1 value
3 values
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 10 4 d2c02,0c2a02a0,0c2020a2,a2a0e2 O0 5 4 c91,191a9,a19a1,a1a91 I1 10 5 f2a02,020d2a0,20c20a20,2,020e20 O1 5 5 a1a91,91b9,c19,1,91919 I2 6 5 020b2,,20a202,0b202,20b20 O2 3 5 919,,1,a91,1a9 I3 8 5 c202a0,b20a202,2,a20d2,e2a0 O3 4 5 91a9,a1a9,1,a191,a1a9 I4T 6 4 2,a20b2,20c2,d20 O4T None
111 119 191 119
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 8 3 c81313,7b831a3,c8c3 O0 4 3 5454,a5a4,4 I1 8 5 c8a3a1,b87a1a3,c8c3,c83a13,7b8c1 O1 4 5 a4a5,a545,4,4a54,4b5 I2 10 2 b8781a313,878a7d3 O2 5 2 5c4,454a5 I3T 10 4 d8d3,,d81c3,7a878a31a3 O3T None I4T 10 5 8c713131,8a7a8b3a1,87b831a31,a8a78131a3,a7878c31 O4T None
44444 44444 54444 54554
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for 'O2T'
I0 5 5 408a0,,a0804,40804,a0840 O0 2 5 29,,92,2,29 I1 9 4 c084b0,4b08c0,,b048c0 O1 4 4 2b9,,,b92 I2T 11 4 a4b08404a0,d08b404,a040480b40,d08c04 O2T None
92299 22292 92922 99992
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 2 7 51,5,,7,9,93, O0 2 3 87,, I1 4 7 b51,a515,5,7,a939,b93,a939 O1 4 3 a8a7,,a878 I2T 3 7 a15,5,,7,9,939,a39 O2T None I3T 4 11 a515,a151,a5a1,1b5,b51,7,3,a9a3,b93,3939,3b9 O3T None
7787 7778 8878 8878 7887
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 7 3 9592a59,a5925a9,5a92b9 O0 3 3 3a2,232,3a2 I1 5 3 a9259,a92a9,952a9 O1 2 3 32,2,23 I2 5 5 59295,a92a9,a9259,a92a5,a92a9 O2 2 5 3,2,32,3,2 I3T 9 4 c925a95,5a9525a95,5a95295a9,c9259a5 O3T None I4T 9 3 b952b59,9a592a9a5,95a92b95 O4T None
3333 2323 2323
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 6 4 d13,a13b1,1,b13a1 O0 3 4 a80,,8,0a8 I1 6 3 1,a13b1,c131 O1 3 3 8,a80,808 I2 10 4 b13d13,1,a13f1,a1313c13 O2 5 4 b8a0,8,a80a8, I3 4 3 a3a1,b13,3a13 O3 2 3 0,80,0 I4T 8 5 3a13c1,131313a1,a313a131,13c131,3a1a3b1 O4T None I5T 4 4 3131,3b1,a1a3,1313 O5T None
0880 8880 0000 8008 8880
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 5 5 965a4,96547,a65a7,96547,695a4 O0 2 5 28,2,,,82 I1 9 5 96a954a74,c65a474,c65c4,b6954a74,9a6957b4 O1 4 5 a282,a828,8,8b2,b82 I2 7 4 a695a47,a695b4,b65474,9a657a4 O2 3 4 8,a82,828,8 I3 5 5 695a4,,69547,a65a4,a6547 O3 2 5 82,,8,,82 I4T 7 5 b65b7,9a65a74,6a95b4,b65474,9a65a47 O4T None
222 828 822 828 282
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 4 89a89b898,a98a9a89a8,a8a9c898,a9c89b8 O0 5 4 818a1,1,a81a8,1c8 I1 8 2 a9a8b98,a8a9b89 O1 4 2 a818, I2 4 5 b89,9a89,9898,a898,8 O2 2 5 81,1,8,18,8 I3T 10 2 89e898,b89a89b8 O3T None I4T 6 3 a8a9a8,d89,8 O4T None
181 881 888
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 11 5 01b068b28,b0106a82a8,a01a06b8a2,a0a106a82a8,a1b06a8b2 O0 5 5 a7a37,,a7b3,b737,3 I1 5 5 01682,016a8,,016a2,10628 O1 2 5 7,73,,37,7 I2T 9 4 b016c8,c06b82,10a162828,a0a16c8 O2T None I3T 9 3 01a06a282,0b162828,c062b8 O3T None
3773 3373 3777
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 11 c74,,7,474a7,b4a7,3,7,74b7,7,,c74 O0 5 5 c79,79a79,7,979a7,b979 I1 4 7 7,,4b7,3,7,4b7,7 O1 4 3 7,9b7, I2T 4 7 7,,7a47,3,7474,74a7, O2T None I3T 5 7 c74,,b747,3,474a7,7,b747 O3T None
97979 77779 77777
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O2T' predict the raw pixels
I0 9 3 b05205a0,c02c0,a050205a0 O0 4 3 4040,4,4a04 I1 9 5 05a0205a0,c02a050,b052a0a5,5b02c0,a0502c0 O1 4 5 4,a404,,0b4,a404 I2T 5 3 052a0,a02a0,a5250 O2T None
40 44 40
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for 'O2T'
I0 4 5 a8a5,78a5,a8a5,a852,a8a5 O0 2 5 4,54,4,45,4 I1 8 5 a8785a25,c8b52,b87b52,87a8c5,78a72525 O1 4 5 45a4,b45,4,45a4,b45 I2T 4 2 87a5,7825 O2T None I3T 8 5 87a8a525,b87c5,7b8a525,c72b5,a787a525 O3T None
45 44
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 7 3 3238a06,b386a0,b38606 O0 3 3 7a8,8a7,878 I1 9 5 b328c6,b3286a06,c38c0,c380a60,c38c0 O1 4 5 b87,8b7,7,7a87,7 I2T 9 3 c38c0,a3238c0,23a28a060 O2T None I3T 5 4 328a0,32806,a28a6,a38a0 O3T None
7777 7787 8778
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 6 83b8,83838,8,2,2a0a2,0c2 O0 5 3 79b7,a7a97,9c7 I1 4 10 8a38,a383,b38,8,3838,b20,20a2,a202,,a2a0 O1 4 5 7b9,9a79,a9a7,a797,9a79 I2T 5 4 b838,8,20202,a2020 O2T None I3T 5 8 3c8,a8383,8,b838,20b2,,a02a0,2a0a2 O3T None
99777 79979 99799 79997
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 3 10 989,,9,a89,9,2a4,a42,4,,2a4 O0 3 5 a53,3a5,3,a53,5a3 I1 2 6 9,,98,42,4, O1 2 3 35,3,35 I2T 4 8 b98,a9a8,8b9,a9a8,b24,4,a242,a4a2 O2T None I3T 5 6 98989,8b98,8a989,42424,24b2,c42 O3T None
5555 3355 3535 3333
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 4 6 b41,4,1b4,a1a4,1b4,a414 O0 4 3 a030,0b3,0303 I1 5 8 c41,1c4,a4a14,4,41a41,c41,14141,4 O1 5 4 30b3,0b30,0a3a0,3 I2T 3 4 414,1a4,4,414 O2T None
303 003
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 11 2 5a2a56d0,252a56b0a7 O0 5 2 6a8a6,86b8 I1 9 2 52526c0,525260b7 O1 4 2 6868,a686 I2 9 4 c5607a0,a5a2607a0,a52567070,b526c0 O2 4 4 68a6,6b8,8b6,b68 I3T 11 4 d56b070,,52a5267b07,b5a26d0 O3T None I4T 7 5 5a267a0,2a56b0,b56b0,5256b7,2526b0 O4T None
66686 66686 88666 66688
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 4 7 6,9696,6969,7,a505,b50, O0 4 3 a878,78a7,87a8 I1 5 9 696a9,c69,a69a6,9a6a9,7,c50,5c0,5a0a5,505a0 O1 5 4 87878,8b78,87b8,a7b8 I2T 5 11 a6b9,9c6,a6969,a69a6,6,7,50a50,5b05,a5a05,0b50,05050 O2T None
87778 77778 88877 78787 78787
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 11 2 19b1357a57,a91a93b7a5 O0 5 2 c84,a8b4 I1 7 2 9a137a5,a193757 O1 3 2 8,4a8 I2 9 2 b91357a5,a19135b7 O2 4 2 4848,8484 I3T 9 4 1b93c7,19193c7,1a9135a75,19a1375a7 O3T None
4888 4848 8888 4444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O2T', predict the raw pixels
I0 2 10 6,0,60,06,0,5,,2,,25 O0 2 5 7,4,47,74, I1 4 8 6b0,06a0,6b0,60a6,2,5a25,b52, O1 4 4 4b7,a474,7a47,7474 I2T 5 6 06060,060a6,6a060,5a252,252a5,c52 O2T None
44777 77777 74477
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 4 6 b54,5b4,4545,9a69,b69,b96 O0 4 3 9b0,0a90,09a0 I1 4 6 a4a5,5a45,,6a96,6,9b6 O1 4 3 9090,0a90,b90 I2 2 8 4,,,45,6,96,6,69 O2 2 4 9,09,9, I3 4 8 4,a454,5454,4,9b6,a6a9,9,a696 O3 4 4 0b9,b90,9090,a909 I4T 4 10 45a4,4,4a54,5b4,4a54,a696,6,,9b6,6 O4T None
9009 9999 9009 9999 9009
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 5 74674,a76a7,,476a7,a76a4 O0 2 5 9,,,59,5 I1 5 2 a46a7,a7647 O1 2 2 5,59 I2 7 4 4a76b7,74767a4,b76747,a746b7 O2 3 4 5a9,a95,959,a95 I3T 9 2 74a76a747,a747647a4 O3T None I4T 9 4 a747674a7,4b76c7,c76c7,a7a46c7 O4T None
9559 5995
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O2T', predict the pixels
I0 2 6 3,,39,84,,48 O0 2 3 36,,6 I1 5 6 3a939,a3a93,939a3,c84,8,84a84 O1 5 3 3a6a3,a3a63,b636 I2T 2 4 3,39,84,8 O2T None
36 36
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 5 4 68b6,a6868,2,b2a4 O0 5 2 79b7,a7a97 I1 4 4 68a6,,a4a2,2424 O1 4 2 9b7,b79 I2T 5 10 a68a6,a6868,b6a8,68b6,c86,2,,,b242,24b2 O2T None
77977 77979 77799 79797 97997
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 3 4 727,7,a72,7 O0 3 2 7a6,7 I1 3 6 7,a72,7,2a7,,7 O1 3 3 6a7,676,7 I2 4 10 2b7,7,72a7,2727,,7,a727,7,72a7,7272 O2 4 5 6b7,a767,76a7,b67,6 I3 4 10 a7a2,a2a7,2727,a727,27a2,7272,b72,2727,72a7,7a27 O3 4 5 7a67,a676,7,7a67,a676 I4T 5 6 7,a72a7,7,2c7,b727,2c7 O4T None
67777 77667 67777
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 10 31a31,131a3,3b13,a3a13,1a3a1,7,6c7,7,,a76a7 O0 5 5 14a14,a14a1,1b41,a1a41,41b4 I1 5 6 3,,13a13,7,76b7,676a7 O1 5 3 1,14b1,b141 I2 2 8 31,3,31,,76,7,67,7 O2 2 4 1,,4,14 I3 3 4 3,a31,7a6,6a7 O3 3 2 1a4,414 I4T 5 8 31313,13131,3a1a3,b1a3,a7a67,b676,67676,c76 O4T None I5T 3 4 3,313,767,7 O5T None
141 141
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O2T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 4 a4795,647a9,a47a9,467a9 O0 2 4 78,87,7,78 I1 11 4 b464759595,d4795959,6c47959a5,a464675b95 O1 5 4 87b8,78787,a87a8,878a7 I2T 9 2 6b47c9,c475959 O2T None
8777 8787
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 8 38b3,a8a38,3a8a3,38a38,a9595,959a5,a5b9,95b9 O0 5 4 7a676,6a767,676a7,c76 I1 3 4 3a8,8a3,a59,9 O1 3 2 676,6a7 I2 3 10 3,,,a38,3,5a9,9,,, O2 3 5 6a7,7,,a76,7 I3 4 6 3,3838,3,9b5,a959,a9a5 O3 4 3 7b6,,a7a6 I4T 4 10 38a3,3838,a383,3,,9,,,a959,95a9 O4T None I5T 3 4 a83,a38,595,959 O5T None
7677 7676 7767 7767 7677
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O2T' predict the raw pixels
I0 7 4 b568a1,5a46b8,b56818,b56b1 O0 3 4 1a6,,161,6 I1 7 5 4a56b1,a456b1,b56181,b46b1,a546b1 O1 3 5 1a6,a16,616,1,a61 I2T 9 2 c56c1,454568b1 O2T None I3T 9 3 4a54618a1,5a456b18,c561a81 O3T None
6666 6616
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O5T, predict pixels
I0 3 4 5a1,1a5,848,8 O0 3 2 a51,1a5 I1 5 8 a1515,1b51,a15a1,a1515,48a48,4a848,8a4a8,a84a8 O1 5 4 5a1a5,b5a1,15b1,c15 I2 2 4 1,5,8,48 O2 2 2 1,15 I3 3 10 1,151,1a5,5a1,515,a84,8,,, O3 3 5 a15,151,1a5,5a1,515 I4T 5 6 b151,,b515,4b84,4a8a4,84b8 O4T None I5T 3 6 515,1a5,1,4a8,8, O5T None
115 155 111
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict pixels for O2T
I0 4 9 6262,26a2,2,26a2,8,0a10,1010,1a01,1 O0 4 4 a2a5,b25,2a52,25a2 I1 4 7 2,a2a6,2,8,a1a0,0a10,a0a1 O1 4 3 a2a5,5252,a5a2 I2T 4 9 6262,2,b26,26a2,8,1,0b1,1, O2T None I3T 3 9 2,a26,,2,8,a10,010,1, O3T None
5252 5222 2225 2522
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O2T', predict the raw pixels
I0 4 6 8,a5a8,,8,8b5,85a8 O0 4 3 3,63a6,6b3 I1 4 8 5858,a858,5a85,85a8,8,a585,a8a5,85a8 O1 4 4 6363,6,6363,3 I2T 3 4 a85,8,a58,5a8 O2T None
666 633
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 5 5 56a56,6b56,8,a5a65,56b5 O0 5 2 6c3,a3a63 I1 3 9 5,656,6a5,5,8,5,a65,6a5,5 O1 3 4 6,6a3,6, I2 3 7 656,5,5a6,8,5,6,5 O2 3 3 363,3,6a3 I3T 3 9 565,656,a56,656,8,5,,565,5 O3T None
636 363 633 363
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 3 9 6a3,,3,3a6,0,9a2,2,2a9,9a2 O0 3 4 2,9a2,2a9,9 I1 5 7 3,63636,3a636,0,c29,2, O1 5 3 c29,92929,2a929 I2 4 5 a363,6a36,0,a292,b29 O2 4 2 2,9b2 I3 4 5 b36,36a3,0,9b2,2 O3 4 2 9a29,29a2 I4T 3 7 3a6,6a3,3,0,929,2, O4T None I5T 5 5 36b3,3,0,929a2,b2a9 O5T None
992 922 222
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 9 5 c42a4a0,0b424a04,a4a02b40,0b424b0,c424a04 O0 4 5 a3a0,b03,a303,0,3a03 I1 7 2 a402a40,b424a0 O1 3 2 3,3a0 I2T 9 3 04a020404,a0a420a40,b4020404 O2T None
3330 3030 0300
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O2T', predict the raw pixels
I0 6 5 9a6b2,a69a23,b6b2,9a6232,b6a32 O0 3 5 5a6,6,,a56, I1 6 2 696b2,9a6232 O1 3 2 656,a56 I2T 10 2 b6a9a2b3,a6a9623b2 O2T None
66566 65556
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 2 10 4,64,4,,,64,46,,,64 O0 2 5 95,9,59,,95 I1 4 8 6a46,4,a464,4b6,46a4,4a64,a464,4646 O1 4 4 a959,5a95,5,a595 I2T 5 8 4c6,46b4,4a6a4,b6a4,4,c46,4,4b64 O2T None
59999 59559 59955 95595
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for 'O5T'
I0 11 2 d4915b1,6c49d1 O0 5 2 41b4,1c4 I1 5 4 46915,a4951,a4915, O1 2 4 4,14,41, I2 7 5 b491a5,b69151,b49b1,,6a49151 O2 3 5 4a1,141,4,,a14 I3 5 5 a49a1,469a1,46951,,a4951 O3 2 5 4,41,1,,14 I4T 9 3 4b69c1,c4915a1,46a49c1 O4T None I5T 7 4 4a695a1,4649b5,b49151,6a49151 O5T None
111 141 414 114
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 8 3 c89898,a89d8,d8989 O0 4 3 7373,a373,3737 I1 6 5 c898,b89a8,a89b8,c898, O1 3 5 373,7a3,a37,373, I2 8 5 d89a8,a8a9c8,8,f89,8 O2 4 5 37a3,a3a7,3,b37,3 I3T 6 5 b89a8,c8a9,8,d89,89c8 O3T None I4T 10 2 a8a9a89a89,a89d898 O4T None
37777 33773
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 2 10 83,8,,,3,79,,9,, O0 2 5 2,28,8,,2 I1 3 10 3a8,,a83,383,a83,a97,a79,9,,a97 O1 3 5 282,828,a82,282,8 I2 3 8 8,,,838,9,979,7a9,a97 O2 3 4 8,828,2a8,8a2 I3T 4 6 8,,3a83,9,9a79,9797 O3T None
8888 8228 2288
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 4 2 a545,54a5 O0 2 2 14,41 I1 10 2 e545a4,5a4c5a45 O1 5 2 414a1,41414 I2T 10 4 a54f5,c545b45,d54c5,5 O2T None
44144 41111 14444 44444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O2T' predict the raw pixels
I0 7 5 5354b3,3534b3,,a354a35,5a34b3 O0 3 5 737,373,,3,7a3 I1 11 5 a35a34d3,d54a35a3,d34535a3,3c54535a3,a3535435a35 O1 5 5 a37a3,a73a7,737a3,a73a7,3a7a3 I2T 9 4 35a3435a3,c345b3,353545b3,c34c3 O2T None
3333 7333 7737 3333
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 4 3 9090,0b9,9b0 O0 2 3 4,34, I1 6 4 b9090,9,0d9,9 O1 3 4 343,4,3a4,4 I2 4 3 0909,0a90,9 O2 2 3 4,3,4 I3T 4 4 9090,a090,a9a0,9 O3T None I4T 4 5 a9a0,a909,b90,90a9,9 O4T None
33 34 43 43 44
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 2 8 20,0,,02,71,1,, O0 2 4 6,,,61 I1 5 6 a0202,0a202,a02a0,c17,1,7a1a7 O1 5 3 a61a6,6a161,16b1 I2 4 8 0,b02,2020,0b2,1,17a1,,a171 O2 4 4 6,6161,b16,6161 I3T 3 8 0,0a2,,0,a17,7a1,171,a17 O3T None I4T 4 6 02a0,0,,7b1,1, O4T None
1166 6666 6666
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 5 9 b505,0c5,a50a5,50b5,6,505a0,50505,05b0,0c5 O0 5 4 46a46,a6464,6a4a6,a6b4 I1 3 7 0,a50,5,6,5,,a50 O1 3 3 6,a46, I2T 4 9 5a05,5,5a05,0505,6,50a5,a050,a505,5b0 O2T None
4464 6646 4644 6646
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 5 7 3,7b37,b3a7,1,9,,b959 O0 5 3 0,2b02,c02 I1 3 9 3a7,373,3,,1,959,9,5a9,959 O1 3 4 a02,020,2a0,020 I2 4 7 3a73,3,,1,9595,b95,9 O2 4 3 a0a2,b02,0 I3 3 11 3,373,3,,,1,959,9,,5a9,959 O3 3 5 020,,0,2a0,020 I4T 5 7 3b73,a3737,37b3,1,9,b959,9 O4T None I5T 5 11 37b3,,7b37,c37,a3737,1,95b9,9,,,5c9 O5T None
02220 00222 02000
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 2 8 54,45,5,45,5,4,45,54 O0 2 4 38,,83,8 I1 5 6 54b5,5,,54a54,b545,a45a4 O1 5 3 c38,b383,a83a8 I2 3 6 4a5,5,,,a54,5a4 O2 3 3 8a3,a38,3a8 I3 4 6 a545,5,,a545,,4b5 O3 4 3 3,a383,8b3 I4T 5 6 45454,54545,a5454,c54,a54a5,b545 O4T None
83833 38883 33888
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 4 9 5,a5a7,a757,7b5,8,4a24,24a2,b24,2 O0 4 4 8a38,3b8,a8a3,8b3 I1 3 5 a57,5,8,4a2,a42 O1 3 2 838,a83 I2 2 11 75,,5,75,,8,2,42,2,, O2 2 5 83,3,,83, I3T 5 7 5,5a757,b757,8,c42,24b2,4b24 O3T None
88883 33838 38833
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 3 8 8a3,838,3,,6a7,767,7a6,a67 O0 3 4 5,3,5a3,a35 I1 4 10 3,b38,8b3,38a3,,6767,6a76,7676,7a67,6a76 O1 4 5 3535,3b5,a353,a535,a353 I2 5 4 b383,,6,76a76 O2 5 2 b353,535a3 I3T 5 10 8b38,a3a83,b8a3,3a838,38a38,67a67,6,7a676,c67,67a67 O3T None I4T 2 6 3,83,3,76,6, O4T None
55333 33553 35553 35533 33333
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 9 2 131345a25,1b34a2a5 O0 4 2 a4a7,74a7 I1 7 2 3a14b5,a3142a5 O1 3 2 7a4,474 I2T 9 5 a131452a5,1a314a525,31a342b5,131342a52,a1a3452a5 O2T None I3T 11 4 b3134a5252,31a31452b5,1b3142a5a2,1c345c2 O3T None
4774 4744 4477 7744 4777
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 3 10 353,535,3,3a5,5a3,3a5,5a3,a35,3,535 O0 3 5 a67,,,6a7,a67 I1 4 8 3,5a35,b35,3,3a53,5353,3, O1 4 4 6a76,a6a7,b67,6 I2T 3 8 353,3,,,,a35,, O2T None
676 667 667 667
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 11 4 a62a68a94a9,a62a6894b9,d68d9, O0 5 4 3,3a7a3,3, I1 11 4 2c6894b9,d684c9,2c68b949,a626284c9 O1 5 4 a7b3,7c3,7a373,73737 I2T 11 3 d68b949,d68d9,c628b9a4 O2T None I3T 11 3 2a62684c9,62b68a4949,b2628949a4 O3T None
33373 33333 33373
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 11 2 5a2a56d0,252a56b0a7 O0 5 2 6a8a6,86b8 I1 9 2 52526c0,525260b7 O1 4 2 6868,a686 I2 9 4 c5607a0,a5a2607a0,a52567070,b526c0 O2 4 4 68a6,6b8,8b6,b68 I3T 11 4 d56b070,,52a5267b07,b5a26d0 O3T None I4T 7 5 5a267a0,2a56b0,b56b0,5256b7,2526b0 O4T None
888 866 666 868 868
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 5 5 a7427,a24a7,72427,274a7, O0 2 5 09,0,,09, I1 9 5 272747b2,c74c7,7a2742727,c747b2,c74c7 O1 4 5 a090,9,a0a9,9b0,9 I2 5 4 a7427,27427,a74a7, O2 2 4 09,9,, I3T 7 2 2a74b7,7a24727 O3T None I4T 9 5 a7a24a2a7,b7242a72,c7472a7,a2a7472a7,2b74c7 O4T None
0000 0999 9099 0999 0999
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 10 4 h69,b6a9d6,e69b6,d6969a6 O0 5 4 c46,b4a6,46b4,646a4 I1 8 2 a69c69,96b9b6 O1 4 2 a4a6, I2 10 5 6969b69a6,9a6a9b6a9,a6b9d6,9696b9b6,9h6 O2 5 5 4b64,6c4,a4b6,4a646,6c4 I3 10 3 d6a9b6,9b69d6,9d69a69 O3 5 3 a6b4,6b46,a6a46 I4T 6 3 69c6,b6b9,b69a6 O4T None
464 666 644
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 5 a9a39,3a939,8,93939,a3939 O0 5 2 6a4a6,64b6 I1 5 9 a9a39,9a3a9,b939,93b9,8,3a939,a93a9,,93a93 O1 5 4 464a6,64b6,a6a46,c64 I2 4 9 3a93,9a39,9,9a39,8,b93,,9,3b9 O2 4 4 4b6,6b4,6,b46 I3 5 11 c93,c39,a9393,a9b3,93a93,8,c93,93b9,9,, O3 5 5 6,46a46,a6464,a6b4,64a64 I4T 3 9 393,a93,939,9a3,8,a93,9a3,939,a39 O4T None I5T 5 7 a3b9,9,c93,8,9,a93a9,9 O5T None
466 646 666 464
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 6 5 b16a1,1,,a6c1, O0 3 5 8a5,5,,a85, I1 10 4 6a16c161,a1a6b16a1,16e1a6,16b1a6b1 O1 5 4 8c5,b585,585a8,8c5 I2 10 4 a1616161a6,1616a16b1,a1a61b6a1,g161 O2 5 4 5b85,b585,a8585,b585 I3 8 4 16e1,161616a1,1, O3 4 4 58a5,b58,5, I4T 6 2 6a16a1,b1a61 O4T None I5T 10 2 d1a6b1,e6b16 O5T None
88555 58885
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O5T' predict the pixels
I0 5 5 a9a39,3a939,8,93939,a3939 O0 5 2 6a4a6,64b6 I1 5 9 a9a39,9a3a9,b939,93b9,8,3a939,a93a9,,93a93 O1 5 4 464a6,64b6,a6a46,c64 I2 4 9 3a93,9a39,9,9a39,8,b93,,9,3b9 O2 4 4 4b6,6b4,6,b46 I3 5 11 c93,c39,a9393,a9b3,93a93,8,c93,93b9,9,, O3 5 5 6,46a46,a6464,a6b4,64a64 I4T 3 9 393,a93,939,9a3,8,a93,9a3,939,a39 O4T None I5T 5 7 a3b9,9,c93,8,9,a93a9,9 O5T None
44666 66466 66664
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 4 9 2b0,0,b02,2020,6,8,,a858,8 O0 4 4 6b7,7,a7a6,6767 I1 2 9 02,0,02,0,6,58,8,,58 O1 2 4 6,7,76,67 I2T 4 7 0,2b0,a2a0,6,85a8,8, O2T None I3T 4 9 02a0,a202,,02a0,6,8,,,85a8 O3T None
7677 6777 6677
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 4 5 8787,8a78,a787,b87,78a7 O0 2 5 7,9,97,79, I1 10 5 b7e87,f7a87,e7a878,a7a878b78,8c78c7 O1 5 5 b979,a7a97,7a979,97b9,7 I2 4 3 87a8,a787,8b7 O2 2 3 79,97, I3 10 5 78f78,d78c7,78b7c87,7,7b8a78b7 O3 5 5 79a79,9c7,97a97,7,a7a97 I4T 4 5 a7a8,a787,8787,b87,7 O4T None I5T 10 5 7a8a7a87a8,8d7b87,78b78c7,h78,a78a78a7a8 O5T None
97999 99997 99777 77779 97999
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 9 5 c945656,91a94a565,9b14c5,919146b5,a9a14c5 O0 4 5 8282,8a28,8b2,a282,a8a2 I1 5 5 a9465,19465,19456,a9456, O1 2 5 28,8,2,82, I2 7 4 b94a65,b94b5,91946a5,b94a56 O2 3 4 a28,8,a28,a82 I3T 9 2 a1a945a65,91a945a65 O3T None
2828 8828
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 5 2 95170,a5107 O0 2 2 6,61 I1 7 4 9a51070,9591a70,b510a7,a5917a0 O1 3 4 a16,6a1,,161 I2 5 5 a5170,a51a7,a5170,a91a7,a51a7 O2 2 5 16,1,16,6,1 I3T 11 4 a5b91c70,9c510b70,9c51d7,d910c7 O3T None I4T 11 4 a5b91c70,b5951d7,95b91b707,d51d7 O4T None
11661 11116 61111 16666
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 2 11 83,3,83,,3,1,9,95,5,9,5 O0 2 5 71,17,,71,7 I1 4 7 38a3,8a38,a383,1,5a95,,9 O1 4 3 a717,1,a171 I2 4 7 3,,b38,1,b59,9, O2 4 3 b71,1,b17 I3 5 7 38a38,a83a8,a38a3,1,95b9,b9a5,59b5 O3 5 3 c17,a7b1,7a1a7 I4T 5 7 8b38,8c3,c38,1,5b95,9a5a9,9 O4T None
11111 77711 11117
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O2T', predict the raw pixels
I0 9 5 62a6762a6,626272b6,62a67a6a2,262672b6,6a2672b6 O0 4 5 6,a868,6b8,a686,b86 I1 5 5 a6762,627a6,a6762,267a2,267a6 O1 2 5 68,,,,86 I2T 9 5 62a67b62,c67c6,,,2b67a626 O2T None
6868 6666 6666 6666 8686
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 7 4 8380383,3a803a8,b803a8,b808a3 O0 3 4 0,5,0a5,5a0 I1 9 2 c803b8,83a803b8 O1 4 2 0b5,a0a5 I2 7 2 8380838,8a30b8 O2 3 2 5,5a0 I3T 9 3 c80a838,3b803838,c80b83 O3T None
5505 5505 5550
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 5 5b0e5,a5a0e5,a5050d5,50b50c5,5a0d505 O0 5 5 7b57,a7a57,a7575,a5b7,7b57 I1 6 5 b5050,d50,5,a5a0a5,5 O1 3 5 575,a75,7,575,7 I2 6 3 5,a50a50,0a5050 O2 3 3 7,,a75 I3T 10 3 0c50c5,b505b050,b50a5a0a5 O3T None I4T 4 2 5,0a50 O4T None
77 55
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for O2T
I0 11 2 59b56c59,c59659b5 O0 5 2 97a97, I1 5 5 956a5,a5695,a56a9,95659,a5659 O1 2 5 79,,7,,97 I2T 5 2 a56a5,59695 O2T None
99 77
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 7 4 2a070a2,a207b2,2027b2,0207b2 O0 3 4 8,a18,181,818 I1 5 5 a2702,207a2,a27a2,a27a0,a27a2 O1 2 5 81,18,1,8,1 I2 9 3 a20272020,c2720a2,b2072b0 O2 4 3 1b8,18a1,1a81 I3T 9 4 0b27c2,02a07c2,0a2070202,c270202 O3T None I4T 11 4 b2a07b2a0,0b2070b20,a20207a0b2,020a27a2020 O4T None
8111 8188 1188 8181
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 9 3 45a42c0,c42a0a6,c42c0 O0 4 3 50a5,a5a0,5 I1 7 3 4542060,5a42a06,a452b0 O1 3 3 5,050,a50 I2 7 5 4542060,b42a06,4542606,5a42060,b42a06 O2 3 5 5,a50,0,a05,a50 I3T 9 2 45a42a6a0,a5a420606 O3T None
0555 0550
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for 'O2T'
I0 3 8 2,292,2,,8a1,1,181,818 O0 3 4 5a7,757,,575 I1 5 8 2,9a2a9,9c2,2,a8b1,1,18181,1 O1 5 4 a5b7,5a7a5,a5757,7 I2T 4 4 b29,2,1,a818 O2T None I3T 3 10 2,a92,2,292,,1a8,a81,1,181, O3T None
7775 5575
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O2T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 8 a6a4,64a6,4b6,6,,,a646,6 O0 4 4 a4a8,48a4,8484,4 I1 4 10 b64,6b4,a4a6,a464,64a6,a4a6,a6a4,4b6,6464,a464 O1 4 5 a848,48a4,,8b4,8a48 I2T 3 10 6,,a64,6,4,a64,464,4,a64,6 O2T None I3T 2 10 64,46,64,46,64,46,64,6,64,6 O3T None
448 848 884 448 888
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 4 7 1b4,a414,b41,7,4,41a4,4 O0 4 3 0b9,9a09,b90 I1 4 9 a414,4,a141,a4a1,7,a414,1414,4,b41 O1 4 4 9,0909,a090,a909 I2 5 7 a41a4,4,1b41,7,1c4,a4a14,a14a1 O2 5 3 090a9,a9a09,90909 I3T 4 7 a414,4,,7,a4a1,4,41a4 O3T None I4T 4 9 a414,1b4,4,a414,7,b41,a141,4b1,1b4 O4T None
9990 9999 9099
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 3 8 8,a86,8,,2a4,424,,4 O0 3 4 3a1,1a3,131,1 I1 2 10 8,6,8,,86,42,4,24,,4 O1 2 5 13,3,31,,13 I2 3 10 8,,,868,8,242,4,,,424 O2 3 5 313,1,,131, I3T 4 8 6a86,a868,8b6,8,42a4,4,a424,42a4 O3T None I4T 3 4 868,8,a24,424 O4T None
3313 1131 1313 1311
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 4 6 79a7,7,7979,a686,8686,a868 O0 4 3 3a13,1313,1b3 I1 5 4 79a79,79797,868a6,686a8 O1 5 2 b131,c31 I2 4 8 b79,9797,a797,7,6,b68,a8a6,a686 O2 4 4 b31,13a1,b13,a313 I3 3 4 7,a97,8a6,6 O3 3 2 1a3,a13 I4T 3 8 797,7,,7a9,8a6,6a8,868,8a6 O4T None I5T 5 4 7,b7a9,a8b6,8b68 O5T None
113 311 131 111
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 4 a7806,a78a0,a7860,738a6 O0 2 4 65,6,56, I1 5 3 738a0,a7860,a7806 O1 2 3 65,56,65 I2 11 2 d78a6060,a7b38606a0 O2 5 2 a5656,5a6a5 I3 9 3 c786b0,3b786b0,73a78a060 O3 4 3 5b6,6,6a56 I4T 11 5 3c78b060,b7378a6b0,73a7386c0,d780a6a0,a73a78a06a0 O4T None I5T 9 3 73a78b06,a3738c0,c78c0 O5T None
56656 55656 55665 65566 66666
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 10 3 g0a2,2h0,h02 O0 5 3 b0a9,9c0,c09 I1 4 5 02a0,0,,02a0,b02 O1 2 5 09,0,,09, I2T 6 5 0a2a02,b02a0,a0a2a0,c020,0 O2T None I3T 10 3 0202a0c2,02a0b2b0,0202e0 O3T None
090 900 909 090 000
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 4 9 a656,5b6,6b5,b56,1,a474,7b4,a7a4,4 O0 4 4 8,,18a1,b18 I1 2 9 5,,,56,1,47,74,47, O1 2 4 18,81,18,1 I2 5 9 56b5,5,,6c5,1,7a4a7,,4,b747 O2 5 4 a81a8,8a1a8,1,1a818 I3T 5 9 6a5a6,,56a56,,1,7a474,4,,7a474 O3T None
11118 81188 18118 88188
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 4 3 1,9,b91 O0 2 3 9,,96 I1 6 5 9,c919,a91b9,c919,d91 O1 3 5 9,969,a96,969,a96 I2 8 4 d91a9,f91,a9191b9,9 O2 4 4 96a9,b96,6969,9 I3 10 3 b9a1d9,a9b1d9,b9b1a9a1 O3 5 3 b9a6,a9b6,6c9 I4T 8 4 c91a91,b9a1b9,9191c9,9 O4T None I5T 10 3 9191e9,1h9,a191d91 O5T None
6996 6996 9696 9999
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 5 8 c56,5,,a56a5,56b5,a56a5,a5a65,6b56 O0 5 4 10a10,a10a1,a1a01,01010 I1 3 4 6a5,565,6a5,5 O1 3 2 1,101 I2 3 6 6a5,565,656,5a6,5,a65 O2 3 3 0,101,1a0 I3T 2 10 65,56,5,6,5,,56,5,, O3T None
01 11 11 00 11
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 3 9 727,2,2a7,a72,8,3,,1a3,3 O0 3 4 363,6,3,a36 I1 3 9 a72,7,727,a72,8,a31,,3,313 O1 3 4 3,a36,363,3a6 I2 4 5 2727,7,8,3,1a31 O2 4 2 6363,6a36 I3 4 7 2b7,7,,8,31a3,3, O3 4 3 a6a3,3, I4T 5 9 72727,72b7,727a2,7,8,3,b1a3,a31a3,3 O4T None I5T 3 11 7,,a72,2a7,a72,8,313,,,3, O5T None
363 363 366 633 336
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O5T'
I0 4 8 b30,3,,3a03,7,,,b76 O0 4 4 b91,9,,9b1 I1 5 8 3a0a3,c30,0c3,a3030,76767,a76a7,a7a67,7a676 O1 5 4 a9a19,a9191,19a19,91b9 I2 2 10 03,3,,,03,67,76,7,,76 O2 2 5 9,91,9,,1 I3 5 6 a30a3,30b3,b303,a76a7,b767,676a7 O3 5 3 9,91919,19a19 I4T 4 8 3,,,b30,7,6b7,7b6,a6a7 O4T None I5T 4 6 0b3,3,0b3,7,a676,7 O5T None
1999 1191 1999
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 11 2 a6b929a6a9,969692a96a9 O0 5 2 191a9,9b19 I1 9 3 b96296a9,9a69296a9,6b929696 O1 4 3 9191,a919,a191 I2T 11 5 d92d9,6b962b969,6a9692c96,b6a92d9,d92d9 O2T None
99999 19911 19911 11199 99999
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O2T' predict the raw pixels
I0 5 7 a46a4,4,,1,b464,,646a4 O0 5 3 a1a21,b121,212a1 I1 3 11 464,6a4,4,464,a46,1,6a4,464,4,,464 O1 3 5 a21,,1,121,1a2 I2T 5 9 4,6c4,4,b464,1,a46a4,6b46,a6b4,6c4 O2T None
11211 11112 22111 21121
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 5 5 a85a8,8,0,8,5c8 O0 5 2 a06a0,6c0 I1 3 11 a58,585,5a8,858,a85,0,8,858,8,858,a85 O1 3 5 a60,6,6a0,0, I2 2 9 8,85,58,8,0,85,8,5,58 O2 2 4 06,,,60 I3 2 9 5,8,,85,0,8,58,8, O3 2 4 6,60,0,06 I4T 5 5 8a5a8,8,0,8,5b85 O4T None I5T 5 9 5c8,85b8,a85a8,b858,0,a5858,a8a58,5a858,58585 O5T None
06060 06660 60660 60666
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 4 4 b20,0b2,9a69, O0 4 2 8b2,b28 I1 4 4 0a20,,6969,9696 O1 4 2 a8a2,a2a8 I2 4 10 2,a202,,0202,a0a2,9696,9b6,a9a6,,69a6 O2 4 5 8282,,b82,2a82,8b2 I3 4 6 2,,0b2,9,a696,9b6 O3 4 3 8,a282,2 I4T 3 8 202,,,,6,969,6a9,6 O4T None
282 888 228 282
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 11 3 9b69196a96,6c916a969,d9196a96 O0 5 3 a4b3,b434,43a43 I1 7 3 b91a96,6a91a96,b919a6 O1 3 3 a43,343,4a3 I2 7 2 b91a96,b61696 O2 3 2 a43,434 I3 5 2 96196,961a9 O3 2 2 4,43 I4T 7 4 b91969,b91a96,9691b9,b91696 O4T None I5T 11 4 6c91a96a9,b6961a69a6,a69a6196b9,c961a6b9 O5T None
434 443 434 343
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O2T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 2 a7173a7a1,c73a7a1 O0 4 2 b85,a8a5 I1 9 3 a7173c7,a1713a717,1a713c7 O1 4 3 a858,5,5a85 I2T 11 4 d731c7,,c7131c7,71b731c7 O2T None I3T 11 2 b717371b7,d73a1b7 O3T None
58888 58888 58885 55888
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 3 10 a87,8,,,,9,9a3,a39,3a9,a93 O0 3 5 a87,8a7,a78,7a8,a87 I1 2 10 8,,87,7,,9,,,,93 O1 2 5 8,,87,7,78 I2 4 8 8,b87,a7a8,a878,a9a3,b93,,3939 O2 4 4 a8a7,8,a787,7b8 I3 5 8 87b8,7b87,7c8,8,9,93b9,9,93b9 O3 5 4 87b8,a7a87,7c8,87b8 I4T 3 4 7a8,8,9,3a9 O4T None I5T 2 8 78,,87,78,9,,93,9 O5T None
788 788
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O2T, predict pixels
I0 3 10 4a2,,2a4,4,a42,a69,696,a69,9a6,6 O0 3 5 383,a38,838,8a3,a38 I1 4 8 42a4,4242,4,2b4,6,,,69a6 O1 4 4 38a3,3838,3,a8a3 I2T 5 6 a2424,2c4,4,6,69b6,9a696 O2T None I3T 3 10 4,424,4a2,242,2a4,969,6,696,a96,a69 O3T None
88383 88333 83383
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O2T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 4 a3b6d3,3,g363,a6a3636b3 O0 5 4 a5b6,5,b565,6b56 I1 4 5 6,a3a6,6b3,a363,3 O1 2 5 5,6,65,,5 I2T 4 5 36a3,3,6b3,3,b63 O2T None I3T 6 4 d36,b36a3,3,a36b3 O3T None
56 55 65 55 56
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 2 9 3,93,3,39,6,9,3,, O0 2 4 0,07,7,70 I1 4 11 9,9393,a393,3,9b3,6,3,,,9b3,a393 O1 4 5 0,0707,a707,0b7,0707 I2 3 9 3,,,393,6,3,,939,3 O2 3 4 7,,070,707 I3T 2 11 93,3,39,,,6,39,9,3,9,3 O3T None I4T 4 11 9b3,3a93,3,b39,3,6,3,9a39,39a3,3939,39a3 O4T None
0777 0000 7077 7077 7077
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 2 8 2,7,2,72,68,8,68, O0 2 4 84,8,84,4 I1 2 10 27,72,2,27,,8,,68,8,68 O1 2 5 48,84,,48,8 I2 4 8 2b7,7b2,b27,27a2,a868,6b8,8b6,68a6 O2 4 4 4848,4,4a84,8 I3 2 10 7,2,72,2,7,8,68,,8, O3 2 5 8,84,4,,8 I4T 5 6 2,7b27,7c2,b868,6a868,a86a8 O4T None I5T 4 8 a272,7b2,2a72,,8,8b6,6868,b68 O5T None
4484 8888 8844 8444
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O2T'
I0 10 5 2a121d7,212a1a75a7,b121d7,a12a1a75a7,12b1d7 O0 5 5 1a717,1c7,b717,7,71b7 I1 10 4 21a215c7,d1c57,1a2125c7,12a12c57 O1 5 4 a7a17,c17,b171,17b1 I2T 6 3 1a2a57,2a1a75,a12b7 O2T None I3T 8 3 c1c7,12a15b7,c17b5 O3T None
171 171 771
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 9 3 c983b9,93a983b9,a9398a3a9 O0 4 3 9b1,a9a1,b91 I1 11 5 b9a38c93,b939893b9,93a938d9,d98d9, O1 5 5 b191,19191,19a19,1, I2T 9 4 39398c9,a93983b9,93938b93,a3938a939 O2T None I3T 7 4 a3983a9,b989a3,a398b9,b98b9 O3T None
191 199 991 111
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 3 10 989,,9,a89,9,2a4,a42,4,,2a4 O0 3 5 a53,3a5,3,a53,5a3 I1 2 6 9,,98,42,4, O1 2 3 35,3,35 I2T 4 8 b98,a9a8,8b9,a9a8,b24,4,a242,a4a2 O2T None I3T 5 6 98989,8b98,8a989,42424,24b2,c42 O3T None
33333 33553 53355
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 5 8 5,0c5,50a50,c50,505a0,05050,50a50,5 O0 5 4 626a2,a6262,6,c62 I1 3 8 5,a50,5,a50,505,a50,0a5, O1 3 4 626,6,2a6,262 I2 5 8 0c5,5,,c50,0b50,50b5,50505,a50a5 O2 5 4 c62,62b6,62626,a6262 I3 4 8 a050,0a50,a505,5,a0a5,b50,0b5,0a50 O3 4 4 b62,2b6,2626,2a62 I4T 4 6 0b5,5,50a5,5,50a5,5 O4T None I5T 4 8 5,,,b50,0b5,5,0b5,5050 O5T None
2666 6266 6266
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 3 11 1a4,414,4,414,1a4,0,373,3,a37,737, O0 3 5 a06,606,a60,0,a60 I1 2 5 4,14,0,37, O1 2 2 60,0 I2T 2 9 41,4,,41,0,7,73,,3 O2T None I3T 3 7 a41,414,4,0,3,,373 O3T None
660 606 606
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 11 5 b9594a2b1,d94c21,d94a2b1,d941a2a1,95b94a2121 O0 5 5 a8585,c85,a8b5,5a8a5,8a585 I1 9 5 5b94b21,c941212,b9541a21,c94c1,95954b21 O1 4 5 5a85,5858,5b8,5,85a8 I2 7 4 9594a21,b94b2,,a954b2 O2 3 4 8a5,8,,a85 I3 11 4 a9a594d2,d541a212,b959421212,b9a54d2 O3 5 4 a8a58,8a585,85b8,b8a5 I4T 9 3 b594a212,a5a94a212,a95942a12 O4T None
5588 5558 8588
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 11 5 60b68c60,d68d6,d6806a06,b606860b6,d6860a60 O0 5 5 54a54,5,45a45,54545,54a54 I1 7 2 b68b6,a6080a6 O1 3 2 5,454 I2 11 2 d680c6,60b68c60 O2 5 2 4c5,54a54 I3T 5 4 a68a6,06806,a68a6,a0860 O3T None I4T 5 3 a68a0,06806,a68a6 O4T None
55 55 55 45
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 5 2 95170,a5107 O0 2 2 6,61 I1 7 4 9a51070,9591a70,b510a7,a5917a0 O1 3 4 a16,6a1,,161 I2 5 5 a5170,a51a7,a5170,a91a7,a51a7 O2 2 5 16,1,16,6,1 I3T 11 4 a5b91c70,9c510b70,9c51d7,d910c7 O3T None I4T 11 4 a5b91c70,b5951d7,95b91b707,d51d7 O4T None
11661 11161 61616 11111
dataset=solve_bool group=xor predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a