{ "en": "The Commission report generally relativises this observation, particularly when it refers to the social and economic situation of some regions of the Union in which I have a special interest, by which I mean the French overseas departments and, more generally, the most remote regions.", "es": "El informe de la Comisión relativiza en mucho esta comprobación, sobre todo cuando alude a la situación socioeconómica de ciertas regiones de la Unión que me son muy cercanas en el sentimiento: me refiero a los departamentos franceses de ultramar y, más en general, a las regiones ultraperiféricas." }
the commission report generally relativises this observation particularly when it refers to the social and economic situation of some regions of the union in which i have a special interest by which i mean the french overseas departments and more generally the most remote regions
{ "en": "In this respect, I am pleased to see that the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism has adopted one of my amendments calling on the Commission to devote a specific chapter in its next report on cohesion to the special case of the most remote regions and, more specifically, to consideration of the impact of the measures shortly to be adopted under new Article 299(2) of the Treaty of Amsterdam.", "es": "En este sentido, me alegro de que la Comisión de Política Regional haya adoptado una de mis enmiendas, que pide que la Comisión reserve un capítulo especial de su próximo informe sobre la cohesión al caso particular de la ultraperiferia y, más específicamente, al análisis del impacto de las medidas que se adoptarán próximamente en aplicación del nuevo artículo 299, párrafo 2, del Tratado de Amsterdam." }
in this respect i am pleased to see that the committee on regional policy transport and tourism has adopted one of my amendments calling on the commission to devote a specific chapter in its next report on cohesion to the special case of the most remote regions and more specifically to consideration of the impact of the measures shortly to be adopted under new article 299(2) of the treaty of amsterdam
{ "en": "Finally, in my view, this sixth periodic report presents interesting arguments from the viewpoint of a real project for the balanced sustainable development of Europe, particularly when it outlines the importance of relations between the central areas of Europe and its more remote regions.", "es": "Por último, me parece que el sexto informe periódico presenta argumentos interesantes desde el punto de vista de un verdadero proyecto de desarrollo sostenible y equilibrado del territorio europeo, en especial porque sintetiza la importancia del vínculo entre el centro de Europa y su periferia." }
finally in my view this sixth periodic report presents interesting arguments from the viewpoint of a real project for the balanced sustainable development of europe particularly when it outlines the importance of relations between the central areas of europe and its more remote regions
{ "en": "Even if the Commission is still reluctant to say so in too explicit a fashion, its periodic report demonstrates the urgent need to promote polycentric development of the Community area through the Union' s structural policies and within the scope of the approach initiated by the SEC.", "es": "Aunque la Comisión todavía tenga dudas en cuanto a expresarlo de una manera bien explícita, su informe periódico nos demuestra la urgencia de favorecer un desarrollo policéntrico del espacio comunitario, a través de las políticas estructurales de la Unión y dentro del marco de la gestión iniciada por el SEC." }
even if the commission is still reluctant to say so in too explicit a fashion its periodic report demonstrates the urgent need to promote polycentric development of the community area through the union s structural policies and within the scope of the approach initiated by the sec
{ "en": "Mr President, the Group of the Party of European Socialists in this Parliament agrees with the report that Mr Berend has just presented and congratulates the author, both on the quality of his conclusions and on his flexibility, which ensured that the different groups were able to incorporate amendments in committee.", "es": "Señor Presidente, el Grupo del Partido de los Socialistas Europeos de este Parlamento está de acuerdo con el informe que acaba de exponer el Sr. Berend y felicita a su autor, tanto por la calidad de sus conclusiones como por su flexibilidad, que ha permitido incorporar en comisión enmiendas procedentes de los diferentes grupos." }
mr president the group of the party of european socialists in this parliament agrees with the report that mr berend has just presented and congratulates the author both on the quality of his conclusions and on his flexibility which ensured that the different groups were able to incorporate amendments in committee
{ "en": "It must be remembered that, currently, the European Union' s overall competitiveness is, in general terms, 81% of that of the United States of America and that this figure will only improve if the figure for our competitive units, that is the regions, also improves. Furthermore, this is at a time when technological development, economic globalisation and our problems, which are enlargement and the single currency, demand that the regions, as well as businesses and individuals, make more of an effort to be competitive.", "es": "Debe recordarse que actualmente la competitividad global de la Unión Europea es el 81% de la de los Estados Unidos de América y que esta cifra sólo mejorará si mejora la de nuestras unidades competitivas que son las regiones y ello, además, en un momento en que la evolución tecnológica, la mundialización económica y nuestros problemas, la ampliación y la moneda única, hacen más exigible a las regiones, pero también a las empresas y a los individuos, un mayor esfuerzo competitivo." }
it must be remembered that currently the european union s overall competitiveness is in general terms 81 of that of the united states of america and that this figure will only improve if the figure for our competitive units that is the regions also improves furthermore this is at a time when technological development economic globalisation and our problems which are enlargement and the single currency demand that the regions as well as businesses and individuals make more of an effort to be competitive
{ "en": "The European Commission' s sixth report presents very valuable conclusions.", "es": "El sexto informe de la Comisión Europea ofrece conclusiones muy valiosas." }
the european commission s sixth report presents very valuable conclusions
{ "en": "I shall summarise two of those highlighted by the rapporteur, one positive and one negative.", "es": "Resumo dos de ellas, ya las ha recordado el ponente, una positiva y otra negativa." }
i shall summarise two of those highlighted by the rapporteur one positive and one negative
{ "en": "The first is that important advances have been made in regional and social cohesion throughout the Union and that the Community Funds have been a major, although not decisive, factor in reducing regional inequalities.", "es": "La primera es que se han logrado importantes avances en la cohesión territorial y social en todo el territorio de la Unión y que los Fondos comunitarios han constituido un factor importante, aunque no decisivo, en la reducción de las desigualdades regionales." }
the first is that important advances have been made in regional and social cohesion throughout the union and that the community funds have been a major although not decisive factor in reducing regional inequalities
{ "en": "The negative conclusion is that the great effort made has been more efficient in harmonising the European regions' GDP and productivity than in harmonising its levels of unemployment.", "es": "La negativa es que este gran esfuerzo que se ha hecho fue más eficaz en el acercamiento del PIB y de la productividad de las regiones europeas que en el de sus niveles de empleo." }
the negative conclusion is that the great effort made has been more efficient in harmonising the european regions gdp and productivity than in harmonising its levels of unemployment
{ "en": "It is therefore necessary to link structural financing more closely to job creation.", "es": "Es preciso, pues, vincular más la financiación estructural a la creación de puestos de trabajo." }
it is therefore necessary to link structural financing more closely to job creation
{ "en": "This, Commissioner, is the first commandment for the coming period.", "es": "Es, señor Comisario, el primer mandamiento para el próximo período." }
this commissioner is the first commandment for the coming period
{ "en": "Thus, Mr President, I ask my fellow Members to approve this report and I ask the Commission, as other speakers have done, to take good note of the conclusions of their sixth periodic report when they address the programming for the period 2000-2006.", "es": "Así pues, señor Presidente, pido a mis ilustres colegas la aprobación de este informe y pido a la Comisión, igual que han hecho otros colegas, que tenga muy presentes las conclusiones de su Sexto informe periódico de cara a la programación del período 2000-2006." }
thus mr president i ask my fellow members to approve this report and i ask the commission as other speakers have done to take good note of the conclusions of their sixth periodic report when they address the programming for the period 20002006
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, I would first like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work and for having taken due account of the proposed amendments while the committee was debating it.", "es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, distinguidos colegas, en primer lugar, quiero darle las gracias al ponente por su buen trabajo y por haber tomado debidamente en cuenta las enmiendas propuestas durante el proceso de elaboración del informe en la comisión parlamentaria." }
mr president commissioner i would first like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work and for having taken due account of the proposed amendments while the committee was debating it
{ "en": "The sixth periodical report gives a basis for assessing the implementation of the Union' s regional policy aims.", "es": "Este sexto informe periódico establece las bases para evaluar la consecución de los objetivos de la política regional de la Unión." }
the sixth periodical report gives a basis for assessing the implementation of the union s regional policy aims
{ "en": "The report shows that growth has been uneven, despite all our efforts.", "es": "El informe demuestra que, a pesar de todos los esfuerzos realizados, el crecimiento es desigual." }
the report shows that growth has been uneven despite all our efforts
{ "en": "Very rapid growth is continuing in Central Europe.", "es": "Las regiones de Europa Central siguen experimentando un desarrollo muy rápido." }
very rapid growth is continuing in central europe
{ "en": "The strongest regional centres also continue to grow faster than the general European average, whereas many southern European and northern areas are developing considerably more slowly.", "es": "También los centros más prósperos continúan creciendo por encima de la media europea, mientras que muchas regiones de la Europa meridional y nórdica se desarrollan con mucha más lentitud." }
the strongest regional centres also continue to grow faster than the general european average whereas many southern european and northern areas are developing considerably more slowly
{ "en": "We now require an in-depth analysis of why regional policy is not producing the desired result in all areas.", "es": "Ahora necesitamos un análisis profundo de las razones por las que la política regional no alcanza los resultados deseados en todas las regiones." }
we now require an indepth analysis of why regional policy is not producing the desired result in all areas
{ "en": "Is the reason bureaucracy or is it because insufficient notice has been taken of interregional differences, long distances, climates that are too cold or too hot, sparse populations and austere conditions?", "es": "¿Se debe esto a la burocracia o a que no se han tomado suficientemente en cuenta las diferencias entre las regiones, tales como las grandes distancias, las condiciones climáticas extremas de frío o de calor, la escasa densidad de población y la falta de fertilidad del suelo?" }
is the reason bureaucracy or is it because insufficient notice has been taken of interregional differences long distances climates that are too cold or too hot sparse populations and austere conditions
{ "en": "How can the Union respond to the challenges of global development in a way that the less developed areas can remain a part of that development?", "es": "¿De qué forma puede afrontar la Unión los retos que trae consigo el proceso de globalización para que las regiones más atrasadas puedan integrarse al mismo?" }
how can the union respond to the challenges of global development in a way that the less developed areas can remain a part of that development
{ "en": "It is also important to discover what the effects of Union enlargement will be on Structural Funds and the development of the Union' s more remote areas.", "es": "También es importante averiguar los efectos que la ampliación de la Unión tendrá en los Fondos estructurales y en el desarrollo de las regiones periféricas." }
it is also important to discover what the effects of union enlargement will be on structural funds and the development of the union s more remote areas
{ "en": "The Member States must also bear in mind their responsibility.", "es": "Los Estados miembros deben recordar también sus responsabilidades." }
the member states must also bear in mind their responsibility
{ "en": "Some Member States have been in breach of the principle of subsidiarity and cut national regional funds when regional aid coming via the Union has been increased.", "es": "Algunos Estados miembros han desacatado el principio de compensación y han reducido las subvenciones nacionales a las regiones a medida que han ido aumentando los Fondos estructurales procedentes la Unión." }
some member states have been in breach of the principle of subsidiarity and cut national regional funds when regional aid coming via the union has been increased
{ "en": "This has chipped away at the results that regional policy has produced.", "es": "Esto ha neutralizado los resultados de la política regional." }
this has chipped away at the results that regional policy has produced
{ "en": "In the future, we must also develop indicators so that measures can be targeted at the right time at the right place.", "es": "En el futuro, también habrá que considerar el desarrollo de los indicadores para estar en condiciones de adoptar las medidas adecuadas y destinarlas a los lugares idóneos." }
in the future we must also develop indicators so that measures can be targeted at the right time at the right place
{ "en": "For example, uncontrolled migration has not been given sufficient consideration.", "es": "Por ejemplo, los movimientos migratorios no se han tomado suficientemente en cuenta." }
for example uncontrolled migration has not been given sufficient consideration
{ "en": "In this connection, too, weight has to be given to the decisive importance of SMEs as employers and forces behind regional development.", "es": "En este contexto, hay que subrayar que las pequeñas y medianas empresas desempeñan un papel decisivo como creadoras de empleo y como motores del desarrollo regional." }
in this connection too weight has to be given to the decisive importance of smes as employers and forces behind regional development
{ "en": "It is absolutely essential that companies in areas developing more slowly adopt the latest technology and know-how.", "es": "Es de vital importancia transferir las tecnologías punta y el saber hacer a las empresas de las regiones con desarrollos más lentos." }
it is absolutely essential that companies in areas developing more slowly adopt the latest technology and knowhow
{ "en": "Our Group is in favour of adopting this report.", "es": "Nuestro Grupo apoya la aprobación de este informe." }
our group is in favour of adopting this report
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, the European Union' s regional policy has, until now, not been able to interpret, in any significant way, the existing differences in our inhabitants' incomes.", "es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, Señorías, la política territorial de la Comunidad Europea no ha conseguido hasta ahora reflejar significativamente las diferencias de renta por habitante existentes." }
mr president commissioner the european union s regional policy has until now not been able to interpret in any significant way the existing differences in our inhabitants incomes
{ "en": "We have a serious situation in which in the European Union today, there is a genuine link between unemployment and poverty, as demonstrated by the very worrying fact that unemployment has reached, on average, 23.7% in the regions worst affected, regions which also happen to be poor areas, whilst in the 25 regions with the lowest unemployment, corresponding to the richer areas, unemployment stands at just 4%.", "es": "La situación es grave, de modo que hoy existe incluso una relación evidente entre desempleo y pobreza en la Unión Europea, como lo demuestra el hecho -muy preocupante- de que el desempleo alcance, por término medio, el 23,7% en los territorios más afectados por ese problema, territorios que coinciden con zonas pobres, mientras que en los 25 territorios con menos desempleo, correspondiente a las zonas ricas, el desempleo es tan sólo del 4%." }
we have a serious situation in which in the european union today there is a genuine link between unemployment and poverty as demonstrated by the very worrying fact that unemployment has reached on average 237 in the regions worst affected regions which also happen to be poor areas whilst in the 25 regions with the lowest unemployment corresponding to the richer areas unemployment stands at just 4
{ "en": "Given this situation, the report approved by Parliament must highlight the need for measures that aim unequivocally to fight relative poverty and unemployment: measures such as the appropriate use of structural funds for these purposes, which are often misspent, with centralised state policies and the modernisation of telecommunication and communication systems, with the particular aim of integrating the least developed regions into the Trans-European rail Networks, which are due in 2007.", "es": "Ante esta situación, en el informe que el Parlamento aprueba debe resultar clara la necesidad de medidas destinadas inequívocamente a luchar contra la pobreza relativa y el desempleo." }
given this situation the report approved by parliament must highlight the need for measures that aim unequivocally to fight relative poverty and unemployment measures such as the appropriate use of structural funds for these purposes which are often misspent with centralised state policies and the modernisation of telecommunication and communication systems with the particular aim of integrating the least developed regions into the transeuropean rail networks which are due in 2007
{ "en": "There should also be measures that respect and develop the resources and capabilities of these countries' agriculture and fisheries, which are often harmed by the European Union' s own insensitive policies, as well as the promotion of active policies to create jobs, particularly for women and young people.", "es": "Medidas como la aplicación apropiada de los Fondos estructurales, que con frecuencia se gastan mal, para estos fines, con políticas estatales centralizadas, la modernización de las telecomunicaciones y comunicaciones, en particular integrando los territorios menos desarrollados en las redes transeuropeas de ferrocarriles en el horizonte del año 2007, el respeto y el desarrollo de los recursos y las capacidades agrícolas y pesqueras de esos países, muchas veces agredidos por las propias políticas de una Unión Europea insensible, la promoción de las políticas activas de creación de empleo, preferentemente para las mujeres y los jóvenes." }
there should also be measures that respect and develop the resources and capabilities of these countries agriculture and fisheries which are often harmed by the european union s own insensitive policies as well as the promotion of active policies to create jobs particularly for women and young people
{ "en": "Only through the decisive application of this kind of measure will we be able to overcome social and regional inequality, which is not the historical product of inherent defects but of marginalisation and economic policies which have had harmful effects.", "es": "Sólo con la aplicación decidida de este tipo de medidas se podrá superar una desigualdad social y territorial que no es el producto histórico de defectos inevitables, sino de la marginación y de políticas económicas de efectos negativos." }
only through the decisive application of this kind of measure will we be able to overcome social and regional inequality which is not the historical product of inherent defects but of marginalisation and economic policies which have had harmful effects
{ "en": "Mr President, my compliments to the rapporteur for his in-depth report.", "es": "Señor Presidente, mis felicitaciones para el ponente por su informe tan minucioso." }
mr president my compliments to the rapporteur for his indepth report
{ "en": "The key goal of the structural funds is to strengthen social and economic cohesion between the regions within the European Union.", "es": "El objetivo central de los Fondos estructurales es el aumento de la cohesión social y económica entre las regiones en la Unión Europea." }
the key goal of the structural funds is to strengthen social and economic cohesion between the regions within the european union
{ "en": "By stimulating a diversity of investments, the European Union is endeavouring to increase the GDP per capita and to boost employment.", "es": "Por medio del fomento de las inversiones de diferente índole, la Unión Europea intenta conseguir elevar el PIB por habitante y crear más puestos de trabajo." }
by stimulating a diversity of investments the european union is endeavouring to increase the gdp per capita and to boost employment
{ "en": "From the sixth periodic report on the regions, one can draw the hesitant conclusion that these incentives do not always have the desired effect.", "es": "Del Sexto informe periódico sobre las regiones se puede deducir con cautela que estos estímulos no siempre tienen el efecto deseado." }
from the sixth periodic report on the regions one can draw the hesitant conclusion that these incentives do not always have the desired effect
{ "en": "The efforts made in order to drive up the GDP per capita in Objective 1 regions do not always result in such an increase, not really a satisfying result over a period during which, certainly over the past couple of years, there has been economic growth.", "es": "Los esfuerzos enfocados al aumento del PIB por habitante de las regiones del objetivo 1 no siempre conducen a ese aumento. Por lo tanto, no es un resultado muy satisfactorio para un periodo en el que, sobre todo en los últimos años, se ha visto un progreso económico." }
the efforts made in order to drive up the gdp per capita in objective 1 regions do not always result in such an increase not really a satisfying result over a period during which certainly over the past couple of years there has been economic growth
{ "en": "As indicated by the rapporteur, the effects of the structural measures, on the other hand, are minimal as far as employment is concerned.", "es": "Además, como indica el ponente, los efectos de las medidas estructurales en cuanto a los niveles de empleo son escasos." }
as indicated by the rapporteur the effects of the structural measures on the other hand are minimal as far as employment is concerned
{ "en": "Some reservation about the effectiveness of Community aid is therefore called for.", "es": "Conviene por lo tanto guardar ciertas reservas sobre la eficacia de la ayuda comunitaria." }
some reservation about the effectiveness of community aid is therefore called for
{ "en": "Also, the observation that the disparities between regions within Member States sometimes even become more pronounced raises serious questions.", "es": "La constatación de que las diferencias entre las regiones dentro de los Estados miembros a veces incluso aumentan, también suscita serias preguntas." }
also the observation that the disparities between regions within member states sometimes even become more pronounced raises serious questions
{ "en": "Mr President, it therefore seems worthwhile and necessary to focus attention on both national and regional authorities, especially in connection with boosting employment.", "es": "Señor Presidente, por estos motivos me parece útil y necesario prestar atención tanto a las administraciones nacionales como a las regionales, en lo que respecta al fomento del empleo." }
mr president it therefore seems worthwhile and necessary to focus attention on both national and regional authorities especially in connection with boosting employment
{ "en": "It is, after all, they who have most knowledge about the regions which fall under their remit.", "es": "Al fin y al cabo, son ellas las que tienen más conocimiento de las regiones que están bajo su responsabilidad." }
it is after all they who have most knowledge about the regions which fall under their remit
{ "en": "By allowing them to develop tailor-made plans for the relevant regions and, if necessary, tying this in with financial aid, a higher return can be achieved.", "es": "Si se les encarga la elaboración de unos planes más ajustados a las necesidades de las correspondientes regiones y si se financian éstos en caso de necesidad, entonces se puede conseguir un rendimiento más alto." }
by allowing them to develop tailormade plans for the relevant regions and if necessary tying this in with financial aid a higher return can be achieved
{ "en": "Surely this must be the ultimate goal.", "es": "Y éste es, en última instancia, el objetivo final." }
surely this must be the ultimate goal
{ "en": "I am therefore in favour of the Commission delegating the practical details and implementation of measures to the Member States and regions.", "es": "Por lo tanto, doy mi sincera aprobación a que la Comisión deje en manos de los Estados miembros y de las regiones la elaboración práctica y la puesta en marcha de estas medidas." }
i am therefore in favour of the commission delegating the practical details and implementation of measures to the member states and regions
{ "en": "Following on from this, it is probably also more meaningful, with regard to the financial aid to regions, to give Member States more say anyway.", "es": "Tal vez, en relación con lo anteriormente dicho, sea más útil de todas formas dar mayor peso a los Estados miembros en cuanto al apoyo financiero de las regiones." }
following on from this it is probably also more meaningful with regard to the financial aid to regions to give member states more say anyway
{ "en": "By shifting the criteria from the regions to the Member States, we can avoid a great deal of problems later on.", "es": "Podemos evitar muchos problemas en el futuro trasladando los criterios sobre las regiones hacia los Estados miembros." }
by shifting the criteria from the regions to the member states we can avoid a great deal of problems later on
{ "en": "Finally, I would like to draw attention to the position of the Central and Eastern European countries.", "es": "Finalmente quiero prestar atención a la situación de los países de Europa oriental y central." }
finally i would like to draw attention to the position of the central and eastern european countries
{ "en": "The report shows that, in general, they are a long way behind EU countries, especially in terms of GDP per capita.", "es": "Del informe se desprende que por regla general tienen un gran retraso con respecto a los países de la Unión Europea, especialmente en cuanto al PIB por habitante." }
the report shows that in general they are a long way behind eu countries especially in terms of gdp per capita
{ "en": "With the planned accession of a large number of these countries in the foreseeable future, it is a matter of urgency to review the current structural policy.", "es": "El planeado ingreso de un gran número de estos países dentro de poco nos obliga a revisar la política estructural actual." }
with the planned accession of a large number of these countries in the foreseeable future it is a matter of urgency to review the current structural policy
{ "en": "I would like to take this opportunity to follow the example of others and call on the Commission to submit proposals for reform sooner rather than later.", "es": "Quiero hacer ahora un llamamiento a la Comisión, como han hecho otros ya, para que presente pronto algunas propuestas para una reforma." }
i would like to take this opportunity to follow the example of others and call on the commission to submit proposals for reform sooner rather than later
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, following close scrutiny of this report one cannot escape the conclusion that it was possible to fulfil the stated objective of the structural policy only in part.", "es": "Distinguido señor Presidente, estimados colegas, señor Comisario, tras un análisis atento del presente informe se llega, sin lugar a dudas, a la conclusión de que sólo se ha podido satisfacer parcialmente el objetivo propuesto de la política estructural." }
mr president commissioner following close scrutiny of this report one cannot escape the conclusion that it was possible to fulfil the stated objective of the structural policy only in part
{ "en": "For example, whilst the disparities between the regions have increased rather than decreased, there has been a certain amount of convergence between the Member States themselves in this respect.", "es": "Así, entre otras cosas, la disparidad entre las regiones ha aumentado en vez de disminuir, los estados miembros muestran en este punto una cierta aproximación." }
for example whilst the disparities between the regions have increased rather than decreased there has been a certain amount of convergence between the member states themselves in this respect
{ "en": "Equally, unemployment levels in the worst affected regions barely fell at all, indeed they rose in some cases.", "es": "Igualmente, en las regiones más fuertemente afectadas apenas se han podido reducir las cifras de desempleados; incluso éstas han aumentado, en parte." }
equally unemployment levels in the worst affected regions barely fell at all indeed they rose in some cases
{ "en": "I wonder why it is that the structural funds are not employed more efficiently.", "es": "Por consiguiente, me pregunto a qué se debe que los recursos de los Fondos estructurales no se hayan utilizado de manera eficiente." }
i wonder why it is that the structural funds are not employed more efficiently
{ "en": "Even the accumulation of money from the cohesion funds and the structural funds has failed to have the desired effect in all regions and countries.", "es": "Incluso la acumulación de recursos del Fondo de cohesión y de los Fondos estructurales no han producido en todas las regiones y países el efecto deseado." }
even the accumulation of money from the cohesion funds and the structural funds has failed to have the desired effect in all regions and countries
{ "en": "Since it is the declared aim of all politicians throughout Europe to reduce unemployment, then one must pose the critical question as to whether the policy employed is the right one or whether it would not be more appropriate to boost the competitiveness of the regions by appropriate measures such as increased support for research and development, improvements in infrastructure and raising the level of training.", "es": "Una vez que en toda Europa el objetivo declarado de todos los políticos es la reducción del desempleo hay que plantear la pregunta crítica acerca de si la política que se ha aplicado es la correcta o si no será más eficaz reforzar la competitividad de las regiones mediante medidas pertinentes como el aumento de la financiación a la investigación y al desarrollo, la mejora de la infraestructura o la elevación del nivel educativo." }
since it is the declared aim of all politicians throughout europe to reduce unemployment then one must pose the critical question as to whether the policy employed is the right one or whether it would not be more appropriate to boost the competitiveness of the regions by appropriate measures such as increased support for research and development improvements in infrastructure and raising the level of training
{ "en": "Genuine structural reforms and a competition-friendly taxation policy are the cornerstones of a successful economic base.", "es": "Las reformas estructurales serias y una política fiscal e impositiva que favorezca la competencia son los elementos constructivos del éxito de una zona económica." }
genuine structural reforms and a competitionfriendly taxation policy are the cornerstones of a successful economic base
{ "en": "If we do not wish to stand accused of pursuing a cost-intensive structural policy that does nothing to improve the unemployment situation in the long term, then the measures drawn up so far must be analysed.", "es": "Si queremos evitar el reproche de que practicamos una política estructural de altos costes que a largo plazo no moverá nada en la cuestión del empleo, tenemos que revisar las medidas que se vienen aplicando hasta ahora." }
if we do not wish to stand accused of pursuing a costintensive structural policy that does nothing to improve the unemployment situation in the long term then the measures drawn up so far must be analysed
{ "en": "We will only be able to say that the structural policy of the Union has been a success when we manage to create a sufficient number of jobs and when there is a significant reduction in the unemployment rate.", "es": "La política estructural de la Unión será exitosa, cuando se logre crear suficientes puestos de trabajo y descienda de manera significativa la tasa de desempleo." }
we will only be able to say that the structural policy of the union has been a success when we manage to create a sufficient number of jobs and when there is a significant reduction in the unemployment rate
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, my thanks go to the rapporteur for handling this very important report, because developments in the social and economic situation will decide to what extent the citizens of Europe will judge that we have been successful in our work.", "es": "Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, señorías, felicito al ponente por el tratamiento que le ha dado a este importante asunto, ya que el estado de la evolución socioeconómica decidirá el juicio que emitan los ciudadanos europeos sobre los aciertos de nuestro trabajo." }
mr president commissioner my thanks go to the rapporteur for handling this very important report because developments in the social and economic situation will decide to what extent the citizens of europe will judge that we have been successful in our work
{ "en": "This issue, which has an impact on their everyday life, is a key issue as regards EU credibility.", "es": "Se trata de un asunto que influye en la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos y que es clave desde el punto de vista de la credibilidad de la UE." }
this issue which has an impact on their everyday life is a key issue as regards eu credibility
{ "en": "It has to be conceded that the EU has already aided, I would say quite magnificently, the development of poor countries.", "es": "Hay que reconocer que la UE ya ha apoyado, diría que incluso extraordinariamente, el desarrollo de los países más pobres." }
it has to be conceded that the eu has already aided i would say quite magnificently the development of poor countries
{ "en": "I remember what Portugal and Greece used to be like when I drove through those countries for the first time twenty-five years ago.", "es": "Me viene a la memoria el estado en que se encontraban Portugal y Grecia cuando conduje por estos países por primera vez, hace ya veinticinco años." }
i remember what portugal and greece used to be like when i drove through those countries for the first time twentyfive years ago
{ "en": "In this connection, French speakers would speak of a \"coup de chapeau\" : in other words, I take my hat off to the EU.", "es": "En este sentido, los que hablan francés seguro que le dirán a la UE \" coup de chapeau\" , es decir, me quito el sombrero." }
in this connection french speakers would speak of a coup de chapeau in other words i take my hat off to the eu
{ "en": "The EU really deserves such a gesture, but differences between rich and poor areas within countries are still too great.", "es": "Es cierto que la UE se merece que nos descubramos ante ella, pero, dentro de los países, las diferencias entre las regiones ricas y las regiones pobres siguen siendo demasiado grandes." }
the eu really deserves such a gesture but differences between rich and poor areas within countries are still too great
{ "en": "What is the result?", "es": "¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de esto?" }
what is the result
{ "en": "People react by voting with their feet and go where they can earn a crust.", "es": "La gente reacciona votando con los pies, es decir, marchándose en busca del pan a otro sitio." }
people react by voting with their feet and go where they can earn a crust
{ "en": "Consequently, we have to build schools, hospitals, and the whole infrastructure for the same people in the same country many times over.", "es": "Así pues, nos vemos obligados a construir repetidas veces, para las mismas personas y en el mismo país, escuelas y hospitales, toda la infraestructura una vez más." }
consequently we have to build schools hospitals and the whole infrastructure for the same people in the same country many times over
{ "en": "This is very costly and it also causes very great social problems.", "es": "Esto resulta muy caro y también origina problemas sociales muy graves." }
this is very costly and it also causes very great social problems
{ "en": "Most people, however, would like to live in the area in which they were born and raised, if they were given the chance to, in other words, if there was work there.", "es": "Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la población desearía vivir en su región natal, siempre que se les dieran las oportunidades para ello, o sea, si hubiera trabajo." }
most people however would like to live in the area in which they were born and raised if they were given the chance to in other words if there was work there
{ "en": "We must give them this opportunity.", "es": "Nosotros debemos proporcionar esa oportunidad." }
we must give them this opportunity
{ "en": "This is a moral obligation the EU and all of us have.", "es": "Se trata de una obligación moral de la UE y de todos nosotros." }
this is a moral obligation the eu and all of us have
{ "en": "The solution, as I see it, lies in clearly encouraging entrepreneurship.", "es": "Considero que la solución es estimular de forma clara el espíritu emprendedor." }
the solution as i see it lies in clearly encouraging entrepreneurship
{ "en": "By entrepreneurship I do not simply mean the ownership of business, but creating will.", "es": "Y con espíritu emprendedor no me refiero exclusivamente al hecho de tener en propiedad una empresa, sino que entiendo la expresión como un estado de la voluntad." }
by entrepreneurship i do not simply mean the ownership of business but creating will
{ "en": "I mean the attitude where a person wants to get on in life, whether he or she is an employee, the owner of a business or an official.", "es": "Me refiero a la actitud, a que la persona tenga el deseo de prosperar en la vida, sea trabajador por cuenta ajena, propietario de una empresa o funcionario." }
i mean the attitude where a person wants to get on in life whether he or she is an employee the owner of a business or an official
{ "en": "What is a fair society?", "es": "¿Cómo es una sociedad justa?" }
what is a fair society
{ "en": "One in which someone from a modest background can get on in life so as to make life a little easier for his or her children.", "es": "Es una sociedad en la que cualquier persona de origen humilde puede prosperar en la vida, de forma que sus hijos puedan disfrutar de una situación más desahogada." }
one in which someone from a modest background can get on in life so as to make life a little easier for his or her children
{ "en": "In this way, positive development of the regions is also possible, because people will start business and will work if they are given the chance.", "es": "Por consiguiente, también es posible el desarrollo óptimo de las regiones, puesto que los ciudadanos sí que emprenden y trabajan, si se les dan oportunidades para ello." }
in this way positive development of the regions is also possible because people will start business and will work if they are given the chance
{ "en": "Finally, I would say that in this matter we should learn a lesson from America, where hard work is still in fashion and success is an indication of ability and not the object of envy, as it often is here in Europe.", "es": "Para terminar, diría que, en este aspecto, deberíamos tomar ejemplo de los Estados Unidos, donde la laboriosidad se ha vuelto a poner de moda y el éxito es una manifestación de la valía personal, y no objeto de envidia, como ocurre muchas veces aquí en Europa." }
finally i would say that in this matter we should learn a lesson from america where hard work is still in fashion and success is an indication of ability and not the object of envy as it often is here in europe
{ "en": "Mr President, as all the previous speakers have done, I should like in turn to thank Mr Berend and congratulate him on the quality of his report.", "es": ". (FR) Señor Presidente, como lo han hecho todos los oradores, a mi vez quiero dar la gracias al Sr. Berend y felicitarlo por la calidad de este trabajo." }
mr president as all the previous speakers have done i should like in turn to thank mr berend and congratulate him on the quality of his report
{ "en": "Just like the previous report, this extremely competent and precise analysis, the recommendations it supports and your own comments, ladies and gentlemen, shall prove useful to the Commission in general and to the Commissioner responsible for regional policy in particular at this time when we are involved with the programming of appropriations for 2000-2006.", "es": "Como en el caso del informe anterior, este análisis de suma competencia y precisión, las recomendaciones que en él se hacen y las observaciones de Sus Señorías serán muy útiles a la Comisión en general y, en particular, al comisario encargado de la política regional, en el momento en que emprendemos la programación de los créditos 2000-2006." }
just like the previous report this extremely competent and precise analysis the recommendations it supports and your own comments ladies and gentlemen shall prove useful to the commission in general and to the commissioner responsible for regional policy in particular at this time when we are involved with the programming of appropriations for 20002006
{ "en": "I should also like to make a few comments, firstly, Mr Berend, regarding the assessment you have made of this sixth periodic report.", "es": "Por mi parte, quiero hacer algunas observaciones; primero, sobre el juicio que formula el ponente sobre este sexto informe periódico." }
i should also like to make a few comments firstly mr berend regarding the assessment you have made of this sixth periodic report
{ "en": "You pointed out the quality of the report and you even wrote, if I am not mistaken, that it marked a real improvement in comparison with previous reports.", "es": "Su Señoría ha subrayado la calidad e incluso, si no me equivoco, ha puesto por escrito que, en relación con los precedentes, constituye una verdadera mejora." }
you pointed out the quality of the report and you even wrote if i am not mistaken that it marked a real improvement in comparison with previous reports
{ "en": "On behalf of all the officials of the Commission and my predecessor, Mrs Wulf-Mathies, I must inform you that we were very alert to the evaluation made by this House and by yourself.", "es": "En nombre de todos los funcionarios de la Comisión y de mi antecesora, la Sra. Wulf-Mathies, debo decirle que hemos sido muy sensibles a esta apreciación de la Asamblea y de Su Señoría personalmente." }
on behalf of all the officials of the commission and my predecessor mrs wulfmathies i must inform you that we were very alert to the evaluation made by this house and by yourself
{ "en": "The Commission was certainly very anxious to ensure, Mr Berend, that this sixth periodic report should show that progress had been made and a threshold crossed in terms of the quality of the analysis submitted to you.", "es": "Es verdad que la Comisión se ha empeñado, señor Berend, en que este sexto informe periódico permita comprobar que se ha hecho un esfuerzo para superar un baremo cualitativo en el análisis que se propone a Sus Señorías." }
the commission was certainly very anxious to ensure mr berend that this sixth periodic report should show that progress had been made and a threshold crossed in terms of the quality of the analysis submitted to you
{ "en": "I am thinking in particular of the contents of chapter 2.1 of this report, where the Commission examined in greater detail the economic definitions of regional competitiveness and attempted to analyse the extent to which this competitiveness may be supported, improved and influenced by factors which some of you - Mr Markov, just now, and Mrs Raschhofer - stressed very forcefully.", "es": "Pienso sobre todo en el contenido del capítulo 2.1 de este informe, donde la Comisión examinó de un modo más profundo las definiciones económicas de la competitividad regional, y procuró analizar en qué medida esta competitividad se puede sostener, mejorar e influenciar mediante factores que el Sr. Markov, ahora mismo, o antes la Sra. Raschhofer, destacaron con gran vehemencia." }
i am thinking in particular of the contents of chapter 21 of this report where the commission examined in greater detail the economic definitions of regional competitiveness and attempted to analyse the extent to which this competitiveness may be supported improved and influenced by factors which some of you mr markov just now and mrs raschhofer stressed very forcefully
{ "en": "I am thinking of technological research and development, infrastructure provision and quality, human resources potential, small and medium-sized businesses and direct investment from abroad.", "es": "Me refiero a la investigación y desarrollo tecnológicos, a la dotación y a la calidad de las infraestructuras, al potencial de recursos humanos, a la pequeña y mediana empresa, a la inversión directa del extranjero." }
i am thinking of technological research and development infrastructure provision and quality human resources potential small and mediumsized businesses and direct investment from abroad
{ "en": "So much for the quality.", "es": "Esto en cuanto a la calidad." }
so much for the quality
{ "en": "I do not wish to spend time right now, Mr Berend, going into details regarding my opinion of the general points which your House has already endorsed.", "es": "No quiero detenerme ahora, señor ponente, en el detalle de mis ideas sobre los puntos generales que esta Asamblea ya ha suscrito." }
i do not wish to spend time right now mr berend going into details regarding my opinion of the general points which your house has already endorsed
{ "en": "Let me just itemise them: the first point concerns the usefulness of the conclusions of this report in drawing up the priorities of the new regional policy, particularly for the negotiation of programming documents with the Member States.", "es": "Los citaré telegráficamente: el primero se refiere a la utilidad de las conclusiones de este informe para la elaboración de las prioridades de la nueva política regional, en especial para negociar los documentos de programación con los Estados miembros." }
let me just itemise them the first point concerns the usefulness of the conclusions of this report in drawing up the priorities of the new regional policy particularly for the negotiation of programming documents with the member states
{ "en": "Secondly, partnership, a subject which a number of you stressed, the role of local and regional authorities, the private sector, both sides of industry, associations and local community action groups.", "es": "El segundo punto es el partenariado, sobre el que varios diputados han insistido, el papel de las autoridades locales y regionales, del sector privado, de los copartícipes sociales, del sector de sociedades y de grupos locales de animación." }
secondly partnership a subject which a number of you stressed the role of local and regional authorities the private sector both sides of industry associations and local community action groups
{ "en": "Regarding this problem of partnership, I shall be extremely attentive to ensuring that the terms of the Structural Funds regulations are applied properly.", "es": "Me mantendré en extremo vigilante en lo relativo a la buena aplicación, en esta cuestión del partenariado, de las disposiciones del reglamento general de los Fondos estructurales." }
regarding this problem of partnership i shall be extremely attentive to ensuring that the terms of the structural funds regulations are applied properly
{ "en": "Thirdly, the need to develop the employment side of growth, even though I am aware, as Mr van Dam just said, that the prime responsibility is that of the Member States, and that, when we speak of the responsibility of Member States, and indeed of the usefulness or effectiveness of this regional policy, we must clearly establish what sort of period we are working in.", "es": "El tercer punto consiste en la necesidad de desarrollar el contenido en empleo del crecimiento y, si no recuerdo mal, el Sr. Van Dam ha dicho hace unos momentos que la primera responsabilidad es de incumbencia de los Estados miembros, y que cuando se habla de la responsabilidad de los Estados miembros, como también de la utilidad o de la eficacia de esta política regional, debemos considerar muy bien en qué período nos situamos." }
thirdly the need to develop the employment side of growth even though i am aware as mr van dam just said that the prime responsibility is that of the member states and that when we speak of the responsibility of member states and indeed of the usefulness or effectiveness of this regional policy we must clearly establish what sort of period we are working in
{ "en": "Mr Fruteau stated just now that the fruits of growth were distributed inequitably.", "es": "Hace unos momentos, el Sr. Fruteau afirmaba que los beneficios del crecimiento se reparten desigualmente." }
mr fruteau stated just now that the fruits of growth were distributed inequitably
{ "en": "Mr Fruteau, we at least need to recognise that there is growth, and that we are not working in a period of stagnation or recession, as has been the case in the past.", "es": "Le recuerdo, Señoría, que es necesario que haya un crecimiento y que no estemos globalmente en un período de estancamiento o de recesión, como ha ocurrido en el pasado." }
mr fruteau we at least need to recognise that there is growth and that we are not working in a period of stagnation or recession as has been the case in the past
{ "en": "You will tell me that situations of growth or shortage do not affect everyone alike.", "es": "Su Señoría me dirá que el crecimiento o la recesión no afectan a todos." }
you will tell me that situations of growth or shortage do not affect everyone alike