{ "en": "At the end of the day, one of the fundamental tenets of economic theory is that the market is failing in many respects and anyone who takes issue with this is nothing more than an ideologue.", "es": "Una de las nociones econ贸micas fundamentales es que el mercado no funciona en una serie de aspectos y quien lo niegue no es m谩s que un ide贸logo." }
at the end of the day one of the fundamental tenets of economic theory is that the market is failing in many respects and anyone who takes issue with this is nothing more than an ideologue
{ "en": "Competition should bring about balance in supply and demand and should provide for the optimum distribution of economic resources and facts.", "es": "La finalidad de la competencia ha de ser establecer un equilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda, y garantizar un reparto 贸ptimo de los recursos y factores econ贸micos." }
competition should bring about balance in supply and demand and should provide for the optimum distribution of economic resources and facts
{ "en": "But optimum efficiency does not necessarily come about of its own accord.", "es": "La eficiencia 贸ptima no se establece, sin embargo, invariablemente por s铆 sola." }
but optimum efficiency does not necessarily come about of its own accord
{ "en": "Framework conditions are indispensable when it comes to preventing abuses, monopolies law being one example.", "es": "Es imprescindible un marco de condiciones destinadas a evitar los abusos, por ejemplo por medio de las leyes antimonopolios." }
framework conditions are indispensable when it comes to preventing abuses monopolies law being one example
{ "en": "But on the whole, this only serves to prevent abuses; framework conditions alone cannot achieve socially legitimate goals in isolation.", "es": "Pero 茅stas b谩sicamente s贸lo sirven para evitar abusos, no bastan por s铆 solas para alcanzar los objetivos socialmente legitimados." }
but on the whole this only serves to prevent abuses framework conditions alone cannot achieve socially legitimate goals in isolation
{ "en": "Competition yes, restrictions in state aid where necessary and where possible.", "es": "Competencia, s铆; limitaci贸n de las ayudas p煤blicas, cuando sea posible y necesario." }
competition yes restrictions in state aid where necessary and where possible
{ "en": "However, since state aid forms the lion' s share of the competition report 1998 I would still like, regardless of Mr Jonckheer' s report, to say one more thing about it.", "es": "No obstante, dado que las ayudas p煤blicas ocupan la parte m谩s importante del informe sobre la pol铆tica de competencia en 1998, quisiera a帽adir un comentario al respecto, sin prejuzgar el informe del colega Jonckheer." }
however since state aid forms the lion s share of the competition report 1998 i would still like regardless of mr jonckheer s report to say one more thing about it
{ "en": "It is certainly possible, indeed it must be feasible for state aid to be given to small and medium-sized enterprises involved in research and development for the purpose of educating them in regional and environmental policy.", "es": "Desde luego es posible y tambi茅n debe ser factible conceder ayudas p煤blicas a las peque帽as y medianas empresas, en el 谩mbito de la investigaci贸n y el desarrollo tecnol贸gico, para el desarrollo de la pol铆tica regional y en el 谩mbito de la pol铆tica medioambiental." }
it is certainly possible indeed it must be feasible for state aid to be given to small and mediumsized enterprises involved in research and development for the purpose of educating them in regional and environmental policy
{ "en": "Indeed it must be permissible for state aid to be provided for such purposes, provided it does not lead to unacceptable distortion of competition.", "es": "Deben permitirse las ayudas p煤blicas destinadas a estos fines siempre que no generen distorsiones intolerables de la competencia." }
indeed it must be permissible for state aid to be provided for such purposes provided it does not lead to unacceptable distortion of competition
{ "en": "This is precisely the area where it is even more important than it is in monopolies and mergers law for decisions to be comprehensible.", "es": "Precisamente en este 谩mbito es de especial importancia que las decisiones sean justificables, m谩s a煤n que en el caso de las disposiciones que regulan los c谩rteles y fusiones." }
this is precisely the area where it is even more important than it is in monopolies and mergers law for decisions to be comprehensible
{ "en": "It is not just that we should pillory state aid; rather our approach must be one of drawing distinctions and we must assess the different types of state aid in accordance with the extent to which they help to achieve the above-mentioned objectives.", "es": "No se pueden poner en la picota todas las ayudas; 茅stas se deben considerar de manera diferenciada y tambi茅n se deben evaluar en t茅rminos de su contribuci贸n a la consecuci贸n de los objetivos antes citados." }
it is not just that we should pillory state aid rather our approach must be one of drawing distinctions and we must assess the different types of state aid in accordance with the extent to which they help to achieve the abovementioned objectives
{ "en": "My last comment was intended not so much for the Commission as for the Members of the Group of the European People' s Party.", "es": "Esta 煤ltima observaci贸n va dirigida sobre todo, m谩s que a la Comisi贸n, a las y los colegas del Grupo del PPE." }
my last comment was intended not so much for the commission as for the members of the group of the european people s party
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the report which I have the opportunity to propose to you today is an opinion on the Commission' s Annual Report on the state aid in force within the European Union and for which the Community is authorised under Articles 87, 88 and 89 of the Treaties.", "es": ". (FR) Se帽or Presidente, se帽or Comisario, mis queridos colegas, el informe que hoy tengo la ocasi贸n de presentarles es una opini贸n sobre el informe anual de la Comisi贸n relativo a las ayudas estatales en vigor en el seno de la Uni贸n Europea y sobre las que la Comunidad tiene competencia en virtud de los art铆culos 87, 88 y 89 de los Tratados." }
mr president commissioner ladies and gentlemen the report which i have the opportunity to propose to you today is an opinion on the commission s annual report on the state aid in force within the european union and for which the community is authorised under articles 87 88 and 89 of the treaties
{ "en": "The Commission report is essentially a descriptive report detailing the development of state aid in the manufacturing sector and certain other sectors, according to various typologies, such as the method of financing and the objectives pursued.", "es": "El informe de la Comisi贸n tiene un car谩cter fundamentalmente descriptivo que describe la evoluci贸n de las ayudas estatales en el sector de la industria, as铆 como en otros sectores, seg煤n diferentes tipolog铆as, como el modo de financiaci贸n y los objetivos que se persiguen." }
the commission report is essentially a descriptive report detailing the development of state aid in the manufacturing sector and certain other sectors according to various typologies such as the method of financing and the objectives pursued
{ "en": "Let me refer you to the explanatory statement for the quantitative aspects of the report and simply mention at this point that the annual level of state aid, on average, for the period under review, is in the order of EUR 95 billion, corresponding to a reduction in the order of 13 % in relation to the period 1993-1995, a reduction which is essentially due to a reduction in aid in the Federal Republic of Germany.", "es": "Me permito remitirles a la exposici贸n de motivos para la parte cuantitativa del informe y me limitar茅 a indicar aqu铆 que el importe medio anual para el per铆odo que nos ocupa es del orden de 95.000 millones de euros, lo que representa una disminuci贸n de aproximadamente el 13% con respecto al per铆odo 1993-1995, disminuci贸n que obedece, b谩sicamente, a la reducci贸n de las ayudas en la Rep煤blica Federal Alemana." }
let me refer you to the explanatory statement for the quantitative aspects of the report and simply mention at this point that the annual level of state aid on average for the period under review is in the order of eur 95 billion corresponding to a reduction in the order of 13 in relation to the period 19931995 a reduction which is essentially due to a reduction in aid in the federal republic of germany
{ "en": "To put it plainly, the level of state aid declared, roughly speaking, is generally stable during the period under discussion and comes to approximately 1.2% of Community GDP or more or less the equivalent, coincidentally, of the Community budget for one year.", "es": "En definitiva, el nivel de las ayudas estatales declarado se ha mantenido, grosso modo, estable como media durante el per铆odo abarcado y se sit煤a en torno al 1,2% del PIB comunitario, es decir, casualmente el equivalente aproximado del presupuesto de la Comunidad para un ejercicio." }
to put it plainly the level of state aid declared roughly speaking is generally stable during the period under discussion and comes to approximately 12 of community gdp or more or less the equivalent coincidentally of the community budget for one year
{ "en": "This being the case, there are considerable disparities between states, which may be measured in various ways, such as, for example, as a percentage of added value and per wage earner.", "es": "Dicho esto, las diferencias entre los Estados miembros son considerables y pueden medirse de distintas formas, en particular, en porcentaje del valor a帽adido y por asalariado." }
this being the case there are considerable disparities between states which may be measured in various ways such as for example as a percentage of added value and per wage earner
{ "en": "I think it is also interesting to add state aid and Community aid, which may be assimilated in some way into state aid.", "es": "Creo que es igualmente interesante a帽adir las ayudas estatales y las intervenciones comunitarias que, en cierto modo, pueden compararse con las ayudas estatales." }
i think it is also interesting to add state aid and community aid which may be assimilated in some way into state aid
{ "en": "This clearly shows that it is the four countries which benefit from the Cohesion Fund, among other things, which come at the top of the list.", "es": "Al hacerlo, vemos claramente que los cuatro pa铆ses que encabezan la clasificaci贸n son los mismos que se benefician, entre otros, del Fondo de Cohesi贸n." }
this clearly shows that it is the four countries which benefit from the cohesion fund among other things which come at the top of the list
{ "en": "This being the case, let me now come to the proposals made in the report.", "es": "Paso a continuaci贸n a la propuesta contenida en el informe." }
this being the case let me now come to the proposals made in the report
{ "en": "We note, first of all, that the committee considers the data, as presented in the Commission' s annual report, to be in too aggregated a form to enable an in-depth evaluation of state aid policy which is simultaneously legitimate, sensitive to national interests and extensive in terms of compliance with the rules of competition, pursuant to the actual terms of the Treaty.", "es": "Constatamos, en primer lugar, que la Comisi贸n estima que los datos, tal y como 茅stos son presentados en el informe anual de la Comisi贸n, est谩n demasiado agregados como para poder hacer una evaluaci贸n exhaustiva de la pol铆tica de las ayudas estatales, lo que es a la vez leg铆timo y sensato en el plano de los intereses nacionales, adem谩s de muy importante desde el punto de vista del respeto de la competencia, incluso en virtud de las disposiciones del Tratado." }
we note first of all that the committee considers the data as presented in the commission s annual report to be in too aggregated a form to enable an indepth evaluation of state aid policy which is simultaneously legitimate sensitive to national interests and extensive in terms of compliance with the rules of competition pursuant to the actual terms of the treaty
{ "en": "The Commission can only collate and analyse the data provided by the Member States.", "es": "La Comisi贸n s贸lo puede recoger y analizar los datos que le proporcionan los Estados miembros." }
the commission can only collate and analyse the data provided by the member states
{ "en": "It is therefore down to the states and regions to ensure the quality of the data provided, and our committee considers that additional efforts must be made in this respect.", "es": "Por ello, corresponde a los Estados y a las regiones velar por la calidad de los datos proporcionados, y nuestra comisi贸n estima que deben realizarse esfuerzos complementarios en este sentido." }
it is therefore down to the states and regions to ensure the quality of the data provided and our committee considers that additional efforts must be made in this respect
{ "en": "It is in this spirit that our parliamentary committee for example, has championed the longstanding idea of a public register of state aid, accessible via the Internet.", "es": "En este mismo esp铆ritu, nuestra comisi贸n parlamentaria defiende la idea ya antigua de un registro p煤blico de las ayudas estatales al que se pueda acceder, en particular, a trav茅s de Internet." }
it is in this spirit that our parliamentary committee for example has championed the longstanding idea of a public register of state aid accessible via the internet
{ "en": "Having better, more detailed information available, particularly with regard to the objectives pursued and the results recorded, must make it possible for the European Commission to itself proceed or to commission in a regular manner studies of the social and economic evaluation of national and regional state aid policies.", "es": "Si dispone de datos mejores, m谩s detallados, en particular, con respecto a los objetivos que se desean alcanzar y a los resultados constatados, la Comisi贸n Europea podr谩 realizar por s铆 misma o encargar regularmente la realizaci贸n de estudios sobre la evaluaci贸n socioecon贸mica de las pol铆ticas nacionales y regionales de ayudas estatales." }
having better more detailed information available particularly with regard to the objectives pursued and the results recorded must make it possible for the european commission to itself proceed or to commission in a regular manner studies of the social and economic evaluation of national and regional state aid policies
{ "en": "And insofar as such studies already exist, to publish more openly its own comments with regard to the objectives of the Treaties, which are not only to ensure the competitivity of the European economy, but also sustainable development and economic and social cohesion.", "es": "Y en la medida en que ya existan algunos de estos estudios, dar a conocer de una manera m谩s abierta sus propios comentarios en cumplimiento de los objetivos de los Tratados, que son no s贸lo garantizar la competitividad de la econom铆a europea, sino tambi茅n el desarrollo sostenible y la cohesi贸n econ贸mica y social." }
and insofar as such studies already exist to publish more openly its own comments with regard to the objectives of the treaties which are not only to ensure the competitivity of the european economy but also sustainable development and economic and social cohesion
{ "en": "By stressing, primarily, the quality of the information provided, our debate in committee, and hence the report which it is my honour to present to you, avoided a simplistic response in the form of an a priori statement that the level of state aid was, in absolute terms, either too high or not high enough.", "es": "Al insistir as铆, en primer lugar, en la calidad de la informaci贸n proporcionada, nuestro debate en comisi贸n y, por tanto, el informe que tengo el honor de presentarles, ha evitado el simplismo que consistir铆a en afirmar a priori que el importe de las ayudas estatales en lo absoluto es o bien demasiado elevado o no lo suficientemente elevado." }
by stressing primarily the quality of the information provided our debate in committee and hence the report which it is my honour to present to you avoided a simplistic response in the form of an a priori statement that the level of state aid was in absolute terms either too high or not high enough
{ "en": "Most committee members have sought rather to find a balance between, on the one hand, the need to see that both states and businesses comply with the competition rules and, on the other hand, acknowledgement of the value of such aid with a view to contributing to the objectives of the Treaty, particularly, as I have said already, as regards sustainable development, research and development and economic and social cohesion.", "es": "Una mayor铆a de los miembros de la comisi贸n ha seguido buscando un punto de equilibrio entre, por un lado, la necesidad de velar por el cumplimiento por parte de los Estados, as铆 como por parte de las empresas, las normas de la competencia y, por otro, el reconocimiento del inter茅s de semejantes ayudas con vistas a contribuir a los objetivos del Tratado, en particular, como ya he dicho, en materia de desarrollo sostenible, de investigaci贸n y desarrollo y de cohesi贸n econ贸mica y social." }
most committee members have sought rather to find a balance between on the one hand the need to see that both states and businesses comply with the competition rules and on the other hand acknowledgement of the value of such aid with a view to contributing to the objectives of the treaty particularly as i have said already as regards sustainable development research and development and economic and social cohesion
{ "en": "This being the case, various amendments to the rapporteur' s initial draft report were adopted in committee, particularly highlighting the need for effective reimbursement of aid found to be illegal as well as the establishment of a league table of results.", "es": "En este sentido, en comisi贸n se han aprobado diferentes enmiendas al proyecto inicial del ponente, en las que se hace hincapi茅, en particular, en la necesidad de un reembolso efectivo de las ayudas consideradas ilegales, as铆 como de la elaboraci贸n de una lista de resultados." }
this being the case various amendments to the rapporteur s initial draft report were adopted in committee particularly highlighting the need for effective reimbursement of aid found to be illegal as well as the establishment of a league table of results
{ "en": "Seven amendments have been retabled for this plenary sitting.", "es": "Se han vuelto a presentar siete enmiendas a este Pleno." }
seven amendments have been retabled for this plenary sitting
{ "en": "Most of them are an expression of the political differences among ourselves regarding the appropriateness and effectiveness of state aid, in view of the inadequacies, acknowledged or not, of private investment alone, the market failures or inadequacies of the market.", "es": "La mayor铆a de ellas traducen de hecho las diferencias pol铆ticas que existen entre nosotros respecto a la oportunidad y a la eficacia de las ayudas estatales, habida cuenta de las insuficiencias, reconocidas o no, de las 煤nicas inversiones privadas, market failures o insuficiencias del mercado." }
most of them are an expression of the political differences among ourselves regarding the appropriateness and effectiveness of state aid in view of the inadequacies acknowledged or not of private investment alone the market failures or inadequacies of the market
{ "en": "There is in particular one amendment, let me point out, concerning the energy sector, which, in my capacity as rapporteur, I see as particularly important.", "es": "Hay una enmienda en particular, lo subrayo, relativa al sector de la energ铆a, que, como ponente, me parece especialmente importante." }
there is in particular one amendment let me point out concerning the energy sector which in my capacity as rapporteur i see as particularly important
{ "en": "I should like to conclude this presentation, Commissioner, by stressing two things: firstly, a concern of the members of the committee and, secondly, a demand of our committee.", "es": "Quisiera concluir esta presentaci贸n, se帽or Comisario, insistiendo, por un lado, en la preocupaci贸n de los miembros de la comisi贸n y, por otro, en un requisito de nuestra comisi贸n." }
i should like to conclude this presentation commissioner by stressing two things firstly a concern of the members of the committee and secondly a demand of our committee
{ "en": "The concern involves the pre-accession process for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in terms of competition policy and state aid.", "es": "La preocupaci贸n es relativa al proceso de preadhesi贸n de los pa铆ses de la Europa central y oriental desde el punto de vista de la pol铆tica de competencia y de las ayudas estatales." }
the concern involves the preaccession process for the countries of central and eastern europe in terms of competition policy and state aid
{ "en": "This is undoubtedly a complex issue, and one where we should like to see the Commission informing us of the latest development in the matter, particularly in terms of the capacity of the economies involved in the accession process to comply with competition rules and, as far as state aid is concerned, the need, in all probability, to have specific rules on state aid used to assist restructuring of their sectors.", "es": "Se trata aqu铆 ciertamente de una cuesti贸n compleja sobre la que desear铆amos que la Comisi贸n nos d茅 a conocer el estado actual del dossier, en particular, desde el punto de vista de la capacidad de las econom铆as en v铆a de adhesi贸n de cumplir las normas de competencia y, en lo que respecta a las ayudas estatales, la probable necesidad de establecer normas espec铆ficas en materia de ayudas estatales que favorezcan la reestructuraci贸n de sus sectores." }
this is undoubtedly a complex issue and one where we should like to see the commission informing us of the latest development in the matter particularly in terms of the capacity of the economies involved in the accession process to comply with competition rules and as far as state aid is concerned the need in all probability to have specific rules on state aid used to assist restructuring of their sectors
{ "en": "And finally, in conclusion, our demand regarding the future responsibilities of the European Parliament in the matters we are discussing, competition policy and state aid, in the context of the Intergovernmental Conference.", "es": "Y por 煤ltimo, y termino con esto, el requisito es relativo a las futuras competencias del Parlamento Europeo en las materias que nos ocupan, la pol铆tica de la competencia y las ayudas estatales, en la perspectiva de la Conferencia Intergubernamental." }
and finally in conclusion our demand regarding the future responsibilities of the european parliament in the matters we are discussing competition policy and state aid in the context of the intergovernmental conference
{ "en": "As you know, Commissioner, our report argues that the codecision procedure should apply in the case of basic legislation on state aid.", "es": "Nuestro informe, como usted sabe, se帽or Comisario, defiende la idea de que el procedimiento de codecisi贸n est茅 en vigor para la legislaci贸n de base en materia de ayudas estatales." }
as you know commissioner our report argues that the codecision procedure should apply in the case of basic legislation on state aid
{ "en": "Mr President, Commissioner, my contribution to today' s debate concerns the steel aid code, that is the state aid in Europe granted in accordance with this code and which was assessed by the Commission.", "es": ". (DE) Se帽or Presidente, se帽or Comisario, Se帽or铆as, mi participaci贸n en el presente debate tiene como tema el C贸digo de Ayudas a la Siderurgia, o sea las ayudas p煤blicas otorgadas en Europa de conformidad con dicho C贸digo y controladas por la Comisi贸n." }
mr president commissioner my contribution to today s debate concerns the steel aid code that is the state aid in europe granted in accordance with this code and which was assessed by the commission
{ "en": "There were a total of 27 cases in 1998 and the Commission submitted its own report on these.", "es": "En 1998 se examinaron un total de 27 casos, sobre los que la Comisi贸n ha elaborado su propio informe." }
there were a total of 27 cases in 1998 and the commission submitted its own report on these
{ "en": "The ECSC Treaty is due to expire shortly.", "es": "El Tratado CECA va a expirar muy pronto." }
the ecsc treaty is due to expire shortly
{ "en": "Hence, what we must focus on today is the question as to how state aid is to be managed in future. The European Commission' s decisions, which feature in the report, are welcomed by the European Parliament, as is the decision to ask for the money back in specific cases, thus applying Article 88 of the ECSC Treaty.", "es": "Por lo tanto, el tema que hoy debe preocuparnos es sobre todo el de la futura aplicaci贸n de las ayudas a la siderurgia El Parlamento Europeo acoge con satisfacci贸n las decisiones que expone la Comisi贸n en su informe, incluida la relativa a la devoluci贸n de una ayuda recibida en un caso concreto, en aplicaci贸n del art铆culo 88 del Tratado CECA." }
hence what we must focus on today is the question as to how state aid is to be managed in future the european commission s decisions which feature in the report are welcomed by the european parliament as is the decision to ask for the money back in specific cases thus applying article 88 of the ecsc treaty
{ "en": "The competitiveness of the European steel industry also forms the subject of the Commission' s most recent communication, which we have not yet debated in Parliament.", "es": "La comunicaci贸n m谩s reciente de la Comisi贸n, que aun no se ha debatido en el Parlamento, tambi茅n se refiere, sin embargo, al tema de la competitividad de la industria sider煤rgica europea." }
the competitiveness of the european steel industry also forms the subject of the commission s most recent communication which we have not yet debated in parliament
{ "en": "As in other sectors, the general ban on state aid according to Article 87 (1) of the EC Treaty also applies to the iron and steel industry.", "es": "La prohibici贸n general de las ayudas p煤blicas que se establece en el apartado 1 del art铆culo 87 del Tratado CE tambi茅n se aplica a la industria ferrosider煤rgica, igual que a los dem谩s sectores." }
as in other sectors the general ban on state aid according to article 87 (1) of the ec treaty also applies to the iron and steel industry
{ "en": "According to this article, state aid is irreconcilable with the common market, in principle.", "es": "De conformidad con dicho art铆culo, las ayudas estatales son incompatibles por principio con el Mercado Com煤n." }
according to this article state aid is irreconcilable with the common market in principle
{ "en": "Exemptions are only permitted in precisely defined cases.", "es": "S贸lo se admiten excepciones en casos exactamente definidos." }
exemptions are only permitted in precisely defined cases
{ "en": "Under Article 88, the Commission is obliged to supervise state aid.", "es": "De conformidad con el art铆culo 88, la Comisi贸n tiene la obligaci贸n de controlar las ayudas estatales." }
under article 88 the commission is obliged to supervise state aid
{ "en": "In 1998, the largest case concerned the supply of company capital totalling EUR 540 million to the PREUSSAG in Germany.", "es": "En 1998, el caso m谩s importante fue la aportaci贸n de capital propio por un montante de 540 millones de euros a la empresa Preussag en Alemania." }
in 1998 the largest case concerned the supply of company capital totalling eur 540 million to the preussag in germany
{ "en": "Furthermore, the Member States must give the Commission advance warning with regard to their intentions concerning state aid.", "es": "Los Estados miembros deben comunicar, adem谩s, previamente a la Comisi贸n las ayudas que se proponen otorgar." }
furthermore the member states must give the commission advance warning with regard to their intentions concerning state aid
{ "en": "The rules pertaining to the steel industry were drawn up on 18 December 1996.", "es": "Las normas aplicables en el sector de la industria sider煤rgica se establecieron el 18 de diciembre de 1996." }
the rules pertaining to the steel industry were drawn up on 18 december 1996
{ "en": "These stipulate that state aid can only be awarded to the steel industry in particular, precisely-defined cases i.e. those involving aid for research and development, aid for environmental protection, social security to ease the closure of steelworks and aid to help non-competitive enterprises cease trading altogether.", "es": "De conformidad con las mismas, s贸lo se podr谩n conceder ayudas en favor de la industria sider煤rgica en determinados casos exactamente definidos. Esto es: ayudas a la investigaci贸n y el desarrollo, ayudas a la protecci贸n del medio ambiente, ayudas sociales para fomentar el cierre de instalaciones sider煤rgicas y ayudas para el abandono definitivo de la actividad en el caso de las empresas no competitivas." }
these stipulate that state aid can only be awarded to the steel industry in particular preciselydefined cases ie those involving aid for research and development aid for environmental protection social security to ease the closure of steelworks and aid to help noncompetitive enterprises cease trading altogether
{ "en": "In addition, there is a special provision of up to EUR 50 million for Greece.", "es": "Adem谩s, existe una excepci贸n para Grecia, con un l铆mite m谩ximo de 50 millones de euros." }
in addition there is a special provision of up to eur 50 million for greece
{ "en": "However, there were obviously problems with the practical administration of the steel aid code over the past few years that were not brought fully to bear in the report.", "es": "En los 煤ltimos a帽os, ha habido, sin embargo, problemas evidentes en la aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica del C贸digo de Ayudas a la Siderurgia que no se exponen en todos sus detalles en el informe." }
however there were obviously problems with the practical administration of the steel aid code over the past few years that were not brought fully to bear in the report
{ "en": "As far as Parliament is concerned, it is important for us to waste no time in getting down to a debate on the regulations that are to succeed this state aid code once it has expired.", "es": "Desde el punto de vista del Parlamento, es importante que se empiece a debatir ya una regulaci贸n consecutiva para el momento en que expire el actual C贸digo de Ayudas a la Siderurgia." }
as far as parliament is concerned it is important for us to waste no time in getting down to a debate on the regulations that are to succeed this state aid code once it has expired
{ "en": "There must be no watering-down of the existing principles underlying the steel aid code.", "es": "No se deber铆an suavizar las l铆neas fundamentales de dicho C贸digo." }
there must be no wateringdown of the existing principles underlying the steel aid code
{ "en": "No one wants an unimpeded subsidy competition in Europe.", "es": "Nadie desea abrir las puertas a una competencia incontrolada basada en las subvenciones en Europa." }
no one wants an unimpeded subsidy competition in europe
{ "en": "This would be to the considerable disadvantage of the internal market, regardless of the fact that the steel industry has undergone consolidation in the past few years.", "es": "Esto afectar铆a seriamente el funcionamiento del mercado interior, incluso tras la consolidaci贸n de la industria sider煤rgica en los 煤ltimos a帽os." }
this would be to the considerable disadvantage of the internal market regardless of the fact that the steel industry has undergone consolidation in the past few years
{ "en": "Consequently, Parliament believes it is necessary for the steel aid code to be amended in the light of the industry' s claims about unequal treatment, and for the Commission to provide the Council with follow-up regulations.", "es": "El Parlamento considera necesario, por lo tanto, que se modifique el C贸digo de Ayudas a la Siderurgia en lo que respecta a la desigualdad de trato denunciada por la industria y que la Comisi贸n presente al Consejo una regulaci贸n consecutiva." }
consequently parliament believes it is necessary for the steel aid code to be amended in the light of the industry s claims about unequal treatment and for the commission to provide the council with followup regulations
{ "en": "We all know that so far the Council has dragged its feet with regard to follow-up regulations of this kind.", "es": "Es sabido que el Consejo se ha negado hasta ahora a adoptar una regulaci贸n consecutiva." }
we all know that so far the council has dragged its feet with regard to followup regulations of this kind
{ "en": "The reason for this is that people are under the impression that once the steel aid code expires, they will be able to do their own thing again without the inconvenience of the European Commission' s supervision.", "es": "Esto se debe, entre otras cosas, a que se espera poder actuar libremente, sin los molestos controles de la Comisi贸n Europea, una vez que haya expirado dicho C贸digo." }
the reason for this is that people are under the impression that once the steel aid code expires they will be able to do their own thing again without the inconvenience of the european commission s supervision
{ "en": "We therefore demand that once the Treaty expires, steel aid must be regulated by a Council regulation according to Article 94, for that is the only way to create the necessary legal validity and clarity.", "es": "Nosotros reclamamos, por consiguiente, que tras la expiraci贸n del Tratado, las ayudas estatales se regulen en virtud de un reglamento del Consejo, de conformidad con el art铆culo 94, pues s贸lo as铆 ser谩 posible conseguir la obligatoriedad jur铆dica y la claridad necesarias." }
we therefore demand that once the treaty expires steel aid must be regulated by a council regulation according to article 94 for that is the only way to create the necessary legal validity and clarity
{ "en": "This is the only way to enforce the strict ban on all aid not covered by the code.", "es": "La prohibici贸n estricta de todas las ayudas no cubiertas por el C贸digo s贸lo puede imponerse por esa v铆a." }
this is the only way to enforce the strict ban on all aid not covered by the code
{ "en": "A Council regulation that is directly applicable law must also be observed by the regional governments.", "es": "Un reglamento del Consejo es un acto legislativo de aplicaci贸n directa que tambi茅n deben cumplir los gobiernos regionales." }
a council regulation that is directly applicable law must also be observed by the regional governments
{ "en": "What we need to avoid doing in the future is compromising competition conditions and disturbing the balance in the markets.", "es": "Es preciso evitar tambi茅n en el futuro la perturbaci贸n de las condiciones de competencia y las distorsiones graves del equilibrio de los mercados." }
what we need to avoid doing in the future is compromising competition conditions and disturbing the balance in the markets
{ "en": "We also need to criticise the Commission' s practice of approving multiple aid packages for steel enterprises which in their view, do not fall within the categories of the code, even given the fact that the European Court of Justice approved this unequal treatment where certain individual decisions were concerned.", "es": "Es criticable asimismo la pr谩ctica de la Comisi贸n de autorizar reiteradamente ayudas a empresas sider煤rgicas que considera no incluidas en las categor铆as del C贸digo de Ayudas, aun cuando el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo haya sancionado dicha desigualdad de trato en algunas decisiones concretas." }
we also need to criticise the commission s practice of approving multiple aid packages for steel enterprises which in their view do not fall within the categories of the code even given the fact that the european court of justice approved this unequal treatment where certain individual decisions were concerned
{ "en": "The Commission will be called upon, in a report that has yet to be compiled for the year 1999, to give a detailed explanation of its active role in the elaboration of restructuring plans and approved exemptions, thus enabling a proper assessment of the overall situation to be made.", "es": "En un informe relativo al a帽o 1999 que todav铆a se est谩 redactando, se insta a la Comisi贸n a que exponga de manera detallada su participaci贸n activa en la elaboraci贸n de planes de reestructuraci贸n y las excepciones autorizadas, a fin de poder realizar una evaluaci贸n objetiva de las circunstancias globales sobre esta base." }
the commission will be called upon in a report that has yet to be compiled for the year 1999 to give a detailed explanation of its active role in the elaboration of restructuring plans and approved exemptions thus enabling a proper assessment of the overall situation to be made
{ "en": "Once the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs has adopted the draft report unanimously with two abstentions, I would ask that we make full use of this opportunity, which we have ourselves created, in plenary sitting.", "es": "Tras la aprobaci贸n un谩nime del informe con dos abstenciones en la Comisi贸n de Asuntos Econ贸micos y Monetarios, yo pido al Pleno que lleve adelante en todos sus aspectos pleno la propuesta que ahora presentamos." }
once the committee on economic and monetary affairs has adopted the draft report unanimously with two abstentions i would ask that we make full use of this opportunity which we have ourselves created in plenary sitting
{ "en": "Mr President, as a new Member I am pleased to be able to make my maiden speech here today, even though there has been a delay.", "es": "Se帽or Presidente, estimadas y estimados colegas, en mi calidad de eurodiputado novel, es una satisfacci贸n para m铆 poder intervenir por primera vez en el Pleno, aunque sea con un cierto retraso." }
mr president as a new member i am pleased to be able to make my maiden speech here today even though there has been a delay
{ "en": "I would like to begin by thanking the rapporteurs Mr von Wogau, Mr Langen, Mr Rapkay and Mr Jonckheer, as well as the Commission, for their excellent cooperation.", "es": "Ante todo, quiero agradecer a los ponentes von Wogau, Langen, Rapkay y Jonckheer, as铆 como a la Comisi贸n, la excelente colaboraci贸n mantenida." }
i would like to begin by thanking the rapporteurs mr von wogau mr langen mr rapkay and mr jonckheer as well as the commission for their excellent cooperation
{ "en": "Competition is certainly fundamental to the social market economy and European competition policy is a success story; take the energy and telecommunications sectors, where there has been a demonstrable lowering of prices and improvement in quality of service.", "es": "La competencia es sin duda alguna el fundamento de la econom铆a social de mercado y la pol铆tica de competencia europea tiene un historial de 茅xitos, el m谩s reciente en el sector de la energ铆a y las telecomunicaciones, donde se han reducido visiblemente los precios y ha mejorado el servicio." }
competition is certainly fundamental to the social market economy and european competition policy is a success story take the energy and telecommunications sectors where there has been a demonstrable lowering of prices and improvement in quality of service
{ "en": "All this is to the good of the consumer.", "es": "Todo ello en beneficio del consumidor." }
all this is to the good of the consumer
{ "en": "But we have now arrived at a point where we need to develop competition policy further.", "es": "Ahora hemos alcanzado, sin embargo, un punto en el que es preciso seguir desarrollando la pol铆tica de competencia." }
but we have now arrived at a point where we need to develop competition policy further
{ "en": "The Commission has put forward a new White Paper on this containing two key points: dropping the obligation to notify and retrodisplacement of law enforcement.", "es": "La Comisi贸n ha presentado un Libro Blanco sobre esta cuesti贸n, que aborda dos temas centrales: supresi贸n de la notificaci贸n obligatoria y transferencia de la ejecuci贸n de la norma." }
the commission has put forward a new white paper on this containing two key points dropping the obligation to notify and retrodisplacement of law enforcement
{ "en": "Dropping the obligation to notify will mean less red tape and administration costs, at any rate.", "es": "La primera permitir铆a reducir indiscutiblemente la burocracia y los gastos administrativos." }
dropping the obligation to notify will mean less red tape and administration costs at any rate
{ "en": "At the same time, this change of system will also lead to more onus being placed on the individual in the business world, of course.", "es": "Al mismo tiempo, con el nuevo sistema los actores econ贸micos individuales tambi茅n deber铆an asumir, obviamente, una mayor responsabilidad." }
at the same time this change of system will also lead to more onus being placed on the individual in the business world of course
{ "en": "It will no longer simply be a case of submitting papers and having them approved; for one thing, each person will have to take responsibility themselves, and that is probably why there is unease about this in other quarters.", "es": "Ya no podr铆an limitarse a presentar una notificaci贸n y esperar la autorizaci贸n, sino que cada uno deber铆a asumir su propia responsabilidad, y quiz谩 esto explique el malestar que la propuesta ha generado entre algunos." }
it will no longer simply be a case of submitting papers and having them approved for one thing each person will have to take responsibility themselves and that is probably why there is unease about this in other quarters
{ "en": "However I believe that we should use this opportunity for Europe to set down a marker for less red tape.", "es": "Sin embargo, yo creo que deber铆amos aprovechar esta oportunidad para demostrar que Europa tambi茅n es capaz de emitir una se帽al a favor de una reducci贸n de la burocracia." }
however i believe that we should use this opportunity for europe to set down a marker for less red tape
{ "en": "The second point relates to the retrodisplacement of law enforcement.", "es": "El segundo punto es el de la transferencia de la ejecuci贸n de la norma." }
the second point relates to the retrodisplacement of law enforcement
{ "en": "If we are to create a culture of law in Europe, then there is no doubt that the law must be applied not only by the Commission, by central bodies, but also by national authorities, by national courts.", "es": "Para poder llegar a desarrollar una cultura jur铆dica europea, es necesario, sin duda, que la aplicaci贸n de las normas no recaiga exclusivamente en la Comisi贸n, en los 贸rganos centrales, sino que tambi茅n sea competencia de las autoridades y los tribunales nacionales." }
if we are to create a culture of law in europe then there is no doubt that the law must be applied not only by the commission by central bodies but also by national authorities by national courts
{ "en": "We are not discussing the fact that although every EU law is only ever decided on centrally, it is precisely the adaptation phase where we will experience a lack of legal certainty.", "es": "No se discute la exigencia de que toda la legislaci贸n de la UE se decida exclusivamente desde los 贸rganos centrales." }
we are not discussing the fact that although every eu law is only ever decided on centrally it is precisely the adaptation phase where we will experience a lack of legal certainty
{ "en": "It will certainly be necessary to develop an instrument for this in the anticipated legislative procedure that will enable enterprises to enjoy legal certainty and to have recourse to the Commission in this matter.", "es": "Sin embargo, justamente durante la fase de adaptaci贸n se producir谩 una cierta inseguridad jur铆dica y, en este contexto, parece ciertamente necesario que en el marco del procedimiento legislativo previsto se desarrolle un instrumento que ofrezca seguridad jur铆dica a las empresas y les permita apelar a la Comisi贸n." }
it will certainly be necessary to develop an instrument for this in the anticipated legislative procedure that will enable enterprises to enjoy legal certainty and to have recourse to the commission in this matter
{ "en": "The way to a European monopolies commission must be kept clear, something that will certainly form a subject for future discussion.", "es": "Se deber铆an mantener abiertas las puertas para la creaci贸n de una Oficina europea de defensa de la competencia, que sin duda se debatir谩 en el futuro." }
the way to a european monopolies commission must be kept clear something that will certainly form a subject for future discussion
{ "en": "But we need there to be more transparency in the competition policy.", "es": "La pol铆tica de competencia debe ser, sin embargo, m谩s transparente." }
but we need there to be more transparency in the competition policy
{ "en": "Parliament must have more involvement and I also believe that if we were to introduce a register in which we could ascertain what state aid is being granted, then this would encourage the Member States to be more disciplined.", "es": "Es necesaria una mayor participaci贸n del Parlamento y la creaci贸n de un registro que permita comprobar el grado de cumplimiento estatal tambi茅n podr铆a contribuir a mejorar la disciplina entre los Estados miembros, a mi parecer." }
parliament must have more involvement and i also believe that if we were to introduce a register in which we could ascertain what state aid is being granted then this would encourage the member states to be more disciplined
{ "en": "However, when it comes to what the future holds for competition, there are two issues dear to my heart.", "es": "Existen, sin embargo, dos aspectos que me preocupan especialmente en relaci贸n con el futuro de la competencia." }
however when it comes to what the future holds for competition there are two issues dear to my heart
{ "en": "One is subsidiarity.", "es": "El primero es el tema de la subsidiariedad." }
one is subsidiarity
{ "en": "We all hold the view that competition is vital to the economy and requires there to be efficiency, and I believe we should also permit competition in the regions.", "es": "Todos estamos de acuerdo en que la competencia es necesaria para la econom铆a y que contribuye a fomentar el rendimiento, y en este sentido yo creo que tambi茅n deber铆amos permitir la competencia entre las regiones." }
we all hold the view that competition is vital to the economy and requires there to be efficiency and i believe we should also permit competition in the regions
{ "en": "Competition between the regions will certainly strengthen rather than weaken the European Union.", "es": "脡sta no debilitar铆a a la Uni贸n Europea, sino que contribuir铆a sin duda a fortalecerla." }
competition between the regions will certainly strengthen rather than weaken the european union
{ "en": "I would cite, by way of example, the issue of job creation schemes, savings banks and regional banks, and G眉tesiegel.", "es": "Cabe citar, por ejemplo, el tema de las ayudas agr铆colas, el ejemplo de las cajas de ahorro y los bancos de los Estados federados, y el del sello de calidad." }
i would cite by way of example the issue of job creation schemes savings banks and regional banks and g眉tesiegel
{ "en": "Here, a region has, by its own efforts, created a means of marketing its own products.", "es": "Casos en los que una regi贸n ha contribuido con su propio esfuerzo a la comercializaci贸n de sus productos." }
here a region has by its own efforts created a means of marketing its own products
{ "en": "This own initiative must not be destroyed by European intervention.", "es": "No podemos permitir que esta capacidad de iniciativa aut贸noma se destruya desde el 谩mbito europeo." }
this own initiative must not be destroyed by european intervention
{ "en": "I believe there is also a need to raise the de minimis regulation.", "es": "A mi modo de ver, tambi茅n es necesario que se suprima la norma de minimis." }
i believe there is also a need to raise the de minimis regulation
{ "en": "We should do everything within our power to force the regions into a situation where they have to compete with each other.", "es": "Tendr铆amos que hacer todo lo posible para forzar la competencia entre las regiones." }
we should do everything within our power to force the regions into a situation where they have to compete with each other
{ "en": "My second point relates to discussion about competition and the social market economy, although I am not going to talk about market failure just now.", "es": "El segundo aspecto es la necesidad de un debate sobre la competencia y la econom铆a social de mercado, y no me refiere ahora a un fracaso del mercado." }
my second point relates to discussion about competition and the social market economy although i am not going to talk about market failure just now
{ "en": "I have already referred to the regional and savings bank sector, but I would just like to focus on a matter one hears again and again in certain quarters.", "es": "Ya me he mencionado el sector de los bancos y cajas de ahorro locales, pero ahora quisiera situar en un primer plano lo que continuamente se repite desde diferentes sectores." }
i have already referred to the regional and savings bank sector but i would just like to focus on a matter one hears again and again in certain quarters
{ "en": "These days, someone who lives in an old people' s home is accommodated within the social field.", "es": "Actualmente, a la persona que vive en una residencia de ancianos se la considera incluida dentro del sector social." }
these days someone who lives in an old people s home is accommodated within the social field
{ "en": "However, I could also regard them as a customer, and I believe we should enter into rather clear and timely discussion on the ways in which the social field, that is evolved structures, stifle competition.", "es": "Sin embargo, tambi茅n ser铆a posible considerarla como un cliente, y yo creo que deber铆amos debatir con mucha claridad y sin demora en qu茅 aspectos el sector social y las estructuras que se han ido creando constituyen un freno para la competencia." }
however i could also regard them as a customer and i believe we should enter into rather clear and timely discussion on the ways in which the social field that is evolved structures stifle competition
{ "en": "Apart from that, I could refer to any customers, any sector, as customers, and thereby have a highly destructive effect on social fields.", "es": "De lo contrario, cabe la posibilidad de que se designe a cualquiera, a cualquier sector como clientes y se provoque un fuerte desmantelamiento de los sectores sociales." }
apart from that i could refer to any customers any sector as customers and thereby have a highly destructive effect on social fields
{ "en": "To conclude, I would just like to say something on the principle of subsidiarity. I believe it to be of vital importance that where Member States allow regions and local authorities to raise taxes, they should continue to be able to do so and not be subject to across- the-board regulation by Europe.", "es": "Antes de acabar, una 煤ltima consideraci贸n sobre el principio de subsidiariedad: a mi parecer es urgentemente necesario que se mantenga la competencia de las regiones y los municipios para recaudar impuestos en los casos en los que los Estados miembros lo permiten, y que 茅sta no se regule de manera uniforme desde Europa." }
to conclude i would just like to say something on the principle of subsidiarity i believe it to be of vital importance that where member states allow regions and local authorities to raise taxes they should continue to be able to do so and not be subject to across theboard regulation by europe
{ "en": "Thank you very much, Mr Radwan.", "es": "Muchas gracias, Se帽or铆a." }
thank you very much mr radwan
{ "en": "I would like to congratulate you on what is referred to in German parliamentary-speak, inappropriately in your case, as a maiden speech.", "es": "Perm铆tame que le felicite por lo que en el parlamentarismo alem谩n se designa -injustificadamente en su caso- como el \"discurso de estreno\" (Jungfernrede)." }
i would like to congratulate you on what is referred to in german parliamentaryspeak inappropriately in your case as a maiden speech