, bet on horses, leave 20 dollar tips, and make it a goal to drink every last one of my friends under the table-in other words I...|||I did DJ, I read it at the time you posted it and again last night, but it wasn't sinking in :-/ So I posted this question.|||Say if a person has issues with alcohol and is venting about it I'm all ears. I'm able to offer advice, tell them what I did to stop, etc. If the person is close to me I'll carry with it for a while...|||Bury me face down so everybody can kiss my ass|||Yup, that's me but the other way around-my brother and I are 13 years apart. I was also raised by my grandparents...and not the spunky type either!|||How old are you? That says a lot when it comes to relationships (in most cases anyway). I've been married for going on 7 years. How does it feel? Good question because I don't really know! I...|||huh? Why is sentance [sic] misspelled? Is this a trick question?|||Giving kids an ass to kiss is never in a parent's best interest. One day that same parent will be expecting those kids to wipe it. My brother better get his shit together because he's the one that's...|||nope I'm not either. I haven't talked to my mother in going on two years and anyone else that I cared for has passed on. The crazy thing is that I come from a pretty big family but I keep to myself....|||Wow, how is it that no one saw these traits in your brother? Were people ignoring them with the hopes he would change? I can't see someone going from Mr.Rogers one day then the UniBomber the next. I...|||My thing is if you've violated most laws your scruples are a little loose so why does this have to be a legal concept?|||For years I've been wanting to finish my degree. I would like to be an RN. BUT my husband thinks it's a waste of time. He believes that I should start at the bottom and work my way up like him and...|||I really think I'd do alright. I say husband would have a hard time because he HAS to work or else he gets all crazy, he has to follow the rules and respects authority so that automatically means...|||YYAASSS! That's what I'm tawkin' about Galldune. But on a serious note, you are right. You are screwed pretty much screwed-of course there are exceptions but it's rare. If your charge had...|||You know this actually worked? The thing that was driving him nuts at the time was our bathroom not being complete. I explained to him that nagging me was making me more stubborn and...' | 1,409 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | I don't think how any of the things you said make her a Fe. I don't think caring about your image is specifically Fe. Honestly I think these are stereotypes. She has no regard for emotional...|||Can I say you're most charming pink sheep-like creature I have ever met? ;) ;)|||Female, male, parrot, I don't mind :)|||ENTPs, which ones of you are 7w8? I have a thing for those ...|||Oh, it won't be. If those are INFPs, I eat my coat.|||Not knowing is part of the fun ;)|||INFP hitting on INFP ... that's like ... incest. Sei35 Such a charming butler.|||Hi guys, sorry I'm late, got stuck in traffic. Where can I put my coat?|||Let's get some Socionics in this thread! Lorelai - IEE (her ramblings are Ne, and her chaotic, unhealthy lifestyle reflects low Ti and low Si) Rory - SEI Emily - ESE Richard - LIE Luke - SLI...|||Lupus Rex (and others) Just wondering, why ENFJ over ESFJ? I think she's more likely primary Fe and tertiary Ne, than the other way around.|||Wow, I agree with so many of these typings! Just a few things where I really differ. - Cersei as ENTJ. At least in the books, she's an ESFP. But maybe you could make a case for show-Cersei, who is...|||Two times ENFJ Type most likely to be very aware of and honest about their own flaws?|||INTP or INFP, 5w4 or 4w5. Type most likely to start cleaning the house when he's angry?|||ESFPs, unfortunately. Type most likely to enjoy slapstick humor?|||INTJ for sure :) TMLT fasten the top button of dress shirts and polo shirts?|||ENTJ TMLT like wearing formal clothing|||ENFP ISTJ INTP TMLT regularly talk about death?|||Classic INFP. TMLT win the Hunger Games?|||Oh, I love that this thread exists. I agree with warxzawa on Henry, Bunny, Richard and Francis. Could you elaborate on Charles and Camilla, if you don't mind? ;)|||INTP, I'd say. TMLT have a large, orderly handwriting? TMLT have a small, orderly handwriting? TMLT have a large, sloppy handwriting? TMLT have a small, sloppy handwriting? TMLT consciously...|||- You made a joke. So you can't possibly be an xSTJ. - You don't smoke and don't drink. Only Si-users are capable of looking after their health. - Only Ti-users know things. Verdict: ISFJ or INTP|||ozymndias116 I'm gonna go ahead and guess: number 1 seemed to indicate Fe or Fi as an auxiliary or tertiary function. Definitely not dominant. number 5 seems like typical Te-Fi. I also see Te...|||I wanted to hear your opinions on some characters that are hardly ever typed. I don't have a typing for all of them. Moqorro - ENFJ Quentyn Martell - INFP Areo Hotah - ISTP Arys Oakheart -...|||Is trying to get an emotional reaction from people reserved for Fe? Because I do this constantly as INFP, though of course not in the same way as Ramsay. (I do have Fe in Socionics though, maybe that...|||Which character do you guys think have different types in the books and the show? I decided to make a list: Tywin Lannister (You guys made some good points about the books) Books: ESTJ Show:...|||If we're typing historical characters, I'll try to do the entire Targaryen lineage. Some of these are typed on a whim. Aegon I - ISTP Rhaenys - ISFP Visenya - ExTJ Aenys - ISFJ Maegor - xNTJ...|||Also ESFP? In Socionics probably Beta's. Type most likely to say 'lalala I can't hear you' when they see they've lost an argument?|||Can't believe I read past that. You have a point.|||That's a good explanation of the flaws of a Ni and a Si. But what makes you think Tywin's reasoning was the second. I picked up the chapter before he's attacking and this is what he says more or...|||INTP tmlt support communism|||I don't see why a Ni-user is less likely to think that. How do you mean that Ni wouldn't be that grounded? That they don't use facts as much? Do they use more logic then, or hunches, or what? I...|||Numinosity I don't see how this is Si. This is simply a prejudice on Tywin's part, and I don't see why that would be specifically Si.|||What you said about the show is very true. Tywin comes off smarter in the show than in the books, and vice versa for Stannis. I've been reading through bryndenbfish's military blogs and I've come to...|||sparklehorsette - Numinosity Wow good point on Tywin. I need some time to process this. I also liked your bits on Varys and Stannis. Good idea to contrast him with a more healthy Si-user. Tywin's...|||Oh, a lovely list. I agree on most of them. These are a few that I would disagree with: Robb Stark - I don't really see the Te. From the books, I had the idea of an ESFJ, fulfilling social...|||Sometimes I feel like I'm INFP and INTP at the same time ... Wanting to follow my personal preferences while also looking for the objective and universal.|||1. I constantly try to categorise things. I like theoretical systems that seem logical to me and work well. For example these typologies. 2. I easily forget, in every sense of the word. I misplace...|||I have some time to spare, so I'll do a few at once. Ozymandias116 1. a Perceiver 2. seems NT to me 3. Perceiver with Ti 4. Perceiver with Ti 5. could be tertiary Si ENTP. If not, ESTP. ...|||Some comments: I agree Aerys is ESFP, but Rhaegar strikes me as more INFP than INFJ. From what I've gathered, he was quite self-absorbed, and he paid much attention to symbolism, prophecy and...|||Ha! I would have given the exact same reasoning for ISTP. I do think INTJ might be my second choice. As for Visenya, I find her a very obvious Te-dom: concerned with meeting goals, no nonsense. For...|||I love the idea! I agree on many houses. Houses Stark, Tully and Arryn are all Si. Agreed. Ni for house Targaryen? Maybe. Se for Greyjoys and Baratheons, absolutely agreed. Greyjoys might also...|||I agree that Jon is no N. But what do you mean with 'hell be INFJ one day'. If you put it that way, it sounds like being N is an update ... And I don't know why you see Ned as ISFJ. He's ISTJ in my...|||Let's try this :) 1) my mbti INFP 2) my gender male 3) types I admire ESFJs, for their people skills, as well as ENFJs|||Gender: female (I have my doubts) Age: 11-21 (correct - 17) Intelligence: gifted (I'm flattered) Openness: conservative (no, more liberal) MBTI personality profile: ISFP (Close: INFP) Closest...|||Hi! I'm a student of classical languages and I wondered if you had any ideas about the types of Roman and Greek authors or historical figures? I have only a few ideas, and I wondered if you could...|||I just read Persepolis, and came here to check if other people saw her as an ENFP too. Apparently you do. Ne-dom: She's at home in the world of ideas. Everything triggers her mind. She sees very...|||Bismuth I think it are INFPs. Pat73 ENTPs perhaps?|||Thank you for your very sound criticisms. It made me completely rethink the One-Six differences. You are right that Sixes question everything. I still feel like there's a difference, but I still...|||Matejko108 My thoughts: -You're definitely right on Tywin and Stannis: an Eight and a One -I'm unsure about Cersei, but I think Six is among the main contendants. I think she bursts with fears:...|||She strikes me as an extravert with Ni/Se and Fi/Te. So either ENTJ or ESFP ... tough call. I guess I'm going with ESFP with high Ni. | 1,473 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 'Oddly enough, I have a near photographic memory regarding things I care about. If I see something (let's say a skit or monologue), that I find funny or interesting, I can memorize it word for word...|||Not me, I really LOVE food, and fight to protect it actually. :crazy: It's one of the few things I'm stingy with. I remember taste pretty vividly, though I remember lots of sensations and memories...|||Definitely agreed, it's a shame we ENTPs are such rarities. :tongue: Here are a couple from the play I was just in (A Christmas Carol, I was Jacob Marley):...|||Hehe exactly, I could be selling someone a piece of shit car that's beat up, and simply explain that it means it's Full of character and history, not to mention reliable :crazy:|||We do seem to be, though I'm clueless as to why. Personally, I'll just loop the conversation around until my argument somehow makes sense. :crazy: I like to call it the Jack Sparrow method: ...|||Ah, I remember you, you're the one who made that thread claiming you had trouble communicating due to being too intelligent for those around you and such. I used to have such delusions of grandeur...|||http://www.affordablehousinginstitute.org/blogs/us/Calvinball_small.jpg Calvinball, without a doubt.|||I like introverts, because they're some of the few people I'm able to have truly deep and intelligent conversations with. We can sit and talk about life and death for hours as if it were casual...|||Just a small portion of my eclectic taste: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVzvRsl4rEM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpaPBCBjSVc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT6OeBeWT8g ...|||Wow, this thread has introduced me to some awesome music and videos, but this one tops them all. Many thanks :proud: As for my picks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9MszVE7aR4 Not only is it...|||This jacket: http://wil.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pG01-7408855v380a.jpg Aside from that, nothing. I'm not too materialistic, and I'm struggling to find anything else I want. Money I guess?|||Your primary VALSx99 type is Innovator, and your secondary type is Experiencer.|||Not sure if these have been posted, guess Ill find out. http://www.all4humor.com/images/files/Tiger%20Hug.jpg http://www.humorhound.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/whos-awesome-puppy.jpg|||Not at all. At that point, it just becomes an ultimatum, either you'll date me or you won't. I'd never compete for someone's attention.|||I fake appreciation even if my insides are screaming. I don't want to be an ass when they have at least made the effort to get me something. It generally works too, because even if it's something I...|||It's pretty obvious really. He'll go out of his way to contact/be around you, even when unnecessary. He'll be interested in what you're saying, try to touch you and such. Pay attention to body...|||Make my move if I haven't already. If no, then move on and continue life as usual. If yes and the ex continues, make sure to discuss things with the girl and put the ex in their place. If she's...|||Depends on who says it. If I'm interested, I'd smirk and say Why don't we find out? What're you doing...? If I'm not interested, I'll simply make a joke and play it off.|||Metal === Gear|||Perhaps because you're linking to facebook? Hit view image, then copy the link location, that generally works for me.|||People who have a false sense of entitlement, as well as those who vastly overestimate their own abilities, when in reality they suck. Upon meeting these people, it becomes my mission in life to...|||You sure that she's an ENTP? We're not the type to follow the crowd, generally we march to the step of our own drummer.|||Meh, not really. I've gotten pretty good at letting out my thoughts in a way that results in either genuine or shock laughter, rather than pure disgust. And for those that it doesn't work on, I...|||Definitely. (I think :tongue:) I love feeding my friends ideas, especially when I have to deal with the consequences, and instead observe them. :crazy:|||Damn you ninja gnome. Damn you! But yeah, what he said. You're probably trying to rationalize your feelings, which is a terrible thing to do. Believe me, I've confused myself countless times like...|||He's better than you in some regard? :shocked: *gasp* That's impossible! Only one option left now.... http://gayguidetoronto.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/backstab.jpg More seriously, stop...|||A fox or a wolf, either would be awesome :proud:|||I'd say I have good interpersonal skills. I can make almost anybody laugh, and I generally play off of a mix of cocky, goofy, and sarcastic. Picture Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man but much weirder, and...|||*sigh* I was planning on asking her on a date, but this whole mess has just left me very confused and annoyed at her intentions. I suppose I'll try for a little longer, but I definitely can't keep...|||I already got her phone number and discussed hanging out sometime, yet she keeps ignoring me for the sake of/running off with friends. Even still, I catch her staring, playing with hair, she sits...|||^ The problem with just hanging around, is I feel like we'll end up as friends if that happens. I know there's something there and occasionally she'll open up, but getting her to can be very...|||To all my fellow ENTPs I ask, what have your past experiences with shy love interests been? Happy, frustrating, etc? I ask this, because I've recently been crushing on this shy girl I met. (ISFP)...|||You guys seem very kind and genuine, which is extremely refreshing compared to most people. (especially being in high school) :proud:|||Whenever I can't socially interact. I'm perfectly fine around people, but without some form of social stimulation, I begin to introvert. This can lead to insanity after awhile, for I'll sit and...|||When your friend tells you they're doing a narrative essay from the perspective of Helen Keller, and you excitedly begin spouting ideas for them. :tongue: Seriously, I must've wrote at least half of...|||:proud: Definitely. I feel depressed and tired early in the morning, which can be a problem because I have to wake up at 5:00 AM for school. :frustrating: At night, I'm completely energized, which...|||Being an ENTP, my thoughts can be very spacey at times, and I'm prone to overthinking and creating conclusions from nothing. This disappears in social situations however, where I feel totally at...|||Actually no, generally my compliments are well received. However, I have gotten some really awkward ones. My personal favorite, was about a month ago, these two guys on my bus (straight) sat for five...|||True, I suppose. Personally, I would act that way (do whatever I want, act on impulse) if I wasn't stuck with the consequences. (which he isn't, being imaginary) Still, he just comes off as an ExTP...|||Not ENTP? I thought he was, at the very least ESTP, or maybe even just a well balanced S/N. (reminds me of Ferris Bueller in a way) But at least ExTP?|||.... I think you're referring to oneoutside?|||Agreed, random comedy is one of the few kinds to get me to laugh out loud. Also, nice to see someone else found The Losers funny. YouTube - elevator scene - the losers EDIT: Actually, to expand...|||TONS. Though, I'm a teenager, so I'm probably biased. :tongue:|||Hot Tub Time Machine and Zoolander are both amazing. :crazy: YouTube - A Center for Ants?!? YouTube - Hot Tub Time Machine - Blowjob Scene|||You aren't the only one, I despise people snapping quick pictures and videos of me. I can be an attention whore at times, but I hate cameras and such, due to their ability to capture my stupidity and...|||(on the whole fish thing) Actually I understand that, I was just making a generalization to get my point across faster. (cause I'm lazy) If someone had a semi-decent reason for their attachment to...|||Depends on the context. If the person is acting reasonably (as in, crying over a dead relative, not their stupid fish), or is someone I care about, I'll generally listen/try to cheer them up. If they...|||http://application.denofgeek.com/images/m/BADASS/GUYS/003_Tyler_durden.jpg|||:proud: Interesting. I know she likes Katekyō Hitman Reborn, though that's about it.|||I meant the first. (I'm in high school, so I still use general terms to classify people) Still, nice to see someone else uses TV Tropes. :proud:' | 5,506 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'Exactly, and as an INTJ, whose Se is his inferior function the experience is more appreciated than any other type. My last days of smoking pot, after I came across the typology, I used to write...|||Couldn't articulate it any better.|||That's true, but for INTJs sensing the physicality is less developed than the other types because Se is the inferior function. I can see that is very applicable to me. I totally agree with you,...|||I don't think so, thank you very much :)|||- When you suck at small talk. - When your surrounding physical environment come into a more vivid tangible appearance when you smoke pot, because you remember very well that when you were sober...|||People who take shit and don't get pissed off and keep telling me to take it easy and relax piss me off a lot. People who describe themselves or are described as cool and the people who use this...|||I find the question somewhat offensive. Speaking for myself, as an INTJ, of course I like hugs and kisses, and I think all INTJs do, you know, we're still human. As to when it's appropriate, it...|||Dr. John Becker from the Bronx... To me, it's just like looking into a mirror, but of course without the exaggerations intended for getting audience to laugh :)|||I absolutely totally agree with that.|||You simply can't be expecting anything in this context with any level of certainty, however you can take your chances, for nothing's certain. But keep in mind though, the cheap porn-like suggested...|||lol Whatever you say, but don't give me the cheap porn stuff as a way to replace real novelty in order to defend some stupid notion such as monogamy. Peace|||So I should just take your word for it that what you're suggesting can actually be considered novelty, just because you said so? This is a pretty shitty try for a rational argument to me, and the...|||Come on! You must be kidding! Do you really believe this shit actually works, especially the handcuffs?! Please tell me, what's so special about monogamy that makes a self proclaimed rational...|||only if you take it literally :tongue:|||You know what, you're absolutely right, I totally agree with you. Since I joined this forum I noticed that most of the INTJ members pride themselves of being INTJ as if it's a medal of some sort....|||It's more convenient for one to stroke oneself:laughing:|||I know. However the problem with those 'certain people' is that they know when someone is trying to impress them and that itself doesn't impress them. This is because of the kind of message you...|||Your point is fair. You're seeking immediate solutions to pressing and alarming issues that need to be addressed quickly. However I agree with Monkey Fritz, I'm prone to radical solutions, which is...|||The only reason I could think of as to why so many non INTJ chicks in this forum are so eager to meet INTJ guys is because the attributes and traits the INTJ guy exhibits make them appear more...|||We don't hang out, we rather hang in at home. That's probably why you've never met one.|||I wasn't talking about you, I was just trying to reason it out with you, but I appreciate your honesty and courage. Of course you'd prefer recognition, everybody does, but do you prefer to get...|||This makes sense. It really sums up the human predicament; that our existence is characterized by an infinite number of desires and wants, that constantly demand gratification no matter what and push...|||It happened in monterey.. a long time ago.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrSUvTMVceE|||very well said :))|||Why do you think is that? Is it rooted in a feel of insecurity and need for constant recognition from the outside world? Or to make others feel inferior and inadequate?|||I always thought of tips as a way to buy human decency and politeness, especially when the worker is entirely dependent on it for his livelihood, the way things are nowadays.|||I have a golden rule to go by, never to upset the one who makes or handles your food, and your barber. The first one could slip all sorts of the nasty things into your food without you knowing it nor...|||I haven't got the courage of despair yet.|||You're absolutely right. It's all about perception, no doubt about it. However in my case I perceive the glass as half empty - which is a metaphor for being naturally drawn to see first and foremost...|||So no more waxing the good old carrot? That's a very difficult proposition for a single INTJ guy in where I live :)|||In my world, anybody who writes books like this ought to be stabbed to death.|||To me, it's been a very long while to act this way, not that I'm a stiff person or anything of the sort, but rather it's hard to find someone you like and be uncompromisingly yourself at the same...|||I'm still warning you though, if the conditioning process failed, and most probably, if not definitely it would, there's a good chance you'd end up developing neurosis ;)|||You know what I mean, however since you like both, then it's unnecessary to go through the defining process of 2 contradicting concepts with which you're OK anyway. Anyway, good luck with it :)|||I got my pocket notepad for exactly that very purpose, and since it's the venting of my stream of conscious, I'd like to keep it to myself. Thank you very much.|||I think it depends on the book. Sometimes I dismiss buying a book based on the title, because often times you could have an idea if the book in question is worth buy and reading by reading the title,...|||You must be warned, we're no picnic!|||Talking about myself, I honestly try to avoid all unnecessary contact with people, because based on previous experiences it always go bad, including family members, and the reason is that I'm an...|||What were you listening to?|||I used to fear dying alone in my apartment and that the only way people would know is by the stench coming from my apartment, to which nobody gets any closer anyway, because I'm an asshole, but then...|||I have a genuinely morbid psychotic hatred to humanity. Here! Happy now?!|||The last days of summer Fairouz The last days of summer, And the young lady little by little Reached the piazza of ‘Mays Erreem’ And the car broke down The last days of journeys, There’s a...|||Well, who of us - human - hasn't tasted the sourness of failure? None, Ix92m sure. However, the most important thing is not to give up and certainly not to recoil, sap and feel sorry for oneself, cause...|||It's always half empty to me, and my answer to those unbearable optimist who like to twist it and accuse me of being negative, is that while it's half full which is true, it's still half empty and...|||lol this means I'm not alone in here :)|||I honestly find all sorts of people annoying, but in general I'm mostly repulsed at all the here and now kind of people, which I find extremely annoying and difficult to communicate with, it's like...|||Is that an English word? :)|||I'm from the political entity that is called Saudi Arabia. I think monarchy is a form of government that truly belongs to the trash bin of history, as cliché as it may sound, in all its...|||Well, you can always tell them to buzz off!|||Sometimes it's of a great benefit to look grim and serious, thus people wouldn't risk approaching you for anything.' | 5,615 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'Hello all, I've recently retaken the Jungian personality test offered here: Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory because my Psych professor had us all doing it...|||I always study for tests but I always get D's. In highschool I stopped studying because it seemed pointless because my grades never improved or declined with or without. Now, I'm in college and I...|||I just read your post after posting this AverObilvious, you were absolutely correct. Nailed it. I will continue with CBT and work through my panic and social anxiety. It's a roller coaster for...|||If this guy is anything like me you shouldn't worry about trying to start something with him. Lot's of introverted guys may be too nervous to talk to you, but secretly want to do *things* -- you can...|||Thanks fellow INFP's. I am physically/sexually attracted to women, no doubt. Emotionally idk, I think social anxiety really makes it tough for me because as soon as I start sexualizing a girl I...|||Hi, I am an INFP with Social Anxiety and Panic Disorder. I am comfortable typing this online, but I would never say it out loud in person. Consequently, I am not very forward or outgoing in real...|||Ok, so I puruit of overcoming social anxiery I have been more social lately. I thibkbits actually working, anf I'm really improving and I know it. But, I have run into 2 problems... or walls. ...|||Since this thread is sort of evolving into an awesome motivational/support thread I would like to add that today I did not feel any social anxiety at work my entire shift (8 hours) which is...|||Well thanks everyone. The supportive afvice boosts my confidence. I will try to be much more straight forward in the future. It's not just about the girls though, it's also a matter of being...|||Well, I can start bitching (lol) about stuff that bothers me. I do that quite a lot actually. My room can be messy because i dont feel like it is a priority/worth the time it takes to clean it up...|||Well I'm actaully feeling pretty happy right now. It's not that myife situation has changed very much, but its more like my outlook on life is beginning to change for the better. I am beginning to...|||Well guys thanks for the reply's. I haven't been on in a long time. Im still unsure about it but I have assumed im INFP, but lately I have been struggling with social anxiety and I'm not too sure...|||Guys, i'm falling for this enfj girl hard at school. It's surreal and I can't stop worrying about messing it up, its making me panic. I'm an INFP guy and I have always felt insecure being...|||I have been taking various free mbti tests online and I find that I always get different results. Back in highschool--junior year-- I got enfj as my first result ever taking the test (I am male btw)...|||No it's not dumb to say. It's real. I don't know who I am because I always try to please my parents-- but it's like a huge weight that crushes me.|||I only seem to use this forum when I am upset about something, sorry about that. Lately it just feels like I have been running in my shadow for so long I am forgetting what it means to be INFP. ...|||Ok man. It's fleetfeet2004 from INTJfourm. Here is the thing I am seeing. She is acting just like I would. lol, seriously. In fact its weird because I suppose this is the flip-side of me...|||Literally started laughing at work on the middle of my shift when I read this. It sounds like somthing I could say.|||So just like the title says, or ANY dance for that matter? LOL. Because I didn't. lol. I am only 19 too but still looking back I never experienced any of the stereotypical high-school things. ...|||Wow, thanks everyone. I appreciate the kind words, I feel a little better now, and yeah I can relate to a lot of what's being said. I will just try to keep friendships going for now I suppose and...|||I don't know where to start. I guess this is just me venting a little bit hoping for some kind words. Being INFP male I am sensitive and emotional, etc. Ok, so now that is out of the way. Let...|||I'm sorry too. I had no idea your sister actually was diagnosed. Now I feel bad,:blushed:. It actually makes me look pretty ignorant. You know how nf's can be sometimes. We can go off on...|||ouch. This is why I would rather live alone.|||I am exactly those things. I have never had a girlfriend because every time I meet someone I really like I get too scared to move forward and I allow the relationship to self destruct. I fear...|||Recently I stated to realize there is something else going on with me than just being INFP. So I decided to take a personality disorder screening, here are the results: Personality Disorder Test...|||I think he'll come around. We just go about life very differently but we both seem so meet up at the end. He's not completely at fault though, what he says about me is somewhat true. I know I need...|||I think he wants me to be different. It's like he doesn't like me the way I am, he has always been the trouble maker and I was not. I think I embarrass him lol. But I am getting tired of him...|||your being rude and disrespectful, oh and everyone says your weird ... I always try to be nice and respectful to everyone and truly hurts me when someone thinks I have been rude when I was making...|||I can relate to you man. My brother is the same way with me, really hurtful and sad. I think it's just somthing that NF's in general have to accept. That everyone will seem just a little more...|||Thank you :happy:|||So I am 19 and he is 16. He called me weird, anti-social, said all my friends said I was weird, openly insulted me about my guitar playing, and said my ideals and ideas were stupid. :crying: :sad:...|||So it turns out that people just want to see you enjoying their company! Duh, I should have known it was simple. I finally got the balls to start a conversation with a stranger and it ended up going...|||Has this ever happened to anyone before? I'm laughing about it because I have been trying to get some attention from girls by dressing nicer at school and all the sudden I am being overwhelmed with...|||Yes. I can. People, especially INFP's need to give others way more credit than that. People will always make mistakes. True strength comes from one's ability to forgive and accept others for who...|||Hey thanks a lot. I think your advice really does hit home with me. It's obvious you know exactly what I'm talking about based on your response. I can tell you've been there before. It sounds...|||Lost of great responses here. I am very grateful and can relate to a lot, and learn equally a lot from reading them. Thank God for this forum because it gives me an opportunity to discuss...|||Thanks, I am starting to realize that being an INFP is going to be tough. Fi does consume me. And that's what is cool, I can retreat back into my beautiful world inside my head (lol) until someone...|||Ok so I am very INFP and I have been struggling a little lately. I'm 19 in college and people don't seem to want to talk to me, I have no clue as to anything related to fashion and really have no...|||First of all I love your post! I feel almost exactly the same as you, figures since I am INFP. I don't like the way some christians treat other people and other religions too, but have found that...|||Yeah, I just took the enneagram test, here are the scores. I am Type 5. But type 4 is very close. Here is the breakdown, Type 1: score of 3, Type 2: score of 2, Type 3: score of 5, Type 4: score...|||Dude you sound awesome lol. I would definitely try to be friends with you in real life based on what I see here in this thread. Sorry if it sounds creepy lol. I'm an INFP, btw and I think the...|||I'm exactly the same way. I just joined and I am an INFP and I am extremely fascinated with understanding myself better. That's why I am on here! Besides everyone knows I am just in a room by...|||Hi, I am an INFP and I don't really know what to think about this forum yet as I can't see or feel/sense you like I would in real life LOL. Yes I am, INFP. Actually if it matters I actually...' | 2,607 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | Without knowing anything about the different cognitive functions. I playplayed basketball for a really long time, and speaking strictly about the game, there's very few situations that would...|||I'm sorry for misunderstanding and not reading your post clearly. I am glad things turned out like they did for you, and hopefully you can find closure =). Since I'm still young compared to you, I...|||I'm really sorry if that came off as bad for you. I don't mean that parents are the sole reason for why you are as you are, or that you need to celebrate them as your hero and what not. It's just...|||Is it that feeling when you look at someone and your heart hurts? I think I felt something similar not long ago, but I managed to rationalise that it was not meant to be and proceeded to ignore...|||I have some of the same issues. My only solution is to detach myself when I grow up. If I can become financially independant, I can move somewhere else and pursue the places in which I can be...|||I try to rationalise it. Many times I get upset is because other people are acting/being negative, and in those cases I just ignore them, but I don't blame myself. If there are situations where I...|||Okey, I've had a few thoughts and inspirations that were initially focused on other people. I basically felt that, people who appeared as weak, usually had very strong cores, on the other hand,...|||I think you should seek more interaction with people who make you happy, and less with people who make you unhappy. So if you think someone is a good influence on you, you should friend them =)|||Disorder Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: High Schizotypal: Very High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: High ...|||I'm an INFP Type 9 as well, and I kind of get how you are going through this. When I was seventeen I went through really dark periods, however, right now I am actually more or less cutting...|||Social changes hit me pretty hard, I used to be pretty extroverted before first grade, had several female friends, and then boys and girls kinda got seperated when we started in first grade. I got...|||The first step is to sleep 8-9 hours a day. The rest will come after!|||At the moment my fantasies are much more enjoyable than my real life.|||Chinese and Vietnamese ftw!|||I'm even afraid to turn 18. Death is horrifying.|||Sometimes perfect is the opposite of what you thought was perfect. In search of becoming better I always seem to be directed back to who I actually am or who I want to be. The most aesthetically...|||I actually think that with good attitude and sleep patterns can get you very far. I know I've let myself down with lazyness, procrastination and bad habits in general. I'm not sure if I believe in...|||Thanks everyone =) I watched the Ken Robinson movie, and it is truly inspiring for me! I think you guys are right, I've already set my mind, so I should go for it 100%. I think something within...|||Hey people =) I am currently at one of the most significant crossroads of my life. That being career choice. The title sums up the essence of my problem. Music has always been a huge part of...|||About the hormone thing, pay attention to the days you're feeling down, I've noticed it happens to me around 15-20th every month.|||Autumn and Winter, the seasons for cuddling inside =)|||John Mayer - Do You Know Me? Playcount: 449|||Hints fail on me, because I have something called hope!|||You should send him a very dirty and sexy message =P I think that is what would provoke me the most to take contact =)|||I believe in Love, and I don't give a damn if you don't.|||I probably would've loved it... But it would be so hard to initiate it, and opening up.|||I am really starting to become the kind of person I want to be... And myself is the most sacred thing I have, I would never walk away from that for some benefits in life. I don't want to dishonour...|||I have a cousin who is netting a lot of wins in solo, I would expect hes a ISXX, but I am not sure. Anyway, I expect he is working on routine, and simply succeeds in doing the things according to...|||Not Lonely|||Actually, I think our central broke down =P So all we got is here xD|||I would describe my hidden darkness, not as something where there is a lot of bad things... There is just nothing good. There is a difference between having had many traumatic experiences, leading to...|||The more I think, the wider my perspective becomes. The happiness of my life shrinks in the proportion, and to be frank, it sucks. A moment of removing all understanding, insight and consequence, is...|||There is never a way back when you do those acts towards a person. Drugging, a person will have a scarmemory upon himself forever. Imprisonment, there is no way back, time goes by, time does not...|||I live to not live up to the 'male' stereotype. It means that I won't be able to get into a relationship with those who won't love me for who I really am, and I am totally fine with that.|||Never as a freak, but always 'out of sync' with other people.|||This is truly a great speech and a great message. I am glad that there are other people with their eyes open.|||I can think that I know exactly how I am perceived by others, but I am 100% sure that I can never know the full picture. Others might act when around you, they might be nicer than they actually feel...|||I have to disagree with many of the posts here... Don't resent your parents. Despite every bad thing they do towards you, they only do it because they love you, and want you to grow up. I am forever...|||I usually give a warning. If you receive one, don't ignore.|||Love, Happiness & Truth =)|||I am clumsy... That is why I remain calm and cool as much as possible =)|||I always tell the truth. I suck at lying... But when I tell the truth, I do it with no hesitation, so it might look like I am lying. Don't really know.|||Picking the child, I would have known that I did the right choice. It would be much more tougher for me than the child. Picking the spouse, would have ended up a scenario with two broken souls. I...|||I live on being polite... Except when I am with my closest friends, then I can be a littleor very nasty...|||These cocky people see so little compared to humble people.|||One word - Seinfeld.|||Baby dogs are supercute... But catgirls are sexy!|||If you really knew me, you would know that I am sad because of all the people who doesn't have the chance enjoy life like myself. The fact that the wealthiest keep gathering riches, and that the...|||It has to be someone I am attracted to. But the thing here is that it is not very respectful to take up someones time if you really do not like the person, because she deserves someone who likes her...|||You know... I have had my ups and downs, and I tried to find the reason for it... Males have hormone cycles, when they are low on testosteron they become more aggressive or inwardly... | 7,901 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I do not as a rule follow trends because they do not always suit me - however I really like the fashions, hairstyles and makeup of the 1960s, which has come back in a modified form today - though...|||I never worry about it either. If people look at me funny-like, I just laugh and say - talking to myself again - must be going crackers, it is just life and the way it is today. We seem to be...|||I do not like shoes with pointy toes, like you I think they look a bit spiteful or mean, also I used to trip over the point as it you give an unreal sense of space and balance - also bad for your...|||....and I pull a face -- when I look in my mirror and go OMG.:crazy:|||Hi -- ROFL - ever done it in front of the mirror!:laughing:|||Good way of putting it!:wink:|||You have so much wisdom in you. Wish more thought the way you do.:happy:|||Thank you for your insight on the subject. You really have given it a lot of thought. I do the same sometimes, and just go round in circles, and I fail to understand how a loving God could allow...|||I agree - it is the parents who give the unconditional love - not the kids!!! They tend to demand it and think of it as their right.:cool:|||I follow you now!|||Thanks - I'll laugh with you - and try not to take mysel too seriously, maybe it is because we are a bit unsure. Now I'm being pathetic!:blushed:|||I am a bit puzzled about Idontdiiit trylieknike's long reply. Is she talking of herself and disliking the traits of INFJs when she is an INFJ herself. People of all types tend to change views and...|||I have no idea. I'll wait and see what other thinkers will come up with, then maybe I'd understand it a bit.|||Thank you. Your reply and thoughts on the matter are so wise and it is such a brilliant answer. You are right in all of the things you say, but we need the wisdom to be able to discern these...|||Yep - I don't believe in worshipping statues of gods, the Catholics bow before the altar when they enter church, and at Easter they have a ceremony called adoration of the Cross where the people...|||Thanks. I understand that answer because it does not involve all the jargon scientists use. I think you have much more enquiring minds and want to explore bit by bit how things work, which...|||Thank you. Your theories are all so complicated for me to really understand and the more I find that questioning the hows, the whys etc poses yet more questions that it seems impossible to find...|||I have no real personal beliefs in any of the religious doctrines, other than I believe there is some super force/power that has created the earth and its planets,. It is a wondrous thing to me...|||I sometimes wonder whether some types use a mask or disguise. I like to be open about all things but not in an offensive way. So someimes I find I have to say nothing, or just agree without getting...|||Such a truthful response. I don't know why either. Is it because we feel unsure internally. I hate it just as you do. If I try to make some sort of response or join in, people (maybe othe types )...|||I find that one train of thought leads so easily into another - sometimes I wonder that what comes out at the end of it had anything to do with the beginning of it (i.e. thought) it is:crazy: a kind...|||That is nice! I will try and learn from this. A lot of it applies - I feel that being an INFJ we worrry about upsetting the internal equilibrium, and foresee disaster a mile off - if some sort of...|||Guilty!! At least I know it. We like to be needed and yep we do like to be loving. Someone once called me a clinging vine - that really upset me, but it made me think a bit. I do not know why...|||That is nice!|||From what you say about INTPs being spooked and attacked at watering holes, could not the INTP (being aerial) fly off in time before the attack occurs, or would the INTP be duped by the...|||I like seahorses as well, they are so pretty. As a child I thought they were just fairytale creatures and did not realise that they actually do exist. There are so many beautiful, jewel like...|||Tactics and Strategies - are they not very similar - or is strategy a plan, and tactics the method of putting them into action. If this is the case, what happens if a person can be strategic but not...|||Hi Everlea Thank you for your response. I lke to think I'm a feline type but am supposed to be according to the Perseus system aerial and a skylark. Well that is nice too - but sort of does not...|||also vertigo, similar to seasickness which is like the effect when riding on the big dipper - throwing ourselves off balance..Compulsion to satisfy the senses like drinking seawater, so yes as you...|||Thank you for explaining..I see what you mean by the learning thing i.e. some learn by rote but do not understand, whereas some others might learn more slowly and use their internal...|||[COLOR=Magenta]I do not believe that seeing is believing. We need to use all our senses to be able believe something as actual/real. We are being duped so much of the time as to what we should...|||What do the X.s stand for e.g. magpies in cops and robbers. Pigs are very like the human from their internal anatomy, that is why so many transplants are from pigs. A pet pig can be quite seet if...|||[Cats have a degree of echo-location and so do dogs. They can pick up on sounds not audible to the human ear. This was proven in an experiment on Joanna Lumley's TV programme Catwoman where she was...|||[Are your dreams in colour or black and white. My dreams are always in colour - don't why. Some only ever dream in black and white. I have never ever had a dream that involves animals. The worst...|||Little birds are cute, they can spot lions and wovles from their flight among the clouds and thus avoid. Flying across the oceans they can dip and and take a little fish to sustain them They can...|||I sometimes wonder if am a bit that way inclined too as keep changing things around if they do not look ~~~~~~~quite right. I am highly organised and tidy. ~Chaos bothers me and I have to sort...|||A very wise animal indeed. Must be for an INTP. Much more astute and wary. Like it, thank you.:cool: The Wolverine. Americans and brainwashing - not only Americns, all govts. all media...|||That is a good one, but need to know more about ENTPs.:unsure:|||I love cats too - I am a real softee for their endearing ways.:wink:|||If one puts any creature on a scalding hot tin roof they'd want to get away from it p.d.q. A cat returns loyalty or maybe knows where it is better off. Skylark is nice though because we can fly over...|||Is the somebody else not a man then ? Animals cannot compose compatibility charts because they cannot do maths the way man has been taught by man to do learn maths. Yet maybe they can, as thinking...|||A pussy cat. Because they are independent, loyal, don't ask for much other than food and a little bit of loving. They are real cool creatures. Very noble and always adored by the...|||how does the maths come into it. Where do you get the figures from. Are they formed from the numbers of the letters in the alphabet in straight form viz. A=1 and Z=26. Why did you multiply INTP...|||All the time indoors and I talk to my cat.|||Thank you for that - so really what you are saying is that one has to understand the way animal behaviours differ from each other and then this sort of behaviour can be related to the different...|||What brings you to the conclusions you make with types and animals. Rather like the INFJ being a skylark.:confused:|||Hi again Luton is about 30 miles north of London in the County of Bedfordshire - straight up the M1 (horrible motorway). Yep I will let you know when I get a book. I wish you a Happy New Year. ...|||Well Oim in Lu (t)on! used to live in London brought up there in NW area. Hubby was from East End Bethnal Green so learned a lot of cockney slang from him, tho he never used it himself, as his...|||Hi I see you are UK too - what part? you speak when dropping the t in e.g. water what we call lazy speak or middle English, do you drop your:laughing: hs as well. What do you think about the ...|||Hi Razvan Loved your reply. Mock it as your teacher said - so true, The Queen's English, off= orf etc, if you look at any of the old British films iei. pre 1950s, most of the actors speak in that...' | 7,863 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'I'm pissed off at how some INTJs think they're so fucking cool. Not necessarily directed at anyone in particular. I've noticed a couple of INTJs act like they're the shit here on PerC and on the...|||You know you're a thinker when you had a very shitty day and all it takes for you to feel better is an hour or so of thinking. Not emotional support from other people.|||When you come out of your room once in a blue moon and your family sees you for the first time in ages and they ask you still live here?. When you get a phone call from a friend you haven't...|||When someone starts talking to you about something and go on and on and on, you go on autopilot. You physically look like you're listening to everything they say, but mentally you're elsewhere. ...|||That didn't piss me off. That made me laugh.|||Sheep. They piss me off. No, not the animal. Those people who are easily led or persuaded by others. Or those who don't have opinions about anything and sort of go along with whatever someone...|||The fourth option: when you're seen with a dumbass or with someone who acts like a dumbass, and people think you're just like them. Shit, I gotta stop being such a dumbass magnet. But if I really...|||I hate lying. And I hate liars, which implies that I hate everyone, which is true anyway. Kinda. What I hate the most are those shitheads that lie unnecessarily. I'm always honest unless the...|||I don't have friends. I only have one (female). That's all I want to - and CAN - handle at the moment, to be honest. It would be very bothersome to put my energy into other friendships, this one...|||LOL there aren't a lot of people I know who can say that (same humor) so I'm glad. I feel very welcomed back. Thank you.|||Oh hey there. Long time no see. Oh and hi Orion, I know you read my post =) Thanks for the thanks. HAHAHAHAHA yes, I completely agree with you. Old thread is old. It takes two seconds to look...|||It pisses me off when (and I know it shouldn't because they're just kids) children say things like my favorite color is blue or look at the new shoes I got randomly to me. How am I supposed to...|||To the OP: You're very much like me. I get annoyed easily too. Every day I get annoyed. In fact, right now I'm extremely annoyed at something. That's why I came here, because I know it's the only...|||^^I used a bad example. :crazy: ----- - Having to post in this thread every time I log in. Because so many damn things piss me off. It pisses me off that I'm always pissed at something and that...|||- Bullshit excuses. They usually start with a mumble which is then followed by a dumb lie. I...umm..well.... Just admit to your dumbassery. Is it so hard? - People driving with their BRIGHTS on....|||When people decide they want to be cool by passing you and getting in front of you on your lane, and then slowing down. What's the point? Because I don't see it. People who talk during movies....|||Am I the only one who's annoyed by these threads? Give me a hug. I don't care. It's not the end of the damn world. I only hate it when people's hugs are half-assed and not REAL hugs.|||:laughing: This. And: - People who suck at planning and think everything will just work out. I can name about a million different things that could go wrong. Basically, it pisses me off when...|||More things that piss me the hell off: adding to what kylex3 said - people who claim they hate drama, but are always making it happen and enjoying every minute of it. - People who stand over your...|||HAHAHAHA that shit's funny. Their voices are so damn annoying. I understand though. As aggravating as they sound, I wouldn't be able to NOT laugh at that. Screw that, of course I'd be able to NOT...|||Ditto about the neighbors. One day I seriously stuck my head out the door and told them to shut the fuck up. It worked. Yes x10000. I hate babies. Even the word babies itself. I hate saying...|||Dude, honestly, I know you're new (hell, so am I), but you don't SOUND new by the way you post. You're clearly not a dumbass. There's a select few we're talking about, and you'll just sort of know...|||Yes. I can relate to this. It's not with people I like (as in interested in) since I never talk to them in the first place, but with other people I know, especially my one friend. Others will be...|||HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I don't know if it's because it's late and I laugh more when it's late, but I actually LOLed at that. Seriously though, I know what you mean. I've been thinking...|||Yes. I'm procrastinating right now. I'm putting off sleep. It's almost 1:30 AM and I wake up at 6. Time needs a pause button. Being awake is much more fun than sleeping.|||Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. I'm so bad at putting my thoughts in words. What the? I need to visit a vocabulary site and expand because this is not what's up. Great post though. Good...|||I only have one girlfriend. And no male friends. So I only have one friend overall. She's not an INTJ, I don't know what she is. All I know is that we're very different. But it seems to be working...|||You know what I just realized that pisses me off? When I start an argument with someone just for the heck of it, because I'm bored or something, and I end up winning. I should rephrase that. When...|||There's a number of things: 1) Gather as much info as I can about them. 2) Act like I don't even care and ignore their presence. 3) Admire from afar. 4) Jackshit happens.|||I don't see how being insecure has anything to do with being an INTJ. Why? Because the description of an INTJ says we are confident? Anyone can be confident. And anyone can be insecure. On top of...|||http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/8633/89401678.png|||1. Dictionary.com 2. YouTube.com 3. IMDb.com 4. Thesaurus.com 5. ImageShack.us 6. MarvelDirectory.com 7. Cracked.com 8. MegauploadForum.net 9. GiveawayoftheDay.com 10. KnowYourMeme.com|||I don't make an effort to approach other people. The opposite happens. I've never gotten intimidating, it's always words like scary, mean, angry, or bitch. I got sociopath before, and one...|||When people tell you you should try being more normal. The hell is normal? Go away.|||That was brilliant. I do agree with the OP, I'm sure there are people who actually start to act a certain way because of their type. But I think (though I have no evidence for this) that more often...|||Me too. Not to mention that when I feel overwhelmed, my accent just comes out and I say things that don't even make sense. Most moronic introduction I ever made was 2 days ago when I said my name and...|||- When you think a sarcasm font would be highly useful. But then you think about it some more and you realize your sarcasm couldn't possibly go undetected even on the internet. So you decide you're...|||I got rid of all my friends after high school, with the exception of one. I'm so glad I don't have to talk and act like I give half a shit about other people's problems. I even find it hard to do...|||No. No. I don't see the point. So it's automatically filed under never. Yes. I would say I have very strong opinions regarding topics I either know a lot about or am passionate about...|||I never thought I'd get this many replies. I really appreciate them all. You're saying this because I never revealed what happened. I'm wasting away because I tried not to waste away and failed....|||You know, I was hesitant to post my little rant here because I thought people would go all wtf? about it. But I just had to. And then I get this wonderful reply. It's not like I don't freak out...|||I think I just f*cked up my life. No, really. I'm serious. Which brings me to: I hate that the world has to work in such a specific twisted way. People are born. They get an education. They work....|||Ok. - I never touched a book for English class during my senior year. We'd always have to write essays whenever we'd finish reading a book, and I'd just bullshit it. Turns out, one of my essays...|||Dang.... didn't think you'd take it seriously. But aiiiiight. My bad. :crazy:|||You mean: -When you turn into an evil grammar Nazi. -When you don't want to go to a funeral because you didn't know the person well/liked the person/or simply just didn't care/d/. -OR-...|||19...and feeling dumb next to so many intelligent people.|||What are you doing over the weekend? Because I know they're expecting something fun. And every time I answer with you know...the usual, staying at home and doing stuff, they always try to...|||Whenever I want to do something I think I can't do (in other words, step out of my comfort zone), I tell myself over and over that I'm only limiting myself in what I actually CAN do. This, in turn,...|||When you've made plans with someone and on the day of, you think what did I get myself into? I don't feel like socializing right now.|||I finally had the courage to check my grades for last semester online (because I expect the best and hate being disappointed, thus being afraid to check it). Turns out I got A's in all of my classes....' | 3,165 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 'My aunt and her husband just came to visit and stayed with us. I've never really known them, but it was great to really talk with them all weekend. Her husband was a chemist and is extremely...|||I see fragments of the waning moon through the tree and smoke. The air is cool and damp. I contemplate family and many lost years. I wonder if there is a God. If he is there, can he heal all that...|||No. But I get really close. I'm sure when I was younger, I was a much firmer p.|||Just start your list with procrastinate.....|||This is the p vs j function of personality. I'm right in the middle there. I like to get things done!|||I'm very scatterbrained, too. I need to make lists in order of priority to stay on track. It's quite relieving to cross items off the list as they're completed.|||Let's have a long heart to heart about us|||I want my team to go to the world series. And a bj. Ok, definitely the bj.|||Xanax!|||When I fix things. I usually pick apart the overall design of it. Most off the time, I think, Who is the idiot that thought that was a good idea? How do they still have a job? Best example...|||It's fun toying with stupid people. More fun when they have no idea.|||That's funny! He should use lube.|||Antacids are your friend! I have some hellacious reflux from time to time. When I get stressed, it gets out of control.|||I love this answer. I really think you and I could be great friends.|||Can't go wrong with pizza.|||Me too. Sorry for the miscommunication.|||Maybe not. I'm referring to mafia wars on Facebook|||I was into it until I really got started. Like when it was a struggle to build the business. After I had enough property and weapons, the challenge disappeared and I got bored really quick.|||Those sound like normal distributions to me. Finding t given levels of certainty. Shame on you for skipping!|||Spinal Tap the movie. One of my favorites. So entirely inappropriate! http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/10/04/e7aefb06ad32ec8faec028e1ca4a2e91.jpg|||I did one for about 6 months. It got boring really fast.|||I watch a lot of Netflix, but to me that's still TV. I can't stand the commercials.|||Let me explain what i mean. Regardless of whether there was a being that did in fact create theuniverse, or it was a natural occurrence, we call that point of creation God. Whether it was spoken...|||I did pretty well in stats, but I'm not interested in any sexual favors.:D what are you currently working on? Normal distributions?|||I do however believe that is the extent of some people's intellectual capacity.|||The human body is a mystifying machine. Just think of all the things happening without a single thought. Your heart pumps, tie lungs breathe, hair grows, food digests, etc. and that is WITHOUT...|||I think I bounce back and forth. I can't stand to sit and ponder too long. I have to think of a plan in broad terms, then just get after it. I work details as I go.|||Ok, that's twice in 2 days. What is wrong with me? Back story: a friend of mine at work lost her husband this morning. We used to ride to work together before I moved. Her husband did work at my...|||I like the first cause argument.|||Oh boy! That's a question with a million answers.|||I was taught it's a sign of weakness. You can only cry at funerals. Other than that, you're a pussy. It's hard to reprogram that. It would be really beneficial, though. My wife is a...|||I wasn't full on sobbing, if that's what you mean. I'd need someone to punch me in the nuts, then.|||I cried yesterday. Can't tell you the last time I did that. I wanted to hide so no one could see me. I'm a man, we don't cry, right?!|||I bought contacts 2 years ago. They dry out so bad after starting at the computer all day, I just went back to my glasses.|||Wow, we accountants are dryer than a nice cabernet.|||Here's my baby. I don't know if you can see it, but it's got a quilted maple top. Made of solid mahogany. Absolutely gorgeous, and sounds even better through my fender hot rod. 65 watts with...|||My lp is awesome! I custom ordered it about 11 years ago.|||This whole city is going to have a hangover tomorrow. Nobody is going to get anything done.|||I'm not into huge purple cocks. On the other hand, if it was black...|||There is nothing worse than mediocrity! If you have the ability to be exceptional in any way, you should take full advantage. To not do so is disgraceful.|||If love to be acknowledged and appreciated. I'd also like that WRX or an F-150. I'd like a custom surround sound system upstairs and down. Throw in a Fender telecaster and a Gibson hollow body...|||I don't hate being an American, but I am ashamed by it sometimes.|||Does cider fall under the beer category? I'm not being a smartass, just wondering what other people think.|||My family is from Wisconsin. Tons of German immigrants in the 1800's. Those people know how to do it right.|||Why would you get a tattoo unless is something that has great meaning for you? That shit is not coming off.|||I just realized that as much as I talk about food, people might think I'm a total fatass. I assure you, I'm not.|||Someone to make me a huge country breakfast. Biscuits and gravy, bacon, scrambled eggs. Maybe some hash browns. And serve it up with a side of sweet lovin'.|||Had a dark hofbrau tonight. German beer is the greatest. here are the ones I've tried Warsteiner Warsteiner Dunkel Weihenstephan Grimbergen Hofbrau Each and every one is great. My favorite...|||2nd thought. Mike Moustakas is a piece of shit. Either hit the baseball or go away asshole!|||I keep having this image of having a huge party at my house. We'd all get really drunk. I'd make some great bbq. I'd just play my guitar and sing all night. We'd all sing a few together. I would...' | 7,222 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'What I mean to say is our current state of bureaucracy can do some improvements, more fine-tuning.|||I think bureaucracy is a necessary evil. I mean, how well can a big corporation function without an organisational system that can help run its transactions in an efficient way? However, efficiency...|||At the moment, I like the word androgynous as this is what perfectly describes me at where I work. I recently had my hair chopped off really short, and I work at this aged care facility where all...|||In all seriousness and honesty, what I fear the most is when a potential serial killer stalks me in the woods.|||I guess a more realistic answer would be....Why?! :shocked:|||Everyone of all personalities ask this question. I don't believe it is right for only one personality type to monopolise this questioning, because I think it is inherent as human beings to have the...|||Entering my room without knocking the door. Privacy is very important to me, and I hate to be surprised by unscrupulous intrusion. On the other hand, if I have to take this question literally......|||A book made of fresh onions. ... and March of the Penguins. I seriously cried when I realised the beauty of emperor penguin courtships, monogamous love, how much they endure and brave through...|||When it comes to intelligent humour, I take my hat off and bow down to the great George Carlin! :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cjRGee5ipM|||*raises my hand* :D Aiming for neuroscience!|||This calls for an intervention by the Labour Union. And yes, this is very disturbing.|||Are there NGO social services there that could help? You appear to have classic symptoms of depression. *gives you a hug* Just offering a listening ear if you need someone to talk to. :)|||both. this shouldn't exclusively come down to personality typing, but there are lots of factors that come into play on orderliness... like culture and upbringing.|||Researcher. Period.|||seems like everyone wants to retire in NZ. The population of older adults is actually larger that that of the youth. :3|||...watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians.:bored: Somehow the sneaky onion ninja pops up from nowhere!:shocked:|||I try to be careful reading others as I could be projecting. Objective empathy takes a lot of mental effort than I thought, since I have to ask myself whether I'm feeling a particular emotion and...|||hodgepodge|||I have already mapped out how I want my life to turn out to be, but then I have left enough room for spontaneity and for adjustment to arbitrary life changes that are likely to occur as I carry on...|||To my original question, I shall take your answer as a yes. :3|||1. Environmentalist 2. Pacifist 3. Academist .... The reason why I didn't choose Liberalist is that, personally I have observed that humans are too caught up with promoting their rights and ...|||If I asked you guys a sarcastic question, would you guys give me a stupid answer? :P|||I love to play.... mainly I do it privately, inside my mind. :3 I love how my imagination consumes me like a giant wave washing the vast expanse of a shoreline. *wink wink* xP|||...degrading/looking down at people who are already downtrodden (e.g. discriminating people from lower socioeconomic status just coz they are not as well off as you are).... ugh. that loosens the...|||Gosh, this is such a late reply, But THANK YOU Zech!! This has definitely made my geeky day! =D *hug* I hope you're doing great!|||low.... SSAD (subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder). i think i have that.|||It can get cheesy listening to it for long... but indeed you can't deny the beautiful concept it shares about genuine love. :)|||quiet internal turmoil.|||every opportunity hides a possibility of a new beautiful journey. a new-found friend can be a treasure of your lifetime.|||They also see red, probably because they have more red conical photoreceptor cells than they have blue and green (though I'm not entirely sure if they do have even just a residual amount of the...|||I've been secretly trying to encourage myself to embrace those feelings of romance. I had been trying to deny it, avoid it, ignore it, confound it. But this time, I'm trying to teach myself to feel...|||These aren't the exact words, but it'll try to recapture the the sentiment spoken by one of the senior nurses who I worked with before. On establishing rapport with patients: You must share a bit...|||I share the same hobbies as the other INFJs that have posted here, more or less. However, my new found interest is: burning paper with a magnifying lens. :P woot~~~|||Yes, mom. :)|||I find it hard to relate to the wider population of females I'm surrounded with. If I'm dropped into a convention hall full of women, I'd probably be an island and stand at one corner, observing the...|||Pescetarian (but would want to be full vegetarian). INFJ.|||I want to have a trip to Rwanda and volunteer for community work. While being there, I want to see a real-life elephant! :D|||I talk to myself like how a schizophrenic would respond when they're hearing auditory hallucinations. With hand gestures. Privately, I strive. But sometimes I do get caught, especially if they don't...|||My first dozen: 1. Writer 2. Medical scientist 3. College professor [What a dream. :)] 4. Psychologist [I love this. Plus a neuro at the beginning....|||two slices of toast with avocado + vegemite/strawberry jam on either slices [I eat the vegemite combination first then the jam, such a playful transition of salty to sweet flavour] ..... and some...|||Even if this thread has only got one response, this is by far the most comprehensive response I've ever received on any thread I've started on any category. Thank you very much. :)|||should of <---- I often come across this, then I think ----> should have (or in this case, should've ) [?] I don't think it really should be annoying, but it kind of is. hmmmmm...|||lol... looks really tempting, isn't it? xD hence the change. :3 ironic coz pretty cupcakes can look really delectable, but are usually grossly too sweet. :P|||this made my night. <3 thanks for sharing!|||I'm actually glad to see that INTJs have this thread. I have a clandestine naive urge of making it known to the general society that you're not wholly robots. Although I had clashed with some INTJs...|||don't be silly. anecdotes are good. ;]|||Sensitivity is indeed a bane... On the other hand, back in high school I was quite notorious for being a motherly-know-it-all-i-know-what's-best-for-you kind of jerk. lol|||In response to your thought of how we all are connected, living and non-living, micro and macro, here's a video that @unsung truth once shared to me before that rendered a profound inspirational...|||I find humour in your editing out the details which you thought was irrelevant to the original question of this thread. :3|||probably individual preference. I love sciences too, but I really don't mind whether it's micro or macro, I find them all interesting. However, I'm particularly attracted to abstract matters, such...' | 8,168 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 'I don't recall door slamming anyone from my life. I kind of door slammed my ex the last time we tried to talk, but if she tries to come back I'm not sure if i'm cold/strong enough to ignore her. ...|||Sorry but do you really think that if someone is a last born they'll have something in common with you? If someone's parents are not first born then they cannot have anything in common with you?...|||Our dominant function (Ni) is a Perceiving function. The stronger your Ni is the more perceiving traits you'll have. I always test as INFP in those online mbti test because the strenght of my Ni...|||Hahahaha, this thread is so funny. I'm an INFJ and my mother is an ENFP and I have trouble dealing with her extroversion since I was a child. I'm extremely calm and she is the only person that can...|||I usually listen to classical music when I'm reading. If there is no background music I get lost in my thoughts and If there is a background music with lyrics I get lost in the lyrics. Classical...|||I have phobia of geckos. I can't put what I feel into words, I simply cannot be near geckos.|||I'm also an INFJ having trouble choosing a career. I loved physics at highschool and I never had any problems with math, so I thought I would be a good engineer. I have never been so wrong. I started...|||I wanna hear that explanation|||Mostly to satisfy my curiosity. I would like to be a clinical psychologist in the early years of my career so I can help people out, but after I get some experience I want to teach psychology at...|||The problem for me is that I don't have one big desire, I have two conflicting ones. I'm currently studying Naval Engineering and my two desires are: Live abroad (1) and Study Psychology (2). ...|||1. Supernatural (Seasons 1 - 5, after season 5 it's a shitty show). 2. Dr. House 3. The Mentalist 4. Dexter 5. Breaking Bad Comedy shows: 1. Community 2. Friends|||My ex-girlfriend is an INTP. I could see it in her eyes that she was trying to figure me out and i'm sure that her curiosity is what kept our relationship going. Eventually she gave up and broke up...|||A few months after I've moved out of my parents house I started feeling homesick. I smoked a joint on my own, layed on the floor, looked out of the window and started crying. After i was done with it...|||I have two tattoos which i don't like anymore. I got them when I was really young and stupid, but I do not regret it. I've grown a lot because of them and I can say for sure that they've made me a...|||I can relate to that. I'm currently studying Naval Engineering in University and i think i could easily get into the marine here in my country. I would do it for the safety i would feel though,...|||I enjoy being an INFJ, but if I had to choose another type I'd probably pick ISFP or ESFJ.|||Hell yes. I've been observing and analyzing this behavior of mine for a while now, but I was not sure if this was an INFJ things. I can connect deeply with everyone in my circle of friends when...|||I question my sanity on a regular basis since I was a Kid. When I was in third grade I used to question if I was the only real person and everyone else was just an illusion from my head. I also...|||What would the world be without books?|||Thanks for your post, but is it really worth watching L.A. Shrinks? http://i.imgur.com/smHjEN6.png|||Nobody ever told me i have big eyes. I consider them to be average size and they're blue. A little bit bluer than the eyes in the post above mine.|||The simplest way to know if you're an INFJ is to ask yourself these 3 simple questions: 1. Do you use Fe? If so, move to the next question. 2. Are you an Introvert? If so, move to the next...|||I'm not an experienced meditator or anything like that, but try to meditate 2-3 times a week. The hardest part about meditating is to stop whatever it is that you're doing to sit there and...|||I don't like generalizations, so i will speak for myself. Usually I'm not evil at all, but if you manage to piss me off (it's really hard) then i will become the most evil motherf*cker you've ever...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf7dgGCprHc My favourite band. Their lyrics are insanely good, I wish you all could understand it (it's in portuguese :sad:)|||You have to understand that you are the one who gives meaning to your own life. I know how hard it is, i've been there, and the key to finding the motivation necessary to go farther is to do it for...|||I took the test again to answer you and got: E 26% ----- 74% I S 16% ----- 84% N T 42% ----- 58% F J 42% ----- 58% P|||- You have 16 types to choose from. Step 1: Determine if you use Fe or Fi. Those are the easiest functions to spot and you can rule out 8 types. - You now have 8 types to choose from Step 2:...|||Is that that for me? If it is, mention my name or quote my post next time so i can see the message quicker. Yes, i'm from Brazil :P|||Don't fall for that. The only way you can find someone that's really worth being with is if you are happy alone. Be the best self you can, follow your gut instincts and happiness will come with...|||Oi, também vou te responder em inglês porque é mais fácil pra mim. When i was 14 my dad got promoted and had to move city. We were over a thousand km away from the rest of my family and I did not...|||My INTP ex used to reward me with sex when i did nice things for her, like going out with her friends :laughing:|||A quick tip that i learned in the book i posted earlier is to determine if someone uses Fe or Fi. These are the easiest cognitive functions to spot and if you can determine which one a person uses,...|||That's not what i meant at all. I believe women have the same right to sleep with someone on the first date as men (except my sister, she can't do that). What i meant is that i see first date sex...|||Okay, I wrote this on notepad before reading the answers. The desert i see has no end. Everywhere i look is sand and there is a small oasis in front of me (a small lake and a coconut...|||You don't know who I am|||If it's a first date with a person I already know well, it's a completly different story. I would definitely go for sex in this scenario. I know not wanting to have sex in the first date says a...|||I've never met another INFJ in real life, but here at PerC i do feel some sort of connection with nearly everyone on this subforum :)|||Thank you very much Effy. I guess this is what i wanted/needed to hear :/ ps: Skins is an awesome show :)|||When i first started having sex I was extremely insecure. The first couple times were awful, my luck was that my girlfriend at the time was very insecure too so we both laughed after. I like to...|||It's kind of a confusing story... Three months after we started dating i had to move out to another city to go to university. Surprisingly, out relationship actually got better. I guess she...|||Any tips for an INFJ trying to get back with his INTP ex-girlfriend?|||Yes, really. I wouldn't want a serious relationship with someone who slept with me on the first date. I would not even try to sleep with you on the first date if I wanted something serious.|||There is a book called The Art of Speedreading People: How to seize people up and speak their language. It explains MBTI typology in general, help you spot clues to identify someone's type and...|||Sonic Youth is my favourite band and EVOL was the first album of them i heard.|||Dream job: Clinical Psychologist and writter (yes, both) Currently studying: Engineering|||The title of this thread describes my life.|||My ex-girlfriend (INTP) says i'm over dramatic :laughing: I like to put little i love you notes in her purse when she's not looking, I always pick up flowers on the street for her when we're...|||1. Have you ever considered suicide? I've considered suicide my whole life. There was a time where i considered it on a daily basis. It's not like that anymore, but i still think about it every once...|||Yesterday I had a fight with the girl i love and she told me she hated me. At night i decided to go out with some friends and get drunk to forget her. I got robbed by 8 guys on my way to the bar....' | 3,099 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 'One sentence is too restrictive to accurately portray an description of ourselves.|||When a person replies to your status update with and gets around 25 likes/approvals.|||When you get into a debate with a friend about a particular topic, get home, research it to find out if you were wrong on any particular aspect, print off supporting evidence and then show them to...|||Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Albert Einstein When you want to fool the world, tell the truth. Otto von Bismarck Every great advance in science has...|||Nevermind..|||College Humour is great, especially their current event/videogame parodies.|||Person: I hate x Me: Why? Person: Just Because .... If you're going to hate something, at least have a valid reason for it..|||Since I'm now officially an INTJ I suppose I'll post here: Serenity Star Wars (IV-VI) 2001 A Space Odyssey Star Trek 2009 Inception Bladerunner Back to the Future Trilogy Dr Horrible's...|||http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/6054/1283385412132.jpg|||Wait what sort of questions are they? Multi Choice? If so I can see how it's easy for him to get As without studying.|||My favourite Television series and Movie of all time. I actually changed my name to Malcolm Reynolds on facebook (and couldn't change it back)!. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUn-eN8mkDw ...|||Wow, Epic. Although I'm a little disappointed at the Pikcahu model.|||Mother - ESFJ Father- ENFJ Brother - ESFP Extroverted Feelers, kind of explains why they kept on forcing me to go out side and go find someone to play with rather than read a book. :()|||Gorram (Gorram the 10 character length!)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUn-eN8mkDw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi0pad6nRdg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud83soZpEj4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSxy8h6Iz-4&feature=related|||Inception.|||Easy: http://www.impawards.com/2005/posters/serenity.jpg|||Yup, I will not be confined to such limitations. Sheldon Cooper. River Tam Simon Tam Malcolm Reynolds House Dr Manhattan|||Nerd and proud of it.|||omg i just gots this new videogame and its like uber pwnsome. ...I can't do this. I think I'm going to barf.|||When you read that Carbon is boring and suddenly you feel the need to list the reasons why carbon isn't boring and actually a quite fascinating element but can't be stuffed doing so.|||http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cCL3Taq_MoE/Sd_zrMWgEkI/AAAAAAAAA9o/597E6i8ipGc/s320/Green+Day_american+idiot.png|||Are you allowed to feel the bowls before choosing them? (ie lift them up etc)|||Since the hour hand moves half a degree per minute (after 3 hours it moves 90 degrees. 90/180 mins = 1/2) I don't think that it would be a full hour since it would have moved 30 degrees which would...|||I grinned at the performance. I laughed at the audience expressions.|||That would be the correct answer yes.|||Hahaha, I remember solving this before lol, its quite a clever question.|||Wait, does he not know if the younger one is the liar, middle is mischievous and elder one is the truth teller or does he not know which girl is which by looking at them? If it is the latter then I...|||Difficult question here, I will not have time to do such an analysis when I'm in the middle of this situation. But since I'm on a computer I may as well analyse it. This is coming from a selfish...|||I don't think this is associated with type much but I get irritated when someone says LOL in real life.As in they actually say the anagram LOL as a word in speech conversations.|||Ugh discriminating against people because of their type is quite frankly stupid. Why do you assume that all ESTJs/ESFJs are the same? Anyways, welcome to the forum.|||Sounds contradictory doesn't it? But a laissez faire market doesn't ensure the basic rights of workers. Nor do I have any faith in the invisible hand of the market that is supposed to kick in once...|||Pragmatism would be the best choice for me, but since that is not possible I'm probably a libertarian that doesn't like the laissez faire market/invisible hand of the market and want some government...|||+50 male Angles This task tested your ability to identify the angle of a line by matching it with its twin. This is a spatial task, which looks at how you picture space. Your score: 20 out of...|||I like the concept of Objectivism. The only problem is that she keeps on trying to put a free market ideology into an otherwise logical structure.|||Top: Deep Hard line that is straight across and curves towards the index finger, has criss crosses that can be seen. Middle: Initally it starts off as one branch/two branches and...|||Not necessarily, since a lot of artists put the lyrics on the little book that comes with the CD, so these could be the official lyrics. I know green day does this. Although your request is...|||@SimulatedWorld So what you classsify me as? I know I'm definitely not ISTP.|||University time next year too. Hopefully its much more flexible than high school.|||This is me when my Ne takes over. Basically the two scenarios are from before and after our Biology exam. One of my acquaintances lets call him Ryoo said this is ready to seek his revenge and...|||I don't even see why we need to have FB integration. Though I suppose some people would want that... so yeah, make it optional.|||I don't argue. I debate. (I'm assuming by arguing there is something do with emotions involved. If that definition is incorrect, I shall post a different reply)|||Germophiles Unite! Let Messiness and Chaos rule.|||Definitely. Still don't understand why I do it though.|||Russell Peters.|||Apathy motivates me.:dry:|||I love the theories of math, but when comes to actually doing the exercises? No thank you.|||I'm addicted to my computer if that counts.|||What do you find to be the most attractive traits in a person? I would like people to have an open mind but be also pragmatic in their decisions. I enjoy people who have a good curiosity and...|||Are you absolutely sure you're not ISTP? Of course not, I'm not even sure of my own existence, nor am I sure that the whole world isn't just an RPG and everyone else is a Non playable character....' | 2,006 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 'INFP/Capricorn/Fire Monkey|||That's crazy!|||I'm happy to be recovering from my concussion. I guess I had to hit myself in the head to get a truly relaxing, peaceful, restorative vacation.:smileys-sunbathing-|||I've been a bit of a klutz all my life (head in the clouds), but a week and a half ago I gave myself a heckuva concussion. Trying to tough it out did not work. My doctor lectured me when I came in...|||Panes.|||And a free sunset, too! 515994 516002 516010|||A day at the beach with the bunnies 515946 515954 515962 515970|||stormgirl, I'm sorry I haven't been here lately (so much to deal with) but just read your post. Thank you for posting. I understand the struggle to accept the reality of your parents' loss. Parents...|||Raspy|||Reading one of my favorite Connie Willis farcical rom-com time-travel novels, To Say Nothing of the Dog, out loud to my sweetie during our morning and evening commutes.|||Agree!|||It's never too late to reconnect with an old friend. I found my best friend from high school on Facebook after more than two decades had passed, and we just picked right up where we left off. Maybe...|||It's never too late to reconnect with an old friend. I found my best friend from high school on Facebook after more than two decades had passed, and we just picked right up where we left off. Maybe...|||Fable|||Nesta Thank you for your caring response. Life with Dad had its ups and downs but I am only remembering the love we continued to share right up to the end. We had a better experience than some of...|||Skate!|||I saw a public television show on Alzheimer's research this evening, and of course remembered when my father was diagnosed with it, a number of years ago, and how he gradually lost his ability to...|||One last thought for the night. Love yourself. Be happy in your own skin, imperfect though you think it may be. There are always people worse off than you. There are always qualities in you that...|||Here's another Kate Wolf song that seems on topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHD2aPTjqNM|||So I was thinking about this thread today and about social anxiety and for some reason Kate Wolf came to mind, a folksinger/songwriter in California in the 80s, before many of you were born, so you...|||Also, we rarely say what we see. The secret's safe with us.|||That's not good for anyone (including the dog). It reminds me of the weeknights in my apartment when the couple upstairs from me had loud discussions followed by extremely vigorous amorous activity...|||Terse|||When I lived in an apartment there were strict rules about dogs being kept quiet. Not so where you live?|||Clouds over the river yesterday 506530 and this tree last week 506538 I love this stretch of the river|||Blue heron in the river shallows, so graceful 506498506506506522|||Well, today I'm happy to be going to my first therapy appointment to deal with the long-term stress and trauma caused by the last nine months: my sister-in-law's months-long and unsuccessful struggle...|||Happy to be gardening again, playing in the dirt after a season of mud and sadness. And happy that a bumblebee came along and cross-pollinated my blueberry blossoms for me! 506338|||Live theater Chocolate cake or vanilla ice cream?|||Times|||Me too! I thnk of Amelie (and perhaps Nino as well) as every-INFP. :happy:|||The cognitive dissonance must be overwhelming!|||I haven't seen such a thread but you could start one (maybe, if it's within the thread posting guidelines, check first). Starting a thread requires sticking your neck out and not feeling anxious...|||That's the awful thing about depression. You can't see out of it to notice that the world is out there offering you so many experiences and ideas that can make your life better, that there is...|||Thank you, friend, I appreciate the hugs! This is so sad. It sounds like you would have had a closer relationship if she'd been able to bear it, and now that she has cancer it's not getting...|||Menus|||Had to laugh at this (in affinity of course!). It reminded me so much of the scene in the movie Amelie where Amelie is wondering where Nino is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdklJDAzDKk|||The world does have an unfair share of cruel and insensitive people, and INFPs get the brunt of them because we internalize what they say even if it's completely irrational. It's good that you're...|||trove|||Ants - they're annoying, but wasps hurt Sugar or salt?|||No going back? Stay lame? Yeah, I can do that. Also - no exchanging alignments/Types? Yeah, cool with that too; you're a great ISFP, we need more of you in the world and I enjoy being INFP. (Or...|||Whoa, whoa, whoa we must be age-mates. Watching Bernie speak with the Pope! That would be an epic conversation. A tiger in your tank or a bee in your bonnet?|||Ow, this one hurts. OK. Deep breath. Music. We can invent psychology later. Owl or pussycat?|||never|||I'll trade you my creepy for your lame. :wink:|||I was just at the market in the sunshine looking at plant starts to take home for my garden, and tears started rolling down my face. It's been two weeks since my father died, a little over three...|||This thread is meant to be a gentle, caring place where people can talk about grieving. We all experience grievous loss at some time in our lives. Therapy can help and it is good to get professional...|||I've had this happen too. I highly recommend the book Type Talk at Work or something similar if you haven't already. It was invaluable for me when trying to lead or facilitate teams as a new hire.|||That one's hard since both are worthy goals .... justice tempered by mercy, or forgiveness with accountability ... Love or respect?|||Too cold - easier to get warmer than cooler (we might live in the same place - it's mid 80s here too - about 30 C). Bonus for snow. Baroque music or reggae?' | 1,202 |