stringlengths 1
| term_tw_name
stringlengths 1
| term_en_name
stringlengths 1
| source_id
stringclasses 17
values | term_ipc
stringlengths 1
⌀ | date_modify
stringclasses 286
values |
20339603 | 專利權人 | patent assignee | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339604 | 圖文表示 | graphical representation | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339605 | 歐盟商標條例 | CTMR | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339606 | 歐盟理事會 | General Secretariat of the Council | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339607 | 非視覺可感知之商標 | Non-Visual Mark | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339608 | 氣味商標 | Scent Marks | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339609 | 取得後天識別性 | acquired distinctiveness | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339610 | 首次使用日期 | date of first use | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339611 | 肉桂酸甲酯 | methyl cinnamate | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339612 | 色彩層析譜圖 | Chromatograms | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339613 | 圖文表示 | capable of being represented graphically | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339614 | 嗅覺電視 | Smell-o-vision | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339615 | 香味傳輸服務 | Fragrance Communications service | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339616 | 禁止挑戰條款 | Non-Challenge Clauses | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339617 | 權利金膨脹 | royalty inflation | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339618 | 瘦弱專利 | weak patent | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339619 | 前期權利金 | up-front payment | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339620 | 國際工業設計註冊海牙協定 | Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339621 | 關稅暨貿易總協定 | GATT | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339622 | 定量研究法 | Quantitative Research Method | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339623 | 個案研究法 | Case Study Method | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339624 | 回復原狀 | restitutio in integrum | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339625 | 工業設計法條約 | Industrial Design Law and Practice | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339626 | 諷刺作品 | satire | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339627 | 創意表達 | creative expression | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339628 | 精心重述 | elaborate recounting | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339629 | 要約 | abridgement | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339630 | 取代 | supersede | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339631 | 合理必要 | reasonably necessary | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339632 | 逐字複製 | verbatim copying | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339633 | 駁斥 | rejoinder | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339634 | 衍生性著作 | derivative work | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339635 | 轉化利用 | transformative use | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339636 | 特許 | privileges | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339637 | 無耗竭性 | non-excludability | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339638 | 非敵對性 | non-rivalrous | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339639 | 行為經濟學 | behavioral economics | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339640 | 後見之明的偏見 | hindsight bias | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339641 | 石榴石 | garnet | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339642 | 挪用藝術家 | appropriation artist | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339643 | 強奪 | usurp | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339644 | 最低程度改變 | minimal alterations | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339645 | 保護工業財產權巴黎公約 | the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339646 | 三邊文件查詢網站服務 | Trilateral Document Access Web Service | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339647 | 三邊文件查詢網站服務 | TDX | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339648 | 世界智慧財產權組織著作權條約 | The WIPO Copyright Treaty | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339649 | 世界智慧財產權組織著作權條約 | WCT | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339650 | 雲端寄物櫃 | cloud locker | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339651 | 不可回復的損害 | irreparable harm | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339652 | 永久不可轉讓之使用權 | non-transferable user right for an unlimited period | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339653 | 移轉所有權 | transfer of ownership | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339654 | 有形載體 | tangible medium | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339655 | 無形載體 | intangible medium | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339656 | 議定聲明 | agreed statement | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339657 | 美國食品藥物管理局 | U.S.Food and Drug Administration | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339658 | 美國食品藥物管理局 | FDA | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339659 | 藥品價格競爭及專利期間回復法 | Drug Price Competition and Patent Restoration Act | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339660 | 簡化的新藥上市申請書 | abbreviated new drug application | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339661 | 簡化的新藥上市申請書 | ANDA | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339662 | 尼古清 | Nicorette | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339663 | 非處方藥 | over-the-counter | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339664 | 可著作性 | copyrightability | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339665 | 數位千禧年著作權法案 | The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339666 | 數位千禧年著作權法案 | DMCA | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339667 | 視聽表演北京條約 | Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339668 | 視聽表演北京條約 | BTAP | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339669 | 反交易 | Anti-trafficking | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339670 | 反規避 | Anti-circumvention | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339671 | 保留條款 | saving clause | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339672 | 合法使用 | non-infringing uses | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339673 | 限制接觸 | access control | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339674 | 接觸權 | access right | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339675 | 軟體相容性 | Software interoperability | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339676 | 網路選項相容性 | Interoperability with alternative networks | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339677 | 內容擾亂系統 | Content scrambling system | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339678 | 減緩氣候變遷技術 | CCMTs | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339679 | 生物燃料 | biofuels | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339680 | 太陽熱能 | solar thermal | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339681 | 逆向支付和解 | reverse payment settlement agreement | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339682 | 美國聯邦貿易委員會 | United States Federal Trade Commission | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339683 | 美國聯邦貿易委員會 | FTC | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339684 | 虛偽訴訟 | sham litigation | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339685 | 推定違法 | presumptively illegal | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339686 | 必然揭露理論 | Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339687 | 不可避免且立即的危險 | inevitable and imminent danger | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339688 | 禁制令救濟 | Injunctive Relief | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339689 | 競業禁止約款 | non-compete agreement | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339690 | 對價理論 | Quid Pro Quo | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339691 | 市場障礙 | Market Barrier | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339692 | 暗示的 | suggestive | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339693 | 描述的 | descriptive | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339694 | 通用的 | generic | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339695 | 雙體 | double-entity | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339696 | 任意性 | arbitrariness | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339697 | 狀聲詞 | onomatopoeia | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339698 | 第一元 | firstness | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339699 | 代表項 | representatmen | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339700 | 第二元 | secondness | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339701 | 第三元 | thirdness | 17 | null | 20230223 |
20339702 | 解釋項 | interpretant | 17 | null | 20230223 |