how do i cheat on four-in-a-row at the games-menu? :o
install the source and hack a cheat function into it?
what package is bdftousplash and pngtousplash in?
if you don't have them installed,
how can i connect ubuntu with a motorola cable modem ? it has a usb plug also but motorola does not seem to provide drivers and it does not work if i connect it
does it have a standard ethernet connector?
hi, i'm trying to use dpkg -r to remove a .deb that i installed, but it is telling me that the package hasn't been installed. are there individual packages inside of one .deb, and if so, is there a way to list them?
so dont do the whole .deb, just the bit before _
hello! can anyone tell me how i can share a partition with my dual boot oss -- windows 7 and ubuntu? i already have a third partition, however, b/c it is ext3 i cannot access it via wndows 7. i have also tried an ext3 driver for windows, but it doesn't seem to recognize the third partitions format for some reason. any ideas anyone?
i heard ntfs is fine
what's the recommended way to install adobe reader on 9.04?
i believe ubuntu comes out of the box with a reader, just doesn't have 'adobe' on it
what service do i have to install in order to have the system update date and time over the internet?
an ntp server
i can't find skype in synaptic package manager. can i use the feisty fawn version from the skype site for my gutsy gibbon installation?
or download it from skype's site
how to grep a command?
suffic > suffix
my friend's brother somehow erased a data harddrive that he had some to-him important data, is there anything in gnu/linux to maybe help him out? they wont give me information on what they were doing to erase it, so i think anything from disk error to deleted partition, but i'm nervous about setting any changes. is there a good undelete or ??? some kind of cool program?
ahh, then why the permission errors?
the file that needs changing is /etc/fstab
i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a seperate partition on my hard drive but now it auto boots into ubuntu instead of asking me, most of the guides i find assume you haven't installed anything yet, how can i get it to ask which os to boot?
get startup-manager from ubuntu software centre
how can i change my fstab so that this drive # /dev/sdb1 uuid=35826132-6e87-450f-88b3-9d6e6369072b /media/data ext3 relatime 0 2 is writeable by me?
that is ext3, thats file system rights and not mount option rights
锘縣ello .. i'm experiencing lots of trouble with firebox under ubuntu recently .. the browser window hangs (and turns grey) sometimes for seconds, sometimes minutes, sometimes indefinitely ... what can be the cause?
under security disable tell me about visiting an attack site or forgery, though it is not ideal to dissable this extra security
hmmm, well can you give me a link for gparted?
can someone tell me of a little applet that will allow me to turn on/off my synaptics touchpad? (middle of the page)
hi, does cat /proc/asound/modules give my card # or id?
try /proc/asound/cards; they'll be listed in order.
what's better? gnome or kde? i just read an article that has linus tovalds recommending kde, saying it's more efficient. is that true?
i prefer gnome
hey, can i run windows programs directly from my windows partition? might help you
hello there, i want to run in background a program and save the pid in a file named, i have this, this run the program in background ./myprogram > /dev/null & , but how i get the pid to save it in
the process id of the current bash is $$
would anyone mind answering some questions of mine? i'd ask them up front but i don't want to redirect the channels' topic
topic is ubuntu support, ask away ;)
is there a way to somehow check as much of the installation(packages?) as possible for missing/damaged files? my harddrive had a hickup, fsck solved it but now it seems some of the entries in the menu are in english, f.ex..
also 'dpkg -l | grep -v ii'
going to do a dual boot win7and ubuntu 9.10 to a blank disk.. is it better to have win or ubuntu installed first?
probably better to have win installed first.
is it possible to mount an iso on an actual cd drive? i'm trying to install something that wants the ubuntu cd, but i don't have the cd handy, but i still have the iso...
you can mount iso file easily, the trick is the installer to be told to use your iso instead of the cdrom..
i'm trying to run opera 32-bit on ubuntu gutsy 64-bit so i can use flash. i have three libraries which opera can't use because it is 32-bit. how do i grab the 32-bit libs?
you need to setup a 32bit chroot most likely
i need to find out the info of my ntfs partition to add it to the fstab, how would i do that?
sudo fdisk -l
guys, for apt-get, is there a way to see the contents of the package that i wanted to install?
dpkg -l <packagename> after its being installed, else 'apt-file list package '
hey guys i just got out of windows, and im really used to 'win+e' to open my computer, could anyone help me out set hot key for opening my home folder ? ..or refer me to a howto :d
ctrl+alt+home is default. otherwise, go to system, preferences, keyboard shortcuts and change it
how can i completely kill x?
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
is there a way to take an ubuntu install and move it onto a usb thumb drive?
i think it would be better to just do a fresh install on the thumb drive.
do you known where can i find gmail notifier but for linux ? because i can't find it on google
its in the repos
i have a folder full of ttf fonts that i want to add to the system wide font folder however i cannot mount /media/sda1 as a normal user (its ntfs i believe) and copy it into fonts:///
doesn't just draging them at fonts:/// under nautilus work?
if i start a player it captures the soundcard and it won't let any other source to play sound... can anyone help me to fix this?
pulseaudio is supposed to fix this kind of thing and let apps share the sound card. do you have a non-default unstall or have you uninstalled pulse fo some reason?
hey seems like i have old ffmpeg, any way to get newest?
apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade
how do i find out which version of the kernel i'm running via the commandline?
uname -r
hi , trying to u/g my xubuntu install, but the upgrade manager is only saying that there is an upgrade to 7.10 available. is there somthing i can add to sources.lst or whatever it is to get it to see 8.04? thanks
what version do you have? if 7.04, then you must first upgrae to 7.10
hi, i want to only download a certain range of bytes of a remote file, how to do this?
how do i move a file to the trash can through the terminal?
mv /path/file ~/.trash
what is the best gui program to make iso's??
best is hard to say, i use k3b fine for it
i was wondering how that 128 was working for you
heh :)
any hints on how to change the kernel the ubuntu installer uses?
create a custom livecd?
hey, i'm having a java problem. i added my path to /etc/profile and loged out and back in. but when i which java i get nothing :(
add it instead to /etc/environment
what software does ubuntu use to auto mount cdrom, usb external harddisk?
gnome has a mounter that does that
do i have to close the apps if i'm doing a apt-get upgrade?
just restart any aps that get upgraded when the upgrade is done.
what are the minimum hw requirements for ubuntu 7 desktop/server edition?
if it's really old hardware, you should go with the alternate install disc
what to click there : ?
open a terminal (applications>accessories>terminal) type this into the terminal sudo apt-get install wine you will then see wine installed under applications
what is the command to mount a drive?
mount /dev/<devicenode> <mountpoint>
any unix users around ?
lots of unix-like users around ;)
guys, im stuck at the end of an install from terminal. how the heck do i continue?!
tab and enter
anyone who knows if i can install ubuntu on my phone - htc g1 ?
you can't
can somebody help me?
view/userlist is it checked?
can ubuntu and kunbuntu co-habit on the same hd without trouble ?
apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
xchat .. when i accidently disconnect a channel (eg. #ubuntu) from the main window .. how do i reattach?
i accidentally opened a mp4 file with real player and now i have to right click it and choose movieplayer if i want to open it that way (it automatically opened it that way before). if i try to open an mp4 from the firefox downloads list, it just tries to open it in realplayer as well. i selected movieplayer as the default in preferred applications. realplayer doesnt seem to work for watching mp4s in any case. can anyone help?
set mplayer in the 'open with' tab in the properties window of a mp4 file
wats a good way to kill gdm cuz i try to kill it with killall gdm and it fails and says it cant
sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop
with ubuntu 8 is there a text install available?
need a link?
does anyone have time to help me setup my wireless internet?
no. read the help page and ask specific questions if you get stuck:
does anybody know if there is a utf8 latex-package for ubuntu? should be named tetex-unicode, latex-unicode or similar
apt-cache search latex unicode, turns up latex-ucs and latex-ucs-uninames
can anyone help me out with my audio, it doesn't work anymore, everything complains it can't open it
you had mp3-capablilities and then it all went away?
is there any repository with 64-bit version of firefox 3.5 beta4?
in official repo firefox-3.5
why is it i got access denied when editing samba/smb.conf in my ubuntu server?
you need to edit as root, ie sudo gedut smb.conf (or vi, nano, etc)
hi all! i've written a python script. can i execute it at the boot time?
system--> preferences--> sessions
how do i check what wireless card i have within ubuntu?
from the terminal tpype lspci
i remember there was a program, of which images where distributed that could be written to a floppy to boot from it and then be able to boot from cd, hard disk, or some other options. does anybody know what am i talking about ?
smart boot manager
hm. maybe i was too unspecific. what i want to find out is, which apt-repository provides a certain package/program
ah... apt-cache policy foopackage
nobody knows why doom 3 make the system ( including doom 3 himself ) extremly slow after a movie or a loading ?
got the video drivers installed?
no one here can tell me the difference?
the red one points to nirwana. try ls -ll <symlink>
can anybody of you point me a good website or a book for learing subnetting
check out also:
is there some sort of guide somewhere on dealing with kernel panics?
theres a bunch of pages on the ubuntu wiki, especially the kernel section
i use ubuntu on an old laptop, and it seems to be very slow, is there anything i can do to speed it up?
try lubuntu instead
how can i create a batch script? in dos i would enter my dos commands in a bat file then execute the file. what is the equilivant in linux?
check out
how do i find out if samba is installed ?
smb tab-key
what is usb-modeswitch
is a program (that is in ubuntu repos) that has a nice set of workarounds for usb deviced do what they're really intended to
anyone have anything bad to say about unetbootin before i try it instead of universal usb installer?
make sure you choose the iso stored localy instead of redownloading it again through the application
does anyone know where i could get some mplayer debs or at least make totem work?
all th ethings you need are explained there
whats the easiest way to lock the kernel version so it doesnt update? i need to explain it to my brother so that i dont have to explain to him how to get his wireless and video working again
hi i need urgent help..i use firestarter and there are strange occurences..mas source is my ip and target is my localhost on port 16001..after that there is an connection attempt from my router to my ip on port 14013..rkhunter and chrootkit does not show any alarm..netstat tulpen does not show any open socket
you should use ufw instead and monitor its logs with : watch -n1 -d 'tail /var/log/messages | grep ufw '
good afternoon. anyone knows a good tutorial on how to configure a full mail server, with postfix, mysql, sasl, imap, webmail, wap, etc... ?
every app has its document
ls -d list directories?
found it.. ls -d */ .. to get a list of the directories in the directory that you're in.
can someone help me i am trying to install xubuntu 8.10 on a laptop and the installation screen and everything works fine then it loads this thing called busy box and has a variety of different commands to enter, im not sure where to go from here?
try using safe graphics mode
does anyone know of any good graphical apps to download video podcasts
check out democracyplayer
how do i change my user name ?
editing /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/sudoers (as root) may work, but you'd better create a new user
did you see the private message i sent you?
sorry yes, the forum post has it all fixed for eme.
guys, look this table partition of my laptop .. how i delete that swap partition that i dont using.. :(
run 'sudo swapoff /dev/sda9' to make it available for removal. there might also be a right-click option in gparted, i forget.
hi all, i'd like to know what to do with this bug i've discovered (or not): when i boot a dapper 5 live cd, i can't get static networking to work. i've looked in, where they say the bug is fixed, but i can't see any trace of said fix getting into dapper. i'va already asked on #launchpad, and they told me to come here.
sorry for the second redirection of the day, but the dapper channel is that :)
is it possible to install drop box to a different folder name?
start up drop box and use the preferences menu under the advanced tab
is there a dummies guide on creating ubuntu packages?
look at debian developer docs, or maybe there's something in the wiki
how come ubuntu doesn't have firefox 2.x available to download via synaptic? :(
edgy has it, dapper doesnt
is there a good program for backing up a complete drive?
look at clonezilla
after enabling desktop cube from compiz i dont know how but 'close, minimize and close' buttons just vanished....anybody know how to fix it?
if compiz crashed do alt-f2 'compiz --replace'
hi all. how do i make a program run at startup
system > preferences > sessions (in gnome menu)
is there a search utility for apt-get?
apt-cache search
on debian, if i wanted to know which (not presently installed) package contains a certain file, i'd go to how would i do it on ubuntu?
go to
is there an app that would let me capture video (plus audio) using my webcam and mic?
vlc should
hi , how to check is my ubntu 32bit version or 64bit version .. ? any help pls
incredible that man page says absolutely nothing about my question i wonder why i asked it here in the first place.
dpkg -l '*package*'
how can i have an app (say virtualbox, start in workspace #2 ?
here is it
the random pixels even show up on the bios settings and login screen, not just gnome
sounds like a hardware problem.
those links the bot has are to add more features (buttons/commands) to a mouse, im looking to subtract a setting. my xorg.conf has no settings for my mouse, just 'configured mouse' so i cant change it there. any other ideas?
that might be more relevant. or a combination of the two. the mouse buttons are probably extra mouse buttons, (7, 8,9 etc) which is configured for a small part with the first link, the second might be more relevan if they are already found, and you need to remap
how can i unzip a .zip file from cmdline?
df -h