Rhonda: Bill, I need you here. Bill: Meaning where exactly? Rhonda: Meaning in my office. Where do you think? Bill: On my way, Rhonda.
Rhonda requests Bill at her office.
Wendell: hi, where did you park the car? I need to leave sth in it before I go to my dentist appointment. Cam: its in the garage on hanover st. 5th floor Wendell: ok, thanks. where are you now? Cam: Getting some coffee at Breaking New Grounds. Going to sit outside and read a bit. Wendell: nice. you going to be there long? Cam: i think so. no other agenda today besides reading this book. Wendell: OK. Is that the Yoko Tawada book that won the National Book Award. Cam: yeah, thats the one. I bought it before it won though. Wendell: sounds interesting. you know she writes in German too? Cam: yeah, she lives in Berlin. an acquaintance of mine is her neighbor. Wendell: oh, thats cool. Cam: yeah, she said hi to her once I guess Wendell: neat Cam: hey, shouldnt you get going? Wendell: youre right. Im going to run to the car. Cam: Cool Wendell: actually, i need to get the keys from you Cam: alright, you know where to find me Wendell: see you in a sec
Wendell has to leave something in the car which is on Hanover St. 5th floor. He also mentions that the Yoko Tawada book Cam is reading won the National Book Award and that she also writes in German. Cam knew because his acquaintance is her neighbor in Berlin.
Connie: Hi Cora! How are you doing? No pics from you for the last few days. Connie: That's not typical of you to keep silent for so long. Is everything OK? Or should I start worrying? Connie: <file_other> Cora: Dear Connie, I'm back online! Sorry to make you worry about me. We were on a 4-day cruise to Isla de Juventud and had no internet access on board. Cora: <file_photo> Cora: Fidel Castro was right - it is a most delightful island! Connie: Ufff! Next time please tell me that you'll be visiting Fidel Castro. Connie: Nice pics too! Cora: SORRY! But in 2 days we are off to Trinidad, so probably no internet again. I'm offline if you don't hear from me. Besides everything is super! What a life! Connie: Enjoy! And keep me posted.
Connie worries about Cora because she hasn't received any photos from her in the last few days. Cora is on a cruise and she doesn't have Internet access.
Maia: Hello Aydan: Say Maia: I am really sorry for what happened today Aydan: You should be Maia: :( Aydan: I still cant believe Adam did this to me Maia: I thought he was your friend Aydan: Just let it go Maia: You want me to talk to him? Aydan: What would you say? Maia: To make him realize his mistake Aydan: There is no need of that Maia: Oke Aydan: Werent you supposed to go to piano class ? Maia: I have taken a day off Aydan: Hmm Maia: Would you come to college tomorrow? Aydan: I might not come, Maia: I am also not going Aydan: Attend the call
Adam hurt Aydan today. Maia feels sorry about it as she thought Adam was Aydan's friend. She wants to talk to Adam about his mistake, but Aydan doesn't think it's necessary, Maia is not going to her piano class today. She and Aydan are not going to college tomorrow.
Tom: Have you ever been to Dublin? Camilla: Never in Ireland! Tom: So let's go there this weekend! Camilla: for 2 days? Tom: Yes, the weather forecast is great! Camilla: I love your crazy ideas! Tom: ok, so I'm buying the tickets Camilla: <3
Tom and Camilla decide to go to Dublin this weekend.
Fiona: Hello Mary, Bill's eye operation was a great success! He was back home at once. Mary: That's fantastic! So happy to hear it. So how is he now? Fiona: Very well indeed. His spirits are high from the outcome. Mary: A friend of mine had her cataract operated a couple of months ago but they under-dosed her painkillers and she suffered quite a bit. Fiona: Oh dear, how horrible! Bill's in no pain. Mary: Thank God! She will have to have her other eye done soon and she is rather scared. Fiona: Next week Bill's other eye will be done but he's optimistic. We are both optimistic. Mary: Wolf had a problem with his first cataract operation because of a bust blood vein or something like that. All around his eye the tissue was red, so was the white of the eye. He looked really terrifying for a week or more. We've had quite a bit of bad experience here as you see. Fiona: Sorry to hear that! It's just that Bill has been having so many treatments at the same time... Mary: Poor chap! Hopefully it has kept him away from booze. Fiona: I wish it had! When the news are good he needs it to console himself, when they're good he has to jubilate. Mary: They always find an excuse! Doesn't booze interfere with his heart condition? Fiona: It does. But what can I do?! He must be responsible for himself. Mary: True enough. All in all though it looks good for him. We both are sure that he'll soon be alright. Fiona: Thank you both so much for your love and care.
Bill's eye surgery went well, he's doing good despite other health issues, but he continues to drink.
Ana: Do you know where's the dog leash, I can't find it Anthony: Pretty sure it's in the basket to be washed, it was really dirty. Ana: Oh ok, I will take the spare one then. Are we still on for dinner tonight? Anthony: Yeah of course, fancy anything in particular? Ana: I could go for that grilled salmon from that place next to the beach. Anthony: Uh I could go for that aswell, should I book it for 20:30? Ana: How about 20:00? We can get some drinks before the meal what you think? Anthony: Sounds like a plan! I'll call the place to book.
Ana wanted to take a dog leash, but it's dirty. Luckily, she has another one. Ana and Anthony are meeting for dinner tonight. They are going for drinks around 8pm. They will move to the restaurant next to the beach after that. Anthony will make a reservation.
Aaron: What’s up, babe? Aaron: <photo_file> Harold: Impressive equipment Aaron: I know ;-) Aaron: Wanna try it out Harold: Sure! Aaron: Your place or mine? Harold: Mine Harold: Chester Rd 7 Aaron: I’m on my way Harold: Can you bring some lube? Harold: I ran out of mine Aaron: Who needs lube? Harold: I’m afraid this huge member of yours will hurt my delicate anus… ;-) Aaron: No worries, I’ll be gentle
Aaron bough some equipment. They will try it out at Harold's place at Chester Road 7. Harold run out of lube but Aaron will be gentle.
Barbara: 5 things to quit: 1. Living in the past 2. Putting yourself down 3. Being afraid of changes 4. Trying to please everyone 5. Overthinking Lisa: Sounds like me! X Jane: and me! Xxx
Barbara sends Lisa and Jane 5 habits that people should change. Lisa and Jane agree with her.
Tori: New hair! Tori: <file_photo> Hugh: Pretty girl 😍 Tori: 😊
Hugh likes Tori's new haircut.
Greg: Hi! I've heard Jason is leaving us for some time. Is that true? Sally: Yes and no. Who told you? Greg: It's becoming an open secret. People are talking. Sally: That's interesting. I'm wondering who spilt the beans. Greg: So it is true Sally: He's leaving to another division. Overseas. But he'll be in here from to time. Greg: That's all very general. Can you reveal some details? Sally: Aren't people talking about that? :-p Greg: I don't want to learn things from 'people'. You're the best source of knowledge. Sally: Am I? Greg: Yes, you are. Come on! Sally: I can't tell you everything. Greg: Not everything but a little more :-) Sally: There are some problems in one of our Asian plants. It's a kind of promotion for him. Greg: And what will his connections with us be like? Sally: He will come here for quarterly meetings Greg: So he got on the Board, didn't he? Sally: I didn't say that Greg: It'll be announced sooner or later. What are you afraid of? Sally: It is supposed to come out in the open rather later than sooner. Greg: OK. Mum's the word. Sally: Thanks. Greg: Have a good afternoon. Sally: You too!
Jason is leaving to another division and he will come here for quarterly meetings.
Marta: Can you imagine? It's snowing in Satle!!!!! :O Eli: You must be kidding! Marta: It's true. Look this pictures! Eli: Proper snow? Marta: Yeah!!! Eli: It's a bit early. like! Marta: I thought I was dreaming or had too much wine last night when I looked out, hahah. Eli: Too early for snow!!! Marta: I love it, but October is a bit unnecessary, yeah!
It's snowing in Satle in October.
Greg: Sienna, have you seen my laptop today in the class? Sienna: What did it look like? Greg: Well it was black color Acer laptop. Sienna: I guess John was carrying an Acer laptop in his bag. Greg: yep i remembered. I left it at the cafe while having a cup of coffee with John and he might have picked it up. Sienna: Yeah, he might have. Greg: Thank you Sienna Sienna: No problem
Greg left his black Acer laptop at the cafe today. John was seen with it by Sienna so he probably picked it up.
Marisa: Cheryl Cole left her third husband! Kate: 3rd not 2nd?! Marisa: she was married to Ashley, Jean-Bernard and finally Liam Jenny: i knew it was gonna happen. he was too young too childish! Marisa: i know. what a shame! Kate: she's so pretty and she can't find love! Jenny: she's perfect and rich and famous! it's tragic! Marisa: it's always tragic when a child is involved Kate: hopefully they keep it to themselves
Cheryl Cole has left her third husband.
George: Sweetie, have you seen the manual for the washing machine? Jane: It should be at the shelf next to it George: Nope Jane: Hm, hold on Jane: Ok, got it
George is looking for the manual for the washing machine. It is not on the shelf next to it. Jane has found it.
Laura: Anybody come to the party tonight? Patricia: sure! Joseph: I'll be there Tony: me as well
Patricia, Joseph and Tony are coming to the party tonight.
Hellen: WTF Hellen: did you hear that Bush died Kelly: yeah Kelly: gees where do you live under a rock or something? Hellen: very fucking funny Kelly: don't you do the press research at work? Hellen: oh come on! Hellen: I only look for the stuff we need Kelly: lol how ironic Kelly: you didn't see any of the first page headlines Hellen: you know that what my company does is not important Kelly: lol Kelly: has to be if you didn't check out any of the front pages Hellen: :P
Hellen uses the internet at work only to do her job so she didn't hear about Bush death. Kelly reckons she should check the front pages.
Diana: I am so mad Meg: What's going on? Diana: You know that I recently started my new studies right? Meg: Sure Diana: When I registered I was still using my maiden name and now I changed it Diana: And I kindly ask them what is the procedure so that I have my new name on my diploma Diana: And they demanded a certificate of marriage. Can you believe that?! Meg: Oh my god, we are back to a century ago Diana: Right? like the only thing that defines me is whether I'm married or not Meg: Should they even know whether you changed it because you got married, divorced and did not want to be named poop? Diana: That's another thing. No they should not. Meg: You should tell them that. Diana: I won't give them any certificate of marriage, that's for sure Meg: You go girl! Keep me posted
Diana is mad, because she has changed her maiden name and the university demanded a marriage certificate to confirm that; Diana and Meg are discussing that it is not right that they need the information why a maiden name was changed; Diana is not going to give them the marriage ceritifcate.
Andy: hey Ali :)) Alison: hey Andy :)) all ready for tonight? Andy: almost, almost... still making some small adjustments to my costume Alison: who are you gonna be? Andy: Incredible Hulk Alison: who???? Andy: <file_photo> Alison: so a green monster? Andy: it's a famous comic persona... Alison: ok ok sorry :) well it looks scary so you will look great :D Andy: and what about you? Alison: a witch Andy: got any pictures? Alison: i don't want to spoil it for you!! you will see tonight Andy: ah come on don't be a tease Alison: <file_photo> Andy: oh my god :D i would not recognise you
Andy is dressing up as the Incredible Hulk for the party tonight. Alison is dressing up as a witch.
Jack: i accidently deleted a file ':-| Ian: you're not jack, you're jackass Jack: oh cmon it was a mistake Ian: i'll fix it -_-
Ian is going to restore a deleted file for Jack.
Beau: You heard anything new about Brexit? Jayden: Hey Jayden: Yes I heard they're getting out Beau: What's your stance on this? Jayden: Im neutral Jayden: Pretty sure that it is very troublesome Beau: They just released that draft agreement Jayden: That agreement doesn't make a lot of sense but okay Beau: ye idk..
Jayden is neutral about Brexit, but he thinks the draft agreement is not very sensible.
Willie: beer tonight? Trishia: sure Willie: see you then
Willie and Trishia are going out for a beer tonight.
Will: Where are you? Bill: Downstairs, in the foyer, you? Will: in the toilette :P Wojtek: I'm in the horrendous queue to the gentlemen's room
Bill is in the foyer, Will is in the toilet and Wojtek waits in a huge queue to the gentelmen's room.
Stef: <file_other> Pascal: thanks Pascal: hi Stef, thanks again, the carpenter came yesterday! Stef: great, you'll have a nice roof this winter Pascal: Yes, see you at christmas
Pascal's carpenter arrived yesterday.
Michelle: so what's the plan for the weekend? Tania: no idea Michelle: cinema? Tania: no good movies at the moment Michelle: I don't want to stay at home Tania: same Tania: but I have no idea what to do Michelle: we can try the new water park Tania: what if there will be rain? Michelle: there are inside attractions as well Tania: give me a moment Tania: I'll check their website Michelle: sure Michelle: and? Tania: looks fun Michelle: so do you want to go? Tania: sure Tania: always better than staying at home Michelle: probably better to buy the tickets online Tania: I'm on it Michelle: you're fast :) Tania: once decided there's no point in wasting time ;) Michelle: I like that :) Michelle: and we finally have something to do!
Michelle and Tania don't want to spend the weekend at home. They decide to go to the new water park.
Jennifer: Hi! Nancy: Hi Jennifer! Jennifer: Do we have the meeting today? Nancy: Yes, let us just wait 2 more minutes! Jennifer: OK!
Jennifer and Nancy have a meeting in 2 minutes.
Marika: What time will you be arriving Stephen: The train is due to arrive into St Pancras at 10.44 Marika: Ok great, I will meet you there Marika: Do you fancy grabbing some brunch? There is a great little place in Camden Market? Stephen: Yes that sounds great! Marika: What else would you like to do whilst you are in London? Stephen: I think Freda would like the science museum - she is really into maths at school. Marika: Yes it is a very interesting place Stephen: Freda hasn't been to London before so I would like to show her Buckingham Palace,Big Ben and all that stuff..... Marika: Perhaps we could go for a trip on the Thames? Stephen: Yes that would be lovely Marika: Do you want to take in a show too? Mildred is on at the moment. Stephen: Freda would love that. Are the tickets very expensive though? Marika: I am not sure. Sometimes they have special deals. I will check and let you know. Stephen: Seems strange coming to visit as a tourist when I used to live here... Marika: I know. I am sure we can visit some of your old haunts too! Stephen: I used to love Camden Market but it has changed so much. Last time I went I didn't even recognise it.....good memories Marika: We shall make some new ones. See you soon. Hugs and kisses! Stephen: Yes, bye for now
Stephen and Marika will grab some brunch after he arrives at St Pancras at 10.44. Stephen wants to take Freda to Science Museum and show her Buckingham Palace, take a trip on the Thames and take in a show. Stephen used to live in London, Freda has never been here before.
Alex: Is everyone going home or should we organize something this weekend? Phillip: My girlfriend's brother has a birthday :( Jack: I am already on the train Alex: I guess I will find something else to do this weekend...
Alex's up to do something this weekend but both Phillip and Jack have excuses.
Penelope: <file_photo> Penelope: should I buy it or not? Julia: how much? Penelope: 40$ Kate: pretty but too expensive Julia:'s too much :/
The clothing is pretty, but also too expensive.
Megan: hello, are you up for some cycling today? John: no not today but maybe tomorrow? Bob: yeah tomorrow is better, maybe around 5 pm? Megan: so you are both busy today?! Are you doing something without me? John: i am going to the dentist, wanna join? haha :D Bob: lol me too :D what a coincidence
John and Bob are both going to the dentist today. As a result, they can't go cycling with Megan.
Martin: have you seen the newest episode? Meg: yes! Martin: how you liked it? Meg: it was amazing! Meg: i cant believe he is alive! Martin: yeah, it was surprising Meg: i thought they killed him Martin: i was wondering if he will return Meg: i hoped so but i didnt believe it Martin: you see, in tv everything is possible Meg: like returning from death Martin: just because of audience Martin: they made production to do this
Meg and Martin are bewildered that he's alive in the newest episode.
Tom: <file_other> read it! Bridget: gosh, how ghastly Tom: Yes, but he was also quite stupid the guy Bridget: True, and very disrespectful toward this people Tom: They've been living on the island for the last 55 thousand years, completely separated from the world and protected by the Indian state, so he shouldn't have tried to contact them Bridget: But the tribal tourism seems to by the big thing now Tom: How stupid. Those people have been aggressive to everybody for the last millennia, so why would they accept anybody now? Bridget: Especially one trying to "bring Jesus" to them Tom: exactly, he wanted to be a missionary, or maybe even a martyr Bridget: God, this kind of things happened hundreds of years ago in Europe. hahah Tom: But i read today a bit about the Andaman Islands Tom: They are kind of paradise with at least a few other tribes that haven't been in touch with the rest of the world for millennia. Bridget: I know, it's fascinating. But it's also very dangerous for them. Tom: What do you mean? Bridget: Think what happened to indigenous population of America after they were contacted by Europeans. Tom: Conquered you mean Bridget: Sure, but that's not the point. Europeans brought diseases and things that had been unknown in America, like measles and alcohol. They decimated the indigenous peoples. Tom: I know, that's why they should have protected. Bridget: And I believe they have they right to choose to not being contacted by us. Let them be. Tom: yup. Anyway, I have to come back to work. Tom: It's always so inspiring to talk to you! Thanks! Bridget: and vice versa!
Tom and Brigdet discuss an event involving an isolated island tribe and a man, who tried to contact them, wanting to convert them to Christianity. Bridget thinks outside contact could be dangerous for the people of Andaman Islands. She believes they should have the right to be left alone.
John: Yo, are you coming tonight? Peter: Yo man, not sure, I got a lot of work today. John: Oh come on, can't you find a couple of hours for some pizza and beer with me and the guys? Peter: Who else is coming? John: Matt, Andy and Russell. Peter: Ok then, I promise I'll do my best. John: Cool! I know you wouldn't let us down. Oh, and I think we'll be playing some boardgames after the pizza and beer. Peter: Ok, I'll let you know if I can come at least for the less nerdy part. Lol! John: Ok, see you later, pal. Peter: See you!
Peter is probably seeing John and the guys today for some pizza, beer and board games. Peter will let John know if he will come.
Tawny: red or black? Simone: black Tawny: long or short? Simone: long Tawny: sparkly or matt? Simone: matt Simone: what's all this questions? Tawny: I'm picking an earings 4 u Simone: <3 Simone: I'll be happy with everuthing :D Tawny: I know, but I want sth u'll really like :) Simone: u know me, I love jewelry Tawny: :)
Tawny is picking earrings for Simone. Tawny asks Simone questions about her preferences.
John: What time did you wake up? Terrance: I'm still in bed, LOL Mary: I woke up at 6, I'm already in the office John: wow
Terrance's still in bed. Mary woke up at 6 and is already in the office.
Nina: Congratulations! Betty: Thank you :-) I'm so happy! Nina: You should be. You've always dreamt of studying photography. Betty: 'Born with the camera in hands', you used to say :-) Nina: And I still think so. You're incredibly talented. The world is your oyster. Betty: You're so nice :-) Thank you. Nina: Have you told your parents yet? Betty: No. I'm waiting for the right moment. Nina: Oh, Betty... Betty: I'm afraid that dad will throw a tantrum, mum will start crying and all hell will break loose. Nina: Who knows? Maybe it won't be that bad. Betty: Want to try to break the news instead of me? Nina: Not really... Betty: You see? Nina: Don't let them spoil your happiness! I'm very proud of you! Betty: They will be proud of me too... one day... Nina: For sure :-) Nina: <file_photo> Nina: Cheer up! Betty: :-) Betty: <file_photo> Nina: Good girl! :-) Betty: Will you visit me on the cmapus? Nina: Won't you be ashamed of your old aunt? Betty: Kidding me? I'll be boasting of you! Nina: Kisses! And don't wait too long with telling them. Betty: Bye.
Nina congratulated Betty on being accepted to photography studies. Betty is worried her parents will not be happy about it. Betty invited Nina to visit her on campus.
Jimmy: Sorry, have you seen Maria today? Peter: Briefly, in the main corridor. Jimmy: Great! Do you think she can still be in the office? she's not answering my messages :/ Peter: oh, yes, she's a deadline today, will be here till late hours I am sure. Jimmy: Perfect, thanks a lot.
Peter saw Maria briefly today and he thinks she will stay long hours in the office.
Ingrid: Hi! how was the first day for kids? and any results for Ted? Ann: great, Flo is working in a shop near Le Bon Marché, and Frank is back to school. How is Peter? Ann: Ted has to wait again. Next step on february . Ingrid: Mum is doing well with Peter. She's good Ann: Is he back to school? Ingrid: Not yet..btw, funny, Flo is working in the same shop as Jane! Ann: really! Ingrid: yep , if you see her, say hello for me Ann: i will
Flo and Jane are working in the same shop, near Le Bon Marché. Frank is back to school, but Ted is not. He will try on February. Mum and Peter are dong well.
Ben: Well, did you guys see „Black Panther” at the cinema? Jason: Yes, I thought it was really good indeed. Some people had warned me that the plot is really far-fetched, but I don’t think about it that way. What about you? Ben: No, I’m afraid I wasn’t interested in the least. I find these action films utterly unbelievable and over the top. Give me One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest‘. I could watch that movie over and over again. Andre: Haven’t seen the panther, but totally agree on the Cucckoo’s Nest Jason: I haven’t seen it, but I think it’s quite depressing, isn’t it? Ben: But it really makes you think, you know. In the films I prefer emotions to action-packed scenes. But it’s a real classic, you should undoubtedly watch it.
Jason had seen "Black Panther" and thinks it was good. Ben is not interested in action films but loves "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". Andre likes the movie too. Jason hasn't seen it, but has heard it was depressing.
Paige: Hey, are you there? Logan: Yeah, what's up? Paige: Have you heard anything from Zach? Logan: No, why? Paige: He's not answering. Logan: Maybe he's busy. Paige: After what happened? He's probably in some corner crying. Logan: What? Why? What happened? Paige: You don't know? Logan: No, what the hell happened? Paige: Apparently Hailey cheated on Zach. Logan: Are you serious? Paige: Yeah, and the worse part is that it was with his best friend. Logan: Wow. I don't know what to say. I never though Hailey was capable of doing something like that. Paige: Neither did I. Little miss perfect is not so perfect after all. Logan: Don't say that. You don't know whar really went down between them. Maybe things weren't as great as they made seem. Paige: Either way, cheating is a low blow. Logan: How do you know this anyway? Paige: Jackson told me. Logan: Oh, come on, and you believe him? Paige: Why would he lie? Logan: Uh, because everything that comes out of that guy's mouth is a lie? And besides he's insanely jealous of Zach. Have you actually talked to Zach or Hailey about this? Paige: No. Logan: Then don't believe everything you hear and especially don't spread it out until you know your facts.
Jackson told Paige that Hailey cheated on Zach with his best friend.
Sookie: How did it go??? Paul: Pretty well, I think. I'll have the results on Monday. Sookie: Great! Tonight we're celebrating and relaxing! Paul: Oh yes, I could use some relaxing time... Sookie: I'll think of something ;)
Sookie and Paul are going to celebrate Paul's exam tonight, even though he is going to receive the results on Monday.
Sisi: I had this epiphany today Deedee: <file_gif> Deedee: k go on Sisi: there's something like impostor syndrome Sisi: but it hits you when you feel overly competent Deedee: that makes no sense Sisi: lemme explain Sisi: the impostor syndrome is when you think Sisi: "I don't belong here, I'm incompetent" Deedee: I know Sisi: the crybaby syndrome is when you think you don't deserve sth because you're too competent Deedee: isn't it like feeling overqualified? Sisi: it's when you share something and someone is so fucking caring it makes you wanna withdraw Sisi: as if it wasn't ok for you to be treated with indulgence Deedee: indulgence aversion sounds better Sisi: no, crybaby syndrome is better because those syndromes induce guilt Sisi: and because it's about being incapable of receiving something positive Deedee: I think I get it now Deedee: cool idea
Sisi and Deedee are having a discussion on differences between the impostor syndrome and the cry-baby syndrome.
Lily: where are you??? Grace: right in front of you? Lily: oh Lily: XD
Lily wants to know where Grace is. Grace is right in front of Lily.
Matthew: Meggy got me the new addition for Lord of the Rings boarding game!! Bart: oh man that's dope, for your birthday? Matthew: yeah, among with some good whisky Bart: is this an invitation? hahaha :D Matthew: you bet it is! Bart: tomorrow? Matthew: why not today? Meggy is out to the movies with her friend :D Bart: I am not sure if I will have any tram at this hour... Matthew: just get a taxi then, this whisky does not need to get any older than it is hahaha Bart: give me 30 minutes :D
Bart will be at Matthew's place in 30 minutes. They'll drink good whisky that Meggy gave Matthew for his birthday.
Sandra: Hello, is that Pat Simms, used to work at Lister's Fine Clothing in the 1970s and 80s? Pat: Yes, it is, which Sandra are you? Sandra: Hi, it's Sandra Donovan, now Taylor here! How are you? Pat: I'm very well! I haven't seen you girls in about 35 years! I left in 84, we went to run a pub, me and Jonathan. Sandra: Well, you'll never believe it, but Brenda Riley tracked me down like this and we met up last weekend! We thought we might get the old Lister's gang together for a reunion, you know, before we're all too old! Pat: You're not too old, you were all young girls out of school then! Sandra: Yes, but that was almost 50 years ago, Pat! We're all grannies now! Pat: Not me, we never had kids, our choice! Sandra: You have no regrets, then? Pat: Bit personal, dear! No, we retired from the pub 10 years ago, mid-60s, me and Jon have had a ball, cruises, safaris and I've seen my sister in Oz and my brother in Thailand several times. Sandra: Oh Pat, that sounds lovely! My husband's still working, but we're planning a special trip to the US in a year or two. Can't wait! He's 66, and has had enough! Pat: So, apart from Bren, you found any others? Sandra: There was Betty Davies, but she was about 60 when the factory closed in 94, long time ago, if she's alive, I don't suppose she's on Facebook at 84 or something! Pat: No, I suppose not, but you never know! I heard Marigold had passed away, you know, the supervisor? Sandra: Yes, very sad, not long after Lister's closed, I think. Pat: Ok, what about that young girl who loved David Bowie, joined us in about 73, only about 16 she was, I think. She always tried to match his current look, you remember when she did Ziggy Stardust with ginger hair and no eyebrows! Sandra: Oh yes, Amanda Johnson, she was even younger than me and Brenda! She's still over 60 now though! She may well be on Facebook, did she get married, do you remember? Pat: Not sure, could be tricky tracking all these down, so many common names! Sandra: Oh yes, Magda Zielinski was in our section too! Maybe an easier name to find. Her mum was Polish, I think. Pat: Oh yes, Magda, what a beauty! She was like one of the girls from Charlie's Angels, the blonde one. Sandra: Yes, Farrah Fawcett, with the lovely hairstyle! I think Magda should have been a model, not a machinist! Pat: Well, Sand, lovely to hear from you, please keep in touch about the reunion, or just for a chat! Bye! Sandra: OK, Pat, hope to see you again, bye!
Pat used to work at Lister's Fine Clothing in the 1970s and 80s. Pat hasn't seen Sandra in about 35 years. Pat left in 1984 to run a pub with Jonathan. Sandra met with Brenda Riley last weekend, they plan a reunion. Pat does not have kids and is retired. She travelled with Jon to Oz and Thailand.
Ethan: IIRC it's your birthday! Ethan: Happy Birthday! Elsie: Thank you! :×
It's Elsie's birthday today.
Paco: <file_photo> Paco: welcome to my crib Rose: it's very neat Paolo: who decorated this??? Paolo: it looks like you had an expert Paco: my sis helped me with colors Paco: but tbh I basically copied old Ikea catalog ;p Rose: not bad idea actually Paolo: is your sis designer or sth? Paco: she's graphic designer Paolo: nice Rose: I feel strangely motivated to unfuck my room Rose: I think this feeling will pass after five minutes ;) Paco: stay strong! Paco: and send us picks when you're done :)
Paco's sister helped him with decorating his place. She is a graphic designer.
Olaf: Can't remember the name of the song I've heard on the radio today... Olaf: There was sth like 'mama said don't give up, it's a little complicated...' Olaf: Haven't been able to get it out of my head Bartek: Darude- Sandstorm? xD Agnieszka: Oh Bartek... that was funny like 5 years ago, grow up Bartek: And who asked you? Agnieszka: Whatever... Olaf, I think it's a song by Panic and the name is High Hopes :) Agnieszka: It is catchy, indeed :) Olaf: YES YES AND YES! Olaf: That's the one I've heard! Olaf: Very energetic and positive, thanks for solving the mystery! :D Agnieszka: You're welcome, have a nice day!
Agnieszka guessed the name of the song Olaf heard today on the radio and couldn't get out of his. Bartek and Agnieszka weren't too nice to each other.
Kate: Hello Jamie, We just talked about you and Bill prompts me to ask about your accommodation in Mexico. Any bad experiences so far? Jamie: Hi Kate, as a matter of fact no bad experiences at all but it's been only four places so far. Two small hotels (one excellent, one rather disappointing but nothing exceptionally worth noting) and two airbnb flats: both rather unclean but positive in other aspects, all within the average. Why would you be interested? Kate: Your well-being of course! :)) Kate: We had 'bad' guests stay last night, but it should be expected since it was New Year. Jamie: A mad party? Kate: I was woken at 2 am, then up at 3 am to tell them to be quiet. Jamie: Sorry to hear about such a nasty behaviour. They should have known better, at the latest when entering Ballito Estate. Hope no damage? Kate: No damage... Just too many folk in the room. Kate: And a missing towel. Jamie: Did they calm down after your protesting? Kate: They did. But maybe I shouldn't have complained at all, should I? They are our bread and butter. Jamie: I think no partying can excuse keeping people awake at night! Not even New Year is an excuse, especially in such places as your estate. Kate: Bill was furious at them but too lazy to get up and talk them off. I don't think I'd have tried to cope with the noise on my own though. Jamie: Good that you are paid in advance. One of our hosts told us a story of a wild party in his rented apartment that he tried to put an end to, but the people in it got aggressive towards him. Before he was able to call the police, they were gone without paying and leaving a total mess behind them. Kate: So I can say we were lucky. Where was it? Jamie: Cienfuegos, Cuba. I don't think he mentioned the nationality of the troublemakers. Kate: Enough about bad experiences. We wish you only the best ones. Jamie: And the same to you!!
Kate asks Jamie about his accommodation in Mexico on Bill's request. He was in 2 hotels and 2 Aribnb flats and the experience is generally positive. Kate had noisy guests last night. It was New Year. She told them off.
Gene: Hi sorry to get back to you so late Gene: Is it okay if we discuss the video after the holidays? Drew: Hi, yes no problem Gene: thanks, sorry for that, I'm just so wrapped around other things Gene: I didn't have time to watch it with my husband Drew: Christmas season tends to get busy. I hope you relax and enjoy some family time Drew: We can talk next year Gene: Thanks Drew!! Merry Christmas!!
Gene and Drew will talk about the video after te holidays.
Liv: Any news? Christine: Nothing... Liv: Oh come on, I'm sure he's gonna write something soon Christine: I don't know, I was really mean and I'm afraid he'll never talk to me again Liv: He will, don't worry, just be patient Christine: Livvy, I really don't know Liv: But what did you two argue over exactly? Christine: That whole "you behave as though you were better than me" thing Liv: Ouch! Well, let me say this, sometimes it looks like that... Christine: I know! Now I understand what he meant and I feel terrible Liv: Let me know if he writes anything to you Christine: Ok
Liv hopes some man will write to her. They argued last time and she was really mean to him.
Walter: hi Monica Paige: hey Walter: so, drinks on saturday, bill on me Paige: Hope it wont be a lot for the taking Walter: i promise it won't Paige: see you then
Paige and Walter will go for drinks on Saturday.
Ellen: How are we doing with the project? Sookie: we've got around 17 pages in the shared Google docs file Ellen: 17? nice!! Sookie: however, we will lose a few pages when we delete all the repeating info Ellen: but we have a few charts to add, too Sookie: yes they should balance each other out :) Ellen: so basically we're set Sookie: we are :))
Ellen and Sookie are working on a project together.
Amanda: do you have tickets for Metallica concert? Megan: Good evening! I will check, please give me few minutes Megan: Thank you for waiting! Yes, tickets still available. Amanda: cool! I'd like to get 4 tickets then Megan: Of course, I will book 4 tickets for you. Payment can be done through our website according to the instruction in the file I am sending you right now Megan: <file_photo> Megan: Just to remind, you have 24 hours to pay, after that period of time your booked tickets will not be available and you will have to book them again Amanda: I will do it right away, thank you! Megan: Thank you, have a nice day!
Amanda booked 4 tickets for Metallica concert.
Cristian: Good morning Garrett: Morning Cristian: What's up? Garrett: Nothing just sitting in the dark bored Cristian: In the dark? Garrett: Power cut Cristian: Aa ok Garrett: Yes Cristian: Today I have to go for my Italian course. And again I have to take the same bus as a week ago :/ Garrett: You will be fine Cristian: But I really hope I meet him and recognise him Garrett: And then what ? Cristian: I call the police (they told me even to call them when I meet him)
The police have told Cristian to call them when he meets him. Cristian is attending his Italian course today. There has been a power cut at Garrett's place this morning.
Amelia: Can you bring my charger along when you would come to school tomorrow? Christian: I wont be coming tomorrow Amelia: Then please ask your elder brother to deliver it to my house. I need it urgently
Christian can't bring Amelia's charger to school tomorrow as he won't be coming. Amelia needs it urgently, so she wants Christian's brother to deliver it to her house.
Victoria: U will never guess where.I am in this pic. Cuba!!!! William: Oh man that's so awesome. Wow you're close to me lol Victoria: Hahaha yeah it's awesome. It was so amazing 🌴🌎🌊🌞 William: You left already? Man I'm so jealous lol Victoria: Yeah yesterday I came back to Poland. I spent there 11 days William: 11 beautiful days. Im taking a trip in August Victoria: Where? Cuba? William: Maybe lol. But I think one of the islands with a beach Victoria: Hehe cool. In summer I will go to Greece. I have never been there. And my parents told me to get ready for Greece. And u will travel with a friend, alone or family? William: I usually travel alone or meet friends Victoria: Ok. I think I wouldn't like to travel alone if it's an all inclusive hotel William: I always feel traveling is fun with a friend Victoria: Yes. Then why u usually travel alone? William: Because, I usually have friends where I travel 🙂 like if I went to Poland Victoria: Ok cool. I'm looking for a way to move somewhere else. Too much time in Poland already lol. Find me work in NY 😛 William: Lol. Well what do you want to do in ny? I thought you didn't want to visit this place Victoria: I don't remember what I thought before but now I would like to move there lol William: Lol. Well, would be nice to see you here Victoria: Haha. I need to go somewhere outside Europe. . That would be the best. I'm even thinking about finding something in some Asian country first William: Go to Tokyo and then send me pictures of the life there 😞 Victoria: I thought more.about Indonesia but I'm more serious about ny William: Oh. What made you want to come? Victoria: Being bored with Poland and curious of the world William: I understand. I still feel the same way
Victoria has just spent 11 days in Cuba and she's going to Greece in the summer. William is taking a trip in August. William usually travels alone and meets friends on the way. Victoria is considering moving form Poland to New York or an Asian country.
Nina: Have you seen the landing of the TUI plane? Jeff: yes, it was so scary Liam: no, when? Jeff: like 5 min ago Liam: I'm on the toilet Conor: Maybe good, you'd poo yourself Liam: lol
Jeff has seen the landing of the TUI plane, which was scary. Liam is on the toilet.
Emma: have you watched infinity wars Bryce: yeah, last week with my bro Emma: oh, how is it Bryce: so lit dear, download it Asap! Emma: ok then, cindy is such a spoiler Bryce: haha, why Emma: she's been singing to my ears all day about the movie Bryce: hahahahaha.. Emma: haha Bryce: so, we hangout on friday? Emma: not sure, but i'll let you know Bryce: OK then Emma: but i'll let you know by wednesday Bryce: cool, we'll talk later Emma: maybe at night, i'm off to town Bryce: with your mum? Emma: no, just sis Bryce: ok then Emma: later Bryce: later
Bryce saw "Infinity Wars" last week. Cindy has shared some spoilers from the movie with Emma. Emma will let Bryce know by Wednesday whether they will meet on Friday. Emma is going out with her sister shortly.
Anette: Hi everyone! Just a reminder about Sunday's party :) Anette: <file_gif> Virginie: be there for sure! Beth: what should we bring? Anette: Whatever you like :) Anette: there will be some snacks and wine
Anette's party is on Sunday. She will be serving snacks and wine. Virginie will attend. Guest may bring whatever they want.
Melania: Anybody wants to join me for some shopping this afternoon? Melissa: always! Jenny: me too ;) Melania: great, I'll write you later
Melania, Melissa and Jenny will do some shopping together this afternoon.
Victoria: I’ve just watched Adele Live Concert! AMAZING! Mark: I’m a huge fan! She’s incredible. Victoria: indeed! What a voice! Kelly: i love her as she’s so down to earth! Mark: she’s very funny too Victoria: that’s true she’s a beautiful person inside and out and so talented! Mark: she’s the most awesome live performer ever! simply standing there and singing Kelly: someone like you is my favourite song Yours? Victoria: water under the bridge Mark: i like all of her songs Victoria: i wish i was there.. Mark: i’ve heard she’s not planning any new tours Kelly: yeah, apparently they stress her out too much! :( Victoria: NO! I can’t believe that! It can’t be true!
Victoria is amazed after watching Adele's Live Concert. Mark, Victoria and Kelly are also huge fans. Kelly's favorite song is Someone Like You and Victoria's favorite song is Water Under the Bridge.
Robert: Hey sunshine Robert: How are you today? Julia: I’m better Julia: Not okay yet but better than yesterday Julia: <file_photo> Robert: Poor sweetheart Robert: I’m really sorry you’re going through this Robert: But your body is healing slowly Robert: The rash is disappearing Julia: ☺ Julia: In a few days I should be fine Julia: Hopefully Julia: I still have fever Julia: But it’s not like yesterday
Julia is sick, a rash is disappearing but she still has a fever. Robert feels sorry for her.
Meg: Evelyn has invited me for a weekend Drew: Great. When? Meg: Don't know, mid March Drew: Are you going? Meg: I don't know... I don't feel like Drew: Why??? Meg: It's going to be a bit awkward don't you think? Drew: What? Why do you say that? Meg: I mean it feels like she invites me now because you all were there before Meg: And I'm the only one who couldn't make it Drew: So? Meg: I don't want her to feel kinda obliged to invite me although we're not that close Drew: Well... I don't know, I think she really likes you and just wants to invite you because the place is really fabulous and she loves having guests Drew: And she misses us a lot Meg: Maybe. I'm just a bit down and there's that you know... stupid voice inside my head saying "nobody cares"... Drew: Honey I'm so sorry to hear that you know it's not true right??? Do you??? Meg: Yeah... Drew: The truth is we all care and we all see what's going on, we told you many times. Ev as well. She knows it would be great for you to go there and she's going to be really happy to see you, believe me!
Meg is a bit unsure about going at Evelyn's because she doesn't know if she really wants her there.
Connor: hey mom i need you to pick me up from school Connor: i missed the bus :-( Mom: why? Connor: a teacher wanted to talk to me and i lost track of time Mom: i'm at a meeting i can leave work right now Mom: you'll have to wait for me Mom: i can be there in two hours Connor: TWO HOURS???!?!! Connor: is it cool if i go to Randall's and you pick me up there? Mom: that's fine Mom: you'll have to text me his address Mom: i have no idea where he lives Connor: i'll text you that info later Mom: ok Mom: i'll be there in around two hours
Connor missed the bus as he had to talk to the teacher. Mom will pick him up from Randall's in 2 hours. Connor will text Mom the address.
Ava: hey when does the lecture start? Michelle: in two hours time Amelia: don't be late this time Ava :D Ava: I'll try... :)
The lecture starts in two hours.
Caroline: girls, I've just got up and i don't feel well. Adrien: What happened? Caroline: I had a bit of sore throat at night. Michelle: lol, doesn't sound like a big sickness Caroline: yes, but I looked inside this morning in the mirror and I saw some white pus on one of the tonsils Michelle: strep throat! you need an antibiotic Caroline: oh no! I am flying to the US on Tuesday, I just cannot be sick! Adrien: Calm down. Stay in bed today and take a lot of vitamin C. Caroline: I've heard from a friend that in Norway doctors don't give you an antibiotic straight away but they remove the pus with iodine on a cotton bud. Caroline: So I did is myself and now I feel quite well, no symptoms Michelle: How disgusting! I would just go to a doctor honestly Adrien: No, if you don't have fever and no symptoms nobody will give you an antibiotic Caroline: exactly, so what should I do? Adrien: you should stay in bed, gargle with some antiseptic mouthwash from time to time, take lots of vitamin C and fight it on your own Caroline: That's the plan Michelle: but would it not be better to just go to a doctor? Adrien: I think there is no need for that at the moment Caroline: I'm just afraid I will stop it for now but not for good and it will all rebound in the US. Adrien: Stay in bed for today and we will see what happens tomorrow. Keep us updated Caroline: Thanks girls! I will Michelle: 😘 Caroline: 🤒
Caroline has a strep throat.
Oscar: Hey everyone, since we managed to agree on the location of the party (congratulations), it is time to agree on what to buy for it :) Eric: We will buy it all together or bring our own? Oscar: That is the question :) In my opinion we should buy it all together Marc: I agree, it isn't our city plus it is a once in a year party ;) Eric: What does the rest think? Steve: We can buy it all together :) Robert: Agreed Oscar: Ok, so let me know here is anyone has any special requests or we just buy the usual Robert: And let's agree on the budget :) Eric: I think 50-60 from everyone is reasonable? Steve: It is ok, but we need to buy some wine for the ladies ;) Oscar: How many people are we expecting? 12? Robert: Something like that, depends if anyone gets sick or brings a +1 ;) Eric: Getting sick I can believe, but getting a plus one? Hahaha Robert: You never know ;)
Oscar, Eric, Robert and Marc concured on the site of the party. They choose to chip in 50-60 to but drinks. About 12 people are invited.
Ethan: man, that song is dope af! Henry: what are you talking about? Ethan: <file_other> Ethan: did you forgot about their comeback? Henry: shit! Henry: I was sure it is tomorrow Ethan: you fucked it up! Henry: happens to the best of us Ethan: sure Ethan: whatever you say :P Ethan: just watch it Henry: doing it Ethan: and? Henry: well, your first statement was quite correct :P Henry: honestly they keep surprising me with every comeback Ethan: can't argue with that Henry: did you check the rest of the album? Ethan: listened to every song at least once Henry: and? Ethan: you'll enjoy it Ethan: especially track number 3 Henry: can't wait Ethan: I'll leave you to it Ethan: we can talk more after you listen to everything Henry: I will Henry: I'll catch you later Ethan: cya
Henry and Ethan will catch up later to discuss the new album of the band they both like.
Nancy: can you advise me? Nata: ok how? Nancy: i need new foundation Nancy: can you choose one for me? Nata: but you have to go with me Nata: i need to choose perfect colour Nancy: ok :)
Nata will help Nancy pick out a new foundation.
Mumbi: hey, where can i get some fresh vegetables for supper? Grace: check at Miriam's she always has fresh vegetables Mumbi: thanks, last night i bought some not very good tomatoes Grace: sorry to hear Mumbi: its okay Grace: do you have Miriam's number Mumbi: yes i do, thanks, ill call her first Grace: cool then
Mumbi bought some bad tomatoes last night. He can hey some fresh vegetables at Miriam's. Mumbi will call Miriam.
Owen: hey, hows your apartment search going? Monica: not so good. not getting many responses. Owen: i'm sorry. did you try that website I sent u? Monica: yeah, i did. no luck, but i'll keep trying. Owen: have you ever tried one of those websites where you can go and meet potential roommates at organized events? Monica: yes, i went to a couple. I met some nice people there, but things didnt work out in the end. Owen: oh man. well, I'll keep my ears open for you. Monica: thanks. how are things working out at your new place? Owen: good. roommates havent been here that much so Ive mostly been alone. they often go home after work or leave town for the weekend Monica: i see. Owen: yeah. do you want to come over and take a look at the apartment some time? I can make dinner. Monica: Sure, Id love to. Owen: When would be a good time? Monica: I'm free thursday night. Owen: OK, cool. thats a good time for me. Monica: great. want me to bring anything? Owen: I should be fine, thanks. Feel free to bring something to drink, but I have some wine and beer here already. Monica: cool. alright, I'll see you thursday then. Owen: see you then!
Monica is looking for an apartment. Owen gives her some searching suggestions. Owen's new place is good, his roommates are away after work or for weekends. Monica will visit Owen on Thursday night or dinner.
Zach: Did you end up counting all those coins for the customer? Holly: Yes. She wouldn't stop! Zach: Sorry! I couldn't get away to rescue you. Holly: It was fine. She was nice in the end. Zach: Next time, just tell customers we don't do that. Holly: Okay. No problem. Zach: We just don't have the time or the staff. Holly: Gotcha. Zach: This woman wouldn't take no for an answer, so I understand. Good job for dealing with her professionally. Holly: Thanks! I'll try something else next time. Zach: A polite no, I'm sorry, we don't have the ability to do that at this branch. Something like that. Holly: Got it!
Holly was forced to count coins for a demanding customer. Zach advises her not to do this kind of thing in the future.
Bart: so are you guys going for new years eve to where Greg proposed? Bart: i am curious Matthew: i am still not sure, it's a long ride Mike: yeah me neither Mike: did you check how to get there? Bart: yeah, fuck that it's like 6 hour drive Bart: and it will be even worse on the way back Matthew: lol, then i am definitely not going Matthew: we will spend more time in the freaking car than having Bart: no shit lol, and he said it's close hahaha Mike: hahaha, that was bullshit Mike: Matt how about you throw a party? Matthew: i was talking with Meggy already Matthew: i think it's possible to do it at our place Bart: that would be perfect lol, 5 minute walk for us :D Mike: exactly, convince her dude Matthew: i will do my best boys :D
They are not going to celebrate New Year's Eve at the place Greg proposed because it is too far. Matthew might be able to organise a party at his place after consultation with Meggy.
Samantha: Did you have a nice Christmas? Barbara: Yes. I spent it with my family. As always. Samantha: Cool. So you went back to Poland. Barbara: Yes. This year there weren't many of us coming. Barbara: Normally, Christmas is a big deal in Poland. Barbara: And the whole family tries to be together. Samantha: In the UK too. Barbara: Each year all my uncles, aunts and cousins come to my grandma's place Barbara: But this year many of them didn't come Barbara: My sister in travelling in Latin America. Barbara: Two cousins are in Turkey. Barbara: One part of the family didn't come at all. Samantha: For me it's always me and my parents. Samantha: But did you enjoy it? Barbara: Yes, it was really nice. Samantha: Are you still in Poland? Barbara: Yes. I'll come back only after the New Year. Barbara: I will go to Warsaw for the New Year. Barbara: I have some friends there. Samantha: Cool.
Barbara spent Christmas in Poland. This year there weren't so many people at her grandma's place. Samantha spent Christmas with her parents. Barbara is going to spend the New Year in Warsaw and then come back to the UK.
Tamara: Hello, it's about our meeting at the teen's center. Leon won't come. What should i do? Constanza: Hello. Please try again to persuade him Tamara: i did already, but he refuses Constanza: Tell him that he will get help. Tamara: but he says he doen't need any help. He's fine. Constanza: I see. In this case, please come on your own, we'll discuss about it. Tamara: I'm really sorry for all that mess! I'll be there at 3pm. Constanza: Fine, and ask him again to come. We'll never know.
Tamara will meet with Constanza at the teen's center at 3 pm. She will try to persuade Leon to come with her.
Tobias: We're leaving right now Leland: good, I'm waiting outside the cafe Laura: We'll bee there in 5 min Leland: great!
Everybody will meet outside the cafe.
Aaron: Have u seen Mandy today? Mike: Not yet. Mike: I think she will not come becouse of Mary. Aaron: :(
Mandy won't come probably because of Mary.
Danielle: Hi! :) How are you doing? Danielle: How do you find yourself in Japan? Do you like your new job? Danielle: I haven't heard from you for ages! Emma: Hey! :) I'm doing fine, thanks. Emma: My job is just ok, but, you kow, nothing overly exciting. I'm sightseeing a lot and generally enjoying myself. :) Emma: The only thing that sucks is that I feel an outcast. Danielle: Why? Danielle: You speak Japanese fluently, you're very knowledgeable about Japanese culture, you've been in Japan several times, so what's the problem...? Emma: My appearance. Danielle: ??? Emma: I live in a very rural region of Japan, I'm the first gaijin that some of these people have ever seen, so I cause a sensation everywhere I go. Emma: People take photos of me (often without my permission), follow me or just stare. I even had two marriage proposals!! Emma: It makes me feel like an animal in the zoo... I knew that this region isn't as diverse as Tokyo, so I was somehow prepared for it, but, still, it's just upsetting. Danielle: :( I hope that you'll find your place on this island and get to know some more open-minded people. :/ Danielle: I miss you a lot. :( Are coming home for Christmas? Emma: I miss you too. :( I don't know yet, but I'll ty to.
Emma is having a good time in Japan, her job is fine and she's sightseeing, but she feels out of place. Emma misses Danielle but doesn't know if she will return home for Christmas.
Daisy: how was the exam? Adrian: Not so bad. Daisy: any details? Adrian: hmm... it included information from every copy. Daisy: What a bummer... at least I have all photocopies. Adrian: just to let you know, retake is next week. Daisy: I have plenty of time :P Adrian: yep
The exam Adrian took included information from every copy. Retake is next week.
Lisa: Hey babe! Arnold: Hey beautiful :) Lisa: Wanna come over? I finished studying Arnold: Sweet, be there in 10 minutes!
Arnold is going to visit Lisa in 10 minutes.
Lee: are you good at public speaking? Joanna: i am, i really like to give speeches and stuff when i have the chance :-D Joanna: i also like to give presentations at work when no one else wants to Lee: wow, so you really like it Joanna: lol i do, hahaha, does that make me weird? Lee: not really, a lot of people like it and are good at it Lee: anyway, there's a reason i'm asking this Lee: i'm giving a speech next week at work Lee: the boss is retiring and they want me to talk and i really don't want to Lee: i get very nervous :-( Lee: and i'm terrified just thinking about it!! Joanna: you just need some confidence Joanna: if you go in there feeling strong you'll do great Lee: can we get together this weekend? Lee: i'd love it if you could take a look and i could rehearse it with you? Joanna: of course!!! let's do it saturday.
Joanna likes public speaking and is good at it. Lee has to give a speech at work next week, because of his boss retiring. Lee is very nervous about the speech. Lee and Joanna will meet over the weekend, so Lee can rehearse the speech.
Jim: Madera’s brilliant! Jim: <file_photo> Jim: <file_photo> Sylvia: Oh it looks stunning! Are you having fun? Mark: So jealous! Jim: It’s amazing, but I didn’t have a chance to visit much. Apparently, you need a car to get anywhere on this island. So far I walked around a bit Sylvia: Good that you got the driving licence, huh! Jim: Oh yes, I’d have been totally stuck here. Walking is cool, but there’re no pavements here, basically like pedestrians didn’t exist on this island. Mark: Sounds like the US! Jim: It does, but there you at least a have space :D Jim: I’m waiting for my first meal, it’s quite challenging to get something vegetarian here… Sylvia: What are you having? Jim: Vegetarian dish – that’s precisely what they wrote in the menu Mark: Hahaha can’t wait what is going to be Jim: Oh yes, me too! Sylvia: Picture please :D Jim: <file_photo> Mark: Hm… Sylvia: Well, let’s hope it doesn’t taste like it looks… Jim: Thanks guys! It’s actually pretty nice Sylvia: Who would have thought that Madera is not so vegetarian friendly Jim: I don’t know about the whole Madera, at least this restaurant isn’t ;)
Jim is visiting Madera. Jim has a driving license. Jim is a vegetarian.
Holly: Hi! Did everything go according to plan? :D Tina: Yeah, I got the books for you from your friend Holly: I hope she wasn't too upset I couldn't come myself Tina: Well, she said you two hadn't met since last summer but she understood you couldn't come Holly: Yeah, this flu is killing me Tina: At least you will have your philosophy books back Holly: Yeah, just in case I run out of tissues for my poor nose
Holly couldn't meet with her friend to pick up her philosophy books because she got a flu, so Tina did it for her.
Anita: How are you doing? Ruby: good! yourself? Anita: good enough I think. Ruby: How is your work going? Anita: I haven't painted anything for the last year. Ruby: I see, why? Anita: I just can't work Ruby: I am sorry... Anita: Maybe it will be possible one day to come back to work. Ruby: I'm sure it will. Anita: Maybe if we could try again? Ruby: We talked about it so many times, don't you think? Anita: Sorry... Ruby: Please, take care of yourself and give it some time. Anita: I shouldn't have written Ruby: it's fine. Don't blame yourself. Anita: Have a good day Ruby: you too
Anita hasn't painted anything for a year. She asked Ruby to give them another try, but Ruby refused.
Kyle: Hey Kyle: Do you think I can order drugs online thru shoppers? Jake: I think you can Jake: Sometimes its even cheaper Kyle: I have prescribed medicine tho Jake: Oh then I don't think so Jake: You have to show up with your prescriptions Kyle: I though so thanks! Jake: Cool beans
Kyle wants to order medication online, but as he has a prescription he needs to show up in person.
George: Dude, the cutest thing just happened! Clara: What??? George: I was waiting for my coffee at Starbucks and the fluffiest, softest cat just like, sat in my lap. Clara: awwww. That sounds so cute! I'm so jealous! George: It was honestly the best moment ever. I really thought about keeping it!
George went for a coffee at Starbucks and a cat sat in his lap. Clara is jealous. George wanted to keep the cat.
Ken: Did you guys hear about the Japanese Russian conflict? Gen: What? No I never Paul: I've heard of it Paul: Very rare though Ken: They are disputing about the Kuril Islands Paul: Oh wow Paul: I think we have a topic for our intl studies project Ken: Exactly Ken: The two are disputing about Shikotan Island Gen: Probably because of the resources Paul: I just looked at the pictures Paul: These are good lookin islands xd Ken: I barely have heard of them xd Gen: Interesting!
There is a conflict between Japan and Russia about Kuril Islands.
Florence: our homework is ex 5, right?? Erin: Yup Grace: Exactly :)
Florence, Erin and Grace have ex 5 for homework.
Bucky: have you played injustice 2 on ps4? Jay: No, not yet, but i hear its dope Bucky: its so awesome, the Dc characters are amazing Jay: Haha Dr. Fate my favourite character.. Bucky: me i do prefer using black mantis Jay: haha, what about me schedule and match it out together to see whose boss? Bucky: Yeah, im down with that! Jay: cool, tomorrow im free, you? Bucky: yeah, me too Jay: see you tomorrow then Bucky: cool
Jay and Bucky scheduled to meet tomorrow to play together on the ps4.
Lauren: i tried calling you at the office today Lauren: but you never picked up :-( Lauren: and you're not picking up your cell phone either Lauren: is everything ok? Frances: YES! lol Frances: i've been on a meeting all day so i can't talk Frances: but i can text :-D Lauren: hahaha ok, i was beginning to get worried Frances: i'm bored out of my mind :-/ Frances: we're not discussing anything important!! Frances: it's just a waste of my time!!!!!! Lauren: how long till it's done? Frances: i'm guessing a couple of hours :-( Lauren: sounds like torture Frances: it is, i've been playing angry birds through most of it Lauren: hahahaha, ok, that's not bad, you've been entertained at least Frances: kind of Lauren: anyway, i just wanted to text you to invite you to my birthday party Lauren: it will be this friday at my place Lauren: very casual, no gifts, just friends and drinks Frances: that sounds incredible!!! just what i need! Lauren: so i'll take that as a yes? Frances: YES! count me in!!! :D Lauren: i'll text you the details later :-D Lauren: also, enjoy your meeting!!! Frances: lol you're so cruel
Frances is at a meeting and cannot take Lauren's phone call. The meeting is boring so she plays Angry Birds. Lauren's birthday party is on Friday at her place. Frances will attend.
Sally: Hi sorry but I can't make it on Monday - my mum has been taken into hospital. Anna: Oh no! What happened? Sally: She collapsed at home - they are just doing checks at the moment, but don't want to leave her. Anna: Of course! Hope she is feeling better soon. Sally: Yes, me too Anna: Are you still coming in December? Sally: Yes, hopefully - we can do something Christmassy. Anna: Yes that would be good. Say "hi" to your mum for me. Sally: Thanks I will. Will let you know how she gets on Anna: Thanks xxx
Sally won't be able to meet Anna on Monday because her mother fainted and is now in hospital. Anna will probably come in December.
Tom: how's your xmas?? Ivy: a lot of food and netflix :D Sara: Great :) awesome gifts this yr *<|:‑) Ivy: what exactly? ;> Sara: Make-up & perfume Ivy: niceee Ivy: and yours @Tom? Tom: also fine, good to be out of town :)
Tom, Ivy and Sara are talking about Christmas. Sara got cosmetics and perfume. Tom is out of town.
Radek: Bro i have another question T_T i know you wanna kick my ass... Radek: Can i ask? Artur: Haha Artur: No worries Artur: Sure, ask, I will answer as soon as I get some time Artur: If I know the naswer :D Radek: Bro in the previous homework you used this equasion, let me take a picture, it will be faster Radek: <file_picture> Radek: did you mean this Radek: <file_picture> Artur: Yeah Artur: Did I really use the first one? Really :D?
Artur used the wrong equation in his previous homework, which Radek noticed.
Aaron: Booked us a couples massage! Harriet: Are you serious???? Aaron: Friday at 1pm Harriet: OMG! So cool! Aaron: Then we have the spa all day after if we want to lounge lol Harriet: You are officially the best! Aaron: We gotta work our butts off at the gym first Harriet: Huh? that doesn't sound that great Aaron: It's gonna be a lovely Friday Harriet: Meh, not really for me! Aaron: This is going to be great, we will work out a little and then chill Harriet: Little biking only, it is not my working out day Aaron: Sure, that sounds good enough Harriet: I'll earn my rest on Thursday!
Aaron booked a couples massage for himself and Harriet. They are going on Friday at 1pm. Before the massage they're going to the gym.
Snow: <file_video> Ellie: ooo darling is that your new bfriend? Henrietta: yeah you wish. whos that really? Melinda: i want to know i want to know Snow: told ya to come to the gym last nite Solstice: i wanted to but ... so???? Snow: the new team leader. Clare's expecting so he took over Ellie: oh my. hope he's not gay Henrietta: doesnt seem to be. Snow? Snow: u never know. but rather not. hes superhandsome anyway Solstice: so we see. where's he from? Snow: dunno. we didn't talk or anything Henrietta: so basically u know nothing Snow: sorry luv. just wanted to share his hotness Ellie: they should show him first and put on adverts Snow: so you think of coming over Ellie: why not. never rule me out :) Snow: yeah, but the next class is all booked up so the earliest is Saturday Henrietta: hey girls why dont we all sign up and have fun there Snow: sounds cool. sign up thursday 5 pm Henrietta: yeah, let's do it girls! Ellie: i'm in. Mel? Melinda: ill tell you 2moro ok? Snow: ok cool
There is a new team leader replacing Clare. They find him attractive so Ellie and Henrietta are going to sign up for the gym on Saturday. Melinda will let them know tomorrow if she also decides to join.
Patty: How are you after the last night? Ann: soso Jeff: horrible, still vomiting Patty: oh, shit...
Jeff is still sick after last night.
Paul: my life is a nightmare right now Lenny: why so? Paul: Meggie bought a lot of new ikea furniture... Lenny: oh man, i feel your pain Paul: yeah, i spent the whole saturday putting cupboards together lol Lenny: do you have a drill-driver? Paul: hell no, I am doing everything manually... it's a fucking mess Lenny: why didn't you call me? I can lend you one Paul: no way... Lenny: yes, you can come over and get it right now Paul: aff man, i should've talked to you sooner lol Lenny: it would save you a lot of trouble :) Paul: would you mind helping me with furniture too? Lenny: actually not at all, i am bored anyways Paul: can i pick you up in an hour? Lenny: i will take my own car Paul: you are a life saver man Lenny: i know ;)
Paul is having a hard time assembling Ikea furniture Meggie bought. Lenny is going to help him with his drill-driver.
Arianna: Please find the first draft of the document attached. <file_other> Pete: Thank you. I'll have my thoughts to you by the end of the day. Arianna: That's great. No rush. Pete: I appreciate you getting it done so quickly. Arianna: No problem! Pete: I'm sure there won't be much for me to edit. There never is! Arianna: As soon as you say that... Pete: Lol Arianna: But I hope so. Pete: I'm sure it's great. Arianna: Thanks! Pete: Ttyl Arianna: Looking forward to your thoughts!
Arianna sends Pete the first draft of the document for him to review. He will do it by the end of the day.
Kenneth: Hiya. Nancy: Hello yourself. How are you? Kenneth: Okay I guess. Nancy: Just okay? Kenneth: Just too busy and stressed. Oh well. Nancy: Take some time for yourself today!
Kenneth is busy and stressed.