stringlengths 16
stringlengths 15
Recently, Dutch fans at PSV Eindhoven launched a vehement protest against the introduction of wi-fi in their stadium, holding up banners with messages like No wi-fi.
| Recently, Dutch football fans at PSV Eindhoven protested against the introduction of wi-fi in their stadium, holding up banners with messages like No wi-fi.
People present an idealized version of themselves online and we expect to have social lives like those portrayed in the media, says Challis.
| People present an idealized version of themselves online and we expect to have social lives like those we see in the media, says Challis.
Chris French, head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit at Goldsmiths, University of London, is a leading researcher in false memories in people.
| Chris French, of the University of London, is a leading researcher in false memories in people.
Thatcher, who was 87, had been in declining health for some years, suffering from dementia.
| Thatcher, who was 87, had been in poor health for some years, suffering from dementia.
People gathered in the streets of South Africa to celebrate Mandelas life In Soweto, people gathered to sing and dance near the house where he once lived.
| In Soweto, people gathered to sing and dance near the house where he once lived.
Im proud of what I did, he said in an interview by Skype from an undisclosed location.
| Im proud of what I did, he said in an interview by Skype from a secret location.
The protests are being organized by local branches of Unite, with the rst taking place at the British Museum branch of PizzaExpress in London.
| The rst is taking place at the British Museum branch of PizzaExpress in London.
That really stuck in my throat and I kicked up a bit of a fuss.
| That really stuck in my throat and I kicked up a fuss.
Leahy and Sensenbrenner say yes; Feinstein says no.
| Leahy says yes; Feinstein says no.
Some trends suggest that British people are becoming more prudent in what they put on their plates, with the average consumption of fruit, both fresh and processed, increasing by 50% since 1974.
| Some trends suggest that British people are becoming more careful about what they put on their plates, with the average consumption of fruit increasing by 50% since 1974.
Researchers believe the mirror could slash the amount of energy used to control air temperatures in business premises and shopping centres by doing away with power-hungry cooling systems.
| Researchers believe the mirror could slash the amount of energy used to control air temperatures in business premises and shopping centres because they wont need to use cooling systems.
Its hard to say how much I earned a shift; maybe around 40, 20 from card tips.
| Its hard to say how much I earned a shift; maybe around 40.
He recently lost his job as a car-park attendant due to ill health and had to take in his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
| He recently lost his job due to bad health and had to take in his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
You can be Aagot, Arney or sfrur; Baldey, Bebba or Br.
| In Iceland, you can be called Aagot, Arney or sfrur; Baldey, Bebba or Br.
What a historic fool of epochal proportions Id look if they opened it in 2114 and it wasnt any good.
| Id look such a fool if they opened it in 2114 and it wasnt any good.
The Labour Law of Bangladesh 2006 bans children under the age of 14 from working but, according to the UN childrens agency, UNICEF, 4.7 million children under that age are employed in the informal sector and 1.3 million aged five to 17 work in hazardous industries.
| The Labour Law of Bangladesh 2006 does not allow children under the age of 14 to work but, according to the UN childrens agency, UNICEF, 4.7 million children under that age are employed and 1.3 million aged five to 17 work in hazardous industries.
Fitted with his tracker, he is set free above the city, where he identifies clandestine dumps and records the GPS coordinates on a live map.
| Fitted with his tracker, he is set free above the city, where he identifies secret or hidden dumps and records the GPS coordinates on a live map.
At the same time, the researchers shone light into the mouse brains to activate their memories of the first chamber.
| At the same time, the researchers shone light into the mouse brains to activate their memories of the first box.
Lord Carnarvon said then: It was just after the banking crisis and it was gloom in all directions.
| Lord Carnarvon said then: It was just after the banking crisis and we were worried.
The aim of the bill has always been to respect the wishes of the deceased; however, relatives or friends may object to consent being deemed based on what they know about the views of the deceased.
| The aim of the scheme has always been to respect the wishes of the deceased; however, relatives or friends may object to consent.
One in four men who call the emotional support charity Samaritans mention loneliness or isolation and Get Connected is a free confidential helpline for young people, where they can seek help with emotional and mental health issues often linked to loneliness.
| One in four men who call the emotional support charity Samaritans mention loneliness or isolation and Get Connected is a free confidential helpline for young people, where they can get help with emotional and mental health problems often linked to loneliness.
For the Adesso Parto (Now Im leaving) programme, Elmass council has allocated 12,000 on a rst-come, rst-served basis to applicants aged between 18 and 50.
| For the Adesso Parto (Now Im leaving) programme, Elmass council will give 12,000 on a rst-come, rst-served basis to applicants aged between 18 and 50.
The hope is to introduce it across the 450 schools in the region if a pilot is successful.
| The hope is to introduce it across the 450 schools in their region if a pilot programme is successful.
A walk-in wardrobe was a must for 28%, almost a quarter (24%) opted for a property behind electric gates, and 22% had a games room, with 7% installing a snooker table.
| A walk-in wardrobe was absolutely necessary for 28%, almost a quarter (24%) chose a property behind electric gates, and 22% had a games room, with 7% installing a snooker table.
All of these apps plug into your phone book and your photo library.
| All of these apps use your smartphone they plug into your phone book and your photo library.
But, in a country where only an estimated 5% of the population has unrestricted access to the internet, a facility that is both free of charge and free of restrictions is being hailed as an unprecedented boon.
| But, in a country where only about 5% of the population has unrestricted access to the internet, a facility that is both free of charge and free of restrictions is being welcomed.
The second theme, entwined with it, is the shift outside Africa from communicable diseases and the common causes of mother and baby deaths to what are sometimes termed lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer some of which have significant genetic triggers.
| A second factor is the move outside Africa from communicable diseases and the common causes of mother and baby deaths to what are sometimes termed lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer some of which have significant genetic triggers.
Hes staying at the local council house and a family is feeding him, said Fjeldstad, who added that the man had a basic health check and was found to have low blood pressure, but did not appear to have any life-threatening conditions and was able to walk with the aid of men on the island.
| Hes staying at the local council house and a family is feeding him, said Fjeldstad, who added that the man had a basic health check and was found to have low blood pressure, but did not appear to have any life-threatening conditions and was able to walk.
Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the IEA, said: Coals share of the global energy mix continues to grow each year and, if no changes are made to current policies, coal will catch oil within a decade.
| Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the IEA, said that coal consumption continues to grow each year and, if no changes are made, coal will catch oil within a decade.
Glow-in-the-dark trees When most people think of trees that glow in the dark, Christmas baubles and fallen pine needles usually come to mind.
| Glow-in-the-dark trees When most people think of trees that glow in the dark, Christmas trees usually come to mind.
was one question on the Our Food Your Questions website referring to the controversial beef ller (gristle and fat) used for dog food that is sprayed with ammonia to make it t for human consumption.
| was one question on the Our Food Your Questions website this refers to the controversial beef ller used for dog food that is sprayed with ammonia to make it t for human consumption.
However, if appropriate measures are implemented, population ageing does not inevitably lead to significantly higher health care spending, according to the report, which highlights the importance of long-term investments in education and health care for older people.
| However, population ageing does not always lead to significantly higher health care spending, according to the report, which highlights the importance of long-term investments in education and health care for older people.
Actually you do get used to it after a while, said George, an IT technician from a village on the coast.
| Actually you do get used to it after a while, said George, an IT technician.
I hate to think, he says, but mentions the Swiss climber, Ueli Steck, who fled the mountain in April following what Cool terms an altercation with a crowd of Sherpas at Camp 2.
| I hate to think, he says, but mentions the Swiss climber, Ueli Steck, who fled the mountain in April after an argument with a crowd of Sherpas at Camp 2.
That shift has been particularly marked in Latin America, the Middle East and south-east and even south Asia, he said.
| That change has been particularly marked in Latin America, the Middle East and south-east and even south Asia, he said.
Not particularly sporty at school, she started playing the piano for a keep-fit class during the second world war just for something to do during the blackouts, really and eventually took over in her 40s when the previous instructor retired.
| She wasnt particularly sporty at school, but she started playing the piano for a keep-fit class during the second world war and eventually took over in her 40s when the previous instructor retired.
But, a restoration project of derelict tower rooms has begun that will eventually allow visitors to climb up into the tower to an exhibition showcasing the work of the architect of the Houses of Parliament, Sir Charles Barry, who rebuilt the house between 1839 and 1842.
| But, a restoration project of tower rooms has begun that will eventually allow visitors to climb up into the tower to an exhibition showing the work of the architect of the Houses of Parliament, Sir Charles Barry, who rebuilt the house between 1839 and 1842.
The car, in fact, takes over all the tasks of navigation, steering, acceleration and braking.
| The car, in fact, does all the tasks of navigation, steering, acceleration and braking.
This is, instead, approximated by peer support such as online discussion forums.
| Instead, they get peer support, such as online discussion forums.
It has even filtered into the world of classical music, with one of the worlds leading pianists surprising concert-goers in June 2013 when he stormed off stage because a fan was filming his performance on a smartphone.
| Even in the world of classical music, one of the worlds leading pianists surprised concertgoers in June 2013 when he stormed off stage because a fan was filming his performance on a smartphone.
It was not so much how hard people found the challenge but how far they would go to avoid it that left researchers gobsmacked.
| What surprised researchers was not how hard people found the challenge but how far they would go to avoid it.
It has been a whirlwind week for the crews of the otilla of four sailing canoes since arriving in Sydney for the start of the World Parks Congress.
| It has been a busy week for the crews of four sailing canoes since arriving in Sydney for the start of the World Parks Congress.
However, it turns out pointing a camera at someones chest or hips feels just as creepy as facial recognition.
| However, pointing a camera at someones chest or hips feels just as creepy as facial recognition.
Teixeira, the former son-in-law of the longstanding FIFA president Joo Havelange, was charged alongside Del Nero and his predecessor, Jos Maria Marin, who was charged in May.
| Teixeira, the former son-in-law of the FIFA ex-president Joo Havelange, was charged alongside Del Nero and his predecessor Jos Maria Marin, who was charged in May.
The forms included questions about each apes mood, the enjoyment they gained from socializing, and their success at achieving certain goals.
| The forms included questions about each apes mood, the enjoyment they got from socializing, and their success at achieving certain goals.
Blackett, Fischer and some mates had driven to Sainsburys at 12.45am after retreating from the bedlam of Tescos 24-hour Lea Valley supermarket, where the Black Friday sale started at midnight.
| Blackett, Fischer and some friends had driven to Sainsburys at 12.45am after leaving the bedlam of a Tesco 24-hour supermarket, where the Black Friday sale started at midnight.
The team also announced that the heart-shaped feature visible on Pluto will now be known as the Tombaugh Regio, in honour of Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered the dwarf planet in 1930.
| The team also announced that the heart-shaped feature visible on Pluto will now be known as the Tombaugh Regio, after Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered the dwarf planet in 1930.
It is possible that this approach could be used to decode information about what words a person is hearing, reading or possibly even thinking, said Alexander Huth, the rst author on the study.
| It is possible that this approach could be used to decode information about what words a person is hearing, reading or possibly even thinking, said Alexander Huth, the main author of the study.
However, Raymond Lumbuenamo, country director for WWF Democratic Republic of the Congo, based in Kinshassa, said that security in and around the park would deteriorate further if SOCO went ahead with its exploration plans.
| However, Raymond Lumbuenamo, country director for WWF Democratic Republic of the Congo, based in Kinshassa, said that security in and around the park would get worse if SOCO went ahead with its exploration plans.
In 2014, a decade after its launch, 56% of internet users aged 65 and older have a Facebook account.
| In 2014, ten years after its launch, 56% of internet users aged 65 and older have a Facebook account.
The resulting study, The Joys and Dilemmas of Wealth, was 500 pages long and seemed to prove the old adage that money cant buy happiness.
| The report, The Joys and Dilemmas of Wealth, was 500 pages long and seemed to prove the old saying that money cant buy happiness.
The mirror is built from several layers of wafer-thin materials.
| The mirror is built from several layers of very thin materials.
On a canoe, you are not just going from one destination to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
| He continues, On a canoe, you are not just going from one destination to another using the stars, the moon, the sun and the birds.
At one point, he consults a French language expert to check if he should be using cool and other Anglicisms he was advised to swap it for the nearest French equivalent: chouette.
| At one point, he asked a French language expert to check if he should use cool and other English words he was advised to swap it for the nearest French equivalent: chouette.
Holger von Neuhoff, curator for ocean and science at the museum, said this bottled message was the oldest he had come across.
| Holger von Neuhoff, a curator at the museum, said this bottled message was the oldest he had come across.
Following the release of the documentary, attendance collapsed, the company lost more than half of its market value on Wall Street and its former CEO was forced out.
| After the documentary was shown, attendance collapsed and the company lost more than half of its market value on Wall Street.
Three quarters of the worlds food production is thought to depend on bees and other pollinators such as hoverflies.
| Three quarters of the worlds food production is thought to depend on bees and other pollinators.
SeaWorld has suffered an 84% collapse in pro ts as customers have deserted the controversial aquatic theme park company following claims it mistreated orca whales.
| SeaWorld has suffered an 84% collapse in pro ts customers have deserted the controversial aquatic theme park company because of claims that it mistreated orca whales.
But I dont think I would ever say Im absolutely, 100% done, he added, noting the sudden successes of private space ight companies such as SpaceX.
| But I dont think I would ever say Im absolutely, 100% nished, he added, because of the sudden successes of private space ight companies such as SpaceX.
In 2014, Bowie was given the Brit Award for Best British Male, making him the oldest British recipient in the awards history.
| In 2014, Bowie was given the Brit Award for Best British Male, making him the oldest person to get the award.
He cited the need for both parties to find common ground and take steps together to help our economy grow and create jobs, which is critical to solving our debt.
| He talked about the need for both parties to find common ground and take steps together to help our economy grow and create jobs, which is critical to solving our debt.
PizzaExpress says the charge is mentioned in small print at the bottom of its menus but the employee who wrote to Unite said that, when she mentioned the charge to customers, it always came as a surprise.
| But the employee who wrote to Unite said that, when she mentioned the charge to customers, they were always surprised.
The index, developed with the UN Fund for Population and Development, spans 91 countries and 89% of the worlds older people.
| The index, developed with the UN Fund for Population and Development, covers 91 countries and 89% of the worlds older people.
He had his first UK number 1 album with Aladdin Sane (1973), which generated the hit singles The Jean Genie and Drive-in Saturday.
| He had his first UK number 1 album with Aladdin Sane (1973), which included the hit singles The Jean Genie and Drive-in Saturday.
The growing of coca leaves is legal and licensed 12 in Bolivia.
| The growing of coca leaves is legal and licensed in Bolivia.
That made a difference to me, keeping my sanity.
| That made a difference to me it kept my sanity.
Dr Gavin Sandercock, from the Centre for Sports and Exercise Science at Essex University, and colleagues found that autumn-born children enjoyed a clear physical advantage over their classmates.
| Dr Gavin Sandercock of Essex University and colleagues found that autumn-born children had a clear physical advantage over their classmates.
As the guest of a British charity, the Wolves and Humans Foundation, Mys_ajek toured the Scottish Highlands in 2015 and took questions from villagers about the Polish experience.
| Mys_ajek toured the Scottish Highlands in 2015 for the Wolves and Humans Foundation and answered questions from villagers about the Polish experience.
He reduced the number of showers he had and eliminated shampoo and soap when he did.
| He reduced the number of showers he had and did not use shampoo or soap when he had a shower.
The idea for the school was first touted by some of that group at the start of the summer, when they were bored with sitting around waiting and nervous about starting a new life in France totally unable to communicate.
| The idea for the school was first suggested by some of the asylum seekers at the start of the summer, when they were bored with sitting around waiting and nervous about starting a new life in France totally unable to communicate.
Suddenly aware of Donanas status as the nations most important natural site, Spain decided to spend a further 360m, some of it EU money, on restoring the landscape, which, in the 1950s and 60s, had been drained in places to create rice and cotton elds.
| Suddenly aware of Donanas status as the nations most important natural site, Spain decided to spend a further 360m, some of it EU money, on restoring the landscape.
The participation of the internet companies in PRISM will add to the debate about the scale of surveillance by the intelligence services.
| The participation of the internet companies in PRISM will add to the debate about the level of surveillance by the intelligence services.
Four years ago, the prince had to be spirited out of Afghanistan during his first tour after a media embargo was broken by mistake by an Australian magazine.
| Four years ago, the prince had to be taken out of Afghanistan during his first tour after a media silence was broken by mistake by an Australian magazine.
Chinas official Xinhua News Agency had accused Washington of jeopardizing other countries dollar assets.
| Chinas official Xinhua News Agency accused the US of jeopardizing other countries dollar assets.
There would probably be fewer accidents as drivers would be more alert, he says.
| There would probably be fewer accidents because drivers would be more alert, he says.
Police and intelligence agencies around the world have, for almost 100 years, relied on lie detectors to help convict criminals or unearth spies and traitors.
| Police and intelligence agencies around the world have, for almost 100 years, used lie detectors to help convict criminals or find spies and traitors.
Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion has been 20%.
| Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion was 20%.
Her father works in a rickshaw garage and her mother is a domestic worker, but they were keen for their daughter to go to school.
| Her father works in a rickshaw garage and her mother is a domestic worker, but they wanted their daughter to go to school.
Leifert has had a lot of disagreements with a lot of people.
| He added, Leifert has had a lot of disagreements with a lot of people.
And, if they disappear, so does Males raison detre.
| And, if they disappear, Males raison detre disappears, too.
Basfords intricately drawn pictures of flora and fauna in Secret Garden have sold 1.4 million copies worldwide to date, with the newly released follow-up Enchanted Forest selling just under 226,000 copies already.
| Basfords intricately drawn pictures of flora and fauna in Secret Garden have sold 1.4 million copies worldwide, with the next book, Enchanted Forest, selling just under 226,000 copies already.
Lack of paid work (hence savings), less decision-making power in the family and vulnerability to violence contribute towards the disadvantage many women face in old age.
| Many women face disadvantages in old age because of lack of paid work (and therefore also savings), less decision-making power in the family and the fact that they are vulnerable to violence.
"There are riches here, riches that are badly needed by local inhabitants, said Vicente Fernandez Guerrero, secretary-general of Innovation, Industry and Energy for Andalucia.
| There are riches here, riches that are badly needed by local inhabitants, said energy spokesman Vicente Fernandez Guerrero.
We import 94% of our energy as fossil fuels from abroad and that has big consequences for our state budget, el-Haite told the Guardian.
| We import 94% of our energy as fossil fuels from other countries and that has big consequences for our state budget, el-Haite told the Guardian.
PizzaExpress branches are to be targeted by protesters as part of an attempt to get the restaurant chain to stop creaming off a proportion of tips for staff that have been paid on credit and debit cards.
| PizzaExpress branches are to be targeted by protesters, in an attempt to get the restaurant chain to stop taking a proportion of tips for staff that have been paid on credit and debit cards.
Cafe_ Rouge, Bella Italia and Belgo deduct 10%, as do Strada and Giraffe, which is owned by Tesco.
| Cafe_ Rouge, Bella Italia and Belgo deduct 10%; so do Strada and Giraffe.
A commander of the armys most sophisticated attack helicopter, the prince said he had fired on the Taliban during operations to support ground troops and rescue injured Afghan and NATO personnel.
| A commander of the armys most sophisticated attack helicopter, the prince said he had shot at the Taliban during operations to support ground troops and rescue injured Afghan and NATO personnel.
But Pelphrey said oxytocin might help the brain learn from social interactions; it would work best when used with therapies that encourage people with autism to engage more socially, he said.
| But Pelphrey said oxytocin might help the brain learn from social interactions; it would work best when used with therapies that encourage people with autism to interact more socially, he said.
Want to know who gets the most sleep and the best quality of sleep in America?
| Do you know who gets the most sleep and the best quality of sleep in America?
There are some people who will not or cannot change.
| Of course, there are some people who will not or cannot change.
But, even if driverless technology were ready to hit the roads now, it would take a long time to get fully automated given the average age of cars on the road is 11.5 years old.
| But, even if driverless technology were ready to use now, it would take a long time to get fully automated because the average age of cars on the road is 11.5 years old.
The former referees agree that the backup, education and tools that todays referees have is a world away from what they experienced in their own days.
| The former referees agree that the backup, education and tools that todays referees have is very different from what they experienced in their own days.
The team, led by Professor Carlo Leifert at Newcastle University, concludes that there are statistically signi cant, meaningful differences, with a range of antioxidants being substantially higher between 19% and 69% in organic food.
| The team, led by Professor Carlo Leifert, concludes that there are statistically signi cant differences, with a range of antioxidants being substantially higher between 19% and 69% in organic food.
To anyone who thinks two minutes of air is no more than a minor improvement on snorkelling, Redmond says it could make all the difference underwater.
| To anyone who thinks two minutes of air is no more than a very small improvement on snorkelling, Redmond says it could make a big difference underwater.
Allowing private companies to register geographical names as gTLDs to reinforce their brand strategy or to profit from the meaning of these names does not serve, in our view, the public interest, the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology said.
| Allowing private companies to register geographical names as gTLDs to strengthen their brand or to profit from the meaning of these names is not, in our view, in the public interest, the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology said.
McDonalds has seen 12 straight months of declining sales in its massive home market, with sales down 4.1% in the latest quarter.
| McDonalds has seen 12 straight months of falling sales in its massive home market, with sales down 4.1% in the latest quarter.
In Australia, a TV anchorman apologized over his robust no, thanks response to being nominated.
| In Australia, a TV anchorman apologized over his strong no, thanks response to being nominated.
Unveiling a car with a top speed of 25mph, two seats and no pedals or steering wheel might not make much of an impression at a motor show.
| A car with a top speed of 25mph, two seats and no pedals or steering wheel might not make much of an impression at a motor show.
Lazenby only lasted a single film, while Daltons two efforts, The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill coincided with a period in the late 80s when the 007 movie had been thoroughly eclipsed by more aggressive, slickly produced Hollywood action movies.
| Lazenby only lasted a single film and Daltons two efforts, The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill, were during a period in the late 80s when the 007 movie was eclipsed by more aggressive, slick Hollywood action movies.
This was a year of further creative triumph, bringing a fine album, Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and its spinoff chart-topping single, Ashes to Ashes, followed by Bowies well-received stint as John Merrick in The Elephant Man on the Broadway stage.
| This was a year of further creative triumph, bringing a fine album, Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and its chart-topping single, Ashes to Ashes, followed by a period playing the title role in The Elephant Man on the Broadway stage.
Subsets and Splits