16 values
I hope it goes well for you (both)! Good luck!!! :happy::happy::happy:|||Well, we don't do it, but you sometimes do..|||Well, personally, unexpected kissage would maybe confuse me, and might not get you the reaction you're looking for, I would recommend also making your intentions (crystal) clear verbally...|||C'mon spiders are cool.. I <3 spiders! They're like the cats of the insect world :laughing: There's just one fear I have.. That all this is pointless in the end.. That all the connections I...|||I'm a 4 as well.. 4 - Enneagram Type Four: The Individualist|||Interesting, thanks!|||I've felt like that sometimes (though I can't think of a specific situation), it's a good feeling.. & it's why I have the name Oneness here actually :) I remember a dream I had once years ago, it...|||What do you mean by flirting? As in trying to pick someone up or w/e? No, never done that.. But flirting with friends/people I'm comfortable with, for 'fun'? I do that all the time.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKivGRLezdk|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0LSO-dtsxo|||To answer a bit more seriously.. Yes, very much.. But to be fair I am a pretty unique/strange person with a very strong sense of individuality.. Another thing that's never helped me when...|||double post|||'Romance'? 'Relationships'? What is that?? lol :wink:|||So.. More probing from your resident INFP ;) .. If you guys are so multi-faceted, needing/utilizing different people/groups for different aspects of yourself.. Do you ever wish you had friends...|||Kinda related thread 'from the other side' - http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/18220-too-much-love.html|||A couple of follow-up questions for youse guys.. So, if you have so many friends/acquaintances/contacts you'd like to keep in touch with/hang out with, but can't because of sheer numbers, what do...|||I'm probably one of the most dangerous men in the world if I want to be. But I never wanted to be anything but me.|||Yeah nice tongue action, Trixie.. lol :laughing:|||In Scandinavia of course..... :happy:|||I am very much like that. Very, very much..|||Ok, Trixie Carousel & Rocky Alger you would be pounded by.. Sille Thor.|||lol yeah :laughing: If I could I would live in a kinda museum with all my stuff haha|||If I know a camera's on me I always make an outrageous expression lol. Always. :laughing: To my mom's chagrin sometimes haha. But it's more fun to look at the family photos then, right? :tongue:|||The two forums I read are the ENFP and the INFP forums... Sometimes I identify a lot with threads in the ENFP section. I actually have a 'crazy' extroverted side to me, I'm always up for trying...|||http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/whyp1.jpg|||Kinder of you to leave others alone? What does that mean/why would you say that? .. It is increasingly likely that I'll spend the rest of my life alone, but somehow I still believe in love.....|||Black with a touch of black... And if I'm going out I'll probably wear my studded boots, bondage pants and biker jacket.. And probably a tight fitting tshirt or maybe one that says 'psych ward'.....|||Yes but as we can't make a perfect 'DNA' clone the point was lessened.. for me.. or something :laughing: Lol never mind, I think we're in agreement anyway :happy:|||Lol yeah I once heard a punk/rock song in my dreams, complete with lyrics and everything.. Actually I was sorta convinced it was real so I tried to google the lyrics.. :laughing: But alas they were...|||I don't want to turn this into a discussion about cloning lol, but afaik cloning isn't purrfect yet & there's something with active & inactive genes, and genes turning off/on with age = cloning...|||Oh Dreamer u r teh kyoot lol :blushed: Hmm.. I have no role models really, but someone I admire a lot artistically is Glenn Danzig. Also I have nothing but respect/admiration/<3 for Gen of the...|||Just post something (preferably something quirky :wink:) that made you smile or happy in some way... A story, picture, video, webcomix etc.. I'll start with this one: ...|||Y'all might like this related thread - http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/16658-no-more-procrastination-now-i-will-always-finish-what-i-sta.html|||..........|||Hmm so weed turns STs into NFs?? Now how can we get all STs to smoke then.... lol j/k :crazy:|||There is of course a difference between talking about someone and gossiping about someone (not saying you don't know the difference..:wink: ). But yeah you might need to be careful about sharing...|||I hope it's not the pussy in your avatar you mean... :shocked: :wink:|||Haha well it appears that in spite of common knowledge you should post on forums while drunk.. :wink: But I really am attracted to those ENFP traits.. It's like you have those things I like the...|||Yeah, dammit I was hoping for some sexy ENFP action *hic* sorry :blushed:|||Bah, forget that. I love you ENFPs. Don't eva change! Yeah I'm drunk right now haha but I luuuv ya lol :blushed: You complete me somehow :happy:|||You know, I kinda love the way an ENFP can chat up strangers. At least the one I know; it's like she's almost a people magnet or something.. But I enjoy watching her do her 'thing', it's somewhat...|||Happens to me a lot.. If there's someone I like or is attracted to but don't really know, I will immediately idealize the hell out them.. :wink: But does this still happen even if you know them/get...|||I'm really trying to be more open with people atm.. It's not like being somewhat closed off has been a success socially or for my general happiness either, so.. I want to believe the quote in...|||I'm not this person of course, but I wouldn't worry about it.. Maybe he'll just be kinda flattered that you trust him enough to share those things.. And unless it's done in a completely over the top...|||Goddamn, I am practically created for those lists y'all put up... :wink: Now where the hell can I find sum ENFPs??? :cool:|||I don't think I could have sex with someone I didn't know at all... I'm not 'uptight' though at all. I could probably have 'meaningless' sex with a friend, though it has never really been an option....|||Ok, story time.. :happy: In another thread someone mentioned 'the incredible INFP hulk', and I know exactly what they're talking about.. I call this my 'beast' persona. It's not evil, but it...|||1. Honesty 2. Be proactive?|||Haha :laughing: Yeah and it wasn't 'excessive foreskin' either.. :wink: Yeah... That's basically what empathy is, right? When someone around me is sad, my instinct is always to comfort them or...|||Hmm... If we're talking emotional problems etc. I usually avoid giving concrete/direct advice unless I'm directly or indirectly asked for it. In my experience it's enough to listen (and empathize) in...
'I usually hate ENTP's with a passion :angry:|||Who is this extremely intelligent/ amazing stud?!?! I'd fuck him! :crazy:|||I don't understand the reason for this thread... like the mentions of an Antichrist and whatnot, but I will say I've met several pathological liars in my day.|||Welcome :happy:|||Welcome to the Forum :laughing:|||I'll except hug from an ENFP girl any day, Baby. Keep 'em coming. :crazy:|||Everyone/ every type has faults. There are of course things that would bother me about the ENFP's, but it's not enough to even mention because a lot of the other more insightful INTJ's have already...|||Facebook may be distasteful, but isn't this forum (in a similar way) just the same? When you really think about it, both are juvenile if used in that way... More than half the people on here post...|||Bio... You ruined my fun. I wanted to hear it come from the ENTP's mouth about how irresistible we are :wink:|||Out of curiosity... Why is it that you would like nothing more? (Or did you state this previously in the thread? I apologize if i missed it.)|||A scale from 1 to 10... well, it really depends on the person. If it's a stranger, my empathy is 0. I could care less about a stranger. When it comes to people I love or a friend... that's a...|||Just from my experience, I am unable to get along with ENTP's. Something happens one way or another and I end up hating them with a passion.|||Unfortunately... I'm 25. Yeah, I'm fuckin' old! Haha. :tongue:|||Two words... Too Emotional.|||I agree with Snowguard. This needs to be taken elsewhere. It's a waste of space...|||I don't have but one... But I'm not sharing it here. It's embarrassing. :sad:|||Well... for me, I don't nag them. I find that a horrible intrusion of space and a vacuum towards individuality. But I like for them to have a strong, solid personality. I want them to be able to know...|||I'll want to know them like the back of my hand before I approach... And it takes me forever to do this. I think Hemo has put it better than I can in words! She pretty much describes what I do. So if...|||I think she knows... she was just making fun of you, Pal. :crazy: HAHA! You ENFJ's are hilarious. I love you guys! GOD FUCKING DAMN! My Fi is showing AGAIN!!!!!! :dry:|||You dirty, dirty man! Now I'm officially creeped out... STALKER! :unsure::confused::crying:|||Okay, okay! You will all get a chance to have a turn! But I'm sorry Bio... If I had to choose, I'd have to pick Evan. He's just simply irresistible!!! :wink: ROFLMFAO! Officially, I've added...|||Mostly ESFP... INFP... ENFP... :crazy: and ESFJ's I think... most of the time they seem more scared of me than they like me though. lol The rest of the people that have been interested in me I...|||It's funny because I ALMOST posted this... (He's another character that I can relate to.) http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g278/burgundy76/fast%20and%20furious/ff5.jpg Ironic? ...|||I would guess INTP.|||I find this thread ironic...|||I don't really like facial hair. And I grow a beard every five seconds because I'm Italian... It sucks. :dry:|||Hemo! Yeah, you guys have to put up with me for a little while longer... :crazy:|||This guy mostly... http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss142/cc110/2008_punisher_war_zone_0041.jpg Mixed with... ...|||I'm an 8w7.|||Crying doesn't sound as unusual to you as you make it out to be. It seems to me you cry a healthy amount (by F standards). I would never cry for my hypothetical girlfriend and I would NEVER cry in...|||Hold on... An INTJ that's secretive about thinking he's superior??? I have two ESFP friends and I love them. We clash very often, but we also have our good moments too. I have noticed that ESFP's...|||*Willingly cuts hand open to appease Trekiael, tracing my name out in blood on the contract binding me to ESTJ's forever.* Wait, WHAT... HAVE... I... DONE?!?!? :shocked: Serious part of the...|||You have to be a masochist to like ESTJ's? Sign me up :wink: On a serious note, I don't know any ESTJ's and I would be interested in knowing the explanation of this particular comment you've made.|||Hello Trekiael and welcome to the forum! :happy:|||You took the words STRAIGHT outta my mouth!!!!|||Never been a truer statement.|||Hemo! I adore you as well... GAH... My Fi is showing again! Fuck. :blushed: AND nice answer. Lol.|||That's a negative. I don't like partying AT ALL. Unless it's with my closest friends. But even then, it can be annoying and tiring to me.|||I stole this idea from the INFJ forum because I thought it would be interesting to hear the INTJ response to the subject since we tend to be stereotyped along the lines of narcissistic. (I...|||I've been meaning to post a thread such as this! Thanks, ohsolovely! I have a best friend that's an ENFJ. I both hate and love him. Haha! Mostly the latter though. He has his moments when he gets...|||Hum.... No.|||Welcome to the Forum, ESTP :laughing:|||I normally wouldn't admit this... but I like to cuddle. SO SUE ME! :tongue:|||From what you've list as characteristics... THIS PERSON IS NOT AN ENTJ! And why would you even question this in your mind from these things? On the ENTJ's behalf, I'm insulted you think they are...|||Mother-ESFP Father-ENTJ I'm an only child... so that's it. Heh.|||This is a good one :happy:|||I think some people feed off of the attention that's given to them, like your suicidal friend. Once they have what they want from you, or simply just get bored, they will leave and move on to the...|||Though I've never known an INTJ in real life, I've actually found this to be quite common... at least on this forum. But I don't have an other insight beside that. Sorry and good luck with your...|||My best friend is an ENFJ... he's a Leo. What does this have to do with typing? Any conclusions? :mellow:|||Nice to have more ENTJ's on the Forum! Welcome :happy:'
'No lol XD ETA: Seriously now, when I get monosyllabic it's either because I'm too busy doing something else or for some reason I'm not interested in that conversation. That is also what I think...|||Drowned God. Because he's the coolest!|||To sail is necessary, to live is not necessary. - Pompey. I love this quote. Not only for a day.|||http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1137581-bigthumbnail.jpg|||Don't tell the world your thoughtd when you're high, some are nice but some are kinda shitty.|||Hodor.|||edit|||I simply hate it and get irritated by its ringing. At least, texting allows me to reply whenever I want to.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nono7IhYRs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TnNb3cBzuE Two of my personal favourite ones. Maybe they're not progressive rock literally, but they're surely...|||I started The Illuminatus Trilogy. Even though I'm already reading The Blade Itself (and I have very little free time), but I keep procrastinating while reading this one... It's not bad, it's just...|||If people got sarcasm, life would be a lot easier.|||Computer Science Astronomy Psychology Philosophy (only metaphysics and to a lesser extent, nihilism).|||It's hard to keep cool when you're arguing with someone, and this other person is completely biased and can't accept he had started to point contradictory and hypocrite opinions.|||Hello fellow brazilian. Surprisingly no, I've taken the tests in both Portuguese and English and I always got INTP. What Windblownhair said makes a lot of sense.|||http://rlv.zcache.com/meh_eh_meh_card-r9f411c5222dd41ff9ca10c76e1ceb706_xvuak_8byvr_324.jpg This probably has been posted before, but meh.|||Yes, that's why I don't. The closest to flirting I do is when I know the other person is already interested in me, so I just go with the flow and play the game.|||Eat some tacos. Oh, and disable Tapatalk signature.|||Necronomicon|||I used to leave them alone until I got > 2000 unread emails. Now I only see who sent it and the subject, if it interests me, I read it and if it doesn't I just mark as read. :bored: And I check my...|||Or if you're a Linux user, Heroes of Newerth.|||While replying to the thread about our Un-intpness, I realised I like to make people laugh but a thought immediately came to mind and I'm afraid I do that to inflate my own ego so I know I can be...|||Philosophy, except for some particular topics, bores me.|||Kinda like this. I often feel very tired around 9 - 11 pm and then it's like I feel recharged at 1 am until I go to sleep at around 4 or 5 am. This is when I'm when I'm on vacation or weekends of...|||I'm a native Portuguese speaker, and I have an advanced knowledge of English (I wish I could say I was fluent, but still have trouble with prepositions and adverbs (!) and every now and then I find a...|||I heard it can be a cool way to spend time.|||I really needed these holidays entire for myself (here, the concept of holidays may be different) after a fucking busy year.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m0sFZtoGG4 For this night.|||Your Result: Analytic 74% Let's do it the easy way. Desire to have no conflict, keep the peace. Needs sense of respect, feeling of worth and understanding. Key strengths are ballance, even...|||Those statements are not true.|||Is this thread infraction free?|||I answered No. But, actually, I draw a lot when I'm distracted and have a paper and a pencil near me. People always think I was high when I was drawing it, yet I don't think that can be considered...|||Maybe that's related to Enneagram. Just imagine a smooth dick with the INTP bigness. Awesome. You should open a thread about it.|||He just wanted to be an INTP because we have the biggest dicks.|||Esfp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLMPA4xPFpg|||Being more social would surely be more beneficial to my life as a whole. But yet, meh.|||I don't. Like Bluity above said, I need a lot of space. However, it's a different matter when I have, say, a physical connection with the person. These are the only times I long for a relationship.|||That was so sweet hahah. Good luck to both of you.|||Moon - If I were to rate it, it'd be 9/10.|||The perks of being a wallflower - yeah, it's good. The Thing (1982) - awesome classic.|||Awesome food.|||one - forefinger two - middle finger three - ring finger four - pinkie five - thumb|||There's a short story called The Dream of a Ridiculous Man by Fjodor Dostojevskij. I've seen someone here saying that it had an impact on him so I was curious to read it. And he had a point, it's...|||I've done a research on INTPs so I'm gonna take all those stereotypes and act like I have them, so I have something to post.|||*Searching for social life* Social life not found. Just kidding, I realized this week that I only have one good friend and he's from school days, the other ones I truly don't care about. But,...|||Maybe she's getting that impression from the fact that some traits are similar, but they're still not significant and it's a dumb statement if you ask me.|||MBTI has nothing to do with Aspergers.|||That's still extreme. I've seen people with Aspergers and no...|||What is this 'many INTP's have autism'? That's new to me.|||No. Nope. No.|||I agree completely. I have even posted something like this on this forum before, physical attraction is the main thing I look for in relationships now (I even dare to say that it's the most important...'
'I totally analyzed you a figured out who you are in my last post. Sit down INTJ.|||Watson: ISFJ Sherlock: Such an INTP it is ridiculous. I have so many similarities with his personality that it has been pointed out by many people. Mycroft: INTJ. This explains the major sibling...|||By the obvious arrogance and the delusion of superiority over the F types, I think I smell an INTJ. Please, go organize your bookshelf.|||The last time an INTP got involved in a major conflict 140000 people died in the blink of an eye. Then, three days later 80000 more. Maybe I should stay out of this... The F dominant types will be...|||I know your wavelength..|||Gargoyles slay demons and scare them away from cathedrals. Thank you.|||Go cry yourself to sleep because you didn't get your way little ENTJ. You are no better than a lap dog with little man's syndrome.:exterminate:|||Welcome, I just recently joined too. :tongue:|||The best thing to do is to leave him alone and let him think for a long time until he wants to talk to you. When he starts to talk to you again let him know you are there if he ever wants to loosen...|||POST-APOCALYPTIC :shocked:|||When everyone is crying at a funeral but you are in the back giggling at something funny you just thought of.. Or when you have a sibling who is also an INTP and she yells for you to show you a...|||Heart|||My little sister is an INTP and she is very hygienic and beautiful. The stereotype of the ugly nerd doesn't apply to us all.|||I've been told I was handsome too much. I think it has gotten to my head. Wait, im an INTP. Everything goes to my head and bounces around for a little.|||Sometimes..|||Agent 47 is an INTP for sure.|||I know your wavelength..|||Holy crap! I just remembered that there is a world besides those things. Well, damn... Besides those things I guess I feel an obsession with emergency medicine and learning a new language coming on....|||There is literally no planning stage of any mission on hitman. He is the greatest improvisor in video games, nothing tells you he is organized, everything he has is pre organized by the agency and...|||Hello! Thank you! I love this place already.|||Daaawwww thank you!!:proud:|||I have scoped this place out for a while before I made this account. I have looked at various threads and commented on a few just recently before introducing myself to see if I can spark a little...|||Stand Up by In The Valley Below'
'I'm not in a relationship with one, but my best friend is an ISFP. We are so close and we get each other on spiritual levels. I love her so much!! It's weird how much we love each other. She gets me...|||Musicals are my favorite thing in the world!!! :D Although Wicked isn't my favorite (Book of Mormon is), it's still pretty awesome. :) (And I got the reference, that's the best show ever)|||This part is so true to me, and I'm just figuring it out myself. I'm in high school, I'm still young and only starting to get to know my circles and rings and all of that, and this part in particular...|||It's because as EP's, our best (and first) skill is observing people's behaviors, starting with ourselves. We observe the way we act or would act and reflect that to other people. That's how we learn...|||Taken from this blog: A Little Bit of Personality: Start Here (I'm on mobile and it won't let me to add links for some reason) Through its uniquely powerful ability to observe, Extraverted...|||Aw thanks! :D Yeah I do that all the time too! YES all the freaking time!!|||I dance all the time too! :D But I really do mostly sing. Like, literally all the time. Even whilst talking to people, I just sing! It doesn't seem to bother them because I still listen and I can...|||That would be true with most of the people, but I've found my group of friends that are the same as me in this subject, so we actually do write these things all the time and say how much and why we...|||This site is surprising in everything they write! I highly recommend reading everything there, it's amazing how accurate it is.|||Wow my INTJ friend is obsessed with this guy! I really think he's an ENTP.|||Taken from this site's description of the Perceiving trait in ENFPs: Perceivers view the world and all experiences as potential tools that they can add to a growing arsenal of abilities. They...|||This is very true, especially the parts in bold. My dad is also an INTP, and most of the times it's not what he's saying, but rather how he's saying it that hurts me. I don't care if he's busy and...|||I've got 28,091! :D|||It's my biggest fandom EVER! Oh my god I can't believe I found someone who knows both starkid and mbti! :D|||This describes me perfectly.|||While I care about whether it's nice, they care about whether it's useful. I don't necessarily believe in a certain concept, but if I see that it makes other people happy then I'll accept it gladly,...|||Yeah! :D The yellow one says EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! when you press on it :D I've got tons of Doctor Who stuff. You can see the bottom of one of my Doctor Who posters in one of the pictures. :D|||I couldn't phrase it better myself! I am too an atheist and people could claim that I don't have meaning in my life. But I really do! Actually, the fact that I'm an atheist helped me getting to...|||Actually I've already posted here pictures of my messy room once, but for you I took some updated pictures now: 311002 311010 311018 311026|||Absolutely!|||Yep. It drives me nuts because I wish they'd know about it too... And now an ENFP friend of mine found out about MBTI without me and she thinks she's an INTP (I thought so about myself too at first)...|||I bumped into a street lamp a few days ago cause I was listening to music on my MP3 player and skipping down the street while smiling and observing the exceptionally beautiful clouds. I started...|||YES!!! I'm very affected by people's emotions around me. It's almost as if I'm actually putting myself in their place and I can feel exactly what they feel. About the music - not crying, but I am...|||Actually you made a lot of sense, that's exactly what I was about to say.|||Exactly. My entire worldview in a single sentence.|||Thank you. Besides, most of the people who just happened to take the quiz once (meaning - a behavioral quiz on the internet that says literally nothing) mistype themselves because of stereotypes...|||Others: Wha... How did you know that? Me: I know everything/I can read minds. Others: Wait, how did you get here so fast? I just saw you at [insert far away place] Me: I teleported! ...|||I met her on the first day of high school (which was last year). I had no friends in there back then because they all went to different schools, so I was kind of hoping for a new begining or...|||You know you're an ENFP when you often say to particular people that you like them because of this and this and this! Welcome to PerC! :D|||I've got an ESFP friend and I love her!! She's funny as hell and very easy going and you can see she's comfortable in her own skin! I'm that kind of person who loves and appreciates people because...|||What are you talking about? We're the most flirtatious of all types! We can talk people into loving us in seconds! We're charming! . . . . . Aren't we?....|||I think this post might help you decide. Also, this and this.|||A LOT! In the mornings I'm at school and afterwards I go out with friends or on facebook for the rest of the day. Actually I'd prefer both. I like to feel energized to the extreme, I don't know if...|||INFJ, two INTJs, something like five or six ENFPs (I have no idea, I lost count), maybe two INFPs, ISFP, ENTJ, ENTP, perhaps two INTPs, and... Yeah. The INFJ is my best friend, but I also get...|||YES!!! I have something to say but I have to explain how I got to it, because then it feels so out of context and like it's not a full thought if it has no source... But that's only when it's a...|||Hey watch this :D He's hilarious! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_p5gVgC6nY|||The butterfly part is very accurate to this day, to be honest...|||Brian Holden :th_love: He's from Team StarKid. Actually all the four are from Team StarKid.|||That's basically what Percieving is. We prefer reactions instead of actions, we prefer to sit back, watch the world and only then act upon the actions of other people. I've had to learn social norms...|||Watch this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD037VSAG2I All the freaking time! But I'm too tired at the moment to think of an example, so...|||I thought he pointed at the anime character that I don't know in his avatar. XD Oh and:...|||Guilty :frustrating:|||Sorry, I think my Ne prevented me from telling the INFP story... What happened with the INFP was that she kept pulling me out of social activities so we could talk alone! She'd literally take me out...|||I felt the same with my former best friend, who was an INFP. She was SO introverted, I think she has social anxiety, and I understand that, but I kept feeling like I was being choked... I didn't...|||What they said. I REALLY like hugs, but I also absolutely love it when people just tell me I appreciate you because of this and this and this. I say these things to other people all the time,...|||I've found most of my friends on fan groups on facebook (Doctor Who, Team Starkid etc.) so I knew right away we have at least a few things in common before I met them at a meet up. Besides, it's not...|||My new biology teacher is an ENFP!! I love her so much!!! Today was the first lesson and I've already been told she reminds people of me! :D It was SO easy to type her, oh my gosh! The Ne was so...|||Yep, that is basically the natural state of my INTJ friend.|||<3|||Aww really? Why? :D'
'No emotional guilt here over anything at all. I let things go really easy, for my own sake. But there is a whispering impersonal question, in the depths explaining: I should feel bad for never...|||- Why are you here? ... then it begins.|||The world won't change. Change yourself. Call out the BS-ters. There could be more honesty among humanity. At least in my daily life. With more honesty comes less BS. Less BS, less lies. Less...|||One problem always have multiple solutions. My mind is working out the most valuable solution most often due to the nature of daily grind at work. It's fully dependent on what kind of problem you...|||- Why would anyone want that? - Tip: You have the (for me) useless/damaging forum function to 'ignore' selected posters.|||Sex is momentarily. It's now. It's drool, sweat and other fluids. For so long my partner is having fun with me 'fooling around', trying&exploring I am going to enjoy myself greatly. Mistakes will...|||A truck driver. A beautiful specimen. The person even helped me carry the 4m long white-boards up the stairs. Dreamy.|||Languages in my playlist: English, swedish, german, french, finnish. Majority in the playlist is instrumental. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOnSh3QlpbQ German+metal+sarcasm=epic.|||It only became a fascist hellhole... like that's better.|||I relate a lot. If there's no stimuli from inside/outside I have no 'inner world'. I'm not bothered by it at all. I see it like some next-level mindfulness, the ability to shut down the 'thinking'...|||A good plan makes it all easier. That said. A complete renovation takes more time than expected and needs all the time. Being well-aware of the planning, effort and time it might be easier to...|||Aaah, the beauty of living a lonely life. In 1½ years I did a lot of renovating, step by step. - Mind. - Body. - Clothing. - Appearance. - Computer. - Living room. - Bed room. -...|||It doesn't feel hypocritical due to the lack of religious symbolism in the major holidays (christmas, easter, midsummer, halloween (which is way different from the US version)). The days are in the...|||I rather spend my time figuring out what is needed for real world events.|||On-going military exercises: Northern Coasts 2017. (NATO, 5k manpower, air force+navy) Aurora 17. (Sweden, 20k manpower, army+air force+navy) Soon: Zapad 2017. (Russia, 100k manpower, army+air...|||https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ff/42/8a/ff428a2282cb2f60dfcf5177b5919e2c.jpg|||https://socioecohistory.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/fedres_banksters_looting_cartoon_amateurs.jpg|||Good experience. I relate.|||I don't need or want friendship. I only want to get along with everyone. -> It leads to an independent life with very few friends(1), some enemies and a crapton of acquaintances. 1 = I have 1...|||https://i.pinimg.com/736x/03/76/0d/03760dbdba04afe4c27a0c277ecedfd5--marian-kamensky-political-cartoons.jpg|||Certainly not related to MBTI. More related to mental insecurities, anxiety, traumas or other disorders. I do not relate at all. If you do not like touchy people -> Tell them you are...|||I can relate to not saying thank you when receiving help I didn't want. There's a big difference between being told a problem and being asked to deal with/solve a problem. It's impossible to...|||Everything is so half-arsed, not done, unfinished... in a very random manner. Fascinating culture. You can bike on the fine piece of bicycle road, then it ends. No signs or directions, no...|||If you like helpful people when dealing with a society, I got a tip for you. Avoid Mediterranean Spain. :P I noted the 'mañana'-culture essentially means: - I have a service job and people rely...|||ISTP huggin' a big spruce. 710394 ISTP standing under a natural standing rock for size comparison. 710402|||He always wants to bang something hotter or something else.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxct1B0IIUQ|||I look for people that obviously likes me and their 'reward' is that I automatically likes them back. Why spend time looking for something else?|||Depends on the kids moods really. Calm, polite and curious I can deal with. As if I'm not making any inherent distinction between kids and adults. Be calm and polite, then I can properly deal with...|||Doesn't count. The world is an endless mess of grey shades. Very true.|||ISTP. What is Netflix? I don't have Netflix and have zero urge to register. I browse youtube for awesome docu's and channels.|||I never let it go that far emotionally. One does not simply ignore me. :cool:|||If I love the job I unintentionally sacrifice the rest of my life for the job (and some cash). The job/career has to be 'good enough' for my own sake. There is a sweet spot: Do as little as I can,...|||( 2 sandwiches + 1 glass water + 2 cups coffee ) / workday = head-ache|||Start, 1st impression We're from different countries and I am constantly dying to visit every place not talked about around me. We wrote a few months. I went where this INTJ-woman temporarily lived....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKP7jQknGjs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1NagZN2kjY I'm wet now.|||Yeap, indeed. Uhu, true... just drop it becuase I know 'how to' now (from my PoV, from others PoV I look autistic) Mhm, lazy = efficient. Haha, I agree. =)|||Pro boxing is ridiculous now days. No sportsmanship is making it thru all the MONEY, money and posing. Mayweather|||Nope. Found the infallible system aaaaand then boredom.|||Hah, my issue is the complete opposite. Damn fuck this... Grew up in the modern era with exposure to clean language all my life! Travel 100 km in any direction and everyone has problems...|||uuuurgh, horrible backpain is horrible|||Problem solved, 1st September. Then I get stoopid again. :crazy:|||How do you get close to each other? AFAIK fucking is as close as you can literally get. That's the only answer I have. Because I fail to see the invisible everyone is talking about. The emperor is...|||I solve so many problems each day, I guess I'm numb.|||Nope.|||Leave him on his own. That way he'll have to make a decision eventually. Don't base your whole life around this, just continue living. If he doesn't show up: No problem if you continued living. If he...|||30 min lunchbreak tucked in the dark, cold furniture storage might be more important to me than actually sitting down to eat for 1 hour. I got something else to ponder while cooling off in the...|||Have not felt it this year, so far.|||Yes, the average ESTP is more timid than the average ESFP. For most outgoing/outspoken/social/vocal type I vote ESFP.|||My first job in the white market: 12 year old, paperboy, put advertisement in peoples mailboxes. Slave-wage -> cheated (threw lots of it in a dumpster) -> quit, within a few months... My worry was...'
'Do a project or activity together that uses everyone? So everyone will have something to commonly talk about? I mean you guys are all in the same class so that is one thing the class has in common|||oh yea i get what you mean. I tend to jump into things as well because im really impatient to go thru any type of trial or first steps i just want to get to the final step now|||He most likely likes you those are the same exact ways I would probably react to someone I had a crush on|||This is very funny! The ones I know can hold the biggest grudge for the longest and it eats them up inside it's like just spill it out and get over it and you'll be mad but then it'll go away|||I learn the best by actually doing it, so I guess technically that's what you do too? Otherwise maybe watching someone else do it?|||Ok if someone I was trying to be with said things like that to me I would most likely cut ties with them. She pretty much said in black and white if she could fix it and be with him she would so that...|||This reminded me the other day I broke a couple plates at work and my boss seen. lol I feel really bad about it after I will try to be extra helpful and nice to make up for mistake.|||If you REALLY like this girl you guys will get thru this. I've never been in a situation like that so I can't relate much, but I'd figure as long as she didn't do anything too drastic (and if she...|||This is kinda funny reminded me that I'm always merging words together sometimes when my mouth moves faster than my mind. Like the other day I said I wanted to go see my prescriptionist instead of...|||I'm currently dating an INFJ for just about a year now :) So this is going to be an opinion based on him and maybe a few INFJs I've known here and there but mostly him since the others I wasn't that...|||I agree with what she said about us needing to experience things ourselves to actually get it, I think it's cause I need to feel for myself cause I can never really know what I'd do in a situation...|||I was thinking about this the other day! Sometimes I can be the smoothest talker in the room, other times I can seem really off the beat|||As much as I hate to agree with this I do. Before you go into painting, music, drawing... get a day job first.|||You are FINE the way you are. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone for any reason. You are as good a person as the next guy so no need to over analyze yourself just be yourself and everything...|||The more over the top the better lol|||I'd say you should write a letter and read it to them in person :)|||Why do you like interacting with people so much? Because it makes me feel great to learn about people and laugh and have great conversation I can think about. People are probably the biggest part...|||I put Jedi cause they always win lol and I don't think I could go around and murder innocent people like the sith do, right?|||Yea I do the same thing! The initial feeling will be like GRR I'm so MAD! and then I eventually calm down and either forget about it or realize it isn't such a big deal to me anymore since the...|||Yea I know how that trying to inform without hitting that line where you'd call it bragging|||I don't really find much of a problem with this? I mean in a job interview the point is to make yourself out to be the best choice for the job so yea I'm gonna sell out as much of my good points as...|||Yea I find myself usually great at making people laugh but then there's those who don't get my humor|||This is like exactly what I would of responded with. I am dating an INFJ now and I can irritate him sometimes cause I ask if he's upset, or happy, or sad, or just generally how is feeling things...|||I don't think I have much of a problem with forgiving people, maybe when the incident first happens I may not forgive SOON but eventually I always seem to give people another chance. Depending on the...|||It's funny cause I'm with this introverted guy now and he tells me I go into social mode when around other people. I don't think it's for attention it's for me? If that makes sense.. lol But just...|||I feel the same exact way! Well I'm in a relationship now, but before it was like if I find one cool if I don't I'm happy with me! I'd look around at people who LONGED for this great relationship and...|||My dad is ISTP, mom ESFJ.. I don't think I was screwed over by them they are and still are great parents and I respect them so much. Sure maybe we aren't close like I can be with N type people but...|||I'm in culinary arts school and I love it :)|||when a lady walks into an elevator with you and she is holding your favorite candy and you say OMG I love those! And she hands you the whole thing|||Someone's values just got rumbled ;)|||very interesting survey thing :) 1) what is your gender? Male 2) what is your enneagram (including wing)? Don't know 3) what is your instinct variant? Don't Know 4) what is your tritype? Don't...|||I can't agree with this! Lol I am a cheapskate, a lot of people know this. I've dealt with many messed up people and learned (thankfully) when I was younger about being too generous, so now I'm very...|||Yea I remember one of my favorite games as a young kid was pretending I was someone else|||Yea I agree with that because we KNOW ourselves better|||Yea and the funniest part was that it always felt bad about being an ass after the fact so it was like a double edged sword lol This was back when I was around 10-13 but what's weird is before then...|||No i don't think I've ever experienced anything like that when I feel myself gettin closer to someone, at least maybe not as dramatic? When I have this closey type of convos with other people I just...|||I can think of one word.. ASSHOLE lol|||I think enfps can go throw so many different moods so there is a chance you could be that type, when I'm alone for awhile (actually right now might be an example as I'm posting this) I feel more...|||I currently have several S type friends and the GOOD thing with them is that they can just be plain fun to be around and see how they react to things, but its like there has to be more than just ONE...|||I agree with I'm horrible at sticking to things|||I think every type has something that I admire everyone has strengths and weaknesses and it's so interesting to see how different people interact with each other|||Act on your impulses don't think about it just DO it. Sometimes it's really hard for me to do the things I know I need to do cause I have that Oh I'll just do it a little later attitude. I know that...|||Idk why but this is funny lol|||I think it could be a lot of things I can relate to him though... but I wouldn't consider it a problem since I know it's just how I am, and it's not that serious to the point where I won't talk about...|||Guilty as charged, I can be a very promiscuous guy but at the same time when I find that right person I can be extremely committed. I enjoy the idea of getting a sample of different people but at the...|||YES! I agree with homosexually being touched on in early schooling so that it isn't this weird taboo especially to younger kids. I don't think this would stop gays from being targeted by bullies but...|||Growing a pair can mean different things to a lot of people so that is kind of a weird thing to say to a problem like this, seems like the easy answer. But like that cliche saying goes It's easier...|||It's kinda hard to say cause when I'm with someone I actually do want to express some kind of feelings for the flirting comes so naturally I don't notice I'm doing it, it's like I just BECOME a...|||I like to flirt because it can be a cute way to communicate, if the other person thinks it means I'm seriously interested, well flirting isn't a serious thing to me|||I can tell when someone is interested in me easily, but it takes me to actually have some sort of friend connection with them first, but once you guys start talking if you both click than I'm sure...'
'I am either way too loud without realizing it, or too quiet for anyone to even realize I'm talking. There is no middle ground.|||Not just men. Not just ugly. :c|||1. You have the chance to meet someone with whom you have the most satisfying love imaginable- the stuff of dreams. Sadly, you know that in six months the person will die. Knowing the pain that would...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa3jyGj9NxI|||My creativity comes in uncontrolled bursts of ideas that are two parts stupid, one part interesting.|||I wear what I like, really. Lots of button-up shirts or stripy v-necks, along with plain jeans and newsie caps. I usually either look classy or like an idiot. Mostly the second.|||If that is all it took for you to so instantly 'dump' her, and you were quite happy for the opportunity to prevent itself you may want to reconsider the solidarity of your relationship. If you...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0iGIoLBg6U|||-0 damage- Eh, what was that?|||Cancer~ Astrology is interesting if you just look at it as a silly little thing that doesn't really mean anything most of the time. c:|||they'll squirm about and awkwardly return it, silently appreciating it even though they might appear uncomfortable.|||I would love hugs and being touchyfeely and snuggles and all those wonderful things, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm pretty much the most ticklish person in the known universe. Being touched...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2JgAWPqHg|||Recently, I'd been starting to open up and cheer up some; trying not to hold back and be afraid of everything I do, but realizing that the way I've been doing so just bothers everyone around me has...|||How about me, if you're not too busy? <3|||I find nothing wrong with polyamorous relationships, but due to the nature of my mind and feelings, I can't say that I wouldn't be illogically ridiculously sad at the prospect of my partner wanting...|||I have difficulty talking about my thoughts and feelings in general. Like, it makes sense as a thought, but transferring them to words is really difficult, especially with...|||Hufflepuff! Underestimated and maybe a little underwhelming, but loyal and humble to the core.|||Currently playing through Dark Souls right now. For the reputation that it has, it's actually a wonderful game. It's a harrowing struggle through a dark, dying world, but small bits of light slip...|||Eyebrows is the closest I come to eye contact.|||People worry about kids playing with guns, and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to...|||Victory.|||IEI-0. o: I'm also apparently Dynamic, Yielding, aristocratic, tactical, emotivistic, farsighted, merry, decisive, positivistic, result, and asking. ???|||No life, stayed at home all day and listened to music or browsed the internet or played games. ...Kind of sad that I never really hung out with anyone outside of school. :c|||I actually recently got a scarf. It's nice. Adds flowiness to an outfit. c:|||Whenever on the spot or embarrassed, I have this ridiculous sheepish smile that takes over my face by force. It's even more distressing when I realize I'm doing it. :c When typing, it's hard for...|||I do. It's infuriating to most of my friends, who tend to be loud and dominate conversation.|||I've been told my eyes look either sleepy or sad. Not sure what that means about me, really. ._.|||<_< I'm definitely not into diapers and ABDL or anything... It's adorable and awesome, and who doesn't love soft, snuggly things anyway?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46y8E-RIhdc|||Tonight, a painful conversation with a friend sparked me to write myself some kind of soul-poury, inspiriationalish letter to myself. To be perfectly honest, it probably doesn't make any sense and...|||Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. Alternatively: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V4IEV8l-gA|||There is nothing wrong with you.|||Hope. I feel that would be the word I'd pick for myself, at least.|||Life. :v More seriously: Learning to creatively output my thoughts and ideas in a way that doesn't sound absolutely stupid, and learning to not immediately kneejerk myself into thinking that...|||Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Horrendously dark spin on the magical girl genre (done by the same guy responsible for Neon Genesis Evangelion) Wandering Son/Hourou Musuko. It's a sort of...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFp-58VIFzE|||Getting comfortable and feeling like being loud and bold and sociable for a bit doesn't mean you turned into an extrovert or something. Just because we're introverted doesn't mean we can't like...|||Logically, I know pretty much no relationship will really last forever and be perfect. But it's important that I'm able to push that aside and feel like it will. That probably sounds really...|||I guess I'm a guy. I guess I like guys. So, hi.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIcn2mwsO78|||Always remember: You are stronger than you seem, Braver than you believe, And smarter than you think. ~Christopher Robin|||-Dying. Do I win?|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq_qitjV2qI|||Anything I write, say, or record gets initially edited and then I never look at it again. Otherwise I will delete it. If I look at something I've made, I see every little mistake that is and isn't...|||If X is 'nothing but Y' or 'just Y,' the majority of X must be Y for that to be valid.|||30% is still nowhere near a majority, which still proves the point that OWS is not a bunch of lazy hippies.|||I don't often show it as much as I should, actually. >_>|||I would say I'm very polarizing in general, actually. I'm either totally :| over things, or completely excited/upset/depressed about them. I have a bit of a problem with middle grounds. >_>|||Just about anything, really. >_>'
'If you have other questions that could help you figure out my type then feel free to ask Barbara in my username is because I like Barbie and her real name is Barbara , and I like electronic music...|||I wrote wrong , I act like it doesn ' t bother me , sorry|||my adobe flash player doesn ' t work|||673314 673338 673346 673330|||you are the kind of person who helps others without noticing it .|||thank you very much : ) it ' s really helpfull|||a ) I like harmony and notice immediately the dynamics in relationships between people . As an example , in my last job in a call center a girl smoked and had really bad teeth , I talked to people...|||thank you I didn ' t know sorry|||Strange test . My result was : 673154|||why ? Is it possible to know why ? I hope it wasn ' t because of the discussion about spamming and entj|||I always balanced with material things like smoking . As a smoker , I would study and smoke and so on . Then , as I stopped smoking , I would eat comfort foods out of stress . I used also to have...|||I stayed in my city instead of moving away and stopped smoking and my health improved , I wouldn ' t have stopped if I decided to move away I think Sometimes funny coincidences happen to me , an...|||I would not expect to hear : you really worked hard , you gave up all fun and relax in order to do this , it was hard but it brought great results , congrats |||people always told me to be more quiet while speaking , maybe because of misophonia|||because I like it , and because in Italy the other subjects in my city aren ' t appealing to me , I would have had to move in another city and pay the rent if I had choosen translation . I would have...|||in Italy there are a lot of lawyers and most of them have relatives that can help them so no , you can ' t make a lot of money from that in Italy , except you sacrifice everything to study it in a...|||I like it , but I prefer other types of music .|||What are the things which you would not expect to hear said to you , things that would be extremely rare or just never are told to you ? I copied this from the infp forum :...|||I think I ' m isfp but there ' s also the possibility I ' m infp . I had both results in online tests , among other results . Anyways I would not expect to hear : you really worked hard , you...|||I use to think about funny coincidences in language . Example , on a diet forum the girls often write I think and I think about the word thin which is contained in I think lol . It ' s maybe...|||thanks because of the grammar correction I meant you study mbti very good and seem at least emotionally involved in school and write a lot about it and mentioned your teachers in one post so I...|||feel free to ask questions thank in advance|||entj because writing short posts is not spamming and you ' r acting like a policeman moderator without legitimacy . Also because you like to study things and give people directions about what do to...|||other isfp ' s or dreamers and creative people I think|||strong feelings and emotions . And calling more than once a day . Even once a day is too much .|||Lazyyyyyyy .|||I think by taking action and do things in time , not procrastinating and be more active .|||I just think sometimes it ' s also health related . The isfp type might let people stress them out to much without noticing it , and they should go for walks or take more care of their physical...|||Every day , we think our lives pass before our eyes without seeing how our thoughts influence our reality all the time . While thinking we don ' t live enough , we already live in the meanwhile . It...|||I usually use this informing style when I don ' t know what to say , maybe he just wanted to talk or wanted you to tell him to buy the bread together , or he wanted you to tell him to buy the bread...|||I like asking questions instead of answering them , and often small talk doesn ' t bother me . I like people who make me laugh .|||I don ' t draw much even if I think it ' s funny . I write sometimes . Anyways I wanted to say there are real good artworks here .|||it ' s gorgeous|||I think some isfp ' s aren' t artist in the conventional way , they might be creative in their thoughts without expressing themselves that much in real life|||I know what to avoid : call center , selling things , trying to convince people to buy something you don' t like that much . Anything independent is good .|||I answer generally that it changes during time , I was used to accept one night stands and relationships bored me , but then I stopped wanting physical contact years long|||I see people saw you as an intj in the mistyping game lol funny coincidence , it ' s similar to the type I mistyped|||enfp|||trying to change them by giving the good example , often without success ignoring them and their sounds what is difficult is to not show them you have a problem and being fake , I ' m not...|||I personally think it ' s so mean that it ' s really good sarcasm . The path of symbols , as I thought was meant , could be the attitude the isfp has when dealing with other people and taking for...|||I just found this : http://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/1032586-what-each-myers-briggs-personality-type-has-trouble-admitting-themselves.html , I think this quote might apply to me : ...|||what ' s the type in your opinion ?|||thanks that ' s nice from you : ) thanks for typing me yes I ' m a little obsessed but now I stopped dangerous behaviours I had thanks to an online community about eating disorders and my weight is...|||thank you that makes sense lol :D|||Thanks that ' s really helpfull , I think both have aspects that are similar to the aspects of how I feel , it will be difficult to decide : D|||I had the isfp result and then infp in another test , the first one through 16personalities.com , the second one through Keys to cognition , does anyone else had both results ?|||Cool that ' s one subject I was not very good at in school . Why not the sight ?|||Cool that ' s one subject I was not very good at in school . Why not the sight ?|||I had : Summary Analysis of Profile By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFP , Lead...|||the thing about seeing bigger picture is part of the default anyways I would like you to type me if you have questions , maybe I ' m not any of them but something else'
'September 20, 2017 warmup rowing, pushups, situps glutes and abs hip thrusts and planks WOD 5 rounds of:|||Yes. You should be deeply concerned. You're going to die. Seriously. Every single person who comes in contact with saline ........... will die.|||rest your troubled heart Little Dreamer....you're too young to know what Lord Pixel did to deserve that look.|||It is definitely freeing! it's funny I'm on a different website for alternate day fasting and their strategies are so varied for how to deal with the desire to eat during the fast. A lot of them...|||I wish I knew ... I would only be guessing ...but if guesses are useful... one possibility is it might be a physical kind of relief for me. because I have a system of related trigger points in...|||I see Lord Pixel alone in the office kitchen, his back turned to me, making another coffee for himself. The careful and familiar sound of my high heels announces my presence to him before he sees...|||September 19, 2017 warmup some box jumps, burpees, wall balls deadlifts we had a choice of either working up to a heavy single if we felt like we could write something new on the PR...|||ahahaha I totally know what you mean with that whoa, hey girl feeling :laughing: ...i get that too towards the end of my fast. I think it's a combination of muscles relaxing more easily plus...|||Lol! Her face at the end :laughing:|||the hanger has begun after a month in a calorie deficit the hanger has clearly begun :laughing: ...I just got snarky to someone on the alternate day fasting website me: [posts a picture of...|||It's done, I totally just got that song added to the playlist at my gym :laughing:|||It is!!! lol. in the comments I see one guy listens to it every time he does his homework and I laughed out loud reading that. I am seriously thinking about listening to it every time I get a...|||I shouldn't have watched this yesterday; now this song is repeating in my head at work as I remember that yesterday I told myself ugh I don't want to work on that SSRS report today - I'll do it...|||weight update ... I am actually not worried by this blip today. ...|||I am not sure about monthly changes ... actually I've only been doing ADF for about 1 month. I lucked out because never had bad PMS - the mood swings and cramps - just not usually something that I...|||for me - the lady on the right has the same body type that I would love to have. I like her level of leanness, her subtle muscle definition, her breast size, her subtle hourglass shape, pretty much...|||I'm interested in seeing a picture of what you think would be the ideal body for you - in looks and aesthetics (although if you want to mention functionality goals that's fine too)|||I don't notice myself trying to feel negative emotions (maybe I do and don't notice it? haven't ruled that out) but I frequently notice some gratitude after I feel a negative emotion...like ok...|||I liked watching the fasting video (only had time to watch the first one) and it is also true for me that i get less hungry when I'm fasting than I do when I tried to reduce calories....even though...|||rest day I just found a perfect example of my goal body while I was aimlessly browsing youtube looking at 90s and 00s music videos for songs I heard many times on the radio but never actually saw...|||oh wow! well I can see the subtle changes easily from the past few months...and those alone are great... but that overall is a huge change especially in the face, you look like a totally different...|||I see the difference and I see where this is going! how exciting...congrats :) hard work is showing|||I'm so ridiculously addicted to caffeine. I had one white tea on Saturday, after not having any caffeine at all for literally months - and then got a caffeine withdrawal headache the next day when I...|||I think I have that same type of brain that doesn't want to or maybe can't regulate amounts. I wonder if it's a hard-wired evolutionary thing though (a.k.a. not necessarily bad). Like a caveman...|||I like his face. It has just enough asymmetry and oddness to trigger one example of my love of imperfections. :) the neck doesn't hurt either...he has a very obviously-masculine neck. I guess...|||I had to look up sp instinct but now that I did I can so relate to that bold part. losing weight feels like less armor between me and the world, and I have a love/hate relationship with that...|||September 17, 2017 open gym I did a bunch of clean & jerks. I feel like I was really struggling with speed today. Not ducking under the bar fast enough to go above 80lb in weight...not today...|||INTJs do exist. literally the only place I go very regularly outside of my house is the gym. Hmm. Work would be the other place I go regularly if I didn't work from home. I don't think that...|||nice! a log :) i look forward to following :) it would also be interesting to see how you like intermittent fasting if you end up trying that....i love it so far. it definitely does help me with...|||oh yay a log! sounds like good goals :) i look forward to reading along :)|||Here's a weight update on my rest day, 125.8lb today. I eat a massive amount every other evening and fast the rest of the time. I drink only water during the fast. https://i.imgur.com/Cxwede0.jpg...|||to the best of my knowledge that is exactly how a healthy and well-developed INTJ works...a mix of Ni and Te and Fi and all of them are important in normal decision-making. Se is also in our...|||confession: I totally just ordered a bunch of sports bras from herroom.com. Because it felt freaking badass to cast aside the tshirt and finish the workout in sports bra and leggings today. I have...|||following cravings is good :) I'm a big fan of that too for sure.|||I love reading your food lists....they sound so tasty every time :) (especially the quinoa bowl....ugh lol that sounds really good)|||September 13, 2017 warmup some running, pvc pipe overhead lunges, kettlebell swings skills we practices overhead walking lunges with kettlebell dangling from the bar on bands. we also...|||September 12, 2017 warmup some running and various exercises- the only one I remember is the pullups where I got 4 in a row without dropping! (I did need to rest in a dead hang after the 3rd one...|||Milestone today - my lowest weight so far in years (126.4) My abs looked great this morning too - I could see the little vertical ridges at the center and sides of rectus abdominus. I'm sure that...|||I think today will be a rest day even though the WOD looks interesting ... I want to go to the Tuesday and Wednesday classes without running out of steam doing 5 days in a row. Here is 21 days of...|||lol I can feel the pain way over here. all weights and no rest...story of my life lol. it sucks doesn't it?? are you starting a journal too? we need more journals to follow.|||September 10, 2017 open gym First - a bunch of clean & jerks with 55-80lb. Working on just feeling comfortable with the movement and trying to get lower in the jerk. Seems like 80lb is where I...|||His emotional dexterity feels like he is the musician and I am the piano. creating beautiful music with endless combinations; touching nerves I didn't know I had. it's hot. That song where the...|||she seems more INFJ to me and sometimes INFJs are mistaken for extroverts because of the Fe.|||September 9, 2017 Partner WOD 1 partner did cardio stuff (rowing, running with a few obstacles to jump or climb over) while the other does a mix of bodyweight exercises, box jumps, & weights. ...|||oh that kind is not always fun lol I can verify.|||yes...multiple kinds. also HSP which is not always fun but im learning to like it most of the time. I am cursed with.... color grapheme synesthesia. audio/visual synesthesia touch/taste...|||oh they exist but they might just be shy about talking about their preferences in public. Talking about preferences in detail in public is a high risk / no reward scenario for a lot of women even if...|||I would have coffee with Lord Pixel :) He can have his coffee and I will have my tea :)|||I just realized I had a small milestone this morning with my weight - under 130lb for a majority of the past 7 days. :) I definitely feel the difference weighing a little less even though it is...|||pretty much like Spock except female lol. And I love watching Spock played by Leonard Nimoy...he's so expressive :) like everything he feels is right there for those who know what to look for;...'
'It might seem like a good idea, but there will always be a need for a complex infrastructure to petition to get names on ballots, fund candidates, and just do the necessary things that campaigns need...|||i lean on my cold rational side heavily, and have since after college|||I'm not planning on voting for Hillary, either... There is another choice, we just have to choose it|||Because if people start to think businessmen should be running the country, the political establishment will all be out of a job. They are afraid the government is going to be handed from the...|||...A scientific explanation for why I am so distressed and disgusted by Ted Cruz: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-fallible-mind/201601/why-ted-cruz-s-facial-expression-makes-me-uneasy|||he wouldn't be controlled by the man behind the curtain because he IS a man from behind the curtain... Trump is just cutting the middle man out and giving the government to corporations... He wants...|||Trump 2016: When karma decided it was done screwing around|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBBGPziGR-4|||as a gift? i dunno like 12 million dollars. i figure i'll lose 4 mil to taxes, then still have enough to live without worrying about money for the rest of my days|||I feel that way about guys who are douches, guys who always have to know about other peoples business (especially their relationships & their girls), and any guy who has to perform, & be the center...|||hard for me to second-guess big decisions since i almost never commit to making big decisions, and when i do decide the commitment is so low it's honestly embarrassing lol|||i can't tell when i stop manipulating and start being genuine anymore|||extremely manipulative, to a fault... sensitive and vindictive.|||I find myself getting absorbed into the what ifs and imaginations of winning a lottery prize, only to be, as one might expect, disappointed. I am also prone to gambling in general because of my...|||I'm polite, most people compliment me for being smart, not so sure they are correct, but i'll take it|||Donald Trump is running for President of the United States|||As opposed to Bernie, who supported Bill Clinton’s war on Serbia, voted for the 2001 Authorization Unilateral Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF), which pretty much allowed Bush to wage war...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS3AZ12xf6s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKn0-Hkebxs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfT7hQ8SL5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEOOMEPbxtg ...|||that's how I see it at the moment|||yes, and you can see all of his long-form solutions and clearly-defined policy proposals in their entirety here: Bernie Sanders Bumper Stickers | Car Stickers, Decals, & More|||It's a great idea for Hillary, because at 74, there's a good chance Sanders isn't going to survive 4 years as President. Dude is seriously 74 going on 85|||Trump is a joke that never gets funny|||fair enough, I'm just suggesting that in very homogenous, small countries, things like economic and healthcare reform seem easy, but they don't have to deal with the challenges of very large, very...|||Germany, and most of Europe are some of the most homogenous areas of the world: Worlds apart: Uganda tops list of most ethnically diverse countries on Earth while South Korea comes bottom | Daily...|||i took pride in almost never being sick as a child. I was a very healthy child. I sometimes desired to be sick just to miss school and break up the routine!|||Also, Germany taxes like crazy. Try getting a 42% tax on a $60,208 salary passed in the USA, because again, that wouldn't fly in at least 2 of the 4 regions i mentioned above. Germany's tax rates...|||Germany is twice the size of California, by population. In other words, it's California, Texas and Florida... Germany has 1/4 the amount of people as the USA. Germany is also geographically smaller...|||When has Bernie ever even hinted at nuance or any kind of small compromise on his platform? His platform, plain and simple, is just a list of principles, and a lot of policy ideas that might work...|||worth a read, since we're arguing whats the difference between Democrats and Republicans (don't worry it's not too offensive to either): This is what makes Republicans and Democrats so different -...|||BFA: Graphic Design Graduated in 2007, economy collapsed in 2008, that industry never really recovered like it was before that. Design careers often lack upward paths and have a lot of lateral...|||not for me! I'm zaftig. I have only been skinny a couple of times. Teenage years, then late 20s. Trying to get back as we speak. have been struggling for the last few years with a compromised thyroid...|||edit: debunked|||male gemini|||it's ruthless, nasty, shameless, and destroys everything in the name of profits and power.|||The same thing I do every day - make a futile attempt at normal, give up, and wonder what went wrong...|||I laugh at absurdity and comics like Steve Martin and David Letterman... I also love to laugh at puns, simple wordplay and math jokes... I'm kind of a nerd like that.|||i hate the winter too. same reasons.|||i am torn between fall weather in NC which is, by all accounts, perfect, and blazing summer weather with afternoon storms. those two would be my favorites, though.|||i like mountain biking and riding my bike outdoors... just being outside away from civilization and people...|||today i hate everything about me. i hate the way i look, sound and act. i hate every decision i have made that has left me a fat, out of shape, ugly, dirty lazy worthless sack of crap. i hate the way...|||haha not where i expected this thread to go, but welcome, new INFP male! my interests are cycling, printmaking, music, tennis, and technology... my hobbies are riding bikes, playing tennis, and doing...|||razorback pig|||yes, it does, and it also reminds me i am still very childish.|||i have to admit i am really in the mood for some porn tonight|||gasoline, permanent markers, mineral spirits, varnish, pretty much anything that probably kills you if you inhale it|||this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-S0T4xTdLY|||I got your Not shy right here Picking out new glasses! - a set on Flickr that's a bunch of photos i took when i was picking out glasses (and growing my hair out) the pick i posted in my other post...|||I like the red ones for you... and these are the ones i wear: 56817 ...|||there might be nothing more aggravating that someone without a job telling you you should get a second job, or someone who is terrible about spending money unnecessarily telling you to stop buying...|||not to be confused with baby mama drama i don't know how you guys get along with y'alls mothers, but i have a tumultuous relationship with mine. Do you guys get along with your parents? esp...'
'The duck is named Zeus.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5sTBrs4fhQ|||Nope, see traits of mammalian predators: 4h.uwex.edu/pubs/showdoc.cfm?documentid=30269|||All Humans are predators. It's why we have eyes in the front of our head....so we can judge the distance to our prey. Prey animals typically have eyes on the side of their heads so I would venture...|||The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout|||Are you God? No Are you sure?|||Ducati.... red|||I had a girl friend who was from Caguas I was attempting to give an engagement speech in Spanish in front of her family and grandparents. I said the equivalent of Thank you for allowing me to...|||The Friend Zone seriously sounds like something someone made up to sell books. Perhaps my viewpoint is different as an ENTP is naturally both particle AND wave. Thus we defy static definition|||Them: leaving your house because U R not there like U said U would be R U O K Me: K Them: K your ok or K your coming to meet me Me: K it's fine that your leaving my house Them: U R A...|||Kids = Seeds of Hope|||A friend wrote me this today which felt pretty awesome. I immediately felt comfortable in your presence - it was almost like no one else was in the entire place and everything was just as it...|||I did this It was pretty awesome before the apartment burned to the ground.|||I trimmed your what's most important down a bit. Hope you don't mind As to how do you deal with this. I would suggest that you take some of that anxious energy you are spending worrying...|||Exactly Once..........|||I would suggest being yourself in all situations and at all times|||increased dopamine.|||Pachelbel's Canon in D 300 years...still going strong.|||When I was five, I sleepwalked up to the balcony railing outside my bedroom and peed down into the living room where my parents where watching TV.|||Diversity.....|||I find the emotional ones tend to also be more passionate. There are trade offs with how much I will put up with depending on the nature of the relationship and my desire or lack thereof to maintain...|||The thought police will be able to monitor your mind by reading brain wave patterns. Thinking about insurrection will insure you are sent for rehabilitation. After three strikes of thought crimes...|||minor dilation of the eye pupil observed during sex|||Imagination is the first step to discovery|||I thought that was just normal and everyone does that.|||I run virtual VMware sessions so way no matter what happens if it gets screwed up I just close the session and restore it to it's former state.......poof it puts it back the way it was.|||Definitely yes......probably|||ENTP I stay up for a couple days at a time quite often but overall I normally sleep from about 3:00am until 7:30am. If I find myself working on something interesting, I'll stay awake until 5:30am...|||The advice I give is normally sound although how the person perceives it varies on what they want to hear almost as much as what was actually said|||Sounds Normal. Just don't stay awake for over 3 days at a time.... Odd things can happen to your perceptions|||Baked Alaska with a side of blue berries isn't bad|||Id want a heads up display in my vision or perhaps even just on my car windshield as I drive. Porcelain teeth would be nice I have them half done currently. Thumb print debit card would be cool|||After all 26 true letters is a bit limiting:laughing:|||What's an ENTP to do when your thoughts hit the glass ceiling of evolution.... push on like always.... evolve your thoughts into new patterns to accommodate the human needs of society and make this...|||I like my body it does a good job taking care of me as bodies go. It's comfortable and makes a nice seat on which to think. My teeth could be a bit whiter but all in time they do an adequate job...|||I can speak to this as an ENTP. I have withdrawn at times solo for weeks speaking to not a soul. Normally this is because I have gathered all the needed information from my normal interactions with...|||I walk around in my boxers all the time sounds normal to me. While I may be somewhat bareassed I am never embarrassed so to speak. I forget stuff all the time but not COMPLETELY I still...|||Grads to you|||Congratulations!!|||Ever lay on your back and look up at the stars? I did this last night while talking on the phone and found it an amazing experience. Some look to other people for comfort. Last night I...|||With me if the goal is worthy the work no matter how hard it looks becomes pleasure. With the right goal and motivation I can make the impossible possible through intense focus and dedication to the...|||Going Vorpal on hyras ideas is going to be interesting tonight ®|||*reaching OUT* Tonight I would use a fushion reaction to light the way to a vorpal dawn tommorow might be different VS :laughing:|||I answer I|||Yeah I is like that in all regards though not illiterate as it might seem I skipped university almost entirely and moved directly into thought anyway I only missed one detail. I would be...|||the bell is in between the box and the door|||If not I'll create one to share with all.|||I almost Peed So you blind the bear and trick him to hunt and gather the sandwich while you hunt and gather the supplies you need after you used him to free you from the room... :shocked: ...|||Your last good ping-pong ball fell down into a narrow metal pipe imbedded in concrete one foot deep. You have two lemon bars, three sandwich's and a glass of water. Q1. How do you get the...|||*whispers* He isn't blind is he? Perhaps he will invent a plan like sealing himself inside a giant box closing his eyes and hoping someone takes him inside when the doorbell rings.....Of course who's...'
'Spite.|||Goodbye, Andrea There's blood in an artist's ink They write with bone Their pages think They pour endless breath on every page Crafting death Defeating age With sinew sublimed into words...|||Cancer froths from a rabid thought And sanity evaporates Dissipated like a flat joke Leaving only want and fear I want to believe there was more than this But the moral stampede is deafening...|||Chocolate and cum smearing your face, breath smelling saltier than the red sea, sweaty folds around your waist so fat that they take a couple seconds to catch up with the rest of you while you waddle...|||I have a dirty mouth|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEl9skiNc88 Trust me, I know. haha|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8f8HciNGwM|||Especially when you contrast it with all of the other awful Engrishness in that show. :P You could definitely be stuck with worse.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzGiAEABtW8|||Beneath that blackened reef it dwelled Under brine-filled deep Where things boiled, bubbled and swelled Awakened from their sleep Where dark arcades mark endless days Within their dreaming eyes...|||I, for one, find koalas quite cute; I'm sure you won't have much trouble snagging another like-minded Canuck. haha|||I could see a pair of maple leaf pasties and some strategically placed syrup landing you a one-way ticket pretty easily.|||Why the fuck did I eat all that pepperoni?|||Regret I marked the graves of my misdeeds And found that there were no more trees So I set upon the barren land Satchel full of seeds in hand The shadows of the stakes stood tall Surrounding...|||Maudlin Elegy In her voice you’ll hear an ache That leaves men weak within its wake She’ll take all that you give and more Then leave you standing at her door Her pulse raised, her eyes drawn...|||The flowers fucked, and so did I Beneath that tepid, trodden sky Where cum-stain clouds and daffodils Framed her ass and other hills And like a phallus forcing friction My mind was lubed and...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6kdTcL45SU|||Butt-chugging is actually very economical.|||Woke up wracked with coughs before they became so violent I stumbled over to spill my stomach into the toilet. 12 hours until my exam. Some days you just wanna curl up into yourself and sleep away...|||https://38.media.tumblr.com/4c108059b6ff9a088805ddeabe86d4f7/tumblr_inline_o0he78e6w71qgp297_500.gif If you know an ENTP well you'll have seen this playful look more than once, like a shark happy...|||Thanking me out of spite. Well played.|||No tampons, I air dry.|||You're prettier than my figurines!|||You're a real piece of shit, Obv. Let's be friends.|||True, but I can see my date getting a bit cross if they're not expecting to be nailed like that. I should probably be more Judasious.|||Just you, me and Jesus.|||I'm late for another date.|||Just as things are getting hot and heavy: You smell like my mom.|||Sometimes you meet one. :wink:|||Acquaintance You cunt The stunted limit of my time for the idiot Makes brief life of my sentence With all the cadence of a bullet Through the hollow of their skull|||Still the nonsensically socially conscientious psychopath, are we, Parrot? Hope you've been well. I'm a 23 year old Canadian man, currently studying English with aspirations to become a novelist...|||Politics When silver spoons dig up the past Each more filthy than the last Each one shoveling more blame Claiming they've not done the same I feel all passion in me quell Too beleaguered by...|||Stillborn Monday My thoughts swing back to her and the pendulum stops A rotting sensation drowns out the clock Haphazardly kicking my stagnant heart down the road To nowhere|||March 20th, 2003 Paradigms run parallel, impairing minds, they can't dispel The pondering, the wandering outside the lines they're conjuring Collapsing all their catalysts Metastasis of...|||Jump on his wounded gazelle need for romantic validation, you beautifully neurotic lioness! Carpe Diem!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov7-Ujz1ecs|||Perhaps I misinterpreted your passive-aggressive proclamation at how easy your ex has made it for you to get over them as lashing out, along with your petulantly catty remarks about drama and marking...|||I don't need every extraneous detail of your maudlin escapades to logically critique the words right in front of me. For example, claiming that you weren't lashing out, simply because you could have...|||Anyone who feels the need to lash out at their ex in public, albeit anonymously, in an effort to get over them obviously isn't the most emotionally mature and mentally healthy individual. The way you...|||1) Jeholopterus ninchengensis, because I like the idea of a tiny, flying, furry, vampiric dinosaur being at my beck and call. Plus, they're adorable. 2) Trust the Germans to have the most camp...|||I believe that Don Quixote is ultimately an existentialist novel, as its message is largely predicated on absurdity and self-determination. You can easily see the tragedy of a banal world's utter...|||I wonder if anyone's ever considered using a salami slicer as a re-purposed guillotine for repeat sex offenders.|||So, you regularly fake affection towards people in your life in order to use them, like a tool, to benefit yourself. Yet, you believe it was only after becoming close with this other person that you...|||Sweetheart, you've been finished for a while, whether or not you keep posting. The irony of your self-defeating behavior and how you've done nothing but confirm Daleks' initial assessments, after...|||You're absolutely adorable. First, you deny the stereotype, and then when I explain how you fit it perfectly you make a vain attempt at deflection with some off-handed platitude. Stating you don't...|||That really doesn't carry much while you consistently embody the ENFP stereotype of passive-aggression, darling.|||This type of smug, self-justifying, passive-aggressive behavior is exactly why ENFPs make awful partners. haha|||What a shame; improper spanking is so much more fun.|||The Lonely Spider The lonely spider, with haughty eyes Looks down upon his writhing prize With mandibles and poison breath He speaks no words and whispers death But without the weight of his...|||And so humble and low-maintenance, too!'
'Heh, funny that here it says that both, ENFP (me) and ISFP (my partner) would be seeking for short-term dating, not long-term. In everywhere else it says that both of these personality types are...|||I'm not ISFP, but an ISFP guy I'm dating is really slow at replying. Sometimes he just calls me, maybe once or twice a week. First I felt kinda lonely because of that but now I'm used to it. But I...|||Oh my god, everything you guys have written about how you see the world/the connections is exactly the same way as I see it. Amazing. I tried to talk about this with one ISFP guy and he was like...|||Do you have this? Are you spiritual? What is your religion? I personally am pretty much Buddhist (pantheist). I believe we are all part of one big creation, and that's what I call God. I...|||Be yourself, don't try to please other people too much, even though it's natural to you. Don't hesitate to say no when you feel something is not right. Do the things that excite you... there...|||Honestly, that's hard to say. I'm often interested in a lot of people at the same time. Very rarely do I have a crush on a single person only. So that being said, she might be open for something...|||I didn't read the responses, but I've had similar experiences in my life. How old are you? When I was around 20, I had a strong sense that I'm no-one. I would always adjust myself to the group I...|||486546 I'm fucking gorgeous. Or just full of myself. Or both. This picture shows my personality better though. Me mixing some bad-ass psytrance in my pajamas while looking like taking a...|||486522486538486586486610 This is what I've been wearing recently... But I also have VERY different kind of clothes, more punk/rock style, darker etc. and also a bit hip hop style. I used to be a...|||wow, you can do anything (meaning i have a lot of hobbies...) you're really weird... in a good way always when you join the conversation it gets really deep stop it, you're embarrassing me...|||Yeah, I have this too. I have really long-lasting friendships, and I'm usually always willing to talk about the things that are problems between us. But if the other person is not willing to do...|||Like Bill Hicks telling how life is just a ride... Or something like that. Something philosophical than reminds me that everything is just fine.|||question to ENFP's: Why do ENTJ's like circles? No idea and I'm too lazy to think. What is your favorite shape? Definitely a fractal. Like romanesco cauliflower is awesome: ...|||Hehe, I'm seeing an ISFP guy and we decided we don't want to label our relationship as a relationship or each other as boyfriend or girlfriend because those things bring up expectations. We...|||Let him go. You're telling that you can stop the obsessive thoughts now. So how about stopping your obsession towards your relationship with him? Just let him go. Focus on yourself, how to be...|||In our case it's not still official, I don't even know if it's going to be, because we both hate rules and when we talked about this we agreed with that if we start labeling things or calling this a...|||I'm ENFP and currently seeing an ISFP guy. A lot of things you wrote sound very familiar! I was also very confused about those things in the beginning, but as a bit more time has passed, I'm sure he...|||Hey ISFPs! Here's a question related to sex: Do you like trying out new things?|||Thank you so much for your response, I think it was quite helpful! This was actually one issue for us, since we live really far apart. I just met him on Friday, and the first time we met was on...|||So if you had to write a story about a perfect date... What would you do? Let's say you're going to see the person you like at 6pm on friday night and you both have the next day off. What would...|||Most of my best friends tend to be ENFP, INFJ or INFP. One of my best friends is INTJ and I really love her. I get really well along with other ENFPs. With them I've had the funniest moments when...|||Yeah. When I'm really emotional (like angry or hurt) I do that kind of unconsciously. Like, it just happens naturally. Usually I realize that later. No wonder ENFPs are often the center of dramas,...|||OMG I do SO random stuff when I'm alone at home! I roll on my bed and giggle, sing with a weird voice, talk to myself, make weird faces in front of the mirror, run around, dance, jump, pretend to...|||Yeah, I think I get you, and I feel that there might me some kind of mutual understanding between us that is beyond the words. I mean, I think we propably view these things in a similar way. My...|||I'm sorry that you had to experience something as horrible as that. Since the experiences are propably very traumatic to you and maybe you haven't got past them yet, what I'm gonna write might sound...|||Well I agree with you in the sense that I tend to find people interesting for being the way they are and showing their weird side as well! And I totally love it when people are opening up to me about...|||Hey! I can only say it from my perspective... But... I personally like to make sure that the other person is into me as well before saying anything out loud, unless I've waited for a LONG time...|||Thank you so much for this post. I met this ISFP guy a while ago, and we got along really well. We both started liking each other, but we live really far away, so we aren't gonna see each other...|||You know you are an ENFP when... ...there are so many possibilities and interesting things you wanna try out, so you try everything, like EEEVERYTHING, and you like it all, and oh crap there's...|||Alright... So there's already a thread on ENFP forum about ENFPs and ISFPs, but I figured out I'd get more replies from ISFP people if I posted this here as well. I just recently met a guy who...|||456738 Well, hello!|||Great that I found this topic. I'm an ENFP female and recently met an ISFP guy. As somebody else also described earlier on this thread, we felt an instant connection. It was something like love at...|||@SargeMaximus, it's quite cold here so I'm not gonna take another fire poi video for a while... But other stuff right now. Here's a piano song I made and some pics I've drawn. Sorry for the bad...|||teddy564339: Well, I guess you can interprete that in many ways. It's a good thing that here are many people who make different interpretes. Maybe the OPs gonna learn something. He knows the best...|||I think everything else fits to me in INFJ description except the weaknesses. Is there anyone else who thinks the same?|||I will become a buddha. If not in next year, then later. The funniest part in this is that I'm fucking serious.|||Thanks Dauntless. I hope you noted that I'm only in the first video :-) Though the woman in the last video looks kinda like me... but I'm no way as good as she.|||Thanks. Though it's not really as crazy as it looks like. I know there are people who are a lot better than me out there. It's not just chaotic spinning but there are different moves that you can do...|||Oh yeah. I've been doing UV and poi performances with fire and led and just UV glowing stuff. I'm not THAT good but I'm okay. I started with poi about 1½ years ago but I haven't been improving very...|||Do you guys think fire performances are art? If you do, here's me doing some art: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YLZzUGJcCo And here is something else! I already posted some to INFJ art topic...|||For me that's sounds a little bit like blackmailing. I started going out with you because I thought you were something else than you are. I won't accept you the way you are because you're not my...|||@teddy564339: Yeah, I agree with you. I mean, what I said would be ideal. But you're right about the fact that it's easier said than done because of our human nature. And I know exactly what you mean...|||Maybe, but here we have an interesting point. Doing something to someone else because it makes me happy, is different, than doing something to someone because I want that person later on to do the...|||When I'm talking one-on-one to someone and we have a very interesting conversation, I easily make eye contact. That's also because I want to know about the other person. But with strangers I don't...|||If someone told me he/she understands me perfectly, I would just feel that he/she is really fake and doesn't know anything about me. This is because I don't understand anyone perfectly and I'm pretty...|||I think it's impossible to feel PURE LOVE to any particular person over another. Why? Because love is like sun, it's shining on everyone no matter how bad or good those people are. That's why I...|||I agreed to the most, but when I came to the weaknesses part, I was like noooo, this ain't me. Then I read it again and realized I was just defensive because I didn't want to agree I have any...|||You sound a lot more like ENFJ than INFJ. But that's just my opinion based on the ENFJs and INFJs I know including myself (I know quite many of them). Anyway welcome to the forums :)|||She's never gonna be your soulmate. That's propably for sure. But ask to yourself: Does she have to be your soulmate? I don't think my bf will ever become my soulmate. He is INTP and I'm INFJ. I...|||Another problem with his family is that... I'm very bad at sleeping. I can't sleep if I hear people talking and I wake up if I hear some noises. My bf goes to sleep at 1-2am and I can't sleep before...'
'This is absolutely true for me. A recent example: My headphones have been a bit broken for quite some time. Still functioning, just a bit of wire showing. I bought new headphones a few weeks ago....|||I agree that introverts are better with public speeches. My one of my chemistry classes, we were required to do a presentation about our work we had done on a project. I was the only introvert in the...|||I was in the shower once and started to think about chemistry (I'm a chemistry major, so I suppose it makes sense). In my ochem class we learned about sodium hydride, NaH, in which hydrogen acts as...|||Got home from my first year of college lest Thursday. Only unpacked the necessary things: Laptop, charger, wallet. The rest will be in boxes for a while... 37930|||House and Breaking Bad are my favorites. The Big Bang Theory is pretty good too, but only in small quantities at a time.|||Looking at that made me feel colorblind... I only attempted the first row because I got a bit bored, but my score was 783. Well, that was entertaining.|||Sleep and I have a love/hate relationship. When I can get to sleep early, I'll wake up around 4 or 5 the next morning (after 6-7 hours of sleep) and feel completely awake and ready to take on the...|||I hung out with a few different groups in high school. I had the fellow nerds that I had most of my classes with (It happens there's only around 30 kids who have an interest in AP sciences). I also...|||Good thing I read through everything before posting because I was about to say the same thing. My only competition is myself.|||My emotions in dreams tend to be extreme. I have two recurring dreams, one in which I can fly so I'm incredibly happy, and one in which I'm trying to avoid being killed which leads to more fear than...|||I think my mom has told me that she's an ISTJ. Maybe ISFJ though. Either way, the J is pretty annoying and the reason for most of our disagreements. I'm not sure what my dad's type is...I'm guessing...|||Peace of mind = waking up early to avoid seeing people in my dorm. Then just continuing throughout each day making the most of the little things. I guess I would define peace of mind as happiness.|||I don't drink or do drugs. I think it's a bit out of fear of the consequences. In my opinion, there's really no appeal either. Why would I want to be intoxicated?|||AP chemistry was my favorite class in high school. I'm currently taking two chem classes in college, analytical and organic. Analytical can be boring, but the labs are fun and interesting...lots of...|||For some reason, I always want to spell derivative as derivitive.|||Initial reaction: Thank god I'm not a J.|||English is my native language, and I've been learning spanish since I was in fourth grade (10 years now). Last semester, I took an Italian class that was for people who already knew another romance...|||That was fantastic. Must watch more.|||Type O. Some of the description is totally accurate...other parts are the complete opposite of me.|||I had always thought that I would go to a small school and that I would love it. When I actually chose a college though, I realized I preferred larger campuses. I'm in my second semester at a large...|||I don't care. Pro football is boring...|||Italian, Spanish, and German. Maybe once I can speak Russian I'll say that as well.|||I'm dismissive Attachment-related anxiety score is 2.36 Attachment-related avoidance score is 4.11 Would've expected the anxiety score to be lower, but whatever. Since I've never actually been...|||Option three is funny...so I voted for that one. :)|||Do you have a standard greeting to coworkers, friends, grocery store checkout people etc? I say, Hello. Do you hug/kiss family members? Hugs sometimes. Not kisses...that would be weird. Do...|||Woah... This is essentially the same thing I was going to say, except school instead of work, and dorm room instead of cubicle. Cool.|||Dr. Cameron from House Ferb from Phineas and Ferb (Phineas is pretty cool too, I guess) Robert Langdon from The DaVinci Code, Angels&Demons, etc.|||Typical phrase: I don't care. I couldn't even count how many times I say that each day...|||I follow some of my favorite baseball players as well as my college and its chemistry department. And every once in a while I'll tweet something that I want to say, but don't want many people to see...|||I act normal around them because usually I don't want them to know, in case the feelings aren't mutual.|||I only know one friend's personality type, and she's an ENFJ|||Although I suck, I do enjoy some COD Zombies every once in a while. I also love most iPod apps.|||iPod games, go for walks, and mess around on the internet. And in the winter, I like to ski. What an exciting life.|||Chances are pretty good I didn't have my phone with me. Or I just didn't notice a message.|||9, 3, and 5 are my highest. Not sure how wings work...|||Bright Star Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art-- Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night And watching, with eternal lids apart, Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite, The...|||I'd probably change to E or S. It'd be interesting to be extroverted, and I'm already on the N/S border.|||Yeah. I think it's because I don't really get too angry about stuff. Plus I tend to forget little things quite quickly. If it's something big, I'll forgive, but probably not forget.|||Tv: House MD because I really like the characters and watching how they change throughout the seasons. In my opinion, the first three seasons were the best, then the show started going downhill, but...|||Happens all the time. Makes me look like an idiot, but I don't care because if I'm giggling, I'm definitely enjoying myself at the time.|||I started learning Spanish in fourth grade, and it was the easiest class for me through high school. It came naturally, and the grammar was always so simple. I loved learning all the different verb...|||I guess I'm different, but I smile a lot :) Probably because just about anything can make me laugh...|||Facebook is boring, but it's what I use to communicate with people. A few people at least...|||No thanks! I don't understand the appeal of cigarettes.|||I can be pretty shy. I'm shy in front of people who I respect a lot, such as teachers, because I almost fear them. It's weird but whatever. Anyone else feel that way?|||College! It's fun :D|||I just finished my first semester of college, and I loved it. My favorite classes were chemistry and calculus, but I enjoyed Italian as well because, surprisingly, the other nine kids in my class and...|||There are three good things about Christmas: 1. Skiing 2. Home Alone movies 3. Cookies Not bad.|||Almost two years ago, a friend killed himself. Less than two months later, another killed herself. Those two months were probably the hardest months of my life, and I cried more than I ever have...|||I'm 9w8. Interesting...'
'my neck, obviously. haha jk. Mmm, I'd donate my blood to vampires on famine|||def vampire, but like Gary oldman's dracula.|||This isn't controversial, but I find Critical Pedagogy to have a very sixish nature. Liberating yourself from chains of the opressers, from fear of freedom, from deshumanization to humanization, to...|||I chose envy and sloth. I work hard in my studies, volunteering, etc, I'm very considerate and blah, blah, blah, BUT it takes me a lot of effort to start doing things. Lots of it is procrastination,...|||1. Shorter, they're playful and all-rounders. 2. The thicker the better. 3. Thrusting is a must, but shorties are good for some of the hardest techniques; it's all about skill, not stamina! 4....|||Fe is not kindness.|||That's such an achievement!|||I like them and their intensity, but sometimes it's way too overwhelming to me! At its best, they're responsible, mindful and passionate individuals who have very strong convictions and will always...|||I think your friend blew the escalator theme out of proportion, and I do think it looks like unhealthy T. Healthy Ts may debate extensively, but they'll give you sufficient reasoning that what you're...|||No, I don't like sarcasm at all. Sometimes I do use it, but I try to be careful and craft words in such a way that it sounds like joking and not offending.|||The only constant thing that makes me cry is to be yelled by my parents in a scolding way. There's a lot of stuff that makes me cry too, but they depend on the situation.|||I learned that most traits that enneagram type descriptions tell(being generous, selfish, insecure, low self-image, being intellectual, amicable, long etc) are superficial. They only work if you see...|||6w5 sp/so|||I've had the same impression. When I've read character and neurosis, I found type 2 not to be a very superego function. I've seen it more as an id function, because of it's strong need for love, and...|||To be a fully grown adult, I must embark in the quest for mental autonomy. Yeah, money is good, a job is better, friends are awesome, family much more, but I can't be a thoughtless sheep. I can't...|||Ockham's razor is bullshit. It works like, 10% of the time.|||I can accept mass consumption in Christmas, it's OK for the economy. What I don't accept or tolerate is that Roman and Christian Catholics celebrate Christmas in consumerism. Their teachings say that...|||What do mean exactly by power? Please clarify :)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5St6QgS3ZVQ It's a very sweet and tender track about flirting and charming people to you. The chorus has no sense at all, but it adds that feeling of deepness that...|||People who date other people based ONLY on MBTI/Enneagram/DISC/any typology do not know what they want in a partner.|||- Vaginahead. - Vagina in the Dark. - 2001: A space vagina. - The Vagina Horror Picture Show. - Vagina Wide Shut.|||I'm starting to think I'm SO or at least SP/SO. I value more than 2-5 people's opinions. I'll do research, thanks for enlighten me. Now, continuing with the controversial opinions: The whole 2012...|||People take the credo don't care about what anyone says and thinks about you to absurd, and I mean REALLY ABSURD extremes. Okay, it's really unhealthy to base your WHOLE concept and value of...|||I'm so happy and relieved, I got exonerated on a very tough exam. But tomorrow's my biggest targets awaits: macroeconomics and qualitative research.|||Regarding school massacres, I think the majority of people are very ignorant because they only debate about the right to use a weapon. They forget that it's bullying and discrimination the triggers...|||I do stand out of the crowd. My responsibility, work ethic, organization skills and enthusiasm leads people out of apathy and uncertainty. However, I don't always like to be a leader, a pioneer or...|||I collect lots of info about Final Fantasy, movies (film junkie) and politics, but the latter is because of my career. And I constantly search random stuff on wikipedia.|||Marriage by itself doesn't assure commitment.|||To hibernate for one year. I'm so tired.|||Oh yes I do, but I focus on the morbid side. I love to make jokes about death, sex and disturbing issues. I even talk about how someone will die. However, I know everyone doesn't like it, so it keep...|||Violet, Green and Abstract Tan.|||The Place to Discover Yourself :kitteh:|||1) Macchiavellism is wrong. And I mean REALLY WRONG. 2) You can't judge people according to the music they listen. I have friends who love singing and dancing reggaeton (sort of grind dancing music)...|||I think the need to be correct is fine, but don't hurt people's feelings in the process. You can agree to disagree, not impose what you think is right (obviously there are exceptions to this rule). ...|||People have more secrets than me. I'm very open with my life details, except those that involve third parties, I respect other's privacy. However, I shut up many criticisms and opinions. I prefer...|||Easy come, easy go. Hell yeah I'm Social last.|||I request a judgement. Preferably from someone who has read my posts and has some idea of how my character is. If there's no one, okay. I want to know how I come across on the internet.|||I don't know if PETA people have done it before, but it would be a great idea that those models go naked for at least one day. I'd be MUCH better if fat and obese people of PETA go naked. It would...|||:* I think solidarity is a universal value that should be in every single culture. I think the most noble and virtuous thing is to help others and dedicate yourself to service. I think every...|||I think The Beatles are way too overrated, just as every 60s - 70s british singers / bands.|||The concept of female virginity is a big cause of history's sexism.|||I think that England and Spain should have never collonized America (both South and North). I don't care how much technology, advancement, and values they had. Indigenous people are just as complex,...|||josephkonrad I've just set rules for discussion. Thanks for your warning!|||I'm interested in seeing other ENFJs' political views and why they support it. I highly support social democracy. I think that capitalism, while still basically good, does leave people in extreme...|||Vocaroo | Voice message It really sounds sixish hahaha.|||Well, to be more exact it's impossible to put concrete patterns of behaviour in MBTI types. They deal with cognitive and decision-making dynamics, not behaviours. An ENFJ can be an emotional...|||Some submissive and unassertive ENFJs play victim. They put their image of helpfulness and sensibility to auto-justify themselves every time someone steps over them or abuse them. Passive...|||Quality time, honesty, AND that people's help and support. That includes mutual responsibility, financial aid (if it's possible), supporting one each-other in tough times, etc. For example, I think...|||Jawz thank you for such recognition of us! Too bad you retired... hope to see you again! Well, if anything, my ode to you is for being very open to such other types. Your fraternity makes people feel...|||Very predictable. My words, personality, face and gestures tend to speak a lot. I'm not good at lying either, although I have a lot of confident charisma when I speak in public, which could be good...'
'Dear ISFJ Mother, I wish you were less of a work-a-holic and would spend more time with me. When I finally take off to college (I've got four years), you're going to miss me. I'm tired of being in...|||I figured that I'm seen as childish because I'm willing to question about the things I don't know while others may keep quiet because they don't wish to be seen as stupid. Thankfully, my mother told...|||Well my fellow SPs, this thread proves that we are all some form of lazy :tongue:. Funny, thought I'd feel more shame than giddiness....|||Tell my parents that. I would, but then I'd be required to get off this couch :laughing: haha.|||Good, I wouldn't want to be in an Fi-coma :laughing:|||Haha the examples are so cute, but I already have a very limited premise of understanding when dealing with the cognitive functions. It's just that I've failed many times before to detect cognitive...|||And Mario most definantly knows best! :tongue:|||@Nevermind_me Both of us are entering high school in a few days but she doesn't go to my school anymore so that's a plus. Still, we still live very close to one another :unsure:. Oh and yes, she is...|||^ Yeah, you are sadly correct. She has depression :sad: and I think she often finds self-worth in the form of those who hang out with her. You know, like she probably (you can never be certain)...|||^ Some very good points! I think my main fear of letting this carry out any longer is the fear that she may just commit the ultimate end: suicide. She is suicidal, and despite all the dramatics,...|||I'm too lazy and self-absorbed. I could imagine my whole life on this couch- and be enjoying it. If it weren't for school coming soon, I'd be on this couch foreverrrrrrrrrrrr....... Yeah... (By...|||Wow, thanks for all these replies :proud:! I can really relate to what all of you have mentioned and will try to mend our relations- hopefully in a way that works for the both of us. And I agree with...|||Anticipating the 2:00 a.m airing of Jerry Springer that will be on in 30 minutes :blushed: I swear...it's my guilt pleasure! The people who go on that show....imph! I love it!|||I know I'd save a lot for my college funds considering my family isn't the wealthiest out there, probably buy a new laptop, some clothes...after that I'd probably give money to that abused animal...|||I have this friend whom I've been friends with for the last two years. Much to many, and especially this friend's expense, I have that introverted tendency to want to be alone after school and...|||I think I'm a ISFP, especially after reading those! Anyway, I often get, W-Wow! I didn't know you had THAT side of you. Usually after I go ballistic toward someone whose been asking for it since...|||Okay, I can totally try that :D 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances?...|||Oops! Sorry for the double post :D|||My profile pic: 4649146492Sorry the one picture is so large, hehe.|||I've never really considered that, but I am still very much sure I am an introvert due to my preference to spend time alone rather than in the company of my friends. My brother is an ESTP like you,...|||Thanks RevaN, I appreciate you taking the time to help me :D. Haha, I will definantly go and research the ESFP description although, isn't it possible for my cognitive functions could be reversed? My...|||Despite being hugely interested in the MBTI for about a year now; taking every test imaginable online, and going through secure and insecure moodswings on my type, I can't seem to settle. Things fit...|||I'm an ENFP and I have the strange inabilty to color nicely. :D|||OooH! I'll give this a go! Spy:ISTP Villain:INTJ Rock Star: ESFP Knight: ISTJ Princess:INFP Bodyguard:ISTP Heir to a Large Company: er...hard INTP Martyr:INFP Soldier: ISTJ|||I am so late with replying to this thread but I couldn't help it, this topic just seems so interesting! Okay, here I go! Your type:ENFP ISFJ: My best friend for years is this type. He is...|||You know you are an ENFP when years before (and even now) you acted out Red Riding Hood by playing Red Riding Hood, the Wolf, and Granny just to eat the blue berries you had gotten from the fridge....|||Don't worry. I have an ESTP brother too and he can be pretty dramatic if something bad happens in his life. But then he usually gets over it in a few days and says something like, This place is...|||Hi, I'm an ENFP living in a household full of S's and T's (except for dear ol' mom) and find it very hard to deal with my two action-oriented brothers, a ESTP and a ISTP. To begin, I must say that...|||So strange...you sound a lot like me. Maybe it's just an INFP thing :proud:|||Please don't be scared! Now, to be honest, if you wish, you can discredit my advice being as I am only fourteen but all of what you said sounds like Cyclothymia or Bipolar Disorder (I'm REALLY...|||I have a few confessions: Even on the internet, where I know no one knows who I am, I am reluctant (and virtually never) mean. Also, I intetionally avoid my friends because the time I need to...|||Yeah, haha, I know. It's just that while the ENFP description fits me very well, I just am not really a people person and I'm not extroverted which makes me wonder.|||I've been interested in the MBTI for about a year, but within that year, I've been bouncing around between ENFP, ISFP and INFP. All of these types seem to fit me in many ways but I can't seem to...|||I know I'm totally late with replying and all but I couldn't help it! Because of your totally accurate description of me, I think I've finally found my type! Everything describes me to a T! Thank you!|||With someone you have a love/hate relationship with? And you really just can't leave because there was a snow storm outside? What if they were a childhood friend that hated you for some reason? Would...|||I'd like to know the MBTi's for each of the following countries. If you want, feel totally free to add your own countries so they can be evaluated too. Give reasonings if you will :proud: if you do,...|||Awh! The music ended AS SOON as i finished reading. Your experience was sad, eye-opening and went perfectly with the music. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. I'm only 14 and an ENFP (:kitteh:...|||I wanna catch em' all! Gotta catch em' all. (Pokemon of course.) but sadly, I live in a world where the only thing you can catch is sickness. *goes to sad corner*|||This actually happened to me and an ENTP. Though I threw a ball at him first (Using my innocence and general facade of oblivious-ness to adorn the title of not a threat during the game) to casually...|||Ah! I'm glad this thread it progressing! Thank you all who have answered so far! Still a few we need and I hope we can fill those spots.|||Say you have spoken very little, but were very drawn to them for something you've seen them do. Would you immediately be flirty? Steal secret glances? Stare them down? :proud: I'm really curious. ...|||My mother is an ESTJ (though I am a little hesitant) and I am an ENFP. I've learned that as long as I don't second guess my mother, and argue, I'm set. My mother feels threatened when she, as a...|||This isn't meant to offend, in fact I highly value your knowledge, but the fact that the mast majority of NT's are very intellectual intimidates me. I'm an ENFP and I find myself strangely afraid of...|||I don't know if anyone's said this but I often get, Um...are you high? I love that since I've never taken a drug in my life time.'
'...when even the simplest greetings are a game to you. ...when the lack of Fe in your environment really agitates you, or you constantly feel like those people's bubble needs to be bursted. ...|||with a metaphore. Like the Moon. Or something else that isn't what it reflects but the fact that it does. (Actually, usually I just blink and ask: In what way?)|||Well, this could be fun. 1. I'm not generally impractical, I'm good at most house work and the like. 2. It's not that hard for me to hide my emotions. 3. I have next to no charisma, I'm...|||Yes. Even when someone sees through me, I'm usually able to make them think they were wrong in a second. I'm bad at expressing my emotions. Even when I want to, I struggle to make people see what I...|||Well, My mother is ENFJ and I'm an INFJ. My brother is ESTP, but then my dad is ISFJ and my other sibling is ENFP so it looks like that Fi-Te came from nowhere. :D|||Interesting thread. :D I'm not particularly good at sports but not hopeless? I guess. Except dancing. I've gone somewhat backwards in the past few years because I haven't had time to dance that...|||Mystery is an illusion. If you appear mysterious to others it just means you aren't able to connect with each other. Learn to use Fe+Ti to explain your thoughts in a way that the other person will...|||Yeah, I was trying to get that accross too but apparently I was too much in a hurry. :D|||Kind of, writing fiction is a good way but only as long as you're planning to share it with someone eventually. Because that way you're writing to put your insights into use to create emotional...|||For me it comes down to the simple fact I have to use the extraverted functions for getting more information in and putting what I conclude out to prevent the introverted functions from looping. I...|||Sure, it applies to anyone stuck in an introversion loop. It's not true that introverted funtions don't work well together, but it is true that they're not enough without using the extroverted...|||Well, this thread brings to mind an INFP 8 friend of mine. : D Almost re-typed her as ISFP many times because of that aggressive energy that seemed like Se (which was actually more like a defense...|||376322 I just drew something and I was happy about it because it's been so long since I drew anything just for fun, so I figured why not share here. :) It's my interpretation of Enna (from a...|||9-5-2 I came here and realized how unable I am to label anyone as weak. That is probably my weakness. Heh. I guess weakness in general is being unable to snap out of defensive behaviour that...|||Also, ENFJs are more likely to become hysterical and all over the place when stressed out/threatend and INFJs are more likely to become neurotic and withdrawn. Also ENFJs are more likely to go into...|||Well, this question is hard to answer in general because enneagram and other individual differences play a great role as well. But it can't hurt to compare experiences. :D My vibe to a great...|||Well, (I don't know if it's just because only people who do relate to this decided to reply), but I thought I'd just give a different ecperience too since I don't relate to this that much. I don't...|||INFJs are no more psychic than other types, it's just that we lead with Introverted Intuition which is mostly an unconscious process of ignoring irrelevant data untill you have only the information...|||I can't stop typing people either. :D It has helped me navigate social situations and predict people even better than before. It's like... a language to all things I was never able to put into words...|||Well, the way I am sure is that it is a loop between internal logic and internal data/patterns/ideas. :D When I'm in an Ni-Ti loop, I see an all-engulfing pattern that defines the whole situation...|||I've never written a random thought here before but I just felt like sharing, because I'm loosing my mind with my school work and I feel like this could be true of some other INFJs too. :'D So, to...|||I agree with TyranAmiros, your INFJ traits are actually INFP traits and the fact that you're focusing on the traits and how you match each set of them, rather than the relationship within the...|||Well my first mode is to make the other person feel they're welcome to show me anything they want about themselves, that it's safe to discuss anything with me, and just in general make them feel at...|||Can't recall... I always withdrew from fighting when I was small too. When I couldn't prevent a fight with my brothers I just tried to keep them from hurting me so I wouldn't have to hurt them. I was...|||Are you better with understanding concepts or with memorization? Definitely concepts. Memorization only works if it's something I'm naturally interested in and can easily fit it into a concept...|||Oh, there are so, so many! I'll just post whatever comes to my mind first. Small things that have a special kind of feeling and can save even the most crappy day. :D - Cold bed sheets. - Waking...|||I feel stupid, but I think I'm missing the joke. :D|||Not really, no. Someone talked about personal bubble being invaded I think, but for me it's more like I generally feel my bubble is pretty much unpopable. :D You can try, but it'll just go along with...|||Sure it can occur to varying degrees of intentionality, once the INFJ becomes aware that they're doing it, since it is the default mode for INFJs. When we're not aware of it, it can become draining...|||I've kept a journal since elementary school too, though I never wrote everyday, more like once a week or two and then I would pour like twenty pages of random thought into it. In the past few years...|||1. What are your top 3 career choices and what are the underlying values or motivators that have led to these path choices? Note: you don't have to say something specific like mechanic or...|||No, I'm horrible at learning new languages. :D I've always thought INFJs would generally be bad at it, because Ni has to get the whole big picture of it all first, then move to the grammar structure...|||Find some group activity you care about :) (Just for reference, something like impro theater is probably better than, let's say a reading group.)|||I see this is an old thread but I saw an INTP one and was inspired. :D (Maybe I'm not super serious about all these but...) ...when you ran into another INFJ online and they live like a buddha,...|||INFPs lead with Fi, so they are super conscious of their own feelings and values. They can easily empathise with others because they can imagine how they would feel in a certain situation. Their Si...|||Agreed! ENFJ makes the villain who can manipulate the protagonist to go down a really unhealthy path and then, crush their confidence with a single word. For the OP, examples of things...|||Interesting. :D I never do that. I'm not sure I could. My mind is way too active, if I'm not physically doing anything my mind will start playing my stories like it's a video tape. I guess this is...|||I'm not sure about how much these questions can do either. <: D But I don't seem to see any Ni there. If these are the first things that come to your mind, I'm guessing you're an Si -dom.|||Nope. It's enough to be drained by people's sadness in real life all the time. When I'm reading books, listening to music, watching movies etc. I need happiness to recharge myself, so I can take...|||In general, do you prefer texting or phone calls? Texting, if I'm contacting someone myself. If it's the other way around I have no preference. Do you like to webcam/facetime with others? Yes. ...|||1. Literature/Finnish (my native laguage) 2. Art 3. Religious Studies 4. History 5. Music|||There's no such thing as too intuitive to be X or too in-the-moment to be Y. But of course, the more developed the individuals are, the more the types begin to look like each other. If you have...|||My opinions are so situational that you could definitely see me as overly flexible and like I don't even have an opinion. :D But at the same time I'm extremely stubborn. Because it's my opinion...|||I think it has less to do with being INFJ and more to do with other factors about temperament. I think enneagram and instinctual variants play a big role in it since I'm a 9 so/sp or sp/so (not...|||Obviously, I don't know what has happened but here's some generalizations: - be verbal about your feelings and explain precisely why you think the way you think, and why certain feelings cause you...|||I'm feeling random so why not. :D What color is your underwear right now (please be wearing something...)? > Black and white What's your favorite board game (or similar)? > Well I just...|||I'm also sensitive to people's energies and vibes but don't physically see colours around them. I do associate people with colours instinctively though... but it's just one of my internal systems...|||There's no way for Tara to be Ni-dom... ISFJ is better but I tend to think she's ESFJ. I agree with Kat being ESFP and Christian ISTP, but I think Abigail is ESTJ, Ethan ENFP and Sammy INFP. Also,...|||Lucky you! : O|||Thank you for sharing. :) I might as well participate. I'll try to squeeze everything into a couple of sentences, since I tend to be almost too verbal here. :D Things I value: People....'
Thank you for the help everyone :D|||So I posted another thread because I had absolutely no idea what type I was (http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/108664-i-am-confused-seriously-have-no-idea-what-my-type.html) but...|||Wow, what an interesting post :D After I thought I was an INTP for a long time I realised I was either INFP or ENFP(I am still quite a lot like an INTP but I rely on my emotions too much, the rest is...|||Thank you for that answer. About making decisions sometimes I make them based on feelings and sometimes the other way.|||Thanks for the info! I think I've found my final personality type, ENFP. I don't care if it isn't considered the most intelligent type. I was stuck between ENTP and ENFP. ENTP were described as being...|||1) Do you like tea? Specifically hot tea? Yes, I love tea. Especially spearmint :) 2) Do you often think about society and how downhill it is going? ( of course thats a loaded and assumptious...|||Well a lot of things can make me cry: -Failure, bad grades and more failure -Death -Sad movies. The only three that make me cry are Marley and Me, Titanic and Lilo and Stitch (Yes, I am aware of...|||I would probably say I know what you mean. I say that a lot. I re took the personality type test answering truthfully for everything and turns out I'm ENTJ. So I'm happy that I actually know what...|||Ahh, ok. I actually haven't discovered my learning style yet :( I would probably be most likely to be a visual learner or a listener (I forgot the term for it) learner.|||Thanks for the answer :) By learning style, are you talking about stuff like being a visual learner or somebody that learns by taking notes e.t.c?|||Oh by the way my enneagram types... Core= Type 5 with six wing Second strongest= Type 3 Least used= Type 9|||I am just so confused. All the personality tests out there are different and I get different results on them all. Sometimes I'm INTP, sometimes I'm INTJ and I've even been called an ENFJ! Here are...|||That's very nicely said. When I do online quizzes, I really TRY to answer truthfully on 'what would you do if...' situations and not what I would LIKE to do. If I've been answering what I would LIKE...|||I'm definitely not skinny and clumsy. I used to be but then I entered the teenage years and now I'm kind of curvy. I eat...a lot but I don't get THAT fat. I don't even exercise :laughing:|||I have this big book of puzzles that I do when I have nothing else to do. :) Also in my spare time I learn Turkish (I'm half Turkish and my Dad never had time to teach me the language so I have to...|||No I mean when really bad art gets appreciated and good art doesn't. It's also the same with music. There are so many amazing but undiscovered artists out there but only the really bad ones get all...|||I'm an INTP and I can be very emotional...sometimes. Most of the time I'm kind of cold and quiet. I act kind of optimistic even if I'm not but sometimes some events can trigger this kind of emotional...|||First test I got ENFP for some reason (I selected the wrong option) then for some other reason I thought I was ESFP (Wtf?) and then I got ENTP and finally I discovered I was more introverted so I got...|||Happy to hear I have touched the hearts of others :laughing:|||Being an INTP I think ENTP's are cool people (I used to think I was ENTP but I am now sure I'm INTP). They never fail to make me laugh :)|||Wtf? I got INTJ. I know I'm INTP. How do I get the INTP result?|||I have a wide range of laughs. If I am around other people it's my girly high laugh, if I'm by myself it's the crazy laugh and if the thing I'm laughing at is the funniest thing ever I do the silent...|||Ooh I'll give this a try. I LIEK 2 PARTEEEEE EVRY NITE AND GET WEYSTEDDDD!!!! OMG JUSTIN BIEBER FOREVER <3 <3 <3 <3 Nerdss succkkkk!!!!!!!! DUUMB AND PROUD!!!! :D :D ;)|||People come to me for spellings. I was in the school spelling bee (Please don't call me a nerd) and after that people are constantly asking 'Quick! How do you spell fire?' Also they come for me to...|||-People so stupid you want to throw a brick at them. -Annoying teen trends like 'YOLO', 'I don't need good grades when I have swag' and of course Internet memes. -People who worships others. One...|||So after a long journey of personality type changes (First I got ENFP because I clicked the wrong option, then ESFP because it was underneath my result so it was the one I wrote down) and now I'm...|||You know, it's weird. Sometimes I truly believe stuff like 'Oh God I'm so amazing' and 'Just gonna let the haters hate' but most of the time I am so self-conscious and have so much lack of confidence...|||You read giant encyclopaedias before you go to bed thinking 'What a nice, light before bedtime read!' (I actually do this :blushed:|||I would think about it for a while, and then I would set off to try to make myself even smarter. I would go and learn as much as I can basically.|||I do get the feeling that people think it, yes. I have very high energy levels and am usually optimistic and bouncy (This is only with people I am comfortable with) and usually these traits are...|||Ooh, I'm an INTP and I know what offends me and hurts my feelings. -Criticise our work. Well, if anyone criticises my work I get all...upset -Insult our intelligence. Even if the INTP you're...|||Actually in my school it's the other way round. You know in schools the popular crowd is made up of all the attractive people? The popular crowd in my school doesn't have many stupid people. I think...|||Oh, I get really upset. I cried when I read my report (My parents were meant to open it but I have a curious mind, I wanted to see what I had) even though it was 'Good' in my parents' eyes. I got all...|||Being an INTP, I do like to argue- things like debates and intelligent arguments. I hate, however, real arguments that break up friendships and families. I think the thing about me that annoys other...|||Okay, there's this book series called 'Skulduggery Pleasant' (It's for teenagers. It says it's for 9+ but the books get really dark) and I was making an account on SP forums and I had to create a...|||1.) Unethical- I'm not 2.) Joker- I am a bit of a joker 3.) No feelings- False (I'm very emotional) 4.) Cocky- I honestly don't know. Most of the time if I think to myself 'Whoah I've done...|||I re-did the Myers Briggs personality test and it listed me as an ENTP so that's why I didn't feel like an ENFP. First I thought I was an ENSP (Memory mistake) then ENFP and now ENTP. What's going to...|||I don't think they do. I think I'm pretty intelligent (But not a super duper genius), and I tend to be neat and organized (I'm a perfectionist- all my teachers say it) but I tend to be a bit hyper...|||I just took the Brutally Honest Personality test and it called me an INFJ even though I'm not|||(The previous thread I posted was a mistake- I thought I was ESFP. Never mind) I don't really think I'm an ENFP so I was wondering if you guys actually thought I would be something else. I'm also...
'One thing I find funny about rereading this thread is finding people who jump in to talk about how they annoy themselves ( presumably as an INTP ) but they have since changed their MBTI to something...|||Art is my main obsession I have lots of characters. When I was young I'd draw species of animals and made up things and name them. I still measure everything basically on visual input and...|||I get the support-panic too. I hate needing to be helped. Collaboration is best. Yeah I had some anxiety/panic issues in college. Hmm, I would say try to get things done on your own as much as...|||a) What phone model do you use? HTC Vivid ( shitty old model looking to get something else cheap and reliable ) b) How do you hold your phone normally? Two hands sideways c) What do you use your...|||so you're my extroverted brother huh weird I'm just going to watch.|||Dear INTJ #1 We had a good run, didn't we? We were competitive and accelerated each other's growth as artists. There were a lot of things we didn't understand about each other, but that...|||Dear ISTP #1 You're pretty adorable. You amaze me how you can spew cute bullshit like a cuddly animoo and also have a heated, curse-filled debate on politics that doubles as humorous and...|||1. Have you ever been confused about finding your true self? Yes. My life is marked by different stages and shifted personalities. Sometimes I wish I could return to one because I liked it a...|||Hey now.. We're trying to help I wish you luck.|||He might not know how to handle a crisis of yours, not sure. I know if someone breaks in front of me, it feels kind of contagious, and I might want to save my head by leaving them alone for awhile. ...|||Sex =/= maturity, and if things are going badly it's probably best not to be banging on top of all that.. I think there's some trick to finding out how you must function on your own as well as...|||Well, I'm a girl but I dislike touching. Maybe he allows it because you were friends, but if he was mad at you and you were trying to elicit a reaction it might have made him angrier. I know I get...|||I grew up wanting to be a paleontologist and had a lot of interest in the sciences, usually reading up on dinosaurs, remembering facts about them and their naming and classification. I mostly liked...|||: | But.. That's like me all the time, except not so much the crying Actually my periods aren't too different from my everyday experience, I just feel a little more sad and defeated than usual,...|||ENFJ Friend: Sometimes I swear you hate me. INTP me: (for the umpteenth time) No, I don't hate you. One time while we were having a usual bout of misunderstanding each other completely, we...|||Hmm, yeah. I think the theory is alright. Like, I find if I don't fit a situation, I tend to mold a little bit until I fill a role, even if it exhausts me. I think my core needs remain the same...|||Skull shape sounds kinda like flimsy science (spinal fluid separates brain from skull anyway) And I think they tried that stuff in the past|||Touching releases FEAR TOO|||Hugging is kind of a given norm I got used to, for like coming and going of people you don't see in a great while. That, or showing appreciation. With people I don't know, I'd rather not touch...|||I have a bunch of J friends and they remark on some occasions that I seem to hate everything, which is kind of a hurtful blanket statement! There is a short list of things that I totally get pure...|||Did it - I'm apparently not concerned with matching clothes but mismatched clothes bother me|||If it were my luck like... An INTP x INTP pairing would produce some like ESFJ paradox children|||It sounds like you're attached and wanting control when there is no longer a situation to control anymore. Maybe he can sense that, and is trying to deal with it a bit impersonally like asking you...|||I developed my own shorthand at one point to make writing and reading easier, but it's indecipherable for the most part. I had to write a comic for comics class, and it felt too weird to let...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvSfdtb_foE @insultfashioner it's funny because I'm all way for prog rock, but can't stand jazz! I find some humor in bad lyrics but overall I'm even a sucker for...|||I think we should incorporate farts into famous pop star's routines anyway, it's six of one and half dozen of the other umm, Music and art are some of our most entertaining / pleasing things. But...|||story of my life|||Yeah! Usually INTPs are pretty limited or focused. I kind of am, I only want to do one thing like really well, but I think a lot of those things sound fun. It's great you branched out. Don't...|||I'm saying some of us are skeptical of our typing, like I'm artistic for example and INTPs are usually cast as mathematical. But on most accounts I seem to match. It was in ref to your comment...|||Welcome! Like Lucas I tend to post a bunch and forget a few months, then come back and post a bunch again. There are usually some good discussions going on at any point. I may not be a super match...|||I don't think I've had a close relationship with an INFP, but I have had some acquaintanceships with INFPs. I once read that INTP's Fe plays the aspirational role, meaning that they think it's a...|||What if this is all a simulation and someone else is playing the game|||Contemplating the tiny rectangular soaps, feeling morose from how chilly and damp it is, and how scratchy the bed cover is.|||When I took the myers briggs test for the first time, I was like oh, well they're going to put me in with the artisans or whatever, because I always score as like a creative fluffy artist So I was...|||In ref to Mr. Lemon's stuff about showing feelings, I feel if there isn't enough feeling-talk in a conversation (perhaps with another thinker) I fill the gap with the feely talk. But if someone...|||I had 5 or 6 friends that were INTJ, I didn't know until later. I think I subconsciously gravitate towards them because they are up-front thinker types. I've also had trouble with them though, like...|||I had depression since I was 14, so I kinda wonder about my typing too sometimes. But there are parts of me that fit the type, that I have always remembered being. Sometimes I get that 3rd-person...|||If your detail oriented/perfectionistic tendencies were about second guessing yourself or exploring all the possibilities it'd sound a little INTP, but if they are more just about making sure things...|||Bows and Sniper Rifles I like the thought of being stealthy/hidden when I make my shot, and also the precision it requires|||I want to bring this one back : ) I'm left handed, artistic, but am INTP. My avatar is an unfinished picture I did around 3 years ago. Proving analytics can be fairly right brained.|||I learned yesterday that Xylitol is an alcohol based sugar used a lot in chewing gum because it's a kind of sugar that bacteria can't eat/helps kill them. It's totes uninteresting.. And hardly...|||I can't go to sleep at night without thinking about all the pain and suffering in the world.|||Augh, I am having flashbacks to a friendship with an INTJ. From what I learned from a similar situation, they don't really want to be consoled (if they do, they will initiate it), or they don't...|||I find leaving the best option. When I was younger I thought that'd be sad, but I guess not really, especially when you spend a long time away like college. My mom(ISFJ) isn't bad but she has...|||Listen to all the monologues and dialogues in my head, make up and continue story plotlines, draw a lot, internet.|||Most of my friends now are INTJs, and I had one back in middle school/high school which was through the roof. First I'll say not all of them are the same of course. And the only child INTJ was...|||I clearly saw a truck pulling in today but I still walked in front of it because I was holding an imaginary dialogue in my head.|||I read the first post but I'm kind of TL;DR'ing really hard on the rest My reaction is Leave that man alone Nobody should have to bend backwards like you did, that's sick. If he enjoys pushing...|||It goes something like this: Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down... : P|||Sometimes I may stay awhile sorry, I'm crashin' your thread INTPs think they're so clever what's even up with that..'
'Damn, why are you so desirable!!|||https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_the_Great He is awesome.|||Retracking away into yourself doesnt sound like a good mechanism to deal with being overwhelmed with world. I think that people get tired of complexity around them and, if you look hermits, they...|||ENTP INTP INFJ INTJ ENFP - would like to meet one irl|||I put morning because it's the only time when I am physically alone in the house. My solitude energises me for every human interaction that I have that day. But if I know that I will be home alone...|||645266|||644282|||Me. 644249|||Just found out that my crush has girlfriend and donno how to respond to that.|||I agree. in my life there is just this one person.|||643185 p.s. with your pun my anemia finally makes sense.|||643161|||My ENFJ friend is also very nice person. Sometimes I think her manniers are so polite that it seems like she acts just from within some sort of a code. I have doubts sometimes is she truth-lover or...|||I did this in my teenage years. Rarely have I felt so intuitively understood. Indeed. But it is confusing me now how do you understand and think I'm an ENFJ, at the same time.|||I get that annoying part. Considering the need to mirror dominant functions, do you have any example irl?|||Ok, go on..|||640921|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_9Kf0D5BTs|||I like you, ENTPs. Its p(h)un to be around you.|||I wanted to play ukulele but got guitar instead, so it's guitar for me.|||Because I think I'm losing my mind in basic-daily-even-dumbass-could-do-it situations. http://i.giphy.com/ErZDsIXfMoUNy.gif|||Today I've talked to my only friend and got ashamed how blindfolded I was. During constantly stress situation I became overwhelmed and emotionaly drained so in all fog of emotions I couldn't see...|||http://cdn.gurl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/discharge.gif|||I need something new in my life. These days are such pain-in-the-ass routine. Give me something new for my brain to process. :mellow:|||Lots of coffee.|||I have no idea who are you. Hi!|||Fear of rejection, fear of crossing the line of common sense and losing my mind,fear of living an illusion, fear of being mediocre.|||I dont have any privacy inside a house (I live with my parents in small,one bedroom house, so I need to go outside on a daily base to have my needed alone time. Usually I go on solitary walks or to...|||I used to have problem with that but through various situations in life and experience that I gathered, it is not anymore. Now, no has become frequently part of vocabular. In all this proces, I've...|||I do. And I find it interesting because of the way how their stories interweave. Not so involved on emotional level, but it is enjoyable to observe human reactions in unusual situations. Whether wise...|||You know when someone doesnt even listen to you but but keeps doing on their own? It really pisses off. I got flu a few days ago. And my ENFJ mother takes care of me. I respect that serving and...|||627426|||I want my own space in house. No more sleeping on couch a having no room. And no I'm not at your service,ma'am.|||Dear ENFJ, I'm not fitting in your schedule. Yours truly, I'm out of here.|||Dear ENFJ, you fuzzle me so much that I can't stop processing your mindset. our startpoints are so different so you got a thin line in there for me to quit search. Your INTP friend *damn you...|||I've met an ENFJ female a year ago. I can't say we are match up but we have had a few pleasing conversations and we have sam humor level. Despite I feel like I need to explain myself for a deeper...|||Good eye, pikachu. It is sensitive subject.|||I know. It's because group photo is older one, and I was younger back than. Others were cut down meanwhile. I am way more side person now cause I grew really tall. You seem like you evolved...|||This all sounds quiet familiar. Does it ever feel like you are a predator? Not in a harmful way..|||Right there in the middle - distractible notice|||Thank you, but I have something different in mind. Like where does your curiosity lead you kinda way..|||no, not in a dating way. Do you date everything you got interested in?|||I was just wondering how the rest of you react when someone (or something) manages to catch your attention. Do you become impatient, and curious what's behind the curtain? Do the little wheels in...|||615338|||I'm actually impressed that someone got interesed and even tried. It would be fun to talk sometimes:wink: Will do (feel free). this should be a signature.|||Well for a small country like Croatia, our language is pretty complicated for a foreigner to learn. Although I know english (quite good) I check it every time, sometimes just a word but most of the...|||old new https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIjVuRTm-dc|||intp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xsF9fHdAfo|||Croatian.|||puns, always. And something that is obviously nonsense but someone is really into character. *sounds like some people's life'
'Seriously, there is no excuse for cheating. EVER. Break up with the person if you feel desires that strongly for other people. Be honest. If you need to be in an open relationship, then be in...|||Growing up I wanted a couple of children. I went through a phase as a teenager where I was convinced I didn't want any and never would. Eventually I decided I wanted to have children someday, but...|||Just finished Child of Light, adorable!|||Arrogance and indifference in the face of absolute sentient cruelty is unforgivable. I can't release a grudge until the guilty have expressed deep and genuine regret, and when found incapable of...|||Mine is 7, has been since I was very young.|||I don't think I do this, mainly because I recognize that no two relationships are the same.|||Anxiety, agoraphobia, PTSD, depression. I say upbringing/environment/perhaps medical history and inherited illness, etc. would be the thing that would determine whether or not an INFJ is pushed to...|||-Introverted -Loner -Too passionate, everyone finds it overwhelming or intimidating -Temper, which comes out for reasonable reasons, but people who don't believe in anger at all are constantly...|||214962|||So, instead of getting sucked into anothers agenda, you forcefully suck them into yours...which is hidden? That's strait up manipulation and has nothing to do with being diplomatic.|||-Excellent listeners > :kitteh: -Patient >:confused: I try to be -Supportive with a strong desire to x91do the right thingx92 >:kitteh: -Gentle|||Being aware of things others are unaware of...makes one aware of conspiracies aka hidden truths. I'd find any INFJ without conspiracy theories...confusing. Just because others can't see it,...|||Haha! Love the way you put this. That is exactly how I work vs the INTJ I know and with a better comprehension of Te vs Ti, I definitely get it. I am INFJ after all! Thank you for helping clarify!|||I'd definitely say I use Ti and the person I was speaking of who is INTJ uses Te, so that definitely clarifies! Thank you so much!|||Here it is: When I first started taking the tests I would get INFJ 90% of the time and every once in a blue moon, INFP. These were consistent results for years. I very solidly related to INFJ...|||When I first started taking the tests I would get INFJ 90% of the time and every once in a blue moon, INFP. These were consistent results for years. I very solidly related to INFJ and never doubted...|||I can relate to that. Perhaps feelers are more susceptible to a quicker developing drop in immunity and to a physical reaction to stress than others. I find I almost always feel physically ill...|||Personally, my parents indifference to my struggles and suffering and their selfishness and my mother's lack of motherly love, or any real love at all. In the bigger picture, the state of the...|||I have experienced exactly what you mentioned here. I can't count the number of times I felt intensely about something that someone else did not and was told I am crazy.|||Yes, stress weakens the immune system. Prolonged stress can cause all kinds of medical issues.|||Same here. I adore horror movies, but as you said, semi-realistic horror really runs a heavy toll.|||This is a really good point. It's also the only downside I can imagine.|||Both...but more often than not, I'm craving sweet. I suspect that has something to do with the addictive qualities of sweet foods. I've certainly known people who weren't keen on sweets (mostly...|||Primary Color: BlueSecondary Color: Violet|||I would want to be immortal, so long as I could still kill myself. Like in vampire stories, they can still die via decapitation and wood stakes, blown to a billion pieces, burned, etc. I wouldn't...|||My mum liked alternative music, but I remember hearing a lot of Tori Amos, Tracy Chapman and Kate Bush. My father had some random records I would listen to like The Beach Boys and The Rankin...|||The only cartoon I like these days is Adventure Time. The rest seem hollow and lacking a certain appeal they used to have.|||Nope. I only make my bed properly after I wash my sheets and blankets. Which is about once a week, anyways.|||You get a better lather if you put the soap onto a dry hand and then wet, than you would putting the soap on a wet hand (where some will slip away with the water) giving you less soap to wash with in...|||INFJ + INFJ =) Best friends for 15 years.|||I spent over a decade rolling my eyes at what I'm about to suggest...but having finally given in and tried it after 15 years of failed therapy, hospitalizations and medications....I can say this...|||UUUUUGGGGH. So close, but so far...is the most accurate statement I can come up with. Intellectually everything was quite good! Emotionally, absolute disaster! I tried to make a relationship work...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxdBmH-SyPM|||This is an unproductive and rude response. You'd have been better off not saying anything at all.|||Truth.|||Telling someone in a hospital they are fucked without them asking if they are, would be purposefully cruel...and if they ask, they deserve honesty. I would want honesty, I hate fake and I hate...|||People are terrified of reality and what they don't see. When you point things out to them that make them doubt themselves, or feel even remotely negative, you are automatically labelled a bad...|||Why does anyone need to be anything other than honest? Why should anyone have to pretend and put on a fake face, to please someone else?|||Substance in general, unique ideas, character development, non-cgi special effects, intelligent and creative writers, proper casting that is not based on looks and/or popularity rather than talent...|||Finding someone I really connect with is the hardest part. Finding someone who is compassionate about my extreme anxiety and agoraphobia and who understands loner, introvert behavior is the next...|||-Sunlight/light orbs -Brilliant displays of colour -Scents and sights of Autumn -Fitting perfectly against another's body -Being comfortable enough with someone to hold eye contact in...|||I like to colour with gel pens or do a really thorough cleaning/re-organization of my place when I'm really anxious. Yard work can also be useful, if I'm not too nervous to go outside. I know...|||Do you think being an INFJ was connected to your anxiety? It's good to hear you've since improved, I've actually gotten worse over the last 10 years. I'm always happy to hear someone has come out...|||I'm trying to find out if there are a larger number of INFJ's, opposed to other groups, that suffer from anxiety. I'm not sure if being an INFJ contributes to my crippling anxiety and agoraphobia,...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru2GAwIqOAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L4LwjD5L-k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5ufgkJ-uVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WINDtlPXmmE|||Extroversion |||||| 30% Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 62%|||Siren Calls by White Prism on White Prism EP - Free Music Streaming, Online Music, Videos - Grooveshark White Prism|||Personally, I can not take juvenile behavior in adults if it gets to a point where I feel they are irresponsible or ignorant towards the well being of others, emotionally or physically. Beyond that,...|||I believe it should be legal. I've also smoked weekly and/or daily for a decade now, I believe absolutely that it saved my life. I don't think I could have bared this planet without it. I've gone...|||I went outside today and one of my trees had bloomed with pretty little flowers that filled the yard with a lovely floral scent and that made me happy :)'
'Have you? What were they like? I haven't really met any A-listers but I met Bob Marley's doctors wife at a theme park randomly in pennsylvania. she was a very old jamaican woman who was sitting next...|||i'm so happy to hear you're safe. some people are low lives. i know of a 15 year old girl that got killed walking into her house after school while her house was getting robbed in my old...|||i mean the little interesting things i can't find out on wikipedia. what do you love or hate about it? what kind of interesting characteristics would i notice happening that i might not see anywhere...|||move out to maine and start a coffee shop :)|||most of the scorpios i know seemed to be ISFP or ISTP. which was interesting because scorpios are supposed to be the most misunderstood type. three people i know that committed suicide happened to be...|||yeah if anything, trying to categorize people perfectly into a type gets messy. my best guess for myself has been enfp, so what if i'm not completely sure of that? it's fun to learn about mbti but i...|||children's book of cats wearing people clothes 1990s and somehow, miraculously found what i was looking for.|||i like to go on a nice little shopping trip about once, maybe twice a season. there's a great little resale store by my house that buys and sells newer clothes. if i change my mind about something i...|||oh, you got me! i've been trying to crack this one since i met my boyfriend. in general, i think a lot of the french people i've met are int's or inf's. here's what i picked up: definitely more of an...|||retail freakin' sucks. i know without a degree finding work that isn't retail means you have to be a bit creative, but until you get into something maybe there is something over the summer that won't...|||i'm 5 feets and 82 pounds! 44419|||me and my little cousin being goofballs and making faces at a graduation party. because when people try and take my picture my favorite thing to do is make a creepy face at them. the more formal the...|||school just isn't very fun for me. i did two semesters at two different community colleges. they started out okay but then i would spend all day thinking about new awesome adventures to go on or...|||i just bought the encyclopedia of serial killers for 50 cents at a garage sale. it's awesomely creepy!|||overly impulsive, passive agressive, and just really mean for no reason. i guess they crave attention from bad people as well.. from what i've seen with my isfp gone wrong friends|||my boyfriend went cherry picking in canada and met a ton of cool people and made money while staying there on a visa one summer to fund a road trip. i don't know how he got hooked up with that, but...|||hi guys, i'm thinking about going to massage school but other than stories i've heard from my friend i really have no idea what it's like as a carreer choice. i'm interested in hearing any...|||when i'm annoyed, i have to be away from people and if they don't get out of my space and keep bothering me i'll be curt with them and speak to them with an obviously annoyed tone in my voice until...|||i fucking love this thread already.|||i'll be yo friend. okay, here's my input. i have no idea what your type may be, but i will start with this. you sound intutive, as are most people on this forum. keep studying the functions....|||pretty sure i was a young infp, could still be one though since developing Ne can really be confusing. it's like WOOOO I LOVE HAVING NE AS MY FIRST FUNCTION. and then fi gets mad and is like okay...|||okay i don't think it worked the first time. me and boyfriend. http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/72phx4bybylx9nx2b78f_thumb.jpg[/IMG][/IMG]|||aw, i love dave. he's cute too :) Bumblyjack, i feel like the infps i know can be so awesome if they've developed Ne enough to want to open to up more experiences, otherwise the Fi combo would be...|||he reminded me a lot of an enfp. maybe infp. i could relate to him alot. extraverted intuition would probably lead him into doing the wild things he did, and fi to support his firm beliefs. actually...|||requiem for a dream. i recommend everyone see it once and then never watch it again. it's a beautiful story, the style is very dark and there are just so many powerful scenes. and i usually can hold...|||i want to give your weimaraners spankin' heimers. but seriously, those dogs are scary. you cockroach haters, i almost killed one the other day but i imagined him dressed as little bo peep...|||i'm glad your recognizing this in yourself because i don't think a lot of ISTP's really understand how cold they can come off if they don't work on their feelings. for instance, an ISTP i know at...|||i feel you. i hate hurting people's feelings, and i will go crazy lengths to avoid those kind of situations. im in the process of backing out of a decision to move in with a friend after i...|||have you thought about getting fake hair? my hair is really short and while i've been waiting to grow it out i bought a wig. at first i was kind of nervous about wearing it and what people would...|||okay maybe i'm being a little idealistic here, or maybe i just have the best idea ever.. i haven't been a member on these forums for for that long, but i think we should have a meetup group for...|||minus the bear kurt vile empire of the sun toro y moi bright eyes sarah mclachlan vampire weekend casiotone for the painfully alone pogo daft punk|||this thread is hilarious and i love it! i don't think i need to add but i totally feel all of you. it sucks when you try to get someone into mbti and they're like oh yeah that's cool but dont really...|||this sounds more like a rant than an attempt to seek advice or a new perspective, but i want you to know a lot of people yearn for what you do. you actually sound a lot like me. i feel very...|||i like your idea! come on people!|||if there's anything we really need in this world, it's to make an application process for who is eligible to have babies. not everyone should be allowed to have babies.|||my sister passed away from cancer when i was younger and i hate to say it but my parents pretty much died right along with her, stuck in the past, depressed, up and down and i've done numerous things...|||okay so i've hit my breaking point. i'm 20 years old and on my way to move out of my house. throughout the years i have become cold, untrusting and unhappy towards my parents. i have begun to realize...|||i can totally relate. this happens mostly with guys who idealize me though. i feel like there's too much pressure and i can't open up and it's hard to explain to someone who just doesn't get it from...|||from my experience, estp are so easy to talk to. not like other types where your wondering if they like you or not. especially if your intuitive and your concerned about any unsaid things or...|||Ace Ventura: Pet Detective|||here's another one. -save a little but of money and quit my job sometime in the early spring/summer and spend an undecided amount of my life WWOOFing throughout the western part of the united...|||okay, i don't know about you guys, but seriously i've got some thinking to do about what i want to see happen and improve with myself this next year. even if i don't stick to them.. for me, i'd...|||managing your local fast food restaurants :P|||i'll give anyone a try. but weirdness is a plus, a big heart and an open mind is a plus, and if you aren't a silly goose gtfo.|||it's hard!!! i think because we can be really scattered we don't want to give ourselves that in the moment time when we get the chance. all this other stuff we haven't done on time comes to mind and...|||in high school one of my best friends was an ISFP. she was so freakin' interesting to me, i wanted to get inside her head so bad and just understand the driving force behind her. she was really artsy...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWCXA6gXZhE|||i don't know if this problem stems more from the stress of my living situation or that i just am at a weird point in my life, but thank you guys for your input. i used to volunteer alot so i thin i...|||Okay, i'm just wondering because I have a really difficult time balancing myself. Especially lately because i recently moved back with my mom, who is depressed, sleeps all day and it's really...|||1. my imagination that is really hard to control sometimes 2. being late forever 3. people not being affectionate enough towards me 4. feeling like i'm the only one of my kind 5. the dark 6....'
'Well, I'm more of a scientist, so I tend to believe in the current theories of how things exist, which isn't entirely random, just lots of things happening/interacting with each other, all at once....|||:mellow: Yea, I'm attracted to the morbid, too. Things like rape, incest, murder, suicide, and rotting bodies. :unsure: It has scared me a lot of times, but sometimes I keep revisiting some of the...|||An ESFJ, late? INCONCEIVABLE!!! :tongue:|||:crazy: MY PSYCHIC SENSE IS TINGLING..... And it tells me this thread should be moved to the Education and Careers section. :tongue:|||Hmm... She might be lactose intolerant and can't eat chocolates, and she might be allergic to pollen from flowers..... And it's your first date, so it would be better to not overwhelm her with a...|||43740 Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation 43741 Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series 43742|||Debating between that, and donating my body to scientific research. Either way, my body will be of use to somebody. :cool:|||1. Get sober, seriously :dry: 2. Come back later for tips! :kitteh:|||I've been raised a Disney fan and grew up with the Pixar movies, so I'm a fan of theirs as well. Lately, I have been disappointed with Pixar, for Cars 2 and this film, since they're now getting too...|||Torn between Toy Story trilogy and WALL-E, voted for WALL-E.|||I've been compared to real and fictional people. The one I can recall off the top of my head is Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, which I don't mind too much.|||Started out neutral, neither cynical nor romantic, just seeing realities others couldn't recognize (anything from other worlds, to what could be done with a baseball bat besides baseball and hitting...|||I think it's great. :happy: I find some of the articles really funny, like the self-demonstrating ones for example. Yea, they're not describing real life, but they clarify fiction life, and what...|||Finding threads to post a reply in, if I have a response for them:unsure:|||a chicken & broccoli alfredo dinner|||Lots of good choices in movies on this thread. :cool: I'll post some movies I found thought-provoking that haven't been mentioned: Pan's Labyrinth - was the fantasy real? or all in her head? or...|||Hmm... Dumbledore & Gandalf: always thought of as INFJ :cool: Harry Potter: initially thought him an INFP, but it's been suggested he's ISFP, so now idk :unsure: Hermione: it's varied for me, from...|||You don't always have to have a plan|||Happy Birthday Contemplation|||Is that what they mean by a journey moment? :confused:|||Happy Birthday, SenhorFrio :cool:|||The US government and elite aren't really concerned about helping society through a recession. They just want to appear that way, while they're gathering whatever financial assets, wealth, etc. they...|||Uhh... Sweetheart, the quiz means it's 1% certainty that you're an ESFJ vs an ENFJ. I've been confused on that, too. :sad: Why not try the cognitive functions test @ keys2cognition.com instead?|||Umm..... Which society are you talking about? There are many different cultures out there.... :unsure:|||No best friend, but the person closest to me is a fellow INFP. BTW, somehow doesn't seem surprising to me that the three least voted on types are ESTJ, ESTP, and ENTJ. :dry:|||Uhhh.... Hmmm.... I guess by what you've answered, you're an ExFJ. I can't really tell if you focus more on possibilities or on present reality, but it seems regardless of your ADHD, you do like...|||I had found a weird-looking boat by a dock; looked liked the front half of my uncle's recreational fishing boat, only with wings on the end of it. :confused: Inside was a small cabin with Japanese...|||I only mind reading subtitles when they change too much and too fast on the screen. :confused: Otherwise, I like them for the same reasons mentioned above.|||A Star Trek: The Next Generation novel called The Buried Age|||This is the west, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend. ~ The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence :cool:|||Like Star Wars, Star Trek, and 2001: A Space Odyssey, but my all-time favorite would have to be Contact.|||As of tonight, Total Recall with Arnold Schwartzerniger (spell check? :unsure:)|||I thought the original Alien movie was the sequel, as in this movie is the prequel to Alien. :unsure:|||Pan's Labyrinth, PS I Love You, Toy Story 2 & 3, Cars, WALL-E, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Duchess, The Princess Bride, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp,.... That's all I can recall.|||My mom's an INFP and my dad's an ISTJ. It seemed rough in the beginning, with my mom having romantic ideas, and my dad trying to bring her back down-to-earth, also my mom getting hurt over criticism,...|||Stop being so logical. :tongue:|||................ (You're in a room full of people, and you're not talking as much.)|||Could you stop being so monotonous, INFJ?|||Same here :happy:|||ROFL :laughing:|||Name- Username, please Nickname- LH78 Gender's not that important to me, and I'm not telling yet :ninja: Born & lived in Florida, until last year when parents & I moved to NY state, for my...'
'True, but how often does that happen? That occasional exception to the rule, and personally I think it is a pretty clear trend that environment has the biggest impact. But I do understand where you...|||That professor is really good! I know what I will be watching for the next couple days! Thanks for the link!|||GREAT PROFESSOR!! I love you! no homo lol|||By predisposed I can only assume you mean genetically. I agree that some people who are born with a certain personality trait will tend to be more good or more evil; but I feel that nurture i.e....|||By predisposed I can only assume you mean genetically. I agree that some people who are born with a certain personality trait will tend to be more good or more evil; but I feel that nurture i.e....|||This is EXACTLY how I feel. I think it may SEEMS inherent only because it happens at such an early age.|||So would you believe that if a person was never taught to help some one in need they will still help? Idk I guess I just believe that someone has to be taught either by example or told to help for...|||Does anyone out their believe that people are inherently good? I feel that people have to be trained (if you will) to be good. No one is born good when it comes to morals and beliefs. Even...|||I agree with clockman and reeper. Nothing... No one is truly awesome. Only varying degrees of suck. I suck a lot less then some people while a lot of people suck a lot less then me. No one is truly...|||I get tired of it. Mainly because it's not that I'm smart, they are just really stupid.|||I sympathize with them while i'm there then I avoid them at all cost.|||Genetic suicide may be a needed. People are living longer these days, and we face overpopulation because survival of the fittest no longer applies as it should.|||Touche my good man. My advice to you is live your life the way you want. Being a INTP is only a general category in which your personally fits. It's not good to try to change your life to fit in a...|||Really????? Are you really asking if you live your life right??? So if I were to say no would you change your life to the way I dictate??? Pointless thread is pointless.|||I am good at reading people's personality but if you ask me any details about how they look I wont be able to tell you, even if I see them everyday.|||Oh yeah. Onomonopia|||I agree with the n word. I'm black and I hate it even when my own say it!|||- I wish I knew what to say when people cried. - I wish I remembered what happened in my childhood. - I sometimes like talking to certain people.|||Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sushigasim Pumpernickel|||There is an invisible man in the sky that controls everything. Prove that there isn't.... see you can't do it. By your comment you are saying that is ok. Belief with out proof is ignorance in my...|||No specific reason why i picked this username. And I picked Gir as my avatar because I like Invader Zim. I'm quite simple.|||The original question never specified how much money we start with. It only asked how many people... so if we have to get a loan there are a lot more people involved. This question is impossible to...|||I would just like to point out some things you can rely on. In science these things are call Laws Such as the law of gravity and Newtons laws of motion. These things can be relied on; and maybe...|||Actually the reason the bulb goes out is because the filament breaks correct? So if there was a way to open the bulb, and reattach the filament then there would never be a reason to change a light...|||I type this fast.... did you see me?|||So is this a ceiling light or a lamp?|||Even though Socrates was a little too..... passionate about his statement, I have to say I agree. There is far more proof for theories that we stick by than there are for the Bible.|||Agnostic. I used to go to church when I was young, but it was only because I was forced to.|||Those were my exact thoughts as I was talking to her. Is it weird to be talking to someone and all the while thinking I wonder what her personality type is? Instead of being interested in the...|||I wonder why people like me everyday! I am very boring in my opinion, with a sarcastic sometimes plain mean sense of humor. I never want to go out and do anything with people but they still invite...|||I understand where you are coming from. In my last relationship I used to say I love you all the time because the girl I was with would always be expecting me to say it. After a while it lost all...|||Even back 100's of years ago gender roles were different. But that was mostly because America was not that evolved. We were still very into farming at the time, so the women had to work hard on the...|||I can hardly remember when there was music on MTV.|||I went to class yesterday. And in commemoration of the day I decided to talk to a complete stranger who I thought was cute. Overall the interaction wasn't to bad I enjoyed meeting her. She was more...|||Hey I just give credit where credit is due. That comment made my day.|||I love this site. I thought I was the only one with a grim outlook on V-Day!! I feel better now!|||antiant you are awesome.|||It is a nice feeling to truly be at peace. But then the part comes where u start to think about depressing stuff and then peace= gone!|||Wait whaaa??|||= Love... no homo|||I don't really have any links, but I can tell you that you can see it by looking at things in everyday life. For example, the workforce. There are many women doing what would have been considered...|||Happiness comes and goes. Seems like is going more than is coming now days. Igonorance is bliss; and when you see the world for what it really is it becomes hard to be happy. BUT I digress; I am...|||You sound like me. I start to read, then I read something that I think is cool then my mind starts to think what if this happened instead? Or i start to think about other little details. Then I...|||I concur. Genders roles are slowly changing too.|||I don't have anything like that. So I can't really contribute. I just want to say good luck staying str8.|||It is a way to get money from people, just like every other emotion. If you can exploit an emotion or feeling you can make a lot of money. Look at amusement parks, they charge for happiness. Just...|||This is an awesome.|||*coffee house snaps*|||And land on the spikes from mortal kombat.|||I pretty much do the same thing. Then I start to think don't i need to cope with this? Then I am back to square one.'
'Yes. Very true. Maturity, emotional stability and ethics are likely more important factors in relative safety.|||I'm really thinking I might actually make articles based on the covers. I gotta get this project out the way first tho.|||Do you know if she's a tall blonde? Eh, that doesn't even matter. She can always dye it with clairol. Go for it!|||A certain intuitive who is an absolute cutie :P|||Part of me is tempted so say it's Talon going hey Wicker, heard you like Hello Kitty and Dolls :tongue:|||Yeah I think sometimes It does and sometimes it doesn't and it depends on how much it makes an association with past experience. Like, my first impression of you was more about your comment than your...|||I already discussed avatar, so let's discuss usernames. Do you think that we project a lot of what we think of a user based on their username? Why or why not? Also, what's your favorite username on...|||Can you give me a more certain answer?|||That's a huge accomplishment for a Spamlite!|||If I gotta share, then Ax can have em! I support this message lol|||Someone's up late|||80% of all marriages thoughout history were cousin marriages. True story.|||Oh I didn't say I was signing up. :P|||Dana Scully and Fox...and hopefully it doesn't take 9 years :tongue: Better yet, there's user actually named Mulder. And if Mulder doesn't work, there's also a user named Spooky|||http://hellinahandbasket.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/welcome-to-france-we-surrender.jpg|||I want to agree...but I don't see any Eevees|||Sundae and anyone who likes to be po' Talon with anyone who likes to be not po' Nabbit and her creepy classmate Cheshire and her fave intuitive dulci and her fave cloggie Frosty and Mazzie Starr|||I was just about to say this lol.|||shipped|||no more distration no more procrasitination no more shipping no more venting no more gossip no more mafia game playing no more no more|||Talon's the kinda mod you'd wanna go clubbin' with|||I'd think robots would prefer INTPs :tongue:|||Yes, is anyone as lazy as Dulci? :P|||I call clickbait|||Reminds me of New Orleans jazz. The horn bit I mean|||gee idk :P|||Glad you like it.|||In several ways: Sentience enhances intelligence. Intelligence is the mere gathering of information, but sentience helps to forge deeper interpretations of such information. You can be aware of...|||INFJ needs more votes!!!!!!|||I have never seen a group of little musicians look like they're enjoying themselves so little. I'm looking for that gun pointing at their heads You play when we say you play!|||I don't think we could handle that level of cuteness.|||I thought piano was a dude and ICPP was a chick! :shocked:|||Where's ur signup sheet? :P|||I took 2 years in Latin. It's pretty useful. You can probably find a good textbook by googling Latin textbook PDF. Latin grammar can be challenge, as nouns and verbs come with a lot of different...|||Lol|||I have no objections|||You coming over for dinner, Sun?|||I think I'll do that Tuesday to show my appreciation. Maybe SpamMangu too|||I can relate to this. It sucks. Best I can say is, just because you room with them, doesn't mean you have to hang out with them. Just get into your own thing, maybe join some extracurriculars, and...|||I play love chicken, I won't say it unless he says it first.|||It's not the best way to communicate, granted, but it's probably his inconsiderate way of saying he's moved on and you should too. If you still have feelings for an ex, you gotta cut your losses and...|||madscientosexual|||Ha! Prove it! :P|||When's the big day?|||no more typing|||They're all mistyped :P|||cute agreed|||You sure that's before coffee?|||You're kinda geeky looking but not ugly. You should join a band just cuz|||Wow, what did he not do? It's remarkable'
'I dont think I have been mistyped. But its a possibility. I've started out as ISTP, then INTP, then ENTP and ended up at INFP. And it fits. As I say i've done way too much reading on this all. I've...|||I dont wanna become a J . No thanks|||OK so I wrote this post when I was really stressed out. Deadlines and such. I wrote this post because I wanted to find a solution to procrastination fast. Im still procrastinating right now. But at...|||I don't know why this is , but every damn time I get obsessed and go into a never ending reasearch on INFP crap. It starts out very nice, feeling good that im INFP, then i start reading about us and...|||Yes of course this happens to me a lot. And I have investigated this for some time now haha. I do believe that if you live alone especially INFP you have to keep your mind happy. Meaning I bet you...|||Well if you strip it down to basics flow is when you are a) not focussing on many things but one b) at peace c) slightly challenged eg. trying to master a new skill or something interessting ( not...|||Lol @ chops. Well what do we know afterall haha ! Maybe you are still young or lived with a heavily Fi parent or sibling.|||Hehe some interesting answers :) Lol @Turophile , well i think your good with social awareness. It doesn't mean we have to analyze or do something about it. But its about noticing or being aware of...|||OK so I've realized that we ENTP are kind of prone to high emotional intelligence. We tend to see how people really feel what their mood is etc. We never intentionally make people feel bad and we...|||independent drifter ( at work mostly )|||Well in ENTP fashion you need to get out. Sitting in the house is draining to you. I also do this and love to learn,read etc new stuff or stuff that's on my mind. But eventually you just need to take...|||I usually fantasize. Like when people are busy brainstorming ideas for a project. I might think of games or how something was used and take a bit from it here and there and make a combo of it....|||Here true , but I see willpower as a joke nowadays. Willpower is so inefficient because its wasted energy. If you force yourself to go to gym or do a project and you use will power - good luck the...|||Lol , im gonna say you have fallen into the trap of believing what you read about ENTP's. Yes we have potential focus problems but its not THAT bad. You probably read entp's jump from topic to topic...|||Hmm I would say you are in this mess because you tried to please people. I can clearly see the fact that you hid your not going to school for 3 years as proof. You are afraid of what people's...|||Here's some scientific proof from another guy. Also this an awakening . Part 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLl7X5TkF_Q Part 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQuSY-eT02Y|||OK maybe not attack...harsh word. Lets say alter. For example your boss screams at you. BEFORE you think gosh im a bad person you should should stop your habit thoughts , and rather think hmmm...|||What you are saying is true...until you know the real truth. You have not divided emotion,feelings and thoughts yet. They are different things. And it DOES start with the emotional level. If you...|||Bro , I was there too. You have to overcome shyness and then you will believe that you are indeed an extrovert. Things that helped me was forcing myself to start into the eyes of people when passing...|||Ray of sunshine you are :happy: Clearly you are not doing the breathing because you are in the negative side sir. Attacking me is a clear sign. Cheer up. Have fun :)|||Your missing the point, don't focus on the breathing. As he even said the breathing will only stop the negative thoughts and heartbeat. MORE is required to reach the FLOW state. Aka. emotional...|||OK this is really interesting because for the last 4 years its as if i'm stating to get a general truth to many things. Law of attraction , emotional intelligence and science ALL pointing to the same...|||Dude, its clear that you made up your mind regarding this job is a dead end. Or maybe it isn't because if you knew that it was over you'd have found happiness already in the sense of freedom to come....|||OK, two things first. You have to control yourself and you CANNOT change someone. So firstly I think the relationship is going great, BUT you are starting to sabotage it. Once things got official...|||Hah ! I know what you feel man. Listen you know whats wrong. you are IGNORING you feelings and pushing them down. Follow what your mind is trying to tell you. It seems your hate the corporate as much...|||You did what had to be done ... As long as you learn from it. I know what you mean man, but I can also tell you you are different because of learning new things good and bad. Your job is to get rid...|||You betcha ! But it has to be esoteric in some form or way. For me its in games. Best two games regarding this and still stuck in my thouhts a lot. Legend of Zelda : Majoras Mask and Final...|||Find the best ending you are happy with and just do it - we need to get over getting it don't perfectly. Just do it and rejoice in the feeling of completing something. :)|||I get this and I feel your pain. I agree finding our path is hard because in the SJ world they want us to focus on ONE LIFE PATH. But who said this was reality ? I decided that I want multiple paths...|||I thought ENTP's was one of the people that got the highest salaries yet have the most job dissatisfaction ? I clearly fit this. I earn a very high salary, yet hate my job. Baaad data ! Bad ! Ok...|||Lol ok , i tried this twice , blew up in ma face. But i'll roll with it. At least I moved on fast.|||I may not be SUPER good , but im better than all my friends (except one) in video games :D Lots and practice over 25+ years :D Also im the BEST at learning something new fast - so im a great...|||Lol, this doesn't work. I've had people trail me MADLY and they always do the desperate - I love you. WHat does this make me think ? OMG IT'S A TRAP ! DO I HAVE A CHOICE NOW ? UGH ! GO AWAY !! No...|||Aaah infatuation. Dude listen, your gonna have to let her go. Do you really want a life where you have to convince yourself everytime that she does like you ? I've been here before and it hurts yes....|||Nope not clumsy at all, this has nothing to do with personality type. I think if you have to think about it, reflexes has to do with your lizard brain and nothing to do with the emotional or...|||Well its a bit of a mix of what you are talking about. I can magically sometimes find energy still if the guy across me asks for help because he cannot solve a problem. And Yes I would rather do his...|||Haha funny - I have the exact same problem. I think its confidence. Remember you get loud introverts.. Sometimes if im very happy and satisfied I do go out my comfort zone and do this without...|||I agree, but im in the Neutrality state when im away from the job too. Mostly I don't care about deadlines or the work because I dont see reason in it. However on bad days when I feel trapped I move...|||I understand where you are coming from , this happened to me as well but from her side. Back then I didn't think like i do now. Look she is just saying that she gets it. But she doesn't. She only...|||OK since your ENTP look at both sides - i know harder when your actually in it. But from her side, she feels scared and desperate to be with someone, but now you are forcing her into things she is...|||OK so I stumbled upon articles that has to do with levels of consciousness and it got me thinking, where do you as an ENTP find yourself ? I am at the stage in life where I have almost ZERO energy...|||Awesome man ! I also had this realization and doing same. Got me a life coach and started yesterday. Its time to be ME as well. Hehe man im excited ! Whoohoo! For you too and for the OP post :) We...|||You bet your sweet ____ ! well haha yes. I personally have a very hard time figuring out what I want. I think I know, but i never get excited by what I come up with , so I feel that its not the truth...|||You sure you not an ISTP? Lol with the motorcycles and all that. But then again me stereo typing - woops ! Yeah man I know what you mean about not having motivation. Listen I can promise you...|||Hahaha everytime I read your corportate moans I have to laugh. HA HA HA. Duuuude LOL. But have to agree 100% boring jobs sucks you dry like a succubus. All that is left is an emtpy automatic zombie...|||OK this might sound cliche, but I think its because you are losing connection with yourself too. Remember the most important person in this world is you and you have to sit down and think what you...|||I have to agree with you in a way we don't care for recognition or praise when we know its fake. However if you feel that its an achievement and someone notices it. You WILL feel satisfied. But the...|||I've been at sony , but only for 6 months. Loved it though until the game we worked on was released and I had nothing to do but wait the last month :( Also since moving back to my own country i've...|||Haaha funniest thing I read all day ! Maybe its because im in the EXACT same dilemma ! hahahahahah !|||I once saw a cooking show and midway into making the dish, the woman turned around said Who in their right mind enjoys doing this!? I am still laughing years later, the night I heard it my brother...'
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yFhR1fKWG0|||SJs need reassurance that their laws and traditions matter to you SPs need reassurance that they're not always competing for a Darwin award NFs need reassurance that their poetry and feelings will...|||Televangelists would have to get real jobs if it weren't for ESFJs. There would be no one to hashtag and retweet the wisdom of modern day Aristotle, Jaden Smith.|||I'm dark and sensitive with low self esteem The way I dress makes everyday feel like Halloween I have no real problems but I like to make believe I stole my sisters mascara now I'm grounded for a...|||Do you attend My Little Pony and Magic the Gathering conventions like all of the other autistic ENTP neckbeards?|||You are a Visionary Visionaries are all about creating their own artistic empires. They crave independent and unstructured spaces where they can be creative. They value aesthetics ...|||They write a poem about their crush and post it to Tumblr. Sent from my computer using the keyboard|||Want to switch places? You can have all of the chatty extroverts that are constantly over my shoulder asking Whaddaya doing?, restricting me from browsing the internet in peace.|||He's an ENFJ because he's always right, knows everything and can heal your soul with his words of wisdom. Just hearing him speak means that it will be a changing day in your life. Everyone has got...|||ESFJ 1w2 So/Sp Goodnight Sweet Prince. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/38567184.jpg|||Real life? Outside? Is that a dedicated server? - INTP|||It's not a good idea to be debating. ISFJs should stick to interior decorating.|||INTJs are so dark and edgy. So cerebral, oh my god. Turn up the Nine Inch Nails and unleash your perpetual angst. So what if you made Linkin Park anime music videos on Youtube as a kid, that was the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DueSvcjn810|||You know you're an INTP when you're indifferent to a close relative's unexpected death, but are devastated when you're placed in a bad sport lobby on GTA Online. True story.|||Death to Instagram and Tumblr! High-saturated social artsy crap is nauseating.|||Money laundering is unethical Reasons why no country should be a tax haven Occupy Wall Street!|||Wireless internet may have very well destroyed our chances of contacting intelligent life. - The Best Page In The Universe|||Classify this insightful Youtuber. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdcLpucz5HE|||Friends? I forget how I made them. Probably through common interests by geographical location. The ones I used to have probably think I've either moved or passed away by now. The only proof of my...|||Holiday or Birthday cards without any money in them.|||Prisoners. I felt like a prisoner for 2 hours.|||I want a futuristic car that isn't environmentally friendly. It has to have a military grade armor exterior and bulletproof windows and tires. I wouldn't mind if it had over 1000 horsepower. The...|||Everyone in This Is The End except for the token black guy and the Backstreet Boys. In fact, that movie was probably made with all of the celebrities we generally can't stand in mind.|||What are the personality types of the characters in this game? I'll start off with the three main characters. Michael - ENTJ Franklin - ISTP Trevor - ESTP|||If we all hold hands, we can change the world together. I'm going to make stupid facial expressions and gestures, then upload my pics to Instagram because all of the cool kids are doing it. ...|||What Is Evil?|||Sounds like grungy trailer park music to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOzaekfy3Hs|||http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61kyqpkCnEL.jpg http://asianflixs.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/hana-bi.jpg http://www.filmihulluleffakauppa.com/img/p/6703-7112-thickbox.jpg|||Happiness doesn't require introspection. Some of the happiest people happen to be the least aware. That's why a lot of pet dogs appear to be happy. They've never really thought about meaning or when...|||I like the night time. Foggy or rainy days are also good. I hate the sun because it reminds me of sepia tone.|||Feeling pretty ghetto at the moment. Inner city black youths sure know how to dance. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/1164343/if-you-blood-throw-it-up-o.gif|||Buying domain names that could potentially be popular in the future. I'm looking at a website right now that is basically just one letter off from one of the most traffic-heavy websites on the...|||http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/clumsy.gif|||We're the Millers. The kid in it looked like Matt Damon mixed with Porky Pig. http://content.internetvideoarchive.com/content/photos/8355/411648_048.jpg|||Inferior Fe: Should I hug the crying woman? It would smooth out this social situation and make me look empathetic. Dominant Ti: That could be regarded as sexual harassment. Let her cry in the...|||http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8316/7964921170_bdebc66be7_z.jpg|||You could be an INTJ. I can see an INTJ acting like a perceiver if they see the pointless futility of vacuum cleaning and mowing the lawn.|||I'm a thinker so I don't believe in good or evil. I don't believe in grace or sin either. Both are man-made concepts for human beings to follow in order to maintain group cohesiveness and harmony....|||I don't like cookies, I've desensitized myself to them. Maybe it's because the cookies in Canada taste like dry cardboard.|||ENTJ, just because you allowed that factory in Bangladesh to have air conditioning doesn't mean it's no longer a sweatshop.|||ENTJ - The Godfather, Wall Street, Anything with people dressed in tailored suits who seek for prestige and power. INTJ - 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, 12 monkeys, Se7en. Anything dark...|||Everyone is trying to present themselves as modest and open-minded by saying There are selfish people in all types. There may be truth to that statement, but platitudes like that can be annoying...|||I would stand over the ruins of our desolate planet and celebrate the end of history. Thousands of years of human procrastination and aimless wandering is suddenly all gone in a blink of an eye. To...|||The Joker, Tyler Durden, Charles Manson, Marilyn Manson, Lady Gaga, Ladyboys, Nuclear War, Bath Salts, Mental Asylums, Hoarding, Al-Qaeda, The Third World, Cupboards that aren't child-proof,...|||250mph in my Bugatti Veyron during winter time in the Himalayas, all whilst giving life-affirming advice to Tibetan monks through my bluetooth headset.|||Could it be your shadow ESFJ making you do these things? Just talking about different types of food sounds very Martha Stewart-ish to me.|||Tim Horton's and Subway. The food is ready to go down your stomach, no need to waste time cooking it.|||The lead from the pencil is transferred and ingrained into the paper. The lead is still a piece of the pencil. You have copied a piece of the pencil on to a surface. This is piracy.|||People who are against file-sharing usually end up contradicting themselves anyway. If you have ever lent a pencil to someone or have borrowed a pencil from someone, you are advocating for piracy....'
'It'd be a fearsome thing to behold! First of all they'd try to have the most stimulation possible even if it's not safe, then they'll be so concerned to what are society expectations that they'll...|||8w9|||INFP When you say sympathetic villain I can't help but think of Hades from Disney's Hercules. He's hilarious and steals the spotlight when he's in scene. My idea of a sympathetic villain...|||Welcome to the forum. I hope you'll understand your better. :)|||Hi and welcome to our humble abode... ehm.. forum :tongue:. I'm an INFP too and I agree with everything you say. Our Fi makes us not attuned with social conventio ns so we spend our life searching...|||Good night y'all!|||Se|||Welcome ISTP friend! ^^|||Welcome to the forum! I'm a 5w4 too but I'm an INFP. Also I've recently started watching Sherlock so thumbs up for the avatar!|||Welcome to the forum! ^^|||Me: INFP Father: ESFJ Mother: ISTJ Maternal Grandmother: ExFJ Paternal Grandfather: ISTP Paternal Grandfather: ESTJ Paternal Grandmother: ISFJ Aunt: ENFJ Uncle: INTJ Male Cousin: INTP|||Here's a list: 1) Impratical. Te is the inferior function so we aren't the best when there' some pratical thing to do. We often live in our imaginary world built for not being hurt by reality. But...|||Connetticut Engaged Sound Jubilee Explanatory Joy Crown Blues Wonderful Writer|||I'm a bit tired....|||Yeeeh, another INFP :)! Welcome to the forum! Yes, personality theories are really helpful and fun too.|||Fi - 75% Ne - 67 % Te - 57 % Si - 45% Ti- 42 % Ni - 22% Fe - 21% Se - 20% Nice test. Well, it's correct too. The interesting thing is that I've scored Te more higher than Si! It's only some...|||Romance is a difficult subject for a normal person but if you're a NF it's really hard to find someone. Personally, some people tried to say that my is that I'm too reserved so the poor guys...|||Good night PerC! Sleep well and dream good things.|||Cool system! I'm a DHIP, the Internationalist Liberal.|||Poor cats. I like them very much but I think I know why they're so hated. First of all there's a reason the dog is called the man's best friend. Dog are more affectionate to their master, they...|||INTP 5w4 sx/so|||When you're so exhausted how social interaction and you want to go home for relax but try to don't say mean things to the others because you're tired.|||I've an ENFP friend. I like her, we get along fairly well and she has a good sense of humor. She is quite charming. I mean people, guys in particular :tongue: , follow her as bees with honey. It's...|||Kiss: ENTJ Marry: INFP Bed: ESFP Next: INTJ - ENFP - INFJ|||Welcome to the forum! Yes, the theory is really helpful for understanding our character better.|||I was thinking about the fact that in the forum' search box there's written type here.. and considering the fact that this is a forum about types... I think it's funny. *goes away before someone...|||Writer Teacher Film Critic Journalist|||Alright the first character I relate to is a strange pick for an INFP I'm sure :tongue:. But here she is: 1) Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the wind. Yeah, it's not the character you think about...|||Alright, first of all I'm sorry for this situation and I hope you'll figure things out. Being reserved it's one of the main characteristic of us INFP. From my experience an INFP has a very difficult...|||As someone who losed a friend I can relate to the topic. Well, first of all I'm not so easy to get along. I admitt that maybe I'm too selective. My introversion doesn't help because often I like to...|||Intp.|||Uhm I'd say 4w5 or 9w1.|||Welcome to the forum! Don't worry about the mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker too! You'll learn with time.|||Yeah, let's answer the questions. What are you looking for in your dream house? Uhm, I want an house aestethically beautiful and where I can express myself. You know, something you can really...|||Welcom to the forum!|||Kiss - ENFJ Marry - ISTP Bed - ENTJ Next: INTP - ESFJ - ESTP|||INxP.|||I voted for the downtown city because it's a place where you can live your life, with many services and things to do . Obviously it isn't the stereotypical city with the buildings in gray and many...|||Hi ^^. There are many interesting discussions here and fun too so... welcome to the forum!|||I love writing so I keep a journal. It's not the typical journal in which you write stories or your private information. I hate the last type XD. Keep your private dealings in your brain, don't...|||For me Sci-Fi is more meh. I can read it but it's not my favorite genre. So, fantasy all the way expecially if there's a mythological, well buildied world like LOTR.|||My mother is an ISTJ and my father is an ESFJ. I don't want to stereotype thing s but... being the only intuitive in the family is not easy XD. I tend to get a long with them well, it depends on the...|||In my family I'm known for being a really slow eater. Interestingly enough the other person who eats slowly is my ISTP grandpa , my grandma (ENFJ) and my father (ESFJ) are really fast when eating....|||Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah for us INFP it's really difficult to find someone that suits us well. We have a very different vision of relationships and so it's difficult to find someone. I realate to your...|||INFP - Medium. There seems to be a correlation with INFP and long straight hair. I think because it's the typical haircut in rappresentation of mythological creatures like fairies and nymphs. ...|||Pro choice|||When your mind jumps from path to path.|||Step on glass. It'll harm me but at least I could probabily survive. Dancing salsa with a monkey or eat insects? (That's quite strange, I know :tongue:)|||I think the wheel is more important, at least we can go with easiness from place to place. Pizza or Sushi?|||Mother: ISTJ Father: ESFJ Generally in my family they're sensors. I've only one intuitive, my cousin. And extroverts tend to marry introverts... pretty strange.'
'To be honest, I don't know if I would truly be capable of doing what you want your mom to do...I don't know if I can truly let go of what I feel I need out of a relationship. For those I truly...|||Out of the four NT types I've always gotten along with INTPs the best. My best friend is an INTP and I know a few others that I've always gotten along very well with. Out of the four NT types, they...|||For me, this gets easier the more I do it. I also kind of like to go back through the reasons why I said no and remind myself that they're completely legitimate and important. I try to use those...|||I agree that this is individual for me, but I also think that it makes sense for their to be a general connection between the idea of tradition and Si users. This doesn't mean that every SJ is going...|||Well, for me, what I mean by tradition isn't always the same as what other people mean. I don't mean it in a sense of ceremonies or doing things the way they've always been done or doing...|||To be honest, as others have said, I really don't think any of this has to deal with the exact type of SJ we're talking about. I think it's down to your personal experience. I think any one of...|||For me personally, this is a pretty complex topic. It's hard for me to say what motivates me to do good things for others. A lot of it depends on my relationship with the person. I have...|||I have noticed that with those that I'm close to, because I open up more to them, they do see me as a deep person and understand my depth. So I definitely agree that the more we share things about...|||I definitely agree with the part about Si. That's totally how I feel. And it's something that can be very hard to get across or describe to non Si types. And that's the exact reason why it's...|||I do hunk this all or nothing mentality is fairly typical in ISFJs, and I think it's directly related to our dominant Si. We have trouble adapting on the spot and we stay very committed to things....|||I think all in all you've covered the topic very well. I think a big part of the problem is how people define the terms deep and shallow. Shallow always carries a lot of negative connotations and...|||I've been a high school math teacher for ten years. Anyone of any type can be a great teacher and any one of any type can be a bad teacher. It's just like anything else in life...your type will...|||Can you give some specific examples of this? You sound very flexible to me! You must be very strong to work in daycare! As I mentioned in another thread...I know nothing about babies or...|||Well, you can't win 'em all, especially on the Internet.|||I definiteky view myself as cuddly light. :) I actually think I'm very cuddly, but I hide it and hold it back a lot, especially because I'm male. I usually get along with INTPs extremely...|||I think a lot of it depends on other aspects of the friendship too. It really depends o. If the other one cares about the friendship or not. When you do contact the person, if they agree to hang...|||I think this is a really good point. I mentioned this sort of thing in another thread, and an INTJ and an INTP both mentioned how they are really appreciative of people who make the effort to keep up...|||Well, I think it really depends on if you think you SHOULD be bothered by whatever it is that's bothering you. In my previous post, I was referring to things that you deep down felt shouldn't...|||This has definitely happened with me, though the details are different. For me, I think what's tough is that it's so hard to make new, deep friendships. So much of this goes back to my own...|||I agree with Falcon5. One of the biggest things that helps me is not reacting in the moment. Never let yourself respond to your immediate emotions. As Si doms, things catch us off guard, and...|||First off, NineTypesOfLight gave awesome advice. As far as the short notice thing...sometimes you just have to say no and not care what she thinks. ISFJs have a hard time saying No when we...|||i think my post #29 addresses this the best. I am fully aware this this isn't about me, and I would never in my life expect my two friends to look after my emotions...sending one card and two texts...|||And as I've mentioned, I was more relieved than anything else. It made me feel good to know that it meant something to her. the thing is that I've never expected a response, especially not...|||And I can't watch it because I'm not home! I'm going for the Sharks, but I have a feeling your Pens will win the Cup.|||That's good to know. I usually do try to give logical advice when my friends ask for it. I try to come up with something and kick around some ideas. I guess I just usually feel like it doesn't go...|||I do understand that without the background explanation of the situation (and explaining a lot about myself, which I've left out), all of this sounds (and in some ways, is) obsessive. But I think...|||Thank you for that. This lines up perfectly with what I've been learning from the ENTP I've talked to. One thing I've noticed about my ESTJ friend is that...he's always helped me out with so many...|||This is always something I've struggled with concerning T types. I've always felt like I've WANTED to help them practically and logically...but it seems like every time they have a problem, I can't...|||It's interesting...these are the kinds of things that my inferior Ne has always been super worried about. However, what I've learned lately is that I can't let my mind get carried away with these...|||I find her particularly fascinating because it took us a while to figure out her type. But I think where her INTP attributes come out the most is when she's in her work environment. Even though...|||That's good to know. My main thing is just understanding what the silence means. I'm trusting in the idea that if I was being annoying, an INTP would be likely to tell me instead of just being...|||Hiya INTPs. I haven't posted much in this forum because for the most part I've gotten along very well with INTPs in my life (though I'm an ISFJ myself). My best friend is an INTP and I get along...|||I'm totally the same way. When I laugh my teeth show. But when I smile normally, especially in pictures, I never like to show my teeth. It looks goofy to me when I do it. But I definitely notice...|||It's hard for me to say because this situation is different than how it would be for me (I'm a guy and my dad would never stop me from dating someone...of course, I'm also 32). So my opinion may...|||I wish I had read this before seeing your posts about my SJ rant a while back. It explains a whole lot more about everything.|||I think this is a huge part of all of this. When I'm stressed, I become much more irrational and emotional and can't think clearly. It's hard for me to stay calm and make good decisions. So if...|||I just ran across this video and I found it quite fascinating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs-3gPXN-0Y Basically, it's about how people of a type will tend to have similar facial...|||Yeah, I guess sometimes I don't appreciate everything I have. I know not everyone has these social opportunities and it can become even tougher when you're married with kids. I do have a decent...|||The fact of the matter is that all types have things they struggle with. And even though some of these things are challenges, they are not things that define you, and they can all be improved upon....|||One thing that I've noticed about myself lately is when there's some kind of get together that I go to with acquaintances, I have a really hard time making an exit, even when I feel like it. ...|||It's hard for me to answer this with you. I think it's down to WHY you don't feel comfortable with. Can you pinpoint things about ISFJs that don't seem to fit with you? Or is it that there's...|||First off, I agree with Sweetish . I think this is mostly about dom Si and inferior Ne, and I think with ISFJs, this leads to over-worrying in a way that ISTJs don't quite fall into. In...|||It may be a person to person thing. For me, caffeine doesn't seem to affect me at all, except that it keeps me from sleeping if I drink something caffeinated too close to bedtime.|||I don't know....I somewhat relate to all three, but I don't relate to any of them completely. If I had to choose one, I would choose silly-serious. I think I always feel a desire to relax,...|||I understand the difficulty of a situation like that. I've had times when I've just caved in and met up with them. Interestingly enough, sometimes it's been horrible, and other times I was actually...|||Well, it mainly just helps for me to blow off steam. I feel like I keep all of the little irritations pent up inside of me. When it happens a few times, it's no big deal...I can understand if...|||Yeah, I agree. When people have the desire to adapt and work together, even if it's difficult, it will end up working out, no matter what the types are. But if only one side (or neither) is willing...|||Unfortunately, even at 32, those things are still true for me. I've gotten better at them, but I'm still working on them.|||I think I can relate to this from an Fe standpoint in this regard: I just sent a gift to one of my friends. I put time and money into it. I really enjoy the notion that it will make them happier...|||I personally agree with you that it's far easier to try to understand one of your bottom four functions by trying to find similarties to your top four. To me, this is especially helpful because I...'
'I used to be incredibly imaginative, but it seems adulthood has smothered that part of me.|||Yep. All the time.|||Nope. Things that irritate me: loud music, electronic music, crowds, drinking/smoking/drugs, being around people doing these things When I'm feeling particularly social, I have a few buddies...|||Pretty much this. Everyone meaningful to me is highly intelligent even if I don't directly seek it in people.|||A roommate of mine got me a job working for a company his mother owns, and I was introduced as Ecky. I worked there for about 6 months and everyone called me Ecky. I would be uncomfortable, I...|||I haven't, but I have been called a few different things and have answered and identified with them. This reminds me of a thought experiment I used to go through with people on the idea of...|||I'm not so sure about that. Although most of what he says seems only to intersect our reality at a point, the point at which it does is generally too relevant and interesting for me to accept that...|||I'm in.|||Sometimes I'll put myself at the center of attention if necessary, but never because I enjoy it.|||Fantasy-based infatuation is something I was often victim to a few years ago, but have more recently gained some perspective on and have actually come to appreciate. For a brief time I can feel like...|||Sounds to me like he likes you. I've learned that if I do nice things for people I like, they are more likely to stick around.|||Pretty much this: Also +1 kudos for the expression replication.|||Earth Balance is actually certified non-GMO. It's not a normal margarine - it's basically non-GMO vegetable oils with sunflower lecithin added as a thickener, and nothing else. It doesn't have the...|||Ingredients: Natural oil blend (palm/canola/soybean/flax/olive), filtered water, contains less than 2% of: salt, pea protein, sunflower lecithin, lactic acid (non-dairy), annatto for color. Seems...|||I tested 149 in 2nd grade, but it hasn't done me a lot of good.|||I'm very careful about expired food. Even so, some things I don't mind inspecting well after the expiration date. Example: I got 6 tubs of Earth Balance buttery spread when they expired at a health...|||Heterosexual panromantic, probably.|||* Stand for the truth and the search for truth. * Use thought rather than emotions. * Are misunderstood rather than at fault. * Have a preference for Ti, Ne, Si and inferior Fe. * Are a human...|||Quite a bit, though I've never been accused of being Ray McKinnon's doppelganger specifically. But, I digress. @OP, Lately I find I prefer to just get it out for the reasons you illustrated. Much...|||I do a lot of laundry.|||Sounds like a fantastic arrangement. Moar failed relationships!|||This. I probably went from 40% I up to about 95%.|||Google Chrome - 5 tabs Gmail Anandtech Personality Cafe XDA (Moto X) Amazon (camping gear)|||I have no idea as I'm too far removed from how most think - I tend to be Grade A Baffling to the vast majority of people I meet. Maybe I'll ask some random strangers today what they most...|||I only recently started growing my facial hair out. It's rather annoying to me but I like the aesthetics of it. I use a trimmer like Themorning linked and tend to keep my facial hair at a pretty...|||My partner is my personal assistant. We work nicely together as we're both most comfortable doing the things the other can't handle. Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk|||The level of investment you have in her sounds unhealthy to me, to be frank. Friendship works best (for me anyhow) when there's mutual understanding, mutual respect, and mutual investment. If I...|||Have to wonder if it has anything to do with the forum poll going on right now.|||Wait, when was new year's?|||Your attachment is borked.|||Based on the information you provided... I have no idea. It's not atypical of me to disappear for days or weeks at a time, or to be unavailable to the people who care about me. Or, I suppose, even...|||10/10 _____________ Funny, a very similar thread just started in S&R. My post there:|||1, second place is 7.|||INTP quirks: ... I was going to type a well-thought out response but got lazy, so this is what you get instead.|||Beautiful People Really ARE More Intelligent I'm not going to make any claims about the relation between intelligence and personality type, and there are MANY other possible factors, but polls and...|||I swear to God! xD|||Earlier today I heard Tom Mison.|||I have a random shuffle of a few hundred space and planet images for my wallpaper. http://i.imgur.com/Bp7shvb.jpg|||I think you might need to rephrase that with some additional punctuation. As bad as I usually am about being direct, I tend to like it when others are direct with me. +1|||Personally, I can't stand MIDI. But then, I generally dislike highly (or obviously) electronic music, and voice processing effects. @OP, I would like to thank you for sharing Passenger.|||<- Came out vegan :laughing:|||Deep, man.|||Astrophysicist/Astronaut (space program budget cuts deflated that dream), computer scientist (a few semesters in found I didn't like it), Professor in physical sciences, Geologist (current pursuit)....|||ISTJ dad: Dependable INTP (questionable) mom: Crazy ENFP sister: (A) Mess INFP wife: Emotional|||I like that system. I will now proceed to confuse people by asking for Cherry cream cheese pie and Chocolate swirl ice cream pie. I wonder if a crust is a necessity for a pie? Though, upon...|||Pie is where it's at. Cheesecake is basically a pie that's called cake, and then you have apple pie and key lime pie. I'd argue that ice cream cake is often closer to a pie than a cake too. Bread...|||One of them looks like Steve Wilson, but I don't think I'm familiar with the other. Who is it? Sorry for the thread-jack!|||http://i.imgur.com/luQ5UrW.jpg Can't speak for all dogs, but this one is a heck of a lot smarter than any cat I've come across.|||1) you meet someone you like, you're interested in a relationship, she says it's a bad time right now but she hopes to stay friends and continue to get to know you. Good? Bad? Fucking bitch? Okay...|||Hello intruding INFP!'
'Trying not to feel totally worthless... Why do I have to be so sensitive ugh stupid brain. ...Maybe you never actually gave a fuck. You don't know the damage you've done...that I've done,...|||I hate when I buy a new type of toothpaste, and it ends up being that weird, sparkly blue shit...|||http://pa1.narvii.com/5810/9523cd32ae16516fb0127acf10285da30763f414_hq.gif|||I'm sorry about everything.|||Sometimes you have to take a step or two back to go forward. Sigh... I hope this was worth it.|||Car's in the shop. Forgot my lunch. Accidentally ran a red light... Ready for this day to be over already.|||An old Bimmer 3 series. I really should get rid of it lol. ... Agreed, agreed. Though I don't mind snow so much. I loved all the open road, with basically no speed limit. Just...|||It's the last day of vacation, and I'm about to spend my evening going through everything and getting rid of some stuff. Went to Montana, which is an amazing place, by the way. I want to move...|||Cripes, I'm so sorry for what you're going through.. I can't imagine having to outrun a wildfire, and then it having consume your home place. :sad: I find I shut down all my feels too when...|||Yikes, you live there? Sorry all that's happening :( ... warweasel Happy CO week, mang! (I'll admit, I had no idea it was such a thing, but now I do :happy: )|||I don't understand this whole...'self-esteem' thing...|||Neat! A lot of these speak out to me, but here's a few: Acceptance - Not everyone will understand me, and that's okay. What I really need is for people to just accept that I am the way I am...|||Dude, that's awesome! I'd be crying tears of joy after going a full month haha Glad she's back :cool:|||Yes, it's the same tree I had mourned a while back in the Venting Thread lol :( I'm not sure about the word, though... Except I'm reminded of that Portugese word (one of my favorite words)...|||It stormed today. Afterwards left the most beatiful, vivid rainbow I've ever seen 517682 Picture doesn't really do it justice - I could see it arc across the entire sky, and so brightly too! ...|||Ahh, it feels good to be home after house sitting for a week. I know it's an apartment, and it's not much, but it's my space. I've missed it... Also I feel like I haven't slept well because for...|||Ohh, that sound! Ahh, I might, I might. Can't be any worse than trying to maintain a Bimmer, right? Mine's creeping up on 150k miles and I'm worried it's about to blow up haha. But yeah, I...|||Yessssss! I really wanted to get myself an RX8 but then I heard all the flaws... Maybe if I knew how to rebuild engines I would... I thought I heard somewhere that Mazda was gonna bring the...|||Aaaand weird week continues to get weirder. I'm getting ready to drive to my parents' place from work (because I'm house sitting) and my mom texts me: Hey the alarm went off at the house is...|||That moment when you're terrified of stepping on the scale because you haven't in so long, only to find yourself pleased with the result. I try to eat well but I slip a lot haha. 'Cause, you...|||Yesssss! I love to travel. I can't say I want to do as much of it as humanly possible, though, because I do get tired. It's a very draining experience. But I love it nonetheless. It's mostly...|||So...yesterday I vented to my supervisor about this guy that blows off work all the time. I didn't mean to turn into a fireball...It's stuff that had been building awhile, and when people...|||Almost lost my temper at work today. There's a guy that likes to completely blow off his responsibilities, which ends up fucking people over, including myself. I didn't say anything to him, but I...|||This song makes me so giddy, I can't stop dancing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1MqBw05Z3M|||I try not to sit and stew. An aggressive workout usually does wonders for me. Drawing or writing helps. Something about being active helps me think in the background without getting too worked up or...|||Haha yeah, Pops is an INTJ for sure. Which is probably part of the reason why I get along so well with them. My mom took the MBTI too and scored ENFP but I'm not sure still. Either way she's fluffy...|||Hmm depends. Mostly just an open ear/sounding board. If it's some kind of life crisis I'm upset about, generally I can figure it out once I get around all the feels. Venting to non-judgmental ear...|||Had lunch with my Dad. Ugh I got the Ni stare from him - he was giving me the third degree, asking why my SO won't go over with me to visit them. I just kept saying he's busy, he's busy. You...|||Shit. I fucked up.|||Sigh. That moment when you're sitting outside, alone, drawing the world peacefully, and suddenly some completely random yo comes and sits at your table, watching you and blocking your field of...|||Haha Thank you for this. I have so many ball-related questions, and this was one of them. ... My head feels full. Maybe because I haven't gotten anything done. Wasting too much time on...|||Big fluffy hug from me to you <3|||Agh. Sometimes I wish I could keep my mouth shut about my feelings.|||Oof, today was legs day: https://45.media.tumblr.com/df313552e71ccc01898b56b70ed88271/tumblr_nwj0i2QUA91uyz8xjo1_500.gif I might have gone too far haha.. Today is also Friday, so yay for...|||Haha Oh my! And banana splits for dessert?|||Well, usually I'll take a guy out to dinner first, but if you insist...|||Ah, yikes. I think what I need most is some time away, on my own. But where/when can I get that ><|||Hrm, I always had the opposite problem haha. I can't really seem to make friends with lady people. But with my guy friends, it has always been because we've met doing things we share in common. ...|||Ahh, so I have this INTJ buddy with whom I go wayyy back - back to the days of playing World of Warcraft, just after the first expansion came out - he texted me out of the blue today. Made my day...|||The fuck is with people and talking over me all the time? Doing group project. I'll start to say something and then someone will say what I'm saying even louder, Oh yeah, [insert what I'm...|||It's okay, buddy, we've all been there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vupgBykQnko lol. .... Uh, so I saw that first-person movie last night, Hardcore Henry. A word to the wise: ...|||Never, really haha. Whenever I go out, it's usually because my other half wants to bring me along to something he's been invited to. Oh, and he and I will do a lot of things together, just the two...|||I can't say I'm a fan of me being sarcastic, but it comes out of me when I'm super pissed. Like I can get a bit snarky when I'm in the moment of being hurt by another person. Sort of another way of...|||I had lunch with my mom today. Sometimes she talks about such sad things, and it breaks my heart... A very near and dear friend of the family has been a bit depressed lately because she wants to...|||Ergh. Having to wait on someone else to get back to me so I can do my job. Just send me the damn list already, shouldn't take but two minutes. I also hate how the speed of which someone responds...|||You know what just burns my bread? Whenever someone tries to guilt trip me into going to some kind of function. I'll be really upset if you don't come. Like, really. :dry: That was said to me...|||1. I'm not. When I'm around other people, most times their feelings override what I'm feeling, and it's like I can't even hear my own thoughts. I don't know how I actually, truly feel about things...|||Not really feelings. But what does geek me out sometimes is that everything is made up of atoms. Like, that is just the coolest. And how we're never actually touching anything on an atomic level. ...|||Depends. Probably somewhat average, but I go through these phases when I seem to cry for no reason. Or maybe it's a buildup of small things, I'm not sure. Some days I'm just feeling depressed or...|||Ahh, this. This sounds familiar haha.. ...Never really fitting in anywhere.. One time in high school I walked in on some guys I was friendly with playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I had secretly...'
He hasn't needed to debate intellectually and if he tried to he'd lose. Think about it like boxing. He's a brawler and you're saying if he stuck to the outside he'd lose. Well yeah that's not his...|||Not in any way a Trump supporter, but the people saying he's stupid need to reassess the situation. He just took out a field of 17 candidates including many successful governors. I don't agree with...|||I work in data analysis/stats for a fortune 500 if you have any specific questions.|||That's simply not true. You can see it in the way he plays crowds and the media. Heck look at how he made Ted Cruz clap for him after he essentially tore down Ted Cruz. He's also a textbook...|||Probably the strongest connection I've ever felt with someone was an INTP girl I was friends with for years. It ended poorly...|||I wrestled and did Judo competitively for years and now just workout pretty hard for fun.NTs value competence and to me fitness was something else I wanted to be good at. Exercise Describe a...|||My job is essentially doing software development in Business Intelligence of a megacorp so, it's essentially using a computer instead of your army of slaves ;). But, all it breaks down into is...|||Going with the obvious, does he have a Playstation?|||Hey guys, I'm not really sure how to interpret this situation with a friend and was looking for some thoughts. So me(ENTP guy) and a girl(INTP) have been pretty close friends for a couple years....|||Really depends on the day. I've worked on everything from making a tool to figure out how to allocate our inventory, to developing tools and dashboards on how well products sell together, which are...|||So, I may have just gotten really lucky but I got hired in IT as an analyst out of college working with Tableau/Sql/R/and VBA. It might be a bit different but, I'm not even sure how a support role...|||Once I found out that there was an algorithmic way to solve them(like a Rubik's cube), I lost interest.|||But can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?|||Beware of Snappy Retorts|||I mean what do you want to know??? If you like her go for it. MBTI isn't the end all be all of anything. You get one life dude, don't let a theory(MBTI) dictate your life. Just live it ;).|||If you want to go for it absolutely do it :):). I've known two ISFJs, one is my grandmother, who raised my mom and aunt by herself and is one of the strongest people I know.The other is one of my...|||Well, there median viewer age is 65+, so I'm just going to give it 10 to 15 years and most of their base will die off ;). You'd think that always being completely wrong would make them lose their...|||Come on, you can't hold Fox News against us :(.|||Uhhh what's with the schizophrenic acid trip?|||He questions facts he doesn't agree with all the time on his show. And he uses facts to sell the story he wants too. ENTP 8w7 is my guess.|||Haha don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job. But, I do sit behind a computer doing stats and programming Mon-Fri 8-5 so, I get really restless. The OP admitted he's lost jobs because he'd leave early and...|||Deal with it, the world won't change because you don't feel like working 8 hours a day(although it does get boring). For helpful advice I have Final Fantasy V and Five nights at Freddys on my...|||Right but, that wasn't the debate that was going on although it may be a part of it. The debate Maher had was with him saying Islam is inherently a bad religion more or less. Also, I don't think the...|||What if the parent is about to cut the child's head off for wanting the pink power ranger instead of the green power ranger?|||I don't get how it's racism? You have a large percentage of Muslims who do hold these terrible ideals. And are actively doing their best to make these terrible ideas into reality. It's not racism to...|||Has anyone considered that the difference isn't the religion but how dedicated to the religion they are. Every religious text has a ton of crazy stuff in it. The difference between the Western...|||Oops Double Post...|||Here are some of what I've been listening to lately. Overall It's like a 50-30-20 divide between Rock,Hip-Hop,Dubstep/Techno/... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fVddaPF-bY ...|||So there seems to be some confusion on here about whether there some people are ENTJ or ENTP or some weird hybrid amorphous type with strong both. So please someone correct me if I'm wrong, it comes...|||I don't know but, I really like Tumblr and I think that they should have more posts about important things like student loan debt, Ebols, and Twilight fan fic...I did it didn't I XD.|||Give someone Meth or PCP or both, and pretend they were possessed when they freak out.|||It effects me without realizing it. If I'm ticked at something generally I'll lash out and make snide comments relating to it and not even realize I did that until way later.|||It doesn't ever really make that supposition though. The title ' What is wrong with ENTP females???' doesn't ever call male ENTP attractive nor does the OP ever really go beyond calling guy ENTPs...|||Read up on the functions and I'm pretty sure I'm ENTP(but other guesses are great too :)) not sure on Ennea though :(. 0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For...|||Maybe, in all honesty I have no clue what will be in style in 20 years. For now I kinda just want to get rid of my student loan(~40K), and get my masters ,so I can teach Math at a community college....|||Not really, so they generally do the basic stuff(Standard forecasts and basic functions). They're more fancy calculators than anything. What I do is design processes that turns the raw data into...|||Going to chime in here the other way, I work as a business analyst. I tend to be pretty unorganized in general. I get things done but, thank god for the computer's search function. That being said,...|||I agree with you, but I can see how that ideology can work with some people.Everyone I've talked to has conceded that some regulation needs to occur,Normally I bring up drugs how Making Money =/= A...|||I'm generally pretty close to being a socialist. If your talking in the US, then I find it hard to think anyone who pays attention to the news goes much farther right than libertarian. Republicans in...|||So please tell me at some point the words 'Helicopter Dick' came up :laughing::laughing:.|||So, apparently an INFJ thing is the ability to read people. The few people who I've met who had an INxJ demeanor have always commented on how they can never read what I'm actually thinking or up to....|||If you guys are referring to this one ht tp://pa rade.conden ast.co m/226063/viannguyen/whats-the-average-income-for-your-personality-type/ (remove the spaces, I can't post links yet :( ) then I...|||NVM wrong thread|||So the math thread a couple pages back got me thinking about programming. How many people on here know how to program and are NTs and would you rather it be called an art form, science, or just...|||Have you experienced issues with self-esteem as Ne-Ti or Ti-Ne? I had really bad self esteem in elementary through high school. I would always think of 1000 what ifs based on the smallest thing from...|||You should try the card shops around your house. There's more NTs than I can count at the Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh tournys I've gone to. And pretty much every town has at least a small one.|||Well I work at a huge corporate company as a programmer. Some of the people are okay but, only a couple I'd talk to regularly though. Most of the time if I don't have anything to do I'm playing Final...|||Everyone used to be the youngest person in the world at one point. There are more numbers between 0 and 1 than there are integers from 0 to infinity. The guy who'd check Hitler's speeches really...|||Yeah, I have that all too hell as a 6w7. And I used to listen to that voice but, in the past couple years I decided to not let what ifs keep me from trying out a good idea. It's just from what I've...|||Well to be fair, it's not the first time. I've done it before for job interviews that were far away. Wal mart parking lots are generally fairly safe. Why ESTP over ISTP, I couldn't see Se as Dom. I'm...
'I've figured out my cognitive functions, but not what order they are stacked in. Is anyone able to guide me in finding out if i'm a ISFJ or INTP?|||When you seek a deep connection with others, and when you eventually find it, you never let it go.|||Although ne is also a possibility... I think i'm definitely a fe though.|||I looked up fe vs fi and ni vs si, and I think i'm more fe and maybe ni.|||:)|||English Literature and Film Studies ISFJ|||Admiration, love and respect.|||The Servant|||Thanks for the enneagram typing! I haven't read much on fe vs fi and ni vs si, but will have a look.|||My answers are in bold. 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful...|||Some of my favourites: The Passion of Joan of Arc Metropolis L'Atalante Trouble In Paradise The Philadelphia Story My Man Godfrey Woman in the Dunes The Seventh Seal|||Final Fantasy XIII-2|||Yes, Once Upon a Time in the West! Easily the best Western imo.|||Nice list. I love your avatar, by the way!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcrj-FFK4MM|||Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories|||The Blind Assassin - Margaret Atwood|||1. Kimono My House - Sparks 2. Horses - Patti Smith 3. Songs of Leonard Cohen - Leonard Cohen 4. Propaganda - Sparks 5. Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes|||VinnieB I agree that it's often difficult to forge connections with others because of a persona we often put on, one that we deem 'acceptable' in societal terms. I am incredibly guilty of it!|||I don't understand how you can measure 'uniqueness'. What makes a person 'unique'? I do think the whole 'special snowflake' mindset is an adolescent one. Some people are so desperate to not be like...|||I'm not particularly sure about my type, but i'll be studying Film and Literature in October.|||Musicians: Ron & Russell Mael (my ultimate faves~~), Leonard Cohen, PJ Harvey, Karen O, Regina Spektor, David Byrne, Gordon Gano, Jarvis Cocker Actors/Actresses: Toshiro Mifune, Marlene Dietrich,...|||(If anyone is looking for something different, check out Sparks - in particular the albums Kimono My House and Propaganda. I'll never miss an advertising opportunity! haha)|||I don't think that's particularly unusual. A lot of people have a eclectic taste in music. I will like certain bands from genres, and not others, as well as listening to an album to death, and then...|||Yes, I think the clash between morality and sexual desire is an ongoing problem for many people, for many different reasons (and varying in intensity and legality).|||I am (possibly) an INFP, and I also have always found older men attractive, ever since puberty really. The only trouble is, i am very dubious of older men who are are more interested in younger women...|||Do you always make sure (even sometimes going out of your way) to say goodbye? It depends on the situation. If i'm currently talking to them, i'll obviously say goodbye when I (or they) need to...|||The Seventh Seal is so good. Also, Rope is such an underrated Hitchcock film.|||Early Summer|||robert666 Interesting, thank you for taking the time!|||My list is: Aguirre: The Wrath of God Metropolis The Passion of Joan of Arc Andrei Rublev An Autumn Afternoon Vivre Sa Vie L'Atalante Mulholland Drive|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnM3Iq977JU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRgmvzJVXJQ|||Something For The Girl With Everything - Sparks|||Ah, The Spirit of the Beehive! Great film. The Conformist was beautifully shot, too.|||robert666 Sorry for the delay! 1. How would it benefit you to be deemed beautiful by society? I think the idea of being desired by people makes me feel powerful. That's probably the best way I...|||Ahh, I see. I know absolutely nothing about MBTI, and would have assumed that ISTJ and INFP would be total opposites! But now it makes sense that they use the same functions, but in different orders.|||A lot. I'm usually indifferent to people I don't particularly like. They would probably have to do something criminal and unforgivable. And even then, I probably wouldn't actually tell them I hated...|||Here you go! 1. How important is it to be aware of the emotional mood of the group you are in? Quite important. Sometimes you need to tailor your conversation to suit the mood of a group....|||Not 100% sure about my MBTI/Enneagram (i'm kind of still on the 'quest of discovery'~~), but my name means 'Famous in War'. I really like the meaning!|||I know it's hard, but have a go!|||I'll add the answers to the questions in my original post. EDIT: Never mind, I didn't realise that you cannot edit a post after 24 hours.|||robert666 sorry for the delay! I've been sitting exams 1. What makes a film deep for you? One with deeply moving performances, well developed and written script and beautiful and awe-inspiring...|||Trousers with fake pockets.|||I would keep the drug to use at a late date, probably for if (or when, since death comes to us all) me or my family were dying. If I were to use this drug on this man, inevitably there will be...|||Oh, wow, thanks for your input! How confusing that no-one seems able to agree.|||The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant|||French? Haha, no. I'm British!|||3w4, only child|||Serious (but can joke when necessary). Intelligent. Enjoys intellectual conversation. Dry humour. Someone who is driven to succeed. Definitely someone who isn't clingy. Someone who isn't interested...|||eb44345 Thank you for taking the time to analyse my questionnaire! ISFJ does seem to be a pretty safe bet.'
'I ended up getting 114 under SD 16. Was time factored in? Maybe I should have used the other twenty minutes.|||Eh, I've just been having problems defining the plain average recently, and the first three aren't helping its case. Also, muffins always make everything worthwhile, especially banana nut.|||I know the questions become ridiculously difficult, but the averages are saying that the typical person can't even finish the first four. The test was designed for IQs over 130, so I guess it...|||Welp, looks like I'm already above the normal IQ by .1 a few seconds after looking at the first problem. Why am I suddenly disappointed?|||It took me .5 seconds to bother my eyes by looking at that thing.|||Welp, that sounds exactly like what I'm dealing with right now, sans a few buddies on MSN and whatnot. I guess I brought this on myself for being late with college enrollment; I need to wait...|||The thinking used to create the boxes is rigid, but do we actually use them rigidly? For example, I may seem merely stubborn when I defend my views (even against myself), but I'm really only...|||He probably was serious, but that's not what I meant. He was relying on the four dichotomies and those vague descriptions that float around the internet. Those mean little if you ignore the cognitive...|||- ESTP style practical jokes - list making SJs - The entire alpha article. Nope.|||I guess I do fit the stereotype, but not to any extreme. The fact that it always appealed to me says something, however. Hello; just reading your post.|||If we shared the exact same experiences, there really wouldn't be much to discuss aside from rampant, useless agreement. I've considered how odd being cloned would be, too. If we were to share the...|||Schizoid : High Schizotypal : Moderate Everything else was low.|||The bad function? I would imagine that many INTPs would believe that they have a weak Ne, but it seems to stem from the descriptions of Ne as it appears in ENXPs. We usually have a well developed...|||A couple of the OP's attacks on JCFs seemed to really have a point, but then he brought up Pod'Lair... He's just naming superficial problems with MBTI without even beginning to explain why his...|||I suppose I did overlook that. However, while everyone is more comfortable with an expert opinion, I've found Si users to disregard something a non-expert may say (when seeking an expert), rather...|||I would recommend going so, as Zombie said, the doc will tell you that nothing is wrong. SJs tend to value expert opinions on something, even when the same opinion has been stated before by someone...|||I often dwell on unpleasant incidents, but rather than plot revenge or feel angry, I'll overanalyze it (people occasionally tell me I do this, even when most of my thoughts aren't out loud). I'll try...|||Oh boy, an experiment (maybe). Perhaps ask someone involved to get a point in the correct direction? The Anglican Church seems involved with the English government, so it shouldn't be difficult to...|||Nivia: What a strange post. The air of implicit superiority is incredibly thick, yet you're....saying that we are more intelligent than we think of ourselves? The posters in the thread are not trying...|||Yeah, I will admit most online IQ tests like to use that feelgood tactic to make people hand over their money, and may give out 130+ scores like candy. Still, is it possible to find the average...|||All right, so Si-Te, Te-Si, Si-Fe, and Fe Si are left brained axes. SPs are the same for right, sans that Si becomes Se. It shows that Si is left brained and Se is right brained, but why do the...|||Money spending money to make more money in order to spend money again for the purpose of farming money. We currently can't even truly prove we exist, let alone currency. Oh well.|||It's official: Science proves ISTJs learn from the past.|||What I noticed in the last arguments is that these points were completely ignored: A: The bell curve accounts for the population as a whole. B: IQ tests heavily disfavor those with sensing in...|||I've had suspicions of some people being threatened by me, but I was often oblivious to it at the time. Haven't had any major issues or violent envy, but your issue (as it has been stated before)...|||Ah, moving this discussion to the general NT board? I would imagine ENTJs being the most left brained, but I dunno about INTJs. They may score fairly left due to Te, but their internal functions...|||Of course, now I'll actually have to go and learn this.|||I scored at about 28-29, adjusting for ambiguous answers. Physicists usually end up with one point above average? I will admit that surprised me.|||Yet, they even ask if you want to peel flakes off of people. Do you not find that incredibly relevant?|||You're looking at the issue fairly logically while throwing out possible explanations (relating to the past). Ti-Ne-Si, all seem to be there. As for the issue of not being able to concentrate, it's...|||From the looks of it, I'm fairly normal aside from that huge social/communication spike. Perhaps that merely implies that I'm always in my head, even when I'm not supposed to be? I knew that already,...|||Is it really necessary to have legitimate personality disorders to be racist? I would admit that they're likely Si dominant, yet holding racist views doesn't require being clinically antisocial. They...|||If there's a correlation between brain usage and Jungian functions, could that mean either preferences shape brain development or brain development guides preferences? Society tends to create more of...|||Left: 54% Right: 46% Left - 50% Logical 27% Reality-based 25% Symbolic 22% Linear 14% Sequential|||I watch Jersey Shore regularly, it really isn't trash.|||As in most cases of INTPs with an underdeveloped Ne, you're likely in a Dominant - Relief loop of Ti - Si. Aside from being a Ti backup, Si is essentially a direct inhibitor on Ne who will tell you...|||Ah, reposted a link that was already here. Regardless, I would also check the more detailed ENTP, ISTP, INFP, and INTJ descriptions to make sure they can't be you. I still wonder if I'm really...|||I criticize this whole damn thread. It's on spam boards everywhere, and now even the NT board.|||Anywhere from 125-135 on the online ones, never bothered to take offical tests like the Binet. All it measures is how quickly you can solve logical/spacial puzzles. Anyone can do what they want...|||I can't stand Astrology. Why would Jupiter or Saturn hold any weight in our affairs? They protect the inner planets from comets and such, but now they exude some mystical force on newborns? Even if...|||Thinking of ways to shake my minecraft addiction...|||Well, as many of us have seen recently, Ni has a toxic reaction to Ne wanting to get the meaning out of anything and everything, coupled with Ti thinking for the sake of thinking. If Ti is denied and...|||EDIT: I suppose I'm not very good at these. Interesting nonetheless. Would anyone care to explain the pattern in 3 1 4 15 9..., however? I can see that the numbers fluctuate between larger and...|||I had pretty atrocious grades. Never really felt like doing all of my assignments, even when it was all easy. Had like a 1.5 overall GPA, but my last semester was decent. I also have a solid plan...|||Now that I think about it, I really haven't seen any ESFJs. Plus, there were more INTPs than ESFJs in here for a while. Odd.|||My personal favorite: Ah. It's always relevant.|||INTP - Lime, aka green.|||We might need an INFP to get very much out of this. I suppose she's asserting that in order to be content, we must embrace imperfection and uncertainty. However, isn't this already well known? I...|||I have a feeling that many of us here seemed doubtful when reading the title. I'm not 100.00% certain that I'm an INTP, nor am I even half certain about anyone else's typing. If I have a sense of...|||Cake, swords, and Saddam Hussein in a poor disguise. What can go wrong?'
'As an INTP, do you find you ever get particularly jealous? And to clarify, I'm talking about jealousy, not envy. I haven't seen much information relating to this topic. I was wondering how...|||I'm in my first semester of university at the moment myself. I had my heart set on psychology for years and then probably a month before applications were due, I changed my mind. I'm now studying...|||How do I deal with anxiety? Lmao. I don't. Kinda just swallows me whole most days. I try to be objective and think, hey is what you're anxious about right now actually a rational thing to be...|||They seem to come across quite rarely in my own experience, but are definitely worth it once meeting them. I don't find them particularly exhausting, that being said, I find socialising exhausting in...|||Oh definitely. I would love to meet and converse with more, that's why I made sure to say 'some' ENFJ's over some other types. I tried not to generalise, sorry about that. I consider it more my...|||Yeah I agree. Definitely filled with regret and just plain embarrassment, honestly.|||I have a really good friend that is an ENFJ. We get along really well however the mental, intellectual, and emotional connection is lacking just a little. I don't think that would work for me...|||Time is just a concept. I think about that a lot to be honest.|||When I get closer to someone and I know they won't judge me I let out my quirky side I guess. I'm only ever outgoing with the people I'm closest with - the one's who share my sense of humour and...|||I'm so lazy when it comes to cooking. I don't cook, and then I don't eat, and I skip full meals all the time. Mostly I'm just not bothered, other times it's just because I forget. What's an easy...|||I can understand I guess, I've been there. That being said it took me a while to understand myself mentally and emotionally and the more I learn the easier it gets. Just take some time to...|||My closest friend at the moment is an ISXJ. The friendship I've made with her to me is worth while - there's a strong sense of care. This can definitely get too much for me sometimes, but it is nice...|||Hey there, I don't know if it's just me, but I generally really struggle to make friends. Recently I've been speaking to someone more frequently and I think she's an ISFJ. She's genuinely...|||could i please have my name changed to punkdxx thank you!|||Hey there, So at the moment I'm currently writing a speech based on 'Pre-Raphaelite poetry' (wow so interesting) for my advanced English class, and came across the thought that public speaking...|||-|||You should go out and meet new people. Just be normal for once. You're wrong. Excuse you. I am never wrong.|||I'm very in to punk rock/rock/alternative/soul punk/punk etc. Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Panic! At The Disco just to name a few of my all time favourite bands. Then there's Twenty One...|||It wasn't a complaint, merely an observation ;) This thread is quite different from the ones I've read.|||It's not that I don't care of what people think of me, I have some great friends and on first impressions I'm generally well-liked. I do care about what people think of me if they are relevant in my...|||Hey there, I've only found a couple of threads regarding this topic, and I didn't find what I was looking for exactly. I thought I'd see what I could come up with on a thread of my own to feed and...|||I've always loved Dr. Watson and Sherlock's relationship, although Sherlock is a high functioning sociopath so he's definitely an example of an unhealthy INTP - he's crazy, but I love him for it....|||....We're the same. You know other than all that loving family and friends, and being selfless and sympathetic. Hahaha oh the bitch face, it's a favourite of mine, most of my expressions look very...|||Hmm, that's interesting. I know you haven't clearly stated what you're like, but I can deduce at least some area of your personality just from what you've said and how you've said it. And I agree...|||I just typed out a whole paragraph about trying to connect with people a little more and then realised I had no clue how. Connecting with people over the internet is great, who knows, maybe you'll...|||You sound like you'd be suited quite well to any of those interests of yours! I don't think I have the patience to learn new language, so props to you. Don't trick yourself in to thinking you're a...|||Good luck with your romantic endeavours with this INTP! (I promise we are not purposely insensitive if you ever find yourself being upset at something an INTP says, just a heads up.) I've always...|||Hey everyone! I've been lingering a bit on this ISFJ forum for a while, and, as I've said in many previous posts, I really do like and appreciate your type. The problem is that I don't know much...|||I will be sure to carry chocolate with me wherever I go, problem is but the time I've come across an ISFJ it will probably be all gone... XD|||I've found that my childhood was pretty difficult, looking back at it now. I feel as though a major part of my personality is because of the neglect I dealt with as a child, and so I just learnt to...|||I am known to bottle my emotion. I do not vent a lot, and I guess it's made it easier for me after finding this site as I find it much easier to talk to someone online than in person.|||My classmates know barely anything about me. I literally have one friend whom I love and tell everything, she's also an INTP, so we share the same views, but she doesn't have an answer for what I'm...|||I think there might be. I can agree with a few of those things, especially not getting enough alone time. I'd love to know what it was, and I was actually going to put this in my original post, but I...|||Hey everyone, So here's the thing, in the past couple of weeks I have been pushed to my absolute limit when it comes to social interaction. I'm finding myself anxious and stressed and not wanting...|||My INFJ friend laughs whenever she sees me because I am such a stereotypical INTP. Whenever I get mad, or get to the point where I have an extremely low tolerance for people she will just burst out...|||I'm constantly bored. I snap out of reality all the time in class. As far as grades go, I generally get pretty great marks for most subjects. This isn't because I study, or even the small amount of...|||Look, I'm with you here. I'm already having an existential crisis and I'm only 16 years old for god's sake. I'm a pretty extreme INTP and at my age, that doesn't exactly 'win' any friends. Younger...|||It mustn't have been the best sarcasm if you had to explain it. I think it was the lack of expression in your writing that made it sound serious. I mean, there was obvious sarcasm and over...|||You are welcome! I find you guys very loveable and friendly and I reach out to those I like, so I'm happy to speak some kind words to you. Oh I definitely agree when you say not to look for...|||Looking for a male ISFJ. I can imagine they'd be pretty rare, especially seeing as I'm quite young. I'll definitely be looking out for those general traits!|||Hi there, I've posted on this forum before and I must say that I really like ISFJ's. You all are most definitely the nicest type and I seriously can't get enough of you. You're sweet, you don't...|||I know what it's like to be in that kind of relationship, but mine goes the other way round. I have an ESFJ mother, and after 16 years she still doesn't understand my strange ways. But me bing...|||You seem pretty one sided about them. Not all ESFJ's are like that, everyone's different. In fact, one of my closest friends is an ESFJ and we get along brilliantly, she loves my weird sense of...|||I thought so, too. Well, I'm not sure of your age, but from what I know, most INTP's are often at home. We don't tend to be incredibly social, although when I go out I'm usually with a group of...|||Even though you say you 'have low self esteem' (to use your words), here you are, introducing yourself. I think that takes a lot. I know, being not only an introvert, but someone who doesn't...|||That sounds like something very interesting to be studying! And I know what you mean about visual arts, it takes a bit of getting used to. I still love to draw and paint even though I'm not great...|||I know you probably don't want an INTP here contributing, but I saw this post and felt I could really relate. If anything, I'd have to say INTP's are probably one of the loneliest types you can...|||My mother is an ESFJ, and I somehow turned out to be the exact opposite of her function wise! I know she has good intentions but she doesn't quite understand the way I am (me being introverted,...|||Hey guys! I'm an INTP and I'm just generally interested in your type! I understand we have the same cognitive functions, just in the exact opposite order XD So what's on your mind? What are you...|||Hahaha, spot on! It actually went a lot better than expected, thank you for asking! :) People actually laughed at the jokes I attempted to make, and I didn't pass out of anxiety... So it wasn't too...'
'Well I'd like to know how old they want me to think they are. :wink:|||That is too true.|||I just got into a huge fight with my boyfriend about how insecure I can be when it comes to him and our relationship. I have a hard time getting over things that happen in the past. I try to...|||What she said. :laughing:|||I have that exact thought all the time.|||Pretty much what everyone else said. I am often struggling with the feeling that life is pointless. It is hard for me to care about anything. I have no idea what I want to do with my life,...|||Opening Credits: Act Naturally by The Beatles (Perfect!) Waking Up: Made for TV Movie by Incubus (Ha. Matches the credits, kinda.) First Day at School: Slave by Weezer (Haha. That works.)...|||http://www.bostonherald.com/blogs/news/working_stiff/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/life-game-classic.JPG I want a cute pig.|||Yeah, I am super emotional on the inside. My roommate and boyfriend have seen me cry, but that's about it. I hate letting people see my emotional side. It makes me feel weak and vulnerable and...|||It's the same reason we have personality types next to posts. You want at least a little bit of information about someone to try to get where they are coming from. (Or maybe that's just the INTP in...|||For those that choose to display their age, I think it should be in their mini-profiles in their avatar, not just in their main profile. I often wonder about a poster's age when I'm reading posts,...|||My friends have always marveled at the fact that I seem to trip on weed. They are all jealous of me. Glad I'm not alone.|||I think it's ironic that we get typed the assholes with no empathy, when we (or at least I and others I've heard from) are obsessed with seeing things from other people's point of view. When I care...|||Oh my god, I got so excited and laughed so much when I was reading this! Amazing! :laughing:|||I have always been slightly interested in Numerology and the like. I read about it for a little while because I've noticed that the number 286 seems to pop up in my life a lot. (286, 28, or 86......|||Ack! See, that's what I'm afraid of. I'm in school right now for web design, but I can't imagine working in an office and being creative in that sort of environment. :sad:|||I'd wanna know what Fe feels like. I'm pretty sure that's my weakest one. I might as well go totally opposite to ESFJ and do Fe>Si. I can't even imagine what that's like.|||Apparently some basketball players started it? The specifics of the story seem to vary. Haha. I don't mind extroverts as long as they understand my introvertedness. :tongue:|||Just took this again when I was in a better mood: Extroversion 52% Orderliness 35% Emotional Stability55% Accommodation21% Inquisitiveness70% SCUEI - Inquisitive|||Yay!:happy:|||Has anyone played World of Goo? It's kinda short, but I stayed in my room for a day until I beat it. It was awesome.|||Yes. My room always gets messy, and then one day, I'll go crazy and clean it till it's spotless, but then it's always messy again a few weeks later. I also have a lot of books that I haven't...|||I stared at this for a while. Being intelligent is the center of my self-esteem. Being nice? I can't even imagine deriving any self-worth from being nice. Obviously I am nice, or... at least I'm...|||*highfive* ...only an INTP would highfive and then get lost in train of thought about who the first people were to highfive, and how the hell did that become a normal social gesture??? *Googles*|||I definitely do both of those things. I hate having serious conversations on the phone or even in person, simply because I can't go back and read them again. My boyfriend hates that I overanalyze...|||Hello, all. I'm a n00b. Apparently I'm supposed to post a thread announcing my presence to all of you. I've been posting for a few days now. I enjoy it here. This is the most loyal I've been to a...|||Crap. Addicted.|||Wait. There's a side of me that's NOT dark???|||I've heard I definitely give off a vibe of... something. That makes me a little unapproachable. Some have said it's bitchy. Others have said it's just confidence. I've always found this a little odd....|||I love how many times the word incompetent was used. That is exactly how I feel. One of the most embarrassing things to me is having someone else perceive me as incompetent or unintelligent. ...|||I am super sexual. I feel like my sex-drive is above average. I enjoy getting lost in the pleasure and emotions for someone I care about. I feel like it is the only time I can get my brain to quiet...|||Only child. I feel like this should be a poll.|||Example. At my job I sometimes have to use software I am unfamiliar with while customers are watching me. This always makes me extremely nervous and uneasy. Or at school, I prefer to do my homework...|||Hm, I never really gave that much thought before. I guess it's just proof that when we choose to be social, we're very successful. :tongue:|||Hahahaha... Yes, I looked it up before I said it, and I saw that, too. But my whole life everyone has just referred to pants that end between your ankle and knee as capris.|||Haha. Where I'm from they're called capris.|||I like to look good, but I'm never willing to sacrifice comfort for fashion. I just like jeans and a plain tshirt that fit me well. I am love flip-flops. I used to hate them, but once I got...|||This is my mom and I trying to reach out to each other: How are you doing? Fine, I guess. End of conversation. :dry: She is a very quiet person. Probably the most conflict-averse...|||I love how my brain works, but often find myself being frustrated by the fact that no one else seems to understand me at all. Being able to see the tiny flaws in anything that anybody says is awesome...|||I have been struggling a lot lately with my relationship with my mother. I have struggled my whole life with feeling like a disappointment to her because I always feel like she thinks I'm just lazy....|||I agree with kibou. You have to remember that everyone is an individual, and the descriptions can really only be an overview. Also some of your preferences might be more balanced or extreme than the...|||Haha, I guess I needed to hear it from him.|||Haha, well he's been the one keeping us in the grey area, which he has admitted to me. I have been nothing but loyal to him. I only started dating other people when he stopped talking to me because...|||We have both dated other people, and have both admitted that we don't derive as much satisfaction from other people. Not only that, but we usually end up dating someone else at the exact wrong...|||I sometimes feel like I have this deep longing for someone to understand, though. I like I spend all this time carefully choosing the right words and crafting them together, and then everyone,...|||I know exactly what you mean. My literature teacher critiqued my poetry for not being accesible enough... The sun grazes on this open field of broken psalms. Who were we then? Lies caught up...|||Big Five Test Results Extroversion52% Orderliness36% Emotional Stability30% Accommodation14% Inquisitiveness 64% Extroversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately...|||Yes, but how can I do that? I really don't want to force him into anything. I just want to show him what I see. And I don't know how to do that.|||But my logic is so logical!!! Haha. Seriously, though. It is. And I know that it's never worked with him in the past to show him my careful analysis of a situation. It's so frustrating, because he'll...|||I've been involved in a very tumultuous and strange relationship with an ISTJ for about 7 years now. He is pretty much my best friend in the entire world, but when it comes to relationship stuff,...'
'I would say that I'm organised in that I keep a paper diary and to-do list, I always know what's happening and when and I'm almost always prepared for it. When I go to a music festival, I have a...|||I'm not a qualified teacher yet, I'm planning on training in early years (3-7), but I have worked in childcare and done a lot of volunteer teaching and tutoring. I love it, and I've been told that...|||Pink then yellow then sky blue.|||I know, that comment was pretty tongue in cheek :P I can def see the argument for Fe over Fi, my main query was why she'd be considered an extrovert overall.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFAnn2j4iB0|||INFPs might be the most romantic type, but if I assumed that everyone who gave me a book or some chocolate had romantic feelings for me, I'd get myself into a lot of trouble. Give her a nice,...|||I excelled in school, I got As in everything. Arts and humanities subjects came very naturally and while maths and science were more of a struggle, I succeeded in the end. I went on to study at...|||If university proved anything to me, it is that I am completely incapable of looking after myself properly if I live alone.|||What makes you think Belle is an extrovert? She rarely talks to anyone outside of her immediate circle, the speculation of the villagers makes it clear she's not engaged with the citizens of the...|||Mother: ESTJ Father (mine): ESTP Father (sister's): ENFP Child 1 (me): INFP Child 2 (sister): INFJ The majority of our extended family are extroverts, which my sister and I find very, very...|||INTP- I love you guys, there is something very endearing about INTPs. I always seem to relate to them pretty well and they're generally very interesting people. ENTP- I tried to convince myself I...|||I loooove texting and talking online. All of the human interaction I crave without actually having to be near people! I find it's a lot easier to express my emotions with that extra distance involved.|||I can read you like a book! You're right! We would make much more of a profit if we removed these safety features... How is your house always so clean?|||Music! Also, I know it makes my boyfriend happy.|||Hi Quang This is fascinating! Here's some of my lecture notes and a signature- didn't want to use my real last name as it's pretty rare, but I've used the same initials so it should be...|||Doll sx 4w5? The hair, the eyes, the dreamy expression all seem very 4ish to me. 461074461082461090|||I seem to always either adore ENFPs, or they annoy the ever loving shit out of me. There is no inbetween.|||I wanted to travel the world in a horse-drawn caravan solving mysteries. Didn't work out, funnily enough. My current plans are either teaching or psychology.|||So I stole this idea from the enneagram forum- what is your best friend's type, and why do you like them? My best friend is an ENFJ and we've been best friends since we were 6. She's always looked...|||From what I've heard (it's hard to judge what other people find attractive about you!) it's true- mine was INFP, your depth.|||INFP, no surprise :) Very Clear Introversion: 21/21 Moderate Intuition: 19/26 Slight Feeling: 14/24 Slight Perceiving: 12/22|||I first tested as INFP when I was a teenager. In my later teens, I felt like INFPs were a bit wimpy (and seemingly ten a penny online!) and managed to convince myself that I might be an ENTP. The...|||This is a video I did for a tumblr tag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEv0FyCYZtI|||I think you're right about the fairness part- INFPs are big on justice and mistreating an innocent animal is very unjust.|||1. Not listening and forgetting stuff. This was the big one, because as a kid I was always daydreaming or playing imaginary games so I literally had no clue what was going on around me like 99% of...|||Volunteering is definitely a good shout, especially if it's not something too fast paced/urgent (I used to volunteer in a soup kitchen which was organised by lots of bossy ExxJs, but other things...|||I insert a me character (who isn't necessarily anything like me) into my favourite books, movies and tv shows and mentally weave in their storyline as I'm reading/watching. I really love trying...|||Yes, but I suffer from severe clinical depression so don't take me as the norm.|||In terms of occupational therapy, you can specialise in mental health? I suffer from depression and anxiety, and I have an occupational therapist who helps me. She helps me work out strategies for...|||Yeah, I don't get called adorable either, unless people have only seen my picture but never actually met me. Most cute people I know are very bubbly and effusive, and I've been told a few times...|||I assume they're as forgetful as I am, and have picked up their phone, looked at it, gone I'll reply to this in a minute! and then completely forgotten about it.|||Yesss, I had a ludicrously extended will we/won't we thing with an INTJ. As much as we cared for each other, I think we would have ultimately been very ill-suited though. I need too much reassurance...|||I'm a big rock and metal fan. I guess it makes me feel big and brash and powerful, which isn't something I tend to feel day to day. A lot of it is probably just environmental though- my stepfather...|||It might helpful if you could outline why you've rejected some of these careers? For example, I would've thought that occupational therapy would have fit your requirements quite well, but that's been...|||Feeling completely free, and totally content with yourself and the world. When you're sitting in a field watching the sunset and listenin to music and you just think fuck, the world is awesome.|||I generally don't wear makeup, cos I'm lazy, but sometimes I feel like it, and I enjoy the process of putting it all on properly for a night out. I have guy friends who say this, tbh they're...|||I remember reading about satisficers vs. maximisers when it comes to shopping. A satisficer will have a list of requirements and as soon as they've found something that fits the list, they're done...|||I can hold a pretty powerful grudge, tbh.|||I'm not saying it never has anything to do with self-image or that the media doesn't have a role in damaging girls' self-esteem, I'm saying that it's insensitive and simplistic to reduce a complex...|||- I can find a Buffy quote for almost every situation - I'm good at giving people shit when they need it - I can drink most people under the table and I'm also an excellent drunk|||Anorexia is a mental illness. I have no idea what you'd consider dabbling with anorexia, but just because your own food issues arose out of narcissism doesn't mean that this applies to everybody...|||I like quite manly men- broad shoulders, big hands, nice forearms, strong jaw. Stubble doesn't hurt either.|||Nope. There are definitely people with whom I feel an extraordinary connection, and would go so far as to entertain the idea that there's an element of fate about it, but the idea that there's...|||Sure. 1. Reserved (just? Couldn't really decide on this one) 2. Contemplative 3. Sociable 4. Idealistic, philanthropic, theoretical, realistic 5. Nurturing, curious, creative, pragmatic 6....|||I guess I'm quite a sociable introvert. I like clubbing and parties (assuming I know people there, walking into a room of new people is a nightmare for me) and I'm usually the one knocking on my...|||I actually enjoy reading a few blogs and articles by sex workers and although there are definitely cases where the john is misogynistic or treats the woman with contempt, a lot seem to be genuinely...|||Yes, absolutely! The very first time was a lady who came to one of my parents' parties when I was about nine or ten and sat in the corner talking to me about books all evening. It was genuinely the...|||Ingenious plan.|||I probably should have added a disclaimer saying it's from a costume party and not a furry convention or something :tongue: Thank you :)|||I'm new so I thought I'd introduce myself by posting pictures of my face :tongue: 944039440494405'
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sjlbqgCt9w|||Joan of Arc and Antoine de Lasalle were ENFPs. I suspect Richard Lionheart was one too. I've mostly studied French history, so I don't know much about non-French historical figures' types. ...|||You guys are so cute.|||*Looks at nO_d3N1AL.* INTJ, heh? You ain't getting any hug from me, man. ... ... ...|||Arguing against seven persons to defend an idea you don't even approve of. Singing God Save the Queen in a bar when you're French-Canadian, and somehow making people sing with you. ...|||What's up, Ozzy? If you wanna talk, I'm there. The same rule applies for every single human being on Earth. There's enough Clopin-esque social attention for everyone!|||Movies : Historical dramas. Music : Metal. Books : Philosophical treatises. Tv Shows : Fantasy epics.|||Thank you for your suggestions and thanks for your reply. I took notes from it and I will reflect upon your arguments and your counter-arguments. I will do my best to, when the circumstances will be...|||Before I continue this conversation, I must say that this exchange of ideas is rather interesting, that I like how you think, how you remain respectful and how you're mature enough to accept some...|||I like your will to remain stoic and at peace with yourself, however, and respectfully, I don't believe you wouldn't be at least a bit emotionally moved if someone told you with a veil of certainty,...|||I get your point entirely, however I must add that it's pretty hard to resist the scientific aura of the IQ tests and its implications. You may be a wise man full of self-made confidence, but if a...|||If you are deemed as smart, you may not become more intelligent, but you may very well have the self-confidence and the drive to exploit your intelligence in a more efficient fashion. Taking that...|||I don't believe IQ tests are valid, for they measure a tiny part of what human intelligence has to offer. Furthermore, not being able to recognize some visual-spatial patterns does not mean you...|||Sure. Why not?|||I did want to explode after hearing Friday by Rebecca Black.|||A Muslim tried to convert me recently. We talked about metaphysics for a while. He gave me his Facebook and I added him. Good times were had.|||I don't browse the internet much, but if you need a site that will help you being productive, I strongly suggest you this one : habitrpg.com|||Bipolar folks react extremely to an extreme world. They're perfectly in tune with the society of men and with the passions of the universe.|||I recently bought (or legally obtained via Project Gutenberg or Wikisource) ten pieces of reading material. De Oratore. - Marcus Tullius Cicero. Enjoy Your Symptom! - Slavoj Zizek. Fifteen...|||Iron Maiden and Sabaton have an equal place in my heart.|||I find this party's lack of metal... disturbing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9eWbrc_ynw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTaD9cd8hvw|||Define being superficial.|||This thread makes me wonder if I'm the only guy here who has the privilege of being very sexually active.|||@ Moss I get you, but I still think this problem is a non-issue, at least on this forum. Nobody here is going to defend the other side of the debate.|||Please give me three examples of people outright saying that we should bully the bullied and let criminals run free.|||Am I the only one who believes that this is an absolute non-issue? No, we shouldn't let criminals get away with their crimes and no we shouldn't blame victims for what happened to them. Who in their...|||People generally think I'm an asshole (and therefore a villain) , and it might have to do with the fact that I'm a rude, authoritarian, inconsiderate person. Meh, I guess sometimes we do deserve...|||Strategic fantasy books.|||149778 sup ! Free Montréal-style poutine for everybody!|||1) Why not? Even though I'm an introvert, I kinda like breaking my isolation once in a while. 2) Same personality type, same way of dealing with things, therefore lots of topics we'd agree on should...|||Stubborn survivor.|||I love birds, especially big birds like parrots. One day I'll adopt an ara macao.|||That I either watched Disney's Notre-Dame de Paris or read the book by Victor Hugo (I'm guilty of both).|||I thought this thread would be interesting, and I was right! You guys are awesome. Keep the metaphor machine running!|||Imagination is the strong point of the INFPs and introversion gives us a lot of think to reflect upon the person that we are. Our ability to create is second to none. Our rich inventiveness permits...|||As pretentious as it sounds, I wouldn't change anything about myself. I know my flaws and how to control and hide them. Modifying a trait of mine implies that I would be faced with a new set of...|||We're 2 kool 4 school.|||I can vouch for that.|||37% Combativeness, 30% Sneakiness, 82% Intellect, 14% Spirituality Brilliant! You are a Wizard! Wizards are spells-casters who study powerful arcane magic. While Wizards tend to be pretty...|||I'm either determined to the core and extremely productive or completely demoralized and unproductive. I either excel at something or I utterly suck at it. I'm either a loner (though most of the...|||WW1 was inevitable, though. If not the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, something else would have had provoked it, perhaps in even bigger proportions, and it would have been followed by even more...|||Youngest of four. All my childhood I've felt like a dwarf in a kingdom of giants.|||I'd change the part of history in which I don't hang out with Democritus, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, David Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Sartre and...|||I'm pretty curious about what kind of jobs the INFPs of this forum occupy. I'm also skeptical about their typical occupations. A lot of stereotypes concerning us are floating around, so it becomes...|||I like this thread: I find it necessary and useful. It's necessary because it sheds light on our personality type sexual habits, and useful because it permits us to know each others on a intimate...|||All my friends are either INTPs or INTJs. I like their abilities to remain calm, analytical and logical in all circumstances. They're nice contrasts to the walking emotional clusterfuck that I am.|||I usually dress like a gothic metalhead. I have long, brown hair that I straighten everyday; I wear spike bracelets, pitch black shirts and jeans, combat boots and the likes.|||WhateverLolaWants Well, I did refuse four relationship offers before, one of them being with a singer from an underground, relatively popular band in Montreal. I also refused sex propositions on...|||I retreat to my inner world every time I feel tired, in need of inspiration or mentally injured.|||WhateverLolaWants I agree with your last assertion: nice guys are insufferable, weak, back-stabbing idiots. Make your damn move or shut up, Jesus. She won't consider you any better if you...'
'Talking it out doesn't work. Whenever I want to talk he'd rather dodge answering. And when he does answer I have no context in terms of his thought process. He is a curiosity to me. Sent from my...|||I don't get it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Why aloof and cold? Is this common for INFPs? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||The astrological sign (sun, moon, AND ascendant) makes a difference because an earth sign is nothing if not pragmatic, no matter which personality type, especially a double earth sign, which I am. I...|||But we've had sex before... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Actually, this description of INFJs sounds like INFPs, especially since the P side enhances the mood swings and instability of decision making since it's based on Fi. Do you know the INFJ woman's...|||I heard one guy say Why do we always ask people, 'How are you doing?' if we don't care what the answer is. We should just go around saying, 'Acknowledged.' Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||If you can come across as not interested, does this mean you might flat out refuse sex with someone even if you liked the person. Or does rejection of sex mean you're just not interested at all? ...|||So a healthy type in any personality type is able to strengthen their inferior cognitive functions and weaknesses. Being around for a couple decades will do that. It was funny because I was talking...|||The INFP I know is a systems administrator, so I'd guess the answer to the OP's question is no. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||So does the reasoning behind the shy grin also explain why a male INFP would decline sex with an attractive female? Is it due to negative self-talk? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I'm lost. I don't understand how to properly flirt with an INFP. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Why would a male INFP not be interested in sex with an attractive female? I thought the #1 need for men was sex. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||This sounds like The Rules. Are you clingy/needy/overly romantic? I could see a male NF being that way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||xxTPs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||It would be more useful for quantifying data gathering to ask for personality type along with the answer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Napoleon Hill, when challenged with saving money would set a goal to end a month with at least one penny in savings. So now it would be one quarter if we go with your proposal, 25x more. Sent...|||There's a reason why I don't diet, don't exercise, and don't wear makeup. If I die early, it would be worth it because I would get back some peace and quiet and my quality of life would be better. ...|||On a completely unrelated vein, people who are less attractive can sell more because others see them as just like me or if he/she can do it, I can too whereas people do not relate as much to...|||I think there are perhaps nicer people who are, if not ugly, plain. The sad fact of the matter is that dealing with beauty on a daily makes one a bitch out of necessity because everytime you get your...|||I forgot to mention that another benefit is that you can make eye contact outside of giving a speech. Attractive people don't have that luxury. Other people tend to interpret eye contact from an...|||Cats are planners? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Then you would be an S. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I don't think public speaking relates at all. I'm good at public speaking and have done it often. What is challenging is making and keeping friends even when we do stuff together and talk about our...|||Like just using the word more often Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||No, to the topic title. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Leahomme, wait a sec. I'm supposed to open up when someone opens up to me? (Scorpio rising here.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ISFP is a Se dom and INFP is a Fi dom. I heard that you can tell by how someone would describe an apple. Ss would say red or round. Ns would say apple tree or applesauce or Johnny...|||Wish that they were better talking about we in relationships... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Yeah, you're probably right. It was hard to talk with him about anything serious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Yes, I would attest that Leo INFPs and Gemini INFPs are a completely different breed. My Gemini INFP was so romantic it was smothering, but my Leo INFP didn't want to discuss our relationship issues....|||Hate is just another side of love. Basically most people on here have had their heart broken by someone who was not their same personality type. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INFJ 4w3, middle child by birth, only child by adoption Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||As the most extroverted of the introverts, I don't spend enough time alone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||So maybe my ex was overcompensating because when an INFP is deep in debt, that's proof that maybe he's not as self-sufficient as he would like. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Would that explain why he didn't want to talk about what was going on with us? Or is it that chalked up to conflict avoidance? It's really confusing because he won me back twice. However, maybe that...|||MBTI IMHO, but Enneagram complements it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Good, to the topic title. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||So do xNFPs seek Js to take the lead? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||No, to the topic title. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||My dad's an INTJ. We have our ups and downs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I think NTs feel the strongest about politics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Oh, I bet ISFPs would love this thread...when they actually check it out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Wow! That would explain why INFJs are all about please understand me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Te judges via comparison with others or societal rules. Ti is more like Si in that it's more based in memory of past experiences. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Yes, I have an entire row/shelf of musicals. I'm an INFJ. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||surgeon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||How can you tell if an INFP is just not into you? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||This is how I type. I either easily figure out if a person is introverted, extroverted, a planner, or someone who lives in the moment. Or I ask. Then I figure out which of the four temperaments they...|||I would assume NTs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk'
'I would date anyone that was as interested in me as much as I was them. Any conditions created by anyone but her and me, personality type, zodiac sign, or 1-900-LUV TEST better stay out of my way.|||I like deeper thoughts about politics. I would /rant with you guys but the thread is gonna take a major beating if I do.|||1. What is your sexual orientation? I like some girls. I don't like some others. 2. Do you regularly do drugs? (For the purposes of this survey, I'll include alcohol.) Maybe. Not in several...|||I don't remember having an experience like this, or maybe I did once long ago and now it is my natural state of self? I need more info, but usually just taking everything in with a grain of salt...|||Liberalist Industrialist Pacifist (really wanted to put art here but decided it's hard to see art w/o a good perspective.) A passive liberal industrialist. What a breakthrough moment; now I...|||If there is an open bar then I'm there.|||I thought this thread would be about people trying to emotionally manipulate me. It gets old real quick. If I had a dime for every time I heard, You don't care about anybody. Kinda true maybe. ...|||Thread topics like this don't get many responses as these things can be held against someone. I have drank with politicians and smoked weed with HS teachers. They wouldn't touch a subject like this...|||It's more like a closet with random crap just thrown in there and dirty laundry falling out when you open the door. But the room looks nice when company comes by.|||I don't ask for much. I just need enough money to retire, live by the beach for atmosphere, and then do my best Hunter S. Thompson impersonation every day.|||The guy should go out of his comfort zone and tell her he is not interested in a romantic relationship. He should stop receiving her signals and push them away when she throws them. It may not...|||Looks like an INTJ strokefest in front of a bookcase; one placed in the middle to give weight to perception. I would have concerned myself with the journey out of there before they bored me to...|||I kinda like those temp service jobs. You just tell them your experience and what you can do (time wise and capabilities), then they do all the work of finding an employer. But whatever works is...|||Too bright; hurts my late night posting eyeballs. Feels more serious businessey; but w/o the money aspect. Still not going to sit up straight. I defy you CafeBot! The autosave is like a prod to...|||That's the way I see it. The answer I came up with = I don't. Wearing the black sheep outfit doesn't bother me at all. It rarely concerns me unless it affects my job in some way.|||I like to just lay it out there for them and be myself. People are different. I understand that, and if they can't then they likely have some growing to do.|||I used to tell my rude customers all the time, I'm gonna be honest with you. This isn't Taco Bell or some shit, the customer is not always right in this place and that was usually followed by,...|||I don't know the person, and I don't understand much about palm reading. But I do believe in Cold reading - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I like the subconscious part in the wiki, and it is...|||I'm going through some stuff like this with my brother and meth. He makes pretty good money, so that makes it harder to tell him what he does is wrong. My mom is not a strong person in some ways. ...|||Sounds like a bad environment for you, and a great time to find a better one. See if you can get back to them next week before it happens and say, I found a better place to work. That's the...|||When I was 8-12 or so, for years my best friend called my Brandon. He talked kinda funny, and I just thought he couldn't pronounce my name. One day he just turned to me and said, Is your name...|||My first name is Brenton, but I may have been called every name in the book at one point or another.|||I'm gonna help you out just like I help my brother. Your an idiot. Save the wanna-be intellectualism for your teachers; your logic already show your IQ. You like to emulate people? Go emulate...|||Are you trying to troll me? Are you're feeling hurt my my beliefs or something?|||Hey, I'm not the one trying to emulate other men.|||This PUA crap makes me want to puke. My little brother was into it; I'm ashamed to say. Always spending hours in front of a mirror and wearing circus clown looking clothes to get attention. I...|||Worry about making money and the problem solves itself. If you start making real money, then you can watch how the times you get called weird by the opposite sex decreases and how their interest...|||Ever see The Color Purple? My favorite part is where Danny Glover wants to own a nightclub, so he just builds one at the back of his property. Now that would be the shit. I do have a 160 acre...|||It helps me all the time; I'm usually the grown-up in most conversations with people older and younger. Most people don't want to know what I feel. They rarely want to know what I really think.|||The Japanese autoworkers are union, get paid and treated better, and their companies outsource far less than the US versions. I heard many times at Ford that a big difference between Japan and US...|||I hear a lot about how abusive unions are, and strong words like rape and pillage are used often against unions. Never seen a rape or a pillage while working, never read one story about a union that...|||Yea but I would also add in a 'shittyness of the job' factor. Starting at 20 bucks an hr, with full pay at 30 or so, full benefits for you and your family, and all the overtime you could want -...|||Na nothing like that really hehe. We were blue collar union, and you would get many chances to mess up before it came to that. Once an older coworker of mine was fighting with his wife, and he got...|||I see it like simple small town politics. The mayor's son in my town may get away with murder, but that doesn't have anything to do with the town ten miles down the road or how that town conducts...|||I worked as a welder on the assembly line at Ford Motor Company for seven or eight years. We got bonuses like these every year the company did well, and we were very good at doing well. Profit...|||Ever dealt with somebody trying hard to explain themselves, and yes you may relate completely to them, but sadly they are lacking the intellectual capacity to project or apply the ability of...|||National political and news forums. Usually remaining outspoken and dealing with crowds much meaner and less intelligent than PerC members. Fighting da good fight always ~~~|||It is an acknowledgement to the idea that everything has been said and done before. Years ago I posted heavily on my local city's newspaper site. The same incorrect and loosely fact holding...|||Some time back I started looking at random sex as an addiction. A basic primal one that people are born with. It was an addiction for me. Now I control my sex drive; it rarely controls me. Waking...|||Structure and self control. Self control kinda falls under structure.|||So where I live means everyone is a liar? That doesn't make much sense. Do you know many practicing Christians? Do they seem like they are pro-porn when they year after year push legislation to...|||My relatives under 40? I'm the only single one of my cousins left and one of the few non-hardcore Christian ones. Only one brother still single. He's a 33 year old ESTP that does like porn, but he...|||Everybody keeps talking about all guys like porn or something. I don't like porn. I can't think of any male relatives I have over 40 who like porn.|||I used to spend tons on my comp but gave that up some years ago. Now I run a Frankenstein of all those comps, Vista, and the cheapest parts off Newegg when I absolutely need them. PC all the way. ...|||I don't like being called any names beyond the ones I post under and the one on my drivers license.|||Fun post RogueWave. The way you described the limitations of stereotyping w/o going all academic-like was great. What a roller coaster. I laughed, I contemplated, I was inspired to change my...|||I have always viewed psychology that focuses on thoughts and the mind as currently being in a more soft science form. Physics, chemistry, math; things of this nature can use the Scientific Method to...|||Lazy is just another word for the purpose of manipulation. It is often used when you are not doing what others believe you should be doing.|||Perfectionism can lead to procrastination. Being able to settle for less than 100% is a skill.|||Politics I find to be one of the most interesting things. Family, workplace, local, state, federal, global; all of it gives me real world situations to digest.'
'I think INFPs make the best gifts to their friends, because we as INFP tend to be thoughtful and idealistic in what we do. So, my INFP fellows, what is the best gift(s) you have ever gave. Feel...|||It is said of INFPs, that we usually dream of a better world, but what have you done so far to make it happen?|||Nope. Not true. The guy who has become my Team Lead only got that job because I declined. He himself admitted that I'm better than him. The only thing he is better than me is because he is a people's...|||England resp. the UK is not in the EU anymore. lol|||Yeah, I know. But at least you have a rough image of it's people and culture. Europe is bar large European dominated - by looks as well as culture. It is not as a melting pot as Australia is.|||I don't like them. If anything I only play Mario Karts and Civilization. lol|||The mere fact that there are a-holes, don't puzzle me neither. It's the fact that these people have power in areas where you have to take care of others and not yourself.|||I don't back out of plans. I usually tend to stick to it to the very end. But deciding on what plan, is like really hard. I would usually consider all possible outcome before I can make a choice.|||Why did you choose it and what does it mean?|||For European women I may get a sense what you mean. But for Australien women? Australia is a country of immigration. People from over the place and backgrounds are there. Thus the notion of an...|||According to him, yes.|||Was it really necessary?|||Was this an veiled insult?|||Mind you, being sexy and being attractive is not always the same thing.|||I find most puzzling is that people who are obviously malicious, stupid, ill-intended, have toxic personality, often get promoted or are respected. While soft hearted people who could benefit the...|||In my 20s I used to like types like Heidi Klum https://www.meaus.com/117-heidi-klum-1.JPEG But looking back at her pictures they aren't as appealing as they used to be for me. Nowadays I...|||I know keyboard stickers are easily to find on the internet: https://keyshorts.com/collections/laptop-keyboard-decals?page=2 But they either all have letters on them or they are blanko keyboard...|||According to the flowchart, I'm Secular Humanitarian https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/1a/d2/90/1ad290007c49697cdd66fec78fbdd798.jpg|||I asked myself that question when I created this post here: http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/1107234-infps-please-describe-your-dream-girl-guy.html#post37081666 In that post, I...|||You can do so by descrcribing his/her personality with words or post pictures of him/her.|||Looking in the eyes of other people.|||What a common misconceptions people have about you (as an INFP)|||I'm in my 30s now. And not before 30, I didn't had sex. Though there were a few girls who were interested in me and openly said so, I never had a real gf or sex till 30. After I hit 30 I had sex with...|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/73/6c/94736c71a7ee326a030c09cccd361549.jpg|||If you do, why? I'd be interested in your reasoning.|||I'm (probably) an INFP. And I simply love and pride myself in the core aspects of an INFP. For nearly two years now I'm working as a Software Developer. Probably due to the way of work and the way...|||That's the point. Nice guys aren't nice. They are actually pretty mean..... or better miserable beings. That's where my confusion comes from. I think, even if INFP guys aren't necessarily nice...|||Very good description of the mechanism behind the nice guy syndrome.|||I just realized I misunderstood the question. The question was in what way am I NOT stereotypical INFP. But instead the points above describes what makes me stereotypical INFP. Shame on me. -.-|||There is a study about this that I've seen by the Times I think. If you are referring to the same study, then I have to say that this study doesn't make much sense and I doubt it's credibility and...|||I think someone else mentioned it before: You have to differentiate between intent and action. If you look at the action only, then I do think lots of INFP appear to be nice guys. If you stop being...|||Most of the content of your post make sense to me. Except this here> The nice guy is actually an a-hole. Contrary to the genuine nice guy, the nice in the nice guy actually mean the...|||I - am ideaistic - daydream without intention - don't care about what is trendy or not. I like what I like - usually side with the underdogs, the less fortunate, people in need - can't work in...|||So, basically you are similar to what I have described: If someone misinterprets your kindness, then you'll change your behaviour towards them, i.e. you won't be nice to them next time. This could...|||No idea what you mean with nut her. But if you mean sex, then yes, that too. But it includes more: Find a girl/woman for a relationship (and sex is a part of it, yes).|||Hmm...that may be true. But here is the crux: What I certainly don't like is when someone misinterprets my niceness with being weak. I don't expect others to return my favour, and I don't even...|||I'm scared now.....|||It's actually a sport term but then coined to social inapt guys who have difficulties getting a gf or sex.|||Yeah, that's what I mean. if the moral code of an INFP is that people have to return his favour, then he can get really ugly. This is when that INFP guy fits the nice guy, creepy image.|||Yeah, I see your point. And I did point out that not all INFP guys are like that. But I do think (and I could be wrong; that's why i started the discussion) that INFPs (and maybe other feeling types)...|||Hmm.... sorry, if I didn't make myself understood then. If the defintion changed, then it wasn't deliberately changed. From my POV it's still the same. But please feel free to point out where I was...|||But please only females. And only the young ones. He can listen and care, gently and respectfully only so much.|||That's the kind of creepiness I'm talking about: His nice behaviour and forthcoming is just..... creepy. http://personalitycafe.com/infp-forum-idealists/911682-seeking-penpals.html|||How does this contradict to what I said in the OP? ...sensitive, helping others....---> and then see themselves betrayed (she makes fun of him or mistaken him as weak; maybe favour not...|||Somethng lke this yeah. INFPs are sensitive. They do lots of stuff for others. We have our own moral values. The combination makes INFP guys prone to be Nice Guys IMO.|||Most of them are considered creepy by lots of women|||With Nice Guys I mean: - those that finish last with women and/or - whine about their lack of success with women|||Not the world but me resp. the way I think: Sometimes my INFP type is so annoying. You want to make the best decision and want to consider all sites and do all parties justice. But sometimes goal is...|||After watching this video series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSctMnn2aWQ I think I'm an ISTJ. :/ ... it's like my type changes the more I dive into the function.|||Yeah, people should see beauty in the seemingly ugly imperfect world and they'll have peace in mind.'
'I experienced the same thing. Sometimes I think it is more difficult as males are still expected to make the first move in a lot of cultures. But I often fantasize that one day if I did click with...|||I don't understand this, could you perhaps provide a specific example? To me it sounds more like you're trying to change others to an idea in your head of what they should be. Maybe they are happy as...|||I fluctuate a lot, and it's strange how it works. I get caught up on past events and project them into future fantasies that are usually negatively undertoned. I get a little haunted by a couple of...|||The ultimate one for me was to make videogames, which I'm now following although coming up against a bit of struggle. Other ideas I've had is to be a teacher, therapist and world leader. But the...|||May I ask what an improv class is? I am happy that you've got something great in your life to feel good about :)|||Thank you HumanRenaisance, I have entered my first year of IT study after several years in science. I only just figured out that I want to do something in IT. I am actually leaning towards game...|||It's perfectly normal mate, you're fine :) I met this girl about a year ago, spoke to her a total of 5 or so times and got rejected and I'm not over her yet. I guess people would say that isn't...|||The thing that upset me most was that my 3 favourite characters died ;_; Lupin, Snape and Sirius. I wasn't surprised much by Snape dying, but Lupin seemed to come out of nowhere. And Hedwig, damn.|||Harry Potter is probably my favourite thing on the planet ever. I grew up with it, played heaps of the videogames and read the books several times. Even played a bit of Quidditch last year (don't...|||I have been single throughout my life so far (only 22 though). And I was miserable for a long time because I fantasized the idea of a relationship and thought being in one and being loved would be...|||I love: Mi-Goreng noodles - so delicious!! Trading Card Games Rain Red pen ink (I think it looks warmer/friendlier on paper if that makes any sense haha) People who seem at peace with...|||Yeah I played SimCity, but is it really like that? hahah I don't know why but I thought there was a lot of maths content, kind of like some aspects of engineering, design and so on. Cheers for the...|||My dream job at present is to design levels and artistic content for videogames. I believe I can achieve this, but the fall back will be something IT-related :) What is city planning like?|||Yeah my mum seems similar too, came from a family where the father was physically abusive. As a result she never followed her passions or her talents (she wanted to do nursing, and was a great...|||I find that my mothers nature is a serious detriment to my own mental health, and aspects of it have seriously degraded my life growing up (such as low self-esteem, over-compromising for others,...|||I didn't watch the videos because I refuse to spoil it for when I go :)|||Hey there lemony, I hope you're still around the forums to read this, I procrastinated a little in my reply XD My new hobbies were things I always wanted to try but for some reason just put them...|||What did the boy with no legs and no arms get for christmas? Cancer. Still my favourite.|||I'm heading towards IT, specifically level designer I think. I'm not particularly great at maths or art but if I love something nothing will keep me from it. And I guess that's it, do something you...|||So how have you guys managed to help develop yourselves better? I can see I fell on the poorly developed side of things in regards to F.F.S's list. Sometimes it's so easy to mistake reckless...|||I am thankful for having a life where I have the opportunities to experience joy in many forms. I'm thankful for having awesome friends, for having all the money I need at any given moment, a nice...|||Wow, I really hope I'm as lucky as you one day :) I fell for a couple of people but they didn't feel the same about me, so I guess I feel more sceptical towards it now.|||Hahaha, I laughed out loud XD (I would of wrote lol...but that doesn't really mean 'laugh out loud' these days) Yeah, I love anti-jokes. Set up a good joke and just crush it with mediocrity or...|||This, this times a gillion billion. It's like trying to solve a 27-sided rubicks cube whilst looking through a kaleidoscope :/ I may or may not have exaggerated a little in that sentence. I...|||*Nods* Sure is hahah What did the boy with no arms and no legs get for christmas? Cancer.|||You guys would absolutely love the Anti-Joke Chicken Meme. What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue Paint. Why didn't Billy get what he wanted for christmas?|||I live close enough to Sydney :)|||I haven't been in the mood for Bat for Lashes in ages, but Daniel and Pearl's Dream are awesome :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6gHLHbYVeA|||I'm scared of dying before I finally accept and love myself, I'm scared of dying and not having the opportunity to share a loving relationship with someone, I'm scared of not finding the hobby that...|||I have no idea what era I would love to see. A tribal setting would be awesome, as dvnj22 mentions a Shaman sounds..familiar lol. I think being a counsellor to a king would of been cool, a sort of...|||Discovering the freedom to be awesome :)|||Ralph Fiennes is an awesome person :)|||We might need to convince her some more on those parts :laughing:|||Well I'll input something from the male perspective, in that I would not be happy if my girlfriend were to have another close relationship with a male (outside of a normal close friendship I mean)....|||I think that might be where some people go wrong, I don't think you can give love away, which implies that you will eventually run out of it yourself. Rather you share the love you have in your life...|||Is there something wrong with men who grew up without their fathers, or are you just concerned because you keep attracting men who are insecure because of it? My dad left when I was 5-ish, and...|||Love also, giving and receiving. Close behind, I would say I want purpose.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnAMDg7IVWs *Above video NSFW audio, alright if you have earphones :)* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sBxIGbcgMw That second video puts me in hysterics XD|||Hey Sil, as above I thank you for letting us ask you some questions :) I was wondering how you two met? It just seems that a lot of INFJ's (and me) find it difficult to make connections with...|||I would love to eat something nice and just sit somewhere peaceful talking to someone I like :) If you wanted to do something - you mentioned that you two have many similar hobbies, any that can...|||The girl I asked out completely cut-off any chance for me to talk to her. I would have liked to remain friends, I do hope she didn't assume I was only asking her out because of physical reasons. But...|||I wasn't abused, but I was neglected. I wish my mum made more of an effort to force me and my brother off the computer/console and realise that there were fun activities we could have shared...|||Yes, my own brother legitimately asked me if I was gay. I'm not gay lol, it's just I can appreciate that I might appear unusual to others. You know, Hugh Jackman is someone I really admire. He...|||Pun intended? XD That reminds me of something a girl asked me a long time ago, Why is the sun so...sunny? hahaha Do you/other girls reading this think it's a bad thing to make the first...|||I used to beat myself up over never being in a relationship, sometimes I still do. It hurts a lot being lonely, but it hurts even more trying to find someone and having no luck. This is quite...|||No nudity please, unless there is 1 girl for every 1 guy hahah I've always dreamed of being a knight in a medieval setting, a position where being fiercely loyal actually means something huge....|||Is this like where we want to dwell in the afterlife or where we will actually be buried? XD Not too fussed on where I will be buried, although I wouldn't mind having my tombstone carved out into...|||You know, I never even thought of all that intense focus being directed into my fingers, it is pretty funny when I think about it like that XD I was always too focused on what was happening on...|||I've been unemployed a long time also, but I am studying so it isn't so bad. When it comes to seeing professional work and getting disheartened, that's a massive INFJ trait. I think you should stop...|||Man I do that all the time on videogames, just as I'm about to kill someone online, my face freezes up as my neurons decipher a creative route to my enemies' demise. Something tells me though that...'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc98u-eGzlc|||I obviously have no clue of the types of the women I've been attracted to in the past, but these are my best guesses in addition to types I'm attracted to in theory.|||Blood Mimicry, it's a good thing that there's a list of practical applications, I was beginning to think I got short changed. Blood Mimicry - Superpower Wiki|||I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that sounds very unappealing. From my imperfect understanding it seems as though ISTJs are very concerned with utility and making sure that the machine...|||Owfin - that sounds absolutely dreadful. Every dictatorship thinks they're a benevolent dictatorship, nobody thinks they're the bad guys.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJEfyZSvg5c|||Well the point was to show that what constitutes friendship is relatively open ended, the definition from Google is: A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection,...|||And I suppose you are one of these vaunted masterminds, and the lowly sensors can't understand your genius, thus relegating you to the role of office introvert?|||I'd be far more inclined to type Hades as an ISTJ than INTP, he's obviously far more inclined towards order given that he's always reluctant to allow the dead to leave his kingdom, he always needs...|||The question is poorly phrased, I have an easier time being INTJ than any other type because I am INTJ. I think the question that should be asked is which type finds life the easiest? Because I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj0UnN7jW1k|||Then I beg your pardon for the mix-up.|||The OP was talking about INFJs not being complex, and I said that the archetypes aren't real people using another example. I don't really see how that's confusing. You certainly seemed to be...|||Most INTJs are not masterminds, but fat nerds with mountain dew teeth. The Archetypes =/= real people, for the most part they're overly positive and leave the negative personality aspects til last....|||Not only that but even introverts get that world, so we have a rich inner world and outer world.|||what Josue said.|||Mental note to self, ENFPs apparently enjoy being called Coquettish wenches. When I saw the title, I thought I'd drop in and behold the shit-storm that must have inevitably resulted.|||I prefer Mastermind if just for the dramatic flair, it's definitely not accurate in most cases (including mine), but it's got a nice ring to it. It's certainly better than scientist.|||I don't know if you were trying to be funny or cool, but that's actually a very poignant request, what constitutes a friend? Is it possible that the average INTJ has just as many friends from an...|||I definitely have friends, how do I describe having friends? A few people I have fun with every now and then. If you don't have friends (even one) I truly feel sorry for you, human interaction is...|||Nope, I've done it so many times my body just bounces right back. Probably the result of four years in high school getting up at 5:30, then staying up til 5:30 on the weekends.|||You guys basically run the world.|||Or home on the internet, which honestly seems more likely than the library.|||I actually have a job in my campus library, it's nice, it's always quiet, I don't have to deal with people because my job is carting and organizing books.|||I don't know about Mastermind, but I am pretty awesome.|||I have no compunctions about derailing threads, I do it quasi-regularly.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-SQ4GbL7Hc|||Yes, but it's all the same world.|||For the most part SJs are what make the world function, or continue to not function.|||I don't think I answered the OP very well, so I'm going to try again. US society is designed to benefit the ESXJ (preferably the ESTJ). The idealized conception of people in the United States is...|||Obviously this is outside my experience, and I have no idea of the degree of creepy this guy has reached, but it occurs to me that I'd appreciate it if someone was open about it rather than trying to...|||I've never understood the practice of referring to a man who ogles a woman as a pervert. Since perversion is typically defined as deviation from what is considered right or normal, this sort of...|||If we think of states operating on an international scale as people, and assign them personality types, then we can understand their place on the global scale. The one key difference is that place on...|||I partially blame this on the United States' view of itself, I believe it is now a common perception that we really are the best most powerful nation in the world, and as such don't need to change....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&amp;v=wQ95g8uGlkI&amp;NR=1|||Since Diphenhydramine gave ENTP to the US, I'm giving ISTJ to Austria, it's about as conservative as they come, there are tons of social rules that it's all too easy to break, and they hate tourists.|||Imperial China post-Han dynasty? EDIT: For INFJ, you should probably look for a European imperialist state who drank the White man's burden Kool-aid and conquered some third-world for their own...|||I saw this, I wonder where she took the test, or if she even did. EDIT: Humanmetrics -_-, I loved her description of N vs S, you could almost see the derision Aaaand if you're not an N, you're an...|||INFJ is also going to be difficult, because it seems what you would be looking for is a basically benevolent state that protects others. Given that it tries to protect others, it should be a state of...|||I think you'll have a very difficult time finding yourself an ESFP culture, as a general rule states tend to be far less fun and peace loving than the archetypal ESFP, and any state that's likely to...|||@Diphenhydramine ENTP Ancient Rome - Domineering and enterprising, yet innovative and flexible. ISTJ Pre-Cold War United States, mostly isolationist, in many cases rather conservative and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLKkbfAEsQM|||I don't think the number of people who are a type has any bearing on how much the type itself is liked. I'm going with ENFPs, they're generally friendly, and they're liable to try and get people to...|||Well it occurs to me that INTJs would make better detectives than run-of-the-mill boys in blue, detectives seem to get a little more leeway in investigating crimes, and are regularly working on...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5BqyluKkk0|||The way I see it, you're going to have to leave the nest at some point, so you might as well do it now when you have such a great opportunity. I'm a lot like you, I have a tendency to be pretty...|||You know it might just be me, but I get the impression there are a lot of reasonably well educated porn stars.|||Why? A lot of people saying it doesn't necessarily make it so, of course she's a fictional character so actually typing her is an exercise in futility.|||Hell no, for Hermione I'm going with INFJ. It seems like there are a lot of female ISTPs on television, maybe this is because people like the bad girl archetype? It seems like female thinkers on tv...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUdgAguIQA'
I don't like getting out of bed because I'm happiest when sleeping.|||x93Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?' 'Supposing it didn't,' said Pooh after careful thought. Piglet was comforted by this.x94...|||So often I see INFPs wishing they were ESTJs. And I wonder: why? Why would you surrender a world of beauty for a world of coldness? Mmm mm.|||If by writing you mean staring at a blank screen in between youtube videos then yes.|||Women in Iran prior to the revolution: 231706|||The missing ingredient in your list is the human soul.|||230658 It takes a lot (I mean a lot) to make me angry. When it reaches that point I'll yell one thing and back down pretty quick.|||Does anyone else find it hard to ask for help? I mean the asking part. I just don't know how to make the words.|||Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsT5eV_m7BA|||It's a rather fascinating process. Generally they never look at projects in their entirety but rather smaller manageable chunks. Sorry I'm not good at explaining ^^ The thing is they make a habit out...|||I have a fear of being cheated on.|||What do you call it when Batman skips church? Christian Bale. :cool:|||From the Bioshock Infinite artbook 223554|||Without conflict there is no story :)|||Yeh|||I did something to my glasses and now everything looks like instagram?|||Maybe marriages should expire every ten years or so. If you want to stay together get it renewed. If not then everything gets cleanly split up and you both go on your way. Think magazine subscription.|||Actually this is pretty straight forward. Step 1: Ask him out (we can be kind of thick when it comes to romance so being direct is best) Step 2: if he's into you he'll say yes. All there is to it...|||Book shelves are bunk beds for books.|||This is kind of funny. I have a crush on a girl who doesn't like me back at all. Which I'm pretty much used to at this point so I don't really complain. I asked her what her favourite song was and...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW0DfsCzfq4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBdSqk78nHw|||attack of the 90s !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBYD9_8NeZc|||Got to do, got to do with it babe. It's about us, it's about trust, babe! The Ancient Greeks were clever in this regard by having different words for different types of love. Here, take a loot at...|||Hey EzEggs; I remember when I was in high school all I wanted was to feel accepted. I wanted people's approval and I carried that with my through university. Based on your question is looks like...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAUtOkNGEuw|||Me: Brain, I need you to keep working. Brain: Can't. Tired. Me: We need to get this writing done! Brain: Well you can do that but I'm going to sleep. Me: Just a little longer brain and we-...|||Haha he likes being vacuumed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTRhiOeRzfA|||I don't think most people do take their lives seriously. For literally trillions of kilometers in every direction there's nothing. If the moon wasn't where it was we'd be destroyed by meteorites. If...|||I don't get sports|||25 Photos Of Sheep Blanketing The Earth Like Snow | Bored Panda|||All the Elder Scrolls votes made me lol. Just the other day I was thinking of living in Morrowind. Have a little shop in Ald'ruhn. Wear robes all day. Drink some delicious sujamma with dinner. Ahhhh.|||I hate to say this but maybe we don't have the follow-through to be a villain of significance. I mean we'd have to lead minions and ignore other people's suffering and there's the probability we'd...|||203074 Cool libraries|||http://personalitycafe.com/advice-center/144731-tips-fighting-depression.html|||I have two deeply conflicting thoughts. 1: I want a meaningful relationship with someone before sleeping with them 2: I want sex and I want it now.|||I feel so alone right now.|||Job hunting makes me want to kill myself. Not literally, but you know what I mean. I have to pretend to be a hard working industrial cog without any interests beyond helping the company. And the...|||This was pretty cool 25 Famous Movie Scene Locations In Real Life | Bored Panda|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMt1ILTzCac|||Everyone! The bird is okay! The bird is okay. I got it to a vet and they're taking it to an animal rehabilitation center. I had to keep it warm all night with heated bottles and old socks but he...|||I was at work today. I opened up a door to the loading bay to dump some stuff. Anyway, there's this really loud chirping. This is usual because the birds eat the food leftovers in the area. Except it...|||Depersonalization disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia|||Always the future, I go out of my way to forget the past because it was shitty. But I think it's the same mental process. We think about what could be.|||I remember being in a pink hospital waiting room with my father. Apparently I had sprayed chemicals in my eye cause I'm a genius like that.|||I just wanna sleep with evvvvvveeeryyybody.|||Eric Clapton wrote this song after his four year old son died. I heard this song for the first time while driving home from work. The radio announcer explained the backstory for the song. I cried...|||This made me sad. We should cuddle so that we both feel better.|||Have you considered quitting?
'Sx/Sp 4 INFP here. I'm averse to things like Hostel and other torture porn because it's tacky and devoid of substance. Anything done purely for shock value I'm averse to. I guess I have a pretty...|||karmachameleon, well the descriptions are exaggerated but with romantic interests and partners Love and Hate were often synonymous for me. And envy for me is experienced as a very hateful feeling.|||Yeah, I don't typically tell people to their face when I envy them either. I think it was from Naranjo or Chestnut but to sum up Sx4 Competition Hate, hurt people hurt people. When I was less...|||karmachameleon, how? How does envious anger hurt people and make them suffer? Is that what you're asking??|||That's half of it, I mean at the heart of things I am a 4 but sadomasochistic for Sx4 because of how we can and do inflict pain on others as well.|||479 Triple Imaginative aka Triple Impractical|||karmachameleon, I was actually just thinking of a BDSM edition earlier, but you beat me to it! Pun not intended I'm so self focused I didn't get past my tritype tho 4: Masochist :black_eyed: ...|||I kid you not, I practically reacted the same way. And like you I was dealing with situational stuff but finding this description was bitter sweet in a way as it explained soo much, yet at the time...|||When I found out I was a 4 I actually grieved for a bit lol|||Fuuuuck! this song is my life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpcdAR9ij0|||How am I supposed to follow my heart when it's still with you??|||Crisis averted. Thanks guys!|||Tis a rare feat to be very interesting yet not appealing at all!|||Lee, I believe we talked briefly a few months back about my having trouble uploading images. Just letting you know that when I refer to myself as tech tarded it's not that much of an exaggeration...|||Sorry to sound like n00b, but is there more I should try to describe or am I to wait for someone to take a more in depth look? I wasn't quite sure what was meant by vertical scope|||Yeah, Jennywocky that's what I tried. Whenever I login there is always a friend request notification and no matter how many times I don't accept it/reject it and then click save, nothing ever changes|||Hey, we have different standards on sullying. Now to think about it, if it was really your stepdad who told you that, I think, personally and subjectively, it makes it even more hilarious. Not to...|||@pippylongstocking, I would re-read Zen Lizard's excellent post and let that really sink in. You're being far too harsh on yourself, doll. I did things in my past relationships that should have...|||Is that why you edited out the Wednesday Addams comment, because you thought I might dispatch of you in a similar manner??|||No dice|||That doesn't work. His ugly mug is still there in my notifications|||My reject button is broken...|||Makes sense:skellie:|||Neokortex, you turned a comment from my STEPDAD into something sexual and sullied it. You've also requested lets get some sex! to another user here and they tried to be polite about it but they did...|||You know, it could be? I didn't consider it from that angle. It just sounded to me like he was using his penetrative Sx energy as an excuse to push himself on others in a sense. It feels like...|||Animal, if you read his posts you'll see that he conflates a forward crassness and vulgarity, with playfulness and intimacy. I was going to use a different word over overly eager but I was trying...|||As a being who is highly sexual and comfortable with the fact and is known to test boundaries, I'm just saying your approach is not a winning one. But you go ahead and do you|||If you conduct yourself out in the world like you do here, it's not hard to see why. You come off as overly eager and that does tend to push people away or close them off. I don't know many girls Sx...|||I bet you say that to all the Sx type INFP girls lol|||AGGRESSIVE VIBRANCY That was the terminology someone used today when trying to find words to express the way my energy comes off. isn't that precious ??|||Oooh an orgy! My 7 fix will love this:kitteh: I read a letter from my 7 brother to my granny recently and she comments on how intelligent and articulate he is. Me: Yeah, I know. It's always...|||It's a bit like you read my mind because after you posted that socionics link for the three ranges of the instincts, I found myself identifying both with The Seducer Sx/Sp and The Decadent Sp/Sx...|||Yes, I thought it may have been contextual but I was still curious as to how you felt and if you had any more to add. I had to chuckle a bit because your poster and what you say about desire being...|||@Animal , I don't know if my response of Violently. to the thread, 'How Do You Experience Envy?' or my admission to a friend that I was Envious, not jealous! before I even knew what an enneagram...|||My intuition is fantastic as long as I don't question it.|||Sx 4 here. I've felt everything you've just said but I tend to withdraw now rather than explode like I used to. I used to be really bad at self soothing, but now I have some tools in my belt that...|||Looking back I can see all my physical altercations have been with the opposite sex; starting from my brother, to the neighborhood boys, to the boys that have broken my friend's heart and to the...|||I get this. This usually happens after I wake up too soon from a really great dream and then I'll try to go back to sleep to continue the dream but then it often just becomes all garbled and...|||Check out Fraud Lair *cough* I mean Pod Lair for more info. Though you'll probably just come away even more confused|||494746u200b|||Yes, what Braverose said. I've found it helpful to write the dream out; no matter if you already feel it's committed to memory, and/or have it figured out. Just start writing even if you don't feel...|||Forgive this bizarre question but I just hafta ask... Do you ever experience where like part of your brain stays conscious while you're dreaming? I've been keeping dream journals for years making...|||Guilty. Pretty much what OrangeAppled said. Not so much overdressed as opposed to underdressed but like an understated elegance or effortless beauty I suppose. I also wear my hair long and in...|||<<Ocelot with a Cat wing here. Most appropriate! :kitteh:|||To me it sounds like he's now feeling ashamed over allowing himself to be vulnerable with you. There's a kind of 'bite the hand that feeds' mentality that's going on as far as I can tell....|||The experience as painful as it was/is forced me to grow as a person. I hated for anyone to see me in the state I was in but sometimes it was necessary and it showed me who my real allies were. In a...|||Hi there. I wanted to let you know you're not alone in the way you're feeling. Psych drugs made me an agoraphobic zombie too as I was literally sleeping my life away and that's just the very tip of...|||Same, by far. I almost feel opposite of how INFP was described.|||We have similar tastes so I'm thinking the following is a safe bet. Paradise Circus by Massive Attack featuring INFP poster girl, Hope Sandoval https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEgX64n3T7g ...|||I do not envy your position right now WhateverLolaWants. Psychiatric survivor here as well also starting at age 15. I wish I had some advice for you, I really do. I too hold a deep rooted hostility...'
'I Never got into it either lol|||I'm a short 5'7 :bored:|||I can't say this happens to me, or maybe they just don't ask me out.|||lol I gave myself the nickname Mr. Oblivious for similar reasons.|||That's a very good way to put it, I am also 90% of the time placed directly into the friend zone... not the greatest thing.|||I definitely have more female friends than guy friends. I find it difficult to connect with other guys.|||This is my problem as well|||Thank you, yes I do lol|||I lived with three other people for awhile, it was really cool other than the apartment was way too small for that many. Definitely I think the experience has a lot to with the type of people your...|||I was considered more mature than my sibling for sure. And I definitely felt wise beyond my years, some of my friends did the most stupid / dangerous stuff.... Most of which would end badly,...|||Yes I am...|||I find the difference between INFJ and the other types is found in the difference in distance from who we think we are/ who we want to be vs who we think the outside world wants (NEEDs) us to be....|||Definitely an interesting topic, the divide between the three selves can be quite frustrating.|||My best friend is a ISTJ, he drives me crazy half of the time. But his ST helps ground me when I'm over-thinking too much.|||Alcohol doesn't affect me like that, letting go and having fun is hard for me. Have fun I guess lol|||Agreed, I think there are a lot of quotes which are loosely creative but done really strike home for me anyways.|||... I don't I feel neutral, I guess both sides have there problems. The whole thing doesn't seem that thought out.|||Yes... Some times it gets me into trouble :P|||I've really enjoyed this thread lol I definitely relate to a lot of these ideas. And personally I browse the internet for hours looking for personalized ringtones for people I care about... Most of...|||Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy the conversations :)|||That does sound like a train wreck, but it does sound like something happened behind the scenes that derailed everything. Definitely not an excuse by any means. Hope you find your answers to your...|||LOL he's lucky that you listen to what he says even a little, soo many people don't listen!! ARGH Although at the same time we are not always right, even if it sounds like it makes sense.|||Agreed, it sounds like it more of just a time thing. There are times when I'm mad, but not really. I just have to work through it.|||I enjoy it, although when forced to learn it (Calculus in university), it became a nightmare.|||Stress definitely brings out my unpleasant side.|||For me hating is in the past, its like walking backwards. Sure it can be fun at first, but once the novelty has worn off your too focused on the past and not the future. And eventually you'll walk...|||Hey Welcome to the forum :)|||Hey Welcome to the forum! :) I know a couple of ENFJ in real life, in my experience they're not the type of person who lives on the forums. They tend to be really busy work & volunteering etc.|||I'm a fan of strategy games like StarCraft 2 or the Civilization series.|||Not going to lie, I laughed at this title :P LOL I am such an over emotion nerd|||I feel for you, I've been that INFJ ... *shifty eyes* In my experience for me love is like an addiction, thus cold turkey seems to work the best. A friend relationship might not be possible until...|||I briefly dated an ESFP, for the life of her she couldn't understand me. That was a train wreck of an relationship|||Now that's definitely a major problem.|||I've been in this situation and the guilt was definitely there. For me my logic was it is better to help them (make sure they get home) then to go against the emotion. This in turn made me feel...|||Very powerful thread, Total respect for Zomboy, for being true to himself. I was also teased in high school about being feminine or gay, and that really made me question myself. No matter how many...|||LOL as we speak I'm researching artificial intelligence programing :tongue: Im going to be stuck on this tangent all day:wink:|||Yeah that was something my mother told me before she passed away... its ok to be a little selfish, don't let people abuse your helpful nature.|||Got to love Highschool / Junior high so many people who I would rather not have to interact with again.|||I'm in the same boat, university did help me connect with people. But not at the level I would like too.|||Some times it feels like I have 3 lives home, work, and school.|||I have a midterm tomorrow... :tongue: ... I really should study soon:unsure:|||Ah the exciting adventures of the roommate :tongue: A classic|||I have that problem, my last relationship was like that. I think she broke up with because I was having problems switch modes:frustrating:|||Couldn't have said it any better:tongue:|||I know three people who took the test and got INFJ although two them I doubt. Ok the first one is a friend of my best friends girl friend never really knew. The next I was being setup with we both...|||The past is over so don't worry about if this had happened... If you like her be open to the idea. I don't know I not one who should be give relationship advice lol:mellow:|||Aries:proud:|||Hey welcome to the forum, The more you explore the more you'll get out of it.:happy:|||Welcome to the Forum :happy:|||I don't have one yet but I will soon, and then I'll prob change it a million times. I think its really important, it tells the world who you were in a sentence or two. I find it very poetic'
'Finance-related stuff like accountant, sales, marketing, teller, cashier, banker, and so on. can't even imagine the horror if i were the one. ugh. luckily, i've never do such jobs for living yet so...|||thanks for the advice. You're right, i have to remind myself about my goal, the fire in me that letting me to keep going on. Maybe i'm just a bit distracted, hehe. as for the second half of rant......|||hi there, it's been a while. A lot of things have happened, and now i'm in college (yep, Psychology Major, finally). Now i'm kinda having a hard time to control myself and stay productive. I don't...|||well, i only need help for the registration fee + 1st term fee, which is due to early August. The rest is pretty much the same, divided every 6 months. i can manage to pay the rest since i have job...|||Hi, there. My name is Erick, i'm the only son in my family, and i've turned 21 earlier in this year. This year I got acceptance from the university where I plan to enrolled to. They cut the tuition...|||WhiteChocolateDrip Yeah, we sleep while running on the treadmill. our breakfast as we woke up is the nearest dumbbell we can reach. Amazed enough? Jokes aside, let's say that i'm your less...|||Hmm, as cold as lemon juice I guess. The coldness depends on the ice that are filling the glass and the environment where the lemon juice is, is it in the fridge? at the beach exposed by the sun? Or...|||Whoa, I'm really amazed by all of effort poured by people here to keep the thread going. Hopefully this thread will be able to give that imaginary big hug to those who need it (including me :p) , and...|||My Life In Ruins. It's an old movies but I don't know why the carefree vibe in the movies draws me in. I always remind myself to bring my kefi wherever I go afterwards. Do you listen to the...|||I used to be an altar boy at the local when I was young. I had small stature back then so most of the robes that are available is too big for me. During Holy Thursday I was wearing that over-sized...|||That's some amazing ideas you have there, I can tell how compassionate you are as you explain everything. this kind of support is needed for a better undertanding of self, since everyone needs to...|||My friend once said it's because i didn't make much noise and plays well by myself. People often come and just sitting beside me as they watch me cutting papers, telling me some stories, get up after...|||I've just had my birthday last Friday, and it was a tranquil day, as usual. i get messages from my friend (yep, singular) and my family, and my mom cooks me a noodle and boiled egg (it's a customary...|||i love learning new things, anything that sparks my interest will do. I like calculus, chemistry, biology, psychology, language and literacy, play harmonica, recycling old things, cooking, repairing...|||hmm, as much as you have to be yourself, i think it won't hurt to just smile, let them know that you are feel welcomed (maybe). then again, if i were in your shoes, such invasion to my personal space...|||fellow youngsters~ i'm 21 this April and i think we are going through similar phase currently. Pretty much the same like zynthaxx , i'll say reach out and do something, keeping our mind and hands...|||hmm... i'd like to be one of these. 1. caretaker or protector, maybe? tutor, counselor, assistant, helper, or even butler xD 2. organizer. I can help in archiving the data, soft copy and hard copy....|||i don't know whether it's really count as a wish, but i wish to contain that one wish in an accessories (ring, perhaps?). I can give it to others or use it for myself in the future. actually i...|||mrb well, that's me xD still not fully-developed yet in here, and still have a lot to discover :p|||well, i'll try... since i think this could help me to know myself more :p 1. Teaching at school is one of his passion. Though he's still lacking, he always tries his best to encourage his students...|||i come because i'm attracted by the smell of fantasy and imagination~ no scenarios come to my mind at the moment, since what i've imagined is pretty much have been said pretty clear by you guys....|||*drumroll *dum-tss trolling at its finest xD|||err, i don't think mine is counted as on-going project, but i'll try... -to form my own foundation, and build schools afterwards. started by saving money and study harder -curriculum planning...|||err, i don't think mine is counted as on-going project, but i'll try... -to form my own foundation, and build schools afterwards. started by saving money and study harder -curriculum planning...|||Vacious well, you've help me a lot, along with fellow ISTP in that another thread, which i prefer to be buried deep down after all since it's embarrassing (-////-) your actions for reaching out and...|||depends on your view, i guess... from my point of view the forum is just fine this way though? i learn A LOT from people in here, which is an eye-opener experience. i'm glad to join this forum. hope...|||err, it's nothing much, since most of the time i stay indoor... in my backpack: Laptop and it's charger, pencil case with lots of stationery inside, water bottle 1.2 litre, snacks, candies,...|||hi, new member here. His name is Erick, born in 1994 but his mental age is 56 already. some of my personality typology if it helps MTBI: ISTP Eneagram: 5w6 Socionics: SLI DISC types: D...|||After my rejection it seems that nothing change between us so far. That person knows that i was about to say no, and we both understand that there so much thing we could do together as friends...|||and if words can't get through him, knee-kick right on the face will do :p now you said it, i don't want to meet such people, for sure. goosebumps. well, someone ever said that memories of...|||thanks a lot, guys, i think it's getting better now. that person said that we are just friends and respects my decision. happy ending, i guess? :p well, if we are close by distance i'd treat you...|||heartofpompeii err, okay. sorry to hear that. that man was just having fun with his rose-colored view towards his high school life, i guess. well, at least he wasn't around you anymore right?|||well, we got the point anyway xD but i think sometimes we have to be cold to get things clear, no?|||heartofpompeii yeah, i already reject the feelings firmly. that person said that the answer is to be expected, since that person knows me too well. this. exactly the same. you are my senior...|||heartofpompeii yeah,you were right. by asking that person to make a list must be insulting already. but what can i do? it's just stupid me trying to rationalize everything, though i still need to...|||Murdock oh, what a caring mom. glad you have someone that take care over your well-being :D well, prepare yourself and wish you a good luck~|||Murdock yeah, first one. usually i explain well, but it seems that i made you guys confused right now... Cinnamon83 yes, ma'am~ *salute it's my first time so i just don't know what to do....|||Murdock i see... sorry about that. have you tried to look for doctor's help? what did they said?|||yes, i've should stated it earlier, sorry about that. yeah, confession as in someone said that in romantic manner to me, and i just don't know what to do.|||platorepublic err, how to watch us sleeping? it's not like we are close by distance... by webcam? and why do you want to watch us sleeping? it's not a good sight to see, you know. also i think we...|||the title says it all. i got one just recently, and i don't know what to do. my brain just cannot processed all this romantic thingy, errgh :confused: and to think ISTP always find a way out to...|||jinhong91 ouch xD I prefer to be called according to my age though, which is pretty young for some people. haha, what a complicated brat i am~ I see... so when one still wonder about their own...|||Glyphs Once Upon a Time, the TV series, first season. The one about Snow White, if you follow that series. i won't tell you why, though, to avoid spoiler :p effenelle I think it just sounds...|||Glyphs Once Upon a Time 1st Season's plot also quite similar in that perspective, after reading Murdock explanation. effenelle well, i'll try to stay under the radar, like what Vacious has...|||well, nowadays i always put my current thoughts, emotions or feelings on a post-it-notes, stick it on my bedroom door, so every time i open the door i'll read across those notes and subconsciously...|||just went home after teaching, and look what we've found... thanks a lot, guys (- -)d So it appears that this kind of old soul in young body and its reverse is more common and relatable than we...|||i often heard that maturity had nothing to do with age, how is that possible? just wondering why people around me always said that i'm grandpa trapped in young body. i'm just being me, though? and...|||beg for your life, peasants, or i'll suck you dry, hahaha~ well, my kids at school said i'm werewolf because of that canine xD cannot helped it, every time i smiled that part just protuding by...|||well, i got your point... and i think i experienced it too sometimes. Does that makes me an asshole too? :p Instead of generalizing, i always tried my best to treat each person differently based...|||burden of knowing is not something to be taken lightly, and i'm sure you know about it already. most people that knows a lot tend to be pessimistic and sentimental, because it seems that there is...'
Woo it's been years. Time to rub off the dust a little. Anyway, I am an INFP who joined back in 2013 and I am a 20 year old literature undergraduate. Recently I have been studying the Canterbury...|||Is there anything else I can add?|||Sorry for bumping again. I just want more answers.|||Bump!|||Hello all :). If you read my posts, you would know I was suffering from depression not too long ago. During that time, I was certain my personality type was INFP. I have started to wonder whether I...|||Hmm...this should be interesting. I make quite a lot of characters, but here are my most developed ones. Male Protagonist: INFP Female Protagonist: ENFJ (not love interest for the record) Male...|||Thanks. You've given me a little bit of hope. I'll hopefully be going to university in September (I had to repeat my last year of school thanks to depression) so I'll be free soon. My mother also...|||We've tried before, but she refuses to go and we can't force her. I would really love to help in that respect but you can't exactly help someone who doesn't want it.|||Hello everyone. I haven't been active here for a very long time, but I feel this is something very serious. I think my mother may be emotionally abusive. She has always been fiery and has tended to...|||126-isfj 278-enfx 369-istp 368-estj 136-istj 135-ixtj|||146-infj 359-xntp 145-inxx 125-infj 469-ixfp|||INFP 471 sp/sx https://assets1.archetypes.com/quiz/results/creative-46/intellectual-35/visionary-19/donut.png|||I'm a gardener. I have a general idea how my story is going to be. I know my beginning, exact middle and end but I also fill in quite a few blanks. I also tend to create characters before plot lines....|||ISFP Profile A very interesting page about ISFPs :happy: Could very possibly be his tritype. Heart centre: I'm almost certain it's 4w5 Gut centre: 9w1, 1w9 or even 1w2 Head centre: 5w4...|||Really? I'd be pretty interested in meeting you (hope I don't sound too stalkerish) :P|||I'd definitely say he was introverted. Probably feeling too. Whether he's sensing vs intuitive or perceiving vs judging, I'm not sure. 5w4 could be a possibility.|||Just for fun, try and type the main character of my story. Here is a little bit about him. .Very interested in music and writing it, listening to it and playing it. .Not terribly good at physical...|||I lol'd :crazy:|||Person A: INFP Person B: INTJ Person C: ESFJ Just a guess. Maybe a bit more information would help me understand their functions better.|||They're probably too psychologically effed up to type.|||I agree. The only halfway decent test I've found is the keys2cognition test. I find it's more reliable to get other people's opinion, rather than self-diagnose, as people usually have biases about...|||http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/46796761.jpg|||For some reason or another, I am really interested in the enneagram tritypes and wish to find out more about them and their ways. Just thought I'd pop by and ask your opinions on the tritypes...|||Ok I know its been a while but here's a few more. 1. 6w5-1w2-2w1 sp/so 2. 9w1-6w5-4w5 so/sp 3. 1w2-2w3-6w7 sp/so 4. 7w8-1w9-3w2 sx/so 5. 7w8-9w8-3w2 sx/so 6. 6w7-4w5-8w7 sp/sx 7. 3w4-7w8-8w7...|||Anyone?|||Bumpity bump.|||Hello everyone. I'm back for 2014 :happy: While I was away, I did some contemplating. I had myself typed as an INFP 4w5 but now I'm not entirely sure. Now that everything in my life is changing...|||I'm back. Just had a bit of a break to catch up with all the things going on in my life. This question has been plaguing my mind during that break. Would you say society is more accepting of...|||A shiba inu. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3251/3140715615_232f094298.jpg Or a siberian husky. https://vitaminsforpitbulls.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Siberian-Husky-dog-breed-eyes.jpg ...|||lol the hamster is actually a rat :P|||I personally think that most men are afraid to admit their love for the cutesies because of society's expectations to be manly, which is usually by their definition detached, unemotional and tough. I...|||Some more :o 1. 5w4-2w3-9w1 sx/sp 2. 7w6-3w2-9w1 sx/sp 3. 1w2-2w1-5w4 so/sp 4. 7w8-9w8-3w2 so/sx 5. 9w8-4w5-5w4 sx/so|||INTJ because morbid stuff and disintergration|||Howdy y'all. Just thought it'd be fun to guess the MBTIs of these tritypes. Comes with instinctual variants too! 1. 8w7-7w8-3w2 sx/so 2. 2w1-1w9-6w5 so/sp 3. 1w2-6w5-2w1 so/sp 4. 4w5-5w4-1w9...|||Perhaps :/ Like I said This isn't really my best thread.|||No. I never said that NFs, NTs and SPs are incapable. Anyone can be a capable worker. All I'm saying is that is see a preference for certain characteristics. I think this thread is a sinking ship...|||ENTP, stop being such a smartass and get a job that doesn't involve conning people.|||You have just been banned from World of Warcraft, INTP. I guess it's the end of the world for you.|||I never said SJs were bullies. Some of them are the most helpful, caring people in my life. I am simply theorising and my theory is probably wrong anyway. Believe me, I am aware that NFs are very...|||INFJ because of lotus symbolism :crazy:|||ENTP because of your avatar lolz.|||Perhaps. Maybe its my irrational side showing.|||Please lay off the sugar, ENFP.|||Yeah, I imagine SJs have pressure put on them too but for different reasons. I think everyone is pressured unfortunately.|||No disrespect to SJs, of course but it seems to me that society favours SJ traits. For example, the ideal worker is pragmatic and down-to-earth (sensor) and reliable and punctual (judger). For...|||Hi. I have been an avid writer since I was very young but I have never started a big project and seen it through to the end. I have had many characters in my head for this story and have even written...|||Yep. He definitely likes to poke fun at people but harmlessly of course. And he has quite a few ideas.|||I've been curious of my friend's type as of late. Just thought this would be a bit of fun :) -Takes History, English language, drama and media for A level (for anyone outside the UK, A levels are...|||She could possibly be an ESFJ since she's not into theory. That's a sensor trait apparently.|||Ever wondered what it'd feel like to have human emotions, INTJ?
'How does ENTJ react to what may be perceived as rejection? Will one withdraw somewhat to process? I might have accidentally and stupidly given him the wrong idea and he seems a little different....|||-|||Hmm yeah, I do have a strong feeling it was mostly the alone time thing. So I did text him because I didn't want to risk calling him in case he was in a meeting, and you were right (of course you...|||Okay I think I will. And I think it should be good to bring it up to clarify and clear the air if he agrees to meet up? It was kind of not nice IMO that there was no update at all, I mean he should...|||Hahah stand-offish would be quite accurate. True, except that I guess I expected him to at least update me regarding the airport trip, but there was nothing at all. I'm rather tempted to...|||Honestly I don't think I have the guts to tell him directly, I also prefer if he'd initiate it first. After all, don't ENTJs want to be in charge most of the time? Haha. So you kind of knew...|||If I'd just eff'ed up with this guy. Can't figure out if I might have said something wrong, and if I did, which was that... argh!|||INTJ female Most: ENTJ, INTJ, INTP Least: ESFP, ENFP, ESFJ|||Rofl it's very highly unlikely that I would do something so forward :laughing: How did it start with the two of you if you don't mind me asking? Yeah I agree, if he was too dominant I think it...|||Thank you for the kind wish :happy: That's true, we do have similar views on r/s, long term plans and goals. Last night he was telling me about his staff who seems unable to formulate proper long...|||Okie cool. I'm just going to go with the flow for now and see how things develop. Thanks for your inputs, much appreciated! :)|||Haha @ the last sentence. Okay. He did take me to the airport last week when I was going back to my hometown - he had to wake up at 3am on a working day when he usually wakes up at 8:30am, is this...|||How fast/slow does an ENTJ male usually make a move on a female he's interested in? I know it varies from one to another, but is it going to be like almost daily contact or weekly...? I'm wondering...|||Socializing. So weird. Lol.|||Probably not but based on my observations of co-workers, NTs are the straightforward blunt types whereas the twofaced/fakes/backstabbers/gossipers/sycphants are not NTs. Our team is sort of split up...|||INTJ, backpack Disposable latex gloves Antiseptic wet wipes Normal wet wipes Tissues Disposable masks Tiny bottle of liquid castille soap Cellphones Powerbank + cable|||So dangerous. Lol. Imagine you dropped the sushi... :eek: Ah I am seriously craving for some now! Maybe I'll get up extra early tmr and get some.|||Lol. I myself would love a Gibson LP! A strat would be pretty awesome too... And a Taylor 814ce. And I shall go back to my imaginary world where I own all these and more.......|||- have a twisted/weird/scary/dark sense of humor (and ideas) that seemingly only acceptable by our own kind - blunt and direct, no sugarcoating - hate incompetence and people who exhibit that -...|||I think it really depends on the person, but based on the NTs I know IRL... probably ENTP.. But then again, this is because I've yet to see him lose his cool/expresses his frustration in front of...|||Yeah, he did make a guess. You're right in that it's not something to be mad about and that it was a reasonable guess on his part. But it's the pattern that made me feel annoyed - as much as I was...|||If I'm really that cold and insensitive, not just as perceived by others, but really truly that way.|||Cream crackers dipped in coffee. Unhealthy, but, meh.|||Yeah, I've heard the patience is a virtue advice for this sort of issue from a couple of my friends too. Not really from people much older than me though (in this case I'm referring to my...|||Can't imagine how one can walk with an umbrella, chopsticks and food container all in his hands at the same time... lol. Walking into puddles is still less embarrassing than walking into a pothole or...|||I am in need of insights/advice, male INFPs, so please enlighten me if you would. I actually typed a long post earlier but it wouldn't post and now it's gone. Ugh. I'll just try to rewrite as...|||Haha yeah, the list only sways a little bit for me. I still like him despite the cons. I agree with the time and space thing, I think this is what I need, I'm not gonna reach out anymore. If I see...|||Salmon sashimi. It's been a long while.... Steak sounds pretty good too actually. Gah I'm hungry but it's raining outside...|||Why my cognitive function tests always come back sort of funny... not 'haha' funny, but you know... hmm actually I don't know if you know. Anyway.|||Watching Haven.|||Dried chili. On its own. It's just too good!|||Yep, I acknowledge that I am human. And trying to accept the fact that it's normal to have these sort of feelings. Ugh I hate how un-human I sounded, but well, a new experience, so it is pretty......|||Haha I'm glad I amused you! The personal space thing, we both have this thing where we consciously keep everyone at a certain distance away physically. But yeah, we did have those moments when we...|||I suppose this may be like my first 'real' crush, that's why I'm feeling overwhelmed. Trying to let it go slowly...|||Unlike most other females I guess. :p|||Stupid people. Stupid people asking stupid obvious/unnecessary/irrelevant questions. People with no manners. People who constantly interrupt when someone else is speaking. Cleaning up incompetent...|||another phone... another laptop, netbook maybe... after all, one can never have 'too many' gadgets. :p|||I think I don't flirt. Or, don't know how to, more like... But for some reason... guys that I don't like in that way (as in I see them completely as buddies/friends) sometimes THINK I like them....|||To get inside his head. To understand him, see and hear his thoughts. To see how his thought process occurs. To find all the puzzle pieces and fit them together perfectly. To get inside his heart and...|||Nothing and everything.|||Yeah pretty extreme hehe. Now that I think back about whenever I had my Ni telling me things, I always regretted when I chose to ignore cause something bad often happened. Taught me to trust 'gut...|||How do your friends act differently? I mean, what is so obvious? I'm genuinely curious :) And well I guess that sealed it. Everyone says I'm INTJ. Hehe.|||My Fe is apparently very underdeveloped, so that will be on my to do list, develop it.|||Edit: Thanks for thinking I'm not cold and calculating! I rarely get that. Lol. But when I do care about people, it is genuine, although it does not come that often. I care about family and close...|||Lol depressing. Well, wasn't the first time I've been told that ;)|||Hehe what I meant was, you have some sort of vision and you brush it off only to watch it actually happen soon enough. E.g. One day while I was driving back from out of town with my ex, I had...|||Someone to talk to.|||How stupid I was to believe that idiot. How stupid I was to ignore my gut instinct. How stupid I was for not seeing him for whom he really, truly was. How stupid I was. Stupid!!|||I desire to be completely rid of this silly resentment. It's of no use, I don't even care about him. Just my pride is bruised I suppose.|||How long it will take until it's my turn. How I thought I didn't care anymore but I still feel resentment inside. How I wish I could talk to someone who's willing to listen and is impartial. Because...'
'The problem is that a good amount of math is all 'S'. It requires routine, memorization, processes, etc. etc. It's extremely draining for me. I can do it just fine but it just saps my energy faster...|||Sorry I'm pissed off at an ISTJ right now the negatives are just flowing through my brain right now.|||I think INTP's and ISTJ's get along great.|||No INTP : (|||Standoffish, no emotions, do not understand how relationships work at all, really good at being right about things that matter and also things that don't matter at all...makes no difference ISTJ's...|||I wouldn't say Ti isn't creative. It is a judging function but you can come to novel conclusions with it.|||I know what you mean. I've wondered the same thing. Where does my P get me exactly....|||Technically ISTJ's have more friends....friends. (People they associate on only the most basic level.)|||It's true.|||meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*|||That made em laugh out loud.|||People look at me and they don't realize I'm looking at them back. If that answers your question.|||Very Nice.|||Excellent.|||That's comin from an INTP too...|||Don't ISTJ's realize that all of their relationships will wither if they don't reveal themselves? I mean doesn't the price of NOT opening up negate the seeming cost OF opening up? Does necessity...|||Well okay here is my next question. Since I feel my internal world is much richer and deeper than the external world I see, wouldn't Ni have 100000000000 million times more material work with? Verse...|||My Fe drives me to similar conclusions in the presence of ISTJ's.|||I feel like ISTJ's and INTP's or INTX's really could get along really well. We are really similar but for different reasons. My obsession with achievement, competence, rationality and ideological...|||That was sarcasm sensor.|||I don't understand why this is? My inferior function is Fe yet I'm still pretty comfortable with emotion. Why can't ISTJ's make it happen? Not trying to be rude just trying to figure you guys out....|||Are SJ's really hooked on politeness?|||Yes but you guys are much easier to get a hold of. So answer my question.|||Is that why you don't open up to other people?|||Introverted Sensation After reading this it seems you people are on the brink of a panic attack at any given moment. What's up? How does it work?|||It seems like Ni would be more about generating ideas than Ti. Ti is just like analysis or breakdown of ideas. Yet I often feel like Ti is giving me a constant stream of insights.|||I'm INTP which makes me Ti, Ne, Si, Fe and I just wanted to know something I think is funny. I am this anti-social, melancholic soul then all of a sudden my Fe takes over and I am exactly like the...|||I need to brush my teeth, shower, find a shirt, and go to work...I'm still here....|||Man I'm crackin up reading that. It's so pathetic how intelligent we claim to be then how pitiful we are at the same time. And I know what you mean. I use that strategy too. Take advantage of a...|||Both my parents are ISTJ....it has not been easy...|||Because if we know we can do it, 80% of the motivation is gone. Thinking it through, knowing exactly how it happens, and being fully confident you could perform it is the stimulating part. Actually...|||I guess I just always have really stupid teachers. I feel like I just have to parrot the interpretations in the lectures in my essays and it just totally stifles my creativity.|||On a poll for favorite subjects among NT's English pretty much dominated. But does anyone feel like even though you enjoy English the actual classes are horrible? I'm taking a class right now at...|||hahahhaahahhaah me too hahah|||That's exactly right. Haha----> What's interesting is that I get the impression that NF's are probably more likely to feel misunderstood, whereas NT's are more likely to feel like they're surrounded...|||I made an ISFP feel stupid yesterday haha. My jokes get real difficult to follow outta no where sometimes haha.|||Does anyone notice going through the various forums here that every type things they are THE type most misunderstood??? I'm starting to think it's just people in general can't understand...|||I never for one second of my life thought feelers were deeper than thinkers. Fail.|||On the other hand she KNOWS I'm a thinker. If it bothered her she wouldn't be talking to me still.|||Yeah I'm worried about that a bit. I've never talked to her about anything intellectual and for the most part I only talk about her and her future plants...so that's good. Hm I just have a hard time...|||Hmm........well we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck.|||I'm trying to go as slow as possible and still keep it alive.|||I think she is. What should I do? I've tried to be vulnerable and kind genuinely interested....as much as INTP's can. I actually got a little upset she ignored me other day I think I was abrasive....|||Why are ISTJ's so gaurded?|||I'm worried I'm being too hard on the ISTJ I like. She's expecting me to do all the work in conversation and I'm getting tired of it. Do you think I'm being too hard on her? I honestly feel like...|||I have that all the time. I think it is an IXTX thing possibly.|||Are ISTJ's insecure around INTP's imagination or inspired? I can't tell if I should tone it down initially or flaunt it.|||There is an ISTJ girl I really like right now. She's beautiful #1 so that helps. But I think we really like each other for both being introverted thinkers. She doesn't feel pressure around me to...|||I'm really leaning to ISTJ or INTJ. INTP is definitely iffy. This person isn't very flexible or spontaneous at all. The INTP's I know have a certain amount of fluidity in their interactions compared...|||They are either an ISTJ or one of the introverted Rationals. All three can appear the same. If I could get closer to the person I would but at this moment I can't.'
Lol, I don't even know what I am anymore.|||I just knew Elsa was INFJ. I knew it. So glad to have it validated here ;)|||Yes, yes we are.|||I am happy now, but for 10 years I was almost neurotic with it and after forcing myself to not diet (it was scary) and to eat whatever I wanted, I finally was able to finally finally end up at a...|||There are tutorials on how to contour with makeup. You can do so much stuff with makeup. Why don't you start googling some hair and makeup tutorials? You can create any nose you want with makeup. ...|||I've been summoned over 4 times, once on a federal grand jury. After the first time it loses its luster. Pretty sure I was paid 9 dollars a day (I had to pay 6 bucks a day for parking). I had...|||I'm sx/so. I didn't know about this stereotype but I would consider myself an intense introvert. I'm not larger than life though.|||I completely agree with this. He clearly loves her.|||I don't know?|||http://www.state.nj.us/health/fhs/documents/diabetes_disaster_guidelines.pdf I had no clue WHAT that was gonna be. Lol (whoops, I wasn't paying attention to what forum this was) Sorry|||It turns off the noise in my brain and as a result I am definitely more social after a couple drinks. I used alcohol as a social crutch for many years due to that. I didn't realize how socially...|||I'm in IT and I only work with one other woman. I would love to have two. I do think that's your age. I hid for about 5 years. However, I've never been picked on or treated terribly by anyone at...|||cuz he is ENTP|||INFJ Indirect (I would ostracize them) Relational (I would get others to shun them and hurt them)|||I'm not INFP I'm INFJ but yeah, I can read music. I can play the viola.|||INFJ - Words of Affirmation and Quality Time|||ENTPs|||I don't really want to write them here that's how bad they are.|||I don't feel very INFJ when I hear stuff about unicorns. I can not even relate to that at all and have no idea how that even started.|||haha true|||This is excellent advice.|||I did not know that the order of the needs was disproven. I feel like this is a big deal.|||While you make a good point with a positive outlook, not being able to communicate properly will cause the quality of his relationships to suffer therefore his quality of life will suffer. I think...|||ENxP leaning towards ENTP|||I hated high school. I was involved in fine arts and chose that over sports and was called a freak due to who I hung out with but the label never really bothered me. I'm not sure why I disliked it...|||lol, rude.|||Why didnt the Bot come in my thread with the welcome video?!|||Yes, YOU :) lol idk :crazy:|||Thank you :)|||Hey.....YOU! ;)|||I hate her/it/ ??|||I feel pretty productive already ;)|||How did I get 5 achievements already|||Hello, I'm Cindy. INFJ 6w5. Looking forward to chatting with you all! :)
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qok9Ialei4c|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsPFDzAGb4A|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIKh0nFEQmo|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8ZCIb_59ys|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT6mB8N24_g|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1gMyv3Qmzs|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkGhYIPcAHg|||Hi beautyfromashes! I am one :). (I am not a registered counsellor though, my professional background is actually in social work). I've also volunteered in the area prior to working...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTk6eY9EY5g|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjHvJE1XU7E|||I have been described or could imagine others see me as: kind, eccentric, funny, silly, self-absorbed, gentle, quiet, 'too nice', a 'good person,' reflective, intelligent, insightful, pessimistic,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf92q6Vrj2o|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdQde2fKiAc|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/78/9c/09/789c0907de5a22e8245739102931af5f.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/bf/b3/c4/bfb3c46c71e74e1c0d71c2e66fe54d20.jpg ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nplwr5simI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnhXHvRoUd0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLyUcAUMmMY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXvzzTICvJs|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf-ostUl1GI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpI5tJoncS0|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c3/55/a9/c355a9bb920484f5c6a6aded88839fed.jpg http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/dreamlike-world.jpeg ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmEiadAqDZc|||Hi @Christopher Robin Thanks for posting this--you're showing a lot of strength in getting this out here in the open. I can imagine that is difficult, especially since you are saying your family...|||I'm feeling proud. I'm a youth mentor and my mentee (little sister basically) is showing a lot of independence and strength in her life transitions. I really like the experience of watching people...|||For the most part, I like being single. I've always been someone to value having the opportunity to develop who I am and to figure my life out. I like to have the space to do that. It's something...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dom7VlltBUc|||Thank you too alive! Great idea :smile:|||I'll go :joyous:. Something I admire about myself is that I see the positive in what can be seen as 'dark' situations. Or, rather I see the shades of gray in life's difficulties so I am able to...|||I think it's okay not to know or spend some time figuring it out. I recognize though that there's a lot of pressure--I certainly felt it at the time. There's also the potential to pursue both in...|||I wouldn't. I think people should be free in their individual emotional expression and that there should be less stigma surrounding the less favourable ones. Also, I'd say there's a lot of...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqADjtAPi1Y|||I swear I mostly listen to these while thinking of certain people in my life :playful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqz713hhz1Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-TE_Ys4iwM And...for...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHdcPlfwmkg|||https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10388213_10152800736523290_6645909841706261228_n.jpg?oh=4837fe39db25933398f1e59904ed23a6&oe=56053C96 ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LWpw3CMCEg|||I learn best through reflection—basically when I’m given (and when I give myself) adequate time to process information. Also, I learn best when I am personally connected to my work and learning...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzwkcbTQ7ZE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wcjBU8zbdY|||Just my opinion but your friend doesn't necessarily sound high-maintenance to me. Perhaps self-conscious by what you have described but I don't know if I see this as being 'high-maintenance.' As...|||http://www.creativespotting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/leaf-cut-art-by-omad-asadi-1-600x648.jpg ...|||To me it is getting insight into how people become or became who they are. Basically, how people can 'show' themselves through small actions. I really like those sorts of subtle expressions or...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4YK-DEkvcw|||http://mediacdn.snorgcontent.com/media/catalog/product/a/c/acuteanglewhite_fullpic.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41OqMTGM7ML.jpg ...|||I'm pretty inattentive to detail when it comes to grammar/syntax/etc. I'm also pretty unaware of the placement of objects... That being said I am very attentive to detail in some ways. I am...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sEBR-bLzEI|||Close/long-term friends: INFJ(s), ExFP, ENFP, ESFJ, ISTJ(s), ESTJ Other friendly people (either those I feel I have lost touch with, who are newer to my life, who I see every once-in-a-while, or...|||Thanks for sharing :). I can relate to being called an introvert or extrovert depending on the circle I am in. And, yes, I meant how you see introversion...not necessarily in terms of good/bad but I...|||I'd say it depends which personality type you identify with (not what others tell you) :). Ultimately, people are on a continuum of personality so I don't think persons of any type should be...|||I'd woken up early, and I took a long time getting ready to exist.--Fernando Pessoa Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning or purpose.--Viktor Frankl ...|||Resilient'
'Here, have one with ISFP. http://68.media.tumblr.com/49e33ad4fd5bd395cf8f0d9a9d931ef6/tumblr_inline_o1t2hzBtIb1tetq4j_500.png|||705050|||A train driver gets to be alone for most of their work day. The pay isn't bad either, which means you can spend more money on impossibly high fences, death traps and other cool things that keep other...|||Yet your comment is the most toxic thing here. Pour that toxicity into making more of your art, preferably one piece symbolizing each function. And then post them in this thread.|||Welcome! Have a theme song to go with your name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Hn8ywmjEI|||Try to encourage them to do things they enjoy. It helps in taking the mind off of things. There will be plenty of time for grieving, but it's good to have some moments to forget about the sadness for...|||Yes, and no. If you don't know, unknown is then a correct statement, but unknown is not a type. Good luck finding it. :)|||Jar-Jar Binks?|||Complex one way only. Imagine a labyrinth with only one solution, an overly complicated sign, or an INTJ.|||You could view it this way. If there were many more INTJs (or other rarer types) than there are, human society probably wouldn't function as well as it does. ISFPs are more common because you have...|||Yeah, when Tolkien wrote the Hobbit he had no plan to write more. It's just because the publisher saw how popular the Hobbit was that he was goaded into writing the Lord of the Rings trilogy. ...|||In both the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Gandalf is the one who sets the heroes in motion, advices and leads them. Who has even heard of an INTP doing something like that? No, he arrives...|||severn Your lowest scores are Fe and Si, and your highest are Se and Ti, which all correlate with ISTP. I've found that it's easy to exaggerate the importance of the tertiary function (in your case...|||When the thought of visiting Italy freaks you out quite a bit because this is a land where they have the custom to pseudo-hug and pseudo-kiss while touching cheeks. ...|||Awkward ENFP: https://media.tenor.co/images/19fb0068689bef8405cd36afcfe63f9c/raw Sociable INFP: https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdbaurRkzl1ryu3loo1_500.gif|||I think all INTJs are interested in understanding the universe at some level. Science just happens to be the best tool around for that.|||9/10. Love that song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSJmt2Eimhs|||It's interesting that you say you want to explore all the options (and very true to your personality type), but don't you think it's a bit late for that after burning bridges twice? In my experience...|||Do yourself a favor and don't dwell on her anymore. It's ok to remember the good times, but move on. The past has passed.|||I did notice that, and I never said that you said he had Fe and I never suggested that Fe has to be cuddly. These are your own wrong conjectures. Both Te and Fe can get things done, because that's...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq_xKeib2e0 Said every INTJ ever. He's not motivated by Fe at all, because if he was he would try to unify the group and restore harmony. Instead he does the exact...|||I don't see any reason why not.|||Welcome! I think an ENFP in many ways is like a colorful and sugar-heavy cake. What's so hard about IB?|||That's a new one. I think Qui-Gon is much to idealistic to be an ESFP. ESFPs are in my experience often the first ones to shoot down too unrealistic ideas because it's scary territory to them. I'd...|||Any introvert really, it's hard to pick one over another. TMLT eat snow?|||1. We INTJs aren't the best at showing affection in the way other people expect us to. In fact, if we know we're expected to do something it's not at all unusual to see us do the opposite. We're just...|||I'm a secret cuddle monster, yes. Much to the (positive) surprise of my ISFP.|||Found this: Kendrick Lamar Interview on New Album, Police Violence, Iggy Azalea and the Rapture | Billboard Seems you're right. It's easy to get fooled by that Ne though.|||That's a nice one. Eventually. If you want proof you're going to have to wait for me to collect it, also I'm lazy. Though I could tell you that I think your love for cars, fine-tuning in (car)...|||Welcome! What kind of stuff do you create? Got anything to show?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPLjKHKoE8w|||I give myself temporary ISFP permit to tell you, The red spirit, that you would be an ISTP. You basically exude Ti wherever you go on the forum, and Fi is nowhere to be seen. You are free to argue...|||I'd vote none, because I respect all the types and I firmly believe that any combination can work together successfully with varying amounts of effort.|||Can you repeat that in pictures, please?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imYcdtSfaco|||I was going to advise you to end things as all of this seemed like more trouble than it's worth, but since that's already been taken care of instead I'll say that you should continue to stay away....|||I'm sure the painting itself could have been made by an Fi-dom at least.|||Well I do have Fi, but I'm no Fi-dom however. I think I've been told a few times it looks Ni though. The combination (Ni-Fi) works in my case anyway.|||How does it look Fi? You're the first one to say so.|||Quick to spot and grab chances given. You get ants in your pants if you stay in one place for too long.|||As long as there's no threat or insult to my intelligence or competency I take every such confrontation as a learning opportunity. I appreciate someone who has my back and noticed something I didn't...|||There's a production with directors, and with a little research I found that the video is issued by a company called NESTE which deals in oil refinement and marketing. Alot of people were involved in...|||The master of long sentences I think is Tolkien. He could craft sentences that were up to 1-2 pages long, and without being grammatically incorrect. Sometimes I think making long, complex and free...|||Oh yeah, them teachers love over-analyzing. Do it at every chance you get. Also, look up synonyms that they might not have heard before.|||Something I've noticed about INFPs is that they often write walls of texts with little or no paragraphs, but writing quality varies (as with all types). The love for expressing themselves through...|||This isn't the make an INTJ laugh-thread. Not insulting, but entertaining though. ;)|||Welcome! As for meeting other INTJs IRL, keep an eye out for when there's that respectful distance. Like with the INFJs there's eye contact, a silent exchange of information, and no invading of...|||Based on just this video I would say ENFJ. He's obviously hired as a performer; he's not the brain behind the message, he's just the face shown to us.|||Mind delving deeper into that answer?|||Having been with an ENFJ myself, my biggest tip is to not try to force him to express things when he doesn't want to (which is, frustratingly for you, probably most of the time). Another more general...'
Self-deprecating humor is always fun, isn't it?|||Do you know what I have to tolerate in Wyoming? People think it is humorous to hang large fake testicles from their trailer hitch of their truck or SUV. I kid you not. I'd like to go around town and...|||I love this response, spot on for me! I dislike summer with the heat and the sun beating down on you. Give me a cloudy cool fall day and I'm a happy camper.|||Mostly sarcastic and dry for me. My humor isn't always obvious, it sometimes takes a few seconds for you to realize what I said if they ever get it all. I think I'm clever as hell and it is...|||Lux, welcome, I hope you enjoy it here! I consider myself to have some of this ability as well. I cannot think of a single specific example I can give you. I think it really helps me in my profession...|||I would be HORRIBLE at poker. Regardless of the type of emotion I am experiencing, I cannot hide it.|||Being late is a huge one for me. People who interrupt during conversations People in audiences who are not attentive and distract others Laziness Gossiping People who are generally...|||Get grocery shopping and cleaning done. Do stuff around the house and try to enjoy the peace and quiet of being home. But it is something I actually need to change. As my 2 y/o gets older, I want to...|||I like to debate, but I think you are right on. So many people are black and white or close minded, that they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a viewpoint other than their own. Thus, debating...|||What a fun question. Now I'm trying to scan my memory for all of these past crushes....|||Interesting thread. I'm a probation officer with a criminal justice degree. My original plan was to become a cop, but I fell into this profession. As in ANY profession, there are good and bad....|||I love handing candy out to kiddies. Need to carve our pumpkin this weekend. We'll take our 2-year-old to some family member's homes in his costume then come home and give out candy. A live in a...|||LMAO...heaven help you if that libido becomes unrepressed!|||Great thread. I have three things: 1) Go into the kitchen of a restaurant and cook my own hamburger....haha 2) I'm definitely anal when it comes to driving. When people speed, make illegal...|||I feel like part of my purpose is to help others and make a difference. I've never thought of it as my destiny, but they are probably one in the same anyway. Despite being an introvert I cannot sit...|||This is interesting. I'm fortunate to live in Wyoming and live in the valley of a mountain range. I grew up in the mountains and love going up there. I don't have to go up to do anything other than...|||I think the concept of revenge in unhealthy. I am against the death penalty. I do believe in punishment, but not eye for an eye revenge. Wanting or needing revenge builds anger and only leads to...|||Detective Goren (Vincent D'Onofrio) from Law & Order: Criminal Intent seems like an INFJ to me.|||http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/wyo1234/n905970286_4953666_1047.jpg It just don't get any sexier than that......HAHAHA :shocked: ...|||There are sure some attractive INJFs here. You ladies are GORGEOUS!|||I was so painfully shy around girls in high school it took all I had to find the muster to ask someone out on a date my senior year. Never went to any of my proms. Didn't date in two years of college...|||2004 blue Ford 4-150 crew cab. My wife just got an '09 Toyata Venza that I enjoy driving. Pretty sharp, sporty car.|||I absolutely love politics. Not crazy about the overwhelming majority of politicians at the moment, but that's another story. I consider myself a moderate who identifies more with Republicans. I lean...|||Has to be an empathy test of some sort. Maybe throw everyone in a large crowded room. If you don't feel awkward and leave in the first thirty minutes, you are outta here!|||I knew it was a joke and thought it was funny. Sorry if you misread my tone Zomboy, I did not mean for it to come across that way at all. My sarcasm and self-deprecating humor might cause that...|||Do us puny minded simpletons not deserve a chance to continue on in this universe?|||I love challenging popular notions that people have, especially when talking about politics or political issues. Sometimes I might even agree with someone's point of view, but I will debate then on...|||The mother ship is on its way! :laughing:|||For the last year or two I have had this growing sense of pending doom. Washington is in shambles. The economy is a mess. The Middle East is a powder keg. I have a sense that in the next few years,...|||HAHA....that is awesome. Though I'm new and haven't been here long, I'm greatly impressed with how supportive and polite is to everyone.|||OHHHHH!!! VERY interesting to me that you said that. Almost all of my friends are females. I would say I have two good guy friends. In comparison, I probably have about ten good women friends. The...|||I was bullied most of school years for being overweight. Started in elementary school and still occurred in high school. It had a profound impact on my trusting of people and my self-esteem. I also...|||I really don't care about birthdays. Maybe I did when I was younger, but I just don't care anymore. I hate being the center of attention at anything. I also hate surprises. My first wife threw me a...|||My Sunday school teachers in church did not like me. While everyone else was learning Bible verses, I was asking questions like....why is there not mention dinosaurs in the Bible...and....if there...|||I have not.....please explain?|||I'm more spiritual than religious. I've kind of lost my way and don't know what I believe anymore. I want to believe there is something out there, I just don't know what it might be. I am a strong...|||Oopsie.....I put an album up on my profile page if anyone is interested! : )|||I do the same thing at times. As well, I've been searching for the same answer.|||That is interesting. I think I would fall into that category. It is much more comfortable for some of us to communicate behind a computer than will an actual person. While I'm typically pretty quiet...|||In this economy, I almost think any of us with jobs should just be glad we have one.|||Pardon my self-indulgence for a bit here. Since I very recently found out I'm an INFJ, I wanted to talk about some of my habits and such and get some input from folks on whether or not I appear to...|||I fear... ...never finding a way to successfully deal with my stress ...never being able to accept myself ...never being able to enjoy and love my life|||I'm glad for you that you aren't selling anymore. That had to be incredibly difficult. I couldn't imagine having to deal with all of the unpleasantries that you must hear from rude people.|||When I need comforted by someone close to me, I just want to hold them and have them tell me they understand or that it will be okay. That's it.|||That is just such a difficult question that probably only you can answer. I know waiting for me was horribly difficult. Each person has to examine their own values and beliefs on whether or not we...|||I work as a probation officer. Started doing it at 28 and have done it for 11 years. It is a difficult job for me at times. It does enable the social worker in me to empathize and try to help those...|||Hey, that's MUCH better than Jabba the Hut! : )|||Today I forgot to do something before I left work early and my wife repeatedly tells me.....stop beating yourself up over that mistake. Ummmm thanks....that helps. Okay, maybe not so much.|||I obviously need to do some reading on this so I understand it better. Does your cognitive processing change over time or is it more fixed?|||Yeah, I'm afraid of being mocked or scoffed at for announcing this. That is why I was wondering if validating it somehow might give it more credibility to those who might not understand.
Your score was 78 of 100. This puts you in the category of the high Machs, people who do not belive in the goodness of the world and that because that it must be manipulated, people who...|||Online Aptitude Test, Personality Assessment & Expert Career Counseling at MapMyTalent This is my results: Aww... Are you sure that you have responded carefully to all the questions? Your...|||My best friend depends on how the planets are aligned on that day. Most of the time though, I don't consider anyone to be one. Sure, there are occasional friends and there are acquaintances. I'd...|||God? The God that even as powerful as it is needs people to worship it or you'd be thrown into a pit of fire for eternity? The God that made Lucifer? The God that according to whatever religious...|||I'd say it's time for you to take a sh*t because you obviously have not had one in some time. No amount of suffering, abuse and torture can be justified by your selfish desires to feel good or...|||He was raping his child. Is there ever a justification for rape? You can justify a kill for self-defense and protecting the general public from an evil person. But rape? Never heard of a vaguely...|||Spousal rape is prevalent as well. Man raping wife. Woman raping husband. How does marriage prevent rape?|||I'm not sure if I was abused sexually in my baby/toddler/childhood years. However, my own mom and dad have treated me like I'm a property of theirs. And they have done terrible things to me out of...|||I think a lot of the times killing is done in mercy. Mercy kill. Forcefully bringing people into this world is more unethical than suicide. i.e. reproducing is unethical.|||I watching something. A drama.|||That would not be bad at all. But in reality, it does not make sense. At least in probably about 90% of the world populations. I studied Islam and Christianity for a bit. The religion itself wills...|||It's our ability to dream, and realise them. We may only be specks, but we matter to us. A virus is really small, but can create such a force. I'm a nihilist myself, a lot of the times.|||honeydew durian persimmon I love so many fruits|||I just farted.:laughing: that counts right?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo lol|||An intellectual, creative environment. The library, zoo, museum, gallery.|||You find them when you actually converse with them in a non-sl*t environment where women are expected to be bimbos. Eg- in the museum. You have to converse with them to realise what they are....|||Sometimes can't give a straight answer, because it's usually a complex situation.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo :laughing:|||Sometimes(me being unstable as I am) I'm sick of everything. The way the woman stares at me in the bus. The words my fellow whatever utter to placate me. The mean-spirited mocking my dad does. The...|||It is interesting to study religion, but not to be forced to worship some deity of questionable ideals. And the truth, now that's relative isn't it?|||I think the opposite, just look at what we have done. I look at my clothes, chair, desk, laptop, wardobe, shoes, soap, shampoo, shower, toilet fridge, stove, water-heater, brick house, central...|||I subscribe both to existentialism, and absurdism. We make our own meaning, and yet we can never find meaning. It's philosophy, it's life. IMHO, ethics is build on empathy, social acceptance,...|||I'm vegan myself. I don't see the different of keeping animals as pet and eating them. Generally I think that beings that are more intelligent should not be eaten. Or those with developed enough CNS...|||UGh I'm that bored. someone SAVE ME aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh|||I'm so bored I actually forced myself to watch the first ten minutes of the newest twilight movie. That bad. I watched the newest Criminal Minds episode, Silence of the Lambs, played and lost...|||nice thread. peace is like a rare element. so hard to find. I'm an old soul. sitting on the grass in the sun somewhere high and staring at the world. or at night looking at the distant lights and...|||x93Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither...|||Well I know Creationism is false. and I have Epicurus' quote here: x93Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent....|||the doco on Bill Heyes|||Bill Hayes and his life in prison in Turkey and his escape to Greece. He's a courageous soul|||I'm just about to rewatch Revenge of the Sith which is my favourite movie of the lot. funny I saw this thread|||just earlier when walking home and when remembering something|||I joined this site Because of this discussion. I've thought about 'should I have biological kids?' a few years back. The answer is no. I think people who do have kids have them for not good enough...
'Threaten my friends, threaten my family, show yourself to be the absolute scum of the earth, show yourself that the world can truly be made a better place without you. Make yourself a murderer, a...|||Oooo, I'll like this thread. 210050 That look can get me going. >.> 210066 Love a good snuggle fest.|||I know it's been said before, and I do apologize if the information is unhelpful. entheos 's post struck a particular chord in how I live my life as well. We're fiercely guarded creatures, and what...|||You're too nice, someone will take advantage of you! You seem to just float on by, how do you do it? Calm down! Life isn't That much to fret over, stop worrying. Speak up more, nobody...|||I'm atheist myself, I have trouble following a religious belief, or movement that's partially responsible for the death of millions of people in religious crusades, or witch trials. Cold of me?...|||- I've somehow double posted, Sorry everyone.|||D'awww, I've just read the entire thread in.. *Checks watch.* Twelve hours! *Damn, I need more important things to do with my life.* Reading the thread was awesome because.. you buggers kept it...|||I am the one who always watch others. I am the one who imagine entire worlds in my head, full of people, life, adventure, and drama. I am the one that's socially awkward. I am the one that...|||Yeouch, but again, I'm none too surprised. I've seen this behavior amongst a few of my friends, and all of them had relationship issues of one reason, or another. But, isn't that what humans tend...|||D'awww, you buggers are so adorable. Wearing your intense emotions on your sleeves as you do, so eager to burn at your brightest, and gives those close to you as much Sunshine of Happiness as...|||@bluejeansandcoffee I honestly can't tell if he's an INFP or not from your post, while there is nothing to indicate he Isn't, I can see several other types acting the same way. I'd say it'd help if...|||m_dogg, your situation sounds a lot like mine, as a self defeating INFP, I'm too quick to blame myself for any single mistake I've made, thus, putting myself down constantly. But, I've also learn...|||That is awesome! I'm glad you've finally found someone who'd take far better care of you than your exes did. I wish you the best of luck for your future. :happy:|||I suck at comforting people (I HATE that part of me), but if it makes you feel better check this thread from time to time. Thank you, I definitely will check from time to time to keep reminding...|||Oh damn, I've snorted soda through my nose at what I've just read. You guys are pure evil, Evil I tell you! Evil! dismilliondullawuch Lion in Elevator, hear me roar.|||Aww, you guys are so adorable, I absolutely love it. @PJay You really should call yourself The Queen of Hugs Your pictures are so awesome. *Warning, INFP pouring heart out. Avoid if you get...|||Hilarious, reminds me of a commercial I've seen ages ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fA8ad71n94 No offense intended, but it seemed fitting. ^-^ As for what I think of ENFJs, I think...|||Oh I'm aware of that, but that doesn't stop the thought people have that one type is superior to another, we're not superior or inferior to each other. It smacks too much of self esteem issues, but...|||I'm honestly surprised at the Superiority of one type over another, aren't we all humans at any rate? And MBTI denotes how we think? From what I've seen in the forum as a whole, it's too easy to...|||@Tezcatlipoca You'll need to give us examples or more details if we're to have any place to help assist your understanding us, otherwise we'll just assume you've said that to rile us, as the...|||Oh good lord, this thread reminds me of all of why I like love and want to find a woman who's an ENFJ, damn you people, damn you!. As @mzdimples90 have said about her time on the school bus, the...|||AlliG Is that going to be your excuse in court if for some reason you felt compelled to break the law? :tongue: I'm innocent! I was possessed!|||I'm also inclined to believe it gives us some form of ability to read others accurately as well, at least within the scope of our Fi *Aka, vibes or feelings about the person.* Story time! My uncle...|||*To the_natrix* So it isn't really in a way we'd You have our trust until you throw it away. But Okay, who are you? And you judge a person based off of that. So in that sense, you trust someone...|||I do notice myself holding a lot of the same values you've posted as well, but I was also trying to keep my list condensed. But I do like your description of Exploding mine field of flowers As it...|||Alright, I've been thinking about Fi for the past several weeks now and I think I've got the idea now. I figure if we discuss at least a few values we consider important, we might clarify what Fi...|||I've just got done reading the thread that Senshu have posted, and I get the distinct feeling I'm quite out of my league with this and I have no wish to spread ignorance. Maybe perhaps I'll post...|||Arrgh, I can't believe I've forgotten that despite knowing it. Thank you for the reminder. Either way, I'm in college right now so I'll be rather tied up for the time being, I'll need to reread...|||Lovely but daunting, because I'd worry about snubbing the ENFJ on accident. The impression I get of ENFJs is when they love, they love Hard and they're not afraid to let it be known. While I tend...|||Oh wow, wasn't expecting such a response like That. Don't blame yourself Seeker, it is as much as our fault too, we're *Or can be* horrible at letting the boundaries be known, but many of the...|||Emotional freedom?! Ahh, dang. I've never thought of it that way but it make so much sense now from my previous interactions with people gone wrong. Essentially this is what I think happens, INFP...|||*Pokes his head through a doorway and look around for a moment before replying.* Interesting! And sadly I can relate to being called overly emotional as it isn't easy having a feeling *Especially...|||Understandable as your experiences were traumatic = /. I'm sorry to hear that even if I wasn't involved, but I'm also glad you haven't written us off entirely.|||I'll leave these thoughts here. The one ENFJ I've known for most of my life is damn -awesome-, we've met when we were kids and I've never ran into someone before him who've taught me what being...|||It could be that he's been criticized too much for revealing his value system earlier in his history and that its a knee jerk response to such questioning. My suggestion would be to let him know...|||I love board games for their rules isn't set in stone. Example, My family and I once played a more realistic game of life but I can't remember exactly what happened but when my sister messed me...'
'I'm feeling like I want to be wanted. I feel like I want to hear I love you's and be pulled into hugs filled with sweet promises that make me float and soar. I'm feeling lonely that I miss a...|||In short; there definitely can be. Emotional manipulation abilities are really dependent on how well you understand other's emotional needs and motivations. It might be more common for a feeling...|||So I'll keep it as brief as I can. I've been dating an INFJ guy for over a month now. It started in the summer (when we met/had our first date), then we both went away to college with the agreement...|||I'm ENFP bordering on INFP, only ENFP by like 2% lol so I feel like I can help. 1. How long after meeting a potential romantic interest will you be confident that you like them? The first...|||Ahhh that's a perfect explanation! Currently dating an INFJ that has exactly that, as described. Thank you for your reply.|||I really relate to what you mean by quiet yet strong presence. I always get a sense when I'm with INFJs, and I think it's exactly that; quiet, underlying strength. Also, could you please try to...|||Hi boyfriend-who-could-be, I know we had plans about trying out the long distance thing next semester, but part of me has already decided this is never going to work. I'm going along with this now...|||Yes and no. Depends on the guy. My last longish term relationship was awful, in every way it seems possible a relationship could be, and by the time we broke up I was sad for about a day before I...|||ENFPs! My opinion might be biased though :P Them or healthy INFPs or ENTPs. Both have awesome senses of humor that get me laugh-crying :)|||Diagnosed ADD here! I would say the best advice I could give is to not use the disorder as a crutch--i.e. I didn't get to accomplish something because I have ADD and get distracted. Understanding...|||When I told that joke, your laugh was the only one that really mattered. I'm so afraid of failing. I wish I could tell you how much I missed you. I'm not as strong as everyone thinks I am.|||A) Relationships mature with the passage of time. In the beginning during the honeymoon stage, they are filled with gushy emotions and walking around thinking about the other person, wishing you were...|||A passionate, reassuring, mutual love. The type where I know I am on his mind throughout the day, that he is always carrying a piece of me around as I am with him. I want the total support that...|||I assumed it probably wasn't (couldn't know for sure though!)---getting headline attention was my main concern. Thank you for your detailed analysis, and I agree with your iNFJ conclusion after...|||Everyone's insights were incredibly fascinating, and for that, I thank all of you. I would, however, have to insist he is a J type. Gets things done quickly, never procrastinates, practically...|||Thank you so much for your input! :) That could sound about right!|||I'm majoring in Applied Mathematics! I think it's on the rarer side for INFPs, and I definitely give myself over to a colder, more objective side whenever I immerse myself in it. It's...|||Hmm that's reasonable, what makes you think 'N' and 'T' though, out of curiosity?|||Hi everyone! :) So I have a genuine curiosity about this friend I have at university that really confounds me in terms of type. He is bisexual, a mathematical and music prodigy, attends one...|||I do something similar to her but can't seem to help it :unsure: It's like this approach-avoidance thing. I'm always uncomfortable about guys knowing the depth of which I like them, and if I feel...|||I would (gently) broach the subject again and tell her that you feel like you're being kept dangling. She'll understand. We're not unreasonable. I don't say 'I would love to' go out with someone...|||I stand up for other people before I stand up for myself. Generally, I take on an attitude that whatever anyone does or says to me, I can deal with without creating a scene or hard feelings. It's...|||I was social, but bashfully so. Even when I was little I knew the 'right' thing to do (by my extroverted parents standards) was to introduce myself to people and be friendly, so that's what I did....|||Massive, boat-like floatable kingdoms are built on top of this sea of honey. These are the only known civilized existences on the planet (doesn't mean others can't be found future posters!) and...|||I'm almost not sure if this is as much a personality type thing as it was his fixing something he perceived to be a social blunder that would prevent you guys from furthering your relationship. ...|||I dated a diagnosed sociopath (granted I didn't know this at the time) because I thought I could 'save' him. It seems to be a pattern of many of the friendships and romantic relationships I enter...|||Thanks so much for your reply! What specifically makes you say F and not T? Just curious because I had a difficult time deciding between those two letters! :)|||No ideas at all?|||Hi everyone! So right into explanation... Only thing Im pretty sure of is that he's a J personality type. He's super organized, gets all his work done wayyy before the deadline, and always is...|||Currently dating an ENTP. He thought I was quiet, kinda mysterious at first, acted 'cute' but had a lot of depth. But really, best thing YOU can do is make a lot of eye contact hanging out in...|||It's an INFP thing, but probably also an introvert thing in general. If you're really introverted and too nervous to speak, eye contact is the easiest, and practically only other go-to, available to...|||She definitely sounds interested. At least, that's how I kinda go about expressing interest in a guy, and was EXACTLY what I did with my now-ENTP-boyfriend. INFPs often tend to be quieter in group...|||A couple bits of insight and advice: Don't take her ignoring you in a group as a definite bad sign. I've done this before when I really like a guy, and although it might come off as strange, I...|||Alright-- I have definitely done this before to convey interest. Usually it's in the context of walking next to a guy and let my arm bump into his, or grazing my hand against his hand. I'm shy and...|||If we can get a decent sized group together, I might be interested.|||I'm not a hippie in terms of value system (free love, etc.), but a lot of people think I come across as hippie-esque. I feel a bit emo at times too.... haha so answer to your question; Yes, I...|||Thank you for your input! :) ENTP could be right. Anyone else have any thoughts?|||We're both in college. I think he's an introvert. Not 100% sure though. Definitely need help with the other three letters...here goes; --So he's really sensitive to people others see as...|||In the company of extroverts I don't know, I generally crawl into a corner and hide.... With my fellow introverts, or with extroverts I trust and know well, I'm pretty good at making conversation....|||I'm kind of prickly and I bite. But honestly; I don't like letting people in if they aren't my friend first. If a guy just comes out of the blue and starts being nice with the intention of asking...|||I strongly relate to this post. The fix isn't easy, but it's definitely doable. Personally, my anxiety stemmed from being afraid of messing up, and freezing under the pressure of having others...|||You're definitely not alone. I strongly relate to this post. I really crave excitement and the company of eccentric people. I think I may have unconsciously even sought out adrenaline junkies and...|||Most of the time I feel like I'm bothering somebody if I tell them my problems, or 'let them in.' I think it has something to do with an underlying core of shame a lot of INFPs have. But this...|||I think I could become addicted to things easily if I let myself. I am really, really attracted to excitement. Consequently, I have in a way become addicted to the company of strange, off-beat,...|||The best art starts with passion, which you seem to have---if there's passion, there's more than likely potential. And if art is the medium you use to express yourself, it doesn't really matter...|||Money is only as important as you want to make it. It shouldn't dominate your focus. I think of it as more of a means to an end; having enough will bring me to a stable place in life, but I don't...|||Don't quit without a plan that you know you are going to stick to. If you have ideas but no direction, it would be very easy to quit and still be stuck exactly where you are now, only without a...|||Friends say I often come off as intense, analytical, and highly skeptical. I think it's a persona I developed when I feel uncomfortable around people I either don't know very well or decide that...|||I just declared an astrophysics major. Safe to say I enjoy it :)|||I never saw it, but I think this is the basis of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Correct me if I'm wrong. But yes, I can definitely relate to this. I could never concentrate well, and zoning...'
'Or something like that lol|||Have any of you ever had that is this real life type moment. Like you can be fine one minute and the next minute everything just seems so surreal, and you feel even more out of place then before....|||Enunciate! I can't understand a word you're saying. You're a whole new dimension of weird.|||Titaaaaaniiiiiiuuuummmmmm!|||To enjoy my emotions and change others live's for the better. To never be forgotten. To help the people you love become the people you know they can be, larger than life and deserving of everything...|||I would never want to be anything other then INFP. I can see why people wouldn't want to be us though we're the most likely to get the most hurt, because we are so emotionally aware, and truly want...|||Ducatti, Ferrari|||rhyming i like lol|||this one in particular rings very true to me! I think I'll add that on to my philosophy! :D|||Since I'm super complex as I'm sure everyone on this forum is, I try to keep my philosophy on life as simple as possible. This is what I pretty much love and live by: Live life, love hard, give...|||Preach lol|||Hell yea! If by boring you mean totally. mind blowingly, fan.fucking.tastic.|||Well I know alotta people would've missed out on a lot of selfless love, with me being the sap I am! Lol there def would've been a lot of people with one less good friend. There are very few things I...|||@kaleidoscope That's almost exactly what I said! I think I just found my spirit animal. (An alternative word for soulmate) LOL Ps how am I typing in orange now??|||I realiza that as INFP's we are very observant, and intuitive. We know how to hurt a person, because we can read between the lines and figure out what their insecurities are. As friends this is a...|||I listen to music, watch movies, eat, and read. Thiese are my activities much of the time for I always feel stressed, and even if I don't who doesn't like to do theses things? Listen it seems your...|||I def have premonitions. I dream pretty much every night sleep just wouldn't feel right without them. Sometimes I see the future in my dreams just little glimpses it could happen years weeks or in a...|||I honestly have no idea but really interesting thoughts. You shouldn't think you're unworthy of love though. I think it's very rarely that you find a person undeserving of love. Also it's noble to...|||I for one cannot go a week without finding someone to crush on (an exaggeration but there's always someone. I don't think I've ever been long without some type of crush. I don't try to, but there...|||I was just recently dealing with this. It seems I went through my identity crisis a little late in highschool, but I got over it. Drugs and alcohol were present but not really a problem for me. I...|||I totally understand this, only instead of it being with regular classes it was with my spanish class, and I didn't understand what my teacher was saying because she was speaking spanish... maybe...|||I'm a senior in Highschool now, and it's actually pretty awesome. I always had a central group of friends though I was friendly to everyone. My group of friends was always the weird, corky, crazy,...|||wow that's really shitty. lol sounds like you made the right call in leaving him, and yeah burn that tablet|||Bago thanks that's really good advice i will follow it, and thank you for the help. you were very insightful|||67 not surprised|||My friend wanted me to go out with her the other night. I said like it was no big deal, but it was a big deal. I don't know any of her friends, and was fucking terrified of meeting new people and...|||This is something I realize I do pretty well. Mostly with aquantices tho never good friends. I think it can be a good or bad thing.If they don't notice you ignore them or they are only minorly...|||@Bago I am bisexual she is a lesbian, and she has no problem with me sexually I don't think, but I do see your point about her having her opinion. I just don't think her opinion's right, and that's...|||That does actually sound like her. I guess I was just hoping she wouldn't feel that way with me, but thanks for your words of encouragement. It's realy good to hear people turn what's been deemed a...|||@SweetieDee @Oh_no_she_DIDNT Thanks you guys I think I really needed to hear that.|||I have no idea how to tell her about it. After reading these threads for awhile I see that INFP's generally don't reveal how they're feeling when they're mad at someone especially if it's an ENFP....|||Ellen Paige Johnny Depp Julia Roberts Drew Barrymore Amanda Seifried That chick from Surburgatory, and Daria!|||Ok guys I've been feeling pretty heartbroken lately so if u don't want to hear I bunch of bitching then get off this thread lol. Anyway this girl who I've recently come to know on a pretty deep...|||sleep! yes this causes me the most debate in the mornings! I swear I'd be content with lying comfortably in my blanket all day! I'd need to get thick curtains though so that pesky sunlight won't wake...|||I sometimes find myself frozen in place by the most simple decisions. Like today i seriously had an argument with myself about which way would be the best way to make it back to my desk. well if i...|||Yeees I argue about whether a guys like me or not too! (FYI they do exist...)|||Intrapersonal thinkers: Spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to understand themselves Reflect on their thoughts and moods, and work to improve them You understand how your behaviour...|||I've always wondered. I love being special and all, but I really wish there was more of us. =/|||Yes I get this feeling of dread. It's never who you want it to be either.|||Nature! Nature! Nature! Nature! That's my evidence that's my God and the only thing worship.|||I think what a lot of people don't get is that dark is just as natural and beneficial as the light things in life. I never found it to be scary just another truth in the world, begging to be explored.|||Only recently with a new friend of mine. I kind of have a girl crush on her so I think i idealize her, but yeah I have been feeling really dissatisfied with our relationship. She seems like she cares...|||@Oh_no_she_DIDNT I do that all the time, and you're right you shouldn't apologize for your opinions!|||I just took this quiz in sociology class. My results were that I probably seek social desirability more than most peopel. I didn't think this was the case. But recently I've been looking at how I...|||I just get really horny, but I did get a gf that way.. so awesome. I also get really brave and become what I like to call socially adequate LOL but I hate not being in control so I try and stay away...|||Times like this make me wish I were wittier *sigh* Another lost opportunity.|||Not all just the good ones. =D|||@Acey That was awesome. You're the man LoL|||That is my biggest fear if I ever have kids 0.o Lol|||@Hindsight shoelaces is my thing. Its not like I can forget they're untied because they always get in the way. It just takes me forever to get around to tying them. Eventually people are like hey...'
'I just decided yesterday in fact, to become a teacher. I am in the middle of a different bachelor's degree so I am going to finish this one and get a second bachelor's in education. It is something...|||LOL! Well I guess it is. But it still is gross -_-|||Yes, I have the same problem. It sucks.|||Yea I have seen the same thing. See, those introverted/outcast friends are really looking for someone to attach themselves to unless they have really developed a confident sense of self. I have had...|||Haha wow these are great, except maybe the guy with the toilet seat around his neck...that was a little disturbing.|||My mother, father, and brother are all ISTJs and those are exactly the qualities I like about them...reliable and dependable. They do get really uptight and crazy when things don't go as planned...|||Like Love Obsessed, I am Junior in college as well. I went through a ton of college major changes. I wanted to find what fit me the best. The key is taking classes in diverse subjects. But if you...|||The same thing happened to me. I would develop such hardcore feelings towards guys and they were so intense. I had only known someone maybe a week. I kept it inside though and it simmer and bubbled...|||My List! Lose 175 pounds Ride a roller coaster and enjoy it Win the lottery and help my parents pay off their debt Eat and entire gallon of ice cream Get married and have kids Travel Europe...|||If you don't know what this is, go to Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes and surf through the quotes. They are amazingly funny and even more so for those people who have worked in...|||This cracks me up! Love it! SO true :laughing:|||Congratulations on reach 3,000! I hope I can get that high of a post count some day :happy:|||I think that is an amazing and wonderful goal and I hope that you get to fulfill that goal. I wish you the best of luck and I also hope that you can reach many many people for the better. There need...|||Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I like that three strikes rule. I may use that. I had a VERY thick skin and a hardened heart forever after I got hurt in a really bad long term situation. But I...|||Oh wow...this explains who I used to be completely...I used to be so much like this. I used to be very introverted and constantly have internal conflict because people wouldn't pay attention to me...|||Yeah, they will get over it even if it takes ages and ages. I put so much care and energy into 2 specific people while I was in high school/beginning of college and it DRAINED me. I went through a...|||Yeah, I spent 5 weeks in an outpatient eating disorder program at a hospital. The eating disorder is actually controlling you instead of you controlling your eating disorder. It opened my eyes to the...|||Yeah I also have a very addictive personality. This is why I refuse to even consider doing the whole alcohol thing because I know I will eventually abuse it. I wonder if there are others of us...|||A question that has been circling in my head lately is whether or not a certain personality type suffers from eating disorders more than other types. Or addictions for that matter. Thoughts? I have...|||This post made my day :laughing:|||I personally am also an advocate of people. Not causes or things, but people. I am there to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. I give people the benefit of the doubt in most...|||:laughing:|||I try :wink:|||I know, right? I love how in both this thread and my personal one we are the only ones posting. I think you scared them all away =)|||Yes, the more time I spend with him individually I seem to find a personality clash. I just wanted to research the topic as much as possible before I made a conclusion about him. As an INTJ, you can...|||Of course I wouldn't write off a whole population because I am only aware of one INTJ friend. I was just trying to compare his behavior to other INTJs and see the similarities. I know that everyone...|||Yeah the constant analyzing of things can get a bit waring. Have you ever made a generalization to an INTJ and they have to pick it apart? Example : It is perfect day outside! It could be...|||Yeah, maybe NF would be a better match. He is a great friend and we have spent a ton of time together, but the face that he doesn't outwardly express his emotion when dealing with issues is...|||Yeah, that is so very true. I do the same thing. I was living in my own apartment for a little bit of time and I had THE most random things to eat. That is when you come up with strange food...|||Haha, not me! :laughing:|||Haha that sounds like me to a T. I spend all my money on stupid crap that I didn't need and then complain when I don't have money for the things that matter. I am paying off ALL my credit card debt...|||Ok ENFPs, in your experience what has been our ideal love match? I have heard that INTJ would be ideal, but I just can't see why so far with the interaction I have had with an INTJ friend of mine. ...|||I had a long detailed conversation about work today with my INTJ friend. We come from two different worlds because of our personality types and we got into a lot of conflict. It makes me wonder why...|||Yeah it may be particularly easy for us to do such things, but just because it may be in our personality type doesn't mean that we will give in to it. And you are so right about the value system. The...|||I love these, omgoodness. I have them inserted in the front of my binder. They make me smile every day!|||Yeah that is for sure me. Wayyy back when I was in gradeschool, I was friends with all the people who didn't belong (or so it seemed). Then when the other people who belonged weren't interested in...|||:D I do like to consider myself cute and I would love for my future boyfriend to appreciate that. I do nice gestures for the people I care about and spend a lot of time in doing so.|||So yeah, I made a card for his birthday today and he didn't have much of a reaction to it. I spent like an hour on it last night making it just the way I wanted it. Maybe I should stop expecting...|||Thank you so much, your advice is very very helpful! I really appreciate it :) It is true that there is a complete difference in us socially. He loves to be social, but I am much more effective about...|||But if my friend was frustrated, would he say something? I have attempted being subtle for our whole relationship with no reciprocation. I have no idea whether he a) cannot pick up on it, b) isn't...|||I am extremely socially conservative. I agree with many many of the qualifications of being socially conservative. However, when it comes to politics I am considered (according to a test I took) a...|||I was completely determined to major in psychology for a long time. I had also considered counseling and being a teacher but I ultimately chose to major in Christian Ministries with a Youth Ministry...|||I am an ENFP and I have known an INTJ for 7 months now. We work together 3 days a week and also hang out socially at a church event every Thursday. So in other words, I see him a lot during the week....'
'Aww man. You poor, poor guy. What can I say? I had a few infp friends. Oh yes. They're great and all, they really understand you, but... So close. Oh so close but it's there. We know each other. I...|||I have an INTP friend who I used to talk to. Loves chess it's so fucking boring. We went through everything at work. We were really cool. We were great coworkers. One of the best. He almost died in a...|||I hate everything and everyone. Sorta. I care too much. I always ask myself what the hell am I gonna do? I'm lost. I like to just live in the forest where no one bothers me or live in Alaska or...|||I remember the first time I learned what death is... And I cried a lot.|||I hate driving. I feel handicapped. All I do is move my arms and barely move my head. I like an open road so I can drive really fast because it's fun. Driving with other bad drivers gets me nervous....|||I rage like crazy internally and when it comes out, you're in for a world of my hell. I start thinking crazy thoughts. Imagining many ways to kill that person (which I really don't want to kill at...|||Yes. A simple question I asked, just one simple, easy question I asked, and they don't answer back just 30 seconds after the person texted back and I asked a question and don't get any answer back...|||Seriously.|||I get lost in buildings very easily. Lol.|||Endless internal voice|||Awesome! I really like these living quarters/ideal houses. It makes me really happy.|||Wtf? LOL. XD|||This is just me talking. I have thousands of thoughts after reading all of that. A few pointers I can say for ya(I guess) and for me because you know, something tells me that I should give a damn...|||Everyone, I appreciate all your comments and your time. :) They were very interesting and great.|||Ya. I don't trust GPS too. I try to get to some destination and follow the directions but I get the feeling that the directions are off. I feel as if these directions are the long way or I'm in some...|||Lol. Me too.|||Thank you all so much!|||I know my words can sound so contradicting and am very sorry about that. It's hard for me to say the right words. I sound backwards and i am sorry if I caused frustration for you.|||I did. For some good time. I think I still may have to do more research. Well, it's just, those assessments were really ticking me off. I think, I really might be an isfp. But, those assessments......|||I am 22.|||No. You're OK. Nothing against you or dissatisfaction, nothing I disapprove here. It's all good. Good answer. But, I get what you mean that it's used as a model. It's just now I'm finding mbti,...|||Lol. Yeah I'd be fired the first day too. I'd have to ask everyone where do I go.|||Yeah. I'll definitely will be getting lots of different answers. It's very interesting.|||I meant home as in, how to get back. To where you need/want to go. Home, lol, where the heart is. Very nice.|||Actually, have any questions and comments, you may. I've shouldn't have cut off like that. So, I'm still open. I just won't be doing anymore research.|||Thank you for your reply. Today, I'm officially quitting this mbti, socionics, jung, etc thing away. In the beginning, I knew there was someone wrong with it. But, I kept on researching and...|||I think I'm an INFP. I may be mistaken. So, are intuitive people good at finding their way home? Or sensors? I have to use a GPS find my way home. If I don't have it, I have a rage fit, and go on a...|||Ok. I know I'm very sure I am INFP even though many assessments that I've taken never gave me that result because like many others say that they're inaccurate or whatever. But, I disagree with most...|||Thanks for telling me.|||I've been thinking about MBTI since I found it online almost 2 years ago. I took the test and got Infj. Read the description and it kinda sounds like me. I took it again and again, the results change...|||No. I can't decide which. Damn. I just played Sonic Lost Worlds. He really looks like an intp. Which means, there's two types of Tails! But yeah, like I said, character personality varies especially...|||Alright. It took me a long week to think of what type Tails is. Really, I thought about it for a long time and did lots of research. I'm going to go with isfj. I think I'll stick to that. That...|||Entp would be Eggman.|||Yeah. You're right. As soon as I read this, I had to research the difference between Ni and Ne. So infj is out of the question. How about isfp? I'll research more on that.|||I have trouble typing Tails. I know Sonic is an estp. The types I come up with is infp, and infj. Fi is there, Ti is there, Ne is there or Ne, these are my thoughts and I'm unsure. Anyways, let me...|||You know you're an infp after you read this. Go to Google and type in personality type project handbook. Click on the very first link and read the pdf. It is the best, easiest, most simple test...|||Lol.|||I hate, I really hate to be taken for granted. It's something I want to change. I wish it never happens to me. Then I'd be more happy. But some are just too damn lazy. Ask when you actually need help...|||... Damn. I'd go insane! Sent from my LGL86C using Tapatalk|||*hugs back* ty. I feel better now.|||Sure. Why not? Makes me feel happy. :)|||Scratch off everything what I said.|||Sorry guys. I'm not an infp. I'm an infj the whole time reading all of these posts were very interesting. Some of them didn't relate to me at all like reading a bunch of books. I couldn't do that....|||I get that alot|||You know you're an infp when you doubt yourself... A lot!|||You know you're an infp when we'll this happened to me yesterday. I saw a bumblebee outside. And I always like bumblebees. I saw one getting pollen from a white flower. I touched it because I like...|||You know you're an infp when you avoid and hate eye contact on certain sort of occasions I can't really put my finger on even with a close friend. Like say being in the spotlight.|||YKYAINFP when you know you're not comfortable with estjs and the worst estj is the one inside you. Sent from my LGL86C using Tapatalk|||Lol. I still got my stuffed animal. It's a hippo and it's in a chest. I feel really bad that it's there all by itself in the dark.|||Correct me if I'm wrong, you know you're an infp when you really hate hunting. Sent from my LGL86C using Tapatalk'
'I got a 140. Website gave 4 stars and said Amazing in bold type. Now though, I have the emotional impressions of taking care of a crying kid, leading a workgroup to solve a nagging problem,...|||You're afraid you might have said something hurtful to someone and freak out a little because they didn't respond right away to a text,.. then when they respond, and nothing bad actually happened you...|||I think yes. There is that, i don't even know what to call it, but cautious highly alertness projected outward, ready for emergency evacuation procedures if what is energetically received is...|||You've convinced yourself that you're going to put your foot down because someone has crossed the line with you, and immediately when you meet that person, all that goes out the window and for the...|||This is where misunderstandings abound in this area. First off, good for you, you shouldn't believe in that non-sense, because it's absolutely not true and if you do, it will cause trouble in your...|||Great question! This is an all too common misunderstanding that i've witnessed in the Law of Attraction circles, and needs clarification before anything satisfactory can occur. Since i'm not going...|||You feel the surge of emotional conflict before the person has even texted anything....|||Divine Giver : ... I suppose, if you came with such thing as an emotional truth of the experience that an ISTJ would have a problem that an ISFJ doesn't, yes. Have you tried the same thing with an...|||With an ISTJ I know, a conversation usually goes like this: INFJ: Did you see that cat just jump in the air and catch like 5 birds at once? It was wild!! ISTJ: 5 birds! How is that even...|||Libra INFJ here,... not sure what that means :)|||Usually INFP's annoy me at first, and then charm my heart beyond anything I could have thought of after a long period of time, once they open up and I'm allowed to enter their world,... before that...|||I didn't read all the posts, but as an INFJ, I never have naturally been in a relationship with an ESTJ. It's always been forced, because of work or family. What I do like about ESTJ's when...|||Hey all, i'm hoping an ESFJ could chime in here and give me some perspective. I have an ESFJ friend which is very dear to me. We have so much fun, he has amazing people skills, is able to make...|||I know exactly what you mean about the sadness, I've felt it too,..but I also have to say I don't believe it's an all INFP thing, i think it's specific to this INFP, possibly he's more immature than...|||You hit it right on the money. Once I realized this about the INFP's I interact with, everything went so much smoother, they were happier and I was able to be understanding, and we were able to share...|||I interact almost every day with an INFP and what bothers me most about his strong Fi is his sort of selfishness / in his own feeling perception world, where he's sort of self absorbed and doesn't...|||A fully vegetarian meal while the people i'm with are eating dead chickens and dead cows and I don't say anything because I don't want to hurt their feelings or ruff any feathers on the subject.|||What a wonderful post, Thanks! I too share the same sentiments. I think it maybe an INFJ thingx85. I know I approach conflict first and foremost in a gentle way with higher principles in mind...|||I donx92t know about anyone else, but being true to my preference for music, I have to say I love instrumental only (no words or voices),... classical melodies and I pick one song and milk it until I...|||The biggest benefit I received from realizing i'm an INFJ, is that of self-appreciation and self-acceptance. I always thought I was wrong or flawed for being what I was. I wasnx92t like others, I...|||I'm unable to write all the details involved, so there is much going on that i'm not mentioning,... I mainly kept to the points that directly involved his aspect to fit in harmoniously in the working...|||I believe that a dominant Ni will forever have a sort of hidden area, or hidden agenda simply because it’s impossible to communicate in real time the patterns recognized, especially to a non Ni...|||No I didn't paint it,.. I was searching for Wizard pictures on google and as soon as I saw this I said OMG,.. this is me!!! Basically embodies who I am.--- I young child at heart, with a renewed...|||I can so relate,.. and being a male, you can imagine how it’s not very manly to be so sensitive to where the simple inflection of how someone says something can leave lingering feelings of hurt..….....|||This is a very common occurrence. Less mature INFJ's tend to retreat to their tertiary function of Ti when they are incapable of processing or reconciling their inner wounds. It's a place that is...|||Hey all, wanted to give an update on this: Things are going really well...i mean really well. I found out that he questions the validity of everything until it passes his logic test and makes...|||Thanks for the responses all. I have had boundary issues for a while and I still find it hard to know how to strengthen them. Any suggestions for this INFJ? To clarify, this isn't a corporate...|||Hey all, I'm in a situation where I have an INTJ (or possible ISTJ) working under me. We seem to clash when I ask him to do things... He wants to remain in his own world, questions the logic of...|||http://0104.nccdn.net/1_5/39b/288/111/energy-body.jpg|||I'm exactly the same way,.. it's the one type that goes where I wouldn't predict.|||INFJ - Autumn when the leaves change colors, summer is over so there is a calm, collectedness in the air...it's getting colder so a sweater is in order but it's not so cold that it's uncomfortable.....|||One question that comes to mind,... is there any sort of human interaction component that you would get long term satisfaction from and that would inspire/energize you that is not present in your...|||In my understanding of this (which DISCLAIMER I can be wrong since i'm a bit new to this), the INFJ quite literally doesn't share any similar cognitive functions to the INFP. INFJ is: Ni Fe Ti...|||I chuckled a bit when I read the title of this thread cuz I think i'm a bit like that too... I'm always everything is ultimately fine, relax but at the same time i'm always ready for, and on...|||So funny you mention We seem to unintentionally offend each other,.. that's exactly what ends up happening lol!! He'll say something in response to a funny/kind thing I did, and I know he thinks...|||Oh wow, thanks for the responses. Some of these points hit the nail on the head... I find him self centered, and he finds me not centered enough. I think he doesn't care about anyone else's...|||In MBTI knowledge, is there an inherent communication barrier for those with Fi dominant or aux to those with Fe dominant or aux? or INFJ to INFP communication barrier? I have an INFP I come into...|||Talking while brushing your teeth... don't,.. please just don't.... :tongue:|||I got into Tech, and theoretical physics at a young age as a defence mechanism. It was a place to tune out feelings and abide in a place of just pure logic... while it was not fulfilling, it did...|||I want to briefly share something I noticed when I take the feelings I pickup from other people personally. Ix92m speaking from my INFJ perspective so please keep that in mindx85. I have the privilege...|||A brute force life is rough life is tough then you realize you make it up a new game starts, a change in feeling then all of a sudden life’s appealing|||In times when i've denied myself full movement of true emotional expression over a sustained period of time, through retreating to a cold, calculated thought based place, i've noticed that the pent...|||In your own opinion... Where are we? We're in a self chosen, highly focused environment where we have forced ourselves to explore a self-chosen theme about our divinity in order to evolve and grow...|||Thank you for sharing, I love your comment. Part of the challenge i've had in the past is that I've never met an INFJ in real life. It's great to hear that you're open to understanding your...|||A rambling on the structure of love. One of the greatest sources of love and appreciation that can endlessly sustain one in a state of ever-new bliss, amounting to an intimate orgasm with all of...|||I know that I unconsciously and naturally change my mannerisms and descriptions based on the personality of who i'm talking to. Besides common sense manners and being polite, I really don't have an...|||https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f0/8b/be/f08bbe786a0d5faf216280f1f8a24846.jpg|||Hello all, I call myself a new INFJ because until recently I had no idea that an accurate assessment of the mental processes that ix92ve been using since I can remember have been discovered and...'
'Well then. You're advising people to relax. I like that. Telling people to be themselves when one means to tell them to relax is cryptic and misleading however. It's much simpler and more helpful...|||Be yourself is the biggest load of bullshit ever. It implies that your character and mannerisms are pre-programmed and if you somehow deviate from your programming, s-y-s-t-e-m malfunction......|||You believe the fucking living shit out of them!!!|||I enjoyed CatchTwenty2wo's reply. I'm an ENFP and I'm incredibly hard-headed and stubborn. I wish everyone around me could see the positives more than the negatives in almost any given situation, and...|||From what I can tell, you're most definitely depressed. And if all ENFPs are alike in this regard, you won't know you're depressed till you're in so deep, you won't remember what it was like to be...|||I can't think of anything. The only subject I'm ever afraid of discussing is my emotions. Even then, I eventually go on a drunken emotional rampage, once every year or two. It's interesting what you...|||Absolutely untrue. I find that when I see people again after not seeing them for a long time, I'm often treated like a stranger by someone I consider a friend. The bonds I form with people don't...|||Strategy > Tactic. If I ever found myself legally bound by a US marriage certificate to a woman I no longer wished to spend my life with, I would change identity and start life somewhere new. The...|||I know a few ENTPs and I swear not a single one of them can control their need to fuck with people.|||I know exactly how my house is laid out and I can tell if anything is out of place, and it pisses me off when something is out of place. I have a specific place for everything. I get mad every time...|||It can stop, but it usually doesn't. Not just ENFPs but humans in general are typically programmed to dream of bigger and better. Only once you break the hold the material world has over you, can you...|||You sound like a profound person and you never truly know what is driving someone. The longer it drags on, the more someone will get hurt. Give her a day to make up her mind.|||I have yet to meet an ENTP who doesn't enjoy fucking with people on a regular basis. In fact, all of the ENTPs I know can't help themselves.|||I have several stages, that are different for people I share a bond with and people I barely know. Stage II only occurs if the issue was never resolved after stage I. Also, this only applies to...|||Do you regularly enjoy fucking with people?|||This is the part where I stopped reading. Do it. Travelling is fucking amazing. Working 9-5 is as boring as staring at a pile of horse shit. People will always want you to conform, but you know what?...|||Sex, drugs, alcohol, and lots of 'em. They help maintain the illusion that you don't need to be loved.|||I've never fallen madly in love at first sight with an INFJ. It usually takes a degree of pretense, conscious or otherwise for that to happen anyway, and INFJs are typically the most profound and...|||My entire life, I've always dreamed of being a better and better person. Healthy INFJs have this way of showing me that I have no clue what it means to be a good person. No frame of mind is quite as...|||The environment is capable of convincing individuals of any type, that you have to be a certain way in order to survive. And sometimes individuals struggle between morality and survival, but most...|||I find that ENFPs are typically excellent learners from exemplary education. If you have any confident and assertive friends or family, spend more time with them. You will subconsciously pick up the...|||Thank you to everyone who's shared their advice. I appreciate it all. This post is by far the most helpful. It got me thinking deeply. I don't know. Proposing hasn't crossed my mind. I don't...|||Hi. So about a year ago, I met my childhood best friend for the first time in over two decades, and after one thing led to another, I ended up staying with her. She has a 7 year old boy who I'm...|||Assuming the exercise is out of the person's comfort zone. ISTP/INTP = Calm/Calculated Focus. ESTP/ENTP = Controlled/Calculated Frenzy. There's also Enneagram Types to take into consideration....|||When you find yourself explaining to your boss why you suddenly had to leave on a 3 week holiday without taking leave of absence.|||^ Feels like a fish in a tree, every time he goes out into the real world. Also is probably contemplating suicide after his disastrous grammatical hiccup.|||Step 1. Stroke the ego. Step 2. Question ability. Step 3. Compete. Seems to work on competitive peeps in general.|||^ Probably has someone in their life who genuinely thinks they are a psychopath. That someone is probably right.|||We already established that people with high iqs will not necessarily give birth to children with high iqs. It's no different for height and looks. Also, height, beauty or even health aren't a...|||Incorrect. The maybe you suggest is the opposite of the maybe that's practiced in medicine. Not necessarily. Perhaps you have yet to figure how you can help humanity, and this topic is your...|||My point exactly. You're contradicting yourself. On the one hand, you are saying the majority of people need to be weeded out as they are stupid, and on the other, you are suggesting that since they...|||Incongruent hypocritical troll with double standards. That about covers everything you said. The problem is, unless you're willing to reason out your argument and share it with me, I can't do much...|||Intentions are never in black and white, only actions are. I will give you something though. I did need to have my hand held for me to get on topic. I have a hard time backing down from confrontation...|||Like I said, I wasn't trolling you, but you're going to believe what you want to believe and clearly have little to no intention of backing up your accusation, so there really is no point in...|||It's difficult. I'm very good at dealing with emotions as long as there aren't too many, because I can only process so much at a time. When I'm overloaded with emotions, I feel extremely...|||It's no wonder you so desperately want to keep me around, when you're no more than a troll with petty insults in her arsenal. I suggest you address the one person who is politely trying to keep your...|||No, I'm not lost, nor was I trolling. I'm not particularly concerned with your desire for exclusivity, or your conditional acceptance of outsiders, or your rules. In any case, don't worry about me....|||Your initial response was more than enough evidence of the fact that I didn't psyche you up. I don't look for validation in others, but I appreciate the assumption. For a second, you had me thinking...|||What specifically is arrogant about giving birth? I'd give you a rebuttal, but your statement isn't specific enough. So you agree that there is no guarantee that eugenics will weed out...|||I don't place a lot of value on typology. I was just trying to psyche you up into facing your emotions, because yes, I assumed you'd have an easier time taking over a country than doing that, and yes...|||The entire notion is arrogant. You think you or your equals have what it takes to decide who should get to live and who shouldn't. And how exactly would you measure someone's intelligence? Do...|||You're not living up to the stereotype if you aren't licking your lips at what may be the biggest challenge you could ever face. Are you really going to let emotions keep you hiding behind denial or...|||Ti looks inside for processing thoughts. Te looks outside when processing thoughts. Te is more likely to agree with the environment as it's pretty much anchored to it, while Ti is more likely to...|||I'm sorry to burst your bubble but life isn't something that requires your consent. Your arrogance has blinded you to the extent that you've come to value the results of an iq test(incomplete and...|||IQ is a poor test of intelligence.|||Stimulate them emotionally and ENFPs are probably easier to manipulate than most other types. We tend to lose the bigger picture and focus on all the little things one at a time when we're...|||So basically people with characteristics you despise. As for the topic, I only came in here to read a specific post resonpding to the OP. Eugenics is based on ignorance and will only breed more...|||Absolutely. Ignorance limits people more than anything else I can think of. Honestly and sincerely teaching people is perhaps the only way forward.|||It's not so much that I fail to learn a lesson, but rather that I believe there are always variables at play that I wasn't aware of the first time. The way I see it, I may do what appears to be the...|||I understand but disagree with you based on my personal definition of what a friend is and what a lover is. A lover is someone I have a mutually romantic relationship with, while a friend to me, is...'
'It was worth letting you in. Glimpsing in to you - I saw myself in a better place. The world wasn't gray, the flowers bloomed. We defied gravity with every word. We let out the rage and left...|||starlight days and aurora nights how i wish for this|||I'm drawn into the void within, its a place I've been before. Whispers in the dark is all the noise I hear as of late. I've crossed then realms of this world to listen to your heart. Its crowded....|||Time ticks on, my lust for lust increases Seconds rise with each heart beat Love is a world i long to be in Tangled up emotions, withdrawn from reality Time is everything that stands in my way.|||Endless hours become days, months and years I've waited for the hour, the moment it comes along. It seems like eternity searching for what comes next. Words jumbled they're all blocked from the...|||I cradled your heart when the light escaped your very eyes I held you close when the frozen reality sunk in Hell was upon us yet we thrived in the dark I still search for you in moonlight I...|||Time ticks down Words locked behind closed doors Piece by piece this heart crumbles Feelings of solitude scorn this heart Every second time fly's by I stand still Holding, unable to let go..|||Loves beauty lives on in us. Love felt yet never worn. Love has knelt you many times before. Love the wind in your sail. Love the smile in the rain. Love words your heart feels Love courage to...|||@Nightstorm so he's a normal guy thats distant not only from himself but from you too. Can you describe in nearly a year the extent of his emotional connection to you. Cause i mean after nearly a...|||Rain drops on this withered heart. Life is but meaning in the feelings. The struggle to withstand. Becoming whole again. Love is hard.|||I feel I'm splitting my soul once more, the emotions rip into me like fine blades. I'm afraid of losing who i am. sigh. i wish i could voice some things out but i don't have anyone left that would...|||Another day ends with the rise of the sun. Another tear drop felt drop onto the pieces of this tattered heart. I almost lost it, its just hard to see, keeping other at a distance. I feel the need...|||The journey within presents itself through vengeful sights and hard felt blows Every punch bringing you down further and further.. But do they keep you down.. Every broken experience and heart...|||I'd really appreciate hearing your stories or advice on mastering excessive feelings/emotions and I'm sure other young INFJ/ENFJ would benefit too. Mastering excessive feelings/emotions is a...|||First of all this isn't a flaw, more so you just need a bit more understanding of yourself. Giving off vibes and such is a very subconscious thing, we don't necessarily think about it. You are...|||I've come to the realization that I've been suppressing huge amounts of intense anger rage & hostility. I thought I was happy but it was just a lie I was telling myself. Rage anger & hostility is...|||Worlds collide If and when hearts do is up to you. Can I live for a moment Why is it so hard to find the meaning in this pain. I can't keep running... I can't stop running.. I'm outta breath....|||There's a certain savagery in these words that just portrays the raw emotion of it all so beautifully. I love it so much. Passive yet intimidating, subtle yet fierce, a warning but it feels like an...|||Hello, I read the situation your going through from your previous post in this fourm. I want to say that its hard, definitely hard to just tell yourself things are going to be different. Its hard...|||really?, that is interesting maybe we should be best friends c: mhm but no really that has me quite curious.|||Love Love just hold me close. Hold me close, please. Please just don't let go. Don't let go of who I am. Who I am is everything you want. Everything you wanted, right here standing in front of...|||I'm so very sad to hear you are going through a rough time. If I could reach across this screen i'd give a Long warm hug, if need be a shoulder to cry on. It's definitely not easy to just go through...|||Pardon the intrusion xD I personally like to feel like everyone has an aura of sorts, whether it be a color or a feeling with it. I feel we all have a sort of signal we give off, whether vocally...|||master of time and space Be strong man, its not easy to watch something like this happen and you definitely feel guilty about it. i'd acknowledge your own thoughts and feelings when you mention it or...|||http://youtu.be/iPHjM19j018|||To be honest just reading that kind of angered me a bit haha. I personally take relationships seriously whether it be friendship or love. So if I knew 2 friends dating over a year and one of them...|||How do you become at peace with yourself? Hello so i'm gonna take this posts name as essentially what it is your asking along with things you've mentioned. So how do I become at peace with myself,...|||Feeling so conflicted with emotion and thoughts like i got 24 things to say and 50 questions right behind them. then i feel like i just get frustrated with it all and choose to not give a fuck. Its...|||@motherofdragonslover , @Sei35 You two are incredibly adorable <3 that whole back and fourth made smile lots. xD I do feel we should keep her, As long as she doesn't press all the buttons!! ahaha....|||Another day ends with the rise of the sun Another tear drop felt drop onto the pieces of this tattered heart I almost lost it, its just hard to see, keeping other at a distance I feel the need to...|||GentleLions although its not that its hard for me to share with others, but more so i'm careful whom I share with. thanks for the some what heartfelt reply.|||sometimes i ponder why i understand feelings so well, then other times i feel like i can't even begin to comprehend them...There's so much I am keeping within i feel like i'm slowly shattering...|||You were there for a moment, distant and unable to see. I grasped at your hands and held them close You were my sun, my rain, my pillow to rest upon you were the night I desperately sought solemn...|||Bliss Release The feelings I hold close to me. The incantations I seldom share with another. The feeling of receiving equal affection. The night is my zone, my world, my time. Reflection ...|||Withered by scars, I seek love in whole. I seldom see the light within the dark. Brisked with the words that ended my hearts loving reign. The pain swiftly came with the illusion of a dream....|||Thank you for this beautiful reminder.|||in my personal experiences im not sure i hope so, cause after seven years she became more then just my girlfriend she was like a best friend. im sure she's closing herself in and doing things to...|||i just went through 7 years with an infp my relationship ended 3 days ago. sadly i was shut out and closed the door on. i know how it feels. The approach i'd use is simply be not emotional but u...|||Its finally ended 7 years of love... i shed all i can and in the end she wouldn't let me speak. she shut me out and simply closed the door. how you make 7years go away and tell urself it didnt...|||I lay my heart to rest each night, I breath in again. I feel and I feel, these thoughts linger on and on. Peace is light and warm like the love I share with you. Yet the fire stokes beneath those...|||The darkness of this room seeps in again I'm alone, yet never really alone The words...these words.. they whisper of resentment. i hear them say many things, i dare not shed light to. My voice...|||I feel like the one thing that matters now to me is just the quality of the Love i'm receiving. Other then that i guess i've become super laid back, I used to have a list. maybe its got something to...|||http://youtu.be/P_9U-zkEPAI|||I'm in a state of thoughts, just thinking about a lot. Choices..decisions made..any clarity I've strived to gain. I think about a lot at night for years now. I see myself at a distance, I peer...|||Rebel Rebel Rebel Rebel the feeling of utter demise Rebel from the dark yet fight to survie Rebel from those whom keep you cornerd Rebel Rebel Rebel Rebel feelings of discouragement Rebel...|||I am the test within myself I feel the need to flow outward, to align these broken thoughts I see the darkness around me, the despair of feeling alone The fierce veil before me does not block the...|||just realized i missed a month on my sr22 :C FUCK MY LIFE... I'm just hoping my license isn't suspended. Even more so that I don't have to do 3 more years cause I am on my last year.....|||I am pretty sure I am a guy and a INFJ. one of my real life friends is a INFJ as well he can be pretty subborn with me, i guess i know what it feels like. So we do exsist, I can be confident and a...|||How the fuck am I still alive...|||legit was me for the past 2 weeks. not even playin. V.V I really don't know how I do this. Thanks. I'm still processing.'
'Ah. I saw my sweet daughter last Sunday. She showed up at a family function. She knew I would be there. I took to heart all I read on this thread and treated her according to her needs as a intj....|||My mother was/is estj gone wrong. She has been diagnosed with a mental illness... but at 45 I still don't buy it. The beginning and end of her problems seems to me to be the fact that she absolutely...|||OMG... I can't stop laughing. ...... ah... wiping tear from eye.... how could anybody deny you their veggies? Stay in the garden and play all day nt|||joy kill..... it stops it stops... ;0))|||Its kinda weird when you poke around on a man's abdomen and do not feel anything... no ovaries, no uterus... just muscle (If your lucky ladies;o) .. And an occasional hernia. Yikes that must hurt!|||Here baby.. I'll open my gates and let you in;0)|||Dear Annoying..mous, Your such a child. Really? You think you know something about me? Yuo think you got it ALL figured out. . . Brilliant. I do respect that it only took one bite to get you to...|||I have random fears too.. 74464|||hey @NT the DC you could eat my veggies :wink:|||Blush.. thanks..|||Famous ENFPsENFP Champion | Oddly Developed Types Real People Adolf Hitler - Fuhrer of the Third Reich, initiator of WWII, mass murderer. (Note: Hitler is often mistyped as an INFJ. At the...|||Wow! Sounds like you got it all figured out. Impressive. As always. You contribute plenty to consider. Thanks again for sharing. ;o)|||And what a reliefe that must be! Who would want to live with that kind of crazy? Im optimistic that you are right If such a diety did exsist it he she shit.. would make it worth pretending it...|||Hug. Hug Hug... big big big HUG... Not sure what an irl hug is though|||omg.. Your post made me cry. I 've never watched the movie because I've been waiting on my intp lover and I to have time and sit down. The clip I saw was the one you mentioned. THAT IS how my intp...|||I asked this question based on a study I read online. Frankly I found it infuriating as an F and a believer. they concluded that F feelers are more likely to believe than the thinkers errrr. ...|||G0 back and read what I said. I didn't say that enfp's are inclined to be optimistic about God. or that they need God to be optimistic. ;o)|||Sorry it took me a while to get back to your question. I didn't say that I thought optimism is based on a belief or faith in God. I asked what you anchor your optimism to... :happy:|||Thank you! That is exactly how it is. I can be mature if I need to be.. but I don't have a stick permanantly wedged up my hind end either. I can show you how to have a good time.. if you would...|||Run MelBel run!!!|||Perhaps your right. I'll consider that. Thanks for sharing. :wink:|||MelBel... over here! 7309973100 Cool hu. The house whos porch I was scrubbing was just as eeerrie and cool... I remember the ash was a greesy green film on the porch .. this motel was to my back....|||http://youtu.be/E2VCwBzGdPM|||Hey guys lots of interesting thoughts here. I see strong enfp's in Hitler after reading mein kampf.. Anybody here read that before. Several things stuck out at me. First was that everything no...|||Hug back and another one just because your so sweet. Lololo they have looked up and down about 12 times since I first started this thread! thank you for your warmth and encouragment. I just left...|||Aside from the few injts that replied with helpful resources and information and to whom I am greatful. The rest of the intj's have revealed to me and those who know me, my daughter and our history,...|||1|||sigh... now my dark depressed intp boyfriend is coming to drag me away.. I had fun guys. Thanks and I'll be back soon. People really care? That's good to know. bye guys.. and she bounces out...|||And infJ? Really? Oh and you ment it? Really? You are soo sweet. You give more sweetness than I feel we deserve. But I like you too and I really love that you tried and succeeded in cheering me...|||God I love you. Youre my new bff.. wait I'll be back .. I gotta go get some of my own wine;)|||And .. while these things probably distracted from me realizing ..... what a wonderful friend she was and is now.. Its our own short comings in not appreciating the steadfastness of a true...|||The most loyal true blue friend I have was the isfj I met when I was 18. I am now 44 and only starting to apreciate what an amazing friend she has been to me. I would have noticed before but.. well I...|||Okay. You cheered me up cause I sense the above is dripping with sarcasim and I love that almost as much as snuggles But I cannot be sure. I HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO THE INFJ's yet on my quest to...|||Gasp! Now way.. I KNOW!! The whole Holocaust thing was without question. Dead evil. No doubt. And I am no Hitler defender.. Note again. This is in no way an opening to an eventual defense of...|||Really! Wanna snuggle???? ;o)|||lol! I'm never quite sure why I am depressed when I get this way! I just know I need to reconnect to a human and I am really sad because the humans around me that I love seem .. unconnectable right...|||[QUOTE=octaviawhooves;3752338]Honestly, I allways feel like this and refuse to believe that there is such a thing as pure evil (although I am willingly dragged by the drama in stories and such)....|||[QUOTE=octaviawhooves;3752338]Honestly, I allways feel like this and refuse to believe that there is such a thing as pure evil (although I am willingly dragged by the drama in stories and such)....|||Challenge my authenticity and sincerety in any way shape or forum and watch the door close behind me. Oh you think Im a fake? Im not sincere? Your statements reveal more about you than come...|||Sigh.. Im alone!!! Waaaa! How pitiful is this? Im replying to my own post.. Im all alone... there's no one here to ride me.. my problems have all flown there's no one here to guide me... BUT YOU...|||Being ENFP is not always easy and bright rays of sunshine. When I was younger I suffered the disalusionment and shock of realizing what? Not everybody loves everybody? And you don't love me?...|||I am posting from a cell phone. not sure how this will turn out. thank you for the song. you are very sweet and your posts are encouraging. i do want to clarify one thing however. i do not blame my...|||I sense this may be true of Cyn too but it is hard to be certain. I am sure she is also is responding to some very deep wounds too. However! After reading all the posts I am confident of...|||Thank you all for your insight and precise honesty. All the comments are more helpful than I can explain in a short little post. ;0))|||1|||No the problems stem from a very bad past for all of us and from personality conflicts now. After reading the post's here from other intj's I am confident she will return and when she does I...|||LOLOLOL... That is exactly how I eventually did respond. After I lightened up a bit. We would laugh. Are you that little fly that was on the wall :o)|||p.s.Joan Crawford. on this thread.... LOVE IT> It was my intj daughter that lead her younger sisters to adress me as mommy dearest and retort with yes mommy dearest after every instruction I...|||lolol... I had to check your type after reading your words. No intj would ever say that. The start threads with captions like. I HATE BEING AROUND ENFPs. Your an intp!!! Of course you would have...|||oi... You sound like my intp boyfriend'
After reading this, and the threads you started for confirmation, I am fairly confident you are an ENXp E7, specifically ENFp. Your post structure, sentence structure, tendency to examine things from...|||I'd have to settle down first. How are you feeling these days?|||Y'all think the bad things you do are 'for the greater good.' mhmm.|||INFP: Life has already been rough, why would I criticize you further? :(|||Hi friends|||You put that all so well. Especially the part about wanting to be with people for the sake of quenching the burning of ideas by sharing them aloud with another. When I was in school definitely...|||He's not head over heels. Doesn't mean he doesn't like you. For your own sake, I would suggest considering it a Summer fling, and if he moves to your area, fantastic, then you will see him in person....|||Touche lmao|||INFJ fails an opportunity to hit a savage blow at INTJ... Ni blinding you to opportunities. INTJ unable to read emotions....|||INTJ takes things personally and puts others down to make himself feel better in response... I thought it was us NF types who were supposed to be overly emotional? Raise up your inner Fi!|||Thanks iamken and Meter90 and all. My Fi must have been acting up when I asked if we could get along--of course we can. World peace. I may come back when I learn more.|||Thanks Gilly and Eggsies! Very helpful responses. I was serious, and definitely agree that I don't understand Fe. There are two people I am thinking of, and we do not have a relationship where...|||So I have a question... do ENFPs and ENFJs ever get along? What is an ENFJ at their best like? Would an ENFJ ever donate anonymously to charity (and not brag about it to friends and family?) I have a...|||aelin what confused me is that you said you felt the same way, but then spent half the post talking about a boy with whom you did NOT feel a connection. Also the fact that you said you feel like you...|||GlassCannon thank you. I think I'm getting a hang of this. aelin Are you sure you're an ISTP?|||Hi ISTPs, I recently spent a week with my friend at his aunt and uncle's rural home. One of the best weeks of my life, and one of the highlights was his uncle--I felt this intense, understated...|||He sure does. The first chapter is boring definitely. I will check it out!|||OMG I'm dying actually LOLing. Only if y'all keep mentioning me and if I can't figure out how to unsubscribe from a thread. Because_why_not why not both, inglorious leader? ^_^|||You missed the insult. Just like you miss most social things. But you're right this thread really isn't my cup of tea.|||I just joined the forum yesterday but you do strike me as an ENFJ. Definitely the funnest people to spar with as they see beneath the words, as it were, and won't really give you a break. In my...|||ROFL @ last paragraph! That's hilarious. I can see how 20th century America isn't exactly the most welcoming environment for ENFP males, except the few who make it (and boy do they make it). Even...|||Do you mean you talk less? Limit the enthusiasm that you express? Both? Either way, I feel you. I would recommend finding new communities or going to new places/clubs/institutions/whatever. That...|||Mick Travis I feel you mate. A lot of it has to do with circumstance, rather than who you are as a person. For instance, my freshman year of HS (13/14) I felt very shy and reclusive and like a loner....|||Flowerpot92 spot on my friend. I agree with many other responses here and yours especially. Oprah, like everyone's been saying, it's less of a 'dumping' and more of a natural transition to hanging...|||Face to face is my favorite. However, with my favorite people (and there are quite a few), we are able to have great conversations over text (preferably through FB as I can type much faster than I...|||Mom: INFJ Dad: ISFJ Eldest sister: ? Middle sister: ENFJ Me: ENFP A maternal aunt is certainly an ESFP. There are a bunch of other aunts and uncles on both sides I'd LOVE to speculate on but...|||I would LOVE a consulting job. How did you get into it/what do you do, if you wouldn't mind elaborating some more?|||INFJs, you should share your feelings with trusted friends like ENFPs more. We can help. You don't do yourself any good constantly solving other people's problems!|||ENTPs are not known for not having friends... of the ones I know none are really loners, and the brightest one is actually quite popular.|||flourine of course I kid haha I just wanted to distract from the tension in the room between those people fighting over... something.|||On the real though ENFJs can be the worst if they're smart and morally skewed/screwy, see Hitler et al.|||flourine you don't have an ISTJ friend. If you did you'd already know they don't have feelings, just the rules of the culture they grew up in.|||Yall stop fighting now. It takes all types to make the world go round. Except ISTJs. Seriously, fuck those guys.|||Yea we're both pretty awesome types.|||What is there bad to say about INTPs? Seriously like we've never been best friends but I can't think of anything to criticize. Maybe you think too much? I do too.|||Because_why_not I was. that wasn't directly personally at anyone. I must have been on the wrong page though because there was definitely an ENTP where I was looking haha. Thanks tho buddy pal.|||I like ENTPs, and spend quite a bit of time questioning whether I am an ENFP or ENTP. You guys have some great qualities, but... Have some tact. You've never hurt me but I've seen you hurt others...|||Hi all! I have read many posts and threads from here already via my Google, and recently decided to make an account. I have had a very interesting (if I do say so myself) journey to where I am...|||Yes, absolutely! I tend to get along with everyone, but will often gravitate towards close friendships with women as many men are uncomfortable with emotional expression or discussion. Of my closest...
'People who are unable to replace social norms with rational and effective aproaches.|||... check the flags I'm from Portugal, they're both from the US.|||Why are you always so hesitant when it comes to speaking your mind about other ppl? :crazy:|||Actually me and my closest friends already hold a kind of tradition similar to what you described: The grandparents of one of them have a farm up in the mountains, and about once every 3 months...|||2 reasons 1. 20 years old is, at least for me, an important time in life 2. I've changed and I don't think dinner and cinema fits my taste anymore... it would feel, empty?|||so... I'm turning 20 next saturday I want to do something with my close friends (about 4~5 ppl) but I have no ideas whatsoever. I've been thinking about it for weeks now and I fear I...|||Propolis extract. Will have you cured in 2 days.|||I could say the same... I mean, it depends on the kind of superiority you have in mind, but a girl more inteligent than me would be interesting:blushed:|||Girls in my dojo? There's one that's about 4 years older than me, and I think 2 more are planning to join, but as an assistant teacher the last thing I need is start getting involved with other...|||Guess you have no choice but to post a picture :crazy:|||I had to take them for a year after I finished highschool for the same reason.|||I know... been there, done that I don't like the way I feel on anti-depressants... they make my mind numb all over and I lose the edge that I find defines me the most. Other ppl...|||Am I the only .pt on the forum? I haven't seen any more so far. Does anyone know? Just curious...:mellow:|||please do so I won't feel like the only one showing his face :bored: you and me both|||academic acomplishments below my objectives, unstable family, some humour flutuations I feel like this now and then. If you spot me walking down the street you'll probably see me...|||bingo that's probably one of the main issues you see, apart from martial arts, the things I like the most are things I do alone like reading, watching movies, music (hell yea...|||problem is, I can't stop giving a damn 100% part of me is bleeding and I feel myself weakening I'm a pro when it comes to hiding the pain from my brain, but my heart sees all. ...|||I associate msn flirting with shallow dialogues based on... nothing. If I can't express myself completelly (gestures, facial expressions, body language), I feel uncomfortable. That's why I...|||I don't know... I feel like creating a thread and telling you this, but I really don't know why, seeing as I, given the right circumstances, would probably presume it to be a waste of time and...|||I laugh uncontrollalby at illogical stuff. It's probably somewhat of a crotch-punch which leaves my over-logical personality stunned and allows me to burst open the flood-gates letting out such...|||wtf wikipedia had an article on me and I wasn't told:frustrating:|||well, you see, my exams are right around the corner, and this time I'm taking a hardcore make-or-break aproach: I no longer do math exercises, I do math ENTIRE BOOKS I no longer do...|||well, I've somehow reduced myself to the following thought: Medschool. I haven't played my bass guitar in months. I haven't tried new things in years. I haven't read any books in months...|||It's basically the only thing I live for, I've given up on everything else. I just wasted an entire week staring blankly at my books :frustrating: I've been studying english for more...|||crap, I'm still lurking :dry: lotsa interesting stuff around the INTP boards!|||same here I love doing it|||INTP here I dunno what to say... I'm very lonely, since the only INTP I've ever met lives in this weird kind of denial, so he doesn't act accordingly to his supposed personality. I guess he...'
'I find that my dark side really wakes up when I feel most vulnerable.I mean when I feel somehow exposed or distanced from my beliefs and it can sometimes be frightening in a sense that I never want...|||Hello, my mom is ISFJ ,and dad is INXX :proud:|||You guys are making me want to post a picture here and I am not even an INFP,and I don't normally do that :tongue: Hey,maybe I could get my INFP friend to take it with me that way it would be legit...|||Sounds fun,thank you for sharing...please do write tips I would like to give it a try,just to see for myself :kitteh:|||Hello, Lucid dream would be ,by definition,a dream in which we are aware we are dreaming ,right? I usually become aware that I am dreaming at some point throughout the dream and I keep that...|||Hello , I do not believe in Zodiac but here goes for fun : I am INFJ and Aquarius ,so do these match up ?|||-Against government oppression -For freedom of speech -For health care -Investment in science and culture -Children's rights -Proper care for animals -Against rule of minority over majority...|||I love and understand metaphors .I used them whenever they are appropriate either in conversation or in my own literature works.I am good at understanding songs ,relating to the feeling or seeing...|||I would have to say ENTP ....:kitteh:|||@Tridentus Here are some discussions which can be helpful : The ENTP Gentleman's Field Guide to Seducing INFJ Females How NOT to win over an INFJ Edit:|||Yes,I feel as I have grown up fast mentally,although I still played as a child like some of you mentioned above I did not find some things amusing as my playmates did and sometimes liked more company...|||Hello and welcome... If you want to be happy with someone first you need to be happy with yourself and you need to be clear on the subject who you are and what are your goals in life,but you...|||I have just solved some test here which determined my type as : 6w5 ,2w3,9w1 . I am new to this test so it is all a bit unclear to me but the description I read about my results sounds right....so...|||For me it depends on how close this person is to me.If we are talking about a family member who seeks advice or really close friend and I believe that something negative will happen to them I try to...|||Thank you for all of your answers,they helped a lot. I am not that discipline person I wish I was but I honestly can not put every minute of the day to good use.I have a friend ENFJ,she puts every...|||Look from INFJ female point of view that what he described could happen ,I myself do not know if I believe in the whole one theory but I know that all the persons with whom I had opportunity to date...|||Once upon a time on : Mr.Darcy Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights Sasuke and Itachi (Naruto) ...|||I was great at :literature,physics,philosophy,psychology and latin.....for some reason I never really liked chemistry although I had a decent grade ,now college is ok,although I am a little unsure of...|||It is 10:14 pm and I can't wait to fall asleep ,it has been a long day.....but that probably will not happen for another hour or two :bored:|||Hahaha, You never know..... :shocked::crazy: But to the author seriously just no,nope there is no correlation whatsoever :happy:|||Wow ,you guys are weird bunch and I say this in the most positive way....:wink: Although I am here for the first time I think this is definitely fun sub forum :happy:|||Every once in a while,was more frequent few years back when I was younger....now usually when I am overwhelmed by many things getting together and then it kinda seems like ship with no direction ,but...|||Hello. I am sorry for your bad break up. :(( If you are looking for male INFJ input on your situation maybe you should post it on INFJ sub forum. In my opinion it is good for you that you are no...|||I think I can do it quite faithfully when and if I wan to...but hey I think everybody has got a bit of actor in them because you get to perform every day just in a different situations ;)|||Hello and welcome. I hope you find what are you searching for here.In my opinion you should learn about functions first and learn more about those types you thought you were and about INFJ then see...|||I love : - music and books that make me think -coffee and hot tea even though it is really hot outside -old books,chairs ,closets ...something that has history and remembers some old times ...|||Sure,I believe we all have does types of decisions that at the moment sound great but when some time passes it does not sound doable,or it sounds risky .It is in everyone's nature to second guess or...|||Every personality type has a up and down side : one of the up sides of being INFJ is that you can relate to people ,understand than and make them feel like they are not alone and one of the down...|||Hello, I am just entering in 20s but I would like to tell you that I understand and can relate to it.I have just started college and have made few changes in my life,but suddenly I am not so sure in...|||Hello and welcome. I am new here as well but I already love this site and feel great knowing that there are more INFJs out there who understand how it can be hard being one ,whether you let it show...|||Welcome fellow INFJ. :) I hope you will have great time here ,enjoy.|||Somewhere over the rainbow ?! Welcome back . ;)|||Hello and welcome ! I hope you will enjoy your time here!|||Hello from one newbie to other ;) Welcome ,I hope you will enjoy your time here (it is addicting) . ^.^|||Hahaha,well do not worry we like diversity,and all types are welcome :)|||Hello, I was wondering are the rest of you INFJs disciplined or consistent in your decisions,for example: if you have and exam in a month and you distribute to each day number of pages you need to...|||Hello, I also took some online test that resulted in me being INFJ then I tried to look up online everything I could about this personality type.I watched other INFJ videos ,read descriptions and...|||Hello Masami and thanks ! :) Yes,this place is really great,I have just started recently and I think I am already getting addicted. Now,now INFJ sub forum is where all the magic happens ,come and...|||Hello and thank you .I will definitely pay more attention to articles. :)|||Hello dragonheartedgirl , I understand your point of view because I can really relate to it,I also feel the same way.I often feel like I m constantly giving to others,like they receive it with...|||I do not cry easily in front of others ,I have once or twice teared in front of my friends,but when I am alone and when I feel overwhelmed or when something I read really moves me I cry easily. :)|||I could not agree more ! I really don't fall in love easily for me love would be friendship caught on fire,because when I care for someone i really care and my trust is not easy to gain.I have to...|||Hello, I will have to be honest and say that it depends on the other person.You know how when you look at person you know how good friends you really are regardless of what said person is...|||Hello, I do feel lonely but not in a way that I do not have enough friends ,coworkers or other types of social interactions,I feel like I am not completely understood or at least not on the level...|||Hello, I believe that there is nothing wrong with looking at other people and noticing that they are good looking,as long as it stays just an observation and not a desire to actually start...|||Hello everyone, I have only recently discovered I am an INFJ, sice I do not know anyone else who shares my personality type I thought it would be fun to do a little online search and talk with...'
'3/10.|||8/10.|||I tend to be reclusive, not really caring for social contact, even sometimes with those I trust. I can appear cold and aloof. I can be seen as an independent, stingy busybody. I swing between two...|||6/10.|||I'm into acting and improv, and more recently, slam poetry. I like performing in general, actually. To be fair, though, I used to be a lot more INFJ as a kid and I guess some of that stayed.|||My sister is an INFJ, and someone thought she was mute the first three or four months that they knew her because she almost never spoke in public.|||Yeah, it's probably just him. Crackfic is just...why? Fluff is disgustingly happy, and also boring.|||ENTJ. Reminds me of the name of someone I know in real life.|||Enfp.|||Text talk. If you're on your phone and you need to send a quick message, it's okay in small doses. However, if you're on the computer...is it really that hard?|||I don't read much fanfiction, but when I do, it's mostly adventure or action based with the occasional more drama-filled AU. In terms of watching things, it's usually action/adventure, comedy...|||INFJ, then INXJ, and now INTJ. It was a pretty gradual process from the second to third, though.|||Hey there, welcome to PerCafe. Hope you find what you're looking for here.|||Hey there, I'm an INTJ as well. I can completely relate to your experiences with the MBTI, and I hope that you find what you're looking for here.|||Passively, I guess? It's usually more along the lines of, Oh, these two characters suit each other and/or have the potential to be in a relationship. And it pretty much ends there.|||I totally missed it when you got it (dang), but congrats.|||I'd probably want to go somewhere relatively quiet, maybe a cabin in the woods or something. I've never really considered the possibility of marriage since I'm not usually into...well, people in...|||I wouldn't say that we (i.e. INTJs) would get upset, but blanking out is a definite possibly. Don't be overemotional on purpose but if that's what happens, just let it be. He should still...|||Yeah, two sisters five and nine years younger respectively. INFJ and suspected INFP, if that counts for anything. For reference's sake, I'll call them C and A instead of 'the older one' and 'the...|||I think that I started to realise it when I was six when I was given extra Language Arts (i.e. English, but with a fancier name) homework that involved classic novels instead of the picture books...|||I like chess and was pretty good at it as a kid, but I don't know about now. On the other hand, I enjoy Scrabble more, but I seem to lose a lot because almost all the people I know that actually...|||I don't own a car and I hate transit, so I walk almost everywhere I need to go. I also snowboard sometimes during said season, which is usually from late November to mid April where I live.|||Hey Chi, welcome to PerCafe. The thing about this site is that it's relatively easy to find like-minded people around, so I'm sure that looking in your type forum will help, or at least help you get...|||Still in high school, but at least I'm almost done.|||I don't know how helpful I can be, but my father is an ISTJ and both my sister and mother are INFJs, so I've seen a lot of related interactions first-hand. Body language is ridiculously important,...|||Both my sister and mother are INFJs and it was extraordinarily easy to type my mother, but typing my sister correctly took some time. For a while, I thought she was an INFP, but after reviewing the...|||Oh, hi BarracudaChu. And eh, that's okay, you're a different person and therefore different from what I'm used to. To be able to talk to other people about MBTI-related topics without getting blank...|||It seems to be working now ('Neutral' instead of 'Other'), so thank you!|||The current gender options are Male, Female, and Other, but it seems that the Neutral option is still there but not actually available for selection.|||Backstreet Boys - Millennium. That is literally the only album where I like all the songs on the album.|||INTJ and Remus Lupin. Or book Ginny, 'cause book Ginny is the bomb.|||Technically not a book, so to say, but I'm reading Oscar Wilde's plays. Lady Windemere's Fan, The Importance of Being Earnest, and so forth.|||eydimork, that would work well for those who identify as being male sometimes and female sometimes, such as bigender or some genderfluid individuals. However, some such as myself do not identify as...|||I enjoy puns and things far too much so here, have some. I'm friends with twenty-five letters of the alphabet. I don't know y. Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it enough One...|||When you learn how to do something with ease but are unable to actually physically do it.|||When other people ask you to help them organise the documents and pictures on their ridiculously messy computers because all yours are (and always have been) filed and sorted.|||When you only use your Skype account for the text feature and claim illness whenever someone suggests that hey, maybe we should actually talk for once. No thank you.|||I selected 'Other' as my gender, as I identify as agender, but the icon space under my avatar in the forums doesn't appear to be linked to an actual icon. This also appears to be the case with others...|||Actually? That's uncanny. That was no trick, so high fives all around. There's a thread for Aces somewhere around here, but it's either somewhat new or not particularly active. No problem. Thank...|||INTJ deist, but raised Lutheran.|||Hey there. I just visited your profile and we have the same Enneagram type too, so there's that. Yeah, I've been wandering around these forums today and I think that's the right word. Interesting....|||I've never been mistaken as one, but I was very ISFP when I was younger and still occasionally function as such. I don't have to like it, though.|||Suddenly he realized what the answer to the problem was, and it was this, that something very weird was happening; and if something very weird was happening, he thought, he wanted it to be happening...|||INTJ. Maybe around 5/10 because a lot more people know me than I thought but I don't associate with that many people.|||Two of my friends are INFP, although one of them is more of a friend by default. My other friends are a suspected INTP, a suspected ESFP, and a suspected ENFP.|||As noted in the title I am an INTJ. Almost definitely, in fact. I also happen to be completely surrounded by XNFPs, so it'd be nice to interact with a variety of people for once as opposed to just...'
':laughing:|||Everything about this screams 5. Your post basically sums up my life, on both a general level and a micro-level (i.e. day-to-day basis). Definitely 5.|||That is pretty accurate. I've done just that on multiple occasions, regardless of attractiveness.|||Yeah, haha. I think what happens (for me anyway) is that I get super intense in the initial stages of conversing with this potential friend/love and then I kind of disappear and withdraw and they get...|||It's only unbearable if it's unreciprocated. (which is all the time, lol). Ugh.|||Short answer: ABSOLUTELY.|||It's kind of ridiculous to be honest. I don't have a 'moderate' switch. I'm either detached and pretty unconcerned with people I know, or I am obsessed as fuck. Same goes for learning and...|||Yep yep yep, can totally relate. The only logic I have for it (because no-one else around me seems to get so obsessive like I do, though, if they did they obviously wouldn't tell me, but just a...|||I agree with more or less everything you have said here. Especially the bold. I don't have much else to add because you have pretty much already summed it up, haha. :unsure: Re: the bold...|||I can relate to this. I yearn for intense relationships, but I rarely put myself in a position to attain them. It is a constant source of frustration. A sense of feeling trapped within...|||A c c u r a t e|||Interesting and unexpected to see 5w4 so high...|||SP/SX 1) How do you typically interact in a group? This is dependant upon a few things: how well I know the people in the group, what sort of setting I'm in etc.. If we define 'group' as...|||l o l|||I don't get it :rolleyes:|||I feel like what we often identify as narcissism is more aptly (simply) referred to as a healthy level of 'self-love' and 'confidence'. I feel like there is a voice in a lot of us that tells us that...|||Type 1: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mez6vk4AAI1ryf8if.gif...|||Great idea. I have often wondered the same thing. I will look forward to seeing the results.|||I would appreciate it if you didn't take screenshots of me whenever I forget to deactivate my webcam. :laughing: But seriously, this pretty much sums it up for me.|||Because you're a decent human being.|||Not insulting people.|||My experience with all the types is limited unfortunately. I have had most irl experience with 9s, 7s, 6s, and 8s. As has already been mentioned on this thread, theoretically, I can understand every...|||Is it a question of saving people or killing people? They are two very different things.|||Perhaps|||I say these things way too often: hmmmm. fascinating how interesting and why's that? hehehehehheh >:)|||Something I find myself saying on a daily basis: Why is everyone so f***ing stupid!!?!? :angry:|||INFP: http://th647.photobucket.com/albums/uu192/lovekakumei/made%20by%20me/th_snl-crying.gif|||This was merely a snippet of the conversation. I gave many hypotheticals, even ones that were relevant to her situation. Still, no progress.... Too close-minded! I hope this isn't indicative of all...|||A recent conversation I just had: INTJ: i think it's possible to be objective when it comes to language in a debate INFP: really, I don't INTJ: detachment ; ) INFP: what do you mean? like i...|||dem INFPs. It never ends well though. Also INFJs I have a definite preference for xNxx over xSxx.|||Woah, my bad, totally didn't even realise that this was in the SJ forum. Honest mistake. I feel like I've already overstayed my welcome. To answer your question, I have an analytical temperament...|||1. English Extension (author, reader, social, textual and philosophical theory behind literature etc) 2. Law 3. Business and accounting are easily learnt, though they don't necessarily hold my...|||2. ENTJ & INFJ to my knowledge.|||Strange, solitary, funny, witty, athletic, reflective, self-centred, very observant, 'abnormal', frequently spotted both crying and heaving from laughter, overly concerned with good manners, polite,...|||Comic Sans.|||1. Before you came to this 'ere site - Were you happy with your life? Did you think you were happy, but on reflection, probably weren't? Where would you be now if you hadn't discovered MBTI? Not...|||I laughed out loud for about 5 minutes. That's hilarious and horrible all at the same time. I love the extent that you go to in order to amuse yourself. :laughing:|||Tater Tot, your theatrics make me laugh (in a good way) :laughing:|||Definitely! I wish you the best in your studies too. I have a couple of hurdles to jump over before I can commence the degree (trying to erase my poor academic history, which was caused by health...|||Sounds like you got in just in time then! ;) It's going to take me about 7 years to become an accredited psychologists and that's assuming I maintain a full-time study load all the way through and...|||Oh, wow that seems a bit easier than here in Australia, or at least more direct. Is it quite competitive getting into the doctorate?|||Oh, sorry to hear that. I've been there many times (failing units due to external issues), so I can understand. You are making me feel more confident in my decision. & yes, that is a very wise...|||Yay! someone else studying this combination. That's unfortunate about your lecturers. They can certainly have a huge impact on how you absorb information and thus, how well you do on your assessment....|||From the people I've spoken to irl, I have a few people saying that it is an unconventional combination and then others saying that they complement each other very well. I am more inclined to agree...|||I don't get embarrassed about my music preferences at all. But I can relate to the pressure of putting on a playlist or something and waiting to see the groups reaction, because I am aware that other...|||Hi all, I have previously dabbled in Law and Commerce, and while I could handle the work load and comprehend everything with relative ease, this simply was not what I was passionate about. I...|||Good idea! I will do just that when I can get access to a computer and keep you posted :)|||You absolutely must watch Hanna, if you haven't already. The Chemical Brothers composed the entire soundtrack and it works with the film so well. I still just listen to the soundtrack by itself. I'm...|||[INTJ intruding here] Great thread. I can agree with a lot of what has already been said. I don't think it so much depends on the specifics of your circumstance any more than it does on how you...|||This thread isn't necessarily exclusive to Enneagram theory, it took me a couple of minutes to decide whether I would post it in the Enneagram forum or the MBTI forum. It is open to all. I want...'
'http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr02/2013/1/24/14/enhanced-buzz-6476-1359057045-1.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/1/24/14/enhanced-buzz-30895-1359056281-1.jpg...|||http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/1/24/13/enhanced-buzz-8892-1359050639-2.jpg http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/1/24/13/enhanced-buzz-17924-1359053232-0.jpg...|||badgers! do you still make yt videos?|||You all forget that the INTJ is probably impatient and wants to get this over with quickly. The INTP, who doesn't give a damn and probably showed up late in the first place, would wait and watch...|||Just googled it for ya. They are four miles apart. Yes, we live in a suburban area, not a big city. She had previously been driving a little over three miles north (to a busier Chipotle, no less,...|||dirty thought-stealer, ha, I love it http://img.pandawhale.com/41310-no-touching-arrested-developme-ENhz.gif|||I identify most with the INTPs on this forum.|||Hmm, excellent points. I know at work sometimes it is nice to have people of different types around because they offer different viewpoints or ideas on how to get things done, but the people I am...|||Today I was just wondering about things and wishing I had the ability to do random social experiments. Since I can't, I'll just ask you all... - A group of people working together who are all the...|||Fern Raawx Not that it really means anything, but I just have to chime in and say that the only person I know in real life who has a photo of herself in a cute apron holding a tray of baked goods...|||I wear makeup and brush my hair every day.|||hahahaha|||INTJs: punctual! INTPs: hahahaha, if we show up at all it will be late|||Perfect, haha. To me, the difference is... INTJ: I have discovered that this is the way it is. INTP: But why is it that way?|||Um yes. I was totally thinking of this... http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2369076/uncle-rico-o.gif|||Ask INTP: Have you ever wondered what it would be like in the figurative sack? INTP will be overcome with curiosity and will hop into figurative sack.|||I haven't actually watched Spongebob in years but maybe Squidward is the INTP. ;) http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/f7/4a/55/f74a554b35f8ddcb88eb67d6cc28fc2d.jpg|||Laughed out loud for a good 10 seconds at this. Thank you very much.|||Dear laptop battery, Why must you always run low? Sincerely, INTP|||I think all of us read this through thread and think, That's cool, man, that's cool. in a Mitch Hedberg voice. Since we're not a very judgey bunch we're not going to go around being like, OMG that...|||I was spending the evening with my mom recently. I met up with her after work and we were going to go to dinner and a movie. She was running late (more so than me). Her: Let's just go to this...|||I understand your curiosity but unfortunately for you INTPs are difficult creatures. Sorry that we're not sorry. :/|||All. The. Time. I shouldn't really complain, I like where I live, where I work, etc., but sometimes I just want to disappear to somewhere new.|||The thought of living to 80 sort of depresses me so living 40 years past that? Yikes.|||I think it depends on the topic. If it is something I'm pretty knowledgeable about I may be semi-articulate but if it is something I'm still thinking through it doesn't necessarily come out very...|||When people doubt you only to later find out you were correct. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5qa49Phrh1rul0hko1_500.gif|||Did anyone else want to start singing Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk when you saw the title of this thread... no.... okay... Anyway, never smoked a cigarette and I never intend to. The smell is a...|||Step 1: Don't be an idiot|||Zubz, seriously though dude, if a guy came up to me and was like, Hey I heard you were an INTP (or you seem like an INTP) and I'm really interested in INTP women. Wanna go on a date? I would be...|||I don't know any other INTPs in real life, so as terrible as it sounds I like to come here to remind myself that I'm sort of normal after all (well, in INTPland). I do have a few NT friends so...|||Your mom's :cool:|||We hate poems, so no.|||You hate making appointments of any kind.|||Wolfrahm OkWhat Thanks soooo much!!! :) :)|||Anyone know where this image is originally from? Yes, I already reverse image searched it. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/02/51/a9/0251a99564782f2d7284412c5b8e0f1b.jpg|||I think people make huge freaking deals over the words bossy and even bullying. People I know use the word bullying out of context all the time now and it annoys me so much. Just because one...|||I wouldn't mind an ISTJ assistant to do my bidding, while we're dreaming.|||Ahahhahahahhahahaha.|||What feelings? JK, JK, people. I go to Target and walk around and be alone in public (I love that feeling). It gives me time and space to mentally process stuff.|||I think it depends on what level the person knows you. People who I have very shallow relationships with always refer to me as quiet and nice or even distant and cold but I do think my close...|||You would warn everyone here that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, but you know no one cares...|||that's what he said :)|||I can almost always tell who is walking near my office by their footsteps, but I never tell anyone because it sounds creepy. Also when I was young I could tell my family members from their footsteps...|||He's avoiding possible confrontation like a good little INTP. You can tell him to leave it outside the door at X or X time? Or tell him to drop it off somewhere?|||hahaha, friend, singular|||http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ls704mudju1qbeo6co1_500.gif|||Aahahahhahahaha. No surprise this thread has so few replies. 90932|||I feel the same way about INTJs, I've never dated one but I've had a lot of INTJ friends and they are some of my closest and favorite friends. Possibly even at at a shallow level, ie, neither of us...|||What gives me the feels? Your mom. http://blog.intrapromote.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Charles-UpChuck-Ruttheimer-III.jpg|||Reading this kills me but explains why I don't understand 90% of the people I know. Sad for them! Why is the best part!'
'Your message made me think of this : 377874 It's cool to have a great instrument and play it but for what purpose do you play it? And think about this, every artist from takes breaks from their...|||Invisible tree, watch your head.|||I believe in Jesus...I am a little religious but I am not much of a fan of organised religion or churches, I thing there are some priests who are gifted and some who are not that much, I believe the...|||Hehehe, when I was a kid I used to take the sugar ball and start pressing my tongue to the sugar so sugar would stick to it...so I would have a sweet tongue. :) I've cut my sugar ration since then...|||When I'm nervous I will start making silly jokes or say silly stuff that only sounds funny in my mind and when I will wake up from that feeling, I will start regretting many things that I've said....|||Hey, from my perspective and experience with several ENFJs, it matters alot on what tone she is using and what follows afterwards. You can get alot more info from the tone and the way she says that,...|||Yeah...I decided on the last minute...there were a few people who made me feel like they want me to be there so I went...and it was awesome. :D|||I actually could go to a party with (mostly) NFs and it would be a cool party, I've been there in past years and it was great...I've been feeling kind of depleted of any energy for the past weeks,...|||Oh wait, ENFJs (and INFJs for that matter) have random thoughts? :tongue: I thought Js would have their thoughts mostly in order and focused on their path, as opposed to xNFPs who just go with the...|||I think out of all the types, ENFPs are the most present around me and in my life and they have been some of my best friends so far, but when it comes to romance, for some reasons we were always...|||I am a christian, I don't have much faith in church leaders but I do have faith in my religion and what it teaches. I am not that selective about my friends, I could have friends of any religion even...|||Hey, I have read all that you said and first I want to say I really appreciate your long message, but mine will not be that long because I really need to sleep now. :) I would point out this, I...|||Despair to me is lack of any hope...I would be really desperate and I was in fact when I was lacking something that I viewed as mandatory and that I could not live my life without...in time I learned...|||I think the key is that you mentioned it's about your life :wink:, in this case you can choose whoever you want to be a part of your life, including mostly people with Fe...we have a limited amount...|||Thanks for your advice and support! :happy: Well, it is a messy situation and unfortunately sometimes I seem to be attracted to these messy situations because I want to help make things better. I...|||I hope this will make some sense....I think I should mention first I'm an Enneagram Type 9 so I need harmony in my life and I strive and fight to achieve it. So the story...I volunteer for a non...|||Roxanne You push my heart in many ways Only to struggle to find a place For what it means for both of us To love, to smile to share a bus. Each time I try for you to hold You burn my hands...|||I think the key word here is crush/boyfriend. :) You could do all the things mentioned here by everybody, if there is no spark they will love it and appreciate you but you will not win them...|||Ferin, that sounds like an INTJ I dated, she was a bit immature (almost always wanting things her way) and unhealthy too, jealous of my friends and she would not like me visiting my parents without...|||I show alot of my emotions and I show it but in subtle ways at first...I will try to be clsoe to you as many times as possible, try to talk to you and find out things about you, things that touch...|||I am not really competitive with other people, I look to them for inspiring ideas but that's all. I see no point to it but if somebody comes and is competitive in a pushy way, I will stand up to that...|||Oh man, don't be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about, I thought it was cute and funny. :happy: We all make silly mistakes sometimes, there's nothing wrong with it, it's not like we're robots or...|||Ummm...no, I'm definitely INFP for sure, and ENFJ would not ask how to compliment, they would just do it with a big irresistible smile on their face and get away with whatever they say somehow...it's...|||Hey, so this is really personal, so the message may selfdestruct if I will decide it's too personal to post...it's also why I am posting it here and not starting a thread. :tongue: To give a...|||But that's the thing, I think healthy INFPs, like maybe healthy people in general do make it an important thing to be a good friend and not just a good friend but also a good lover, for me it is part...|||I actually was on a roadtrip through Europe a month ago or so and been to Amsterdam as well. :) I love travelling so I'd definitely be up for another trip somewhere...|||Seeker, there is much truth in your pattern about INFPs, but you have to keep in mind that like any other feeler we tend to oscillate based on what we feel. Probably alot more than other J feelers...|||Love this video: Everything Wrong With The World In 2.5 Minutes. Sorry If This Offends You.|||Heh, I work in IT, so much about writing creatively and I've been to a workshope were the teacher was saying like, hey, we'll work and get something out of you... made me feel like what I was writing...|||Hey, sounds to me like what was working was the emotional part while all the other ingredients did not function right. It kind of makes sense, it doesn't sound from what you described that you were...|||If an INFJ has hard time reading them (and you guys are renown for your super intuition)...I now feel a whole lot better. :laughing:|||Saw your post from another thread telling the story of this relationship, was really curious, why did it end and are you still friends?|||Hey, well, this goes to show why us INFPs are not really renown for our intuition, but for other qualities. :proud: I know what you mean about emphaty and no advice and it's weird...I was at a...|||That's so awesome that you do that! I wish I could do something like that but I usually do it only when they request it. Plus I am so perfectionist about how I do kind gestures that there is a huge...|||Depression for me is connected really well with my expectations of life...it's funny, I have moments when I think my life's a mess and I would change so many things about it, I'd do things I am more...|||Summer It comes with distant memories of happiness and fun A dejavu of joy and games while bathing in the sun. Unready to reveal herself and make your core burn wild You see it in a distant...|||That is officially stolen, it was so hilarious! :laughing: I watched over and over again and Gary Oldman is awesome, all of them were cool, either entering a character or being natural about it but...|||Awesome story! I loved reading it and the passion that drove them nuts at first but turned positive and got them together once they listened to each other...and how they are so different...it's so...|||Stop talking. Start listening to her. Accept what she has to say and don't use a logical mind, you can say your opinion but accept that she is entitled to make her own decisions, even if those are...|||I feel you man...I know how that is, I've felt that so many times, reminded me also of a moment with an INTJ ex when we were after the first date and I grabbed her hand (pretending not to lose her...|||Hey, I'm really happy for you :happy:, INFJs are awesome and also very rare! The ones I met were not all that interested in degrees and maybe had their own issues to fix but they were always...|||You know, I never actually understood this one... :unsure:|||Hmmm...I think it's prostitution only if you stay with him and have sex with your fiancee because of the financial aid he provides for you. I don't know if this is an exageration, it was long time...|||Hey, you're welcome and don't worry, you will find more than one person in life who will be on the same wavelength as you, to be able to talk freely about your hopes and dreams and things that...|||Hmmm, but it's not really relevant to compare today's divorce rate with the one that was decades, hundreads of years or even more in the past. People are still pragmatic, what changed is not that...|||From my experience, loving someone without them knowing doesn't bring anything good, it ends up in a form of unhealthy obsession. Also, he seems to be putting space between you too, trust me, when an...|||Why are you grinning/laughing? (colleague at work at whom I was of course not paying attention to...happens alot in many situations to zone out, imagine something and laugh about it :) )|||Well, if you remember things after 7 that's still childhood you know. :D I do remember things from my early childhood though...in fact I remember a lot of things because I have a kinesthetic and...|||I don't have a ritual but if I don't crash down immediately after coming home and fall asleep on the couch or wherever, I love to listen to some romantic relaxing music before I fall asleep (for like...|||Hey Snazzy, sorry to hear about that, but well, they at least did a good thing, they had you :happy:...it's not your responsibility or fault for their issues. My parents told me that I was a...'
'I can concede emotionally unstable as an acceptable description of my younger self. It is only by the grace of God that I escaped adolescence, where numerous episodes of angry, violent, and manic...|||http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m658fb3p6C1qg3g8c.gif|||I'm gifted with this curse|||I share a similar background with this person you've described, and also partake in weed smoking. Eastern culture tends to approach dating and relationships with a more practical and almost...|||1) Especially hot tea 2) Not a change per se, but a VOTE. Ix92ve decided to be the type of person and conduct myself in the type of way in which I believe society as a whole should towards each other....|||Do not be offended if it seems like the INTJ is not aware of your existence We ARE aware though. And will even go so far as to do little nice things like stock food that we know you like in the...|||This is a pretty good attempt. Well done. You are probably close to the mark on your guy's character and frame of mind, but I'm not so sure regarding the reasonings behind his judgement. analysis...|||This TED talk video posted by ENFJgirl might be relevant: http://personalitycafe.com/enfj-forum-givers/87222-interesting-ted-talk-about-vulnerability-love-acceptance.html It sounds to me you are...|||You are funny. Quite the Beatrice. Are you like this in real life? I must say it would be quite refreshing to hear a woman talk so frankly about men like this in real life, and more so about...|||I get the impression from the post your biggest want is to believe everything you've stated above the arrow. I'm all in agreement with treating others well and better, but I do not push or impose as...|||I understood it, and I like the twist of words. I missed the root of your original comments that it was referring to the conception/perception of love. People only love money because money...|||@Luckyperuser I believe the biggest impressions that parents will impart onto their children's views and behaviors as adults are by who they are as persons themselves, not what they so call teach...|||Rest assure your kind gestures are duly noted and greatly, albeit perhaps silently, appreciated. Good job!|||Hi Taneka- This is not a disagreement or a reputation. I just want to add a perspective. There is no difference between the person who takes science too seriously, who believe we are nothing but...|||@Luckyperuser- I try my best to accept people as they are and see things from their point of view. I do not have any illusions of grandeur about changing others, and even less so the world. Some...|||I did a long post and PC erased it for some reason before I can hit reply, so now an abbreviated version. I think my ideas are just statements of the obvious. It is the looks and flak I get from...|||I find your thread and posts to be thoroughly interesting, and hence will reward you with a response. -Do you mind when people verbally spar with you? Depends on their sparring competency. If...|||Tell them, better yet demonstrate to them, (only if it is true) that you admire and appreciate their expertise in their subject of specialization (all INTJs have one or a few), and fully utilize them...|||Okay I totally get where you're coming from, and see why the situation you've described is frustrating. =) The compartmentalizing comment applies very much to me, and probably makes me less of an...|||Finding a 'mindmate' is the most important aspect for longevity sake. It is VERY difficult for me to accept a commitment of marriage with someone that I can't communicate with well, that is, an...|||Because I can get people to do what I want them to do|||Love watching sports alone and love it more with people. Reason is what @Enormous Hatred said. The art and science of each sport is amazing to watch. Every sport is a system, and to see a system...|||If I consistently give you my time and attention, then it's pretty safe to say I care and respect you. I can't be persuaded to acknowledge your existent otherwise.|||I work for a fortune 300 size company, and the only challenge that I've faced is to not allow myself to succumb to boredom and then complacency. I've been working for 5 years now since coming out of...|||Rah_Meqqah - I was fully aware of the irony in my statement, and the cause for that is the irony of life itself. Have you ever watched Unbreakable with Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson? The only...|||I work with Relational Databases, i.e MS Access but bigger, and I think IT is a great career if you are someone who values, or are better at, intellectual work than manual work. The work environment...|||Big ass smiles even when there eyes speak sadness|||You have just been OrangeAppled, booyah! I'm j/k but that's really how much I liked, and agree with, her post =)|||This is not directed at you personally Rah_Meqqah, but I think it is unhealthy and conceited for a person to devote their life and decisions on the basis of promoting the greater good of humanity....|||Btmangan or other INFJs- Being too good is a vice and can be harmful, both for yourself and others. There are times that call for ethical actions and there are times that call for unethical actions....|||Although Napoleptic's advice is good, I think Popinjay's is better from a guy's perspective. Don't bring up the topic specifically unless your friend does first. Hang out and give him some...|||I think the world is soon moving away from the US Dollar as the reserve currency, and this is not necessarily a bad thing for the US neither. There is no such thing as absolute superiority in nature,...|||1) I do not think a global government would ever work because of the cultural history of nationalities, but a single Reserve currency will be an eventual necessity, probably along the lines of the...|||I don't believe in self-sacrifice unless the person involved is very important to me, and even then there is a limit that I'll never cross. So, no, I wouldn't consider you a bitch for having a change...|||PSA: To woo an ENFP, and keep them, you need to follow the advice Jerry gave to George in that one episode of Seinfeld: “It’s about showmanship, George. When you hit that high note, you say goodnight...|||Do you believe in destiny? No. I believe there are a lot of things in life that are out of your control, but there is also such things as good and bad gamesmanship. It takes hard work and smart...|||This statement would be funny if you are being sarcastic. How oxymoron it is to 'create' commandments at each step of the way. Just like a handbag for girls, a commandment for every season for INTPs?...|||For people are created for happiness, and he who is completely happy can at once be deemed worthy of saying to himself: 'I have fulfilled God's commandment on this earth. I'm consider myself a...|||@WickedQueen- excellent posts. I think the Chinese mother thread is about Amy Chau, the Tiger Mom. Istbkleta- You do not seriously believe a color blind person can will their eyes to learn to see...|||Let me take a step back, and withdraw the 'our' from my prior statements and replace it with an 'I' because I'm sure not all INTJs do this, but I certainly do. The reason/motivation to 'test'...|||I think the two types can make for a very entertaining dynamic. Both are usually very confident and have a tendency to be cocky, but the expression of these self attributes will differ. INTJs...|||I don't think Tridentus ever concluded about what strong 'is', but simply posited the description as general society's standard perception of strength. Furthermore, a general observation of the...|||hmm...sounds like both parties have common goals, what's the problem? Joking aside, that's not even what Fi is. Fi simply means feelings are mainly derived via subjective interpretation rather...|||Like the post. Agree on the general premise of problem solving myself, although I wouldn't necessarily consider myself or personality as problematic. I simply started to consciously pay...|||Iago from Othello - Ultimate. Scariest. Because you'll never know it. Falstaff/Harry from Henry IV - More typical. Both are villains but they are so damn charming you can't help but want to...|||So what I'm hearing you say is, INTJ is the very definition of awesome... =) This is also my favorite anime. Very thought provoking ideas. I also couldn't stand Suzaku! If I had to type him, I...|||WTF? How can having resemblance to Shakespeare be a bad thing? How is the ability to UNDERSTAND, and on top of that ILLUSTRATE with words the full spectrum of the human condition not be enviable but...|||1) to be me 2) to collect food for thought 3) to work my body so I can sleep, and perchance to dream again 4) to build and maintain relationships 5) to notice, enjoy, and appreciate all that...|||I have always had more self-esteem than can be justified. Meaning I never needed any tangible achievements or hear any verbalized validation to feel good about myself. I have never felt like an...|||ESFP - Because it would be nice to just Live, and be completely in the present. It would be refreshing to luxuriate in a feeling without your brain automatically diluting it with reason. It would be...'
'I have always been terrified of dark sinister things but always come whimpering back to take another look! always loved the classic horror stories dracula, frankenstien et. Love a good villian too,...|||My self hatred over the years has evolved into social hatred, sometimes i cannot handle the evil and depravity, pretense and selfishness in others and MYSELF! sometimes i am appalled by my own...|||Too long to explain but my intution has never let me down, i absolutely trust it and so those my wife! we dismiss it as over reaction or OTT. Being a bit older now and having experienced consequences...|||Simplicity in complex motion or reverse|||I know two other infj men both are very stubborn, but do change their minds on what appears to be a whim but I realise they actually do reconsider. One of them is a total mystery to me and everyone,...|||No answers will suffice if i am disposed to already believing that God is evil.|||488882 carrie anne moss, great in the Matrix very strong eyes and expression.|||I have a terrible habit of following my sat nav taking note to take the next turn off in the next 30 seconds, drifiting off on a thought and missing my turn having to take the next one and double...|||Many times i will only speak by invitation or neccessity and other times i am just listening,taking in, processing and figuring out a view point to talk and think at those times is not my thing as i...|||Either too busy (which will cause stress) or checking you out.|||My concepts of revenge and Justice are as follows Justice = justice is about balance, balancing the scales of an offence, the wrong being satisfied by a correct level of punishment. Revenge =...|||I have to say that i have led many situations and one of the things that certianly strikes me is that it is easy to make the mistake of having your perceptions affected by appearances. The infj is...|||Why not consider adoption? there sure are a lot of couples desperate to adopt a child.|||Some of my sons friends once told him i looked terrifying! i actually quite liked that.|||I actually agree that an immature INFJ can be deeply self centered. I know two and one has become more responble and over time (becasue they had to), he was awful before that and hurt a lot of...|||I'm a failed body builder people been complaining I'm too thin for years so I join gyms but lose the discipline and find it time consuming because I'm actually quiet sluggish in the gym, lack...|||i believe in a near exstinct religion called christianty.|||i'm currently reading Tipping points by Malcolm Gladwell, man what a writer, not fiction but great social insights anything by him is worth reading.|||People get upset with me as my answer for every ailment is to advice them to drink more water, insomnia, tiredness, flu, headaches you name it. I love showers more than baths very hot ones, don't...|||Batman is an all time favourite but also love Toby maguires Spider-Man his portrayal always moved me.|||Even when there is nothing to worry about I still feel anxious, a kind of low vibrating hum tremor is always active in me moving from background to foreground and verse versa depending on the...|||I rate a lot of thriller/action films by the quality of the villains; intelligence, charisma, motive danger some have caught my admiration ie. palpatine from Star Wars, sacruman, agent smith from the...|||Born to run by Springsteen utterly Love the tune and never get bored of it. Something real raw about these Lyrics. In the day we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway American dream At...|||Must be The Matrix no film has come close to touching that one total genius the One Rocky love the underdog vibe LOTR trilogy Orig. Star wars trilogy Alfred Hitchock films Wizard of oz It's a...|||The self aware knowledge can bring both a sense of delight and also a sense of isolation. I know I crave someone to talk to and interact with on my level, I suppose that's why I keep coming back...|||Quiet by Susan Cain Outliers by Malcolm macdowel (and anything else of his brilliant writer) The count of monte Christo Wuthering heights (breathtaking story) Lord of the rings series ...|||People who don't know or understand me tend to find a negative label for me I find that people cannot leave you unlabelled you have to be categorised.|||This past year I really set people off on some abusive raging torrent of tantrum cursing because of my ability to see right through their manipulative behaviour. I have been cursed out, threatened...|||I told myself the fire is lost But it was only buried, covered by the frost Chances blown time elapsed Dreams got drowned empires collapsed Then Wind carried a message the past could not erase...|||I know for me I have to be totally relaxed and at ease to be able to capture my feelings into words. That either comes by the other person putting me at ease or steering my own emotions into a...|||There was a great revered Christian leader from Wales uk called Evan Roberts who led a massive spiritual revival in 1904 been reading his biography and lots of other profile accounts of his...|||Reading a biography of Enzo Ferrari by Richard Williams don't ask me why, but I am enjoying it.|||I sweat if I get uncalled for attention makes me nervous|||I recently returned to a city i had been away from a number of years and have been seeing old faces. Some have nodded in recognition others stood right next to me and it was as if i was invisible!...|||Just reading this post I can say that I can relate to a degree to how your feeling. It seems to me these things happen in seasons or phases of life a strange combo of normality invaded by stress life...|||1 Corinthians 13:13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.|||Over the years my admiration and respect for Martin Luther king jnr has greatly risen what a great man!|||My ideal party would involve a few people four maximium, respectful and attentive to each persons input, talking philosophical ideas, experiences and lessons learned, delving into the deeper meanings...|||Used to fight when i was younger until my conscience began to bug me severly when i was about 10 years old was fighting a boy and the crowd formed chanting us on and suddenly out of no where a deep...|||When i was a child the girls in my school use to tease me every time they saw me by singing the Paul simon song Bright eyes burning like fire. I think i had large startled eyes that conveyed...|||I am not good at all with keeping in touch it is a real effort for me. Even yesterday my aunt called me to pass on a rebuke from my mother for not keeping in touch with her. I honestly believe i...|||tbh i have never liked working. Just do it to pay the bills really. No let me correct that i am not ambitious in career paths. I think its becasue to really do a good job you have to do something...|||This is a very good topic to explore. I still struggle to decide whether i was born INFJ or the dysfunctional upbringing tipped me down that well. There were definite childhood situations verbally...|||I have a rule i keep, that i never disclose too much, to anyone who askes but never tells. Met many people like that and all have been duplicitious.|||Came out as being the closest similarity to Peter Parker (spiderman) that has tested on that site. Makes me feel a bit guilty now for squashing a spider in bathroom yesterday.|||I tend to keep up a deliberate blank outward shell but inwardly there is always an ocean of emotions. I think the outward appearance really confuses people because no matter what I say I am feeling I...|||Been reading Richard Matheson's A Stir of Echoes and the main character Tom Wallace strikes me as a INFJ. His intuitive trait is intense (due to an accident in hypnosis).|||http://youtu.be/0_-PYrhVBhg Adore this song makes me weak :tongue:|||I am not what some my call a natural leader in terms of assertion or extroverted organisation. But i do believe i am an authentic leader which i think is a better calling. By authentic i mean that...|||Nice catchy vibe on this song dealing with maturity http://youtu.be/HIsrJ7TQ2uo #9 Dream atmospheric tune http://www.youtu.be?HvFeU9hQjVA'
'I am an INFP and that sounds way too stereotypical. And you can become who you want to be without the need to change your type. But you sound a lot like me when I was younger. I am a social...|||I've always struggled with that. I have hormonal problems and before resolving them (my mom stressed me out so much taking me to doctors who didn't do anything about it, just made it worse!), I had...|||Thanks a lot, everyone. I started drinking a lot more water when I feel like craving sweet things, and I feel like it diminished a bit that crave. I also try to buy more healthy food, like salads, as...|||Sun in Pisces, Moon in Gemini, Ascendant Taurus - pretty much quite a mix. But I am highly emotional and water-y, with almost all my planets being in water signs. I used to read a lot about it, and...|||- I need my environment to be harmonic - which means that either you have to let me work alone, or in a very specific team where I click with the people, otherwise I'll burn out and will become...|||Hey, I am an INFP 2w1 too, you sound a lot like me :) I've always been curious what the INFP guys are like, as I've always had many male friends, but they were thinkers so I never felt completely...|||I would love to have a house, but not for the sake of owning it, but to express myself and my passions via decorating it. I've always spent a lot of time so far to make my environment more personal,...|||Hi everyone, Something really awkward happens to me lately and I was wondering whether someone else has had the same problem and how they dealt with it. I'm feeling generally distressed because of...|||I love staying at home, and I've spent a lot into making it warm and welcome too - I'm so into decorating and taking care of plants. I changed my job recently and now I don't have much time to stay...|||No, I don't. But I spend a lot of time to understand why I am feeling in some ways sometimes, so I am becoming better at recognizing that. Hm, I don't really know any other INFP, but I'd say 2...|||You sound so much like me - I am INFP-T, IEI and 2 Enneagram (although with wing 1). (: Are you coming from a social setting where you have to have many friends, or you're living around many...|||The only thing I'm really into buying second hand are books. I like going to these charity bookshops as I've found amazing books, even foreign language books for almost free (that I had no way of...|||Sorry to hear about your problems... The first thing for me as an INFP though is that I usually prefer picturing the perfect date/time together/etc rather than living it, as I am always afraid I...|||From what I've read, I'd say neither INTP nor INFP. (from my own observations, I may be wrong) An INTP with either come up with a lot better solution without the need to ask you or explain it to...|||Oh, family problems... I grew up in probably the worst INFP environment - ISTJ father and an extroverted mother (I think she is ESFP), only child. I am actually a lot more organized than most, but...|||I am having hard time opening up too... I have been hurt in the past, so it takes lots of time now to win my trust. I am used to adapt so quickly that people usually see different parts of me in...|||I am very sexual, but secretly - only the people close to me know that. I don't show it, although there are always guys who try it on with me. On the scale up to 10, I'd probably rate myself around...|||Thanks for sharing that, I feel less alone now, as I thought there was something wrong with me. I have done a few internships while at uni and I still visit my old colleagues up until now, as I loved...|||Hmm, depends on my mood. I hate going to the same grocery store at the same time every week though. I usually go on Sundays, but try to keep myself engaged and go to different shops :D Sometimes I...|||Hi everyone, as INFPs, what do you think is a good job for an INFP? You know, one which is not only a necessity, but you really enjoy. I'm still at the beginning of my career, with a goal of...|||Oh, I get your point now... well, it's really different for everyone, and I don't want or expect you to take my words as an ultimate advice - do whatever feels right to YOU. If it's not your cup of...|||I don't believe in stereotypes (in general, not only for MBTI) - for example, I'm extremely analytical problem solver (inductive reasoning tests are my favourites), I'm organized, I can't stand chaos...|||Well, the way you asked the question of the topic implies that you feel insecure about the dating and how to be successful in it, or at least that's the way I understand it, that's why I said it. The...|||I'm a girl, but as an INFP, the thing I realized about the dating (except NOT looking for it obsessively, it gives wrong signals and either attracts people who will use you, or pushes people you like...|||I would say the beach as well... If she likes wine, you can always get a bottle and make a picnic or something similar under the stars, haha. But the idea of being outdoors, just the two of you,...|||I don't have many friends, but... my best friend is an INTP, followed by one really good friend of mine that is ENFP. My best friend is such a pain sometimes, especially when we're in a...|||I'm melancholic too. The Sanguine, Phlegmatic and Choleric follow in this order, but I have strong preference for the melancholic, so I'm not a mix.|||I work customer service in the hospitality industry at the moment, and I love it! True, sometimes customers tend to be extremely rude and it happened to make me cry for stupid things (but most of the...|||I do it now and then... My real name returns other profiles in Facebook, some other websites I've never used, and articles about a popular singer that has my name. My nickname here returns only...|||I'll try to keep my story as short as possible, but this thing really bothers me and I wonder whether there is a way to get out of the emotional and feeling side for a while, in order to get some...|||- reading - dancing - writing - photography - psychology - listening to music/exploring new music - creating something - embroidery, decorating, building lego blocks and all stuff like that -...|||I prefer to know what's expected from me, plus all the details about deadlines, job nature etc. After that you'd better leave me alone to do it in my own pace and in my own more efficient way. ...|||As most if you, I too get too involved and hurt at the end, so I started choosing carefully. I was thinking that nobody will ever want me when I was younger, so I viewed the things in a completely...|||I love writing! I used to write a lot in the past, but the thing is that only really strong emotions motivate me, and I tend to search for better ways to deal with them recently. I used to write...|||I'm competitive extremely rarely, I should have something really close to me and something I really want, in order to make me competitive, so I guess my answer to your question is yes. As a child,...|||Thanks a lot for your inputs, you definitely encouraged me to research the topic more. After reading about the cognitive functions, I'm almost sure I have Ne and Fi, thus I'm an INFP. I tend to be...|||Thanks a lot for your inputs, you definitely helped me research the topic more with your insights. After reading about the cognitive functions, I'm almost sure I have Ne and Fi, thus I'm an INFP....|||I was extremely good at the algebra part, and horrible at the geometric part - trigonometry, solid geometry and everything in between, name it, I hated it. My mind was and still is extremely...|||What is the thing that INTPs find the most attractive in the INFP personality? How do INTPs act when they're interested romantically in a possible relationship? Do you find your previous...|||Thanks for your help, the descriptions actually helped :) I actually found an article to read about the personalities problems on the website TheSonderer gave, and identified myself more with the...|||I've always hated sports and moving, maybe because my high school was strange and nobody ever wanted me to play in their team. I was a bit fatter due to health issues back then, so they always made...|||(I've posted this one in the INFP forum too, as I want to hear both personalities' points of view) Hi guys, I've read quite a lot about the topic, but it seems like I can't really make up my...|||(I've posted this one in the INFJ forum too, as I want to hear both personalities' points of view) Hi guys, I've read quite a lot about the topic, but it seems like I can't really make up my...|||Thanks a lot for the warm welcome and the advice you gave me, it sounds a lot less scary when you know you're not the only one or awkward. I'll try some of the ideas you gave me, especially about the...|||At a first read, you sound neither of them for sure to me - if you have a really slight preference of Thinking over Feeling (or the opposite), you could manifest qualities from both personalities -...|||Hmm, I would say INTP (I'm an INFP myself, and you don't sound like me, but you sound a lot like my best friend, who's an INTP). You seem to be an introvert with thinking trait to me; however, I can...|||Hi everyone, I've been reading this forum for quite a long time, but decided to join the conversation just yesterday. I've always loved psychology and the personality types reading, so it's...|||I love playing that, even though I have no time lately. My favourite part is going for a walk in a park near the river, where I can enjoy the nature, feed the ducks, relax and play it at the same...|||I love languages, and it seems like I can never get enough of them :) I know Bulgarian as a native, speak English fluently, have decent B2/C1 knowledge of Italian (I understand everything, but don't...|||Thanks a lot for your answers! About my INTP - he's a really close friend of mine (and he considers it an achievement, being so private), and sometimes I just feel like he either doesn't want me to...'
'Ti - Ni - Te - Ne - Se - Si - Fi - Fe If we consider the above order of cognitive functions it seems like your Se is higher than your Fi, which is a very hard case for an INTJ since Se it's the...|||As you said, personality types are related to functions, so if you are already sure your main functions are Ne (you focus on future possibilities based on something existing) and Fi (you strive for...|||That's interesting... could you please explain why do you think so?|||My twin brother - who's supposed to be INTJ - loves cats: they're one of the few things on earth that make him loose and playful, as much as his ENFP girlfriend.|||Ooh, please more, MORE!!! :laughing:|||I think I get it... can you tell me something else about tertiary Ni? How does it work in ISTPs?|||I examined the type, Ti function is ok, but I think there's something wrong with the Se function, the function related to awareness of the physical environment and the present moment: I don't feel...|||Ok, thank you, I'll go examining in depth this type :wink:|||I'm sorry I'm not even sure it's the right word to express what I meant, I find it difficult to explain... I'm fascinated by human nature, but then I've always been confused by how twisted people...|||First of all, thank you for your replies :happy: ... and you're right, my answers weren't very precise... So: 1) This is why lot of people find me curious: I've learned a lot of new things...|||I think I had all the MBTI online tests out of the web, but I'm still uncertain. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness,...|||INFP! The Cat Lover Type | Oddly Developed Types Well, this is only about cats, but usually someone who doesn't like cats or dogs doesn't bother about animals at all (in my experience).|||Poor you! I'm lucky my parents aren't so interested about my feelings, and even if they were interested, my handwriting is impossible for them to understand what I've written! :laughing: Haven't you...|||Letters never sent, poetry, short stories, philosophies of life... I feel like your texts are certainly creative and insightful. I'm so envious you can write poems! :blushed: I'm sure this would make...|||Don't worry, I'm sure doodling journals exist! :proud:|||I had the same problem, but for now I don't care about any kind of error, I just write. So are you saying I'm not the only one who writes so much until my wrist hurt? This is reassuring for me!...|||Lucky you! :crazy:|||Welcome! :crazy: The difference is based on the auxiliary function, is it Extroverted Sensing (Se) or Extroverted Intuition (Ne)? I don't know if you took cognitive functions test... (source:...|||My eyes! 57998 Not such a good photo, but at least my beautiful glasses are clear.|||I'm a graduate accountant-computer programmer and I was the best in my classroom in math; during written exams I used to finish mine first and finish also the one of the near sitting classmate, which...|||I'm so glad to see you want to start drawing again! It's all the same to me. When I was a child I used to spend whole days drawing. During elementary school I drew cartoon characters for all my...|||I always wanted to become a cartoonist because I love both drawing and creating inspirational stories and characters.|||Thank you, maybe I'm gonna understand them better and fix my relationships with them in the future!|||Hello there, I can't feel connected to any family member so I decided to get to know them better; all my brothers took the test so I know their personality type, but I'm still confused about my...|||Interesting, very interesting! :happy: Thank you for the suggestion, I'll try to follow your instructions, hoping I will start recording my dreams too!|||Welcome! :happy:|||That's the phylosophy of writing a journal: write on it only if you need it. I used to write a lot in my personal journal when I was at school because there were so many people to watch and so...|||Thank you for the idea, i like it! :wink:|||The same for me! Journals are perfect for venting negative feelings, especially those you don't want to tell to anyone else.|||A dream journal! I used to keep one too, it's a pity I can't remember my dreams anymore! Dreams sometimes are revealing... do you usually write down what you think they mean too? Or just record them?...|||I have bad memory too, in fact when I read my old journals (which are already burnt, if you want to know) at times I thought That happened to me? Is it my handwriting? So it seems.... :blushed:|||Exactly! :laughing:|||Actually, I prefer writing on a personal diary which will magically disappear from my drawer once I die. :laughing:|||ESFP! 54% Extroverted, 51% Sensing, 46% Thinking, 65% Perceiving|||Today I decided to keep a personal journal because I noticed that when I used to write one I was more self-aware and serene, I found it therapeutic, and I also decided to write my thoughts on a handy...|||Welcome to Personality Cafe! I'm sure you will soon discover your MBTI type too, there are so many threads about Ti and Fi differences here to discover if you are INTP or INFP! Try to read the You...|||Welcome to Personality Cafe, fellow INFP! :wink:|||My favorite subjects in middle school were Art, Music, Foreign Languages (in Italy is English), Math and I.T., all in the same way =) In high school were Math, I.T. and Foreign Languages (because it...|||INFP and INTP both hate conflict. Both use Ne (Extroverted Intuition), which means you see possibilities as you gain information, all balanced with Si, based on past experiences. The processing of...|||Sei un po' deluso di non essere l'unico?? :laughing:|||Ciao Andrea! :laughing: Benvenuto!! Sono contenta che ci sia un altro INFP italiano su PerC! Hello Andrea! :laughing: Welcome!! I'm happy there is a new Italian INFP on PerC!|||You know you are an INFP when a friend of yours asks you What are you thinking about? because you are silent and then you reply, as it was the most obvious thing in the world, I'm not thinking......|||The same for me!|||Happy 12-12-12 to everyone! :laughing:|||I always suffered from low self-esteem because I have never been very confident with my relationships so that I've always thought I was unhelpful and unworthy; I think your experience had helped me...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=IT&amp;hl=it&amp;v=VYu2EnCG2Ww|||My native language is Italian, I have studied basic English since I was 6 but I'm not really sure I can speak it fluently, and studied French for two years, but I remember nothing about it :laughing:|||Welcome to PerC! :happy:|||Welcome to PerC!|||Welcome!'
'i've never cheated and i know i never could. that being said i don't think i'd ever want to... i can't really imagine it :s|||my closest friends are a couple intps, a couple fellow infps, an isfj, and an enfj, and i agree that it can be very draining to hang out with extroverts, though they can be really fun for limited...|||i have a love/hate relationship with my boobs boobs in general are fine, but i like very small ones, which mine are not :'(|||currently eating a lime popsicle n__n|||i'm having a lot of thoughts right now but mostly i'm just lonely and want people to talk to :v|||what they said also i've realized it takes a certain type of person to actually know me, and i think i've gotten pretty good at recognizing them quickly by now, so i don't even bother to get into...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMlIs1xQ6og|||i'm still sick and i think it's only persisting because of how unhappy i've been i just want one person to love me back as much as i love them ;-; current emotional state: ...|||haha well... i don't think i've ever broken any hearts, at least. that being said, i've had my own heart broken once by an isfj and several times by an infp. ;~;|||- mouthwash - opportunities to travel the world - clean water - being able to see my brother one last time - the chance to fix a relationship|||I can't believe I just posted on a debate thread. D: /makes sign of cross|||I like this idea... I'm grateful for a bunch of things but I'll just list what comes to mind right now. - my best friend - nice weather - peanut butter - solitude - modern medicine - an...|||Roman Catholic|||I think a lot of people think most INFJs are way more wimpy than they are... Or maybe I'm just a tough INFJ lol. I love sarcasm, and I show my affection by making fun of my friends. :P One of my...|||I can honestly say that hasn't happened to me. I've had plenty of romantic dreams I guess, but it was always with a person that I was actually romantically attracted to while awake lol. It's an...|||A lot of people are resentful of good looking people too though. It's not as simple as the OP makes it sound. I'm not attractive but people treat me pretty well, and I think it's pretty common for...|||(Does it count as necroposting if the thread never really started?) Anyway, I love Homestuck!|||Don't worry about it! Of course you couldn't be expected to know what I didn't tell you. Thanks for the hug!!! ^^ I think I just need to give it some time and try talking things out with him a...|||Well I'm catholic so I actually do believe that we weren't meant for this world lol... But honestly, that's pretty much how I feel most of the time anyway. I'm okay with that. This world isn't...|||Welcome! :)|||lemondropG Thanks for your response! A lot of what you've said is right on, but I really didn't elaborate very much and it's actually a pretty long story hahaha... I'm not entirely sure what...|||Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here. :)|||I'll give you some of my breast matter!!! Lol but seriously I have big boobs, and I don't exactly mind how they look I guess, but they are just so inconvenient... Always in the way. Also they can...|||I'm tired... I took a 5-ish hour long nap yesterday after work, and then I stayed up until 4 am and got up for work at 7. :S Had some pretty freaky dreams too. D:|||Usually I'll actually shut myself up in my room and spend time alone until I feel comfortable with myself again, strange as that may sound. I'll just read, lie on my bed and listen to music, screw...|||Welcome! I hope you find what you're looking for...|||Yeah I was starting to wonder where you had disappeared to...|||I moved states when I was in middle school, and my old best friend and I still keep in touch regularly. I was just texting her last night, in fact. And I agree about long-distance dating! I think I...|||All very true!|||Oops, sorry if it sounded like I was suggesting that! D:|||Haha yeah that's why I'm considering just kicking his foot until he removes it and then slamming the door! :O|||You're not alone! I feel the same. I guess I'm the one who first mentioned alcohol on here, but I just like the taste of certain wines. I've actually never been drunk in my life lol.|||Oh cool! I will have to check this out more when I have some time. ^^[/FONT] Yesssssss...[/FONT] Hmm... Perhaps. I think my intercom is old and not actually very functional though....|||Ew beer is yucky!!! DX|||I have not, though I've seen them around and I used to play Halo back in the day... Maybe I'll have to check them out sometime! Probably would taste like dust, ew. But if it smelled like books...|||I can't help but feel sorry for extroverts hahaha...|||I don't necessarily mean romantic relationships, more like friends and family in my case. I've noticed over the past few years that I often prefer to love people from a distance. I think this is...|||Fantasy/sci-fi are your best bet, but you can't go wrong with the classics... Book flavored wine would be too overwhelming! I think I'd probably just expire from the awesomeness of literally...|||I could maybe use some advice... I used to be absolute best friends with an ISFJ, but then for various reasons he cut off all of his friends and stopped talking to almost everyone. Now, over a year...|||Books should do it... Or cheap wine. :P I think I'm going through the process of becoming un-nabbed (by an ISFJ). :O|||When a Saturday night is a big deal, because it means you get to stay in your room for hours and read. ^^|||Yeah I don't get it so much anymore... More back when I was in middle school and early high school, because I didn't smile very much back then. Now I usually only hear it when I'm spacing out and...|||I really like INTPs, and my best friend at college is one, but one of my few complaints would be that she can be quite awkwardly blunt about some things. I'll go out of my way to avoid unnecessary...|||Last night my best friend was over, and she played with my hair while I lay there and rambled about feeling conflicted over something. Then we started talking about friends and I told her how I'm...|||Idk about others but these ones drive me crazy: You're reading way too much into it. I'm sure that's not how they actually feel. You should come hang out with us more. I'm sure...|||Yes, I have, but I don't really think I can explain it...|||Yeah I get the whole instant trust thing as well. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't lol. Strangely, I think I also give off a bit of a cold, unapproachable vibe to people who don't already know...|||My tritype is 9w1 5w4 4w5|||Welcome! That milkshake sounds like heaven. Now I'm starving... D:|||Congrats on finally shedding your feeble human form! Now you won't have to worry about being on the losing side when the takeover happens. :D'
'Well, allow me to recommend the game of go, or baduk, or igo, or weiqi. Replayability? Well there are 361 free spaces to play, I'd say it's infinitely replayable. Strategy?: Chess, but on a...|||Let me address your sources one by one. 1. STEM industry as I said in my first post. 2. China, not the western society as used in my context. Anyone with any semblance of knowledge of Chinese...|||Can my name be changed to Catsby? tyvm.|||Unless you can provide credible sources that prove otherwise, I'm gonna have to correct you on those studies. The first study is only concerning STEM fields, and does not take into account the gender...|||Disclaimer: I am not an INFJ, thus I may not fully grasp how you feel. The higher the cliff, the more painful the fall. I would imagine the recognition and acceptance of human limits as a key...|||Everyone probably looks for different things in a friendship. I don't think gender/sex matters in general.|||What is flirting even? /s...but not really.|||I beg to differ Fluctuate. I don't think friends are there to think well of you, but rather to recognize your problems and still be willing to be there for you. Now OP, I don't think you're...|||LOL BRO. That lady is one of either two: 1. A serious projection whore. 2. A professional troll. She has some of the most hilarious videos. If you go through any of her stuff, you'll find...|||The origin of the universe. Man, I don't know what it'd be like, but I bet it'll be cooooooooooooool asssssssssssssss fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.|||ISTJ duh|||Hiya fellow book whore! Here's a good test to get started on: Keys 2 Cognition - Cognitive Processes There's not much in the website. Just browse around until you find something you can chill...|||Reading right now: Candide by Voltaire - Satire in its finest form. Hilarious. The Autobiography of Malcolm X - It's always cool to see the perspective in those years of a controversial civil...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYFQQB9vqPw Cute as heeeeeeeeeeeeeck.|||1. Damn it all. Too soon. 2. Damn it all. Too soon.|||INTJs are often misunderstood. Not that we usually care, but it can get irritating over time. What are three things you'd change if you could? 1. Git smart 2. Git smarter 3. Even moar. Now...|||Damn, you're making me feel hot with all those spicy pictures. ;D|||Wow, this sounds so non-INTJish. You sure he's one?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZUPCB9533Y|||Can't you do that without money?|||1. BlueCatmas 2. raiicorn 3. N|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmkn59N5SDg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfXtT3qoYyc|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxuBwfNp2wk|||Faramir from Lord of the Rings has got to be one of the noblest fictional characters.|||Yo! ;D Welcome to the Cafe!|||Oops didn't realize you were asking ENTPs. My bad. xD I wasn't paying attention.|||Roborovski Hamsters. Oh my gosh. They make me meeeeeeeeeeeeeelt. 613514 613522 613530|||ISTJ, INFP, and ENFJ ISTJ - Surprising type of relationship actually, as one of the people I absolute hate the most is an ISTJ as well. We used to insult each other all the time, things from...|||hahaha necessities as in food and drink, etc.|||STEM/Computer-shit geniuses? - I hate STEM. I hate programming/code/computer stuff. Stop assuming I like Calculus. Calculus can go castrate itself. Emotionless? - Nah. I just don't like to drown...|||Heeeya! ;D Welcome to the Cafe!|||I believe we've already met on DC. Anyhow, thanks and grats on becoming a mod! ;D|||Thanks darrc. Hope to see you around too, Izaya. ;D|||欢迎欢迎! Welcome to the Cafe! You sound definitely like an IxTx. You can ask here: What's my personality type? for what your personality type is! They'll help you for sure. ;D|||For one year, you are free from work (whether you're still studying in college or working 8 hours in a cubicle.) Your basic necessities will be covered and you will be able to use an unlimited amount...|||I should've phrased myself better. I more or less mean that the self-confidence for each person stems from different things, so perhaps an insecure ISTJ or something would have that need for his...|||What, Ballade No. 1 in G minor happens to be my favorite piece of all time. :D Here's Rachmaninoff's Isle of the Dead. Sort of a dark, moody song, but it's pretty dramatic at the same time. ...|||Yep yep! Was going for the 15 posts thing. :D I saw a couple of yours as well!|||Hiya NiiKK0Nii! Welcome to the cafe! :D|||But I mean, probably all personalities have a desire to be validated, just in different manners? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to be a T since the things he wants validated is more or less his...|||Hehe. Because I can be giggly and joyous without needing to say anything more than, Christmastime is here! It's fun to break out of the INTJ mold every now and then! Bells and happy music for...|||I think you should talk to him directly and try to reach a common ground where you can both fulfill each other's needs, if not minorly. The fact probably is that neither of you can satisfy each other...|||As cool as it might be, none of us are born with a knowledge of politics. Regardless, you're on the way to becoming an intelligent observer of politics! That is the exact perspective you...|||I type people usually for practicality's sake. Although the MBTI is by no means accurate or detailed, it provides a fairly convenient system of putting people into boxes, through which you can pull...|||Haha got distracted and forgot to finish eleven. 11. Tries to get validation from other people by them agreeing with his shit opinions. I think it's possible that this guy could be an ESTJ...|||I had a roommate like that for three months. He had the following traits: 1. Rule-abiding citizen who never questions authority. 2. Not only does he not question authority, he expects everyone...|||Haha! Yes I happen to be an INTJ. I've took the test multiple times and they generally all ended up as an INTJ. And no one said INTJs cannot appreciate colors and animals. xD|||Yo! Welcome.|||Hiya! Welcome.'
'My mother, ISTJ, explaining the difference between her INTJ and ISFP sons: They each walk though the woods and find a tall oak on a hill. What do you think each one does? Well, ISFP here will sit...|||Nah, he always struck me as INTP in Starcraft II. A lot of Ne-Ti going on in the way he explores every possible evolution and does what makes sense to him.|||When you go back to your apartment, make lunch, and then forget to eat it because its out of your line of sight for an hour. Then start to feel hungry, get up to go make a snack, see the sandwich,...|||I almost feel bad for my ESFJ father...then I remember all the rules and morality he imposed on young me.|||I have a bachelor's in Legal Studies and I am currently enrolled in law school working towards my Juris Doctor.|||It depends on how well they use Extroverted Sensing. My Se is great at environmental factors but garbage with faces or clothing. I can perfectly houses I have not been to in years, but I can't...|||You find law school awesome because it requires hours of reading, in-class debate, and the best debater is the winner!|||When you train yourself to be hungry based on what time it is, not how you feel because you don't connect to your body so well.|||ISTJ (Mom) + ESFJ (Father) = INTJ (Oldest Son) + ISFP (2nd Son) + ENFP (Daughter, Youngest)|||I see. For me, I choose series depending on the day they come out. This way, I get a 'hit' every day.|||I have the same problem with anime v manga. I can just read so much faster. If you like shounen, try World Trigger.|||All the time. Mostly my parents, and its either Be nice or Be on your best behavior. I just make the promise that I will behave as well as anyone else, and within 5 minutes I am free to do as I...|||I just say 'Depends on the favor and make sure they understand I do nothing for free, so they will owe me. I kind of enjoy it because it goes from emotional to negotiations and that I can handle...|||Straw Nihilist, as much as I identify with some characters in anti-nihilist, I really have no hope for humanity.|||Sounds reasonable, its a like a contract. They offer up sacrifice in exchange for your divine intervention at an as-yet unspecified date.|||We talking human, animal? Blood or death? Or do you take foodstuffs and visa or mastercard?|||I am loyal to those who are loyal to me. It sounds weird, but its a system of having each other's back no matter what comes up. If I need to escape a social situation, they rescue me. If they are...|||I've started keeping a few memories 'on reserve' just for situations like this. Makes blending in much easier.|||I've gotten more like that, but when I started I made a lot of mistakes because I did the 'right' thing by the numbers but not by reality. It has taken nearly 5 years but my driving has become more...|||I'm a smart driver. I calculate everything and only panic when others do really stupid stuff.|||I wouldn't go quietly, but the idea isn't that the accused should accept the sentence but that the state must accept the risk involved. The number ratio I gave was an example that is commonly used,...|||And I would rather 1 innocent dead, than 10 guilty draining the system and burdening society.|||I know that it currently costs more because of the insane amount of appeals granted and how the system is currently set up. I would like to see that changed so that an execution may be moved along...|||I am currently in my last year of college. I did it in 3 years instead of 4 and am now going on to law school. I have made 3-4 friends in my time at college but I doubt I will keep in touch with...|||I fully support the death penalty. Not as a deterrent because studies show that it is not one. I support it as an efficient way to deal with chronic problem-persons who will not behave by society's...|||this is why I initiate. By giving them brief, factual updates every 1 or 2 weeks they no longer feel the need to call me randomly.|||First series of Manga I ever got into. Also my first anime on Toonami Friday nights.|||And a fun art at that. I do it to see what people really mean. Of course I modify my own body language to better aid in the lying or manipulation of others.|||I just save the bookmark in a folder titled Entertainment, this makes it easy to save 4-6 shows at once.|||I do get this quiet a bit. People say that I am emotionally cold and always look ready to kill someone. To be fair, I am ready to kill people most of the time because they bother me so much and I...|||At times, especially when I feel disconnected from others because of my intellect. I do want some human connections but when I can't connect to people because they are too slow/stupid, I might wish...|||I knew the answer all along, but didn't tell you because you would not have believed me at the beginning. OR They plan everything, and whatever chaos occurs is by their design.|||I am actually very good at public speaking. I just view it as acting and lying to people, which comes second nature. I put on a mask and fool them all. I have two jobs that require me to give...|||Most certainly. *Brofist And I do try to be subtle about it or just not talk to people unless I have to.|||This is exactly what I go through. I made a study of it and now I can't avoid manipulation. It doesn't help that I went through a few years of lying to everyone around me constantly. So yeah, now...|||Hello, have you heard of our Lord and Savior? - Jehovah's Witness|||Sshhhh don't attempt to use logic.|||I am quite good at manipulation. I use body language, syntax and vocabulary to make people come to the conclusion I want. I have tried to stop recently, but because of my awareness of the impact of...|||When you can spell 'consanguinity' off the top of your head and then explain the separate parts of the word to your classmates in an 8 am class before the professor can look it up online.|||Correct on all points. Regrettably though this game has gotten stale. I enjoyed going back and forth with you but if all we do now is trade control of political power for peoples' favor then really...|||Excellent strategy, and yes some of my actions will weaken me over the long run. However, I am now going to do something you would see as impossible. I hold all the strong points and I cannot root...|||Excellent counter! However you focused too much on the fanatics. While your attention was diverted I won several emergency elections around the world after votes of no confidence in your officials....|||side note: because this game of ours is endlessly entertaining, think Deathnote before L was killed off Clever, I did lose track of the terrorists momentarily. Luckily the surviving 42% of my...|||Very clever and I accept the compliment. I will take a leaf out of your book and recruit several ENTJ's and place them in high business positions, particularly advertising companies. They will...|||Blast you are good! However, I will simply buy out your ENTJ servants with the promise that they will gain control of whichever country they desire so long as they side with me. The disadvantage of...|||My ISTJ's will infiltrate all levels of business and academia so as to control what the country focuses on. The ISFJ's will infiltrate law enforcement agencies and make sure to be in a position to...|||Thats the best part! I have chosen ISFJ's and ISTJ's who will typically fall for each other and create a self-replicating cult. While morality is a boundary I have found that by conditioning them to...|||Original, but I have a select core of ISFJ's who believe I am god. They will never rise up and never surrender.|||Indeed, let the games begin!|||I get more annoyed when extroverts try to make me like them. I tell extroverts that I need space and time alone and they respond, generally, by trying to drag me to more social events. Then at...'
'Good point. I don't think anyone suggested it, but it's best avoided. He doesn't need the fishing exercise. Here a few points / questions: Can an average joe make it past Semester 1 of a law...|||@Laguna - will be gone for a week. Left you a PM regarding our previous conversation. When... not if.|||Why do you ask? Would you ask your boss that question? If not, why ask it here? Your question also targets one of the most dominant social skill inadequacy characteristics of individuals...|||You just made all bhuddist monks and nuns redundant.|||I need a woman who is kind, loving, and patience. And so does every other ENTJ. The last thing we need is a spouse who mirrors back to us our emotional intelligence. No thanks :) An...|||Speaking from experience, here's a recent short book (I own and have bought copies for several others including both my young daughters) that's got a very useful tool in it that is disgustingly...|||---> poke in the eye... What happens when there's fire in front, fire behind, fire below, fire above, fire to your left and fire to your right? You're a fucking star Shine on ;)|||Fair enough, you've worked out you don't need it. You needn't use a hammer when a spanner will do. The isolation you experience is common enough and you'll learn to ignore it as under-stimulation....|||@blackstar. Buddy - please do yourself a favor and grab (download) a copy of this test. It's a reliable (scientifically validated and proven) test many psychs use in professional practice to...|||@blackstar I hope my post isn't too incoherent. Nope, your post is clear enuf. At the risk of sounding too-obviously therapeutic... Emotions are very commonly externally caused. Try and...|||Interesting comment / hazarded guess. I've had similar experience with technically incompetent and low self-esteem teachers, lecturers and professors myself. It's a problem often experienced by...|||Laguna I need some ENTJ hormone injections I just snorted coffee at that one! Thanks for the laugh|||For the record I see nothing wrong with having nice toys - I've got my eyes on a Lamborghini Aventador and I mean to have it. It's important to actively make your money go around (in this case,...|||Laguna ...interesting post. It's almost a law of business that you will get screwed over sometime and possibly three or more times. I've found it a useful learning experience, tho in one case it...|||It may be relevant that I'm a single father (Mr Mom and Mr Dad) - and the above decision-making style is certainly the invention necessary for being and staying competent under those higher...|||You seem less screwed up than just working your way through an apparent contradiction. Money is an elephant. So this is one of your views: money is not a motivator for me in life any...|||If you can meet 80% of your social needs 100% of the time you'd be doing pretty well. The last 20% may be subject to the law of diminishing returns (much greater effort required for much smaller...|||How do you guys detect BS?By the amount of trust they require.|||Nice try. less this, more this|||Sure. We would all like to be a bit more expansive. But that's a luxury a person 'in command' / with strong task-leadership skills can't afford if they are to stay competent at their job. It's...|||LyricalWhip sometimes I'm not trying to stretch and grow...that shit is painful..... You could play with him, of course. Ask him for a smart solution to making that stuff easier - lol ;)|||Kudos for noting the bitchiness of apparently ENTJ women. It's amusing, isn't it. Maybe just take it as a useful reminder that IQ has little to do with personality type and statistically (on the...|||@LyricalWhip Interesting post. I've have had a few female friends express the same predicament about me. It might help to remember we are depth-attenders to the most relevant challenge at the...|||I tried to be reasonable with this guy already; Do you mean the time when he first told you / went off about your car alarm?|||MsBossyPants - and thanks for the fix :)|||I'm speaking from my own successful experience of several (equally and more heated) misunderstandings. It's a man to man unwritten rule respect thing. Only a fool takes a stick (in this case,...|||You could also shorten the odds by talking to him man to man. And yes, it will take him by surprise...but it is usually most effective at achieving faster (in less than 5 minutes) peace of mind for...|||People talk shit when they are angry / stressed. Fix your car alarm and you'll probably find the problem goes away. Give it 3 weeks. Since habits (eg. his being angered by your crappy alarm) change...|||This is all I have to say on the matter. Let me contradict myself for a minute. You might want to recall that on any given day behavioral atmospheric statistics support that: 1. 20% of the...|||Wake up buddy. Here's the point: Random Thoughts, Tangents etc!|||there's a minority of people that seem to mistake friendliness for some sort of weakness which is an absurdity that I cannot begin to comprehend. I've never encountered it. There are perhaps...|||Small-p poetry: 1. subjective (versus inter-subjective) 2. self-focused or indulgently and repetitively self-referent (i-me-my over-autobiographical syndrome) 3. expressing a banal personal...|||It's amusing and irritating watching the dating / mating pickle of single ENTJ and high-achieving women. I'm thinking of those I know offline. Successful enough but can't quite get their shit...|||You do realize the main male character is an ENTJ|||lol I doubt there'd be any / enough time to get work done. It might be like eating rice every night. Different color, different shape, same old.|||MNiS... are you implying you never evolved beyond creating 'small-p' poetry? I'd imagine that would be rather trite, best abandoned.|||to: a space whale: I've been thinking about my post above today, and I agree with you. I also think it's a technological problem into the bargain. For one, I'm quite certain I've personally given...|||If the first mass-produced robot isn't a cleaning robot...|||For one, I think the shame-and-be-damned approach of wiki leaks is immoral and foolhardy. That is, it excludes those whom it is apparently trying to help by attempting to 'forcibly reform' by turning...|||Tell us what you are good at, what you can do. Make a connection between 2 things that may not be evident. Tell us what you think, drop the word feel. Ask us what we think about a practical...|||In general, incompetent 'experts'.|||Of those listed, I use this one (only): The Super-Intellectual Variant -becoming cold and distant -showing no emotion to others -shutting down feelings and increasing factual analysis I...|||Hi Gandalf, yes I've written a few (20+), and songs (10+) in various genres - mainly for specific (commercial project use) purposes.|||Not being able to find where to buy another pair of my favorite shoes (suede brogues) despite over 7+ hrs searching on google|||Hmm, this is an old thread so I'd guess the issue (for EverSo) is resolved. If not, I'd happy to add something more constructive (methods) based on my own experience ;) In particular, I don't...|||* entj *|||...said Deng Xiaoping, as he destroyed Communism with 5 words he'd mulled a month over: To Be Rich Is Glorious One mental breath, that does it, 5 words, max. I'm as good as Churchill, he thought'
How self-assured I am largely depends on the situation for me.|||You're right, confidence is often equated with those qualities in our society, or they go hand in hand. I mean, the line between confidence and arrogance is often very blurry. There's also overlap,...|||ESFJ? Never even considered that, lol. I do feel she's more of an introvert, but probably kind of an 'ambivert', more inwardly oriented, though she can be pretty social, but it's mostly asking...|||Hmmm, yes and no? I mean, she'll notice things, but then seem sort of oblivious...but I can't fully say. I don't know how she goes about her work much, so I can't really say that much. I'd say she...|||You always impress me with your intelligent, insightful responses, Aelthwyn. I pretty much agree/see it the same way, and said similar things in the MBTI Facebook group. Extraversion can very well at...|||Yeah thought she did test INFP, I'm beginning to think INFJ would fit her more. I hesitate to equate insight or instinct with intuition, but she does seem like an Intuitive, and definitely seems to...|||Do you think some types exude more of a natural confidence or are more likely to be confident or present as such? Sometimes overly so? Are some types more prone to lack confidence and be self...|||I've been curious about what type my good friend is. It's not that important, and MBTI is really just one facet, but I have thought about it. I actually got her to take the test (forgot if it was the...|||Yeah like I said, Fi should essentially be familiar with their emotions, and put them in the context of some sort of 'emotional logical framework', so that they aren't overwhelmed by feelings that...|||Yes, of course there are many other influences. Someone who grows up in a culture that values the wellbeing of the group over the individual, a more collectivist society, might be swayed more towards...|||Yes, stereotypes etc can certainly affect things. I think Fe definitely does tend to be more prone to being conscious of and blending in with their social environment, so if their social environment...|||If your Fe was really as developed as your Fi would you still really be an INFP? Maybe the introversion/extroversion for feeling, thinking.etc can be balanced, like for I/E in general? Like I tend to...|||And what about INFJ? Really, though, aside from the whole intuition thing INFJs aren't any closer to INFPs than ISFJs. Maybe your enneagram plays a role, I think you're probably not an enneagram 4....|||Yeah I'm more basing it on feedback from my parents. I don't think they think I'm that selfish, but that I have a selfish side, which isn't that untrue, but sometimes Fe users see Fi users this way....|||INFP and ISFJ are very different. My mother is a textbook ISFJ, and I can see where we clash a lot. Fi and Fe tends to probably clash the most of the two functions. I think an iSFJ who mistypes as an...|||I think it depends on the individual. I think 'feeler like' INTPs could mistype as INFP, and more thinker-type INFPs, like say an enneagram 5 (I'm an 5w4 myself, and feel on the F/T borderline) could...|||People say on the surface INFP and INFJ often seem similar, but I'm not sure how true that is, really. In my experience, INFJs do seem to give off a different aura. Maybe this is hokey-talk, but it...|||What is not necessarily Introverted Feeling, or rather, what things don't necessarily prove you're a strong Fi-user/Fi-dom, but isn't necessarily not caused by Fi: - Being overly emotional,...|||Yeah I'd say Fe and Se would be the main functions behind it, maybe a combination of Fe driving Se especially. But may especially the strong Fe users..|||I think whether it's viewed positively or negatively can depend on so many factors: content, intention, who is using it, your past experience with people calling you by name (especially by parents...|||One thing I noticed awhile ago is that I don't tend to address people by name very much in conversation. Like some people will frequently mention a person's name when talking to them, like, 'Yeah, I...|||Match an occupation with an MBTI type (in the most stereotypical sense): Accountant: ISTJ Activist: ENFP Actor: INFP/ENFP Architect: ENTP Artist: ISFP/INFP Athlete: ESTP Banker: ISTJ...|||Yeah I'd agree extroverted feelings are more that way inclined. Introverted thinkers probably the least.|||I don't think so, really. Maybe any extrovert tends to do it more than their equivalent introvert (so ENFP vs INFP, ENTJ vs INTJ etc) because of a dominant extroverted function. Personally I feel Se...|||I know there are many factors, like cultural background, other personality aspects, your mood, what you're talking about, but I wonder if any generalised trends exist with how much each type/function...|||I was actually wondering if it was about how much we use our hands when we talk...but that gives me a good idea for a thread.|||Do certain types seem to 'grow up' faster, or try to act all old, responsible, grown up, or adult or 'mature' earlier than others? Like in childhood and adolescence, but also avoiding any perceived...|||Do you think intuitives tend to he drawn to the spiritual, mystical or esoteric more so than sensors? More likely to believe in what is not immediately apparently to the five senses? I mean, even...|||Yeah I've noticed INFPs end up writing these short dissertations, I'm no different. I think we want to explore a subject in-depth, and want to convey what we have to say with as much accuracy as...|||Leading on from my previous posts, I think it's a bit simplistic to say which type tends to be quieter/louder, more or less talkative. I think it largely depends on just WHAT they tend to like...|||What's your opinion? Do you agree/disagree? I think we have to distinguish between those who just like talking, and those who have the most to say. The most substance. I know I'm biased but in...|||We're all (almost all) feeling beings with emotion. Without feeling, life would be pointless, we'd be like robotic automatons, so the idea of dismissing emotion/feelings is in itself sort of...|||Isn't the need to stand up for your beliefs so passionately often part of that though? haha. Well obviously we can respond in differently ways, being mature about it frankly stating our position, or...|||I don't really see bluntness or honesty as all that particular to TPs, although most TPs tend to be more this way than others. But yeah, probably broadly true. I'd say a lot of NTs, especially ExTPs,...|||In descriptive terms what would you say the similarities are between all those in the Delta grouping (as in typical behaviours/thought patterns)?|||Damn, how could I have forgot? But you did a better job anyway, and I agree with that.|||Honestly, I think I'm pretty borderline between INFP and INTP. Not simply because of the F/T dichotomy, but in function tests my Ti is quite high, and while I relate more to INFP, I relate a lot with...|||Yes, though maybe she's more maternal than she gives off, and not all SFJs will be. She seems like she'd be fairly accommodating. Great idea, I commented on a video she made, 50 things about me, I...|||Most and least 'open-minded' 'freethinking' types, in the true sense of the word, not merely being 'liberal' or slavishly following anything that's popular. I'd say NTPs the most, SxJs the least.|||That INFPs/Fi-doms are all easily offended little unicorns without a backbone...Fi is probably the most powerful function when utilised or aroused. And it means an internal system of values, not just...|||I think ISFJ/ESFJ is most common, then ISTJ and ESTJ. Though it really depends on what you're looking for, and how 'accurate' your observations and conclusions are.|||Stereotypically though she doesn't seem like an Fi-dom. ISFPs also seem quite moody, at times, though we shouldn't assume they're all moody. I get an Fe vibe from her, she seems pretty easy going,...|||Wow you're only 13? haha. TBH I think it's still a bit young to really be sure of your type, though your personality kind of is quite set from an early age, I think, it sort of just matures, like...|||My personality type is definitely very different to my parents and siblings, though there have to be a few similarities.|||You didn't have a 'both but not necessarily equally' option. I'd say it's a complex question that requires delving into biology/genetics/social-developmental...|||I know Jungian feeling doesn't equal simply being emotional, of course. Many people think Fi means just being highly emotional/sensitive, when it's about referencing your internal values, and INFPs...|||Basically, I think each type might have a tendency to excel more in certain types of intelligences. I'm not sure one could really conclusively say one type trumps them all, or a few types are much...|||Of course, it's just ONE example, and there are a million other factors, but I know one INTJs who gives off the impression of being cool and rational, but gets pretty arrogant and condescending when...|||Thanks to David Keirsey we usually divide the 16 types into four temperaments: the SJs (Guardians), SPs (Artisans), NFs (Idealists) and NTs (Rationalists), as if they share most in common with each...|||Calm that Fi, child ;), this wasn't to be taken too seriously. You must be new to the forum lol.
'Thank you, Deprecator, for consistently being a voice of reason in this thread.|||Oh, also, I really did enjoy that aspect of drain the swamp he had during his campaign. I don't agree with his policies on immigration or health care, or the environment, but it was really nice to...|||I am personally not a fan of Trump's personality, from what I've seen of it on television. He strikes me as one of those people who taut themselves as tough-minded and blunt but really just use that...|||Trust me, if they keep the conversations going for an hour or so, you are by no means bothering them. I can't think of a time when I'd entertain a conversation with a single person for an hour...|||How would you define a good person? And a bad person? I would define them by the sum of their actions and words. An abusive person, to me, is a bad person. Can a person be both innocent (no...|||I believe it's reasonable to be proud of your personal accomplishments. I don't view pride in one's nation or race as explicitly necessary, but it makes sense in the context of racism, that racial...|||In order to consider this question, you do need to define all of those things. Otherwise, you're describing a single act of sexual violence, and not actively asking should rapists be castrated. ...|||How would you act if someone you're really really sexually intrigued and intimidated by is around? I would act the same around them as I act around everyone else. How would you act around such a...|||Right, but there is no gray area, because the legal definition (ergo, the crime, and therefore, the criminal) of rape doesn't require genitals. So, yes, this literally means that your original...|||This still makes no sense to me. In your ideal society, you'd castrate men who rape (with their penises) and... do what, to everyone else? The situation even posited for this debate is ludicrous,...|||Be kind.|||This is entirely false, and contributes to the overall assumption that rape victims are damaged goods who can never recover from their experiences. Most rape victims would rather be rape victims than...|||You don't need genitals to be a rapist. Rape in and of itself is a crime of power, not of sex, so it's a moot point to assume that castration will prevent anything. Not only that, but it's directly...|||Oh, yeah. A pack every couple days.|||Marry: ENTJ Kiss: ESFJ Bed: INSP (??? Is this like fucking an alien ???) ESTP ISTP INFJ|||Hemingway, for sure.|||Advances taken the wrong way, how? Like, romantically? Just be yourself and chill with him. If he makes a move, be blunt and let him know you're not interested. (Or, if you are interested, let him...|||OK, I figured as much but was not quite certain. I do think that it still applies, because (and this is not my view, for the most part, I'm not expecting a paraplegic to run the 100 mile dash,...|||Can you be more specific? Are you asking if I discriminate against disabled people?|||I believe discrimination is an attempt to determine if a particular person poses harm, or detracts in some way from society. This comment for the record is not to suggest that certain parties are...|||I just read the description of that type and I had to laugh. Tru tho. Truly, though, thank you for your comment Malandro! I'm looking into this type, now. I definitely resonate with some...|||A little of everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROUXV-8scJs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y-8zQp6a9g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeRaGG1W8zY ...|||It depends on how you define forgiveness. I am able to let go of anger, resentment and frustration exceptionally easily (when the subject of said emotions is human), but I will always hold people...|||This thread is very interesting to me. As an STP, I find that I really do only get along with other SPs, or NTJs who are willing to respect my space and personal integrity. NTJs like that need to...|||Not precisely. It is more like, being in a place where you are unable to utilize your analytical abilities. Not being intellectually stimulated, not having anything to focus your internal magnifying...|||When I am bored, I am consumed with the urge to generate-create-play-move. I get very physically restless, and the desire to exert energy rages supreme.|||I'm a Ti-dom and I enjoy RPing. Creating all of the details of a character's past and personality, constructing personal histories, developing worlds, languages and lore, are all very satisfying to...|||Traits I fit: Adrenaline junkie Lack of commitment Calm and collected Exploring, curious Hating limits/don't tread on me Individualistic Logical aptitude (software, not hardware,...|||Disclaimer: I've taken a few tests that have yielded different results. The most popular results seem to be 9, or 9w8, but I've gotten high percentages in 7w8 and 8w9. I do relate to the description...|||Sarah: ISTP Alison: ESTJ Rachel: ESFJ Krystal: INFJ Helena: ISFP Cosima: INTP Beth: ISTJ MK: INFJ|||Me Christy Christ, Jung was evidently not a Ti-user. These paragraphs are mind-blowingly dense, but if I had to guess, I would say that he's attempting to demonstrate not that Ti literally represents...|||Ti.|||It depends on what is meant by the term images. I've never heard of Ti being particularly visual, or reliant on visual imagery. More that Ti describes an internal system of facts, opinions, beliefs...|||Te is concerned with external systems and facts. Ti is concerned with internal systems and consistency.|||https://i.pinimg.com/originals/83/fb/e9/83fbe9ba4fa51f57aafa3f836afcfcac.gif|||Truth is consistency.|||None of this follows a rational, linear mindset whatsoever. I support rehabilitation of offenders so that they do not aggress again, thereby reducing the number of victims of violent crime in the...|||Why wouldn't you do this. That's the real question.|||This argument seems somewhat specious, as it's in overall society's best interest to improve the quality of prisons and prisoner treatment, while moving away from a culture which will, in the end,...|||Disclaimer: I found this questionnaire on Reddit and decided to fill it out. Also included the scenarios in case I didn't provide enough information in the first section. I've always very strongly...|||The reason why this wouldn't work is the same reason why prisons under the retributive model have historically proven to be less than effective in preventing crime, and why countries with the...|||Agreed, Sensational.|||You don't need genitals to be a rapist.|||All you are doing in this instance is perpetrating acts of aggravated abuse against another human being, which will not provide you with any useful results. Predatory behavior is ingrained starting...|||It honestly doesn't matter if it's a mental illness or not. As long as you aren't hurting anybody, you should be free to modify your body and identify how you see fit. There is nothing morally wrong...|||The problem is, academic achievement isn't necessarily correlated to intelligence. Many people struggle scholastically but have higher than average IQs. Your problem seems to be that you are...|||Assertiveness is the healthy medium.|||I don't believe we're born as good or evil. We develop and grow based on our exposure to caregivers, education, morality, law and structure. The more civilized and enlightened a society is, the less...|||Not precisely, but people of the same social class and employment background stick together. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that there were in fact groups of ultra-rich attempting to manipulate...|||No. Our justice system should be rehabilitative, not retributive. Castration will not prevent someone who has developed the mentality of a predator from abusing people.'
'Powerful song. Barely recognized in the metal scene, because people just want Phil to sing melodic catchy tunes like they did on Overcome and the singles from Fall of Ideals. Also, why isn't...|||Yeah, but I thought it sounded more pleasant without mentioning that part.|||My thoughts, exactly.|||When I realized I was the only one in kindergarten who could spell words with more than four letters. Being intelligent didn't seem like a big deal then, but I soon realized that everybody in...|||I'd rather be ENTP. I can analyze a lot of pros from S, F and J, but I don't want to completely change. I'd just rather be more of an extraverted thinker.|||Hell yeah, Richie!|||That's oddly inspiring.|||For the sake of the question, let's assume that your soul was also copied.|||I'd name him Scott, because my girlfriend refuse to name our first son Scott, and I'd like to rub this in her face. I would raise him as my son, and explain things to him when he's able to...|||I honestly don't understand exactly what you're proposing. I suppose things that are made by intelligent beings are a product of intelligent design, but we didn't create the entire universe. If...|||I haven't thought about this. I would love to fight myself. Cheers to you, sir. Yep. And any idea you think up, they've also considered. There's just enough variation to avoid having you both...|||That's the thing about it. You would both feel the same about any decision. If you wanted to leave them to your life, they'd also want to leave you to your life. It's just as much their life as...|||Let's say you've been cloned. Well, not cloned, but copied. One morning, you wake up to find yourself sleeping next to... yourself. Both of you are exactly the same--same body, same mind, same...|||This band found on TPB. I want to have sex with her voice. https://soundcloud.com/hanna-kerttu/snow-stories If I were gay, this song would make me wanna fuck the shit out of Hetfield... but I'm...|||Letters that fucking suck: x95 R - It should be a vowel. Native English speakers don't roll it, at least not the important ones, and many barely ever pronounce it. x95 W - Also a vowel. It's a...|||It was all the same for me during middle school. I don't know what happened when I hit high school though. People stopped bothering me. I mean, my classmates and I were fully aware that we didn't...|||In high school, I used to leave school (during P.E, history, or English) for a cigarette, and I'd end up going to the library, which was right up the road, for a half-hour or so. It's the reason I...|||I pop a pretty mean kickflip.|||This seems so... anti-religious. It's like you're portraying spirituality as something that only exists as a vice. When I started to read the last one, it brought a little hope to the dark cave of...|||Atheist, but an agnostic atheist. I don't know there's isn't a god, but I'm very convinced that there isn't one. I'd be happy to be proven right, but even happier so to be proven wrong. The world...|||I do look at other people occasionally even while in a relationship, but it's not the same, apathetic almost. When I'm single, I'm thinking to myself, Goddamn, I would do unholy things to that fine...|||Isn't there a guy sponsored by RedBull (yay, capitalism) who is going to skydive from space? I think it's supposed to happen in the summer. Google it.|||I tend to be competitive. When I lose at something, I enjoy the loss but only because it pushes me to try harder for the next contest. Of course, if I'm on a losing streak, I'll get angry and...|||I don't think this question is specific enough. I think the bigger question asks how to utilize these functions, you know, the 'little things' that would help. At least, for me, that's the question.|||the banana is sideways. OH! wait. it's supposed to be. i see it now|||Here's few nabbed from my Facebook. Mind the happy. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/263148_210981378939405_100000826321206_551699_7584887_n.jpg One of these things is not like the...|||That there is one of my favorite places on the internet.|||Huh... Those anger me.|||It's all about mental health and stress. Introverts can be lacking extroversion when stressed and become reclusive, and fearful. Extroverts can become too extroverted when stressed and turn into...|||Chandler Bing|||x95 Get your damn ponies off of my internet. x95 You're still my closest friend. x95 Because of you, I believe in love. Too bad you left. x95 Your emotions will be the end of you. I'm sure of it. x95...|||I used to be badly unsociable, but for the past half-decade or so I've been going through deliberate mental changes--getting into Buddhism, trying to become more social, making attempts at more...|||Erm... Se, Fi, and Fe I think Fi has made the most progress so far. Se is my weakest. I have a lot of trouble remembering names and faces. I'll often forget someone's name 2 minutes after they...|||We're way too analytic. Come to think of it, everybody on this forum is. I guess that's why we come here.|||I've finally decided to go with minarchism. I was researching something about anarchy and I happened upon the word. Not knowing what it was, naturally, I went to Google for a definition. It...|||2 Cats: ESFJ and ISFP They act like total opposites.|||Preoccupied with information and contently oblivious of the outside world. I really don't think you can explain any personality type with one sentence but, I tried anyways.|||I think it's possible to sleep without dreaming (the consciousness going off for a few hours) because, once or twice, I've closed my eyes to go to sleep and at that very second, I woke up and it was...|||Actually, I have the opposite problem. I'm too apathetic. I ignore things that most people would consider a crisis. I don't know what to do about it sometimes (I can't force myself to care.) but then...|||Well, I do have emotions (duh). They're just very subtle. Sometimes I feel like they really aren't there, but I know they are. It's weird how I can watch something (stand-up/Youtube videos) and find...|||Almost agreeable. The strong emotion I feel the most often is anger, but it's still not very often that I do, and I only get angry at stupid things like (quoting myself) video games and pickle jars.|||1. Unintentionally walked into something? Wall, doorway, pole? I walk into the corners of the walls in my house all the time. Too eager to take the turn, I guess. 2. Watched TV for over four hours...|||This is a fun one. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Hilariously, it's the fear of long words. The guy who came up with this one is a douchebag along with the creator of the word lisp.|||Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim RELEASING 11/11/11 I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it.|||Why How Bacon Pointless Objective Subjective Arbitrary Cunt I dunno about them being my favorites, but these are just words I use a lot.|||Bull. I'll whoop you in any FPS. :happy:|||These seem about right. Also The Satellites|||I've always thought that freedom and civilization can't coexist. The only way that we could really be free to do what we please is if we were cavemen with no way to communicate the way we do with...|||Agreed. The change of the thanks button is the only new thing I've spotted that I don't like. I don't see the point of the achievements (Apparently this is a video game) but they don't really...|||I completely agree. The more people tell/ask me to do something, the less I want to do it. Apparently, everyone else sees it the other way around and Give me a minute, literally means one minute,...'
'How does intj prefer to deal with an argument or quabble? Just move on and let it go, or talk it out or something else?|||If I feel the person and I share similar interests and views I will initiate, if we don't forget about it|||Perhaps our fierce beliefs and views are to blame here, I know for myself I really push my views on people that are very close to me because I think it's the better way and that they will benefit...|||I go through phases and will eat the same thing all day everyday for months and then just drop it. Right now I'm on a muffin fix any kind oh and nuts especially walnuts|||Rocky road *drool* although I haven't had it for a long time (lactose intolerant):sad:|||I feel this way with everyone in my inner circle, i give them advice and either they don't take it and or become angry and insulted. Things go badly and it's like they are surprised at the outcome...|||Canada eh|||My high: my ass is getting smaller! Lol Low: I have to work out again tomorrow....pfft|||520954|||I don't do Facebook never have, I don't really care to hear about people's made up perfect lives or what their eating right now :/|||Music is a big part of my life, I love it Might sound cheesy but I say music is the soundtrack of my life. Songs remind me of events in my life good and bad ❤️|||Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shhhhhhiiiiitttttt|||I second detached these days I'm searching for answers, I'm just getting tired of always being the one that's looking|||Very goofy and silly here, but only when I'm comfortable like with family and close friends|||My dream life is on a lavender farm in an old farmhouse, raising a grumbel of pugs|||Don't take that shit, speak up. Your stronger than you think in fact your the strongest person you'll ever meet|||Oh dear you brought me to tears, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know just how you feel sadly Know she's with you always. *hug*|||Yup me too, although I'm in a long term relationship. My boyfriend was accepting of my intensity and I gave all of me right off the bat but years later now I want more and my partner is like if it's...|||Well said, I agree completely|||Happiness for me too|||If I'm observing the anger like two people arguing I get really uncomfortable, not scared though unless it's physical then I'd probably run, if the anger is directed at me I start laughing but it's a...|||Ah yes, I love daydreaming feels like my escape from everything. I see things like a movie, it's weird how you can just totally shut out everything around you and still be pysically present but be...|||I joined to vent, talk to like minded people. I've learned so much about myself and don't feel so abnormal. It's nice talking to people who understand you. Also I've learned a lot about my intj...|||I agree, it's all very interesting. What's your life path number if you don't mind me asking? I ask because I'm a 33 and wondered if other infj's were master numbers as well, ya know being snowflakes...|||Not American but all I can say is if trump is the next president it would be absolutely catastrophic for everyone. That guy is a train wreck|||I agree with inforjoking, intuition is key and one of your strong suits. See how your dinner goes, if all goes well ya you should tell him how you feel, exchange numbers. From what you've described...|||I personally do meditation, yoga, a lot of self reflection, I look at why I feel angry,upset or whatever and dissect it down to its simplest form and work on that. I read self help books, eat...|||I feel for you I really do, I have felt exactly like you as in your feeling of losing your identity when your father passed. I attached myself to my husband this way, he passed away 7 years ago...|||Agreed, I regret having sounded obsessive in my original post. I'm not losing sleep over this was really just curious if anyone else had numbers in their lives|||Number 11 Symbolizes, visionary, inspirational, intuitive, leader, teacher, peacemaker Hmm I'll take it|||Thanks for the response, ya I've just always been interested in numbers. Numerology has a long history. I was really asking because the master numbers in numerology are very similar to infj type,...|||Ya I'd like to think so too. And yes I've also calculated my birthdate. I don't know, it's all interesting to me anyway (numerology). I just really would like to figure out these 11's, according to...|||I go through binges I can eat the same thing over and over and then I move to something else, at this moment I am addicted to roasted chick peas! Nom nom bought a big bag from Costco oh my gawd so...|||What do you think about numerology? Numbers are a big part of my life, for about 16 years now I daily see the same groups of numbers, on the clock, licence plates, cashier receipts,everywhere! I'm...|||Oh wow I thought I was weird for physically feeling others pain, in fact I've never even told anyone that for fear of being looked at as crazy! I get the phone call thing too, especially with my...|||I am very spiritual, I love learning, meditating, you name it I wanna try it or learn as much as I can about it. If it helps me be a better me I'm all over it|||Ya I seem to be a go to when people need support it is really draining, I love giving people support but it comes at a price for me. My way of dealing with it lately, like about 3 months now is...|||Nooooooo! My world stops turning when I see my parents cry, especially my dad because he never cries|||Lol! I know when I saw it would take approx 45 mins I was like ain't nobody got time fo dat!!|||I agree with all above, my intuition is usually spot on. I have a physical reaction, like major unexplained panic, fatigue when something really bad is going to happen, although I don't always know...|||Sorry but this is just asking for a backlash, I would think that an infj would not want to be labeled as anything let alone a supreme, I certainly don't. And I also think that an infj would say all...|||I got 82|||I wish people would understand my need to have quiet time alone, and that it has nothing to do with them personally. I wish people would just understand me and where I was coming from and not look...|||You really are quite funny ya no, I've had some good belly laughs reading your posts :laughing:|||Oh fun I love these! 1) bollocks 2) chic 3) self reflection, meditation, being a better me 4) ignorance|||Well said I totally agree, it annoys me also. There are other qualities in other types that I wish I had. The grass is always greener so they say|||So my intj and I had a differance of opinions I'm infj and from time to time I become overloaded for whatever reason, usually over-stimulation from outside influences, people whatever, and I need...|||Sigh* thanks, we're putting up a wire fence tomorrow. In all honesty I hope it stops with that. some people just have a chip on their shoulder and are unhappy humans and want to drag everyone into...|||Ugh my new neighbour sucks, he was upset about my dogs going over there so I reached out to talk to him about it and he responded with an automated text message and said he was a private guy and...|||Grr why can't people just leave me alone, no I'm not mad, no I'm not upset, I just don't want to engage in mindless banter right now Sigh*'
'no no no, you have it all wrong my friend! there is nothing wrong with you i think u are just a sensitive person, at least more than average. as far as performing under pressure, its easier when...|||let me cook you something really delicious and give me all the affection i crave for a night :P|||well don't be scared, odds are he won't be too judgmental of anything silly you say and will appreciate the company|||lol idk if id describe myself as healthy, with my weed habit and other assorted indulgences but all i can do is affect what's around me you know. i figure being a good person and sticking to my...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvNu1Snqqg0 one of my favorite artists. if you enjoy tribe called quest, check this out!|||i might shed a tear or two when i see good people in a heart-wrenching situation|||i wish i was really good at piano and singing without all the hard work and practice :P|||i enjoy things in the media that attempt to subvert or otherwise play with established tropes in a way that makes you think. but yeah the overwhelming majority of stuff sends out toxic messages and...|||hey dude, if a girl can't see you for the good soul you are, the relationship wasn't gonna last anyways. my advice is to focus on self-improvement in terms of economic stability, physical fitness,...|||116146bump lol|||also yeah, in general im a lot happier and nice to everyone and i become more social and yea. it does good things to my brain ^.^|||im a guy but when im in love, ill always want to be talkin with the person and everything i see relates to them. really my whole world view shifts, with them at the center of it. it happens very...|||having a strong sense of empathy is a powerful thing...|||idk if id describe myself as feminine but i am inclined to alot of things that are usually associated with female gender roles.... im really good with kids, and listening to friends, and gardening,...|||know what you want. stick to your guns. if you have to compromise, make sure you aren't giving up too much it really comes from knowing one's self and knowing what's important to you|||i spend a lot of time alone, but its a force of habit and a economic reality (broke 20 year-old) more than anything else. i am a naturally shy person, but i genuinely love talking with other...|||im there for them and listen and i go out of my way to be caring and nice. i actually love listening and making people feel better so its super easy for me :D|||im too nice ..... until im not hehe but yeah, being that im an empathetic person, i can intristically know where a person's vulnerabilities are if i know them well enough. so if they want to fuck...|||my verbal expression is really strong which translates to good written expression is i ever actually get down to writing lol|||aha yeah these tracks. well to be honest my beats are generally super simple cause i spend a lot more energy into actually writing raps. i mean i love making beats, but im not very technically...|||i changed school so many times, so it was different in each school. but generally i was well liked but kind of shy. i spent a lot of time trying to fit in into different social circles but i was only...|||check out these beats i made https://soundcloud.com/planet-sarju/open-heart-surgery https://soundcloud.com/planet-sarju/indigo|||sleepy, late, hungry Sent from my SM-G730W8 using Tapatalk|||Life is short. Its important to make a contribution while I still can. I like OPs take on things and general attitude :) Sent from my SM-G730W8 using Tapatalk|||I just like cuddling Sent from my SM-G730W8 using Tapatalk|||114442 hello hi watsup|||sounds like he is a little inconsiderate and immature :/ but i dont want to pass judgments on someone i dont know|||im a libra! and the libra descriptions ive read fit into my infp characteristics quite nicely|||i plan to make a happy family and a beautiful home, that's like my main motivator in life. there's other stuff like wanting the music i make to be better and stuff but its all incidental to the...|||yes! trust your intuition and listen to what ur heart tells you. i surprise myself pretty often actually|||aha, but there is a silver lining! your party will be better for having only close friends there|||don't rush him and don't be afraid to open up about personal stories and stuff, and then he will reciprocate and then u guys will surely be in love lol|||im only 20 but i absolutely love kids and the idea of making a family with a beautiful, nuturing home is one of my main motivators in life. i want a daughter before i turn 30, basically|||i have big soft brown eyes. ive been told they are pretty. but i wear glare-heavy glasses and i have a resting bitch-face expression in public so i wouldn't really describe it as seductive|||I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to put this, but I wrote and recorded this song about a year ago. My songwriting has gotten somewhat better since then, but this is still a good song...|||This seems to be working out fine. I think patience is your best course of action. Wait it out, keep spending time with her, take her out to Denny's, help her with her Christmas shopping, whatever...|||mind won't settle.|||i concurr. my favourite one is the foggot one|||whenever I have a tumble and skin my elbow or something I find it hilarious, even in the face of my friends'/family's concern. it's definitely a good feeling, but i haven't gotten to the point where...|||practice trust falls :P or! you could hang out with mutual friends that you feel bring out the best in yourselves to see what there is to appreciate about each other, and you'll probably pick up some...|||Yeah... I do that a lot too. But even then, I'll usually try to be a good friend even in the face of both of our unmet desires|||I changed schools a lot, and that made me really treasure the moments I had with the few people in each school that I considered my friends. There wasn't really a clique organized by common interests...|||When I meet new friends while in the company of old friends, say at school or something, people usually classify me as witty and also kinda out there. When I'm in an introverted mood, I'm a lot more...|||Perhaps the best thing to do is to let him know about the difficulties you have opening up, and how that's just part of who you are. I think he'll be able understand that you just need more time than...|||Alrighty! Take your time|||Not at all. I really enjoy the way your sentences flow together. The narrator's voice (your voice?) is very distinct!|||Again, he definitely sounds like an INFX to me. Is there any advice you feel you need though? It sounds like something's on your mind, but I'm not quite sure what it is. I'll try my darndest to help...|||I love big words too! I guess the best advice I could give is to find an audience that is receptive to that kind of thing. Or, seek to better understand your audience, and communicate to them in...|||Oops, guess I definitely wasn't clearly stating my intent! I do think that the chances are extremely high that there is other life out there in the universe. I also think that the vast majority of...|||It sounds like he could definitely fit into that model. I would think that the natural next step is to somehow give him the idea that taking one of those tests is a good idea. If you would value any...'
'Then,you must be ready to PAY THE CONSEQUENCES. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||A very concised and meaningful message.I like your style. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||Yeah,it freaks me out to talk unhesitatingly.It's like jumping from the an edge. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||Yeah,it happens.You're an INTP.You know that. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||Once upon a time.There was a village.A peaceful harmonious village.Lively and Happy.Untill one day,a strange creature came to this village .With his promise to safe it from any danger that might...|||When everything must become perfect around you Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||Once upon a time,there was a beautiful princess with black hair and white face.But she was stubborn and disliked her step mother.One day her step mother was combing snow flight 's hair when suddenly...|||It has an urgent calling.I assume that it came from an SJ type. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||I was thinking of a way to change my comfort zone,when suddenly I heard a voice just like this man.Do you remember him?249482 Comfort zone is like spiral zone.You don't get out of it untill you...|||I mean the Ne function.I think it's the responsible function for quick stimulation or enjoyment. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||Loool.It's your destiny.You only have one week after reading this message.And then a beautiful lady putting a horrible make up will fall into your bed to suck your blood or something else. Stone...|||Very good points eska,but does it satisfies the need for imagination . Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||I've watched a video about it.But I can't imagine playing this kind of game.I mean time always gets me nervous and freezing.But if it's a game like the legendary chess,I'm the first one to pick. ...|||Lool.thanks for running anyway. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||I totally agree with you.But at the same time,no one can undermine the INTP capabilities. Stone by day,warriors by night.We are The Thinkers.|||Tell us more about Airsoft and Aikido .Can you use your imagination in it.As for the pic I think my lack of sports knowledge lowers my judgement.But I think it's useful tool for beginners like...|||I was searching the web when I found this interesting pic.Unfortunately,it didn't elaborate more on the INTP type. so,what sports do you think is more compatible with INTP type?|||Rational child as david keirsy said,will have more problems with SJ and NF parents because they're cooperatives and can't tolerate utilitarian kids.But as you've said,the FP's are more closer to the...|||Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters are based on MBTI four temperaments. Leonardo:The Guardians Micheal angelo:The artisans Raffayel:the Idealists Donattello:The Rationals|||Theory:With tapatalk app ,it's easy to find the thread that you've already posted long time ago.|||First answer,no.Because he can't feel sorry after he dies.Second,I don't think any one will know about it.And even if someone did,he ll be very smart to restrain from such a barbaric way on dealing...|||do you accept new ideas easily?|||We're Ravens .looool.|||You took my line.|||very good Idea,sometimes the walls blocks your feelings or emotion.|||why not? It happens to me many times,I used to feel offended when they say that and now I understand what they mean. I think I have a chess game in my papers.In order to plan what I write.For...|||I tried to write feelings in a poetic way,but I always feels detached and more critical to what I write. How do you reach you feelings,any tips?|||I once dreamt that my dreams are printed after I wake up in an advanced printer with very cool pictures.I was very happy.until the printer got on my wife's hands.Here ,it became a nightmare and I'm...|||Who wants the hard Dic def? http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hard|||when a woman can choose,she ceases to be a woman.|||history repeats itself.|||Have you met an INTP type person ? What do you think about him or her?|||For me,it's not about types.It's about introvert or extrovert things.One of my sisters and my dad are ESTP.They likes to make jokes and (implemented insults).I like them both,but hate hearing their...|||I thought you meant environmental chaos. making someone angry is not my thing.May ENTP types like it ,I'm not sure. For me,I'm the opposite .Angry people means loud noise and very personal...|||I think it defined it well,but can't describe how we can overcome our weaknesses.|||You've forgotten that I'm an INTP type.Which means I'm a slow pace debater.Why don't you start building any way.Unless you need an Architect. one more thing,writing many details aren't the measure...|||Dear ISTJ fellows,I don't notice any motivations to read if it has no business rewards.Otherwise, you're book eaters.:wink:|||Dear ISTJ woman,I like your seriousness and hard work dedications .But you fail miserably when I have a conversation about any topic that may have different point of view.|||Same things goes with me.But with my ISTJ wife.|||one day I was embarrassed by my friend when found my latest book (how to organise everything)right beneath my creative chaos.|||I never get angry,except for rare situation where I get angry in an odd way.Otherwise,I'm so calm with little cursing dictionary in my pocket.|||If an INTP made a mistake,and he wants to apologise to you,what kind of words do you prefer or whatever verbal or nonverbal way? note:she's my sister.|||that's what's make writers/director rich. they do half of the job and you fill in the blanks. For me,I started to get bored by movies,except for a well written one.Otherwise I look for...|||So what?you're good at boring jobs.|||When your friends says:you're a fucked up man. And you reply calmly:Could you be more precise?|||when you hear a voice from TV in the other room that says:we don't have anything to do,so we just read a book or sleep.And you thought that was the Dream land.It turns out to be a documentary film...|||I've never met one, but I think the best method is to have a conversation while they are on stress. May be their inferior Te function will be activated and they will be more reasonable .|||the stage that you're in right now, Is what distinguish human beings from other animal (including sheep).All animals depends on their subconsciousness on the back of their brain.What makes us...|||Welcome my fellow thinker. It is our destiny to save the world from the force of stupidity|||Because you're a sheep,have you forgotten?'
'I do not like groups (unless its online). I could interact with the one person for hours as long as they are the right person. I do not bother to tolerate other persons except for like my job in...|||I have typed as ENFP for roughly 7 years - Back then I would say Atypical ENFP, non-bubbly, not happy either And in the last 2 years or so I came to the realization that I am, most definitely...|||(off topic) I see the poetic style in you speech as another user had described in the INFP (a trait which I lack, clearly). I should find her and tag her here. (back to it) Dark and moody, huh?...|||Yeah, stack, but how about a lead 8? That's what I was getting at. I'm 8w9 (845), and Fi Ne Te Si -- in that order. This makes a lot of sense to me now though, being the black sheep among black...|||Istp.|||Apparently so few they basically don't exist and as such the description of the INFP omit all aggressive layers. I wish I could actually pinpoint the other 11 type 8's that voted on the Enneagram...|||titanic!!! :exterminate:|||blasphemy!!|||The hangover... :exterminate:|||Doesnt matter to me really. Pros Sales! New product releases! Cold Weather! Overtime hours! Gifts (to self :D) Christmas cake|||Sucks for me, LOL. I couldnt come up with anything else but I was feeling very comfy in my room at the time. I dont like being fake, and to say something that I made up... would be fake. I could...|||Yeah you have a point.|||Fenix Wulfheart I'm actually going through the ISFP description although they apparently are super sensory and I think I suck. I am not certain if I manipulate emotions as much as I think I...|||angelfish my room is always the most ideal place, even though it isnt perfect by any stretch. I move around a lot and the first few months I spend to really make it my own, rearranging furniture...|||According to all the cognitive tests that I have done, both Ne and Ni are strong, both Se and Si are weak. [Edit] and the funny thing is my senses are literally shit. Vision is shit. Hearing not the...|||Yes sure, more please. Especially since you're a CP6, another area I need to revisit. Its difficult to get pure back bone descriptions of types because so many stereotypical behaviors are thrown in,...|||Fenix Wulfheart its ok, I don't take it personally, and your conversation triggered the need for deeper research on my weaker functions. As you mentioned, and you may be valid but i really don't...|||Fenix Wulfheart Explain your first question. 2,3. Yes I am aware. 4. I think, read, watch vlogs, forums duh, play with colour... mostly think (dream/plan/reflect/analyse) 5. My friends...|||Although old souls apparently pass through all the stages in one life time, I think I am a mature soul. Happy 1000th post.|||Personally I care about life: ethics/principles/morality/justice and the like. But that's different from being interested in people for me, at this time in my life especially. I like getting...|||Gross. If I'm single and horny that's where masturbation will come in handy.|||Bump|||I am not competitive, hate it, its unnecessary for me, if I want it I will get it and that has nothing to do with other people. I am annoyed by people who focus heavily on competition as a drive to...|||They said something that hurt you because you said something that hurt them... now you wonder if you can forgive them for what they said but can/have they forgive you for what you accused them of? Or...|||I've labled myself as an Introverted, atypical ENFP (or an ENFP with dominant Fi, minus the bubblegum flavour personality) for the past 6 years. I actually think this is my first time in this...|||Thanks for the reply. I have been fighting the impulse to say... I love your avatar. Its sooo cute. My kinda kitty. Lucky you with no PMS... really. Lucky you:tongue2:|||Lol. How does the ISTP personality mix with being a woman (re: emotions, feminity). You come across quite confrontational (also whats your ennegram? if you know). And I wonder since all the...|||Could be anything, it depends. No use in the real world. No NEW experiences/skills garnered. No fun/enjoyment. Risks outweigh the benefits. Interaction with people I dont effing like...|||I may be like this sometimes, depends on my state of mind. But I dont function well and dont enjoy being in this state. Its not optimal for me. Once again dont know anything about ESFP's but I can...|||The latter I'm actively doing, the former... probably impossible.|||LOL. It's really not an S fetish or a chase or anything, I just have this mental/emotional imprint of what I need in a life partner and based on a vague description, it seemed to line up with the...|||Yeah, they are... and very annoying. I always have way off results. (Enneagram type 5, 7 and 8; MBTI INTP, INFP, ENFP) Guess I need a professional assesment.|||I'm INFJ in socionics... sigh|||explain please? I dont really know anything about the socionics or how it correlates with MBTI. I tested EII though, if that makes any sense.|||Actually there isn't. Not IRL. I've been dreaming of the perfect guy and he is apparently ISTP (the description is spot on... feels right - and I didnt know anything about ST traits since...|||Thank God for that. Sounds about right... I don't mind the frustration if it works out in the end.. I'm ENFP and you couldnt woo me in the traditional sense either. Neither am I romantic....|||Nah didnt know for sure what type it was, if it even existed. Just what I find attractive (dream guy), and wanted to know what type that description would fall under. Upon further reading come to...|||Is this even possible? Does this even make sense/worth the effort? Could this amount to a lasting relationship? If yes, How? And I get the feeling that the ENFP will be the only one...|||I like the rainbow. I like the way the colors look together. I like different individual colours for different things. If I had to pick it would be blackened maroon (oxblood) or blue/violet...|||Somewhat like Bella Swan's father: A man of few words, but when he says a lot its very important. Probably a skill trade worker... spending a lot of alone time working.. building, crafting,...|||There is a possibility that only one of us exists (myself), but here goes. While I have lost interest in typing as anything else, I still don't identity with some of the chirpy descriptions of...|||So last. I would be interested in speaking with more enfps with social stacking last to see how we relate|||Whereas other subjects were debatable and I could find a way to reason some alternative answer outside of what was taught... or create some new what if theory... math was just math. One answer with...|||Had no issue with mathematics in high school. Was not my favourite subject but was my easiest A. Distinction at Ordinary level. At 6th form I took up pure mathematics and things became more...|||Enfj. Entp. Intj.|||Lo I'm no expert on MBTI type but the functions of the ENFP are different. Dont just throught in an S. You cant replace the N with S only the entire function stacking will change. Look up the...|||Emotional pain: I will try to rationalize the situation to figure out the positive side of that painful event or otherwise try to find peace in the situation. I may cry a while before I start letting...|||Lol. I am A+. Second eldest of the blood types.|||I fantasize about dying the same way I fantasize about a good life. Both simultaneously during all moods, normal and depressive. I only fantasize about killing myself when I am in my deepest...|||I have an imaginary world which I explore when I am home alone right before bed, during showers, in taxis... I have an imaginary audience that I talk to, yes under my breath as I dont bother to hide...'
'Is it possible for an INFP, or an introverted person, to be a successful talk show host? Some argue that it isn't, given the introversion. Although that makes sense, I don't correlate MBTI with...|||I got Slytherin on Pottermore. :proud:|||Scorpio here! :cool:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAgbZdrWiN4|||You should know when and where to day dream Look out! Will you focus when walking?|||I can't really give you any advice about that since I'm not in the right place to do so, but I avoid making an interaction as much as possible as to, like you said, avoid emotional turmoil. But I...|||Still an introvert. I would probably be reading loads of books, write stories, day dream, travel, and practice the things that I'm not good at or want to learn about.|||I don't believe that everything is laid out for you. I believe you're the one who will create your destiny. Your decisions and beliefs will determine what will happen in your future life and the...|||I just stay quiet when he's around and avoid him as much as possible to stop myself from generating the most impossible possibilities I can think of.|||My dad is OBSESSED with Star Wars. He has encyclopedias and other Star Wars stuff. I grew up knowing what Star Wars is and I, myself, appreciate it. Since my dad's an inventor, he's done a couple of...|||ideal you |||||| real you |||||| Introversion |||||||||||||||||| 73%|||Pastel colors. Black, gray, and white.|||I feel you. I'm currently obsessed with Sherlock and he's on my mind 24/7. I feel like he's with me wherever I go and whatever I do. It's quite awful, really. I can't work and interact with others...|||Music, Conspiracy theories, Photoshop, and Sherlock.|||Populist, Liberalist, and Environmentalist.|||(BBC and Arthur Conan Doyle's) SHERLOCK HOLMES!!!!|||Star Wars Harry Potter Percy Jackson & The Olympians If you consider (BBC) Sherlock's mind as a fantasy world, then that's included to where I want to live. I don't think anyone would want to...|||Call me silly but I do believe, if I will be a believer, that the Bible is vital for salvation. BUT! I consider the New Testament to be the basis for someone's salvation. I want to hear your side...|||Conformity Loud people People talking about other people Dishonesty Rudeness Close-mindedness Disrespect|||I don't dislike writing, I just don't think I have a talent in writing. :/ I can't express my thoughts and ideas easily by writing. It's all in my head.|||4w5 here! ^^|||- You failed - You can't..|||The real Christianity. Catholicism does not follow Christianity and I hate it when people, especially non-believers, merge Catholicism and Christianity. There's a Filipino independent Christian...|||I would love to but I don't think there are many PerC members in the Philippines. :<|||We're over.|||I grew up and spent my time around with my two brothers and my father and I believe their presence made an impact in my personality. I do act and appear like a tomboy on the outside and I never liked...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYIwAwiKW-g David Archuleta's rendition of Forevermore is my current favorite. A lot of you never heard of it because it's a Filipino song but if you want to hear...|||Bookstore! Always the bookstore. The bookstore makes me feel peaceful and home.|||Not a fan of the band but I like their song Given Up. I can quite relate to the song.|||God of War: Chains of Olympus DJMax Mortal Kombat Pokemon O2Jam Grand Theft Auto Vice City Sims I have 2 brothers and they have influenced me when it comes to games. -____- I actually...|||I was educated in a Catholic school and was exposed to countless of mass. These are some of the songs that I like: Anima Christi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4V0achd7hY&amp;feature=fvwrel ...|||My father is a big fan of Star Wars and he believes that George Lucas is making a new religion. In fact he joined in a Star Wars 'religion' online. Never blamed him because I, myself, live by Yoda's...|||I was baptized as a Born Again but never followed their practices. My mother is irreligious while my dad is the opposite. I grew up knowing what atheists and theists are because my dad used to have a...|||I'm a father's girl. I'm always with him before my parents separated. But we still get along until now. Even though we clash because he's more logical and I'm more emotional, that doesn't really...|||I'm a Scorpio. I only read the description of every sign but I don't believe in Horoscope. In some ways, INFP and Scorpio traits are alike and some are completely contradictive. In my opinion,...|||Alice Academy (Gakuen Alice) Opening Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RsmhOFBSUo and Closing Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2fjfXrtmxk|||I also avoid them but I sometimes glare at them if they really piss me off so bad.|||Criminal Minds The Walking Dead Community Downton Abbey Sherlock Naruto I'm into shows that are action-packed, funny, romantic (but not overly) and makes my head work.|||My tritype is written in my signature box. :)|||Well I would often read a fan fiction and daydream about it before I sleep. I daydream with my favorite pillow, by the way. No regrets! My mother and brothers kept telling me to throw away the pillow...|||I don't trust quizzes like this but I still took it anyway. It's not a surprise for me to know that the result is Melancholy but I often get Choleric than that, though. So I guess I'm in between...|||I consider my Math skills as below average. I can do problems that I think I can solve but don't expect me to answer complex problems. I'm not really good on Algebra. I can't seem to absorb all the...|||1. What is your favorite memory? - Oh my this is quite hard. Hmm.. I guess when I became a second placer in a Poster Making Contest. 2. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? - In an...|||I was sorted in Slytherin. :) I'm not surprised since every time I take Hogwarts House quizzes, I'm oftentimes sorted in that House, sometimes it's Ravenclaw and rarely in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff....|||Wow! I'm already halfway done. Been busy but I can't wait to watch Season 2! I've already watched Advanced Dungeons & Dragons on FOX. I especially like the lines of Shirley and Pierce. :))|||- People who won't say thank you even in little things. I can't stand them and, unfortunately, I encounter these kind of people every day. - Loud people who don't have any nice and intelligent...|||I like my name but if I am given a chance to change it then it will be Emily. It sounds dark and mysterious to me.|||I think Community is a great TV show. In fact, I just downloaded the first season! ^^|||- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë - The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky (Charlie can be quite annoying sometimes though) - the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - The Da Vinci Code...|||I hate that concept, too. I believe the concept of life is about finding your purpose here and not working to get money and live a luxurious life. People work so they could survive.'
'I am absolutely known as the weird girl around my office and I have no qualms with that. And my weird things are not nearly as useful as your party tricks! That seems like an impossible amount of...|||Okay, first off. Every time I see your avatar(s) around the forum it makes me smile because they are unreasonably cute. They're just soooo happyyyyyyy. :,) That's wonderful! All the things I send...|||hahaha well okay then. idk if this is the case with your INTJ, but all the ones I know tend to stay within the rules as much as possible especially when it comes to threatening their career,...|||Clarifying question: Does this recent promotion make him your supervisor in any way? like is he in the direct chain of command for your position?|||Your list is very personable and I feel like I can imagine you as a person now. You sounds super fun FYI. I'm super close with my brother too!!! He's one of the best things to ever happen to me. :)|||Yop. I'm responsible for all the ice-breakers in the world. -_- Although... now that I think about it... Wouldn't surprise me if most are thought up by ENFPs xD|||This is a great list! I love how interestingly diverse your thoughts are.|||That's adorable! This made me smile because it is like the cutest thing. Keep being you, brightflashes|||Uh, no. You do not... You sound wonderful and like the most perfect you there can be. And also, if you ever write that novel, let me know. I could use a little more daydream in my life|||So I know that I'm a weirdo on these things, so please feel free to ignore me. It's been a rule for myself for the last year or so, that I do not ask for someone's MBTI until I have already drawn an...|||I wanted to join the Disco Party, so I went to my music library, and apparently I don't listen to disco. I have only one sing under the disco genre. Sooooo here it is? ...|||I've felt lately like I've been really down on myself, so today I forced myself to come up with 5 weird things about me that soemtimes seem stupid to others, but that make me *me*. So I thought I'd...|||Thanks, friend! *munches cupcake, enjoying chocolate* *moment of silence* *takes the chance to put on her current jam* ...|||*is trying not to headbop at work* Where my ENTP boys at? You guys gonna try again? Parrot as organizer of the original party (that was mostly a failure on your guys' part, but we'll forget that)...|||IDK man. I'm not the planner or the decision maker. I merely work as the inspiration for those who wish to do so... If I were the one in charge, we'd just have the after party here with the exact...|||I actually do this a lot. I remember little details about people I'm not close with. I work for a non-profit with 280+ employees and I can tell you an interesting/uninteresting fact about every one...|||I can't believe this is still happening. I wrote this thread off weeks ago. Should we move on to the after party guys?|||GAH. PEOPLE. Thanks for responding to me! Your response has been the light I reaaaally needed today. -_- Corn cities > Chicago. Also. That vid tho. I am having a very difficult time keeping a...|||I'm constantly fidgeting for the most part. I may tend to fidget slightly differently when speaking to someone I find attractive, but I haven't noticed anything in particular. As a general rule, I...|||I feel like my list seems like small potatoes with all of the awesome dreams you guys are having, but here it is! Go on a sleigh ride Own a Husky (my 7yo self wanted a wolf so I've talked...|||I'm an ENFP and I open 3-5 browser windows so I can pretend I have less tabs open. Even though there's 10+ tabs in each. Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this. :laughing:|||My ESTJ father is always teasing me and my mother about the lack of focus in ENFPs. xD But good strengths! I always wish I was stronger in the communication strength. :P|||My INTJ brother, who I'm very close with, says to me quite often Every INTJ needs to have an ENFP in their life. It adds perspective and intelligent discussion but in an unexpected way. But in my...|||Thanks for crashing! I'm super interested to hear anyone's thought on the matter. I think it's really interesting how some of your strengths play very highly on the INFJ theme but then there's others...|||I have a core group of 4 people that I'm constantly with. I'm closest with a INFJ (she's amazing ^_^), but also in our group are an ENTP(The joker/resident crazy), an INTJ(the Sam Eagle of the...|||Oh goodness. So many things.To give some context, I'm still pretty young, so the teenage drama is still fresh in my mind. Hey. This is not the worst heartbreak you'll feel. The fact that it...|||It's just my personal opinion, but I think you totally can! I don't think there's any reason that you should date an ENFP just because it looks good on paper. Sure, there are a lot of things that...|||Realized that I forgot to put my strengths in here. Does it count as a blonde moment if you dye your hair to be a brunette? :laughing: Restorative People strong in the Restorative theme are...|||Here's a couple pictures my INFJ sister recently took of me on an impromptu photo shoot. She's amazing and I just loved the way they turned out. 648746648738|||I wish it was a little *more* common on my life. Would have saved some heartbreak. :P But seriously, I do this. I decide to not get attached until I know he's interested. Let me explain why. I...|||Gah. INTJs are my favorite. I know more than statistically likely (4 men, 2 women, and couple others who might be) and I love being around them. I'm open to any type, but I do hope in my heart of...|||I dabble in a few different art forms. Mostly little hand lettering doodles, other simple drawings, and writing songs and poems. I've also been in the middle of a novel for 3 years. -_- Here's one...|||It's really jazzy and fun! There a couple bits where it feels busy, but I really enjoy that in some ways because I just feel like if I look past it a little I'll see your soul and why you wrote it. I...|||Awww. ohmygoodness. You guys are making me cry at work. I so needed this today. I hope all you encouragers know that doing this inspires us to keep doing what we do, so give yourselves a hand as...|||I've felt like this a lot the last year. These past 6 months I've fallen out of contact with my closest friends (through them moving 2 hours away or getting sick and bedridden) and had a couple of...|||I get along GREAT with 90% of the ENFPs I meet. I work in a company of 275+ employees and I get to meet everyone so I know like 20 or so through there. Several of them it was just an instant...|||I personally find my xSTJ friends way more draining than my ISFJ friend. Even if I add my ESFJ friends into the mix, the only time it's draining is when we are both already feeling bad and try to...|||1. How do you attend to your looks as an NF? (Makeup, eyebrows,hair styles, etc?) It's always been my rule that if my hair takes more than 5 minutes to do, it's not worth it. Same with makeup. I...|||It can also change depending on your surroundings. I've taken the same test at work and at home and come up with different results because I am in a different mindset at work. Do you remember how far...|||Have any of you also taken the Clifton Strengthfinder 2.0 test? I had to take it for work and as I've been looking into my strengths and my fellow ENFP coworkers' strengths I'm finding it really...|||Yes and no. Me personally, I only let myself let loose around my close friends. I've had enough experience and enough Ts and Js helping me to realize how I come across so I tone myself down...|||You're so... flattering... xD|||Love to. But I'm super bad at it. I'm really good at tripping on air though if you're into that type of thing. ^_~|||NIHM Gah. Those eyes. /Melts|||No... but I might like to... Waiting to see if I'm impressed. ;)|||*giggles an unreasonable amount*|||/drinks in silence, waiting for conversation|||/pours a drink Anyone else want one? Helps me deal with the Ts ;)|||FallingFoxes Truth. I've already said it once, guys. ENTPs, step your game up! Fight for the thread you created! All you done is creat a room where ENFPs can attract each other. And let's be...|||Mibble Thanks! Inspiration stuck me in the head like an impatient toddler trying to get your attention. And :( it won't let me do a lot of things until I've posted 15 posts. But I feel like that's a...'
I was indifferent to zombies before the likes of Warm Bodies and In The Flesh came along and humanised them a bit more. Then it got interesting. Perhaps because then I related more to the zombies...|||I was telling my INFx sister how when I was talking to my INFJ friend tonight he brought up the fact I 'enthusiastically' expressed interest in drawing comics last week when he told me he used to...|||Oh, we have discussed it. I dislike the idea of leading anybody on or people not knowing where they stand. We click in the sense we have a lot to talk about so I went on a date with him when he asked...|||I feel like all the INFJs I know want me to give them something I'm not capable of. For a certain amount of time I think there is an illusion that I'm meeting their needs but in reality we're just...|||lavendersnow I find your reply really interesting and you touch a lot on something I've been thinking about a lot lately because this particular INFJ is interested in me romantically and I think...|||These are some really interesting answers and I definitely relate to a lot of them. For me, when I care about something, I'm always approaching it from a 'how can I be productive' perspective,...|||I was talking to an INFJ about his grandfather. He has dementia and has just been taken into hospital after some falls. He was telling me about it and then apologised for talking about 'depressing...|||I have to say that my favourite people to chat to and the ones I have the most interesting and stimulating conversations with tend to be those that I can go even weeks without replying to. Sometimes...|||If I don't enjoy a person to some degree I probably won't respond. Which is a pretty clear message. I do have to say there has been a lot of times when someone has told me something and I either...|||Obviously. Places like this are just a different medium. I use them differently. That is all. I never said I was going to dismiss anyone based on their aversion to SM. I said I was mulling it...|||It's not that they never do but it's a different vibe to what I get from places like this. Though that could totally be in my head. When I talk in forums like this I'm more aware of others. My social...|||Ah. I like that social media can be more like shouting into the void than somewhere like this where people are more inclined to reply and then I have to interact. I can be less coherent and nobody is...|||I guess you weird me out then. :'D|||Oh, I should have specified I meant my generation.|||People that don't use social media weird me out. Where do they unload all the thoughts they don't want to tell any specific person?|||I don't accept that.|||Oh, don't be sorry at all. Venting is good. It gets a bad rap but it's actually very important. The reason I asked was because I wanted to know how best to advise you. Sometimes I can start of...|||The deciding if the date is worthy part.|||An INFJ has asked me out on a date and says he has some ideas for a stress-free date. I'll report back when he tells me what they are so we can decide if they are worthy. (Kidding)|||I'm like a unicorn. Touch my horn! :proud:|||TechFreak Ah, so rather than advice you're really looking to vent? I understand how typing everything out can really be cathartic and help process things. If I was to give advice I would say...|||Why am I irresistible... :dry:|||All I get from this is that you both seem on completely different wavelengths. There's obviously some sort of issue with communication. It's almost like you're speaking different languages. From...|||WELL, he just asked me out on a date. So I guess I did something right. Haha. We've only been talking - on a dating website - for the last week or so but our conversations have been like essays....|||I ended up making a joke, apologising for the joke, telling them I'm the worst at taking compliments and saying thank you. Totally smooth. :cool: He seemed to take it well though. :blushed:|||I'm not gonna lie. I came here to see if I could work out if I like someone. :blushed:|||That does sound really interesting and fun! Visiting a stable in general would be something I'd love. Getting to pet and feed horses would be awesome.|||I've been thinking. I think I attract people with strong fe partly because I'm disabled. This is a new theory though, so I'm going to have to develop it.|||I think you have a valid point and I would find his disregard of a pretty standard trigger hard to get over. Maybe I would feel different if it was something very personal to him but I'd still be...|||I think in a way we shoot ourselves in the foot with it because we basically poke at someone's emotions and then have no idea - unless we've worked on it - how to deal with those emotions or help...|||I guess a big part of it is second guessing myself and worrying that they're feeling more than what I realise or not. So I'm not sure how much of a deal to make it of it. It doesn't help that I tend...|||I'm thinking about all the things I could have done today but didn't. All the things I could be doing every day but I'm not. And how I have little to no motivation to rectify the situation.|||Yeah... how do I break it to them that I don't have any? Haha. That's how I feel too. It's not even that they won't continue to debate, they don't even start them. I mean, I know that I'm right A...|||https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8051/29416174810_94c29cdcf2.jpg It's a me. :cool:|||Maybe part of the issue with the particular INFJs I've been talking to it's under the guise of potential romance and to them, disagreeing with me doesn't make sense when you could potentially be...|||That makes a lot of sense and also probably why I'm also a little bit in awe of their intellect. I learn so much from them, even if I might not actually hold on to the information for very long. I...|||An INFJ just told me I was beautiful in a really sweet way (I don't usually find things sweet tbh) but I'm not great at taking compliments and I don't know how best to respond. My natural reaction is...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfo9VAQxmKI <3|||I feel like people need to understand the difference between an emotional exchange and a factual/thinker exchange. The two aren't always mutually exclusive but sometimes they are. I can tell...|||Ah. In my local shelters you can't really volunteer like that unless you're properly on their books as a volunteer, if that makes sense. You can sometimes walk dogs though, so I guess there's that....|||I guess I would say it's not my favourite country. Just a country I want to visit most right now. Or somewhere I'd like to live for a bit.|||I took this yesterday when I was still under the impression I was an ISTP and low and behold I got ISTP. The results were clear, slight, moderate, clear... if I remember correctly. It wasn't a...|||If someone asked me to an animal shelter on a date I would ask them are they a masochist in all areas or...?|||When you're discussing how you lack the ability to form meaningful connections with the majority of people because you don't find the majority of people stimulating enough... Me: The majority of...|||I'm Northern Irish, leaning towards British. Canada! Home of ice hockey and generally just seems like a cool place, plus it's close enough to America without actually being America.|||Yeah, it's this for sure. My overall interest is in writing but what I enjoy writing about or certain topics that inspire me aren't constant. I guess that's where the issue comes in. Maybe I just...|||I think that makes sense and is probably why the blog posts I'm most motivated and inspired to write are usually the ones that benefit me in some way. Usually the ones where I get the warm fuzzies...|||I bet that's more common than you'd think.|||581906|||I'm still working on this. My room is full of unfinished projects that I may or may not get around to finishing some day. I also have a blog and find that I have spikes of motivation and inspiration...
'I can manipulate people, and have, but I'm not a manipulative person...if that makes sense. Being manipulative is not a natural state for me. I don't enjoy it and it goes against what I believe...|||I asked my ENTJ boyfriend and he said None. That's a stupid question. I thought it was so ENTJ that I had to post it :laughing:|||This is partly what leads me to believe she is an ISTJ and I am not sure I've communicated this very well. She has been pretending for 3 years that there is not a problem when there clearly is. ...|||I find conversations about concrete, practical things mind-numbingly boring. Unless I am actually thinking about buying a house or a car and am searching for experiences and information, I really...|||Yes, I have dealt with people like this. After getting burned by these people many times, as soon as I identify this behaviour I completely distance myself from that person. It's toxic and harmful.|||I pretty much 100% agree with this, it's just how I feel too. It's funny that the number of friends we have has been brought up. It's for the above reasons that I find it very hard to sustain...|||Agreed! I'm seeing an ENTJ, he's a wonderfu, dedicated partner. He was super charming when we first met (and still is).|||The ENTJ I live with is very intense. Good mood, bad mood, calm mood, it doesn't matter, it's just all very intense!|||I do this, it's the first thing I do to greet someone I know (and like).|||^ It's not bugging me any more than it used to. I've just recently become away of the Jung personality types and thought it might be worth asking because we seem to go about our work in completely...|||I have to admit, I've never asked her. Once I confronted her, in the most non-confrontational way I could, about a passive agressive email she sent around the office criticising something that I...|||I find it interesting that you've come to the conclusion that it's entirely my fault. I have a couple of questions: a) how does saying pleased to meet you and congratulations on your...|||I do much the same thing that Shadowplay does. I withdraw, think about it, then think about why it's happened. What are their motivations or intentions? Am I overreacting or is there a good...|||I'm an INFJ and I have worked with a girl who I suspect is an ISTJ for several years. Since I arrived she seemed to take an instant disliking to me, despite the fact that I came in to the workplace...|||I imagine this is what people are thinking of me at work (correction: I KNOW this is what they are thinking of me, lol): Why doesn't Ariadne have lunch with us and join in the office gossip?...|||This made me and my ENTJ boyfriend burst out laughing. He'd love to do this to me but he wouldn't dare!|||Thanks for that Gildar, no hard feelings :happy: As I alluded to a few pages back, I actually wanted to like pot. I'm a fan of anything used for relaxation as I can be a stress-head, and people...|||I studied Science and did some Psychology. It was too wishy-washy for me after doing straight science, but maybe it was just my professors. They were pretty lazy. I like the idea of Pschology,...|||I hate what most of you guys hate - lying, unethical behaviour, hypocrisy, rudeness, ignorance, cruelty. What I hate even more than witnessing the above is being accused of actually doing the...|||I haven't outright denied it's use|||I love the Panda! I saw this a few weeks ago on the Gruen Transfer (aussie show about advertising if you're not from here). They're all hilarious, I died laughing when I saw it. I like wit and...|||I really don't think you can make those judgements without being a qualified psychologist and/or doctor and a specialist in the area. There's a plethora of literature on the link between psychotic...|||I'm going to have to say something here. I think what you are doing is irresponsible. When I was 14 years old, we knew a family who had a son a few years older than me. They helped us move house...|||No way. I'm a perfectionist and I'm far too emotionally demanding in relationships. I expect a lot from people and I don't think that I would measure up to my own standards! I have better luck dating...|||Errr...thanks? :laughing:|||For me, I feel the emotions as if they were my own. If someone is afraid, I feel crippling fear and I have the fight or flight response in myself. You get better at spotting it though, it's hard to...|||You and me both. But I have to say this is my favourite: Girl 1: I am so fat! Girl 2: No you're not you're skinny! I'm fat! P.S. I missed you out on the thanks there, sorry!|||I'm not anti drugs, but they are anti me. I've tried marijuana but I can't even get high before I vomit. It's just not worth it. I used to drink socially but it's the same with alcohol now, two...|||^ No, but there is a genetic component to personality. EDITED to add - interestingly enough your description of yourself could easily be a description of me!|||I didn't mean to drag the thread off topic so I'll keep this short. Thanks for clearing that up (and ertertwert). The compliment thing was one thing he was talking about - girls will falsely put...|||I've only met one but I'm very close to him. He's determined, passionate, and driven. He likes a clean house, dressed impeccably, and has a strong presence. He's very logical and likes to debate...|||Hello! I can relate to that feeling of a weight being lifted from you. I only found my type and this forum last week! After I read the description of INFJ I thought Great, I can finally stop...|||Is it? :confused: I'm not sure if you're implying that the fact I already think girls exhibit nasty behaviour is the reason they don't like me, or because I consider myself friendly and girls do...|||I hang out in cafes, bookshops, music shops...I also love the outdoors so you'll often find me at the beach or in a park reading a book. I also used to love clubbing in my younger days (I'm 27...|||Very interesting thread! I grew up as a bit of a tomboy as well, but I think I'm very girly now. During my late teens - early twenties my girliness came out in full force. I enjoy having a man...|||There is nothing wrong with your presentation style, from your account you give good presentations and don't need to change anything. If people enjoyed it and told you so, you have nothing to worry...|||Wow that link that was posted with all the INFJs is bizarre, they all have the same stare! I think I have the INFJ stare too. Most people comment on my eyes, I've heard everything from...|||Yep, I totally agree. I rehash things all the time, thinking what I could have done and said differently. If you keep doing it you'll destroy yourself. Chin up and soldier on. Oh, and as...|||My boyfriend is an ENTJ...I love that he can immediately pick apart any of my worries and apply logic to the situation. I think we respond well to logic when we become overwhelmed by our emotions...|||The Personality Junkie description is 100% me through and through. The link to INFJ careers is spookily accurate too!|||I'm not sure as I'm new to this as well (so I guess the question wasn't really aimed at me). I just thought I'd put in my thoughts - I think it's likely we probably do struggle with mental health...|||^ You are exactly right. He isn't arguing it's just what it looks like, but there is no malicious intent. The other thing that annoys me is the perpetual neatness and tidying! I guess I'm just a...|||My boyfriend is an ENTJ, we were sharing a house before we got together so there was a LOT on the line. I knew he liked me, he made it pretty obvious like others have said. He was attentive, and...|||Yes I'm an empath too! I have been this way for as long as I remember. I had no idea what to do with it as a child, and as a teenager it got worse. Now I have built some walls so it doesn't bother...|||Thanks everyone!|||I am the INFJ girl who... ...Is constantly second-guessing myself ...Is never sure if I have a right to feel a certain way ...Comes across as a bit cool in social situations, I wish I could be...|||I don't like it either. I think because I know I'm smart and I don't want others to feel bad or inadequate. I believe everyone has something to contribute and in my opinion there is often too much...|||My boyfriend is an ENTJ and I was going to come in here and post that he's argumentative - only to find you lot all arguing with each other! :laughing: I love him to bits, the intellectually...|||Oh I loved that movie. What about Donnie Darko? That movie haunts me.|||I used to be great with money, I'm from a poor family. Then I started earning my own and I became bad with money, as I'd make impulse purchases all the time. Now I've reigned it in a bit, and I...'
'What part of the country has a more NF vibe? I am looking for a place to move to. My thoughts: I lived in Michigan my whole life. I am beginning to think Michigan is an imbalance of SJ...|||So I am an INFJ, but I am posting in the INTJ forum to see our similarities. I am really curious about the subconscious as I have noticed many Ni dominant are. It seems like that is where we are...|||First I am writing this here to see if this a INFJ problem, or perhaps its just a human problem. I have a great urge to feel the depths of the human experience. The materialistic world...|||The ideas behind Buddhism makes me cringe, but seeing expectations die and becoming aware of reality hurts more. I value people and life, thus I create expectations based on those values, the way...|||I dont know if anyone else it noticing this, but it seems like in the MBTI community, specially on FB, ENFPs and ENTPs seem to get a bad rep with relationships when it comes to commitment. In my...|||As an INFJ, I am kind of guilty of that. I use to give lots of unsolicited advice. I would think about people and their problems, and just ponder and ponder on how they could fix them. If a friend...|||What are your happiest moments? What makes you guys the happiest. And from your ENFP point of view, how does one become happy? My happiest moments were when I was with good people. On the more...|||So lately I have been stuck in obsessiveness thought patterns. I am thinking back to how people have hurt me, how people are hurting themselves, pointless existential crap, etc. My mind acts like I...|||I was wondering if people could give me examples of positive lyrics in heavy metal, which also includes death metal, power metal, or progressive metal. You know, something about compassion,...|||I wanted to get my license the day I turned 16, but it was a Sunday so the SOS was closed so I got it the next day. A month later I bought an old Honda Civc. I felt like a god.|||I didn't read all of it, but this might work. Look at your life objectively. Look at yourself in 3rd person. If you saw a guy who was in the same situation in life as you, what would you tell...|||People who live a meaningless pleasure seeking existence and that do it in the expense of others' well being.|||I had an INFP friend. He wasn't very healthy and came from a bad family. But boy, did I love that person. I could just come over in my pajamas if I wanted to and not be judged. And I had this...|||Here is a problem, a problem that at times where I put myself on anxiety medication just to emotionally pull through. There are probably underlying reason why I have anxiety, but on the surface it...|||So I finished all of my exams. So I have way more time to respond. I just wanted to thank you all for the encouraging words. And not only were your words encouraging, but the actions. That you...|||age: 23 Function that needs work: Fe|||So I was going to post this in the sex and relationship section, but I just want to hear what INFJs to say. Just to warn you this is probably going to sound immature for someone my age. I just...|||It seems like he likes you. There is a chance you might have to make some moves, because I know for myself I can be hesitant and will waste alot of time thinking of the right things to say. I...|||I have been in one relationship. I just turned 23. It was a relationship with an ENFP. We were both not as healthy as we should so our relationship was not healthy and we had different values. ...|||Two part question. So I am wondering how INFJ's (which would include me) can find someone compatible to be in a relationship with. What works best for us? The answer could very well be the same...|||So I dont know the technical definition of being cool is. But what I think would be considered as a cool person is someone who doesn't care about others opinions and having that self assurance or...|||@userslon That makes sense. I just did not know her boundaries. I was kind of treating her how I wanted to be treated. @Nafatali Yah, I think I was too committed and it frightened her. Thank...|||So I use to date an ENFP. And she was wonderful. She always wanted to be inspired and wanted to go on to the next thing. Near the beginning of the relationship she told me she was falling in...|||Is nostalgia not limited to Si types? I am an INFJ, so obviously not. But what is giving me nostalgic feelings time to time?|||Hey all you beautiful ENFP's! What do you guys like to talk about? I am looking for a general answer, not something specific. I already know you guys probably like to talk about innovative ideas...|||I am an INFJ who enjoys meditation. I atleast practice mindfulness everyday. In meditation, my crazy cognitive patterns have no where to go and just starve and evaporate. Then I can come back more...|||My top two highest functions is feeling and intuition. However, growing up, I experienced how these things should not be used for any kind of reasoning, which is a shame, because according to mbti...|||surround yourself with good people, exercise, create goals and inspiration, eat healthy, get in touch with who you are, figure out your values, work hard, rest hard, meditate, participate in true...|||Meditation and a good understanding of how my thought processes work when I am in my highly emotional moods. I dont act out on emotions as much, because I know I will go back to a more logical state...|||I am curious what countries are the best or the worst for an INFJ. What countries admire certain INFJ traits the most?|||You have worked hard and long to do this, just go with it. Just for a year at least. While you are at it, pursue a passion on the side. And maybe that passion will take off eventually. But now...|||I think its the Ni and Fe combination. We can create a personality with Ni. We can look at someone's personality and dissect and make it to are own, than we express it with Fe.|||This might be bad advice, but I dont think it is important to do your calling now. Stick with the medical assisting program so it all does not go to waste. And than do your passions on the side, or...|||I thought Si dominant people would be more traditional, thus being more right.|||I smoked marijuana for only like a month. And it made me very emotional and detached. I felt like it released way too many suppressed emotions. And it was hard for me to function. I started...|||I understand these things are really hard to put into words. It is almost like the English words we use do not give these meanings justice. It like saying the word love. Its almost desensitized,...|||Like the title says.|||Your right. I am a very sensitive man. My skin is thin as paper. My backbone is just a bendy straw. I am an emotional wreck. I am not a ladies man. I try to be more charming. I try to be more...|||In socionics, INFJs are INFps. This is because perceiving is our top function. Ni (percieving) Fe (judging) Ti Se But with normal MBTI, we are INFJs. Because our highest extroverted...|||@DesertWind You must not care at all about how you appear to others, which is fine. It is just kind of inconsiderate to laugh at others. @anapuna That is funny. I use to have long hair. ...|||When it comes to attracting people, i think one interesting thing about us as being introverted, is that we have the element of being mysterious. So once we managed to become charismatic, we may...|||I am extremely crazy. Only with the right people.|||That support is important. It makes life more meaningful. I am just wandering, why don't you have friends or support? I guarantee you are. I use to do this, and wasted to much time. One...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu7S88e1O8k|||I use to relate to this, very strongly actually. That feeling is not as strong, thankfully. I learned to not care as much what certain people think if they make me feel like this. This really has...|||I really do hate hurting people. Its one of the reasons why I have never been in a relationship. However, you are not making too many mistakes, not enough to end your life. Please talk to some one...|||To me this seems very true to our nature. It feels great to connect with people. And to talk about our unique ideas and ways of looking at things. Its good for us. It charges us.|||What is the most stressed type to least stressed? I feel like INFJ is up there on most stressed.|||I have heard this alot. INFJ Counselor | Oddly Developed Types It just does not make sense. I feel like we are very romantic. How does this happen? Do we idealize too much? Also I...|||It use to be horrible, but is getting better, because I practice meditation and mindfulness.'
'I see this. Humans need that social energy but we (INFJs?) seem to question when it needs to be shared and treat it with respect. Love it, made me smile. Sometimes I feel we think big...|||xD I think it's the depth reached when two people mutually prioritise each other first. I've been questioning whether it is backwards, but we only seem to have so much capacity to love and support...|||I appreciate it must be difficult having split desires that are conflicting with and sabotaging each other. Anger is satisfying but you know you'd be better off without it. I'd personally keep...|||It's nice to think of it that way but I don't think it is healthy feeling like you can't be your full fulfilled self unless you are with someone else. Especially in light of permanence or lack of....|||You see the problem here right? I don't care that you are being sexist and I'm certainly not going to scream it. I guess I'm curiously trying to point out the contradictions and seeing what...|||Good point, I relate to this. Although I've found that I can only be my true self when in a romantic relationship. Friends and some family I can be semi-self. As unhealthy as that sounds I'm not sure...|||His post is sexist. It seems like you're trying to imply it isn't.|||People are going to assume you want advice to convince you your outlook is unhealthy, I know I did at first ;P|||I doorslam and avoid genuine people too.|||What are you seeking by sharing this?|||I tend to avoid establishing a connection with people. If a stranger is nice to me, chances are I'll respond in a standard and non-engaging way before fleeing the scene. I'll also do the same to...|||We've pretty much cut everything off. It's in a state of we don't talk unless we really need to. I'm feeling like we'll probably not speak again at all. I can't say really why she did it besides...|||I used to be there to ground her, but my advice stopped becoming relevant the moment she made the division.. Regardless, I get the impression she is less interested in advice that might conflict...|||She has no friends IRL. This is what she does, makes decisions that leads to her isolation. Told her about a year into relationship it was a fear of mine she'd end up doing the same to me at one...|||Looks like everything has concluded. We are separated, we will not be speaking at least until she can sort herself and realise what she has done. While she was sorting this past month turns out...|||Lets say you're going through a very stressful period and you have no control over the situation and you kind of just need to ride it out. But you're prone to dwelling and continual analysis which...|||It sounds like Rebecca.M was saying it won't feel right until having sought & experienced for some time. My partner had no conscious desire to seek either until just recently it seems. Things felt...|||I intend to follow the advice given. When the timing is right, she still needs the space and no contact. I need her to take a first step, even if she doesn't realise she is taking it, won't matter. I...|||On a side note, when dealing with this kind of stress is it normal to be completely unable to focus at work as an INFJ? (I don't really like my job, something I've realized through all this).|||Well, considering we decided to put all decisions on hold (including separation) and I'm back in Limbo... not sure I know anything right now. In fact, I feel more lost then when during the first 2.5...|||This really is quite horrible to hear. I appreciate the insight.|||So, is the solution imaginary or real? Is it something that is chased until they realise it cannot be attained or is it something that is worked on until all feels right? Could it mean the...|||Could you explain more? I'm not too familiar with the functions and how Fi specifically applies here.|||It's a bit unsettling to consider this, but it makes sense.|||I'll remain conscious of this, thank you. I have been following this advice so far as best I can... This is her first truly serious and successful relationship. She has had a handful of online...|||I've learnt this the hard way.|||Sounds about right. This situation has spiralled out of control from day one. She has asked no contact unless we really need each other's support. I'm sure she still is maturing... I'd say so...|||1 primarily, scored highly on 5 as well.|||I suppose I had an idealistic mentality going into this, she clearly adores the idea of marriage. However she had been engaged previously (age 19ish)... it wasn't a warning bell for me at the time...|||Type 4 for sure. Sigh, so we split up, initiated no contact (unless support needed). 2 days later (so today) she contacts me because she needs support and that's where we agree to put all...|||She has said she is still in love, wants to be together. It is just that nag of a feeling that something is missing she says. While I can't ask her directly about the future, it is implied...|||Yeah didn't think I'd be back so soon but she really is struggling with everything :( Considering how adamant she was about splitting though.. I've not much hope.|||Situation updated just now. She reached out upset as her mum thought she was being reckless, they had a fight. I agreed gently but telling her it is understandable given what turbulence she is...|||Situation updated just now. She reached out upset as her mum thought she was being reckless, they had a fight. I agreed gently but telling her it is understandable given what turbulence she is...|||Thank you for this advice, coming to these forums has helped me cope a lot. Definitely not enfp. I would never ignore her, couldn't live with myself. Thank you for the advice, I intend to...|||She told me I didn't give her enough space to begin with, that it made the process more confusing and difficult for her. Her mother said she was not given enough space either. It is ironic,...|||She is stable, has no conditions. But is clearly reckless and unreliable in dealing with how she feels. Also immature. Had warning bells about this signal in the beginning but ignored them because...|||I'm put off by the thought that she has already made a decision that the moment she has something better she will drop me, as if value has been applied to me. Ironically she says all things should be...|||Yes, I feel I have a thing for them too at this point, like the intensity in which we felt and connected can't be matched generally speaking. Then the frustration that the volatility of it eventually...|||Forgiveness is part of our own path of healing. On the other hand, trusting that same person again is not necessary. I see your point about keeping her around, although it sounds like you have...|||There are too many things it could be. -She doesn't know herself -She often doesn't love herself or know how to make herself happy -She is self-sabotaging and perpetuates self imposed prophecies...|||Yes to your whole post, highlighted things that stand out. All of it bodes true and reflected in the experience I'm having right now. That someone can validate so clearly... makes me wonder if...|||I'm expanding my target audience... need all the advice I can get. I am male, 26, INFJ She is female, 23, INFP We just broke up. Original Thread (Locked):...|||We had a fallout about something while she was away at her Mums sorting through her feelings, before she was ready to make the separation. We were in a state of no contact when I broke through (it...|||I appreciate this insight. See my response to Sygma below, do you believe the advice you've given still stands? Thank you but this is not me. Speaking to people, journaling and meditation is...|||Thanks for the direct responses. I'm accepting the situation as ended and intending to move forward. If she reaches out regrettinng the split, wanting it back again... I'm not going to trust...|||I am generally cold to those I don't want to establish something with and extremely warm towards those I do want/have something with. My feelings will run rampart in the latter situation.|||I take pride in being alone and feeling lonely while avoiding engaging with people I don't want to establish something meaningful with. If I am unsure, I'll pursue it briefly before making up my...|||We've been together for 3.5 years, engaged... people have described our relationship as glowing and we agree. We love each other more than anyone else we've ever been with, have no deal breaking...|||No no, I appreciate it. You obviously have a lot to give and deserve at least to have your day brightened :)'
'ENTP - does this description sound like you? I'm having trouble typing someone that I know (I really only feel confident about the E)... Social, outgoing, playful, engaging, charming, energized,...|||zomg, I was in a bookstore tonight, and I totally found my crush from a couple of years ago. It was like where's waldo in this crowded little bookstore. I found my way back to where he was browsing,...|||An INTP at work came and sat down right next to me at a meeting. Starting asking me questions. Usually, this is a very formal meeting, so I was pleased that he was friendly. I think he picks up on...|||Hm, I guess you are right. There are lots of possible reasons for aloofness. But if I take your suggestion, his friendliness could also indicate simply that he is a nice person, and is friendly...|||TL;DR When you are aloof or cold with someone who you were previously friendly towards, what are some possible reasons? My ENFJs- are you out there? ... I need some education about ENFJs acting...|||ENFJ who was one of my mentors at work, is now cold and aloof. Some background: we are both single, un-attached. Some possible attraction or mutual interest, but this is unclear to me. Has switched...|||Okay, so 'just ask' the INTP is one simple solution to the question 'what is he thinking?' But, my question is also 'how can I approach him in a way that makes him less anxious and becomes willing to...|||I wonder if INTPs make up like 70% of guys doing online dating? Haha, it just seems full of people who sit hopefully, but do not act. Is that accurate at all? I'm not completely excluding myself from...|||I think I'm chatting with an INTP in the online dating world... and he had to cancel our first date (coffee) due to a work scheduling thing (this I believe is true, it checks out). He has a hectic...|||I have been messaging with a guy on a dating site, and we have had a good convo rolling, but have run into some issues with scheduling the first date. He asked me if I wanted to meet up for coffee, I...|||So, you would be understanding that you did not received even a first message from this person. That is cool of you. Months later, would you be willing to respond to her as if fresh start? Would you...|||My INTP quest continues. Your 'type' is such a draw for some of us INFPs :P I have an online dating scenario. I know, I know. Always ripe for overanalysis. I just want some opinions on this... ...|||ENTPs - do you ever pit people against each other? I know that sounds kind of awful, but I wonder if you sometimes delight in charming people, and getting people to do things for you? It seems that...|||Morfy Kitty I would say open the conversation very slowly, calmly. Do this someplace where you feel comfortable, and at a time when you could both part ways if needed. If this is meeting for brunch...|||Yes, at first I worried that you were my IRL friend. Haha! Unlikely though :) As for my feelings... guaranteed that they are highly individual based on my situation with this long-term friend. In...|||I'm an INFP in a similar situation with an INFP guy friend. I will say that the constant anxiety-limbo plays to the INFP enjoyment of anticipation and future orientation, but it does eventually...|||haha, I appreciate your comments! I'm just, more than a little confused by my situation. So the 'go get him' mentality is not exactly feeling 'safe' for me until I understand WTF his mixed messages...|||Lol, you ppl. Okay, well I'm not going to ask him, so I'm just going to stew about it in silence. It's really not my style to ask a guy if he likes me. We would have to be like in some obvious...|||Do you ever drop sexual innuendos in conversations? Or are these more likely 'Freudian slips? Just wondering if *ntps would use this as a tactic for showing their interest?|||Whoa, so, really!? Then I definitely need to find some way to type this person. Is there a thread for that? Like describing a person and having someone help you type the person? I know it sounds...|||What more fun can I stir up here... Part I: How do you/other intps you know 'flirt'? Part II: Do you know of any INTPs who are major flirts? Part III: If someone is like an...|||Ah yes, this makes sense. Being sure before perceived risk, etc. is a good idea. But that also puts you in a bind, because men are often expected to be more overt in their interest. But yes, there...|||Exactly re: gravitate towards then, but remain tame. Okay, so say it's not so much involving a power distribution, but simply an intra- & inter-personal awkwardness. For example, you are both new...|||So if you clearly have romantic feelings for a girl, but it's complicated - say like, you work with her - how do you behave? How to you handle this situation? Imagine she is your boss, or your...|||I notice that some intps do not really know how to ask personal questions of other people. Or rather, maybe this is men in general, when they are nervous? I know, I know, people will say DUH, we are...|||Well it sounds like you have the answers for yourself right there, in the end of your post! I think it's cool that we often have our own answers, which we can arrive at through talking or writing...|||Yea, I think you make a good point about dating to get his ex out of his system. He still mentioned her in coversation, but he made it clear that he has had time to process it and 'get over it'. He...|||Yea. I guess I am having questions about each one of his four letters. He is a scientist though, so ... ENTP or even Is/nTP could be possible? Jealousy definitely gets a girls attention, but not in a...|||lols to the last couple pages of this thread. :laughing: Necrilia : I love the golden retriever comment. I've totally seen this happen with several INTPs! It's so endearing! I hate to break up...|||So imagine that a woman has opportunities to pursue an INTP, and she thinks there might be mutual interest. But the mutual messages aren't quite clear enough for two over-thinking introverts. ...|||How do you approach an intp with more-than-friends interest? Is it possible for a woman to be too forward? As a female INFP, I am not often in the role of pursuer. I know how to flirt, but I...|||I am going to try not to make this all about my crush on an INTP, and over-thinking it. But... maybe a little bit. You INTP guys seem like a 'type' that is least likely to try and employ jealousy...|||Yes, yes, yes. I can see this all about INTPs not wanting to talk when tired, it's true. I've seen it with my intp friends in the past. Especially because I'm a pretty attuned 'inf', I think there is...|||Man, you guys are saving me here. I was super pleasant with him when I left him to finish his ginger ale, but I went immediately to my room and started overthinking and beating myself up. Wondering -...|||Oh totally, this all makes sense. I was curios to know the process, which you outlined well. I never thought of INTP as robots (no, that's intj, right?) haha. but really, I think most people are...|||Well, the guy who offered me chocolate? He's done it again. But this time, he offered me a brownie, and I accepted. I'm beginning to question all of this though... In some strange twist, he made...|||I'm fascinated by INTPs, so I guess I'm going to dominate this board for a while. I seem to fit INFP best, but I test with a more balanced T, and I have lots of intp friends... Personal question:...|||Basic question: is there a trend in INTP attire? I would assume something practical, comfortable, and possibly showing a little bit of their wit. But with some sense of aesthetic appeal, like...|||Good point, I was thinking more in a benign way. For example, finding out if she is doing online dating, if she is still close with her ex, etc. Finding out things related to her availability, and...|||Just out of curiosity... do you guys ever have other guys wing-man for you by finding out info from a girl you like? Imagining you are mutual friends, or something like this.|||I need some clarification on this point... what is the 'explosion' in reference to? The feelers being upset, or the thinkers being repressed?|||Right, well all of that is pretty insightful. It must take some good relationships, friends, or therapy for intps to get more in-tune with the emotional world. Really can't hurt anyone to be more...|||Yes, this is super helpful. Just be in the moment, an be authentic. Can do. Is it common for intps to develop slowly when it comes to emotional intimacy? I have met some intps who can open up, but...|||Wow, thanks. I feel like I know that he is into me, intuitively, but I'm still sort of unsure about misreading his friendliness. I mean, the guy is super kindhearted. He's 31.|||This is very helpful. I need to pick your brain (or other intp brains) then about some intp scenarios that have cropped up for me. -After a casual friend dinner at intps house, he offered me a...|||Ah, I left out some information. We have a mutual friend, and this mutual friend told me that this guy is ready to find a long term relationship.|||Well on a similar note, a new guy just moved into my same apartment floor. Pretty sure he is INTP. We have mutual friends who have teased us about being a good match. We have met a couple of...|||All that you've described here is exactly true of me as well. I tend to type as an INFP, though I think I have more balance with extroversion and thinking. It's no wonder that INFP-INTP is some sort...|||Haha, thank you! I like that you are punctuating your success with Borat-like enthusiasm.|||Thanks, this makes a lot of sense. Then, would you say that most of you INTPs are these authentic, ethical, insightful creatures? I've met a handful, mainly science-guy friends (so there are many...'
'H.P Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe. Which makes sense, since my main influence is Stephen King.|||Class Reunion by Rona Jaffe. Bought the book at Crown Books (a super cheap used book store) and it's surprisingly good :D|||Carrie (the film version) Megaman X Cloud (starts as an IxTP, ends up a INFP) Squall (same thing, maybe ends up an ISFP) Alucard???(Castlevania)|||What is it for?|||Can't you ever care about what others think?|||In MN, which is why I haven't responded much on the forum (although I will pop in from time to time). Wishing I could hang out with a PerC member IRL after reading these posts.|||At first I thought it was going to be another one of those flame posts but you did a really good post there. It's true, I shouldn't worry too much of being rejected or turned down. Especially since a...|||God fucking damnit, are we really going to do this thread again!?|||Most INFJs I know can come off much more logic than feeling at times. Especially when they're grumpy.|||^YES!!! Love that comic:laughing:^|||Peepshow (British show), although I doubt anyone has seen it.|||http://thor.mirtna.org/oddities/lookalikes/pics/barret-01.jpg|||^I don't know who the hell the person with the green hair is supposed to be. And wow, Tifa really let herself go.^|||Ace bottom....Australian...so are you... http://www.thebitbag.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Miranda-Mass-Effect-2.png Except a little more goth.|||You're more of the marriageable type. You won't find many women who want you now, but wait until they hit thirty. Then they'll like you. So basically they're saying women will fuck all the...|||What about Rainman?|||You just made my day:laughing:|||Lol. The trick is, squirt him with a small squirt gun and shout NO! everytime that happens. Soon he'll learn and drop the act.|||You can change that mood of yours now:wink:|||Be curious to hear how it was|||Just wait a little longer. Over messaging him can come off as desperate.|||Good luck, I'd be curious to see as to what happens. I'm sure it'll go well, he's lucky enough to have been kissed by someone like you.|||Married With Children Futurama Modern Family Miami Vice Friends etc., etc. Mostly older shows. I don't mind cop shows but I don't like the new forensics and cop shows.|||Absopositively|||Best one yet:laughing:|||But you didn't say completely:tongue:|||And I can be your gynecologist (probably came off creepy)|||What book?|||That doesn't mean that you can't be Christian and have a Eastern philosophy. Plenty of Christians do. I suppose the Old Testament and Paul's philosophy is much Western but Christ's is very Eastern....|||Just have a dress and staple a bunch of plush cats to it. And when people ask who you're supposed to be just say Pussy Galore|||Well, maybe except for the no and not parts|||Guitar and Piano|||Nah, you can easily have a leg up on people when it comes to financial I.Q. That doesn't have much to do with type at all. Read some books such as Rich Dad Poor Dad and you'll be smarter money wise.|||Who wouldn't want to be under the limelight?|||I'd be nostalgic for you (if that makes sense)|||You never know.... DUH! DUH! DUUUUHHHHH! Honestly I wouldn't mind giving my name but I have the fear of someone IRL finding my user name and seeing all those oh-so-wonderful discussions we all...|||How about them cupcakes. Yes.|||Hey, is Black Lagoon any good?|||Should've looked at my profile photo. And yes.|||Sure......|||Of course they don't. Not with the meat eating is morally wrong shouts and I'm a meat eater RAGH! option on the voting as well as I eat white meat so I'm a hypocrite. Or above all, vegetarians...|||Why yes my little raver.|||Not the strap on! NOT THE STRAP ON!!! This only applies to INFP males. Well...most of them anyways.|||Sounds more like a confederacy (nothing good or bad about it) rather than a libertarian view.|||To be fair, the government system doesn't really help the politicians. Because they have to be careful of what they say and do. They could say screw you I'm doing what the hell I want but then...|||Yeah, well history is about to change:cool:|||^who's that in your avatar Lightning?^ And waiting to go to work.|||No, it's scientific that human beings are omnivores. We have both sharp (carnivores) and flat (herbivores) teeth, a sign of being omnivore. Also, many of our primate cousins eat both meat and plants.|||Probably because of the confidence. And the jacket leaves enough for the imagination but enough for the eyes as well:wink:|||lol you probably late posted :crazy: And no, although your avatar is so...alurring.'
'1. Don't even bother with those people. It's too exhausting in the long run. 2. Why are you so anxious? 3. Just get it done for god's sake. What is wrong with you? 4. You seriously need to stop...|||German, English, French, Amharic, and Mandarin (still got a long way to go) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||now imagine going to an all-girls-school from 5th till 12th grade Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I like sticking to my samples. When I have to cook for myself (I rarely eat out) I'm pretty basic and love routine. breakfast: oatmeal with some fruit puree (takes literally 3 mins to make)...|||Balanced? My extremes average each other out. That counts. Edit: Going through the posts I see some astrology. Quick google search resulted in: Symbolized by the Twins, Gemini-born people...|||this reminds me of something I watched a while ago: https://youtu.be/x_fBYROA7Hk They discuss personality traits that correlate or even predict political leanings like openness,...|||-Atheism: Ugh, what does that even mean. I feel like I'm taking a test and it's that one answer that is just too obvious. -Vegetarian and veganism: Yes, vegan. -Pansexuality, Bisexuality, or...|||Yoga has more or less been a constant in my life regarding physical exercise for the last year and a half or so. I just keep coming back to it naturally which doesn't happen with other types of...|||Black WEEK in Germany -.- We do have Erntedankfest (which roughly translates to 'giving thanks for the harvest'. It is no where near as big as Thanksgiving in the States, it isn't even a national...|||When some incompetent gets to play the competent one because of their likability or charisma.|||Me last fall. I failed though.|||I have been told I come across condescending so often that I now tend to end things I say with I think so or not sure though even though I know for a fact that I'm right. I wouldn't say I care...|||I don't tidy up my room until things start piling up. I'm pretty minimal so it takes time for stuff to accumulate. I don't really notice dust piling up though (probably because I spend so much time...|||I agree! I'm from Germany and the hugging experience might only be applicable to younger generations, that's my main source of interaction so I can't exactly make too general statements. Although I'm...|||hehe there are even the huggers! yes, first-encounter-huggers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||They aren't confrontational at all. It basically comes down to a lack of shared interests. Me falling on the high end of the introversion spectrum might have something to do with it. I can...|||Hehe yes, thank you! Ok I don't want to sound utilitarian but there is nothing to gain for me from interacting with them. We have practically nothing in common in terms of interests, e.g. they...|||How do you deal with people who can't take a hint? I have this group of friends who I really do not enjoy hanging out with anymore. In the past I have experienced that friendships will comfortably...|||572330 ^very eloquently put. So if I had a motto it would probably be something along the lines of You might as well.|||I wasn't as fortunate growing up. I probably had the bare minimum of educational resources. So I would end up having to reread lexica for input of random information. Even when I got my laptop the...|||*starts planning how to take over the world* ...couple weeks later... Ok, I'm not finished quite yet. I have accumulated lots of semi-useful information I won't be able to apply in reality. I do...|||Interesting how this thread started out with people suggesting that being vegetarian would be unlike INTPs (depending on the reasons: health->logical, animals->feelings-driven). I would say that...|||Are you sad?|||Tchaikovsky : Violin Concerto in D Major op. 35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vHL0UNCa1Q Mendelssohn : Violin Concerto in E Minor op. 64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1dBg__wsuo ...|||Sometimes I wonder what the best version of me would be like. Sometimes I like sleeping in until 1 pm.|||What does Ti feel like? It feels like you can't spit out words that would perfectly encapsulate what you are thinking in a timely fashion.|||I don't judge people as harshly as I used to. No, wait, I do but now I can justify their way of .. being for them.|||East of Eden. Impossible to finish for me. I just couldn't and stopped after what felt like a thousand pages.|||sweet spot|||Let's just say that I hate people who think they have something fundamental to say and consider themselves intellectually superior when in fact all that comes out is unnecessary word soup. At uni, at...|||Dear INFP, If you want your post to be read in this part of the forum you will have to insert paragraphs. Anyway, back to the title .. I would never make the first move. The stakes are too high.|||I can completely relate to the slow eating. I'm not even particularly talkative at the table whereas other people manage to eat up quickly and blab. On the other hand I can't seem to write quickly...|||http://www.buzzfeed.com/tabathaleggett/signs-youre-secretly-a-real-bitch?utm_term=.jqB4V4mXm#.mfN3r3nzn Yes, it's buzzfeed and before you label this as some kind of inferior website take a look....|||I quit.|||On a more serious note: intellectual humility|||a moderately self-confident ENTJ|||Soo, this friends of mine likes to tell how cold-hearted I am. She does so frequently in a joking kind of manner while still being serious about it. I .. it really breaks my .. heart. No, for real...|||I guess the mind is less inhibited in the evening and lets creativity do its thing unlike the über-rational mind during earlier hours that relentlessly derides great ideas|||The percentage I mentioned was obviously not accurate. I merely wanted to give an idea of where she probably falls on the spectrum from my perspective. I don't see her 24/7 so I wouldn't know. I...|||My friend just proudly announced that she is definetely an ambivert. Believe me, she is at least 80% extroverted. Is it trendy to be kinda introverted now? Oh, yea, she took a buzzfeed quiz..|||He most likely also sees all of those possibilities you are talking about but thanks to his dominant Ti he also sees the very fine nuances between all those possibilities and concludes there is only...|||Does pure intuition even exist?|||Exactly. Although sometimes I do hate myself a little bit after having a burst of enthusiasm directed outwardly by accident (the first kind of course). The trigger is mostly a certain kind of idea...|||Intj, entp|||140. Intp.|||Unleash your inner chameleon. Or get drunk.|||Yes, we can.|||... except for that one time it was but we didn't think it was but it was.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEULSwE5GEk|||I visualize it like a beautifully interconnected metro network where the dead-ends are only temporary and to be continued'
'The most common dreams I have are my brain pretending very hard that people who aren't real are indeed real. Like books, movies, videogames characters I've been obsessing over. Or pretending that...|||Dear Myself, You can read up to 700 pages in 36 hours every weekend and wake up on the Monday morning with a very weird (but very real) sort of hangover if you want to but let's make a deal, no...|||Well, I think that the existence of life is a coincidence and the reason people think it had to be designed is because of how big and empty the Universe looks through our eyes. The chances of life...|||Hi guys, I didn't see a topic on this subject and I thought it would be cool so here I am. I'm mostly interested in knowing what kind of artists you guys have been following (if any) or what...|||I especially like the moral dilemmas it throws at you and how it makes you think about artificial intelligence. And in the case you're describing; what being in pain means for people who are...|||Dear broken INFJ, I'm finally happy. I can't help you. I have to move on. Pieced back together INFJ.|||Biased, probably. Interesting, definitely. I like their channel. :)|||How long does it take INFJs to say the words I love you? Romantic-wise, I've said it once, took me at least 6 months and only because it was bothering him. Friend-wise, I don't say it. Family-wise,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R4FOu25o9o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMh1dfTj448 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbbOPgmNT-o|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBRqu0YOH14|||Quite a bad day to find this thread... All I remember is my mom laying on the floor, she had black eyes and I was hitting her in the face with my foot, and then she turned into bones. So yeah. First...|||Probably my favorite game ever. Have fun. :)|||I know what you mean. My ex-boyfriend was an ENTJ (lasted one year when I was 16), and in the last two years I went through some stuff grief and anxiety wise, and because I was curious one day I...|||I don't know, I guess I am distant, not that I don't like people, I think that people are the most important thing in the world. And it's not that I wouldn't want to be in a relationship either but I...|||Do you know about the Simulation Paradox? It's basically the idea that if we can ever achieve a technological point where we can create conscious worlds and beings, and that humanity doesn't outlaw...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxr6pWVpUpI Forget the result (ISTJ) and just listen to what he has to say about the questions. He clearly disagrees with that specific part of the result related...|||Dear ENTJ, I remember fondly your straightforwardness and how you used to tell me that I was 'pretty and charming'. INFJ.|||No because one day you're bound to cheat and feel guilty about it. Eat healthy and exercise but you shouldn't have the never eat sugar or junk food again or else mind set. You're not the worst...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3hjpNuvapQ|||Good luck with that.|||If you have questions, I'm ready to answer them but I don't have the patience to educate people who just wants to spew hate at me.|||Elspeth Fine, you're right, the adjective thing wasn't exactly a good explanation but I still stand behind the fact that it's incorrect because whether it's homosexuality, bisexuality,...|||They are transgender people. And it's trans(gender) man and trans(gender) woman. Transgender is an adjective, not a noun nor a verb, and as such is separate from the noun. You use it the same way...|||711570 I think this is interesting because people often say that thinking that it's a 'new trendy thing' but when you start reading about it you realize that there's a lot of proof that trans...|||I wouldn't mind dating a trans person. Personally, I just like reading on that stuff and I find very interesting anything related to languages so I like terminology... Very cute kitty. My cat was...|||I'm a 3 on the Kinsey scale. Once I have a strong crush on someone I can't think of anyone else until I've moved on. The mere idea of a hook-up make me feel uncomfortable in my own skin anyway....|||I meant anyone as in any gender, not anyone as in ...anyone. God no! lool. And it's called demi-sexual nowadays. 711522 His name is Bubulle (Bubble in French).|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71Gt46aX9Z4|||This thread is a fucking mess and no one has a damn clue of what they're talking about. Good job spreading ignorance guys. P.S.: Transgenderism is not even a word. Would you say gayism? No.|||I'm one of the most monogamous people out there but I can be monogamous with anyone. That's literally all pansexual means. And yes I do like cats, of course. There's one sleeping in my bed right...|||I like the comparison. Most women behaving like cats are introverts. Maybe do get a cat lool.|||I personally know some ENTJs, and Felix is clearly one.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71Gt46aX9Z4|||INFJ: Arrogant bitch, you’re not worth the trouble. INFP: Get off your high horse, and I’m the one who’s fake? ISTP: Insensitive and bull-headed, fuck you. ENTJ: is there even anything human under...|||Anything for Muyskerm (Bob Muyskerns) or LordMinion777 (Wade Barnes)? I'm curious.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrGX4KZ44WI|||I've been experiencing winter downs for 10 years. This year I've also experienced summer agitation. I can't deal with too much heat, rain makes me sad, loud thunderstorm makes me panicky even though...|||Everyone should. 0-0 (not obsessed I swear)|||Where? Jack got ENFJ. Watch the video again lool. I'm watching his videos basically daily, and he's clearly a Fe-dom. And btw PewDiePie is at an ENTJ, maybe an INTJ, but he's not an INFP.|||People who: Micromanage others. Think that they're smarter than everyone else. Think that they know what's best for others. Try to force others into things they don't want. Only open their mouth...|||I'm only gonna state a few things a) you know what depression is, you should remember how hard it was to get through, and that 'moping around' and low self-esteem are the hardest symptoms of...|||For me, those two things aren't mutually exclusive. I'm still walking down my own path. It's like... looking across the street at the other person's path and understanding where they're coming from...|||Well, I highly doubt we could coexist with dinosaurs so... :p If anything I agree with person who said Attack on Titans and that's a terrifying idea lool.|||This. Whenever I'm waiting somewhere, I put on music and imagine a band on stage, or I play out a music video in my mind. Usually, a very subjective, unrelated one. My memory rely a lot on images so...|||I don't want to be a downer but if dinosaurs had not gone extinct, we would be a few thousands if not millions years backwards. Mammals would probably have not evolved past the various species of...|||And I would stick to people before morals. Not that it means I would do things I considered wrong to please people, but to me there's more to humanity than morals. What I don't like in people is when...|||Actually, in some place of the world, you can marry a grown man to a 12 years old girl and without Internet no one would question it. Also, death penalties. I understand what you mean, but...|||I don't really know how to explain it to be honest, I don't really think about this that often and while I'm typing it out I can see that there's contradictions in what I believe in, but I don't feel...|||This is probably true. I'd be curious to know when you started believing in God. Well, maybe not 'started' but you know. My INFP friend has this story about how one day she found herself through...|||That's definitely a way of thinking I can get behind. Well, the only thing we don't really have in common is religion, so I guess she thinks it's a sacrifice she's willing to make. ...'
'So many questions when i do these things. I would take the purple pill. Pick winning lottery numbers. Do whatever I want.|||I worked in a brewery for a couple years here. I dont know if you're familiar with the local micros/craft at all but Mill st. was the name of it. Their tankhouse is my favorite of anything local.|||I am going to summon the great and powerful mr cafebot and his song of destruction. The four horseman ride. Count your days people of earth. Intro: Nick - the INTP male - from a basement...|||This thread is obviously about the textbook definition of manliness. Ruffin it, tuffin it, and going hard in the mother fking paint.|||Stand up for yourself. You asked for the time off and it was approved. When they say, oh shit we are short staffed, where is Badgers? They figure out you asked for it off, that's why you arn't there....|||Lol excellent thread @NT the DC. I love watching baseball, and playing it. Oh and I hate the yankees. I'm 19, I've had multiple partners, I consider myself a manly man, I lift, and I am intp. No...|||The thing with relationships is that you spend very little time in the bedroom compared to everything else. So while a dumb blonde can make you happy for 20 minutes a night, its going to take more...|||Thinking: A man plants a fruit tree because it will give him food in a few years. Feeling: A few years later a squirrel is hungry so it eats the fruit from the tree. Intuitive: The man sees his...|||Well I think you can appreciate an Einstein quote.. Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on it's abiility to climb a tree it will live it's whole life believing it is stupid. Everybody...|||Vsauce|||Real men write poetry.|||19, 6'4|||Oh and: Mountain dew releases mountain flavored Doritos locos tacos skateboards. That is all. Also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP9--tH_YRo&amp;feature=youtu.be check this out. (still...|||There's only two things I am certain of with Rusell Brand. 1. He is very heavilly extraverted. 2. He is a magical man.|||Here I am people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKVJARVcuhc|||badgers I'm gonna make a male version intp video today.|||The creative process of intps is getting around to doing the thing and not putting it off. I think we're always ready for work provided we have sleep, and food in our stomachs.|||I may look busy, but I hear everything.|||I'm a guy but I like making videos. I'd love to be a part of this.|||Hey man, it's your life. Do or do not, there is no try.|||Yes. You know you're an intp when you have more conversations in your head than you do with real people.|||tl;dr Yes I posted this.|||spoken like a true intp.|||If you really are bothered (and I believe you are), I think you should tell your boyfriend what you just said there.|||Morality invariably gets me talking, because it has philosophy but with tangable answers. Other good subjects include evolution, hunter gatherer societies, political systems, good movies,...|||Hey b3th. I read your post and my immediate reaction was that your boyfriend is flipping out over something insignificant. Having trust issues is nothing to wag a finger at, but I think your idea of...|||I enjoy 9/10 of DarkBarlow 's posts. So a crush, ya maybe.|||In self defense, but then it's not really a crime. Would you kill somebody to save 1000 people? For millions of dollars?|||“Thirty years later he could not come to any other conclusion: women were indisputably better than men. They were gentler, more affectionate, more loving and more compassionate, they were rarely...|||We really should make a clear-cut method of differentiating the two. Intp are lazy and useless. They do things for no reason, often with disastrous results. The basically lack the things that make...|||743177431874319|||>2013 >Not using adblocker Ps: ask an analytical type they will tell you they want to see less advertising, not help you do it better.|||Hahahaha this.|||73701 This is now a mango thread.|||+ Chameleon skills. That thing where we can mirror the mood/personality of others. - Chameleon skills. Makes me wonder if I'm being true to myself.|||Free for all.|||We wouldn't be human without either of them.|||Well I know 100% sure you are wrong, because I exist. But obviously I can't prove it.|||73121|||The problem is in the first word of your post, Watching the news. TV news is entertainment, not journalism.|||I resent the thought that humans are nothing but selfish creatures, when being selfless can be accomplished on a whim. Fulfillment in life often comes in the form of giving to others. And Solfonny,...|||yup basically this. lol.|||Suicide is a permanent solution to non-permanent problems. Selfish? -It will cause pain and burden to your family for the rest of their lives, so not thinking of them could be considered...|||Lol you're a women. That was easy.|||Seriously, a day where every intp is on adderal? We would live in utopia by noon.|||Repeat the mantra: I am self aware.|||So you reject ideas that don't come from gods? Camus declares that humans are here, we exist, there is nothing that can change that. Now we have a choice. 1. Get pissed off, give up, or revolt,...|||What, in fact, is the Absurd Man? He who, without negating it, does nothing for the eternal. Not that nostalgia is foreign to him. But he prefers his courage and his reasoning. The first teaches him...|||So they don't need to elbow past people in a hurry and potentially miss the train door closing. Otherwise, they want to be first off the train/bus and not get stuck behind a crowd of slow walkers. ...|||This is a loaded question. As for me I'm 19 and still strongly believing in non-belief. INTERNET POLICE: RESTRAIN FROM TROLLING AT ONCE! INTP: I...I...CAN'T...'
'If anyone wants to analyze this that'd be great .. I donx92t even know how I would begin to feelx85the initial shock would stay with me for a while. Id be pissed that I had to find out that he had...|||radu Hah, thats exactly like something I'd do! xD Conversations with strangers never mean anything to me .. they're just fun. I think back to those people sometimes and call them my friends for a...|||Often times I just go through the motions of doing what socially just feels right in the moment. Sometimes this has lead to me appearing very naive. For the longest time I could never tell when a guy...|||Do you guys find that your outer personality can change drastically to suit the needs of your surroundings? I don't mean a complete 180, but its almost like your a fun house mirror and you become a...|||Someone recommended me this link Socionics - the16types.info - MBTI: Form of the Inferior Function describing inferior functions, and I know when I become sad its horribly misused Si. I tend to...|||According to others I have Fe/Ti, which I am beginning to see more myself. So Im deciding between ENTP and ENFJ. After reading the link you provided I definitely have inferior Si, I tend to...|||None taken, I know that like 70 or 80% of females are f types, which is why Im scrutinizing the whole idea of me being a T much harder than if I were a guy. After a little research and multiple...|||What indicates he has Ne/Ti to you from my description?|||Thats what I was leaning toward too.|||I want to type my boyfriend. I had him take the test once, but he didn't take it seriously and got ISTJ(which is not him. At all) I know he's an Ixxx, Im leaning towards INFx. He says people...|||My boyfriend gives me little hand written notes or poems sometimes. It makes me melt. Its so cute and thoughtful and I just adskjfndjkgbfjdbsjhkvbjfhkbirwlhuvj Thats how they make me feel|||@Luana Your right. Im most definitely ENFJ after reading the description. It was basically a rephrased version of my above description. Even my general life goal of wanting to affect people on a...|||Can ENFJs be blunt and oblivious to others feelings? I am known to do that ... There was a girl(ESFJ) who I shared a physics class with and sometimes I'd feel her answers answers/methods were wrong....|||Also similarly to how you say I have repressed Te showing up, liveing in Tennesse I feel my Si comes out more as well. I've become more ISTJish since liveing here, and I know 10000000% that's not my...|||My writing style here doesn't reflect my actual self and I wasn't discissing anything theoretical, I was presenting facts. I was trying to present information without my own biases to allow others to...|||Whats an example of Ti that I used? Fi and Ti are functions I struggle to understand the most because they are introverted judging functions and you can't physically see the process of them being...|||I have no idea what my type is. I am near 100% sure I lead with Ne, but I don't know about my other functions... I agree more with Fi/Te, but I sometimes I behave more T like .. so maybe I'm Ti/Fe? ...|||I have no idea what my type is. I am near 100% sure I lead with Ne, but I don't know about my other functions... I agree more with Fi/Te, but I sometimes I behave more T like .. so maybe I'm Ti/Fe? ...|||I have no idea what my type is. I am near 100% sure I lead with Ne, but I don't know about my other functions... I agree more with Fi/Te, but I sometimes I behave more T like .. so maybe I'm Ti/Fe? ...|||I see loads of Ne. I agree with westlose you are some kind of INXP. I'd look into differences between Ti/Fe and Fi/Te and go from there. Due to your likes I lean more towers INFP, but I could be...|||I can't decide my type. I think Im stuck between enfp and entp, although I may be an entj? Im not for sure. I need an unbiased view(I tend to see every view and have a hard time deciding which one I...|||I can't decide my type. I think Im stuck between enfp and entp, although I may be an entj? Im not for sure. I need an unbiased view(I tend to see every view and have a hard time deciding which one I...|||I can't decide my type. I think Im stuck between enfp and entp, although I may be an entj? Im not for sure. I need an unbiased view(I tend to see every view and have a hard time deciding which one I...|||One time a guy, obviously he was messing around, told me damn girl you look like a box of cheerios:dry: stupid|||Hmm Im an ENFP, and Im a Gemini Sun, Leo Ascendent and Aquarius moon. If I did this right I'd get .. ESTJ? xD|||I try to avoid people like that as best as I can. But I still meet them and see them, and can't deny that they don't exist( and some are quite catty/bitchy). Did you not ever meet gossipers? (You...|||Hmm, thank you. The way you explained this makes a lot of sense to me ^^|||Um, noelani have you ever been to a high school? Even out side of high school, you still see it in work places and such. Girls gossip ALOT. Im not saying every girl is super gossip-y, but you do meet...|||I'd consider my self an assertive person. I even had a teacher say it (I had a project 2-3 years back and had to list a trait of mine. I asked others how they'd describe me, my art teacher said...|||So, I know the most common female type is ESFJ. Im assuming that a lot of female stereotypes come from this type. A common female stereotype is that they gossip and talk crap behind your back,...|||I don't mean to diss them,. Mighty can be good, and a mighty person(even if they lack intelligence) will probably get more done than a smart, but weak person. You need an equal mix of the two. I also...|||Would you rather have a great variety in your life, or fewer but more intense experiences? Gahh. I can't decide with this question. A great variety is nice, but if the experiences aren't intense...|||I am a female ENFP, but Im also an enneagram 8w7. I've read the 8's type description and it fits me well, Im assertive, confident and don't shy away from leadership roles. I am very scared to be...|||I am a female ENFP, but Im also an enneagram 8w7. I've read the 8's type description and it fits me well, Im assertive, confident and don't shy away from leadership roles. I am very scared to be...|||As an ENFP, I find I get along with SJ's. My favorite types are IxxJ's because they really help to balance me out, and their normally so grounded and notice things that I don't. I have a few ISxJ...|||Im not even more than half way though the article the child development article but its so me. As a little kid I reminded my mom of a turtle because when she carried me I always craned my neck out to...|||-Halo- Thank you :)|||No your right, I didnt realise it before but it is probably just my NE being a bitch and anti-descion-y. I want to 500% sure this is my type. If I feel its 99.9 that wont cut it, the 0.01 still makes...|||MBTI is a temperment thing, which remains consistent thoughout most of a persons life. Like the 3rd post above me mentions, will it be a mature at 5? No. Will it be there? Yes you can start to spot...|||Do you know of one for enfps?|||I already did my soul searching. I reliased alot of stuff about my self and the way I look at the world.|||I took the cognitive function test once, but I did it backwards, it was a method that was supposed to help you be more decisve about answers. You just flip the letters at the end. The test couldnt...|||I do understand that the brain is not fully developed untill 25, I even know that its frontal lobe which plays a big role in makeing descions, seeing the consequences of your action etc. thats...|||That might be a big reason why I dont relate to them as well. My ennegram type is an 8, which is more brutish/assertive.|||I have a looked at profiles. When I just look at profiles I think I fit best with enfps. But then I go into forums and the people interacting with real enfps/entjs is what makes me change my mind....|||I have narrowed down my cognitive functions to Ne, Te, Fi and Si but I don't know what order they should be in, and I don't know how to figure it out. I thought I was an ENFP, and descriptions...|||I have narrowed down my cognitive functions to Ne, Te, Fi and Si but I don't know what order they should be in, and I don't know how to figure it out. I thought I was an ENFP, and descriptions...|||I have narrowed down my cognitive functions to Ne, Te, Fi and Si but I don't know what order they should be in, and I don't know how to figure it out. I thought I was an ENFP, and descriptions...|||I have to agree, it makes me wonder if I even an ENFP sometimes, but the functions/there order makes a lot of sense for me... I feel like most ENFPs on the forums appear to have a stronger fe, and...|||I would say anytime I delve too deeply into my own emotions, or Im sad and in a depressive state I start to feel depersonalization. I start to feel disconnected to the world and if it continues, my...'
'BRAND NEW. HOLY CRAP BRAND NEWWWWWW ; A; + Bjork, Mum, It's a Musical, Modest Mouse, Frightened Rabbit, Straylight Run, Franz Ferdinand, and tons of others. And I really love the Katamari Damacy...|||Fun, you say? Hrrmmm. /chinstroke You are a strangely appealing person. Your writing voice... it's like... it's like I'm meeting a toned-down version of Vetinari or something. How beautiful. ; u;...|||It's music, bro. It's meant to be listened to. ; u; Specifically, though: -As a mood-changer. When I'm down, listening to the gorgeous Icelandic awesomeness that is Mum instantly makes me feel...|||MY FIRST THOUGHT WAS OF THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU. my second was of the tv show. clearly this thread is laden with delicious nerdy potential.|||KIDA IS AMAZING YES ; u; he just gets more and more awesome as the series goes on... ; u; trollzaya is the best. B] that scene made me fall out of my chair laughing the first time i saw it.|||I had a bunch of tl;dr written here, but the majority of it wasn't very cohesive or coherent. :'> Suffice to say that I agree with you, that I've noticed this myself, and that MBTI is a good starting...|||Libraries, bookstores, the writing center at school, the bagel shop nearby.|||Just movies? Pwha! Characters from books, manga, and video games deserve love, too. :) Movies: MULAN MULAN MULAN MULAN. Chihiro from Spirited Away, Makoto from The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. ...|||BOOKS. HOLY FUCK YOU GUYS, BOOKS DESERVE ALL CAPS AND EXPLETIVES BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING AMAZING. Look at all the amazing things people can craft using words. I seriously tear up and cry at some...|||I'm reading Primary Gain. It's a fanfiction, but it's better than 99% of what I've seen in bookstores lately. :') The author has such a fantastic grasp of the characters' mindsets, when to build...|||http://www.modelinia.com/__wordpress__/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/behati-prinsloo-cat.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/winterwinds/wild6lx8.jpg ...|||Múm is fabulous. ;A; I just found Yesterday Was Dramatic a few weeks ago and I've been listening to it over and over again since. It sucks how a lot of the best bands out there are the least...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skTElvdm56o Gah, don't tempt me to talk about Daisy! I'll end up writing a whole essay on this album. ;; Well, when I first popped it into my CD player and...|||ENFP. In no particular order: Danbooru /cm/, /c/, /y/ PersonalityCafe LiveJournal (specifically yshare, fanmix, and articulate -- manga, music, and writing, respectively) GaiaOnline (I am...|||YouTube - Sink by Brand New (FULL SONG, ALBUM VERSION)|||mile after mile - straylight run|||Hi, angel. C: Welcome to the cafe.|||Hello, and welcome to the forums, M.E.! o/|||I want to go to the dentist. So. Badly. ;A; I need to find one nearby and get an appointment scheduled. I'm seriously looking forward to it.|||umm, swap out the incorrect one (the orange box was RahXephon, not NGE, wasn't it?) for Ergo Proxy, RahXephon, Claymore, Tenjo Tenge, or Trinity Blood? HOLY CRAP seriously you kids these days *A*...|||Gantz, Ghost in the Shell / Stand Alone Complex, Death Note, FMA, NGE (silver box), NGE (orange box), Love Hina, Noein, Gungrave, Inu-Yasha, Baccano!, Cowboy Bebop. I can sort-of-recognize several of...|||You kids these days and your disposable incomes. http://i48.tinypic.com/11ccu2r.png Hi my name is prism and I spend all my money on manga and video games and books and Disney VHSs and have...|||http://i50.tinypic.com/2il21ag.jpg|||Hey, another manga-reading ENFP! ゚ ヮ ゚ Welcome to the forums, and please continue to use strange Japanese smileys. And I second Ben's question -- what manga do you like? TELL US, TELL US.|||/pitches tent and waits for someone to bring up Axis Powers Hetalia USA - ESTJ Japan - ISTJ Canada - xSFJ Italy - ESxP|||I thought this series was completely unknown, lol. c: I'm glad there are other fans of it out there.|||YES. I desperately need time to relax and unwind each day, or else I get too bottled-up and tense and I'll start snapping at people in a really uncharacteristic way. Just laying around for forty...|||Turquoise, white, and really rich shades of purple. I also love bright, cheerful colors in general.|||Talking with people is easy for me. Communicating with people can be difficult, because there are times when I fumble my words or can't articulate myself well -- I know what I'm trying to say, but I...|||You answered yes to 77 of 200 questions, making you 61.5% otaku pure (38.5% otaku corrupt). Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 13%, based on a comparison of your test results with...|||My two old LJs and my current one all came out as ESFP. The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure nd beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft...|||http://i46.tinypic.com/35lw0vr.png Like I noted on the paper, this is how I actually take notes and do pre-writing for essays and brainstorm and make lists and generally just write most things. I...|||ENFP, tied between Blue and Orange.|||I think most people, regardless of type, overanalyze some part or another of their lives. ENFPs might do it a little more often and a little more intensely, though. I definitely reflect too much...|||To not have to deal with college applications and tuition and scholarships and auditions... to have all of that out of the way.|||Skip-Beat's a great series. :D Kyoko and Momo's auditon for the soda commerical is one of my favorite story arcs in any series. Speaking of shoujo vampires, have you ever read Trinity Blood? It's...|||Hello, fellow ENFP! :) And welcome to the forums.|||Hey there, and welcome to the forums! o/ I love shoujo (and anime and manga in general), too. Are there any series you're into right now? Also, singing is fabulous, and it's great to have another...|||None of the single types fits me completely. >: The closest combination I can come up with is Adventurous, Leisurely, Mercurial, Self-Sacrificing, and Idiosyncratic. The main problem I'm running into...|||6, 8, and 10 are my favorites.|||Welcome to the forums, fellow NF! o/|||ESTP. I like the ones I've met, I just don't get them at all. ;;|||This is pretty much what happens to me. : I hate being attacked emotionally, but even more than that I hate the thought of hurting the people I'm close to.|||smell memory - múm|||Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today is Ok (Múm) Daisy (Brand New) When the Pawn... (Fiona Apple) The Music Makes Me Sick (It's a Musical) The World as We Know It (The Morning Of)|||there is a number of small things - múm|||Hello and welcome. o/|||Welcome to the forums, Josh! C:|||i'm through with the past (but the past isn't through with me) - straylight run|||Hello, and welcome to the forums! o/ We're glad to have you.'