stringlengths 1
| term_tw_name
stringlengths 1
| term_en_name
stringlengths 1
| source_id
stringclasses 17
values | term_ipc
stringlengths 1
⌀ | date_modify
stringclasses 286
values |
20339403 | 模組系統 | Modular System | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339404 | 維修免責條款 | repair clause | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339405 | 表面證據 | prima facie | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339406 | 不存在 | not subsist | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339407 | 專屬市場 | captive market | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339408 | 註冊設計上訴審判部 | Registered Designs Appeal Tribunal | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339409 | 註冊設計上訴審判部 | RDAT | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339410 | 合作檢索試行計畫 | Collaboration Search Pilot | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339411 | 合作檢索試行計畫 | CSP | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339412 | 全面首次通知前面詢試行計畫 | Full First Action Interview Pilot | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339413 | 全面首次通知前面詢試行計畫 | FAI | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339414 | 本質形狀 | nature shape | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339415 | 裝置導向原則 | Device oriented doctrine | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339416 | 結果導向原則 | Result oriented doctrine | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339417 | 先行裁決 | preliminary ruling | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339418 | 比荷盧關稅同盟智慧財產權公約 | Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339419 | 重要功能性特徵 | substantial functional characteristics | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339420 | 必要特徵 | essential characteristics | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339421 | 管制產品 | regulated product | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339422 | 一般功能 | generic function | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339423 | 其他必要功能 | other essential functions | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339424 | 符合人體工學 | ergonomically | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339425 | 適於教學 | pedagogically | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339426 | 主要及識別部分 | dominant and distinctive elements | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339427 | 先行障礙 | preliminary obstacle | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339428 | 必要技術功能性原則 | shapes with an essentially technical function | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339429 | 既定認知 | presumed perception | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339430 | 3D立體拼圖 | three-dimensional puzzles | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339431 | 堆砌玩具 | construction toys | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339432 | 終端消費者 | end consumers | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339433 | 說明書之發明說明 | Description of the Invention | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339434 | 圖式 | Drawing | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339435 | 請求項破壞原則 | the claim vitiation rule | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339436 | 請求項破壞原則 | CVD | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339437 | 請求項破壞原則 | the claim vitiation doctrine | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339438 | 特別排除原則 | specific exclusion principle | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339439 | 構成均等侵權 | infringement under doctrine of equivalents | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339440 | 全要件原則 | all-elements rule | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339441 | 無限定條件規則 | the No Limitation Rule | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339442 | 重要限定條件規則 | the Significant Limitation Rule | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339443 | 二元選項選擇組 | in a binary choice setting | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339444 | 智慧財產諮詢委員會 | Advisory Council on Intellectual Property | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339445 | 智慧財產諮詢委員會 | ACIP | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339446 | 寬限期 | grace period | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339447 | 特徵說明 | characteristic features statement | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339448 | 裝飾性設計 | ornamental design | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339449 | 實線 | Solid Lines | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339450 | 自然所產生的造形 | naturally occurring forms | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339451 | 原始揭露 | original disclosure | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339452 | 電子量測設備 | Electronic Measurement Instrument | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339453 | 所有重要部分相同 | identical in all material respects | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339454 | 整體使用者經驗 | Total User Experience | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339455 | 整體使用者經驗 | TUX | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339456 | 電腦圖像 | Icon | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339457 | 圖形化使用者介面 | GUI | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339458 | 電腦圖像 | Computer-Generated Icons | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339459 | 專利暨衝突訴願委員會 | Board of Patent Appeal and Interferences | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339460 | 專利暨衝突訴願委員會 | BPAI | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339461 | 美國法典 | United States Code | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339462 | 用於顯示面板的圖像 | icon for a display screen | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339463 | 基本單元 | basic unit | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339464 | 書面說明要件 | The Written Description Requirement | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339465 | 美國發明法案 | AIA | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339466 | 惰性氣體 | inert gas | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339467 | 惰性流體 | inert fluid | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339468 | 要件除去原則 | The Omitted Element Test | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339469 | 複數判斷因素 | A Multi-Factor Test | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339470 | 例外及限制 | exception and limitation | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339471 | 法律明確性 | legal certainty | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339472 | 世界智慧財產權組織表演及錄音物條約 | The WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339473 | 世界智慧財產權組織表演及錄音物條約 | WPPT | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339474 | 暫時性重製 | temporary acts of reproduction | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339475 | 非營利性 | non-commercial | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339476 | 教育機構 | educational establishments | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339477 | 限於特殊情形 | in certain special cases | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339478 | 數位著作權交易所 | Digital Copyright Exchange | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339479 | 格式轉換 | format shifting | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339480 | 戲謔改作 | parody | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339481 | 圖書典藏 | library archiving | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339482 | 視障者 | visually-impaired people | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339483 | 點字書 | Braille | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339484 | 教育目的之使用 | Educational use | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339485 | 教育錄製組織 | Educational Recording Agency | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339486 | 著作權授權組織 | Copyright Licensing Agency | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339487 | 專用終端 | dedicated terminals | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339488 | 檔案及典藏 | Archiving and Preservation | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339489 | 串流影音 | Streaming | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339490 | 使用者生成內容 | User-generated content | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339491 | 使用者生成內容 | UGC | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339492 | 自然權利 | Droit naturel | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339493 | 著作權密集 | copyright-intensive industries | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339494 | 歐洲法院 | Court of Justice of the European Union | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339495 | 歐洲法院 | CJEU | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339496 | 歐盟運作條約 | Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union ,TFEU | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339497 | 全集體管理團體組織 | collective management organisations | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339498 | 公共諮議 | public consultation | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339499 | 資料探勘 | text and data mining | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339500 | 資料探勘 | TDM | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339501 | 向公眾傳輸 | communication to the public | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339502 | 向公眾提供 | making available to the public | 17 | null | 20230223 |
Subsets and Splits