def idq_torque(id, iq, torque, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of torque vs id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() unit = 'Nm' scale = 1 if np.min(torque) < -9.9e3 or np.max(torque) > 9.9e3: scale = 1e-3 unit = 'kNm' _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, scale*np.asarray(torque), (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Torque/{}'.format(unit)), azim=-60) return ax
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def idq_psiq(id, iq, psiq, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of psiq vs id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, psiq, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'Psi q/Vs'), azim=210)
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def idq_ld(id, iq, ld, ax=0): """creates a surface plot of ld vs. id, iq""" if ax == 0: _create_3d_axis() ax = plt.gca() _plot_surface(ax, id, iq, np.asarray(ld)*1e3, (u'Id/A', u'Iq/A', u'L d/mH'), azim=120)
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def ldlq(bch): """creates the surface plots of a BCH reader object with a ld-lq identification""" beta = bch.ldq['beta'] i1 = bch.ldq['i1'] torque = bch.ldq['torque'] ld = np.array(bch.ldq['ld']) lq = np.array(bch.ldq['lq']) psid = bch.ldq['psid'] psiq = bch.ldq['psiq'] rows = 3 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4*rows)) fig.suptitle('Ld-Lq Identification {}'.format(bch.filename), fontsize=16) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 1, projection='3d') i1beta_torque(i1, beta, torque) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 2, projection='3d') i1beta_psid(i1, beta, psid) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 3, projection='3d') i1beta_psiq(i1, beta, psiq) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 4, projection='3d') try: i1beta_psim(i1, beta, bch.ldq['psim']) except: i1beta_up(i1, beta, bch.ldq['up']) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 5, projection='3d') i1beta_ld(i1, beta, ld) fig.add_subplot(rows, 2, 6, projection='3d') i1beta_lq(i1, beta, lq)
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def felosses(losses, coeffs, title='', log=True, ax=0): """plot iron losses with steinmetz or jordan approximation Args: losses: dict with f, B, pfe values coeffs: list with steinmetz (cw, alpha, beta) or jordan (cw, alpha, ch, beta, gamma) coeffs title: title string log: log scale for x and y axes if True """ import femagtools.losscoeffs as lc if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() fo = losses['fo'] Bo = losses['Bo'] B =*np.min(losses['B']), 1.1*0.9*np.max(losses['B'])) for i, f in enumerate(losses['f']): pfe = [p for p in np.array(losses['pfe'])[i] if p] if f > 0: if len(coeffs) == 5: ax.plot(B, lc.pfe_jordan(f, B, *coeffs, fo=fo, Bo=Bo)) elif len(coeffs) == 3: ax.plot(B, lc.pfe_steinmetz(f, B, *coeffs, fo=fo, Bo=Bo)) plt.plot(losses['B'][:len(pfe)], pfe, marker='o', label="{} Hz".format(f)) ax.set_title("Fe Losses/(W/kg) " + title) if log: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel("Flux Density [T]") # plt.ylabel("Pfe [W/kg]") ax.legend() ax.grid(True)
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def mesh(isa, with_axis=False, ax=0): """plot mesh of I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7 object """ from matplotlib.lines import Line2D if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') for el in isa.elements: pts = [list(i) for i in zip(*[v.xy for v in el.vertices])] ax.add_line(Line2D(pts[0], pts[1], color='b', ls='-', lw=0.25)) # for nc in isa.nodechains: # pts = [list(i) for i in zip(*[(n.x, n.y) for n in nc.nodes])] # ax.add_line(Line2D(pts[0], pts[1], color="b", ls="-", lw=0.25, # marker=".", ms="2", mec="None")) # for nc in isa.nodechains: # if nc.nodemid is not None: # plt.plot(*nc.nodemid.xy, "rx") ax.autoscale(enable=True) if not with_axis: ax.axis('off')
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def demag(isa, ax=0): """plot demag of NC/I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7/NC object """ emag = [e for e in isa.elements if e.is_magnet()] demag = np.array([e.demagnetization(isa.MAGN_TEMPERATURE) for e in emag]) _contour(ax, f'Demagnetization at {isa.MAGN_TEMPERATURE} °C', emag, demag, '-H / kA/m', isa)"Max demagnetization %f", np.max(demag))
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def flux_density(isa, subreg=[], ax=0): """plot flux density of NC/I7/ISA7 model Args: isa: Isa7/NC object """ if subreg: if isinstance(subreg, list): sr = subreg else: sr = [subreg] elements = [e for s in sr for se in isa.get_subregion(s).elements() for e in se] else: elements = [e for e in isa.elements] fluxd = np.array([np.linalg.norm(e.flux_density()) for e in elements]) _contour(ax, f'Flux Density T', elements, fluxd)"Max flux dens %f", np.max(fluxd))
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def mmf(f, title='', ax=0): """plot magnetomotive force (mmf) of winding""" if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.plot(np.array(f['pos'])/np.pi*180, f['mmf']) ax.plot(np.array(f['pos_fft'])/np.pi*180, f['mmf_fft']) ax.set_xlabel('Position / Deg') phi = [f['alfa0']/np.pi*180, f['alfa0']/np.pi*180] y = [min(f['mmf_fft']), 1.1*max(f['mmf_fft'])] ax.plot(phi, y, '--') alfa0 = round(f['alfa0']/np.pi*180, 3) ax.text(phi[0]/2, y[0]+0.05, f"{alfa0}°", ha="center", va="bottom") ax.annotate(f"", xy=(phi[0], y[0]), xytext=(0, y[0]), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) ax.grid()
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def zoneplan(wdg, ax=0): """plot zone plan of winding wdg""" from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle upper, lower = wdg.zoneplan() Qb = len([n for l in upper for n in l]) from femagtools.windings import coil_color rh = 0.5 if lower: yl = rh ymax = 2*rh + 0.2 else: yl = 0 ymax = rh + 0.2 if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() ax.axis('off') ax.set_xlim([-0.5, Qb-0.5]) ax.set_ylim([0, ymax]) ax.set_aspect(Qb/6+0.3) for i, p in enumerate(upper): for x in p: ax.add_patch(Rectangle((abs(x)-1.5, yl), 1, rh, facecolor=coil_color[i], edgecolor='white', fill=True)) s = f'+{i+1}' if x > 0 else f'-{i+1}' ax.text(abs(x)-1, yl+rh/2, s, color='black', ha="center", va="center") for i, p in enumerate(lower): for x in p: ax.add_patch(Rectangle((abs(x)-1.5, yl-rh), 1, rh, facecolor=coil_color[i], edgecolor='white', fill=True)) s = f'+{i+1}' if x > 0 else f'-{i+1}' ax.text(abs(x)-1, yl-rh/2, s, color='black', ha="center", va="center") yu = yl+rh step = 1 if Qb < 25 else 2 if lower: yl -= rh margin = 0.05 ax.text(-0.5, yu+margin, f'Q={wdg.Q}, p={wdg.p}, q={round(wdg.q,4)}', ha='left', va='bottom', size=15) for i in range(0, Qb, step): ax.text(i, yl-margin, f'{i+1}', ha="center", va="top")
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def winding(wdg, ax=0): """plot coils of windings wdg""" from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from femagtools.windings import coil_color coil_len = 25 coil_height = 4 dslot = 8 arrow_head_length = 2 arrow_head_width = 2 if ax == 0: ax = plt.gca() z = wdg.zoneplan() xoff = 0 if z[-1]: xoff = 0.75 yd = dslot*wdg.yd mh = 2*coil_height/yd slots = sorted([abs(n) for m in z[0] for n in m]) smax = slots[-1]*dslot for n in slots: x = n*dslot ax.add_patch(Rectangle((x + dslot/4, 1), dslot / 2, coil_len - 2, fc="lightblue")) ax.text(x, coil_len / 2, str(n), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", backgroundcolor="white", bbox=dict(boxstyle='circle,pad=0', fc="white", lw=0)) line_thickness = [0.6, 1.2] for i, layer in enumerate(z): b = -xoff if i else xoff lw = line_thickness[i] for m, mslots in enumerate(layer): for k in mslots: x = abs(k) * dslot + b xpoints = [] ypoints = [] if (i == 0 and (k > 0 or (k < 0 and wdg.l > 1))): # first layer, positive dir or neg. dir and 2-layers: # from right bottom if x + yd > smax+b: dx = dslot if yd > dslot else yd/4 xpoints = [x + yd//2 + dx - xoff] ypoints = [-coil_height + mh*dx] xpoints += [x + yd//2 - xoff, x, x, x + yd//2-xoff] ypoints += [-coil_height, 0, coil_len, coil_len+coil_height] if x + yd > smax+b: xpoints += [x + yd//2 + dx - xoff] ypoints += [coil_len+coil_height - mh*dx] else: # from left bottom if x - yd < 0: # and x - yd/2 > -3*dslot: dx = dslot if yd > dslot else yd/4 xpoints = [x - yd//2 - dx + xoff] ypoints = [- coil_height + mh*dx] xpoints += [x - yd//2+xoff, x, x, x - yd/2+xoff] ypoints += [-coil_height, 0, coil_len, coil_len+coil_height] if x - yd < 0: # and x - yd > -3*dslot: xpoints += [x - yd//2 - dx + xoff] ypoints += [coil_len + coil_height - mh*dx] ax.add_line(Line2D(xpoints, ypoints, color=coil_color[m], lw=lw)) if k > 0: h = arrow_head_length y = coil_len * 0.8 else: h = -arrow_head_length y = coil_len * 0.2 ax.arrow(x, y, 0, h, length_includes_head=True, head_starts_at_zero=False, head_length=arrow_head_length, head_width=arrow_head_width, fc=coil_color[m], lw=0) if False: # TODO show winding connections m = 0 for k in [n*wdg.Q/wdg.p/wdg.m + 1 for n in range(wdg.m)]: if k < len(slots): x = k * dslot + b + yd/2 - xoff ax.add_line(Line2D([x, x], [-2*coil_height, -coil_height], color=coil_color[m], lw=lw)) ax.text(x, -2*coil_height+0.5, str(m+1), color=coil_color[m]) m += 1 ax.autoscale(enable=True) ax.set_axis_off()
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def characteristics(char, title=''): fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8), sharex=True) if title: fig.suptitle(title) n = np.array(char['n'])*60 pmech = np.array(char['pmech'])*1e-3 axs[0, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['T']), 'C0-', label='Torque') axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("Torque / Nm") axs[0, 0].grid() axs[0, 0].legend(loc='center left') ax1 = axs[0, 0].twinx() ax1.plot(n, pmech, 'C1-', label='P mech') ax1.set_ylabel("Power / kW") ax1.legend(loc='lower center') axs[0, 1].plot(n[1:], np.array(char['u1'][1:]), 'C0-', label='Voltage') axs[0, 1].set_ylabel("Voltage / V",) axs[0, 1].grid() axs[0, 1].legend(loc='center left') ax2 = axs[0, 1].twinx() ax2.plot(n[1:], char['cosphi'][1:], 'C1-', label='Cos Phi') ax2.set_ylabel("Cos Phi") ax2.legend(loc='lower right') if 'id' in char: axs[1, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['id']), label='Id') if 'iq' in char: axs[1, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['iq']), label='Iq') axs[1, 0].plot(n, np.array(char['i1']), label='I1') axs[1, 0].set_xlabel("Speed / rpm") axs[1, 0].set_ylabel("Current / A") axs[1, 0].legend(loc='center left') if 'beta' in char: ax3 = axs[1, 0].twinx() ax3.plot(n, char['beta'], 'C3-', label='Beta') ax3.set_ylabel("Beta / °") ax3.legend(loc='center right') axs[1, 0].grid() plfe = np.array(char['plfe'])*1e-3 plcu = np.array(char['plcu'])*1e-3 pl = np.array(char['losses'])*1e-3 axs[1, 1].plot(n, plcu, 'C0-', label='Cu Losses') axs[1, 1].plot(n, plfe, 'C1-', label='Fe Losses') axs[1, 1].set_ylabel("Losses / kW") axs[1, 1].legend(loc='center left') axs[1, 1].grid() axs[1, 1].set_xlabel("Speed / rpm") ax4 = axs[1, 1].twinx() ax4.plot(n[1:-1], char['eta'][1:-1], 'C3-', label="Eta") ax4.legend(loc='upper center') ax4.set_ylabel("Efficiency") fig.tight_layout()
[ 17, 10, 17, 4, 1471511034 ]
def __init__(self, out='noise', realization=0, component=0, noise='noise', rate=None, altFFT=False): # We call the parent class constructor, which currently does nothing super().__init__() self._out = out self._oversample = 2 self._realization = realization self._component = component self._noisekey = noise self._rate = rate self._altfft = altFFT
[ 29, 32, 29, 55, 1428597089 ]
def test_scaffold(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'foo', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': (), 'include': (), } })
[ 26, 5, 26, 12, 1432888733 ]
def test_scaffold_with_custom_dir(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo', 'bar']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'bar', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': (), 'include': (), } })
[ 26, 5, 26, 12, 1432888733 ]
def test_scaffold_with_requirements(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo', '--require', 'bar']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'foo', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': ('bar',), 'include': (), } })
[ 26, 5, 26, 12, 1432888733 ]
def test_scaffold_with_includes(self, mock_cookiecutter): from molo.core.scripts import cli package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.scaffold, ['foo', '--include', 'bar', 'baz']) [call] = mock_cookiecutter.call_args_list args, kwargs = call self.assertTrue(kwargs['extra_context'].pop('secret_key')) self.assertEqual(kwargs, { 'no_input': True, 'extra_context': { 'app_name': 'foo', 'directory': 'foo', 'author': 'Praekelt Foundation', 'author_email': '', 'url': None, 'license': 'BSD', 'molo_version': package.version, 'require': (), 'include': (('bar', 'baz'),), } })
[ 26, 5, 26, 12, 1432888733 ]
def test_unpack(self, mock_copytree, mock_get_template_dirs, mock_get_package): package = pkg_resources.get_distribution('molo.core') mock_get_package.return_value = package mock_get_template_dirs.return_value = ['foo'] mock_copytree.return_value = True from molo.core.scripts import cli runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli.unpack_templates, ['app1', 'app2']) mock_copytree.assert_called_with( pkg_resources.resource_filename('molo.core', 'templates/foo'), pkg_resources.resource_filename('molo.core', 'templates/foo'))
[ 26, 5, 26, 12, 1432888733 ]
def test_version_constants(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION") assert space.int_w(w_res) == 4 w_res = space.execute("return Marshal::MINOR_VERSION") assert space.int_w(w_res) == 8 w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump('test')[0].ord") assert space.int_w(w_res) == 4 w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump('test')[1].ord") assert space.int_w(w_res) == 8
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_load_constants(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load('\x04\b0')") assert w_res == space.w_nil w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load('\x04\bT')") assert w_res == space.w_true w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load('\x04\bF')") assert w_res == space.w_false
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_tiny_integer(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(5)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\n" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(100)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bii" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(0)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x00" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-1)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\xFA" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-123)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x80" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(122)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x7F"
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_array(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump([])") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b[\x00" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump([nil])") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b[\x060" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump([nil, true, false])") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b[\b0TF" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump([1, 2, 3])") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b[\x08i\x06i\x07i\x08" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump([1, [2, 3], 4])") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b[\bi\x06[\ai\ai\bi\t" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump([:foo, :bar])") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b[\a:\bfoo:\bbar"
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_symbol(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(:abc)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b:\babc" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(('hello' * 25).to_sym)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b:\x01}" + "hello" * 25 w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(('hello' * 100).to_sym)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b:\x02\xF4\x01" + "hello" * 100
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_hash(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump({})") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\b{\x00" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump({1 => 2, 3 => 4})") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == "\x04\b{\ai\x06i\ai\bi\t" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump({1 => {2 => 3}, 4 => 5})") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == "\x04\b{\ai\x06{\x06i\ai\bi\ti\n" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump({1234 => {23456 => 3456789}, 4 => 5})") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == "\x04\b{\ai\x02\xD2\x04{\x06i\x02\xA0[i\x03\x15\xBF4i\ti\n"
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_integer(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(123)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x01{" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(255)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x01\xFF" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(256)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x02\x00\x01" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(2 ** 16 - 2)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x02\xFE\xFF" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(2 ** 16 - 1)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x02\xFF\xFF" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(2 ** 16)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x03\x00\x00\x01" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(2 ** 16 + 1)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x03\x01\x00\x01" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(2 ** 30 - 1)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x04\xFF\xFF\xFF?" # TODO: test tooo big numbers (they give a warning and inf)
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_negative_integer(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-1)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\xFA" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-123)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\x80" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-124)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\xFF\x84" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-256)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\xFF\x00" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-257)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\xFE\xFF\xFE" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-(2 ** 30))") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bi\xFC\x00\x00\x00\xC0"
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_float(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(0.0)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\x060" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(0.1)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\b0.1" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(1.0)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\x061" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(1.1)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\b1.1" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(1.001)") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\n1.001" #w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(123456789.123456789)") #assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\x17123456789.12345679" #w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-123456789.123456789)") #assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\x18-123456789.12345679" #w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump(-0.0)") #assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bf\a-0"
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_dump_string(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump('')") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bI\"\x00\x06:\x06ET" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump('abc')") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bI\"\babc\x06:\x06ET" w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.dump('i am a longer string')") assert space.str_w(w_res) == "\x04\bI\"\x19i am a longer string\x06:\x06ET"
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_array(self, space): w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load(Marshal.dump([1, 2, 3]))") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == [1, 2, 3] w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load(Marshal.dump([1, [2, 3], 4]))") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == [1, [2, 3], 4] w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load(Marshal.dump([130, [2, 3], 4]))") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == [130, [2, 3], 4] w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load(Marshal.dump([-10000, [2, 123456], -9000]))") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == [-10000, [2, 123456], -9000] w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load(Marshal.dump([:foo, :bar]))") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == ["foo", "bar"] w_res = space.execute("return Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(['foo', 'bar']))") assert self.unwrap(space, w_res) == ["foo", "bar"]
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def test_short_data(self, space): with self.raises(space, "ArgumentError", "marshal data too short"): space.execute("Marshal.load('')")
[ 19, 2, 19, 1, 1346685898 ]
def md5(file_path): """Get md5 hash of a file. Parameters ---------- file_path: str File path. Returns ------- md5_hash: str md5 hash of data in file_path """ hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(file_path, 'rb') as fhandle: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest()
[ 273, 52, 273, 69, 1550182293 ]
def make_irmas_index(irmas_data_path): count = 0 irmas_dict = dict() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(irmas_data_path): for directory in dirs: if 'Train' in directory: for root_, dirs_, files_ in os.walk( os.path.join(irmas_data_path, directory) ): for directory_ in dirs_: for root__, dirs__, files__ in os.walk( os.path.join(irmas_data_path, directory, directory_) ): for file in files__: if file.endswith('.wav'): if 'dru' in file: irmas_id_dru = file.split(']')[3] # Obtain id irmas_id_dru_no_wav = irmas_id_dru.split('.')[ 0 ] # Obtain id without '.wav' irmas_dict[irmas_id_dru_no_wav] = os.path.join( directory, directory_, file ) if 'nod' in file: irmas_id_nod = file.split(']')[3] # Obtain id irmas_id_nod_no_wav = irmas_id_nod.split('.')[ 0 ] # Obtain id without '.wav' irmas_dict[irmas_id_nod_no_wav] = os.path.join( directory, directory_, file ) else: irmas_id = file.split(']')[2] # Obtain id irmas_id_no_wav = irmas_id.split('.')[ 0 ] # Obtain id without '.wav' irmas_dict[irmas_id_no_wav] = os.path.join( directory, directory_, file ) irmas_test_dict = dict() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(irmas_data_path): for directory in dirs: if 'Test' in directory: for root_, dirs_, files_ in os.walk( os.path.join(irmas_data_path, directory) ): for directory_ in dirs_: for root__, dirs__, files__ in os.walk( os.path.join(irmas_data_path, directory, directory_) ): for file in files__: if file.endswith('.wav'): file_name = os.path.join( directory, directory_, file ) track_name = str(file_name.split('.wa')[0]) + '.txt' irmas_test_dict[count] = [file_name, track_name] count += 1 irmas_id_list = sorted(irmas_dict.items()) # Sort strokes by id irmas_index = {} for inst in irmas_id_list: print(inst[1]) audio_checksum = md5(os.path.join(irmas_data_path, inst[1])) irmas_index[inst[0]] = { 'audio': (inst[1], audio_checksum), 'annotation': (inst[1], audio_checksum), } index = 1 for inst in irmas_test_dict.values(): audio_checksum = md5(os.path.join(irmas_data_path, inst[0])) annotation_checksum = md5(os.path.join(irmas_data_path, inst[1])) irmas_index[index] = { 'audio': (inst[0], audio_checksum), 'annotation': (inst[1], annotation_checksum), } index += 1 with open(IRMAS_INDEX_PATH, 'w') as fhandle: json.dump(irmas_index, fhandle, indent=2)
[ 273, 52, 273, 69, 1550182293 ]
def main(args): make_irmas_index(args.irmas_data_path) # make_irmas_test_index(args.irmas_data_path)
[ 273, 52, 273, 69, 1550182293 ]
def setUp(self): self.app_helper = self.add_helper(AppWorkerHelper(StreamingHTTPWorker)) self.config = { 'health_path': '/health/', 'web_path': '/foo', 'web_port': 0, 'metrics_prefix': 'metrics_prefix.', 'conversation_cache_ttl': 0, } = yield self.app_helper.get_app_worker(self.config) self.addr = self.url = 'http://%s:%s%s' % (, self.addr.port, self.config['web_path']) conv_config = { 'http_api': { 'api_tokens': [ 'token-1', 'token-2', 'token-3', ], 'metric_store': 'metric_store', } } conversation = yield self.app_helper.create_conversation( config=conv_config) yield self.app_helper.start_conversation(conversation) self.conversation = yield self.app_helper.get_conversation( conversation.key) self.auth_headers = { 'Authorization': ['Basic ' + base64.b64encode('%s:%s' % ( conversation.user_account.key, 'token-1'))], } self.client = StreamingClient() # Mock server to test HTTP posting of inbound messages & events self.mock_push_server = MockHttpServer(self.handle_request) yield self.mock_push_server.start() self.add_cleanup(self.mock_push_server.stop) self.push_calls = DeferredQueue() self._setup_wait_for_request() self.add_cleanup(self._wait_for_requests)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def track_wrapper(*args, **kw): self._req_state['expected'] += 1 return orig_track(*args, **kw)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def _wait_for_requests(self): while self._req_state['expected'] > 0: yield self._req_state['queue'].get() self._req_state['expected'] -= 1
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def pull_message(self, count=1): url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) messages = DeferredQueue() errors = DeferredQueue() receiver = TransportUserMessage, messages.put, errors.put, url, Headers(self.auth_headers)) received_messages = [] for msg_id in range(count): yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in %s' % (msg_id,), message_id=str(msg_id), conv=self.conversation) recv_msg = yield messages.get() received_messages.append(recv_msg) receiver.disconnect() returnValue((receiver, received_messages))
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_proxy_buffering_headers_off(self): # This is the default, but we patch it anyway to make sure we're # testing the right thing should the default change. self.patch(StreamResourceMixin, 'proxy_buffering', False) receiver, received_messages = yield self.pull_message() headers = receiver._response.headers self.assertEqual(headers.getRawHeaders('x-accel-buffering'), ['no'])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_proxy_buffering_headers_on(self): self.patch(StreamResourceMixin, 'proxy_buffering', True) receiver, received_messages = yield self.pull_message() headers = receiver._response.headers self.assertEqual(headers.getRawHeaders('x-accel-buffering'), ['yes'])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_content_type(self): receiver, received_messages = yield self.pull_message() headers = receiver._response.headers self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders('content-type'), ['application/json; charset=utf-8'])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_messages_stream(self): url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) messages = DeferredQueue() errors = DeferredQueue() receiver = TransportUserMessage, messages.put, errors.put, url, Headers(self.auth_headers)) msg1 = yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in 1', message_id='1', conv=self.conversation) msg2 = yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in 2', message_id='2', conv=self.conversation) rm1 = yield messages.get() rm2 = yield messages.get() receiver.disconnect() # Sometimes messages arrive out of order if we're hitting real redis. rm1, rm2 = sorted([rm1, rm2], key=lambda m: m['message_id']) self.assertEqual(msg1['message_id'], rm1['message_id']) self.assertEqual(msg2['message_id'], rm2['message_id']) self.assertEqual(errors.size, None)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_events_stream(self): url = '%s/%s/events.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) events = DeferredQueue() errors = DeferredQueue() receiver = yield, events.put, events.put, url, Headers(self.auth_headers)) msg1 = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_outbound( self.conversation, 'out 1', message_id='1') ack1 = yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_ack( msg1, conv=self.conversation) msg2 = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_outbound( self.conversation, 'out 2', message_id='2') ack2 = yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_ack( msg2, conv=self.conversation) ra1 = yield events.get() ra2 = yield events.get() receiver.disconnect() # Sometimes messages arrive out of order if we're hitting real redis. if ra1['event_id'] != ack1['event_id']: ra1, ra2 = ra2, ra1 self.assertEqual(ack1['event_id'], ra1['event_id']) self.assertEqual(ack2['event_id'], ra2['event_id']) self.assertEqual(errors.size, None)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_missing_auth(self): url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) queue = DeferredQueue() receiver = TransportUserMessage, queue.put, queue.put, url) response = yield receiver.get_response() self.assertEqual(response.code, http.UNAUTHORIZED) self.assertEqual(response.headers.getRawHeaders('www-authenticate'), [ 'basic realm="Conversation Realm"'])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_invalid_auth(self): url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) queue = DeferredQueue() headers = Headers({ 'Authorization': ['Basic %s' % (base64.b64encode('foo:bar'),)], }) receiver = TransportUserMessage, queue.put, queue.put, url, headers) response = yield receiver.get_response() self.assertEqual(response.code, http.UNAUTHORIZED) self.assertEqual(response.headers.getRawHeaders('www-authenticate'), [ 'basic realm="Conversation Realm"'])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_send_to(self): msg = { 'to_addr': '+2345', 'content': 'foo', 'message_id': 'evil_id', } # TaggingMiddleware.add_tag_to_msg(msg, self.tag) url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assertEqual( response.headers.getRawHeaders('content-type'), ['application/json; charset=utf-8']) self.assertEqual(response.code, http.OK) put_msg = json.loads(response.delivered_body) [sent_msg] = self.app_helper.get_dispatched_outbound() self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], sent_msg['to_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['helper_metadata'], { 'go': { 'conversation_key': self.conversation.key, 'conversation_type': 'http_api', 'user_account': self.conversation.user_account.key, }, }) # We do not respect the message_id that's been given. self.assertNotEqual(sent_msg['message_id'], msg['message_id']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['message_id'], put_msg['message_id']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], msg['to_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['from_addr'], None)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_send_to_within_content_length_limit(self): self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'content_length_limit': 182, }) yield msg = { 'content': 'foo', 'to_addr': '+1234', } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assertEqual( response.headers.getRawHeaders('content-type'), ['application/json; charset=utf-8']) put_msg = json.loads(response.delivered_body) self.assertEqual(response.code, http.OK) [sent_msg] = self.app_helper.get_dispatched_outbound() self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], put_msg['to_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['helper_metadata'], { 'go': { 'conversation_key': self.conversation.key, 'conversation_type': 'http_api', 'user_account': self.conversation.user_account.key, }, }) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['message_id'], put_msg['message_id']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['session_event'], None) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], '+1234') self.assertEqual(sent_msg['from_addr'], None)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_send_to_content_too_long(self): self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'content_length_limit': 10, }) yield msg = { 'content': "This message is longer than 10 characters.", 'to_addr': '+1234', } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full( url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assert_bad_request( response, "Payload content too long: 42 > 10")
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_send_to_with_evil_content(self): msg = { 'content': 0xBAD, 'to_addr': '+1234', } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assert_bad_request( response, "Invalid or missing value for payload key 'content'")
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_send_to_with_evil_to_addr(self): msg = { 'content': 'good', 'to_addr': 1234, } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assert_bad_request( response, "Invalid or missing value for payload key 'to_addr'")
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_in_reply_to(self): inbound_msg = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_inbound( self.conversation, 'in 1', message_id='1') msg = { 'content': 'foo', 'in_reply_to': inbound_msg['message_id'], } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assertEqual( response.headers.getRawHeaders('content-type'), ['application/json; charset=utf-8']) put_msg = json.loads(response.delivered_body) self.assertEqual(response.code, http.OK) [sent_msg] = self.app_helper.get_dispatched_outbound() self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], put_msg['to_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['helper_metadata'], { 'go': { 'conversation_key': self.conversation.key, 'conversation_type': 'http_api', 'user_account': self.conversation.user_account.key, }, }) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['message_id'], put_msg['message_id']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['session_event'], None) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], inbound_msg['from_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['from_addr'], '9292')
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_in_reply_to_within_content_length_limit(self): self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'content_length_limit': 182, }) yield inbound_msg = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_inbound( self.conversation, 'in 1', message_id='1') msg = { 'content': 'foo', 'in_reply_to': inbound_msg['message_id'], } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assertEqual( response.headers.getRawHeaders('content-type'), ['application/json; charset=utf-8']) put_msg = json.loads(response.delivered_body) self.assertEqual(response.code, http.OK) [sent_msg] = self.app_helper.get_dispatched_outbound() self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], put_msg['to_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['helper_metadata'], { 'go': { 'conversation_key': self.conversation.key, 'conversation_type': 'http_api', 'user_account': self.conversation.user_account.key, }, }) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['message_id'], put_msg['message_id']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['session_event'], None) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], inbound_msg['from_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['from_addr'], '9292')
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_in_reply_to_content_too_long(self): self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'content_length_limit': 10, }) yield inbound_msg = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_inbound( self.conversation, 'in 1', message_id='1') msg = { 'content': "This message is longer than 10 characters.", 'in_reply_to': inbound_msg['message_id'], } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full( url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assert_bad_request( response, "Payload content too long: 42 > 10")
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_in_reply_to_with_evil_content(self): inbound_msg = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_inbound( self.conversation, 'in 1', message_id='1') msg = { 'content': 0xBAD, 'in_reply_to': inbound_msg['message_id'], } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assert_bad_request( response, "Invalid or missing value for payload key 'content'")
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_invalid_in_reply_to(self): msg = { 'content': 'foo', 'in_reply_to': '1', # this doesn't exist } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assert_bad_request(response, 'Invalid in_reply_to value')
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_invalid_in_reply_to_with_missing_conversation_key(self): # create a message with no conversation inbound_msg = self.app_helper.make_inbound('in 1', message_id='msg-1') vumi_api = self.app_helper.vumi_helper.get_vumi_api() yield vumi_api.mdb.add_inbound_message(inbound_msg) msg = { 'content': 'foo', 'in_reply_to': inbound_msg['message_id'], } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) with LogCatcher(message='Invalid reply to message <Message .*>' ' which has no conversation key') as lc: response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') [error_log] = lc.messages() self.assert_bad_request(response, "Invalid in_reply_to value") self.assertTrue(inbound_msg['message_id'] in error_log)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_in_reply_to_with_evil_session_event(self): inbound_msg = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_inbound( self.conversation, 'in 1', message_id='1') msg = { 'content': 'foo', 'in_reply_to': inbound_msg['message_id'], 'session_event': 0xBAD5E55104, } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assert_bad_request( response, "Invalid or missing value for payload key 'session_event'") self.assertEqual(self.app_helper.get_dispatched_outbound(), [])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_in_reply_to_with_evil_message_id(self): inbound_msg = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_inbound( self.conversation, 'in 1', message_id='1') msg = { 'content': 'foo', 'in_reply_to': inbound_msg['message_id'], 'message_id': 'evil_id' } url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full(url, json.dumps(msg), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assertEqual(response.code, http.OK) self.assertEqual( response.headers.getRawHeaders('content-type'), ['application/json; charset=utf-8']) put_msg = json.loads(response.delivered_body) [sent_msg] = self.app_helper.get_dispatched_outbound() # We do not respect the message_id that's been given. self.assertNotEqual(sent_msg['message_id'], msg['message_id']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['message_id'], put_msg['message_id']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['to_addr'], inbound_msg['from_addr']) self.assertEqual(sent_msg['from_addr'], '9292')
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_metric_publishing(self): metric_data = [ ("vumi.test.v1", 1234, 'SUM'), ("vumi.test.v2", 3456, 'AVG'), ] url = '%s/%s/metrics.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) response = yield http_request_full( url, json.dumps(metric_data), self.auth_headers, method='PUT') self.assertEqual(response.code, http.OK) self.assertEqual( response.headers.getRawHeaders('content-type'), ['application/json; charset=utf-8']) prefix = "go.campaigns.test-0-user.stores.metric_store" self.assertEqual( self.app_helper.get_published_metrics(, [("%s.vumi.test.v1" % prefix, 1234), ("%s.vumi.test.v2" % prefix, 3456)])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_concurrency_limits(self): config = yield concurrency = config.concurrency_limit queue = DeferredQueue() url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) max_receivers = [ TransportUserMessage, queue.put, queue.put, url, Headers(self.auth_headers)) for _ in range(concurrency)] for i in range(concurrency): msg = yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in %s' % (i,), message_id=str(i), conv=self.conversation) received = yield queue.get() self.assertEqual(msg['message_id'], received['message_id']) maxed_out_resp = yield http_request_full( url, method='GET', headers=self.auth_headers) self.assertEqual(maxed_out_resp.code, 403) self.assertTrue( 'Too many concurrent connections' in maxed_out_resp.delivered_body) [r.disconnect() for r in max_receivers]
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_disabling_concurrency_limit(self): conv_resource = StreamingConversationResource(, self.conversation.key) # negative concurrency limit disables it ctxt = ConfigContext(user_account=self.conversation.user_account.key, concurrency_limit=-1) config = yield, ctxt=ctxt) self.assertTrue( (yield conv_resource.is_allowed( config, self.conversation.user_account.key)))
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_backlog_on_connect(self): for i in range(10): yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in %s' % (i,), message_id=str(i), conv=self.conversation) queue = DeferredQueue() url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) receiver = TransportUserMessage, queue.put, queue.put, url, Headers(self.auth_headers)) for i in range(10): received = yield queue.get() self.assertEqual(received['message_id'], str(i)) receiver.disconnect()
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_health_response(self): health_url = 'http://%s:%s%s' % (, self.addr.port, self.config['health_path']) response = yield http_request_full(health_url, method='GET') self.assertEqual(response.delivered_body, '0') yield self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in 1', message_id='1', conv=self.conversation) queue = DeferredQueue() stream_url = '%s/%s/messages.json' % (self.url, self.conversation.key) stream_receiver = TransportUserMessage, queue.put, queue.put, stream_url, Headers(self.auth_headers)) yield queue.get() response = yield http_request_full(health_url, method='GET') self.assertEqual(response.delivered_body, '1') stream_receiver.disconnect() response = yield http_request_full(health_url, method='GET') self.assertEqual(response.delivered_body, '0') self.assertEqual(, { '' % (self.conversation.key,): [] })
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_post_inbound_message(self): # Set the URL so stuff is HTTP Posted instead of streamed. self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'push_message_url': self.mock_push_server.url, }) yield msg_d = self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in 1', message_id='1', conv=self.conversation) req = yield self.push_calls.get() posted_json_data = req.finish() msg = yield msg_d posted_msg = TransportUserMessage.from_json(posted_json_data) self.assertEqual(posted_msg['message_id'], msg['message_id'])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_post_inbound_message_201_response(self): # Set the URL so stuff is HTTP Posted instead of streamed. self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'push_message_url': self.mock_push_server.url, }) yield with LogCatcher(message='Got unexpected response code') as lc: msg_d = self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in 1', message_id='1', conv=self.conversation) req = yield self.push_calls.get() req.setResponseCode(201) req.finish() yield msg_d self.assertEqual(lc.messages(), [])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_post_inbound_message_500_response(self): # Set the URL so stuff is HTTP Posted instead of streamed. self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'push_message_url': self.mock_push_server.url, }) yield with LogCatcher(message='Got unexpected response code') as lc: msg_d = self.app_helper.make_dispatch_inbound( 'in 1', message_id='1', conv=self.conversation) req = yield self.push_calls.get() req.setResponseCode(500) req.finish() yield msg_d [warning_log] = lc.messages() self.assertTrue(self.mock_push_server.url in warning_log) self.assertTrue('500' in warning_log)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_post_inbound_event(self): # Set the URL so stuff is HTTP Posted instead of streamed. self.conversation.config['http_api'].update({ 'push_event_url': self.mock_push_server.url, }) yield msg = yield self.app_helper.make_stored_outbound( self.conversation, 'out 1', message_id='1') event_d = self.app_helper.make_dispatch_ack( msg, conv=self.conversation) req = yield self.push_calls.get() posted_json_data = req.finish() ack = yield event_d self.assertEqual(TransportEvent.from_json(posted_json_data), ack)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_bad_urls(self): def assert_not_found(url, headers={}): d = http_request_full(self.url, method='GET', headers=headers) d.addCallback(lambda r: self.assertEqual(r.code, http.NOT_FOUND)) return d yield assert_not_found(self.url) yield assert_not_found(self.url + '/') yield assert_not_found('%s/%s' % (self.url, self.conversation.key), headers=self.auth_headers) yield assert_not_found('%s/%s/' % (self.url, self.conversation.key), headers=self.auth_headers) yield assert_not_found('%s/%s/foo' % (self.url, self.conversation.key), headers=self.auth_headers)
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def test_send_message_command(self): yield self.app_helper.dispatch_command( 'send_message', user_account_key=self.conversation.user_account.key, conversation_key=self.conversation.key, command_data={ u'batch_id': u'batch-id', u'content': u'foo', u'to_addr': u'to_addr', u'msg_options': { u'helper_metadata': { u'tag': { u'tag': [u'longcode', u'default10080'] } }, u'from_addr': u'default10080', } }) [msg] = self.app_helper.get_dispatched_outbound() self.assertEqual(msg.payload['to_addr'], "to_addr") self.assertEqual(msg.payload['from_addr'], "default10080") self.assertEqual(msg.payload['content'], "foo") self.assertEqual(msg.payload['message_type'], "user_message") self.assertEqual( msg.payload['helper_metadata']['go']['user_account'], self.conversation.user_account.key) self.assertEqual( msg.payload['helper_metadata']['tag']['tag'], ['longcode', 'default10080'])
[ 15, 20, 15, 105, 1308905181 ]
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.visited = []
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def visit_BasicNodeReplacement(self, node): self.visited.append("visited Copy!")
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.recorded_access_path = None
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.visited = []
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def visit_BasicNodeReplacement(self, node): self.visited.append("visited Copy!") return node
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.recorded_access_path = None
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def visit_BasicNode(self, node): return BasicNodeReplacement()
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def visit_BasicNodeReplacement(self, node): return self.NONE_DEPUTY # Replace this node with None
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def test_visit_order(self, node, order): to_visit = self.load(node) # The main stuff visitor = VisitOrderCheckingVisitor() retval = visitor.visit(to_visit) assert_equal(retval, None) assert_equal(visitor.visited, order)
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def test_access_path(self, node, access): to_visit = self.load(node) access_path = self.load(access) # The main stuff visitor = AccessPathCheckingVisitor() retval = visitor.visit(to_visit) assert_equal(retval, None) assert_equal(visitor.recorded_access_path, access_path)
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def test_empty_transformer(self, node, order): to_visit = self.load(node) # The main stuff visitor = EmptyTransformer() retval = visitor.visit(to_visit) assert_equal(to_visit, retval)
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def test_visit_order(self, node, order): to_visit = self.load(node) # The main stuff visitor = VisitOrderCheckingTransformer() retval = visitor.visit(to_visit) assert_equal(to_visit, retval) assert_equal(visitor.visited, order)
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def test_access_path(self, node, access): to_visit = self.load(node) access_path = self.load(access) # The main stuff visitor = AccessPathCheckingTransformer() retval = visitor.visit(to_visit) assert_equal(retval, to_visit) assert_equal(visitor.recorded_access_path, access_path)
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def test_transformation(self, node, expected): to_visit = self.load(node) expected_node = self.load(expected) # The main stuff visitor = TransformationCheckingTransformer() retval = visitor.visit(to_visit) assert_equal(retval, expected_node)
[ 243, 76, 243, 3, 1379849666 ]
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initializes a Avatar instance Notes: You can specify all parameters while calling this methods. A special argument named `data` will enable you to load the object from a Python dictionary Examples: >>> avatar = NUAvatar(id=u'xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx', name=u'Avatar') >>> avatar = NUAvatar(data=my_dict) """ super(NUAvatar, self).__init__() # Read/Write Attributes
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def last_updated_by(self): """ Get last_updated_by value. Notes: ID of the user who last updated the object.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def last_updated_by(self, value): """ Set last_updated_by value. Notes: ID of the user who last updated the object.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def last_updated_date(self): """ Get last_updated_date value. Notes: Time stamp when this object was last updated.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def last_updated_date(self, value): """ Set last_updated_date value. Notes: Time stamp when this object was last updated.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def embedded_metadata(self): """ Get embedded_metadata value. Notes: Metadata objects associated with this entity. This will contain a list of Metadata objects if the API request is made using the special flag to enable the embedded Metadata feature. Only a maximum of Metadata objects is returned based on the value set in the system configuration.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def embedded_metadata(self, value): """ Set embedded_metadata value. Notes: Metadata objects associated with this entity. This will contain a list of Metadata objects if the API request is made using the special flag to enable the embedded Metadata feature. Only a maximum of Metadata objects is returned based on the value set in the system configuration.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def entity_scope(self): """ Get entity_scope value. Notes: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def entity_scope(self, value): """ Set entity_scope value. Notes: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def creation_date(self): """ Get creation_date value. Notes: Time stamp when this object was created.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def creation_date(self, value): """ Set creation_date value. Notes: Time stamp when this object was created.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def owner(self): """ Get owner value. Notes: Identifies the user that has created this object.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def owner(self, value): """ Set owner value. Notes: Identifies the user that has created this object.
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def external_id(self): """ Get external_id value. Notes: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def external_id(self, value): """ Set external_id value. Notes: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def type(self): """ Get type value. Notes: The image type
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def type(self, value): """ Set type value. Notes: The image type
[ 19, 18, 19, 7, 1457133058 ]
def setUp(self): self.config_instance = roster_core.Config(file_name=CONFIG_FILE) self.cred_instance = credentials.CredCache(self.config_instance, u'sharrell') db_instance = self.config_instance.GetDb() db_instance.CreateRosterDatabase() data = open(DATA_FILE, 'r').read() db_instance.StartTransaction() db_instance.cursor.execute(data) db_instance.EndTransaction() db_instance.close() self.core_instance = roster_core.Core(u'sharrell', self.config_instance)
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 1426209952 ]