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In an unusual turn, 5 of the 12 judges issued separate written opinions on the question of whether the plaintiffs had legal grounds to sue the government. Judge Gerard E. Lynch, explaining why the lawsuit should move ahead, wrote that the case represented an important test of the balance between the government’s ability to detect national security threats and the plaintiffs’ claims to privacy under the Fourth Amendment. “The Constitution sets limits on the powers even of Congress,” Judge Lynch wrote. “It is the glory of our system that even our elected leaders must defend the legality of their conduct when challenged.” Chief Judge Dennis G. Jacobs was equally forceful in arguing that the lawsuit should not proceed. He called the suit “frivolous” and likened it to a “plaintiff’s allegation that the C.I.A. is controlling him through a radio embedded in his molar.” The chief judge wrote that “the only purpose of this litigation is for counsel and plaintiffs to act out their fantasy of persecution, to validate their pretensions to policy expertise, to make themselves consequential rather than marginal, and to raise funds for self-sustaining litigation.” Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you're not a robot by clicking the box. Invalid email address. Please re-enter. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. Sign Up You will receive emails containing news content , updates and promotions from The New York Times. You may opt-out at any time. You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. Thank you for subscribing. An error has occurred. Please try again later. View all New York Times newsletters. The judges were unable to agree on even the basic impact of the 2008 wiretapping law at issue. The law, known as the FISA Amendments Act, grew out of the disclosure of the Bush administration’s secret operation to wiretap the international communications of people suspected of terrorist ties, without first going through the courts. With the Bush administration citing national security threats, Congress agreed to put in place a new wiretapping system allowing intelligence officials to make decisions about eavesdropping targets without having to get individual court warrants. Judge Lynch wrote that the law “indisputably and significantly broadens the risk of interception” for Americans’ communications, lowers the burden of proof for the government in wiretapping suspects and decreases the oversight role of judges. Advertisement Continue reading the main story But the dissenting judges suggested that the plaintiffs — and the opposing judges — had exaggerated the law’s impact. The statute “makes plain that any surveillance under that statute must be conducted consistent with the Fourth Amendment,” Judge Reena Raggi wrote. The Justice Department declined to comment. It could still decide to appeal the issue to the Supreme Court, a path that several Second Circuit judges suggested would help resolve the lingering constitutional issues in the case. But unless the Supreme Court hears an appeal, it will now be up to a federal district court to consider the merits. “These are issues that have a significant impact on Americans’ privacy rights,” said Jameel Jaffer, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union who handled the case. “And it’s a very important decision, from our perspective, for an appeals court to say that the courts have a role to play in assessing the constitutionality of a government surveillance program,” he said.
A honey bee (or honeybee) is a eusocial, flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade. They are known for construction of perennial, colonial nests from wax, for the large size of their colonies, and for their surplus production and storage of honey, distinguishing their hives as a prized foraging target of many animals, including honey badgers, bears and human hunter-gatherers. In the early 21st century, only seven species of honey bee are recognized, with a total of 44 subspecies,[1] though historically seven to eleven species are recognized. The best known honey bee is the Western honey bee which has been domesticated for honey production and crop pollination; modern humans also value the wax for candlemaking and other crafts. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the roughly 20,000 known species of bees.[2] Some other types of related bees produce and store honey and have been kept by humans for that purpose, including the stingless honey bees, but only members of the genus Apis are true honey bees. The study of bees, which includes the study of honey bees, is known as melittology. Etymology and name The genus name Apis is Latin for "bee".[3] Although modern dictionaries may refer to Apis as either honey bee or honeybee, entomologist Robert Snodgrass asserts that correct usage requires two words, i.e. honey bee, as it is a kind or type of bee, whereas it is incorrect to run the two words together, as in dragonfly or butterfly, because the latter are not flies.[4] Honey bee, not honeybee, is the listed common name in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System, the Entomological Society of America Common Names of Insects Database, and the Tree of Life Web Project.[5][6][7] Origin, systematics and distribution Distribution of honey bees around the world Morphology of a female honey bee Honey bees appear to have their center of origin in South and Southeast Asia (including the Philippines), as all the extant species except Apis mellifera are native to that region. Notably, living representatives of the earliest lineages to diverge (Apis florea and Apis andreniformis) have their center of origin there.[8] The first Apis bees appear in the fossil record at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (34 mya), in European deposits. The origin of these prehistoric honey bees does not necessarily indicate Europe as the place of origin of the genus, only that the bees were present in Europe by that time. Few fossil deposits are known from South Asia, the suspected region of honey bee origin, and fewer still have been thoroughly studied. No Apis species existed in the New World during human times before the introduction of A. mellifera by Europeans. Only one fossil species is documented from the New World, Apis nearctica, known from a single 14 million-year-old specimen from Nevada.[9] The close relatives of modern honey bees – e.g. bumblebees and stingless bees – are also social to some degree, and social behavior seems a plesiomorphic trait that predates the origin of the genus. Among the extant members of Apis, the more basal species make single, exposed combs, while the more recently evolved species nest in cavities and have multiple combs, which has greatly facilitated their domestication. Most species have historically been cultured or at least exploited for honey and beeswax by humans indigenous to their native ranges. Only two species have been truly domesticated: Apis mellifera and Apis cerana indica. A. mellifera has been cultivated at least since the time of the building of the Egyptian pyramids, and only that species has been moved extensively beyond its native range. Honey bees are the only extant members of the tribe Apini. Today's honey bees constitute three clades: Micrapis (dwarf honey bees), Megapis (giant honey bee), and Apis (domestic honey bees and close relatives).[1][10] Micrapis Apis florea and Apis andreniformis are small honey bees of southern and southeastern Asia. They make very small, exposed nests in trees and shrubs. Their stings are often incapable of penetrating human skin, so the hive and swarms can be handled with minimal protection. They occur largely sympatrically, though they are very distinct evolutionarily and are probably the result of allopatric speciation, their distribution later converging. Given that A. florea is more widely distributed and A. andreniformis is considerably more aggressive, honey is, if at all, usually harvested from the former only. They are the most ancient extant lineage of honey bees, maybe diverging in the Bartonian (some 40 million years ago or slightly later) from the other lineages, but do not seem to have diverged from each other a long time before the Neogene.[10] Apis florea have smaller wing spans than its sister species.[11] Apis florea are also completely yellow with the exception of the scutellum of workers, which is black.[11] Megapis One species is recognized in the subgenus Megapis. It usually builds single or a few exposed combs on high tree limbs, on cliffs, and sometimes on buildings. They can be very fierce. Periodically robbed of their honey by human "honey hunters", colonies are easily capable of stinging a human being to death if provoked. Apis dorsata , the giant honey bee, is native and widespread across most of South and Southeast Asia. A. d. binghami , the Indonesian giant honey bee, is classified as the Indonesian subspecies of the giant honey bee or a distinct species; in the latter case, A. d. breviligula and / or other lineages would probably also have to be considered species. [12] A. d. laboriosa , the Himalayan giant honey bee, was initially described as a distinct species. Later, it was included in A. dorsata as a subspecies [1] based on the biological species concept, though authors applying a genetic species concept have suggested it should be considered a separate species. [10] Essentially restricted to the Himalayas, it differs little from the giant honey bee in appearance, but has extensive behavioral adaptations that enable it to nest in the open at high altitudes despite low ambient temperatures. It is the largest living honey bee. , the giant honey bee, is native and widespread across most of South and Southeast Asia. Apis Eastern Apis species include three or four species, including A. koschevnikovi, Apis nigrocincta, and A. cerana. The genetics of the western honey bee A. mellifera are unclear. Koschevnikov's honey bee Koschevnikov's honey bee (Apis koschevnikovi) is often referred to in the literature as the “red bee of Sabah;” however, A. koschevnikovi is pale reddish in Sabah State, Borneo, Malaysia, but a dark, coppery color in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, Indonesia.[13] Its habitat is limited to the tropical evergreen forests of the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra and they do not live in tropical evergreen rain forests which extend into Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam.[13] Philippine honey bee Apis nigrocincta is a cavity-nesting species. The species has rust-colored scapes, legs, and cylpeuses, with reddish-tan hair color that covers most of the body.[14] Eastern honey bee Apis cerana, the eastern honey bee proper, is the traditional honey bee of southern and eastern Asia. It was domesticated as subspecies A. c. indica and kept in hives in a fashion similar to A. mellifera, though on a more limited, regional scale. It has not been possible yet to resolve its relationship to the Bornean A. c. nuluensis and Apis nigrocincta from the Philippines to satisfaction; the most recent hypothesis is that these are indeed distinct species, but that A. cerana is still paraphyletic, consisting of several separate species.[10] Western honey bee The European honey bee may have originated from eastern Africa. This bee is pictured in Tanzania A. mellifera, the most common domesticated[15] species, was the third insect to have its genome mapped. It seems to have originated in eastern tropical Africa and spread from there to Europe and eastwards into Asia to the Tien Shan range. It is variously called the European, western, or common honey bee in different parts of the world. Many subspecies have adapted to the local geographic and climatic environments; in addition breeds such as the Buckfast bee, have been bred. Behavior, color, and anatomy can be quite different from one subspecies or even strain to another.[citation needed] A. mellifera phylogeny is the most enigmatic of all honey bee species. It seems to have diverged from its eastern relatives only during the Late Miocene. This would fit the hypothesis that the ancestral stock of cave-nesting honey bees was separated into the western group of East Africa and the eastern group of tropical Asia by desertification in the Middle East and adjacent regions, which caused declines of food plants and trees that provided nest sites, eventually causing gene flow to cease.[citation needed] The diversity of A. mellifera subspecies is probably the product of a largely Early Pleistocene radiation aided by climate and habitat changes during the last ice age. That the western honey bee has been intensively managed by humans for many millennia – including hybridization and introductions – has apparently increased the speed of its evolution and confounded the DNA sequence data to a point where little of substance can be said about the exact relationships of many A. mellifera subspecies.[10] Apis mellifera is not native to the Americas, so was not present upon the arrival of the European explorers and colonists. However, other native bee species were kept and traded by indigenous peoples. In 1622, European colonists brought the dark bee (A. m. mellifera) to the Americas, followed later by Italian bees (A. m. ligustica) and others. Many of the crops that depend on honey bees for pollination have also been imported since colonial times. Escaped swarms (known as "wild" bees, but actually feral) spread rapidly as far as the Great Plains, usually preceding the colonists. Honey bees did not naturally cross the Rocky Mountains; they were transported by the Mormon pioneers to Utah in the late 1840s, and by ship to California in the early 1850s.[16] An African bee in Tanzania Africanized bee Africanized bees (known colloquially as "killer bees") are hybrids between European stock and one of the African subspecies A. m. scutellata; they are often more aggressive than European bees and do not create as much of a honey surplus, but are more resistant to disease and are better foragers.[citation needed] Originating by accident in Brazil, they have spread to North America and constitute a pest in some regions. However, these strains do not overwinter well, so are not often found in the colder, more northern parts of North America. The original breeding experiment for which the African bees were brought to Brazil in the first place has continued (though not as intended). Novel hybrid strains of domestic and redomesticated Africanized bees combine high resilience to tropical conditions and good yields. They are popular among beekeepers in Brazil. Living and fossil honey bees (Apini: Apis) Tribe Apini Latreille[17] Genus Apis Linnaeus (s. lato) henshawi species group († Priorapis Engel, † Synapis Cockerell) † A. vetusta Engel † A. henshawi Cockerell † A. petrefacta (Říha) † A. miocenica Hong † A. "longtibia" Zhang † A. "Miocene 1" species group († Engel, † Cockerell) armbrusteri species group († Cascapis Engel) † A. armbrusteri Zeuner † A. nearctica , sp. Nov. species group († Engel) florea species group ( Micrapis Ashmead) A. florea Fabricius A. andreniformis Smith species group ( Ashmead) dorsata species group ( Megapis Ashmead) † A. lithohermaea Engel A. dorsata Fabricius species group ( Ashmead) mellifera species group ( Apis Linnaeus s. stricto ) mellifera subgroup A. mellifera Linnaeus ( Apis Linnaeus s. strictissimo ) cerana subgroup ( Sigmatapis Maa) A. cerana Fabricius A. nigrocincta Smith A. koschevnikovi Enderlein species group ( Linnaeus ) Life cycle As in a few other types of eusocial bees, a colony generally contains one queen bee, a fertile female; seasonally up to a few thousand drone bees, or fertile males;[18] and tens of thousands of sterile female worker bees. Details vary among the different species of honey bees, but common features include: Eggs are laid singly in a cell in a wax honeycomb, produced and shaped by the worker bees. Using her spermatheca, the queen can choose to fertilize the egg she is laying, usually depending on into which cell she is laying. Drones develop from unfertilised eggs and are haploid, while females (queens and worker bees) develop from fertilised eggs and are diploid. Larvae are initially fed with royal jelly produced by worker bees, later switching to honey and pollen. The exception is a larva fed solely on royal jelly, which will develop into a queen bee. The larva undergoes several moultings before spinning a cocoon within the cell, and pupating. Young worker bees, sometimes called "nurse bees", clean the hive and feed the larvae. When their royal jelly-producing glands begin to atrophy, they begin building comb cells. They progress to other within-colony tasks as they become older, such as receiving nectar and pollen from foragers, and guarding the hive. Later still, a worker takes her first orientation flights and finally leaves the hive and typically spends the remainder of her life as a forager. Worker bees cooperate to find food and use a pattern of "dancing" (known as the bee dance or waggle dance) to communicate information regarding resources with each other; this dance varies from species to species, but all living species of Apis exhibit some form of the behavior. If the resources are very close to the hive, they may also exhibit a less specific dance commonly known as the "round dance". Honey bees also perform tremble dances, which recruit receiver bees to collect nectar from returning foragers. Virgin queens go on mating flights away from their home colony to a drone congregation area, and mate with multiple drones before returning. The drones die in the act of mating. Queen honey bees do not mate with drones from their home colony. Colonies are established not by solitary queens, as in most bees, but by groups known as "swarms", which consist of a mated queen and a large contingent of worker bees. This group moves en masse to a nest site which was scouted by worker bees beforehand and whose location is communicated with a special type of dance. Once the swarm arrives, they immediately construct a new wax comb and begin to raise new worker brood. This type of nest founding is not seen in any other living bee genus, though several groups of vespid wasps also found new nests by swarming (sometimes including multiple queens). Also, stingless bees will start new nests with large numbers of worker bees, but the nest is constructed before a queen is escorted to the site, and this worker force is not a true "swarm". Life cycle Honey bee eggs shown in opened wax cells Eggs and larvae Drone pupae Emergence of a black bee (A. m. mellifera) Winter survival In cold climates, honey bees stop flying when the temperature drops below about 10 °C (50 °F) and crowd into the central area of the hive to form a "winter cluster". The worker bees huddle around the queen bee at the center of the cluster, shivering to keep the center between 27 °C (81 °F) at the start of winter (during the broodless period) and 34 °C (93 °F) once the queen resumes laying. The worker bees rotate through the cluster from the outside to the inside so that no bee gets too cold. The outside edges of the cluster stay at about 8–9 °C (46–48 °F). The colder the weather is outside, the more compact the cluster becomes. During winter, they consume their stored honey to produce body heat. The amount of honey consumed during the winter is a function of winter length and severity, but ranges in temperate climates from 15 to 50 kilograms (33 to 110 lb).[19] In addition, certain bees, including the Western honey bee as well as Apis cerana, are known to engage in effective methods of nest thermoregulation during periods of varying temperature in both summer and winter. During the summer, however, this is achieved through fanning and water evaporation from water collected in various fields.[20] Pollination Of all the honey bee species, only A. mellifera has been used extensively for commercial pollination of fruit and vegetable crops. The scale of these pollination services is commonly measured in the billions of dollars, credited with adding about 9% to the value of crops across the world. However, despite contributing substantially to crop pollination, there is debate about the potential spillover to natural landscapes and competition between managed honey bees and many of the ~20,000 species of wild pollinators.[21] Species of Apis are generalist floral visitors, and pollinate many species of flowering plants, but because of their "generalized" nature, they do so inefficiently. Without specialized adaptations for specific flowers, their ability to reach pollen and nectar is often limited. What's more, their tendency to visit all species in a given area means that the pollen they carry for any one species is often very diluted. As such, they can provide some pollination to many plants, especially non-native crops, but most native plants have some native pollinator that is far more effective at pollinating that species.[22] When honeybees are present as an invasive species in an area, they compete for flowers with native pollinators, which can actually push out the native species.[23] Claims of human dependency European honey bees are often described as being essential to all human food production, leading to claims that without their pollination, all of humanity would starve, or even die out.[24][25] Einstein is sometimes misquoted as saying If bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.[26] But not only did the scientist not say that, there is no science to support the prediction, itself.[27] In fact, many important crops need no insect pollination at all. The ten most important crops,[28] comprising 60% of all human food energy,[29] all fall into this category: Plantains are sterile and propagated by cuttings, as are cassava. Potatoes, yams, and sweet potatoes are root vegetables propagated by tubers. Soybeans are self-pollinated. Rice, wheat, and corn are all wind-pollinated, because this is true of all grasses. Similarly, no crops originating in the New World depend on the domesticated honey bee Apis mellifera at all, as the insect is invasive, having been brought over with colonists in the last few centuries. Thomas Jefferson mentioned this in his Notes on the State of Virginia: “ The honey-bee is not a native of our continent. Marcgrave indeed mentions a species of honey-bee in Brasil. But this has no sting, and is therefore different from the one we have, which resembles perfectly that of Europe. The Indians concur with us in the tradition that it was brought from Europe; but, when, and by whom, we know not. The bees have generally extended themselves into the country, a little in advance of the white settlers. The Indians therefore call them the white man's fly, and consider their approach as indicating the approach of the settlements of the whites.[30] ” Tomatoes, peppers, squash, and all other New World crops evolved with native pollinators like squash bees, bumble bees, other native bees. The stingless bees mentioned by Jefferson are distant relatives of the honey bees, in the genus Melipona. Nutrition Honey bees obtain all of their nutritional requirements from a diverse combination of pollen and nectar. Pollen is the only natural protein source for honey bees. Adult worker honey bees consume 3.4–4.3 mg of pollen per day to meet a dry matter requirement of 66–74% protein.[31] The rearing of one larva requires 125-187.5 mg pollen or 25-37.5 mg protein for proper development.[31] Dietary proteins are broken down into amino acids, ten of which are considered essential to honey bees: methionine, tryptophan, arginine, lysine, histidine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, threonine, leucine, and valine. Of these amino acids, honey bees require highest concentrations of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, however elevated concentrations of arginine and lysine are required for brood rearing.[32] In addition to these amino acids, some B vitamins including biotin, folic acid, nicotinamide, riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenate, and most importantly, pyridoxine are required to rear larvae. Pyridoxine is the most prevalent B vitamin found in royal jelly and concentrations vary throughout the foraging season with lowest concentrations found in May and highest concentrations found in July and August. Honey bees lacking dietary pyridoxine were unable to rear brood.[32] A forager collecting pollen Pollen is also a lipid source for honey bees ranging from 0.8% to 18.9%.[31] Lipids are metabolized during the brood stage for precursors required for future biosynthesis. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are not considered essential but have shown to significantly improve the number of brood reared.[31] Honey bees ingest phytosterols from pollen to produce 24-methylenecholesterol and other sterols as they cannot directly synthesize cholesterol from phytosterols. Nurse bees have the ability to selectively transfer sterols to larvae through brood food.[31] Nectar is collected by foraging worker bees as a source of water and carbohydrates in the form of sucrose. The dominant monosaccharides in honey bee diets are fructose and glucose but the most common circulating sugar in hemolymph is trehalose which is a disaccharide consisting of two glucose molecules.[33] Adult worker honey bees require 4 mg of utilizable sugars per day and larvae require about 59.4 mg of carbohydrates for proper development.[31] Honey bees require water to maintain osmotic homeostasis, prepare liquid brood food, and to cool the hive through evaporation. A colony's water needs can generally be met by nectar foraging as it has high water content. Occasionally on hot days or when nectar is limited, foragers will collect water from streams or ponds to meet the needs of the hive.[34] Parasites Galleria mellonella Larval stages of the G. mellonella moth parasitize both wild and cultivated honeybees. Eggs are laid within the hive, and the larva that hatch tunnel through and destroy the honeycombs that contain bee larva and their honey stores. The tunnels they create are lined with silk, which entangles and starves emerging bees. Destruction of honeycombs also result in honey leaking and being wasted. Both G. mellonella adults and larvae are possible vectors for pathogens that can infect bees, including the Israeli acute paralysis virus and the black queen cell virus.[35] Management Temperature treatments are possible, but also distorts wax of the honeycombs. Chemical fumigants, particularly CO 2 , are also used.[35] Beekeeping The only domesticated species of honey bee are A. mellifera and A. cerana, and they are often maintained, fed, and transported by beekeepers. In Japan, where mellifera is vulnerable to local hornets and disease, the Japanese honey bee a. cerana japonica is used in its place. Modern hives also enable beekeepers to transport bees, moving from field to field as the crop needs pollinating and allowing the beekeeper to charge for the pollination services they provide, revising the historical role of the self-employed beekeeper, and favoring large-scale commercial operations. Bees of various types other than honey bees are also domesticated and used for pollination or other means around the world, including Tetragonula iridipennis in India, the blue orchard bee for tree nut and fruit pollination in the United States, and a number of species of Bombus (bumblebees) for pollination in various regions globally, such as tomatoes, which are not effectively pollinated by honey bees.[36] Colony collapse disorder Primarily in places where the bee was imported by humans, periodic collapses in honeybee populations have occurred at least since the late 19th century.[37] Starting in the first decade of the 21st century, abnormally high die-offs (30–70% of hives) of European honey bee colonies have occurred in North America. This has been dubbed "colony collapse disorder" (CCD) and was at first unexplained.[38] It seems to be caused by a combination of factors rather than a single pathogen or poison, possibly including neonicotinoid pesticides[39] or Israeli acute paralysis virus.[40] Bee products Honey Honey is the complex substance made when bees ingest nectar, process it, and store the substance into honey combs.[41] All living species of Apis have had their honey gathered by indigenous peoples for consumption. A. mellifera and A. cerana are the only species that have had their honey harvested for commercial purposes. Beeswax Worker bees of a certain age secrete beeswax from a series of exocrine glands on their abdomens.[42] They use the wax to form the walls and caps of the comb. As with honey, beeswax is gathered by humans for various purposes such as candle making, waterproofing, soap and cosmetics manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, art, furniture polish and more.[43] Bee bread Bees collect pollen in their pollen baskets and carry it back to the hive.[44] Worker bees combine pollen, honey and glandular secretions and allow it to ferment in the comb to make bee bread. The fermentation process releases additional nutrients from the pollen and can produce antibiotics and fatty acids which inhibit spoilage.[45] Bee bread is eaten by nurse bees (younger workers) which produce the protein-rich royal jelly needed by the queen and developing larvae in their hypopharyngeal glands. In the hive, pollen is used as a protein source necessary during brood-rearing. In certain environments, excess pollen can be collected from the hives of A. mellifera and A. cerana. The product is used as a health supplement. It has been used with moderate success as a source of pollen for hand pollination. Bee brood Bee brood – the eggs, larvae or pupae of honeybees – is nutritious and seen as a delicacy in countries such as Indonesia,[46] Mexico, Thailand, and many African countries; it has been consumed since ancient times by the Chinese and Egyptians.[a][48][49] Propolis Propolis is a resinous mixture collected by honey bees from tree buds, sap flows or other botanical sources, which is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive.[50] Although propolis is alleged to have health benefits (tincture of Propolis is marketed as a cold and flu remedy), it may cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals.[51] Propolis is also used in wood finishes, and gives a Stradivarius violin its unique red color.[52] Royal jelly Royal jelly is a honey-bee secretion used to nourish the larvae.[53] It is marketed for its alleged but unsupported claims of health benefits.[54][55] On the other hand, it may cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals.[56] Sexes and castes Honey bees have three castes: drones, workers, and queens.[57][58] Drones are male, while workers and queens are female.[58] Drones Honey bees have a haplodiploid system of sex determination. Males, or drones, are typically haploid, having only one set of chromosomes, and primarily exist for the purpose of reproduction.[58] They are produced by the queen if she chooses not to fertilize an egg or by an unfertilized laying worker. There are rare instances of diploid drone larvae. This phenomenon usually arises when there is more than two generations of brother-sister mating.[59] Sex determination in honey bees is initially due to a single locus, called the complementary sex determiner (csd) gene. In developing bees, if the conditions are that the individual is heterozygous for the csd gene, they will develop into females. If the conditions are so that the individual is hemizygous or homozygous for the csd gene, they will develop into males. The instances where the individual is homozygous at this gene are the instances of diploid males.[60] Drones take 24 days to develop, and may be produced from summer through to autumn, numbering as many as 500 per hive.[58] They are expelled from the hive during the winter months when the hive's primary focus is warmth and food conservation.[58] Drones have large eyes used to locate queens during mating flights. They do not defend the hive or kill intruders, and do not have a stinger.[61] Workers Workers have two sets of chromosomes.[62] They are produced from an egg that the queen has selectively fertilized from stored sperm. Workers typically develop in 21 days. A typical colony may contain as many as 60,000 worker bees.[58] Workers exhibit a wider range of behaviors than either queens or drones. Their duties change upon the age of the bee in the following order (beginning with cleaning out their own cell after eating through their capped brood cell): feed brood, receive nectar, clean hive, guard duty, and foraging.[58][61] Some workers engage in other specialized behaviors, such as "undertaking" (removing corpses of their nestmates from inside the hive).[61] Workers have morphological specializations, including the pollen basket (corbicula),[63] abdominal glands that produce beeswax, brood-feeding glands, and barbs on the sting. Under certain conditions (for example, if the colony becomes queenless), a worker may develop ovaries. Worker honey bees perform different behavioural tasks that cause them to be exposed to different local environments.[64][65] The gut microbial composition of workers varies according to the landscape and plant species they forage, such as differences in rapeseed crops,[64] and with different hive tasks, such as nursing or food processing.[65] Queens Queen honey bees are created when worker bees feed a single female larvae an exclusive diet of a food called "royal jelly".[58][61] Queens are produced in oversized cells and develop in only 16 days; they differ in physiology, morphology, and behavior from worker bees. In addition to the greater size of the queen, she has a functional set of ovaries, and a spermatheca, which stores and maintains sperm after she has mated. Apis queens practice polyandry, with one female mating with multiple males. The highest documented mating frequency for an Apis queen is in Apis nigrocincta, where queens mate with an extremely high number of males with observed numbers of different matings ranging from 42 to 69 drones per queen.[66] The sting of queens is not barbed like a worker's sting, and queens lack the glands that produce beeswax. Once mated, queens may lay up to 2,000 eggs per day.[61] They produce a variety of pheromones that regulate behavior of workers, and helps swarms track the queen's location during the swarming.[61] Queen-worker conflict When a fertile female worker produces drones, a conflict arises between her interests and those of the queen. The worker shares half her genes with the drone and one-quarter with her brothers, favouring her offspring over those of the queen. The queen shares half her genes with her sons and one-quarter with the sons of fertile female workers.[67] This pits the worker against the queen and other workers, who try to maximize their reproductive fitness by rearing the offspring most related to them. This relationship leads to a phenomenon known as "worker policing". In these rare situations, other worker bees in the hive who are genetically more related to the queen's sons than those of the fertile workers will patrol the hive and remove worker-laid eggs. Another form of worker-based policing is aggression toward fertile females.[68] Some studies have suggested a queen pheromone which may help workers distinguish worker- and queen-laid eggs, but others indicate egg viability as the key factor in eliciting the behavior.[69][70] Worker policing is an example of forced altruism, where the benefits of worker reproduction are minimized and that of rearing the queen's offspring maximized. In very rare instances workers subvert the policing mechanisms of the hive, laying eggs which are removed at a lower rate by other workers; this is known as anarchic syndrome. Anarchic workers can activate their ovaries at a higher rate and contribute a greater proportion of males to the hive. Although an increase in the number of drones would decrease the overall productivity of the hive, the reproductive fitness of the drones' mother would increase. Anarchic syndrome is an example of selection working in opposite directions at the individual and group levels for the stability of the hive.[71] Under ordinary circumstances the death (or removal) of a queen increases reproduction in workers, and a significant proportion of workers will have active ovaries in the absence of a queen. The workers of the hive produce a last batch of drones before the hive eventually collapses. Although during this period worker policing is usually absent, in certain groups of bees it continues.[72] According to the strategy of kin selection, worker policing is not favored if a queen does not mate multiple times. Workers would be related by three-quarters of their genes, and the difference in relationship between sons of the queen and those of the other workers would decrease. The benefit of policing is negated, and policing is less favored. Experiments confirming this hypothesis have shown a correlation between higher mating rates and increased rates of worker policing in many species of social hymenoptera.[73] Defense Apis cerana japonica forming a ball around two forming a ball around two hornets : The body heat trapped by the ball will overheat and kill the hornets. All honey bees live in colonies where the workers sting intruders as a form of defense, and alarmed bees release a pheromone that stimulates the attack response in other bees. The different species of honey bees are distinguished from all other bee species (and virtually all other Hymenoptera) by the possession of small barbs on the sting, but these barbs are found only in the worker bees. The sting apparatus, including the barbs, may have evolved specifically in response to predation by vertebrates, as the barbs do not usually function (and the sting apparatus does not detach) unless the sting is embedded in fleshy tissue. While the sting can also penetrate the membranes between joints in the exoskeleton of other insects (and is used in fights between queens), in the case of Apis cerana japonica, defense against larger insects such as predatory wasps (e.g. Asian giant hornet) is usually performed by surrounding the intruder with a mass of defending worker bees, which vibrate their muscles vigorously to raise the temperature of the intruder to a lethal level ("balling").[74] Previously, heat alone was thought to be responsible for killing intruding wasps, but recent experiments have demonstrated the increased temperature in combination with increased carbon dioxide levels within the ball produce the lethal effect.[75][76] This phenomenon is also used to kill a queen perceived as intruding or defective, an action known to beekeepers as 'balling the queen', named for the ball of bees formed. Defense can vary based on the habitat of the bee. In the case of those honey bee species with open combs (e.g., A. dorsata), would-be predators are given a warning signal that takes the form of a "Mexican wave" that spreads as a ripple across a layer of bees densely packed on the surface of the comb when a threat is perceived, and consists of bees momentarily arching their bodies and flicking their wings.[77] In cavity dwelling species such as Apis cerana, Apis mellifera, and Apis nigrocincta, entrances to these cavities are guarded and checked for intruders in incoming traffic. Another act of defense against nest invaders, particularly wasps, is "body shaking," a violent and pendulum like swaying of the abdomen, performed by worker bees.[78] Venom The sting and associated venom sac are modified so as to pull free of the body once lodged (autotomy), and the sting apparatus has its own musculature and ganglion that allow it to keep delivering venom once detached.[citation needed] The gland which produces the alarm pheromone is also associated with the sting apparatus. The embedded stinger continues to emit additional alarm pheromone after it has torn loose; other defensive workers are thereby attracted to the sting site. The worker dies after the sting becomes lodged and is subsequently torn loose from the bee's abdomen. The honey bee's venom, known as apitoxin, carries several active components, the most abundant of which is melittin,[79] and the most biologically active are enzymes, particularly phospholipase A2.[80] Bee venom is under laboratory and clinical research for its potential properties and uses in reducing risks for adverse events from bee venom therapy,[81] rheumatoid arthritis,[82] and use as an immunotherapy for protection against allergies from insect stings.[83] Bee venom products are marketed in many countries, but, as of 2018, there are no approved clinical uses for these products which carry various warnings for potential allergic reactions.[84] Competition With an increased number of honey bees in a specific area due to beekeeping, domesticated bees and native wild bees often have to compete for the limited habitat and food sources available.[85] European bees may become defensive in response to the seasonal arrival of competition from other colonies, particularly Africanized bees which may be on the offence and defense year round due to their tropical origin.[86] In the United Kingdom, honey bees are known to compete with Bombus hortorum, a bumblebee species, because they forage at the same sites. To resolve the issue and maximize both their total consumption during foraging, bumblebees forage early in the morning, while honey bees forage during the afternoon.[87] Communication Honey bees are known to communicate through many different chemicals and odors, as is common in insects. They also rely on a sophisticated dance language that conveys information about the distance and direction to a specific location (typically a nutritional source, e.g., flowers or water). The dance language is also used during the process of reproductive fission, or swarming, when scouts communicate the location and quality of nesting sites.[88] The details of the signalling being used vary from species to species; for example, the two smallest species, Apis andreniformis and A. florea, dance on the upper surface of the comb, which is horizontal (not vertical, as in other species), and worker bees orient the dance in the actual compass direction of the resource to which they are recruiting. Apis mellifera carnica honey bees use their antennae asymmetrically for social interactions with a strong lateral preference to use their right antennae.[89][90] There has been speculation as to honeybee consciousness.[91] Symbolism The bee was used as a symbol of government by Emperor Napoleon I of France.[92] Both the Hindu Atharva Veda[93] and the ancient Greeks associated lips anointed with honey with the gift of eloquence and even of prescience. The priestess at Delphi was the "Delphic Bee". The Quran has a chapter titled "The Bee". In ancient Egyptian mythology, honeybees were believed to be born from the tears of the Sun God, Ra.[94] A community of honey bees has often been employed by political theorists as a model of human society, from Aristotle and Plato to Virgil.[95][96] Honey bees, signifying immortality and resurrection, were royal emblems of the Merovingians. The state of Utah is called the "Beehive State", the state emblem is the beehive, the state insect is the honey bee, and a beehive and the word "industry" appear on both the state flag and seal.[97] Gallery See also Notes ^ Melipona beecheii, not from Apis honeybees.[47] The Mayans kept and collected honey and brood, but from stingless social bees such as, not fromhoneybees.
Industry Suppressed Report Showing Users Of Shuttered 'Pirate' Site Probably Helped Movie Industry... from the well,-look-at-that dept The study, which was carried out by Society for Consumer Research (GfK), found that users of pirate sites including Kino.to did not fit the copyright lobby-painted stereotype of parasites who take and never give back. In fact, the study also found that Internet users treat these services as a preview, a kind of �try before you buy.� This, the survey claims, leads pirate site users to buy more DVDs, visit the cinema more often and on average spend more than their �honest� counterparts at the box office. �The users often buy a ticket to the expensive weekend-days,� the report notes. We've seen study after study after study after study after study showing, contrary to the claim of the industry and certain politicians that users of file sharing sites are pure "freeloaders" who are "leeching," that the users tend to bespenders on media and ancillary products. So it's really not a huge surprise that a new study would come out saying the same thing...But, in this case, the history of the report, which has not actually been released, is a lot more interesting. As you may recall, in June, law enforcement across Europe arrested a bunch of people for apparently running Kino.to -- a site that had been listed by US entertainment lobbyists as one of the worst of the worst "pirate sites," out there. So, it sure would be interesting to find out that,all of this happened, some entertainment industry lobbyists had commissioned research into the type of folks who used Kino.to and their media consumption habits.Indeed, as TorrentFreak found out, it appears that just such a report was commissioned and created ... and the results matched all those other studies we've seen:Of course, this report never saw the light of day. The only reason it appears to be getting out is what appears to be disgruntled researchers on the report who are upset it was spiked by whoever commissioned it... though the firm does have a history of working with organizations within the movie industry.Of course, all of this raises some questions. Considering all of this research -- including some that appears to have been sponsored by the industry itself... why does the industry continue to lie and insist that people who use these sites are pure freeloaders? Do they not believe their own studies? Or do they simply fear the loss of control such a reality would really mean? Either way, it seems that those politicians, law enforcement officials and press who continue to parrot the industry's claims about those who use these services might want to reconsider how they portray these sites. Filed Under: europe, file sharing, movies, piracy, studies Companies: kino.to
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CLOSE Members of Indianapolis' black community wonder whether ongoing investigations into the fatal police involved shooting of Aaron Bailey, an unarmed black man, will be different from past cases. Dwight Adams/IndyStar Buy Photo IMPD Chief Bryan Roach briefs journalists about an officer-involved shooting of an unarmed man on June 29, 2017. (Photo: Robert Scheer/IndyStar)Buy Photo More than two weeks after two Indianapolis police officers shot and killed an unarmed black man, we still have far more questions than answers about what happened and why early in the morning of June 29 on the city's northwest side. What, if anything, was said to Aaron Bailey before the officers shot him? What prompted police to open fire? How many shots were fired? Why did the officers pull over Bailey's vehicle that morning? What was said during an earlier traffic stop? (Police say Bailey fled that scene, leading to a short chase that ended when his vehicle crashed.) Why did both officers approach Bailey's vehicle at the scene of the shooting? In the past two weeks, police and prosecutors have provided the community with little information about the shooting. The Marion County Prosecutor's Office has refused to comment on its investigation. And IMPD Chief Bryan Roach said Thursday that he has "questions like everyone else" about Bailey's death. The chief said that he still doesn't know why the officers decided to fire into the vehicle. The lack of communication is a serious problem as tensions increase in the community. Although Mayor Joe Hogsett promised Friday that the investigation into Bailey's death will happen with "as much openness and as much transparency as due process will allow," so far there's been little openness or transparency with this case. It's understandable that not all questions can be answered at this point — the investigation, after all, is ongoing. It's critical that a credible, impartial investigation proceed, followed by a fair administration of justice. But it's also important to regularly provide accurate and up-to-date information to the public to help reduce anger and uncertainty in the city. On Friday, the mayor announced a set of policy changes that include implicit bias training for police officers and creation of a use-of-force review board. Those steps are important and welcome. But in Aaron Bailey's case, the changes will occur after the fact and don't fully address the questions now being raised in the community. NEWSLETTERS Get the Hoosier Politics newsletter delivered to your inbox We're sorry, but something went wrong What's happening in politics across Indiana. Please try again soon, or contact Customer Service at 1-888-357-7827. Delivery: Thu Invalid email address Thank you! You're almost signed up for Hoosier Politics Keep an eye out for an email to confirm your newsletter registration. More newsletters "People are wondering, is it safe for me if I'm stopped in a neighborhood?" Juard Barnes, an organizer with the Indianapolis Congregation Action Network, told IndyStar reporters. "Some people are wondering, are police my allies? Are they the peacekeepers?" Chief Roach on Friday said he's heard similar concerns. "I've heard a lot of anger in the last couple weeks," he said. "I've heard a lot of fear. Our responsibility is to diminish that anger and fear." Police officers have a very difficult and essential job to do. They regularly face life-threatening danger in the line of duty. And no one should downplay the fact that the vast majority of officers are dedicated to helping protect and improve the lives of people in this city. But officers' jobs also become more difficult and more dangerous as fear and distrust rise in the community. Reducing that fear and distrust — for the benefit of everyone who calls Indy their home — will require better communication and more transparency. Read or Share this story: http://indy.st/2urIdJJ
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UkEdChat guest blog post. – ¡Vámonos! ¡Vámonos! "The decision to learn a language is an act of friendship. It is an outstretched hand." John le Carré About Lisa Contact me Lisibo Ltd. / Lisa Stevens Learning 0 UkEdChat guest blog post. June 26, 2016 | lisibo | Posted in collaboration, debate, etwinning, europe, intercultural understanding, lisibo At about 1130am on Friday I was contacted and asked by UKEDChat if I wanted to write a guest blog post about the impact Brexit could/will have on language learning. I didn’t write it straight away for several reasons not least that I didn’t actually have time until very late that night to think. When I did, I wrote my personal reflection on the events and implications. The post can be found on the UKEdChat website and the text is reproduced below: My husband woke me this morning and asked if I wanted to know the result. I should’ve been known by his voice but when he said ‘It was Leave by 52% to 48%’ it hit me like a ton of bricks and I burst into tears. My first thought was my friends and pupils and how some of them would now feel. I am a language teacher and many of my friends and colleagues across the country are ‘native speakers’ e.g. French/Spanish/German nationals who teach their native language. Others fell in love and moved here to be with their partners. Some have lived in this country for many years and have never felt the need to go to the (not inconsiderable) expense of officially become British. Many have British partners, children who have grown up here and consider themselves part of this country, working, paying taxes, contributing to their communities. They could not vote. You can read what one felt here. The Referendum may have been about whether we stay in the EU or not, but the waters were unfortunately muddied by the issue of immigration. As I turned on social media, my fears were confirmed. I wasn’t in school but I know that several children were aware of what a ‘Leave’ verdict could mean for their families. My job as a language teacher isn’t just about teaching words, structures and grammar. It’s about a context for that language, be it in Spain or South America, France, Belgium, Senegal. It’s about culture, lifestyle, food that may be different to ‘our’ ways. It involves encouraging discussion of our differences to help us understand more about ourselves, and then the joy of seeing things from someone else’s perspective, celebrating that we’re not all identical. Through eTwinning, Comenius, Comenius Reggio and Erasmus +, all funded by the EU, my school has changed over the last ten years to be the globally minded place that it is now. Teachers have visited colleagues in Europe, we’ve received visitors and much work has been done online, via Skype and vieo conferencing. So what will Leave mean? My initial reaction was posted at 8:15am This morning I am distraught. Can’t put it into words but can I just say to my many friends who now feel unwelcome in the country that is their home – I love you. Farage, Gove, Johnson et al do not speak for me and my family. I don’t know what the future holds but I know that as long as I have breath I’ll still be championing cooperation, understanding, compassion and celebrating diversity. “We have more in common with each other than things that divide us. Taking my eldest son to a university open day gave me time to think and reflect. My conclusion? My task hasn’t really changed. I will still teach Spanish the same way I always did. I will still see Intercultural understanding as a vital part of my role. I will still find ways to bring other countries into my classroom. It will be harder as there is uncertainty about what will happen to the wonderful programmes like eTwinning. As a school we will still celebrate the languages and cultures of our pupils as we did whilst people were voting in another building on our site. My son and others intending to study languages at university may find their year abroad harder to fund without Erasmus funding. I might get asked more often ‘why do we learn Spanish; everyone speaks English!’ but my answer will remain the same. If anything, I see my role as even more important than before. My son reminded me of the postcard that was on the shelf at the bottom of our stairs at home featuring the words of Nelson Mandela: If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. His point was that, given the number of treaties, agreements and the like that the United Kingdom now need to renegotiate, language skills will be all the more important, a point born out by experience. The Leave vote doesn’t mean that we are no longer European. I am European, speaking several languages, having lived in three European countries and that hasn’t changed. Time will tell the full implications for languages and the global dimension; statements from The British Council and ALL make me more optimistic. So whilst my tears have ceased, my determination has not and, judging by the comments on social media and in person, nor has that of my fellow linguists! We may need to work harder for opportunities but … Tags: #ukedchatEuropeguestbloginternationaldimensionlisibo Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. 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Dancewear - Warehouse Clearance - Clearance JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. More info × () Quick Chat Toggle Nav Search Search Advanced Search Search My Cart Skip to Content Dancewear Uniforms Dance Shoes Accessories Costumes Gymnastics Clearance Dancewear Leotards Leotards Skirted Leotards Catsuits & Unitards Black Leotards View More Dance Tights & Socks Ballet Socks Footless Tights Convertible Ballet Tights Full Foot Ballet Tights View More Tutus & Skirts Tutus Dance Skirts Dance Underwear Dance Bras Dance Briefs & Thongs Body Stockings Accessories View More Legwear Dance Pants & Leggings Shorts & Hot Pants Leg Warmers Warm Ups Cardigans & Hoodies T-Shirts & Tops Leggings, Pants & Shorts All-in-One View More Tops Crop Tops & Vests T-Shirts & Casual Tops Crossovers Men & Boys Leotards Legwear T-Shirts & Tops Underwear View More Ballroom Dancewear Mens & Boys Tops Accessories View More Dance Fitness Capezio - Activewear Collection Dansez - Healthy Seas Collection Dance Exercise Equipment Leggings View More Uniforms Royal Academy Of Dance International Dance Teachers Association Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing National Association of Teachers of Dancing United Kingdom Alliance United Teachers of Dance Dance Shoes Ballet Shoes Pointe Shoes Leather Ballet Shoes Canvas Ballet Shoes Split Sole Ballet Shoes View More Jazz Shoes Leather Jazz Shoes Split Sole Jazz Shoes Jazz Trainers Full Sole Jazz Shoes View More Tap Shoes Leather Tap Shoes Canvas Tap Shoes PU Tap Shoes Low Heel Tap Shoes View More Character Shoes Leather Character Shoes Canvas Character Shoes PU Character Shoes Low Heel Character Shoes View More Contemporary Shoes Dance Sneakers Foot Thongs Warm Up Booties Mens Dance Shoes Mens Ballet Shoes Mens Ballroom Shoes Mens Character Shoes Mens Jazz Shoes View More Other Shoes Ballroom Dance Shoes Stage Shoes Teaching Shoes Accessories Costume Accessories Hats Props Animal Masks, Ears & Tails Other Headbands & Headdresses View More Dance Accessories Hair Accessories Dance Bags Feet & Body Accessories Dance Gifts View More Costumes Broadway Around The World 60s, 70s & 80s Animals & Bugs Fairytales & Make Believe Rock & Roll Flappers, Gangsters & Molls Pirates & Sailors Uniforms & Military Fairies Clowns Boys Costumes Wartime & Period Pop Stars, Punk & Street Seasonal Cowboys, Cowgirls & Native Americans Spooky Lyrical & Contemporary Costumes Jazz & Tap Costumes Ballet Costumes Tutus Urban & Commercial Boys Costumes Debut & First Performance Costumes Two In Ones Gymnastics Gymnastics Leotards Gymnastics Shorts Gymnastics Tops Gymnastics Skirts Clearance Warehouse Clearance Dancewear Dance Shoes Accessories Dancewear Leotards Leggings & Shorts Skirts T-Shirts & Tops View More Costumes Ballet Contemporary & Lyrical Jazz & Tap Themed Costumes View More Dance Shoes Ballroom Shoes Jazz Shoes Character Shoes Contemporary Shoes View More Accessories Costume Accessories Dance Accessories Gymnastics Gymnastics Leotards Free UK Returns Free UK Delivery on orders over £50 < View All Warehouse Clearance Home Clearance Warehouse Clearance Dancewear Dancewear 1 Item Shop By 1 Show 24 48 per page Sort By Position Product Name Price Set Descending Direction Clear All -50% 1st Position Value Grades 1-5 Leotard From £4.10 View Add to Wish List 1 Item Shop By 1 Show 24 48 per page Sort By Position Product Name Price Set Descending Direction Now Shopping by Size 13 Years Remove This Item Size Adult Large Remove This Item Size 10 Years Remove This Item Garment Style Scoop Back Remove This Item Clear All Categories Dancewear 1item Less Shop By Previously Purchased View Previously Purchased Products items Stock In Stock 1item Size 2 Years 1item 3 Years 1item 4 Years 1item 5 Years 1item 6 Years 1item 7 Years 1item 8 Years 1item 9 Years 1item 10 Years 1item 11 Years 1item 12 Years 1item 13 Years 1item Adult Small 1item Adult Medium 1item Adult Large 1item Colour Garment Style Belt Included 1item Scoop Back 1item Scoop Neck 1item Sleeveless 1item Tank 1item Less Signup to receive our latest news and offers Submit Connect with us Customer Service Contact Delivery Returns Download Returns Form Information Cookie Policy Copyright Policy Data Retention Policy GDPR Statement Image Licence Other Policies Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Need Help? hello@dancedirect.com
The early looks at the Combiner Wars online retailer offerings of Brake-Neck and Slingshot , um, Quickslinger continue! Don’t be fooled by the name, Quickslinger is a repaint with new head sculpt giving G1 fans their Slingshot and a proper 5 man Aerialbot team. Superion, like Menasor, was initially shown with a new 5th member to the team and the fans called for the OG guys to return. Well they have, and Quickslinger will join his brothers later this month. He will be released along with Brake-Neck on May 22nd at select online retailers (see the list after the break). This will be part of Hasbro’s Transformers May Mayhem campaign, which sees a slew of Transformers related promotions throughout the month of May. A full list of May Mayhem events are also listed after the break. Hasbro was kind enough to send out a copy a little early for us to run through the motions with, so check out over 70 shots of him in action with his Aerialbot brothers after the break! Key Shots Transformers May Mayhem Details Mid-May – The celebration kicks off with the latest round of fans’ choice voting for the TRANSFORMERS Hall of Fame. Who will be a part of the Class of 2015 and join the ranks of Optimus Prime, Megatron, and other legendary TRANSFORMERS? You decide! May 13 – IDW Publishing releases TRANSFORMERS #41, the latest chapter of their epic COMBINER WARS storyline. May 22 – AERIALBOT QUICKSLINGER and STUNTICON BRAKE-NECK will be available exclusively through participating online retailers, such as Amazon.com, Walmart.com, Target.com, ToysRUs.com, Entertainment Earth, BigBadToyStore, Diamond Comics and Hasbro Toy Shop. With these two new figures, fans are finally able to complete their G1-accurate SUPERION and MENASOR figures! In addition to these all-new toys, several vendors will be running special promotions on TRANSFORMERS GENERATIONS: COMBINER WARS figures, providing fans with an ideal way to complete their collections. Late May – TRANSFORMERS fans will come together on the official TRANSFORMERS Facebook page (Facebook.com/Transformers) for an exciting new product reveal. May 27 – The COMBINER WARS battle comes to a head in IDW Publishing’s TRANSFORMERS WINDBLADE – COMBINER WARS #3.
Vivian Mid Century Modern Cabinet & Shelves TV Stand – GDFStudio Free Shipping On All Orders Find Us! Contact Us! back Back To School Furniture Outdoor Decor & Pillows Rugs Bedding & Bath Shop By Style Get Inspired Living Room Sofas & Loveseats Sectionals Accent Chairs Chaise Lounges Ottomans Benches Coffee Tables End & Side Tables Console Tables TV Stands Fireplace Accessories Bedroom Beds Headboards Ottomans Nightstands, Dressers & Chests Daybeds Mattresses Bean Bags Kitchen & Dining Room Dining Tables Dining Sets Dining Chairs Sideboards & Buffet Tables Kitchen Islands & Carts Bar & Counter Stools Bar Furniture Bar & Counter Stools Bar Carts Bar Sets Home Office Desks Bookcases Office Chairs Rugs Pet Entry & Hallway New Arrivals Sale Sofas & Seating Outdoor Chat Sets Outdoor Sofas Outdoor Benches Outdoor Chaise Lounges Basket Chairs & Hammocks Adirondack Chairs Day Beds Outdoor Tables Outdoor Accent Tables Outdoor Dining Tables Outdoor Coffee Tables Dining & Bar Furniture Outdoor Dining & Bistro Sets Outdoor Dining Tables Outdoor Dining Chairs Outdoor Bar Sets Outdoor Bar & Counter Stools Outdoor Bar Carts Garden & Decor Outdoor Pillows Outdoor Cushions Outdoor Rugs Fountains Garden Stools Garden Decor Umbrellas, Gazebos & Shades Umbrellas Umbrella Bases Gazebos Shop By Material Wood Wicker Metal Mixed Material Planters Fire Pits Outdoor Rugs Holiday Décor Fireplace Accessories Mirrors Wall Art Pillows & Throws Faux Flowers & Plants Rugs Indoor Area Rugs Scatter Rugs Outdoor Rugs Rugs By Size 4' x 6' 5' x 8' 8' x 10' Bedding Vanities Mattresses Bathroom Storage Bohemian Farmhouse Glam Industrial Mid-Century Modern Modern & Contemporary Transitional Blog Find Us! 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Account Wishlist Back To School Furniture Living Room Sofas & Loveseats Sectionals Accent Chairs Chaise Lounges Ottomans Benches Coffee Tables End & Side Tables Console Tables TV Stands Fireplace Accessories Bedroom Beds Headboards Ottomans Nightstands, Dressers & Chests Daybeds Mattresses Bean Bags Kitchen & Dining Room Dining Tables Dining Sets Dining Chairs Sideboards & Buffet Tables Kitchen Islands & Carts Bar & Counter Stools Bar Furniture Bar & Counter Stools Bar Carts Bar Sets Home Office Desks Bookcases Office Chairs Rugs Pet Entry & Hallway New Arrivals Sale Outdoor Sofas & Seating Outdoor Chat Sets Outdoor Sofas Outdoor Benches Outdoor Chaise Lounges Basket Chairs & Hammocks Adirondack Chairs Day Beds Outdoor Tables Outdoor Accent Tables Outdoor Dining Tables Outdoor Coffee Tables Dining & Bar Furniture Outdoor Dining & Bistro Sets Outdoor Dining Tables Outdoor Dining Chairs Outdoor Bar Sets Outdoor Bar & Counter Stools Outdoor Bar Carts Garden & Decor Outdoor Pillows Outdoor Cushions Outdoor Rugs Fountains Garden Stools Garden Decor Umbrellas, Gazebos & Shades Umbrellas Umbrella Bases Gazebos Shop By Material Wood Wicker Metal Mixed Material Planters Fire Pits Outdoor Rugs Decor & Pillows Holiday Décor Fireplace Accessories Mirrors Wall Art Pillows & Throws Faux Flowers & Plants Rugs Rugs Indoor Area Rugs Scatter Rugs Outdoor Rugs Rugs By Size 4' x 6' 5' x 8' 8' x 10' Bedding & Bath Bedding Vanities Mattresses Bathroom Storage Shop By Style Bohemian Farmhouse Glam Industrial Mid-Century Modern Modern & Contemporary Transitional Get Inspired Blog 9+ Home / Vivian Mid Century Modern Cabinet & Shelves TV Stand Vivian Mid Century Modern Cabinet & Shelves TV Stand SKU 303659 Ships in 2-7 days $244.99$228.99 Quantity - 1 + Add To Cart Add To Cart Notify Me When Available Add to wishlist (0) Notify Me When Available Free Nationwide Shipping 90-Day Returns 7,000+ 5-Star Reviews Affordable Prices Description + This TV stand is a wonderful way to add a bit of midcentury flair to your living room or guest room. Complete with hairpin iron legs, this unit features two shelves to house your TV essentials as well as a fold-down cabinet door to keep all your favorite movies and video games for easy access. Never misplace anything relating to your TV with this convenient TV stand. Product Details Includes: One (1) TV Stand Material: Particleboard Leg Material: Iron Finish: Gray Oak Accent Finish: Sonoma Gray Oak Leg Finish: Black Assembly Required Dimensions: 16.25"D x 59.10"W x 21.10"H Specifications + Recently Viewed Get Inspired @GDFStudio See how other #GDFStudio shoppers are styling their favorite finds! Use #MyGDF to share your new looks and be featured on our IG. Customer Reviews Get the latest updates on new arrivals and more. Sign Up Thanks for subscribing! Check your email for a confirmation message! 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Find the Solution - KNOWNHOST KNOWLEDGE BASE Browse our Guides, Articles, and How-To's Homepage My KnownHost How to start/stop/restart/power off VPS? Follow Us On Social Media! Categories Common Issues 19 Courses 9 Getting Started 40 Guides 29 cPanel DirectAdmin WordPress My KnownHost 36 Other 62 Services 15 Managed Wordpress Shared/Reseller Hosting Technical Support 12 Questions? Contact us! Check our contact page to reach us at Sales or Support! How to start/stop/restart/power off VPS? Posted on September 4, 2022 By Som Category: My KnownHost Tags: #power off #restart #start #stop #vps We have made things handier for you. Manage your VPS with full control through the billing portal. Let’s learn how to start, stop and restart the VPS. 1. First, login into Billing Portal (my.knownhost.com) with registered email address and password. 2. In the Navigation tray, you can find the option “Services” click on that or you can navigate to Dashboard → Click on Services. 3. Locate the VPS → Click on Manage. 4. Navigate to Control Panel. 5. Here, you have options, To START or STOP VPS. To RESTART VPS. To POWER OFF VPS. Note that it is not recommended to restart the VPS as a troubleshooting measure. Many issues can be made harder to find if the server is rebooted, and some of them can even be worse or cause data loss in combination with a server reboot. If you do have reason to reboot the server, you should do so only once. If the server does not come back after the reboot, please open a Support Ticket. That being said, it would be better to open the ticket before (or, more precisely, instead of) restarting the VPS. It is always important not to do work in the server while a ticket is open that might interfere with the work being done in the ticket, but it is especially important not to reboot the server during the ticket. If the server is already running, the “BOOT” or “Start” option will be disabled. This is also the case when the server is “Stopped”, with the “SHUTDOWN” option. Conclusion Now that we’ve gone over it, how to start, stop, restart and power off your VPS through the Billing portal. This feature of VPS management will help you with quick actions instead of reaching out to our helpdesk. KnownHost offers 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, all 7 days of the week best in class technical support. A dedicated team ready to help you with requests should you need our assistance. You’re not using KnownHost for the best webhosting experience? Well, why not? Check with our Sales team to see what can KnownHost do for you in improving your webhosting experience. Related Articles: How to Restart a VPS or Dedicated Server? How do I find which node my VPS is on? How to change your VPS root password in KnownHost? How to configure rDNS for your VPS? VPS MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW About KnownHost Why KnownHost? 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RALEIGH, NC - Don Waddell, President of the National Hockey League's Carolina Hurricanes, today announced that the team's long-time broadcasters - John Forslund, Chuck Kaiton and Tripp Tracy - each have signed new agreements to remain with the club. Mike Maniscalco will continue to serve as the team's TV/Web Host, joining Forslund and Tracy for Hurricanes telecasts on FOX Sports Carolinas and FOX Sports Southeast. "John, Chuck and Tripp are among the very best, and longest-tenured broadcasters in the NHL," said Waddell. "A generation has grown up with the three of them as the voices of the Carolina Hurricanes, and we are pleased they will continue in their roles moving forward." Forslund will enter his 23rd season as the team's television play-by-play voice in 2017-18, and his 27th season overall with the organization. He originally joined the club in 1991-92 as its public relations director after calling games on radio and television from 1984-91 for Springfield of the American Hockey League (AHL). Along with his work with the Hurricanes, Forslund regularly calls nationally-televised NHL games on NBC and NBC Sports Network during the regular season and playoffs. He is heavily involved in the Triangle community, emceeing events for the Kids 'N Community Foundation, as well as working with the V Foundation, Greater Raleigh Sports Council, Make-A-Wish Foundation, March of Dimes, Spare Some for Autism, Genesis Home, Food Bank of North Carolina and the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. Kaiton will mark his 38th season with the club in 2017-18, and remains the lone radio play-by-play voice in the organization's NHL history. In 2004, the Hockey Hall of Fame named him the winner of the Foster Hewitt Award, given annually to NHL broadcasters who make outstanding contributions to their professions during their careers. In addition to his work with the Hurricanes, Kaiton has served as president for the NHL Broadcasters Association since 1986. The 2017-18 season will mark Tracy's 19th serving as the team's television analyst alongside Forslund. A former goaltender, Tracy was drafted by the Philadelphia Flyers in 1993, and played professionally in the AHL and ECHL, following a four-year collegiate career at Harvard University. He has participated in several Hurricanes Alumni events, including the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Alumni Fantasy games, and has worked with Triangle-area charities, including the St. Baldrick's Foundation.
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Besides, it boasts rapid installation and production K Series Portable Crusher Plant K Series Portable Crusher Plant, also known as K Series Portable Crusher, is a new type of equipment developed on the basis of years of independent research and development LD Series Mobile Crusher LD Series Mobile Crushing Plant, is developed on the basis of years of experience in R&D and production of mobile crushing plants. It absorbs advanced foreign mobile crushing technology. Grinding Mills MRN Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill MRN Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill represents the advanced grinding processing technology at present, and its application of patent technology MTW Trapezium Grinding Mill MTW Trapezium Grinding Mill is developed by our company's experts based on 10 years' R&D on grinding machines. MTM Medium-Speed Grinding Mill MTM Medium-speed Grinding Mill is designed by our own engineers and technical workers based on many years' research of grinding machines. LM Vertical Grinding Mill The LM Vertical Grinding Mill, launched by ZENITH, integrates five functions of crushing, grinding, powder selection, LUM Ultrafine Vertical Grinding Mill vertical grinding mills and the latest technology from Taiwan &Germany, ZENTITH pushed out the LUM Ultrafine Vertical Grinding Mill XZM Ultrafine Grinding Mill XZM Ultrafine Grinding Mill is widely used for superfine powder production. The output size can reach 2500mesh (5um). 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If you are a licensed health care practitioner and you want to know more about the use of cannabis for medical purposes (for example, pharmacology, potential therapeutic uses, contraindications, adverse reactions etc.) the following resources will provide you with scientific and medical information to help you in discussions with your patients. Health care practitioners should consult their provincial or territorial health care licensing authority's guidelines and policies before authorizing the use of cannabis for medical purposes. In addition, the College of Family Physicians of Canada has published preliminary guidance on authorizing dried cannabis for chronic pain and anxiety, which can be found here: If you and your patient conclude that cannabis for medical purposes is an appropriate option for her/him, you will need to complete a medical document (or other document containing the same information). For additional application requirements, you can direct your patient to the section When you discuss daily amount of cannabis with your patient, it is useful to remember that the recommended daily amount dictates the total amount the patient will be authorized to possess or produce. Various surveys published in the peer-reviewed scientific and medical literature have suggested that the majority of people using smoked or orally ingested cannabis for therapeutic purposes reported using the equivalent of up to three (3) grams of dried marijuana per day. While there are no restrictions under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations on the daily amount that you may authorize, there is a possession limit of the lesser of the equivalent of 150 grams or 30 times the daily amount of dried marijuana. Daily amount expressed in grams of dried marijuana You must indicate on the medical document the daily amount that you authorize expressed in grams of dried marijuana. If the patient chooses to access either fresh marijuana or cannabis oil, from a licenced producer, the producer will determine the amount of fresh marijuana or cannabis oil that is equivalent to a given amount of dried marijuana by taking into account the dried marijuana equivalency factor established by the licensed producer. If the patient chooses to produce cannabis him/herself or to have it produced by another person, the patient and the designated person, if any, are required to manage their possession or storage limit based on the amount of fresh marijuana, cannabis oil or other products that are equivalent to a given amount of dried marijuana. As such, five (5) grams of fresh marijuana is determined to be equivalent to one (1) gram of dried marijuana and the amount of products that is equivalent to a given amount of dried marijuana is calculated by taking into account the weight of fresh or dried marijuana that was used to make the products.
Get the latest from TODAY Sign up for our newsletter July 11, 2016, 4:30 PM GMT / Source: TODAY By Tracy Saelinger If you’re heading to any weddings this summer, keep an eye out for the latest dessert craze: geode cakes. Not to be confused with the recently trending galaxy cakes, geode cakes are more of the earthly variety—cakes that look like they have the crystallized cross-section of an amethyst or the like baked right into it. Intricate Icings Cake Design Of course, a giant rock isn’t baked into the cake—the mineral-inspired culinary artwork is all entirely edible. Baker Viki Kane, owner of Just a Little Dessert Co. in southern California, perhaps sparked the wedding-geode cake trend back in 2015, when she created an edible geode-like cake topper for a baking competition in Louisiana. “I’ve always loved rocks and geodes—who doesn’t? It was a last-minute idea, what would look cool on top of this cake? In the cake world, so much has been done, it’s hard to come up with a different technique that’s never been seen before,” Kane says. Courtesy Viki Kane After getting requests, Kane soon developed a tutorial for the technique, popular with other cake artists. “I thought it was a blip,” she says, “but it just kind of snowballed.” Denver-based cake artist Rachael Teufel, owner of Intricate Icings Cake Design, was perhaps the first to bake an edible geode into the cake itself earlier this year, when she baked a cake for free for a friend to celebrate a new wedding-planning service and venue. The favor paid off: After she posted a video of the cake—a purple-and-gold amethyst design, made with rock candy, food coloring and edible gold paint—it went viral, growing her Facebook likes from 15,000 to more than 65,000 today. “Have you ever had rock-candy sticks? That’s exactly what it is—just loose candy, except you’re not forming onto a stick,” explains Teufel, who also offers a tutorial. To achieve that sense of layering in the geode design, she also uses three sizes of the candied sugar: a rock candy size, similar to what you’d find on a stick; crystallized sugar, similar to the size of Pop Rocks; and granulized, like table sugar. The colors come from edible food colors that are airbrushed on. The couples who order the cake always have a good story, Teufel says. “They are geologists themselves, or have a family who is big into nature or geology—just this weekend, I made one for a family who lives in a mining town in western Colorado.” And if you want to get in on the trend at home, there’s no need to bake a whole wedding cake: Los Angeles-based food stylist and designer Alana Jones-Mann, another early entry in the geode-dessert field, makes these gorgeous gemstone cupcakes and cookies. Geode cookies Alana Jones-Mann “At the time that I had made them, they definitely weren’t present in the party or baking world yet, but I would say there was buzz around crystals in the wellness world. I personally had been inspired by nature—a visit to the American Museum of Natural History’s Gem Room was what gave me the initial idea,” she says. Jones-Mann admits the process is “technical due to the fact it requires patience, and a little experimentation” but she’s also encouraging, likening it to making homemade rock candy, or that experiment you may have done as a kid where you hang a string in sugar water for a week and patiently wait for the sugar to crystallize. “It’s more of a science experiment than a baking project, and I hope people also find the joy in that process,” she says.
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Story highlights Somaly Mam drew international attention for her personal tale of surviving sex slavery She used that narrative to begin a foundation and collect money to save girls But Newsweek reports this month that her personal story is untrue Mam resigned from the foundation this week She was the world's crusader against the trafficking of girls for sex in Cambodia, and she told an extraordinary personal tale: she was a village girl sold by a grandfatherly man into sex slavery. Triumphant as well as beautiful, Somaly Mam won attention from Oprah Winfrey, a New York Times columnist, a PBS documentary, Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People of 2009, and even CNN, which named her a "Hero" in 2007. The fame -- and her memoir "The Road of Lost Innocence" -- generated millions of dollars for her Somaly Mam Foundation, fighting sex traffickers. But her personal story wasn't true, according to a Newsweek exposé this month. In the wake of the magazine's revelations, Mam resigned this week from her foundation, which had hired a law firm to independently investigate Mam's background when questions arose. The law firm's findings weren't disclosed by the foundation. Mam, whose book says she was born around 1970 or 1971, couldn't be reached for comment, but the foundation still bearing her name issued a statement this week: "As a result of (the law firm's) efforts, we have accepted Somaly's resignation effective immediately," foundation executive director Gina Reiss-Wilchins said. "Despite the foundation's heartfelt disappointment, we remain grateful to Somaly's work over the past two decades and for helping to build a foundation that has served thousands of women and girls. "The foundation's commitment to eradicating the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls in Southeast Asia remains steadfast, and we ask that you continue to stand with us in the face of these challenging times," Reiss-Wilchins said. Villagers contradict her A Newsweek story by Simon Marks cited how Mam's childhood acquaintances, village leaders and even a cousin contradicted her autobiography. Residents of the Thloc Chhroy village told the magazine they never saw or met the cruel "Grandfather" who turned her into a domestic slave as a child, a rich Chinese merchant who raped her, or a violent soldier whom Mam said she was forced to marry as a teenager. Mam claimed all those experiences in her story of survival. In fact, Mam arrived with a family and lived a normal life in the village from 1981 until 1987, when she finished high school and then took a teachers exam, according to a commune chief, childhood friends, a cousin and a school official interviewed by Newsweek. Furthermore, "Mam was well-known and popular in their small village, a happy, pretty girl with pigtails," Newsweek reported. Those villagers' accounts differed from the horrific personal narrative that Mam told the media and readers of her memoir. In an interview with CNN on Friday, Marks said he spoke with "to dozens of villagers, former teachers, commune chiefs, who all say that they witnessed Somaly Mam arrive in the village." "They say that they saw her arrive in the village with a family, she grew up in the village living a relatively normal life," said Marks, who's a contributor to Newsweek. Millions in donations Mam's foundation attracted such corporate partners as Estee Lauder Companies and Goldman Sachs. Actress Susan Sarandon sits on the group's advisory board. By 2011, the Somaly Mam Foundation attracted $2.1 million in revenue and incurred $3.67 million in expenses, according to its annual report. In 2012, those revenues rose to $2.78 million and the foundation's expenses fell to $2.3 million, its annual report said. That year, the foundation helped thousands of sex workers: 9,269 in Cambodia, 1,356 in Laos and 6,675 in Vietnam, the report said. Many people in Cambodia long doubted Mam's personal story, but they feared her duality: Mam was polished and charming in front of international donors, but was "tyrannical" and "moody" in the office, even ordering the girls in her foundation to do her personal chores, the magazine reported, quoting named and unnamed sources. False claims by "rescued" girls Some of the girls and young women whom Mam rescued from slavery were used in testimonials promoting Mam's foundation, but at least one of those girls later "confessed that her story was fabricated and carefully rehearsed for the cameras under Mam's instruction," Newsweek reported. Meas Ratha portrayed herself on a French television program in 1998 as a teenager who had been sold to a brothel and was forced to become a sex slave, but last year, Ratha said the foundation chose her to go on television after auditioning her, the magazine said. In fact, Ratha was never a sex slave. Her parents couldn't care for their seven children so they sent Ratha and her sister in 1997 to a refuge center of group called Agir Pour Les Femmes en Situation Precaire, or AFESIP (Helping Women in Danger), whose then president and co-founder was Mam, Newsweek said. Now in her early 30s in Phnom Penh, Ratha told Newsweek she reluctantly agreed to the fake story about being a child sex slave: "Somaly said that...if I want to help another woman I have to do [the interview] very well," she told the magazine. Ratha wasn't the only purported rescued girl telling fictions, according to the magazine. Long Pros claimed a woman kidnapped her and sold her to a brothel, where she was tortured and forced to undergo two crude abortions. Pros alleged an angry pimp gouged out one of her eyes with a piece of metal. Mam rescued Pros, and Pros' story was recounted by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof in 2009. In 2008, he also profiled Mam in a column headlined "A Heroine From The Brothels." But Pros' family, neighbors and doctor contradicted her account: A physician performed surgery on a nonmalignant tumor covering her right eye when she was 13, and medical records clearly showed her eye before and after the surgery, Newsweek said. Pros was then sent to Mam's group to be part of a vocational training program, an eye hospital director told the magazine. This week, the foundation ended its relationship with Pros, also as a result of the law firm's investigation into her background, Reiss-Wilchins said. "We are permanently removing Ms. Pros from any affiliation with the organization or our grant partner, but will help her to transition into the next phase of her life," Reiss-Wilchins said.
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THE things some people will do for a multi. Geelong champion Jimmy Bartel has revealed he declined a chance to vote on this year’s Norm Smith Medal due to a massive bet that could have seen him win $320,000. The 2011 Norm Smith medallist was asked to vote on the award for Richmond v Adelaide but couldn’t get out of a multi that had gotten most of the way there. The three-leg bet included an $8 racing winner followed by Golden Slipper winner She Will Reign winning the Group 1 Moir Stakes at Moonee Valley at $4. The final leg included the Norm Smith itself though, with Bartel backing Richmond’s Nick Vlastuin. At the time of the bet, he was at $101 to win. LISTEN TO OUR REVIEW OF THE GRAND FINAL IN THE FOX FOOTY PODCAST BELOW, OR TAP HERE TO SUBSCRIBE IN ITUNES The AFL asked Bartel if he could get out of the bet but he told them it was too late. “I said, ‘get stuffed’,” he joked at the TAB spring carnival launch on Tuesday. “I couldn’t cash out because you can’t cash out on multis, so I let it run. “I was watching the races on a Friday night ... and I got the shock of my life when I learnt I was still in the running to win ($320,000). I have never been a big punter but I thought this multi was a way of having an interest. “When the money started to mount up, I was starting to feel confident. That’s why I told the AFL I can’t possibly vote on the award because you know who I would be voting for.” Bartel was on air working for 3AW on Grand Final day and made sure his co-workers were supportive of the bet. “Obviously I like a man with a beard, and obviously the way he plays, floating across half-back I figured he would be prominent,” he said. Vlastuin didn’t poll a vote in the end, with Dustin Martin (13 votes) beating out Bachar Houli (10) for the award.
“Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes it’s an ad.” – Howard Gossage. To acknowledge this famous quote by The Socrates of San Francisco, we’ve compiled a list of 100 exceptional ads that seek your interest with their witty headlines and copy. They include classics from the Mad Men era, past and present Cannes winners, public service announcements (PSAs) and more. Check them out below. Air Asia Aston Martin Apple BMW Chevrolet Corvette Daihatsu De Beers Diesel Durex Garage Hard Lemonade Garagista Beer Guinness Harley Davidson The Health Education Council Hoover Glass Horst Salons Infinity Jack Daniel’s J&B Jeep L.L.Bean Loto Libanais Mahindra Classic Mercedes Benz Mini Cooper Ricola Cough Drops New York Lottery Newcastle Brown Ale New York City Taxi The Weather Network The Invisible Orthodontist PETA UNICEF Porsche Romanian Police Sauvignon blanc Cancer Patients Aid Association The Lung Association, British Columbia Swiss Life Insurance The Economist Tivibu Triss Volkswagen Wonderbra Which ones are your favourites? Share this post with a writer and voi
A police spokesman in Gudensberg, in north Hesse, confirmed the fire on Monday night in the building where Polish and Bulgarian workers were living. "We do not have any information," police said when asked about possible reasons for the arson. A speaker for the fire brigade said the house was completely engulfed in flames, from the ground floor to the roof. Neighboring buildings had been evacuated and police had cordoned off the area. Police said, except for a gable wall, most of the building had collapsed into the neighboring house. Fire investigators were looking into possible reasons for the arson in the meantime. Initial reports said 40 people were injured, but the number could not be confirmed. 48 people were registered as living in the building, police told reporters. Gudensberg is in northern Hesse and is 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) away from the city of Kassel. The workers' house was located in the town center, which has about 9,000 residents. Meanwhile, another planned refugee accommodation was destroyed in eastern Germany on Monday. Vandals flooded a refugee shelter in Thuringia's Frauenwald, destroying 17 flats in a block. The local administration had rented the building from a private owner. Police have still not made any arrests. Five refugee shelters have been set alight in the German state in the last few weeks following the arrival of thousands of refugees fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa. mg/rc (AFP, dpa)
Featured Artwork: Mary Olivia McIntosh - OutdoorPainter Magazine About What Is Plein Air Painting? 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Log into your account your username your password Forgot your password? Get help Password recovery Recover your password your email A password will be e-mailed to you. OutdoorPainter Magazine About What Is Plein Air Painting? Editorial Team Plein Air Today – FREE Newsletter Subscribe New Subscription Renew Subscription Back Issues Gift Subscription Contact Us Work With Us Articles Start Here Plein Air for Beginners Tips for Artists Art News Extreme Plein Air PleinAir Collector Plein Air Salon About the PleinAir Salon 2022 PleinAir Salon Winners Call For Entries PleinAir Salon Calendar Events Calendar Pastel Live, August 2022 Paint New Zealand, September 2022 Fall Color Week, October 2022 Realism Live, November 2022 Watercolor Live, January 2023 Plein Air Live, March 2023 Plein Air Convention, May 2022 Paint Adirondacks, June 2022 Art Podcasts PleinAir Podcast Art Marketing Podcast Subscribe to the Podcasts Guides 2022 Ultimate Guide to Painting Events & Organizations 2022 Artists’ Guide to Workshops, Schools, and Ateliers 2023 Ultimate Guide to Painting Events 2023 Ultimate Guide to Painting Organizations Store Community Plein Air Today Art School Live with Eric Rhoads PaintOutside.com Plein Air Force Help Veterans Advertise Home Featured Artwork Featured Artwork: Mary Olivia McIntosh Featured Artwork Featured Artwork: Mary Olivia McIntosh By Plein Air Today Sponsor - Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Pinterest High and Dry on the Dunes 11 x 14 in. Soft pastel $800 Available through the artist Mary Olivia McIntosh: High and Dry on the Dunes was a late afternoon pastel study of an abandoned small boat not far from an isolated inlet in the northwest part of Oregon this past spring. Despite the current condition of the boat, I had the feeling it had been well cared for and belonged to someone who was comfortable with being on the water. I cannot imagine how it got to the dunes, but it needed to be saved in a painting at that moment. After 36 years as a Set Decorator in the film industry in Los Angeles, I retired to my hometown in Texas to once again practice my love of art and photography. My medium for painting is usually soft pastel on sanded paper with a gouache underpainting for an impressionistic lay down of color and overall texture. Being from the Hill Country in Texas, I am an avid painter of the many landscapes that are offered up in this south-central part of the state. The cedar, junipers and scrub undergrowth go on as far as the eye can see. The hills and ravines, the roads and river beds are bleached limestone. The land is rough and mostly natural and I find it very inviting to paint. I teach pastel painting and drawing in both private and workshop classes, and I am honored to have been asked on a number of occasions to demo for pastel groups and societies. I am also honored to be a Signature member of the Pastel Society of America. I am represented by three galleries here in Texas: • The Carriage House Gallery of Fine Art in Boerne, TX • Art On 12 in Wimberley, TX • Marta Stafford Fine Art in Marble Falls, TX I would love for you to visit my website: www.MaryMcIntoshArt.FineArtStudioOnline.com TAGS Featured Artwork Plein Air Artists Plein Air Pastel Art Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Pinterest Previous articleFeatured Artwork: John Budicin Next articleFeatured Artwork: Jeanne McKinney Plein Air Today Sponsor RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Featured Artwork: Brienne Brown Featured Artwork: Deborah McAllister Featured Artwork: Jack McGowan FREE Plein Air Today Newsletter Subscribe to Plein Air Today, from the publishers of PleinAir Magazine. Your Best Email Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 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Publisher's Invitational - small group paint-outs for artists, hosted by Eric Rhoads Contact Us 331 SE Mizner Blvd Boca Raton, FL 33432 Toll-Free: 1 (800) 610-5771 Local: (561) 655-8778 Fax: (561) 655-6164 Email Us Careers - We're Hiring! Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Cookie Policy Fine Art Connoisseur Plein Air Convention & Expo PleinAir Salon Art Competition Art Training Publishers Invitational Publisher Art Marketing Art Marketing Bootcamp Art Marketing Book Art Marketing Minutes Podcast © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. STREAMLINE PUBLISHING, INC. PLEINAIR MAGAZINE IS A TRADEMARK OF STREAMLINE PUBLISHING, INC. OUTDOOR PAINTER AND OUTDOORPAINTER.COM IS A TRADEMARK OF STREAMLINE PUBLISHING, INC. | What We Believe Close Close Accessibility by WAH MORE STORIES Watch: Painting Fall Foliage with a Palette Knife PleinAir Today - September 19, 2022 18 Plein Air Tips for Beginners Contributing Author - September 19, 2022 Artist Spotlight: Kathleen Gray Farthing PleinAir Today - September 14, 2022 Snowmass Plein Air Results PleinAir Today - September 13, 2022 Plein Air Podcast 226: Eric Rhoads on the Creators Studio with Jeff Olson
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7 Things You Should Know About Eyelid Twitches ",2===_t.childNodes.length),S.parseHTML=function(e,t,n){return"string"!=typeof e?[]:("boolean"==typeof t&&(n=t,t=!1),t||(y.createHTMLDocument?((r=(t=E.implementation.createHTMLDocument("")).createElement("base")).href=E.location.href,t.head.appendChild(r)):t=E),o=!n&&[],(i=N.exec(e))?[t.createElement(i[1])]:(i=xe([e],t,o),o&&o.length&&S(o).remove(),S.merge([],i.childNodes)));var r,i,o},S.fn.load=function(e,t,n){var r,i,o,a=this,s=e.indexOf(" ");return-1").append(S.parseHTML(e)).find(r):e)}).always(n&&function(e,t){a.each(function(){n.apply(this,o||[e.responseText,t,e])})}),this},S.expr.pseudos.animated=function(t){return S.grep(S.timers,function(e){return t===e.elem}).length},S.offset={setOffset:function(e,t,n){var r,i,o,a,s,u,l=S.css(e,"position"),c=S(e),f={};"static"===l&&(e.style.position="relative"),s=c.offset(),o=S.css(e,"top"),u=S.css(e,"left"),("absolute"===l||"fixed"===l)&&-1<(o+u).indexOf("auto")?(a=(r=c.position()).top,i=r.left):(a=parseFloat(o)||0,i=parseFloat(u)||0),m(t)&&(t=t.call(e,n,S.extend({},s))),null!=t.top&&(f.top=t.top-s.top+a),null!=t.left&&(f.left=t.left-s.left+i),"using"in t?t.using.call(e,f):c.css(f)}},S.fn.extend({offset:function(t){if(arguments.length)return void 0===t?this:this.each(function(e){S.offset.setOffset(this,t,e)});var e,n,r=this[0];return r?r.getClientRects().length?(e=r.getBoundingClientRect(),n=r.ownerDocument.defaultView,{top:e.top+n.pageYOffset,left:e.left+n.pageXOffset}):{top:0,left:0}:void 0},position:function(){if(this[0]){var e,t,n,r=this[0],i={top:0,left:0};if("fixed"===S.css(r,"position"))t=r.getBoundingClientRect();else{t=this.offset(),n=r.ownerDocument,e=r.offsetParent||n.documentElement;while(e&&(e===n.body||e===n.documentElement)&&"static"===S.css(e,"position"))e=e.parentNode;e&&e!==r&&1===e.nodeType&&((i=S(e).offset()).top+=S.css(e,"borderTopWidth",!0),i.left+=S.css(e,"borderLeftWidth",!0))}return{top:t.top-i.top-S.css(r,"marginTop",!0),left:t.left-i.left-S.css(r,"marginLeft",!0)}}},offsetParent:function(){return this.map(function(){var e=this.offsetParent;while(e&&"static"===S.css(e,"position"))e=e.offsetParent;return e||re})}}),S.each({scrollLeft:"pageXOffset",scrollTop:"pageYOffset"},function(t,i){var o="pageYOffset"===i;S.fn[t]=function(e){return $(this,function(e,t,n){var r;if(x(e)?r=e:9===e.nodeType&&(r=e.defaultView),void 0===n)return r?r[i]:e[t];r?r.scrollTo(o?r.pageXOffset:n,o?n:r.pageYOffset):e[t]=n},t,e,arguments.length)}}),S.each(["top","left"],function(e,n){S.cssHooks[n]=Fe(y.pixelPosition,function(e,t){if(t)return t=We(e,n),Pe.test(t)?S(e).position()[n]+"px":t})}),S.each({Height:"height",Width:"width"},function(a,s){S.each({padding:"inner"+a,content:s,"":"outer"+a},function(r,o){S.fn[o]=function(e,t){var n=arguments.length&&(r||"boolean"!=typeof e),i=r||(!0===e||!0===t?"margin":"border");return $(this,function(e,t,n){var r;return x(e)?0===o.indexOf("outer")?e["inner"+a]:e.document.documentElement["client"+a]:9===e.nodeType?(r=e.documentElement,Math.max(e.body["scroll"+a],r["scroll"+a],e.body["offset"+a],r["offset"+a],r["client"+a])):void 0===n?S.css(e,t,i):S.style(e,t,n,i)},s,n?e:void 0,n)}})}),S.each(["ajaxStart","ajaxStop","ajaxComplete","ajaxError","ajaxSuccess","ajaxSend"],function(e,t){S.fn[t]=function(e){return this.on(t,e)}}),S.fn.extend({bind:function(e,t,n){return this.on(e,null,t,n)},unbind:function(e,t){return this.off(e,null,t)},delegate:function(e,t,n,r){return this.on(t,e,n,r)},undelegate:function(e,t,n){return 1===arguments.length?this.off(e,"**"):this.off(t,e||"**",n)},hover:function(e,t){return this.mouseenter(e).mouseleave(t||e)}}),S.each("blur focus focusin focusout resize scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup contextmenu".split(" "),function(e,n){S.fn[n]=function(e,t){return 0 Skip to main content HOME ABOUT US OUR TEAM SERVICES EYEGLASSES & CONTACTS INSURACE FIND US (713) 255-8317 825 East Southmore, west of Town Square Mall and Pasadena Boulevard, across from Whataburger - All Walk-In’s Welcome Home » What's New » 7 Things You Should Know About Eyelid Twitches Oct 31, 2014 You may have experienced this before. Out of nowhere, your eyelid starts twitching uncontrollably. While this can be a cause of aggravation, eyelid twitches, spasms or tics are actually quite common. Here are 7 things you should know about this eye condition: Eye twitches are generally caused by a repetitive, involuntary spasm in your eyelid muscles and are known in medical terms as a blepharospasm. Almost all sudden-onset eye twitching is not considered to be a serious medical condition, though it can be hard to treat without knowing the underlying cause. Eyelid twitches can occur sporadically, though some people have been known to feel them for a few consecutive days or weeks Stress, tiredness, eyestrain, caffeine alcohol or tobacco usage, dry eyes, allergies or nutritional imbalances are factors that can trigger or exacerbate eye twitches. The body produces endogenous cortisol (a steroid) when stressed, which may cause biological warning signs to the body to de-stress. If reducing stress does not alleviate the twitches, your eye doctor can perform a refraction (vision test) and comprehensive eye health exam to see if eye treatment can resolve the problem. Sometimes the solution is relieving eyestrain by updating your glasses. Rarely, a twitch will continue despite these efforts to alleviate triggers. In that case, they can be treated with Botox injections to help stop the muscles in your eyelid from contracting. Eyelid spasms are only considered a medical emergency when the twitch is accompanied by red or swollen eyes, unusual discharge, a drooping eyelid or twitching in other parts of the face. These may be symptoms of a more serious neurological disorder If the twitching persists, talk to your eye doctor to help you treat it. Choose an Appointment with: Dr. Mann Dr. Mikkelsen Dr. Tran Dr. Molina Call (713) 255-8317 Save Valuable Time! Click Here To Fill Out Your Paperwork! Schedule An Appointment Información en Español Contact Lens Center Read Our Reviews Patient Satisfaction Survey Careers Opportunities Follow Us Office Hours Monday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Thursday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday: Closed Testimonials Very pleasant experience. Made appointment online and was taken care of almost immediately. 7 months ago - Dilkopsewa V. Doctor Mann, Is The BEST EVER ! Doctor Mann is Very Compassion,Very very very knowledgeable and take time out to hear Our concerns about Our Vision and etc.Doctor Mann is a Great Access to Communities throughout Texas,He is very well missed and We can’t wait until He return to the office. We Have been miss you Doctor Mann ❤️The staff at the Southmore location is Awesome as well,Keep up the Awesome Teamwork. 8 months ago - Tracey A. Easy to make appointment and you can do the paper work online. It process things very faster when you come in. Very friendly girls that does check in and check out. 9 months ago - Gabriela C. The best Eye Care I have ever recieved. Everyone here is super accomodating and helpful. Staff is super nice and I saved alot of money compared to other places. This is the place to go! 10 months ago - Juan M. After having a horrible experience from another place I came to TSO southmore & they took good care of me. Dr.Mann very professional and nice he was able to give me the correct contact prescription I can see so much better now. Caroline Alex and Sulema were very welcoming and Courteous. I highly recommend TSO Southmore For their excellent service. Thank you so much 10 months ago - G b. I went in for my appointment and everyone here was so nice. Carolynn was very helpful with helping me find some suitable glasses , I appreciated her very much. Dr.Mann was very nice and super patient with finding the correct prescription for eyes.. Definitely 5⭐! 10 months ago - Marixa I was a new patient and I didn’t have an appointment today but I was welcomed as a valued customer. The entire staff was very friendly and professional. Dr. Mann was thorough and answered all of my questions. I will definitely make TSO my go to for my eye exams. I highly recommend TSO. 11 months ago - NORA E. Schedule Appointment Contact Us Careers Home About Us Our Team Services Eyeglasses & Contacts Your Eye Health Insurance Privacy Policy Disclaimer What’s New Find Us Texas State Optical - Located at 825 East Southmore Avenue #821, Pasadena, TX 77502 Phone: 713-473-2020 www.tsosouthmore.com Powered by EyeCarePro.com The materials and articles contained on this website are copyrighted and protected under Title 17 of the United States Code Email Accessibility | Website Accessibility Policy | Login Schedule with Dr. Mann Call (713) 255-8317 Schedule with Dr. Mikkelsen Call (713) 255-8317 Choose an Appointment with: Dr. Mann Dr. Mikkelsen Dr. Tran Dr. Molina Call (713) 255-8317 Schedule with Dr. Molina Call (713) 255-8317
BUCC 2012 : 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora Home Login Register Account Logout Categories CFPs Post a CFP Conf Series My List Timeline My Archive On iPhone On Android 2022 2023 2022+ all posted by user: bucc || 5923 views || tracked by 5 users: [display]bucc, grupocole, anon_ling, marcbertin, sanjrockz [hide] BUCC 2012 : 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora Link: http://hnk.ffzg.hr/5bucc2012 When May 26, 2012 - May 26, 2012 Where Istanbul (co-located with LREC 2012) Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2012 Notification Due Mar 10, 2012 Final Version Due Mar 20, 2012 Categories computational linguistics corpus linguistics linguistics machine translation Call For Papers ============================================================ 5th WORKSHOP ON BUILDING AND USING COMPARABLE CORPORA Language Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains Co-located with LREC 2012 Lütfi Kirdar Istanbul Exhibition and Congress Centre Saturday, 26 May 2012 DEADLINE FOR PAPERS: 15 February 2012 http://hnk.ffzg.hr/5bucc2012 Endorsed by * ACL SIGWAC (Special Interest Group on Web as Corpus) * FLaReNet (Fostering Language Resources Network) ============================================================ MOTIVATION In the language engineering and the linguistics communities, research in comparable corpora has been motivated by two main reasons. In language engineering, it is chiefly motivated by the need to use comparable corpora as training data for statistical NLP applications such as statistical machine translation or cross-lingual retrieval. In linguistics, on the other hand, comparable corpora are of interest in themselves by making possible inter-linguistic discoveries and comparisons. It is generally accepted in both communities that comparable corpora are documents in one or several languages that are comparable in content and form in various degrees and dimensions. We believe that the linguistic definitions and observations related to comparable corpora can improve methods to mine such corpora for applications of statistical NLP. As such, it is of great interest to bring together builders and users of such corpora. The scarcity of parallel corpora has motivated research concerning the use of comparable corpora: pairs of monolingual corpora selected according to the same set of criteria, but in different languages or language varieties. Non-parallel yet comparable corpora overcome the two limitations of parallel corpora, since sources for original, monolingual texts are much more abundant than translated texts. However, because of their nature, mining translations in comparable corpora is much more challenging than in parallel corpora. What constitutes a good comparable corpus, for a given task or per se, also requires specific attention: while the definition of a parallel corpus is fairly straightforward, building a non-parallel corpus requires control over the selection of source texts in both languages. Parallel corpora are a key resource as training data for statistical machine translation, and for building or extending bilingual lexicons and terminologies. However, beyond a few language pairs such as English- French or English-Chinese and a few contexts such as parliamentary debates or legal texts, they remain a scarce resource, despite the creation of automated methods to collect parallel corpora from the Web. To exemplify such issues in a practical setting, this year's special focus will be on Language Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains with the aim of overcoming the shortage of parallel resources when building MT systems for less-resourced languages and domains, particularly by usage of comparable corpora for finding parallel data within and by reaching out for "hidden" parallel data. Lack of sufficient language resources for many language pairs and domains is currently one of the major obstacles in further advancement of machine translation. TOPICS We solicit contributions including but not limited to the following topics: Topics related to the special theme: * comparable corpora use in MT * comparable corpora processing tools/kits for MT * parallel corpora usage * parallel corpora processing tools/platforms * MT for less-resourced languages * MT for less-resourced domains * open source SMT systems (Moses, etc.) * publicly available SMT Building Comparable Corpora: * Human translations * Automatic and semi-automatic methods * Methods to mine parallel and non-parallel corpora from the Web * Tools and criteria to evaluate the comparability of corpora * Parallel vs non-parallel corpora, monolingual corpora * Rare and minority languages * Across language families * Multi-media/multi-modal comparable corpora Applications of comparable corpora: * Human translations * Language learning * Cross-language information retrieval & document categorization * Bilingual projections * Machine translation * Writing assistance Mining from Comparable Corpora: * Extraction of parallel segments or paraphrases from comparable corpora * Extraction of bilingual and multilingual translations of single words and multi-word expressions; proper names, named entities, etc. IMPORTANT DATES (TENTATIVE) 15 February 2012 Deadline for submission of full papers 10 March 2012 Notification of acceptance 20 March 2012 Camera-ready papers due 26 May 2012 Workshop date SUBMISSION INFORMATION Papers should follow the LREC main conference formatting details (to be announced on the conference website http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2012/) and should be submitted as a PDF-file of no more than ten pages via the START workshop manager: https://www.softconf.com/lrec2012/BUCC2012/ Reviewing will be double blind, so the papers should not reveal the authors' identity. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Double submission policy: Parallel submission to other meetings or publications are possible but must be immediately notified to the workshop organizers. When submitting a paper through the START page, authors will be asked to provide information about the resources that have been used for the work described in their paper or are an outcome of their research. For details on this initiative, please refer to http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2012/?LRE-Map-2012. Authors will also be asked to contribute to the Language Library, the new initiative of LREC 2012. For further information, please contact Reinhard Rapp reinhardrapp (at) gmx (dot) de or Marko Tadic marko.tadic (at) ffzg (dot) hr ORGANISERS Reinhard Rapp, Universities of Mainz (Germany)and Leeds (UK) Marko Tadic, University of Zagreb (Croatia) Serge Sharoff, University of Leeds (UK) Andrejs Vasiljevs, Tilde SIA, Riga, Latvia Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI, CNRS, Orsay, and ERTIM, INALCO, Paris (France) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE * Srinivas Bangalore (AT&T Labs, USA) * Caroline Barrière (National Research Council Canada) * Chris Biemann (Microsoft / Powerset, San Francisco, USA) * Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa, Canada) * Hervé Déjean (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, France) * Andreas Eisele (DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany) * Rob Gaizauskas (University of Sheffield, UK) * Éric Gaussier (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France) * Nikos Glaros (ILSP, Athens, Greece) * Gregory Grefenstette (Exalead/Dassault Systemes, Paris, France) * Silvia Hansen-Schirra (University of Mainz, Germany) * Kyo Kageura (University of Tokyo, Japan) * Adam Kilgarriff (Lexical Computing Ltd, UK) * Natalie Kübler (Université Paris Diderot, France) * Philippe Langlais (Université de Montréal, Canada) * Tony McEnery (Lancaster University, UK) * Emmanuel Morin (Université de Nantes, France) * Dragos Stefan Munteanu (Language Weaver Inc., USA) * Lene Offersgaard (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) * Reinhard Rapp (Universities of Mainz, Germany, and Leeds, UK) * Sujith Ravi (Yahoo! Research, Santa Clara, CA, USA) * Serge Sharoff (University of Leeds, UK) * Michel Simard (National Research Council Canada) * Inguna Skadina (Tilde, Riga, Latvia) * Monique Slodzian (INALCO, Paris, France) * Benjamin Tsou (The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China) * Dan Tufis (Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania) * Justin Washtell (University of Leeds, UK) * Oliver Wilson (University of Edinburgh, UK) * Michael Zock (LIF, CNRS Marseille, France) * Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France) Related Resources BUCC 2022 15th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora with Shared Task on Multilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora CLNLP 2022 2022 3rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (CLNLP 2022) CoCo4MT 2022 The First Workshop on Corpus Generation and Corpus Augmentation for Machine Translation EI-ISEEIE 2023 2023 International Symposium on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering(ISEEIE 2023) ICoGB 2023 2023 International Conference on Green Building (ICoGB 2023) AI & FL 2022 10th International Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic ICBSTS 2022 2022 3rd International Conference on Building Science, Technology and Sustainability (ICBSTS 2022) IJCSITY 2022 International Journal of Computational Science and Information Technology Paneled Scaffolding 2023 Paneled Scaffolding: Reflecting on Building and Sustaining Comics Studies Programs, Library Collections, and Journals IEEE DApps - ZKP 2022 IEEE DApps - Special Session “Verifiable Off-Chain Computations using Zero-Knowledge Proofs – A DApp Perspective” About Us | Contact Us | Data | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions Partners: AI2's Semantic Scholar This wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
GW Goes Digital | Warpstone Pile Warpstone Pile The TIGER-FORCE at the core of all things! Menu Skip to content Home Gallery: Aeronautica Imperialis Gallery: Battletech Gallery: Bushido Gallery: Combined Army Gallery: Crimson Fists Gallery: Genestealer Cults Gallery: Heavy Gear Gallery: Kryptboyz Gallery: Masters of the Universe Gallery: Middle-Earth Gallery: Necromunda Gallery: Ogor Mawtribes Gallery: Skaven (Saga: Age of Magic) Gallery: Sons of Behemat Gallery: Warcry Gallery: Warhammer Underworlds Gallery: Yu Jing GW Goes Digital Leave a reply Just spotted that Games Workshop is rolling out digital book releases on iTunes. This should be a Big Deal. I know that, as soon as I picked up an iPad, I loaded it up with FAQ PDFs and, as tablets have caught on, other folks at the club have started doing the same. Doug McN rolls to tournaments with bins of codices for reference, which is a lot of hassle. GW providing electronic reference copies is huge; they turn a 20 lb box that he’s got to wrestle around into a tablet.. And I want those reference copies, legit. Who am I kidding? It is a Big Deal. I’m unhappy with the reality of it, though: For starters, this is all tightly bound to the Apple ecosystem. I’ve decided I’m happy living in it, but not everyone is. If you’re in the Android sphere, at the moment, this does you no good. Also, it’s tough to find what GW’s actually offering. I followed the link in the article, which of course runs into iTunes, and I get one Scroll of Binding by Mat Ward and a couple of books that maybe he contributed to? Clicking through on the Scroll of Binding shows “More by Mat Ward” which turns up the above results. So, I’m not even sure how I’m supposed to find what GW’s offering digital. That makes things difficult. This is probably Apple’s fault, though, since it’s not like iTunes provides all that great a digital shopping experience. I’m not happy with GW shilling Scrolls of Binding for $1, since I’m pretty sure that’s the sort of content I have a White Dwarf subscription for. $1 is totally doable (it’s less than a trip to the vending machine at work), but if they’re going to start putting new rules supplements up here, it’s tough to justify the magazine. (White Dwarf’s value, or lack thereof, as well as its general lack of timeliness has been discussed to death elsewhere. At least my copy of June’s issue showed up before the product it’s shilling for.) Most significantly, this: I get that pricing products digitally vs. physically is not a straightforward, simple equation. I get that the bulk of the costs in generating a book have little to do with the physicality of the book. But damn, I’m just not comfortable with paying the same amount for a digital book I don’t exactly-completely own as I would for a physical print book I unambiguously own that I can resell. (Plus, this is priced at the post-price increase cost, so it currently costs ~$10 more than the print book, which is a particular button for me… but I get that it won’t last, so I can’t let it set me off. Again: the annual price-increase thing’s been talked to death elsewhere; I have nothing to add.) eBook pricing is a complicated, nuanced thing. I get that. But an eBook priced at 100% of the print book cost, particularly at a >$40 price tag is not something I’m willing to invest in. This is making me feel pretty bitter. (Two negative posts effectively in a row? Crap. I need to start posting painted mini pics so I can turn things around!) This entry was posted in Warpstone Pile and tagged Warpstone Pile on 2012-06-02 by Rushputin. Post navigation ← Capitalism! Blog Lists → Search for: Useful Links Warpstone Pile 1:72 vs 28mm Resources Hobby Status Tracker Visibility Arc Templates 40K Black Ops Frostgrave – The Confluence Bolt Action WWI Rules Image Galleries Aeronautica Imperialis Age of Sigmar Kryptboyz Ogor Mawtribes Sons of Behemat Warcry Warhammer Underworlds Battletech Bushido Heavy Gear Infinity Combined Army Yu Jing Masters of the Universe Middle-Earth Necromunda Skaven (Saga: Age of Magic) Warhammer 40K Crimson Fists Genestealer Cults Recent Posts It Came from the Lightbox: Mirkwood Elves It Came from the Lightbox: Grashrak’s Despoilers Stormcast Test Model NOVA Open 2022 It Came from the Lightbox: Bladeborn Archives ▼ 2022 ▼ September It Came from the Lightbox: Mirkwood Elves It Came from the Lightbox: Grashrak’s Despoilers Stormcast Test Model NOVA Open 2022 ▼ August It Came from the Lightbox: Bladeborn Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Assorted Stuff It Came from the Lightbox: Chaos Dwarfs ▼ July Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: The Fellowship It Came from the Lightbox: MOTU Battlegrounds Terrain Battlegrounds Terrain ▼ June Magnet Cheat Sheet Workbench Blogger, I just don't know It Came from the Lightbox: Evil Warriors It Came from the Lightbox: Masters of the Universe It Came from the Lightbox: Battletech Workbench ▼ May Workbench Workbench Genestealer Enforcers – Cult Agents Bike Windshield Genestealer Enforcers - Hybrid Metamorphs Genestealer Enforcers - Acolyte Hybrids Workbench Workbench ▼ April Workbench Genestealer Enforcers Cult Agents Genestealer Enforcers Progress Genestealer Enforcer Progress Weekend Workbench ▼ March Weekend Workbench WIP Genestealer Enforcers Reformatting Kill Team 21 List Rules ▼ February Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Ven Densts It Came from the Lightbox: Ogres and Gotrek Workbench It’s me Palette Cleansing? ▼ January It Came from the Lightbox: More Kryptboyz Weekend Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Lots of Battletech Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Battlefleet Gothic 2021 Year in Review ► 2021 ► December Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Aeronautica Imperialis It Came from the Lightbox: More Battletech Workbench ► November Adeptus Titanicus Dice Tray Monsterpocalypse Storage It Came from the Lightbox: More Kryptboyz Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Battletech 600 Days of Pandemic Hobby Weekend Workbench ► October Workbench Workbench ► September It Came from the Lightbox: Sons of Behemat It Came from the Lightbox: Kryptboyz Workbench Workbench Workbench ► August Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Bushido Minimoto Off Facebook Workbench No New Minis July - Failed ► July Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Monsters It Came from the Lightbox: Heavy Gear CNCS Workbench Workbench Workbench No New Minis July ► June Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Morats / OP@Home Painting Challenge Saga Dice Holder Workbench Workbench Workbench ► May Workbench Workbench ► April Workbench Workbench ► March Workbench Workbench ► February Workbench Testbench Workbench ► January Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench Few Assorted Aeronautica Imperialis Thoughts Workbench Workbench Workbench 2020 Year in Review ► 2020 ► December It Came from the Lightbox: Aeronautica Imperialis Workbench What am I doing? Workbench Workbench About a Year of 3D Printing Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: More Genestealer Cults & Necromunda It Came from the Lightbox: More Saga Skaven Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench ► November Workbench Workbench Workbench Workbench ► October Workbench Workbench Workbench Staycation Painting Workbench Workbench ► September Workbench Halfway There Workbench Six Months of the ‘Rona Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: More Crimson Fists It Came from the Lightbox: Goliath Backup It Came from the Lightbox: Wolf Clan I don't care what it's like outside, go ahead and prime your minis Workbench Challenge: No New Minis September ► August Weekend Workbench Weekend Workbench Staycation Progress Hump Day Progress Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Fist the First ► July Workbench Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Necromunda Enforcers ► June Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Saga Skaven Learn from my mistakes! Necromunda Zone Mortalis Workbench It Came from the Lightbox: Ogre Kingdoms Quarantine Progress ► May It Came from the Lightbox: Combined Army ► April Workbench Workbench ► March Workbench Nesting Infinity N3 Silhouettes Workbench Workbench Patches Self-Portrait It Came from the Lightbox: Malifaux Arcanists 2019 Year in Review Workbench ► February It Came from the Lightbox: WarCry ► January It Came from the Lightbox: Bushido Minimoto ► 2019 ► May It Came from the Lightbox: Genestealer Cults It Came from the Lightbox: Monsterpocalypse Weekend Workbench ► April When in doubt... WIP it out 10 Year Anniversary ► March Monsterpocalypse - Planet Eaters Weekend Workbench 2018 Year in Review ► January The Old Dominion Disagreement ► 2018 ► November It Came from the Lightbox: Nomads & Mercenaries It Came from the Lightbox: ISS It Came from the Lightbox: Shadespire Terrain It Came from the Lightbox: Adeptus Titanicus Thursday Workbench ► October Infinity - Line of Fire NOCF Dark Age St. Isaac Raffle Wednesday Workbench It Came from the Lightbox - ALEPH ► September Adeptus Titanicus - Pretty Much Done Adeptus Titanicus WIP ► August Weekend Workbench ► June It Came from the Lightbox: McMurrough & St Isaac ► April It Came from the Lightbox – Nomads & StarCo It Came from the Lightbox - Yu Jing ► March On Making MetaChemistry or Booty Tokens Tuesday Workbench NOCF Saga Raffle Live! It Came from the Lightbox - Shadespire Skaven Weekend Workbench Workbench Huzzah Hobbies Inaugural Infinity Tournament Wednesday Workbench On Making Tokens ► February Weekend Workbench ► January Weekend Workbench Infinity Tournament at Huzzah Hobbies - Feb 3 It Came from the Lightbox - Necromunda Goliaths Weekend Workbench (Part 2) Weekend Workbench Lo Pan's Noodle Hut Signage 2017 Year in Review ► 2017 ► December Thursday Night Shadespire Tournament Xi Guan Progress ► November Weekend Workbench Damage Assessment Baltimore Brawl IV It came from the lightbox: Shadespire Sepulchral Guard It came from the lightbox: Shadespire Ironjaws Weekend Workbench ► October It came from the lightbox: Dark Age Forsaken It came from the lightbox: Shadespire Shadespire - First Impressions 1:72 vs. 28mm Miniatures Weekend Workbench Painting Dark Age Weekend Workbench Weekend Workbench ► September Weekend Workbench 40K 8E - First Game NOVA Open 2017 Slow posting ► August NOVA Open 2017 Inbound Infinity at NOVA Notes Weekend Workbench DCC Dark Sun Magic DCC Neogi & Umber Hulk ► July Historicon 2017 ► June It came from the Lightbox: More Nomads Workbench It came from the Lightbox: Infinity Nomads Infinity - Alexandria 3 Rounder Some painted Bones ► May Weekend Workbench Workbench ► April Stupid Persona 5 Saga Aetius & Arthur first impression Paintin' more bases ► March Painting Machine Need to paint more bases Weekend Workbench Weekend Workbench Frostgrave Melee Weekend Workbench ► February Building a Frostgrave Warband Terrain & Mat Base color scheme Weekend Workbench Flames of War - WWII Tutorial - How I Paint Faces ► January Staycation Painting ► 2016 ► December 2016 Year in Review Demogorgon 40K Black Ops - Models 40K Black Ops - Rules 40K Black Ops - Overview ► September Arnhem, September 18 1944 Frostgrave - Well of Dreams and Sorrows and Horrible Death 1/72 Red Devils - done for now Wednesday Workbench #SkinnyDamnAnkles NOVA 2016 ► August Frostgrave - Campaign! Frostgravin' It Up Wrath of Kings - Goritsi Disaster Strikes! Wednesday Workbench Ravenscar Mercenaries Frostgrave Cultists NOVA Open 2016 Approaching Green! - Frostgrave Cultists, Veer-myn ► July Deadzone Strike Teams Historicon 2016 Huzzah Hobbies Flames of War Great War Tournament ► June 1/72 Red Devil Test Model Bolt Action – Alternate Indirect Fire Rules Flames of War - Great War - German Empire A7Vs Just About Finished Wednesday Workbench ► May Flames of War - Great War Progress Workbench Snapshot(s) ► April Stuarts - Completed Stuart WIPs ► March Ugh, Tank Platoons Truck WIPs Light Arch Bolt Action WWI Rules Sandbagging ► February The Dreadcoats are coming! The Dreadcoats are coming! "Long sobs of autumn violins..." Remember the Alamo! John Basilone Amiens, Aug 8, 1918 ► January 2015 Year in Review Day of Days ► 2015 ► December Kind of Sick of this Scale ► November Bolt Action - Alternate Mortar Rules Fall In! Amiens, Aug 8, 1918 Hobby Status - October ► October Cars, Trucks Faces ► September Wednesday Workbench WWI German Infantry Wrath of Kings Workbench Wednesday - Hobby Room Semi-random Gaming Capital Palette 2015 Age of Sigmar - Thoughts & Tournament Results NOVA 2015 ► August Apoxie Sculpt - Wrath of Kings bases What to do at NoVA? ► July Infinity Nomads Historicon 2015 Age of Sigmar - Initial Response ► May All Stars are Lawful ► February WFRP: Temperamental XP ► January Tauran Space Marine The Ekkeko-Supay Disk 2014 Year in Review ► 2014 ► December A very specific form of not particularly famous To Infinity... almost ► November Wednesday Workbench Deadzone Terrain Not Dead! ► August NOVA 2014 Inbound! Workbench Wednesday ► July Historicon 2014 Khorne-versions Workbench Wednesday Too Much To Do, No Time To Do It Soul Grinder WIP Workbench Tuesday ► May Saga Ghost Romans Wednesday Workbench ► April Wednesday Workbench Workbench Wednesday ► March Wednesday Workbench Converting D&D Stat Blocks to WFRP 2E Deadzone - Rebs Booster Deadzone - Rebs ► February Wednesday Workbench Frank Underwood: WAAC Wednesday Workbench White Dwarf & Visions Wednesday Workbench ► January Rogue Trader - Random NPC Crew Generator Wednesday Workbench Wednesday Workbench Hell Dorado's Here! Deadzone - Plague ► 2013 ► December 2013 Year in Review Norman Archer Levies Norman Warlord Deadzone - Arrived Norman Warband - Fully Painted Wyrmgear & Pathfinder Red Dragon Dragon Bones ► November Wednesday Workbench XKCD Substitution ► October Norman Cavalry Norman Crossbowmen, Flemish Mercenaries SAGA - Rambling Wednesday Workbench ► September Weekend Workbench NoVA Open 2013 - 3 - The Games The Stanktini Medieval Man-at-Arms NoVA Open 2013 – 2 – Photodump NoVA Open 2013 - 1 - Overview ► August Tectonic Craft Studios at NoVA Open Workbench Snapshot Marker Drones Herald of Devastation Cheat Sheets ► July Wednesday Workbench Historicon 2013 Historicon / NOVA Open Strategic Asset Cards :facepalm: ► June Whew! Getting Rid of Google - Progress Report Wednesday Workbench / Tau! Where's my stuff? ► May Wednesday(ish) Workbench Wednesday Workbench Sammael & Ravenwing Librarian ► April OPINION TIME! (Second time) OPINION TIME! Don't enable Google+ Commenting True Facts about the Naked Mole Rat Wednesday Workbench Wednesday Workbench ► March Rats for the Cure 2013 Kickstaller Where I'm at with 40K If you see something, save something! Switched to WordPress! Responding to Google Reader's Immanent Shut-Down Wednesday Workbench Complicating the Simple: Replacing the WFRP 2E Career Progression ► February Wednesday Workbench WFRP 2E Winds of Magic Table(s) Free RPG Day Hexcrawl Entries Wednesday Workbench Brood Horror! Leviathan Crusader! Wednesday Workbench Wolf Rats Wednesday Workbench ► January Wednesday Workbench More Paint-Matching LIES Wednesday Workbench Big Mek & Da Boyz Hammer in the New Year So, I ran Death Frost Doom the other day... Wednesday Workbench 2012 Year In Review ▼ 2012 ▼ November Ork Warbuggies - Part 2 Ork Warbuggies - Part 1 Am I a Proper Wargamer? 40K Movement Trays (?) Nob Bikers Quiet but Busy / Quietly Busy ▼ September ORKS Building an O&G List NoVA Open 2012 - Part 3 - Retrospective NoVA Open 2012 - Part 2 - Game Reports NoVA Open 2012 - Part 1 - Overview ▼ August Why I Won't Double-Vampire VT Horkie Salzenmund Apophaſiſ - Prologue Part I 1650 Kickstarter Hobby Doldrums d10Commandments Hunger During the Thirty Years War On GW Stores ▼ July Games Day Golden Daemon Photodump Games Day! Games Day Chicago 2012 DC Geeks 20120714 CGL RTT Flames! Flames on the side of your face! A Demigryph, FINALLY! Salzenmund Character Creation Notes The Salzenmund Apophaſiſ First Stab at some 6E Lists ▼ June The biggest change in 6E New Edition - Acquired! On Battlefoam's Customer Service - Results Firearms Harkenwold: Reaved Mantic Kickstarter Warhammer 40,006! "Do you the Devil's work" Adventure Log The Metamorphica is neat! Empire Helper Cards G+ Return of the Image Dump Positivity vs. Negativity Inspiration Reavers of Harkenwold On Battlefoam's Customer Service Grognards Zweihänder Update Feed Moving from Tumblr Blog Lists GW Goes Digital ▼ May Capitalism! Rushputin vs. The New Citadel Paints Some hobby catch-up Mounted Warrior Priest of Manann Empire, after several games... ▼ April New Empire Draft List Warpstone Pile - 3 Years Old! ▼ March Shillin' Like a Villain Madicon 20120316 Status Update Old Stuff Day ▼ February Another Priest of Mannan Four Things I'm Doing Bloodletter Battlefoam Tray Painted Halberdiers (Finally) Konrad Longshank & Albrecht Painting Progress(?) - 20120207 ▼ January Arch Lector of Manann More Progress Super-busy Fimir Balefiend - Complete Fimir Balefiend - WIP 2011 Year in Review ► 2011 ► December The Doldrums of Magic Storm of Magic Test Game The Big Build Progresses Nordland Test Model FwoshfwoshfwoshweeeeeeeBOOMBOOMBOOM Empire Test Game Marienburg Test Model ► November What's Next Arcane Fulcra! More HDR Necron Test Model Gremlins, Batch 2 Necron Test-Run Gremlins WIP The Worst Thing You Can Do at the Table ► October More with HDR Adventures with HDR What's wrong with the Ratwyrm? Ratwyrm! Finished! Tremble, man-things! Ratwyrm WIP Painting Progress - 20111009 Lopsided Rear Ranks ► September Buy My Stuff! Battle of Blob's Park Blow-by-Blow Warlock Engineer - Ruby Ring of Ruin Battle at Blob's Park - Overview Flinging Poo Blob's Park! Blood Horrors! Wizarding Hat! Hell Dorado - Painted Minis Hell Dorado 40K Tournament ► August What's Next? NoVA Blow-by-Blow NoVA Overview RATPUTIN RAMPAGES What to enter? NoVA vs The Storm NoVA Prep Status Display Board Update Display Board WIP Internet Pseudo-Famous In the Final Stretch! Display Case Forge World Skaven Painting Progress - 20110809 ► July "Let's Have a Tournament" Tournament Most Ostentatious Turn Counter Ever Painting! Painting Progress 20110708 ► June Painting Progress 20110625 W: Empire Advice Unloading Warmachine / Hordes! C'mon, really? Finished - Plague Furnace Skaven Display Board Planning ► May Painting Progress - 20110531 Rushputin vs. Finecast They make a cream for that... Clash for the Cure - Results Clash for the Cure! Hellpit Abomination, Part 4 Painting Progress - 20110513 Hobby Status 20110502 ► April The Great Skaven Push Pics from the Lightbox Unit Fillers! Catching Up Rats for the Cure ► March Clash for the Cure - High Elf Hey, it's been a while! Chicago Games Day Request Flamers of Khorne! Flamers of Khorne - WIP ► February Painting Progress - 20110228 Unit Filler Warlord on a War-Litter Painting Progress - 20110209 ► January Painting Progress - 20110120 Thinking about Lists Bitz Suggestion? Dreadstone Blight Uniforms & Heraldry of the Skaven - Followup Uniforms & Heraldry of the Skaven Painting Progress - 20110112 2010 Year in Review Hobby Status Spreadsheet! Painting Progress - 20110102 ► 2010 ► December Painting Progress - 20101228 NEW SKAVEN MODELS Rort, the Tomeripper Paintification Progress - 20101214 Not Dead Yet ► November Skaven Minis Painting Progress - 20101120 Painting Progress - 20101108 Verdigris - Honored Imperium Adventures into Verdigris ► October Chariots of Khorne Chariot of Khorne WIP Tracking Hobby Data Escalation League! Painting Progress - 20101013 What I'm Running with Skaven Hobby Status - 20101007 Hobby Blog Bankruptcy ► September Hobby Progress - 20100922 A Few Games of 40K Hobby Status - 20100910 ► August Random Update Skaven Number Crunching Cavern Table Games Day 2010 - Loot Games Day 2010 - Rapid Fire Games Day 2010 - Golden Daemon Rapid Fire - Games Day 2010 New Approach to Skaven NoVA Open-ish Painting Progress - 20100811 Random Topics ► July Painting Progress - 20100729 Battlefoam! W00t! IFL 3rd Quarter RTT & AAR WHFB 8th FAQ Further Skaven thoughts Web Presence Meta-blogging Skaven Warlord Warhammer 8th Updated FAQs Painting Progress - 20100714 Skaven List ► June Warhammer 8th Ed Game Dawn Power Dissolver Painting Progress - 20100626 Painting Progress - 20100621 Feedback Wanted: Chariot of Khorne Goodbye, NoVA Open Did some gaming Hatin' Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th Assorted, brief topics Painting Progress - 20100610 Battlefoam Painting Progress - 20100602 ► May Malifaux Card - Lamination Miniature Transport and Storage Blogger and Picasa Weekend Accomplishments New Daemon Models Spotted! Tuesday Gaming 'Ard Boyz 2010 - Preliminaries Daemon Lists Better, Faster, Cheaper State of the (Future) Greater Good I think that was the last straw 'Ard Boyz Practice Game What's next Sternguard Veterans - 10/10 Hell has frozen over! First Stab a Tau Lists Considering the Greater Good Revising the Dark Angels? Sternguard Veterans - 7/10 'Ard Boyz 2010 ► April Demo Lists Bloodthirster vs. Daemon Prince Sternguard Veterans - 3/10 Painting Progress - 20100425 6/19 - 40K ForgeWorld-Friendly Tournament IFL 2nd Quarter RTT Khornate Daemon Display Board Painting Progress - 201000412 Sweeping Generalization Stripping Minis with a Jewelry Cleaner - Failure Display Board WIP 1 Year Old! Got My Game On ► March Painting Progress - 20100329 Ecumenical Khorne - Slaanesh Ecumenical Khorne - Tzeentch New Tau Suits!? Oh Bother Ecumenical Khorne - Nurgle Ecumenical Khorne - HQ, Heavy Support Ecumenical Khorne Short-term Goals Battle for the Cure! New Look! Painting Progress - 20100318 Painting Progress - 20100311 40K Skirmishing Skaven FAQ War of the Ring Microposts ► February Running the Numbers Shrinking the List Painting Progress - 20100224 Bits Suggestions Painting Progress - 20100217 Boobthirster - Greater Daemon of Khorne Khornate Daemon Lists Painting Progress - 20100209 Painting Progress - 20100207 Battle for the Cure Daemonhunters vs. Daemons Doom of Malantai Debate ► January Painting Progress - 20100128 Rapid Fire 2010 Results In case you were wondering? Rapid Fire This Weekend! Painting Progress - 20100118 Opinions Wanted! Hobby Status Painting Progress - 20100111 Bloodless Bloodletter Painting How-To Painting Progress - 20100107 2009 -> 2010 Video vs. Writing ► 2009 ► December Painting Progress - 20091229 Maximum Khornage - Status, Goals Bloodletter Test Model - Opinions Wanted Painting Progress - 20091210 Rapid Fire 2010 Clan Moulder Painting Progress - 20091201 FYI ► November Bonebreaker Rat Ogre & Look Out Sir! Decision... Painting Progress - 20091116 vs. Wood Elves New Skaven Lists Dragon Wars Hell Pit Abomination, Part 3 Hell Pit Abomination, Part 2 ► October Hell Pit Abomination, Part 1 Painting Progress - 20091027 Kroot Hounds Number Seven Skaven & D&D Minis Warlock Engineer Warlord & Rat Ogre Dragon Wars Hellpit Abomination Rushputin vs. Army Builder 20091013 Painting WIPs. Alternate Approaches to Scenarios Battle Report Utility Ratputin Triumphant Ratputin Returns ► September For Whom the Bell Tolls Planning for the Enemy Therians: The Future of Mankind Genestealer Color Scheme Arch-Plaguelord Nurglitch Plague Rats More Red Blok Thoughts Rumor Roundup The (Bubonic) Court Is in Session Pustulent Rat Spawn Hell Dorado Licensed Making Sausage The Stinking Things Progress - 20090901 ► August Red Block List - First Cut Painting Progress - 20090826 Space Commies (Not Tau) Going to the Library Space Hulk Hell Dorado Mid-August Update ► July Maximum Khornage! Painting Progress - 20090726 Daemon Prince of Khorne Painting Progress - 20090715 Apocalypse First Turn Deployment Thoughts Review: Avatars of War Netherhound Returning to 40K Painting Progress - 20090706 ► June Textured Plasticard Bases Painting Progress - 20090615 Painting Progress - 20090601 ► May Painting Progress - 20090526 Painting Progress - 20090518 Games Day Baltimore 2009! Painting Progress - 20090511 Khornate Daemons Haradrim Cave Troll WIP ► April War of the Ring Escalation League Rules Painting Progress - 20090426 War of the Ring: Army Status Neologism: Skirmish of the Rings Painting Progress - 20090420 Red Blok Party Ow! First LotR and AI Games Painting Progress - 20090414 Painting Progress - 20090407 War of the Ring Painting Progress - 20090404 Battle Company Obligatory Introductory Post Where I Roll Huzzah Hobbies Tags Aeronautica Imperialis Age of Sigmar Allegedly Helpful Army Lists AT-43 Battle for the Cure battle report Bolt Action D&D Dark Angels Deadzone Empire Frostgrave Games Day gaming Genestealer Enforcers Harad Hell Dorado historicals hobby hobby status Infinity Khornate Daemons Kickstarter Lord of the Rings Malifaux meta-blogging Normans Orks Red Blok review Saga Salzenmund Shadespire Skaven Storm of Magic Tau Empire terrain tournaments Warhammer Warhammer 40K war of the ring Warpstone Pile WFRP year in review Proudly powered by WordPress & Blocomo
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Danish Trade Minister Apologizes For Using Bogus Industry Numbers To Support Pro-ACTA Argument from the wow dept One of the things we've noted for years is how the debate over copyright issues is dominated by (often questionable) numbers put out by the copyright industries themselves. They get especially questionable when it comes to talking about infringement and the impact of infringement... and apparently some folks are finally calling out those who blindly repeat questionable numbers. Over in Denmark, where the battle over copyright and ACTA has been pretty fierce (Denmark has been one of the strongest ACTA supporters), a group of supporters have been called out for their bogus industry numbers... and (amazingly) they're now confessing that they used misleading numbers (and even admitting that this weakens their argument for ACTA). You can see both the Danish Trade Minister and the head of a Danish music rights organization (and famous Danish musician) Ivan Pedersen appear on a TV show below (with English subtitles). On the show, a well-informed presenter focuses on how both of these ACTA defenders claimed that 95% of music downloaded in Denmark was unauthorized, and carefully shows how that's simply false -- and then gets both of the ACTA defenders to admit that the numbers were wrong What really appears to have happened is that the head of the rights organization used the (already questionable) IFPI report from three years ago that 95% of all music downloads were unauthorized. That number was widely attacked at the time, but even more important, that was a global number, not a Danish specific one. Furthermore, a lot has changed in three years. The TV presenter highlights a variety of research reports that show that actual infringement is almost certainlyand potentially much lower. And much of the reason why the number is low... is the rise of authorized services.In other words: why are these people focusing on ACTA? Whatis innovation and offering more legitimate services.And that's actually really important, because it wasn't stricter laws that made such things happen: it was the rise ofandauthorized services that effectively competed with the infringing offerings. If anything, those updated stats should raise even more questions about why new laws are needed. Instead, we should be asking why the legacy entertainment industry continues to make it difficult for new authorized services to get off the ground -- holding them hostage with ridiculous licensing demands, as well as demands for huge equity chunks. If they let innovation flow and authorized services grow, it seems like "infringement" as a problem would shrink tremendously.It's nice to see these two pro-ACTA folks admit that they were wrong -- and even admit that it weakens their arguments, but both still argue for ACTA. They sort of brush off the wrong figure while both admitting that it was "given" to them by normally trustworthy sources. Of course, this really raises significant questions about how much they reallywhat's going on vs. how much they're simply repeating the talking points handed to them by legacy entertainment industry conglomerates.But, still, they can't back down on their support of ACTA. Pedersen says it's still needed because of "dramatic" amounts of infringement, while the Trade Minister is even more aggressive in claiming that ACTA is still needed. She says "it's unfortunate" that she had bad information and it's "a pity" that the 95% number isbecause now it makes her argument look bad. That it does. But she's not willing to let go or rethink her position. She immediately jumps into the ridiculous comparison of how it's "just like" the fact that "you may not steal an orange in the supermarket." The second anyone (especially a politician) argues that making a copy of a file is the same thing as physically stealing an object from a store, it shows that they have no business taking part in such a debate, because they clearly don't understand the issues at play. She then insists that no matter what the percentage of unauthorized downloads "it's still too many." If that's the case, then why even bring up the bogus 95% issue in the first place? And ifpercentage is "too many" does she support shutting off the internet? Because that's the only way you stop all unauthorized downloads (though it won't stop infringement through other means). Bizarrely, after all this, when the TV presenter confronts her about the numbers again, she says "we need to have real numbers" in the debate, and that's "very important." Indeed. Kind of tragic that she didn't bother to actually bring any to the debate, isn't it? Filed Under: acta, bogus stats, denmark, ivan pedersen
Gary Johnson's shadow There’s fresh polling data out of New Mexico, where the presidential race appears to have tightened and there are signs that the state’s former GOP Gov. Gary Johnson could have an effect on the outcome in November. While President Obama has held a double digit lead in most New Mexico polls to date, the latest Public Policy Polling automated survey reports that Mitt Romney has closed to within 5 points, 49 percent to 44 percent. But that’s when just Obama and Romney are tested. When the Democratic polling firm places Johnson in the mix, Obama’s lead shrinks to 42-38, with Johnson drawing 13 percent. The crosstabs show Johnson, the Libertarian Party nominee, takes a bite out of Romney’s hide in a three-way matchup, but also does damage to Obama as well because he picks up 24 percent of the independent/other vote. When pitted against Romney alone, Obama takes 47 percent of the independent/other vote. With Johnson in the matchup, Obama takes just 34 percent. Johnson’s numbers, however, aren’t necessarily stellar — he’s down 10 points from December, when another PPP poll had him at 23 percent. And his favorability rating is upside down at 39 percent favorable and 40 percent unfavorable. It’s worth noting that Johnson’s numbers could continue to be fluid. Third-party candidates tend to fade in the polls over time, but Johnson, as a former two-term governor, is no ordinary third-party candidate.
Weeks after missiles overflew Japanese island, officials produce comic advising residents what to do in event of test launch Schoolchildren take cover beneath their desks, while a farmer jumps out of his tractor and crouches face down in a field. Off the coast, the crew of a fishing boat hide behind their vessel’s wheelhouse. The characters are fictional, but they are playing out a scenario that in recent months has become frighteningly real: a North Korean missile strike. Weeks after two ballistic missiles overflew their island, authorities in Hokkaido have married geopolitical anxiety with Japan’s love of comic books to produce a short manga advising millions of residents what to do in the event of a test launch, or worse, an attack. The manga opens with depictions of everyday scenes: a woman out for a run, a man in a suit leaving for work, and a farmer tilling his fields. Moments later, a girl is jolted awake by a smartphone alarm warning of a missile launch, while a TV anchor instructs residents to seek shelter. The centre panel shows a North Korean missile blasting off at the start of a flight that will take it east across the sea towards Hokkaido. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photograph: Hokkaido prefecture The four-page survival guide, created by manga artist Manabu Yamamoto, uses a small cast of characters to explain what Hokkaido’s 5.5 million residents should do when they first learn of a missile launch. It advises residents to take cover in sturdy buildings or underground, or, less helpfully, perhaps, to lie face down or cover their heads with their forearms or a cushion. Hokkaido, a sparsely populated, largely rural region in Japan’s far north, probably ranks low on Pyongyang’s list of targets. But Japan has reason to be concerned about the threat, by accident or design, from the regime’s recent volley of missiles. North Korea first fired a long-range missile over Japanese territory in 1998, but under the current leader, Kim Jong-un, the number of test launches has risen dramatically. In August, a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range missile was sent over Hokkaido, triggering an early-morning test alert. In mid-September, more alerts and sirens were triggered on the island with the launch of a missile that flew further than any tested by the regime to date. A day earlier, North Korea had warned that it would “sink” Japan in retaliation for its support of the US in spearheading tough new UN security council sanctions. “The four islands of the [Japanese] archipelago should be sunken into the sea,” a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency said. “Japan is no longer needed to exist near us.” The colourful manga, titled In Case Missiles Fly Over, was published this month after Hokkaido residents complained that official advice on what to do in the event of a missile attack was confusing. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photograph: Hokkaido prefecture The short distance between the two countries means people have less than 10 minutes to follow official instructions. During recent missile launches, many residents, unsure of how to react, said they had simply carried on as normal. “We decided to release the manga after hearing from residents that the current manual is hard to understand,” Kiyomi Tanabe, a Hokkaido official, told AFP. The local government has posted the manga on its website and sent electronic versions to schools and other public bodies to print and distribute. Japan was bracing for more missile launches earlier this month, when North Korea marked the 72nd anniversary of the ruling Workers’ party. The anniversary passed without incident, but there is speculation that the regime could be preparing to launch a missile in response to joint US-South Korean military drills in waters east of the Korean peninsula, or to coincide with Donald Trump’s five-nation visit to Asia, which begins in Japan on 5 November.
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Five days of fierce rebel-on-rebel infighting in insurgent-controlled towns in northern Syria, involving al Qaeda groups taking opposing sides, has prompted an intense debate between jihadist religious scholars about who is in the right—but the signs are that al Qaeda’s top leaders may be content to see rival affiliates fight each other as a way to re-assert their own authority over a wayward jihadist leader who has been defying them. The internecine warfare that erupted over the weekend between rebel groups stems from long-simmering rivalry between brigades affiliated to the Western-backed Free Syrian Army and al Qaeda affiliate the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS), which in recent months has conducted a campaign of targeted abductions and assassinations of leading moderate rebels. In December, ISIS, an affiliate analysts estimate numbers up to 15,000 mainly foreign jihadists, overstepped the mark as far as moderate rebels were concerned when its fighters assassinated one of their commanders, Ammar al-Wawi, prompting outrage in insurgent circles. That outrage only intensified when, over the New Year, ISIS—led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—brutally killed Dr. Hussein al-Suleiman, the leader of Ahrar al-Sham, one of the country’s biggest rebel groups. Ahrar al-Sham is a member of the Islamic Front, an alliance of hardline Islamist brigades that broke in the autumn with the FSA. It shares some jihadist ideology and has close ties with al Qaeda’s other affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra. That killing—Suleiman was tortured before he was slain and photographs of his disfigured body were posted online—set the stage for the current rebel infighting, with equally furious Islamists and moderates banding together to take on ISIS and to demand the affiliate disband and its fighters integrate with other brigades. The decision by al Qaeda’s smaller affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra, which has had its own long-running disputes with the ambitious ISIS leader, to side against their fellow jihadists in fighting this week has prompted sharp debate among jihadi religious scholars. Some rebels have greeted the clashes as the start of a “second revolution,” one that will see al Qaeda’s overall influence in northern Syria sharply diminished and ISIS curtailed. Certainly ISIS has been put on the back foot. In recent days clashes have left nearly 300 fighters dead, a hundred of them jihadists. Al-Baghdadi’s affiliate has had to withdraw from its stronghold of Raqqa in northeastern Syria, a city al-Baghdadi planned to be the capital of a Levant caliphate ruled over by him as “Emir of the Believers.” And ISIS has been forced out of Aleppo, Syria’s onetime commercial hub. “There are hardly any ISIS members left in the city,” according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based pro-opposition group that relies on local activists for its information. The ISIS response has been bloody. Activists say ISIS carried out a suicide car bombing in the northern town of Darkoush this week, killing at least 17 rebel fighters. And they accuse the group of executing as many as 50 detainees held in Aleppo—possibly abducted journalists and relief workers among them. But while al-Baghdadi’s initial response is in keeping with a jihadist leader whose mentor was Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant who was rebuked by core al Qaeda’s then deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri in 2005 for excessive extremism in Iraq, it strikes some analysts as restrained compared to what could have been launched. “ISIS’s offensive reaction has so far been relatively minimal, at least in terms of what it is potentially capable,” argues Charles Lister, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar. In some towns, ISIS fighters have withdrawn without resistance and the comparative restraint suggests to some al Qaeda watchers there are limits to how far al-Baghdadi will push a confrontation in which he is heavily outnumbered. There are also signs a ceasefire will be brokered in the coming days, probably at the expense of al-Baghdadi. The head of al-Nusra, Abu Mohamed al-Jolani, announced on Monday an initiative to end the fighting, including a “ceasefire” and the establishment of an independent Islamic committee to serve as a mediator. “This unfortunate situation pushed us to launch an initiative to solve the situation,” Jolani said. “It consists of forming a committee based on Islamic law and composed of the key brigades,” he said, calling on all rebel fighters “to give priority to the fight against the regime.” Like his mentor, al-Baghdadi has brushed off advice and instructions from al Qaeda’s top leadership. In June, he refused an order from al-Zawahiri to cease efforts to force al-Nusra to merge with ISIS and to return to Iraq. Since then, top jihadi religious scholars have weighed in about al-Baghdadi. Sheikh Abu Qatada al-Filastini, a Jordanian whom Britain deported to Jordan this summer, wrote from his prison cell in Amman criticizing al-Baghdadi for being power hungry. Another Jordanian Sheikh, Omar Mahdi Zidan, defended the ISIS leader, arguing the mujahedeen are entitled to exercise their own judgment and to choose which commanders they want to follow. Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, also currently imprisoned in Jordan and—according to the Washington DC-based Middle East Media Research Institute—the most senior jihadist ideologue, has bewailed the al Qaeda disputes in Syria and in an implied condemnation of al-Baghdadi, has ruled local Syrian commanders should be favored over outsiders. Religious scholars aside, al-Baghdadi appears to have caused deep offense to core al Qaeda by describing himself as “Emir of All Believers,” implying that he is the regional emir when al-Zawahiri has already appointed one—Aleppo-born Abu Khalid al-Suri, an al Qaeda veteran, who also has close ties as well with Islamic Front and plays a central role in Ahrar al-Sham. Al-Nusra’s siding against ISIS in the infighting “is a clear message to al-Baghdadi,” argues Thomas Joscelyn, an al Qaeda watcher for the U.S.-based think tank, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. “The message is, ‘Don’t think you will rise to be the regional emir.’ Al Qaeda proper is trying to make sure al-Baghdadi does not overstep his bounds.” Joscelyn says al Qaeda’s top leadership is determined not to go down the same path as it did in Iraq when it lost control of al-Baghdadi’s mentor. “They don’t want al-Baghdadi and the guys who are the most psychopathic within the jihadist sphere to control events in Syria and damage their cause.” Does that mean a formal split is underway? Joscelyn argues not, maintaining that judging by its modus operandi elsewhere—in sub-Saharan Africa and in Somalia—al Qaeda’s top leadership “wants to maintain influence in different factions in different ways and they want to have different brands to market to Gulf donors.”
7 Painted Feather Way, Las Vegas, NV, 89135 Art + Architecture Las Vegas Marmol Radziner, Architect James Turrell, Artist If one only relied on Lao Tzu's claim “The excellence of a dwelling is in its site,” all would be said in regard to this Residence. The site at The Ridges (former Howard Hughes property) is a front line promontory affording arguably the best panoramic view of the Strip, desert, and mountains in Las Vegas. And then there are the gardens: carefully landscaped with a desert palette, but functional with greensward, fruit trees, herb garden and specimen plantings, each selected to be draught tolerant and environmentally compatible. Yet this is just the setting for a dialogue of serious works of art, architecture, and landscape which as a piece affords a most comfortable and sophisticated lifestyle - a lifestyle which clearly re-defines, on a more conscious level, the meaning of residential luxury in the desert. The personal daily interaction with the art and architecture is elevating. Carefully planned indoor-outdoor relations of the architecture bring a close connection to sustaining nature. Subtle trails invite one into the gardens, while a morning or evening respite within Turrell's ever changing art forces a continuing deeper awareness of how pre-conceived perceptions limit one's view of the world within which we live. The precision of the industrially fabricated steel and glass structure itself calms the mind with its re-assuring order, but with its natural free-flow across the landscape, it is not limiting or constricted by an imposed geometry. The residence is not just cerebral; it has been designed to enhance the health and happiness of its occupants. There is a luxurious outdoor spa contiguous to the master bath; physical exercise is provided for with a long lap pool, and the subterranean indoor basketball court. The grand two story living room, dining pavilion, wine cellar, and theatre accommodate formal entertaining, while the over-sized glass walled eat-in kitchen, which flows out to wide verandah-like patios, is the ideal focus for casual interaction with family and close friends. Within the 24 hour guard gated Ridges enclave, this Residence is sited on approximately 1.5 acres, and incorporates: additional gated and fenced security, master controlled sophisticated electronics and security, master suite, three additional bedrooms, guest house, 7 baths, living room, dining room, theatre, indoor basketball court, wine cellar, laundry, subterranean 6 car garage/workshop, and additional secure off-street parking.
Another Birthday, Another Goal Pam Sievers My Patchwork Journey Carrie’s Quest Blog About Me Contact Me Another Birthday, Another Goal by Pam Sievers 12 Comments It's only fair to share... Facebook Twitter Instead of a birthday cake on Saturday, I opted for a birthday waffle. So good! Every year on my birthday, I take some time to reflect on the past year and set a goal for the new year. The birthday I just had this weekend was no different. I’m grateful for my health and the opportunity to do the things I want to do. This last year was wonderful and I have no reason to think my next year won’t be as well. Then I began to think about a goal for the next year. An idea immediately dripped from my consciousness like ice cream on this hot summer day. My goal? To stop obsessing about food. No one I know loves to plan for, grocery shop, prepare food, and eat like I do. The last three years, I finally grew some of it. Anyone want some freezer-burned green beans? My grocery routine is a well-planned exercise in sensory management. I’m the one who gently presses the stem end of a cantaloupe. I’m the one sniffing the pineapple. I’m the one listening to the green pepper when I thump, thump it. And you bet I’m the one snitching a grape to taste. My cupboards and refrigerator are ready to kick out a pretty good meal without a lot of notice. It would be nice if that was the end of my obsession. My friend Kathy has to have some (relatively minor) surgery. After finding out which hospital, my response was “Good. Better cafeteria than the other.” Maybe not the first thing I should have thought about. Twenty years ago in a leadership workshop, the facilitator asked us to write down something we were passionate about. I’m German and English. Passion isn’t a strong suit. I gave it some thought and finally scribbled something on my paper. People shared their responses – “I’m passionate about making sure everyone has access to clean water.” “I’m passionate about my husband and children and doing all I can to keep them safe.” “What drives me is my burning passion to eradicate hate.” I slowly covered my response. I’d written down food. On my first flight to China, I inquired when the meals would be served. I wanted to time my sleep accordingly. When a friend told me she was visiting Halifax, I started giving her directions to a great seafood place. A year earlier, I told her about the best place to get spaghetti carbonara in Rome. She questioned why I wasn’t as familiar with museums. I didn’t have an answer. Now I need to add, some of this is genetics, I am sure. My sisters and I discovered that at least occasionally, we are all guilty of thinking about dinner as soon as we finish lunch. Aha! There’s a science to my passion. Or obsession. A popular author in Lansing promotes developing a life list, similar to a bucket list for others. I gave it a shot. Take a cooking class in Tuscany. Visit New England to experience a clambake and fresh lobster. Learn how to make palmieres at Zingerman’s Bakehouse in Ann Arbor. Perfect a meringue pie. Experience authentic jumbalaya in New Orleans. Are you seeing a pattern here? I’m in trouble, and this will be a tough goal. I need to find another obsession. But until I do, I know that June 30 is the second Meridian Food Truck Rally and I can’t wait. I hope the people with the paella are there again. Lastly, some food for thought – please consider subscribing if you haven’t already. Thank you. Filed Under: Humor Lite, On Getting Older Comments Carol Rhan says at At first glance I read, ‘Another Birthday, Another Goat.’ I quickly scanned to essay to see where goats fit in. Your life list seems like a pretty good travel planning tool. Reply Pam Sievers says at Exactly! It’s a travel plan indeed. Thanks, Carol. Reply Kathy Bruno says at Such a fun read filled with chuckles and food . . . for thought and otherwise. I think your passion may be creating – food, quilts, and stories. Reply Pam Sievers says at Thanks Kathy. You’re right. And I’m going to try and focus on writing more – fewer calories. Reply Phyllis Grummon says at Thanks for another real life check!! I grew up on clambakes and so can highly recommend them to you. Our’s included a local speciality, salt potatoes, in honor of the salt mines found around Onondaga Lake (Syracuse, NY). In any case, I know you’ll enjoy everything on your list…and let me know if you want me to sample a piece of that perfect meringue pie, I’d love to. Reply Pam Sievers says at This is great. Thanks! We’ll plan that pie together sometime. Appreciate the comment. Reply Judy says at Hey Pam, Phyllis added another fun trip. We can go to Syracuse for the food, then travel on to nearby Madison,County for some genealogy research. I’m sure they have good food there too. Reply Pam Sievers says at I’m in, but it’s not just food. It has to be good food and maybe, something different. Syracuse? Never thought of that as a hot bed for a foodie. Reply Susan Patten says at I absolutely love reading your posts and this one is near and dear to me! I love food! When we go on a vacation, the first thing I do is look for the oldest restaurant in the State; a Diners, Drive-ins and Dives location; best donuts in the State … you get the picture!!! Reply Pam Sievers says at I know exactly what you mean! But the oldest – never thought of that. Thanks, Susan. Reply Lori Duff says at Honestly, Pam, I think you were just more honest than the others in your leadership class. They were trying to impressive. You were just being you. Food is a sensual pleasure that nourishes and sustains us. What better obsession? Reply Pam Sievers says at That and the fact that this probably happened about 11:30 and my breakfast was already gone. Thanks for the encouragement! Reply Leave a Reply to Carol Rhan Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ Welcome to my website! Welcome to my website where my goal was to fill the pages with writing that induces gut wrenching laughs. Since I have no spouse, in-laws, children, grandchildren or pets, I have to work a whole lot harder than most humor writers. Hence, instead you’ll find a blog that features travel, contemplative reflections, and of course some humor – you can’t embrace middle age without it. When not writing, I enjoy quilting, learning about other cultures, and living in the Arizona desert. Subscribe to My Blog! * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Birthday / ( mm / dd ) Categories America The Beautiful Carrie's Quest Guest Blogger Humor Lite On Getting Older Reflections Travel Uncategorized © Copyright 2015 Pam Sievers · Powered by 501Websites · LOGIN
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines on Monday foiled a bid to plant car-bombs at its main airport and a nearby shopping mall, authorities said. The motive for the bomb plot was not immediately clear but in the past such attacks in Manila, the capital, and other parts of the largely Christian Philippines have been blamed on al Qaeda-linked Islamist militants from the Abu Sayyaf group. Agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) found improvised explosive devices in a parking area at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Three men were arrested but no details were released pending investigation. Airport authorities went on full alert. NBI director Virgilio Mendez said three suspects had been taken in to custody but he declined to give more details. Another NBI official, who declined to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to reporters, said the suspects had been under surveillance for a month. “They were assembling the improvised bombs inside their vehicles at the airport parking lot. There may be other targets,” the official said, adding that up to eight bombs and a pistol were confiscated from the suspects.
With the lockout, the Hershey Bears knew there would be some struggles on both sides of the ice due to the heightened competition around the AHL. Hershey’s revamped squad has had to adjust to new Washington Capitals’ head coach and Bears’ co-coach, Adam Oates along with his implementation of new systems and a different team philosophy from years past. You can view my article on Oates’s new system, here. Hershey’s offensive production has been lacking to this point in the regular season, only pulling the Bears to a 5-7-1-0 record through 13 games. The Bears have managed only 32 goals on the season, an average of 2.46 goals per game, inflated because of Hershey’s 8-7 home opening loss against the Rochester Americans. These stats are recorded through Friday night’s games. The team has struggled to get shots on net, but the coaching staff doesn’t see it to be a problem. The Bears compete level is a cause for concern however. “There’s got to be a level of execution,” said Bears coach, Mark French following Hershey’s loss to Portland last weekend. “You got to put two passes together to be able to get out of your zone and effectively through the neutral zone to attack the offensive zone with any type of speed. There was very few times we were able to do that.” There’s been a lack of scoring beyond the top players, with Jon DiSalvatore and Jeff Taffe as the only forwards with eight points or more through November 17th. “There’s some guys in room that have got to take ownership and be a little bit better,” said French. “There are some problems,” said offensively skilled defenseman, Tomas Kundratek. “We have to get better and we just have to get better passes tape to tape and get out of the zone.” Ryan Potulny returning from injury will certainly provide a good lift to the dormant Hershey offense. Potulny was a key force for the Bears offensively last season, surpassing sixty points on the season. He also earned a role on the power play, providing last year’s team with another point producer on a team that didn’t quite reach expectations. However, the Hershey Bears are a completely different team this season. AHL offensive specialists and former Hershey Bears’ Keith Aucoin, Chris Bourque and Graham Mink all left the team during the offseason, signaling a new team direction in Hershey’s 75th season. This year’s team has more balance offensively, with more depth throughout all four lines. Forward, Zach Hamill joined the team following a trade from the Boston Bruins in exchange for Chris Bourque. Bourque was slated to become an unrestricted free agent and planned to search for an NHL job. He ended up signing a two year contract with the Bruins. The Bears will have Mattias Sjogren for the full season this year along with rookie forward and Capitals prospect’, Stanislav Gailev joining the forwards unit. Sjogren began last year in Chocolate town, but headed back overseas later in the season. Hamill has been a strong presence on the Bears third line through the beginning part of the year, centering a number of players to this point including Gailev, Ryan Stoa, Mathieu Beaudoin and T.J. Syner. He’s also earned a role on Hershey’s second penalty killing unit to go with his four points on the season. Gailev has been somewhat of a disappointment to this point, only managing one assist through nine games. Recently, the rookie forward has been scratched, not appearing in any of this weekend’s games. Sjogren, like Gailev, is viewed as a forward who can provide some offense on the third line and also contribute on the power play. He has yet to do so this season, only posting one goal and one assist through nine games. Sjogren is returning from injury and has been centering the fourth line as he looks to regain his energy and conditioning level that he had prior to the injury. Hershey rebounded Saturday night in one their most complete offensive performances of the year, defeating the Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins 4-1. Forward, Garrett Mitchell posted two goals to go with a power play goal from defenseman, Tomas Kundratek. Bears Captain’, Boyd Kane added an empty net goal to cap Hershey’s third victory of the season over the Penguins. Mitchell has been perhaps Hershey’s most consistent forward, playing primarily on the second line with Mike Carman and Boyd Kane. With two goals on Saturday night, Mitchell is third in forward point product for Hershey, with seven points. Mitchell is tied for the team lead in goals scored as well. Along with his offensive capabilities Mitchell has provided some key leadership to the Bears up front, often dropping the gloves to swing momentum. “Coming into this morning I didn’t know if Garrett [Mitchell] would play,” said French. “He got into a fight last night and stuck his nose in a game that we weren’t playing well, but Garrett seizes those opportunities. There’s no question he played and played well. He’s a leader on this team and those types of guys are a catalyst. He was a real nice spark for us tonight in more ways than one.” You can follow Matthew on twitter @m_speck and email him at mspeck21@yahoo.com with any questions or comments.
The Captain Drakins’ monthly bitcoin show has been launched today, meant to explain to the general public how bitcoin works. First episodes are backed by Bitalo but creators expect other sponsors to join. Bitfilm production announced the launch of the show on 16 August but it is already available to watch. It is a cartoon designed by Indian, Polish and Argentinean animators. The host of the show is Captain Drakins, a red dragon carrying on his shoulder Nick the Parrat – “a genetic crossing of a rat and a parrot.” The background is an old pirate ship. “Ahoy folks, it’s a pleasure to see you” – starts the jovial dragon. “Today ya will learn how to sell your own products for bitcoin. In the old days, if ya wanted to sell something online, ya needed your own website, a bank account and a credit card.” Everything is changed now that bitcoin is there, the cartoon explains. Anyone can use it, be it in a Berkeley dorm or in an African village. Unbanked are no longer excluded from the global economy. No one can control your bitcoins. It is easy to set your own shop. And, says the host while we notice a Che Guevara portrait hanging in the Berkeley dorm, “No more exploitation by big corporations.” Indeed, the main target group, according to the site, are “young people who care about social justice and a fair distribution of wealth” and one of the goals is to show them that bitcoin will succeed in “making the world a better place” faster than government regulations and interventions. The second and the third episodes, scheduled respectively for September and October, will be dedicated to “offering your services for bitcoin” and “changing bitcoins into conventional money.” All initial episodes are sponsored by Bitalo, a bitcoin marketplace, payment provider and cryptocurrency exchange, and during the show the company is briefly mentioned as one of the possible solutions. Bitfilm offers other bitcoin companies to sponsor following episodes respectively related to their activities. Bitfilm has already produced videos for Colored Coins, Genesis Mining, Mycelium, KnCMiner and other bitcoin and blockchain enterprises. Alexey Tereshchenko
The auto shops at Willets Point. / Gothamist In his last days in office, Mayor Bloomberg scrambled to put the finishing touches on his signature project for Queens: the redevelopment of Willets Point, which involved removing hundreds of small business owners to build a new shopping mall and parking lot. In early October of 2013, the City Council approved the plan, all but sealing the fate for workers who had been laboring in the auto work shops that currently populate the beat-up 23-acre site next to the Flushing River. A new lawsuit even contends that the city broke the law while approving the project. Why was the Bloomberg administration so eager to push through a deal that will install yet another mall in Flushing, only blocks away from the just-completed Skyview Parc, a mall that is home to the same low-wage chain stores that will soon grace the entrance to Flushing-Meadows Park? One reason is because the City has long disdained the independent, somewhat unregulated auto businesses operating near a major sports stadium. Another reason, and one of the least remarked upon, is Bloomberg's cozy relationship with the owners of the Mets, his friends the Wilpon family. Mets owner Fred Wilpon (and, by extension, Citi Field) has teetered on the brink of ruin since the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme fell apart—in addition to taking a financial hit when Madoff went down, the Wilpons were accused of being complicit in Madoff's scheme. An overview of the auto body shops / Flickr When Bernie Madoff was found to be ripping off investors in 2008, few knew that the fallout would reach the baseball diamond. And yet, when attorney Irving Picard went after those behind the Madoff scheme on behalf of defrauded investors, he sought hundreds of millions of dollars from the Wilpons, alleging not only that they knew about the Ponzi scheme, but that Madoff had advised them on how to structure contracts for Mets players. While desperately working on reaching a settlement with Picard, the Mets slashed their personnel budget, contributing to a precipitous fall in the standings that continues to this day. But throughout the litigation, the Mets owners insisted that they were not only solvent, but thriving as businessmen. This was simply not true—their company, Sterling Equities, which focuses on commercial real estate—but also includes the Mets and their cable company, SNY—took on huge amounts of debt while trying to recover from their losses from the Ponzi scheme, eventually exhausting their credit line from banks and having to take out an embarrassing $25 million worth of loans from Major League Baseball, just to keep the lights on at their new stadium. Capital New York’s Howard Megdal laid out the sorry state of the team’s finances in 2012, after they sold off some minority shares in the team. Simply put, the Mets finances were bad. Real bad. So they had to leverage everything they could get their hands on to keep themselves afloat. In an email to Gothamist, Megdal elaborates: [The Wilpons] have been tapping out their equity stakes in the Mets and SNY to stay afloat for the past few years, first by selling minority shares in the team, then by increasing their debt against the network to more than $600 million. To the extent that Willets Point can alter a picture so dire that the trustee for the Bernie Madoff victims, Irving Picard, determined he'd never get any money from them if he won his suit against him, it will be vital to them. It was at the same time that the Mets were hemorrhaging money that the city began to aggressively push its redevelopment plan for Willets Point. And in June of 2012, Bloomberg announced that the City had awarded Sterling Equities Incorporated (the real estate company controlled by the Wilpons) the contract to redevelop the Willets Point area, with the City's capital fund paying $100 million for demolition, remediation, and infrastructure. The land itself would be sold to the Mets and their partner, Related Construction, for $1. All of a sudden, the Mets had a major new development project on the horizon, all for the cost of a candy bar. Of course there was one thing standing in the way of this mall: all of those auto repair shops. For outside observers, it would appear that a project to replace a polluted open-air auto market with a brand new mixed-use neighborhood would be to the benefit of both the city and community. Obviously the owners of the auto shops (largely Latin American immigrants) would receive the short end of the stick, but that’s just how cities develop. To build housing projects, you have to clear out supposed slums. However, after the Wilpons and the Bloomberg administration announced the deal, the grand scale of the project was reduced from a lively, green neighborhood—complete with affordable housing—to simply a new mall and parking lot. It should be noted that Flushing, and central Queens in general, does not hurt for malls; quite the opposite in fact. By the time the current iteration of the Willets Point development project finally reached City Council for approval in 2013, much of the original plan had completely disappeared. Instead of 1,920 units of affordable housing, only 875 units were included. But critics suspect that even those will most likely never even be built. While phase 1 of the project calls for the mall and parking lot (which is to begin construction immediately), phase 3 is the one that contains the housing units. Phase 3 is scheduled to be developed in 2025, but only if the Mets consider the housing units to be good for business. If the Mets don’t ever build the housing (which was the main concession to nearby communities) they will only face a $35 million fine, a drop in the bucket for a potential windfall commercial project. Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras, who represents the Willets Point area, dropped her opposition to the project after the Wilpons agreed to make a $15.5 million donation to a non-profit she controls, which looks to revitalize Flushing Meadows Park. "They know I expect them to contribute," Ferreras told City Limits last summer, pointing at the Mets stadium, implying that if they wanted to develop land, they would have to donate money to her non-profit. "I am knocking on their door." In an interview with Gothamist, councilwoman Ferreras said that the timeline for the affordable housing was contingent on the building of exit ramps from the Van Wyck expressway, something that has yet to be funded by either the developers or the city. Until those are built, there can be no housing on the site at all. “I have asked the city to find other lots where we can build affordable housing right now," Ferreras said. "This was not part of the original plan. At the end of the day, we have a potential for 330 new units in addition to the 875 that will hopefully be built sooner than 2025.” Asked about the potential for the developers to opt out of building affordable housing at all, Ferreras told us, “The mall just can’t be built until the land is entirely remediated. The entirety of the land, not just for the mall. The developers have told us that they have a true desire to build affordable housing, and we’re going to have a quarterly meeting that keeps the project on track. There is true investment from the developers, and the developers have built affordable housing throughout the city. They want to follow through on their commitment.” (Max Rivlin-Nadler) Sterling Equities' spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment, but we spoke with Seth Pinsky, who was president of the city's Economic Development Corporation when it chose the Related and Sterling Equities bid for the land. Pinsky argues the $1 price tag was the highest that the project would bear, because of the state of the economy at the time of the proposals. "We got three proposals," Pinsky explained. "One was to build a mall with no housing, and that wasn't what we had asked for in the request for proposal. The one proposal that realized the various elements that we had envisioned was the Related/Sterling proposal. It was a very easy decision on that proposal." When asked why the project had been reduced to a mall anyway, Pinsky disputed this characterization. "The first thing that's going to happen is the site is going to be fully remediated. One of the most important parts of the plan was to clean up the site. Second of all, the first phase also includes some retail and a hotel on the Willets Point site. And a mall provides services and jobs that are needed for the community. Third, the city will get back the remainder of the land, if the development company doesn't in fact build the rest of the project." Some locals aren’t buying the idea that there will be anything more than a mall on the site for decades to come. “Giving our land over for free, we deserve better,” Arturo Olaya, a car shop owner in Willets Point told me in his office above the shop on a cold February morning. Willets Point, despite a series of evictions by the city to move out business owners, remains active, with several businesses still fighting for a better deal on their relocation or reimbursement. “Ferraras made a deal without us so they could build a mall. Why would anyone want a mall?" Olaya asked. "The jobs there are no good. Where are people going to get their cars fixed? The dealerships? We give good prices, and the community needs us.” Part of what local politicians have been trumpeting as a major victory for the shop owners is that the city is paying $9 million in relocation costs, as well as trying to secure leases for the car shop owners elsewhere. Indeed, just this week, a group of car shop owners agreed to move to Hunts Point in the Bronx. “Hunts Point? They already have car shops there," Olaya said. "Also, it’s far away from Queens, where the workers live. They’re just trying to get rid of us.” Some residents of Hunts Point, which already has the highest rate of asthma in the city, are less than thrilled about this development. Photo by Jeanette O'Keefe/ Flickr Walking around the decimated streets of Willets Point, it really does feel like you’re in a different world. With dogs roaming the streets and car shop employees jockeying for a chance to fix your bumper, it seems like the furthest possible place from the cold, sterile transaction of a shopping mall. And yet, in just a few short years, this is what will become of the neighborhood. This offseason, the Mets' biggest signing was Curtis Granderson, an injury-prone power-hitting centerfielder whose best years are behind him. But this was supposed to be the year that the Mets were finally able to spend money on a good team. Their refusal to do so shows just how shaky their finances remain as attendance at Citi Field continues to plummet. But thanks to the city’s willingness to bail them out, the Mets and Sterling Equities will likely remain in Flushing for decades to come. In December, the developers who received the land for $1 asked for $43 million in tax breaks. They also expressed a desire to open a casino in the development. Some of the lawyers behind the lawsuits trying to delay the Willets Point development admit that they’re simply buying time in hopes that the new administration will somehow intervene. One lawsuit, which alleges that the city improperly sold parkland to the developers, does stand a chance of delaying, or even stopping the project in its current incarnation. Mayor de Blasio has remained quiet on the development, which can be seen as a bad deal he inherited and doesn’t stand to gain politically by interfering with. A mayoral spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment about the project. Despite all of the corporate welfare handed out by the City of New York, and the destruction of an entire small business community, the Mets outlook still looks absolutely abysmal this Spring. They couldn't even get that right.
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How to make someone cry in a goodbye letter to a friend 4. A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams. This love story focuses in on Lily Dane and the love of her life, Nick, who has left her for her best friend Budgie. To escape the heartbreak, Lily goes back to her family's summer home on Rhode Island, only to find these exact two people waiting for her at the shore. 5.Here are seven ways to love someone who is grieving their child: 1. Show Up. First and foremost, show up. Be here. Show up at their door. Run errands for them. Do their laundry. Make them meals and sit with them to ensure they eat (many times in early grief people lose their appetite and don't eat regularly).Jan 23, 2022 · 36. To the One Who Has Been There Through it All. You have been there for me through thick and thin, and for that, I’m so grateful for you. Never have I had someone stick by me through everything. My confidence in you is unwavering, and I know we can make it through anything. I love you to the moon and back. When you have decided to end your relationship, you have to get your goodbye letter to the boyfriend. To help you out today in this regard are samples of goodbye letters to boyfriend that will make him cry. So check it out and feel free to use them. Goodbye letter to boyfriend that will make him cry. Dear my ex boyfriend,Keep an assortment of drinks, like wine, champagne, beer, whiskey, rum, vodka, and anything more you can think of. Raising a toast for the leaving employee is a good idea to cheer them up. For food, as mentioned earlier, keep light finger food. Avoid a heavy meal as it is more of a formal event, and not a bash.It is actually similar to writing all of your emotions out into a journal. It is a release that allows you to take all of the tumultuous feelings you're experiencing and put them down on paper. This helps you to find clarity in what you're feeling and what you want for the future. READ THIS How to make someone want you back after a breakupTears of blood fall from my broken heart. I never thought we would be apart. When you held me, you said "forever." I have this "friend" who said he loves me when we first met. I told him I didn't love him that way, so we became friends for about two years. He made a bet to make me fall for him about 3...How To Make Someone Cry In A Goodbye Letter; Best Goodbye Email To Colleagues; Goodbye Email To Employee Leaving. Goodbye letter: Mine site. G'day everyone. Well, the time has come to say goodbye to everyone that E book essay buy online; Essay Writer & Essay Writing Service Online has made me smile here over the last few (and more) years. A ... Saying Goodbye To Coworkers. 16. I'll miss you all, and trust me, I'll always have you in my thoughts. Thank you for the sweet moments and the good times we shared together. Goodbye, my good colleagues. 17. Thanks for being the best colleagues all my days in this company, I'll forever cherish the moments we shared.How to make someone cry in a goodbye letter: Closure. If you want to control the tears, try tensing your muscles. "Don't say anything, just hold my hand and listen while I cry.". 36. If someone has had a huge trauma or just learned of the lost of a loved one, there is nothing you can say in that moment that is going to help.Sep 19, 2018 · Start by saying goodbye and hope he is happy after you agreed to split. Apologize if it was something you did which hurt him. Mention that the moments he said he loved you for the first time is still fresh and that you will cherish the two years of togetherness. I ache. And I know you ache too. Because despite your I-don’t-wanna-see look, you do see. Your heart whispers it to you. You ache in a “fuck this” way. I ache in a “I’m afraid” way. But ache is the only thing we have in common now. I had sworn to myself never to become everything I am today. I don’t know the person staring back at ... 4. A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams. This love story focuses in on Lily Dane and the love of her life, Nick, who has left her for her best friend Budgie. To escape the heartbreak, Lily goes back to her family's summer home on Rhode Island, only to find these exact two people waiting for her at the shore. 5.Thank you for everything. Thank you for your friendship, and for always being a shoulder to cry on. I’m going to miss you. I will never forget all the laughs and the good times we had together. You mean so much to me and I’m going to miss having you in my life. We have been through so much together and I just wanted to finally say goodbye. When Dad's on his way out the door, Mom and the kids might give him a hug or say, "Have a nice day, Daddy." "Please" and "thank you" are other words dearly beloved by parents. When you ask your child to come to dinner, add the polite words you'd like them to use: "Jeannie, please come to the table now." When they cheerfully show up, say, "Thank ...That said, here are some short samples of emotional goodbye emails to colleagues on last working day. 1. Hi John, You must have noticed I cleared my work table on time today, that's because today will be my last day at work. I must say it's really hard for me to write this, knowing fully well that I'm going to miss our time together as ...It is not hard to make your ex-boyfriend cry with a simple emotional text. You need to talk about some memories of both of you and tell him that you still miss him a lot. It is very easy to make him emotional. Leave on a Positive Note. Take a cue from the story "The Three Little Bears." When the time comes to say goodbye and leave your child at school, don't be too warm (weepy and wailing and clutching on for dear life) and don't be too cold (distant and perfunctory in your hug goodbye and too matter-of-fact in your emotions).I can not be what you want me to be. I’m sorry but I can not be JUST a friend to you, at least not right now. I do have very strong feelings for you and always will but you have made it VERY clear time and again that you don’t want me, that you are not attracted to me and that there will NEVER be an “us”. A Letter to my Boyfriend that will Make Him Cry. 21. You've gone the extra mile to make me yours, and I won't stop at anything in making you happy. You are lovely, and I don't have any reason not to fall in love with you. In you, I find my joy, and I will love you until the end of time. 22. You make me feel comfortable and safe with you.Don't also forget to read these 160 best friendship quotes and how to be nice to your friends in order to strengthen your friendship. 1. You're incredible. 2. You dressed like an Angel 3. Your smile lights the room 4. You look so sweet 5. You're like the bright morning star 6. A friend without you is useless 7. You're the best I have met so far. 8.Your heart whispers it to you. You ache in a "fuck this" way. I ache in a "I'm afraid" way. But ache is the only thing we have in common now. I had sworn to myself never to become everything I am today. I don't know the person staring back at me in the mirror. I missed a step, a clue. I must have missed something but I don't know what.Aug 03, 2021 · Writing a goodbye letter allows you to validate your relationship one last time. When you’re gone, your family and friends can find solace knowing that you loved and appreciated them. This is an opportunity to put your gratitude into words. Maybe your sister was there for you during a hard time or your best friend was your sounding board when ... ikea table top drawers Best of luck! Sad to see you go but wishing you happiness as you begin a new chapter in your life. I've really enjoyed working together. Good luck at your new job. Remember to keep in touch! Enjoy your next chapter! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything or just to catch up.Fare thee well, friend. My heart broke down when I heard about the sad news. I will stay true to myself in honour of you. Rest in peace! I found love in you, and no one will ever take your place, no matter what. The closest person died. He raised me and was my best friend. I promised him to be strong, but I could not hold back tears.It's time to say goodbye, dear friend. You have been by my side through rough and happy days. You have seen the ups and downs of my life and have always guided me as a faithful friend through each phase of life. There are only a few who are privileged to have friends like you. I hope you will keep in touch. It is a goodbye only till we meet again.I've outgrown you in ways you'll never be able to understand and it's clear we are heading in completely opposite directions. We lost our connection the minute I realized you had been lying to me all along. Let's be honest: you added no real value to my life and quite frankly you should be ashamed of yourself for playing so dirty.But before I go away for good, there are some things I really need to say. I'm not gonna go away bitter or mad, I'm just gonna let it go and cherish the friendship that we had. I'm sorry... ... for not giving you the space you wanted ... for not letting go when I should have ... for getting mad about little things that don't matter anymoreSearch: Long Best Friend Letters That Make You Cry.Share one of these to feed the flames Category: Books & Reference [Read: How to text a girl you like and make her want you] #5 Make her miss you In Hell the chief city is Pandemonium Smiling on the outside, Crying on the inside, Every day you ‎smile, Smiling on the outside, Crying on the ...Goodbye Letter to My Bestie. To My Dearest Friend, It's happening. No matter how much I prayed that it would (for your sake). No matter how much I prayed it wouldn't (for my selfish sake). It's happening. You are moving away and the lump in my throat and burn in my eyes is going to be there no matter how much time goes by.Below are true friend poems that make you cry spiced with heart touching poems for your true friends. "Happy birthday to my love, my partner, and my best. Cole also thanked the love of her life for his touching words. If you are at a loss for words, inspire yourself from these heart touching love messages.Many of the quotes in this article are ideal for writing in a letter or card. 21. My tears are saying what my words cannot. Goodbye, my dearest loved one. 22. Even though you've gone out of my life, you will be forever in my heart. 23. Good friends never say goodbye. They simply say, "See you soon.".Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: "Evil, live, live, evil" over and over for one minute. In your mind's eye, picture the person you want to curse. 2. As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her.. More Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry. 11."You are by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my 173 years on this earth." Damon said to her. "I get to die knowing that I was loved. Not just by anyone. By Elena Gilbert." Damon finishes his goodbye by saying that he loves her. Elena falls to the ground, sobbing, saying "please come back to me." Ugh, right in the feels!Writing out my sad heart in paragraphs for you, my so-called boyfriend can't help the pain in my heart, but I'll still let you know how disappointed I am in you. 1. It's sad how a love story that was supposed to end well turned out bitter and painful. The pain you left in my heart will always be in my heart. 2.A Letter to My Ex-Boyfriend that Will Make Him Cry. Letter 1: Hey (His Name), I didn't mean to bother you, but I was thinking about something and suddenly lots of memories popped up in my mind. I am feeling so emotional thinking about you and I am missing those wonderful days we spent together. I was the happiest girl in the world with you. avengers fanfiction peter collapses in front of steve We have come up with 9 ways to apologize to your loved ones that are sincere and genuine: 1. Taking responsibility for your actions. "To err is human; to forgive is divine but learning and admitting the wrong is definitely 'divine in self'. Taking responsibility for our actions makes us strong and courageous.Farewell Messages: For any person, saying goodbye to a loved one is the hardest thing to do but acknowledging the fact that we have something that makes saying goodbye so hard makes it a bit easier. One should cheerish the best times spend with the loved ones and pray for their success. A person should not cry because it's all over but rather should appreciate the new beginning.20 people shared the songs that make them cry every time — and the reasons why will break your heart. Some life changing songs make people cry every time. A first dance at a wedding. A perfect song from a film soundtrack. A harmless track made more powerful with real-world context. From "Toy Story" soundtracks to The Beatles classics, there ...But hearts will always remember.. I miss you. ***. Goodbyes that are never said and never explained hurt you the most. ***. It hurts when you break up with somebody. It hurts even more when somebody break up with you. But it hurts the most when the one you love cannot understand how you feel.The fact stands that every time the characters cry, you'll pretty much feel like crying yourselves. And with a reason too. And with a reason too. You already know that there will be a disaster unless they do something and this helps them work up the courage to face said friend with determination to save him, even if they're scared.relief factor guarantee. Search: Long Best Friend Letters That Make You Cry.Share one of these to feed the flames Category: Books & Reference [Read: How to text a girl you like and make her want you] #5 Make her miss you In Hell the chief city is Pandemonium Smiling on the outside, Crying on the inside, Every day you ‎smile, Smiling on the outside, Crying on the inside, Every day you ‎smile,."Farewell my friend but always remember that life is a long journey you are leaving now but in this long journey I hope we will see each other again" "I think I will never find such a great friend like you again, farewell and see you soon my friend" "Farewell my friend, I wish we had spent more time together, good luck and enjoy your journey""Promise to give me a kiss on my brow when I am dead. --I shall feel it." She dropped her head again on Marius' knees, and her eyelids closed. He thought the poor soul had departed. Eponine remained motionless.Aug 23, 2022 · 23 Goodbye Poems For Friends. These heart-warming goodbye poems for friends will let you know that friends can be friends, irrespective of the distance. 1. Dear Friend. We sever now in this good-bye. We all shall miss thy gentle grace. No other friend thy place can fill. And guard thee in the years to come. So if you are writing to a close family member or a friend, talk to him in your letter in the same way that you usually do in person. Friendly, comfortable, and teasing. This can make your letter sound a little more you, and can help you express your message better. For formal letters, you can do the same but with a little more formality.Thank you for your friendship, and for always being a shoulder to cry on. I'm going to miss you. I will never forget all the laughs and the good times we had together. You mean so much to me and I'm going to miss having you in my life. We have been through so much together and I just wanted to finally say goodbye.The end of a long and blissful summer for the whole population of school kids and their teachers must only mean one thing, back to school you go! Though kids might cry about the end of carefree summer days, it's so much harder for the teachers. Imagine dealing with a horde of wild and unruly kids times 30, listening to their parents' complaints, dealing with all the paperwork, and getting ...Thank you for never leaving my side and for always being willing to try new things. You have taught me how to be a friend. You have brought me closer to the Lord. You have made me into a more compassionate person, and you have shown me what a true friend looks like. I am so thankful. Graduating with your best friend is something you see in the ...I can not be what you want me to be. I’m sorry but I can not be JUST a friend to you, at least not right now. I do have very strong feelings for you and always will but you have made it VERY clear time and again that you don’t want me, that you are not attracted to me and that there will NEVER be an “us”. Here are some examples of texts to comfort a grieving friend after the funeral, or at least after the initial period of shock and grief. These would be second, third, etc, texts to send after the death of their loved one. That was a lovely funeral. I'm sorry you had to go through this. [Name] was an amazing person.When you are looking to make your ex sorry they ended things, you need to take action to create a strategy that works. Make them feel sad because they just lost the most precious thing in their life. Social media works wonders here. Don't go crazy but make sure you have just enough images on Facebook and Instagram to get noticed by you ex.Rest easy dear one.". "You are forever in our hearts. We can't wait to be with you again.". "Sleep well best friend. Words cannot explain the vacuum you've left.". "Your absence is so painful dear. I will stay true to self in honor of you.". "Your presence, love, and kindness will forever be with us. Rest in peace.".Hi hon, Don't get upset that I hate goodbyes and would rather say hello, which we will do, soonish. You know I think of you all the time. Chin up and all that. Love, Rett; Dear Rett, I wanted to let you know in writing that I wish you the best and I absolutely believe in you and your bright future. Call me anytime. Jules. Jules, I hate that my best friend leaves without me hanging around for a ...Forgive yourself, and your ex. Forgive yourself for having been the cause of the break up, or for initiating the break up. Forgive your ex if they they're the cause of the break up, of for breaking up with you. Forgiveness acts as a filter; preventing negative emotions from taking residence in your heart. Thank them.Love You Forever. I will love you forever, as long as I live. My love for you is the strongest feeling in me. My love for you is pure, honest, true and deep, nothing can stop it, nothing at all. Whatever happens, my Darling. Please never forget, no distance can divide us, no time is holding us apart.A love story can be a paragraph expressed from the deepest part of the heart. So check out these heart-melting paragraphs for her to make her cry ideas. To love and cherish you till the very end. Even at those sad moments that will tempt one to make unreasonable decisions, all I will do will be in. . You make me sane and whole again.". "I have you in my heart and will never let go."You are by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my 173 years on this earth." Damon said to her. "I get to die knowing that I was loved. Not just by anyone. By Elena Gilbert." Damon finishes his goodbye by saying that he loves her. Elena falls to the ground, sobbing, saying "please come back to me." Ugh, right in the feels!From the start you and Shawn were always the bright spark in my life. It was so much easier then to hug you and to let you know how proud of you I was. Coming in the door and getting a hug from you was like a breath of life for me at the end of a long day. We could sit and play or read and it was so easy to be together.Give yourself room to breathe by developing your own interests and life. This is difficult when you're emotionally over-involved or even obsessed with someone you're in love with but need to let go, but it's so important. 3. Practice the art of "emotional detachment" Maybe you invested yourself in this relationship in more ways than you can count.With heartfelt sympathy,". "Thinking of you and wishing you moments of peace and comfort as you remember a friend who was so close to you.". "Our family is keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers.". "Holding you close in my thoughts and hoping you are doing OK.".I know that my words here today could never do justice to the type of man he was or how we all feel about him, but I hope that when you leave today you will always remember to cherish the memories and never forget the happiness and laughter he brought to everyone who knew him.You just experienced a major loss and have every right to be upset and to grieve, for as long as it takes to heal. Allow yourself to feel your emotions — the good, bad, and ugly. Acknowledging your...Feb 20, 2020 · Here are some examples of texts to comfort a grieving friend after the funeral, or at least after the initial period of shock and grief. These would be second, third, etc, texts to send after the death of their loved one. That was a lovely funeral. I'm sorry you had to go through this. [Name] was an amazing person. A quote, such as “But fate ordains that dearest friends must part.” ~ Edward Young. My final tip on how to write a goodbye letter to someone you care about is to end well. Offer your blessings and wishes for a healthy, happy, peaceful life. Send this person off with hope, love, joy, and freedom. This classic JPMorgan one may be funny to read, but it's a bad idea to write anything like this if you want to have a future in finance. My recommendation: "Appreciative with an edge.". You want people to remember you, but you don't want to burn any bridges.A Letter to My Ex-Boyfriend that Will Make Him Cry Letter 1: Hey (His Name), I didn't mean to bother you, but I was thinking about something and suddenly lots of memories popped up in my mind. Jul 05, 2014 · The letter you lor. 04 tundra transfer case actuator; cell cycle and mitosis answers; boudoir photography tennessee ...writing a letter to the person who died saying how you feel - you could keep the letter, or destroy it; keeping a diary of how you're feeling; letting yourself cry. You might want to express your feelings with someone you trust, or it might feel easier doing it by yourself. No matter how you express yourself, it can help to talk about it ..."You are by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my 173 years on this earth." Damon said to her. "I get to die knowing that I was loved. Not just by anyone. By Elena Gilbert." Damon finishes his goodbye by saying that he loves her. Elena falls to the ground, sobbing, saying "please come back to me." Ugh, right in the feels!3. Make plans to see each other again. Even saying, "See you at school tomorrow," or "Can't wait to see you again at Christmas" keeps the goodbye light and focused forward. If you haven't already made plans, use it as an opportunity to make them. Even saying, "See you soon" suggests just that.You're always the first to give without asking for anything in return. I'm glad I get to be around you and have your kindness warm my heart too. If I could go back in time, if I had to choose again, I'd still choose you to be my best friend. You're more than a friend, you've become a sister, my blood and I'm certain I couldn't live without you.I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye. Your smile takes my breath away. It took my breath away on the day we met, on our wedding day, today, and every day in between. Thank you...So here are the five things I've learned from my past failed relationship. 1. When someone cheats or mistreats you, it almost never has anything to do with you. You are good enough even when their actions may have you believe otherwise. 2. Someone else's bad behavior doesn't reflect badly on you.Fare thee well, friend. My heart broke down when I heard about the sad news. I will stay true to myself in honour of you. Rest in peace! I found love in you, and no one will ever take your place, no matter what. The closest person died. He raised me and was my best friend. I promised him to be strong, but I could not hold back tears.Keep an assortment of drinks, like wine, champagne, beer, whiskey, rum, vodka, and anything more you can think of. Raising a toast for the leaving employee is a good idea to cheer them up. For food, as mentioned earlier, keep light finger food. Avoid a heavy meal as it is more of a formal event, and not a bash.• Always let me know whenever you open a letter • Save every letter forever Also, include a sentence asking them to acknowledge that they'll abide by these rules. If all looks good, you can write and mail them the first batch of letters. 3. Put Pen To PaperA Letter to My Ex-Boyfriend that Will Make Him Cry Letter 1: Hey (His Name), I didn't mean to bother you, but I was thinking about something and suddenly lots of memories popped up in my mind. I am feeling so emotional thinking about you and I am missing those wonderful days we spent together. I was the happiest girl in the world with you.Written for a beloved pet & friend. Susan A. Jackson ***** I'm Still Here. Friend, please don't mourn for me I'm still here, though you don't see. I'm right by your side each night and day … And within your heart I long to stay. My body is gone but I'm always near. I'm everything you feel, see or hear. My spirit is free, but I ...The following open when letter samples include popular topics to give your loved one. Write something from the heart and include a special gift to make your letters stand out. Make sure to check out our gifts by recipient for help. Open When You Miss Me. Write a heartfelt letter that takes your loved one on a trip down memory lane.Answer (1 of 2): It very much depends on the purpose and circumstances of the letter. Is your best friend about to leave the community which you both share? Or is it you who is leaving? On a much more serious note is the end of life scenario. Is someone going to die, and therefore one asks if ...For When You're Fighting. Hey babe, I know you're mad at me right now, and maybe I'm a little angry at you too. But that doesn't mean I don't love you, because it will take more than just a fight to make me stop loving you. So for now, all I want to say is that I'm sorry for all the hurtful things I said and did.I licked my wounds and got over it. These things happen. He was my first love. I'd hoped he'd be my last, but it wasn't to be. He wanted to keep in touch. Couldn't entirely let go.Thanks for the 'bright lights' of our friendship. You are a true friend that someone can always rely upon. Thank you for comforting me when I needed someone to be by my side. Thank you for everything. Friendship doesn't just bring the best days in life, but makes even the worst days of life worth living.Funny Goodbye Quotes & Messages for Friends. When I die, I want to die like my grandmother, who died peacefully in her sleep not screaming like all the passengers in her car. I still see your face when I am dreaming. That's why I always wake up screaming. When you feel that nobody loves you, that nobody cares, when all you can do is cry and ...Aug 24, 2022 · “I have to say goodbye to you now but always keep in mind that we will meet again soon. You will always be in my heart!” – Anonymous “You have not just been a friend to me, you have been a family, a home, a shoulder to cry on. I’ll miss you! Goodbye and good luck!” – Anonymous “Adios, friend! I ache. And I know you ache too. Because despite your I-don’t-wanna-see look, you do see. Your heart whispers it to you. You ache in a “fuck this” way. I ache in a “I’m afraid” way. But ache is the only thing we have in common now. I had sworn to myself never to become everything I am today. I don’t know the person staring back at ... How to make someone cry in a goodbye letter: Closure. If you want to control the tears, try tensing your muscles. "Don't say anything, just hold my hand and listen while I cry.". 36. If someone has had a huge trauma or just learned of the lost of a loved one, there is nothing you can say in that moment that is going to help.Sbordone says grieving your friendship and allowing yourself to feel your emotions is essential. If you're having trouble feeling your feelings about your lost friend, she recommends writing a...Goodbye letter : you were a wound time has healed… I hadn’t thought about you for several days, I haven’t talked to you for several weeks and I haven’t missed you like I used to for several months. Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer. It only takes a little girl To make a big man cry She only has to take his heart Break his heart, telling him goodbye To make a big man cry It's easy to do To make a big man cry Just tell him you're through And then, watch him cry She's got the power to sink him In the winking of ...Saying Goodbye To Coworkers. 16. I'll miss you all, and trust me, I'll always have you in my thoughts. Thank you for the sweet moments and the good times we shared together. Goodbye, my good colleagues. 17. Thanks for being the best colleagues all my days in this company, I'll forever cherish the moments we shared.Make the boy interested in natural history if you can. It is better than games. Try to make him believe in a God; it is comforting. Oh my dear, my dear, what dreams I had of his future and yet, oh...I am so grateful to have you as a rock in my life." "You have helped me turn my dreams into a reality in so many areas of my life. You are an absolute blessing." As always, make sure that it's true for YOU. Calibration is key. And, by all means, if any of the above examples do ring true for you then please feel free to use them verbatim. 3.A quote, such as “But fate ordains that dearest friends must part.” ~ Edward Young. My final tip on how to write a goodbye letter to someone you care about is to end well. Offer your blessings and wishes for a healthy, happy, peaceful life. Send this person off with hope, love, joy, and freedom. In order to cope with goodbyes big and small, we need ways to make ourselves feel better. Listening to music, taking a walk, watching a movie, talking to a friend, writing about your feelings ... Please don't try to contact me. I've made up my mind, and even your sweet talk, persuasive as it is, won't make me change my mind this time. calculator scientific casio 7. Be kind. One way to tell someone you don't want to be friends is to be kind about the process. It is generally agreed that we are all built differently. We may not always agree on the same things. However, some issues can create a break in friendly relations. For instance, there is the sensitive issue of rape.It is possible to learn to tap into 'awe'-the emotion that arises in response to experiences that we perceive to be strikingly vast-and change the way we understand and remain grateful for the world: Step 1: Recall a recent awe experience. Step 2: Describe the awe experience. (Optional) Step 3: Create an awe diary.When sharing the news about your move, be sure to consider their feelings. Sadness, disappointment and anxiety are all normal feelings for a close friend or family member to feel when learning that a loved one is moving away. Help them cope with the news by being mindful of their feelings. If your loved one becomes upset, assure them that you ...Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: "Evil, live, live, evil" over and over for one minute. In your mind's eye, picture the person you want to curse. 2. As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her.. More Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry. 11.Although I may not like it, all good things must come to an end and that includes me calling you "Boss." I've enjoyed working with you and am sorry to learn that you're moving on. I wish you all the best and hope this is the start of something great for you. Saying farewell to an extraordinary boss like you is no easy feat.David Cassidy Discography - Save Me Save Me #mainbox{width:expression ...Put on some breakup songs or watch a chick flick. Just don't do things that prevent the healing process. 15. Know the pain will end soon. Breaking up with someone you love can feel like your heart is being ripped out of your chest. It might feel better in a few weeks or it may take a few months or more.You need to hold on to the mantle of endurance as you journey through life. 5. See possibilities in everything and be joyful to live life again. Your story will end well. 6. Be bold. Be strong. You are more than you know, you need to discover how strong you are. 7. Life becomes sweet if we see problems as a normal part of it.Here is a letter to my boyfriend, the man who hurt me the most and left me in tears: Dear boyfriend, I still call you my boyfriend, but you are my ex now, even though I can't seem to get used to calling you that. Do you know how badly you hurt me? I cried so much because of you, and you didn't care about my tears.These memorial service forget me not seed favors are a beautiful way to honor and celebrate the life of your loved & cherished relative or friend. In a perfect world we would never have to say goodbye to someone we love but since we have no choice, we are here to help you through the difficult, confusing, and painful process of planning a ...In most cases when writing a farewell letter to the boss or manager, one should consider using a formal tone to show respect and professionalism. One can use formal salutation like "Dear Mr. Andrew' like demonstrated in the sample letter below: Subject line: Thank you for the Work Opportunity. Dear Mr Andrew,"It is so hard to leave—until you leave. Show Purposes Love letter for him to make him cry Sweet Love Letters for Him • I remember the first time I saw you. I knew that I had to meet you because you were an angel. Now you have fallen from heaven and came into my life. You are now a part of me, my love, forever. 26. "Hey warrior, keep going.". 27. "Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can.". 28. "Stop beating yourself up. You are a work in progress, which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once.". 29. "It is not your job to be everything to everyone.".My dad's goodbye letter to his addiction - made me cry tbh Dear Alcohol, I can't believe I am finally writing this. It's been a long time coming. Long overdue, to say the very least. The last thirty years with you has been one big roller coaster ride. We've been through many ups and downs in life. I could still vividly recall the first time we met.It is possible to learn to tap into 'awe'-the emotion that arises in response to experiences that we perceive to be strikingly vast-and change the way we understand and remain grateful for the world: Step 1: Recall a recent awe experience. Step 2: Describe the awe experience. (Optional) Step 3: Create an awe diary.Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: "Evil, live, live, evil" over and over for one minute. In your mind's eye, picture the person you want to curse. 2. As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her.. More Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry. 11.Before casting a love spell you need to make sure that you're intentions are genuine and good. If you are one of them then call our love expert who is eminent for Spell to make someone cry for you services in all over USA UK and Canada. Counsel Me Prayer Lord Jesus, my Wonderful Counselor, please hear my cry for help, for You are my only hope.I licked my wounds and got over it. These things happen. He was my first love. I'd hoped he'd be my last, but it wasn't to be. He wanted to keep in touch. Couldn't entirely let go.This is not goodbye. Per courtesy of email I will never be far away!" Listen to this farewell speech I've made a recording so you can listen if you want. The voice you're hearing is mine, Susan Dugdale's, and I have a New Zealand accent. Example of a farewell speech to colleagues Return to Top Content ideas for a farewell speech to a leaverSit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: "Evil, live, live, evil" over and over for one minute. In your mind's eye, picture the person you want to curse. 2. As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her.. More Paragraphs for Him to Make Him Cry. 11.Go outside. Post for the event!! I will prefer to write about the third situation. Hence said , the man who knows two and a half letter of love An emotional love letter for her that will make her cry. That home went to someone offering an extra ,000 (yes, ,000). Dear Family, Thank you for being my biggest supporters. E.B. White ( Charlotte's Web) "If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.". Paulo Coelho. "This is not a goodbye, my darling, this is a thank you.". Nicholas Sparks ( Message in a Bottle) "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.". Dr. Seuss. "Man's feelings are always ...Oct 23, 2021 · #6 don’t point out the blame If you want them to cry It won’t work if all your letters blame them for what they did to you. at that point It won’t be a goodbye letter. but it will be a letter “It’s your fault” and the letter brings only anger, not tears. Leave your index finger to the side now. This is a goodbye letter, so say goodbye. A quote, such as “But fate ordains that dearest friends must part.” ~ Edward Young. My final tip on how to write a goodbye letter to someone you care about is to end well. Offer your blessings and wishes for a healthy, happy, peaceful life. Send this person off with hope, love, joy, and freedom. But we hope you can find some help from the goodbye quotes below. "We laughed until we had to cry, we loved right down to our last goodbye, we were the best." - St. Elmo's Fire "A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends." - Richard BachAnswer (1 of 18): Here's a way to make someone trying to lecture you cry: Say: You should realize your a piece of shit. Nobody here is on your side, and only you are coming at me with your weak ass bullshit that I don't want to hear. When sharing the news about your move, be sure to consider their feelings. Sadness, disappointment and anxiety are all normal feelings for a close friend or family member to feel when learning that a loved one is moving away. Help them cope with the news by being mindful of their feelings. If your loved one becomes upset, assure them that you ...Heart Touching Love Letter for Sister. Dear [mention the name of your sister], For quite some time I have been thinking of writing you. Being your [younger / elder] [brother/sister] has always been a pride to me. I feel so lucky to be your [younger / elder] sibling. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known.Here are 13 love letters to my boyfriend that will make him cry: (And, if he doesn't cry, he doesn't have a heart at all!) 1 - When You Need to Say "I'm Sorry" My love, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for saying the words I didn't mean. I'm sorry for not saying the words I should have said; I'm sorry. You're my best friend, my lover, my world.writing a letter to the person who died saying how you feel - you could keep the letter, or destroy it; keeping a diary of how you're feeling; letting yourself cry. You might want to express your feelings with someone you trust, or it might feel easier doing it by yourself. No matter how you express yourself, it can help to talk about it ...A sweet heart love letter to girlfriend to make her cry. Dear Sweetheart, Y ou came to me at the most unexpected time, when I have given up on love, family, and friends, and you made me whole again. I am so lucky to have you in my life. 2. Angel heart touching love letter to make her cry.With my heart in my hand I tell you that my life will never be…. I never thought I would say goodbye, but the distance has become a dagger that sticks every second in my heart and does not let me breathe…. I say goodbye loving you and I want you to know that I will never stop thinking about you …. And I love you, always.When every friend I had had was you. You left me! You forgot me! Take me with you! They say you're in a better place And someday I'll be there too. I guess I'll wait for that someday. I can't do this to someone else, Put them through the pain That truly doesn't have any gain, No matter what they say. I want to scream, I want to cry,If she answers and it's something you're willing to do, then you either agree to it, give her what she wants and end it right there — or you say you're not opposed to that, and have a ...Thank You Letter Sister for Being my Best Friend. Dear "Name of the sister". I will never forget the moment when I am five years old and you protected me, and I realized what true love means. Thank you for always looking out for me. I just want to let you know that you mean the world to me.Dear children, Let me first say this: I love you more than anything in the world. Remember that sentence because I know there are times where it doesn't feel like I love you. I know I spend a lot of time yelling at you—way too much time, actually. I wish I didn't do that. I'm trying to change. Every day I struggle to control my anger when you make naughty behavior choices, or when I ...Poetry to Make Her Feel Beautiful. Very Strong Love Poems for Her. I Love You Poems for Girlfriend or Wife. 3. Feeling in Love Poem for Her that Makes You Emotional with Tears. 4. You're My Heartbeat, You're My Reason for being I Love You. This one is so much a romantic and cute poem for her.Aug 13, 2019 · 12: I only have to hope against hope that you will be back in my arms in no distant time. It hurts to raise my hand for a goodbye wave to you. 13: Always be reminded of my face. May thoughts of me ring loud bells in your heart. Please, don’t forget me like a boring song. Goodbye. Old songs that make you cry Written by a 17 year old Ed Sheeran, everyone has things they don't like about themselves but this song is here to let you know you are beautiful despite your "little things." 12. Birdy - "Not About Angels" Featured on The Fault in Our Stars Movie Soundtrack.You must bring them, your love, into the equation. "You entered my life and eased my burdens.". "You became my best friend and the person I know I can turn to for love and moral support.". "You showed me the joys of a deep and lasting love that I never thought possible.". "You… [insert honest words of meaning from your heart]".If only they realised that you don't need a fake sorry, but a sincere 'I love you.' 11. It's not the end. It does definitely feel like it. But believe me, it's not. You will go through it and come out stronger and better and kinder. If nothing else, you've at least become a better person. 12.A Daughter's Tribute. Once you become a mother, you are a mother forever. Looking back through the years of how am I going to raise the girls, the major decisions were not based on the self-help and how-to books I read, but how i mimic my mother when she was raising me. I recalled most of my childhood from the pictures I keep in my family album ...Please take back your hateful words, hold my tearful face in your hand, and apologize for hurting me so deeply. I beg of you to hold back your brutish glances under knitted brows and instead, look into my soul shining beneath my tears and see, just one time, that who I am will not hurt you. I'm Leaving Abuse Because You Think I'm a Monster"You are by far the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my 173 years on this earth." Damon said to her. "I get to die knowing that I was loved. Not just by anyone. By Elena Gilbert." Damon finishes his goodbye by saying that he loves her. Elena falls to the ground, sobbing, saying "please come back to me." Ugh, right in the feels!With my heart in my hand I tell you that my life will never be…. I never thought I would say goodbye, but the distance has become a dagger that sticks every second in my heart and does not let me breathe…. I say goodbye loving you and I want you to know that I will never stop thinking about you …. And I love you, always.I can not be what you want me to be. I’m sorry but I can not be JUST a friend to you, at least not right now. I do have very strong feelings for you and always will but you have made it VERY clear time and again that you don’t want me, that you are not attracted to me and that there will NEVER be an “us”. "Love me with your worst intentions / Didn't even stop to question / Every time you burned me down / Don't know how, for a moment it felt like heaven." DOWNLOAD IT "Everybody - Mac Miller Every...Find Goodbye stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day.Be heartfelt and share your raw emotions. You don't necessarily need to forgive your ex, but you do owe it to yourself to be honest about your feelings to help you actually move on. "Express what ...Here is a letter to my boyfriend, the man who hurt me the most and left me in tears: Dear boyfriend, I still call you my boyfriend, but you are my ex now, even though I can't seem to get used to calling you that. Do you know how badly you hurt me? I cried so much because of you, and you didn't care about my tears.Search: A letter to my ex that will make him cry1. Give yourself and your partner a chance to fix things. "A breakup should never come out of the blue. Before making a final decision to end the relationship, you should share your concerns or dissatisfactions, and try to work through them as a team. Though the decision to call it quits may not be mutual, it's your job to communicate and ...A sweet heart love letter to girlfriend to make her cry. Dear Sweetheart, Y ou came to me at the most unexpected time, when I have given up on love, family, and friends, and you made me whole again. I am so lucky to have you in my life. 2. Angel heart touching love letter to make her cry.If you're doing all that and saying lovely things, that's best of all. 4. Humor is really okay. You can smile, you can joke. Your loved one may get some peace from knowing you're still you, if humor has always been a part of your usual personality. Same goes for crying.That night I said my last goodbye to my mother as she lied to protect my father. The next day I spoke the last words to my father as he screamed into the phone repeating the lies from my childhood. It was over. Giving up the hope that things would get better was the hardest part.Telling them you're leaving could make things worse. Shutterstock You shouldn't tell the narcissist you want to end the relationship right away, according to therapist Shannon Thomas, author of "Healing from Hidden Abuse.""That might seem counterintuitive, but the toxic person will absolutely follow with one of two things," she said.Dr. Saltz said that several signs may indicate an unhealthy relationship, particularly with a partner who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder: feeling that you're a caretaker in the ...Be heartfelt and share your raw emotions. You don't necessarily need to forgive your ex, but you do owe it to yourself to be honest about your feelings to help you actually move on. "Express what ...Give yourself room to breathe by developing your own interests and life. This is difficult when you're emotionally over-involved or even obsessed with someone you're in love with but need to let go, but it's so important. 3. Practice the art of "emotional detachment" Maybe you invested yourself in this relationship in more ways than you can count.A forgiveness letter might say something like this: "You really hurt me when you didn't come to my birthday party. You said you would, and it made me feel like you weren't really my friend. It made me feel that you didn't care or respect me enough to be honest to me. I know we never talk about the hurt and that's ok.I'm fortunate to have a friend like you. My deepest gratitude for all your help! Thanks! For all the little and big ways you've pitched in…thanks! For my burden-bearing, laughter-sharing, forever-caring friend… a pleased, hug-filled, heartfelt thanks. A big thank-you for letting me crash at your place (again) during the conference.But before I go away for good, there are some things I really need to say. I'm not gonna go away bitter or mad, I'm just gonna let it go and cherish the friendship that we had. I'm sorry... ... for not giving you the space you wanted ... for not letting go when I should have ... for getting mad about little things that don't matter anymoreSaying goodbye to a coworker on their last day on the job; At your boss' retirement party; On a teacher's last day of school; Telling a friend farewell when they are moving out of state; Saying bye to a roommate at the end of the semester; Telling a classmate goodbye on the last day of the school year; To a friend or group of friends at graduationBest Goodbye Quotes. 1. "Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you've had, what you've lost, and what you've taken for granted.". - Ritu Ghatourey. 2. "Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I'll miss you until we meet again.". - Anonymous. 3.Saying goodbye is very hard. Whether you are saying farewell to a friend, relative, co-worker, boss or special someone, they deserve to have extraordinary farewell quotes which can be funny or perhaps inspirational. Make sure that the person who is saying goodbye to you realized that he/she is a big loss to your life whether on the personal level or professional level.Writing a letter of forgiveness to someone who hurt you is powerful and therapeutic. I believe everyone who has been hurt by a boyfriend, husband, wife, or even a family or friend needs to write a forgiveness letter. Writing a letter of forgiveness to someone who hurt you is the best therapy you get. You are basically healing yourself. Your soul.Keep an assortment of drinks, like wine, champagne, beer, whiskey, rum, vodka, and anything more you can think of. Raising a toast for the leaving employee is a good idea to cheer them up. For food, as mentioned earlier, keep light finger food. Avoid a heavy meal as it is more of a formal event, and not a bash.Manage your reactions. I've found it's helpful to have very little or no reaction when a mean family member tries to engage in bad behavior. If they try to ensnare you in a verbal argument, give them nothing in response except a non-committal reply like, "that's interesting," or "you might be right," or just "hmm.".We have come up with 9 ways to apologize to your loved ones that are sincere and genuine: 1. Taking responsibility for your actions. "To err is human; to forgive is divine but learning and admitting the wrong is definitely 'divine in self'. Taking responsibility for our actions makes us strong and courageous.A quote, such as “But fate ordains that dearest friends must part.” ~ Edward Young. My final tip on how to write a goodbye letter to someone you care about is to end well. Offer your blessings and wishes for a healthy, happy, peaceful life. Send this person off with hope, love, joy, and freedom. jaune is disowned and expelled fanfic. Cancel ... mumbles duathlon route Dear friend, First of all, I start by wishing you a happy birthday! I want to send you the best wishes and blessings for this new year of your life. I hope you continue to grow as a person and learn many good things to achieve all your goals and aspirations. Also, I hope they are still there to see you grow and to support you in everything you ...If only they realised that you don't need a fake sorry, but a sincere 'I love you.' 11. It's not the end. It does definitely feel like it. But believe me, it's not. You will go through it and come out stronger and better and kinder. If nothing else, you've at least become a better person. 12.26. "You won't find anyone like me." Mentioning how irreplaceable you are, is another region of things to say to your ex-girlfriend to make her feel terrible about leaving you. Making such a statement will cause her to recall all the unique qualities you possess, mostly if there was once love between the two of you.Sep 03, 2022 · Goodbye letter to one sided love. Dear one sided love, I’m writing this letter to you with a heavy heart. I’ve realized that we probably won’t be together. Not in the way that I want us to be anyway. I know you’re probably reading this and are wondering why I’m writing you a goodbye letter. To be honest, I’m not really sure myself. 6. I understand how you must be feeling. That has to be hard. Validating your friend's feelings is one of the most important things you can do to console them after being fired. It communicates that you hear, understand and empathize with them, free of judgment. 7. I'm so sorry.But only a few are capable of staying in your heart forever. Goodbye, my friend! It doesn't matter where life takes us, you and I both know that we will meet again and make some wonderful memories. Till then, goodbye my dear friend! I cannot wait to see you again. I will miss you, my friend. Goodbye for now.Feb 20, 2020 · Here are some examples of texts to comfort a grieving friend after the funeral, or at least after the initial period of shock and grief. These would be second, third, etc, texts to send after the death of their loved one. That was a lovely funeral. I'm sorry you had to go through this. [Name] was an amazing person. Best of luck! Sad to see you go but wishing you happiness as you begin a new chapter in your life. I've really enjoyed working together. Good luck at your new job. Remember to keep in touch! Enjoy your next chapter! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything or just to catch up.Sbordone says grieving your friendship and allowing yourself to feel your emotions is essential. If you're having trouble feeling your feelings about your lost friend, she recommends writing a...Search: Long Best Friend Letters That Make You Cry.Share one of these to feed the flames Category: Books & Reference [Read: How to text a girl you like and make her want you] #5 Make her miss you In Hell the chief city is Pandemonium Smiling on the outside, Crying on the inside, Every day you ‎smile, Smiling on the outside, Crying on the ...Overview 1 The Real Reason He Left You. 2 How to Make Him Regret Leaving You. 2.1 Step #1 - Make Him See What He Lost. 2.2 Step #2 - Send Texts He Won't Ignore. 2.3 Step #3 - Let Him Go ( to Get Him Back). miami pulmonary specialists backrooms bacteria 3d model I know I'm about to do that.38. "We come and cry and that is life, we cry and go and that is death.". -. The Ex. Emotional Goodbye Letter To Girlfriend In Hindi and Images 2022. New Year Letter For Girlfriend: Best Wishes. Emotional Love Letters That Make Her Cry Love Letters For Her, this sample may be the best love letter for her ever to get her back or make her cry.How To Make Someone Cry In A Goodbye Letter; Best Goodbye Email To Colleagues; Goodbye Email To Employee Leaving. Goodbye letter: Mine site. G'day everyone. Well, the time has come to say goodbye to everyone that E book essay buy online; Essay Writer & Essay Writing Service Online has made me smile here over the last few (and more) years. A ... Heartbreak love poems will make you cry, but they will also make you contemplate love in a way that can be very rewarding. A touching heartbreak poem will make you feel empathetic, less alone and more aware of the fact that no one's experience of this world is all rainbows and unicorns. We all have to trudge through the darker aspects of ...It's time to say goodbye, dear friend. You have been by my side through rough and happy days. You have seen the ups and downs of my life and have always guided me as a faithful friend through each phase of life. There are only a few who are privileged to have friends like you. I hope you will keep in touch. It is a goodbye only till we meet again.Letter to Best Friend to Make Her Cry Copy and Paste I miss you so much my beautiful best friend, I miss your smile, the way you say “I love you” and hug me, the way your tears roll down your face when laughing so hard to those corny jokes you love so much. I miss our long phone talks and how you make me super proud every time I see your face. You don't know what teams are on top for football, basketball, etc. 27. You wouldn't dream of walking out of the house without the cell phone and every number you have is forwarded to that cell. 28. You find yourself randomly crying from just looking at a picture of the two of you together. st james menu [verse 2] ooh, you make me live ooh, i've been wandering 'round ('round) but still come back you're the best friend in the world friends give you a shoulder to cry on don't forget either, you unhappy man, that voluntary confinement is a great deal harder to bear than compulsory walther ppk stainless 22lr don't forget either, you unhappy man, that …The following open when letter samples include popular topics to give your loved one. Write something from the heart and include a special gift to make your letters stand out. Make sure to check out our gifts by recipient for help. Open When You Miss Me. Write a heartfelt letter that takes your loved one on a trip down memory lane.Sad Quotes In English 1. After every dark night, there is a brighter day waiting for you. 2. It seems to me that when I will not be there people will miss me. 3. I was not myself but yet nobody ever noticed. 4. People will see your success but they won't see your struggle. 5.David Cassidy Discography - Save Me Save Me #mainbox{width:expression ...Here are some examples of texts to comfort a grieving friend after the funeral, or at least after the initial period of shock and grief. These would be second, third, etc, texts to send after the death of their loved one. That was a lovely funeral. I'm sorry you had to go through this. [Name] was an amazing person.Emotional Goodbye Letter Writing Tips. Start by saying goodbye and hope he is happy after you agreed to split. Apologize if it was something you did which hurt him. Mention that the moments he said he loved you for the first time is still fresh and that you will cherish the two years of togetherness. Mention that his sudden decision to split ...Written for a beloved pet & friend. Susan A. Jackson ***** I'm Still Here. Friend, please don't mourn for me I'm still here, though you don't see. I'm right by your side each night and day … And within your heart I long to stay. My body is gone but I'm always near. I'm everything you feel, see or hear. My spirit is free, but I ..."Farewell my friend but always remember that life is a long journey you are leaving now but in this long journey I hope we will see each other again" "I think I will never find such a great friend like you again, farewell and see you soon my friend" "Farewell my friend, I wish we had spent more time together, good luck and enjoy your journey"6. Express Your Gratitude for Their Contributions. Particularly if you are the boss of someone who is retiring, expressing your gratitude for their service and contributions is a great way to make someone feel valued and like their time at a company is ending on a positive note.Bake or buy a goodbye cake to share at the party. Write WE'LL MISS YOU! with your friend's name across the top of the cake. Method 4 Saying the Words 1 See your friend off at the bus station or airport. Spending those last few minutes with your friend before everything changes will be priceless.Here are some examples of texts to comfort a grieving friend after the funeral, or at least after the initial period of shock and grief. These would be second, third, etc, texts to send after the death of their loved one. That was a lovely funeral. I'm sorry you had to go through this. [Name] was an amazing person.By limiting the scope of your remarks in this way, you should find it easier to write your eulogy. A eulogy outline can also help. In addition, you will more likely give your listeners some meaningful insight into the deceased that they will cherish, rather than fill them with the desire to glance at their watches or stifle their yawns. 2.A sweet heart love letter to girlfriend to make her cry. Dear Sweetheart, Y ou came to me at the most unexpected time, when I have given up on love, family, and friends, and you made me whole again. I am so lucky to have you in my life. 2. Angel heart touching love letter to make her cry.As someone who has friends who are growing old without dreams and accomplishments, and who has friends who contemplate suicide... suicide. It's definitely worse. I have a good friend who is in his 40's and doesn't feel like he's achieved much in his life. He's a bit of a curmudgeon, but he has always been that way, as long as I have known him.Goodbye, my friend. Thanks for all of the memories. I had the time of my life! Miss you all! Thank You Teachers for never giving up on me. Someone is really going to miss you. But, it is not going to be me! Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. Parting with friends is a sadness. A place is only a place.Sep 03, 2022 · Goodbye letter to one sided love. Dear one sided love, I’m writing this letter to you with a heavy heart. I’ve realized that we probably won’t be together. Not in the way that I want us to be anyway. I know you’re probably reading this and are wondering why I’m writing you a goodbye letter. To be honest, I’m not really sure myself. A Daughter's Tribute. Once you become a mother, you are a mother forever. Looking back through the years of how am I going to raise the girls, the major decisions were not based on the self-help and how-to books I read, but how i mimic my mother when she was raising me. I recalled most of my childhood from the pictures I keep in my family album ...Famous Goodbye Quotes. "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.". T.S. Eliot. "The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.". Moira Rogers. "Goodbyes make you think.It's been 18 years since we started dating and you're a terrible liar. When you lie, I can see it in your face, I can hear it in your voice. I know for the longest time that you've been cheating on me, but I let it slip. Come to think of it, it has been a very long time since you last noticed me.What is Best Friend Letters That Make You Cry. Likes: 587. Shares: 294.Read it out loud (either to yourself as if you were reading it to the person or to a trusted friend/confidant). Delete it or rip it up as soon as you are done reading it (this will prevent you from...I hope you're happy with the way your life is right now and even though I always imagined forever with you ..I wish only the best for you and I want you to know that I'll always be here for you just like I had promised I would when we were still dating .Dear friend, First of all, I start by wishing you a happy birthday! I want to send you the best wishes and blessings for this new year of your life. I hope you continue to grow as a person and learn many good things to achieve all your goals and aspirations. Also, I hope they are still there to see you grow and to support you in everything you ...Writing a breakup letter to someone can help bring closure to the situation, and it can even take the place of a face-to-face breakup. However, it's easy to get lost in your emotions and lose track of what you want to say.Sometimes, it's easier to look at a good example and use it to help you end the relationship.You Make Me Smile When I Want to Cry. 2. My Promise - Love Poem for Girlfriend from the Heart. 3. If you were having no idea where to start it, here are some sweet things to say to your best friend to make them cry , you can say it through text or just say it directly. 1. "Real friends are the ones you can count on no matter what.by Jeff Yablon | Bill Zeller Suicide Note. This is the saddest thing I've ever read. I found it at Gizmodo, a technology blog that isn't known for being exactly warm and fuzzy. If you know someone like Bill Zeller, or if you are someone like Bill Zeller, please, please reach out to him or her. And please pass this along.Emotional Love Letters That Make You Cry. My love, I'm writing this letter to tell you how much I love you. I know that there are many things in our lives that can make us sad or angry and sometimes we need someone to make us smile again. This is why I want to be your hero, your knight in shining armor, your Superman.I've outgrown you in ways you'll never be able to understand and it's clear we are heading in completely opposite directions. We lost our connection the minute I realized you had been lying to me all along. Let's be honest: you added no real value to my life and quite frankly you should be ashamed of yourself for playing so dirty.Overview 1 The Real Reason He Left You. 2 How to Make Him Regret Leaving You. 2.1 Step #1 - Make Him See What He Lost. 2.2 Step #2 - Send Texts He Won't Ignore. 2.3 Step #3 - Let Him Go ( to Get Him Back). miami pulmonary specialists backrooms bacteria 3d model I know I'm about to do that.Sample Eulogy - Friend. Amy and I lived down the street as children. I remember, she lived exactly 10 doors down from me. As kids, we always wanted to come up with a way where we could use walking talkies to talk at night or whenever we wanted. We use to rush through our homework so we could run out and play.Here are 13 love letters to my boyfriend that will make him cry: (And, if he doesn't cry, he doesn't have a heart at all!) 1 - When You Need to Say "I'm Sorry" My love, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for saying the words I didn't mean. I'm sorry for not saying the words I should have said; I'm sorry. You're my best friend, my lover, my world.Bake or buy a goodbye cake to share at the party. Write WE'LL MISS YOU! with your friend's name across the top of the cake. Method 4 Saying the Words 1 See your friend off at the bus station or airport. Spending those last few minutes with your friend before everything changes will be priceless.These sad love quotes sayings are appropriate for all Xanga users. If you are looking for Xanga love quotes of a sad nature, here they are…. Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.~ Victoria Holt. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.~ Alfred Lord Tennyson.Writing out my sad heart in paragraphs for you, my so-called boyfriend can't help the pain in my heart, but I'll still let you know how disappointed I am in you. 1. It's sad how a love story that was supposed to end well turned out bitter and painful. The pain you left in my heart will always be in my heart. 2.7. "After your death, you will be what you were before your birth.". - Arthur Schopenhauer. 8. "Death, in itself, is nothing; but we fear, to be we know not what, we know not where.". - John Dryden. 9. "We all die. The goal isn't to live forever; the goal is to create something that will.".I tried to support you in your time of need but I barely got the same back. The phone calls stopped, the laughing over coffee dates and wine evenings stopped. You were busy when I needed you the most but your absence gave me time to reassess the value we now give to each other. I can't say I'm not hurt but neither of us are at fault.Best Goodbye Quotes. 1. "Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you've had, what you've lost, and what you've taken for granted.". - Ritu Ghatourey. 2. "Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I'll miss you until we meet again.". - Anonymous. 3.It is possible to learn to tap into 'awe'-the emotion that arises in response to experiences that we perceive to be strikingly vast-and change the way we understand and remain grateful for the world: Step 1: Recall a recent awe experience. Step 2: Describe the awe experience. (Optional) Step 3: Create an awe diary.cronus zen aim assist warzone Love letters that make people cry or smile. The sweetest love letter to express your love for your wife, husband, love with your girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. includes the following qualities: Keep it short love. Start the letter with a personal creative greeting. Keep it cute love, make it a personal love letter ...1. A "thank you" emotional letter to your best friend to make her cry. Our best friends are people who always stick with us. They've been with us through everything that happened. Good and bad, fun and sad, boring and adventurous…. They are our biggest fans and we should thank them for that.So with that said, my first goodbye is to me not being important, my opinion being so irrelevant. Goodbye to the days of being last and feeling so sorry for ever thinking I should make myself important. Goodbye to the days of trying to impress you with a home-cooked meal I spent a lot of time preparing and a clean house for you to come home to.A joke or a quote, either serious or funny, can be a good way to begin a tribute. Write from your notes so you have a "script" to speak from or a written version of the tribute. Tributes are inherently personal, so "write the way you talk" is probably a good guideline.Sep 19, 2018 · Emotional Goodbye Letter Writing Tips. Start by saying goodbye and hope he is happy after you agreed to split. Apologize if it was something you did which hurt him. Mention that the moments he said he loved you for the first time is still fresh and that you will cherish the two years of togetherness. Mention that his sudden decision to split ... When you have decided to end your relationship, you have to get your goodbye letter to the boyfriend. To help you out today in this regard are samples of goodbye letters to boyfriend that will make him cry. So check it out and feel free to use them. Goodbye letter to boyfriend that will make him cry. Dear my ex boyfriend,It hurts me that You will never know how I feel, You will never know how I used to cry myself to sleep every night because I couldn't bear the thought that I will never be with You. Such an amazing person and such a sweet soul will never be with me. I need to say goodbye, because, frankly, I see that You don't care anymore. You graduated ...One day, in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye, my friend. For you and I will meet again. Tom Petty It is inevitable to get separated, even with the closest person you have for years. One day, you will see each other again when you least expect it.Best of luck! Sad to see you go but wishing you happiness as you begin a new chapter in your life. I've really enjoyed working together. Good luck at your new job. Remember to keep in touch! Enjoy your next chapter! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything or just to catch up.I hope you're happy with the way your life is right now and even though I always imagined forever with you ..I wish only the best for you and I want you to know that I'll always be here for you just like I had promised I would when we were still dating .I forgive you for making me feel like I wasn't good enough for you. I forgive you for embarrassing me in front of my friends. I forgive you for keeping me at arm's length and waiting until you had feelings for someone else to talk to me. I forgive you for breaking my heart into a million pieces.posted on January 16, 2013. This is a letter for that person who feels stuck in life and feels hopeless. That person who doesn't know if life will get better. That person who's been trying to make a change for so long, but hasn't been able to. If that's you, you're not alone and I'm writing this to you.friendship letter to best friend. I am so happy to have discovered an incredible friend like you. You have consistently remained close by on my more joyful and pitiful occasions. Furthermore, without you close by, I would never dream and get this achievement and satisfaction. I'll generally be appreciative to have you as my closest friend.26. "Hey warrior, keep going.". 27. "Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can.". 28. "Stop beating yourself up. You are a work in progress, which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once.". 29. "It is not your job to be everything to everyone.".FIRST OFF: Try playing some music that gets you in the mood for the type of note you'd like to write, whether it's touching and heartfelt or upbeat and fun. Think back to experiences you've shared together — that outing you took, the time they gave you really great advice or even a shoulder to cry on.I hope you're happy with the way your life is right now and even though I always imagined forever with you ..I wish only the best for you and I want you to know that I'll always be here for you just like I had promised I would when we were still dating .When every friend I had had was you. You left me! You forgot me! Take me with you! They say you're in a better place And someday I'll be there too. I guess I'll wait for that someday. I can't do this to someone else, Put them through the pain That truly doesn't have any gain, No matter what they say. I want to scream, I want to cry,Best of luck for your next adventurous endeavors. My best wishes to you for your new chapter of life. You'll be missed. Goodbye! I have always admired you and will always be for what you are. Farewell and best wishes! You're one of the best people I've ever met. Best of luck for new life and farewell! No matter where you go, stay in touch ...A forgiveness letter might say something like this: "You really hurt me when you didn't come to my birthday party. You said you would, and it made me feel like you weren't really my friend. It made me feel that you didn't care or respect me enough to be honest to me. I know we never talk about the hurt and that's ok.Send that good friend of yours a letter of friendship. Keep in touch always. While keeping I touch do not forget to keep the following in mind, Tone - since the letter is an informal one, the tone does not need to be serious, it should be of fun, emotional and a simple conversation between two good friends.Lean on these to help you project and heal. "Someday you'll see the reason why, there's good in goodbye.". "Every goodbye always makes the next hello closer.". "There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.". "Thank you for being a part of my life.". "You will always be a part of me."."You're in a better place, I've heard it a thousand times. And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you. But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry, is how long I must wait to be with you." Missing You Song No. 95: "When I Get to Where I'm Going" by Brad PaisleyFIRST OFF: Try playing some music that gets you in the mood for the type of note you'd like to write, whether it's touching and heartfelt or upbeat and fun. Think back to experiences you've shared together — that outing you took, the time they gave you really great advice or even a shoulder to cry on.7. I promise to work as a team. Mix up the chores. Do the food shopping. Wash both cars. Don't ever think of a task as "my job" or "my wife's job," "men's work" or "women's work.". You're in this together; act like it. 8. I promise to save things for just us.Tell him each and every day how special he is and how honored you are to be his person. Let him know about the dog who died; tell him that your tears may flow sometimes with memories but that does not mean you will not be able to appreciate the gifts he has brought to share with you. Unfinished MourningHow to make someone cry in a goodbye letter: Closure. If you want to control the tears, try tensing your muscles. "Don't say anything, just hold my hand and listen while I cry.". 36. If someone has had a huge trauma or just learned of the lost of a loved one, there is nothing you can say in that moment that is going to help.Farewell Quotes. "It always is harder to be left behind than to be the one to go...". "Your time may come. Do not be too sad, Sam. You cannot be always torn in two. You will have to be one and whole, for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be, and to do.". for darling, the times are quite glorious.A quote, such as “But fate ordains that dearest friends must part.” ~ Edward Young. My final tip on how to write a goodbye letter to someone you care about is to end well. Offer your blessings and wishes for a healthy, happy, peaceful life. Send this person off with hope, love, joy, and freedom. A love story can be a paragraph expressed from the deepest part of the heart. So check out these heart-melting paragraphs for her to make her cry ideas. To love and cherish you till the very end. Even at those sad moments that will tempt one to make unreasonable decisions, all I will do will be in. . You make me sane and whole again.". "I have you in my heart and will never let go.So here we go: How to make him regret losing you…. First, you need to realize that when you're dealing with an ex who is emotionally unavailable, he will never have that "I get it" moment that you're hoping he will have. He'll never realize your worth because he can't realize his own. People who truly know their worth don't have ...I can not be what you want me to be. I’m sorry but I can not be JUST a friend to you, at least not right now. I do have very strong feelings for you and always will but you have made it VERY clear time and again that you don’t want me, that you are not attracted to me and that there will NEVER be an “us”. You have worked hard to get where you are big brother I can never resent you for that. All I ever yearned for was your love, to know how it feels like to wake up and call my brother. To receive a happy birthday text, or hear a simple I love you coming out of your mouth. I have written this letter to ask you what I have ever done to you.Dear children, Let me first say this: I love you more than anything in the world. Remember that sentence because I know there are times where it doesn't feel like I love you. I know I spend a lot of time yelling at you—way too much time, actually. I wish I didn't do that. I'm trying to change. Every day I struggle to control my anger when you make naughty behavior choices, or when I ...Sep 04, 2022 · When you have decided to end your relationship, you have to get your goodbye letter to the boyfriend. To help you out today in this regard are samples of goodbye letters to boyfriend that will make him cry. So check it out and feel free to use them. Goodbye letter to boyfriend that will make him cry. Dear my ex boyfriend, How to get over a crush on a friend is a question that most people have if they get into the situation where they suddenly … Read More about How to get over a crush on a friend? Birthday Letter for Boyfriend - Best Templates and Tips!12: I only have to hope against hope that you will be back in my arms in no distant time. It hurts to raise my hand for a goodbye wave to you. 13: Always be reminded of my face. May thoughts of me ring loud bells in your heart. Please, don't forget me like a boring song. Goodbye.But there are certain effective things you can do - to make him regret leaving you, miss you, and want you back. Overview 1 The Real Reason He Left You. 2 How to Make Him Regret Leaving You. 2.1 Step #1 - Make Him See What He Lost. 2.2 Step #2 - Send Texts He Won't Ignore. 2.3 Step #3 - Let Him Go (to Get Him Back). 1 - Lack Of Acknowledgment.A joke or a quote, either serious or funny, can be a good way to begin a tribute. Write from your notes so you have a "script" to speak from or a written version of the tribute. Tributes are inherently personal, so "write the way you talk" is probably a good guideline.It is possible to learn to tap into 'awe'-the emotion that arises in response to experiences that we perceive to be strikingly vast-and change the way we understand and remain grateful for the world: Step 1: Recall a recent awe experience. Step 2: Describe the awe experience. (Optional) Step 3: Create an awe diary.Lean on these to help you project and heal. "Someday you'll see the reason why, there's good in goodbye.". "Every goodbye always makes the next hello closer.". "There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.". "Thank you for being a part of my life.". "You will always be a part of me.".Aug 23, 2022 · 23 Goodbye Poems For Friends. These heart-warming goodbye poems for friends will let you know that friends can be friends, irrespective of the distance. 1. Dear Friend. We sever now in this good-bye. We all shall miss thy gentle grace. No other friend thy place can fill. And guard thee in the years to come. 38. "We come and cry and that is life, we cry and go and that is death.". -. The Ex. Emotional Goodbye Letter To Girlfriend In Hindi and Images 2022. New Year Letter For Girlfriend: Best Wishes. Emotional Love Letters That Make Her Cry Love Letters For Her, this sample may be the best love letter for her ever to get her back or make her cry.I'm fortunate to have a friend like you. My deepest gratitude for all your help! Thanks! For all the little and big ways you've pitched in…thanks! For my burden-bearing, laughter-sharing, forever-caring friend… a pleased, hug-filled, heartfelt thanks. A big thank-you for letting me crash at your place (again) during the conference.I love you, goodbye. It's not easy for me to say goodbye. But I'll always be there for you whenever you need me. My words cannot express the pain inside me to say goodbye. I'll forever cherish the memories of us. I'll forever keep you in the core of my heart. I hope the best for your future.Before casting a love spell you need to make sure that you're intentions are genuine and good. If you are one of them then call our love expert who is eminent for Spell to make someone cry for you services in all over USA UK and Canada. Counsel Me Prayer Lord Jesus, my Wonderful Counselor, please hear my cry for help, for You are my only hope.Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. -Mahatma Gandhi. -The hardest part of loving someone is saying goodbye. -You have changed me forever and I will never forget you. -Kiera Cass. -It is not forever, it is not the end. It simply means that we will see you soon again. -I feel very lucky to have met someone from whom it is so ... oil pump servicexa
6 facts about psychedelic drugs that will totally blow your mind In the effort to demonize mind-altering drugs, critics have overlooked some very real benefits Despite the fact that the U.S. government deems many hallucinogenic or psychedelic substances to be dangerous, classifying them as Schedule I drugs with “no currently accepted medical use,” various scientists have dared to study their effects. What they’ve found over the years paints a startling, promising and powerful picture of potentially game-changing medicines. Advertisement: The government’s "war on drugs" policies severely limit research on psychedelics. Before scientists can complete any federally sanctioned studies, they have to jump through an expensive tangle of hoops and red tape. Restrictions aside, over the years researchers have collected a database of research showing that many psychedelics have an unprecedented potential to treat cancers, addictions and psychological traumas, among other things. Here are some of the coolest things scientists have discovered about psychedelics over the years. 1. LSD can mitigate end-of-life anxiety. The results of the first clinical study of the therapeutic use of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) in humans in more than 40 years were published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease in March. They show that LSD can promote statistically significant reductions in anxiety for people coming to terms with their own impending demise. Swiss psychiatrist Peter Gasser and his colleagues conducted the double-blind, placebo-controlled study, sponsored by the non-profit Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). They tracked 12 people who were near the end of life as they attended LSD-assisted psychotherapy sessions. In his report, Gasser concluded that the study subjects’ anxiety "went down and stayed down." 2. Psilocybin, aka magic mushrooms, actually calms, rather than stimulates, certain brain functions. Advertisement: The common conception is that psychedelics do something extra to cause their effects—increase activity, add hallucinations, promote awareness, etc. A study that examined brain scans of people under the influence of psilocybin found that it reduces activity in certain areas of the brain. That reduction of activity leads to the drug's effect on cognition and memory. Psychedelics, and psilocybin in particular, might actually be eliminating what could be called the extra "noise" in the brain. 3. The drug MDMA (aka ecstasy, or Molly) promotes release of the hormone oxytocin, which could help treat severe anxieties like PTSD and social anxiety resulting from autism. Before the federal government classified it as a Schedule I substance, therapists experimented with MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxyrnethimphetarnine) beginning in the 1970s to help reduce moderate depression and anxiety among their adult patients. After widespread recreational use in the rave scene caught the attention of authorities, MDMA was criminalized in 1985. However, research primarily supported by the MAPS has continued to turn up positive results for the drug’s potential therapeutic use. Various clinical trials and statistical research have confirmed that MDMA can successfully treat post-traumatic stress in military veterans and others. One exampleis the clinical trial led by Michael Mithoefer, which used MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to treat chronic PTSD. A 2009 study offers a plausible explanation for MDMA’s effectiveness treating PTSD. The double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of 15 healthy individuals confirmed that MDMA causes the brain to release oxytocin, which is the human hormone linked to feelings of love and compassion. Advertisement: MAPS recently received government approval to launch a new study examining MDMA’s potential for treating social anxiety in autistic adults. Based on the known effects of MDMA, as well as individual reports, this exploratory study will focus on enhancing functional skills and quality of life in autistic adults with social anxiety. 4. Psilocybin could kill smoking addiction. Psychiatry professor Matthew Johnson, who works at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, presented the preliminary results of a pilot feasibility study looking at the ability of psilocybin to treat smoking addiction at the 2013 Psychedelic Science conference in Oakland, Calif. For the study, five cigarette-addicted participants underwent placebo-controlled psilocybin treatment with a psychiatrist. All five completely quit smoking after their first psilocybin session. At all followup visits, which occurred up to one year later for the first four participants, it was biologically confirmed that the participants had abstained from cigarettes. Advertisement: 5. Ayahuasca can treat drug addictionand possibly much more. Ayahuasca is a brew prepared with the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, originally used for spiritual and healing purposes in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. The vine is usually mixed with leaves containing the psychedelic compound DMT. Gabor Mate, a medical doctor from Vancouver who is a prominent ayahuasca researcher,contends that therapy assisted by psychedelics, and ayahuasca in particular, can untangle complex, unconscious psychological stresses. He claims these stresses underlie and contribute to all chronic medical conditions, from cancer and addiction to depression and multiple sclerosis. Advertisement: The results of the first North American observational study on the safety and long-term effectiveness of ayahuasca treatment for addiction and dependence were published in June 2013 in the journal Current Drug Abuse Reviews. All of the participants in the study reported positive and lasting changes, and the study found statistically significant improvements “for scales assessing hopefulness, empowerment, mindfulness, and quality of life meaning and outlook subscales. Self-reported alcohol, tobacco and cocaine use declined, although cannabis and opiate use did not.” The reported reductions in problematic cocaine use were also statistically significant. 6. DMT occurs naturally in the human body, and taking it could simulate death. The drug DMT (diemethyltryptamine), which causes hallucinogenic experiences, is made up of a chemical compound that already occurs within the human body endogenously (as well as in a number of plants). This means our brains are naturally set up to process the drug because it has receptors that exist specifically to do so. Cannabis is another illegal drug that occursendogenously. Some research based on near-death experiences points to the fact that the brain releases DMT during death. Some researchers have also conjectured that DMT is released during other intense experiences, including orgasm.
Bradley Manning’s defense rests its case By Matthew MacEgan 12 July 2013 On Wednesday, the defense rested its case in the court-martial of Bradley Manning, the US Army private who has pleaded guilty to releasing 700,000 documents exposing the crimes of US imperialism to the WikiLeaks website in April 2010. The trial, which began June 3, has laid bare the fiercely anti-democratic character of the Obama administration, which came to power promising transparency and openness, yet has indicted more individuals for espionage (i.e., exposing government and military misdeeds) than all previous US administrations combined. The political and military establishment is now seeking to make an example of Manning to intimidate any who would follow in his courageous footsteps. Manning is being tried for political acts in a court-martial before a military judge with almost unlimited powers. Moreover, military judge Colonel Denise Lind ruled that Manning’s political motives were irrelevant to the case and could not be considered, making the proceeding a travesty of fairness and justice. In a 35-page pre-trial statement, Manning made clear the political nature of his actions. He noted, “In attempting to conduct counter-terrorism … and counter-insurgency (COIN) operations, we became obsessed with capturing and killing human targets on lists … and ignoring the second- and third-order effects of accomplishing short-term goals and missions. “I believe that if the general public, especially the American public, had access to the information … this could spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general … as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan. “I also believed the detailed analysis of the data over a long period of time by different sectors of society might cause society to reevaluate the need or even the desire to even to engage in counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations that ignore the complex dynamics of the people living in the effected environment every day.” Later in his statement, Manning explained, “The more I read, the more I was fascinated by the way that we dealt with other nations and organizations. I also began to think that the documented backdoor deals and seemingly criminal activity didn’t seem characteristic of the de facto leader of the free world.” Manning felt particularly strongly about this question of secret diplomacy, a central feature of the diplomatic cables released to WikiLeaks: “The more I read the cables, the more I came to the conclusion that this was the type of information that should become public.” He noted that he had read about the issue of open diplomacy in regard to the First World War, and asserted that “the world would be a better place if states would avoid making secret pacts and deals with and against each other.” However, rather than utilizing the trial to further expose the crimes of the US government made public through Manning’s actions, the defense, headed by military defense counsel David Coombs, has conceded that Manning is guilty of the release of classified information and has only sought to fight against the claim that his revelations aided enemies such as Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. In February, Manning pleaded guilty to 10 lesser charges, including unauthorized possession, willful communication and improper storage of classified material, for which he faces a 20-year sentence. However, he has pleaded not guilty to violating the Espionage and Computer Fraud and Abuse acts, which could bring him a life sentence. He has also pleaded not guilty to larceny, aiding the enemy and improper use of government information systems. Largely disregarding Manning’s sincere political convictions and concerns, Coombs has chosen to portray his client as an inept and malcontented individual. However, a number of defense witnesses, including Manning’s supervisors during his time in Iraq, paint a much different picture of the young man. Army Chief Warrant Officer Joshua Ehresman, who supervised Manning near Baghdad, stated that he “was our best analyst by far… He would come up with exactly what you were looking for. He was our go-to guy.” He also stated that Manning’s intelligence reports were “very detailed” and that he had the highest production level in their unit. Another witness, also a friend of Manning’s, Lauren McNamara, provided insight into the political factors motivating him. Providing several months of chat conversations between herself and Manning, she explained that Manning was very upset and troubled by the way civilians were treated in Iraq during his stay. “He considered human life to be valuable above all,” she explained, stating that he “put people first.” Over the course of their exchange, Manning revealed to McNamara his desire to go into politics with the goal of saving families in other countries and ensuring that noncombatants were able to get home safely. While the prosecution utilized 80 witnesses over a five-week period, the defense only presented ten in defense of Manning over the course of one week. Coombs sought to show that while Manning did reveal classified information, it did no harm to national security. Defense witness Colonel Morris Davis, former chief military prosecutor at Guantánamo, commented in an interview with Democracy Now! that Manning “ought to get a reasonable sentence for what he’s admitted that he did.” The only bone of contention, according to such figures, is whether Manning intended to aid, or did aid, terrorist groups like Al Qaeda.
1. Keep learning Chinese as a hobby “Interest is the best teacher,” so, foster an interest in learning Mandarin, like you would a hobby, and you will study with half the effort. Find some activities that you can take part in, such as singing Chinese songs, playing Chinese games, reading humorous texts -- all the while you are practicing conversation. Over time, as your interests grow, so will your motivation for learning the language. There are a variety of Chinese language-learning books, and it can be a challenge to decide which is best for you. Here is one that I particularly recommend. An excellent choice for beginners, this series of three primary learning books include 30 topics for survival Chinese. The daily-life topics are well planned and include lots of exercises for learning pinyin along with basic characters. A good book will set you on a path and a good teacher will be your best guide. Personal instruction is the best way to learn the challenging pronunciation and grammar rules of Mandarin. There really is no substitute for the support and instant feedback that a professional teacher can provide. 4. A good language environment A good book, a good teacher and a good learning environment all add up to rapid learning. Such an environment includes a quiet place to study as well as making friends with Chinese people who will be supportive of your wish to learn their language – which means probably most anyone to whom you show a sincere desire to learn from and communicate with. Learning a new language shouldn’t be only for the sake of language learning. It should also include finding out about the country and its culture, and Chinese people’s lives and the way they think and deal with things. Of course you can learn these from the Internet and television, but think of how much more you can learn by asking your Chinese friends to help you practice. Don’t be shy! Above are some tips for Chinese Beginners, hope it will be helpful for you! Still got questions? Contact us here! Good luck in your Mandarin learning!
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poster="http://v.politico.com/images/1155968404/201703/1649/1155968404_5362197359001_5362183422001-vs.jpg?pubId=1155968404" true Spicer accuses media of cherry-picking comments on Trump wiretapping claims White House press secretary Sean Spicer accused the media of cherry-picking quotes from Republican lawmakers who are increasingly saying there is no evidence to back up President Donald Trump’s claim that Barack Obama wiretapped his phones. Shortly after the Republican chairman and top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee issued a joint statement casting doubt on Trump’s claim, Spicer lashed out at reporters during the daily press briefing. Story Continued Below Spicer said there had been “crickets” from the media in response to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ statements saying the surveillance was possible. “It's interesting to me that, you know, just as a point of interest that when one entity says one thing that claims one thing, you guys cover it ad nauseam, when Devin Nunes came out and said, ‘I think it's very possible,’ there was crickets. When Devin Nunes said there was no connection to Russia, there was crickets,” he said. Nunes on Wednesday said it was “very possible” Obama’s administration could have surveilled Trump. However, he also said he didn’t think there was “an actual tap of Trump Tower” and if you take the tweets literally, “clearly the president was wrong.” During the briefing on Thursday, Spicer said the president still stands by his allegation and that he believes the president will be vindicated. “The bottom line is the president said last night that he will be providing, there would be additional information coming forward,” he said. “There is a ton of media reports out there that indicate that something was going on during the 2016 election.” Breaking News Alerts Get breaking news when it happens — in your inbox. Email Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time. Despite Spicer's accusations, the statements from the House Intelligence Committee’s leaders were widely covered by the media, as have been official's denials of evidence of connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. For example, Spicer said Nunes’ statement that he had seen no evidence of a connection between Trump and Russia “got zero reporting.” But many outlets including the Washington Post , POLITICO , and CNN covered the story. Spicer sparred with ABC’s Jonathan Karl during the briefing, when Karl pushed Spicer to answer his question regarding how the White House responds to the intelligence committees in both the House and Senate saying they have seen no evidence of wiretapping. “I’m trying to answer your question, Jonathan, if you can calm down,” Spicer said. “Where was your passion, and where was you concern when they said there was no connection to Russia? Where was it then? Crickets from you guys.” The press secretary then read long passages from other media reports, including from the New York Times, Fox News, Heat Street and the National Review, describing the government’s investigations into the Trump campaign’s connection with Russia. Spicer cited the organizations’ reporting on a possible FISA warrant to examine the connection of a Trump campaign server and two Russian banks and the Times’ reporting on “phone records and intercepted calls." However, none of the reporting Spicer cited confirmed Trump’s claim that Obama had “wire tapped” him. Spicer also faced off with CNN’s Jim Acosta, accidentally saying that Acosta “has zero intelligence” while meaning to say “zero intelligence clearance.” “Maybe both,” Spicer then joked.
Fort George G Meade, Maryland Business Directory - Companies and People Search Toggle navigation corporationwiki Home Companies People Locations Trademarks Signed in as Sign out Fort George G Meade, MD Business Directory Home > U.S. > Maryland Advertisements Recently found companies in Fort George G Meade Company Found Audio Fever Productions LLC 2 days ago Freedom Fighter 1776 LLC 3 months ago Myrna Rivera Life Coaching LLC 5 months ago Strategic Defensive Cybersecurity LLC 10 months ago Williams United Logistics LLC 2 years ago World Fellowship Church International 3 years ago Byneep, LLC 8 years ago Picerne Investment Corporation 14 years ago Exeter Communications LLC 14 years ago Top cities in Maryland Rank City Companies Found 1 Baltimore 80,349 2 Silver Spring 30,806 3 Rockville 27,166 4 Bethesda 26,045 5 Gaithersburg 18,786 6 Annapolis 17,670 7 Frederick 17,208 8 Columbia 17,178 9 Bowie 13,190 10 Laurel 12,550 11 Upper Marlboro 11,910 12 Hyattsville 10,940 13 Ellicott City 10,163 14 Hagerstown 9,257 15 Potomac 8,989 16 Germantown 8,675 17 Owings Mills 8,650 18 Towson 8,561 19 Waldorf 8,199 20 Glen Burnie 8,020 21 Salisbury 7,363 22 Bel Air 6,919 23 Chevy Chase 6,587 24 Westminster 6,211 25 Fort Washington 5,943 26 Lutherville Timonium 5,774 27 Pasadena 5,546 28 Pikesville 5,404 29 Lanham 5,344 30 Beltsville 5,190 31 Clinton 5,188 32 Catonsville 5,100 33 Easton 4,262 34 Parkville 4,191 35 Reisterstown 4,123 36 Cockeysville 3,976 37 Capitol Heights 3,937 38 Temple Hills 3,937 39 Cumberland 3,932 40 Severna Park 3,908 41 Mount Airy 3,821 42 Sykesville 3,767 43 Elkton 3,682 44 Ocean City 3,629 45 Randallstown 3,593 46 Greenbelt 3,555 47 Elkridge 3,459 48 Windsor Mill 3,387 49 Kensington 3,380 50 Nottingham 3,333 51 Gwynn Oak 3,313 52 Hanover 3,182 53 College Park 3,083 54 Edgewater 3,052 55 District Heights 2,994 56 Crofton 2,954 57 Olney 2,944 58 Oxon Hill 2,830 59 Berlin 2,828 60 Halethorpe 2,811 61 Millersville 2,692 62 Odenton 2,651 63 Essex 2,642 64 Severn 2,528 65 Arnold 2,512 66 Suitland 2,465 67 Montgomery Village 2,410 68 Takoma Park 2,391 69 Dundalk 2,257 70 Cambridge 2,256 71 La Plata 2,226 72 Abingdon 2,187 73 Stevensville 2,097 74 Derwood 2,075 75 Forest Hill 2,006 76 Aberdeen 2,005 77 Rosedale 1,977 78 Hunt Valley 1,921 79 Jessup 1,920 80 Clarksville 1,916 81 Burtonsville 1,850 82 Oakland 1,841 83 Middle River 1,810 84 Clarksburg 1,802 85 Havre De Grace 1,801 86 Edgewood 1,787 87 Chestertown 1,748 88 Joppa 1,737 89 Mechanicsville 1,726 90 Prince Frederick 1,664 91 Gambrills 1,660 92 Damascus 1,631 93 Linthicum Heights 1,611 94 Brandywine 1,574 95 Fallston 1,561 96 Riverdale 1,553 97 Lexington Park 1,549 98 Hampstead 1,480 99 Middletown 1,462 100 Centreville 1,423 101 North East 1,411 102 Huntingtown 1,402 103 Accokeek 1,320 104 Leonardtown 1,296 105 New Market 1,293 106 Finksburg 1,286 107 Crownsville 1,284 108 Woodbine 1,275 109 Lusby 1,273 110 Phoenix 1,266 111 Davidsonville 1,215 112 Perry Hall 1,206 113 Glenn Dale 1,200 114 White Plains 1,180 115 Denton 1,176 116 Brooklyn 1,163 117 Thurmont 1,156 118 North Potomac 1,131 119 Owings 1,112 120 Boyds 1,102 121 Dunkirk 1,082 122 California 1,056 123 Frostburg 1,050 124 Brookeville 1,046 125 Boonsboro 1,041 126 Walkersville 1,032 127 Sparks Glencoe 1,031 128 Ijamsville 1,029 129 Williamsport 1,026 130 Rising Sun 1,024 131 Lutherville 1,022 132 Chester 1,018 133 Manchester 993 134 Taneytown 990 135 Fulton 950 136 Monkton 914 137 Parkton 913 138 Woodstock 902 139 Jarrettsville 870 140 Hollywood 853 141 Landover 819 142 Bladensburg 817 143 Chesapeake Beach 807 144 Pocomoke City 807 145 Smithsburg 795 146 Poolesville 793 147 Queenstown 785 148 White Marsh 762 149 Princess Anne 759 150 Marriottsville 756 151 Curtis Bay 746 152 Indian Head 729 153 Grasonville 715 154 Lothian 712 155 New Windsor 702 156 Jefferson 687 157 Glen Arm 686 158 Kingsville 678 159 Monrovia 678 160 White Hall 671 161 Federalsburg 655 162 Mitchellville 645 163 Hughesville 643 164 Mount Rainier 631 165 Brentwood 615 166 Saint Michaels 613 167 Highland 605 168 Myersville 603 169 Annapolis Junction 600 170 Sparks 600 171 Street 592 172 Union Bridge 591 173 Delmar 586 174 Belcamp 577 175 Saint Leonard 572 176 Adamstown 570 177 Charlotte Hall 568 178 Savage 568 179 Baldwin 558 180 Preston 544 181 Snow Hill 538 182 Clear Spring 534 183 Glenwood 534 184 Largo 534 185 Sparrows Point 530 186 Bryans Road 523 187 Timonium 508 188 Perryville 500 189 Emmitsburg 495 190 Port Deposit 495 191 Brunswick 491 192 Adelphi 486 193 Knoxville 484 194 Bishopville 473 195 Cabin John 471 196 Crisfield 471 197 Churchville 461 198 North Bethesda 461 199 Riva 459 200 Hurlock 449 201 Shady Side 449 202 Grantsville 442 203 Fruitland 436 204 Forestville 432 205 Harwood 432 206 Linthicum 425 207 Sharpsburg 423 208 Ashton 422 209 New Carrollton 417 210 Chesapeake City 413 211 Trappe 413 212 Hebron 409 213 Deale 404 214 West Friendship 403 215 Darlington 401 216 Cheltenham 390 217 Keedysville 388 218 Mchenry 388 219 Greensboro 385 220 Freeland 384 221 Hancock 379 222 Sandy Spring 373 223 Glenelg 369 224 Ridgely 369 225 Dickerson 361 226 Solomons 361 227 Great Mills 357 228 Dayton 355 229 Parsonsburg 350 230 Cheverly 348 231 Upperco 343 232 Keymar 334 233 Stevenson 334 234 Rock Hall 330 235 Port Republic 326 236 Wheaton 325 237 Woodsboro 317 238 North Beach 312 239 Churchton 307 240 Conowingo 303 241 Millington 292 242 Swanton 288 243 West River 285 244 Pittsville 283 245 Oxford 280 246 Whiteford 278 247 Eden 276 248 Newburg 276 249 Cordova 271 250 Mardela Springs 269 251 Port Tobacco 260 252 Pylesville 259 253 Accident 258 254 Fort George G Meade 258 255 Galena 252 256 Camp Springs 251 257 East New Market 251 258 Earleville 250 259 Springdale 249 260 Tracys Landing 233 261 Valley Lee 232 262 Worton 227 263 Church Hill 219 264 Sunderland 219 265 Westernport 218 266 Colora 216 267 Friendsville 207 268 Willards 204 269 Sudlersville 200 270 Eldersburg 198 271 Westover 198 272 Spencerville 197 273 Berwyn Heights 190 274 Lonaconing 188 275 Laytonsville 187 276 Nanjemoy 182 277 Aberdeen Proving Ground 177 278 Queen Anne 175 279 Kennedyville 173 280 Glyndon 171 281 Brooklandville 167 282 Darnestown 165 283 Glenarden 163 284 Pomfret 163 285 Flintstone 156 286 Marion Station 150 287 Rocky Ridge 147 288 Point of Rocks 145 289 Andrews Afb 138 290 Glen Echo 137 291 Sabillasville 134 292 University Park 133 293 Hydes 131 294 Oldtown 131 295 Newark 129 296 Marydel 128 297 Henderson 127 298 Fairplay 126 299 Cooksville 121 300 Callaway 120 You must be signed in to print. 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A recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report to Congress reports that local and regional food sales in the United States totaled US$6.1 billion in 2012—an increase from the reported US$4.8 billion in 2008. This amount accounts for the selling of food from local farms, “for human consumption through both direct-to-consumer (e.g., farmers’ markets) and intermediated marketing channels (e.g., sales to institutions or regional distributors).” The report findings provide an updated assessment of the growing trend in both the production and consumption of local food in the United States. Local food sales are accounted from the 7.8 percent of U.S. farms that identify as “marketing food locally.” Of those farms, 70 percent facilitated sales solely through direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing channels, while the remaining 30 percent operated entirely through intermediated marketing channels, or a combination of both. Between 2002 and 2007, the number of DTC farms and number of DTC sales demonstrated a correlating increase of 17 percent and 32 percent. However, from 2007- 2012, data exhibited only a slight increase of 5.5 percent in the number of DTC farms in the U.S., “with no change in DTC sales.” Dr. Sara A. Low of the Economic Research Service (ERS ) suggests that the plateau in DTC sales could have resulted from a lull in consumer interests, an increase in sales transactions through intermediated marketing channels, or a byproduct of the recession. The USDA report also indicates that between 2007 and 2012, there was a decrease in the value of DTC sales, while sales through intermediated marketing channels exhibited great returns. In fact, 80 percent of the US$6.1 billion in total local food sales were through intermediated marketing channels from larger local food farms, many situated near urban centers. The report did not provide specifics regarding consumer demographics for DTC marketing outlets. More often than not, DTC marketing outlets, like farmers’ markets, offer lower prices than grocery stores. But the data reveals that consumers are willing to pay a premium for local foods. Over the last several years, more than 30 state laws have passed in an effort to expand the presence of farmers’ markets nationwide. Many of these laws seek to not only support and grow local food systems, but they also work towards increasing access to healthy foods. Furthermore, the 2014 Farm Bill highlights “increased” funding for the development of intermediated marketing channels, and the “reauthorization” of “food access programs” targeting both senior citizens and school children. In addition, the current Farm Bill also establishes increased access to “locally and regionally marked food” for SNAP participants by allocating funds to make purchasing from farmers’ markets an easier and less costly process. print Join the Conversation:
Image copyright Joshua Browder Image caption Joshua Browder built the bot after receiving "countless" parking tickets himself A chatbot programmed by a British teenager has successfully challenged 160,000 parking tickets since its launch last year. About 250,000 people have used the free service so far, said its creator, Joshua Browder. The Do Not Pay bot currently works in the UK and New York in the US. It asks a series of questions to determine the validity of a penalty notice. It can also be used to work out compensation for delayed flights. Mr Browder told the BBC he hoped it proved bots could be useful. "Bots are a huge opportunity for public service," he said. Image copyright DoNotPay Image caption The bot asks a series of questions about the circumstances surrounding the parking ticket "I'm very surprised it has been so successful, but I am not surprised that so many people have pushed back against their parking tickets." Of the 160,000 successful challenges, 9,000 were from New York, where the bot launched in March 2016, reports Venture Beat. Mr Browder was inspired to build the bot, which he describes as "the world's first robot lawyer", after receiving "countless" parking tickets himself. It took him three months to program. The Stanford University student is currently building a new bot aimed at helping Syrian refugees by producing English documents based on Arabic text. However, Abhi Chirimar, the chief executive of online mental health community Instawell, said that in his experience there was no chatbot "silver bullet" for companies offering digital services across more than one platform. "Service developers need to be mindful of the pros and cons when designing chatbots," he said. "Chatbots need tactical conversation design to ensure that the average person feels comfortable throughout the process. "We realised early on that there isn't an easy 'silver-bullet' for our chatbot. "Now, a Facebook user and a Slack user are served up different chatbots for the same goal - get the right kind of help."
Singtel Business eShop – FAQ x Close Information OK Mobile Mobile Phones | SIM Only SIM Only | Add-ons | Check Recontract Eligibility | Mobile BroadBand | FAQ | Contact Us Fibre Broadband Fibre Broadband Plans | Check Recon Eligibility | Check Fibre Coverage Other Services Telephony | Singtel TV | Saas Login Login ✖ Manage Account My Broadband Services Log out ✖ Mobile Mobile Phones SIM Only SIM Only Add-ons Check recontract eligibility Mobile BroadBand FAQ Contact Us Fibre Broadband Fibre Broadband Plans Check Recon Eligibility Check Fibre Coverage Other Services Telephony Singtel TV Saas FAQ Why Buy Online? Contact Us for Assistance TNC FAQ Please select a topic below. 1. Getting Started 1.1. What is Singtel Business eShop? 1.2. How do I know if I am eligible for a Singtel Business eShop account? 1.3. How can I sign up for a Singtel Business eShop account? 1.4. I did not receive the Singtel Business eShop account activation pin. What should I do? 2. How To Shop Online 2.1. How do I purchase online? 2.2. Can I transact online as a new business customer to Singtel? 2.3. How do I know whether I am eligible to renew my Singtel mobile line? 2.4. How can I change my mobile price plan? 2.5. How do I make payment? 2.6. How can I get a confirmation of my purchase? 2.7. How do I know if my payment information is secure? 2.8. How do I know if my browser is secure? 2.9. How can I trade-in an existing mobile device? 2.10. How can I find out the trade-in value of my current mobile device? 2.11. What is After-Sales Assistance? 3. Order & Delivery 3.1. When can my mobile device be delivered to me? 3.2. Can I change my delivery timeslot? 3.3. What do I need to prepare during the delivery? 3.4. What if I am not available to receive the purchased item? 3.5. Can I request for my mobile device to be delivered to a different address? 3.6. How can I change my delivery address after my purchase? 3.7. Where can I find a sample of the Letter of Authorisation? 3.8. How can I view my order status? 3.9. What if I missed the delivery? 3.10. The item delivered is faulty. What should I do? 3.11. Can I pick up my purchase at any Singtel shop? 4. Singtel Business eShop Account 4.1. How do I change my password? 4.2. What should I do if I have forgotten my password? 4.3. How do I change my email address? 4.4. Will Singtel contact me for my Business eShop profile and password? 4.5. What can I do if someone has accessed my account? 5. Free Gifts & Premiums 5.1. Redemption Details 6. General 6.1. 4G(LTE) network service 6.2. Online Chat settings 6.3. Singtel's Data Protection Policy on NRIC Number 7. Terms & Conditions 7.1. Privacy Policy 7.2. Website Disclaimer 7.3. Singtel Business eShop Terms & Conditions 1. Getting Started 1.1. What is Singtel Business eShop?top Singtel Business eShop is designed to help our business customers enjoy the convenience of online shopping via a secured website, any time of the day. You may choose to do any of the following transactions: Subscribe to a new mobile line or recontract your current Singtel Mobile Line, and; Learn about our Mobile Value Added Services and how it can meet your business communication needs. 1.2. How do I know if I am eligible for a Singtel Business eShop account?top All existing Singtel Business customers with a valid Business Registration Number (BRN) are eligible for a Singtel Business eShop account. 1.3. How can I sign up for a Singtel Business eShop account?top You may register a new account through Business.Singtelshop.com and follow these simple steps: Click on "Register" on the top right hand corner; Fill up the registration form; Activate your account with a one-time 10 digit Pin which will be sent and retrieved from your email; Login with your email address and the password provided. Alternatively, you may visit our Singtel Business Portal page and follow these steps: Click the "Request for Account" option on the top right hand corner; Enter your Business Registration Number, existing Singtel account number and main administrator information; Click the "Save" button; Login with the password you provided. Note: For security purposes, your password should contain a minimum of six alphanumeric characters. A good password should contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. Password is case sensitive. Please make sure that your password is memorable and difficult for others to guess. To prevent misuse of your online account, please keep your password safe at all times. 1.4. I did not receive the Singtel Business eShop account activation pin. What should I do?top The email validation Pin should reach your registered email account as soon as you submit your registration. The one-time 10 digit Pin expires within 30 minutes (from the time it is sent). If you did not receive the Pin, do ensure that: The email is not delivered to your Bulk/ Spam mail folder. There is sufficient mailbox space and there are no server problems during email delivery. You have registered a correct/valid email address. The email account is still active. Otherwise, you need to re-register your Singtel Business eShop account to receive the one-time 10 digit Pin in order to complete the registration process. 2. How To Shop Online 2.1. How do I purchase online?top Log on to Singtel Business eShop with your email address and password and start browsing. After you have made your choice, click the "Checkout" button to see what you have selected. Kindly confirm the details of your order and delivery schedule. Please note that your order and delivery schedule cannot be changed or cancelled once you have submitted the order. 2.2. Can I transact online as a new business customer to Singtel?top Yes. In order for you to make online transactions, you must have a registered account. Upon purchase, you will need a soft copy of the following documents in JPEG, GIF, PNG, or PDF format (not more than 850kb) necessary for our processing: Company BizFile (full set, print date within 1 month) NRIC of Owners/Directors (Front and back) / Passport of Business Owner(s) An email confirmation of your order will be sent to you upon completion of the verification process within 3 working days. 2.3. How do I know whether I am eligible to renew my Singtel mobile line? top You may renew your existing mobile line(s) if your last mobile device upgrade was at least 12 or 21 months ago. Dial *1626 and reply with option "4" to check your upgrade eligibility. A reply via SMS will be sent to your mobile device shortly. 2.4. How can I change my mobile price plan?top You can change your mobile price plan during the purchasing process, but not after you have completed your transaction. Please note that you are subject to the Terms and Conditions of your existing Singtel mobile plan. 2.5. How do I make payment?top Once you have confirmed your order, select "Payment" and pay through either: Credit Card: VISA or MasterCard Debit Card: UOB Only Nets When you have entered the payment details, select "Submit order" to proceed. For Nets payment, our courier serviceman will bring a Nets machine to enable you to complete the payment. We do not accept credit terms for all the purchases done on Singtel Business eShop. 2.6. How can I get a confirmation of my purchase?top After the order submission, you will see a Transaction Summary of your purchase. You will also receive a receipt of your purchase via email. You may view your order transaction by following these simple steps. Log in to your Singtel Business eShop account Click "Manage My Account" Click "My Orders" to view your order. 2.7. How do I know if my payment information is secure?top Singtel Business eShop payment server uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software which is the industry standard, and among the best security software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all personal information, including credit card numbers, names, addresses and etc. Never send unprotected information over the Internet to prevent unauthorized parties from retrieving it. Today, our web site's SSL Certificate is issued by VeriSign, the leading provider of the most trusted solution for online security. Click here to verify the SSL Certificate for Business.Singtelshop.com. 2.8. How do I know if my browser is secure?top By checking your browser, you will be able to tell if you are using a secure protocol in several ways: You will notice that the "http" in the address line is replaced with "https" You should see a small padlock icon either at the top or bottom of your browser - see examples below Microsoft Internet Explorer displays it at the top of the browser, next to the address bar Mozilla Firefox displays it at the bottom right of the browser, next to the progress bar Google Chrome displays it at the left of the site's URL in the address bar You can click on the padlock icon to view our web site's security details. 2.9. How can I trade-in an existing mobile device?top Once you have selected the new mobile device and price plan, you can choose to trade-in your existing mobile device on the Shopping Cart page. Please accept the trade-in Terms and Conditions before proceeding. The trade-in value will offset the price of the new mobile device. There will be no refund in case of differences in the trade-in value. For example, the price of the new mobile device is $200 but the trade-in value is $300, the $100 difference will not be refunded. Please ensure to hand over your trade-in mobile device to the courier serviceman when he delivers your new mobile device. However, we regret to inform you that you may need to pay the value of the trade-in mobile device in cash to the courier serviceman, if they DO NOT fulfill the following criteria: No cosmetic damage to the mobile device; The equipment traded in must include mobile device transceiver, charger, battery, original accessories such as data cable and MMC cards (if applicable); The mobile device must be able to power on, and Phone Lock must be disabled; LCD display screen must be intact, and not damaged, scratched or cracked; Words displayed on the LCD screen must not be segmented; and The courier reserves the right to reject trade-ins which do not meet the above criteria at the point of delivery. Please note that the purchased mobile device will only be release upon this payment. 2.10. How can I find out the trade-in value of my current mobile device?top Click the Trade-in calculator on our mobile device catalogue page. Select the mobile device brand and model to be traded-in from the drop-down list. The Trade-in calculator will then compute the trade-in value based on your selection. Please read the Trade-in terms & conditions for more details. 2.11. What is After-Sales Assistance?top Should you have any of the following enquiries, please call our After-Sales Assistance hotline 1606 (Mondays to Fridays 8am to 6pm and Saturdays 11am to 8pm excluding Public Holidays) for assistance. 3. Order & Delivery 3.1. When can my mobile device be delivered to me?top For existing Singtel Business customers, please allow 3 working days from the day you placed the order. For first-time sign up Singtel Business customers, please allow 5 working days from the day you placed the order. Please note the delivery timeslots are subjected to availability at point of purchase. Deliveries are available on working days, Mondays to Fridays (excludes gazette Public Holidays in Singapore). 3.2. Can I change my delivery timeslot?top No, you will not be able to change your delivery timeslot because we have already made all necessary arrangements to ensure that your purchased item will be delivered to you as scheduled. 3.3. What do I need to prepare during the delivery? top For verification purposes, please prepare a Letter of Authorisation (LOA) printed on your company letterhead. The LOA must include your company stamp, BRN/UEN No, Authorised Officer's signature (AO) and a copy of your NRIC/FIN during the delivery to your location at the specifically appointed date and time. We regret to inform you that the ordered item(s) will not be released if: The LOA is incomplete Missing copy of NRIC/FIN If you had indicated a trade-in request, please hand over your trade-in mobile device to the courier serviceman when he delivers your purchased item. However, we regret to inform you that you may need to pay the value of the trade-in mobile device in cash to the courier serviceman, if they fulfill the following criteria: No cosmetic damage to the mobile device; The equipment traded in must include mobile device transceiver, charger, battery, original accessories such as data cable and MMC cards (if applicable); The mobile device must be able to power on, and Phone Lock must be disabled; LCD display screen must be intact, and not damaged, scratched or cracked; Words displayed on the LCD screen must not be segmented; and The courier reserves the right to reject trade-ins which do not meet the above criteria at the point of delivery. Please note that the purchased mobile device will only be release upon this payment. 3.4. What if I am not available to receive the purchased item? top If the authorised person is unable to accept the delivery, he/she shall nominate a representative to accept in his/her behalf. The representative must produce a Letter of Authorisation (LOA), appointing the bearer as recipient, together with a copy of their respective NRIC/FIN during delivery. We regret to inform you that the ordered item(s) will not be released if The LOA is incomplete Missing copies of NRIC/FIN of the authorised personnel & bearer If you had indicated a trade-in request, please hand over your trade-in mobile device to your bearer to pass to the courier serviceman when he delivers your purchased item. However, we regret to inform you that you may need to pay in cash the value of the trade-in mobile device, to the courier serviceman if they fulfill the following criteria: No cosmetic damage to the mobile device; The equipment traded in must include mobile device transceiver, charger, battery, original accessories such as data cable and MMC cards (if applicable); The mobile device must be able to power on and Phone Lock must be disabled; LCD display screen must be intact, and not damaged, scratched or cracked; Words displayed on the LCD screen must not be segmented; and The courier reserves the right to reject trade-ins which do not meet the above criteria at the point of delivery. Please note that the purchased mobile device will only be release upon this payment. 3.5. Can I request for my mobile device to be delivered to a different address?top Yes, you can only request for your mobile device to be delivered to any of your existing Singtel business billing addresses stated at the Billing Information page. 3.6. How can I change my delivery address after my purchase?top Your delivery address has to be an existing Singtel business billing address. If you wish to change your billing address, please call our Assistance hotline 1606 within 24 hours after your purchase. 3.7. Where can I find a sample of the Letter of Authorisation?top Please see the sample Letter of Authorisation. 3.8. How can I view my order status?top You can view your order status by following these steps: Log in to your Singtel Business eShop account Click on "Manage My Account" Click on "My Orders" to view your order. 3.9. What if I missed the delivery?top If you missed the delivery or you failed to receive your purchased items, you can contact SingPost at 6845-6485 to arrange for another delivery date and time. Please note that there is an additional delivery charge of S$8.00 (Incl. GST at prevailing rate). You will need to quote the article number printed on the Delivery Advise slip. 3.10. What if the device I have received is faulty? top For mobile phones (excluding Apple & Xiaomi) purchased at Singtel.com and: Is not activated; Call 1688 within 7 days of receiving your device Is activated; Bring your phone to the brand's Equipment Service Centre For hardware issues on your Apple or Xiaomi, bring your phone to the respective Equipment Service Centres. 3.11. Can I pick up my purchase at any Singtel shop?top For your convenience, all purchases made through Singtel Business eShop will be delivered directly to your existing billing address. 4. Singtel Business eShop Account 4.1. How do I change my password?top If you have a registered Business eShop account at the Singtel Business eShop site, please follow these steps to change your password: Go to the Singtel Business eShop; Key in your Login ID and current Password; Click "Manage My Account"; Under "My Profile" tab, on the Password field, click the "Change" button; Enter your new password and then, key in and confirm your new password in the subsequent box; Click the "Save changes" button. If you have registered through Singtel Business Portal page, please follow these steps to change your password: Go to the Singtel Business Portal; Login with your Login ID and current Password; Click "My Account"; Enter your old password, then enter your new password, and confirm your new password, and security question; Click the "Save" button. It is recommended that you immediately logout and re-login from a new browser window to confirm that your password has been updated. Note: For security purposes, your new password should contain a minimum of six alphanumeric characters. A good password should contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. Password is case sensitive. Please make sure that your password is memorable and difficult for others to guess. To prevent misuse of your online account, please keep your password safe at all times. 4.2. What should I do if I have forgotten my password?top If you have a registered Business eShop account on the Singtel Business eShop site, please follow these steps to retrieve your password: Click "Login" on the top right hand corner; Click "Forgot your password" link; Enter your Login ID and click the "Check" button Click "Email my password" Your password will be sent to the registered email account. If you have registered through the Singtel Business Portal page, please follow these steps to retrieve your password: Go to the Singtel Business Portal; Enter your User ID (which is the email address you use for logging in); Click the "Forgot Password" link; You will be prompted to enter the answer to your security question; Once successfully answered, you will receive your new password via your email address. If you still encounter any issues, kindly email bizsupport@singtel.com to request to reset your account. 4.3. How do I change my email address?top You will not be able to change your email address because it serves as your unique login identity to access Singtel Business eShop. We suggest that you create and register a new account. 4.4. Will Singtel contact me for my Business eShop profile and password?top No, Singtel employees will never ask you for your profile details or password in an unsolicited email message or phone call. Your Login ID and password are confidential. 4.5. What can I do if someone has accessed my account?top If you believe your account has been compromised, please change your password immediately. Please refer to point 4.1 for steps in changing your password. If you are not able to login to your Singtel Business eShop or Singtel Business Portal to change your password, please contact us at bizsupport@singtel.com for assistance. 5. Free Gifts & Premiums 5.1. Redemption Detailstop Free gifts are not refundable or exchangeable for cash and is limited to one redemption. Singtel and/or merchant reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions of this promotion from time to time without prior notice and without any liability. 6. General 6.1. 4G(LTE) network servicetop 4G is commonly known as fourth generation mobile network and technically termed as Long Term Evolution (LTE) with speeds fasterthan 3G. Singtel is progressively rolling out 4G(LTE) coverage island wide. Currently, 4G(LTE) outdoor coverage is available in over 200 sites at various locations, mainly in CBD areas. The 4G technology which Singtel is currently running is LTE 1800/2600. All 4G/LTE operators overseas might be running on different technologies, therefore resulting in network compatibility issues when customers bring in 4G smartphones from overseas. Due to different 4G technology adopted by different operators around the world, the 4G smartphone might be configured to run only on a specific country's 4G network. During surfing session, receiving of SMS and MMS is acceptable. However, the capability of sending and receiving MMS is modem dependent. There is a typical range of download speeds that you can experience 80% of the time, over a 24-hour period at various locations with 4G(LTE) coverage. If a user moves out of 4G to 3G coverage, he will experience a typical download speed range of 1.7Mbps to 4.8Mbps, 80% of the time. The speed range may vary between users and is subject to device used, hardware and software limitation, 4G network coverage/traffic, distance between user and base station, nature of built-up area, source of website and other external factors. Click here for more details. Typically, 1GB of data bundle from the Mobile Broadband plan can be used to retrieve approximately 20,000 emails per month, or surf 3000 web pages, or download 500 songs or 100 videos. Calculations are based on the following assumptions: One email file: 0.05MB One webpage: 0.3MB One song download: 2MB One video download: 10MB An excess charge of $0.001/2KB with minimum charge of $0.005 per data session applies upon the utilization of your monthly local data bundle. Singtel 4G smartphone service will be available to customers who signed up /recontracted their Flexi or iPlans with BBOM VAS Price Plan with a 4G Smartphone. For existing customers on any Flexi Plans, you can re-contract your existing mobile lines with 4G (LTE) VAS For existing customers on a non-data bundled price plan (i-Plans/Classic/Premium 700/Premium 1500), you may like to upgrade your price plan to any of our Flexi Plans with 4G (LTE) VAS to enjoy better value on your handset purchase and monthly subscription. Customers on i-Plans/Classic/Premium 700 or Premium 1500 are allowed to re-contract on the any non-data price plan with 4G (LTE) VAS AND sign up of the below BBOM VAS) BBOM Prime (1GB) at $9.90 per month with 24-month contract BBOM Prime (2GB) at $14.90 per month with 24-month contract BBOM Premium (6GB)at $29.90 per month with 24-month contract 4G service is offered at the same price as 3G until otherwise determined by Singtel. Singtel 4G smartphones are setup for 4G service and 4G surfing speed of up to 5 times faster than the usual data speed, hence, it is advisable for customers to have a data plan or data VAS to avoid bill shock. To enjoy better value on their handset purchase and monthly subscription, customers may consider switching to Flexi plans. For customers who sign up from 1st July 2012 on the new tiered price plans, excess local data charges is $5.35 per GB up to a data cap of $94 (till 31 December 2012). After 1 Jan 2013, excess local usage charge is at $10.70 per GB up to a data cap of $188. Please click here to view the price plans. The 4G signal will be reflected on your 4G smartphone signal bar when you are connected to the 4G network. Customers will not be able to enjoy roaming on 4G networks overseas. However, customers will still be able to roam overseas on their 2G or 3G networks. Availability of 4G roaming is likely to be available at a later date. Customers who are currently holding a 2G SIM card will need to change to 3G SIM card. For existing 3G SIM card users, you will not be required to change your SIM cards. Customers on 3G USIM will need to change to 3G Micro SIM if the 4G smartphone is only Micro SIM compatible. SIM card charges will apply. The voice calls are made on 3G instead of 4G. It is because 4G network is a mobile data network, therefore voice calls are currently still supported on 3G instead of 4G. When a voice call is made or received, 3G/2G signal will be reflected. After the call is completed, 4G smartphone will switch back to 4G based on the availability of 4G network coverage. 6.2 Online Chat settingstop If you are using mobile or tablet devices to access Singtel Business eShop, go to your default browser and always ensure "Accept Cookies Always". For IOS phone users, go to "Settings" > "Safari" > "Accept Cookies Always". 6.3 Singtel's Data Protection Policy on NRIC Numbertop For more information pertaining to NRIC, you can refer to subsection named NRIC number in this website. 7. Terms & Conditions 7.1. Privacy Policytop Your privacy is of utmost importance to us at Singtel Business eShop. You can be assured that we enforce the highest levels of confidentiality and security when it comes to our customers. When you provide your personal particulars (such as name, or contact number) at Singtel Business eShop, you can be assured that they stay with us. Singtel Business eShop will not give or sell our customers' information to any data-collecting agencies or external companies for marketing or solicitation purposes. 7.2. Website Disclaimertop CONDITIONS OF ACCESS By accessing the materials made available on Singtel Business eShop, you agree to be bound by the conditions stated below. Neither the information, nor any opinion contained in Singtel Business eShop constitutes a solicitation. The information and materials - including the conditions in this website - may be modified, deleted or replaced from time to time and at any time at our discretion. This site, the service and use of all related facilities are provided on an "As Is, As Available" basis without any warranties whether expressed or implied. Any and all warranties, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, availability, non infringement or implied warranties from the course of dealing or usage of trade to the extent permissible by applicable law, are expressly excluded and disclaimed by us. We do not warrant that Singtel Business eShop will always be accessible uninterrupted, timely, secure, error free or free from computer virus or other invasive or damaging code. We shall not be liable in any manner to you or to any person claiming through you whomsoever, for any losses, damages (direct or indirect), costs, liabilities, expenses, claims or demands resulting from any delays, inaccuracies or errors in the information or in its transmission. LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES We do not represent or intend for such links to be referrals or endorsements of the sites or the entities operating such sites and we take no responsibility for any dealings with such entities, whether or not such dealings are related to the services. You understand and acknowledge that any access to such sites is at your own risk and we do not control nor contribute to such sites or the information contained therein. You will not hold us liable for any loss or damage that may occur as a result of any reliance on or use of such information. 7.3. Singtel Business eShop Terms & Conditionstop Prices for products are applicable for online purchase through Singtel Business eShop only. Singapore Telecommunications Ltd ("Singtel") reserves the right to change the prices offered at Singtel Business eShop without any prior notification. Products and gifts availability are based on a "while stocks last" basis. All mobile device purchases will require a 24-month subscription plan and acceptance of Singtel Mobile's prevailing terms and conditions. All prices are (Incl. GST at prevailing rate). Existing Singtel customers who have completed 12 months or more but less than 21 months of their existing contract will be subject to an early upgrade surcharge should they wish to upgrade their mobile devices, unless otherwise stated. Mobile devices for trade-in will only be accepted if they fulfill the following criteria: No cosmetic damage to the mobile device; The equipment traded in must include mobile device transceiver, charger, battery, original accessories such as data cable and MMC cards (if applicable); The mobile device must be able to power on and Phone Lock must be disabled; LCD display screen must be intact, and not damaged, scratched or cracked; Words displayed on the LCD screen must not be segmented; and The courier reserves the right to reject trade-ins which do not meet the above criteria at the point of delivery. Trade-ins are applicable only with the purchase of mobile devices (for selected models only) and there will be no refund of differences in trade-in value, if any. Singtel reserves the right to cancel any completed transaction without any notice to the customer. Time-belt discount for mobile device purchase is valid from 12.00pm to 3.00pm daily. The mobile devices eligible for the time-belt discount shall be determined by Singtel and can be changed without any prior notification. Singtel reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions without prior notice to the customer. Singtel Terms of Use shall apply. Why Buy Online? 1. Enjoy online exclusive offers Sign up to be a member and enjoy exclusive online offers. 2. Free delivery islandwide Enjoy the convenience of having your purchase item (e.g. mobile device, USB modem, tablet) delivered right to your doorstep. 3. Free SIM card & registration worth $48.15 New SIM card and registration worth $48.15 is absolutely free when you sign up for a new line or switch to Singtel via Singtel Business eShop. 4. Online shopping with a peace of mind Our website is secured with VeriSign SSL, issued by the leading Certificate Authority worldwide. Your personal information is protected and you can click here to verify the SSL Certificate for Singtel Business eShop. 5. Shop at your convenience, anywhere, anytime of the day Beat the queue, online shop is open 24/7. Shop at your convenience, anywhere, anytime of the day! 6. Personalised Online Chat Our friendly Online Chat Agent will assist you with your online shopping. Simply click on the online chat button for immediate assistance. 7. Accept trade-in of mobile devices The online store accepts trade-in of mobile devices which is applicable to Mobile section. Contact Us for Assistance Allow us to help you with any problems that you have encountered while shopping in our Business eShop. Here are ways to get in touch with us for assistance: 1. After-Sales Assistance Hotline For after sales assistance, please call our After-Sales Assistance hotline 1606 (Mondays to Fridays 8am to 6pm and Saturdays 11am to 8pm excluding Public Holidays) for assistance. 2. Online Chat Agent Chat with our Online Chat Agent regarding any Mobile, Fibre BroadBand, Mobile BroadBand and Tablets enquiries. This service is available from 9am to 5pm (Mondays to Fridays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays). × Trade-in Your Phone Check trade-in value Phone condition How to trade-in your phone online Select your brand and model Brand: - Select - APPLE ASUS BLACKBERRY GOOGLE HTC HUAWEI LG MICROSOFT MOTOROLA NOKIA OPPO OTHERS RAZER SAMSUNG SONY VIVO XIAOMI ZTE Model: - Select - Trade-in value: Note: Trade-in is not available for Twin Deal purchased via online. Trade-in terms & conditions Mobile phones for trade-in will only be accepted if they fulfil the following criteria: No cosmetic damage to the mobile phone; The equipment traded in must include mobile phone transceiver, charger, battery, original accessories such as data cable and MultiMediaCard (MMC) cards (if applicable); The mobile phone must be able to power on and Phone Lock must be disabled; LCD display screen must be intact, and not damaged, scratched or cracked; Words displayed on the LCD screen must not be segmented; and The courier reserves the right to reject trade-ins which do not meet the above criteria at the point of delivery. Trade-ins are applicable only with the purchase of mobile phones (for selected models only) and there will be no refund of differences in trade-in value, if any. Select the desired mobile phone that you wish to purchase. Proceed with selecting new or re-contract, followed by desired price plan and Value Added Service (VAS) if applicable. 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Erik Lamela has disappeared before. Last season was pretty much as bad as first seasons get for club record signings: brought on for £30m at the end of Tottenham’s post-Bale spree, he managed just three league starts before succumbing to injury. But he was back in the starting line-up for their 1-0 win at West Ham on Saturday and if he does not play against the Cypriot side AEL , it is almost certainly not because he has been dropped but because he is now considered too valuable to be wasted in the Europa League qualifying round. It’s early days yet but, after an impressive pre-season, this may be a second comeback for a player who is still only 22. When he was 12, Lamela was taken to La Masia. Barcelona wanted to sign him and there w of a contract worth €100,000 a week. The Argentinian papers excitedly talked of him as the “new Messi” – although Messi at that stage was still to make his first-team debut for Barça – but Lamela stayed in Buenos Aires. “I didn’t really understand what was going on,” he said, but it seems his parents decided it was better for him to grow up closer to home. Then his form disintegrated. if he might be another of those child stars who have all the skill to succeed but lack some key ingredient – the courage, the drive, a tactical understanding – to make it in the senior game. The truth was rather more prosaic. “At the time I was short, then I suddenly grew up and I had difficulties coping with my new body,” he explained. After a year or two, his balance had returned and with it his form. At 17 he made his debut for River Plate. Within a year he was a regular starter, operating as a No10 behind two strikers. A little later, as River switched to a 4-3-2-1 he moved out to the flank and learned how to play in a new role. “I also discovered how to start from the wing when you have a panorama and have to make decisions,” he said in an interview when he was 19. “If you’re the typical No10, you spend most of your time with your back to goal and you don’t know what’s going on behind you.” He was a huge success, cutting on to his left foot dangerously, playing with great flair and verve. “I always play the same, no matter if my team is winning or losing,” he said. “And if [opponents] try to intimidate me, I respond, because I’m young but I’ve got my character. You play football with the ball, not with your mouth.” That character, though, was sorely tested in 2011. Lamela probably would have stayed at River for another season or two but when they were relegated – a stunning, barely comprehensible blow, played out to a backdrop of pitch invasions and terrace violence – he was sold off to the highest bidder, Roma. Although he scored three times – two penalties – he was less than convincing at the Under-20 World Cup in Colombia that summer. He had been struggling with an ankle problem and that caused him to miss the start of the Serie A campaign. It seemed he was in danger of disappearing again. His first season in Italy was not a disaster by any means – nothing like his first in England – and it finished relatively well, but there were doubts. They were extinguished in a superb second season that brought 15 goals in 30 league starts. And then he disappeared again. Exactly what happened after his move to England remains a matter of debate, but it seems he was hampered in early training sessions by a calf injury that took some time to diagnose. He was dealing with a new environment, a new city and a new culture – and Rome is far more similar to Buenos Aires than London is to either. He found a dressing room packed with players who were also trying to adapt, while many of the more established players were growing disaffected with the manager. The dismissal of André Villas-Boas just brought further upheaval. Tim Sherwood gave Lamela a start in his first league game in charge, at Southampton, but it is not to demean Sherwood’s capacities as a coach to say that Lamela probably had not worked with anybody quite like him before. And, anyway, within a few weeks he had developed the back and thigh problems that ended his season. Little wonder that, when asked how Lamela’s English was coming along in April, Sherwood replied with some exasperation “Que?”. While it would be wrong to make too much of an off-the-cuff gag from a man prone to speaking first and thinking later, David Hytner was surely right when he suggested what that it implied a lot about Lamela’s status: he was the outsider nobody could understand and thus the butt of a particularly English form of banter. Perhaps because of his injury problems, the impression was created that Lamela was somehow a dilettante, somebody not overly keen on training. At Roma, though, he was the fastest player in the squad, running 2,000m in 6min 21sec. At a little over six foot in height, he is rather more robust than might be imagined and after a promising pre-season, there were encouraging signs at West Ham, notably a first-half run in which he beat two challenges before being fouled. Just because Spurs’ new manager, Mauricio Pochettino, is Argentinian, of course, does not mean he will necessarily have a rapport with Lamela, but the presence of so many Spanish speakers among his backroom staff must be an advantage and, besides, the atmosphere can hardly be as strained as it was last season. Lamela may not work out at Tottenham, but the signs are far more positive this season than they were last. Certainly he should not be written off on the basis of one poor campaign.
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Tank Biathlon – Tank and AFV News Tank and AFV News News for all things related to Tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles Original Articles/Content Features From Our Readers From the Editor Modern Vehicle News Historical Vehicle News From the Vault Historical Pictures Historical Videos Historical Documents Book News Recommended Books Book Reviews New Book Alerts About Us Submissions Hobby News Model Building Gaming Image of the Day Tank Biathlon 2017 August 2, 2017 by tankandafvnews Leave a Comment This past weekend saw the start of the 2017 iteration of the Tank Biathlon competition in Russia which runs from July 29 to August 12. To the surprise of no one, the Russian team is so far in first place, having beaten the Chinese team. Later this week the Russian and Chinese teams will face off against the Indian team. The Russian team operates T-72BM3 tanks, the Chinese bring their own Type 96 and the Indians will be using The T-90S. Other competitors who do not bring their own tank are supplied with a T-72B3 by their Russian host. The English language version of the official site for the competition can be seen here. Articles and video for Tank Biathlong 2017 Newsweek – Russian Forces Beating China in Tank Olympics, Hailing its Kit as “Best in the World” TASS – Russia leads in tank biathlon at 2017 International Army Games after half of races Business Standard – Indian Army Team with T90 Tanks Participates in Tank Biathlon 2017 in Russia Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: chinese, Russian, tank, Tank Biathlon Chinese tank loses roadwheel at Tank Biathlon August 17, 2016 by tankandafvnews 1 Comment At the recent Tank Biathlon competition at Alabino training grounds in Russia, the Chinese team suffered a rather embarrassing equipment failure when one of their Type-96B (ZTZ-96B) tanks lost a road wheel. The failure forced the Chinese team to withdraw this particular tank and replace it with another, incurring a penalty in the competition. This was the first year that the Chinese team had brought the Type-96B to the Tank Biathlon event. In preview years they had brought the similar, but less advanced Type-96A. The older version of the tank was hampered at previous competitions by it’s 780 hp engine, the newer Type-96B has a more powerful 1200 hp engine. The Wikipedia entry for the Type-96B notes that it features “lighter, more reliable running wheels.” It’s probably fair to say that perhaps these new roadwheels are not quite as reliable as advertised? Photos from Defense Blog: Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: Tank Biathlon, Type-96B Tank Biathlon 2016 July 30, 2016 by tankandafvnews Leave a Comment Starting today, The World Championship Tank Biathlon 2016 takes place in Alabino, Russia running from July 30 until August 15. The Tank Biathlon World Championship consists of tests of driving, racing and shooting with various vehicles. It features 39 crews from 13 countries, including Russia, Serbia, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kuwait, Armenia, Belarus and China. All teams will be using Russian made T-72B3 tank with the exception of China, who bring a tank of their own design (last competition it was a ZTZ-96A), and Belarus, who will be using their own modernized T-72. The individual winners are set to be named on August 6, including three best tank crews. The eight teams will participate in the semi-final relay race on August 13. For more details, check out articles from Sputniknews.com and Southfront.org. Southfront.org also has a video version of their article posted below: ABCNews has a photo gallery from the March regional stage of the Tank Biathlon. Here is a short videos showing footage from some of the other regional qualifying competitions: Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: T72B3, Tank Biathlon, Tank competition Alabino North Korea holds tank biathlon style competition March 11, 2016 by tankandafvnews Leave a Comment NKnews.org is reporting that North Korea recently held a tank competition event similar to the Russian Tank Biathlon. The event was attended by dictator Kim Jong Un and featured a variety of different tank types. According to Kim Min-seok, senior researcher at the Korea Defense and Security Forum, the majority of the North Korean tanks observed at the event our outdated types no match for modern South Korean armor. “Most of the tanks seen in the pictures are outdated models,” said Kim. “The tanks in pictures are Chonma-ho Ga(Na) type, PT-72 the amphibious tank and Chonma-ho Ma type. Except for the Chonma-ho Ma type, all the rest are outdated by today’s standards.” Nonetheless, Kim believes that the Pokpung-ho, the tank shown in the red circle of the photo is formidable adversary. “This Pokpung-ho Tanks have gone through many phase of modifications to upgrade its defense. Such a model will be able to fight evenly against South Korea’s old tanks such as M4845, however its firepower will still not match that of South Korea’s main tanks such as the K-1 or K1a1.” Despite the outdated tanks, the rules introduced in this first North Korean tank competition look very similar to the the Tank Biathlon, the Russian tanks competition, Kim said. Full article here. Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: Chonma-ho, North Korean tanks, Tank Biathlon T-72 cracked up after hitting brick wall August 31, 2015 by tankandafvnews 5 Comments At some point during the recent Tank Biathlon event in Russia a T-72B3 tank hit a concrete wall while travelling at high speed. The tank suffered serious damage, including cracks to the front hull armor plates. Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: Tank Biathlon, Tank hits wall Russia wins Tank Biathlon August 19, 2015 by tankandafvnews Leave a Comment The Russian hosted “Tank Biathlon” concluded this past week and perhaps not unsurprisingly, the Russian team took first place. NBC News is reporting that Russia won in all 13 categories to remain undisputed champions in the two-week competition.. The host has also won every single challenge since the event’s inception in 2013. Seventeen countries participated this year, including China, India, Venezuela, Angola and Nicaragua. No Western nation participated and the tanks used in the competition were exclusively T-72B3 tanks with the single exception of China who brought their own Type 96A tank. Below is a video from RT showing the final relay race event at the Alabino military training grounds. Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: T-72B3, Tank Biathlon Nicaragua to buy T-72? August 15, 2015 by tankandafvnews 1 Comment ICR News is reporting that Nicaragua is seriously considering the purchase of T-72B3 tanks following its participation in the Russian hosted “World Tank Biathlon.” According to the article, Nicaraguan ambassador to Russia said that “We hope that soon our army will receive the T-72. I think we can discuss a purchase.” Ties between Russia and Nicaragua have been growing, including a visit to Nicaraqua by Russian President Putin last year. Currently, the heaviest AFV used by the Nicaraguan armed forces is the T-54/55, originally acquired via Bulgaria & Libya. Full article here. Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: Nicaragua, T-72B3, Tank Biathlon Tank Biathlon drift flip video August 8, 2015 by tankandafvnews Leave a Comment A video shot with a phone has been making the rounds recently showing a T-72 flipping over during the 2015 Tank Biathlon in Russia. The accident involved a Kuwaiti crew who roll their T-72 over while practicing taking a corner in the style of a drift racer. The flip occurs at 1:55 into the clip. Earlier in the clip can be seen an Armenian crewed T-72 stalling out after passing through a water obstacle. Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: Tank Biathlon, tank drift, tank flip Russia to host “World Championship Tank Biathlon 2015” July 29, 2015 by tankandafvnews Leave a Comment The Diplomat is reporting that Russia will host the World Tank Biathlon Championship starting on August 1. This competition, including tank crews from 17 countries, will take place a the Alabino firing range in the suburbs of Moscow. Participating countries include Belarus, China, Egypt, India, Nicaragua and Tajikistan as well as others. All participants save for China will be using T-72B3 tanks. The Chinese crews will be using their own ZTZ-96A MBT. Last year, Angola, Armenia, Belarus, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Serbia, and Venezuela participated in the various competitions with Russia coming in first, Armenia second, and China third. Next to the tank biathlon, there will be a total of 12 other challenges including the “Masters of Air Defense,” “Masters of Artillery Fire,” as well as “Airborne Platoon” competitions. Russia is the only country to participate in all 13 events, according to the event’s website. Full article here. Video from Tank Biathlon 2014. Filed Under: Modern Vehicle News Tagged With: Alabino firing range, Tank Biathlon Featured Articles Tanks of World War II – Episode 7: Renault R-35 and Hotchkiss H-35 November 29, 2018 By tankandafvnews 1 Comment Tanks of World War II – Episode 6: Char D1, D2 and FCM 36 August 31, 2018 By tankandafvnews Leave a Comment Tanks of World War II – Episode 5: Renault FT August 7, 2018 By tankandafvnews Leave a Comment We are on Patreon July 28, 2018 By tankandafvnews Leave a Comment Tanks of World War II – Episode 4: Panzer II July 11, 2018 By tankandafvnews 1 Comment Tanks of World War II – Episode 3: 7TP June 21, 2018 By tankandafvnews 1 Comment Recent Posts Book Review: Ostfront Panzers 2 The Tanks of World War II – Episode 14: Panzer III The Tanks of World War II – Episode 13: Panzer 38 (t) The Tanks of World War II – Episode 12: Panzer 35 (t) The Tanks of World War II – Episode 11: Char 2C Archives September 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 October 2019 March 2019 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 Tank Forums AFV News Discussion Board G503.com Tank-net.com World of Tanks Official Forum Tank Links Arcane Fighting Vehicles Archive Awareness Engines of the Red Army in WW2 George Bradford's AFV Plans Preserved Tanks.com Russian Armour 1915-1997 Sherman Minutia Website Swedish Tank Archives TankNutDave.com Technical Virtue The AFV Database The Blueprints.com The Sherman Tank TIger I information Center Toadman's Tank Pictures War Wheels wwiivehicles.com Follow Tank and AFV News on WordPress.com Contact Info tanksonthebrain@gmail.com Return to top of page Blog at WordPress.com. 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The federal and provincial governments have announced $801 million over the next five years for new and affordable housing in Ontario. But not a dime of the money announced Monday can be used to cover the massive backlog of repairs at Toronto Community Housing, Municipal Affairs Minister Ted McMeekin acknowledged. Good affordable housing, like that in the redeveloped Regent Park, is extremely scarce. On Monday, the federal and provincial governments announced renewed support for building more under a joint agreement. ( MARTA IWANEK / TORONTO STAR ) The funding for all of Ontario — set aside in the Investment in Affordable Housing agreement — is evenly split between Ottawa and Queen’s Park, but the estimated $751 million in immediate capital repairs needed at Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s 58,500 housing units are not eligible. “The funding announced today cannot be used for TCHC buildings, as part of the arrangement with the federal government says that projects that have an agreement with CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.) relating to finance, operation or occupancy are not eligible for funding. This includes TCHC,” a McMeekin spokesperson said an email statement to the Star. That followed an earlier statement from the minister that money from the five-year federal-provincial fund could be used on the capital repair backlog. Article Continued Below “We have (had) a crisis on our hands for decades now and we are not seeing anything change,” Toronto NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo (Parkdale-High Park) said after the funding was announced. City councillor Gord Perks (Ward 14, Parkdale-High Park) said the lack of financial aid for the TCHC is further evidence that neither the federal nor provincial government understand the state of public housing in Canada’s large cities. “They certainly don’t understand the consequences of downloading their responsibility for housing onto Toronto and other cities,” said Perks, referring to decisions by the former Mike Harris Progressive Conservative government in Ontario the former Paul Martin Liberal government in Ottawa. “I won’t say the money is useless but it certainly doesn’t solve any of the real problems Toronto has.” Meanwhile, Toronto Community Housing has asked Ottawa for about $100 million annually between 2015 and 2023 for a total of $864 million to help prevent the 58,500 housing units from “reaching a critical state of disrepair” or one-third of the projected $2.6 billion in repairs over the next 10 years. “”What we (the city) have said is that we will pay one-third . . . and that we need the feds and the province to come and help us. Both the federal and provincial governments have not addressed this issue,” said city councillor Ana Bailao. Nonetheless, she welcomed Monday’s announcement because she “we need this kind of money to invest into the affordable housing stock.” Article Continued Below McMeekin said funding, provided for in both the federal provincial budgets, for the most part will be used to build new affordable housing units. “This program is an important component of Ontario’s overall strategy for affordable housing and poverty reduction,” he told the news conference, where the new bilateral agreement was signed committing the funding over five years — the second such agreement since 2011. “We got new money and lots of challenges, challenges that will undoubtedly exceed the resources that are currently available,” the minister said. McMeekin said it remains to be seen how much money will be earmarked for Toronto’s affordable housing needs. McMeekin said more than 10,000 units have been built so far under this joint funding. A 2013 report concluded that “staggering and worsening” shortage of affordable housing threatens the health and well-being of low- and moderate-income Ontarians and undermines the province’s economic competitiveness. ‎”The lack of a sufficient supply of affordable housing shuts the door on opportunity for too many Ontarians,” said the report by the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association and the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada, Ontario Region. McMeekin acknowledged that ensuring the availability of social and affordable housing in Ontario is “indeed a challenge and it is a growing challenge.” “I’ve always believed that addressing poverty is a matter of public interest and not just charity,” he told the new conference. Conservative MP Candice Bergen, minister of state for social development, noted that the Investment in Affordable Housing agreement has helped 17,800 individuals and families to find proper affordable housing. “Affordable housing and housing is more than just a roof over someone’s head. It’s giving them the opportunity . . . to get a better job and be able to contribute to the economy in even a greater way. This isn’t just about being socially responsible. This makes good financial sense,” she said.
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Explore our website and see all that NMU has to offer. 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 NCLL OFFERS BEER-TASTING EVENT Thursday 19, 2011 MARQUETTE, Mich.—The Northern Center for Lifelong Learning will present “Tasting Beers: What Makes Them Different?” at 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 8, at the Vierling Restaurant and Harbor Brewery in downtown Marquette. Terry Doyle, owner of the Vierling, will lead a tour through the brewery and explain the beer-making process while participants take part in a tasting. There will also be a spread of cheeses, crackers, assorted fruits, smoked whitefish and other appetizers to taste. This course costs $12 and includes all beer sample and hors d’oeuvres. Register by June 1 by calling Paula McCormick at 228-5489. Unknown Return to Stories Share your story! 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| Truck Camper Adventure Search for: Home Buyer Guides Dealership Network Arizona California Florida Iowa Michigan Minnesota Nebraska Nevada North Carolina Oregon TCA Classifieds Manufacturers Forum Gear Articles Mods News Rally Truck Beds Articles About Us Consulting The TCA Rig FAQ Contact Log In HomeRepliesReply To: Camper weights? don't sweat it! Reply To: Camper weights? don't sweat it! Home › Forums › Truck Camper Adventure Forum › Camper weights? don't sweat it! › Reply To: Camper weights? don't sweat it! January 17, 2019 at 19:24 #28387 Dieseldawg Participant sourdough wrote: IMO a troll post. Nothing to see here. Walk with wisdom, only a fool learns from his own mistakes. troll post? far from it, real life not everybody does a 1 ton with big wigs, airbags, swaybars, fastguns and every other new product on the market…i would guess not everyone could afford every new accs for their rig so it would be “correct” in everyone’s eyes if posted online. his decision to run it, not mine, and no, i followed him all over BC with my rig, and he never presented any kind of danger. he may be pushing his truck, but he drives very carefully (does not need to go 75-80 to the campsites…) Subscribe to TCA Please leave this field empty Email * Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription. The Latest Go Fast Campers New Platform Topper Strongest Topper Ever Made September 23, 2022 Lance 1172 Flagship Double-Slide Still a Top Seller September 19, 2022 For Sale: 2021 Arctic Fox 1140 – 2001 Ford F350 7.3L DRW ($81,500) September 17, 2022 Truma Aventa AC Now Available for Aftermarket Purchase September 16, 2022 Lance to Offer New Truma Aventa Air Conditioner in 2023 Models September 13, 2022 Classifieds For Sale: 2021 Arctic Fox 1140 – 2001 Ford F350 7.3L DRW ($81,500) September 17, 2022 For Sale: 2006 Ram 3500 and 2008 Bigfoot Camper ($109,500) September 10, 2022 For Sale: 2019 Northstar Laredo SC Truck Camper ($25,000) August 20, 2022 Price Drop: 2019 Lance 1172 Truck Camper and Ford F450 ($120,000) August 13, 2022 Sold: 2015 Hallmark Guanella K2 Pop-Up ($27,500) August 12, 2022 Truck Camper Mods Truck Camper Mod: Eagle Cap Buffet Storage September 9, 2022 10 Best Truck Camper Modifications for 2022 August 22, 2022 Installation Report and Review of the Onan QG 2500i Ultra-Quiet RV Generator June 13, 2022 Froli RV Travel Bed System Vastly Improves Sleep May 30, 2022 Solving the Dreaded Inverter and Generator Eco Mode Conflict April 1, 2022 Truck Mods Tattoo Artist Builds Amazing Ram Power Wagon-OEV Truck Camper Rig August 29, 2022 Enjoying 2 Meter Ham Radio on Your Truck Camper Adventures July 18, 2022 Truck Bed Mod: SherpTek Food Prep Grill Table June 3, 2022 SherpTek Transforms Slide-in Truck Camper Into More Capable Overlander April 25, 2022 OEV Aluma Tray a Popular Truck Camper Option March 4, 2022 TCA Archives TCA Archives Select Month September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 Explore by Category Blog Boondocking Boot Camp Buyer Guides Editor's Picks Features and Options For Sale From the Editor Maintenance and Repairs Overlanding Potpourri Preparedness Product News and Reviews Rallies and Shows Roads and Destinations Technology Truck Camper Gear Truck Camper Life Truck Camper Mods Truck Camper News Truck Campers Truck Mods Trucks Videos Recent Comments Terry Hoffart on Lance 1172 Flagship Double-Slide Still a Top Seller Rich on Lance 1172 Flagship Double-Slide Still a Top Seller Howard Kellogg on Essential Tips for Optimizing Cummins 6.7L Diesel Performance Mello Mike on Review of the Timbren Suspension Enhancement System heronscay on Tackling Big Bend National Park’s Old Ore Road jimat63 on Tattoo Artist Builds Amazing Ram Power Wagon-OEV Truck Camper Rig Mick on Review of the Timbren Suspension Enhancement System Mello Mike on Is EOG’s F550-Mammoth Rig the Largest Truck Camper Ever Built? Tim Shields on Is EOG’s F550-Mammoth Rig the Largest Truck Camper Ever Built? About Truck Camper Adventure Truck Camper Adventure is an emagazine offering truck camper news, reviews, travel tips, and more. We cover all types of truck campers here at Truck Camper Adventure. It doesn’t matter if it’s a slide-in or a chassis-mount, a hard-side or a pop-up, if it’s a truck camper and it’s carried on a truck, we cover it. Stay connected Youtube Vimeo Instagram RSS Feed Create an Account Register Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.org About Us Consulting The TCA Rig FAQ Contact Log In All content is copyright © of Mello Mike and Truck Camper Adventure 2011-2022. All rights reserved. Mello Mike is an Amazon.com associate. Powered by WordPress. Got Adventure? Get it with Truck Camper Adventure's weekly newsletter. It only takes a few seconds. SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed! 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The suspect was hauled before a tense crowd in this mountain village of southwestern Mexico, and told he would be tried by a popular tribunal. His alleged crime: murder and dismemberment. He was among 47 men, two minors and four women detained by masked vigilante squads formed in early January by farmers tired of the police’s failure to stop crime in their Guerrero state communities. Hundreds of people have grabbed hunting rifles and machetes in several communities since the movement began in the municipality of Ayutla de los Libres on January 6, patrolling their streets and taking prisoners. On Thursday, they opened a popular tribunal in the main square of the village of El Meson, without the presence of any authorities, which have not sanctioned the people’s court. The trials are due to start later this month. “The authorities have not delivered, so the people have re-established the rule of law,” said Mario Campos Hernandez, a priest who works with the indigenous communities. While hundreds of armed and masked vigilantes kept guard, relatives of the prisoners, crime victims and residents of El Meson listened attentively as the accused were introduced and various charges were listed — links to gangs, murder, kidnapping, extortion and drug dealing. The detainees include several relatives of a man nicknamed “El Cholo,” the head of a criminal cell operating in Ayutla, a town of 13,000 people. Some victims recounted their dealings with the prisoners. One witness as young as 12 testified that the head of a crime group was training him to become a hitman. “I saw how he tortured people, how he killed them, how he dismembered people,” said the boy, whose face was covered. It was the January 5 kidnapping of Eusebio Alberto Garcia, a community leader in the village of Rancho Nuevo, that inspired civilians to form self-defense groups. He was freed by the vigilantes a day later. He told the crowd that he was kidnapped because he had urged his village’s cattle farmers to stop making the regular payments demanded by organized crime groups. “You go counsel people to not pay a fee. They don’t want to pay 500 pesos ($39), now they’ll pay more,” he recalled his captors as saying Local people say their towns are much safer since the vigilante squads started patrols and checkpoints. A 31-year-old corn farmer who now acts as the bodyguard of a self-defense squad commander said the criminals would leave anonymous message warning people: “We will kill those who walk the streets at night.” “Things are calmer now,” said Monserrat Martinez, a 19-year-old beautician school student, as she ate ice cream at a local shop. “Before, you wouldn’t see anybody on the street. The night belonged to them (the criminals).” The vigilantes say they want to try the suspects under their “traditions and customs,” a form of justice that exists in other parts of Guerrero, with sentences including years of forced labor. The tribunal was formed event though the state prosecutor’s office says the self-defense groups do not have the authority to judge and sentence people. Relatives of the detainees have filed complaints. “They are not governed by rules and they could face claims of illegality,” Ayutla Mayor Severo Castro said, but he added that the town has “remained in peace.”
jess and the gang: A Nice Pick-Me-Up Pages Home Meet Jess Meet the Gang Photo Projects jess and the gang skip to main | skip to sidebar A Nice Pick-Me-Up Me and baby have a cold. Since we are living "medicine free", we had a not-so-good night last night. I used practically all the kleenex in the house and spent an hour and a half up in the middle of the night drinking orange juice and blowing my nose. Because of this, the "two" of us were sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves this morning when the doorbell rang. I didn't even know we had a doorbell?!? I went to the door, only to discover that me and baby had a nice big, and heavy, box of presents from my family. It really helped jump start our day...got us all excited and we spent some time setting up baby's room some more. Here's a picture of all the loot: Uncle Jeremy included a special something for the baby...which he swears is NOT a halloween costume! Either way, I can't resist the heart behind the skeleton. Posted On 10/05/2009 Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: baby g, pregnancy, presents 4 comments: Jeremy October 5, 2009 at 8:26 AM Love you sister! And, I would totally wear that year round if it came in my size! ReplyDelete Replies Reply Carli G October 5, 2009 at 4:31 PM Looks like fun! I'm sorry you and baby are sick. I hope you feel better soon. ReplyDelete Replies Reply The Allreds October 5, 2009 at 8:45 PM Oh Sock Monkey! Every baby NEEDS a sock monkey! Good job Jer, Robby and Bonita! Reghan has loved sock monkey since day 1. Enjoy Jess! You and Reghan are in medication free cold missery. Get better soon. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Chandra October 6, 2009 at 5:27 PM Good job uncle Jeremy, I'm glad you're getting the baby into Anatomy! :) He or she will be super smart! Love you Jessica, I hope you feel better! :) ReplyDelete Replies Reply Add comment Load more... Newer Post Older Post Home About Me Jessica G. Hello! I'm Jess, lover of Jesus, my hubby, my kids, coffee and taking pictures. I am married to Ian, my high school sweetheart and partner in crime. We are figuring out this parenting thing on a daily basis. Our teachers are Connor (12), Isla (10), Callum (6) and Willa (3). Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to stay a while. View my complete profile Search This Blog Popular Posts Christmas Eve ^^ I love the picture on the left. It is so my kids. Connor, the comedian. Isla, always entertained by her older brother. And Cal... A Fairy Garden Party My friend's mom, who also happens to be my neighbor, has to be one of the sweetest and coolest ladies out there. Her garden is lik... Summer Fashion Week - Sunday What is about to become extremely clear to all of you is that I live in a much different weather climate than most of you. Our average summe... 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Doha, December 9, 2012 – At the UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar (COP18/CMP8), governments have taken the next essential step in the global response to climate change. Countries have successfully launched a new commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, agreed a firm timetable to adopt a universal climate agreement by 2015 and agreed a path to raise necessary ambition to respond to climate change. They also endorsed the completion of new institutions and agreed ways and means to deliver scaled-up climate finance and technology to developing countries. “Doha has opened up a new gateway to bigger ambition and to greater action – the Doha Climate Gateway. Qatar is proud to have been able to bring governments here to achieve this historic task. I thank all governments and ministers for their work to achieve this success. Now governments must move quickly through the Doha Climate Gateway to push forward with the solutions to climate change,” said COP President Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah. The Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Christiana Figueres, called on countries to swiftly implement what has been agreed in Doha so that the world can stay below the internationally agreed maximum two degrees Celsius temperature rise. “I congratulate the Qatar Presidency for managing a complex and challenging conference. Now, there is much work to do. Doha is another step in the right direction, but we still have a long road ahead. The door to stay below two degrees remains barely open. The science shows it, the data proves it,” said Ms Figueres. “The UN Climate Change negotiations must now focus on the concrete ways and means to accelerate action and ambition. The world has the money and technology to stay below two degrees. After Doha, it is a matter of scale, speed, determination and sticking to the timetable,” she said. In Doha, governments also successfully concluded work under the Convention that began in Bali in 2007 and ensured that remaining elements of this work will be continued under the UN Climate Change process. The next major UN Climate Change Conference – COP19/ CMP9 – will take place in Warsaw, Poland, at the end of 2013. The results of COP18/CMP8 in more detail 1) Amendment of the Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol, as the only existing and binding agreement under which developed countries commit to cutting greenhouse gases, has been amended so that it will continue as of 1 January 2013. Governments have decided that the length of the second commitment period will be 8 years. The legal requirements that will allow a smooth continuation of the Protocol have been agreed. The valuable accounting rules of the protocol have been preserved. Countries that are taking on further commitments under the Kyoto Protocol have agreed to review their emission reduction commitments at the latest by 2014, with a view to increasing their respective levels of ambition. The Kyoto Protocol’s Market Mechanisms – the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation (JI) and International Emissions Trading (IET) – can continue as of 2013. Access to the mechanisms will be uninterrupted for all developed countries that have accepted targets for the second commitment period. JI will continue to operate, with the agreed technical rules allowing the issuance of credits, once a host country’s emissions target has been formally established. Australia, the EU, Japan, Lichtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland have declared that they will not carry over any surplus emissions trading credits (Assigned Amounts) into the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. 2) Time table for the 2015 global climate change agreement and increasing ambition before 2020 Governments have agreed to speedily work toward a universal climate change agreement covering all countries from 2020, to be adopted by 2015, and to find ways to scale up efforts before 2020 beyond the existing pledges to curb emissions so that the world can stay below the agreed maximum 2 degrees Celsius temperature rise. A significant number of meetings and workshops are to be held in 2013 to prepare the new agreement and to explore further ways to raise ambition. Governments have agreed to submit to the UN Climate Change Secretariat, by 1 March 2013, information, views and proposals on actions, initiatives and options to enhance ambition. Elements of a negotiating text are to be available no later than the end of 2014, so that a draft negotiating text is available before May 2015. In Doha, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced he would convene world leaders in 2014 to mobilize the political will to help ensure the 2015 deadline is met. 3) Completion of new infrastructure In Doha, governments significantly advanced the completion of new infrastructure to channel technology and finance to developing nations and move toward the full implementation of this infrastructure and support. Most importantly, they have: endorsed the selection of the Republic of Korea as the location of the Green Climate Fund and the work plan of the Standing Committee on Finance. The Green Climate Fund is expected to start its work in Sondgo in the second half of 2013, which means that it can launch activities in 2014. confirmed a UNEP-led consortium as host of the Climate Technology Center (CTC), for an initial term of five years. The CTC, along with its associated Network, is the implementing arm of the UNFCCCs Technology Mechanism. Governments have also agreed the constitution of the CTC advisory board. 4) Long-term climate finance Developed countries have reiterated their commitment to deliver on promises to continue long- term climate finance support to developing nations, with a view to mobilizing 100 billion USD both for adaptation and mitigation by 2020. The agreement also encourages developed countries to increase efforts to provide finance between 2013-15 at least to the average annual level with which they provided funds during the 2010-2012 fast-start finance period. This is to ensure there is no gap in continued finance support while efforts are otherwise scaled up. Governments will continue a work programme on long-term finance during 2013 under two co- chairs to contribute to the on-going efforts to scale up mobilization of climate finance and report to the next COP on pathways to reach that target. Germany, the UK, France, Denmark, Sweden and the EU Commission announced concrete finance pledges in Doha for the period up to 2015, totaling approximately 6 billion USD. Other key outcomes of COP18/CMP8 in Doha Review Governments have launched a robust process to review the long-term temperature goal. This will start in 2013 and conclude by 2015, and is a reality check on the advance of the climate change threat and the possible need to mobilize further action. Adaptation Governments have identified ways to further strengthen the adaptive capacities of the most vulnerable, also through better planning. A pathway has been established towards concrete institutional arrangements to provide the most vulnerable populations with better protection against loss and damage caused by slow onset events such as rising sea levels. Ways to implement National Adaptation Plans for least developed countries have been agreed, including linking funding and other support Support of developing country action Governments have completed a registry to record developing country mitigation actions that seek recognition or financial support. The registry will be a flexible, dynamic, web-based platform. A new work programme to build capacity through climate change education and training, create public awareness and enable the public to participate in climate change decision-making has been agreed in Doha. This is important to create a groundswell of support for embarking on a new climate change regime after 2020 New market mechanisms A work programme has been agreed to further elaborate the new market-based mechanism under the UNFCCC, and also sets out possible elements for its operation. A work programme to develop a framework for recognizing mechanisms established outside the UNFCCC, such as nationally-administered or bilateral offset programmes, and to consider their role in helping countries to meet their mitigation targets, has also been agreed. Actions on forests In Doha, governments have further clarified ways to measure deforestation, and to ensure that efforts to fight deforestation are supported. Carbon Capture and Storage Governments meeting in Doha have looked at ways to ensure the effectiveness and environmental integrity of projects under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism that capture and store carbon emissions Development and transfer of technology Countries have taken forward work on enabling the development and transfer of technologies that can help developing countries adapt and curb their emissions. Avoiding negative consequences of climate action In some cases, the implementation of actions that reduce emissions could result in negative economic or social consequences for other countries. In Doha, governments discussed measures to address such consequences in a special forum. Source: UNEP (press release)
thank you’s – See Jane Blog ENTER EMAIL FOR NEWSLETTER Search for: Home About Shop Amazon Contact *new to me* January 30, 2012 friends, as i mentioned on friday, i’d like to start a new weekly post to share things with you that are *new to me* i’m hoping that most of these items will be new to you, too! to start off, i want to share one final post about alt. design summit 2012. because alt. is a DESIGN summit, business cards are a big deal. well-designed business cards are the BOMB! I hear a fair few of them were digitally printed by companies similar to what you can discover at https://www.ipw1.co.uk/digital-printing. here’s a few of my favorites i brought home with me — beautiful, ..... 0 Likes Read more Comments 10 twelve days of boston… September 16, 2011 is this the most adorable welcome-to-a-new-city-package you’ve ever seen??? katie has graced my blog a few times over the years, and this time she’s gone the extra mile for the honorable mention! soon after we arrived here in boston, we received this: if you look closely, she has included a “boston mix cd” because katie is a true music guru + a welcome letter filled with love & positive support on our big adventure PLUS twelve envelopes each filled with local-advice on daily activities and what-to-do’s around boston. i was so moved by katie’s package + the time she invested to make it for us – ..... 0 Likes Read more Comments 3 sometimes October 3, 2009 it’s challenging to have a husband/papi who travels for work. but…there are perks, too. like all the special-deliveries he sends us to remind us of his love. thank you big papi. i hope you’ve noticed. i’m kinda fond of you! {only six days till we all leave for cabo! but who’s counting?} ..... 0 Likes Read more Comments 2 Mahalo, Granums! December 13, 2007 We hope you also have a Mele Kelikimaka in Maui! We always miss you, but hey – one of the MANY bonuses, you’re one of the few Utahns with a great tan all winter! ..... 0 Likes Read more Comments 2 shout-out to the Taylors! December 13, 2007 THANK YOU!!! We love our cookie mix (you know it’s my favorite!), J-O-Y sign, and your christmas card is adorable! ..... 0 Likes Read more Comments 0 Read More Favorites *new to me* twelve days of boston… sometimes Mahalo, Granums! Read More Favorites *new to me* twelve days of boston… sometimes Mahalo, Granums! © 2007-2022 JANE / E-MAIL: JANE@PROLOOK.COM 0 0 Your Cart
A Winnipegger who won nearly $1 million in an international poker tournament in Prague says he still wants to keep handling big dough of another kind at his job as a server at a local pizzeria. Patrick Serda beat a field of 400 international poker players on Monday to take second place and a pot of €719,000, which is nearly $1 million Cdn. "[It was] pretty surreal for the most part. I mean, it hasn't hit a bank account yet, it's just in my online account," Serda said. "I haven't made any plans, but it's pretty nice in the end," Serda said. The $1-million pot is his largest single win. While he has been playing a few years, he doesn't consider himself a professional player. Serda won $250,000 at an event in September. "Obviously there's some confidence. I don't think I would be playing any tournaments that I didn't think I could win," Serda said. Despite his jackpot, Serda still plans to return to Winnipeg and his job serving at Pizzeria Gusto. "I'm super happy to go back. I love it there — great people and great regulars — and I'd be happy to go back," Serda said. First, though, Serda has tournaments in the Bahamas and Australia in January. Even though he is moving in a world of high-stakes poker players, he keeps in touch with his friends in Winnipeg who were with him when it all began. "I've got a good group of friends that were in a group chat with me, and everyone was recalling stories the other day about different situations where it all started, six, seven, eight years ago, when we were all playing for nickels and dimes," Serda said.
Many women are left with scars, stretch marks, and loose skin after giving birth. It's a reality that women themselves often try to hide and the media never wants to show. But one photographer is on a mission to redefine the idea of the beautiful woman's body. One day early last year, Jade Beall - a new mother based in Tucson, Arizona - went into her studio with her five-week-old baby, stripped off, and took a series of photos. It was a body she wasn't really familiar with. There were bumps and lumps that she had never had before her pregnancy. And she didn't much like what she saw. But she decided to post the pictures on her photography blog - keen to share with others a side of motherhood that tends to be kept out of view. The media is full of images of women's bodies. But not these kinds of bodies. "So many people tell me, 'Oh, I've never seen a body like that,'" says Beall. I like the idea that my children will have a real sense of what their wives might look like Nicole Meade "I want people not to have to react as 'You're gross,' but instead 'Oh, that's a woman who is incredibly human, or that's a woman who has scars and lines with stories to tell.' "My goal is to help these mothers feel worthy of being called beautiful." Soon after, Beall posted a photo on Facebook of the softly dimpled stomach of a friend of hers, with her two young children nestling up to her lovingly. It went viral. Emails started flooding in, and hundreds of women wrote in to say they too wanted pictures taken of their post-pregnancy bodies. Beall has now photographed more than 70 mothers who will appear in an forthcoming book, A Beautiful Body, due out in January. She uses no make-up artists, and there's no touching up or airbrushing. "When she sent me the first pictures via email after the shoot, I remember getting this cold, sweaty feeling," says Nicole Meade, one of the women who volunteered to be photographed. I think these women are powerful - I think my wife is incredible Chris Berry Most women who have taken part are deeply self-conscious about their bodies, and Meade is no exception. Ever since having her first child, she has tried to hide her stomach. A bikini on the beach would be out of the question. Terrified, but determined to take up the challenge, Meade took her three sons to the photo shoot, and wanted them to be part of it too. "I asked the boys, and they were like, 'Um, well what's the point of it?' And I told them you would be doing this for all your female cousins, and the girls you might one day date or marry, and your own daughters - because there is nothing like this out there for us," she says. "I like the idea that my children will have a real sense of what their wives might look like when they are done having children. "There should be nothing shocking or disturbing about a picture like that," she says. When Demi Moore posed with her large, bare pregnant bump on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine in 1991, it was seen as a watershed moment. Since then baby bump photo shoots have become quite popular among women generally. But it's a very different story for post-natal women, says sociologist Meredith Nash. The sociologist "Creating a book of pictures doesn't create social change. I think it actually creates more pressure for women to feel good about themselves. I don't think there is anything wrong with women feeling upset about the fact that they have stretch marks, because culture tells them they are ugly. There is a reason women feel upset about the way they look. "There is a lot happening in the postpartum period full stop. Body image is just one small slice of a lot of big life changes that are happening all at once. Motherhood brings a huge shift in identity for women, especially first-time mothers. When they talk about their bodies, it's something manageable. It's much easier to talk about your jeans not fitting properly than it is to talk about being scared to death about being a stay-at-home mum." Meredith Nash, author of Making 'Postmodern' Mothers In popular culture, women's post-pregnancy bodies tend to feature only in stories about celebrities who have "bounced back" rapidly, she says. This presents an unrealistic and distorted view of the reality for many women - who may never get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Beall believes if a celebrity were to do a kind of Demi Moore for postnatal women, maybe attitudes would start to shift. "If any superstars would like to contact me, I would be overjoyed to respond!" she laughs, adding that she is still recruiting volunteers. But Max Vadukul, a New-York based photographer who has worked for Vogue, doesn't expect to see such a picture in a "high-end glossy" magazine any time soon. The urge to touch up an image is one most photographers and magazine editors just can't resist, he says. And getting the models or celebrities to pose in the first place with their stretch marks on display would be tough, as their jobs, and the whole industry, rest on the prevailing ideal of perfection. For some, the idea that stretch marks are beautiful may be just a stretch too far. Beall says many of her clients don't like the images at first, and focus on what they see as blemishes or problem areas - a roll of fat, a wrinkle, a stretch mark. But she says the more they look, the more they start to see the beauty in the images. Christina Berry, who took part in the book, says she has always struggled to embrace her body, but the shoot left her filled with a new confidence. "It's still a work in progress. I'm not going to say that every day I 100% feel the sexiest and the most confident," she says. "But I remember what I did and I go and look at my pictures and I say 'Wow, I am beautiful!'" Her husband Chris says men tend to have only the most superficial conversations among themselves about the way their partners' bodies have, or might, change after pregnancy - and are largely unprepared for the reality. "Seeing the pictures and then also seeing other women's pictures, it led me to think, 'Man, I'm kind of an ass for not recognising what the real, important things are when it comes to her physical appearance.' "It's what she's done, and why she has those scars. I don't have to bear any of that - and she does. "I think these women are powerful. I think my wife is incredible, and I think that was something that I needed to see and needed to understand. And I hope the pictures continue to do that for other men." The blogger "I had my daughter and my body physically changed very drastically, and I was surprised by that. I hadn't expected it because there are not a lot of these images in our culture. "I was torn between being really in awe of my body and wanting to honour it for what it had done in growing and birthing this little person, and also still struggling to want to look conventionally beautiful, and trying to figure out where I fit on that spectrum. It was a struggle. It was really confusing to feel all of these - totally opposite things - at once. "I really believe that the more that we see a wide range of things, the more we are going to feel normal and the more we are going to realise that it is normal, and the less it is going to be an issue. It's just that there's so little access to these images in our culture." Bonnie Ratliff Crowder, The Shape of a Mother Beall's project got a big vote of support on the crowd-funding website Kickstarter - more than 1,000 people backed it and Beall raised almost three times the amount she was looking for. And she's notched up one other victory. When she googled "beautiful body" the other day, she was delighted by what popped up. "My black and white images are sprawled through all these airbrushed photographs. "And I took such delight. It was like, 'Oh gosh, it's happening!'" A selection of your comments on this article is published here. Jade Beall was interviewed on the BBC World Service programme Weekend You can follow the Magazine on Twitter and on Facebook
Casey Austin "Case" Keenum (born February 17, 1988) is an American football quarterback for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for Houston, where he became the NCAA's all-time leader in total passing yards, touchdowns, and completions. In the 2008 college football season, Keenum ranked first nationally in total offense and second in total passing yards.[1][2] During the 2011 season, Keenum became the Football Bowl Subdivision's all-time leader in total offense, as well as the all-time leader in total touchdown passes by an FBS quarterback. As a result of his on-field contributions to Houston's success, Keenum was named to several All-American lists. He is the only quarterback in Division I FBS football history to have passed for more than 5,000 yards in each of three seasons. After being signed by the Houston Texans as an undrafted free agent in 2012, Keenum threw for 1,760 yards and 9 touchdowns in the eight games he started for the Texans, before being waived prior to the 2014 season. Keenum was then signed to the St. Louis Rams' practice squad. He re-signed with the Texans later in 2014. In 2015, the Rams traded a draft pick to the Texans for Keenum, where he played until signing as a free agent with the Minnesota Vikings in 2017. After starter Sam Bradford got injured, Keenum came in and had a career year, setting highs in starts, passing yards, completions and touchdowns. He led the Vikings to a 13-win regular season, followed by a last-second win over the New Orleans Saints in the divisional round of the playoffs; the Vikings lost in the next round to the eventual Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles. Keenum once again became a free agent, and signed a two-year deal with the Broncos in March 2018. High school career [ edit ] Keenum played football for Wylie High School in Abilene, Texas.[3] During his high school football career, he passed for 6,783 yards and 48 touchdowns and rushed for 41 touchdowns and 2,000 yards for the Bulldogs.[4] Logging 42 starts at quarterback, Keenum posted a career record of 31–11.[5] In 2004, Keenum led Wylie in the game-winning drive for a 17–14 victory over Cuero High School of Cuero, Texas in the Texas Class 3A Division I Championship.[6] Keenum earned varsity letters in basketball and track during his high school career.[5] In addition to being recruited by the University of Houston, Keenum was recruited by Baylor, North Texas, and UTEP,[4] but Houston was the only university to offer a scholarship.[6] College career [ edit ] 2006 season [ edit ] Keenum began his college career for the Houston Cougars during the 2006 season. During Keenum's freshman season, senior Kevin Kolb held the starting quarterback position for the Cougars, leading the coaching staff to redshirt Keenum for the season.[7] The 2006 Cougars won the Conference USA championship, and Kolb was drafted by the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles.[8][9] 2007 season [ edit ] In fall camp before the 2007 season, the Cougars held a de facto quarterback competition to fill the starting spot vacated by the departure of four-year starter Kevin Kolb. The competition swung between Keenum and sophomore Blake Joseph throughout two-a-days and during much of the season, with each player displaying a different set of strengths and weaknesses. Keenum made his first collegiate appearance on September 1, 2007 when the Cougars opened the season at the Oregon Ducks. He threw for 179 yards and a touchdown on 14-of-27 passing and added 47 rushing yards on nine carries against the Ducks.[10] Against C-USA rival Tulane Green Wave in the second game, Keenum threw for 185 yards and a touchdown on 13-of-21 passing, leading Houston to a 34–10 win.[11] In the third game of the year against the Colorado State Rams, Keenum came on in relief of starter Blake Joseph and accounted for four touchdowns.[12] For this performance, Keenum was recognized as CollegeSportsReport.com's Division I FBS National Performer of the Week. Keenum played at quarterback in all thirteen games of the season, starting in seven.[13] Late in the season, the Houston coaching staff selected Keenum to be the regular starting quarterback over Blake Joseph. Keenum's outstanding pocket presence and efficient passing won out in the end over Joseph's stronger arm and running ability. Overall, he finished with 2,259 passing yards, 14 touchdowns, and 10 interceptions.[14] 2008 season [ edit ] Keenum with Houston in 2011 During the 2008 season, Keenum became the second player in school history to complete over 5,000 passing yards in one season. He also led the nation in total offense, and was the national runner-up in passing yards, behind Texas Tech's Graham Harrell.[2] The Houston Cougars showed many signs of improvement, winning their first bowl game since 1980 with a victory over Air Force, and defeating two nationally ranked opponents.[15][16] Following the season, Keenum won the 2008 Conference USA Offensive Player of the Year award. 2009 season [ edit ] Keenum led the Houston Cougars to a 10–4 record in 2009.[17] Keenum finished the 2009 season with 48 total touchdowns and over 5,800 total offensive yards. His play helped Houston upset then #5-ranked Oklahoma State, Texas Tech, and later Mississippi State.[18][19][20] Houston played East Carolina on the road in the Conference USA Championship, but lost the game in the final minute.[21] Houston faced Air Force in a rematch of the previous year's Armed Forces Bowl and this time Air Force emerged victorious. In cold, windy conditions, Keenum threw six interceptions in the game, and was held to only one touchdown.[22] He finished in eighth place in the Heisman Trophy voting in the 2009 season.[23] 2010 season [ edit ] Keenum was in a position to challenge more than one major NCAA division one passing record at the start of the 2010 season, including career passing yards and touchdowns. But after throwing for a total of 636 passing yards and three touchdowns in three games, Keenum tore his ACL during the Cougars' third game of the season against UCLA.[24] The injury ended Keenum's season, and Houston finished 5–7.[25][26] Keenum earned his bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Houston Bauer College of Business in December 2010.[5] 2011 season [ edit ] On January 14, 2011, the NCAA granted Keenum a sixth year of eligibility.[27] Prior to the 2011 season, he was named the 2011 Conference USA Preseason Offensive Player of the Year for the third year in a row. On October 27, 2011, Keenum set the all-time NCAA Division I passing touchdowns record by throwing for nine touchdowns against Rice.[28][29] Keenum also enrolled in the University of Houston College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences studying for a master's degree in physical administration with a concentration on sports administration.[5] On November 19, 2011, Keenum set the record for career completions in a 37–7 win over SMU.[30] The Cougars had a record of 12–0 coming into the Conference USA Championship,[31] but were defeated by Southern Miss 49–28. Keenum completed 41 of 67 pass attempts for 373 yards through the air, two touchdown passes, and two interceptions.[32] After the loss, Houston played Penn State in the TicketCity Bowl, where they won 30–14. Keenum passed for 532 yards, and threw three touchdown passes.[33] In the 2011 season, he finished in 7th place in the Heisman Trophy voting.[34] College career statistics [ edit ] College Football Performance Award for 2009 at Keenum accepting thefor 2009 at Hofheinz Pavilion Year Team Passing Rushing Cmp Att Yds TD Int Rtg Att Yds TD 2007 Houston 187 273 2,259 14 10 147.6 103 412 9 2008 Houston 397 589 5,020 44 11 159.9 76 221 7 2009 Houston 492 700 5,671 44 15 154.8 60 158 4 2010 Houston 42 64 636 5 5 159.3 4 71 0 2011 Houston 428 603 5,631 48 5 174.0 57 35 3 Totals 1,546 2,229 19,217 155 46 160.6 300 897 23 College awards [ edit ] 2× Sammy Baugh Trophy (2009, 2011) [35] 2× Conference USA Most Valuable Player (2009, 2011) Conference USA Offensive Player of the Year (2008) Conference USA Freshman of the Year (2007) NCAA records [ edit ] As of the end of the 2017 college football season, Keenum holds the following NCAA individual records:[36][37] Most career pass completions: 1,546 Most career passing yards: 19,217 Most career passing touchdowns: 155 Most career games with 300+ passing yards: 39 Most games with 300+ passing yards in a single season: 14 (tied with Tulsa's Paul Smith) Most seasons passing for 5,000+ yards: 3 Most seasons passing for 4,000+ yards: 3 (tied with four others) Most career total yards: 20,114 Most career touchdowns responsible for: 178 Professional career [ edit ] Pre-draft measurables Ht Wt Arm length Hand size 40-yard dash 10-yd split 20-yd split 20-ss 3-cone Vert jump Broad BP 6 ft 0 5⁄ 8 in (1.84 m) 208 lb (94 kg) 30 7⁄ 8 in (0.78 m) 9 1⁄ 8 in (0.23 m) 4.82 s 1.63 s 2.72 s 4.28 s 6.87 s 32.5 in (0.83 m) 8 ft 7 in (2.62 m) 18 reps Bench press, shuttle, and cone drill values are from Houston Pro Day;[38] all other values are from the NFL Combine[38][39] Despite his success in college, Keenum went undrafted. He signed with the Houston Texans.[40] Houston Texans [ edit ] 2012 season [ edit ] After being signed as an undrafted free agent, Keenum was placed on the Texans practice squad, where he spent his entire rookie season.[41] 2013 season [ edit ] In 2013, Keenum was placed on the Texans' 53-man roster as a third-string quarterback behind starter Matt Schaub and second string quarterback T. J. Yates.[42] On October 17, head coach Gary Kubiak announced that Keenum would be the starting quarterback over backup Yates in Week 7 against the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday October 20, after starting quarterback Schaub was unable to play due to an injury.[43] In his pro debut on October 20, Keenum threw his first NFL touchdown, a 29-yarder to DeAndre Hopkins.[44] In the end, Keenum completed 15 of 25 passes for 271 yards and a touchdown, along with a 110.6 passer rating, the highest by a Texan quarterback in the season. Houston lost, 17–16.[45][46] On November 3, Keenum threw three passing touchdowns against the Indianapolis Colts, all three to Andre Johnson in the first half. Keenum also had 350 passing yards and 26 rushing yards, despite the Texans losing 27–24.[47] Keenum was 0–8 as a starter for the Texans in 2013.[48] St. Louis Rams [ edit ] On August 31, 2014, Keenum was waived by the Texans to clear a roster space for recently acquired quarterback Ryan Mallett. He was claimed off waivers the next day by the St. Louis Rams. He was waived by the St. Louis Rams on October 28, 2014, in order to make room on the roster for newly acquired safety Mark Barron.[49] He re-signed to the team's practice squad on October 30.[50] Houston Texans (second stint) [ edit ] On December 15, 2014, Keenum was signed off the Rams practice squad back to the Houston Texans.[51] He filled a roster spot after starting quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick broke his left leg in a game against the Indianapolis Colts on December 14, 2014, and on December 21, 2014, he won his first NFL game beating the Baltimore Ravens by a score of 25–13.[52] On December 28, 2014, he won a second consecutive game with the Texans against the Jacksonville Jaguars 23–17.[53] St. Louis/Los Angeles Rams (second stint) [ edit ] 2015 season [ edit ] On March 11, 2015, Keenum was acquired from the Texans for a 7th-round pick in 2016.[54] It was announced by head coach Jeff Fisher that Keenum would be the backup quarterback to recently acquired Nick Foles.[55] On November 16, the Rams named Keenum the starting quarterback after announcing they had benched Foles.[56] Near the end of the Rams' week-11 game against the Baltimore Ravens, Keenum suffered a concussion that left him visibly wobbly but was not removed from the game for evaluation. This led to an investigation by the NFL and the NFL Players Association.[57] Keenum recovered from the concussion and led the Rams to consecutive victories against the Detroit Lions, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Seattle Seahawks. He recorded a Rams record near-"perfect game" against the Buccaneers, achieving a 158.0 passer rating by going 14 for 17 for 234 yards and two touchdowns in the last home game in the history of the St. Louis Rams.[58] Keenum finished the 2015 season (six games played, five as the starter) with 828 yards, four touchdowns, and one interception, with a 60.8% completion percentage.[59] 2016 season [ edit ] On January 12, 2016, the Rams officially moved back to Los Angeles. It was announced via Fisher and GM Les Snead that Keenum would be the starting quarterback heading into training camp.[60] On April 18, 2016, Keenum signed a one-year first round restricted free-agent tender with the Los Angeles Rams.[61] On August 6, 2016, Keenum was named as the starter in the preseason opener against the Dallas Cowboys. After the preseason, Keenum began the regular season as the starting quarterback. After a 28-0 loss to the San Francisco 49ers in the opener, he led the team to 3 straight wins over the Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Arizona Cardinals.[62] In week 6 at Detroit, Keenum went 27/32 with 321 yards, three touchdowns, an interception, a rushing touchdown, and set a team record with 19 consecutive completions. The Rams lost in a 31-28 shootout.[63] The following week against the Giants at Twickenham Stadium, Keenum was intercepted four times as the Giants won 17-10.[64] After the game, Rams head coach Jeff Fisher announced his decision to keep Keenum as starter.[65] On November 15, 2016, Keenum was benched for Jared Goff, who the Rams had taken with the first overall pick in the 2016 NFL Draft.[66] Minnesota Vikings [ edit ] Keenum in 2017 On March 31, 2017, Keenum signed a one-year contract with the Minnesota Vikings.[67] Due to an injury to Sam Bradford, Keenum started the Week 2 game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, completing 20 of 37 passes for 167 yards in a 26–9 loss.[68] During Week 3 against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Keenum threw for 369 yards and 3 touchdowns as the Vikings won by a score of 34–17.[69] In Weeks 4–7, Keenum averaged 196 yards with a total of two touchdowns and two interceptions, but a record of 3–1 over the span.[70] In Week 8 he had two touchdowns and 288 yards against the winless Cleveland Browns to enter the bye-week.[70] During Week 10 against the Washington Redskins, Keenum threw for 304 yards, 4 touchdowns, and 2 interceptions as the Vikings won their fifth straight game, 38–30.[71] In Week 11 against his former team, the Los Angeles Rams, Keenum threw for 280 yards and 1 touchdown, resulting in 6 straight games won. On Thanksgiving Day, during Week 12 against the Detroit Lions, Keenum finished with 282 passing yards and 2 touchdowns as the Vikings won 30–23. He was named the NFC Offensive Player of the Month for November after passing for 866 yards with 7 touchdowns and just 2 interceptions.[72] In 15 games (14 starts) of 2017, Keenum finished with 3,547 passing yards, 22 touchdowns, 7 interceptions, and a passer rating of 98.3.[73] The Vikings finished the 2017 season with a 13–3 record, clinching the NFC North Division.[74] In the NFC Divisional Round against the New Orleans Saints, Keenum finished with 318 passing yards, a touchdown, and an interception. With only 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter, Keenum threw a pass to Stefon Diggs, who ran 61 yards for the game-winning touchdown, giving the Vikings a miraculous 29–24 victory.[75] The next week the Vikings were defeated 38-7 by the eventual Super Bowl winners, the Philadelphia Eagles, led by Keenum's close friend and former Rams teammate Nick Foles.[76] Keenum became a free agent on March 14, 2018.[77] Denver Broncos [ edit ] On March 14, 2018, the Denver Broncos signed Keenum to a two-year, $36 million contract.[78] The signing reunited him with head coach Vance Joseph, who was the defensive backs coach during Keenum's first stint with the Texans, as well as senior personnel advisor Gary Kubiak, who was the Texans' head coach.[79] In his Broncos' debut in the season opener against the Seattle Seahawks, Keenum had 329 passing yards, three touchdowns, and three interceptions in the 27–24 victory.[80] In Week 5, a 34–16 loss to the New York Jets, Keenum posted a career-high 377 passing yards, two touchdowns, and one interception.[81] The Broncos finished the 2018 season with a 6–10 record as Keenum recorded a career-high 3,890 passing yards, 18 touchdowns, and 15 interceptions.[82] NFL statistics [ edit ] Regular season [ edit ] Year Team GP GS Passing Rushing Cmp Att Pct Yds Y/A TD Int Rtg Att Yds Avg TD 2013 HOU 8 8 137 253 54.2 1,760 7.0 9 6 78.2 14 72 5.1 1 2014 HOU 2 2 45 77 58.4 435 5.6 2 2 72.2 10 35 3.5 0 2015 STL 6 5 76 125 60.8 828 6.6 4 1 87.7 12 5 0.4 0 2016 LAR 10 9 196 322 60.9 2,201 6.8 9 11 76.4 20 51 2.6 1 2017 MIN 15 14 325 481 67.6 3,547 7.4 22 7 98.3 40 160 4.0 1 2018 DEN 16 16 365 586 62.3 3,890 6.6 18 15 81.2 26 93 3.6 2 Totals 57 54 1,144 1,844 62.0 12,661 6.9 64 42 84.5 122 416 3.4 5 Source:[83] Postseason [ edit ] Year Team GP GS Passing Rushing Cmp Att Pct Yds Y/A TD Int Rtg Att Yds Avg TD 2017 MIN 2 2 53 88 60.2 589 6.7 2 3 73.5 2 12 6.0 0 Career 2 2 53 88 60.2 589 6.7 2 3 73.5 2 12 6.0 0 Personal life [ edit ] Born in Brownwood, Texas,[84] Keenum spent his childhood in Alpine, Texas for a few years until moving to Abilene, Texas, and is the son of Steve Keenum who served as an offensive lineman and later as head football coach and athletic director at McMurry University. The elder Keenum, known for an aggressive passing offensive strategy, was also head coach at Sul Ross State, offensive coordinator at Tarleton State, and offensive line coach at Hardin–Simmons.[85] Keenum is a Christian, and after the Vikings' 2018 divisional playoff win said "giving his life to Jesus Christ" was the best moment of his life.[86] Keenum met Kimberly Caddell at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes event while the pair were in high school. They married in June 2011.[87] See also [ edit ]
WASHINGTON: The United States and India expelled a diplomat each from the other country, in what was euphemistically and politely termed as ''withdrawal,'' as the month-long fiasco over the so-called Khobragade affair drew to a close on Friday.New Delhi agreed on Thursday to a US request to withdraw the controversial Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade from New York, after the Washington granted her full diplomatic immunity ahead of a criminal indictment by US attorney Preet Bharara in a visa fraud case. The diplomat left New York late on Thursday under what is primarily a political deal.In retaliation, New Delhi, which believed Khobragade was wrongly indicted, asked on Friday for a US diplomat of equal rank to Khobragade to be withdrawn from the US embassy in New Delhi The tit for tat expulsions (which is what it is despite the polite euphemisms) is only the second instance of a US diplomat being expelled, the first instance being expulsion of George Griffin, then political counsellor, 33 years ago. That was in retaliation against similar action being taken by the US against Prabhakar Menon, an Indian diplomat.Under relentless pressure from India, the US state department on Thursday accorded Khobragade full diplomatic immunity after keeping New Delhi on tenterhooks for more than two weeks. But the Obama administration did not stop US attorney Preet Bharara, whose office was prosecuting the case, from indicting her on two criminal charges of visa fraud and misrepresentation in a case involving her employment of Sangeeta Richard, an India-imported domestic assistant who she employed as her nanny/housekeeper in New York.Reflecting the political deal, Bharara told the court that there was no need for an arraignment because Khobragade had ''very recently'' been given diplomatic immunity status. However, he said the charges against her will remain pending until she can be brought to court to face them, either through a waiver of immunity or her return to the US without immunity status.''We will alert the court promptly if we learn that the defendant returns to the United States in a non-immune capacity, at which time the government will proceed to prosecute this case and prove the charges in the indictment,'' he said in a letter to the court.For the record, the state department formally asked New Delhi to waive immunity for Khobragade even as Bharara filed the indictment. New Delhi refused, and therefore Washington requested her departure from the United States. Once she returns, India's ministry of external affairs is expected to post her to the head office, perhaps in a position that will allow continued UN-credentialed immunity.Typical of the muddled choreography and posturing on all sides, Bharara initially told the court that Khobragade had already left the US on Thursday afternoon on the basis of what the state department had told him. But after Khobragade’s attorney Daniel Arshack contested it and said she was still at home with her husband and children, the prosecution clarified that she had not departed the United States.Arshack later confirmed that Khobragade would be leaving the US ''with her head held high.''''We are pleased that the United States department of state did the right thing today by recognizing the diplomatic status to which Dr. Khobragade has always been entitled,'' Arshack told Fox News in New York. ''As a result of her diplomatic status having been recognized, the Federal court recognized Dr. Khobragade’s right to travel and she is pleased to be returning to her country.''But clearly, the issue is far from completely resolved because Khobragade is married to a New York–born Indian-American who is a US citizen. The couple has two school-going children and the eventual settlement has to take into account ways to keep the family together — a personal family crisis that the current patchwork resolution did not detail.In a statement related to her withdrawal, the ministry of external affairs said “At the time of her departure for India, Counsellor Khobragade reiterated her innocence on charges filed against her” and “affirmed her determination to ensure that the episode would not leave a lasting impact on her family, in particular, her children, who are still in the United States.”Further resolution could involve periodic postings for Khobragade to the United Nations to enable her to be with her family, if her husband, Aakash Singh Rathore, desires or needs to be in New York City or region. It would still require state department assent, which may be easier with the passage of time and the moderation of positions.It could also involve postings in Toronto and other neighbouring cities that are less than couple hours flight from NYC, although going by his own career path as a professor of philosophy and an oenophile closely involved with the Indian wine industry, her husband appears equally at ease in India. For now though, the Big Apple and USA is off bounds for Devyani Khobragade.(With inputs from agencies)
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential Debates, Presidential Election SHARE DONALD TRUMP SORELY needs to turn in a strong debate performance this weekend. The last two weeks have brought a near-constant stream of bad news for the Republican candidate: The one recent bright spot for Trump was his running mate Mike Pence winning the vice presidential debate by a narrow margin. But Pence’s win was blunted by post-debate coverage focusing on his inability (or unwillingness) to defend the statements and positions of the top of the ticket. Either way, vice presidential debates typically have little or no impact on the race for the White House. Get the Daily Download Our news roundup delivered every weekday. Email * Polls have reacted to Trump’s struggles, giving Clinton a post-debate bounce both nationally and in most swing states. Depending on the forecast, Clinton is nearing or even over the 270 electoral votes needed to secure the White House. To win, Trump would need to win nearly all the remaining battlegrounds, or even flip a state or two from blue to red. Trump’s bad stretch comes at an inopportune moment, because time for a course correction is even shorter than it seems. That’s because early voting is already underway in a number of states, with more states starting with each passing week. Estimates suggest around a third of voters will cast their ballots before Election Day this year. Every vote cast now is one fewer Trump could win back if he were to mount a comeback. Trump is already at a disadvantage in early voting because he lacks the kind of turnout operation the Clinton campaign has up and running in battleground states. Throughout the campaign cycle, Trump has had fewer offices, staffers, and resources dedicated to bringing his voters to the polls. The Clinton campaign’s ground operation, on the other hand, will press their advantage, banking votes ahead of the Election Day push. All this makes Sunday night that much more important for Trump. Expectations will be low after the first debate, which could work in his favor. The campaign is sending mixed signals about his preparations for the event, which will be a town hall format. Last night Trump did something like that in New Hampshire, but reports from the event indicate it was shorter than Sunday’s debate, and with a largely friendly audience, questions, and moderator (Boston’s own Howie Carr). Trump himself denied it was meant to prepare him for the main event. “They were saying this is practice for Sunday. This isn’t practice,” Trump told the crowd. Meet the Author Rich Parr Research Director , The MassINC Polling Group About Rich Parr Richard Parr is Research Director with The MassINC Polling Group. Rich contributes a deep familiarity with Massachusetts policies, politics and media, as well as a background in public policy and media. Since joining MPG in 2013, Rich has taken primary responsibility for data processing and contributes to survey and sample design. He uses his background in policy and media to craft and edit analysis memos and reports attuned to the political context and salient issues. Rich oversaw data visualization and mapping for WBUR’s Poll Vault during the 2014 election cycle, and co-authored and edited several piece for the site. Prior to joining MPG, Rich was Policy Director at A Better City, a nonprofit representing Boston-area businesses and institutions on transportation, land development and the environment. In that role Rich became a recognized expert on transportation finance and helped organize a statewide coalition which succeeded in elevating transportation to a top legislative priority. He launched and edited ABC’s blog and oversaw its social media presence. Rich continues to work on transportation projects in his spare time and for MassINC, MPG’s parent think-tank. He is a member of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council’s Legislative Committee and the Boston Bikes Advisory Group, for which MPG has conducted pro-bono analysis. Before joining ABC, Rich produced web content for the award-winning PBS documentary series FRONTLINE. He has also worked in new media for political campaigns and in media operations for the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. Rich holds a Bachelor’s degree in Literature from Harvard College. About Rich Parr Richard Parr is Research Director with The MassINC Polling Group. Rich contributes a deep familiarity with Massachusetts policies, politics and media, as well as a background in public policy and media. Since joining MPG in 2013, Rich has taken primary responsibility for data processing and contributes to survey and sample design. He uses his background in policy and media to craft and edit analysis memos and reports attuned to the political context and salient issues. Rich oversaw data visualization and mapping for WBUR’s Poll Vault during the 2014 election cycle, and co-authored and edited several piece for the site. Prior to joining MPG, Rich was Policy Director at A Better City, a nonprofit representing Boston-area businesses and institutions on transportation, land development and the environment. In that role Rich became a recognized expert on transportation finance and helped organize a statewide coalition which succeeded in elevating transportation to a top legislative priority. He launched and edited ABC’s blog and oversaw its social media presence. Rich continues to work on transportation projects in his spare time and for MassINC, MPG’s parent think-tank. He is a member of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council’s Legislative Committee and the Boston Bikes Advisory Group, for which MPG has conducted pro-bono analysis. Before joining ABC, Rich produced web content for the award-winning PBS documentary series FRONTLINE. He has also worked in new media for political campaigns and in media operations for the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. Rich holds a Bachelor’s degree in Literature from Harvard College. Practice or not, the stakes are “yuge” for Trump Sunday night. If he stumbles again, he may have lost his best chance to get back in the race. The third and final debate is 10 days later. That’s 10 days closer to an Election Day that may already be too close for a Trump comeback. Rich Parr is research director at The MassINC Polling Group. SHARE
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ONE STORY THAT LEADS TO JESUS If you’d like your Bible plan to bring you through the word by unpacking its themes and books with beautifully illustrated teaching videos, One Story That Leads to Jesus by the Bible Project is the plan that’s the one for you. START PLAN HERE 3. THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR If you’re looking for a great canonical bible plan with meaningful devotionals to guide your daily quiet time, “The Bible in One Year” is a great plan for you. START PLAN HERE BACK TO TOP © 2022 Cornerstone Community Church 11 East Coast Road, Singapore 428722 mail@cscc.org.sg | +65 6344 4733 Sign up for our email updates on weekly services, upcoming events and news. PRIVACY POLICY Menu PRIVACY POLICY Sign up for our email updates on weekly services, upcoming events and news. 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My friend Andrew recently posted a teaser for a new project he’s working on, but with part of the headline pixelated to obscure what the project actually is. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to do what any self-respecting geek would do: write a program to figure out what the censored text said. Ultimately I failed to recover most of the censored text (except “to”), so I had to cheat a little. The following video is the program running on a very similar image I created. This proves it works in ideal conditions, but needs some improvement to work in less than ideal cases. (and no, as far as I know my friend’s project has nothing to do with eating monkeys) Applying a filter like Photoshop’s “mosaic” filter obscures the original data, but doesn’t remove it entirely. If we can reconstruct an image with *known* text that looks very similar to original image, then we can be pretty sure the original text is the same as our known text. This is very similar in principle to brute-force cracking a password hash. For a more detailed explanation see this article. Photoshop was an obvious choice since I needed to recreate the exact same fancy styling as the original image, then apply the exact same mosaic filter. I figured I would have to write a script that tells Photoshop to generate images, then use an external tool to actually compare them to the original. It turns out that Photoshop CS3 has all the features necessary to pull the whole thing off without any other programs or tools. The most important feature is the JavaScript scripting environment built into Photoshop, which is far more powerful than the AppleScript environment (and a *much* nicer language, in my opinion). CS3 added two other features that are critical to this task: Smart Filters, and Measurements. Smart Filters lets you edit a layer (namely the text with effects applied) *after* you apply a filter that would have previously require rasterization. This lets us apply the censoring filter to our styled text, and later change the text without having to manually reapply the filter. The “measurements” feature lets you record various statistics about an image or portion of an image: in our case we’ll want the “average gray value” of the “difference” between the original and generated images. First we need to prepare the environment. Open the original image in Photoshop, and attempt to replicate the original un-censored text as closely as possible (you need *some* uncensored text as a reference). Place your text layer on top of the original and toggle between normal and “difference” blending modes to see how you close you are. Ideally everything will be black in “difference” mode. It’s very important to precisely match the font, size, spacing, color, effects like drop shadows or outlines, and even the background. If these are off even by a little bit it will throw things off. I ended up having to cheat because I couldn’t match the slick styling of the original text with my lame Photoshop design skills. Once the text matches and is lined up perfectly, select the layer then choose “Convert for Smart Filters” from the “Filter” menu. Now select the censored portion of the text and apply the same filter used on the original image, again matching it as closely as possible. For the mosaic filter, you can line up the “grid” by adjusting the origin and size of the selection (yeah, it’s a pain). Finally, make sure your layer is on top of the original, and the blending mode on your layer is set to “difference”. Double-click the Smart Object layer to open it’s source document, and adjust the variables listed at the top of the JavaScript to match the names and layers. Also, in the menu “Analysis”: “Select Data Points”: “Custom…” make sure only “Gray Value (Mean)” is checked. Code Rather than attempting to explain it in detail here, just read the code and comments. Here’s a quick summary: Start with the first character. Try setting it to each of the possibilities (a through z, and a space), and record the difference score between the original image and generated image. Only look at the first half of the current character (since the second half will be influenced by the *next* character). Sort the results. Lower scores are better (less different) Now try each of the top 3 characters along with every possibility for the *next* character. This time record score for the whole width of the current character since we’re checking the next character as well. Pick the best choice, either the best permutation out of all 81 combinations (3 best * 27 possible), or out of the 3 averages for each best. Repeat for the next character until done. // change these parameters based on document names and layer ordering baseDocName = "base.psd" ; baseDocTextLayer = 0 ; textDocName = "The easy way to do somethingss12.psb" ; textDocTextLayer = 0 ; baseDocName =baseDocTextLayer =textDocName =textDocTextLayer = knownString = "The easy way "; // the part of the string that’s already known missingLength = 20; // number of characters to figure out method = 3; debug = false; function main() { baseDoc = documents[baseDocName]; textDoc = documents[textDocName]; // get the top left corner of the text layer in the main doc var mainBounds = baseDoc.artLayers[baseDocTextLayer].bounds, mainX = mainBounds[0].as("px"), mainY = mainBounds[1].as("px"); // possible characters include space and lowercase. var possibleCharacters = [" "]; for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) { possibleCharacters.push(String.fromCharCode("a".charCodeAt(0) + i)); //possibleCharacters.push(String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + i)); // uncomment for uppercase letters } var fudgeFactor = 3, // number of top choices to try guess = ""; // guessed letters so far for (var charNum = 0; charNum < missingLength; charNum++) { results = []; // get the beginning and potential end (width of a "M") of the next character var w1 = getStringBounds(knownString + guess), w2 = getStringBounds(knownString + guess + "M"); // PASS 1: half the potential width, since we’re not looking at the next character yet // half the width of "M" setSelection(mainX, mainY, (w1[2].as("px") + w2[2].as("px")) / 2, 15);//w2[3].as("px")); // get the score for every letter for (var i = 0; i < possibleCharacters.length; i++) { var val = getStringScore(knownString + guess + possibleCharacters[i]) var res = { ch: possibleCharacters[i], v: val }; results.push(res); } // sort from best (lowest) to worst score results = results.sort(function (a,b) { return a.v – b.v; }); // method 1: too simple, poor results if (method == 1) { guess += results[0].ch; } else { // PASS 2: full (potential) width of the current character, testing each of the few top matches and every possible next character // full width of "M" setSelection(mainX, mainY, w2[2].as("px"), 15);//w2[3].as("px")); var minValue = Number.MAX_VALUE, minChar = null, minSum = Number.MAX_VALUE, minSumChar = null; // try the few best from the first pass for (var i = 0; i < fudgeFactor; i++) { var sum = 0; for (var j = 0; j < possibleCharacters.length; j++) { // get the score for the potential best PLUS each possible next character var val = getStringScore(knownString + guess + results[i].ch + possibleCharacters[j]) sum += val; if (val < minValue) { minValue = val; minChar = results[i].ch; } } if (sum < minSum) { minSum = sum; minSumChar = results[i].ch; } } // if the results aren’t consistent let us know if (debug && results[0].ch != minSumChar || minChar != minSumChar) alert(minChar + "," + minSumChar + " (" +results[0].ch + "," + results[1].ch+ "," + results[2].ch+ ")"); if (method == 2) { // method 2: best of all permutations guess += minChar; } else { // method 3: best average guess += minSumChar; } } WaitForRedraw(); } } // measure the gray value mean in the current selection function getMeasurement() { // delete existing measurements app.measurementLog.deleteMeasurements(); // record new measurement app.activeDocument = baseDoc; app.activeDocument.recordMeasurements();//MeasurementSource.MEASURESELECTION, ["GrayValueMean"]); // export measurements to a file
Building a Better Mark This post is an excerpt of Robyn Wiseman's Ultimate Skills Project module Building a Better Mark that starts Monday! Below are just a few of the drills from week 1 of her four week module on Building a Better Mark. I've used Robyn's drills to improve my own mark this season. Even after 20 years of playing, it's amazing how going back to the basics like this can boost your performance. I've repeatedly found that the difference between elite ultimate players, professional athletes, and the rest of us is their relentless focus on the basics. That's what these drills, and the Ultimate Skills Project are all about! Now onto the drills from Robyn Wiseman! Building a Better Mark: Week 1 Note: more progressions of these drills can be found in the Ultimate Skills Project. Day 1: Establishing our “Marking Base” Some of you may have seen my talk on the Ulty Results Coaching Academy about marking. If so, this will be a bit of review. Before we can move forward, I want to explain what we’re going to look for in marking positioning, starting from the ground up. Let’s all build the same “marking base” before we try to move. Stance: feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart Weight: evenly distributed between both feet/legs, slightly shifted forward onto the balls of your feet Knees: in line with your toes, slight bend in your knees Hips: shifted back Neutral spine Shoulders: slightly in front of your knees/toes Chest: open to face the thrower Arms: Out wide, slight bend in the elbow Hands: open to the thrower Eyes: up at the thrower Drill 1: Athletic Marking Base Hold Hold your athletic marking base for 30 seconds on, 10-30 seconds off, repeat 5 times Drill 2: One Foot Backward Hop into Marking Base Hop backward off of one foot and land in your marking base. Hold for 2-5 seconds. Reset and repeat for 10 jumps off your left foot and 10 jumps off of your right foot. Drill 3: Fast Feet in Place Standing in your marking base, chop your feet as quickly as you can for 10 seconds. Your goal is to get as many ground contacts as you possibly can in that 10 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Why are we practicing this base so much? We want to make sure our base is strong before we drill movement. If our base is not strong and we start moving, our movement patterns will not be strong either! Our goal is for you to move efficiently and effectively -- everything about marking comes from this base. Let’s be as flawless as we can with this base before we start moving. Day 2: Basics of Lateral Change of Direction Before we can start drilling at game speed and getting really good at marking, we need to clean up our change of directions. The closer we are to the disc, the more efficient we need to be at changing directions as a defender to take space away (and we can’t get any closer than on the mark!). Today’s drills might seem simple, but they are tiring. The best players work on making their changes of direction efficient, explosive and quick. You will need two cones (or any two items like shoes, water bottles, etc.) to mark distances and lines. Drill 1: Fast Feet Shuffle Standing in your marking base, you’re going to do the fast feet drill, but this time you’ll be shuffling between two cones at about 5 yards (4.5 meters) apart. Chop your feet as quickly as you can for 10 seconds as you move from cone to cone. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 4 times; alternate which direction you start. Do 2 where you start toward the left and 2 where you start toward the right. Drill 2: 5 yard (4.5 meter) Side Shuffle with Pause Place two cones about 5 yards or 4.5 meters away from each other. Standing in your athletic marking base in front of one cone, side shuffle to the other cone. Focus on decelerating and shifting your weight toward the inside leg away from the cone you’re shuffling toward. Pause and take a look at your form. Are you loading your inside leg? Is your outside foot too far away or is it in a good base? Are your knees and toes still in line? Are your shoulders slightly in front of your knees/toes? Check in on your form, correct anything that needs a quick fix and reset. Repeat toward the other side. Do 5 reps going toward each cone. Drill 3: 5 yard (4.5 meter) Side Shuffle with Pause and Reach Do the same drill set up as the “Side Shuffle with Pause,” except this time add a reach when you get to the end. You’re trying to block a high release, low release or standard release throw as you’re pausing. Your goal is to be able to reach without letting your weight shift to your outside leg. We hope you use these drills to revisit and refine your marking form. Many of Wiseman's drills in the Ultimate Skills Project double as excellent injury risk reduction drills. This blog post is just a taste of what Wiseman has in store this month. Building a Better Mark starts Monday! Join us for the whole marking adventure here!
Image copyright Rspca Cymru Image caption Rescued - and being checked out - Hugo the beagle A young beagle called Hugo is the star of a new report highlighting the illegal trade in puppies being smuggled through Welsh ferry ports. The dog was one of nearly 100 rescued in an operation in Holyhead on Anglesey, led by RSPCA Cymru last year. The animal charity said it wanted to use Friday's report to warn the public about the issue ahead of Christmas. The RSPCA said it would prefer people considered adopting rescued animals first rather than buying them. "As we approach the Christmas season, temptation can sometimes lead people to add a cute, young puppy to their household that - in the longer-term - they simply don't want anymore," said Claire Lawson at RSPCA Cymru. "These impulse buys are often not well-researched and can unwittingly fuel the illegal puppy trade." Hugo was discovered hidden on a lorry during a raid in Holyhead port in November 2016. Image copyright RSPCA Cymru Image caption Hugo was one of 96 dogs found during the raid He was among two consignments of dogs seized during a joint investigation involving the RSPCA, police, Border Agency officials, the Welsh Government, Anglesey council and animal charities in the Republic of Ireland. The puppies included other beagles, basset hounds, labradoodles and pomeranians, aged between six and seven weeks old. RSPCA officials described conditions as "horrendous and filthy", with inadequate food, water and ventilation. One of the puppies died while being smuggled. Image copyright RSPCA Image caption Dogs are smuggled in "filthy" conditions with no ventilation, food or water, RSPCA inspectors said Image copyright RSPCA Image caption Some of the puppies were hidden in crates behind sawdust bales "If the RSPCA and other agencies hadn't stepped in, Hugo would have been sold to unsuspecting new owners who, inadvertently, would be funding this cruel, murky underground trade," added Ms Lawson. However, there was a happy ending for the smuggled beagle. Hugo was returned to Ireland after health checks where he was eventually adopted by Irish international boxing champion Moira McElligott, who lives in County Carlow. "Hugo was initially adopted by another family, but it didn't work out for him - so we initially decided to foster him and he settled in brilliantly," she said. "We're so pleased Hugo instantly became part of the household, holding his own chair in the kitchen and with much of the family wrapped around his paw "He means the world to us both, we're so delighted to have adopted him, and that he, along with 95 others, was rescued from such an appalling start to life."
North Cleveland Park Colonial on corner lot lists for $1.5M - Curbed DC Skip to main content clock menu more-arrow no yes mobile Curbed DC homepage Washington DC Log in or sign up Log In Sign Up Site search Search Search Curbed DC main menu Cities Topics Neighborhoods More Cities Atlanta Austin Boston Chicago Detroit Los Angeles New York San Francisco Archive.curbed.com Topics For Sale
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 Neighborhoods ✕ Filed under: Cleveland Park Homes For Sale For Sale in DC Renovated five-bedroom Colonial in North Cleveland Park on corner lot lists for $1.5M New, 1 comment The house sits above street level and boasts a handsome stone perimeter By Andrew Giambrone Oct 26, 2018, 6:13pm EDT 1 comment / new 3501 Springland Lane NW Courtesy of Washington Fine Properties’ Robert Hryniewicki, Adam T. Rackliffe, and Christopher R. Leary This airy five-bedroom brick Colonial on a 6,500-square-foot corner lot in North Cleveland Park recently went on the market for $1,595,000. The home has been updated and features three full and two half-bathrooms. It is located at 3501 Springland Lane NW just across Reno Road NW from Melvin C. Hazen Park, which connects with Rock Creek Park by way of a trail. Built around 1958, the house sits above street level and boasts a handsome stone perimeter. The kitchen features stainless steel appliances while the bathrooms have marble. The front porch faces south and is equipped with ceiling fans. The spacious living room comes with a gas brick fireplace. The dining room, meanwhile, has French doors that walk out to the back garden and patio. The master bedroom has an en-suite bathroom and a large walk-in closet. Downstairs, the lower level includes a laundry room, access to the one-car garage, and a family room with a second fireplace. The driveway outside can fit two vehicles, and the house is located on a leafy cul-de-sac. Nearby are several private schools and two Metro stations: Van Ness–UDC and Cleveland Park. So are stores on Wisconsin and Connecticut avenues NW, the Washington National Cathedral, the National Zoo, and multiple foreign embassies. The home last sold for $940,000 in spring 2009, according to property records. Robert Hryniewicki, Adam T. Rackliffe, and Christopher R. Leary with Washington Fine Properties are the listing agents. An open house is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 28 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 3501 Springland Ln. NW, Washington, DC 20008 [Washington Fine Properties] Next Up In Homes For Sale from Curbed NY The Cheapest, Nicest Apartments for Sale in the West Village from Curbed NY Brooklyn Heights One-Bedroom With Sharp Kitchen Reno, Micro Claw-foot Tub, for $675K from Curbed Frank Lloyd Wright’s Final Design, Auctioned Last Year for $1.7M, Now Asks $8M. Huh? from Curbed NY Brooklyn Museum–Adjacent Apartment With Two Large Bedrooms Asks $875K from Curbed NY Two-Bedroom Penthouse on West End Avenue With 3,000 Square Feet of Terrace Asks $2.8M from Curbed NY One-Bedroom in Clinton Hill Former Shoe Factory (Across the Street from Pratt) Wants $795K Most Read 12 D.C. area hikes worth traveling to, mapped Get your hiking boots ready! A quick guide to electric scooters, bikes, and mopeds in D.C. Getting around the nation’s capital on two wheels is easier than ever. The D.C. area’s best bike trails, mapped From Mount Vernon Trail to the Capital Crescent Trail, see what the area has in store for those who like to explore in the great outdoors. 24 pumpkin patches near Washington, D.C., mapped The best places in the area to procure your pumpkins Your guide to the best farmers markets in Washington, D.C. Where to get fresh fruit, vegetables, and other foodstuff. Loading comments... Chorus Terms of Use Privacy Notice Cookie Policy Do Not Sell My Personal Info Licensing FAQ Accessibility Platform Status Contact Send Us a Tip Community Guidelines Masthead About Curbed Editorial Ethics and Guidelines Vox MediaVox Media Vox Media logo. Advertise with us Jobs @ Vox Media © 2022 Vox Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved Washington DC Share this story
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Parent / Teache ... 07:00pm JV Football awa ... 20 07:15am GSA Meeting 07:20am HOSA Meeting 07:30am Student Body Of ... 05:00pm Volleyball home ... 07:00pm Soccer home vs. ... 21 22 05:00pm Volleyball at P ... 06:30pm 9th Football ho ... 23 Volleyball at W ... 07:00pm Varsity footbal ... 24 MCJROTC Raider ... Volleyball at W ... 09:30am Military Servic ... 39 25 26 Choir Concert R ... 05:00pm Volleyball at W ... 06:30pm 9th Football ho ... 27 Blood Drive 03:00pm Senior Makeup P ... 05:00pm Volleyball at G ... 06:00pm Choir Concert 28 29 05:00pm VEX IQ Fall Lea ... 05:00pm Volleyball home ... 07:00pm Soccer at Stati ... 30 End of Quarter ... 07:00pm Varsity footbal ... 1 School Contact Phone: (615) 824-6162 School Hours: 8:00 A.M - 3:00 P.M. Address Hendersonville High School 123 Cherokee Road Hendersonville, TN 37075 View Larger Map Username Password Show Password Remember Me Log in Forgot your password? Forgot your username? 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Phone Email Both Send question Darkroom Familia Darkroom Familia - I Got Five On It The Album Double CD SKU: 9084 UPC: 9084 Now: $14.99 MSRP: Was: (You save ) Darkroom Familia - I Got Five On It The Album Double CD 2009 Dark Room Studios (2-CD set) Darkroom Studios presents the highly-anticipated Darkroom … Current Stock: Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Adding to cart… The item has been added Add to Wish List Create New Wish List Darkroom Familia - I Got Five On It The Album Double CD Now: $14.99 MSRP: Was: (You save ) Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Copy link: Share: Description Shipping & Returns Description Darkroom Familia - I Got Five On It The Album Double CD 2009 Dark Room Studios (2-CD set) Darkroom Studios presents the highly-anticipated Darkroom double-CD "I Got Five On It" the album. This soundtrack to cult hit "I Got Five On It" and "I Got Five On It Too”, coincides with the worldwide DVD release of "I Got Five On It Too” movie, (available everywhere DVDs are rented and sold). This double-CD is 28 tracks deep and comes with a free full-color mini-poster of both movies and are enhanced CDs featuring two music videos from the movie and movie trailers featuring TV star Todd Bridges and the Darkroom Familia! •This 2-CD set is advertised on the DVD release of the movie “I Got Five On It Too”, which is shipping 50,000 units in March. Five On It CD #1: 01. Let's Get Lit - K.I.D. & Oso 02. D-Boyz - Crooked, Duke & K.I.D. 03. Smokin' - K.I.D. & Oso 04. Killer PLayer Shit - Crooked, Dub, Oso & K.I.D. 05. Love Pussy - Duke & Dub 06. Untouchable - Crooked 07. Wasted - Oso & K.I.D. 08. Every City That We Hit - Duke, J-Loc, Crooked, Oso, Dyno & Dub 09. Mashin - Duke 10. Blitzed - K.I.D. & Oso 11. Smoked Out 24/7 - Oso & K.I.D. 12. Frustration K.I.D., Dyno & Duke 13. Bacardi - Dyno & Oso 14. Midgets Are Scary - Crooked Five On It Too CD #2: 01. Kid & Bong - K.I.D. 02. Bublicious - Barney Bumble 03. Puff The Magic - K.I.D. 04. Candy Paint N Figure Eightin' - K.I.D. 05. In Real Life - Jason Porter 06. Cuddy What U Need? - Young Crayze 07. What Ya City Like? - D-Roll 08. Octane - D-Roll 09. House Party - K.I.D. 10. Time is Money - Crooked, K.I.D & Duke 11. Home Sweet Home - K.I.D. 12. Addicted - K.I.D. 13. Hustle N Grind - Duke, Crooked, D-Roll, K.I.D., Young Crayze, Chorus: Margie Platero 14. Old School Muscle - D-Roll, Duke, K.I.D., Crooked, Tone Bone, K-Loc, Young D Shipping & Returns Close × × Video Gallery Related Products Quick view Darkroom Familia - Family Reunion CD Now: $12.99 MSRP: Was: Add to Cart The item has been added Quick view Darkroom Familia - Duke & Crooked: Double Album CD Now: $14.99 MSRP: Was: Add to Cart The item has been added Quick view Darkroom Familia - Connectionz - CD Now: $13.99 MSRP: Was: Add to Cart The item has been added Quick view Darkroom Familia - NorCal Narcotics - CD Now: $13.99 MSRP: Was: Add to Cart The item has been added Quick view Sale Darkroom Familia - Until There Is No Enemy - CD Now: $12.99 MSRP: Was: $14.99 Add to Cart The item has been added Customers Also Viewed Quick view Luniz - Got Five? 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A Measles Outbreak In The Philippines Travels To The U.S. Enlarge this image toggle caption Noel Celis/AFP/Getty Images Noel Celis/AFP/Getty Images Measles cases in the United States have spiked in the past four months, driven mostly by people traveling from the Philippines, which is in the midst of an explosive outbreak of the highly contagious virus. By April 18, 129 cases have been reported, the most in that time period since 1996. The situation is unusual enough that the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thursday warned people to get their measles shots up to date, especially if they're planning international travel. "We're impacted by what happens globally," Dr. Anne Schuchat, an assistant surgeon general and director of the national center for immunization at CDC, told reporters. But we're also impacted by the fact that more people are choosing not to have their children vaccinated against measles and other infectious diseases, Schuchat said. "Today's measles outbreaks are too often the result of people opting out." Eighty-four percent of the people who have gotten measles so far this year were either not vaccinated or didn't know if they had been vaccinated, according to CDC data. California has reported the most measles cases, with 58. It's also a state that allows parents to refuse vaccinations for children due to philosophical beliefs. Other outbreaks have been reported in New York and in Washington state. Many doctors practicing today have never seen measles, which means that the disease can be spread when a sick person shows up in an emergency room or doctor's office. That happened in 11 of these new cases, according to a report in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. So people who haven't been vaccinated should be sure to tell ambulance drivers and other health-care workers to reduce the risk of spreading the virus, which can linger in the air for hours. Earlier this month, the Washington State Department of Health warned people who had attended a Kings of Leon concert that they had been exposed to measles by a woman who hadn't yet exhibited symptoms, which include a fever, cough and rash. "You can be infectious four days before the visible onset of symptoms, and four days after," Schuchat said. People considering international travel should make sure they're up to date on vaccinations, the CDC says, and infants 6 to 11 months should have at least one dose of the MMR shot that protects against measles before being taken overseas.
The spectacular tale of Lou T. Fisk, which played out on the pages of The Forum in 1987, bears the hallmarks of many of Western civilization’s greatest stories. There’s an “Odyssey”-like journey, intrigue straight out of Macbeth and a fish out of water far bigger than Bilbo Baggins. Our tale begins in the small town of Madison, Minn. where the shine had barely dimmed on its 28-foot-long, five-year-old fiberglass cod statue, lovingly named Lou T. Fisk. In case you didn’t catch it, Lou’s namesake is lutefisk, the “delicacy” “enjoyed” by “many” Minnesotans. And Madison? Madison billed itself Lutefisk Capital USA. A journey begins Across the country in another Madison (Madison, Conn.), the Madison U.S.A. Society was looking for ways to show its love of founding father James Madison, and planned a bicentennial-year birthday bash for him. They reached out to their fellow cities of Madison for a hand. Steve Townley, Madison, Minn., city administrator and civic booster, obviously acutely aware of the debt our country owes to the famed federalist whose name his town bore with pride, suggested they put Lou on a flatbed and drive him to the East Coast, stopping in other Madisons along the way and taking a turn down Madison Avenue in New York City. “... I think they think it’s just another group of nuts coming through town,” Townley said. A March 11, 1987, Forum article said Lou and his human entourage made it to Madison, Wis., and were feted by that city’s mayor, who declared that lutefisk “... creates a spiritual and physical reaction in the body which is unequaled in any way.” There were challenges to overcome. On March 13, The Forum reported that the Fellowship of Fisk was turned away on an Ohio turnpike and had to find an alternative route. But with the help of some helpful truck drivers, Lou made his next public appearance in the nick of time. The journey, it seems, would be a success. But then, a challenger arose … Et tu, Glenwood? Lou’s physical journey behind him, a new challenger arose to knock him off his pedestal. In a letter to Madison, Minn., John Caskey, the head of the chamber of commerce in Glenwood, Minn., said something was fishy about Madison’s claim of being lutefisk elite. “Dear Sir,” the letter said, “I read, listen and see with some amazement that you have declared yourselves to be the lutefisk capital of Minnesota. I can certainly understand that Madison would like to lay claim to being something, anything!” Ouch. Caskey continues by pushing his city’s own claim to the crown of reconstituted cod, saying that then-St. Paul Mayor George Latimer had bestowed the honor of Lutefisk Capital of the World on Glenwood when he ran for governor. “If you promise not to bring lutefisk into St. Paul,” Latimer wrote, “I promise not to campaign in Glenwood.” Popular media, that fickle kingmaker, did nothing to help Lou’s case. The bruise of Glenwood’s searing vilification still fresh in their minds, Lou and his hometown seemingly caught a break. “Fiberglass codfish lands on national TV,” The Forum’s headline said on May 6, 1987. Lou’s exploits on the East Coast, it seems, caught the eye of the “Today Show,” which zeroed in on his story for a May 20 broadcast from Minneapolis. If you’re looking for vindication for Lou T. Fisk, however, you won’t find it here. Although Lou’s exploits hooked “Today,” national audiences mainly heard about the dust-up between the two towns. Lost in the statewide scuffle, Lou was in danger of being a mere footnote in local lutefisk lore. Swimming upstream The summer of ‘87 was giving way to fall and the organization We the People 200, in charge of the national bicentennial celebration, had expressed interest in having Lou in its Constitution Day parade in Philadelphia. Townley and Madison, Minn., were ecstatic, organizing a bus tour to Philadelphia and picking out some proud residents to accompany Lou. But, as an Aug. 14, 1987, Forum story reported, Lou had to swim upstream one more time. Parade organizers had told Townley that Lou could be pulled by horses in the parade’s third and final section. As preliminary attendance figures started to climb, however, those rules had to change. “They said we can only bring Lou if we pull him,” Townley said at the time, meaning that they would need to pull the plastic lunker by hand. “We can’t pull him. He’s 1,200 pounds and his trailer is another 1,000 pounds.” Ever the stoic Minnesotan, Townley said he didn’t bear a grudge toward the organizers. Lou seemed destined to live out his days in quiet anonymity. Alone. Unbuttered. Moment of glory But then a glimmer of hope, like the sheen on a church lutefisk dinner plate, could be seen in a Sept. 11, 1987, Forum article. Parade producers learned Lou wouldn’t be able to march in the parade. Probably figuring no celebration of this country’s founding documents would be complete without 2 tons of fake fish, they reissued the invitation and included an honorarium of $500 to help with expenses. There’s a kicker, too. On the way to Philadelphia for the parade, Lou was to be part of a national Scandinavian celebration with Swedish Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson and Swedish tennis star Bjorn Borg. As if drenched in a bath of lye, Lou had been resurrected for a moment of Scandinavian splendor. Epilogue Lou T. Fisk is still a proud resident of Madison, Minn. In 2003, he was given a facelift and a new paint job. In 2008, Lou triumphed again over adversity after being knocked off his pedestal by 100-mph winds. After six months of rehab, he was returned to his perch as an ambassador for the city of Madison. Madison stands by its claim of Lutefisk Capital USA and appears to be unchallenged by Glenwood.
A Florida couple delayed their arrest during a standoff with authorities because they were having sex “one last time,” according to reports. Read: American Airlines Flight Delayed Because of 1,000 Bees Found Under the Wing Ryan Bautista, 34, and Leanne Hunn, 30, were charged with resisting police and false imprisonment outside a mobile home in Jacksonville. Hunn allegedly told cops during a phone call that she would leave the home after having sex with Bautista, police said. A SWAT team arrived at the home at 9:30 p.m. and the standoff didn’t end until 4 a.m. on Thursday, when police entered the home. No residents were in danger during the standoff, police said. "Fortunately no evacuations were required at this particular location because it was isolated and the time of day didn't require any type of duress for the citizens in that area," Lt. Jessie York told News 4 in Jacksonville. Read: Cops: Drunk Driver Says His Dog Was Behind the Wheel The couple was inside the home with a man, Michael Forte, 34, who was being sought by authorities for armed burglary. Forte was eventually arrested and charged with possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, armed robbery, and murder, police said. Watch Below: Shia LeBeouf Posts Cryptic Tweets After Latest Arrest
Amazon executive: our drones 'will be more like horses than cars' - The Verge Skip to main content The VergeThe Verge logo.The Verge homepage The Verge homepageThe VergeThe Verge logo./ Tech/ Reviews/ Science/ Entertainment/ MoreMenuExpand The VergeThe Verge logo. MenuExpand Business/ Tech Amazon executive: our drones 'will be more like horses than cars' Amazon executive: our drones 'will be more like horses than cars' By Rich McCormick Jan 19, 2016, 7:37 AM UTC | Share this story Amazon's delivery drones will be "more like horses than cars," according to Paul Misener, Amazon's vice president for global public policy. Misener makes the claim in an interview with Yahoo, but he doesn't mean that his company's aerial vehicles will be covered in fur and burdened with a love for sugar — instead, he likens them to horses because they'll automatically avoid obstacles that could be a danger to them. "Try riding a horse into a tree." "If you have a small tree in your front yard," Misener explains, "and you want to bang your car into it for some reason, you can do that. Your spouse might not be happy with you, but you can do it. But try riding a horse into the tree. It won't do it. The horse will see the tree and go around it. Same way our drones will not run into trees, because they will know not to run into it." Misener says Amazon's prototype drones have "sense-and-avoid" technology that aims to keep them out of power lines, trees, and other obstacles that could come between them and your ordered items. That's prototypes, plural. Amazon is working on several variations of drone at the same time, Misener says, and is likely to use different drones when the time comes to actually roll the service out for customers in different locations. "Our customers in the United States live in hot, dry, dusty areas like Phoenix," he says, "but they also live in hot, wet, rainy environments like Orlando, or up in the Colorado Rockies." Their homes, too, are different. "Some live in rural farmhouses, some live in high-rise city skyscrapers, and then everything in between, in suburban and exurban environments." Those that live in larger homes with yards can expect deliveries dropped off there if they're not home when the drone calls, but Misener says Amazon is still working on how to get you your items if you live in an apartment building. Amazon isn't worried about people shooting drones to get their items Some have expressed concern that the sight of a drone carrying an Amazon package would entice people along its flight path to break out a rifle and try to shoot it down, but Misener dismisses the fears. "I suppose they could shoot at trucks, too," he says, glossing over the fact that trucks — unlike drones — have human drivers that might not take kindly to being shot at. But he says that Amazon thinks its Prime Air drones will be "as normal as seeing a delivery truck driving down the street someday," reducing the novelty and stopping would-be shooters from intercepting your orders. More of an immediate concern is the legislation stopping Amazon's drones from getting off the ground. Amazon has proposed a limit that would keep piloted aircraft above 500 feet, while leaving a window from 200 to 400 feet that would allow its Prime Air drone fleet to operate, but the government body has been dragging its feet so far. "We believe that [the FAA] must begin, in earnest, planning for the rules that are more sophisticated, that go to the kinds of operations that Amazon Prime Air will encompass," Misener says. "Other countries already are doing this," he explains. "There's no reason why the United States must be first. We hope it is." Join the conversation Most Popular Apple AirPods Pro (second-gen) review: same look, better everything else The Dynamic Island is already available on Android devices Charging your EV at night is about to become more expensive Netflix is on a good run with anime lately It sure looks like we’re getting new MacBook Pros in October Verge Deals / Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we've tested sent to your inbox daily. Email (required) Sign up By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. From our sponsor Advertiser Content From More from Business Apple did raise prices with the iPhone 14 and Watch Series 8 — just not in the US or China EV startup Bollinger acquired by Mullen Automotive for $148.2 million Judge denies Elon Musk’s attempt to delay Twitter trial Android 13 is making it easier to keep work and personal data separate Advertiser Content From Today’s Storystream Feed refreshed Sep 23 • 10 minutes in the clouds J Twitter Jay PetersSep 23 Link Twitch’s creators SVP is leaving the company. Constance Knight, Twitch’s senior vice president of global creators, is leaving for a new opportunity, according to Bloomberg’s Cecilia D’Anastasio. Knight shared her departure with staff on the same day Twitch announced impending cuts to how much its biggest streamers will earn from subscriptions. T Twitter Tom WarrenSep 23 Link Has the Windows 11 2022 Update made your gaming PC stutter? Nvidia GPU owners have been complaining of stuttering and poor frame rates with the latest Windows 11 update, but thankfully there’s a fix. Nvidia has identified an issue with its GeForce Experience overlay and the Windows 11 2022 Update (22H2). A fix is available in beta from Nvidia’s website. Transpo Transpo Mercedes-Benz’s electric G-Wagen is coming in mid-2024, chairman says Andrew J. HawkinsSep 23 Tech Tech NY AG tries to explain how Apple’s free Yankees stream is worse than cable TV Jay PetersSep 23 NASA NASA NASA’s Artemis I launch faces a new obstacle: the weather Mary Beth GriggsSep 23 Tech Tech I used OpenAI’s new tech to transcribe audio right on my laptop Mitchell ClarkSep 23 Must Reads Must Reads Must Reads Elon Musk has an actual free speech issue on his hands Adi RobertsonSep 23 Vergecast: Apple Watch Ultra review, next-gen GPUs, and more gadgets Andrew MarinoSep 23 How to use the Apple Watch Ultra’s Action button Victoria SongSep 23 The world’s largest carbon removal project yet is headed for Wyoming Justine CalmaSep 23 Apple AirPods Pro (second-gen) review: same look, better everything else Chris WelchSep 22 Climate Climate The US wants to become a hydrogen production powerhouse Justine CalmaSep 23 Gaming Gaming Trombone Champ’s creator thinks more games need to go all in on comedy Jay PetersSep 23 Apple Apple Apple says old and new AirPods Pro ear tips are incompatible because of mesh density Chris WelchSep 23 Microsoft Microsoft Why does Logitech have a white Xbox Series X? (Because they put a skin on it.) Tom WarrenSep 23 A External Link Andrew J. HawkinsSep 23 Link If you’re using crash detection on the iPhone 14, invest in a really good phone mount. Motorcycle owner Douglas Sonders has a cautionary tale in Jalopnik today about the iPhone 14’s new crash detection feature. He was riding his LiveWire One motorcycle down the West Side Highway at about 60 mph when he hit a bump, causing his iPhone 14 Pro Max to fly off its handlebar mount. Soon after, his girlfriend and parents received text messages that he had been in a horrible accident, causing several hours of panic. The phone even called the police, all because it fell off the handlebars. All thanks to crash detection. Riding a motorcycle is very dangerous, and the last thing anyone needs is to think their loved one was in a horrible crash when they weren’t. This is obviously an edge case, but it makes me wonder what other sort of false positives we see as more phones adopt this technology. My iPhone 14 Fell Off My Motorcycle and Told My Family I Crashed [Jalopnik] Welcome to the new Verge Revolutionizing the media with blog posts Nilay PatelSep 13 Tech Tech I briefly played with Logitech’s new G Cloud Gaming Handheld Cameron FaulknerSep 22 Amazon Fire 7 review: a budget tablet for the basics Sheena VasaniSep 22 NY AG tries to explain how Apple’s free Yankees stream is worse than cable TV Jay PetersSep 23 See all Tech See all Tech Apple Apple It sure looks like we’re getting new MacBook Pros in October Monica ChinSep 23 A External Link Andrew J. HawkinsSep 23 Link Ford is running out of its own Blue Oval badges. Running out of semiconductors is one thing, but running out of your own iconic nameplates is just downright brutal. The Wall Street Journal reports badge and nameplate shortages are impacting the automaker's popular F-series pickup lineup, delaying deliveries and causing general chaos. Some executives are even proposing a 3D printing workaround, but they didn’t feel like the substitutes would clear the bar. All in all, it's been a dreadful summer of supply chain setbacks for Ford, leading the company to reorganize its org chart to bring some sort of relief. WSJ News Exclusive | Ford’s Latest Supply-Chain Snarl: Not Enough Blue Oval Badges [WSJ] Gadgets Gadgets Leak suggests the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are keeping their great prices Allison JohnsonSep 23 Tech Tech T-Mobile adds domestic United flights to its free in-flight Wi-Fi roster Antonio G. Di BenedettoSep 23 Health Health FDA makes it easier for harm reduction groups to purchase lifesaving naloxone Nicole WetsmanSep 23 E TikTok Elizabeth LopattoSep 23 Link Spain’s Transports Urbans de Sabadell has La Bussí. Once again, the US has fallen behind in transportation — call it the Bussí gap. A hole in our infrastructure, if you will. Podcasts PodcastsSee more Podcasts Podcasts Vergecast: Apple Watch Ultra review, next-gen GPUs, and more gadgets Andrew MarinoSep 23 Today on The Vergecast: GTA, TikTok, and iPhones. David PierceSep 21 I tried replacing Google with TikTok, and it worked better than I thought David PierceSep 21 Can software simplify the supply chain? Ryan Petersen thinks so Nilay PatelSep 20 Music labels are incorporating old songs into new songs to trigger your nostalgia. Alex CranzSep 19 See all Podcasts Privacy Privacy San Francisco police can now watch private surveillance cameras in real time Corin FaifeSep 23 How-to How-to How to unpair an Apple Watch Jennifer Pattison TuohySep 23 J External Link Jay PetersSep 23 Link Doing more with less (extravagant holiday parties). Sundar Pichai addressed employees’ questions about Google’s spending changes at an all-hands this week, according to CNBC. “Maybe you were planning on hiring six more people but maybe you are going to have to do with four and how are you going to make that happen?” Pichai sent a memo to workers in July about a hiring slowdown. In the all-hands, Google’s head of finance also asked staff to try not to go “over the top” for holiday parties. Google CEO Pichai tells employees not to 'equate fun with money' in heated all-hands meeting [CNBC] E External Link Elizabeth LopattoSep 23 Link Insiders made the most money off of Helium’s “People’s Network.” Remember Helium, which was touted by The New York Times in an article entitled “Maybe There’s a Use for Crypto After All?” Not only was the company misleading people about who used it — Salesforce and Lime weren’t using it, despite what Helium said on its site — Helium disproportionately enriched insiders, Forbes reports. Crypto Darling Helium Promised A ‘People’s Network.’ Instead, Its Executives Got Rich. [Forbes] Creators Creators TikTok users will now be able to downvote comments Mia SatoSep 23 Most Popular Most Popular Most Popular Apple AirPods Pro (second-gen) review: same look, better everything else Chris WelchSep 22 The Dynamic Island is already available on Android devices Alice Newcome-BeillSep 22 Charging your EV at night is about to become more expensive Andrew J. HawkinsSep 22 Netflix is on a good run with anime lately Andrew WebsterSep 23 It sure looks like we’re getting new MacBook Pros in October Monica ChinSep 23 Vergecast Vergecast Vergecast: Apple Watch Ultra review, next-gen GPUs, and more gadgets Andrew MarinoSep 23 Security Security London police arrest teen hacking suspect but won’t confirm GTA 6, Uber links Richard LawlerSep 23 J Youtube James VincentSep 23 Link Nvidia’s latest AI model generates endless 3D models. Need to fill your video game, VR world, or project render with 3D chaff? Nvidia’s latest AI model could help. Trained on 2D images, it can churn out customizable 3D objects ready to import and tweak. The model seems rudimentary (the renders aren’t amazing quality and seem limited in their variety), but generative AI models like this are only going to improve, speeding up work for all sorts of creative types. Deals Deals Roborock’s S7 Plus mop and robot vacuum hybrid is $270 off Sheena VasaniSep 23 Elon Musk Elon Musk Elon Musk has an actual free speech issue on his hands Adi RobertsonSep 23 Reviews Reviews Apple Watch Ultra review: an aspirational debut Victoria SongSep 23 Reviews Reviews Apple iPhone 14 Pro review: early adopter island Nilay PatelSep 14 Apple Watch Ultra review: an aspirational debut Victoria SongSep 23 The best instant cameras you can buy right now Sheena VasaniSep 22 See all Reviews See all Reviews Netflix Netflix Netflix is on a good run with anime lately Andrew WebsterSep 23 Law Law France announces minimum €3 book delivery fee to help booksellers compete with Amazon James VincentSep 23 R Richard LawlerSep 23 Link Green light. This week Friday brings the debut of Apple’s other new hardware. We’ve reviewed both the new AirPods Pro and this chonky Apple Watch Ultra, and now you’ll decide if you’re picking them up, or not. Otherwise, we’re preparing for Netflix’s Tudum event this weekend and slapping Dynamic Island onto Android phones. Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge How-to How-to How to use the Apple Watch Ultra’s Action button Victoria SongSep 23 Climate Climate The world’s largest carbon removal project yet is headed for Wyoming Justine CalmaSep 23 J External Link Jess WeatherbedSep 23 Link Japan will fully reopen to tourists in October following two and a half years of travel restrictions. Good news for folks who have been waiting to book their dream Tokyo vacation: Japan will finally relax Covid border control measures for visa-free travel and individual travelers on October 11th. Tourists will still need to be vaccinated three times or submit a negative COVID-19 test result ahead of their trip, but can take advantage of the weak yen and a ‘national travel discount’ launching on the same date. Sugoi! Japan to reopen to independent travelers and lift daily arrival cap, Kishida says [The Japan Times] Science Science NASA’s deep space telescope is having instrument trouble caused by “increased friction” Nicole WetsmanSep 21 NASA’s Artemis I launch faces a new obstacle: the weather Mary Beth GriggsSep 23 The US wants to become a hydrogen production powerhouse Justine CalmaSep 23 See all Science See all Science T External Link Thomas RickerSep 23 Link Sony starts selling the Xperia 1 IV with continuous zoom lens. What does it cost to buy a smartphone that does something no smartphone from Apple, Google, Samsung can? $1,599.99 is Sony’s answer: for a camera lens that can shift its focal length anywhere between 85mm and 125mm. Here’s Allison’s take on Sony’s continuous-zoom lens when she tested a prototype Xperia 1 IV back in May: Sony put a good point-and-shoot zoom in a smartphone. That’s an impressive feat. In practical use, it’s a bit less impressive. It’s essentially two lenses that serve the same function: portrait photography. The fact that there’s optical zoom connecting them doesn’t make them much more versatile. Still, it is a Sony, and like.no.other. Sony 512GB, bright 6.5” 4K 120Hz HDR OLED, 4K 120fps HDR video, true optical zoom, 5G | Xperia 1 IV [Sony Electronics] Rideables Rideables Rad Power offers first e-bike subscriptions in Europe Thomas RickerSep 23 C External Link Corin FaifeSep 23 Link If God sees everything, so do these apps. Some Churches are asking congregants to install so-called “accountability apps” to prevent sinful behavior. A Wired investigation found that they monitor almost everything a user does on their phone, including taking regular screenshots and flagging LGBT search terms. The Ungodly Surveillance of Anti-Porn ‘Shameware’ Apps [WIRED] Gadgets Gadgets Garmin introduces its first smart blood pressure monitor Jess WeatherbedSep 23 Pagination More Stories Creators Creators TikTok users will now be able to downvote comments Mia SatoSep 23 France announces minimum €3 book delivery fee to help booksellers compete with Amazon James VincentSep 23 TikTok pulls posts for weight loss drugs that reached kids Mia SatoSep 22 See all Creators See all Creators The VergeThe Verge logo. Terms of Use Privacy Notice Cookie Policy Do Not Sell My Personal Info Licensing FAQ Accessibility Platform Status Contact Tip Us Community Guidelines About Ethics Statement The Verge is a vox media network Advertise with us Jobs @ Vox Media © 2022 Vox Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved
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The FADER FORT Presented by Converse will return to Austin, Texas for the SXSW Music Festival next Wednesday, March 18th. We'll host performances from artists including Migos, Hudson Mohawke, Bleachers, Girlpool, and Vince Staples, with more than 30 additional acts to be announced in the days leading up to the event. The FADER launched The FADER FORT 14 years ago. Over that time, we've been amazed by how much the event has grown, and how many music fans we've been able to let through our doors each year. This year, we've once again partnered with Converse to help make this our best FORT yet. The FADER FORT is a guest list-only event. This year, guests will receive an invite via email. There will be no public RSVP, and private invites will be nontransferable. The entire FORT will stream live on TheFADER.com, powered by Dell I Intel. Media attending SXSW and wanting to apply for press access to The FADER FORT can enter their credentials for consideration and approval here. The FADER FORT is also made possible this year by Mazda, Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey, Glass Is Life, vitaminwater®, and SiriusXM. For more announcements on The FADER FORT, follow The FADER now on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
David MacKay was a voice of reason in the sometimes crazy world of energy. In his last interview he identified the futility of basing future UK energy supplies on renewable energy. Today each person in the UK uses on average 125 Kwh/day. Roughly a third is for heating services and food, a third is for electrical power, and a third is for transport. For the UK to have a zero carbon future all this energy will have to be generated by electricity. We will have to electrify all transport and produce synthetic fuel for plastics and air travel. Any reductions through efficiency savings is likely to be offset by efficiency losses in converting electrical energy to chemical energy in the form of hydrogen and methane. 125 KWh/day is the equivalent of an average continuous power supply of 125/24 = 5 Kw per person. For the population of UK this equates to a national output of 300 GW average power perhaps peaking to 500GW in winter. How can this huge demand be met? Modern society depends on always available power. If power goes down then society stops. There are no phones, no internet, no ATMs, no refrigeration, no sewage pumps – nothing, and if a large city like London is without power for more than 12 hours rioting and looting would quickly take hold. It is therefore inconceivable not to ensure that we have reliable energy at all times. So an energy plan for the UK must be able to meet demand even on the coldest evening of the year in winter with no wind and no solar . For this reason Renewable energy can never under any realistic scenario meet that target. To imagine that battery prices could fall enough to make wind and solar backup such enormous power demands is simply a delusion. Renewables are very low density and for significant energy supply require vast areas of land. Solar energy is unsuitable for the UK because during winter output is 9 times lower than summer. Since we have to find a reliable zero-carbon solution for the winter, it makes no sense to switch it off in the summer just because we like renewables. A good analogy for reliance on renewables is the age of Sail. Sailing ships moved goods around the world from the 16th century until the beginning of the 20th century. Technical progress even produced higher speed. However they were limited both in size and especially in reliability. They could become becalmed for a week or hit by ferocious storms blowing them way off course. They really only worked worked well under stable wind conditions, which were unpredictable. As soon as iron clad ships and reliable steam engines became available they quickly replaced sailing ships. Modern container ships today master all weather conditions and move most of the world’s trade on which the global economy depends. Why is Germany investing so much in Energiewende?. Germany is really building 2 energy infrastructures. A renewable infrastructure and a backup fossil fuel infrastructure. They recently built 19 new modern coal fired stations in parallel to their investment in wind and solar. The reason is simple. On a cold December evening when there is no wind the renewable power supply is zero, and all their coal stations must be be ramped up to maximum output. They will have to build yet more coal stations if they go ahead and close their nuclear plants just to please the Green party. Energiewende as currently envisaged will never be able to deliver a zero carbon future, unless they add inefficient CCS to their coal plants. If so then they will need 50% more of them. The only logical solution for the UK is a mostly nuclear energy future with some CCS coal stations if economic. Share this: Twitter Google Facebook More LinkedIn Email
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 An attorney's criminal conviction has led to automatic disbarment by the New York Appellate Division for the First Judicial Department. On February 26, 2016, respondent was convicted, after trial, in Supreme Court, New York County, of sexual abuse in the first degree in violation of Penal Law § 130.65(1), a class D felony, and criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation in violation of Penal Law § 121.11(a), a class A misdemeanor. On June 10, 2016, respondent was sentenced to a four-year term of incarceration, three years of supervised release, fines and surcharges, and was required to register as a sex offender. The New York Post covered the criminal case A judge tossed a wealthy Manhattan lawyer in prison for 4 years Friday for sexually attacking a woman on the fold-out Murphy bed in his office as his portly victim blasted him for insulting her weight. “It was implied it never could have happened as my 200-plus pound frame was too fat to be pushed down, held down, and pulled around like a rag doll,” the weepy victim read from a statement as her assailant Dan Nelson, 39, sat a few feet away in Manhattan Supreme Court. “I found myself pinned to a bare mattress, fighting my hardest and thinking, ‘I’m a big girl. I’m strong. I can get this man off me.’ Defense lawyer Tim Parlatore argued at trial that the victim’s story didn’t add up because the Italian-made $5,732 Murphy bed outfitted in the conference room of his Midtown office couldn’t sustain such a heavy load. The victim met her attacker nearly two years ago at a bar and agreed to go home with him. The two sloshed strangers went back to his firm Nelson & McCulloch where they stripped off their clothes and made out. But when she changed her mind about the one-night stand, he pinned her to the Murphy bed, choked her and digitally penetrated her before she broke free and fled naked into the street. The jury acquitted Nelson of the top count of attempted rape but found him guilty of sexual abuse and obstruction of breathing. The 36-year-old woman also scoffed at Nelson’s claim he didn’t try to rape her because he has erectile dysfunction and didn’t take his medication. “It was implied there was a simple reason you hadn’t because as I eventually read from the front page of the newspaper you had forgotten to take your Viagra pill,” she said. “But you and I both know what you did to me that night.” ADA Maxine Rosenthal blasted Nelson for a history of “degrading and abusing” women and asked the judge to give him the maximum of 7 years. Parlatore countered that Nelson is truly a gentleman – aside from one night of alcohol-induced boorishness. ‘And that even Nelson’s ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend had written character letters attesting to his harmless nature. Justice Patricia Nunez was not persuaded. “The fear that would cause a woman to run out into the street stark naked with none of her possessions, with nothing on her, yelling for help, is striking,” she said. Nelson, wearing a dapper blue suit with a pocket square was cuffed and hauled away. (Mike Frisch) https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/legal_profession/2016/10/an-attorneys-criminal-conviction-has-led-to-automatic-disbarment-by-the-new-york-appellate-division-for-the-first-judicial-de.html
Swimming in Tails Register Help Remember Me? Home What's New? Forum FAQ Calendar Forum Actions Mark Forums Read Quick Links View Site Leaders ChatBox Full Member Map Resources Making Tails Buying Tails Albums Advanced Search Forum Swimming in Tails Forum: Swimming in Tails Sub-Forums Threads / Posts Last Post Tail Swimming Discussions, tips and tricks of swimming in tails, places to swim, breath holding, ect. Forum Actions: Forum Statistics: Threads: 466 Posts: 6,957 Last Post: Video production by vtorosort View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Articles Today, 12:32 PM Conventions & Gatherings This is a section for discussing ideas and events such conventions as well as for smaller local gatherings. Forum Actions: Forum Statistics: Threads: 235 Posts: 4,914 Last Post: Medreams: merfolk retreat... by DebraErvin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Articles 04-11-2022, 02:51 AM Quick Navigation Swimming in Tails Top Site Areas Settings Private Messages Subscriptions Who's Online Search Forums Forums Home Forums General About this Forum Information and announcements Help, Support, and Feedback Non-merfolk Topics Just Talk! Current News General Costume Tails Discussions Community Introduce Yourself General Community Discussions Mers in the News Pods Pod of Cali Pod of New England Pod of Texas Great Lakes Pod North Pacific Pod Pod of the South Pod of the Midwest Chesapeake Pod Pod of Oceania Union of the Pods of the North Pod of the Southwest Rocky Mountain Pod Pod of Hawaii Euro Pod Making Tails & Accessories Tailmaking Monofins Tops and Clothing Accessories Tailmaking Questions Commercial Tails General Commercial Tail Discussions Classifieds Tailmaker Reviews Tailmaker Discussions FinFolk Productions FlipTails (Mike Van Daal) Merbella Studios Mermagica Mermaid Creations Mermaid Rentals (Thom Shouse) MerNation Mertailor All Others Fish Butts Shooting Tails Photography and Videography Makeup & Staging Swimming in Tails Tail Swimming Conventions & Gatherings Professional Mers Professional Mermaiding Modeling and Performing Merfolk Fiction TV and Movies Internet Literature and Gaming Diving SCUBA Diving Freediving & Snorkeling Waters of Our World Marine Biology and Oceanography Environmentalism and Conservation Miscellaneous Merfolk Cosplay MerNetwork Challenges All Other Mermaid Stuff -- Default Style -- Old School -- UnderWater -- Tropical Waters -- Benthic Zone -- Fuchsia -- Default Mobile Style -- Deutsch (Du) -- English (US) -- Español (ES) Contact Us MerNetwork Archive Top All times are GMT -4. The time now is 12:52 PM. Powered by vBulletin® Version 4.2.3 Copyright © 2022 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Username Changing provided by Username Change (Free) - vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright © 2022 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.
When I cut the cable TV cord nearly eight years ago, juggling multiple remote controls was a necessity. At minimum, you needed one for your television and another for your game console or streaming box. I used a third remote for a home theater PC, so I could access video websites that weren’t yet available as streaming-TV apps. But over the past couple years, the need for multiple remotes has been slipping away, thanks to a decade-old HDMI feature called Consumer Electronics Control (HDMI-CEC). With this feature, streaming boxes such as Apple TV and Roku can control your television’s power, volume, and input, making additional remotes unnecessary. On the downside, support for HDMI-CEC can vary from one device to the next, and TV vendors have a way of making the feature hard to find. Read on as I untangle the HDMI-CEC situation, and what it means for your cord-cutting setup. What is HDMI-CEC? At a basic level, HDMI-CEC allows devices connected via HDMI to control your television or each other. The feature became part of HDMI 1.2a way back in 2005, and at the time was meant to control Blu-ray players or audio receivers through a single remote—such as the one that comes with your television. In recent years, streaming devices have been flipping that use case around, taking control of your television so you can stow away the TV’s remote. The first modern streaming device to really take advantage of HDMI-CEC was Google’s Chromecast, which can automatically turn on your television and switch to the appropriate input after you’ve loaded up a video through your phone. HDMI-CEC has been creeping into a greater number of streaming devices since then, including Roku players, Amazon Fire TV devices, Android TV devices (such as the Nvidia Shield and Xiaomi’s Mi Box), and the fourth-generation Apple TV. Turning on HDMI-CEC If you haven’t heard of HDMI-CEC, that’s partly the fault of TV vendors, many of whom hide the feature behind their own marketing lingo. Samsung, for instance, uses the term Anylink+ to denote HDMI-CEC features, while Sony uses Bravia Sync. Sharp uses Aquos Link, while LG uses Simplink. Panasonic calls it Viera Link. The nomenclature stems from the early days of HDMI-CEC, when vendors didn’t have to make their versions interoperable with other companies’ hardware. These days, the vast majority of HDMI-CEC-enabled devices work just fine with one another. (Kudos, then, to Vizio and TCL, who both use the term “CEC” in their menu systems.) HDMI-CEC might not be so mysterious if TV vendors had stuck to the proper name. To compound the problem, some TV vendors disable HDMI-CEC by default. This makes sense in some situations—for instance, if you have multiple input devices and don’t want them turning the TV off when you put them to sleep—but it only adds confusion when you want to enable HDMI-CEC, but aren’t sure what your TV maker has decided to call it. As a result of these issues, HDMI-CEC hasn’t gotten much love. TV makers rarely talk about it, nor do streaming-device makers, even as it becomes an increasingly important feature. Which streaming box does HDMI-CEC best? The other big problem for HDMI-CEC is that not every streaming box supports it to the same extent. Although I criticized Apple TV in my last column, I give Apple credit for this much: The fourth-generation Apple TV has the most complete HDMI-CEC support of any media streamer on the market. When you press the home button, it powers up the TV and switches to the correct input. The remote control has volume buttons that control the sound on the television. And when you press and hold the home button, you can put the Apple TV to sleep and turn off the TV simultaneously. If the Apple TV is the only device in your living room, you might not need another remote handy. The Apple TV’s Siri remote includes volume buttons and can control your TV’s power and input. Recent Android TV boxes such as the Nvidia Shield and Xiaomi Mi Box are almost, but not quite, as useful. Both can power on the TV and switch inputs if necessary, and both include volume buttons on their remote controls. But instead of controlling the TV’s volume, those buttons only adjust sound on the streaming box itself. That means you must set a maximum volume on the TV, then use the streaming-remote’s buttons to turn things down. If you have any other devices connected to the TV, you’ll still need a remote to manage volume. Google’s Chromecast behaves similarly, though your ability to adjust the sound depends on whether the app you’re using includes its own volume controls. And with Chromecast, there’s no way to force the device into standby, which means your TV will cycle through Google’s image slideshows for a while until the device goes to sleep on its own. Meanwhile, Amazon Fire TV devices and certain Roku players only support turning the TV on when you press a button on the remote. Roku, however, is adding volume controls with its next major operating system update, due out by the end of the year. If you have a Roku remote with a headphone jack, the volume controls will be able to adjust sound on the TV when there are no headphones plugged in. Clearly, HDMI-CEC is not yet the perfect solution for streamlining your remote control needs, but it’s moving in the right direction as streaming-box makers add more HDMI-CEC capabilities to their hardware. In the meantime, remote control minimalists will have to commit to universal remote setups like Pronto Peel or Logitech Harmony, or get an IR attachment like Sideclick to fill the void. Sign up for Jared’s Cord Cutter Weekly newsletter to get this column and other cord-cutting news, insights, and deals delivered to your inbox.
In his first promo as host of Syfy Presents Live at Comic-Con, Will Arnett asked a lot of deep questions. Now the network is answering a big one: Which celebrities will geek out with him at the fan fest in San Diego? Among those joining the voice of LEGO Batman in his three-night coverage of Comic-Con (July 2-23, 8 p.m. ET) are cast members from The Walking Dead (including Norman Reedus), Star Trek Beyond (including Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and Idris Elba), and Mr. Robot (including Rami Malek), as well as famous folks like Elijah Wood, Jaimie Alexander, Tony Hale, and Will Forte. Arnett will be assisted by correspondents Hailey Bright (Coin-Op TV Live) and William Haynes (People Be Like), who will conduct man (or woman or unknown costumed creature)-on-the-street interviews and host news segments. Here is the line-up as it stands: UPDATE: The cast of Mr. Robot wil now appear on Friday instead of Thursday. Thursday, July 21: The Star Trek Beyond cast, including Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Idris Elba, John Cho, Sofia Boutella, and director Justin Lin (who will present an exclusive look at the Beyond premiere); Tony Hale (Veep); Zachary Levi (Heroes Reborn); Alan Tudyk (Robot Chicken); Eric Christian Olsen (NCIS: Los Angeles); and Rose McIver (iZombie). Friday, July 22: The Walking Dead stars Norman Reedus and Steven Yeun; the Mr. Robot cast, including Rami Malek, Christian Slater, Carly Chaikin, Portia Doubleday, and Grace Gummer; Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth); Jaimie Alexander (Blindspot); Yvette Nicole Brown (The Odd Couple); and Derek Waters (Drunk History). Saturday, July 23: Dirk Gently stars Elijah Wood and Samuel Barnett, along with creator Max Landis; the cast of The Magicians; Timeless cast members Matt Lanter, Abigail Spencer, Goran Visnjic, and Malcom Barrett; Tara Reid (Sharknado 4); Andre Meadows (Black Nerd Comedy); David Giuntoli (Grimm); and Mercedes Mason (Fear the Walking Dead).
Chatting with Aulii Cravalho, one thing rings clear: She was born to voice a Disney character. Like the ocean itself, which is what "moana" means in Hawaiian, the emotive range of her voice is deep and wide, coming at you in steady, confident waves and with an ability to flow from bubbly to serious to contemplative to hopeful, sometimes within the breath of a single answer. After a worldwide search for the film's lead, Cravalho, a teenage girl of Native Hawaiian descent from Oahu and a newcomer to Hollywood, landed the role while just a 14-year-old student at Kamehameha Schools. Oh, and did we mention she can also carry a tune? Disney's "Moana" opens Thanksgiving weekend, November 23, and is already generating positive acclaim from entertainment media (it currently holds a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes) and premieres just a day after her 16th birthday. We caught up with its lead voice just before the film's red carpet premiere in Los Angeles this week. Disney's "Moana" was four years in the making. Photo courtesy: Disney HAWAIʻI Magazine: Fearless is the most commonly used word to describe Moana, I’ve noticed. Why is that? Aulii Cravalho: Moana is one of the most real characters I’ve been able to get to know. All the Disney princesses and characters have their own quirks and personalities, but Moana is really special. I like that she’s vulnerable at times just like everyone is, and that she pushes through her problems too. It’s a wonderful story because it’s so relatable. She’s fearless also because she intends to protect and save her people no matter what. She’s 16 years old and she’s willing to go out on the vast ocean because she loves them that much. At the same time, she understands she’s not the best at what she’s about to do and that she needs to get better at it. Fame must be new terrain for you also. Yeah, that’s totally new. I’m not used to being recognized on the street because I still very much see myself as a normal high school student. Everyone is so sweet and nothing has really changed about me, I don’t think. My mom has been really key in keeping me grounded, keeping me paa, still doing my chores, my homework and all that. My teachers call me Moana and so do my friends. My name is no longer Aulii. [Laughs] Everyone has been so supportive and I love just being able to carry this character. Are you aware of the magnitude of "Moana"? Are you ready for all the memes? [Laughs] I didn’t even think about the memes! I know it’s going to be big, I know it because I can just feel it. I’m so proud of this film and that’s coming from someone who is Hawaiian, you know? I just want to make sure that whoever sees this movie understands this is more than an animated film. This has been something that’s been in the works for five or six years now. The amount of thought and detail that went into it is truly amazing. The animation and characters are beautiful, the cast we have—Jemaine Clement, Rachel House, Nicole Scherzinger, Dwayne Johnson—are all of Polynesian descent and culturally connected. Polynesia is definitely one of the minorities and anyone who has their culture being represented wants it to be correct. We don’t want some kind of half good, half bad—no, no, no, no. If you’re going to do it, do it right and I think we really have. Moana with Maui, voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Photo courtesy: Disney How has Kamehameha Schools influenced the way you approached the role? Kamehameha Schools, along with my upbringing in Hawaii—I was born and raised on the Big Island, I’m a country girl through and through—and just bringing what I know of my culture and how much we really do love the ocean and appreciate what the land has given us. We don’t take things for granted and we don’t take more than what we need. This mindset always helps with the character because Moana is, well, basically me. She’s born on an island, she stayed on the island and she wants more, which is something I totally understand. She loves her people, I love my people. There’s something to say about how the creators have written a character so true and I wasn’t even added onto it yet. They had done enough research, met with enough people and understood our culture so well that when I was cast all I had to do was be the voice and that’s fine. The character is so true to our culture that the rest of the storyline just follows. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Cravalho double-team the press rounds. Photo: @therock/Instagram This is your first major film role. Do you feel like you’re on a personal voyage also, like Moana? Similar paths, but I’m not going to boast and say that I would go out on a canoe and, like, voyage hundreds of miles—I’m not even going to lie! But, we’re both definitely going on similar journeys. I’m a teenager, trying to get through high school and figuring out who I am, so I totally understand where she’s coming from. What about Dwayne Johnson? What tips has he given you through all this? He’s very nice. He is so focused. That was one of the many things I learned just from watching him work and what he does. You need to be able to divert your attention a hundred different ways and give each a priority and the same amount of energy. He can give everything a priority, which is hard, I understand that, but look, he’s now the highest paid actor, wasn't that what they announced recently? Then there's the fact also that he’s so incredibly kind and down to Earth as well. Everyone can learn from that guy. Everyone. What do you want to do after "Moana"? I know I’m still going to finish high school, of course, then I’m going to college, but, yeah, also continuing with acting. I’m thinking of doing a double major because I love law, specifically with a focus on science and biology. So I’m going to try to do that, as well as acting. You can start sending me prayers because it sounds good now, but, yeah, I don’t know. I definitely love acting and singing and all that and I’d love to continue in this area because now that I’m in it, I honestly don’t want to get out. What’s your favorite beach in all of Hawaii? Oh, gosh, this is hard! Um … Ehukai. Pipeline, definitely. On this island, Oahu, anyway. It’s a strong shore break, and I surf, like, not very well, but, I just like that there aren’t as many people in the water there because they’re smart and don’t want to get pounded by the waves. I kind of just get to claim my section of the beach and I love that.
The ACLU claims that the Sons of Allah aren’t getting their full trough of American goodies quickly enough from the government. The SoCal branch of the uber-left outfit has published a report alleging that Muslim newbies are given extra scrutiny because of the heightened terror threat they present. As if attention to national security would be a bad thing. The open-borders diversity-enthralled ACLUers must hope that attention from the sharia-friendly President will remedy what they see as a problem. And they may well be right. Say, why let them in the door in the first place? For example, Washington admits Muslim foreign students who then try to mass-murder Americans: cases include the Bangladeshi who schemed to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank in New York and Saudi national Khalid Aldawsari who gathered explosive materials to hit nuclear power plants.
‘Greenland’ Dunlin – Northants birds Skip to content Menu Home Optics Northamptonshire Bird Report Privacy Policy Links About Birding Location Maps Checklist & Recording County Recorder Contact Latest Reports Talks Northants birds Bird news and more ‘Greenland’ Dunlin Posted on May 25, 2017 May 11, 2020 by Mike Alibone A 3rd for Northants? As part our exceptional wader movement this spring, there have been two reports of Greenland Dunlins – that’s the scarcer race, arctica, which turns up in much smaller numbers than the much more commonly occurring schinzii and alpina. One was with the mixed small wader flock at Stanford Reservoir on 17th May and the other, nicely illustrated in the photos by Bob Bullock here, was at Hollowell Reservoir six days later, on 23rd. Features associated with this race, breeding in north-east Greenland and Svalbard, were described in Northamptonshire’s first, which was at Summer Leys on 9th May 2013. The excellent images by Bob illustrate the most of the key identification features but they are far from straightforward – particularly on a lone individual, which cannot easily be compared with other Dunlins. In summary, arctica is slightly smaller than the other two races. It has a shorter bill and it appears generally greyer and less rusty/chestnut on head, mantle, scapulars and coverts. The black belly patch is smaller and usually less solid and the breast streaking is noticeably finer compared with that on schinzii and alpina. Sounds easy but it isn’t. There is variation. There is also the added complication of first-summer Dunlin of one of the other races, which frequently has reduced black belly patch and may also appear greyer through not attaining full adult plumage. There is also first-summer arctica to consider … so a full suite of characters is the best way to nail one. In spite of the fact that there was no size comparison made, the Hollowell bird ticks all the boxes, apart from one – and that’s the bill length, which looks longer in some images than in others. This may be as a result of sex, with females being marginally larger and having longer bills. Associating with other Dunlins, the Stanford bird on 17th was, according to the observer, Gary Pullan, short-billed, small and almost stint-like (as well as showing all the other correct features). Apart from tertials and coverts, which are very worn, the rest of the plumage is fresh and ‘classically’ arctica, with the mantle fringes cinnamon-yellow and not rusty-chestnut. Richard Chandler has commented, “Yes, looks quite good for arctica, with the right cinnamon tones to the upper parts, and a smallish breast patch. The relatively late date for Dunlin on migration is also supportive. Complications are the rather massive bill – but may be a female – and the worn plumage, especially tertials and wing coverts, which suggest a first-year bird and might be the reason for the rather pale plumage. But I can’t see any obvious retained juv feathers as they are too worn to show the classic juv dark feather tips. And would have been good to have had another bird for size comparison. But if I have to put a race to it arctica seems the most likely …” Gary Pullan also stated, “It does look quite good, it seems to be a 1st summer and probably a female given the length of the bill, so that doesn’t help to be absolutely sure in my humble and rather poorly-informed opinion. Saying that the new scaps etc are not particularly bright and the belly patch rather restricted (age related though?), both good points. Shame it was on its own, and I didn’t see it! The Stanford bird had a remarkably short bill, rather stint-like, I estimated it comparable in length to the distance from the bill base to just about the ear coverts, whereas this bird seems to have a bill the same length as the head itself. It was markedly small too and was probably a male.” Many thanks to Richard Chandler and Gary Pullan for their comments. Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Like this: Like Loading... Related Published by Mike Alibone View all posts by Mike Alibone Post navigation Previous Post Glossy Ibis at Summer Leys Next Post Late Spring Round-up 22nd April to 26th May 2017 2 thoughts on “‘Greenland’ Dunlin” Pingback: Late Spring Round-up 22nd April to 26th May 2017 | Northantsbirds Pingback: Newsround – 7th to 13th May 2022 – Northants birds Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... 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Interestingly at the same time as a massive natural gas investment by Petronas collapses in Canada due to energy policy and economic conditions surrounding weak LNG prices, the U.S. Energy Information Administration highlights that U.S. coal exports are roaring back. Yes, elections have real economic consequences. U.S. EIA data shows a gain of 60.3% so far this year in exports of both steam coal (used to generate electricity) and coking coal (metallurgical coal used for steel manufacturing) as a direct consequence of President Trump’s common sense energy policy. Interestingly, the largest destinations for the growth in American coal export are the U.K. (+175%) and a doubling of tonnage to both France (+100%), and Asia (+100%). High transport costs to ship coal to the EU are being offset by U.S. coal manufacturing efficiencies and improvements in mining productivity. Additionally, while the actual end user for coal shipments to the EU are difficult to track, it is reasonably anticipated that some European countries are preparing to offset their reliance on Russian energy with storage of steam coal for next winters high demand season. WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) – U.S. coal exports have jumped more than 60 percent this year due to soaring demand from Europe and Asia, according to a Reuters review of government data, allowing President Donald Trump’s administration to claim that efforts to revive the battered industry are working. The increased shipments came as the European Union and other U.S. allies heaped criticism on the Trump administration for its rejection of the Paris Climate Accord, a deal agreed by nearly 200 countries to cut carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels like coal. The previously unpublished figures provided to Reuters by the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed exports of the fuel from January through May totaled 36.79 million tons, up 60.3 percent from 22.94 million tons in the same period in 2016. While reflecting a bounce from 2016, the shipments remained well-below volumes recorded in equivalent periods the previous five years. (read more) Advertisements
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The online world is becoming an ever-more-important piece of our societal existence. In the US, people have become so glued to their phones that 10% of all pedestrian emergency room visits are now from cell phones and not a week goes by without another report of what has become “death by cellphone.” A recent Ofcom report suggests that 39% of Americans agree or strongly agree with the statement “I am happy to provide personal information online to companies as long as I get what I want,” the highest of the nine countries sampled, while 70% of respondents either agreed or were indifferent to the commercial use of their personal information in return for free services. There is even a growing countermovement lamenting the role of humans in the digital economy “not as creators of value, but as the content … we are the content … we are the data … as you use a smartphone, your smartphone gets smarter, but you get dumber.” Facebook has become such a part of our lives that the slightest outage is front page news and Time magazine writes an entire article about a brief technical glitch. At the core of this digital economy lie a new generation of electronic gatekeepers: a mixture of highly sophisticated computer algorithms tended and programmed by a small cadre of technical elite that determine what we see in the online world. With nearly two thirds of Americans getting their news at least in part from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, the decisions made by those algorithms are increasingly wielding an outsized influence on American life. Perhaps most famously the two social media platforms attracted outsized attention in 2014 during the height of the Ferguson protests during which Facebook’s algorithms filtered out the violent protests and replaced them with happier imagery of the ALS ice bucket challenge. The influence of Facebook’s algorithms over what users see was reinforced by an April 2012 post by Facebook itself noting that at the time just 16% of content posted to the network was seen by others and that companies should pay to “sponsor” their posts to ensure they are seen. Facebook constantly changes the weights that go into its algorithms, meaning what is widely disseminated today may face a penalty tomorrow. Users found this out the hard way when Facebook suddenly deemphasized posts containing photographs, prioritizing posts containing video instead, in keeping with the company’s migration to video rich content. By the end of 2014 a typical photo post on Facebook was seen by just 4 out of every 100 followers, a text only post seen by just under 6 out of every 100 followers, and video posts by around 9 out of every 100 followers. In other words, there is so much content being generated on Facebook, that users only see a small and ever-shrinking fraction of it, meaning that paid advertising and the decisions of Facebook’s own algorithms determine an ever-growing fraction of what we ultimately see when we log in. With Facebook pushing aggressively to become a primary distributor of news content, these algorithms will even play a substantial role in the world events we are aware of. It is not just social networks - research has suggested the power of search algorithms to change the outcome of a presidential election. Facebook was recently in the news when its free internet service was temporarily shuttered in India and then Egypt for violating the countries’ net neutrality laws by offering free access only to a small number of websites determined by Facebook itself. Twitter abruptly terminated and then recently restored access to Politwoops, which tracks politician’s deleted tweets. Twitter initially responded to the spread of Islamic State propaganda on its platform with a pledge to uphold “the ability of users to share freely their views — including views that many people may disagree with or find abhorrent.” Yet, it subsequently began quietly deleting ISIS accounts and last week reversed course and formally amended its terms of use to ban “hateful conduct.” In a world in which the President of Turkey commonly labels his political “opponents as terrorists or traitors” and where in other countries government criticisms are deemed hate speech with corresponding jail sentences, this poses an uncertain landscape to the future of freedom of speech online. In fact, just days after announcing its new policy, Twitter made headlines when it banned a political activist after allegedly confusing his common last name and use of Arabic in his tweets with a wanted terror leader. The role of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter in determining what we see online has growing implications for censorship and determining acceptable speech and ideas online. The Electronic Frontier Foundation operates an entire website devoted to tracking censorship and content restrictions by major online platforms. The site was first created after Facebook removed all links to a call for Palestinian freedom, while in another case Facebook blocked all posts about a study claiming immigrants were taking up newly available jobs in the US. In both cases Facebook cited “abusive” content as the reason for the removal. More recently, Facebook blocked posts about the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to the UK, only to reverse itself a few hours later with the terse statement “The content was mistakenly captured by our spam filter and has now been restored. We are sorry for the error and inconvenience caused.” While almost certainly a technical glitch, it is fascinating to note that blocking all mentions worldwide about the meeting of two heads of state was deemed by Facebook as simply a minor “inconvenience.” Facebook has been criticized for enforcing specific standards of female behavior and modesty in how it enforces censorship and takedowns of imagery of men versus women. Twitter recently censored imagery of the Paris attacks at the request of the French government, while Facebook removed fictionalized posts that mirrored alleged government misconduct in Venezuela, inserting it squarely into the debate over the freedom of political speech. This past November Facebook not only banned all links to rival upstart Tsu, but even allegedly retroactively cleansed its network of past links that had ever been made, arguing that they were spam. While there will always be mistakes and disagreements when reviewing content at the scale of Twitter and Facebook, the use of automated review mechanisms, the limited contact options, and the lack of an appeals process makes these removals particularly problematic. Both networks rely heavily on fully automated removal algorithms that can easily be spoofed, yet offer few explanatory details when posts or accounts are removed and few mechanisms for communicating with their staff. The lack of transparency and communication is a growing hallmark of the digital world. In fact, T-Mobile made headlines recently when it silently reduced the resolution of videos viewed from certain websites as a way to ease its own data costs, without providing any notification or warning to users. The algorithms themselves that make removal decisions and the human decisions that drive them operate as black boxes without any accountability to the outside world. As a private commercial service, users have no legal “right” to publish any given content on Facebook or Twitter and thus there is little recourse when the services decide to remove a particular piece of content or ban links to certain services from their platforms. Users also trade their personal information and privacy for access to the services. This was perhaps most famously demonstrated in 2007 when a 15 year old girl from Dallas, Texas found her photograph plastered across billboards in Australia and portrayed in a very negative context, all because her church youth counselor posted the photograph to an online photo service and didn’t fully understand the click-through legal contract for the rights he assigned the image. According to some estimates, more than half the Internet’s economic value comes from the collection and reselling of private data on individuals in the form of advertising and marketing. In fact, collecting user data is so critical to modern social networks that in its official announcement of its new HTML5 video player, Facebook devoted an entire section to how it ensured that it will still be able to capture every bit of user interaction with videos on its network. The World Wide Web that powers these services was originally designed as a global decentralized network in which freedom of speech reigned supreme and no single entity controlled what was published online. The ability of anyone anywhere to create a website and make it available to the entire world meant that what was prohibited speech in one country could simply be hosted on a server in a different country to ensure that no single government was able to control the free flow of information around the world. Fast forward to today and the web is rapidly centralizing into the hands of a small number of companies that exercise absolute power over what exists on their platforms, deciding what is allowable speech and what will be censored, with criteria that can change in an instant. It is not just social media platforms that suffer from these issues. Apple’s App Store has generated a myriad of its own headlines. A Pulitzer-winning cartoonist had his app banned in 2010 because his cartoons frequently ridiculed public figures, while apps chronicling drone strikes and offering virtual walkthroughs of major news events have all found themselves on the banned side of Apple’s review. In 2009 an ebook reader was banned because it was theoretically possible to use the app to locate an explicit book, then reinstated the app after extensive press coverage of the ban. In 2011 Apple banned an app that chronicled issues around the supply chain of smartphones, including references to worker suicides at one of the factories that manufactures Apple’s devices. At the time Apple’s developer guidelines provided no clear definition of what would cause an app to be banned, providing only the vague definition of “content or behavior that we believe is over the line … what line you ask? … you will … know it when you cross it.” Moreover, it isn't just content that is banned. Companies often ban competing products. When streaming video service Meerkat began to compete with a soon-to-be-launched Twitter service, Twitter simply banned it, giving the company less than two hours’ notice. In 2012 Twitter launched its own “official” interfaces and sharply curtailed or banned a wide swath of common applications, suddenly upending in a single evening an entire developer ecosystem that had grown up around its services. Even Apple has banned applications that "duplicat[e] the functionality" of existing Apple services. The founding vision and dream of the internet as an unfiltered and truly demographic and distributed utopia in which any and every idea could thrive and information flowed freely across geographic and cultural boundaries is devolving into a centralized digital world consolidated into a handful of walled gardens governed by commercial entities wielding absolute power over what is allowed and what is undesirable. In the words of Jennifer Granick, we are beginning to see a web “shift[ing] from liberator to oppressor … the end of the Internet Dream.”
Zoe Scoglio and the Castlemaine Commons Collective: Episode 1 Saltgrass Share RSS Society & Culture Created on Djaara Country. Salt of the earth people. Grassroots change. Find out more at saltgrasspodcast.com August 30, 2022 Zoe Scoglio and the Castlemaine Commons Collective: Episode 1 This is the first of four episodes created in collaboration with The Castlemaine Commons Collective and artist Zoe Scoglio. They were recorded live at MAINfm in March 2022. Zoe had been collecting local stories of community organising and collective care. Each episode in this series includes short edited excerpts from some of the conversations held by Zoe. We hope this can inspire further conversations, and so we can learn from each other about how to navigate these increasingly precarious times together brought on by the pandemic and climate crisis. Share | Download More episodes Load more Copyright 2020 All rights reserved. Podcast Powered By Podbean Like the episode on your phone Download Free Podcast App Play this podcast on Podbean App
POLITICO reported back in March that there is no systematic process for tracking visitors to the Mar-a-Lago resort, which holds charity fundraisers and other events that are widely-attended. | Lynne Sladky/AP Photo Secret Service: No visitor logs for Mar-a-Lago There are no visitor logs or other system of tracking those who visited President Donald Trump at his winter retreat known as Mar-a-Lago, a Secret Service official confirmed Wednesday. Responding to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, Special Agent Kim Campbell said that her agency had a smattering of records regarding some foreign dignitaries and law enforcement officers who met Trump earlier this year during his stays at the Palm Beach resort he owns. Story Continued Below However, Campbell acknowledged the lack of a comprehensive or even a routine process for tracking such visitors, such as the one used for the White House. "The...search and review of records confirmed that there is no system for keeping track of Presidential visitors at Mar-a-Lago, as there is at the White House Complex," wrote Campbell, head of the Secret Service's Liaison Divison. "Specifically, it was determined that there is no grouping, listing or set of records that would reflect Presidential visitors to Mar-a-Lago." The Justice Department filed Campbell's declaration, signed under penalty of perjury, with a federal court in New York late Wednesday night in response to a FOIA lawsuit brought by three transparency-focused groups: the National Security Archive, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. Those groups and others have been agitating for months for public disclosure of information on who met Trump at the Florida club or in other venues like the White House and Trump Tower. Many liberal activists contend that Mar-a-Lago offers an opportunity for wealthy club members and their guests to lobby the president on policy decisions, without any public disclosure or oversight. U.S. District Court Judge Katherina Failla had imposed a September 15 deadline for the government to turn over information responsive to the FOIA lawsuit, to the extent it was not exempt from disclosure under various legal provisions, such as a protections for personal privacy or sensitive law enforcement methods. At the deadline, the government turned over only a single document: a two-page list of Japanese officials who took part in Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit last February. The most reliable politics newsletter. Sign up for POLITICO Playbook and get the latest news, every morning — in your inbox. Email Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time. In response, activists at CREW cried foul, calling for Failla—an Obama appointee— to consider holding the government in contempt for essentially ignoring a court order requiring disclosure of the requested Mar-a-Lago visitor logs. “The government seriously misrepresented their intentions to both us and the court,” CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said in a statement last month, apparently referring to government lawyers' indications that the Secret Service was poring through a large volume of email records. “This was spitting in the eye of transparency. We will be fighting this in court.” However, POLITICO reported back in March that there is no systematic process for tracking visitors to Trump's Florida resort, which holds charity fundraisers and other events that are widely-attended. In a legal filing that accompanied Campbell's declaration Wednesday, lawyers from the Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan denied that the government failed to comply with the court's order. "The Order was simply a scheduling order," the attorneys wrote. "The Order was not a determination on the merits as to the legal status of the Mar-a-Lago records....Nor would the Court have had any basis to make such a legal determination at the outset of the case, without any record or briefing on the issue." The Secret Service does acknowledge it has some records reflecting Trump's visitors at Mar-a-Lago. The agency, which provides security to the First Family and other dignitaries, says it has presidential schedules that contain some such information. But lawyers contend those schedules are actually presidential records, which are not covered by FOIA. The government is similarly arguing that records of visits to the White House complex are covered by the Presidential Records Act and don't really belong to the Secret Service, even though it manages the system. In 2009, President Barack Obama instituted what officials called a voluntary policy to disclose information on most White House appointments. The records were posted online three to four months after the visits. In April of this year, Trump's White House announced that it would not continue that policy. A White House spokesman cited "national security risks and privacy concerns of the hundreds of thousands of visitors annually." Campbell said the groups suing over the visitor information also agreed to exclude some categories from their requests, such as information about law enforcement personnel who took or sought photos with the president, as well as information about visits by members of Trump's family. Campbell's declaration also reveals that the Secret Service was unable to find the initial request for White House Visitor records National Security Archive Kate Doyle maintains was faxed to the agency in January. The Secret Service also lacks any record of an administrative appeal Doyle claims to have faxed over in February, Campbell said.
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