However, between 1989 (that year, there were 22.7 road deaths per 100,000 people) and 2002, New Zealand was the 30 countries (including Australia, England and the United States) experienced the biggest reduction in road accidents, in particular they fell by half.
Heoi, i waenganui i ngā tau 1989 (i tērā tau, 22.7 ngā mate i te huarahi mō te e 100,000 tāngata) me 2002, ko Aotearoa te whenua o ngā whenua e 30 (tae atu ki Ahitereiria, Ingarangi me Amerika) i kaha rawa atu te heke o ngā aituā i te huarahi, otirā ka heke mā te haurua.
Health services
Ngā ratonga hauora
New Zealanders can access health services through a health center in their community.
Taea ai e ngā tāngata o Aotearoa ngā ratonga hauora mā roto i te pokapū hauora kei tō rātou hapori.
Some doctors will continue to be private practitioners, despite the introduction of free or partially paid health services.
Ka noho tonu ētahi tākuta hei kaimahi tūmataiti, ahakoa te whakakuhuna o ētahi ratonga hauora kore utu, wāhanga utu rānei.
Now a subsidy will be added to pay for part of the medicines.
Ināianei ka tāpirihia he āwhina hei utu i tētahi wāhanga o ngā rongoā.
Most of the drugs are bought by Pharmac, the government's drug procurement agency; this will lower the cost of the medication.
Ka hokona mai te rahi o ngā rongoā e Pharmac, te tari hoko rongoā a te kāwanatanga; mā tēnei ka iti iho te utu mō te rongoā.
Those with low incomes will receive additional funding for their health care costs.
Ka whiwhi pūtea tāpiri te hunga iti nei ā rātou moni whiwhi, mō ā rātou utunga hauora.
The government pays for the hospitals.
Ko te kāwanatanga ka utu mō ngā hōhipera.
They provide emergency and critical care.
Whakarato ai rātou i ngā āwhina mō ngā mate whawhati tata me ngā mate kino rawa.
There are also private hospitals, where people have to pay; these hospitals are usually used for non-emergency surgeries.
Arā anō ngā hōhipera tūmataiti, me utu te tangata; i te nuinga o te wā whakamahia ai ēnei hōhipera mō ngā pokanga kīhai i te mate whawhati tata.
A national survey was conducted in 1996-97.
I ngā tau 1996-97 whakahaerehia ai tētahi rangahau ā-motu.
It found that 38% of New Zealanders have private health insurance, mostly for non-emergency surgeries.
I kitea, e 38% o ngā tāngata o Aotearoa ka whai inihua hauora tūmataiti, ko te nuinga mō ngā pokanga kīhai i te mate whawhati tata.
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Whārangi 6.
Public school
Kura tūmatanui
The government provides free education for primary, middle and high school.
Whakaratoa ai e te kāwanatanga te mātauranga kore utu mō ngā kura tuatahi, kura waenganui, kura tuarua.
There is no place in these schools for religious studies.
Kāore he wāhi i ēnei kura mō nga akoranga hāhi, whakapono.
There is no cost of going to kura for children from 5 years to 19 years of age, and the child must go to kura from 6 years to 16 years.
Kāore he utu o te haere ki te kura mō ngā tamariki mai i te 5 tau ki te 19 tau te pakeke, ā, me haere te tamaiti ki te kura mai i te 6 tau ki te 16 tau.
Since 1989, these types of schools have been managed by boards of trustees supported by parents.
Mai i te tau 1989, whakahaerehia ai ēnei momo kura e ngā poari kaitiaki ka tohungia e ngā mātua.
Early childhood education
Whakaakoranga kōhungahunga
There is no law forcing young children to go to school.
Kāore he ture whakahau i ngā tamariki kōhungahunga ki te kura.
However, many children under the age of five go to preschools and playcentres .
Heoi, tini ngā tamariki kei raro i te rima tau te pakeke ka haere ki ngā kura pūhou, ngā pokapū kōhungahunga (playcentre).
Parents played an important role in early childhood centers, and by the end of the 20th century these types of educational institutions had become widespread.
He wāhi nui tō ngā mātua i roto i ngā pokapū kōhungahunga, ka mutu, tatū ki te paunga o te rau tau 1900 kua hōrapa ēnei momo whare ako.
Committee school
Kura kōmitimiti
After the enactment of the Education Act 1877, the Catholic Church established its primary and secondary schools to maintain the identity of the Catholic Church.
Whai muri i te whakamanatanga o te Ture Mātauranga 1877, ka whakatū e te hāhi Katorika āna kura tuatahi, tuarua hoki ki te pupuri i te tuakiri o te hāhi Katorika.
Now, these schools have been merged with public schools.
Ināianei, kua kōmitimiti ēnei kura ki ngā kura tūmatanui.
The government pays for these schools, however, their doors must be open to all students.
Ko te kāwanatanga kei te kawe i ngā utu mō ēnei kura, heoi, me tuwhera ō rātou tatau ki ngā tauira katoa.
In fact, these schools will continue to maintain their own characteristics.
Otirā, ka mau tonu ēnei kura ki ā rātou ake tū āhuatanga.
Private school
Kura tūmataiti
There are also private schools (mostly run by churches).
Kei reira anō ngā kura tūmataiti (ko te nuinga nō ngā hāhi).
These schools are independent from the government, and students have to pay to go there.
Ka tū motuhake ēnei kura i te kāwanatanga, me utu hoki te haere ki reira hei tauira.
Some of the traditional schools have become schools for those who are proud of their wealth and their position in society.
Ko ētahi o ngā kura tūroa kua tū hei kura mō te hunga whakahīhī i ō rātou rawa me tō rātou tūranga i roto te hapori.
Of the newly opened private schools, most were established by Christian churches.
O ngā kura tūmataiti kātahi anō ka tuwhera, ko te nuinga nā ngā hāhi Karaitiana pakipaki i whakatū.
Private schools receive some support from the government, however, their independent boards are independent.
Ka whiwhi ngā kura tūmataiti ki ētahi āwhina mai te kāwanatanga, heoi, tū motuhake ō rātou poari motuhake.
Tertiary school
Kura tuatoru
Almost all tertiary institutions (high schools, teacher training colleges, universities) receive aid from the government, but their governing councils are independent.
Tata ki te katoa o ngā kura tuatoru (kuratini, kāreti ako kaiwhakaako, whare wānanga) ka whiwhi āwhina i te kāwanatanga, engari, motuhake te tū o ō rātou kaunihera whakahaere.
For most courses, the student must pay a portion of the fees.
Mō te nuinga o ngā whakaakoranga, me utu te ākonga i tētahi wāhanga o ngā utu.
With the loan, tertiary education is open to everyone.
Mā te pūtea taurewa ka tuwhera ngā kura tuatoru ki ngā tāngata katoa.
In the past, due to low wages, extra student allowances and summer jobs paid for each other.
I ngā wā o mua nā te iti o te utu, nā ngā tahua tauira tāpiri me ngā mahi o te raumati ngā utu i ea.
Achievement in education
Whakatutukitanga i roto i te mātauranga
Most children in New Zealand start school when they are five.
Ko te nuinga o ngā tamariki o Aotearoa ka tīmata ki te kura ina eke ana ō rātou tau ki te rima.
More young people are staying in school for a long time.
Nui atu ngā rangatahi kei te noho ki te kura mō tētahi wā roa.
However, very few Māori students stay in preparatory school until the age of 18.
Heoi, torutoru noa ngā tauira Māori ka noho ki te kura tatū rawa ki te 18 tau.
The National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) is the educational qualification for high school seniors.
Ko te National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) te tohu mātauranga mō ngā tauira pakeke i ngā kura tuarua.
25% of children over 15 years of age do not have any educational qualifications.
E 25% ngā tamariki neke atu i te 15 tau te pakeke, karekau ā rātou tohu mātauranga.
One in eight people hold a university degree.
Kotahi o ngā tāngata tokowaru e pupuri ana i tētahi tohu whare wānanga.
Education and Māori
Mātauranga me te Māori
Most Māori children are in government schools.
Kei roto te nuinga o ngā tamariki Māori i ngā kura a te kāwanatanga.
In the 1980s kōhanga reo were established to revive the Māori language.
Nō te tekau tau atu i 1980 ka tū ngā kōhanga reo hei whakaora i te reo Māori.
After finishing kōhanga reo, some students enter kura kaupapa Māori; there is no cost to attend these schools.
Ka mutu ana te kōhanga reo ka tomo ētahi tauira ki ngā kura kaupapa Māori; kāore he utu ki te haere ki ēnei kura.
A university has also been established.
Kua tū anō he whare wānanga.
All children in New Zealand are eligible to enter government schools, and children can be sent to kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori.
Ka āhei ngā tamariki katoa o Aotearoa kia kuhu ki ngā kura a te kāwanatanga, ka taea hoki te tukuna o ngā tamariki ki ngā kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa Māori hoki.
Schools in rural areas
Kura kei ngā taiwhenua
The school is a center for rural communities.
Ko te kura tētahi pokapū mō ngā hapori ki taiwhenua.
Some of these schools are closed due to the dwindling population in rural areas, and children are sent to local schools, which are supposed to provide a higher level of education.
Ka kati ētahi o ēnei kura nā te tokoiti haere o te taupori ki taiwhenua, ka tonoa ngā tamariki ki ngā kura tōpū, ko te whakapae, he teitei ake te mātauranga ka whakaratoa e ēnei kura.
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Whārangi 7.
Beliefs, religions
Ngā whakapono, ngā hāhi
The importance of the Christian faith in New Zealand can be seen in the establishment of churches in towns and rural areas throughout the country.
Kitea ai te nui o te whakapono Karaitiana ki Aotearoa i te tūtū o ngā whare karakia ki ngā tāone me ngā taiwhenua o te motu puta noa.
According to statistics, half of New Zealand's population is Christian.
E ai ki ngā tatauranga, he Karaitiana te haurua o te taupori o Aotearoa.
The main branches of Christianity are Anglican, Catholic, and Presbyterian.
Ko ngā peka matua o te whakapono Karaitiana ko te Mihinare, te Katorika, te Perehipitiriana.
Apart from the territories of Auckland, Auckland and South Africa, the Anglican Church is the largest church in New Zealand.
I tua atu i ngā rohe o Tāmaki, o Ōtākou, o Murihiku, ko te hāhi Mihinare te hāhi nui rawa o Aotearoa.
Less than a quarter of Christians go to church.
Raro iho i te hauwhā o ngā Karaitiana haere ai ki te karakia.
The followers of the churches are becoming less and less.
Kei te tokoiti haere te hunga whai i ngā hāhi.
However, clapping churches are growing rapidly.
Heoi, kei te kaha te tipu o ngā hāhi pakipaki.
There is a lot of cooperation between Christian branches in towns and rural areas.
Kitea nuitia ai te mahinga tahitanga i waenganui i ngā peka Karaitiana ki ngā tāone ki taiwhenua.
Needless to say, the Christian churches and their support groups are no longer as powerful as they used to be.
Me kī, kua kore e kaha ngā hāhi Karaitiana me ā rātou rōpū tautoko pērā i ngā rā ki mua.
Place in Christian churches
Te wāhi ki ngā hāhi Karaitiana
Conflicts have been seen between Christian churches over issues such as the ordination of women as ministers and homosexuals.
Kua kitea ngā taupatupatu i waenganui i ngā hāhi Karaitiana mō ngā take pēnei i te whakawahi i te wahine hei minita me ngā takatāpui.
Most churches outside the Catholic Church have accepted women as ministers.
Kua whakaaehia e te nuinga o ngā hāhi i waho atu i te Hāhi Katorika ngā wāhine hei minita.
If we look at society in general, the Christians of the left have stood up to fight racial prejudice, poverty, to support the sex of men and women, and the separation of the sexes.
Ki te tirohia te hapori whānui, kua tū ngā Karaitiana o te taha mauī kia whawhai te whakatoihara iwi, te rawakore, kia tautokona te ira tāne me te ira wahine, me te wehenga tokorau.
Except for the Christians on the right, they are arguing for these same issues, but on the other side.
Hāunga anō ngā Karaitiana i te taha matau, kei te tohe rātou mō ēnei kaupapa tonu nei, engari kei tētahi taha kē.
Many beliefs
Ngā whakapono maha
More recently, immigrant tribes brought their beliefs.
Nō muri tata nei mauria mai e ngā iwi manene a rātou whakapono.
As of 2010, there were over 50,000 Hindus and Putas in New Zealand, and over 35,000 Muslim slaves.
Nō te tau 2010, neke atu i te 50,000 ngā Hinuhinu me ngā Puta i Aotearoa, ā, neke atu i te 35,000 te tokomaha o ngā pononga Muslim.
In the 1800s, Húrae communities were established.
Atu i te rau tau 1800 ka tū ngā hapori Hūrae.
Their houses of worship are built in most of the big cities.
Ka hangaia ō rātou whare karakia ki te nuinga o ngā tāone nui.
Māori churches
Ngā hāhi Māori
There were two Māori religions that emerged from Christianity.
E rua ngā hāhi Māori i puta i te Karaitiana.
William Tahupotiki Ratana created the Ratana church in the early years of the 1900s;
Nā Wiremu Tahupōtiki Rātana te hāhi Rātana i waihanga i ngā tau tōmua o te rau tau 1900; nā Te Kōti Arikirangi i waihanga i te hāhi Ringatū i te rau tau atu i 1800.
Christian churches have established some Māori groups and sections that will work together with the general church's agenda to make the Māori side appear in the Christian faith.
Kua whakatūria e ngā hāhi Karaitiana ētahi rōpū, wāhanga Māori ka haere ngātahi me ngā kaupapa o te hāhi whānui e aha ai, e puta ai te taha Māori i roto i te whakapono Karaitiana.
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Whārangi 8.
The world
Te ao nei
New Zealand's place in the wider world
Wāhi o Aotearoa i te ao whānui
New Zealand's ties to the wider world are strong.
Kua pakari ngā herenga o Aotearoa ki te ao whānui.
According to some, this is the Americanization of the world, which shows the end of social and cultural ties to England.
E ai ki ētahi, ko te Amerikenatanga tēnei o te ao, e whakaatu nei i te motunga o ngā here ā-hapori, ā-tikanga ki Ingarangi.
Check the density of programs on television and in pictures; mostly Americans.
Tirohia te mātotoru o ngā kaupapa i te pouaka whakaata me ngā pikitia; he Amerikena te nuinga.
The story of England, Scotland and Ireland is no longer heard, as was the time at home, like in the 1800s.
Kua kore e rongohia te kōrero mō Ingarangi, Koterana me Airana, anō ko te wā kāinga, pērā i te rau tau 1800.
Go abroad
Whiti ki tāwāhi
Because of the ease of long-distance mobility, New Zealanders are able to reach out to the wider world.
Nāwai ā, nā te ngāwari o te nekeneke tawhiti, ka kaha te puta o ngā tāngata o Aotearoa ki te ao whānui.
In 1950, for every 1,000 people, 11 went abroad for a short time.
I te tau 1950, mō ngā tāngata e 1,000, 11 te tokomaha i wehe ki tāwāhi mō tētahi wā poto.
By the year 2000, this number had risen to 355 per 1,000 people.
Tae ana ki te tau 2000, ka kake tēnei tatauranga ki te e 355 mō ngā tāngata 1,000.
More than half of these people migrated to Australia.
Neke atu i te haurua o ēnei tāngata, ka whakawhiti ki Ahitereiria.
This is a big thing in New Zealand, that is, young people going abroad.
He āhuatanga nui tēnei ki Aotearoa, arā, te haere o te rangatahi ki tāwāhi.
London is the main destination for young people, because they can get a job in England under certain programs.
Ko Rānana te taunga nui mō taiohi, nā te mea ka āhei rātou te whai mahi ki Ingarangi i raro i ētahi kaupapa.
Influences vary
Ka rerekē ngā awe
Today less than 7% of the general population was born in England, Scotland and Ireland.
I ēnei rā paku iho i te e 7% o te hapori whānui i whānau mai ki Ingarangi, Koterana me Airana.
Although many follow English television programs such as Coronation Street and The office , the focus has shifted to American and international trends.
Ahakoa te whai a te tini i ngā hōtaka pouaka whakaata Ingarihi pērā i a Coronation Street me The office, kua huri kē te aronga ki ngā ia o Amerika me te ao whānui.
Australia does not have much influence on New Zealand's culture, except for the country's proximity and similar origins and history.
Kāore e nui te awe o Ahitereiria ki runga i te ahurea o Aotearoa, hāunga te tata o tērā whenua me te rite o ngā takenga mai me ngā hītori.
Many immigrants have settled in New Zealand in recent years; it should be said, they are mostly from Asia and the Pacific.
Kua nui ngā iwi manene kua tau ki Aotearoa i ngā tau tata nei; me kī, he nui rātou nō Āhia me Te Moananui-a-Kiwa.