Camilla: Hello dear 😊 How is your trip going? Marge: Oh, it’s absolutely wonderful! The weather is just right. It’s not too sunny, which is a good thing, and you know what oppressive weather is doing to my health. The people are very hospitable and warm, but maybe a little bit too exuberant for my taste. Camilla: And how is food? Marge: Spicy and stodgy, but Frank is crazy about it. He’s forcing me to accompany him on every little trip to the city centre, so he can taste something new. Camilla: You shouldn’t complain so much about it, Marge. After all, you are finally spending some quality time together. Marge: Oh, but you know me. I’m more of a home bird, not that I’m staying in the hotel, mind you. Instead of chasing after food, I prefer to lounge in the sun with a good book in my hand. And he’s making my life just a little bit harder. But enough about me! How are you? Camilla: Fine, thank you. I’m completely alone today, because Harry has gone fishing this morning, but I think I might go out for a bit, maybe do some shopping. We don’t have any rosemary and it does wonders to a freshly caught salmon. We’ll stay in touch, dear. Enjoy your trip! Marge: We certainly will! Take care, dear.
Marge's trip is great. The weather is perfect. Frank is crazy about the food. He wants Marge to accompany him on every trip to the city centre. She would prefer to stay at the beach with a book. Camilla's staying alone today because Harry's gone fishing. She's going to do some shopping.
Alan: guys, you're Americans, could you tell me how much should I tip in NYC, I'm always confused Peter: I'm British :P Alan: Once sb told me it's about 10% Alan: that it's decent Josephine: No, I'd say at least 15% Melissa: In NYC I always give at least 20% Jay: me too Alan: What? That's a lot! Melissa: I know, but there are good reasons for that Melissa: waiters get paid very badly in NYC Jay: if they get paid at all Melissa: exactly Alan: what? Melissa: it's said that nowadays a lot of business owners don't pay waiters because they assume they would get tips Jay: and of course they don't have health insurance and so on, very often Jay: so conditions of this work are very bad generally Alan: So we basically chip in their salary? Jay: yes, it seems so Melissa: I believe in most of cases it's true
Alan isn't sure if a 10% tip is enough in NY. Josephine usually tips minimum 15%, Jay and Melissa more than 20%. Many NY waiters don't get regular wages or don't have health insurance so they have to rely on tips as only income.
Lucas: Hey Sarah, have you seen Stranger Things? Sarah: Sure, it’s absolutely awesome! Sarah: It’s scary when it means to be scary and it’s also endearing when it means to be endearing. It’s an absolute delight to watch 😊 Lucas: It’s an amazing early 80s throwback, don’t you think? Sarah: It’s in the same convention as Lost or Under the Dome Lucas: I liked the ‘80s very much, especially music from that time Sarah: Sure, I think that music from the ‘80s was amazing Lucas: Is Netflix planning to make the 3rd season? Sarah: Yes, it’s one of the most popular series on Netflix
Sarah and Lucas watched Stranger Things and they like the 80's convention. Netflix will play the 3rd season.
Yvonne: Hi! Can you tell my father that he should come at 5 not at 4 pm. Iona: He's in town now but I can send him a message. Iona: Actually why don't you text him? Yvonne: I did and asked him to call me back but he hasn't read my message. Iona: That's strange. He is always so fast in replying. Wait a sec! Iona: Just found his mobile! He's forgotten to take it along. Yvonne: Oh sugar! Can you leave him a message at home to read when he's back? Iona: Sure I can but I don't think he'll be coming home before visiting you. He was saying something about driving on to Bretton. Yvonne: That's too bad. Nobody will be here at 4. Iona: Hasn't he got a spare key to your place? Yvonne: He does but quite unlikely he's got it on him. Could you please check if it is on its key hook? Iona: I'm already on the train to B'ham. Yvonne: Oh blast!!! I guess I have to leave the key with the neighbours and put a note for him on the door. I'd hate him standing in the cold and dark here and not knowing what's going on. Iona: Sounds a sensible solution.
Yvonne is trying to reach her dad to let him know to come at 5 instead of 4 as no one will be in. As she nor Iona can reach him, she will leave a key with the neighbours and a note on the door.
Pete: Have you decided on your new car, yet? Tom: I'm still wondering but right now I am leaning towards a long-term rental option Pete: Oh really? Doesn't it add up to a much higher cost in total? Tom: Not really, when take into consideration all the insurence costs and how much new cars diminish their value the minute you buy them Pete: Hmm, I haven't lokked at it this way Pete: looked* Tom: And I get a new car each year Pete: Wow, that's actually something I would be interested in :D
Tom is thinking of getting a new car. Long-term rental may be a good option for him.
Pam: Have you seen the new Woody Allen movie? Steve: No and I'm not going to. He's a creep. All that stuff with his family - yuk. Never watching a movie of his again Pam: I hear ya
Steve is never going to watch a movie by Woody Allen again.
Mark: Returning to our last discussion, do you like French cuisine? Josh: Well, I don’t know actually… Mark: If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like to eat because “there’s more to life than food”, you should definitely visit Paris 😊 Josh: I guess I’m that kind of person 😉 Actually, I’m a great fan of sports and you know it very well Mark: I’ve been to Paris two times and I loved exploring combinations of wines and cheeses. Besides, according to the traditional French cuisine, butter plays a central part in French dishes
Mark has been to Paris twice and liked combinations of wine and cheese. Josh doesn't like food very much, he's a great fan of sports.
Benjamin: yo! Dylan: hey! what's up? Benjamin: Megan wanted me to ask if she can borrow your Mystery of the Abbey that you left at our place Dylan: sure, I don't plan to play it anytime soon Benjamin: great :) she says thanks :) Dylan: no problem :)
Megan would like to borrow Dylan's Mystery of the Abbey game. Dylan is ok with this.
Ben: hey peter Ben: i'm changing my phone number Ben: new number is 917-223-1211 Peter: thanks for letting me know Peter: we should go out soon, haven't seen you in a while Ben: hell yeah!
Ben has a new phone number.
Nestor: <file_photo> Nestor: I think this semester I won’t be able to resist enrolling in random seminars which I find interesting Aida: Please DON’T Aida: As a person who had always done it and always regretted in the end, I feel like you really shouldn’t Aida: Ehem but I haven’t even asked which seminars Aida: 😅 Nestor: History of imperialism in Latin America, Racism in Brasil (!!!), Critical Theory and many many many MOOORE Aida: Oh sounds good, especially the one about racism Aida: Perhaps you could just attend without enrolling? Nestor: Mmmm Aida: I thought you were thinking of an academic career and all these seminars are unrelated to your degree Aida: Remember your grades are Sacred, your diploma has to be flawless, etc. Nestor: AAAAAAA Nestor: You’re touching on difficult subjects here Aida:?! Nestor: I’ve only got one A this year… Professors mostly refuse to give better grades than a B here :( Aida: Fuckers. Sounds like the French system. Only the professor merits an A Nestor: Something like that, actually our education system is very similar Nestor: But I didn’t even want to talk about uni!! Aida: Ooops 🤫 Aida: On a different note… I’m polishing my Portuguese listening to Ludmilla, do you know her? 🤣 Nestor: lol yeah Nestor: They usually play her songs at parties, etc. Nestor: But I don’t listen to her myself Aida: Such a shame. I can’t stop singing “Hoje”. A smashing hit 🥁💥 Nestor: You should tots check out Pabllo Vittar if you happen to have discovered a craving for shitty music Nestor: He’s really “good” Aida: Interesting Aida: Obrigada 😻
Nestor wants to take a lot of classes this semester. Aida advises Nestor to focus on essentials. They dislike the grading system. Aida listens to Ludmilla to improve her Portuguese. Nestor recommends Pablo Vittar.
Tim: There is a reunion from school on the 20th June, did you see that? Jocke: No where? Tim: Lisa sent an email Jocke: I don't think I received it Tim: Maybe in your spam folder? Jocke: I'll check Jocke: Are you planning on going? Tim: If you go yeah maybe Jocke: It's been a while since the last one Tim: Yeah it has Tim: Lisa organised the last one too, it was good Jocke: Yeah it was
Lisa organises a school reunion on the 20th of June.
Sarah: Hi guys, there is the departmental meeting today Ashley: oh, I didn't know, what will be discussed? Sarah: mostly financial stuff, so that's why I'm writing you, it's quite crucial for our project Trevor: of course! Trevor: what time and where? Sarah: the Emerald Room at 7PM Sarah: they decided to organise it so late because they want to give everybody the opportunity to be there Ashley: ok, I'll be there as well
The departmental meeting about finance is taking place in the Emerald Room at 7 pm today.
Carolyn: Speaking of the film Carolyn: I still don’t know how I feel about the plot twist Jon: Oh yeah that Carolyn: Feels like he should be mentioned in the actual series if he’s related to Dumbledore but ok Jon: I think he has to be lying right? Jon: Because it doesn't make any sense Carolyn: Maybe not, I guess the book on Dumbledore was based on memories of Bathilda Bagshot and she didn’t have to know? Carolyn: Lol I don’t even Jon: Dumbledore's parents died and got put into jail before creedence was born Carolyn: He’s so much younger than Albus Jon: His mom was already dead Carolyn: “Life finds a way” Jon: And dad was in jail for a few years Jon: Lmao Jon: Maybe he is a nephew or something Carolyn: I just… I guess we need to wait, it feels really weird
Carolyn and Jon are discussing a plot twist in a movie. Carolyn is unsure how she feels about it.
Henry Fox: A very good morning to you William! It's great to have met you in FR the other day. How are you doing? William Field: Good morning to you, Henry! Henry Fox: And how are you doing? William Field: Fine, thank you. Henry Fox: Just an idea: would you be interested in joining Lily Baumer and me on our outing to Fondation Beyeler next week? William Field: Thank you. That would be nice. Henry Fox: Will Wednesday suit you fine? William Field: Wed. is fine. Henry Fox: My idea would be that you leave your car in my drive and we go in mine and collect Lily on the way. Is it ok? William Field: Very good indeed. Henry Fox: And afterwards we could go somewhere and have a nice meal together. There're quite a few nice places on the German side. William Field: We used to go to Vitra. Melanie loved their salmon carpaccio. Henry Fox: We can surely give it a try! Shall we say you'll be in my place at around 10 or 10:30? William Field: I'll be at your place at 10:15. Henry Fox: Good. Looking forward to our museum outing. Have a great day William. William Field: Thank you.
Henry Fox invites William Field to join him and Lily Baumer for a visit to the Fondation Beyeler. They will meet next Wednesday at 10:15 at Henry Fox's house. Henry Fox will drive them to the museum. After the visit, they will go to a restaurant called Vitra, located on the German side.
Naomi: Hi Lottie love! Can't go to the meeting after school, sorry, Tyler's ill. Lottie: Oh, poor baby! What's wrong? Naomi: Well, the school called cos he'd been sick after lunch - all over the classroom - he was so embarrassed. Lottie: How is he now? Naomi: Not brilliant, he's sicked up again twice more. Lottie: Try not to give him any food, just cooled, boiled water. They told us that when Xander was ill. Naomi: Yes, that's what I'm doing. No complaints, so he must be ill, he'd normally be after the crisps and fruit shoots by now! Lottie: Watch his temperature too, do you have Calpol in? Naomi: Oh yes, always got it, essential kit isn't it? I only give it to him when he's really poorly, though. Lottie: Me too. Hope he's better soon, anyway, Xand will miss him in school, they always play together, he tells me. Naomi: I've got to keep him off for at least 2 days, but he might be ok Thurs or Fri, we'll see! Lottie: Does he get bored at home? Naomi: No never! He loves it, this is like a holiday to him! Lottie: Well, love to you both, hope to see you at the end of the week. Naomi: Bye, love!
Naomi won't go to the meeting after school because Tyler is sick and she will watch over him. He might get better till Thursday or Friday. Xand will miss him at school.
Linda: Have you heard that Lucy spat on James? Peter: Why? When? Where? Paul: That bitch is crazy Linda: Nobody knows Linda: He was standing in front of the university talking to some friends Linda: And out of the blue she spat on him Paul: Did he offend her? Linda: No. He just looked at her and she did that
Lucy spat on James in front of the university.
Clark: hi, your profile is really interesting Louise: thank you :) Clark: I don't see much John Cage fans here Louise: I don't see much fans of his music anywhere Clark: point taken Clark: there's this gig on Saturday Clark: tribute to John Cage Louise: yes I know! Clark: do you wanna go? Louise: I already have my ticket so sure :) Clark: great! :)
Clark and Louise are John Cage's fans. They will meet at the tribute concert on Saturday. Louise already has her ticket.
Younes: How was your ride yesterday? Courtney: Good except I ate a bug! Younes: Er, okay? Courtney: LOL! Was going along and slurp! Bug right down my throat! Younes: Meat group! LOL! Courtney: I know! It was gross though! Younes: You should ride with your mouth shut. Courtney: Everyone said that! Younes: Other than that how was it? Courtney: Pretty cool! Nice scenery and a slow pace, not many hills. Younes: Yes, it's a nice easy ride. Courtney: Perfect for my first 20 miler! Younes: Thought it would be! Proud of you! Courtney: Thanks! Younes: What are you going to do next, a longer one? Courtney: Probably not! Younes: Why not? Courtney: Don't want to push it. I'll work up to a longer one! Younes: Possibly a smart idea. Courtney: Thanks! Younes: Well, back to work. Just wanted to check in! Courtney: Thanks! See you later? Younes: Oh, right, are you going to the meet-up later? Courtney: I think so. Younes: Probably see you there! Courtney: Cool!
Courtney did her first 20-miles ride yesterday. She ate a bug. Younes and Courtney will see at the meet-up.
Mary: What are you giving Ben this year? Pamela: socks Mary: seriously? :D:D Pamela: haha yes Pamela: and some perfume Mary: I did that last year Pamela: looking for a last minute gift inspiration Mary: I'm depserate Pamela: hmmmmmmmmm
Pamela is giving Ben socks and perfume this year. Mary gave him some perfume last year, and now she's looking for a last minute gift inspiration.
Jordan: and so do you have time for me? Savannah: it was a nice meeting but i think that's not what i'm looking for... Jordan: ok so what are you looking for? Savannah: it's just not what i want Jordan: ok just tell me what you want. I know it is not me Savannah: why u asking about that? Jordan: i just want to know. that is all Savannah: no need for that. that's just not what i want...
Savannah had a nice meeting with Jordan but she's looking for something else.
Maya: Are you ready? Natalie: need 10 more minutes Richard: Wait for me please. I'm in a meeting, I'll be right back Maya: ok let me know. ready when you are. Natalie: sorry Maya I'm doing my best! Maya: take it easy Nat :)
Maya is going to wait for Natalie and Richard as long as it'll take.
Amanda: Does anyone know when the biology test is? Celine: Mrs Kohl said it would be next Tuesday. Robert: That's right. Amanda: Cool, so we still have a week. Robert: Yes, but there is a lot to study. Nick: You should guys relax. I'll study one day before. Amanda: Nick always studies one day before and gets an "A". How does he do it? Robert: He's a genius. Not like us...
Amanda, Celine and Robert have a biology test next Tuesday so they have a week to study. Nick will study one day before as he always gets an ''A''.
Adam: so what time r u coming? Sue: frankly speaking... we don't feel like going out tonite... Adam: O_O? Adam: really? Hey girl, wasn't It u who wanna party hard? Sue: true... But we've already had some beers and wanna chill.. Sue: but u can come here:D Adam: here means where? Adam: send me yr location, please Sue: voilà <file_other> Adam: can't open It...:/ Adam: Can u send it via whatsapp? Sue: sure. Sue: fine, u got it? Adam: si.... It's fare, thinking... Gimme 5 min Sue: ok, take yr time, we gonna be here ;-)
Sue does no longer want to go out and invites Adam to join her at her house.
Louise: Morgan, y? Morgan: I already have plans for that weekend and really can't change them... Louise: Shame! Maybe you could try? It'd be great to get back together! Morgan: Well, tell it to my wedding guests ;) Patrick: Ur getting married?! When did that happen? Miranda: Congrats! Who's the lucky guy? Noel: Another one bites the dust ;) Louise: Stop it, N. Don't be mean! Noel: I'm not. Just joking. Geez.Y do u always have to be so uptight? Louise: I'm not. I'm ezy-going. :) Noel: Yeah, right. Miranda: Stop it, both of you! Remember? Morgan's getting married. Louise: Sry. EOD Noel: So, L, tell us about the reunion. Who's coming? :) Louise: Well, basically everyone except for a couple of ppl, most of whom I don't remember from school. Patrick: Like who? Louise: John Arron and Anna Kindle.
Louise organizes a school reunion on a weekend. Morgan can't come because she is getting married.
Dan: hazard is on fire, he deserves balon-do-r Ian: yeah bro Dan: best player in the world right now Ian: he surely tops ronaldo and messi at the moment Dan: haha, so sick Ian: remember that dribble against Brazil in the world cup? Dan: Yeah, totally outplayed Neymar Ian: yeah, he was the catalyst Dan: i was so sad to see him exit in the semi's Ian: me too, but respect to france. Dan: yeah Ian: the world champions!!! Dan: they really deserved to win the finals Ian: yeah, but croatia made their name Dan: yeah, regardless of all the difficulties the faced against England Ian: haha, sure Dan: Anyway, lets enjoy sarriball Ian: sarri the master!! Dan: hehe Ian: haha
Dan and Ian comment on football games. They like Eden Hazard the most.
Misty: <file_video> Misty: the FORBIDDEN Independence March led by hundred-percenters Ben: oh shiet Ben: there are like thousands of people there :o Rebecca: oh looks dangerous Misty: the best thing is that there are two marches Misty: the first one led by the government and this one which began like 20min after it Ben: I've just seen the instastory of my friend and she's there right now Ben: she's on a wheelchair...I admire her bravery Misty: for me any kind of a march is ok, but if you do it on purpose and if you do it right Misty: unfortunately the majority of these people don't even understand the slogans and quotes they're chanting Ben: yeah...a bald guy chanting "God, Honor, Homeland" who probably doesn't even go to church on Sunday Rebecca: I'd never take part in such a thing, it's too dangerous, how is it even possible for these people to see anything if they're walking through the red smoke???????? Ben: well, they're going in one direction so maybe they just don't give a fuck and move forward Rebecca: probably... Misty: I'm curious how many people this year will be injured after this march is over...they sometimes trample each other hairlessly Ben: I hope that nobody. But as we all know the truth is different...we will see Ben: btw, i there any shop open on Monday? Misty: I'm afraid you gotta wait until Tuesday, but it depends on what you need actually Ben: I don't know, maybe some beer, chips or whatever Rebecca: I recommend going to the petrol station Ben: oh, you're right Ben: girls, maybe some beer today? Misty: I'm home, maybe on Wednesday Rebecca: unfortunately I'm home too :/ but I'd opt for Wednesday as well Ben: ok, we're in touch then
Misty thinks any march is ok if it has a purpose and is done right. Ben admires his friend's bravery as she's a wheelchair user. Rebecca would never take part in such a thing. Rebecca, Misty and Ben want to meet up on Wednesday.
Abigail: you want to grab a beer? i had a rough week, i need to talk to someone George: yeah, sure George: what happened?? Abigail: i had a fight with my mom and now we're not talking Abigail: it came to the point that she said that i couldn't come for christmas this year George: i'm so sorry George: i don't know why you argued, but i think she overreacted George: forbidding you from coming home for christmas is just a lot Abigail: you know that she doesn't like josh, she thinks he's not good enough for me Abigail: so she was furious when i told her we had got engaged Abigail: i'm not going to dump him just because of her George: of course, you're not George: you poor thing, i think you need a big hug George: do you want me to drop by right now? Abigail: that would be great :) thanks, George George: ;) don't worry, in the worst-case scenario you'll spend christmas with my family
Abigail argued with her mother. She is furious, because Abigail and Josh got engaged. George will drop by and spend time with Abigail.
John: She's fit ain't she? Paul: Who? John: What do you mean who? The girl to your right you dumb fuck! LOL Paul: Oh, you mean her! Paul: Yeah she's not too bad. John: You gonna pick her up or what? Paul: I might if you stop messaging me. :-D John: I think you're in with a chance... If you don't want her I'll do her! ;-) Paul: Ever so romantic! John: Are you all coy or just stressed? Paul: Women unnerve me. John: Yeah I know what you mean mate. I can never work out what they want. Sometimes I think they don't know what they want themselves. Paul: Are you going to stop messaging me or what? She probably thinks I'm typing with another chick. John: Make her jealous that usually works a treat. John: So you going to give her a good porking tonight? Paul: I heard she takes it up both holes at once. John: Who did you hear that from? Paul: Chaz. He had her the other night. Paul: Not sure if I want his slops. John: Good point!
The girl to Paul's right is attractive. Paul might try flirting with her, although he's not sure, as she has already slept with Chaz the other night.
Eva: I've signed the agreement Tina: You did? omg so happy for ya Eva: Thanks:) I am super excited Barb: Omg babe! awesome! Eva: hahaha thanks! I didn't know it's gonna be so emotional! Barb: Hell yeah! It's kinda binding for 25 years you know, kinda scary Eva: I know, but, Mat and I are getting married so after that we're gonna consolidate or sth and pay it off together faster Barb: You guys are getting married? Eva: Yes we are! you didn't know? Barb: First time hearing this Tina: No worries I just found out myself Barb: Anyway! Congrats love! You guys are awesome! Eva: Thank you so much! It's an exciting time Barb: Well I hope we're all invited for the housewarming party Eva: Of course! I'll be sending emails
Eva signed the agreement. She and Mat are getting married. They will organize the housewarming party in their new flat.
Miriam: Make a note of the date of our next blog post deadline, will you? Jim: Sure. It's the 10th, right? Miriam: Yes, every month we should publish at least one post by that date. Jim: No problem. I'm making it a regular deadline alert. Miriam: Good. then we have no excuses! Jim: Right. Miriam: We just need to come up with the topics. Jim: Exactly. Miriam: Probably we should make another deadline around the first of the month to decide on the topic. Jim: That would work. Miriam: Gives us plenty of time for collaboration. Jim: Yes. Miriam: Great. Make notes of both and share it with everyone, let them edit so topics can be suggested in the notes field. Jim: Will do. Miriam: Thanks!
Jim will create two deadline alerts: one for the selection of the topic and one for posting an article on the blog. He will also make editable notes of both and share them with everyone.
Lisa: I think there is an animal in the roof above the kitchen!!! Paul: ??? Lisa: something is scratching away up there!!!! its really freaky! Paul: Are you sure it is an animal? Lisa: No, it could be a small child as well. Or an alien. Lisa: OF COURSE I'm sure!! what else???? Paul: Sorry, just checking! Lisa: Well I wouldnt text you if it rains would I?!? Paul: So how are you gonna get it out? Lisa: I don't know!! How did it even get in there?!? Paul: There is that birds nest, maybe they got in there? Lisa: I guess so, can you not come over, I'm freaking out here!!!! Lisa: It's still scratching, what if it comes throught he ceiling? what if its a rat?!? Paul: I'm not coming over if its a rat!!! Lisa: Stop messing about, please COME AND HELP ME!! Paul: Well what do you expect me to do about it? Just go to bed, it'll be gone in the morning! Lisa: I can't sleep like this!!!!! what if there are loads and they wanna come in?!? Paul: Fine, whatever, I'll come over. It'll be half an hour though, I need pack if I'm staying over Lisa: OMG what am I going to do for half an hour on my own!? Paul: Barricade the kitchen doors and watch tv, I'll be there soon Lisa: HURRY UP!!!! Paul: Packing now, I'll be over. Chillax ok? Lisa: I'm barricading the door and bringing the wine. Paul: Good idea
Lisa is horrified because there is some animal above the kitchen celiling. She will barricade the door, bring wine and wait till Paul will come over.
Michael: where the fuck have you been? Michael: I was waiting for you for an hour but you never showed up! Chase: fuck, I forgot, sorry ‘bout that Michael: asshole Chase: sorry, mate. It wasn’t my fault Michael: hahahah Chase: I swear! Michael: dude, I was waiting for you for an hour!!!!! Chase: <file_gif> Michael: <file_gif> Chase: what the fuck is this? Michael: guess Chase: <file_photo>
Michael spent an hour waiting for Chase who did not show up.
Rose: hey congratulations for the baby boy! i wish him all the health and happiness in life. Ela: thank you so much for the wishes. Rose: your welcome.. so hows he and you? all ok Ela: yes everything is great thanks Rose: will come to see you and the baby boy Ela: Sure will wait to see you..
Ela just gave birth to a boy. Rose will visit them shortly.
Ivy: What day does your flight get in? Alex: Saturday before xmas. Ivy: That's the 22nd? Alex: Yes. I land at 0600. Ivy: Geez. That's early! Alex: I know... Ivy: I'm thinking of the perfect welcome home meal. Alex: I bet you are, but I will just want sleep!
Alex lands on Saturday, 22 December, at 6 am. Alex will want to sleep when he arrives.
Trojanski: Hey bro Trojanski: Lets go smoke before classes Carson: I dont smoke Carson: But I will be your company xd Trojanski: OK
Carson wants Trojanski go and accompany him while smoking even though Trojanski doesn't smoke.
Emily: hahahaha Emily: have you seen this video where Jimmy Fallon and Liam Hemsworth mistake each other for other famous people? :D Savannah: no, gimme Emily: <file_other> Emily: Look and Liam's face 3:45 Emily: hilarious Savannah: you are so gonna laugh but Savannah: I didn't know there was more than one Hemsworth xD Emily: nooooooooo, they are both so hot!! Savannah: both? ;>> Emily: ?? Savannah: <file_other> according to wikipedia there are 3 yummy hemsworth peaches Emily: peaches xD
Emily sends Savannah a link to a comedy video.
Elijah: And Sanchez is still struggling at Old Trafford......😜😜😜 Fav: face ur club and leave Alexis alone. Shrestha: LoL and what has Micki or Auba has done till now, at least he is playing CL football here not Europa 😂 Abdi: There's no trophy for participation 😂😂 Seth: He's simply being overpaid, and more of a liability to Manchester United
According to Seth, they overpay Seth Sanchez for playng for Manchester United.
Ron: Hey, bad news Tim: Hey, what's going on? Ron: Dorothy's still mad at me Tim: Oh well, I kinda understand her Ron: Oh come on, whose side are you on? Tim: The sober side, lol Ron: I hate you Tim: Come on, relax, I think she actually likes you Ron: Really? Tim: Nope, I'm trolling you, hahahah Ron: I hate you (2) Tim: Just kidding, man, just kidding, chill out...
Dorothy is still mad at Ron. Tim understands Dorothy.
Carson: Boys im done Carson: The assignment Trevor: I havent started Trevor: Is it due by the end of the class? Carson: Yep Ian: I am doing it rn Trevor: I will do it during the class haha Carson: Good luck
Carson has finished the assignment that has to be handed it by the end of the class. Ian is still working on it and Trevor plans on doing it during the class.
Mike: I kinda forgot to sign up for Thursday morning classes Caroline: You don't need too Mike: wtf? how come? Hannah: they do that for us, Dean's office Mike: That's new. Know why? Hannah: There's just 12 of us now, it's just easier for them to make us a ready made plan Mike: That's cool, nothing to worry about Caroline: Yeah, and no choice, there is too little of us, they're just gonna sign us up for those classes that are left with places
Dean's office is going to sign Mike up for classes. It is more convenient for the office as the group is only 12 students.
Ken: How was the concert? Larry: It was great! I finally saw them live Ken: Yeah, one has to see Uriah Heep at least once Larry: Have you ever been to a show of theirs? Ken: Yes, a few years ago in Germany and later in London
Larry enjoyed the live concert of Uriah Heep.
Kate: And then he said... Angela: He asked you out? Kate: Let me finish! Mary: But who, Nick? Kate: Yes! He want me to be his plus 1 on his friend's wedding!
Nick wants Kate to be his plus one on his friend's wedding.
Justin: look, why dont you let me take you out for lunch today Cecilia: haha, i know you justin Justin: im for real, im not kidding around Cecilia: if youre not, then im down for it Justin: cool, ill pick you up at noon Cecilia: sure, noon is fine Justin: alright.
Justin will pick Cecilia up at noon today and they will go for lunch.
Alex: thanks for your wishes. A lot of change for us this new year, as Gil is going to Bruxelles. Ania: i wanted to take more time to answer you, but u know how it is..busy as usual! So you're moving to Bruxelles? whaou Alex: no we stay in Barcelona, Gil will travel a lot, so we'll go only for holidays or some week ends Ania: Is he still travelling to Warsaw? Alex: yes sometimes, i let you know Alex:<file_photo> Ania: you look so beautiful . Is it the key of the paradise in your hands? Where is it? Alex: no it's the key of my parents that Gil took with him in Bruxelles Ania: too bad for your parents, did they manage without it? Alex: we had to come back the next week end to bring it back Ania: it make memories... lol
Alex is staying with Gil in Barcelona, but Gil is going to travel a lot, sometimes to Warsaw.
Jen: OMG I can't get this kid out of nappies! Olivia: what do you mean??? Jen: she just won't go on the potty...! Olivia: Should she? She's only 2 right? Jen: I know but she is going to nursery soon and they want her out of nappies... Olivia: Oh I see... Jen: how did you get Oliver potty trained? Olivia: lots of patience and lots of washing! Olivia: he was ready and asked for underpants Olivia: so we bought some special ones that he picked and he really wanted to wear them! Jen: we have got those though! Jen: we have been trying for 6 days, she keeps weeing herself and is not bothered by it at all! Olivia: rewards? stickers? Ice cream? Jen: tried it! she's just not having it! :( Olivia: would she prefer the big toilet over the potty maybe? That's what happened with Charlotte, she didn't like the potty much and went straight on the big loo... Jen: Oh I hadn't thought of that! That'll be today's mission! Olivia: Good luck chick! Olivia: Gotta shoot, going to jumpfit! Jen: Tada! Have fun!
Jen needs to potty train her daughter as she's going to nursery soon but nothing seems to work. Jen will try to use the toilet instead of the potty as Olivia did with Charlotte.
Patty: I lost my phone Miles: noooooooo Patty: or sb stole it idk Miles: block it!!! Patty: I did Patty: first called a thousand times until the battery died Miles: I'm sorry, wasn't it new? Patty: It was :((((((( been saving for a year to buy it Miles: I hate losing things Patty: so anyway, I will be out of reach for a couple of days, only Fb Miles: okay, I still hope you find it!!! Patty: thanks!! merry christmas btw :) Miles: and a happy new year! :)
Patty lost her new phone. She will be unavailable for some time. She will contact other people only via Fb.
Irene: You know... Irene: I have a big problem Jonathan: Eh? What is it? Irene: Yesterday I met up with a friend and she told me she was getting married soon Irene: The wedding is in another city, though, pretty far away Jonathan: Huh... Irene: I was shocked, I didn't even know she was engaged. We haven't kept in touch, really Irene: So I didn't know how to behave and I implied I would be there but now I don't really feel like it Irene: I feel so stupid, if I had said I wasn't sure I could come, it would be easier to say no now Jonathan: Yeah, I can see your point... why don't you want to go, though? Irene: It's just that... I have no one to accompany me AND I know none of her friends Irene: Since it's so far away, it's not like I'll be able to just leave any time if I feel uncomfortable Jonathan: That's true Irene: And really, first she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend, then she didn't tell me she'd got engaged... I don't know Irene: I haven't even met her fiance... it feels awkward Jonathan: What? You haven't even met him? Irene: Yeah, I don't even know what he looks like Jonathan: I can't blame you for not wanting to go, then, I mean you're supposed to be friends, so it is sort of weird. Don't feel bad if she didn't even bother to introduce you first
Irene has been invited to a wedding but is unsure if she would like to go.
Frank: <file_other> Louie: are you going to this event? Frank: that's why i am sending it ;) Louie: i will let you know later ok? need to check up with kylie Frank: okey please do Louie: kk talk to you later
Frank is going to the even. Louie needs to check up with Kylie and he will let Frank know.
Serena: im pretty stressed after this week. want to go to the resort tomorrow? Zoe: sure, i could use some time in the hot tub Serena: ok. when do want to leave? Zoe: 10 am? Serena: perfect Zoe: have you talked to celia about joining us? Serena: shes going skiing with her mom. cant go Zoe: oh well Serena: it'll be fun with just the two of us :) Zoe: yeah, i think so. Serena: so, i'll pick you up at your place? Zoe: sure. Serena: ok. see you tomorrow!
Serena and Zoe agree to go and relax at the resort tomorrow at 10 am. Celia can't come with them as she's going skiing with her mother. Serena'll collect Zoe from her place.
Frank: Hi there! What are you up to this weekend? Maria: Hey! Not sure yet, any ideas? Frank: I don't have plans either, should we meet? Maria: Sure! How about Friday? I finish work earlier so we can meet for dinner, what do you think? Frank: Sorry, I can't on Friday - I have lectures ... Maria: No worries, what about Saturday? I have some stuff to do but I can be free in the evening. Frank: Let me check my diary ... Oh no! My mom's birthday party ... I totally forgot! Maria: Oops ... That doesn't sound good! Frank: Oh boy, I don't have a gift! Maria: Well, we can look for something together if you need help ... Frank: Are you sure you have time for that? Maria: I can help you, of course, but only on Friday, as I said, I have some work to do on Saturday. Frank: Ok then, let's meet up after my lectures, is it ok with you? Maria: Ok, sounds good, where should we go? Frank: Let's go to the new shopping centre, they have all the shops I want to visit. Maria: Ok ... will 7pm be ok? Frank: Yes! Perfect! Maria: Great, see you then, I hope we will find a perfect gift! Frank: Me too! We don't really have another option! See you!
Maria and Frank are going shopping for a birthday present for Frank's mom on Friday at 7pm.
Tom: Hi! Have you by any chance been to Mary's party? Diana: Hi! The one yesterday? Why are you asking? Tom: Yes Diana: Yeah, I have Diana: Oh god, I haven't done something stupid... Tom: Hahaha, no, don't worry. Tom: I found your oyster card, thought you may be looking for it :) Diana: Thank you! I haven't yet, so you saved me a lot of stress, thank you! Tom: No problem. We've just begun to tidy the place up and it's been underneath the sofa Diana: I really don't know how to thank you. Maybe we can go for a coffee? :) Tom: It'd be nice :) Tom: But you really don't need to thank me, it's nothing. Diana: So are you free this evening? Just tell me when and where we can meet. Tom: Would O'Neils do? Diana: Sure :)
Diana got drunk at Mary's party yesterday and lost her Oyster card. Tom found it and Diana will take him to O'Neils as a thank you this evening.
Esme: I need you to back me up when I confront Tonya today. Elijah: No way I'm getting in this at all! Leave me out of it! Esme: But she has to know I'm on to her tricks! Elijah: Find someone else. Please.
Elijah doesn't want to back Esme up when he confronts Tonya today.
Selena: My dear sweet people, I'm so sorry, but I can't come tonight :( I just got my period and I feel like shit :( Jen: :( Phoebe: Too bad :( Take care and get better soon ;* Selena: Thx so much <3
Selena can't meet with Jen and Phoebe as she's not feeling well.
Raul: hello Germaine, it was great seeing you at the gym earlier! sorry I had finished my workout and was heading to the office. Germaine: oh yeah! I was just starting my workout Raul: okey! it's great you came back, it was about time!!! Germaine: what do you mean by that? you mean I got fat 😂 Raul: no! not at all you are not as shredded as before ... remember those abs you had! 🍫 Germaine: 🙈 Germaine: you know with my kid, I have less time to take care of me.... but now my mother lives close, and I can get back on track 💪 Germaine: and you, what have you been up to? Raul: well, nothing much... always pushing hard at the gym. Germaine: I saw that! you looked like The Rock 😂 Raul: haha yeah he is real #goals! Germaine: well, catch you during the week there. I will be coming everyday... at the same hour Raul: great! take care. We can have a beast session together! see if I can still kick your ass 😜 Germaine: haha you dream about it!
Germaine is now able to pick his workout up where he left off because his mother moved closer to him, and she can help him take care of his child. Raul on the other hand has never stopped working out.
Patrik: are you going to watch the oscars with us tonight? Cindy: possibly. ive been invited by a few other people Patrik: i doubt that they are as good of hosts as we are Cindy: you may be right. what will you have for food and drink? Patrik: lots of varieties of chips and dip and beer Cindy: i see Patrik: you dont sound excited Cindy: ive already had too much dip today. office party Patrik: oh, well we'll have other stuff too. fondue, tiramisu, giant pretzels... Cindy: alright, i'll come Patrik: yay! we'll be ready around 7, so any time after that is fine. Cindy: cool. who do you think will win this year? Patrik: i dont care, as long as its La La Land Cindy: you really like that film, huh? Patrik: ohh yes. i hope it sweeps all categories Cindy: i dont know. i think Moonlight is pretty unique Patrik: yeah, i liked that too Cindy: do you have any idea whats up for best doc? Patrik: no clue. i'll look it up before you get here Cindy: ok, thanks. See you tonight!
Patrik is convincing Cindy to come to his Oscar party around 7. He hopes that La La Land will win the main award.
Zoe: what time is your bus back to New York? Mia: about 11.30 Jasmine: about? Mia: I would have to check, 11.35 maybe Jasmine: please, check it, I don't want us to be late Mia: ok, give me 10 min Zoe: I'll wait for you at 7th Ave and 27th St Mia: thank you very much! Jasmine: so nice of you!
Mia has a bus back to New York at about 11.30. Zoe will wait for Mia at 7th Ave and 27th St.
Jenny: have you done your homework? Tim: not yet Jenny: u need help? Tim: in fact, yes.. Jenny: so why you are not saying?! Tim: u know, algebra is so easy.. but not for me.. Jenny: i will explain you everything tomorrow Jenny: ok? Tim: you're best thx!
Tim haven't done his homework yet. Jenny offered to help and she will explain him everything tomorrow.
Robert: Hi Matt Matt: Hi! Robert: How are you doing? Matt: good, thanks, you? Robert: good as well Robert: It was very nice to see you again yesterday, although by chance Matt: yes, it was quite crazy, I didn't expect to meet you on the subway Robert: me neither Matt: Maybe we should meet again, and not on the subway? Robert: I'd really like to Matt: When are you free? Robert: now always on Mondays and Tuesdays Matt: So maybe Monday evening? Robert: great Matt: we could have a dinner together Robert: let's do it Matt: Do you want me to pick you up after you're done? Robert: That would be nice! Matt: ok, so I'll be there at 7PM Robert: good!
Matt and Robert will meet on Monday at 7PM. Matt will pick Robert up. They will have a dinner together.
Joanna: Mom, can I sleep at Jenny's tomorrow? Please... Sandy: You know the rules. What did Jenny's parents say? Are they okay with it? Joanna: I asked you first, Jenny and I, we talked and there's this concert we wanted to go to and we would come back to hers after the concert and sleep at hers... Sandy: wait, what? concert, you said sleepover, not concert! Sandy: what concert? Where? who'd be driving you? why do I hear about it one day before? Joanna: This band I told you about, the guys from Korea, BTS, they'll be in town tomorrow and I really wanna go and you know Jenny and I love them. You got me that t-shirt for X-mas, remember? And we wanna go and Jenny says that when you say yes, her parents will say yes too. Please, can I go? Sandy: Absolutely not. You've known about that concert for weeks and you come to me today? No way. Joanna: but Mom! I really wanna go, you won't have to buy me a present for birthday this year. Please... Sandy: No. Way. One, I've already said no to that concert, Two, you asked me about sleeping at Jenny's, Three, you wanted to trick me... No. Joanna: no, I really want to sleep at Jenny's. Can I at least do that? No concert, just sleep there? Sandy: I am angry at you, you know I hate when you try such things. Sandy: I'll call Jenny's parents and let you know later.
Joanna is asking her mom Sandy if she can sleep at Jenny's place after the BTS concert. Sandy does not know about the concert but Joanna believes that she told her about that. Sandy is upset and thinks that Joanna is lying. Sandy will call Jenny's parents and will let Joanna know later.
Father: Hi Brian, could you pick up Danny on your way to FR? Say at 15:45? Father: I've tried to call you but your phone is offline or something. Brian: Hi dad, I was jogging. Didn't get calls. Sure we'll pick her up.
Brian was jogging and didn't hear his father's call. At his dad's request, Brian will pick up Danny around 3.45 pm on his way to FR.
Christopher: do you remember this gold digger from "90 day fiancé"? Sophie: this chick from Russia? Sophie: Anfisa? Christopher: yup Christopher: she's got her own yt channel!! :D Sophie: whaaat?! Sophie: how did i not know this?! :D Christopher: are you intrigued? :d Sophie: of course i am, you know i'm a die hard fan of her :D :D :D Christopher: XD Christopher: so, did you checked it out? Sophie: mhm Sophie: she seems to be normal and honestly quite boring Sophie: she constantly talks about Jorge's incarceration and shows off her muscles Sophie: i'm BITTERLY disappointed!! :< ;p
Anfisa from Russia, the gold digger from "90 day fiancé", has got her own YT channel. Sophie finds it quite boring.
Justin: bro, send me 50 box ill refund soon Foley: 50 box!! bro sorry but i dont think i can find 50 at the minute Justin: okay bro, though i'm stuck somewhere Foley: Sorry bro, but give me 10 min i ask dad whether he can top me up the i top you up also, Justin: i'd appreciate bro, please do Foley: sure, let me see
Justin wants to wants to borrow 50 dollars from Foley but he is broke. Foley will ask his dad for the money.
Luke: take a look at this~ Luke: <file_other> Garrett: woww, thanks for sharing! Garrett: it's really interesting Emmy: yeah wow Emmy: a good read for sure Luke: reading about the past hurts a little but i feel like we should know all that Emmy: well said
Luke found painful information about the past.
David: Hi, do you have a minute? Angela: Hi, yes, tell me David: Could you tell me what happened between Pamela and Maggie? They're not talking to each other Angela: I know, the reason is pretty weird David: I guessed so Angela: They argued because of their university courses David: Why? Angela: Some of the students were not satisfied with one of the language courses and decided to tell the teacher David: Oh Angela: Pamela and another student talked to the teacher on behalf of the group David: Ok, and...? Angela: And Maggie and a number of others were pissed off because they said the teacher would be angry at all of them and it would mean trouble for the whole group David: Ouch Angela: Yes, so Pam and Maggie argued and now they're not friends anymore David: I hope they will reconcile soon Angela: Yeah
David and Angela's peers, Pamela and Maggie, had a falling out over a language course and aren't on speaking terms anymore.
Mustafa: I baked cookies Olivier: Bring them to the office tomorrow Matthew: If they survive...
Mustafa baked some cookies.
Isabella: hey, can you call my mobile plz? dunno where it is xD Sophie: haha okay xd give me 10secs Sophie: calling you right now Isabella: i can hear it! yaay, thanks! Sophie: yw xd
Isabella wants Sophie to call her as she can't find her.
Pam: Hey Adam how are. Where have you been Adam: Hey. I am good you tell. Nothing busy with work. Pam: I am good too. Have been waiting for your call, for a date night with you. Adam: Sorry sweety actually last week had been real busy. How about friday night. Pam: Oh, thats bad, sorry for friday night, its my mom birthday party. How about we go out on Saturday night. Adam: Thats nice, yeah sure for saturday night with a penalty. Pam: what i am asking whats the penalty..... Before hand i have to think about it. Adam: Its gonna be a tight hug with a sweet kiss.. hopefully its small one. Pam: Oh wow seems a great penalty.... but would answer only on Saturday night after dinner. Adam: Yeah sure would wait desperatly for an answer. See ya on Saturday honey. Tc Pam: yeah see ya dear. Tc
Adam has been busy for the last week. Pam and Adam will have a date on Saturday night. On Friday Pam is going for her mum's birtday party.
Tom: What was your fave seasonal beer? Tory: The season isn't over yet! Tom: Just pick one! Tory: Alright; the Draycott stout, whatever that was. Tom: The Christmas one? Tory: Yes, that one. Tom: Okay. I'm being asked for research purposes! Tory: I bet...
Tory's favorite bear is Draycott stout, Christmas edition.
Josh: and? does it work? Abby: ya... I guess Josh: nice, I knew you can do this! Abby: it's thanks to you :) Josh: no problem :)
It works for Abby thanks to Josh's help.
Anna: A weird thing just happened to me… Anna: I ordered an uber, the app said the driver will arrive in three minutes, so I got ready and went down, but the driver was gone. I just received a notification that he ended the journey Arthur: He probably cancelled it when you didn’t come Anna: But it said I still have three minutes left. I just the clock and I really wasn’t late. Aren’t they supposed to wait at least 5-10 minutes? Frank: Yes, they are, I think they should at least call you before driving away Anna: Exactly! No one called me, I still have time, but he ended the trip before I managed to come down. I live on the first floor for god’s sake Arthur: Were you charged for it? Anna: Yeah, the whole sum! Frank: What?! If he cancelled, you should have paid only a cancellation fee Anna: That’s why I said it was weird. I think I was simply scammed. Arthur: Hm, it does seem like that. Have you notified Uber about it? You can send a complaint Anna: Not yet, but I think I will. It seems to me that he accepted the trip and ended it short afterwards, I’m just not sure, don’t want to accuse anyway Frank: But it sure looks like a scam, that way he can get the whole sum, because it looks like he just finished his ride. Anna: Sending a complaint right now. Frank: You can do it in the app, uber tracks all your journeys. Arthur: I don’t get why people do something like that Frank: I hope the guy gets kicked out Anna: Maybe he didn’t do it on purpose… I don’t know Arthur: I think you should report him anyway, I highly doubt you can do something like that by accident
Anna had an issue with Uber. She ordered one, the driver was supposed to pick her up in 3 minutes, but when she got there on time, he had gone. She just received a notification that he ended the journey and she was charged the whole amount for it. Anna sent a complaint to Uber about the situation.
Rachel: Dear team, our lawyers are running a GDPR training session next week. I'm attaching a spreadsheet with two available days, Wednesday or Friday, please choose one and write your name in the appropriate column. Joyce: Boss, next week I'll be at the expo in Paris, will I be able to receive the training at some other time? Rachel: Yes, contact me when you're back, we'll figure something out. David: I'm still on a sick leave, can I join the session via Skype? Rachel: Of course. I'll have someone send you the link. Just tell me which date suits you better. David: I'd prefer Wednesday. Rachel: All right. Everybody else, I need you to sign up till the end of the day. If your name isn't in the spreadsheet by then, you'll be placed wherever there are available spots. Timothy: Rachel, could you send us the link to the spreadsheet. Rachel: Right, sorry. <file_other>
Rachel created a spreadsheet for voting on which day the GDPR training should be held.
John: I'm leaving for a few months soon guys, could anybody take care of my apartment? Tom: how comes? where are you going? Paul: sure, this is not a problem, but what happened? John: I just quitted my job and I think about living from savings for a while Tom: where are you going to go? John: I think south-east Asia Tom: cool! anybody you're going with? John: don't think so, we broke up with Elena on Monday Paul: gosh, guy, a lot is happening, let's meet for a beer first and talk about it, don't run away before talking to us John: I know it doesn't sound well, but I'm really fine and relieved John: I realised recently I hated mu life, I needed a change John: but, sure, let's meet, even tonight Tom: Perfect, I'll let you know here when I'm free John: ok! I've plenty of time now of course!
John's going to south-east Asia. John, Tom and Paul will meet before the departure.
Sandra: can't find your address on the map Tracy: how come? did you input the right number? Sandra: it's 205 B right? Tracy: no! it's 25 B Tracy: no wonder you weren't able to find it Tracy: as it doesn't exist Sandra: well that explains a lot Sandra: anyway, now I know where to go! Tracy: great Tracy: we're waiting for you
Sandra couldn't find Tracy's address on the map as she put an incorrect number. The correct address is 25 B. Tracy is waiting for Sandra.
Jason: how is your dad feeling? Abigail: not so good, he had another surgery yesterday Jason: sorry to hear that Abigail: thanks Jason: was it the last one? Is he going to get released soon? Abigail: hopefully the last one but he will stay in hospital for another 2 or 3 weeks Jason: oh that's long... do you think it would be a good idea if i visit him? Abigail: maybe not right now, he is very tired Jason: but in like a week or so? Abigail: of course then, he really likes you and he is really bored there so having some company makes him very happy Jason: i can make some time in the week after this one and bring Karen with me Abigail: please do, you can let me know earlier and i will tell you if no one else is visiting at this time Jason: of course i will :) do you think we can bring him a pie or something? Karen can make some Abigail: that's sweet of you but i don't think it's a very good idea, he will be on a special diet Jason: ah you are probably right... Abigail: but you can bring him some good herbal tea :) you know he loves it
Abigail's dad has had another surgery yesterday and will need to stay in hospital for another 2 or 3 weeks. Jason wants to visit with Karen. Abigail feels her dad would like that but in a weeks time when he is less tired. Bringing food is not a good idea but he likes herbal tea.
Sabrina: me tooooooooo!!!!!! I have nothing to do Rose: lol, i know the feeling Rose: ive been killing time by watching all the Merlin episodes on Youtube Rose: how are you then?? Sabrina: now that is an EXCELLENT way to spend time! Sabrina: I'm good, looking forward to 10th July onwards.... so busy from then :D
Sabrina has nothing to do. Rose watches YouTube videos when she's bored.
Pam: Whose turn is it to throw the garbage away? Don: Ron's Ron: Yes, I'll do it when I come home
Ron will throw the garbage away when he comes home.
Graham: <file_movie> Graham: u need to watch it! Graham: so funny Graham: <lol> Hank: what's that? Graham: one stand up guy I found Graham: he's great Hank: u know I don't like that stuff Graham: I know, but this u'll like Hank: don't think so Graham: just watch it and then argue Hank: ok, ok, I'll watch Graham: good, let me know
Hank will watch a piece of stand-up comedy Graham has sent him.
Mike: how’s RDR2? Nick: playing yesterday for 10h xDDD Mike: What??? xDDDDDDD Nick: 2 bags of chips, 1.5l cola and no shower Mike: God Nick: the best day of my life
Nick spent 10 hours playing Red Dead Redemption 2 yesterday. It was the best day of his life.
Leigh: i finally got these boots I wanted :D Sarah: oh cool! pics please Leigh: K here it comes :D Leigh: <file_photo> Leigh: and a bonus, you can see my new skirt Leigh: please ignore the mess in the background xD Sarah: wow you look fab :D Sarah: the skirt and the boots, both look bomb on ya Sarah: are they comfy? ^^ Leigh: hahahah yeah very much so! Leigh: you can't even feel the heel that much Leigh: i tried on some other pair, a bit lower, but they were like weirdly stretchy and not that warm Sarah: so they'e comfy AND warm :) Leigh: that's right! :D Sarah: can't wait to seem them in person haha
Leigh's new boots are comfortable, warm, and they look nice.
Johnny: (b) after work? Sam: (y) Johnny: (y) :D
Johnny and Sam are going to meet after work.
Chloe: I've bought a new MacBook Air William: I thought your laptop was quite fine Brian: how is it?! I aw the apple conference, it's quite amazing, it seems Chloe: it's beautiful of course, but I'm not sure it's such an upgrade Brian: they just took stuff from the more expensive models and moved it down to MacBook Air Chloe: it's a bit true, I can't see a big difference Chloe: but I needed a new laptop, my battery became too weak William: oh, I see Chloe: and I travel a lot, I need to work very long with the computer unplugged
Chloe bought a new MacBook Air for work.
Harvey: Hey Dona, i'll be running late. please reschedule my meeting Dona: but its an important one Harvey: yeah, i know, but please find a way Dona: Okay Harvey, but better have an explanation for the client Harvey: Dont worry, i have one, but ill explain later after i arrive Dona: okay sir Harvey: thanks Dona
Dona will reschedule the meeting on Harvey's request.
Johana: Hi Yoli, this is my new number Yoli: thank dear, got it. xxx Johana: Hello dear, are you free for a pre-election diner at home - or pre-vacation- friday the 21th? Yoli: I think so, i'll confirm to you tonight Johana: cool Yoli: It's ok for us Yoli: hum ... you didn't confirm for tomorrow and Ben would like to report as he's running the marathon this sunday Johana: no no .. i confirm the diner. It's tomorrow 8.30 pm .Ben will have the all saturday to recover. Yoli: 😃😃 Johana: I hope Ben was happy with his sunday's run. Enjoy your holidays Yoli: No 😜, he was sick 😱 Johana: poor dear... Yoli: i'm kidding, he ran it in 4.00 Johana: 👏 👏
Johana, Yoli and Ben met for dinner on Friday 21th at 8:30 PM. Ben ran a marathon on Sunday.
Todd: hey, you there? Adam: will be in 5 minutes. at the store atm Todd: cool, can you buy me a red bull and a pack of marlboro lights? Adam: sure. anything else? Todd: a lighter :) Adam: :)
Todd asked Adam to buy him an energy drink, cigarettes and a lighter.
Tim: Should we join the yellow vests tomorrow? Jenny: I'm not convinced by the protest, sorry Tim: why?! Jenny: they demand resignation of Macron Tim: so? Jenny: I'm not a fan of him, but the president of France doesn't resign, it's just not a part of the system Arthur: but they also demand other things Matilda: true, but all of this seems so chaotic to me Matilda: I don't really understand their demands Matilda: because the whole fuel thing seems just ridiculous Arthur: you can read their demands in the internet Matilda: but I tried and can't find a coherent list or a vision Matilda: it's not constructive Jenny: this is also my impression
Tim proposes to join the yellow vests tomorrow. Jenny and Matilda won't join the protest. The yellow vests demand the resignation of Macron. It is possible to read their demands on the Internet.
Matt: Hi guys, I'm looking for a piece of advice Tina: Hope we will be able to help :) What's your problem? Matt: I have a problem with finding a date. Maybe you know how I can meet someone? Olivia: Have you tried Tinder? Matt: I did, I have to admit Olivia: And? It's quite useful and works well in my opinion if you want to meet someone :) Matt: Yes, especially for a one night stand or just casual sex, I'm interested in more than that Kate: Don't worry, Tinder didn't work for me either Olivia: I know a few pairs that met on Tinder Matt: I don't know, maybe I'm not very lucky Tina: Then have you thought about a dating website? Users tend to have a different approach, they look for something more stable as well Kate: I think the best way is to get out more often, socialise, etc. Matt: I do, I go out with friends, I'm quite social as well, but no one seems interested in me Patrick: Uhm, sorry for being so blunt, but... maybe you're just ugly? Or not interesting? Olivia: Come on, don't be like that Patrick: What? Girls care about the looks as well, you won't convince me it's not true. I bet that if he looked like Ryan Gosling he wouldn't have any problems Kate: Ok, but not everyone looks like Ryan Gosling and still it doesn't stop people from finding love Matt: I don't look like Gosling, that's for sure, but... I'm average? Kate: Don’t listen to him Tina: What are your hobbies? People meet each other at the gym, in the park, book club, etc. Matt: Hm, I’m interested in IT and games, I do my best to go out and have fun, but I have rather… well, not very girly hobbies let’s say Olivia: It’s not easy, I get it, but you have to get out and try
Matt wants to go on a date with someone. He opposed to using Tinder. He goes out a lot.
Eric: Can someone let us know if/when the Wifi is back at camp pls. Eva: It's just you :P Summer: The WiFi hasn’t gone down at all at D1 Eric: I dont even know what d1 is :) i guess thats where u live? Julia: Same here works just fine at our place Summer: It's house 1, Eric Eric: aight
The Wifi is down for Eric. It works fine for Summer at D1. It also works for Julia.
Feyi: When will you be able to work on the December email and blog posts? Kurt: Sorry, it's been crazy. I have a deadline set for the 4th. Will that be okay? Feyi: Sure, no problem. Kurt: Thanks. we'll look at the blast, the blogs and collaborate on the social media then. Feyi: Great.
Kurt will finish December's email and blog posts for Feyi on December 4th. He was very busy.
Martha: Have you been to Laura? Ian: Not yet, why? Martha: I wanted to give you a book for her. Ian: OK. Ian: I'll be in a moment. Martha: Thx! Martha: I will pack a few CDs too.
Ian will bring Laura a book and few CDs from Martha.
Ian: Do u know how long this show will last? Mike: I've no idea! Ian: Hope not long, I'm so tired!
Tired Ian hopes that the show won't last long.
Magdalene: Are you coming to the cocktail party this Sunday? Frederick: Yes Josephine: I don't know yet Josephine: Jamie is sick Josephine: If he's not better I'll stay to take care of him Magdalene: I hope he gets better soon Magdalene: I'm going. Let me know if you need a lift.
Frederick and Magdalene are coming to the cocktail party this Sunday. Josephine doesn't know yet, because Jamie is sick. Magdalene can give someone a lift.
Adam: ...i dont really know if i will come, i think im having a sort of nervous breakdown Ana: :'( Missy: Adam, what happened? you have to come and chill out Ana: need to press the STOP button? Bruno: OK, dont press STOP, you have to come along, with us and Ana. you will see it will get bettter once you come ;) Adam: id say, not in general Bruno: (Y) Adam: im not gonna make it unfortunately. it is too much. or i will be a wall flower Missy: I like flowers Ana: (Y) Adam: even faded on the wall? Ana: :D Margaret: C'mon Adam, a party without your advocaat? Gwen: Adam would bring chocolate ;) Bruno: (Y) Margaret: "chocolate" or chocolate? i dont remember chocolate :D Gwen: cause it was a special chocoooolaaaaaateeee Margaret: sillly me :d :D :D Gwen: Young and stupid :D Margaret: :D Adam: e\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\; p Bruno: did u fall off the chair? Adam: dumb keyboard
Adam is not feeling well. Missy, Ana, Margaret and Bruno want him to go out with them.
Peter: How will you get to the party tonight Anne: I think I will just come by bus. Peter: What about afterwards? Anne: Too later for buses, but I'll just call an Uber.
Anne will come to the part by bus and call an Uber to get her back home afterwards.
Hannah: Why is it so freezing cold? I protest! Wendy: I know, right? I've just spent some 10 minutes waiting for a bus and I can't feel my toes! Claudia: I bought this cute fluffy blanket yesterday, so right now I'm happy and warm! :P Wendy: As long as you don't have to leave the house :P Claudia: Actually, I think I'm gonna wear my blanket outside, I love it so much that I don't care :D
Hannah and Wendy are mad about the freezing temperature outside. Claudia doesn't care, because she feels warm.
Alex: Have you signed up for this Spanish course? Matt: Yep! Matt: I’ve been to three lessons so far Alex: Did you like it? Matt: It was really cool! The lecturer is a Spanish guy from Barcelona. I love Barcelona soo much! If I could, I’d stay there for a year or so. Alex: What stops you? Matt: Studies and much more Alex: Too bad. I’ve stopped studying Spanish this year. I’ve got to work. Matt: Wanna meet? Alex: Sure. When? Matt: This weekend? Alex: Sounds great 😊 Tell others and we’re gonna meet Matt: I’ll call them now Alex: Perfect!
Matt is attending a Spanish course and he likes it. Alex studied Spanish has stopped this year because he is too busy with work. Alex and Matt plan to meet this weekend and Matt will call the others to join them.
Hazel: Hello Brad. That's insane, we havent seen each other at all haha perhaps today well be able to catch up 8-) Brad: Yo Hazel. Sad indeed :) yesterday i went to the cinema and around the block, and today I'm visiting my parents. Hazel: Life Brad: I'm coming back on Sunday. We'll catch up next week ;) how was your yesterday? Hazel: yesterday was OK. It turned out the show is only for the association memebers wtf? today im going to that studio to take some photos. I also got this job in theatre. your parents are cool. Brad: Wow you got that! Applause!!! so our tete-a-tete not earlier than on Sunday :) Hazel: Yep, cool. Do you have by any chance a clothes horse? Brad: Yeah, behind the closet. Hazel: Got it, thanks 🙏 I have a shy question.... :P Could - I - take - some - honey? :)))) haha Brad: Oh Haze, of course you can :) what kind of q is that? take anything you find, olive oil etc. Hazel: Awesome, thanks :P Brad: Are you OK? :D Hazel: I'm great, working Brad: <file_photo> Hazel: Flowers after the premiere plz :D :D :D Brad: hahaha Hazel: btw how does it work with cleaning the house? I can do it, do you have a vaccum cleaner? Brad: no need Hazel: but the floor is calling us Brad: I will do it, or is it your relaxation thing? :) then I won't stop you Hazel: Could be Brad: mop is outside Hazel: good, what about a vaccum, brush etc? Brad: But i vaccumed 2 days ago haha
Brad is visiting his parents today and cannot meet with Hazel. She has got a job in the theatre and is going to the studio today to take some photos. Brad lets her use whatever she needs in his place. She is also going to do some cleaning.
Kitty: I don’t have your account numbers, could you send me them? I want to wire you money Barb: Sure, I’ll leave you a voice message with it Ken: Mine is 2145 8900 0000 0012 0921 21 Kitty: Thanks, that helps a lot
Kitty will convey money to Barb and Ken.
Max: I'll be late Sylvia: why: Max: beer with Tom Sylvia: ok
Max will be late because he is having a drink with Tom.
Karolina: hi darling, when are you back in Warsaw? Enid: i'm back this week end. I want to spend time with Bianca. Karolina: Fine. Btw, do you have any kid to make baby sitting on saturday? Enid: I'm sorry but it's gonna be family week end, so no one is available. Karolina: don't worry i understand, enjoy your family party! Enid: hope you'll find someone. How is Karl? did he get some rest during this Xmas holidays? Karolina: yesss, he's much better, bt he need to rest again. Enid: that's good news. Have a nice week end and see you soon Karolina: you too.
Karolina will be back in Warsaw this weekend to spend time with Bianca. Enid will see Karolina soon.
Paula: I'm submitting my thesis this week Marcela: Great! Laura: Congrats!!
Paula is submitting her thesis this week.