1 value
53 values
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 12 12 8,,d80e8,c80b82b8,8,,b86a87d8,8,,,, O0 12 12 3,a3g7a3,,,,,,,3,,, I1 10 11 b86b84a8,8,,,f82a8,b87e8,h85,8,,, O1 10 11 a3g7,,,,,,,,3,, I2 8 7 8,,a83d8,8,85e8,8,b87c8 O2 8 7 3,d7b3,,,,, I3T 9 13 f868,8,,,,,,,,b89d8,c81b82,8, O3T None
337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 337777777 333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 10 3 9,,b9568b91 O0 10 3 8,a8g0, I1 5 8 9,,395a9,a91a9,9,,, O1 5 8 8,c08,,,,8,, I2 9 6 9,,f959,a95e9,d953a9,g96 O2 9 6 8,8g0,,,, I3 13 12 h94b9,9,a96i9,9,,,,,,j989,j975,9 O3 13 12 8k0,,,,,,,,,,, I4T 4 11 9,,,,,,,0b9,9,3b9,9 O4T None
8888 8888 8888 8888 8888 8888 0088 0088 0088 0088 0088
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 14 6 1,f15e1,1,g19d1,1,3l1 O0 14 6 7,,7f8e7,78d78e7,7f8e7,7 I1 13 12 1,,,k12,1,b15h1,1,,,,,b19h1 O1 13 12 7,,,,c7g87,c78e787,,,,,c7g87,7 I2 13 12 1,,,k12,1,b15h1,1,,,,,b19h1 O2 13 12 7,,,,c7g87,c78e787,,,,,c7g87,7 I3 11 14 1,,,,,,,e10c1,1,,b10f1,1,, O3 11 14 7,,,,,,,,c7a8d7,,7,,, I4T 6 8 0d1,1,,,,17c1,d15,1 O4T None
777777 788887 787787 787787 787787 788887 777777 777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 8 4 b46c4,b45c4,b45a434,4 O0 8 4 5,c5a7a5,5, I1 8 8 e418,4,,a43d4,4,c40b4,4, O1 8 8 5,b5c75,,,,5,, I2 13 14 4,,b42h4,4,,h48b4,4,,,d48f4,4,,g49c4,f49d4 O2 13 14 5,,,c5d7c5,,,,,,,,,,5 I3T 14 11 4,,b40i4,4,,,k404,4,,, O3T None I4T 9 10 4,b48a48a4,4,,8d47a4,4,,,,e49a4 O4T None
555555555 555555555 577777555 577777555 577777555 577777555 577777555 577777555 577777555 555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 13 7 g86c8,8,,e84e8,8,87j8,b84h8 O0 13 7 i0b2,,,,,, I1 8 8 c89b8,8,,,d80a8,8,,9a82c8 O1 8 8 f02,,,,,,, I2 14 14 8,d89g8,8,,i82b8,b81i8,8,6l8,8,f80e8,8,,, O2 14 14 k0a2,,,,,,,,,,,2,, I3T 14 13 f86e8,8,,e80f8,8,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 13 7 b8581f8,8,,,,1k8,6k8 O4T None
22222000022222 22222000022222 22222000022222 22222000022222 22222000022222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222 22222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for 'O2T'
I0 12 12 8,8g0b8,80e80b8,8087a8470b8,808b4780b8,8087a8470b8,80b87480b8,808a4a780b8,8g0b8,8,, O0 12 12 8,8g0b8,,8a07a8470b8,8a0b4780b8,8a07a8470b8,8a0a87480b8,8a0a4a780b8,8g0b8,8,, I1 14 14 8,8g0d8,80e80d8,,,80b84870d8,80c8470d8,80c8740d8,8g0d8,8,,,, O1 14 14 8,8g0d8,,,,8c04870d8,8c08470d8,8c08740d8,8g0d8,8,,,, I2T 12 12 8,,,,c8e0a8,c80b480a8,c808a780a8,c807b80a8,c80c80a8,c8e0a8,8, O2T None I3T 11 11 8,,a8f0a8,a80d80a8,a80847a80a8,a8087b80a8,a8087a480a8,a80d80a8,a8f0a8,8, O3T None
888888888888 888888888888 888888888888 888888888888 888800000088 888804440088 888808770088 888807880088 888800000088 888800000088 888888888888 888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 11 12 g2312,i23,2,,,,,i20,2,,, O0 11 12 9,h989,,,,,,9,,,, I1 13 12 2,,,,,,,,a20i2,2,,a24d25c2 O1 13 12 9,,,,,,,,,b9d8d9,,9 I2 8 8 b23c2,2,,,e242,2,,9d202 O2 8 8 9,9d8a9,98b98a9,,,,9d8a9,9 I3T 11 14 2,,,,,,,,,a21g2,h212,2,f21b2,2 O3T None I4T 13 10 j212,2,,,i29a2,k24,2,h24b2,2,c25g2 O4T None
9999999999999 9999988888889 9999989999989 9999989999989 9999989999989 9999989999989 9999989999989 9999989999989 9999988888889 9999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O2T
I0 14 14 5,,,a5i6a5,a56g56a5,,a56a5751b56a5,a56517a1b56a5,a565757c56a5,a56a5751b56a5,a5i6a5,5,, O0 14 14 6,,,a6i5a6,,,a6b5751c5a6,a6a517a1c5a6,a6a5757d5a6,a6b5751c5a6,a6i5a6,6,, I1 13 13 5,,a5i65,a56g565,a56a515a7a565,a56517d565,a56a5c1a565,a565a717b565,a56575751a565,a56g565,,a5i65,5 O1 13 13 6,,a6i56,,a6b515a7b56,a6a517e56,a6b5c1b56,a6a5a717c56,a6a575751b56,a6i56,,,6 I2T 14 14 5,,a5i6a5,a561571c56a5,a56a57a1b56a5,a5615b7b56a5,a565757c56a5,a56715a1b56a5,a56g56a5,,,a5i6a5,5, O2T None I3T 13 14 5,,a5f6c5,a56d56c5,,,a56b5a76c5,a56b5a16c5,a56c576c5,a56d56c5,a56b5156c5,a56d56c5,a5f6c5,5 O3T None
66666666666666 66666666666666 66555555555566 66515715555566 66555711555566 66515777555566 66557575555566 66571511555566 66555555555566 66555555555566 66555555555566 66555555555566 66666666666666 66666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 13 13 5,,,b5e4c5,b54c54c5,b54a5054c5,b5453a54c5,b54c54c5,b5e4c5,5,,, O0 13 13 5,,,b5e4c5,,b5a450a4c5,b5a435a4c5,b5e4c5,,5,,, I1 14 14 5,5i4b5,54503d54b5,54053d54b5,5403e54b5,54g54b5,,,,,5i4b5,5,, O1 14 14 5,5i4b5,54503e4b5,54053e4b5,54035e4b5,5i4b5,,,,,,5,, I2 14 13 5,c5h45,c54f545,,,,,c543030b545,c5430d545,c54530c545,c54f545,c5h45,5 O2 14 13 5,c5h45,,,,,,c543030c45,c5430a5c45,c545305c45,c5h45,,5 I3T 13 13 5,,,,,,e5e45,e545a0545,e543b545,e54303545,e54c545,e5e45,5 O3T None I4T 12 14 5,5h4a5,54b50b54a5,54c50a54a5,54b5a3a54a5,54f54a5,,,,,5h4a5,5,, O4T None
5555555555555 5555555555555 5555555555555 5555555555555 5555555555555 5555555555555 5555554444445 5555554500445 5555554355445 5555554303445 5555554444445 5555554444445 5555555555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 13 4 e76e7,7,g73c7,7 O0 13 4 e9b2c9,e9292c9,e9b2c9,9 I1 14 13 7,,,,,i70b7,7,a76j7,7,f76e7,7,, O1 14 13 9,,,,,a9h2b9,a92f92b9,,,a9h2b9,9,, I2 8 6 7,,,f72,d7527,c75b7 O2 8 6 9,,,c9c2,c92a92,c9c2 I3T 8 7 b76c7,7,,c72b7,7,e707,c76b7 O3T None I4T 12 10 7,,c78f7,72i7,7,,,h71a7,7, O4T None
999999999999 999999999999 922222222299 929999999299 929999999299 929999999299 929999999299 922222222299 999999999999 999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 9 7 a79c737,b76d7,7,,,,c72c7 O0 9 7 57e57,,,,,, I1 4 4 1b7,7,, O1 4 4 57a5,a7a5,5, I2 3 6 374,7,,,, O2 3 6 5,7,5,,, I3T 5 3 7,c73,10b7 O3T None
77777 55555 55555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 5 7 c12,1,b181,1,,a14a1,1 O0 5 7 a7b2,a7272,,,,a7b2,7 I1 11 8 1,h181,f17b1,1,d17b191,1,, O1 11 8 7,d7d27,d72b727,,d7d27,7,, I2 5 7 c12,1,b181,1,,a14a1,1 O2 5 7 a7b2,a7272,,,,a7b2,7 I3 5 7 c12,1,b181,1,,a14a1,1 O3 5 7 a7b2,a7272,,,,a7b2,7 I4T 8 4 1,c12141,7f1,13e1 O4T None
77777777 22222227 27777727 22222227
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 6 10 9,c929,5d9,b93a9,9,,,,, O0 6 10 1,d41,4b141,d41,1,,,,, I1 6 5 9,d97,9,1d9,9 O1 6 5 1,4,4c14,4,1 I2 12 12 9,,,2j9,9,,3d92b949,9,,,, O2 12 12 1,,,j41,4h141,,j41,1,,,, I3T 10 13 7h9,9,,a93f9,f98a9,c94d9,9,,,,8h9,9, O3T None I4T 12 8 9,,,a94h9,9,c94f9,9, O4T None
111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 114441111111 114141111111 114441111111 111111111111 111111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O5T', predict the pixels
I0 14 8 5,b51i5,5,,,d59g5,h56c5,i56b5 O0 14 8 a8i3a8,a83g83a8,,,,,, I1 13 5 h53b5,5,a52i5,5, O1 13 5 83g83a8,,,8i3a8,8 I2 8 12 d53a5,5,e535,51e5,5,d52a5,5,,,,, O2 8 12 3e83,,,,,,3,8,,,, I3 6 12 a51b5,5,,,,8d5,b56a5,5,,,, O3 6 12 c838,,,,,,,d38,8,,, I4T 8 10 5,57a51b5,5,,,,,,f58,d52a5 O4T None I5T 3 14 5,,,,a51,5,,,,,,,, O5T None
888 888 888 833 838 833 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 13 3 b38h3,g390b3,e31e3 O0 13 3 1,c1d5c1,1 I1 12 14 3,,,,,,,d38e3,3,0j3,j39,b36b31c3,3, O1 12 14 1,,,,,,,,1i51,15g151,1i51,1,, I2 13 6 3,,b371g3,c34g3,37e38c3,3 O2 13 6 1,,,a1e5d1,1, I3T 6 4 3,21c3,3,d34 O3T None
111111 111111 155551 111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 14 14 4,,,b4h2a4,b42f42a4,b42484a3a42a4,b42483c42a4,b4243d42a4,b42483a8a42a4,b42f42a4,,b4h2a4,4, O0 14 14 2,,,b2h4a2,,b2a484a3b4a2,b2a483d4a2,b2a43e4a2,b2a483a8b4a2,b2h4a2,,,2, I1 13 13 4,4h2b4,42f42b4,424a3c42b4,424348b42b4,424848b42b4,42f42b4,,,4h2b4,4,, O1 13 13 2,2h4b2,,2a4a3d4b2,2a4348c4b2,2a4848c4b2,2h4b2,,,,2,, I2T 13 13 4,,,4f2d4,42d42d4,,423a8a42d4,42843a42d4,42438342d4,42d42d4,4f2d4,4, O2T None
2222222222222 2222222222222 2222222222222 2444444422222 2444444422222 2444444422222 2438844422222 2484344422222 2443834422222 2444444422222 2444444422222 2222222222222 2222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 14 6 0,,,a08j0,0,04d01e0 O0 14 6 3,,,,a3d7f3,3 I1 10 11 0,,a06f0,0,,6b04d0,0,,6h0,0,1h0 O1 10 11 3,,,3b7e3,,,,,,,3 I2 5 9 0,,,b020,a02a0,3c0,0,, O2 5 9 3,,,,3a7a3,3,,, I3T 6 9 0,,,,02c0,c090,0,c020,0 O3T None
333333 333333 333333 333333 333333 337733 337733 333333 333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 8 9 3,d30a3,3,36e3,3,,38c303,3, O0 8 9 0,,a0c2a0,a02a02a0,,a0c2a0,0,, I1 6 5 a39b3,3,,,5b353 O1 6 5 0,0b2a0,0202a0,0b2a0,0 I2 6 5 a39b3,3,,,5b353 O2 6 5 0,0b2a0,0202a0,0b2a0,0 I3T 10 8 3,f3738,3,,,a31f3,3,a39b34b3 O3T None
0000000000 0000000000 0002222220 0002000020 0002000020 0002000020 0002222220 0000000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 7 5 90d9,a98c9,c98a9,9,1e9 O0 7 5 d585,,,, I1 7 12 9,c93a9,9,,,,6e9,9,c92a9,9,,e98 O1 7 12 8,5,,,,,,,,,, I2 5 14 9,,8c9,9,,,,,,a90a9,a92a9,9,, O2 5 14 5,c85,b585,,,,,,,,,c85,5, I3 9 12 d98b9,9,,e93a9,98f9,9,,,,,c94c9,a96e9 O3 9 12 8e585,,,,,,,,,,, I4T 3 12 9,,,,969,a96,9,,,,, O4T None I5T 4 4 9,b94,9,2b9 O5T None
555 555 555 888 855 855 888 555 555 555 555 555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 14 5 a17j1,k161,g17d1,g18d1,1 O0 14 5 4,b4h9a4,,4, I1 5 11 19b1,1,c19,1,b171,1,,,,, O1 5 11 4,a4a94,,,4,,,,,, I2 4 10 6b1,1,a131,1,,,,,, O2 4 10 4,49a4,4,,,,,,, I3T 8 13 1,,f14,d17a1,1,,e121,1,,,,c16b1,1 O3T None I4T 11 5 1,a19g1,g16a1,1,c19a12b1 O4T None
44444444 44444444 44444444 44444994 44444994 44444994 44444994 44444994 44444994 44444994 44444994 44444444 44444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 4 e59b5,a56c57a5,b50e5,e53b5 O0 10 4 4,b4c6b4,,4 I1 4 9 5,,,,2b5,5,b53,5, O1 4 9 4,,,,,4a64,4,, I2 9 10 b53d5,5,,,,94f5,f585,5,e56a5,5 O2 9 10 4,4e6a4,46c46a4,,,,,4e6a4,4, I3 11 7 5,,d56d5,5,c54e5,5,b56f5 O3 11 7 4,,,c46e4,,,4 I4T 8 14 c50b5,5,f52,5,,f58,5,,,,,e565,5, O4T None I5T 11 7 5,,d56d5,5,c54e5,5,b56f5 O5T None
44444444 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444664 44444444 44444444 44444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 10 7 9,98c97b9,e96b9,5h9,91g9,9, O0 10 7 6,,6d5c6,,6,, I1 14 13 9,,,,,,,c98h9,9,,,,4l9 O1 14 13 6,,,,,,,,6b5i6,,,,6 I2 6 5 a93b9,9,d97,2d9,9 O2 6 5 6,6c56,,6, I3T 8 13 9,d94a9,a93b949,9,,,,,d91a9,9,,, O3T None I4T 6 11 9,,,,,d98,9,a95b9,95c9,9, O4T None
66666666 66666666 66655566 66655566 66655566 66655566 66655566 66655566 66666666 66666666 66666666 66666666 66666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 13 3 k14,f19d1,k15 O0 13 3 f7e6,, I1 12 10 d10e1,1,,,g10b1,b19g1,1,,d15b17a1,1 O1 12 10 b7f6a7,,,,,,,,,7 I2 7 10 4e1,1,,16d1,1,a18c1,1,,a18c1,1 O2 7 10 b6c7,,,,,,,,,7 I3 5 3 a16a1,1,c18 O3 5 3 a7b6,, I4T 12 11 0j1,1,,g14b1,1,,g18b1,1,,, O4T None
666666666777 666666666777 666666666777 666666666777 666666666777 666666666777 666666666777 777777777777 777777777777 777777777777 777777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 14 3 c28f262,c23h2,c27h2 O0 14 3 b4j9,, I1 12 13 d25e2,2,,,,23i2,2,g27b2,2,,,, O1 12 13 i9a4,,,,,,,,,4,,, I2 3 6 2,214,2,,, O2 3 6 9,,,4,, I3 3 5 321,2,,, O3 3 5 9,,4,, I4T 14 11 21k2,2,,,,i27b2,i21b2,2,,,a29d20d2 O4T None
99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944 99999999999944
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 6 1h3,3,38g3,3,,38a31b363 O0 10 6 h31,3f131,,,,h31 I1 4 6 3,8b3,3,,,a313 O1 4 6 1,b31,3131,,,b31 I2 7 6 3,b34b3,c31a3,d323,3,b32b3 O2 7 6 1,b1b31,b13131,,,b1b31 I3T 8 4 1f3,3,e323,21e3 O3T None I4T 9 5 3,0g3,g35,2b39c3,f393 O4T None
33333331 31111131 31111131 33333331
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 6 6 5,,7c50,5,,b56a5 O0 6 6 2,,3,3c23,,3 I1 9 7 c56c5,5,,,b56d5,e53a5,b583c5 O1 9 7 b2c3a2,b23a23a2,,,,,b2c3a2 I2 12 12 5,,,e53d5,5,,,,,,,a5a4g5 O2 12 12 2,,,a2d3d2,a23b23d2,,,,,,,a2d3d2 I3 12 14 5,,,,a53h5,5,,,b58g5,5,,d52e5,5, O3 12 14 2,,,,a2c3e2,a23a23e2,,,,,,a2c3e2,2, I4T 14 12 5,g59d5,j56a5,5,,d50g5,5,,,,c56h5,5 O4T None I5T 14 12 5,g59d5,j56a5,5,,d50g5,5,,,,c56h5,5 O5T None
22222222222222 22223333333322 22223222222322 22223222222322 22223222222322 22223222222322 22223222222322 22223222222322 22223222222322 22223222222322 22223333333322 22222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 14 14 4,,,b4g9b4,b492a3b49b4,b49232b49b4,b494323a49b4,b4942c49b4,b49e49b4,,b4g9b4,4,, O0 14 14 4,,,b4g9b4,b492a34b9b4,b492324b9b4,b494323b9b4,b4942a4b9b4,b4g9b4,,,4,, I1 14 12 4,a4h9b4,a49f49b4,,a49d4329b4,a49e439b4,a49e429b4,a4h9b4,4,,, O1 14 12 4,a4h9b4,,,a4e9329b4,a4e9439b4,a4e9429b4,a4h9b4,4,,, I2T 13 13 4,,a4h9a4,a49f49a4,,a49a4a24239a4,,a49a4323a49a4,a49b4a3a49a4,a49a432a439a4,a4h9a4,4, O2T None I3T 12 12 4,4g9b4,49a43b49b4,493a23a49b4,492423a49b4,4923c49b4,49e49b4,,4g9b4,4,, O3T None
444444444444 499999999444 494434999444 493223999444 492423999444 492344999444 499999999444 499999999444 499999999444 444444444444 444444444444 444444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 13 13 0,,,,,,,,j030,0,,d06c05a0,i08a0 O0 13 13 5,,,,,,,c5h7,c57f57,,,, I1 3 8 0,,6a0,a08,0,,, O1 3 8 5,7,5,,7,5,, I2 14 3 i01b0,b01i0,0 O2 14 3 a57g57a5,,a5i7a5 I3T 13 10 0,,01j0,0,,f01c03,j030,0,j040,0 O3T None I4T 14 7 e04f0,0,,,e05f0,b02h01,0 O4T None
5555555555555 7777777777777 7555555555555 7555555555555 7555555555555 7555555555555 7555555555555 7555555555555 7555555555555 7777777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 13 10 0,a0i60,a06g060,,a06a08d060,a0605e060,a06g060,,a0i60,0 O0 13 10 6,a6i06,,,a6b08e06,a6a05f06,a6i06,,,6 I1 13 13 0,,a0f6c0,a068a5a06c0,a060a8a06c0,a06050806c0,a06a58a06c0,a06d06c0,a0f6c0,0,,, O1 13 13 6,,a6f0c6,a608a5b0c6,a6a0a8b0c6,a6a0508a0c6,a60a58b0c6,a6f0c6,,6,,, I2 14 14 0,,a0e6e0,a0608a06e0,a065b06e0,a06c06e0,,a0e6e0,0,,,,, O2 14 14 6,,a6e0e6,a6a08b0e6,a605c0e6,a6e0e6,,,6,,,,, I3T 10 10 0,0e6b0,068a506b0,060a806b0,0605a06b0,06c06b0,0e6b0,0,, O3T None I4T 14 14 0,,a0g6c0,a06e06c0,,,a06b05a06c0,a06c0806c0,a06e06c0,a0g6c0,0,,, O4T None
6666666666 6000000666 6085500666 6008800666 6005000666 6000000666 6000000666 6666666666 6666666666 6666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 6 13 1,,,,,,,a13b1,1,,,c131,1 O0 6 13 7,,,,,,,,b76a7,,,7, I1 5 12 1,b161,1,,,3c1,1,c12,1,,, O1 5 12 7,,7b67,,,,,7,,,, I2 5 12 1,b161,1,,,3c1,1,c12,1,,, O2 5 12 7,,7b67,,,,,7,,,, I3 8 11 1,15e1,f14,e141,1,18e1,1,,,, O3 8 11 7,,a7d67,,,7,,,,, I4T 7 11 1,,a187b1,e14,1,,,,a17c1,1, O4T None
7777777 7777777 7777777 7776667 7776667 7776667 7776667 7776667 7777777 7777777 7777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 8 8 1,5f1,d14a1,18e1,1,d18a1,1, O0 8 8 6,,6c2b6,,,6,, I1 12 11 012h1,1,f16c1,1,,e13d1,1,,,, O1 12 11 6,6e2d6,,,,6,,,,, I2 8 8 1,5f1,d14a1,18e1,1,d18a1,1, O2 8 8 6,,6c2b6,,,6,, I3 7 8 3e1,c16a1,1,10d1,1,,, O3 7 8 6,6b2b6,,6,,,, I4T 10 8 1,,16e161,c17a16a1,c15d1,1,, O4T None
6666666666 6666666666 6666666666 6622222266 6666666666 6666666666 6666666666 6666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the raw pixels
I0 14 11 4,,,,k464,g41d4,b45i4,48k4,4,, O0 14 11 2,,,,,a2i0a2,,2,,, I1 14 13 4,,,,c45h4,4,,c45h4,4,,,,j46a4 O1 14 13 2,,,,,d2e0b2,d20c20b2,,,,,d2e0b2,2 I2 12 14 4,,0j4,4,,,,,,c41f4,4,,, O2 12 14 2,,,2b0g2,2020g2,,,,2b0g2,2,,,, I3 8 8 0e46,4,,e454,4,a46d4,4, O3 8 8 2,2e02,20c202,,2e02,2,, I4T 14 7 4,l46,g43d4,a45j4,4,,b47i4 O4T None I5T 12 14 4,,0j4,4,,,,,,c41f4,4,,, O5T None
222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 200022222222 202022222222 202022222222 202022222222 202022222222 200022222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222 222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 12 13 9,,,,,,b97g9,9,,b92g9,9,b94e939,9 O0 12 13 4,,,,,,,c4e7a4,,,,4, I1 6 13 9,,,d98,9,,,,,c949,9,,b96a9 O1 6 13 4,,,,c474,,,,,,,,4 I2 14 10 9,,b91i9,9,,a98j9,9,a968i9,9,e90f9 O2 14 10 4,,,b4b7g4,,,,,,4 I3 11 9 9,e94c9,9,,,,f94b9,b96f9,f92b9 O3 11 9 4,,c4b7c4,,,,,,4 I4T 12 9 9,i989,9,,a95h9,9,,f92c9,9 O4T None I5T 11 9 9,e94c9,9,,,,f94b9,b96f9,f92b9 O5T None
44444444444 44444444444 44447774444 44447774444 44447774444 44447774444 44447774444 44447774444 44444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 11 13 d47d4,4,,g47a4,4,,,,,40a43e4,4,h454,4 O0 11 13 3h93,,,,,,,,,,,,3 I1 14 10 j43a4,4,b43i4,4,,l48,4,,,40k4 O1 14 10 3l9,,,,,,,,, I2 7 12 4,,,,,,3e4,d474,4,45d4,4, O2 7 12 9,,,,,3,e93,,,,3,9 I3 8 8 4,0f4,4,49c414,c45b4,4,, O3 8 8 3,f93,,,,3,9, I4T 4 12 4,,,,,,47a4,4,,,a434,4 O4T None I5T 3 6 4,,,6a4,a40,4 O5T None
999 999 333 999 999 333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O2T' predict the raw pixels
I0 14 14 5,5h8c5,5825a0b58c5,582a50b58c5,5820202a58c5,58a5a02a58c5,5825250a58c5,58f58c5,,5h8c5,5,,, O0 14 14 8,8h5c8,8525a0c5c8,852a50c5c8,8520202b5c8,8b5a02b5c8,8525250b5c8,8h5c8,,,8,,, I1 13 13 5,5g8c5,58e58c5,585052a58c5,5850c58c5,5850a2a58c5,58e58c5,,5g8c5,5,,, O1 13 13 8,8g5c8,,8a5052b5c8,8a50d5c8,8a50a2b5c8,8g5c8,,,8,,, I2T 13 12 5,5j85,58h585,,,,58a5250c585,58b520c585,58b502c585,5j85,5, O2T None I3T 11 11 5,,a5f8a5,a58d58a5,,a58a52a58a5,a58b5058a5,a58d58a5,a5f8a5,5, O3T None
8888888888888 8555555555558 8555555555558 8555555555558 8555555555558 8555555555558 8555250555558 8555520555558 8555502555558 8555555555558 8888888888888 8888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 14 10 e92f9,9,,,,a92j9,9,2l9,9, O0 14 10 6,6d3g6,63b63g6,,,,6d3g6,6,, I1 5 14 9,,,,90b9,9,,,,c91,98b9,9,, O1 5 14 6,,,,,a6a36,,,,,6,,, I2 8 12 9,,6f9,9,,,7f9,d94a9,96e9,9,, O2 8 12 6,,,6c3b6,63a63b6,,,6c3b6,6,,, I3T 10 5 c90d9,h90,9,b94e9,b9394c9 O3T None
6666666666 6666333336 6666366636 6666333336 6666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 3 4 2a8,a82,8, O0 3 4 2,,8, I1 13 12 8,,,h82b8,8,d83f8,a85i8,g81c8,8,,b85h8,8 O1 13 12 8,,,a8g2b8,,,,,,,,8 I2 6 7 8,,,,b8480,8, O2 6 7 8,,,,b8b2,8, I3T 11 5 8,83h8,8,e83c8,f85b8 O3T None I4T 9 10 8,,,,,a86b8087,8,,c84c8,e85a8 O4T None
888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 882222222 882222222 882222222 882222222 882222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 11 9 c59d57,e50c5,5,,g52a5,5,,,g53a5 O0 11 9 c4f0,c40d40,,,,,,,c4f0 I1 3 9 5,,,9a5,5,,a54,5, O1 3 9 4,,,0,040,,0,4, I2 10 4 5,b54a56a53,e52b5,2h5 O2 10 4 4,0,0g40,0 I3 13 14 c54g5,5,,,,d59f5,5,,e53e5,5,,,h59b5,h58b5 O3 13 14 c4e0b4,c40c40b4,,,,,,,,,,,,c4e0b4 I4T 6 9 a58b5,5,,b52a5,5,,d50,5, O4T None
440000 440440 440440 440440 440440 440440 440000 444444 444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 14 13 8,,a8f4d8,a84d84d8,,a848a9284d8,a84898a24d8,a84a82984d8,a8f4d8,8,,, O0 14 13 8,,a8f4d8,,,a8a4a9284d8,a8a498a24d8,a8a482984d8,a8f4d8,8,,, I1 11 11 8,,a8g48,a8498982848,a8428292848,a84828a9848,a8428a9a848,a84a289a848,a84e848,a8g48,8 O1 11 11 8,,a8g48,a8498982a48,a8428292a48,a84828a9a48,a8428a98a48,a84a2898a48,a8g48,,8 I2 14 13 8,,b8i48,b84g848,,,b8482a92b848,b8482892b848,b84c89b848,b84g848,,b8i48,8 O2 14 13 8,,b8i48,,,,b8a42a92c48,b8a42892c48,b8a4b89c48,b8i48,,,8 I3T 13 14 8,,b8g4a8,b84e84a8,,b849828984a8,b842a9b84a8,b84298a284a8,b84e84a8,,b8g4a8,8,, O3T None
8888888888888 8888888888888 8884444444488 8884444444488 8884444444488 8884982894488 8884299884488 8884298224488 8884444444488 8884444444488 8884444444488 8888888888888 8888888888888 8888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1, O5T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 5 9,92b9,9,,c91 O0 5 5 8,,a8a28,,8 I1 9 12 9,,,,a9295c9,a92b90a9,92f9,9,,,, O1 9 12 8,,,,,a8c2b8,8,,,,, I2 8 13 9,3f9,f94,e949,9,,,,,,,e989,9 O2 8 13 8,,8e28,,,,,,,,,8, I3 8 13 9,3f9,f94,e949,9,,,,,,,e989,9 O3 8 13 8,,8e28,,,,,,,,,8, I4T 8 3 1b91b9,1f9,c90b9 O4T None I5T 12 6 9,f95c9,9,,g975a9,d95e9 O5T None
888888888888 888888888888 888888222888 888888222888 888888222888 888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 14 8 6,,,,j65a6,j69a6,c64h6,f69e6 O0 14 8 7,,,b7i17,b71g717,,, I1 8 6 3a61c6,6,,,a65d6,6 O1 8 6 c71b7,,,,,d1b7 I2 14 10 i65b6,6,,f65e6,6,,,,, O2 14 10 e71c71a7,,,,e7e1a7,7,,,, I3T 12 4 6,3d65d6,6,a67h6 O3T None I4T 7 9 9e6,6,c65a6,69d6,6,,,c69a6,6 O4T None
111111117777 777777717777 777777717777 777777717777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 9 10 g80,c89c8,8,,,c84c8,,8,,d86b8 O0 9 10 1,d1b41,,,,,,,,1 I1 5 14 6c8,8,,,,,c81,8,,,1c8,8,, O1 5 14 1,1b41,,,,,,,,,1,,, I2 7 7 8,382c8,8,,,85d8,8 O2 7 7 1,,14d1,,,1, I3 3 8 8,,7a8,8,,,,a87 O3 3 8 1,,,141,,,,1 I4T 3 5 a87,8,,4a8,8 O4T None
111 141 141 111 111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 9 4 6,d638a6,9629d6,6 O0 9 4 2,f9a2,,2 I1 12 7 6,,,,9j6,f63c6,6 O1 12 7 2,,,,g9c2,,2 I2 11 3 a62g6,g6462,d64c67 O2 11 3 a2h9,, I3 11 8 c60a61b6,6,,,63h6,i68,6, O3 11 8 2i9,,,,,,2, I4T 10 9 e62b6,6,a64f6,6,,d61c6,6,g676,d62c6 O4T None
2299999992 2299999992 2299999992 2299999992 2299999992 2299999992 2299999992 2299999992 2299999992
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the raw pixels
I0 9 7 1,e12a1,a15e1,c12c1,1,,7f18 O0 9 7 3,8,8f38,,,,8 I1 14 9 1,,,f13e1,1,10k1,1,c14h1,i120a1 O1 14 9 3,,,3j8a3,38h38a3,,,,3j8a3 I2 9 13 a12e1,1,a19e1,1,9g1,g16,17f1,1,,,,, O2 9 13 8,8f38,,,,,8,3,,,,, I3 9 5 c10c1,f151,a10d16,a16e1,1 O3 9 5 a3f8,a38d38,,a3f8,3 I4T 12 3 13i1,c13f1,10i1 O4T None I5T 9 13 a12e1,1,a19e1,1,9g1,g16,17f1,1,,,,, O5T None
388883333333 383383333333 388883333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for 'O3T'
I0 5 6 3,,,a3939,b393,3 O0 5 6 6,,6c8,68b6,,6c8 I1 9 11 3,f303,e30a3,35f3,d37b3,3,,,,a37e3,3 O1 9 11 8,8f68,,,,,,,,,8 I2 10 11 3,e35b3,3,,,,h30,e32b3,3,h39,e35b3 O2 10 11 d6d8,d68c6,,,,,,,,, I3T 3 10 3,9a3,3,,,,,,,383 O3T None I4T 11 9 h3a6,3,g36a3,3,h353,3,,,d35d3 O4T None
888 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 7 14 e80,8,,a89c8,8,,,,a82c8,8,,c87a8,8, O0 7 14 2,b2b12,b21212,,,,,,,,b2b12,2,, I1 14 9 i82858,8,,l86,8,,k878,8, O1 14 9 2,j2a12,,,,,2,, I2 14 7 l82,8,,,,,g87d8 O2 14 7 2,h2c12,h21a212,,,h2c12,2 I3T 3 14 8,a89,8,,,,,,,,,1a8,8, O3T None I4T 4 14 8,b85,8,,,,,,80a8,8,,,, O4T None
2222 2222 2212 2212 2212 2212 2212 2212 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict raw pixels for 'O5T'
I0 3 6 5,,595,5,, O0 3 6 3,0,,,3, I1 14 5 5,c54h5,5,81d54e5,54k5 O1 14 5 h0d3,,,, I2 5 11 5,,,,,,,,b595,a59a5,b585 O2 5 11 3,,,,,,,3c0,,, I3 7 5 5,71d5,1e5,b58b5,5 O3 7 5 d0a3,,,, I4T 13 4 f58d5,5,f52d5,5 O4T None I5T 10 3 a56c50a5,56a58d5,6h5 O5T None
0000000003 0000000003 0000000003
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 14 14 8,,b8h4a8,b84f84a8,b8482a5b84a8,b8482d84a8,b84a852b84a8,b84f84a8,,,,b8h4a8,8, O0 14 14 8,,b8h4a8,,b8a42a5c4a8,b8a42a8c4a8,b8a4852c4a8,b8h4a8,,,,,8, I1 12 12 8,8h4a8,84f84a8,,,84b825284a8,84b825a84a8,84c85a84a8,84f84a8,8h4a8,8, O1 12 12 8,8h4a8,,,,8c4252a4a8,8c4258a4a8,8c4858a4a8,8h4a8,,8, I2 12 12 8,,,b8f4a8,b84d84a8,b848a2584a8,b84828a54a8,b848a2a84a8,b84858584a8,b8f4a8,8, O2 12 12 8,,,b8f4a8,,b8a4a2584a8,b8a428a54a8,b8a4a2a84a8,b8a458584a8,b8f4a8,8, I3T 12 13 8,,,8g4b8,84b8a584b8,84b82824b8,84e84b8,,8g4b8,8,,, O3T None I4T 13 13 8,,,,,d8f48,d84d848,d84a85a848,d8482b848,d84d848,,d8f48,8 O4T None
888888888888 888888888888 888888888888 844444444888 844445584888 844442824888 844444444888 844444444888 844444444888 888888888888 888888888888 888888888888 888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 13 13 8,,,a84i8,8,,,a85i8,a83i8,8,d84f8,f81d8,8 O0 13 13 1,,1g9c1,,,,,,,,,, I1 13 12 8,,,82j8,8,e89a84b8,8,,,h86b8,6k8,8 O1 13 12 1,,j9a1,,,,,,,,, I2 7 3 a85b86,c85a8,8 O2 7 3 1e9,, I3T 11 3 c898386a8,8, O3T None
11199999991 11199999991 11111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 5 13 4,a46a4,4,,,,,c47,4,,,,a46a4 O0 5 13 9,a9b4,a9494,,,,,,,,,,a9b4 I1 7 8 0e4,1e4,a49c4,4,c45a4,4,, O1 7 8 d4a9,4b94a9,,,d4a9,9,, I2 7 12 4,,,6e4,4,b49b4,d414,4,,,e42,4 O2 7 12 9,,,4,4d94,,,,,,4,9 I3T 4 4 0b4,4,a494,4 O3T None I4T 7 8 0e4,1e4,a49c4,4,c45a4,4,, O4T None
4449 4949 4449 9999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 13 13 2,,,,,d2f62,d2627a9262,d2627b262,d269297262,d267927262,d26d262,d2f62,2 O0 13 13 6,,,,,d6f26,d6a27a9a26,d6a27c26,d629297a26,d627927a26,d6f26,,6 I1 12 12 2,,,b2e6b2,b26c26b2,b26a2976b2,b2627296b2,b26a2796b2,b2e6b2,2,, O1 12 12 6,,,b6e2b6,,b6b2972b6,b6a27292b6,b6b2792b6,b6e2b6,6,, I2 14 14 2,,,b2e6d2,b26c26d2,b26b276d2,b2629296d2,b262a796d2,b2e6d2,2,,,, O2 14 14 6,,,b6e2d6,,b6c272d6,b6a29292d6,b6a2a792d6,b6e2d6,6,,,, I3T 13 13 2,2g6c2,26a27b26c2,26979b26c2,2697c26c2,26e26c2,,,2g6c2,2,,, O3T None I4T 14 14 2,,2i6b2,26g26b2,,26d29726b2,26e2a76b2,26d27a96b2,26d29a26b2,2i6b2,2,,, O4T None
66666666666666 66666666666666 62222222222666 62222222222666 62222222222666 62222229722666 62222222772666 62222227992666 62222229222666 62222222222666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666 66666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 8 11 5,56e5,5,,,e525,5,c52b5,5,b56c5,5 O0 8 11 6,,a6c4a6,,,,,,,6, I1 12 8 5,,,j50,h51a5,5,i545,50i5 O1 12 8 6,,,,a6h46,,,6 I2 11 8 e538b5,5,,,1i5,5,58f585,5 O2 11 8 6,6g4a6,,,,,6, I3T 4 5 5,58a5,5,b54,5 O3T None I4T 8 14 5,,,,,c50545,d54a5,5,c56b5,5,,,, O4T None
6666 6666 6646 6666 6666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 10 4 5,53d59a5,e59b5,50f51 O0 10 4 0,0h2,02f02,0h2 I1 10 12 5,7h5,5,,,a57a53b50,5,,,,h53,5 O1 10 12 0,2,2g02,,,,,,,,2,0 I2 8 10 c58b5,5,f52,5,,,,,b587b5,5 O2 8 10 b0d2,b02b02,,,,,,,b0d2,0 I3T 11 13 1c53d5,5,,,,,56h5,b52f5,5,,,g51a5,5 O3T None I4T 11 12 a52e545,5,,,,,i56,5,,,, O4T None
22222222200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 20000000200 22222222200 00000000000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 6 11 3,,,,,a39383,3,,,,d36 O0 6 11 3,,,,,a3c5,,,,, I1 11 6 h373,3,,,,i30 O1 11 6 h3a5,,,,, I2 6 14 3,,38c3,3,,36c3,3,,,,d31,3,, O2 6 14 3,,3d5,,,,,,,,,3,, I3 6 12 3,8d3,3,,,,,a38b3,3,8d3,3, O3 6 12 3,b5b3,,,,,,,,,3, I4T 14 5 3,,,d35d35a3,3 O4T None
33333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333 33333555555533 33333333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict pixels
I0 9 4 b74d7,7,072a78797,7 O0 9 4 g92,,,2 I1 12 14 76i7,7,,,,,j72,7,,,8j7,7,, O1 12 14 9,,,,,,,,,,,2,9, I2 12 7 i797,7,j79,7,e79d7,i727,7 O2 12 7 d92e9,,,,,,d9f2 I3T 9 13 7,b74d7,7,,,,,9g7,7,,,b76d7,a7672c7 O3T None I4T 3 14 7,787,7,,,,,a76,7,,,,, O4T None
222 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 222 999 999 999 999 999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for O3T
I0 5 12 4,c41,0c4,4,,,a40a4,4,,,, O0 5 12 5,,,,,,,,1,,, I1 12 11 4,,,,,,,,i474,3j4,4 O1 12 11 1,,,,,,,5,,, I2 7 3 a4340a4,d474,e43 O2 7 3 1e5,, I3T 10 11 b423d4,e45b4,4,,,,c49b414,4,,, O3T None
1155555555 1155555555 1155555555 1155555555 1155555555 1155555555 1155555555 1155555555 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the raw pixels
I0 13 4 2,e25a24b2,d25824c2,2 O0 13 4 2,d2d1b2,,2 I1 13 3 c214f2,a21a25f2,k29 O1 13 3 a2j1,, I2 11 9 2,b20d2a4,2,,,,,g21a2,a24g2 O2 11 9 2,a2h1,,,,,,, I3T 5 5 2,,,,9a292 O3T None I4T 7 4 b21a20,21d2,2,c28a2 O4T None
22222 22222 22222 22222 11112
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 9 10 8,,,,5g8,8,f858,a84a87b8,8, O0 9 10 9,,,,g79,,,,9, I1 8 5 b81c8,e868,d86a8,8, O1 8 5 b9c79,,,9, I2 7 9 a85a838,8,d818,8,,,,,d878 O2 7 9 a9c79,,,,,,,, I3T 11 9 8,,c89e8,8,,,,,a82c830a8 O3T None I4T 7 10 8,,,b84b8,c89a8,a89c8,8,,,a89c8 O4T None
9999999 9999999 9999999 9977799 9977799 9977799 9977799 9977799 9977799 9977799
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict pixels for 'O5T'
I0 13 14 5,h56b5,5,,,,,,d52f5,5,,,,k50 O0 13 14 c3h1,c31g3,,,,,,,,,,,, I1 13 4 a53b57e5,5,j565,54j5 O1 13 4 1j31,,, I2 3 14 5,,,,,,6a5,5,,,,,,525 O2 3 14 3,,,,,1,a31,,,,,,, I3 6 6 5,,,d57,a504a5,5 O3 6 6 3,,3d1,31c3,,3d1 I4T 7 11 e56,5,,c56a5,5,d505,6e5,5,,, O4T None I5T 6 3 c505,0d5,3d5 O5T None
333331 333331 333331
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 12 11 6,,6i16,61g616,,6126969b616,6169262b616,6i16,6,, O0 12 11 1,,1i61,,,1626969c61,1a69262c61,1i61,1,, I1 13 13 6,,,,c6f1a6,c61d61a6,c61696261a6,c61626961a6,c61692a61a6,c61d61a6,c6f1a6,6, O1 13 13 1,,,,c1f6a1,,c1a6962a6a1,c1a6269a6a1,c1a692b6a1,c1f6a1,,1, I2 10 10 6,,a6f16,a61a2b616,a616a9a616,a6192b616,a61d616,,a6f16,6 O2 10 10 1,,a1f61,a16a2c61,a1a6a9b61,a1692c61,a1f61,,,1 I3T 14 12 6,,a6j16,a61h616,,a6162f616,a61a29e616,a612a92d616,a616a9e616,a6j16,6, O3T None I4T 13 13 6,6g1c6,6129c61c6,6192c61c6,61269b61c6,61e61c6,,,6g1c6,6,,, O4T None
11111111111111 11111111111111 11666666666661 11666666666661 11666666666661 11662666666661 11622966666661 11629926666661 11669966666661 11666666666661 11111111111111 11111111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O2T'
I0 14 14 3,3h1c3,31f31c3,,31a3838a61c3,31a3683a61c3,31b3a6a81c3,31a3838a31c3,31c38361c3,3h1c3,3,,, O0 14 14 3,3h1c3,,,3b1838a61c3,3b1683a61c3,3b13a6a81c3,3b1838a31c3,3b1a38361c3,3h1c3,3,,, I1 14 14 3,,,b3h1a3,b31f31a3,,b31a38a6361a3,b31a38a3681a3,b31b3a6a81a3,b31a3686381a3,b31c38a31a3,b3h1a3,3, O1 14 14 3,,,b3h1a3,,,b3b18a6361a3,b3b18a3681a3,b3b13a6a81a3,b3b1686381a3,b3b1a38a31a3,b3h1a3,3, I2T 10 10 3,,a3e1a3,a3163631a3,a31a3831a3,a3186831a3,a31c31a3,a3e1a3,3, O2T None I3T 14 14 3,,a3g1c3,a31e31c3,,,a31b36a81c3,a31b36a31c3,a31b36381c3,a3g1c3,3,,, O3T None
3333333333 3333333333 3311111133 3316361133 3313381133 3318681133 3311111133 3311111133 3333333333 3333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 7 4 e25,28c27,2,a26c2 O0 7 4 9,a9c19,,9 I1 9 4 2,8e252,d20b2,a25b20a2 O1 9 4 9,,9e1a9,9 I2 9 12 e25a2,2,g24,2,,,g23,e21a2,f262,2,, O2 9 12 9,f919,,,,,,,9,,, I3 5 13 2,6c2,2,,,,,a25a2,b232,2,,, O3 5 13 9,,9a1a9,,,,,,9,,,, I4T 5 6 c29,2,,a28a2,2,c26 O4T None
99999 99919 99919 99919 99919 99999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 12 5 c65f6,8j6,6,c60f6,6 O0 12 5 e2e9,,,, I1 4 6 60a6,6,,,, O1 4 6 b29,,9,,, I2 6 7 8b686,6,,a60b6,6,, O2 6 7 2,,,,,9, I3T 4 10 6,,,,,4b6,63a6,6,, O3T None I4T 4 7 6,,b63,6,,3b6,6 O4T None
9999 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict pixels for O2T
I0 12 12 1,,a1e4c1,a149b14c1,a148a914c1,a1481814c1,a14c14c1,a1e4c1,1,,, O0 12 12 4,,a4e1c4,a419c1c4,a418a9a1c4,a41818a1c4,a4e1c4,,4,,, I1 14 14 1,,1j4a1,14h14a1,,14c1819a14a1,,14h14a1,,,,,1j4a1,1 O1 14 14 4,,4j1a4,,,4d1819b1a4,,4j1a4,,,,,,4 I2T 13 14 1,,,,,c1g41,c1498c141,c14918b141,c14819b141,c1g41,1,,, O2T None
4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444111111114 4444198111114 4444191811114 4444181911114 4444111111114 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 9 9 1,,1f91,19b12591,19a121591,1f91,1,, O0 9 9 1,,1f91,1b912591,1b921591,1f91,1,, I1 14 14 1,,,b1f9c1,b19d19c1,,b19a15a29c1,b19b1519c1,b19a15129c1,b1f9c1,1,,, O1 14 14 1,,,b1f9c1,,,b1b95a29c1,b1b91519c1,b1b95129c1,b1f9c1,1,,, I2 11 12 1,,a1f9a1,a19a12519a1,a19a12159a1,a19d19a1,,,,a1f9a1,1, O2 11 12 1,,a1f9a1,a1b92519a1,a1b92159a1,a1f9a1,,,,,1, I3T 10 10 1,,a1e9a1,a1915219a1,a19a2a19a1,a191a519a1,a19c19a1,a1e9a1,1, O3T None
1111111111 1111111111 1199999911 1191529911 1192219911 1191559911 1199999911 1199999911 1111111111 1111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 12 12 2,2h1a2,21a9d21a2,21a27c21a2,21a79c21a2,21f21a2,,,,2h1a2,2, O0 12 12 1,1h2a1,12a9e2a1,1b27d2a1,12a79d2a1,1h2a1,,,,,1, I1 12 12 2,,,,c2f12,c21d212,c2129b712,c21a29a212,c21a292712,c212927912,c2f12,2 O1 12 12 1,,,,c1f21,,c1a29b721,c1b29b21,c1b292721,c1a2927921,c1f21,1 I2 14 14 2,,,b2e1d2,b217a921d2,b217b21d2,b2197a21d2,b21c21d2,b2e1d2,2,,,, O2 14 14 1,,,b1e2d1,b127a9a2d1,b127c2d1,b1297b2d1,b1e2d1,,1,,,, I3T 9 9 2,,a2d1a2,a21b21a2,a212921a2,a21a271a2,a2d1a2,2, O3T None
111111111 111111111 112222211 112222211 112292211 112227211 112222211 111111111 111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 14 14 9,,a9j39,a93h939,,,,,a93d9a60939,a93d906a939,a93f90939,a93h939,a9j39,9 O0 14 14 3,,a3j93,,,,,,a3e9a60a93,a3e906b93,a3g90a93,a3j93,,3 I1 14 14 9,,a9h3b9,a93f93b9,,,,a93c9a093b9,a93d9a63b9,a93d9603b9,a9h3b9,9,, O1 14 14 3,,a3h9b3,,,,,a3d9a0a9b3,a3e9a69b3,a3e9609b3,a3h9b3,3,, I2 14 14 9,,a9h3b9,a93f93b9,,,a93c96a93b9,a93b90b93b9,a93f93b9,,a9h3b9,9,, O2 14 14 3,,a3h9b3,,,,a3d96b9b3,a3c90c9b3,a3h9b3,,,3,, I3T 11 13 9,,,,,a9f3a9,a93d93a9,a93b9093a9,,a93b9a63a9,a9f3a9,9, O3T None
33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33333333333 33999999933 33999999933 33999909933 33999909933 33999966933 33999999933 33333333333 33333333333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 3 5 7,727,7,a79,7 O0 3 5 4,4a8,,,4 I1 9 14 7,75f7,7,,,,f707,7,,f737,g70,c75c7,7, O1 9 14 4,4g8,,,,,,,,,,,4,8 I2 9 4 7,f783,g79,d78a74 O2 9 4 c8d4,c84c8,, I3T 8 7 a78a76a7,7,,e797,7,,5f7 O3T None I4T 8 10 7,,,,d7271,7,76e7,70e7,7, O4T None
88888884 88888884 88888884 88888884 88888884 88888884 88888884
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 14 13 6,,,f67a69b6,g60d6,6,,,,,,, O0 14 13 4,,e4e9a4,e49c49a4,,e4e9a4,4,,,,,, I1 13 12 6,,,,k62,6,i6a26,6,,,, O1 13 12 4,,,h4c9,h49b4,,,h4c9,4,,, I2 6 8 7d6,6,,,62c6,68c6,6, O2 6 8 a49b4,,,,,,b9b4,4 I3 13 7 k65,6,,,,0k6,6 O3 13 7 4,,,,,,9 I4T 7 4 6,67d6,c6162,69d6 O4T None
9999999 9444444 9444444 9444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 'O5T' predict the raw pixels
I0 12 8 c74f7,b74g7,7,,,,, O0 12 8 b4a2f4,,4,,,,, I1 5 5 73b7,7,72b7,7,c79 O1 5 5 4c2,,,, I2 13 9 b78h7,7,,,,b76h7,7,,6k7 O2 13 9 c2h4,,,,,,,, I3 3 13 7,,797,7,,,,,a73,7,,, O3 3 13 4,,4a2,,,,,,,4,,, I4T 14 9 7,,,,70k7,7,b78i7,7, O4T None I5T 9 14 7,,a70e7,d74b7,7,,,d72b7,7,,f767,7,f737,7 O5T None
444444444 444444444 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 442222224 444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for O4T
I0 12 11 7,,,,,,j79,7,,,h70a7 O0 12 11 8,,,,,,h8b2,,,, I1 10 13 7,,,h70,7,b76e7,7,76g7,e73b7,c72d7,7,, O1 10 13 8,,,8h2,,,,,,,8,, I2 9 11 7,c75c7,7,,,72f7,7,b702c7,e79a7,7, O2 9 11 8,8e2a8,,,,,,,,8, I3T 13 10 73j7,7,,e72e7,7,,c71g7,7,12j7,7 O3T None I4T 13 5 a7275g7,7,g70c7,7, O4T None
8822222228888 8822222228888 8822222228888 8888888888888 8888888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict raw pixels
I0 8 5 0,2b05b0,0,d07a0,e090 O0 8 5 5,f45,4d545,,f45 I1 7 6 0,,d030,a07c0,a05b07,0 O1 7 6 5,,a5d4,a54b54,a5d4,5 I2 10 6 e04b0,0,h01,0,d05b06,f09a0 O2 10 6 d5d4,d54b54,,,,d5d4 I3 12 4 0,b08e060,d0706c0,i080 O3 12 4 5,b5g45,b54e545,b5g45 I4T 12 3 f08c0,a05a01e0,c01f0 O4T None I5T 10 6 e04b0,0,h01,0,d05b06,f09a0 O5T None
554444445555 554555545555 554444445555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict raw pixels for O5T
I0 11 7 g91a9,a90g9,c90e9,e95c9,9,, O0 11 7 7h07,,,,,7, I1 14 6 a91c90e9,9,a90j9,9,, O1 14 6 7g0d7,,,,7, I2 11 10 9,,,,b98f9,9,c91e9,94g98,9,b91f9 O2 11 10 7,,,0,,,,,, I3 10 7 h98,9,,b96c969,d98c9,d96c9,9 O3 10 7 a7g0,,,,,, I4T 6 4 9,,a92b9,8b969 O4T None I5T 3 7 9,,919,9,,,2a9 O5T None
777 000 000 000 000 000 000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 12 4 e18d1,1,e15a16a1,a18a15e1 O0 12 4 8,b8e4b8,,8 I1 7 14 1,15d1,1,b12b1,1,,,12d1,1,d131,1,,, O1 7 14 8,,a8b4a8,a8484a8,,,,,a8b4a8,8,,,, I2 12 12 2j1,h12a1,1,e16d1,1,,,,,12i1,1,9j1 O2 12 12 8,8g4b8,84e84b8,,,,,,,,8g4b8,8 I3T 9 5 1,a15e1,b18d1,a18b13a1,c14c1 O3T None
888888888 888888888 888444888 888444888 888888888
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 13 13 2,2i0a2,20g20a2,,,,20c29b20a2,20d21a20a2,20g20a2,,2i0a2,2, O0 13 13 2,2i0a2,,,,,2d092b0a2,2d021b0a2,2i0a2,,,2, I1 13 13 2,,a2h0a2,a20f20a2,,,,a20c2b10a2,a20c29a20a2,a20d2a90a2,a2h0a2,2, O1 13 13 2,,a2h0a2,,,,,a2d0b10a2,a2d09a20a2,a2d02a90a2,a2h0a2,2, I2 14 13 2,2j0a2,20h20a2,20c29c20a2,20b29d20a2,20c21c20a2,20b21d20a2,20h20a2,,,,2j0a2,2 O2 14 13 2,2j0a2,,2c029d0a2,2c092d0a2,2c021d0a2,2c012d0a2,2j0a2,,,,,2 I3T 14 13 2,,a2j02,a20h202,a20c2a19a202,a20a292919a202,a20c2a19a202,a20h202,,,,a2j02,2 O3T None I4T 13 14 2,a2h0a2,a20d2120a2,a20e290a2,a20f20a2,,,,,a2h0a2,2,,, O4T None
22222222222222 22222222222222 22000000000002 22000000000002 22000221190002 22000929190002 22000221190002 22000000000002 22000000000002 22000000000002 22000000000002 22000000000002 22222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 7 4 3,37d3,7a37b3,a37c3 O0 7 4 6,c0b6,, I1 13 9 h39b3,3,,,74d34d3,3,,,f35d3 O1 13 9 i0b6,,,,,,,, I2 10 6 3,c39d3,c34d3,7b36d3,3,g393 O2 10 6 6,h06,,,, I3 4 4 a343,5b3,3, O3 4 4 b06,,6, I4T 11 6 g34a3,3,,g32a3,d3432a31,3 O4T None
66666000000 66666000000 66666000000 66666000000 66666000000 66666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O2T', predict the pixels
I0 14 14 1,,,,c1g4a1,c14315b14a1,c14135b14a1,c1453c14a1,c14e14a1,,,c1g4a1,1, O0 14 14 1,,,,c1g4a1,c14315c4a1,c14135c4a1,c14531c4a1,c1g4a1,,,,1, I1 14 14 1,1j4a1,14h14a1,,14b1313b14a1,14c15c14a1,14a15353b14a1,14a1535c14a1,14h14a1,,,1j4a1,1, O1 14 14 1,1j4a1,,,1b41313c4a1,1b4a151c4a1,1b45353c4a1,1b45351c4a1,1j4a1,,,,1, I2T 12 12 1,1i41,14g141,,1415a3c141,14153515a141,1415a3c141,1i41,1,,, O2T None I3T 14 14 1,,a1h4b1,a14f14b1,a14a15a3a14b1,a1413531514b1,a14153a5a14b1,a141a3c14b1,a141535b14b1,a14f14b1,a1h4b1,1,, O3T None
111111111111 144444444441 144444444441 144444444441 144533114441 144535154441 144533114441 144444444441 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 11 5 b96f9,94h9,9,6a90e94,9 O0 11 5 3,3h13,,3,1 I1 14 9 9,,a97j9,1l9,c94h9,a93j9,9,,j97a9 O1 14 9 1,,k3a1,3i13a1,,,,,k3a1 I2 9 9 9,f949,b90d9,9,,f989,9,a94c959,9 O2 9 9 1,a1e31,a13c131,,,,,a1e31,1 I3 10 13 9,a95f9,9,,,,,5h9,9,2h9,9,,f96a9 O3 10 13 1,g3a1,3e13a1,,,,,,,,,,g3a1 I4T 8 11 9,,,,,9396b92,9,a90d9,9,, O4T None I5T 14 9 9,,a97j9,1l9,c94h9,a93j9,9,,j97a9 O5T None
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 13333333 13111113 13333333 11111111 11111111 11111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict raw pixels for 'O4T'
I0 12 4 b13g1,d15e1,13b13e1,1 O0 12 4 7,a7b9f7,7, I1 8 5 14e1,15e1,c12b1,1,c15b1 O1 8 5 7,a7a9c7,,,7 I2 10 13 1,f10a1,1,,,,b18b1691,1,,,h14,1, O2 10 13 7,,c7d97,c79b797,,,,,,c7d97,7,, I3 8 9 a15d1,e171,1,c17b1,1,17e1,1,, O3 8 9 7,a7c9a7,a79a79a7,,a7c9a7,7,,, I4T 10 3 17f19,c18d1,c16c16 O4T None
7777777777 7799999997 7777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict pixels for 'O2T'
I0 12 12 9,9g4b9,94e94b9,94c9154b9,94a9a1514b9,949595194b9,94915a194b9,949b5a94b9,9g4b9,9,, O0 12 12 9,9g4b9,,9a4b9154b9,9a49a1514b9,9a4595194b9,9a415a194b9,9a4b5a94b9,9g4b9,9,, I1 14 11 9,,,,a9g4c9,a94a959154c9,a94a9a1954c9,a94b91594c9,a9g4c9,9, O1 14 11 9,,,,a9g4c9,a9b459154c9,a9b4a1954c9,a9b491594c9,a9g4c9,9, I2T 11 13 9,,9g4a9,94e94a9,,94b91a54a9,94d954a9,94b91514a9,94b91a94a9,9g4a9,9,, O2T None
99999999999 99999999999 94444444499 94444444499 94444444499 94444155499 94444995499 94444151499 94444199499 94444444499 99999999999 99999999999 99999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 10 10 1,,,,a15f1,1,,a18a12c1,a19f1,1 O0 10 10 7,,,,a7c6c7,a76a76c7,,,a7c6c7,7 I1 11 5 d15d1,1,15h1,1, O1 11 5 7d6d7,76b76d7,7d6d7,7, I2 10 14 1,,e189a1,h14,1,,f17a1,1,,h14,1,,, O2 10 14 7,,e7c6,e76a76,,,,,,e7c6,7,,, I3T 14 14 2d17f1,1,d15c14b1,1,,,,,g19d1,1,,,, O3T None I4T 6 11 1,15c1,1,614b1,1,,,,,, O4T None
777777 666777 676777 666777 777777 777777 777777 777777 777777 777777 777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 12 8 9,f93c9,9,,b91g9,3j9,9, O0 12 8 0,,0e1d0,01c01d0,0e1d0,0,, I1 10 11 9,f98a9,9,,a93b94b9,d94c9,9,,,,a93f9 O1 10 11 0,,b0c1b0,b01a01b0,,,,,,b0c1b0,0 I2 13 11 9,e98e9,9,,c97e909,9,,,,,k97 O2 13 11 0,,d0f10,d01d010,,,,,,d0f10,0 I3T 5 9 9,c96,a90a9,9,,b989,9,, O3T None I4T 6 9 9,5d9,9,90c9,9,,,b90a9,9 O4T None
00000 00000 00010 00010 00010 00000 00000 00000 00000
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 14 14 3,3j1a3,31h31a3,,,31c3454a31a3,31b34345a31a3,31b35a35a31a3,31d354a31a3,31h31a3,,3j1a3,3, O0 14 14 1,1j3a1,,,,1d3454b3a1,1c34345b3a1,1c35a35b3a1,1e354b3a1,1j3a1,,,1, I1 14 14 3,,,b3d1e3,b31b31e3,b313531e3,b31a341e3,b3d1e3,3,,,,, O1 14 14 1,,,b1d3e1,,b1a35a3e1,b1b343e1,b1d3e1,1,,,,, I2T 10 10 3,3f1a3,31a4b31a3,31b3531a3,314a5431a3,3143a531a3,31d31a3,3f1a3,3, O2T None I3T 9 9 3,3e1a3,31c31a3,313a451a3,31a3451a3,3135a31a3,3e1a3,3, O3T None
111111111 133333311 133333311 133445311 133345311 133533311 133333311 111111111 111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner swap_background_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 10 10 1,,,,a15f1,1,,a18a12c1,a19f1,1 O0 10 10 7,,,,a7c6c7,a76a76c7,,,a7c6c7,7 I1 11 5 d15d1,1,15h1,1, O1 11 5 7d6d7,76b76d7,7d6d7,7, I2 10 14 1,,e189a1,h14,1,,f17a1,1,,h14,1,,, O2 10 14 7,,e7c6,e76a76,,,,,,e7c6,7,,, I3T 14 14 2d17f1,1,d15c14b1,1,,,,,g19d1,1,,,, O3T None I4T 6 11 1,15c1,1,614b1,1,,,,,, O4T None
66666666666777 67777777776777 67777777776777 67777777776777 67777777776777 67777777776777 67777777776777 67777777776777 66666666666777 77777777777777 77777777777777 77777777777777 77777777777777 77777777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the raw pixels
I0 10 8 8,f81a8,8,,,1a81e8,81d81a8,8 O0 10 8 9,g6a9,,,,,,9 I1 3 5 8,a85,8,868,8 O1 3 5 9,9a6,,,9 I2 6 6 c847,2d8,8,,, O2 6 6 6,,9,,, I3 4 7 8,,b89,8,,b81,8 O3 4 7 9,,b96,,,,9 I4T 11 12 8,a82g8,8,,,,e87b87,85h8,8,,, O4T None
99999999999 96666666666 96666666666 96666666666 96666666666 96666666666 96666666666 96666666666 99999999999 99999999999 99999999999 99999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict raw pixels for O3T
I0 14 5 2l1,,d12g1,1, O0 14 5 f8f9,,,,9 I1 5 12 1,,,b121,16b1,1,,,,,9c1,1 O1 5 12 9,,8,,,,,,,,, I2 12 7 1,a14h1,1,,i181,1, O2 12 7 9j8,,,,,,9 I3T 13 12 1,e13e1,d13f1,1,,,,,,6k1,1, O3T None I4T 11 14 1,,,,,a13g1,1,,,,,3i1,1, O4T None
8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 8888888899999 9999999999999
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O2T' predict the pixels
I0 13 14 7,e7e07,e70a75707,e70b7607,e70a75707,e70a7a607,e70a75707,e70c707,,e7e07,7,,, O0 13 14 7,e7e07,e7b05707,e7b07607,e7b05707,e7b0a607,e7b05707,e7e07,,,7,,, I1 14 14 7,,,,,d7e0b7,d70c70b7,d70a7570b7,d7076a70b7,d70c70b7,d7e0b7,7,, O1 14 14 7,,,,,d7e0b7,,d7a075a0b7,d7a067a0b7,d7e0b7,,7,, I2T 12 12 7,,a7e0c7,a70a7670c7,a7065670c7,a7057570c7,a70c70c7,a7e0c7,7,,, O2T None I3T 14 14 7,c7g0a7,c70e70a7,c70765b60a7,c7075b750a7,c70a756750a7,c70c7a60a7,c70a7a5650a7,c7g0a7,7,,,, O3T None
777777777777 777777777777 770000007777 770776007777 770656007777 770575007777 770000007777 770000007777 777777777777 777777777777 777777777777 777777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O4T', predict the pixels
I0 3 3 2,a28,a29 O0 3 3 7a8,, I1 8 14 2,,,,d28a2,2,,,,d24a2,2,,d2424,2 O1 8 14 7,,,c7c8,,,,,,,,,, I2 7 10 2,,,,,,b24b2,24c20,4e2,2 O2 7 10 7,,,,,8,,,, I3 7 12 2,25d2,2,d272,2,,b23b2,2,23d2,2,, O3 7 12 8,,,,,,,,,,7, I4T 4 8 7b2,2,,,,,,25a2 O4T None I5T 4 6 2,,,,,6a24 O5T None
8887 8887 8887 8887 8887 8887 8887 8887
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O3T, predict pixels
I0 14 14 1,,,,c1g4a1,c14315b14a1,c14135b14a1,c1453c14a1,c14e14a1,,,c1g4a1,1, O0 14 14 1,,,,c1g4a1,c14315c4a1,c14135c4a1,c14531c4a1,c1g4a1,,,,1, I1 14 14 1,1j4a1,14h14a1,,14b1313b14a1,14c15c14a1,14a15353b14a1,14a1535c14a1,14h14a1,,,1j4a1,1, O1 14 14 1,1j4a1,,,1b41313c4a1,1b4a151c4a1,1b45353c4a1,1b45351c4a1,1j4a1,,,,1, I2T 12 12 1,1i41,14g141,,1415a3c141,14153515a141,1415a3c141,1i41,1,,, O2T None I3T 14 14 1,,a1h4b1,a14f14b1,a14a15a3a14b1,a1413531514b1,a14153a5a14b1,a141a3c14b1,a141535b14b1,a14f14b1,a1h4b1,1,, O3T None
11111111111111 11111111111111 11444444444111 11444444444111 11441533144111 11443531544111 11445355144111 11443311144111 11445351144111 11444444444111 11444444444111 11111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for O4T
I0 14 4 e47e40,4,g41d4,4 O0 14 4 4,f4e14,4, I1 14 4 4,k494,l43,e45f4 O1 14 4 4,,f4e14,4 I2 12 12 4,,,c41b43b4,4,,,,a49h4,4,,a48h4 O2 12 12 4,,,,b4d1c4,b41b41c4,,,,,b4d1c4,4 I3 5 14 4,,c47,4,,47a40,4,,,,,,, O3 5 14 4,,,a4a14,,4,,,,,,,, I4T 11 4 4,c4343c4,h494,c43a45b4 O4T None
44444444444 44444444444 44444111144 44444444444
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict pixels for 'O4T'
I0 8 3 e626,c60a65,e656 O0 8 3 c2c4,, I1 11 5 61h6,c64e6,b64d606,6, O1 11 5 2h42,,,2, I2 5 7 6,,7c6,a6806,6,, O2 5 7 2,,c42,,2,, I3 14 4 b63e68b6,6,h67c6,f68c696 O3 14 4 b2i42,,, I4T 13 7 65j6,6,,,,,j616 O4T None
2444444444442 2444444444442 2444444444442 2444444444442 2444444444442 2444444444442 2444444444442
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict pixels for 'O2T'
I0 14 14 6,6h1c6,61f61c6,,61a684b61c6,61b6a4a61c6,61b6a8a61c6,61f61c6,,6h1c6,6,,, O0 14 14 6,6h1c6,,,6b1846b1c6,6b16a4b1c6,6b16a8b1c6,6h1c6,,,6,,, I1 12 12 6,,,b6g16,b61e616,b616a486816,b61a686a416,b6164648416,b61d6816,b616a868416,b6g16,6 O1 12 12 6,,,b6g16,,b6a1a486816,b6a1686a416,b6a14648416,b6a1c6816,b6a1a868416,b6g16,6 I2T 13 14 6,a6i16,a61a6a4c616,a61a6868b616,a61a6468b616,a61b648b616,a61g616,,,,,a6i16,6, O2T None
6666666666666 6611111111116 6611144611116 6611186811116 6611146811116 6611164811116 6611111111116 6611111111116 6611111111116 6611111111116 6611111111116 6611111111116 6666666666666 6666666666666
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 7 11 2,e27,2,,21d2,20d2,2,21d2,2,, O0 7 11 2,,a2c72,,,,,2,,, I1 6 14 2,,,,,,7d2,2,29c2,2,,,,d27 O1 6 14 2,,,,,,,2c72,,,,,,2 I2 7 13 2,,,,,4e2,d252,c25a2,2,,25d2,2, O2 7 13 2,,,,,,2c7a2,,,,2,, I3T 10 8 2,,g292,d28c2,a27f2,f23a2,2,g212 O3T None I4T 6 7 2,,c282,2,0d2,7d2,2 O4T None
2222222222 2222222222 2222222222 2227777722 2227777722 2227777722 2227777722 2222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the raw pixels
I0 3 14 4,,,,,,,1a4,4,,,,,a40 O0 3 14 2,,,,,,6,2,,,,,, I1 5 5 4,b474,4,47b4,c43 O1 5 5 6,6c2,,, I2 8 5 7d414,7f4,4,e454,4 O2 8 5 f26,,,,6 I3T 7 6 a430b4,4,a48c4,4,, O3T None
2622622 2622622 2622622 2666622 2222222 2222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow_outer predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the pixels
I0 9 11 g23,2,a25e2,2,,,d27b2,d29b2,b27d2,2, O0 9 11 a9f5,a95d95,,,,,,,a9f5,9, I1 8 12 2,,,,,,25d26,2,,,520d2,2 O1 8 12 9,,,,,,5,5e95,,,5,9 I2 9 14 2,,,,7g2,2,,27f2,2,,,c29c2,f202,e20a2 O2 9 14 9,,,,g59,5e959,,,,,,,,g59 I3T 6 5 2,c212,5d2,2,d24 O3T None I4T 6 5 2,c212,5d2,2,d24 O4T None
999999 555555 599995 599995 555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict pixels for 'O3T'
I0 3 8 7,,a78,7,,,0a7,7 O0 3 8 7,,,737,,,7, I1 12 6 7,4j7,7,c73f7,d757973a7,7 O1 12 6 7,,7g3b7,,7, I2 9 14 7,,e7147,7,e78a7,c74c7,7,,,b71d7,7,,, O2 9 14 7,,,c7b3a7,,,,,,7,,,, I3T 12 7 e74d7,e76d7,7,,b76g7,c75f7,7 O3T None I4T 9 14 7,,,,b7a2c7,a72e7,7,g71,7,,,,f787,7 O4T None
777777777777 777733777777 777733777777 777733777777 777733777777 777777777777 777777777777
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled_inner predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 13 14 2,,,,,c2f3a2,c23b2523a2,c2385a823a2,c2358b23a2,c23a52823a2,c23d23a2,c2f3a2,2, O0 13 14 2,,,,,c2f3a2,c23b25a3a2,c2385a8a3a2,c2358a2a3a2,c23a528a3a2,c2f3a2,,2, I1 14 12 2,,,,c2f3b2,c23d23b2,c23b2523b2,c23a2a823b2,c23a25a23b2,c23d23b2,c2f3b2,2 O1 14 12 2,,,,c2f3b2,,c2b325a3b2,c2b3a8a3b2,c2b352a3b2,c2f3b2,,2 I2 13 14 2,,,,2j32,23h232,23b25d232,23a285d232,23a258d232,23a2858c232,23b285c232,23h232,2j32,2 O2 13 14 2,,,,2j32,,2b3252d32,2b3852d32,2b3582d32,2b3858d32,2b3285d32,2j32,,2 I3T 13 13 2,,a2h3a2,a23f23a2,,a23a25c23a2,a23b28b23a2,a23f23a2,,,a2h3a2,2, O3T None
2222222222222 2222222222222 2233333333322 2233333333322 2233333333322 2233352333322 2233328333322 2233333333322 2233333333322 2233333333322 2233333333322 2222222222222 2222222222222
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_inner simple_fill predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the pixels
I0 12 10 6,,,,i616,6,1b61c61a6,6,,j63 O0 12 10 1,,,,0,0i10,,,,0 I1 7 10 6,,,,0d68,e62,a69c6,6,, O1 7 10 1,,,,0,0d10,0,1,, I2 7 9 6,5e6,b63b6,6,c69a6,6,,69d6,6 O2 7 9 1,d0a1,0b10a1,,,,,d0a1,1 I3T 4 14 6,,,,,,,1b6,6,,,,,a656 O3T None I4T 13 14 6,,,g62c6,6,,j676,6,63j6,6,,,g60c6,63j6 O4T None
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0001 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0001
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels hollow predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict raw pixels
I0 10 14 7,,,,,,,,c71d7,f74a7,7,d74a707,7,d72c7 O0 10 14 3,,,,,,,,c3d83,,,,, I1 6 6 8c74,7,78c7,7,, O1 6 6 8,,,3,, I2 9 12 a792d7,7,,d70787,7,,,,,g74,7, O2 9 12 a3f8,,,,,,,,,,3, I3T 4 9 7,,,a797,7,,a787,7, O3T None I4T 14 8 7,,,f74e7,7,,0h72b7,e78a72c7 O4T None
3333 3333 3333 3383 3383 3383 3383 3333 3333
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the pixels
I0 11 12 1,,e15c1,1,i15,19h1,i16,1,d12d1,1,, O0 11 12 5,,5i4,,,,,,,5,, I1 8 11 12e1,1,a10c16,b18c1,1,,,,,, O1 8 11 5f4,,,,5,,,,,, I2 9 3 e1951,d19b1,a16a15b1 O2 9 3 a5e45,, I3T 8 11 1,,,c17b1,1,,4c15a1,d14a1,1,, O3T None
55555555 55555555 55555555 44444455 44444455 44444455 44444455 44444455 55555555 55555555 55555555
dataset=solve_boundingbox group=boundingbox_of_lonely_pixels filled predict=rawpixels earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b