def test_add_exists(self, isfile_mock, deploy_mock, validate_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True catalog.add('tpch') filenames = [''] deploy_mock.assert_called_with(filenames, get_catalog_directory(), constants.REMOTE_CATALOG_DIR, PRESTO_STANDALONE_USER_GROUP) validate_mock.assert_called_with(filenames)
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_add_all(self, mock_validate, listdir_mock, isdir_mock, deploy_mock): catalogs = ['', ''] listdir_mock.return_value = catalogs catalog.add() deploy_mock.assert_called_with(catalogs, get_catalog_directory(), constants.REMOTE_CATALOG_DIR, PRESTO_STANDALONE_USER_GROUP)
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_add_all_fails_if_dir_not_there(self, isdir_mock, deploy_mock): isdir_mock.return_value = False self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigFileNotFoundError, r'Cannot add catalogs because directory .+' r' does not exist', catalog.add) self.assertFalse(deploy_mock.called)
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_remove(self, local_rm_mock, exists_mock, sudo_mock): script = ('if [ -f /etc/presto/catalog/ ] ; ' 'then rm /etc/presto/catalog/ ; ' 'else echo "Could not remove catalog \'tpch\'. ' 'No such file \'/etc/presto/catalog/\'"; fi') exists_mock.return_value = True = 'localhost' catalog.remove('tpch') sudo_mock.assert_called_with(script) local_rm_mock.assert_called_with(get_catalog_directory() + '/')
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_remove_failure(self, exists_mock, sudo_mock): exists_mock.return_value = False = 'localhost' out = _AttributeString() out.succeeded = False sudo_mock.return_value = out self.assertRaisesRegexp(SystemExit, '\\[localhost\\] Failed to remove catalog tpch.', catalog.remove, 'tpch')
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_remove_no_such_file(self, exists_mock, sudo_mock): exists_mock.return_value = False = 'localhost' error_msg = ('Could not remove catalog tpch: No such file ' + os.path.join(get_catalog_directory(), '')) out = _AttributeString(error_msg) out.succeeded = True sudo_mock.return_value = out self.assertRaisesRegexp(SystemExit, '\\[localhost\\] %s' % error_msg, catalog.remove, 'tpch')
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_warning_if_connector_dir_empty(self, isdir_mock, listdir_mock): isdir_mock.return_value = True listdir_mock.return_value = [] catalog.add() self.assertEqual('\nWarning: Directory %s is empty. No catalogs will' ' be deployed\n\n' % get_catalog_directory(), self.test_stderr.getvalue())
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_add_permission_denied(self, isdir_mock, listdir_mock): isdir_mock.return_value = True error_msg = ('Permission denied') listdir_mock.side_effect = OSError(13, error_msg) = 'localhost' self.assertRaisesRegexp(SystemExit, '\[localhost\] %s' % error_msg, catalog.add)
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_remove_os_error(self, remove_file_mock, remove_mock): = 'localhost' error = OSError(13, 'Permission denied') remove_mock.side_effect = error self.assertRaisesRegexp(OSError, 'Permission denied', catalog.remove, 'tpch')
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_deploy_files(self, put_mock, create_dir_mock): local_dir = '/my/local/dir' remote_dir = '/my/remote/dir' catalog.deploy_files(['a', 'b'], local_dir, remote_dir, PRESTO_STANDALONE_USER_GROUP) create_dir_mock.assert_called_with(remote_dir, PRESTO_STANDALONE_USER_GROUP) put_mock.assert_any_call('/my/local/dir/a', remote_dir, use_sudo=True, mode=0600) put_mock.assert_any_call('/my/local/dir/b', remote_dir, use_sudo=True, mode=0600)
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_validate(self, open_mock, is_file_mock): is_file_mock.return_value = True file_obj = open_mock.return_value.__enter__.return_value = 'connector.noname=example' self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigurationError, 'Catalog configuration ' 'does not contain', catalog.add, 'example')
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def test_validate_fail(self, is_file_mock): is_file_mock.return_value = True self.assertRaisesRegexp( SystemExit, 'Error validating ' + os.path.join(get_catalog_directory(), '') + '\n\n' 'Underlying exception:\n No such file or directory', catalog.add, 'example')
[ 170, 102, 170, 63, 1432266042 ]
def __init__(self, region, name, retention_in_days=7): super(LogGroup, self).__init__() self.region = region = name self.retention_in_days = retention_in_days
[ 1785, 474, 1785, 248, 1405617806 ]
def _Delete(self): """Delete the log group.""" delete_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ '--region', self.region, 'logs', 'delete-log-group', '--log-group-name', ] vm_util.IssueCommand(delete_cmd, raise_on_failure=False)
[ 1785, 474, 1785, 248, 1405617806 ]
def _PostCreate(self): """Set the retention policy.""" put_cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ '--region', self.region, 'logs', 'put-retention-policy', '--log-group-name',, '--retention-in-days', str(self.retention_in_days) ] vm_util.IssueCommand(put_cmd)
[ 1785, 474, 1785, 248, 1405617806 ]
def JOB_STATES(state): if state == 'failed': return BOLD() + RED() + state + ENDC() elif state == 'done': return BOLD() + GREEN() + state + ENDC() elif state in ['running', 'in_progress']: return GREEN() + state + ENDC() elif state == 'partially_failed': return RED() + state + ENDC() else: return YELLOW() + state + ENDC()
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_size_str(size): """ Formats a byte size as a string. The returned string is no more than 9 characters long. """ if size is None: return "0 " + SIZE_LEVEL[0] if size == 0: magnitude = 0 level = 0 else: magnitude = math.floor(math.log(size, 10)) level = int(min(math.floor(magnitude // 3), 4)) return ('%d' if level == 0 else '%.2f') % (float(size) / 2**(level*10)) + ' ' + SIZE_LEVEL[level]
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_io_desc(parameter, include_class=True, show_opt=True, app_help_version=False): # For interactive help, format array:CLASS inputs as: # -iNAME=CLASS [-iNAME=... [...]] # If input is required (needs >=1 inputs) # [-iNAME=CLASS [...]] # If input is optional (needs >=0 inputs if app_help_version and parameter["class"].startswith("array"): scalar_parameter = parameter.copy() # Munge the parameter dict (strip off "array:" to turn it into a # scalar) and recurse scalar_parameter["class"] = scalar_parameter["class"][6:] if "default" in parameter or parameter.get("optional"): return "[" + get_io_desc(scalar_parameter, include_class=include_class, show_opt=False, app_help_version=app_help_version) + " [-i%s=... [...]]]" % (parameter["name"],) else: return get_io_desc(scalar_parameter, include_class=include_class, show_opt=False, app_help_version=app_help_version) + " [-i%s=... [...]]" % (parameter["name"],) desc = "" is_optional = False if show_opt: if "default" in parameter or parameter.get("optional"): is_optional = True desc += "[" desc += ('-i' if app_help_version else '') + parameter["name"] include_parens = include_class or 'type' in parameter or 'default' in parameter if include_parens: desc += ("=" if app_help_version else " ") + "(" is_first = True if include_class: desc += parameter["class"] is_first = False if "type" in parameter: if not is_first: desc += ", " else: is_first = False desc += "type " + parse_typespec(parameter["type"]) if "default" in parameter: if not is_first: desc += ', ' desc += 'default=' + json.dumps(parameter['default']) if include_parens: desc += ")" if show_opt and is_optional: desc += "]" return desc
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def is_job_ref(thing, reftype=dict): ''' :param thing: something that might be a job-based object reference hash :param reftype: type that a job-based object reference would be (default is dict) ''' return isinstance(thing, reftype) and \ ((len(thing) == 2 and \ isinstance(thing.get('field'), basestring) and \ isinstance(thing.get('job'), basestring)) or \ (len(thing) == 1 and \ isinstance(thing.get('$dnanexus_link'), reftype) and \ isinstance(thing['$dnanexus_link'].get('field'), basestring) and \ isinstance(thing['$dnanexus_link'].get('job'), basestring)))
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_field_from_jbor(thing): ''' :returns: Output field name from a JBOR Assumes :func:`is_job_ref` evaluates to True ''' if '$dnanexus_link' in thing: return thing['$dnanexus_link']['field'] else: return thing['field']
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def is_metadata_ref(thing, reftype=dict): return isinstance(thing, reftype) and \ len(thing) == 1 and \ isinstance(thing.get('$dnanexus_link'), reftype) and \ isinstance(thing['$dnanexus_link'].get('metadata'), basestring)
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def io_val_to_str(val): if is_job_ref(val): # Job-based object references return jbor_to_str(val) elif isinstance(val, dict) and '$dnanexus_link' in val: # DNAnexus link if isinstance(val['$dnanexus_link'], basestring): # simple link return val['$dnanexus_link'] elif 'project' in val['$dnanexus_link'] and 'id' in val['$dnanexus_link']: return val['$dnanexus_link']['project'] + ':' + val['$dnanexus_link']['id'] else: return json.dumps(val) elif isinstance(val, list): if len(val) == 0: return '[]' else: return '[ ' + ', '.join([io_val_to_str(item) for item in val]) + ' ]' elif isinstance(val, dict): return '{ ' + ', '.join([key + ': ' + io_val_to_str(value) for key, value in val.items()]) + ' }' else: return json.dumps(val)
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_io_field(io_hash, defaults=None, delim='=', highlight_fields=()): def highlight_value(key, value): if key in highlight_fields: return YELLOW() + value + ENDC() else: return value if defaults is None: defaults = {} if io_hash is None: return '-' if len(io_hash) == 0 and len(defaults) == 0: return '-' if get_delimiter() is not None: return ('\n' + get_delimiter()).join([(key + delim + highlight_value(key, io_val_to_str(value))) for key, value in io_hash.items()] + [('[' + key + delim + io_val_to_str(value) + ']') for key, value in defaults.items()]) else: lines = [fill(key + ' ' + delim + ' ' + highlight_value(key, io_val_to_str(value)), initial_indent=' ' * FIELD_NAME_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * (FIELD_NAME_WIDTH + 1), break_long_words=False) for key, value in io_hash.items()] lines.extend([fill('[' + key + ' ' + delim + ' ' + io_val_to_str(value) + ']', initial_indent=' ' * FIELD_NAME_WIDTH, subsequent_indent=' ' * (FIELD_NAME_WIDTH + 1), break_long_words=False) for key, value in defaults.items()]) return '\n'.join(lines)[FIELD_NAME_WIDTH:]
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def render_bundleddepends(thing): from import find_one_data_object from ..exceptions import DXError bundles = [] for item in thing: bundle_asset_record = dxpy.DXFile(item["id"]["$dnanexus_link"]).get_properties().get("AssetBundle") asset = None if bundle_asset_record: asset = dxpy.DXRecord(bundle_asset_record) if asset: try: bundles.append(asset.describe().get("name") + " (" + asset.get_id() + ")") except DXError: asset = None if not asset: bundles.append(item["name"] + " (" + item["id"]["$dnanexus_link"] + ")") return bundles
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def render_stage(title, stage, as_stage_of=None): lines_to_print = [] if stage['name'] is not None: lines_to_print.append((title, "{name} ({id})".format(name=stage['name'], id=stage['id']))) else: lines_to_print.append((title, stage['id'])) lines_to_print.append((' Executable', stage['executable'] + \ (" (" + RED() + "inaccessible" + ENDC() + ")" \ if stage.get('accessible') is False else ""))) if 'execution' in stage: is_cached_result = as_stage_of is not None and 'parentAnalysis' in stage['execution'] and \ stage['execution']['parentAnalysis'] != as_stage_of execution_id_str = stage['execution']['id'] if is_cached_result: execution_id_str = "[" + execution_id_str + "]" if 'state' in stage['execution']: lines_to_print.append((' Execution', execution_id_str + ' (' + JOB_STATES(stage['execution']['state']) + ')')) else: lines_to_print.append((' Execution', execution_id_str)) if is_cached_result: lines_to_print.append((' Cached from', stage['execution']['parentAnalysis'])) for line in lines_to_print: print_field(line[0], line[1])
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def render_timestamp(timestamp): return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp//1000).ctime()
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def print_field(label, value): if get_delimiter() is not None: sys.stdout.write(label + get_delimiter() + value + '\n') else: sys.stdout.write( label + " " * (FIELD_NAME_WIDTH-len(label)) + fill(value, subsequent_indent=' '*FIELD_NAME_WIDTH, width_adjustment=-FIELD_NAME_WIDTH) + '\n')
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def print_list_field(label, values): print_field(label, ('-' if len(values) == 0 else DELIMITER(', ').join(values)))
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def print_project_desc(desc, verbose=False): recognized_fields = [ 'id', 'class', 'name', 'summary', 'description', 'protected', 'restricted', 'created', 'modified', 'dataUsage', 'sponsoredDataUsage', 'tags', 'level', 'folders', 'objects', 'permissions', 'properties', 'appCaches', 'billTo', 'version', 'createdBy', 'totalSponsoredEgressBytes', 'consumedSponsoredEgressBytes', 'containsPHI', 'databaseUIViewOnly', 'region', 'storageCost', 'pendingTransfer','atSpendingLimit', # Following are app container-specific 'destroyAt', 'project', 'type', 'app', 'appName' ] # Basic metadata print_field("ID", desc["id"]) print_field("Class", desc["class"]) if "name" in desc: print_field("Name", desc["name"]) if 'summary' in desc: print_field("Summary", desc["summary"]) if 'description' in desc and (verbose or 'summary' not in desc): print_field("Description", desc['description']) if 'version' in desc and verbose: print_field("Version", str(desc['version'])) # Ownership and permissions if 'billTo' in desc: print_field("Billed to", desc['billTo'][5 if desc['billTo'].startswith('user-') else 0:]) if 'pendingTransfer' in desc and (verbose or desc['pendingTransfer'] is not None): print_json_field('Pending transfer to', desc['pendingTransfer']) if "level" in desc: print_field("Access level", desc["level"]) if 'region' in desc: print_field('Region', desc['region']) # Project settings if 'protected' in desc: print_json_field("Protected", desc["protected"]) if 'restricted' in desc: print_json_field("Restricted", desc["restricted"]) if 'containsPHI' in desc: print_json_field('Contains PHI', desc['containsPHI']) if 'databaseUIViewOnly' in desc and desc['databaseUIViewOnly']: print_json_field('Database UI View Only', desc['databaseUIViewOnly']) # Usage print_field("Created", render_timestamp(desc['created'])) if 'createdBy' in desc: print_field("Created by", desc['createdBy']['user'][desc['createdBy']['user'].find('-') + 1:]) print_field("Last modified", render_timestamp(desc['modified'])) print_field("Data usage", ('%.2f' % desc["dataUsage"]) + ' GB') if 'sponsoredDataUsage' in desc: print_field("Sponsored data", ('%.2f' % desc["sponsoredDataUsage"]) + ' GB') if 'storageCost' in desc: print_field("Storage cost", "$%.3f/month" % desc["storageCost"]) if 'totalSponsoredEgressBytes' in desc or 'consumedSponsoredEgressBytes' in desc: total_egress_str = '%.2f GB' % (desc['totalSponsoredEgressBytes'] / 1073741824.,) \ if 'totalSponsoredEgressBytes' in desc else '??' consumed_egress_str = '%.2f GB' % (desc['consumedSponsoredEgressBytes'] / 1073741824.,) \ if 'consumedSponsoredEgressBytes' in desc else '??' print_field('Sponsored egress', ('%s used of %s total' % (consumed_egress_str, total_egress_str))) if 'atSpendingLimit' in desc: print_json_field("At spending limit?", desc['atSpendingLimit']) # Misc metadata if "objects" in desc: print_field("# Files", str(desc["objects"])) if "folders" in desc: print_list_field("Folders", desc["folders"]) if "permissions" in desc: print_list_field( "Permissions", [key[5 if key.startswith('user-') else 0:] + ':' + value for key, value in desc["permissions"].items()] ) if 'tags' in desc: print_list_field("Tags", desc["tags"]) if "properties" in desc: print_list_field("Properties", [key + '=' + value for key, value in desc["properties"].items()]) if "appCaches" in desc: print_json_field("App caches", desc["appCaches"]) # Container-specific if 'type' in desc: print_field("Container type", desc["type"]) if 'project' in desc: print_field("Associated project", desc["project"]) if 'destroyAt' in desc: print_field("To be destroyed", render_timestamp(desc['modified'])) if 'app' in desc: print_field("Associated App ID", desc["app"]) if 'appName' in desc: print_field("Associated App", desc["appName"]) for field in desc: if field not in recognized_fields: print_json_field(field, desc[field])
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def print_app_desc(desc, verbose=False): recognized_fields = ['id', 'class', 'name', 'version', 'aliases', 'createdBy', 'created', 'modified', 'deleted', 'published', 'title', 'subtitle', 'description', 'categories', 'access', 'dxapi', 'inputSpec', 'outputSpec', 'runSpec', 'resources', 'billTo', 'installed', 'openSource', 'summary', 'applet', 'installs', 'billing', 'details', 'developerNotes', 'authorizedUsers'] print_field("ID", desc["id"]) print_field("Class", desc["class"]) if 'billTo' in desc: print_field("Billed to", desc['billTo'][5 if desc['billTo'].startswith('user-') else 0:]) print_field("Name", desc["name"]) print_field("Version", desc["version"]) print_list_field("Aliases", desc["aliases"]) print_field("Created by", desc["createdBy"][5 if desc['createdBy'].startswith('user-') else 0:]) print_field("Created", render_timestamp(desc['created'])) print_field("Last modified", render_timestamp(desc['modified'])) print_field("Created from", desc["applet"]) print_json_field('Installed', desc['installed']) print_json_field('Open source', desc['openSource']) print_json_field('Deleted', desc['deleted']) if not desc['deleted']: advanced_inputs = [] details = desc["details"] if isinstance(details, dict) and "advancedInputs" in details: if not verbose: advanced_inputs = details["advancedInputs"] del details["advancedInputs"] if 'published' not in desc or desc["published"] < 0: print_field("Published", "-") else: print_field("Published", render_timestamp(desc['published'])) if "title" in desc and desc['title'] is not None: print_field("Title", desc["title"]) if "subtitle" in desc and desc['subtitle'] is not None: print_field("Subtitle", desc["subtitle"]) if 'summary' in desc and desc['summary'] is not None: print_field("Summary", desc['summary']) print_list_field("Categories", desc["categories"]) if 'details' in desc: print_json_field("Details", desc["details"]) print_json_field("Access", desc["access"]) print_field("API version", desc["dxapi"]) if 'inputSpec' in desc: print_nofill_field("Input Spec", get_io_spec(desc["inputSpec"], skip_fields=advanced_inputs)) print_nofill_field("Output Spec", get_io_spec(desc["outputSpec"])) print_field("Interpreter", desc["runSpec"]["interpreter"]) if "resources" in desc["runSpec"]: print_json_field("Resources", desc["runSpec"]["resources"]) if "bundledDepends" in desc["runSpec"]: print_list_field("bundledDepends", render_bundleddepends(desc["runSpec"]["bundledDepends"])) if "execDepends" in desc["runSpec"]: print_list_field("execDepends", render_execdepends(desc["runSpec"]["execDepends"])) if "systemRequirements" in desc['runSpec']: print_json_field('Sys Requirements', desc['runSpec']['systemRequirements']) if 'resources' in desc: print_field("Resources", desc['resources']) if 'installs' in desc: print_field('# Installs', str(desc['installs'])) if 'authorizedUsers' in desc: print_list_field('AuthorizedUsers', desc["authorizedUsers"]) for field in desc: if field not in recognized_fields: print_json_field(field, desc[field])
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_col_str(col_desc): return col_desc['name'] + DELIMITER(" (") + col_desc['type'] + DELIMITER(")")
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def printable_ssh_host_key(ssh_host_key): try: keygen = subprocess.Popen(["ssh-keygen", "-lf", "/dev/stdin"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if USING_PYTHON2: (stdout, stderr) = keygen.communicate(ssh_host_key) else: (stdout, stderr) = keygen.communicate(ssh_host_key.encode()) except: return ssh_host_key.strip() else: if not USING_PYTHON2: stdout = stdout.decode() return stdout.replace(" no comment", "").strip()
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def locale_from_currency_code(dx_code): """ This is a (temporary) hardcoded mapping between currency_list.json in nucleus and standard locale string useful for further formatting :param dx_code: An id of nucleus/commons/pricing_models/currency_list.json collection :return: standardised locale, eg 'en_US'; None when no mapping found """ currency_locale_map = {0: 'en_US', 1: 'en_GB'} return currency_locale_map[dx_code] if dx_code in currency_locale_map else None
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def format_currency(value, meta, currency_locale=None): """ Formats currency value into properly decorated currency string based on either locale (preferred) or if that is not available then currency metadata. Until locale is provided from the server a crude mapping between `currency.dxCode` and a locale string is used instead (eg 0: 'en_US') :param value: amount :param meta: server metadata (`currency`) :return: formatted currency string """ try: if currency_locale is None: currency_locale = locale_from_currency_code(meta['dxCode']) if currency_locale is None: return format_currency_from_meta(value, meta) else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, currency_locale) return locale.currency(value, grouping=True) except locale.Error: # .. locale is probably not available -> fallback to format manually return format_currency_from_meta(value, meta)
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def print_generic_desc(desc): for field in desc: print_json_field(field, desc[field])
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_ls_desc(desc, print_id=False): addendum = ' : ' + desc['id'] if print_id is True else '' if desc['class'] in ['applet', 'workflow']: return BOLD() + GREEN() + desc['name'] + ENDC() + addendum else: return desc['name'] + addendum
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_ls_l_header(): return (BOLD() + 'State' + DELIMITER(' ') + 'Last modified' + DELIMITER(' ') + 'Size' + DELIMITER(' ') + 'Name' + DELIMITER(' (') + 'ID' + DELIMITER(')') + ENDC())
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def get_ls_l_desc_fields(): return { 'id': True, 'class': True, 'folder': True, 'length': True, 'modified': True, 'name': True, 'project': True, 'size': True, 'state': True }
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def print_ls_l_desc(desc, **kwargs): print(get_ls_l_desc(desc, **kwargs))
[ 74, 76, 74, 71, 1340756627 ]
def each(f): if f.body: f.hashes = [] for hash_type, h in HashFile.extract_hashes(f.body.contents): hash_object = Hash.get_or_create(value=h.hexdigest()) hash_object.add_source("analytics") f.active_link_to( hash_object, "{} hash".format(hash_type.upper()), "HashFile", clean_old=False, ) f.hashes.append({"hash": hash_type, "value": h.hexdigest()})
[ 1360, 268, 1360, 132, 1450025666 ]
def setUp(self): self.fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp()
[ 20, 7, 20, 2, 1417292720 ]
def __init__( self, client, name, offset, read_rows_kwargs, retry_delay_callback=None
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def __iter__(self): """An iterable of messages. Returns: Iterable[ \ \ ]: A sequence of row messages. """ # Infinite loop to reconnect on reconnectable errors while processing # the row stream. if self._wrapped is None: self._reconnect() while True: try: for message in self._wrapped: rowcount = message.row_count self._offset += rowcount yield message return # Made it through the whole stream. except google.api_core.exceptions.InternalServerError as exc: resumable_error = any( resumable_message in exc.message for resumable_message in _STREAM_RESUMPTION_INTERNAL_ERROR_MESSAGES ) if not resumable_error: raise except _STREAM_RESUMPTION_EXCEPTIONS: # Transient error, so reconnect to the stream. pass except Exception as exc: if not self._resource_exhausted_exception_is_retryable(exc): raise self._reconnect()
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def _resource_exhausted_exception_is_retryable(self, exc): if isinstance(exc, google.api_core.exceptions.ResourceExhausted): # ResourceExhausted errors are only retried if a valid # RetryInfo is provided with the error. # # TODO: Remove hasattr logic when we require google-api-core >= 2.2.0. # ResourceExhausted added details/_details in google-api-core 2.2.0. details = None if hasattr(exc, "details"): details = exc.details elif hasattr(exc, "_details"): details = exc._details if details is not None: for detail in details: if isinstance(detail, google.rpc.error_details_pb2.RetryInfo): retry_delay = detail.retry_delay if retry_delay is not None: delay = max( 0, float(retry_delay.seconds) + (float(retry_delay.nanos) / 1e9), ) if self._retry_delay_callback: self._retry_delay_callback(delay) time.sleep(delay) return True return False
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def to_arrow(self, read_session=None): """Create a :class:`pyarrow.Table` of all rows in the stream. This method requires the pyarrow library and a stream using the Arrow format. Args: read_session ( \ \ ): DEPRECATED. This argument was used to specify the schema of the rows in the stream, but now the first message in a read stream contains this information. Returns: pyarrow.Table: A table of all rows in the stream. """ return self.rows(read_session=read_session).to_arrow()
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def __init__(self, reader, read_session=None): self._reader = reader if read_session is not None: self._stream_parser = _StreamParser.from_read_session(read_session) else: self._stream_parser = None
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def pages(self): """A generator of all pages in the stream. Returns: types.GeneratorType[]: A generator of pages. """ # Each page is an iterator of rows. But also has num_items, remaining, # and to_dataframe. for message in self._reader: # Only the first message contains the schema, which is needed to # decode the messages. if not self._stream_parser: self._stream_parser = _StreamParser.from_read_rows_response(message) yield ReadRowsPage(self._stream_parser, message)
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def to_arrow(self): """Create a :class:`pyarrow.Table` of all rows in the stream. This method requires the pyarrow library and a stream using the Arrow format. Returns: pyarrow.Table: A table of all rows in the stream. """ record_batches = [] for page in self.pages: record_batches.append(page.to_arrow()) if record_batches: return pyarrow.Table.from_batches(record_batches) # No data, return an empty Table. self._stream_parser._parse_arrow_schema() return pyarrow.Table.from_batches([], schema=self._stream_parser._schema)
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def _dtypes_from_avro(self, avro_fields): """Determine Pandas dtypes for columns in Avro schema. Args: avro_fields (Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]): Avro fields' metadata. Returns: colelctions.OrderedDict[str, str]: Column names with their corresponding Pandas dtypes. """ result = collections.OrderedDict() type_map = {"long": "int64", "double": "float64", "boolean": "bool"} for field_info in avro_fields: # If a type is an union of multiple types, pick the first type # that is not "null". if isinstance(field_info["type"], list): type_info = next(item for item in field_info["type"] if item != "null") if isinstance(type_info, str): field_dtype = type_map.get(type_info, "object") else: logical_type = type_info.get("logicalType") if logical_type == "timestamp-micros": field_dtype = "datetime64[ns, UTC]" else: field_dtype = "object" result[field_info["name"]] = field_dtype return result
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def __init__(self, stream_parser, message): self._stream_parser = stream_parser self._message = message self._iter_rows = None self._num_items = self._message.row_count self._remaining = self._message.row_count
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def num_items(self): """int: Total items in the page.""" return self._num_items
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def remaining(self): """int: Remaining items in the page.""" return self._remaining
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def next(self): """Get the next row in the page.""" self._parse_rows() if self._remaining > 0: self._remaining -= 1 return next(self._iter_rows)
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def to_arrow(self): """Create an :class:`pyarrow.RecordBatch` of rows in the page. Returns: pyarrow.RecordBatch: Rows from the message, as an Arrow record batch. """ return self._stream_parser.to_arrow(self._message)
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def to_arrow(self, message): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.")
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def to_rows(self, message): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.")
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def _parse_arrow_schema(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented.")
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def from_read_session(read_session): schema_type = read_session._pb.WhichOneof("schema") if schema_type == "avro_schema": return _AvroStreamParser(read_session) elif schema_type == "arrow_schema": return _ArrowStreamParser(read_session) else: raise TypeError( "Unsupported schema type in read_session: {0}".format(schema_type) )
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def from_read_rows_response(message): schema_type = message._pb.WhichOneof("schema") if schema_type == "avro_schema": return _AvroStreamParser(message) elif schema_type == "arrow_schema": return _ArrowStreamParser(message) else: raise TypeError( "Unsupported schema type in message: {0}".format(schema_type) )
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def __init__(self, message): """Construct an _AvroStreamParser. Args: message (Union[, \, \ ]): Either the first message of data from a read rows stream or a read session. Both types contain a oneof "schema" field, which can be used to determine how to deserialize rows. """ if fastavro is None: raise ImportError(_FASTAVRO_REQUIRED) self._first_message = message self._avro_schema_json = None self._fastavro_schema = None self._column_names = None
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def to_dataframe(self, message, dtypes=None): """Create a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of rows in the page. This method requires the pandas libary to create a data frame and the fastavro library to parse row messages. .. warning:: DATETIME columns are not supported. They are currently parsed as strings in the fastavro library. Args: message ( \ \ ): A message containing Avro bytes to parse into a pandas DataFrame. dtypes ( \ Map[str, Union[str, pandas.Series.dtype]] \ ): Optional. A dictionary of column names pandas ``dtype``s. The provided ``dtype`` is used when constructing the series for the column specified. Otherwise, the default pandas behavior is used. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A data frame of all rows in the stream. """ self._parse_avro_schema() if dtypes is None: dtypes = {} columns = collections.defaultdict(list) for row in self.to_rows(message): for column in row: columns[column].append(row[column]) for column in dtypes: columns[column] = pandas.Series(columns[column], dtype=dtypes[column]) return pandas.DataFrame(columns, columns=self._column_names)
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def _parse_fastavro(self): """Convert parsed Avro schema to fastavro format.""" self._parse_avro_schema() self._fastavro_schema = fastavro.parse_schema(self._avro_schema_json)
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def __init__(self, message): """Construct an _ArrowStreamParser. Args: message (Union[, \, \ ]): Either the first message of data from a read rows stream or a read session. Both types contain a oneof "schema" field, which can be used to determine how to deserialize rows. """ if pyarrow is None: raise ImportError(_PYARROW_REQUIRED) self._first_message = message self._schema = None
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def to_rows(self, message): record_batch = self._parse_arrow_message(message) # Iterate through each column simultaneously, and make a dict from the # row values for row in zip(*record_batch.columns): yield dict(zip(self._column_names, row))
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def _parse_arrow_message(self, message): self._parse_arrow_schema() return pyarrow.ipc.read_record_batch( pyarrow.py_buffer(message.arrow_record_batch.serialized_record_batch), self._schema, )
[ 73, 35, 73, 15, 1575936548 ]
def setUp(self): with mock.patch( '', new=mock_base_gcp_hook_default_project_id, ): self.hook = CloudVisionHook(gcp_conn_id='test')
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_product_search_client_creation(self, mock_client, mock_get_creds, mock_client_info): result = self.hook.get_conn() mock_client.assert_called_once_with( credentials=mock_get_creds.return_value, client_info=mock_client_info.return_value ) assert mock_client.return_value == result assert self.hook._client == result
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_productset_explicit_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product_set create_product_set_method.return_value = None parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product_set = ProductSet() # When result = self.hook.create_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_set=product_set, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then # ProductSet ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST create_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product_set=product_set, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_productset_autogenerated_id(self, get_conn): # Given autogenerated_id = 'autogen-id' response_product_set = ProductSet( name=ProductSearchClient.product_set_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, autogenerated_id) ) create_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product_set create_product_set_method.return_value = response_product_set parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product_set = ProductSet() # When result = self.hook.create_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=None, product_set=product_set, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # ProductSet ID was not provided in the method call above. Should be extracted from the API response # and returned. assert result == autogenerated_id create_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product_set=product_set, product_set_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_productset_autogenerated_id_wrong_api_response(self, get_conn): # Given response_product_set = None create_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product_set create_product_set_method.return_value = response_product_set parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product_set = ProductSet() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.create_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=None, product_set=product_set, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then # API response was wrong (None) and thus ProductSet ID extraction should fail. err = ctx.value assert 'Unable to get name from response...' in str(err) create_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product_set=product_set, product_set_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_get_productset(self, get_conn): # Given name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST) response_product_set = ProductSet(name=name) get_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.get_product_set get_product_set_method.return_value = response_product_set # When response = self.hook.get_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then assert response assert response == MessageToDict(response_product_set) get_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with(name=name, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_productset_no_explicit_name(self, get_conn): # Given product_set = ProductSet() update_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product_set update_product_set_method.return_value = product_set productset_name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST ) # When result = self.hook.update_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_set=product_set, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then assert result == MessageToDict(product_set) update_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( product_set=ProductSet(name=productset_name), metadata=None, retry=None, timeout=None, update_mask=None, )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_productset_no_explicit_name_and_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_set_id, get_conn
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_productset_explicit_name_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_set_id, get_conn
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_productset_explicit_name_different_from_constructed(self, get_conn): # Given update_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product_set update_product_set_method.return_value = None explicit_ps_name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST_2, LOC_ID_TEST_2, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST_2 ) product_set = ProductSet(name=explicit_ps_name) template_ps_name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST ) # When # Location and product_set_id are passed in addition to a ProductSet with an explicit name, # but both names differ (constructed != explicit). # Should throw AirflowException in this case. with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.update_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_set=product_set, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) err = ctx.value # self.assertIn("The required parameter 'project_id' is missing", str(err)) assert err assert ( ERR_DIFF_NAMES.format( explicit_name=explicit_ps_name, constructed_name=template_ps_name, label="ProductSet", id_label="productset_id", ) in str(err) ) update_product_set_method.assert_not_called()
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_delete_productset(self, get_conn): # Given delete_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.delete_product_set delete_product_set_method.return_value = None name = ProductSearchClient.product_set_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST) # When response = self.hook.delete_product_set( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then assert response is None delete_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with(name=name, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_reference_image_explicit_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_reference_image_method = get_conn.return_value.create_reference_image # When result = self.hook.create_reference_image( project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_WITHOUT_ID_NAME, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST create_reference_image_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=PRODUCT_NAME, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_WITHOUT_ID_NAME, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_reference_image_autogenerated_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_reference_image_method = get_conn.return_value.create_reference_image # When result = self.hook.create_reference_image( project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_TEST, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == REFERENCE_IMAGE_GEN_ID_TEST create_reference_image_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=PRODUCT_NAME, reference_image=REFERENCE_IMAGE_TEST, reference_image_id=REFERENCE_IMAGE_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_add_product_to_product_set(self, get_conn): # Given add_product_to_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.add_product_to_product_set # When self.hook.add_product_to_product_set( product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method add_product_to_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( name=PRODUCTSET_NAME_TEST, product=PRODUCT_NAME_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_remove_product_from_product_set(self, get_conn): # Given remove_product_from_product_set_method = get_conn.return_value.remove_product_from_product_set # When self.hook.remove_product_from_product_set( product_set_id=PRODUCTSET_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, location=LOC_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method remove_product_from_product_set_method.assert_called_once_with( name=PRODUCTSET_NAME_TEST, product=PRODUCT_NAME_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_annotate_image(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given annotate_image_method = annotator_client_mock.annotate_image # When self.hook.annotate_image(request=ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method annotate_image_method.assert_called_once_with( request=ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST, retry=None, timeout=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_batch_annotate_images(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given batch_annotate_images_method = annotator_client_mock.batch_annotate_images # When self.hook.batch_annotate_images(requests=BATCH_ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method batch_annotate_images_method.assert_called_once_with( requests=BATCH_ANNOTATE_IMAGE_REQUEST, retry=None, timeout=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_product_explicit_id(self, get_conn): # Given create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = None parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When result = self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # Product ID was provided explicitly in the method call above, should be returned from the method assert result == PRODUCT_ID_TEST create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_product_autogenerated_id(self, get_conn): # Given autogenerated_id = 'autogen-p-id' response_product = Product( name=ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, autogenerated_id) ) create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = response_product parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When result = self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=None, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # Product ID was not provided in the method call above. Should be extracted from the API response # and returned. assert result == autogenerated_id create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_product_autogenerated_id_wrong_name_in_response(self, get_conn): # Given wrong_name = 'wrong_name_not_a_correct_path' response_product = Product(name=wrong_name) create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = response_product parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=None, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # API response was wrong (wrong name format) and thus ProductSet ID extraction should fail. err = ctx.value assert 'Unable to get id from name' in str(err) create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_create_product_autogenerated_id_wrong_api_response(self, get_conn): # Given response_product = None create_product_method = get_conn.return_value.create_product create_product_method.return_value = response_product parent = ProductSearchClient.location_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST) product = Product() # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.create_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=None, product=product, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then # API response was wrong (None) and thus ProductSet ID extraction should fail. err = ctx.value assert 'Unable to get name from response...' in str(err) create_product_method.assert_called_once_with( parent=parent, product=product, product_id=None, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_product_no_explicit_name(self, get_conn): # Given product = Product() update_product_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product update_product_method.return_value = product product_name = ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCT_ID_TEST) # When result = self.hook.update_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, product=product, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) # Then assert result == MessageToDict(product) update_product_method.assert_called_once_with( product=Product(name=product_name), metadata=None, retry=None, timeout=None, update_mask=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_product_no_explicit_name_and_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_id, get_conn
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_product_explicit_name_missing_params_for_constructed_name( self, location, product_id, get_conn
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_update_product_explicit_name_different_from_constructed(self, get_conn): # Given update_product_method = get_conn.return_value.update_product update_product_method.return_value = None explicit_p_name = ProductSearchClient.product_path( PROJECT_ID_TEST_2, LOC_ID_TEST_2, PRODUCT_ID_TEST_2 ) product = Product(name=explicit_p_name) template_p_name = ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCT_ID_TEST) # When # Location and product_id are passed in addition to a Product with an explicit name, # but both names differ (constructed != explicit). # Should throw AirflowException in this case. with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.update_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, product=product, update_mask=None, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None, ) err = ctx.value assert err assert ( ERR_DIFF_NAMES.format( explicit_name=explicit_p_name, constructed_name=template_p_name, label="Product", id_label="product_id", ) in str(err) ) update_product_method.assert_not_called()
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_delete_product(self, get_conn): # Given delete_product_method = get_conn.return_value.delete_product delete_product_method.return_value = None name = ProductSearchClient.product_path(PROJECT_ID_TEST, LOC_ID_TEST, PRODUCT_ID_TEST) # When response = self.hook.delete_product( location=LOC_ID_TEST, product_id=PRODUCT_ID_TEST, project_id=PROJECT_ID_TEST ) # Then assert response is None delete_product_method.assert_called_once_with(name=name, retry=None, timeout=None, metadata=None)
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_detect_text(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) # Then detect_text_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_detect_text_with_additional_properties(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.text_detection( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, additional_properties={"prop1": "test1", "prop2": "test2"} ) # Then detect_text_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None, prop1="test1", prop2="test2" )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_detect_text_with_error_response(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( error={"code": 3, "message": "test error message"} ) # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) err = ctx.value assert "test error message" in str(err)
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_document_text_detection(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given document_text_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.document_text_detection document_text_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.document_text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) # Then document_text_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_document_text_detection_with_additional_properties(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given document_text_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.document_text_detection document_text_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( text_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.document_text_detection( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, additional_properties={"prop1": "test1", "prop2": "test2"} ) # Then document_text_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None, prop1="test1", prop2="test2" )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_detect_document_text_with_error_response(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.document_text_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( error={"code": 3, "message": "test error message"} ) # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.document_text_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) err = ctx.value assert "test error message" in str(err)
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_label_detection(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given label_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.label_detection label_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( label_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.label_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) # Then label_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_label_detection_with_additional_properties(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given label_detection_method = annotator_client_mock.label_detection label_detection_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( label_annotations=[EntityAnnotation(description="test", score=0.5)] ) # When self.hook.label_detection( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, additional_properties={"prop1": "test1", "prop2": "test2"} ) # Then label_detection_method.assert_called_once_with( image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE, max_results=None, retry=None, timeout=None, prop1="test1", prop2="test2" )
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]
def test_label_detection_with_error_response(self, annotator_client_mock): # Given detect_text_method = annotator_client_mock.label_detection detect_text_method.return_value = AnnotateImageResponse( error={"code": 3, "message": "test error message"} ) # When with pytest.raises(AirflowException) as ctx: self.hook.label_detection(image=DETECT_TEST_IMAGE) err = ctx.value assert "test error message" in str(err)
[ 29418, 12032, 29418, 869, 1428948298 ]