translation | text
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"en": "What is, however, deeply damaging for us is the belief that in some way the granting of Structural Funds assistance is something that has been, in a sense, a success of the government.",
"es": "Sin embargo, lo que nos es extremadamente perjudicial es la creencia de que de la concesi贸n de Fondos Estructurales es algo que ha sido, en cierto sentido, un logro del gobierno."
} | what is however deeply damaging for us is the belief that in some way the granting of structural funds assistance is something that has been in a sense a success of the government |
"en": "It is sadly only a recognition of the very great difficulties that Wales faces.",
"es": "Tristemente, es s贸lo un reconocimiento de las grandes dificultades que est谩 atravesando Gales."
} | it is sadly only a recognition of the very great difficulties that wales faces |
"en": "That is why I want to highlight some of the issues that I believe the Commission must have at the forefront.",
"es": "Esta es la raz贸n por la que quiero subrayar algunas cuestiones que creo que la Comisi贸n debe tener en primer plano."
} | that is why i want to highlight some of the issues that i believe the commission must have at the forefront |
"en": "We look to the Commission to deal with points in relation to additionality.",
"es": "Contamos con que la Comisi贸n tenga en cuenta los puntos relacionados con la adicionalidad."
} | we look to the commission to deal with points in relation to additionality |
"en": "We are dissatisfied with the fact that those figures seem to have been in some way hidden within UK figures.",
"es": "Estamos descontentos con el hecho de que esas cifras parecen haber sido de alguna manera ocultadas dentro del conjunto de las cifras del Reino Unido."
} | we are dissatisfied with the fact that those figures seem to have been in some way hidden within uk figures |
"en": "We look to the Commission also to ensure that there is matched funding for projects.",
"es": "Contamos con que la Comisi贸n tambi茅n asegure que existen fondos ajustados a los proyectos."
} | we look to the commission also to ensure that there is matched funding for projects |
"en": "We look to it to challenge the UK Government, to ensure that the private sector, which surely must be providing the major impetus for Structural Funds expenditure, is involved in the planning stage.",
"es": "Contamos con ello para desafiar al Gobierno del Reino Unido, para asegurar que el sector privado, que seguramente constituye el mayor objetivo del gasto de los Fondos Estructurales, se implica en la planificaci贸n."
} | we look to it to challenge the uk government to ensure that the private sector which surely must be providing the major impetus for structural funds expenditure is involved in the planning stage |
"en": "Finally, we ask that the Commission ensures that Structural Fund monies are spent in a way which is transparent.",
"es": "Por 煤ltimo, pedimos que la Comisi贸n asegure que el dinero de los Fondos Estructurales se gasta de forma transparente."
} | finally we ask that the commission ensures that structural fund monies are spent in a way which is transparent |
"en": "Too much of what takes place within this Parliament is not transparent.",
"es": "En este Parlamento hay demasiadas cosas que no son transparentes."
} | too much of what takes place within this parliament is not transparent |
"en": "This is one area in which I believe the Commission can be a very great friend to Wales.",
"es": "Este es un asunto que propiciar谩 la amistad de la Comisi贸n y Gales."
} | this is one area in which i believe the commission can be a very great friend to wales |
"en": "Mr President, our committee views these issues very differently and, to start, I will speak from the point of view of research.",
"es": "Se帽or Presidente, nuestra comisi贸n trata estos asuntos desde muy diversos puntos de vista, y, en primer lugar, hablar茅 desde el punto de vista de la investigaci贸n."
} | mr president our committee views these issues very differently and to start i will speak from the point of view of research |
"en": "We see it as a very positive sign that, in her own conclusions, the rapporteur has taken account of our committee' s proposal that the Cohesion Fund countries should broaden the research infrastructure by locating universities and colleges in such a way that they would serve those who live in undeveloped regions better than now and make it easier for educated people to remain in their home districts.",
"es": "Consideramos que es muy positivo que el ponente de opini贸n haya incorporado a sus propias conclusiones la propuesta de nuestra comisi贸n sobre la necesidad de que, en los pa铆ses incluidos en la cohesi贸n, se ampl铆e la infraestructura de la investigaci贸n emplazando a las Escuelas Superiores y otros centros de formaci贸n de tal modo, que presten un mejor servicio a los habitantes de las zonas menos desarrolladas y faciliten la permanencia de las personas cualificadas en sus zonas de origen."
} | we see it as a very positive sign that in her own conclusions the rapporteur has taken account of our committee s proposal that the cohesion fund countries should broaden the research infrastructure by locating universities and colleges in such a way that they would serve those who live in undeveloped regions better than now and make it easier for educated people to remain in their home districts |
"en": "This will be possible with action on the part of governments, and such decentralisation of higher education will be an unquestionably useful policy in evening out development.",
"es": "Esto es posible mediante la adopci贸n de medidas por parte de las administraciones p煤blicas, y este m茅todo de esparcimiento territorial en la ubicaci贸n de la Ense帽anza Superior es, sin duda alguna, una pol铆tica eficiente para nivelar el desarrollo."
} | this will be possible with action on the part of governments and such decentralisation of higher education will be an unquestionably useful policy in evening out development |
"en": "Another matter we would like to address, specifically from the point of view of industrial policy, is that we would have liked the Commission to pay more attention to the effects of services, electronic commerce and the growing use of the Internet, when they were planning the coordination of Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds.",
"es": "Otro asunto al que quisimos prestar nuestra atenci贸n, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de la pol铆tica industrial, es que hubi茅ramos querido que, a la hora de planificar la coordinaci贸n del Fondo de Cohesi贸n y de los Fondos Estructurales, la Comisi贸n hubiese tomado m谩s en cuenta los efectos del crecimiento de los servicios, del comercio electr贸nico y del uso de internet."
} | another matter we would like to address specifically from the point of view of industrial policy is that we would have liked the commission to pay more attention to the effects of services electronic commerce and the growing use of the internet when they were planning the coordination of structural funds and cohesion funds |
"en": "Poverty and wealth used to depend more on means of livelihood.",
"es": "Antes la pobreza y la riqueza depend铆an de las estructuras de las actividades econ贸micas."
} | poverty and wealth used to depend more on means of livelihood |
"en": "The rich areas were those where there were jobs in industry, but today those areas might have become a burden, and they may well be poor, meaning we also have to invest in new sectors of industry such as electronic production, as I might call it, and the production of services, because they are the industries of the future.",
"es": "Las regiones ricas eran las que contaban con mayor n煤mero de puestos de trabajo en el sector industrial, pero hoy en d铆a estas zonas pueden llegar a significar una carga y a ser incluso pobres, y, en tal caso, deben realizarse nuevas inversiones en los sectores llamados de producci贸n inform谩tica y de producci贸n de servicios, puesto que se trata de los sectores del futuro."
} | the rich areas were those where there were jobs in industry but today those areas might have become a burden and they may well be poor meaning we also have to invest in new sectors of industry such as electronic production as i might call it and the production of services because they are the industries of the future |
"en": "In my opinion the committee drafting the report has not taken sufficient account of this, so on behalf of the Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy, I would draw the Commission' s attention to this issue.",
"es": "Este aspecto no ha sido tomado lo suficientemente en cuenta por la comisi贸n encargada de elaborar el informe, as铆 que, en nombre de la Comisi贸n de Industria, llamo la atenci贸n de la Comisi贸n sobre este asunto."
} | in my opinion the committee drafting the report has not taken sufficient account of this so on behalf of the committee on industry external trade research and energy i would draw the commission s attention to this issue |
"en": "Finally, as the committee representing energy, we would have liked the issue of support for renewable energy resources from Cohesion and Regional Development funds to have been emphasised still more, thus, through a process of coordination, increasing the use of renewables so that the scant funding resources in the energy programme might have been compensated by means of these more substantial sums.",
"es": "Por 煤ltimo, hubi茅ramos deseado, en nuestra calidad de Comisi贸n de Energ铆a, que se hubiese resaltado m谩s la necesidad de subvencionar las energ铆as renovables con el Fondo de Cohesi贸n y con los Fondos estructurales, y as铆 se hubiese podido incrementar, aplicando la coordinaci贸n de ambos Fondos, el uso de las energ铆as renovables, de manera que la carencia de recursos financieros del programa energ茅tico se hubiese visto compensada mediante la concesi贸n de estas considerables ayudas econ贸micas."
} | finally as the committee representing energy we would have liked the issue of support for renewable energy resources from cohesion and regional development funds to have been emphasised still more thus through a process of coordination increasing the use of renewables so that the scant funding resources in the energy programme might have been compensated by means of these more substantial sums |
"en": "Mr President, I would very much like to thank Mrs Schroedter for the work she has done on this and to explain to colleagues that I am speaking for my colleague, Mrs Flautre, who followed this for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs but who is unfortunately ill.",
"es": "Se帽or Presidente, quisiera expresar mi profundo agradecimiento al Sr. Schroedter por su contribuci贸n a esta cuesti贸n y por explicar a los colegas que estoy hablando en nombre de mi colega, el Sr. Flautre, que lo sucedi贸 en la Comisi贸n de Empleo y Asuntos Sociales pero que por desgracia est谩 enfermo."
} | mr president i would very much like to thank mrs schroedter for the work she has done on this and to explain to colleagues that i am speaking for my colleague mrs flautre who followed this for the committee on employment and social affairs but who is unfortunately ill |
"en": "I would like to draw people's attention to Amendments Nos 1 and 2 which were agreed by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs but not accepted by the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism.",
"es": "Me gustar铆a que la gente prestara atenci贸n a las Enmiendas N煤meros 1 y 2 acordadas por la Comisi贸n de Empleo y Asuntos Sociales que, sin embargo, han sido rechazadas por la Comisi贸n de Pol铆tica Regional, Transporte y Turismo."
} | i would like to draw peoples attention to amendments nos 1 and 2 which were agreed by the committee on employment and social affairs but not accepted by the committee on regional policy transport and tourism |
"en": "These amendments deal with the social economy and the need to provide social risk capital and support financially local schemes to develop employment opportunities and strengthen social cohesion.",
"es": "Estas enmiendas versan sobre la econom铆a social y sobre la necesidad de proporcionar capital riesgo social y de apoyar planes de financiaci贸n local para desarrollar oportunidades de empleo y fortalecer la cohesi贸n social."
} | these amendments deal with the social economy and the need to provide social risk capital and support financially local schemes to develop employment opportunities and strengthen social cohesion |
"en": "In the past, this Parliament has viewed the social economy as an important potential provider of employment.",
"es": "El Parlamento consider贸 en el pasado la econom铆a social como un importante proveedor potencial de empleo."
} | in the past this parliament has viewed the social economy as an important potential provider of employment |
"en": "These amendments also fit in with this Parliament's view that social exclusion is a serious issue needing constructive action.",
"es": "Estas enmiendas tambi茅n concuerdan con la idea de este Parlamento de que la exclusi贸n social es una cuesti贸n grave que requiere una acci贸n constructiva."
} | these amendments also fit in with this parliaments view that social exclusion is a serious issue needing constructive action |
"en": "We hope that those considering rejection of these amendments have very powerful reasons to offer to both Parliament and their citizens who are seeking employment.",
"es": "Esperamos que los que est茅n considerando rechazar estas enmiendas ofrezcan al Parlamento y a los ciudadanos de sus pa铆ses que buscan empleo razones muy poderosas para hacerlo."
} | we hope that those considering rejection of these amendments have very powerful reasons to offer to both parliament and their citizens who are seeking employment |
"en": "In her report, Mrs Flautre also drew attention to an area where coordination is sorely lacking, yet desperately needed.",
"es": "El Sr. Flautre subray贸 en su informe un 谩rea en la que la coordinaci贸n brilla por su ausencia, aunque se necesita imperiosamente."
} | in her report mrs flautre also drew attention to an area where coordination is sorely lacking yet desperately needed |
"en": "The Commission proposals refer to the four pillars of employment strategy and the five fields of action of the European Social Fund.",
"es": "Las propuestas de la Comisi贸n hacen referencia a los cuatro pilares de la estrategia del empleo y a los cinco campos de acci贸n del Fondo Social Europeo."
} | the commission proposals refer to the four pillars of employment strategy and the five fields of action of the european social fund |
"en": "But the lack of specific guidelines here is particularly to be regretted, as the idea of linking Social Fund assistance to the employment strategy will be put into effect for the first time during the 2000-2006 programme.",
"es": "Pero debemos lamentar sobre todo la ausencia de directrices espec铆ficas, debido a que la idea de vincular la ayuda del Fondo Social a la estrategia de empleo se llevar谩 a la pr谩ctica por primera vez en el programa 2000-2006."
} | but the lack of specific guidelines here is particularly to be regretted as the idea of linking social fund assistance to the employment strategy will be put into effect for the first time during the 20002006 programme |
"en": "It could be said that the omission gives the impression that the Commission too has no idea how to provide maximum coordination between European Social Fund assistance, which is subject to review after three and a half years, and the Member States' annual national plans for employment.",
"es": "Podr铆a decirse que la omisi贸n sugiere que la Comisi贸n tampoco tiene idea del modo de proporcionar la m谩xima coordinaci贸n entre la ayuda del Fondo Social Europeo, sujeta a revisi贸n tras tres a帽os y medio, y los planes anuales de empleo de los Estados Miembros."
} | it could be said that the omission gives the impression that the commission too has no idea how to provide maximum coordination between european social fund assistance which is subject to review after three and a half years and the member states annual national plans for employment |
"en": "We hope that the Commission can reassure us that this was an oversight which is now being dealt with constructively.",
"es": "Esperamos que la Comisi贸n nos pueda asegurar que se trata de un descuido que est谩 remediando de modo constructivo."
} | we hope that the commission can reassure us that this was an oversight which is now being dealt with constructively |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, the proposal presented by the Commission, in accordance with its mandate, is a reasonable starting point for the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.",
"es": ". Se帽or Presidente, se帽or Comisario, Se帽or铆as, la propuesta presentada por la Comisi贸n, cumpliendo el mandato que tiene, es un punto de partida razonable para la Comisi贸n de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural."
} | mr president commissioner the proposal presented by the commission in accordance with its mandate is a reasonable starting point for the committee on agriculture and rural development |
"en": "I would like to point out, however, that this starting point indicates to us the challenges which face us: maintaining a population in rural areas, given the changes taking place in all types of economic activity owing to agriculture' s increasing lack of importance amongst the various sources of income for rural society.",
"es": "Pero a m铆 me gustar铆a resaltar aqu铆 que este punto de partida nos indica los desaf铆os ante los que nos encontramos: mantener la poblaci贸n en las zonas rurales, ante los cambios que se est谩n produciendo en todo tipo de actividades econ贸micas debido a la creciente p茅rdida de peso del sector agr铆cola entre las diversas fuentes de renta de la sociedad rural."
} | i would like to point out however that this starting point indicates to us the challenges which face us maintaining a population in rural areas given the changes taking place in all types of economic activity owing to agriculture s increasing lack of importance amongst the various sources of income for rural society |
"en": "This, as well as the deficiencies in the networks of infrastructures and services and a generally very low level of employment, which furthermore is seasonal and lacks diversity, exacerbates the exodus from rural areas.",
"es": "Esto, unido a las deficiencias en las redes de infraestructuras y servicios, y a una oferta de empleo generalmente muy escasa y a lo sumo estacional y poco diversificada, acent煤an el 茅xodo de las zonas rurales."
} | this as well as the deficiencies in the networks of infrastructures and services and a generally very low level of employment which furthermore is seasonal and lacks diversity exacerbates the exodus from rural areas |
"en": "The consequences do not inspire hope.",
"es": "Las consecuencias no se hacen esperar."
} | the consequences do not inspire hope |
"en": "It is the young people who are disappearing, who are getting an education and finding work outside of the rural areas, all of which has an unfavourable effect on those areas.",
"es": "Son los j贸venes los que desaparecen, los que adquieren formaci贸n y encuentran empleo fuera de las zonas rurales, lo cual incide desfavorablemente en estas mismas zonas."
} | it is the young people who are disappearing who are getting an education and finding work outside of the rural areas all of which has an unfavourable effect on those areas |
"en": "This lack of infrastructure is also an obstacle to the establishment of companies and the creation of jobs.",
"es": "Esta falta de infraestructuras es un obst谩culo tambi茅n para la implantaci贸n de empresas y para la creaci贸n de empleos."
} | this lack of infrastructure is also an obstacle to the establishment of companies and the creation of jobs |
"en": "We have to remember that rural areas represent almost four fifths of the territory of the European Union.",
"es": "Hay que tener en cuenta que el espacio rural representa casi las cuatro quintas partes del territorio de la Uni贸n Europea."
} | we have to remember that rural areas represent almost four fifths of the territory of the european union |
"en": "Agriculture only provides 5.5% of employment in the Union.",
"es": "La agricultura solamente proporciona un 5,5% del empleo de esta misma Uni贸n."
} | agriculture only provides 55 of employment in the union |
"en": "Furthermore, three quarters of our farm workers are part-time and require supplements to their incomes.",
"es": "Adem谩s, las tres cuartas partes de nuestros agricultores lo son a tiempo parcial y necesitan complementos eficaces a sus rentas."
} | furthermore three quarters of our farm workers are parttime and require supplements to their incomes |
"en": "For this reason, one of the most important and essential objectives which we should set in the European Union is to make efforts to create new jobs in rural areas, outside of the agricultural sector, in sectors such as rural tourism, sport, culture, heritage conservation, the conversion of businesses, new technologies, services, etc. However, even though the role of agriculture is not exclusive, it is still essential, not only to prevent economic and social disintegration and the creation of ghost towns, but also because farmers play a fundamental role in managing the land, in preserving biodiversity and in protecting the environment.",
"es": "Por esta raz贸n, uno de los objetivos m谩s importantes y trascendentales que deber铆amos fijarnos en la Uni贸n Europea es desarrollar esfuerzos para crear nuevos puestos de trabajo en las zonas rurales, fuera del sector agrario, en sectores como el turismo rural, el deporte, la cultura, la recuperaci贸n de patrimonio, la implantaci贸n, la transformaci贸n de empresas, las nuevas tecnolog铆as, los servicios, etc. No obstante, si bien el papel de la agricultura no es exclusivo, sigue siendo esencial no solamente para evitar la desintegraci贸n econ贸mica y social de las zonas rurales y la creaci贸n de otras ciudades fantasma, sino tambi茅n porque los agricultores desempe帽an un papel fundamental en la gesti贸n del territorio, en la preservaci贸n de la biodiversidad y en la protecci贸n del medio ambiente."
} | for this reason one of the most important and essential objectives which we should set in the european union is to make efforts to create new jobs in rural areas outside of the agricultural sector in sectors such as rural tourism sport culture heritage conservation the conversion of businesses new technologies services etc however even though the role of agriculture is not exclusive it is still essential not only to prevent economic and social disintegration and the creation of ghost towns but also because farmers play a fundamental role in managing the land in preserving biodiversity and in protecting the environment |
"en": "Therefore, we support the establishment of an agricultural and rural development policy which is consistent with the objectives we have set. We want rural areas, at the dawn of the 21st century, to be competitive and multi-functional, both with regard to agriculture and with regard to opening up to the diversity of non-agricultural activities.",
"es": "Por lo tanto, defendemos el establecimiento de una pol铆tica agr铆cola y de desarrollo rural coherente con los objetivos que hemos marcado y que las zonas rurales, en los albores del siglo XXI, deben ser competitivas y multifuncionales, tanto en el aspecto agr铆cola como abri茅ndose a la diversidad de actividades no agr铆colas."
} | therefore we support the establishment of an agricultural and rural development policy which is consistent with the objectives we have set we want rural areas at the dawn of the 21st century to be competitive and multifunctional both with regard to agriculture and with regard to opening up to the diversity of nonagricultural activities |
"en": "It is important to prioritise general criteria for land planning and demographic equilibrium, and to bear in mind the conclusions of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on the five fundamental issues, which have been only partly taken up by the Committee on Transport, Regional Policy and Tourism in its points 16 and 17.",
"es": "Es importante primar criterios generales de ordenaci贸n del territorio y de equilibrio poblacional, y tener en cuenta las conclusiones a las que la Comisi贸n de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural ha llegado en cinco aspectos fundamentales, que han sido recogidos solamente en parte por la Comisi贸n de Transportes, Pol铆tica Regional y Turismo en sus puntos 16 y 17."
} | it is important to prioritise general criteria for land planning and demographic equilibrium and to bear in mind the conclusions of the committee on agriculture and rural development on the five fundamental issues which have been only partly taken up by the committee on transport regional policy and tourism in its points 16 and 17 |
"en": "In conclusion, I would ask the Commission to take these five points into account when establishing the conclusions on the four pillars because I believe that, for the European Union, maintaining the population in rural areas must be one of the priority objectives.",
"es": "Concluyendo, yo pedir铆a a la Comisi贸n que estos cinco puntos sean tenidos en cuenta a la hora de establecer las conclusiones de los cuatro pilares porque entiendo que, para la Uni贸n Europea, la fijaci贸n de la poblaci贸n en el medio rural debe ser uno de los objetivos prioritarios."
} | in conclusion i would ask the commission to take these five points into account when establishing the conclusions on the four pillars because i believe that for the european union maintaining the population in rural areas must be one of the priority objectives |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I would like to begin by thanking Mrs Schroedter, the rapporteur, for her work.",
"es": "Se帽or Presidente, se帽or Comisario, queridos colegas, yo quisiera empezar mi intervenci贸n agradeciendo el trabajo que ha hecho la Sra. Schroedter, ponente."
} | mr president commissioner i would like to begin by thanking mrs schroedter the rapporteur for her work |
"en": "I think that this work has been carried out extremely well.",
"es": "Creo que es un trabajo muy bien realizado."
} | i think that this work has been carried out extremely well |
"en": "I would also like to thank her for her willingness to enter into dialogue with the other political groups when compromise formulas have needed to be reached in the face of this avalanche of amendments - and perhaps there are more of them than we expected - but which genuinely reflect the importance of the report we are now discussing.",
"es": "Y adem谩s, tambi茅n le quiero agradecer su voluntad de di谩logo con el resto de los grupos pol铆ticos a la hora de llegar a f贸rmulas de compromiso ante esa avalancha de enmiendas, quiz谩s m谩s de las que se esperaban, pero que realmente responden a la importancia del informe del que estamos hablando."
} | i would also like to thank her for her willingness to enter into dialogue with the other political groups when compromise formulas have needed to be reached in the face of this avalanche of amendments and perhaps there are more of them than we expected but which genuinely reflect the importance of the report we are now discussing |
"en": "We feel that it is important that the Commission takes account of the conclusions adopted by this Parliament, at least in spirit, because at this stage, it might seem as though what we are doing here is a useless exercise, and nothing but hot air.",
"es": "Para nosotros es importante que las conclusiones que se aprueben en este Parlamento sean tenidas en cuenta por la Comisi贸n, como m铆nimo en su esp铆ritu, porque a la altura en que estamos pudiera parecer que estamos haciendo aqu铆 un ejercicio in煤til, puramente ret贸rico."
} | we feel that it is important that the commission takes account of the conclusions adopted by this parliament at least in spirit because at this stage it might seem as though what we are doing here is a useless exercise and nothing but hot air |
"en": "The truth of the matter though is that we believe - and this is also shown in the way the conclusions have been drafted - that the Commission must take account of what is adopted by this Parliament, particularly in the face of an interim revision of these directives.",
"es": "Pero la verdad es que nosotros creemos, y eso se refleja tambi茅n en la letra de las conclusiones, que la Comisi贸n debe tener en cuenta lo que se apruebe en este Parlamento, fundamentalmente de cara a la revisi贸n de estas directrices a mitad de per铆odo."
} | the truth of the matter though is that we believe and this is also shown in the way the conclusions have been drafted that the commission must take account of what is adopted by this parliament particularly in the face of an interim revision of these directives |
"en": "In our amendments, we have stated the importance of the necessary synergies being produced between the Structural Funds, the Cohesion Fund and Community initiatives, so that their application should be reflected, in the best and most profitable way, by the gradual elimination of disparities between regions and by the creation of jobs which are, when all is said and done, the two central purposes of the funds we are discussing.",
"es": "En nuestras enmiendas hemos fijado la importancia que para nosotros tiene el que se produzcan las necesarias sinergias entre los Fondos estructurales, el Fondo de Cohesi贸n y las iniciativas comunitarias, de forma que su aplicaci贸n se vea reflejada de manera 贸ptima, de la manera m谩s rentable, en la progresiva eliminaci贸n de desigualdades entre regiones y en la creaci贸n de puestos de trabajo que, en definitiva, son los dos prop贸sitos fundamentales de los fondos de los que estamos hablando."
} | in our amendments we have stated the importance of the necessary synergies being produced between the structural funds the cohesion fund and community initiatives so that their application should be reflected in the best and most profitable way by the gradual elimination of disparities between regions and by the creation of jobs which are when all is said and done the two central purposes of the funds we are discussing |
"en": "In order to achieve a more rapid and efficient boost for attaining these objectives, we think that those who generate employment, the real entrepreneurs and those who really guarantee new sources of employment, that is, businesspeople, must participate in this initiative.",
"es": "Y para conseguir un impulso m谩s r谩pido y eficaz en la consecuci贸n de estos objetivos, creemos que es preciso que participen en esta iniciativa los generadores de empleo, los verdaderos emprendedores y los que de verdad garantizan las nuevas fuentes de empleo, que son los empresarios."
} | in order to achieve a more rapid and efficient boost for attaining these objectives we think that those who generate employment the real entrepreneurs and those who really guarantee new sources of employment that is businesspeople must participate in this initiative |
"en": "Small and medium-sized businesses, above all, need to take part in the distribution of these funds.",
"es": "Sobre todo los peque帽os y medianos empresarios tienen que participar en la distribuci贸n de estos fondos."
} | small and mediumsized businesses above all need to take part in the distribution of these funds |
"en": "If they do not, if businesspeople feel marginalised, if entrepreneurs cannot take part, not only in managing but also in receiving these funds, we will have missed an opportunity to attain our objectives more rapidly.",
"es": "Si no es as铆, si los empresarios se sienten marginados, si los empresarios no pueden participar, no digo ya solamente en la gesti贸n, sino en la recepci贸n de estos fondos, habremos perdido una oportunidad de alcanzar nuestros objetivos de manera m谩s r谩pida."
} | if they do not if businesspeople feel marginalised if entrepreneurs cannot take part not only in managing but also in receiving these funds we will have missed an opportunity to attain our objectives more rapidly |
"en": "Also, in order to attain our objectives, to overcome the disparities between regions and to seek out sources of employment, it is crucial to give our complete support to new technologies, to transport and communications networks and to renewable energies.",
"es": "Tambi茅n, para conseguir nuestros objetivos, para conseguir superar las desigualdades entre regiones y buscar fuentes de empleo es importante apostar decididamente por las nuevas tecnolog铆as, por las redes de transportes y de comunicaciones y por las energ铆as renovables."
} | also in order to attain our objectives to overcome the disparities between regions and to seek out sources of employment it is crucial to give our complete support to new technologies to transport and communications networks and to renewable energies |
"en": "All of this must be done - I repeat - with the participation of private business, which, by uniting its efforts with those of public administrations, but complementing them, never obstructing or excluding them, will lead to the creation of wealth in society and of jobs.",
"es": "Y todo ello -insisto- con la participaci贸n de la empresa privada que, uniendo sus esfuerzos al de las administraciones p煤blicas, complement谩ndose y nunca obstruy茅ndose o excluy茅ndose, es la que crear谩 riqueza social y puestos de trabajo."
} | all of this must be done i repeat with the participation of private business which by uniting its efforts with those of public administrations but complementing them never obstructing or excluding them will lead to the creation of wealth in society and of jobs |
"en": "Mr President, it is incumbent upon me to remind my colleague, Mr Evans, of why Wales actually achieved Objective 1 status. It was because of the discredited policies of his own Conservative Party.",
"es": "Se帽or Presidente, es de mi incumbencia recordar a mi colega el Sr. Evans la raz贸n por la que Gales ha logrado en realidad el estatus de Objetivo I. Se debe a las desacreditadas pol铆ticas de su propio Partido Conservador."
} | mr president it is incumbent upon me to remind my colleague mr evans of why wales actually achieved objective 1 status it was because of the discredited policies of his own conservative party |
"en": "Let me also remind him that when his party leader, Mr Hague, was Secretary of State for Wales, he broke every rule in the book on additionality which led to a stern letter from Commissioner Wulf-Mathies regarding regulatory requirements.",
"es": "D茅jenme recordarle tambi茅n que cuando el l铆der de su partido, el Sr. Hague, fue Secretario de Estado para Gales viol贸 todos los art铆culos del libro de adicionalidad, algo que propici贸 una severa carta del Comisario Wulf-Mathies en torno a los requisitos regulatorios."
} | let me also remind him that when his party leader mr hague was secretary of state for wales he broke every rule in the book on additionality which led to a stern letter from commissioner wulfmathies regarding regulatory requirements |
"en": "I can tell you that the British Government is aware of its regulatory requirements on Objective 1 additionality. I suggest Mr Evans goes back and reads the regulation.",
"es": "Puedo decirle que el Gobierno Brit谩nico es consciente de los requisitos regulatorios de la adicionalidad del Objetivo I. Sugiero que el Sr. Evans vuelva a leer el reglamento."
} | i can tell you that the british government is aware of its regulatory requirements on objective 1 additionality i suggest mr evans goes back and reads the regulation |
"en": "My Group has made extensive amendments to both reports up for debate today.",
"es": "Mi Grupo ha hecho importantes enmiendas a los dos informes que se debaten hoy."
} | my group has made extensive amendments to both reports up for debate today |
"en": "I want to focus our minds on the essential role of the guidelines.",
"es": "Quiero que nos centremos en el importante papel que desempe帽an las directrices."
} | i want to focus our minds on the essential role of the guidelines |
"en": "The objective is to provide a framework and tool to support and enhance economic regeneration, to get the most effective use of resources in the widest partnership and to put these regions back on the road to recovery and sustainable development so that eventually they come off the regional life-support machine.",
"es": "El objetivo es proporcionar un marco y una herramienta para apoyar y mejorar la regeneraci贸n econ贸mica, para conseguir el uso m谩s eficaz de los recursos con los apoyos m谩s amplios y para reconducir estas regiones al camino de la recuperaci贸n y el desarrollo sostenido de modo que a la larga salgan del sistema de respiraci贸n asistida regional."
} | the objective is to provide a framework and tool to support and enhance economic regeneration to get the most effective use of resources in the widest partnership and to put these regions back on the road to recovery and sustainable development so that eventually they come off the regional lifesupport machine |
"en": "It is important to identify the skills and potential of our regions in the hi-tech sector.",
"es": "Es importante identificar las capacidades y el potencial de nuestras regiones en el sector de alta tecnolog铆a."
} | it is important to identify the skills and potential of our regions in the hitech sector |
"en": "It is particularly important in the light of reports in the media that Europe is rapidly losing ground to the US in the hi-tech growth industries of the future.",
"es": "Esto es particularmente importante a la luz de los informes en los medios que sugieren que Europa est谩 perdiendo r谩pidamente terreno ante los EEUU en lo que respecta al crecimiento de las industrias de alta tecnolog铆a en el futuro."
} | it is particularly important in the light of reports in the media that europe is rapidly losing ground to the us in the hitech growth industries of the future |
"en": "The operation of the previous round of programmes is also very instructive in telling us what guidelines should not be about.",
"es": "El funcionamiento de la ronda anterior de programas es tambi茅n muy instructiva porque nos sugiere qu茅 es lo que las directrices no deben producir."
} | the operation of the previous round of programmes is also very instructive in telling us what guidelines should not be about |
"en": "They should not be about creating additional layers of bureaucracy and red tape.",
"es": "No deben crear capas de burocracia y papeleos adicionales."
} | they should not be about creating additional layers of bureaucracy and red tape |
"en": "They should not be about shifting priorities and policies halfway through project development, resulting in inevitable delays and underspends, particularly in the light of the new budgetary requirement.",
"es": "No deben cambiar las prioridades y las pol铆ticas mientras se est谩 desarrollando el proyecto, algo que produce inevitables retrasos y gastos inferiores a los previstos, sobre todo a la luz de los nuevos requisitos presupuestarios."
} | they should not be about shifting priorities and policies halfway through project development resulting in inevitable delays and underspends particularly in the light of the new budgetary requirement |
"en": "The implementation and operation of the guidelines cannot be left to the personal interpretation of one or other desk officer, either in the Commission or in the civil service.",
"es": "La ejecuci贸n y funcionamiento de las directrices no puede dejarse a la interpretaci贸n personal de uno u otro departamento, ni de la Comisi贸n ni del funcionariado."
} | the implementation and operation of the guidelines cannot be left to the personal interpretation of one or other desk officer either in the commission or in the civil service |
"en": "There must be an internal coherence in the Commission directorate, while respecting the specific local and regional aspects of Commission programmes.",
"es": "Debe existir coherencia interna en la direcci贸n de la Comisi贸n al tiempo que se respetan los aspectos espec铆ficamente regionales y locales de los programas de la Comisi贸n."
} | there must be an internal coherence in the commission directorate while respecting the specific local and regional aspects of commission programmes |
"en": "The conclusion is that we must make the case for guidelines to be broad, indicative and flexible to assist our programme managers and fund-users and to get the maximum potential out of our new fields of regeneration.",
"es": "La conclusi贸n es que debemos hacer hincapi茅 en que las directrices sean generales, claras y flexibles de modo que puedan ayudar a los gestores de los programas y a los usuarios de los fondos y sacar el m谩ximo potencial de nuestros nuevos campos de regeneraci贸n."
} | the conclusion is that we must make the case for guidelines to be broad indicative and flexible to assist our programme managers and fundusers and to get the maximum potential out of our new fields of regeneration |
"en": "If we can inject a spirit of entrepreneurial activity into our poor and structurally weak regions we will eventually get them back onto the road of attracting substantial investor confidence, which will be the key to future success.",
"es": "Si podemos inculcar un esp铆ritu de actividad empresarial en nuestras regiones pobres y estructuralmente d茅biles, las situaremos a la larga en el camino de atraer la confianza de los inversores, algo que ser谩 la clave del 茅xito futuro."
} | if we can inject a spirit of entrepreneurial activity into our poor and structurally weak regions we will eventually get them back onto the road of attracting substantial investor confidence which will be the key to future success |
"en": "This is how we are going to judge the success of these guidelines: whether EU regional policy with a good, solid, enabling guideline, can open up new opportunities and allow our poor and structurally weak regions to play their full part in contributing to the growth and prosperity of the EU.",
"es": "Es as铆 como vamos a juzgar el 茅xito de esas directrices: dependiendo de si las pol铆ticas regionales de la UE, con directrices buenas, s贸lidas y capacitadoras, pueden abrir nuevas oportunidades y permitir a nuestras regiones pobres y estructuralmente d茅biles desempe帽ar plenamente su papel en el crecimiento y la prosperidad de la UE."
} | this is how we are going to judge the success of these guidelines whether eu regional policy with a good solid enabling guideline can open up new opportunities and allow our poor and structurally weak regions to play their full part in contributing to the growth and prosperity of the eu |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I would like to thank Mrs Schroedter for an excellent report. She has gone into the issue in some depth and in the committee debate she took account of many of the amendments that have been tabled regarding this report.",
"es": "Se帽or Presidente, se帽or Comisario, distinguidos colegas, quisiera dar las gracias a la Sra. Schroedter por su buen informe; ella se ha aplicado de lleno al asunto y ha tomado muy bien en cuenta, durante el trabajo de la comisi贸n parlamentaria, muchas modificaciones que se hicieron en este informe."
} | mr president commissioner i would like to thank mrs schroedter for an excellent report she has gone into the issue in some depth and in the committee debate she took account of many of the amendments that have been tabled regarding this report |
"en": "The rapporteur has also quite rightly stated that Parliament was not heard in time regarding the guidelines.",
"es": "La Sra. ponente del informe tambi茅n ha constatado, con toda raz贸n, que el Parlamento no ha sido escuchado a tiempo en cuanto a las directrices."
} | the rapporteur has also quite rightly stated that parliament was not heard in time regarding the guidelines |
"en": "We are badly behind now in this matter.",
"es": "Ahora nos encontramos seriamente retrasados en esta cuesti贸n."
} | we are badly behind now in this matter |
"en": "Hopefully, the stands Parliament has taken will help, however, in the mid-term appraisal of the programmes and in their practical implementation.",
"es": "De todos modos, es de esperar que las conclusiones del Parlamento sirvan de ayuda a la hora de revisar los programas a la mitad del per铆odo y en la ejecuci贸n pr谩ctica de los mismos."
} | hopefully the stands parliament has taken will help however in the midterm appraisal of the programmes and in their practical implementation |
"en": "For the time, the report grew too large when it was being debated.",
"es": "Si tenemos en cuenta la fase del per铆odo que vivimos, el informe se ha ido ampliando demasiado durante su elaboraci贸n."
} | for the time the report grew too large when it was being debated |
"en": "It contained details and issues that had already been raised in previous reports.",
"es": "En el informe se han incluido asuntos espec铆ficos y algunas otras cuestiones que hab铆an estado ya presentes en informes anteriores."
} | it contained details and issues that had already been raised in previous reports |
"en": "At this stage it is more important to concentrate on assessing how we can use this process to steer Union regional policy, bearing in mind that the aim is to reduce regional inequality.",
"es": "En esta fase, lo m谩s importante es concentrarse en examinar los modos de encauzar la pol铆tica regional de la Uni贸n a trav茅s de este proceso, recordando que el objetivo es reducir las desigualdades entre las regiones."
} | at this stage it is more important to concentrate on assessing how we can use this process to steer union regional policy bearing in mind that the aim is to reduce regional inequality |
"en": "Our Group emphasises the importance of the principle of subsidiarity, the responsibility of Member States and the role of local players in drafting and implementing programmes.",
"es": "Nuestro Grupo destaca el principio de subsidiariedad: la responsabilidad de los Estados miembros y la importancia de los agentes locales en la elaboraci贸n y ejecuci贸n de los programas."
} | our group emphasises the importance of the principle of subsidiarity the responsibility of member states and the role of local players in drafting and implementing programmes |
"en": "It is especially important to get SMEs involved in the planning and implementation of programmes.",
"es": "Es de una importancia fundamental que las peque帽as y medianas empresas participen en la planificaci贸n y en la realizaci贸n de los programas."
} | it is especially important to get smes involved in the planning and implementation of programmes |
"en": "Our Group also considers it important to take greater account of remote and peripheral areas and wishes to increase interaction between towns and rural areas.",
"es": "Nuestro Grupo tambi茅n considera muy importante que se tomen mejor en cuenta los territorios de ultramar y las zonas perif茅ricas, y queremos que se incremente la interacci贸n entre las ciudades y las zonas rurales."
} | our group also considers it important to take greater account of remote and peripheral areas and wishes to increase interaction between towns and rural areas |
"en": "We oppose the excessive control the central administration of the Union and its Member States exercises and we are calling for a reduction in the bureaucracy that has taken root in the drafting and implementation of programmes.",
"es": "Nosotros rechazamos la exagerada tutela de las administraciones centrales de los Estados miembros y de la Uni贸n, y exigimos que se reduzca la burocracia que se ha infiltrado en los procesos de elaboraci贸n y de ejecuci贸n de los programas."
} | we oppose the excessive control the central administration of the union and its member states exercises and we are calling for a reduction in the bureaucracy that has taken root in the drafting and implementation of programmes |
"en": "Projects implemented with support from the Union have had their effect watered down all too often by slow decision making and complicated administrative processes.",
"es": "La eficacia de los proyectos realizados con subvenciones de la Uni贸n se ha visto mermada, con demasiada frecuencia, a causa de la lentitud en la toma de decisiones y de la complejidad de los procedimientos administrativos."
} | projects implemented with support from the union have had their effect watered down all too often by slow decision making and complicated administrative processes |
"en": "Funds have often been granted for projects which have had no lasting benefit for the area concerned.",
"es": "A menudo se han concedido fondos para proyectos que no han dejado ning煤n beneficio permanente en la zona de realizaci贸n."
} | funds have often been granted for projects which have had no lasting benefit for the area concerned |
"en": "Projects have to be carried out more efficiently, more flexibly and they have to be made more productive.",
"es": "Hay que conseguir que los proyectos sean m谩s eficaces, flexibles y productivos."
} | projects have to be carried out more efficiently more flexibly and they have to be made more productive |
"en": "While the report was being prepared, it was interesting to discuss the Union' s regional policy in general.",
"es": "Con ocasi贸n de la elaboraci贸n de este informe, tambi茅n ha resultado muy interesante mantener un debate sobre la pol铆tica regional de la Uni贸n a nivel general."
} | while the report was being prepared it was interesting to discuss the union s regional policy in general |
"en": "For us new members, it was the first time, and this was a very interesting process.",
"es": "Era la primera vez que los nuevos diputados particip谩bamos en un debate similar, y se trata de un proceso sumamente interesante."
} | for us new members it was the first time and this was a very interesting process |
"en": "This report is very good and our Group supports it.",
"es": "Este informe es estupendo y cuenta con el apoyo de nuestro Grupo."
} | this report is very good and our group supports it |
"en": "Mr President, Commissioner, as proof that this Parliament has not yet overcome its role as a consultative and subordinate institution, the excellent report by a fellow member of my Group, Elisabeth Schroedter, has not been able to reach plenary sitting because the plans for regional development for the period 2000-2006 for Objective 1 regions have been sitting in the Commission' s offices for several months.",
"es": "Se帽or Presidente, se帽or Comisario, Se帽or铆as, como prueba de que este Parlamento a煤n no ha superado la fase de instituci贸n consultiva y subordinada, el excelente informe de mi colega de Grupo Elisabeth Schroedter no ha podido llegar al Pleno, porque los planes de desarrollo regional para el per铆odo 2000-2006 de los territorios de objetivo 1 ya llevan varios meses en los gabinetes de la Comisi贸n."
} | mr president commissioner as proof that this parliament has not yet overcome its role as a consultative and subordinate institution the excellent report by a fellow member of my group elisabeth schroedter has not been able to reach plenary sitting because the plans for regional development for the period 20002006 for objective 1 regions have been sitting in the commission s offices for several months |
"en": "Bearing this in mind, this House should, in any event, demand that, before the Community support frameworks for the period in question are approved, they be studied and submitted for debate in this Parliament, specifically in light of the guidelines that we have presented today. This is because we think that they are particularly able to create employment in the poorest and least-developed regions and we would thus contribute to reversing the harmful trends towards inequality that exist in European society and to the move towards a fairer Europe.",
"es": "Teniendo todo esto en cuenta, debemos, en todo caso, exigir, a partir de esta Asamblea que, antes de que se aprueben los marcos comunitarios de apoyo para el per铆odo citado, se los estudie y se los someta a debate en esta Asamblea a la luz precisamente de las orientaciones que hoy presentamos, pues consideramos muy especial su capacidad para crear puestos de trabajo en los territorios m谩s pobres o menos desarrollados, con lo que contribuiremos a modificar las tendencias negativas a la desigualdad existentes en la sociedad europea y al avance hacia una Europa m谩s justa."
} | bearing this in mind this house should in any event demand that before the community support frameworks for the period in question are approved they be studied and submitted for debate in this parliament specifically in light of the guidelines that we have presented today this is because we think that they are particularly able to create employment in the poorest and leastdeveloped regions and we would thus contribute to reversing the harmful trends towards inequality that exist in european society and to the move towards a fairer europe |
"en": "Mr President, we should not forget that the main, strategic objective of the Structural and Cohesion Funds and of their coordination is to achieve economic and social cohesion.",
"es": "Se帽or Presidente, no deber铆amos olvidar que el objetivo principal y estrat茅gico de los Fondos estructurales y de cohesi贸n, y de su coordinaci贸n, es conseguir la cohesi贸n econ贸mica y social."
} | mr president we should not forget that the main strategic objective of the structural and cohesion funds and of their coordination is to achieve economic and social cohesion |
"en": "We are obliged to participate in drafting directives and also in assessing their results.",
"es": "Nosotros tenemos la obligaci贸n de participar en la elaboraci贸n de las directrices y tambi茅n en la evaluaci贸n de los resultados."
} | we are obliged to participate in drafting directives and also in assessing their results |
"en": "We are obliged to do so because we are the representatives of the citizens in a Europe of Citizens and not just in a Europe of States and of Regions.",
"es": "Y ello porque somos los representantes de los ciudadanos en la Europa de los Ciudadanos, y no s贸lo en una Europa de los Estados y de las Regiones."
} | we are obliged to do so because we are the representatives of the citizens in a europe of citizens and not just in a europe of states and of regions |
"en": "We feel that the Funds are a necessary but insufficient condition for achieving economic and social cohesion.",
"es": "Constatamos que los Fondos son una condici贸n necesaria pero no suficiente para conseguir la cohesi贸n econ贸mica y social."
} | we feel that the funds are a necessary but insufficient condition for achieving economic and social cohesion |
"en": "We might be mistaken in using the gross domestic product per inhabitant as the sole indicator.",
"es": "Si tomamos como 煤nico indicador el producto interior bruto por habitante, podemos equivocarnos."
} | we might be mistaken in using the gross domestic product per inhabitant as the sole indicator |
"en": "Some speakers have already mentioned unemployment and the fall in population.",
"es": "Ya algunos colegas han hablado del paro, del descenso de la demograf铆a."
} | some speakers have already mentioned unemployment and the fall in population |
"en": "We will have to study several indicators, which will enable us to see the current state of regional societies that are in a worse situation than others, and how they are evolving.",
"es": "Habr谩 que estudiar unos cuantos indicadores que nos permitan ver el estado y la evoluci贸n de sociedades regionales que est谩n en peor situaci贸n que otras."
} | we will have to study several indicators which will enable us to see the current state of regional societies that are in a worse situation than others and how they are evolving |
"en": "It is clear from some of the reports that have been presented to Parliament' s plenary sitting today that Europe' s 25 most prosperous regions enjoy a level of unemployment which is five times lower than in the 25 least prosperous regions.",
"es": "En algunos informes presentados hoy ante el Pleno del Parlamento queda claro que las 25 regiones europeas m谩s pr贸speras tienen cinco veces menos paro que las 25 regiones menos pr贸speras."
} | it is clear from some of the reports that have been presented to parliament s plenary sitting today that europe s 25 most prosperous regions enjoy a level of unemployment which is five times lower than in the 25 least prosperous regions |
"en": "This fact means that the European Parliament, the Commissioner and the Commission must act decisively and strategically.",
"es": "Esto obliga al Parlamento Europeo, al Sr. Comisario y a la Comisi贸n a actuar de forma decidida y estrat茅gica."
} | this fact means that the european parliament the commissioner and the commission must act decisively and strategically |
"en": "I agree that the European Parliament did not have the opportunity - or that it was not given the opportunity, as we had reached the end of the parliamentary term - to discuss the directives.",
"es": "Estoy de acuerdo en que el Parlamento Europeo no ha tenido ocasi贸n -o no se le ha dado, por ser el final de la legislatura- de hablar sobre las directrices."
} | i agree that the european parliament did not have the opportunity or that it was not given the opportunity as we had reached the end of the parliamentary term to discuss the directives |
"en": "I do not think, however, that this report has come too late.",
"es": "Pero no creo que el informe llegue tarde."
} | i do not think however that this report has come too late |
"en": "We need to consider it together, so that the new Objective 1 programmes and the plans for regional development, which have been drafted before the directives come into force, can be submitted for revision and proper assessment.",
"es": "Necesitamos de una reflexi贸n conjunta para que los nuevos programas del Objetivo 1 y los planes de desarrollo regional que se han elaborado antes de que las directrices sean operativas puedan ser sometidos a una revisi贸n y a una verdadera valoraci贸n."
} | we need to consider it together so that the new objective 1 programmes and the plans for regional development which have been drafted before the directives come into force can be submitted for revision and proper assessment |