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Tennessee received its notice of allegations from the NCAA Tuesday detailing infractions by the men's basketball, football and baseball teams, according to sources with knowledge of the situation.
The heaviest charge of unethical conduct is expected to be levied against basketball coach Bruce Pearl for misleading investigators over a barbecue at his house when prospective student-athletes were juniors.
According to multiple sources, the Vols will go in front of the committee on infractions at a hearing June 10-11 in Indianapolis. The committee meets in April, but the Vols couldn't get on the schedule in time because they are afforded 90 days to respond to the allegations and wouldn't make the April docket.
That means Pearl, who is currently working without a contract, will not learn of any further sanctions from the NCAA until later this summer.
Bruce Pearl is expected to be hit with an unethical conduct charge by the NCAA, according to sources. Andy Lyons/Getty Images
Tennessee is expected to release the entire notice of allegations Wednesday.
According to sources, the notice of allegations also will include the football program under former coach Lane Kiffin. The baseball team also is under investigation. The investigation was delayed because it involved more than one sport.
If multiple programs are involved then the university could face a charge of a lack of institutional control in its athletic department. However, multiple sources told ESPN.com that the NCAA is not expected to levy a failure-to-monitor charge against the Vols football program.
A charge of unethical conduct is one of the most serious against an individual, according to a source familiar with the NCAA process. The charge means the person knowingly violated a rule.
But a charge of unethical conduct doesn't always stick, as was the case with former Connecticut assistant Patrick Sellers, who was charged with the same violation in UConn's original notice of allegations but was not cited once the committee on infractions ruled Tuesday.
Assistant coaches Jason Shay, Steve Forbes and Tony Jones were charged with failing to uphold the high standards of sportsmanship and honesty during the interview process, according to sources. They were not charged with unethical conduct.
Forbes and Jones were also cited for impermissible phone calls and off-campus contact with at least one junior, as it relates to a barbecue at Pearl's home.
Pearl was suspended for the first eight SEC games of this season in a proactive move by SEC commissioner Mike Slive. Pearl had already been docked $1.5 million over five years by Tennessee and prevented from recruiting on campus for one year beginning Sept. 24. Shay was kept off the road for three months, Jones for six and Forbes for one year, as well.
The COI can add to any sanctions on Pearl when it releases its findings after the June hearing, including more game penalties.
Pearl's contract was voided and he is now working under a letter of appointment because of the admitted violations.
Pearl has said he misled the investigators about a photo taken at his house during an unofficial recruiting visit. Pearl later said he initiated a call with the NCAA to say that he had not told the truth.
Pearl was unavailable for comment and his attorney, Steve Thompson, referred all questions to the university.
Pearl was allowed to coach in a non-conference game at Connecticut on Jan. 22 during the suspension. Jones coached the Vols during Pearl's suspension.
Senior writer Andy Katz covers men's college basketball for ESPN.com. | positive |
We had the remarkable pleasure of facilitating a MEdIC workshop at the Social Media and Critical Care (SMACC) conference in Chicago this past month. We shared our process with those who participated and spent time developing cases. We’d like to thank the participants from our workshop for their hard work! The below is one of the final products that our amazingly engaged and enthusiastic group come up with. The case generated meaningful discussion in our SMACC live session, and we hope that it will be as engaging in the online forum! We look forward to hearing what you think about our Case of the Unseasoned Senior.
MEdIC Series: The Concept
Inspired by the Harvard Business Review Cases and initially led by Dr. Teresa Chan (@TChanMD) and Dr. Brent Thoma (@Brent_Thoma), the Medical Education In Cases (MEdIC) series puts difficult medical education cases under a microscope. On the fourth Friday of the month, we pose a challenging hypothetical dilemma, moderate a discussion on potential approaches, and recruit medical education experts to provide “Gold Standard” responses. Cases and responses are be made available for download in PDF format – feel free to use them! If you’re a medical educator with a pedagogical problem, we want to get you a MEdIC. Send us your most difficult dilemmas (guidelines) and help the rest of us bring our teaching to the next level.
The Case of the Unseasoned Senior (SMACC Edition)
by Rebecca Wood & Sarah Luckett-Gatopoulos
Mrs. Smith was a 50-year-old mother of three and had been admitted to hospital under the surgical service for the past 3 days. Debbie, a first-year resident, had been rounding on her every morning and was growing increasingly concerned with her clinical status..She had originally presented to hospital with diffuse abdominal pain, fever, and a high white count. The team had initially scheduled her to go to the operating theatre for a possible complicated diverticulitis. Since her admission, however, her management plan had been changed several times by the new Chief Surgical Resident, Sam Waltz. This morning, Debbie had noticed that Mrs. Smith was somnolent, pale and running a high fever despite 3 days of intravenous antibiotics. Debbie knew she was growing increasingly ill, and was concerned that she might crash at any moment. Sam seemed unsure of himself and had not created a definitive treatment plan for Mrs Smith. The usual half-hour morning rounds were now taking the team over two hours. Decisions were made and changed on a daily basis and the past few weeks seemed to become a ritual of constant interruptions, poor planning, and indecision. Debbie had voiced her concerns regarding Mrs. Smith to Sam but he had opted to watch and wait for one more day As Debbie sat at the nursing station writing a progress report in Mrs. Smith’s chart, she was approached by Dave, a highly-reliable floor nurse. “Debbie,” he began in a stern tone, “Mrs. Smith’s family would like to speak with you. They are really upset that nobody has explained what is going. Frankly, I’m not sure what the plan is either.’ At that moment, Dr. Singh, Debbie’s surgical attending, strode onto the ward. “Dr. Singh!” Dave called, “Debbie and I were just discussing the plan for Mrs. Smith. She’s not responding to the antibiotics. Someone needs to make a decision.” Dr. Singh looked at Debbie, surprised. “Mrs. Smith has been under our care for three days,” he said. “No one told me she wasn’t improving. Why don’t we have a plan for her yet?” Debbie hesitated. She knew that the new Chief Surgical Resident was sinking, not swimming, and she knew patient care was suffering as a result. But should she really throw him under the bus?
Key Questions
The SMACC MEdIC workshop participants would like to pose these questions to the readership:
What is Debbie’s responsibility as a junior, off-service resident in this situation? Is there a way to ensure good patient care without sacrificing the relationship with her senior? Imagine you are Dr. Singh. How would you deal with the faltering Chief Resident? What is Dave’s role in dealing with the struggling senior? As a nurse, is there a role he can play in the Chief Resident’s education and ensuring adequate patient care? Who should he speak to and how?
Weekly Wrap Up
As always, we posted the expert responses and a curated commentary derived from the community responses one week after the case was published. This time the two experts are:
Brent Thoma, MD, FRCPC from the University of Saskatchewan
from the University of Saskatchewan Jacky Parker, MB, BS, MHSc, CCFP(EM) from the University of Ottawa
On August 7, 2015 we will post the Expert Responses and Curated Community Commentary for the Case of the Unseasoned Senior. After that date, you may continue to comment below, but your commentary will no longer be integrated into the curated commentary. That said, we’d love to hear from you, so please comment below!
All characters in this case are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Also, as always, we will generate a curated community commentary based on your participation below and on Twitter. We will try to attribute names, but if you choose to comment anonymously, you will be referred to as your pseudonym in our writing.
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The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United marches like a zombie precedent, destroying all in its path. First the case turned the law of campaign finance into a useless corpse. Now it appears the law of political bribery is the next victim. Citizens United let rich people buy candidates; now they may be able to purchase office-holders, too.
That’s the message from the Court’s argument last week in the appeal of Bob McDonnell, the former governor of Virginia. He was convicted, along with his wife, in a scheme that netted the onetime First Family of the Commonwealth about a hundred and seventy-seven thousand dollars in loans, vacations, and luxury goods from a Richmond businessman. And yet, while the statements of Justices during oral arguments are not always perfect predictors of how they will vote, there was clearly a great deal of bipartisan sympathy on display for this appalling former public servant.
At the core of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s 2010 opinion for the five-to-four majority in Citizens United was a simple idea: money is speech. In Citizens United, the Court, on First Amendment grounds, struck down a rule that banned corporations from sponsoring political advertisements in the period before elections. Such a “prohibition on corporate independent expenditures” was “a ban on speech,” Kennedy wrote.
In the McDonnell case, his lawyers argued that what federal prosecutors called bribery was also really just speech by Jonnie R. Williams, the McDonnells’ benefactor. Noel Francisco, McDonnell’s lawyer, did a skillful job of giving a constitutional gloss to the seedy facts of his client’s case. Williams plied the McDonnell family with expensive vacations, a Rolex watch, fifteen thousand dollars for their daughter’s wedding reception, the use of a Ferrari, and a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in loans in an effort to get the governor to promote Williams’s nutritional-supplement enterprise. According to Francisco, Williams was only paying for access (which is generally legal), not government action (which is not). As the lawyer put it in his oral argument, “The line is between access to decision-makers, on the one hand, and trying to influence those decisions, on the other.” In this view, it’s permissible for McDonnell to be paid for official access, just not for official acts.
The same concept is at the heart of both the Citizens United and McDonnell cases. In the campaign case, Kennedy said Congress could only prohibit quid-pro-quo corruption in regulating campaign contributions. Outside of a direct exchange of a contribution in return for a government action, the First Amendment protected the right to contribute money to campaigns. Likewise, McDonnell’s argument is that Congress can only prohibit bribery when there is an explicit quid pro quo—a payment or gift in return for a specific official act. In both cases, though, the Court seems determined to define quid pro quo so narrowly that it’s practically impossible to find.
Here, McDonnell’s lawyer argued, there was no quid pro quo because McDonnell did not take an official action on behalf of Williams’s supplements. All the governor did was host a luncheon to announce the launch of Williams’s new product and set up meetings for Williams with officials at the University of Virginia’s medical school. Any company would have welcomed this kind of advocacy from a governor, and anyway, according to Francisco, these actions did not amount to an “official act.” Though none of the Justices said so, this argument is absurd. No one could have missed the message that the governor was personally vouching for Williams’s products and wanted him treated favorably.
Justice Stephen Breyer seemed especially concerned about the other side of the charged quid pro quo. He appeared to assert that a conviction of McDonnell would criminalize normal interactions between citizens and government officials. “For better or for worse, it puts at risk behavior that is common, particularly when the quid is a lunch or a baseball ticket, throughout this country,” Breyer told Michael Dreeben, the Deputy Solicitor General, who represented the government. Wouldn’t a conviction here criminalize such trivial exchanges? No, Dreeben said, because “there is a very critical protection here. It's a requirement of showing something beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury.” If the amounts were trivial, jurors wouldn’t convict.
Dreeben did his best to turn the discussion from the Justices’ far-fetched hypotheticals to the actual facts of McDonnell’s case. “The crime here was the governor accepting things of value in return for being influenced and taking ‘official actions’ to legitimize, promote, and secure research studies for [Williams’s] products,” he said. He appeared to be having little luck. As in Citizens United, the Justices appeared heading toward requiring a specific and obvious quid pro quo—a formalism that ignored the workings of the real world. Campaign contributors and favor-seekers, as well as the recipients of their largesse, don’t need to be explicit about their corrupt bargains. But the Supreme Court, worried about the tender vulnerabilities of the fat cats and their prey, seems to be requiring a mindless (and unlikely) spelling-out of the details. The logical result is a deregulation of corruption, which a victory for McDonnell will only accelerate. | positive |
Why are some white folks so AGAINST multiculturalism? Log In :: Register :: Search Forums Groups Popular • New Topics • New Posts 1 2 Next Read Question Reply to All 0 Why are some white folks so AGAINST multiculturalism? Forums: Race, Bore, Behaviour, Troll, Scam Email this Topic • Print this Page JGoldman10 Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2011 01:49 pm I noticed in some circles when I talk about multiculturalism, MOST of the people who are against it are WHITE FOLKS. Seriously, why? What do YOU'LL have against it? Why the cultural bias? The United States is a cultural melting pot. NOT everyone in the US is Caucasian. If white folks don't like it they should leave and move to Europe. Stumble It! • Tweet This • Bookmark on Delicious • Share on Facebook • Share on MySpace Topic Stats Top Replies Link to this Topic Type: Question • Score: 0 • Views: 3,870 • Replies: 30 [+4] - Linkat - 04/06/2011Since we are talking middle school = there is currently 195 countries in the world right now. It is expected to be 196 in July when South Sudan will declare its independence, but who knows with... [+3] - Linkat - 04/06/2011Are you sure it wasn't because you are weird? Link HTML djjd62 1 Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2011 01:55 pm @JGoldman10, why do some black folks want to send whitey back to europe let's not forget what rodney king said "stop kicking me, oh man that hurts" ummmm, what he said later on "can't we all just get along" 0 Replies boomerang 1 Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2011 03:01 pm @JGoldman10, Why don't you ask those white people circles you're talking to why they're against it? I don't really know of anyone here who is. There was this one guy but he's long gone and really he was just an asshole anyway. What makes you think Europe isn't muticultural? 0 Replies Linkat 1 Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2011 03:04 pm @JGoldman10, You should talk with Pamela Rosa - it seems she has some black vs white threads. Most of the rest of us don't even care - I wouldn't even know who was black white or some combination if they didn't mention it. 0 Replies Linkat 1 Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2011 03:04 pm @JGoldman10, And what if these white folks are from say Russia - that ain't Europe. 1 Reply Linkat 1 Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2011 03:05 pm @JGoldman10, And what about polar bears - they're white and they are from the artic. 0 Replies Pamela Rosa -1 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 06:47 am Hasn’t multiculturalism been successful in France, where African mob periodically burn cars? Hasn't multiculturalism been successful in Mexico, where the Mexicans and Indians are battling the Chiapas? Or in ex-Yugoslavia, where the various cultures were cutting each other's throats? Or Indonesia, where the Indonesians butcher the Timorese? Or Rwanda, where the Tutus chopped up the Hutsis, and vice versa? Or Sudan, where the muslims kill the Christians? Or Iraq, where the Kurds were gassed? Or Malyasia, where the Malays hate the Chinese? Or Ireland, where the Catholics and Protestants blow each other up? Or Vietnam, where they kill the Montagnards? Or the Cambodians slaughtering their Vietnamese? Or the Japanese people who hate the Koreans? Or South Africa, where the blacks are killing the whites and set them on fire? Or Israel, where Arabs and Jews are in perpetual warfare? Or the Christians and Muslims in Lebanon? Or the Guatemalans, who kill their Indians? Or the Tamils and Sinhalese who shoot each other in Ceylon? Or the Spanish and the Basks in Spain? Or in Jos, Nigeria? Or in the USA where some hominids with unevolved brains want to kill all Whites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEqa90XpPw0 ? Only a rabid racist would not support multiculturalism 4 Replies joefromchicago 2 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 08:14 am @Pamela Rosa, Pamela Rosa wrote: Only a rabid racist would not support multiculturalism Speak of the devil. 0 Replies wmwcjr 2 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 08:51 am Regarding the video and observations posted above: Racists come in all colors. 0 Replies Linkat 1 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 09:08 am @Pamela Rosa, And there you go Goldman - spoken from an expert. 0 Replies JGoldman10 -1 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:30 pm @Linkat, There's two parts to Russia- the European part and the Asian part. 1 Reply Linkat 1 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:34 pm @JGoldman10, You still didn't explain about the polar [email protected] 1 Reply JGoldman10 -1 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:38 pm @Linkat, Bears AREN'T human. 0 Replies JGoldman10 0 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:42 pm I was taking registered art classes at a local art school. I noticed I was the only person of color there. I suggested to one of my teachers why don't they offer classes in African art and other art classes in other ethnic styles of art, to attract people of color to the school-she seemed to like the idea. I don't know if she acted on it. I noticed I asked one of the other people for a ride-THAT white lady acted funny towards me. THOSE people were prejudiced. 2 Replies Linkat 2 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:48 pm @JGoldman10, Also part of Russia is considered Asia - anything past the Ural (sp?) Mountains is considered Asia - which I believe is the Russian Federation -like where Siberia is vs Moscow. Siberia probably has some polar bears walking around there as well. Are you bearist (against bears). 0 Replies Linkat 3 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:48 pm @JGoldman10, Are you sure it wasn't because you are weird? 1 Reply JGoldman10 -1 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:50 pm @Linkat, I'm a CHRISTIAN. Those people were NOT SAVED. A BLACK MAN in a STRANGE NEIGHBORHOOD? THINK ABOUT IT. 1 Reply Linkat 2 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:54 pm @JGoldman10, How about a strange man in a black neighborhood? I prefer homes with a variety of color and styles though. You can be Christian and still be weird. 1 Reply JGoldman10 -1 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:55 pm @Linkat, Why do you make this sound like a high school/college-level discussion? 1 Reply Linkat 2 Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2011 01:59 pm @JGoldman10, As far as the geography lesson - more so as several months ago my daughter was in a geography bee so I helped her with her studying - I didn't know half the "newer" countries until I worked with. And this is more a middle school age lesson. The rest of the crap I am spouting off is for pure fun and enjoyment. 2 Replies Related Topics Why Race? - Discussion by snood Im white . - Discussion by shewolfnm Watermelon ToothPaste and the Issue Of Race - Discussion by Miller The problem with the Black Lives Matters movement... - Discussion by Robert Gentel Are there any African-American members here? - Question by JGoldman10 what are you? - Discussion by dyslexia Be Black - Question by Victor Murphy Who Blew It? President Obama, Professor Gates or Sgt. Crowley - Discussion by Sglass Poll: Among whites, Democrats think more highly of blacks than Republicans - Discussion by nimh Fear of a Black President - Discussion by snood Ten questions about race - Discussion by nimh Forums » Why are some white folks so AGAINST multiculturalism? 1 2 Next Read Question Reply to All Quick Links Ask a Question Start a Discussion Search Chat My Account My Account My Profile My Preferences My Ignored Users My Email Updates able2know Rules Blog Twitter Facebook Contact Us Copyright © 2022 MadLab, LLC :: Terms of Service :: Privacy Policy :: Page generated in 0.03 seconds on 09/24/2022 at 10:54:08 ▲ ▼ | negative |
Occupy Boston protesters are facing eviction after the city's mayor gave them a deadline of midnight to leave their encampment.
Demonstrators have been camped at Dewey Square since late September, but on Wednesday lost a bid to legally remain in the space.
Mayor Tom Menino has previously been sympathetic to the occupation, but issued the midnight ultimatum on Thursday morning. Occupy Boston swiftly responded by calling for people to gather at their camp tonight to try to prevent an eviction.
The Boston Globe reported that Menino made the comments before a news conference this morning.
"If not, we'll take further action," the Globe quoted Menino as saying.
A spokeswoman for Menino told the Guardian the deadline of midnight Wednesday was accurate. She was unable to elaborate on whether protesters would be forceably evicted.
Occupy Boston had previously been granted a restraining order which prevented Boston police from evicting the protest from Dewey Square, however this was overturned yesterday. At the same court hearing the group's motion for a preliminary injunction, which would also protect them from eviction, was rejected.
On Wednesday night Menino said following the decision "the city will act appropriately to fulfill our duty to preserve the public's peace and safety."
The @Occupy_Boston Twitter feed was swift to respond to Menino's ultimatum, posting: "If you support #occupyboston please come to camp tonight and help defend the 1st amendment and the 99%."
Before this week Menino had said he had no plans to evict protesters, but on Tuesday he appeared to be losing patience with the city's occupation, telling reporters the group were "aiming their fire at the wrong place".
"Mayors can't do much about what they're talking about. It's the Congress and the Senate but nobody's talking to them at all. They come at mayors," the Boston Herald quoted Menino as saying. | positive |
We all have an idea of what makes an NFL job tantalizing, right? The ideal head-coaching opportunity would come with a franchise quarterback, a bunch of extra draft picks, a hands-off owner with a history of patience, a familiar face at general manager, and a talented roster. Jobs like that don't come open often for a reason: Coaches with those advantages don't often lose their jobs.
When I ranked the potential available jobs last year, the best spot that eventually did become available was the Los Angeles Chargers. Given their current winning streak, Anthony Lynn has to be happy with his choice, and indeed, a vacancy with Philip Rivers and a bevy of superstars (when healthy) on either side of the roster wasn't hard to forecast as desirable.
And yet, who would have wanted the Los Angeles Rams job this time last year? The Rams were all-in on Jared Goff, who was having one of the worst rookie seasons of a quarterback in recent memory. Jeff Fisher appeared to have wasted the spoils of the Robert Griffin trade. The Rams were down their first-round pick in the 2017 draft, which was going to be No. 5 overall. They weren't even in great cap shape. Things change fast.
This offseason, the league's owners will be trying to find their Sean McVay, while the hot head-coaching candidates will be trying to find their Rams situation. Let's make their lives easier by sorting through the 10 jobs most likely to come available in order of their respective desirability. Some of these jobs won't come available, of course, and we're not arguing that these coaches should necessarily be fired. In each case, though, there have either been reports suggesting that the coach might not be in his role next year or it's fair to speculate given their respective teams' performance this season.
Let's begin in the desert, where injuries have torn apart one of the league's best rosters ...
It remains to be seen whether Bruce Arians will continue on for another year at the helm of the Cardinals, but there will likely be changes at the very top of the Arizona roster in 2018. Carson Palmer seems unlikely to return at his $20.6 million cap hit, leaving the Cardinals in such desperate need of a quarterback that they've been singing Blaine Gabbert's praises. Larry Fitzgerald signed a one-year extension last month, but the deal doesn't have any guaranteed money, suggesting that the Cardinals aren't sure whether to expect their franchise icon back for another season.
Even beyond their two biggest salaries, though, the Cardinals are in a transitional period, if not necessarily a rebuild. They lost six key defensive pieces last year in free agency, including five starters, and then spent the vast majority of their draft capital targeting replacements. Their offensive line plan hasn't worked, with D.J. Humphries tearing his ACL just as he started to thrive, while veteran free agents Mike Iupati and Jared Veldheer haven't quite worked out.
Young players who were expected to turn into stars have seen their progress stall thanks to injury, leading to some awkward decisions to come for general manager Steve Keim. The Cardinals are surely going to re-sign David Johnson as early as this offseason, but should they invest in John Brown and Deone Bucannon? Should they pick up Humphries' fifth-year option for 2019? Can the Cardinals afford to pay Markus Golden Chandler Jones money when they're already paying Chandler Jones Chandler Jones money? Even worse, can they afford to lose Golden after next season for a 2020 compensatory pick?
Bruce Arians has a record of 38-26-1 in four seasons as coach of the Cardinals, but he's 65 years old. Mitchell Leff/Getty Images
Inconsistent drafting has left the Cardinals in a bind. Rod Graves' final draft in 2012 has proved to be a disaster; none of those picks are left on the Arizona roster. Tyrann Mathieu was the star of the 2013 draft, but he has slipped after two ACL tears, and the only other player left from that draft is Earl Watford. The 2014 and 2015 drafts delivered more talent, but unless Robert Nkemdiche becomes good after two years spent alternately injured and in the doghouse, the Cardinals will have no starters from the Class of 2016.
They are too good (and expensive) to rebuild, but need to have just about every one of their talented players stay healthy to compete. Even in that scenario, they probably need a new quarterback and won't have the cap space or the high draft picks to compete with lesser teams. If Arians and Palmer both retire this offseason, a new coach will probably go after a veteran starter like Eli Manning or Josh McCown and hope for the best behind an experimental offensive line. Good luck.
Part of evaluating jobs, of course, is evaluating starting quarterbacks. If you're in love with Jameis Winston and chalk up this disappointing 2017 season to his shoulder injury, the Bucs job might look quite promising. Tampa has genuine stars on both sides of the ball and a clean cap picture with $70 million in space next year. Get Winston healthy, find a reliable running back, go after defensive help in free agency, and you've got yourself a playoff contender.
The counter-argument is that we've now seen Winston throw 1,431 pro passes and the results have been underwhelming. The closest comparable for Winston in terms of rate statistics since the start of 2015 is another quarterback from Florida:
Player Cmp% Y/Att INT% TDs per INT Passer Rating QBR Jameis Winston 60.3% 7.4 2.9% 1.56 86.2 54.8 Blake Bortles 59.1% 6.8 2.6% 1.77 84.0 49.3
As has been the case with Bortles, you can't make the argument that Winston hasn't gotten help, either. The Bucs have a highly paid running back (Doug Martin), a superstar No. 1 wideout (Mike Evans), an expensive free-agent No. 2 wideout (DeSean Jackson), a first-round pick at tight end (O.J. Howard), and a safety valve (Cameron Brate). The Bucs used a high second-round pick after nabbing Winston to draft left tackle Donovan Smith, selected a star interior lineman in Ali Marpet (who is now on injured reserve), and dipped in free agency to sign J.R. Sweezy. You can take issue with some of their decisions, but the effort has certainly been there to build around Tampa's most recent first overall pick.
The Bucs will pick up Winston's fifth-year option this offseason and likely get one more year to evaluate before deciding whether they want to pay him big money. One year is a long time, though, when firing Koetter would make the former Arizona State coach the third consecutive Buccaneers coach to lose his job after just two seasons at the helm. Nobody with options wants to leave a plum coordinator's job and uproot their family for two years as a head coach.
Even if you get a long-term deal and believe in Winston, though, this defense is a mess. The Buccaneers rank 31st in defensive DVOA and that's with Gerald McCoy, who is likely out for the rest of the year with a torn biceps. McCoy and Lavonte David are genuine stars, but the Bucs still have major problems on the edge and in their secondary, where 2016 first-round pick Vernon Hargreaves III regressed badly during his second campaign before injuring his hamstring. Their best young talent on defense outside of McCoy is at linebacker, but Tampa needs to flip as many as a half-dozen positions on its defense with new starters this offseason. And what if you were wrong to believe in Winston?
Marvin Lewis and the Bengals have made the playoffs seven times in 14 seasons -- but they are 0-7. AP Photo/Mark Zaleski
Being entrusted with the Bengals job is like becoming the night watchman at a low-budget museum. As long as you don't screw up horrifically, you'll be able to keep the job for about as long as you want. Heck, even if you do an awful job, you're probably going to get some time. Marvin Lewis has had the job for 14 years without a playoff victory, of course, but think about the guys before him. Bruce Coslet made it into a fifth year with a 21-39 record. He replaced David Shula, who made it nearly five years himself with a 19-52 mark. Cincinnati moves at a glacial pace.
The flip side, of course, is that it's difficult to really do a great job as the Bengals' steward. You won't be investing much in free agency, where disappointing recent low-cost signings such as A.J. Hawk and Kevin Minter won't be encouraging owner Mike Brown to open up his checkbook. Questionable decisions, perhaps driven by a modest budget, have seen the Bengals shed talented players at wide receiver (Marvin Jones and Mohamed Sanu) and along the offensive line (Andrew Whitworth and Kevin Zeitler) in consecutive offseasons.
It's fair to note that six awful quarters have the Bengals here -- if Cincinnati had held onto its lead against the Steelers and shown up on Sunday against the Bears, it would be 7-6 and in the thick of the AFC wild-card race on a four-game winning streak. Lewis might be negotiating an extension.
At 5-8, though, it feels like we've exhausted the possibilities with this Bengals team. There are plenty of big names on defense, but Cincinnati is 19th in defensive DVOA, thanks in part to playing the league's easiest slate of offenses. The Andy Dalton breakout from 2015 looks more and more like an outlier, even if his level of play has risen slightly from his 2011-2014 beginnings. Do you want to take this job knowing that you may not have any other quarterback options besides Dalton and AJ McCarron?
Daring to take the job in Washington is essentially a show of supreme confidence in yourself. You have to believe that you're going to be the one to overcome what might be the league's most toxic culture and succeed where eight other coaches have failed under owner Daniel Snyder. Coaches have to be confident people by definition, but taking the Washington job might also qualify as literal madness.
And to be clear, this seventh-placed ranking assumes Washington has Kirk Cousins on its roster in 2018, whether by the transition tag, the franchise tag, or a long-term extension. Without Cousins, this would be about as undesirable of a job as possible, given the hole at quarterback and the attrition rate of prior coaches. There's virtually no chance a new coach would have the time to both identify and develop a new franchise quarterback before being fired.
The best-case scenario for Washington is that it signs Cousins to that long-term extension, but even that will eat up $25 million to $30 million or so of the $54 million in cap space it is due to hold this offseason. Several other starters are free agents, most notably inside linebacker Zach Brown and cornerback Bashaud Breeland. Washington might choose to re-sign Breeland and move on from free-agent addition Josh Norman after two frustrating seasons in D.C. Designating Norman as a post-June 1 release would free up $14 million in cap space but simultaneously create another opening on the defense.
There's unquestioned talent on this roster, but getting all that talent on the field at the same time has been an issue because of injuries. Cousins has taken just 52 dropbacks since the start of 2016 with the offense Jay Gruden would have imagined building around -- tackles Trent Williams and Morgan Moses, running back Chris Thompson, tight end Jordan Reed, and wideouts Jamison Crowder and Josh Doctson -- all on the field. There's going to be a season every four or five years in which everyone gets right and Washington wins a division title, but as a coach with options, would you really want to hope to get lucky in one of your two seasons at the helm?
If Vance Joseph is fired for the sins of the father of Denver football, it will certainly be an unfair decision. He inherited Trevor Siemian and Paxton Lynch from the previous regime and added Brock Osweiler as his third choice. It's awfully tough to win when your quarterbacks are throwing interceptions 3.8 percent of the time and your kicker -- in the kicking paradise of Denver -- is the fourth-worst in football on scoring plays.
John Elway deserves plaudits for what he has done in the past as the head of Denver's personnel department, but a series of bad drafts are coming home to roost. There's nobody left on this roster from the 2013 draft. The Class of 2014 delivered a pair of future Pro Bowlers in cornerback Bradley Roby and center Matt Paradis, but their second-round (Cody Latimer) and third-round (Michael Schofield) picks didn't pan out. Shane Ray, a first-round pick in 2015, has shown promise when healthy across from Von Miller, but he appears to be the only Broncos player from that draft to emerge as a viable starter. And while the 2016 class has shown promise, Lynch appears to be a wasted Day 1 pick.
The good news is that the Broncos find themselves in a reasonable cap situation, with $33 million of space and nobody they'll miss about to hit free agency. They also could clear another $15.5 million by releasing Aqib Talib and C.J. Anderson, who could be replaced with larger roles from Roby and Devontae Booker. Elway has been an excellent recruiter in the past, and if the Broncos retool with someone like Eli Manning while adding a tight end (Tyler Eifert?) and an inside linebacker (Zach Brown?), Denver might be able to turn things around quickly. The missing pieces on cost-controlled rookie deals, though, should keep the Broncos from flourishing until the 2016 and 2017 classes mature.
After back-to-back 8-8 seasons, Chuck Pagano and the Colts have bottomed out in 2017. Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images
I laid out the case for the Colts job being compelling back in October, when I advocated for Indy to shut down Andrew Luck and treat 2017 like a lost season. Indy ended up placing Luck on injured reserve shortly thereafter, and the Colts have gone just 1-5 since, beating only the Tom Savage-led Texans. Their other two wins are over the 49ers and Browns, who are a combined 3-23 this season. This is a bad football team.
This was supposed to be a bad football team, though, even if Luck had been at the helm. Former GM Ryan Grigson left the cupboard virtually empty, and for GM Chris Ballard, the 2017 season has been about finding surprises and making modest bets. The big surprise has been quarterback Jacoby Brissett, who was acquired just before the Patriots were about to release him in preseason and has exhibited promise, albeit with a downright-masochistic sack rate. Journeyman Rashaan Melvin, a free agent-to-be, looked like a shutdown cornerback at times before suffering a hand injury. First-round pick Malik Hooker looked like an Earl Thomas starter kit before suffering a serious knee injury.
Indy heads into 2018 with some optimism, a top-five pick, and nearly $91 million in cap space. Now, though, the concern is Luck. The organization didn't even expect Luck to miss significant regular-season action when he had surgery last January. It ended up costing the former first overall pick his entire season, and there's still no public path for what comes next. The uncertainty over Luck -- and the ever-increasing possibility he was never the guy we saw before the shoulder injury -- makes Indianapolis a riskier proposition.
I've covered the awkward trappings of the Giants job earlier this season, writing about the missing draft picks of the Jerry Reese era and the consequences of benching Eli Manning.
You would want the job for stability's sake. Outside of Ben McAdoo and Ray Handley, every Giants coach in the post-punk era has gotten a minimum of four years at the helm. Anyone who doesn't have McAdoo's haircut is going to be considered a wildly successful and popular upgrade for the near future. If your new GM just focuses every moment of his offseason into upgrading the offensive line and brings Manning back on a farewell tour, the Giants could be a playoff team in 2018.
It might also be time to rebuild, however. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars on free agents over the past couple of seasons won't inspire ownership to continue investing, and with Manning on his way out of the league, the Giants either need to luck into a quarterback or take one at the top of the draft while they have the chance. The limited money left in the Giants' budget should be going toward Justin Pugh and Odell Beckham Jr. this offseason and Landon Collins next year. They'll be the core of the next Giants playoff team, but that's probably not coming until 2020.
If you want your Rams analogue for this upcoming offseason, it's lurking in the Midway. The Bears have their own struggling rookie quarterback in Mitchell Trubisky. He has actually played better than Goff did last season, but teams around the league were more confident about Goff than they were about the Bears' 2017 first-round selection.
Get Trubisky going and this roster suddenly looks appetizing. The defense has quietly leaped above league average for the first time since 2012, per DVOA, although it has been masked by the league's second-toughest slate of opposing offensive attacks. The Bears have an impressive offensive line when everyone is healthy, one of the best one-two running back duos in football, and should have $65 million to spend this offseason after cutting Mike Glennon.
I would be worried, though, about spending that money with Ryan Pace as general manager. The Bears might be coming off the worst free-agent period since the Dream Team Eagles, which included letting Alshon Jeffery leave without a franchise tag so they could give $18.5 million to Glennon instead. Dion Sims (three years, $18 million) has 13 catches in 11 games. Marcus Cooper (three years, $16 million) fumbled away a would-be return touchdown against the Steelers, was subsequently torched and benched, and has barely been seen since. Markus Wheaton (two years, $11 million) had one catch in eight games before being put on IR. Prince Amukamara has been their best big-money signing, and he's on a one-year deal.
Coincidentally, the Bears need to follow the Rams' model and get Trubisky some weapons at receiver this offseason. If they had a passing game right now, they might be on the fringes of playoff contention.
Hue Jackson has won just one game over two seasons as coach of the Browns, but the owner wants him back in 2018. Photo by Scott R. Galvin/USA TODAY Sports
I know that the Browns have suggested Hue Jackson is going to return next year. Given the way owner Jimmy Haslam has torched timelines and ripped up road maps in years past, my suspicion is that an 0-16 season might have a way of changing his mind.
With Haslam at the helm, is the Browns job enticing? It's hard to say that executive vice president of football operations Sashi Brown left the roster in a better state than the one he inherited, given that Cleveland let impactful young players like Tashaun Gipson and Mitchell Schwartz leave in free agency for compensatory picks that haven't yet amounted to much. There's talent here on paper, but Cleveland's spending spree up front on the offensive line didn't stabilize things for its bevy of quarterbacks. This offense is barely functional for long stretches of time, reduced either to simple screens or hopeless bombs. A suicidal turnover rate in the red zone hasn't helped matters.
The better building blocks are on defense, where Danny Shelton and Christian Kirksey have paced the league's best run defense by DVOA. Myles Garrett has been a monster when healthy, with five sacks and 16 knockdowns in seven games. Emmanuel Ogbah is a reasonable second pass-rusher. Jason McCourty has rebuilt his career in a Comeback Player of the Year-caliber campaign and is under contract for 2018.
More than anything, though, the Browns have those draft picks. They are projected to have the first and sixth overall selections and six of the top 65 picks in the 2018 draft. They're almost assuredly going to take a quarterback under new GM John Dorsey, who has almost assuredly spent his time away from the league after being fired from the Chiefs this summer scouting quarterbacks. Cleveland also will have nearly $117 million in cap space to work with and can outbid anyone for whomever they want. Le'Veon Bell? Allen Robinson? Jarvis Landry? All three? Draft the right quarterback and the Browns could witness exponential growth. Of course, if drafting the right quarterback were that simple ...
... the Browns would have just taken Deshaun Watson. Instead, if Bill O'Brien's job becomes available this offseason, the opportunity to work with a franchise quarterback with four cost-controlled years remaining on his deal is the most enticing opportunity to come along in a long, long time. Watson played only seven games, but he led the league in yards per attempt (8.3) and Total QBR (81.5) before tearing his ACL.
It's one thing for McVay to inherit Goff, who struggled mightily as a rookie. When was the last time a coach joined a team with a quarterback who has already looked as good as Watson and was still on his rookie deal? Derek Carr had a middling rookie season before Jack Del Rio arrived. Kirk Cousins didn't cut out the interceptions until after Jay Gruden took over. The only other active example I can think of that comes close would be Mike Mularkey inheriting Marcus Mariota, and even he was an interim coach who kept his job.
On top of that, this is a top-level core capable of competing with anyone else in the league when guys are healthy. Mix Watson with a top-five wideout in DeAndre Hopkins and two superstar edge rushers in J.J. Watt and Jadeveon Clowney and the Texans have a set of building blocks that 25 or so teams would probably prefer to their own. Even their second tier of talent -- players such as Whitney Mercilus, Will Fuller and Kareem Jackson -- is impressive. Their biggest weakness is on special teams, which would be fixable by swapping out the specialists and focusing mid-round picks for a year or two on improving their coverage.
Things aren't perfect. The Texans are down their top two picks in the 2018 draft after moving up for Watson. Injuries have ripped apart the roster, and there's no guarantee that they'll ever have their core healthy at the same time. Houston needs a new set of offensive tackles and doesn't have much on the interior of its defensive line. No job is perfect, though, and Houston's is as appealing as an opening gets. | positive |
Speaking UNIX
Stayin' alive with Screen
Create and manage multiple shells on your console
Content series: This content is part # of # in the series: Speaking UNIX Stay tuned for additional content in this series. This content is part of the series: Speaking UNIX Stay tuned for additional content in this series.
Harry Potter may have his wand, Thor may have Mjöllnir, and Buckethead may have his axe, but all those gizmos pale in power to the QWERTY. With a few taps at the command line, you can launch a Web site, recruit legions to your cause, or vanquish a marauding thunder lizard.
Alas, even the mighty QWERTY has a fatal weakness: It succumbs easily to a cut connection. A noisy phone line, a lost cellular or wireless connection, or a network time-out spells certain death for a remote shell. If you've spent hours on a task, such as debugging an application, it can be frustrating and maddening to lose your work in an instant.
But don't smash Mjöllnir into your head. Instead, adopt GNU Screen. Screen creates and manages multiple shell windows within a console (say, a dumb terminal physically connected to the host), an xterm window, or a Secure Shell (SSH) login. You can switch from one shell window to another in a flash, and you can leave shells running perpetually and reconnect at any time. Effectively, Screen provides many virtualized consoles.
Figures 1 through 5 picture the features and operation of Screen. Looking at Figure 1, assume that you have used SSH to log in to a remote host. Initially, you have your original shell on your local host (say, your laptop or desktop) and a remote shell. As usual, you can use the remote shell to run commands on the remote host; output is encrypted and sent over the SSH connection to your local shell. (In the figures, blue highlights the shell output that is currently visible.) As lamented above, if your local shell or the remote shell or the connection between the two is terminated, the remote shell is terminated, taking your work to the big bit bucket in the sky.
Figure 1. A typical SSH connection
Figure 2 depicts state after you launch Screen on the remote host. The Screen utility launches and in turn spawns a new shell window, A, in which you can run commands. The output of A is visible, as connoted by blue; the output comes from the shell, traverses through Screen, goes through the remote login, and over the SSH connection, arriving at your local login.
Figure 2. Screen manages shell windows
Screen does not have a presence per se; it's a proxy to select among the available and running windows it manages. Screen can only show the output of one window at a time. Think of Screen as a virtual keyboard-video-mouse (KVM) switch.
But you can also detach from Screen, as shown in Figure 3. The Screen proxy persists, as do all windows it controls, but the connection to Screen is temporarily severed, returning you to the prompt of your remote login shell.
Figure 3. You can detach from Screen and its windows persist
Figure 4 shows a possible, eventual scenario. The connection to Screen has been reestablished, and two additional windows—B and C—have been created. Windows A and B continue to run a shell and any subordinate jobs, yet only the output of C is visible. Of course, you can switch among the windows to monitor the state of your varied jobs.
Figure 4. Screen can manage multiple windows
Finally, Figure 5 captures conditions if you detach from Screen and terminate your remote login. Screen and its windows persist. You can log in anew, reconnect to Screen (and by proxy to its windows), and carry on unperturbed.
Figure 5. You can detach and reattach to Screen at will
If you regularly access a remote server to perform maintenance or develop software, GNU Screen is indispensable.
Building and installing Screen
The original version of Screen was released more than 10 years ago, so chances are your system has the utility—typically named /usr/bin/screen. However, if your system lacks Screen, it is easily installed from your distribution's package manager. For example, if you use a variant of Debian Linux®, such as Ubuntu, you can install Screen in one step with apt-get :
$ sudo apt-get install screen
Alternatively, if you prefer to build from source, visit the GNU Screen project page (see Related topics for a link), and download the latest code bundle. As of this writing, the most recent release of Screen is version 4.0.3, posted just months ago, in August 2008. To build and install from scratch, download and extract the code, change to the resulting source directory, and run the typical ./configure , make , and sudo make install sequence:
$ wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/screen/screen-4.0.3.tar.gz $ tar xzf tar xzf screen-4.0.3.tar.gz $ cd screen-4.0.3 $ ./configure this is screen version 4.0.3 ... $ make CPP="gcc -E " srcdir=. sh ./osdef.sh ... $ sudo make install ... You may also want to install ./etc/etcscreenrc in /usr/etc/screenrc. $ sudo cp ./etc/etcscreenrc /usr/etc/screenrc
Screen is now installed and ready to use. Type man screen to view the utility's man page.
Getting started with Screen
To use Screen, just launch it. When the license message appears, click Return; you should now see a new login shell prompt. (In the transcripts below, a nickname has been artificially added before each shell prompt to differentiate between the numerous shell instances and to draw parallels with Figures 1 through 5.)
Local $ ssh remote.example.com Last login: Sun Dec 21 17:23:16 2008 from local.example.com Remote $ hostname remote.example.com Remote $ screen A $ top
Your state now mirrors that of Figure 2. A Screen session is running (albeit unseen), and window A is active, running the top system monitor, which refreshes system performance information every few seconds.
To temporarily detach from the Screen session and all its windows, click Ctrl-a, then d (lowercase D for "detach"). Ctrl-a is the Screen command prefix, and d is the specific command to detach. You are now in the scenario shown in Figure 3. The Screen session and window A remain alive. To verify, run screen -list :
$ screen -list There is a screen on: 21020.pts-2.remote (Detached) 1 Socket in /tmp/screens/S-strike.
The screen -list command shows all available screen sessions. (As an aside, you can have multiple screen sessions running simultaneously, each with its own set of concurrent windows. This is shown in Figure 6. Each screen instance tracks its own current window. Some tips on the advanced use of Screen such as this are presented later.) The session numbered 21020 is detached and marked accordingly. Because only one screen session exists, you can reattach to it directly with screen -r . Oblivious to Screen's machinations, top continues uninterrupted.
Figure 6. Screen provides multiple sessions, each with multiple windows
To recreate Figure 4, reattach to the current session, then click Ctrl-a, then c (lowercase C for "create") to create a new window. Next, click Ctrl-a, then c again. You now have one Screen session managing three windows.
To view the available windows in a session in a menu-like interface, click Ctrl-a, then the double quotation mark ( " ) key in the current window:
Num Name Flags 0 bash $ 1 bash $ 2 bash $
By default, the name of a window is taken from the first command it launches—commonly, a shell. Hence, there are three bash windows in the menu above. To navigate the window menu, use the arrow keys to move up and down the list; to choose a window, simply press Return.
To dispose of the current window, type exit at the window's shell prompt, or click the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-a, then k (lowercase K for "kill"). If you use the latter method, an alert appears at the bottom of the window to confirm that you want to kill the window. Click y (lowercase y for "yes") to acknowledge or n (lowercase n for "no") to reject the command. If you kill all the windows running under a Screen session, the originating screen command prints a message and is terminated:
Remote $ screen ... Create and manipulate windows ... ... Exit from all windows... [screen is terminating] Remote $ screen -list No Sockets found in /tmp/uscreens/S-supergiantrobot.
If you're following along and have killed all the open windows, the screen -list command yields No sockets... , indicating that no screen sessions are available.
Smarter screens
So far, you've seen how to create multiple windows within a Screen session. Alone, this is enough to persist your command-line work and never lose work again.
Admittedly, however, managing seemingly identical, concurrent windows can become confusing; it would be superior if you could easily differentiate between one window and another without opening each one, especially if any amount of time passes between a detach and a reattach.
Indeed, Screen provides a number of options and tools to customize your work environment. You can name each window, and you can place a status bar at the bottom of each window to differentiate one from another.
To name a window, activate the window. Click Ctrl-a A (uppercase A, for "Annotate"), click Backspace as needed to elide any existing moniker, then type a meaningful name at the prompt:
Num Name Flags 0 Window A $ 1 Window B $ 2 Window C $
This is shown in Figure 7, where a window is tagged Window A. A window nickname need not be unique.
Figure 7. You can assign a descriptive name to each window
You can provide yourself additional visual cues to distinguish among windows with a status bar. Launch your favorite text editor, and create the file .screenrc in your home directory with the following lines:
hardstatus on hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string "%{.bW}%-w%{.rW}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %m/%d %C%a "
With such a .screenrc configuration file in place, each new window displays a status line, including the window's name. Figure 8 shows a window with a status line.
Figure 8. Use the status line to help identify each window at a glance
Helpful Screen tips
Screen has too many features to list in a brief introduction, but fluent use requires just a modicum of know-how and a few helpful options. Here are some additional pointers:
Type screen without any arguments in any window to open a new window. Clicking Ctrl-a , then c and typing screen are synonymous, except that the latter provides command-line options to immediately configure the new session.
Clicking , then and typing are synonymous, except that the latter provides command-line options to immediately configure the new session. You can name a window when you create it with screen -t name . For instance, to create a new window and tag it debugger, go to a Screen-managed window, then type screen -t debugger . If you open the window menu, one of your options should be marked debugger.
For instance, to create a new window and tag it debugger, go to a Screen-managed window, then type . If you open the window menu, one of your options should be marked debugger. If you've detached from a Screen session, you can reattach to a specific window with screen -p ID , where ID is a number or a name. Let's try it: Local $ ssh remote.example.com Remote $ screen -t ghost Ghost $ screen -t new New $ ... Press Control-a d to detach... Remote $ screen -r -p ghost Ghost $
Let's try it: You can log the output of every window with screen -L . Each window has its own log file, typically named ~/screenlog.n, where n is the window number shown in the window menu. This is another fantastic feature to record complex steps—say, when a system is being reconfigured.
Each window has its own log file, typically named ~/screenlog.n, where n is the window number shown in the window menu. This is another fantastic feature to record complex steps—say, when a system is being reconfigured. See the Screen documentation for a complete list of accelerator keys. Some of the most useful combinations are Ctrl-a, then 0 (the digit zero) through Ctrl-a, then 9 to switch immediately to a specific window; Ctrl-a, then C (uppercase C for "Clear") clears a window; Ctrl-a, then H toggles logging on and off; Ctrl-a, then Ctrl-a flip-flops between the current window and the previous window; and Ctrl-a, then Ctrl-\ (the backslash) kills all windows and terminates the current Screen session.
Advanced use of Screen
As mentioned earlier, you can create multiple, concurrent Screen sessions, where each session can manage a suite of windows. Each session has a unique identifier; use screen -list to catalog all available sessions. As with a window, you can name a session to refer to by its handle. Use screen -S label to assign a label to the new session.
Sharing is one of the best uses of a named Screen session. If permitted, you can connect to an existing session and collaborate with other users within any of the session's windows. You can even switch to another window within the session independently! If you're in the same window as another, anything typed or displayed is reflected to all partners. Let's try it:
Choose a machine to work on, and log in. Type screen -S sharing -t one> to create a new Screen session named, aptly, sharing, and a new window named one. Create a second window with screen -t two . If you like, check your work with Ctrl-a, then d, screen -list , screen -r sharing , and Ctrl-a, then ". Emit some output in the window named one by typing echo in that window. On the same machine, open a second login window. Within that window, type screen -x -r sharing -p one . The -x option specifies multi-user mode; -p one attaches directly to the window named one. You should immediately see the same output as the other login session, as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. A session can be shared
Using each login window, run UNIX® commands to produce output, click Screen keyboard shortcuts to switch among the windows in the shared session, and watch the results.
Magic Screen
To delve further into Screen, read about split-screen mode and learn how you can prevent access to individual windows with an old-fashioned lock.
Screen is a remarkable tool that you will quickly find invaluable in any work you perform on the command line. In fact, use it once, and you will wonder how you ever lived without it.
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The majority of glaciers on the Tibetan plateau and in the surrounding region are retreating rapidly, according to a study based on 30 years of satellite and field measurements.
The research by Yao Tandong, a glaciologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Tibetan Research in Beijing, and his colleagues is published today in Nature Climate Change1. It “is the most comprehensive survey to date in the region”, says Tobias Bolch, a glaciologist in the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
The Tibetan plateau and the bordering mountain ranges, including the Himalayas, the Karakoram, the Pamir and the Qilian make up a vast region known as the Third Pole, home to 100,000 square kilometres of glaciers that supply water to about 1.4 billion people in Asia.
The status of the glaciers has been a point of contention. Earlier this year, an analysis of 7 years' worth of measurements taken by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission suggested2 that high-altitude Asian glaciers on the whole are losing ice only one-tenth as fast as previously estimated, and that glaciers on the Tibetan plateau are actually growing.
Yao and his colleagues analysed satellite measurements of the lengths and surface areas of about 7,100 glaciers. They also studied changes in the mass balance — the difference between accumulation and loss of ice — of 15 glaciers that they have painstakingly measured for decades.
“The majority of the glaciers have been shrinking rapidly across the studied area in the past 30 years,” says Yao. And the rate of retreat has been accelerating.
But embedded in this general trend, says Yao, is a large variation in different parts of the Third Pole. For instance, glaciers in the Himalayas are retreating faster on average than those in the Karakoram and the Pamir.
The way the wind blows
To unravel the mechanisms underlying this variation, the researchers turned to climate records of the entire region. They found that changes in the glaciers, especially in their mass balance, depend in large part on whether the ice is under the influence of the Indian monsoon or the westerlies, the prevailing winds from Europe.
“Temperature rise is important,” says Yao. “But its effects on glaciers also depend on climate regimes.” In places dominated by the westerlies, such as the Karakoram and the Pamir plateau, glaciers gain their mass mostly from winter snow, and so are less affected by warming because temperatures in winter are still below zero. In the eastern and central Himalayas, however, it snows mainly during monsoon season, and a slight increase in summer temperatures can affect glaciers drastically.
In the past few decades, the Indian monsoon has been getting weaker. By contrast, the westerlies are getting stronger. “This explains why most glaciers that are either stable or advancing are in the Karakoram or the Pamir plateau,” says Yao.
The study raises serious issues with assessments based on GRACE measurements. Some climate scientists say that the measurements were taken over too short a time to capture the impact of climate change. Others question whether the satellite is suited to studying ice changes in the Third Pole.
The Tibetan plateau contains closed catchments where glacier melts can be stored in lakes, the soil and underground. A survey by Yao and his colleagues found that the area of glacial lakes on the plateau has increased by about 26% since the 1970s. “As the GRACE satellites can only feel the gravitational pull and can’t tell the difference between ice and liquid water, they may have mistaken expanding glacial lakes for increases in glacier mass,” says Yao.
John Wahr, a remote-sensing expert at the University of Colorado Boulder and lead author of the GRACE study, concedes that the criticism is valid. “This is an important weakness of GRACE for any non-polar glacier study,” he says.
“The study highlights the complexity of glacier responses in the region and the importance of ground truth for making accurate assessments,” says Lonnie Thompson, a glaciologist at Ohio State University in Columbus, and a co-author of the latest paper. “Mass-balance studies are extremely labour intensive and can often be dangerous, but there is never a substitute for boots on the ground.” | positive |
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Truth is, this story really piqued my interest. I'm extremely conventional in my approach, so this was a tricky one to digest. I mean, it's not like casually dating a few different people. It's taking a committed relationship and saying that it's OK to have that same connection and emotional involvement with someone else. That's one I couldn't even imagine!
...After getting this little taste, I can honestly say two things: (1) The [Strange Sex] show, despite telling unusual sexual stories, definitely aims to establish a sense of normalcy to an otherwise hard-to-understand situations and (2) it offers a great deal of education about human sexuality.
"Jaiya, Jon, and Ian have lived polyamorously for two years. But when Jaiya has Ian's baby, can they raise a baby together?"That was the teaser for a 14-minute segment on TLC's new "Strange Sex" series last night (July 25, 2010). The series is a freak show; other scheduled topics include orgasms during childbirth, balloon fetishes, and "can doctors help a young mother who can't stop herself from urinating on her husband during intercourse?"Nevertheless, the "Two Boyfriends and a Baby" segment was the very picture of a respectful, insightful, beautiful poly documentary.I watched it. Jaiya and Jon met during their Tantra-teacher training and agreed to an open relationship when they got together. After a few years, they welcomed in Ian. For the last two years they've all lived together in a gorgeous California house and are raising Jaiya and Ian's year-old baby. Jaiya really wanted a baby, Jon had cold feet, so she had it with Ian. There's a hint that this situation was difficult at the time, but what we mostly see is the two men assisting in the home birth and the three of them now playing with the happy, crawly kid on the rug. Jaiya explains the easier-than-usual child care schedule with three parents. "The love is just exponential," says Ian. "It's just — wow."The scene often cuts to a sensible, well-informed psychologist who explains that polyamory is a unique form of non-monogamy because it is based on honesty, love, and serious relationships. She describes the requirements that it places on everyone for even better communication than in good couple relationships, and some of its difficulties and benefits.Says Ian: "None of us had a model for this growing up. It's working. But why is it working?"Jaiya is gorgeous and articulate, a natural TV star. The men are strong, good looking, middle- and late-middle-aged professionals; you might peg Ian as a college teacher and Jon as a company president who spends a lot of time in the gym. Where did TLCthem? Do any readers here know the backstory?The segment will surely show up in reruns (check the Strange Sex schedule ; look for "Two Boyfriends and a Baby"). It's not yet free online.--------------------------A writer for Chicago Now (owned by the Chicago Tribune) got to preview the show and wrote Jaiya gives an interview on how her poly household handles money and financial issues: Polyamory And Money – Miss Jaiya Explains , in Out of the Storm News ("a new web publication of the Heartland Institute’s Center on Finance, Insurance and Real Estate"), November 17, 2010.
Labels: TLC, TV, Two Boyfriends and a Baby | positive |
General Troubleshooting Jump to Content HomeDocumentationAPI Reference v16v17v18v19v20v21v22v23v24v25 Log In Log In v25 HomeDocumentationAPI Reference Search Getting Started Quick Start Guide Quick Server Setup Your First SSH Connection Certificate Authentication for OpenSSH Connections Importing Users from Active Directory Configuring SSH Target Host to Accept PrivX Connections Importing Hosts from AWS Search Syntax Deployment Overview Release Notes for This Release Preparing for Deployment Get PrivX software Setting up PrivX Components Deploying PrivX to Amazon Web Services Deploying PrivX to Google Cloud Platform: architecture blueprint Deploying PrivX to Azure: architecture blueprint Deploying to Kubernetes High-Availability Deployment License Management Example Nginx Load-Balancer Configuration Native SSH and RDP clients Production-Readiness Checklist Backup and Restore Users and Permissions Adding PrivX Users Importing Users from AD/LDAP Granting User Permissions Managing Roles Requesting and Approving Memberships Granting Access to Hosts Granting Administrator Permissions Access Groups Role Permissions Managing Workflows Enabling Email Notifications User Configuration Automatic Logout Require Password Change Limiting Login Rate Additional Authentication Methods Kerberos Authentication Multi-Factor Authentication Client-Certificate Authentication OpenID-Connect Authentication Public-Key Authentication (SSH Bastion) External JWT Authentication Managing User Secrets Password Change for AD and LDAP Users Authenticating to Hosts Supported Authentication Methods SSH Certificate Authentication RDP Certificate Authentication VNC Certificate Authentication Script-Based Certificate-Authentication Setup Certificate-Authentication Setup via Chef Manual Certificate-Authentication Setup SSH X.509 Certificate Authentication Public-Key Authentication Stored Passwords Example VNC-Server Setup Trusting Target-Host Identities Connection Management Setting up Hosts Connecting via the PrivX GUI SSH Connections with Native Clients RDP Connections with Native Clients Network Targets Website Access via PrivX AWS CLI Connection with Native Client Monitoring and Managing Connections Restricting Users' Access to Applications in RDP Connections Automatic M2M SSH Connections Auditing Viewing Audit Data SIEM Integration Session Recording External Logging Matching Certificate-Based-Login Messages Audit Events Reference Splunk integration Advanced Configuration Best practices SSL/TLS Security PrivX-Server Configuration Extender Configuration Carrier and Web Proxy Configuration API-Client Integration Automation with Golang SDK Automation with Python-SDK Configuring ephemeral credential access for AWS API Authentication to AWS Services using AWS CLI Fetching ephemeral AWS Services credentials via PrivX Configuring assume-role access to AWS API Configuring Federated Token Access to AWS API Certificate authentication for code repositories GitHub Enterprise integration GitLab Integration PrivX CA as Sub CA in CA Hierarchy X.509 Certificate Name Constraints Validating X.509 Access Certificates Network Target Access PrivX Router Configuration Network Target Extender Support Rotating Stored Passwords SSH Command Restrictions Example SSH Command Restrictions Configuration Integrations User Directories AWS Cognito as a User Directory Google Workspace as a User Directory JumpCloud as a User Directory Azure AD as a User Directory via Microsoft Graph API Azure AD as a User Directory via Azure Graph API Azure AD as User Directory via LDAPS Host Directories AWS EC2 as a Host Directory Google Cloud Platform as a Host Directory HSM Providers AWS CloudHSM as a HSM Provider nShield connect as an HSM Provider SafeNet Luna SA as a HSM Provider SCIM ICAP Servers Troubleshooting General Troubleshooting Connections fail with error Too many Authentication Failures Directory Users Are Not Listed List Users View Does Not Display All Attributes Resolving x509: Common Name certificate error All microservices fail to start except Keyvault Deploy script fails to trust AWS CA TLS certificate Windows login failures Windows revocation failures OpenSSH 7.8 Client Not Supported Error "smart card logon is not supported for your user account " Hosts with "Directory" Account Enabled Not Visible in Connections Login with Correct Username and Password Fails All Microservices apart from Keyvault Down AD That Has Previously Worked Fails Error "Administratively prohibited" with Native Clients and Extenders Error "Unable to connect to Extender/Carrier" during Web Connections Error "Unable to connect to Web Proxy" during Web Connections Error "The proxy server is refusing connections" during Web Connections Error "Host Cannot be redeployed" when Deploying a New Cloned Host Error "Bad configuration option: AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand" when running the deploy script Microsoft Remote Desktop version 10 for Mac Does Not Display Text Error "proxy server is refusing connections" during Web Connections on RHEL8 RDP native client times out Error "USER-STORE [ERROR] Server error: listen tcp :8084: bind: address already in use" when running in Azure OIDC Login "[ERROR] DB connection failure: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid. Retrying in 15 seconds.." File transfer in RDP session is slow Error "Remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections" Permission errors when accessing PrivX audit folders Password rotation does not work for Windows 2012 R2 Extender fails to register to PrivX because certificate expired Knowledge Base PrivX microservices architecture PrivX web access architecture Websockets and the PrivX Carrier browser Customizing the PrivX Carrier browser PrivX RDP Admin Access Deployment in Multi-Domain Environment Vault and M2M Onboarding SSH target hosts to PrivX via Ansible Onboarding SSH target hosts to PrivX via Chef Onboarding AWS, Azure & Google Cloud SSH target hosts the simple way Enabling TLS 1.3 Removing Hosts from Directories Configuring GitLab access through PrivX SSH certificate authentication Example Nginx Load-Balancer Configuration PrivX Analytics Connection method vs feature matrix Setting up and upgrading PrivX with custom network ports Supported SSH Algorithms Supported SFTP Protocol Versions PrivX Settings Granting Password-based root Access via Roles Requesting and Granting Roles, Passwordless Access Passwordless SSH and RDP Access PrivX AWS High Availability Installation With Two ELBs How to install PrivX OSS Acknowledgements End-user license agreement (EULA) Documentation Conventions PrivX Settings Examples Previous Releases and Notes Release Notes 1.x - 9.x Release Notes 10.x - 19.x Changing to the New License Back End PrivX Login Flow and State Storage Changing PrivX database name, username or password Changing notification mechanism to PostgreSQL Migrate to Rocky Linux Merging changes on Extender/Carrier/WebProxy upgrade Mapping Directory Users to Additional Accounts Upgrade from Older Releases PrivX Comparisons Kerberos Guacamole FAQ Auditing & Reporting Architecture Authentication, Access Control and Identity Management Buying and Trying Compliance Connectivity Data Encryption Data Retention Functional Use Cases Integrations and System Monitoring Licensing Miscellaneous Operational Security & Maintenance Operational Technology (OT) PrivX Components Product Info Product Features Security Session Recording and Playback Support and Services Tips and Tricks General Troubleshooting Suggest Edits This article describes troubleshooting practices that are applicable to various problem scenarios. Checking Microservice Status You can verify the microservice statuses on the status page, available at (replace https://privx.example.com with the address of your PrivX server: https://privx.example.com/privx/status Restarting PrivX Some issues may be fixed by restarting the PrivX services. You can do this by running the following command on your PrivX servers: # systemctl restart privx 📘 Note If microservices report 502 errors, check the database connectivity. If running local DB server, make sure the pg_hba.conf on the PostgreSQL server allows PrivX servers to connect to the PrivX database with md5 authentication (PostgreSQL 9.2 - 9.6, on CentOS 7) or scram-sha-256 authentication (from PostgreSQL 10 onwards). More information about the error may be provided by the microservice logs. Getting Debug Logs You can enable debug logging per microservice, as described in PrivX Log Settings. By default, microservices log to /var/log/privx/ as follows: MICROSERVICE LOG LOCATION Authorizer /var/log/privx/authorizer.log Connection Manager /var/log/privx/connectionmanager.log Hoststore /var/log/privx/hoststore.log Keyvault /var/log/privx/keyvault.log Monitor /var/log/privx/monitorservice.log OAuth2 /var/log/privx/auth.log RDP Bastion /var/log/privx/rdpmitm.log RDP Proxy /var/log/privx/rdpproxy.log RDP-Trail Encoder /var/log/privx/redemption.log Role Store /var/log/privx/rolestore.log SSH Bastion /var/log/privx/sshmitm.log SSH Proxy /var/log/privx/sshproxy.log Trail Indexer /var/log/privx/trail-indexer.log Userstore /var/log/privx/userstore.log Watchdog /var/log/privx/watchdog.log Workflow Engine /var/log/privx/workflowengine.log The logs are also visible on /var/log/messages. Problems Related to Authentication More information about authentication issues may be found from syslog messages. Since PrivX uses short-term certificates for user authentication, deviations in system times (minutes or more) will easily result in failing authentications. It is extremely important to synchronize the clocks between all the involved systems: PrivX servers Hosts serving as connection endpoints. We strongly recommend using authenticated NTP clock synchronization on all the involved systems. Contacting Support You can request technical support and let us know about PrivX issues on the SSH Communications Security support site. When submitting a support ticket, please include following details: Detailed description about the error: Causes: User actions and steps that caused the error, screenshot of the error, and/or details about the error message. Occurrence: Is the error reproducible? Has it worked before? Impact: Does it happen to a specific entity (user, connection, hosts, etc), or to multiple entities? Related configurations in PrivX admin UI. For example if the error is regarding a user cannot connect to a host, take some screenshots of the host configuration, screenshots of user's details and roles Troubleshooting data To generate troubleshooting data, run the following on your PrivX server: # /opt/privx/scripts/troubleshoot.sh info And attach the generated troubleshooting-data package to the support ticket. By default the package is generated to the current working directory, with the name: Privx-troubleshoot-data-<host>-<timestamp>.tar.gz 📘 Note If PrivX service is completed or partially down, please run the troubleshooting script and collect the data when the problem is happening. 🚧 Caution Troubleshooting data may contain security critical data, and must be distributed with appropriate care. For additional usage instructions related to the troublehsooting script, you may run: # /opt/privx/scripts/troubleshoot.sh -h Updated 12 months ago Did this page help you? Yes No Table of Contents Checking Microservice Status Restarting PrivX Getting Debug Logs Problems Related to Authentication Contacting Support | negative |
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s wife Laureen dismissed an activist’s concerns about missing and murdered aboriginal women, telling the student “that’s a great cause, perhaps another night.” Harper was in the midst of a speech introducing the “Just for Cats” Internet video festival Thursday night in Toronto when she was interrupted.
Lauren Harper, wife of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, arrives at the "Just for Cats" video gala at the TIFF Bell Lightbox cinema in Toronto. ( CTV NATIONAL NEWS )
“Raising awareness about cat welfare is a good look for your husband’s upcoming campaign strategy,” yelled out Hailey King. “Don’t you think supporting government action on missing and murdered indigenous women in this country would be a better look?” Harper, wearing cat ears, paused to address the 21-year-old King.
Article Continued Below
“We’re raising money for animals tonight. If you’d like to donate to animals, we’d love to take your money,” she said to lots of clapping, before suggesting dealing with the issue a different night: “tonight we’re here for homeless cats.” Harper fosters stray cats and volunteers for the Humane Society in Ottawa. King, whose previous activism includes work with shitharperdid.com, said she was then escorted out by security, despite paying for a ticket. TIFF Bell Lightbox cinema, where the event was held, did not return requests for comment. “We’re disappointed the individual chose to interrupt a charity event that had nothing to do with the cause she raised,” said a spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office.
“Mrs. Harper’s response from last night (Thursday) stands for itself.” King told the Star Friday that she wasn’t expecting to have a full conversation with Harper, but found the response shocking.
Article Continued Below
“It’s how she said it, ‘I’ll take your money, if you want to donate we’re here for cats,’ just completely dismissing something that feels ways more important,” King said. The disruption wasn’t planned, King said, nor did she want to stage a full protest. She said she felt compelled to draw attention to the issue specifically with Harper after the Star obtained documents from the federal Conservatives and their plan to “leverage” Harper’s popularity as the prime minister’s wife ahead of the 2015 election. “She was talking about the love of cats, which I felt was not so important,” said King, a cat lover and owner. “There’ve been a number of vigils for aboriginal and indigenous women over the past few months and there just seems to be no government support, no action, no one even talking about it.” King isn’t too concerned with those critiquing her interruption, saying she’s more focused on building momentum for government support of aboriginal issues. In a release, the Native Youth Sexual Health Network, said the event is on par with the response families of missing and murdered Indigenous women have received. Last month the government rejected groups appealing for a national inquiry. A parliamentary report found that between 2004 and 2010 while aboriginal women make up only four per cent of Canada’s population, they make up at least eight per cent of its homicide victims.
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Sexy clothes and sex toys (Shutterstock)
In May, the Seattle Police Department’s Vice & High Risk Victims Unit shut down a massage parlor that allegedly offered sexual services. Then they thought, “Hey, why not open our own sex spa in the same spot? Is there any better use of police time and resources than staging an elaborate sting designed to catch men willing to pay for a hand job from an adult woman?”
This article was originally published by The Influence, a news site that covers the full spectrum of human relationships with drugs. Follow The Influence on Facebook or Twitter.
And so they opened the Euro Spa, offering the ministrations of a “Western European Masseuse” (an odd bit of racial typing which may have backfired—several potential customers apparently left because there were no Asian women).
Female officers were tarted up in tight clothes and high heels and offered men sexual acts for cash. One officer particularly excelled at the important and difficult police work of tempting men into blow jobs. From the Seattle Times:
“She’s three times better than anyone I’ve ever seen,” said one of [Squad Sergeant] Umporowicz’s vice detectives, praising his colleague’s “silver tongue” in making men comfortable to agree to pay for sex. “When I’m talking to them up front, I’m also doing this,” the UC said, using her hand to mime a sex act, “so it’s very obvious.”
“Umps says they (customers) think they’re God’s gift to women, and I try to make them feel that,” said the UC, referring to Umporowicz by his unit nickname. “I don’t get freaked out by the words and the language and what they want to do. I’m not shocked by anything.”
The sting caught 204 so-called “johns” and netted the department $22,000 in cash. But that’s only the beginning of the city’s profiteering. The Sergeant told the Seattle Times that he expected that all the court fines extracted from the offenders could total $550,000.
And who were these monsters? They ranged from surgeons to a nurse to bus drivers to a journalist. One guy in his 20s apparently cried that his life was over and tried to run, according to the Times. In earlier stings, the men were let go and received summonses. Now, the department wants men arrested for “sexual exploitation” to be booked: mug shot, fingerprints and at least a few hours in jail.
The operation, of course, is presented as a means to protect exploited women. “Working the Euro Spa sting has given her a new appreciation for how little respect is shown to “all these girls from these other countries” who often work 12- or 14-hour days in massage parlors and don’t keep any of the money they bring into a business,” writes the Times. Ok. But immigrant workers in all kinds of industries that don’t include sex work are horribly exploited (see: nail salons). Also, in this case, there wasn’t even the pretext of trying to catch johns who were looking to hook up with under-aged or trafficked women.
There’s a prevailing school of thought among some anti-trafficking activists that the most humane way to address sex work is to go after “johns” without arresting sex workers. By that standard, this is the perfect operation: No actual sex workers harmed in the making of this sting. But in what business on earth does it benefit workers to have their customers arrested? As many sex worker activists have pointed out, depleting the customer pool of men who have the most the lose if they get caught makes sex workers’ lives harder and more dangerous.
“As the global sex workers’ rights movement has noted for years, criminalizing clients drives sex work further underground, driving off some law-abiding clients and leaving us with a slightly more dangerous population of consumers,” Influence contributor and sex worker Caty Simon tells us.
“It makes clients jumpy and less likely to acquiesce to our safety measures because of their fear of arrest,” she continues. “Escorting clients refuse to offer us screening info, for example, while street workers’ clients are more likely to drive workers to out-of-the-way, isolated spots rather than the areas they want to work for car dates. Sex workers have discovered through painful experience that the End Demand model just creates further unsafe working conditions for us.” | positive |
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When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Make brushing a fun experience! Avoid the brushing fight by introducing your child to an enjoyable brushing experience that teaches good brushing habits while effectively keeping gums and teeth clean. Small, light, and perfectly sized for little hands Replaceable brush heads offer soft bristles that are gentle on sensitive gums while keeping teeth and gums clean Sonic vibrations are gentle enough not to startle your child but strong enough to soothe sore gums and remove bacteria Fun 2-minute light timer teaches proper brushing times and allows parents to see inside little mouths while brushing 30-second pulses (hiccups!) teach your child when to move the brush to different parts of their mouth Use the suction base for increased stable storage when not in use Included with every BabySonic (1) 0-18 month old replaceable brush head (1) 18-36 month old replaceable brush head (1) AAA Alkaline battery 2-Year Warranty Additional Info BabySonic Electric Toothbrushes are made with BPA-free, phthalate-free, lead, and PVC-free materials. They are FDA-tested safe and are rigorously tested to ensure CPSIA and EU compliance. Brush-Baby BabySonic Electric Toothbrushes are perfect for newborns to toddlers 3 years of age! "Close (esc)" BabySonic Electric Toothbrush and Chewable Toothbrush Teether Oral Care Set Regular price $24.94 Sale price $23.71 Save $1.23 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. BabySonic Electric Toothbrush (Teal) Small and light - perfectly sized electric toothbrush for little people to use Small baby and toddler brush heads - fits little mouths Soft bristles keep baby teeth and gums clean Gentle vibrations Fun 2 minute light timer Pulses (hiccups!) every 30 seconds - teaches moving the brush to different parts of the mouth Includes 1 x AAA Alkaline battery (uses only Alkaline batteries) The new design now includes a suction base for stable storage Ideal for ages 0-3 years Chewable Toothbrush Twin Pack (Teal) A unique curved shape fits the gum line Soft silicone bristles help clean top and bottom teeth Cleans teeth and soothes gums whilst chewed Cool in the fridge for teething Use with a smear toothpaste at brushing time Dishwasher and Sterilizer safe up to 180° Ideal for ages 10-36 months "Close (esc)" BabySonic Electric Toothbrush and My FirstBrush with Teether Oral Care Set Regular price $25.11 Sale price $23.85 Save $1.26 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. BabySonic Electric Toothbrush (Teal) Small and light - perfectly sized electric toothbrush for little people to use Small baby and toddler brush heads - fits little mouths Soft bristles keep baby teeth and gums clean Gentle vibrations Fun 2 minute light timer Pulses (hiccups!) every 30 seconds - teaches moving the brush to different parts of the mouth Includes 1 x AAA Alkaline battery (uses only Alkaline batteries) The new design now includes a suction base for stable storage Ideal for ages 0-3 years My FirstBrush & Teether Set (Teal) My FirstTeether™ - for your baby to use. Soft silicone bristles massage gums and helps clean teeth It May be used with a smear of toothpaste Easy-to-hold handle Flower guard for your baby's safety Ideal for ages 0-18 months The FirstBrush™ - helps you clean your baby's first tiny teeth A long handle is comfortable in adult hands The tiny brush head suits small mouths and first baby teeth Soft bristles, gentle on delicate gums Ideal for ages 0-18 months "Close (esc)" Chewable Toothbrush and Teether (10-36 months) Twin Pack Regular price $9.95 Save $-9.95 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Perfect for teething toddlers and those who chew their toothbrush or won't brush their teeth! Unique curved shape fits the gum line Soft silicone bristles help clean top and bottom teeth Cleans teeth and soothes gums whilst chewed Cool in the fridge for teething Use with a smear toothpaste at brushing time Dishwasher and Sterilizer safe up to 180° "Close (esc)" DentalWipes with Xylitol Regular price Sale price $8.95 Save $-8.95 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Help cleanse and soothe delicate teething gums Hygienically sealed, sterile, disposable wipes Camomile - a natural anti-inflammatory helps soothe teething gums Xylitol - good for oral health Fluoride and Paraben Free 20 sachets per box Sachets can be cooled in the fridge to ease inflamed gums Ingredients Aqua, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Xylitol, Cellulose Gum. Anthemis Nobilis flower Water, Zanthoxylum Piperitum Fruit extract, Loniccera japonica (Honeysuckle) flower Extract, Pulsatilla Koreana Extract, Citrus Paradisis (grapefruit) Fruit extract, Flavour (Camomile). "Close (esc)" FrontEase Teether and Dental Wipes Teething Set Regular price $23.83 Sale price $22.57 Save $1.26 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. FrontEase Teether (Teal) Shaped for front teeth and teething gums Textured silicone biting surface Soothes and massages front teething gums Removable cap for hygiene Ideal for ages 3+ months Brush-Baby DentalWipes (28 Count) Hygienically sealed, sterile, disposable wipes Helps clean delicate gums and first baby teeth Xylitol - good for oral health Fluoride and Paraben Free Sachets can be cooled in the fridge to ease inflamed gums Ideal for teething ages 0-16 month Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Xylitol, Cetylpyridinium chloride, Sodium levulinate, Octanediol, Ethylhexyl Glycerin, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Artemisia Princeps Extract. "Close (esc)" MolarMunch Teether and DentalWipes Teething Set Regular price $17.94 Sale price $16.68 Save $1.26 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. MolarMunch Teether Double Pack (Blue/Purple) Uniquely shaped to reach back teeth and gums Flexible, textured biting surface Fun design Easy to hold, gum and chew or hands-free Perfect for your baby teething needs Built-in rattle Ideal for ages 4+ months Brush-Baby DentalWipes (28 Count) Hygienically sealed, sterile, disposable wipes Helps clean delicate gums and first baby teeth Xylitol - good for oral health Fluoride and Paraben Free Sachets can be cooled in the fridge to ease inflamed gums Ideal for teething ages 0-16 month Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Xylitol, Cetylpyridinium chloride, Sodium levulinate, Octanediol, Ethylhexyl Glycerin, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Artemisia Princeps Extract. "Close (esc)" BabySonic Replacement Brush Heads Regular price Sale price $8.50 Save $0.00 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Replacement/Refill Brush Heads For use only with BabySonic Electric Toothbrush "Close (esc)" TeethingWipes (0-16 months) With Camomile Regular price $8.03 Save $-8.03 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Help cleanse and soothe delicate teething gums Hygienically sealed, sterile, disposable wipes Camomile - a natural anti-inflammatory helps soothe teething gums Xylitol - good for oral health Fluoride and Paraben Free 20 sachets per box Sachets can be cooled in the fridge to ease inflamed gums Ingredients Aqua, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Xylitol, Cellulose Gum. Anthemis Nobilis flower Water, Zanthoxylum Piperitum Fruit extract, Loniccera japonica (Honeysuckle) flower Extract, Pulsatilla Koreana Extract, Citrus Paradisis (grapefruit) Fruit extract, Flavour (Camomile). "Close (esc)" My FirstBrush & Teether Set (0-18 months) Regular price $10.12 Save $-10.12 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. The perfect teether/toothbrush set to help you care for your baby's first teeth. You and your baby can look after their first tiny teeth together My FirstTeether™ - for your baby to use. Soft silicone bristles massage gums and help clean teeth May be used with a smear of toothpaste Easy to hold handle Flower guard for your baby's safety The FirstBrush™ - helps you clean your baby's first tiny teeth A long handle is comfortable in adult hands The tiny brush head suits small mouths and first baby teeth Soft bristles, gentle on delicate gums "Close (esc)" Brush Baby Oral Care Kids Fluoride Free and SLS Free Toothpaste, Strawberry, 4.2 Ounce - 3 Pack Regular price $11.88 Save $-11.88 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Brush-Baby makes it easy to say goodbye to brush-time fights! Our fluoride-free natural strawberry toothpaste for kids tastes great, making brush time easier for parents and fun for kids. While kids enjoying the taste, parents can be assured their child's teeth are getting brighter and plaque is removed. We've added erythritol and xylitol, natural sweeteners that prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth while our SLS-free formula is non-forming with no need to rinse. Suitable for 0-2 years of age Keep brushing fun with our natural strawberry flavor Formulated with Xylitol to fight and reduce sugar-acid while using high-quality ingredients while staying Paraben-free and Fluoride-free Our SLS free formula is non-foaming with no need to rinse Vegan friendly and never tested on animals "Close (esc)" Bobbie Flossbrush Starter Toothbrush for Ages 0-3 Years (3-Pack) Regular price $9.78 Save $-9.78 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. The FLOSSBRUSH 0-3 Years is an ideal starter brush for toddlers Short size Easy to hold 'Grip 'n' Chew' handle Soft DeepClean Bristles - clean where other brushes can't reach Short bristles clean the tooth's surface Longer bristles help clean between teeth "Close (esc)" FrontEase Teether (3+ months) - (2-Pack) Regular price $14.88 Save $-14.88 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Specially designed for the stage of early teething the FRONTEASE helps soothe and massage front teething gums Shaped for front teeth and teething gums Textured silicone biting surface Soothes and massages front teething gums Removable cap for hygiene From 3 months "Close (esc)" MolarMunch Teether (4+ months) - Pack of 2 Regular price $8.99 Save $-8.99 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Designed to help your toddler through the tough stage of molar teething Uniquely shaped to reach back teeth and gums Flexible, textured biting surface Fun design Easy to hold, gum and chew or hands-free Perfect for your baby teething needs Built-in rattle "Close (esc)" FirstBrush First Toothbrush (0-18 months) (3 Pack) Regular price $8.99 Save $-8.99 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. The FIRSTBRUSH™ is cleverly designed to help you clean your baby's first tiny teeth A long handle is comfortable in adult hands The tiny brush head suits small mouths and first baby teeth Soft bristles, gentle on delicate gums "Close (esc)" Cool&Calm Rattle Teether (4+ months) Regular price $8.49 Save $-8.49 Fast Shipping FREE shipping on orders over $20 Orders equal to $20 or more before tax will ship free via USPS parcel post. When will my order ship? Once we receive your order, it generally takes about 1-2 business days for our fulfillment team in Romeo, Michigan to process and hands it off to USPS. From there, it generally takes about 3-6 business days for USPS to deliver. Once orders are handed off to USPS, Brush-Baby is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Please note that while we've worked with our shipping carriers in advance to determine when you should place your order to arrive in time for Christmas, we do anticipate that there may be shipping delays and can't 100% guarantee that it will arrive by December 24th. I entered the wrong shipping information. How can I change it? Oh no! Email your order number and full name through our contact form as soon as possible so we can get access your order and fix your shipping info before your order is shipped. Once your order is shipped, we are unable to make any changes to the shipping information and are not responsible for orders sent to the wrong address or orders lost due to address mistakes. 2-Year Warranty & Returns Exchanges (if applicable) & Warranty Claims Brush-Baby offers a exclusive 2-year warranty on all products. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. We cover the shipping on all warranty claims. If you need to make a warranty claim, please send us an email through our contact form for claim instructions. For exchanges, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. Returns & Refunds We are happy to accept returns of unused items in their original packaging within 7 days of the delivery date. For sanitary reasons, we can not accept any used items (no, not even if it was used only once). All issued refunds will be for the item’s purchase price only. Shipping charges will only be refunded if your product is defective. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect, warranty claim or defective item, etc.). You will be notified once the returned item is received. Brush-Baby reserves the right to deny any returns if the item does not meet our requirements and we are not responsible for any lost returns. Soothes and distracts from teething discomfort Brush-Baby's COOL&CALM Rattle Teether is designed as a rattle toy to distract from teething discomfort while soothing gums. Sterile-water filled teether helps sooth tender gums. May be cooled in the fridge. Textured biting fingers reach back gums 'Happy Rattle' handle helps distract infants from teething discomfort From 4 months "Close (esc)" Learn More Learn More Our Story Early Years Tooth Care Blog Ingredients Testimonials Terms of Service Refund policy Customer Care Customer Care Contact Us Shipping, Returns & Refunds Warranty Registration FAQ'S Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Do not sell my personal information American Express Apple Pay Diners Club Discover Google Pay Mastercard PayPal Shop Pay Venmo Visa © 2022 Brush-Baby Ltd. 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A vintage wristwatch can be a timely investment! +44 (0)1782 638100 +44 (0)1782 638100 Menu Home Home Page Right About Us Our History Testimonials Frequently Asked Questions Links Auctions Upcoming Sales Previous Sales Submit Commission Bid Unsold Lots Bidding on an item Selling at Auction Terms & conditions Postage Service Valuations Val 1 Pottery 18th & 19th Century Staffordshire Pottery Beswick Carlton Ware Charlotte Rhead Clarice Cliff Coalport China Lorna Bailey Martin Brothers Pottery Minton Moorcroft Peggy Davies & Kevin Francis Royal Albert China Royal Crown Derby Royal Doulton Royal Lancastrian Royal Worcester Ruskin Pottery Shelley Pottery Spode China Susie Cooper Wade Wedgwood W H Goss Specialist Departments Pottery Silverware Militaria Ephemera & Books Toys Whisky, Wine & Spirits Collectables Paintings, Pictures & Prints Furniture & Clocks Coins & Sovereigns Jewellery Oriental Stamps Antique Watches & Modern Collectable Timepieces Photography and Optics Unique Objects & Dark Art Antiques News Contact Thank-you-for-subscribing-to-our-newsletter Directions to our Salerooms Enquiry Form Privacy Policy Buying or Selling at Auction Our Fees Page Not Found Newsletter Signup Text Alerts Local Pot Banks Royal Crown Derby Hammersley China Susie Cooper Shelley Pottery Beswick Pottery Wedgwood Royal Worcester Spode Clarice Cliff Royal Doulton Royal Doulton - The Barlow Sisters Reg Johnson Studio Potter Moorcroft Footer Text Thank you Auction Highlights September Fine Art Collection Rare Moorcroft Exhibition Vase Catalogue July 7th 8th & 9th 2022 March 10th,11th & 12th 2022 Fine Art Catalogue November 11th/12th/ 13th Fine Art Sale 2021 July 8th/9th & 10th Fine Art Sale 2021 March 12 & 13th Fine Art Sale 2021 November 13th /14th Fine Art Sale 2020 March 14-15th Two Day Fine Art Sale 8th, 9th & 10th November 2019 - Three day sale June 2017 Fine Past Sale Catalogue July 2019 Fine Arts Past Catalogue March 2019 Past Fine Arts Sale Subscribe to Newsletter Home > News > A vintage wristwatch can be a timely investment! A vintage wristwatch can be a timely investment! In our June 10th Antique & Fine Art Sale we have a number of fine collectable second hand wrist watches which have a certain old-fashioned appeal. Lot 1464 - Omega ladies Seamaster quartz wristwatch with tri-colour steel strap. Sale Price £200.00. Time pieces from top makers Rolex, Seiko, Tissot and Omega are going up in value. Lot 1465 - Omega Gents Automatic date wristwatch with brown leather strap. Sale Price £160.00. Many of these watches have seen little change in their design which is what makes them more appealing. Lot 1470 - Omega Gents Seamaster Automatic day/date gold plated wristwatch with gold plated strap, original box and papers, purchased in 1981. Sale Price £380.00. Lot 1457 - Omega gents 18ct gold constellation calendar chronometer wristwatch with original Omega cream leather strap and box. Sale Price £2,300.00. Lot 1458 - Rolex Oyster Perpetual Chronometer wristwatch, C1960s with original steel strap and box. Sale Price £1,800.00. If you have any old military watches or vintage watches you would like to sell, please contact us. Go back Latest News Quick Links About Us How to sell your items How to buy at auction FAQ's Subscribe to Newsletter Auctions Upcoming sales Bidding on an item Sales results Free valuation days Unsold items Sales catalogues Terms & conditions Follow Us... Copyright © 2019 Potteries Specialist Auctions. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Our Contact Details Potteries Specialist Auctions, Silverdale Salerooms, Unit 4a, Silverdale Enterprise Park, Newcastle under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 6SS Phone: +44 (0)1782 638100 We are open for valuations, entries and collections Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm. Location Map and Directions | negative |
Hours after the Senate allowed a controversial anti-discrimination law to officially take effect in the nation’s capital, a group of pro-life organizations released a joint statement pledging to continue operating in accordance with their beliefs—thereby putting themselves at risk of violating the law.
“Despite the enactment of this unjust law, we will continue to hire employees who share our commitment to the dignity of every member of the human family,” reads the statement released by Alliance Defending Freedom, the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Americans United for Life and Americans United for Life Action, March for Life, Concerned Women for America, the Susan B. Anthony List, the Family Research Council and the Assoc. of Christian Schools International.
The very purpose of this bill as expressed by its sponsor at the first hearing last June was to require religious employers to provide insurance coverage of all ‘reproductive health’ decisions to their employees, including abortion.
The law, called the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act, ensures that “individuals are protected from discrimination by an employer, employment agency, or labor organization, based on an individual’s or dependent’s reproductive health decisions.”
Critics say the measure “prohibits employers in the District, including nonsectarian pro-life and religious organizations, from ‘discriminating’ on the basis of ‘decisions’ reached by employees related to ‘reproductive health’ matters, including the taking of innocent human life by abortion.”
The D.C. City Council temporarily prohibits the law from being used to force employers to cover abortion procedures, but that exemption expires after 225 days.
The measure, officially transmitted to Congress on March 6, was challenged under the Home Rule Act of 1973.
The Home Rule Act secures Congress the authority to review all legislation passed by the District of Columbia and overrule it within 30 days by using what’s called a “resolution of disapproval.”
On Thursday, the House voted in favor of a resolution that would strike down what conservative opponents call the “anti-religious freedom” bill. The Senate, however, did not schedule a vote on the matter within the 30-day window, essentially abandoning any chance Congress had of overturning the legislation.
In their statement, the D.C.-based pro-life organizations called the House’s vote an “extraordinary step” that “demonstrates just how unprecedented and illegal” the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act is.
They also pledged to continue pressuring Congress to address D.C.’s “egregious violation of the First Amendment and federal law.”
Congress could still act to disrupt the law by attaching a rider to a spending bill, which would ban the city from using any federal dollars to enforce the legislation.
In the wake of the controversy surrounding the federal challenge to local legislation, Democrats, such as Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., accused Republicans of overstepping “the local democratic rights of 650,000 District residents” and furthering the “war on women.”
“The goal here is to resume the war on women,” Norton, the District’s non-voting member of Congress, said Thursday while speaking on the House floor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called the fight against the legislation “Hobby Lobby on steroids.”
“Republicans need to recognize that your own health care choices are not your boss’s business,” she said.
But pro-life organizations also feel under attack, and pledge to “vigorously resist” efforts to violate what they consider “constitutionally protected fundamental rights.”
Joint Statement RHNDA With Signatures
LifeNews Note: Kelsey Harkness writes for The Daily Signal, where this column originally appeared. | positive |
Constantin Braun of Germany plays against Tomas Jurco, right, of Slovakia during the hockey world championships in St. Petersburg, Russia, on May 10, 2016. (Photo: ANATOLY MALTSEV, EPA)
Detroit Red Wings forward Tomas Jurco helped his team to a lead, but the Slovaks couldn't keep it.
Jurco's goal in a preliminary-round game today at the hockey world championship in St. Petersburg, Russia, made it 2-0 in the second period, but Belarus stormed back to win, 4-2, in a Group B match. (Belarus is coached by Dave Lewis, who was head coach of the Wings in 2002-04, after years as an assistant under Scotty Bowman.)
Slovakia stayed among the group's top four teams (which advance to the knockout stage) with six points, three more than the U.S., which does not play today.
It has been a good tournament for Jurco, who has two goals and three assists in four games. He could be part of a Wings trade package this off-season, so anything he does to increase his stock (even on a bigger ice sheet and in games not nearly as physical as in the NHL) would help. While he doesn't have much of a body of NHL work (15 goals and 24 assists for 39 points in 143 games) his appeal includes size (6-feet-1, 203 pounds) and age (23).
Come back to the Free Press later for updates on Gustav Nyquist, as his Swedes take on Kazakhstan, and Teemu Pulkkinen, whose Finns face Hungary. (It has been a rough go for the Hungarians -- they aren't the only winless squad in the 16-team tournament, but their goal differential is 17-to-4.)
Contact Helene St. James: hstjames@freepress.com. Follow her on Twitter @helenestjames. | positive |
Bolzano to Sommacampagna Train Times | Book Cheap Tickets | Omio Trains Night TrainsTrains in GermanyTrains in FranceTrains in SpainTrains in the UKTrains in Italy Featured Destinations Rome to Venice trainBarcelona to Madrid trainParis to Amsterdam trainLondon to Paris trainBerlin Hbf to Hamburg Hbf trainVienna to Budapest trainVenice to Milan trainMalmo to Copenhagen trainPrague to Berlin trainBrussels to Amsterdam train Buses Buses in GermanyBuses in the UKBuses in FranceBuses in the USBuses in Spain Featured Destinations Valencia to Barcelona busBrussels to Paris busCork to Dublin busMadrid to Granada busManchester to Leeds busParis to Amsterdam busMalaga to Madrid busVienna to Bratislava busParis to Brussels busLisbon to Lagos bus Flights Flight CancellationsFlights to FranceFlights to PolandFlights to the UKFlights to GermanyFlights to CanadaFlights to Poland Featured Destinations Paris to Barcelona flightsAmsterdam to Budapest flightsManchester to Rome flightsLondon to Copenhagen flightsAmsterdam to Berlin flightsParis to Milan flightsRome to Barcelona flightsMadrid to Brussels flightsMilan to Berlin flightsLondon to Amsterdam flights Ferries Fred Olsen ExpressToremarSNAVMoby LinesTrasmapi Featured Destinations Calais to Dover ferryPalma to Ibiza ferrySorrento to Positano ferrySantorini to Mykonos ferryPalermo to Naples ferryDublin to Holyhead ferry € [menuItemContent][menuItemRightSideContent] [menuItemContent][menuItemRightSideContent] Your bookings Sign in Create an account Bolzano to Sommacampagna train One-way One-way Round trip Sun, Sep 25 + Add return Search COVID-19 travel updates Find out what testing and quarantine rules apply for your journey Download our app Train, bus, flight and ferry tickets in one place so you can get on with exploring Inspiration curated for you Unique travel stories told through a local lens Cheap train tickets from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Showing times and prices for Sep 25 Cheapest Find ticket €21 Average €21 The best way to find a cheap fare is to book your ticket as far in advance as you can and to avoid traveling at rush hour. The average ticket from Bolzano to Sommacampagna will cost around € 21 if you buy it on the day, but the cheapest tickets can be found for only € 21. See more Sat Sep 24 Sun Sep 25 Mon Sep 26 Tue Sep 27 Wed Sep 28 Thu Sep 29 Fri Sep 30 Sat Oct 01 Sun Oct 02 Mon Oct 03 Tue Oct 04 Wed Oct 05 Thu Oct 06 Fri Oct 07 Sat Oct 08 Sun Oct 09 Mon Oct 10 Tue Oct 11 Wed Oct 12 Thu Oct 13 Fri Oct 14 Sat Oct 15 Sun Oct 16 Mon Oct 17 Tue Oct 18 Wed Oct 19 Thu Oct 20 Fri Oct 21 Sat Oct 22 Sun Oct 23 Regionale 12:25PMBolzano2h20 02:45PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way Regionale 06:31PMBolzano2h34 09:05PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way Regionale 10:31AMBolzano2h14 12:45PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way Regionale 04:31PMBolzano2h34 07:05PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way See all trains Train schedule from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Showing trains for tomorrow, Sunday, September 25 Regionale 10:31AMBolzano2h14 12:45PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €21 Regionale 12:25PMBolzano2h20 02:45PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €21 Regionale 04:31PMBolzano2h34 07:05PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €21 Regionale 06:31PMBolzano2h34 09:05PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €21 This is the last train of the day. Search for another date here Find all the dates and times for this journey here Compare prices and tickets by train, bus or flight Sun Sep 25 €21 €9 Mon Sep 26 €21 €7 Tue Sep 27 €21 €5 Wed Sep 28 €21 €5 Thu Sep 29 Find prices €5 Fri Sep 30 €21 €5 Sat Oct 01 Find prices Find prices Fastest train times from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Showing times and prices for Sep 25 Fastest Journey 2 h 14 m Average 2 h 25 m Trains per day 4 View timetable Distance 127 km Of the 4 trains that leave Bolzano for Sommacampagna every day 4 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way. These direct trains cover the 127 km distance in an average of 2 h 25 m but if you time it right, some trains will get you there in just 2 h 14 m . The slowest trains will take 2 h 34 m and usually involve a change or two along the way, but you might be able to save a few pennies if you’re on a budget. See more Sat Sep 24 Sun Sep 25 Mon Sep 26 Tue Sep 27 Wed Sep 28 Thu Sep 29 Fri Sep 30 Sat Oct 01 Sun Oct 02 Mon Oct 03 Tue Oct 04 Wed Oct 05 Thu Oct 06 Fri Oct 07 Sat Oct 08 Sun Oct 09 Mon Oct 10 Tue Oct 11 Wed Oct 12 Thu Oct 13 Fri Oct 14 Sat Oct 15 Sun Oct 16 Mon Oct 17 Tue Oct 18 Wed Oct 19 Thu Oct 20 Fri Oct 21 Sat Oct 22 Sun Oct 23 Regionale 10:31AMBolzano2h14 12:45PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way Regionale 12:25PMBolzano2h20 02:45PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way Regionale 06:31PMBolzano2h34 09:05PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way Regionale 04:31PMBolzano2h34 07:05PMSommacampagna 0 transfers €211One-way See all trains More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place. Overview: Train from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Distance 78 miles (126 km) Average train duration 1 h 28 min Average train ticket price $21 (€21) Direct train No Trains from Bolzano to Sommacampagna cover the 78 miles (126 km) long journey taking on average 1 h 28 min with our travel partners like. There are direct train services available. While the average ticket price for this trip costs around $21 (€21), you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as $21 (€21). Travelers depart most frequently from Bolzano-Bozen and arrive in Sommacampagna-Sona. Travel Tips: Trains from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Travel by train to Sommacampagna easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Bolzano to Sommacampagna. How can I book a cheap ticket from Bolzano to Sommacampagna by train? Omio customers have found the cheapest trains from Bolzano to Sommacampagna to cost as little as $21 (€21) in the next 7 days. What is the price of a train ticket to Sommacampagna from Bolzano? In the next 7 days you can expect to pay on average $21 (€21) for a train ticket between Bolzano and Sommacampagna. How far is Sommacampagna from Bolzano by train? The Bolzano to Sommacampagna train distance is approximately 78 miles (126 km). What is the Bolzano to Sommacampagna train travel time? The Bolzano to Sommacampagna train duration is on average 1 h 28 min, which is to be expected when traveling 78 miles (126 km) to Sommacampagna from Bolzano. However, the time it takes can vary based on specific dates, weekends, and holidays. What train station in Bolzano goes to Sommacampagna? What train station do I come into Sommacampagna from Bolzano? Omio customers who travel this route most frequently depart from Bolzano-Bozen and arrive in Sommacampagna-Sona. Where do I find the Bolzano train station to Sommacampagna? Where is the Sommacampagna train station? Passengers booking this route most frequently board their trains from Bolzano-Bozen and need to travel around 1.6 miles (2.5 km) from the city center to get to this train station. Passengers arriving in Sommacampagna most often arrive at Sommacampagna-Sona and need to travel around 1.4 miles (2.2 km) from this train station to the city center. What time is the earliest train from Bolzano to Sommacampagna? What time is the last train from Bolzano to Sommacampagna? You can take the first train from Bolzano to Sommacampagna at 4: 42 AM. The last train from Bolzano to Sommacampagna that you can take departs at 6: 31 PM. Omio shows you the latest train from Bolzano to Sommacampagna schedule to help you book the best departure time for this journey. How early should I purchase Bolzano to Sommacampagna train tickets to get the best deals? If you buy a train ticket from Bolzano to Sommacampagna within the next 7 days, you can find tickets to cost on average $21 (€21) one way. However, we recommend booking your train in advance to get access to the best prices. Train tickets to Sommacampagna from Bolzano are generally on sale a few months before the planned departure date. Important Stations and Airports for this Journey Bolzano Sommacampagna The major railway station for departures from Bolzano is Bolzano-Bozen. Read all the information you need to know about services, amenities and connections at Bolzano-Bozen for your journey from Bolzano to Sommacampagna. Bolzano-Bozen Bolzano Sud Bozen Sud Bolzano Sud Bolzano, Stazione Bolzano, Stazione Ponte Adige More options for your journey from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Here are some other resources that might have the information you need Return journeys for trains from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Buses from Bolzano to Sommacampagna Compare all journeys between Bolzano and Sommacampagna More information on how to get to Bolzano Train Station(s) Tickets and more information for trains to Sommacampagna Most popular trains, buses and flights Bus Bolzano-Paris Train Bolzano-Paris Bolzano to Paris Bus Bolzano-Rome Train Bolzano-Rome Bolzano to Rome Bus Bolzano-Berlin Train Bolzano-Berlin Bolzano to Berlin Bus Bolzano-Milan Bolzano to Milan Train Bolzano-Milan Bus Bolzano-Munich Train Bolzano-Munich Bolzano to Munich Train Bolzano-Amsterdam Bus Bolzano-Frankfurt am Main Train Bolzano-Frankfurt am Main Bolzano to Naples Train Bolzano-Naples Bus Bolzano-Naples Flights Bolzano-London Milan to Sommacampagna Train Milan-Sommacampagna Flights London-Sommacampagna Venice to Sommacampagna Train Venice-Sommacampagna Flights Frankfurt am Main-Sommacampagna Flights Naples-Sommacampagna Verona to Sommacampagna Train Verona-Sommacampagna Flights Athens-Sommacampagna Flights Bari-Sommacampagna Flights Palermo-Sommacampagna Train Vicenza-Sommacampagna Flights Catania-Sommacampagna Bus Bolzano-Sommacampagna Bolzano to Sommacampagna Travel to popular destinations by train, bus or flight Bus tickets to Paris Train Times to Paris Travel to Paris Flight Schedules to Paris Travel to Rome Bus tickets to Rome Flight Schedules to Rome Train Times to Rome Train Times to Berlin Bus tickets to Berlin Travel to Berlin Flight Schedules to Berlin Travel to Milan Bus tickets to Milan Train Times to Milan Flight Schedules to Milan Travel to Munich Flight Schedules to Munich Train Times to Munich Bus tickets to Munich Travel to Amsterdam Train Times to Amsterdam Bus tickets to Amsterdam Flight Schedules to Amsterdam Bus tickets to Frankfurt am Main Train Times to Frankfurt am Main Flight Schedules to Frankfurt am Main Travel to Frankfurt am Main Travel to Naples Bus tickets to Naples Train Times to Naples Flight Schedules to Naples Bus tickets to London Train Times to London Flight Schedules to London Travel to London Flight Schedules to Sommacampagna Train Times to Sommacampagna Travel to Sommacampagna Bus tickets to Sommacampagna HomeTrainsTrain Times to Sommacampagna Bolzano to Sommacampagna train The Omio App Makes Travel Planning Easy We’ll get you where you want to go. From live train updates to mobile tickets, our innovative app is the ideal way to plan and keep track of your travel. Train Tickets Amtrak SNCF Trenitalia Thalys ScotRail FlixTrain NS Deutsche Bahn Night Trains Gatwick Express High Speed Trains in Europe Train Stations in Europe Bus Tickets Greyhound Academy FlixBus Alsa RegioJet Super Tours BlaBlaCar Bus National Express Eurolines Avanza OurBus Terravision Plane Tickets KLM Ryanair Air France Vueling Lufthansa British Airways easyJet Norwegian Air Air Canada Aer Lingus Cheap Flights to Europe Airports in Europe Travel Travel in France Travel in Italy Travel in Spain Travel in Germany Travel in the UK Travel Trends in Europe Europe Trip Travel Europe for 9€ European Destinations Study Abroad Volunteer Abroad Gap Year Popular filming locations Train Tickets Amtrak SNCF Trenitalia Thalys ScotRail FlixTrain NS Deutsche Bahn Night Trains Gatwick Express High Speed Trains in Europe Train Stations in Europe Bus Tickets Greyhound Academy FlixBus Alsa RegioJet Super Tours BlaBlaCar Bus National Express Eurolines Avanza OurBus Terravision Plane Tickets KLM Ryanair Air France Vueling Lufthansa British Airways easyJet Norwegian Air Air Canada Aer Lingus Cheap Flights to Europe Airports in Europe Travel Travel in France Travel in Italy Travel in Spain Travel in Germany Travel in the UK Travel Trends in Europe Europe Trip Travel Europe for 9€ European Destinations Study Abroad Volunteer Abroad Gap Year Popular filming locations Imprint Terms of Use Privacy Policy CurrencyEUR Currency [menuItemContent][menuItemRightSideContent] Language Language [menuItemContent][menuItemRightSideContent] Your bookings Useful links Trains Night TrainsTrains in GermanyTrains in FranceTrains in SpainTrains in the UKTrains in Italy Buses Buses in GermanyBuses in the UKBuses in FranceBuses in the USBuses in Spain Flights Flight CancellationsFlights to FranceFlights to PolandFlights to the UKFlights to GermanyFlights to CanadaFlights to Poland Ferries Fred Olsen ExpressToremarSNAVMoby LinesTrasmapi Sign in | negative |
Welcome to one of the weirdest yet greatest games ever to grace an Android phone. Warning: must be open to dark humor, otherwise this will not be for you.
Karoshi YoYo Games Ltd
Karoshi is a very sad man. He’s decided to end it all, as soon as possible. Little did he know he’d be doomed to do it over and over again, and have it get more and more difficult the more he does it….
This is a puzzle-solving game made with the intention of defying all traditional rules of gaming. You’re TRYING to die, sometimes restarting the level helps in a positive way, sometimes the solutions make no sense… yet work. It’s a trial-and-error game of suicide for the troubled office worker, Mr. Karoshi.
Over the course of the game, you will electrify yourself, immolate yourself, and dash yourself to pieces through dozens of very cunningly conceived levels. In the early going, it is relatively easy to lead Mr. Karoshi to his untimely demise, but as the game goes on, it just gets harder…and weirder… more cruel… and then harder again.
I found myself unable to resist the game, as it just appealed to me on so many levels. Mind you, I don’t want to die horribly anytime soon; but most people would be lying if they claimed they hadn’t had those kind of dark thoughts. Putting that aside, the cleverness of the levels kept me in way past the novelty and made me a huge fan of the game.
It is really hard to talk about how to play the game without giving out spoilers on how to beat certain levels. All I can really tell you is to try anything, regardless of what you *think* will happen. Along the way to your certain demise, you will encounter new ground switches, new types of blocks to manipulate, your boss (who makes you sad, thus not jumping as high), your girlfriend (who makes you jump higher, and all spikes turn to harmless flowers, but…), and assorted other wacky creatures that will either aid you or drive you insane, or both.
Each board forces you to think in more creative ways, and the challenge level is just low enough to keep you from rage quitting, and high enough to frustrate you for dozens of attempts. Thankfully, it is easy (and sometimes really, really good) to reset the levels. There are timing puzzles, thinking puzzles, chain-reaction puzzles, and what I’m choosing to call “WTF” puzzles. It boils down to: if you think you’ve tried everything… think again.
I would recommend this highly to anybody who can stand the humor of it. It isn’t a pretty game; Karoshi dies in hideous fashion over and over, and sometimes isn’t the only casualty. If this sort of twisted concept does not appeal to you, don’t play it. No game is worth insulting your sensibilities or moral sense. If you can shrug off the uncomfortable theme though, this is a fantastic buy at $1.00, and if I’m not mistaken, it may still be free at Getjar – however, use Getjar at your own risk. I’m not at all certain about that site, or how it handles updates for apps (if at all).
Great game for a great price.
Extremely dark humor. Turn back if that bothers you.
Defies many traditional gaming tropes in many funny and/or disturbing ways.
It is a LOT of game for just one dollar. | positive |
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Hibiscus Extract - Hibiscus Extract Powder - UNDERSUN Tel: Phone: +8616263716327 E-mail: herbext@undersun.com.cn Home Product Dietary Supplement Organic Product Food And Beverage Additive Fruit And Vegetable Powder Cosmetic Ingredients Hot Product Why Choose Us Plant extract manufacturer Blog Knowledge Contact Us Home > Product > Dietary Supplement Categories Dietary Supplement Organic Product Food And Beverage Additive Fruit And Vegetable Powder Cosmetic Ingredients Hot Product Hot Products Bulk Quercetin Powder Bulk Erythritol CoQ10 Powder Bulk Hot News New Production Of Echinacea Purpurea ... How Curcumin Powder Could Be Popular ... IS SPIRULINA SAFE? Pueraria Root Extract Wholesaler-China Curcumin & Bromelain Nutrition Facts MCT Food Additive Formula Analysis Dietary Supplement Hibiscus Extract Product Name:Hibiscus Extract Botanical Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Anthocyanidins 1%, 2%, 5% UV Extract Ratio: 4:1, 10:1, 20:1 Certifications:ISO,KOSHER,Halal,Organic; Stock in LA USA warehouse; Send Inquiry Chat Now Product Details Inquiry What is Hibiscus Extract? When we talk about hibiscus extract, the first image people associate with the name is the bright red flower, which makes for a wonderful decoration but doesn’t have any medicinal benefits. This bright red flower is Hibiscus Ascetosella, used mainly for decoration purposes. The hibiscus flower that has immense medicinal applications is called Hibiscus Sabdariffa and is extremely beneficial in multiple forms with the applications of the flower, fruit, and seeds ranging far and wide. The biggest application of hibiscus sabdariffa in modern times comes from the calyx of the flower, which is used to make tea. Hibiscus tea has long been hailed for the numerous health benefits it offers for the human body, without adding any calories or caffeine. The most common name used for hibiscus tea is Roselle. Basic Information: Product Name hibiscus flower extract Appearance Dark violet fine powder Odor & taste Characteristic Loss on drying ≤ 5% Ash content ≤ 8% Particle size 100% through 80 mesh Chemical control Lead ( Pb ) ≤ 0.2 mg/L Arsenic ( As ) ≤ 1.0 mg/kg Mercury ( Hg ) ≤ 0.1 mg/kg Cadmium ( Cd ) ≤ 1.0 mg/kg Residual pesticide 666 (BHC ) Meet USP requirements DDT Meet USP requirements PCNB Meet USP requirements Microbes Bacterial population Molds & yeasts ≤ NMT1,000cfu/g Escherichia coli ≤ Negative Salmonella Negative Hibiscus Extract Benefits: 1. Packed With Antioxidants Animal studies have found that hibiscus extract has antioxidant properties. Additional studies are needed to determine how this may translate to humans. 2. May Help Lower Blood Pressure Some studies have found that hibiscus tea may lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, it should not be taken with hydrochlorothiazide to prevent an interaction. 3. May Help Lower Blood Fat Levels Some studies have shown that hibiscus extract powder may reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides in those with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. However, other studies have produced conflicting results. More research is needed in the general population. 4. May Boost Liver Health Human and animal studies have found that hibiscus extract may benefit liver health by increasing drug-detoxifying enzymes and reducing liver damage and fatty liver. 5. Could Promote Weight Loss A few human and animal studies have associated the consumption of hibiscus extract with decreased body weight and body fat, but more research is needed. 6. Contains Compounds That May Help Prevent Cancer Test-tube studies have found that hibiscus extract reduces the growth and spread of plasma, mouth, prostate and stomach cancer cells. Human studies are needed to evaluate the effect of hibiscus tea. 7. Could Help Fight Bacteria Test-tube studies have found that hibiscus extract could fight certain strains of bacteria. More research is needed to determine how hibiscus tea may affect bacterial infections in humans. 8. Flavorful and Easy to Make Hibiscus extract powder can be made by steeping hibiscus flowers in boiling water for five minutes. It can be consumed hot or cold and has a tart taste that is often sweetened with honey or flavored with lime. Application: 1. Food additives; 2. Pharmaceutical; 3. Cosmetic; 4. Beverage. Where to buy Hibiscus Extract? Just send email to herbext@undersun.com.cn, or submit your requirement in bottom form, we are of service at any time! Production processes: Hot Tags: hibiscus extract,hibiscus extract powder,hibiscus extract for weight loss, suppliers, manufacturers, factory, wholesale, buy, price, quotation Previous:Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract/Next:Hibiscus Flower Extract Related Products Coriolus Versicolor Powder Read MoreSend Inquiry Raspberry Extract Read MoreSend Inquiry Astaxanthin Powder Read MoreSend Inquiry Echinacea Goldenseal Extract Read MoreSend Inquiry Licorice Extract Powder Read MoreSend Inquiry Echinacea Root Powder Read MoreSend Inquiry Product Center · Dietary Supplement · Organic Product · Food And Beverage Additive · Function Compound Solution Undersun Biomedtech Corp Add:1901 S.Lynx Place, Ontario, CA 91761 Ph:+16263716327 E-mail:herbext@undersun.com.cn QR Code Product Why Choose Us Blog Contact Us Sitemap Copyright © Undersun Biomedtech Co.,Ltd All Rights Reserved. | negative |
The BBC has confirmed the exact start date for Sherlock‘s third series.
Series 3’s opening episde, ‘The Empty Hearse’, will air on Wednesday 1 January 2014 on BBC One.
An actual empty hearse has been driving around London this morning, with the date announced in flowers.
Co-creator Mark Gatiss has also tweeted: “Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective. Much missed by friends & family. In *living* memory. Jan 1st 2014! #SherlockLives”
Episode 2, ‘The Sign Of Three’, will air just four days later on Sunday 5 January and Series 3’s finale, ‘His Last Vow’, will air on Sunday 12 January.
Written by Gatiss, ‘The Empty Hearse’ sees Benedict Cumberbatch return as Sherlock Holmes alongside Martin Freeman as John Watson, with Amanda Abbington making her debut as Mary Morstan in the episode. The official synopsis for the episode was announced earlier this week.
> Find out all the details on Series 3 so far in our summary.
Are you looking forward to Series 3? Let us know below…
> Order Series 3 on DVD on Amazon.
> Buy the Series 1-2 boxset on Amazon.
Watch the Series 3 teaser trailer… | positive |
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House Republicans recently released H.R.1 referred to as the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.” Unfortunately, the only part of the title that is a certainty is the tax cut portion. The jobs part is an uncertainty, merely speculation that jobs will be created.
While supporters of the bill promise it will create more jobs and even higher wages, there are no requirements for companies to increase hiring or raise wages to have their statutory tax rate reduced from 35 percent to 20 percent. H.R.1 is a tax cut bill with a title that only implies it will create jobs.
As currently written, there is no guarantee that only companies creating jobs and paying higher wages will see a significant reduction in their tax rate. It is the equivalent of selling your house, handing the keys and title to the buyer and hoping they pay you.
Asking Americans to take on an additional $1.5 trillion in debt based solely on supporters promises that it will create more jobs is naïve at best. Americans deserve certainty. They deserve a better return on the proposed $1.5-trillion tax cut investment and it’s called the Earned Corporate Tax Cut or “ECTC."
The ECTC would base each company’s tax rate on its rate of American job creation, wages and employee-provided health insurance. Companies that don’t increase hiring wouldn’t receive a tax cut and unlike H.R.1, companies that fire Americans certainly wouldn’t get a tax cut.
Determining each company’s tax rate would utilize a corporate tax cut “scorecard." Congress and D.C. policymakers are used to "scoring." How much of a tax cut each company would receive under the ECTC would simply involve scoring each company based on the following three factors:
First, only companies that increase U.S employment would receive a tax cut. Second, companies that pay higher wages would receive an additional tax cut. Third, companies providing employee health insurance would receive an additional tax cut.
Source: Solutionomics
Determining corporate tax rates through this targeted scoring approach would do five things:
First, it would create real incentives to increasing hiring and wages. Under H.R.1, companies have less incentive to increase employment or wages because they will pay a lower tax rate whether or not they increase hiring and wages. If, however, lower tax rates were contingent on companies increasing hiring and wages companies would have a real incentive.
Second, if tax cuts were limited to companies increasing hiring and wages, larger tax cuts could be given to those companies as companies firing Americans would not siphon off tax cuts.
Third, targeted tax cuts would increase the employment and wage gains realized per tax-cut dollar producing a better return on tax cuts.
Fourth, it would lessen the decline in tax revenues as only companies creating American jobs would qualify for a lower tax rate.
Fifth, it would provide an incentive for companies to provide health insurance to their employees, reducing demands on government budgets.
All of this would be accomplished while securing the same, and possibly greater, employment and wage growth, as companies would have a real incentive to increase hiring and wages.
Some have argued this “scoring” approach would burden companies. Rather than a burden, it would only be a matter of companies sharing the information they already have. Companies know who they hire and fire, what they pay their employees and which employees receive company-provided health insurance.
Others have argued that companies may try to game the system and some may. However, a company trying to game the system does not change the fact that tying corporate tax cuts to company job creation and wages is more efficient than cutting corporate tax cuts unconditionally for all companies in the hope that jobs are created and wages increase.
Still, others have questioned whether Congress would pass a bill that makes tax cuts contingent on job creation and wages. Think of it this way: If you owned a business and you were told how to increase your return on investment but your management team wouldn’t implement the plan, would you give up on the plan? Of course not. Instead, you might change the management.
Promises of job creation are not enough. Americans deserve a better return on the proposed $1.5 trillion in additional debt they would be subjected to over the next 10 years. Anything less would be a bad investment, and there is a much more efficient alternative, the Earned Corporate Tax Cut.
Chris Macke is the founder of Solutionomics, a think tank focused on developing solutions and recommendations for a more efficient, merit-based corporate tax code. He has advised the U.S. Federal Reserve by providing market updates and implications of monetary policy changes on asset valuations and market distortions, and he's a contributor to the Fed Beige Book. | positive |
Gary Whetstone - Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! | sidroth.org Menu Watch Television It’s Supernatural! Network Audio Store School Articles About Donate Now Give Monthly Menu Radio About the Show Find a Station Podcast This Week’s Broadcast Respond to the Show How to Listen Archive of Past Shows Guest: Gary Whetstone December 8, 2003 How to have a godly marriage. Gary also tells how his own marriage was miraculously restored. Show 1360 previous play next stop mute max volume repeat shuffle Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. View More Radio Broadcasts » Offers From This Interview Search by Name or Topic: Search Watch Television It’s Supernatural! Network Audio Store School Articles About Donate Now Give Monthly Stay connected Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA Sign up and receive our Weekly Broadcast Preview, eNewsletter, and more! Canadians please sign up here About Television Radio Articles Store It’s Supernatural! Network How to Know God Newsletter School Privacy Policy FAQ Contact Search ©2022 Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! and Messianic Vision P.O. Box 39222 • Charlotte, NC 28278 • (704) 943-6500 • info (at) sidroth.org Return to Top Messianic Vision, Inc. is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Tax ID#: 52-1081247. Your Gift Makes a Difference! | negative |
Should You Wear Arch Support? (The TRUTH Behind Orthotics) – Squat University Skip to content Squat University The Ultimate Guide To Finding Your True Strength Menu CONTENT BLOG ‘Rebuilding Milo’ Book ‘Squat Bible’ Book PODCAST SEMINARS UPCOMING SEMINARS HOST A SEMINAR TESTIMONALS RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS APPAREL WORK WITH ME Should You Wear Arch Support? (The TRUTH Behind Orthotics) Posted on March 12, 2022 March 12, 2022 by ahorschig It is common for many in the medical community to recommend an orthotic for those dealing with foot pain under the assumption that they need to support the foot. Unfortunately, this approach does not address the root cause of the problem. More often than not, it is the shoe that is at fault. This is part 7 of a series titled “Foot Pain (How To Fix ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ and Other Common Foot Problems)” Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Foot Anatomy 101 (Normal Vs Natural) Part 3: How Shoes Change Your Foot Part 4: What Causes Plantar Fasciitis? Part 5: How To Screen Your Foot Pain Part 6: Foot Pain – The Rebuilding Process Part 7: Foot Pain – Should You Wear Orthotics? Part 8: Foot Pain – What About Steroid Shots? – Coming Soon… But for a moment, let’s discuss the idea behind arch support. Podiatrist Dr. Ray McClanahan explains that the misconception stems from our poor understanding of how arches truly function. Ask yourself this question, “What is the weakest point of a bridge?” The answer depends on the architecture or design. For example, if the bridge you envisioned was an elevated flat road between two pieces of land, the middle portion that is unsupported would be the weakest. An arched bridge on the other hand uses a curved structure to distribute the weight from the center outwards towards either end. Rather than have a single weak point, the entire structure works together to hold itself up. For this reason, the arch bridge is far stronger than the traditional “beam” or straight bridge and why your feet are designed with an arch of their own! This ingenious design allows our body to efficiently support a ton of load (whether we’re carrying a backpack, pushing a sled, or trying to squat 800 pounds). An engineer will tell you that the strength of an arch depends on the support structures on either end of the curve. So, if you want an arch to remain in place (whether that arch is supporting a bridge, the historical roman aqueducts or the famous St. Louis Gateway Arch) you focus on the ends. Simple physics. If we apply this same logic to our feet, it would make sense to support the ends of our arch (the heel and forefoot joints) in order to strengthen and enhance its capacity/function. However, this is not at all what traditional orthotics are designed to do. Rather they attempt to prop up our arch by lifting from the middle. Now this isn’t to say that current “arch supports” (like the Dr. Scholl’s inserts you can find at most drug stores) aren’t helpful at all. There are some that do get a small amount of pain relief from their use. However, we must understand they should only be a temporary intervention. Think about it like this, you wouldn’t wear a cast for a broken bone in your hand forever. Of course not! After a short time of wearing it, the muscles of the arm would begin to atrophy. The same goes for how orthotics affect your foot. Long term use of these “supports” do nothing to treat the cause of many foot problems. Doing so will only lead your foot muscles to atrophy and lose strength over time.1 If traditional “arch supports” are not a real solution for most foot issues, let’s talk about what is. The idea of reinforcing the ends of the arch to increase its overall strength is based on the assumption that the ends of the curve are on even terrain. However, most current footwear do not hold the foot in this manner (the heel and toes are often both elevated from the ground). Therefore, the only way to establish true “arch support” is to ditch modern shoes and return the foot to its natural position with the heel and toes completely flat on the ground (this means wearing a shoe with a heel-toe drop of zero). In doing so the heel and “ball of the foot” along with the toes will be in a position to provide authentic support for the arch as they were designed. Now some of you reading this will be wondering, “But my doctor said I need orthotics because my arch is too high (or too low)!” While there is a very small percentage of people who have foot anatomy that requires orthotics, arch height (or lack thereof) is not a determining factor in foot health for a large majority of people.2 It’s all about how the arch functions, not its appearance! Having “low arches” does not automatically lead to foot problems. Having low arches that are weak however can. Therefore, many who believe they have “flat feet” generally just have very mobile/weak feet. Having “high arches” does not automatically lead to foot problems either. Having high arches that are stiff however can. Those with high arches generally tend to have more rigid feet and would therefore benefit from being barefoot more often to allow their feet to move and function as they were designed. You have to understand that for most of human history we have survived just fine without shoes (or with very thin shoes shaped like feet) without anything supporting the arches of our feet. This is why those who live in cultures around the world today who do not regularly wear shoes have significantly healthier feet than those of us in industrialized countries that constantly wear “modern” footwear. 3-16 Maintaining a healthy and pain-free foot is in large part determined by how your arches function and move, not in how they look. While orthotics can work for a small minority of people, the overwhelming majority of us don’t need them! Most people are better off addressing the root cause rather than stuffing an orthotic into their shoe hoping for the best. For most of you reading this, we need to take a different approach to orthotics. After modifying your footwear, I highly recommend using a toe spacer (also called a toe wedge, bunion splint, or foot-toe orthotic). While there are a few different options available today, the “Correct Toes” toe spacer developed by Dr. Ray McClanahan is my favorite (this is actually the pair I wear everyday). The thing that sets this product apart from others is that it’s designed to be worn when weightbearing (walking, running, etc.) rather than at rest. A toe spacer orthotic spreads the toes and help realigns the foot back into its “natural position.”17,18 Think of these spacers like braces many wear on their teeth but for your toes (they teach your body how to adapt to a different and more optimal orientation). This kind of orthotic therefore is not designed to support the foot but rather allow the muscles, tendons and bones of the foot to function in a more optimal manner. Wearing toe spacers while you move throughout the day allows you to enhance the capacity of your foot muscles with minimal need for any isolated strength work. In fact, research has shown their use to help enhance balance in as little as four weeks!19 I personally have worn “Correct Toes” since 2019 and have seen a massive change in the shape and function of my feet. That’s it for today’s blog article! Next time we’ll discuss whether or not a cortisone shot is a good idea for dealing with plantar fasciitis! Until next time, Dr. Aaron Horschig, PT, DPT, CSCS, USAW Dr. Kevin Sonthana, PT, DPT, CSCS References Protopapas K, Perry SD. The effect of a 12-week custom foot orthotic intervention on muscle size and muscle activity of the intrinsic foot muscle of young adults during gait termination. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2020 Aug;78:105063. Hegedus EJ, Cook C, Fiander C, Wright A. Measures of arch height and their relationship to pain and dysfunction in people with lower limb impairments. Physiother Res Int. 2010 Sep;15(3):160-6. Sim-Fook L, Hodgson AR. A comparison of foot forms among the non-shoe and shoe-wearing Chinese population. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1958 Oct;40-A(5):1058-62. Hoffmann P. Conclusions drawn from a comparative study of the feet of barefooted and shoe-wearing peoples. The American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. 1905;s2-3(2):105-136. James CS. Footprints and feet of natives of the Solomon Islands. The Lancet. 1939;234:1390-1394. Shine IB. Incidence of hallux valgus in partially shoe-wearing community. Br Med J. 1965;1(5451):1648-50. Shulman SB. Survey in China and India of feet that have never worn shoes. The Journal of the National Association of Chiropodists. 1949;49:26-30. Mafart B. Hallux valgus in a historical French population: paleopathological study of 605 first metatarsal bones. Joint Bone Spine. 2007 Mar;74(2):166-70. Mays SA. Paleopathological study of hallux valgus. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2005 Feb;126(2):139-49. Swallow A. The history of shoes. Baillieres Clin Rheumatol. 1987 Aug;1(2):413-29. D’AoÛt, K., Pataky, T. C., Clercq, D. D., Aerts, P. 2009. The effects of habitual footwear use: foot shape and function in native barefoot walkers. Footwear Science, 1(2):81–94. Sachithanandam V, Joseph B. The influence of footwear on the prevalence of flat foot. A survey of 1846 skeletally mature persons. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1995 Mar;77(2):254-7. BARNETT CH. The normal orientation of the human hallux and the effect of footwear. J Anat. 1962;96(Pt 4):489-494. Kato T, Watanabe S. The etiology of hallux valgus in Japan. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1981 Jun;(157):78-81. Hollander K, de Villiers JE, Sehner S, Wegscheider K, Braumann KM, Venter R, Zech A. Growing-up (habitually) barefoot influences the development of foot and arch morphology in children and adolescents. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 14;7(1):8079. Thomas B, Singh YL, Mullerpatan RP. Comparison of foot structure between urban and rural Indian school children. Physiother – J Indian Assoc Physiother. 2019;13:38-42. Tang SF, Chen CP, Pan JL, Chen JL, Leong CP, Chu NK. The effects of a new foot-toe orthosis in treating painful hallux valgus. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002 Dec;83(12):1792-5. Kwan MY, Yick KL, Yip J, Tse CY. Hallux valgus orthosis characteristics and effectiveness: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2021 Aug 18;11(8):e047273. Kelly A, Stanek J. The Impact of a Foot-Toe Orthosis on Dynamic Balance: An Exploratory Randomized Control Trial. J Sport Rehabil. 2020 Sep 1;29(7):871-878. Share this: Tweet More Email Print Share on Tumblr Pocket Like this: Like Loading... Posted in FootTagged Arch Support, Orthotics, Plantar Fasciitis Published by ahorschig View all posts by ahorschig Post navigation Previous Post How to Fix Foot Pain (‘Plantar Fasciitis’ & Other Common Problems) Next Post Will Training Your Abs Increase Your Barbell Lifts? 20 thoughts on “Should You Wear Arch Support? (The TRUTH Behind Orthotics)” How Shoes Change Your Feet – Squat University March 12, 202212:10 pm Reply […] Part 7: Foot Pain – Should You Wear Orthotics? […] Loading... How To Evaluate Your Foot Pain – Squat University March 12, 202212:13 pm Reply […] Part 7: Foot Pain – Should You Wear Orthotics? […] Loading... David March 12, 202212:49 pm Reply I would love to hear your thoughts on wide toe box weightlifting shoes. Since working from home more during Covid, I’ve been barefoot inside my house for the last two years and wear Vivo Barefoot shoes when outside the home. It’s done wonders for my foot health. But all the weightlifting shoes I’ve tried are still narrow compared my barefoot shoes. And while I can practice some weightlifting at home barefoot (e.g. squats or pulls), I’ve never felt right doing cleans and snatches barefoot, and I certainly can’t compete that way. Loading... cookieclickeraz March 24, 20222:59 am Reply If you have the right person by your side, 80% of you don’t need it. I found my joy here play solitaire. and they gave me the answer so I can find joy every day after stressful working hours. Loading... Henry Mosley March 29, 20222:37 am Reply I am sure that this topic deserves a whole seminar of its own because so many of my acquaintances face this problem without even thinking about it. You have to give people the opportunity to correct their mistakes and never repeat them because it’s really important for their health. I will look forward to the next seminar, although it would be very nice if you did at least a small online conference via online chatting rooms if there is no possibility to do it live. Loading... Steven Atkinson April 6, 20221:27 am Reply It’s a really interesting article, especially pay attention to the information that if you choose shoes that are best for your feet or fashion, you definitely need to give preference to the former. Loading... Viola Jones April 11, 202210:55 am Reply The paper writing service firm also has a team of editors who go through each of the paper writing service after the professional term papers for sale writers write my essay online have completed for each customer. Loading... jafodsf fdjk April 26, 20226:43 am Reply I am thankful to such a great thing. 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I love to see things for now. https://ied.eu/blog/7-most-successful-start-ups-created-by-students/ Loading... David Smith June 21, 20223:52 am Reply https://masterbundles.com/templates/presentations/powerpoint/pitch-deck/ Loading... richardozerbe June 28, 20226:32 pm Reply HELP WITH RATHER SEVERE BUNIONS Loading... Chris June 28, 20227:37 pm Reply What can be done for halux limitus. podiatrist went straight for the arch supports! Im said…Im not wearing those! But my rt first metatarsal joint hurts… n hurts worse during n after exercise. I don’t want to make it halux rigidus. Metatarsal pads? Correct toes worked great on my left foot but the right one is an issue. Loading... alison September 14, 20228:59 am Reply A professional resume writing service is something that you will find surprisingly useful when you are looking for a job. Here https://resumeperk.com/about-us you can read about it in detail. A resume is very important for any job seeker, so it is necessary to take the process of writing seriously. Just like the experts working at this service. Loading... Leave a Reply to Anna Khalifa Cancel reply Explore Squat University Search for: Blog Categories Blog Categories Select Category #AskSquatU (3) Accessories (1) Ankle (3) Biomechanics (3) Book (1) Breathing (1) Common Squat Injuries (14) Core (2) Foot (6) Guest Post (1) Hip (6) Injury & Treatment (30) Knee (9) Low Back Pain (9) Mission Statement (1) Movement (4) Old Man Rants (1) Overhead Mobility (2) Podcasts (2) Scapula (2) Seminar (3) Shoes (2) Squat History 101 (1) Squat Myths (3) Technique (14) Top 5 of 2016 (1) Uncategorized (13) Warm-Up (3) Youth Weight Training (2) Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Follow Search for: Squat University The FIRST Wide Toe Box Weightlifting Shoe September 12, 2022 Does The Intervertebral Disc Adapt To Load? August 24, 2022 Do You Love Coffee? July 13, 2022 Most Viewed Articles The McGill Big 3 For Core Stability Home Blog Article Database Recommended Products What Kind of Groin Pain Do You Have? Social Media: Follow Squat University! View @SquatUniversity’s profile on Twitter View Squat_University’s profile on Instagram View SquatUniversity’s profile on Pinterest View Aaron Horschig’s profile on LinkedIn View SquatUniversity’s profile on YouTube Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email (Required) Name (Required) Website %d bloggers like this: | negative |
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A southern Alberta landlord has won his battle to remove a squatter living in a small shack sitting on a trailer on the man's rental property.
"I'm absolutely relieved," Ivan Negrych said of his success in getting Bob Cox off his driveway in the town of Cardston, about 235 kilometres southeast of Calgary.
A judge in Lethbridge ruled Tuesday that Cox, 54, was not to return to the property.
The judge also terminated Cox's tenancy rights as of Monday, and ruled that any property left behind would be considered abandoned.
Negrych had been renting a five-bedroom home to Cox's former common-law wife.
The woman and two daughters allowed Cox to move in after he was injured in a car accident about 18 months ago.
She moved out Sept. 30 and Negrych rented out the property to another person within days, but Cox wouldn't budge from the driveway.
Negrych had asked the RCMP to help, but was told it was an issue between landlord and tenant.
The landlord said he isn't angry about what happened, but was frustrated with the circumstances.
"Nobody in authority wanted to deal with this, which forced us to have to take the matter to court."
Negrych said the judge also gave him and his wife 60 days to file a civil lawsuit to recover about $3,000 in unpaid rent and damages.
He said Cox showed up to the hearing late and wasn't allowed to argue his case.
Cox had removed his trailer-shack on Monday. | positive |
SeaWorkd Entertainment announced changes in several leadership positions, including the promotion of John Reily to Chief Parks Operations Officer where he will oversee all 11of the company's theme parks. Photo by Roka/Shutterstock.com
ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 20 (UPI) -- SeaWorld Entertainment announced several changes in leadership as the company continues to restructure following the backlash from 2013 documentary Blackfish.
The company's restructring includes many longtime employees. SeaWorld San Diego Park President John Reily was promoted to chief parks operations officer after current Operations Officer Daniel B. Brown announced his retirement. As part of his new role Reily will oversee all 11 of the company's theme parks.
Former Vice President of Veterinary Services R. Christopher Dold was also promoted to chief zoological officer and will replace Brad Andrews who will move to a new role as zoological director emeritus.
Marilynn Hannes was also promoted from vice president of global sales to SeaWorld San Diego and Aquatica San Diego park president.
All of these changes will be effective as of April 1 with the exception of Carl Lum who will replace Dan Decker as San Antonio park president as of Feb. 19.
"These leaders bring to their new roles an extraordinary depth of knowledge and talent and the right expertise to deliver on our strategic priorities," said Joel Manby, president and chief executive officer of SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. "John is a strong and experienced operator who has proven his leadership, both at Busch Gardens Williamsburg and amidst a challenging operating environment at our California location."
The company also announced the appointment of Steve Landolo as vice president of resort development. He will head the effort to construct resorts around the company's marine parks, which is already underway in San Diego.
SeaWorld saw per-capita admissions revenue fall by 2.1 percent in 2015 after ending killer whale shows due to regulatory pressure from groups such as the California Coastal Commission, which refused to give the company permission to breed killer whales. | positive |
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As headlines go, it was perfect. ' Ryanair flight attendant asks man to open bag... and soon the whole flight is singing.'
As headlines go, it was perfect. 'Ryanair flight attendant asks man to open bag... and soon the whole flight is singing.'
Ryanair and the French accordion player - the true story of a viral video that flew around the world
It promised. It intrigued. It delivered.
When you clicked, you were rewarded with a genuinely heart-warming scene. A confused Frenchman on a Ryanair flight from Dublin to Nice, asked to reveal the contents of a bag on his lap... and plucking out a "squeeze box".
"What is this? An accordion?" one of the flight attendants asked. "This is an Irish company and you have to play the accordion."
So he did. And soon a plane-load of passengers joined in.
Since then, the video has been viewed almost 20 million times on Facebook alone, and featured in publications ranging from Ireland to the UK, US and India.
"Meanwhile in Ireland... Ryanair are no United Airlines," quipped The Irish Post, referring to the now-infamous incident in which passenger David Dao was dragged down the aisle of a United aircraft, before being removed from the flight.
"It was just this little moment of magic," says Francois Colussi, the man at the centre of the video, sharing his story exclusively with Independent.ie Travel.
But was the video a genuine moment, or a pre-rehearsed PR stunt, as some on social media have suggested? What was the real story behind it?
Colussi lives in Ireland, where he runs the Pure Magic kitesurfing centres in Achill Island and Dublin, as well as the city's Battle for the Bay watersports festival.
While travelling to Nice, he says he bumped into a friend - Clontarf businessman Ronan Morris, of Together Digital - and the two managed to switch seats for a chat.
It was then that the plan for mischief was hatched.
Francois takes his accordion to the Wild Atlantic Way on Achill Island, where he runs 'Pure Magic' Kitesurfing.
"It was a little magic trick," Colussi says. Shortly afterwards, the pair were asking the Ryanair crew "if they had five minutes to do something unusual."
"We were worried that the stewards would not allow it, but they were very enthusiastic... I mentioned the United Airlines incident, and the idea we had to show how we do things differently in Ireland. They loved the idea!"
A few minutes later, the two cabin crewmembers approached Colussi and asked what was in his bag. "They were very convincing," he says.
The moment itself was improvised, he adds. Asked to play a song, Colussi struck up the opening bars of 'Dirty Old Town', made famous by The Pogues, just a few minutes before the plane was due to begin its final descent.
Unlike other recent airline cabin encounters, this one ended happily with some off-key singing from Morris... clapped along by dozens of fellow passengers.
What did Ryanair think of it all?
"As Europe's most punctual airline, Ryanair customers are already used to hearing our on-time arrival music on landing," the airline told Independent.ie Travel.
Francois Colussi in action. Photo by permission of Francois Colussi
"All onboard enjoyed this extra bonus track mid–flight."
"There was no intention whatsoever to gain money or to look for fame," Colussi says. "It was just this little moment of magic to make people think... and smile."
He describes it as "a parody" of negative passenger incidents.
Publicity for Pure Magic and the Battle for the Bay festival, due to take place in Dublin next weekend (battleforthebay.com), won't hurt of course.
"So, yes it was a set up but a pretty random one!"
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The Taco Dorito was spicier than the original Nacho Cheese Dorito, and miraculously seemed to contain more sodium than a chip that size should be able to handle. In chemistry, I remember learning about saturation and super-saturation. Somehow, perhaps using advanced 25th century magical powers of nanotechnology, the Doritos people super-saturated the Taco Dorito with delciousness. That is to say they put so much deliciousness in that product it threatened the very stability of matter itself. How did they do it? I don’t know and frankly, I don’t want to know. Even the Keebler elves never had that kind of power.
Then they upped their game. When I was seven or eight, Doritos took it to the next level. How? By creating the “Taco Flavored Dorito.” How much did the Taco Dorito taste like an actual taco? Zero. It tasted zero much like a regular taco. Instead, it tasted better. Somehow Doritos managed to perfect the perfect food. Regular readers may or may not be aware of my fondness for all things taco related. Why? Because tacos are taco-riffic. And yet somehow the good people – nay, great people – at Doritos managed to create a taste so distinctive, it trumped even the good taste of tacos. And in doing so, they even managed to somehow made me dislike Mexicans less.
There was a time when Doritos made one product – Nacho Cheese Doritos. This was a revolutionary chip. Even their shape was revolutionary. A triangle shaped chip? Fuck yes. Nacho Cheese flavored? Hell to the fuck yes. They came out in 1966. Nobody else was mass-marketing tortilla chips back then, let alone flavoring the shit out of them. Doritos was the Google of its time, so far superior to any other chip out there that to put it in the same snack food category as, say, Lays Potato Chips, would be an insult to the term “snack food category.”
It was the perfect chip.
And then it disappeared. The Taco Dorito entered the Bermuda Triangle of snack foods. One minute it was there, the next gone without a word to anybody. And nobody besides me was even talking about it. Why was I the only one who seemed to notice or care. Several years later, when they cancelled that stupid Claire Danes show, thousands of people wrote letters to the network demanding it be brought back, and you couldn’t even that show. Nobody did that for Taco Dorito. Nobody did a god damned thing.
At first I thought maybe Doritos was playing mind games with us. Or maybe they were copying the folks at Mallomars, who only release their splendid cookie once a year. But as the years went by, I realized that unless they were implementing a “Taco Dorito only comes out once even seven years like the cicada” marketing strategy, chances are the Taco Dorito was gone for good.
Having been associated with almost exclusively failed projects over the course of my career, I would like to hazard a guess. My gut tells me the rest of America wasn’t nearly as wild about Taco Doritos as this lonely New Jersey boy, just as the rest of America hasn’t been particularly crazy about any of my aforementioned projects. My guess is that Americans preferred the safe, predictable, even boring flavor of the Nacho Cheese Dorito. Maybe the rest of the nation felt the Taco Dorito was too spicy, too ethnic, too different. And maybe, I suspect, they feel the same way about me. I don’t know.
From that point on, Doritos lost their luster in my eyes. They really started to slide downhill after the Cool Ranch Dorito was introduced. First of all, I don’t like the idea of Doritos in a blue bag. Doritos and blue clash. That’s why in all of professional sports there is not a single team with orange and blue uniforms except the Denver Broncos who have never won anything (except several Super Bowls). Will I eat a Cool Ranch Dorito? Sure, because despite everything I still enjoy Doritos. I love their wholesome crunch, I love the flavor granules that scrape off the chip and wedge themselves into the whorls of my fingertips, allowing me the orgasmic pleasure of scraping the taste off with my teeth when I am done with my chips. To me, that’s like a Doritos dessert. But I don’t love them as much as I once did, back when the Taco Dorito was around.
Since then, Doritos has introduced a plethora of flavor choices, all of which are now preceded by an unnecessary adjective. “Sizzlin’ Picante,” for example. Or “Smokin’ Cheddar BBQ.” Setting aside the fact that I don’t want to eat any chip that combines the tastes of cheddar cheese and barbecuing, I don’t know why the marketing folks at Doritos feel the need to add descriptive modifiers to their chip names. Nor do I know why they feel the need to drop the “g’s” at the ends of “sizzling” and “smoking.”
Actually, I do know.
Recently I did some work for the people at Pepsico, under the aegis of the Sierra Mist banner. What you may not know is that Frito Lay, the makers of Doritos, is owned by Pepsico. A couple years ago Pepsi invited me to go to the Super Bowl, which they sponsor. As part of the weekend’s festivities, they had a big breakfast/marketing meeting/cult worship ceremony in which all of the different Pepsico brands showed off their upcoming commercials. When it was Doritos turn to go, an exuberant, amped-up dude bounded onto the stage and began describing the Doritos brand. He used words like youthful and fun-loving. But one word really stuck with me that day. “Doritos are outrageous,” he said.
I wasn’t sure what he meant. Did he mean that the chip itself is outrageous? Or did he mean that outrageous people, as some part of their outrageousness, enjoyed Doritos? Or was it that Doritos forced ordinary people to do outrageous things? And what kind of outrageous act would be acceptable to Pepsico? For example, I imagine killing a hooker would probably not be okay. What if the killer employed the “Doritos made me do it” defense? I’m not expert on such matters, but it seems to me that could be very bad press.
No, I think to the corporate lackeys who make beverages and snack foods, dropping the “g” off the end of words = outrageous. The thought, perhaps being, that some square English teacher will see the bags on the shelves and say out loud, “They dropped the ‘g’. That’s outrageous!” As he stews in his indignation, some mop-topped skater kid will whiz by, grabbing the Doritos bag so quickly that the resultant breeze will blow off the professor’s toupee. That’s outrageous!!!
Maybe Doritos marketers think that people who routinely drop their g’s are rule breakers, and a chip that does the same will appeal to such people. But this is a slippery slope. That same skater kid (who is already breaking the rules by skateboarding in the supermarket) might decide that Doritos are awesome, but he doesn’t want to pay for them. So he just skates past the outraged cashiers, glides past the outraged security guys, and out the door, thus giving the proverbial middle finger to all of society.
Pepsico, I suspect, doesn’t want any actual outrageousness of this sort going on. Instead, they want the idea of outrageousness safely contained in a plastic snack bag. They want us to express our outrageousness through the radical, subversive act of eating a corn chip. Consider their marketing campaign that year. Regular people were encouraged to create their own commercial for Doritos. The winning entry would be shown during the Super Bowl. OUTRAGEOUS!!! Somebody needs to explain to me how the act of creating a thirty second television commercial for a multinational food and beverage conglomerate could be perceived as anything other than utterly bourgeois, which is a French word meaning “fucking stupid.” The only thing outrageous about it was that they weren’t getting paid.
Then there is the issue of some of the newer additions to the Doritos family like the 100 calorie Mini Bite Doritos. These are bags of Doritos carefully apportioned so that if one eats the whole bag, that person will be ingesting exactly one hundred calories of outrageousness. You can’t have it both ways, Doritos. You can’t be crazy and impulsive and also a 100 calorie mini bag. Or what about the Reduced Fat Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch Dorito? Reduced fat? OUTRAGEOUS!
Go to the Doritos web site here. There you will find all kinds of outrageousness: electric guitars, speedboats, seaplanes, plus advertisements for other products like the Xbox and MTV. Why does a website for one product advertise other products? That’s easy: outrageous corporate synergy. MTV? Outrageous. Xbox? Outrageous. There’s also an interactive video game called “The Quest,” whose tagline is “Guessing the flavor is just the beginning.” Honestly, I don’t ever want to be in a situation where I am “guessing the flavor.”
Scenario I want to avoid as follows:
Person 1: “Here. Eat this.”
Me: “What is it?”
Person: “Guess!”
I much prefer to know what I’m putting in my mouth before I do so. And when I do eat something, I want that to be pretty much the end of the adventure. Because in the past, any adventures I’ve had that began with me eating something usually ended up with me throwing up throughout the night. But maybe I’m just not outrageous enough to play a video game on a website for corn chips.
Why can’t we just have chips? Why do I need slogans and branding and treasure? I just want to be able to eat my salt and trans fats in peace. And I want those trans fats to be taco flavored, just like they used to be. Either I’m just not getting the world anymore or else the world is just gettin’ more outrageous. | positive |
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Since Paste began hosting large-scale blind tastings of craft beer styles in 2015, it’s safe to say we have tasted a lot of beers. The sheer numbers are mind-boggling even to us, reaching beyond the hundreds and into the thousands of separate brews. All of the data from these tastings has continued to be archived on Paste, primarily here and here, but until now it’s solely been partitioned into various lists by beer style.
Recently, we realized that this was missing out on a useful way to present this information, which was to group the beers by state of origin. That way, if you’re planning a vacation to California, Maine, Oregon or some other great beer state, you can look up a Paste list to find a ready-made Easter egg hunt of great beers to look for while you’re there. And not only that—the vast majority of these beers are ones that excelled in blind tasting settings. That’s a big deal, and the significance of it shouldn’t be overlooked. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to taste beers in a totally blind environment, you know how different and enlightening the results can be when you remove hype and labels from the equation.
The below list isn’t meant to be viewed as the absolute best beers from Vermont, one of America’s most heralded beer states thanks to its role in the development of the so-called NE-IPA, along with the presence of trend-setting, world-class breweries such as Hill Farmstead and The Alchemist. Such a list would be difficult to pull off for any publication without being based in the state. What we can tell you is that as time goes by, we’re getting more and more top-tier beer out of Vermont, and much of it is coming from young breweries just beginning to emerge on a national scale. Where the likes of The Alchemist and Lawson’s Finest Liquids helped popularize beer styles such as hazy IPA, many young Vermont breweries are working hard to bring that style to its next delicious evolution.
The beers below are not ranked, and presented in alphabetical order.
1. The Alchemist Focal Banger
City: Waterbury, VT
ABV: 7%
The verdict: The Alchemist amusingly describes this beer as being “judiciously” hopped with Citra and Mosaic … which is rather like saying your average hurricane is “on the windy side.” Obviously, the truth of the matter is that Focal Banger is ludicrously hoppy, as one would no doubt expect from the little brother of Heady Topper. In terms of character, the two share some similarities, although Focal Banger is probably a little bit more directly hop-focused, with a correspondingly lighter malt profile. It explodes out of the glass with rich, complex aromatics: Dank, green hop resin, juicy pineapple and grapefruit candy, and a touch of exotic spiciness that you sometimes get out of these tropical varietals when used in massive amounts. There’s definitely a syrupy quality to this hop-rate, which candies the fruit impressions and cuts down a tad on drinkability … but man, what a rush that initial whiff can be. Whether it comes off as more strongly tropical or dank may come down to what flavors your palate perceives most acutely, but Focal Banger is clearly a treat for those who love big, big hops.
2. The Alchemist Heady Topper
City: Stowe, VT
ABV: 8%
The verdict: Oh, how the mighty have … arguably become slightly less mighty, while still being pretty damn good? Yes, it’s good old Heady Topper, the beer that has arguably done more for the field of “whale” DIPAs than any other. It’s hard to believe that this stuff has been around for 13 years now, but it has since 2004 at least, bearing the standard for “NE-IPA” for almost a decade before anyone even bothered to coin that term. And it’s still an excellent beer, even if the mystique and hype perhaps aren’t quite what they once were. The flavor profile is a good balance of different elements—there’s still a good charge of bitterness in there, a pithy orange citrus quality that balances juicy tropical fruit sweetness. There are also hints of booze and even of light caramel, which fade into a finish dominated by greener, more piney notes. Several score sheets use the word “solid,” and that’s what Heady Topper is—solid. Is that a disappointment to some? Surely, but it shouldn’t be. As the style continues to evolve, so does every brewery, including The Alchemist. Just look at their Focal Banger, which was #6 out of 247 IPAs the last time we tasted those.
3. Burlington Beer Co. Sassamanash
City: Burlington, VT
ABV: 10.1%
The verdict: Burlington managed to give us what is possibly the most unique imperial stout of the tasting; one brewed with tart cranberry juice and aged on neutral red oak rather than a liquor barrel. The result is subtle but very effective—an undercurrent of very light tartness and slightly greater acidity, which amplifies the already present flavors of dark fruit. In reality, I think the key here is that there’s just a really great imperial stout under the hood, with an impeccable balance between dark baker’s chocolate, lightly smoky roast, dark fruit (black cherry, plum) and very light, restrained residual sweetness. Being offered this beer blind, you might not necessarily detect the oak or suspect that it was barrel-aged, but that doesn’t mean the wood isn’t adding an x-factor that would otherwise be missed. This is just a great stout, plain and simple, but the unique nature of its aging is a bonus.
4. Foley Brothers Brewing Prospect
City: Brandon, VT
ABV: 9%
The verdict: This is why we do blind tastings, right here. As far as I know, none of the judges present at any of these 14 days of tasting have ever sampled anything from Vermont’s Foley Brothers Brewing before. In fact, I’m not sure if any of us have even heard of this brewery before, but here they are at #5 in a blind tasting, out of 176 beers. And rightly so, because their DIPA, Prospect, is freaking phenomenal. Hazy and juicy in equal measure, it blends a wonderfully varied range of citrus, tropical and stone fruit characteristics, although most tasters were calling out pineapple and peach in their notes. On the sweeter side of the juicy spectrum, with very low bitterness, Prospect is a comforting, extremely accessible DIPA that even features some very lightly doughy malt along with the hops. We really couldn’t ask much more from any NE-IPA.
5. Four Quarters La Noche Oscura del Alma
City: Winooski, VT
ABV: 9%
The verdict: Okay, this is the only other beer on the table that can give the gin barrel stout a run for its money in the uniqueness department. Like the Finback stout, this one is made with apple brandy barrels, but then it’s additionally “conditioned on sour cherries, cacao nibs and smoked chipotle peppers.” Now that is an interesting cocktail, right there. On the palate—woah, this is some weird, wild stuff. It presents with ashy, smoky roast and oak, but also fairly perceptible tartness. It’s rare that we’ve ever tasted a beer that is so assertively roasty but also genuinely sour at the same time, and when we have in the past, it’s not exactly been a good combination. Here, however, the tartness is also supported by a fruity, somewhat viniferous quality (presumably via apple brandy) that works as an excellent counterbalance to the drying roast. The chiles, meanwhile, simply present a low-key note of spice that one taster’s notes observe as a “peppery tang.” This feels like a beer that could easily go terribly wrong, but the brewers at Four Quarters threaded the needle to somehow make a stout that is equal parts novel and genuinely enjoyable.
6. Frost Beer Works Lush DIPA
City: Hinesburg, VT
ABV: 8%
The verdict: Frost is a brewery that has been sniffing around the upper echelon of several rankings of hop-forward styles in the past, but this is clearly their time to arrive in earnest—and not the only Vermont brewer to do so, either! This one makes use of hop varietals from both hemispheres to create an enticing and complex network of hop-derived notes: melon, mango, citrus, pine and dank. As one taster wrote: “Juicy, sticky weed resin, so into it.” Placed next to some of the other beers in the final, it wasn’t necessarily among the most explosively flavorful or assertive, but this is one case where an overall complexity and balance between elements is worth points. Lush is a great synthesis of multiple aspects of modern IPA brewing.
7. Frost Beer Works Really Pale Ale
City: Hinesburg, VT
ABV: 5.5%
IBU: 35
The verdict: This unique beer seems to be a crossover of two or more styles, an unusual nexus between American pale ale, American wheat ale and Belgian wit—but the brewers call it a pale ale, and thus we will as well. The significant portion of wheat malt is pretty obvious both in the doughy, bready flavors it contributes and in the beer’s appearance: Very light, opaquely cloudy and hefeweizen-like. It boasts a fantastic nose, though, of super juicy, sweet tangerine that pierces the ranks of “standard” citrus flavors we’ve experienced so many times on the table. It’s also very soft on the palate, perhaps because of the wheat, with no real bitterness to speak of, especially in comparison with the other beers. One might hope that the wheat would deliver just a bit more body or a creamier mouthfeel, but what this one boils down to is a ridiculously, dangerously drinkable citrus bomb with nice supporting wheat malt flavors. It’s like the beer equivalent an English muffin with orange marmalade.
8. Hill Farmstead Anna
City: Greensboro Bend, VT
ABV: 6.4%
The verdict: Compared with Arthur, Hill Farmstead’s flip side of the coin is more alike than it is completely disparate, but the balance is even more impeccable. A bit funkier than Arthur, this Bière de Miel is as dry and refreshing as you’d expect—you know when you see “honey” on the label that a brewery like Hill Farmstead is going to let those simple sugars ferment out completely. We get touches of green apple and hayloft in this one, with a wonderfully supple, smooth mouthfeel that doesn’t compromise the fact that this farmhouse ale is a real quaffer. From one score sheet: “Bretty and slightly tart, dry and refreshing, subtle funk but real drinkability.” This is lovely beer.
9. Hill Farmstead Arthur
City: Greensboro Bend, VT
ABV: 6%
The verdict: It’s an odd experience to go into a blind tasting with no first-hand knowledge of a beer, but nevertheless have expectations of what it might taste like. In the case of Hill Farmstead, it’s almost impossible to not have some level of trepidation because of the hype bestowed upon what is often called the best brewery in the world. We’ve never been fortunate enough to have a Hill Farmstead beer in a tasting before this, but for whatever reason, I’d always imagined their house saison, Arthur, as being a classical funk bomb. And yet … that’s really not it at all. Rather, this is a really beautifully balanced farmhouse ale that make significant use of both Euro and American hops, and delivers a profile that isn’t “challenging” to tasters but inherently, universally enjoyable. The wonderfully soft, velvety texture is the vessel for big citrus flavors of lemon and orange peel, with more than a touch of residual sweetness. An ever-so-calculatedly small level of tartness enhances the “juicy” impression of those citrus flavors, as well as drinkability, in a way that one score sheet describes as “checking a lot of boxes.” In short, this wasn’t the brettanoymces funk bomb that I was subconsciously expecting, but much more of a refreshing, crowd-pleasing saison that most any brewery would kill to have as a year-rounder.
10. House of Fermentology Seurat Dot
City: Burlington, VT
ABV: 5.6%
The verdict: The coolest new brewery discovery of this tasting may have been Burlington’s House of Fermentology, whose beers were sent in by a very helpful Paste reader to whom we offer our thanks. Their earlier Green Dot was one of the better dry-hopped sours of the tasting, and here the pointillism-inspired Seurat Dot veers off in another interesting direction with the combination of passionfruit and lemon peel additions. The aroma is a big melange of tart citrus and pungent, vinegary sourness, with notes of passionfruit juice and apricot skin. Tartness is quite high—on the aggressive side, which gives the fruit flavors punchy vitality. This is a near-perfect example of the kind of in-your-face, fruit flavor-packed sour style that would have seemed insane or impossible to most beer geeks only a decade ago. It’s good to keep in mind how far this field has come in such a short, short amount of time.
11. House of Fermentology Green Dot
City: Burlington, VT
ABV: 5%
The verdict: There’s a good amount of buzz about Burlington’s Foam Brewers these days, and this tasting gave us a pretty clear picture of why that is. Green Dot is part of the House of Fermentology “dot series” of color-coded beers, and unsurprisingly serves as the dry-hopped entry in the lineup. There were quite a few dry-hopped sours in here, but I’m pretty sure none of them were more explosively flavorful than Green Dot. In both hop character and tartness, this beer has been cranked up to 11. It smells like an NE-IPA, exploding with juicy tropical fruit (pineapple) and orangey citrus. But at the same time, Green Dot is seriously sour, which merges with the citrus-heavy flavor profile to make something seriously tangy. This is beer that might be accurately described as “challenging,” because it will probably be BOTH too hop-forward and too tart for some drinkers, but for someone looking to scratch both itches at once—and seriously scratch them—Green Dot is a rush of wish fulfillment.
12. Lawson’s Finest Liquids/Otter Creek Double or Nothing Maple Barleywine
City: Warren, VT
ABV: 10.5%
The verdict: This unusual barleywine was aged on maple wood and received an infusion of Vermont maple syrup, making for something that immediately stood out as nebulously different during its blind tasting. Other online tasters have alluded to a cloying sweetness and attributed it to the syrup, but we didn’t really get a ton of residual sugar on this one—rather, we were intrigued by some of the darker malt characteristics in play. Thanks to the molasses/nutty/toffee characteristics, it almost feels like something of a cross between an American barleywine and say, an imperial brown ale—more of a toasty quality than we found in many of the other barleywines, with definite cocoa undertones and a hint of sour woodiness. Nothing else we tasted that day was quite like it.
13. Lawson’s Finest Liquids Sip of Sunshine
City: Warren, VT
ABV: 8%
The verdict: Along with Heady Topper, Sip of Sunshine is perhaps the other beer most responsible for getting us to where IPA is today, and it’s good to see that it still holds up. Like a few of the other beers in this tasting, it’s another one of those that doesn’t really commit fully to a “double” aesthetic, and instead feels a bit more like a bridge between single and double IPA. Still, the big hop flavors are there: Lots of funky tropical fruit, in a cocktail of pineapple juice and resin, with a bit of corresponding bitterness for balance (not a ton, but more than none). From one succinct score sheet: “Clean, correct, on point.” From another: “Pineapple, sweet onion and sticky resin.” It’s no longer quite as bombastic as some of the other NE-IPAs on the scene, but it doesn’t have to be. Sip of Sunshine still fits in comfortably among the new wave of VT and New England hop bombs.
14. Lawson’s Finest Liquids Super Session #2
City: Warren, VT
ABV: 4.8%
The verdict: It’s a rare accomplishment in making hoppy beer when you produce something so ridiculously juicy while solely using hops that the final product actually seems like a fruited IPA. That’s what Lawson’s has going in their Super Session #2, a beer that channels the fresh-squeezed citrus juiciness you also see in other Vermont IPAs from the likes of The Alchemist and others. Very light of body, it’s juicy and a touch sweet on the palate, followed by a rush of dank, grassy hop flavors. It goes down easy, with a citrus character that flows from juicy orange into a light zing of lemon—and one taster actually noted a “faint strawberry finish.” We expect good things from hop-forward styles coming out of Lawson’s, and this one does not disappoint.
15. Lost Nation Brewing Mosaic IPA
City: Morrisville, VT
ABV: 5.5%
The verdict: At this point in American craft beer, it’s a real rarity to see “IPA” in the 5.5% ABV range, and you could probably get away with calling this one an exceptionally hoppy pale ale, but we digress. It’s much bigger, at least aromatically, than its strength would let on, as huge aromas of fresh-squeezed orange juice come wafting out as you stick your nose above the glass. Explore a bit deeper and the big, sweet citrus is also complemented by a more exotic strain of tropical fruitiness, perhaps something like papaya, along with green, grassy notes. It’s thankfully not overly sweet on the palate, although the malt balance is more or less absent. This beer is a showcase for the single-hopped complexity of Mosaic, an experiment that many other breweries have also done, albeit not always as successfully. It remains a fascinating hop varietal because it can come off so differently in various beers, even when used in a single-hop setting. You never quite know what you’re going to get with Mosaic, but this IPA captures its juicy fruit flavors at their best.
16. Otter Creek Brewing Couch Surfer
City: Middlebury, VT
ABV: 5.4%
The verdict: Vermont brewery Otter Creek makes its first appearance in our tastings in fine style with this excellent oatmeal stout. It’s right down the middle for what you would expect of the style—one of the tasting sheets says “Yep, definitely a stout.” Featuring plenty of roast and a little bit more pronounced smokiness that some of the other examples, it plays up the “dark” side of stout quite heavily. “Perfect example of a classic-style stout,” wrote one taster in his notes. Three others all used the word “solid” in their notes. That’s just literally what it is—a solid, clean, roast-heavy oatmeal stout with no off flavors or flaws. Sometimes that’s all you need to crack the top 10—simply doing all of the little things right.
17. Simple Roots Citra & Amarillo
City: Burlington, VT
ABV: 5.1%
IBU: Unknown
The verdict: That’s the actual name, just “Citra & Amarillo,” but it’s a statement of principles we can get behind. Just about everyone enjoyed the hop character of this beer, which has both a tart, grapefruit citrus and more round, sweet tropical characteristics that make it seem very “ripe.” Simultaneously, there’s also no shortage of malt here, with crystal malt sweetness that is lent depth from the sweeter, fruitier side of the hops. It tastes quite a lot larger than its 5.1% ABV, which was a surprising aspect of the reveal—as one taster put it in his notes, “it’s like a miniaturized DIPA.” There are interesting flavors packed into this frame for sure.
18. Upper Pass Beer Co. Cloud Drop
City: Tunbridge, VT
ABV: 8%
The verdict: This is our first entry from Tunbridge, VT’s Upper Pass, but it makes a pretty solid first impression for a brewery we’re not really familiar with. As you’d likely expect from the location, Cloud Drop is NE-IPA all the way; as accurate a template for the style as you’re likely to find. “Effortlessly easy drinking,” begins one of the taster’s score sheets, noting a balance between orange/lemon citrus and resin, with mild residual sweetness. There’s some of the earthy, grassy quality that we’ve come to associate with Trillium IPAs in particular, but not so much as to unbalance things in favor of vegetal hop flavors over juicy ones. All in all, this is an excellent example of what so many brewers are trying to execute right now, with greatly varying degrees of success. The easy balance between juicy, tangerine-esque flavors and dank green-ness was a common profile for a lot of these NE-IPA’s, but judging from the final placement alone, this one is clearly one of the better takes at it.
19. Von Trapp Bohemian Pilsner
City: Stowe, VT
ABV: 5.4%
The verdict: This is a beer that has gotten Vermont’s Von Trapp Brewing a good amount of attention recently, especially after it took home a GABF silver medal in 2015, and after tasting it we’re glad that a somewhat subtle take on Czech pilsner has been garnering awards. This one doesn’t really bombard the drinker with hop aromatics, although it does feature some mild, pleasantly spicy, slightly peppery notes. Malt is crisp and complex, with biscuity overtones and a wheat-breadiness that made tasters use words like “rustic.” This feels like a pilsner that one could pass off to beer fans as continental while visiting Germany; a very authentic, flavorful but balanced pils that nails the style guidelines to a tee.
20. Zero Gravity Craft Brewery Conehead Wheat IPA
City: Burlington, VT
ABV: 5.7%
The verdict: Vermont is full of big-name breweries, but it’s also got a handful of very solid, everyday beer-makers who are also rapidly rising in our esteem. Zero Gravity is one of those places, and here they’ve produced a fairly unique, unusual IPA that stands out in this lineup for zigging when others zag. Tasting blind, it’s clear that there’s something a little bit different in the grist here, and a clever taster might deduce that this is a beer with a large proportion of malted wheat. In this case, the wheat delivers a pronounced cereal graininess and a bit of doughier, breadier character, while also suggesting the ghost of some light spiciness—you’d almost think a very light farmhouse yeast strain might be involved. At the same time, the now-familiar character of Citra leads the way on the hop front, but this IPA doesn’t overdo it as far as hop intensity is concerned. It’s an easy, gentle balance between clean-drinking grain and lightly juicy, floral hops. You can’t ask much more from an everyday IPA.
| positive |
Londonist Staff
Why Are Grammar Pedants Getting Their Knickers In A Twist Over This TfL Ad?
TfL ad via Tom Edwards on Twitter.
Perhaps you've stood in front of this TfL ad at a station, stumbled over reading it, shrugged and gone back to looking at your phone.
Maybe you've secured a seat opposite the notice on the tube, and found your eyes drawn to the words and frowned, thinking 'something isn't quite right', before giving up and trying to read a story in your neighbour's newspaper before they turn the page.
Count yourself lucky. There are grammar pedants in some corners of the internet who are less easily placated.
Earlier this week, an image of the poster was posted on Facebook with the simple incitement: 'Any thoughts?'
Pedants were quick to plough in: 'because replaced with a full stop?'
'Tfl can't decide whether to be singular or plural?'
Or another: 'Or whether to talk in the first or third person.'
'That's my concern' came the reply. 'The switch from third person singular to first person plural...'
And so on, and on...
As with many grammar conundrums, there was no simple answer, which is just the way we pedants like it.
'Arguably it's "the organisation" (singular) doesn't make a profit while "we" (the people who run TfL, plural) do the investing, so the switch is fine,' offered another commenter.
...which is certainly one way of looking at it.
Happily, alternatives were offered, which is nice: 'This is in English, if they'd like it for their poster: At TfL, we don’t make a profit because we reinvest all our income to run and improve our services for you. (21 words, so it's longer by 4. I suppose that would be the bummer.)'
Or 'TfL doesn't make a profit because all income is reinvested to run and improve your services. Which is one word shorter. I think they were just desperate to get the friendly 'we' in there.'
Ahh, yes. Here at Londonist, we know all about the power of the friendly 'we'.
So, dear Londonist readers: any thoughts? | positive |
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For the first time since the financial crisis, a big bank is publicly forcing its CEO to give up a small part of his millions in salary and stock ― making him take at least some symbolic, personal responsibility for misconduct.
Wells Fargo CEO and chairman John Stumpf will forfeit $41 million in unvested stock, give up his $2.8 million annual salary (for a time) and get no bonus this year, the bank announced Tuesday in the wake of a massive scandal. Stumpf is hardly at risk of homelessness, though: he still has his job ― much to the consternation of critics ― and another $247 million in Wells Fargo stock he’s accumulated.
The bank also fired 5,300 low-paid workers over the past five years in connection with the scandal, none of whom, presumably, had as comfortable a safety net.
For the unusual fact that a bank CEO is facing any kind of penalty, you can thank Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) who has tirelessly gone after the banking industry since the financial crisis devastated the country in 2008.
Warren, who excoriated Stumpf last week in a blistering and pinpointed series of questions and non-answers at the Senate hearing over the scandal, is largely responsible for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The new post-crisis regulator finally held the bank to account for defrauding millions of customers. The CFPB and the city of Los Angeles fined the bank a combined $185 million earlier this month.
In a series of tweets on Wednesday, Warren called Wells Fargo’s announcement “a step in the right direction,” but said more must be done.
This is a small step in the right direction, but nowhere near real accountability. https://t.co/7Aj4fxXp9x — Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) September 28, 2016
.@WellsFargo CEO Stumpf will be just fine: he keeps his job & most of the money he made while massive fraud went on under his nose. — Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) September 28, 2016
On Tuesday, Wells Fargo’s board also said that Carrie Tolstedt, the executive responsible for the banking unit that had been ripping off customers, was leaving effective immediately, pushing up her retirement date from the end of this year. She will also get no severance pay or bonus for this year, give up $19 million in stock and won’t receive some “retirement enhancements.”
In a blandly worded press release, the bank’s lead independent board member, Stephen Sanger, hinted Stumpf’s future was far from secure. After announcing the board would retain an outside law firm to investigate the scam, Sanger said it would “take all appropriate actions” to address misconduct.
No bank in the wake of the financial crisis has forced a clawback of compensation from its chief executive. JPMorgan came closest during its London Whale scandal a few years ago. After the bank lost $6 billion on a credit derivatives trade, chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon had his 2012 pay cut from $23.1 million the year before the scandal to a mere $11.5 million.
If you missed my questions for @WellsFargo CEO John Stumpf on his gutless leadership earlier today, take a look. https://t.co/5brb1ARRqC — Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) September 21, 2016
Industry critics treated Wells Fargo’s move fairly skeptically.
“Our biggest concern is that too many people are focused just on the CEO,” Dennis Kelleher, the president and CEO of the nonprofit Better Markets, told The Huffington Post. “This was a breakdown of the entire corporate chain of command.”
Starting in 2011, Wells Fargo employees opened more than 1.5 million sham checking accounts and applied for more than 565,000 credit cards using customer names and money without those customers ever knowing. The fraudulent accounts helped employees meet punishingly aggressive sales quotas and helped the bank tout its ability to “cross-sell” financial products to its customers.
The bank’s stated goal was for every customer to have eight accounts with Wells. Low-paid retail bank employees who didn’t meet short-term sales quotas could lose their jobs. (The Department of Labor announced Tuesday that it is investigating the bank for its treatment of workers.) | positive |
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Smile – Life with Lane: "Doing things that matter" Skip to content Life with Lane: "Doing things that matter" My life through words, pictures, and food! Primary Menu Home Blog Contact My Writing My Passion “Things that Matter” Eddie 2 Bags The Adventures of Eddie 2 Bags Bucket List Search Search for: Tag: Smile Photo of the week! 3 peas in a pod! Continue reading Photo of the week! lifewithlane14 August 5, 2022 Leave a comment Reason I smiled this week, 60th edition! Good morning beautiful humans happy Sunday! How was your week? I hope it was filled with sunshine, happiness, productivity, good food and wine, friends, and blessings! Welcome to my weekly edition of reasons why I smiled! Come on in……. Hi there friends, welcome to my weekly edition of reasons why I smiled! Yes, I’m doing this on Sunday, lol! This has been quite the week … Continue reading Reason I smiled this week, 60th edition! lifewithlane14 May 30, 2021 May 29, 2021 Leave a comment Photo of the week! Part, 1863 I took this picture in a photo booth the day before Easter. I was incredibly happy if you can’t tell 💕 Continue reading Photo of the week! Part, 1863 lifewithlane14 April 9, 2021 Leave a comment Another Throwback Thursday part 1988 Good morning beautiful humans, happy Throwback Thursday! Yep, I’ve always been fly 😍 Continue reading Another Throwback Thursday part 1988 lifewithlane14 March 4, 2021 March 4, 2021 2 Comments Green with Envy Haha! Not what you thought, I know! Happy Sunday! Continue reading Green with Envy lifewithlane14 January 10, 2021 January 8, 2021 Leave a comment Posts navigation Older posts Sidebar Search for: Instagram No Instagram images were found. Website Built with WordPress.com. Life with Lane: "Doing things that matter" Website Built with WordPress.com. Follow Following Life with Lane: "Doing things that matter" Join 1,464 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. Life with Lane: "Doing things that matter" Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Report this content View site in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email Name Website | negative |
Anointed Touch Home Healthcare, LLC About About Us Our Team Board of Directors IHHC Foundation Code of Ethics Contact Us Membership Join > Join Associate Members What Members are Saying Members Only Membership Application Advocacy & Action Education Resources Leadership & Committees Community Member Directory Find a Member Coupons and Discounts Community Resources In-Kind Donation Rent Space at IAHHC News Calendar 2022 Annual Conference Online Event Registration 2022 Calendar Download Advertising Opportunities iWeekly Advertisment IAHHC Website Sponsor Zoom or IAHHC Room Sponsor an IAHHC Class IAHHC Career Center Anointed Touch Home Healthcare, LLC Anointed Touch Home Healthcare, LLC Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories Other >> Home Health Aide Anointed Touch Home Healthcare, LLC 5160 East 65th Street Indianapolis, IN 46205 | View on Google Maps Cheryl Fields (317) 202-0242 | fax: (317) 202-0233 Visit Site Send a message to: Anointed Touch Home Healthcare, LLC Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Message: (Date: 9/24/2022) Copyright © Indiana Association for the Home & Hospice Care ® All Rights Reserved. About About Us Our Team Board of Directors IHHC Foundation Code of Ethics Contact Us Membership Join > Join Associate Members What Members are Saying Members Only Membership Application Advocacy & Action Education Resources Leadership & Committees Community Member Directory Find a Member Coupons and Discounts Community Resources In-Kind Donation Rent Space at IAHHC News Calendar 2022 Annual Conference Online Event Registration 2022 Calendar Download Advertising Opportunities iWeekly Advertisment IAHHC Website Sponsor Zoom or IAHHC Room Sponsor an IAHHC Class IAHHC Career Center | negative |
Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien says he is concerned that the government’s new anti-terror bill does not respect the privacy rights of Canadians.
Bill C-51 proposes to lower the threshold of what’s required for police to make an arrest in a terror case. Previously an arrest could be made only if a terror act “will be” carried out, but C-51 would allow police to arrest a suspect if an attack “may be” about to happen.
It would also broadly expand the powers of Canada’s spy agency, CSIS, to “counter-message” or “disrupt” terrorist websites, Twitter accounts and the like.
“This Act would seemingly allow departments and agencies to share the personal information of all individuals, including ordinary Canadians who may not be suspected of terrorist activities, for the purpose of detecting and identifying new security threats,” Therrien said. “ It is not clear that this would be a proportional measure that respects the privacy rights of Canadians.”
Therrien said Canadians want to be safe but they also care profoundly about their privacy rights.
"They also want government to be more transparent on the activities they undertake in the name of national security and they want to know why these are necessary, he said.
But Prime Minister Stephen Harper insisted jihadists, and not his bill, are the real threat to Canadians’ freedoms.
Parliament Hill reporters covering the bill weren’t provided with a copy of the legislation until moments before it was tabled Friday. Asked whether the bill threatens charter rights, Harper responded: “It’s the jihadis who would take away our freedoms.
“They want to harm us because they hate our society and the values it represents.”
NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar said “terrorism is a real threat to society,” but he’s concerned about a lack of “commensurate” oversight of CSIS along with the expansion of its powers.
“If you’re expanding (security agencies’) powers, you need commensurate oversight,” Dewar said. “This government isn’t taking present oversight obligations seriously.”
— With files from Jessica Hume | positive |
Al Rizzoli impiantate le prime
protesi di ossa stampate in 3D
Le cinque persone operate hanno circa 25 anni e le ossa del bacino compromesse da un tumore o dal fallimento di una protesi
Cinque ragazzi di età media 25 anni hanno protesi ossee stampate in 3D. Sono i primi impianti di questo tipo in Italia - un solo caso simile in letteratura medica nel febbraio 2014 in Inghilterra - sono stati fatti all’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli di Bologna. I ragazzi avevano le ossa del bacino compromesse da un tumore o dal fallimento di una precedente protesi. La progettazione delle protesi «su misura» si è basata sui dati del paziente, ricavati con tac e risonanza. È stato così realizzato un bacino virtuale, poi identificato il «pezzo» che andava sostituito. Queste e altri prospettive della stampa 3D in medicina verranno illustrati venerdì nella conferenza che sancirà la nascita dell’Italian Digital Biomanufacturing Network, che nasce per collegare gli sperimentatori che hanno raggiunto i risultati più avanzati nell’applicazione medica di questa tecnologia.
La stampante 3D realizza le protesi come se fossero pezzi mancanti di un puzzle tridimensionale, così poi «si incastrano» esattamente dove i chirurghi asportano la parte d’osso malata. Le protesi impiantate a Bologna sono in titanio. Il vantaggio, ha spiegato Davide Donati, direttore dell’Oncologia ortopedica del Rizzoli, che ha eseguito gli interventi, è una ricostruzione che è la più appropriata possibile dal punto di vista anatomico dei rapporti tra femore e bacino. In poche parole, dopo l’intervento i pazienti hanno maggiore possibilità di riprendere a camminare correttamente. Ma gli obiettivi della stampa 3D in medicina sono ancora più ambiziosi: il «bioprinting» mira infatti a creare dispositivi su misura fatti da un mix di sostanze plastiche, ma anche umane. «Oggi si usano già biomateriali come plastica o titanio - ha spiegato Pier Maria Fornasari, direttore della Banca del Tessuto Muscolo-scheletrico del Rizzoli - Il vantaggio della manifattura a 3D è che può stampare negli strati di materiale le cellule del paziente. La cartuccia di materiale per la stampa può contenere cellule del paziente». Questo futuro, fatto di materiale umano mescolato a quello biocompatibile non umano, è davvero imminente: «secondo me ci arriveremo tra sei mesi, un anno». Un ambito che rappresenta un ulteriore campo di ricerca per il Rizzoli, dove al progetto della stampa 3D lavorano una quindicina di persone. Grazie a un finanziamento di oltre due milioni di euro da Ministero della Salute e Regione Emilia-Romagna sarà attivata una piattaforma di Bioprinting per la fabbricazione di dispositivi «custom made» fatta tramite l’acquisizione di immagini radiologiche da una Tac Dual Energy. Inevitabile sollecitare a Fornasari il ricordo del futuro descritto da Blade Runner, con «replicanti» costruiti in laboratorio. Ma il ricercatore è sfuggito alle suggestioni: « No, non è Blade Runner. È la medicina che è sempre più vicina alle esigenze del paziente, sempre più `su misura´. Da una parte con la genomica, dall’altra con la produzione di dispositivi o tessuti sempre più adeguati alle necessità chirurgiche del paziente». | positive |
Tom Sawyer abroad (1905 edition) | Open Library It looks like you're offline. Donate ♥ Čeština (cs) Deutsch (de) English (en) Español (es) Français (fr) Hrvatski (hr) Português (pt) తెలుగు (te) Українська (uk) 中文 (zh) My Books Browse Menu Subjects Trending Library Explorer Lists Collections K-12 Student Library Random Book Advanced Search All Title Author Text Subject Lists Advanced Log In Sign Up My Open Library Log In Sign Up Browse Subjects Trending Library Explorer Lists Collections K-12 Student Library Random Book Advanced Search More Add a Book Recent Community Edits Developer Center Help & Support My Books Browse Menu Subjects Trending Library Explorer Lists Collections K-12 Student Library Random Book Advanced Search Tom Sawyer abroad Mark Twain Tom Sawyer abroad ×Close An edition of Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer Detective and Other Stories Etc. Etc. (1896) Tom Sawyer abroad Tom Sawyer, detective, and other stories, etc., etc. by Mark Twain ★★★★ 4.00 · 1 Ratings 10 Want to read 2 Currently reading 2 Have read Read Listen Want to Read Loading... 1 2 3 4 5 Clear my rating Review Notes My Book Notes ×Close My private notes about this edition: Delete Note Save Note Share ×Close Facebook Twitter Pinterest Embed Download Options PDF Plain text ePub MOBI DAISY Buy this book Better World Books When you buy books using these links the Internet Archive may earn a small commission. Last edited by WorkBot August 3, 2010 | History Edit An edition of Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer Detective and Other Stories Etc. Etc. (1896) Tom Sawyer abroad Tom Sawyer, detective, and other stories, etc., etc. by Mark Twain ★★★★ 4.00 · 1 Ratings 10 Want to read 2 Currently reading 2 Have read Tom Sawyer abroad Edit Overview View 32 Editions Details Reviews Lists Related Books Publish Date 1905 Publisher Harper & brothers Previews available in: English Do you reckon Tom Sawyer was satisfied after all them adventures? I mean the adventures we had down the river, and the time we set the darky Jim free and Tom got shot in the leg. No, he wasn't. It only just p'isoned him for more. That was all the effect it had. You see, when we three came back up the river in glory, as you may say, from that long travel, and the village received us with a torchlight procession and speeches, and everybody hurrah'd and shouted, it made us heroes, and that was what Tom Sawyer had always been hankering to be. Contains: Tom Sawyer abroad -- Tom Sawyer, detective -- Stolen white elephant -- Some rambling notes of an idle excursion -- Facts concerning the recent carnival of crime in Connecticut -- About magnanimous-incident literature -- Punch, brothers, punch -- Great revolution in Pitcairn -- On the decay of the art of lying -- Canvasser's tale -- Encounter with an interviewer -- Paris notes -- Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany -- Speech on the babies -- Speech on the weather -- Concerning the American language -- Rogers -- Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosannah Ethelton -- Map of Paris -- Letter read at a dinner. Read more Read less Subjects Huckleberry Finn (Fictitious character), Male friendship, Travel, Fiction, Politics and government, Kings and rulers, American Adventure stories, Impostors and imposture, Poor children, Boys, Tom Sawyer (Fictitious character), Runaway children, Fugitive slaves, Classic Literature, Balloon ascensions, Princes, Juvenile Fiction, Race relations, City and town life, History, American Humorous stories, Americans, Nonfiction, American Detective and mystery stories, Mystery fiction, Tom Sawyer (Fictional character), Trials (Homicide), Passing (Identity), Trials (Murder), Siamese twins, Conjoined twins, Infants switched at birth, Lawyers, Humorous fiction, Legal stories, American Humorists, Humorists, American authors, Autobiografie, Biography, Description and travel Places Foreign countries, Missouri Showing 11 featured editions. View all 32 editions? Edition Availability 01 Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom Sawyer, Detective: and Other Stories Etc. Etc. 1923, Gabriel Wells in English bbbb Read Listen 02 Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom Sawyer, Detective: and Other Stories Etc. Etc. 1923, Harper & Brothers in English bbbb Read Listen 03 Tom Sawyer Abroad 1917, Harper and Brothers in English bbbb Read Listen 04 Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom Sawyer, Detective: and Other Stories Etc. Etc. 1910, Harper & Brothers Publishers in English bbbb Read Listen 05 Tom Sawyer abroad, Tom Sawyer, detective, and other stories, etc., etc 1910, Harper & Brothers in English bbbb Read Listen 06 Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom Sawyer, Detective: and Other Stories Etc. Etc. 1906, Harper & Brothers Publishers in English bbbb Read Listen 07 Tom Sawyer abroad: Tom Sawyer, detective, and other stories, etc., etc. 1905, Harper & brothers aaaa Read Listen 08 Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom Sawyer, Detective: and Other Stories Etc. Etc. 1901, American Publishing Company in English bbbb Read Listen 09 The writings of Mark Twain [pseud.] 1901, Harper & Bros. in English bbbb Read Listen 10 Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom Sawyer Detective: and Other Stories Etc. Etc. 1899, American Publishing Company in English bbbb Read Listen 11 Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer, Detective and Other Stories 1896 in English bbbb Read Listen Add another edition? Book Details Published in New York, London Edition Notes Series [The writings of Mark Twain -- v. 20] The Physical Object Pagination 438 p. ID Numbers Open Library OL7100655M Internet Archive tomsawabroad00twairich Community Reviews (0) Feedback? No community reviews have been submitted for this work. + Log in to add your community review Lists containing this Book Reading List 2017 from Ame Kumori Wholesaleshopping from Dana Fox summer 2015 from Peggy Viger Beispiele from Peter Podlich Beispiele from Peter Podlich Loading Related Books History Created April 1, 2008 6 revisions Download catalog record: RDF / JSON / OPDS | Wikipedia citation Wikipedia citation ×Close Copy and paste this code into your Wikipedia page. Need help? {{cite book|author=Mark Twain |date=1905 |title=Tom Sawyer abroad |url=https://archive.org/details/tomsawabroad00twairich |publication-place=New York |publisher=Harper & brothers |ol=7100655M}} August 3, 2010 Edited by WorkBot merge works March 30, 2010 Edited by Ryuk Update covers March 30, 2010 Edited by Ryuk titel March 12, 2010 Edited by WorkBot merge works April 1, 2008 Created by an anonymous user Imported from Internet Archive item record. 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Everybody knows the classic cane sword, the symbol of the sophisticated gentleman and dastardly villain alike. In the 19th century, stricter weapon laws and the rise of the cane as a fashion item had makers rival in ingenuity to elaborate new weaponized canes. A while ago I presented an example of La Terrible Canne, but a recent auction unearthed many more rare examples. In this article, I will present some of the most interesting finds.
La terrible canne in itself is a clever if terrifying weapon, which had two close parents: la diabolique (the diabolical) and la redoutable (the dreadful). All of them function around the same principle; an adversary pulling on your cane to disarm you would also pull out a series of metal thorns or blades, cutting the opponent’s hand.
La terrible
La redoutable
La diabolique
Outside of the classic dagger in a cane, there were many other means of hiding and eventually spring the blade out. One of them was to use a flicker mechanism. Simply flicking down the cane would spring a dagger blade out of the handle.
Flicker canes
The invisible cane is probably the most treacherous implement in this group. It allowed the owner to push a blade out of the tip by simply pressing it against someone.
The invisible
While most dagger canes have a dagger inside the handle, this example hides it inside the shaft, transforming it into a small spear.
Certain canes were equipped with switchblades, such as this one. Pushing the lever releases the blade, and pushing the button on the shaft allows it to be put back into place.
If you were not quite decided between having a gun or a sword cane how about combining the two?
Gun sword cane
Probably one of the impressive types of weaponized walking sticks were these so called “life preservers”. At the push of a button, the steel knob would separate into five spikes, forming a kind of morning star.
Life preserver or life saver
This rocket cane follows a similar concept to the torpedo umbrella which was part of a satire article found by Tony Wolf. A flare is contained inside the cane, which fires up to blind an opponent or send a distress signal.
Rocket cane
Lastly, this example is not quite a weapon, but it was made for a burglar who kept all his tools inside, along with a single shot pistol in case things went awry… | positive |
Paul Joseph Watson made the offer on Wednesday, in response to criticism of US President Donald Trump for making false claims about crime in Sweden.
Any journalist claiming Sweden is safe; I will pay for travel costs & accommodation for you to stay in crime ridden migrant suburbs of Malmo — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 20, 2017
Watson's pledge has since been met with a wave of replies from people willing to make the trip, including comedian Al Murray, broadcaster Matthew Sweet, and Vanity Fair's Kurt Eichenwald.
"Can I bring my wife too? I'm excited!" Eichenwald asked eagerly in response:
.@PrisonPlanet WOW! Can I bring my wife too? Give me your contact info so we can start setting up the trip. I'm excited! — Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) February 20, 2017
@captainjaubrey @LFBarfe @PrisonPlanet I like to write. And Sweden is an ace city break place. — Al Murray the318 (@almurray) February 20, 2017
.@PrisonPlanet Hey Paul, I'm from LBC Radio and would be delighted to take you up on this offer. How long can I stay? Fortnight? — Chris Hemmings (@Hemmch) February 20, 2017
@PrisonPlanet I accept. I will send you my bank info and send you selfies from Malmo. If you do not pay, you will be ridiculed. — Joey Ayoub (@joeyayoub) February 20, 2017
I'M STILL WAITING FOR MY MONEY @PrisonPlanet. I WANT TO GO TO MALMO NOW. — Joey Ayoub (@joeyayoub) February 20, 2017
I am interested! Travel costs will be cheap too, I live about ten minutes away. Seven bucks should get me there and back. https://t.co/fJNPKCOwD6 — Andreas Ekström (@andreasekstrom) February 20, 2017
Malmö’s deputy mayor Nils Karlsson even responded, saying he would be happy to meet any journalists sent to the city.
Hello, @PrisonPlanet. I'm a deputy mayor in Malmö. I would be happy to meet with any journalists you send here to ser for themselves. — Nils Karlsson (@FilosofenNils) February 20, 2017
Looking forward to seeing you, @jamesdoleman! What a great guy @PrisonPlanet is! — Nils Karlsson (@FilosofenNils) February 20, 2017
Watson has since donated $2,000 to one journalist, US-based Tim Pool, who is crowd-funding an investigative trip to Sweden. The rest of the willing travellers seem destined to be disappointed, however.
The rush to grab a paid trip to Malmö is one of the more light-hearted consequences of the spotlight being thrust on Sweden this week in the wake of US President Trump's bizarre comments last Saturday, which implied a non-existent serious incident had taken place in the country the day before.
Trump later clarified by saying that his statement was in reference to a story on Fox News. The story, an interview with filmmaker Ami Horowitz claiming there had been a “surge in both gun violence and rape in Sweden since it began its open door policy,” has since been derided for its factual inaccuracies, and the police officers interviewed for it claim their quotes were taken out of context.
Horowitz denies that their answers were manipulated however, telling Fox News on Monday:
"I’ve never had a subject claim, and certainly not prove, that I ever misled them or ever doctored the footage. It’s never happened before. So my record stands for itself, and what you saw on that video clear as day stands for itself." | positive |
Cloudsweeper is a research project being conducted by Peter Snyder and Chris Kanich at the University of Illinois at Chicago. We provide tools to help users understand and control their risks online while also conducting research to better understand those risks at a systemic level. At this site, you can both use these tools as well as participate in the research project. Please see our FAQ for more info.
Account theft audit
Securing your email account is incredibly important. What are the chances that sensitive information are stored in the email account you use every day? If you were to lose your phone, leave your computer logged in, or have your account hacked, the possible harm might extend far further than you expect.
Our account theft audit tool can help you get a handle on just how much a cybercriminal could access were they to take over your email account. This tool will scan your account and give you a visualization of how many of your accounts hackers could take over if they got access to your email account. The list might surprise you!
Cleartext password audit
Passwords are the primary authentication mechanism in use on the web. Your email account, social networking account, online banking account, and no doubt several others all rely on a password to allow you access. Combined with the fact that people tend to re-use passwords, emails like this become a severe security risk:
Your new blog has been successfully set up.
You can log in with the following information:
Username: chrisk
Password: hunter3
As part of an academic study that investigates the intersection between security and long-term cloud-based data storage, we have developed a tool to help users identify and redact private information. By using this tool, you can preserve the useful but non-sensitive text of an email like that pictured above while removing the private information. After using our tool, the same email will still be in your archive, but will have been modified to appear like the one below. We'll give you a code to print and store in a safe place just in case you need to recover that information in the future.
Your new blog has been successfully set up.
You can log in with the following information:
Username: chrisk
Password: [wImYDaM5DBJZqgLrSYekjQ== ZmwDVbzid7+7LQ6R3uDj+xPnDt1nuxEFDJTxhKPh5T0=]
This process protects you as a user in the case of an attacker who gains access to your account, an attacker who can eavesdrop on your Internet session while reading email, or even someone who borrows your laptop while you aren’t looking and starts digging around.
Using these tools should take between three and 30 minutes. The tool will request access to your email account, and then present to you what we think are private pieces of information that you might not want to keep around in your email account (like the example above). We will then allow you to either encrypt or permanently remove all plaintext passwords stored in your account, making it more safe in the event of an account compromise. We are collecting non-personal data about some peoples' use of this tool as part of our research project. You may be asked to participate in this study. If you consent to participate in the study, we will only collect non-personal information about the amount and type of information found and redacted, and NEVER keep any of your personally identifiable information. | positive |
If you have stood within earshot of a television, peeked at a social media stream, or scanned the front page of a newspaper, you may have noticed that emails are once again the subject of commentator frenzy. And yet there is little consensus on what, in fact, the news actually is.
Yesterday, in an alarmingly vague letter to Congress, FBI director James Comey wrote that the investigation into whether or not Democratic nominee Clinton had endangered national security by using a private email server was once again, possibly, relevant. Reporting since then has indicated that the FBI investigation into disgraced politician Anthony Weiner, who may have sexted a 15-year-old, surfaced emails that were stored on the server — probably because Weiner’s now-estranged wife, Huma Abedin, is a top Clinton aide, and the two shared devices.
Even in Comey’s initial letter, the possible involvement of Hillary Clinton is either tangential or speculative — the emails may have been on this controversial private server, but they may also have already been in the possession of the FBI, albeit on a different device. They may implicate Clinton or Weiner; they may also do no such thing. It is explicitly unknown, and Comey confirmed that in a leaked internal memo.
Related Russian Disinformation Campaign Aimed to Aid Trump and Hurt Clinton, Reports Say Hillary Clinton Attends Opening of Broadway's 'Network'
That has not stopped media organizations, in the full flush of pre-election coverage, to make this some kind of “October surprise” for the Clinton campaign, seizing on it as a turning point in the narrative of election 2016. And due to the confluence of Comey’s inept attempt at transparency and the media’s appetite for inflated controversy, Comey’s letter has had the effect of lighter fluid on the finally cooling embers of a house fire.
It’s frustrating, too, that this revelation was announced on a Friday. The last business day of the week is frequently one to drop news you hope the media will ignore. In the closing weeks of an election cycle, perhaps it matters less — but Comey still dropped a bomb the day before the weekend, when federal offices are closed, sources are at home with their families, and reporting, for overworked journalists, is especially hard to do. (And in perhaps the most ironic twist, the candidate herself was reportedly on a plane when the news broke — without wifi.)
In lieu of actual reportage, cable news — which always needs material to fill its 24-hour mandate — has had to fall back on hours on end of pure speculation. Comey said, in his internal memo, that he was trying to be careful in how he disseminated this information on the eve of an acrimonious election. But he does not seem to have understood that in this era of constant news he created a perfect storm for confusion, misinformation, and — in some sectors — unhinged conspiracy. There is an appalling disconnect on cable news between what has actually been said and what is being implied or perceived, and it is doubling back on itself and expanding. As CNN airs an entire Trump rally in which he conflates Clinton’s corruption, Weiner’s sexting, and aide Huma Abedin’s religion as part of the same web of purported lies — adding, wildly, that he hopes Abedin was not promised immunity — MSNBC features panicked comments from DNC chair Donna Brazile and handwringing speculation over how the campaign is coping. It’s difficult to even isolate individual instances from the major networks that are indicative of how distorted cable news’ perspective is, because it is as much about tone and coverage time as it is about content. How many multi-head panels can the major networks field, most of whom are circling the same two or three questions of trustworthiness and judgment, before it begins to feel like freaking out has become the primary pastime of the news media?
It is not quite fair to fully blame the media, or even Comey — who is months into an unprecedented public-facing approach to the Clinton investigation. This is an especially draining election, where knowing what is right to do has become more difficult than ever. Racial, gender, and class divides have riven the electorate, and every new revelation in this campaign seems to strike another one of these fraught boundaries. But 10 days away from the resolution of this election, one way or another, the news media is demonstrating serious weakness with reporting uncertainty and ambiguity. At the risk of sounding too naïve about the role of truth in journalism, it would be appreciated if clarity were prized over controversy. But then again, this election has been defined by the breakdown of our best intentions in the Byzantine political-media complex, where time must be filled, takes must be filed, and we as a nation have struggled to wholly apprehend what we have become. | positive |
An alt-right candidate running a primary challenge against House Speaker Paul Ryan has posted an image on Twitter showing the Republican congressman falling from a helicopter.
The meme posted by Paul Nehlen (R-WI) refers to South American practice of dropping political opponents out of helicopters.
“’Free Helicopter Rides’ refers to extrajudicial killings known as ‘death flights,’ in which military forces throw people from aircraft into large bodies of water. Online, the phrase is often used by members of the alt-right in jokes about executing their political opponents,” Know Your Meme explains.
The other person featured in the meme appears to be Randy Bryce (D-WI), the “Iron Stache” candidate also challenging Speaker Ryan for his first district congressional seat.
Last week, HuffPost repeatedly asked Nehlen if he was a white nationalist. Nehlen twice dodged the question, then refused to respond.
Nehlen’s supporters on Twitter celebrated his meme imagining the extrajudicial murder of political opponents.
I love Helicopters…especially for rides given freely to communists pic.twitter.com/xDsxzWglQc — B.RO (@BrendonRoss15) December 20, 2017
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and Breitbart backed Nehlen’s challenge to Ryan in the 2016 GOP primary. But Nehlen lost by 68 points.
This is not the first time Nehlen has posted controversial items on Twitter. Nehlen also made waves for openly embracing white supremacist memes and his “it’s okay to be white” campaign.
Nehlen has also appeared twice on the “Fash the Nation” podcast. “Fash” is short for fascist.
The “Fash the Nation” crew has concluded that Nehlen is creating the ideal model for “aspiring right-wing politicians.”
“As Sodom on the Pacific burns, a different kind of conflagration is happening east of the Mississippi. Paul Nehlen is running wild on Twitter, never letting up in his bold campaign to unseat the King Cuck, House Speaker Paul Ryan,” Fash the Nation argued. “At the same time, Nehlen has unapologetically sat at the right edge of the Overton window, and recently has been playing the young man’s game of trolling to great effect.”
“There are hundreds of millions of dollars funding openly anti-White media and advocacy groups,” Fash the Nation claims.
“He says what his constituents are thinking, never backs down, stays on top of the political scene, supports other candidates nationwide (see his many tweets in support of Judge Moore for the Alabama Senate race), mines lefty salt, and has fun the whole time. Do any of those characteristics sound familiar to you?” Fash the Nation asked. “With just twenty people or so like Paul Nehlen in Congress, there won’t be enough resources in the anti-White establishment to mount an effective resistance.”
Meanwhile Bryce, the Democratic Party ironworker also challenging Ryan, has been focused on fighting the tax cut bill that passed Congress today. | positive |
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Match date: 29 August 2015
Both sides had started the season with two wins and just one goal conceded each. This match last season ended 1-0 to Bayern Munich and had some interesting tactical pieces to it.
Pep Guardiola set his side out without a recognised centre back, with Jerome Boateng suspended, Mehdi Benatia injured, and Dante on the bench. Lahm, Alaba, and Bernat started in a back three in a 3-4-3, that featured something of a diamond midfield and a fluency in Xabi Alonso’s positioning.
Bayer Leverkusen have made a number of moves in the transfer market including the sales of Heung-Min Son to Tottenham, Gonzalo Castro to Borussia Dortmund, and Josip Drmic to Borussia Monchengladbach. All three played a lot of minutes for Roger Schmidt last season, but all have been replaced as Schmidt looks to build on a debut season at Leverkusen. The German coach set his side out in a 4-4-2ish shape.
Bayern’s Shape
As mentioned above, Guardiola set his side out without a recognised centre back in a 3-4-3 with a diamond midfield consisting of Xabi Alonso at the bottom, Vidal and Thiago as the ‘shuttlers’, and Thomas Müller at the top. Guardiola has used a number of systems with three at the back during his time at Bayern Munich, doing so much more often than he did at Barcelona, as well as using a diamond midfield frequently last season. This fixture last year saw Guardiola use a diamond midfield as well, but with a back four.
During the early stages of the match, Guardiola stuck to the three at the back, consisting of Lahm, Alaba, and Bernat. Bayer Leverkusen were playing a high block, but there was not an incessant pressing, which allowed the back three to have time on the ball. Rather than put pressure on Lahm, Alaba, and Bernat, the passing lanes to the midfield four were cut off with Leverkusen playing fairly narrow across their flat midfield four, thus Bayern Munich’s back three struggle to work the ball into Bayern Munich’s midfield with consistency. Below is a good example of Bayern’s shape in the early stages as well as Leverkusen’s willingness to let them have the ball, but cutting off the central passing lanes.
As a result of this, Xabi Alonso began to move into Bayern’s back line when the home side were slowly building from the back. It allowed the Spaniard to get on the ball much more often, but it also coaxed Bayer Leverkusen to begin pressing the back line, which now looked more like a four during Bayern Munich’s build up play at the back. With Leverkusen moving forward more, it opened up the space between the midfield and forwards, which allowed Vidal and Thiago to get on the ball more. This forced Kramer and Bender to move further up the field, allowing the likes of Müller to get between the lines of Leverkusen’s back four and midfield. At this point, however, Alonso would move from the back four into midfield once the likes of Vidal or Thiago were able to turn with the ball. Below is a perfect example of Alonso in the back line, with space in front of him and Müller finding space behind Leverkusen’s midfield.
Following Bayern’s first goal, which came from a diagonal ball from Xabi Alonso to Douglas Costa, Bayern switched from a 3-4-3 with Alonso’s fluctuating position to a much more permanent 4-3-3 / 4-2-3-1. Vidal looked like a lone holding midfielder for much of the time with Thiago and Müller just in front of him, but the Chilean and Thiago rotated as the holding midfielder at times and it helped keep Leverkusen’s midfield narrow. At times both midfielders were in holding roles as Müller would drift out wide to try to create space for Robben and Lewandowski.
Bayern Attack Wide, Space Between the Lines
Pep had a plan going into this match that seemed very similar to last year’s 1-0 home win over Bayer Leverkusen: expose the wide areas with direct play. With a midfield diamond at the start of the match, it forced Bayer Leverkusen’s midfield to play very narrow, allowing Bayern to work the ball out wide to Costa and Robben with relative ease. Guardiola also set up Lahm and Bernat in very narrow positions allowing the lanes to Costa and Robben to remain open regardless of the ball moving across Bayern’s back three/four. When moving Alonso to centre back and having Vidal and Thiago rotating between the holding role, it was meant to unbalance Leverkusen’s midfield again, by making them track Vidal and Thiago and play narrow to fill the spaces once a midfielder left.
With these conditions, it allowed Robben and Costa to not only become isolated against Wendell and Hilbert, respectively, but it also allowed for the two wide players to have a huge amount of space to exploit behind their defender which allowed them to use sheer pace to get behind with the ball. The first goal is an excellent of this. Alonso sees Costa in a huge amount of space, plays a long diagonal out to him and Costa beats Hilbert by just knocking it around him almost in stride before squaring the ball to Müller. Countless times Robben and Costa found themselves with one defender to beat, causing huge problems for Leverkusen. Bayern were able to use the wide areas as consistent outlets, but only because Pep had set his side out back line and midfield in a way that allowed them to play those quick passes out to the wide players. Between the two of them, Robben and Costa completed 13 of their 25 attempted take-ons and in doing so, provided a constant threat.
Against Bayer Leverkusen, under Schmidt, it is easy to exploit the weak side with a long diagonal because of the compactness to which Bayer Leverkusen overload one side of the pitch both in possession and when they are pressing. Having Alonso in the back line, giving Bayern Munich a 4v2 in this area of pitch, allowed the Spaniard time on the ball to exploit the weak side with direct passes.
The wide areas were not the only space that Guardiola looked to exploit. As mentioned above, Bayer Leverkusen’s midfield and forward lines began moving up the pitch to press Bayern Munich, especially when Alonso dropped into the back line. This allowed for space to open up between the Leverkusen midfield and defense, which then allowed the likes of Müller, Robben, and Lewandowski to find space between the lines. This caught Leverkusen out often, especially in the second half when they were a goal down and ‘chasing’ the game a bit. Müller was always drifting, especially to the right side of Bayern Munich’s attack, allowing Robben to come inside and get on the ball between the lines before running at the Leverkusen back four.
The second screen capture above showed Alonso’s brilliant passing, but also Lewandowski between the lines. The Polish international was able to turn and beat Papadopoulos. He was dispossessed by Tah, but Vidal was there, played the ball back to Lewandowski, who played it wide to Costa, who won tried to cross the ball in only for Hilbert to use his arm to stop the ball and concede a second penalty.
Leverkusen’s Attacks, Changes
Schmidt’s high tempo game plan never really worked. Leverkusen’s quick transitions were continually cut out by Vidal and Thiago, who put in high energy displays and covered the back line well, in particular, Vidal shielded Alonso very well throughout the match. Leverkusen arguably troubled Bayern Munich more when they were able to have some sustained possession in the home side’s defensive third as Alonso was at times left a little exposed when having to deal with a player running at or across him.
Schmidt never really changed his side’s approach too drastically. Brandt was brought on for Mehmedi at half time, but the shape stayed the same and Leverkusen’s problems were not fixed. Robbie Kruse was brought on after Bayern’s third goal, but again, the system did not really change.
Guardiola brought on Dante after their third goal, moving Alaba to left back in the back four. Alaba’s positioning was much more advanced than Bernat’s had been.
Guardiola won this match by using a very similar plan to last year’s 1-0 win over Schmidt and Leverkusen. Bayern looked to play direct balls out to the wide players and have them run at the back four, which Costa and Robben did extremely well.
Müller bagged two goals on his 200th Bundesliga match. His overall importance to the match was not just scoring goals, but how he created space for the wide players and Lewandowski and his instinctual finishing. Robben and Costa had excellent matches as well, as did Alonso, who was able to show his expansive passing with balls out wide. | positive |
Image copyright EVN Image caption Pro-Russian rebels accused Ukrainian forces of shelling civilian areas
More than 10 people have been killed in some of the worst fighting for weeks in eastern Ukraine.
Ukraine says seven of its soldiers died in clashes between the army and pro-Russian rebels in the frontline town of Avdiivka over the past two days.
Fighting erupted despite an attempt to renew a ceasefire last month.
A rebel commander known as Grek and two other rebel fighters were killed. Unconfirmed reports also spoke of two civilian fatalities.
A woman was killed by shelling in the rebel-held town of Makiyivka, local sources said.
Both sides later claimed they inflicted higher casualties on their enemy.
Ukraine's military says 15 rebel soldiers were killed and 24 wounded, and that government troops seized one separatist position.
The rebels say more than 25 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and more than 40 wounded.
Both claims have not been independently verified.
More stories from Ukraine:
Army 'repulses rebel attack'
Cyber attack caused Kiev power cuts
What is the Minsk ceasefire deal?
More than 9,700 people have died since the conflict erupted in 2014, as Russia annexed Ukraine's southern Crimea peninsula, and pro-Russian rebels later launched an insurgency in the east.
A ceasefire was eventually agreed in February 2015 but there have been frequent violations. The latest truce began on 23 December.
Ukrainian forces say the fresh outbreak of fighting began when rebels launched an attack on Avdiivka, a flashpoint town held by the army that borders land controlled by the separatists.
"The enemy continues to fire at our positions with heavy artillery and mortars," said military spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk. Electricity and water supplies are said to have been cut off.
The US and EU imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in eastern Ukraine. Russia has denied backing the rebels.
The renewed violence coincided with President Donald Trump's first phone-call with Russian President Vladimir Putin since he took office.
According to the Kremlin, the two presidents agreed to a "partner-like co-operation" on issues including Ukraine, which has caused concern in Kiev.
On Monday, President Petro Poroshenko discussed the conflict in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, describing as "barbaric" actions by the rebels. | positive |
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Image copyright AP/The Lantern Image caption Alleged attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan revealed in August he was nervous of intimidating others
The Islamic State group says it was behind a car and knife rampage at a US college that left 11 people injured.
Monday's attack at Ohio State University was carried out by one of its students, Somali-born Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the authorities said.
The IS-affiliated Amaq news agency called the 18-year-old business undergraduate a "soldier".
Artan drove his car at a group of people, then attacked them with a knife before being shot dead.
Just opportunistic? Analysis by Gordon Corera, BBC Security Correspondent
The IS claim does not prove much in terms of the attack in Ohio. The group often refers to individuals who carry out attacks as its "soldiers", but the crucial question is firstly whether the individual had any form of direct contact with IS.
Face-to-face contact may be unlikely but online communication is possible. If there was no direct contact, it could still be the case that an individual was inspired rather than directed by the group. In this case, an individual may leave his or her own pledge of allegiance in written form or online or in a video.
But until such evidence emerges, it remains hard to know if this is just an opportunistic claim by the group rather than one based on real substance.
Most of the victims were injured by Artan's car, but two were stabbed with a "butcher's knife" and another suffered a fractured skull, officials said.
Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption How the attack on the Ohio State University campus unfolded
One of the wounded victims, William Clark, an Ohio State University professor, described how Artan's vehicle had crashed into a large concrete planter before bouncing off and striking him.
Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Eyewitness: "I saw three or four students being hit"
"It clipped the back of my right leg and basically flipped me up in the air and I landed on the concrete," he told a news conference.
Mr Clark said Artan then got out of the car and began attacking students before he was shot down.
Surveillance photos showed Artan in the car by himself just before the attack, but investigators are looking into whether anyone else was involved.
Dozens of FBI agents have searched Artan's apartment for clues as to what may have triggered the attacks.
Image copyright AP Image caption Eleven people were injured in the attack
Neighbours described him as polite and said he attended daily prayers at a local mosque.
Artan, who was born in Somalia and was a US permanent resident, arrived in the country in 2014 as the child of a refugee.
He had been living in Pakistan from 2007 to 2014.
Artan recently posted on Facebook about the US treatment of Muslims, according to the AP, citing a law enforcement official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Image copyright AP Image caption A candle-lit vigil in Columbus for victims of the attack
"If you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks, then make peace" with the Islamic State group, he allegedly wrote.
Representative Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said the act was indicative of someone who may have been self-radicalised.
Militants of the so-called Islamic State have found recruits in the US Somali community in recent years.
About a dozen young men and women from Minnesota's Somali community have travelled to Syria to join militant groups.
Nine men in Minnesota were sentenced on terror charges for plotting to join the Islamic State group.
And a Somali-American man attacked 10 people with a knife at a central Minnesota mall before he was killed by an off-duty police officer in September.
Jaylani Hussein, the executive director of Council of American-Islamic Relations' Minnesota chapter, said some Somali-Americans were concerned about being viewed as "guilty by association".
After Monday's attack, he said: "We must not let the act of one individual, no matter what his motive or background, to further divide our community or our nation." | positive |
Lollipop 5.0 introduced sliding heads-up notifications instead of the scrolling status bar ticker that had been used on all Android versions prior. They showed up on top of your current screen for a few seconds, then went back into the notification tray. However, the function still seemed quite unfinished, with notifications blocking everything underneath them unless you completely got rid of them or waited for them to disappear. Lollipop 5.1 made it possible to dismiss notifications with a swipe up, sending them back to the tray so you can check them later.
Android M makes this functionality optional, and that's one very welcome change. Each app's settings page has an "App notifications" screen where you can block all notifications from the selected app, treat them as priority, and "Allow peeking." The latter enables the heads-up sliding notifications on top of other apps. If it's disabled, the app will still send its notifications directly into the tray.
This is one of M's multiple new granular control options per app. You could, for example, have important apps surface their notifications to you through peeking, but block something like Candy Crush from disturbing you while you're in other apps, instead just showing a regular notification in the tray. | positive |
Across China: Italian businessman experiences more open China in past decade | African News Agency ANA - Powering Africa’s growth and development through content HOME NEWS South Africa Southern Africa Central Africa West Africa East Africa North Africa World SECTIONS News & Politics Business Sport Culture Opinion – Voices360 MULTIMEDIA Pictures Video MEDIA PARTNERS International Partners Xinhua News Agency African Partner Feed African Press Agency Seychelles News Agency iHarare The Exchange The New Dawn Daily Trust Namibia Press Agency Radarr Africa The Maravi Post The Voice Botswana Times Group Malawi PR WIRE Featured Content Brand Stories PR Wire REGISTER SIGN IN Home Xinhua News Agency Across China: Italian businessman experiences more open China in past decade Xinhua News Agency Across China: Italian businessman experiences more open China in past decade By Xinhua News Agency Last updated Sep 14, 2022 TAIYUAN, Sept. 14– After more than ten years of working and living in China, Lorenzo Riccardi, a business owner from Italy, believes that China has become a more attractive destination for global investors with an open and inclusive business environment. Riccardi first came to China as a tourist in 2004. As the chief financial officer of the China-Italy Chamber of… TAIYUAN, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) — After more than ten years of working and living in China, Lorenzo Riccardi, a business owner from Italy, believes that China has become a more attractive destination for global investors with an open and inclusive business environment. Riccardi first came to China as a tourist in 2004. After taking a closer look at the Asian country with its vast population and market potential, an idea gradually grew inside him: why not give it a try here? Three years later, he settled in Beijing and started a consulting company. Thanks to his vision and the continuous growth of the Chinese economy, his business has kept expanding, with the number of employees increasing from four to over 50, and branch offices opened in cities like Shanghai, Suzhou and Haikou. As the chief financial officer of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Riccardi noted that his success “also owes to the tremendous changes in the business environment in China over the past decade.” China’s global business environment ranking has jumped from 96th in 2013 to 31st, the National Development and Reform Commission said at a press conference in June. Riccardi bears witness to such changes. Just a while ago, an Italian auto parts manufacturer obtained a business license in Jiaxing City in east China’s Zhejiang Province within a week, and almost everything could be completed online. However, he recalled, the same procedures took about four to five months ten years ago. With continuous efforts to deepen reform and opening up, China’s total trade in goods and services reached 6.9 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021. It has been leading the world for two consecutive years, and its actual utilized foreign capital reached 1.15 trillion yuan (about 166.4 billion U.S. dollars), up 62.9 percent from 2012. China is now the world’s second-largest consumer market, boasting a middle-income group of over 400 million people, making it a magnet for global companies. A rising number of European companies are showing strong interest in investing in China because of the massive market and improved government efficiency, said Riccardi, whose consulting company has seen its clients increase more than ten times since 2012, with most of them from Italy. As a culture and tourism enthusiast, Riccardi has traveled across China and found in recent years that many previously underdeveloped regions have seen accelerated development and shown investment potential. In May 2021, he participated in the 12th Central China Investment and Trade Expo held in Taiyuan, capital of north China’s Shanxi Province, which attracted representatives from over 200 multinational companies. Riccardi said that compared with eastern China, which is more familiar to foreign companies, Shanxi and some other inland regions have more new opportunities with competitive advantages such as lower labor costs and larger untapped markets. With the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world’s largest free trade deal, coming into force on the first day of 2022, Riccardi believes that China’s market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment will be further optimized. “The Asia-Pacific region enjoys the most active economic growth in the world, and the implementation of the RCEP allows China to provide better development opportunities for foreign capital,” he said. The Italian businessman said China’s rapid development in infrastructure has provided strong support for future growth. “Only when you have been to these places can you realize how big China is and how convenient the transportation is. The railway and road networks make it so convenient to travel to various regions far apart,” he added. Enditem ANA NEWS WIRE Disclaimer: The African News Agency (ANA) is a news wire service and therefore subscribes to the highest standards of journalism as it relates to accuracy, fairness and impartiality. ANA strives to provide accurate, well sourced and reliable information across Text, Images and Video. Where errors do appear, ANA will seek to correct these timeously and transparently. The ANA platform also contains news and information from third party sources. ANA has sought to procure reliable content from trusted news sources but cannot be held responsible for the accuracy and opinions provided by such sources on the ANA platform or linked sites. The content provided for on the ANA News Wire platform, both through the ANA news operation and via its third party sources, are for the sole use of authorised subscribers and partners. Unauthorised access to and usage of ANA content will be subject to legal steps. ANA reserves its rights in this regard. ANA makes every effort to ensure that the website is up and running smoothly at all times, however ANA does not take responsibility for, and will not be held liable for times when the website is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues that are beyond our control. 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Debug V8 in Node.js core with GDB
Or in other projects that embed V8
Franziska Hinkelmann Blocked Unblock Follow Following Jan 17, 2017
If you contribute to Node core, you will eventually need to debug C++ code in /node/src/. If you’ve done this before, you might have noticed that GDB’s print command is not helpful when working with V8 code.
TL;DR Use .gdbinit from V8.
(gdb) job obj # Print v8::HeapObject*.
(gdb) jlh obj # Print v8::Local handle.
# Somewhere in the code
v8::Local<v8::String> class_name =
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "ContextifyScript");
# Looking at this variable in GDB
(gdb) print class_name
$1 = {val_ = 0x51eb3a0}
We'd really like to see "ContextifyScript" mentioned in the output, not a memory address.
Node core uses V8 as its JavaScript engine. A lot of variables in V8 are either v8::Values wrapped in v8::Local handles, or v8::internal::HeapObjects wrapped in v8::internal::Handle handles. Handles are needed for the garbage collector. You’ll find v8::Locals all over the Node core sources. However, if you want to debug them, you need to do something a little more involved than just typing print.
V8 provides a gdbinit file with user-defined commands for inspecting V8 heap objects. They allow us to easily debug V8 objects. Let’s go through it step-by-step how to use these commands.
Get the gdbinit file from the V8 repo and save it as .gdbinit in your Node directory or home directory. You can also pass the file to GDB with -x. If you save it in your Node folder, you probably want to add it to .git/info/exclude.
Next, you need a debug build of Node.
# Build the Node debug build. We assume you already have the Node sources in $NODE.
$ cd $NODE
$ ./configure --debug && make -j8
Say we are working on the vm module in node_contextify.cc and need to figure out what’s going on there. We call node on a test case (or any other JavaScript file for that matter) that uses the code that we want to debug.
# Start gdb. Node_g is the debug build executable.
$ gdb --args node_g test/parallel/test-vm-context.js
Let’s set a few break points in the functions that we are interested in.
# Set a breakpoint. You can use filenames or function names. Code completion works here!
(gdb) break node_contextify.cc:380
Breakpoint 1 at 0x2214955: file ../src/node_contextify.cc, line 380.
(gdb) break node::ContextifyContext::GlobalPropertyQueryCallback
Breakpoint 2 at 0x2214aa2: file ../src/node_contextify.cc, line 409.
# Run until you hit a breakpoint.
(gdb) run
Starting program: ...
Breakpoint 1, node::ContextifyContext::GlobalPropertySetterCallback (property=..., value=..., args=...) at ../src/node_contextify.cc:380
380 ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&ctx, args.Data().As<Object>());
# If you want to set a breakpoint inside V8, don't forget the v8::internal namespace.
(gdb) b v8::internal::JSReceiver::GetPropertyAttributes
Breakpoint 3 at 0x15c4032: v8::internal::JSReceiver::GetPropertyAttributes. (2 locations)
Now the debugger has stopped at Breakpoint 1. The code is using the V8 API and we have several v8::Local handles. Let’s see what their values are.
# A regular print on v8::Local handles is not very helpful.
(gdb) print property
$1 = {val_ = 0x7ffed1702eb0}
(gdb) print value
$2 = {val_ = 0x7ffed1702ea8}
# To see the value of a local handle, use the jlh command provided by gdbinit. If you get "Undefined command", double check the location and name (don't forget the dot!) of your .gdbinit.
(gdb) jlh property
(gdb) jlh value
# As expected, because the test is setting foo = 3.
If we use jlh instead of print on our first example, we see the underlying string (probably what we’re interested in) and not a memory address.
# Somewhere in the code
v8::Local<v8::String> class_name =
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "ContextifyScript");
# Looking at this variable in GDB
(gdb) print class_name
$1 = {val_ = 0x51eb3a0}
(gdb) jlh class_name
To sum up, if you want to print the content of a v8::Local handle, use jlh.
If you wonder what jlh stands for, it stands for “job local handle”. job is V8’s user-defined GDB command for printing v8::internal::HeapObjects, which are the very common objects in V8.
(gdb) job heap_object_ptr
Not V8 specific, but here are a few more helpful GDB commands. Happy debugging!
# Run until breakpoint or the end
(gdb) r
# Go to the next line.
(gdb) n
# Continue to the next breakpoint.
(gdb) c
# Step into a function.
(gdb) s
# List all your breakpoints, enable and disable them.
(gdb) info b
(gdb) disable 3
(gdb) enable 3
# You can shorten all commands in gdb, they only need to be so long that they are unique. Like p for print.
# Make use of tab completion, arrow up-down, reverse-i-search, and readline commands.
# Enter repeats the last command.
Thanks to Yang Guo for adding his jlh command to V8’s gdbinit and thanks to Andreas Haas for proofreading and valuable corrections. | positive |
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The opposition’s solution to a creaking infrastructure is to get the rich to pay for it, writes Michael Clifford
AT TIMES like these, it’s customary to invoke an alien being. What would an extra terrestial think of how we’re dealing with our most precious resource if he landed here from outer space? What would he think of the mess of Irish Water, and how water is being used as a political tool?
In fact, there’s no requirement to venture into the firmament to locate a being that would find the whole thing ludicrous. Just ask anybody from any other developed country in the world.
First off, there’s the business of water meters. The installation of meters in many areas involves turning up for work before 5am and finishing soon after 8am when the protesters appear, as if the workers were actually marking out homes from which the first born would be removed for slaughter. Is there anywhere in the world where measuring the use of a resource generates such anger, not to mind the odd incident of violence?
Then there is the “conservation grant” of €100, which has nothing to do with conservation. It is in fact a political inducement to get householders to sign up for registration. More than 70% of householders have thus registered, but less than half of those who will be liable for a charge have paid.
Why would they, when there’s no penalty for not paying? Is there any charge anywhere in the world that is dealt with as if it’s “voluntary”, not to mind one that has hit a nerve in the national psyche?
The Government wants Irish Water to be treated as an “off the books” commercial entity, operating on a commercial basis. This entity does not charge according to use of water, and it offers a conservation grant that resembles a Late Late Show hand-out for everybody in the audience. In addition, much of the work that Irish Water is supposed to be doing is being carried out by personnel from local authorities. As such, the current design of Irish Water and all its works resembles a cross between a fly-by-night operator, and the plaything of a tin pot dictator.
The boys from the EU agency Eurostat took one look at it, laughed uproariously and told the Irish Government to go take a hike.
All of which would be a great victory for those opposed to the whole concept of water charges if only they had any credibility themselves.
Most of those driving the opposition are coming from a political place that is informed by neither principle nor ideology. Groups like the Anti Austerity Alliance and Sinn Féin describe themselves as “left wing” and suggest that access to free water — and the treatment of waste water — is a “human right”.
As things stand, around 400,000 citizens in the country have been paying for water through group schemes for decades, and none have declared themselves victims of human rights abuses.
The anti-charge brigade consider water charges as the twin of the property tax, making them the only left-wing groups to ever oppose a property tax since Karl Marx first put pen to paper.
Last September, these same groups had precious little consideration for the basic human right of housing, when they voted on Dublin City Council — and other local authorities — to reduce the property tax instead of spending money on the homeless. (Fine Gael did also, but at least they have the excuse of espousing right-wing values).
The opposition’s solution to a creaking infrastructure, and the pumping of raw sewage into the sea, is to get the rich to pay for it. Anybody who believes this is feasible lost sight of the world around the time the Berlin wall came down.
There is a case for further taxes to be levied on high earners, but the idea that the scope is there to cover the investment required is delusional. In any event, asking the better-off to pay a greater share, using such funds to render water and waste water treatment free for the rest of us, rather than ploughing it into issues like child poverty, is nothing short of obscene.
The issue came to the fore just as the night of recession was beginning to lift.
The so-called anti-austerity brigade saw this as a last ditch opportunity to push for a radical shift in politics. Throw in understandable anger among the wider population at how the matter was being handled, and a perfect battleground opened up. That’s how things stand in this allegedly developed country as we face into the first post-recession election.
The whole affair has exposed the incompetence of the Government and the posturing of the opposition. It is now inevitable that Irish Water and charges will be a serious election issue, and it will be a plague on all houses.
Fine Gael and Labour face either capitulation on the whole water charges process, or be forced to defend Irish Water and all its works. The opposition will make hay on the shambles that exists, and pledge that it must be done away with.
In all likelihood, if Irish Water survives the election, it will face transmogrification afterwards, particularly, as seems likely, if the current coalition is not returned in its present form. Thereafter, once the smoke around the toxic body clears, the real question will have to be answered — will water be subject to a charge ultimately on the basis of use, or will the cost revert to direct taxation?
If the latter option wins out, then there will be two outcomes in the short to medium term. In the first instance, the investment required to ensure that our infrastructure befits a modern country will not be made. That will have serious consequences for citizens primarily, but also for attracting foreign business.
There will be some investment, but not enough. And that investment will largely come at the expense of other services, with a disproportionate impact on those most reliant on the State’s support. There is nothing surer than that.
There is a complete lack of honesty on all sides in this debate. In a mature democracy, the government would have presented the new regime as a necessary development to prevent the mistakes of the past, and it would have ensured that all fears of privatisation would have been dealt with at the outset.
Those opposed would not be dishing out the waffle that we already pay for water, at a time when kettles have to be boiled in some parts of the country, shortages loom in the big conurbations, and waste treatment facilities are creaking.
Of course the biggest problem with water is that it’s a long-term issue. Those who shout loudest today will no longer be on the stage if the country sleepwalks into a crisis, just as it wandered into many other crises. It’s no coincidence that the only political party to really give a fig about the future — the Greens — are making little impact on the electorate.
By and large, the Irish political culture does not do long term. There’s no votes in that for politicians, no immediate benefits for the electorate. | positive |
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Not to be confused with Andora
Andorra ( (); Catalan: [ənˈdorə]), officially the Principality of Andorra (Catalan: Principat d'Andorra), also called the Principality of the Valleys of Andorra[7] (Catalan: Principat de les Valls d'Andorra), is a sovereign landlocked microstate on the Iberian Peninsula, in the eastern Pyrenees, bordering France to the north and Spain to the south. Believed to have been created by Charlemagne, Andorra was ruled by the Count of Urgell until 988, when it was transferred to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Urgell, and the present principality was formed by a charter in 1278. It is known as a principality as it is a diarchy headed by two Princes: the Catholic Bishop of Urgell in Catalonia, Spain, and the President of France.
Andorra is the sixth-smallest nation in Europe, having an area of 468 square kilometres (181 sq mi) and a population of approximately 77,281.[5] The Andorran people are a Romance ethnic group of originally Catalan descent.[8] Andorra is the 16th-smallest country in the world by land and the 11th-smallest by population.[9] Its capital, Andorra la Vella, is the highest capital city in Europe, at an elevation of 1,023 metres (3,356 feet) above sea level.[10] The official language is Catalan; Spanish, Portuguese, and French are also commonly spoken.[2][11]
Tourism in Andorra sees an estimated 10.2 million visitors annually.[12] It is not a member of the European Union, but the euro is its official currency. It has been a member of the United Nations since 1993.[13] In 2013, Andorra had the highest life expectancy in the world at 81 years, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.[14]
Etymology [ edit ]
The origin of the word Andorra is unknown, although several hypotheses have been formulated. The oldest derivation of the word Andorra is from the Greek historian Polybius (The Histories III, 35, 1) who describes the Andosins, an Iberian Pre-Roman tribe, as historically located in the valleys of Andorra and facing the Carthaginian army in its passage through the Pyrenees during the Punic Wars. The word Andosini or Andosins (Ἀνδοσίνοι) may derive from the Basque handia whose meaning is "big" or "giant".[15] The Andorran toponymy shows evidence of Basque language in the area. Another theory suggests that the word Andorra may derive from the old word Anorra that contains the Basque word ur (water).[16]
Another theory suggests that Andorra may derive from Arabic al-durra, meaning "The forest" (الدرة). When the Moors colonized the Iberian Peninsula, the valleys of the Pyrenees were covered by large tracts of forest, and other regions and towns, also administered by Muslims, received this designation.[17]
Other theories suggest that the term derives from the Navarro-Aragonese andurrial, which means "land covered with bushes" or "scrubland".[18]
The folk etymology holds that Charlemagne had named the region as a reference to the Biblical Canaanite valley of Endor or Andor (where the Midianites had been defeated), a name also bestowed by his heir and son Louis le Debonnaire after defeating the Moors in the "wild valleys of Hell".[19]
History [ edit ]
Prehistory [ edit ]
Roc de les Bruixes prehistorical sanctuary located in prehistorical sanctuary located in Canillo (detail).
La Balma de la Margineda, found by archaeologists at Sant Julia de Loria, was first settled in 9,500 BC as a passing place between the two sides of the Pyrenees. The seasonal camp was perfectly located for hunting and fishing by the groups of hunter-gatherers from Ariege and Segre.[20]
During the Neolithic Age, a group of people moved to the Valley of Madriu (nowadays Natural Parc located in Escaldes-Engordany declared UNESCO World Heritage Site) as a permanent camp in 6640 BC. The population of the valley grew cereals, raised domestic livestock, and developed a commercial trade with people from the Segre and Occitania.
Other archaeological deposits include the Tombs of Segudet (Ordino) and Feixa del Moro (Sant Julia de Loria) both dated in 4900–4300 BC as an example of the Urn culture in Andorra. The model of small settlements began to evolve to a complex urbanism during the Bronze Age. Metallurgical items of iron, ancient coins, and relicaries can be found in the ancient sanctuaries scattered around the country.
The sanctuary of Roc de les Bruixes (Stone of the Witches) is perhaps the most important archeological complex of this age in Andorra, located in the parish of Canillo, about the rituals of funerals, ancient scripture and engraved stone murals.
The Iberian and Roman Andorra [ edit ]
The inhabitants of the valleys were traditionally associated with the Iberians and historically located in Andorra as the Iberian tribe Andosins or Andosini (Ἀνδοσίνους) during the 7th and 2nd centuries BC. Influenced by Aquitanias, Basque and Iberian languages, the locals developed some current toponyms. Early writings and documents relating to this group of people goes back to the second century BC by the Greek writer Polybius in his Histories during the Punic Wars.[24]
Some of the most significant remains of this era are the Castle of the Roc d'Enclar (part of the early Marca Hispanica), l'Anxiu in Les Escaldes and Roc de L'Oral in Encamp. The presence of Roman influence is recorded from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD. The places found with more Roman presence are in Camp Vermell (Red Field) in Sant Julia de Loria, and in some places in Encamp, as well as in the Roc d'Enclar. People continued trading, mainly with wine and cereals, with the Roman cities of Urgellet (nowaday La Seu d'Urgell) and all across Segre through the Via Romana Strata Ceretana (also known as Strata Confluetana).
The Visigoths and Carolingians: the legend of Charlemagne [ edit ]
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Andorra came under the influence of the Visigoths, not remotely from the Kingdom of Toledo, but locally from the Diocese of Urgell. The Visigoths remained in the valleys for 200 years, during which time Christianity spread. When the Muslim Empire and its conquest of most of the Iberian Peninsula replaced the ruling Visigoths, Andorra was sheltered from these invaders by the Franks.
Tradition holds that Charles the Great (Charlemagne) granted a charter to the Andorran people for a contingent of five thousand soldiers under the command of Marc Almugaver, in return for fighting against the Moors near Porté-Puymorens (Cerdanya).[30]
Acta de Consagració i Dotació de la Catedral de la Seu d'Urgell (839). The six old parishes named by their patron saint as depicted in the(839).
Andorra remained part of the Marca Hispanica of the Frankish Empire being part of the territory ruled by the Count of Urgell and eventually by the bishop of the Diocese of Urgell. Also tradition holds that it was guaranteed by the son of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, writing the Carta de Poblament or a local municipal charter circa 805.[31]
In 988, Borrell II, Count of Urgell, gave the Andorran valleys to the Diocese of Urgell in exchange for land in Cerdanya.[32] Since then, the Bishop of Urgell, based in Seu d'Urgell, has been Co-prince of Andorra.[33]
The first document that mentions Andorra as a territory is the Acta de Consagració i Dotació de la Catedral de la Seu d'Urgell (Deed of Consecration and Endowment of the Cathedral of La Seu d'Urgell). The old document dated from 839 depicts the six old parishes of the Andorran valleys and therefore the administrative division of the country.
Medieval Age: The Paréages and the founding of the Co-Principality [ edit ]
Before 1095, Andorra did not have any type of military protection and the Bishop of Urgell, who knew that the Count of Urgell wanted to reclaim the Andorran valleys,[33] asked the Lord of Caboet for help and protection. In 1095 the Lord of Caboet and the Bishop of Urgell signed under oath a declaration of their co-sovereignty over Andorra. Arnalda, daughter of Arnau of Caboet, married the Viscount of Castellbò and both became Viscounts of Castellbò and Cerdanya. Years later their daughter, Ermessenda,[35] married Roger Bernat II, the French Count of Foix. They became Roger Bernat II and Ermessenda I, Counts of Foix, Viscounts of Castellbò and Cerdanya, and co-sovereigns of Andorra (shared with the Bishop of Urgell).
In the 13th century, a military dispute arose between the Bishop of Urgell and the Count of Foix as aftermath of the Cathar Crusade. The conflict was resolved in 1278 with the mediation of the king of Aragon, Pere II between the Bishop and the Count, by the signing of the first paréage which provided that Andorra's sovereignty be shared between the count of Foix[33] (whose title would ultimately transfer to the French head of state) and the Bishop of Urgell, in Catalonia. This gave the principality its territory and political form.
Mestre de Santa Coloma during the 12th century.[38] Apse fresco of Sant Miquel d'Engolasters church, painted byduring the 12th century.
A second paréage was signed in 1288 after a dispute when the Count of Foix ordered the construction of a castle in Roc d'Enclar. The document was ratified by the noble notary Jaume Orig of Puigcerdà and the construction of military structures in the country was prohibited.
In 1364 the political organization of the country named the figure of the syndic (now spokesman and president of the parliament) as representative of the Andorrans to their co-princes making possible the creation of local departments (comuns, quarts and veïnats). After being ratified by the Bishop Francesc Tovia and the Count Jean I, the Consell de la Terra or Consell General de les Valls (General Council of the Valleys) was founded in 1419, the second oldest parliament in Europe. The syndic Andreu d'Alàs and the General Council organized the creation of the Justice Courts (La Cort de Justicia) in 1433 with the Co-Princes and the collection of taxes like foc i lloc (literally fire and site, a national tax active since then).
Although we can find remains of ecclesiastical works dating before the 9th century (Sant Vicenç d'Enclar or Església de Santa Coloma), Andorra developed exquisite Romanesque Art during the 9th through 14th centuries, particularly in the construction of churches, bridges, religious murals and statues of the Virgin and Child (Our Lady of Meritxell being the most important). Nowadays, the Romanesque buildings that form part of Andorra's cultural heritage stand out in a remarkable way, with an emphasis on Església de Sant Esteve, Sant Joan de Caselles, Església de Sant Miquel d'Engolasters, Sant Martí de la Cortinada and the medieval bridges of Margineda and Escalls among many others.
While the Catalan Pyrenees were embryonic of the Catalan language at the end of the 11th century Andorra was influenced by the appearance of that language where it was adopted by proximity and influence even decades before it was expanded by the rest of the Crown of Aragon.[44]
The local population based its economy during the Middle Ages in livestock and agriculture, as well as in furs and weavers. Later, at the end of the 11th century, the first iron foundries began to appear in Northern Parishes like Ordino, much appreciated by the master artisans who developed the art of the forges, an important economic activity in the country from the 15th century.
16th to 18th centuries [ edit ]
In 1601 the Tribunal de Corts (High Court of Justice) was created as a result of Huguenot rebellions from France, Inquisition courts coming from Spain and indigenous witchcraft experienced in the country due to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. With the passage of time, the co-title to Andorra passed to the kings of Navarre. After Henry of Navarre became King Henry IV of France, he issued an edict in 1607, that established the head of the French state and the Bishop of Urgell as Co-Princes of Andorra. During 1617 communal councils form the sometent (popular militia or army) to deal with the rise of bandolerisme (brigandage) and the Consell de la Terra was defined and structured in terms of its composition, organization and competences current today .
Andorra continued with the same economic system that it had during the 12th–14th centuries with a large production of metallurgy (fargues, a system similar to Farga catalana) and with the introduction of tobacco circa 1692 and import trade. The fair of Andorra la Vella was ratified by the co-princes in 1371 and 1448 being the most important annual national festival commercially ever since.
Casa Rossell, built in 1611. The family owned in 1619 also the largest ironwork forges in Andorra as Farga Rossell and Farga del Serrat.[54] Manor house of Rossell family in Ordino , built in 1611. The family owned in 1619 also the largest ironwork forges in Andorra asand
The country had a unique and experienced guild of weavers, Confraria de Paraires i Teixidors, located in Escaldes-Engordany founded in 1604 taking advantage of the thermal waters of the area. By that time the country was characterized by the social system of prohoms (wealthy society) and casalers (rest of the population with smaller economic acquisition), deriving from the tradition of pubilla and hereu.
Three centuries after its foundation the Consell de la Terra located its headquarters and the Tribunal de Corts in Casa de la Vall in 1702. The manor house built in 1580 served as a noble fortress of the Busquets family. Inside the parliament was placed the Closet of the six keys (Armari de les sis claus) representative of each Andorran parish and where the Andorran constitution and other documents and laws were kept later on.
In both Guerra dels Segadors and Guerra de Sucesión Española conflicts, the Andorran people (although professing to be a neutral country) supported the Catalans who saw their rights reduced in 1716. The reaction was the promotion of Catalan writings in Andorra, with cultural works such as the Book of Privileges (Llibre de Privilegis de 1674), Manual Digest (1748) by Antoni Fiter i Rossell or the Polità andorrà (1763) by Antoni Puig.
19th century: the New Reform and the Andorran Question [ edit ]
New Reform in 1866. Portrait of Guillem d'Areny-Plandolit , nobleman and politician who promoted thein 1866.
After the French Revolution in 1809, Napoleon I reestablished the Co-Principate and removed the French medieval tithe. However, in 1812–13, the First French Empire annexed Catalonia during the Peninsular War (Guerra del francés). They divided it into four départements, with Andorra being made part of the district of Puigcerdà (département of Sègre). In 1814 a royal decree reestablished the independence and economy of Andorra.
During this period, Andorra's late medieval institutions and rural culture remained largely unchanged. In 1866 the syndic Guillem d'Areny-Plandolit led the reformist group in a Council General of 24 members, elected by suffrage limited to heads of families, replaced the aristocratic oligarchy that previously ruled the state.[66] The New Reform (Nova Reforma or Pla de Reforma) began after being ratified by both Co-Princes and established the basis of the constitution[67] and symbols (such as the tricolor flag) of Andorra. A new service economy arose as a demand of the inhabitants of the valleys and began to build infrastructure such as hotels, spa resorts, roads and telegraph lines.
Revolution of 1881.[72] Illustration of a scene from the streets of Canillo during the
The authorities of the Co-Princes (veguer) banned casinos and betting houses throughout the country, establishing an economic conflict with the demand of the Andorran people. The conflict led to the so-called Revolution of 1881 or Troubles of Andorra, when revolutionaries assaulted the house of the syndic during 8 December 1880 and established the Provisional Revolutionary Council led by Joan Pla i Calvo and Pere Baró i Mas, who granted the construction of casinos and spas to foreign companies. During 7 and 9 June 1881, the loyalists of Canillo and Encamp reconquered the parishes of Ordino and Massana by establishing contact with the revolutionary forces in Escaldes-Engordany. After a day of combat finally the Treaty of the Bridge of Escalls was signed on 10 June. The Council was replaced and new elections were held. But the economic situation worsened, as society was divided over the Qüestió d'Andorra (the Andorran Question in relation to the Eastern Question). The struggles continued between pro-bishops, pro-French and nationalists who derived the troubles of Canillo in 1882 and 1885.
Andorra participated in the cultural movement of the Catalan Renaixença. Between 1882 and 1887 the first academic schools were formed where trilingualism coexists with the knowledge of the official language, Catalan. Some romantic authors from both France and Spain reported the awakening of the national consciousness of the country. Jacint Verdaguer lived in Ordino during the 1880s where he wrote and share works related to the Renaixença with Joaquim de Riba, writer and photographer. Fromental Halévy, for his part, had already premiered in 1848 the opera Le Val d'Andorre of great success in Europe, where the national consciousness of the valleys during the Peninsular War was exposed in the romantic work.
20th and 21th century: Modernization of the country and the Constitutional Andorra [ edit ]
Andorra declared war on Imperial Germany during World War I, but did not take part directly in the fighting. Some Andorrans volunteered to take part in the conflict as part of the French Legions.[89] It remained in an official state of belligerency until 1958 as it was not included in the Treaty of Versailles.[90]
In 1933, France occupied Andorra following social unrest which occurred before elections due to the Revolution of 1933 and the FHASA strikes (Vagues de FHASA); the revolt led by Joves Andorrans (a labour union group related to the Spanish CNT and FAI) called for political reforms,[91] the universal suffrage vote of all Andorrans and acted in defense of the rights of local and foreign workers during the construction of FHASA's hydroelectric power station in Encamp.[92] The 5th April 1933 Joves Andorrans seized the Andorran Parliament.[93] These actions were preceded by the arrival of Colonel René-Jules Baulard with 50 gendarmes and the mobilization of 200 local militias or sometent led by the Síndic Francesc Cairat.[94]
On 6 July 1934, adventurer and nobleman Boris Skossyreff, with his promise of freedoms and modernization of the country and wealth through the establishment of a tax haven and foreign investments, received the support of the members of the General Council to proclaim himself the sovereign of Andorra. On 8 July 1934 Boris issued a proclamation in Urgell, declaring himself Boris I, King of Andorra,[95] simultaneously declaring war on the Bishop of Urgell and approving the King's constitution on 10 July.[96] He was arrested by the Co-Prince and Bishop Justí Guitart i Vilardebó and their authorities on 20 July and ultimately expelled from Spain.[97] From 1936 until 1940, a French military detachment of Garde Mobile led by well-known Colonel René-Jules Baulard was garrisoned in Andorra to secure the principality against disruption from the Spanish Civil War[98] and Francoist Spain[99] and also face the rise of Republicanism in the aftermath of the 1933 Revolution.[100] During the Spanish Civil War the inhabitants of Andorra welcomed refugees from both sides and many of them settled permanently in the country thus contributing to the subsequent economic boom and the entry into the capitalist era of Andorra.[101][102] Francoist troops reached the Andorran border in the later stages of the war.[103]
During World War II, Andorra remained neutral and was an important smuggling route between Vichy France and Francoist Spain.[105] At the course of the war, the population, which lived between two states that had declared to be openly fascist, criticized the passivity of the General Council to the impediment of entry and expulsion of foreigners or refugees, the crimes for economic interests,[106] the reduction of rights of citizens[107] and be too close or sympathetic to Francoism.[108][109] The General Council itself justified its political and diplomatic actions under the survival and protection of Andorra's sovereignty, which finally emerged from the two conflicts unscathed.[110][109] Thus, certain groups organized themselves to help the victims of Nazi oppression coming from Europe, while participating in smuggling to help the country survive. Among the groups that were most prominent there was the Hostal Palanques Evasion Network Command, in contact with the British Mi6, which helped almost 400 fugitives,[111] among whom were also Allied military personnel.[112][113] They remained active between 1941 and 1944, with certain struggles with pro-Axis informers and Gestapo agents within the country.[114]
View of the Co-Prince General De Gaulle in the streets of Sant Julià de Lòria in Andorra on October 1967.
In the capital city there was a smuggling black market network of propaganda, culture and cinematic art not prone to totalitarian regimes, promulgated in some places as the Hotel Mirador or the Casino Hotel,[115] as a meeting place for people of ideologies close to Andorran and Spanish Republicanism, and Free France.[116] The network was maintained after the war, when the film societies were formed, where movies, music and books censored in Franco's Spain were imported, thus becoming an anti-censorship attraction for the Catalan or foreign public even within Andorra.[102] Andorran Group (Agrupament Andorrà), an anti-fascist organization linked to the Occitanie's French Resistance, accused the French representative (veguer) of collaboration with Nazism.[117]
The Andorran opening to the capitalist economy resulted in two axes: mass tourism and the country's tax exemption. The first steps towards the capitalist boom date from the 1930s, with the construction of FHASA[118] and the creation of professional banking[119] with Banc Agrícol (1930) and Crèdit Andorrà (1949), later with Banca Mora (1952), Banca Cassany (1958) and SOBANCA (1960). Shortly after activities such as skiing and shopping become a tourist attraction, with the inauguration of ski resorts and cultural entities in the late 1930s.[118][120] All in all, a renovated hotel industry has developed. On April 1968 a social health insurance system was created (CASS).[121]
[122][123] Streets of the city center of Andorra la Vella in 1986. From the same year until 1989 Andorra normalized the economic treaties with the EEC
The Andorran Government necessarily involved planning, projection and forecasts for the future: with the official visit of the French co-prince Charles de Gaulle in 1967 and 1969, it was given approval for the economic boom and national demands within the framework of human rights and international openness.[124][125]
Andorra lived an era commonly known as Andorran dream[126] (in relation to the American dream) alongside with the Trente Glorieuses: the Mass culture rooted the country experiencing radical changes in the economy and culture. Proof of this event was Ràdio Andorra, number one transmitter musical radio station in Europe on this period,[127] with guests and speakers of great importance promoting musical hits of Chanson française, Swing, Rhythm & blues, Jazz, Rock & roll or American Country music.[128] So much so that Andorra achieved a GDP per capita and a life expectancy higher than the most standard countries of the current economy.[129][118]
Given its relative isolation, Andorra has existed outside the mainstream of European history, with few ties to countries other than France, Spain and Portugal. In recent times, however, its thriving tourist industry along with developments in transport and communications have removed the country from its isolation. Since 1976 the country sees the need to reform Andorran institutions due to the anachronisms in the field of sovereignty, human rights and the balance of powers as well as the need to adapt legislation to modern demands. In 1982 a first separation of powers took place when instituting the Govern d'Andorra, under the name of Executive Board (Consell Executiu), chaired by the first prime minister Òscar Ribas Reig with the approval of the Co-Princes.[130] In 1989 the Principality signed an agreement with the European Economic Community to regularize trade relations.[131]
Its political system was modernized in 1993 after the Andorran constitutional referendum, when the constitution was drafted by the Co-Princes and the General Council and approved on 14 March[132] by 74.2% of voters, with a 76% turnout.[133] The first elections under the new constitution were held later in the year.[132] The same year Andorra became a member of the United Nations and the Council of Europe.[134]
Andorra formalized diplomatic relations with the United States in 1996 participating in the 51st UN General Assembly, a very important fact in view of the normalization that the country aspired to. First General Syndic Marc Forné took part on a speech in Catalan in the General Assembly to defend the reform of the organization, and after three days Forné took part in the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe to defend the linguistic rights and the economy of Andorra.[135] In mid-2006 the monetary agreement with the European Union is formalized, which allows Andorra to use the Euro in an official way, as well as coin its own Euro currency.[136][137]
Politics [ edit ]
Andorra is a parliamentary co-principality with the President of France and the Catholic Bishop of Urgell (Catalonia, Spain) as Co-Princes. This peculiarity makes the President of France, in his capacity as Prince of Andorra, an elected reigning monarch, although he is not elected by a popular vote of the Andorran people. The politics of Andorra take place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democracy, whereby the Head of Government is the chief executive, and of a pluriform multi-party system.
The current Head of Government is Antoni Martí of the Democrats for Andorra (DA). Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both government and parliament.
The Parliament of Andorra is known as the General Council. The General Council consists of between 28 and 42 Councillors. The Councillors serve for four-year terms, and elections are held between the 30th and 40th days following the dissolution of the previous Council.
Casa de la Vall, Historical and Ceremonial Andorran Parliament.
Half are elected in equal numbers by each of the seven administrative parishes, and the other half of the Councillors are elected in a single national constituency. Fifteen days after the election, the Councillors hold their inauguration. During this session, the Syndic General, who is the head of the General Council, and the Subsyndic General, his assistant, are elected. Eight days later, the Council convenes once more. During this session the Head of Government is chosen from among the Councillors.
Candidates can be proposed by a minimum of one-fifth of the Councillors. The Council then elects the candidate with the absolute majority of votes to be Head of Government. The Syndic General then notifies the Co-Princes, who in turn appoint the elected candidate as the Head of Government of Andorra. The General Council is also responsible for proposing and passing laws. Bills may be presented to the Council as Private Members' Bills by three of the local Parish Councils jointly or by at least one tenth of the citizens of Andorra.
The Council also approves the annual budget of the principality. The government must submit the proposed budget for parliamentary approval at least two months before the previous budget expires. If the budget is not approved by the first day of the next year, the previous budget is extended until a new one is approved. Once any bill is approved, the Syndic General is responsible for presenting it to the Co-Princes so that they may sign and enact it.
If the Head of Government is not satisfied with the Council, he may request that the Co-Princes dissolve the Council and order new elections. In turn, the Councillors have the power to remove the Head of Government from office. After a motion of censure is approved by at least one-fifth of the Councillors, the Council will vote and if it receives the absolute majority of votes, the Head of Government is removed.
Law and criminal justice [ edit ]
The judiciary is composed of the Magistrates Court, the Criminal Law Court, the High Court of Andorra, and the Constitutional Court. The High Court of Justice is composed of five judges: one appointed by the Head of Government, one each by the Co-Princes, one by the Syndic General, and one by the Judges and Magistrates. It is presided over by the member appointed by the Syndic General and the judges hold office for six-year terms.
The Magistrates and Judges are appointed by the High Court, as is the President of the Criminal Law Court. The High Court also appoints members of the Office of the Attorney General. The Constitutional Court is responsible for interpreting the Constitution and reviewing all appeals of unconstitutionality against laws and treaties. It is composed of four judges, one appointed by each of the Co-Princes and two by the General Council. They serve eight-year terms. The Court is presided over by one of the Judges on a two-year rotation so that each judge at one point will preside over the Court.
Foreign relations, defence, and security [ edit ]
The embassy of Andorra in Brussels
Andorra does not have its own armed forces,[2] although there is a small ceremonial army. Responsibility for defending the nation rests primarily with France and Spain.[138] However, in case of emergencies or natural disasters, the Sometent (an alarm) is called and all able-bodied men between 21 and 60 of Andorran nationality must serve.[139][140] This is why all Andorrans, and especially the head of each house (usually the eldest able-bodied man of a house) should, by law, keep a rifle, even though the law also states that the police will offer a firearm in case of need.[140] Andorra is a full member of the United Nations (UN), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and has a special agreement with the European Union (EU).
Military [ edit ]
Andorra has a small army, which has historically been raised or reconstituted at various dates, but has never in modern times amounted to a standing army. The basic principle of Andorran defence is that all able-bodied men are available to fight if called upon by the sounding of the Sometent. Being a landlocked country, Andorra has no navy.
Prior to World War I, Andorra maintained an armed force of about 600 part-time militiamen under the supervision of a Captain (Capità or Cap de Sometent) and a Lieutenant (Desener or Lloctinent del Capità). This body was not liable for service outside the principality and was commanded by two officials (veguers) appointed by France and the Bishop of Urgell.[141]
Despite not being involved in any fighting during the First World War, Andorra was technically the longest combatant, as the country was left out of the Versailles Peace Conference, technically remaining at war with Germany from its original declaration of war in 1914 until 24 September 1958 when Andorra officially declared peace with Germany.[90][142]
In the modern era, the army has consisted of a very small body of volunteers willing to undertake ceremonial duties. Uniforms and weaponry were handed down from generation to generation within families and communities.[143]
The army's role in internal security was largely taken over by the formation of the Police Corps of Andorra in 1931. Brief civil disorder associated with the elections of 1933 led to assistance being sought from the French National Gendarmerie,[144] with a detachment resident in Andorra for two months under the command of René-Jules Baulard.[145] The Andorran Police was reformed in the following year, with eleven soldiers appointed to supervisory roles.[146] The force consisted of six Corporals, one for each parish (although there are currently seven parishes, there were only six until 1978), plus four junior staff officers to co-ordinate action, and a commander with the rank of major. It was the responsibility of the six corporals, each in his own parish, to be able to raise a fighting force from among the able-bodied men of the parish.
Today a small, twelve-man ceremonial unit remains the only permanent section of the Sometent, but all able-bodied men remain technically available for military service,[147] with a requirement for each family to have access to a firearm.[143] The army has not fought for more than 700 years, and its main responsibility is to present the flag of Andorra at official ceremonial functions.[148][149] According to Marc Forné Molné, Andorra's military budget is strictly from voluntary donations, and the availability of full-time volunteers.[150]
In more recent times there has only been a general emergency call to the popular army of Sometent during the floods of 1982 in the Catalan Pyrenees,[151] where 12 citizens perished in Andorra, to help the population and establish a public order along with the Local Police units.[152]
Police Corps [ edit ]
Andorra maintains a small but modern and well-equipped internal police force, with around 240 police officers supported by civilian assistants. The principal services supplied by the corps are uniformed community policing, criminal detection, border control, and traffic policing. There are also small specialist units including police dogs, mountain rescue, and a bomb disposal team.[153]
GIPA [ edit ]
The Grup d'Intervenció Policia d'Andorra (GIPA) is a small special forces unit trained in counter-terrorism, and hostage recovery tasks. Although it is the closest in style to an active military force, it is part of the Police Corps, and not the army. As terrorist and hostage situations are a rare threat to the country, the GIPA is commonly assigned to prisoner escort duties, and at other times to routine policing.[154]
Fire brigade [ edit ]
The Andorran Fire Brigade, with headquarters at Santa Coloma, operates from four modern fire stations, and has a staff of around 120 firefighters. The service is equipped with 16 heavy appliances (fire tenders, turntable ladders, and specialist four-wheel drive vehicles), four light support vehicles (cars and vans) and four ambulances.[155]
Historically, the families of the six ancient parishes of Andorra maintained local arrangements to assist each other in fighting fires. The first fire pump purchased by the government was acquired in 1943. Serious fires which lasted for two days in December 1959 led to calls for a permanent fire service, and the Andorran Fire Brigade was formed on 21 April 1961.[156]
The fire service maintains full-time cover with five fire crews on duty at any time: two at the brigade's headquarters in Santa Coloma, and one crew at each of the other three fire stations.[157]
Geography [ edit ]
Map of Andorra with its seven parishes labelled.
Topographic map of Andorra.
Parishes [ edit ]
Andorra consists of seven parishes:
Physical geography [ edit ]
Due to its location in the eastern Pyrenees mountain range, Andorra consists predominantly of rugged mountains, the highest being the Coma Pedrosa at 2,942 metres (9,652 ft), and the average elevation of Andorra is 1,996 metres (6,549 ft).[158] These are dissected by three narrow valleys in a Y shape that combine into one as the main stream, the Gran Valira river, leaves the country for Spain (at Andorra's lowest point of 840 m or 2,756 ft). Andorra's land area is 468 km2 (181 sq mi).
Phytogeographically, Andorra belongs to the Atlantic European province of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the WWF, the territory of Andorra belongs to the ecoregion of Pyrenees conifer and mixed forests.
Climate [ edit ]
Andorra has an alpine climate and continental climate. Its higher elevation means there is, on average, more snow in winter, lower humidity, and it is slightly cooler in summer. The diversity of landmarks, the different orientation of the valleys and the irregularity relief typical of the Mediterranean climates make the country have a great diversity of microclimates that hinder the general dominance of the high mountain climate. The great differences of altitude in the minimum and maximum points, together with the influence of a Mediterranean climate, develop the climate of the Andorran Pyrenees.
When in precipitation, a global model characterized by convective and abundant rains can be defined during spring and summer, which can last until autumn (May, June and August are usually the rainiest months); In winter, however, it is less rainy, except in the highlands, subject to the influence of fronts from the Atlantic, which explains the high level of innivation of the Andorran mountains. The temperature regime is characterized, broadly, by a temperate summer and a long and cold winter; in accordance with the mountainous condition of the Principality.[159]
Economy [ edit ]
Exports in 2009
Grand Valira ski resort, Scenery of Andorran mountains inski resort, Soldeu
Tourism, the mainstay of Andorra's tiny, well-to-do economy, accounts for roughly 80% of GDP. An estimated 10.2 million tourists visit annually,[12] attracted by Andorra's duty-free status and by its summer and winter resorts.
One of the main sources of income in Andorra is tourism from ski resorts which total over 175 km (109 mi) of ski ground. The sport brings in over 7 million visitors annually and an estimated 340 million euros per year, sustaining 2,000 direct and 10,000 indirect jobs at present since 2007.[160]
The banking sector, with its tax haven status, also contributes substantially to the economy (the financial and insurance sector accounts for approximately 19% of GDP[161]). The financial system comprises five banking groups,[162] one specialised credit entity, 8 investment undertaking management entities, 3 asset management companies and 29 insurance companies, 14 of which are branches of foreign insurance companies authorised to operate in the principality.[161]
Agricultural production is limited, only 2% of the land is arable, and most food has to be imported. Some tobacco is grown locally. The principal livestock activity is domestic sheep raising. Manufacturing output consists mainly of cigarettes, cigars, and furniture. Andorra's natural resources include hydroelectric power, mineral water, timber, iron ore, and lead.[2]
Andorra is not a member of the European Union, but enjoys a special relationship with it, such as being treated as an EU member for trade in manufactured goods (no tariffs) and as a non-EU member for agricultural products. Andorra lacked a currency of its own and used both the French franc and the Spanish peseta in banking transactions until 31 December 1999, when both currencies were replaced by the EU's single currency, the euro. Coins and notes of both the franc and the peseta remained legal tender in Andorra until 31 December 2002. Andorra negotiated to issue its own euro coins, beginning in 2014.
Andorra has traditionally had one of the world's lowest unemployment rates. In 2009 it stood at 2.9%.[163]
Andorra has long benefited from its status as a tax haven, with revenues raised exclusively through import tariffs. However, during the European sovereign-debt crisis of the 21st century, its tourist economy suffered a decline, partly caused by a drop in the prices of goods in Spain, which undercut Andorran duty-free shopping. This led to a growth in unemployment. On 1 January 2012, a business tax of 10% was introduced,[164] followed by a sales tax of 2% a year later, which raised just over 14 million euros in its first quarter.[165]
On 31 May 2013, it was announced that Andorra intended to legislate for the introduction of an income tax by the end of June, against a background of increasing dissatisfaction with the existence of tax havens among EU members.[166] The announcement was made following a meeting in Paris between the Head of Government Antoni Marti and the French President and Prince of Andorra, François Hollande. Hollande welcomed the move as part of a process of Andorra "bringing its taxation in line with international standards".[167]
Demographics [ edit ]
Vall dels Cortals. The town of Encamp , as seen from the
Population [ edit ]
Historical populations Year Pop. ±% p.a. 1950 6,176 — 1960 8,392 +3.11% 1970 19,545 +8.82% 1980 35,460 +6.14% 1990 54,507 +4.39% 2000 65,844 +1.91% 2010 85,015 +2.59% 2015 78,014 −1.70% Source: Departament d'Estadística d'Andorra[168]
The population of Andorra is estimated at 77,281 (2016).[5] The Andorrans are a Romance ethnic group of originally Catalan descent.[8] The population has grown from 5,000 in 1900.
Two-thirds of residents lack Andorran nationality and do not have the right to vote in communal elections. Moreover, they are not allowed to be elected as prime minister[169] or to own more than 33% of the capital stock of a privately held company.[170][171][172][173]
Languages [ edit ]
The historic and official language is Catalan, a Romance language. The Andorran government encourages the use of Catalan. It funds a Commission for Catalan Toponymy in Andorra (Catalan: la Comissió de Toponímia d'Andorra), and provides free Catalan classes to assist immigrants. Andorran television and radio stations use Catalan.
Because of immigration, historical links, and close geographic proximity, Spanish, Portuguese and French are also commonly spoken. Most Andorran residents can speak one or more of these, in addition to Catalan. English is less commonly spoken among the general population, though it is understood to varying degrees in the major tourist resorts. Andorra is one of only four European countries (together with France, Monaco, and Turkey)[174] that have never signed the Council of Europe Framework Convention on National Minorities.[175]
According to the Observatori Social d'Andorra, the linguistic usage in Andorra is as follows:[176]
Religion [ edit ]
The population of Andorra is predominantly (88.2%) Catholic.[177] Their patron saint is Our Lady of Meritxell. Though it is not an official state religion, the constitution acknowledges a special relationship with the Catholic Church, offering some special privileges to that group[clarification needed]. Other Christian denominations include the Anglican Church, the Unification Church, the New Apostolic Church, and Jehovah's Witnesses. The small Muslim community is primarily made up of North African immigrants.[178] There is a small community of Hindus and Bahá'ís,[179][180] and roughly 100 Jews live in Andorra.[181] (See History of the Jews in Andorra.)
Statistics [ edit ]
Largest cities [ edit ]
Education [ edit ]
Schools [ edit ]
Children between the ages of 6 and 16 are required by law to have full-time education. Education up to secondary level is provided free of charge by the government.
There are three systems of school, Andorran, French and Spanish, which use Catalan, French and Spanish languages respectively, as the main language of instruction. Parents may choose which system their children attend. All schools are built and maintained by Andorran authorities, but teachers in the French and Spanish schools are paid for the most part by France and Spain. 39% of Andorran children attend Andorran schools, 33% attend French schools, and 28% Spanish schools.[182]
University of Andorra [ edit ]
The Universitat d'Andorra (UdA) is the state public university and is the only university in Andorra. It was established in 1997. The university provides first-level degrees in nursing, computer science, business administration, and educational sciences, in addition to higher professional education courses. The only two graduate schools in Andorra are the Nursing School and the School of Computer Science, the latter having a PhD programme.
Virtual Studies Centre [ edit ]
The geographical complexity of the country as well as the small number of students prevents the University of Andorra from developing a full academic programme, and it serves principally as a centre for virtual studies, connected to Spanish and French universities. The Virtual Studies Centre (Centre d'Estudis Virtuals) at the University runs approximately twenty different academic degrees at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in fields including tourism, law, Catalan philology, humanities, psychology, political sciences, audiovisual communication, telecommunications engineering, and East Asia studies. The Centre also runs various postgraduate programmes and continuing-education courses for professionals.
Transport [ edit ]
Until the 20th century, Andorra had very limited transport links to the outside world, and development of the country was affected by its physical isolation. Even now, the nearest major airports at Toulouse and Barcelona are both three hours' drive from Andorra.
Andorra has a road network of 279 km (173 mi), of which 76 km (47 mi) is unpaved. The two main roads out of Andorra la Vella are the CG-1 to the Spanish border, and the CG-2 to the French border via the Envalira Tunnel near El Pas de la Casa.[183] Bus services cover all metropolitan areas and many rural communities, with services on most major routes running half-hourly or more frequently during peak travel times. There are frequent long-distance bus services from Andorra to Barcelona and Toulouse, plus a daily tour from the former city. Bus services are mostly run by private companies, but some local ones are operated by the government.
La Tor de Querol), one of the two stations serving Andorra. Andorra has no railways, although the line connecting Latour-de-Carol and A train at Latour-de-Carol ), one of the two stations serving Andorra. Andorra has no railways, although the line connecting Latour-de-Carol and Toulouse , which in turn connects to France's TGVs at Toulouse, runs within two kilometres (1.2 miles) of the Andorran border.
There are no airports for fixed-wing aircraft within Andorra's borders but there are, however, heliports in La Massana (Camí Heliport), Arinsal and Escaldes-Engordany with commercial helicopter services[184][185] and an airport located in the neighbouring Spanish comarca of Alt Urgell, 12 kilometres (7.5 miles) south of the Andorran-Spanish border.[186] Since July 2015, Andorra–La Seu d'Urgell Airport has operated commercial flights to Madrid and Palma de Mallorca, and is the main hub for Air Andorra and Andorra Airlines. As of 11 July 2018, there are no regular commercial flights at the airport.
Nearby airports located in Spain and France provide access to international flights for the principality. The nearest airports are at Perpignan, France (156 kilometres or 97 miles from Andorra) and Lleida, Spain (160 kilometres or 99 miles from Andorra). The largest nearby airports are at Toulouse, France (165 kilometres or 103 miles from Andorra) and Barcelona, Spain (215 kilometres or 134 miles from Andorra). There are hourly bus services from both Barcelona and Toulouse airports to Andorra.
The nearest railway station is L'Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre 10 km (6 mi) east of Andorra which is on the 1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1⁄ 2 in)-gauge line from Latour-de-Carol (25 km or 16 mi) southeast of Andorra, to Toulouse and on to Paris by the French high-speed trains. This line is operated by the SNCF. Latour-de-Carol has a scenic 1,000 mm (3 ft 3 3⁄ 8 in) metre gauge trainline to Villefranche-de-Conflent, as well as the SNCF's 1,435 mm gauge line connecting to Perpignan, and the RENFE's 1,668 mm (5 ft 5 21⁄ 32 in) -gauge line to Barcelona.[187][188] There are also direct Intercités de Nuit trains between L'Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre and Paris on certain dates.[189]
Media and telecommunications [ edit ]
RTVA , the public service television and radio broadcaster in the Principality of Andorra.
In Andorra, mobile and fixed telephone and internet services are operated exclusively by the Andorran national telecommunications company, SOM, also known as Andorra Telecom (STA). The same company also manages the technical infrastructure for national broadcasting of digital television and radio.[190] In 2010 Andorra became the first country to provide a direct optical fiber link to all homes (FTTH) and businesses.[191]
The first commercial radio station to broadcast was Radio Andorra, which was active from 1939 to 1981.[192][193][194] On 12 October 1989, the General Council established radio and television as essential public services creating and managing the entity ORTA, becoming on 13 April 2000, in the public company Ràdio i Televisió d'Andorra (RTVA).[195] In 1990, the public radio was founded on the Radio Nacional d'Andorra. As an autochthonous television channel, there is only the national public television network Andorra Televisió, created in 1995.[196] Additional TV and radio stations from Spain and France are available via digital terrestrial television and IPTV.[197]
There are three national newspapers, Diari d'Andorra, El Periòdic d'Andorra, and Bondia as well as several local newspapers.[198] The history of the Andorran press begins in the period between 1917 and 1937 with the appearance of several periodicals papers such as Les Valls d'Andorra (1917), Nova Andorra (1932) and Andorra Agrícola (1933).[199] In 1974, the Poble Andorrà became the first regular newspaper in Andorra.[200] There is also an amateur radio society[201] and a news agency, ANA, with independent management.[202]
Culture [ edit ]
The official and historic language is Catalan. Thus the culture is Catalan, with its own specificity.
Andorra is home to folk dances like the contrapàs and marratxa, which survive in Sant Julià de Lòria especially. Andorran folk music has similarities to the music of its neighbours, but is especially Catalan in character, especially in the presence of dances such as the sardana. Other Andorran folk dances include contrapàs in Andorra la Vella and Saint Anne's dance in Escaldes-Engordany. Andorra's national holiday is Our Lady of Meritxell Day, 8 September.[2]
Among the most important festivals and traditions are the Canólich Gathering in May, the Roser d'Ordino in July, the Meritxell Day (National Day of Andorra), the Andorra la Vella Fair, the Sant Jordi Day, the Santa Llúcia Fair, the Festivity from La Candelera to Canillo, the Carnival of Encamp, the sung of caramelles, the Festivity of Sant Esteve and the Festa del Poble.[203][204]
In popular folklore, the best-known Andorran legends are the legend of Charlemagne, according to which this Frankish King would have founded the country, the White Lady of Auvinyà, the Buner d'Ordino, the legend of Engolasters Lake and the legend of Our Lady of Meritxell.
Andorran gastronomy is mainly Catalan, although it has also adopted other elements of French and Italian cuisines. The cuisine of the country has similar characteristics with the neighbors of the Cerdanya and the Alt Urgell, with whom it has a strong cultural ties. Andorra's cuisine is marked by its nature as mountain valleys. Typical dishes of the country are the quince all-i-oli, the duck with winter pear, the lamb in the oven with nuts, pork civet, the massegada cake, the escarole with pear trees, confited duck and mushrooms, escudella, spinach with raisins and pine nuts, jelly marmalade, stuffed murgues (mushrooms) with pork, dandelion salad and the Andorran trout of river. To drink, the mulled wine and beer are also popular.[205] Some of the dishes are very common in the mountainous regions of Catalonia, such as trinxat, embotits, cooked snails, rice with mushrooms, mountain rice and mató.[206]
Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque art are one of the most important artistic manifestations and characteristics of the Principality. The Romanesque one allows to know the formation of the parochial communities, the relations of (social and political) power and the national culture. There are a total of forty Romanesque churches that stand out as being small austere ornamentation constructions, as well as bridges, fortresses and manor houses of the same period.[207][208]
Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees was included as UNESCO Intangible cultural heritage in 2015.[209] Also the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley became Andorra's first, and to date its only, UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, with a small extension in 2006.[210][211]
Sports [ edit ]
Andorra is famous for the practice of winter sports. Popular sports played in Andorra include football, rugby union, basketball and roller hockey.
In roller hockey Andorra usually plays in CERH Euro Cup and in FIRS Roller Hockey World Cup. In 2011, Andorra was the host country to the 2011 European League Final Eight.
The country is represented in association football by the Andorra national football team. However, the team has had little success internationally because of Andorra's small population.[212] Football is governed in Andorra by the Andorran Football Federation - founded in 1994, it organizes the national competitions of association football (Primera Divisió, Copa Constitució and Supercopa) and futsal. Andorra was admitted to UEFA and FIFA in the same year, 1996. FC Andorra, a club based in Andorra la Vella founded in 1942, compete in the Spanish football league system.
Rugby is a traditional sport in Andorra, mainly influenced by the popularity in southern France. The Andorra national rugby union team, nicknamed "Els Isards", has impressed on the international stage in rugby union and rugby sevens.[213] VPC Andorra XV is a rugby team based in Andorra la Vella actually playing in the French championship.
Basketball popularity has increased in the country since the 1990s, when the Andorran team BC Andorra played in the top league of Spain (Liga ACB).[214] After 18 years the club returned to the top league in 2014.[215]
Other sports practised in Andorra include cycling, volleyball, judo, Australian Rules football, handball, swimming, gymnastics, tennis and motorsports. In 2012, Andorra raised its first national cricket team and played a home match against the Dutch Fellowship of Fairly Odd Places Cricket Club, the first match played in the history of Andorra at an altitude of 1,300 metres (4,300 ft).[216]
Andorra first participated at the Olympic Games in 1976. The country has also appeared in every Winter Olympic Games since 1976. Andorra competes in the Games of the Small States of Europe being twice the host country in 1991 and 2005.
As one of the Catalan Countries, Andorra is home to a team of castellers, or Catalan human tower builders. The Castellers d'Andorra [ca], based in the town of Santa Coloma d'Andorra, are recognized by the Coordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya, the governing body of castells.
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and Triggers Pressure Sensors Signal Conditioners Throttle Position Sensor Wideband and Accessories Hawk Brake Fluid Brake Kits - Performance Slot Brake Pads - OE Brake Pads - Performance Brake Pads - Racing Brake Rotors - Slot & Drilled Brake Rotors - Slotted Rotor and Pad Kits Uncategorized HEL Performance HERITAGE WHEEL HOKKAIDO-DIR MONOC IMOLA MONOC KOKORO MONOC HJC Helmet Accessories Helmets HKS Apparel & Accessories Blowoff Valves Electronics Engine Exhaust Fuel Components Fuel Management Intakes Intercoolers Meters Non-Standard Powertrain Suspension Turbos Wastegates HPS Performance Accessories Cold Air Intake Cold Air Intake Kit Intakes Intercooler Pipe Shortram Air Intake Silicone Air Intake Hose Silicone Ancillary Coolant Hose Silicone Breather Hose Silicone Heater Bypass Hose Silicone Oil Cooler and Throttle Body Hose Silicone Oil Cooler Hose Silicone Radiator + Heater Hose Silicone Radiator, Heater and Ancillary Hose Silicone Vacuum and Breather Hose Silicone Water Bypass Hose Universal Product Silicone Heater Hose Silicone Intake Hose Silicone Intercooler Hose Silicone Radiator Hose Clamps Aluminium Piping Imperial Mats Injen Acura Air Filters Audi BMW Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge Fiat Ford Heat Shields Honda Hyundai Infiniti Jeep Kia Lexus Mazda Mercedes Mini Mitsubishi Muffler Nissan Polaris Pontiac Pre-Filters Recharge Kits Scion Smart Subaru Toyota Volkswagen Volvo Innovate Boost Controllers Exhaust Hardware Gauge Components Gauges Oxygen Sensors Performance Monitors ISC Coilovers ISC Street Coilovers ISR Performance Brakes Driveshafts Fuel Delivery Cooling Coupler & Clamps Engine Exhaust Hose Ends & Fittings Hubs & Mounts Intake Intercooler Mounts & Hubs Miscellaneous OEM Replacement Suspension Turbo iWire KartBoy K sport Acura Audi BMW Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge Ferrari Fiat Ford Honda Hyundai Infiniti Jeep Kia Lamborghini Land rover Lexus Mazda Mercedes Benz Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Pontiac Porsche Saab Saturn Scion Smart Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo Killer B Motorsports Adapters, Plugs, and Valves Air Oil Separator Brushed Delrin Shift Knobs Cooling EJ Hardware and Extras FA Hardware and Extras Fabrication Hard Inlets Oil Control Valves Oil Fill Relocation Tubes Pan Hardware Performance Radiators Performance Subaru Oiling Products Reservoirs Konig Wheels Ampliform Backbone Control Crown Dekagram Dial FreeForm Helium Hypergram Illusion Impression Incident Intention Interflow Lace Lightning Lockout Myth Oversteer Rennform Rewind Runlite SSM Tandem Tweakd Unknown Koyo Oil Cooler Radiator Liqui Moly ATF BRAKE FLUID CLEANING AND CARE DIESEL ADDITIVE EQUIPMENT GASOLINE ADDITIVE GEAR OIL GREASE - PASTE HYDRAULIC OIL MOTOR OIL MOTOR OIL ADDITIVE RADIATOR ADDITIVE Mishimoto Battery Tie Down Air Intakes - Auto Boot Kit - Truck Couplers Drain Plugs Fan Shrouds - Auto Fan Switches Fans Fill Necks Flexible Stainless Steel Radiator Hose Heat Protection Hose Clamps Hose Kits - Auto Hose Kits - Jeep Hose Kits - Truck Intercooler Kit - Truck Intercooler Kits - Auto Intercooler Pipe & Boot Kit - Truck Intercoolers - Auto Intercoolers - Truck Oil Catch Can - Components (Baffled) Oil Catch Cans - Baffled Oil Catch Cans - Universal Oil Cooler Kit - Direct Fit - Jeep Oil Cooler Kits - Components Oil Cooler Kits - Direct Fit - Auto Oil Cooler Kits - Universal Oil Filler Caps Oil Filter Housing Kit - Auto Race Radiator Fittings Radiator Caps - Non Temperature Gauge Radiator Stays Radiators - Auto Radiators - Jeep Radiators - Truck Shift Knobs Silicone Ducting Starters Thermostats - Auto Transmission Cooler Kit - Direct Fit - Jeep Transmission Coolers Water Temperature Sensor Housings X Line Radiator - Auto Momo Alloy Wheels Heritage Race Suit Shift Knobs Steering Wheel Accessories Track Tuning Morimoto MOTEGI 107 116 118 120 122 126 127 130 131 132 133 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 149 150 221 224 408 409 Motorsport Hardware Motul Brake Fluid Car Maintenance Coolant Motor Oil Transmission & Gear Oil Neuspeed Accessories Big Brake Kit Boost tap Brake Rotor Ehaust Engine Mount Bushing Exhaust Flow Formed Wheels Intercooler Intercooler delete kit P-Flo Intake Filter P-Flo Intake Kit Performance Springs Power Module Power Pulley Kit Short Shift Kit Suspension Suspension Linkage Sway Bar Sway Bar Support Bracket Turbo Pipe Turbo Pipes Wheel Spacer Nine Lives Racing Nolathane Body Mount Boot Kit Bushing Kit Bushing Kit-20 Pack Bushing-100 Pack Camber Bolt Chassis Brace Control Arm Endlink Kit Engine Mount Lift Kit Link Kit Lowering Block Kit Nut and Bolt Kit Panhard Rod Polyurethane Solid Rod Saddle Spacer Kit Spherical Bearing Spring Saddle Stone Guard Strut Mount Sway Bar Sway Bar Kit Sway Bar Vehicle Kit Trailing Arm Transmission Mount U Bolt Kit Washer Kit NRG Accessories Carbon Accessories Drain Plugs E-Brake Buttons Engine Mounts Floor Mats Carpeted Fuel Pressure Regulators Grounding Kits Hand Brakes Hardware Kits - Other Harness Bars Hood Struts Lug Nuts Oil Catch Cans Pedal Covers Quick Release Adapters Radiator Caps Radiator Cooling Plates Rear View Mirrors Seat Belts & Harnesses Seat Brackets & Frames Seat Cushions and Pads Seats Shift Knobs Spoilers Steering Wheel Hubs Steering Wheels Strut Bars Tow Hooks Uncategorized Window Nets Nuke Performance Blow-Off Valves Cam Pulleys Fittings Fuel Blocks Fuel Filter Elements Fuel Filters Fuel Pressure Gauges Fuel Pressure Regulators Fuel Rail Mounting Brackets Fuel Rails Fuel Surge Tanks Fuel System Accessories Oil Catch Cans Tubing Vacuum Manifolds OBP Motorsports Brake Bias Adjusters Brake Switches Coolant Tanks Foot Rests Fuel Filler Necks Fuel Surge Tanks Hand Brakes Master Cylinder Reservoirs Master Cylinders Oil Catch Cans Pedal Boxes Pedal Parts Potentiometers Power Steering Tanks Pressure Caps Seat Brackets OMP Accessories Steering Wheel Hubs Steering Wheels Oracle Lighting All Aston Martin BMW Chevrolet Dodge Ford Honda Hyundai Mazda Nissan Toyota Perrin Performance Air Boxes Air Filters - Direct Fit Air Filters - Drop In Antennas Apparel Battery Tiedowns Blow Off Valves Boost Controller Accessories Brackets Brake Res Cozys Bushing Kits Clamps Cold Air Intakes Connecting Pipes Coolant Reservoirs Diff Braces E-Brake Buttons Engine Covers Engine Mounts Exhaust Hangers Exterior Trim Fuel Pressure Regulators Fuel Rails Gauge Components Gauge Pods Grommets Hardware - Singles Hardware Kits - Other Headers & Manifolds Heat Shields Horn Accessories Hoses Intercooler Ducting Intercooler Kits Intercooler Pipe Kits Intercoolers License Frame License Plate Relocation Light Mounts Oil Caps Oil Coolers Oil Separators Pulleys - Crank, Underdrive Radiator Shrouds Shift Knobs Shifter Bushings Shifter Cable Shifters Spoilers Strut Bars Sway Bar Endlinks Sway Bars Tools Tow Hooks Uncategorized Wheel Spacers & Adapters Window Vents Phenix Industries Planted Acura Audi BMW Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Datsun Dodge Eagle Ferrari Fiat Ford Honda Infiniti Jeep Kia Lamborhini Lexus Mazda Mercedes Mini Cooper Mitsubishi Nissan Oldsmobile Plymouth Polaris Pontiac Porsche Saturn Scion Subaru Suzuki Toyota Triumph Volvo VW Powerflex Acura Alfa Romeo PPE Engineering Project Kics Accessories Bolts Hubcentric Rings Lug Nuts Wheel Accessories Wheel Bolts Wheel Spacers & Adapters Wheel Studs Project Mu Aftermarket Caliper Apparel BMW Brake Master Cylinder Brake Res Cozys Fiat Holden Honda Acura Lug Nuts Mazda Mitsubishi Nissan Infiniti Porsche Scion Subaru Toyota Lexus Volkswagen Raceseng Cam Seals License Plate Relocation Lug Nuts Manual Shifter Accessories Pulleys - Crank, Underdrive Shift Boot Shift Knobs Shifters Shock Mounts & Camber Plates Tools Tow Hooks Wheel Bolts Radium Catch Cans Fuel Filters Fuel Pulse Dampers Subaru Toyota Fuel Pressure Regulators Fuel Surge Tanks Plumbing Universal Accessories BMW Honda S2000 Lotus Mitsubishi Evo 8 & 9 Mitsubishi Evo X Nissan Rally Armor Accessories Recaro Race Seats Reclineable Seats Seat Belts & Harnesses Seat Brackets & Frames Seat Covers Seat Cushions and Pads Wiring Connectors Red Line Gear Oil Motor Oil Race Oil Remark Revel Coilovers | negative |
Search - Pewdie n' Friends Login Login Username or Email Address Password Remain logged in Lost Password Third-Party Login GitHub Twitter Facebook Google Search subject only Display results as threads More Options Dashboard Forum Members Gallery Calendar Go to Page Bottom Sitemap Pewdie n' Friends » Search This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our Cookie Policy. Your browser has JavaScript disabled. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information. General Search Terms Search for Term Search subject only Type in one or more search terms, each must be at least 4 characters. Search by Author Exact match Match only threads started by this member Time Period Sort by Relevance Subject Time Author Ascending Descending Display results as threads Search in Threads and Posts Images Events Threads and Posts Search in Forums General News Events First Stop PewDiePie Videos PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator Bro Corner FAQ Marzipan Lounge Suggestions Gaming Games Official Servers Tutorials Discussion Find Player 2 Other Discussion Help Feedback Technology Content Creation Media Real Life Donator Area General Lounge Off Topic Chat Box Graveyard Archive Multiple items can be selected by holding the “Ctrl/Shift” key (Windows) or “Command” (Mac OS) key and clicking on the desired items. Match only posts with attachments Match only posts with polls Pewdie n' Friends » Legal Notice Privacy Policy Terms of Use Go to Page Top Sep 24th 2022, 6:15pm Forum Software: Burning Board®, developed by WoltLab® GmbH | negative |
When the letter d occurs before the French i or u sound, it’s pronounced dz.
Di and du are pronounced dzi and dzu.
When the letter t occurs before the French i or u sound, it’s pronounced ts.
Ti and tu are pronounced tsi and tsu.
To describe this phenomenon (and to help you remember), a word that contains the sounds dzi or dzu is called a dzidzu word. A word that contains the sounds tsi or tsu is called a tsitsu word.
For example, différent is a dzidzu word. It’s pronounced dzifférent in Québec. Tube is a tsitsu word. It’s pronounced tsube. On the other hand, doux is not dzidzuated and matin is not tsitsuated. That’s because the letters d and t in those words are not followed by the French i or u sounds.
The words dzidzu, tsitsu, dzidzuate, tsitsuate, dzidzuation, tsitsuation, etc., are all offcois words. Offcois is also an offcois word!
Is your head spinning yet?
Here’s a list of 100 dzidzu and tsitsu words. I took them from a car magazine. You’ll notice that a few words in the list are even bisexual in that they are both dzidzuated and tsitsuated, like distinctif (dzistinctsif).
At the end of this entry, I’ve also included 30 non-dzidzuated-non-tsitsuated words from the same car magazine.
disposé, dzisposé grandissant, grandzissant titre, tsitre attendu, attendzu nomenclature, nomenclatsure perdu, perdzu identité, identsité direction, dzirection introduction, introdzuction objectif, objectsif continuer, contsinuer voiture, voitsure convertir, convertsir maintiendra, maintsiendra turbo, tsurbo répondu, répondzu entièrement, entsièrement satisfaire, satsisfaire ouverture, ouvertsure distance, dzistance effectuer, effectsuer ordinaire, ordzinaire utile, utsile répandu, répandzu modique, modzique utilisation, utsilisation traditionnel, tradzitionnel audio, audzio cardiaque, cardziaque attirer, attsirer sophistiqué, sophistsiqué produit, prodzuit mondial, mondzial sportif, sportsif asiatique, asiatsique typique, tsypique dispendieux, dzispendzieux petit, petsit conducteur, condzucteur splendide, splendzide alternative, alternatsive industrie, indzustrie distinguer, dzistinguer fluidité, fluidzité introduire, introdzuire pratique, pratsique estimer, estsimer disponible, dzisponible routier, routsier intermédiaire, intermédziaire dédié, dédzié fantastique, fantastsique quotidien, quotsidzien imperceptible, imperceptsible compétitif, compétsitsif partie, partsie bâtir, bâtsir moitié, moitsié prestige, prestsige style, stsyle gestion, gestsion dynamique, dzynamique conduire, condzuire Audi, Audzi condition, condzition positif, positsif adulte, adzulte distinctif, dzistinctsif multimédia, multsimédzia additionnel, addzitionnel divisé, dzivisé automatique, automatsique réduction, rédzuction stimulant, stsimulant rapidité, rapidzité intimidant, intsimidant commodité, commodzité distribution, dzistribution séduire, sédzuire sculpture, sculptsure actualiser, actsualiser ressortir, ressortsir activé, actsivé difficile, dzifficile conceptuel, conceptsuel applaudi, applaudzi négatif, négatsif futur, futsur dimension, dzimension rendu, rendzu diamètre, dziamètre type, tsype assortiment, assortsiment sentir, sentsir naturel, natsurel situé, sitsué diminution, dziminution éditeur, édziteur indications, indzications onctueux, onctsueux
30 words from the magazine that contain the letters d or t but are never dzidzuated or tsitsuated:
tout, sensation, orienté, options, automobile, temps, décevant, terme, désirer, hybride, technologie, route, intéressant, tendance, donc, génération, dans, stabilité, dépassement, mastodonte, départ, rétroaction, certain, prestance, comportement, modèle, étonnement, cadran, motorisation, traction | positive |
Another Guest Blog From Employee, Kate Lewis - The Martha Stewart Blog Categories Martha Photo Albums Allees Amazon American Made Antiques Antiques Repair Apparel Art Autumn Awards Baking Basket House Beauty Bedford Behind the Scenes Berries Best of Blogs Birds Birthdays Books Boxwood Bulbs Burlap California Closets Canaries Canning Carriage Roads Cars Cats CBD Center for Living Chickens Citrus Cleaning Collecting Collections Cooking Crafts Craftsmen Decorating Dogs Donkeys Drones East Hampton Employees Entertaining Equipment Events Exercise Facebook LIVE Family Farms Fence Fields Flowers Fog Foliage Food & Recipes Food Network Kitchen Friends Fruit Furniture Gardens seeds Geese Giving Good Things Grass Greenhouse Guest Blog Guinea Fowl Harvest Hay Hayfields Healthcare Holidays Homeschool with Martha Horses Houseplants Kubota Living Magazine Local Shops Macys Maine Marquee Brands Martha & Marley Spoon Martha.com Maze Michaels Miscellaneous My Farm My Home My Pets NYBG Online Online App Orchard Organic Produce Organizing Outdoor Chores Outdoor Projects Peafowl Pergola Pigeons pinetum Plant Care Planting Plants Podcasts Polaris Pool Potting Pruning Pumpkins QVC Rain Recipes Renovation Projects Repairs Roses Shoes Skylands Snoop Dogg Snow Social Media Soil Speaking Engagements Spring Stable Staples STIHL Storms Summer House Sur La Table Tag Sale Technology Television Terraces TODAY Show Tools Tour Travel Trees Tropical Plants Vegetables Waterfowl Watering Wayfair Weather Weeds Winter Blog Network: Martha’s Circle A Beautiful Mess Bright, Bold, & Beautiful Camille Styles Just a Taste Oh My Veggies Recipe Girl Savory Sweet Life Simply Grove Smitten Kitchen Sugar & Charm Tartelette Thirty Handmade Days - more from Martha's Circle - Our Magazines Martha Stewart Living Martha Stewart Weddings Go to marthastewart.com « Previous Post Next Post » July 16, 2012 Another Guest Blog From Employee, Kate Lewis MSLO employee, Kate Lewis, has contributed to this blog before. You may recall her visit to the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market or her trip to Rwanda. Well, Kate returned from another interesting trip and shares these photos. Recently, I traveled to Charleston, South Carolina to visit friends and attend the Spoleto Festival. Founded in 1977 by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, Gian Carlo Menotti, the Spoleto Festival is internationally recognized as America’s premier performing arts festival. Spanning seventeen days, it is an amazing opportunity to enjoy new and established artists performing opera, dance, theater, classical music, and jazz. While in Charleston, I was also introduced to an amazing school called the American College of the Building Arts (ACBA). Here’s a little tour. [albumid2 id=GuestBlogKateLewisAmericanCollegeOfTheBuildingArts] Posted in: Photo Gallery, Travel Permalink JavaScript is required to load the comments. Loading comments... 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Jocelyn Jean’s Stroke Isn’t Going to Stop Him from Succeeding – Bodybuilding News Hubb Home Workouts Food & Health Contact No Result View All Result Home Workouts Food & Health Contact No Result View All Result No Result View All Result Home Food & Health Jocelyn Jean’s Stroke Isn’t Going to Stop Him from Succeeding by admin September 12, 2022 in Food & Health ‘Things happen for us in life, not to us.” That was the first statement that Jocelyn Jean shared when he began to talk about the trials and tribulations he had went through over the last year and four months. Jean is used to sharing positive vibes and encouraging others because of his work as a fitness coach as well as an IFBB Pro League 212 bodybuilder. Jocelyn Jean turned pro thanks to winning the welterweight title at the 2008 NPC Nationals. While he had his own pro career, he spent a good portion of his career helping other amateurs turn professional as well. He felt that his ability to train others was just as meaningful to the sport as his own athletic contributions. He estimated that he’s worked with nearly 100 athletes throughout his coaching career, with nearly a fourth of them becoming IFBB Pros themselves. “I thought ‘what better person to guide these athletes than someone whose been on that stage and knows what to expect,’” Jean explained. “I can also share the mistakes that they should avoid making when it comes to diet or preparation to take the stage.” Jean served as a mentor for many people he knows, and he even wrote a book called “Parenting Athletes,” which he was very proud of because of how it could benefit both kids and parents. One of the first principles he shares in all forms of his outreach is to look for the good in any situation. “There is always some type of positivity that can come out something that appears negative,” said Jean. It can be easy to share a statement like that during good times, but maintaining that mindset since March 9. 2021 is a testament to how strong his spirit is. That day had started out as any other for Jocelyn Jean. He works as a trainer and coach, and was working with clients at his studio. As the day drew to a close, he was working with an athlete when he started feeling discomfort that he described as feeling like a heatwave as someone may feel after vomiting. “I explained to the people with me that I wanted to lie down, and to please call the paramedics,” he shared. When he lied on his floor, he expected to see help arrive so he could go to the hospital. He tried to relax in the meantime by closing his eyes. “When I woke up, it was seven weeks later,” Jean stated. He had suffered a stroke and went into a coma. Jean had no idea that this could happen to him. He didn’t even recall a family history of strokes. While he didn’t know that it had been that long, he did experience what he called dreams throughout the time he was out. “I had always wondered what was going through someone’s mind during a coma. It’s like you just fall asleep and having different dreams,” he stated. “It was almost like watching clips of different movies.” Once Jean woke up, he had no recollection of what happened. In his mind, he was still what he called his “superhuman” self. He soon realized that wasn’t the case after getting out of bed and being unable to walk. “After they operated on me, I lost the use of my left side,” he recalled. “I wasn’t able to walk or use my hand on my left side.” Jocelyn Jean was fortunate in his own eyes because he didn’t lose his ability to speak. He is also thankful that his right side is still working. However, his struggles didn’t end there. Not long after he returned to his house, it no longer felt like a home. That’s because his marriage ended. This was also something he didn’t see coming. “Four walls make a house, not a home. The recipe to build a home is love, togetherness, understanding, sacrifice, and caring for those things,” he said. “I came to my house from my stroke and immediately realized I didn’t have a home.” Even with that major setback, Jean had to shift his focus to his recovery, albeit in a much different way than he used to focus on physical fitness. The physical limitations have been quite the setback for obvious reasons. Aside from normal living, he’s had to make adjustments to how he exercises. “I used to go all-out, as heavy as I can, and with a purpose. Now, I go in and do what I can, not what I want. The mental adjustment has been the toughest part of that.” What sets athletes like Jean apart from others is that even in the midst of the setback and adversity he is dealing with, he still finds a way to improve. He was a lover of squats and lunges, but now he focuses more on bodyweight movements to help himself get better. He estimated that he had lost almost 100 pounds since that fateful evening in his studio. Since the body considered muscle energy, there’s a good chance his commitment to improving his physique saved his life. Even though he still does what he can, he has to be extra careful now because of the possibility he could set himself back even more. “No one that has been in this position wants to hurt themselves.” To be clear, Jean doesn’t see his situation as permanent. He still sees himself as the superhuman he once was in his mind, and he anticipates returning to his original form in the future. Every step he takes, every inch of progress he makes, and every day that passes is a brick in a foundation that he intends to use as the starting point of an incredible success story. “I thank God for a second chance at life,” he proclaimed. “I want to use it by building myself back up to doing what I love to do – train myself to be in the best shape I can and train those in need of me. I also want to help feed the poor and share my story with those that will listen.” Fortunately, he has a reliable support system and is surrounded by people that want to see him overcome these hurdles. One of those people is his client, roommate, and friend, Rosemane Ambroise. She was the client that called 911 when Jean first lied down in his studio. “She did everything for me that night. She dictated what everyone needed to do in terms of staying calm and working together to help me. She’s been a big sister for me. Sometimes she can be a pain in the ass, but that’s what sisters are for, right? They are supposed to make sure you do right.” With the support of the people he mentioned as well as those that have supported him throughout his journey, Jean has every intention of doing whatever he can to return to his familiar form, and is actively working to do that now. In the meantime, he hopes that his experience can be a positive by helping others learn that they should focus on overall health and wellness regularly. “Regardless of how you look visually, if you don’t get yourself checked out by your doctors, there may be something going on inside you can’t explain,” said Jocelyn Jean. He also wants everyone reading this to take advantage of what they have and can do while they have the health and ability to do so. “Do all that you want to do because in an instant, it can all be gone.” For more information on Jocelyn as well as to support his recovery, click here. 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All our products are handcrafted by skilled craftsmen, resulting in each product being unique and slightly different from each other. Tool marks and slight imperfections are part of the process and evidence of hand working, polishing and coating. As in the old days, all sharp edges are hand filed or sanded, polished and coated with a special protective layer. At Anand Prakash we stand behind the quality of our products and we will replace the product free of cost if you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason. Please read below our Refund & Return policies before you return any item. The following will give you important information and guidelines about your rights and obligations as our customer, concerning any purchase you make through us unless specifically stated otherwise on our product pages. 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After 2 failed delivery attempts by the courier company Package refused by recipient. Products returned in a used or damaged condition. The product is returned beyond the required return date. In case of minor design and color variations. With handmade paper, brass metal and teak wood products there will always be some variation in color, design & texture between products you see online and products you get in hand. INTERNATIONAL REFUNDS The refunds will take a minimum of 30 days to be fulfilled as it usually takes about 1-15 days for us to receive the goods from the customer. On receipt of the goods, a confirmation will be sent to the customer on the status of the same and a refund initiated. The refund will be given for the full amount except the amount paid towards shipping and applicable taxes, if any. We will not refund the custom duties, taxes, if applicable, or paid by you at time of receiving the goods. The refunds will be based on the conversion rate that your Credit/Debit Card company or your bank chooses to apply. The difference if any in the refund and amount charged is due to the fluctuation of the conversion rate. In some cases where an international credit card has been used the Credit Card Issuing Company levies a transaction charge for any charge/refund issued. The applicable charge is decided by the issuing bank. Anandz Creation would refund only the amount charged in INR as displayed on the website after deducting shipping and applicable taxes, if any. Anandz Creation/www.anandprakash.com is not responsible for any charge levied by the credit card Issuing bank for the foreign transaction. PROCESS TO RETURN: Please connect with our customer care via email on customercare@anandprakash.com The customer care will validate the request by checking the timelines, product type, warranty terms, etc and shall take the request for refund or exchange Pack the product properly and label the product with the order number, seller address and your address. Use a good courier service to send back the goods so that they do not get damaged in transit. Ensure that the AWB/tracking number is shared with Anandz Creation customer care by email once you have couriered the products. The order shall be cancelled once the seller receives the product in undamaged condition, there should be no scratches, no dents, no wear and tear, etc. Please ensure to pack the product properly before couriering it to us. All products to be returned should be shipped to the following address: C/o Anandz Creation, D-134, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi 110020 India CUSTOMER SERVICE C/o Anandz Creation, D-134, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi 110020 India For any queries or complaints, you can mail us at: customercare@anandprakash.com You may also like About Anand Prakash Artisanal, luxurious, exquisite and Inspired by India. Anand Prakash is a premium brand committed to creating artistic and unique pieces of art to collect and gift. Established in 2003, we endeavour to be a boutique specialty brand with core competencies in innovative design, functionality and impeccable customer service. 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GALPROP • View unanswered posts FAQ Search Register Login It is currently Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:55 am View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index All times are UTC - 8 hours [ DST ] View unanswered posts Topics Author Replies Views Last post sNUw3A2KzXfTtZx in numerical models astrotula 0 17 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:31 pm astrotula XykhtIYr9rz3T2d in numerical models astrotula 0 10 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:30 pm astrotula 1ajCWa2HirrPd8D in numerical models astrotula 0 11 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:30 pm astrotula 3Xkyylg2EXVbSb3 in numerical models astrotula 0 10 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:29 pm astrotula xQVgEH2u1IzSKsA in numerical models astrotula 0 19 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:28 pm astrotula ufiTxxk9hmDJuYI in numerical models astrotula 0 11 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:28 pm astrotula mJ7vpjHTG0biDZa in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:27 pm astrotula U9lNVGZqvFM0aWd in numerical models astrotula 0 9 Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:25 pm astrotula iZCvZb5QP8oV1eU in numerical models astrotula 0 10 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:25 am astrotula fR2AAyRTwQdt1An in numerical models astrotula 0 9 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:25 am astrotula 7yqkWujI53q4sj1 in numerical models astrotula 0 9 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:24 am astrotula 1CKw9HdEC6NObXE in numerical models astrotula 0 12 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:23 am astrotula BZdN8cdQmmadhDg in numerical models astrotula 0 11 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:23 am astrotula 298TseOEFBw7cSJ in numerical models astrotula 0 10 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:22 am astrotula CI5nGlMcPFGPPxt in numerical models astrotula 0 10 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:21 am astrotula EOsUCBPk92Vmr9z in numerical models astrotula 0 11 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:20 am astrotula 7yc2FHxkl5HQM2x in numerical models astrotula 0 10 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:20 am astrotula Mi9YwCX25UUlXgA in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:19 am astrotula Z9d832t8pASZNeG in numerical models astrotula 0 10 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:18 am astrotula Mb9TTOczzeGbPFV in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:18 am astrotula qZ3lx5KV8gO56Yd in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:17 am astrotula XeCpPEOXWVEDijl in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:16 am astrotula kUs2iwSTKdTxgGT in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:15 am astrotula SG2TFOnNNWlvqSL in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:15 am astrotula YZJ438pqAX7WBNh in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:14 am astrotula jaWoamELZJAVFd2 in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:13 am astrotula hiDjPW0GNh9dgZ3 in numerical models astrotula 0 11 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:11 am astrotula yH8xN2VwhEzTYlq in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:10 am astrotula J1ROEiRtR3 in numerical models astrotula 0 9 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:54 am astrotula dq7jcybcBQ in numerical models astrotula 0 9 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:53 am astrotula YftMGPN6dA in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:52 am astrotula vek9kqhnlm in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:51 am astrotula BsQE1cu2v2 in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:51 am astrotula JYP3aBywrT in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:50 am astrotula rk6NkIKAFY in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:49 am astrotula OxnWa5DM9e in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:48 am astrotula mTD0YSwUx3 in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:48 am astrotula rNbJ9qB79v in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:46 am astrotula BTXVfbPZng in numerical models astrotula 0 4 Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:44 am astrotula xumDr0lMS6 in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:49 am astrotula mD4AgK4Tr6 in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:48 am astrotula 3k75De0PWu in numerical models astrotula 0 7 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:47 am astrotula wikpgmbkpl in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:46 am astrotula P2lVc51Zov in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:46 am astrotula IXgoiv1AFP in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:45 am astrotula CmMNgnRenY in numerical models astrotula 0 6 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:44 am astrotula PRGmfZOU64 in numerical models astrotula 0 5 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:43 am astrotula PPspGB75DY in numerical models astrotula 0 11 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:42 am astrotula KgsL7WOuQZ in numerical models astrotula 0 7 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:42 am astrotula 6GhxqdsCSd in numerical models astrotula 0 8 Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:41 am astrotula Display posts from previous: All results1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeForumTopic titlePost subject AscendingDescending Page 1 of 7 [ Search found 328 matches ] Go to page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 7 Next Board index All times are UTC - 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It has wood-panelled ceilings, a built-in bed and a DVD player — and it's completely underground.
Mitchell Lagimodiere devoted about two-and-a-half months of his life to constructing the bunker where he now lives, hidden in a wooded area near East 12th Avenue and Lakewood Drive in Vancouver.
"To me, it's home, sweet home," he told CBC News on Friday. "But the reason I built it, is I was just getting tired of trying to find a place, and just kept on getting the door slammed in my face. The hell with this, I said. I've got skills."
Police discovered Lagimodiere's home on Wednesday morning, after receiving a tip that a man wanted on assault and weapons charges was hiding inside. The wanted man was a friend who'd dropped by to visit, Lagimodiere said, but he maintains he didn't know about the warrant.
A police dog helped locate the bunker, which officers described as "elaborate."
Excellent work by community policing members and a search by PSD Niko = wanted, violent suspect located hidden in a bunker. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Teamwork?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Teamwork</a> <a href="https://t.co/o41QsgPSeO">pic.twitter.com/o41QsgPSeO</a> —@VPDCanine
Now the bunker is more or less public knowledge.
"I figured I'd be not caught for a long time, but then people started hanging around me because they thought it was cool," Lagimodiere said.
Trained as a carpenter, he started work on the project this summer, when the nights started to get cooler.
"I says, I'm not going to freeze my ass off. I know how to get warm," he said.
"It started out just with a shovel …. I wouldn't quit. I was working sometimes 18 hours a day, just digging that."
Mitchell Lagimodiere shows CBC's Farrah Merali his DVD player. (Dillon Hodgin/CBC)
The ground in the area is primarily clay, so the work was hard, but it also gave Lagimodiere a more stable surface to carve out his walls and floors. He hardened the surfaces with a heater, and then used a leveller to make sure the ceiling was even, before nailing on the wood panelling.
"In my mind, I knew exactly how it was going to look. And it came out exactly how I thought," Lagimodiere said.
He attached a DVD player to the ceiling, which he powers with a converter, and hung mirrors throughout to reflect any light, hoping to brighten the space.
The bunker has also a dedicated room for his tools with a partial hardwood floor. He hopes to install carpet in the living room and around the built-in bed, if he gets a chance.
Lagimodiere keeps a fire extinguisher over the bed where he sleeps. (Dillon Hodgin/CBC)
But now that the hideout has been discovered, he thinks it's likely that chance has passed and he'll be told to leave.
"I'll just move out and turn around and build another one somewhere else," he said. "They're not hard to build if you've got the knowledge."
Lagimodiere showed off his work to the CBC's Farrah Merali. | positive |
Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.
Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and functional programming or procedural styles. It features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and has a large and comprehensive standard library. (Source)
Pythpn has seen great popularity in the programming world lately. For this reason, we have gathered 10 awesome Pythpn tutorials to ease you into the framework and help you boost your own Web Development projects! Let’s kick it!
In this ebook, we provide a compilation of Python examples that will help you kick-start your own projects. We cover a wide range of topics, from multi-threaded programming to web development with Django. With our straightforward tutorials, you will be able to get your own projects up and running in minimum time.
Python has native support for CSV readers, and it’s configurable (which, as we’ve seen, is necessary). There is a module csv which holds everything you need to make a CSV reader/writer, and it follows RFC standards (unless your configuration overrides them), so by default it should read and write valid CSV files.
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Sometimes, we encounter problems that require us to extend the behavior of a function, but we don’t want to change its implementation. Some of those problems could be: logging spent time, caching, validating parameters, etc. All these solutions are often needed in more than one function: you often need to log the spent time of every http connection; you often need to cache more than one data base entity; you often need validation in more than one function. Today we will solve these 3 mentioned problems with Python decorators.
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Threads are processes which run in parallel to other threads. In a utopian scenario, if you split a big process in 2 threads, these threads will run in parallel so it would take half the time. This is not true in most cases. Using CPython, there is a mutex that prevents multiple native threads from executing Python byte codes at once. It’s called GIL (global interpreter lock).
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Logging is a process through which an application pushes strings to a handler. That string should be a line containing information about the piece of code from which it was sent and the context in that moment. It is a feature every application must have, and it’s as important as any other functionality you add to the application in question. It is the easiest way to know what your application is doing, how, how long does it take, etc.
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Django is an open source web framework which solves most common problems of a web application development. It has some very useful features like an auto generated admin page and an ORM. It’s a high-level framework, so we just need to focus on the actual core logic of our business and let Django take care of mappings, filters and such. It works by defining some standards that, if you follow them, will make the application’s development so much easier and faster.
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Dictionaries in Python are data structures that optimize element lookups by associating keys to values. You could say that dictionaries are arrays of (key, value) pairs. Their syntax is pretty familiar to us, web developers, since its exactly the same as JSON’s. An object starts and ends in curly braces, each pair is separated by a comma, and the (key, value) pairs are associated through a colon (:).
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In this tutorial, we’ll talk about INET, STREAM sockets. We’ll talk about what sockets are, and learn how to work with blocking and non-blocking sockets. First things first, we’ll make a distinction between a “client” socket (endpoint of a conversation), and a “server” socket (switchboard operator). Your client (e.g. your browser) uses only client sockets, and your server uses both client and server sockets.
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In this tutorial, by using python 3.4, we’ll talk about map functions. Strictly speaking, a map function, is a function that accepts a function and an array as arguments, and applies the given function to each element of the array, returning another array with the result of each transformation.
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In this article, using Python 3.4, we’ll learn about Python’s subprocess module, which provides a high-level interface to interact with external commands. This module is intended to be a replacement to the old os.system and such modules. It provides all of the functionality of the other modules and functions it replaces.
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In this example, by using Python 3.4, we’ll learn how to send mails using Python’s smtplib module. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It’s a protocol which handles sending e-mails and routing them between mail servers. To send a mail, we need the host and port of a server, then we send to this server the message with a sender and a list of receivers.
Read the rest of the article here.
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Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931, by W.H. Holmes, volume 1. | Smithsonian Digital Volunteers Skip to main content Home Projects Themes African American History American Experience Civil War Era Freedmen's Bureau Mysteries of the Universe World Cultures Active Museums and Archives Freedmen's Bureau Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives See All Projects Search About Tips Blog Smithsonian Digital Volunteers: Transcription Center LoginSignup Home > Projects > Smithsonian Libraries Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931, by W.H. Holmes, volume 1. About the Project William Henry Holmes' life and work covers pivotal moments in scientific exploration across the United States and the development of the Smithsonian Institution. This volume starts the story, and provides an overview of his life and work, with original correspondence, artwork, and mementos. Learn about his work with the US Geological Survey, numerous roles at the Smithsonian Institution, and trips around the world. William Henry Holmes' life and work covers pivotal moments in scientific exploration across the United States and the development of the Smithsonian Institution. Catalog Record | Download PDF | Go to Page Show pages needing (scroll down to load more): Transcription Review Notes | All Completed! Project Progress (details) 500pages completed 57 contributing members 500 total pages Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Previous Page Next Page 12 Total Users 4 Contributions © 2022 SMITHSONIAN COLLECTIONS TERMS OF USE PRIVACY Download Adobe Reader | negative |
May we all have as much energy as Stan Lee when we turn 89. Many people who've done a fraction as much in their lives as Lee has in his would spend their later years resting on their laurels. But if Lee has any intention of slowing down, he sure seems to be going about it the wrong way. Not only is his POW! Entertainment production company still going strong after over a decade, but he's about to publicly launch the very first official Stan Lee website.
You'll want to watch the announcement video for yourself, because Lee as usual puts his own inimitable flair on it, but here are the highlights, from the official description of the announcement:
Stan Lee’s first official website – TheRealStanLee.com will publicly launch on Tuesday February 7th 2012
Sneak preview of what’s in-store on the site will include: 1) Exclusive scoops on Stan's latest projects, 2) Go behind-the-scenes at the worldwide events where he will attend, 3) Involve games, contest and lots more
For fans signing up onto the site in time for launch day, they will be in with a chance to win some cool POW! Entertainment goodies that Stan will sign for them
TheRealStanLee.com will launch with a surprise – an online event presented by a special secret host who will interview Stan – those signed up will be invited to tune into the Q&A. The Q&A will take place on February 8 th afternoon, and fans can tweet their question for Stan with #TheRealStanLee via Twitter.
afternoon, and fans can tweet their question for Stan with #TheRealStanLee via Twitter. Excelsior!
There are some specifics not fully explained there, it's true, but it's Stan Lee, the Generalissimo himself, so you know it's going to be fun. Go to the site now to sign up ahead of the launch – there's not much there now, but there will be soon. | positive |
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New 2022 Forest River RV Aurora 18BHS Travel Trailer at Wholesale RV Club | Delaware, OH | #T52235 Skip to main content Wholesale pricing for EVERYONE! Toll Free: 866.876.6207 866-876-6207 www.wholesalervclub.com Toggle navigation Menu Contact Us Contact RV Search Search RVs For Sale New RVs Just Arrived RV Specials RV Financing RV Service Directions Contact Us About Us About Us Customer Reviews Leave A Review Employment RV Search RV Type All Types A-Frames Cargo Trailer Destination Trailer Expandable Fifth Wheel Folding Pop-Up Camper Motor Home Class A Motor Home Class A - Diesel Motor Home Class B Motor Home Class B - Diesel Motor Home Class B+ Motor Home Class B+ - Diesel Motor Home Class C Motor Home Class C + Motor Home Class C - Diesel Motor Home Super C - Diesel Other Teardrop Trailer Toy Hauler Fifth Wheel Toy Hauler Travel Trailer Travel Trailer Truck Camper Brand All Brands Accolade Admiral Adventurer Alante Allegro Breeze Allegro Bus Allegro RED Alpine Anthem Apex Nano Apex Ultra-Lite Arcadia Arcadia Half-Ton Astoria Aurora Autumn Ridge Autumn Ridge Single Axle Avalanche Avenger Avenue Bounder Carbon Catalina Expedition Catalina Legacy Catalina Summit Series 7 Catalina Trail Blazer Clipper Cadet Clipper Camping Trailers Clipper Ultra-Lite Compass AWD Cougar Cougar Half-Ton Cross Trail Transit Crusader Crusader LITE Discovery Discovery LXE Eagle Eagle HT Embark Emblem Entrada Esteem Ethos Flagstaff Classic Flagstaff E-Pro Flagstaff High Wall Flagstaff MAC Series Flagstaff Micro Lite Flagstaff SE Flagstaff Shamrock Flagstaff Super Lite Flair Fortis FR3 Free Solo Free Solo Plus Freedom Express Blast Freedom Express Liberty Edition Freedom Express Select Freedom Express Ultra Lite Freelander Freelander Premier Frontier Fuzion Fuzion Impact Edition Gemini AWD Geneva Georgetown 3 Series Georgetown 5 Series Georgetown 7 Series Ghost Greyhawk Greyhawk Prestige Hideout Hideout Single Axle Jay Feather Jay Feather Micro Jay Flight Jay Flight Bungalow Jay Flight Octane Jay Flight SLX 7 Jay Flight SLX 8 LaCrosse Leprechaun Leprechaun Premier Magnitude Melbourne Melbourne Prestige Mesa Ridge Mesa Ridge S-Lite Mesa Ridge XLT Mirada No Boundaries North Point Odyssey Olympia Olympia Lite Olympia Sport Open Range Open Range Conventional Open Range Light Outback Outback Ultra Lite Pace Arrow Paradigm Passport Passport GT Passport SL Phaeton Pinnacle Precept Precept Prestige Puma Puma XLE Lite Pursuit Qwest R Pod Range Lite Range Lite Air Raptor Reatta Reatta XL Rebel Redhawk Redhawk SE Redwood Roamer Sabre Salem Salem Cruise Lite Salem FSX Salem Villa Series Seismic Seneca Seneca Prestige Solis Solis Pocket Sonic Sonic Lite Spirit Ultra Lite Sportscoach SRS SportTrek SportTrek Touring Edition Springdale Springdale Mini Springdale Tailgator Sprinter Sprinter Limited Stratus Stratus Ultra-Lite Super Lite Surveyor Legend Swift Swift Li Terrain Travato Triton Triumph Triumph Super C Twilight Select Twilight Signature Vacationer Valor View Viper Vision Vision XL Vista Voltage Wayfarer White Hawk Wraith XLR Boost XLR Hyper Lite XLR Micro Boost XLR Nitro Yukon Features All Features Bath and a Half Bunk Over Cab Bunkhouse Front Bath Front Bedroom Front Cargo Deck Front Entertainment Front Kitchen Front Living Kitchen Island Loft Murphy Bed Outdoor Entertainment Outdoor Kitchen Rear Bath Rear Bedroom Rear Entertainment Rear Kitchen Rear Living Area Rear Twin Side Ramp Two Entry/Exit Doors Two Full Baths U Shaped Dinette V-Nose Walk-Thru Bath Wheelchair Accessible Stock # or Model Search Motorhomes A Motorhomes C Fifth Wheels Travel Trailers Toy Haulers Pop Up Campers Expandables Destination Trailers Back to Results Previous Unit Next Unit Viewing unit of Location Delaware, OH 5742 East State Route 37 Delaware, OH 43015 866-876-6207 New 2022 Forest River RV Aurora 18BHS Previous Next 1 of 27 Photos Floorplan 360-icon Tour (866) 876-6207 View all Aurora Floorplans 2022 18BHS Features and Options Forest River Aurora travel trailer 18BHS highlights: Bunk Beds Front Murphy Bed U-Shaped Dinette Pass-Through Storage Your small family will have a fun time camping in this travel trailer! The front Murphy bed provides versatility with a sofa to sit on during the day and a 60" x 74" bed to sleep on at night. The U-shaped dinette slide creates more walking around space, a comfortable place to eat, and even an extra sleeping space for a guest or two depending on their sizes. The double over double 46" x 74" bunk beds are also a comfortable place to rest, and they are conveniently next to the rear corner bathroom. If you wish to cook out in the great outdoors then add the optional camper kitchen which comes with a cabinet, a refrigerator, and a pull out griddle! Comfortability, usability, and quality is what you will find in each one of these Forest River Aurora travel trailers! They are designed with a superior build and packed full with industry leading, functional, and distinctive standard features. SolidStep entrance steps and a XL swing arm grab handle help you to safely enter and exit the unit. The aluminum sport wheels are nitrogen filled radial tires with black polished aluminum fender skirts to protect your unit from road debris. Go off grid camping with an optional 100W roof mounted solar panel and crank up the tunes with the upgraded JBL Elite exterior speakers. The interiors are beautifully designed with a deep undermount farm style sink, drop edge thermofoil seamless countertops, and new linoleum flooring throughout which will be easy to clean. Come find your favorite model today! What Our Customers Are Saying Well worth the drive We could not be happier with our buying experience at Colerain RV. Special thanks to Stephanie Smith our Sales Associate, John who did our walk through on delivery day was excellent and AJ who handled everything else. We purchased a new Jayco Jay Flight SLX 265RLS and drove 1100 hundred miles for a perfect buying experience and great price. Our Sales Associate, Stephanie Smith was knowledgeable, ... More » - Max from More » MSRP: $34,442 Savings: $9,443 SALE PRICE: $24,999 Location: Delaware, OH Stock# T52235 Location: Delaware, OH Stock# T52235 Interior Color: DESIGNER LATTE GET WHOLESALE PRICE Contact Sales Payment Calculator $ Apply for Financing Send To Friend Print Page Factory Brochure Favorite Share Share This RV Share Tweet Pin it Send to a Friend Copy Link 2022 18BHS Specifications Sleeps 7 Slides 1 Length 23 ft 1 in Ext Width 7 ft 6 in Ext Height 10 ft 1 in Interior Color DESIGNER LATTE Hitch Weight 492 lbs Gross Weight 5500 lbs Dry Weight 4202 lbs Cargo Weight 1298 lbs Fresh Water Capacity 44 gals Grey Water Capacity 30 gals Black Water Capacity 30 gals Furnace BTU 35000 btu Number Of Bunks 2 Available Beds Murphy Refrigerator Type Stainless Steel 12V Refrigerator Size 10 cu ft Cooktop Burners 2 Number of Awnings 1 LP Tank Capacity 20 lbs Water Heater Capacity 6 gal Water Heater Type Gas/Electric DSI with Quick Recovery AC BTU 13500 btu Awning Info 15' Carefree w/ Multicolor Lights Axle Count 1 Number of LP Tanks 2 Shower Type Tub/Shower Combo VIN ARK003723 Payment Estimator Price $ Down Payment - Trade-in Allowance - Loan Term months Annual Interest Rate % Monthly Payment /mo /mo Rates and amount financed are determined by credit history. Your actual payments may vary. Plus tax, title and license. See dealer for details. Get Our Wholesale Price Our {brand} prices are so low, {mfg} won't allow us to display our wholesale price without you requesting it. Complete this form and we'll contact you with our wholesale price. Name Email Phone Cell Home Work Zip It's ok to contact me about future discounts and events. (Easily unsubscribe at any time.) {title} Stock Number {stockNumber} {priceLabel} {msrp}{salePriceLabel} {saleprice} Confirmation Close Thank You, ! Your message was sent successfully A representative has been notified and will be with you shortly. CloseClose Get Our Lowest Price Close Thank You, ! Our lowest price on this item is This price is only valid for 24 hours from Stock Number {priceLabel}: : {discountPriceLabel}: Sound good? Call us at 8 Close and Continue Shopping Confirmation Close Thank You, ! Your message was sent successfully A representative has been notified and will be with you shortly. CloseClose Make an Offer {product} ({type}) Want to make us an offer on the {product}? Fill out this offer form and we'll get back with you as soon as possible. Name * Email * Phone * Phone Type Cell Home Work Zip/Postal * Offer *$ Comments It's ok to contact me about future discounts and events. (Easily unsubscribe at any time.) * Required Field Submit For more information, call us at 866-876-6207 or Contact Us Similar RVs and Floorplans View all Bunkhouse Floorplans Outdoor Kitchen Floorplans Loading Contact Us Name Email Phone Cell Home Work Zip/Postal How Can We Help? It's ok to contact me about future discounts and events. (Easily unsubscribe at any time.) Send to a Friend Know someone who might be interested in this RV? This just sends them a link to it so they can take a look. Your Friend's Name Your Friend's Email Your Name Your Email Your Message Send a copy of this email to me It's ok to contact me about future discounts and events. (Easily unsubscribe at any time.) Confirmation Close Thank You, ! Your message was sent successfully A representative has been notified and will be with you shortly. CloseClose ManuFacts Customer Satisfaction is Our #1 Priority. At Forest River, Inc., your needs, interests, budget, and lifestyle are at the forefront of everything we do. This affects every step from design, to the manufacturing floor, and on to you, our Customer. Whatever your need—recreation, transportation, or cargo hauling—we strive to bring quality products within reach of everyone. It’s not just a slogan: “Customer Satisfaction is Our #1 Priority.” In 1996, Forest River founder Peter Liegl had a vision. He foresaw an RV company dedicated to helping people experience the joy of the outdoors by building better recreational vehicles. After purchasing certain assets of Cobra Industries, the Company started manufacturing pop-up tent campers, travel trailers, fifth wheels and park models. Continually growing, Forest River now operates multiple manufacturing facilities throughout the United States producing Class A, B and C motorhomes, travel trailers, fifth wheels, toy haulers, pop-up tent campers, truck campers, park model trailers, destination trailers, cargo trailers, commercial vehicles, buses, pontoons, and mobile restroom trailers. Our large production capacity enables us to fill our customers' orders promptly without cutting corners or rushing through production procedures. This ensures that each Forest River product is conscientiously built and undergoes thorough, detailed inspection before it's shipped to the customer. This guarantees that every family who desires quality recreation will find a Forest River product that serves their needs, interests, budget, and lifestyle. www.wholesalervclub.com Wholesale RV Club is not responsible for any misprints, typos, or errors found in our website pages. Any price listed excludes sales tax, registration tags, and delivery fees. Manufacturer pictures, specifications, and features may be used in place of actual units on our lot. Please contact us @866-876-6207 for availability as our inventory changes rapidly. All calculated payments are an estimate only and do not constitute a commitment that financing or a specific interest rate or term is available. Hours Monday-Wednesday: 9:00am-6:00pm Thursday-Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm Sunday: Closed Quick Links Home New Rvs Rv Specials RV Financing RV Service Directions Contact Us About Us Contact Us 3491 Struble Rd Cincinnati, OH 45251 Get Directions » (513) 245-5411 Our Hours Monday-Wednesday: 9:00am-6:00pm Thursday-Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm Sunday: Closed Connect With Us Facebook Copyright © 2022 InteractRV• Privacy Policy• Sold RVs• RV Dealer Website Design• ADA NOTICE Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice At RV Retailer, LLC, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to our websites. In recognition of this commitment, we are in the process of making modifications to increase the accessibility and usability of this website, using the relevant portions of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) as our standard. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have difficulty using this website or with a particular web page or function on this site, please contact us by phone at (954) 908-3645 or email us at customerservice@rvretailer.net; place "Web Content Accessibility (ADA)" in the subject heading and we will make all reasonable efforts to assist you. | negative |
The home of Scottish rugby is to be renamed BT Murrayfield Stadium as part of a sponsorship deal believed to be worth around £20m.
Announcing the deal, Scottish Rugby chief executive Mark Dodson described it as a "momentous day", with money to be reinvested in four new academies.
As part of the four-year partnership, the communications giant will also sponsor Scotland 7s.
BT will also back Scotland's club league and cup competitions.
To secure a deal of this nature for the first time in our history means a huge amount for Scottish Rugby Dominic McKay Scottish Rugby director of commercial operations, communications and public affairs
Previous club competition backer RBS will continue as national team sponsor.
"We are very proud to bring BT back into our family of sponsors on a size and scale that is unprecedented both for Scottish Rugby and, we believe, Scottish sport," said Dodson.
He recognised that the headlines would be about the stadium's naming rights but stressed that the importance would be felt at grassroots level.
"This new funding underlines our desire to deliver more opportunities for young people to take up our game and broaden the reach of rugby across Scotland," said the chief executive.
"We will invest the monies that we receive from BT alongside the revenues that come from our other partners to continue our plan to grow the game of rugby throughout Scotland and deliver against our strategic plan and our recent policy paper initiatives - in particular, the establishment of a robust academy structure and to enhance the standard of club rugby."
BT Sport has been sponsor of Scotland's two professional rugby teams, Edinburgh and Glasgow Warriors, since the start of this season.
Scottish Rugby director of commercial operations, communications and public affairs Dominic McKay added: "In branding our home, the BT Murrayfield Stadium it reiterates our joint view that the name of the home of Scottish rugby that has been synonymous with the game in our country since 1925 had to be retained.
"To secure a deal of this nature for the first time in our history means a huge amount for Scottish Rugby as it will deliver very positively for us for years to come to enable us to continue to invest in our game throughout Scotland. | positive |
Psychiatrist Adult - Riverside - Per Diem in Riverside, CA for Southern California Permanente Medical Group Toggle navigation Job Seekers Employers Guest Job Seeker Sign In Home Jobs Your Profile Resources Job Seeker Employer Home Jobs Your Profile Resources Resources Home Career Learning Center Reference Checking Resume Writing Coaching Help Sign In Loading... Job Seekers, Welcome to MHA Career Center Search Browse Explore Your Job Alerts Your Saved Jobs Keywords Search All Locations Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. 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Discipline Academic / Research (9) Admin / Clerical (47) Advanced Practice Registered Nurses / Physician Assistants (114) Allied Health (676) Engineering (0) Executive (25) Food Science (1) General Nursing (1064) Hospitality, Facility, Environmental Support (64) Mental Health/Social Services (1427) Nursing Support (43) Operations (37) Pharmacy (10) Physicians/Surgeons (936) Psychology (557) Quality/Risk Management (0) Type Contract (0) Fellowship (0) Full Time (273) Locum Tenens (0) On Call (0) PRN (0) Part Time (11) Partnership (0) Per Diem (0) Residency (0) Seasonal (0) Temp to Full Time (0) Level Entry Level (15) Experienced (134) Apply Filters Clear All Filters Search Results: 3144 Jobs Sort By Relevance Newest Closest Save Agent Loading... Please wait. Previous Results Psychiatry Opportunity Trinity Health Boise, Idaho NEW! NEW! Psychiatrist Adult - San Diego Southern California Permanente Medical Group San Diego, California NEW! NEW! 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Psychiatrist - Adult - Outpatient - On site or 100% telehealth LifeStance Health Dayton, OH NEW! NEW! Registered Dietitian, RD Kindred Hospitals Tampa, Florida NEW! NEW! CLIN DIETITIAN UNM Hospital Albuquerque, New Mexico NEW! NEW! RN Case Manager (Per Diem) Optum Oklahoma City, Oklahoma NEW! NEW! Psychiatry - Outpatient Opportunity Trinity Health Ann Arbor, Michigan NEW! NEW! MCL-RN Case Manager Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Houston, Texas NEW! NEW! Physician (Addiction Psychiatrist) Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Loma Linda, California NEW! NEW! Mental Health Therapist WMC Health Suffern, New York NEW! NEW! Senior Social Worker Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Dallas, Texas NEW! NEW! Physician (Psychiatrist) - Onsite Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Savannah, Georgia NEW! NEW! Psychiatrist - Child/Adolescent- Outpatient - 100% telehealth option LifeStance Health Cleveland, OH NEW! NEW! Peer Specialist Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Boise, Idaho NEW! NEW! Psychiatrist - Adult - Outpatient - On site or 100% telehealth LifeStance Health Cleveland, OH NEW! NEW! Supervisory Social Worker (Vet Center Director) Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration Danbury, Connecticut NEW! NEW! Load More Loading... Please wait. Return to Search Results Psychiatrist Adult - Riverside - Per Diem About SCPMG The philosophy and beliefs of Southern California Permanente Medical Group are rooted in the founding principles of the Kaiser Permanente in This job listing is no longer active. Check the left side of the screen for similar opportunities. Create a Job Alert for Similar Jobs Loading. Please wait. Error Close Continue You do not have JavaScript Enabled on this browser. Please enable it in order to use the full functionality of our website. Help Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy © Copyright 2022 Mental Health America. | negative |
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Buck: Frank Suarez; Monkey: Diana Wright
Amazon's "Amazon Studios" project has announced the first four TV series it will develop: three animated shows and a mockumentary, all of which were pitched by way of the Amazon Studios Web site.
The Studios project announced last month that it was looking for comedies and kids shows. The Studios effort -- which hitherto had been focused on short and feature-length films -- is designed to provide original programming for Amazon's Instant Video service.
Amazon Studios works differently than traditional Hollywood production companies in that it solicits original scripts via the Web -- writers can have their pitches reviewed publicly or by the studio staff. If a project gets picked to be moved along to the Studios' Development Slate, the creators receive $10,000, and the show may eventually be produced.
Here are the creators' descriptions of the first four chosen shows. "Buck Plaidsheep" is for kids; the others are for adults.
Magic Monkey Billionaire When their magician owner dies after winning the lottery, Rabbit and Monkey are shocked to learn that he left his money to happy moron Monkey and donated evil genius Rabbit to a 2nd grade class. In each episode, Rabbit hatches a plan to steal Monkey's billions.
When their magician owner dies after winning the lottery, Rabbit and Monkey are shocked to learn that he left his money to happy moron Monkey and donated evil genius Rabbit to a 2nd grade class. In each episode, Rabbit hatches a plan to steal Monkey's billions. Buck Plaidsheep Buck Plaidsheep, the courageous critter from Fleecy farm, will face any danger and solve any problem. Armed with a variety of vehicles, whether it be a jet pack, rowboat, hang glider or even a jeep, he always has the best vehicle to get the job done.
Buck Plaidsheep, the courageous critter from Fleecy farm, will face any danger and solve any problem. Armed with a variety of vehicles, whether it be a jet pack, rowboat, hang glider or even a jeep, he always has the best vehicle to get the job done. Doomsday This comedy mockumentary follows Gabriel Bell, a new age prophet, conspiracy theorist, public speaker, and self-proclaimed 'Wisdom Warrior,' as he seeks to spread the word of (and perhaps even generate a little money from) his prophecy that the world will end on December 6th 2012. We also explore the lives and supposed final days of four fans of Gabriel, who all believe in his theories for very different reasons.
This comedy mockumentary follows Gabriel Bell, a new age prophet, conspiracy theorist, public speaker, and self-proclaimed 'Wisdom Warrior,' as he seeks to spread the word of (and perhaps even generate a little money from) his prophecy that the world will end on December 6th 2012. We also explore the lives and supposed final days of four fans of Gabriel, who all believe in his theories for very different reasons. The 100 Deaths of Mort Grimley In this animated comedy, Hell desperately needs new customers. Mort Grimley, a middle-aged suicide, is forced by Belphegor, Hell's corporate slave, to get 100 more people to kill themselves or be doomed to spend eternity right next to the cruel mother he tried to escape.
Amazon Instant Video is looking to compete with rival offerings from Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, all of which are developing their own programming. The services need to differentiate themselves, and to flesh out their content without having to lean too much on traditional Hollywood studios -- some of which have been holding back prime programming from streaming services so they can distribute it themselves. | positive |
These Four Giants Can Hit 20 Home Runs in 2019, Mike Krukow Predicts – NBC Bay Area Skip to content Main Navigation Search Search for: Local Weather Investigations Video Entertainment Sports Newsletters Live TV Share Close Trending 49ers on Sunday Night Football Senior Facility Investigation Close Call Caught on Camera Sports Betting Props Explained SF Fleet Week Guide Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Expand These Four Giants Can Hit 20 Home Runs in 2019, Mike Krukow Predicts By Dalton Johnson • Published March 21, 2019 • Updated on March 31, 2019 at 5:18 pm Only one team stood in the way of the Giants earning the coveted crown of fewest home runs in all of baseball last season. Thanks a lot, Marlins. Not one Giant finished the season with 20 home runs. Evan Longoria led the team with 16 long balls in 2018, which was a career-low for the third baseman. With spring training wrapping up, it's time to turn the page and move on to 2019. And broadcaster Mike Krukow is optimistic there can be a power resurgence in San Francisco. "Well, I think Evan Longoria is going to hit twenty plus," Krukow said Wednesday on KNBR. "Last year he hit sixteen and missed a month. He was so out of whack the first couple of months of the season, after coming over to a new team after spending the first ten years of his career with one team. I think he's in the comfort zone now, he's had a great spring, he's in great shape." Longoria, 33, is off to a strong start this spring. Going into Thursday's slate of games, he's batting .324 with two home runs. After getting a full season of the National League under his belt, the three-time All-Star could be a candidate for a bounce-back year. Sports sunday night football Sep 21 49ers vs. Broncos on Sunday Night Football: How to Watch and What to Know NFL 23 hours ago Five 49ers to Watch Vs. Broncos in Week 3 Game of 2022 NFL Season Speaking of Belt ... Krukow believes the first baseman can finally crack the 20-homer mark, too. "We keep waiting for Belt, he's always had a chance to hit twenty," Krukow said. "He's having a great spring and swinging the bat well right now, but when he got to camp, he kept the same weight as last year but with six percent less body fat." Injuries have limited Belt to only 104 and 112 games the last two seasons, where he's knocked 18 and 14 home runs. The power has always been there, though his health has been a concern. Now that Buster Posey is presumably healthy after hip surgery, Krukow sees the catcher flirting with 20 home runs for the first time since he hit 22 in 2014. The big name to watch, however, is Mac Williamson. "I think those three guys can do it, but wouldn't it be something if Mac Williamson got into that same groove as last summer? There's a guy who can put up thirty," Krukow said. [RELATED: Brandon Belt reveals how he accidentally cut off half of his eyebrow] Williamson might have the most raw power on the Giants' roster. A concussion cut down what should have been the best year of his career last season. While he's still competing to win a starting job in left field, a hot Williamson can produce some big power numbers. The Giants has struggled mightily hitting the ball over the wall for years now. Is 2019 the year it's bombs away? Until proven otherwise, there's always reasons for optimism. Copyright CSNBY - CSN BAY Trending Stories wild pigs Here's How California Plans to Handle 400,000 Wild Pigs fleet week San Francisco Fleet Week 2022: Events, Schedule and More San Francisco San Francisco Woman Speaks Out, Warns Others After Man Allegedly Grabs Victims San Jose Homeless Encampment Clearing Continues in San Jose San Mateo Close Call Caught on Camera: Car Nearly Strikes Girl in San Mateo Crosswalk Weather Forecast Facebook Twitter Instagram Submit Tips for Investigations Newsletters Connect With Us KNTV Public Inspection File KNTV Accessibility KNTV Employment Information Send Feedback FCC Applications Terms of Service Privacy Policy Cookie Settings Advertise with us CA Notice Ad Choices Copyright © 2022 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. All rights reserved Back to Article Close Menu Search for: Local Coronavirus Pandemic Climate in Crisis State U.S. & World Sports The Investigative Unit No Man's Land The Moms of Magnolia Street NBC Bay Area Responds Submit a consumer complaint How To Explainers California Live Weather Weather Alerts LX News Entertainment Video Traffic Community Community About Us TV Schedule Submit Photos and Video Contests Newsletters Our Apps Cozi TV Follow Us Facebook Twitter Instagram Contact Us | negative |
Check if a JavaScript Variable is an Array with isArray() [Examples] Skip to content Menu Menu Linux Shell Applications Raspberry Pi Tips Unix Distros Ubuntu Centos Debian Fedora Programming Javascript Perl PHP Python Databases Networking Cron Jobs Cron Jobs Every x Minutes Cron Jobs Every x Hours Cron Jobs Every x Days Cron Jobs on Certain Weekdays Cron Jobs Every x Months Miscellaneous Cron Jobs Home » Programming » Javascript » Check if a JavaScript Variable is an Array with isArray() [Examples] Check if a JavaScript Variable is an Array with isArray() [Examples] October 15, 2021 by Brad Morton Here’s a short article that explains arrays and how to check if a JavaScript variable is an array using the Array.isArray() method. Want to check out whether an array contains a value? Find out how here. What is An Array? An array is a type of JavaScript variable that can hold other variables, or references to other variables, in a list at a certain position. Declaring an Array in JavaScript An array is declared in JavaScript the same way as any other variable – by assigning the value to a variable name. An array is constructed using square brackets ([]) to contain the array values, which are separated by a comma (,) – here it is in code: var myArray = ['dog', 'cat', 'pig']; Above, an array variable called myArray is declared with the value of an array containing the strings dog cat and pig. Each element in the array is its own value, contained within the array at a certain position (index). Checking for Arrays using Array.isArray() If you have a variable that could take on any number of values (for example, from reading a file or user input) and you want to check whether or not it is an array – the Array.isArray() method is the tool that does just that. Here’s how it’s used: var myArray = ['dog', 'cat', 'pig']; | negative |
“It’s All in the Timing”: The Evolution of the Sackett Family’s Business | InSights InSights A Blog by Shelley A. Sackett Post navigation ← All’s Unfair in Love and War in “Indignation” “Café Society” Could Be Better, Could Be Worse → “It’s All in the Timing”: The Evolution of the Sackett Family’s Business Posted by Shelley A. Sackett 2 By Shelley A. Sackett Note: This article originally appeared in the Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association’s publication “Notes”, Vol. 17, Number 1, November 2015 Ettie and James Sackett (born Israel Sacofsky) and their nine surviving children, ca. 1905. In April 1882, a month after a revolutionary assassin had killed Czar Alexander II in St. Petersburg, a wave of pogroms spread throughout the Russian empire’s southwestern region. Hundreds of Jewish communities were attacked, including some in the Rechitsa district of southeastern Belarus, where some of my ancestors lived. Like most of the approximately 2.3 million Jews who left Russia between 1881 and 1930, they never saw their native land again. What’s in a Name? When my paternal great-grandfather, Israel Sacofsky, and his wife, Ettie, landed in Boston on July 15, 1882, they were literally in the same boat as many Jewish passengers who had also fled Czarist Russia. He was 23 and she was 24, and they sought the promise of new lives in America. When Israel applied for United States citizenship on December 29, 1885, he renounced allegiance to “every foreign Prince, Potentate, State and Sovereignty whatever,” but particularly to Czar Alexander III. On October 31, 1891, he became a naturalized citizen in Providence’s district court. The young couple made Providence their new hometown. Over the course of 17 years, they had eleven children, nine of whom survived. Only my grandfather, Morris, the fifth surviving child, was not born in Providence. Instead, he was born on August 9, 1889 at 176 Clinton Street in New York City. Having returned to Providence in 1890, the city directory shows that Israel worked as a tailor and lived at 201 North Main Street. This was in the lower reaches of the Jewish neighborhood known as the “North End.” The following year he moved his business to 305 North Main. In 1892 his new home was located at 52 Charles Street. By 1895, however, Israel was back in New York for a visit. As reported in the November 9 issue of The New York Times, he told Officer John Croughan that a stranger had tried to steal his watch near Delancey and Eldridge Streets. The suspect, arrested hours later, turned out to be Raymond Elroy of Boston, the leader of a masked band of thieves who had shot and killed a man during a holdup at a nearby bar a few nights earlier. Elroy had a gun in his pocket when he tried to rob Israel. It may have been a coincidence, but thereafter the Sacofskys never resided anywhere but Providence. Israel worked as a tailor or sold tailor’s trimmings. Uncle Meyer and Uncle Nathan’s Influence Of all the Sacofsky children, Meyer and Nathan, the first and second born, had the most lasting impact upon their family. This assessment was made by my father, Herbert Sackett (born in 1928), who, as the son of Morris, was their nephew. There is a family story that in the fall of 1899, when Meyer and Nathan were seniors at English High School and applied for admission to Brown, they used their given name, Sacofsky. They were refused admission. Although Jews had always been welcome under the university’s colonial charter, the first identifiable Jew, Israel Strauss, had not graduated until 1894. So, in order to improve their chances for admission, Meyer and Nathan decided to change their surname to Sackett and their father’s first name to James. A few Sacketts lived in Providence. Frederic was Rhode Island’s adjutant general. There was also a Sackett Street (between Elmwood and Broad) in South Providence. The family submitted a change-of-name application to the State Legislature in January 1900, and Meyer and Nathan reapplied to Brown in the fall. Again, according to our family’s story, this time both boys were accepted, and they commuted from their family’s home at 22 Wheaton Street. Meyer and Nathan were born more than 18 months apart. Meyer was originally a member of the Class of 1905, but both young men, known as Sackett, earned bachelor of philosophy degrees with the Class of 1906. The “Sackett” seed of the family tree was sown, and next came the family business. It Was in the Cards Sackett’s, 203 Union Street in Providence, Rhode Island, ca. 1930. Prior to attending Brown or even while they were students, Nathan and Meyer opened a small store or newsstand at 449 Westminster Street, on the fringe of downtown Providence. They may have also sold postcards, a word that had not come into existence until 1870. Because they could not devote full time to the store, they persuaded their younger brother, Morris, to tend to the business. Herbert explained, “Apparently my father took a liking to it and, upon their graduation, he somehow ended up becoming the proprietor and operated the store at that location until 1910.” Providence directories suggest, however, that at least one of Morris’s siblings, Lillian, continued selling postcards in the Union Street store through 1915. By this time, according to the Providence directory, Meyer had moved to Detroit. In fact, he relocated to Cambridge and then Somerville, Massachusetts, where he became a wholesaler of cotton goods. By the 1940s, he and his wife, Minnie, lived in Winthrop, where he died in 1949. According to Providence directories, Nathan sold postcards at 449 Westminster Street. In 1918, he moved to New York City and became a publisher of postcards. Herbert remembers that he ran a company on Long Island that manufactured high-quality, engraved cards. Nathan, who married Helen, died in New York in 1967. Morris opened the small store at 203 Union Street in the center of downtown in 1910. “This became one of the first stores selling only postcards and greeting cards in the Northeast,” Herbert explained. He elaborated, “My father maintained the Union Street store for the balance of his career, and it was there I was raised into the retail business.” Coincidentally, 1910 was the same year that another business pioneer, 18-year-old Joyce Clyde (J.C.) Hall, traveled from his home in Nebraska to Kansas City, Missouri. He brought two shoeboxes of picture postcards (the only form of greeting card at that time) and an entrepreneurial fire in his belly. Hall set up a wholesale distribution center at the Kansas City YMCA where he was lodging. The postcards were a huge success and soon his brother, Rollie, joined him in the business that became Hall Brothers. It was later known as Hallmark Cards. J.C. Hall’s Midwest success and pioneering spirit brought him and his shoebox full of cards to the East in search of greater distribution. One of his first stops was 203 Union Street. Morris Sackett liked Hall’s product and decided to retail it. Little could either man suspect that that transaction was the start of a 75-year business relationship. It would culminate in 1985, when J.C.’s son, Don, invited Morris’s son, Herbert, to a lavish weekend celebration at Hallmark’s Kansas City headquarters to celebrate another milestone of their business relationship. In 1910 neither J. C. Hall nor Morris Sackett could have imagined that the 203 Union Street store would someday become the oldest Hallmark account in its original location. It is of course ironic that Rhode Island became home to another of America’s manufacturers of greeting cards. Founded in 1906 by Samuel and Charles Markoff, also Jewish entrepreneurs, Paramount was headquartered in Pawtucket after a start in Providence. It remained a highly successful family business until its sale to new owners in 1983. After relocating to Canada, the company folded in 2006. Morris Sackett, like J.C. Hall, was an innovator. He developed solid oak, continuous-run greeting card racks so customers could see cards full-face. His store, among the first to use fluorescent lighting and air conditioning, set industry standards. Max Abrams and Son, Cabinetmakers, in Providence, was the contractor who built these fixtures. Morris wanted to create a pleasant, comfortable place where customers would linger as they selected cards. When postcard sales declined and the Hall brothers recognized the public’s desire for more private communication, Morris carried their new greeting cards, which were sold with envelopes. By 1930, Morris was living at 23 Methyl Street with his Providence-born wife, Evelyn (Sergy) Sackett, and their three children, Shirley (then ten), Edna (then six) and Herbert (then two). Morris and his wife, Evelyn, were charter members of Temple Emanu-El. The Sackett family at 23 Methyl Street in Providence: Herbert, Edna (seated), Evelyn and Morris, ca. 1940. In 1934, James died in a tragic accident. When returning home from synagogue during a snowfall, he did not realize that he was walking along snow-covered trolley tracks on North Main Street. He also did not hear a silent electric trolley coming from behind. In the snowfall, its conductor did not see him either, and James was killed. Herbert recalled that his grandfather was 74 years old and in very good health. Herbert added, “I was only six, but I remember it clearly.” The War Years During World War II, manufacturers of all kinds faced strict quotas. The same was of course true for paper. Greeting cards became a popular way to communicate with troops stationed all over the world. Because mail took weeks or even months to reach its destination, customers had to send cards very early to arrive on time. Christmas cards were sold out weeks before the holiday, and Valentine’s Day cards were on sale before Christmas. “It was probably a never-to-be-repeated situation in the industry,” he reflected. During this era, Evelyn Sackett was actively involved in U.S.O. Herbert, who was a young teen at Nathan Bishop Junior High and already working after school hours at the family store, liked visiting the headquarters of card factories with his father, Morris. For example, they traveled to Rust Craft’s in Boston and Norcross’s in New York City. Morris was treated “kind of special” by vendors who recognized him as the retailing pioneer he was. “I used to tag along and got to meet the heads of the companies and many of the executives,” Herbert said, noting that companies in those early years presented their card lines through samples that buyers would choose from, one card at a time. “I gained knowledge of the products and learned to identify those which contained quality and salability,” he observed. Herbert also learned many intangibles from his father. “The major things he taught me were the importance of accurate record-keeping and financial discipline,” he added. Such lessons would stick with Herbert throughout his 41-year career. The Suburbs and Beyond Morris and Herbert Sackett, 1953. In July 1950, having graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a degree in business administration, Herbert went to work full-time for Sackett’s Greeting Cards. Given his full-time job and his engagement to Jane Lee Cohen, he also gave up his ROTC membership. I was born in 1952 and my brother Richard in 1955. Our family lived in a two-family house at 98 Dexterdale Road in Providence before moving to 287 Rochambeau Avenue in 1958. From the Providence store, he saw firsthand what was happening to downtowns throughout New England during the 1950s. “Downtowns were no longer the retail vehicle,” he said, referring to the development of suburbs and those residents’ desire to shop closer to their homes. He knew intuitively that this was where the retailing action of the future would be. Shopping centers were also the perfect vehicle for an ambitious young entrepreneur who already knew he wanted to be “an operator of stores, not a store operator.” But the suburbs were not the kind of place where a store that sold only greeting cards could thrive. He needed a plan. Over the next four years, Herbert researched product mixes and store formats that could be duplicated as a multi-store operation. By 1960, he was ready to open a 1,400 square foot store at 742 Hope Street, around the corner from his Rochambeau Avenue residence. This “Sackett’s” carried party goods, candles, and stationery items in addition to greeting cards, a “social expression” resource that would become the prototype for future development. Because no single company carried all of these products, he had to put together his own mix of vendors, including greeting card vendors. In 1962, Herbert brought this new diversified product approach to the store he opened on Westminster Mall, around the corner from the flagship Union Street location. He named it “Richley’s” after my brother and me- “Rich”-ard and Shel- “ley”- to avoid competition with the Union Street store. Although greeting cards were still the dominant product, Richley’s also had a paperback book department, an entire area devoted to party goods, and a candy department. Evidently, Herbert still believed that downtowns had a future. Over the next few years, he paid careful attention to which products worked and which didn’t. Candy and paperback books were in the latter category. Herbert opened his first two stores outside Rhode Island in 1967 in downtown New Bedford and downtown Taunton, Massachusetts. They were also the first step toward affiliation with an all-Hallmark product presentation. He then sold the Hope Street “laboratory” location. Toward the end of the 1960s, when new highways connected suburban shoppers to destination retail areas, there was also an explosive growth of shopping centers. For Herbert, this was a perfect retail storm. “The major positive thing that happened to me in my career was timing,” he said. “Being able to be involved just about the time the suburbs, shopping centers, and malls caught on provided the biggest momentum for my career. I saw this as the wave of the future. It was obvious to me that Main Street, U.S.A. was not going to be the retailing future.” In 1968, Morris, who had retired in 1963, died at age 79, leaving his son to continue his legacy. While Herbert did just that, he was poised on a very different trajectory. “For my father’s time and personality,” he explained, “functioning basically as a single-store owner was the right thing for him to do. I was much more oriented toward the idea that you take your knowledge and package it.” Unfortunately, Morris did not live long enough to witness a Sackett’s store in a mall location. Further Expansion By 1970, Hallmark was retooling in a similar way, diversifying its product line from just greeting cards and gift wrap to include other products like party goods, photo albums, candles, and some gift items. This shift made Hallmark a more attractive vehicle through which Herbert could accomplish his goal of expansion. So Sackett’s became an official Hallmark retail outlet and changed its name to “Sackett’s Hallmark.” The relationship between the companies remained that of independent manufacturer and retailer (as opposed to franchisor and franchisee). This proved to be a winning combination. In 1971, the first Sackett’s Hallmark store within an enclosed mall opened in Wampanoag Mall in East Providence. At 2,500 square feet, it included a book department, an expanded gift department, and a cutting-edge, brightly colored saw-toothed ceiling decorated with reproductions of silk-screened poster banners. Over the next 20 years, Sackett’s Hallmark, driven by a philosophy of “controlled growth,” expanded to locations in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, and upstate New York. In 1978, to accommodate the management infrastructure needed to support the rapid growth, Sackett’s moved its headquarters from an upstairs balcony alcove in its downtown, Union Street location to a 13,000-square-foot building in East Providence that housed both corporate offices and a warehouse. Herbert also concentrated on fine-tuning his mix of “allied” (or non-Hallmark) products to achieve an identity that would distinguish Sackett’s Hallmark stores from other Hallmark retailers. He explained, “Our growth was a conservative one, which gave me a certain amount of comfort, but once you’re committed to that kind of expansion and growth, you’re in all the way. In order to attract and keep the right personnel to make it grow, you need to provide career opportunities for them. We were successful in attracting and keeping our key managerial and supervisory staff because they always knew there was the possibility for future promotion. That was always a challenge and responsibility for me.” In 1980, I joined Sackett’s as area retail coordinator. Thus, I became the third generation Sackett to be part of the business. My duties included merchandising, writing a company newsletter, and learning the art of gift buying from my father. Only his sharp eye for spotting the next hot seller eclipsed his love for its hunt. In the fiercely competitive gift industry, his merchandising prowess was renowned among vendors and fellow retailers alike. When I started accompanying him to gift shows in New York and Los Angeles, I was amused and amazed by the effect his lingering in a vendor’s booth could create. I could not have asked for a better mentor. I remained with the company until 1989 when I relocated to Cheyenne, Wyoming. My brother, Richard, had and still maintains a psychotherapy practice in Manhattan. By 1985, Herbert was again noticing a new trend in retailing, the “trendy, young-at-heart-oriented” shop. He wanted to take that concept, remove the off-color humor some companies emphasized, and package it in a 1,200-square-foot store that could go into the same malls as Sackett’s Hallmark stores. These new stores, which would carry no Hallmark products, would have a mix of 70 percent gifts and 30 percent cards and were named “Be Dazzled!”. This would be the reverse of the Sackett’s chain merchandising formula. This was also at the height of mall expansions, when developers were seeking to maximize their attraction by offering the most interesting mix of stores to their customers. The two-store Sackett’s approach had two goals: to differentiate Sackett’s Hallmark from other Hallmark retailers who were competing for the same locations, and to appeal to mall developers who were interested in an additional concept to add to their store mix. Such a move would also maximize Sackett’s management and administrative efficiencies. Be Dazzled! was birthed on Thayer Street that year, and I was its project director. Over the next few years, it grew to its own chain of seven stores with additional locations in Dedham, Hadley, and Swansea, Massachusetts, as well as in upstate New York. By the time the 1990s arrived, there were 60 stores under the Sackett’s, Inc. umbrella in six states with over 1,000 employees. Retail competition had become more intense and demanding than ever and Herbert, now in his sixties (who had been receiving a number of overtures from would-be buyers), decided it was time for a change of lifestyle. An opportunity soon arose. In September of 1991, and after so many decades in the industry, he elected to say “yes” to an offer, agreeing to sell the retail division to a longtime acquaintance who was in the same industry but whose locations were primarily in the Middle Atlantic states. “Needless to say it was a difficult and traumatic decision and was not made quickly or lightly,” Herbert said. “After all those years together, my organization was like family to me. Many of them had been with me from the beginning and it was important to me that I was leaving them in good hands. “One of my most fulfilling satisfactions came from the fact that, throughout the entire building process, we were able to remain an “independent” company and succeed based on our own high standards, of which we were very proud. On a strictly personal level, it made me even more aware and grateful for the opportunities made possible for me and my family only through the courage and bravery of my grandfather Israel and grandmother Ettie and their migration to this great country,” he said pausing. “This is a message of gratitude I’ve tried to pass down to my own children and grandchildren.” The Sackett clan today: Shelley and her children Julia, Alex and James; Herbert (center); Richard and his children Taylor and Mimi. Retirement Reflections Herbert reflected on his retirement. “With such a dramatic change of lifestyle and pace, it amazed me how seamless the transition became,” he said. “The fact that I remained active was, for me, the key – and it still is.” Sackett’s, Inc. (the corporate structure that was not part of the transaction) became an investment vehicle and still allows Herbert to keep a finger in the business world, “but only to whatever degree I choose.” He noted that suddenly, there was more time to be involved with his grandkids, volunteer work, travel, hobbies, reading for leisure and for one of his then favorite activities, skiing (which he was now able to enjoy mid-week when the slopes were less crowded). “All in all, it became a satisfying combination,” he said. United Brothers Synagogue United Brothers Synagogue in Bristol, Rhode Island. Since 1987, Herbert has lived in Bristol. A couple of years before he sold the business, he ran into Jack Temkin, a fellow Temple Emanu-El member also active in the wider Jewish community. When Herbert remarked about planning to see him over the high holidays, Jack asked why he didn’t attend the synagogue in Bristol. That was the first time Herbert heard there was such a synagogue. Having learned that United Brothers Synagogue has been located at 205 High Street since 1916, Herbert decided to attend services one Shabbat. “I was overwhelmed by the building and very impressed by the cantor, who had a beautiful voice,” he remarked. “My nickname for him was ‘the Robert Goulet of the cantorial world.’ A lot of people felt that way.” Although to this day he remains a member of Temple Emanu-El, Herbert was so taken by United Brothers that he decided to become a member. After officially retiring from business in 1991, he decided to become further involved. In 2006, after serving many years on its board, he became treasurer. Quickly realizing that the synagogue was underfinanced and in need of many costly repairs, Herbert decided that his personal goal would be to strengthen United Brothers’ financial health. This led to a building fund campaign that paid for a restoration in 2008. After the completion of a recent 2015 capital campaign, there is now an operating surplus. Business Advice When asked if he misses being in business, Herbert quickly replied, “I don’t miss being in business at all. If I miss anything, it’s the camaraderie that I developed, the personal relationships.” At gift shows there were social engagements almost every evening. “I always looked forward to them,” he said. He served on the boards of the New York and California Gift Shows and remained an advisor to the board of the California Gift Show for a few years after his retirement. He still sees some old business friends a few times each year. Asked what advice he would give a young person just starting out in business, he answered without hesitation. “The most important thing, no matter what kind of business- whether it’s bricks and mortar or Internet or whatever- is to have a sound business plan. A well-thought-out business plan becomes a vehicle for producing the degree of profit. Those rules never change.” “What does change,” Herbert cautions, “are business cycles that represent shifts in consumer demands. The successful entrepreneur must respond to these, which may occur in five-year cycles.” “The Internet,” he warns, “has completely overhauled the retail arena.” As for additional lessons learned from his family’s business launched about 110 years ago, Herbert offered this: “Don’t expect to be 100 percent right when making decisions; that’s aiming too high. Always think about the ‘what ifs.’” Shelley and Herbert, Father’s Day 2016. The envelope on the table holds, of course, a Hallmark card. Despite the phenomenal growth of the Internet with its dozens of virtual e-cards, Herbert still believes that there can be no substitute for old-fashioned, paper cards. “The concepts of art and sentiment, in the ‘touchy-feely’ greeting card, will always have its place,” he proclaims. In fact, both my dad and I are drawn to Hallmark cards and still send them to each other on every card-giving occasion. I can’t speak for him, but the ones he has sent me over the years are in a special shoebox that I look forward to adding to for many years to come. Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related Posted in Business, Feature, Interview, Providence Tagged BeDazzled, Hallmark Cards, J.C. Hall, Providence, Sackett's Hallmark Aug·10 2 thoughts on ““It’s All in the Timing”: The Evolution of the Sackett Family’s Business” Andria Sackett Lightfoot November 13, 2016 at 1:31 pm Shelly this is incredible. My great-grandfather was Meyer Sackett (My father was a Sackett), son of Israel and Hattie. Thank you for shedding light on the family history. I would love to chat some time. LikeLike Reply Shelley A. Sackett November 19, 2016 at 2:28 pm Andria. Yes, I’d love to hear from you. Please email me at sackett.shelley@gmail.com with your contact information. 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Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not Is Out August 5th Via Jagjaguwar.
In what is the best news that we’ve had all week, Dinosaur Jr, have shared the first single from their upcoming eleventh album Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not (out on August 5th via Jagjaguwar). It’s called ‘Tiny’ and it’s a beauty. Listen to it above.
There are seven different bundles of Give A Glimpse Of What Yer Not available for pre-order. The fanciest of which includes (deep breath):
– “Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not” on purple color vinyl LP with value add bonus 7″ (pre-order- and bundle exclusive)
– “Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not” on CD
– T-Shirt in the size of your choice
– Album cover poster HAND SIGNED BY THE BAND!
– Album cover sticker 10x10cm
– Four 1″ buttons
– Trucker hat
– The official “Dinosaur Jr.” book (a 216 page linen bound large format hardcover book with loads of exclusive interviews and images)
– A felt slipmat
– The Skull Candy Headphone “Dinosaur Jr. Edition” (which by itself comes with an exclusive 7″. Right: the bonus has a bonus and my nose ring has a nose ring)
– An instant download of the album track “Tiny” (comes with your confirmation mail) as well as the whole album as mp3 a whole week before release date.
How ridiculously awesome is that? Reasonably priced too we reckon at 195 Euro. Pre-order here. Check out the track listing and extensive tour dates below.
Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not:
01 Goin Down
02 Tiny
03 Be A Part
04 I Told Everyone
05 Love Is…
06 Good To Know
07 I Walk For Miles
08 Lost All Day
09 Knocked Around
10 Mirror
11 Left/Right
Dinosaur Jr. Tour Dates:
06-02 Lyon, France – Le Transbordeur
06-03 Barcelona, Spain – Primavera Sound Festival
06-04 Nimes, France – This Is Not A Love Song Festival
06-05 Mannheim, Germany – Maifield Derby
06-07 Leipzig, Germany – Taubchenthal
06-08 Prague, Czech Republic – Lucerna Music Hall
06-09 Basel, Switzerland – Kaserne Basel
06-10 Porto, Portugal – Primavera Sound Porto
06-11 Bern, Switzerland – Dachstock
06-13 Erlangen, Germany – E-Werk
06-15 Courtrai, Belgium – De Kreun
06-16 Sint-Niklaas, Belgium – De Casino
06-17 Dulsburg, Germany – Traumzeit Festival
06-18 Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands – Best Kept Secret Festival
06-19 Gaou Island, France – Pointu Festival
06-21 Milan, Italy – Carroponte
06-22 San Gemini, Italy – Campo Della Giostra
06-23 Padova, Italy – Parco della Musica
06-24 Zagreb, Croatia – Culture Factory
07-14 Providence, RI – The Met
07-15 Brooklyn, NY – Coney Island Amphitheater *
07-16 Asbury Park, NJ – Stone Pony Summerstage *
07-17 Port Chester, NY – Capitol Theatre *
07-19 Boston, MA – Blue Hills Bank Pavilion *^
07-20 Philadelphia, PA – The Fillmore *^
07-22 Sterling Heights, MI – Freedom Hill Amphitheatre *^
07-23 Cleveland, OH – Jacob’s Pavilion *^
07-24 Cincinnati, OH – The Woodward
07-25 Indianapolis, IN – Murat Theatre at Old National Centre *
08-12 Sun. Aug 14 – Atlanta, GA – Wrecking Ball Festival
08-20 Tokyo, Japan – Hostess Club All-Nighter
09-07 New Haven, CT – College Street Music Hall
09-08 Washington, DC – 9:30 Club
09-09 Norfolk, VA – The NorVa
09-10 Charlotte, NC – Neighborhood Theatre
09-11 Asheville, NC – The Orange Peel
09-13 Birmingham, AL – Saturn
09-14 New Orleans, LA – Tipitina’s Uptown
09-15 Houston, TX – White Oak Music Hall
09-16 Austin, TX – Austin City Limits Live
09-17 Dallas, TX – Granada Theater
09-19 Phoenix, AZ – The Crescent Ballroom
09-20 Solana Beach, CA – Belly Up Tavern
09-22 Los Angeles, CA – Teragram Ballroom
09-23 Los Angeles, CA – Teragram Ballroom
09-24 Pioneertown, CA – Pappy & Harriet’s (Desert Stars Festival)
09-26 San Francisco, CA – The Independent
09-27 San Francisco, CA – The Independent
09-28 San Francisco, CA – The Independent
09-29 Portland, OR – Crystal Ballroom
09-30 Vancouver, British Columbia – Commodore Ballroom
10-01 Seattle, WA – The Showbox
10-03 Salt Lake City, UT – The Depot
10-04 Denver, CO – Bluebird Theater
10-05 Denver, CO – Bluebird Theater
10-07 Minneapolis, MN – First Avenue
10-08 Chicago, IL – Metro
10-09 Millvale, PA – Mr. Small’s Theatre
10-29 Groningen, Netherlands – Vera
10-30 Luxembourg, Luxembourg – Den Atelier
10-31 Paris, France – Elysée Montmartre
11-01 Brussels, Belgium – AB
11-04 Kiel, Germany – Rollingstone Weekender
11-05 Malmo, Sweden – Kb
11-06 Oslo, Norway – Vulkan
11-08 Stockholm, Sweden – Debaser Medis
11-09 Copenhagen, Denmark – Amager Bio
11-10 Aarhus, Denmark – VoxHall
11-11 Berlin, Germany – Astra
11-12 Utrecht, Netherlands – Le Guess Who?
11-14 Bristol, England – Motion
11-15 Dublin, Ireland – Vicar Street
11-17 Glasgow, Scotland – ABC1
11-18 London, England – Forum
11-19 Manchester, England – Albert Hall
* with Jane’s Addiction
^ with Living Colour
Follow Dinosaur Jr. On Facebook.
Follow Overblown on Facebook and Twitter. | positive |
City Calendar City of uMhlathuze Vision into Action Home Municipality Overview Mission and Vision City Mayor Political Office Bearers City Councillors Ward Councillors Proportional Councillors Departments Office of the Municipal Manager City Manager Chief Operations Officer Intergrated Development Planning Internal Audit Enterprise Risk Management Communications, Marketing and Outdoor Advertising Organisational Performance Management Unit Infrastructure and Technical Services Financial Services Chief Financial Officer Revenue Expenditure Supply Chain Management Corporate Services Manager - Corporate Services Human Resources Administration Diverse Administration Legal Services Information Communication Technology Community Services Manager- Community Services Public Health and Emergency Services Environmental and Recreational Services Public Safety and Security City Development Manager - City Development Property Administration Human Settlement Public Transport Land Use Management Development Administration Electrical and Energy Services Investors Investments Draft Richards Bay CBD Framework Plan Waterfront Development Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Tenders and Quotations Tourism Media Manager News & Updates Gallery Knowledge Management and Innovation Centre Vacancies Online Tools e-uMhlathuze e-uMhlathuze Home Account Login Register New Account Frequently Asked Questions Lodge a Complaint Online GIS Groupwise Reservoir Dashboard uM-SAP Portal uM-SAP Fior Yeep Contact Search ... Notices Events Calendar By Year By Month By Week Today Search Daily View Sunday 14 August 2022 Preceding Day Sunday 14 August 2022 Following Day No events Quick Menu Load Shedding Schedule Tenders/Quotations/Notices Integrated Development Plan Performance Management Financial Statutory Reporting PAIA Spatial Development Framework Suppliers' Database Application Form Richards Bay CBD Framework Plan uMhlathuze Monthly Clean Up Campaigns Mayoral Advisory Panel Ward Base Plans Policies Online Tools Tariffs By Laws Property Valuations Land Use Management Richards Bay Airport uMhlathuze Land Use Scheme Regulations Batho Pele Principles Human Settlements Integrated Waste Management Disaster Management Plan Privacy Notice Calendar Vacancies Suppliers Database Forms 24 September, 2022 City Calendar August 2022 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Latest News KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY CITY OF UMHLATHUZE MAYOR CLLR X. NGWEZI ON THE OCCASION OF THE OFFICIAL RE-OPENING OF THE RICHARDS BAY AIRPORT RICHARDS BAY AIRPORT 19 SEPTEMBER 2022 COME AND VISIT THIS DIVERSE REGION FOR A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE RICHARDS BAY AIRPORT BACK TO ACTION CITY OF UMHLATHUZE MAYOR PAYS A VISIT TO THE FAMILY OF A SLAIN COUNCILLOR FIRE DAMAGE UPDATE Come Visit Us 5 Mark Strasse Civic Centre, Richards Bay, 3900 Get Direction Contact uMhlathuze Municipality Switchboard: 035-907 5000 Call Centre: 0800 222 827 Email: talk2us@umhlathuze.gov.za Open Hours Monday - Thurday: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday/Sunday: Call 0800-222-827 <!-Currency Converter widget - HTML code - fx-rate.net --> Rand Exchange Rate <!-end of code--> About us Overview Mission and Vision Municipal Mayor City Manager Ward Councillors Contact Us Vacancies Tenders and Quotations Departments Office of the Municipal Manager Infrastructure and Technical Services Financial Services Corporate Services Community Services City Development External Links Provincial Government National Government National Tresury (CSD) University of Zululand uMfolozi College ZCCI Port of Richards Bay RBIDZ Copyright © 2022 City of uMhlathuze. All Rights Reserved. Powered by TTECH. | WebMaster Privacy Notice | negative |
I think the more important question is why not have sex with a CrossFitter? CrossFitters are nothing if not in shape. Plus they're dedicated to the cause, have more stamina than the Energizer Bunny and are easy on the eyes. Just think you can eat pudding out of their six packs. Who needs bowls?! Not you!
With CrossFit basically taking over the entire world like the bubonic plague (but way healthier), it only makes sense that you should have sex with a CrossFit enthusiast at least once in your life. Think of it as crossing it off your bucket list like you would a trip to Bali, diving out of an airplane, or eating an entire apple pie yourself. If you want to never work again, you date an investment banker. If you want no-hassle prescriptions, you date a doctor. If you want to take your sex life from so-so to swinging from the chandeliers, dating a CrossFit cutie is the way to go. Obviously.
But in case I still haven't convinced you, I've compiled a list of perfectly legitimate reasons of why CrossFit crazies are good in bed. You can thank me later. More specifically after you’re sore the next day.
1. Their training could have sexual benefits
Let's see, CrossFitters are strong like bull, coordinated like JT, and they have stamina for days. Translate that to the bedroom! Yowza! And let's not forget physical fitness can improve blood flow, which will likely bode well in the erection department. You may not be a CrossFitter but you'll be sore for days after boning one of these hotties.
2. They have high libidos
If your libido is as active as a piece of lint, perhaps this will not be of interest to you. However if you like to screw, a CrossFitter is a natural fit. That's because CrossFitters are chock full of testosterone, which equals a desire to have sex like a rabbit. Any time you build up your muscles, you're increasing testosterone levels. Bowchickabowwow. That was porn music in case you're wondering.
3. They're confident
Anyone who can walk into some weird ass looking gym with a bunch of boxes excessively loud music and do an intimidating workout is a guy you want to know. Because confidence is sexy as hell. "I want to hit it with someone who is insecure with his body and hesitant to make a move," said nobody ever.
5. They are comfortable getting physical
CrossFitters have no problem whipping off their clothes, covered in sweat and being manhandled by their classmates. Which means they have no problem with cooties or any weird issues about being touched. Mr. or Ms. CrossFit won't have any problem doing it with the lights on, off, upside down, backwards, or any which way you want it.
6. They are all about good form
Proper form is essential when doing CrossFit. Bad form means boo-boos and injuries. And nobody likes a busted knee cap. So people who practice CrossFit are going to spend plenty of time making sure their form is on point. Or on fleek as the case may be. Imagine how that will translate to the bedroom. No longer will you have to worry about your partner giving you a half-assed visit downtown. Your CrossFitter is going make sure they have that tongue action perfect like the icing on a red velvet cupcake.
Images: David C/Flickr; Giphy (5) | positive |
Apple CP Soap – Soap Majick Skip to content Submit Close search Just added to your cart Qty: View cart () Continue shopping Home Catalog Submit Search Cart 0 items Home Catalog Apple CP Soap Regular price $7.00 Sale price $7.00 Sale Unit price /per Default Title Error Quantity must be 1 or more Add to cart Adding product to your cart Smells just like walking into a warm kitchen with freshly cut apples strewn about! Made via the cold process method using olive, coconut, sweet almond, and castor oils, shea butter and scented with apple fragrance oil, this bar will be sure to cleanse your skin and make you hungry!! Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest Quick links Search SoapMajick - Behind the Majick! SoapMajick was started with the intention of making unique products with a touch of majick! All products are hand made and almost all are made to order - meaning products are fresh and not sitting on a shelf for months or years! Newsletter Subscribe © 2022, Soap Majick Powered by Shopify © 2022, Soap Majick Powered by Shopify Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device choosing a selection results in a full page refresh press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection | negative |
“I doubt very much that they would take a drastic action like cutting him loose,” said Mike Shatzkin, the chief executive of Idea Logical Company, a book industry consulting firm. “They’re not going to die if he’s not there, but they certainly would be scrambling to make up the revenue.”
A publishing house is not subject to the same pressures as a network, which depends on advertising revenue, but occasionally a public scandal will drive publishers to drop an author. Simon & Schuster faced a fierce backlash this year from independent booksellers and some of its own authors after it bought a memoir by Milo Yiannopoulos, a former editor at Breitbart News who espouses views that many regard as xenophobic and misogynist.
His publishing contract was canceled in February after a video clip resurfaced, in which he condoned sex between adults and teenage boys. By then, the publisher had suffered a public relations debacle.
Even if Henry Holt continues to publish Mr. O’Reilly, his sales could fall as a result of the allegations against him, particularly if major book retailers decide not to carry his titles, or Fox cancels his show. His children’s book series, a spinoff of the “Killing” books, could be particularly vulnerable to a consumer or retailer boycott, given the nature of the allegations. “Give Please a Chance,” a picture book he wrote with James Patterson, has sold 181,200 copies since it was released in November, according to NPD BookScan.
Then again, the allegations against Mr. O’Reilly could lead his most loyal fans to double down on their support.
“The people who like him may be even more inclined to support him now and vote with their dollars to say, ‘I’m with you, Bill,’” said Michael Cader, the founder of Publishers Marketplace.
So far, major book retailers are sticking by him. “We leave it to our customers to decide what to buy and read,” a Barnes & Noble spokeswoman said. Amazon, which declined to comment, features “Old School” in its spring reading nonfiction recommendations. | positive |
We measure media bias by estimating ideological scores for several major media outlets. To compute this, we count the times that a particular media outlet cites various think tanks and policy groups, and then compare this with the times that members of Congress cite the same groups. Our results show a strong liberal bias: all of the news outlets we examine, except Fox News' Special Report and the Washington Times, received scores to the left of the average member of Congress. Consistent with claims made by conservative critics, CBS Evening News and the New York Times received scores far to the left of center. The most centrist media outlets were PBS NewsHour, CNN's Newsnight, and ABC's Good Morning America; among print outlets, USA Today was closest to the center. All of our findings refer strictly to news content; that is, we exclude editorials, letters, and the like.
“The editors in Los Angeles killed the story. They told Witcover that it didn't ‘come off’ and that it was an ‘opinion’ story.… The solution was simple, they told him. All he had to do was get other people to make the same points and draw the same conclusions and then write the article in their words” (emphasis in original). Timothy Crouse, Boys on the Bus [1973, p. 116]. | positive |
John Gormley is stepping down from the Remai Modern Art Gallery of Saskatchewan’s board of directors, citing concern about how the position would affect his “independence” as a media commentator.
Gormley tweeted an image Tuesday of a letter addressed to board chair Alain Gaucher.
“Anyone involved in the media, whether as reporters or commentators, should avoid activities that might compromise or give the appearance of compromising their independence and their ability to speak frankly and honestly on issues they may cover,” Gormley wrote in the letter.
It goes on to say that while he supports the art gallery project, he is concerned his direct involvement could be seen as a conflict of interest, especially with a civic election looming.
“My role as a director on a civic board — appointed by City Council itself — is obviously a conflict, particularly when the gallery and the role of the Board in its governance will likely arise as election issues,” the letter says.
“It is also well known that one of the directors on that board may stand as a candidate for Mayor and I want to be free and unfettered to comment on that election and other issues facing our city and province.”
Gormley’s letter makes no mention of a controversial tweet that led to an independent review by the board. Gormley came under fire as a result of a tweet he posted following the Paris terror attacks in November. It read: “Me: Next guy in a Western democracy who chants ‘Allah Ahkbar’ we shoot. Wife: Don’t be this way. #Angry.”
The investigation found the tweet was “inappropriate and offensive,” but did not violate the board’s code of conduct.
Gaucher expressed nothing but positivity about Gormley’s time on the board when reached for comment Tuesday.
“He contributed to our board and he leaves with our appreciation,” Gaucher said.
Read Gormley’s full letter here: | positive |
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TY Graduation 2015 – Bridge 21 About Us About Bridge21 Vision & Mission Our Model What we do The Team Who Supports Us Our Story Schools School Programme Trinity Access 21 Teacher CPD Computing Workshops Postgraduate Certificate in 21st Century Teaching and Learning Bridge21 Activities Students TY Programme CodePlus How to get involved Parents Volunteer Erasmus+ Teaching for a Sustainable Tomorrow Teaching for Tomorrow EURO SOLE Knights for Road Safety Publications Contact Us TY Graduation 2015 Mercy Inchicore students at graduation. 300 students participated in the Bridge21 TY graduation ceremony on Tuesday 5th May in the Old Dining Hall in Trinity College. Along with teachers, parents and representatives from TCD, they came together to recognise and celebrate their great work and achievements at Bridge21 throughout the past year. Our keynote speaker was Sean Coughlan, CEO of Boards.ie and founder of Social Entrepreneurs Ireland. Sean spoke about the importance of failure. He shared two personal examples to illustrate his point. One was his Masters research in Physics, which he started and never quite finished, and another was his first business venture, importing sultanas from Turkey. He didn’t make any money but he learned a lot and that “failure” set him on the road to future successes. He quoted Samuel Beckett’s famous line, “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” and told the students to work hard to avoid failure, but never to fear it. Sean Coughlan addresses the students in the dining hall. Dr Joseph Roche kindly agreed to present the students with their certificates on the day. Dr Roche is Course Director of the Level 9 Certificate in 21C Teaching and Learning here in Trinity College Dublin. Part of that role is to allow teachers to experience what the graduating students experienced in Bridge21 with a view to introducing the same ideas into their own classroom practice. Dr Joseph Roche presents Gavin Cheung with his cert. Apart from the special guests, the real stars of the show were the graduating students and, to emphasise this, there was an award ceremony to honour some of the outstanding students and teams who had participated in the programme. The “Spirit of Bridge21” winners were Michaela Courtney from Colaiste Bride and Philip Manifold from Drimnagh Castle CBS. The Language Student of the Year was Aaron Connolly from St Joseph’s in Rush. The GOAL award for Development Education went to Emirjeta Doda from Westland Row CBS and Mount Temple Comprehensive picked up two medals as The 21C Media award went to Eva Evans Foley and the Learning Circles award winner was Niamh Cuddy. The Bridge21 team with our award winners. The “Computer Science Team of the Year” award went to The Muggles. The Muggles are Raluca Magadan from Mercy Secondary School in Inchicore, Jack O’Donohue from St Michael’s College, Ivan Fitzpatrick from St Mary’s Diocesan, Drogheda and Victoria Byrne from St Leo’s College, Carlow. Finally, Big El Hombres won the overall “Team of the Year” award. Big El Hombres included David Dorman and Ryan L’estrange from Drimnagh Castle CBS, Adam Herd from Moyle Park College and Darragh Maguire from Donabate Community College. TY students at the graduation The graduation marked the end of the Bridge21 TY programme for another year. It’s been an exciting year for Bridge21 TY programme team. We’ve worked with more than students than ever before. We’ve worked with students from broader mix of schools than before. We’ve had the chance to use “Bridge22“, the new learning space here in Oriel House and we’ve developed many new activities and student workshops. It’s been a huge amount of fun and it would not have been possible without the help and cooperation of so many teachers and our amazing volunteer team. Grace Lawlor joined the Bridge21 team this year and has made a huge contribution to the student programme and Grace presented Daniel Sheridan with a special award to recognise the exceptional commitment he has made to Bridge21 as a volunteer over the last 9 months. Danny and Grace While there were some sad goodbyes at the end of the ceremony, we certainly hope we’ll see many of these students again. In fact, some of the students will be back with us during the summer to take part in new workshops, which is a testament to how much they enjoyed their time working and learning with Bridge21. For now though, we’d like to say a final thank you and congratulations to all of the Bridge21 TY graduates and award winners! You can check out some of the highlights of the ceremony here…. (Thanks to Stuart Cameron for taking the photos!) This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 13th, 2015 at 9:20 pm. It is filed under Students Blog. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. ← → Comments are closed. Bridge21 Blog CodePlus Post Added: Mar 26, 2018 | Discuss Computer Science is too important to be left to boys, geeks and nerds! The lack of female participation in computer science (CS) is a challenging global phenomenon. The reasons for this are complex but there is agreement that a lack of understanding of what computing involves, a lack of visibility of female role models and […] More Bridge21 Report 2016-17 Invent Week Publication Language Learning 2016/17 TfT 2016/17 Erasmus+: Teaching for Tomorrow Students Blog Bridge21 Changed My Life Post Added: Sep 21, 2016 | Discuss Niamh, a former Bridge21 student now studying MSISS here in Trinity College, has written about her time with Bridge21 and the difference it made to her…. “I can say without a doubt that Bridge21 has changed my life. Before entering the program as a Transition Year student, I had no idea what to expect. The […] More Bridge21 with EUROSOLE TY Graduation 2015 TY Programme – What the students say! Work Experience at Bridge21 Bridge21 for me Contact Oriel House, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland 01 896 1397 info@bridge21.ie www.bridge21.ie About Us Bridge21 is based in Trinity College Dublin Website design PCC, development Roomthree Design. Recent Posts CodePlus Chips@School Ireland Bridge21 Report 2016-17 3-Day Computing Workshop For Teachers/Educators Invent Week Publication | negative |
The gemstone irradiation is a process in which a gemstone is artificially irradiated in order to enhance its optical properties. High levels of ionizing radiation can change the atomic structure of the gemstone's crystal lattice, which in turn alters the optical properties within it.[1] As a result, the gemstone's color may be significantly altered or the visibility of its inclusions may be lessened. The process, widely practised in jewelry industry,[2] is done in either a nuclear reactor for neutron bombardment, a particle accelerator for electron bombardment, or a gamma ray facility using the radioactive isotope cobalt-60.[1][3] Irradiation has enabled the creation of gemstone colors that do not exist or are extremely rare in nature.[1]
Radioactivity and regulations [ edit ]
Pure diamonds, before and after irradiation and annealing. Clockwise from left bottom: 1) Initial (2×2 mm) 2-4) Irradiated by different doses of 2-MeV electrons 5-6) Irradiated by different doses and annealed at 800 °C.
The term irradiation is a very broad one, which covers bombardment by subatomic particles as well as the use of the full range of electromagnetic radiation, including (in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength) infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.[4]
Certain natural gemstone colors, such as blue-to-green colors in diamonds, are the results of the exposure to natural radiation in the earth, which is usually alpha or beta particle.[5] The limited penetrating ability of these particles result in partial coloring of the diamond's surface.[5] Only high-energy radiation such as gamma ray or neutron can produce fully saturated body colors,[5] and the sources of these types of radiation are rare in nature, which necessitates the artificial treatment in jewelry industry.
Irradiation, particularly when done in a nuclear reactor, can make gemstones slightly radioactive,[6] so they are typically set aside for a couple of months to allow any residual radioactivity to decay.[3] The first documented artificially irradiated gemstone was created by English chemist Sir William Crookes in 1905, by burying a diamond in powdered radium bromide.[7][8] After having been kept there for 16 months, the previously colorless diamond became green.[7] This method produced a dangerously high degree of long-term residual radioactivity and is no longer in use.[9] However, radium-treated green diamonds are still occasionally found in markets, which can be detected by a Geiger counter or by making autoradiographs on photographic films.[9]
The concerns for possible health risks related to the residual radioactivity of the gemstones led to government regulations in many countries.[1] In the United States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has set strict limits on the allowable levels of residual radioactivity before an irradiated gemstone can be distributed in the country.[3] All neutron- or electron beam-irradiated gemstones must be tested by an NRC-licensee prior to release for sales.[3] In India, the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre started irradiating gemstones in the early 1970s.[10] In Thailand, the Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) conducts the process for private sectors, irradiating 413 kilograms (911 lb) of gemstones from 1993 to 2003.[11]
Materials and results [ edit ]
Effects of irradiation on
various gemstone materials Material Starting color Ending color Beryl Colorless Yellow Blue Green Colorless
(Maxixe-type) Blue Diamond Colorless or
yellow to brown Green to blue Fluorite Colorless Various Pearl Light colors Gray to black
or gray-blue Quartz Colorless to yellow
or pale green Brown, amethyst,
"smoky", rose Topaz Yellow to orange Intensify colors Colorless to pale blue Brown, blue, green Tourmaline Colorless to
pale colors Yellow, brown,
pink, red,
green-red (bicolor) Blue Purple Zircon Colorless Brown to red Source: Ashbaugh III 1988, p. 201
The most commonly irradiated gemstone is topaz, which becomes blue after the process.[3] Blue topaz is very rare in nature and almost always the result of artificial irradiation.[12] According to the American Gem Trade Association, approximately 30 million carats (6,000 kg (13,000 lb)) of topaz are irradiated every year globally, 40 percent of which were done in the United States as of 1988.[13] As of 2011, no topaz is neutron irradiated in the US; major treatment areas are Germany and Poland.[citation needed] A lot of linear accelerated treatment is done in Bangkok.[citation needed]
Diamonds are usually irradiated to become yellow, blue-green or green, although other colors are possible.[12]
Quartz may be irradiated to produce amethyst and other colors.[citation needed]
Colorless beryls, also called goshenite, become pure yellow when irradiated, which are called golden beryl or heliodor.[1]
Pearls are irradiated to produce gray blue or gray-to-black colors.[14] Methods of using a cobalt-60 gamma ray facility to darken white Akoya pearls were patented in the early 1960s.[15] But the gamma ray treatment does not alter the color of the pearl's nacre, therefore is not effective if the pearl has a thick or non-transparent nacre.[15] Most black pearls available in markets prior to the late 1970s had been either irradiated or dyed.[15]
Uniformity of coloration [ edit ]
Gemstones that have been subjected to artificial irradiation generally show no visible evidence of the process,[16] although some diamonds irradiated in an electron beam may show color concentrations around the culet or along the keel line.[16]
In topaz, some irradiation sources may produce mixtures of blue and yellow-to-brown colors, so heating is required as an additional procedure to remove the yellowish color.[17]
Color stability [ edit ]
In some cases, the new colors induced by artificial irradiation may fade rapidly when exposed to light or gentle heat,[18] so some laboratories submit them to a "fade test" to determine color stability.[18] Sometimes colorless or pink beryls become deep blue upon irradiation, which are called Maxixe-type beryl. However, the color easily fades when exposed to heat or light, so it has no practical jewelry application.[1]
Notes [ edit ] | positive |
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Kamasi Washington – Underground Bee Skip to content Underground Bee Robert Loerzel's blog on music and the arts Tag: Kamasi Washington Posted on July 24, 2016 May 25, 2017 2016 Pitchfork Music Fest: Day 3 Photos My photos from the 2016 Pitchfork Music Festival are featured on the A.V. Club website. Here are some additional pictures from Day 3, July 17. (Click here for photos from Day 1, and here for photos from Day 2.) Sun Ra Akestra Woods Homme Kamasi Washington NAO Neon Indian Jeremih Miguel FKA twigs Search for: Search Recent Posts Favorite Records of 2021 Favorite Albums of 2020 A note to our readers Favorite Albums of 2017 Chad VanGaalen at the Empty Bottle Jon Langford’s Four Lost Souls at the Hideout Hideout Block Party 2017 Cropped Out 2017 Freakons at the Hideout and the Shitty Barn Steve Dawson’s Hideout residency Youssou N’Dour at Millennium Park Amadou and Mariam plus Frank Waln at the Pritzker Pavilion Jason Molina tribute at the Hideout Drive-By Truckers at the Pritzker Pavilion Pitchfork Music Festival 2017 Pitchfork Music Festival 2017: Day 3 Photos Pitchfork Music Festival 2017: Day 2 Photos Pitchfork Music Festival 2017: Day 1 Photos Solid Sound Festival 2017 Negative Scanner and Sweet Cobra at Bric-a-Brac Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds at Detroit’s Masonic Temple Arbouretum and Brokeback at Schubas Jambinai at the Empty Bottle Erwin Helfer at the Hungry Brain Big Ears Festival 2017 Proudly powered by WordPress | negative |
The wait is almost over! We're excited to announce that Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III will be available on PC on April 27, 2017!
Dawn of War III is now available to pre-order in three formats: Collector's Edition, Limited Edition, and Standard Edition. The Collector's Edition will include a premium disc book, a lenticular art card, the official soundtrack (digital download), three mounted cloth faction banners, the Masters of War skin pack, and a replica of the Gabriel Angelos' Godsplitter Daemon Hammer! The Limited Edition will include the premium disc book, lenticular art card, and official soundtrack. You can find more info on DawnOfWar.com!
Everyone who pre-orders Dawn of War III will receive the Masters of War skin pack, a collection of three cosmetic skins for Dawn of War III's Super Walker Elites - the Dark Queen skin for Lady Solaria (Imperial Knight), the Ghost Seer skin for Farseer Taldeer (Wraithknight), and the Big Kustom skin for Beauty (Morkanaut). You can see these skins in action in the Masters of War trailer!
We know it's been a long wait, but we're excited to finally be in the home stretch towards releasing the biggest, most spectacular Dawn of War yet!
Head to DawnOfWar.com to pre-order! | positive |